Depsrtment: @ducstion
Depsrtment: @ducstion
Depsrtment: @ducstion
Depsrtment of @Ducstion
No. , s.2O23
To Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM
Bureau, Service and Regional Directors
Schools Division/ City Superintendents
Public Elementar5r and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concemed
4. For this School Year 2022-2023, the EOSY rites shall focus on the theme:
Gradrregt ,tg X to 72: Htrut@ ng Udtatog na Ed;u,lcasgoa lK to 12
Graduates: Molded thtough a Resilient Educational Foundationf, which
emphasizes that graduation is not only a celebratory milestone but also a
symbol of resilience, agency, and grit of Filipino leamers honed by a solid
basic education system tJ:at is responsive to the changing needs of time.
Further, it highlights that every learner's achievement mirrors an education
t]at succeeds qrnid all difficulties.
5. Ttre subsequent annual themes for these ceremonies shall be published in a
DepEd Memorandum.
6. The DepEd reiterates tlle following policies:
8. This Order shall take effect immediately upon its approval and shall remain
in force and in e{fect for the duration of t}re K-to-12 Basic Education Program,
unless sooner repealed, arnended or rescinded. Certified copies of this Order
shatl be filed with t]le University of the Philippines l,aw Center-Office of the
National Artministrative Register (UPLC-ONAR), lJp lilimsn, Quezon City.
9. All DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations
and provisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby
repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.
Vice President of the Republic of tlw Philippines
Secretary of tle Department of Mucation
As stated
As stated
I. Ratlooale
II. Scope
This poliry shall be the DepEd's standing policy in providing guidance in the
annual conduct of the K to 12 end-of-school-year rites, and shall be applicable
to both public and private elementary and secondar5r schools nationwide.
1 . The DepEd shall implement tire annual full face-to-face conduct of the
following K to 12 Baslc Educatlon Prcgram End-of-School-Year (DOSY|
3. The wearing of face mask during tJ:e ceremonies is not required and shall be
left to the discretion of the learners and their parents.
Private schools, HEIs, TVIs, SUCs, and LUCs offering basic education or any
grade levels tlereot may opt to adopt tJre provisions of this DO as basis in
the conduct of their moving up/graduation ceremonies.
8. Casual or forrral wear, or school uniform, shall remain as tJre recommended
moving up/graduation attire. Toga or sablag is allowed to be worn as an
additional garb.
The Regional Offi.ces and Schools Division Offices shall monitor the compliances
of schools with this Order.
Feedback shall be submitted to the DepEd, through the OfEce of the Ditector
IV of the Bureao olLoalng DeDvery lBLDl, to be used in evaluating the policy
for continuous improvement of its design and implementation. The Offrce of the
Director IV of tJ:e BLD may be reached throug! email at bld.od(4de
or at telephone numbers a637 4346 atd 86374347 -
All DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations
and provisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby
repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.
VII. References
DcpErl (Hcr ?1, * 2lXl12= '*lml C;alandar and Adivities for tle *hal Year 2022-
DcpEd O'rdcr Ifo . 2, t. 2O2(}. 'Muti-Year Inplenenting Guidetines on the Condud of the
K to 12 Basic Edndion Prqnan Bnd-of-*hoolYear R'nes"
DcpEd O,rdct llo- 31,..2Ol9 'Te Dqotvnt of mrtfion fuuie Marks and Vsuaj
Idenlitg Marual'
DcpEd ()ldcr tro- tl6, r- 2{llt: 'Prolalffiion of Hdimerbq and Partisan Potttical
DcpEd Ordcr ItIo. 12, r. 2O18: 'Reusbn to DepEd Order No. 6, s. 2O18 (*hool Year
2017-2018 K to 12 tusic Mrcdion Program Erlld-of-*)tool-Yeu Hesf
DcpEd Orrlcr IIo. 6, r 2O18: '*hml Year 2O17-2018 Kto 12 tusic Muation Program
En d-of-*ftool- Year R'ttes'
DcpEd O,rdcr f,o- 36, r- 2IlI.6:'hticE Guidetirres on Aunnds and Rugnition for the K
tD 12 fusic ffiidnion k9grad
DcpEd (Hcr lto.7, r- 2()16z '&tool Yw 2O192016 Kto 12 tusic Edll@tion Program
End of SrImlYerr. R'ttes'