Htno 2120125362 160120231028
Htno 2120125362 160120231028
Htno 2120125362 160120231028
If you have not darkened the Question Booklet number at side 1 of the OMR Answer Sheet your Answer Sheet
will be invalidated without any further notice. If it is darkened in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining
the exact Question Booklet number, then it may lead to wrong result / rejection of the Answer sheet and
candidate himself / herself will be responsible for the same.
12.Candidate should put his/her signature and get the signature of the invigilator at the appropriate place in the
OMR Answer sheet.
13.Candidate has to bubble the answers on the OMR Answer sheet with Ball Point pen (Blue/Black) only as the
optical mark scanner system scans properly darkened circles only.Bubbling by Pencil/Ink pen/Gel Pen is not
permitted in the examination and such OMR Answer sheet would be invalidated.
14.Candidate should not mark answer choices on the Question Booklet (Question paper) under any circumstances.
15.If any mistake done by you in the OMR Answer Sheet,it will not be replaced.
16.Candidate should encode the Hall Ticket Number and paper Code first on OMR Answer Sheet.After receiving the
Question paper only, candidate should verify and encode Question Booklet Number on the OMR Answer Sheet.
17.The OMR answer sheet will be invalidated if the candidate writes the Hall Ticket Number in any other place of
OMR sheet except in the space provided for the purpose. Writing Symbols or any type of identification marks etc
on OMR Sheet will also lead to invalidation.
19.Candidates are prohibited from communicating, consulting, conversing with other candidates or adopting
agitation tactics in and around the Examination hall such as raising of slogans, causing disturbance in any
manner whatsoever during the Examination. Candidates are not permitted to borrow any item from other
candidates in the Examination Hall. In case of any disturbance, such candidates will be disqualified.
20.The candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while writing the examination. In case
of disorder/rowdy behavior/trying to use unfair means during examination, an F.I.R will be lodged with Police
Station concerned apart from disqualifying his/her candidature.
21.No candidate should leave the Examination hall until the completion of examination time. Before leaving the
Examination hall, the candidate should hand over the OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator failing which Penal
action will be initiated besides rejecting the candidature for this examination. However Candidates are permitted
to take away the question paper after completion of the examination.
22.The digital copy of OMR sheet will be made available in the Commission’s website after completion of the image
23.The candidates must note that those who applied under equivalence of qualification are admitted subject to
verification of a qualification and other eligibility criteria & satisfaction of the Commission. Therefore admission to
this Written Test is strictly "Provisional".
24.Any Infringement of the above instructions shall entail disciplinary action on the candidate which may include
debarment from appearing for any other examinations of TSPSC & other Public Service Commissions in the
Country besides cancellation of candidature to this Recruitment. The Penal Provisions of Telangana Public
Examinations (Prevention of Malpractice and unfair means) Act, 1997 (Act No.25/1997 published in State
Gazette No. 35, `Part-IV-B Extraordinary dated: 21/08/1997) (as adapted by the Telangana Adaptation of Laws
Order, 2016) will be invoked if malpractice or unfair means are noticed at any stage of the Recruitment.
25.Admission to the Examination is provisional,subject to the confirmation / satisfaction of conditions of Notification
No. 12/2022, dated: 03/09/2022 and also subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria and verification of required
certificates at a later stage. Admission / Appearing to the Examination does not confer ipso facto any right for
recruitment / selection.
26.Hall Ticket must be preserved by the candidate till the final conclusion of the process of Recruitment.
27.For further clarification please read the Notification No. 12/2022 dated: 03/09/2022 available at
Date: 10/01/2023 Sd/-
Place: Hyderabad. SECRETARY