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Balahmadi Thesis

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Malware Detection in Security

Operation Centres

Bushra Abdulrahman Alahmadi

Kellogg College
University of Oxford

A thesis submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
Michaelmas 2019
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Ivan
Martinovic for the continuous support of my DPhil study and related research, for
the heart-full discussions, motivation, and immense knowledge. I could not have
imagined having a better supervisor and mentor for my DPhil study.
Thank you to Professor Andrew Martin and Professor Christina Pöpper for
examining this thesis. Thank you to Professor Kasper Rasmussen and Professor
Cas Cremers for their valuable comments during my Transfer and Confirmation
of Status interviews. I am also very grateful for the financial support provided
for my studies by Kind Saud University.
During this research, I had the privilege of meeting several security practitioners
who worked in security operation centres. Your participation had helped me
learn a lot about this field and have an appreciation of its complexity. Thank
you to my publications co-authors and for all who provided feedback or guidance
during my doctoral studies.
Thank you to my husband and love of my life, Abdulsalam. I couldn’t have
done my doctorate without your love and support. You encouraged me to pursue
my dreams, celebrating my successes and being there to comfort me in my failures.
I will be forever grateful.
During the first year of my doctorate, we welcomed to the world a beautiful boy
Abdulaziz. From that day Aziz, you stole my heart and have made my doctoral
journey full of joy and adventure. Your smiles were all I needed to keep myself
motivated, and I thank god for blessing me with you.
To mom and dad, thank you. Your love and encouragement since I was little
have helped me reach this goal in my life. You are my role models in life and
will be forever grateful. Thank you to my siblings Wael, Abdulaziz, Rakan, Saja,
Rahaf, Ahmed, Mohammad, for your support and love and babysitting during
the thesis writeup. Thank you, Khawla and aunt Aisha, for keeping me in your
prayers and your love and support.
During my time at Oxford, I developed beautiful friendships with amazing
people. Liz, Emma, Mariam, Hawra, Klaudia, Alina and the OxWoCS team—
Thank you for everything.
Finally, thank you to the CDT in Cybersecurity for giving me this opportunity
and teaching me to appreciate multidisciplinary research in cybersecurity. Special
thanks to David and Maureen for always being there to listen and provide guidance
with a smile. Thank you to all CDT students —especially CDT-13. I will cherish
the time we spent during the first year and the valuable discussion.
Malware has evolved from viruses attacking single victims to more sophisticated
malware with disruptive purposes. For example, WannaCry ransomware attacks
led to hundreds of disruption to NHS care in 2017. Although organizations might
have invested in security technologies, their susceptibility to WannaCry hints that
the problem goes beyond technology. Security Operations Centres (SOCs) are the
first-line of defence in an organisation, providing 24/7 monitoring, detection, and
response to security attacks. This thesis aims to explore the challenges in malware
detection in Security Operation Centres (SOCs) providing recommendations for
possible technological solutions.
We first start by investigating the workflow SOC practitioners follow. Through
semi-structured interviews, we recognise the analysts’ role in the SOC and their
interactions with the technological solutions for malware monitoring, detection,
investigation and response. Our results highlight the overwhelming reliance on
analysts throughout the SOC operations, which might benefit from automation.
We elicit the analysts analytical thinking when making decisions, identifying the
influential factors that might impact their decision making.
Moreover, we investigate security practitioners’ perspectives of the security
monitoring tools deployed in SOCs and their perception of the high false-positive
rates. By identifying the weaknesses and strengths in current SOC tools and
challenges in deploying network-monitoring tools, we derive recommendations for
future SOC tools development.
Understanding the type of malware is an essential step in determining the
best response. Sometimes getting access to the infected host is not possible and
analysts refer to the network traffic for analysis. Hence, we propose a system that
classifies network flow sequences to a malware family. The proposed system is
privacy-preserving and effective in classifying a binary to a malware family based
on its network traffic, not requiring access to the malware binary itself.
Behavioural malware detection approaches are found to be the most reliable by
analysts. We propose a behaviour-based malware detection system that improves
over state-of-the-art by detecting new or unseen malware. The system uses
behavioural high-level network features preserving the privacy of the monitored
hosts. Using this system, malware’s network activities are captured and modelled
as a Markov Chain. Due to the modeling of general bot network behavior by the
Markov Chains, the system can detect new malware that has not been seen before
making it robust against malware evolution.
The novelty of this research is to provide a systematic study on SOCs processes,
people, and technology; providing researchers with an understanding of the chal-
lenges and opportunities within; bridging that knowledge gap and thereby setting
a better foundation for future research in the field.
Statement of Originality
This thesis is written in accordance with the regulations for the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy. The thesis has been composed by myself and has not been submitted
in any previous application for any degree. The work presented in this thesis has
been undertaken by myself, except where otherwise stated in Chapter 1.5.
Parts of this thesis have been published previously as follows. The malware family
classification and detection systems in Chapter 8 was published as a conference
paper [1]. The malware detection system in Chapter 9 has been accepted at
AsiaCCS 2020. The results of the quantitative and qualitative studies reported
in Chapters 5, 6, and 7 are currently under review.

List of Figures ix

List of Tables xi

List of Abbreviations xiii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Monitoring for Malware in SOCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Malware Detection Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Research Gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Problem Statement and Research Aims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Thesis Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2 Background 13
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Security Operations Center (SOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.2 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.3 Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Malware Network Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.1 Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.2 Rallying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.3 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3 Literature Review 22
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.1 Machine Learning-Based NIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 Malware Analysis, Detection, and Classification . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.4 Cyber Data Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.5 Security Operation Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Contents vi

4 Methodology 37
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 Participant Recruitment and Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Quantitative Method: Online Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3.1 Data Collection: Online Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 Qualitative Method: Semi-structured Interviews . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.1 Data Collection: Semi-Structured Interviews . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.2 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.4.3 Qualitative Research Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5.1 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5.2 Classifiers Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5.3 Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5 SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 49

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.2 Security Tools Detection Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3 Security Monitoring Tools Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.4 Network Features & Indicators of Compromise (IOC) . . . . . . . . 56
5.5 Network Monitoring Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.6 Assertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.7 Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

6 Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 63

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.2 SOC Operations Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.2.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.2.2 Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.2.3 Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2.4 Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.3 Factors Influencing SOC Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.3.1 Security Tools Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.3.2 Security Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.3.3 Size of Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.4 Change Management Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.5 Customer’s Risk Appetite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.3.6 Maturity of the Customer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.3.7 Type of SOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.3.8 Communication with the Customer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.3.9 Third parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.3.10 SOC Maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.4.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.4.2 Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.4.3 Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.4.4 Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Contents vii

7 Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 98

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2 The Perception of False-Positives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.3 Intrusion Detection Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.3.1 Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.3.2 Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.4 SIEMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.4.1 Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7.4.2 Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.5 Machine Learning-based Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.6 Challenges in Network-based Monitoring Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7.6.1 Encrypted Network Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7.6.2 Internal Network Traffic Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.7 Towards Contextual Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.8 Discussion: Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.8.1 Human intelligence vs. Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
7.8.2 Contextual Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.8.3 Internal Network Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.8.4 Customised Machine Learning Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.8.5 Technology Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.8.6 Compatibility with Existing Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.8.7 Malware Detection Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
7.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

8 Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Be-

haviour 128
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
8.2 MalClassifier System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
8.2.1 Design Goals and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
8.2.2 Pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
8.2.3 Malware Family Profile Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
8.2.4 Building Malware Family Classification Models . . . . . . . 140
8.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
8.3.1 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.3.2 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.3.3 Classifier Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
8.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
8.4.1 Malware Family Profile Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
8.4.2 Classifier Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
8.4.3 Robustness to Evasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.5.1 Meeting Design Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.2 Understanding Classifier Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.3 Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
8.5.4 Evasion and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
8.6 Comparison to Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
8.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Contents viii

9 Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network

Behavior 154
9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
9.2 BOTection System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
9.2.1 Network Flow Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
9.2.2 Connection States Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
9.2.3 Markov Chain Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
9.2.4 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
9.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
9.3.1 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
9.3.2 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
9.3.3 Classifier Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
9.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
9.4.1 Bot and Benign Communication Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . 165
9.4.2 Performance of Binary Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
9.4.3 Classifier Performance Over Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
9.4.4 Performance of Multi-Class Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
9.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
9.5.1 Understanding Classifiers’ Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
9.5.2 Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
9.5.3 Evasion and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
9.6 Comparison to Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
9.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

10 Conclusions and Future Work 179

10.1 Research Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
10.2 Validation of Research Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
10.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
10.4 Final Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

References 186


A Semi-Structured Interview Questions 201

A.1 Interview Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
A.2 Interview Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
A.2.1 Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

B Online Questionnaire - Assertions Results 204

C Template Analysis: Template 207

D Online Questionnaire 210

List of Figures

1.1 Relationship between research questions, thesis structure and publi-

cations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1 Example of a SOC structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Example of a three-tier SOC and personnel responsibilities, adapted
from [30] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 SIEM Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Botnet Command and Control Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1 Literature Review Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.1 Threats organisations face, what tools detect them and what needs
improvement based on participating organisation size. . . . . . . . 51
5.2 Threats organisations face, what tools detect them and what needs im-
provement based on of SOC client (government and non-government).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.3 Which of the following network monitoring tools do you use? . . . 54
5.4 How important are the following features in choosing an ideal network
monitoring system? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.5 Which network security data sources do you monitor in your work?
For each source you monitor, please indicate whether you monitor
the source using a Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM)
tool or individually? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.6 How important are the following data sources in detecting malicious
activity on the network? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.7 How important are the following network traffic features in detecting
malicious activity on the network? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.8 How important are the following Indicators of Compromise in detect-
ing malicious activity on the network? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.9 Which tasks are you required to carry out in your role? . . . . . . . 59
5.10 How many network security alarms does your organisation receive
on average daily? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.11 How much do you rely on your experience in analysing and aggregat-
ing data sources to detect malicious activity as opposed to relying
on security monitoring system alerts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.12 How do you choose the security alerts you process? . . . . . . . . . 61
6.1 SOC Operations Workflow: Preparation, Detection, Investigation,
Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.2 Human-centric processes in SOC Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

List of Figures x

6.3 Communication and Contextual Knowledge Flow in SOCs . . . . . 96

7.1 Summary of SOC tools weaknesses and strengths, and the partici-
pants agreeing with each factor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8.1 MalClassifier System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
8.2 Average F-measure for Random Forest and KNN classifiers, n = 1 − 7
for n-flows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
8.3 Macro-averaged Precision Recall Curves for each malware family
(Random Forest classifier, n = 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.4 The malware familys’ classification F-measure of the four Random
Forest Classifiers (n = 5), each using one of the four similarity
measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5 Normalised confusion matrix showing actual classes vs. predicted
classes for the Random Forest Classifier (n = 5). . . . . . . . . . . . 150

9.1 BOTection System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

9.2 Markov Chain for Neris ICMP port scanning (left) and Zeus C&C
(right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
9.3 Cumulative number of flows (log scale) generated by each bot family
every second over a time frame of 7 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
9.4 Average connection state transitions for network communications of
bot (red-left) and benign (blue-right) samples in ISCX dataset. . . 164
9.5 Number of flows generated by each malware family every 20 seconds. 165
9.6 Binary classifier F-measure for detecting known/unseen bots for each
state type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
9.7 Percentage of bot 15-flows detected when we inject b benign flows in
the sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
9.8 Multi-Class classifiers’ performance for each Markov Chain state
feature type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
9.9 Markov Chain Model Transition Probabilities of the conn_state
feature for each botnet family. For brevity, we show only transition
probabilities greater than 0.6. For example, Virut had a high
transition probability between states S1 and REJ. . . . . . . . . . . 170
9.10 Multi-Class classifiers’ performance per bot family (n=15). . . . . 171
9.11 Host IPs that produced the highest FPR for the binary classifier
(FPR > 0.1%). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
9.12 Markov Chain for Sality (right) and Geodo (left) spam behavior
(only state transition probabilities, where p > 0.1). . . . . . . . . . . 173
List of Tables

4.1 Survey Participants —(Expertise Level: Very High(H+), High(H),

Medium(M), Low(L)), (Organisation Size: Large(L), Medium(M),
Small(S)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2 Interview Participants —(Expertise level: High(H), Medium(M),
Low(L)), (Organisation Size: Large(L), Medium(M), Small(S)) . . . 39
4.3 Apriori Themes defined and used in Template Analysis. . . . . . . . 43
6.1 Factors Influencing SOC Operations that participants mentioned
during their interview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
8.1 Description of the fields in conn.log generated by Zeek network
monitoring framework and used in MalClassifier. . . . . . . . . . . 134
8.2 Description of datasets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.3 Example of the selected 2-flows for each malware family in our dataset.143
8.4 Comparison of related work on malware family classification and
MalClassifier against our design goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
9.1 Description of the flow connection state (conn_state) feature obtained
from Zeek conn.log logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
9.2 Datasets used for evaluation - ISCX contains bot and benign flows
used in binary classifier, MCFP contains bot traffic only for multi-
class classifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
9.3 Bot Network communication used to train the multi-class classifier(PS:
Port Scanning, NS: Network Scanning, FF: Fast-Fluxing, CF: ClickFraud). . . 163
9.4 False Positive Rate (FPR), False Negative Rate (FNR) of the known
and unseen classifiers for each value n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
9.5 Binary Classifier Performance: F1 (F-measure), Precision (P) and
Recall (R) over time with Temporal Training Consistency. We train
the classifier using bot samples first seen in the years precedent of
the samples in the testing set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
9.6 Number of flows, 15 window length samples, and number of bots
per family in the ISCX testing dataset, and the number of False
Negatives (FN) for each bot family and benign traffic. . . . . . . . . 172
9.7 Comparison of previous Bot Detection Approaches and proposed
system BOTection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
B.1 Online Survey Results: Responses to Assertions (Resp, Ordered from
"Strongly Disagree"(=1) - "Strongly Agree"(=5)) Mode, Median, and
Comparison of non-neutral scores - Disagree (1-2):Agree (4-5)(CNNS:
D:A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

List of Tables xii

B.2 Online Survey Results: Responses to Assertions (Resp, Ordered from

"Strongly Disagree"(=1) - "Strongly Agree"(=5)) Mode, Median, and
Comparison of non-neutral scores - Disagree (1-2):Agree (4-5)(CNNS:
D:A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
List of Abbreviations
SOC . . . . . . Security Operation Centres.
NHS . . . . . . National Health Service.
IT . . . . . . . Information Technology.
CVE . . . . . . Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) catalog.
AV . . . . . . . Anti-Virus.
MSSP . . . . . Managed Security Service Provider.
SIEM . . . . . Security Information and Event Management.
SDEE . . . . . Security Device Event Exchange.
ML . . . . . . . Machine Learning.
AI . . . . . . . Artificial Intelligence.
IDS . . . . . . Intrusion Detection System.
NIDS . . . . . Network Intrusion Detection System.
DARPA . . . . Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
KDD . . . . . . Knowledge discovery in databases.
SVM . . . . . . Support Vector Machine.
C&C . . . . . . Command and Control.
IRC . . . . . . Internet Relay Chat.
HTTP . . . . . HyperText Transfer Protocol.
DNS . . . . . . Domain Name System.
ICA . . . . . . Independent Component Analysis.
CIDS . . . . . Collaborative IDS.
APT . . . . . . Advanced Persistent Threats.
OSINT . . . . Open-source intelligence.
SOAR . . . . . Security Automation and Orchestration.
ITSM . . . . . Information Technology Security Management.
CTA . . . . . . Cognitive Task Analysis.
SA . . . . . . . Situational Awareness.
MTTR . . . . Mean Time to Respond.
IOC . . . . . . Indicator of Compromise.

List of Abbreviations xiv

IPS . . . . . . . Intrusion Prevention System.

SLA . . . . . . Service Level Agreement.
ISP . . . . . . . Internet Service Providers.
DDoS . . . . . Distributed Denial of Service
RF . . . . . . . Random Forest
KNN . . . . . K-Nearest Neighbour.
ICMP . . . . . Internet Control Message Protocol.
IoT . . . . . . . Internet of Things.
DGA . . . . . . Domain Generation Algorithm.
CTI . . . . . . Cyber Threat Intelligence.
FP . . . . . . . False Positive.
FN . . . . . . . False Negative.
OS . . . . . . . Operating System.
GDPR . . . . . General Data Protection Regulation.
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Monitoring for Malware in SOCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Malware Detection Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Research Gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Problem Statement and Research Aims . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Thesis Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.1 Motivation
Malware has evolved from viruses attacking single victims to more sophisticated
malware such as botnets, ransomware, or Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
used by attackers for monetising or much more disruptive purposes. Malware is
the source of many Internet threats such as information or credit card theft (e.g.
Aurora [2]), network service disruption through DDoS (e.g. DDoS on Estonia [3]),
email spam (e.g. Pushdo [4]), ClickFraud (e.g. ClickBot.A [5]), and spreading
malware (e.g. Zeus [6]).
Such sophisticated attacks are challenging to detect as they employ multiple
attack vectors to achieve their objectives by targeting an organisation for data
exfiltration, impeding critical aspects, or positioning itself to carry out these
objectives in the future. Large multinational organisations hit with destructive

1. Introduction 2

malware can experience an average cost of $239 million and lose an average of
12,316 devices1 .
Building out an organisation’s cybersecurity capabilities can be a daunting
task. The number of advanced and emerging threats will continue to outpace the
capabilities of security personnel within organisations. Security Operations Centres
(SOCs), a centralised group of security personnel 2
responsible for the 24/7 moni-
toring, detection, and response to security attacks, are the first line of defence in an
organisation. Previous research suggests that security practitioners may benefit from
better tools for their job [7–9] and a need for a better understanding of the human
side of security operation centres [10, 11]. For example, recent work highlighted
the significant technical and human-centric issues SOCs face [12]. Oftentimes SOC
analysts need to manually go through alarms performing monotonous tasks, wasting
time on lower priority alerts while the more critical ones slip by.
To enable SOC practitioners to work more efficiently and focus their efforts
on detecting more challenging threats, additional levels of intelligence need to be
incorporated into SOC operations. As the level of automation in the SOC scales
upward, analysts will be free to embrace a more effective “hunter role” detecting
the more dangerous threats.
In 2013, Target was hit by the most prominent retail hack in U.S. history
that managed to infiltrate Target’s network installing malware designed to steal
customer’s credit cards. Target has installed a new malware detection technology
by FireEye a few months prior to the breach that cost $1.6 million. This technology
creates a virtual honeypot environment, executing each file received over the network
to determine if it is malicious. The tool was able to detect the malware used in
the breach, generating an alarm that was picked up by Target’s SOC in Bangalore.
However, when the alarm was escalated to the Minneapolis SOC, it was ignored [13].
The deployed technology could have been able to automatically respond by
deleting the malicious file, a capability that had been disabled by Target’s security
personnel. This configuration is not unusual, as most SOCs would want to avoid
any automated decision that could cause business disruption - a lack of trust caused
by the prevalence of false positive alarms created by detection tools. This breach
resulted in more than 90 lawsuits filed against Target by customers and banks
for negligence, compensatory damages and significant financial loss of $61 million
for the breach response alone [13].
We will refer to personnel that work in a SOC as security practitioners or SOC practitioners
1. Introduction 3

The malware used in Target’s breach was far from sophistication. Nevertheless,
the malware was able to bypass a large and resourceful organisation’s security
controls and procedures, hinting that the problem goes beyond just a SOC’s
technological capabilities. What this case study highlights is that the challenges in
detecting malware through a SOC are complex and cut across multiple processes
and technologies. To understand both the importance and the challenges of the
SOC it is worth exploring two areas in more detail: (1) difficulties related to the
monitoring for malware in SOCs and the role of humans (analysts) in configuring
and using technology, and (2) weaknesses in the malware detection technologies.

1.1.1 Monitoring for Malware in SOCs

Malware produces a series of events or breadcrumbs on their path of destruction
that are recorded in logs. Organisations collect and store billions of logs generated
by the various security controls on their network. One of the leading technologies
used in SOCs, which pools such logs together are Security Information and Event
Management systems (SIEMs). Alarms generated by SIEMs rely on human analysts
to review, as most of these alarms are False Positives (FPs). The volume of alarms
generated by security tools are growing exponentially, hence, SOC practitioners
are struggling with: (1) The task of separating threats posing a serious risk to
the organisation from noise; (2) Identify which require immediate attention to
focus the limited incident response resources.
False positives can overload security practitioners [10]. Oftentimes SOC analysts
are overburdened by the monotony of having to manually evaluate alarms. As with
the Target attack, although the technology was able to detect the malware, the
analysts did not have the time to filter that information from the noise. Triaging the
overwhelming number of alarms not only causes analyst fatigue and burnout [11]
but is prone to human error [14]. 76% of analysts reported feeling that not enough
time is spent on searching for emerging threats within their organisations’ SOC [15].
The faster the data breach can be identified and contained, the lower the costs [16].
Identifying the highly prominent and high-risk alarms from tens of thousands
to millions of alerts and alarms generated daily in an organisation is an important
task. Although prioritisation computations embedded in the functionalities of the
SIEM can do much of the heavy lifting, SOC practitioners are still faced with the
difficult tasks of figuring out which alarms are most dangerous. For example, if
malware is the source of an alarm, threat intelligence can indicate if that malware
is linked to previous cyber-crime or espionage activity. In addition, determining
the type of malware (e.g. worm, ransomware) can assist security practitioners in
1. Introduction 4

determining the threat and the best response. Analysts use sandboxes and online
engines (e.g. VirusTotal3 ) to get information about a malicious binary. However, in
Target’s case, although the FireEye technology detecting the malware gave a high
risk score, the security team may have been skeptical about the information [13],
hence not prioritizing the alarm.

1.1.2 Malware Detection Tools

Current solutions for detecting and managing malware could be categorised based on
location of deployment as network-based or host-based malware detection systems.
There are a number of advantages in adopting a network monitoring approach
to malware detection. For example, most malware uses some form of network
communication to contact their C&C servers to receive further instructions or launch
their attacks [17]. New types of malware are emerging, called Fileless malware,
which are memory-based and do not generate files and leave no footprint [18].
Thus, detecting such malware would be challenging for host-based solutions. Hence,
in this thesis, we will focus on network-based malware detection solutions and
discuss its challenges.
Network-based malware detection approaches could be categorised as signature-
based and behaviour-based. Network Signature-based detectors create signatures
of known malware communications. However, as malware continues to grow in
sophistication, employing new tactics to evade detection, signature-based approaches
are susceptible to evasion. For example, malicious software kits (e.g. exploit kits) are
available for purchase from online criminal markets, providing updates and ensuring
evasion of existing security countermeasures [19]. Moreover, one of the drawbacks
of signature-based approaches is the high false positives (i.e. 99% FPs [20]) and
the lack of continuously adapting to changing malicious behaviours [21].
Behavioural detection approaches overcome these limitations by relying on
behavioural malware features. Such systems are capable of detecting malware
even when code evasions are employed. For example, the FireEye technology
deployed by Target executes files in a virtual machine, observing its behaviour.
However, behavioural malware detection approaches also have their challenges.
For example, behavioural content inspection technologies can be bypassed by
network traffic encryption.
In general, network-based monitoring technologies are built on the assumption
that threats are observed as they enter the network in specific perimeter points at
1. Introduction 5

the Internet edge. However, this assumption is no longer valid in modern networks.
Well defined security perimeters no longer exist due to the heterogeneous nature
of Internet connectivity in organisations and the adoption of technologies such as
cloud computing, VPN, the borderless architecture of the IoT, and the increase
of mobile devices and bring-your-own devices (BYOD).
Attackers have also grown in sophistication and regularly employ new methods
to hide their activities and how they bypass these perimeter intrusion detection
devices. They utilise stealthy malware that is very discrete, traversing in the
network very slowly, taking days, weeks, or months to accomplish their objectives
to avoid detection. Hence, as networks grow in size and speed, detecting such
malware will be a difficult task.

1.2 Research Gaps

Designing practical tools requires us to understand the users who will be using
the tool, to ensure that it meets their needs. Similarly, designing monitoring and
detection tools without getting the SOC practitioners feedback make them less likely
to be effective. Due to the sensitive nature of the work, gaining access to SOCs to
understand its processes, technologies and the SOC practitioners’ responsibilities
is not trivial. Therefore, there is still a lack of systematic research and a rich
understanding in this area, making it difficult for developers and researchers to
improve SOC tools.
Previous research suggests that security practitioners may benefit from better
tools for their jobs [8, 9]. However, understanding the analysts’ cognition and the
processes they follow when investigating an incident is not easy. Analysts themselves
are unable to explain why and how they investigate an incident, relying on their
experience in dealing with a similar event in the past and human intuition [22]. In
addition, SOCs themselves are different, with different structures and focus [23],
and providing a generalised solution is not feasible.
Security monitoring is a human-centred process with network detection tools to
support the work of analysts, alarming on possible intrusions, and presenting the
analysts with the information needed to make a decision about a potential threat.
SOCs utilise SIEM solutions to monitor the organisations’ activities. Although
these commercial solutions are to some level helpful, they are mainly used as a
data aggregation tool, presenting the aggregated information to the analysts who
are left with putting together pieces to solve a puzzle. Such technologies don’t
address the operational needs, and lack comprehension of how analysts think and
1. Introduction 6

work. Analysts (humans) are essential in a SOC, interacting and working together,
using the information provided by the SIEM, and following specific workflows
based on the incident at hand.
Today, more companies are outsourcing the security management and network
monitoring to companies that offer SOC as a service, to escape significant investments
and mitigate their lack of cybersecurity expertise [24]. Although these companies
monitor the client’s systems and networks for signs of malicious activity, they may
not have direct access to the client’s hosts for privacy or policy reasons. When a
client’s host is suspected of being infected by malware, gaining access to that host
and retrieving the malware binary for analysis is a challenge. However, existing
dynamic analysis tools for malware classification require SOC analysts to have
access to these malicious binary executables. Even if access to hosts is possible,
the time required to negotiate this access and retrieve the executable, before its
analysis, is not efficient where speedy detection and response are critical. For
example, in situations where the implications are severe, such as in ransomware
attacks, classifying the attack as ransomware is critical, ensuring rapid response
to avoid catastrophic implications.
Behavioural malware detection systems continue to dominate the most effective
solutions for malware detection. One of the main limitations for many previously
proposed network-based behavioural monitoring systems is their reliance on content-
based features. Such technological solutions are privacy-invasive and not favourable
in a real-world deployment, especially when monitoring is outsourced to a third
party and with clients that require security clearance. Gartner estimated that by
2019 80% of organisations’ web traffic would be encrypted (i.e. using HTTPS) [25].
Regulations such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require the
enforcement of appropriate security measures for protecting personal data; hence,
traffic encryption is favoured to ensure compliance. However, similarly attackers are
increasingly employing HTTPS to conceal malware and evade detection, therefore,
developing encryption resilient inspection measures is a requisite.
More than 317 million new variants of malware were observed in 2014 (i.e.
malware automatically generated by modification of a previous malware binary that
results in a new hash), an estimate of 1 million unique malware variants each day,
increasing the total number of malware to approximately 1.7 billion [26]. Proposed
detection solutions need to adapt to this growing threat landscape, developing
systems that adapt to malware use of new attack tactics, and are resilient to
malware evasion and obfuscation.
1. Introduction 7

Detecting malware in a SOC is extremely challenging, with significant risks

to those businesses that make mistakes. As such, it’s important to enhance our
knowledge around automation, reducing the cognitive burden on SOC analysts, and
creating tools that produce fewer false positives and detect increasingly complex
attacks. The novelty of this thesis is to bridge that gap and thereby set a better
foundation for future research in the field.

1.3 Problem Statement and Research Aims

This thesis aims to explore the challenges in malware detection in SOCs as identified
in Section 1.1, while considering the research gaps identified in Section 1.2. Hence,
the aims of the research is twofold:

• Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we investigate the role of SOC

dimensions (people, process, technology) on malware monitoring, detection
and response.

• We design and evaluate novel malware classification and detection systems

that improves over existing state-of-the-art tools.

This thesis is structured as four main research questions discussed in the

following section.

RQ1: How do security practitioners monitor, detect and investigate

security threats in a SOC?

In this contribution, we study the workflow that security practitioners in SOCs

follow, identifying human-centric tasks that might benefit from automation. Through
an online survey and semi-structured interviews with security practitioners, we
recognise the role that humans play in the SOC operations and their interactions
with the technological solutions. Our results highlight the overwhelming reliance on
analysts throughout the SOC’s operations, which might benefit from automation.
Through scenario-based questions, we elicit the analysts’ analytical thinking
when making decisions, identifying the influential factors that might impact their
decision. Moreover, we revealed the existence of a number of contradictions with
the SOC operations. We conclude with concrete recommendations for building
automated systems for SOCs, to address human-centric tasks and opportunities
for further research.
1. Introduction 8

RQ2: What are the advantages and disadvantages that security practi-
tioners perceive of network-monitoring tools?

In this contribution, we focus on providing an understanding of security practitioners’

perspectives of the security monitoring tools deployed in SOCs and their perception
of the high false positive rates. Through an online survey and semi-structured
interviews, we identified common misconceptions of the definition of false positive,
and a significant distinction between false alarms and benign triggers, which needs
to be recognised when evaluating security tools in real-world use.
Our results highlight that, despite the high number of false positives, most
are attributed to benign triggers — true alarms that can be explained by benign
behavior within the organisation’s environment. We identified analysts’ perceptions
of the strengths and weaknesses of SOC tools, challenges in network monitoring in
SOCs, and how contextual knowledge can be incorporated into security-monitoring
tools to reduce the number of false alarms. We conclude with concrete recom-
mendations for addressing the main weaknesses of security tools identified by
SOC security practitioners.

RQ3: To what extent can we classify malicious network traffic into a

malware family, on-the-wire?

Understanding what malicious activities a malware is performing is an essential

step in determining the best remediation mechanism. One way to understand
malware behaviour is to classify it to a known malware family. By knowing the
malware’s family, public resources (e.g. VirusTotal 4 ) can be utilised to learn
about how to deal with this infection.
We propose a system that classifies network flows to a malware family. The
proposed system utilises privacy preserving malware network behavioural char-
acteristics for classification. It is effective in classifying a binary to a malware
family based on its network traffic; hence, access to the malware binary and the
infected host itself is not required.

RQ4: To what extent can we detect malicious network traffic generated

by new or unseen malware?

Behavioural malware detection approaches are found to be the most reliable by

SOC analysts. In contrast to traditional signature IDS, detecting malware based
on behavioural features increases the probability of detecting unknown malware.
1. Introduction 9

We propose a system that detects malware-infected hosts on a network by

monitoring the network communications activity. Using Markov Chain Models, it
identifies malware network communication patterns during the active propagation
(e.g. scanning), C&C communication, and operational stage (e.g. DDoS, SPAM,
ClickFraud). Due to its ability to detect various stages of malware network behaviour,
it can then detect traffic originating from new or unseen malware binaries making
it robust against malware evolution.

1.4 Thesis Organisation

This thesis is structured as follows to address the previously presented research
questions. In Chapter 2 we present the background information relevant to this
research: network-based monitoring solutions; SOCs and their main technologies;
and malware network communications. In Chapter 3, we present a literature review,
focusing on network-based malware classification and detection approaches and those
related to the understanding of SOCs. The literature review highlights the research
gaps we go on to address in later chapters. Chapter 4 represents the methodology
chapter, complementing the research methods sections reported in each chapter.
In Chapters 5, 6, and 7 we address the problem of the lack of literature on SOC
technologies and processes in monitoring, detecting and responding to malware.
Specifically, Chapter 5 commences our study through a quantitative approach with
an online questionnaire to extract the SOC practitioners’ perspective on network-
monitoring tools. Through this study, we identify the compelling research questions,
further investigated through a qualitative approach. In Chapter 6, we address RQ1
and provide an understanding of SOC processes, highlighting human-centric tasks
that could benefit from automation and factors impacting these processes. We then,
in Chapter 7, address RQ2 and identify the strengths and weaknesses of network
monitoring tools, representing recommendations for SOC tool developments.
In Chapter 8, we address RQ3 and propose a behaviour-based malware family
classification system that can determine the family of the malware running on a
host by analysing its network traffic. Examining the network behaviour of this
malware will assist analysts in determining the objective of the malicious executable,
prioritising threats and determining the best response measure to employ.
In Chapter 9, we address RQ4 and propose a behaviour-based bot detection
system that improves over state-of-the-art by detecting new or unseen malware. The
system uses behavioural high-level network features, preserving the privacy of the
monitored hosts. Not only can analysts detect new, never-before-seen malware, but
1. Introduction 10

they are also able to determine what malicious activities the malware is launching
and choose the most effective response measure. Chapter 10 concludes the thesis
and proposes future research.

1.5 Publications
The work described in this thesis has resulted in peer-reviewed publications, with
additional papers still under review. The publications are derived from chapters, as
illustrated in Figure 1.1, which also illustrates the relationship between research
questions and the thesis structure.
In all publications, I was the first author and was responsible for the research
reported and for writing the paper, with some writing contributions from the other
authors. The survey and interviews reported in Chapters 3, 7, and 6 were part of
a wider set of interviews carried out jointly with another author (Louise Axon); the
questions relating to this thesis were devised, asked, and analysed by myself.

1. Alahmadi, B.A., Axon, L. , Webb H. and Martinovic, I., Down the Rabbit
Hole: Understanding Security-Monitoring Processes in Security Operations
Centres. (Under Review S&P’21 )

2. Alahmadi, B.A., Axon, L. and Martinovic, I., 99% False Positives: On SOC
Analysts’ Love-Hate Relationship with Security Monitoring Tools. (Under
Review Usenix Security’21 )

3. AlAhmadi, B.A. and Martinovic, I., 2018, May. MalClassifier: Malware

family classification using network flow sequence behaviour. In 2018 APWG
Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime) (pp. 1-13). IEEE.

4. Alahmadi, B.A., Mariconti, E., Spolaor, R., Stringhini, G. and Martinovic, I.,
BOTection: Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network
Behavior. (AsiaCCS’20 )

I was also lead author and a co-author in other publications that are outside
of the focus of this thesis.

1. Axon, L. Alahmadi B.A., Nurse J.RC , Goldsmith M., Creese S, Sonification in

security operations centres: what do security practitioners think? (Workshop
on Usable Security (USEC) at the Network and Distributed System Security
(NDSS) Symposium 2018 )—Best Paper Award
1. Introduction 11

2. Axon, L. Alahmadi B.A., Nurse J.RC , Goldsmith M., Creese S, Data

Presentation in Security Operations Centres: Exploring the Potential for
Sonification to Enhance Existing Practice (Journal of Cybersecurity 2020 )

3. Alahmadi, B.A., Legg P.A, Nurse J.RC , Using Internet Activity Profiling for
Insider-threat Detection. (12th Special Session on Security in Information
Systems - WOSIS 2015 )
1. Introduction 12





Chapter 5

RQ1: SOC Process Contribution

Paper 1
and Human tasks Chapter 6

RQ2: Tools Contribution
Weaknesses and Paper 2
Strengths Chapter 7

RQ3: On-the-wire Contribution
Malware Paper 3
Classification Chapter 8

RQ4: Advanced Contribution
Malware Paper 4
Detection Chapter 9


Figure 1.1: Relationship between research questions, thesis structure and publications.
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Security Operations Center (SOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.2 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.3 Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Malware Network Communications . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.1 Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.2 Rallying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.3 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we present a background overview to introduce the reader to the
concepts and terminology used in subsequent chapters.
We start by describing the security operation centres (SOCs) landscape and the
integration of people, process and technology. We focus on describing the primary
technology used in SOCs —SIEMs. We present the SIEM architecture, and how
existing monitoring technologies and security logs are integrated within. We then
go on describing the botnet architecture and the various network communications
it launches, which serve as a baseline of what malware detectors should detect.

2. Background 14


Intel/ Threat
Technology Network and
People System Owners

Firewall Escalation
Level 1 Level 2 6
2 Case
Web Server Closed Incident
4 Handler


SIEM Storage


Figure 2.1: Example of a SOC structure

2.2 Security Operations Center (SOC)

Security Operations Centres (SOCs) are a centralised unit providing monitoring
capabilities for the detection, escalation and recovery of security incidents on an
organisational and technical level. Once a security incident is detected, the SOC
aims to contain the attack as soon as possible, to limit the potential damage, saving
the organisation money, data exfiltration or reputational damages.
There are different types of SOCs as discussed in [23], which could be classified
by the services they provide, their capabilities or maturity [27]. Moreover, they
can mainly be categorised as (1) in-house SOC, meaning the organisation builds
and staffs the SOC for its organisation; (2) Managed Security Service Provider
(MSSP), where an organisation hires a third party, outsourcing the threat monitoring,
detection, and response. Some customers combine these two approaches, building
their own SOC but also hire a MSSP to uplift their skill set by doing joined
monitoring. There are several reasons why an organisation would use one over
the other. For example, their budget, their lack of security expertise, or to avoid
the setup costs of a SOC [24, 28].
SOCs consists of complex processes and technology and involves multiple people
from within the SOC, organisation, customer and other third parties. We show
2. Background 15

Tier 1 Open Tickets, Close False Positives
Basic Investigation and Mitigation

Deep investigation/CSIRT
Tier 2 Mitigation/recommends changes

Advanced Investigation/CSIRT
Threat Hunting
Tier 3 Forensics
Malware reverser

Figure 2.2: Example of a three-tier SOC and personnel responsibilities, adapted from [30]

in Figure 2.4 an example for a SOC structure and its three dimensions (people,
process, technology). In such a structure, when a threat enters the network, security
devices and logs detect this threat. These detection are collected by the SIEM that
produces an alarm. The alarm is verified by level 1 analysts and is escalated to
incident handlers to handle the incident by liaising with the system owners. Reports
of organisations threats are communicated to the business management.
When discussing the challenges in threat monitoring in SOCS, it’s essential
to identify first the various Tools, Processes and People involved in the opera-
tion of the SOC.

2.2.1 People
The SOC team’s goal is to detect, analyse, and respond to cybersecurity incidents
using a combination of technology solutions and a strong set of processes. To do
that, analysts have to maintain Situational Awareness (SA) of events from the
systems and networks they monitor. Situational Awareness is defined as: “Within
a volume of time and space, the perception of an enterprise’s security posture and
its threat environment; the comprehension/meaning of both taken together (risk);
and the projection of their status into the near future.” [29].
The SOC team is typically staffed with security analysts, engineers, incident
responders, hunters, contractors, as well as managers who oversee security operations.
SOC engineers are responsible for providing and supporting the SOC with the
required software (e.g. SIEM scripts or configurations). Incident responders handle
2. Background 16

Network Security Devices Normalization

(Firewall, NIPS, NIDS, DNS, DHCP)
Host Security Devices
(AV, HIDS, HIPS) Alarm
Server Logs
(OS Logs, SYSLogs, Web Server logs) Prioritization

Contextual Data Dashboard and Reporting

(Vulnerability Scans, Asset Information, Collector
Threat Intelligence)

Data Collectors SIEM Engine

Figure 2.3: SIEM Architecture

events that are escalated by the analysts that need in-depth investigation and foren-
sics. SOC practitioners’ team structure and responsibilities varies [23]. For example,
analysts can be categorised by their tasks to multiple levels, described in Figure 2.2.

2.2.2 Process

The SOC process involves the various workflows SOC security practitioners follow
in their everyday tasks. For example, this includes process followed for SIEM
monitoring and alarming, event management process, security incident ticket
management, incident handling, reporting and escalation process. All these processes
are documented in a Wiki Portal, share point or share drive for team reference.
There are standard guidelines that direct analysts in SOC operations. For
example, The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) [31],
and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [32] have published
guidelines for incident response teams. To provide a rapid automated response for
incident identification, detection, response to SOC team communications, procedures
are documented in a playbook [33], a document prepared by experienced SOC
analysts that details steps an analyst follow to deal with a security alarm.

2.2.3 Technology

SOCs deploy various technological solutions such as Asset Discovery, Vulnerability

Assessment, Behavioural Monitoring, Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems,
and SIEMS. We discuss in the following the main platform deployed in SOCs.
2. Background 17


One of the most frequently chosen tools in a SOC is Security Information and
Event Management (SIEM)— e.g, ArcSight 1 , AlienVault 2 . SIEMs are systems
that combine SIM (security information management), and SEM (security event
management) functions into one security management system. SEM deals with real-
time monitoring, correlation of events, notifications and console views. SIMs provide
long-term storage as well as analysis, manipulation and reporting of log data and
security records of the type collated by SEM software. SIEMs replace the need for
analysts to access traditional security tools directly. Instead, the SIEM aggregates
the logs from the multiple data sources, and processes them to detect threats.
We show the SIEM architecture for monitoring and detection of alerts in
Figure 2.3. The first step is to parse the data collected from the data sources
and normalise it to a standard format produced as a security event. Multiple
security events may be correlated to create a correlation rule or alarm. When the
rule is triggered, an alarm is fired and prioritised. Then, it is up to the analyst
to determine if the alarm is a false positive (FP) or it needs to be escalated. We
discuss each step in further detail in the following.
Data Sources— The SIEM has data source plug-ins called collectors where
data sources are fed into it. These data sources could be either raw logs or security
events generated by security devices. Such data sources could be, for example,
network-based security tools (e.g. firewalls, IDS), host-based security tools (e.g.
Anti-Virus), logs (e.g. operating systems logs, web server logs). Contextual data
provided by threat intelligence platforms and other processes (e.g. vulnerability
scans) could also feed into the SIEM.
Ideally, these data sources are received from Security Device Event Exchange
(SDEE) enabled devices/hosts. SDEE is a standard proposed by the International
Computer Security Association (ICSA)3 that specifies the format of messages and
protocols used to communicate events generated by security devices. SDEE enables
devices to collect logs in the device itself, and the SIEM retrieves these logs. If
the raw logs match a specific criterion, then part of the message is inserted into
the SIEM database as a security event. Other devices send the logs directly
to the SIEM to store.
Normalisation— Logs/messages received from SDEE enabled devices are
intrinsically suited to the SIEM. They do not require manipulation because they
2. Background 18

are in the right format. However, some applications/devices were never designed
to generate logs. Therefore, they have to be heavily edited by scripts to produce
a log that will fit the SIEM’s requirements.
Correlation— Most alarms in a SIEM are directive alarms, also known as
correlation rules. Using correlation rules, SOCs can identify potential security
threats by detecting behaviour patterns in disparate yet related events. Directive
alarms link these different events to generate an alarm that is more useful than
any event seen in isolation. If the organisation has a particular threat use-case,
then they can create their own directives.
Alarming and Prioritisation— Its worth noting that there is a distinction
in the definition of alarm, alert, and event in a SOC operation. Security tools
and networking devices produce alerts when they detect a threat. Similarly, these
threats might be written in logs as an event. The alerts and events are then
aggregated through the SIEM to produce an alarm.
When multiple alarms are flagged, a frequent scenario in a SOC, what alarm is
looked at depends on what is monitored. For example, if an organisation is only
concerned about where data is going, then network traffic and IDS alerts alone
might be sufficient. However, receiving multiple alerts from different sources related
to the same asset provides assurance of the validity of the alarm. How they choose
the alarms they investigate depends on several factors, which could be defined
using the prioritisation module in the SIEM engine.
Reporting and Visualisations— Alarms produced by the SIEM are presented
to the analyst through visualisation (e.g. dashboards). In addition, the SIEM
provides reporting capabilities, meaning analysts can auto-generate reports.

2.3 Malware Network Communications

Malware acts on commands received from one or more servers (C&C servers),
all controlled and managed by a human controller (e.g. botmaster) to achieve
a malicious purpose. Network communications are essential for the successful
operation of the malware, as it produces extensive network traffic, communicating
with the C&C server to receive, propagate, or execute commands.
Malware Detection is categorized by [34] as Bot Detection, C&C Detection, and
Botmaster Detection (i.e. malware author). The main focus of this thesis is the Bot
Detection, thus detection of malware infected machines (i.e. bots). We discuss in the
following the network communications generated by bots during its different stages.
2. Background 19

Rallying Operation Propagation

Bot Spam

Crypto Mining



Command & Control

Malicious Activities Targets

Figure 2.4: Botnet Command and Control Architecture

2.3.1 Propagation
There is strength in numbers, and the power of the botnet increases when the
number of bots grows. Therefore, bots aim to increase the number of bots by
recruiting new bots through propagation. The propagation process may initially
start with a synchronisation stage. Bots need to synchronise/coordinate with each
other through obtaining a seed input that is used by the bot Domain Generation
Algorithm (DGA) [35]. This input could be a synchronized system time, for example,
Conficker-A sends an empty HTTP request to a popular website such as google.com
to get the current date/time, or Torpig [35] uses trending topics on Twitter or
the Stock exchange. This synchronised token is then used as input to the Domain
Generation Algorithm (DGA) to communicate with C&C server domain name.
The bot then attempts to infect another machine either through active means (e.g.
scanning) or passive propagation (e.g. phishing emails). Some bots employ multiple
stages of infection, and once the victim is infected with the bot binary it downloads
additional files from the C&C server. When the infection process is complete, the
new bot registers with the C&C server. Propagation could be categorised as passive
or active based on the recruitment mechanism used.
Active— Active propagation means that the bots exhibit worm-like behaviour,
actively attempting to infect new victims, using existing vulnerabilities (e.g. Duqu
2.0). Bots leverage vulnerabilities that enable them to gain administrative privileges
on the infected machine [34]. Some bots perform a network scan before the actual
infection (e.g. Conficker), either by sending ICMP echo requests to detect reachable
hosts or port scanning to detect vulnerable services (e.g. Neris) [36]. For example,
Sality performed a scan of the entire IPv4 address space for 12 days [34]. Phatbot
could either have hard-coded configuration or be instructed to scan a certain network
2. Background 20

range [36]. Botnets may rely on scanning to propagate to reduce resources cost or as
a way of obfuscation if the attack operation’s communication protocol is used seldom
on the victim network [36]. However, scanning is noisy and results in additional
network traffic; thus stealthy bots may resort to a passive propagation approach.
Passive— Bots can propagate through other means such as phishing emails,
drive-by-download or infected removable media, known as Passive propagation. For
example, Zeus is distributed over phishing emails and drive-by-download. Although
the underlying network communications resulting from passive approaches (e.g.
receiving a phishing email, visiting a website) can be detected, correlating these
activities with the actual bot infection is difficult using network-based detectors [36].
This is as a result of the passive propagation and the actual binary infection
possibly occurring in different times [36].

2.3.2 Rallying
The first step a new bot does is registering with the C&C server, a process also
known as rallying [34]. There are several techniques that bots use to contact the
C&C server. The basic approach is to contact a domain hard-coded in the bot
binary. However, this approach is vulnerable to domain takedowns, and when the
domain becomes unreachable then the bot can no longer receive commands. Some
bots use a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) (e.g. Zeus, Conficker), generating
a different domain name from a changing seed input obtained in the coordination
stage. This makes taking down the botnet domain a more complicated process;
once a domain is taken down by the authorities, the bots can simply connect to
the next domain generated by the DGA.
To add to the layer of resiliency, the bot can apply fast-fluxing where multiple
bots register and de-register their IP addresses to the same DNS host record,
mapping a single domain name to possibly thousands of bots. Thus instead of bots
connecting to the C&C directly, they connect to one these active proxy bots that
rally the messages to the C&C server. Storm uses Double-flux, a sophisticated
fast-flux approach where these bots register their IP addresses as part of DNS
Name Server record list for the DNS zone.

2.3.3 Operation
As part of the bot’s operation, the bot can attempt to infect new victims through
port scanning to detect vulnerable services, or ICMP scans to detect reachable
hosts. Botnets could be used to carry out various types of attacks, each having
different network flow communication structures.
2. Background 21

For example, bots could be used to launch Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
(DDoS), sending huge amounts of requests (usually TCP/UDP HTTP requests) to
overload systems and seeking to make a machine or network resource unavailable.
Bots could also be used to send unsolicited emails or SPAM, usually using Simple
Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). ClickFraud is another attack that uses bots to
access advertising URLs (pay-per-click ads), forcing advertisers to pay for irrelevant
clicks, leveraging HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Botnets also utilise network communications for other operation tasks, such
as scanning the network to collect network information (e.g. Duqu 2.0, Phatbot),
login information harvesting (e.g. Storm), self-updating (e.g. Zeus, Phatbot),
bitcoin mining (e.g. Miner), receiving C&C instructions (e.g. Stuxnet), or network
traffic modification (e.g. Miner). Other protocols bots might leverage include
Server Message Block (SMB) (e.g. Duqu 2.0) and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) (e.g.
Rbot), all visible in a bots network traffic. More details on the bots communication
patters could be found in [36].

2.4 Summary
We provided in this chapter an overview description of SOCs, focusing on describing
its leading technological platform (i.e. SIEM) and the monitoring and detection
of malware. SOCs have various other responsibilities and apply other tools that
we do not address and are outside the scope of this thesis.
Malware requires network communication to interact with its C&C, execute its
attack operations and propagate to recruit further bots. Network-based malware
detection systems take advantage of malware’s need for network connections,
spotting malware by monitoring for malicious traffic. Substantial previous work has
been proposed for malware network detection. We review the literature on network-
based malware detection and its deployment in SOCs in the following chapter.
Literature Review
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) . . . . . 23
3.2.1 Machine Learning-Based NIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 Malware Analysis, Detection, and Classification . . . . 26
3.4 Cyber Data Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.5 Security Operation Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we provide an overview of the existing literature on network-based
malware detection systems used in SOCs. Such technologies can be divided into
Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) and Malware-specific detection
systems (i.e. techniques tailored to malware detection). NIDS can be signature-based
or anomaly-based NIDS. Machine Learning (ML) can be applied to either type (i.e.
ML-based NIDS). For malware-specific technologies, in addition to providing a review
of network-based solutions, we also discuss host-based approaches for completeness.
These technologies can be deployed in a SOC to generate an alarm on its
own or be fed into a SIEM to be combined with other alert sources as part of
a correlation rule. Such an aggregation or fusion of multiple sources is a known
functionality of a SIEM. Hence, in this chapter, we also discuss related work on
multi-log and multi-source data fusion. We then conclude with a review of related

3. Literature Review 23

Security Operation Centre [7, 10–12, 22, 122–131]

Intrusion Detection Technologies

Signature-based NIDS [37–42]

Anomaly-based NIDS [43–53]

Machine Learning-based NIDS

Malware Specific Technologies

Host-based Malware Systems [58–71]

Analysis, Classification, Detection Alarm

Network-based Malware Systems [36, 72–105]

Analysis, Classification, Detection

Figure 3.1: Literature Review Structure

work on Security Operations Centres (SOCs) and the challenges therein. We give
an illustration of this structure in Figure 3.1.

3.2 Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS)

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) were first proposed in 1987 by Denning [132],
and since then, research on how to effectively detect malicious activities has
grown. The primary purpose of IDS is the detection of any attempt to compromise
confidentiality, integrity, availability, or simply to bypass the security mechanisms
of a computer or network [133].
IDS can be deployed at the host or the network level, and a lot of work has
been done in surveying and classifying IDS [109, 134–138]. Host-based IDS analyse
system events and the behaviour of users on a single machine. Although this
provides a more concentrated and detailed analysis, it needs to be deployed on
all devices, causing a deployment and monitoring overhead. On the other hand,
a network-based IDS protects all devices as it monitors only network traffic. We
review herein network-based IDS and refer to a survey on host-based IDS [137].
3. Literature Review 24

NIDS monitors the network traffic, analysing the network, transport, and
application protocols to identify suspicious activities. In NIDS monitored network
packets are analysed for rule violations by a pattern recognition algorithm [139].
Depending on the model of detection, network-based IDs can be categorized as
either signature-based or anomaly-based. A signature detection system identifies
patterns of network traffic presumed to be malicious while anomaly detection
systems compare network activities against a “normal” baseline. Garcia et al. [140]
produced a survey that analyzes and compares the most important efforts carried
out in a network-based detection area.
Signature-based IDS detect attacks by monitoring the network for pre-defined
signatures of known attacks [37–42]. This approach is useful in detecting known
attacks with a low false-positive rate. However, it is inadequate in detecting
unknown attacks such as new or polymorphic malware. It requires a signature to
be defined for all of the possible attacks that an attacker may launch against a
network, thus requiring frequent rule-base updates and signature updates.
There have been several research papers on network-based anomaly detection
(i.e. [43–52]). Anomaly-based IDS initially learns the normal network behaviour,
then monitors for any deviations in this behaviour [138]. A survey on commercial
anomaly-based IDS is provided in [53]. Compared to signature-based IDS, anomaly-
based IDS could detect unknown intrusion attacks known as “zero-day” attacks. In
addition, the network profiles of normal activity are unique to every network, making
it very difficult for an attacker to know with certainty what actions it can carry out
without being detected [139]. However, Anomaly-based IDS has its drawbacks. For
example, they produce a high percentage of false positives, fail to scale to gigabit
speeds, and have difficulty determining which specific event triggered an alarm [139].
The high rate of false positives in these alarms result in attacks or malicious activities
on the network going undetected for periods of time. Since security analysts are
looking for abnormal activity rather than a specific attack, they are prone to be
overwhelmed by time-consuming false alarms, thus increasing the time until they
detect the attack. We refer the reader to [141], a survey on anomaly detection.
Developing intelligent models for network-based intrusion detection systems
is not trivial. NIDS deal with huge network volumes, highly imbalanced data
distribution, and the challenge of recognising decision boundaries of normal and
anomaly behaviour. In addition, NIDS needs to be adaptable to the constant change
in networks without a lot of manual tuning [142]. A robust and effective NIDS
needs to solve these challenges and be designed to adapt to different patterns of
network traffic, to successfully detect unknown malicious attacks [21].
3. Literature Review 25

Goodall et al. [9] investigated security practitioners perspective on NIDS. The

authors conducted semi-structured interviews with Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) experts to understand how they use IDS. The study shows that IDS tasks
require a combination of common knowledge (e.g. network and security) as well
as situated knowledge (e.g. knowledge of normal network behaviour). However,
the authors found that situated expertise might be challenging to transfer to new
environments. Moreover, IDS tasks are collaboration driven, requiring cooperation
from expertise within the organisation and community.

3.2.1 Machine Learning-Based NIDS

One of the drawbacks of intrusion detection techniques is the high false positive
and false negative detection rates and a lack of continuous adaptation to changing
malicious behaviours [21]. The research community applied Machine Learning
(ML) to improve the accuracy of NIDS and reduce the false positives [21]. Such
methods used ML algorithms such as decision trees [58, 59], Naive Bayes [60–62],
rule induction [63, 64], Neural Network [65, 66], Support Vector Machine [67, 68],
Genetic Algorithm [69], Fuzzy Logic [70], and Data Mining [71]. There have been
several surveys in the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in
intrusion detection [143, 144], and we refer the reader to them for evaluation of
their performance and detection accuracy. Moreover, the application of machine
learning in intrusion detection has its challenges. Such challenges include, the high
costs of errors, the variability of benign traffic, challenges in performing sound
evaluation and its operation in an adversarial setting [145].
One challenge to evaluating ML-based NIDS is the lack or reliable real-world
datasets. Many previous research rely on old datasets such as Knowledge Discovery
in Databases (KDD) 1999 [146] Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) 1999 [147], which are more than a decade old, collected in the late
90s to evaluate its detection performance. As found by Azad [148], out of the
75 research papers reviewed, 46 used either the KDD or DARPA datasets while
the other 29 chose something else. Wu et al. [21] summarize the most popular
datasets used in intrusion detection system research.
The cybersecurity landscape is changing rapidly, thus, these old datasets are no
longer considered to reflect the current security threats [145, 149, 150]. In fact, the
lack of good public real-world datasets available for evaluation makes proposing an
effective IDS challenging. There are many reasons why obtaining such datasets is
difficult. For example, network traffic contains confidential or sensitive data that
introduces restrictions on its use. As a result, organisations are not keen to share
3. Literature Review 26

their network data with researchers. In addition, the anonymisation efforts of these
data are not always effective to motivate the safe sharing of network data [151].
The mass volume of network traffic also presents obstacles in data storage and
computation for researchers. Moreover, data of such volume are often unlabeled
and lack ground truth needed for system validation. As a result of these challenges,
researchers may settle by taking the proposed system to where the data is held, for
example, through collaborations with industry partners which introduces challenges
in Intellectual Property (IP) ownership. Due to the aforementioned challenges,
researchers usually resolve to lab simulation, which may not produce realistic results.
We reviewed the literature related to NIDS that monitor the network for a
specific attack signature (signature-based) or any deviation of the network’s normal
behaviour (anomaly-based). Although IDS aim to detect malicious activities in a
network, it is difficult for IDS to detect a malware-infected host, as they do not
consume a lot of bandwidth and so fly under the radar. In the following section,
we review research contributions that focus on detecting specifically malware-
oriented attacks.

3.3 Malware Analysis, Detection, and Classifica-

Malware is a constant cyber challenge for organisations, and research efforts, such
as [152–155], have aimed for a better understanding of their behaviour. Most
malware use network communication to contact their C&C servers [17] and launch
their attacks. Hence, there have been various approaches and methodologies to its
detection through network monitoring and analysis and using different characteristics
of the network traffic. The research community was active in proposing techniques
to collect [156], analyze [157], classify [158] and detect malware [159, 160].
Host-based Malware Analysis and Family Classification— Perhaps the
main challenge for anti-malware vendors is the growing stream of incoming malware
samples due to the use of polymorphic and metamorphic techniques, allowing the
same malware to be modified avoiding detection. Although the binary classification
of an unknown executable to either malicious or benign (malware detection) is
important, accurately determining which family the malicious executable belongs
to is also a much sought after application [100, 161].
Early malware family classification contributions focused on classifying malware
based on the malware binary content or sequence of bytes in binary files. For
example, the authors in [54] performed malware family classification using n-grams
3. Literature Review 27

of bytecode. However, such content-based approaches require dissembling the

binary, which is a time-consuming process and vulnerable to malware obfuscation.
Dynamic analysis was applied for malware classification to construct system calls
behaviour graphs [55] and control flow graph signatures [162]. Bayer et al. [163]
used dynamic analysis to generate malware behavioural profiles used as features
in a clustering algorithm to group malware based on behaviour. Rieck et al. [56]
applied dynamic analysis to identify the unique behavioural features of malware
samples and use these features to build Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers
that map unknown samples to known malware families.
Similarly, Rieck et al. [57] proposed a framework for malware behavioural
analysis, using clustering (to identify novel malware with similar behaviour) and
classification (to assign unknown malware to these clusters).
Although these approaches are effective in classifying malware by observing their
host-level behaviour, they require access to the binary executable, which might not
be possible in specific scenarios (i.e. MSSP SOC and fileless malware).
Network-based Malware Detection— Rule-based approaches [72] rely on
defining rules by studying the behaviour of infected hosts in a controlled environ-
ment. The behaviour includes communication with the C&C server or the use of
obfuscated protocols, which results in defining a rule-based signature of its behaviour.
Researchers and anti-virus vendors usually use honeypots to capture malware in the
wild and observe their behaviour in a controlled environment. For example, Anubis
[73] and SWSandbox [74] provide insight into the dynamic network behaviour of
malware. The main objective is to analyse binary samples of malware variants to
create rule-based signatures of each malware family for the NIDS to apply.
Observing and analysing network traffic is another method. For example, Xue
et al. [75] proposed a malware detection model that detects trojan network com-
munications during three stages: connection establishment, operating control, and
connection maintenance, using Bayes classification algorithm. It uses communication
flows, thus is capable of detecting unknown or encrypted malware.
Gu et al. proposed BotHunter [82] that detects a bot’s network activities
during its multiple stages of the botnet lifecycle using infection dialogues. It
monitors a network’s incoming and outgoing communication flows by correlating
the evidence trail of flow exchanges that matches a malware infection sequence
pattern. The authors model malware communication flows during its infection life
cycle as a sequence of events. Using this dialogue model, BotHunter recognizes
successful bot infections by correlating the loosely ordered communication events;
a technique called dialogue correlation. Unfortunately, this approach focused on
3. Literature Review 28

monitoring networks at the perimeter and did not include local host modification
and internal network propagation.
BotHunter is only effective on unencrypted network traffic and requires multiple
bot infections on the network to detect bot activity [36]. Similarly, BotMiner [81]
requires multiple bot infections for detection and does not consider active bot
propagation through scanning [36]. However, it does improve on BotHunter
by not requiring unencrypted traffic. Ashfaq et al. [83] extended the infection
dialog proposed by BotHunter [82] to include passive propagation mechanisms
such as spam.
Gu et al. proposed BotSniffer [78], a network anomaly-based botnet detection
system, to detect the malware’s C&C communications with protocols such as
IRC and HTTP. The approach utilizes spatial-temporal correlation and statistical
algorithms to detect the synchronisation of hosts’ network traffic. The authors
hypothesised that botnet C&C communication has a certain pattern that is a
result of pre-programmed activities. However, this approach requires multiple
infected bots on the same network.
Gu et al. also proposed BotMiner [81], a network anomaly detection system
that exploits the similarity of botnets C&C communications and malicious network
patterns. Tegeler et al. proposed BotFinder [84], a bot detection system that
monitors network traffic for C&C communication to detect bot-infected hosts. It
builds a model of C&C network patterns of the different malware families; thus,
traffic that matches the model is flagged as malicious. Compared to BotSniffer [78]
and BotMiner [81], the approach detects individually infected hosts and therefore
does not need to correlate network activities of multiple hosts. Moreover, it does
not rely on payload information, but high-level network data such as NetFlow in the
detection, making it applicable to encrypted botnet traffic. Abaid et al. [85] analyzed
botnet network behaviours and identified those that are synchronised across multiple
bots. However, they only focused on the detection of spam and port scanning.
C&C Detection— Since malware is normally distributed, managed, and
coordinated through remote servers, research efforts have focused on monitoring,
detecting, and blocking these malicious domains. Such malware communicates to
C&C servers to receive commands using protocols such as IRC, or more commonly
HTTP since web traffic is not usually blocked in most organisations.
For example, Botzilla [77] monitored malware network traffic, specifically a bot’s
communication to the C&C server, in a sandboxed environment to find patterns
and generate network signatures. Bilge et al. proposed Disclosure [79] that extracts
flow size-based features, client access patterns, and temporal behaviour features
3. Literature Review 29

from Netflow communication to detect botnet C&C communications. ProVeX [80]

is a system that focused on the detection of C&C encrypted communications by
focusing on network messages and extracting the C&C protocol semantics.
Other contributions such as [86–89] applied active probing to identify malware’s
underlying malicious C&C servers. Active probing is based on network fingerprinting
these malicious servers by sending crafted packets to remote servers and determine
if they are malicious, based on their response. For example, CYBERPROBE [87]
utilises machine learning to produce network fingerprints from the network traces
of malware families. However, this approach does not produce fingerprints for
malware with replay protection or where C&C servers are not live [88]. Most
malware uses a pull-based C&C protocol, where malware contacts the C&C server
for further instructions instead of C&C servers’ incoming probes being blocked
by NAT gateways and firewalls.
AutoProbe [88] supports pull-based C&C protocols, extending CYBERPROBE [87]
by leveraging dynamic malware analysis and active probing to generate fingerprints
of malicious C&C servers. AutoProbe addresses some limitations of CYBERPROBE
as it makes fingerprints even when C&C servers are not live during fingerprint
generation. Although active probing has been efficient in detecting malicious
domains, it requires a probe of the entire Internet, including benign hosts, thus
disturbing legitimate hosts.
DNS Detection— A number of approaches for detecting malicious domains
through DNS analysis have been attempted. EXPOSURE [90] uses a DNS analysis
approach to detect malicious domains used by malware. It utilized 15 features
to differentiate DNS names, how they are constructed, and how they are queried.
NOTOS [91], a domain name reputation system assigns reputation scores to domain
names whose maliciousness is yet to be determined.
Malware resort to evasion techniques by rapidly changing their domain names
and the associated IP addresses (IP-fluxing and domain-fluxing [92]) to avoid
detection by blacklists and IDS and increase resilience. For example, Hu et al. [93]
analyses NetFlow traffic to detect redirection flux utilized by a type of malware
(redirection botnets). However, the approach is not able to identify flux agents
being used as transparent proxies, instead of redirection points [94]. Perdisci
et al. [94] monitors DNS traffic in a network to capture queries to flux domain
names. It takes a passive approach and does not interact with the malicious domain
through, for example, active probing.
Similarly, Stalmans et al. [95] propose an approach deployed at the network edge
to detect fast-flux queries. The active probing method was also applied to detect
3. Literature Review 30

malicious domains through analysing DNS Queries. The approach repeatedly issues
DNS queries to a set of possible malicious domains and collects information about
the resolved IP addresses, to classify each domain name into either fast-flux or non-
fast-flux [96–98]. However, active probing may be detected by the adversary, which
then avoids responding to probing queries to prevent unveiling further information.
Manadhata et al. [99] modelled the malicious domain detection problem as an
inference problem on large host-domain graphs. A host-domain graph is constructed
from the proxy log and a seed of minimal ground truth; they then apply belief
propagation to estimate the marginal probability that the domain is malicious.
Similarly, this approach could be applied to other logs, such as DNS queries.
Malware Family Classification— Rossow et al.[76] proposed a dynamic
malware analysis environment by observing the network behaviour of 100,000
malware samples over long periods of time. The authors aimed to tackle the
limitations of previously proposed malicious network traffic tools [73, 74], such as
the short analysis period of a few minutes and the lack of detailed network behaviour
analysis. They also provide insights on DNS and HTTP malware traffic trends.
Rafique et al. [17] investigated the application of several machine learning algorithms
for malware classification. They propose a framework to classify malware based
on different network protocols (e.g. HTTP).
Malware behavioural clustering approaches aim to group malware behaviour
to reveal similarities between malware samples that may not be captured using
system-level malware analysis. Perdisci et al. in [103], proposed a network-level
clustering system to derive similarities in HTTP-based malware behaviour for
detection. FIRMA [104] used a similar approach to cluster and generate network
signatures for malware network traffic. Previous research also extracted malware
behavioural features as a sequence of values. For example, Santos et al. [105]
used n-grams, which are sub-strings of a larger string with length n, to generate
file signatures for malware detection.
Wressnegger et al. [102] studied the applicability of n-grams for anomaly
detection and classification. Mohaisen et al. [100] observed the high-level network
features of malware and applied n-gram document analysis for family classification.
Similarly, Mekky et al. [101] used n-grams to encode the order of sub-sequences of
malware network communication events to build malware classification models. The
authors applied a similar approach to [100] by first isolating malware traffic from
the benign traffic using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). However, their
approach differs from [100] as they use coarse-grained groups of network events so
that inbound, DNS, and port number are considered one network event. Similar
to [100], they use a count-based approach for network flow identification.
3. Literature Review 31

3.4 Cyber Data Fusion

Early IDS were stand-alone devices that monitored the network for local attacks.
However, as networks grew, IDS no longer scaled and a need for IDS that commu-
nicate with each other to detect more sophisticated and coordinated attacks that
occur in different places at the same time. Collaborative IDSs (CIDSs) emerged,
which contain several monitoring components that collect and exchange data [106].
The CIDS monitors produce alerts that are aggregated before performing analysis,
thus providing a more holistic view of the network security status.
To protect their networks from adversaries, organisations deploy heterogeneous
security devices such as IDS, firewalls, packet sniffers, SNMP traps, and honeypots.
These tools generate events in logs resulting in billions of logs each day. Several
studies proposed systems that correlate these log events to detect security incidents.
Data fusion in IDS, first proposed by [107], is a technique to aggregate data
from these various heterogeneous sources with different data structures for better
detection of intrusions. The author discussed the use of data fusion in near real-
time, combining it with offline data mining of the resulting big data for more
effective intrusion detection. Similarly, the authors in [108] utilized data fusion to
aggregate data from heterogeneous sources using a data fusion technique called
Dempster-Shafer (D-S) evidence theory to get a better sense of the data. The
most-reported challenge in these studies is big data – an aggregation of billions of
log alerts presented in heterogeneous data structures. Zuech et al. [109] present
a good survey on this issue discussing the big data challenges and heterogeneous
data aggregation contributions such as [110] and [111].
As Hall et al. [112] discussed, cyber fusion is a double-edged sword, as the
performance of a data fusion system may be worse than the individual monitoring
sensors. Therefore, cyber fusion systems need to be properly designed to avoid
what the author described as “catastrophic fusion”.
Researchers have investigated how organisations could better deal with the big
data challenge of their log data. Yen et al. [113] proposed Beehive that automatically
performs “large-scale” analysis of billions of device logs of heterogeneous data
structures for better detection of malicious activities in an organisation. It correlates
log information to detect malicious activities that are a result of policy violations
or malware and reports them as incidents. The incident response team then further
analyzes these incidents to determine if they are malicious or benign. The system
was deployed in a large enterprise EMC for two weeks, where 1.4 billion logs were
generated on average per day. The main issue faced when implementing the system
3. Literature Review 32

was “Big Data”, where the organisation devices generate billions of log alerts per
average a day stored in a SIEM, and “efficient data-reduction algorithms and
techniques” are required. Another challenge was “big velocity” as the organisation
deploys various heterogeneous devices with a wide verity of data structures, making
correlation of these events difficult. Moreover, they described some data as dirty, as
devices may generate logs that are either incomplete or inconsistent (different time-
stamps), making analysis an even more significant challenge. However, Beehive was
quite successful in detecting 784 security incidents compared to the eight detected
by the organisation’s existing security system, reducing the alerts inspected by 74%
by removing the white-listed target hosts. Hence, data log aggregation is found
to be a promising approach for effective intrusion detection.
Bocchin et al. [114] used network connectivity graphs to extract host events
relevant to a seed event to detect malicious network activities. The approach
passively monitors network traffic at the edge and extracts and logs events, such as
HTTP requests, DNS queries, and response or use of unknown protocols. When
an intrusion detection system flags an event, this event is the seed that triggers
the proposed system to correlate the logs correlated with the seed event. It then
models network activities of hosts over time (different network traffic samples
from the same host), space (connecting similar patterns across different hosts),
and network layers (HTTP, DNS, etc.). The approach provides analysts with
more visibility to what network traffic is associated with the IDS alert, thus more
understanding of the underlying activities.
APT Detection— Oprea et al. [115] propose a graph-based approach based
on belief propagation to detect malicious domains utilized by malware in the
early stages of an Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). The method was evaluated
using a large dataset of web proxy logs and utilizes supervised and unsupervised
machine learning algorithms. Given a seed of a known malicious host or domain,
the approach infers other possible domains or compromised hosts that belong
to the same criminal network.
Milajerdi et al. proposed Holmes [164], a real-time APT detection system
that correlates tactics, techniques, and procedures that might be used to carry
out each APT stage. HOLMES generates a high-level graph that summarizes
the attacker’s steps in real-time. Pei et al. proposed Hercule [165], a multi-stage
log-based APT attack detection. Inspired by graph analysis approaches, it builds a
graph by correlating log entries across multiple logs, then discovers attacks through
community detection algorithms. Similarly, Peng et al. [166] used a graph-based
approach for malicious domain detection.
3. Literature Review 33

Milajerdi et al. proposed ProPatrol [167], an APT attack provenance graph,

useful for APT forensic purposes. The approach utilizes malware communication
structure — for example, bots in an enterprise contact the same C&C server.
Liu et al. [168] propose an APT and insider threat detection approach. The
proposed approach converts log entries into a heterogeneous graph, proposing a
graph embedding to represent each log entry into a low-dimension vector. They
also propose a detection algorithm capable of separating malicious and benign log
entries into different clusters and identifying malicious ones.
Automation in SOCs — Recently, there has been an increased focus from the
research community on developing security tools to automate some of the operations
in SOCs such as data triage [117, 118], log aggregation [119], log mining [113], SIEM
alert filtering [120], and threat hunting [121]. Similarly, commercial products such
as “Security Automation and Orchestration (SOAR) platforms" [169, 170] provide
solutions for automatically detecting, preventing, and recovering from cyber-attacks.
Najafi et al. [171] presented threat detection in SIEM environments as a large-
scale graph inference problem. The knowledge graph models entities observed
in proxy and DNS logs, enriched with related Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
and Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). In addition, they propose a graph-based
inference algorithm designed to infer a node maliciousness score based on its
associations to other entities presented in the knowledge graph,e.g. shared IP
ranges or name servers.
Chau et al. [172] modelled malware detection as a large-scale graph mining
and inference task where nodes represent users and files, with edges between them
inferring a file present on a users’s machine. To identify malware, the proposed
method locates files with low reputation using an adapted version of the Belief
Propagation algorithm. Yen et al. proposed TAMD [116] to detect malware by
aggregating traffic that shares the same characteristics, such as external destination,
payload, and OS platforms.

3.5 Security Operation Centres

Probably the most notable research in understanding security practitioners’ role
in SOCs is work arising from the HOT Admin Research project [7, 122, 124, 125,
127], as well as research by Sundaramurthy et al. [10, 11, 22].
The HOT Admin project was aimed at understanding the human, organisational,
and technological factors (HOT) that impact security practitioners in Information
Technology Security Management (ITSM) in their daily tasks.
3. Literature Review 34

Botta et al. [7] aim to provide a better understanding of how practitioners of

Information Technology (IT) security skills and the use of their tools. They used
a questionnaire and conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 practitioners,
analyzing the data using open-coding and pre-designed themes in qualitative
methods. Their results suggest that the workplace can be categorized based on
the responsibilities of IT professionals. Specifically, the activities of professionals,
goals of the activities, tasks they perform to achieve goals and skills needed. In
addition, they discussed how the professionals feel about the tools they use in
terms of hardware reliability, accessibility, integrability into work practices, and
the ability to obtain training, consulting, and help with problems of usage in
combination with existing systems.
Werlinger et al. [125] conducted interviews to research challenges that IT security
practitioners faced when installing, configuring, and maintaining IDS, providing
recommendations to address them. Jaferian et al. [173], identified guidelines and
recommendations for designing ITSM tools from the literature as well as from prior
studies from the HOT project. Werlinger et al. [123] studied the challenges that
IT security practitioners face in across 17 organisations (academic, government,
and private), particularly among human, operational, and technological factors.
They identified 18 challenges that can affect IT security management within an
organisation, building an integrated framework of security challenges. Werlinger
et al. [124] then performed qualitative study activities that required interactions
between IT security practitioners and other stakeholders. The research found that
tools used by security practitioners to perform their security tasks provide insufficient
support to the complex interaction required in their job. The authors then offer
recommendations for addressing this complexity and improving IT security tools.
They extend this work in [122] by identifying tasks, skills, strategies, and
tools that security practitioners use to diagnose security incidents, identifying
opportunities for future research directions related to improving security tools.
Botta et al. [126] analyzed the data using Busby’s (2001) characterization of
distributed cognition, focusing on cues and norms, and how ITSM challenges
undermine their effective deployment.
Research by Sundaramurthy et al. [10, 11, 22, 128] takes an anthropological
approach studying three SOCS and making several observations regarding the
people, process, and technology. Specifically, in [22], they identified observations
related to operational tools/teams, workflow, and how teams come together in
solving security incidents. They identified factors that lead to analysts’ burnout
in a SOC, providing a model that explains the burnout phenomenon [11]. Using
3. Literature Review 35

Active Theory Model, they identified and list contradictions in SOCs that manifest
as conflicts. They present a Pentagon model for improving the SOC operations
by identifying tasks that can be automated and resolve conflicts [128]. Kokulu
et al. [12] applied a qualitative approach to identify technological, human, and
operational issues in SOCs across different sectors. The authors discussed limited
issues arising from technology (e.g. malfunctioning of SOC tools). One of the
most interesting findings was that analysts don’t perceive false positives to be a
major issue, despite academia’s belief.
Akinrolabu et al. [174] found that current IDS are inadequate in detecting
multi-stage attacks stealthy attacks. Although existing ML detection approaches
exists, the authors discussed how they rely on statistical features derived from
training sets limiting the models ability to detect new malware variants. The
authors conducted interviews with analysts, eliciting 17 behavioural-based network
features, capable of detecting novel attacks.
Paul et al. [175] studied how cybersecurity analysts establish and maintain
Situation Awareness (SA) by conducting interviews, observations, and a card
sorting activity. They identified questions analysts ask themselves when faced with
a networking event, developing a taxonomy of the questions for event detection
and orientation. D’Amico et al. [130] applied Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) to
understand the work processes, cognitive skills, and tools that analysts rely on to
achieve SA. They also identified the cognitive challenges and obstacles that impede
SA. Haney et al. [176] investigated the methods, tools, and challenges of Red and
Blue teams, identifying examples of successful integration and opportunities to
enhance SA. They also discuss design implications for tools that can facilitate SA
among multiple cyber-defense teams by supporting data fusion, change detection,
network mapping, and access tracking.
M’manga et al. [129] used Distributed Cognition and Grounded Theory, a
qualitative approach, to understand how security analysts make decisions about
risk. D’Amico et al. [131] studied the analysts’ analytic goals, tasks, and the
processes they follow, the decisions they make, and the data sources and tools used
to make those decisions and challenges they face.

3.6 Summary
In this chapter, we reviewed the existing related literature identifying their limi-
tations and the research gaps. Although previous work that considered malware
network communication patterns exists [81–85], as identified by [36] these either
3. Literature Review 36

require unencrypted network traffic (e.g. [82]), require multiple malware (i.e. bot)
infections on network (e.g. [78, 81, 82]), require active propagation through scanning
(e.g. [81]), or don’t consider local malware (i.e. bots) attacking local targets (e.g. [81]).
Importantly, most previous work on malware detection using machine learning
failed to evaluate the system in detecting unseen or new malware. This is crucial in
determining the systems’ performance over time in detecting new malware families.
Our review of existing literature studying SOCs revealed a shortage of systematic
and comprehensive research in describing the SOC landscape and the technological
and operational challenges therein. For example, research by Sundaramurthy et
al. [10, 11, 22, 128] applied ethnography research methods to study educational
SOCs, focusing only on their operational and personnel difficulties. Hence, the
strengths and weaknesses of the deployed technological solutions were not discussed.
To describe how these research gaps were addressed, we continue in the following
chapter by outlining our methodology.
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 Participant Recruitment and Demographics . . . . . . 38
4.3 Quantitative Method: Online Questionnaire . . . . . . 40
4.3.1 Data Collection: Online Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 Qualitative Method: Semi-structured Interviews . . . 41
4.4.1 Data Collection: Semi-Structured Interviews . . . . . . 41
4.4.2 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.4.3 Qualitative Research Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5.1 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5.2 Classifiers Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5.3 Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1 Introduction
We discuss in this chapter the research methods applied to investigate the research
aims identified in Chapter 1: (1) the role of SOC dimensions (people, process,
technology) on malware monitoring, detection and response; (2) designing novel
malware classification and detection systems that improves over existing state-
of-the-art tools.
For the first aim, we applied quantitative and qualitative research methods
reporting the findings in Chapters 5, 6, and 7. Ethical approval for this study

4. Methodology 38

Table 4.1: Survey Participants —(Expertise Level: Very High(H+), High(H),

Medium(M), Low(L)), (Organisation Size: Large(L), Medium(M), Small(S))

Years of Expertise Org. No. analysts Org.

ID Job Title
Exp. Level type in SOC Size
I1 0-3 Analyst H Security 1-9 S
I2 0-3 Analyst L Security 1-9 L
I3 - Architect H Security 20 - 29 M
I4 0-3 Analyst L Security 20 - 29 M
I5 3-5 Manager H Security 10 - 19 L
I6 5-7 Engineer H Other 10 - 19 L
I7 7 - 10 Engineer H+ Government 10 - 19 L
I8 10 - 15 Engineer H Government 10 - 19 L
I9 0-3 Analyst L Government 1-9 L
I10 0-3 Architect H Security - M
I11 0-3 Analyst M Security 10 - 19 L
I12 0-3 Analyst M Other 1-9 L
I13 3-5 Analyst H Security 1-9 L
I14 3-5 IR Manager H Security 200 + L
I15 0-3 Manager H Security 200 + L
I16 3-5 Analyst M Security - L
I17 0-3 Analyst L Security 1-9 L
I18 3-5 Analyst M Security 1-9 M
I19 0-3 Analyst M Security 10 - 19 S
I20 3-5 Analyst H Security 1-9 M

was granted by the Central University Research Ethics Committee, University of

Oxford (Reference: R48822/RE001).
To address the second research goal, we considered the limitations of existing
malware detection tools extracted in the literature review, and the requirements
identified in the qualitative research. These findings motivated the design of
malware classification and detection systems, evaluated through experimental
methods reported in Chapters 8 and 9. As similar research methods were applied in
these chapters, we describe them herein, complementing the methodology sections
included in their relevant chapters.

4.2 Participant Recruitment and Demographics

We describe our recruitment of participants for both the quantitative and the
qualitative parts of the study. Both studies targeted security practitioners who work
in SOCs such as security analysts, engineers and managers. The nature of SOC work
means that it often requires a high level of focus and prolonged attention to screens
under considerable time pressure [22]. As such, recruiting SOC practitioners to
participate in studies can be challenging: participation can be a burden on analysts,
for example, taking time away from investigating tickets (which poses a particular
challenge since some SOCs evaluate analysts based on the number of tickets processed
and solved [11]). In addition, gaining the trust of security practitioners as study
participants is essential to ensuring the validity of the data collected [11].
4. Methodology 39

Table 4.2: Interview Participants —(Expertise level: High(H), Medium(M), Low(L)),

(Organisation Size: Large(L), Medium(M), Small(S))

ID Job Title Expertise SOC Type Org. Size Customer

P1 SOC Manager - In-house M Other
P2 Lead Analyst H MSSP M Other
P3 Engineer - In-house M Other
P4 Engineer H MSSP M Other
P5 Lead Analyst H MSSP M Other
P6 Engineer - MSSP L Government
P7 Analyst M In-house L Government
P8 SIEM Engineer - In-house M Other
P9 Manager H MSSP M Other
P10 Cybersecurity Monitoring Analyst M MSSP M Other
P11 Unix, UTM coding L In-house M Other
P12 Engineer M In-house M Other
P13 Engineer, L3 analyst H MSSP M Other
P14 Analyst M Internal M Other
P15 Incident Responder H MSSP L Other
P16 Engineer, L3 analyst H In-house L Government
P17 Lead Analyst H MSSP M Other
P18 Analyst - MSSP L Government
P19 CISO H In-house L Government
P20 SOC Manager H In-house L Government
P21 Analyst L In-house L Government

In order to overcome these issues, we leveraged the institutional relationships in

our recruitment process. Leveraging such connections helped in establishing the
level of trust needed between the researchers and the participating organisations.
Thus, as the first stage in our study recruitment we contacted senior-level security
professionals in organisations that have a SOC. Due to the aforementioned challenges
in recruitment, our sampling was not random. We found that obtaining senior
management engagement and access to participants was more important than a
random sample which might have reduced bias in the results.
For the quantitative study, we asked these professionals to forward the online
survey to security practitioners within their SOC. Some organisations required
an opportunity to review the survey questions before forwarding them to their
practitioners. Surveys were distributed in March 2017. For the qualitative study,
we liaised with these senior-level professionals to arrange interview dates with
a convenient sample of their security practitioners. Interviews were conducted
between April 2017 and June 2017. Compensation for participation was not
provided. Gaining the acceptance from senior-level security practitioners within
the organisation helped in establishing a trust with the security analysts and
encouraged their participation, despite their busy work day. While there was
likely some overlap between participants in the quantitative and the qualitative
studies, our anonymisation of the online-survey results prevents us from determining
the extent of this.
4. Methodology 40

Our participants work across seven different SOCs from organisations of var-
ious sizes serving government and non-government organisations. We show the
demographics of our survey participants in Table 4.1 and interview participants
in Table 4.2. In survey responses, participants provided their demographics at
the beginning of the questionnaire. Hence, demographics such as Expertise Level
indicated in Table 4.1 were based on the participants self-evaluation. On the other
hand, the demographics of interview participants and their organisations were
extracted from the participant’s answer to the interview question: “Please describe
your position/job role/level”. Accordingly, the participants’ expertise reported in
Table 4.2 is based on the analyst level and number of years in the position. Hence,
level-3 analysts or lead analysts are scored as high on expertise compared to level-1
analysts or those who are new to the job, who are scored low.

4.3 Quantitative Method: Online Questionnaire

The design of our quantitative method encompassed the development of a ques-
tionnaire, participant recruitment, and the analysis of the results.

4.3.1 Data Collection: Online Questionnaire

Our review of the literature revealed that SOCs have various organisational struc-
tures, each with its own challenges. The purpose of the survey was to gather
information about working practice in our participating SOCs, and we anticipated
that these initial findings would guide further data collection in the qualitative
study. The full set of survey questions is provided in Appendix D. These are the
questions relating to SOC working processes; more specifically, those that focused
on identifying the SOC workflow and the security-monitoring approaches applied by
security analysts in SOCs (including their use of security tools and attack indicators).
We drew on existing literature to design our online survey questions. We
identified theories requiring validation and constructed questions on these aspects.
Example of such literature includes work by Garcia et al. [138] and Goodall et al. [177]
that explored challenges in intrusion detection systems such as the prevalence of
false-positives. Theories identified from such literature were asked in an online
survey of 20 security practitioners, in which participants were asked to indicate
their level of agreement with such assertions.
We used an online survey to enable remote participation, improving our reach
by enabling security practitioners located in other countries to participate, for
example. The survey took approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Prior to
4. Methodology 41

starting the survey, participants were presented with information about the research
goals, handling their data and the researchers’ contact information. Participants
then gave their consent for their participation. We offered participants the option to
comment on the questions and sections in the survey by providing free-text spaces.
In designing the survey questions, we incorporated feedback from subject-matter
experts (a security analyst, senior security professional and a SOC manager).
In our survey, we presented the analysts with a set of assertions on the human-
in-the-loop level in SOCs and the importance of maintaining awareness of the
network. Participants were asked to indicate their level of agreement with each
assertion using a Likert-Scale (1: “Strongly Disagree”, 2: “Disagree”, 3: “Neutral”,
4: “Agree”, 5: “Strongly Agree”). There is a discrepancy in the community as to
how to handle Likert scale data [178]. Therefore, we calculated both the mode and
median to analyse responses to the assertions. Mode or median values higher than 3
constituted overall agreement with an assertion as 3 was the neutral value. We also
calculated comparison of non-neutral scores (CNNS), which represents the ratio
of scores less than (1,2) and greater than (4,5) the neutral value (3). We present
the full list of assertions in Appendix (Tables B.1 and B.2).

4.4 Qualitative Method: Semi-structured Inter-

The design of our qualitative method encompassed designing and conducting
semi-structured interviews and the analysis of the results. We also recognise
the limitations in applying qualitative research methods, detailed in Section 4.4.3.

4.4.1 Data Collection: Semi-Structured Interviews

Our design of the qualitative research questions was influenced by our findings from
the quantitative online survey. We chose to conduct semi-structured interviews,
intending to extend discussion based on the flow of conversation. The interview
questions were structured as follows:
Interview Part 1— The first part of the interview was designed to encourage
the practitioners to talk about their daily tasks, tools they used, and the challenges
they face relating to tools and processes. In addition, we capture the security
practitioners’ perspectives on the importance of the human in the loop in SOC
operations and the potential of automation. We present the interview questions
in Appendix A.
4. Methodology 42

Interview Part 2— To understand the practitioners’ thought process when

dealing with an incident, we used scenario-based questions. The practitioners were
presented with a specific threat scenario and asked to talk through the tools they
will use and steps they follow to address the problem. For example, we asked
analysts to explain how they will go about investigating huge volumes of outgoing
traffic from a server to an external IP address. This helped elicit the influencing
factors on SOC operations that derive the practitioners’ actions and decisions. We
present the full description of the scenarios in Appendix A.
As with the online-survey questions, interview questions incorporated feedback
from three subject-matter experts who worked, or had previously worked, in SOCs
to ensure face validity [179]. We also ran a pilot interview with a security analyst,
gathering feedback on the questions to ensure their clarity and suitability for
the target audience.
The majority of the interviews were carried out face-to-face with participants
at the organisations at which they worked, in rooms exterior to the SOC. Due to
travel constraints, two participants were interviewed through a live video chat. The
interviews were audio-recorded and lasted approximately one hour each; however,
due to the nature of the job, one interview was interrupted multiple times for
the analyst to deal with an incoming incident and therefore lasted longer. In
addition, one organisation opted to have researchers conduct the interview with
multiple security practitioners at once.
We started the interviews with a brief introduction of ourselves and the study
objectives. Participants were presented with a participants information sheet
detailing the objectives of the study, the handling and anonymisation of the data,
and processes to withdraw from the study and the researchers contact information.
Participants provided their consent by signing the consent form. The participants
were allowed to withdraw from the study at any point, in which case their data
would be deleted.
The semi-structured interview then took place. The interviews were conducted
by two researchers in order to: 1 enable consistency of the data collection process,
2 mitigate the risk that an interviewer would bias participants by asking leading
questions, 3 obtain multiple researcher perspectives enabling peer reflection at a
later date, and 4 ensure that all questions were covered. However, not all questions
were discussed in-depth, depending on the participants’ position in the SOC.
4. Methodology 43

Table 4.3: Apriori Themes defined and used in Template Analysis.

Theme Description
SOC tasks that rely on analysts (humans) intelligence
1 Human-centered Tasks
and cognitive abilities for monitoring, detection and response.

SOC functionalities that rely on technology/tools for

2 Technology-focused Tasks
monitoring, detection and response.

Factors that influence SOC processes

3 Factors influencing SOC Process.
(e.g. type of SOC or type of client).

Tasks where analysts reported their reliance on knowledge

4 Importance of Knowing your Network of the monitored network and environment to analyse and
incident and make decisions.

Procedures in place and granularity levels of the collected

5 Network Traffic Collection
and stored network traffic.

Strengths of Network Security

6 Strengths analysts perceive of existing network security tools.
Monitoring Tools

Weaknesses of Network Security

7 Weaknesses analysts perceive of existing network security tools.
Monitoring Tools

Processes SOC analysts follow to prepare for, detect,

8 Understanding SOC Workflow
investigate and respond to a security incident.

Usage of machine learning technologies and opportunities

9 Automation and Machine Learning
for automation of tasks.

Challenges in the monitoring of internal network traffic

10 Internal Network Security Monitoring
for security incidents.

4.4.2 Data Analysis

The audio-recorded interviews were transcribed, resulting in textual data of 105,523
words for analysis and interpretation. We ensured ethical handling of the data by
preserving the anonymity of the participants and their organisations. All transcripts
were anonymised prior to analysis and stored with appropriate security protections.
We applied Template Analysis [180], starting with an apriori set of themes
we were interested in, and allowing the code to evolve with the addition of new
arising themes. Themes are a group of repeating ideas that enable researchers to
answer the study question [181]. Examples of themes identified in our study are
shown in Table 4.3. This analysis approach that is both inductive and deductive.
It is deductive as we built a hypothesis and developed theories by reading the
relevant literature and conducting the interviews, and inductive as we also identified
patterns in the data that build on the preconceived theories. Therefore, this analysis
approach was chosen over grounded theory due to themes in Template Analysis
being less prescriptive, providing the ability to identify and add new concepts if
discovered while allowing us to have preconceived theories [180]. Moreover, recent
closely related work have applied Template Analysis [128] to analyse qualitative
4. Methodology 44

data of their study on security operation centres. As studies on security operation

centres are still sparse, Template Analysis is useful due to our partial understanding
of the concepts need to be identified in the data [128]. We followed the Template
Analysis steps defined as follows:

• Define the Apriori Themes: We started with defining ten themes we were
interested in after reviewing the literature and the results of our survey to
guide our analysis, shown in Table 4.3.

• Familiarize with Data: Before we started with initial encoding, we read

through the interview transcriptions.

• Initial Coding: We started by taking (5) interviews and identifying parts in

the transcriptions that are relevant to the themes identified, assigning apriori
theme code the them. When an interesting part is encountered that did not
have a matching theme code, a new theme code is created or an existing
themes is broadened. We coded the data using NVIVO 1 , a well-known
software for qualitative data analysis. One of the useful features provided
by NVIVO is in highlighting the distribution of the codes within and across
the template. This can help to draw attention to the aspects of data that
require further investigation [180] and can also be used as a means of making
connections within the text.

• Produce Initial Template: We use the codes that arise from the subset of
the data to produce the initial template. The initial template may include
further sub-codes, thus producing a template with a hierarchy of codes within
each theme. We show a snapshot of the initial template in Appendix C.

• Develop the Template: This is an iterative process, where the initial

template is applied o the rest of the interviews, modifying the codes as
necessary until a final template is generated.

• Interpretation: Using the final template produced by coding all the interview
data, we interpreted the data and wrote our findings.

• Consistency and Quality: Researchers consulted other research team

members of the codes and findings, engaging in frequent reflections to maintain
the quality of the analysis and make sure personal beliefs, the familiarity of
the data, and biases do not affect our interpretation of the data.
4. Methodology 45

4.4.3 Qualitative Research Limitations

As the method applied is qualitative; our sample size is small and does not allow
us to draw quantitative, generalisable conclusions. An important consideration
is that each SOC is very different, in their size, structure and analysts’ skills.
Some SOCs have an analyst “playbook”, which defines how the analyst should
analyse a potential threat. Additionally, our participants are based primarily in
the UK, some working in SOCs serving UK-based public organisations. Therefore,
an overall generalisation may not be possible because of these differences. We
may, however, be able to identify trends that apply across all SOCs observed and
use these to form the basis of theories.
Due to the decision to use semi-structured interviews as the approach to the
qualitative study, the level of detail in which different participants discussed each
question varied. Self-reported data also have limitations such as recall and observer
bias. Furthermore, we report only those themes highlighted by the participants
in this study. It is possible that other themes may emerge in conversation with
other participants, and as such similar studies with further participants would be
valuable in validating the findings of this study.

4.5 Experimental Design

The design of our experimental method encompassed understanding the weaknesses
of existing malware detection and classification systems; extracting malware detec-
tion and classification system design goals; building a prototype of the system; and
conducting experiments to evaluate the performance of the various system modules.
We discuss in the following sections the ML algorithms used to build the system
detection models and the datasets and metrics used for system evaluation.

4.5.1 Dataset
We used three datasets in evaluating our proposed systems.
ISCX Botnet Dataset— This dataset contains malicious and benign traffic
and is split into training and testing sets with 5 and 13 bots respectively. The
dataset contains traffic from 5283 and 9896 benign hosts for training and testing
respectively with 27 bot-infected hosts. The benign traffic in the dataset contains
activities such as SSH, HTTP, Web browsing, World of Warcraft gaming, bit-
torrent clients such as Azureus, web and email traffic and backup and streaming
media, and SMTP mimicking users’ behaviour. We refer the reader to [182] for
a detailed description of the dataset.
4. Methodology 46

Stratosphere IPS Project— This datatset provided by The Stratosphere

Research Laboratory 2 contains over 300 malware samples of current malware that
was first seen in the wild between years 2013-2018 such as WannaCry, Emotet,
and BitCoinMiner.
Malware Capture Facility Project (MCFP), CTU-13 Dataset— The
CTU-13 dataset contains 13 scenarios of botnet network traffic. The botnet families
represented in the dataset employed various protocols (e.g. IRC, P2P, HTTP and
various techniques (e.g. sending SPAM, DDoS attacks, Fast-Fluxing). Our main
motivation for using this dataset is that real botnet attacks network traces were
captured, providing reliable datasets for model building.
In addition to running all samples on the same network environment, precautions
were taken to ensure that the full bot network flows were captured and outgoing
traffic was not filtered or rate-limited. This ensures that the data is clear from
artefacts that can affect the classifier performance, due to how the collection
environment was set up. For more information about the nature of the dataset
scenarios and how it was generated see [183].

4.5.2 Classifiers Design

We applied supervised ML algorithms, meaning they learn a function that maps an
input to an output using labelled data. In our initial experiments, we evaluated the
performance of four supervised machine learning algorithms: k-Nearest Neighbour
(KNN), Random Forest (RF) [184], Neural Networks (NN) [185] and Support
Vector Machines (SVM) [186]. Both k-Nearest Neighbour and Random Forest
(RF) performed best in our initial results in terms of classifier performance and
speed of classifier training. Hence, we only applied both algorithms in our system
design which we describe in the following.
KNN– KNN is a non parametric lazy learning algorithm, meaning, it does
not make assumptions about the data distribution. It can be applied for both
classification and regression problems. We apply KNN to a classification problem,
where the output would be a class of which the input belongs to, predicted by the
majority vote of its k closest neighbours. It simply assumes that the classification
of a sample is similar to other samples that are nearby in the vector space. Various
distance measures can be applied to find the closest neighbours. We apply the
most used method, Euclidean Distance [187].
One of the challenges in KNN is defining the value of k. The value of k plays
a critical role in the accuracy of the classification. Smaller values lead to a low
4. Methodology 47

accuracy, especially when there is noise in the data, whilst larger values slows the
classifier performance and can lead to overfitting. Overfitting is a modeling error
that occurs when the algorithm function is too closely or exact fit to a particular
set of data points, therefore, failing to classify additional data reliably.
Random Forest— Random Forest is an ensemble classifier that leverages
multiple decision trees to produce a better prediction accuracy. It aggregates the
decision trees individual predictions and combine into a final prediction, based on a
majority voting of the individual predictions. The trees are trained using different
subsets of the training set, thus overcoming over-fitting issues of an individual
decision tree. However, random forests is an ensemble model. Hence, its predictions
are inherently less interpretable than individual decision trees.

4.5.3 Evaluation Metrics

For evaluating the performance of the classifiers, the following evaluation met-
rics were used:

1. Precision— Precision is the number of True Positives (T P ) divided by

the number of True Positives (T P ) and False Positives (F P ), (P recision =
T P/(T P + F P )). A low precision can indicate a large number of False
Positives (F P ).

2. Recall— Recall is the number of True Positives (T P ) divided by the number

of True Positives (T P ) and the number of False Negatives (F N ), (Recall =
T P/(T P + F N )). A low recall indicates many False Negatives. Therefore,
we seek an analysis setup that maximizes the precision and recall.

3. F-measure (i.e. F1 score)— F-measure is an aggregated performance score,

that combines both precision and recall (F 1 = 2T P/(2T P + F P + F N )). A
perfect discovery of classes yields F 1 = 1, where either a low precision or
recall result in a low F-measure.

4.6 Summary
In this chapter, we discussed the methodology followed to carryout the research
goals identified in Chapter 1. We applied quantitative methods in form of an
online survey to gain an understanding of the cyber threats our participants face
and the monitoring and detection tools they deploy. Qualitative method is then
applied through the use of semi-structured interviews that allow us to gain a
4. Methodology 48

rich understanding of the inner workings of the SOC, their tool use and the
challenges therein. We also discussed the experimental design used to develop
malware detection and classification systems, in designing the ML classifiers, and
the datasets and metrics used for evaluation.
As these research methods are used consistently throughout the thesis, this chap-
ter provides a reference to these methods, complementing additional methodology
details provided in each chapter. In the next chapter, we present the findings of our
online survey. These findings highlighted interesting research questions about the
participating SOCs that we followup on using semi-structured interviews.
SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network
Monitoring Tools

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.2 Security Tools Detection Capability . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3 Security Monitoring Tools Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.4 Network Features & Indicators of Compromise (IOC) 56
5.5 Network Monitoring Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.6 Assertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.7 Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.1 Introduction
We commence our study on understanding malware monitoring and detection in
SOCs by conducting quantitative research through an online questionnaire. The goal
of the survey was to understanding the operational landscape that SOC analysts
are working in well enough to develop research questions. SOCs are diverse with
distinctive setups and goals; thus, the people, technology, and processes will be
unique as well. Hence, we followed an inductive approach and used a quantitative
study as a starting point for our qualitative research. The results of the survey
helped us to design our qualitative study, which we discuss in Chapters 6 and 7.
In the following, we explore the results provided by our survey: how security
practitioners view tool detection capabilities, which tools they use, network features

5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 50

and indicators of compromise valuable in the threat detection; and the practitioners
agreement to assertions.

5.2 Security Tools Detection Capability

We asked our survey participants what security incidents their organisations face and
whether they believe that the tools they have now are good at detecting/addressing
these threats. Figure 5.1 shows the participant’s responses based on their organisa-
tion size while Figure 5.2 shows responses based on type of client (government and
non-government). The percentage annotated on the bar represents the percentage
of participants per category, while the length of the bar represents the percentage
in overall participants regardless of category.
Threats— We wanted to understand the top threats that our participating
organisations defend against. We asked: What are the main network security threats
your organisation faces? It is essential to highlight that these are the most frequent
threats that the organisation faces. Thus, a low score for a threat does not indicate
that the organisation does not mean the organisation is not susceptible to that
threat; it just suggests that it is not the most frequent.
Most participants (85%) agreed that most threats they face are abnormal
user activity, 80% Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), and 75% viruses, worms,
trojans, and phishing emails. Interestingly, only 60% reported that ransomware,
an emerging threat, was a threat their organisation faces. Specifically, only 33% of
participants from government organisations think ransomware is a threat. However,
as this study was conducted in 2017, this perception may have changed since then,
especially with the rise of ransomware in following years. On the other hand,
analysts from government SOCs all agreed that the main threats they face are
APTs, abnormal network activity, abnormal user activity, and unauthorized access
attempts. Analysts from non-government SOCs reported that the main threat they
face is abnormal user activity and phishing emails (82%) and APT (76%).
Large organisations find the main threat to be APT (92%) and viruses, worms,
and trojans (85%), and abnormal user activity (77%). On the other hand, medium
organisations all agree that abnormal user activity is the main threat their or-
ganisation faces and 80% for ransomware and phishing emails. All analysts from
small organisations agreed that abnormal user activity, scanning, viruses, trojans,
worms, and phishing emails are the top threats.
Tools— Next, we wanted to understand which of the previous threats do their
current security systems detect and which they would be better addressing if they
Threats Tools Detect Well Tools Need Improvment
Web defacement 8 23 2050 23
Viruses, Worms, Trojans 85 40 100 100 80 100 15 20
Unauthorised access attempts 69 60 50 85 100 100 15 50
Scanning (reconnaissance e.g. port scans) 54 40 100 92 100 100 15
Ransomware 54 80 50 54 80 100 38 20
Policy violation (e.g. gaming, streaming) 62 2050 92 100 50 23
Phishing emails (including spear-phishing) 69 80 100 85 80 100 8 20
Next-generation malware (e.g. Bots) 46 20 54 40 50 54 40 50
Insider threats 69 60 50 46 20 100 46 40 50
Denial of service attacks 46 60 77 100 100 15
Brute-force attacks 46 40 50 85 100 100 8
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) 92 60 50 77 40 50 62 80 50
Abnormal user activity 77 100 100 92 100 50 38 2050
Abnormal network activity 62 60 50 69 80 100 62 20



Participants (%) Participants (%) Participants (%)

Large enterprise Medium enterprise Small enterprise

5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools

Figure 5.1: Threats organisations face, what tools detect them and what needs improvement based on participating organisation size.
Threats Tools Detect Well Tools Need Improvment
Web defacement 33 29 33 12
Viruses, Worms, Trojans 67 76 100 94 18
Unauthorised access attempts 100 59 100 88 18
Scanning (reconnaissance e.g. port scans) 67 53 100 94 12
Ransomware 33 65 76 67 24
Policy violation (e.g. gaming, streaming) 67 47 100 88 18
Phishing emails (including spear-phishing) 33 82 100 82 12
Next-generation malware (e.g. Bots) 33 35 33 53 100 41
Insider threats 67 65 33 47 67 41
Denial of service attacks 33 47 100 82 12
Brute-force attacks 67 41 100 88 6
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) 100 76 67 65 67 65
Abnormal user activity 100 82 100 88 41
Abnormal network activity 100 53 67 76 33 47



Participants (%) Participants (%) Participants (%)

Government Other
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools

Figure 5.2: Threats organisations face, what tools detect them and what needs improvement based on of SOC client (government and
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 53

had the tools. We asked:Which of these security incidents do your systems detect?,
and Which of the following network security incidents do you believe you could
do better at addressing if you had the tools?
Most participants (90%) reported that their tools detect abnormal user activity,
which is the main threat they face daily. Similarly, most analysts find that the
tools they have are capable of detecting threats such as phishing emails (85%),
unauthorized access (90%), scanning (95%), policy violations (90%), DoS (85%),
brute force attacks (90%), and viruses, trojans, and worms (95%).
Although 80% of the participants reported that APT is a threat their organisation
faces, only 65% of the participants believe that the tools they have can detect them.
Still, 65% of the participants believe that they can do better if they had the tools.
Similarly, 60% reported that ransomware is a threat, with 65% believing that current
tools detect them. Participants that reported that their tools detect ransomware
are from non-government organisations. Interestingly only 30% of the participants
think they would be better in addressing ransomware if they had the tools.
Insider threats are also a challenge as 45% believe that current tools can detect
insiders, while 45% think they can do better if they had the tools. Although 50% of
participants reported that next-generation malware (more advanced malware such
as bots) is a top threat they face, the participants were divided as 50% reported
that their tools are capable of detecting it, whilst 50% think they can do better
if they had the tools. Analysts from government SOCs all agreed that they can
do better in detecting malware if they had the tools.

5.3 Security Monitoring Tools Use

We asked our participants: Which of the following network monitoring tools do
you use? We show the results in Figure 5.3. 90% of the participants reported
that they use Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), 80% use Wireshark/Nmap, 80%
Use a SIEM and 55% use Data/log Aggregation Tools (e.g. Splunk). However,
20% (4/20) of our participants reported that they do not use a SIEM. In analyzing
the data, we found that one participant did not select any tools and commented
“Not at liberty to say.” However, in further questions, the analyst did specify
that they do monitoring using a SIEM. Another analyst reported they use a
log aggregation tool (e.g. Splunk) and not a SIEM. The other two participants
reported they use an IDS and Wireshark, with one mentioning Cisco ASA, an
adaptive security appliance that combines firewall, antivirus, intrusion prevention,
and Virtual Private Network (VPN) capabilities.
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 54

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - signature-based 100 88

(e.g Snort, Cisco Secure IDS )
Text-based data presentation (e.g. 100 76
Wireshark/tcpdump, Nmap)
Information and Event Management (SIEM) 67 82
Network monitoring (e.g. Argus, Bro) 33 41
Data collection/ log aggregation (e.g. Splunk) 65
Policy management/profiling/posture assessment 33 24
tool (e.g. Cisco ISE)
Security visualisations 47
DNS Enforcer/Intelligent Proxy (e.g. Cisco 18
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - anomaly based 18
(e.g. Spade)
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - using machine 6
0 10 20 30 40
Participants (%)
Government Non-Government

Figure 5.3: Which of the following network monitoring tools do you use?

Only one participant (medium enterprise, 1-9 analysts, non-government) men-

tioned that they use machine learning-based tools. However, they did not indicate
which tool they use. Participants that reported they use anomaly detection tools
(15%) are from large non-government organisations.
To determine what features SOCs look for in a security tool, we asked: How
important are the following features in choosing an ideal network monitoring system?
We show the Figure 5.4 that 55% of the participants find that detection accuracy
is a very important feature. False Positives (FP) and False Negatives (FN) are
also important features— 55% participants think FN is a very important feature.
The cost of the tool is also an important factor (50%), as well as cross-vendor
API and required processing power (40%). Interestingly, although the cost was
a significant factor, only 20% of the participants thought that open source was
an important feature. One participant commented: “Business requirements shift
the relative importance of each factor.”
SIEM— As we discussed in the previous section, 80% analysts indicated they
use a SIEM. We wanted to determine which data sources are monitored and whether
they are being monitored through a SIEM or individually. We asked: Which
network security data sources do you monitor in your work? For each source you
monitor, please indicate whether you monitor the source using a Security Incident
and Event Management (SIEM) tool or individually?
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 55

cross-vendor API compatibility 5 20 30 40 5

Speed in aggregating evidence/triaging events 5 15 50 30
Sophisticated Alert management capabilities 5 5 25 40 25
Required processing Power 5 20 35 40
Open Source 15 5 60 5 15
Number of FP 5 15 45 35
Number of FN 10 15 20 55
Easy to Setup/Configure/maintain 10 35 35 20
Detection Accuracy 10 35 55
Data Visualisations 10 10 25 40 15
Customisable 10 5 15 35 35
Cost of required Storage 25 45 30
Cost (money) 10 40 50
Compatability with Existing HW 5 25 40 30
Participants (%)

Very unimportant Neutral Very important

Unimportant Important I don't know

Figure 5.4: How important are the following features in choosing an ideal network
monitoring system?

We show the results in Figure 5.5. Most data sources are monitored through a
SIEM. However, 30% of the analysts reported that they monitor network packet
captures individually, with 10% indicating they do not monitor packet captures at
all. Similarly, 20% of the analysts stated they do not monitor Netflow data, and
15% monitor it individually. 25% indicated they do not monitor website logs. This
is not surprising, as only one analyst reported that web defacement is one of the
threats their organisation faces, as shown in Figure 5.1.
We want to determine which logs are considered important in detecting malicious
activities on a network. We ask: Q24: How important are the following data sources
in detecting malicious activity on the network? We show the results in Figure 5.6.
Overall, analysts find these data sources important. Other data sources that analysts
reported in the comments are threat intelligence and user reporting. One analyst
commented, “User reporting is very important and also mail server logs are essential
unless you are running PCAP device across your mail traffic.”
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 56

Website logs 55 5 25 15
Web proxy logs 75 5 5 15
Server Logs 85 5 5 5
Network packet Captures 55 30 10 5
Netflow 55 15 20 10
IPS Logs 75 15 10
IDS Logs 80 20
Host Logs 80 5 10 5
Firewal logs 85 10 5
DNS logs 70 5 10 15
Authentication logs 80 5 15
Antivirus logs 75 10 10 5
Anomaly Detection 65 10 10 15
Participants (%)
Monitor using a SIEM Monitor individually Do not monitor I don't know

Figure 5.5: Which network security data sources do you monitor in your work? For
each source you monitor, please indicate whether you monitor the source using a Security
Incident and Event Management (SIEM) tool or individually?

5.4 Network Features & Indicators of Compro-

mise (IOC)

Figure 5.7 shows the analysts opinion on the importance of network traffic features.
Analysts found that source and destination IP addresses are an important feature.
Equally as important is Packet Content, although, it is an issue when traffic is
encrypted. However, as pointed out by one participant, the importance of these
features depends on the nature of the attack in hand.
When investigating a possible incident, analysts look for Indicator of Compromise
(IOC). Figure 5.8 shows the analysts’ opinions of the importance of IOC. 70% found
that suspicious registry or system file changes and anomalies in the account activity
of a privileged user are very important features, both which are host-based activities.
However, one participant noted that they look at a combination of IOCs rather
than one specific IOC, as threat feeds generally group IOCs.
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 57

Windows domain controllers that log

authentication attempts within the corporate 20 35 45
Web proxies that log every outbound 40 55 5
VPN servers that log remote connections to 5 20 40 30 5
the enterprise network
Security vulnerability mailing lists/blog 35 45 20
Network traffic Traces 15 45 35 5
Network Firewall 10 60 30
Internal network traffic 10 70 20
IPS Alert logs 5 5 50 35 5
IDS Alert Logs 5 5 40 50
Data Server logs 5 15 65 15
DNS Logs 20 50 30
DHCP servers that log dynamic IP address 10 15 40 30 5
Antivirus software that logs the results of 5 10 5 45 30 5
malware scans on end hosts.
Anomaly Detection logs 70 30
Participants (%)

Very unimportant Neutral Very important

Unimportant Important I don't know

Figure 5.6: How important are the following data sources in detecting malicious activity
on the network?

5.5 Network Monitoring Efforts

In our survey, we wanted to understand the network monitoring focus of the
participating SOCs. We found that remediation and prevention are mostly done by
large organisations (in addition to detection), while medium/small organisations are
focusing more on detection. We asked our participants on their responsibilities in
the SOC, showing their responses in Figure 5.9. 90% of the participants indicated
that their job entails monitoring IDS, 85% on incident handling, and 75% on
monitoring network and system logs. 60% reported that their role requires producing
technical documentation.
SOCs are known to be overwhelmed with the number of alarms. Hence, we
asked our participants to indicate the number of security alarms their organisation
receives daily. We show the results in Figure 5.10. 45% reported that they receive
less than 5K alarms daily. Participants receiving over 100K alarms are from large
enterprises, 40% serving government customers.
From these alarms, some analysts shared the number of alarms they process
daily and the amount that they found to be legitimate. For example, one participant
indicated that 1 out of 100 alarms they investigate is an actual alarm (i.e. genuine
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 58

Web refferer 5 25 30 35 5
User-agent string 5 50 40 5
Source Port 10 35 55
Source IP 30 70
Sent/received bytes 20 50 25 5
Protocol 5 50 45
Packet Size 10 25 35 30
Packet Content 10 20 70
HTTP Status code 10 50 40
Domain reputation 10 40 50
Domain Category 10 15 35 40
Destination port 45 55
Destination IP 25 75
Destination Domain URL 30 70
DNS Response 10 65 25
Byte Size 10 15 45 30
Participants (%)

Very unimportant Neutral Very important

Unimportant Important I don't know

Figure 5.7: How important are the following network traffic features in detecting
malicious activity on the network?

threat). Another participant stated a 200:50 ratio. Both participants are not from
a large organisation. Participants from small/medium organisations have reported
that they investigate more alarms than participants from large organisations, thus
encountering more false positives. The sophisticated capabilities of the tools deployed
by large organisations, due to having more resources, may lead to producing more
reliable alarms. Hence, the overwhelming number of FPs produced in small/medium
participating organisation requires them to focus their resources on detection.

5.6 Assertions
In order to obtain the analysts opinion on various areas of the SOC operation, we
asked analysts to indicate their level of agreement with each statement. We used
Likert-Scale (1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly
Agree). We present the full results of the assertions in Tables B.1 and B.2.
Human in the Loop— We wanted to measure how much analysts rely on
their experience in analysing and detecting malicious activity as opposed to relying
on security monitoring system alerts. We show the results in Figure 5.11. 55%
analysts indicated that they rely on their experience over 51% of the time. Overall,
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 59

Web traffic with inhuman behavior 10 35 50 5

Users' complaint of slow system 15 25 30 25 5
Unusual outbound network traffic (sudden 5 35 60
spike in traffic)
Unexpected patching of systems 5 15 20 30 30
Swells In database read volume 5 10 50 20 15
Suspicious registry or system file changes 5 5 20 70
Signs of DDoS activity 20 20 60
Mobile device profile changes 5 15 15 40 15 10
Mismatched port-application traffic 5 15 45 30 5
Log-in red flags 25 40 25 10
Large numbers of requests for the same file 5 25 55 15
HTML response sizes 5 25 45 15 10
Geographical irregularities 5 10 55 20 10
DNS request anomalies 15 35 50
Bundles of data in the wrong places 5 25 55 15
Anomalies in privileged user account activity 30 70
Participants (%)

Very unimportant Neutral Very important

Unimportant Important I don't know

Figure 5.8: How important are the following Indicators of Compromise in detecting
malicious activity on the network?

Monitor IDS
Incident handling
Monitoring network and systems logs
Produce technical documents
Provide training and security awareness
Track and trace intruders
Provide and answer a hotline
Perform security policy development
Security configuration administration
Vulnerability handling
Perform virus handling
Vulnerability assessments
Publish advisories or alerts
Perform artifact analysis
Vulnerability scanning
Perform forensic evidence collection
Security product development
Pursue legal investigations
Penetration testing
0 20 40 60 80
Participants (%)

Figure 5.9: Which tasks are you required to carry out in your role?

as the experience of the analyst gets higher the more reliant they are on their
experience and intuition. That is expected, as experienced analysts are assigned
more complex tasks such as hunting. In addition, in Table B.2 — Human in the
loop analysts agree on the importance of the human role in detection, filtering
false positives, and preliminary analysis of events.
Data Fusion— We wanted to determine whether the aggregation of multiple
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 60

Less Than 5K
I don't know
Over 150K
0 10 20 30 40
Participants (%)

Figure 5.10: How many network security alarms does your organisation receive on
average daily?

data sources are helpful for the analyst to perform their job. The analysts agree
that they are required to simultaneously monitor information from multiple data
sources (M edian = 4, M ode = 4), as well as monitor the state of multiple network
devices(M edian = 4, M ode = 4). Overall, the analysts believe that the tools
they have are adequate technologies for aggregation and correlation from multiple
sources (M edian = 4, M ode = 4). However, the analysts reported that the
heterogeneous data structures or incomplete/inconsistent logs are still a challenge
(M edian = 4, M ode = 4).
Network Monitoring Tools— We asked analysts how satisfied they are
with the network monitoring tools. Specifically, we asked them about the FPs,
FNs, and their use of scripts for the detection of threats and aggregation. Most
analysts agreed that current network monitoring tools frequently produce false
positive alarms (M edian = 4, M ode = 4). However, the analysts’ response on
whether the tools deployed in their organisations produce false-negatives was
inconclusive (M edian = 3, M ode = 3).
Intrusion Detection Systems— As we discussed in Section 5.2, 90% of
analysts reported they used IDS. We wanted to determine analysts’ opinions of on
IDS capabilities. Overall, the analysts’ responses were quite split between agree and
disagree and thus inconclusive. However, analysts do agree that they find that the
number of alerts generated by most IDS is overwhelming (M edian = 4, M ode = 4).
Knowing your Network— We investigate how important analysts believe
knowing the network is in analyzing incoming threats. Overall, the analysts
agree that it is important to keep up with changes in the configuration of the
network and knowing the network environment (M edian = 4, M ode = 4). Most
analysts agreed that they keep track of the network configurations using a database
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 61

Very high 0% 0% 100%

High 20% 20% 60%

Medium 60% 0% 40%

Low 50% 0% 50%

100 50 0 50 100

1% - 10% of the time 31% -50% of the time 71% - 80% of the time I don't know
11% - 30% of the time 51% - 70% of the time 81% - 100% of the time

Figure 5.11: How much do you rely on your experience in analysing and aggregating
data sources to detect malicious activity as opposed to relying on security monitoring
system alerts?

Based on awareness of normal network activity

Alert severity rating
New announced vulnerabilities in security blogs
Affected subnet/business sector criticality
Based on problems faced recently
Classifying malicious executables to a malware family
Random sampling
0 10 20 30 40 50
Participants (%)

Figure 5.12: How do you choose the security alerts you process?

(M edian = 4, M ode = 4), whilst when asked if they track these configurations using
their memory, results were inconclusive (M edian = 3, M ode = 3). Knowledge of
the network is also important in detecting anomalies on the network. Analysts were
asked: How do you choose the security alerts you process? As shown in Figure 5.12,
57.9% of the analysts indicated that they chose the alerts based on awareness of
normal network activity, and 47.4% said based on the alert severity rating.

5.7 Summary of Findings

The quantitative study gave us valuable insights into the participating SOCs
that we explore further using qualitative research methods in following chapters.
These insights are as followed.
Importance of Human in the Loop— We found that security practitioners
believe that their role (the role of the human) is important in the detection and that
sometimes they rely on their experience to detect anomalous activity. We investigate
further the balance between technology and humans in SOC operations in Chapter 6.
5. SOC Analysts’ Perspective on Network Monitoring Tools 62

Influencing Factors— Our survey results imply that customers from public
sector handle threats and tools differently than other sectors. For example, tools
detecting ransomware were seen mostly used in non-government organisations.
Moreover, a survey participant noted (in one of the free-text comments boxes
included in the survey interface) that answers to questions on SOC operations may
vary based on whether the SOC is in-house or an MSSP: “You should consider the
model of an MSSP in SOC monitoring practices.[..] The model an MSSP will follow
is everything is put in one queue rather than an analyst being devoted to a particular
sensor or customer”. We therefore aim to investigate further the way that factor (in-
house or MSSP) influences SOC processes and identify further factors in Chapter 6.
Threat Investigation— In our survey, we asked the analysts to rate the
importance of a list of network traffic features and indicators of compromise (IOC)
in detecting malicious activity on the network. However, as raised by one of
the participants—“Basically depends on the nature of the attack; the approach is
different”. We explore this further in Chapter 6 to study how such indicators are
thought of by analysts when investigating a possible incident.
Importance of Knowing your Network— We found that practitioners
believe that their knowledge of the network is essential in detecting anomalous
behaviour on the network. Furthermore, analysts reported that they track the
network configurations as it is necessary to provide context to diagnose an alert.
We explore this further in Chapter 7, identifying how such context is vital to
the analysts’ job.
Network Traffic Collection— Only 30% of the analysts reported that they
monitor network packets captures individually. We explore this finding further
in Chapter 7. In particular, when in the incident monitoring, detection and
response process are packet captures collected and examined. In addition, we
will also explore whether SOCs collect and store network traffic and at what
granularity (e.g. Netflow, PCAPs).
SOC Tools— We gained initial insight into the tools analysts use. In Chapter 7,
we investigate such technologies further. In particular, how these tools are used
and analysts’ opinions on their weaknesses and strengths. In addition, we plan
to explore their use of machine learning-based tools.
Malware Detection Processes in Security
Operations Centres

6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.2 SOC Operations Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.2.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.2.2 Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.2.3 Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.2.4 Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.3 Factors Influencing SOC Operations . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.3.1 Security Tools Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.3.2 Security Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.3.3 Size of Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.4 Change Management Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.5 Customer’s Risk Appetite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.3.6 Maturity of the Customer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.3.7 Type of SOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.3.8 Communication with the Customer . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.3.9 Third parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.3.10 SOC Maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.4.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.4.2 Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.4.3 Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.4.4 Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 64

6.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we describe the SOC operations, focusing on the previously
understudied role that humans play. We explore the workflows security practitioners
follow to prepare, detect, and investigate a threat — including the kinds of activities
security practitioners engage in daily, the tools they use, and the skills required.
As we identified Chapter 5, security practitioners believe that their experience
plays a significant role in their everyday tasks. We investigate this further and de-
termine the current state of balance between the human and technology, understand
why some malware attacks slip through and identify opportunities for automation
of operational bottlenecks. SOC operations are impacted by various factors that
we elicit during our interviews, such as the type of customer and SOC.
Drawing on the findings from the quantitative study (discussed in Chapter 5),
we designed interview questions to address the following research questions:

• Which of the processes involved in the work of security practitioners could be

automated, and which require human input?

• What factors (internal or external) influence SOC operations?

6.2 SOC Operations Overview

We believe that understanding the inner workings of a SOC is essential for researchers
to propose effective threat detection. This section brings together our findings
about the various processes that practitioners follow to monitor, detect, and respond
to security threats in a SOC.
Our interview analysis revealed a common workflow across the participating
SOCs. The workflow consists of four main steps: Preparation, Monitoring &
Detection, Investigation, and Response, illustrated in Figure 6.1. In describing
these processes, we highlight the tasks that are human-centric, meaning tasks that
require human interactions, collaborations, reasoning, and human intelligence, which
represent our first findings. To ensure clarity in our discussion, we will refer to the
organisation a SOC is protecting as “customer”, for both in-house and MSSP SOCs.
Preparation Detection Investigation Response

Knowledge of Cusomer
Threat Modeling Playbook
Tacit Knowledge

Knowledge of Network
Risk Assessment Hunter Analyst
Asset Criticality Alarm Block
Define Usecases Determine
Technology Escalation Path
Baselining SIEM Alarm
Usecases Yes Call Customer
Escalation Paths
Data Escalation Path
Sources No
Check SIEM Further

Prioritize Alarms

DNS Logs

Anti-virus Logs
Web Proxy Logs

Windows Sec Logs

Configure Check Security
Thresholds Alerts

Security Event
Security Tools Check Raw
Customer Logs
Update Customer Profile
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres


Figure 6.1: SOC Operations Workflow: Preparation, Detection, Investigation, Response

6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 66

6.2.1 Preparation
Participants across four SOCs (P17, P2, P9, P5), have referred to the “Threat
Modelling” or “Customer On-boarding”. During this process, the SOC aims to
answer these main questions: What threats does the organisation care about? What
does a threat look like? and How should the SOC respond to the threat? The
answers to these questions guide the operations and decision making in a SOC. An
in-house SOC goes through this process for their organisation only. In contrast,
MSSP SOCs need to do this process for each customer. Hence, in this section
we will focus on MSSP SOCs participants reflection on how they liaise with their
customers during the Preparation phase.
What threats does the organisation care about? How analysts monitor,
detect, and respond to incidents depends on the customer’s risk appetite. Risk
Appetite can be defined as “The amount and type of risk that an organisation is
prepared to pursue, retain or take” [188]. The risk appetite for a customer depends
on their Risk Assessment and influences SOC operations. For example, it impacts
the prioritization of alarms generated by SIEMs and how analysts respond to
incidents, ensuring practitioners focus their efforts on detecting threats that target
important business operations. Asset Criticality (an output of the Risk Assessment)
also is considered in the prioritization. SOC practitioners engage with customers to
understand business risks and identify the most important assets. The SOC works
together with the customer to identify such information and document it.

P2: We will bring them [customers] on board and do a two-day session,

which is threat modeling, basically saying, "Right, what you are using
could be important, not just within your own environment." They will
say, "This is our most important system" and then we will work them
out from there.

What does a threat look like? Even if technology provides full automation,
humans are still required to for configuration. When asked about how they were able
to detect a particular incident, P5 explained that the analysts were able while the
technology failed to detect. He attributed that to technology not being configured
by the human to detect such a threat. Hence, human are needed not only to detect
things that technology missed but to design scenarios or use cases of what should
be detected (what a threat looks like) and configure the technology accordingly.

P5: So I think that was a case of humans spotting something that a

machine didn’t spot, but then, that’s arguably because the machine had
been – well, not even arguably, that was because the machine hadn’t been
configured to spot it.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 67

Define Use-cases— An example of a technology that needs to be configured by a

human is the SIEM. As part of the preparation, analysts need to design SIEM
use-cases to detect particular scenarios the customer is interested in. A use-case
is defined as “Specific condition or event (usually related to a specific threat) to be
detected or reported by the security tool” [189]. P18 explained how SIEMs require
humans to configure it on what to look for:
P18: If you look at the way SIEM solutions are set up. They’re designed
with that in mind to try and reduce the amount that the human has
to do, but still the kind of rules, "what is it I’m looking for?" is still
initially has to be set up by a human, so there’s definitely room for the
human still.

When P20 described designing the use-case, he referred to imagination, a human abil-
P20: All of these things are easily doable, you just have to sit down and
write the use-case, and the limit of your imagination is the limit to what
you can more-than-likely do with most SIEM tools.

Define Data Sources— In addition to configuring the technology, SOC practi-

tioners, through discussions with the customer, attempt to understand how the
organisation uses its assets to determine the data sources they would need from
the monitoring. As explained by P2:
P2: They [customer] will say, "This is how our users access this system"
and we will say [SOC], "These are the sort of logs we need to actually
be able to monitor this for you.".

The SOC will request the basic data sources needed for threat monitoring
(e.g. Anti-Virus (AV) logs). Then, more explicit use cases are discussed with
the customer. As P17 remarks:
P17: Whenever we take a customer on board, we basically aim for a
baseline. We want your DNS logs, we want your DHCP logs, we want
your AV logs, we want firewalls, we want...you know, all the core stuff.

It is important to identify the data sources required for each use-case, collecting
only the bare minimum needed. As P20 explained.
P20: You have to choose those logs appropriately to meet your use-cases
rather than just say "I’ll collect everything" because then your network
becomes more about sending logs than it does about doing anything else.
So, it’s choosing the minimum number of logs to meet the use-case,
rather than - so yes it can, a SIEM can do absolutely anything you want
it to, as long as you can collect the logs.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 68

Alarm Tuning & Baselining— Alarms generated as a result of these use-cases

are periodically reviewed with the customer to tune the defined alarms further,
eliminate false positives, or alarms the customer does not need to be informed about
(i.e. benign triggers). P9 explained how SOC practitioners review these alarms with
the customer to check that the alarms are within the customer’s tolerance.

P9: We’ll then dig into those and look for, is there noise in there we
will look at the tickets that were generated for the customers, and how
many of those will come back from the customers as “well we sort of
want to know about this but we sort of don’t".

Each customer is different, and consequently, their network communications and

system usage is unique. Therefore, one important step is identifying the “normal”
baseline. What is considered a normal network communication or system usage
for a customer? As P9 remarks:

P9: When taking in a new customer, the SOC provider in the first
months attempts to understand what’s normal within the customer’s

Through understanding the customer’s normal environment use, the SOC can
adjust the security tools’ parameters accordingly. For example, when deploying an
anomaly detection device, you need to configure the device to alert you when the
network traffic goes above a certain threshold. If the threshold is configured too low
in an environment where the traffic could be high, then this will generate multiple
false positives. So it is down to the analyst to tune the parameters.

P6: A human will have to adjust those parameters [...] or else you’d be
getting high, high, high and it would turn out to be nothing.

The process of base-lining the new asset might take up to a month, depending
on the type of the asset. For example, a webserver will be generating many types
of alarms that need to be filtered out to the point both the customer and SOC
are satisfied. As P9 noted “So then we will track that through on a ticket until
ourselves, and the customer are happy that the output that they’re getting from that
alarming for that box are now appropriate to the new asset type."
How does the SOC respond to a threat? What happens when an alarm
is triggered needs to be determined in advance with the customer. In particular,
how the SOC contacts the customer (Escalation Paths) and how the SOC handles
the incident. The latter is determined when defining the use-cases and documented
in the Customer Profile.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 69

Escalation Paths— One of the main objectives of the preparation stage is defining
the escalation paths for each customer. Specifically, when and whom the SOC can
contact from the customer or upper management to escalate an incident. In addition,
the customer needs to know their point of contact in the SOC. Escalation paths
are defined for both in-house and MSSP alike. These pre-defined communications
are defined in advance to help avoid disorientation when an incident occurs. As
P9 remarks on escalation paths:

P9: So that when we log a ticket on the customer during an event,

they know what’s going to happen, it’s not suddenly ‘ooh blimey some-
thing’s happening’, everybody panicking, they’ve already got a pre-defined
communication, that they’ll understand how we’re going to engage with

Customer Profile— Information learned about the customer is documented

in a database or a wiki per customer, which analysts refer to as the customer
profile. This is another way for indirect communication between analysts to
ensure any information that may impact SOC operations is communicated to
all SOC practitioners involved.
For example, such profiles include information about potential false positives
(i.e. benign triggers) the analysts should ignore. In addition, the profile contains
information about the customer’s assets such as (1) Details about hosts and servers
in the network, their IP addresses, DNS names, and Operating System (OS)
building a profile per host. (2) The criticality and priority of the asset based on
the Risk Assessment. (3) Information about asset change from customer’s asset
management process. Information about the nature of the customer’s business
is also included in the profile.
As P5 explained, although they attempt to gather such information from
discussions with the customers themselves, they may refer to open-intelligence
tools (e.g. Shodan 1 ) or search engines to gather other information about the
business (e.g. work hours).

P5: We will get as much information as we can from each customer,

some are a lot more responsive than others, [...], but we will do a level
of open-source investigations, and then we will periodically, as things
arise, we will try and review that with the customer, and keep up-to-date
with it really.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 70

The preparation process is a critical process for SOC operations. It influences

how and what the SOC should monitor as the customer grows the business, and
their risk appetite changes or new assets are introduced. Therefore, analysts spend
time collecting such information from the customer.

P17: Then that’s [Threat Modelling] collected on the day, and over a
period of time, it takes quite a while to get host information and network
information from customers because usually they’re all still writing it

Threat Modelling is an iterative process that should be done periodically,

especially when new assets are introduced. As P2 noted:

P2: So we are doing that, I believe once a quarter with each customer to
actually continuously improve the log sources and the visibility we have

6.2.2 Detection
The previous step prepares the SOC to monitor the customer’s network and host
environments for threats. In particular, (1) identifying the assets and their criticality
for alarm prioritization, (2) Configure SIEM alarms from use-cases and thresholds
for security tools, (3) Obtain the required logs and deploy proprietary sensors, and
(4) document escalation path and customer’s business and technical details.
The SOC is now ready to start the monitoring and detection of potential threats.
Detecting a threat may occur through reports from end-users or other teams in
the organisation, through hunting performed by analysts on an ad-hoc basis, or
it may be accomplished by using technology.
In this section, we will discuss how the SOC analysts detect potential threats
through the use of detection tools (Technology) and through Hunting.
Technology— SOCs rely on various technologies for monitoring and detection
of forensics. For example, as we discussed in Section 6.2.1, SOC analysts need to
get a baseline of the customer’s normal network behaviour for anomaly detection
tools. As we found in Chapter 5, one of the most frequently used tools was SIEMs.
SOC practitioners (humans) configure the SIEM to monitor and generate alarms
based on the use-cases defined in Section 6.2.1. These use-cases are usually thought
of during the Threat modelling process, from what the scenarios are to what
data sources (logs) are needed. The SIEM then monitors for these use-cases and
generates an alarm when a use-case was flagged.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 71

For example, P20 believes that a SIEM can be configured to do what the
analysts needs, as long as you can boil that down to basic logic, and where you’re
going to get that information from. He provided an example of incorporating
physical access security system in the SIEM tool so that if somebody logged on
and they were supposed to be offsite, the nearest camera to their desk can be
activated, and the feed can be observed.
Once the SIEM raises an alarm, it is prioritized depending on the use-case
triggered, the asset criticality (obtained from customer profile), and the predefined
agreement logged in the customer profile.
P17: If we could see that there’s a lot of traffic going out to a host,
say, in a suspicious geographic region, for example, and it looks like
they’re transmitting a lot of data outbound and, say, it was a critical
server internally, domain controller or file server or something like that
then that would shoot right up there in our high priorities to get the
communications blocked, especially if it’s something that we haven’t seen

As P17 described, the detection process usually involves looking at multiple

observations and deriving for patterns and correlations, which may be obvious
to humans, but not to the available tools. These alarms are reviewed by the
analysts to decide whether it is an incident or a false positive. Nevertheless,
technology can be more effective than humans for detection at scale.
P9: So, there are instances where humans will spot things that machines
haven’t, but I think in terms of large volumes of things, machines can
do it a lot more efficiently than we can.

However, in certain cases, an alarm might not be generated by the SIEM at all.
In other cases, the attack is stealthy (e.g. APTs), and their activities are spread
out across months, hence, not captured by technology.
P15: An alert may never be produced, but just because you have a hunting
capability that can make a more complex human-based estimation of why
something looks abnormal over a 3-4 month period, which the big data
now is trying to address as well, so you are able to query much faster,
much larger datasets.

Therefore, “Hunting”, where analysts (humans) look at the data provided by

technology to spot missed threats, is a critical part of the SOC operation.
Hunting— Although analysts still rely on alarms generated by the SIEM,
humans have the ability to proactively look at the data or visualizations and spot if
‘something’s weird’ or ‘something that doesn’t look right’. As P15 remarks:
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 72

P15: It’s the hunting human capability, I haven’t at least seen a big data,
autonomous solution that actually is able to give you security insights
on its own.

Hunting is the process of actively going through data sources to find any
abnormal or “weird” activity. As P15 and P19 noted:

P15: The work of a hunter never starts with there is an alert that has
been correlated.

P19: The words I don’t want to hear out of his mouth is “I’m bored”.
Because “I’m bored” means he’s going to go and look for something,
which means I’m going to spend the next ten days running around.

Similarly, P2 and P17 explained how they conduct a hunting session monthly.

P2: What we try to do once a month is a hunt day. So we will basically

go on a deep dive. Just, “Right, let’s see what we can find.” And just
start doing investigations into everything.

P17: Once a month we’ll have a threat hunting session where we’d get
in more analysts for the same day, so that would be a bit more active
team building and sifting through the logs trying to find anomalies.

Analysts seek things that they do not expect to produce security events, yet
they believe are uncommon or not normal. For example, an analyst mentioned
an anomalous activity could be a discrepancy between certain applications and
protocols and usage, or data and usage. In addition, hunting involves looking
for larger or “big” picture discrepancies that do not necessarily produce an alert
for technical reasons. P15 noted:

P15: So the assumption is, you seek for something that won’t correlate,
that appears very normal, very casual, and won’t trigger anything,
won’t trigger a network-monitoring event, won’t trigger a SIEM event
afterwards, won’t do any of that.

6.2.3 Investigation
Once a SIEM reports an alarm or a hunter detects unusual activity, the analyst
starts investigating the event. Although technology might detect and generate
the alarm, it is still the analyst who needs to evaluate that alarm to determine if
its a false positive, benign trigger, and how to act and respond to the alarm. In
doing so, analysts rely on their human cognitive abilities (e.g. pattern matching,
association, reasoning, and computation).
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 73

P6: And I think that that’s where the human element still remains,
because even when you get an alert, the alert will have to be sent to a
human to make that intelligent decision.

To understand the analyst’s thought process during the investigation, we asked

our participating practitioners to discuss how they will investigate a particular
incident to elicit their reasoning. For that, we described a scenario (e.g. an increase
in outbound network traffic from a server). We asked them to discuss the process
they will follow, the tools they used, data sources looked at, and the analytical
questions they will think about throughout the incident. Our participants described
that they would first determine if the alarm is a false positive. If not a false positive,
then the analysts investigate the alarm further.
Investigating Suspicious Network Activity— Once the analysts eliminate
the possibility of a false positive or a known activity, they start to investigate
further. When explaining their analytical thinking, analysts would begin by looking
at high-level SIEM security events going in deeper into raw logs as they progress
into the investigation. For example, if an analyst is unable to determine the reason
for an alarm from the SIEM security events and logs, they may start looking at
PCAP files, if available, or start collecting PCAPs for in-depth investigation.
When investigating an incident, analysts may follow a predefined set of proce-
dures and processes on handling a particular alarm documented in a “Playbook”.
However, although Playbooks exist in most SOCs, analysts do not necessarily
follow them. As P2 remarks:

P2: I know everyone says ideally there are processes in place we should
follow. You should do this that and the other. I am not great at that.
I tend to go dig for the interesting stuff first and fill in the blanks

Although the procedures for handling an alarm are defined, analysts fall back
to their human cognitive abilities to investigate an incident. When our participants
described their thought process and actions, we found that although tools such
as SIEMs may assist them in correlating alarms, in most cases, analysts are more
capable in connecting these patterns to detect threats than SIEMs.

P5: Some of the correlation, obviously it isn’t done purely by Splunk or

by one of these tools, you’ve got to correlate the things in your brain,
and think "why would - this has happened, what could result in this
happening?" and there’s stuff like that that, arguably at some point, you
could maybe get a machine to do for you, but I think currently it’s better
in the hands of humans.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 74

For example, when investigating suspicious network activity, analysts mentioned

the following analytical questions that are are a result of their own reasoning,
using the existing technologies (e.g. SIEM) to query for answers. Is the activity
still ongoing? What processes were running on the server? What is the server
connecting to, where it is going and where it is coming from? What communications
are they using? Which user was logged into the server at that time? Answers
to such questions help analysts to determine what they are dealing with. Their
ability to look at the data and use their analytical skills to find patterns and make
decisions is not easily replicated in automated systems.

P2: Looking for multiple things like chaining together and stuff like that.
Whether it will manage it, I think it is just a bit too much intelligence
to put into an automated tool, and I think you always need that little bit
of human interaction just to say, "That’s not normal".

Similarly, as P17 described, the detection process usually involves looking at multiple
observations and deriving patterns and correlations.
P17: If we could see that there’s a lot of traffic going out to a host,
say, in a suspicious geographic region, for example, and it looks like
they’re transmitting a lot of data outbound and, say, it was a critical
server internally, domain controller or file server or something like that
then that would shoot right up there in our high priorities to get the
communications blocked, especially if it’s something that we haven’t seen

Investigating Malware— Investigating malware infections relies on whether

the detected Indicator of Compromise (IOC) is that of known malware. We discussed
in Chapter 5, section 5.4 the importance of IOC in detection malicious activity on
the network. If the IOC is of a known malware, the SIEM would have generated an
alert with a known IOC such as an MD5, a URL, or match a particular string. If that
is the case, then the analysts simply create and deploy signatures for these IOCs.
The main challenge is when the malware has never been seen before or is
unknown. In such cases, malware is detected due to an IOC or an alert firing in
the SIEM that was investigated and turned out to be a result of malware. These
IOC could be host-based or network-based. For example, a network-based IOC
could be abnormal or “weird” traffic.
Examples analysts provided of what they consider unusual traffic includes: (1)
traffic from a misconfigured device, (2) email traffic coming from a server that isn’t
an email server (e.g. domain controllers emailing people), (3) sudden spike in the
outgoing traffic of a server. A host-based IOC are indicators found in the host, such
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 75

as a file name, mutex, loading or side-loading of a file. It also includes log entries
such as failed log-ins for a local account, privilege escalation, or creation of a new
service on the host that are found in the Operating System (OS) security events.
The unusual network traffic detected by the SIEM may be a result of a malware-
infected host. So when analysts cannot determine the source of the traffic, they
may resolve to remove the host from the network and perform on-demand AV scans
using the latest AV. If it is a definite hit and its definitely a malware, then the
analysts need first to determine what the malware does.
What is the malware? The analysts need to determine the type of malware.
Is it going to attempt to spread, or is it going to try and stay local and hide
itself? Some analysts noted that they would try to determine what the malware
is before isolating the network.
P7: Different malware work in different ways, if it is spreadable it could
affect other machines we have to know that. Does it download further
malware, we have to know the characteristics of what we are actually
dealing with at the time. That is possibly one of the first things we look
at, what can this thing do.
If it is a known malware detected, for example, by a security device, then you
have its name and so have immediate access to the description (IOC). Based on
that information, the analysts may decide to notify the customer to pull the plug.
As P9 noted, “I would see the indicator of compromise, do a little bit of research
as quick as possible in terms of the capabilities of said malware, and then based
upon that is how I would make my decision."
Unfortunately, establishing the type of malware directly from the security devices
may not always be straightforward. The analysts themselves would then need to
research the malware name by looking for the IOC.
P2: If you are looking at abnormal activity, you can say ’ There is
something on that machine, I am not sure what but it is doing really
crazy stuff.’ So you are looking yourself, looking for indicators, You are
looking for changes. So you don’t always know straight away.
Analysts often refer to public sites such as VirusTotal or AV sites, to get
information on a detected executable. Getting information directly from such sites
allows analysts to start incident handling quicker.
P2: However, it’s more important to limit the spread first (So as a
Forensic step). So if I can grab the name of it (from Snort), jump on
one of the many blogs which has already profiled it This is how it spread.
You are looking for port 4898 traffic’ then I can start monitoring for it
a lot quicker. Sandbox, 10-15 minutes to get results half the time people
have done it for you already.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 76

However, such public sites, although useful, may provide different classification to
the same malware, and it is up to the analysts to determine which one to rely on.

P7: Its bit difficult sometimes, a lot of AV sites and information, each
have a different intake on what a piece of malware does, so yes it is
difficult to pick which one to use. We do go through forums and such
and if they all say the same thing, yes this thing does do this, we act

Analysts are also faced with a dilemma when using public websites to get answers
as quickly as possible as this risks the malware author knowing their detection,
specifically in more targeted or APT malware. However, P19 remarks: “We also
use the malware site, if it’s publicly available information, obviously we can’t use
internet tools for most of the stuff that we do onsite here.” Similarly, P9 remarks:
“So if you have seen something that could be very targeted, you wouldn’t go to any
of that stuff, because that could indicate to your attacker that you’re aware of it,
and then they can change their methods.”
As a last resort, the analyst may run the malware executable (if they can get
access to it) in a sand-boxed environment to determine what it does. However, this
is usually done in the forensics phase as it takes time to get the knowledge you want.

P2: We do have sandboxes set up. [..] But yeah if you do explode it you
have got a massive 50 odd page report of everything that is going on. It
is going to take you a while to get what you need out of it.

Investigation Process— For investigating the malware incident, analysts

primarily referred to three methods. (1) They first utilize the SIEM by looking at
the security events, and logs. (2) They may then look at IOC provided by other
security devices such as firewalls. (3) The analyst may also perform hunting to
look for other IOCs or similar infections.
When looking at the SIEM, analysts start by looking at the interactions from
the infected host. They monitor what is leaving the host, looking for any interaction
with any known compromised hosts. They also look at what that infected host
talked to since the point where the compromise was identified. In addition, they
look at what processes the host is running.

P2: If you logged under the workstation, then set a tail for the username,
IP, hostname, basically monitor everything your host is doing. Stick
that on one screen. Have a summary of events running down, basically
saying ’This is what that machine is doing.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 77

Analysts reported that they usually interact with the SIEM platform to determine
these interactions. Therefore, it is vital during the Threat Modelling Process
that they capture all of the log types, that would answer questions about such
communications without requiring to go to the customer onsite.
In addition to looking at the SIEM, the analysts may look at other security
devices that can see any other known indicators of compromise, e.g. firewall. One
participant mentioned that they would start looking at technologies that they have
the “highest respect for or has proved to be effective for a customer”. Usually, for
malware, one analyst argues that the “first and optimal choice” is to have APT-based
available technology to determine if it can say something about the detected malware.

P15: So, the technology that is most contemporary and that has proven
in real-life battles is likely, that we know is available [..]. So, that is the
way we would start looking at it.

Other sources of information analysts may look at for malware is the built-in
technologies, like the Windows advanced security log, or the system log of Windows.
One useful host-based indicator found by analysts for investigating APT is Windows
PowerShell. Although the host user may use PowerShell for automation, obfuscating
the usage of PowerShell gives an indication of something more suspicious. A P15
remarks: “Power shell usage, very sort of contemporary and favoured by the threat
actors, APT-based threat actors.”
Investigating malware depends on what type of malware was detected. Certainly,
in more advanced malware (e.g. APT), analysts have to rely on offline tools to
determine what that malware is capable of. For example, when looking at worms,
analysts need to limit the infection spread by identifying what other hosts it
attempted to connect to. As P9 noted on investigating a worm:

P9: So we would work from the first point of compromise, and look
at where that had talked to next, look at those for any indication of
compromise, isolate and remove those from the network if there’s a
relative transaction, and then work out where they have spoken out to.

Participant P15 noted that interacting directly with the host through remote
desktop tools for hands-on live response is possible but used as as a last resort
and not recommended. It is only possible when the SOC provides live response
service to the customer.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 78

6.2.4 Response
At some point during the investigation, the SOC practitioners need to make a
decision on how to respond to a threat. For example, the analysts may need to Pull-
the-Plug, and segregate the infected hosts from the network. Determining whether
a SOC should respond by pulling the plug depends on what the encountered threat.

P9: So say I found, say there’s a particular IP address or a particular

domain that malware is known to communicate with. If I saw something
of that nature, I would ring whoever was a responsible person near this
machine, or whoever is responsible for it, and say "if possible, I would
like you to remove that machine from the network".

However, pulling the plug is not always the ideal solution to handle an incident.
Specifically for APT, where disconnecting the host means revealing the detection
to the adversary.

P15: So, if it’s APT, you don’t want to tip of the threat actor, right?
You wouldn’t want to disconnect, unless this disconnect - you don’t want
to move about it really quick, in a way that you may reveal yourself to
the malicious threat actor right."

When analysts determine that what they are seeing is, in fact, an APT, they
remediate as soon as possible.

P15: When do we go for remediation right away? When we decide to

actually call them and say, ok this is not the daily, common type of
attack we see here, this is something more, this is way bigger, this is
likely targeted"

Pulling the plug is always a business decision that the customer needs to make
themselves. The response decision depends on its impact on the business, and
the pre-agreed escalation paths defined with the customer during the customer
threat modelling. The MSSP SOC is responsible for monitoring and informing
the customer of detected threats and the potential impact it has on the business.
Hence, this decision is not determined by the SOC practitioner alone but through
communications between SOC practitioner and customer decision-makers. It is
then the customer’s responsibility to make the decision.

P17: From our perspective, we’re really monitoring, alerting and notify-
ing customers. We don’t have the authority to shut down communications
or do anything interaction on the network.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 79

P19: We’re the security team. We don’t have the business decision
to say, "stop". That’s the business’s choice. I can make a very strong
representation to the business owner, to the senior risk owner and say,
"if you do not do this, this is what’s going to happen, choice is yours".
It would be an interesting discussion.

Pulling the plug sometimes has a major impact on the business. Therefore, this
decision differs based on the customer and its tolerance to risk. Some device actions
are more performance-costly than others. For example, as analyst P15 noted,
blocking a communication costs more than permitting it. So costly decisions such
as enabling packet capture are likely to be crucial decisions that one needs to think
about again upfront. Determining the best action (response) depends on various
variables, requiring human intelligence to make a decision.
Incident Response & Forensics— Finally, once the infected machines are
pulled from the network, depending on the SOC setup, the investigation will be
passed to the incident response or Forensics team, which is a team that might
not be necessarily part of the SOC.

P6: Whilst we would not do maybe forensic investigation of a device, we

have other teams, you know that we could pass that device to do forensic
analysis on that device to ensure that it’s not been compromised.

The incident team will advise the customer on how to handle the incident
and possible course of action.

P9: So it would then be, depending on the type of event, we would

escalate out to our incident team, who can put somebody onsite, and
we would reach out to the customer and say, "at the moment, we have
advised you on this course of action, and these possible repercussions..

Then based on the agreement with the customer, the forensics team may need
to go onsite to capture evidence, isolate hosts, or take snapshots of machines for
after-event analysis to determine the level of compromise that customers may need
for insurance or evidence for prosecution.

P9: Once we have identified the potential impact to the customer, so

that could be quite expensive, they may need somebody to go onsite and
actually capture evidence of what has happened for their insurance, for
any legal action that may come off the back of that.

It is the incident response team’s job to work with the customer on the possible
actions they should take to remediate the threat. As P9 noted: “so what we will tend
to do when we take a customer on is build an incident plan that’s specific for their
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 80

industry or environment, so that we can give them the quickest course to isolating a
problem with the minimum disruption to other aspects of the business.” For example,
if the detected threat was a worm, they inform the customer how it spreads, whether
it is a known worm or a variant of a known worm, and whether it has spread in
the customer’s network. One possible action the incident team may recommend is
isolating sections of the network that are likely to be infected. However, there are
other possible actions that the customer can take that do not disrupt the business.

P9: So if we know it spreads by shares then we can make all the shares
read-only for instance, so that people can still work, but they can’t
compromise the shares if they get infected.

If an APT was detected, the incident response team needs to determine how far
it is in the cyber kill chain, a term used to describe the series of stages of a cyber
attack from the early reconnaissance stages to the exfiltration of data.

P15: And then we go ahead and say, well this is what we suggest needs
to be done to evaluate if this is a single case, if this is just starting, or
has much stronger foothold into your environment, and this is just being
called now while doing a site investigation. This is very common that
you investigate something and you see something else in the meantime
that you need to follow up, or later.

Some customers’ immediate action in case of APT-compromise is to “restage”.

Therefore, each time they encounter an APT, they need to spend millions to restage
the whole environment (e.g. server environment that might consist of several data
centres). Therefore, it is best practice for MSSPs to advise their customers when
making business decisions whether to proceed with deep forensic analysis, or whether
to proceed directly to a restage. It is important for customers to estimate the
magnitude of the attack’s impact and the potential exposure of the compromised
service before they make any decision on how to remediate. It depends on the
customers’ security maturity level.

P15: We have seen customers that get APT-based infection or com-

promise on a worldwide level, every year, and the business decision is
"go ahead, restage right away", single individual alerts or threats or
compromised hosts, without thinking about the bigger picture, which
means that exercise needs to be repeated, that always leads to exfiltration
of data, until that company is virtually ruined.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 81

Table 6.1: Factors Influencing SOC Operations that participants mentioned during their

Influencing Factor Sub-factor Participants

Budget (Cost) P2, P7, P16, P18, P21
Recruitment P18, P19
Tool Use P18
Information Access P6
Incident Handling P20
Size Organisation P18, P9, P6
Change Management P9, P6, P18, P19
Risk Appetite P2, P3, P4, P11, P15
Maturity of Customer P15, P2
Making Decisions P17, P18, P4
Stress & fines P6, P18, P4, p19
Type of SOC Playbook P5, P9, P19
Access to logs P2, P17, P6, P4
Maintaining Awareness P16
Customer P9, P18
Communication Third parties P6, P10, P18
SOC members P2, P6, P12, P18, P19
Monitoring internal network traffic P2
SOC Maturity APT in Risk Assessment P1
Reliance on automation over humans P1, P15, P20

6.3 Factors Influencing SOC Operations

In our interview analysis, we found that there are factors that influence the SOC
operations, as summarised in Table 6.1. Here we discuss these factors, providing
examples of how they may affect SOC practitioners’ decisions and actions.

6.3.1 Security Tools Budget

Participating SOCs that serve public/government customers reported that the
budget is a limitation, and thus their cybersecurity capabilities and the SOC
maturity depends on the allocated budget. This introduces challenges in acquiring
the latest technologies or changing existing, expensive monitoring solutions. P7
commented when asked about the main challenge his organisation (public) faces:
“How much money have you got? Cost. IT security isn’t cheap.”
P21 also agreed: “The cost of training to the tools and stuff, it all adds up
and you don’t get it.” Similarly, Participant P18 remarks when asked about why
they do not deploy a SIEM: “We are a Public sector body who move very, very
slowly, so when new developments and technology come along they don’t necessarily
get deployed straightaway.” Thus, analysts in that SOC need to access the tool
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 82

logs directly rather than have a SIEM to aggregate the logs, slowing down their
detection and hunting abilities.

6.3.2 Security Clearance

Due to the sensitive nature of some customers, working in a SOC that serves such
customer requires a Security clearance. This introduces many challenges to SOC
operations, particularly in skill recruitment, tools used, information access, and
how incidents are reported and handled.
Recruitment— Cybersecurity skills recruitment is a challenge [190], and
requiring a security clearance makes it even more difficult.

P19: The biggest problems we’ve got, is a lack of people who are suitable
qualified to use it. We just can’t find enough. I have posts that have been
vacant for 9 months, and I can’t find people. We’re constrained because
everybody has to have a top-secret clearance. And there aren’t that many
people who have a top-secret clearance and are good at Arcsight.

To solve the recruitment challenge, SOCs may train internal employees in cyberse-
curity, As P19 continues: “but we’re training people internally to do stuff, because
I just can’t find people. I think that’s a universal problem. So, we’re starting to
train our own, which is the only way we can do things.” . Alternatively, they
may hire contractors with security clearance as P19 mentioned: “75% of my
SOC are actually contractors, because I can’t get permanents, so they’re temporary
staff, including my SOC manager.”
Tools used— Customers with vetting and security requirements affect which
tools can be used on the network, such as machine learning tools. For example, P18
explained how the tools need to be accredited to be used on the customer’s network.
P18: So, one of the problems we face is getting things accredited for
use on our networks because of the security levels involved. So, I mean
especially things like machine learning which are really cutting edge still
at the moment but they’re really the realms of academic stuff, so getting
something like that approved for use on the network is probably several
years away.

Information Access— Obtaining access to a customer’s network diagrams,

which may be considered ’classified’ adds to the complexity of the practitioner’s job.
P6: It depends on the security classification as well, because we’re
working in a security tier system [..], you could be an analyst but they
are setting their diagrams, you will never ever see it, you will never ever
see it. So, that adds complexity into them.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 83

Incident handling— Where customers require clearance levels, the amount

of detail an analyst can document in the incident ticketing tool is affected. P20
described how all their incident investigations are treated as though there may be a
criminal prosecution. This makes the incident handling process rigid. Consequently,
analysts may need to write the incident details in a physical notebook for physical
evidence in case of prosecution.

P20: We have a [...] fairly rigid incident process because of who we

work for. [..], and there’s set times for reporting and what sort of level
you would report at, etc.

Security clearance also affects how security practitioners learn from the reported
incidents. Once they report an incident, they sometimes do not know the outcome
as it is considered “classified”.

6.3.3 Size of Organisation

The size of the monitored organisation influences threat monitoring. Monitoring an
organisation that spans multiple geographic regions is a challenge. As P18 remarks:
P18: On our particular network you’re talking about a global network. It
would be impossible to try and keep track of what’s going on everywhere
all of the time. So, yeah, I think scale would be difficult on that front.

Another challenge introduced as a result is storage. The bigger the size of the
customer’s network, the more logs it generates that need to be looked at.
P9: But it’s quite a mammoth task, especially for bigger networks, it’s a
lot of data that you’re going to have to store, and you might not review
it for a week, it’s a long time to store a lot of data.

6.3.4 Change Management Process

Customers need to have adequate Change Management processes in place assist the
SOC in filtering out false positives. As participant P9 remarks on reviewing
the benign triggers:
P9: We may go back to the customer and go "well, a year ago you told
us this was a fixed environment, but we’re now seeing indicators that
that traffic has changed, have you changed your environment and not
followed through with your change process and let us know that you have
had those changes."

On the other hand, some customers are not usually aware of the change in their
network or systems until the MSSP SOC asks them, as P9 remarks:
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 84

P9: So usually we will highlight something to the customer saying

"this server has gone quiet, have you changed it?" And they will go
"let’s go and check" because we will engage with the security side of
the business, and then they will come back on our ticket and go "yes,
we’ve decommissioned that server", or "that server has now changed its
Changes in the network need to be communicated to the SOC, as it effects, for
example, the baselining of security tools and tuning thresholds, as we discussed
in Section 6.2.1.
P9: Once the customer has confirmed why and what they have changed
on there, and then once they have identified the type of asset, then we
can remove any filters that may be applied, and then restart base-lining
it with the customer.
Similarly, P6 remarks:
P6: So, for instance, if you’re going to deploy a new server, you have
to have chain where different teams who should be aware that this work
is going to happen. [..] ideally, things need to be done within the chain
window or the organisational chain process, well documented, everybody
is aware of what’s happening.
However, the main challenge in baselining is capturing the normal behaviour
that may occur throughout the year, not only for a few days. As P9 noted,“There
are certain events that maybe don’t happen every day, they maybe happen once
a month or something, so you can’t quite get them in the baselining period”. In
addition, networks frequently change, such as the addition or removal of a server.
Hence, it is important that the SOC is aware of the customers’ Change Management
process to obtain an updated baseline when a change occurs. As P9 noted on
a customer deploying a new asset:
P9: Once the customer has confirmed why and what they have changed
on there, and then once they have identified the type of asset, then we
can remove any filters that may be applied, and then restart base-lining
it with the customer.

6.3.5 Customer’s Risk Appetite

What assets the customer cares about, and the risk assessment is also a factor
that impacts SOC operations, as discussed in Section 6.2.1. For example, one SOC
emphasized the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of their data, and that
it is their number one priority. In the case of ransomware, they have data backups,
and the “Availability” is not a concern. However, if that SOC detects a possible
data exfiltration, then analysts would immediately stop that by pulling the plug.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 85

P15: So that data to us is really really important. So knowing what’s

going out every day, and knowing it’s only going to places we let it go to,
it critical. Once we start seeing it go somewhere we haven’t permitted
it to go to, then Arcsight will come into its own when it will be, "right,
pull the plug, now".

6.3.6 Maturity of the Customer

Deciding how to respond to a threat is a business decision. Taking the information
provided by the SOC on the threat level and the business impact and making an
informed decision depends on the customer’s maturity level, as P15 remarks:
P15: So that is usually an ad-hoc business decision every time, and
we are trying to get our customers to a mature level where this is a
business decision, which means we give them the intelligence, the security
intelligence, and our understanding of the threat level, our understanding
of the risk level, of the risk factor, the risk assessment associated to the
level of threat we perceive.

The maturity of the customer’s network topology and network (e.g. how
the customer segregates the network) also has an impact on SOC operations.
As P2 remarks:
P2: We have some customers who are absolutely brilliant, who segregate
their users pretty well and everything goes over a proper router, so we
will actually have logs. Some people have thousands of users sat in one
subnet and you are not going to get any logs.

In addition, whether the internal network is monitored or not affects the detection
of threats that emerge internally, such as detecting worm propagation or insider
threats. As P2 remarks:
P2: We have limited network taps on the internal, between the important
segments of the network. It depends on the maturity of the business.

6.3.7 Type of SOC

The type of SOC (internal or MSSP) affect how analysts make decisions, com-
municate with the customer, and whether they use a playbook when investi-
gating an incident.
Making Decisions— MSSP’s actions in handling an incident rely heavily on
the customer’s indicated preference during the “Threat Modelling” stage discussed
in Section 6.2.1. As P17 explained, MSSPs monitor and alert the customer while
it is the customer’s job to decide how to handle the incident.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 86

P17: From our perspective we’re really monitoring, alerting and notifying
customers. We don’t have the authority to shut down communications
or do anything interaction on the network.

It is then up to the customer to make the decision on how they should respond.
This is a challenge when faced with threats such as a worm that propagates
in the network and requires a prompt response. Analysts need to contact the
customer to pull a host from the network. In the event they are unable to get
in touch with the customer, then they can only hope the worm does not spread.
As participant P18 mentioned:

P18: There are divisions of responsibility, so you can make a recom-

mendation as an analyst but it’s actually up to somebody else to make
the final decision and maybe even to rectify it if it’s not something that’s
within our sphere of influence to actually correct.

Monitoring for a customer adds pressure on the analysts that they need to raise
every suspicious alarm to the customer. However, this introduces a dilemma about
whether to raise every suspicion to the customer or only raise those that they are
sure about, so that the provider does not look incompetent. As P4 remarks:

P4: Being as analysts, most of them are afraid to not raise them to the
customer. They do tend to raise quite a lot of alarms to the customers,
obviously to be on the safe side.

Making a decision to inform the customer is also magnified when not providing
a certain level of service results in fines. As P18 remarks:

P18: The security teams there are there to maintain availability above
all else because it’s when it’s not available to the [customer] that you
start seeing fines and things like that put in place. So, from a commercial
side, availability is the most important".

Using Playbook— Most SOCs have a manual called a “playbook”, that details
steps an analyst follow to deal with a security alarm. In addition to having
the playbook, the MSSP SOC refers to the customer profile to determine how
the customer wants them to respond to the threat. When monitoring multiple
customers, MSSP SOCs rely on such documentation as the method of communication
of each customer’s requirements..

P9: So we have a playbook for internal events just like we have a playbook
for external events, and the people that we’ll interact with are primed
in the same way, so they know what we will be telling them during an
event, and the same for escalation paths as well.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 87

However, in in-house SOCs, such documentation may not be as critical, as the SOC
analysts are all monitoring one network/customer. Hence, when the analysts detect
an attack, they communicate with each other directly and their senior members
on how to handle an incident. As noted by P19, this is much faster than looking
it up in a playbook. However, P19 believes that a playbook is more needed in an
MSSP SOC where they monitor for multiple customers.

P19: But it’s much better, quicker, because our SOC is only the size
of that bit of the room. [showed us - approx 8x6m] Tom [analyst] turns
around and John[ SOC manager] sat 3 foot away, and says "John, what
do I do about this?"

Access to Logs— The SIEM aggregates the logs from the multiple data sources,
and processes them to detect threats. Although obtaining the data sources from
an organisation for an in-house SOC might be feasible, an MSSP is limited by the
data that the customer is willing to share. As a P2 noted:

P2: I think the limitation for us is always going to be we are relying on

what the customer wants to send us. Because we are a managed security
provider, we can only do so much. Trying to get people to give us data
is hard.

Similarly, P17 explained:

P17: So, for the most part it’s about understanding the network topology,
but we do try to get involved in their change processes so we can see
when a new server has been added or if a server has been taken offline,
as well as understanding what’s configured on security enforcing devices
such as firewalls or switches. We need to get a bit of information around
that. It depends on how much the customer wants to share but the more
they share the better a job we can do.

Likewise, for patching, knowing which assets are vulnerable to which vulnerability
assists in SOC operations.

P2: Vulnerability scans are great for us because it tells us unpatched

systems. It will tell us if they are actually corporate compliant, so has
somebody taken their laptop off and connected into a system they are not
meant to? [..] But by having the patching logs we know straight away
what software they are running and if they are vulnerable. It makes it

Obtaining access to patching information or logs might be straightforward in internal

SOCs. They may communicate directly to the patching team or have access to
the patching logs. As participant P6 remarks:
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 88

P6: We have a team that keep on top of patching. So, if you’re an

analyst in something and you’re unsure, you can easily speak to that
team and they can give you an answer. Not just that, we also have
tools,[..], you can log-in onto a system and you can identify what patch
this device has or the device hasn’t got".
However, for MSSP SOCs, the patching logs are only available if the customer
has performed vulnerability scans. As P4 remarks:
P4: If it’s a vulnerability type alarm [..], the first thing that the analyst
will do is it will go and check the asset to see if it’s vulnerable to that.
Now, the analyst will only know that if there’s been a vulnerability scan
performed against that asset.
Thus, the SOC relies on the customers’ patching team to provide it with this
information. P4 continues
P4: So as a company we tend to ask customers to do a vulnerability scan
at least once a week as a standard, because of WannaCry they actually
want to do it every fortnight, every week, every night".
If the detected security event is aimed at the vulnerable system, then the SOC
categorises this as a Priority 1, raising the alarm to the customer.
Maintaining Awareness— The MSSP SOC analysts’ ability to monitor
multiple customer networks and systems has its advantages. For example, if a
threat hit one customer, that threat knowledge is shared across other customer’s
environments to ensure the same threat is not present. Unfortunately, it also has
drawbacks as analysts struggle to keep track of multiple customers, as P16 explained.
P16: When I used to do more of the analytics directly I just keep a
view on what is going on roughly, so I skim through the alerts of each
customer and figure out what sort of things were going on the last few
days. When I was going off lunch after that point it got a bit more hairy,
it got hard keeping track of that many customers at one go.

6.3.8 Communication with the Customer

In case an analyst needs to get a “second opinion”, they can brainstorm ideas
and collaborate with other analysts. As explained by P9, the human ability
of communication and collaboration need to be Incorporated in proposed SOC
automation tools.
P9: The other beauty is a person can go "ah Bill, that looks odd doesn’t
it", and there’s other people in there they can bounce those ideas off. So
I think the Machine Learning, personally from that perspective, will be
collaborative, people-driven quite a lot, and I guess over a period of time
it will learn from the people that interact with it.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 89

Establishing effective communication channels with the customer is critical to

SOC operations, whether it is an internal or an outsourced SOC. Not only do
communication channels between the SOC or security team members need to be
established, but also other departments in the organisation such as networking, IT,
patching etc. As we discussed in Section 6.2.4, analysts rely on their knowledge of
the monitored network to spot any anomalies. Thus, any changes in the network
should be documented and communicated to all relevant parties. Participant
P18 provided an example of how not communicating network changes led to
wasting SOC team efforts.
P18: We were seeing a huge amount of ICMP traffic that we don’t
normally see and we have no idea why it suddenly started when it did
and, actually, the networking team sit right next to us so you’d think
they would be all over anything to do with ICMP, they have no idea. It
turned out that they deployed a new security tool into the network and
nobody had told us.

For MSSP SOCs, some SOCs assign each customer an analyst (i.e. Technical
Account Manager) as a point of contact. That analyst will be responsible for
understanding the customers’ network and assets. On the other hand, some SOCs
find that having the customer exposed to all analysts provides ease of continuity
and consistency for the customers. As P9 remarks:
P9: For a lot of our customers, it’s quite a stressful experience when
they’re told that there’s something you need to investigate that looks
suspicious. By having exposure to all of the engineers, there’s no sudden
shock of dealing with somebody you don’t know.

Maintaining a record of the customer (customer profile) and updating it helps

in sharing information of the customer to all MSSP SOC analysts. In case an alarm
was raised for the customer, any analyst can login to that record, determine if it
is a false positive or benign trigger and investigate the incident.

6.3.9 Third parties

Establishing proper communication channels with Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
and other third parties ensures that the SOC has a point of contact not only to
assist in blocking attacks but to be informed of any changes that may affect its
operations. For example, when a customer is faced with a Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS) attack, the SOC might contact the customer’s ISP to block
the DDoS sources. As P10 discussed:
P10: It has to be on to the customer then to get in contact with our ISP
and say look we need to block these particular IPs.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 90

6.3.10 SOC Maturity

The maturity of the SOC is another factor that influences the SOC operations [191].
The SOC maturity assessment determines the SOC’s capability in detecting and
responding to advanced threats.
P1: It comes to a maturity of the SOC. If you have APTs in your risk
assessment or not, if you are not that mature to keep on, Advanced
persistent threat like type of attacks, then you haven’t probably got the
capability or the tools or the human inputs to actively investigate those.
In our interview analysis, security practitioners referred to SOC maturity when
talking about the balance between technology and human. For example, threat
hunting is found to be a critical human-centric functionality in SOCs. However,
its capability across our participating SOCs ranges from a single analyst looking
through logs to spot things, to having threat hunting exercises or even a dedicated
team (i.e. purple team).
P20: Unfortunately I think the general maturity level of all SOCs in
the world in still quite low, in that they rely heavily on skilled personnel
spotting things that are odd rather than having a very good SIEM tool.
Similarly, participants measure the SOC maturity based on the level of “au-
tomation”. P18 referred to the SIEM they use as very rudimentary; thus they
look directly at log events rather than taking it all into the SIEM and filtering
it through there. Participant P1 remarks:
P1: It depends on the maturity of the SOC as well. I’ve seen a lot of
SOCs that would depend completely on just tools giving them alerts and
then digging through it. We’ve progressed from there, that we not only
wait for the alert to generate, 30% of time is saved on automation that
the systems have already done for us, we save that and use that 30% on
active sort of threat hunting.

6.4 Discussion
The aim of this study was to to provide the research community a better un-
derstanding of the inner workings of SOCs and the challenges that impact its
operations. We summarise in Figure 6.1 the overall SOC workflow, and summarise
the human-centric tasks in Figure 6.2.
Our findings highlight several tensions and contradictions that influence how SOC
analysts prepare, detect, investigate, and respond to threats using technology. We
summarise these findings below, per SOC process module, as broader lessons that re-
searchers and security tool vendors can consider for future contributions in this field.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 91

P1, P2,P4,P15 Risk Assessment and Asset Criticality

P18,P19, P20 Configure SIEM (Use-cases)

P2, P17, P20 Define Data Needed for Use-cases

Preparation P6, P9, P11 Base-lining and Alarm Tuning

P2, P4, P5, P16, P18, P20 Customer Profiling &

Opensource Intelligence
P3, P6, P11 Tool Maintenance

P2, P6, P9, P13, P16, P17, P18 Filtering False Positives/Benign Triggers

Detection P2, P3, P11, P12, P15, P17, P9 Hunting

Spot Something 'Weird'

P5, P20

P2, P5, P6, P18 Analytical Reasoning and Questioning

P2, P5, P17 Correlation and Brainstorming

Decision Making (response - e.g. Pull-the-

P2, P9, P15, P19 plug) 
P9, P15, P18, P19 Communication & Threat Risk Assessment

Response P2, P6, P17, P9 Physically 'Pull-the-Plug'

P5, P16 Extract IOC and Write Signatures

P9 Forensics

Figure 6.2: Human-centric processes in SOC Operations.

6.4.1 Preparation
Data Sources— As we discussed in Section 6.2.1, the outcomes of the Preparation
process influences how the SOC monitors for and detects threats. Our analysis
revealed that the outcome of this stage has an impact on the technology as well.
For example, the data sources identified (e.g. logs) are fed into the technology,
specifically the SIEM. Based on that data, SIEM correlation rules are written,
and alarms are defined.
Identifying these data sources is reliant on understanding the customer’s network
and systems. Therefore, access to documentation of the customer’s network topology,
systems design, and usage is crucial. However, as reported by the analysts, customers
are still documenting this information. In the absence of such data, analysts need
to find other ways to obtain information required for analysis. P2 explained how
patching reports could, for example, detail the operating system of a host. In
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 92

the absence of such reports, the analysts need to inspect the network traffic to
get such information manually.
MSSP SOC practitioners hinted that they would want their customers to share
more data. However, SOCs charge customers based on the amount of data they
have; hence, customers may be reluctant to share much. However, this adds burden
to SOC analysts to get that information through other means. As with the patching
logs example, analysts may obtain such data through indirect methods (e.g. network
traffic). Such practice delays the investigation and exhausts resources. This causes
tensions as analysts may be evaluated by the number of tickets closed daily, and
SOC bill customers by the number of triaged alarms.
Configuring Technology— Knowledge analysts gather during the Preparation
stage is the first step of configuring security monitoring tools (e.g. SIEM/IDS).
For example, the knowledge of the customer’s network and “normal” traffic helps
the analyst in tuning security monitoring tools parameters. Similarly, defining
the SIEM use cases requires analysts to communicate with the customer to think
of the possible scenarios. Analysts (humans) determine what threats to look for,
through defining use-cases. Although technology is more effective than humans in
detection scale, still, it requires humans to configure it. However, this dependency
makes configuration prone to human error [14].
Customer Profile— During the preparation stage, SOC analysts document
business information about the customer in the customer profile. Such information
has proved very valuable for analysts, especially in prioritisation of alarms and
determining the best remediation to deploy. On the other hand, other information
that may be equally useful may not be included, such as change management process
reports or patching logs. Such customer information, although important during
the SOC process, is looked at adhoc and on request based on the incident in hand.
Escalation paths are documented in the customer profile, an essential practice
to determine how the SOC and customer communicate when faced with an incident,
preplanned to establish trust. In the case of outsourced SOCs, some SOCs assign a
lead analyst to each customer. On the other hand, this may introduce a problem
when the lead analyst is not present (e.g. on vacation). Hence, some MSSP SOCs
instead choose to have all SOC analysts in communication with the customer to
ensure all analysts are knowledgeable of the customer and its environment. Although
such an arrangement is useful to avoid customer disturbance, it requires MSSP
analysts to be knowledgeable of all customers’ environments, causing pressure to
keep such knowledge up to date and stay informed.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 93

6.4.2 Detection
Technology vs. Human— One of the valuable characteristics of the deployed
technology in SOCs is its ability to monitor and detect “known attacks” or “‘known
anomalies” at scale. However, although the technology may identify a possible
threat, analysts need to review the alarms to determine if they are valid or a
false positive. In general, analysts give priority to alarms produced by the SIEM
that are either (1) built using a use case (designed by the analysts based on a
specific scenario) or (2) is an alarm that is a correlation of multiple alerts from
multiple security devices. As described by P15, analysts prioritize technologies
that they respect and which have proven effective for a customer from previous
experience. Nevertheless, reviewing such alarms to filter out false positives is still
one of the analysts’ most troublesome tasks. In doing so, analysts rely on their
tacit knowledge and their knowledge of the monitored environment, built over
experience and documentation of the customer profile.
The aforementioned detection processes are only dependable for known attacks.
Still, the detection of more sophisticated or new attacks relies heavily on humans’
capabilities. Indeed, our analysis revealed that technology is currently deployed in
the SOC as a method to collect the billions of logs, identifying points of interest to
narrow the threat search space. Possible threats are then conveyed to the analysts
as alarms or visualizations. Then it depends on the humans (analysts) and their
ability to correlate and link patterns observed over long periods — “chaining things
together”(P9, P2). This is essential in detecting more stealthy attacks (e.g. APTs),
where activities may be observed in a month’s time.
For example, for hunting, technology is there as a way to organize logs and data
in a structured format (e.g. Elastic Search) so that analysts using their analytical
thinking to query such tools to make connections. Therefore, technology here is
a means for humans to sort through data quickly to detect zero-days or APTs
that may not trigger a network monitoring alarm.
Human-Technology Balance— Overall, the human-technology balance de-
pends on the SOC maturity. The more established the SOC is, the more reliant
they are on technology for triaging and filtering out false positives, having analysts’
expertise in responding to incidents, and hunting for more advanced threats (e.g.
APTs). Therefore, the first objective of automation in SOCs is to automate level-1
SOC analysts’ tasks. On the other hand, in more advanced incidents, there is
still a reliance on human intelligence that some analysts feel is difficult to replace
(P9, P2, P15). As P15 described, “there is still no technology that can give
security insights on its own”.
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 94

Lack of Skills— There are many mentions of the lack of cybersecurity ex-
pertise [190]. Cybersecurity job descriptions require candidates of a technical
background. Indeed, our SOC participants showed that a technical education
(e.g. networking) is needed in their jobs. However, our analysis has revealed a
contradiction in such assumptions. As described in Section 9.6, there is a reliance
on humans to spot things that “don’t look right” or “weird”. However, such abilities
are not necessarily present in “technical” analysts.
Interestingly, one participant who was a new hire and was able to detect an
incident during their first weeks used to be an accountant. The event was detected
by spotting deviating patterns in visualization. Another alarm was attributed
to a misconfigured IP address. Both were missed by technical analysts and was
spotted by the new hire. The new hire’s “eye for detail”, as described by their
manager, was a valued ability in the SOC, especially level-one analysts. In fact,
the manager was reluctant to provide technical training to the new hire, as such
technical information might distract the analyst, effecting their valued ability.
Nevertheless, technical knowledge is valuable in investigating triaged incidents (e.g.
discrepancies in protocol usage). However, other skills, such as the ability to spot
irregularities, are also valued for level-1 analysts.

6.4.3 Investigation
When describing the triaged incident investigation process, analysts revealed how
they use technology to respond to queries emerging from their analytical thinking.
Again, technology is a method to support humans in an investigation and making
decisions rather than automation. Our analysis revealed a contradiction in whether
analysts should follow their tacit knowledge or follow a set of guidelines defined
in the playbook when investigating the incident at hand.
The investigation is a cognitive process, requiring humans to observe multiple
data sources and make connections using their expertise and knowledge of the
environment. Each person has their unique cognitive abilities of imagination,
association, and pattern matching, all abilities needed in such investigative tasks.
Therefore, enforcing analysts to follow procedures defined in a playbook may
do more harm than good by limiting their intuitive ability. As reported by
P2, such procedures represent a burden for them, and therefore, they rely on
their own methods.
Malware Classification— In certain scenarios where the incident involves
malware, determining the type of malware impacts the decision (P7, P9). For
example, ransomware and worms spread in the network requiring immediate
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 95

disconnection. On the other hand, in the case of APTs, disconnecting an asset

may signal APT perpetrators. Hence, knowing the type of malware is crucial in
such investigations. However, depending on the Service Level Agreement (SLA),
SOCs may not have access to their customers’ machines and rely only on the data
at hand. Obtaining the malware executable to run malware sandbox may not be
feasible. If at all feasible, then getting approval and access to the asset take time,
delaying the rapid response such attacks require.

6.4.4 Response
Reporting an Incident— Once an incident is verified, SOC analysts need to
report this detection to the customer. Our analysis revealed a tension in MSSP
SOC analysts reporting. To avoid appearing incompetent, analysts are under
pressure to ensure that the incident reported is indeed an incident and not a FP.
For example, one analyst reported that they spend time investigating a possible
malware infection before notifying the customer. However, delays in dealing with
malware might have huge repercussions, especially if its a ransomware or a worm.
On the other hand, MSSP SOCs may be susceptible to fines if an incident is not
handled on time under the SLA.
Response Decision— Once an incident is triaged, the SOC needs to decide on
the most suitable response. In such decisions, the type of SOC profoundly impacts
who makes the judgment. For MSSP SOCs, the response is not determined by the
analysts themselves but is based on the pre-agreed response documented in the
customer’s profile. As the analysts describe it, they are only there to monitor and
detect threats, and the response is a business decision. The SOC will communicate
the threat and its risks to the customer, and they make the decision. However,
not all customers are at a maturity level to make such a decision. Therefore, some
MSSP SOCs might advise their customers to get them to a business maturity to
make such decisions. In addition, specific response actions (e.g. Pull-the-Plug)
might have a higher cost than others, and therefore, decisions need to be scrutinized
based upon how it will impact the business. Similarly, in internal SOCs, decisions
are made by people up the hierarchy.
Response Automation— Once a decision is made (e.g. Pull-the-Plug), the
type of SOC impacts how the response action is administered. Analysts in internal
SOC inform whoever is in charge of the impacted asset to disconnect the asset
from the network. On the other hand, MSSP analysts advise the customer of
the best course of action, which is then executed by the customer’s security team.
This is mainly a manual process and involves communication between the SOC
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 96

SOC Manager
SIEM Engineers
SOC Analysts









, v












Patching SIEM
Network Operations Security monitoring tools
Process Knowledge (e.g. Customer profile, Technology (e.g. firewall, AV, IDS/IPS)
Change Management
change management, patching)
Risk Assessment Ticketing System

Figure 6.3: Communication and Contextual Knowledge Flow in SOCs

members and other teams (internal) or SOC and the customer’s team (MSSP).
One participant noted that automation of such a task was seen performed by one
customer (described as scripts) to respond to the incident, but that is still deemed
rare. However, an automated decision may not be as effective as human involvement.
For example, when deciding on the response action for a malware that spreads, its
implication on business disruption needs to be considered. Hence, as described by
P9, an action might be to make file shares read-only to ensure that data necessary
for business continuity is available but still prevent malware from spreading. Such
an orchestrated response currently needs to be thought out by humans.

6.5 Summary
Research on SOCs and their operation are still untapped due to the sensitive nature
of the job. This is a problem for the security research community, as most security
technologies are used mainly by analysts in the SOC. In this chapter, we aimed to
address this gap by describing the SOC workflow, obtained by interviewing a wide
variety of SOCs. From our study, we found that the SOC is still heavily human-
oriented, and they would benefit from automation tools that assist the analysts in
their decision making. We hope that by understanding the inner working of the
SOC, researchers can propose solutions that automate aspects of the monitoring,
detection, and response processes.
Technology has proven to be more useful in detecting threats at scale with the
human direction of what is a threat (e.g. use-cases, signatures). Human involvement
is then centered more on filtering out the FPs. FP filtering requires the presence of
6. Malware Detection Processes in Security Operations Centres 97

knowledge accumulated in the customer profile and existing processes (e.g. change
management) that are currently not incorporated into technology. This transparency
in knowledge is challenged in environments that require security clearance and
acquire confidentiality levels. Our findings revealed a precondition that needs to
be dealt with before attempting automation. We found that communication and
transparency are critical in SOCs operations.
Previous work highlighted the need for communication between analysts and
managers as well between analysts and other organisation teams [12]. However,
communication and transparency not only need to be between people but also
embedded between all SOC elements: People, Process, and Technology, as we
summarise in Figure 6.3, and discuss in the following.
Process-Technology— For example, the process of change management and
patching needed to communicate its outcome to technology (e.g. SIEM) as input to
be considered when designing SIEM use-cases to reduce FPs. Similarly, embedding
patching reports to technology will provide transparency on which asset is vulnerable,
to identify possible immediate threats. Incorporation of the output of the various
customer’s processes (e.g. risk assessments, change management, patching, HR
records etc.) into the technology can result in generating more context-aware alarms.
People-Process— Of course, such process outcomes are not useful unless
people keep it up to date, communicating changes into the process (e.g. change
management process). As we showed in Figure 6.2, customer profiling is a very
human-intensive task; removing such a load from analysts using automation can
release them to work on threat hunting. Currently, such communication between
process and people (e.g. the result of vulnerability scans) is adhoc, done verbally
or via email [129].
People-Technology— One of the most human-centric tasks in the SOC is FP
filtering. Analysts providing feedback to the technology on the reported alarms and
whether they are false positives can facilitate future FP filtering automation.
As we summarised in Figure 6.2, analysts are overwhelmed with mundane tasks.
Automation is needed to automate such tasks to provide analysts with time to work
on more interesting and career rewarding tasks (e.g. hunting). Moreover, we found
that contextual knowledge is important and needs to be incorporated in the produced
alarms. In the following chapter, we continue our qualitative study by focusing on
tool usage by analysts, identifying advantages and disadvantages analysts perceive
from these tools, discussing how contextual knowledge can be incorporated in these
tools and provide recommendations for future tool development.
Malware Detection Tools in Security
Operations Centres

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2 The Perception of False-Positives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.3 Intrusion Detection Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.3.1 Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.3.2 Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.4 SIEMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.4.1 Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7.4.2 Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.5 Machine Learning-based Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.6 Challenges in Network-based Monitoring Tools . . . . 114
7.6.1 Encrypted Network Communications . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7.6.2 Internal Network Traffic Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.7 Towards Contextual Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.8 Discussion: Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.8.1 Human intelligence vs. Automation . . . . . . . . . . . 122
7.8.2 Contextual Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.8.3 Internal Network Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.8.4 Customised Machine Learning Models . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.8.5 Technology Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.8.6 Compatibility with Existing Technologies . . . . . . . . 125
7.8.7 Malware Detection Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
7.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 99

7.1 Introduction

As we discussed in the previous chapter, SOC analysts use several tools in their
day-to-day tasks. For example, one of the leading tools used in SOCs are SIEMs.
Alarms generated by SIEMs rely on humans to review them, as most of these alarms
are FPs. For example, NIDS have been found to produce 99% FPs [20]).
Previous research found that false positives can overload security practition-
ers [10]. Consequently, academia has been focusing on improving network-monitoring
systems, specifically addressing the challenge of false-positives (e.g. [192–194]).
However, Kokulu et al. [12] have found that SOC security practitioners do not
consider false-positives in automatic malicious activity detection as a significant
issue in SOC operations. Such findings contradict academia’s current understanding.
Similarly, in Chapter 5, we found that although analysts find the number of
alerts generated by most IDS to be overwhelming, the results were neutral on the
IDS’s inadequacy in detecting threats. We aim to explore this further to determine
analysts’ perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of these tools and the reasons
why such tools that produce high false positives are not seen as flawed by analysts.
Our survey results show that knowledge of the network is vital in detecting
anomalous behaviour on the network. In fact, analysts choose the alerts they process
based on that awareness. We explore this further to investigate how such contextual
knowledge can be incorporated into tools to reduce the number of false positives.
To summarise, in this chapter, we address the following research questions.

• What do analysts’ perceive to be false positives, and how can we establish a

clearer definition?

• What are the advantages and disadvantages that security practitioners perceive
of network-monitoring tools?

• How can we design better network-monitoring tools to improve the process of

filtering out false positives?
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 100

7.2 The Perception of False-Positives

To understand the analysts’ definition of a false positive, we asked our participating
practitioners to discuss how they will investigate a particular incident to elicit their
reasoning. In their response, they indicated that the first step when receiving an
alarm is to determine if the alarm is a which they will need to filter out.
Filtering out False Positives— Once an alarm is picked up by an analyst,
the analyst needs to determine if it needs to be escalated for investigation. However,
a huge amount of alarms is triggered in a SOC daily, where the majority of
these alarms are considered FPs.

P2: The SIEM in itself is too noisy. We know 99% of the alarms we
generate false positives, but we still have to look at them.

Interestingly, when we asked our participants about false positives during the
interviews, P9, P4, P15 asked us to clarify if we mean a false alarm or a benign
trigger/noise. In fact, one analyst emphasized the importance of distinguishing
between benign trigger and false positives when evaluating a security monitoring
tool performance and its accuracy. False alarms are used to describe an alarm being
generated without a true security-related event (the boy who cried wolf ). In contrast,
benign triggers are true alarms; meaning they match an existing signature (e.g.
vulnerable java version) but the organisation chooses to ignore it (e.g. due to legacy
systems). P9 provided an example of a benign trigger due to outdated Java versions.

P9: There’s Snort signatures, we have particularly noisy — well I say

they’re noisy, they’re always doing exactly what they should do, they’re
always identifying vulnerable versions of Java, but a lot of companies
have a lot of vulnerable versions of Java, so we get a massive influx of

Similarly, when we asked P4 if he finds the detections reported by network-based

security tools to be “accurate”, he explained:

P4: So they are very accurate I believe, but whether they’re accurate and
a false positive, now, it depends on how you perceive a false positive. So
if we raise an alarm to the customer, and they’re aware of it, they will
just call out, we are aware of it, but it’s a false positive in that sense

Hence, an IDS detecting benign triggers does not mean it is not accurate.
It is accurate because as it is the same trigger a malicious actor can utilise.
Hence, labelling such benign triggers as false positives gives the impression that the
technology itself is flawed when it is detecting what it was designed to detect.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 101

P15: So, you have a very high number of events right, and it doesn’t mean
they’re a false positive, but it means many enough are again triggered by
benign triggers. Which means the condition is perfectly matched, and
the filter as such works, but the circumstances are completely legitimate.
This is benign, because the purpose is business-justified, and it’s not
malicious, it’s just manifests in the same way as particular malware
would, right.

A high percentage of the alarms generated by security tools are found to be

benign triggers. Although analysts may have reported a high number of false
positives in our survey, our qualitative study revealed that many of these false
positives are attributed to benign triggers – hence tools are doing what they are
designed to do. This explains why analysts reported, as discussed in Chapter 5,
that they are overwhelmed by alarms but were neutral about the adequacy of IDS.
P15: So the benign trigger probability is usually very high, from hands-on
experience. So is the volume itself, across the IPS/IDS vendors.

7.3 Intrusion Detection Systems

Signature-based intrusion detection tools have their challenges, yet, they are still
widely used in SOCs — as reported by 90% of our participants (Chapter 5-
Figure 5.3). For example, participant P2 noted: “IDS traffic, quite important to us,
so we rely quite heavily on IDS alerts.” In order to understand this contradiction, we
obtained the analysts’ perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional
network monitoring tools (e.g. NIDS) in the SOC, discussed in the following.

7.3.1 Strengths
Good first indicator— Some analysts found IDS Alerts to be a good first indicator
for an intrusion. As P4 explained “Most of the anomalies are basically network traffic
because that’s the first point of call for any sort of intrusion”. Similarly, P2 reported:
P2: So IDS analysis and network traffic for us performs very well. It is
a very good early indicator that something is going on.

Deal with high volumes— One of the reasons why IDS is very popular is
its capability to handle and cope with high data rates (high volume of traffic),
as we discussed in Chapter 5.
P15: If we look at the volume itself, the top talkers are without any
doubt the IPS/IDS appliances. And that is expected, given the relative
detection uncertainty that they apply to implement detection as such,
like regular expressions and anomaly-based detection right.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 102

Well Maintained— Having the tool be well maintained is also a sought after
tool property. For example, updating the tool with signatures of the latest threats.
P4: In terms of the good parts of the tool, I believe Suricata or Snort
[signature-based NIDS], because it’s pretty well maintained and there
are new rules every day added to it, I think it’s probably one of the best
tools for network intrusion detection systems.
Easy to Write Signatures— There are three types of signatures deployed in
a NIDS: (1) signatures released by the product vendor, (2) signatures shared by
the community or other organisations, (3) user-defined or use-case-based signatures
(e.g. admin logins, TOR). Some analysts think that one of the good features
of intrusion detection systems is the capability of defining custom signatures —
User Defined (UD) signatures. Every organisation is different in its networks,
systems, users, and its use. Defining custom configurations that work for that
environment is a sought after trait.
P9: In terms of the good features they have capabilities for you to deploy
your own customised signatures, you know, UD, you know, user-defined
Creating custom signatures also assists analysts in providing a quick fix to a
new threat. For example, in case of new malware, analysts can write signatures
to detect it based on the malware known Indicators of compromise (IOC). As
P9 pointed out in the WannaCry case:
P9: So like WannaCry, instantly, we wrote as many signatures for that
as possible, for everything we could, and then put it in place. There
were already signatures there, but we just wanted to be as thorough as

Work Across Protocols— P18 and P6 also commented that the ability for
the signature-based IDS to work across protocols is an advantage.
P18: I suppose the good thing about the IPS is that it can work across

7.3.2 Weaknesses
Mostly False Alarms– A high number of alarms generated in the SOC are
attributed to NIDS [20]. As P4 explained: “We do tend to get a lot of alarms based
on the network traffic, and 90% of the time they are based on the Suricata rules.”
Similarly P6 explained: “I think that most of the tools will generate a higher volume
of false positives, especially when it comes to a signature-based event.”
However, some analysts find that these alerts are mostly benign triggers rather
than attributing to a malicious threat.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 103

P15: We had many detections that are accurate, as much as the filter
mechanics is concerned, but I can’t recall to be honest, a genuine
malicious detection, attributable to TippingPoint or any other IPS as
a detecting device. And this is concerning, given that at the same time
they represent most of the volume of the SOC, when you come to think
of it.

Some analysts perceive alerts generated by IDS/IPS tools to be unreliable on

their own. They use it as an additional data source that detected the same intrusion,
correlating it with alerts generated by other platforms. Although P2 indicated that
IDS is a good first indicator, he later explained that it is not good on its own—“So
I think network monitoring tools on their own aren’t the greatest of indicators.”
Unreliable Signatures— The IDS accuracy is highly dependent on how the
filters/rules/signatures are written. For example, in the case of malware signatures,
signatures that incorporate IP addresses as a filter are not reliable, as malware
is prone to changing its domain.
P2: A lot of the network-based stuff I don’t find very reliable, just because
a lot of the IOCs are based on IP addresses which change. They are
based on domains which get shut down.

Likewise, P18 explained that a poorly written signature will result in many
alarms, that analysts can not review, rendering the signature not “useful”.
P18: Yeah, it’s kind of an internal battle of having a signature for the
latest threats and having a useful signature because if it’s just constantly
firing, nobody’s got the time to review all of them, so it has to be well
written and they’re not always.

Black Box— One of the disadvantages of IDS/IPS is that they are closed
systems. Meaning that the analyst receives an alert but does not know the reason
for the detection. The analysts themselves need to lookup more information about
the alarm using, for example, the filter name to understand what the alarm is for.
P15: You know the filter name and you have the filter description,
and this may or may not be tied to a CVE number, for a particular
vulnerability, which you can then read up, see what operating system,
software, etc., it is related to.

Likewise, P4 explained that alarms produced are not clear and require analysts
to search further for the source of the alarm.
P4: I think the fact, I think your last question about the anomaly-based,
although it gives us some sort of indication, it’s not very clear and It
does require us to dig in deeper and find out where the source was.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 104

However, such ambiguity not only requires more effort for the analyst to
investigate, as P15 explained, they also lose their trust in the validity of the alarm.

P15: So that’s one issue of traditional IPS/IDS, that we also don’t really
have high respect for, because if you don’t tell me the reason you fire,
you’re not ready to open up the reason you produce an event for me,
and I have only a very high level of description that may not be usable,
it’s not usually usable, let alone actionable, then I can’t have really high
respect on that.

Loosely Written— Some analysts reported that signatures are “loosely writ-
ten”, meaning that it is written to be general to capture a variety of activities,
thus resulting in a high volume of false positives.

P6: I think that most of the tools will generate a higher volume of false
positives [..], especially when it comes to a signature-based event. We
have IPSs and we get signatures from the vendor. Some of the signatures
are written very loosely in order to allow it to capture a wide range of
activities and those are some of the downfalls of using it

This is also true for signatures that are designed to detect malware. As the
malware evolves and generates various attack behaviours, signatures can be written
to be too broad to capture all these possible behaviours.

P18: Malware can change so quickly now that, yeah, a lot of their
signatures can be very loose and very broad to try and capture every

Similarly, when creating malware signatures, they are written to capture part of the
malware activities. Although, the alarm is triggered, the analysts are left confused
about which kind of malware triggered it. P4 explained:

P4: But what happens is, sometimes when they write the rules, they
only write to capture a part of the malware and not all, not other pieces
of it. So what happens when the rule triggers and we have an alarm, it
may give a false indication that that alarm is for this particular malware,
when in reality, it’s for a different one. And that could be, that is an issue
because as malware perform different, sort of, actions on a system, we
don’t really know what sort of remediation advice to give to a customer.
Whether it’s for that malware or whether it’s for this.

One analyst provided an example of how such loose signatures results in the
tool generating a false alarm. Such an alarm was determined as a false alarm
on examining the network traffic.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 105

P9: But some of the signatures are very poor, so they will look for
the words "select" and "from", in clear text, in a packet, but it could
be "from" and "select" in a packet, there’s no context applied, or "drop
tables" a classic one, so we have a customer who sells a [Drop Table],
I’m assuming it’s a fold-down side table, every time they sell one of
them it fires an alert, but it fires it on the SQL injection alarm, so you
can’t turn that signature off, as poor as it is, because that’s one of the
SQL injection alarms that’s part of that product set for.

However, such a manual inspection of the packet might not be possible with
encrypted traffic, as P9 continues.

P9: which is quite time-wasting really, but then if the limitation is, so
if that traffic is then encrypted, you might get the alarm but you can’t
see the raw text.

Lack Context— Some analysts remarked that one of the reasons that IDS
alerts are not reliable is that it does not perform contextual analysis. Meaning, that
the alert lacks context that might help the analysts determine if its a true alarm.
P15: It’s a bit of a paradox there, you have quite a bit of an output, at
the same time, when the detection is accurate, and the regular expression
is correct and everything is fine, it doesn’t really mean it’s malicious,
and the reason is, it doesn’t do usually contextual analysis, it doesn’t
add more event sources into it, which is what then the SIEM does, and
the analysis of the human element does, of the human actor.

Therefore, providing some context to the generated alarms assist analysts in

determining whether the alarm was generated due to an actual threat. P17
explained how current signatures do not provide enough context to determine
if it was triggered due to an actual threat or a benign trigger.
P17: Because without it you’re pretty blind because if you see the content
that a signature wants to match on plus a few bytes after, that’s not
always the best way of actually, well, you can’t really confirm whether
something bad has happened or not.

For example, some network intrusion detection systems do not capture the
packets that triggered the filter. This may be due to storage limitations.
P9: Some of the devices will be configured to give you the trigger packet,
so the one packet that contains the string that triggered the alarm. In
order to kind of contextualise some of these trigger packets, it would
be useful to have the packets before it, the packets after it, so you can
understand what was going on in the bigger picture. Where we do have
that, analysis is just made loads easier. Where we don’t have that, you’ve
got to start making assumptions, which is where a weakness could lie.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 106

However, some analysts find that more products are now adding more context to
their alarms, hence are getting better as P9 continues to explain.

P9: So, things are getting better with that, Cisco have sort of got rid of a
lot of that technology and moved on with the SourceFire and FirePower
stuff, so that’s more contextualised but yeah it can be a real challenge.

Detecting New Threats— In general, most IDS systems used by SOCs are
signature-based, as P16 remarks:

P6: From the network monitoring its all still signature-based, so natu-
rally if there is no signature it will not cause an alarm.

Therfore, if there is no signature for a threat, a signature-based IDS would not

be able to detect it. This is an issue when several malware variants are being
introduced each day. Moreover, in more sophisticated attacks such as APTs,
signature-based tools will not generate alerts.

P2: Yeah, so with a lot of the APT malware you don’t notice it on the
way in. Snort signatures aren’t written for it, just because it is not very
well known. So a lot of the time it will get through.

Slow in Deploying Signatures— One of signature-based solution’s advantages

is that it allows analysts to create signatures quickly to detect new threats. However,
deploying these signatures to all IDS/IPS on the network takes time.

P18: So, with something like WannaCry when it first hit on the Friday
afternoon, we didn’t have a signature for it. So, that was something we
needed to develop as quickly as possible and then, of course, again on a
huge network it takes time to deploy all this stuff.

7.4 SIEMs
As we discussed in Chapter 5, 80% of our participants use SIEMs. SIEMs replace
the need for analysts to access the traditional security tools, sometimes called
eye-on-glass, directly.

P15: This is where it is getting interesting, because these days, 2017,

very few I guess security vendors use directly a network monitoring tool.
Most of them feed into SIEMs, like Arcsight, QRadar, LogRhythm, you
name it.

Similar to traditional network-monitoring tools, SIEMs also have their strengths

and weaknesses, which we identify in the following sections.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 107

7.4.1 Strengths
Visibility — SIEMs are capable of handling large numbers of security events
from multiple sources [195].

P2: So any one source on its own, I don’t find that useful. That is why
most SOCS now, the core bit of technology is a SIEM, because you can
tie all the different technologies in together.

Hence, the SIEM can see all logs and alerts generated by security devices you
connect to it, as P2 explained: “Yeah, so we have a SIEM platform that ingests
logs from all sorts of stuff.” Everything goes into this one central repository, so all
the logs and alerts are in one place. In addition, the data sources are monitored
continuously to make sure they are working. Thus, if the log data source becomes
silent for some time, the SOC receives a warning saying, for example, “You haven’t
received an IDS alert for 20 minutes.” This functionality allows analysts to have
visibility of the monitored network and systems.
Analysts having access to host and network logs is attractive, as the more
information, they can view the better their situational awareness [195].

P12: The good thing is we have recordings of all the networks and all
the emails and everything, so all the files and directories that any system
user will have so if there’s any malware detected or any malicious mail
received by them we all have the same tool, all logs are collected via
SIEM, a so in that way it’s good that we have visibility to all the systems
via SIEM.

Custom use-cases — Each environment customer’s risk assessment and assets

are different. Customers might want to write SIEM alarms for specific assets
that match a certain threat scenario. The functionalities provided by the SIEM
allow analysts to write such use-cases, tailoring alarms to their environments.
As P19 explained:

P19: So they will tell arcsight, “I want to see how many people have
logged onto so-and-so in the last 24 hours”, and it goes “dzzzz” back.

For example, defining a use-case and the required logs to monitor that use-
case will reduce the size of the acquired logs to the bare minimum. This makes
storing them more feasible as P2 noted: “You can store it that bit longer because
you don’t get too many of them.”
Moreover, defining use-cases and the bare-minimum logs needed ensures that
analysts are not swamped with far too much information. P20 noted:
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 108

P20: I mean a SIEM tool can do pretty much anything you want it to,
as long as you can see how you can boil that down to basic logic, and
where you’re going to get that information from. As long as you can do
that, then the SIEM tool can do absolutely anything.

P20 explained how an analyst could write a use-case that integrates the physical
security system into the SIEM. In such a use-case, the SOC can detect log-ins
originating from users who are currently offsite. P20: “a log-on by someone who
has left the organisation is a particularly good example of how it can work well.”
However, such detection is only possible if the SIEM data (e.g. employee leavers)
is up-to-date and maintained.
Cross-event, Cross-Platform Correlation — One of the main advantages
of SIEMs over traditional IDS is its capability of correlating multiple alerts and
log events generated by heterogeneous platforms.

P16: With the network threat it all goes Scericata (or snort of whatever),
where I think if the, it cant do like comparing 2 events at the same time,
is just an IDS really, it can’t put the 2 together. If it was going to the
SIEM platform that would be easy, because that is what it does.

For example, as described by P2, a correlation rule could be “If you have seen
an IP doing any one of these activities, followed by authentication success or a
large amount of data transfer to it, generate an alarm.”
Correlation Rules/Directive alarms could be alarms that monitor the network
for “anomalies”. For example, one SOC had correlation rules for noticing spikes
in traffic. These rules learn normal traffic patterns over two weeks by looking at
host traffic, creating upper thresholds. Thus when traffic for a host goes beyond
that threshold (threshold determined during the baselining phase in preparation),
an alarm is generated.

P2: It’s a bit of both. You signature it, you write the rule and then you
baseline it from there, so it’s a learning rule you would call it. So you
are basically saying learn what activity is there for several days and then
monitor what changes for the next however many hours.

SOCs usually have a fairly extensive set of correlated rules, which the analyst
is expected to react to immediately. The analyst find these rules effective: P2
explained “So yeah we do correlation rules like that. It proved quite effective, just
because you are generating that event yourself.”
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 109

P9: So, bit of traffic bouncing off your firewall is not super-interesting,
a host sending a bit more traffic than it normally does, you know peaks
and troughs in traffic do change, but join those two together within your
SIEM, now that’s suddenly become more interesting because that’s been
persistently hit externally and now suddenly more things are going out,
so that’s a type of anomaly that that kind of kit would spot.

There are several reasons why a SOC may define directive alarms. Defining
correlation rules or directive alarms allows the SOC to store these alarms for an
extended period so that correlating these alarms over time might allow capturing
more stealthy attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).

P6: The analysts that you’ve got run in 24-hour shifts, session, so if
something is missed during the day, they still have to run historical,
maybe do trend analysis, you know, where you analyse, maybe, a 24-hour
period log against the previous 24 hours. So, chances are, you’ll be able
to pick something that was missed by whoever was on shift before you
came on and rectified and those logs will still be there.

Categorization and Data organisation— Logs/messages received from

SDEE enabled devices are intrinsically suited to go into the SIEM. They do
not require manipulation because they are in the right format. However, some
applications/devices were never designed to generate logs. and their output has
to be edited before its import to the SIEM, a process called Normalization. The
SIEM’s ability to take such unstructured data and organize it in a structured
manner makes it easier for analysts to query the SIEM, defining filters to retrieve
meaningful results for the investigation in hand.

P9: I think how the SIEM platform is configured to receive that in-
formation and then deal with it accordingly helps, so it’s a lot easier
for manual analysis, when things are structured properly or categorised

Prioritization — Analysts receive multiple alarms at once. How they choose

the alarms they investigate first depends on several factors. As we found in our
quantitative study reported in Chapter 5, 57.9% of the analysts indicated that they
chose the alerts based on awareness of normal network activity, and 47.4% said
based on the alert severity rating. As P2, explained, the priority score assigned
to an alarm will depend on the criticality of the alert, and the impacted host
and its location in the network.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 110

P2: So the SIEM platform itself will assign a risk based priority score
to the alarm that it generates. These scores are based on the criticality
of the host, where it sits in the network, the criticality of the alert. So if
it is a strong signature which is only seen as information it assigns a
lower score. Basically the computation in the background assigns a score
to it, and obviously the higher ones we jump on as quick as possible.

Fast MTTR— One of the metrics used to measure a SOC’s maturity is the
time needed to take action and neutralize the threat is Mean Time to Respond
(MTTR). SOCs aim to lower the MTTR, and the SIEM’s ability to aggregate
datasource helps to achieve that. However, some customers may not have a SIEM,
and analysts have reported that they would need to go onsite and look at the
host. Specifically, they look for historical evidence of how the infected machine
interacted with the network. To determine that, they would examine the file shares
that can access it, local logs stored on the infected host, switch logs in switches,
and firewalls that it may have passed through.
Nevertheless, the best option is always to have such information feed into a
SIEM. As a participant noted, going onsite takes time and delays the investigation.

P9: Even with the best will in the world, you might take an hour, two
hours to get somebody to somebody’s site, if those logs are available
for inspection within the SIEM, you’re going to be investigating within

7.4.2 Weaknesses
Overwhelm Analysts— The SIEM’s ability to plug-in data sources, although
attractive for comprehensive monitoring, might result in a huge collection of data
and alarms that overwhelm the analysts. Hence, when an analyst wants to find
particular information, it might not be a straightforward process.

P17: Downsides may be sometimes too much information. If you just

want to quickly jump to something there’s usually no shortcut to just
finding the answer, you have to go through certain steps to find what
you’re looking for.

Therefore, it is best practice when deploying SIEMs is to properly design the use-
cases, and collect data needed only for these cases, as noted by P20, P11, and P3.

P20: It’s just a case of getting the bare minimum that you need to meet
your security use-case.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 111

Use of structure databases— The volume of data becomes even more prob-
lematic when the deployed SIEM uses structured databases that take time to
retrieve queries.
P13: When handling large amounts of data in terms of alarms, it’s
not got quite as much resource to handle it, cause at the moment the
platform manager uses the Microsoft SQL, so when handling big data,
structure database doesn’t really work for it. In terms of just taking in
data, it can handle it cause it uses a ElasticSearch and backhand, but
the actual alarms are still structured.

False Alarms and benign triggers filtering— Similar to traditional security

monitoring tools (e.g. IDS), SIEMS may also generate noise or many false positives,
especially when first deployed. The SIEM is only as good as its configuration.
Therefore, it also needs to go through a baselining period to reduce noise and
benign triggers.
P9: I think it would be good to get some of the noise away that might be
generated within there, although one of the big tasks that come through
the SOC is the cost of baselining, taking the noise out of the equation.

P2: The SIEM in itself is too noisy. We know 99 percent of the alarms
we generate false positives, but we still have to look at them.

Cost— One of the main challenges of SIEMs is cost. A SIEM platform with
hundreds of connectors and archival databases may require $3 to $5 million of
upfront hardware cost as well as a yearly maintenance cost [195]. Moreover, adding
additional functionalities as “plug-ins” will accumulate an additional cost.
P12: Pattern discovery, yeah, so you have to buy this stuff separately
and it will do all your IOCs together, its so smart but in other tools
like Splunk we don’t have that pattern discovery. But we have to do it

Configuration hassle and lack of expertise— SIEMs require a lot of configu-

rations from security practitioners, such as defining thresholds and use-cases, as
we discussed in Chapter 6. In addition, the lack of expertise to use and configure
the SIEM has an impact on using the SIEM to its full potential.
P19: The biggest problems we’ve got, is a lack of people who are suitable
qualified to use it.

Detection of Zero-Day attacks— Although a SIEM provides additional

functionalities over traditional monitoring tools, it still relies on humans to be
able to detect more advanced attacks.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 112

P20: They [SIEM] are good at detecting anomalies, but if you’re clever
enough to make sure that you don’t look like an anomaly then the SIEM
is not going to do you any good, then you’re reliant on an analyst saying
– that’s fairly normal but it just looks a little bit odd. And then you’re
reliant on the human being making a connection.

7.5 Machine Learning-based Tools

Recently, the security community have proposed technologies that apply machine
learning for network malware detection [36, 72–105]. In our interviews, we inves-
tigated the state of machine learning tool deployment in SOCs.
For example, P15 explained how, in addition to SIEMs, analysts also have
respect for APT-based tools (i.e. tools that use machine learning).

P15: So, it’s about cross-platform, cross-event source correlation, that we

can actually have high respect for, not any technology as such, unless of
course it’s APT-based technology. Contemporary APT-based technologies
are a family of its own that have by default very high respect for.

As P15 continued to explain, compared to traditional IPS/IDS, such APT

tools (e.g. Carbon Black, FireEye) do behavioural analysis of files and artifacts
of network traffic.

P15: So that’s the sort of behaviour-based approach that you don’t have
a-priori built-in conception of what to look for, but you see what it does,
machine learning,

Furthermore, P1 explained that they are planning to deploy a tool that applies
ML to network analysis in the next year.

P1: When it comes to the network side, we are in the process to sort
of look for machine learning activities in there. But right now it’s just
based on signatures.

P1 continued to explain that ML could be applied to detect file manipulation

on the host to automatically block it.

P1: I really like to, you know, it’s, in a perfect world it will be, all the
processes would be known by my machine learning tool or the AI tool.

P18 explained how machine learning is being used to automate FP filtering, one
of the most human-centric tasks as we found in Chapter 6. Such automation
functionality is often referred to as “orchestration” [196].
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 113

P18: Well, I was at InfoSec yesterday and it seems that a lot of the big
vendors think it can be. They were very heavily pushing their tools that
do away with all of the false positives for you, or they’re supposed to, to
the point where it was even kind of raising a ticket for you and things
like this. I can’t remember what they called it. Orchestration.

P6 explained that although they do not deploy machine-learning products, they

employ an Defence in Depth approach.

P6: We do have a bit of defence in depth approach, so not just using

one particular tool to do all our monitoring. [..] So, coming back to
your question, yes, we may not have machine learning, but we have a
range of technology in place to mitigate a number of threats.

P17 explained that they attend conferences and vendor demos to keep up to date
on the latest technologies. However, they have not seen commercial products that
stood out, and they were skeptical of the tools’ application of machine learning.

P17: When I’ve looked at machine learning in the past it seems like it’s
not entirely machine learning and they say they’ve got sensors deployed
which have got algorithms that get updated by the vendor, but it really
sounds like they’re updating some form of signatures on there.

P9 also mentioned the absence of machine learning-based technologies in their SOC.

However, they believe that it would be good to use ML to for the human intensive
task of baselining and so reduce noise, as we found in Chapter 6.

P9: I think it would be good to get some of the noise away that might be
generated within there, although one of the big tasks that comes through
the SOC is the cost of baselining, taking the noise out of the equation.

As we found in Chapter 6, the type of customer (e.g. government) is a factor

that impacts SOC operations. When the customer is a public sector, it might
be a challenge to deploy machine-learning technologies as it requires approval for
deployment, which takes time.

P18: So, one of the problems we face is getting things accredited for
use on our networks because of the security levels involved. So, I mean
especially things like machine learning which are really cutting edge still
at the moment but they’re really the realms of academic stuff, so getting
something like that approved for use on the network is probably several
years away.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 114

7.6 Challenges in Network-based Monitoring Tools

Our analysis revealed challenges in the adoption of network-based monitoring related
to encryption and the position of the tools on the perimeter of the network.

7.6.1 Encrypted Network Communications

One of the findings of our survey (Chapter 5) is that 70% of our participants find
packet content to be a very important feature for threat monitoring. However,
organisations have moved to encrypt their network traffic to maintain its confiden-
tiality. Similarly, threat actors are employing obfuscation through traffic encryption,
posing a challenge for network monitoring solutions.
P1: There are quite a lot of things that you just can’t tell from network.
You just can’t rely on the networking data because of encryption, SSL,
HTTPS. We are going, we are moving, I think, in time or a period where
we want everything to be encrypted. But there again, attackers can do
the same.

Consequently, due to network encryption, security practitioners have moved

to adopt host-based monitoring tools. As P15 explained:
P15: And truth told, the battleground of security has moved from the
network to the host, and the reason is simple – the level of obfuscation
usually, and the fact that the traffic is ciphered, the traffic is encrypted
by the malicious actors, by the threat actors.

When the deployed tools perform content inspection, encryption renders them
obsolete, as P9 explained.
P9: If the traffic is encrypted, we won’t be able to do that [content
inspection], unfortunately, but provided it’s not, yes it will take full
packet captures and then it will run the Snort signature base through all
the packet captures, and see what it can match on. So yes, I would call
it like content inspection, yes.

In fact, analysts find that host-based tools provide more useful information and
are more accurate. As P17 explained, host-based solutions provide insight into
all of the processes and activities occurring on the end host, while maintaining
the host user’s privacy. Similarly, P2 explained:

P2: The most accurate ones are normally the host agent ones, so we are
looking for a sequence of things. So a change to a registry key followed by
an application starting with a parent process which is normal, followed
by network traffic out to a suspicious network block and stuff like that.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 115

7.6.2 Internal Network Traffic Monitoring

One main question we were interested in is whether SOCs monitor the internal
network traffic. Most SOCs agreed that they only monitor network traffic on the
organisation’s perimeter, and rarely collect internal network traffic. Unfortunately,
the lack of monitoring of the internal network is a security weakness - it is easy to
infect the network using a malware-infected USB or through phishing emails. Once
the malware is in the network, it can propagate internally, causing damage.

P9: I know from what you hear in the industry, a lot of people put a
very very large focus on protecting themselves around the perimeter, but
then, say you do manage to get through that, a lot of networks they don’t
spend half as much time securing the innards of it all, so once you’re
actually in, a lot of the time it’s very easy to just propagate throughout
these networks and gain a foothold

SOC practitioners agree on the importance of monitoring internal network traffic,

especially with the rise of insiders and malware such as WannaCry. Moreover,
monitoring workstation’s internal network traffic is also important during forensics
to determine how malware got into the network. For example, in the case of
Wannacry, although it infiltrated the perimeter, the means used (i.e. email or
drive-by-download) is not known.

P9: I think that’s where people start wising up, because things like
the WannaCry, it got into people’s networks, but it also entered at the
perimeter, but what people are struggling to find at the moment is they
can’t find whether they got it via an email, and somebody clicked on
something they shouldn’t, or whether they had a public-facing share and
that’s how it got into their network. And there’s quite a lot of companies
that just don’t know yet [...] But because people aren’t monitoring at
that level on the inside, that bit is a little bit of a grey area for a lot of
companies at the moment.

Likewise, in cases such as detecting insider threats, monitoring the internal

network is crucial. When we asked a participant what they would need to detect
an insider, he mentioned that they would need network traffic either as a full
capture or in NetFlow format.

P17: So, you’d either need full packet archive or NetFlow and knowledge
of what the internal subnets look like. So, we collect the info on what
internal subnets are used for what. So, a workstation would be LAN
specific department network and where the servers live and we could use
NetFlow to detect how much traffic is being transmitted between two.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 116

There are several reasons why they do not monitor internal traffic. For example,
P4 mentioned that it is hard to monitor internal traffic because of geographically
how the network topology has been configured. So if the SOC monitors the
internal part of the customer’s firewall, then when host A tries to connect to host
B, and they are on the same network, that traffic will not be captured because
it will never hit the firewall.
Another main challenge is storage. Capturing and storing full packet captures
of the ingress and egress points to the network alone is costly. Thus, to additionally
collect internal network traffic in even greater volume is a challenge.

P9: And again, that’s where you get into vast amounts of storage, if
you’re going to capture all the packets of all of that internal interaction,
at the perimeter you’ve got a few devices, and then it’s whoever lands
at the perimeter, talking outside, but there’s lots and lots of traffic
happening all the time on the inside, that if you were trying to capture
that’s quite a vast amount of data to sort of look at.

Similarly, an MSSP SOC, collecting PCAPs depends on how much the customer
is willing to pay for storage. Although they cover the customer perimeter network
connections, monitoring internal traffic is still costly for the customer.

P2: We cover all ingress and egress into networks, but it is how much
the customer wants to pay for, for us to cover within the network. Most
of it at the end of the day comes down to storage and how many logs
we can process a second for them. There is always a cost and they are
always trying to save money, and it’s normal, "Well as long as we’ve
got the internal ... in and out covered then internal shouldn’t matter."
It is a very alternate way of thinking. We don’t like it but ... yeah.

Internal network traffic may still be visible in the SIEM, but that depends on
whether use-cases that the customer defined rely on part of the internal network
communications as a data source. For example, the customer might be interested in
monitoring the internal network traffic of specific servers. As such, the SOC defines
use-cases that monitor that part of the network. As P2 mentioned:

P2: So we will see, well all Windows servers, so SMB anywhere. So we

will see any connection via the windows system, security log on that one.
So we should see, "Oh that’s the authentication."

Some SOCs may attempt to monitor the internal network behaviour through
the host logs. However, when defining such use cases, baselining what is considered
a normal activity for an user asset is a challenge.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 117

P17: At the moment we don’t have any alerts on that kind of traffic
because it’s hard to really determine for that side what’s normal really
because sometimes people log on to servers, SharePoint or something,
download a lot of files because of working on some big documents, so
that would be quite challenging to baseline, but we definitely use that
during an investigation. So, then whilst we’re looking through the traffic
for a host we’ll see the logs related to that host so if they’ve connect to
a bunch of servers which they don’t usually connect to then we can flag
that as well.

PCAPs are useful in understanding “what they are dealing with”, but are usually
only examined after a SIEM alarm detected malicious activity. Some SOCs collect
the PCAPs but only look at it during the investigation process.

P9: So you can go through, review the traffic manually, it’s an immense
job, you wouldn’t want to review all of the traffic manually, without
having some sort of intelligence to point you to a particular thing. But
that’s one way, and I suppose it works the same in Splunk or any kind
of big data platform - you can manually go and review it, but with the
quantities of data and stuff in there, it’s going to be very difficult unless
you have got something to point you in the right direction

Some SOCs monitor the internal network through IPS. However, the size and
scale of the network make it difficult to push signatures to all IPS. Such as in the
WannaCry attack, as P18 discussed in Section 7.3.2.
To overcome storage challenges, some SOCs are attempting to collect internal
traffic communications in alternative formats such as network flow (e.g. Net-
Flow). When asked to explain the reasons they do not collect internal network
traffic, P17 replied:

P17: Storage, I think. We’re looking at getting alternatives in the, not

full PCAP data but to get something like NetFlow and we captured that
from some of the switches on our customer’s estates, so at least we can
see what hosts we’re communicating with, what and how much traffic was
transmitted as an alternative to getting full blown, full packet capture at
that point.

NetFlow vs. PCAP

One of the main questions we were interested in is at what stage of the process
is network traffic analysis useful. Network traffic can be captured as a packet
capture (PCAP) or in a NetFlow format. As we have shown in Chapter 5, only
55% or our participants monitor network packet captures and NetFlow through
the SIEM. However, some analysts find NetFlow to be only helpful in forensics
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 118

and so these are not actively monitored (20%). In addition, 80% use Wireshark
to analyse network traffic.
P15: NetFlow is not so much popular, although it is to be found for
some forensics purposes, so for ad-hoc specific tasks, but this doesn’t
usually feed into security-event management systems.

In contrast, some analysts have configured the SIEM to collect PCAPs of the
network when it receives an alarm from a network-based IDS. Although the intrusion
was picked up by the NID, investigating the alarm and determining why that alarm
was fired was done though the PCAP.
P4: If it’s a NID-based alarm so through Suricata or Snort, then
AlienVault automatically performs a capture, a PCAP capture, so we
can download the PCAP and look at why that alarm was triggered, and
then looking at the PCAP we can understand what is because it matches
certain criteria which that that rule was looking for ..

As we discussed in Section 7.3, one of the weaknesses of signature-based IDS is the

lack of context in the generated alarms. However, as P9 explained, PCAPs can help
provide context to a received alert, providing explanation to why the alarm was fired.
P9: Whereas there’s other bits of kit, and I suppose it’s not down to
the vendor, it’s more down to the configuration, some of them aren’t
configured to take full packet captures, and in certain instances you really
struggle to apply context to the alert you have seen. So yes, I would say
it varies, but I think they do their job ultimately.

Although some SOCs might attempt to collect the customers’ network traffic,
they may keep them for a day and a half to three days. After that, they will store
the metadata, which will go back a couple of months enabling them to perform
retrospective searching if required. Similar to what we discussed in Chapter 6, some
SOCs only start collecting the PCAP after they start investigating an incident.
So they will take a PCAP of the traffic for 120 sec, then wait for a couple of
minutes before collecting another one.

7.7 Towards Contextual Alarms

One of the main findings of our survey, reported in Chapter 5, is the importance of
knowledge of the network in filtering out false alarms. Such knowledge provides
context that is helpful to analysts in investigating an encountered alarm. Knowledge
of the customer and its network allows SOC practitioners to use their tacit knowledge
and experience in spotting threats.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 119

P15: OK so getting to know the customer, customizing this experience

over months and years, that bit of abstraction that actually also allows
you as tacit knowledge to make judgment calls, why something looks a
bit off from what it should be.

For example, one of the main weaknesses reported by the analysts in the tools
they use, discussed in Section 7.3.2, is the lack of context in the signature description,
leaving them to determine the cause of the alarm, adding more effort to a very
tiresome task. We discuss in the following how adding context to alarms can help
analysts quickly determine its genuineness.
To be able to determine if a network activity is “normal”, the analyst needs
to know the monitored network. This knowledge spans, for example, the network
topology, network devices, what these devices are used for, location, and the
owner of these devices.

P18: I suppose it comes down to knowing your network again, is as

much about knowing who looks after what and what’s actually going on
in the organisation at the time.

For example, the analyst might need to know the connection patterns of each asset—
i.e. what services are running on this asset and what are their frequent connections.

P4: Again, the topology of where the server is based is important, if it

was a server based in the DMZ then I would expect some sort of traffic,
you know? If this was a server on the internal side of the network, then
I’d be more cautious.

Before analysts start looking at logs, they need first to have an awareness of
what they are looking at. So they go back to the customer profile to determine,
for example, what is the server for the customer? Is it a domain control or a
web server? Is there a new server being tested? The abnormal activity can be
an indication that the server changed or a different IP address was reassigned
to the server. Such changes, as well as benign triggers, asset usage, and other
information about the network, are recorded in the customer profile (i.e. wiki). The
analyst may also contact the server administrator to validate abnormal activities
or check historically in the logs to see if there was any similar connection seen
previously and at what times.
Knowledge of the asset and network helps practitioners eliminate false positives
and determine the path of investigation. For example, knowing an asset is a windows
machine will assist when receiving an alarm for a Linux signature for that machine.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 120

P6: To be able to make a decision as to whether an event or an incident

is a false positive or not, it comes down to understanding environment,
so predominately if there is an event that alerted in a certain IP and that
device is maybe a Windows machine, but a signature relates to maybe a
Linux that, you know, you’d clearly say, "Oh, hang on, this is not right.
This is a windows machine, but this is alerting us."

SIEM use-cases need to be carefully designed by analysts. Analysts’ knowledge

of the customer network and environment assist in defining SIEM use-cases and
security tool thresholds.
P20: The SIEM tool is only as good as you program it, so you still need
that knowledge only on, because most of the correlated events are going
to be specific to your environment.

Not only do analysts need to know the network they are defending, they also
need to be aware of the customer’s business. Knowledge of the customer is critical
in many aspects in the SOC operations, from ruling out false positives to making
a decision on how to respond to a threat.

P4: So it’s not just about what you see in the security events, or in
the tools, it’s about what you know of the customer and the customer’s
nature, you know, business nature.

Similarly, “Hunting” requires the analyst to have knowledge of the network as

well as the customer. When analysts hunt objectively, they may spot patterns that
look abnormal to them based on their knowledge of the network and the customer
that might not be detected by security tools. For example, seeing a policy on a
customer’s firewall that accepts everything but blocks connections to port 80 and
port 443 might be odd. However, knowing that the customer has a third-party
trust relationship with someone else clarifies the policy.
P15: So you hunt this week and you hunt next month, and you see if
anything changed that you believe it shouldn’t have, and there are aspects
of knowing the network, of knowing the company afterwards.

Knowledge of the customer and the nature of its business helps analysts in
investigating an incident. One participant provided an example of how valuable it
could be for determining a false positive. On detecting large outgoing connection
from the customer to another company, after spending time investigating, they
researched if there was any business between these two companies. They found out
that their customer acquired that company recently. Similarly, P16 remarked on
how knowing the customers’ working hours helped in filtering a false positive.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 121

P16: I use open-source intelligence to build up a view of the customer

first, [..]. So I’ll figure out like if they are in Dubai or wherever that
they might not be doing the same working hours [..], because we have
been caught out by that one before, there is no traffic on a Friday. Oh

Analysts might acquire knowledge from third parties, such as ISP, security
vendors, and the security community to investigate threats. For example, the ISP
might inform the customer of any changes in the network they need to be aware of.
However, that information might not reach the SOC, especially an outsourced SOC.
P6: You’ve got [ISP] and sometimes you’ve got to talk to each other,
but it becomes difficult because, for instance, [ISP] would be doing some
configuration change on setting a limit for the network. They might tell
somebody within [customer], but that information may not necessarily
come to you.

Security vendors are responsible for maintaining their products and providing
signatures for new threats. P6 discussed how they rely on security vendors to
share that knowledge, pushing out any new signatures and any new indicators
of compromise (IOC).
P6: Something like WannaCry, for example, the vendor also has the
responsibility because they have to maintain activity of their system so
when it happened, straightaway McAfee, for instance, was on the case
developing signatures ready for it to be deployed.

The security community can also assist the SOC process through intelligence
sharing, writing blogs about how a threat behave, and spreads. As we found in
our survey, 35% of our participants triage alarms according to newly announced
vulnerabilities in security blogs. The SOC practitioners search online for information
about a threat they encounter to determine the best countermeasure to deploy.
P2: So WannaCry was great, because straight away people were publishing
vlogs, this is how it spreads. This is what you need to look for, and you
could go and look for it before there were any signatures for it. We were
finding things quite quickly.

7.8 Discussion: Lessons Learned

Security tools deployed in SOCs have their weaknesses and strengths, as sum-
marised in Figure 7.1. We discuss the lessons learned from this study providing
recommendations for further research.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 122

P4, P2 Good First Indicator

P15, P19 Deal with High Volumes

P4 Well Maintained
P6, P9,P18 Easy to Write Signatures

P9, P6
Fast Signature Creation
Traditional P6, P18
Tools Work Across Protocols
P6, P4, P2, P9,  P15 Mostly False Alarms

P2, P18 Unreliable Signatures

P4, P15, P17

P6, P18, P9
Loosely Written

P13, P16, P2, P18

Not able to detect new threats

P15, P17, P9, P5

Lack Context
Slow to Deploy Signatures

P2, P12, P20

P2, P5, P19, P20
Custom Use-cases
P16, P6, P2, P15,
P19, P12
Strengths Cross-event Cross-platform
P9, P1, P4, P2, P11,
P12, P16, P5, P20 Normalization 

P6, P18, P4,

SIEM P17, P16, P12
P9 Fast MTTR

P2, P17, P20 Overwhelm Analysts with Volume of

P9, P2, p17,
P14, P5, P20 Rely on Humans for false positive
Weaknesses filtering
P19 Configuration hassle - lack of
P13, P5, P21, P7 Use of structured databases, takes
time to get query results
P12, P15, P18, P20

P19, P20, P2, Detection zero-day attacks


Figure 7.1: Summary of SOC tools weaknesses and strengths, and the participants
agreeing with each factor.

7.8.1 Human intelligence vs. Automation

As we found in Chapter 6, many of the SOC operations are human-centric requiring
humans’ to either configure tools, identify patterns of behaviour or investigate alarms.
One of the weaknesses perceived by our participants for both IDS and SIEMs is
its reliance on humans for false-positive filtering and configuration, as reported in
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 123

Section 7.3.2 and Section 7.4.2. This is due to humans’ ability to recognise patterns,
imagination, as well as the social ability of communication as discussed in Chapter 6.
Research is still far from integrating human cognitive and social abilities
into SOC solutions. One emerging field to attempt to tackle this challenge is
“Cognitive Security”. Cognitive security leverages multiple forms of AI, including
machine-learning and deep-learning networks to uncover the human cognitive ability.
Probably one of the leading research in this area is IBM Watson1 . Further research
is needed in developing human-machine cognition solutions in SOCs where humans
and machines work together rather than using full automation.

7.8.2 Contextual Alarms

There is no doubt that the knowledge obtained by experience as well as knowing
the customer and its network helps analysts perform their job, as discussed in
Section 7.7. For example, a SOC tool that monitors for abnormal network activity
should consider the customer’s work hours to eliminate benign triggers such as no
traffic on a Friday (Friday is a weekend in some Middle-Eastern countries). Such
context is currently incorporated into technology to some extent. However, as
identified in Section 7.4.2 challenges such as the use of structured storage, where
the volume of data results in delays in query retrieval, limit its implementation.
To overcome such limitations, one research opportunity is in investigating how
logs and other context data sources can be represented as knowledge graphs. In
such graphs knowledge about the customer, network, and knowledge from external
entities can be incorporated to provide more context to alarms. Hence, contextual
data can be incorporated in the graph to produce contextual alarms. Moreover,
such a structure can be used by analysts during the false alarm filtering process
or even hunting.
Representing host logs as graphs to benefit SOC operations is a research area
that has recently emerged, such as [164, 197]. One of the main strengths of signature-
based IDS is its capability of creating signatures for new threats in a short time.
A compelling use-case for future research is to study whether signatures of such
systems can be represented as graphs to allow better maintenance, fast retrieval,
and search. Such graphs can also be contextualised by incorporating the customer’s
benign triggers to produce more reliable alarms.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 124

7.8.3 Internal Network Monitoring

Network-monitoring is built on the assumption that threat is observed at the
network perimeter; an assumption is no longer valid in modern networks. In
Section 7.6.2, we found that organisations still do not monitor the internal network
traffic, relying only on the defined SIEM use-cases or decreasing traffic collection
to network flow formats (e.g. NetFlow).
However, as the analysts agreed, this is a weakness, especially with more
sophisticated malware that uses zero-days (e.g. Duqu 2.0, WannaCry). However,
one of the main obstacles to internal network monitoring is cost. As the scale of
networks grows, the cost of monitoring and collecting the logs and traffic grows
exponentially. The SOC is already overwhelmed with the amount of data generating
alarms as it is that monitoring the internal traffic is not possible. Instead of deploying
solutions to find the needle in the haystack, alternatively, we can reduce the haystack.
The SIEM is currently set up to collect all possible data, feed it into the SIEM,
and rely on the SIEM engine to produce the alarms. As P20 pointed, it is critical to
collect only the data that is needed for the use-cases and not just collect everything.
In such a setup, only use-case required data is fed into the SIEM to produce the
alarms. Once an alarm is generated, then other logs or traffic needed by the
analyst are collected. In fact, this is an opportunity for automation; when the
SIEM fires an alarm, it automatically collects the “evidence” that the analyst will
need for the investigation. Recently, commercial security organisations have looked
into incorporating similar concepts, called orchestration [196] —known as Security
Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) commercially.
Moreover, most SOCs have a playbook that details how the SOC should respond
to an alarm, usually written by knowledge experts. This provides an opportunity for
researchers to understand these processes and evaluate the possibility of automating
these procedures. In addition, these playbook responses can be combined with
the customer profile to investigate how the response to an incident varies based
on the customer business and risk appetite.

7.8.4 Customised Machine Learning Models

One of the strengths of current SOC tools reported by analysts is customisation.
Specifically, user-defined signatures in IDS and use-cases in SIEMs. Such cus-
tomisation capabilities allow analysts to create signatures and alarms to fit the
monitored environment. One of the main observations arising in this study is that
organisations’ network traffic and asset usage are different, as are the networks
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 125

and systems governing them. We identified in Chapter 6 the factors that impact
SOC operations, and thus tool usage. Accordingly, although SOCs may deploy
the same technologies (e.g. SIEM), these technologies are configured and used
differently and should not be developed as one size fits all.
Machine Learning (ML) tools, although currently not used by our participants,
will be deployed in the near future. The success of such ML technologies relies on
their capacity to adapt the model to the monitored environment. For example, our
analysts stressed the importance of adding context to the alarms. Such contextual
knowledge could be incorporated in the ML models to produce more effective
alarms, reducing the number of benign triggers. In addition, incorporating the
analysts “feedback” on the generated alarms to the model itself can strengthen
its future predictions and its alarm prioritisation. In case of benign triggers, the
model can then learn that the prediction made, although true, is not suitable for
the organisation in hand, adjusting the model accordingly.

7.8.5 Technology Evaluation Metrics

One of the main findings reported in Section 7.2, is that both vendors and the
research community should use false alarms or benign triggers as an alternative
metric to false positives, which is more general and vague. Specifically, when
evaluating the performance of a system deployed in a real-world setting, using the
term false positive gives the impression that the technology itself is fundamentally
flawed. Hence, when analysts’ report a 99% false positive, this may not be due to
the performance of the tool itself but due to the customer’s system and network
configurations generating benign triggers that analysts ignore.

7.8.6 Compatibility with Existing Technologies

The main factors impacting a SOC’s adoption of technology is cost, hassle of

technology configurations, and lack of expertise, as we discussed in Section 7.4.2.
Security technologies are expensive, and it takes an organisation time to acquire
the latest technologies and develop the SOC’s maturity. Hence, any newly proposed
techniques should be compatible with existing tools to reduce any additional costs,
configuration effort and the analysts’ learning curve.
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 126

7.8.7 Malware Detection Systems

Encryption — As organisations and malware (e.g. zbot, Trickbot) encrypt their
network connection, SOCs have relied more on trusted host-based monitoring
solutions, as discussed in Section 7.6.1. To foster real-world adoption, network-
traffic monitoring needs to be content-agnostic using header-only features to detect
malware while preserving the organisation’s network communication privacy. In fact,
previous research efforts have proposed malware network monitoring solutions that
are encryption resilient, such as BotFinder [84], Disclosure [79], and BotMiner [81].
Malware Generic Behaviour — Malware usually has the same structure;
it communicates with a C&C and performs the same malicious activities (e.g.
DDoS), as we described in Chapter 2.
As we identified in Section 7.3.2 and Section 7.4.2, one of the weaknesses of
existing technology is its inability to detect unknown malware or malware that uses
zero-days. This is because the detection functionality is tailored to identify specific
malware types. Instead, malware detection methods can focus on detecting generic
malware behaviours, making it capable of discovering new malware. However, as
P4 explained, signatures, rules, or behavioural features used for detection should
not be “loosley written”. Hence, in addition to detecting the malware activity (e.g.
DDoS), it should be able to reliably attribute that to a malware family.

7.9 Summary
In this chapter, we focused on understanding how SOC practitioners define false
positives, a term that is vague and general. We found that a clear distinction needs
to be made between false alarms and benign triggers when evaluating a SOC tool.
We also investigated the tools used by analysts, identifying their strengths
and weaknesses. We discovered that these tools produce alarms that lack the
context needed by analysts to filter false alarms from genuine ones. We identified
the knowledge sources that can support such contextual alarms and challenges
in deploying them.
Our interviews revealed research opportunities for improving SOC technologies,
which we summarised as lessons learned. One of the lessons derived are requirements
for network-based malware detection systems. Firstly, due to encryption, network-
based technologies need to be content-agnostic, relying on network header-level
features for detection. Moreover, such tools should be able to detect generic malware
activities and adapt to malware evolution. Furthermore, malware generated traffic
7. Malware Detection Tools in Security Operations Centres 127

should also be attributed to a specific malware family, as found in Chapter 6, to

assist analysts in deploying the most effective remediation.
Based on the aforementioned requirements identified from our qualitative study,
we propose malware detection and malware classification systems, outlined in
the subsequent chapters.
Malware Family Classification Using
Network Flow Sequence Behaviour

8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
8.2 MalClassifier System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
8.2.1 Design Goals and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
8.2.2 Pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
8.2.3 Malware Family Profile Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
8.2.4 Building Malware Family Classification Models . . . . . 140
8.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
8.3.1 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.3.2 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
8.3.3 Classifier Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
8.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
8.4.1 Malware Family Profile Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
8.4.2 Classifier Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
8.4.3 Robustness to Evasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.5.1 Meeting Design Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.2 Understanding Classifier Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
8.5.3 Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
8.5.4 Evasion and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
8.6 Comparison to Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
8.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 129

8.1 Introduction
We discussed in Chapter 6 the process analysts follow when investigating malware.
Although MSSP SOCs monitor the client’s systems and networks for signs of
malicious activity, they may not have direct access to the client’s hosts due to
privacy or policy reasons. When malware-infected hosts are the source of the
detected malicious traffic, the analysts need to negotiate access to the infected host
with the client. Even if access is possible, the time required to negotiate this and
running the executable in a sand-box for classification is not efficient, particularly
in situations where rapid detection and response is critical.
As identified in Chapter 6.4.3, the incident response procedure for ransomware
is different from a APT, and being able to determine the family can speed up the
remediation process. Therefore, analysts need on-the-wire malware classification
systems capable of matching detected malicious network traffic to a malware family,
thus not requiring to access the infected host. Moreover, as we found in Chapter 7,
with the increase in the use of encryption by malware for obfuscation and by hosts
for privacy (e.g. HTTPS), network-based monitoring has become challenging.
Considering the aforementioned requirements in mind, we propose MalClassifier,
a system for the automatic extraction of network behavioural characteristics for
malware family classification. As malware use some form of network communication
to propagate or contact their command and control (C&C) servers [17], MalClassifier
derives the network behavioural characteristics for a malware family, abstracting
the malware family’s network behaviour to a flow sequence profile. MalClassifier is
effective in classifying malicious network flow sequences to a malware family on-the-
wire, thus negating the need for access and sand-box execution of the malware binary.
MalClassifier uses non-identifiable network traffic features derived from network
connection logs for training the classifiers. Such features are visible even when
network connections are encrypted, making it resilient to adversary obfuscation
through encryption. This also makes the data required to train the classifiers
accessible and easier to share than full PCAP traces due to privacy concerns. In
designing MalClassifier, we make our approach IP-agnostic, as sophisticated malware,
such as exploit kits, apply dynamic DNS and Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA)
to change their communications destination [198].
Text mining approaches such as n-grams have been successfully applied to
malware family classification [100, 101]. Similar to [101], we apply n-grams to sort
network flows into groups of n consecutive flows (i.e. n-flows). Such a representation
provides granularity to the extracted malware behaviour. For example, a single
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 130

failed SMTP flow might be benign, but multiple consecutive ones exhibit the
behaviour of a bot sending spam. MalClassifier mines n-flows that are distinctive
for each malware family. Such distinctive n-flows are used as features to train a
supervised model capable of classifying unseen n-flows to the malware family. The
models learn re-occurring network flow patterns that capture the characteristics
of a malware family’s network behaviour.
The contributions of this chapter are three-fold:

• We propose a novel fuzzy flow sequence similarity measure, that calculates

the value similarity of two flow sequences.

• We propose an order sequence similarity measure robust against malware

evasion through flow sequence manipulation.

• We develop a prototype of MalClassifier, and evaluate its performance using

a dataset of malicious network traffic, achieving more than 95% F-measure
for malware family classification.

8.2 MalClassifier System Design

Malware exhibit diverse and complex network traffic behaviour. Yet, malware
variants of the same family have been known to have common behavioural patterns
reflecting their origin and purpose [56, 82]. In our system, we aim to exploit
these shared patterns, particularly their network behaviour, for malware fam-
ily classification.
MalClassifier can be deployed by security analysts to understand and classify
the behaviour of a malicious executable by observing its network flows when
access to that executable itself is not possible. It maps malicious network flow
sequences (n-flows) to a malware family by comparing these sequences to previously
observed malware activity. In general, MalClassifier operates in three phases
as illustrated in Figure 8.1.

1. Pre-processing and Sub-Sequence Extraction: Network traffic of malware

variants of malware family y is input into Zeek for network flow reassembly.
The assembled flows are then encoded to a textual sequence. The sequence is
then divided to sub-sequences (n-flows) of length n.
1. Pre-processing and Sub-Sequence Extraction n Example
Malware A 2-flow
Seq1: ( 80|tcp|http|367|3547|SF|ShADdfFa|6|615|7|3835,
Network Flow Flow Sub-Sequence 80|tcp|http|322|464|SF|ShADdfFa|5|530|4|632)
Reassembly Encoding Extraction Seq2: (80|tcp|http|322|464|SF|ShADdfFa|5|530|4|632,
Seq3: ( 25|tcp|ssl|2943|345|S0|1440|S0|ShAdDafF|19|3711|30,
PCAPs for
Sub-sequence (2-flows)
family y Malware m flows Malware B 2-flow
Seq1 80|tcp|http|1|SF|3|10|2|ShADda|22|4|,
f1 80|tcp|http|1|SF|3|10|2|ShADda|22|4| 80|tcp|http|3|S0|13|3|1|ShADda|14|3| Seq1: ( 80|tcp|http|317|5268|SF|ShADadFf|6|565|7|5556,
f2 80|tcp|http|3|S0|13|3|1|ShADda|14|3| Seq2 80|tcp|http|3|SF|13|3|1|ShADda|14|3|
.. 53|udp|dns|72|SF|15|2|1|Dd|34|45| .. 53|udp|dns|72|SF|15|2|1|Dd|34|45| Seq2: 80|tcp|http|1801|15606|SF|ShADadfF|14|2369|18|16334,
Seqn 53|udp|dns|72|SF|15|2|1|Dd|34|45|, 25|tcp|ssl|5247|1370|S0|ShAdDafF|18|5975|28|456)
fn 80|tcp|http|28|S1|13|4|3|ShADda|3|3| 80|tcp|http|28|S1|13|4|3|ShADda|3|3|
Seq3: 25|tcp|ssl|5247|1370|S0|ShAdDafF|18|5975|28|456,
conn.log Encoded Sequence 25|tcp|smtp|761|308|SF|ShAdDafF|10|1169|17|996)

3. Training and Building Models

2. Profile Extraction
f0 .. .. fn
f1 s s s s
(a) Training Network
Flow dport Protocol Service f2 s s s s Behaviour
f1 80 tcp http .. s s s s
f2 80 tcp http
n Profiles
…. fn s s s s Seq1 Seqn
.. ..
f3 53 udp dns Flow Value Similarity Malware Seq1 s s s s
f4 80 tcp http Sig1 .. .. Sign Machine
Family n-flow Seq2 s s s s Pre-processing
Flow Value Seq1 s s s s
Binary Similarity Conn.log & Sub- Learning
f0 .. .. fn Mining .. s s s s Seq2 s s s s
Flow History Conn_state Similarity Algorithm
f1 s s s s Seqn s s s s Sequence
f1 ShADda SF Label: Malware .. s s s s
f2 ShADda S0 f2 s s s s (KNN, RF)
Family Extraction Seqn s s s s
f3 Dd SF Levenshtein Distance .. s s s s
f4 ShADda S1 fn s s s s
Seq1 .. .. Seqn
Flow orig_bytes .. resp_bytes .. orig_pkts Cosine Similarity Seq1 s s s s Network (b) Classification
f1 1 3 10
f0 .. .. fn Seq2 s s s s
f2 3 13 3 Behaviour
… f1 s s s s .. s s s s Profiles Network
f3 72 15 12 Seqn
Inter-flow Distance f2 s s s s s s s s Behaviour
f4 28 13 4
.. s s s s Profiles
fn s s s s
Flow dport
f1 80
f2 80 Sig1 .. .. Sign
…. Pre-processing Seq1 s s s s
f3 53 f0 .. .. fn
f4 80 & Sub- Seq2 s s s s
f1 s s s s Similarity Model
Sequence .. s s s s
f2 s s s s Unknown (Order + Value Seqn
Extraction s s s s
.. s s s s Malicious Traffic Similarity)
fn s s s s
Label: Malware
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour


Figure 8.1: MalClassifier System.

8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 132

2. Malware Family Profile Extraction: The Value Similarity of each individual

flow in the encoded sequence to all other flows is computed, in turn the sub-
sequence similarity is determined. The most distinctive flow sub-sequences
(n-flows) are selected as profiles for malware family y.

3. Training and Building Models: Using the profiles, the supervised machine
learning model is trained for classifying unseen n-flows to a malware family.

8.2.1 Design Goals and Requirements

The main limitation of existing malware family classification approaches is the
need to obtain the malware executable, run it in a sandbox to classify it to a
malware family. Unfortunately, this timely process hinders its adoption in real-world
application where access to the infected host is not possible or where a rapid analysis
and response is crucial. To foster its real-world use, we consider this limitation and
the following requirements when designing MalClassifier to ensure that our system
is resilient to malware evasion and classifies n-flows with a high accuracy.
IP-agnostic— The system must not use destination IP as a feature. Malware
rapidly changes its C&C and deploy sophisticated domain generation algorithms
and domain shadowing of legitimate domains to evade reputation filtering.
Non-privacy invasive— MSSP clients require privacy preserving monitoring
and systems that observe the payload are privacy invasive. Therefore, the system
must not rely on network traffic payload to extract features. In addition to reducing
the storage space, this makes the system resilient to encryption which sophisticated
malware and benign hosts (e.g. HTTPS) use. Moreover, the non-identifiable
network data required for training the models are accessible, which is critical for
supervised classifier training and for the potential adoption and acceptance of
the system at scale.
Automatically identify distinctive malware network behaviour— The
system must be able to automatically identify and extract distinctive network
behaviour (i.e. profiles) of each malware family.
On-the-wire classification— Obtaining the malicious executable and running
it in a sandbox should not be required. Instead, it should be able to classify
malicious network traffic on-the-wire to a malware family.
Resilient to malware evasion attacks and adaptability to malware
behaviour changes— The system must be adaptive to malware evolution and
behavioural changes. Meaning, if the malware network flow behaviour changes
slightly (e.g. change protocol UDP to TCP or increase/decrease in size), then the
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 133

system model should still be able to classify to the correct malware family. In
addition, the system should be robust against malware evasion through flow field
manipulation by using tamper-resistant features [199]. Malware may attempt to
change the order sequence of the flows to avoid detection. Therefore, the system
should consider flow order deception, and be able to still classify manipulated
sequences with high accuracy.
High classification accuracy— The classifier must aim to provide acceptable
classification accuracy using only sub-sequences of network traffic, thus not requiring
a malware’s full packet captures.
Considering the aforementioned design goals, we discuss the design of each
module of the MalClassifier system in detail in the following sections.

8.2.2 Pre-processing
In order to convert the network flows into a format that can be applied to sequence
mining methods, we first need to pre-process the data by reassembling and encoding
the network flows.

Network Flow Reassembly

Organisations deploy network monitoring systems such as Zeek Network Analysis

Framework 1 (previously known as Bro), which generates statistical and behavioural
logs about the network communications, the application level protocols, and
exchanged payload of each network flow. Maintaining full network traces (PCAPs)
requires a huge amount of storage, making it challenging for organisations to keep
full network traces for more than a couple of days. On the other hand, to investigate
security breaches, whose effects might show up much later, logs may be stored for a
longer period and reduce storage costs. We envision MalClassifier to be deployed
with network monitoring systems for on-the-wire malware classification.
We note that the Network Flow Reassembly module is only needed when
converting network PCAP traces to Zeek conn logs, and therefore is not needed if the
Zeek logs are available or when Zeek is applied in the network for network monitoring.
To extract behavioural features from the malware PCAP traces, we use Zeek to
reassemble the network flows. A flow is a sequence of packets from a source host and
port to a destination host/port that is part of a unique TCP/UDP session. Packets
in a flow are either going to (or coming from) the same destination IP address
and port. As input, Zeek takes the captured malware PCAP network traces and
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 134

Table 8.1: Description of the fields in conn.log generated by Zeek network monitoring
framework and used in MalClassifier.

Field Description
resp_port Destination port
proto Transport layer protocol (TCP, UDP)
service Application protocol being sent over the connection.
orig_bytes Number of payload bytes the originator sent
resp_bytes Number of payload bytes the responder sent
conn_state State of the Connection.
13 different states (e.g. connection attempt rejected)
history State history of connections as a string of letters.
orig_pkts Number of packets that the originator sent
orig_ip_bytes Number of IP level bytes that the originator sent
resp_pkts Number of packets that the responder sent
resp_ip_bytes Number of IP level bytes that the responder sent

generates a number of logs for each malware sample. These logs include information
that is useful in understanding malware behaviour, such as C&C communication
statistics, DNS queries and fast fluxing, unusual communications (e.g. unknown
protocols) and port-host scanning.
In MalClassifier, we leverage the Zeek conn.log file that shows non-identifiable
network flow header information of TCP/UDP/ICMP connections. Each row in the
log represents an individual flow f and is described by 20 attributes representing
the column fields. We use 11 of the attributes derived from the conn.log and
described in Table 8.1.

Flow Encoding

For each log x ∈ X, where X is the set of all Zeek conn.log logs for samples of
a malware family y, we encode the log x to a long sequence of network flows,
E(x) = f1 → f2 → .. → fi , where fi represents a single flow in the log x. Formally,
we define a flow fi as:
fi :=< resp_port, proto, service, orig_bytes, resp_bytes, conn_state, history,
orig_pkts, orig_ip_bytes, resp_pkts, resp_ip_bytes >
As we show in Figure 8.1, the result of the Flow Encoding module is a
textual sequence representation of the flows in the conn.log of malware samples
of a malware y.
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 135

Flow Sub-Sequence Extraction

We represent the behaviour of malware as a sub-sequence of flows. This provides

higher granularity of the captured malware network behaviour. For example, a
single icmp flow does not map to a particular behaviour, but a sequence of multiple
icmp flows represent a malware performing an icmp scan. To capture the malware
flow-level behaviour, we consider sub-sequences of the malware network flows of
length n, called n-flows as shown in Figure 8.1. Therefore, when n = 1, the
1-flow represents a single network flow, and when n = 2, the bi-flow represents
two consecutive network flows, and so on. This results in a group of consecutive
network flows of length n, that reflect flow-level behavioural patterns. Such an
approach allows us to capture the network sequence behaviour and extract the
unique sub-sequence (i.e n-flow) profiles.

8.2.3 Malware Family Profile Extraction

MalClassifier extracts the malware family’s distinctive network flow sequence
behaviour, abstracting that behaviour as a sequence profile. We discuss below
how these profiles are generated for each malware family. To clarify the different
steps involved in generating the behavioural profiles, we use a running example.
Thus, we show in Figure 8.1 an example of the extracted sub-sequences or n-flows
(when n = 2) of two malware samples (Malware A and Malware B).

Flow Sequence Similarity

Similarity measures are defined as “functions that quantify the extent to which
objects resemble each other, taking as an argument object pair and return numerical
values that are higher as the objects are alike” [200]. Choosing the similarity
measure relies on the data nature itself, whether binary, numerical or structured
data (e.g. sequences, trees, graphs).
Similarity measures for binary data are used to determine the presence or
absence of characteristics in the object pair (i.e. pair of flows), thus take a value
1 if the flow possesses the characteristic, and 0 otherwise. For example, the
authors in [100] applied a binary similarity approach, by counting the number of
times the exact n-gram occurs. We argue that network flows are structured data,
and thus binary similarity are not suitable as they do not capture the malware
underlying network flow semantic.
Instead, MalClassifier applies a fuzzy Value Similarity measure. Thus, instead
of determining is a sub-sequence for malware A and a sub-sequence for malware
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 136

B the same?, fuzzy similarity determines how similar a sub-sequence in malware

A to a sub-sequence in malware B by computing the degree of similarity. Value
Similarity computes the similarity of each flow fi A in a sub-sequence for Malware
A to its corresponding flow fi B in the sub-sequence for Malware B.
A single flow f is composed of a number of attributes as we defined in Table 8.1.
Each attribute is semantically different in data type and value distribution, and
thus when choosing a similarity measure the underlying differences between the
attributes need to be considered. For example, history is represented as a string of
characters, where each character has a meaning and the order of the characters also
has a meaning that should be considered. In contrast, numeric attributes such as
(orig_bytes, resp_bytes, orig_pkts, orig_ip_bytes, resp_pkts, resp_ip_bytes), are
represented as numeric vectors, thus numeric similarity measures such as Cosine
Similarity should be applied.
Although resp_port is a numeric, the underlying meaning differs from other nu-
meric fields. For example, although the values of orig_bytes = 100 or orig_bytes =
99 should be considered similar, a small difference in resp_port does not indicate a
similarity (port 80 for HTTP could be considered related to port 443 for HTTPS,
whilst port 23 being closer to port 80 is semantically different). Therefore, applying
one similarity measure to all attributes is not sufficient.
We propose a hybrid value similarity measure to determine the similarity of two
flow sequences. Our hybrid approach takes into account the semantic differences of
the flow attributes and applies a similarity measure suitable to each attribute. In
general, we apply four similarity measures, depending on the flow attributes.
We list in the following each similarity measure providing an example of
how the similarity of Seq1 of Malware A and Seq2 of Malware B shown in Fig-
ure 8.1 is calculated.
Binary similarity—(resp_port, protocol, service): The similarity is 1 if the
attribute values are the same, otherwise 0. Thus, the Binary Similarity in our
example of (f0 A ∈ Seq1 : 80|tcp|http, f0 B ∈ Seq2 : 80|tcp|http) and (f1 A ∈ Seq1 :
80|tcp|http, f1 B ∈ Seq2 : 25|tcp|ssl) is (1, 0.33) respectively, resulting in an average
Binary Similarity of 0.665.
Levenshtein Distance [201]— (history,conn_state): Levenshtein Distance
is a fuzzy string similarity measure that measures the minimum number of mod-
ifications required (insertions, deletions, and substitutions) to change one string
into the other, divided by the maximum length of the same two strings. It also
takes into consideration the order of the characters in the string.
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 137

Assuming the cost of insertion, deletion, and modification is the same (= 1),
then the Levenshtein Distance of making ShADdF a into ShADadR is 3. The
trivial implementation has a runtime and space complexity of O(nm). The distance
value ranges from [0,100], where 0 indicates a low distance thus higher similarity
and 100 indicates a low similarity. We scale the distance value to be in the
range [0,1] instead of [0,100].
Using our example, the Levenshtein Distance of (f0 A ∈ Seq1 : SF |ShADdF a, f0 B ∈
Seq2 : SF |ShADadf F ) and (f1 A ∈ Seq1 : SF |ShADdF a, f1 B ∈ Seq2 : S0|ShAdDaf F )
is (2, 4) respectively, resulting in an average Levenshtein Distance of 3, scaled to 0.03.
Cosine Similarity— The numeric attributes of the two flows are represented
as two vectors. Cosine Similarity measures the similarity of two non-zero vectors
by calculating the cosine of the angle between them. Given the vectors x and y of
length n = 6 (number of numeric attributes), the cosine similarity is represented as:
xy i=1 xi yi
cos(x, y) = = qP qP (8.1)
kxkkyk i=1 (xi )
n 2
i=1 (yi )
n 2

The Cosine Similarity of x = [367, 3547, 6, 615, 7, 3835] ∈ f0 A , y = [1801, 15606, 14,
2369, 18, 16334] ∈ f0 B is 0.00025.
Similarly, the Cosine Similarity of x = [322, 464, 5, 530, 4, 632] ∈ f1 A , y =
[5274, 1370, 18, 5975, 28, 456] ∈ f1 B is 0.284. Thus, the average Cosine Similarity
for Seq1 and Seq2 is 0.142.
Inter-flow Distance— (resp_port): Inter-flow distance calculates the distance
between the resp_port in every two consecutive flows of a sub-sequence. This
helps identify malware network behavioural attributes such as performing a port
scan (e.g. when the difference of resp_port of two consecutive flows is 1 ). To
calculate the inter-flow similarity, we first calculate the distance of resp_port in
each consecutive flows in a sub-sequence. For example, the resp_port distance
between f0 A , f1 A ∈ Seq1 is 0, as the resp_port in both flows is the same. However,
the resp_port distance between f0 B , f1 B ∈ Seq1 is 55, which is the difference
between port 80 and port 25. The inter-flow similarity of Seq1 and Seq2 is the
distance of (0,55), thus is 55.
The Inter-flow distance is normalised to obtain a value in [0, 1] to define a
dissimilarity. The simplest and most common normalisation method uses a linear
transformation, known as feature scaling where η(d) = d−d_min
. However,
the drawback of applying this method is that it is sensitive to outliers [200].
Therefore, to normalise the distance value, we apply another normalisation method
that overcomes this drawback by defining parameter Z = (m, M ), where m and
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 138

M are user-defined values and are interpreted as a tolerance threshold, where

ηZ (d) = min(max( Md−m −m
, 0), 1) [200]. Any distance value d less than min means
that there is zero dissimilarity, thus distinct points (that have a non-zero distance)
could be determined identical. Consequently, distance values higher than max
are considered totally dissimilar [200]. In our example, we set Z = (10, 100),
resulting in a dissimilarity of 0.5.
We define the hybrid similarity approach in Algorithm 1: Value Similarity.
The Value Similarity function takes as input two flow sub-sequences, X and Y .
For each flow f in sub-sequence X and Y , we extract the port_protocol_service,
history_state, and numeric attributes, and calculate the Binary similarity, Leven-
shtein Distance, and Cosine Similarity, and Inter-flow Distance consequently. The
similarity of the pair of flows is the sum of the four similarities, each multiplied by a
weight w. The weight w is defined as the number of attributes that were given to the
similarity measure, e.g. f low_sim = 3 binary+2 ld+6 cosine_sim+1 inter_f low.
The highest possible similarity score using this approach is 12. The weights w could
also be used to give importance to a similarity measure over another.
Using our example, X would be Seq1 and Y is Seq2 . The similarity of Seq1 and
Seq2 is calculated as follows:
sim = 3(0.665) + 2(1 − 0.03) + 6(1 − 0.142) + 1(1 − .5) = 9.5
As Levenshtein Distance, Cosine Similarity, and Inter-flow Distance are distance
measures, we derive the similarity measure through decreasing functions as S(x, y) =
1 − LevenshteinDistance(x, y) and S(x, y) = 1 − CosineDistance(x, y). Thus the
similarity measure is the complement to 1 of dissimilarity [200].

Malware Family n-flow Mining

To extract the network flow sequence behaviour for a malware family y, we derive
the set S of n-flows of all the network flows in the log x that belong to the malware
family y. We calculate the similarity sim(i, s) of each n-flow i in a malware sample
mj to each n-flow s in the set S. To calculate the value sim(i, s), we apply the
value similarity measure defined in Section 8.2.3.
To reduce memory and processing complexity, we pre-compute the similarity
of each pair of flows in S and store as a key-value store. Consequently, when
determining the similarity of two n-flows, the similarity of each flow is pre-computed
and is fetched from the key-value store. Therefore, only unique flow pairs are stored
and only the similarity of new flow pairs are computed.
We are interested in mining the malware family’s network traffic for the highly
frequent n-flows, i.e. flows that occur in all or the majority of the samples of
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 139

Algorithm 1 Value Similarity

1: procedure Value Similarity(X,Y)
2: X ← [x1 , x2 , ..., xi ], where xi = [f0 , f2 , ..., f10 ]
3: Y ← [y1 , y2 , ..., yi ], where yi = [f0 , f2 , ..., f10 ]
4: attributes ← [], attributes of flow in conn.log
5: Sim ← []
6: for i in range (0,n) do
7: xi ← X[i]
8: yi ← Y [i]
9: xi+1 ← X[i + 1]
10: yi +1 ← Y [i + 1]
11: port_prot_ser ← (xi [0 : 2], yi [0 : 2])
12: history_state ← (xi [3 : 4], yi [3 : 4])
13: numeric ← (xi [5 :], yi [5 :])
14: if port_prot_ser[0] == port_prot_ser[1] then
15: binary = 1
16: else
17: binary = 0
18: ld = 1−LevensteinDistance(history_state)
19: cosine = 1−CosineDistance(numeric)
20: interf low = abs((xi [0] − xi+1 [0]) − (yi [0] − yi +1 [0]))
21: s = w0 binary + w1 ld + w2 cosine + w3 interf low
22: Sim.append(s)
return Average(Sim)

Algorithm 2 Order Similarity

1: procedure OrderSimilarity(X,Y ,n)
2: X ← [x1 , x2 , ..., xi ], where xi = [f0 , f2 , ..., f10 ]
3: Y ← [y1 , y2 , ..., yi ], where yi = [f0 , f2 , ..., f10 ]
4: n ← sequence length
5: if length(X) == 1 then
6: return ValueSimilarity(X,Y )∗
7: else
8: s0 = ValueSimilarity(X,Y )∗
9: s1 = OrderSimilarity(X[1 :],Y [1 :],n)
10: s2 = OrderSimilarity(X[: −1],Y [: −1],n)
11: return Max(s0 ,s1 ,s2 )

a malware family. Therefore, we represent the n-flow i as a vector in a high-

dimensional space, where the elements (features) in the n-flow vector corresponds
to all n-flows of a malware family y.

Profile Selection

In order to extract the malware family profiles, we select the most relevant n-flows
(profiles) that represent that malware family’s network behaviour. For each malware
family, we mine the network flows for all samples of that malware family, then
select n-flows that are significant. We apply a modified version of class-wise feature
selection approach as proposed in [202]. The class-wise document frequency is the
number of network flows in a malware family y that contain an n-flow s. We assign
each n-flow a class-dependent weight according to its coverage in the malware family
network traffic (tendency). As we apply a fuzzy similarity approach, we multiply
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 140

the average similarity of an n-flow s in a malware family y to its tendency. We

then select the top k n-flows as profiles for that malware family.

8.2.4 Building Malware Family Classification Models

To avoid misclassifying malware binaries as a result of not having access to its full
packet capture, we classify the network n-flows. This ensures that the malicious
binary can be classified based on a sub-set of its network flow communication, thus
not requiring the malware’s whole network packet capture.
Training— We show in Figure 8.1 how the classifier is trained to produce the
model used for classification of future unseen n-flows. To train the classifier, a
collection of malicious n-flows of malware samples M = m1 , m2 , ..., ml and their
corresponding malware families Y = y1 , y2 , ..., yk are required. Hence, we train
a multi-class supervised classifier with the aim of determining if an n-flow i of
a malware sample m belongs to a malware family y, where the selected profiles
S represent the features in our classifier.
Classification— The trained model is then deployed to classify unseen n-flows
to a family. One of the main design goals for MalClassifier is resiliency to malware
evasion. Malware authors may try to evade the sequence detection by changing the
order of the flows or injecting noise flows. Therefore, when deploying the trained
model, in addition to calculating the Value Similarity we also introduce the Order
Similarity defined as Algorithm 2. The Order Similarity algorithm computes the
highest Value Similarity score of all possible sub-sequence in X and Y .
Using our example, the possible sub-sequences for X are (f0 A ), (f0 B , f1 B ), (f1 A )
and for Y are (f0 B ), (f0 B , f1 B ), (f1 B ), where length(subsequence) <= n. The
Order Similarity computes the Value Similarity of all possible sub-sequence orders,
thus S(f0 A , f0 B ), S((f0 B , f1 B ), (f0 B , f1 B )), S(f1 A ), (f1 B )). Then, the Value Similar-
ity is multiplied by length(X)/n. Thus, the similarity of the sub-sequence is at
its highest when the length of sub-sequence for X = n, and at its lowest when the
length of sub-sequence X = 1, thus is a single flow.

8.3 Evaluation
To evaluate our approach, we implement the system as a multi-threaded Python
application. To accelerate the analysis, the application uses Python Multiprocessing
with separate threads to calculate the similarity scores for each malware sample. The
experiments were conducted on a 40-core processor with 126GB RAM, Centos OS.
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 141

Table 8.2: Description of datasets.

Dataset Family # Samples # Flows # Unique Flows

CTU-13 Murlo 1 37019 422
Rbot 4 46,184,716 1697
Virut 2 358,378 4088
Neris 3 839,077 24895
Menti 1 291,677 160
NSIS.ay 1 30,063 2591
Stratosphere Miuref 7 1867273 17257
IPS Project Sality 1 6,073,775 307,355
WannaCry 7 291,677 330
Conficker 2 323,238 6,300
Notpetya 4 5,424 174
Total 33 56,302,317 365,289

8.3.1 Dataset
Botnets are known to follow a certain infection life-cycle, sharing similarities in
network flow characteristics in each infection phase [82]. Thus, we evaluate the
effectiveness of our system in determining the unique network flow behaviour of
each botnet family in our dataset, and its accuracy in classifying botnet network
traffic to its family despite the botnets’ network behaviour similarities. To train
our classifier we used (1) the CTU-13 botnet traffic dataset [183] provided by
the Malware Capture Facility project and (2) current botnets and ransomware
(Miuref, WannaCry, Conficker, Sality, Notpetya) provided by Stratosphere IPS
Project2 , both described in Chapter 4.
We applied network flows of scenarios 1−13 to train and evaluate the classification
models. Scenario 7 was excluded as it did not contain a sufficient number of flows.
We applied only the malicious flows (C&C and botnet flows) to train the classifier
for malware family classification. We provide an overview of the malware families
in our datasets in Table 8.2.

8.3.2 Experiments
The aim of the experiments is to (1) determine how accurately we can classify
an n-flow to its malware family using the extracted profiles as features; and (2)
determine the classifiers robustness to malware evasion. In particular, we plan
to explore the following:
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 142

Impact of Flow Sequence Similarity— We measure the effect of applying

each similarity approach (Levenshtein Distance, Cosine Similarity, Binary Similar-
ity, and Inter-flow Distance), on the classifier performance. This will help determine
which similarity measure has the highest positive influence on the classification and
thus will be assigned a higher weight w, as discussed in Section 8.2.3.
Impact of n-flows— We evaluate the impact of using an n-flow approach for
malware family classification. We separate the network flows in our dataset into
n-flows of length 1 (single flow) to 7 consecutive flows. The aim is to determine
if the malware family classification accuracy improves when a sequence of flows
approach such as n-flows is applied as opposed to a single flow.
Robustness to Malware Evasion— Malware authors could attempt to evade
detection by changing the malware network flow behaviour, either by injecting noise
packets and changing the flow sequence order, affecting the numeric attributes in a
flow e.g. sent/received packets. To account for this, we explore the robustness of
the classifiers’ to evasion by evaluating the classifier’s performance in classifying
n-flows when we randomly shuffle the order of the flows in a sequence.

8.3.3 Classifier Design

We build multi-class classifiers that map an unknown network n-flow input as
belonging to one malware family.
Classifiers— We apply two supervised machine learning classifiers, K-Nearest
Neighbour (KNN) and Random Forest (RF). These classifiers were chosen due to
their popularity in text classification using a vectorial representation of features.
KNN is a non-parametric lazy learning algorithm. It simply assumes that the
classification of a sample is similar to other samples that are nearby in the vector
space. Random Forest is an ensemble classifier that leverages multiple decision
trees, that are trained using different subsets of the training set, thus overcoming
over-fitting issues of an individual decision tree.
Classifier Features— The extracted flow sequence profiles for each malware
family represent the features in our classifiers. We only use 20% of the n-flows for
each malware family to generate and select (k = 20) behaviour profiles. This is
to ensure that the profile selection does not bias the classifier estimates, known
as feature subset selection bias or selection bias [203].
Dimensionality Reduction— Due to the sparsity of the dataset (20 profiles
* 11 (Number of classes) = 220 features), we apply Principle Component Analysis
(PCA) [204]. PCA reduces the dimensionality of the dataset while retaining the
variation present in the dataset, up to the maximum extent. Given the set of
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 143

Table 8.3: Example of the selected 2-flows for each malware family in our dataset.

Family Example 2-flow


transition probabilities of all the samples, PCA evaluates the variance of each
feature to linearly transform the feature space into a new one where the information
(evaluated as a percentage of variance) is contained in as few components as
possible. Thus, the 220 features are transformed to a new set of features, known
as the principal components. By reducing the number of features (dimensionality)
used in the classifier, the computational cost is reduced.
We set P CA = 10, thus reducing the features space to 10 principle components.
We evaluated different values for PCA, and the classifier performance when we
apply P CA = 10 performs almost as well as when we use all features. The
advantage of using PCA over using all features is the low memory complexity
required to run the machine learning algorithms due to reducing the dimensions
of the features space used by the classifier.
Classifier Performance Measures— To assess the performance of the clas-
sifiers, we apply 10-fold cross-validation. Cross-validation removes any bias in the
data while maximizing the number of score computations from a given dataset. As
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 144

the CTU-13 datasets consist of only a few PCAPs (executions) per family, when
performing cross-validation we compare the different executions of the same family.
We employ evaluation measures such as Precision, Recall and F-measure to
evaluate the classifiers’ performance. A low precision can indicate a large number
of False Positives (F P ). A low recall indicates many False Negatives. Therefore,
we seek an analysis setup that maximizes the precision and recall. We also consider
F-measure (F 1) an aggregated performance score, that combines both precision
and recall. A perfect discovery of classes yields F 1 = 1, where either a low precision
or recall result in a low F-measure.
Although these metrics are defined for a binary classifier, they can be extended
for multi-class problems. Each class is represented by a binary classifier (e.g. One-
vs-rest approach), and we average the binary metric across the set of classes. We
also apply a macro-averaged Precision-Recall curve as an evaluation metric, which
gives equal weight to the classification of each label compared to micro-averaging
which gives equal weight to each per-family classification decision.

8.4 Results
We discuss in the following our results from the experiments outlined in Sec-
tion 8.3.2 and the impact of the various system configurations and approaches
on the classification performance.

8.4.1 Malware Family Profile Extraction

Our results show that malware of a single family exhibit network flow sequence
regularities that can be used for malware family classification. We select 20 n-flows
for each malware family using the method described in Section 8.2.3. We illustrate
in Table 8.3 an example of the selected 2-flows for each malware family.
Murlo traffic contained sub-sequences of TCP flows to destination port 135
(Messenger Services). The flows have a connection state S0, meaning there was
a connection attempt, but no reply. Therefore, the duration of the flow is 0
and there was no payload.
Similarly, Menti performed a multiple flow connections to destination port 25
(SMTP) and port 21 (FTP). The connection state set to either RSTO, meaning
the connection attempt was rejected by the destination or S0. However, there
was some successful TCP flow with the exchanged payload. The high number of
outgoing flows to an SMTP port means that the botnet is sending email spam, a
behaviour linked to Menti that is known to send pharmaceutical and stock-based
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 145



Classifier 3erfRrPanFe (%)





82.5 .-nearest 1eigKbRur (.11)

5andRP )Rrest (5))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1uPber Rf )lRws (n)

Figure 8.2: Average F-measure for Random Forest and KNN classifiers, n = 1 − 7 for

email spam. Although, Neris 2-flows show HTTP flows with connection state set to
RST0. This means that the connection was established but the originator aborted.
However, we do see other successful HTTP connections with connection state SF,
meaning normal establishment and termination.
WannaCry is a ransomware known for sending SMB flows to other victim hosts
on the network. This is captured by the selected 2-flows of TCP flows with a
destination port of 445. Miuref’s 2−flows sequences were mostly HTTPS flows
(port = 443), followed by DSN requests or DSN requests followed by an ICMP flow.

8.4.2 Classifier Performance

Impact of the Value of n in n-flows— We illustrate in Figure 8.2 the models’
performance for each value of n. Overall, the accuracy of the classifiers is at its
best using 2-grams with the KNN classifier and 6-grams with RF classifier. The
classifier accuracy was better when flows were represented as a sequence (n > 1)
rather than individual flows (n = 1). This shows that malware behaviour is best
captured when we look at sequences of flows. For example, an individual SMTP
flow might not infer a malicious behaviour, or capture the behaviour of a particular
malware class (e.g. Menti), whilst a sequence of rejected SMTP messages gives
confidence of a maliciousness of the flow sequence.
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 146

When choosing the value of n, the speed of classification needs to be considered.

Although a longer sub-sequence (higher n) results in a higher classification accuracy,
it delays the classification of the network behaviour to a malware family. For
example, choosing 7-grams requires waiting for 7 consecutive malware network
communications to classify and understand its behaviour, increasing the duration
of the malware execution damage and delaying active remediation. In situations
where the attack implications are severe such as in ransomware attacks, determining
the malware class as soon as possible is critical for a quick reaction before it
reaches the encryption stage.
Impact of Classification Algorithm— To determine the most accurate
classifier, we measured the performance based on the machine learning algorithm
used. KNN (n = 2) performed best (F-Measure = 95.74%) with shorter flow
sequences, while RF classifier’s accuracy increased as the number of flows in the
sequence (n-flow) increases, reaching 95.83% when n = 6.
To compare the precision and recall trade-off of the Random Forest classifier,
we present the macro-average Precision-Recall (PR) curve when n = 5 in Figure
8.3. We employ macro-average that measures the overall precision and recall of
all the classes to produce the macro-averaged ROC curves. We build multi-class
models, therefore, averaging the evaluation measures can provide us with a view
of the general classifier performance. The model has an AUC of 94%, indicating
high recall and high precision. Overall, the classification of all malware families
performs well. However, Notpetya had an AUC of 39%, with a high number of
miss-classifications (42%). We will discuss the reasons for this miss-classifications
and how to improve the classification accuracy in Section 9.5.
Impact of Flow Sequence Similarity— We measure the effect of the four
similarity measures (Binary Similarity, Cosine Similarity, Levenshtein Distance, and
Inter-flow Distance) and their associated flow attributes on the classifier accuracy.
Specifically, we train four Random Forest (RF) classifiers, each using a similarity
measure and a subset of the flow attributes. For example, we train a classifier using
only resp_port, protocol, service, applying only the Binary Similarity measure.
We show the F-measure of each of the four classifiers (n = 5) per malware
class in Figure 8.4.
The highest performance resulted from the Cosine Similarity classifier, with a
90% F-measure over most malware classes. Binary Similarity classifier was best for
representing Murlo behaviour with 97.46% F-measure, Miuref with 95.86%, and Rbot
with 99.26%. However, the Binary Similarity for WannaCry had a low performance
(11.78%) showing that the flows’ attributes (resp_port, protocol, service) that are
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 147

Figure 8.3: Macro-averaged Precision Recall Curves for each malware family (Random
Forest classifier, n = 5).

measured using this similarity approach might not be a unique representative

of its behaviour.
However, WannaCry’s Inter-flow Distance classifier had the highest performance
(93.59%). Thus, although the exact matching (i.e. Binary Similarity) of the
res_port did not perform well, the average difference of the res_port between
flows in the sequence (i.e, Inter-flow Distance) was able to capture that malware
family’s flow sequence behaviour. Levenshtein Distance had the lowest performance
overall, with only having high accuracy with Rbot 97.52%.

8.4.3 Robustness to Evasion

Malware authors can attempt to evade sequence detection by changing the order of
the communication flows or even injecting noise flows. We evaluate the use of the
Order Similarity, introduced in Section 8.2.3. We randomly shuffle the order of the
flows in the 5 − f lows of our malware families and test the model’s classification
performance on the shuffled n−flows. Change in the order of flows did not affect
the classifier accuracy when applying Order Similarity, retaining an F-measure of
95.36% for Random Forest Classifier (n = 5).

8.5 Discussion
We discuss how MalClassifier meets our design goals and identify potential lim-
itations, suggesting approaches to address them.
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 148

Classification Performance


Similarity metrics
40 Binary Simialrity
Levenshtein Distance
20 Cosine Similarity
Inter-flow Distance

bot r tre s t etya o t f

Don ficke Upa Neri Viru NSIS Sality Murl nacry Rbo Miure
Con Notp wan

Figure 8.4: The malware familys’ classification F-measure of the four Random Forest
Classifiers (n = 5), each using one of the four similarity measures.

8.5.1 Meeting Design Goals

MalClassifier utilises non-privacy invasive features to train and build its models,
relying on packet header information and not requiring deep packet inspection (i.e.
content-agnostic). In addition, all identifiable header fields such as IP addresses are
removed in the network flow encoding module (i.e. IP-agnostic). As malware is
known to change its behaviour in order to evade detection, MalClassifier applies
a fuzzy approach to flow sequence similarity to ensure that slight deviations in
flow attribute values are detected. The main challenge in malware classification
is obtaining the required model training datasets. Therefore, MalClassifier uses
only non-identifiable packet headers features making datasets needed for training
and building the models accessible.
MalClassifier achieved a high accuracy for malware family classification (F-
measure ≈ 95.5%), demonstrating the effectiveness of the system in identifying
distinctive network n-flows for each malware family. It is worth noticing that
despite the accuracy of our MalClassifier not improving significantly over the
state-of-the-art, it still provides a high accuracy while preserving communications
privacy and being robust against encryption. In addition, the classifier performance
can be improved by modifying the profile selection module, as we will discuss in
the next section. MalClassifier classifies n-flows to a malware family, meaning it
only requires a subset of flows instead of obtaining the full packet trace of the
malicious binary for classification.

8.5.2 Understanding Classifier Errors

We represent the confusion matrix for the Random Forest Classifier (n = 5) in
Figure 8.5. Each row in the confusion matrix represents the instances of the actual
class (i.e. True Label) while each column represents the instances of the predicted
class (i.e. Predicted Label). The main observation is that 26% of Notpetya 5-flows
where incorrectly classified to Miuref. We identified the miss-classified Notpetya
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 149

flows to a sequence of 5 flows of 445-tcp-0-0-0-S0-S-4-192-0-0. However, such a

sequence was not selected as a profile for Notpetya, whilst a similar 5-flow 443-tcp-
0-0-0-S0-S-1-48-0-0 was selected as a profile for Miuref. Therefore, the classifier
was trained to assign such an n-flow to Miuref. To improve the classification,
n-flows that are shared by more than one malware family should be identified
and not selected beforehand. This could be done using clustering approaches,
which we consider for future work.

8.5.3 Lessons Learned

The performance of the classifier relies on the quality of the profiles selected for
each malware family. We introduced a novel method for profile selection that selects
n-flows for each malware family using two metrics: (1) average similarity score for
that sequence; (2) tendency, the number of times a sequence occurred. In our initial
experiments, we noticed that selected flows for a malware family were all similar, as
they all have a high score and similar flow attribute values except the destination
port. Thus, the profile selection was not capturing the various distinctive behaviour.
Accordingly, we amended the selection process to not include the destination port
field, selecting a distinctive set of profiles for each malware family. This increased
the accuracy of the classifier by 10%, as the profiles selected represented various
stages of a malware family network behaviour.
We note that for extracting the sequence profiles we only looked at 20% of
the traffic of each malware family. Using these profiles, we evaluated the classifier
performance in classifying the other 80% of traffic. However, in application, the
profile selection process should consider the various malware network behaviour
stages, to ensure that the selected profiles capture the malware behaviour in
each infection stage.
We measured the classifier performance using each similarity measure used in the
Value Similarity. The effect of the similarity measure on each malware family differs.
Although Cosine Similarity had a positive effect on the classification accuracy of each
malware family, some families were also highly influenced by the Binary Similarity
(e.g. Murlo), and Inter-flow Distance (e.g. WannaCry). This provides insight
on the similarity measures that have the most positive influence on the classifier
performance, thus can be assigned a higher weight w as defined in Section 8.2.3.
Based on the results, we can assign Cosine Similarity the highest weight, followed
by Inter-flow Distance, Binary Similarity, and finally Levenshtein Distance.
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 150

Figure 8.5: Normalised confusion matrix showing actual classes vs. predicted classes
for the Random Forest Classifier (n = 5).

8.5.4 Evasion and Limitations

The main challenge in most behavioural-based malware analysis approaches is
malware behaviour obfuscation and manipulation, known as noise-injection at-
tacks [205]. Although malware evasion by altering the binary itself might be
feasible due to available obfuscation tools, we believe that the network behaviour
is more troublesome to tamper with. We determine the feasibility of such an
evasion in respect of two associated costs: implementation complexity and effect on
malware utility. The evasion complexity is based on the ease which the malware
author can modify the code to include the evasion tactic which may result in
affecting it’s utility [206].
Malware classification systems that apply supervised machine learning approach
require continuous training of new malware variants to adapt to behavioural changes.
However, applying a fuzzy similarity measure allows a degree of flexibility in malware
behavioural change, thus only needs training on samples of a new malware family.
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 151

In addition, MalClassifier adapts to flow sequence order manipulation by applying

the Order Similarity approach.
We identified that the reason for the classifier misclassifications was due to the
feature selection not considering similarities of n-flows between families. Although
we discussed how we ensure the selection of distinctive flows for a malware family,
these flows should also not be similar to selected flows for other families. For
example, Neris, Virut and Sality are all bots that send email spam, and identifying
network flow sequences distinctive for each family can avoid n-flow misclassifications.
Thus, to improve the profile selection process, K-means clustering can be applied
to identify flows that are similar in more than one family, to avoid using these
flows as profiles. Moreover, identifying the frequent n-flows in benign traffic can
help reduce the false positives.

8.6 Comparison to Related Work

The most directly related work to ours is CHATTER [100]. Such system considers
the order of high-level network events as features and applies n-gram document
analysis to produce the classifier achieving 90% accuracy. The malware network
behaviour profile is represented as fine-grained events, thus each attribute of a
single packet is considered an event. For example, an inbound packet using TCP on
port 80 is represented as A1_A3_A6, where A1 refers to the inbound connection
event, A3 refers to the TCP protocol usage event, and A6 refers to the usage of
port number 80 event. Instead, MalClassifier uses a similar approach to [101], using
coarse-grained groups to represent a network behaviour, i.e. A1A3A6 is considered
a single event. Therefore, our system is able to capture behaviours such as SMTP
flow followed by another SMTP flow that might indicate an email spam.
Moreover, the numeric features are mapped into one of the four quartiles that are
pre-determined based on the training data. However, there is a risk of new malware
variants falling out of the quartiles ranges leading to inaccurate family classifications.
In addition, this abstraction may result in loss of underlying distinctive behaviour
that could have resulted in more accurate classifications.
Instead, MalClassifier uses Cosine Similarity to compare the similarity of the
numeric features, thus not requiring pre-determined ranges or thresholds. The
main limitation of previous work is their use of payload features, meaning they
are vulnerable to malware obfuscation through encryption and that they are not
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 152

Table 8.4: Comparison of related work on malware family classification and MalClassifier
against our design goals.

Evasion Resiliency

Use sand-box
Use n-grams

Rieck et al. [56] Behavioural reports N N N N Y 80.7%
Rieck et al. [57] Behavioural reports N N N N Y 95%
Perdisci et al. [103] HTTP traffic N Y N N N N/A
FIRMA [104] Network traffic N N N N N 98.8%
CHATTER [100] Network traffic N Y N Y Y 90%
MalClassifier Zeek conn logs Y Y Y Y N 96%

In Table 9.6, we compare the beforehand related work to MalClassifier. Specifi-

cally, we identify the data used to train the classifier, whether the approach is IP
and content agnostic, uses n-grams, and if the approach requires running the sample
in a sandboxed environment. We also identify whether related work addressed
malware evasion through noise injection in their system design.
Previous approaches such as [100, 103, 104] proposed systems for malware
classification using network traffic. Perhaps the most related work to ours is [100]
that observes the high-level network features of malware and applied n-gram
document analysis for family classification. Our work improves on [100], by (1)
using non-payload features, making our system privacy aware and robust against
encryption; (2) adapting to malware behaviour changes; (3) not requiring the
execution of the malware in a sand-box, thus performing classification on-the-
wire. Similarly, previous approaches are either not content agnostic, relying on
features from payload (e.g. [103, 104]) or protocol dependent (e.g. cover only
HTTP traffic) such as [103].

8.7 Summary
In this chapter, we presented a novel approach for analysing and classifying
network traffic of malware variants based on their network flow sequence behaviour.
Considering the limitations of existing approaches, we proposed a system that is
privacy-preserving, time efficient, and resilient to malware evasion. We showed
8. Malware Family Classification Using Network Flow Sequence Behaviour 153

MalClassifier’s effectiveness in identifying frequent malware network n-flows and

its robustness against malware evasion by flow order alteration. MalClassifier
eliminates the need to have access to the malicious binary. This allows SOC
analysts to classify malicious network flow sequences on-the-wire, reducing the
time and effort required in other dynamic analysis approaches while maintaining
a high classification accuracy.
Representing malware network behaviour as a sequence proved reliable in
discriminating between malware families. In the following chapter, we investigate
how we can model malware’s flow sequence behaviour for building effective malware
detection systems.
Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain
Models of Bots Network Behavior

9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
9.2 BOTection System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
9.2.1 Network Flow Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
9.2.2 Connection States Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
9.2.3 Markov Chain Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
9.2.4 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
9.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
9.3.1 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
9.3.2 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
9.3.3 Classifier Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
9.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
9.4.1 Bot and Benign Communication Patterns . . . . . . . . 165
9.4.2 Performance of Binary Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
9.4.3 Classifier Performance Over Time . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
9.4.4 Performance of Multi-Class Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . 169
9.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
9.5.1 Understanding Classifiers’ Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
9.5.2 Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
9.5.3 Evasion and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
9.6 Comparison to Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
9.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior155

9.1 Introduction
In Chapter 8, we applied malware network behavioural features for malware family
classification. In our results, we found that most of the 2-flows selected for the
malware families are a sequence of two identical flows. For example, Notpetya traffic
contained a sequence of 5 flows of 445-tcp-0-0-0-S0-S-4-192-0-0. Moreover, we
found that the conn_state to be a lightweight and useful feature in understanding
the outcome of this connection. Mariconti et al. [207, 208] showed the effectiveness
of building Markov Chains from the sequence of Android API calls for malware
detection that can maintain its detection capabilities over time. In this chapter,
we explore if Markov Chains can be applied to a sequence of connection states
(conn_state) to provide insights on bot behaviour.
Malware tends to launch their attacks in bursts [209, 210], meaning they send
multiple network connections in a short amount of time. Hence, we first explore the
bursty nature of malware, to determine how frequently bots send network traffic. We
then investigate the discrepancies between malware network connections and those
produced by benign applications. Malware network traffic is then modelled using
Markov Chains to explore its strength in capturing bots’ network communication
behaviour during its C&C interactions, propagation stage, and attack operations.
To evaluate the effectiveness of applying Markov Chains for malware network
connections, we propose BOTection, a novel system that detects malware-infected
hosts (bots) on a network and classifies it to its malware family by monitoring
their network communication. We consider all types of malware-infected hosts that
communicate with a command and control server (e.g. ransomware).
In Chapter 7.8.7, the analysts reported that one of the weaknesses in existing
tools is that signatures are “loosely written”. Meaning, signatures are written to
capture a general malware behaviour (e.g. network scanning) but are incapable
of then identifying its malware family. This poses a challenge to analysts that
need to determine the cause of that activity to determine the best course of action.
Hence, we explore Markov Chains capability in modelling general malware behaviour
capable of detecting unseen malware. We then evaluate the system’s performance
in attributing that activity to a particular malware family.

9.2 BOTection System Design

BOTection system first detects a bot’s network activity, then classifies such activity
to a particular bot family. In designing BOTection, we consider its use in the
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior156

real world. For example, organisations may deploy middle-boxes that intercept
their network communications, thus allowing the deployment of content-based
detection mechanisms. Alternatively, some organisations outsource their security
monitoring to MSSPs, due to lack of cybersecurity expertise or to avoid high-
security investments [24]. As we identified in Chapter 6, one of the factors that
impacts SOC operations, specifically outsourced SOCs, is security clearance. Some
organisations operate under restricted security permissions, requiring SOC analysts
to have certain level of clearance to view network traffic payload. For example,
maintaining the confidentiality of email communications is critical in such restricted
organisations. However, as we found also in Chapter 6, recruitment of SOC
analysts that have security clearance is a challenge. Hence, content inspection
technologies are discouraged and using non-privacy invasive features is crucial to
foster BOTection’s adoption in scale.
Considering the limitations of existing approaches and aforementioned moni-
toring restrictions, we identify five main design goals that the BOTection system
has to fulfill: 1 resilience to obfuscation/encryption by avoiding deep packet
inspection (Section 9.2.1), 2 privacy preservation (Section 9.2.2), 3 independence
of network topology and protocol (Section 9.2.2), 4 high detection and family
classification accuracy (Section 9.4.2, 9.4.1), and 5 capability of detecting unseen
bots by capturing general bot network behavior (Section 9.4.2).
BOTection operates in four phases as illustrated in Figure 9.1.

1. Network Flow Reassembly: The malicious and benign network traces are
converted to logs using Zeek. These logs are then split to sub-logs of n flows.

2. Connection State Extraction: The features are (e.g. conn_state) from the
logs and produce a key-value store of state transitions and their frequency.

3. Markov Chain Modelling: The state transition frequency are used to build
Markov Chain models and produce a feature vector for each sub-log.

4. Training and Building Models: Malware detection and classification models

are built to detect malicious n-flows then classify it to a bot family.

We show the BOTection system in Figure 9.1, describing in this section its
modules and how design goals were considered.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior157

9.2.1 Network Flow Reassembly

Previous work (e.g. [84, 211]) used a high-level representation of the network
(NetFlow) that are easier to obtain than full network dumps (for privacy concerns)
and ensuring resiliency to encryption. Similarly, BOTection reassembles the network
communications of the bot traces to flows, extracting content-agnostic features
— fulfilling design goal 1 . Hence, data required for supervised machine learning
training are accessible, which is critical for the adoption of the system at scale.
Similar to MalClassifier, we use Zeek to perform the network flow reassembly,
utilising features provided in conn.log, one of the logs generated by Zeek. Before
building the Markov Chains, we split the traffic to windows of flows of length
n. Specifically, in network security applications, the length of the flow window
determines how often network flows are sampled for detection. Usually, in such
systems, the traffic is separated to time windows, meaning the system reports
detections in a fixed amount of time (e.g. 5 min). Instead we split the conn.log to
sub-logs each containing n number of flows (bursts of n-flows). Bots are known to
send traffic in bursts [209, 210]. For example, bots used to launch DDoS attacks
send huge amounts of requests to overload systems and networks, seeking to make
a system or network resource unavailable. Similarly, bots tend to send spam emails
in bursts. For such attacks to be successful, sending network bursts is inevitable.
We will explore the burstiness property of malware network traffic in our dataset
and discuss evasion challenges in Section 9.5.3.

9.2.2 Connection States Extraction

To build a Markov Chain, we need first to identify its states. Hence, we use as
states the behavioural features provided by Zeek in the conn.log, some which were
previously used for malware family classification [1]. We build two types of Markov
Chain models: one using conn_state as states and one that is a combination of
conn_state, service, and protocol. It is worth noting that we avoid using statistical
features that may be susceptible to malware evolution [212]. We describe the
two type of states used in the following.
Conn_state — Zeek represents the network flow connection state (conn_state)
using 13 different states, described in Table 9.1. Conn_state depicts the status of
a bot’s communication flows. For example, if a bot sends a TCP scan that was
rejected by the receiver, the connection state will be REJ.
Protocol, Service, and Conn_state (PSC) — PSC is a composite of
the conn_state attribute, connection network protocol (e.g. TCP/UDP/ICMP)
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior158

1. Network Flow Reassembly 2. Connection 3. Markov Chain Modeling

(Using Zeek) State Extraction


REJ S0 .8 0 .4 .. 0
m1 B
m2 p p p .. p B
Zeek S0 S1 SF REJ S2 .. OTH m3 p p p .. p M
PCAP conn.log (REJ, S0) 6
... p p p .. p M
(S0, REJ) 2 S0 .8 0 0 .2 0 0 0
.. .. .. .. .. ..
F1 80 TCP HTTP S0 (S0,S0) 8 S1 0S0 0.8 00 00 0.2 00 00
F2 53 UDP DNS REJ mi p p p .. p M
... SF 0S1 00
S0 .8
00 00 00
0 0 .2
00 00
0 0
(OTH,OTH) 0 REJ .6SF 00 00 .40 00 00 00

n .. ..S1 ..0 0 0 0
..0 ..0 ...4
0 0
.. 0 ..0
REJ 0.6
SF 0 0 0 0 0
Fn 80 UDP HTTP S0 OTH ..
0 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.4.. 0.. 0.. ..
REJ .6 0 0 0 0
Extract conn_state and ..OTH ..0 ..0 ..0 ..0 ..0 ..0 ..0 Markov Chain State
Flows in conn.log split to windows calculate the state OTH Transitions Dataset
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of length n transition frequencies
State Transition Matrix

4. Detection (Binary Classifier) Testing set

Testing Binary
Family Classification (Multi-Class Classifier) 3 Known, Unseen Bot
Classifier Families & benign
Result of Binary
Training set Classifier
1 Training Binary Binary
Benign Classifier Bot Detection Model Malicious? No
Result of Multi-Class
2 Training Multi-Class YES Classifier
Training set
Classifier Multi-Class Bot Family
Known Bot Family
Bot Families Classifier Classification Model

Figure 9.1: BOTection System.

0.65 0.24
0.58 0.2 tcp|smtp|S1 tcp|smtp|SF
OTH S0 0.22
SF REJ 0.98
0.59 tcp|ssl|SF 0.48

Figure 9.2: Markov Chain for Neris ICMP port scanning (left) and Zeus C&C (right)

and application protocol or service (e.g. DNS). An example of such a state

is (udp|dns|S0).
Conn_state provides a more abstracted representation of the flow, while PSC
provides more granularity to the flow behaviour. Although the PSC feature might
provide a more detailed representation of the network flow behaviour, we need to
consider the number of states for the Markov Chain model. Conn_state could have
13 different values, resulting in 132 = 169 Markov Chain state transitions used
as features. In contrast, PSC may have various combinations of letters, resulting
in over 14641 state transitions.
For each type, we extract the state transitions and calculate their frequency
(number of times the state transition occurred within a window n). A state transition
represents the connection states of two consecutive network flows in the log. As
shown in Figure 9.1, the connection state transition from f1 to f2 is S0 → REJ
(for conn_state) and tcp|http|S0 → udp|dns|REJ (for PSC ). We store these state
transitions for each sub-log as a key-value pair (i.e. key = (S0, REJ) and the value is
the frequency = 2). These state transitions are extracted from flow headers and are
thus resilient to encryption and privacy preserving — fulfilling design goals 2 , 3 .
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior159

9.2.3 Markov Chain Modeling

Markov Chains model sequences of events named states s ∈ S, where S is the
set of all possible states. Markov Chain models are represented as a set of nodes
(states) and edges between the nodes labelled with the corresponding transition
probabilities. Markov Chains are memoryless, meaning the transition from state si
to state si+1 is dependent only on the current state si . The transition probabilities
are calculated by observing the frequencies of each transition from each state sl ∈ S
to state sj ∈ S, normalised by the total number of transitions that start from node
sl . The sum of all the transition probabilities of the edges starting from any node
(e.g. sl ), is one. The number of transition probabilities is the square of the number
of states, as each state can be connected to all other states, including itself.
As an example, in Figure 9.2 we illustrate the Markov Chain of network
communication for the Neris bot family using conn_state as the feature type.
Neris performs port scanning; thus the sequences start from an OTH packet to
get to either S0 (attempt to establish a connection, no reply), or REJ (connection
rejected), or SF, where the connection is established. The probabilities of transition
are given by the normalisation of transition occurrences between OTH and the
other three states. The graph demonstrates the port scanning behaviour of this
family, where connections were attempted and sometimes was successful (P = 0.2),
sometimes rejected (with similar probability for this sample) and in all the other
cases were ignored (P = 0.57).
BOTection uses Markov Chains to generate the feature vectors used for classifi-
cation. Using the state transition frequencies (key-value store), we compute the
transition probabilities. This is represented as the state transition matrix for each
sub-log. We then represent each sub-log as a vector with all possible state transitions
(i.e. keys from the key-value store) representing the features (i.e. columns). The
feature vectors of all sub-logs represent our dataset. For example, if the feature
type is conn_state, then the states in the Markov Chain model are those defined
in Table 9.1. The 13 different conn_state states result in 169 transitions. Hence,
for each sample sub-log, the probability of transition from one state to the other
in the Markov Chain represents the feature vector for that sample.

9.2.4 Classification
Using feature vectors of Markov Chain state transitions belonging to bot and benign
samples, we train supervised machine learning models. Particularly, we use an
ensemble classifier known to overcome over-fitting issues. Since our system carries
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior160

Table 9.1: Description of the flow connection state (conn_state) feature obtained from
Zeek conn.log logs.
State Description
S0 Connection attempt seen, no reply.
S1 Connection established, not terminated.
SF Normal establishment and termination.
REJ Connection attempt rejected.
S2 Connection established and close attempt by originator
seen (but no reply from responder).
S3 Connection established and close attempt by responder
seen (but no reply from originator).
RSTO Connection established, originator aborted (sent a RST).
RSTR Responder sent a RST.
RSTOS0 Originator sent a SYN followed by a RST,
but did not receive a SYN-ACK from the responder.
RSTRH Responder sent a SYN ACK followed by a RST,
we never saw a SYN from the originator.
SH Originator sent a SYN followed by a FIN,
we never saw a SYN ACK from the responder.
SHR Responder sent a SYN ACK followed by a FIN,
we never saw a SYN from the originator.
OTH No SYN seen, just midstream traffic.

out two subsequent tasks (i.e. bot detection and bot family classification), we adopt
two different classification approaches discussed in the following.
Binary Classifier (Bot Detection Model) — Binary classification aims at
partitioning the samples in the feature space in two distinct and complementary
sub-spaces. The partition is done in such a way that a sub-space includes samples
of a class while the complementary sub-space includes the samples of the other
class. In our system, the classifier is trained using n-flow samples of known malware
families and benign traffic. The trained model is then used to classify an n-flow
into either the bot class (i.e. Malicious) or the benign class (i.e. not Malicious).
Multi-Class Classifier (Bot Family Classification Model) — Since our
family classification task aims at discriminating between malicious flows of different
bot families, we rely on a classification approach that partitions the feature space
in multiple non-overlapping sub-spaces. The multi-class classifier in our system
is trained using malicious n-flows belonging to multiple families. Thus, once an
n-flow is classified as malicious by the Bot Detection Model, it is then attributed
to a malware family by the Bot Family Classification Model.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior161

9.3 Evaluation
We implement the system as a Python 2.7 application using the Scikit-learn library. 1
The experiments were conducted on a 40-core processor with 128GB RAM and 20G
disk space, Centos OS. We open-sourced the implementation of our system as
a contribution. 2

9.3.1 Experiments
We design the following experiments to determine BOTection’s capability in
modelling bot network communication, that can be used for bot detection and
family classification.
Bot and Benign Communication Patterns (results in Section 9.4.1) — We
model the bots’ and benign communications as a Markov Chain to identify bots’
network behaviour and explore the discrepancies in bot and benign state transitions.
Bot Detection (results in Section 9.4.2 and Section 9.4.3) — We build and
evaluate two bot detection classifiers to: 1 detect known bots and 2 detect
previously unseen bots. The objective of the unseen bot classifier is to assess the
classifiers’ generalisability in detecting communication for bot families that were
not considered in classifier training. We also attempt to answer the question ‘What
if a few wrong flows end up within the window n?’ Hence, we study the effect of
injecting benign flows into the malicious n-flows on the system detection.
Bot Family Classification (results in Section 9.4.4) — We identify network
communications that are unique to each bot family. Thus, once an n-flow is identified
as malicious by the bot detection classifier, we evaluate the multi-class classifier’s
accuracy in classifying these malicious n-flows to a bot family.

9.3.2 Datasets
We use two datasets to evaluate the binary classifier (bot detection) and multi-
class classifier (bot family classification). In Table 9.2, we show the number of
malicious flows (both datasets) and benign flows (ISCX only) and the percentage
of flows belonging to each family. In Table 9.3, we also show the bot families
attack network communications in the dataset used to train the multi-class classifier.
These datasets were described in more detail in Chapter 4.
ISCX Botnet Dataset — for Binary Classifier— This dataset contains
malicious and benign traffic and is split into training and testing sets with 5 and 13
Scikit-learn: machine learning in Python - https://scikit-learn.org/
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior162

Table 9.2: Datasets used for evaluation - ISCX contains bot and benign flows used in
binary classifier, MCFP contains bot traffic only for multi-class classifier.
Dataset #Flows Bot Families
Training: Neris (12%), Rbot (22%), Virut (0.94%),
Zeus (0.01%), Zeus C&C (0.01%)
- 6,925,812 flows Testing:
ISCX - 34.97% Malicious Known Bots — Neris (5.67%), Rbot (0.018%),
Botnet Virut (12.80%), Zeus (0.109%), Zeus C&C (0.006%)
Dataset Testing
- 5,040,068 flows Unseen Bots — Menti (0.62%), Sogou (0.019%),
- 44.97% Malicious Murlo (0.16%), Tbot (0.283%), Zero Access (0.221%),
Weasel (9.25%), Smoke Bot (0.017%),
ISCX IRC Bot(0.387%)
Miuref (2.8%), Zeus (3.5%), Geodo (3.4%) NSIS (0.3%),
Bunitu (2.7%), WannaCry (0.9%),Conficker (0.8%),
Zeus C&C (8.6%), Neris (2.8%), Rbot (4.5%),
MCFP 7,283,060 Bot flows
Virut (1.23%), Sality (20.7%), TrickBot (0.5%),
Stlrat (5.3%), Donbot (0.07%), Papras (41.8%),
Qvod (0.1%)

bots respectively, where eight bot families in the testing set were not used to train the
classifier (unseen bots). We use this dataset to train and evaluate the binary classifier
using malicious and benign network traces, in detecting unseen bots. This is due to
the testing set containing bot families that were not present in the training set.
Stratosphere IPS Project — for Binary Classifier— This dataset is used
to verify the binary classifier’s performance over time, thus determining the date
the samples were first in the wild was essential. The samples date of "first seen
in the wild" was verified using VirusTotal3 reports.
Malware Capture Facility Project (MCFP) and Stratosphere IPS
Project — for Multi-class Classifier— To train our multi-class bot family
classifier, we used the CTU-13 botnet traffic dataset provided by the Malware
Capture Facility Project [183]. In addition, we use the samples of newer bots
(e.g. Trickbot - 2016 ) and ransomware (e.g. WannaCry - 2017 ) collected by The
Stratosphere IPS Project. The multi-class classifier classifies detected malicious
traffic to a family; therefore, only malicious traffic (C&C communication and bot
communication) is used to train and evaluate the classifier. The botnet families
represented in the dataset employed various protocols (e.g. IRC, P2P, HTTP) and
various techniques (e.g. spam, DDoS), as shown in Table 9.3.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior163

Table 9.3: Bot Network communication used to train the multi-class classifier(PS: Port
Scanning, NS: Network Scanning, FF: Fast-Fluxing, CF: ClickFraud).
Propagation C&C Operational
Zeus C&C

9.3.3 Classifier Design

For bot detection, we use a binary classifier which classifies an observation as
malicious or benign. For bot family classification, we use a Multi-Class classifier,
meaning an observation is classified into one of multiple bot family classes. For
both approaches we use Random Forest classifiers, an ensemble method that builds
a strong classifier relying on the consensus among classification results from several
weak learners (i.e. estimators), thus overcoming over-fitting issues of an individual
learner. In our work, we consider a Random Forest composed of 101 decision
trees as weak learners.
To address the class imbalance in the MCFP dataset used for bot family
classification, we apply a method that balances the training set by associating
a weight to samples of a specific class according to the number of samples that
class includes. Hence, it associates a higher weight to samples of under-represented
classes. In the Scikit-learn library, Random Forest classifier handles imbalanced
classification problems by setting the parameter class_weight = balanced.
Window Flow Size— The window flow size represents the number of flows in
each sample in our dataset. For each sample conn.log in our dataset, we split the
log into several sub-logs of size n. Therefore when the window size n = 15, that
means each observation in our final dataset contains bursts of 15 flows (15-flows
for short). We show the cumulative number of flows generated by a bot-infected
host per bot family during the first 7 minutes in Figure 9.3. All bots generate 15
or more flows within less than 170 seconds, then continuously send over 15 flows
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior164

Cumulative Number of flows (log) 104 BlackHole

103 Murlo
102 RBot
101 Sogou
100 Weasel
200 50
250 300100350150 400 Zeus
Time (seconds)
Figure 9.3: Cumulative number of flows (log scale) generated by each bot family every
second over a time frame of 7 minutes.

Figure 9.4: Average connection state transitions for network communications of bot
(red-left) and benign (blue-right) samples in ISCX dataset.

each second. This confirms our system design hypothesis that bots send traffic in
bursts. To explore the ideal window size, we experiment with various configurations
for the window n, where n = 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.
Classifier Performance— To assess the performance of the known bots binary
classifier and multi-class classifier, we apply stratified 10-fold cross-validation.
For the unseen bot classifier, we use the training set to train the classifier and
evaluate using the testing set containing samples of bot families not considered in
training. We employ the evaluation measures of Precision, Recall and F-measure
to evaluate classifiers’ performance. For the binary classifier, we also measure
the False Positive Rate (F P R = F P/(F P + T N )) and the False Negative Rate
(F N R = F N/(F N + T P )).

9.4 Results
We present in the following sections the results for the experiments identified
in Section 9.3.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior165

Cumulative Number of flows (log)

103 Menti
102 Osx_trojan
101 TBot
100 Zeus
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780
Time (seconds)
Figure 9.5: Number of flows generated by each malware family every 20 seconds.

9.4.1 Bot and Benign Communication Patterns

To understand the discrepancies of benign and bot network flows, we visualise
the average Markov Chain conn_state state transitions in Figure 9.4 for bot and
benign samples. Benign state transitions are concentrated on a few state transitions
compared to bots, which are more diverse. There are similarities in both, which is
due to how the Internet works and similarities in the traffic. For example, although
both have a high transition probability for OT H → OT H, the diversity of the
states in a bot’s n-flow makes it detectable. Bots generate more unique connection
state sequence behaviour that benign traffic does not attempt.

Bot Traffic Over Time— We show the overall amount of traffic by each bot
family in Table 9.2 over time in Figure 9.5. In particular, the y-axis has a logarithmic
scale, and each data-point consists of the traffic in an interval of 20 seconds. We
can notice that the majority of the bot families constantly produce a significant
amount of network flows. This means that a bot is more likely to be detected
in different phases of its malicious operations since our method has available an
abundant quantity of n-flows for the classification.
To understand the various communications a bot performs during propagation,
C&C communication, and other attack operations, we modelled the communication
as a Markov Chain. We discuss the most prominent bot network communication
found in the MCFP dataset. To simplify the Markov Chain for visualisation, we
show only the state transitions with probability p > 0.1.

C&C Communication— Communication with the C&C is the most important

communication for the bot operation, as its how they receive commands. To show
how that can be captured as a Markov Chain, we show Zeus’s C&C communication
in Figure 9.2. Zeus is known to initiate the communication to its C&C by sending a
GET message, which then the C&C server replies with the encrypted configurations
which Zeus will use to send to encrypted stolen information through a P OST
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior166

Table 9.4: False Positive Rate (FPR), False Negative Rate (FNR) of the known and
unseen classifiers for each value n.

conn_state PSC
Classifier n
10 0.004 0.111 0.353 0.256
15 0.060 0.096 0.386 0.055
20 0.100 0.074 0.407 0.056
Unseen Bots
25 0.093 0.073 0.175 0.043
30 0.079 0.065 0.142 0.030
35 0.097 0.067 0.142 0.026
10 0.003 0.000 0.002 0.003
15 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002
20 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.008
Known Bots
25 0.008 0.001 0.003 0.001
30 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.000
35 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.009

message [213]. This can be seen in the Markov Chain with the HTTP connection with
state SF followed by an SSL connection with p = 0.44. Following the SSL state, the
bot establishes a connection with the C&C (p = 0.98) that is terminated by the bot.
SMTP Spam— Multiple bots in our dataset send email SPAM, specifically
Neris, Sality and Geodo. For brevity, we show the average of all the Markov chains
for the Geodo bot performing email SPAM in Figure 9.12. We found 29, 575 Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) flows in our dataset for Geodo bot. Overall, there
are 2 types of SMTP flows: (1) f = conn_state:S1, history:ShAdDa, (2) f =
conn_state:SF, history:ShAdDafF. Meaning, the first was not terminated, whilst
the second was terminated by a F IN bit sent by both ends. These two types were
captured in the Markov Chain model, showing the next state after a completed
SMTP connection is a DNS connection (P = 1), whilst an unterminated connection
will (1) either remain in the same state (P = 0.41), (2) receive a SYN Ack followed
by a FIN from destination (tcp | − | SHR)(P = 0.27), (3) make a DNS request
(P = 0.32). Other bot families had similar state transitions, although Neris had
some SMTP connection with the conn_state set to RSTR and history ShAdDaTfrr,
indicating the destination sent a RST.
Port Scanning— We were also able to identify ICMP port scanning (Figure
9.2), where an ICMP connection flow with conn_state OT H is followed by a UDP
flow with states S0, or a TCP connection with conn_state SF or REJ. Bot
families Rbot, Neris, Virut, Qvod, and Donbot all perform port scanning and have
shown to have similar state transitions.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior167


ClassifieU 3eUfoUPanFe (%)



FonnBstate, .nown %ots
FonnBstate, 8nseen %ots
0.5 pUoto-seUviFe-FonnBstate, .nown %ots
pUoto-seUviFe-FonnBstate, 8nseen %ots
10 15 20 25 30 35
1uPbeU of )lows
Figure 9.6: Binary classifier F-measure for detecting known/unseen bots for each state

DDoS— We are also able to observe two types of DDoS attack, TCP and
ICMP DDoS in Rbot. DDoS was observed as multiple connection requests sent
to a single host, where these requests could be an ICMP request or TCP request.
For ICMP DDoS, the bot establishes an ICMP request which has a conn_state
OT H, whilst TCP DDoS connections have conn_state REJ.

9.4.2 Performance of Binary Classifier

Classifier Performance— We show the performance of the binary classifiers in
detecting known and unseen bots in Figure 9.6, with the flows’ conn_state and
PSC as Markov Chain states. When analyzing the known bots, the flow window
had no effect on the classifier performance, and the classifier performed well (99% F-
measure). However, when we try to identify unseen bots the detection performance
varies based on the window size: larger window sizes allow a better identification
in the PSC while smaller ones work slightly better for conn_state.
Overall, conn_state works best for the goal of detecting network connections
belonging to unseen bots. Specifically, for detecting unseen bots, conn_state had
the best performance with a detection rate of 93.03%, when n = 15. In contrast,
using PSC as a feature yielded a better accuracy (91.06%) when (n = 35). We also
report the FPR and FNR for each classifier in Table 9.4. The Unseen Bot Classifier
performed best when n = 10, n = 15 with 0.4% and 5.87% FPR respectively.
The FPs originated from only a small number of hosts and for specific cases. We
discuss this in more detail in Section 9.5.1.
Classifier Performance Based on the Type of Feature— Clearly, conn_state
performance was best in detecting known (F-measure= 99.78%), and unseen bots
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior168


Bot n-flows detected (%)





% detected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
No. Flows Injected
Figure 9.7: Percentage of bot 15-flows detected when we inject b benign flows in the

(F-measure= 93.03%) compared to PSC where detection efficiency was high for
unseen bots only when the burst window size was above 20.
Classifier Performance When Injecting Benign Flows— We explore the
effect of injecting random benign flows b into the bot 15-flow (n = 15) at random
locations on the detection performance. In practice, this means that we inject states
that are randomly selected among the most frequent conn_states in benign traffic,
as reported in Section 9.4.1 and shown in Figure 9.4. For example, REJ conn_state
was not injected in this experiment as it rarely occurs in benign traffic.
In this experiment, we injected benign flows (i.e. b random benign conn_states),
in the malicious 15-flows. For example, for 15-flow of malicious flows, we can inject
2 benign flows (b = 2), meaning that the other 13 flows are malicious (m = 13),
where (n = b + m). We conducted experiments with various configurations of b and
m. For each configuration, we repeated the experiment 40 times and obtained the
average of the number of detected malicious flows by the known bot classifier.
We show the results of this experiment in Figure 9.7. The x-axis represents the
number of benign flows injected b. For example, when less than four benign flow
was injected (b = 4, m = 11), the classifier was capable of detecting 80% of the
15-flows even after injecting a random state into the sequence. This may be due
to the diversity of the states in a bot n-flow, as discussed in 9.4.1.

9.4.3 Classifier Performance Over Time

Machine learning detectors need to maintain their performance over time to facilitate
real-world application. This is crucial to prevent the costly re-training of classifiers
and to ensure its detection capability to new malware. As such, we conduct an
experiment using current malware from the Stratosphere IPS dataset.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior169

Table 9.5: Binary Classifier Performance: F1 (F-measure), Precision (P) and Recall (R)
over time with Temporal Training Consistency. We train the classifier using bot samples
first seen in the years precedent of the samples in the testing set.
Testing set
2015 2016 2017 2018
F1 P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 P R
Pre 2015 .86 .89 .87 .87 .89 .87 .86 .89 .87 .86 .89 .87
Pre 2016 - - - .987 .987 .987 .983 .983 .983 .982 .982 .982
Pre 2017 - - - - - - .981 .982 .981 .981 .981 .981
Pre 2018 - - - - - - - - - .989 .989 .989

In training and testing the classifier, we take into consideration the Temporal
Training Consistency, where all samples in the training are temporally precedent to
samples in the testing set [214]. Thus we split the test set, depending on the year
the malware was “first seen”, which was verified from VirusTotal reports.
We show the results of training the binary classifier (n = 15) in Table 9.5.
Interestingly, the classifier’s performance over time is 86% when trained with
samples appearing before 2015. However, the classifier performance increases to
98% when trained with samples appearing after 2015. These results show that
the binary classifier generalises well enough not to be affected by the temporal
bias problem defined in [214]. This means that our classifier (i) can detect traffic
from previously unseen bot families, and (ii) is robust over time; thus, it does
not need to be frequently re-trained.

9.4.4 Performance of Multi-Class Classifier

Markov Chain Models— We show the Markov Chain state transitions for the
conn_state feature in Figure 9.9 for some bot families. Highlighting only the most
important state transitions for each bot family, we show in the figure only state
transitions with probability > 0.6. We notice that connection transition SF → SF
and S0 → S0 are seen in most bot connections. Having an SF → SF is expected,
as bots will typically have normal connections.

Classifier Performance— We show in Figure 9.8 the performance of the multi-

class bot classifier for each of our connection state types. When the flow window size
is at least 20, the scores are stable and close to 100. Our classifiers performs well,
reaching 98% F-Measure score for bot family classification when n = 20, reaching
its maximum 99.09% when n = 35. The conn_state feature performs very well
independently from the window size value, while the other feature sets had these
performances with n > 20. We show the classifier’s performance in more detail per
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior170

Feature: conn_state Feature: protocol-service-conn_state

1.0 1.0
Classifier Performance (%)

Classifier Performance (%)

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6
F-Measure F-Measure
0.5 Precision 0.5 Precision
Recall Recall
0.4 0.4
10 15 20 25 30 35 10 15 20 25 30 35
No. Flows No. Flows
Figure 9.8: Multi-Class classifiers’ performance for each Markov Chain state feature

Figure 9.9: Markov Chain Model Transition Probabilities of the conn_state feature for
each botnet family. For brevity, we show only transition probabilities greater than 0.6.
For example, Virut had a high transition probability between states S1 and REJ.

bot family when n = 20 in Figure 9.10. As discussed in 9.3.3, we take precautions

to ensure that the classifier is not impacted by the imbalanced training set. This is
shown in Figure 9.10, as the classifier maintained a high precision per bot family.
We observe that the Geodo bot is the only family presenting an F-Measure score
less than 90%, with some connections misclassified to either Bunitu or Stlrat.
Classifier Performance Based on Type of Feature— Conn_state per-
formed the best across the various window sizes; however, we find that PSC might
provide a more complete representation of a bot’s behaviour. For example, we
observed for Virut that state transitions from S0 to S0 for TCP flows were of a
spam attack. However, when the bot used a UDP connection for DNS services
(udp|dns|S0 → udp|dns|S0), it indicated that it is sending DNS queries. While
these differences are transparent to the conn_state features, they are shown by the
PSC. The email spam was confirmed when we uncovered that the destination port
was port 25. Hence, in certain attacks, destination port, service, and protocol are
crucial to distinguish types of attacks with similar state transitions.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior171

Classification Performance



0.4 Performance metrics

0.2 Recall

&C s Bot itu t f do t t r d bot s s

sC Neri naC
Trick Bun Viru Miure Geo Stlra Rbo ficke NSIS Qvo Don Papra Zeu Sality
Zeu Wan Con

Figure 9.10: Multi-Class classifiers’ performance per bot family (n=15).

9.5 Discussion
We discuss in the following sections the reasons behind classifiers’ misclassifications,
lessons learnt from our experiments, potential methods malware can deploy to
evade detection and system limitations.

9.5.1 Understanding Classifiers’ Errors

Binary Classifier: False Positives— We focus our discussion here on the
performance of the binary classifier (for unseen bots). The classifier misclassified
20561 (5.87%) benign n-flows of the test set as malicious. In a real-world setting,
a defender (e.g. analyst) needs to know which are the infected hosts, to remove
them from the network. The process of investigating FPs is known to be a tedious
task for analysts [209]. However, we found that the falsely-labelled flows originated
from only a small number of hosts (F P R > 0.1) — 36 out of 1164 benign hosts,
as shown in Figure 9.11.
For example, benign host IP = had the highest percentage of FPs,
where 87% of its benign traffic was flagged as malicious. The misclassified n-flows
had either only conn_state OTH or S0 — a state transition that we found to be
high in both benign and malicious (Figure 9.4). The FPR could be improved by
white-listing connection states that are highly present in benign and malicious
flows or n-flows containing only one kind of state (e.g. only OTH). Therefore,
although the FPR might look high, investigating these false positives is a rather
reasonable load for a security defender.
Binary Classifier: False Negatives— We attempt to understand the mis-
classification of bot flows to benign of the unseen binary classifier. In Table 9.6,
we show the number of false negatives for each bot family, where n = 15. Over
the 136, 288 bot 15-flows in our testing dataset, 8124 were misclassified as benign.
Interestingly, Virut bot produced the highest number of False Negatives, although
the bot family was considered in the training set. 99.87% of the misclassification
for Virut are 15-flows with three connection state transitions (4 RST RH → S0,
4 S0 → RST RH, and 7 S0 → S0).
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior172


Figure 9.11: Host IPs that produced the highest FPR for the binary classifier (FPR >

Table 9.6: Number of flows, 15 window length samples, and number of bots per family
in the ISCX testing dataset, and the number of False Negatives (FN) for each bot family
and benign traffic.
Family Total # Flows # 15-flow window # Hosts # FN
IRC Attack 773370 51558 8 107
Menti 13024 1628 1 8
Murlo 81135 5409 1 68
Neris 402000 2680 1 28
Osx_trojan 375 25 1 0
Rbot 116505 7767 1 10
SmokeBot 1755 117 1 0
Sogou 20625 1375 1 1
TBot 5205 347 4 5
Virut 437550 29170 1 7726
Weasel 508080 33872 2 165
ZeroAccess 19440 1296 2 9
Zeus 15660 1044 4 9
Benign 2,948,550 196570 1164 16100

These misclassified connection states represent Virut’s IRC communication and

spam behaviour. Virut sends IRC communication to port 6667 with conn_state =
RST RH followed by sending spam on port 25 with conn_state = S0. Such state
transitions were not seen in the training set for Virut and other bot families, while
present in 57% of the testing set explaining the misclassification.
On examining these misclassified flows, we found that in our training set, Virut
attempts to establish an IRC connection by sending packets to a server that either
rejects the connection (REJ or S0) or accepts the connection (SF ). In contrast,
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior173

the testing set contains unsuccessful IRC connections (S0) to the server followed
by a RST RH response from the server (meaning the connection was timed out).
Hence, this is not a result of Virut changing its behaviour but was a result of the
server delay in its reply and connection timing out.
Multi-Class Classifier— We attempt to investigate the misclassification
(when n = 20) per bot family. Geodo had the lowest F-Measure score of 84%,
with some 20-flows classified to Bunitu or Sltrat. Most flows misclassified to
Bunitu are connections with only state transition SF → SF . This explains the
misclassification, as the classifier learned that 20 consecutive SF flows is a behavior
of Bunitu, resulting in the low classification accuracy for Geodo. However, as
SF → SF state transition represents a normal network connection, n-flows with
only connection state SF should be white-listed. Similarly, Geodo flows with only
S0 → S0 transitions are classified as Sltrat, which has the same flows.

9.5.2 Lessons Learned

Emerging bots are stealthy and may seek a passive propagation approach (e.g. spear
phishing), avoiding noisy active propagation (e.g. scanning) that some previous bot
life-cycle detection approaches (e.g. [82, 85, 215, 216]) expect. In Figures 9.2 and
9.12 we showed the Markov Chain for various bot communications such as C&C
communications, ICMP scanning and email spam respectively. Each bot attack
resulted in a different Markov Chain representing that attack. These models are
not only valuable in understanding bot behaviour but may be used to determine
bot attack stages and whether bots do actually follow the bot life-cycle.

Figure 9.12: Markov Chain for Sality (right) and Geodo (left) spam behavior (only
state transition probabilities, where p > 0.1).

Although bots share similarities in their Markov Chains, there are still differences
that make it possible to distinguish between the network traffic of different bot
families. BOTection was able to classify a n-flow to its bot family with 99% accuracy
— fulfilling design goal 4 . Each bot family had a set of uniquely identifiable Markov
Chain state transitions (Figure 9.9). In fact, bots may operate the same attack in
different ways. For example, Figure 9.12 shows the behavior of two spam families,
Geodo and Sality. They both successfully use the TCP SMTP protocol (tcp|smtp|SF )
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior174

and perform DNS queries through UDP (udp|dns|SF ), but they use them in different
ways. When Geodo successfully sends an email, it always goes back to the DNS
queries (P = 1). However, Sality is often sending many emails in a row as state
tcp|smtp|SF has 0.64 probability of returning to itself in the next step of the chain.
Another example is the Markov Chains for Papras that shows TCP DNS requests,
while normally DNS is sent over UDP. This may be due to the DNS response or
request data size exceeding the size of a single packet. Papras flows in our dataset
contain DGA communication; this unique DNS request behaviour is peculiar of
Papras DGA behaviour that is captured by our system.
We explored two types of states used in the Markov Chain models. Both
conn_state and PSC are effective in detecting bot communications, but PSC
provides a higher level of granularity. For example, a flow with conn_state SF
might be sent using either UDP or TCP, and might be an SSL communication,
a DNS request, or an HTTP request, each representing a different flow behavior.
However, PSC has 404 state transitions compared to conn_state (132 = 169)
increasing the dimensionality thus the computation needed for classifier training.
We highlight the importance of evaluating the system performance in detecting
bots not used when training the classifier. Our system was able to detect known
bots with an F-measure of 99% and new bots with an F-measure of 93% — fulfilling
design goals 4 and 5 .
Bot Markov Chain models are different from benign ones as bots have more
diverse state transitions, as seen in Figure 9.4. Hence, BOTection was able to capture
bot behaviour and recognise it in flows of families not included in the training
set. Markov Chain models are robust to bot evolution due to the abstraction of
network communication to finite states, thus less susceptible to the introduction
of new states. Applying conn_state in the Markov Chain models ensures that
no additional states could be introduced.
We evaluated our binary classifier’s performance over time. Following recom-
mendations provided in [214] to overcome the temporal bias problem, we trained the
classifier with samples first seen in the years preceding the test samples, complying
with the temporal training consistency. We also ensured that samples in the
test sets had been seen for the first time in the same year. As we reported
in Table 9.5, our method maintained its performance over time with a 98% F-
measure. This ensures that a classifier can detect new bots without frequent
and time-consuming re-training.
For binary classification, we used the ISCX dataset that contains network flows
labelled (malicious/benign) according to the host generating them. We studied the
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior175

effect of mixed traffic on BOTection’s performance by injecting a benign flow in the

malicious 15-flow. BOTection was able to still detect 80% of the malicious n-flow
even when four benign flows were injected into the bots 15-flow.
As shown in Figure 9.3, bots have a “bursty attacks” nature that can be seen in
network traces [209, 210]. We observed that bots in our dataset generated 15 or
more flows within less than 3 minutes from their first execution. Such bots also
sent a significant amount of flows every second during their various attack stages
(Figure 9.5). Hence, BOTection is capable of detecting a bot-infected host during
its early communications as detecting a single burst can lead to its discovery.

9.5.3 Evasion and Limitations

Bots may evade detection by reducing the number of network communications

or increasing the time interval between them. Our detection method relies on a
bot’s bursts of network flows; thus, the detection of a stealthier bot may be a
challenge. Moreover, fewer flows may affect the reliability of the Markov Chain,
as the statistical models can change.
Nevertheless, we argue that most bot operational communications (e.g. scanning,
spam, DDoS ) inevitably generate communication bursts. In particular, a spam bot
sends a high number of SMTP packets in a few seconds, while a DDoS attack
misuses specific packets.
Those operations result in network communication behaviours that are different
from benign user activities. Thus, a bot would not be able to carry out its operational
communications while attempting to evade detection at the same time. Bots can
use covert channels [217] (e.g. encoding the data in TCP/IP header bits). Another
evasion technique is imitating patterns of benign communications. These patterns
can be replicated only to some extent (e.g. sending flows with conn_state = SF)
and for specific particular activities (e.g. a spam bot mimicking normal traffic
results in sending fewer emails). Although some samples already implement these
evasion techniques in the wild, their evasion efforts might introduce constraints
on their behaviour, affecting their full functionality [206].
BOTection uses states that are protocol dependent, thus an attacker might
attempt to evade the detection by changing the protocol (e.g. from TCP to UDP).
However, changing the protocol limits bot capabilities. A bot would not be able to
carry out DDoS attacks with a specific method protocol different from the original
one (e.g. ICMP ping of death, UDP Flood, SYN packets on TCP handshake).
ClickFraud uses HTTP; thus, it is dependent on the TCP protocol. Despite SMTP
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior176

Table 9.7: Comparison of previous Bot Detection Approaches and proposed system
Type of Encryption Single Bot Unseen
Detector Resiliency Detection Bots
BotSniffer [78] C&C N N N
BotFinder [84] C&C Y Y N
BotHunter [82] Operation N N N
BotMiner [81] Operation Y N Y
Abaid et. al [85] C&C N N Y
Abaid et. al [216] Operation N Y N
BOTection Y Y Y

using TCP, UDP is also used in rare benign applications so can be easily detected
by a rule-based system. Bots are known to have similar attack objectives, thus
attempting to change its network behaviour will be detected as its new behaviour
may be similar to another family’s attack behaviour.
In evaluating our system, we considered its performance in detecting traffic
generated by bot families that were not included in the training set. Our system
was able to detect such traffic with a 93% F-measure due to these bot families
exhibiting similar attacks (e.g. DDoS) to families that are present in the training
set. Hence, unseen bots that use novel techniques (i.e. new types of attacks that use
protocols in a unique way) may not be detectable in our system (e.g. zero-days).
As with other machine learning-based approaches, a malware might try to evade
the proposed systems via adversarial learning techniques [218]. It might also try to
mimic the patterns of multiple families to impact the classification. However, the
main objective of malware family classification is to identify the one that exhibits the
most similar network behaviour to assist the defender in deploying proper mitigation.
In the case of a new malware family, one solution is to classify such malicious traffic
to a “New Family” class using the confidence of multi-class Random Forest classifiers
applied previously in [219]. Thus, classifications with a confidence level below a
threshold will not be attributed to a known family but as “New Family”.

9.6 Comparison to Related Work

In Table 9.7, we provide a comparative analysis on BOTection and previous work on
bot detection. Specifically, we compare based on the type of detector, its resiliency
to encryption, single bot detection capability and its evaluation of the detection
performance of unseen bots. BotFinder [84] is a botnet detection system that
monitors network traffic for C&C communication to detect bot-infected hosts.
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior177

Compared to BotSniffer [78], the approach detects individually infected hosts

and therefore does not require correlating network activities of multiple hosts.
Moreover, it does not rely on payload information but high-level network data
such as NetFlow in the detection, thus applicable also for encrypted botnet traffic.
However, BotFinder uses statistical time-related features (e.g. time interval) of
the network flows, assuming that bots use constant time intervals between C&C
communications. However such time-related features are affected by the network
quality (i.e. speed) and may vary in future unseen malware variants [212].
In contrast, BOTection uses behavioural features that are resistant against such
variations, as proven by its effectiveness in detecting unseen bots. To ensure a fair
and systematic evaluation, we provide only an empirical comparison of the detection
results to previous work that use the same dataset. For example, Zao et al. [220]
used the ISCX dataset for bot detection yielding a true positive rate of over 90%
and a false positive rate under 5%. In addition, they evaluated their system in
detecting unseen bots, which, although yielding a high detection rate, had a FPR
(specifically for Weasel) of 82%. A high FP increases the burden on analysts to
filter out these false positives, thus is not adoptable in real-world settings.
In contrast, BOTection was able to achieve a high detection accuracy whilst
having a low FPR generated from only a few number of hosts. Previous work [82,
83, 85] on botnet detection focused on detecting bot activities by modelling the
bot activities using bot life-cycle, mostly using the life-cycle proposed in [82].
In the future, we plan on using the BOTection Markov Chain models of the
various bot attack stages to evaluate whether the previously proposed bot life-
cycle is still valid nowadays.

9.7 Summary
In this chapter, we presented BOTection, a novel topology and protocol-independent
system capable of detecting and classifying flows to a bot family with a 99% accuracy.
Importantly, BOTection models capture similar network behaviour, thus are capable
of detecting unseen bot network behaviour with 93% accuracy without re-training
the classifier. We evaluated our approach using the network communication of
various bots performing propagation, C&C communication and attacks. Our results
demonstrate the effectiveness of using Markov Chains to understand bot network
behaviour for better detection.
Our research on analysing malware behaviour revealed that malware utilise
similar techniques to launch their attacks. We capture this phenomenon when
9. Bot Detection by Building Markov Chain Models of Bots Network Behavior178

analysing the behavioural features extracted from their network traffic. Hence,
modelling malware common behaviour allows detection systems to identify new
malware variants that use similar attack techniques. As detecting the malware
is essential, attributing that activity to a malware family is also critical in SOCs
to determine the best remediation. It is crucial when designing network-based
monitoring tools to consider real-world deployment, where content-inspection is no
longer possible due to privacy and malware obfuscation through encryption. Our
proposed systems recognise these design goals, improving over existing state-of-the-
art malware detection tools. To foster further research and real-world deployment
evaluation, we open-source our system.4
In the following chapter, we will conclude by providing an overview of this thesis
contributions and identifying opportunities for future research directions.

Conclusions and Future Work
10.1 Research Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
10.2 Validation of Research Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
10.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
10.4 Final Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

In this chapter, we conclude this thesis. We start by stating our research

contributions and how the research goals, identified in Chapter 1, were addressed.
We then discuss the research validity, suggest future research directions and finish
with final remarks.

10.1 Research Contributions

We addressed the problem of the lack of literature on SOC’s technologies and
processes in monitoring, detecting, and responding to malware in Chapters 5, 6,
and 7. In particular, in Chapter 5, we presented the results of an online questionnaire
extracting the SOC practitioners’ perspectives on network-monitoring tools. The
results of the questionnaire highlighted interesting research questions, further
investigated using qualitative research methods.
In Chapter 6, we addressed RQ1: How do security practitioners monitor,
detect, and investigate security threats in a SOC? We extracted the main
workflow that SOCs follow, noting whether this was in an internal or an outsourced
SOC. One of the main findings is the extensive reliance on humans across all SOC

10. Conclusions and Future Work 180

workflows. We identified these human-centric tasks, discussing opportunities for

automation. In addition, we identified factors that impact the SOC process, thus
affecting the SOCs ability to monitor and detect threats to the organisation.
In Chapter 7, we address RQ2: What are the advantages and disadvan-
tages that security practitioners perceive of network-monitoring tools?
We discussed the strengths and weaknesses of network monitoring tools, specifically
NIDS and SIEMs. For example, we discovered that existing network monitoring
tools are inefficient when monitoring internal network traffic; produce false positives
which led to analysts losing respect for their tools and ignoring alarms; and produce
vast amounts of logs, making it computationally challenging to correlate data.
Moreover, alarms triggered in behaviour-based technologies are more respected
by analysts than traditional rule-based systems. Another requirement identified is
to determine the type of malicious binary running on a host that triggered an alarm,
not by accessing the host, but through network traffic analysis. Most organisations
hire a third-party SOC to monitor their network but restrict their direct access
to the hosts. Thus, the analyst is only able to observe the network traffic and
not able to get access to the binary on the infected host. Based on the results
of this study, we extract requirements for a malware detection system, providing
recommendations for future tool development.
In Chapter 8, we addressed RQ3: To what extent can we classify malicious
network traffic into a malware family, on-the-wire? We proposed and
evaluated a behaviour-based malware family classification system that can determine
the family of the malware running on a host by analysing its network traffic.
Examining the network behaviour of this malware can assist analysts in determining
the objective of the malicious executable. In situations where the attack implications
are severe, such as in ransomware attacks, it is not only the detection of the threat
that is critical — but classifying to a malware family is equally as important. This
ensures that analysts can quickly react to a ransomware attack to avoid catastrophic
implications. Malware’s classification to a malware family is invaluable in prioritising
threats and determine the best deterrence measure to employ.
In Chapter 9, we addressed RQ4: To what extent can we detect malicious
network traffic generated by new or unseen malware? and proposed a
behaviour-based bot detection system that is capable of detecting previously unseen
malware. The system uses behavioural features of high-level network attributes,
thus preserving the privacy of the monitored hosts. Malware’s network activities
(e.g. spam, DDoS, ClickFraud) are captured and modelled as a Markov Chain.
Thus, not only can analysts detect new malware that has not been seen before, but
they are also able to determine which malicious activities the bots are launching
to choose the most effective deterrence measure.
10. Conclusions and Future Work 181

10.2 Validation of Research Results

We employed a qualitative research method in our SOC study, and as a result,
our sample size is small (n = 21). SOCs are distinctive, in their size, structure,
operations and personnel and our study was only involved seven SOCs. Most of
these SOCs and their analysts were based primarily in the UK, with some serving
UK-based public and private sectors. Moreover, due to our non-random method of
recruitment that leveraged institutional relationships to ensure participation and
engagement, the type of participating SOCs were mostly in the security sector.
As we report only themes highlighted by participants in this study, other themes
may emerge in conversation with other SOC analysts. Hence, the aforementioned
limitations prevent extracting generalisable conclusions, and therefore, require
further validation of the study findings. In future work, we plan on validating the
findings emerging from this study with further SOCs and participants residing in
other countries or serving organisations of various sector types. Our data analysis
focused on deriving recurring themes in both in-house and out-sourced SOCs.
However, our study findings highlighted a clear distinction between in-house and
outsourced SOCs operations, people, and technology, therefore, a more focused
study targeting each type individually might result in deriving further themes and
contradictions that were missed in this study.
Evaluating machine learning systems highly relies on the quality of the data
used to train them. Consequently, malware research requires the use of real-world
data that reflect current security threats. However, the absence of good quality
real-world datasets of malware and benign network traffic continues to be the biggest
challenge for malware security researchers. Moreover, executing malware samples
and collecting its network traffic, while taking precautions to ensure malware does
not cause harm and maintaining the validity of its network behaviour is a challenging
and troublesome process. As a result, in addition to the scarcity of available datasets,
those available tend to contain samples of old malware that does not represent
current advanced threats. In our malware detection and classification research, we
used three datasets to validate system effectiveness and performance of all datasets
collected by researchers in a controlled lab environment. To the best of our ability, we
ensured that datasets used were collected according to best practice in maintaining
the authenticity of the generated malware traffic and included malware samples of
more recent threats such as Emotet and WannaCry. Nevertheless, proper validation
of such systems still requires real-world datasets to have a more realistic evaluation
of a system. To foster further research and validation of proposed systems, we
open-sourced our system implementation for real-world deployment and evaluation.
10. Conclusions and Future Work 182

One of the main findings of our SOC study is the importance of designing systems
that are human-machine collaborative, where technology works together with SOC
practitioners for the detection of threats. The SOC operations are highly human
reliant, where technology is there to present the information for the practitioners
for them to make the intelligent decision. Moreover, most technologies in SOCs rely
on humans to configure and tune false positives or benign triggers according to the
networks and systems ecosystem being monitored. Hence, when designing systems
to be used in SOC environments it is important to not only validate its performance
standalone but evaluate its performance when integrated into a SOCs ecosystem of
various technologies, people and processes. In this work, we proposed a malware
detection system based on requirements identified in our qualitative research. In
future work, we need to validate the applicability of the proposed system in SOCs
and its integration to existing technological methods and operations. Such research
can be in the form of a user study, where SOCs integrate the proposed system in
their SOC technological pipeline and analysts evaluate its effectiveness in assisting
them to recognise and detect possible malware attacks. Similarly, our SOC research
has highlighted possible directions of designing technological solutions for malware
detection in SOCs, that should also be validated in a SOC setting. We discuss
future work relating to some of these technological solutions in the following section.

10.3 Future Work

Owing to our findings that analysts can be overwhelmed by the information current
tools present them with; that there is a lack of automation, particularly in identifying
false positives; and that the need to prioritise ingress and egress points leaves
companies exposed to threats originating from inside their networks, we suggest
future work be carried out in the following areas.

Malware Network Behaviour Knowledge Graph

Graph-based approaches have been used to organise cybersecurity information

for fast retrieval. Graphs provide the ability to attach contextual information
to the data, providing a more grounded inference. For example, Shu et al. [121]
presented a threat intelligence graph model that could be queried by analysts for
threat hunting. Similarly, Holmes [164], organised logs as a graph that could be
used by analysts to map the various stages of an APT campaign. These methods
promote human-machine decision making, allowing the human to query these
graphs and use the information to make decisions about the maliciousness of an
10. Conclusions and Future Work 183

alarm. This supports the fast processing of alarms, allowing analysts to focus
their efforts on more serious threats.
To facilitate malware human-machine monitoring and detection in SOCs, mal-
ware network threat discovery can be modeled as a graph problem. Network traffic
logs, in particular, have unique properties, that make them different to other
logs. For example, the sequence of network traffic, as we found in Chapter 8 and
Chapter 9, provides insights on the malware behaviour. Therefore, representing
the sequence in the graph is useful to infer information about a malware’s network
communication behaviour. Although such modeling of malware network behaviour
proved effective for detection, still, real-world deployment requires incorporating
contextual knowledge. As we found in Chapter 7, machine learning models need
to incorporate contextual features in model training and include analysts feedback
on the predictions to reduce the number of benign triggers. Hence, to facilitate a
more accurate inference, contextual information about the malware (e.g. malware
family name, stage of attack, CVE) and context about the infected host (e.g. OS)
and subnet (e.g. business sector) can be incorporated in the graph to be used
by analysts to contextualise an alarm.

SDN-based SIEM

In Chapter 7, our participants noted they are not able to monitor the internal
network traffic due to storage and computational constraints. Instead, to understand
network activity, security analysts turn to a semi-manual investigation of network
data (e.g. firewall logs, packet capture data, network flows, system logs). As we
identified in Chapter 6 a host’s network connections are only looked at in the later
stages of an investigation, missing out on meaningful earlier network connections
that may have been stronger Indicators of Compromise (IOC).
As future work, we propose the idea of reducing the logs collected by the SIEM,
hence decreasing the hay in the “haystack”. Security analysts in the SOC define the
SIEM alarms (e.g. use-cases) that would initiate a further investigation. Once that
alarm is flagged, they then manually look at the logs to determine if the alarm is a
legitimate threat or a false alarm. Since the raw data is only viewed by analysts
when a SIEM alarm is generated, why not initiate network collection for a host
or subnet when an alarm is triggered for that host/subnet. Hence, we propose
collecting network traffic at the early stages of the investigation with the level of
granularity needed to make a decision of its maliciousness.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new network paradigm that allows
greater control over network entities by decoupling the control plane and the
10. Conclusions and Future Work 184

forwarding plane, enabling the network control to become directly programmable.

The network visibility and centralised reconfiguration of devices provided by SDN
assist in a rapid reaction to security threats and facilitates dynamic security
policy deployment.
Using the programmability capabilities of an SDN, the amount of storage needed
for logs is reduced by collecting them dynamically (evidence collection). Thus,
collect logs of hosts only where an alarm was received. This ensures that all the
evidence needed by the analyst to determine the maliciousness of a triggered alarm
is available without needing to run computationally intensive and slow queries.
Such a system reduces the workflow overhead on analysts and allows them to
focus on what they do best, threat hunting.

10.4 Final Remarks

As we found in the Target breach case study discussed in Chapter 1, the reasons
behind the susceptibility of Target to the breach goes beyond the limitations of
technology. Although the technology detected the threat, no further action by the
SOC was warranted. There are various reasons why such errors may occur such
as; analysts scepticism of the technology; the overwhelming number of alarms that
lead to threats being missed or not prioritised, and issues in the communication
between various teams and across locations and organisations.
Security monitoring and incident response have been around since the 1990s,
still, SOCs struggle with issues related to technology people and processes and
how all three SOC dimensions can work together. Our study highlighted that
effective malware detection requires human-technology collaboration to identify
those challenging threats. Detection of advanced threats has been attributed to
analysts themselves hunting and spotting deviating patterns using the data provided
by technology. Mature SOCs are more reliant on technology for triaging, with
analysts having more time for hunting.
To achieve the appropriate level of automation in a SOC, technology should
be sophisticated enough to identify false alarms from benign triggers—to establish
whether further remediation action is warranted. Such automation will reduce
analysts’ monotonous tasks. Technology should also be collaborative driven, where
technology produces contextual alarms that allow analysts to make informed
decisions. Moreover, analysts need to be able to provide feedback on the technology
threat predictions directly to the technology instead of documenting in the wiki.
Such feedback can help technology “learn” through ML and AI and improve its
10. Conclusions and Future Work 185

future predictions. Developed tools should also consider real-world requirements

and challenges such as low hardware/software cost, privacy-preserving, low false
alarms, security clearance obstacles. Moreover, the capability of these tools to adapt
its detection capabilities to future threats and malware is critical.
The novelty of the research in this thesis is in providing a systematic study on
SOCs processes, people, and technology; providing researchers with an understand-
ing of the challenges and opportunities within; bridging that knowledge gap and
thereby set a better foundation for future research in the field.
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Semi-Structured Interview Questions
A.1 Interview Part 1
The goal for this interview is to capture the analysts views on the current network
security tools used in the SOC.

1. Please describe your position/job role/level.

2. Which network monitoring tools do you use in your monitoring work?

3. Looking back on past events, have there been times during your use of
network-monitoring systems when they performed particularly well?

4. Can you describe an incident that was detected well?

5. Looking back on past events, have there been times during your use of network-
monitoring systems when they could have performed better? Can you describe
an incident that was not detected as well as it should have been?
6. What is your view on the strengths and weaknesses of the network-monitoring
systems you use?

7. What is your view on the accuracy of the network-monitoring systems you

(a) Are there events they do not detect that they should be detecting (false
negatives)? If so, is this a frequent occurrence?
(b) Do they detect false positive events? If so, what proportion of events
detected are false positives?
(c) Can you comment on the balance between false positives and false
negatives in your systems? Which are there more of?

8. What is your view on the usability of the network-monitoring systems you


A. Semi-Structured Interview Questions 202

9. We are interested in the balance between attack detection by automated

systems, and work performed manually by analysts. Can you describe
this balance? (e.g. are there times when you as an analyst use your own
experience to explore the data and make decisions, rather than or alongside
using automated system alerts, and how do you do this?)
10. Do you feel that you as an analyst monitoring the network are capable of
detecting attacks that might be missed by automated systems?
(a) How does your existing monitoring setup enable this?
(b) Can you give an example?
(c) How do you maintain situational awareness of your network?
11. Do you feel the level of Situational Awareness you are able to achieve currently
is sufficient?
(a) Can you comment on the usability of the systems through which you
maintain SA? How easy is it to stay "in the loop"?
(b) Is it necessary for you to maintain SA while performing other tasks, and
how do you do so?
12. How do you decide which events to prioritise?
13. Would you like to share any more views on the network-monitoring systems
you use that have not been covered by the questions so far?

A.2 Interview Part 2

During the interview, the participant was presented with a problem scenario and was
asked to talk through the steps they will use to address the problem. We presented
the analysts’ with a number of scenarios in a semi-structured format, criticizing and
inspecting scenarios in walk-throughs. Hence, we asked: For the following network
scenarios, could you describe step-by-step how you would investigate?
1. Processes, roles, workflow between SOC team members. Which are the first
tasks you would carry out?
2. Which tools would you use?
3. Which data would you gather to help in your investigation? What are the
first information sources you would check, and what indicators would you
look for?
4. How would you prioritise and assess severity?
5. Which tasks would you automate, and which data sources would you explore

A.2.1 Scenarios
1. You are monitoring the organisation’s network traffic, and observe an increase
in the traffic from a server to an outside entity.
2. You are monitoring the organisation’s network traffic, and observe an increase
in the traffic from a server to another device on the network.
A. Semi-Structured Interview Questions 203

3. You are monitoring the organisation’s network traffic, and observe an increase
in the network outbound traffic (how does the analyst find the malicious
internal host?).
4. You receive an alert from the SIEM of unauthorised privilege escalation
5. Scanning the network, you find an IOC such as a malware MD5 hash.
6. Your web server is receiving SYN flood requests.
Online Questionnaire - Assertions Results

Table B.1: Online Survey Results: Responses to Assertions (Resp, Ordered from "Strongly Disagree"(=1) - "Strongly Agree"(=5)) Mode,
Median, and Comparison of non-neutral scores - Disagree (1-2):Agree (4-5)(CNNS: D:A)

Assertion Resp Mode Median CCN

Data Fusion
- I am required to simultaneously monitor information from multiple monitoring sources
0,3,2,9,6 4 4 3:15
(eg. network traffic, IDS logs, firewall logs, etc)
- I am required to simultaneously monitor the state of multiple network elements
0,3,6,9,2 4 4 3:11
(e.g. individual machines, database server, web server, etc.)
- Monitoring the status of the network involves interacting with an IDS and
0,0,6,10,4 4 4 0:14
other monitoring tools in addition to following external information resources for vulnerabilities
- SIEMS require collecting and storing billions of logs every day,
2,6,4,6,2 4 3 8:8
we have limited resources and are not able to keep these logs for long periods of time
- Aggregation of billions of log alerts a day presented in heterogeneous
0,3,5,8,4 4 4 3:12
data structures makes analysis a challenge
- Devices may generate logs that are either incomplete or inconsistent
0,3,5,8,4 4 4 3:12
(e.g. different time-stamps) making analysis an even bigger challenge
- The tools I use are effective at supporting data fusion and correlation across incidents and data sources 1,1,4,12,2 4 4 2:14
Network Monitoring Tools
B. Online Questionnaire - Assertions Results

- The monitoring tools I use frequently produce false positive results

0,2,4,11,3 4 4 2:14
(they detect a security event when there was not actually a security event)
- The monitoring tools I use frequently produce false negative results
0,6,9,3,2 3 3 6:5
(they fail to detect a security event that occurs)
- I rely on my custom scripts to aggregate the data I need to analyse an incident 2,5,8,3,2 3 3 7:5
- To detect malicious activity on the network I deploy custom created scripts 1,5,7,5,2 3 3 6:7
Intrusion Detection Systems
- I believe that current IDS are inadequate in detecting attacks 2,5,7,5,1 3 3 7:6
- Current IDS solutions are incapable of coping with the high data rates 3,6,8,2,1 3 3 9:3
- Current IDS solutions lack in effective and speedy threat detection and response 4,5,5,5,1 2 3 9:6
- Current IDS solutions are built on the assumption that threats are observed as
2,3,6,8,1 4 3 5:9
they enter the network in specific perimeter points at the Internet edge
- The number of alerts generated by most IDS are overwhelming 0,4,4,8,4 4 4 4:12
- To reduce the number of false positives, I limit the IDS signature set to focus on important attacks 2,4,6,6,2 3 3 6:8
- I pick IDS alerts of interest based on problems we have been having lately 1,10,4,4,1 2 2 11:5
Table B.2: Online Survey Results: Responses to Assertions (Resp, Ordered from "Strongly Disagree"(=1) - "Strongly Agree"(=5)) Mode,
Median, and Comparison of non-neutral scores - Disagree (1-2):Agree (4-5)(CNNS: D:A)

Assertion Resp Mode Median CCN

Human in the Loop
A1: It is important to have a human in the loop for the detection and preliminary analysis
0,2,0,7,11 5 5 2:18
of potential security events this process cannot be carried out by automated systems alone
A2: Human analysts monitoring the network are capable of detecting network
0,1,5,10,4 4 4 1:14
anomalies that are missed by automated systems
A3: I am often required to make decisions on the accuracy of the alerts produced by
0,0,5,8,7 4 4 0:15
automated systems
A4: I sometimes rely on my experience and intuition to detect
0,2,7,7,4 3 4 2:11
attacks rather than monitoring system alerts
B. Online Questionnaire - Assertions Results

Knowing your Network

A5: Maintaining awareness of the network security state is important in enabling me to
0,0,3,13,4 4 4 0:17
make decisions on the accuracy of alerts produced by automated monitoring systems
A6: Keeping up with changing configurations in the network is difficult,
0,1,4,9,6 4 4 1:15
but necessary to provide the context needed to analyse and diagnose an alert
A7: Keeping track and knowing the network environment is important to detect attacks 0,0,1,12,7 4 4 0:19
A8: I track network configurations using personal memory 1,4,8,4,3 3 3 5:7
A9: I track network configurations by keeping an updated database of network devices
0,4,5,8,3 4 4 4:11
and configuration changes
Template Analysis: Template
We detail in the following the template derived using template Analysis methodology
and used to code the semi-structured interviews.
1. People
(a) Recruitment
(b) Responsibilities an Positions
(c) Skills and Education
(d) Teams and Groups
(e) Challenges
i. Challenges in Recruitment
ii. Communication between SOC members and customer
iii. Division of Responsibilities
A. Pressure in making decisions
B. Who monitors what
iv. Multitasking and Overwhelming analysts
2. Process
(a) Workflow Stages
i. Preparation
A. Risk assessment and asset criticality
B. Configuring SIEM use-cases
C. Identifying datasources
D. Base-lining and Alarm tuning
E. Customer Profile documentation
F. open-source intelligence
G. tool maintenance and updates
ii. Detection
A. Detection through Tools
B. Detection through Hunting

C. Template Analysis: Template 208

C. Filtering False positives/benign Triggers/noise

D. Prioritization of triaged alarms
iii. Investigation
A. Filtering false positives
B. Knowledge and context needed (tacit, network, customer)
C. Usage of tools
D. Analytical questions and reasoning
iv. Response
A. Response decision based on type of threat (e.g. APT)
B. Communicating Risk to customer
C. Forensics and onsite investigations
(b) Knowledge and context needed (tacit, network, customer)
(c) Use of playbook and procedures
(d) Management of SOC
(e) Influencing factors
i. Government vs. non-government organisations
ii. Type of SOC (internal vs. MSSP SOC)
iii. Cost of technology and skills
iv. Organisation (size, business)
v. Change management and patching processes
vi. Risk appetite
vii. Communication channels
viii. SOC maturity
3. Technology
(a) Traditional Technologies
i. Traditional technologies types (signature/anomaly)
ii. Strengths
A. Good first indicator
B. Deal with high volume of traffic
C. well maintained
D. Easy to write signatures
E. Fast signature creation
F. Work across protocols
iii. Weaknesses
A. Mostly false alarms
B. Unreliable signatures
C. Black-box or generic filter
D. Loosely written signatures
E. Not able to detect new threats
F. Lack context
G. Slow to deploy signature
(b) SIEM
(c) Strengths
i. Visibility of logs and data sources of an organisation
C. Template Analysis: Template 209

ii. Custom use-cases

iii. Cross-event and Cross-platform correlation
iv. Normalization
v. Prioritization
vi. Fast response to threats
(d) Weaknesses
i. Overwhelm analysts with volume of data
ii. Rely on humans for false positive filtering
iii. Configuration hassle and lack of expertise
iv. Use of structured databases, query takes too long
v. Cost (hardware, software, maintenance)
vi. Detection of zero-day attacks.
(e) Machine Learning
(f) Challenges in Network monitoring
i. Encrypted network traffic (customer, malware)
ii. Monitoring of internal network traffic
A. Cost of storage
B. PCAP vs. Netflow format
4. Communication
(a) Communication between SOC members
(b) Communication between SOC members and Customer (or other teams)
(c) Communication between SOC and third parties
(d) Communication between the SOC analysts and technology.
Online Questionnaire

Security Operations Centre (SOC)
Monitoring Practice

Page 1: Introduction
We appreciate your interest in participating in our study on Security Operations Centre
Monitoring Tools. This survey is intended for security analysts that work in a Security Operations
Centre (SOC). The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Please read
through these terms before agreeing to participate by continuing to the next page.

The study has three aims:

1. To capture requirements for improving security monitoring tools by gathering information

on the strengths and weaknesses of existing tools.

2. To identify the thought processes of analysts in security monitoring, and data features to
be included in security tool development.

3. To compare working practice and security tool use across the SOCs of different
organisation types.

We will gather information for the above three parts through questions on SOC working
practice, security tool use, attack indicators, and security monitoring and detection techniques
applied by security analysts in SOCs in organisations.

The researchers are Louise Axon and Bushra Alahmadi, who are doctoral students in the
Centre for Doctoral Training in Cybersecurity. The research is being conducted under the
supervision of Professor Sadie Creese, Professor Michael Goldsmith and Professor Ivan

1. Why have I been invited to take part?

You have been invited to take part because of your experience working as a security analyst in
a SOC.
1 / 37
2. Do I have to take part?

You can ask questions about the study before deciding whether to participate. You can choose
whether you participate and, if you agree to participate, you may withdraw yourself and your
data from the study without penalty at any time, and without giving a reason, by advising the
researchers of this decision.

3. Are there any potential risks in taking part?

There are no known risks or disadvantages of taking part and no specific preparatory
requirements, as we strive to protect your confidentiality, unless you explicitly agree that the
type or nature of your company can be mentioned in publications arising from the research.

4. What happens to the research data provided?

The survey responses are recorded anonymously, and all participants in this study will remain
anonymous. The data will be stored in a password-protected file on the researcher’s computer,
and will be destroyed at the end of the project. Only the researchers will have access to the
personal data collected in the survey, and this data will be kept separately from the interview
responses, if you later take part in an interview.

5. Will the research be published?

The results of this study may be published in conference proceedings, peer-reviewed journals
and online in University archives. The results of the study will also contribute towards the DPhil
theses of the two researchers, which will be published online. No personal data from this study
will be published in any of the above; all study participants will remain anonymous and the data
collected will be stored in a password-protected file on the researchers’ computers, accessible
only by the researchers.

The University of Oxford is committed to the dissemination of its research for the benefit of
society and the economy and, in support of this commitment, has established an online archive
of research materials. This archive includes digital copies of student theses successfully
submitted as part of a University of Oxford postgraduate degree programme. Holding the
archive online gives easy access for researchers to the full text of freely available theses,
thereby increasing the likely impact and use of that research.

If you agree to participate in this project, the research will be written up as a thesis. On
successful submission of the thesis, it will be deposited both in print and online in the
University archives, to facilitate its use in future research. The thesis will be published with
open access, meaning it will be available to every internet user.

6. Who has reviewed this project?

2 / 37
This project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of
Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee.

This research is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC). The results of the study may be published in academic conferences or journals, and
will be published in the researchers' theses.

7. Who do I contact if I have a concern about the study or I wish to complain?

If you have a concern about any aspect of this project, please speak to the researchers, Louise
Axon and Bushra Alahmadi (louise.axon@cs.ox.ac.uk, bushra.alahmadi@cs.ox.ac.uk) or their
supervisors, Professor Sadie Creese (sadie.creese@cs.ox.ac.uk), Professor Michael
Goldsmith (michael.goldsmith@cs.ox.ac.uk), and Professor Ivan Martinovic
(ivan.martinovic@cs.ox.ac.uk) who will do their best to answer your query. The researcher
should acknowledge your concern within 10 working days and give you an indication of how
he/she intends to deal with it. If you remain unhappy or wish to make a formal complaint, please
contact the chair of the Research Ethics Committee at the University of Oxford (using the
contact details below) who will seek to resolve the matter in a reasonably expeditious manner:

Chair, Social Sciences & Humanities Inter-Divisional Research Ethics Committee; Email:
ethics@socsci.ox.ac.uk; Address: Research Services, University of Oxford, Wellington Square,
Oxford OX1 2JD

Please note that you may only participate in this survey if you are 18 years of age. If you
agree to participate and have read the terms above, please continue to the next page to
get started.

3 / 37
Page 2: Preliminary Questions

What is your job title?  Required

How many years' experience do you have in your role?  Required

0 - 3
3 - 5
5 - 7
7 - 10
10 - 15
15 +
I prefer not to say

How would you rate your level of expertise in network-security monitoring?

Very low
Very high

What is the type of organisation you work in?  Required

Financial Services
Healthcare Providers

4 / 37
Higher Education
Technology (Non-security focus)
Technology (security focus)
Media and Entertainment
Travel, Hospitality, and Transportation

If you selected Other, please specify:

How would you describe the size of your organisation  Required

Small enterprise
Medium enterprise
Large enterprise
I don't know

If you selected Other, please specify:

How many security analysts work in your organisation's SOC?  Required

5 / 37
1 - 9
10 - 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 99
100 - 199
200 +
I prefer not to say

How many network monitoring devices (e.g. a single IDS, firewall) are you personally responsible for
monitoring in the SOC you work in?  Required

2 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
13- 14
15 - 16
17 - 18
19 - 20
I don't know

How many network elements does a single monitoring device observe? Optional

6 / 37
In which country is the SOC you work in located?  Required

Which tasks are you required to carry out in your role?  Required

Monitor IDS
Monitoring network and systems logs
Track and trace intruders
Perform forensic evidence collection
Produce technical documents
Perform artifact analysis
Incident handling
Perform security policy development
Publish advisories or alerts
Perform virus handling
Provide and answer a hotline
Provide training and security awareness
Pursue legal investigations
Vulnerability handling
Security product development
Vulnerability scanning
Vulnerability assessments
Security configuration administration
Penetration testing

7 / 37
If you selected Other, please specify:

How many network security alerts does your organisation receive on average daily?  Required

Less Than 5K
Over 150K
I don't know

If you selected Other, please specify:

How many network security alerts does your organisation investigate on average daily?

Please enter a whole number (integer).

Describe your usual SOC responsibilities  Required

8 / 37
Approximately how many legitimate network security alerts does your organisation remediate
on average daily? Optional

Please enter a whole number (integer).

Which of the following does your SOC mostly focus on? You may select more than one if
necessary.  Required

Threat prevention
Threat detection
Threat remediation

If you selected Other, please specify:

9 / 37
Page 3: Network Monitoring

What are the main network security threats your organisation faces?  Required

Denial of service attacks

Abnormal user activity
Scanning (reconnaissance e.g. port scans)
Unauthorised access attempts
Viruses, Worms, Trojans
Abnormal network activity
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
Next-generation malware (e.g. Bots)
Phishing emails (including spear-phishing)
Brute-force attacks
Insider threats
Web defacement
Policy violation (e.g. gaming, streaming)

If you selected Other, please specify:

Which of these network security incidents do your systems detect?  Required

Denial of service attacks

Abnormal user activity
Scanning (reconnaissance e.g. port scans)
Unauthorised access attempts

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Viruses, Worms, Trojans
Abnormal network activity
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
Next-generation malware (e.g. Bots)
Phishing emails (including spear-phishing)
Brute-force attacks
Insider threats
Web defacement
Policy violation (e.g. gaming, streaming)

If you selected Other, please specify:

Which of the following network security incidents do you believe you could do better at
addressing if you had the tools?  Required

Denial of service attacks

Abnormal user activity
Scanning (reconnaissance e.g. port scans)
Unauthorised access attempts
Viruses, Worms, Trojans
Abnormal network activity
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
Next-generation malware (e.g. Bots)
Phishing emails (including spear-phishing)
Brute-force attacks

11 / 37
Insider threats
Web defacement
Policy violation (e.g. gaming, streaming)

If you selected Other, please specify:

Which of the following network monitoring tools do you use?  Required

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - signature-based (e.g Snort, Cisco Secure IDS )
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - anomaly based (e.g. Spade)
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - using machine learning
Data collection/ log aggregation (e.g. Splunk)
Security visualisations
Network monitoring (e.g. Argus, Bro)
Text-based data presentation (e.g. Wireshark/tcpdump, Nmap)
Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Policy management/profiling/posture assessment tool (e.g. Cisco ISE)
DNS Enforcer/Intelligent Proxy (e.g. Cisco Umbrella)

If you selected Other, please specify:

If you selected Intrusion Detection System (IDS) - using machine learning or security

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visualisations in the previous question, please specify the tools used.

Which network security data sources do you monitor in your work? For each source you
monitor, please indicate whether you monitor the source using a Security Incident and Event
Management (SIEM) tool or individually.  Required

Monitor Do not I don't
using a
individually monitor know
Firewall logs
Network packet captures
Host logs
Server logs
IDS logs
IPS logs
Web proxy logs
Website logs
Antivirus logs
Anomaly detection alerts
Domain Name System (DNS) logs
Authentication logs

Are there any other network security data sources you monitor in your work that were not
addressed in the question above? If so, please specify.

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How important are the following features in choosing an ideal network monitoring system? 

Very Very I don't

Unimportant Neutral Important
unimportant important know
Cost of required storage
Cost (money)
Required processing
Number of false
Number of false
Detection accuracy
Cross-correlation of logs
from different vendor
sources (cross-vendor
API compatibility)
Data Visualisations
Easy to
Speed in aggregating
evidence/triaging events
Compatibility with
existing hardware

14 / 37
Sophisticated alert-

Do you have any further comments on any of the topics covered on this page?

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Page 4: Network Monitoring Features

How important are the following data sources in detecting malicious activity on the network? 

Very Very I don't

Unimportant Neutral Important
unimportant important know
Network traffic
Internal network
IDS alert logs
IPS alert logs
Web proxies that
log every
DHCP servers
that log dynamic
IP address
VPN servers that
log remote
connections to
the enterprise
controllers that
attempts within
the corporate

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software that
logs the results
of malware
scans on end
Network firewall
Data server logs
detection logs
DNS logs
mailing lists/blog

Do you rely on other data sources we have missed? If yes, please specify them below.

How important are the following network traffic features in detecting malicious activity on the
network?  Required

Very Very I don't

Unimportant Neutral Important
unimportant important know
Source IP
Destination IP
Source port
Destination port
Packet size

17 / 37
Byte size
Packet content
domain URL
HTTP status
Web referrer
Domain category
Sent and
received bytes
DNS response

Do you rely on other network features we have missed? If yes, please specify them below.

How important are the following Indicators of Compromise in detecting malicious activity on the
network?  Required

Very Very I don't

Unimportant Neutral Important
unimportant important know
network traffic
(sudden spike in

18 / 37
Anomalies in
privileged user
account activity
Log-in red flags
Swells In
database read
HTML response
Large numbers
of requests for
the same file
registry or
system file
DNS request
patching of
Mobile device
profile changes
Bundles of data
in the wrong
Web traffic with
Signs of DDoS

19 / 37
Users' complaint
of slow system

Do you rely on other Indicators of Compromise we have missed? If yes, please specify them

How much do you rely on your experience in analysing and aggregating data sources to detect
malicious activity as apposed to relying on security monitoring system alerts?  Required

1% - 10% of the time

11% - 30% of the time
31% -50% of the time
51% - 70% of the time
71% - 80% of the time
81% - 100% of the time
I don't know

In what ways (if any) does your experience aid in network security monitoring tasks?

How do you choose the security alerts you process?

Affected subnet/business sector criticality

Random sampling
Based on problems faced recently
20 / 37
Based on awareness of normal network activity
New announced vulnerabilities in security blogs
Alert severity rating
Classifying malicious executables to a malware family

If you selected Other, please specify:

Do you have any further comments on any of the topics covered on this page?

21 / 37
Page 5: Assertions: Accuracy and Usability of Network
Monitoring Tools

Network Monitoring Tools: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following
assertions.  Required

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
disagree agree
The monitoring tools I
use frequently
produce false
positive results (they
detect a security
event when there
was not actually a
security event)
The monitoring tools I
use frequently
produce false
negative results (they
fail to detect a
security event that
I sometimes rely on
my experience and
intuition to detect
attacks rather than
monitoring system
I rely on my custom
scripts to aggregate
the data I need to
analyse an incident
To detect malicious
activity on the
network I deploy
custom created

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Intrusion Detection Systems: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following
assertions.  Required

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
disagree agree
I believe that current
IDS are inadequate
in detecting attacks
Current IDS solutions
are incapable of
coping with the high
data rates
Current IDS solutions
lack in effective and
speedy threat
detection and
Current IDS solutions
are built on the
assumption that
threats are observed
as they enter the
network in specific
perimeter points at
the Internet edge
The number of alerts
generated by most
IDS are
To reduce the
number of false
positives, I limit the
IDS signature set to
focus on important
I pick IDS alerts of
interest based on
problems we have
been having lately

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Data Presentation Tools: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following
assertions.  Required

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
disagree agree
Data presentation
tools, such as
visualisations, are
important in my work
Data presentation
tools such as
visualisations can
help me to detect
incidents that are
missed by the
automated systems,
or that do not fit the
automated attack
detection profile
Visualisations are
useful for finding
interesting patterns in
raw network packet
Visual distractions
sometimes mean I
miss important
information that is
conveyed visually

Do you have any further comments on any of the topics covered on this page?

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Page 6: Assertions: Working Practice in SOCs

The "Human in the Loop": Please indicate your level of agreement with the following
assertions.  Required

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
disagree agree
For my monitoring
work, it is important
that I maintain a
awareness of the
network security state
It is important to have
a "human in the loop"
for the detection and
preliminary analysis
of potential security
events - this process
cannot be carried out
by automated
systems alone
Human analysts
monitoring the
network are capable
of detecting network
anomalies that are
missed by automated
The monitoring setup
I use enables me to
detect network
anomalies that are
missed by automated
I am often required to
make decisions on
the accuracy of the
alerts produced by
automated systems
25 / 37
awareness of the
network security state
is important in
enabling me to make
decisions on the
accuracy of alerts
produced by
automated monitoring

Data Fusion: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following assertions. 

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
disagree agree
In monitoring , I am
required to watch
multiple monitors
depicting different
data at one time
I am required to
watch multiple
dashboards on the
same monitor
depicting different
data at one time
I am required to
monitor information
from multiple
monitoring sources
(eg. network traffic,
IDS logs, firewall
logs, etc)

26 / 37
Monitoring the status
of the network
involves interacting
with an IDS and other
monitoring tools in
addition to following
external information
resources for
I am required to
monitor the state of
multiple network
elements (e.g.
individual machines,
database server, web
server, etc.)
I am required to
monitor the network,
while carrying out
other tasks
simultaneously (e.g.
responding to emails,
carrying out incident
SIEMS require
collecting and storing
billions of logs every
day, we have limited
resources and are not
able to keep these
logs for long periods
of time
Aggregation of
billions of log alerts a
day presented in
heterogeneous data
structures makes
analysis a challenge

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Devices may
generate logs that are
either incomplete or
inconsistent (e.g.
different time-stamps)
making analysis an
even bigger
The tools I use are
effective at
supporting data
fusion and correlation
across incidents and
data sources

Network Configurations: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following assertions.
 Required

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
disagree agree
Keeping up with
configurations in the
network is difficult,
but necessary to
provide the context
needed to analyse
and diagnose an alert
Keeping track and
knowing the network
environment is
important to detect
I track network
configurations using
personal memory

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I track network
configurations by
keeping an updated
database of network
devices and

Do you have any further comments on any of the topics covered on this page?

29 / 37
Page 7: Any further comments?

Do you have any further comments you would like to make about aspects of network security
monitoring in SOCs that have not been covered in this survey?

30 / 37
Page 8: Thank you for participating.

Thank you for completing this survey. Your answers have been recorded. If you have a concern
about any aspect of this project, please feel free to contact the researchers, Louise Axon and Bushra
Alahmadi (louise.axon@cs.ox.ac.uk, bushra.alahmadi@cs.ox.ac.uk).

Key for selection options

9 - In which country is the SOC you work in located?

I prefer not to say
AD - Andorra
AE - United Arab Emirates
AF - Afghanistan
AG - Antigua and Barbuda
AI - Anguilla
AL - Albania
AM - Armenia
AO - Angola
AQ - Antarctica
AR - Argentina
AS - American Samoa
AT - Austria
AU - Australia
AW - Aruba
AZ - Azerbaijan
BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina
BB - Barbados
BD - Bangladesh
BE - Belgium
BF - Burkina Faso
BG - Bulgaria
BH - Bahrain
BI - Burundi
BJ - Benin
BL - Saint Barthelemy
BM - Bermuda
BN - Brunei
BO - Bolivia
BR - Brazil
BS - Bahamas, The
31 / 37
BT - Bhutan
BV - Bouvet Island
BW - Botswana
BY - Belarus
BZ - Belize
CA - Canada
CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CD - Congo, Democratic Republic of the
CF - Central African Republic
CG - Congo, Republic of the
CH - Switzerland
CI - Cote d'Ivoire
CK - Cook Islands
CL - Chile
CM - Cameroon
CN - China
CO - Colombia
CR - Costa Rica
CU - Cuba
CV - Cape Verde
CW - Curacao
CX - Christmas Island
CY - Cyprus
CZ - Czech Republic
DE - Germany
DJ - Djibouti
DK - Denmark
DM - Dominica
DO - Dominican Republic
DZ - Algeria
EC - Ecuador
EE - Estonia
EG - Egypt
EH - Western Sahara
ER - Eritrea
ES - Spain
ET - Ethiopia
FI - Finland
FJ - Fiji
FK - Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
FM - Micronesia, Federated States of
FO - Faroe Islands

32 / 37
FR - France
FX - France, Metropolitan
GA - Gabon
GB - United Kingdom
GD - Grenada
GE - Georgia
GF - French Guiana
GG - Guernsey
GH - Ghana
GI - Gibraltar
GL - Greenland
GM - Gambia, The
GN - Guinea
GP - Guadeloupe
GQ - Equatorial Guinea
GR - Greece
GS - South Georgia and the Islands
GT - Guatemala
GU - Guam
GW - Guinea-Bissau
GY - Guyana
HK - Hong Kong
HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HN - Honduras
HR - Croatia
HT - Haiti
HU - Hungary
ID - Indonesia
IE - Ireland
IL - Israel
IM - Isle of Man
IN - India
IO - British Indian Ocean Territory
IQ - Iraq
IR - Iran
IS - Iceland
IT - Italy
JE - Jersey
JM - Jamaica
JO - Jordan
JP - Japan
KE - Kenya

33 / 37
KG - Kyrgyzstan
KH - Cambodia
KI - Kiribati
KM - Comoros
KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis
KP - Korea, North
KR - Korea, South
KW - Kuwait
KY - Cayman Islands
KZ - Kazakhstan
LA - Laos
LB - Lebanon
LC - Saint Lucia
LI - Liechtenstein
LK - Sri Lanka
LR - Liberia
LS - Lesotho
LT - Lithuania
LU - Luxembourg
LV - Latvia
LY - Libya
MA - Morocco
MC - Monaco
MD - Moldova
ME - Montenegro
MF - Saint Martin
MG - Madagascar
MH - Marshall Islands
MK - Macedonia
ML - Mali
MM - Burma
MN - Mongolia
MO - Macau
MP - Northern Mariana Islands
MQ - Martinique
MR - Mauritania
MS - Montserrat
MT - Malta
MU - Mauritius
MV - Maldives
MW - Malawi
MX - Mexico

34 / 37
MY - Malaysia
MZ - Mozambique
NA - Namibia
NC - New Caledonia
NE - Niger
NF - Norfolk Island
NG - Nigeria
NI - Nicaragua
NL - Netherlands
NO - Norway
NP - Nepal
NR - Nauru
NU - Niue
NZ - New Zealand
OM - Oman
PA - Panama
PE - Peru
PF - French Polynesia
PG - Papua New Guinea
PH - Philippines
PK - Pakistan
PL - Poland
PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon
PN - Pitcairn Islands
PR - Puerto Rico
PS - Gaza Strip
PS - West Bank
PT - Portugal
PW - Palau
PY - Paraguay
QA - Qatar
RE - Reunion
RO - Romania
RS - Serbia
RU - Russia
RW - Rwanda
SA - Saudi Arabia
SB - Solomon Islands
SC - Seychelles
SD - Sudan
SE - Sweden
SG - Singapore

35 / 37
SH - Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
SI - Slovenia
SJ - Svalbard
SK - Slovakia
SL - Sierra Leone
SM - San Marino
SN - Senegal
SO - Somalia
SR - Suriname
SS - South Sudan
ST - Sao Tome and Principe
SV - El Salvador
SX - Sint Maarten
SY - Syria
SZ - Swaziland
TC - Turks and Caicos Islands
TD - Chad
TF - French Southern and Antarctic Lands
TG - Togo
TH - Thailand
TJ - Tajikistan
TK - Tokelau
TL - Timor-Leste
TM - Turkmenistan
TN - Tunisia
TO - Tonga
TR - Turkey
TT - Trinidad and Tobago
TV - Tuvalu
TW - Taiwan
TZ - Tanzania
UA - Ukraine
UG - Uganda
UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands
US - United States
UY - Uruguay
UZ - Uzbekistan
VA - Holy See (Vatican City)
VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE - Venezuela
VG - British Virgin Islands
VI - Virgin Islands

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VN - Vietnam
VU - Vanuatu
WF - Wallis and Futuna
WS - Samoa
XK - Kosovo
YE - Yemen
YT - Mayotte
ZA - South Africa
ZM - Zambia
ZW - Zimbabwe

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