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Review of Literature

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“An Empirical study of service quality dimensions of Public and Private Life

Insurance companies and its impact on customer satisfaction with special

reference to Bareilly dist.”

Review of Literature

(Dwivedi ,2019) made a comparative study of public and private life insurance companies in India in
post liberalization span wherein he found that Indian insurance industry has come a long way post
liberalization as it has reported increase in both life insurance density and penetration. The size of life
insurance market has been increased with growing economy.

Kumar & Shinde 2011) did a SWOT analysis of Insurance industry of India wherein he analyzed that de-
regulation has brought tremendous change in this sector due to excessive completion. Innovations and
distribution and improvements in market penetration will follow as public and private insurers compete to
market their products.
(Agarwal & Mishra, 2017) did a study on Indian Insurance sector and found that industry has faced many
challenges to reach to it’s present position.
(Krishna, 2015) made a comparative study of public and private life insurance companies of India. Solvency
ratio, current ratio and debt equity ratio have been calculated to measure financial performance.

(Jingxue Y., Soo Cheong, J ,2008) did a study on Service Quality wherein they told that it refers to customers’
perception and value- judgement of a product or service.
(Prentice, C, 2013) explained that Service Quality is extensively recognized as a driver of an organization’s
profitability and means for achieving a competitive advantage .
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