spacecraft required to accomplish the said mission. The design will be created
on the Onshape-CAD software which was recently familiarized to us during our
coursework. I will be modelling the satellite to achieve the weight of the
spacecraft, as we can specify the material for each part of the satellite with the
desired material of choice. The design will start from the basic structural
components of the satellite, and further details and parts will be added to the
final design as we gain a better understanding of the required components and
materials that can be used to enhance the efficiency of the retrieval vehicle.
Below listed are some of the structural materials used for the manufacturing
of satellites.
6.FIBERGLASS: It was the first-ever composite material used for space structure
and is still used the most. The matrix material may be epoxy, phenolic, or
other material, and the glass can range from relatively low-quality fibreglass
to highly processed quartz fibre. It is desirable because of the relative ease
with which complex shapes can be fabricated. It also exhibits strength and
offers the ability to tailor strength and stiffness both in absolute value and
direction in the material by choice of fibre density and orientation.
8.INCONEL ALLOYS: The Inconel family of alloys and other similar alloys based on
nickel, cobalt, etc. are used for high-temperature applications. A typical
application is as a height shield in the vicinity of the rocket nozzle to protect
the lower-temperature components from thermal radiation or hot gas
recirculation. These alloys are of relatively high density, equal to that of steel
or greater so, weight can be a problem. However, Inconel lends itself to
processing into quite thin foils which allow it use as a shield, often in multiple
layers with a minimum mass penalty.
New materials coming into use are mostly composites of various types,
although some new alloys have also appeared. Among the alloys, aluminium-
lithium is of considerable interest, because the addition of lithium results in
alloys of somewhat higher strength than familiar aluminium alloys, but having
equal or lower density. This material is already seeing extensive use in
commercial aviation and the most recent version of the space shuttle's
external tank.
High-temperature refractory materials have been available for many years but
have seen limited use because of high density, lack of ductility, cost and other
factors. Tungsten, tantalum, and molybdenum fall into this category. These
materials are somewhat less available than they were some years ago. A great
many suppliers have dropped out of the field. This may in part be related to
the collapse of the commercial nuclear power industry in the United States.
One exception is niobium (formerly called columbium). This material is useful
to temperatures as high as 1300 K but has a density only slightly higher than
steel. It is available in commercial quantities. Like all refractory metals, it
oxidises rapidly if heated in air, but a silicide coating offers substantial
protection in this environment.
Metal matrix composites involve the use of metal matrix, eg., aluminium,
stiffened and strengthened by fibres of another metal or another nonmetallic
material. In aluminium for example fibres of boron, silicon, carbide, and
graphite have been used. Some difficulties have been encountered, such as the
tendency of the molten aluminium to react with the graphite during the
manufacture of the composite.
The use of composite and new age materials can be inducted in the design of
such a spacecraft that will be designed to perform a single recovery mission,
which can significantly reduce the payload of the launch vehicle,
manufacturing cost of the vehicle and operating expences of such missions.
Such spacecrafts, if used in tandem with re-usable launch vehicles with low
payload capacity sufficient enough to deliver such vehicles into the desired
orbit can make the removal of space debris more viable in the near future.