CFR 2012 Title14 Vol2 Sec91 215
CFR 2012 Title14 Vol2 Sec91 215
CFR 2012 Title14 Vol2 Sec91 215
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§ 91.217 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition)
(4) All aircraft in all airspace above request must be made at least one hour
the ceiling and within the lateral before the proposed operation.
boundaries of a Class B or Class C air-
(Approved by the Office of Management and
space area designated for an airport up- Budget under control number 2120–0005)
ward to 10,000 feet MSL; and
(5) All aircraft except any aircraft [Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34304, Aug. 18, 1989, as
amended by Amdt. 91–221, 56 FR 469, Jan. 4,
which was not originally certificated 1991; Amdt. 91–227, 56 FR 65660, Dec. 17, 1991;
with an engine-driven electrical sys- Amdt. 91–227, 7 FR 328, Jan. 3, 1992; Amdt. 91–
tem or which has not subsequently 229, 57 FR 34618, Aug. 5, 1992; Amdt. 91–267, 66
been certified with such a system in- FR 21066, Apr. 27, 2001]
stalled, balloon, or glider—
(i) In all airspace of the 48 contiguous § 91.217 Data correspondence between
states and the District of Columbia at automatically reported pressure al-
titude data and the pilot’s altitude
and above 10,000 feet MSL, excluding reference.
the airspace at and below 2,500 feet
above the surface; and (a) No person may operate any auto-
(ii) In the airspace from the surface matic pressure altitude reporting
to 10,000 feet MSL within a 10-nautical- equipment associated with a radar bea-
mile radius of any airport listed in ap- con transponder—
pendix D, section 2 of this part, exclud- (1) When deactivation of that equip-
ing the airspace below 1,200 feet outside ment is directed by ATC;
of the lateral boundaries of the surface (2) Unless, as installed, that equip-
area of the airspace designated for that ment was tested and calibrated to
airport. transmit altitude data corresponding
(c) Transponder-on operation. While in within 125 feet (on a 95 percent prob-
the airspace as specified in paragraph ability basis) of the indicated or cali-
(b) of this section or in all controlled brated datum of the altimeter nor-
mally used to maintain flight altitude,
airspace, each person operating an air-
with that altimeter referenced to 29.92
craft equipped with an operable ATC
inches of mercury for altitudes from
transponder maintained in accordance
sea level to the maximum operating al-
with § 91.413 of this part shall operate
titude of the aircraft; or
the transponder, including Mode C
(3) Unless the altimeters and
equipment if installed, and shall reply
digitizers in that equipment meet the
on the appropriate code or as assigned
standards of TSO-C10b and TSO-C88, re-
by ATC.
(d) ATC authorized deviations. Re-
(b) No person may operate any auto-
quests for ATC authorized deviations
matic pressure altitude reporting
must be made to the ATC facility hav- equipment associated with a radar bea-
ing jurisdiction over the concerned air- con transponder or with ADS–B Out
space within the time periods specified equipment unless the pressure altitude
as follows: reported for ADS–B Out and Mode C/S
(1) For operation of an aircraft with is derived from the same source for air-
an operating transponder but without craft equipped with both a transponder
operating automatic pressure altitude and ADS–B Out.
reporting equipment having a Mode C
capability, the request may be made at [Docket No. 18334, 54 FR 34304, Aug. 18, 1989,
as amended by Admt. 91–314, 75 FR 30193,
any time.
May 28, 2010]
(2) For operation of an aircraft with
an inoperative transponder to the air- § 91.219 Altitude alerting system or de-
port of ultimate destination, including vice: Turbojet-powered civil air-
any intermediate stops, or to proceed planes.
to a place where suitable repairs can be (a) Except as provided in paragraph
made or both, the request may be made (d) of this section, no person may oper-
at any time. ate a turbojet-powered U.S.-registered
(3) For operation of an aircraft that civil airplane unless that airplane is
is not equipped with a transponder, the equipped with an approved altitude
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