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National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

B. Tech. (6th Semester),

Mechanical Engineering, Mid-Semester, Spring (2021-22)
Sub Code: ME3102 Total Marks: 60
Sub Name: Dynamics of Machinery Duration: 2 hrs

Instructions: Answer any ALL (03) questions.

Assume any missing data after stating it clearly.
Q1: [10+10=20]
(a) What is the magnitude and direction of torque M12, that must be applied to link 2 of the linkage
illustrated in Fig. 1(a) to maintain the linkage in static equilibrium?

RAO2=87.5 mm, RBA= RBO4 =150 mm, RDO4 =175 mm, RO2O4=50 mm.

(b) A reciprocating engine has following data:

i. Mass of reciprocating part is 100 kg
ii. Mass of the connecting rod is 80 kg
iii. Stroke length is 200 mm and obliquity ratio is 4.
iv. Radius of gyration of the connecting rod about an axis through C.G. is 120 mm
v. Distance Big end centre and C.G is 120 mm
vi. Rotational speed of the engine is 900 rpm (Clockwise)
If, the connecting rod is modelled as dynamically equivalent system by replacing two masses at its two ends,
Determine the total inertia torque on the crank shaft, when crank location is 40 degrees from IDC.

Q2. [12+8=20]
(a) A solid flywheel was used as an energy reservoir for a work cycle. The torque variation for the work
cycle is given as follows:
(i) For 1st 60 degree of crank rotation torque varies from 0 to 30 Nm.
(ii) For next 30 degrees the torque remains at constant value and drops to zero suddenly.
(iii) For Next 90 degrees the torque is ZERO.
(iv) Then the cycle repeats

If the flywheel need to kept within the range of 2400 and 2300 rpm. Find the mass and diameter of the
flywheel assuming thickness to be 2 cm and density to be 7140 kg/m3.

(b) A 4 kW of motor with 75% mechanical efficiency was used in a riveting machine for closing rivets by
punching operation. A solid flywheel of mass 100 kg and radius of 600 mm was used in the machine
as an energy reservoir. One riveting operation takes 1 second and absorbs 10000 N-m of energy. The
speed of the flywheel before riveting operation was 300 rpm.
i. Find the speed of the flywheel immediately after riveting and
ii. Find how many rivets can be closed per minutes?
Q3. [10+10=20]
(a) A rotor carries four masses in parallel plane A, B, C and D in an order. The masses at B and C are 18
Kg and 12.5 kg respectively and each has an eccentricity of 6 cm. The masses ant A and D have an
eccentricity of 8 mm. The angle between the masses at B and C is 100 degree (Clockwise), and that
between the masses at B and A is 170 degree(Anticlockwise). The axial Distance between A and B is
10 cm and that between B and C is 20 cm. If the shaft is in complete dynamic balancing, Then
(i) Draw the space diagram of all the masses
(ii) Find the masses at A and D
(iii) Find the Distance between C and D
(iv) Find the angular position of mass D.

(b) The cranks of a four-cylinder diesel engine are arranged at an angular interval of 180 degrees. The
engine speed is 70 rpm and the reciprocating mass of each cylinder is 800 kg. The inner cranks are
1 m apart and are symmetrically arranged between the outer cranks which is 2.6 m apart. Each crank
is 400 mm long with an obliquity ratio of 4.
(i) Calculate and explain which firing order is better in term of balancing the primary couple
between 1-4-3-2, 1-4-2-3 and 1-3-4-2.
(ii) Draw the crank configuration of the all the firing order.

******************************************End **********************************************

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
B. Tech. (6th Semester),
Mechanical Engineering, End-Semester, Spring (2021-22)

Sub Code: ME3102 Total Marks: 50

Sub Name: Dynamics of Machinery Duration: 3 hrs
 Answer any FIVE (05) questions including Question No 1.
 Assume any missing data after stating it clearly.
 Draw clean Free Body Diagram, where ever necessary.
Q1: [10]

(a) Derive the expression for the equivalent-damping coefficient of two dampers in
parallel. [2]
(b) Draw the curves Magnification Factor Vs Frequency Ratio for different damping ratio
in a forced damped vibration and explain its salient features. [2]
(c) What are two basic properties of gyroscope? Explain them. [1]
(d) Derive the expression for the condition of isochronous in a Hartnel governor. [3]
(e) How does the controlling force curve help in establishing insensitivities because of
friction in the sleeve of a porter governor? Explain with diagram. [2]

Q2. [5+5=10]

(a) Determine the static deflection of each spring and equivalent stiffness in
the systems shown in figure 2(a). Consider m= 120 kg, S1= 1X105 N/m,
S2=2X105 N/m, and S3= 2X 105 N/m.
(b) The stiffness of a spring-damper-mass system is 252 N/m . When the
Figure 2(a)
weight is displaced and released, the period of vibration is found to be 1.8
s, and the ratio of consecutive amplitudes is 4.2 mm to 1.0 mm. when the
force F = 2 cos 3t N acts on the system, Determine (i) The natural
frequency (ii) static deflection(iii) amplitude and (iv) phase difference of
the system.
Q3. [5+5=10]

(a) An impeller of mass of 15 kg is mounted on a 1 m long massless shaft and shaft is supported on
two ball bearings. The location of the impeller is 0.25 m from left ball bearing. The diameter of the
shaft is a 30 mm. The shaft rotates at 2400 rpm. If centre of mass of the turbine is 0.125 mm away
from the geometric centre of the shaft. Find the (i) transverse natural frequency (ii) amplitude of
the steady state vibration and (iii) dynamic forces transmitted to each bearings due to eccentricity.
Take E=200 GPa.

(b) A centrifugal blower of mass 20 kg has a rotating unbalance of 0.5 kgm. The blower is running at
a constant speed of 1500 rpm. To reduce the transmissibility of unbalance force to the floor,
springs and damper are used. The dampers used has damping factor 0.25. (i) Find the spring
constant for mounting such that only 12% of the unbalance force is transmitted to the floor and
(ii) find the force transmitted to floor.

Q4. [10]

A four-wheel electric trolley car has two axle and each axle is rotated by an electric motor. The
total mass of the trolley is 2000 kg. Each wheel has a radius of 450 mm and moment of inertia 20
kgm2. The distance between two rear wheels is 1400 mm. Both motor with a speed ratio of 1:4
drives each axle. Each motor along with the gear drive has moment of inertia of 16 kgm2. Each
motor rotates opposite to the direction of the wheel. The centre of gravity of the car is 1.2 m
above the rail. Distance between front and rear wheel is 3.5 m.

(i) Which wheels (inner or outer) has tendency to leave the rail due to car weight,
gyroscopic couple and centrifugal couple, explain.

(ii) Calculate maximum speed of the car when it has to travel around a left curve of 250 m
radius without the wheels leaving the ground.

Q5. [5+5=10]

(a) The length of arms and links for a Porter governor are equal to 250 mm length and pivoted on the
axis of rotation. Each ball is of 50 N weight and the weight of the central load is 250 N. The radius
of rotation of the ball is 150 mm when the governor begins to rise and 200 mm when the governor
is at maximum speed.
Find the (i) range of speed, (ii) sleeve lift,(iii) governor effort, and (iv) power of the governor, when
the friction at the sleeve is neglected. (v) If the friction at the sleeve is equivalent to a force of 15
N, find the coefficient of insensitiveness.

(b) In a spring-controlled governor, the controlling force curve is a straight line. The balls are 450 mm
apart when the controlling force is 1450 N and 250 mm when it is 750 N. The mass of each ball is
8 kg. Determine the speed at which the governor runs when the balls are 300 mm apart. (i) By
how much should the initial tension be increased to make the governor isochronous? Also, (ii) find
the isochronous speed.

Q6. [7+3=10]

(a) In Hartnell governor, the lengths of ball and sleeve arms of a bell crank lever are 120 mm and 100
mm respectively. The distance of the fulcrum of the bell crank lever from the governor axis is 150
mm. Each governor ball has a mass of 4 kg. The governor runs at a mean speed of 300 rpm with
the ball arms vertical and sleeve arms horizontal. For an increase of speed of 4%, the sleeve moves
10 mm upwards.
Neglecting friction, determine (a) minimum equilibrium speed if the total sleeve movement is
limited to 20 mm, (b) spring stiffness, (c) sensitiveness of governor, and (d) spring stiffness if the
governor is to be isochronous at 300 rpm.

(b) The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 2000 kg and rotates at a speed of 3000 rpm clockwise
when looking from stern. The radius of gyration of the rotor is 0.5 m. Determine the gyroscopic
couple and its effects upon the ship when the ship is steering to the right in a curve of 100 m radius
at a speed of 16.1 knots (1 knot= 1.855 km/hr).


******************************************End **********************************************
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
B. Tech. (6th Semester),
Mechanical Engineering, End-Semester, Spring (2020-21)
Sub Code: ME3102 Total Marks: 50
Sub Name: Dynamics of Machinery Duration: 2 hrs
 Answer all FIVE (05) questions.
 Assume any missing data after stating it clearly.
 Draw clean Free Body Diagram, where ever necessary.
Q1: [5+5=10]

(a) If a torque of T12 = 452 N · m (Clock Wise) is applied on the linkage 2 shown in Figure 1(a),
determine the force, P, on the piston to maintain static equilibrium. Draw clean FBD for each
links while solving.

Figure 1(a)

(b) Sketch complete free body diagrams of each link and determine the torque, T12, that must be
applied to link 2 to maintain static equilibrium at the posture shown in Figure 1(b).

Figure 1(b):

Q2. [5+5=10]
(a) A vertical single cylinder engine has a cylinder diameter of 240 mm and a stroke of 420 mm.
The mass of the reciprocating parts is 200 kg. The connecting rod is 4.25 times the crank
radius and the speed is 340 rpm. When the crank has turned through 40° from the top dead
centre, the net pressure on the piston is 1 MPa. Calculate the effective moment on the
crankshaft for this position.

(b) A single-cylinder double acting pump is driven through gearing at 50 rpm. The resisting
torque of pump shaft may be assumed to follow a sine curve in half revolution with a
maximum value of 6 kNm at 90° and 270° (Figure 2(b)). Find the weight of the flywheel
required to be mounted on a pump shaft to keep the speed within 1.5% of the mean speed,
if the radius of gyration of the flywheel is 1.5 m. The effect of motor armature and gear
wheel is equivalent to a flywheel of 4.5 kN with a radius of gyration of 1 m on the pump

Figure 2(b)

Q3. [5+5=10]

(a) Figure 3(a) illustrates three weights connected to a shaft that rotates in bearings at A and B.
(i) Determine the magnitude of the bearing reactions if the shaft speed is 350 rev/min.
(ii) If a counterweight is to be located at a radius of 250 mm to balance the rotor. Find the
value of the weight and its angular orientation.

Figure 3(a)

a= 150 mm, b= 300 mm, R1  200 mm, R2  300 mm, R3 150 mm, w1  0.556 N, w2  0.417 N, w3  0.834 N

(b) A single cylinder reciprocating engine has a reciprocating mass of 50 kg. The crank rotates at
80 rpm and the stroke is 300 mm. Mass of revolving parts at 150 mm radius is 40 kg. If 2/3rd
of the reciprocating parts and whole of the revolving parts are to be balanced, determine
(i) the balance mass required at a radius of 340 mm, and
(ii) the unbalanced force when the crank has turned through 400 form TDC. 2
Q4. [5+5=10]

(a) Determine the undamped and damped natural frequencies of the system shown in Figure 4(a).
k1 = 2 kN/m, k2 = 3 kN/m, c1 = 100 N.s/m, c2 =200 N.s/m, and m =10 kg

Figure 4(a)

(b) A disc has a mass of 10 kg and it is mounted in the midway on a 20 mm diameter shaft
supported at the ends by two antifriction bearings A and B. The bearings are at 1 m apart. If
center of mass of the disc is 0.15 mm away from the geometric center of the shaft. (i) Find the
amplitude of the steady state vibration and (ii) dynamic forces transmitted to the bearings A
and B. Take E=200 GPa. The shaft rotates at 2400 rpm.

Q5. [5+5=10]

(a) The mass of a propeller rotor of a ship is 8000 kg and has a radius of gyration of 1 m. It rotates at
1800 rpm clockwise when viewed from the stern. Determine the gyroscopic for below cases and
explain the direction in which the ship tends to move in each case:

i. If the ship traveling at 100 km/h steers to the left along a curve of radius 80 m.
ii. If the ship is pitching and the bow is descending with maximum velocity. The pitching is with
simple harmonic motion with periodic time of 20 s and the total angular movement between
extreme position is 100.
iii. If the ship is rolling with an angular velocity of 0.03 rad/s clockwise when looking from stern.

(b) A uniform disc of 100 mm diameter and 5 kg mass is mounted midway between bearings of 100
mm apart, which keeps it in a horizontal plane. The disc spins about its axis with a constant speed
of 1200 rpm, Find the resultant reaction at each bearing due to the mass and gyroscopic effect
when speed of the disc about precision axis is 50 rpm.

******************************************End **********************************************

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
B. Tech. (6th Semester),
Mechanical Engineering, Mid-Semester, Spring (2019-20)
Sub Code: ME3102 Total Marks: 60
Sub Name: Dynamics of Machinery Duration: 2 hrs

Instructions: Answer any FOUR (04) questions.

Assume any missing data after stating it clearly.
Q1: [5+10=15]
(a) What are the static equilibrium conditions for two-force member, three-force member and member
with two-force with a torque?
(b) Sketch a complete free body diagram of each link of the linkage illustrated in Figure 1(b). Also
calculate what force P is necessary for equilibrium?

(Figure (1b))

Q2. [6+9=15]
(a) What are the necessary conditions for converting a rigid link into two masses of the dynamically
equivalent system?
(b) A connecting rod weighs 20 N and distance between the centre of the crank pin and gudgeon pin is
250 mm. The C.G. falls at a point 100 mm from the crank pin along the line of the centre. The radius
of gyration about an axis passing through the C.G., perpendicular to the plane of rotation is 110 mm.
If two masses replace the connecting rod, one at gudgeon pin and other at crank pin and the angular
acceleration of the rod is 23000 rad/s2 clockwise. Determine the correction couple applied to the
system to reduce it to a dynamically equivalent system.
Q3. [6+9=15]
(a) Draw the turning moment diagram over mean torque diagram for 4-stroke petrol engine and explain
in which strokes, the flywheel have maximum and minimum speed.
(b) A certain machine requires a torque of (1500+200 sin ) N.m to drive it, where is the angle of
rotation of the shaft. The machine is directly coupled to an engine, which produces a torque of
(1500+250 sin 2) N.m. The flywheel and other rotating parts attached to the engine have a mass of
300 kg at a radius of gyration of 200 mm. If the mean speed is 200 rpm, find the
(i) Fluctuation of energy
(ii) The total % of fluctuation of speed.
Q4. [7+8=15]

(a) A machine tool performs an operation intermittently. It is driven continuously by a motor. Each
operation takes 8 seconds and five operations are done per minute. The machine is fitted with a
flywheel having a mass of 200 kg with a mean radius of gyration of 400 mm. When the operation is
being performed, the speed drops from the normal speed of 400 rpm to 250 rpm. Find the power of
the motor required. Also, find how much energy is used in performing each operation.
(b) A punching machine punches 3 cm diameter holes in a 4 cm plate thickness. It does 540 N-m of work
per sq. cm of the sheared area. The punch has a stroke of 10 cm and punches one hole in every 10
seconds. The maximum speed of the flywheel at the radius of gyration is 28 m/s. Find the weight of
the flywheel, if the speed at this radius is not to fall below 25 m/s during each punch.

Q5. [7+8=15]

(a) Figure 5(a) illustrates two weights (w1 and w2) connected to a rotating shaft in a single plane and
mounted outboard of bearings A and B. If the shafts rotate at 150 rpm,
(i) What is the bearing reactions at A and B?
(ii) Suppose the system needs to be balanced by reducing a weight (wc) at a radius of
125 mm is the same plane of existing weights. Determine the amount and angular
orientation of the weight to be removed.

(Figure (5a))

(b) The cranks of a four-cylinder marine engine are arranged at an angular interval of 90 degrees. The
engine speed is 70 rpm and the reciprocating mass of each cylinder is 800 kg. The inner cranks are
1 m apart and are symmetrically arranged between the outer cranks which is 2.6 m apart. Each crank
is 400 mm long. Calculate and explain which firing order is better in term of balancing the primary
couple between 1-3-4-2 and 1-4-3-2.

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