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Productive and profitable layers begin with good quality pullets. Having the correct body weight and
body type at the start of egg production will enable pullets to achieve their genetic potential.
Problems that develop during the growing period cannot be corrected after egg production begins.
This paper will highlight the components of a good pullet development program.
The brooder house should be cleaned and Washing should move from the ceiling
disinfected well in advance of chick delivery. downwards through the cages or system
A minimum of 3 weeks “down-time” between equipment to the floor and finally, manure pit.
flocks should be scheduled for house After thorough cleaning, the house should
preparation. Before cleaning and disinfection, be sprayed or foamed with an approved
all manure and feed should be removed, and disinfectant. Increasing the temperature inside
a rodent control program implemented (or the house will improve the effectiveness of the
preferably the ongoing program should be disinfectant. Additionally, fumigating the house
continued). This is the time to make necessary within 5 days of chick delivery will help ensure
repairs to the house and equipment. The house sanitary conditions. The effectiveness of the
should be cleaned with a high-pressure wet cleaning, disinfection and fumigation should be
wash with detergent to remove all organic checked by environmental testing of the house
matter. surfaces for coliform and Salmonella bacteria.
(check local regulations regarding space)
Colony/Cage Floor
Bird space 100–200 cm2/bird (16–31 in2/bird) 835 cm2/bird (0.9 ft2/bird)
5 cm/bird (2 in/bird) or
Feeder 5 cm/bird (2 in/bird)
1 pan per 50 birds
Brooding chicks in cages requires strict Chicks raised on the floor in houses heated
management of temperature and humidity as with brooder stoves or whole-house heating
the chicks cannot migrate to an area of comfort should be confined in brooder rings. Observe
like chicks grown on the floor. Chicks started chick behavior to determine if the temperature is
in cages should be placed on paper for 7 to 10 correct. Chicks should be uniformly distributed
days to help their movement within the cage, in the brooding area. Closely grouped chicks
temperature control, prevent drafts and allow indicate low temperatures or excessive drafts.
supplemental feeding on the paper. Feed should In cold environments chicks will often chirp with
be placed in front of the feed trough to train a distressed tone. Chicks that are too warm will
chicks to move toward the permanent feeders. appear lethargic and will try to move away from
the heat source. Both heat and cold-distressed
Place feed in front of automatic feeders chicks can have pasty vents.
Floor-raised pullets may use pan or chain Human contact during the growing period
feeders. For both feed systems, it is important socializes pullets and reduces stress. Walking
to start chicks by feeding on paper, cardboard, the house perimeter multiple times daily during
or trays that are placed near the feed line. When the growing period aids socialization and can
the chicks first arrive, be sure either the pans improve nesting behavior in layers. Using the
or troughs are completely filled to help the same type of drinkers in pullet and layer houses
chicks find the permanent feed source. Carefully improves adaptation in the layer house.
monitor the control panel to ensure that all
feeders on the line remain full.
When using brooder rings, there may not be
sufficient access to water. Provide supplemental
water with chick drinkers for the first week or
two, or until the rings are opened up to full water
If perches are integrated onto the feed or water
lines, it is important to minimize manure build
up. Water lines with perches should use small or
no-drip cups, as large drip cups tend to collect
manure from perching birds.
Many diseases affect floor-raised birds more
than cage-raised birds. In particular, infectious
bursal disease and coccidiosis must be well
controlled to ensure good uniformity and
weight gain. Veterinarians with knowledge of
the local disease burden should be consulted to
implement an appropriate control program. PULLET DEVELOPMENT AND WEIGHT
The pullet develops according to a well-
TEACH GOOD BEHAVIOR EARLY orchestrated sequence of physiologic events.
Pullets going into enriched colony, barn or Pullets reaching or exceeding breed body weight
aviary laying environments should be provided targets during these developmental phases have
growing environments containing perches, the best chance to perform to genetic potential
water platforms or multi-tiered environments. as layers. Interrupted growth during any of these
While chicks are usually started on the floor, it developmental phases will result in hens lacking
is important to set up the platforms or enriched the body reserves and organ function to sustain
environment by 3-4 weeks of age. If water high production as adult layers.
platforms are used, it is important that pullets
continue to have access to water on the floor
until the flock learns to jump.
Complex environments teach pullets jumping
and exploratory behaviors. Pullets raised in
enriched growing environments adapt better
to complex laying environments. By learning
to jump and explore at an early age, adult
behavioral problems such as piling or not
utilizing all levels in a multi-tiered system can be
Weekly Body Weight Gain and Organ 6 TO 12 WEEKS OF AGE
Development during the Growing Period This period of rapid growth is when the pullet
Immune and Bone, Muscle, attains most of the adult structural components
Digestive Systems Feather Oviduct (muscles, bones and feathers). Poor growth
Develop Development Development
during this period will prevent the pullet from
Skeleton 95% attaining sufficient bone and muscle reserves
90 Developed
needed to sustain a high level of egg production
80 and maintain good shell quality. The skeleton
70 is 95% developed by the end of the 13th week
60 of life. At this time the growth plates of the
Uniformity of body weights within a flock is as 4. Feed refusal due to poor quality, mycotoxins
important as achieving the target average body or abrupt changes in feed ingredients
weight. The proper goal during the growing disrupting intestinal microflora
period is 85% uniformity (85% of the individual 5. Feed management
bird weights are +/- 10% of the average). Poor
a. Not enough feedings or stimulations
pullet body weight uniformity complicates the
proper feeding of the flock both in grow and b. Slow movement of feeders leading to
lay, and is the most important factor causing selective feeding
poor peak of production and substandard c. Not allowing the feeder to be emptied
egg production. Another challenge resulting daily, leading to accumulation of fine
from poor uniformity is pullets coming into feed
production at different times, with underweight d. Improper feed particle size (see the
hens producing small eggs. "Feed Granulometry" technical update)
Reasons for pullet poor uniformity include: 6. Stress from vaccination, excessive bird
handling, heat stress
1. Enteric diseases such as coccidiosis,
infectious bursal disease (Gumboro, IBD), 7. Poor beak trimming technique
spirochetosis, viral or bacterial enteritis, 8. Any restriction of water consumption will
runting/stunting also reduce feed intake. Water must be
2. Overcrowding leading to competition at freely available at all times. Causes of
feeders and drinkers water intake problems include:
a. Overcrowding or equipment failure
3. Inadequate nutrition because feed
formulation does not match actual feed b. Improper height of drinkers
In flocks with poor uniformity it may be Weigh birds prior to a scheduled change in feed
necessary to segregate the birds by weight and formulation, such as from starter to grower
then feed separately. Birds on the floor can be feed. Scheduled changes in feed formulations
separated into pens of different weight classes. should always be based on achieving target
When the birds cannot be separated, the flock body weights and not the age of the flock.
should be fed according to the requirements of Underweight pullet flocks or flocks with poor
the lighter birds in the flock. uniformity should be retained on the more
nutrient rich formulation. Flocks that will be
A weight monitoring program should begin
receiving a harsh vaccination involving handling
when the flock is 1 week old. During the first 4
the birds for injection or during peak heat
weeks when the birds are still small, bulk weigh
waves (acute heat stress) should be placed back
random samples of 20 birds. After 4 weeks of
on more concentrated feed formulations to
age, individual bird body weights should be
compensate for loss of appetite.
taken weekly from at least 100 birds. Continue
weighing weekly until mature body size is
reached at 32 weeks, then at least every 5 weeks BREAST MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT
during the remainder of the production period. Pullets should be examined for breast muscle
For pullet flocks raised in cages, a selection of development as a good indicator of proper
cages from all levels and positions within the pullet development and a predictor of future
house should be marked. All the birds in these layer productivity. Muscle contains glycogen, a
cages should be weighed separately with the rapidly available source of energy used for egg
birds from the same cages weighed every week. production. Pullets coming into egg production
Select cages at the beginning and end of feed with insufficient muscle will not have sufficient
lines, as well as from upper and lower levels. energy available to sustain high egg production.
Flocks raised on the floor can only be weighed
randomly, but can be collected from several PROPER BREAST MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT
different locations. Platform scales can be used
to continuously monitor growth, in addition to
manual weighing.
Weekly monitoring of body weights is preferable
as the producer can identify growth problems
quickly. It might be possible to associate the
growth problem with a change of feed or
a stressful management practice, allowing
corrective action to be taken.
Step-down lighting programs modulate growth, determine age of sexual maturity and affect egg size and
egg mass (within the genetic limits of the layer variety).
In a typical step-down lighting program, the hours of light are gradually decreased over the first 8–12
weeks. This provides the young growing flock additional hours of feeding time to promote growth. Age of
sexual maturity and egg size HY-LINE COMMERCIAL LIGHTING PROGRAM (W-36, SONIA)
is not affected if the step- 24 24
down period is 12 weeks or 23 off Gradual light increases up to 30 weeks of age,
16 hour maximum to end of lay
22 22
less. When the step-down 21 21
20 on 20
period is extended beyond 19 19
18 18
12 weeks, sexual maturity 17 off 17
will be delayed and egg size 16
14 on 14
will experience during the 13
12 20 18 16½ 15 13½ 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 13½ 13¾ 14 14¼ 14½ 14¾ 15 15¼ 15½ 15¾ 16 16
growing period. This will 11
off 11
negate the influence that 9
8 on
changes in natural daylength 7
Stimulate the pullet with increasing light hours 7
when the ideal body weight is achieved: 6
would have on pullet 5 off 5
4 Brown: 1.35 kg W-80: 1.20 kg 4
development and the age of 3
Transfer flock to
Light stimulation at Ideal
Silver Brown:
Body Weight 1.54 kg
(1.35–1.40 kg) Pink: 1.46 kg 3
2 on 2
first egg. A lighting program 1
laying house
web tool is available at www. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
WEEKS OF AGE that provides a
customized lighting program LIGHT INTENSITY
for any location. 30-50 20-25
lux 25 lux 5-15 lux lux 30 lux
Careful attention to the principles of pullet management is fundamental for success and profits in laying
flocks. Growing a pullet flock of the correct weight and body conformation will usually ensure success
in the laying period. Problems such as low egg numbers and poor egg shell quality
during lay can often be traced back to problems occurring in the growing period.