Characteristics of Heat Transfer During Cooling Down Process in A Single Cargo Tank of LNG Carrier
Characteristics of Heat Transfer During Cooling Down Process in A Single Cargo Tank of LNG Carrier
Characteristics of Heat Transfer During Cooling Down Process in A Single Cargo Tank of LNG Carrier
J J Deng, L Y Song, and J Xu, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan, The School of Port and Transportation Engineering,
China, B Liu, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, The School of Mechanics Engineering, China, J S Lu, and
J W Zhang, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan, The School of Port and Transportation Engineering, China
A deep understanding of heat transfer characteristics is essential in evaluating risk and putting forward any option for the
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) tank cooling down process. A novel Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was built to
perform the flow and heat transfer simulation of the process. The predicted results agreed well with the test data from a prototype
LNG tank. Then the heat transfer characteristics of the process were analysed. It was found that the vapour temperature and
density were linearly varying and became stable after 2.3 hours. A sudden pressure drop risk was identified during the process,
which will cause the inwards collapse risk of the invar membrane. Then the proposals to prevent the risks of the inwards
collapsing membrane are presented. The heat transfer characteristics of the vapour and different membrane layers were analysed
in detail, and if the suggested option was to be implemented this could save about 39% of LNG consumed.
Where ρm is the density of the mixture in kg/m3, 𝑡 is the time kg/(m3.s2) respectively , Yk and Yω are the dissipation of k
in s, vm is the mixture’s mass-averaged velocity in m/s. in kg/(m.s3) and the dissipation of ω in kg/(m3.s2)
The volume fraction equations for the primary and
secondary phases are described as follows: A mass transfer model describing the process of
evaporation and condensation that was introduced by Lee
(Lee, 1980) has been proven to be robust. In this model,
( ad d )
+ ( ad d vm ) = − ( ad d vdr,d ) + ( mvd − mdv ) the mass transfer between phases was dependent on the
saturation temperature, Tsat. The directions and
av = 1 − ad magnitudes of the mass transfer rates are described as
follows: evaporation occurs when T > Tsat. The mass of the
liquid phase in the control volume decreases, but the mass
of the vapour phase increases correspondingly, which
Where ρd is the density of the droplet in kg/m3, αd and αv are
means the mass is transferred from the liquid to the vapour.
the Volume fractions of phase droplet and vapour
The synchronized phase transitions from vapour to droplet
respectively, vdr,d is the drift velocity of phase droplet in m/s,
and from droplet to vapour are shown below.
mvd and mdv are Synchronized phase transitions from
vapour to droplet and droplet to vapour respectively in kg/s. T − Tsat
mdv = d d ,T Tsat
Tsat (7)
The momentum and energy equations of the mixture phase
mvd = 0, T Tsat
are then solved:
( keff T ) + ST
mvd =
Tsat − T
,T Tsat
v v
Tsat (8)
Where p is the static pressure in Pa, g is the gravitational mdv = 0, T Tsat
acceleration in m/s , F is the external body forces in N,
Em is the volume average energy of mixture in J/m3, keff is Where ρv is the density of the vapour in kg/m3.
the effective heat transfer coefficient in W/(m2.K), ST is the
heat source due to the phase change in W. The coefficient γ needs to be fine-tuned and can be
interpreted as the relaxation time factor that controls the
The shear-stress transport (SST) κ − ϖ model (Menter, strength of the phase transition. The value of γ varies for
1994) was developed to effectively blend the robust and different situations. An excessively large value of γ can
accurate formulation of the κ − ϖ model in the near-wall cause a number of convergence problems, while an overly
region with the free stream independence of the κ − ε values can result in a significant deviation between the
model in the far field region. This is more accurate and interfacial temperature and the saturation temperature.
reliable for this simulation. The value of γ was specified as 0.1 s-1 when the process of
LNG evaporation (Tsat= 110 K) was simulated by Lu
( k)
( ku j )= k
+ Gk − Yk (5)
(2016b). In this simulation, γ=0.1 s-1 will also be used.
t xj xj xj As long as the mass source term is obtained, the energy
source term can be obtained by taking the latent heat
( )
( uj )= Γω + Gω − Yω (6)
during the phase change into account. The latent heat at a
t xj xj xj given temperature of the liquid due to the phase transition
in this model is constant. The energy source term due to
the phase transition denoted as S T , is calculated as
Where k and ω are the turbulence kinetic energy in m2/s2
and the specific dissipation rate in 1/s respectively, Γk and follows:
Γω are the effective diffusivity of k and the effective
diffusivity of ω in Pa.s respectively, Gk and Gω are the ST = hd ( mdv − mvd ) (9)
generation of k in kg/(m.s3) and the generation of ω in
Where hd is the latent heat of phase transformation in J/kg. At the initial period, the tank was filled with 300 K boiling
off gas (BOG) whose pressure is 8000 Pa in the fluid zone
For the cooling down process, the vapour density is (WMT Limited, 2009), and the temperature of all barriers and
affected more by the temperature change rather than by the the hull was 300 K. The non-uniform unstructured
pressure change. Therefore, the incompressible ideal gas tetrahedron mesh was created by GAMBIT software and then
law was applied to compute the density. In this form, the converted to a polyhedron mesh by Fluent, the images of
vapour density only depends on the operating pressure mesh are shown in Figure 2. The total number of mesh cells
instead of on the local gauge pressure. was approximately 2×105, and an initial grid sensitivity study
demonstrated that the grid enables accurate prediction of the
Pop flow and heat transfer parameters.
v = (10)
RT / M W
Table 2. The LNG flow rates at different cooling times
Where Pop is the operation pressure that was set as 8000
Cooling down time LNG flow rate
Pa (WMT Limited, 2009), R is the universal gas constant
(h) (m3/h)
that is 8.31 J/(mol.k), and Mw is the CH4 in kg/mol.
0≤t<2 50
In the inner hull, for the primary barrier and the secondary 2≤t<12 70
barrier, only the energy conversion equations were solved,
which have the following forms:
( sh )
= ( ks T) (11) In addition to the base grid described in the previous
section, two more grids were generated with a √2
refinement ratio. One of them was a coarser grid with
140,000 cells, and the other was a finer grid with 280,000
hs = Cp dT (12)
cells. The base time step was set as 18s. For the assessment
Tref of the time-step size dependence, two more time-step sizes
were tested, a larger one, 20s, and a smaller one, 16s. Table
Where ρs is the density of material of hull, primary barrier 3 shows the results of the dependence tests. The results are
and the secondary barrier in kg/m3, ks is conductivity of represented by the accumulated root-mean-square (RMS)
solid material in W/(m.K), hs is the sensible enthalpy of (Lee et al, 2011) values of the temperature differences of
solid material in J/kg, Cp is the specific heat of solid the primary and secondary barriers over the entire
material in J/(kg.K). computation time.
using the proposed model, and the simulation results were 270 experimental (reference)
compared with the test data. The simulation results were 250
compared with the test data of the prototype LNG carrier for 230
validation, and the comparison of the time histories of the mean
temperatures of the primary barrier is shown in Figure 3. It can
be observed that the CFD model slightly underestimated the 190
temperature initially and then overestimated it. However, the 170
gradually reducing trend was clear. 150
Considering the complexity of the numerical modeling, -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
reasonable simplification and difficulty in the measurement,
t (h)
it was agreed that the results were acceptable. Although there
were some discrepancies between the CFD predictions and Figure 3: The comparison of the mean time-varying
the experimental measurements, the CFD model showed an temperature of the primary barrier
acceptable performance. The time-varying temperature was
successfully predicted. This indicates that the proposed To better understand the heat transfer mechanism during
numerical methods can be used to simulate the LNG carrier. the cooling down process, the cooling energy utilization
ratio (ηuse) and the LNG droplet evaporated ratio (ηevap)
were studied:
use =Q2 / Q1 = ( Q1 − Q3 ) / Q1 (14)
In this section, the temperature, density, and pressure = m2 / m1 (15)
characteristics of the vapour inside the tank are analysed based
on the model, and the temperature histories of the different Where ηuse is the cooling energy utilization ratio, ηevap is
barriers, as well as the heat transfer characteristics between the LNG droplet evaporated ratio, Q1 is the heat transfer
layers, are shown and discussed. The mean velocity, rate that input to from the current layer in W, Q2 is the heat
temperature, density, pressure of vapour is calculated based on transfer rate that output from the current layer in W, Q3 is
the volume-weighted average of the variable on a 3D location. the residual heat of the current layer in W, m1 is the injected
LNG masses for each hour in kg, m2 is the evaporated utilization ratios, the Nusselt number, and the velocity histories
LNG masses for each hour in kg. of the vapour are shown in Figure 7.
The heat transfer coefficient K (Miana et al, 2016) and the It was found that there were two significantly different
Nusselt number Nu are defined by the following periods for the temperature and density histories of the
expressions. vapour in Figure 4(a). Specifically, the temperature of the
vapour underwent an initial sharp drop and the density of
K = Q /(A T) (16) the vapour increased linearly during the first period (t <
2.3h). Due to the almost constant heat sink, which is
caused by the constant LNG spray amount during this
K .L period, the slopes of the temperature vs. time curve stayed
Nu = (17)
at about -91.60K/h. And the slopes of the vapour density
vs. time curve keeps at 0.55kg/m3.h because of the almost
Where K is the heat transfer coefficient in W/(m2.K), Q is constant temperature decrease slope. The vapour average
the net heat transfer rate between two contiguous layers in temperature dropped from 300 K to 215.22 K at 0.5h and
W, A is the heat exchange area in m2, T is the difference 116.80 K at 2h (Figure 5) during this period, and the
of the average temperature for the adjacent layers in K, Nu vapour density increased from 0.70kg/m3 to 0.98kg/m3 at
is the Nusselt number, L is the hydraulic diameter in m, λ 0.5h and 1.80kg/m3 at 2h (Figure 6). The huge temperature
is the fluid thermal conductivity in W/(m.K). differences between vapour and LNG droplets (110K)
leads to a strong heat transfer rate, which tends to result in
As LNG droplets were sprayed into the tank, the LNG flash evaporation of LNG with the same spray amount
droplets flash evaporated due to the violent heat transfer cryogenic coolant droplets injection. Consequently, the
from the hot vapour. The vapour was cooled down by the vapour temperature of the vapour dropped at a constant
LNG droplets, and then the barriers were cooled down slope, and the vapour density increased at a constant slope.
synchronously by the cold vapour. In the second period (t > 2.3h), the vapour temperature and
density are no longer changing.
3.1 VAPOUR COOLING ANALYSIS The gauge pressure history of the vapour inside the tank is
shown in Figure 4(b). It was found that the mean gauge
The vapour changes which include the density, the temperature, pressure declined sharply to -120 Pa from 0 Pa at the initial
and the pressure were analysed and discussed. The time- period. Then the relative pressure increased linearly and
varying mean temperature and the density, as well as pressure reached 0 Pa at the 1.64th hour. At the end of the cooling
histories of the vapour, are shown in Figure 4. The temperature down process, the relative pressure reached 527.85 Pa.
of the primary barrier and the temperature differences of the The relative pressure increased with a constant slope due
primary barrier and the vapour are also included in Figure 4 for to the almost constant LNG volume of LNG injection. The
comparison. The temperature, density and velocity final absolute pressure (8527.85 Pa) of the vapour doesn’t
distributions comparison at a different time in middle sections exceed the outlet (safety valve) opening limit (25000 Pa)
of the tank are shown in Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 8 during the whole cooling down process, so the boundary
respectively. The heat transfer rate, the evaporated and cooling condition setting of the outlet in this mode is acceptable.
(a) The histories of temperature, temperature differences, and density (b) Mean pressure histories
Figure 4: The mean temperature, density and pressure histories of the vapour
(a)0.5 h (b)1 h
(c)1.5 h (d)2 h
(a)0.5 h (b)1 h
(c)1.5 h (d)2 h
Figure 6: The vapour density distribution comparison in middle sections of the tank
The LNG droplet evaporation ratios experienced three increased to a high level and the Nu number have the
distinct stages, as shown in Figure 7 - namely the fast similar trend as the vapour velocity (Figure 7(b)). After 1h,
cooling stage, the transition cooling stage, and the stable the temperature difference between the LNG droplets and
cooling stage. The fast cooling stage (first stage) lasted the vapour reduces to 45.5 k. Although the LNG droplets
about 1.5 hours. In this stage, the injected LNG droplets still could be fully evaporated, the evaporation and heat
fully evaporated (Figure 7(a)) because the vapour transfer caused vapour velocity and the Nu number are
temperature was sufficiently high. Meanwhile, the vapour reduced (Figure 7(b)). In the fast cooling stage, the heat
velocity caused by LNG evaporation and heat transfer transfer rate between the vapour and the primary barrier
between vapour and the primary barrier is relatively increases rapidly and then keeps at 1.80 × 105 W for
intense (Figure 8(a)), hence the vapour velocity is rapidly about half an hour.
From expression (16) and (17), 7(a)). This stage is defined as the transition cooling stage
because the cooling capacity has degenerated.
Nu = Q (18) The third stage is the stable cooling stage, which continues
(A T)
from the 2.5th hour to the end. Before this stage, the vapour
was cooled to near the saturation temperature (Figure 4(a)),
Where L is the characteristic length which is a constant, hence the LNG droplets’ evaporated ratio slowly declined
almost keep constant, A is the characteristic area size to 10%. The vapour velocity and the Nu number stay very
which is a constant and T is the temperature different small (Figure 7(a)) because of the low LNG droplets’
which can be found from Figure 4.(a). So Nu number evaporated ratio, which causes the lower heat transfer rate
behaves similarly to the rate of heat transfer Q, which is between the vapour and LNG droplets.
increase when the velocity increases. In the period, the Nu
number of the heat transfer between vapour and primary There are two heat sources for LNG droplets
barrier have the similar trend as the heat transfer rate, due evaporation. One part comes from the vapour itself and
to the rapidly increasing of the velocity. another is from the primary barrier which is transferred
by vapour. The ratio of heat come from vapour itself in
From 1.5 h to 2.5 h, the injected LNG droplets evaporation the total heat is marked as cooling energy utilization
ratio sharply decreases from 100% to 30% (Figure 7(a)). ratio of the vapour, and the cooling energy utilization
The vapour average velocity and the Nu number are fallen of the vapour itself is shown in Figure 7(a) which is as
to the lowest values (Figure 7(b)) due to the lowest high as 96.63%. The majorities (96.63%) of the heat
temperature different of vapour and LNG droplets, which come from the vapour itself, and only a very small part
causes the heat transfer rate between the vapour and primary of the heat comes from the barrier.
barrier sharply decrease by 53% to 8.51 × 104 W (Figure
(a) The evaporated, cooling utilization ratios and heat (b) The Nu number and the volume average velocity
transfer rate between the barrier and the vapour
Figure 7: The evaporated and cooling utilization ratios, the Nu number and the velocity histories of the vapour
(a)0.5 h (b)1 h
(c)1.5 h (d)2 h
Figure 8: The mixture velocity distribution comparison in middle sections of the tank
3.2 PRIMARY BARRIER COOLING inside the tank, which are the fast heat transfer period, the
CHARACTERISTIC ANALYSIS transition period, and the stable heat transfer period.
The LNG droplets are the final thermal sink of the heat The fast heat transfer stage starts from the beginning and
from the barriers and vapour. The heat of the primary continues for 1.5h. The heat transfer rate and heat transfer
barrier is controlled by the convective heat transfer from coefficients (Figure 10) of vapour and primary barrier are
the vapour inside the tank and the heat conduction from intensely higher than those of the primary and secondary
the secondary barrier. barriers during this period. The volume average velocity and
the Nu number are sharply increased to their maximum values
The time-varying temperature and the temperature (Figure 7), therefore, convection heat transfer dominates the
profiles at a different time of the different layers are shown heat transfer at this stage. Convective heat transfer often
in Figure 9. The heat transfer rate and the heat transfer referred to simply as convection, is the transfer of heat from
coefficients of the different interfaces are shown in Figure one place to another by the movement of fluids, which is more
10 and the cooling energy utilization coefficient is shown efficient than heat conductivity. Therefore, the convective heat
in Figure 11. The heat transfer of the primary barrier has transfer mechanism is a reasonable explanation for this
different characteristics in different periods. It can be intensely higher heat transfer rate.
found in these Figures that:
From 1.5h to the 3.0h, the heat transfer rate from the primary
(1) The temperature of the primary barrier drops with the barrier to vapour inside the tank decreases by 50%, from 1.82
vapour temperature. 105 W to 8.62 104 W, which is defined as the transitory
stage. In this stage, the Nu is gradually decreased, leading to a
(2) There are three significantly different stages of the heat reduction of convective heat transfer. Simultaneously,
transfer rate between the primary barrier and the vapour conductive heat transfer becomes increasingly dominant.
Generally, the convective and conductive heat transfer In the stable cooling stage, the temperature difference
mechanisms have a comparable important position in this stage. between the primary barrier and the vapour becomes
lower with the heat transfer mechanism transition; the heat
After 3h, the heat transfer rate from the primary barrier to the transfer rate sharply declines and the temperature gradient
vapour decreases to the same level as the heat transfer rate of primary barrier consequently decreases. The cooling
from the secondary barrier to the primary barrier. The overall energy utilization coefficient drops to 24.7% during this
heat transfer coefficient (Miana et al, 2016) of the two sides period, which is a decrease of 50%.
of the primary barrier is at the same level, and the heat
transfer is controlled by conductive accordingly. The third stage is the slow cooling stage. In this stage,
the heat transfer efficiency of the two sides of the
(3) Consequently, there are three different stages of the primary barrier is at the same level, and the temperature
temperature changes in the primary barrier, which are the gradient is extremely small. The cooling energy
rapid cooling stage, the stable cooling stage, and the slow utilization coefficient drops to 13.0%. The primary
cooling stage. barrier becomes extremely hard to cool.
In the rapid cooling stage, the heat transfer rate is intensely The heat transfer rate between the primary barrier and the
higher than that of the primary and secondary barriers, vapour drops rapidly from 1.6 105 W to 8 104 W after
from the beginning to 3.25h. Accordingly, the temperature 7.25 h. Accordingly, the injection coolant can be reduced
of the primary barrier drops rapidly. This temperature drop by 50% to economize. The comparison of the LNG flow
is mainly controlled by the temperature of the vapour. The rate between baseline and suggested option is shown in
cooling energy utilization coefficient is higher, and the Table 3. In the suggestion option, 210 m 3 of the coolant
cooling energy utilization coefficient has the lowest value can be saved and the economical ratio is 26.3%.
during this period, 74.3%.
Figure 12: The temperature and temperature difference histories of the different layers of cooling for the secondary barrier
Figure 13: The heat transfer rate of the different layers and cooling energy utilization coefficients of the secondary barrier
Figure 16: Comparison of the baseline and suggested option barrier temperatures
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