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Evaluation of The Wound Healing Activity of A Crude Extract of Rubia Cordifolia L. (Indian Madder) in Mice

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International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products Vol. 2(2), pp. 12-18, June-July 2009 Available online http://www.healthy-synergies.

com 2009 Healthy Synergies Publications

Original Article

Evaluation of the wound healing activity of a crude extract of Rubia cordifolia L. (Indian madder) in mice
Karodi R1, Jadhav M1, Rub R2, Bafna A*1
Padm. Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Pune, Pimpri, Pune 411018, India. 2 M.C.E.Societys Allana College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, University Of Pune, Pune 411001, India.

Summary: India has a rich tradition of plant based knowledge on healthcare. A large number of plants are used by folklore traditions in India for treatment of cuts, wounds and burns. Rubia cordifolia Linn. (Rubiaceae) is popular all over the world for its medicinal uses in skin diseases like eczema, dermatitis, skin ulcers, etc. In India, it is used traditionally for various types of skin diseases. Hence, the present study was aimed to evaluate its scientific validity. The alcoholic extract and the hydrogel of same were investigated for the evaluation of its healing efficiency on excision wound model in mice. A different formulation of alcoholic extract was topically applied on the excision wound surface as a single dose. Wound area and histopathology were used to evaluate the effect on wound healing. The effect produced by gel, in terms of wound contracting ability, wound closure, decrease in surface area of wound, tissue regeneration at the wound site and histopathological characteristics were significant (p < 0.01) in treated mice. The present study thus provides a scientific rationale for the traditional use of this plant in the management of the wounds. Industrial relevance: R. cordifolia is used for the treatment of skin itches and as an antiseptic for wounds. It has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of cancers, ulcers, swellings, eczema. In traditional systems there was only claim for the wound healing activity of this plant. However, there is no scientific data to support the wound healing activity of R. cordifolia on excision wound model. Hence, we have conducted the present study to explore the wound healing activity of R. cordifolia crude extract as well as its gel formulation against the specific microorganisms which generally infect wound. The gel is an effective topical dosage form and easy to formulate. It would be an economical option for treatment of wounds. Keyword: Rubia cordifolia, Wound healing, Antimicrobial activity, Excision wound.

Introduction Wounds are physical injuries that result in an opening or break of the skin. Proper healing of wounds is essential for the restoration of disrupted anatomical continuity and disturbed functional status of the skin (Begum, 2000). Healing is a complex and intricate process initiated in response to an injury that restores the function and integrity of damaged tissues (Govindarajan et al; 2007). Wound healing involves continuous cellcell and cellmatrix interactions that allow the process to proceed in three overlapping phases viz. inflammation (03 days), cellular proliferation (312 days) and remodeling (36 months) (Glynn; 1981, Clark; 1996, Martin; 1996). Healing requires the collaborative efforts of many different tissues and cell lineages (Martin; 1997). It involves platelet aggregation and blood clotting, formation of fibrin, an inflammatory response to injury, alteration in the ground substances, angiogenesis and reepithelialization. Healing is not complete until the disrupted surfaces are firmly knit by collagen (Buffoni et al; 1993). The basic principle of optimal wound healing is to minimize tissue damage and provide adequate _____________________ *Corresponding Author: Tel: +9120 -27420261 E-mail: anandbafna65@gmail.com

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tissue perfusion and oxygenation, proper nutrition and moist wound healing environment to restore the anatomical continuity and function of the affected part (Pierce and Mustoe; 1995). In India, medicines based on herbal origin have been the basis of treatment and cure for various diseases (Biswas, 2004). Moreover, Indian folk medicine comprises numerous prescriptions for therapeutic purposes such as healing of wounds, inflammation, skin infections, leprosy, diarrhorea, scabies, venereal disease, ulcers, snake bite, etc (Mukherjee, 2000). More than 80% of the worlds population still depends upon traditional medicines for various skin diseases (Babu M et al; 2002). Herbal medicines in wound management involve disinfection, debridement and providing a moist environment to encourage the establishment of the suitable environment for natural healing process (Purna and Babu M; 2000). Rubia cordifolia also known as, Manjishtha, Indian madder, distributed throughout India (Rao, 2006). It is found throughout the hilly districts of India from northwest Himalayas eastwards, ascending to 8000 ft and southwards to Ceylon. The roots of this plant are of high medicinal value and are recognized as official (More, 2007). This perennial herbaceous prickly creeper or climber is upto 10m long, found throughout the country ascending to 3750 m and grow well in light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils (Wealth of India; 2002). Rubia cordifolia is an important medicinal plant which is used for treatment of various ailments in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The biological investigations have shown that many of the medicinal properties claimed for the plant in the historical texts do, indeed, have sound scientific basis (Singh et al; 2005 ).It has a variety of uses such as blood purifier, immunomodulator (Joharapurkar et al; 2003) , antiinflammatory (Antarkar et al; 1983) and antioxidant (Tripathi and Sharma; 1998). It is helpful in treating skin diseases, in blood purification, increasing appetite and in stimulation and contraction of uterus (Wealth of India; 2002). Thus, the present study aims to regenerate and reconstruct the disrupted anatomical continuity and functional status of the skin and to investigate the medicinal use of Rubia cordifolia as a wound healing promoter that had been cited in folkloric literature. Materials and Methods Plant Material and extract preparation The roots of the plant R. cordifolia were procured from the local market of Pune. About 200 g of powdered roots (dry) were extracted with ethanol (95%) using soxhlet apparatus for 4-6 hours. Alcohol removal carried out under pressure afforded a semi solid mass with a yield of 9%. Gel formulation A 0.2%, 0.5% and 1% gel of ethanolic extract were formulated using Carbopol 940 (Vishal chemicals, Mumbai) in the concentration of 1%. Animals The protocol of the study was approved by the Local Ethical Committee for animal experimentation. The mice were obtained from the Serum institute, Pune, India and kept in animal house in standard conditions. They were provided food and water ad libitum during the whole period of the experiment. An acute toxicity study was conducted according to the staircase method. Toxicity studies conducted as per internationally accepted protocol drawn under OECD guidelines 420 in Swiss albino mice at a dose level of extracts up to 5000 mg/kg. The animals were physically active and were consuming food and water in a regular way. Male albino Swiss mice weighing 25-30 g were used in wound healing model experiments. Excision wound model The dorsal skin of the mice was shaved. The mice were divided into five groups of six animals each. The animals were depilated on the paravertebral area prior to wound creation and predetermined area of 7mm 7mm skin in its full thickness was excised under ether anaesthesia (Suguna et al 1996). Group I V were treated with plane base, gels of different concentrations of extracts (0.2%, 0.5%, 1%) and extract respectively, once a daily for 15 days. Wounds were left undressed to the open environment and the animals were kept individually in separate cages. Measurement of wound area The progressive changes in wound area were measured in mm at every 3 days interval. Progressive decrease in the wound size was monitored periodically. Histological Examination At day 16 the experiment was terminated and the wound area was removed from the surviving animals for histological examination. The tissue was processed in the routine way for histological evaluation. Five micrometer thick sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, the routine stain used in the

Wound healing activity of Rubia cordifolia Linn.

histopathology, and recommended as a general survey stain. The tissue samples were evaluated for the following histological criteria; the extent of reepithelisation, the maturation and organization of the epidermal squamous cells, the thickness of the granular cell layer, the degree of the tissue formation. The different animal groups were assessed blindly by the pathologist and results were compared with the control groups. Phytochemical screening methods Ethanol extract was evaluated for presence of various phytoconstituents by performing different qualitative chemical tests reported. It showed the presence of anthraquinone glycosides, saponins, tannins and phytosterols (Khandelwal; 2005, wealth of India; 2002). Statistical analysis The relative wound area results were compared using one- way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnetts tests. P values less than 0.05 were considered as indicative of significance. Result Wound area A better healing pattern with complete wound closure was observed in mice treated within 15 days while it took about 25-30 days in control mice with different concentration of gel of ethanol extract (Table 1). There was a significant reduction in wound area from day three onwards in treated mice and also on later days the closure rate was much faster than when compared with control mice. The table 1 shows the effect of gel and extract of R.cordifolia on excision wound model in mice.
Sr no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Groups Control 0.2% Gel 0.5% Gel 1% Gel 1% EE Table 1.Effect of gel and extract of R. cordifolia on excision wound model in mice Wound area in mm 3 days 6 days 9 days 12 days 8.41 0.008 8.47 0.005 8.44 0.02 8.4 0.009 6.97 0.01* 6.92 0.01* 6.8 0.016* 6.6 0.01* 5.9 0.02** 5.3 0.01** 5.2 0.008** 5.2 0.005** 5.8 0.01** 5.2 0.02** 5.1 0.01** 4.9 0.03** 5.6 0.01** 5.3 0.01** 5.1 0.01** 5 0.02**

15 days 8.35 0.01 6.5 0.012* 5.5 0.01** 4.7 0.01** 4.7 0.02**

EE, Ethanol Extract. (Values expressed as Mean SEM), * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, *** p< 0.001.

Histological Evaluation Histological evaluation was carried out for the treated and untreated samples. There was a marked infiltration of the inflammatory cells, increased blood vessel formation and enhanced proliferation of cells as a result of treatment with R. cordifolia gel and extract. There was full thickness reepitheliasation, in which epidermis was thin and well organized, comparable to the normal adjacent skin which was not involved in the wound generation and healing process. The granular layer was well formed and one cell in thickness. The All the animals when treated with different concentrations of gel of ethanol extract showed comparable results when compared with control. There was a full thickness epidermal regeneration which covered completely the wound area. The epidermis was thick and disorganized, especially when compared with the adjacent normal skin. In all, complete epitheliasation, vasculirisation and hair follicles formation were observed in treated mice (Fig. 1 a-e). Early dermal and epidermal regeneration in treated mice also confirmed that the extract had a positive effect towards cellular proliferation, granular tissue formation and epitheliasation.


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1a Control (Plane gel base)

1b Treated with 0.2% Gel

1c Treated with 0.5% Gel

1d 1e Treated with 1% Gel Treated with 1%Extract Figure1. (a e) Effect of gel and extract of R. cordifolia on excision wound model in mice (Histopathological slides)

Discussion Wounds are referred to as disruption of normal anatomic structure and function. Skin wounds could happen through several causes like physical injuries resulting in opening and breaking of the skin (Gerald et al; 1994).The most common symptoms of wounds are bleeding, loss of feeling or function below the wound site, heat and redness around the wound, painful or throbbing sensation, swelling of tissue in the area and pus like drainage (Rashed et al; 2003). Wound healing is a very complex, multifactor sequence of events involving several cellular and biochemical processes. The aim in these processes is to regenerate and reconstruct the disrupted anatomical continuity and functional status of the skin. Healing process, a natural body reaction to injury, initiates immediately after wounding and occurs in four stages. The first phase is coagulation which controls excessive blood loss from the damaged vessels. The next stage of the healing process is inflammation and debridement of wound followed by re-epitheliasation which includes proliferation, migration and differentiation of squamous epithelial cells of the epidermis. In the final stage of the healing process collagen deposition and remodeling occurs within the dermis (Phillips et al; 1991). The results showed wound healing and repair, accelerated by applying gel of R. cordifolia, which was highlighted by the full thickness coverage of the wound area by an organized epidermis. The enhanced capacity of wound healing with the plant could be explained on the basis of anti-inflammatory effects of the plant that are well documented in the literature. Study on animal models showed enhanced rate of wound contraction and drastic reduction in healing time than control, which might be due to enhanced epitheliasation. The animals treated with 1% gel and


Wound healing activity of Rubia cordifolia Linn.

extract showed significant results when compared with different groups and control. The treated wound after six days itself exhibit marked dryness of wound margins with tissue regeneration. However, histological evaluation showed that, increased cellular infiltration from haematoxylin and eosin staining in treated cases may be due to chemo tactic effect enhanced by the crude extract which might have attracted inflammatory cells towards the wound site (Hernandez et al; 2001). Increased cellular proliferation may be due to the mitogenic activity of the plant extract, which might have significantly contributed to healing process. Early dermal and epidermal regeneration in treated mice also confirmed that the extract had a positive effect towards cellular proliferation, granular tissue formation and epitheliasation. Tannins and anthraquinones are the major phytoconstituent present in this plant which may be responsible for wound healing action. The plant Portulaca oleracea containing the tannins possesses wound healing activity as that of the R. cordifolia (Rashed; et al 2003). The gel of ethanolic extract of the plant Vernonia scorpioides possess wound healing action by improving regeneration and organization of the new tissue due to the presence of tannins (Leite et al; 2002). The embellin isolated from the ethanol extract of plant Emblica officinalis containing condensed tannins when formulated as a gel possess significant wound healing property (Kumara et al; 2007) as that of gel prepared by R. cordifolia ethanol extract. A number of secondary metabolites/active compounds isolated from plants have been demonstrated in animal models (in vivo) as active principles responsible for facilitating healing of wounds. Some of the most important ones include tannins from Terminalia arjuna, (Chaudhari and Mengi; 2006), oleanolic acid from Anredra diffusa (Letts et al; 2006), polysaccharides from Opuntia ficus-indica (Trombetta et al; 2006), gentiopicroside, sweroside and swertiamarine from Gentiana lutea (Ozturk et al; 2006), shikonin derivatives (deoxyshikonin, acetyl shikonin, 3-hydroxy-isovaleryl shikonin and 5,8-Odimethyl acetyl shikonin) from Onosma argentatum (Ozgen et al; 2006), asiaticoside, asiatic acid, and madecassic acid from Centalla asiatica (Maquart et al; 1999, Shukla et al; 1999, Hong et al; 2005), quercetin, isorhamnetin and kaempferol from Hippophae rhamnoides (Fu SC et al; 2005), curcumin from Curcuma longa (Jagetia and Rajanikant; 2004). Conclusion The gel and the extract both showed the wound healing activity in mice. Histological evaluation shows there was a marked infiltration of the inflammatory cells, increased blood vessel formation and enhanced proliferation of cells as a result of treatment with Rubia cordifolia gel and extract. This study thus demonstrates the wound healing activity of ethanolic extract and its gel formulation of the roots of the plant R. cordifolia and found to be effective in the functional recovery of the healing of wounds and also in histopathological alterations. As infections being a major cause of morbidity and mortality in wound patients, these herbal extracts may prevent infection that leads to high risk of sepsis, and thereby prevents the prolongation of inflammatory phase. Further study on the fractionation of active components and the mutual effect of these plant extract machinery on infecting microbial species may provide a better understanding of the infection management in the process of wound healing. Acknowledgements Authors are thankful to Dr. A. D. Deshpande, Director of Pharmacy, Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharm. Sci. and Res., Pimpri, Pune (India) for providing all the necessary facilities required for the experiments. References Antarkar SS, Chinwalla T, Bhatt N. 1983. Anti-inflammatory activity of Rubia cordifolia Linn. In rats. Indian J Pharmacology 15 (3): 185-188. Babu M, Gnanamani A, Radhakrishan N, Priya K. 2002. Healing potential of Datura alba on burn wounds in albino rats. J Ethnopharmacology 83: 193-199. Begum D, Nath SC. 2000. Ethnobotanical review of medicinal plants used for skin diseases and related problems in Northeastern India, Journal of Herbs. Spices and Medicinal Plants 7: 5593. Biswas TK, Maity LN, Mukherjee B. 2004. Wound healing potential of Pterocarpus santalinus Linn: a pharmacological evaluation. International Journal of Low Extreme Wounds 3: 143150.


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