QSP Chapter1
QSP Chapter1
QSP Chapter1
Statistical and
Quantum Physics
1.1 Introduction
Statistical and Quantum Physics: Course A 2
relation between mass and energy E = mc2 . The energy-frequency relation for
This tells us that mass and energy are the photons
same thing. We will need the concept that
there is an inertial mass associated with any E = hν.
type of energy we care to think of, in particu-
where h = 6.6261 × 10−34 J s is Planck’s
lar, even ‘massless particles’ such as photons,
the particles of light, have energy E, which is
related to the frequency ν of the associated
electromagnetic wave by the fundamental re-
E = hν.
where h is Planck’s constant. Photons also
have momenta p according to the quantum
relation which we will develop in the last part
of the course,
E = pc. The energy-momentum relation for
E = pc.
In the last part of the course Fields, Oscillations
and Waves, wave concepts were extended to derive
the Schrödinger wave equation and we will use it
a great deal in the last part of this course to de-
scribe the behaviour of quantum phenomena at a
fundamental level.
To generalise rather sweepingly, so far we have been
dealing with individual objects, either particles or
waves, and understanding their mechanical and dy-
namical properties. We developed rules about how
Newton’s laws can be extended to deal with ex-
tended bodies such as tables, chairs and elephants,
but these extended objects were taken to be rigid
In the first part of this course, we extend the basic
concepts of Newtonian and relativistic mechanics to
very large assemblies of particles. We have no hope
of being able to follow the paths of all the particles
and waves and so we need a statistical description
of these large assemblies and from this we aim to
derive the bulk properties of the system. This is the
beginning of an absolutely vast subject which ex-
tends into some of the deepest aspects of physics.
These will ultimately provide an understanding of
the nature of the two great Laws of Thermodynam-
ics, which are probably the most fundamental of all
the laws of physics.
Statistical and Quantum Physics: Course A 3
P 0 = m(u − V ) − mV (1.1)
Figure 1.3. In the moving frame S0 after the collision
In the zero momentum frame, this must be zero
and so V = u/2.
We now redraw the vector diagram in the S0 frame ....
of reference, which moves at speed u/2 with respect ...
u/2 ... −u/2
to S in the positive x-direction (Figure 1.2). In S0 , ..
y ... y
the total momentum is zero and, since the collision Before ...
is elastic, there is no loss of kinetic energy. The ve- ..
........ After
locity vectors must have the same magnitude after y
the collision and so in S0 , after the collision, the ve-
locity vectors must be rotated with respect to the Figure 1.4. In laboratory frame S after the collision
initial direction, as shown in Figure 1.3.
Now, to transform back to the frame S, we need to |u|/2
add vectors u/2 to the rotated vectors, as shown in ....
..... ....
........ .....
. ... ........ .......
. ... ...............
Figure 1.4, and it is just a piece of geometry to work |u|/2 ....
........ .....
. .
..... .....
out the angle between the two resultant vectors. I u . ..
..... ........
....... ...
... .......
. ..
.... ... .. .
have completed the parallelograms for the two par- .
..... .....
..... . .... ......... ......
........ ....
........ ........
.... ........ ....
ticles and it can be seen that, for both the upper |u|/2 .....
.... ...............
....... .....
.. .
. ..
............... ........ .....
and lower parallelograms, the sides are all of equal .............................................................................
Let us start the simulation with all the discs at rest
except one. We start off that disc with a significant
velocity and observe the subsequent behaviour. We
can see that, in due course, all the discs are in mo-
tion as a result of collisions – the initial kinetic
energy is shared among the discs. This shows how
the particles share kinetic energy through elastic
collisions. But there is much more to observe.
pV = (constant) T. (1.6)
If we took sufficient care in the design of the source Figure 1.13. Spectrum of black body radiation
of radiation, we would find that the intensity is a x3
f (x) dx ∝ x dx
universal function of frequency. By this, we mean e −1
in terms of the dimensionless frequency x.
that we would maintain an enclosure at a fixed tem-
perature for a very long time until all the matter 1.5
and radiation were at the same single temperature. ....
Radiation of this form is known as black-body ra- .
... ...
diation. The term black-body is derived from the ..
. ...
... hν
concept that a black object is a perfect absorber of 1.0 ..
. ...
... x=
.. ...
radiation of all frequencies, and hence thermody- f (x)
. ...
namically must also be a perfect emitter. ..
. .....
. .....
0.5 .... .....
Notice a key point. In the case of the elastic col- .
.... .....
lisions between identical particles, energy was ex- .
. .....
. ........
changed among all the particles and, in the equilib- .
rium state, a unique energy distribution was found, 0.0 .
1.6 Summary