Correct Answer: 3: DDW Tmjiw Njg5Mje
Correct Answer: 3: DDW Tmjiw Njg5Mje
Correct Answer: 3: DDW Tmjiw Njg5Mje
1. 1,2
2. 3,4
3. 1,5
4. 1,2,3,4,5
Correct Answer : 2
Your Answer :
QuestionID : 13014 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q22. __________ pattern enables enterprise data to be presented via different
views: e.g. HTML, WML, JFC/Swing, XML
1. Data Access Objects
2. Value Objects
3. Business Delegate
4. Model View and Controller
Correct Answer : 4
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QuestionID : 13282 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q23. What is the term For determining whether a user has access to a
1. Authorization
2. Authentication
3. Confidentiality
4. Secrecy
Correct Answer : 1
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QuestionID : 13328 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q24. Which of the following statements are true about
the remote component interface of a session bean
1. All methods in the remote home interface and the remote component
interface declare to throw javax. ejb.RemoteException
2. All methods in the remote home interface and the remote component
interface declare to throw java. rmi.RemoteException
3. A client locates the remote component interface from JNDI and then
it before invoking methods on it
4. None of the above
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 13505 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q25. What are valid methods for HttpSessionListener interface.
1. sessionRemoved
2. sessionEnd
3. sessionCreated
4. sessionReplaced
Correct Answer : 3
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QuestionID : 13515 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q26. invalidate method can be used to expunge a session object.
Correct Answer : T
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QuestionID : 13799 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q27. Which of the following are valid leclarations for the get method
corresponding to
the CMR field order where the CMR field points to the Order bean that has
remote component interface 0rder and the local component interface
1. public abstract Order getOrder ( )
2. public abstract OrderLocal getOrder()
3. private abstract order getOrder()
4. public abstract OrderLocal getOrders()
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 15272 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Clients can use session beans as agents for accessing entity beans. Which of t
he following is NOT an advantage of doing this?
1. Reduces network traffic and connections
2. Any changes in the entity beans do not require changes to the client
3. Limits the no of stubs used by the client
4. Can model data in the database as objects
Correct Answer : 4
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QuestionID : 15273 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q29. What is a suitable model for fine grained dependent objects?
1. Stateful Session Beans
2. Entity Beans
3. Stateless Session Beans
4. Pass–by–value objects
Correct Answer : 4
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QuestionID : 15284 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q30. Which of the following is not part of a JMS Message?
1. Header
2. Properties
3. Body
4. Footer
Correct Answer : 4
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QuestionID : 15302 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q31. To author a Session bean which of the following classes are needed?
1. A Home interface, A Remote Interface, a class that implements Enterpr
isebean interface and a PrimaryKey class.
2. A Home interface, A Remote Interface and a class that implements the
SessionBean interface.
3. A Remote Interface and a class that implements the SessionBean interf
4. A Home interface, A Remote Interface and a class that implements the
EnterpriseBean interface.
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 15303 Subject Name Enterprise Java
What design pattern is similar to the Publish/Subscribe messaging model?
1. Publisher pattern.
2. Flyweight pattern.
3. Observer pattern.
4. Chain of Responsibility pattern.
Correct Answer : 3
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QuestionID : 15306 Subject Name Enterprise Java
You have designed an application that allows customers to buy chapters of e–
books. Due to the success of the project, this will be launched as a worldwide
application. In the process of converting this application to be suitable for wo
rldwide use, which o
1. Java runs with already as standard 16bit characters as standard so you d
o not need to use any particular classes to change the text. All primitive objec
ts can be used.
2. java.lang.Number Class
3. java.Unicode package
4. java.text package
Correct Answer : 4
Your Answer :
QuestionID : 15309 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q34. Does a 3–
Tier architecture have the potential to introduce any new problems?
1. Fat Clients
2. Thin Clients
3. Poor scalability
4. Poor manageability
Correct Answer : 4
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QuestionID : 15311 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q35. Does a 3–
Tier architecture have the potential to introduce any new problems?
1. Thin Clients
2. Reduced separation of business logic
3. Poor manageability
4. Poor scalability
Correct Answer : 3
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QuestionID : 15670 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q36. Which method is static synchronized in JDBC API _________
1. getConnection()
2. registerDriver()
3. getDataBaseProductName()
4. All of the above
Correct Answer : 1
Your Answer :
QuestionID : 15826 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q37. Both session and entity beans can implement local and remote client
views, and generally the same considerations apply. However, an entity bean
must implement a local client view in what situation?
1. When the application uses message-driven beans. *
2. When the entity bean is a target of a container-managed relationship
3. When the entity bean is located in a different JVM from the client
4. When the application uses a session bean as a facade to a set of entity
Correct Answer : 4
Your Answer :
QuestionID : 15837 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q38. Implementing a message-driven bean requires that the developer extend
two interfaces: a MessageListener interface and
1. a javax.ejb.SessionBean interface
2. a javax.ebj.MessageDrivenBean interface
3. an event listener interface
4. a javax.ebj.EJBHome interface
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 15855 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q39. The J2EE 1.4 platform includes a set of Web services technologies for
developing Web services applications. Developers can use the following
technologies to write a Web service Java interface or service endpoint
1. Java API for XML Processing (JAX-P) and Java API for XML Binding
2. SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)
3. Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) and enterprise bean
4. Java API for XML Registries (JAX-R)
Correct Answer : 3
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QuestionID : 15857 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q40. Through what interface does an application create, find, and remove
enterprise beans
1. java.rmi.Remote
2. javax.ejb.EJBHome
3. javax.ejb.EJBObject
4. javax.ejb.EntityBean
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 15867 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q41. At what point, precisely, in the life-cycle is a container-managed entity
bean considered created
1. Immediately prior to the execution of its ejbCreate() method
2. Immediately after the execution of its ejbCreate() method
3. After the CMP beans data has been committed to the underlying
persistent datastore
4. During the execution of its ejbPostCreate() method
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 15874 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q42. If you want to override a JSP files initialization method, within what
type of tags must you declare the method
1. <@ @>
Correct Answer : 4
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QuestionID : 15877 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q43. What is the key difference between using a < jsp:forward > and
1. forward executes on the client while sendRedirect() executes on the
2. forward executes on the server while sendRedirect() executes on the
3. The two methods perform identically
4. none of the above
Correct Answer : 3
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QuestionID : 15881 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q44. If Driver returns JdbcComplient() as false then
1. Driver cannot be used for Java.
2. It may give erroneous results
3. It will have partial implementation of Jdbc API but can be used.
4. It will have bugs
Correct Answer : 3
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QuestionID : 15898 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q45. This javax.servlet class is used to pass information to a servlet during
1. Servlet
2. ServletDispatcher
3. ServletContext
4. v
Correct Answer : 4
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QuestionID : 15899 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q46. Introspection is used for
1. Discovering a component during component’s execution
2. Reading and understanding bean code
3. Drag and drop feature from GUI
4. Can’t be used for Java beans
Correct Answer : 1
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QuestionID : 15914 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q47. Which directive that contains references to custom tags must appear in
the JSP page?
1. Include
2. Taglib
3. Page
4. All the above
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 15924 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q48. Which of the following is required for a Java bean to exist?
1. Zero-argument constructor
2. Implements Serializable to make it persistent
3. Both A and B
4. None of the above
Correct Answer : 1
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QuestionID : 15956 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q49. Which interface is extended by EJBHome interface?
1. RemoteHome
2. Remote
3. EJBObject
4. HomeObject
Correct Answer : 2
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QuestionID : 15962 Subject Name Enterprise Java
Q50. For a CMP entity bean, if the data needs to be reformatted or
compressed before saving to the database which method is used?
1. ejbStore
2. ejbLoad
3. ejbSave
4. ejbCreate
Correct Answer : 1
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