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Teaching Poetry Enhances Speaking Skills - An Anal

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.

36) (2018) 619-623

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

Research paper

Teaching Poetry Enhances Speaking Skills – an Analysis Based

on Select Poems
P. Deepa1*, M. Ilankumaran2
1Assistant Professor of English, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Professor of English, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding author E-mail: deepam_nice@rediffmail.com


English has become the medium of all relevant social interactions, discussions in all circumstances globally because of its numerous
functions and preferences over several other languages. Language is the primary source of communication. It helps to exchange ideas and
thoughts. The language skills, though not in proper way, are acquired at school level through the constituents of English Literature such
as poetry, grammar and prose. This paper focuses how teaching poetry enhances the language skills of the students. Reading literature is
an interesting area and it is the mirror of society. Poetry is one of the interesting areas in Literature which always awakens the senses and
promotes literary things. It serves not only a model of literature but also a model for teaching skills of language such as reading and
writing. Poetry is an effective way of language teaching. It helps the people to understand culture and to know the language. It also gives
pleasure to the readers and gives them new models in their life to follow. Learning literature provides a platform to improve the
communication skills of students. When the students read poetry, it improves their vocabulary, sentence formation, syntax, fluency and
the creative skills. The genre poetry not only improves the communication skills but also improves the four skills such as LSRW ie,
Listening, Speaking, Reading and writing.

Keywords: Communication, poetry, second language teaching, teaching literature, teaching of language skills.

1. Introduction
b. Fluency
English in India is generally taught as the second language. The
Fluency refers to the skill of producing a normal speed of speech
growth of English draws a parallel line with the growth of
which prevents from difficulties in communication such as
England as an imperial power. Literature in its broadest sense
could be the record of the best thoughts of the best minds.
Teaching poetry is also interesting as far as the teachers’ point of
view is concerned. c. Appropriateness
The knowledge of the students has been improved only through
repeated reading of the text. The learning level of the students Appropriateness includes the skills of using formal or informal
increases on the basis of the techniques used by the teachers in the language in order to use it in an appropriate situation.
language classrooms.
Techniques play a key role in language teaching. Communicative d. Coherence
activities comprise several methods that inspire and demand a
student to speak out and listen to others including the participants Coherence contains the skills of producing spoken utterances
in the activity. which are connected to each other such as use of ellipsis,
Learning English as a second language and as a result of positive substitutions, pronouns or conjunctions.
attitude in learners enhances the employment opportunities of the
students as well as their social standing. Only a slight change has 2. Role of literature in communication skills
been there in the last fifty years in the area of teaching language
through literature. As there are many genres in literature like poetry, drama, novels
etc., poetry has more chance to develop speaking skills than any
Improving Speaking Skills other genres. The linguists were against the inclusion of literature
in the syllabi for language teaching. They ignored literature as it
The learners have to follow four important skills. They are: was not relevant to language curricula and it gave an impression
of flying in fancy and imagination. This is regrettable that
a. Accuracy literature was banished in the language curriculum. Later, the
same linguists, gradually, started realizing the use and worth of
Accuracy involves skills of using grammar, vocabulary and literature as it could provide a resource for enhancing the ability of
pronunciation correctly to express different ideas. language learners to use literature as knowledge for interpretation
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
620 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

as discourse and it is an element of language curriculum. by the concerned teacher. If the students feel boredom about the
Literature is found to be a genuine discourse available anytime to style of teaching methods, the teacher will have to use a simple
be taught in the language classroom in many ways not replacing language so as to help the students to capture in an easy manner.
the approaches like ‘functional’ and ‘structural’. Some of the advantages to improve language acquisition by
Later, literature has found its place strongly in language studying poetry are as follows:
curriculum not as a separate or optional entity but an integral part. 1. Poetry is a soul of literature.
The followings are the factors supporting literature in language 2. It exalts the imaginative talent of the students.
teaching. 3. It gives pleasure for the readers.
1. Literature is an ideal vehicle for developing an awareness 4. It enhances the creative power.
of language acquisition by giving enough illustrations as 5. It expresses the emotions, feelings and thoughts.
it has rich sources of materials. 6. It develops the aesthetic sense of the students.
2. Literature motivates learners to speak the language by Thus, poetry provides different viewpoints towards language and
providing attitudinal, affective and experiential factors. makes the students know about the rules of grammar, syntax and
3. Literature is an apt tool for introducing cultural vocabulary.
assumptions to the learners.
4. It helps to build the confidence to interact with others. 4.1. Advantages of learning poetry
5. It develops strong communication skills that would
increase the chance for successful relationships. Some of the advantages of poetry are as follows:
1. Poetry differs in visual form from prose. It commonly
3. Innovative methods of teaching literature appears as a sequence of sentences with paragraphs.
2. It relies on the sound of the spoken language.
3. It relies on figurative language.
Teaching literature in language classes has become the trend of 4. It can tell a story, describe an object or situation, narrate
the day. Commonly teachers use literature for the development of an event or simply express feelings. Whatever the
the four skills of language as well as for providing knowledge of substance of the remarks and the ultimate message,
the world. There are three models in use to teach literature in poetry is characterized by linguistic elements that go
language classroom. They are as follows: beyond standard sentence structure.
5. Above all, poetry involves aspects of language that
a. Cultural model appeal to and are communicated by sound and light.
In this model, students learn about several cultural and ideologies
other than their own. Students can relate and appreciate the 5. Activities in language classroom
content from having their own cultural experiences. This method
requires the content relating to the students’ past experiences such Teaching of English is quite different from teaching of any other
as reading, societal or global issues. subject in arts, science and commerce. It has to be done
consciously and meticulously as well. The teacher can improve
b. Language model the language skills of the students by conducting different
activities. Moreover, students can also show a lot of interest to
This model helps the students to use language and vocabulary. participate in the activities. More activities are useful to enable the
The most common approach to literature in English as a Foreign caliber of the students. The following are some of the activities.
Language classroom is what the critics Cater and Long refer to as They are; Role Play, Story Telling, Narration, Dramatization,
the language based approach. Such approach enables the leaners to Interview, Extempore, Debate and Conversation.
access a text in a systematic way in order to exemplify specific
linguistic features. For eg.literal and figurative language, direct 5.1. Role play
and indirect speech.
Role Play is a drama like activity in which the students take
c. Personal Growth model different roles in a typical situation. This activity is used to give
learners practice in using a language in different situations. The
This model attempts to bridge the cultural model and the language teacher has to provide such opportunities of role playing to the
model by focusing on the particular use of language in a text, as students and ask them to speak naturally. There may be role play
well as placing it in a specific cultural context. Learners are between two or more students.
encouraged to express their opinions, feelings and make Students take immense pleasure while involving into role play.
connections between their personal and cultural experiences and For example, Nissim Ezekiel’s Good bye party to Miss. Pushpa.
those expressed in the text. Another aspect of this model is that it Teacher can give the character sketch from the poem and ask them
helps the learners to develop knowledge of ideas and the language to perform on the stage.
through different themes and topics. Thus, learning takes place This activity is beneficial to the students for improving their
when readers are able to interpret texts and construct meaning on vocabulary.
the basis of their own experience.
5.2. Story telling
4. Teaching poetry The second technique used in the classroom is story telling. It is
the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, often with
Poetry is a form of literature that uses beauty, strong patterns of improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Telling stories is a fun
sounds, words and qualities of language. It is intimately related to for the teachers as well as the students. By explaining stories, the
life of all different genres of literature. Poetry gives delight to the imaginative and the memory power of students can be improved.
students in a classroom with its rhythm, rhyme scheme and The poem The Bailiffs daughter of Islington written by
musicality. A teacher can motivate the students by teaching anonymous writer is about the love between squire’s son and
poems and instill in them the confidence to speak English better. Bailiff’s daughter. The teacher has to give such a poem and ask
Through teaching poetry, oral communication of students can be the students to explain the outline of the story by which the
enhanced effectively. The interest of the students can be identified creative power of the students also gets enhanced along with
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 621

language proficiency. The students can reproduce the sentence 5.7. Conversation
from memory. Such techniques help them to improve their
memory power. Conversation is the most natural thing in the world where two
people have a conversation on a topic of common interest. It is not
5.3. Narration at all easy to make the discussion or conversation happen within
the framework of a language. A spark of ideas normally occurs
Narrating incidents can do favour in improving the speaking when the two parties, speaker and listener are relaxed and
ability of the students. Any incidents or events can be taken from confident. The initiatives such as asking questions or expressing
the poem. For eg; Shakespeare’s ‘Shall I Compare thee to Summer disagreement requires less effect of command in a particular
Day?’, the theme of the poem is love. The teacher can ask the language than answering questions and expressing agreement.
students to narrate about the theme. Narration should be in such a This learner should be encouraged positively since this technique
way that the listeners should feel that they are experiencing the involves deliberate risk process. It is only the language learning
incidents in reality. The incidents of the students are from their strategy which makes the learners help themselves. Most of the
own experience, the oral expressions of the students become students have the natural instinct of keeping quiet, speaking only
flawless and clear. The teacher has to supervise that the other when spoken to. So the learners must be given the initiative to
students are listening to the speaker about the narration of start learning as normally as possible.
incidents. If the students listen to the story keenly, it will Teaching of English has now become all the more challenging in
definitely help them to understand the comprehension quickly. this internet era in which too much of knowledge, more than what
Moreover, there should be complete freedom for the students to the learners really need for their young age is thrust upon them.
narrate any incidents. This activity makes the students speak From these activities, it is very clear that how the language
freely without hesitation. teachers manage to direct the learners towards these twin goals of
not only making the learners acquire the proficiency in the
5.4. Dramatization language, but also imbibe the values of life.

Dramatization means converting a lesson or poem into living 6. Analysis of the poems
actions. Dramatization involves: a. acting b. gestures c.
movements d. facial expressions and e. dialogue delivery. There
are plenty of ways in which imagination can be developed. In The researcher has taken two poems by two different authors for
dramatization, the teacher plays a main role. The students are able analysis. By teaching these poems, the teacher demonstrates how
to make use of gestures and they can adopt facial expressions. the communication skills of the students can be improved.
Moreover, the students learn how to act appropriately in the
context of feelings and ideals contained in the matter. For i. Robert browning’s my last duchess
dramatization, the teacher can give a poem like The Harp and the
King and asks the students to enact on the stage. Through these Poetry is an art which can be used to develop vocabulary and also
techniques, the pronunciation, speech habits, articulation can be the language skills of students. The poem ‘My Last Duchess’
improved. written by Robert Browning has been taken for analysis. This
poem is an apt example to teach language students and the
5.5. Extempore outcome is also discussed. The original title of the poem was first
published in ‘Bells and Pomegranates III’. This poem is a
Extempore as an activity that can be demonstrated to test the dramatic monologue which means the speaker, other than the poet,
capability of students in English. No doubt that students show speaks to an imaginary audience at a decisive moment in his life.
more interest to participate in extempore. This type of activity The poem is written in 28 rhymed couplets of iambic pentameter.
brings great scope for the students to enhance their speaking The theme of the poem is egotism and jealousy. Browning’s
competency. Such techniques help the students to measure the dramatic monologue is the tension they achieve between
depth of knowledge rather than their resourcefulness and sympathy and judgement. The poem starts with the line ’That’s
eloquence. In order to make the students well versed in speaking My Last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were
and thus great orators, the teachers have to provide adequate alive’. The Duke of Ferrare praises the painter that this picture is
practice. The advantages to participate such extempore are to skillfully painted and the Duchess seems to be alive. His speech
speak in front of the audience. The teacher has to assign the reveals both the characters of the Duchess and the Duke himself.
easiest topic at the beginning and encourage the students to By giving or showing pictures to the students, the teacher tests
participate. This technique improves their skill of eloquence as their ability, makes them think differently and asks them to
well as vocabulary. communicate among themselves. The next line starts with ‘The
depth and passion of its earnest glance, But to myself they turned’.
5.6. Debate These lines explain that the Duke speaks about his wife’s nature.
He says that his wife has an earnest look and smiling glance in her
Debate is still prescribed in many schools and colleges. It is the eyes. The teacher always motivates the students by giving poetic
most useful activity for the enhancement of the language skills of lines or any stanzas and asks them to discuss in the classroom. The
the students. It is a formal discussion on a public meeting in which picture has been painted by Fra Pandolf and the picture looks as if
opposing arguments are put forward. It promotes the fluency and the Duchess is alive. The teacher has to give some more pictures
helps the students to get rid of the shyness. Debates can be a one- and asks them to discuss that after 15 minutes. This type of
stop formula to succeed at almost everything. Example can be activities makes the students still bold and confident enough about
given from the poem Robert Frost‘s Mending wall and The Road the topics.
not taken. Students can argue with the themes and conclude with Though the poet knows that the portrait is not real, the poet likes
one theme. This really supports the students to speak and think in the picture smiling at him. In the next stanza ’No tic Neptune
different dimensions. though/Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity/which clause of
Innsbruck cast in bronze for me!’ once again, the thrust of the art
object is dominance - the duke desires to be Neptune, God of the
sea, taming a small, beautiful sea creature in what would
obviously be no contest. In other words, the duke sees himself as a
God who has tamed his Duchess.
622 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

The poem is a very interesting one. It makes the readers think in the synonyms and antonyms from the given words. The teacher
different concepts and to share their own interpretations about the has to give not only the written exercise but also the oral practice
poem. The main themes in Robert Browning’s poem includes the such as oral presentation, poem recitation, short speeches, etc.
perception of truth, power, insolence and young love. This poem This type of exercises and practices make the students speak
is narrated by the Duke of Ferrare to an envoy of another English in a better manner.
nobleman, whose daughter the Duke is soon to marry. These After teaching this poem The Paper Boat, the teacher has to ask
details are revealed throughout the poem, and also help to the students questions to provoke their language ability. They are:
illustrate the irony that Browning employs. The Duke attempts to 1. What type of experience have you during rainy season?
be an artist in his life, turning a walk down the hallway into a 2. Share the reminiscences of the childhood experience.
performance, but he is always hampered by the fact that the ideal 3. How do you conclude if you were in the place of
that inspires his performance cannot change. Tagore?
The language skills of students can be improved by asking them 4. Can you name out the other games that the children
questions such as, played during raining seasons?
1. What is the implication in the Duke’s reference to the 5. Did you have the experience of floating paper boats in
heart of the Duchess? the flowing rain water in your childhood days?
2. Does the Duke comment on the Duchess’ smiles? By raising such type of questions, the students are given chances
3. Does the Duke say about dowry? to think and express their own points and suggestions.
4. Why does the Duke show the messenger the sculpture of
Neptune? 7. Results and suggestions
5. Give your opinion about the poem?

ii. The paper boat - Rabindranath Tagore In language learning process, speaking skills play an important
role. Students can develop their speaking ability only by
The second poem which is taken for analysis is Rabindranath communicating with others. In every class, the role of teacher is
Tagore's The Paper Boat. He was the popular Indian Poet and the important, the teacher has to pre-plan the way how the poem can
first noble Laureate. He won the Noble Prize for Literature in be conducted before he/she enters the classroom. The teacher has
1913 for his magnum opus “Gitanjali". His poetry shows his deep to make the students visualize the picture in their mind before
love of humanism. Tagore a few years later wrote another poem he/she starts the poem. Literature is an art. Teaching poetry in the
“Paper Boat”. The Paper Boat is a simple but thought provoking classroom is a part of it. The students enrich their vocabulary
poem. The poem starts with the line: through poems. They can learn new words which help them to
I remember a day in my childhood when communicate in all situations. Good communication skills make
I floated a paper boat on the stream. the students not only to seek a better job but also to sustain in that.
It was a wet day of July; I was alone and happy over my Without communication skills, it is impossible to select any job
play. because all managerial and administrative activities involve
I floated my paper boat on the stream. communications. Students can get a good chance to know figures
The poet relives his childhood memories of a particular store. He of speech and vocabulary. They need to use all these words for
had been annoyed with the storm and had made accusations their communication purposes thereby they develop the language
against it. This is the nostalgy of the poet to recollect his past days capability. Teachers can always motivate and encourage the
and memories. The poet can use a simple language that can be students to get enough confidence level when they converse with
understood by the common people. Poetry is the beautiful form of others. Students have to involve in all activities so that they feel
art to teach in an expressive manner. It evokes among the listeners free to share their concepts and ideas without any tension and
at the time of listening poems. The poet enjoyed the month of July nervousness.
because he was alone and he can spend his time for floating the In poetry classroom, students can feel liveliness, pleasure,
paper boat in the stream. imagination, knowledge about natural things. They can compare
The poet thinks about his past days and enjoyed his present stage. one poem with another in the same context. In order to explain the
On the contrary, the poet was disturbed as the boat was washed poems, the teacher has to take more strain and take the students to
away by the wind and muddy water. This makes the poet to be an imaginary world. Incorporating literature in language
sad. Tagore expressed that the storm has spoiled not only his classroom can make the students feel lively and motivating. It
happiness but also it proves the anger against the poet. The poem provides an interactive circumstance which can prove
excites the imagination and kindles the emotions of the listener. communication competence of the learners.
The last stanza ends with; Teaching poetry makes the students learn diction as it shows or
All this long cloudy day of July I have been musing. reflects the student’s calibre in the language. The students can get
over those games in life in which I was the loser. more confidence to speak language in public. Poetry increases the
Just now I am blaming my fate for the many tricks it. power of creativity that is not happened in other two genres like
Has played on me, when suddenly I remembered the Drama and Prose. No doubt that poetry gives pleasure and it
paper. creates thinking power too. Pronunciation can also be improved in
Boat that sank in the stream. poetry classroom. To sum up, poetry is the tool with which the
Tagore recollects all those days especially the month of July. He students can achieve their language proficiency. Comparing
feels that he is the loser and blames his life. According to Tagore, poetry with other genres, it completely gives cheerfulness to the
life is the mixture of better and bitter experiences and he faces readers. Through poetry, students can develop the communicative
only bitter from his childhood. The poet blames fate in this poem ability. Everything will come to a standstill position if
because it spoils every human being in an unexpected manner. communication is improper. As a result, they can face the
The theme in this poem is simple. It can be understood by all audience without any hesitation. Teacher uses innovative and
people of the rural and urban areas. Furthermore, the poem is an effective methods to teach poetry in the classroom. Thus, by using
enjoyable piece of literature, where learners can be pleased to all methods and activities, the standards of poetry can be improved
read. This context of the poem has to be experienced by all the among the learners.
students. So, this can be taken as an example to ask multiple
questions to the students to stimulate their communication skills.
The teacher can give some exercises related to the poem
conducted in the classroom. The exercises can be like identifying
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 623

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