Final AllenBytes-4
Final AllenBytes-4
Final AllenBytes-4
Editorial Article
Warm Greetings to all the readers of Allenbytes! Special praise to new writers from B.Tech (2nd year) who have
contributed their articles for the rst time and a heartfelt
We are pleased to present the fourth release of our bi-annual
thanks to all the contributors at every stage for their worthy
newsletter 'Allenbytes'. The purpose behind this newsletter is
to give an informative bite to our readers regarding technical
buzzes and also to present the star achievers of department Also, I extend my deepest gratitude to the Campus Director of
in the category of
of Computer Science and Articial Intelligence. Allenhouse Group of Institutions Prof. (Dr.) Bhagwan Jagwani,
“Quality of Campus Life”
in the Education World Director of Allenhouse Group of Institutions, Dr. Rubby Chawla
With every release we try to introduce some new columns
India Higher Education Grand and Director of Allenhouse Institute of Technology, Prof. (Dr.)
which can enhance the awareness of our young readers. In this
Jury Awards 2022-23 Somendra Shukla for their valuable guidance and support.
release along with our routine columns we have added a
Chief Patron column of brief biographies of legendary personalities which "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader."– Margaret Fuller- with this,
Mr. Mukhtarul Amin aim to present the milestone achievements of inspiring I wish all my readers good luck and joyful new year.
President, personalities with the intent to nourish the mind of our readers
Ms. Richa Mishra
Superhouse Education Foundation with healthy motivations.
Assistant Professor (CSE)
Open Source Learning with internet, MOODLE, an open source Online Learning
Mr. Syed Javed Ali Hashmi
Environment comes forward with as seamless
Joint Secretary, MOODLE Ocean of features and functionalities that are being
Superhouse Education Foundation In today's world, education and training are consistently improved and added on with the help
single-handedly one of the most crucial parts of an unending online developer's community. It
Prof. (Dr.) Bhagwan Jagwani of the working sector. Resources are available promises to provide the most modular and intuitive
Campus Director, Allenhouse Group of to make the process easy and efcient but such platform for students to learn, and teachers to
Institutions resources cost the students who wish to learn teach the ways intended to make learning a fun
as well as the instructors who wish to teach the involving and rigorous activity with the help of real
Dr. Rubby Chawla same. Also the methods or resources may not world problem modules.
Director, Allenhouse Group of be that intuitive, modular and customizable. To tackle such Mr. Abhimanyu Mishra
Institutions problems in the world that is connected with the power of Assistant Professor (CSE)
Prof. (Dr.) Somendra Shukla
Director, Allenhouse Institute of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality-
Virtual reality and augmented reality have been popular
terms in the technological industry for more than ten years,
Editor-in-Chief but consumer goods utilizing these cutting-edge
Ms. Richa Mishra technology advancements are still not commercially
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE available. Our daily lives hardly involve virtual reality or
augmented reality. Despite becoming well-known on the
Student Member market, VR and AR are still relatively young technology
Mr. Mohammad Alim uptill 2022.
B.Tech (CSE 4th Year) While augmented reality-based apps reached their height
in popularity a few years ago before waning, Virtual reality
Mr. Ram Mohan Dixit has been used extensively in video games to date. Virtual
B.Tech (CSE - AI&ML 2nd Year) reality needs to become established in people's daily lives
for it to become a major technology trend in the future.
In recent years, virtual reality has started to be used in training virtual reality. Simple programming abilities, curiosity in the
“Gabor Wavelet” tool for programs. Virtual reality adventures have been useful in subject, and knowledge of the value of visualization should be
Face Recognition providing visitors to museums, with experiences. The rise of sufcient to land you a job. The number of virtual reality
virtual reality is similar to that of 3D technology in that it might devices sold annually is in the millions, so it's only a matter of
just require one application, like a 3D movie, for the time before VR and AR become commonplace.
technology to become widely used. Ms. Renu Chaurasia
There is presently no need of formal education for careers in Assistant Professor (CSE)
Face Recognition (FR) system depends upon the various multiple scales. The Gabor function has been considered as a
factors, like type of the feature extractor used by the developer very useful tool for texture analysis, due to its optimal
etc. If developer is able to propound a well and sophisticated FR localization properties in both spatial and frequency domain,
system, more accurate will be the biometric mechanism. The and found widespread use in technologies like computer
efciency of the FR system is precept by the choice of the vision. Texture features are found by calculating the variance
feature extractor. and mean of the Gabor ltered image.
Face recognition (FR) is one of the most In the study of the information of digital images, Gabor Wavelet
eminent methods of biometric Tra n s fo r m e m a n a t e a s o n e o f t h e m o s t lu c ra t i ve Further Reference:
recognition that provides a prominent methodologies for feature extraction. For the past few
platform for various applications, such decades, many variants have been proposed to enhance the
as intelligence, personality performance of the Gabor lter. It is a mathematical model of gabor-lter-17d1fdb3ac97
identication, pattern matching and visual cortical cells of mammalian brain and by using this; an Mr. Gaurav Tiwari
much more. The performance of the image can be decomposed into multiple orientations in Assistant Professor (CSE-AIML)
Page : 2
Early Lung Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Techniques Star Achievers in Events
Lung cancer is considered as the symptoms and effects can be found at different mutant directly harm the lungs last six months
deadlier disease and a primary concern early stage for better diagnosis. Machine and affect the lungs capacity. Machine
of high mortality in present world. Lung CODE SAGA (Nov'22)
cancer affects human being at a greater Winners from 2nd year:
extent and as per prediction it now takes 1st Position :
7th position in mortality rate index
causing 1.5% of total mortality rate of
the world. Lung cancer originates from
lung and spreads up to brain and is
categorized into two major groups. One
is non-small cell lung cancer and the
other is small cell lung cancer. Some of
the symptoms which are associated with
the patients are severe chest pain, dry
cough, breathlessness, weight loss etc. Omar Ahmad Sayed Sayed Taha Ahmed
Looking into the cultivation of cancer CSE 2nd Yr CSE 2nd Yr
and its causes, doctors consider smoking 2nd Position :
and second-hand smoking as the learning now a days has a great inuence Learning techniques like KNN (K Nearest
p r i m a r y c a u s e s o f lu n g c a n ce r. to health care sector because of its high Neighbour) and K Means method with
Treatment of lung cancer involves computational capability for early appropriate feature selection can be a
surger y, chemotherapy, radiation prediction of the diseases with accurate good method to improve the accuracy
therapy, Immune therapy etc. Therefore, data analysis. Due to covid pandemic, on early lung cancer detection.
it is highly necessary to take early this problem becomes even more severe Ms. Sony Tripathi
precautions at the initial stage so that its as we all know corona virus and its Assistant Professor (CSE)
Programming “
is a skill best
1st Position : 2nd Position : 3rd Position :
Priyanshu Gupta
AIML 2nd Yr Sec B
AIML 2nd Yr Sec B
acquired by
practice and 3rd Position :
example rather
than from AIML 2nd Yr
Prashant Shukla Aqsa Naseem Pooja Sahu Kavyam Mishra Sec B
books. AIML 2nd Yr Sec B CSE 3rd Yr CSE 3rd Yr AIML 2nd Yr Sec A
Page : 3
a) CPU
b) ROM
3 4 c) RAM
7 Down b) CPU
1. The most sold operating c) HARD DISC
system? d) MOTHER BOARD
2. American manufacturer of
electric automobiles, solar
panels, and batteries for cars
3. Intelligence that is b) AUDIO CARD
and home power storage.
developed by humans. c) HARD DISC
4. One of the world's fastest
6. The most advanced humanoid d) MOTHER BOARD
supercomputers from Japan.
Qasim Abbas Naqvi
B.Tech(CSE- 3rd yr)
Pushpanjali Riya Dhawan Sakshi Pathak Chetan Kumar Shivansh Awasthi Ishita Jaiswal
Airdit Software Airdit Software Airdit Software Airdit Software Airdit Software SmartBrains
Aradhya Nishad Kshama Gupta Anushka Jain Gaurav Sachan Ananya Awasthi Tricha Mishra Devashish Khare
Collabera Collabera Collabera Collabera Collabera SmartBrains Infosys
Vaibhav Mishra Achal Tiwari Aatiq Afzal Mohammad Alim Anushka Jain Sahil Khan Infosys
Palle Technologies Palle Technologies Palle Technologies Palle Technologies Palle Technologies CEDCOSS
Chetan Kumar
Ankit Singh
3.6 LPA
Gaurav Sachan Tarun Mishra Pakhi Biswas Abhishek Nishad Mohammad Alim
Palle Technologies WFM Experts WFM Experts WFM Experts WFM Experts CEDCOSS
Rooma, Kanpur
Institute of Technology 8127505222, 8127405222 GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS
B.Tech • Polytechnic MBA