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J Jacc 2023 01 027

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12, 2023




Changes in Cardiorespiratory Fitness and

Survival in Patients With or
Without Cardiovascular Disease
Peter Kokkinos, PHD,a,b,c Charles Faselis, MD,c,d Immanuel Babu Henry Samuel, PHD,e,f Carl J. Lavie, MD,g
Jiajia Zhang, PHD,h Jose D. Vargas, MD,a Andreas Pittaras, MD,a,c Michael Doumas, MD,i Pamela Karasik, MD,d
Hans Moore, MD,a Michael Heimal, BS,a Jonathan Myers, PHDj,k


BACKGROUND The association between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and mortality risk is based mostly on 1 CRF
assessment. The impact of CRF change on mortality risk is not well-defined.

OBJECTIVES This study sought to evaluate changes in CRF and all-cause mortality.

METHODS We assessed 93,060 participants aged 30-95 years (mean 61.3  9.8 years). All completed 2 symptom-
limited exercise treadmill tests, 1 or more years apart (mean 5.8  3.7 years) with no evidence of overt cardiovascular
disease. Participants were assigned to age-specific fitness quartiles based on peak METS achieved on the baseline exercise
treadmill test. Additionally, each CRF quartile was stratified based on CRF changes (increase, decrease, no change)
observed on the final exercise treadmill test. Multivariable Cox models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for all-
cause mortality.

RESULTS During a median follow-up of 6.3 years (IQR: 3.7-9.9 years), 18,302 participants died with an average yearly
mortality rate of 27.6 events per 1,000 person-years. In general, changes in CRF $1.0 MET were associated with inverse
and proportionate changes in mortality risk regardless of baseline CRF status. For example, a decline in CRF of >2.0 METS
was associated with a 74% increase in risk (HR: 1.74; 95% CI: 1.59-1.91) for low-fit individuals with CVD, and 69% in-
crease (HR: 1.69; 95% CI: 1.45-1.96) for those without CVD.

CONCLUSIONS Changes in CRF reflected inverse and proportional changes in mortality risk for those with and
without CVD. The impact of relatively small CRF changes on mortality risk has considerable clinical and public health
significance. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2023;81:1137–1147) © 2023 Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of
Cardiology Foundation.

From the aDepartment of Cardiology, Washington, DC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA; bDepartment of
Kinesiology and Health, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA; cSchool of Medicine
and Health Sciences, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA; dWashington, DC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Listen to this manuscript’s Washington, DC, USA; e
War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, Washington, DC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
audio summary by Washington, DC, USA; fThe Henry Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, USA;
Editor-in-Chief g
John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute, Ochsner Clinical School–The University of Queensland School of Medicine, New
Dr Valentin Fuster on Orleans, Louisiana. USA; hAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; iDepartment of Epidemiology and Biosta-
www.jacc.org/journal/jacc. tistics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA; jVeterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto,
California, USA; and the kDepartment of Cardiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received December 6, 2022; revised manuscript received January 6, 2023, accepted January 18, 2023.

ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2023.01.027

1138 Kokkinos et al JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023

Fitness Changes and Mortality MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147

ABBREVIATIONS plethora of evidence from large and while minimizing the influence of disparities in
AND ACRONYMS well-designed epidemiologic studies medical care. 20,21
supports an inverse and graded asso-
BMI = body mass index METHODS
ciation between exercise capacity or cardio-
CRF = cardiorespiratory fitness
respiratory fitness (CRF) assessed
CVD = cardiovascular disease
objectively by a standardized exercise tread- The sample of the current study was derived from the
ETT = exercise treadmill test mill test (ETT) and all-cause mortality. 1-10 ETHOS (Exercise Testing and Health Outcomes
Q = quartile This association is robust, and independent Study), a large cohort (n ¼ 750,302) based at the VA
VA = Veterans Affairs of comorbidities 1-10
or documented cardio- Medical Center in Washington, DC. The selection of
vascular disease (CVD) 9 across the age, sex, and race the ETHOS cohort is described in detail elsewhere.1
spectra. 1,2 When compared to individuals with Briefly, all participants completed an ETT evaluation
CRF <5 METS, a decline in risk of approximately within the U.S. VA Medical Centers across the United
20% is observed with a CRF that exceeds 5-7 METs, States between 1999 and 2020 using the Bruce pro-
progressively reaching an asymptote of an approxi- tocol. Subjects between the ages of 30-95 years who
mately 50%-75% decline with additional increases in completed the ETT and achieved $2.0 METS were
CRF regardless of age. 1,6-9,11
However, current con- selected. To lower the likelihood of including in-
cepts of the CRF-risk association are based almost dividuals with overt heart disease, we excluded those
exclusively on 1 CRF assessment and assume that who met the following conditions within 6 months
changes in CRF are commensurate with changes in post the initial ETT: 1) those who underwent coronary
risk. artery bypass graft; 2) those who had a history of
Limited evidence derived from relatively small percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or
studies indicates that improvements in CRF assessed percutaneous coronary intervention; and 3) those
objectively by sequential standardized ETTs are also who had a myocardial infarction or a diagnosis of
associated with favorable health outcomes in rela- chronic heart failure. The study was approved by the
tively healthy populations, 11-17
and in patients with Institutional Review Board at the Washington, DC, VA
coronary artery disease. 18
However, it is not known (protocol # 0069).
whether changes in CRF are associated with recip- CURRENT STUDY POPULATION. From the ETHOS
rocal changes in mortality risk for patients with CVD. cohort, we identified 93,060 (87,998 male and 5,062
Furthermore, the magnitude of CRF change necessary female participants) who were eligible and were
to affect mortality risk or whether the impact of CRF enrolled in the current study. Of those, 50,481 had
changes varies according to the initial CRF of an in- history of CVD documented at least 6 months prior to
dividual is not known. Quantifying CRF changes at their last ETT, including myocardial infarction, coro-
this granular level would require comparatively large nary artery bypass graft, chronic heart failure, stroke
samples within each of several fitness categories and (all), and peripheral vascular disease, and 42,579 had
serial measurements of CRF over an extended period. no history of CVD. All completed 2 ETT evaluations at
To our knowledge, such an analysis across the fitness least 1 year apart (mean 5.8  3.7 years) without evi-
spectrum has not been previously performed. dence of overt disease during both ETT assessments.
PROCEDURES. Detailed information on relevant de-
In the current study, we evaluated the association mographic, clinical, and medication information; risk
between changes in CRF and mortality risk among factors; and comorbidities as defined by International
U.S. veterans with and without CVD, taking into Classification of Diseases-9th Revision (ICD-9) and
consideration the initial CRF of each subject. For this International Classification of Diseases-10th Revision
analysis, we obtained sequential CRF evaluations by (ICD-10) coding, with at least 2 recordings at least
standardized ETTs at least 1 year apart. The analysis 6 months apart, were obtained for all participants
was made possible by the large cohort (>93,000) and from the VA Computerized Patient Record System.
the electronic health care database available within The VA records have high sensitivity for incidence of
the Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Care System that chronic conditions.22,23 Data and analyses are pre-
facilitates risk-adjustment models, thereby sented according to the STROBE (Strengthening the
increasing the accuracy in determining health out- Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology)
comes.19 In addition, the equal access to medical care reporting guideline for cohort studies.24
offered by the VA Health Care System regardless of a Historical information included previous cardiac
patient’s financial status provided a unique oppor- procedures; myocardial infarction; coronary artery
tunity to assess the CRF–mortality risk association bypass graft; chronic heart failure; peripheral
JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023 Kokkinos et al 1139
MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147 Fitness Changes and Mortality

T A B L E 1 Clinical Characteristics of the Entire Cohort and According to Quartiles of CRF

All Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Men 87,998 (94.6) 23,153 (92.1) 24,646 (94.4) 23,873 (95.5) 16,326 (97.1)
Women 5,062 (5.4) 1,994 (7.9) 1,460 (5.6) 1,121 (4.5) 487 (2.9)
Age, y 61.2  7.5 61.0  7.5 61.6  8.0 61.5  7.7 60.4  7.5
Body weight, kg 92.6  16.8 95.7  18.8 93.5  16.8 91.6  15.5 88.1  13.9
BMI, kg/m2 29.7  3.7 30.7  5.4 29.9  4.6 29.3  4.1 28.4  3.7
Peak METS—initial ETT 8.0  2.6 8.2  2.6 7.2  2.5 6.4  2.5 9.1  2.5
Peak METS—final ETT 8.0  2.6 9.1  2.6 9.7  2.5 11.0  2.5 8.0  2.5
ETT to ETT time, y 5.4  3.6 5.1  3.4 5.4  3.6 5.3  3.6 5.7  3.5
White 66,659 (72.0) 17,761 (70.6) 19,002 (72.8) 18,127 (72.5) 12,069 (71.8)
Black 18,390 (19.7) 5,522 (22.0) 4,841 (18.5) 4,759 (19.0) 3,268 (19.4)
Hispanic 4,842 (5.2) 1,101 (4.4) 1,389 (5.3) 1,329 (5.3) 1,023 (6.1)
Native American 7,551 (1.9) 430 (1.7) 544 (2.1) 498 (2.0) 279 (1.7)
Other 1,118 (1.2) 333 (1.3) 330 (1.3) 281 (1.1) 174 (1.0)
CVD 19,778 (21.3) 5,718 (22.7) 5,409 (20.7) 2,209 (20.8) 3,442 (20.5)
Type 2 diabetes 33,697 (36.2) 11,451 (45.5) 10,057 (38.5) 8,244 (33.0) 3,945 (23.5)
Hypertension 73,571 (79.1) 21,360 (84.9) 21,215 (81.3) 19,295 (77.2) 11,701 (69.6)
Smoking 29,134 (31.3) 9,303 (37.0) 8,015 (30.7) 7,312 (29.3) 4,504 (26.8)
Dyslipidemia 76,680 (82.4) 21,212 (84.4) 21.744 (83.3) 20,538 (82.2) 13,186 (78.4)
Sleep apnea 35,080 (37.7) 10,188 (40.5) 9,708 (37.2) 9,415 (37.7) 5,769 (34.3)
CKD 8,793 (9.4) 3,140 (12.5) 2,591 (9.9) 2,015 (8.1) 1,047 (6.2)
All cancer 8,642 (9.3) 2,473 (9.8) 2,546 (9.8) 2,228 (8.9) 1,395 (8.3)
Antihypertensive/cardiac medication 75,584 (81.2) 22,256 (88.5) 21,838 (83.7) 19,761 (79.1) 11,729 (69.8)
Hypoglycemics 23,953 (25.7) 8,900 (35.4) 7,099 (27.2) 5,492 (22.0) 2,462 (14.6)
Statins 50,583 (54.4) 15,779 (62.7) 14,462 (55.4) 12,776 (51.1) 7,566 (45.0)

Values are n (%) or mean  SD.

BMI ¼ body mass index; CKD ¼ chronic kidney disease; CRF ¼ cardiorespiratory fitness; CVD ¼ cardiovascular disease; ETT ¼ exercise treadmill test; Q ¼ quartile.

vascular disease; stroke; hypertension (blood created were such that 1 corresponded to a token that
pressure $140/90 mm Hg); type 2 diabetes mellitus; contained a MET value and 0 to a token not con-
renal disease; hypercholesterolemia; cancer (all); taining (missing) a MET value. A 2-layer convolu-
smoking status (current and past); aspirin; and use of tional neural network using the TensorFlow software
antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, or cardiac medica- library was used to predict the probable location of
tions. Peak METS for each participant was estimated METS in the note. The model was trained over 100
by standardized American College of Sports Medicine epochs. Once METS were extracted, the MET data
equations based on treadmill speed grade and exer- were manually checked for errors and systematic
cise time.25 inaccuracies. MET values that exceeded physiologic
MET EXTRACTION. A detailed MET extraction pro- criteria were excluded. The model accuracy on the
cess for the ETHOS cohort was described elsewhere.1 test data set was 97%.
Briefly, we used natural language processing to INITIAL CRF CATEGORIES. Age-specific CRF cate-
identify the cohort. We randomly selected 3,000 gories for those with and without CVD were estab-
samples of physician clinical notes on ETTs from the lished based on methods described in our previous
data set and identified METs manually. This anno- work. 26 Briefly, we first stratified the cohort into 5 age
tated data set was used to train the natural language categories (30-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, and 80-95
processing models. In the preprocessing phase, we years). Then, we identified those with a MET level
removed special characters (eg, $, &) and restricted achieved during the initial ETT that corresponded to
the note to 30 characters before and after the words the 25th to 75th percentiles within their respective
METS or MET. These words (METS or MET) were then age category and stratified the cohort accordingly.
replaced with a special character to identify their We combined the respective quintiles to form 4 age-
location within the clinical notes. Spacy software was and-sex-specific CRF quartiles (Q) for the entire
then used to convert the resulting string into word cohort, ranging from the least fit (Q1) to highly
tokens and then to a vector of numbers. The labels fit (Q4).
1140 Kokkinos et al JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023

Fitness Changes and Mortality MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147

F I G U R E 1 Mortality Risk According to Baseline CRF Categories

CVD (n = 50,481) No CVD (n = 42,579)
1.00 1.00

0.8 * *
Relative Risk

0.68 * 0.69
0.6 0.57 0.55
* *
0.44 0.43


4.8 ± 1.2 7.2 ± 0.8 9.5 ± 0.9 12.0 ± 1.6 5.7 ± 1.4 8.3 ± 1.2 10.2 ± 1.0 12.7 ± 1.7
Peak METs Peak METs

Bars within the (left) cardiovascular (CVD) and (right) no CVD cohorts represent the cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) categories based on the age-specific peak METS
achieved on the initial exercise treadmill test. The mortality risk associated with the CRF categories is depicted by the HRs (numbers) above each bar. *P < 0.001.

CRF CATEGORIES BASED ON CHANGES IN EXERCISE groups by Levene test and the assumption of
CAPACITY. To assess the association between change normality with probability-probability plots.
in CRF and mortality risk, we formed 5 categories Cox proportional hazard models were constructed
within each fitness quartile (Q1 to Q4) as follows: In- to calculate HRs for all-cause mortality across the CRF
dividuals with a peak METS that deviated from the categories (quartiles) for the entire cohort and for
initial METS by <0.1 METS formed the referent (no- those with and without CVD. The follow-up time was
change) group. We then formed 2 groups representing calculated from the last ETT date to the date of death
an increase of 0.1-2.0 METS (mean change 1.0  0.5); or the last date of VA care, or the end of the follow-up
and >2.0 METS (mean change 4.0  1.7), and 2 groups period (September 30, 2021). Follow-up time is pre-
representing a decrease by 0.1-2.0 METS (mean 1.0  sented as mean  SD or median (IQR). The mortality
0.5); and >2.0 METS (mean change 3.0  0.8). rates were calculated as the ratio of events to person-
years of follow-up.
ASCERTAINMENT OF DEATH. The primary outcome
To evaluate the mortality risk across the CRF
was all-cause mortality. Dates of death were verified
quartiles, we used the least fit category (Q1) as the
from the VA Beneficiary Identification and the Record
referent. To evaluate the association between
Locator System File. This system is used to determine
changes in CRF and mortality risk, we calculated HRs
benefits to survivors of veterans. It is 95% complete
for the 5 CRF subcategories within each CRF quartile.
and accurate and is comparable to the Social Security
For these models, we used the no-change group
Administration. Vital status was determined as of
within each CRF quartile as the referent. All analyses
September 30, 2021.
were adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI), ethnic
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Continuous variables are origin, sex, and time (years) between the 2 ETTs (for
presented as mean  SD and categorical variables as CRF change assessments). We also adjusted the
relative frequencies. Baseline associations between models for CVD, traditional CVD risk factors (hyper-
categorical variables were tested with the Pearson tension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and
chi-square test. One-way analysis of variance was smoking), chronic kidney disease, cancer (all), and
used to evaluate mean differences of normally current use of cardiac/antihypertensive medications
distributed variables across CRF categories. We tested ( b -blockers, calcium-channel blockers, angiotensin-
the assumption of the equality of variances between converting enzymes/angiotensin receptor blockers,
JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023 Kokkinos et al 1141
MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147 Fitness Changes and Mortality

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Mortality Risk According to Changes in Cardiorespiratory Fitness Categories

Q1 (Least-Fit) Q2 (Low-Fit)
2.0 2.0
* *
1.60 1.76

1.5 * 1.5 *
* 1.15
1.00 1.00 *

1.0 0.90 * 1.0 0.86 *
0.67 0.64
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
0.1-2.0 METs >2.0 METs 0.1-2.0 METs >2.0 METs >0.1-2.0 >2.0 METs 0.1-2.0 METs >2.0 METs

Q3 (Moderate-Fit) Q4 (High-Fit)
2.0 2.0
1.55 *
1.5 1.5
1.00 1.07 1.00
* 0.96


1.0 1.0
0.79 * *
0.61 0.57
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
0.1-2.0 >2.0 METs 0.1-2.0 >2.0 METs 0.1-2.0 METs >2.0 METs 0.1-2.0 METs >2.0 METs

Kokkinos P, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023;81(12):1137–1147.

Bars represent the change in fitness within cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) categories for the entire cohort. CRF categories were based on the age-specific peak METS
achieved on the initial exercise treadmill test. Changes in fitness were defined as changes in peak METS from the initial to the final exercise treadmill test. The
mortality risk associated with the change in CRF (METS) is depicted by the HRs (numbers) above each bar. *P < 0.001. Q ¼ quartile.

diuretics, aspirin), insulin, metformin, sulfonylureas, were White (72.0%); 18,390 African American (19.8%);
and statins that were identified prior to the first and 4,842 Hispanic (5.2%); 1,751 Native-American, Asian,
second evaluations. or Hawaiian (1.9%); and 1,118 (1.2%) declined
The assumption of proportionality for all Cox pro- to report.
portional hazard analyses was tested graphically, by The follow-up time ranged from 1.0 to 20.5 years
plotting the logarithm of cumulative hazards with (mean 7.1  4.7 years) and a median of 6.3 years (IQR:
respect to each covariate separately. The propor- 3.7-9.9 years), providing 663,522.0 person-years.
tionality assumption was fulfilled for each model. There were 18,302 deaths (19.7%) with an average
All hypotheses were 2-sided, and P < 0.05 was annual mortality rate of 27.6 events per 1,000 person-
deemed statistically significant. We performed all years. CRF remained unchanged in 25.1% of the
statistics with SPSS version 26.0 (IBM Corp). cohort (n ¼ 23,389), increased in 29.3% (n ¼ 27,250),
and decreased in 45.6% (n ¼ 42,421). The mean time
RESULTS between the 2 ETT assessments for the entire cohort
was 5.8  3.7. The trend was similar for those with
PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS. We assessed 750,302 and without CVD.
people for eligibility and enrolled 93,060 U.S. veter- Demographic and clinical characteristics across the
ans (88,597 men, mean age 61.4  7.7 years; 5,011 CRF quartiles are presented in Table 1. We observed
women, mean age 57.1  6.9 years) with at least 2 ETT significant differences across the CRF categories
assessments at least 1 year apart. Of those, 66,959 among all variables examined. In general, body
1142 Kokkinos et al JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023

Fitness Changes and Mortality MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147

T A B L E 2 Mortality Risk in All Participants According to Change in Exercise Capacity Within CRF Categories

CRF Categories Based on MET Change

Increase Increase Decrease Decrease

Referent #2.0 METS >2.0 METS #2.0 METS >2.0 METS

Q1 (n ¼ 25,147)
METS 5.4  1.5 6.6  1.4 9.2  2.0 4.9  1.4 3.5  1.1
Events 2,265/7,372 (30.8) 1,666/5,855 (28.5) 1,141/6,171 (18.5) 1,403/4,237 (33.1) 571/1,533 (37.2)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.91 (0.86-0.97) 0.68 (0.64-0.73) 1.17 (1.10-1.25) 1.60 (1.46-1.76)
Q2 (n ¼ 26,106)
METS 7.7  1.3 9.2  1.4 11.2  1.8 7.0  1.3 5.0  1.5
Events 1,542/7,480 (20.6) 803/4,852 (16.5) 337/2,845 (11.8) 1,509/6,695 (22.5) 1,151/4,234 (27.2)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.88 (0.80-0.95) 0.65 (0.57-0.73) 1.29 (1.20-1.38) 1.77 (1.63-1.91)
Q3 (n ¼ 24,994)
METS 9.8  1.1 10.8  1.2 13.2  1.6 8.8  1.3 6.4  1.5
Events 950/6,008 (15.8) 480/3,904 (12.3) 87/1,070 (8.1) 1,101/7,055 (15.6) 1,367/6,957 (19.6)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.78 (0.71-0.89) 0.61 (0.49-0.76) 1.09 (0.99-1.19) 1.56 (1.43-1.70)
Q4 (n ¼ 16,813)
METS 12.1  1.7 13.3  1.4 15.0  1.8 11.2  1.5 8.7  2.2
Events 325/2,550 (12.7) 186/1,918 (9.7) 40/635 (6.3) 451/4,494 (10.0) 927/7,216 (12.8)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.95 (0.79-1.14) 0.58 (0.41-0.80) 0.99 (0.86-1.15) 1.28 (1.13-1.46)

Values are mean  SD or n/N (%), unless otherwise indicated. The models were adjusted for age, BMI, the time between the 2 ETT assessments, ethnic origin, sex, hypertension,
CVD, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, CKD, cancer (all), cardiac/antihypertensive medications (b-blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting
enzymes/angiotensin receptor blocker, diuretics, aspirin), statins, insulin, metformin, and sulfonylureas.
Abbreviations as in Table 1.

weight, BMI, CVD risk factors, and overall disease assessments) for the entire cohort and for those with
burden were progressively more unfavorable for and without CVD. To evaluate the impact of CRF
those in the lowest CRF categories than for the in- change may have on mortality risk for individuals
dividuals in the highest CRF categories. The differ- with varying baseline CRF status, we assessed CRF
ences tended to be more pronounced between Q1 and changes within the initial CRF quartiles (Q1-Q4). The
Q2. Conversely, the use of all medications was pro- no-change group within each CRF quartile was used
gressively higher among those within the low CRF as the referent for these assessments.
categories (moving from Q4 to Q1 [P < 0.001]). In general, these analyses revealed a progressive
PREDICTORS OF ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY. In the decline in mortality risk associated with graded in-
fully adjusted model, higher CRF was inversely creases in CRF and a progressive increase in risk with
related to mortality risk for the entire cohort and for a decline in CRF within all fitness quartiles for the
those with and without CVD. Cumulative survival entire cohort (Central Illustration, Table 2) and for
rates across the 4 CRF categories based on METS individuals with CVD (Figure 2, Table 3) and without
achieved at the initial assessment declined progres- CVD (Figure 3, Table 4). However, for high-fit in-
sively with increased fitness (Figure 1). Additional dividuals with no CVD (Q4), changes in risk across
significant predictors of all-cause mortality for pa- CRF categories were not statistically significant
tients with CVD were age (HR: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.06-1.08; (Table 4).
P < 0.001) and BMI (HR: 0.98; 95% CI: 0.97-0.99; To account for the possibility that the higher
P < 0.001), chronic kidney disease (HR: 1.85; 95% CI: mortality rates and the decline in CRF were the out-
1.77-1.93; P < 0.001), smoking (HR: 1.57; 95% CI: 1.82- comes of underlying disease (reverse causality), we
1.62; P < 0.001), type 2 diabetes mellitus (HR: 1.42; excluded patients who exhibited a decline in CRF and
95% CI: 1.38-1.47; P < 0.001), hypertension (HR: died within 2 years following the last ETT (n ¼ 371)
1.39; 95% CI: 1.33-1.45; P < 0.001), cancers (HR: 1.37; and repeated the analyses. The association between
95% CI: 1.30-1.43; P < 0.001), and CVD (HR: 1.11; changes in CRF and mortality risk did not change
95% CI: 1.07-1.15; P < 0.001). substantially from that observed in the entire cohort.


also assessed mortality risk across the 5 CRF cate-
gories representing changes in aerobic capacity (peak The findings of this study demonstrated that changes
METS achieved from the initial to final ETT in CRF over time reflect reciprocal changes in
JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023 Kokkinos et al 1143
MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147 Fitness Changes and Mortality

F I G U R E 2 Mortality Risk in Subjects With CVD

2.0 2.0
Q1 (Least-Fit) Q2 (Low-Fit) *
* 1.74
*P < 0.02 1.49 *P ≤ 0.002
1.5 * 1.5 *
1.14 1.23
1.00 1.00 *

1.0 0.91 * 1.0 0.85 *
0.67 0.62
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs
2.0 2.0
Q3 (Moderate-Fit) * Q4 (High-Fit)
1.50 *
1.5 *P < 0.02 1.5 *P ≤ 0.004 1.37
1.00 1.05 1.00

1.0 * 1.0 0.92
0.77 0.73 *
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs

Bars represent the change in fitness within the CRF categories. CRF categories were based on the age-specific peak METS achieved on the initial exercise treadmill test.
Changes in fitness were defined as changes in peak METS from the initial to the final exercise treadmill test. The mortality risk associated with the change in CRF (METS)
is depicted by the HRs (numbers) above each bar. Q ¼ quartile; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

mortality risk independent of other comorbidities. In this regard, we observed that most of the reduction in
general, an increase in CRF of approximately $1.0 all-cause mortality risk was associated with an
MET from the initial evaluation was associated with a improvement in CRF >2.0 METS.
progressively lower mortality risk regardless of CRF These findings further reinforce the concept that
status at baseline. Conversely, a decrease in CRF regular physical activity is important to optimize
by $1.0 MET from baseline was associated with a CRF.
progressive increase in mortality risk (Tables 2 and 3), Second, it is noteworthy that CRF increased by at
except in those with very high baseline CRF and no least 1 MET in approximately 29% of the participants
CVD (Table 4). These findings strengthen previous in the current study and decreased in approximately
reports from comparatively small studies assessing 46% of participants. This finding underscores the
sequential CRF by a standardized ETT 11-18 and by a need to promote physical activity to maintain or in-
recent large study using self-reported fitness crease CRF levels in middle-aged and older in-
assessments.29 dividuals. 4 It also suggests that the impact of
There are several unique contributions of the cur- relatively high CRF on health outcomes is under-
rent study. First, the observation that changes in risk estimated when it is based on 1 assessment.
are proportionate to changes in CRF have clinical and Our findings also enhance the understanding of the
public health significance because they support that independent or synergistic effects of CRF and genetic
mortality risk can be significantly decreased by a $1.0 factors on the CRF–mortality risk association, which
MET increase in CRF, regardless of initial CRF status. is yet to be fully determined. Although CRF is deter-
Furthermore, it quantifies the CRF change needed to mined to some degree by genetic factors,30,31 im-
modify mortality risk regardless of initial fitness sta- provements in aerobic capacity or CRF over time are
tus. More importantly, it provides a practical guide largely the outcomes of regular engagement in aero-
for clinicians, and the public in general, for improving bic activities of adequate intensity and volume. 25,32
CRF to achieve more favorable health outcomes. In Conversely, a decline in CRF is likely the result of
1144 Kokkinos et al JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023

Fitness Changes and Mortality MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147

T A B L E 3 Mortality Risk in Participants With CVD, According to Change in CRF

CRF Categories Based on MET Change

Increase Increase Decrease Decrease

Events Referent #2.0 METS >2.0-3.0 METS #2.0 METS >2.0 METS

Q1 (n ¼ 15,539) 4,183 (36.4)

HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.91 (0.85-0.98) 0.67 (0.61-0.73) 1.14 (1.05-1.23) 1.49 (1.34-1.66)
METS 4.6  1.2 6.0  1.3 8.6  1.9 4.1  1.1 2.7  0.7
Q2 (n ¼ 14,504) 4,248 (27.9)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.85 (0.77-0.95) 0.62 (0.54-0.72) 1.23 (1.13-1.34) 1.74 (1.59-1.91)
METS 7.0  0.7 8.3  1.1 10.5  1.4 6.3  1.0 4.2  1.0
Q3 (n ¼ 12,793) 3,098 (20.4)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.77 (0.68-0.89) 0.73 (0.56-0.95) 1.05 (0.94-1.16) 1.50 (1.36-1.66)
METS 9.5  1.1 10.4  1.1 12.8  1.4 8.3  1.2 6.1  1.5
Q4 (n ¼ 7,645) 1,442 (16.7)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.92 (0.72-1.17) 0.48 (0.29-0.80) 1.10 (0.91- 1.32) 1.37 (1.16-1.61)
METS 11.6  1.6 12.8  1.3 14.7  1.4 10.7  1.4 8.1  2.2

Values are n (%) or mean  SD, unless otherwise indicated. The models were adjusted for age, BMI, the time between the 2 ETT assessments, ethnic origin, sex, hypertension,
type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, CKD, cancer (all), cardiac/antihypertensive medications (b-blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting en-
zymes/angiotensin receptor blocker, diuretics, aspirin), statins, insulin, metformin, and sulfonylureas.
Abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.

sedentary behavior, the onset of a chronic condition, high CRF (ie, the cardiorespiratory system) also
or aging.33-35 render the individual more resilient to injury and
Accordingly, it is plausible that inherently deter- disease, ultimately resulting in lower mortality rates.
mined structural and functional attributes that favor If this were entirely true, changes in CRF would not

F I G U R E 3 Mortality Risk in Subjects With No CVD

2.0 2.0
Q1 (Least-Fit) * Q2 (Low-Fit) *
1.83 1.69
*P < 0.03 *P < 0.01 *
1.5 * 1.5
* 1.00 *


1.0 0.87 * 1.0 0.87 *

0.69 0.67
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs

2.0 2.0
Q3 (Moderate-Fit) Q4 (High-Fit)
1.5 *P < 0.04 1.5
1.12 1.11
1.00 1.00


1.0 1.0 0.89

0.81 0.81
* 0.67
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease No Change Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs ≤2.0 METs >2.0 METs

Bars represent the change in fitness within CRF categories. CRF categories were based on age-specific peak METS achieved on the initial exercise treadmill test. Changes
in fitness were defined as changes in peak METS from the initial to the final exercise treadmill test. The mortality risk associated with the change in CRF (METS) is
depicted by the HRs (numbers) above each bar. Abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2.
JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023 Kokkinos et al 1145
MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147 Fitness Changes and Mortality

T A B L E 4 Mortality Risk in Participants Without CVD, According to Change in CRF

CRF Categories Based on MET Change

Increase Increase Decrease Decrease

Events Referent #2.0 METS >2.0-3.0 METS #2.0 METS >2.0 METS

Q1 (n ¼ 9,608) 1,767 (19.2)

HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.87 (0.76-0.99) 0.69 (0.60-0.79) 1.18 (1.03-1.35 1.83 (1.51-2.20)
METS 5.7  1.4 6.9  1.4 9.5  2.0 5.0  1.1 3.6  1.1
Q2 (n ¼ 11,602) 1,737 (13.0)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.87 (0.75-1.02) 0.67 (0.54-0.82) 1.30 (1.14-1.48) 1.69 (1.45-1.96)
METS 8.0  1.2 9.5  1.2 11.6  1.9 7.4  1.2 5.3  1.5
Q3 (n ¼ 12,201) 1,052 (10.2)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.81 (0.67-0.99) 0.47 (0.32-0.70) 1.12 (0.96-1.30) 1.60 (1.38-1.87)
METS 10.0  1.1 11.2  1.1 13.6  164 9.2  1.3 6.8  1.5
Q4 (n ¼ 9,368) 776 (8.1)
HR (95% CI) 1.00 0.89 (0.67-1.17) 0.67 (0.43-1.05) 0.81 (0.65- 1.02) 1.11 (0.99-1.36)
METS 12.3  1.7 13.4  1.5 15.5  1.8 11.2  1.5 9.0  2.3

Values are n (%) or mean  SD, unless otherwise indicated. The models were adjusted for age, BMI, the time between the 2 ETT assessments, ethnic origin, sex, hypertension,
type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, CKD, cancer (all), cardiac/antihypertensive medications (b-blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting
enzymes/angiotensin receptor blocker, diuretics, aspirin), statins, insulin, metformin, and sulfonylureas.
Abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.

likely coincide with changes in mortality risk. This is to care, along with the existence of electronic
not supported by our current findings, because health records within the Veterans Health Admin-
changes in risk were concomitant and proportional to istration system, enables the assessment of history
changes in CRF regardless of initial CRF status. An and alterations in health status to be analyzed in
alternative hypothesis is that the structural and detail. These factors, coupled with the similar
functional physiological changes resulting from trends when we excluded individuals whose CRF
participation in aerobic activities render an individual status declined and died during the first 2 years of
more resistant to injury or disease, ultimately follow-up, reduce the effect of pre-existing disease
resulting in lower mortality rates independent of ge- on our findings. Thus, reverse causality was less
netic factors. Accordingly, the progressive changes in likely, strengthening the validity of the association
mortality risk that parallel changes in CRF after ad- between change in CRF and mortality risk.
justments for aging (time between the 2 ETTs) and We recognize that changes in CRF are in part age-
comorbidities make a persuasive argument that CRF related.35 Hence, we considered an age-related
is a strong and independent determinant of all-cause decline in CRF of 1% per year and classified CRF cat-
mortality risk and is independent of genetic factors as egories accordingly. 39,40 The findings between the 2
suggested by others. 33 Emerging evidence supports methods used to define CRF categories (an absolute
that: 1) exercise is a powerful modulator of the gene change in METS vs changes in METS per year between
expression profile; and 2) exercise-induced tissue- the 2 assessments) were similar. Our decision to
specific epigenetic modifications lead to improve- define CRF categories according to an absolute
ments in metabolism, performance, and health change in METS was based mainly on the practicality
outcomes. 36-38 and applicability of this approach for both clinicians
STUDY STRENGTHS. To our knowledge, this study is and the public. To account for the impact of aging on
the largest cohort with 2 sequential standardized CRF, we adjusted the model for the time (years) be-
ETT-CRF assessments at least 1 year apart. Although tween the 2 CRF assessments.
there are no widely accepted standards for the STUDY LIMITATIONS. The retrospective nature of the
classification of CRF based on ETT performance, we study does not prove causation, regardless of the
followed the age- and-sex-specific methods for CRF strong associations between CRF changes and mor-
standardization proposed in our previous work.26 tality risk. Accordingly, we cannot discern whether
Access to care was independent of a patient’s reductions in CRF were the outcome of intentional
financial status because it was provided by the abstinence from physical activity, other lifestyle fac-
Veterans Health Administration, which enabled tors, or subclinical disease that underlies low CRF
epidemiologic assessment while minimizing the ef- (reverse causality), despite steps taken to minimize
fect of disparities in medical care.19-21 Equal access the possible impact of reverse causality.
1146 Kokkinos et al JACC VOL. 81, NO. 12, 2023

Fitness Changes and Mortality MARCH 28, 2023:1137–1147

We also acknowledge that our cohort was drawn was noted with CRF changes of >2.0 METS. These
from ETTs across the VA system, and whereas the findings provide a guide for clinicians and the public
same protocol was used, some unknown differences in general regarding CRF changes necessary to
in ETT conduct may exist. We recognize that our improve CRF and health outcomes. Accordingly,
population (U.S. veterans referred for ETTs) may not encouraging the public to improve CRF by at least 1.0
reflect the general population. In addition, the results MET can have considerable clinical and public health
may have been influenced by factors that were significance.
beyond the capacity of this study to account. We
cannot discern whether the favorable health out-
comes associated with CRF are exclusively the result The authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to
of increases in aerobic capacity or physical activities the contents of this paper to disclose.
(aerobic and anaerobic) of adequate and equivalent
caloric expenditure, independent of improvements in ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr Peter
aerobic capacity. We also acknowledge that in- Kokkinos, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Cardiol-
terventions, treatment, and risk status may have ogy Division, 50 Irving Street NW, Washington, DC
changed during the follow-up, which may affect the 20422, USA. E-mail: peter.kokkinos@va.gov.
results. Moreover, we could not account for factors
that lead to subsequent ETTs. Thus, our results may
not be generalized to changes in CRF in the absence PERSPECTIVES
of factors precipitating a second ETT. Lastly, the CRF
categories were not based on direct assessment of V O2 COMPETENCY IN PATIENT CARE AND
max, but on METS (an estimation of VO 2 max). Thus, PROCEDURAL SKILLS: Changes in CRF over time
we acknowledge that our findings might vary if CRF are associated with graded changes in mortality
categories were based on direct assessment of VO2 regardless of initial fitness.
efforts are necessary to improve CRF in middle-aged
and older individuals by implementing current rec-
The salient and unique finding of the current study is
ommendations to engage in $150 minutes per week
that it quantifies the volume of change in CRF needed
of moderate (brisk walking or similar activities) or
to alter mortality risk. Changes in CRF of $1.0 MET
75 minutes of higher intensity physical activity to
(increases or decreases) were associated with
reduce mortality.
concomitant and progressive changes in mortality
risk, whereas a major portion of the risk reduction


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