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Gomgom Sahat Sampe Tua Lumban Gaol - 2004112366 - THP B - TUGAS REVIEW JURNAL ENZIMATIS HASIL PERIKANAN

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Judul Fish Spoilage In The Tropics: A Review

Jurnal Octa Journal of Biosciences

Volume & Halaman Vol. 5(2):34-37

Tahun 2017

Penulis Ikape S.I., Cheikyula, J.O.

Reviewer Gomgom Sahat Sampe Tua Lumban Gaol

Link jurnal/DOI http://sciencebeingjournal.com/sites/default/files/Octa%20%20


Abstrak Fish is a perishable commodity, spoilage begins immediately

after harvest by autolytic bacteria especially, in the tropics,
hence the objectives of the review paper were to highlight the
causes of fish spoilage and identify the possible ways of
reducing the spoilage. As fish spoils, its nutritional value
decreases, the bacteria causing the spoilage degrade the fish
protien, bacteria action produces nitrogenous compounds with
obnoxious odour and the affected fish become unattractive to the
consumer. Spoilage in fresh fish can produce toxins which cause
food poisoning; histamine contamination is prevalent among
pelagic fish such as Mackerel and Sardine. Pathogenic bacteria
contamination of fresh fish caused by poor handling and
washing the fish in polluted water can also cause food poisoning.
Fish spoilage results from three basic mechanisms: Enzymatic
autolysis, oxidation, microbial growth. There is need to address
these problems so as to minimize spoilage.

Pengantar These enzymes contribute to the post mortem degradation of

fish muscle and fish products during storage and offering. Use
clean water to wash the cut area and around the fish well. How
to remove the inside of the fish Carefully remove the fish from
nets, traps etc. Keep fish away from flies, birds and animals Do
not step on fish. Fatty acids formed during the hydrolysis of fish
lipids interact with sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins
causing denaturation.

Bahan dan Alat Materials and tools


• Sample fish
• Water


• Knife
• Tray

Metode Control of microbial spoilage Proper hygiene The surface of all

material coming in contact with fish should be kept clean. These
include filleting knives, boards and benches, filleting machines,
containers, hold of vessels etc. Adequate hygiene will improve
the keeping quality of the fish. In the study of shrimps and crabs,
the number of bacteria fell during washing, cooking, and
freezing and rose during handling, peeling, breading and
packaging (Burt et. al., 1991 and Johnson et. al., 1994). Gutting
of the fish This involves the removal of the viscera, which
harbour spoilage bacteria, and spoilage enzymes that attack the
flesh of the fish after death. While the enzymes are involved in
the digestion and the general enzymatic activities of the living
fish, the bacteria proliferation is inhibited by the general
metabolic reactions in the fish. Gutting should be done
immediately the fish is hauled. Removal of the viscera not only
eliminate the gut enzymes, it also prevent infestation by
intestinal micro-organisms and eliminate the gall bladder which
harbours bile, an alkaline greenish liquid which gives rise to the
condition known as “belly burn” – a visible discolouration of the
belly cavity (Gorga and Ronsivalli, 1988). The bile imparts an
undesirable bitter flavour to fish when consumed. Rigor mortis
Rigor mortis means the stiffening of the muscles of an animal
shortly after death. Immediately after death the muscles of an
animal are soft and limp, and can easily be flexed; at this time
the flesh is said to be in the pre-rigor condition, and it is possible
to make the muscles contract by stimulation, for example by
means of an electric shock (FAO,2005). Salting Salt will remove
water from fish tissues by osmosis thereby render water
unavailable for microbial growth. The cell of micro-organisms
is also plasmolysed from salt uptake (Eyo, 1998). Smoking
Smoking as a method of preservation of perishable foods dates
back to civilization. Fish and fishery products are one of the
most perishable of all staple commodities. They are, therefore,
suitable media for the growth and proliferation of micro-
organisms. To prolong the shelf life of fish, fish is preserved by
smoking. Smoke is generated from wood and other appropriate
combustive material (such as saw dust, Agricultural by-product
offal) by burning. Smoke has bacteriostatic, bactericidal and
antioxidant functions while heat generated from the wood has
dehydrating effect on the fish. The combination of these
processes gives fish dry effect. Antibiotics Antibiotics such as
oxytetracycline, choltetracycline, tetramycine and auromycine
during ice manufacture have been found to extend the shelf-life
of chilled fish. However, antibiotics used for medical purposes
are not allowed to be included in fish hence they have been
withdrawn. The use of nisin and/or tylosin to suppress bacteria
has been suggested (Eyo, 2001). Carbon dioxide This is known
as modified gas atmosphere (MAP). In this process, fish are
packed in sealed transparent containers including an atmosphere
rich in carbon dioxide. The bacterial growth is retarded at an
average of 20% depending on species (Clucas, 1981).

Reduction Of Fish Spoilage

(1) Properhandling of fresh fish.

Avoid exposing the fish to sunlight. Keep them in a shaded


Ice the fish immediately after they are caught to lower their

Remove the gills and internal organs.

Avoid soaking the fish too long in the water after death as this
easily spoils the fish.

Use mechanical refrigeration if there are facilities.

(2) Improvement of landing facilities and distribution Very
often, whenever unexpectedly large catches are taken, landing
facilities and the distribution system cannot handle the surplus
of fish. Thus, a long period of time may elapse before the fish
can be processed. Consequently, a high percentage of the fish
may become unsuitable for processing. It is therefore important
to expand cold storage facilities in proximity of the catch areas
whenever sufficient and/or adequate transport facilities (e.g.
trucks equipped with a refrigeration system) are not available.
Alternatively, processing plants may be located near the catch
areas in order to avoid the need for extensive transport facilities.

(3) Maintaining the fish at low temperatures To minimise

spoilage, fish should be kept as cool as possible immediately
after catching until processing starts. If tropical fish are chilled
with ice, they may be kept in an edible condition for an increased
period. The actual length of time depends very much on the type
of fish, but may be as long as three weeks. However, in many
areas far away from major towns, ice may not be available in
sufficient quantities. Fish may then be kept relatively cool by
other means, including the following:Keeping the fish in the
shade out of direct sun, placing damp sacking over the fish. This
helps reduce the temperature as the water evaporates. The
sacking must be kept wet and the fish must be well
ventilated.Pixing the fish with wet grass or water weeds in an
open-sided box so that the water can evaporate and cool the fish.
In this method, the fish should be kept continuously wet.

(4) Maintaining a hygienic environment Fish which have been

handled cleanly and carefully will be in a better condition than
fish which have been handled carelessly; they can, therefore, be
worth more money. Before processing starts, attention must be
given to the following: I Keeping the fish as clean as possible.
Washing with clean water will remove any of the bacteria
present on the fish skin, especially in the presence of mud. ii.
Keeping the fish cool, chilled in ice or chilled water, if possible,
at all stages before processing starts. Fish spoilage is a
continuing process: once a particular stage of spoilage has been
reached no amount of good practice or processing can reverse it.
iii. Avoid damaging fish by careless handling. If the skin is
broken this will allow bacteria to enter the flesh more quickly
and spoilage will be more rapid. This sort of damage can be
caused by walking on fish and by the use of a shovel. If the guts
can be removed and the gut cavity washed carefully, this will
reduce the number of spoilage bacteria present; however, in
some areas, the purchaser requires whole fish so that this
practice may lower the value of the catch (Dalgaard et al., 2006).

Hasil dan Factors affecting bacterial growth

Eyo (2001) reported that increase in the population of
microorganisms by geometric progression is theoretically
possible; its practical implication is limited by the
environmental factors prevailing. These factors are temperature,
water contents, osmotic pressure, pH of the medium, redox
potential, and the nutrient composition of the environment.


This is an extremely important factor influencing growth of

microorganisms. When temperature is below minimum required
by microorganisms, they either remain in a lag phase or dies
slowly. High tropical ambient temperature actually favours the
growth of micro-organisms. Exposure of fish to direct sunlight
should be avoided. In artisanal fishery, in the absences of ice,
fish should be kept in clean containers and shaded. Most tropical
lean fish will remain in good condition for three weeks to four
weeks in ice provided the insulated boxes have provision for the
exit of melt water to avoid recontamination of the fish (FAO,

Temperature affects growth of micro-organisms in many ways.

At low temperature the chemical reactions in the organism are
slowed down leading to suspend growth. Too high a temperature
causes the destruction of heat labile components of the organism
such as nucleic acid and protein resulting in death. Although the
overall limit for bacterial growth is between - 24oc to 90oc, not
all bacteria can survive at the extremes of this temperature.

Water content

Water is essential for life and bacteria cell contain 90%

moisture. Moisture requirement for bacteria is expressed as
water activity (AW). The water activity is defined as the ratio
between the water vapour pressure of a substance and the vapour
pressure of water at the same temperature. Micro- organisms can
grow over a wide range of water activity (0.60-0.99) depending
on the species of fish. Areduction in water activity of the flesh
will limit the chances of bacteria growing in the fish.
Dehydration or evaporation, presences of solutes such as sugar
or ionic material like salts and formation of crystals during
freezing can cause such a reduction (Eyo, 2001).

Acidity or alkalinity (pH)

Fish spoilage bacteria grow well over a wide range of hydrogen

ion concentration ranging from 4 to 9. The optimum pH for
growth for most bacteria lies between pH 6.5-7.5, although some
bacteria are capable of growing at the extremes of the pH ranges.
Bacterial growth and toxin production are inhibited if the
condition becomes too acidic or too alkaline. In general acids
conditions are more lethal to micro-organisms than alkaline
(Eyo, 2001).

Redox potential

The redox potential is the ability of an organism to gain or lose

an electron. When an organism gains an electron, it is reduced
and when it loses an electron it is oxidized .The electron
transferring system is called oxidation-reduction. Anaerobic
organisms require a negative potential for growth whereas the
aerobic ones requires a positive potential for growth (Eyo,

Nutrient composition

Bacteria are living organisms and like other living things such
as plants and animals, they require a source of energy to survive.
Such energy can be obtain from sunlight or by the breakdown of
nutrients mainly carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, vitamins
and other growth factors. The process of attack of carbohydrate
is called fermentation. During microbial fermentation, acid is
produced which leads to a change in pH. The accumulation of
acids retards fermentation and increases putrefaction (Eyo,

Some bacteria can also breakdown fats to produce obnoxious

odour, unsaturated fatty acids are usually given priority over
saturated fatty acids. In addition, moist fats arebroken down
much more rapidly than dry fats. Vitamins are growth factors,
and many bacteria have a requirement for the B vitamins.
Nutrients that are relatively deficient in the B vitamins are in
most cases not affected by micro- organisms e.g. fruits. If these
factor are well managed, spoilage can be reduced.

Simpulan The spoilage of fish and fish products depends on a number of

factors. These factors as well as the spoilage mechanism must
be Ikape & Cheikyula 2017/ Fish Spoilage In The Tropics: A
Review Octa Journal of Biosciences 37 thoroughly understand
before developing proper handling and pretreatment methods
and preservation techniques. To stop the rapid spoilage of fish,
it is essential to store the fish at 0°C after catching during
harvesting. However, theseoperation is only a temporary
method for preservation whereas, this can decrease microbial
and enzymatic spoilage but cannot prevent oxidative
spoilage.With the annual drop in fish production as against an
ever increasing human population, it is necessary to improve
better fish handling, processing and preservation techniques in
the artisanal and commercial fisheries. This will ensure
sufficient availability of fish for the teeming population with
minimal wastage and increase food security

Kekuatan penelitian This study not only explains the enzymatic process but also
explains how to prevent damage to fish. And explain some of
the factors that affect damage to fish. And use words that are
easy to understand.

Kelemahan penelitian The weakness is that it does not list in detail the parts of the tools
and materials used in the research and the methods used

Judul Quality characteristics including formaldehyde content in

selected Sea foods of Tuticorin, southeast coast of India

Jurnal International Food Research Journal

Volume & Halaman 25(1): 293-302

Tahun 2018

Penulis Immaculate, J. and Jamila, P

Reviewer Gomgom Sahat Sampe Tua Lumban Gaol

Link jurnal/DOI http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my/25%20(01)%202018/(39).pdf

Abstrak General quality characteristics including formaldehyde content

of iced and un-iced sea foods were assessed in this study.
Formation of formaldehyde in sea food is by enzymatic reaction
and oxidation of lipids as a result of the activity of microbes.
Great attention has been paid to volatile aldehydes like
formaldehyde in aquatic products. Results showed that
formaldehyde levels were significantly higher in un-iced fishes
than that of the immediately iced fishes and it was in the range
of 0.001 - 0.32 mg/kg in iced fishes and it was in the range of
10.64 - 18.75 mg/ kg in un-iced fishes. Study showed that
seafood contained high amount of formaldehyde because of
natural production by postmortem enzymatic reaction. This
study clarified that improperly stored seafood is a source of
formaldehyde to human being. Sensory and microbiological
qualities were good in fresh fishes than that of formaldehyde
contained fishes. Normally sea foods were in good quality until
the formaldehyde content and microbiological counts were
below the permissible levels.

Pengantar Seafood is a cheap source of animal protein after meat and

poultry. The most significant sources of fish-borne diseases are
associated with microbiological and chemical hazards. The
amount of formaldehyde formed mainly depends on fish quality,
catch time and storage temperature, and it causes muscle
toughness and water loss in fish species, leading to lower
acceptability and functionality (Ang and Hultin, 1989; Badii and
Howell, 2002). Formaldehyde is naturally metabolized in our
bodies with normal metabolism and can also be found in air,
natural foods, some skin care products and preservatives in
processed foods, especially in dried and frozen foods. The
sensory and microbiological quality of fresh fish is better than
that of fish containing formaldehyde. Usually the seafood is of
good quality until the formaldehyde content and microbiological
counts are below permissible levels. India General quality
characteristics including formaldehyde content of both iced and
iced seafood were assessed in this study. The formation of
formaldehyde in seafood is through enzymatic reactions and
lipid oxidation as a result of microbial activity.

Bahan dan Alat Raw materials

Seven types of commercial fishes such as Chirocentrus dorab

(Mulluvaalai), Arius jella (Keluthi), Trachinocephalus myops
(Thannipanna), Cephalopholis forosa (Kalava), Sillago sihama
(Kelekka), Lates calcarifer (koduva) and Lutjanus malabaricus
(seppili) were selected as target sample based on more
consumption in the short survey. Each of fish sample weighing
250 to 500 g were purchased from Tuticorin fish landing center.
The collected samples were stored in sterile bags and kept in an
ice box and brought to the laboratory. Total fishes were divided
in to two lots and one lot was immediately iced and second lot
was kept without ice for 7 hours and the sensory, microbial
qualities and spoilage indicators including formaldehyde
content were analyzed for both batches of fish samples.

Metode Determination of pH

pH of the samples was determined by the method of Goulas and

Kontominas (2007). 10 g of the sample was homogenized with
50 ml of distilled water and the pH value of the homogenate was
measured by means of a glass electrode pH meter (HANNA
pH213) that was previously standardized.

Determination of Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVB-N)

TVB-N was determined according to the procedure of Siang and

Kim (1992) by using Conway micro diffusion unit. The extract
was prepared by mixing 2 g of the sample with 4%
Trichloroacetic acid in a 50 ml beaker and was homogenized
properly. It was left for 30 min at room temperature with
occasional shaking and then filtered. The filtrate was labeled and
stored. Three Conway units were taken which had been
thoroughly cleaned and the edge of the outer ring of each unit
was applied with sealing agent (Vaseline). Using a micropipette,
1 ml of boric acid solution was added into the inner ring of each
unit. In to the outer ring of each unit, 1ml of the sample extract
was added. 1ml of saturated potassium carbonate solution was
carefully pipetted into the outer ring of each unit and closed with
clip. The solutions in the units were then mixed gently, to
prevent any solution mixing from one ring to the other. The units
were placed in an incubator at 37o C for 60 min. After that, the
unit’s covers were removed and the inner ring solution, now
green in colour was titrated with 0.02N Hydrochloric acid using
a burette until green colour solution turned into pink. An average
titrate volume of Hydrochloric acid was found from the results
of three titrations for each sample. For each value, the Total
Volatile BaseNitrogen values were calculated. A blank test was
also carried out using 1ml of 1%Trichloroacetic acid, instead of
sample extract.

Sensory quality assessment

Sensory methods were used to assess the degree of freshness

based on odor, colour, general appearance, condition of eyes,
slime and consistency of flesh. The difference in the sensory
characteristics between iced and un-iced fish were judged by a
trained panel of expert members. The grading of fish using score
on the characteristics has been followed by Multilingual Guide
to European Commission Freshness Grades for Fishery Products
(Hawgate et al., 1992) to judge the quality of the fish.

Microbiological quality assessment

Total plate count was determined by standard plate count

methods. About 10 - 15 g of whole fish sample was blended with
appropriate volume of 0.2% peptone water in a sterilized blender
for a few minutes until homogenous slurry was obtained. 0.1 ml
aliquots was spread onto plate count agar (Hi-media, Mumbai,
India) for total aerobic counts according to Collins and Lyne
(1976) and colony counts were expressed as colony forming
units per gram of muscle (CFU/g).

Determination of formaldehyde
Nash’s Reagent (Nash, 1953) was used as an indicator by
diluting 15 g of ammonium acetate with an addition of 0.3 ml of
acetyl acetone and 0.2 ml of acetic acid. Nash’s reagent was kept
in amber glass reagent bottle at all times because the reagent is
light sensitive. Trichloroacetic acid was used to adjust the pH of
fish was appropriately 0.1 N potassium hydroxide (KOH) and
0.1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) were used to adjust the pH of the
distillate in order to be in the range from 6.0 to 6.5. The working
standard solution was ranged in 0 - 5 mg/l and it was prepared
from the intermediate standard solution (10μg/g) for the graph

The fish samples were cut into small pieces and 30g of the
sample was homogenized with 60 ml of 6% w/w Trichloroacetic
acid. The mixture was filtered and the pH of the filtrate was
adjusted to 7.0 with 30% w/w Potassium hydroxide (KOH) and
stored in ice for one hour. The test was performed by mixing 5
ml of the standard solution, Trichloroacetic acid, fish extract, 2
ml of Nash’s reagent and then heated in the water bath at 60˚C
for 30 min. The absorbance was measured immediately at 415
nm by UV spectrophotometer.

Hasil dan The selected experimental sea foods were presented in Table 1.
Pembahasan The formaldehyde content in selected iced and un-iced seafood
from Tuticorin was summarized in Table 2. The highest amount
of formaldehyde content was observed in un-iced sample of
Lutjanus malabaricus and it was 18.75 mg/kg while freshly iced
fishes contained the lowest amount of formaldehyde in the range
of 0.001 - 0.32 mg/kg. The pH values of the iced fresh and un-
iced fishes are presented in Table 3. The highest pH of 8.0 was
recorded in un-iced sample of Trachinocephalus myops. The
lowest range of pH 7.0 - 7.02 was found in the immediately iced
fresh sample.

The volatile amine contents of iced and un-iced samples are

shown in Table 3. The highest Total Volatile Base - Nitrogen
value noted in the un-iced fish samples was 41.5 mg/100g where
as for the iced samples it was 3.55 mg/100g. By comparison with
iced samples the un-iced samples had higher amount of volatile
amine production.
Studies were conducted to detect the changes in sensory quality
of iced and un-iced fishes and the results are presented in Table
4. The sensory characteristics of fresh fish gills were red and the
eyes were in full bloom and bright in appearance. The eyes were
bulging with protruding lens and transparent. There were no
slime on the surface of the body and flesh was firm and elastic.
The results revealed that the sensory qualities of the iced fresh
fishes were in excellent condition. In comparison with iced fresh
fish, the gills of un-iced fish were found slightly blackish.Also,
there was slight loss of brightness and natural colour. They were
found emitting moderate to strong sour odor.

The amount of bacterial load in iced fish samples and un-iced

samples were shown in Table 5. The result showed that there
was considerable decrease of bacterial load in iced samples and
all the fishes showed only less than 30 colonies that is too low
to count. But in the case of un-iced samples higher number of
bacterial colonies were noted and it was very high of about 108
in Arius jella, Lutjanus malabaricus, Lates calcarifer and
Cephalopholis formosa.

Simpulan This study showed that there was high formaldehyde content in
un-iced fishes. However, formaldehyde content of all the iced
fresh fish species was still lower than 5 mg/kg where as the un-
iced fishes had higher formaldehyde content. However, there
were some limitations in this study such as the temperature
change, time of storage and handling could possibly influence
the concentrations of formaldehyde since it is a volatile
compound. There is no adverse health effects on human due to
the formaldehyde contaminated fish consumption based on the
risk assessment calculation. Thus the study proves fishes from
landing center can be considered safe for consumption because
of fresh condition. Further more immediately proper icing can
potentially reduce the formation of formaldehyde.

Kekuatan penelitian In this study using language that is easy to understand, the
method uses several tests. And this research is a good research
because it discusses the enzymatic process in a preparation.

Kelemahan penelitian The weakness is still using old data and literature.

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