Response of Cholesterol To Cupping Therapy in Post-Menopausal Women With Hypercholesterolemia
Response of Cholesterol To Cupping Therapy in Post-Menopausal Women With Hypercholesterolemia
Response of Cholesterol To Cupping Therapy in Post-Menopausal Women With Hypercholesterolemia
Hypercholesterolemia is common in post-menopausal women, increasing their risk for
cardiovascular, thyroid, kidney and liver diseases, as well as diabetes mellitus. The current study
aimed to investigate the response of cholesterol to cupping therapy in post-menopausal women with
hypercholesterolemia. Forty post-menopausal women, having hypercholesterolemia, were
randomized into 2 equal groups. Group (A) received cupping therapy, once/month for 3 months, while
group (B) didn’t receive any therapy. All women were evaluated pre- and post-treatment by
measuring the serum levels of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and high
density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Comparing both groups post-treatment showed that there
was a statistically significant reduction in serum levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C (P < 0.05), while
there was a statistically significant increase in serum levels of HDL-C (P < 0.05) in favour of group
(A). Cupping therapy is an effective method for improving serum cholesterol levels in
hypercholesterolemic post-menopausal women through decreasing total cholesterol and LDL-C and
increasing HDL-C.
Abd EL-Ghaffaar HA, Khaled Mandour J, Abed ElKadir Atia F (2020) Response of cholesterol to
cupping therapy in post-menopausal women with hypercholesterolemia. Eurasia J Biosci 14: 123-
INTRODUCTION a simple, cost effective and time saving method that has
three main steps, including suction, scarification and
Hypercholesterolemia refers to excessively high suction again (Al-Bedah et al. 2018, El Sayed et al.
levels of plasma cholesterol, which predisposes to many 2014). It has a positive effect on reducing total
diseases mainly cardiovascular illness (Stapleton et al. cholesterol blood levels in hypercholesterolemic patients
2010). Post-menopausal women have higher (Fikri et al. 2010, Makiabadi and Zakarianezhad 2020).
prevalence of hypercholesterolemia than pre- Although previous studies had examined the response
menopausal women, suggesting an etiological role for of cholesterol levels to cupping therapy in
estrogen deficiency (Davidson et al. 2002, Reddy Kilim hypercholesterolemic and dyslipidemic patients (El
and Chandala 2013). Following menopause, women Sayed et al. 2014, Fikri et al. 2010, Hairon et al. 2017,
have increased levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C in Refaat et al. 2014), few of them have addressed this
addition to decreased levels of HDL-C, increasing their question in post-menopausal women with
risk to develop cardiovascular diseases (Fonseca et al. hypercholesterolemia. Therefore, the present study
2017). Cholesterol levels in blood should be controlled aimed to investigate the response of cholesterol to
to prevent negative consequences of cupping therapy in post-menopausal women with
hypercholesterolemia. Dietary modifications, physical hypercholesterolemia.
activity and alternative therapies like cupping therapy
are recommended for hypercholesterolemic patients
(Fikri et al. 2010, Mahmood 2015). Cupping therapy
represents one of the oldest therapies used for treating
a broad range of diseases through increasing production
of endogenous opioids in the brain, excreting Received: February 2019
pathological substances from the blood, boosting Accepted: October 2019
immunity and potentiating pharmacological therapy. It is Printed: February 2020
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 123-127 (2020) Abd EL-Ghaffaar et al.
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 123-127 (2020) Abd EL-Ghaffaar et al.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics and Multiple pairwise non-significant difference within group (B). Additionally,
comparison tests (Post hoc tests) for the all dependent group (A) had significantly lower levels of LDL-C when
variables for both groups at different measuring periods compared to group (B) post-treatment. These findings
Group A Group B
Post Pre Post agreed with Niasari et al. (2007) who investigated the
Variables Pre treatment
treatment treatment treatment effectiveness of wet cupping in reducing the serum LDL-
Cholesterol 30.3.23±35.36 279.84 ±33.30
304.71±29.01 C levels of healthy men, protecting them from
HDL 58.5±18.52 65.61 ±18.03
developing atherosclerosis. Additionally, Mustafa et al.
±16.88 (2012) found a significant decrease in LDL-C levels at
166.21 166.21
LDL 155.92±32.27 137.46 ±28.75 the next two weeks after wet cupping in hyperlipidemic
±28.06 ±28.06
Within groups (Pre Vs. post) patients. Moreover, Refaat et al. (2014) reported a
HDL LDL significant reduction in LDL-C after 2 months of wet
Group A .0001* .0001* 0.0001* cupping. Furthermore, Hairon et al. (2017) found a
Group B 1.00 1.00 1.00
significant reduction in LDL-C levels in the cupping
Between groups (group A Vs. group B)
Total cholesterol HDL LDL group from pre-treatment to the third and fourth months.
Pre treatment 0.906 0.214 0.384 In contrast, Alajwad et al. (2018) reported that wet
0.04* 0.027* 0.014* cupping has no effect on LDL-C levels in hyperlipidemic
*Significant at the alpha level (p < 0.05) males and females.
Concerning HDL-C, it showed a statistically
cholesterol and LDL and highly significant increase at significant increase within group (A), while it showed a
HDL in favour of group (A) (Table 2). non-significant difference within group (B). Additionally,
group (A) had significantly higher HDL-C levels when
DISCUSSION compared to group (B) post-treatment. These results
could be supported by Refaat et al. (2014) who found
Hypercholesterolemia has high prevalence in the
that 2 months of wet cupping significantly improved
elderly people due to its connection to comorbidity as
HDL-C levels in healthy men. Also, Hairon et al. (2017)
well as genetic and environmental factors, with a higher
reported the efficacy of cupping therapy in increasing
incidence in post-menopausal women than men. The
HDL-C levels from baseline to the third and fourth
high cholesterol levels increase the risk of elderly people
months. Conversely, Niasari et al. (2007) showed that
to develop coronary heart diseases (Davidson et al.
cupping therapy has no impact on HDL-C levels of
2002, Félix-Redondo et al., 2013). Thus, the present
healthy men. Additionally, Mustafa et al. (2012) and
study was conducted to investigate the response of
Alajwad et al. (2018) showed non-significant changes in
cholesterol to cupping therapy in post-menopausal
HDL-C levels in hyperlipidemic patients received
women with hypercholesterolemia.
cupping therapy.
Concerning total cholesterol, it showed a statistically
The contrast among studies regarding different
significant decrease within group (A), while it showed a
cholesterol levels (total cholesterol, LDL-C and HDL-C)
non-significant difference within group (B). Additionally,
could be related to the variation in the design and
group (A) had significantly lower levels of total
duration of the study, the age and sex of the treated
cholesterol as compared to group (B) post-treatment.
sample, as well as the technique and site of cupping
These results were consistent with Fikri et al. (2010) who
found a significant reduction in total cholesterol of
The results of the current study showed that cupping
hypercholesterolemic patients by 12% in the group of
therapy for 3 months had a positive effect on serum
cupping when compared to the control group. Also,
levels of cholesterol through decreasing total cholesterol
Mustafa et al. (2012) reported a significant reduction in
and LDL-C levels and increasing HDL-C levels in
total cholesterol levels following cupping therapy by one
hypercholesterolemic post-menopausal women. These
week and two weeks. In addition, Hairon et al. (2017)
findings could be attributed to the detoxifying effect of
found a significant decrease in total cholesterol levels
cupping as it clears blood from pathological substances,
from baseline to the third and fourth months in the
like total cholesterol and LDL-C, through skin scarifying
cupping group. Moreover, Alajwad et al. (2018)
and blood suctioning by the cups. In the cupped area,
concluded that cupping is an effective modality in
certain vasodilators like histamine, adenosine and
decreasing the serum levels of total cholesterol after one
noradrenaline enhance vasodilatation of blood vessels,
week of application in hyperlipidemic patients. On the
resulting in circulatory improvement and toxins
other hand, Niasari et al. (2007) and Refaat et al. (2014)
elimination from the body (El Sayed et al. 2014, Al-
reported non-significant differences with regard to total
Bedah et al. 2018). The blood detoxification effect of
cholesterol levels in healthy men subjected to cupping
cupping could be confirmed by previous studies that
compared the cholesterol levels between the cupping
Concerning LDL-C, it showed a statistically
blood and the venous blood. They found higher levels of
significant reduction within group (A), while it showed a
cholesterol in the cupping blood than in the venous
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