Ijett V39P245
Ijett V39P245
Ijett V39P245
Abstract— A hydraulic system contains and confines a material from being taken into the system. These
liquid in such a way that it uses the laws governing reservoirs are used widely used in hydraulic systems
liquids to transmit power and do work. This paper due to their high reliability and ability to work under
describes some basic systems and discusses extreme conditions[2].
components of a hydraulic system that store and 2) Pressurized Reservoir. A pressurized
condition the fluid. The oil reservoir (sump or tank) reservoir is sealed from the atmosphere. This reservoir
usually serves as a storehouse and a fluid conditioner. is pressurized either by engine bleed air or by
Filters, strainers and magnetic plugs condition the hydraulic pressure produced within the hydraulic
fluid by removing harmful impurities that could clog system itself. Pressurized reservoirs are used on
passages and damage parts. Heat exchanges or aircraft intended for high altitude flight, where
coolers often are used to keep the oil temperature atmospheric pressure is not enough to cause fluid flow
within safe limits and prevent deterioration of the oil. to the pump.
Accumulators, though technically sources of stored
energy, act as fluid storehouses.
This reservoir, or tank as it is referred to by
Boeing-Vertol, is constructed of a metal housing with
Keywords— Hydraulic systems, Reservoirs, Strainers,
two internal pistons, one fixed and the other a floating
Filters and Accumulators.
piston which slides along a central tube. Attached to
I. HYDRAULIC RESERVOIRS the floating piston is a larger tube that projects through
the forward end of the tank and is calibrated to
The hydraulic reservoir is a container for holding the indicate FULL and REFILL fluid levels for ramp-up
fluid required to supply the system, including a and ramp-down positions[3].
reserve to cover any losses from minor leakage and
evaporation. The reservoir can be designed to provide
space for fluid expansion, permit air entrained in the
fluid to escape, and to help cool the fluid. Figure 1-1
shows two typical reservoirs. Compare the two
reservoirs item by item and, except for the filters and
bypass valve, notice the similarities. Filling reservoirs
to the top during servicing leaves no space for
expansion. Most reservoirs are designed with the rim
at the filler neck below the top of the reservoir to
prevent overfilling. Some means of checking the fluid
level is usually provided on a reservoir[1]. This may
be a glass or plastic sight gage, a tube, or a dipstick.
Hydraulic reservoirs are either vented to the
atmosphere or closed to the atmosphere and
pressurized. A reservoir stores a liquid that is not
being used in a hydraulic system. It also allows gases
to expel and foreign matter to settle out from a liquid.
A description of each type follows. Figure 1
scale left from hot-rolling the steel. The inner surface pressure-control valve rather than a vented one[1]. A
then should be sealed with a paint compatible with pressure-control valve automatically lets filtered air
the hydraulic fluid. Non bleeding red engine enamel into a tank but prevents air release unless the pressure
is suitable for petroleum oil and seals in any residual reaches a preset level. A pressurized reservoir takes
dirt not removed by flushing and steam cleaning. place when the oil and air in a tank expand from heat.
b. Shape. Some of the design features of a reservoir.
It should be high and narrow rather than shallow and f. Line Connections. A pump suction and a tank's
broad. The oil level should be as high as possible return lines should be attached by flanges or by
above the opening to a pump's suction line. This welded heavy-duty couplings. Standard couplings
prevents the vacuum at the line opening from causing usually are not suitable because they spread when
a vortex or whirlpool effect, which would mean that a welded. If a suction line is connected at the bottom, a
system is probably taking in air. Aerated oil will not coupling should extend well above the bottom, inside
properly transmit power because air is the tank; residual dirt will not get in a suction line
compressible[3]. Aerated oil has a tendency to break when a tank or strainer is cleaned. A return line should
down and lose its lubricating ability. discharge near a tank's bottom, always below the oil
level. A pipe is usually cut at a 45-degree angle and
c. Size. Reservoir sizes will vary. However, a the flow aimed away from a suction line to improve
circulation and cooling. A baffle plate is used to
reservoir must be large enough so that it has a reserve
separate a suction line from a return line. This causes
of oil with all the cylinders in a system fully the return oil to circulate around an outer wall for
extended. An oil reserve must be high enough to cooling before it gets to the pump again. A baffle plate
prevent a vortex at the suction line's opening. A should be about two-thirds the height of a tank. The
reservoir must have sufficient space to hold all the oil lower corners are cut diagonally to allow
when the cylinders are retracted, as well as allow circulation[5]. They must be larger in area than a
space for expansion when the oil is hot. A common- suction line's cross section. Otherwise the oil level
size reservoir on a mobile machine is a 20- or 30- between a return and a suction side might be uneven.
gallon tank used with a 100-GPM system. Many 10- Baffling also prevents oil from sloshing around when
GPM systems operate with 2- or 3-gallon tanks a machine is moving. Many large reservoirs are cross-
because these mobile systems operate intermittently, baffled to provide cooling and prevent sloshing.
not constantly. For stationary machinery, a rule of
g. Maintenance. Maintenance procedures include
thumb is that a reservoir's size should be two to three
draining and cleaning a reservoir. A tank should have
times a pump's output per minute[2]. A large-size
a dished bottom that is fitted with a drain plug at its
tank is highly desirable for cooling. The large surface lowest point; a plug fitting should be flush with the
areas exposed to the outside air transfer heat from the inside of a tank to allow for full drainage. On large
oil. Also, a large tank helps settle out the tanks, access plates may be bolted on the ends for easy
contaminates and separates the air by reducing removal and servicing. A reservoir should have a sight
recirculation. gauge or dipstick for checking the oil level to prevent
damage from lubrication loss[4]. The strainers on a
d. Location. Most mobile equipment reservoirs are pump's suction line may not require as much
located above the pumps. This creates a flooded- maintenance. However, an element in a filter in a
pump-inlet condition. This condition reduces the return line will require regular changing. Therefore,
possibility of pump cavitations-a condition where all that filter should not be inside a reservoir. When a
the available space is not filled and often metal parts reservoir is pressurized by compressed air, moisture
will erode. Flooding the inlet also reduces the vortex can become a maintenance problem. A tank should
tendency at a suction pipe's opening. A reservoir's have a water trap for moisture removal; it should be
location affects heat dissipation. Ideally, all tank placed where it can be inspected daily.
walls should be exposed to the outside air. Heat
moves from a hot substance to a cold substance; heat II. STRAINERS AND FILTERS
transfer is greatest when there is a large temperature
difference[3]. Reservoirs that are built into front-end To keep hydraulic components performing correctly,
loader arms are very effective in transferring heat. the hydraulic liquid must be kept as clean as possible.
Foreign matter and tiny metal particles from normal
e. Ventilation. Most reservoirs are vented to the wear of valves, pumps, and other components are
atmosphere. A vent opening allows air to leave or going to enter a system. Strainers, filters, and
enter the space above the oil as the level of the oil magnetic plugs are used to remove foreign particles
goes up or down. This maintains a constant from a hydraulic liquid and are effective as safeguards
atmospheric pressure above the oil. A reservoir filter against contamination. Magnetic plugs, located in a
cap, with a filter element, is often used as a vent. reservoir, are used to remove the iron or steel particles
Some reservoirs are pressurized, using a simple from a liquid.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 8