Planning Treatment On The Basis of The Facial Pattern and An Estimate of Its Growth
Planning Treatment On The Basis of The Facial Pattern and An Estimate of Its Growth
Planning Treatment On The Basis of The Facial Pattern and An Estimate of Its Growth
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unrealistic. Cases exhibiting such be-
havior have been observed. In spite of
these great differences in facial beha-
vior, some orthodontists still have the
temerity to ask, "What has growth to do
with orthodontic treatment?"
Fig. 1 Changes in the face during treat- These studies suggested that facial
ment were thought to be influenced mainly
by three phenomena within the temporo- form was to a large degree determ:ned
mandibular complex. Top-changes in the by the position of the chin. In addition,
angle of the crania-1 base to a more acute or it appeared that the chin position was
obtuse cranial relationship. Bottom-For-
ward or backward condyle growth. mainly influenced in the developing
face by these three factors, viz., the
Upward and forward growth of the cranial base, the condylar position and
condyle tended to be consistent with in- condylar growth. Through a considera-
creased depth of the face (brachy- tion of these factors the changes in any
cephalic tendencies) while upward and given case could be analyzed and could
backward growth was found to be more be understood. It therefore was thought
consistent with increased length of the feasible and rational to attempt to prog-
face (dolichocephalic tendencies) . The nosticate the changes in a case by con-
mechanism of mandibular behavior ceiving the changes in each contributing
does not appear to be as simple as has part.
been inferred in the past. More was entailed in a growth esti-
This work introduced a new plane to mation procedure than .simply observ-
the orthodontic library. For want of. a ing a head plate or manipulating a
better name, it was termed the "condy- group of figures. Projecting the behavior
lar axis" (Figs. 1, 3, 5). Originally it was of the given case was noted to encom-
designed to represent the inclination of pass the careful analysis and considera-
the condylar head and neck. However, tion of the many individual parts that
for this work, it was selected by bisect- contribute to the total behavior. The
ing the condylar neck and connecting probability of change of each part was
this point to a point at the greatest cur- estimated on the basis of the similarity
16 Ricketts January, 195 7
Fig. 4 The '' growth estimation treatment p'1an'' applied to a Class II Div. 1 patient
with crowding in both arches and treated "ith extraction of lower first and upper second
bicuspids. The growth prediction is seen in the upper right. Figures 5, 6 and 7 out.line
the steps in arriving at this estimation. Xote the accuracy of the growth plan in the
comparison tracings. (Lower 1·ight) Note how closely the case approaches the "ideal"
in denture and lip balance and facial harmony.
18 Ricketts January, 1957
Fig. 5 Steps in estimating the behavior of the cranial base and mandible during treat•
ment. A. Increases in SN and SBa projected and new BaN constructed. B. Location of
the condyle is selected. C. Pterygo-maxillary fissure and coronoid process are oriented.
D. The condyle axis (RR' plane) is seleeted. Degree of bite opening is evaluated and amount
of condyle growth is predieted. E. Growth is ailded to the mandible. Form of the ramus
and processes outlined. F. Changes in relation of the body to the ramus arn forecast
and increases from the condyle axis (point R) to the symphysis are estimated.
Vol. 27. No. I Growth Estimate 19
and Ba for purposes of this analysis. cases, during treatment, showed pos-
Employing point sella as a starting terior movements of the condyles. Such
point, the average expectancy for in- incidences produce a noticeable effect
-- '
''I '
Fig. 6 Estimation of the !Jouy fa~ial pattern. A. 'l'lte composite of all factors covered
in Fig. 5 yields the predicted behavior of the Y axis and facial plane and location of the
chin. B. The vertical relationship of the m:1xilla is estimated by proportioning total vertical
growth. C. Future facial convexity is determined by prPdieted behavior of point A. D. Zygo-
matico-maxi'1lary temporal relations are anticipated. E. Descent of the palate is forecast.
height, depth and breadth are to be ship of the denture for each case.
expected, together with profiles that
exhibit convexity or concavity in dif- Planning the Arrangement of Teeth
ferent degrees. The skeleton or the bony and Determining Anchorage Values
frame of reference for the denture is not The arrangement of teeth is planned
alike in all cases. It becomes an archi- from the occlusal plane (Fig. 7a). Dur-
tectural problem to plan the relation- ing normal growth the cant of the oc~
Vol. 27, No. I Growth Estimate 23
Fig. 7 Methotl for arrnngillg tht> teeth for ideal relationship . .-\. Palatal urnl mandibular
planes are bisected and the occlusal plane is tilted in respect for the coneeived changes
brought about by intermaxillary tradion. The new A.Po is established for reference for the
teeth. B. The lowe1· incisor is arranged at 22° 1 mm. forwnrd of the A.Po plane. C. The upper
incisor is oriented at 130° to the lower incisor. D. Molar anrhorage value is determined and
the behavior of the ,1ower lip is predirted. }:. Reaction of the upper arch is estimated and
,election of the teeth to be removed in this instance ran b<.' mad<.' .. Gro\\·th of the nosP and·
e.hnnges in the lip can be estimnted. The romplete planniug is seen in Fig. 4.
Having arranged the incisors to fit incisors are not going to be moved ex-
the face as indicated from the x-rays, cessively.
models, photographs, etc., it is time that Estimation of changes in the lower
full consideration of anchorage be lip are made by bisecting the overbite
The undesirable qualities in each case With that background for esthetic
28 Ricketts January, 1957
Fig. 8 A variety of cases demonstrating lip imbalance and poor facial harmony. The
relationship of the teeth to the •lips can be studied. A. A bimaxillary protrusion case--
needs 3 mm. and 8° retraction of the lower incisor. B. A bimaxillary retrusion. The entire·
denture should be located 6 mm. forward. "Button" apparently is present due to
mandibular growth and tight buccinator complex that restrains the denture. C. The
upper lip is forward and the lower lip is back. The lower incisor should be located 5 mm.
forward. D. Poor balance and harmony due to mesial thrust and lingually locked upper
incisors. The lower incisor is 2 mm. forward of the ideal. E. A similar lip imbalance is
seen in D. This, however, is due to almost 20° and 7 mm. forward relation of the lower
incisor. F. Opposite lip imbalance is seen in E but similar to C. For purposes of facial
harmony this case needs forward movement of the lower incisor. See l<'ig. 12 and 13. G.
Primarily protrusion of the upper incisor. The lower is almost ideal except supraerupted.
This case called for bilateral extraction in both arches. Case C has a similar relationship
of teeth ou the plaster cast but was treated without extraction. H. High convexity and
severe retrognathic pattern. Sucress in uprighting lower incisor depends upon the ability
to retract point A.
Vol. 27, No. I Crowth Estimate 29
.l<'ig. 10 The facial improvement for the case outlined iu Figs. -± thruugh 7. Bxcclleut lip
balance is seen ancl harmony er.mid bp i1uproved only with ,,,Jight forward position of the
denture (1 mm. according to ide:d). Tight thin lips am! a pointed nose limit the csthetic
value but, the fa<"ial lines are good. :\",,te the' 11,ino,rnt>ss of the mouth.
Vol. 27, No. 1 Growth Estimate Jl
:l<'ig. 11 :X ute the e:oty of the fo,·,· allll tlie retrognathi,· pattern. Case "·a~ consiclerecl
in ideal bala11ce frum a fo11diu11:tl :111d esth,•tic sbll<lpoint for 1-l ~·ear old male after
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Vol. 27. No. I Growth Estimate 33
same degree as in the first case. The the lower teeth forward, they remained
upper first molars were extracted be- 2 mm. posterior to the ideal position.
cause of severe caries. They were, however, inclined about 3
The analysis of treatment ( Fig. 12) degrees too far forward. Much greater
Fig. 12 Analysis of treatment of case ;;ePn in }'ig. 11. '£he case was characterized by high
convexity and a retrognathic pattern and the prediction called for compromise in the
upper arch. The prediction was accurate to "ithin 2 mm. in direction and magnitude of
mandibular g1·owth. The ca:;e at cont'lusion was in ideal balance and harmony for this
face. Notiee tlie extreme thitkening· (7 mm.) of the upper lip. Note the great amount of
growth experienced and that grnwth permitterl an elevation of the entire occlusal plane.
The upper first molars were remove<l for reasons of ilecay and the second molar was em-
ployed for anchorage. The incisor experieneed the maximum bodily retraction. In fact the
roots could be palpated on the palatal aspec.t at the conclusion of the torquing action.
34 Ricketts January, 1957
Fig. 13 The rewarding r es ult in facial harmony and lip bafance of case analyzed in Fig.
14. Slightly more retractiou of the upper lip would still improve tisthetics. The patient
was placed on lower lip '' puffiui.r'' exe1·cises 1-1ft,-.r treatment to gain relaxation of a
severely tight mentalis muscle.
Vol. 27, No. 1 Growth Estimate 35
Fig. 14 Analysis of a ease diagnosed to need forward movement of the lower arch.
Ooutinuous elastics were wom for 13 months. The upper lip was retracted, the lower
was built out in the sublabia'1 area and the chin became relaxed. Note that a slight change
in the occlusal plane is seen with depression of the lower incisor being accomplished. The
lower incisor is tipped forward excessively 2°. The amount of retraction of the upper
arch is the most ever observed with iutermaxillary elastics. No second order bends were
employed and continuous torque was applied to the incisors. Note that the root tip was
retracted more than the crown,
36 Ricketts January, 1957