Cephalometric Analysis and Synthesis: Pacific Palisades, California
Cephalometric Analysis and Synthesis: Pacific Palisades, California
Cephalometric Analysis and Synthesis: Pacific Palisades, California
142 Ricketts July, 1961
ter growth prognosis. Thus, the facial ,ienominator for mandibular width has
angle provides a more critical esti- been used clinically to a limited degree.
mation of chin position than could be A point on the midsc1.gittal plane be-
Fig. 5 Tracings of the frontal film and right and left lamina.graphs of joint and mandible.
Shows measurement of facial form and asymmetry in the frontal film and demonstrates
factors in mandibular growth and form. Above - angle RGoM is 85 on left (undergrowth)
and 80 on right (normal). Mandibular plane angle on left is high at 31 degrees, on right
1t is low, 21 degrees. Note the posterior tilt of the e,cmdylar neck and head in the upper
left figure.
Below- angle RGoM is 77 degrees on left (normal) and 70 degrees on right (over-
growth.) Note the difference in the mandibular plane and condylar form in the two
tracings. The condylar neck is upward and fonvard and thick and heavy in the lower
right figure.
146 Ricketts July, 1961
cross section of one hundred patients which are often experienced. Also, a
at the Los An3eles Veterans Hospital relation of the teeth to the line NB or
in order to determine the position of to NA does not take into account facial
28 _ _ Me.sn..,0 .4°
____ Mean~ 3.0°
No. ol
C•ses 2-1
21 I \
/1 'I
I Mean .9@yr .
I s.o. :!: .3
, S.E• • 0012
I '
I SGN or Y Axis
I I Mean Increa se
I Mean Openin g • -- •
,I w!th treatme nt 1. 00
Width of Ramus
V ?
tended to come forward or the Y axis Wide
closed one degree or more during or-
thodontic treatment. In some severe
V '1
4. Thickness of Condyle
Width of Symphysis
two to four degrees opening of the Y Wide
Corpus Length
intruded the teeth. Rotation here is
meant the rotation of the condyle in
8. Coronoid Height
the fossa as the chin swings in a down- Low
ward and backward arc as the bite is High
V >
opened. 9. Occlusal Plane
Parallel >
The final consideration for estima-
tion of change in the direction of the
during treatment. The contour at point
A is modified by the use of extraoral
traction and to a lesser amount by the
use of intermaxillary elastics when ac-
companied by torquing action to the ,._,
upper incisor teeth. Normal cases have Fig. 10 Approximately one-third height in-
been observed to display an SNA angle crease of the face during treatment is
registered in the upper face, N to ANS.
decrease of up to two degrees during About two•-thirds height increase is measured
an observed growth period similar to in the denture area or lower face. The
that occurring during treatment (Fig- palatal plane usually tilts under the in-
fluence of cervical traction and the whole
ure 7). These same patients treated nasal floor seems to be altered. Maxillary
with strong cervical anchorage have changes are estimated by superimposing on
the facial plane and then SN or other
been noted to decrease seven to eight cranial references.
degrees during orthodontic treatment.
Many cases of good prognathic growth pattern (Figure llA). Point A is con-
patterns will frequently reveal an SNA nected with a line to pogonion; remem-
angle increase of one to two degrees ber point A has been changed and the
during a two year period. With Class chin has grown. The lower incisor is
II treatment as outlined above in these related to this new reciprocal plane in
cases the angle SNA will not change the manner desired depending upon
or will decrease up to two or three de- the environmental forces operating on
grees depending upon the forces em- the denture and the age of the patient
ployed. ( Figure 11 B) . Following the location
Draw the palatal plane and point A and inclination of the lower incisor
contour behavior. This completes basal from the A-pogonion plane the upper
skeletal alteration in the profile (Figure incisor is erected to that determined
10). best for the stability of the denture and
Cephalometric Tooth Set Up for later growth experience (Figure
The desired relationship of teeth is llC).
tstablished in the synthesized skeletal Movement of the posterior teeth is
152 Ricketts July, 1961
Fig. 12 Photographs before and after treatment of the case illustrated in Figs. 13 and 14.
A- Severe lip strain and protrusion with lip closure before treatment. B- Lips normal
after treatment, closed with no strain, smooth in contour, contained within the E plane
(tip of nose and front of chin) and low.er slightly forward of upper when related to the
E plane. G- Case superimposed on E plane. D- Superimposed on cranial elements t.o
show growth changes of the chin and the nose. See Fig. 14 for analysis of growth and
treatment changes.
154 Ricketts July, 1961
tively new and much work remains to for aid in diagnosis and treatment plan-
be done on a statistical basis to make ning. When used properly, cephalo-
it even simpler and more foolproof. As metrics is the most excellent tool for
Fig. 14 Growth and treatment analysis of the above case. Note the closing of the Y axis
slightly more than 1 degree and about 10 mm of SGn increase. Note the SNA decrease
and upper incisor retraction, and finally the stability of the lower first molar and bodily
retraction of the lower incisor. Good mandibular growth helped immensely in the conclusion
of this case but it was expected, relied upon, and utilized.
156 Ricketts July, 1961