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Research Article: Some Bianchi Type Viscous Holographic Dark Energy Cosmological Models in The Brans-Dicke Theory

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Advances in Astronomy
Volume 2022, Article ID 5364541, 29 pages

Research Article
Some Bianchi Type Viscous Holographic Dark Energy
Cosmological Models in the Brans–Dicke Theory

M. Vijaya Santhi,1 T. Chinnappalanaidu,1 S. Srivani Madhu,1 and Daba Meshesha Gusu 1,2

Department of Applied Mathematics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530003, India
Department of Mathematics, Ambo University, Ambo, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Daba Meshesha Gusu; dabam7@gmail.com

Received 15 June 2022; Revised 19 September 2022; Accepted 30 September 2022; Published 2 November 2022

Academic Editor: M. Sharif

Copyright © 2022 M. Vijaya Santhi et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
In this article, we analyze Bianchi type–II, VIII, and IX spatially homogeneous and anisotropic space-times in the background of
the Brans–Dicke theory of gravity within the framework of viscous holographic dark energy. To solve the feld equations, we have
used the relation between the metric potentials as R � Sn and the relation between the scalar feld ϕ and the scale factor a as ϕ � am .
Also, we have discussed some of the dynamical parameters of the obtained models, such as the deceleration parameter (q), the jerk
parameter ( j), the EoS parameter (ωvhde ), the density parameter (Ωvhde ), Om-diagnostic, squared speed of sound (v2s ), EoS plane
(ωvhde − ωvhde′), and statefnder plane (r − s) through graphical representation, which are signifcant in the discussion of
cosmology. Furthermore, all the models obtained and graphically presented shown an expanding and accelerating Universe,
which is in better agreement with the latest experimental data. Te viscous holographic dark energy models are compatible with
explaining the present cosmic accelerated expansion.

1. Introduction Although GR is undeniably an appealing theory [6–10],

it fails to ofer the ultimate interpretation of gravity (a
In 1905, the theory of Special Relativity (SR) [1–3] was put paradigm of a perfect theory), disregarding all the advan-
forward by A. Einstein, which shown the genesis of ab- tages. Te theory has several conceptual issues, most of
solute space and absolute time by surpassing the single 4D which are often overlooked, in addition to its much-dis-
space-time, which had only an absolute meaning [4]. Te cussed incompatibility with quantum mechanics. If in space,
perception that the gravitational feld in a small neigh- consistent with the same old epitome, where 95% of the
borhood of space-time is incomprehensible from a proper overall constituent material continues to be missing, its
acceleration in the frame of reference (principle of miles an intimidating sign for us to doubt back to the very
equivalence), has taken an upturn from Special Relativity foundations of the theory. A signifcant perspective with a
(SR) to General Relativity (GR), where the gravitation has prominent context of alternative theories of gravitation
been adjoined to SR (holds true only in the absence of develops from a critical study of Mach’s principle, the
gravitation), which eventually gives a curved space-time, as equivalence principle, dark energy (DE) and dark matter
the SR is generalized for the accelerating observers. As an (DM), and so on. Over the years, alternative theories of
outcome of Mach’s limitation of absolute space, as Einstein gravity have continued to draw considerable interest, leading
had anticipated, the idea of general covariance (the absence to the discussion of numerous theories. Tese theories of-
of an advantaged frame of reference) develops [5] and by fered the frst potentially feasible alternatives to the con-
default obeys Mach’s principle. Apparently, this was not the ventional general relativistic theory of gravity as proposed by
case, since various anti-Machian elements were discovered Einstein. One of them is scalar-tensor theories of gravitation,
in GR. where the dynamical DE component is introduced in the
2 Advances in Astronomy

right-hand side of the Einstein feld equations, and the other models uncover the magnitude of anisotropy in the back-
is modifed theories of gravitation, where the left-hand side ground radiation and provide a pragmatic picture of the past
of the Einstein feld equations are modifed. Scalar-tensor eras in the history of the cosmos. Furthermore, the cos-
theories have emerged as some of the most well-established mological problem of Einstein feld equations from a the-
and well-studied alternatives to conservative gravity theories oretical perspective can be addressed well through the
in the literature. anisotropic models, as they tend to have greater generality
Te Brans–Dicke theory (BDT) [11] is the most natural when compared with isotropic solutions. In particular, we
choice as the scalar-tensor generalization of GR, which can are involved in studying the BT-II, VIII, and IX cosmological
be considered as a pioneer in the study of scalar-tensor models in the presence of viscous holographic dark energy
theories, and the inclusion of Mach’s Principle led to the (VHDE) in BDT. Diverse aspects of the BT-II, VIII, and IX
advent of this theory. Tis can be called the frst-ever theory cosmological models have been explored by many authors
of gravity, where the metric tensor represents the dynamics [38–41].
of space-time and the scalar feld describes the dynamics of Present-time experimental and theoretical supernovae
gravity. Te BDT also gives a fair description of the early era, type Ia (SNeIa) observations [42, 43], cosmic microwave
as well as the present phases of cosmic evolution that gives a background radiation (CMBR) [44, 45], and large-scale
proper explanation for the Universe’s accelerated expansion structures [45, 46] provide the most enthralling evidence for
[12], as this theory justifes the experiments in the Solar the same. Many models of the Universe have been studied
System domain [13]. Te gravitational constant G in this assuming the existence of a mysterious component, so-called
theory is to be replaced with 1/ϕ , where ϕ purely depends on DE, which generates huge negative pressure, imparting the
the time and is coupled to gravity with a coupling parameter mechanism for the accelerated cosmic expansion. Planck’s
ω. It is evident in the literature that GR can be retrieved from current measurements indicate that 68.3% of the Universe’s
the BDT if ϕ is a constant and ω ⟶ ∞ [14, 15]. As and total energy content is in the form of DE. In spite of the
when the coupling constant ω takes huge values greater than success of standard cosmology, it is known that there are a
500, GR can be deduced from BDT [16], accounting for the few unsolvable problems that include the search for ac-
recent Universe’s expansion and accommodating the ob- commodating DE candidates, in which researches found the
servational data as well [17–19]. Tere is a prominent po- cosmological constant as a primary candidate for DE that
sition for BDT among theories of gravitation because it is not only describes the phenomenon of DE but also the ``fne
capable of accounting for the properties of cosmic expansion tuning” and “cosmic coincidence”. For this reason, various
since the early phases of infation [20]. A generalized (or dynamical DE models, which include a family of scalar felds
modifed) version of BDT [21–23] supports the notion that such as quintessence [47–50], phantom [51–54], quintom
the parameter ω depends on the scalar feld ϕ. Several [55, 56], tachyon [57–59], K-essence [60], and various
models, based on the BDT, have been perfectly able to Chaplygin gas models like generalized Chaplygin gas, ex-
explain the properties of the expanding Universe with the tended Chaplygin gas, and modifed Chaplygin gas [61–75],
help of various cosmological parameters [24–27]. Te have been developed.
models based on the generalized BDT have an extremely low Way back then, viscosity played an infuential role in the
value for the coupling parameter, unaccommodating the study of cosmology, which has been extended in recent years
fndings during the implementation of the previous versions to include the study of an accelerating Universe and has
of the theory [20, 28–30]. A recent study in the BDT [31] has acquired an immense interest in present times for numerous
been made in the FRW models with a varying Λ-term and a reasons. Te idea of perfect fuid in the study of cosmic
dynamic deceleration parameter. Also, it has been recently models has shown no dissipation and helps in the study of
justifed that for huge values of ω, the generalization of BDT cosmic evolution. In the existent scenario, the study of
can explain the Universe’s accelerated expansion with the imperfect fuid models has been suggested by introducing
interaction between matter and a scalar feld [32]. the concept of viscosity. In particular, the bulk viscous fuids
Te anisotropy and the spatial homogeneity are the two that are included in the discourse of infation are competent
major characterizations for the Bianchi type (BT) cosmo- for explaining late-time cosmic acceleration. Te increase in
logical models. Tere are nine diferent models altogether, the viscosity is attributed to a Universe that is expanding at a
and these have been classifed into two classes [33]. Te rapid rate and can be understood as an accumulation of
class-A represents the BT models I, II, VII, VIII, and IX, and states that are out of thermal equilibrium in a small fraction
class-B consists of BT models III, IV, V, VI, and VII. Tese of time. For these obvious reasons, the concept of viscosity
models are known to describe the evolution of the Universe’s has gained popularity in the study of space.
early stages in the presence of various physical distributions Te holographic dark energy (HDE) models have seen
of matter, thereby explaining the structure and space success in recent years, with many considering them as the
properties of all the Einstein feld conditions along with appropriate candidates to explain the problems of modern
cosmological arrangements, and thus, rewriting the Einstein cosmology. Te concept of HDE was initially introduced by
equations in the Hamiltonian form. In this regard, Misner Li [76] in 2004 with respect to the holographic principle
[34, 35] and other authors have focused much of their eforts [77–83] to elucidate the late-time Universe’s accelerated
on fabricating a fne Hamiltonian system. In spite of this, expansion. Te holographic principle, as stated by black hole
these Hamiltonian forms could not be utilized to prove the thermodynamics [84, 85], says that a hologram can be
collapse speculations by Lin and Wald [36, 37]. Tese BT completely represented as a volume of space, which agrees
Advances in Astronomy 3

with a theory related to the boundary of that space [86] and √��� ω
the AdS/CFT (anti-de Sitter/Conformal feld theory) cor- S � 􏽚 d4 x − g􏼠− ϕR + □μ ϕ□μ ϕ + Lm 􏼡, (2)
respondence, as it can be observed in the seminal reference
[87]. In [76], a holographic principle-based cosmic accel- where ϕ is the Brans–Dicke scalar feld representing the
eration model was developed for the frst time. As such, the inverse of Newton’s constant, which is allowed to vary with
reduced Plank mass and a cosmological length scale, taken as space and time, R is the scalar curvature, and ω is the
the future event horizon of the Universe, are the two physical Brans–Dicke constant. Varying the action in (2) with respect
quantities of the boundary of the Universe on which a DE to the metric tensor gij and the scalar feld ϕ, the feld
model relies on. As a consequence of an ultraviolet cutof equations are obtained as
(Λ) for a region of size L, where the mass of a black hole of
the similar size is not exceeded by the total energy, HDE Gij � − 8πϕ− 1 Tij − ωϕ− 2 􏼒ϕ,i ϕ,j − g ϕ ϕ,κ 􏼓
density can be stated as� ρΛ � 3C2 MPl /L2 , with C being a 2 ij ,κ
√��� (3)
constant, MPl � 1/ 8πG being the reduced Planck mass, − 1
− ϕ 􏼐ϕi;j − gij ϕ,κ
;κ 􏼑,
and G being the Newtonian gravitational constant. Te
holographic principle is considered as a central principle of − 1
quantum gravity because of its applications in various felds ϕ,κ
;κ � 8π(3 + 2ω) T, (4)
of physics, viz. cosmology [88] and nuclear physics [89] in
the present era. All the generalized HDE models known as of where Gij � Rij − 1/2Rgij is an Einstein tensor, Tij is the
now are the suggested ones by [90], which came only after Li. stress-energy tensor of the matter, and Rij is the Ricci
Moreover, the Nojiri–Odintsov HDE gives a detailed de- curvature tensor.
scription of covariant theories diferent from Li’s HDE [91]. Te conservation equation
A more dynamical scenario for HDE in the BDT along with ij
matter creation has been suggested instead of Einstein T;j � 0, (5)
gravity because of the fact that a dynamical frame is nec-
essary to accommodate the HDE density that belongs to a is a consequence of the feld equations (3) and (4).
dynamical cosmological constant. Considering various IR Te energy momentum tensor for the VHDE is taken as
cut-ofs in the framework of the BDT, a number of authors
[92–99] have explained the rapid expansion of the cosmos Tij � Tm h
ij + Tij . (6)
and have shown a solution to alleviate the cosmic coinci-
dence problem. With the help of cosmic observational data, Here, Tm h
ij and Tij represent matter and VHDE tensors,
Xu et al. [100] have constructed the HDE model in BDT. which are given as
Motivated by the above discussions and investigations in
the Bianchi space-times, we investigate the anisotropic Thij � Pvhde + ρvhde 􏼁 Uhi Uhj − Pvhde gij ,
BT–II, VIII, and IX space-times in the presence of VHDE. (7)
Tis paper is planned as, in Section 2, we explain the metric Tm m m
ij � ρm Ui Uj ,
and feld equations. In Section 3, we obtain the solutions of
the feld equations, along with some important properties of where ρm is the energy density of the matter, Pvhde and ρvhde ,
the Universe in Section 4. Lastly, the interpretations of our respectively, represent the pressure and energy density of the
models are presented in the last section. VHDE; Ui denotes the comoving velocity vector of the
matter and VHDE, satisfying Ui Ui � 1. Te VHDE pressure
2. Metric and Field Equations satisfes the relation Pvhde � Pvhde − 3ζH, where ζ is the bulk
viscosity coefcient. Equation of state parameters for VHDE
Te spatially homogeneous BT metrics II, VIII, and IX of the and HDE, respectively, are defned as ωvhde � Pvhde /ρvhde and
form, ωhde � Phde /ρhde . Te unifcation of viscosity and HDE is a
mathematical attempt in the light of the holographic
ds2 � dt2 − R2 􏽨dθ2 + f2 (θ)dφ2 􏽩 − S2 [dψ + h(θ)dφ]2 , (1) principle. Moreover, it is hypothesized that DE is pervading
the whole Universe, with bulk viscosity giving the
have been considered, where the Eulerian angles are rep-
accelerated expansion of phantom types in the late time
resented as (θ, φ, ψ), R and S are a function of t only. It
evolution of the Universe. Here, we have assumed pressure
represents the following:
less DM and that the efective pressure of VHDE is a sum of
BT II if f(θ) � 1 and h(θ) � θ; the pressure of HDE and bulk viscosity. Eckart [101] has
BT VIII if f(θ) � coshθ and h(θ) � sinhθ; proposed a type of efective pressure in the context of general
relativity. Recently, Singh and Srivastava [102] have con-
BT IX if f(θ) � sinθ and h(θ) � cosθ.
sidered VHDE for FRW space-time.
Te action of BDT in the presence of matter with La- Now, with the help of equation (6), the feld equations
grangian Lm in the canonical form (Jordan frame) is given by (3) and (4) for the metric in equation (1) can be written as
4 Advances in Astronomy

__ 2 _2 _ _ _ €
R€ + S€ + RS + S + ωϕ + ϕ 􏼠R + S􏼡 + ϕ � − 8π Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁, (8)
4 2
R S RS 4R 2ϕ ϕ R S ϕ ϕ

2 2 2
2R€ + R_ + δ − 3S + ωϕ_ + 2R_ ϕ_ + ϕ
€ − 8π Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁
� , (9)
2 2 4 2
R R R 4R 2ϕ Rϕ ϕ ϕ

2 2
R_ δ 2R_ S_ S2 ωϕ_ ϕ_ 2R_ S_ 8π ρm + ρvhde 􏼁
2 + 2 + − 4 − 2 + 􏼠 + 􏼡� , (10)
R R RS 4R 2ϕ ϕ R S ϕ

S_ 2R_ € � 8π ρm + ρvhde − 3 Pvhde − 3ζ 􏼁H,

& 􏼠 + 􏼡ϕ_ + ϕ (11)
S R 3 + 2ω

and the energy conservation equation becomes Here, the over-head “dot” denotes diferentiation with
respect to ‘t‘. When δ � 0, − 1, & + 1, the feld equations
S_ 2R_
ρ_ m + ρ_ vhde + 􏼠 + 􏼡 ρm + ρvhde + Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁 � 0. (12) (8)–(11) correspond to the BT-II, VIII, and IX Universes,
S R respectively. Now, by using the transformation dt � R2 SdT,
the feld equations (8)–(11) can be written as

’ ’ 2 2 2 ’
R ′ S ′ 2R’ S’ 2R′ S′ S4 ωϕ’ ϕ ′ R′ ϕ′ − 8π Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁R4 S2
+ − 2 − 2− + + 2 + − � , (13)
R S R S RS 4 2ϕ ϕ Rϕ ϕ

’ 2 2 ’
2R ′ 2R′ S′ 3R’ 3S4 ωϕ’ ϕ′ S′ ϕ ′ − 8π Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁R4 S2
− − 2 + δR2 S2 − + 2 − + � , (14)
R RS R 4 2ϕ ϕS ϕ ϕ

R2 2 2 2R′ S′ S4 ωϕ’ ϕ′ S′ 2R′ 8π ρm + ρvhde 􏼁R4 S2
2 + δR S + − − 2 + 􏼠 + 􏼡� , (15)
R RS 4 2ϕ ϕ S R ϕ

ϕ″ 8π ρm + ρvhde − 3 Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁􏼁

� . (16)
R4 S2 ϕ

Also, the energy conservation equation leads to ρvhde , Pvhde , and ζ. Hence, to fnd a determinate solution to
these highly nonlinear diferential equations, we need at least
S′ 2R′
′ + ρvhde
ρm ′ +􏼠 + 􏼡 ρm + ρvhde + Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁 � 0. three physically viable conditions:
We assume that the relation between the metric po-
tentials (Collins et al., [103]) as
Te conservation equation of the matter is R � Sn , (20)
S′ 2R′
′ +􏼠 +
ρm 􏼡ρm � 0, (18) where n > 1.
We consider the relation between scale factor a and
and for VHDE, the conservation equation is scalar feld ϕ (Tripathy et al., [104]) as

S′ 2R′ ϕ � am , (21)
′ +􏼠 +
ρvhde 􏼡 ρvhde + Pvhde − 3ζH􏼁 � 0. (19)
where m is a positive constant.
Here, the over-head dash denotes diferentiation with We take the bulk viscosity coefcient in the following
respect to “T.” form (Ren and Meng [105]; Meng et al., [106])

3. Solutions of the Field Equations ζ � ζ 0 + ζ 1 H, (22)

Now, the set of equations (13)–(16) forms a system of four where ζ 0 and ζ 1 are positive constants and H is the Hubble
independent equations with seven unknowns: R, S, ϕ, ρm , parameter.
Advances in Astronomy 5

Now, using conditions (20) and (21) in feld equations where, c1 � (2/(n − 1)(6 + 2k1 ))1/2 , with
(13) and (14), we get k1 � m(2n + 1) − 3/3, whereas β1 is an integration constant
2 and n > 1.
S″ m(2n + 1) − 3 S’ δS2n+2 − S4 Te spatial volume and average scale factor are given by
+􏼠 􏼡 2� . (23)
S 3 S 1− n − 2n− 1/2
V � R2 Sf(θ) � 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁 , (26)

1/3 − 2n− 1/6

a � 􏼐R2 Sf(θ)􏼑 � 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁 . (27)
3.1. Bianchi Type- II (δ � 0) Cosmological Model. If δ � 0,
equation (23) can be written as From equations (27) and (21), the scalar feld ϕ is given
S″ m(2n + 1) − 3 S′ −S
2 4 by
+􏼠 􏼡 2 � . (24) − m(2n+1)/6
S 3 S 1 − n ϕ � 􏼂2β1 − 2c1 T􏼃 . (28)

On solving equation (24), we get Te pressure of the VHDE is

− 1/2 Υ1
S � 􏼂2β1 − 2c1 T􏼃 , Pvhde �
(25) 2, (29)
− n/2 576π Tc1 − β1 􏼁
R � 􏼂2β1 − 2c1 T􏼃 .

1 3 1 (− 2n− 1)m+12n− 12/6

Υ1 � 􏼒(64􏼒3 + 􏼒n + 􏼓m􏼓 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 c21 􏼒n + 􏼓m 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁
2 2
2 (− 2n− 1)m+12n− 6/6
− 144n2 c21 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁

− 27 1 2 3 27n2 (30)
(− 2n− 1)m+12n/6
+ 8 Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼠 + 􏼠􏼒n + 􏼓 ωm2 + 􏼒− 3n − 􏼓m − + 9n􏼡c21 􏼡 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁
8 2 2 2

ζ 1n ζ 1 1
− 576􏼠􏼠Tζ 0 − − 􏼡c1 − β1 ζ 0 􏼡πc1 􏼒n + 􏼓􏼡􏼩,
3 6 2

Te energy density of the matter is ρvhde � , (32)
576π Tc1 − β1 􏼁
ρm � β2 2β1 − 2c1 T􏼁 , (31) where
where β2 is the constant of integration.
Te energy density of the VHDE is

1 2 1 2 (− 2n− 1)m+12n/6 n+1/2

Υ2 � 􏼠􏼠9 + 􏼠8ω􏼒n + 􏼓 m2 − 48􏼒n + 􏼓 m − 36n2 − 72n􏼡c21 􏼡 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁 − 576πβ2 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁 Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼡􏼩􏼩.
2 2

Te viscosity coefcient is given by 3.2. Bianchi Type-VIII (δ � − 1) Cosmological Model. If δ �

ζ 1 c1 (2n + 1) − 1, equation (23) can be written as
ζ � ζ0 + . (34)
3 2β1 − 2c1 T􏼁 S″ m(2n + 1) − 3 S’2 − S2n+2 − S4
+􏼠 􏼡 2 � . (36)
S 3 S 1− n
Now the metric (1) can be written as
− n
ds2 � dt2 − 􏼂2β1 − 2c1 􏼃 􏽨dθ2 + dφ2 􏽩 We can solve the above equation and get the deter-
(35) ministic solution only for n � − 1.
− 1
− 􏼂2β1 − 2c1 􏼃 [dψ + θdφ]2 . Tus, from the equation (36), we get
6 Advances in Astronomy

S′ � β23 S6 + c22 S2 , (37) From equations (40) and (21), the scalar feld ϕ is given
where β23 � 1/2k2 − 6 and c22 � 1/2k2 − 2 with k2 � m + 3/3. − m/6
From the equation (37), we get ϕ �􏼢 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣 (coshθ)m/3 . (41)
S �􏼢 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣 , Te pressure of the VHDE is
(38) Υ3
− 1/2 Pvhde � , (42)
c − 144πβ3 sinh3
2c2 T􏼁
R � 􏼢 2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣 .
Te spatial volume and an average scale factor are given
− 1/2
V � coshθ􏼢 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣 , (39)

1 − 1/6
c (40)
a � (coshθ)3 􏼢 2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣 .

m − m

⎜ c 6 27c22
Υ3 � ⎜ 􏼠􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c22 􏼑β23 cosh2 2c2 T􏼁 + 􏼐18 +(− 12m − 72)c22 􏼑β23 −
⎜⎝cosh 3 (θ)􏼠 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡
⎜ 􏼡,
β3 2
ζ 1 c2
− 144β33 􏼠cosh 2c2 T􏼁sinh 2c2 T􏼁 + cosh2 2c2 T􏼁ζ 0 − ζ 0 􏼡cosh 2c2 T􏼁π􏼡c2 􏼡􏼩.

Te energy density of the matter has the following Te energy density of the VHDE is obtained as
expression: Υ4
1/2 ρvhde � , (45)
c 288πβ3 sinh3
2c2 T􏼁
ρm � β4 􏼢 2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣 , (44)
where β4 is an integration constant.

− m/6
⎝− 2c coshm/3 (θ)􏼠􏼐18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh2 2c T􏼁 − 18β2 + 9c22 c2
Υ4 � ⎛ 2 2 3 2 3 􏼡􏼠 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 ,
2 β3
c ⎬

⎠ .
− 288β4 􏼠 2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 sinh 2c2 T􏼁πβ33 􏼐cosh2 2c2 T􏼁 − 1􏼑⎞ ⎭

Te viscosity coefcient is given by Hence, the metric (1) takes the following form:
ζ 1 c2 coth 2c2 T􏼁
ζ � ζ0 + . (47)

− 1
c2 c
ds2 � dt2 − 􏼢 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣 􏽨dθ2 + coshθdφ2 􏽩 − 􏼢 2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼣[dψ + sinhθdφ]2 . (48)
β3 β3
Advances in Astronomy 7

3.3. Bianchi Type-IX (δ � 1) Cosmological Model. If δ � 1, Te spatial volume and average scale factor are given by
equation (23) can be written as − 1/2
2 2n+2 4 V � sinθ􏼢 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 , (52)
S″ m(2n + 1) − 3 S′ S − S β5
+􏼠 􏼡 2 � . (49)
S 3 S 1− n
− 1/6
We can solve the above equation and get the deter- a � (sinθ)1/3 􏼢 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 . (53)
ministic solution only for n � − 1. β5
So, from equation (49), we get From equations (21) and (53), the scalar feld ϕ is given
S′ � c23 S2 − β25 S6 , (50) by
− m/6
where, β25 � 1/6 − 2k3 and c23 � 1/2 − 2k3 with k3 � m + 3/3. c
ϕ � 􏼢 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 (sinθ)m/3 . (54)
From equation (49), we get β5
S � 􏼢 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 , Te pressure of the VHDE is as follows:
(51) Υ5
Pvhde � , (55)
− 1/2 − 144πβ35 cosh3 2c3 T􏼁
R � 􏼢 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 .
β5 where

− m/6
⎝􏼒􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh2 2c T􏼁 − c2 􏼒 27 c
Υ5 � ⎛ 3 5 3 3 + 􏼐− 54 +(ω + 2)m2 − 6m􏼑β25 􏼓c23 􏼓sinm/3 (θ)􏼠 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 ,
2 β5

− 48cosh 2c3 T􏼁πβ35 􏼐cosh2 2c3 T􏼁ζ 1 c3 + 3sinh 2c3 T􏼁ζ 0 cosh 2c3 T􏼁 − ζ 1 c3 􏼑􏼑c3 􏼑.

Te energy density of the matter is obtained as ρvhde � , (58)
288πβ5 cosh3
2c3 T􏼁
c3 where
ρm � β6 􏼢 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 , (57)

the energy density of the VHDE has the following


− m/6
⎝− 2sinm/3 (θ)c 􏼒􏼐− 18 + 􏼐􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β2 tcosh2 n 2c T􏼁q − hc2 􏼒 −9 c
Υ6 � ⎛ 3 3 5 3 3 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑β25 􏼓c3 􏼠 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 ,
2 β5
− 288β6 􏼢 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 πβ35 cosh3 2c3 T􏼁⎞

Te viscosity coefcient is Hence, the metric (1) can be written as

ζ 1 c3 tanh 2c3 T􏼁
ζ � ζ0 + . (60)

− 1
c3 c
ds2 � dt2 − 􏼢 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 􏽨dθ2 + sinθdφ2 􏽩 − 􏼢 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣[dψ + cosθdφ]2 . (61)
β5 β5

Tus, equations (35), (48), and (61) represent spatially theory of gravitation. For graphical representation we
homogeneous and anisotropic BT-II, VIII, and IX VHDE consider the following vales: n � 1.9, m � 0.97 for BT-II,
cosmological models, respectively, in the Brans–Dicke scalar m � 0.011 for BT-VIII, m � 3.999 for BT-IX, c1 � − 0.099,
8 Advances in Astronomy

β1 � 0.145, β2 � − 1045, ω � 958899, ζ 1 � 9.15, 018.3, ζ 0 � ×104

0.35, 02, c2 � 0.099, β3 � 0.045, β4 � − 9995, c3 � 0.095, β5 �
0.011, β6 � − 999, a0 � 1.5, H0 � 85. Te plots of VHDE
pressure (Pvhde) against redshift respectively for BT-II, VIII, –0.5
and IX models have been represented in Figures 1–3for

pressure of VHDE (Pvhde)

diferent values of ζ 0 & ζ 1 . Here, we observe that the behavior –1
of Pvhde for three diferent values of ζ 0 & ζ 1 is the increasing
with redshift and varies in the negative region, which in- –1.5
dicates the cosmic expansion. Moreover, as increasing the –3099.5

values of ζ 0 & ζ 1 , we get more acceleration of the Universe. –2

Also, we have depicted the energy density of VHDE (ρvhde )
versus redshift in Figures 4–6 for BT–II, VIII. and IX –2.5 –3100.5

models, respectively, and we observe that the trajectory –0.11525 –0.1152 –0.11515

varies in the positive region, which indicates an accelerated –3

expansion of the cosmos. Te bulk viscous coefcient has
–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
been plotted against redshift with various values of ζ 0 and ζ 1
in Figures 7–9 for BT-II, VIII, and IX models, respectively. redshif (z)
Te trajectories vary in positive regions throughout the
ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;
evolution of all the three models for various values of ζ 0 and
ζ 1 , which indicates an accelerated expansion of the Universe. ζ1=0; ζ0=0;
Some of the cosmological properties of the models are ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;
discussed as follows:
Figure 1: Pressure of VHDE (Pvhde) versus redshift (z) for BT-II.
Te mean Hubble parameter H is given by
H1 + H2 + H3
H� , (62)
2R_ S_ (66)
where H1 � H2 � R/R, _ H3 � S/S _ are directional Hub- ϑ� + ,
ble’s parameters, which express the expansion rates of
the Universe in the directions of x, y, and z, respectively.
whose expressions for the BT-II, VIII, and IX VHDE
Te mean Hubble’s parameter of BT-II, VIII, and IX
models are, respectively, given as
VHDE cosmological models are, respectively, given by
c1 (2n + 1) c1 (2n + 1)
H� , ϑ� ,
3 2β1 − 2c1 T􏼁 2β1 − 2c1 T􏼁

c2 coth 2c2 T􏼁 (67)

H� , (63) ϑ � c2 coth 2c2 T􏼁,
& ϑ � c3 tanh 2c3 T􏼁.
c tanh 2c3 T􏼁
H� 3 .
Te shear scalar (σ 2 ) is defned by the following equation
Te anisotropic parameter of the BT-II VHDE model is and is followed by the expressions of σ 2 for BT–II, VIII,
given by and IX VHDE models, respectively, as
1 3 H − H 2 2(n − 1)2
Ah � 􏽘 􏼒 i 􏼓 � , (64)
3 i�1 H (2n + 1)2 1 1 ⎝ 3 2 ϑ2 ⎠
σ 2 � σ ij σ ij � ⎛ 􏽘 H − ⎞, (68)
2 2 i�1 i 3
and for the BT-VIII and IX VHDE cosmological
models, we get c21 2β1 − 2c1 T􏼁 (n − 1)2
− 2
σ2 � , (69)
Ah � 8. (65) 3

From equations (64) and (65), we can observe that 4c22 coth2 2c2 T􏼁
σ2 � , (70)
Ah ≠ 0, which indicates that the BT-II, VIII, and IX 3
models are always anisotropic throughout the evolu-
tion of the Universe with respect to VHDE. 4c23 tanh2 2c3 T􏼁
&σ 2 � . (71)
Te expansion scalar (ϑ) has been defned as 3
Advances in Astronomy 9



Energy density of VHDE (pvhde)

pressure of VHDE (Pvhde)

–400 –2
–600 8
–800 6
–0.17 –0.16 –0.15

–1000 4

–1200 2

–0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
redshif (z)
redshif (z)
ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;
ζ1=0; ζ0=0;
Figure 4: Energy density of VHDE (ρvhde) versus redshift (z) for
ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2; BT-II.
Figure 2: Pressure of VHDE (Pvhde) versus redshift for BT-VIII.


–50 3
Energy Density of VHDE (pvhde)
pressure of VHDE (Pvhde)

–100 2.5

–150 –343.8

–200 –344.2
0.165 0.17 0.175 0.18


–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

–0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
redshif (z)
redshif (z)
ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;
ζ1=0; ζ0=0;
Figure 5: Energy density of VHDE (ρvhde) versus redshift (z) for BT-
ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2; VIII.
Figure 3: Te pressure of VHDE(Pvhde) versus redshift (z) for BT-IX.

4.1. Deceleration Parameter (q). Te parameter is defned as

4. Some Other Important Properties of
the Models aa€
q�− , (72)
Now we compute the following dynamical parameters,
which are signifcant in the physical discussion of the cos- that depends upon the scale factor and its derivatives. It is
mological models presented in equations (35), (48), and (61). considered to describe the transition phase of the Universe
10 Advances in Astronomy

2500 4.5
Energy Density of VHDE (pvhde)

2000 3.5

bulk viscosity (ζ)


1000 2
500 1
–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0
–0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
redshif (z)
redshif (z)
ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;
Figure 6: Te energy density of VHDE (ρvhde) versus redshift (z)
ζ1=0; ζ0=0;
for BT-IX.
ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 8: Bulk viscosity (ζ) versus redshift (z) for BT-VIII.


bulk viscosity (ζ)

bulk viscosity (ζ)


2 1

1 0.5

0 0
–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
redshif (z) redshif (z)

ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35; ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0; ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2; ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 7: Bulk viscosity (ζ) versus redshift (z) for BT-II. Figure 9: Bulk viscosity (ζ) versus redshift (z) for BT-IX.

and basically computes the expansion rate of the cosmos. −6

Whenever the deceleration parameter shows a positive q� − 1,
2n + 1
curve, it indicates the decelerated expansion of the Universe.
Whereas, the negative curve implies that there is an q � 6sech2 2c2 T􏼁 − 1, (73)
accelerated expansion of the cosmos and at q � 0 there exists
the marginal infation. Te deceleration parameters of the q � − 6cosech2 2c3 T􏼁 − 1.
BT-II, VIII, and IX models are, respectively, given by
Advances in Astronomy 11

Te behavior of the deceleration parameter(q) for BT- such as quintessence, Chaplygin gas, k-essence, and brane
VIII and IX models has been depicted against the redshift world models, give several families of curves for scale factor
(z) in Figures 10 and 11, respectively. From Figure 10, it is a(t). As a way of categorizing the various types of DE, Sahni
observed that the path of the BT-VIII curve travels from the et al. [121] have proposed a diagnostic pair known as the
deceleration to the acceleration phase while passing through “statefnder diagnostic,” defned as
the transition line. Whereas, from Figure 11, it is clear that ṫ
the curve for BT-IX varies in an accelerated phase. However, a r− 1 (76)
r� 3 &s � ,
the deceleration parameter of BT-II is independent of time. aH 3(q − 1/2)
Some of the authors, namely, Berman [107], Bishi et al. [108],
Santhi et al. [109], Santhi and Naidu [110], Samanta [111], that is based upon the derivatives of the scale factor a(t) and
Kumar and Singh [112], have attained a constant q in their the deceleration parameter q. We have obtained expressions
research. for the statefnder diagnostic pair (r, s) for the models BT-II,
VIII, and IX, which are respectively given by
4.2. Jerk Parameter (j) (2n + 7)(2n + 13) −4
r� 2 &s � ,
Te cosmic jerk, (2n + 1) (2n + 1)
1 d3 a − 12
j� , (74) r � 54sech2 2c2 T􏼁 + 1 & s � , (77)
aH3 dt3 2
cosh 2c2 T􏼁 − 4
can be accounted for by the transition of the Universe from
the decelerating to the accelerating phase. For various & r � 1 − 54cosech2 2c3 T􏼁 & s � .
models of the cosmos, there is a variation in the transition of cosh2 2c3 T􏼁 + 3
the Universe whenever the jerk parameter lies in the positive
Te interpretation of the statefnder pair from Figures 14
region and the deceleration parameter lies in the negative
and 15 says that the (r, s) plane for BT–VIII and IX models
region (Visser [113]). Rapetti et al. [114] showed that for the
starts its evolution from the quintessence and phantom
fat ΛCDM model, the value of jerk becomes unity.
regions and reaches the ΛCDM model(for r � 1, s � 0). Also,
Te Jerk parameter of the BT-II, VIII, and IX models is,
for the BT-II Universe, the statefnder plane is independent
respectively, given by
of time. Shanti et al. [122], Samanta and Mishra [123], Katore
4n + 40n + 91 and Gore [124], and Shaikh et al. [119] are some of the
j� ,
(2n + 1)2 authors who have obtained the statefnder parameters in-
dependent of time.
j � 54sech2 2c2 T􏼁 + 1,

j � 1 − 54cosech2 2c3 T􏼁. 4.4. EoS Parameter (ωvhde ). To classify the phases of the
infating Universe, viz., the transition from decelerated to
Figures 12 and 13 represent the variations of the jerk accelerated phases containing DE and radiation dominated
parameter plotted against redshift (z) for the models BT- eras, the EoS parameter (ωvhde ) can be broadly used, whose
VIII and IX, respectively. Te trajectory of the jerk pa- expression is given by ωvhde � Pvhde /ρvhde .
rameter for the BT-VIII model in Figure 12 varies in the It categorizes various epochs as follows:
positive region, whereas for the BT-IX model in Figure 13, Decelerated phase:
the trajectory varies in the negative region, both of which
(i) stif fuid (ωvhde � 1),
approach unity in late times. However, the jerk parameter
for BT-II is independent of time. Santhi and Naidu [115], (ii) the radiation dominated phase (0 < ωvhde < 1/3) and
Rao et al. [116], Santhi et al. [117], Rao and Prasanthi [118], (iii) dust fuid phase or cold dark matter (ωvhde � 0).
and Shaikh et al. [119] are some of the researchers who have
Accelerated phase:
acquired a constant jerk parameter in their work.
(i) the quintessence phase (− 1 < ωvhde < − 1/3),
4.3. Statefnder Pair (r, s). As mentioned earlier, a mysterious (ii) cosmological constant/vacuum phase (ωvhde � − 1)
force, the DE, may be responsible for the cosmos to undergo (iii) quintom era and phantom era (ωvhde < − 1)
an accelerated expansion int the current era. But as of now,
there is no adequate information about DE. Hence, it be- Te EoS Parameter for the BT-II VHDE cosmological
comes necessary to identify and understand the various model is given by
properties of DE and its importance in various kinds of Υ7
ωvhde � , (78)
cosmographic models. Ratra and Peebles [47], Kamenschik Υ8
et al. [61], Armendariz Picon et al. [60] Dvali et al. [120] have
proposed various studies to realize that diferent DE forms, where
12 Advances in Astronomy


Deceleration parameter (q)

Decelerated Phase
Transaction Line
Accelerated Phase
–0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
redshif (z)


Figure 10: Deceleration parameter (q) versus redshift (z) for BT-VIII.


Deceleration parameter (q)




–120 Accelerated Phase


–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
redshif (z)


Figure 11: Deceleration parameter (q) versus redshift (z) for BT-IX.

Jerk parameter (j)


–0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

redshif (z)


Figure 12: Jerk (j) versus redshift (z) for BT-VIII.

Advances in Astronomy 13



Jerk parameter (j)






–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

redshif (z)


Figure 13: Jerk (j) versus redshift (z) for BT-IX.

s 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Figure 14: Statefnder plane (r − s) for BT-VIII.




s 0

^CDM=(1, 0)


–120 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0 20


Figure 15: Statefnder plane (r − s) for BT-IX.

14 Advances in Astronomy

(− 2n − 1)m + 6n − 12
1 ⎛⎜ 1 1
Υ7 � ⎝− 64􏼒3 + 􏼒n + 􏼓m􏼓 Tc1 − β1 􏼁3 c21 m􏼒n + 􏼓 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁
⎜ 6 ,
576 2 2

(− 2n − 1)m + 6n − 6
+ 144c21 n2 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 6 ,

(− 2n − 1)m + 6n
− 27 1 2 3 27n2
− 8 Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼠 + 􏼠􏼒n + 􏼓 ωm2 + 􏼒− 3n − 􏼓m − + 9n􏼡c21 􏼡 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 6 ,
8 2 2 2 (79)

− n ζ1n ζ 1 1
+ 576 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 πc1 􏼠􏼠Tζ 0 − − 􏼡c1 − ζ 0 β1 􏼡􏼒n + 􏼓􏼡􏼩,
3 6 2

(− 2n − 1)m + 6n
⎜ ⎜ −1 −1 1 2 1 1 2 n2 n
Υ8 � ⎛
⎝ Tc1 − β1 􏼁⎛
⎜ ⎝􏼠 + 􏼠 􏼒n + 􏼓 ωm2 + 􏼒n + 􏼓 m + + 􏼡c21 􏼡 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁
⎜ 6 ,
64 72 2 12 2 16 8

+ − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 πβ2 Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼑􏼑􏽯.

Te EoS parameter for the BT-VIII VHDE cosmological where

model is given by
ωvhde � , (80)

− m/6 ⎫

⎝coshm/3 (θ)􏼒􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh4 Tc 􏼁 − 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh2 c T􏼁 + 1 􏼒− 27 + 􏼐− 54 +(ω + 2)m2 − 6m􏼑β2 􏼓c2 􏼓􏼠c2 cosech 2c T􏼁􏼡
⎝8⎛ ⎪

Υ9 � ⎛ 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 ⎪

4 2 β3 ⎪

⎪ ,

1 c ⎪

− 96􏼒cosh2 c2 T􏼁 − 2 3 3
􏼓π􏼒c2 cosh c2 T􏼁sinh c2 T􏼁ζ 1 + 3cosh c2 T􏼁ζ 0 − 2 ζ 1 sinh c2 T􏼁 − 3cosh c2 T􏼁ζ 0 􏼓cosh c2 T􏼁β3 􏼓c2 􏼓 ⎭
2 2
1/2 ⎫

⎝1152β cosh3 c T􏼁sinh c T􏼁π 2 β3 cosh c T􏼁 − 1􏼁 cosh c T􏼁 + 1􏼁􏼠c2 cosech c T􏼁sech c T􏼁􏼡
Υ10 � ⎛

4 2 2 3 2 2
β3 2 2 ⎪

⎪ .

− m/6 ⎪

m/3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 9 2 2 2 c2 ⎪

+ 8cosh (θ)􏼒􏼐18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β3 cosh c2 T􏼁 − 􏼐18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β3 cosh c2 T􏼁 + 􏼒 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑β3 􏼓c2 􏼓􏼠 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 c2 ) ⎪

4 2 β3


Te EoS parameter for the BT-IX VHDE cosmological

model is given by
ωvhde � , (82)
Advances in Astronomy 15

m 2 − m/6 ⎫

Υ11 � ⎛ ⎝sin 3 (θ)􏼠􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh4 c T􏼁 − 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh2 c T􏼁 + 􏼒− 27 +(3m + 18)β2 􏼓c2 − 9β5 􏼡􏼠c3 sech 2c T􏼁􏼡
⎝8⎛ ⎪

3 5 3 3 5 3
8 5 3
2 β5 3 ⎪

⎪ ,

3ζ 0 1 ⎪

− 96cosh c3 T􏼁􏼠c3 cosh3 c3 T􏼁ζ 1 + 3cosh2 c3 T􏼁sinh c3 T􏼁ζ 0 − c3 ζ 1 cosh c3 T􏼁 − sinh c3 T􏼁􏼡πβ35 􏼒cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 􏼓􏼡c3 􏼡 ⎪

2 2
1/2 − m/6
⎝2304πβ3 β 􏼒cosh2 c T􏼁 − 1 3⎛ c3 c 2 2 2 4
Υ12 � ⎛ 5 6 3 􏼓⎝ ⎠
⎞ + 8c3 sinm/3 (θ)􏼠 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 􏼐􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c3 􏼑β5 cosh c3 T􏼁
2 β5 􏼐2cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 1􏼑 β5

9c23 9β25
− 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c23 􏼑β25 cosh2 c3 T􏼁 + − 􏼡􏼡􏼩.
8 2


Figures 16–18 show the behavior of the EoS parameter 4.5. ωvhde − ωvhde′ plane. Cadwell and Linder [126] have
(ωvhde ) taken against redshift (z) with diferent values of ζ 0 suggested ωvhde − ωvhde′ plane (where ’ signifes diferentia-
and ζ 1 for all the three models of BT-II, VIII, and IX, re- tion w.r.t ln a) to interpret the accelerated expansion regions
spectively. Here, we notice that the curves of ωvhde for BT-II of the cosmos and to analyze the quintessence scalar feld for
and IX models for diferent values of ζ 0 and ζ 1 begin from the frst time. For various values of ωvhde and ωvhde′, the plane
the quintessence region (− 1 < ωvhde < − 1/3) and cross the describes two distinct areas. Te plane is described as the
nonrelativistic matter (ωvhde � − 1) then reaching the thawing zone for ωvhde′ > 0 when ωvhde < 0 and the freezing
phantom region (ωvhde < − 1), whereas for BT-VIII, in the region for ωvhde′ < 0 when ωvhde < 0.
presence of null viscosity (i.e., ζ 0 � 0 and ζ 1 � 0), the curve For the BT-II VHDE cosmological model,
of ωvhde varies in the quintessence region and as the values of Υ13
ζ 0 and ζ 1 are increased, we get the quintessence to the ω′ � , (85)
phantom region by crossing the phantom divided line,
varying more in the phantom region, which indicates where
accelerated expansion of the Universe. According to the
obtained models, the observed EoS parameters match the
2018 Planck data [125], where the EoS parameter limits are
as follows:

⎪ − 1.56+0.60
− 0.48 (Planck + TT + loE),

⎨ − 1.58+0.52
− 0.41 (Planck + TT, EE + loE),
ωvhde �⎪

⎪ − 1.57+0.50

⎪ − 0.40 (Planck + TT, TE, EE + loE + lensing),

− 1.04+0.10
− 0.10 (Planck + TT, TE, EE + loE + lensing + BAO).


1 1 1 9 5 1 ((2n− 1)m+6n− 15/6) 1 9 4 ((− 2n− 1)m+6n− 9/6) ⎪

Υ13 � 􏼒π􏼒8􏼒3 + 􏼒n + 􏼓m􏼓􏼒􏼒n + 􏼓m − 3n + 􏼓 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 β2 􏼒n + 􏼓c21 m − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 − 18n2 􏼒􏼒n + 􏼓m − 3n + 􏼓 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 β2 c21 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 ⎪

36 2 2 2 2 2 2 ⎪

1 1 2
1 1 2 1 22 2 2
9c1 n 9 1 − c1 ζ 1 n ζ1 c1 ζ 1 ⎪

2 2 (− 2mn− m/6) ⎬
+ 􏼒n + 􏼓c1 􏼠􏼒n + 􏼓 c2 ωm − 6􏼒n + 􏼓 c1 m − − 9c1 n + 􏼡􏼠􏼒n + 􏼓􏼠 + 􏼠Tζ 0 − 􏼡c1 − ζ 0 β1 􏼡m + 2n ζ 1 c1 + − 6Tζ 0 + 2ζ 1 􏼁c1 + 6ζ 0 β1 􏼁n + 􏼡 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 ,
2 2 2 2 2 8 2 3 6 2 ⎪

2 1 2 ⎪

2 − n ζ 1 c1 3Tζ 0 5ζ 1 3Tζ 0 β1 1 − n− (1/2) 1 9 ((− 2n− 1)m+6n− 3/6) 1 2
1 27 27c2 n ⎪

+ Tc1 − β1 􏼁 β2 􏼠− 216􏼠 + Tζ 0 − ζ 1 􏼁c1 − ζ 0 β1 􏼁n + 􏼠 − 􏼡c − 􏼡π􏼒n + 􏼓c1 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 + 􏼒􏼒n + 􏼓m − 3n + 􏼓 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 􏼠􏼒n + 􏼓 c12 ωm2 − 3􏼒n + 􏼓c12 m − − + 9c12 n􏼡􏼡􏼡􏼡 ⎪

3 2 12 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2

2 2 2 2 2 2
1 ⎠⎫ ⎬
⎝ Tc1 − β 􏼁􏼠􏼠− 1􏼒n + 1􏼓 c2 ωm2 + 1 􏼒n + 1􏼓 c2 m + c1 n + c1 n − 64􏼡 − 2Tc1 + 2β 􏼁(−
Υ14 � ⎛
2n− 1)m+6n/6 1/2
+ − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 πβ2 Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼡 􏼒n + 􏼓⎞ .⎭ .
1 1
72 2 1 12 2 1 16 8 2


For the BT-VIII VHDE cosmological model,


ωvhde � , (87)
16 Advances in Astronomy

–0.4 –0.4309

–0.5 –0.43095

EoS parameter (ωvhde)

–0.1154 –0.1152 –0.115
–0.8 Quintessence Region

Phantom divided Line
–1.2 Phantom Region

–0.5 0 0.5 1
redshif (z)

ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 16: EoS parameter (ωvhde ) versus redshift (z) for BT-II.


EoS parameter (ωvhde)

Phantom Region



–0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

redshif (z)

ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 17: EoS parameter (ωvhde )(ωvhde ) versus redshift (z) for BT-VIII.
Advances in Astronomy 17


–0.4 Quintessence Region

EoS parameter (ωvhde)


–0.6 –0.344

–5 0 5
–1 Phantom divided Line


–1.4 Phantom Region

–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

redshif (z)

ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 18: EoS parameter versus redshift (z) for BT-IX.

(1/2) (1/2)
c √�
⎛β4 cosh3 c2 T􏼁sinh c2 T􏼁π 2 β33 􏼐cosh2 c2 T􏼁 − 1􏼑􏼠c2 cosech c2 T􏼁sech c2 T􏼁􏼡
⎝ cosh(m/3) (θ) ⎫

Y16 � 􏼠 2 cos ech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 + ⎪

β3 β3 144 ⎪

⎪ ,

(− m/6) ⎪

1 9 c2 ⎪
2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
􏼒􏼐18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β3 cosh c2 T􏼁 − 􏼐18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β3 cosh c2 T􏼁 + 􏼒 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑β3 􏼓c2 􏼓􏼠 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 c2 cosh 2c2 T􏼁 ⎪
2 ⎠
⎞ ⎪

4 2 β 3

2 8 5ζ ⎪

⎜ cosh(m/3) (θ)πζ 1 (m − 6)􏼐18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c22 􏼑β23 c2 cosh10 c2 T􏼁 + 3ζ 0 (m − 6)sinh c2 T􏼁􏼐18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c22 􏼑β23 cosh9 c2 T􏼁 − 1 (m − 6)􏼐18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c22 􏼑β23 c2 cosh8 c2 T􏼁 − 6ζ 0 (m − 6)sinh c2 T􏼁􏼐18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c22 􏼑 ⎞ ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ 8 3 2 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ 2 2 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ 2 7 5ζ 1 2 2 81m 378 2 9c 2 6 9ζ 0 2 2 2 3c 2 ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ β cosh c T 􏼁 + 􏼠 􏼒(m − 6) 􏼐 m ω − 6m + 18 􏼑c + − 􏼓β + (m − 18) 􏼡c cosh c T 􏼁 + sinh c T 􏼁 􏼠􏼐 (m − 7)􏼐 m ω − 6m + 18 􏼑c + 15m − 72 􏼑β + (m − 18) 􏼡 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

3 2
2 2
5 5 3
20 2 2
2 2 2 3
4 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ 2 2 ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ 5ζ 1 63m 54 2 27c2 3ζ 0 9c2 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ cosh 5
c T 􏼁 − 􏼠􏼒(m − 6)􏼐 m 2
ω − 6m + 18 􏼑c 2
+ − 􏼓β + (m − 18) 􏼡c cos 4
c T 􏼁 − sinh c T 􏼁 􏼠 􏼐(m − 9) 􏼐 m 2
ω − 6m + 18 􏼑c 2
+ 9m 􏼑β 2
+ (m − 18) 􏼡 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ 2
4 2
5 5 3
20 2 2
2 2 2 3
4 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ 2 ⎟
⎟ ⎪

1 ⎜⎜

cosh c2 T􏼁 +
5ζ 1 2
􏼠􏼒(m − 6)􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 + 2 36m 216 2 27c2
+ 􏼓β3 (m − 14)􏼡c2 cosh c2 T􏼁 + 2 3ζ 0 9 2
(m − 12)sinh c2 T􏼁􏼒 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑β3 􏼓c2 cosh c2 T􏼁 − 2 2 ζ1 9 2
(m − 6)􏼒 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑β3 􏼓c2 2 3 ⎟

Υ15 � ⎜

⎜ 16 5 5 10 16 2 32 2 ⎟

⎟ .
144 ⎜

⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ (− m/6) (− m/3) (1/2) ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ c2 1 c 27 3ω 3 9m 2 c ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ β3 􏼠 cos ech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 + 􏼒cosh2 c2 T􏼁 − 􏼓cosh(2m/3) (θ)􏼠 2 cos ech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 sinh c2 T􏼁c22 􏼒􏼐(m + 6)􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c22 + 54(− 3ω − 3)m2 + 18m􏼑β23 + + 􏼒27 + 􏼒 + 􏼓m2 − 􏼓c 􏼓cosh c2 T􏼁􏼠 2 cos ech c2 T􏼁sech c2 T􏼁􏼡 ⎟

⎜ β3 2 β3 2 2 4 2 2 β3 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ − m/6 ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ 1 1 − 27 c2 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ +β π ⎝
⎛ coshm/3
(θ) 􏼒 cosh 2
c T 􏼁 − 􏼓 􏼒􏼐 − 18 + 􏼐 18 +(ω + 2)m2
+ 6m 􏼑c 2
􏼑(m − 3)β 2
cosh 4
c T 􏼁 − 􏼐 − 18 + 􏼐 18 +(ω + 2)m 2
+ 6m 􏼑c 2
􏼑(m − 3)β 2
cosh 2
c T 􏼁 + 􏼒 + 􏼐 − 54 +(ω + 2)m 2
− 6m 􏼑β 2
􏼓(m − 15)c 2
􏼓sinh c T􏼁 􏼠 cos eh 2c T􏼁 􏼡 ⎠
⎞ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ 4 2
2 2 3 2 2 3 3
4 2 3 2 2
β 2 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ 3 ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎜ ⎟

⎟ ⎪

⎝ 6 5 3c2 4 3 c2 ζ 1 2 3 3ζ 1 c2 3 2 2 ⎟
⎠ ⎪

− 288 cosh c2 T􏼁 + 1􏼁􏼠c2 cosh c2 T􏼁ζ 1 + 3cosh c2 T􏼁sinh c2 T􏼁ζ 0 − cosh c2 T􏼁ζ 1 − 3cosh c2 T􏼁sinh c2 T􏼁ζ 0 − cosh c2 T􏼁 − cosh c2 T􏼁sinh c2 T􏼁ζ 0 + 􏼡π cosh c2 T􏼁 − 1􏼁β3 cosh c2 T􏼁cosh c2 T􏼁sinh 2c2 T􏼁β3 c2 ⎪

2 4 4 8 ⎭


For the BT-IX VHDE cosmological model,

ω′vhde� , (89)
18 Advances in Astronomy

−8 15 ⎪

Υ17 � − 􏼒36c3 β25 cosh 2c3 T􏼁􏼒􏼒 2 2 2 10 2 2 2 9
􏼒3􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c3 􏼑β5 ς0 (m − 6)cosh c3 T􏼁 + ς1 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c3 􏼑c3 β5 (m − 6)sinh c3 T􏼁cosh c3 T􏼁 −
2 2
􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c3 􏼑 ⎪

3 2 ⎪

21 81m 9c 2 ⎪

β25 ς0 (m − 6)cosh8 c3 T􏼁 − 2ς1 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c23 􏼑c3 β25 (m − 6)sinh c3 T􏼁cosh7 c3 T􏼁 + 6ς0 􏼠􏼒􏼒m − 2
􏼓􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c3 −
+ 135􏼓β25 + 3 (m − 18)􏼡cosh6 c3 T􏼁+ ⎪

4 4 16 ⎪

2 ⎪

45m 9c 3 3 63m 27c ⎪

􏼠􏼒(m − 16)􏼐m2 − 6m + 18􏼑c23 − + 189􏼓β25 + 3 (m − 18)􏼡ς1 c3 sinh c3 T􏼁cosh5 c3 T􏼁 − 􏼒􏼒􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑􏼒m − 􏼓c23 − + 270􏼓β25 + 3
(m − 18)􏼓ς0 cosh4 c3 T􏼁 ⎪

2 8 2 2 2 8 ⎪

9ς0 9 3c23 27 ⎪

3 2 2 2 2 ⎪

− c3 sinh c3 T􏼁 c3 − 2β5 􏼁 c3 + 2β5 􏼁(m − 18)cosh c3 T􏼁 + 􏼠􏼐􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c3 − 3m + 45􏼑β5 + (m − 21)􏼡ς0 cosh c3 T􏼁 − ς1 c3 sinh c3 T􏼁 c3 − 2β5 􏼁 c3 + 2β5 􏼁cosh c3 T􏼁 ⎬
8 4 4 8 ,

(− m/6) (− m/3) ⎪

81ς0 c23 81β25 ς0 (m/3) c3 c3 2 2 2 − 3ω 3 2 9m 2 (2m/3) 2 1 2 ⎪

+ − πβ5 sin (θ)􏼠 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 + 􏼠 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 􏼒􏼐􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c3 + 3m − 18􏼑(m + 6)β5 + 27 + 􏼒− 27 + 􏼒 − 􏼓m + 􏼓c3 􏼓sin (θ)cosh c3 T􏼁􏼒cosh c3 T􏼁 − 􏼓c3 sinh c3 T􏼁 ⎪
32 8 β5 β5 2 4 2 2 ⎪


(1/2) 2 ⎪

⎝ c3 ⎠ 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 9m 27 2 27c3 ⎪

⎛ ⎞ − 4π 􏼒 cosh c T 􏼁 − 􏼓β cosh c T 􏼁􏼠􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m + 6m 􏼑c 􏼑(m − 3)β cosh c T􏼁 − 􏼐 − 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m + 6m 􏼑c 􏼑(m − 3)β cosh c T􏼁 + 􏼒􏼐 − 216 +(3ω + 9)m − 9m􏼑c − + 􏼓β − (m − 15) 􏼡 ⎪

β5 􏼐2cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 1􏼑
2 6 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3
2 2 5 8 ⎪

(− m/6) ⎪

c3 9ς0 3ς0 1 2⎠ ⎪

sin (m/3)
(θ)sinh c3 T􏼁􏼠 cosh 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 5 6 3
− 288􏼒c3 cosh c3 T􏼁sinh c3 T􏼁ς1 + 3ς0 cosh c3 T􏼁 − c3 cosh c3 T􏼁sinh c3 T􏼁ς1 − 4 2
cosh c3 T􏼁 + c3 cosh c3 T􏼁sinh c3 T􏼁ς1 + 3ς0 cosh c3 T􏼁 − 2
􏼓π 􏼒cosh c3 T􏼁 − 􏼓β5 ⎞⎞⎞⎞ ⎠ ⎠⎠ ⎪

β 2 4 2 ⎪


2 − m/3 ⎪
9c23 9β25 c 1 5 5 6⎞ ⎫

Υ18 � ⎛ ⎝sin2m/3 (θ)􏼠􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh4 c T􏼁 − 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh2 c T􏼁 +
⎝⎛ − 􏼡 c3 􏼠 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 + 41472π2 􏼒cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 􏼓ββ⎠ ⎪

3 5 3 3 5 3
8 2 β5 2 5 6 ⎪

⎪ .
1/2 ⎪

2 2 − m/6 ⎪

⎛ c 3 ⎞ 1 9c
⎠ + 288π􏼒cosh2 c T􏼁 − 􏼓􏼠􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh4 c T􏼁 − 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh2 c T􏼁 + 3 − 9β 5
c 3
sech 2c T 􏼁􏼡 c β 2
sin m/3
(θ)β ⎞ ⎠⎪
⎠sinh 2c T􏼁⎞ ⎪

3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 6 3 ⎭
β5 􏼐2cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 1􏼑 2 8 2 β5

Te evolutionary trajectories of ωvhde − ωvhde′ plane for 4.6. Stability of the Model. To examine the stability of any DE
the BT–II, VIII, and IX models are plotted with diferent model, we utilize the squared speed of sound (v2s ). Te
values of ζ 0 and ζ 1 in Figures 19–21, respectively and we models with v2s < 0 shows instability where as models with
notice that the ωvhde − ωvhde′ plane for the BT-II and IX v2s > 0 shows stability. Hence, the v2s is determined as follows
models vary in the freezing region (i.e., ωvhde < 0 and [129]:
ωvhde′ < 0) whereas, the ωvhde − ωvhde′ plane of the BT-VIII ′
model varies in thawing region (i.e., ωvhde < 0 and ωvhde′ > 0) v2s � , (92)
for small values of ζ 0 and ζ 1 . However, by increasing the ′
values of ζ 0 and ζ 1 we get the freezing region for the BT-VIII where Pvhde′ and ρvhde′ are the diferentiation of pressure and
model. Hence, the ωvhde − ωvhde′ plane of our obtained density of VHDE w.r.t cosmic time ‘T’, respectively.
models is in accordance with the present observational data Te squared speed of the sound for the BT-II VHDE
[127, 128] as follows: model is given by
ωvhde � − 1.17+0.13
− 0.12 , Υ19
v2s � , (93)
ω′vhde � 0.85+0.50
− 0.49 WMAP + eCAMB + BAO + H0 + SNe􏼁,

ωvhde � − 1.13+0.24
− 0.25 ,
ω′vhde< 1.32(Planck + WP + BAO),
ωvhde � − 1.34+0.18
− 0.18 ,
ω′vhde � 0.85 ± 0.7 WMAP + eCAMB + BAO + H0 􏼁.

−1 3 1 2 1 1 ((− 2n− 1)m+6n− 12)/6

Υ19 � 􏼒􏼒 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 􏼒􏼒n + 􏼓m − 6n + 3􏼓c1 􏼒n + 􏼓m􏼒3 + 􏼒n + 􏼓m􏼓 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 ,
54 2 2 2

9n2 2 1 ((− 2n− 1)m+6n− 6)/6 1 1

− Tc1 − β1 􏼁 􏼒􏼒n + 􏼓m − 6n + 3􏼓c21 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 + Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼒􏼒n + 􏼓m − 6n + 3􏼓,
4 2 8 2

− 27 1 2 3 27n2 ((− 2n− 1)m+6n)/6

􏼠 + 􏼠􏼒n + 􏼓 ωm2 + 􏼒− 3n − 􏼓m − + 9n􏼡c21 􏼡 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 ,
8 2 2 2
1 2nζ 1 ζ 1
− n 1/2
− 27 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 πc1 􏼒n + 􏼓􏼠􏼠Tζ 0 − − 􏼡c1 − ζ 0 β1 􏼡􏼡 − 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 􏼑􏼩,
2 3 3

−1 1 9 1 2 2 1 2 9n2
Υ20 � 􏼠 Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼠 􏼒􏼒n + 􏼓m − 6n + 3􏼓􏼠 + 􏼠􏼒n + 􏼓 ωm − 6􏼒n + 􏼓 m − − 9n􏼡c21 􏼡,
432 2 8 2 2 2

((− 2m+6)n− m+3)/6 2 1

− 2Tc1 + 2β1 􏼁 + Tc1 − β1 􏼁 πβ2 􏼒n + 􏼓􏼓􏼓􏼛.
Advances in Astronomy 19




–0.8 –0.28975


–1 –0.28985


–1.2 –0.28995
–0.431 –0.4309

–1.2 –1.1 –1 –0.9 –0.8 –0.7 –0.6 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3


ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 19: EoS plane (ωvhde − ωvhde′) for BT-II.




–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0

ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 20: EoS plane (ωvhde − ωvhde′) for BT-VIII.

For the BT-VIII VHDE cosmological model, where

v2s � , (95)
20 Advances in Astronomy



–2 –1.532


–0.125 –0.1245 –0.124


–1.4 –1.2 –1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2


ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 21: EoS plane (ωvhde − ωvhde′) for BT-IX.

Υ21 � 􏼒4􏼐cosh(m/3) 􏼐θ)􏼒cosh2 c2 T􏼁 − 2 2
􏼓􏼐􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑

(m − 6)β23 cosh4 c2 T􏼁 − 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c22 􏼑

1 − 27
(m − 6)β23 cosh2 c2 T􏼁 + (m − 18)c22 􏼒 + 􏼐− 54 +(ω + 2)m2 − 6m􏼑β23 􏼓􏼓
4 2
(− m/6)
􏼠 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 + 288􏼐c2 cosh2 c2 T􏼁sinh c2 T􏼁ζ 1

3 c 3
+ cosh3 c2 T􏼁ζ 0 − 2 sinh c2 T􏼁ζ 1 − cosh c2 T􏼁ζ 0 􏼓πcosh c2 T􏼁
2 2 2
c2 ⎬

β33 􏼠 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 ⎠⎞
⎞ ⎠ ,


(− m/6)
Υ22 � ⎝ ⎛cosh(m/3) (θ)􏼠c2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡
⎛cosh 2c2 T􏼁⎝ 2 􏼐(m − 6)􏼐18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c22 􏼑β23

1 9
cosh4 c2 T􏼁 − (m − 6)􏼐18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c22 􏼑β23 cosh2 c2 T􏼁 + (m − 18)􏼒 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c23 􏼓c2 􏼓
4 2
c ⎬

􏼠 2 cosech c2 T􏼁sech c2 T􏼁􏼡 − 864πβ23 β4 cosh2 c2 T􏼁􏼐cosh2 c2 T􏼁 − 1􏼑⎞
⎠⎞⎠ .


For the BT-IX VHDE cosmological model, where

v2s � , (97)
Advances in Astronomy 21

1/2 m 2 − m/6 ⎪

⎝2􏼠c3 sech 2c T􏼁􏼡 ⎛ ⎝cosh c T􏼁sinh c T􏼁sin 3 (θ)􏼠􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑β2 (m − 6)cosh4 c T􏼁 − 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐18 +(ω + 2)m2 + 6m􏼑c2 􏼑β2 (m − 6)cosh2 c T􏼁 + 􏼒􏼐− 270 +(3ω + 9)m2 − 18m􏼑c2 + 27 − 9m􏼓β2 − 27c3 (m − 18)􏼡􏼠c3 sech 2c T􏼁􏼡 ⎪

Υ23 � ⎛ 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3

β5 2 5 8 β5 ⎪

⎪ ,

1 3cosh2 c3 T􏼁ζ 0 3ζ 0 2 ⎪

− 288􏼒cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 􏼓π 􏼠c3 cosh c3 T􏼁sinh c3 T􏼁ζ 1 + − 􏼡β5 􏼡􏼡 ⎪

2 2 4
− m/6
9m 2 9c23 c3 ⎪

⎝sinh 2c3 T􏼁⎛
Υ24 � ⎛ ⎝􏼠 cosh 2c3 T􏼁􏼡 sinm/3 (θ)􏼠􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c23 􏼑β25 (m − 6)cosh4 c3 T􏼁 − 􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c23 􏼑β25 (m − 6)cosh2 c3 T􏼁 + 􏼒􏼐3m2 ω − 18m + 54􏼑c23 + 27 − 􏼓β + ⎝
(m − 18)􏼡⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎪

β5 2 5 8 β5 􏼐2cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 1􏼑 ⎪

⎪ .

1 2 2 ⎪

− 432􏼒cosh2 c3 T􏼁 − 􏼓 πβ5 β6 􏼡􏼡 ⎪


Ωvhde � vhde2 . (99)
We have plotted the squared speed of the sound (v2s ) 3H
versus redshift for three diferent values of ζ 0 and ζ 1 for BT-
II, VIII, and IX models in Figures 22–24. Te v2s of BT-II and We were able to obtain the density parameter for our
VIII models show the unstable behavior for three values of VHDE model by substituting the expressions for the Hubble
ζ 0 and ζ 1 . Whereas, v2s of BT-IX gives the stable to unstable parameter (H) and the energy density (ρvhde ) in the above
behavior. Also, by increasing the values of ζ 0 and ζ 1 , i.e., equation, and we used a graphical representation to analyze
increasing bulk viscosity, the models indicate the unstable its behavior. Te density parameter of BT-II, VIII, and IX
behavior of the Universe. models, respectively are given by
Ωvhde � 2 , (100)
6c1 (2n + 1)2 π
4.7. Density Parameter (Ωvhde ). Te dimensionless density
parameter of DE (Ωvhde ) is defned as where

n+1/2 m(− 2n− 1)+12n/6 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 9

Υ25 � 􏼠􏼠− 72πβ2 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁 Tc1 − β1 􏼁 + 2β1 − 2Tc1 􏼁 􏼠c1 ω􏼒n + 􏼓 m − 6􏼒n + 􏼓 mc1 +
2 2 8
− 9n2
+􏼠 − 9n􏼡c21 􏼡􏼡 Tc1 − β1 􏼁􏼡􏼩,

Ωvhde � , (102)
96c22 πβ33 sinh 2c2 T􏼁cosh2 2c2 T􏼁


− m/6
⎝− 2c (cosh(θ))m/3 􏼠 c2 2 2 2 2 2 9c22
Υ26 � ⎛ 2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 􏼠􏼐18 + 􏼐m ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β3 cosh 2c2 T􏼁 − 18β3 + 􏼡
β3 2
c ⎬

⎠cosh2 2c T􏼁 − 1 ,
− 288β4 􏼠 2 cosech 2c2 T􏼁􏼡 sinh3 2c2 T􏼁πβ33 ⎞ 2 ⎭

Ωvhde � ,
96c23 cosh 2c3 T􏼁πβ35 sinh2 2c3 T􏼁

22 Advances in Astronomy



squared speed of the sound (v2s)

–0.7 –0.1154 –0.1152 –0.115


–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
redshif (z)

ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 22: Squared speed of sound (v2 ) versus redshift (z) for BT-II.

Squared speed of the sound (v2s)





–0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

redshif (z)

ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;

ζ1=0; ζ0=0;

ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2;

Figure 23: Squared speed of sound (v2s ) versus redshift (z) for BT-VIII.

− m/6
⎝− 2􏼒􏼐− 18 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑c2 􏼑β2 cosh2 2c T􏼁 − c2 􏼒 −9 c
Υ27 � ⎛ 3 5 3 3 + 􏼐m2 ω − 6m + 18􏼑β25 􏼓􏼓c3 􏼠 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼡
2 β5
c ⎬

− 288β6 􏼢 3 sech 2c3 T􏼁􏼣 πβ35 cosh3 2c3 T􏼁⎞
⎠ .


Te density parameter Ωvhde for BT–II, VIII, and IX

VHDE models against redshift (z) is seen in Figures 25–27,
Advances in Astronomy 23


Density parameter of VHDE (Ωvhde)

Squared speed of the sound (v2s)

–0.1 –0.12449 –0.12448 –0.12447
–0.2 5
–0.3 4
–0.4 3
–0.5 2
–0.6 1

–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
redshif (z)
redshif (z)
ζ1=9.15; ζ0=0.35;
γ1=–0.099; β1=0.145
ζ1=0; ζ0=0;
Figure 25: Density parameter of VHDE (Ωvhde ) versus redshift (z)
ζ1=18.3; ζ0=2; for BT-II.

Figure 24: Squared speed of sound (v2s ). versus redshift (z) for BT-
IX. 300
Density parameter of VHDE (Ωvhde)

respectively. It can be seen that the trajectories of Ωvhde are 250

decreasing against redshift (z) for all the three models and
are varying in the positive region. 200

4.8. Om-Diagnostic (Om(z)). To discriminate diferent 150

phases of the Universe, Sahni et al., [130] have introduced
another tool called the Om-diagnostic. It is also used to 100
distinguish the ΛCDM for the nonminimally coupled scalar
feld, quintessence model, and phantom feld through the 50
trajectories of the curves. Te phantom DE era corresponds
to the positive trajectory, whereas the negative trajectory
indicates that the DE constitutes quintessence. Te om- –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
diagnostic function is defned as redshif (z)
H2 (z) − H20
Om(z) � 2 3 . (106) γ2=0.099;β3=0.045
H0 􏼐z − 1􏼑
Figure 26: Density parameter of VHDE (Ωvhde ). versus redshift (z)
Te Om-diagnostic for models which are in Equations for BT-VIII.
(35), (48), and (61) are, respectively, given by
c1 (2n + 1) − 3H20 (1 + z)/a0 􏼁 behavior of the DE, as the trajectories for the three models
Om(z) � (6/2n+1)
3H20 (1 + z)/a0 􏼁 􏼐 z 3 − 1􏼑 vary in the negative region.
2 2 2 6 2
􏼒􏼐c2 /9􏼑􏼒1 + 􏼐 β3 /c2 􏼁cosh (θ) (1 + z)/a0 􏼁 􏼑 􏼓􏼓 − H0
Om(z) � ,
5. Interpretations of the Models
H20 􏼐z3 − 1􏼑
To understand the cosmological mysteries of accelerated
6 2 expansion, we have constructed the feld equations of BDT
􏼒􏼐c23 /9􏼑􏼒1 2
+ 􏼐 β5 /c3 􏼁sin (θ) (1 + z)/a0 􏼁 􏼑 􏼓􏼓 − H20
Om(z) � . for BT-II, VIII, and IX Universe in the context of VHDE. Te
H20 􏼐z3 − 1􏼑 exact solutions of the Brans–Dicke feld equations are ob-
(107) tained by considering the relations between the metric
potentials, the relation between scalar feld and scale factor,
Te plots of the Om-diagnostic against redshift (z) are and by taking bulk viscosity as proposed by Ren and Meng
represented for the BT–II, VIII, and IX models in [105] and Meng et al., [106]. Furthermore, we have discussed
Figures 28–30, respectively, which depict the quintessence the evolution of the Universe by studying various
24 Advances in Astronomy

Density parameter of VHDE (Ωvhde)


Om (z)

1 –10



–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
redshif (z) redshif (z)

γ3=0.095;β5=0.011; γ2=0.099;β3=0.045

Figure 27: Density parameter of VHDE (Ωvhde ) versus redshift (z) Figure 29: Om-diagnostics (Om(z)) versus redshift (z) for BT-
for BT-IX. VIII.


Om (z)

Om (z)

–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
–0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
redshif (z)
redshif (z)
Figure 28: Om-diagnostics (Om(z)) versus. redshift (z) for BT-II.
Figure 30: Om-diagnostics (Om(z)) versus. redshift (z) for BT-IX.

geometrical and physical parameters. We have plotted Universe shows a quintom-like nature, which is interpreted
VHDE pressure, EoS parameter, EoS plane, and the squared with the help of the EoS parameter; and the EoS plane varies
speed of the sound by taking various values of ζ 0 & ζ 1 . Also, a in the freezing region. Tis behaviors of the EoS parameter
comparison study has been conducted by considering some and the EoS plane represents the accelerated expansion of
isotropic and homogeneous cosmological models. Now, we the cosmos. Te squared speed of sound (v2s ) varies in the
summarize the results of the obtained models as follows: negative region, depicting an unstable Universe model. Also,
For the Bianchi type-II cosmological model, we observe the density parameter (Ωvhde ) is decreasing and varying in
that the Universe shows a rapid expansion, as the VHDE the positive region and the Om(z) difers in the negative
pressure and energy density vary in negative and positive region, depicting the quintessence behavior of the Universe.
regions, respectively. Tis is further justifed by the bulk Te Bianchi type-VIII cosmological model has an
viscosity coefcient (ζ) as, it is varying in the positive region accelerated cosmic expansion as the VHDE pressure and
throughout the cosmic evolution. We have constructed plots energy density vary in the negative and positive regions,
for various parameters and have observed that the decel- respectively. Also, ζ is varying in the positive region, indi-
eration parameter (q), the jerk parameter ( j), and the cating an accelerated expansion of the Universe. Te de-
statefnder plane (r − s) behave independently of time. Te celeration parameter (q) shows a transition from an early
Advances in Astronomy 25

decelerating phase to a late accelerating phase, and the jerk frame work of BDT in the formalism of the fat FRW metric,
parameter difers in a positive region approaching to one as and they have shown that the VHDE can play the role of an
z ⟶ 0. Moreover, the statefnder pair (r, s) starts its interacting HDE as it is able to explain the phase transition of
evolution from the quintessence and phantom regions and the Universe. Rahman and Ansari [135] have studied the
reaches the Λ CDM model (for r � 1, s � 0). Te model shows interacting generalized ghost polytropic gas model of DE with
an unstable behavior, as v2s is varying in the negative region. a specifc Hubble parameter in the spatially homogeneous
Te plot of the EoS parameter states that the model varies in and anisotropic LRS BT-II Universe in GR and also discuss
the phantom region and the EoS plane difers in the freezing the physical and geometrical properties of the Universe,
region. Te density parameter is decreasing and varying in which are found to be consistent with recent observations.
the positive region and the Om(z) varies in the negative Maurya et al., [136] have studied DE models in LRS BT-II
region depicting, the quintessence behavior of the Universe. space-time in a new perspective of time-dependent decel-
For the Bianchi type-IX cosmological model, the plots eration parameters in GR where various parameters of DE
for VHDE pressure, energy density, and viscosity coefcients models are also calculated, and it is found that these are
indicate an accelerated cosmic expansion as they vary in consistent with the recent observations. Naidu [137] has
negative, positive, and positive regions respectively. Te investigated the spatially homogeneous and totally aniso-
curve of deceleration parameter (q) varies in the accelerated tropic BT-II cosmological model flled with pressure less
phase, whereas the jerk parameter ( j) vary in the negative matter and anisotropic modifed Ricci dark energy in the
region, approaching to one in the near future as z ⟶ 0. presence of an attractive massive scalar feld in GR. It seems
Te squared speed of sound varies in positive to negative that the deceleration parameter(q) of our BT-VIII model
region, depicting the stable to an unstable behavior of the coincides with the results of Singh and Srivastava [102], Singh
Universe. Also, the statefnder pair starts its evolution from and Kumar [132], Singh and Kaur [133], Kumar and Beesham
the quintessence and phantom regions and reaches the Λ [134], Rahman and Ansari [135], and Maurya et al. [136].
CDM model (for r � 1, s � 0). Te Universe shows the Also, the deceleration parameter(q) of our BT-IX model
quintom region and is distinguished in the freezing region as coincides with the results of Kumar and Beesham [134] and
the EoS parameter and EoS plane are varying in the negative Maurya et al., [136]. Te state fnder parameters (r − s) of the
region, respectively. Te density parameter (Ωvhde ) and BT-VIII & IX models coincide with the results of Singh and
Om(z) have the same behavior as the other two models. Srivastava [102], Srivastava and Singh [131], Singh and
Now, it will be interesting to compare our BT–II, VIII, Kumar [132], Singh and Kaur [133], Kumar and Beesham
and IX VHDE models in BDT along with the other dark [134], Rahman and Ansari [135], and Naidu [137]. Te EoS
energy models in the literature with regard to the energy parameters of our BT-II, VIII, and IX VHDE models coincide
density of the VHDE (ρvhde ) EoS parameter (ωvhde )r − s with the results of Maurya et al., [136] and Naidu [137].
plane, the deceleration parameter (q), the density parameter Whereas, at null viscosity, the EoS parameter of our BT-VIII
of the VHDE (Ωvhde ) Om diagnostic, and bulk viscosity (ζ). model agrees with the results of Singh and Kumar [132],
We have considered some isotropic and homogeneous Singh and Kaur [133], and Rahman and Ansari [135]. Te
models for comparison study. Singh and Srivastava [102] density parameter of our BT-II, VIII, and IX VHDE models
have studied a fat FRW Universe flled with DM and viscous agrees with the results of Rahman and Ansari [135] and
new HDE and they present four possible solutions for the Naidu [137]. Te Om-diagnostics of our BT-II, VIII, and IX
model depending on the choice of the viscous term. Also, they VHDE models correspond with the results of Singh and
have discussed the evolution of the cosmological quantities Srivastava [102], Srivastava and Singh [131], Singh and
such as scale factor, deceleration parameter, and transition Kumar [132], and Singh and Kaur [133]. Te energy density
redshift to observe the efect of viscosity in the evolution. of the VHDE of our BT-II, VIII, and IX models agree with the
Srivastava and Singh [131] have investigated the new HDE results of Rahman and Ansari [135] and Maurya et al., [136].
model in modifed f(R, T) gravity theory within the Te bulk viscosity of our models coincides with the results of
framework of a fat FRW model with bulk viscous matter Singh and Kumar [132]. Te above results lead to the con-
content and found the solution for nonviscous and viscous clusion that our BT-II, VIII, and IX VHDE models in BDTare
new HDE models. Also, they have analyzed a new HDE in good agreement with the observational data. Also, we hope
model with constant bulk viscosity (i.e.,ζ 1 � ζ 0 � constant) that the above investigations will help to have a deep insight
to explain the present accelerated the expansion of the into the behavior of bulk viscosity with VHDE Universes.
Universe. Singh and Kumar [132] have examined Ricci dark
energy model with bulk viscosity to observe the cosmic ac- Data Availability
celerating expansion phenomena, and they analyzed the
model with deceleration parameter (q), EoS parameter Te data used to support the fndings of this study are in-
(ωvhde ), bulk viscosity (ζ), and Om(z). Singh and Kaur [133] cluded within the article.
have explored a matter-dominated model with a bulk vis-
cosity in BDT to interpret the observed cosmic accelerating Conflicts of Interest
expansion phenomena with fat FRW line element. Kumar
and Beesham [134] have studied the concept of HDE in the Te authors declare that they have no conficts of interest.
26 Advances in Astronomy

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