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Ashtavakra Gita Volume 01

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Chapter 1 to 4

Volume – 01
Chapter Title Verses Page No
Introduction 1 to 9
1 Self - Witness in all 20 9 to 62
2 The Marvellous Self 25 63 to 142
3 Self in All - All in Self 14 143 to 174
4 Glory of Realisation 6 175 to 194
5 Four Methods - Dissolution of Ego 4 195 to 208
6 The Self Supreme 4 209 to 224
7 That Tranquil Self 5 225 to 236
8 Bondage and Freedom 4 237 to 242
9 Indifference 8 243 to 259
10 Dispassion 8 260 to 275
11 Self As Pure Intelligence 8 276 to 293
12 How to Abide in the Self 8 294 to 305
13 The Bliss Absolute 7 306 to 325
14 Tranquillity 4 326 to 339
Chapter Title Verses Page No
15 Brahman - The Absolute Reality 20 340 to 385
16 Self-abidance - Instructions 11 386 to 405
17 Aloneness of the Self 20 406 to 468
18 The Goal 100 469 to 570
19 The Grandeur of the self 8
20 The Absolute state 14
Total 298

S. No. Verses Page No
1 Introduction 1
Chapter 1 - Self witness in all
2 Verse 1 10
3 Verse 2 14
4 Verse 3 23
5 Verse 4 25
6 Verse 5 32
7 Verse 6 34
8 Verse 7 35
9 Verse 8 42
10 Verse 9 47
11 Verse 10 49
12 Verse 11 49
13 Verse 12 50
14 Verse 13 52 iii
S. No. Verses Page No
15 Verse 14 52
16 Verse 15 52
17 Verse 16 54
18 Verse 17 55
19 Verse 18 57
20 Verse 19 58
21 Verse 20 61
Chapter 2 - The Marvellous Self
22 Verse 1 64
23 Verse 2 67
24 Verse 3 73
25 Verse 4 74
26 Verse 5 76
27 Verse 6 77
28 Verse 7 84
29 Verse 8 86
S. No. Verses Page No
30 Verse 9 88
31 Verse 10 90
32 Verse 11 95
33 Verse 12 97
34 Verse 13 99
35 Verse 14 102
36 Verse 15 113
37 Verse 16 117
38 Verse 17 119
39 Verse 18 121
40 Verse 19 126
41 Verse 20 128
42 Verse 21 129
43 Verse 22 135
44 Verse 23 137
45 Verse 24 137 iv
S. No. Verses Page No
46 Verse 25 138
Chapter 3 - Self in All - All in Self
47 Verse 1 144
48 Verse 2 147
49 Verse 3 148
50 Verse 4 149
51 Verse 5 151
52 Verse 6 152
53 Verse 7 154
54 Verse 8 157
55 Verse 9 158
56 Verse 10 162
57 Verse 11 164
58 Verse 12 170
59 Verse 13 171
60 Verse 14 173 v
S. No. Verses Page No
Chapter 4 - Glory of Realisation
61 Verse 1 176
62 Verse 2 180
63 Verse 3 182
64 Verse 4 187
65 Verse 5 191
66 Verse 6 193

Lecture 1
1) Part of Mahabharata :
Rishi / Jnani Ashtavakra
Student Janaka
20 Chapter 298 Verses
• Independent work for “Nididhyasanam”, not teaching Vedanta.
• I in my real nature am Atma and free. The world can’t affect me.
• Philosophically, above is truth.
• Helps me to get rid of samsara sense of helplessness and loneliness.
Deliberately entertain thought daily:
• I am not alone - Na Ekoham
• I am not helpless - Asaya Aham
• I am not weak - Krishaha Aham
• I am not Supportless - Aparichedaha
• Be like a lion (Subhashitam as above) and roar like a lion - I am free
• 4 thought patterns of a lion have to be brought in us.
• Not bleet like a Goat - I am helpless / Alone / Weak / Supportless. 1
Entertain positive thoughts :
• Use Vedanta to change language and thought pattern - This process is called
2) :
Life Teaching - shouldn’t be separated
Roar like a lion I am free not Cry / Not to be in Cassettes / notebooks
• Normally Vedanta in Notebook (Mechanically preserve notes) and life of Cry -
Successful Co-existence
• Philosophically true - Psychologically works

2 Angles of thought

Philosophically Psychologically

Truth - Aham Brahmasmi Never complain sense of weakness /

helplessness / Loneliness
• Remove sense of loneliness and claim I am free

Repeatedly entertain thought :
• I am independent / Strong / World - Karma cant affect me - I have inner resources.
• Aham Svantara Asmi - Have strength to confront all situation of life.
• Aham Atma Asmi - This should be 1st thought every morning and night.
3) Every human being - Samsari - Subject to Karma - Prarabda - Goes through favorable /
unfavorable situation - and one cant avoid challenging situations.
4) Self confidence is most important. Virtue required :
• 1st Thing knocked off is challenging situations is self confidence.
5) Self diffidence is direct experience in trying situation :
• Physical illness / Situational problems - need help from outside
• When everything fine, self confidence is there.
Karma Shapa :
• Forgets archery in war.
• Looks for support from outside and experts
• Others to give confidence - Often we don’t get confidence
6) Get wisdom lecturer - shouldn’t have done / Should have done.
7) At trying situation - must say :
• Have inner resources to tide over the problem.

8) Tell :
• I am with you - Don’t worry
• Will together face situation
• Need confidence - But get lecture
9) Confidence weaned and adding to Guilt :
• I am not intelligent to take right decision.
• Every human feels utter helpless.
• I don’t have confidence to face situation and others criticize my bad action.
10) Power of Samsara - Expresses an helplessness and loneliness :
• Even though Many around - I am lonely
11) Physically and Mentally become weaker in old Age :
• How to tackle loneliness and Helplessness.
• I Seek Help from others - Need confidence and Support not Advice
12) Known people, don't know how to help me, Scriptures give CBM - Confidence Building
13) :
Veda gives 2 Methods

Veda Purva Vedanta

- Seek help from Ishvara - I am Atma - Ever free

- Throughout Gita, Krishna tells - World can’t touch me
about this
Gita - Chapter 18 :

Fixing your mind upon me, you shall, by my grace, overcome all obstacles; but if, from egoism,
you will not hear me, you shall perish. [Chapter 18 - Verse 58]

• If only person seeks help / Confidence / Strength from me - I will Give him confidence.
• Remember - I always have used God with me to support / To Give confidence. 5
• I am not Anaatha - Helpless - I have Anantha Nathaha, I have got lord to help me.
• This thought boosts any confidence. I do not require actual help.
Psychological Fact :
• What human needs is not help, but thought - I have someone to help me.
• What I require is offer of help.
Example :
• cataract mother, son says I can walk down…
• If he had not said, I would have felt bad!
• Offer enough to give moral support (important lesson in life)
14) Psychologically :
• Require offer to help - Not help.
• Gives me confidence / I find enough resources to handle situation.
15) Veda Purva:
• You have God to help you.
• With God - Face situation
• One method to solve loss, if self confidence / Self diffidence = Bakti / Concept of God…6
Definition of God :
• I Don’t know if you are Vishnu / Shiva… Whatever be your form - I need help
• Seeking help when you need help from right source is intelligent.
Whatever be your concept of God : Gita - Chapter 7 :

Whatsoever form any devotee desires to worship with faith, that (same) faith of his I make
(firm and) unflinching. [Chapter 7 – Verse 21]
People lecture - Don’t help :
• Don’t be world / People Dependence - They lecture - Better to depend on God
• Shift from Relative / Truly Dependent to God Dependence.
• Instead of outsourcing - insourcing
16) 2nd Method - Vedanta method gives another support :
• What you really need - Do not want help.
• It is thought that Gives confidence
• Instead of thought - Say differently - I don’t require help. 7
Say :
• There is someone to help me
Discover Fact :
• I don’t require help from outside I have got strength and Power to handle any
17) I drop all seeking for help outside, more from god - to self dependence :
• Start entertaining powerful thought
• I don’t require help - I am not Anaatha / I am source of my own strength / To develop
this thought pattern, Vedanta given.
18) God - is Anatma - External source :
• Gaining self knowledge and Developing thought pattern - I am truly free of entire
• I don’t have to depend in world but entire world of Anatma is dependent on me the
• Therefore I am independent - have all strength in my self. Even if I seek help - Mithya
world cant help.
19) Use knowledge and always thought pattern.
20) Samsara not caused by event, but event born thought Pattern...
Samanya Karanam Visesha Karanam
- Events, Cause - Specific Cause
- Our thought Pattern
- Going to hospital - Son will come if required
21) Nididhyasanam :
• Use Vedantic teaching to change thought Process.
• Lion doesn’t entertain 4 thought Patterns, I am Alone / helpless / Weak / Supportless
22) Think Deliberately :
• I am ever free from helplessness / Weakness
• Silar Ashwar
• Silar giripaar
• Silar Ashudukonde Sirippar - Co-existence - Complain and Aham Brahman Asmi…

20 Verses
Chapter 1 - Verse 1 :

How is knowledge to be acquired? how is liberation to be attained? And how is dispassion to

be reached? tell me this, Sir [Chapter 1 – Verse 1]
Janakas Question :
a) Grihastha’s - can we Acquired spiritual knowledge, Sanyasa not essential?
b) Must have interest and value for Spiritual knowledge - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :
Janaka - Students finds time for Yajnavalkya
Question :
• How to go from world - God - to self dependence = Independence = Moksha /

Lecture 2
Important Lesson :
• We must use teaching to change thought Pattern.

When I have problem Where I will run

To People To God To Teaching

- Samsari - Bhakta - To knowledge / Learning

- Karma Yogi from guru
- Teaching Source of

• The Day I use teaching for my Day to day life - I become a Jnana Yogi
• Learning Vedanta - Doesn’t make me Jnana yogi
Crucial Decision :
• Knowledge is my Refuge
• True Sankalpa - Whatever be trying situation, choose relevant portion to help me.
• The Day I use teaching for my Day to day life - I become a Jnana Yogi
• Learning Vedanta - Doesn’t make me Jnana yogi.
Crucial Decision :
• Knowledge is my Refuge
• True Sankalpa - Whatever be trying situation, choose relevant portion to help me.

Nischaya Sankalpa Abhyasa

Knowledge is my refuge Decision Start implementation

• When problem comes - Teaching / Thoughts automatically come.
• Use Vedantic thought Pattern to confront situation.
• Nischaya and Sankalpa and Abayasa alone can make me a liberated person. Otherwise
I will always say - I know Vedanta but will never claim I am free.
Question :
o How can I be Jeevan Mukha
o How can I develop Dispassion
o How can I stop expecting support from others - Confidence / Moral support / Help
from outside.
• Emotionally Dependent on others, Moral support. 12
Problems : Comes conditionally
• Support not Reliable - Anatma - Factually stop securing support from outside.
• This Decision is called Vairagyam.
How can I switch to self dependence :
• I know Vedanta - Don’t know how to use Vedanta in day to day life.
Chapter 1 - Verse 1 :
• Become Humble - Give idea of super status to teacher.
Amanitvam - 1st Quality : Gita - Chapter 13 :

Humility, unpretentiousness, Non-injury, forgiveness, uprightness, service to the teacher,

purity, steadfastness self-control…[Chapter 13 - Verse 8]
• Give-up all those ideas and become a humble / Simple student. 13
How to get spiritual knowledge / Liberation / Jeevan Mukti / How to get Vairagyam?
• Jnanam is knowledge of self.
• Vairagyam causal factor - Hetu for Gaining knowledge
• Mukti = Phalam of Jnanam
• Vairagyam - Jnanam - Mukti
Panchadasi :
• To understand anything, we should know 3 factors clearly
o Cause - Nature - Consequence
o Hetu - Svarupa - Karyam
o Jnasya Hetu = vairagyam
o Jnasya Phalam / Karyam = Mukti
• Teach me all 3 / 2 Spiritual knowledge, cause and result, Answer = whole Gita.
Chapter 1 - Verse 2 :

if you are seeking liberation, my son, shun the objects of the senses like poison. Practice
tolerance, sincerity, compassion, contentment and truthfulness like nectar.[Chapter 1 - Verse 2]
• Nature of Moksha = Freedom from all dependence = Self Dependence.
• Moksha = learning to depend on self, attained gradually.
• Initially as Samsari - Depend on world / People, leads to problem.
• We all start with world dependence as Samsari
• We all want to get out of problem, Go to Veda Pramana.
Veda Purva :
• Gradually stop depending on world / Depend on Ishvara / Karma Yoga, Travelling from
world dependence to God dependence.
Gita - Chapter 9 :

Fix your mind on Me; be devoted to Me, sacrifice to Me, bow down to Me; having thus united
your (whole) Self with Me, taking Me as the supreme goal, you shall come to Me.
[Chapter 9 – Verse 34]
Gita - Chapter 9 :

To those men who worship Me alone, thinking of no other, to those ever self-controlled, I
secure for them that which is not already possessed (yoga) by them, and preserve for them
what they already possess (ksema). Chapter 9 – Verse 22]

Gita - Chapter 18 :

Abandoning all Dharmas, (Of the body, Mind and intellect), take refuge in me alone; I will
liberate thee, from all sins; grieve not. [Chapter 18 - Verse 66]
Gita - Chapter 18 :

Fixing your mind upon me, you shall, by my grace, overcome all obstacles; but if, from egoism,
you will not hear me, you shall perish. [Chapter 18 - Verse 58]
1st Travel :
• World dependence to God dependence, Ishvara Arpana Bavana / Prasada Bhavana
• By this practice - Develop virtues.
Virtues are :
• Peeyusham - Milk nectar
• Dependence on world = Visham – poison
1) Kshama - Forbearance :
• Mental strength to withstand opposite experiences
• Matra Sparsha in Kaunteya… (Gita Chapter 2 - Verse 14)
• Learn to withstand opposite experiences = Mental Toughness.
Gita - Chapter 2 :

The contacts of senses with objects, O son of Kunti, which cause heat and cold, pleasure and
pain, have a beginning and an end; they are impermanent. Endure them bravely, O descendant
of Bharata.[Chapter 2 - Verse 14]
2) Aarjava :
• Integrity - Different layers of personality are functioning in harmony.
• Jnanendriyas and Karmendriyas and Antahkaranam.
• Manas / Vachas / Karmani = Ekatram = Mahatma
• Anyat / Manasi / Anyat vachas / Anyat Karmani = Duartmane
• Think / say / Do - One thing = Mahatma
• Think / say / Do - 3 things = Non Alignment
• Disharmony within myself = Anarjavam. 18
3) Daya :
• Comparison / Sensitivity of mind to feel emotion of others
4) Santosha :
• Containment w.r.t Material accomplishment, Avoidance of greed trap.
• Life dedicated for more and more
• World measures you as per material Accomplishment
• Satyam - Truthfulness of speech
• Aarjavam - Alignment of Total personality - Thought and Word and Speech
• Sathyam included in Aarjavam.
Mundak Upanishad :

Truth alone wins, not untruth. By truth is laid out the path divine along which the Seers, free
from desires, ascend to the supreme abode of Truth. [III – I – 6]
• Na Anrutam / Truthfulness, required for spiritual growth.

Satyam / Truth

Philosophical Ethical

- Brahman ultimate reality - Values

- Satyam Jnanam Anantham = pure - Discipline of life
Existence - Never utter lie
- Anruta Varjanam
- Not telling lies = Satyam
• Need not tell truth if it becomes Hurtful / Himsa.
Gita - Chapter 13 :

Humility, unpretentiousness, Non-injury, forgiveness, uprightness, service to the teacher,

purity, steadfastness self-control…[Chapter 13 - Verse 8]
• Amanitvam - 20 Virtues - Etat Jnanam if Proktan.
• Amanitvam - 20 Virtues - Etat Jnanam if Proktan.
Gita - Chapter 16 :

The divine nature is deemed for liberation, the demoniacal for bondage; grieve not, O
Pandava, you are born with divine qualities.[Chapter 16 - Verse 5]
• 26 Virtues - Deivi Sampat Vimoksaya…
• Develop virtues by Karma Yoga way of life in which we depend on Ishvara, Worship of
• Jnana Yoga - Entry = More from god to self dependence
• Tell Myself - Hearer after depend on myself no external factor (Anatma)
• In Sanskrit - Thata = Father / Tamil - Grandfather / in this context - En - Appane - Dear
Ashtavakra Gita - Verse 2 :
• If interested in liberation decide to give up all external factors as on Object of
• Not emotionally depend on object - Vishaya (Anatma).
Object in Sanskrit

Padartha Vishaya
Padartha :
• Not emotionally depend on, direct / Presence / Absence, Neutral object / Clip in
Vishaya :
• Emotionally Disturbs me / involved, concerned about Security / Future / Emotional
Buy clip - Mamakara :
• Anatma - Source of emotional security = Dependence
• Drop this habit - Then Jnana Yoga begins
• Give up object as source of emotional support = Poison
• Easy to say - Drop Anatma / Emotional dependent on Anatma - God and World is God
yourself / Other than you? For Karma yogi…
• God comes under Anatma - As long as you look God as Anatma - Drop
• Surrender to lord - Give me strength to depend on Atma, you are strong / Dependable
- Anatma need not be depended upon.
• Read more and more about my nature. 22
• I learn I am dependable - and can depend on myself
• For day to day situation, I will turn towards myself, for support.
• This decision to turn to myself is called Jnana Yoga.
Guru Says :
• When are you going to enter Jnana Yoga? Moment you decide, I can help you.
Chapter 1 - Verse 3 :

you do not consist of the elements earth, water, fire, air or even ether. To be liberated, know
yourself as consisting of Consciousness, the witness of these. [Chapter 1 - Verse 3]
• When you look outside for support, you become weakling and say I need support
• I am support of whole universe, new thought pattern throughout the day.
We normally do following :
• Morning class = Aham Brahmasmi
• Evening = cancel above thought - Oh lord, support me.
• Nididhyasanam = Rearranging thought.
Practice thought :
• I am support of everything
• I am not Pancha butas - Earth / water / Fire / Art / Speech, who am I
• I am Sakshi Different from all of them
• I am Source / Support, different from all of them.
• When mind is weak and Tends to look outside for support.
Rewind :
• I am Jnana yogi - what I need, I will draw from myself.

3 Emotional factors we
require to face Prarabda

Confidence Cheerfulness Courage

• Mind needs 3 factors to confront Prarabda, not outsource but insource - Draw my self
• I am source of confidence / Courage / Cheerfulness
• Moment I start this transformation of Thought Pattern, I am Jnana Yogi.
• You are Jnana Yogi - When you look inwards for support, not outwards.
What is nature of Sakshi?
• Chid Rupam
• Nature of Chaitanyam
• You have started working for liberation, once you start Jnana Yoga.
• As long as you are Karma Yogi - You will never be liberate.
Karma Yogi :
• Preparation for Jnana Yoga
• Never gives liberation
• Jnana yoga = Change of thought pattern
• I am Source or support for myself
Chapter 1 - Verse 4 :

if only you will remain resting in consciousness, seeing yourself as distinct from the body, then
even now you will become happy, peaceful and free from bonds. [Chapter 1 - Verse 4]
Jnana yoga :
• Works
• We are not sure because of Vasanas need support from outside as per our Vasanas. 25
Chandogyo Upanishad :

Om. This body is the city of Brahman. Within it is an abode in the shape of a lotus [i.e., the
heart], and within that there is a small space. One must search within this space and earnestly
desire to know what is there. [8 - 1 - 1]
• Inside Dahara Akasha, hridaya Akasha there is Atma
• Atma is called Parakasha, Source of everything.
• If person Meditates on this Truth and I am the Source of everything, because of
‘Meditation’, he gets a Sankalpa Shakti
• Whatever he wants from within himself he can draw from Dahara Akasha inside
• Whatever Emotional support, Security, he wants, he can draw from outside.
• Learn to separate yourself from thought.
• I am Body ( Deha Abhimana - thought) and Abide with the thought - I am chid Rupaha
Asmi. 26
Rest, Reside in your Nature :
• Separating from Body, Residing in Atma, Both are thoughts
• Reside in your Nature means - Entertaining thoughts - I am Atma - Source of
• If mind needs confidence / Courage - Atma Can give / Draw that...
World is born out of Atma, therefore few emotional needs exist, why cant Atma give!!
• If you reside in your Svarupam, yon will find relaxation instantaneously - Freedom from
Anxiety / Concern / Worry / fear
• Only source of Sukham is Atma.
Gita - Chapter 7 :

Sanatkumāra said: ‘That which is infinite is the source of happiness. There is no happiness in
the finite. Happiness is only in the infinite. But one must try to understand what the infinite is.’
Nārada replied, ‘Sir, I want to clearly understand the infinite’. [7 - 23 - 1]
• Anatma - Never source of Sukham
• Atma - Alone source of Sukham
• If world not source of Sukham, how I experience Ananda outside? 27
• Reflection of my Ananda - Outside
Looking at Mirror see / Experience

- Frame - Face / Joy / Security / Strength

- Glass - Not belongs to Mirror / I am source
- Belongs to Mirror - Remains
- Goes when Mirror goes - “I” Belongs to face not to Mirror
- Doesn’t give Beautiful face - Say with my understanding

• At time of enjoyment in this world - Feel yourself - Objects belong to the world.
• Enjoyment is my own reflection.
• My Joy - Not concerned about loosing object
• When object go away - Joy / Strength / Security will not go along with object
• There is no fear in loosing anything in creation
• Instantaneously Relaxed / Peaceful / Not attached to mirror
• No object I depend on - Let them go…
• Freedom from fear of loss = Moksha
• Freedom from fear of loosing - Status / Security = Jnana Yoga
• Depend on yourself - Practice Daily.
• If world not source of Sukham, how do I experience Ananda outside?
• How is Reflection of my Ananda - Outside? 28
Lecture 3
Chapter 1 - Verse 4 : Journey of Jiva :
World God Self dependence
Samsari Karma Yogi Jnana yogi
• Unknowingly I have weakened myself.
• Supported thought I am weakling / helpless / Need support from external factor.
• Depend on Anatma (Good and World) - Weakened Atma
• Break thought I am weaning.
• I am dependable / No moral support / Reliable
• Radical change about myself.
1st - 2 Stages Last Stage
Require Support from god Don’t require Support
• I am support of whole universe
Kaivalyo Upanishad :

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets
everything dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [Verse 19]
• How can I be support for Ananda from objects outside.
Use Scriptures to know:
• I am only Reliable support
• Use Vedanta to develop faith in myself / Reliability - That is Jnana Yoga
• Everyday of study should increase faith in myself.
Begin Day :
• I am ultimate support of universe.
• I don’t Require support of world / Anatma / And God
• Because I am support of myself - Let day bring any experience - I have confidence /
Courage to face it!
Not Reject God - Pray to God for :
• Let my Jnana Yoga - Be successful
• Studying your scriptures - Have faith in your scriptures - And develop faith in myself.
Jnana Yoga’s Prayer : Not to depend on God
• To be successful in oneself by oneself
• Help me attain Moksha.
• Self dependence = Independence (Advaitam)
• God dependence = Samsara (Dvaitam). 30
• Stop Daya Bava - Become Swami, Learn to support oneself
• You are great / Strong, world cant support you because Anatma is Mithya lean, on
Satya Atma.
Chapter 1 - Verse 4 :
• Learn to live in Sat / Chit / Ananda Atma, Sarvadarma Parityajya.
• Day you decide - You are relaxed
• Anatma changes - Therefore insecure
• I depend on myself = Slogan of Jnana Yogi
• Ishvara Saranagathi Replaced by Atma Saranagathi
• Relax in yourself - Be free from external support.
Vivekachudamani :
• Moksha Sadhana Samagrayan Bhakti - Gariyasi…
• Surrender to deity By Bhakti.
• Bakti = Svaswarupa Anusandhanam Baktiripyata Abidyate…
• Real Bakti = Dwelling on your own Nature and discovering facts, I have to depend on
• Atma Saranagathi = Jnana Yogi is Bakti, you will be free from external dependency.
Chapter 1 - Verse 5 :

you do not belong to the brahmin or any other caste, you are not at any stage, nor are you
anything that the eye can see. You are unattached and formless, the witness of everything - so
be happy. [Chapter 1 - Verse 5]
• May you claim this fact about yourself - Decondition yourself
• Break thought pattern you have entertained yourself.
Who are you:
• Not human being belonging to Brahmana / Vaishya
• These are functional status to determine our Profession / Duty / incidental designation
not there in Purva / Next Janma
• 4 Ashrama - Brahmachari - Vesham not real Nature.
• Your not person which is object of sense organ / Creation - You are not Body.
• Akshi - Eye
• Aksha - Pancha Indriyami Gochara visible
Who are you?
Asango Nirakara Vishwa Sakshi
- Relationless Atma - Formless - Witness of world /
- Ahamkara / Body
Mamakara Rahita
Drop idea :
• I belong to so and so
• So and so belongs to me
• We use relations to draw moral support
Declaring :
• I am weak / Nobody without support
• You are relationless Atma - Don’t need relations for Support
• Sangoha for functional use - Say, I miss you
Nirakara :
• Formless Chaitanyam
• Swasthi - When I discover Satchit Atma for Ananda, depend on Atma.
• I am only source of Ananda
• Children Repeat Ananda - Not Generating Ananda
• Sources of Pratibimba Ananda - They are Mirror. 33
• I am only source of Ananda
• When you tend to seek Ananda
• Tell yourself - I am Ananda Svarupa Asmi - Depend on Yourself.
Chapter 1 - Verse 6 :

Righteousness and unrighteousness, Pleasure and pain are purely of the Mind and are no
concern of yours. You are neither the doer nor the reaper of the consequences, so you are
always free. [Chapter 1 - Verse 6]
Breaks Misconception :
• I get Sukham / Dukham because of my Punyam / Papam
• Punya / Papa karmas - Coming from external world
• If I should be happy - To avoid Dukha, Manipulate Karma / Punya / Papam
• My life depends on external factors
• I am source of Sukham - By self knowledge
• I am source of Dukham - By self Ignorance / Misconception
• Rote understand - Gives happiness - Used for some purpose
• Rote misunderstood - Source of sorrow / Pain. 34
• One substance - Sukham / Dukham Karanam
• I - Myself cause of Happiness / Unhappiness
o Understood I - Sukha Karanam
Know this and stop Blaming world
o Misunderstood I Dukha Karanam
• Dhama / Adharma - Cause
• Sukha / Dukha - Effect
• World cant give any joy / Sorrow
• For Music - Young - Old - Perspective / Abyasa (Source of joy / Sorrow)
• I make it either - Music is Neither
• You don’t have punya / Papa karma / Phalam - I am Akarta / Abokra
• Karta has Dharma / Adharma.
• Life - Drama in you, Atma - Adhishtana
• Ever free / Sarvada - Self correction is moksha
• Day you correct mistake - You are free.
Chapter 1 - Verse 7 (Important)

You are the one witness of everything, and are always completely free. The cause of your
bondage is that you see the witnes as something other than this.[Chapter 1 - Verse 7]
• You are nondual seer - Witness of everything - Directly you experience your mind and
through mind you experience world.

Object Instrument

Dream Waking
Example :
Spectacles - Mind

And Eyes - See world - Instrument Look at spectacles as instrument and


World = Object

• I am neither instrument or object

• I am neither Mind or World
• Mind = Specs, object
• I am experiencer of Mind / Emotions / thoughts. 36
• I objectify my emotions and Declare
• There is Raaga, Dvesha, Krodha, Clear objects of my experience.
• Therefore I am not Mind / or world, specs close, Mind - Still object cum instrument of
Nirvana Shatkam :

I am not the mind, intellect, ego or memory (the four aspects of what is known as
Antahkarana). Nor am I (the five organs of perception) the ear, tongue, nose, eyes, (or skin),
nor (the five elements) the space, earth, fire, air and water. I am pure Knowledge and Bliss, I
am Siva, auspiciousness itself. [Verse 1]

• Early morning remind this fact

• I Directly perceive my mind and through mind perceive world.

Upadesha Sahishri :

Waking Dream

Object for you Instrument to see - Not instrument

world - Therefore can’t see world
- Subject of perception, Elephant
Experience Krodha / perception = Elephant thought
• We Perceive thoughts in Dream - Mind is only object of Dream / Not instrument
• We perceive world in Waking - World object of waking
- Mind instrumental
• Dream proves - Mind is object
• In waking = Mind = Object cum instrument
• You are seer of the mind - Don’t cry, holding its negativities and be overidentified with
reflection in mirror of Body and mind.
Height /
weight /
Seer self
Satchit Ananda

Emotions /

• As seer / Sakshi of mind, you are free of all emotions which belong to mind
• Dust / Vibhuti in specs Belong to Specs
• My vision of world gets blurred - wipe the specs
• Vision of world changes when mind has got emotions
• Mind is full of sorrow / Happiness - we say, world full of Sorrow / Happiness
• Detach Yourself from conditions of mind, you are free.
Mukta Prayaha :
• In fact in your Real Nature - You are free. 39
Misconception :
• Moksha not in this Janma
What is Cause of Bondage?
• अयमेव हि ते बन्धो
• Bondage = Only thought Pattern
• Change thought Pattern
• द्रस्तरं पस्यसितरं
• You are seeing Sakshi Atma - Something other than You...
• Ever after study - You say
• Atma is Nitya Muktaha “Nir Bandaha”
• Keep on Thinking - I am Samsari - Use Vedanta for Admiration and Run to People and
God, Anatma objects.
Goal :
• God for life / Vedanta for class
Therefore Repeat Yourself :
• I am ever dependable Sakshi
• I depend on myself - I am Sakshi.
Start Day repeating this :
• I am dependable - Because I am Sakshi
• Not Some other Sakshi - Therefore have Punya / Papa / Depend on god - Never Know…
• More I depend on that, More I declare my life is controlled by plants / External
• Therefore I am dependent - Not free
• I am Sakshi - Jnana Yogi
• Plants depend on me for their existence
Kaivalyo Upanishad :

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets
everything dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [Verse 19]
• Ishvara - External object depends on me Atma… If Ishvara outside, It is Anatma.
• Vedanta not for Admiration but Application.
• Stop seeing Sakshi as someone else
• Learn to claim I am Sakshi Sada (All the time)
Chapter 1 - Verse 8 :

Since you have been bitten by the black snake, the opinion about yourself that "i am the doer",
drink the antidote of faith in the fact that "i am not the doer", and be happy.
[Chapter 1 - Verse 8]
• You are bitten by Poisonous snake
• Therefore you are weak
• Poison = Aham Karta Abhimana
• I am individual Ahamkara (Notion is Adhyasa) - is Adhyasa.
Here Adhyasa is called :
Maha Krishna Ahihi
Black Sarpaha Cobra

Ahamkara Abhimana
• Then Aham / Mama Kara group comes
o Aham Esham
Black Cobra I belong to them, they belong to me
o Mama etc 42
• As Ahamkara - I always seek support in relation.
• You are bitten because always Dependent on others.
Arjuna waiting - Chapter 1 :
• I am dependent on these people, without them how can I conduct life.
• Thought of losing / imagination / Causes fear Because of dependency.
• Whatever Causes fear, is Poison
• Dependents Causes is poison.
• Imaginary loss, makes me Shiver
• Vedanta appears frightening because, it says dependence is frightening.
• As long as you are promoting Karma Yogi
• Even if you are Vedantic student…
• You become Jnana yogi - when you decide to give up dependency and Start Day
• I depend on myself
Special Amrutam :
• Because you have taken poison
• Aham Na Karta / No Bokta Jivaha Depending on various Relations
• I am Atma - independent 43
Chandogyo Upanishad - Chapter 7 :

Sanatkumāra said: ‘Bhūmā [the infinite] is that in which one sees nothing else, hears nothing
else, and knows [i.e., finds] nothing else. But alpa [the finite] is that in which one sees
something else, hears something else, and knows something else. That which is infinite is
immortal, and that which is finite is mortal.’ Nārada asked, ‘Sir, what does bhūmā rest on?’
Sanatkumāra replied, ‘It rests on its own power—or not even on that power [i.e., it depends
on nothing else]’. [7 - 24 - 1]

• I depend on myself, therefore I am independent (Amrita Panam).

Lecture 4
1) Journey of Spiritual seeker :
World Dependence God dependence Self dependence
Makes me karmi Makes me Karma Yogi Jnana Yogi depends on
himself for facing
challenges of life /
Posed by Prarabda
• I should have tremendous courage / Confidence and courage - by invoking / Dwelling
on my real Nature By Nididhyasanam.
• Jnana Yoga is Like Day with Nididhyasanam for Jnani.
Karmis Day Karma yogi Day Jnana Yogi Day
Begins with professional Begins with Ishvara Begins with Atma
/ Family / Personal Smaranam Smaranam its
thoughts ‘Nididhyasanam’


For Karma Yogi Karmi For Jnana Yogi

- In form of Ishvara - Starts day with invoking - Ahamkara made likes

Chintanam / Karta / Bokta / Bubble in Atma
Parameshwara Pada Ahamkara Smaranam - Hridi Satchit Ananda
Pujanam - Cobra poison Sukha Param hamsa
- Lotus feet of Ishvara - Fear will come for Karta - Atma Smaranam
- Lalita Devi face - Ashtavakra Gita
- Ishvara Smaranam - Invokes his own higher
• Na Aham Karta - Nectar of confidence
• Start day with self confidence by invoking higher self - Satchit Ananda Atma.
Karta :
• Every moment, unfoldment of Prarabda, which is Adhishtanam, Adrishtam can’t know
/ See
• Diffidence alone will start, only way to raise level from Aham karma to Aham Sakshi
• Start Day with Positive thought… 46
• Ananda Svarupa - Sukhi Bava
• Confidence / Cheerfulness - Presides Instead of Diffidence and Dependence
Chapter 1 - Verse 9 :

Having thus burnt down the forest of ignorance with the fire of certitude "I am the one pure
Consciousness", and discarding all grief, be happy. [Chapter 1 – Verse 9]
Whatever you have heard - During Sravanam, must be invoked in Morning :
• Aham Ekaha - Vishudha Bodaha Asmi, I am nondual Turiya Chaitanyam.
• Who am Neither - Vishwa - Waker.
• Teijasa - Dreamer or Pragya - Sleeper, I am pure ‘Consciousness’ from whose
Standpoint (Jagrat Prapancha) Dream.
• As Dreamer, when I look at Dream - its Real
• As Waker, when I look at Waking - its Real
• Dream - Understand as Dream when I look at from Wakers standpoint
• Waking - Understand as Dream when I look at from Turya standpoint.
Start Day with ‘Nididhyasanam’ : Dakshinamurthy Stotram :

He who experiences at the time of realization his own immutable Self-in which the Self alone
plays as the universe of names and forms, like a city seen in a mirror, due to the Maya power
as though produced outside, as in a dream, to him, the divine teacher, Sri Dakshinamurthy, is
this prostration. [Verse 1]
• I create Dream and enter in it for entertainment
• Similarly I create Waking world and enter in it for entertainment
• Dream serious, if I forget my waker status
• Similarly Waking serious / Miserable if I forget my Turiyam status
• Stand aloof - Look at the world as Turiyam, I am pure Consciousness.
Bartuhari :
• Life is Drama, Few see it as - Bala / Kama Rasina….
Chapter 1 - Verse 10 :

You are that Consciousness, Bliss - supreme Bliss - upon which this universe appears
superimposed, like a snake on a rope. Live happily as that blissful Consciousness.
[Chapter 1 – Verse 10]
Chapter 1 - Verse 11 :

He who considers himself free, becomes free indeed, and he who considers himself bound
remains bound. "As one thinks, so one becomes", is a proverbial saying in this world and it is
indeed quite true. [Chapter 1 – Verse 11]

Lecture 5
Chapter 1 - Verse 12 :

The Self is witness, all-pervading, perfect, non-dual, free, Consciousness, actionless,

unattached, desireless and quiet. Through illusion, It appears as if It is absorbed in the world.
[Chapter 1 – Verse 12]

Karma Yogi Jnana Yogi

i) Upasanam i)Nididhyasanam
ii) Ishvara Saranagathi ii)Atma Consciousness Saranagathi
iii) Based on Veda Purva iii)Based on Vedanta
iv) Stepping Stone iv) Culmination
v) Vyavaharika Drishti v) Paramartika Drishti
- Both Effective - Both based on Bhagawan’s teaching,
way they function is different
vi) Uses / Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara vi) Uses Binary Atma / Anatma format.
- Drk - Drishya, Satyam - Mithya
vii) I am helpless Jiva need external Support vii) I am Atma Supporter of Jagat
- Too weak to confront Jagat, Ishvara is
there to support me Karta Bogta Jivatma
Jnana Yogi’s Vision :
• I am not Miserable Jiva but I am Atma, Satyam, Adhishtana Chaitanyam and do not
requiring external Support.
• I am strongest Atma which Supports universe.
Kaivalyo Upanishad :

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets
everything dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [Verse 19]

• Jnana Yogi seeks support from Atma Svarupa...

• Aham Nitya, Poorna, Muktaha, Experiences come from Anatma, cant touch me the

Lecture 6
Chapter 1 - Verse 13 :

Having given up all external and internal fluctuations, and the illusion - "I am the reflected Self
(ego)", meditate upon the Self, as immutable non-dual Consciousness. [Chapter 1 – Verse 13]
Chapter 1 - Verse 14 :

My dear son, you have been bound by the rope of your - “body - Consciousness". Rend it
asunder with the sword of the Knowledge "I am Consciousness" and be happy. [Chapter 1 –
Verse 14]
Chapter 1 - Verse 15 :

You are unattached, actionless, self-effulgent and without any taints. "You practise
meditation," and this indeed is your bondage. [Chapter 1 – Verse 15] 52
1) I am observer Sakshi Chaitanyam - Everything else - Observed world, including Body /
Mind is observed Anatma.
2) Every episode in the universe - Drama - I am Non-participative observer of this drama
o My Body / Mind complex used for fear episodes will be discarded -
3) I also function as Non-participating screen - Upon which events move on
o Every event influences characters not Non-participating screen.
I am - 2 Important points

Non-participating Sakshi / Chit Rupa / Non-participating Sat Rupa / Screen

• Remind every Morning and night to lead Jnana yoga life.
Gita - Chapter 3 :

The Blessed Lord said : In this world there is a twofold path, as said before, O sinless one; the
path of knowledge of the sankhyans and the path of action of the yogins. [Chapter 3 – Verse 3]
Chapter 1 - Verse 16 :

You pervade this universe and this universe is strung or woven only in you. Really, by nature,
you are pure Consciousness. Do not give way to petty-mindedness. [Chapter 1 – Verse 16]
• You are Non-participating Screen Upon which Universe Arises and Resolves.
• You are unaffected by Rise and fall of universe
• Don’t identify with Miserable, Desirable body, Born / Gone / individual / with low self
image, battered by events, Transform thinking…
• I am Sarva Adhara…
• Shudha Chaitanyam - May you not Resort to Alpa Budhi…
• I am unaffected makes my mind stronger
Previously :
• I took mental Strength from people and Relation
• Now = Vedantic thought injects Strength to mind
• Aham Brahma Asmi - Thought is Source of Mental Strength. 54
Agamaha :
• May you not Resort to - "I am small” bavana
• I am all / infinite Brahman, who appears as Everything different from Nama / Rupa -
inert Jagat.
Chapter 1 - Verse 17 :

You are unconditioned, changeless, dense, of profound intelligence, serene and unperturbed.
Desire Consciousness alone. [Chapter 1 – Verse 17]
Mind Discovers the following virtues :
i) Nirvikara :
• Mind will not be affected by different events of life.
• Mind enjoys Tranquility / Balanced Nature - even though Rahu / Un-remediable /
uncontrollable events..
• These thoughts serve as immunity / Resistance, without causing side effects, Make
Mind Unshaken.
ii) Nirapeksha:
• May you not lean upon worldly relations - for Moral Support.
• Fleeting changing Perishable objects
• By entertaining thought, I am Nonparticipating observer / Screen, cant be touched by55
any events, draw Moral support.
Emotional Crutch / Leaning - Apeksha
• Karma Yogi - Draws support from external world and Lord
• Karma yogi - Uses Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara format
Jnana Yogi :
• Uses I am Atma / Every thing else Anatma - Changing, Mithya, cant depend on them
for happiness.
• Therefore, As Atma, Don’t Require Support.
iii) Nirbaraha :
• Ever fulfilled, Nir Bharani, Never miss anything
• When family keeps complaining, repeatedly say - I am full and complete as I am, Let
things appear and disappear.
• I am screan - who is unaffected by them.
vi) Nirantharam :
• Poornaha
v) Sheeta Rasayaha :
• Cool in mind Relaxed
vi) Sagadham - Deep - infinite
vii) Agadha Buddhi - Ajnana
viii) Akshubaha = Unshaken
ix) Kshubda = Disturbed
o More Sensitive Mind - More disturbed
o Sensitive Mind has finer expectations, ‘Akshubdaha’ not disturbed.
• May you acquire such a mind - How? By ‘Nididhyasanam’ - What is ‘Nididhyasanam’?
• Saturated with Chin Matra Vasana (Atma)
• Don’t start Day with family / Dirty / Boss - Remembrance tell will wait to these
Thoughts later Sit in Bed, remember Atma, Ever full, ever liberated.
Chapter 1 - Verse 18 :

Know that which has form to be false and the formless to be changeless. Through this spiritual
instruction you shall escape the possibility of rebirth. [Chapter 1 – Verse 18]
Observed Universe :
• Nam Rupa = Unreal and hollow…
• Doesn’t Deserve over importance - Because only Nama / Rupa…
• They appear solid, will fizzle out as Nothing…
• Body = Fleeting movement in Panchabootas
• Sakaraha - Rupam, including Nama is Anruttam - False , like Dream.
Katho Upanishad :

Arise, awake ; having reached the great (teachers) learn (realize that Atman). Like the sharp
edge of a razor is that path, difficult to cross and hard to tread – thus say the wise. [ 1 - 3 - 14]
ix) Satyam :
• Nirakara - Niscalam its Factual Teaching.
• Tattva Upadesha - make it a habit, naturally, Drop family worry.
• Bring change in life style…
• I am beyond time - Time is Rising and falling in the screen - No Janma / Marana
Chapter 1 - Verse 17 :
• Jeevan Mukti while Alive - My mind enjoys Nirvikara / Nirapeksha
Chapter 1 - Verse 18 :
• Videha Mukti
Chapter 1 - Verse 19 :

Just as a mirror exists inside and outside the image reflected in it, so the supreme Self exists
inside and outside this body. [Chapter 1 – Verse 19]
Where is formless - Nirakara - Nischala Satyam principle?
• Formless Consciousness / Existence is Satyam, is located within body and outside body.
• Which happens to be existence also.

Reflection of face has front and back portion

Where is Mirror located in the face?

• What is distance between Mirror and reflected face? Mirror in and through repetition.
• Reflection can’t exist separate from Mirror.
• When I am absorbed in the face / Drama, I lose sight of mirror / Screen.
• Characters - Real - Screen - unreal
• When absorbed in movie / Life - I convert real into Unreal and real lost sight of.

Real lost sight of

Wife / Characters / World / Body Screen

- Mithya - Sat / Chit Ananda

- “Reflected face” - Lost sight of screen, mirror
• W.r.t reflected face in Mirror
• That mirror is inside and outside reflection.
• Within boundary of reflected face and outside boundary of reflected face, Mirror is
• Existence is Upon the body / Clip and Outside body / Clip
• Isness is Mirror - Non-participative Screen
• Just as Mirror is and in and through Pratibimba, in the same way…
• Parameshwara / Real Atma / Pure Existence / Consciousness which happens to be I
observer, is both inside and outside the body.
• Instead of using Atma Ashtavakra uses Parameshwara…
Mirror = I / Observer / Atma /
Screen Ishvara Both inside and
outside the body
Body / Mind complex /
Reflected facing Mirror

Jnana Yogi :
• Not rejected / Discarded Ishvara but Ishvara Means - I - Observer Atma
Jnana Yogi - Not Atheist :
• Ishvara doesn’t exist in all Nama Rupas, Mithya.
• For him Ishvara Means Non-participating screen
• Sakshi I = Parameshwara - Not body I or Mind I - No other Ishvara other than Atma.
• If there is Ishvara Nama rupa - He will be Sakaram - Anrutam.
Nirakara / Ishvara / I Observer is Satyam Sakara Ishvara is Mithya
- This is Vedanta taught to Sanyasi only! - False
- I and lord = Real (No Responsibility / Duty) - Appearance
World = Mithya
Chapter 1 - Verse 20 :

Just as the same all-pervading space is inside and outside the jar, so the immutable and all-
pervading Brahman exists in all things and beings. [Chapter 1 – Verse 20]
Grihastha Duty is there :
• Empty Vessel - Suck flood water
Wake up :
• Office / Family / Duty comes, therefore extra effort required.
• Like policeman, Stop - Office thoughts for 15 mins - Try Vedantic thoughts!!
• One indivisible space inside / Outside pot
• One indivisible Existence inside / Outside Body and Also in between where Pot / Body
/ Jar is there.
• Nithyam / Nirantaram - Unbroken - Continuously in all Species - Same in all Days /
Every where.
Lecture 7
1) All other Philosophies :
• Jiva Bava real, will continue in Moksha and Bandaha..
• Acceptance of jeeva Bava always goes with Acceptance of Dasa Bava.
2) I am Servant Notion because Jiva always associated with Ishvara :
• Limited Jiva has to be controlled by Omniscient / Omnipotent Ishvara.
3) All System Claim in Bandah and Mukta, we are Dasas only :
• Moksha Redundant / Dasa - Moksha Contradictory
4) With servant Status, Freedom can’t go.
5) Bondage Dasa - Bhu Loka - Liberation moksha - Dasa in Vaikuntam / Kailasha
6) Dava / Moksha Bava cant go together.
7) Sweeper in Manager or President's House - Same
Karma yogi Jnana yogi
- Dasa - Claim Swami Bava
- Soham / Swami Aham

• Dasa Bava continues as long as Jeeva Bava Continues

• Jiva always Associated with Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara
• Format will have Dasa Bava - therefore controlled by Ishvara
• Switch to Different format.
Atma / Anatma Vision :
• I am not Jiva, with individuality, controlled by God, through the world.
• I look upon myself as Atma - Chaitanyam not Body / Sense organ / Mind, but Sakshi -
Adhishtana of Body / universe.
• I am Swami, Adhara of everything - Nitya - Mukta - Asanga Asmi
• Cozy comfortable to say - I am Dasa
• I am unaffected support of universe, Aham Satyam - Jagan Mithya.
• I don’t need protection from Anyone
Ashtavakra :
• Asks Janaka are you Ready to shift to Jnana Yoga - Claim Swami status?
New Vision :
• I am Swami (Sukhi / Ananda) - Not Krishna Dasa, (Baddaha / Samsari/Dukhi)
Sishya Says :
• I am ever free Atma.

25 Verses
Chapter 2 - Verse 1 :

Janaka Said : O! I am the taintless, serene, pure Consciousness, and beyond nature. So long I
have spent my days bewildered by delusion. [Chapter 2 – Verse 1]
• Why I didn’t claim status and behaved like slave?
1) Aham Bodaha Asmi :
• Not Body / Mind / Sense organs / Material but Formless / Consciousness /
Attributeless / Chid Rupa Asmi
Different from Prakirti : Gita - 3rd Chapter :

All actions are performed, in all cases, merely by the qualities in nature (gunas). He, whose
mind is deluded by egoism, thinks I am the doer. [Chapter 3 – Verse 27]
Gita - 3rd Chapter :

But he, who knows the Truth, O mighty-armed, about the divisions of the qualities and (their)
functions, and he, who knows that gunas as senses move amidst gunas as objects, is not
attached. [Chapter 3 – Verse 28]
• I am different from body, not part / product…
2) Shanta / Ever Tranquil :
• Disturbances at Body level - In grip of T/S / Prarabda --- Cant remain same.
• Sheerya Mana Svbavam – Decaying every moment, organ Decay –cells Replaced.
• Chaitanyam - Kaalla Teeta -NOT affected by Space/ karma
• Shanti of mind = not permanent.
• Because mind = Material Principle/ fluctuates.
Gita - Chapter 14 :

Of these, sattva, because of this stainlessness, is luminous and healthy (Unobstructive). It

binds by (creating) attachment to happiness and attachment to knowledge, O sinless one.
[Chapter 14 - Verse 6]
• Mind will never be same - Subject to fluctuations of 3 Gunas
• Jnani - Doesn’t claim - Shanti of mind as his Shanti because he is not mind
• I am Shanti, which belongs to Chaitanyam which is ever Tranquil.
3) Niranjanaha :
• Free from impurities / Dirt which belongs to Body / Sense organs, Prarabda influences
• Our control over mind - Not Total
• Control mind by increasing sattva Guna and then transcend mind
• Moksha = Transcending mind - No Blot. 66
Chapter 2 - Verse 2 :

I, the One, illumine this body and also reveal this universe. Therefore, mine is all this universe
or indeed nothing is mine. [Chapter 2 – Verse 2]
What is My Nature ?
• I am Consciousness Principle - who is experience of Body medium.
• Knower of Body and Body is object of Knowledge - I am not Body
• I am observer of Body / Mind - Medium - Through Body / Mind - Medium - I am
knower of external universe.
o Specs
o Instrument of medium to see world
o Serves as object and Instrument
• I am Consciousness Principle - Subject, Observer, illumine, Experienced world also
Corollary : ‘implicit’
• Any object is proved to be existent only by subject. Any Known object Proved by
Knower only.
• If there is something which can be experienced by anyone at anytime then object is
• Proof of object is existence of Subject
• All objects existent because of me the observer, world has dependent existence
• I - Observer do not require world to prove my existence (Technical)
• Subject has independent existence - Satyam
• Object has dependent existence - Mithya.
Therefore Sarvam Jagat mame :
• World unreal universe depends on me, Observer - for its existence
• Dream exists as long as I dream / Exists because of me
• Waking universe is as Good, as Non-existent because unreal!
Dream Earnings Can’t Deposit :

Say world unreal because

It is resting on me / Depending on me As good as Non-existent - Nothing is in

for its existence - Therefore everything me - Na Cha Mastani Butani
mine - Mastani Sarva Butani
Gita :

Nor do beings exist (in reality) in Me, behold My divine Yoga supporting all beings, but not
dwelling in them, I am My Self, the efficient cause of all beings. [Chapter 9 – Verse 5]

4) I made 2 fold Blunders :

• Took Myself to be body
• Immediate Consequence - Insecurity - Nobody can Protect body against - Desha / Kala
/ Prarabda
• Jara / Mrithyu / Permanent insecurity - who will look after me!
Blunder 2:
• I Expected Security from the world by Possession of things - And Relation of people.
• Unstable Universe, cant give me Stable Security
• Therefore failed to Secure Myself successful Presentation of Samsara, ignorance is
preservative - Preserves Samsara Pickle.
Janana :

• I have Got out of Body identification - Therefore I have no insecurity!

• No expectation of security from world = Vision Of Jnana Yogi

• Seeking security is not Jnana Yoga

• Seeking, I don’t Need security, is Jnana Yoga

• Seeking security from God = Karma Yoga

• Body - Ever insecure

• I Consciousness Need No security

• I have Given up my association with Body (Ahamkara) and World (Mamakara)

Lecture 8
1) World of plurality (Many to 2) Reduced to duality (Atma / Anatma)
2) Look at myself as Drk and World as Drishyam :
Drk World
- Seer - Drishyam
- Atma - Anatma
- Merges into Pancha Buta (Body /
Mind / Thought)
3) Merge 2 to 1 by Pointing out :
Atma / Consciousness Anatma
Karanam Karyam
Taittriya Upanishad :

From that (Which is ) this Atman, is space born; from Akasa, air; from air, Fire; from fire, water;
from water, earth; from earth, herbs; from herbs, food; and from food, man. [2 - 1 - 2]
4) Corollary :
• Any product is Karyam only, Non-substantial / Not a Substance
• Ornaments = Namarupa - Gold - Substance Furniture - Wood
• Karyam - Non-Substantial can’t exist independently
5) Shocking Fact :
• I am Atma Karanam / Observe / Sakshi Chaitanyam and everything else is Anatma -
• I am only substance
• Everything else empty / Hollow, world appears Substantial who leads Substantiality?
• I alone lead Substantiality
• I alone am - world is Painted on me, world - Mithya - Dependent on me
• From Anatma - Go to Karyam - Then from Karyam to Mithya - Anatma is Karya
• Atma is Satyam - When I learn not Jnana Yoga.
• When I apply, Jnana yoga Starts
Begins Day :
1) I am Chaitanyam / Karanam Satyam / Not as I am Husband / Boss father
2) World / family / Body / Mind - Shades of Nama / Rupa, Kaleidoscopically changing -
Appearing / Disappearing like bubbles.
3) I am not ever observed. Learn to see life as Event as Drama on me the Screen. 72
Chapter 2 - Verse 3 :

O! having abandoned the universe together with the body, I now perceive the supreme Self
through the dexterity of some Teacher. [Chapter 2 – Verse 3]
• Drop World as my Support.
• I Don’t need Support - I am Atma Chaitanyam which Supports everything.
This ’Meditation’ is Jnana Yoga - Meditation :
• I Need support of god is Karma Yoga meditation, Upasana Dhyana.
• Develop Skill and Discrimination / Real nature claimed by me in seat of Meditation.
• Oh God - Help me to appreciate your Teaching Paramatma - My own higher nature.
Pray to lord :
• Not to Support me.
• Invoke grace of lord for understanding I don’t need any Support
• Give me Advaita Jnana Drishti.
• No Contradiction ‘Nididhyasanam’ with Paramatma.
Chapter 2 - Verse 4 :

As waves, foam and bubbles are not different from the waters, so the universe, streaming forth
from the Self, is not different from the Self. [Chapter 2 – Verse 4]
Daily Puja / Veidica karma ‘Nididhyasanam’ not Karma /
- Adrishta Phalam - No Rules
- Shauncham / Shaman quired - Works on Drishta Phalam
Panchadasi :
• Different between Upasana and ‘Nididhyasanam’ / Described.
When fear / Anxiety / Tension :
• Use Aham Satyam - Jagan Mithya vision
• World does not exist independent of me.
• Material Cause, Satchit turiyam / Sakshi Chaitanyam.
• World arises out of me (Consciousness) - Mayyeva Sakalam jatam….
Kaivalyo Upanishad :

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets
everything dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [Verse 19]
• Wave does not exist independent of water (Dream arises out of mind)
• Froth / Bubbles - Doesn’t exist separate from water

Galaxies Solar System Planets

I am Chaitanyam
Waves Bubbles Froth

• Vishwam Darpana - Dream world exists in my mind

• Similarly Universe rises and falls in Material Cause
Why should water be afraid of waves :
• Waves can never destroy water.
• Ornament can never destroy Gold.
• Nama / Rupa can never destroy Substance
• Creation can never destroy me. 75
• Why should I be anxious of my future - If so, I am holding to idea I am body. Notebook
• I hold on to idea - I am body
Drop Notion :
• As long as Notion - I am body exists - Anxiety will exist.
Chapter 2 - Verse 5 :

Just as cloth, when analysed, becomes nothing but thread, even so this universe, when
examined carefully is found to be nothing but the Self. [Chapter 2 – Verse 5]
• Using table constantly, I hypnotize myself / Mersmerize myself - Taking that there is
substance called table.
• Decision - we never enquire into weight of table = weight of wood
• I Create word table - Traps me - Son / wife / woods - All Nama / Rupa, we give reality
to / Get trapped
• To rescue ourselves - we have to get out.
Guru :
• Holding tree
• You have to drop - Not tree 76
• People hold to samsara and claim - Samsara holding to then
• Refuse to give up samsara
• No cloth (Nama / Rupa) - Fibre - Substance.
Problem :
• Misplaced attachment / Perception, not tragedy
• I am getting old, its normal event in changing Nama / Rupa
• Entire changing universe = Anatma - Changing Nama / Rupa.
• Dwell on this not mechanically, write and forget!!
• Include bodies of family / My body, Stand aloof as Atma.
Chapter 2 - Verse 6 :

Just as sugar made from the sugarcane juice is entirely pervaded by that juice, so the universe,
produced in me, is permeated by me, both within and without. [Chapter 2 – Verse 6]
• Sugar - Crystal born out of Sugarcane (Pervades every drop of Sugar)
• Atma Karanam, not sitting somewhere and world outside
• Inside Atma outside Anatma ← Misconception
• Initially Atma - Revealed as Consciousness - Inside the body and Existence principle
outside the body, Atma is both inside and Outside.

Sugarcane Sugar Crystal

- Karanam - Karyam
- Pervades effect
• I Pervade whole universe as ‘Existence’ principle.
• Remote Star has isness - That isness is myself.
Chandogyo Upanishad :

‘That which is the subtlest of all is the Self of all this. It is the Truth. It is the Self. That thou art,
O Śvetaketu.’ [Śvetaketu then said,] ‘Sir, please explain this to me again.’ ‘Yes, Somya, I will
explain it again,’ replied his father. [6 - 9 - 4]

• Whole universe projected in me, nature of Atma - Sweet - Doesn’t feel bitter.
• I am only source of Anandah…
Taittriya Upanishad :

This which was self-made… That is taste(Joy). Having obtained this taste, man becomes
blessed; for who can breathe out or breathe in, if this Joy were not there in the cavity of the
heart:? This Brahman itself brings us Joy. [2 - 7 - 2]
• Any smile belongs to me only!
• I am Sat-chit… seems to me very Dry
• Truth is Any Anandah is reflection of myself.

Look at Mirror

See Mirror, Frame See beautiful face

- Belongs to Mirror - Doesn’t belong to Mirror

- Any Anandah not in the world - Clearly see outside
- World is mirror - People / Dances / - Reflection of original is invisible,
Music belong to world which I do not see
- See reflection and understand it - Happiness / Pleasures belongs to
Belongs to me me
- Reflections of my own nature
- I don’t see because its myself
• Any Ananda / Anywhere is myself.
• I don’t cry if Anandah outside goes because original face / Ananda is with me myself
• Gaplessly and continuously - I pervade world.

Lecture 9
1) Chapter 1 :
• Ashtavakras Vedantic challenge = real change only when we transform our outlook.
Karma yogi Jnana yogi
- Confronts Prarabda Karma / - I am observer / Sakshi without
Anatma / Family / Body / Mind / Sanchit / Agami / Prarabda
Events, Anatma - Asanga / nitya / Mukta chaitanya
• Asamsari - Look at all events in profession / Family
• Anatma - For rest of your life
• Change format in day - today operation - Remind Atma - Anatma…
Gita - Chapter 3 :

The Blessed Lord said : In this world there is a twofold path, as said before, O sinless one; the
path of knowledge of the sankhyans and the path of action of the yogins. [Chapter 3 – Verse 3]
2 Types of people in the world

Karma Yogi Jnana Yogi

Faith in god Faith in self / Bhagawans teaching

Chapter 1 :
• Have you understand Binary format
• Are you ready to change
Jnana Yoga :
• Not look at yourself as pure individual in this world / Look at yourself as Pure Existence
/ Consciousness, which pervades entire Universe.
• I don’t Say, I am in the world
• World is resting in me - Turiya Chaitanyam
• I Chaitanyam - Continuously pervade world
In Living In Inert
- Manifest as Satchit principle - Manifest as Sat principle, not as
- Yasyaiva Sphuranam 82
(Dakshinamurthy Stotram)
Dakshinamurthy Stotram :

(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His
Profound Silence) By This Throb Alone which is of the Nature of Eternal Underlying Awareness,
the Unreal Forms get their Meanings and Appear over the Mind, This Knowledge of the Atman
Spoken of in the Vedas as "Tat-Tvam-Asi" is Imparted by Our Inner Guru as a Direct Experience
when we Surrender Whole-Heartedly to Him, By Direct Experience of this Knowledge, the
Delusion of being tossed within an unending Ocean of Worldly Existence will Not Appear
Again, Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge
through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy. [Verse 3]
• Gita will say Atman / Brahman all pervading = Sravanam.
Ashtavakra :
• ‘Nididhyasanam’ I am Brahman, I get benefit world is Mayi Kalpitam in me…

Chapter 2 - Verse 7 :

The universe appears from the "ignorance" of the Self, and disappears with "knowledge" of
the Self just as the serpent, indeed, appears from the "non-apprehension" of the rope and
disappears with its "apprehension". [Chapter 2 – Verse 7]
• I am not threatened by Universe
• If I Slip and become individual for a second, Unreal World becomes threatening.
• Dream world unreal, from Wakers Angle.
• When I forget waker hood and enter Dream for I see - Dream world which is
apprearing within me.
• Outside and capable of frightening me - whether I am in the world or world is in
Material Cause - Depends on whether I am dreaming /Awake.
2) Atma - Agayanat :
• Because of dreaming, I slip from Atma / Higher Nature and slip to Anatma ego
Ahamkara individuality.
• World becomes real / Frightening
• Jagat Satyam Bhati - world intimidating / Frightening because world is unpredictable /
uncontrollable / Unsustainable. 84
• Tomorrow - Don’t Know whether it can be sustained
• If happiness - Depends on the world then problem… Fear from Mithya Prapancha,
frightens - Aham Brahma Asmi - Atma Ajnanam frightens.
• When I wake up - world appears not Real / Frightening.
Literal Meaning :
• World Doesn’t appear after knowledge (My misconception)
• Waking up from Dream - Dream Disappears
• When I wake up - Waking to Turiyam
• Waking world – Doesn’t disappear
• Here Dream example should not be taken literally, Disappears means not Real,
otherwise - No Guru - Sishya.
• Sambandha in Jeevan mukti Avastha - world doesn't appear real like TV Shows.
• In Serial get absorbed - Cry, Jnani goes through emotions - Life is Mithya.
Remember : I am screen - Atma Jnani.
• Snake appears, because of ignorance of Rope, will not say ”Snake is Mithya” but for
Safety - Keep Distance! Means Haven’t Understood.
Chapter 2 - Verse 8 :

Light is my very nature; I am nothing other than that Light. When the universe manifests,
indeed, it is I alone who shine. [Chapter 2 – Verse 8]

My Real Nature:
• I am Prakasha / Chaitanyam / Consciousness, not I have Consciousness.
• I am Spiritual being having Temporary Human Experience - Never seen spiritual
• Atma not object which will give experience and Go away - Spiritual experience - Not
objective event in time.
• I am the spiritual being - Having temporary human experience = Jnana Nishta
I Consciousness experienced all the time :
• Self experience not event in time
• Self ever experienced as ‘Consciousness’

Pot knowledge

Pot object Knowledge / Consciousness of the pot

Man / Pot go away ‘Consciousness’ Knowledge associated with pot

• Consciousness associated with Man = Man knowledge
• Consciousness associated with Turiya = Turiyam knowledge
• Consciousness associated with objects - its name changed to object
o With name, Consciousness called knowledge
o Without object knowledge, called ‘Consciousness’
• I am experiencing ‘Consciousness’ all the time
• Without object - called Consciousness
• With object - called knowledge of Waker / Dreamer / Sleeper
• I am conscious of words…
Panchadasi - Verse 3 :

The objects of knowledge, viz., sound, touch, etc., which are perceived in the waking state, are
different from each other because of their peculiarities; but the conciousness of these, which
is different from them, does not differ because of its homogeneity. [Chapter 1 – Verse 3]
• Changeless - Ever experienced Consciousness is myself
Why work for Consciousness :
• World appearing / Shines in me in form of varieties of knowledge / Experiences / in
and through all of them, I am experiencing ‘Consciousness’ principle, which is I -
• Real self experience is all the time there.
• Therefore Jnani need not sit in Meditation for self experience.
• It Appears most ridiculous - To experience Book / Chair / Table - See in particular
• In all experience, light is there.
Our mistake :
• We sit in ‘Meditation’ for self experience - Not wisdom, but ignorance.
Chapter 2 - Verse 9 :

O Marvellous! The universe appears in Me, misapprehended through "ignorance" just as silver
in the mother-of-pearl, snake in the rope, and water in the sunlight. [Chapter 2 – Verse 9]
Meditation to change format :
• Triangle to Binary format.
• Maya is ignorance in which unreal Appears as Maha Real.
• Plants in Plastic, Bhagawan Maya - Plastic world, unreal (Solidly real)
Maya :
• Continues to deceive human beings, Understand Events in my life as Maya, wonderful
Maya Power.
• Nonexistent Universe, is Solidly appearing in front of me, as though existent / Real.
• Really Nonexistent universe is Superimposed on me, due to ignorance, universe
appears in me as solid as Real
• Once world real - Brahman - Unreal
Class My life not - waking
- In Dream - In waking Makes my life -
- Makes class real Real
• Silver - Shell - Snake - Rope.

• Rays of Sun on Dry land - Mirage Water appears - Because of Reflection of objects on
opposite side.

• Reflection formed on Rays of Sun - We have false Notion - Reflection possible only on
Chapter 2 - Verse 10 :

Just as the pot dissolves into clay, the wave into water or the bangle into gold, so the universe
which has streamed forth from Me will attain dissolution in Me. [Chapter 2 – Verse 10]
Nididhyasanam - Reliving Vedanta :
• Replace Brahman / Atma by I, in Upanishad, and in Sravanam.
• Objective Sravanam, Brahman is Nityam / Shudha
• I am Samsari - Brahman - liberated in ‘Nididhyasanam’ Brahman converted to ‘I’,
convert Sravanam and Nididhyasanam into teaching about my own nature.
• When teacher uses Brahman / Atman, practice and use Aham.
I am free :
• In every verse Aham / Tvam used in Ashtavakra Gita…
• Don’t Chant in Meditation Learn and Dwell on meaning of verse.
Kaivalyo Upanishad :

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets
everything dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [Verse 19]
• Every verse in Ashtavakra - talks of my Glory.
• Universe emerged from me - Just as Dream emerges out of Waker
• Me here not Vishva / Tejasa / Pragya, but Turiyam Aham
Buddhism :
• World is my projection
• I am is mind
• My body Mental projection
• Dream - Projection of my mind
• World (includes mind)Projection of I Atma- with Maya Shakti.
• World not Pratibasika but Subjective projection, Vyavaharika Satta.
Psychological Debates :
• World - Projection of mind - Called idealism
• World - Not Projection of mind - Called Realism.
Vedanta : Realist not idealist
• World - Projection of I - Turiya Atma
• Resolves into me - Turiya Atma not in sleep. 91
• In sleep, world Doesn’t Resolve into my mind (this is Misconception)

• I - Don’t experience world, It is there outside my mind

o During Pralayam - world and Mind, Resolves into me - Turiyam

• Like Pot residing into Clay

• Like ornament residing into gold.

Lecture 10
Chapter 2 :
1) Sculptures take us from Dvaitam to Visishta Advaitam to Advaitam Acclimatization and
then realisation.
2) Ishvara introduced as Creator of Srishti.
3) :
Karma yoga Jnana Yoga
- Vyavaraharika Drishti - Paramartika Drishti
- Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Atma / Anatma

4) Helicopter service to Advaitam = Ashtavakra Gita :

• Expects Students to change from Vyavaharika to Paramartika Drishti - without giving

enough time.

• We have to shift format to Atma / Anatma Vision.

• Jnani looks at himself as Consciousness, Turiya Chaitanyam.

• Sharira Trayam and Prapancha Trayam (Nama Rupa)

• All Nama / Rupa, potentially, exist in me, Consciousness.

Creation thrown out of me Turiyam :
• Before creation - world was in me Turiyam
• During creation - it is in Turiyam me
• After creation - Resolves into me (Like dream was in me, the waker)
• Unique power i have, to throw / Sustain / Swallow Nama Rupa, is called Maya Shakti.
• Janaka himself as Atma and Maya power.

Change mode from

Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara Atma / Anatma

Say :
Kaivalyo Upanishad : - Mei eva….

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets
everything dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [Verse 19]
– Nama / Rupa Prapancha rises Resolves into me… 94
• Pot = Nama / Rupa
• Substance = Clay
• No wave - Myth, Reality - water (Advaitam)
Plurality of Wave = Myth :
• Akasha / Vayu / Agmi / Apaha / Prithvi…
• 5 Elements - Nama / rupa - I am only substance in creation
Chapter 2 - Verse 11 :

O! Marvellous am I! Adoration to Myself who knows no decay and survives even the
destruction of the universe, from the Creator (Brahma) down to a blade of grass.
[Chapter 2 – Verse 11]
• Janaka = Appreciating Atma Svaroopam - Prostrates to himself
• Verse 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 Atma Namaskara from Vyavahara Drishti - Arrogance.

Gita - Chapter 16 :

“that enemy has been slain by me and others also shall I destroy, I am the lord, I am the
enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful and happy”. [Chapter 16 - Verse 14]
• Claim - I am Ishvara, Hiranya Kashyapu Claimed…
• I offers Namaskara to Atma not to Jiva / Sthula / Sukshma / Karana Sharira / Ahamkara.
• Vachyartha I offers Namaskara - To Lakshyartha I
• Vyavaharika I offers Namaskara - To Paramartika I
Jnani :
• Doesn’t reject Ishvara, by lords grace I am able to appreciate format - Claims
superiority of higher I, which is Atma.
• Praising ego - Arrogance = Asura
• Praising Atma - Wisdom = Jnani
• Bhaga Tyaga lakshanaya, Turiya Atma. 96
Confidential Verses :
• I am not Perishable - Truth Atma
• Svarupa behind creation - I am Adhishtana - for Srishti / Slhiithi / Laya
• Srishta Karta - Brahma will Perish!!
Gita - Chapter 8 :
• 2000 Chatur Yugas = I day
• 1000 Years = Life of Brahma
• I will be there after Brahma Disappears
• Chaturmuka Brahma by Karma / Upasana Sadhana
• Status obtained - I as Consciousness
• Sakshi - Remains to Claim - I am exists, enters time / Space / World
• Creation Comes / Goes - I am existent - I am in 3 Periods of time - Neglect time - Wise
Chapter 2 - Verse 12 :

Marvellous am I! Adoration of Myself, who, though with a body, am one, who neither
go anywhere, nor come from anywhere but ever abide pervading the universe.
[Chapter 2 – Verse 12]
I am all Pervading / Nondual Atma :
• Ekaha Aham, without - Space wise Limitation…
• Space like Atma - where am I located?
• I Remain Pervading whole universe not Physically.
• Mentally - Intellectually - I cannot Pervade, can Pervade only as Sat...
• Pure existence principle I can Pervade
Dakshinamurthy Stotram :

(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His
Profound Silence) By This Throb Alone which is of the Nature of Eternal Underlying Awareness,
the Unreal Forms get their Meanings and Appear over the Mind, This Knowledge of the Atman
Spoken of in the Vedas as "Tat-Tvam-Asi" is Imparted by Our Inner Guru as a Direct Experience
when we Surrender Whole-Heartedly to Him, By Direct Experience of this Knowledge, the
Delusion of being tossed within an unending Ocean of Worldly Existence will Not Appear
Again, Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge
through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy. [Verse 3]
• As Sat Principle - I lend ‘Existence’ to all, therefore I cant travel
• I cant go or Come - Space Cant travel in space
• Space live Chidakasha - My Nature
• I Seem to go and come with respect to Body, from my own Standpoint - I don’t travel
• Like I don’t travel in Dream…
• In Dream real I can’t travel
• I have Vyavahararika travel - Paramartikaha Nityaya - Sarvagata Sthanaha
Gita :
• Atma is all pervading, Motionless, eternal - This is Sravanam text.
• Ashtavakra = ‘Nididhyasanam’ and extension - I am all pervading.
• Nididhyasanam alone can give moksha.
• Sravanam will not give Moksha! Sravanam has to be reinforced with ‘Nididhyasanam’
Chapter 2 - Verse 13 :

O! Marvellous am I! Salutations to Myself! There is none so competent in this world as Me, who,
am holding the universe eternally without touching it with My body. [Chapter 2 – Verse 13]
• I am Asanga Svarupa - Everything in me but I am not Contaminated / Affected by
• Screen not contaminated / Affected by Picture
• After rain in movie, Screen not to be dried
• Achedyoyam - Atma Not Affected
Learn to claim :
• I am unaffected - wonderful I am - Namaskara to me.
• No one as skilled as me - Dakshaha means expert…
• My skill - I remain with everything / Sustain Physically - Don’t run away from family /
Problem / Being Ruler…
None affect me :
• I am Nitya Mukta Chaitanyam Asmi, without contacting / touching / developing
relationship with the world.
This universes Sustained (Dritham)
• Dry land Skillfully Supports Mirage water - Doesn’t make sand wet…
• I Sustain Universe but tragedies of Universe Doesn’t Affect me!
• Birth / Death - Nama / Rupa Modification.
Gita - Chapter 2:

Beings were unmanifest in the beginning, and unmanifest again in their end, seem to be
manifest in the middle, O Bharata. What then, is there to grieve about?[Chapter 2 - Verse 28]
• Visible Nama Rupa changes - Invisible Nama Rupa changes…
• Visible water becomes invisible Vapour, why Cry!
• With my Sat chit Svampam, I don’t Touch, Nama rupa World!!
• One is higher order of Reality, the Adhishtanam
• One is lower order of reality, there cant be any contact between the 2.
• With this finger you cant touch Dream object
• Dream - Pratibasika Satyam
• Waking - Vyavaharika Satyam
Degree of Reality Different :
• I am = Paramartika Satyam
• World = Vyavaharika Satyam
Different Degree of Reality :
• Without touching, I Sustain World = Adhyasa Sambandha technical!
• Chiram - Eternally Sustain Universe
• Skillful - Supporting Nature
- Empirical Nature
Chapter 2 - Verse 14 :

O! Marvellous am I! Prostrations to Myself who have nothing, or all, that which is accessible to
speech and mind, belongs to Me only. [Chapter 2 – Verse 14]
• Paramartika Satyam - Nature of Myself, Absolute Nature
• When I look at Universe, I can have 2 types of Bavana / Attitude / Vision.
a) Universe Belongs to me :
• I am Ishvara - Owner of whole Universe
• I am Saguna Brahman
B) Nothing Belongs to me :
• I am Nirguna Brahman
• Aham Brahmasmi…
• Diagonally Opposite Bhagawan I can be that… 102
How is it possible? Gita - Chapter 9 :

Mastani Sarva butani Na Cha Mastani butani

Everything is in me Nothing is in me

Gita - Chapter 9 :

All this world (universe) is pervaded by Me in My unmanifest form (aspect); all beings exist in
Me, but I do not dwell in them. [Chapter 9 – Verse 4]
Gita - Chapter 9 :

Nor do beings exist (in reality) in Me, behold My divine Yoga supporting all beings, but not
dwelling in them, I am My Self, the efficient cause of all beings. [Chapter 9 – Verse 5]
• World belongs to lower order of reality - It is Mithya. I am Satyam both understand
• World - Mithya cant exist away from me - It has to be with Satyam only.
• Bangle can never Exist, Away from Gold.
• Gold leads existence to Angle.
• Mithya has to borrow Existence from Satyam
• Mithya Prapancha’s has to borrow Existence from me, Satya Chaitanyam.
• World - Body / Mind, has to borrow Existence from me
• They ask me for Satyatvam
• I claim - world is in me - Belongs to me.
c) Dream World Doesn’t Belong to me :
• What is unreal is as Good as non existent
• Earned 10 crore lottery in Dream - Cant claim Rs 1 - Because that money is Mithya as
Good as Non-existent.
• Therefore nothing is there, in me
• Aham Nirgunam - Prapancho Upashamam Turiyam Asmi.
• Mithya in me - not me 104
World Belongs to me World Doesn’t belong to me
- It can’t be away, I am - As good as not there
Adhishtanam and I will
enjoy both.
- Understand and enjoy!

Lecture 11
Chapter 2 - Verse 14 :
• Inspired by teaching in 1st Chapter, janaka Claims glory of his higher nature.
As a Jiva I can’t claim glory :
• From vyavaharika Standpoint - Claiming any glory is arrogance
• Expression of Ishvara’s Glory expresses through Jiva.
Gita - Chapter 10 :

Whatever that is glorious, prosperous or powerful in any being, know that to be a

manifestation of a part of My splendour. [Chapter 10 - Verse 41]
• Glory of Jiva borrowed from Ishvara…
• Individual Sthulam belongs to Samashti Sthulam virat
• If Individual Sukshma has extra knowledge, Belongs to Samashti ’Hiranyagarbha’ total
Sushma Shariram. 106
Similarly from Karana Shariram angle :
• From Sharira Drishti can never claim Glory, because it belongs to Samashti Shariram
• Claiming glory from Sharira Drishti is Arrogance one and becomes an Asura /
Rakshasha - Criticised in Chapter 16
• Here glory claimed from Atma Drishti, not Sharira Drishti
• It is Wisdom
• Every Rishi claims Glory from Atma Drishti only
Taittriya Upanishad : Siksha valli :

“I am the stimulator in the tree of universe. My fame (Glory) is high as the peaks of the
mountains. High and pure am I like the essence in the sun; I am the power and the wealth,
effulgent with intuition. Intelligent, imperishable and Undecaying am I this is the sacred
recitation of Trisanku, after he realised the Truth. [1 - 10 - 1]
• I am greatest support of universe, Trishanku Rishi…. 107
Taittriya Upanishad : Brigu Valli :

Oh!Oh!Oh! I am the food, I am the food, I am the food. I am the eater of food, I am the eater
of food, I am the eater of food, I am the author of the Sloka, I am the author of the Sloka, I am
the author of the sloka. I am the first born (Hiranyagarbha) of the true (Of the eternal and the
Immortal). I am the centre of immortality, Prior to the gods. Whoever gives me, he surely does
save thus. I am the food that eats him who eats food. I have conquered all, in this world. I am
luminous like the sun. He who knows thus (Also attains the aforesaid results) This is the
Upanishad. [3 - 10 - 6]
• From Atma Standpoint - Glory is wisdom, gives liberation
• From Sharira Standpoint - Manitvam, Arrogance Gives Samsara.
Chapter 2 - Verses 11, 12, 13, 14 :
• Jnani is Claiming Glory of Atma
• How wonderful I am - Atma - it deserves all Namaskara - Have 2 fold Glory.
a) Paramartika Drishti :
• I am Nirgunam, Nirupa Prapancha, Brahman
• I am free from Entire Universe (Like waker free from entire Dream World)
Na Kinchana Nasti :
• Free from Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Triangle, they come under Vyavaharika plane.
Advaita Makaranda :

That effulgent Consciousness am I, which is self-established, all-full, without beginning and

end and in which the illusory ideas of the worlds, the individual, the disciple, the teacher and
God, are all extinct. [Verse 27]
• Upashantha - Sishya / Acharya - Both come within Duality, therefore Delusion.
• Triangle - Vyavaharika Drishti
- Paramartika Drishti (Free)
• I am Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Vilakshana
- Adhishtana Butani, Chaitanyam
b) Vyavaharika Drishti :
• Empirical Angle - I Non-dual Brahman alone, put on 3 Veshams - with help of Prakirti,
Maya Shakti, 3 Gunas.
Prakirti / 3 Gunas / Maya

Sattva Pradhana Rajas Pradhana Tamas Pradhana Maya

I Play role of ishvara Jivatma vesham Jagat

• Without Playing any Role, I am Turiyam
• Panchadasi - 1st Chapter - I Play role of Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara
In Vyavahara - Puja :
• As Jiva - Doing Puja
• As Ishvara - Receive Puja
In Dream transaction :
• Giver - I am
• Receiver - I am.
Moksha :
• Claim all 3 - Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara, is me the Brahman.
• Reject all 3 - Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara, I am Turiyam
• Becoming Jiva alone is problem, from Vyavaharika Drishti.
• Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara are belonging to me, Vesham, put on by me
• Wang / Manas - Entire Speech and Mind - Perceptible world, is expressed…
• Belongs to me, claim Everything, or Disclaim Everything
• Partial claiming creates finitude
Hari Nama Kirtan :
• Chinmaya… 1st Prayer - I should not develop I - Sense
If I notion comes :
• Not identify with one body / House, identify with totality - I should become Ishvara. 111
Either be

Vyavaharika Paramartika

- Ishvara - Brahman
- Identify with all - Disidentify with all
• Not Vyavaharika Jiva - Full of Problem
After Rudram :
• Chant Chamaka
• Vachastame - Vrajaha, give me food / Water / Children, Mei - 2 meanings.
Chaturthi Vibakti 4th Case :
• I Want / for My sake
Sashti Vibakti 6th Case - All in me Superimposed :
• Belong to me, nothing can exist, outside me
• Sarvam me vibakti…
• I don’t want anything because everything already belongs to me - Because nothing
exists outside me. 112
Chapter 2 - Verse 15 :

The "Knowledge", the "knowable" and the "knower" - these triple categories do not in
fact exist. I am that taintless Self in which, through "ignorance", this triad appears to exist.
[Chapter 2 – Verse 15]
• Sakshi - ignorance - Jnanam Jneyam.
How you can say both

Everything belongs to me Nothing belongs to me

• Clip belongs / Doesn’t belong to me.
Fundamental of Vedanta :
• Paramartika Drishtya - Nothing belongs to me as Good as Non-existent.
Absolute Angle :
• Wakers Angle - Dream as Good as Non-existent, From Paramartika Drishti
• World as Good as Non-existent from Paramartika Drishti.
• Therefore, world Doesn’t belong to me. 113
Vyavaharika Drishti :
• World is appearing in me, Since I am Substance - Rests in me
• Therefore they are in me, because I am their Adhishtanam.
Big in Vedanta :
Creation in Triputhi

Jnanam Jneyam Jnatva

Instrument / medium of Object Subject of knowledge



Jiva Jagat Ishvara

• From absolute angle, 3 are not Satyam, reality not Vastavam, ‘Turiya Angle’

Is world real / Unreal

Body / Mind Turiyam standpoint all mithya

Real Vyavaharically every event affects

Body / Mind

Because world can affect positively /

In Visishta Advaitam - Turiyam :
• Doesn’t exist at all - They don’t have standpoint - Say world is real.
Why Dream Appears?
• Because I forget my wakers Nature
• Similarly - waking world appears because I forget my Turiyam Nature.
Why Dvaitam appears?
• Due to ignorance / Agyanam, because of Disclaiming format No 2
• Forget Atma - Anatma, Jiva comes alive, Samsara Alive / Problem Serious.
All Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Triputi is appearing where!!
• Adhishtanam - Base upon which all these 3 Appear, is ”Aham”
• As a base look at Jiva - Millions of Jiva - Some Enjoying / Suffering Sukha / Dukha
Always Balanced With respect to Totality.
Don’t focus on Problem of one Jiva - Me :
• Some Days, Dukham / Sukham, Celebrate / Cry!
• Cant Avoid - Sukham / Dukham as Jiva
Chandogyo Upanishad :
• As Jiva - Never expect Uniformity.
• Prepare - I Come to Accept, welcomes Pain / Pleasure
• Reject both Pleasure and Pain of Jiva, because of Prarabda.
• Arjuna could not stop his son being Killed…
• Ishvara Can’t Remove Prarabda of Jiva, not all Solution to all Problems
You decide who yon want to be - Jiva or Brahman?
• Aham “Saha” Asmi…
• Niranjana - Un contaminated by flowing Pleasures / Pains of life.
Chapter 2 - Verse 16 :

O!The root of all misery is the sense of duality. There is no other remedy for this (misery)
except the realisation that all visible objects of experiences are unreal and that I am the non-
dual, pure Consciousness and Bliss. [Chapter 2 – Verse 16]
• Dvaitam always is Dukham Religion cant Solve all problems
• Use religion as 1st Aid - Stepping Stone, change format Soon.
• Ishvara can’t wipe out all Prarabda - He Solves by becoming Teacher, for Advaita Jnani
Sanchita karmas left…
Warning :
• As long as you are in Triangle format or in Dvaitam - Subject / object will be there.
• Duality - Drk - Drishya duality will be there, Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara Reduced to 2

Drishya Drk Dvaitam is there, sorrow

Jagat / Ishvara Jiva will be there
What is remedy for Dvaitam?
Solution :
• Advaitam Alone Solution. 117
Another Solution : 1st Aid / Temporary :
• Prayaschittam / Pariharam - Work - Retaining Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara
o Doing Puja - Jagat involved
o Pray to Lord - I Maintained
• Another Prarabda waiting tomorrow - Go to Astrology, Agami…
• Purushartha - Passive in old Age
• Prarabda - More active
How to Come to Advaitam?
• Perceived Universe is of lower Order of Reality
• Vyavaharika Satyam - Mithya
• Drishyam - Body / mind / Jagat - Mithya
• World (includes Body) - Unreal
• Say Entire world - Unreal / Mithya
• From Standpoint of I - Turiya Chaitanyam
• Use 1st Aid till you are Confident of using 2nd format, its tough. 118
Prayer :
• Help me to rise to format two
• Know destination ‘I am only reality’
What is my nature?
• Aham Ekaha Asmi
• Non-dual chit Rasa
• Chaitanya Rasaha, Amala, Shudha, Karma Rahita / Prarabda rahitaha.
Chapter 2 - Verse 17 :

I am pure Consciousness. Through 'ignorance' I have projected my equipments, such as the

body, upon the Self, Constantly reflecting thus I abide in the Self, purged of all mental
activities. [Chapter 2 – Verse 17]
• Aham Budha Rasaha Asmi - Chit with Maya Shakti…
• Beautiful Shakti to Avoid boredom
• It Projects a Universe which cant touch me.
• I can create such a Universe which can entertain me but which cant touch me!!
• Using Maya - I have created entertaining Channels - Jivas Tragedy / Comedy
experienced? Why?
• I Forgot, I created because of Vikshepa Shakti of Maya - I projected Universe.
• Because of Avarna Shakti of Maya - After entering Dream - I forgot it Was dream.
Therefore Agyanath :
• Ignorance main culprit affecting both Jagat and Svapna
• Because of ignorance - Universe including Body is means of entertainment - Watching
Serials - Should not become Serious...
• Don’t cry - Because of Characters in serial, switch off and come back to your original
• Be part of Drama - Don’t forget Drama only
• Rama forgot Vishnu Avatara.
Kala Devata Reminds :
• Originally Vishnu / Vaikuntam, come back to Brahma Svarga
• Plans / Drama / Cry / Short - Upadhri Kalpitaha.
Regularly Remind :
• When I forget that it is Drama, Life over whelming - When I remember - Life is Sport.
Meditate :
• When problems over power me, Go to green Room and Remember, Ashtavakra Gita
and be in my Real Nature.
• I am permanently in Nirvikalpaka Samadhi - Sahaja Samadhi. 120
Nirvikalpa - Name of Atma :
• Nirvikalpaka State not Valued not Real Nirvikalpa - Because it’s a state in which
Vikalpas are in Potential form
• In that State Division is Dominant not absent
• Person comes to duality again.
• Here Nirvikalpaka Atma - All the time in that Knowledge I Remain - then I am
Nirvikalpa Nishta
• I am in Nirvikalpa Atma not in Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Temporarily Coming and Going!!
Chapter 2 - Verse 18 :

I have neither bondage nor freedom. The 'illusion,' having lost its support, has ended. O! The
universe, though it abides in Me, does not in fact exist in Me. [Chapter 2 – Verse 18]
First Stage :
• Saw Bondage - Moksha Valuable / Important because only remedy for Bondage.
• Now Bandah falsified - Then I thought I am free - Mukta.
2nd Stage :
• Knew Moksha is my nature spontaneous - Moksha relevant only from point of view of
Bandah. 121
Example :

• 1st No house - Houseless problem Green in Memory

Got house :

• Forgot house Possession and homeless status, I am free from both.

• Moksha Great - If Bandah

• Later - I don’t have Bandah / Moksha is Discovered

• Delusion settled / Give Bandah gone!

Lecture 12

1) 1st Chapter :

• Ashtavakra teaching Janaka - Sets on to new mission based on teaching.

Changes perspective : Moksha :

• No change to physical Body / Only change in perspective.

2) 1st :

• Karma Yogi - Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Format improve lot of Jiva by my effort and grace
of Ishvara.

Jnana Yogi :

• Not improving Jiva with help of Ishvara but change in perspective.

• I am not individual but Atma - Sakshi Chaitanyam - Drk, seer of body / Mind - Part of

• Universe seen as Anatma Drishyam (Includes Body)

Only 2 things exist

Seer Atma Drk Seen Anatma Drishyam

- Paramartikam - Body and Prapancha Vyavaharikam

- Adhishtana knowledge - Can’t affect me
- Can’t limit me, time, Space, Object
Name and form like :
- Wave, Ornament
Can’t Affect / Limit :
- Water, Gold
- No existence without me seer - Drk
- Rests / Depends on me
• I don’t get liberation / don’t feel need to work for liberation (My Experience)
• Notion of Bondage goes because everything is name and form. No need to work for

Game :
• Press coin in forehead and take out Coin
• Child asked to hit head and drop Coin
• Coin doesn’t fall 3 times and 3 more Grace
• Shown Mirror - No coin!
• Because of pressure - Feels coin is there, works for coin Moksha.
Jiva :
• Does Sadhanas to Remove Samsara
• Vedanta Shows Mirror
• I see Mirror - Changed format of Atma – Anatma
• No Need for liberation, It is a Powerful Notion - I Need liberation
• I have discovered my foolishness = Wisdom
Head hitting = Foolishness :
• As Atma, I am experiencing only innocent harmless Names and forms which are trying
to present me entertainment… I have taken them seriously - Now I Understood them
as Nama Rupa.
• I am not bound
• Therefore No Moksha / No Bondage - They are not there confusion of universe is
Triangle format vision = Branthi
• No liberation as long as we Remain as Jiva. 125
• All bundles of Punya Papam cant be Removed in human birth
• Omnipotent Ishvara Cant help
• Don’t Remain as Jiva
• Replace Jiva by Atma format - Shanti Comes
• Delusion based on empirical Vision is Gone
• Agyanam is basis for Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Format.
What is truth?
• Great - Wonder - Overwhelming universe is Name and form - Painted upon me
‘Consciousness’ Screen
• Universe not substance - Only Nama / Rupa Painted upon screen, like movie character
on Screen.
• World In Reality, substantiality, Doesn’t exist in me as Substance - Exists as Nama /
• I - Atma - Am only substance same as Mastani Sarvabutanam.
Chapter 2 - Verse 19 :

I have known, for certain, that the body and the universe are unsubstantial and that the Self is
pure Consciousness alone. So, now upon what can imaginations stand? [Chapter 2 – Verse 19]
• World real when looked from Body Standpoint
• As Physical individual, Body excluded from world and world can affect my Body
• With respect to Body - world Real - All activities must be based on Veda Purva
Vedanta will not Work.
• Duty / Pancha Maha Yagya come alive, when I look upon me as Physical Individual
• I have Right to say world is unreal only, When I include Body as Part of Universe and
Meaning of word I should be Chaitanyam / Pure Consciousness
• Body and universe / Nama / Rupa - have no existence of its own. It is a Conviction for
me - No Doubt, I am ready for Atma / Anatma format
• If body Is also an object, then I am Atma / Chaitanya Svaroopa which is Shudha - Chin
Matra Pure Consciousness with respect to Chaitanyam I have no duties.
• Duty comes when I look at myself as Body, then I become father / Boss / Ego I has
Therefore Children to be settled!
• Kartnaram will Spring, Myself as Atma - No Duty / No Plan - No Karmas
• Don’t have to work in Creation - House is floating Nama / Rupa- Not My Child…
• Dream duties Abruptly and When I wake up, All field is absent in Atma.
• After claiming this Nature and Voluntarily, Perform Duty it becomes Vesha - without
binding me - Otherwise Serious burden.
• I have nothing to do - I am not king.
Chapter 2 - Verse 20 :

Body, the notions of heaven and hell, bondage and freedom, as also anxiety - all these are
mere imaginations. What purpose have I with all these - I whose nature is pure Consciousness?
[Chapter 2 – Verse 20]
How Drama Starts?
• 1st Misconception = My identification with Body - Then Nama Rupa Sharira becomes
Substantial Entity / Reality.
Svarga :
• Body will be Comfortable
Naraka :
• Body will be Uncomfortable
• With respect to Shariram - Svarga/ Naraka come into my Vision
• Story starts in Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - identification with Body - Sharira Drishtya
• Constant Source of insecurity, Sharira Affected by Desha / Kala / Prarabde - Space /
Time - Winter / Summer depends on kala / Desha.
• Karma will affect - Therefore Bayam cant go. 128
How to solve problem?
• Convert all into Kalpana Matram
• Mere Nama / Rupa - Non Substantial
• Only by one way - Changing format
• Sanyasa = Renunciation of format only solution of Bayam / insecurity.
• Life's Struggles - Whipped by Sense of insecurity
• For me who is Chaitanya Atma - What is to be done for Security? I am ever Secure.
Chapter 2 - Verse 21 :

O Marvellous! I do not find any duality even in the midst of human crowds. I feel like I am in a
forest. Towards what then should I feel attachment? [Chapter 2 – Verse 21]
• Experience of Universe will not go.
• In Advaitam, we do not Negate Dvaita universe Perception
Example :
• Perception of Sunrise Continues.
Wisdom : Sun Doesn't Rise
• Experience Contrary to Knowledge
• Experience Doesn’t Disturb Knowledge of fact - Sun doesn’t Rise
Wisdom :
• Earth Moving very fast and Globe - Earth Stationary (Flat Experience)
• Right Knowledge cant be Disturbed by contrary experience
• No experience of Brahman Possible, only Jnanam
Wisdom says : Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

Through the mind alone (It) is to be realised. There is no difference whatsoever in It. He goes
from death to death, who sees difference, as it were, in It. [4 - 4 - 19]
• Perception - Duality - See sunrise
• Wisdom - No Duality - Say - No Sunrise
• Advaitam is Satyam Jnanam / Wisdom, Dvaitam is experience.
Wonder in Advaitam : See and say its not there
• In city alone is Ashrama
• In forest Say no 2nd Person - I only Am
• In City say no 2nd Person - I only Am
Where Should I shop? In Search of which Sense object Should I Go?
• For Ananda No need to shop
• Its inside my Body! Atma Ravi Reasyat…
• Moksha = Freedom from Shopping, My Ananda Is Reflected outside
• With respect to Atma - I, I am ever free / Nitya Muktaha
• With respect to Sukshma Shariram we talk of Jeevan / Videha Mukti
• Jeevan Mukti = Sukshma Shariram continues to live because of Prarabda.
• Then merges into Ishvara and then Doesn’t take another Body.
2 Angles of Liberation

Atma Ever free Sukshma Sharira Angle

Jeevan Mukti Videha Mukti

Exhausts Prarabda Merges with Ishvara

Question : As Atma free :
• W.r.t Sukshma Sharira will I take another body any letter / Guarantee from Ishvara.
Any Indication :
• Any Glow in Body. Behind Mahatma?
How To Know - No Punar Janma :
o Will my Sukshma Shariram have Rebirth
o Mamakara
o I am Sukshma Shariram
• I am Atma - Atma has no Sukshma Shariram
• Atma has no Sambandha with Atma / Anatma.
Brahma Jnanavali Mala :

Unattached am I, unattached am I, ever free from attachment of any kind; I am of the nature of Existence-
Consciousness-Bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and ever unchanging [Verse 1]

• We can’t Relate with any Sukshma Shariram.

• Why be bothered of one Sukshma Shariram out of 3 Billion - Sukshma Shariram
floating in me Atma.
• Sukshma Shariram Merges or not - Its Vyavaharika
• Phenomenon in Mithya Prapancha.
• I - Paramartikam have no connection with those events.
• Moksha = Obsession with Jeevan / Videha Mukti goes Away. 132
• 2 Introduced to attract People to Vedanta!
Fact :
• I am Nitya Mukta Atma
Verse Meaning : I am not 3 bodies
• I Don’t have connection / Relationship with any Particular Sukshma Shariram.
• I am not Jiva - individual Ahamkara associated with Particular Sthula / Sukshma
• It is association with a Particular mind that makes me an individual
• Individuality begins with mind Association
• In Sleep, No Struggle for Moksha Mind Passive
• Wake-up - Mind becomes active there is individualization.
If I am not individual - who am i?
• Chit - Chaitanya - Svaroopa all bondage is because of obsession with Biography of
Particular Sukshma Shariram.
• Life Journey of one Sukshma Shariram.
• What will happen in old age / Travel…
• My obsession because I am over worried about Journey in the life and after life =
Bandaha / Samsara corporate / Social / family life.
• Sthula Shariram - Only for me in this birth
• I am totally relaxed as I have, no relationship with any Sthula / Sukshma / Karana
Lecture 13
1) Karma Yogi uses Triangle format :
• In agreement with his Natural Misconception about himself as an individual
entertaining thought
• I am ordinary weak individual confronting world Supported by Prarabda and I can
never face life without Support of Ishvara.
• Natural thought at beginning and end of day
• Presses Emergency Ishvara button for challenges in life
2) Jnana Yogi Says following to change format to Atma - Anatma :
• I am Adhishtana Atma of Universe and everything else is Nama Rupa.
1st Difficulty :
• Against Natural Thinking
• Chant Pratasmaran / Nirvana Shatakam in morning and in emergency - Look for
Ishvara button
• Ishvara Button Missing in this format.
• Can’t outsource Ishvara button.
• Learn to look within and Draw strength from Atma Swaroopam
• This is possible only when knowledge has entered Subconscious mind
• Therefore Practice self invocation Repeatedly, Understanding requires intelligence.
• Tough to draw strength from knowledge during Cris is and Day to day living. 134
2nd Difficulty :
• I am Atma (Real me) - My roles in life - “Vesham”
• Being obsessed with relative roles is Bandah - Reduce to only roles. Stand Aloof and
see roles as Drama.
• Roles becoming real = Bandah, life of father / Husband - Role - Becomes, Real and
forget real nature = Bondage!
Chapter 2 - Verse 22 :

I am not the body. Nor have I a body. I am not a being (ego). I am pure Consciousness. That I
had desired to live - this indeed was my bondage. [Chapter 2 – Verse 22]
• In Atma Ocean - Wind of mutual storms rises in the Mind - Diverse waves area
Minds Job :
• Converts Role into Real Personality
• Converts Nama / Rupa - Body / thought into Reality, Because of Deha Abhimana.
Very Good :
• Draw Role Real, when I forget Wakers Nature and Identify with dream Body (Not
deliberate Action)
• World is Nama / Rupa Prapancha in me when Atma is forgotten.
• Due to ignorance, Deha Abhimana Mind is Activated. 135
Wind Mind
- Responsible for Nama / Rupa wave - Responsible for rise of plurality in
in ocean Non-dual Brahman
- Chitta Vasam wind of Mind, active /
born when Variety of objects /
Beings in creation create plurality
• Buvanam / World of plurality (Like huge waves) Many / Varied / Instantaneously born.
• Wave called world is born - Non-substantial Nama rupa - They get reality because my
mind attaches reality to them because of identification.
• I lend reality through my mind like in dream.
Who am I Really?
• Not one of Nama Rupas of the world
• I am ocean line Concubines in which Nama Rupa Rise.
• The Rise and fall do not make change in me - Therefore no event is Tragedy.
• I have such Atma in my mind, Don’t require external Support.
• As Jiva, Need Support, As Adhishtana, Atma, I don’t need Support
• Therefore Don’t need any Support to confront world, Nama Rupa - I am Srishti Karana.
Chapter 2 - Verse 23 :

O Marvellous! In the limitless ocean of Me, when mental storms rise, diverse waves of worlds
are instantly produced. [Chapter 2 – Verse 23]
• I am Sthithi Karanam also and Laya Karanam also
• When I don’t lend Reality to the mind, world line identification, boat of family / World
Gone / Absent.
• The moment I wake up from dream, when wind Subsides, waves Gone - One ocean
alone exists.
• In me ocean of Consciousness - When mind Subsides, Boat of world is Gone.
• Boat belongs to Jiva - Trader businessman.
• Life of father / Husband / Role - Becomes real and I forget my Real Nature = Bondage
Chapter 2 - Verse 24 :

With the calming of the storms of the mind, in the limitless ocean of Myself, unfortunately for
the jiva, the trader, the ship of the universe gets wrecked and sunk! [Chapter 2 – Verse 24] 137
• Converting Role into real Personality is Job of mind.
• Converts Nama / Rupa Body into Reality because of Deha Abhimana
• With the community of the mind, in the infinite ocean of myself, Universe for Jiva gets
• Dream role - Real - When I forget, wakers Nature and identify with body.
• World is Nama Rupa Prapancha in me when Atma is forgotten.
• When by ignorance, Deha Abhimana mind is activated, wind alone Responsible, for
wave Nama rupa in ocean.
• Similarly mind wind responsible for rise of Plurality in Non-dual Brahman.
• Chitta - Vasam = wind of Mind
• Activity is born when varieties of objects / Beings in creation Plurality arise.
• Comparable to Non-substantial huge wave.
• Buvanam = World of plurality which are many and Varied, instantaneously born.
• Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Gone - Ishvara Only with respect to Jiva / Jagat
• 3 Nama Rupa, Resolved for Jiva trader
• Biography = Play of Nama / Rupa
Chapter 2 - Verse 25 :

Wonderful! Marvellous! In Me, the limitless ocean, the waves of individual selves, according to
their nature, rise, jostle about, play for a time and disappear. [Chapter 2 – Verse 25]
• I am Srishti / Sthithi / Laya Karanam.
• The waves of individual selves, according to their nature rise, Strike each other, Play for
a time and disappear! (Very good Analogy)
• Every Jiva = Wave, Nama rupa, born in me temporarily the water ‘Consciousness’
Why Jiva comes?
• Maya wind is responsible, Maya wind moves left - Right - Bringing Joy / Sorrow
• Can’t explain why it moves - Cyclone is there…
Don’t ask way? Purpose? When?
• Maya wind is eternally there, waves will rise / fall - Srishti / Sthithi - Laya is
beginningless / Endless.
• Ishvara can’t stop….
Gita - Chapter 15 :

Its form is not perceived here as such, neither its end, or its foundation, nor its resting place;
having cut asunder this firm-rooted Asvattha-tree with the strong axe of non-
attachment…[Chapter 15 - Verse 3]
Aim of Vedanta :
• Not To stop Maya wind
But understand :
• What Maya wind does
• It belongs to Nama / Rupa only
• I - Ocean not affected by Blowing of Maya wind
• Body will come and Resolve later (Vedha Mukti), I Stand aloof and Remain Ashraya.
• I allow Maya wind to play game, TV Serial… Some Nice - Some not nice…
• I am not character but screen, for life drama to unfold.
• Waves of Jeevas are born, inexplicable / intellectually incomprehensible
• Waves Collide and froth Generated
• Similarly Jeevas intreat, Generating Raaga / Dvesha / Kama / Krodha / Lobha / Moha..
• Emotions are the froth - Somedays happy - Game of Playing…
• Emotions stand throughout the day and we, allow Nama Rupa to affect us.
• Body gets resolved in death and again comes as Deva / Jeeva…
• Because of Mayas Svabava (Nature)
• Brahman eternal / Maya Eternal, creation eternal / Drama will eternally continue. 140
Question :
• If Brahman and Maya Dvaitam?
Brahman Maya
- Screen of TV - Vyavaharika Mithya
- Higher order of reality - Can’t be canted with Satyam
- Paramartika Satyam - Eternally Asanga
- let TV serials continue
Only remember :
• I can’t be affected Screen as I am the
Chapter 2 :
• Janakas response to teaching.
Chapter 3 :
• Test - Has Jnanam been received? Wisdom gained?
Important Message :
• Real Jnana Yoga which leads to liberation is changing / Replacing format - Jiva / Jagat /
Ishvara to Binary format = Internal Sanyasa alone is Real Sanyasa = Jnana Yoga
• Resolve Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Format and decide to follow Binary format - During
beginning / end of Day and while facing Day to Day Activities.
• Challenges - Draw strength from Real I, internal change is - Sanyasa Ashrama.
• Liberation born out of Jnana Yoga - internal Sanyasa, bringing format change. 141
• I am not ordinary Jiva - Roles I play are Drama Roles
• In me Ananda Sagara - Drama is going on, Inner transformation important
• If Sanyasa Ashrama not Real, you are Ajnani - Handle Money / Do Activities.
• I am in all of them - inwardly Binary format, All Nama Rupa - Role Play.
• Ravana Vesham all activities = Role Playing - Real nature in greenroom
Gita - Chapter 5 :

He should be known as a perpetual sannyasi who neither hates nor desire; for, free from the
pairs of opposites, O mighty-armed, he is easily set free from bondage. [Chapter 5 – Verse 3]
• No Attachment Likes and Dislikes because all are Nama Rupa Non-substantial.
Janana :
• I have understood my nature well - Non Dual Atma - in perishable eternal =
Paramartika Satyam.
• Body / Mind Experienced Vyavaharika Satyam. 142
Dheerah - Remembers teaching :
Dhiyam Raadhi
Wisdom Protector
How you Pursue wealth :
• Sign of ignorance
Jananam :
• Performance of karma - Not sign of ignorance, Attitude to karma (Important)
Gita - Chapter 3 :

There is nothing in the three worlds, O Partha, that has to be done by Me, nor is there
anything unattained that should be attained by Me; yet, I engage myself in action.
[Chapter 3 – Verse 22]
3 Lokas - Nothing to do :
• Performance of karma has nothing to do with attitude.
14 Verses
Chapter 3 - Verse 1 :

Astavakra said : Having known the Self in its true nature as indestructible and one, how is it
that you, a knower of the Self and one poised in wisdom, feel passion for the accumulation of
wealth? [Chapter 3 – Verse 1]
• Love for universe is because of my Atma, Ajnana - Self ignorance.
• Objective world and away as Real…
• Person Develops Preethi - Raaga - Attachment in unreal objects - Mithya.
• Likes and Dislikes in field of unreal objects because of self ignorance
How Jnana and Karma combined?
Lobha :
• Strong Desire - Greed in unreal
• Shell Silver because of shell ignorance
• Shell in Beach - Because of Suns Reflection
• Value less Should appear as real Silver, Any karma because of Atma Ajnanam. 144
Lecture 14
1) I am Non-dual Relationless ‘Consciousness’ Principle - Everything experienced is Name
/ form.
2) Happy / unhappy - Distributed in Nama Rupa, can’t do Anything to Do to - Atma
Screen like Consciousness
3) I am ever Asanga - Asamsari - Use Binary format to access - Situation.
4) Grihastha - Designed for Karma yoga way of life which is Ajnani way of life.
5) I am Jiva outside / Acknowledge family Relations
o Acknowledge Religion(Relationship with Ishvara) / Society relations and Duty /
6) Externally follow Triangle format - Can’t Say Akarta - Do Pancha Maha Yagya in
Vyavaharika - Mithya field
7) Superficially Jnani / Ajnani appear same in terms of Vyavaharikam.
Gita :

As the ignorant men act from attachment to action, O bharata, so should the wise men act
without attachment, wishing the welfare of the world. [Chapter 3 – Verse 25]
• Externally same
Where is difference?
• Internal within mind
How does mind express it?
• When Jnani takes stock of his life personally, privately submits report to himself he
reverts to Binary format - Studies internal dialogue.
• Within Mind - Monologue! Private / Personal report about myself submitted to
myself, can’t use Triangle format internally.
Looks Binary format :
• Looks externally as Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara format
• Looks internally as Binary format.
8) :
Real life Real life
- Binary format - Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara format
- Jnani - Beggar
- Ever free Samsari - Look at himself as king /
Boss / Father / Samsari
How Drama Going?
• Both Asamsari Atma - Only dialogue with Bhagawan privately for Jnani
• We both are doing our roles fine! 146
• Ashtavakra teasing and Taunting Jananka - You appear to be Ajnani.
Why you are Enjoying sense / Pleasure?
Ashtakara When Alone inner dialogue
- Thought Pattern not Anxiety / - Asangoham…
Worry / Fear - Satchit Ananda Ruppham…
- Braheivamaham Asamshayaha…
Brahma Jnanavali Mala :

Unattached am I, unattached am I, ever free from attachment of any kind; I am of the nature
of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. I am the very Self, indestructible and ever unchanging.
[Verse 1]
• Internal dialogue differentiates me with Grahastha.
Chapter 3 - Verse 2 :

Alas! Just as, due to ignorance, a seashell is sought, mistaking it for silver, even so, due to the
"ignorance" of the Self, there is attachment to the illusory world of the senses.
[Chapter 3 – Verse 2] 147
• Why you do activities as thought real?
Chapter 3 - Verse 3 :

Having realised, "I am That", from which the universe arises, like waves from the sea, why do
you run about like a wretched creature? [Chapter 3 – Verse 3]
• You know - you are Brahman in which, universe appears like waves on the Sea…
Why you run like Miserable being?
• Superficial Criticism - You are Brahman in which universe is falsely appearing.
• In which Brahman, whole world is Mithya like dream.
• World is like wave in ocean which has no existence of its own.
• Since world unreal, you must not run and do duty knowing it as Mithya.
• Wise renounces shell silver.
• For rain do Rudram, all like Dream
Why you do it?
• Others running because Ajnanis / Samsari, Nivritti should be your approach…
• Jnanam and Pravirthi can’t go together?
• Sureshvaracharya - Blasts in Jnana Kanna Samuchhaye in Naishkarmya Siddhi.
• Here Janaka - Advocates Jnana Karma Samuchaya. 148
Chapter 3 - Verse 4 :

Even after hearing that the Self is pure Consciousness, supremely beautiful, how can one yet
be deeply entangled in sensuous objects and thus become impure? [Chapter 3 – Verse 4]
• Knowing yourself to be pure consciousness…
How you are attached to sensual objects?
• Consciousness free from All Purusharthas
• Kama Purushartha can be completed Renounced by sanyasi
• Grihasta Ashrami cannot - For sense of family - He should allow entertainments to
• You are Embodiment of Vairagyam and Atma is Real source of Ananda.
• World = fake Ananda / Dukham .
Gita - Chapter 5 :

The enjoyments that are born of contacts are only generators of pain, for they have a
beginning and an end. O son of Kunti, the wise do not rejoice in them. [Chapter 5 – Verse 22]
• Joy will end in sorrow.
• Same objects are latent source of sorrow.
• Upastha - Represents organs of Pleasure and action and sensory Pursuits.
• As king need to expand kingdom - Go to war
• Am I am Brahman in real life?
• What is your internal dialogue? Core personality?
Internal Dialogue

I am Samsari I am Brahman

Grieves Inside Smile inside

• By developing attachment / Addicted / Enslaved to sense Pleasures contaminated and
weak mind, not Jnani.

Chapter 3 - Verse 5 :

This is amazing that the sense of ownership (mineness) should still continue in the wise men
who have realised "the Self in all beings and all beings in the Self". [Chapter 3 – Verse 5]
You have sense of ownership :
• Jnanis Vision : See Advaita Atma everywhere - No 2nd thing other than Atma…
• Whatever 2nd thing is there is Mithya, Nama Rupa - Prapancha which doesn’t have
Substantiality / Reality
• If you are Non-dual Atma, you cant have relationship with anyone…
• Your Mamakara - indicates Sambandha - Relationship...
• Mauna Griham / Company / Duty / Contrary / Accomplishment
Muni - Wise knows : Gita :

With the mind harmonised by yoga, he sees the Self abiding in all beings and all beings in the
Self; he sees the same everywhere. [Chapter 6 – Verse 29]
Atma is in Everything Everything is in Atma
i) Atma is Adhishtanam for everything i) Everything not Adhishtanam
ii) Core essence / Substance, things and ii) Everything is Nama Rupa
beings essence = Atma superimposition on Atma
- Gold essence of Ornaments
- Wood essence of furniture
- Atma essence of Universe
- Atma is in everything not
Superimposed on everything but in it
as its very Adhishtanam Substance in
short Atma is Satyam
• There is only one Satya Atma.
Chapter 3 - Verse 6 :

It is strange indeed, that one abiding in the transcendent non-duality and set for the goal
of Liberation should yet come under the sway of lust and distraught by his sexual habits.
[Chapter 3 – Verse 6]
• One who is in Advaitam and intent on liberation should not be subjected to karma.
• You have attained - reached Destination of Advaitam / ultimate Reality.
• Moksha not your Goal - Because Jnanis claim ‘Aham Brahma Asmi’
• I am Nitya Muktaha Atma / My Svarupa.
• For what purpose you are doing Kamya / Nithya / Naimitha / Prayaschitta Karma?
• Enslaved by Karma?
• Addicted to Activities? (Siksha - Regular Practice) weaving yourself
• 1st/ 2nd Cigarette - He wants cigarette
• 3rd Cigarette - Cigarette chooses him.
• 10th Cigarette - Cigarette alone chooses says - Take me, in his mind
• Outside object becomes bondage in the mind inside
• Person inside Jiva, Reflected Consciousness not able to Give up.

Person inside Jiva / Reflected

Consciousness not able to Give up

Reflected Consciousness - Jiva Ahamkara

- 2nd identity in the body - One identity

- Exists because of original
consciousness all pervading! 153
• Regular Practice (Siksha) weakes person.
• Janaka seems to be getting addicted to worldly pursuits.
• As Jnani quit and became Sanyasi guru, Punches Janaka
• Janaka continues with a Smile
Chapter 3 - Verse 7 :

Strange it is that knowing sex to be an enemy of Knowledge, even a man who has
grown extremely weak and has reached his last day should yet desire for sex-gratification!
[Chapter 3 – Verse 7]
Lust Janaka
- Enemy of Jnanam - Old / Weak / Near to death
- Should not be eager for sensual
Why not give-up all?
• Others don’t know higher reality
You know its Mithya?
• Desiring sensory objects / Activated person / Sensory impulses / Worldly desires.
• Kama - Enemy of Jnanam - Doesn’t protect Jnanam. 154
Gita - Chapter 3 :

The blessed Lord said : It is desire, it is anger born of the active, all-devouring, all-sinful; know
this as the foe here in this world). [Chapter 3 – Verse 37]
Like :
• Cotton and fire
• Allowing and fulfilling Kama in life.
• Jnana and Karma should not be allowed to co-exist.

Lecture 15
1) Debate :
• Is Sanyasa Ashrama required for liberation? can knowledge, alone liberate person,
should knowledge go with Sanyasa Ashrama and renunciation.
2) Ashtavakras Arguments :
a) Sanyasa compulsory for liberation :
o Vividasa Sanyasa - To gain knowledge
o Vidwat Sanyasa - For Jnana Nishta
b) You know Anatma = Jeevatvam - Mithya, can’t invoke individuality - Mithya false
c) Can run after Artha / Kama for family - Kamya Prayaschitta karmas.
d) Crossed 50 Years - Go to Vanaprastha / Sanyasa
o Know pursuit of Artha (Wealth) - Kama (Sense objects)
e) Karma obstacle / Enemy of Jnanam
f) Depends on Atma, makes you introvert
o Depends on Anatma Makes you extrovert, Bad friend = Enemy!
Janaka :
a) Sanyasa Ashrama optional way of life
b) Grihastha liberated by Jnanam by internal Sanyasa. 156
Definition of internal Sanyasa :
• Looking upon relative roles I Play as temporary Vesham belonging to empirical world -
Husband / Father / Boss
• Real Atma not husband / father, in Green room / Meditation invoked higher.
Chapter 3 - Verse 8 :

It is strange that one who is unattached to the pleasures of this world and the next, who
discriminates the eternal from the ephemeral and who aspires for Liberation, should yet fear
the dissolution of the body! [Chapter 3 – Verse 8]
• You discriminate real / Unreal - Eternal transient (You fear dissolution of Body?)
• You are scared to Sanyasa, attached to be Grahastha
Vesham :
• What is you internal condition?
Real Jnani :
• Not attached to Grahastha
• Not scared of Sanyasa (Teasing!)
• You claim to be Viragi / Viveki / Mumukshu / Sadhana Chatushya Sampanna with
Kshama / Daman / Sraddha / Uparama / Titiksha / Samadhanam. 157
Vairagi Viraga Sadhana Chatushtaya
- Towards Eha Loka - Self integration /
things of this world Discipline
- Towards Para Loka
• How can you have fear of Moksha / Sanyasa and hold on to Grahastha Ashrama.
• Vibishna = fear of Sanyasa
• Jnani has attained abayam
Taittriya Upanishad :

He who knows the bliss of Brahman, from which all words return without reaching it, Together
with the mind, is no more afraid of Anything. [2 - 9 - 1]
Chapter 3 - Verse 9 :

The wise person ever sees the absolute Self and is neither pleased nor angry, indeed, even
when feted and feasted or tormented. [Chapter 3 – Verse 9] 158
What should Real Jnani Do?
• Become Sanyasi after Jnanam, not hold to anything for security, Renounce ∆ format.
• Only Jiva Requires security, Not Atma.
• Jnani should not look at himself as Jiva in Binary format - I am not insecure.
• Don’t require security from outside, Discover security in himself
o Jiva - Ever insecure
o Atma - Never insecure
o Dheerah - Discovers Security in Atma
• Body ever insecure
• Jnani has Disidentified from Body
• Body's future determined by Prarabda, not my plan / will.
• Prarabda - Many parts - Choiceless
• We have to necessarily go through…
o Anatma can’t have security
o Atma need not have security
• Jnani Renounces Body…
• Ever Abides in vision of higher self which, Doesn’t need security. 159
Advaitam Atmanam :
• Once I abide in my own higher Nature Atma - How he looks upon his own body?
• Prarabda feeds body with variety of experiences - If Good Prarabda - Tasty
experiences consumed by all 5 Secure Organ.
• Bhojyamana - Pampered / Fed with Pleasurable experiences by world not Over elated
/ Carried away Priyam / Apriyam belongs to Body.
• I am Apriyam Ateeta
Chandogyo Upanishad :

Indra, this body is mortal. It has been captured by death. Yet it is the base of the Self, which is
immortal and formless. One who has a body is subject to both happiness and unhappiness. In
fact, there is no end to happiness and unhappiness so long as one has a body. But when a
person is free from the body, nothing good or bad can touch him. [8 - 12 - 1]
• Happy / Depressed are condition of body / Mind.
• Look at Body / Mind objectively by remaining as Sakshi to Body.
• When body is healthy - Practice Sakshi Bava, so that it enters Sub-conscious Mind -
becomes Vasana.
• When 90 Years old
• In difficult time, don’t use Will
• Will is weak in Sickness - will wont function
Subconscious Mind Should Tell :
• Body is exhausting Papa Prarabdum.
Practice Sakshi Bava Abyasa :
• When Body is Tormented by Bad Prarabda…
Jnani never Says :
• People are Tormenting
• Will develop Dvesha for people
Says :
• My own Prarabda Torments me
• Medium = wife / Neighbors, Language change
• Nobody Deserves hatred / Attachment
• No member Gives Pleasure /Pain
• No Daughter Gives pleasure / Pain, It is a Delusion.
• My own Punya Prarabdam gives Ananda or Dukham, medium = Daughter! 161
• My karma = through healthy / Sick child gives pleasure or Pain.
• Nothing in world gives Pleasure / Pain but Prarabda torments body, not Atma
Vision of Jnani :
• People - Replaced by Papa Prarabda
• Material Cause - Replaced by Body
• Doesn’t get Angry with People न कुप्यतत
• Get Angry with own karma / Angry with self
Chapter 3 - Verse 10 (very important) :

A great souled person watches his own body acting as if it were another's. As such, how should
he be perturbed by praise or blame? [Chapter 3 – Verse 10]
• Shift in attitude possible.
• Understanding Vedanta takes less time.
• Internalizing teaching takes few Janmas and to change attitude.
• People Affect me - Samsari Ajnani Attitude
• Prarabda - Body - Practice this for Janmas
• Intellect Great - When knowledge is great.
Very Important Sloka :
• Stands Aloof - Sakshi Bava, Meditation - His body = One of millions of bodies in the
• Rising and falling in Anatma Prapancha
• Body has come from Matter - Goes back into Matter.
• It doesn’t - Matter - Like Actor
• Body wears Different costumes for Different Roles!
• Looks at Body itself as a costume in Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Format
• Roles must be played properly for Drama.
• Let Body / Laugh - Cry - Tambura should be, Roles I have to do.
• Gets verbal swears by others, not affected.
• If physically Wounded - Healed in week
• If with words, wounded - Life long around.
• Sometimes Praise / Next day - Ninda, got married to you on…
• Praise / Criticism affects Sukshma Shariram - Mind not Atma.
Say :
• Shariram going through Prarabda. 163
Vyadhi Adhi
Physical pains afflicts Sthula Minds pains afflicts Sukshma
Shariram Shariram
• Good / Critical words in both - wise - Don’t Allow thoughts to Disturb.
• Receives and forgets - Instead of Reliving - Bringing again and again.
When Disturbing thoughts come (Very Good)
• Allow them to Pass through - Say Papam
• Prarabdam affecting Sukshma Shariram
• How can wise get disturbed by them
Chapter 3 - Verse 11 :

Realising this universe as a mere illusion and having lost all zest in life, how can even such a
man of poised intellect fear the approach of death? [Chapter 3 – Verse 11]
• Wise doesn’t try to get answer to various questions asked by worldly Samsaris.
• Life and All events - Mysterious / Inexplicable
• Don’t ask why - No answer
Why so and so behaved in such a Manner?
• Don’t waste many hours / Days / Months Trying to Answer this
• Done so Much! Why this behavior!! No Answer
Jnani :
• Doesn’t want to explain cause of events / Behavior.
• Ends in Maya - Anirvachania
• Not karma - why 1st Janma - Anaadi = Maya.
• Therefore, Goes through Prarabda Life!

Lecture 16
Chapter 3 and 4 :
Is Sanyasa Necessary for liberation?
• 2 Conditions / Qualifications - when Sanyasa not Real.
1) Gain Jnanam :
• I am not body / Mind / Complex / I am Atma Tattvam Sakshi Chaitanyam Awareness
• Jnana Nishta - Nididhyasanam / No Doubts
2) Knowledge Holding Mind should be :
• Refined, Mature Mind / Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti Compulsory.
• If mind doesn’t fulfill Qualification, mind cant get benefit of knowledge even if there is
4 Discriminations compulsory, Refinement / Requirement / Qualification :
• Discrimination / Dispassion / Discipline / Desire for Moksha.
• When both Jnana Yogyata and Jnanam are there, person is necessarily liberated.
• Whether person is in Brahmacharya / Grahastha / Vanasprastha / Sanyasa Ashrama -
Doesn’t matter
• Every Ashrama has Advantages and dis Advantages.
• No perfect Ashrama / Body / Mind / Sense organs, all Anatma…
• I am Grihastha and have a Samsara and am Mukta / Jnani, Proved only by Claiming. 166
1) Why holding to family / Comforts :
• Grihastha - Centre of attachment
2) Why are you afraid of Sanyasa?
• Represents attachment - Vibhishana.
Description of Sanyasi :
• Body Depends on Prarabdha
• Healthy sickness
• Gives up Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Abides in Binary format.
• In creation - Body / Mind - Part of world - Anatma.
• Body / Mind world will bring variety of experiences
• I am Asangoham - Abide in Atma
• How he looks at Anatma?
Chapter 3 - Verse 11 :
• Places Body / Mind, family in Anatma Prapancha
• Stands intellectually Aloof and looks at Universe - What is his attitude?
• Whole universe is Maya. 167
Maya (Permanent question Mark -
Prash Naha - Panchadasi)

Full of Variety Change Mysterious

- Everyone different - Essential nature of Maya - Events / people

- Priorities different / Body / Mind / Values / - Proves 100 Question’s to
- Body / Mind / Events gods / Expectation intellect
different - No gratitude
- Variety Accepted
without Judgement

• More you probe, more restless intellectually, Accept change / variety / Mysterious

• Without questioning - Eternal curiosity / Probing Vigata Kautukaha.

• Observe Maya world as witness without involvement. It is wonderful entertainment

stand aloof.

Choice yours

Without involvement With involvement

World entertainment World trap

As witness Entanglement
What is involvement?
• Forgetting I am Sakshi
• Forgetfulness of Sakshi Bava = involvement
• At Regular interval binary format should be Reminded, otherwise trapped.
• Use Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara for family Case
• No involvement with world / Body / Mind - Old Age / wealth / Not afraid…
• If attached to Body - Old Age, tragedy When death imminent, close by, Jnani - says.
Mayikam Shariram :
• One of variety / Disintegration like anything else - Nature of Maya = Variety / change.
Chapter 3 - Verse 12 :

With whom can we compare that great sage, whose mind is free from desires; who, even in his
frustration experiences contentment in his Self-knowledge? [Chapter 3 – Verse 12]
• Mind of enlightened is light / Relaxed, intellect not burdened by Question’s
• Knows Anatma has to change.
• I am Satyam Sakshi
• World Maya for entertainment not meant for involvement.
Gita :

The unreal has no existence; there is no non-existence of the Real; the truth about both these
has been seen by the knowers of the Truth (or the seers of the Essence).[Chapter 2 - Verse 16]
• One who claims Aham Satyam (Jagan - Mithya)
• Mahatma / Paramatma / Brahman
• For him Mind has no concern / Rigidity / Expectation, Flexible / Resilient person.
• No concern for moksha - Because Already Mukta
• No Desire for Desireless ness (Moksha) Nairashyam.
• No more seeker / Sadhaka / Knows - I am not the Role
• I am Actor - I Play the Role
• Enlightened mind = light mind
• Un Enlightened mind = Heavy mind
• Matchless mind / Great mind / Cant be Matched with Samsari Mind.
Chapter 3 - Verse 13 :

Why should that wise minded man, who knows that the perceived world in its own nature, has
no substance, consider one thing acceptable and another unacceptable?[Chapter 3 – Verse 13]
Maya :
• Enquire its nature, it becomes something else.
• Building Bricks, like onion it will disappear
• Molecule - Bundle of energy in motion 171
• Doesn’t exist, optical illusion
• Creates illusion of tangibility
• No world exists separate than observer
• Tangible - Real dream world has capacity to give Pleasure / Pain.
• Doesn’t exist separate from observing waker.
• When I probe with Shastra Pramana.
• There is no world separate from me the observer (Very important)
• I lend existence to waking world - Get trapped by that
• I lend existence to Dream and get frightened
Don’t Say world is persecuting me :
• Meditate on this fact…
• Use world as entertainment, not As trap, Convert Maya into blessing by Knowing
Nature of Maya.
• On Enquiry it disappears into thin Air.
• This Visible Universe is optical illusion, ready hollow / Nothing / Empty / Contentless /
• Essence of the World = I = observer. 172
Its nature of Maya :
• Water with fire - Why water hot?
• Contact with vessel - Why fire Hot, Mystical?
• Nature of Maya - Probe - it disappears into nothing Svabava…
• Therefore no rigid expectation - Only preferences
• Gita Rigid = Raaga - Dvesha
• Strong Aversion / Attachment.
How will wise - look at Universe?
• Confront Universe with this Bavana, Day throws - welcome / Unwelcome experiences.
• Ready to accept Universe as it is.
Chapter 3 - Verse 14 :

He who has given up all worldly passions from his mind, who is beyond the pairs of opposites
and who is free from desires, to him objects of enjoyment, unexpectedly reaching him, can
cause neither pleasure nor pain. [Chapter 3 – Verse 14]
• Jnanis contentment not because of change in external setup but internal
• Key for Success in life not depends on external event. 173
• Freedom from Rigid expectation, loose Preferences ok

• Kashaya = Rigid Raaga / Reversed, Internalizes in his mind

• Therefore free from Pair of opposites.

• Doesn’t divide world into favorable / Unfavorable, Nor Dwelling on future.

o Present - Accepts setup

o Future - Ready for change

• Experiences come because of Prarabda

• Prarabda is mystical / Can’t see / Adrishtam

• Bhoga experiences - Sukham / Dukham, not Shattered not over excited.

Lecture 17
Chapter 3 :
1) Jnani free from dependency and attachment and drops Grahastha
2) Afraid of seeking security in house :
• Not secured security in yourself.
3) Search - Mental condition :
• Chapter 4 - 6 Verses.
Lesson 1 :
1) As long as self ignorance is there, there will be problem of attachment / Insecurity /
2) Knowledge causes detachment / Security.
Lesson 2 :
1) As long as ignorance is there any Ashrama is cause of Bondage, Ashrama doesn't
determine liberation.
o As long as ignorance is there, there will be attachment for Grahastha and Sanyasi
Flat / Rudraksha / Kutia
2) Physical body can’t be renounced till Prarabda is there.
o Ignorant Sanyasi without passion has max insecurity - No relation / no Money…
o Knowledge alone gives liberation
o Ashrama / Possession irrelevant, no attachment / No insecurity.
6 Verses
Chapter 4 - Verse 1 :

O marvel! The man of understanding, the knower of the Self, who plays the sport of life, has
no comparison with the deluded beasts of burden of the world. [Chapter 4 – Verse 1]
• Jnani way of life / Action based on Prarabda
• Because of Prarabda - Situation, resources make me to be in Grahastha. I have wo
attachment to Grihastha
Example :
• Like water in Lotus Leaf
• Amidst people / Possession - Don’t Depend on them for peace / Security / Happiness.
• I am able to Visualize myself without People and Possession as Jnani.
• My mind doesn’t get disturbed, Ready to loose anything at any time.
• Knowledge alone gives liberation.
• Ashrama / Possessions - irrelevant, no attachment / no Insecurity.
Chapter 4 - Verse 1 :
• Jnanis way of life / Action based on Prarabda.
• Because of Prarabda - Situation requires me to be in Grahastha, I have no attachment
to Grihastha. 176
Example :
• Like water in Lotus Leaf
• Amidst People / Possession - Don’t Depend on them for peace / Security happiness.
• I am able to Visualize myself without People and Possession as Jnani.
• My mind doesn’t get disturbed, Ready to loose anything at any time, Let Prarabda
take Anything.
• All loosely held - not Strongly, emotionally to anything.
• No fear of Loosing anything including Body, I am liberated
1) I Enjoy such state of mind :
• Free from Attachment / Jeevan Mukta.
2)I am Grihastha due to Prarabda :
• Follow Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara format, is Grihastha and for loka Sangraha as Drama /
3)For his inner private life / inner Security / Peace - Jnani follows :
• Aham Brahma Asmi - Satyam…
• Everything else - Mithya - Anatma including Body
• Events = Drama - Myself - Ever free.
What will be my condition when health goes?
• People gone - Possession go
• Mind unperturbed in presence / Absence
• I am free in grihastha.
• Free from attachment and security.
4) Avoid Sanyasa - Not out of fear :
• Because of Prarabda - In Grahastha because of Prarabda
5) Freedom from attachment / Sense of security / Vitha Raaga, Baya krodha = Jnanam :
• Moksha = inner Mental condition
• No irritation when things go away from me..
• All 3 Absent - then Mukta Purusha / Jnani, I am Jnani Grihastha.
• I - Observer Satyam - Everything observed Mithya - includes my Body / Mind / family /
world / Events - Don’t touch me
• No irritation, When things taken away from me.
• All 3 Absence, then Muktah Purusha / Jnani
I am Jnani Grihastha :
• Grihastha Jnani not equal to Grihastha Ajnani
• I observer Satyam - Everything observed Mithya… Includes my Body / Mind / Family /
World / Events don’t touch me. 178
Action :
• Identified with role, beggar Cries
• Knows I will get crores for acting, Inside rich
Similarly Play role - Know :
• Aham Nitya Mukta Atma Asmi Asangaha
Why Play Role?
• Bhagawan takes Avatara and experiences as Leela, not samsara suffering.
• Play in Mithya Prapancha - I Atma not involved.
• No Difference between Jnani and Avatara Therefore Swami.
• Go through Roles as Leela.
• Going through emotions in TV, Dream real in Dreams.
• Similarly for ignorant - world absolute Reality, Therefore problem Overwhelming.
Money - lost…
Delusion :
• Taking Role as Real nature, Each news huge Burden - For Ajnani life is a serious
• Insecurity of 4th Grandchild - Becomes my worry, my insecurity (When I think about it)
• When Jnani alone, internal dialogue is based on Binary format (Very Important)
• Worried Grihastha - Burden / Jnani Grihastha free / Light. 179
• No equality between these 2 Grihastha's.
• 6 Verses - Very important - Chapter 4 to change inner disposition - No external
Chapter 4 - Verse 2 :

O marvel! The yogin does not feel elated abiding in that state which Indra and others hanker
after and become unhappy (because they cannot attain it). [Chapter 4 – Verse 2]
Yogi - Grahastha Resides in Atma :
• Enjoy inner freedom / Relaxation / internal happiness, therefore Doesn’t Depend on
• Not happy because of family around
• Mentally ask - If family claims - we don’t depend on you and allows you to take
• Can I comfortably take decision or will I be, unhappy without emotional Crutches, if
mind disturbed.
• I am here because they need me.
Change :
• I shouldn’t depend on anything.
My happiness :
• Family / Position / Possession, I am in such state of freedom.
• Setup requires him or he requires setup?
• If he needs set up, then he is emotionally dependent.
Honestly Say :
• Presence / Absence of things don’t matter
• Ready to lose anything - State of mind of Jnani exalted state… Tough goal - Devatas
struggling to Achieve his status.
• Moksha state of mind - Ever secure state of mind
• Yearning to attain this method, state - Not able to attain - Tough
Mind :
• Whatever setup - Mind gets attached to Ashrama / Tree, - Sanyasi starts saying -
• Changing set up - Doesn’t Solve Problem, Attitudinal change only by understanding.
Atma Jnanam - Jagan
Mithya world

Unpredictable Uncontrollable Unsustainable 181

• Best setup can’t Sustain all the time.
• Go on meditating - Let me not seek
• Security from setup - Fall on my own lap.
• Jnani Grahastha - Fine as Grahastha / Samsari.
Chapter 4 - Verse 3 :

Indeed, the heart of one who has comprehended the Self is not touched by virtue and vice,
just as the space is uncontaminated by smoke even though apparently it exists in space.
[Chapter 4 – Verse 3]
For Private life :
• I am Asanga Atma - Body / Mind and Anatma uncontrollable
• Self not touched by Virtue - vice
• Self not touched by Smoke / impurities in the Air.
Jnani - Knows :
• 3 Gunas will fluctuate, nothing ideal all the time
• Mind influenced by Prarabda / Vasana
• Prakashamcha Prasthishtancha - Moha Mevacha Pandava. 182
• Jnani - Objective with respect to mind - Stands aloof of mind - Body / Mind -
independent dress.
• When mind not fully Normal ,Reduce transaction, Postpone Decision. So that mental
Disturbances not transferred to setup (More you observe your mind)
More you know where others trapped?
• Jnani knows his mind also gives through Rajo, Tamo - Guna Avastha.
• Even though Predominately Sattvic.
• He watches as Sakshi
When fluctuations in Anatma because of Prarabda Punya, Papam what is his attitude?
• Jnani Doesn’t identify with his mind and not say - I am Disturbed
• Doesn’t include mind for self Judgement, because there is no Perfect mind - Stands
• When body has ill health - Give Rest give food
• Perfect Body has fluctuations
• Falls sick Rarely - has inner Resources for automatic Repair
• Same Applicable to Rajas - Tamas, space not tainted by smoke
• I - Atma not disturbed by fluctuations in the mind.
• Jnani has sufficient control Not to translate those fluctuations to verbal / Body /
Action level.
• His FIR - Reduces. 183
Lecture 18
Chapter 3 :
• Test to Janaka by Ashtavakra
1) Connected samsara and Grahastha :
• Moksha - Sanyasa
• Jnani - Free from attachment
• Raaga - Grihastha Ashrama
• Dvesha - Sanyasa Ashrama
2) Jnanam (Self knowledge) and Raaga / Dvesha, can’t go together
Chapter 4 :
• Answer by Janaka :
1) Samsara and Moksha don’t depend on Ashrama :
• Bondage - Possible in Grihastha / Sanyasa Ashrama
• Liberation - Possible in Grihastha / Sanyasa Ashrama
2) What determines Bondage and Liberation?
• Whether I lead Ahamkara or Sakshi Pradhana life.
• Ahamkara can never escape Samsara, whatever be the Ashrama.
3) What is Ahamkara?
• I am identified with Body / Mind complex
• I look Upon myself as Individual being. 184
• Ahamkara characterized by Body / Mind complex and as Ahamkara can never escape.
• Samsara because it is subject to onslaught of Desha / kala / Prarabda.
• Place / Time / Prarabda will affect Ahamkara.
4) Prarabda affects directly and influences Body / Mind complex or influences relations /
people Around :
• Ahankara related to only few members / family or Ashrama Members.
• Ahankara cant avoid relations
• In Rishikesh - Chennai appears better
• In Chennai - Singapore appears better
• Our own Regrets creates samsara - No Need for Desha / Kala / Others
Therefore only solution :
5) Elevate ourselves to higher order of reality / Awareness and learn to identify with
Sakshi Svaroopa
6) When I raise myself to level of Sakshi :
• Ahamkara will not disappear, will continue to appear as Vesham / Svapna.
7) Only from Sakshi level, Ahamkara and life's situation appear as Drama / Svapna :
• Then alone it will lose its impact on my mind.
• It must become Vesham / Svapna, Look at myself / Judge myself as Sakshi who is not
touched by Sanchita / Agami Karmas or Prarabda.
• They belong to Vyavaharika Mithya Ahamkara.
• If I come to Sakshi Pradhana life - Ashrama Doesn’t matter
• In Ahankara Pradhana life - Any Ashrama is bondage.
• I lead Sakshi Pradhana life - Lifestyle need not be based on Raaga, Dvesha or
Prarabda, king because of Prarabda…
• Play Role as Emperor - Zero Attachment to emperor / Grihastha Status.
8) Rama Received 2 opposite News :
• Emperor hood / Forest 14 Years
• Ready to loose empire / family ready for either way of life.
• Don’t hold to any life because of my Raaga - Dvesha - Therefore I am free / Will be
• Structural changes are caused by Prarabda Situation.
• For Jnani Grihastha - Ever Awake to Sakshi Svaroopa - I am Sakshi all the time,
Vyavahara Status - Temporary.
• Role i have to Play. Serial to serial - Roles change - not attached to any role.
• Such awareness is there - when Papam comes - Possession / Powers go.
• Look at myself without Paraphernalia…
• Punyam gives wonderful experiences…
• Mind not excited - No situation, disturbs my mental balance.
• With fluctuations of Prarabda punya - Papam, not tormented inside.
• Prarabda outside Affects Body / Sickness / Body Dependent on ICU / Ventilator.
• Internally Na Sparshaka - Like space not affected, Touched by impurities floating.
• No apparent / Real attachment
• Moksha not future event / not Samsari, now / Jeevan Mukti Status.
Chapter 4 - Verse 4 :

The wise man, who has known this entire universe to be the Self alone, acts spontaneously.
Who can forbid him? [Chapter 4 – Verse 4]
• Jnani plays Role for Loka Sangraha “Knows universe to be self alone”
• Ornament to be Gold alone (Pervasive Nature)
• Does Nitya - Naimitta Puja / Sradham
• Can’t Give up Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara - Format in Vyavahara.
• Follows for family / Loka Sangraha
• Sakshi Pradhana - only when in ’Meditation’ alone. 187
• Looks at himself not as Grahastha facing, problem but as Sakshi Svarupa (Very
important tip to living)
• I am Atma - Not Jnani Emperor
• Universe = I Atma with different Nature and Form..
• Rivers / Ocean / Rain / Wave - one water can’t touch water because they are all water
• Similarly I - Consciousness Alone Am everything - Nama / Rupa can’t touch me.
• World Doesn’t exist separate from Atma
Example :
• Characters in Movie → Do not taint Screen, even though Screen modulates all of
• Dream cant affect wakers Nature
• Events Affect Ahankara, cannot Touch me Sakshi.
• This Awareness Grihastha Jnani always has all the time
• If he tends to forget - withdraw from Vyavahara and Read Chapter 4.
• Practice Sakshi Pradhana and come back, stay in Ashrama for week and watch.
• Different Samsara there - Only Solution elevate yourself wherever you are.
• Become Sakshi Pradhana…
• Idam Sarvam Jagat - Atma Eva, Realized by events Mahatma.
• After claiming higher Status, he allows Ahankara to exhaust Prarabda… 188
2 Purposes of Human Birth

As karta As Bokta

Accomplish Purusharthas Exhaust my Prarabda as

including Moksha Ahamkara
• Sakshi has no Purushartha / Prarabda to exhaust.
• Only Ahankara has taken body for 2 Purposes.
• Jnani - Accomplishes Purushartha Ahamkara has to exhaust, Prarabda.
• Law of Bhagawan at Vyavaharika Plane, Body / family - Fluctuates.
• Sakshi Pradhana Jnani - Allows Ahankara to go through - Prarabda…
• Will Ahankara go through Adharmic Actions.
• Jnani has no Adharmic Actions.
• As Sadhaka Develops Dharma Vasanas.
• He is allowed to come to Jnanam
Katho Upanishad :

But he who has not turned away from bad conduct, whose senses are not subdued, whose
mind is not concentrated, whose mind is not pacified, can never obtain this Atman by
knowledge. [1 - 2 - 24]
• One has right to come to knowledge.
• Vedanta after Dharma Vasanas developed - Morality developed.
Adharmic Activity :
• Born out of Raaga / Dvesha (likes and Dislikes)
• Jnani has neutralized all
• Jnanis life = Dharmic and Prarabda Allowed to come and go.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad / Chandogyo Upanishad :
• Grihastha Jnani….

Ajaata Shatru Gargya

- Jnani - Learned Brahmana
- 2nd Chapter 1st Brahman - Knows Saguna Ishvara
- Avastha Traya Vichara - In / Jiva / Jagat / Ishvara
Brahman : format (Grahastha)
- Satyasya Satyam
- Pranavai Satyam
- Tenavai maha Satyam - Highest reality
- Grihastha Sanyasi liberated -
Krishna - Grihastha - Jnani - Doing duty
Chapter 4 - Verse 5 :

Of the four categories of existence, from Brahma down to a grass blade, it is the wise one
alone who has the capacity to renounce desires and aversions. [Chapter 4 – Verse 5]
Samsara not caused by various events in life :
• It is caused by Raaga / Dvesha because of which, we judge events as Good / bad.
• It is our judgment which causes Samsara problem / Enjoyment not in objects /
Peoples / Situation.
• Raaga / Dvesha comes As events in to samsara.
What is required ?
• Conversion of mind - Uddhava Gita
- Avanti Bikshu
- Manaha Eva samsara / Buddhi Eva Karanam.
• Judging Mind Alone, cause of Samsara
• Judgment because of Raaga / Dvesha, Convert Raaga Dvesha into Preferences.
• Preferences ok - Don’t make it strong needs, It will become Samsara.
• Needs become Anxiety (No School Admission - Anxiety, no Marriage by next year,
Anxiety) 191
• For Raaga / Dvesha to be converted to preferences you need Atma Jnanam.
Living beings 4 types

Jara Andajan Svedajam Udvijam

- Womb of mother - Egg - Born of Moisture - Earth born

- Human - Birds / Wet ground
- Can claim - Mosquitos
Vigyanam :
• Ahamkara is Drama / Svapnam.
I am not Ahamkara but Sakshi :
• With Non-binding Raaga / Dvesha = Preference
• Therefore anxiety of future is gone.
• Ready for any type of future, determined by Prarabda.

Chapter 4 - Verse 6 :

Rare indeed is the one who knows the Self, as one without a second and as the Lord of
the universe. He does what comes to his mind and has no fears from any quarters.
[Chapter 4 – Verse 6]
• Man of Self knowledge not under impulsion of effects of his actions in the past life
Self knowledge :
• I am Non-dual Sakshi Chaitanyam and I alone play.

3 Fold role with 3 different

Nama rupa

Jiva Jagat Ishvara

Chetana Micro Nama rupa Achetana Nama rupa Chetana Macro Nama rupa

In Every situation :

o Performs duty without Raaga / Dvesha

o Without emotional disturbances.

• Activity not governed by Raaga / Dvesha but call of duty.

• No Anxiety Re-future

• Vitha Raaga baya Krodhaha

• Where no attachment - There is no Bayam / Krodha, Anger / Fear = Jeevan Mukti

• I am Grahastha because of Prarabda.

Lecture 19
1) Jnanam is cause of liberation not Ashrama :
• With no Jnanam - Every Ashrama Bondage
• With Jnanam - Every Ashrama liberation
2) :
Sakshi Pradhana lifestyle :
- Life centered on Individuality Rises / - Ever free Sakshi
Facts / Roles - Relationship Duties is - Ahamkara and its Role are Dream /
Biography Drama
- Prarabda decides Grihastha - I am outside Drama / Dream and my
- Beyond Raaga / Dvesha with respect real Nature is satchit Ananda
to Ashrama. - I am Untained By - Drama
- I am unaffected By - Dream
• Play role / Duty for sake of Loka Sangraha - Benefit of setup in which I am. I have no
Purushartha to accomplish.
• I am not helpless Jiva but ever liberated Jiva / Jnani.

1) Main Topic Ashtavakra’s :
• Admiration for Janaka / Jnani whatever Varna / Ashrama…
Manisha Panchakam :

This indeed is my deep conviction : he who has realised that he is not the seen, but that he is
the one Consciousness that illumines all experiences during the waking, dream and deep-sleep
states, the one Consciousness that is the sole witness of the entire play of the universe, the
one Consciousness which is the very life spark in all forms from the Creator down to the ant,
he alone is my Guru, be he a sweeper, be he a brahmana. [Verse 1]
• Jnani beyond Caste / Ashrama will do prostration.


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