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Chankaya Startegy

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Chanakya: Strategic Lessons For Today & Tomorrow

We take inspiration from our rich history. History which is full of legendary figures have since ages
inspired and motivated us with their exemplary works. It feels good to read about leaders who played
important roles in their times. But what if when a person single-handedly shaped the history. A man
with various arrows in his quiver, highly regarded and his every word holds same significance as it
was centuries before. A universal genius whose areas of expertise included a wide array as a teacher,
philosopher, economist, jurist, royal advisor and above all a kingmaker – he can only be Chanakya
also known as Kautilya, Vishnugupta and Vishnusharma.
A man so affluent that he transformed a street boy into the emperor of India. Well, he is also credited
with writing Panchtantra, where he taught principles of good government to three princes of
Amarasakti. If Chanakya transformed the face of politics and economics through his Arthshastra, he
has also outlined measures to improve lives of common citizens by his wise words of Chanakya Neeti.
In todays globalized corporate world where nations are in complicated diplomatic relationship,
Chanakya can provide a way forward to tomorrows manager. Understanding Chanakya and learning
from his treatise will give the students confidence to venture into the competitive corporate world
while keeping the national interest and larger good of society in mind.

 Familiarize students with the life and works of Chanakya.
 Develop the student’s ability to understand importance of national interest in the corporate
 Understand the strategic processes about strategy execution, strategic change and strategic
 Develop managerial skills, which will help the student to develop skill to ensure long survival
of the organization by proper understanding of the issues.

LEARNING OUTCOME: Ability to carry out strategic analysis for long term future of firm.


PEDAGOGY / TEACHING METHODOLOGY: The course will be covered within 10 interactive
sessions of 90 minutes each comprising of;

 Discussion
 Case Studies and other relevant readings (The students are required to read the case in
advance before coming to the class)
 Individual Assignments to enhance critical strategic thinking.

Evaluation Scheme

The minimum components for evaluation should be three out of which End Term are
compulsory for a half credit course (1.5 Credit)

Evaluation Parameter:
 Assignment/Project Work
 Term Paper
 Quizzes
 Class Participation
 Class Discussion/ Presentation
 Mid Term
 End Term



1. Arthashastra of Chanakya by R Shamashashtry
2. Chanakya Niti by Chanakya
3. Panchtantra by Vishnusharma
4. From Chanakya to Modi. The Evolution of India’s Foreign Policy
5. Chandragupta by Jai Shankar Prasad
6. Koutalya Kalin Bharat by Aacharya Dipkar

Class Topics / Subtopics Pre-reads/ Post reads/

Learning Outcomes Asynchronous links/ Case discussion
/ Conversation/ Roleplay
Class 1 Chanakya, Vishnugupt, Kautilya: The Person, An Introduction None

Class 2: Times of Chanakya - I: Geography of India

Class 3: Times of Chanakya - II: Politics of India

Class 4: Books by Chanakya, Panchtantra, Arthasastra, Chanakya Niti: An


Class 5: Arthasastra: Its Relevance in 21st Century – I: Managing Wealth

Class 6: Arthasastra: Its Relevance in 21st Century – II: Negotiation

Class 7: Arthasastra: Its Relevance in 21st Century – III: Diplomacy

Class 8: Arthasastra: Its Relevance in 21st Century – IV: Empire Building

Class 9: Chankaya Niti: Its Relevance in 21st Century – I: Application of

Chankya Niti in Personal Life

Class 10: Chankya Niti: Its Relevance in 21st Century – II

Application of Chankya Niti in Professional Life

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