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Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

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Behavioural Brain Research

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Transcutaneous auricular vagus stimulation (taVNS) improves human

working memory performance under sleep deprivation stress
Rui Zhao a, 1, Meng-Ying Chang a, 1, Chen Cheng b, 1, Qian-Qian Tian b, c, Xue-Juan Yang b, c, d, *,
Meng-Yu Du b, c, Ya-Peng Cui b, c, Zhao-Yang He a, Fu-Min Wang a, Yao Kong a, Hui Deng b, c, d,
Li-Ming Lu e, Chun-Zhi Tang e, Neng-Gui Xu e, Jin-Bo Sun b, c, d, *, Wei Qin b, c, d
School of Electronics and Information, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an, China
Intelligent Non-Invasive Neuromodulation Technology and Transformation Joint Laboratory, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710126, China
Engineering Research Center of Molecular and Neuro Imaging of the Ministry of Education, School of Life Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi
710126, China
Guangzhou Institute of Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710126, China
South China Research Center for Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Medical College of Acu-Moxi and Rehabilitation, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,
Guangzhou, China


Keywords: Many human activities require high cognitive performance over long periods, while impairments induced by
TaVNS sleep deprivation influence various aspects of cognitive abilities, including working memory (WM), attention,
Working memory and processing speed. Based on previous research, vagal nerve stimulation can modulate cognitive abilities,
Sleep deprivation
attention, and arousal. Two experiments were conducted to assess the efficacy of transcutaneous auricular vagus
Fatigue countermeasure
nerve stimulation (taVNS) to relieve the deleterious effects of sleep deprivation. In the first experiment, 35
Non-invasive neuromodulation
participants completed N-back tasks at 8:00 a.m. for two consecutive days in a within-subject study. Then, the
participants received either taVNS or earlobe stimulation (active control) intervention in two sessions at random
orders after 24 h of sustained wakefulness. Then, they completed the N-back tasks again. In the second exper­
iment, 30 participants completed the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT), and 32 completed the N-back tasks at
8:00 a.m. on the first and second days. Then, they received either taVNS or earlobe stimulation at random orders
and finished the N-back and PVT tasks immediately after one hour. In Experiment 1, taVNS could significantly
improve the accuracy rate of participants in spatial 3-back tasks compared to active control, which was
consistent with experiment 2. However, taVNS did not specifically enhance PVT performance. Therefore, taVNS
could be a powerful intervention for acute sleep deprivation as it can improve performance on high cognitive
load tasks and is easy to administer.

1. Introduction long-term SD are also at risk of making errors due to sleepiness and
fatigue, leading to dangerous consequences. For instance, numerous
Fatigue caused by acute or chronic sleep deprivation (SD) impairs studies indicated that long nurses’ shifts caused increased procedural
cognition and its various aspects, such as working memory (WM), and medical incidents [6]. The many errors of pilots are associated with
attention, reaction time, processing speed, multi-task, and verbal sleep loss, and up to 20 % of motor vehicle incidents are due to drowsy
learning [1-5]. Sleep deprivation is a severe problem for people working driving [7]. Furthermore, Dawson et al. inferred that high operational
long hours, including those in the military, medicine, or transportation tempo led to performance changes similar to those induced by 0.05–0.08
industry. As a result, damaging the psychological and physiological re­ % blood alcohol concentrations [8]. SD-induced fatigue has seriously
activities may lead to serious somatic illness. Moreover, individuals with threatened public health, and investigating possible anti-fatigue

* Corresponding authors at: Intelligent Non-Invasive Neuromodulation Technology and Transformation Joint Laboratory, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi
710126, China
E-mail addresses: xjyang@xidian.edu.cn (X.-J. Yang), sunjb@xidian.edu.cn (J.-B. Sun).
Co-first author, equal contribution

Received 6 August 2022; Received in revised form 23 November 2022; Accepted 1 December 2022
Available online 5 December 2022
0166-4328/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

measures is necessary. both high and low cognitive load, and psychomotor vigilance task (PVT)
Some fatigue countermeasures exist, including stimulant medicines, to investigate the effect of taVNS on relieving SD-related cognitive
such as caffeine, theophylline, and amphetamine, etc [9–12]. However, deficits. Furthermore, it was examined whether the relief effects of
some stimulants, like amphetamine, are unsuitable for people working taVNS were universal for all cognition or specific to the high-load
long night shifts considering their pharmacological nature and side ef­ cognitive functions.
fects. Caffeine and tea are commonly used fatigue countermeasures,
which could improve visual vigilance, choice reaction time and 2. Material and methods
self-reported fatigue after long SD. They are even involved in hippo­
campal antioxidant defense [10,13,14]. However, they have varying 2.1. Experiment 1
benefits among individuals, which decline over long-time usage. Be­
sides, some studies revealed that though caffeine could improve sus­ We focused on the facilitation of taVNS on the WM performance of
tained attention impaired by SD, it did not elevate behavioral the subjects after 24 h of SD in the first experiment to illustrate the
performance with a high cognitive load which is essential for occupa­ positive modulation effects of taVNS on WM performance [39].
tional settings [12,15]. Therefore, some non-pharmacological methods,
including transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), transcranial 2.1.1. Participants
alternating current stimulation (tACS), and transcranial magnetic Forty healthy students from Xidian University were recruited in this
stimulation (TMS) are promising [16–20]. These non-invasive elec­ experiment from February to April in 2021. All participants were right-
trical/magnetic neuromodulation devices can modulate the excitability handed, without any smoking history, neurological disease (e.g., epi­
of a range of cortical and subcortical regions and demonstrate significant lepsy), psychiatric disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, depression), brain
potential in controlling cognition and regulating sleep [16,17]. How­ damage, or regular use of drug or medicine affecting heart rates (e.g.,
ever, the underlying mechanisms of these technologies behind fatigue anti-anxiety drug). Besides, we excluded participants with a score higher
control are unknown, and several recent meta-analyses cast doubt on the than 11 on the Epworth sleeping scale (ESS) [40], higher than 15 on the
effects of tDCS on cognitive performance [21,22]. Thus, the research of Insomnia severity index (ISI) [41], higher than 12 on the Pittsburgh
innovative therapeutic approaches has turned into a "cutting-edge" sleep quality index (PSQI) [42], or a body mass index (BMI) higher than
topic. 30, to reduce heterogeneity between individuals and the influence of
Alternatively, transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation various sleep disorders. None of the participants had ear injuries, drank,
(taVNS) is a noninvasive stimulation of peripheral nerves under the or took medicines 48 h before the experiment. The participants signed
surface of the ear skin. Recently, it has gained ever-increasing scientific the informed consent after briefed about the stimulation procedure and
interest for a bottom-up direction of sleep control from subcortical to experimental protocols. Participants who successfully completed the
cortical structures. The vagus nerve projects to the nucleus tractus sol­ investigation received the corresponding remuneration and could
itarii (NTS) in the medulla, and associates with other brainstem nuclei choose to withdraw from the experiment at any time. Four students
and higher-order structures, such as the thalamus, hippocampus, could not complete the entire experiment, and one student was excluded
amygdala, and insula [23,24]. Several brain imaging studies revealed because the baseline matching accuracy rate of the spatial 3-back task
that various cortex and sub-cortex regions highly associated with was less than 50 %. Finally, the statistical analysis was performed among
cognitive performance, including the contralateral postcentral gyrus, 35 students (mean age 21.26 ± 1.90 years, range from 18 to 26 years;
bilateral insula, frontal cortex, right operculum, left cerebellum, insula, mean BMI 21.73 ± 2.80; 16 females). The research was conducted in
hippocampus, amygdala, and thalamus, were regulated by taVNS [25, accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the
26]. Additionally, the afferent nerves of the vagus connect to the NTS institutional research ethics committee of the Xijing Hospital of the Air
and activate the noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC) and Force Medical University. Written informed consent was obtained from
cholinergic neurons within the nucleus basalis. Thus, it innervates the all subjects prior to the study.
central nervous system and is the primary source of norepinephrine (NE)
and acetylcholine for the neocortex [27–29]. Both the locus 2.1.2. Experiment protocol
coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system and acetylcholine help regu­ We employed a within-subject design with two sessions to determine
late many behaviors impacted by SD, such as memory retention and the facilitation effect of taVNS on WM performance after SD. Each
formation, attention, wakefulness, and arousal level [28,30,31]. participant underwent a different type of stimulation in each session, i.
Therefore, LC is recognized as a significant wakefulness-promoting nu­ e., taVNS or earlobe stimulation (an active stimulation control). The
cleus [32]. Stimulating vagus nerves activating LC could be a powerful time interval was longer than one week between the two sessions. For
countermeasure for fatigue. each participant, the first one used was randomly selected from the two
There is a solid theoretical foundation supporting vagal nerve stim­ types of stimulation, and then the one used second was determined.
ulation. It has been an FDA-approved medical treatment for epilepsy and Participants were familiarized with the experimental procedure and
major depressive disorder (MDD) for over two decades. However, kept practicing the behavioral tasks (see the "Behavioral task paradigm"
studies investigating the effects of taVNS on fatigue control are limited. section below for details) until the accuracy rate was higher than 75%
For instance, Lindsey et al. (2021) observed that cervical transcutaneous before the formal experiment sessions, which lasted about one to three
vagal nerve stimulation (ctVNS) could significantly improve the per­ hours. In the formal sessions, participants were required to arrive at the
formance on arousal and multi-tasks of participants, and induce lower laboratory at about 8:00 a.m. and complete N-back tasks (T1). Then,
fatigue ratings than a sham condition after 34 h SD [33]. Nevertheless, it they could leave the laboratory and return at 9:00 p.m., but having a nap
is still unclear if taVNS has similar anti-fatigue effects after SD. Previous or drink with caffeine was not allowed during daytime. They were kept
studies suggested that taVNS could significantly improve the cognitive awake under the supervision of the experimenter during the night. At
performances of healthy volunteers, such as divergent thinking [34], 8:00 a.m. the next day, participants completed the second version of N-
inhibitory control processes [35], emotion recognition [36], attentional back tasks (T2). At about 8:30 a.m., participants sat in a chair and
processes [37] and working motivation [38]. Our team had previously received a 30-minute taVNS or earlobe stimulation intervention. All the
identified that taVNS could effectively ameliorate WM performance, subjects were kept awake throughout the 30-minute stimulation.
which is a core component of cognitive functions in healthy teenagers Finally, they completed the N-back task again at 9:00 a.m. (T3) (see
[39]. However, these results specific to the high load WM task (spatial Fig. 1A).
3-back WM) may be because taVNS mainly plays a role in high cognitive
functions modulation. Thus, in the present study we used WM tasks with

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

Fig. 1. Overview of this study. PVT represents psychomotor vigilance task, N-back refers to spatial 1 and 3-back tasks, and stimulation including taVNS and earlobe
stimulation (active control) which counterbalanced between participants.

2.1.3. Behavioral tasks paradigm the same as taVNS. Based on previous studies [38,39], the stimulation
We employed the spatial N-back tasks with two cognitive loads (1- strength was assessed individually with VAS pain ratings (i.e., "How
back and 3-back) for this experiment. It is one of the most frequently strongly do you perceive pain induced by the stimulation?" ranging from
used paradigms to assess WM capacity [43]. The psychology experiment 0, "no sensation," to 10, "strongest sensation imaginable") for both taVNS
computer program E-Prime version 3.0 was employed to administer this and active sham stimulation condition. The stimulation started with a
task and record the response accuracy and reaction time for all the 0.1 mA intensity, which intensified by 0.1 mA until the subject reported
participants. slight pain (corresponding to 7 or higher on the subjective sensation
The spatial 1-back and 3-back tasks were organized based on a block- rating). The intensity was lowered by 0.1 mA until it reached the
design paradigm where participants were asked to watch the 72 stimuli baseline 0.1 mA below the light tingling threshold (corresponding to 3
in the task repeated in four blocks (1-back, 3-back, 1-back, 3-back). Each or lower). The protocol was repeated twice, and the average of the in­
block had the same number of "matching" (n = 24) and "non-matching" tensities was the stimulation threshold with a 5 rating (mild tingling).
(n = 48) responses. Before the formal tasks, there was a small practice
(16 trials). Participants were not allowed to start formal experiments 2.1.5. Data analysis
unless the accuracy rate was over 75 % and the average reaction time We used the primary WM outcome measures on the N-back tasks for
was less than 800 ms. Each stimulus was present for 400 ms, followed by determining the accuracy in matching (mACC) and mismatching (mis­
an interstimulus interval of 1600 ms. Moreover, there was a half-minute mACC) trials and reaction time in accurate trials (aRT). First, paired T-
resting time between each block. The stimuli in the spatial N-task had tests were used to conform that WM performance was not different be­
nine square areas, with one of the squares marked with an "*". Each trial tween two conditions (taVNS and control) at baseline test (T1) and SD
was inserted in picture format with 257 × 257 width and height pixels. impairments after 24 h (the impairments were defined by T2 divided by
Stimuli were presented in a pseudorandom order to prevent the same T1, i.e., T2/T1). Additionally, paired T-tests were utilized to assess the
stimuli from appearing more than three times consecutively. Partici­ impairments due to 24 h SD in both taVNS and sham conditions. The
pants were required to answer whether "*" was in the same stimulus intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was employed to compare the
location as in previous (1 or 3) trials. Later, it was impulsive for the reliability of individual changes (i.e., T2 divided by T1, T2/T1) after
participants to make a choice, which was done using a keyboard. "J" 24 h SD in the taVNS and sham condition. Permutation-test-based two-
represented ’match,’, while "F" represented ’mismatch.’. way ANOVAs with 100,000 random samplings were employed to assess
the main effects of Conditions (2 levels, taVNS, and control) and Time (2
2.1.4. taVNS stimulation equipment and parameters levels, T2 divided by T1 and T3 divided by T1, i.e., T2/T1 and T3/T1) for
XD-Kerfun Intelligent Non-invasive Neuromodulation Technology the WM performance changes, and their interactions. Permutation-test-
and Transformation Joint Laboratory, Xidian University, Xi’an, China based post hoc effect analysis of performance changes (T2/T1 and T3/
(BS-VNS-001), helped make the electrical stimulation equipment used in T1) were used in significant interaction effects through paired T-test for
this study. This version has been used in previous studies [39]. The conditions (taVNS vs. control). Moreover, Bonferroni correction was
taVNS channel was connected to the two silver chloride electrodes employed to account for multiple comparisons.
(outer diameter 7 mm). The anode and cathode of taVNS were placed at
the left cymba conchae using the outside anode and 0.5 cm apart from
the cathode. The electrical stimulation waveform was a single-phase 2.2. Experiment 2
rectangular pulse with a pulse width of 500 microseconds and a 25 Hz
frequency. The current intensity was set based on the sensory threshold This experiment aimed to verify experiment 1 and investigate the
of each subject. To avoid habituation, the current was delivered with a facilitation of taVNS on alertness in the psychomotor vigilance task
cycle of 30 s on and 30 s off. Except for the anode and cathode of taVNS (PVT). It is somewhat similar to the 1-back task and sensitive to SD-
were placed in the left earlobe with the anode front side and cathode induced fatigue. In addition, the persistence of taVNS intervention on
back side. The current parameters of the active control condition were behavioral performance was further investigated by testing behavioral
performance after one hour of stimulation. The research was conducted

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the taVNS, and control) and Time (3 levels, T2/T1, T3/T1 and T4/T1) for
institutional research ethics committee of the Xijing Hospital of the Air the behavioral changes, and their interaction effects (Time­
Force Medical University, too. Written informed consent was obtained ×Conditions). Permutation-test-based post-hoc effect analysis of per­
from all subjects prior to the study. formance changes (T2/T1, T3/T1 and T4/T1) was utilized in significant
interaction effects through paired T-test for two conditions (taVNS vs.
2.2.1. Participants control). Bonferroni correction was employed to account for multiple
From June to August in 2021, thirty-six healthy students at Xidian comparisons.
University were recruited and inclusion criteria was the same as
Experiment 1. Four students could not complete the entire experiment 3. Results
and 32 students were included in the statistical analysis (mean age
19.65 ± 1.34 years, range from 18 to 23 years; 13 females; mean BMI 3.1. Experiment 1
20.93 ± 2.71). However, two students were excluded in PVT analysis
because of data missing caused by subjects’ number code error. There­ In this experiment, we tested the cognitive impairments caused by
fore, in total 30 subjects were included in the PVT statistical analysis. 24 h sleep deprivation and the immediate improvement of taVNS
intervention on WM performance under this sleep deprivation stress.
2.2.2. Experiment protocol
This was a within-subject design similar to experiment 1. Partici­ 3.1.1. Comparison of baseline
pants first came to the lab to familiarize themselves with the experi­ No significant difference was observed between taVNS and control
mental procedure and practice the behavioral tasks. Before the formal conditions at baseline (p > .05) and after SD impairments (p > .05) (see
experiment, they were required to get enough sleep. On the formal Table S1 in supplementary materials). No significant difference between
experiment day, participants had to be at the lab at about 8:00 a.m. and taVNS first and sham first group (p > .05) at T1 (baseline performance),
complete behavioral tasks (T1). Then, they could leave and come back at T2 (performance after 24-hour sleep deprivation) and T3 (performance
9:00 p.m. However, no nap and drinking caffeine was allowed during after taVNS intervention), which indicated that there was no significant
the daytime. They would stay awake under the supervision of experi­ order effect of taVNS intervention. Results were presented in Table 1.
menters until 8:00 a.m., and then finish the behavioral tasks (T2). Later,
they would sit on a chair and receive 30-min taVNS or earlobe stimu­ 3.1.2. Impairments caused by sleep deprivation
lation at 8:30 a.m. The subjects were asked to stay awake during the 30- The impairments caused by SD were substantial on the accuracy rate
minute stimulation. Later, participants completed the behavioral tasks of matching trials (mACC, p < .001) and mismatching trials (mismACC,
at 9:00 a.m. (T3), and the tasks again after one hour of stimulation at p = .01) in spatial 1-back task. In the spatial 3-back task, the SD effects
10:00 a.m. (T4) (see Fig. 1B). were significant in reaction time (aRT, p = .002), the accuracy rate of
matching trials (mACC, p < .001), and mismatching trials (mismACC,
2.2.3. Behavioral tasks paradigm p = .01) (see Table 2). Except for aRT in spatial 1-back task (p = .07)
Two cognitive tasks were employed in this experiment, i.e., spatial N- and spatial 3-back task (p = .79), the intraclass correlation coefficient
back tasks and psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). PVT is a sustained (ICC) of performance changes were significantly caused by 24-hour SD
attention task with a reliable index for objective drowsiness [44,45]. The (T2 divided by T1, i.e., T2/T1) in accuracy rate (mACC and mismACC) in
psychology experiment computer program E-Prime version 3.0 was both spatial 1-back and 3-back tasks (p < .001). This indicated that the
employed to administer the tasks and record the response accuracy and individuals had stable impairments caused by 24 h SD on the accuracy
reaction time of all participants. Spatial N-back tasks with two cognitive rate of spatial n-back tasks performance (see Table 3).
loads (1-back and 3-back) were similar to experiment 1. We employed
the paradigm used in our previous studies [46,47] for PVT task. Briefly, 3.1.3. Spatial 1-back task
the participants placed their dominant finger on the response button, The main effects of time were significant in aRT (F(1,34) = 15.65,
responding as quickly as possible to a red target circle (PVT stimulus) in p = .002), but not in mACC (F(1,34) = 6.78, p = .058) and mismACC (F
the center of a black background screen that remained for 2 s. When (1,34) = 2.33, p = 1.00), which suggested that only reaction time
participants responded, the red target circle disappeared and the reac­ significantly changed with time in both taVNS and sham condition. At
tion time (RT) was displayed for feedback. Random inter-stimulus in­ the same time, the main effects of conditions were insignificant in aRT (F
tervals ranged from 2 to 10 s, with an approximate task duration of (1,34) = .69, p = 1.00), mACC (F(1,34) = 1.42, p = 1.00), and mis­
7 min mACC (F(1,34) = .24, p = 1.00), indicating that the participants per­
formed similarly in the two conditions. The interaction between time
2.2.4. taVNS stimulation equipment and parameters and conditions was insignificant in all three indexes, i.e., aRT (F(1,34)
All the stimulation parameters were the same as experiment 1. = 4.17, p = .29), mACC (F(1,34) = 2.22, p = .87), and mismACC (F
(1,34) = .47, p = 1.00, see Table 4). These results suggested a limited
2.2.5. Data analysis immediate effect of taVNS on spatial 1-back performance.
The data analysis processes were similar to Experiment 1. We used
the accuracy in matching trials (mACC), accuracy in mismatching trials 3.1.4. Spatial 3-back task
(mismACC), and reaction time in accurate trials (aRT) on the N-back The main effects of time were significant in aRT (F(1,34) = 18.47,
tasks as the primary WM outcome measures. The mean reaction time p < .001), but not in mACC (F(1,34) = 2.15, p = .91) and mismACC (F
(mRT), the standard deviation of mean reaction time, the coefficient of (1,34) = 1.95, p = 1.00), depicting that reaction time changed signifi­
variation, the mean reaction time of 10% of the fastest trials (fast RT), cantly at different time point. Simultaneously, the accuracy rate was
and the reciprocal of the mean reaction time of the slowest 10% trials relatively stable. The main effects of conditions were insignificant in aRT
(slow 1/RT) were utilized as the primary PVT outcome measures. Paired (F(1,34) = 1.12, p = 1.00), mACC (F(1,34) = 1.11, p = 1.00), and mis­
T-tests compared the difference between two conditions (taVNS and mACC (F(1,34) = .08, p = 1.00), demonstrating that the average per­
control) at baseline and after 24 h SD (T2/T1). The intraclass correlation formance was similar in taVNS and control conditions. The interaction
coefficient (ICC) was used to test the reliability of individuals changes between time and conditions was insignificant in aRT (F(1,34) = .90,
(T2/T1) after 24 h SD between the taVNS and sham sessions. Then, p = 1.00), but significant in mACC (F(1,34) = 12.11, p = .006) and
permutation-test-based two-way ANOVAs with 100,000 random sam­ mismACC (F(1,34) = 8.29, p = .02) (see Table 4). Post-hoc analysis on
plings were employed to assess the main effects of Conditions (2 levels, accuracy rate in both mACC and mismACC suggested that stimulation

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

Table 1
The order effect of taVNS first vs sham first in Experiment 1.
Tasks Outcome measures Time 1 Time 2 Time 3

t-test p value t-test p value t-test p value

Spatial 1-back aRT t(33) = .48 .64 t(33) = − .55 .59 t(33) = − .07 .95
mACC t(33) = − 1.10 .28 t(33) = − .29 .77 t(33) = .04 .97
mismACC t(33) = − .31 .76 t(33) = .85 .40 t(33) = − .05 .97
Spatial 3-back aRT t(33) = .44 .66 t(33) = .46 .65 t(33) = .69 .50
mACC t(33) = − .98 .34 t(33) = − .66 .51 t(33) = − .97 .34
mismACC t(33) = − .15 .88 t(33) = .17 .87 t(33) = 1.32 .20

Note: Results showed the performance difference between two groups (taVNS first vs sham first) in taVNS condition. The aRT is the reaction time in accurate trials;
mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials; mismACC is the accuracy rate in mismatching trials. For PVT, mRT is the mean reaction time; Fast RT is the reaction time
of 10% of the fastest trials; Slow 1/RT is the inverse of mean reaction time of the 10 % of the slowest trials. Time 1 showed performance at baseline, Time 2 showed
performance after 24 h sleep deprivation, and Time 3 showed performance after taVNS intervention. All the p values were raw results without Bonferroni correction.

effects (T3/T1 vs. T2/T1) due to taVNS (t(34) = 3.28, p = .009 for
Table 2 mACC; t(34) = 2.63, p = .034 for mismACC) were significantly larger
Impairments caused by 24 h sleep deprivation in each outcome measure.
than earlobe stimulation (t(34) = − 1.16, p = 1.00 for mACC; t(34) = −
Tasks Outcome measures Experiment 1 Experiment 2 1.61, p = .467 for mismACC) (see Table 5). These results indicated that
t-test p value t-test p value taVNS could significantly improve the accuracy rate of WM performance
Spatial 1- aRT t(34) = .72 t(31) = < .001 after 24 h of SD than earlobe stimulation (control) (see Fig. 2).
back 1.57 5.20
mACC t(34) = − < .001 t(31) = − .03
7.37 4.48 3.2. Experiment 2
mismACC t(34) = − .01 t(31) = − < .001
3.19 6.03
Spatial 3- aRT t(34) = .002 t(31) = < .001
In the first experiment, we discovered an immediate improvement of
back 3.73 6.04 taVNS on spatial WM performance after 24-hour sleep deprivation. In
mACC t(34) = − < .001 t(31) = − < .001 this experiment, we aimed to replicate these results and further inves­
4.74 7.88 tigate the duration of taVNS effect.
mismACC t(34) = − .01 t(31) = − < .001
3.14 5.18
PVT mRT t(31) = < .001 3.2.1. Comparison of baseline
4.71 In all the behavioral tasks, no significant difference was observed
standard deviation t(31) = .03 between taVNS and active control conditions before (T1) and after SD
of mRT 2.93 impairments (T2/T1) (p > .05) (see Table S1 in supplementary mate­
coefficient of t(31) = .02
variation 2.99
rials). No significant difference between taVNS first and sham first group
Fast RT t(31) = < .001 (p > .05) at T1 (baseline performance), T2 (performance after 24-hour
5.18 sleep deprivation), T3 (performance after taVNS intervention) and T4
Slow 1/RT t(31) = − < .001 (performance at one hour after taVNS intervention), which indicated
that there was no significant order effect of taVNS intervention (see
Note: Results showed performance impairments in T2 compared with baseline Table 6).
(T1). For the spatial 1-back and 3-back tasks, aRT is the reaction time in accurate
trials; mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials; mismACC is the accuracy 3.2.2. Impairments caused by sleep deprivation
rate in mismatching trials. For PVT, mRT is the mean reaction time; Fast RT is The impairments caused by 24 h SD were significant across all
the reaction time of 10 % of the fastest trials; Slow 1/RT is the inverse of mean outcome measures (p < .05) (see Table 2). Except for mismACC in
reaction time of the 10 % of the slowest trials.
spatial 1-back task, aRT in spatial 3-back task and fast RT in PVT task
(p > .05), the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of performance
Table 3 changes due to 24-hour SD (T2/T1) were significant (p < .05). This
The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of performance changes caused by suggested that the impairments caused by SD on spatial n-back and PVT
24 h sleep deprivation (T2 divided by T1) in each outcome measures. performance were stable among individuals (see Table 3).
Tasks Outcome measures Experiment 1 Experiment 2
3.2.3. Psychomotor vigilance task (PVT)
ICC p value ICC p value
The main effects of time were significant in both mean reaction time
Spatial 1-back aRT .25 .07 .41 .01
mACC .57 < .001 .35 .02 (mRT) (F(2,58) = 7.61, p = .004) and standard deviation of mRT (F
mismACC .67 < .001 .07 .36 (2,58) = 5.41, p = .02). However, it was not significant in the coefficient
Spatial 3-back aRT -.14 .79 .22 .11 of variation (F(2,58) = 4.19, p = .10), fast RT (F(2,58) = .97, p = 1.00),
mACC .80 < .001 .61 < .001 and slow 1/RT (F(2,58) = 3.62, p = .16). This suggested that mRT and
mismACC .64 < .001 .61 < .001
PVT mRT .71 < .001
the standard deviation of mRT increased with time while the changes
standard deviation of mRT .39 .01 were insignificant in coefficient of variation, fast RT, and slow 1/RT (see
coefficient of variation .36 .02 Table 7). The main effects of conditions were insignificant in mRT (F
Fast RT .16 .20 (1,29) = .04, p = 1.00), the standard deviation of mRT (F(1,29) = .24,
Slow 1/RT .50 .002
p = 1.00), coefficient of variation (F(1,29) = .23, p = 1.00), fast RT (F
Note: Results showed the stability of impairments induced by 24 h sleep (1,29) = .19, p = 1.00), and slow 1/RT (F(1,29) = .04, p = 1.00), and
deprivation within individuals. For the spatial 1-back and 3-back tasks, aRT is the interaction of time and conditions were also insignificant in all the
the reaction time in accurate trials; mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials; five indexes, i.e., mRT (F(2,58) = .18, p = 1.00), the standard deviation
mismACC is the accuracy rate in mismatching trials. For PVT, mRT is the mean of mRT (F(2,58) = 1.11, p = .10), coefficient of variation (F(2,58) = .63,
reaction time; Fast RT is the reaction time of 10% of the fastest trials; Slow 1/RT p = 1.00), fast RT (F(2,58) = 1.54, p = 1.00), and slow 1/RT (F(2,58)
is the inverse of mean reaction time of the 10 % of the slowest trials.
= .60, p = 1.00) (see Table 7). These results suggested that although the

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

Table 4
Means, Standard Deviations and two-way ANOVAs results of spatial N-back tasks in Experiment 1.
Spatial 1-back Spatial 3-back

Descriptive statistics aRT mACC mismACC aRT mACC mismACC

Conditions Time Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD

taVNS T1 595.03 ± 114.98 .910 ± .061 .976 ± .023 700.09 ± 161.10 .823 ± .103 .943 ± .059
T2 606.69 ± 120.62 .797 ± .096 .949 ± .056 722.89 ± 155.10 .726 ± .146 .902 ± .094
T3 547.74 ± 102.43 .850 ± .128 .933 ± .094 669.91 ± 150.67 .801 ± .147 .933 ± .112
Control T1 579.54 ± 113.48 .891 ± .067 .976 ± .024 664.54 ± 152.66 .823 ± .114 .949 ± .053
T2 581.49 ± 100.55 .820 ± .119 .956 ± .079 708.77 ± 148.12 .761 ± .157 .925 ± .104
T3 568.34 ± 108.01 .848 ± .117 .943 ± .041 670.54 ± 139.62 .728 ± .202 .916 ± .124
Permutation-based RM ANOVA test
Time F(1,34) ¼ 15.65** F(1,34) = 6.78 F(1,34) = 2.33 F(1,34) = 18.47*** F(1,34) = 2.15 F(1,34) = 1.95
Conditions F(1,34) = .69 F(1,34) = 1.42 F(1,34) = .24 F(1,34) = 1.12 F(1,34) = 1.11 F(1,34) = .08
Time×Conditions F(1,34) = 4.17 F(1,34) = 2.22 F(1,34) = .47 F(1,34) = .90 F(1,34) = 12.11* * F(1,34) = 8.29*

Note: One asterisk indicates a corrected p-value smaller than 0.05, two asterisks indicate a corrected p-value smaller than 0.01, and three asterisks indicate a corrected
p-value smaller than 0.001. Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple comparisons Control means earlobe stimulation condition; SD means standard
deviation; RM ANOVA means repeated measures analysis of variance. aRT is the reaction time in accurate trials; mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials;
mismACC is the accuracy rate in mismatching trials.

Table 5
Post hoc of significant Time × Conditions interactions in Experiment 1.
Task Comparison Conditions Spatial 3-back task

estimate SD t test p value* Cohen’d

mACC T3/T1 taVNS .093 .144 t(34) = 3.28 .009 1.125

VS Control -.038 .139 t(34) = − 1.16 1.000 -.400
mismACC T3/T1 taVNS .035 .106 t(34) = 2.63 .034 .902
VS Control -.010 .060 t(34) = − 1.61 .467 -.552

Note: *Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple comparisons. mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials, mismACC is the accuracy rate in mismatching
trials; SD means standard deviation; Control is the earlobe stimulation condition. T2/T1 means T2 divided by T1 and T3/T1 means T3 divided by T1

current stimulation could effectively restrain and delay the impairments T1 vs. T2/T1) (t(31) = − 4.04, p = .001) in control but not in the taVNS
induced by SD on mRT and standard deviation of mRT (see Fig. 3), there condition (t(31) = − 1.19, p = 1.00) for mACC. Additionally, the per­
were limited immediate effects of taVNS on PVT performance. formance at T4 was significantly worse than T3 (T4/T1 vs. T3/T1)
within the taVNS condition (t(31) = − 5.04, p < .001), but not in control
3.2.4. Spatial 1-back task (t(31) = 1.21, p = 1.00, see Table 9). The results indicated a continuous
The main effects of time were significant in mACC (F(2,62) = 4.00, decline in WM performance after 24 h SD, while this tendency was
p = .02), but not significant in aRT (F(2,62) = .17, p = .85) and mis­ restrained and delayed by taVNS. For mismACC, the difference between
mACC (F(2,62) = 2.34, p = .10). Thus, except for the accuracy rate in T3 and T2 (T3/T1 vs. T2/T1) was significant in control (t(31) = − 2.93,
matching trials, the reaction time and accuracy rate in mismatching p = .025) but not in taVNS condition (t(31) = 1.31, p = 1.00). More­
trials remained unchanged with time. The main effects of conditions over, there was a significant difference between T4 and T2 (T4/T1 vs.
were significant in mACC (F(1,31) = 14.41, p < .001) and mismACC (F T2/T1) in the control (t(31) = − 3.27, p = .012) but not in the taVNS
(1,31) = 5.74, p = .02), but not significant in aRT (F(1,31) = 1.82, condition (t(31) = − .42, p = 1.00, see Table 9). These results also
p = .18), indicating that the average accuracy rate in the taVNS condi­ indicated that WM performance would continually decline after 24 h SD
tion was larger than the control. At the same time, there was no sig­ while this tendency was effectively restrained and delayed by taVNS(see
nificant difference in reaction time between the two conditions. Fig. 4).
However, the interactions between time and conditions were insignifi­
cant on aRT (F(2,62) = .91, p = .40), mACC (F(2,62) = 2.68, p = .08), 4. Discussion
and mismACC (F(2,62) = 2.37, p = .10, see Table 8). These results were
similar to experiment 1, demonstrating that taVNS induced minimal The present study employed two independent experiments to assess
improvements on spatial 1-back task. the immediate effects of taVNS on WM performance and alertness levels
under 24 h of SD stress, considering the great potential of taVNS in
3.2.5. Spatial 3-back task controlling fatigue, promoting wake, and improving cognitive perfor­
The main effects of time and conditions, and their interaction were mance. Both experiments found that 24 h of SD significantly impaired
significant in mACC (Time: F(2,62) = 6.95, p = .002; Conditions: F the cognitive abilities of individuals, whether on WM performance or
(1,31) = 7.28, p = .01; Time×Conditions: F(2,62) = 5.68, p = .005) and alertness levels (see Table 3). Therefore, the stress and fatigue induced
mismACC (Time: F(2,62) = 3.54, p = .04; Conditions: F(1,31) = 12.76, by 24 h of SD [2,16,48] were confirmed, consistent with our previous
p = .001; Time×Conditions: F(2,62) = 5.45, p = .006), but were not studies [49–56]. Besides, the behavioral performance impairments were
significant in aRT (Time: F(2,62) = .73, p = .48; Conditions: F(1,31) stable within individuals between two sessions of SD, consistent with
= .06, p = .81; Time×Conditions: F(2,62) = 1.16, p = .32) (see Table 8). previous studies [57–59]. They indicated that these two tasks could
These results suggested that taVNS effects were significant in accuracy reflect the impairments in trait rather than a state change. Under this SD
rate but not reaction time. The post-hoc analysis demonstrated a sig­ stress, the current study observed that a 30-minute taVNS intervention
nificant impairment after one hour of stimulation than in 24 h SD (T4/ could effectively improve the WM accuracy of participants compared

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

Fig. 2. The accuracy rate of matching trials (mACC) and mismatching trials (mismACC) in spatial 3-back trials of Experiment 1. (A) The performance of mACC at
different times in two conditions. (B) The post-hoc results of mACC. (C) The performance of mismACC at different times in two conditions. (D) The post-hoc results of
mismACC. Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple comparisons. One asterisk indicates a corrected p-value smaller than 0.05, two asterisk indicate a
corrected p-value smaller than 0.01, and three asterisks indicate a corrected p-value smaller than 0.001. Error bars represent standard error.

Table 6
The order effect of taVNS first vs sham first in Experiment 2.
Tasks Outcome measures Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4

t-test p value t-test p value t-test p value t-test p value

Spatial 1-back aRT t(30) = − .19 .85 t(30) = − .40 .69 t(30) = − .13 .89 t(30) = .62 .54
mACC t(30) = − .62 .54 t(30) = − .83 .41 t(30) = − 2.10 .05 t(30) = − 1.77 .09
mismACC t(30) = 1.62 .12 t(30) = − 1.07 .30 t(30) = − 1.54 .14 t(30) = − 2.06 .05
Spatial 3-back aRT t(30) = − .10 .99 t(30) = − .90 .38 t(30) = .55 .59 t(30) = .86 .40
mACC t(30) = − .48 .63 t(30) = − .76 .45 t(30) = − 1.93 .06 t(30) = − 1.76 .09
mismACC t(30) = − .56 .58 t(30) = − .31 .76 t(30) = − 1.37 .18 t(30) = − 1.56 .13
PVT mRT t(28) = − .01 .99 t(28) = .08 .94 t(28) = .52 .61 t(28) = .23 .82
standard deviation of mRT t(28) = .95 .35 t(28) = .06 .96 t(28) = − .36 .72 t(28) = .46 .65
coefficient of variation t(28) = .85 .40 t(28) = .18 .86 t(28) = − .08 .94 t(28) = .97 .34
Fast RT t(28) = − .24 .81 t(28) = .49 .63 t(28) = .24 .82 t(28) = − .37 .71
Slow 1/RT t(28) = .86 .40 t(28) = − .16 .88 t(28) = − .07 .94 t(28) = − 1.56 .13

Note: Results showed the performance difference between two groups (taVNS first vs sham first) in taVNS condition. For spatial 1, 3-back task, aRT is the reaction time
in accurate trials; mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials; mismACC is the accuracy rate in mismatching trials. For PVT, mRT is the mean reaction time; Fast RT is
the reaction time of 10 % of the fastest trials; Slow 1/RT is the inverse of mean reaction time of the 10 % of the slowest trials. Time 1 showed performance at baseline,
Time2 showed performance after 24 h sleep deprivation, Time3 showed performance after taVNS intervention, and Time 4 showed performance one hour after taVNS
intervention. All the p values were raw results without Bonferroni correction.

with active control (earlobe stimulation) condition. These results were potential of taVNS on cognition modulation.
replicated in Experiment 2 in an independent cohort. Different aspects, WM capacity combines attentional control with temporary storage
including circadian rhythmicity and homeostatic sleep pressure, could and information manipulation [60], traditionally divided into three
have led to these changes. They also impair the performance, varying distinct components. These include processing and storing phonologic
from alertness level to high cognitive function, such as WM perfor­ information, spatial information, and an executive system allocating
mance. The present study found that taVNS intervention could signifi­ attentional resources [61]. This ability is essential for air traffic con­
cantly elevate WM performance under SD stress with a high cognitive trollers, security screeners, cyber operators, etc. Thus, a method to
load but not PVT task or WM performance with a low cognitive load. enhance WM performance is necessary for people with long night shifts.
Therefore, taVNS may depict a specific improvement in high cognitive However, the improvements of taVNS on WM memory performance
function rather than general fatigue control. To the best of our knowl­ were only found in 3-back tasks but not in 1-back tasks, similar to our
edge, we were the first to investigate the immediate enhancement of previous study [39]. Several studies indicated that SD did not impact all
taVNS on WM performance after 24 h of SD. Moreover, we identified the cognitive tasks, but more specifically, on tasks that were not

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

Table 7
Means, Standard Deviations and two-way ANOVAs results of PVT task in Experiment 2.
Descriptive statistics mRT standard deviation of mRT coefficient of variation Fast RT Slow 1/RT

Conditions Time Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD

taVNS T1 308.27 ± 43.21 90.79 ± 131.27 26.69 ± 29.31 239.64 ± 22.43 2.39 ± .42
T2 353.05 ± 66.51 171.94 ± 267.06 41.3 ± 48.78 256.28 ± 27.76 2.07 ± .49
T3 358.16 ± 67.09 173.70 ± 257.69 39.76 ± 36.74 255.95 ± 30.07 1.91 ± .59
T4 393.60 ± 139.37 271.41 ± 399.02 54.73 ± 60.17 251.13 ± 23.98 1.85 ± .69
Control T1 307.33 ± 50.34 68.65 ± 50.28 20.96 ± 10.96 235.95 ± 24.44 2.40 ± .60
T2 350.77 ± 70.73 130.32 ± 130.60 33.11 ± 25.29 250.96 ± 21.36 2.01 ± .61
T3 353.87 ± 74.39 168.25 ± 219.83 41.22 ± 41.65 241.29 ± 31.89 1.93 ± .48
T4 403.93 ± 163.64 299.19 ± 394.74 57.66 ± 59.76 249.51 ± 29.36 1.80 ± .75
Permutation-based RM ANOVA test
Time F(2,58) = 7.61** F(2,58) = 5.41* F(2,58) = 4.19 F(2,58) = .97 F(2,58) = 3.62
Conditions F(1,29) = .04 F(1,29) = .24 F(1,29) = .23 F(1,29) = .19 F(1,29) = .04
Time×Conditions F(2,58) = .18 F(2,58) = 1.11 F(2,58) = .63 F(2,58) = 1.54 F(2,58) = .60

Note: mRT is the mean reaction time; Fast RT is the reaction time of 10% of the fastest trials; Slow 1/RT is the inverse of mean reaction time of the 10 % of the slowest
trials; Control means earlobe stimulation condition; SD means standard deviation; RM ANOVA means repeated measures analysis of variance. One asterisk indicates a
corrected p-value smaller than 0.05 and two asterisks indicate a corrected p-value smaller than 0.01. Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple

Fig. 3. The mean reaction time and standard deviation of mean RT in PVT task of Experiment 2. (A) The performance of mean reaction time (mean RT) at different
times in two conditions. (B) The performance of standard deviation of mean RT (mean SD) at different times in two conditions. Bonferroni correction was used to
account for multiple comparisons. One asterisk indicates a corrected p-value smaller than 0.05 and three asterisks indicate a corrected p-value smaller than 0.001.
Error bars represent standard error.

Table 8
Means, Standard Deviations and two-way ANOVAs results of spatial N-back tasks in Experiment 2.
Spatial 1-back Spatial 3-back

Descriptive statistics aRT mACC mismACC aRT mACC mismACC

Conditions Time Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD

taVNS T1 460.53 ± 95.02 .834 ± .123 .982 ± .015 498. 88 ± 116.39 .865 ± .106 .965 ± .051
T2 501.63 ± 102.98 .772 ± .165 .911 ± .097 547.28 ± 109.42 .681 ± .211 .909 ± .102
T3 492.38 ± 94.51 .786 ± .142 .951 ± .041 555.78 ± 126.96 .746 ± .163 .929 ± .080
T4 498.88 ± 90.78 .727 ± .179 .913 ± .082 560.19 ± 123.59 .644 ± .206 .902 ± .102
Control T1 448.44 ± 92.28 837 ± .101 .975 ± .022 498.16 ± 120.54 .861 ± .094 .964 ± .050
T2 500.81 ± 106.22 .733 ± .191 .903 ± .090 556.31 ± 123.78 .702 ± .206 .917 ± .091
T3 501.75 ± 88.34 .670 ± .226 .883 ± .118 560.06 ± 102.36 .619 ± .231 .845 ± .148
T4 494.37 ± 108.93 .663 ± .216 .867 ± .122 541.91 ± 121.27 .581 ± .244 .848 ± .145
Permutation-based RM ANOVA test
Time F(2,62) = .17 F(2,62) = 4.00* F(2,62) = 2.34 F(2,62) = .73 F(2,62) = 6.95** F(2,62) = 3.54*
Conditions F(1,31) = 1.82 F(1,31) = 14.41*** F(1,31) = 5.74* F(1,31) = .06 F(1,31) = 7.28** F(1,31) = 12.76***
Time×Conditions F(2,62) = .91 F(2,62) = 2.68 F(2,62) = 2.37 F(2,62) = 1.16 F(2,62) = 5.68** F(2,62) = 5.45**

Note: One asterisk indicates a corrected p-value smaller than 0.05, two asterisks indicate a corrected p-value smaller than 0.01, and three asterisks indicate a corrected
p-value smaller than 0.001. Control means earlobe stimulation condition; SD means standard deviation; RM ANOVA means repeated measures analysis of variance.
Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple comparisons. aRT is the reaction time in accurate trials; mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials; mismACC
is the accuracy rate in mismatching trials.

well-learned, not executed automatically, needed deliberate action and there was no significant improvement in the previous ctVNS study that
thought, and were more mentally demanding. Thus, 1-back tasks may be used 2-back tasks [33], which could be due to the difficulty of the tasks.
too simple to benefit from the increasing attention, arousal and wake­ Moreover, taVNS from our previous studies [39,62], only showed
fulness induced by taVNS compared with 3-back tasks. Simultaneously, facilitation on accuracy in matching trials. In this study, taVNS could

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

Table 9
Post hoc of significant Time × Conditions interactions in Experiment 2.
Comparison Conditions mACC mismACC

estimate SD t test p value* Cohen’d estimate SD t test p value* Cohen’d

T3/T1 taVNS .077 .224 t(31) = 1.93 .376 .693 .021 .089 t(31) = 1.31 1.000 .470
vs Control -.092 .242 t(31) = − 2.14 .229 -.769 -.073 .142 t(31) = − 2.93 .025 -1.052
T4/T1 taVNS -.047 .225 t(31) = − 1.19 1.000 -.427 -.007 .090 t(31) = − .42 1.000 .151
vs Control -.142 .199 t(31) = − 4.04 .001 -1.451 -.074 .127 t(31) = − 3.27 .012 1.175
T4/T1 taVNS -.124 .139 t(31) = − 5.04 < .001 -1.810 -.028 .074 t(31) = − 2.10 .256 .754
vs Control -.050 .234 t(31) = 1.21 1.000 .435 < − .001 .169 t(31) = − .01 1.000 .004

Note: *Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple comparisons. mACC is the accuracy rate in matching trials, mismACC is the accuracy rate in mismatching
trials; SD means standard deviation; Control is the earlobe stimulation condition. T2/T1 means T2 divided by T1, T3/T1 means T3 divided by T1, and T4/T1 means T4
divided by T1.

Fig. 4. The accuracy rate of matching (mACC) and mismatching trials (mismACC) in spatial 3-back trials of Experiment 2. (A) The performance of mACC at different
times in two conditions. (B) The post-hoc results of mACC. (C) The performance of mismACC at different times in two conditions. (D) The post-hoc results of
mismACC. Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple comparisons. One asterisk indicates a corrected p-value smaller than 0.05, two asterisk indicate a
corrected p-value smaller than 0.01, and three asterisks indicate a corrected p-value smaller than 0.001. Error bars represent standard error.

elevate WM accuracy in matching and mismatching trials. This may be performance without SD stress in healthy adults. Therefore, in this
because that SD increased the difficulty of mismatching trials and cir­ study, the underlying mechanism of taVNS on WM did not work through
cumvented the ceiling effects. increasing wakefulness and arousal levels. In contrast, the facilitation of
Besides, a study by McIntire [33] delivered ctVNS before sleep taVNS could depend on its modulation effects during high cognitive
deprivation at 7:00–8:30 p.m. However, no immediate difference was functions. However, the arousal levels of participants would decline and
observed between the experimental and control groups in both behav­ gradually offset the promotive effects of taVNS with the prolonging of
ioral performance and subjective mood rating. Thus, the ctVNS im­ wakefulness time. Although more neurophysiological or biological evi­
provements in PVT performance and subjective mood rating came at dence is needed to elaborate the mechanisms of the improvements in
7:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., respectively, nearly 12 h after stimulation. WM performance, our study provides a potential choice for temporarily
However, the present study applied taVNS intervention after 24 h sleep improving cognitive performance post-acute sleep deprivation.
deprivation and observed immediate improvements in WM perfor­ Except for using taVNS to control the adverse effects of sleep
mance, which disappeared one hour after stimulation. Our previous deprivation on behavioral performance in the present study, many
studies [39,62] had reported the facilitation of taVNS on WM studies reported the facilitation of other brain stimulation techniques,

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

including tDCS and TMS, on fatigue and cognition decline due to SD [16, effects of ctVNS on fatigue and drowsiness due to SD. On the contrary,
18–20]. Some studies showed that tDCS over left DLPFC did not influ­ taVNS was delivered after 24 h SD. Its immediate effect was tested on
ence WM performance of participants [19], even though several studies behavioral performance, indicating the cognitive modulation effect
reported that TMS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) rather than the anti-fatigue effect of taVNS. However, both our study
could improve WM performance after 24 h SD. However, some other and the one by McIntire [33] failed to examine the mechanisms of the
tDCS research without sleep deprivation stress improved the reaction improvements of taVNS and ctVNS on the arousal levels (PVT perfor­
time in WM tasks, which participants were similar to the present study mance). Therefore, the difference between them and the specific effect
[63–65]. These findings are different from the current study, and our of taVNS on arousal modulation needs further research.
previous research found an improvement in the accuracy rate [39,46]. It Our study did not examine the mechanisms underlying the effect of
suggests that though both vagal nerve stimulation and tDCS could be taVNS on WM performance after SD. Several theories could explain
effective cognitive modulatory treatments [19,33,66], they may have observed behaviors. Firstly, it is known that afferent fibers from vagus
different mechanisms and effects on WM performance. Besides, the nerves travel to the brainstem, projecting to the NTS [77], and is inte­
primary effects of tDCS modulate the central nervous system with a grated into the reticular formation (i.e., an extensive network of nerves
"top-down" influence on the cerebral cortex and cognitive functions with nuclei clusters throughout the brainstem). It further participates in
[67–69], even though the stimulation on LC may be one of the mecha­ ARAS, a system with a set of nuclei that release neurotransmitters
nisms of tDCS on fatigue controlling [19]. On the contrary, vagus nerves directly and through thalamic relays in the cortex [78]. Simultaneously,
belong to the peripheral nervous, and taVNS displays "bottom-up" the sleep-regulating circadian and homeostatic signals are integrated
functions in cognition and clinical disorders [70]. Moreover, the vagus within the ARAS system [79]. From the ARAS system, the ascending
nerves project the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) and influence other monoaminergic projections activate wake-promoting cholinergic basal
brainstem nuclei before affecting higher-order structures [23,24]. The forebrain and histaminergic cells a route to the cerebral cortex. At the
stimulation of vagus nerves could have a more direct influence on same time, the sleep-promoting ventrolateral preoptic area and the
wakefulness promotion and sleepiness controlling since NTS and other median preoptic area neurons are inhibited, which could help in­
brainstem nuclei are important for homeostatic and circadian sleep dividuals awake [78]. Secondly, brain imaging studies have indicated
regulation [71,72]. Thus, the combined stimulation of taVNS and tDCS that LC, one of the nuclei of the ARAS system, and the areas innervated
could influence sleep deprivation intervention [73], which requires by this region, such as the thalamus, hippocampus, insula, and amyg­
future study. Though tDCS and caffeine could be powerful fatigue dala, could be activated by taVNS intervention [25]. LC interacts with
countermeasures, they had few effects on WM performance under sleep cortical and subcortical sensory and attention networks. Moreover, it is
loss stress [19]. This indicates that taVNS could be another effective essential in regulating attention, arousal, wakefulness, collecting sen­
fatigue countermeasure compensating for the current treatments. sory information, and memory retention [80]. Further, LC can activate
An interesting result in the current study is that both taVNS and noradrenergic activity, enabling increased forebrain activation and
earlobe stimulation could restrain and delay the decline of PVT perfor­ inducing the waking state with enhanced arousal [80]. LC released NE,
mance. In other words, there was no stimulation specificity on PVT which improves behavioral and cognitive processes [81,82]. Besides,
performance. Compared with the study by McIntire [33], there were NTS can activate the noradrenergic neurons in cholinergic neurons
specific effects of ctVNS on PVT performance due to three possible within the nucleus basalis. It innervates the entire central nervous sys­
reasons, i.e., stimulation site and time difference. First, the sham con­ tem and is the primary source of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine can also
ditions were different in the two studies. No electrical stimulation was increase wakefulness and arouse levels as an essential neurotransmitter
delivered in McIntire’s study. However, we used an active sham con­ for most cognitive activities. Thirdly, some of the improvements could
dition with earlobe electrical stimulation in the present study. The PVT be due to direct influence since this study focused on the immediate
task is a sample reaction time test that requires the ability to sustain effects of taVNS on behaviors. Previous studies have observed that
attention for long periods in an environment with targets appearing taVNS could modulate the activities in various cortical and subcortical
infrequently and randomly in the background. Thus, it is a "simple" that regions. These include the contralateral postcentral gyrus, bilateral
reflects overall arousal or fatigue levels. Transcutaneous electrical insula, frontal cortex, right operculum, left cerebellum, LC, insula,
stimulation could vastly influence this basic cognitive process. Second, hippocampus, amygdala, and thalamus [25,26]. Like the frontal cortex
the stimulation sites are different between taVNS and ctVNS. All the and hippocampus, these areas are essential for high cognitive functions,
stimulation of taVNS would travel to NTS and then be integrated into the and their activation could directly enhance WM performance.
ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) system since auricular Nevertheless, the current study has some limitations. Firstly, we
vagus nerves are made of sensory afferents. They are essential in high focused on the immediate effects of taVNS on behaviors after acute SD.
cognitive functions, like WM performance, through different nucleus However, we did not investigate its prevention roles against acute SD
[61]. However, cervical vagus nerves are consistent with afferent and and facilitation of keeping wakefulness during the night shift. Secondly,
efferent nerves. They innervate numerous visceral organs and muscles, the current stimulation of McIntire et al. [33] was 6-minute, which was
such as the pharynx, larynx, heart, lungs, bronchi and gut muscles [74, much shorter than ours. Therefore, the effects of other taVNS parame­
75]. Besides, participants from McIntire’s study received 2-minute ters, such as stimulation duration, current intensity, and frequency,
stimulation for the right and left cervical vagal branches. The cardiac should be investigated. Thirdly, the present study could not provide
branch of the right cervical vagus projects to the sinoatrial node, the clear evidence to demonstrate the improvements in WM performance,
primary pacemaker of the heart. In contrast, the left cervical vagus even though there are several theories to explain the effects of taVNS on
branch projects to the atrioventricular node, the secondary controller of fatigue control and cognitive modulation. Thus, more research is needed
the heart [70,76]. Thus, the right ctVNS intervention may substantially to obtain brain imaging, neurophysiological or biological evidence for
affect visceral organs more than the left ctVNS and taVNS. Therefore, identifying the underlying mechanisms. Fourth, the specific effects of
ctVNS would impact visceral organs and increase the basic arousal level taVNS may vary significantly, and its benefits may decline over time due
reflected in the PVT task, except for ascending a part of influence to NTS to chronic use. The WM performance task is also based on the standard
and ARAS system. Although positive effects on fatigue control were lab paradigm, restricting the taVNS application. Thus, more research
found in both taVNS and ctVNS [27] intervention, the underlying with various participant cohorts, including the elderly, sleep disorder
mechanism could lead to varied facilitation of cognitive tasks. Third, the patients, or people with long night shift or new WM paradigms, such as
stimulation time is different from the previous study. McIntire et al. [33] tasks with virtual reality, is essential for increasing the external validity
observed that ctVNS was delivered before SD. The improvements on the of taVNS. Lastly, we did not record the subjective feeling concerning
PVT test occurred after about 12 h at 7:00 a.m, directly reflecting the arousal, sleepiness, and fatigue, even though this study explored the

R. Zhao et al. Behavioural Brain Research 439 (2023) 114247

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