Transition System
Transition System
Transition System
graph in which each vertex or node represents a state and the directed edge
indicate the transition of a state and edge are labeled with input/output.
In above figure, the initial state is represented by a circle with an arrow pointing
towards it, the final state by two concentric circles, and the other state are
represented by just a circle. The edges are labeled by input/output (e.g. by 1/0 or
1/1). For example, if the system is in state q0 to q1 with label 1/0. It outputs 0.
Determine the initial states, final states, and the acceptability of 101011,111010
Solution:- The initial states are q0 and q1. There is only one final state, viz., q3.
this property gives state after the automation consume or reads the first symbol
of a string ‘aw’ and the state after the automation consumes a prefix of the
strings ‘wa’.
Non deterministic finite state machine:- A nondeterministic finite
automation(NDFA) is a 5-tuple(Q ,∑ ,δ ,q0 ,F) where
Theorem:- for every NDFA, there exists a DFA which simulates the behavior of
NDFA. alternatively, if L is the set accepted by NDFA, then there exists a DFA
which also accepts L.
a= 0 a=0 λ
q0 q3 q1 0
q1 q1 q2 1
q2 q2 q3 0
q3 q3 q0 0
The output strings is 00010. For the input string Λ, the output is λ(q0) =0.
Present a= 0 a=1
q1 q3 0 q2 0
q2 q1 1 q4 0
q3 q2 1 q1 1
q4 q4 1 q3 0
b) The transition function is the same as that of the given Moore function.
Minimisation of finite automata:- We construct an automata with
minimum number of states equivalent to a given automata M.
Definition:- Two states q1 and q2 are equivalent if both δ(q1,x) and δ(q2,x)are
final state, or both of them are nonfinal states for all x є ∑*
Property3: if q1 and q2 are k-equivalent for all k≥0,then they are equivalent.
Step2: let Qik be any subset in πk. if q1 and q2 are in Qik, they are (k+1)-
equivalent provided δ(q2, a) are k-equivalent. Find out whether δ(q2, a) and
δ(q2, a) are in the same equivalence class in πk for every a є ∑ . if so, q1 and q2
are (k+1)-equivalent . in this way, Qik is further divided into (k+1)-aquivalent
classes. Repeat this for every Qik in πk to get all the element of πk+1.
Step4: For the requied minimum states automayion, the states the states are
the equivalence classes obtained in step 3, i.e. the elements of πn.The states
tabel is obtained by replacing a state q by the conrresponding equivale [q].