Different Types of Deposit Products: 1. Savings Bank Account
Different Types of Deposit Products: 1. Savings Bank Account
Different Types of Deposit Products: 1. Savings Bank Account
Banks open a current account for them. Like a savings bank account,
this account also requires a certain minimum amount of deposit
while opening the account. On this deposit, the bank does not pay
any interest on the balances. Rather the account holder pays a
certain amount each year as an operational charge.
Some bank customers may like to put away money for a longer
time. Such deposits offer a higher interest rate. The reason for
banks paying higher interest on fixed deposits is that the
administrative cost in the maintenance of these accounts is lesser
as compared to savings bank accounts where several
transanctions can take place in cash, transfer or clearing thus
increasing the administrative cost. If money is deposited in a
savings bank account, banks allow a lower rate of interest.
Therefore, money is deposited in a fixed deposit account to earn
interest at a higher rate.