Part 1bidding Procedures I
Part 1bidding Procedures I
Part 1bidding Procedures I
Table of Contents
Part 1
Bidding Procedures
Section 1. Instructions to Bidders
Bid Data Sheet
Table of Contents
A. General 1
B. Contents of Bidding Documents 2
C. Preparation of Bids 2
D. Submission and Opening of Bids 3
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 4
F. Award of Contract 4
Instructions to
Bidders (ITB) Data relevant to ITB
A. General
ITB 1.1 The Employer is: EMH
Registered Address; Hossana ,ogaden building third floor room no 7
The Bidding Documents is issued under Procurement Method: National open
ITB 1.1
competitive bidding
ITB 1.2 and The Project name is: Bread bakery G+0 building
ITB 1.4 The number and identification of Lots in this Bidding Documents is: N/A
ITB 4.1(a) The individuals or firms in a joint venture, consortium or association jointly and
severally liable.
ITB 4.5(b)(ii) Domestic Bidders shall provide VAT registration certificate issued by the tax
authority in case of contract value of and above.
ITB 4.5(b)(iv) Relevant professional practice certificate required
ITB 4.7 A Bidder shall amend the evidence of its continued eligibility with the following
documents: Not applicable
ITB 8.1 and The deadline for submission of questions and/or clarifications is no later date than
10.4 15 days before bid closing days.16/062015 E.C
TIME: 4:00 as per the announcement of bid
The pre-Bid meeting timing and venue will be :
Date: February 17,2015
Time: 10:00 am (Local Time)
Place: Ogaden building Third floor room no. 8 Hossana, Ethiopia.
A Site Visit conducted by the Bidders shall be organized. The costs of visiting the
site or sites shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.
Date: February 17,2023
Time: 9:00 AM Local Time
C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 12.1 Language of the Bid shall be English .
The Contract is :
ITB 13.1
Unit Price (Admeasurement) Contract
Request for price adjustment may be filed after expiration from the effective date
ITB 13.9
of the Contract Not applicable
Prices quoted for each lot shall correspond to percent of the items specified for
ITB 13.12
each lot. Not applicable
ITB 14.1 For those inputs to the Works that the Bidder expects to provide from inside
Ethiopia prices shall be quoted in ETB .
ITB 15.1 Bidder must provide in the Bidder Certification of Compliance Form information
related to its professional qualification and capability for the current and the FIVE
ITB 21.1
Bid shall include a bid security issued by Bank. The amount of the bid
security shall be ETB 500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Birr only)
Bid security shall be in the form of unconditional bank guarantee from recognized
Bank or CPO and valid for 120 days from the date of the bid closing date.
The bid security shall be valid for twenty-eight days (28) beyond the end of the
Bid validity period of the Bid.
ITB 23.1 In addition to the original of the Bid, the numbers of copies is: one (1)
copies and a soft copy (Flash/DVD).
The Bidder shall enclose the original and all copies of the bid, in separate
sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL”, “COPY 1”
and a soft copy (Flash/DVD). These inner envelopes containing the original
and the copies shall then be enclosed in one single outer envelope.
Bidders required submitting bid documents in one envelope containing both
ITB 23.1
the technical and financial proposals together.
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
ITB 25.1 For Bid submission purposes only, the Public Body’s address is:
Public Body: EMH
Attention: Engineer Mesay Ayele
Floor/Room number: Ogaden building Third floor room no. 7
P.O. Box: 15881
Street Address: Col.bezabeh petros to menaharia main road
Town/City: Hossana
Post Code: 667
Country: Ethiopia
The deadline for Bid submission is:
Date: March 04 , 2015
ITB 35.1 The currency that shall be used for bid evaluation and comparison purposes to
convert all bid prices expressed in various currencies into a single currency is:
Table of Contents
This section, read in conjunction with Section 1, Instructions to Bidders and Section 2, Bid Data Sheet, contains all the factors, methods and
criteria that the Public Body shall use to evaluate a bid and determine whether a Bidder has the required qualifications. No other factors, methods
or criteria shall be used. The Bidder shall provide all the information requested in the forms included in Section4, Bidding Forms.
The Bids shall be examined to confirm that all documentary evidence establishing the Bidders' qualifications requested in ITB Clause 22
have been provided;
After confirming the Bids comprise all mandatory documentary evidence establishing the Bidder's qualification the Public Body will rule
on the legal, technical, professional, and financial admissibility of each bid, classifying it as compliant or non-compliant with qualification
requirements set forth in the Bidding Documents;
A. Legal, Professional, Technical, and Financial Qualification Criteria
The following qualification criteria will be applied to Bidders:
FACTOR Joint Venture, Consortium or Association Documentation
Single Entity All Partners At Least One Required
Each Partner
Combined Partner
1. Legal Qualification of the Bidder
Nationality in accordance with ITB Clause Must meet Must meet Must meet
1.1. Nationality n/a Bid Submission Sheet
4.2. requirement requirement requirement
No conflict of interest as described in ITB Must meet Must meet Must meet Bid Submission
1.2. Conflict of Interest n/a
Clause 6. requirement requirement requirement Sheet
Having been registered in the Public
1.3. Registration in the Procurement and Property Administration Must meet Must meet Must meet Bid Submission
FPPA's Suppliers List Agency's Suppliers List in accordance with requirement requirement requirement Sheet
ITB Clause 4.7.
Not having been debarred by decision of the
Public Procurement Agency from
1.4. Debarred by decision Must meet Must meet Must meet Bid Submission
participating in public procurements for n/a
of the FPPA requirement requirement requirement Sheet
breach of its obligation under previous
contracts in accordance with ITB Clause 4.3.
FACTOR Joint Venture, Consortium or Association Documentation
Single Entity All Partners At Least One Required
Each Partner
Combined Partner
Having been submitted valid trade license or
1.5. Valid trade license or Bid Submission
business organization registration certificate Must meet Must meet Must meet
business organization n/a Sheet with
issued by the country of establishment in requirement requirement requirement
registration certificate attachments
accordance with ITB Clause 4.6.
Having been submitted VAT registration
Bid Submission
1.6. VAT registration certificate issued by the tax authority (in case Must meet Must meet Must meet
n/a Sheet with
certificate of contract value of Birr 100,000.00 and requirement requirement requirement
above) in accordance with ITB Clause 4.6.
Having been submitted valid tax clearance
Bid Submission
1.7. Valid tax clearance certificate issued by the tax authority Must meet Must meet Must meet
n/a Sheet with
certificate (Domestic Bidders Only) in accordance with requirement requirement requirement
ITB Clause 4.6.
Bidder Certification
1.8. Government Owned Compliance with conditions of ITB Clause Must meet Must meet Must meet
n/a of Compliance with
Entity 4.4. requirement requirement requirement
2. Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience of the Bidder
The Bidder has successfully completed at least Bidder Certification
Must meet Must meet
3.1. General experience contracts with a budget of at least that of this n/a n/a of Compliance with
requirement requirement
contract in the past years attachments
The Bidder has successfully participated as
contractor or subcontractor, in at least
Must meet Must meet
contracts within the last years, each with a Bidder Certification
Must meet requirement requirement for
3.2. Specific experience value of at least , that have been successfully n/a of Compliance with
requirement for all one
and substantially completed and that are attachments
characteristics characteristic
similar to the proposed Works..
3.3. History of non- Non-performance of a contract did not Must meet n/a Must meet n/a Bidder Certification
performing contracts occur within the last years prior to the requirement by requirement by of Compliance
deadline for Bid submission, based on all itself or as itself or as
information on fully settled disputes or partner to past partner to past
FACTOR Joint Venture, Consortium or Association Documentation
Single Entity All Partners At Least One Required
Each Partner
Combined Partner
litigation. A fully settled dispute or
litigation is one that has been resolved in
accordance with the Dispute Resolution
or existing JV or existing JV
Mechanism under the respective contract,
and where all appeal instances available to
the bidder have been exhausted.
Must meet Must meet
All pending litigation shall in total not
requirement by requirement by
represent more than percent of the Bidder’s Bidder Certification
3.4. Pending litigation itself or as n/a itself or as n/a
net worth and shall be treated as resolved of Compliance
partner to past partner to past
against the Bidder.
or existing JV or existing JV
The Bidder must demonstrate that it will have
available for the implementation of the Must meet Must meet
n/a n/a
contract the following equipment listed requirement requirement
3.5. Equipment for the No
Equipment Type and Characteristics Minimum Number Required Technical Proposal
implementation of .
with attachments
the contract 1 Dump trucks 6
2 pickup 5
3 Concrete mixer 3
4 Concrete vibrator 2
5 Hand compactor 2
3. Financial Standing of the Bidder
Submission of audited balance sheets and
other financial statements as required in the
Bidder Certification
4.1. Historical Financial BDS Clause 17, for the last years to Must meet Must meet
n/a n/a of Compliance with
Performance demonstrate the current soundness of the requirement requirement
Bidder's financial position and its prospective
long term profitability.
4.2. Average Annual The average annual turnover calculated as total Must meet Must meet Must meet % Must meet % Bidder Certification
FACTOR Joint Venture, Consortium or Association Documentation
Single Entity All Partners At Least One Required
Each Partner
Combined Partner
certified payments received for contracts in
progress or completed within the last years of the of the of Compliance with
Turnover requirement requirement
must exceed times the amount of the financial requirement requirement attachments
proposal of the Bid.
The Bidder must demonstrate access to, or
availability of, financial resources such as
Must meet % Must meet % Bidder Certification
liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines Must meet Must meet
4.3. Financial Resources of the of the of Compliance with
of credit, and other financial means, other than requirement requirement
requirement requirement attachments
any contractual advance payments to meet the
following cash-flow requirement:
B. Evaluation of Bids
1. Determining the Successful Bid
According to the methodology defined in the Public Procurement Proclamation and Directive the
Public Body shall select the successful Bid by applying the following method:
A. The Bid that is found to be substantially responsive to the professional, technical, and
financial qualification requirements, technically compliant in relation to the technical
specifications, and with the lowest price.
B. The Bid that is found to be substantially responsive to the professional, technical, and
financial qualification requirements, technically compliant in relation to the technical
specifications, and with the lowest evaluated bid The lowest evaluated Bid shall be the bid
offering better economic advantage ascertained on the basis of factors affecting the
economic value of the bid.
A. The Bid with the Lowest Price
1.1 The bids shall be examined to confirm that all documentary evidence establishing the
Bidders' qualifications requested in ITB Clause 23 have been provided.
1.2 After confirming the bids comprise all mandatory documentary evidence establishing the
Bidder's qualification the Public Body will rule on the legal, technical, professional, and
financial admissibility of each bid, classifying it as compliant or non-compliant with
qualification requirements set forth in the Bidding Document.
1.3 The Public Body will then analyze the bids' technical conformity in relation to the technical
specifications, classifying them technically compliant or non-compliant.
1.4 The Public Body shall continue evaluation of Bids that have been determined to be
substantially responsive with rectification of nonconformities and omissions in bids, if any.
1.5 The Public Body shall examine all Bids to ascertain whether there are any arithmetic errors
in computation and summation. The Public Body shall notify Bidders on adjusted
calculation errors and request bidders to confirm that they accept the correction of the
calculation error within the time limit of three days from the receiving of the notification.
1.6 The Public Body shall award of the contract the Bidder whose Bid has been determined to
be substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents and with the lowest price.
B. Determining the Lowest Evaluated Bid Offering the Best Economic Advantage
2. Evaluation of the Technical Proposal
2.1 Provided all mandatory legal, professional, technical, and financial requirements have been
met all technically compliant Bids shall be evaluated and scored using the two-stage bid
evaluation and scoring method. In accordance with ITB Clause 38.3(f), the Public Body's
evaluation of the Bid will take into account, in addition to the bid price, the following
technical evaluation criteria in order of their importance and their proportional weight in
the total system of evaluation, as specified below:
(a). The technical evaluation criteria and their weighting points that indicate their level of
importance are determined, as follows:
Priority Name of criteria
points in %
Adequacy of Technical Proposal in responding to the
Schedule of Requirements:
(a) Technical capacity to mobilize equipment and
(b) Technical approach and methodology 8%
(c) Work plan and scheduling 6%
(d) Organization and staffing 7%
Total points for criterion (1): 35%
Specific experience of the Bidder relevant to the 10
Schedule of Requirements
Qualifications and competence of the key professional
staff engaged in the works:
(a) Project engineer 10%
(b)Site engineer 10%
(c)Office engineer 5%
(d) forman 5%
3 Total points for criterion (3): 30
The number of points to be assigned to each of the above positions
or disciplines shall be determined considering the following three
sub-criteria and relevant percentage weights:
(a) General qualifications 20-30% 20%
(b) Adequacy for the assignment 50-60% 50%
(c) Experience in region and language 10-20% 10%
Total weight: 100% 80%
Total points for criterion (4): 20%
Σ Total Points for the Four Criteria (1+2+3+4) 100
(b). The Public Body will evaluate any technical evaluation criterion using the following
scoring scale:
Exceeds the requirements of the criteria significantly and in beneficial ways/very
10 Excellent
9 Very Good Exceeds the requirements of the criteria in ways which are beneficial to our needs
7-8 Good Fully meets the requirement of the criteria
2.2 Individual weighted scores for all technical evaluation criteria shall be weighted according
to the set proportional weighting factors. The weighted result shall be calculated by
multiplying the score by the proportional weighting point of the individual criterion.
2.3 Bidders getting score less than percent in the technical evaluation shall be rejected.
3. Evaluation and Comparison of Bid Price
3.1 In the financial evaluation, the highest point shall be given to the lowest priced Bid, and
conversely, the lowest point shall be given to the highest priced Bid; among technically
qualified Bids. The points given to other Bidders shall be determined depending on their
price offers.
3.2 From the total merit points to be given for proposals submitted by Bidders in a bid for
procurement of Works, the share of Technical Proposal shall be percent and the remaining
percent shall be the share of the Bid Price.
3.3 The formula for determining the financial score is the following:
FS =
) 100
FS = The Bid Price Score;
LFP = The lowest Bid Price;
CFP = The Bid Price under consideration
3.4 The Public Body shall then add the technical score to the Bid Price score to determine the
aggregated (total) Bid score and final ranking of Bids by applying the following method:
(a) For each Technical Proposal its technical evaluation score shall be normalized
according to the highest evaluated technical score that will get 100 points according
to which other scores of technical criteria shall be proportionally ranked.
Normalization is the transformation that is applied equally to every element in the
group of data so that the group has a specific statistical characteristic.
(b) The Public Body shall apply the following formula for the normalization of values of
the technical evaluation results:
( )
TSN = Normalized Bid Technical Proposal Score;
CTP = The technical evaluation score for the Bid under consideration
HTP = The highest evaluated Technical Proposal score
3.5 The Public Body shall award the contract to the Bid that has the highest point in the total
sum of results of the technical and Bid Price evaluation.
3.6 Where two Bidders get equal merit points in the evaluation, preference shall be given to
local Bidders.
3.7 The Public Body may require Bidders scoring equal merit points in the evaluation to
submit further Proposals on certain aspects of the Bidding Document with a view to
identifying the successful Bidder.
3.8 Where by reason of the Bidders scoring equal merit points not submitting final proposals
they are invited to submit, or by reason of the evaluation result of the final proposals
submitted by the Bidders being still equal the successful Bidder can not be singled out, the
successful Bidder shall be determined by casting lot in the presence, as far as possible, of
the Bidders concerned.
4. Domestic Preference
If the ITB Clause 34 so specifies, the Public Body will grant a margin of preference to local
construction companies for the purpose of bid comparison, in accordance with the procedures
outlined in subsequent paragraphs Responsive Bids shall be classified into the following groups:
(a) Group A: Bids offered by local construction companies and joint ventures meeting
the criteria of ITB Sub-Clause 34.3; and
(b) Group B: all other Bids.
For the purpose of further evaluation and comparison of Bids only, an amount equal to 7.5%
percent of the evaluated Bid prices determined in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 34.3 shall be
added to all Bids classified in Group B.
5. Evaluation of Multiple Contracts
Since in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 38.5 the Public Body be allowed to award one or
multiple lots to more than one Bidder, the following methodology shall be used for award of
multiple contracts:
To determine the lowest-evaluated lot combinations, the Public Body shall:
evaluate only lots or contracts that include at least the percentages of items per lot and
quantity per item as specified in ITB 13.12;
take into account:
(i) the lowest-evaluated bid for each lot that meets the requirement of evaluation
(i) the price reduction per lot and the methodology for their application as
offered by the Bidder in its bid; and
(ii) the contract-award sequence that provides the optimum economic
combination, taking into account any limitations due to constraints in supply
or execution capacity.
6. Completion Time
An alternative Completion Time, if permitted under ITB Clause 19.2, will be evaluated as
7. Technical Alternatives
Technical Alternatives, if permitted under ITB Clause 19.4, will be evaluated as follows: