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Owing to the vast range and the unique character of this literature, both as
to mode of thinking and method of presentation, it was frequently necessary to |
stretch the limits of lexicography and illustrate the definitions by means of larger
a recess, an alley adjoining the market place to which the merchants retire
the transaction of business, also the trader’s stand under the colonnade, and
( an abscess, a carbuncle, The Latin semita, which since Musafia has been adopted
the origin of simfa, offers hardly more than an assonance of consonants: a foot-
ו cannot, except by a great stretch, be forced into the meaning of a market
stand; and what becomes of simta an abscess? But take the word as Semitic, and
|] , dialectically
=- טוכש ', offers iteelf readily, and הא for the process of thought by
which ‘recess’, ‘nook’, zoos over into ‘abscess’ in medical language,
we have a parallel
‘in the Latin ‘abscessus.” How much Latin medical nomenclature may have in-
fluenced the same association of ideas among the Jews is a theme of speculation
for students of comparative philology or of the physiology of language.
| A superficial glance at the vocabulary of this Dictionary will convince the
reader that the example here given represents an extremely numerous class, The
cases may not always be so plain, and the author is prepared for objections against
os is derivations in single instances, but the number of indixputable derivations from
known Semitic roots remains large enough to justify the method pursued.
~The problem becomes more complicated when both the meaning and the origin
,of words are unknown. Such is the case e.g. with the word ס"רפסא in the phrase
> (Nam. 1%. >.4*( רווטמו סריפסא, ךפוהhe turned the isperes and leaped. Levy, guided
at oy Musatia, resorts to ogupév, ankle; others suspect in it the name of a garment,
_ Gmtipoc, a rare form for oxetipov. But the phrase itself and the context in which
it appears indicate a native word, and this is found in the stem ,ס"ש of which
_ SAEONis an ‘Ispeel’ noun, that is to say, a noun formed from the enlarged stem
SB. As O78 or FEB is the cloven foot, the latter being also applied to the human
foot (Sifré Deuteronomy 2), so S7°6ON is the front part of the foot, where the
_ begin to separate. The phrase quoted is to be translated, ‘he (David) inverted
» front part of his foot’, i. e. stood on tiptoe, ‘and leaped’ (danced).
We meet with the same stem in the Aramaic, .אס"רפסא Referring to Lamentations
וז רו 6 sih :wobdna tes em :yllaretil( edam em ot )dnats sa a kram
for the arrow’, one Amora is recorded in the Midrash (Lamentations Rabbah a. |.)
as having explained kammattara lalets by אס"רפסאל .אטרובכ Another is quoted as
saying, ‘ike the pole of the archers (the Roman palus) at which all aim, but which
mains standing.” What is ?אמרוב and what is ?אסירפסא The medieval Jewish
=om mentators frankly admit their ignorance. Musafia, however, reads X72, main-
y that he had found it in some editions, and refers to Latin parma, explain-
ae as sparus, and translating, ‘as the shield to the spear.’ Ingenious,
_ 1! But on closer inspection this explanation is beset with intrinsic difficulties.
וwith, parma as shield does not appear in the Talmudic literature again,
אוm which we may infer that it was not יל known to the Jews in their
_— = a0 Seto "4% כ al el -
= ! In fact where Pesahim 50" has אטסיס , דרגתTosefta Biccurim end, in Mss. Erfurt and Vienns.
reads הטרמש “an, which is obviously a corruption of ,הטטיש the pure Hebrew form for the Aramaic אשי
a -
combats with the Romans. Furthermore, the sparus is a small hunting spear never
used in battle to aim against the warrior’s shield. As the entire passage in
the Midrash quoted conveys the purpose of the interpreters to explain the Biblical
text by means of a popular illustration, the Amora reported to have used this
expression would have utterly missed his object, had he employed foreign and
unfamiliar words, when he might have used plain words like חמורל 99725, or their
Aramaic equivalents. If, furthermore, it is taken into consideration that editio Buber
of Lam. R., in agreement with the Arukh, reads ךירמא ןנבר ןמתדfor רמא , דחthus
distinctly referring to Babylonian authorities, the supposition of foreign origin for
בורמאand אספריסאfalls to the ground.’ But, on the other hand, take אסירפסא
as an ‘Ispeel’ noun of the stem O78, and it means ‘that which is to be cloven’,
i. e. the log, corresponding to the Hebrew .תעקב What is ,אמרוב or NAB, again
on the assumption that it is a home word? ‘The root םרב like םרפ means 0
divide, to split*, and burma or rather bor’ma is ‘the splitter’, i. e. the wedge used
to split the log. The Amora quoted in the Midrash therefore means to say that
Israel, although the target of hostile attacks, is what the wedge is to the log: the
wedge is struck, but the log is split. The other Amora quoted expresses the
same idea by a different metaphor: ‘as the pole of the arrows’, and likewise a
third, who lays stress on ,לכביציו ‘he caused me to stand’, in the sense of enduring.
An analogous expression to אמרוב is אסיגלפ (Pales of 355), with which Targum
renders the same Hebrew word (770%) that forms the subject of comment in the
Midrash just referred to (I Samuel XX, 20).
The following lines are intended to give some specimens of such extension of
roots, both Hebrew and Aramaic, as have not been recognized heretofore, or, if
recognized, have not been applied to their full extent.
Ithpaal or Ithpeel nouns in Aramaean and Aramaicized Hebrew, and Hithpael
nouns in Hebrew are too well known to require more than mere mention. Formations
like ,היוחתשה , איכרטצא וענכתאare recognized on their face. Except for the preconceived
notions concerning the nature of the Talmudic vocabulary, it would seem no more
than natural that the Mishnaic תילטצא ( תילטסא סעYoma VII, 1) should be an enlarge-
ment of ,תילט i. e. an Ithpaal noun of 55, and 72> תילטצא merely a synonym of
בגד" לבךni eht emas ,hanhsiM gninaem ,’gnirevoc‘ .i .e a tius fo ,sehtolc saerehw
the plainer form ת"לס is used for cloak or sheet. From among the vocables
reclaimed for the Semitic store on the same principle, one more may be mentioned
here. .איצסמא or אמטסיא is a derivative of Ox, and, as such, a phonetic and actual
equivalent of the Biblical “7x, and the meaning of the Hebrew word should be
learned from its well-defined Aramaic representative: ‘something which restrains the
1 That Arukh ed. Kohut and Buber in Lam, R. read xn sox, with m for 0, cannot be taken into —
consideration in view of the numerous evidences in favor of ,אסירפסא 4
2 Compare Targum I Chronicles V, 12, אתוכלמ ,‘ םרבa portion of the ו and the sari םרב
‘besides’, and B’rakhoth 39% "ap ,והנרמרפ ‘he chopped them into pieces.’ 2% ו
rREPacn או
flying locks’ (Sabbath 57"), i. 6. ₪ hair-band worn, הא we further learn from the
discussion concerning ist'ma, under the hair net or cap, To uncover the כב (Inainh
XLVI, 2) therefore means to throw off the matron’s head-cover and appear as
₪ slave. The variant 'טסא for 'טצא in these forms is a common phenomenon in
Talmudic orthography.
In connection with this noun formation it may not be out of place to note
that Ithpaal or Ithpeel nouns sometimes drop the initial Aleph, in which case they
may resume the regular order of consonants, which is inverted in the verb. Thus
( טצדקאM’nahoth 41") is formed from ,קדטצא the Ithpaal of קדצ,‘to justify one’s self”
(compare Genesis XLIV, 16), and means justification, excuse, Another *p7Z0 is formed
from root ,קדס and means split, breaking through, damage (Baba Kamma 56").
( מצהרGittin 86*( is an Ithpeel noun of "Ms ,(רזהז--)
and means a shiningwhile spot,
הsuspicious symptom of leprosy; and, indeed, Alfasi reads 7’ The Mandaic
dialect offers analogiesto these formations (see Noeldeke, Mand. Gramm. ₪ 45, #q.).
The enlargementof stems by the prefix וש is well known in the Aramaic Shafel,
but evidences of this ae,
same ee en
,ןץקש ץרטand You, בהל and , תבהלשand many more. More
| the prefix 1 for the formation of verbal nouns, as הָלָפְת
תרSuch verbal nouns may again become the basis for the formation of
nominal verbs, as ,ללפתה ‘to pray’, which only by a stretch of the imagination
be explained as a plain Hithpael. So also 270m, ‘to shout’ (Ps. LXV, 14;
offers these formations in abundance, asליִחתַה from Tio, OF from METH (sce
~~ On this principle of enlarged stems many words in this Dictionary have been
regained from foreign origin for Semitic citizenship, e.g. ,ס"רת ‘shield’, and its
> derivatives in Hebrew and Aramaic, אתכוש and ךתש (see the Dictionary s. vwv.).
_ The letter © is an equivalent of © in the Shafel forms in the later Hebrew
the Aramaic; hence words like 370, Piel ברָס from ;בר בהרסfrom ;בהר לכרס
from 535; קרס, ‘to be empty’, from קר, and many more.
A further development of Safel stems consists in formations which for con-
venience’ sake may be defined as ‘Ispeel’ nouns, of which the aforementioned
אספירסand אספריסאmay serve as examples.
The same letters, 2 nm, 5, and also 1, are used as intensive suffixes. The Biblical
רספטand פרשזhave been explained by some as enlargements
of ADT (— ==")
and שרפ respectively. Be this as it may, the Talmudic Hebrew and the Aramaic
כו iguiteations of סכרפ belongs
to 7S, ‘to crush,
grind, scrape’, and
various significations of this enlarged stem and its derivatives can easily be
traced back to the fundamental meaning (see Dict. ₪.y.סכרפ I and II). Only to
one derivative of סכרפ reference may here be made, תסכרפא is ‘the grinder’, i. e.the
hopper in the mill, and were it not for the tenacious prejudice in favor of foreign
etymologies, no scholar would ever have thought of resorting for the original of
afarkheseth to ו or apna, neither of which has any connection with the
erinding process.’
For words with suffixed ד the reader is referred to ז"לטא and אזולטק as specimens.
Enlargements by suffixed ד have been recognized in דקרפ and .דיקרפא 98
frequent is the formation by prefixed “7, originally the demonstrative or relative
pronoun. In the Dictionary these forms are designated as Difel, Dispeel, or Dithpeel
nouns. The well-known אתיבד in the form of "ד והתיבדfor ‘the wife of’ furnishes
the key for the explanation of words like ארמחמד ,( אדממחמידTargum Isaiah XXIII, 13;
XXX, 2, for Hebrew 5572); ,אתרקסיאד contracted ,אתרקס"ד an enlargement of ,אתרק
‘private town, settlement’; אקתשיד and ,אקתס"יד a denominative of Npw, ‘handle of an
axe’ (Syr. אקתסא and ;(אקתסד ( רדותסידSabb. 48"), ‘shreds of a turban’ (Ms. M. 77),
and many more.
5 as a formative suffix appears in classical Hebrew, as למרכ , & לכההc. (See
Gesenius Thesaurus sub littera >.) Of Talmudic Hebrew there may be mentioned
here ,ְלּבְרַא 5272 (from ,ברא , ברעto knit, interlace), meaning sieve, from which the
verb dary (529), to sift. Correspondingly the Aramaic 82278, 82279, is sieve, the verb
bax, to sift, shake, 527%, to confound (compare the metaphor in Amos IX, ®) and
כרבלאיךmixed multitude. :
It would have been superfluous to refer here to that well-known enlarge-
ment of stems by suffixed 5, were it not that even for so common a utensil as a
sieve foreign languages have been ransacked, and arl’la or arl’la has been found
in the Latin cribellum. The enlarged stem לברא finds a further extension in 5270,
for which verb and its derivatives the reader is referred to the Dictionary itself,
Reduplications of entire stems or of two letters of triliteral stems are well
known. But there appear also reduplications of one letter employed for enlargement.
גוגלתא--גלגלתא, =דידבא-דבדבא, לטישית--לשלשת, hcihw yam eb denialpxe sa ,snoitcartnoc
find a counterpart in אנתופד thresher or grist-maker, which is a reduplication of שוד
or Ww".
These reduplications are especially remarkable for the transpositions of the
radicals with which they are frequently connected. The stem עכעב appears as a
reduplication of 23, N93, in the sense of lowing, roaring, and figuratively of longing
for and howling against. But it also occurs as a transposition of 5939, a _reduplication
of ,ברע with the meaning of rolling around. 575%, from 557, interchanges with 0575,
1 This תסכרפא has nothing in common with סכפרא (4prag—bdpdpraé, dpraytoy), ‘the waterclock’, which
appears in Gen. R.s.4. In Kelim XIV, 6, and XXX, 4, where a metal harpax and a glass harpax are
respectively mentioned, the Arukh has preserved the correct reading ,סכפרא where the editions have
אפרכס. The latter reading has misled the commentators into identifying the word with ,תסכרפא and it forced
Maimonides, who realized the difficulty of a ‘glass hopper’, to assume the meaning of a hopper-shaped
yessel, a funnel, 1 io ל aie
| murmur,
איג וז
by no
of the author's deviation from the views hitherto prevailing on the subject under
few remarks on עסהאוסא woups in the literature which for the sake of
is here called Talmudic, may not be out of place in this preface.
intercourse between the Jews of the Talmudic ages with Greek and Latin
gentiles was not only that of trade and government, but also of thought
ideas, Along with the apostles and teachers of young Christianity, and even
ish champions of religion and morality lectured in the
rooms of princes and princesses, noblemen and matrons. Instancesof
association of prominent Jewish teachers with emperors, kings, philo-
and scholars and their families are related in the Talmudic records in
large enough to account for the adoption of words like plulosophy, astrology,
&c., not to speak of such terms as were borrowed by the Jews together
objects or ideas which they represent. A footstool was called /ypo-
tablet pinax; the profligate gourmand’s emetic taken before meals, or
rather between one stage of the banquet and the other, was called by its jocular
name @roxottapiCe (to play the cottabus), and adopted in the general medical
_ This accounts for the large number of Greek and Latin vocables in the so-
called Jerusalem Talmud grown up under the Greco-Roman influences of the Caesars,
and more - still in those Targumim and Midrashim which were compiled in the
Byzantine empire. The Agadah, taking its illustrations
from the daily environment,
speaks of Cwsar, Augustus, duces, polemarchi, legiones, matrona, schola, &c.. while
in legal discussions the institutions of the governments, in so far as they influenced
or superseded the Jewish law, had to be called by their foreign names. Agoranomos
1 See Jastrow, Transposed Stems, Dragulin, Leipzig 1591, and the Dictionary under the re-
spective words. ג
ירתכודנא, )ירתכדנא, 'דנואGittin ,)*02 not recognized by the commentators, and probably
no longer understood by the Babylonian Rabbis, who received the word from
Palestine together with the legal subject with which it is connected, fortunately
finds a parallel in a worse copyist’s corruption in the Jerusalem Talmud, namely
( קרינרה סינאיטYer. Gittin IV, 45°), and both in‘( אטקוטנא Treatise Abadim, ed. Kirch-
heim, ch. IV). A combination of these corruptions together with an examination
of the subject under discussion leads to vindicta or vindicatio(-nis) (see Révue des
100068 Juives, 1883, p. 150). It should be said, however, that this is one of the
worst corruptions the author has met with.
Another class of corruptions owes its existence to the natural tendency to
adapt foreign words to the organic peculiarities of the people. The people pro-
nounced Andrianos or Andrinos more easily than Hadrianos; unkeanos was more
congenial than okeanos, agard’mos and agromos are popular mutilations of agoranomos;
גלנסיקאand כלכדיקאare organic transformations of lectica; although the correct forms
Hadrianos, okeanos, &c. are by no means infrequent (see Collitz, The Aryan Name
of the Tongue, in ‘Oriental Studies’, Boston, 1894, p. 201, note),
Otherwise the foreign consonants are transliterated as faithfully as can be
expected with national organic peculiarities as different as the Aryan and the
Semitic. Transpositions of rd and dr, frequent even in Hebrew or Aramaic home-
words, or sch for x (chs), need hardly surprise any one. Thus סילודרה and אלבדרה
go side by side with ,סילברדא for hydraulis; ךרליביקס stands for axenium; סוטסוסכוד
for dyschistos, and so forth.
As to vowels, the Greek 7» and the Latin 6 are, as a rule, represented by "ו
the Greek ot by ר or ,לר whereas the Greek ev frequently appears as 1. The Greek ט
and the Latin ₪ keep their place as midway between vowels and consonants, 0
that they may be transcribed by ,"ל 1, or 3. The last is especially the case in
diphthongs, so that סטבלוב is met with alongside of ,סטוולוב and סטוילוב for
Bovdedtys. .
Short vowels, except in cases of heavy accumulations of consonants, are most
frequently ignored. This omission of vowels, congenial as it is to the Semitic spirit,
means a loss of soul to the Aryan words, and offers difficulties not easily overcome.
The laws of transliteration of Greek and Latin loanwords are exhaustively
treated in Samuel Krauss, ,,Griechische und Lateinische Lehnworter in Talmud, 600."
(Berlin, ₪. Calvary & Co., 1898). It is to be regretted that the proclivity to find
Latin and Greek in words indisputably Semitic has led the author into a labyrinth of
fatal errors.
Persian words are now and then encountered in the Talmud as remnants
of the first period after the Babylonian exile, when the new Jewish commonwealth
was organized under the Persian empire, and more still as modern arrivals of the
time when Babylonia’ grew to be the centre of Jewish lore.
Arabic elements of direct importation, barring explicit linguistic references,
came along with Arabic objects of trade, but there should be a considable reduction
from the number hitherto accepted in Talmudic lexicography. The Hebrew and
Aramaic of the Talmudic period had little to learn from a people which after the
close of the Talmudic era became the world's teacher.
The difficulties besetting the study of Talmud and Midrash will be overcome
in the degree in which modern scholars will take it up for philological and
archwological purposes as adjuncts of those who are too much engromed in its
and doctrinal side to allow themselves time for what seems to them
unessential, But even what has been heretofore rediscovered, as it were, thanksto
the labors of Leopold Zunz, Samuel Loeb Rapaport, Heinrich Gractz, Zacharias
Frankel, Michacl Sachs, Solomon David Luzzatto, Abraham Geiger, M. Joel, Joseph
Perles, Alexander Kohut, and a host
of others, is enoughto prove the marvellous
familiarity of the Rabbis with the events, institutions, and views of life of the world
outside and around their own peculiar civilization. What is more, we have been
familiarized with the philosophical impartiality and sober superiority with which
they appreciated what was laudable and reprehended what was objectionable in
the intellectual and moral condition of the ‘nations of the world’, as they called
the gentile world around them; kings and empires, nations and governments, public
entertainments and social habits, they reviewed through the spy-glass of pure mono-
theism and stern morality.
In conclusion, the author begs to state his indebtedness to Jacob Levy's
Targumic and Neo-Hebrew Dictionaries, where an amount of material far exceeding
the vocabularies of the Arukh and Buxtorf’s Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum
is accumulated, which alone could have encouraged and enabled the author to
undertake a task the mere preparation for which may well fill a lifetime.
Thanks are also rendered here for the munificent subventions which enabled
the author to publish a work by its nature requiring great pecuniary sacrifices.
To the list of subscribers mentioned on the title sheet of the first volume, the follow-
ing shouldbe added: Mr. Emanuel Lehman, Mr. Louis Stern, the Honorable Isidor
Straus, the Honorable Oscar 8. Straus, all of New York, and Judge Mayer Sulzberger
of Philadelphia (additional subscription). It gives the author considerable pleasure
to place among the subscriptions
a gift of the school children of the Congregation
Rodef Shalom of Philadelphia, on the occasion of the seventieth birthday of its
Rabbi Emeritus.
The author also expresses his gratitude to the friends who have assisted him
in the arduous task of proof reading, among whom special mention is due to
Miss Henrietta Szold, of Baltimore. He also acknowledges his obligation to the
Rev. Dr. ₪. Mendelsohn, of Wilmington, N. C., for the index of Scriptural citations
appended to this work, a contribution which, the author is confident, will be
welcomed by all Biblical students.
The religious sentiments inspiring the author at the completion of his labors
of five and twenty years are too sacred to be sent abroad beyond the sanctuary
of heart and home.
Philadelphia, May, 1903. MARCUS JASTROW
1 1(ents 6 hoge
14 03% rive a5 as ae ER:
be ₪0 +, 0
0 of סי 03 זו a? ede To saad bra nif 9k
| ווק ods W dil le 77 baw SOME SSS ot ו
asic ‘abanaה
םלועל aes loan ) (glossנוסחא אחררנא=-נ"א ROMSלמימר ,צרלך לומר=צ"ל רשב"ג אמר=-רשבג"א
(תנ"ח (v.נמ" הכי=גנ"ה (קאמר) PR אמר לרה=קא"ל ר"ש ב"י 2
ר' שמעון בן mees
לא צריכא--ל"צ נותן טעם=נ"ט wipהקדשיפ==קה"ק
לא קשיא=<"ק קריאת התורה==קה"ת
לא שנו ,לא שנא=-ל"ש
. or תליטנ ר' שמעון בן ללד =|טביט:
קל וחומר= ק"ו
לא תעשה=-ל"ת נפקא מינה=נ"מ |ו"ח
ק ר' שמעון aj מנסיא=-רשב"מ
INOא"כא למרמר--מא"ל סלקא דעתך=-ס"ד קיימא לן=קי"ל שפיכות דמים=-ש"ד
מבעוד רום--מבע"ר סלקא דעתך אמינא==סד"א (קמטמע) PN משמע לן==קמ"ל שפיר דמי=ש"ד
מאן דאמר==מ"ד סבירא ליה ,סבר ליה==ס"ל קריאת שמע=ק"ש (inשהכל נהיה בדברו=שהנ"ב
(מה) INDדאת אמר-=-מד"א ספר תורה=:ס"ת רבנו ,רבן ,רב" ,רב=ר/ )benediction :
מדבר תורה--מד"ת עבורת ,עובד",עובד אלילרם==ע"א ר' אלעזר ,ר' אלרעזר=-ר"א שיר חשיריםם=שהח"ש
מנה"מ--מה"מ על אחת כמה וכמה==עאכ"ו ר' אליעזר בן דעקב=-ראב"י שומר חנם=ש"ח
מלאכר השרת=-מה"ש על dy, aaג"ע=בג ר' אלעזר בן עזרלה==ראב"ע שטר חוב=שט"ח
מן התורה--מה"ת על דברר ,על דבר=ע"ד רבונו של עולם=רבש"ע Dowמינה=-ו"מ
משא ומתן=מו"מ עם הארץ=ע"ה רבן גמליאל=-ר"ג שנאמר=-שנ'
,וצאי שבת==מוצ"ש “NSOמ byהשלום=ע"ה רא השנה=ר"ה ע שה"== (bene-שמונה עשר
שבתות עולם הבא=עה"ב רב הונא=ר"ח )dictions
מא" טעמא--מ"ט עולם הזח=-עה"ז רה"ר=ר"ה Mwפ"ש=הסטורפ
ערן .הרע==עה"ר משל madהדבר דומה--מלה"ד רשות היחיד=-רה"י שפיכות דמים=-שפ"ד
מצות לא תעשה=-מל"ת עה"ב==עוה"ב רשות הרביפ==רה"ר
מכל מקום--מ"מ .4 שלרח
עח"ז=עוה"ז רוח הקדש=רוה"ק
מלך מלכר המלכים=-ממ"ה עבודה זרה-==-ע"ז רב זדרא=ר"ז שומר wS ‘8 =p
ממה נפשך=-ממ"נ על רדר=-ע"ר ראש חדש=ר"ח bwשמ"ם=ש"ש
מה נפשך==מ"נ ערו"ס ר' הנדנא=ר"ח sawתפלה = ש"ת (bene-
מנא הנר מרלר=-מנה"מ ער"ט
טוב=| ערב יום ר' טרפון=ר"ט )diction
מר סבר--מ"ס עד כאן=ע"כ ,ר' יוסי ,IRP ,ר'להושע==ר"י תה"מ=-ת"ה
מצות עשח--מ"ע 6.על כורחו ,על כורחך=ע"כ ר' ישמעאל תפלת הדרך=-ת"ה
מעששים טובים=מע"ט "ם כתו=עזלו
בד כוכבים .ומ רבן יוחנן AJ זכאי=ריב"ז nnnהמתים--תה"מ
מעשר .ראשון==מע"ר עבודת “,yaT ר' רחושע בן לול=ריב"ל ,למיד חכם = ת"ח ת תלמרד"
מעשר שנת=מע"טמו על מנת--ע"מ ריעו לקיש=ר"ל חכמים
מערב שבת--מע"שו עובדר ,עובד .עבודה SST ר' מאיר==-ר"מ תלמוד לומר==ת"ל
Hwaרבינו עליו השלום=-מרע"ה על פר=ע"פ רב נחמן ,ר' נחמרח==ר"נ NWNנמר הכי==תנ"ה
מוצ"ש=מ"ו שם = ע"ש 8'0)88801ש) | עררן ר' עקיבא=ר"ע תנא קמא=ת"ק
מאר שנא=מ"ו )note רב פפא=ר"פ חנו רבנן=ת"ר
מה PNWכן=משא"כ על שם=ע"ש רב ששת ,ר' שמעון=ר"ש תא שמע--ת"עו
משום הכי--מש"ה ערב שבת=ע"ש ר' שמעון בן אלעזר=רשב"א תקיעה שברים תקיעה=תש"ת
מתן תורה=מ"ת DIDאחת==פ"א רבן שמעון בן גמליאל=-רשב"ג תלמוד תורה<=ת"ת
List of Abbreviations.
a.=and, Ar.=Arukh thumsforschung, by Michael Sachs,
(Talmudic Lexicon by R.
a. e.—and elsewhere. Nathan Romi). א Berl. .צץBerlin 1852—54, 2 vols, ,
a. fr—and frequently. Ar. Compl.—Arukh Completum. ed. Hildesh.
a. lL=ad locum. Alexander Kohut, Vienna 1878-85. Bekh.—B’khoroth (Talmud).
a. v. fr—and very frequently. Arakh.=Arakhin (Talmud). Ber.=B’rakhoth (Talmud),
Ab.=Aboth (Mishnah). art.—article. Berl.= Berliner (editor. of | Targam
Ab. @’R. N.=Aboth d’Rabbi Nathan (a B. Bath.=Baba Bathra (Talmud), v. Kel. Onkelos).
late Talmudic treatise), b. h.=Biblical Hebrew. Berl. Beitr.—Berliner Beitrige zur Geo-
Ab. Zar.=Abodah Zarah (Talmud). B. Kam.—Baba Kamma(Talmud@),v.Kel. graphie und Ethnographie 8
abbrev.—abbreviated or abbreviation. B. Mets,=Baba M’tsi8 (Talmud), v. Kel. loniens, Berlin 1884.
)add.—additamenta(Hosafah to Pesik.R. B. N.=Beth Nathan (quoted in Rab- Bets.—Betsah (Talmud).
adj.—adjective. binowicz Varize Lectiones). = B’huck.=B’hukkothay (a pericope).
adv.—adverb. Bab.=Babli (Babylonian Talmud), Bice.=Biccurim, Bikkurim (Mishnah
Ag.HattAgadoth hat-Torah (quoted Bart.=Bartenora, Bertinora (com- botbottom of page. [and Tosefta).
in Rabbinowicez Varie Lectiones). mentary to Mishnah). B’resh.B’reshith (name of a pericope).
Alf.=Alfasi (Hilkhoth Rabbenu Alfasi). beg.—beginning. | B’shall.=B’shallah (name ofapericope).
Am.=Amos, Beitr.—Beitriige zur Sprach- und Alter- c.—common gender. 2₪
foreg foregoing. lam, H.= Lamentations Rabbah
fr_= from, (Midrash Rabbah to Lam.; Bihah
freq frequently. Mabbeathi)
Vr.<Vriedman (edition).
Frank. Vrankel, +, Darkhe, and M’bo. Lev, K.=Laevitions Mabbeh (Midrash
Gem G'mara. Mabbah to Levitions, Vayyibre
Genesis, look of, Mabbab).
gen. ofgenitive of, M. Kat.<Mo'ed
Katon (Taleed),
Ges. ii. Genesia Habbal (Midrash Mass, BheoMa deer Bheni (Mishnah,
labbah to W'reshith). אוד, and Talmed Y'rashalmi).
Ges, 1. DieteoGesenias Hebrew Dic- Maasr.~Ma aeroth (Mishnah, Tovefia,
tionary, © German edition. and Talmed Y'reshalmi).
Mace, MaccAh, Mabboth (Talmud).
א Maimonides
א - ו אdna
Hag ‘Mal=Malachi, Book of
HaileHallah (Mishnah, Tosefia and “mang, vera--marginal version.
Y'rushalmi). |Mase.=Massekheth (Treatise).
|Mat. א = Matt'eoth K’bemnab (com-
By the designation (Talmud) are meant Mishnah, Tosefta and G’mara of Talmud Babli and, eventually,
Talmud Y’rushalmi. By (Mishnah and Tosefta) or (Mishnah, Tosefta, and Y’rushalmi) is meant a Talmudic treatise in
the collection of Mishnah &c,, to which no discussions in either G’mara or respectively in the Babylonian are extant.
אAleph, the first letter ofthealphabet, interchanging ]( באAneyr. A-va, Behr. K.
A.) > ד247 Ab, the
htiw rehto ,slaruttug ₪ .g אבב, בב, חכב, Sor;אליתא , fifth month of the Jewish calendar (of thirty days) be-
ליתא6ל. ginning between the eighth of July and the seventh of
August, and ending between the sixth of August and the
אnetfo desu ot mrof dnoces stoor fo sbrev "ל2,>. ₪. fifth of Beptember. RK. Hash. 1, 5, 'כי לק באfor ==
Sox, Soe. nouncing the beginning of Ab memengers are sent ot,
גוח א. ,citehtsorp.«.g אגידל, גידל, v% % for the sake of the fast. Tb. 18° באב 'כthe ninth of Ab,
anniversary of Temple destruction. Taam IV, 6 sx כנכנשמ
אsometimes inserted to replace a radical, as=כאכא with the beginning
of Ab. fb. 20° באב roots Stora}4
בגא, .psc ni abrev ,2" sa 5 .₪ ,hY הָאִים.rf קים6₪. him try to be relieved of(thelaw-suit)in
Ab. Meg.
5"; a =.
(inTalm, ¥.)dropped in the beginningof בא1 .₪ .6 ; א, הבאcomp. oH), comet, “Sx, =H [em-
Words, 6 .אָכיאָבַאא
;WPT. bracer], father, ancestor, progenitor; teacher; chief,
tothe end of Chald, nouns, corresponding
leader ; author, originator. Ex Ris 46 end seהשנדל
the educator is the real father. Lev. B.«. 1 "כיhoor “Sm,
to prefixed © in Hebrew (status emphaticus), .6 .אX>%=—
the father of all wisdom, . . the father of prophets. Y.
2 Ned. V, 394; ₪. fr—77"( בָא תדב abbr. ד"בא( president
> saS" laremun ,rettoJ ,enosa ' אית אחת = אית אone of the Court (Great Sanhedrin), next in dignity to the
letter, Sabb, 104*; a.fr. [Editions and Mes, vary, accord- Nassi.
Taan. 11, 1; a. fr.—Metapb.
origin, couse. Nam.
ing to space, between the full numeral and the numeral R. 5.10 (play on “Su, Prov. XXIII,) 29 'א ראthe
,rettel ' אrof אחד, ;RMF ' בrof שנים, ,STO שתר6.[ cause
of woe (sin).—rcx’s
( באfor which also(כדקל
one of the chief labors forbidden on the Sabbath, opp.
, א, "יאTN, ON be. a prefix, 1) for the forma- הדלדהa labor the prohibition of which is based on the
of nouns in Kal, Peel, Afel (Hifil) &c., = g. ground of its being ₪ species of the former, or derived
BRITS, “YS, MISE , KES he.; 2)demonstrative,
6.g. from the former. Sabb. VII, 1 ; פג. א.₪ — [Y. Sabb.
Il, ,3 הלש, באsub.האטובה --[הכאלב
באone of the
original or direct causes of levitical umcleanmest, opp.
( דלוchild) secondary cause. Tob. 1,5; a f&&—Pom 'א
v. PiL—'s ךינב creation of a class, i. 6. ₪ conclasion, by
analogy, from a case explicitly stated in the bibl. law on
all similar cases not specified in detail. Sifra introd.—
.bI ,mihsod’K ,dne .hc 11 .fer( ot .veL ,XX )72 x‘ “= זה
םחרמד םב
לכלthis forms the rule for all cases in
which the Bible uses the word dmdZhem bom (that the
ytlanep si gninots ot ;)htaed a ;.rf ד. osla בָת אב.-
PLS, const. Sx, 1) fathers, ancestors, patriarchs ke.
Ber, 26" prayers‘ םינקת x have been institated by the
to 111,
4 'כו Patriarchs;
.ןיקיד א--.]) “Ts תדבאה v. supra. Hag. 11, 2
" Was 80 arranged as to form words composed of its every 'א-- תבa woman of noble descent. Num. RB. =. 1;= >
first, every second and every third letter respectively. —Metaph. principal, chief‘ תיכאלמ x, .+ supra. “RSSא'
TNS, +. אָראָיַא Kel. I, 1; v. supra—yP"o ‘x (sing. בא( קמה the chic?
actionable injuries or damages, from which the subord-
TAN, “SN a prefix ofwords ofGreek origin answer- inate are deduced (TST) B. Kam L 1; a 6--
Teta ny ena taghela ae )2 Aboth, the first section of the Prayer of Benedictions
6 (v. PEEP), so called because it alludes to the Patriarch«.
an ד
1%. Hash. IV, 5; a. fr.—3) Aboth, name of a treatise of אבאבית, אִבְבִית, ,YAM עועוית שבבית
the Mishnah, containing sayings of Talmudic authorities (reduplic. of , בא, ; וע בעv. my)" prop. swelling, heaviness
and belonging to the fourth section, ,ן"קלזכ of the Mish- (cmp. ,( באכhence 0% of the stomach, vomiting
nah collection ()תורנשמ ; also styled Ix "PB a. 'א M3072. (spasms); usu, in connection with man, fever with vom-
.A similar collection of a later date is 0 in Talmud iting. Gen. R. 8. 19 did you ever hear, this ass here
Babli editions, named ןתנ 255" 'אAboth d’ Rabbi Nathan. that is driven out המח הילע תיבבא הילע Ar. (ed. corrup.
[Y. Yoma VIII, 444 top שפנ בא תיבv. HTN.) וילע המכ םיככה וילעmmx) has fever, has vomiting
אב11 ch., .+ nay. ?)smsaps( ,bI 8. 35 חמה ואכאבית, V.אִכְאְבָית .
, )בוא( ביא באm. (b. h,; בבא( swelling, spread- ,סימאבא read OMDNIN.
ing, whence 1) the young shoots of a tree, opp. to the
branches growing directly from the trunk. 13, Kam. 81° אפושאבא % ()שאב seen, displeasure. ‘arg.
של אילןyaf .de .rA( .a .sM חיבו, .v חיב11, .pme ihsaR Koh. VII, 3.
a. 1). .]צ Erub. III, 21% top ;ובריא Y. 8000. 11, 532 [,ודיצ
—2) pl. WBN, 77S" state of growth, development. Hull,
אבב₪. ;.h ,83 ,pmc 33, חב, גב,-כב, קב0₪ v.
בָבָחַזa. II; to be thick, to be heavy, to press; to sur-
58* cascuta which became wormy "SN. during its
;dnuor ot tsiwt ; ot eb ,mraw wolg .cte .V 837, אבל
growth. Ib, 127% figs which shrunk }7"S83 during devel-
PAN, , רבא, הבא סבאKe.) to be thick, to swell, break forth ;
opment. Y. Sabb. VII, 10° bot. he who presses olives
. צץ335 .8 33h.
jan from where they grow (before they are ripe to
be taken off), [Tosef, Maasr. I, 4 םימודא ןיביא,Var. בבאch. same, to grow, ripen. Targ. Hos. IX, 10
אובין, read 975%, v. [.גוא Ib. 5. they differ ןיביאה לע אבבאמq. v.
concerning the plants in their growing state (between
ripening []רמג and blossoming []ץנה;Var. j7258 incorr.) ; “NIERN, v. ,יביא
emp. ja". Ch. .צץ אָּבִאָז
אב גינוס ,SPIC גת אןנינס. (corr,נָיס --
NENT, אבch=h. אָב11. Targ. Gen. XVI, 4. Targ. > ) of “noble descent. Koh. R. beg.; a. fr. (Midr.
0 ib. XLI, 43; a. fr.—Freq. 828 (also in Hebr. phraseol.) Till. to Ps, I ; סונייבא Cant. R, beg. , סוטיגוואcorr, acc.).
my father. Snh. Ill, 2. B. Bath IX, 3; a. fr. Meg. 12> —Pl. Yalk. Ps. 863 OREN( אוהש read ןב( א he is the
' אהורייריה דאym s’rehtaf .drawets ' אNA" ym -dnarg son of nobles; Midr, Till. to Ps, OV ןיטנג -/% (corr, acc.)
father. Ber. 10* bot.—Snh, 118% bot. והרלא 'אfather emp. 0725.
Elijah (sarcastically).—"7 Mia, דד יובאN.’s father. Ber.
18>; Y.B, Mets. IV, 9° top;a. fr.—20 הבר,'א 'אgrandfather. בא3( יממסיכread yvo—), "WRVO RN . זמpl. (cdze-
Targ. 11, Esth. VII, 10, Yeb, 21°.—Trnsf. origin, source. 96050000 most noble. Ruth R. to 1 2, Midr. Sam, ch. I.
Sabb, 22% םד ןוהובַא ןוהלוכדthe source of all analogous אבגרוטינת, +, אנגי.
cases is the law about blood (that you must cover it
from a sense of propriety).—Pi. JIN, אָסְהְבַא Targ. Y. TaN (b. h.; 1/38, v. (בבא to be pressed, go around in
Deut. XXIV, 16. Targ. [ Chr. I, 2; a. fr. Men, 53° 'א רב despair’ (v. Prov: XXXI, 6; Deut. XXVI, 6) to be given
of distinguished birth.—Kid. 83°; a. fr.—["Jas8 Targ. up, whence 1) to be lost, perish ; to be beyond recognition.
Prov, XIX, 14 Ms.; read with ed, Wil. ןהבא ; oth. ed. Sifré Deut. 301 (ref. to Deut. XXVI, 5) NON... דרי אל
WAN corr. acc.| ( לאובדread ; עס לובדdNaiT .klaY .tueD .4 ,1 לאבדם.borp
NAN IT, STAN (as, 84, mp in ¥.) pr. .מ m. Adda, 7aN>; Ms. Zer. Abr. 3 38°) Jacob went to Aram with
(Ba, Va), a frequent. name. [Sometimes distinguished no hope but to perish (be a slave &c.). Ohol. XVII, 3
personsgo by thatname, being orig. a title (v. next w.) while a field רבק 'אש ובin which there 18 a grave that can-
their real names are dropped; v. esp. Ber. 18" 'א אניעב not be located. Keth. XIII, 7 'כו ךרדAIBN the path
I want Abba ₪0.[ The most distinguished are 1) אכלרא ,'א
to his field cannot be traced. Gen. R. 6. 91 ונל הדיבא 'א
Vv. 35.—2) 'א ברvy. (8--.אָבְר רב( )אב 'א רב וחבאAbba we have lost something; a. fr.—2) to lose. Ib, ונאו
שַאְבְדְנ ר' סיdna ew ohw evah tsol nruom( )ro .Rf ;.8
bar Abbahu (Ba), father of Samuel, an Amora,—4) רב ‘8
רב הונא, ni .baB 72M .6 )5—.v 27" 'א, .rtnoc אבמרר6 a. fr.—Part. pass. HAN lost, irretrievable, -
~perishing, de-
Mari, an Amora. Pay, NIN, contr. with 'ר into 7°39, cayed. Keth. 108* 'אה לעon a contribution to the
Temple which has been lost on the road. Y. Shebi.
x2" Rabbin, Rabbina.
IX, 88% top "Ha ןה jbNe they perish of themselves
NIN ITI, Abba (father), a title of scholars (less than (they decay 0 a. fr.
Rabbi), as Abba Saul, A. Yudan, etc.; emp. foreg. Nif. 2x2 to be lost, perish. Keth, 104*; a. fr. 6
NIN גג. (228) 1) thicket, woods, grove. M. Kat. 12” Deut. 301 TaN", vy. supra.
אל בשלנראa tserof ni ’hS .aynal ,hteK %97 .v ."TOS .hnS Pi. 72"8% 1) to waste, lose, forfeit, destroy. Ned. 33”
89% (proy.) אגרנ ( הינימ חרבו א לרזרנ )ליזיל( הרבAg. Hatt. אר' את מעותיוeh detsaw sih ,yenom tonnac( mialcer .)ti
בנרגא, v. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note) from the very woods Keth. XIII, 6 ותוכז 'רא תאhe forfeited his claim. Ab..
shall it go into the hatchet (as a handle to strike the Zar, 55% 'כו דָּבַאְכ28 shall we give up our honest deal-
woods),—2) fruit, v. .אָּביֶא ing? Ib, IV, 7 רמלוע דָּבָאְרshall He destroy His world?
אבר nom
andyou want
Nog. ינטמ היmyayd סוחשקמו and deprive |
toed 0 MITTS cts same. Tare. Prov, XXVH,
me 4* כי
of itt Tbh, whe
תוone who destroys 70; = =
iegiven to ו vaneו א וwil
Gen, 5. #2; 4. fre-—%) to drop ִדְתא+ב
. ִ<<א
to Abo V,th
12; 4. = METIS, .+ ase.
| fam. 1X, 5;
oh. to be lost, Targ, אל.rp .₪ .em ;habbA rehtaffo ;leumaB אב1
5 וש ance atin sap oe
to be looked upon as lost. רח
+ א
Pa, 73% to destroy, דש 11 Kings, XIX, 16; =. | TIEN pe. = .ות Abbohu, name of two Palevtine
im, one prob, of the finet gener, ¥. Ber, ¥, 8°bot;
דBice, 11, 644 top; the second « celebrated disciple of
‘HL. Yohann in Cxwares. Y. Ber, 11,4" top, ₪
40°; « fr—Nabyl onian
Amoraim by that name, feb.
119%; Kid. 33, father ofRabbah, v.37. B. Kam, 117°,
I. Ashé,
of em
| eont +. “Se
eare I.= 34
to be lost, Lev, Poems if they אבחנוס, אבחונוס.xy וו א, °12 ( מאot
shou 5"; a.
"9 Pos. וש Corse, read סיטְבְכָא -.) .+ or SSS eH ))119041%6( Mol
TV,21 ,ארביאל read +, 32.) | Hon ase for mares.
אבלII איבולm, )רבל, emp. >42") the gate for "NIFTIDN, ( אִבְרוְנְנָאar) ₪. ו a.
carrying grain into the house, wagon-gate, gate-way. v.53 a Babyl. corrupt. ‘ofan imported Palestinean phrase)
Pi, ,םילּובִא ‘2°98. Tosef. 2. Mets. XI, 10 תא ןיא ןיקלוח jied-dover: ticking (involucrum), Pl. "205938, 7928. Erub.
' אר' וכ.de .%602 .de( 'ּ (הַאָבuoy erad ton edivid -etag 69% 'או רקרהומבANS 8 lease of a court yard is called
ways between heirs unless there is the required space sound (legal and not merely a legal fiction), if connected
for each. with the privilege of placing in the yard chairs and seats,
[Rashi, cmp. Mishnah ,רקרהומ--; obviously a corruption for
NOIEN, אלאch, same, esp. (corresp. to h. גוהרקרor גלופקרר, emp. jp 23.—Other explanations of
[מבוא הערytic yaw-etagy hcihwsi denepo rof snogaw .6;
8 our w., suggested by “nv, Ve & V. we
Portis place where judges sit &c.; emp. "20.—M. Kat.
22° begin to count the days of mourning 'אד אבבמfrom . אבורנקי, v. “2x.
the time ye turn your faces from the city gate-way (to אבזיינר, v. (TEN.
go home while the corpse is carried to the grave-yard).
Keth. 17%; Meg. 29% when people form a lane דעו 'אמ אבוקת )אִבְזקא )NAIT .+ )srp( ,gnikaerb
סרכראfrom the city gate-way to the burial place. [Ar. FO Hs corrosion, whence 1) a foot-disease in an-
house of mourning, v. >3aX1.] B. Bath. 58% bot, there imals believed to arise from vermin in consequence of .
was written 'אד אבבאMs. M. (ed. incorr. ('אב over the a stroke of lightning; 2) moth-eaten condition of gar-
gate of the town entrance (where court was held).— ments, B. Mets. 78° (expl. הקירבה Mish.) תקזבא )4
Pl. .רלּוּבְא Erub. 6%. Yoma 11%. Targ. Y. Deut, XXVIII, אבזקא, Ms. M. ,קובא corr. ז for;ר cmp. Y. ib. VI, 11%
52 ןוכילובא (ed. Vien. 12x). Targ. Jer. L, 26 אָחְלּבא top. ₪ Vv. P12) atrophy or paralysis of the feet. Ib.
(h, text היסבאמ ; v. Pesh. a. 1.). ' א' במרלת' וכeht shtom era ni eht layor .ebordraw |
*יאלובאm, pl. (v. foreg.) city-gate-guards, police. NIN, אִביזראm. (Arab. bazr, abzar, ,רזב,ץ (רזפ
Nid. 67° םושמ 'אon account of the rude conduct of &e. anything used for seasoning, spices &e,—Fig. pl. "2138,
[Rashi=">"ax dangerous, cavern-like entrances to the "TaN requisites, appurtenances. Snh, 74° לכו והניא
bath-house. ] אבזרירהוthey (the commands) and all appertaining
thereto. Men. 73° אָהְרֶזֶבַא הלוע לכוAr. 8. Rashi to Snh.
, ילובאB. Bath 143% ילובאאread with Ms, 1. 1. 6. (ed. אתריבח corr. “acc.) the burnt-offering and 6.
“ רגיטרטסאוdiay, vy. "DIT.
, סמחבא.+ owany a.אבחנוס .
אבולין+,V. PMA.
אמבא Vv. "Dan.
)ןיבא( ןובאpr.n. m. Abbun, an Amora. Y. Pes,
IV, beg. 3H םשב 'ר )ןיבא Dx 'ר(; 'א םשב 'ר 'לא ;'ר Y. *אמבאm, (23; emp. , טוב, טטב ץובa. deriv.) belly,
.naaT ,I .%46 .Y .ubehS ,IV °73 7 בון. whence leather wine-bag. Ab. Zar, 34° 'א רעייטדie
NOON) the travellers’ wine-bag. [Y. Yeb. IV,56
אָנובְאra" ובאpr. . םm.-Abwna, an Amora. Y. NOBR.]אבטאות] , v.אַבְּט" ,[
Shebi. II, 334 ; ₪. fr.
,ומבא Vv. “DEN.
אבונגרי, +. aN.
,סולוטבא סילוטבא v. next w.
,NID וג )? אינוס) איבוּס. .b( ,h “83; (אבס
1) feeding receptacle, bowl for working men; manger. סומלוTOON pr. n. m. (prob. 115060706, or 1/0716-
Ned. IV, 4.—Sabb. 140 "b> לש ( 'ראRashi ('בא a real hepoc—Kdndhep.os) Abtolmos. Erub, III, 4 (35%) ed. (Ms.
manger, opp. קרק, 'רא לשa piece of ground fenced in M. .( סלוטבאIb. 36; Y. ib. 21° bot.( סליטבא v. Rabb.
and used as manger.—2) stall, stable. Y. Shebu. VI, .D .8 .burE .1 ,.¢ 1 ,xE 81. 8. 12 (אבטלוס) אבטוליס
374 top; VIII, beg. 88%. [Y. Ter. I, 40° סובא read םזּכא —M. Kat.* 18 ( לוטרבַאprob, abbrev. of our w.), surnamed
or D°S8.J—Pl. .םיִסּובָא Y. Snh. 63° joss their stables. ( הארפסvy. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1), an Amora.
V. ONDN. סוטמוטבאm. (adtdpatos) self-moving, self’
אקובא וי. םm. Abuka. 1%. Lam, 1001, v.אִבִיקָה ,gniworg .suoenatnops .rdiM .lliT ot .sP 1, 5 'האומרים א
םלועהxin Mus. (ed. , םוטמוטcorr. acc.) who say the
הקובא+ (PAN, cmp. ,ךבאJAX, Pan;
I v. Sachs Beitr. I, universeis a self-moying power (has no creator), [Better:
2 % Nahm, to Gen. XXXII, 25) [bundle of twigs], ( ןישְמוטְבַאadtépartoy, 8.) chance.] Farhi
FTTSN +). beep; , () דבא1 low ormlawed
2 "פרש דאthe keeper 005 100% 0 for ite
owner to Gaim it Th. Mets. 29°; ₪. )!,-- 3 brs the owner
of the lost thing. Kid. 2 'א ררזדמ 'כיSos the owner hunts
for what he has lost, i. « man wooe women (sllad, to
.neG ,1 ;)12 = .M—-rf ,taK °02 בכ לאוברים ולא לא
SS) weep for the losers, but mot for
the lost (deceased), — ©)less, 9% שפנ gE >
*אגימבאVar, ror Sifts Deut. #0(v, od.וע crease of physical strength. Yoms 74°—(Y¥. ib. Vill,
₪. eton ,)5 daer px )agot( ro מָז) פֶיבִיזָא99943( | א cae
Roman toga.
NSTT .= ) ; אבדcacophemiem rof רלדא4. ד, בד א
*NITESN m. (Getiay, optio; Perl. Bt, Bt, p.108; arin “Ghpithו וafveld,Carcphetmion fo
D.C. Lat, = v.) commissary, quartermaster in the Roman for idelatrows parposs and per-
army. +. Sabb, VI, 8° bot. 'כי ה אתא 'אRoman quarterm. formances connected with idolatroms feasts (gainer , 4.)
came and made him stand bebind him (in the public | which the Jews, under Hadrian, were forced to attend.
convenience), | Sabb. 152%. Ab, Zar. 17°. — .)דומם חוקplace of
ON pr. n. .ג Abbayi, 1) a renowned Babyl. Amora הקיבאpr. n,m. Abikah, a hero‘at the defence of
(original name "}2912). Keth, 65%; a. fr.—2) Oth. Amo- א Pesik. .1% .8 ,29—30 ו ןב "תייבג Lam.
raim of that name. Ib. 94%, Erub. 62%, 1001 53P“ (אבוקא בן.
יבא ימpr. n. m, Abbimi, 1) a disciple of Rabbah. NII (b. h,, YSN, v. בבא ; cmp. (לפא;(dark; cmp.
Shebu. 28”; Y, Ned. II, 37>; Y. Shebu. Ill, 84% top.— [קדר, mourner, esp. during seven days after burial. M.
)2 A. bar Tobi. Y. Naz. IX, tei. 57°, Kat. 14°; a. v. fr. — Pl. po>ax, םיִליִבָא ( )ןרָליִבָא.Keth. 8%
v. Maa, .צץ Ab. Zar. I, 39¢ ‘bot. nwa "S28 mourners
TAN pr. n. .ג 4200 Y. Bice. I, beg., 64°, Rabbi A. among gentiles; a. fr.— Fem. הָליִבָא , הבא x. Rer.
Cmp. 7538; +. יבא IV, 8%; Y. Taan. 11, 65¢ bot.
NI"SN pr. n. .ג Abbina, an Amora. Y. Pes. V, 32¢. SONIIT (foreg.) to mourn, Hithpa. לָּבַאְתַח Nita
—Y. Ned. IV, beg. 38¢ (prob. Abbuna, as shortly before). boxy to observe mourning ceremonies, to be bound to
[Y. Peah III, 17% bot. אניב prob. the same.J—’X בר mourn, be an 53%. M. Kat, 20% רמע לכ לָּבָאְתִמִש >> 'אתמ
contr. אָניְּבִר q. v. over whom one is bound to mourn, with him he must
mourn, i. e. one must share in the mourning ceremonies
אביסנאsabb. %151 .+ .ssoj
of a relation at whose death he would have to observe
*קיבטm, )קוב ,v. ; עקב comp. PDN) outlet, esp.a mourning; a. fr.—Tanh, Sh’mini, 1 ,'אתנ Pout, oe
pot in ihe bath-tub to sohich a waste-pipe is attached p- 148%; fr. ree
1 +1 (
Miky. VI, 10.
, ליבא לבאch, same. Targ, Lam. 10 8-0
PAN, v. pay. Ithpa. ( אִהְאַבָּלdenom. of (אָלְבַא to mourn, ‘Targ.
at .
6 =
אבל באיט
Gen. XXXVII, 94; ₪.fr—¥, Ab.,ענה 99 top. vee. | Cilieie, Moher thc [או(!או )₪7> Nom, וגו
חול יררת
ל כ
hw eht sserpmE | סכטרהY, feb. X, 20+ chews meso 6. of Ulam;
| Bab, th, 66° oda ןב [.(אטכס)ו
pr. ₪. .ומ (Eipevrcs) Bemmens, ¥. Mey.
It}, 76° bot, rendered in a seonet letter
סל בובwell.
learned;+, -סלקידבא
2. 8.a.L,note ¢)1wear mourning. wages מו חן. -1)ל 7)so וna .aromA
1. Goh. 1 , end, ו
Si. (bh, Sm, comp. “Sm, ,ד Gee, MH.Dict,
>. +.(
one, ₪. 10"; Pos, 12" 'כי קרדכ אlike throwing ₪
Mone into ה leather bottle (has no effect, oF ie indigen-
| thle) Nam. Mh. « 22 (prov) into = well out of which
you drank א לא קדרה רבcast no stone —0S's 'א fowel,
| ת. Bath. 10; a. fr, 11. ,יקב comet. “7am. Gen,
M. «, 8
1 11; +. MeSH) | יא הרשל, םילש,1% שלש א77 תרחאתמon (rend (שלש i
| these three stones shall grow into one; a. fr.
+. dorm. Compounds and combinations: 4 Ps Stone Chamber,
0 , א | name of a Temple compartment. Parsh
111, 1ץיילג--. ,א
Prov. | % ...יא )ןיקיט א סיקוטה, אHS BH, ¥. Mey) Bone of
|- Lesers (Ciaims), ₪ place in Jeramlem where lov and
| found things were deposited and claimed. 798. 111, 6 ;
א חלב NIDN chxb. . לָבָאTarg. Gen. | Yb, 66 bot.; 3, Mets. רכשה--*28 'אor קה 'א09
bu Be TEN MEM me. ot,Tee:don place (for slaves). Sifré Deat. 24. ₪ Whar ch. VII,
Lev., א10 אָליִבָא.060-- .11 .627 (prov.) comes joy, « 6 Yalk. Lev, 667 וקלה איטכיכ--. א 'א₪ stome ened for
tajoice; תעשב 'א 'א comes mourning, mourn. closing
a pit ete, Nid. 69" רכ 'אבthe corpse was pot on ₪
ּת.ל ¥11י,tָ
D Xָ
X א.
.41 closing (immovable) stone ; a.>.- )דקחבק- 'א4040004 rooted in
the ground,
opp. ,שילה Y. Sotah IX, 29 הדשה--,
אבלומוס .rA .de ,.hoK +. אבלוסטיס. ¥. "SR. — PSS א magnetic stone, 1004-9000, Sob. ir”;
,)?( לבא סיני *םינתלבאname of5 spring...Gen. א.6.-- א' השעית,laid-enots .leK ,11X 4 ;ה.6,-- א סיה-dnuof
.R.5 33 .boS( 801* רגרר .)sS .pmC אבללין, איבלין. occupied the place 01 the Holy Arc. Yoma V,2 (3); +. Gem.
8 (Ar, od. Kob, (סיטילבא m.(a5kizp0<) | א.1.-- אבנדם תישביתtnargimmi ,senots.i.« semots thguorb
arte open air, 'א“>> camping apparels — over from another ground. Tosef. Shebi. 111, 4; emp.
(leather ‘covers ete.). Zeb. 94*Ar, (ed. אָיְנְלְסְכַא q- v.). | Shebi.
111, 7 a. Y. Gem.a, דשולת--.|
'א. יזsop. הקושק
* אבלושו₪.hp sde( ;)2 .pme ;ed.a
.bה.| (פלס
those who cut through (omp.קב 2 a. deriv.), whence =
ground-diggers, (Maim.). B. Mets. 77° xrtvs7 'א Ar. Var. |
(ed. a. Ar. 'כא q. v.; Ms. M. יסלכיא , Ms, R. (דזילכא the
men) of 1. a. Pl, 30358,
“3S%, TIGR. Tang. Ex. XXVIII, 11;
afr. Lev. BR.a. 16; a. 5.אעכאר-- 'אwvight-sloner,to
Dos pr. n.m, Ablet, a gentile scholar, Ab. Zar. 30°.
יצSab).IH,6 bot,¥.10 prevent the sheaves being blown away.
‘x black
רKid. 12". [Targ. Prov.
B. Bath. 69'.
" *pan, חנילבא pr. .מm. 0. RB.s.33[Y. XXIII, 28, read with Ms, Lass. "יבש 3S אדאצי 4
Naz, VII, 56* ;הליבגמ :עץBer, 111,6*bot. mb-23). captures foolish sons.) [Y. B. Bath. Il, 13° ןבא קיד...
, סומינבאCin pr. . מ. תגAbnimos, Nimos, a Pas, Pi, Pax, Pa*® (denom. of 0 ‘to cover ft
gentile philosopher, friend of R. Meir [prob. identical לesp. plants, for fertilizing. Shebi. ‘Tl, 2 "Pax
with the cynic philosopher Oenomaus of Gadara]. Gen. (cmp. Y. Gem. a. 1.(. M. Kat. 3%, Y. Sabb. VII, 10% tod
.R 8. 56; 6.4. "א' הגרד, .gaH 51" ג' הגרדי —Part. pass. Pain’. powdered. Y. Bice. I, 634 bot, תוקנואמ
ok ° : (read 2582) grapes fertilized with ו [Ar. “to
אבניתאTarg. Y. Il Deut. XIV, 18, read with
remove the dust”(?)]
2 aA: NODS, v. AN,
Hithpa. a. Nithpa, pasnn, xm to be covered, or cover
אּפְנבוא אָּפְנְבִא f. )277( understanding, specula- one’s self with dust. Gen. R. 3. 43,—Metaph. to sit at
tion. Meg. 24° דלת755 ( 'אבMs. M, 'בואב( it depends on one’s feet as a disciple. Aboth, 1 4,
the speculative faculty (not on the physical sight). Ab.
Zar," 98 רלת55 ( "ואבMs. M. אילת , אבילבcmp. Tosaf.
, קיבָא קבא,בא/ )ן, בעemp. ,קבח( ךבא: i) to +
a. 1) an affection of the eye-sight is connected with
ape Ae twine. Men, 42% ( קיבא והל קבימperh. Pras
Pa.) he twined (the show-fringes) with loops.—2) (neut.
(has influence on) the mental faculties; (oth. opin., cmp.
v.) to be attached to, cling to (idolatry etc.), Snh. 64°;
jak, the fat surrownding the heart).
Ab, Zar. 145, Ib, 17* אבוט 'א הבhe was very deer
( סבאb. h.; ,"בא/ ןcmp. ץץפא( to stuff’; to fatten, feed attached to sensuality.
(act. a. neut.) 2. Mets 86” (expl. Abusim, I Kings V, 3)
2/33 ןיִסְבואש ןחואwhich people fatten with force. Ib,
אבק, NPSN ch=h. pax. Targ. Ex, IX, 9; 2%
'אש ןידמועו 'כוthat stand feeding as they please. Sabb.
אב ק.fesoT .ykiM ,V ,7 daer .’uP |
XXIV, 3 ("155) ךיא ןיסבוא 'כוyou must not (on the
Sabbath) stuff the camel; 1 ib. you must not make אבקא, .+ xsp .hc
סובָא ךותב 'כוa manger of her stomach (fill up to swell-
ing); a. fr.—Part. pass, O158 .( )==רושMeg. 9", a. 6. (one אבקאות, .+ xap .h
of the changes said to have been made by the authors
of the Septuag.).
הקבא+ (b. h.; + ( קֶבְמspices, spice-bow. Fig.אַבְקת
ו לכור spicd-bos) a great scholar. Cant, R.: to
( תמנקסבאוaBdoxavta) unbewitched ! may no arin III, 6 end.
befall 7 Y. Ab. Zar. I, end, 40" “ax 'א אל he did
סֶלוקבא pr. תי ,( מג140%0(.06) 1000607108., father of
not say abascanta, but 660. Y. Ber. IV, 13° top (corr. acc.).
R. 2 Git. 56%; Lam, 1%. to IV, 2. Tosef. Sabb.
אבע-הבע, זי. D2. IVX ,)IIVX( 6 .raV( אבטולס, (אביקלוס. Cmp,אפיקולוס ,
ןיעובעבאm. pl. )עוב( ,070008 pustules. Targ. 00. Ex. תקבא Men, 33°, read , אתקבאv. next w.
IX, 9 (Var. j7352238 +. pl.).
NOPIN + pl. (P28) loops, leather rings, on pedeteads
TIAN, +, דַעְב for ne“reception of cords; in door cases, for hanging
doors in. Ned. 56"; Snh. 20". 'אב שגרד. . - .. 8 couch
,היעבּוא היעבא
ז f. (A232) search, begging, the
is called dargesh, עו it is carried in and out (to be
appearance the poor for their share in the crop. Fi.
put up and taken apart) by means of loops (through
. תּויְָבָאPeah IV, 5 'בא 'כו 'ג. )צed. IV, 3 ’35N) three
which the cords are fastened); opp. mittah, v. --.אָנּיֶזְּב
times a ‘day the poor would come (cmp. etym. Y. ib. 18"
Men, 88% Erub, 11% ed. (Ms, M. ,אתקנא v. Rabb. D. 8.
top). [Oth. comment. ref. to etym. in Y. 1. 6, a, Targ.
a. 1. note), explain, ר"צ ‘ רכרהan indication of hinges’,—
Obad. vy. 6: “the owner appears” &c.]
Macc. 23* (loops in the punishing scourge).
NXIN מז. )=אבעצא, .pmc (בעץץ.nit .graT .0 .muN
XXXI, ל אברro יבר6:3. הביר, veבור .
pos m. (b. h.; v. PAX, emp. 782), (thick, whirling) רבא )(Vas, v. בבא); cmp. , רבח( רבגto be bent,
dust, ‘powder. Sabb. 111, 3 םיכרד pas the (heated) ren pressed, thick.
on the roads. Hull. 91%. Cant. R. to 110 6; a. fr.— 1%. "28, רבא 1) to strengthen, harden (cmp. .(ץמא
הסופררםthe refuse of writing material, or the 8 Suh. 109° (play on Abiram, Num. XVI, 1) 'כו יאש ובל "מ
sand strewn over the writing. Sabb. XII, 5 ןיקשמב ams Ms. M. (Rashi ,רבבל ed. (רמצכ he hardened his heart
' ובif one writes (on the Sabb.) with a fluid or sap of against repentance.—2) (denom. of 938) to measure. wings,
fruits (instead of ink), or in the sand on roads or in the to define city limits, for Sabbath distances, in cases of
writer’s powder.—Trnsf. (cmp. Pax) connection, something wing-like projections beyond the line. Erub. V, 1 3272
akin to, shade of, as שרח 'א ןושלa shade of slander; 'א ( כִיאַבְּרִיןaccord. to Rab’s spelling, while Sam. read
רביתa shade of usury; תיעיבש 'א לשan agricultural w"1229, v. Y. ib. 22, Bab. ib, 53") how do we measure
occupation indirectly related to those forbidden in the outskirts of a city in order to draw the Sabbath line?; = 1"
Sabbath year; vy. infr.—Pi. Mipax. 10864. Ab, Zar. I, 10 v. etymol. definit. Y. a, Babl. ll. cc. a. .צץ Ber. VII, 12°
ארבע א' הן.de( .kcuZ (אבקאותeht drow %000 ni sti top.—3) (b. .(ג Hif.) to soar, take wings. Gen. R. s.42
figur. sense is applied to four things; cmp. 73, Bath, 165°; (play סמ Shemeber, Gen, XIV, 2) ‘31 רָּבַאְמִש Ar.s.y.רבאמש
13. Mets. 61"; 67%; Succ. 40°. (ed. חריפ ( הרחשhe took wings to fly and ₪2 7
אבר אברסקין
Whe fap "a (Vv. next
w. a. foreg.) fo be .
SN, +. res".
fo soar, Targ, Job XXXIX,29, /
METION, אבדומא 4 א or brine of a certain
| אCAlpaple®). ₪. 18° Ole4. ₪.od. ,רבא +. Rabb.
)1 :i
a‘ h
1 % ,ות (prob, .ה geogr. term) ibrori, name of
& epecies of olive of mediam size, also called “om 4, +
Her, הפי ite name is not ,קא "= אלא 'אMe. .א (od.
אביוטיAr. od. Koh. (יצירבא bet its original name ₪
libros or as some way “GSS Me. M. (od. Om sD); .ו
1%. 1, 63° bet, סירדוא ()סודדוא
אברוקלון,+. Sevess
אברקין, ברקין.m וע. ) ;פרק=ביקemp.בקר -=-פקר name is ךלכ ,(מ6)מ( )ך%62-0 and it resembles sheep-
v. ךרסרקפא( underclothes, inexpressibles, breeches (cmp. wool’.(R, Ash, a. 1. in Mishn.). Y. Sabb. II, 45 top
Lat. brace, bracce—of Oriental origin). Y. Sabb. XVI, 'אנב" ק, .rroc .eca .raV[ .tcel אַצוָוא=אצבין, אגטין.--
%51 שנל.rA .de( .torK ;NSP .baB ,bi %021 וב' פרגד, Sabb. 20% our w. appears as ארקשוג , ארקשנobviously
Ms. M. , דוגרפAr.; ןידוגרפ Rashi genouilliers, a. German a corruption of cissaros; Rashi ib. expl. ‘the shell of
Kniehosen). Y’lamd. B’resh, quot. in Ar. (expl.פטישרהון the cocoon’, prob. confounding with chrysallis which is
Dan. ,111 )21 ( 'ב תונותנה 'כוfem.) the underclothes put likewise named from its gold color.]
around their loins. TAN 1 (7/38, sec. x. of 258, v. ,אָלְגא emp. ,רגא ,רגח
NOISN, אְבְרְתָה+ ph. ,)ירב +. eet, a. (הָאְרְבַה (כקר1) to twine around, tie up; to close, forbid. 6
hyssop (used against indigestion &e.). Sabb. 198* (ex- TH, 1; a. fr—Sabb. 60% 'כו ובmosis Ar. (ed. ,תרגוא Ms.
plaining 3518). Ib. 109" התרבא (mentioning two species, M. (תרגוח she fastens her hair with it—Pes. 87° תונב
one named רב=בוזא-"גמיה ,the other גניההרב=ןוי (בוזא ' ישראל שאוגְדות וכ.de .sM( .M שמגידות. . . בחורות, ץצ.
Ab. Zar. 29° Ms. M. a. Ar. (ed. (אתדבא Hif.) the maidens in Israel who forbid intimacy to their
betrothed. Erub, 21" תודגוא א"לed. (missing in Ms. M.).
NIWARN, אָבישנאm. ) ("בש=אבשsomething —2) (denom. of M3538) to form a union or faction. Sifré
dried; parched or dried ears of grain. Meg. 7";Ps. 39”
Deut. 294, v, .או [B. Bath, 14* תודגוא , תוחולvy. “EN 8.
" קמחא דאruolf fo detsaor ,srae .bI °04 TNAW“ MEOR .rA
(ed. ““3N) a basin wherein
>2%.] ; |
ears are roasted,
PORN, +. pape
Nif. 1382 to be tied up, 1000006 ₪0. Maasr. 1, 5 קרי
JANN 'נִה vegetables ordinarily put up in bunches, are
subject to tithes from the time they are tied. Y, Erub.
NIN (STAY) (Samar. הגא rendition of b, h. aps;
III, 204 top.—Sifré Deut. 296 חדוגא אלש דוגאת ךילע
emp. 73) to spell (letters), blaspheme, swear. Snh. 101”
(read 738M) no alliance (of the surrounding nations) shall
תנא (ו)בגבולין ובלשון אגא.rA .de( ,)yam eht ahtiaroB
be formed against thee.
remarks (to הגוהה as in Mishn. a. 1.( this (condemnation
of one uttering the name of the Lord) refers to the Hif. 385, contr. 13°55, part. 3%, "32, to tie up,
country (not the Temple), and in the sense of Samaritan fence in, forbid. Erub. 21"; Pes, 87° Ms, M. (play on
aga (swearing). מגדיםCant. VII, 14) 'כו mity2w who forbid &e.,. Vv.
Cmp. Y. Snh. X, 28" top ןיליא ןוגכ
' מג כותאר וכ8 yaw sa esoht supra (Rashi: mit*y2w, v. 133, who announce their men-
snatiramaS .raews
struation); v. ON IL.
,ןיגילאנא ןיגולאגא Gen. R. 8. 28, beg., read
אֶילוגְין. TANI ch. same to tie. Part. pass. sax. Yeb, 89"
ביהNTN האis she not tied to him?, hence he must
( בנאcontr. of בג , לא=לעcmp. )&“ prop. on the back, marry her,
on top of, hence, upon, on the basis; (logic.) by dint of,
on account of; by the way of. Snh." 95 'א ךחרואwhile TAN IT (4, v. דגנ a. 553), Hif. 3 to stretch, pro-
on thy road, i. 6. incidentally, occasionally. Freq.א' long, postpone. Erub.21"; Pes. 87*(Ar.s, v. "15, v. however
, אחרואVv. -.אָחְרּוא שמְנְידות וכ' (דַאֶגַדohw enoptsop )evreser( lauxes ycamit
.2- Mets." 21 'א לריקידbecause they ni
are heavy.—Ib. 11% a, fr. ןילטלטמ 'א יעקרקמ the for their husbands, Y,Keth.V,29% bot.’2"n43% רכא1will
sale of movable chattel made binding by dint of im- extend (spend all the time of) my widowhood in my
elbavom ytreporp yltnioj ;dlos .pmc קרקע.--א61. 62> husband’s house, ;
'א רחאby means of somebody else (taking posses- TAN IT ch. same; to be lengthened. Targ. Y. Ex,
nois ni flaheb fo eht tnesba .)nosrep ,bI %72 מ" בעינן XIX, 13; Deut, XXX, 6, Denom, .אָחּודְנְיא
ig it necessary that he must say, ‘Acquire moy-
able by dint of acquiring landed property’ ?—Pes. 113% TAN ITI, N'TIN m.(foreg.) long staff’, whence 1) crutch.
לכ 'א ארבג ארעבevery claim the legality of which rests Targ. 11 Sam, 111, 29 (some ed. (2--.(רגא usedas a
on some additional circumstance (e. g. a loan collectible yoke to carry burdens on the shoulder. B. Mets 83%
only on producing the note of indebtedness) requires 'דדרו בא ,rA .sM ,.H .fxO .68 ,sM( .M איגרא, .de אגרא,
collection (cannot be considered v. Rabb. 2. ₪. a. 1. note) who carry a burden on a yoke.
actual property until
collected ),—Sabb. 116 'א בתכ אוה שודקדthe parchment Bets. 30 *(v, Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 3); Sabb. 148% Ms,
18 sacred only on account of the sacred character זר. marg. ( !אגרתאv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 6). .ל N33.
what is written on it— Shebu. 40, v, N73; a. fr, TIN (TPN) m. ax 1)tie, knot. Succ. 10”, a,
NZIN, יצ. Rah. fr. א ךררצmust be tied together. Ib. יְגֶא רתוהif the
tie ofthe Lulab became loosened. Hrub. 101" sq. 7385 לטינב
אגבאסטמס, Vv. ,סּוטְסּזגֶא end. (a. twice “3°%, Rabb. in D. 8. a. 1. 193583) when the door
*ןיבגאm. , )=ןיִבְגלא. תג,2933 divas) caliלס pin is handled by pulling the cord knotted to it. 2) |
of flowers. Y, Kil. IX, 32° top 'א רירסק the cissaros bunch. Y. Ter. II, 41" אמטכש 'אa bunch of herbs that
blossom (v. Lat. Dict. s. צץ cissaros, Gr. Dict. s. v. 7pv- became unclean.—3) surgical bandage. Sabb. 53%, |
cdv0ep.ov) “a woolly substance growing on stones at the TAN, THN ch. same, Succ. 88" 'כו אתרילעמan
Dead Sea, looking like gold, and being ‘very soft; its (fem.!) it requires a substantial binding, 0000
opp. to Fron tied bunches, [Torel. ib, 111,8 “13H4.
tack of הוו +. 2%.) (Nom.
piles ., .ה+.+ beg. םישח
b.pi ד, foveg.) 1) bundic, bunch.
₪. Mets. I, 5. ₪ כו של יפיsa 0 hcnub fo sbreh
is tied; 5. fr-—2) band, union; faction, Lev. ii. +, 9,
Gen. i, 6.04 זחא 'א055 brotherhoo d. Preah
— PT revue,
Vi, 10; +. foreg. Makheh. VI, 2 'כו Ps לש ( אherb)
bunches which have been lying in the market houses;
v. .)סו ib, 111, &—-Yeb. 18" (ref. to ידרגתת Dest,
XIV, 1( 'ת אל רשקת אdo not form yourselves into reli-
gious factions. Ber. 4' א אin companies (amusing
themec 5 family, —6)
pr. .מofs)-
‘RPStve Heth-Aguddoh
Mase, Gof'rim IV, 1 'א לש 'ב. . . the scribes of the family
אלmH) = Yous ,11 .1 .tnaC.B
to ,11 .6
TUN מו. (. ₪ med. Git, 66" (as signs of mental
ty) ילטיני )\'אyou throw ₪ mat w it, and the
child picks it up (at the same time throwi ng
₪ pebble
away); -א¢.—PL ope, const. “tom, Ori 11, 6m יקצפתנ
esp. in Asia Minor) state's agent, syndic, Gen. RB. when the nuts are burst open. Tb. 7 ךרפ “Tou crack-nete
א' מטונח על ביא שלת.de( ;NO“ שלי,SP .rroc ).eca (eatable); a. fr. [Tosef. Babb. XIV (XV), 1 הנרפסבש Tox
ed. Zack., read 77%, +. TFT) [For etymo l.
emp. Set)
77° אר
NAAN ch. mame; alsomut-tree. Keit x72
scrapings of the bark of ה nut-tree; .ד —Cmp.
Kya, RTS
(Rashi: horchownd). FIVION +.(x.124).)חו Cant VI,11.
אוגרנאwith”), ina prescription againstasthma, Targ. Y.1 “URN,
+. ees
Deut, XXIX, 17 'רגא (Var. ('רגא ;ed. Vienna pl. אָזְנְהְנַא
(OR). : * אכויסמורm. Questor. Gen. B. 5. 12, +. סוטיננא
a.סמ end.
) אַגומין8ך₪גן5 י.rf )eyd !pu e!m neG .5.1 .57
TUN m. (476%) assembly, esp. public games. "אמ
Emor (quot. in Ar, missing in (.'גמ(ג1 השכנ הכ"דמב-'א
זדכוגאTanb. Mishp. 1, read myx.
m. to sting, v. (גא=גת v. (גנת NGOUN, (FTSOUN) + Augusta, titheofa female
nied! torte ו %- .צ member of the imperial family (of Rome), in gen. prin-
Kil. V, 30* ;טס v. .הֶניִה cess ₪0. Esth I, 9. [Tanh. Vatra8, ,א read
R. to.
סוס ..[
(Bacthebs) Basileus, Cesar, Augustus; Gen. 14. 8. 8 (corr. NAN, + eas. א Sr
800.(. Ex. R.-s. 23, beg.; a. fr—[Gen. R.s. 12 הנידמב 'א
96. (Ar, (סטסאבגא read “HOA or רוטְסיִאְבְגַא .[ צ.סוטרגנא MIN, v. IA. ו ו
ינאימסונאm. pl. Augustiani, a Pretorian legion NEAT AN, +. sony.
entitled to proclaim the emperor. Esth. R. to I, 8, end
א/ רניימוקדthe Decumani (or Decimani) and the Aug.—
אגין.hnaT .romE ,81 .v בְּאירן.--צ. .bbaS ,II 5" כפר
, 'אread ןנָא=ןזנֶח Gen. R. s. 6.
Gen. R. s. 94 “NA (corr. ace.); v. Sachs. Beitr. I, 113 sq.
* :
,אלטסונא v. next w.
"JN( לdenom. of ,ךגא
| , אנגואPa.) to form disks or
cakes (of wax). Y, Sabb. VII, 10" bot. ןיררק ןהה 'אד ריג
*ילמסוגאm. (Augustalis). Prefectus Augustalis, he who forms cakes of wax dust (on a Sabbath).
title of the prefect of Egypt. Gen. R. s. 1. ed. (Var.
"IN 8 56, some ed, 8---ונונא corrupt passage,
אגוסטולי, Ar,(אגוסטלא . prob. to be read: ןג רמשש תא ונג תלובשמ רהנה ףיקהו תא
אתסוגא Ex. R. s. 8 some 60., read אגוסטוס. בנו עמו.
ףוגאm. ,1) םפג( )םהג1 sexual intercourse. Y. Git. סיגאm. wife’s brother or kindred, brother-in-law,
VI, 48 רררשל ול הָפגַאto reserve to himself the right v. O73. Snh. 111, 7 ed. Y.; a. fr.
of embracing her; Y.B. Bath. VIII, 16° top( 9--, הפוגdoor- אניסמון, ץצ אגיסמין. אגוס. =
stop, v. ray.— [Ana v. as [
אגיסטרין, ץ. PISTON.
“VIAN, VIAN .גג (1 )רגאheap, hill. Toset, Shebi. ILL, 3
727 NBT MN 60. Zuck. (Var. (דגיאו and a mound (of TAN, NTIN (NTN, NTN) m. (ay) hired
arable ground) rises out of it (the rock).—P/, םירוגא 358; man, laborer. Targ. Job VII, 1; 2; a. fr—Pl. "7a.
const, ."ָרוגרָא 0886, Peah III, 8 םושה ררוגואed. Zuck. B. Mets. 76” sq. (interch. in ed. with. ירוגא corr. acc.). >
(Var. “W748, ,תודוגא 60. "TURN, v. TIAN) heaps of geri
on the field, not yet bunched.
, *ןיסירינא. תגpl. א corruption of a geographical
term, perh. Puts (HretpHtat) (steeds) of Epyrus.
NTUN 1 אָרוגיִא ch. same; esp. heathen altar Targ. Jer. V, 8 (h. text(מִשְכִים
(cmp. b. h. >3). Targ. Jud. VI, 25; a. fr—Pl, 3X, 78,
NTN, ms, Targ. II Kings XXI, % a. fr, WAN Lam. R. to I, 21; Pesik. Anokhip.188%, v. wins I.
אָרוגִאII £.(ay0p4) market-place, court-session, court. NOIN, NOPN m. (v. 53, (ללג outside-door, city-gate.
Pl. תואָריִגָא Git." 88 ( 'א לש םירכנed. MINN corr. acc.) —Pl. " גלד גל.B' htaB *8 SBN dN“ הכל.rA .de( .dNa
gentile courts, all must contribute towards keeping the city gates in
* repair.; B.-Mets. 108" (Ms. M. "E3).
ITN 1.) (אגרprop. store-room, hence the compart-
ments of the nut-shell. Pl. .תורוגַא Pesik. 1%. 8. 11 as the , יקוולגאv. אָקְלַאּוג a. “3h.
nut 1188 א בראfour compartments (Yalk. Cant. 992 .(תורוגמ
DIN m. (b. h.; ,לגא sec. r. of ,גוא emp. ,גיז (גוע
THAN inf. of ירוגא--.רַנָא for “TER, v. NTRS. rounded things, raindrops. Hag. 12" “x תירלע (allus.
to Job XXXVIII, 28) the upper store in heavens con-
, ירוגיא ירוגאm. (vy. , ריגָאMAN) fit for storage,
taining the rains. [V. Var. lect. in Rabb. D. 8. 1
of good “quality. Kel. XVII, 8 the olive (as a size
standard) ... neither large nor small, but of medium note 200.]
size, להו הז 'א is the kind called egori. Ber. 39*; Y. 7SIN read ibn.
Bice. 1, 68% (etymol. explan.); . צץ. "ָסורְבְאYalk. Deut. 851
'א, תרזGen. R. 8. 91, end “NX “2 myrrh fit for storage. NORDIN f, (52) engraving, setting. Targ. Y. Ex.
--%2. אַגורין.muN .₪ .s 4 ,geb חטים אגודיהן, readאגורין אאא5.
om are all storage wheat (opp. .( תפוניטCmp. MAX, אגלקי, +. RPDSNA.
, תואירוגא.+ etyIL DANI )ם. נעגםps, v. ,םמג ( םוגto be bent, whence —
אנושמוס, תוס1 say We סוטסּוגָא to be in grief. Targ. Ps, CXIX, 28.
, חנאFas, y. mh. DANII m. (b. h.; y. foreg. a. 7038) anything bend-
ing and peeling, whee 1) leek, or leck-like plants, opp.
NOAMTAN, NOTIN (TAN) +. )חרג ,132) fighting. to תחש young grain ₪0 Kid. ‘ga this refers only to
Targ. "Ps, OX, 3; a. e. shahath אל לבא 'אבbut not to 000%. Ib. "אהד "אמ עמשמ
ee Snh, 91%, v, ל Kil, 18, 32% +. ןיּבְגַא א' לרשנא דבוצלנא הוא.rA( (דבוצלאtahw foorp evah uoy
that dgam in this case has the meaning of onion-plants? =
(Answ. ref. to ךומגא Is. 1/7111, 5).—2) (b. h.) reed, reed-
land (juncetum), dwelling places of’wild beasts, opp. HF=
המ 'כוvied is your opinion about thoes si Br cultivated land. Taan. 22%, 4 |1
13 אנר
₪ ox | ij-mppe. Tang. 11 Meth. 1, 2—2) (32)
geord, Nom, i,«,12; Midr. TW. wo Pe XCI,2
mohdel (Pe, 1. 6.) means “Tope my guard.
DIN (Toset, op7) .ו,0%( ססנto ewell, v.09 111,
emp. her) peor, pear-tree, (in oth. Hemit, dial. >
זעה, plam, Vi. to Levi Talim, Dict. = [ל Mil 1, 27°
bot; Tosef, ib. 4, Ih. 11, 15 (Var. 1/--.(שכיק oop,
Tope (Saye). Y. Ter. XI,67° bot, KD. 1,4.1 ה
14; a. fr. (Cp.tom, oop. Cant, VI, 11, where the
ee reyeht יל
א. o
Th. Mets, a6”
ניeל קm
| Magnant
| טון+ס
to fruits
. סאאג,
in gen. Cup. SS.)
14 fens
( הרותVar. רכש Pi.) heis called Agur (Prov. XXX, 1( OTN (freq. -(םימדרגא m. (a corrupt. of aryopdvo-
because he collected words of the Law (stored up know- p.0¢, Vv. ‘otanginay) agoranomos , corresponding to the
ledge); Koh. R. beg. TY"72 “3480 because he was.stored Roman cedilis, market commissioner, gauger, 0. Ab. —
(or girded, v. “38 II) with knowledge. ‘Cant. R. to I, 1 Zar. 58° ררכנ 'א, )"תוכMs. V. “8 3) a gentile agoran.—
,dne ,bbaS[ 06* אוגרת06., v.[אָנָד B. Kam. 98° X>""> 'א an Arabian agoran.—B. Bath. 89°
Nif. “283 to be gathered: Num.R. s.20 beg. (play on רגלו ' מעמידין א וכ.rA .de( ).rulp—2j na .naroga yam eb
Num, ,11אא )3 ןיִרְגֶאְנ םהירכלA and they were 0 appointed for superintending measures, but not for fixing
to their towns (for defence).
the prices.— Pl. }27728B. Bath. 1. 6. (v. supra). [Pesik.
= Hif. yin, to store up. Tosef. Dem, I, 10 תורינומה Asser p. 96% אצרש ( 'אלsing.) Ar. סומרנורגהל.60) read 'אל
the store-keepers’ places; ,צץ M7242, M7342. emp. Yalk, Ps.729).]—n"2"77aN Sifra K’doshim ch, VII;
cmp. Y. B. Bath. V, 15° bot. [Oth. corrupt. v. Pesik.
“IAN 1 ch. same; Pa. 38 to heap up. Targ. Y. Deut. 1. 6. note.]
I, 16 “> “ano (ed. Vien. (--רגָאְָמ who heaps up litiga-
tions, v. foreg. [Targ. Ps. CLV, 7 רגרמל Ms., v. 733.] TAN, TN +. (axl, Pi; cmp. “ian (grain) fit
for storage, of superior quality. Y. Maas. Sh. IV, beg.
רגאII (V3, v. .( רגח1).to gird, arm, Midr. Prov. 544 'כו ךמ 'אה לע תרתמשהT’rwmah may be taken from
to XXX, 1 'אש ויצלחwho girded his loins for wisdom; the stored-up wheat for the wheat which has to be quickly
Yalk. Prov. a.1. Part. pass, “a8, v. “ANI. 2) fo halt, disposed of, or vice versa. Y. Peah. 11, 17° 'כו רצח ודגוא
whence part. f. magix (sub. ןיּפַס( a knife ‘having inden- (read .(ורגרא Y. Naz. V, 54* ןורגא ( תיתחש 'תאצמכוcorr.
tations which catch the passing nail of the examiner. ace.) from dark colored wheat (inferior), and foundit
Hull. 17>,—*3) to occupy space. B. Bath 14* (intercharging was igg’ru (superior). [R. Simson to Peah 11, 5 quotes
with DDN q. Ve). "7338; El. W. in Sh’noth El. ibid, 5738.) [B. Bath. 6
has הנבל white, pure for our [.וא =
“AN IT (738) (7/38, akin to “Sh; v. 2 prop. to
tie, whence to hire, employ, rent. Targ. Gen. XXX, 16; “TIAN, +. .יטְנַקרְיודְגוא
a. frx—Koh. R. to IV, 6; Lev. R. 8. 3 beg. (prov.) ne
‘35 אנרג he who rents one garden will eat birds; him who ימורנאm. pl. (a corrupt: ofאגרונומ" , emp.אגרדמיס
rents gardens, the birds will eat. Git. 73° "mba רוגא they a. next. art.) costum-collectors, (emp. Sm. Ant, .8 . צץAgo-
hired boatsmen. Snh. 73* "7°38 "3°72 to hire help. Y. Taap. ranomos). Gen. R. s. 75 ed, (Ar, 7255"8),
I, 64 bot. אתררכז רגרמhiring prostitutes, B, Mets. 79*; a.fr, 0
“AN, NUN roof; NUN letter, v. ™%, * אגרמזיךKoh. B. to 8 rnd my or pl.₪
0. .ןיריטסגרא
ארגאII pr. n. m. Agra, father-in-law of R. Abba;
father ofR. Yhudah. Hull, of 194%. Nid. 53%, TINT, אנְרייןm, (Expiog pailomלא
(opp. ןורימיא 6. v.); rough. Gen. R. s. 77; Cant.
םידרגא. ,+ next. w. 111, 6 'א . בלכNum. 18. 6. 11 (refer, to cs) 228
אגריסטיס 16 os
לוקהafter sinning, Adam heard the divine voice as testimony)
of one who was with him. BK. Bath. 159°,
harsh one. Cant.
KR. to II, 7 (corr, ace.) Pesik,i. 6. fr, RTM אברר אישקthere is 5 contradiction bewween
15 םקוב 'א 'כו... (leave out hebr, words as glomes to (one opinion) of Habs and another opinion of Haba;
the Greek), B. Mets. 18 PGT .... of Rabbah (not to be confounded
eo with HQT ¢. +. Meg. 20° comet ip relation to (the
reading of the Nook of Mether) ia day-time.
דאwm..>( bh,an apocopated form of om, comp. 2%,
en Ue ieslamach dgelene, 1) the last arn, ראנ( eapor, cloud.* Gen. Hh. «. 18 (homil. etym.)
but one king
of Judwa. Sot. Vil,#. Lew, ₪. STR רא ארחש רבושcloud is called fd (destroyer)
₪ 3; ₪ ]--0( a captain
of the former-—Ab. Zar, 66° because it breaks the éd (distress of searcity) looked for-
ha ו שי רט fe.30. ו Rech «.i.e: Tab, ward to by the speculators
in the market, V. TH.
D, 8. .א1, note),
NPSL הְדָא+ cv. sep thie, that. ¥. Ber. 11, end,
"ד₪. 2 הדרא אסרת הרא הרא הראקsiht swohs taht
*אגרמא, +. .tiG ,V 74" רינל א, read גרדיינא ee, this is like that, |. ₪007 the same. Y. .וו
1V, end,
v. rra.
9 22"; a. fr.
א, NTN 11 (NTN) pr. .מ .( מ¥, ee TV) Ada, 1) name
of several Amorasim; (v. FrankelMeb. .ל p. 61")
+ opm. יצTer, X, 47" bot. Pes. #0"; « fr—Most prominent
אגרסטיס+,. אַרְגֶסְטִיס among them BR.Ade bar Akdbe or Abiva. ¥. Taam. 111,
end, 67°; Bab. ibid. 20"; .הfr—2) A. xe, wert (at
ie מו. )417900%( wmoritten. Y. BR.Hash. tendant
of scholars). ₪. Kam. 119". Nem.
₪. « @—
1, זיbot. - טו טו , ארפomp. Ar. b. v., ...ה 5) ₪ slave. Kid. 70".
Schon (ol. ספירוא
רוסיבHapאש bv
השקfor the king the law is unwritten (i.6.the "NIN
1115 .ב- vers
king mayCape ל Lev. RB. 8. 35, beg. ו Dei cmp. 5. h.דקprey, a.7%
quot,in Ar. (missi ed.). destruction) fowler, one who pute up baits, snares ke. for
6 pr. n.f._Igrath, name of the queen of demons other people's doves. Snh. 25° (explain.
mafrike yonim,
( 'אan incantation), Ib. 112". Num.R
Pos. 111° תלזא Mishn.) 'א 'ר-- רטאMs. M. a. Oxf, a Ar. (od wm;
® 12, oh | ד. Rabb. D. 8. a.1, ₪. Ar.) R—says, the Mishnab means
rte seeksesp.Snh. 11";
fowler (to be disqualified
as witness &e.).
brief, document. Git. 1X, 3 — “ONIN sabb. 35% +. =e
65 ליי 0 ..'וא.. . "ES. ID.
85" תרגא ...תרגיא אלא. אלו.... one must not.write (in the אדבאל+ Maas.
Sh. IV, 544 top, +. לָּבְראַז
letter of divorce) egereth with “x which might mean FITS, NISTN + (h. sex) finger. Targ.¥.Num.
roof (v. "3°%), but &e.Keth.64*; Y.Kid.
I,59*bot. דרמ'א ,4X
;Iא. X
ד | ו *
“TIN insep. conjunct. 1( (="3 דע; emp. (דֶאprop. wntil NOTIN, NOTTS 5 (Gyr. אטיד אתכדדP. 6. 3,
that; by the time that; hence, while, when, in the place דולto sweat, drip; emp. (דֶא prop. sweat, איכ"ר “x foam
‘of. Hag. 5* רטיזדא when he was young—Hull. 105", of the Sea. B. Bath. 4*; Succ. 51" (Ms. M. x--7"x) thie
a. fr. יכתדא or לכהו יכהדאin the meanwhile. Pes. 118* Temple building of marble looks like a surging Sea (from
" אדחלא אכרטיך ובelihw eht gnillevart tsud si tey no a distance). Cmp. S2°TFX a. “tx.
= thy knees, sell thy goods. Snh. 33" דיקי ךדקומרא
while thy fire-placeislit. B. Mets. 81°, a."כו.:1ינתדא---יכתרל
“DTN, v. 5. |
in place of stating A let him state-B, and A would be DTN m., Tare 1. .)פ.ג, ; הָצְדַא םדאSct) red. Cant.
(== 52) as regards —, in relationto R. to VIL, 3, 'א כשישred rose (euphem. for menstrua-
the statement 80. of—. Keth. 21° הרמטעד דחדאon (the tion).—’X ?דרפ red cow, used for purification ceremonies
אָדום 16 = לקה 1
(Num. XTX), Ab. Zar. 24"; a, fr—Lam. R. to IV, 5, v.
קלורית.5-2- אָדוּמים, ;ytnim .Y ,ecuS ,I 435, צ. אֶדַמְהֶּם.--
)=ןיודע; ןיידאNSIS .₪ PHP. Ey)]ו
now; whence, stiil, yet; as yet. Y. Ber. IV, 8" bot.וא'
Gen. .%1 .8 ;98 ,a .rf
ןרא תא יזלart thou not yet up to this, i. e. dost thow
( םודאb. h.) םדֶא( 1 pr. n. m. Edom, surname of not yet understand it? Y. Taan. 11, 65° bot. תא ןזל RS
Esau, son of Isaac; mostly used as a nom. gentil. Edomite, Y. Git. IX, end, 50% “ תא "ילx art thou still at that point,
Edomite nation.—2) fem. (sub. תרכלמ( Rome, Roman i. e. dost thou still ask? Y. Peah I,; 15° ציKid. I, 61”
government (owing to the dependence of Herod on Rome). top 'או רצחל 'כו and yet he has hardly come up to half
Ex. R. ₪. 35; a. fr. Ibid. ; תוכלמ 'א a. fr. [In subsequent the honor due to parents.
ages: Christianity]
אדיל+,. ל
IN m. (b. .ג "35%) Edomite, Idumean. Keth. 30°
וא עשה מצרר חייבל eht swal fo egairramretni htiw "ילוIN m. pl, dialect, for "S148. B. Bath. 74,y
Egyptians and Edomites as implied in Deut. XXIII, 8.— אוּרְזדלא
268. 111, 1 'אה ץמוחIdumean vinegar; a, e—Snh. 12* NIN m. ch. (=h. ity) red, full of sap, fresh.
ולא הנלחן א' הכז.rA .a .sM .M retal( .de rednu lairosnec Bets. 24, Rashi; v. however, pon.
influences "2", v. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note) and that
Edomite (disguise for Roman government, v. foreg.) would ךיTN ch. (=h.-1y,; דא / == (הד. at that time,thereupon.
not permit them.—Fem. ת"מודא
.---Pl. .תויָמידַא Keth. 64" Dan, ,11 ;15 ;17 'ִדאּב-.19 at the same time, forthwith.
' שעוריןך אnaemudI .yelrab Ibid.; 14 35 'א-. ךבfrom that time. Ezra V, 16.
ןודאm., const.( ןודָא b. h.; 915) lord, judge. Hag. 3" DAN ,NT +. צנ אדנָא
לכ םישעמהis Lord of all creatures. +. Kid. IV, beg. 65"
(allud. to Adon, pr. n., Neh. VII,) 61 ךיד ןיא 'אHN there ,NITXVON +. איְדִיצוּתָא.
is no justice and no judge. Gen. R. s. 89 play on Kar,
Is, XXX,) 23 "™“ 'אP Kyri (xbpto¢) means Lord.
,STP אודיק, +. יק
אד רבדל1. .ssertsim .neG .R 8. 98 נצטער יוסם עם אינת TIN m. (b. h.; (רַדָא;petit glorious, mighty.
Joseph suffered while being with his ‘mistress. 10. s. 98 —Fi. Soy. Meti. 53°,
(play on ben porath Gen, XLIX,) 22 רפהש 'אל 'כו43 the “IN, אִדִירָאch, same, Targ. 0. Ex. XV, 6; a. fr.
youth that broke (defeated the plans of) his pars ee
the youth whom his mistress broke (having him put in “NTIN m.=19, rim, border. Y. Sabb. TI, 5" bot.
.)nosirp .bI yalp( no uhur’ram-yav .neG .bi 32) בן שהמר leaned a vessel ארונתד ( 'אלVar. (ארלואל against the rim |
'כוthe youth who made life bitter to his mistress (v. of a heated store,
vers. Mat, K. 8. 1.).
אדיש, הזעו יצch.
N'ITIN Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. VII, 6, ed., v, 8448 TIL 4 :
7 אדAdakh, substitute of לקת (Dan. V, 25) by per-
אדונקי, .+ אדנדקי. mutation of letters called ש''בה''א q. v. Snh. 22%. Cant.
HAIN, +. xt. R. to 11, 4 םנא (corr, acc.).
lthpa. pure to join, cling to. Targ. Job. 14. +:
₪ ו ו ו 15 (Ms. Pos).
° 2 12 .tnaC ה. ,fw 11 לד בן
mows (Var. ןכ ( 5 glow inserted in the text, and
ther Bem omen Ges. 11. Dict.
=. +.[ which read מידת אלא ךכae ואל ‘not to be taken
Nf. ()םרא redness. Hull. 87% .א .6 הארמ 'א literally’ (that the Divine Word kissed every leraelite &x.),
‘but he made them so imagine’.
‘TIN 18 TT
and the twenty eighth of March. In leap years: ןושאְר 'א 'כרthere are organists and flute players in the land (or —
First Adar, of thirty days duration between the thirty organs and cymbals, vy. next w.), and sucha land should |
first of January and the tenth of March; "28 ’x Second be destroyed? [Comment.—Perh. to be read rams Tb.
Adar, of twenty nine days, between the second of March 8. 23 'כו ןילוכידרא, )'בידראcorr. acc.).
and the eighth of April. Targ. 11 Esth. IX, 29; a. fr.—
( סילבּדְרא סילברדאtrnsp.) m. (8dpavkte) water-
Meg. I, 4; a. fr.— Pl. 5-78, 178. R. Hash. 19”.
,nagro .Y .ccuS ,V °55 .tob 'עוגב זה ארד, .bI 'לא היה א
TIN, TEN, NTIS, NTN m. ,)רדא רדנv.79) זכרthere was no organ used in (the) Jerusalem (Temple)
a place ‘cut off, circle (emp. 1"), whence threshing place, because it interferes with the sweetness (melody of the |
barn; also the grain piled up in the barn for threshing; song).—Pl. ;אַדְרְבְלֶיןv. foreg. Omp. .ס"לודרה
emp. 7715. Targ. Hos. 11, 11 'א ןדיעבat the season of NUITIN m. pl. (v. Schr. K. A. 'T. p. 617 sq.; emp.
its being piled up; a. fr.—Gen. R.s. 63 the shovel ךיפאד
אדרa. (גזרtitle ‘of high officers. Dan. 111, 3. Cant. R.
' ארwhich upturns the grain in the barn (=prayer avert-
to VII, 9 ארכרפרא 'אadarg. means governors.
ing evil decrees). Ib. (play on תרדא Gen. XXY, 25)
' כקש מאekil ffahc morf eht .nrab htuR .R ot ,I 3 אמורדTN pr. n. gent. Adroma (Southern) for b. h.
' להיכן אקימתא אerehw tsdid uoht tup pu eht —?nrab ." אָמיִמarg. I Chr. I, 30.
1%. 8778, "TN 86. Dan. 1 85. Targ. 1 Sam. XXIII,
= אעורְדֶא Targ. Y. Num. VI, 19.
1; 80.6. Cant. R. to VII, 3 (homilet. rendition of ןגא
הסהרCant. 1. 6.( הרהזאד 'אa rounded place (cmp. j554, 77") obra m. (Sdpwrtxd¢) suffering from dropsy.
of enlightenment, i.e. hall of the Sanhedrin. [With א or Ley. 3 5 (var. corrup.); Yalk. Lev. 554. Ib. Job. 916
2 rejected: לרד . רבTaan. 8". B. Mets. 73°.] 38 (cmp. סוניירדא a. .('דנא
TIN 1 or ,רדא NTINI NUTIN m. (v.83) skin, AND IN f. ()רדא glory, distinction. Ber. 56" top
hide, ‘leather-bag. .ל Maas. Sh. Ly, 55% אתרות רדא6 (oneirocritical play on Adar) rm 'אב thou shalt die
of a cow. אנבתד.19 ( ; ארדא )ארבLam. R. to 1,1 )"אתוכ (דחל in glory. [Cmp. Y. Maas Sh, IV, end, 55°; Lam. R. to
אדר דתבן.rA .de( (דורa edih deffuts htiw .warts .Y I, 1 )מלחמ [,(דח
Shebi. V, 36* top.’>5 אמיכח 'א ןרלראדthe leather of these
bottles is distinguishable from the leather of those.— )=אדזרדזא; "אּדזרְדַא ( זרזdiligently, quickly. Ezra
Pl. .אָמיִיִרְדּוא Shebu. 29" אכבתד רסרלת 'אAr. (ed. אתוורוא Vil, 23,
Ms. F. את, ודידאv. Rashi a. 1.) thirteen bagfuls of ו
אדריינוס=אדריאנוסTanh. 31'ע86[ו. 7; a. fr.
66. %
זזאדר,.h IINITN ro ראINI .hc ג. (vy. )87 POINT TIN Deut. R.s.1, interpret. םיביצנ (IL Sam.
[thick- leaved, dark 1) a cedar species, prob. Spanish Jun- VIII, 14) read ,ןיִניֶטְרַטְסֶא as Targ. a, 1. ,
iper. 3. Hash. 23° ראמ סורדק )ם( ארדאMs, M.(ed.(קתרוס ON" גד אדר.)caipdA’( citairdA .aeS ,hnaT .hser’B 7
what is kedros )%60006(? Adara. Snh. 108 what is ברן א' לאוקיינוסneewteb eht citairdA aeS dna eht -ideM
gofer? בר רמא ארדא רבד 'ר אליש רמא 'כו Ar, a Ms, Fi. terranean,
(v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.(;emp. Gen. 14. 8. 31; Yalk. Gen. 51.
STIS, אַדְרִיבא, +. Ss.
—Bets." 15 עט" רדא 'כוlet him plant an edar (allud. to
addir &c., Ps. XCIII,); 4 סע כ"א ארדא 'כוadara as its אדריבוליןv.אִדרְבְלָא
(popular or Chald.) name is; as people say, it is called
adara because it lasts for generations .( )ארדהאGit. 69"
אמדריונמוס, +. cupה. Dio,
םףרטא 'אleaves of ad. Ib. ארמ 'אד decoct thereof.— OTN, Ol TIN pr.n.m, Hadrian, the Roman
)2 NTS fig-tree. Targ. 11, Esth. VII, 9 (to which emperor (117 to 138) ‘under whom the insurrection of
perhaps belongs. Git. 1. ¢.). Bar Kokhba occurred; freq. mentioned with the im-
NTINIT m. (vy. “38, emp. Ges. H. Dict. s. v.) flag precation תומצע . קיחשDeut. 14.8. 3; a. fr. Ve QDR TIN.
of a ship. B. Bath. 73° (for b. h. 03); Ms. .גז אָראַדָא.)צ , סימניירדאv. סיטרנּורְנַא a, Of.
Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.).
TTS, “aw m, Hadrianie, 1) of the town
NIN Sabb. 67%, +. ארדא--.אָדְדַא 13. Mets. 26%, read Adria or Hadria in Venetia. Ab. Zar. ,זז 3 ( סרח יחY.
with Rashi אָרְדּוא v. .אָדְדּוא Mish. a. Gem. ('א earthen ware of Adria (forbidden
NITIN, MATIN (contr. of הברד , לעv. ("ֶףֶא turn for use on account of some unknown connection with
to the stronger side, whence as a dialectic term, on the idolatry, perh. suspected to have been used as wine
contrary. Pes, 28", a. fr. ארבתסמ 'א אכפראon the con- vessels before they were offered for sale; v. infra),—
trary, the reverse stands to reason. Ib. 77° ‘8 אנימא הוה 2) referring to Hadrian, Hadrianic. Ib. 32" explain.
I might have said, “On the contrary’ &c.; a. fr. [Not to . ‘305M ‘earthen vessels soaked with wine, and distrib-
be confounded with 83758, הּבְרִּדַא v. [.דּףַא uted in pieces, by order of Hadrian, among the soldiers
to be diluted with water for drinking’.—3) | of
NODTIN m. (Sdpabky¢, hydraula) player on the Hadrianus) Hadrian’s (followers). Lam, ו 1 MW,
hydrauiis, organist.—Pl. .ןילְבְרְדֶא Gen. R. 8. 50 ןרלברכו 'א .V אספסוינוס. ב
ארריכולין re
-= אדריכולון.neGא. 5.6. +. קלא (bby 9/20; comp. Sor) fo lowe, Y. Ab. Zar. 11
beg. 40° repre her lover; « fr. תוירבת ra orn phil
| אLC) treading, קוקUse threshing anthroplt, Abott 1,12; 4. fr-—Part, pase. St, ) mp,
floor, Targ, Jer, LI, 0, 1. 29° היעישנב אbeloved (worth loving) for ber well
chosen marriage. (¥. Ab. Zar.|.>. Torre read ToT)
] בחג או, Hithpa. רמזור to be beloved, popular. Lev
ה.6 ,9% beg, these ows (of persecuhed the 6%
יכיstat? to make me beloved of my Vather in hearen
Yous 66° 'כיSars אחרש ש"ש that the Divine Name
| may be beloved through thee (thet thy doings may
favorably reflect om thy religton)—
Pi. som, Hif. ביקרה to make beloved, popular. Tan.
be Bi.1,28'S S'S Sty we make the Divine Name be.
(v, eupre)-—Pert, Pu. seep popular, Yolk. Deut. £37.
—Cant. Kh. wol,1 שלהקל רש és blabathom
beloved (of God), draw them וש (te God) be. Ib. to 1
-- .וא Cant. 061 הכרה ךל תימלקcarmen we have made
tnany maiden beloved of thee (converted them).
NOE, const, ese ch nest. w. Tang. Cant. VIII,6.
ו ( בתאlove, friendship. woreא
תדולתlove dependent om something extraneous,
telat Sapa bone AbothV,אב --.16 ( השלor
( דבכto do good (serve the Lord) from pure motivesof
love. Sot. 31°; Snh."; 61 . הfr—
IL ) אֶחְקיאin ¥.) pr. ₪. m 420003, Ahaa,
of Zera, and father
of B. Adda. .ו Hash. 29°. Ab.
traced property, defining position &.; 3) איש [ B.Bath. Zar.
90°; a. fr. ¥. Yeb. VIII,
169%B, Kam. 112", B. Mets 16". Ib, 85". Keth. 106". ירודחא
.+ Ber. i, 4°, +. rm.
2)private authorization tocollect ortake possession of
TIN Y. Ab. Zar. V, 45%, vead Fm
אחולין, +. tre
2ST INpr.nam.(ULKings XVI,31) Adrammelet |
iets בta. 68" 'כי 'אAdr. a.\[6!6%\מאומזמ, | ון+ח.אא,
ב 7
STN, NOTIN 6 (en. sey, +. 2D arm. דאז Sm. Ant. 5 v.Horreum) store-keeper, steward. (Com-
| ה ל אפ, pos קודthe | ick: fr.FATT,+.,אקרא oguerry.] Meg. 12° היריירוחא רב
ראבאthou, son of my father’s steward: B. Mets
of his arm. Koh. R. to XI, 2.—Pl. xez77x. Targ.
Fob EAU, 0-74 R 0. B.₪.65.--.ד SHULL (Ms. M. (הירירוהא ; Sabb. 113* הירירדהא (v. Rabb. D. 8.
a. L note 4) "ברד אRabbi's house steward (manager).
WIN » ofBir,a town in Naftali (Josh. aoe (Pers. Angra-Mainyus) AAriman, the
32), another in Menasseh (Bashan, Num.XX1,83; principle in the Zendavesta (Parsiem); opp. =—77
a.@.).—Y. Ber.
V, 9" top;
a. >. Ormurd. Sab.3% Tact ךגלשמ Powe ראלדקל Se
DAN +. @. b.; “ap 1) cloak, cover. Gen.
R.> 63 - Ar. (ed. a. Meas. incorr, +. Rabb.
D. 8. a. 1; Tosef.
a. L
Better vers. Ms. F. >t our half) thy upper half belongs
(ref. to Gen. XXV, 25) 'אל יליכ דוארevery one (of the
to Ormuzd, thy lower half to Ahriman. Ib. קדבש כ"א דכדה
Roman people) fit for the purple cloak (may become an
emperor).—2) (homiletically, as ifP77%=ch.
N77, “=) אהדרטין לחורטיז למעבר מדא בארעא.de( .rroc ).cca fi siht
be so, why does Ahriman allow Ormurd to let the water
the threshing floor, the store of grains. 1%. “ree Ss
pass (through the former's dominion) to the ground!
= "אכ דרופמוentirely destined to be scattered (winnowed)
like the grains, 2) ותורזל [ ]דרתעשfor the Lord will “FIN יצShek. V, 48", read דרה
scatter him (Edom-Rome)
like chaff ₪0. (ref. to Dan.
2? . “STN m Grp staying under thesame reef, with
an unclean object. Naz. VII, 2 )49'( jot לע Talm. 4.
. LOR, + on act . (fish. joey, v. Sout) upon staying with them under ₪6.
אֶהיל או
.bI 85* אָחַילו. ,bbaS[ *09 .sM,.M .v .NAS —.] .LP +, אַחילוּת a. fr.—Pl. “>on. Sabb. 187" 'א "פוסואextending the
the laws concerning ahil, whence Ahiloth (also nibh), spread sheets ‘(by opening a door or window over
0 which
name of a treatise of 0 Mishnah (of Seder Tahiroth). thay. were spread).
Y. M. Kat. II, end, 81" there are things in the Order
. אחלָא, אוחְלָא,hc .h=)1 .845 .graT .boJ ,XI 0
01 Moéd 'א 'כו 472 ןירשקmore difficult than Ahiloth &c.
—Hag. 14% a. fr. 25x. B. Mets. 86* “nx.
(h. text .(רוב Sabb. 90%, v. --.לָחְא
—2) (=b. h. ,םילחא |
?( תולחאaloé (used for medicinal |purposes, v. Sm, Ant.
, ליחאv. DN. s.v. Aloé), Ib," 110 ; 'א אנעלותGit." 69 'א אנאלותpurple-
colored aloé, :
NOTIN tent; v. אָלָחֶצ
יאליחאpr. n. m. Ahilai. Pes, 0%
ולחאאי.( רגforeg.) dealer in aloé (gtob, in b. h.
, תולהאperfumes). Pl, . ררולחאNed. 91". B. Mets. 81%
אַחִלֶה5, pl.אָהרלית , v.חל
וחֶלות+. as,
NOTIN f, Ahina, a species of late and inferior dates
(cmp. (ִאְָנְיְח Hull. 46" lungs apparently so peeled as sony, Seat pr. n. pl. Oholaya (tents) Eduy.
to resemble אקמוס 'אa red Ah. 2. Mets. 118" ארירמ 'א Vil, 4 ,יהא Zeb. 25" TAN,
a bitter Ah.—FPl. "2"nx. Tosef. Shebi. VII, 14; Pes. 53*
)תי ילחאaN) f. )להא( a group of tents, en-
(m.!). ,צץ B. Kam. 1 5" bot. 'אד אשבכa preserve of A,
א only in Pi. mirba (= castra) camps. (Always
Y. B. Bath. ,ל end, 15" ונרהאד ( השבכcorr. ace.), v. Ab.
inconnection with תוררצוצב or ארטסק fortifications), Cant.
Zar. 88" spxdw '
R, to II, 13, Yalk. Ps. 624 . 'רהאLev, R.s.1; a.e. [Cmp.
ל אחינו, תויִרְצוצְב.8 NWO as to versions.]
( לחאb. h.), Pi.( לַחרֶא deriv. of לָחא( to spread tent- אהחמרא, + אַחִמְרָא.
like, to cover, shade, bend over &c., usu. with refer. to אחן חן עס,sm אַהוןm. =( / ,73 )7V )1 ,siht ,taht
levitical uncleanness arising from מו under the same he who. Y. Ber. I, 4° 006 'א אררזחthat swine. Ib. VI,
shelter with, or forming a shelter over, a corpse &c. *10 bot. 'א רמד he who says. Y. Yoma VI,43" bot.כא'
Meilah* 17 'רא לע ותצקמif he bent over a portion (of lp as that (Mishnah) which we have been taught.
the blood). Sabb. 17" 'כו תחא7X “N he caused one side | Y. Shek. II, 47* top 'א אכהה the subject just quoted. Y.
of his body to overshadow the grave.—[{More freq.] B. Mets. ,11 8° )ןוחא( ןיהא ןחל רל ןחא והמ בושחof what
Hif. "nxn same. Ohol. 110 1; 3 sq. תמה 'אה לעhe use is this to me? of what value is it to me?—Y. Shebu.
formed a tent, i. e. spread himself, or bent, over a corpse. III, 34° bot, 'או רליפא and this ‘even’—i. 6. why do you
Ib, וילע תיבה ליַהֶאַמthe house forms a cover over part use the word ‘even’?—a. fr.—2) this place, where. Y. Ber.
of it. Y. Sot. IX, 23° top; a. fr. IX, 13” top לכ 'א תאד ל"זא Wherever thou 0686. *3) (adv.
לחא לחוא m. (b. h.; prob. ן/או=אה, emp.(אָוְנָא of ,=ןחההלע116 v. דֶא( thereupon, then. . צץTaan, IV, 69°
tent, shelter. Succ." 21 ג 'א רארעtemporary dwelling. top ןולכא ןוהאו כו eat ye and then drink,
'א עבקa permanent dwelling.—Naz. 55° 'א קורזa moy- אתייכהאKeth.> 67 יתיינחא, ןברקמv. Aen ch,
asecover, 6. ₪. a person earried in a vehicle over a
grave, v. foreg—B. Bath, 27, a. fr. 'א האמוטה some- yon, אחרןpr. n. m. (b. h.) Aaron, the brother |
thing spread over an unclean object, e.g. a tree shading of Moses. Meg. 25"; a. fr.
a corpse; v. foreg. Naz. VII, 2, v. --.ליָחֶא.7 ovbinix,
Worx .)7( . צץSabb. XX, beg. 17° עטנ 'אto spread תינFIN f. (deriv. of foreg.) of priestly parentage,
6 over poles &c. (Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 14, a. e. Aaronide. Erub," 53 ( הרענ 'א תרכורחאplay on words) an
'א.( השעY. Erub. ,1 197 'א הר"ישבtents in a caravan, Aaronide maiden, asecond wife (in Ms. M. our w. is missing).
'א הנחמבשin a camp. Tosef. Kil. V, 25 ןילוהא.60 Zuck. 7 TIS, v. FPA.
(אוחללו אַחֶל.m .ryS( אחלא2. .mS 591; הל, חל אוח1) ,xiferp .pse rof labrev ,snuon 6. ₪. אודיצותא
y. dd, , ללחcmp. ,( לחומ( להומ1 שא8 plant, used .rf דיץ. 2) או, =אוו00-08, .v אב.
as soap. Sabb. 90%; Nid. 62" (counted among plants _
subject to the laws of the Sabbath year).—2) ₪ IN L(o.n.; ,היא v. Ges. 11.12106.8.%.( 0; דא . רא.6006..
substance of the same use (in connection with ; רתנ v or. Shebu, 27% ק לחל. .. ואthe word וא in the Bible text
however. Maim, to Nid. IX, 6). Nid. 1. co man Norn is necessary as a disjunctif, (one 07 the other), contrad.
;( לחאהוSabb. 1. 6. first time לוח ed., Ms. M. ליַהֶא sec. from ~ which is conjunctive(one andthe other). Men. 91%;
time אלהא ed., Ms. M. .( ליהאM. Kat. 17"; a, 6. [The דא לדרשא the word וא intimates something not expli-
biblical םילהא a. תולהא have no connection of meaning citly stated in the text; a. fr— PU. ןראיא Shebu.33".—j7ix,
with our w.] , םררואconst. ™N the 3 דאin the biblical ney Hs
ibid. IV, 35°.
NOMN ch.=h. לחא tent, sheet. Targ. Y. Num. XII, 12 Yar -
(Var. Rony,
א xb). Bets, 30" 'א רתסNP he breaks the אוch. same, Targ. Ex. XXI, 20; 8. 6. Targ. Prov.
tent up ‘(by removing portions of the cover). Ib. 32); VI, 28 Ms. (ed, "8).—Ber. 2,v. (אמלוד Sey Atalee,
אי pe
אדTL )4(.eht ד.ה. Masts.
,1°78 .tobni( ₪ keer
G= HPI died from fatigue, Babb, 106", (Ar. reads ,אצלי
,)ecne ¥, אנ"פיס. emp, Byr, 72" PF, fm, 190—corr, ace.)
דאwm. (conte, , תאTH + ," יחhe, thal, this NPS =, FS, Tree .א levies) pure
gold | wnalleged, Targ, Pe. CXIX, 127; Tare. Prow
;2" od. Amet,
75.) +. ₪. Bath, 111, 14° ] was jecting Vil, 18; a @
יאב ארבגwith that man, Y, fob, XI, beg,“ 'טכ ora
with him who saye—Prw, MY, Brab, 111, 21" botא*
אובשין, NST pm .bo( snerw =:ומכטוקה
אריא יא ארדיאIt ₪ all the same; +. ey HTT, הseiceps fo roire,f
pairg ,wa1a
,M2 ותאSoper
SRS sS ,rA .do( ,nelaT ,3 SSP ;ereS .elaT ו. (תבאישין
m, )" | איemp. ₪. form "אָיָצ ,only grapes and whehin are subject to tithes from the time
ב dn they are called | השאב ¥-—Y. Ter, VILL, 49° top Ser
Opp. to solidwall, Bets,31" |96"; rob. 34" Me Bashi SO grapes oF ahehin for 4 cick person,
6 .אפ .₪ .8א. Ly ed, at, emp, אָרייא | Ar. .אראא
derivesfr, ( im. (cmp. TOM; Bye, תכ'א PP, ,הוה 55) (views covia-
),ved berry
of the Venu mummackiree, Poul
1, 6.
אובshoots, .+ se. |. אי 1, 2 Kel, ארצו 11--.ג
rem ד
8 םיטירא ןיביאTSH, 607. ₪0; >. Maser.
m, (b, b,j "בא/ן
oF ,בח .+ ,יאבת( בבא
clled ghost, 6%. Law Aram. PA. p. 44).
-' בלל א.recnamorcen .;b °56a.a B
| SIN, NQAN ch. same. Targ.Is, XXIX,4; 4. א--.>
TM, v.
N°SS necromancy over bones, sculls, aleo for | אוגדדיי, +. next .=
mancer. Targ. Y.1 Deut, XVIII, 11. Ber. 50° xcs 'א
' כריב וכeht recnamorcen asi rail ycnamorcen( si ,)eslaf ןאשיפ( אמכיקייודגוא4) eighty. Y. B. Bath.
and his (its) words are lies. Sabb. 152" bot. (of the woman ,X °71 detcerroc( )txet ארכרוילrs“ neS“ s— ששה נשרק
of En-Dor, | Sam. XXVIII,7). [Yeb. 109" 'א , רבv. ox.) תתןnoo א"ר שטור לר' חונה פוק ero לאeros מחדק
+ oes eee. | passed from RB. Hana (who could not decide or on
|א whose decision the party would not rely) to BR. Sh. —
אוביסוס, OTN pr. n. pl. Ephesus, city of on which bill ogdo# was biarred (showing am erasure),
and 60/0 was clear. Said BR. Sh. to ₪. H. Go and see
= Tonia in Asia Minor. Targ. I Chr. 1,5 'ביא (var. lect.); Y.
“Meg. I, 71" ריאbot. (rendit. of7); +. ְאָיְנידִק what is the lowest numeral in Greek that comfa ie com-
bined with. Said he, It is friaconla (thirty) —When the
m. )+. 33%) 1) river. Dan. VIL, 2; 3; 6. party had left, be said, That mad inteeded to make
—2) asa pr. n.Ubal (The River). Gen. R. 5. 16 (referr- thirty (by the erasure) and lost twenty (the original
ing to Dan. 1. ₪.( ‘St ךיטנתויא 'אUbal is the source of having been fifty, penteconta).
‘all the other rivers.
)רודתו( רודנואpe..= pl Opdor (digtor) in
NOD Lasse. Targ. Y. Gen. VII, 10; a. >. .airamaS .Y .bA .ra,ZV .%44 .baB .bi 13* ( זכMe א
A (זכרדרי
hill (h. 53). Targ. Y. Gen. XXXI, 46 (Bab. N95); a. fr. NOP TIN 1 prop. outlook (v. קרל hence pr. n. pl
V.זַאגורָא Odikutha (h. ys), arg. 11 Chron. XX, 6.
, יורגואread “aN, NIVTIN f. ()רדו confession, esp. docwment stating
a debtor's admission of his indebtedness in presence of
, םירנוא.+ pos Af.
witnesses. Snh. 29”.
אוגרנ א, +. x7. םדוא. )םדא( גגred substance, fleshy substance [emp.
תֶרְגואf. a knife having notches, v. “3X11. הָמְדַאDIN; b. h. DIS rubin). Y. Kil. VII, 31° bot. “xn
ןמ השאה0% the mother the embryo receives the sub-
דואmm. (b. h., v. Ges. H. Diet. s. v.; emp. 8) wooden stance for forming skin, flesh, and blood; opp. ץֶבדל white,
poker. Bets. 33°; Sabb. 143°, sticky substance." 010.32 רטועמל שיא 'אמto exempt man
TAN, RT AN ch. same, also fire-brand. Targ. “ee from being unclean from a red (blood) discharge, opp.
IV,,11;.a. e.— Pl, “TAN, .אלדוא Targ. Is. VIL, 4.—Snh. 93° to ןבול white gonorrhoeic discharge.
(prov. concerning bad ‘company) יפו ררת "א. two ₪
, ןדואJER, JTS, NITINI + ch. (ch. ws, v
pieces of wood and a green one between 6.
Ges. H. Dict. s. v.; VX, v. רַדָש( ear. Targ. Is. LXIV, 4.
ANTIN, NON TIN, NOTIN 5 (", Af. ("דוא Targ. Ps. XVIII, 45 ( ןדואed. Vien.?אודין , Ms.(אוזן .
thanksgiving. Targ. Ps, XLY, 1 “(var. NON TIN); a. 6. .graT .xE ,XIXX ;02 .a .Y—rf ,bbaS ,IV °8 .tob 'טב לא
obi for ear-ache; v. Bab. ib. 67°; a, fr—PI. 927,
NTTN Ar. NIN ed. m. ,)דדא , רדא+. TIN: Syr, "ITN, NAITN, "2TN. ~Targ. Deut. XXIX, 3; a. fr. (also
NIT: cmp. NTIS, NTR av to dial. var.) upholsterer’s מא106% ץצ. Maas. Sh. IV, 55° bot.; Lam. R.
stuffing material, tow--cotton, wool. Sabb. 48* 'א ררודהאל to I, 1 )"אתוכ דח1), v. next w. :
(Ms, M. "3x Pl.) to put the stuffing back into the
mattress. Ib, 141° (Ms. M. (אדדוא ; v. NU"UN.—B. Bath. NOTIN II f. (from its shape, v. foreg. a, P. Sm. 40)
58° 'אד אתיבח .118) ('דדואד. a vessel full of stuffings 1) leather-bottle, jar (a liquid measure), Pl. .ןיֶכְּהא Y,
(enigmatical for bolsters), Ab. Zar. 28" 'כו ( 'א אדנדMs. Maas. Sh. IV, 55” bot. (to. one who had dreamt he had
M. ארונד ( אדראtow cotton which has been dyed but four udnin=ears, v, foreg.) "MAM F278 יתרת רולמ תא
not combed. B. Mets. 26°; a. fr—Pl. ."דדהא Kid. 12% “ דגרבאDN thou shalt have wine enough to fill thy
זוודא דאורדר.rroc( ).eca a eldnub fo .nottoc-wot .pmC[ own two udnin (wine jars), and two udnin (measures)
RTS, RIAD; also NAN a. FN; v. Fuerst, H. Dict. lit. ".] of a garba (v. 82731) besides.—2) (Syr. ,אנזוא אכזוP. Sm,
49, 1061) bath-tub. Ber. 22" was sitting ארמד 'אבAr. (ed.
NOTIN 5 ("7", רדא; cmp. funda=sling and purse) | באגנא, Ms. Beth. Nath. (אנזואב in a tub filled with an
purse. B. Mets. 28" ררנידד ( 'אed. NTN) a purse. of | udna of water. Sabb. 157" N05 'א . . . Ar. (ed, ,אנוואב
Ms. M. 8258) by a bath-tub.
ראידוא,Toh. VU, 7, v.אירייר . NITIN 111, x24. (4.2) .)=ם 7785 cmp. Db. h,.055;
, איידוא+ NOT V אדו ;אנדcmp. '75) foot-stool, camp-chair, folding stool,
Targ. Jer. XLII, 10 473758 Ar. (ed, ,17---.(הינדפא N27,
, ןיידואread j"2758, אַדְרנְלָא. Targ. 11 Est. I, 2 רינדזא PIN (%)ןררת the double
TIN f.("9","92) whatever appertains to irrigation, footstool of king Baleninn: Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. VUI,6 השמ |
sprinkling arrangements; hence the field cistern with | " 'כו72 % הטרמ( )םסwhen it béndsin (under the weight) but
its purtenances. B. Bath. 144° (Ms. "ITN, הָלְדְראְנ v. one can sleep on it; if it was originally so made, MNAD -
Rashi a. 1.) if a father left nothing'כו אלא 'אbut a (not (טהורהit is unclean "ואכ לנפמ איהשed. Zuck. (Var.
sprinkling business, what is earned with it belongs to אדיכרא, ed. (אדוכראbecause it is made like a double
all heirs alike. 10. 'כו רנאש 'א אתוררטנלדit is different footstool, ָ
with a sprinkling business, since all the attendance it , ארְדוא.+ , אָדְדּואa. TINT. 67
requires, is watching (which minors can do just as well
as adults), [Tossaf. ib Var. (לנוודרא watching pedestal, “TITAN m. (777) a crushing tool, pestle, pounding
fr. רוד 6. v. Cmp. however NIN TT.—M. Kat, 21%, read club. Targ. Prov. XXVII, 22 ed. Buxt,iit like oth,
“FOUN, ed. (ףדְרוא > ]וght are Tx Ey
. תו 7 .pme( %- א a.
ן 7 אוו.
ווש+א. איש
ו lg gee
3) Wane
- אן- אששרTarg. .¥ ,| .eeG ,IIVX
mon &c. Koh. BR. to I, 1 T° (corr. ace). Nem.
1.« 16
( איותרננירתcorr. acc.).
+.ae “SoM, )" (אפתכברm. )055-ד:( originator,
author. Gen. R. 5. 16 'כי הרפ 'א לשthe Haphrates is the
+.סיסיבוא originator (ultimate source) of the rivers (mentioned
או Gen. Il, 10 sq.) —F1. .זמ Pores. Y"lamd. to Nam. X1, 16
(quot. in Ar. 5. v, (ןיטנתמא דיפא לש לארשי 'כוoss (corr.
PSTN my pl ee Ce 8001.for“ae, v. 4. | "(איד corresponding to the number of the originators of
Mand. Gr. p. 48 9q.; v. Ar. sv. where םירבוע--םירבוא Israel, for with seventy souls &e—Fem. Posies,
{not אובדיםas in ed. Koh.) is twice used to account for Passe. Pesik.Sh’kal.p.16"א( תרכדאseventy) original
the etymol. of our w.) crossers of rivers, travelers. 'א “= nations.
1) crossing,
ford. B. Mets. 103" % רב TES אסירא Ar.
(ed, לרואי ; יבMs. 11. אירוא , יבmarg. (""רוא the tenant “SIPS (oN) 1.) זא/ן .+ ; דאemp. MEP) ₪ picer,
must entertain the crossings (of the dykes, ed. the part, uzya, a market
term for a certain portion (quarter
4 (
channels)in the farm. M. Kat. 28" 'א טיחר ליפנו יב of meat. Bets. 29* in Pamb. they call it 'א scSt" “x Me.
Pw kre Moe Ar, (ed. 'בו ארבעמא אתפיזוSen... M. (ed. 'א יכלפוcofr. ace.; Var. (אדכיא
an uzya and half
= .א.א . . רב ארייז ארבמא, לרפנוv. Rabb. D.S. a. 1.note) an uzya.
one rans and rashes to the ford, and on the ferry he
makes a loan (to pay the ferry-man; allegory of man's — NTPS,
carelessness in providing for the life to come).—2) among
the crossing passengers. Ib, (according
to a second inter-
pretation, v. Ar. s. v.) one rans and rushes among those "NES FR m. ;)=דכוא PS, +. MEIN) (compennation
ready to cross (mortals)
86. Cmp, S7s">
B. Bath. for) loss, expense of money and time. B. Bath.
6* >>>
91* bot. | Ole.
RB. 'א ךלsco היליכ (< הדדבtake compen-
sation and do thou the work (do thon it all, and I shall
TT 8.9."9 pay &e.).
זי אוורוס. SSR |
24 Ny SN
" אְמְיָאות1. .lp ,1277( ;i= .)moc ,taD (צמם 8,
התאדםProy. 3.111, 31) the drunken man 'כו 643 הָגִאְתִר
will covet blood (forbidden intercourse). Gen. R,s..51. Ex. 4
fringes (in the weaver's work)? Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. ch.
V,end'אהו ...."the remnants 86. and the fringes (cut
R. s. 24, end.—Num. 18. 6, 9 'כו וליחתה םיּוָאְהִמthey began
to express a desire for standards ‘(in imitation of the
off for finishing).
angelic hosts). Ib. divide them into standards "RNID as
SON, y. Dats. as they desired. ן
TIN, v. .ןזא יןא, NIT (b. h., / AN, emp. ; אח v. FIM, a. -
H. Dict. s. v. MN II) to point, mark. Denom. rind, |
*אוזניות, DPN f. (2) pl. )=תולכזח ,v. fT 2, a. Hithpa. ( הִקְאַנָּהdenom, of F38h, (וֶצִח א ל to mark
In; emp. (תינויבָח:=תנויבָא lichen-dishes. Tosef. Shebi. out. Koh. R. to XI, 7 םיואת Fayrs ליחתה he began to
VII, 18. [El. Wil. emends S2"5N8="2"48 whereas the put up marks.
context intimates a vegetable.] “IN m. (v. לוא1( [pressure] woe, sorrow. Gen.R. s. 46 =
אָתּופְזוא.1 ( )םזרloan. Targ. Y. Deut. XV, 2. בר לא אורereht si on esuac( )rof eow htiw .em .muN .R
s. 10 (play on 020 , Prov. XXIII, 29) רוא בָאfather of
* אוזפי (אוזפיה.m .lp )=זרפין, .v (זרם ₪ 8
woe.—2) interj. woe! alas! Kel. XVII, 16; a. v. fr.
of bees, wasps. Targ. Y. Lev. XI, 0.
, דרזואv. sors a. Sth. NTN, NYS m. (v. (אְָריַח serpent. Gen. R. s. 26
or אלרלגב in Galilee they call hivya, iwya.
"אָנְדְחוא.זחא( תו-=- )דחאpossession, power (h. jon).
Targ. Prov. XX VII, 24 (ed. corrupt; אנרחא ed. Walt. RIOM). SUNT, NTN pr. n. .זמ (v. foreg.) Ivya, a Babyl.
Amora. .דג Bath. 19" R. Hiya son of 1%. Iv.—Men,. 78°; a. e.
וא אפדח+ (v. foreg.) prop. locking up, hence, trap,
snare. Targ. Job. XVIII, 10. , ןייוא םייואpL of xt.
NET ( אוחןNT (אוחו+ ₪ hb nn; vy, דוח 11( NOMS,+.boy.
enigma, epigram. Targ. Ps, XLIX, 5 (Ms, .(אתודחא , (?) םייוא םיואan interjection (emp. 6009 ,eba)
thTTIN .תג pl. (b. h. (םרחא howling animals, owls &e. toh !ollah .Y .gaH“ ,II °87 ;pot .hnS ,IV °32 .tob 'א' א
Targ. Is. XIII, 21. ןוחתפ רל 'כוho, ho! Open, for I am one of yours.
, ירחואv. “tine. “TIN, TIN m, ;)רוא emp. חור a, 719); space corresp.
to bbn, “esp. 1) open, empty space, blank. Ohol. IV, 1 a
אָיִרְחוא.6 ( )רחאlast, outmost. Targ. Y. 11. Ley. XIX,
tower 'אב דמועשstanding isolated. Ib. XVIII, 10 ּהָריוא
9 ; ץצ. אלמך. של חצרeht nepo ecaps ni eht ,B—.dray-truoc ,htaB .*361
mh או, NIDTEN, אוּחרְכְפָּא, +. jms. —2) (cmp. b. .ג ( הֶרּואִמhollow, cavity of a vessel, Kel. —
II, 1 'אב ןיאמטתרמ ןיאמטמוbecome unclean and make
אָחּובְמואf. )בסר( doing good, propriety. Targ. unclean by contact with the hollow (of the vessel).—
Koh. IV, 4. ~ Yeb. 67" םלועה ןקפנ 'אלcame forth into the lighted space
אומימוסv,אטימוס . of the world, i. 6. was born; a. fr.—3) (emp. 070, aér)
air, atmosphere, climate, weather. Num. 1.8. 14 ונממש "אה
,"TON +. אַנְטיפִיטָא ‘25 (as one of the elements of nature) out of which the
םמוא .) תו208( )1 obstruction; something closed, wind was made.—Gen. R. 8. 34 "הפ 'אfine weather; a. fr.
plugged up. Hull. 47% AX3 'אAr, (ed. D428) an obstruc- —Fl. ןיְררְוָא blank spaces in avritings. B. Bath. 163*,—
tion in the lungs, a spot imperviable to air when blown minx climates. Gen. 14. 8. 34 'אל תירב הקלחנa covenant
up. Ohol. VI, 5 we regard the levitical uncleanness be- | has been made in favor of climates, i. e. God has im-
tween the rafters וליאכ אוה 'א as if it was locked up planted in man a love of his native soil even in bad
(and could not affect what is in the house).—2) sub- climates.
structure (filled with earth), fowndafion. Mid. IV, 6.
NTN, NTN, TAR, NTN ch. same. 60
Par. 111, 6.
space, air. Targ.¥. אXIX, 17; a.fr-—Git. 20 אתלרגמד| 'א
DO'S ואסKil. III, 14 ed. Zuck., +. ןשי the blank in a scroll (margin &c.). Men, 35° 'א "ih to =
אוטמנסAp, Zar. 39%, v. oso. face the inside of the T’fillin—2) air, weather. Pes. 30” =
' שלרם בחו אeht ria sekirts .meht .Y .R .hsaH ,11 °85
NO "DON Koh. R. to XI, 1, read .אט"פיטנא bot. א' מעונךyduolc ;rehtaew .a )3—rf elip fo skcirb
“AN, STINT (bn, ,וא=בא/ןץ emp. 434), Pi. ny with openings between, v. NURI. ו
to desire, covet. Snh. 63" 1 mobs יא (Ab. Zar. 53> NTNצ. M. Kat. 1, 80" bot., v. NN a
לאלוהות, y. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note 8) they had a desire
for many deities. Denom. .ַהָוָאת Cmp, Mix.
NOTIN m. (averta, éfepry) knapsack, Fh ToT 4
Hithpa. 73805 (b. h.), Nithpa. maxm: (denom. of (הָנָאת Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. IV, 10.
to desire, to be seized with a desire. Num. R. s. 10 (play “SITTIN pr.n.pl. Avirya. Shebu. 24” (v.Bab.Ba)
\ ו.11 הפוPERM, GPM, .איטְקוא איכאTarg. Jer. Vill,
| הוו = eB all 46° א אcovered with blagh spots. -
אשל Babb. 129". Tb," 20 אתדיטכוא
Ar, (ed.(אוככיתא
the black (greenish) mons onships ur puddles
> "תייפא ומ,gnidneb ,noisserppus | אָתְכְכּא...,( ) אמכזאfaveg. ) Hach coder , 41.7700000,
tol (ref. toLatin.11H, 15 ‘TORIS, the quotation distress, דגוש .¥ Lev. XXI, .22 דואLam. IV, *
being omitted by’ clerioal error), (read) "ys" לכלב * NES ZAN +). Targ. Koh, X1, 10 dark hair, youth
בג 33 “ON ןנברו META ב con רכרב
'וכ Jane ארכדיפרהIne Ashpatho ומשה=the children איכמנא+
of hitPressure’
66 + MTOM.
Pos, 55° 'א לשread Sou; v. Tosef, Bhebi. VII, 15.
mm.)5. ₪. Spit; (לכא food, edible. Bets.
1,6רקוב | יכוף.א. )mae( .elddaw .leK וצצ1; 2;
יא.+) ed,ררוב( לכיא לכיא . he selects singly what a ,Yo .baf ,V °7 .tob א אר. אר.-- . Brab.
,1 "91 tob
is וש and cats immediately; ao.fr—282 'א the ne- bu ; איST .baM .bi °61 אר לאר.ST א. 1
food for the day, Mog. ,15 רבלב2 אלא 'אexcept msgs. Krab, 15" of. (Ar. ךישוכַא( Y. Beeb.
1.>. pee.
on of food (cooking ₪6, permitted on Holy
..א, אוו,.1/--.(16 םיִלְכא, poste food, eatables. MEDAN ch. same. t. Meta 27°. B.Kaen. #2" (prov.)
. 80% a. fr. Ab. Mar. 52° תבורקת ז"ל לש 'א an idol- ארבת ךיירק ארטת יא י'כוif thy א הוק calls thee an
Offering consisting
of edibles; Y. ib. IV, 45 sit ass, puta saddle on. .מ *27 יארMSS the upper part
of the saddle (Ar., besides other var., ארבנ אר man's
ואT ch, 1) eame. Targ. Ps. LXXVII, 18 (Me. figure on the upper part of the saddle) weed as ה handle
.—Yoma "#0 לכ ירושכא 'א 'א אותwhatever is used by the rider.
easoning food, is considered as food.—2) the digested
mand in the entrails, cxerements, cmp. “7.—Targ. הייפכוא. אאאB.to ₪, 1° “ees (SH), +. RE
| ₪.6.-8( an eye-discase, itching (omp. XI"). ,אנצכוא.+cere.
98" 'א תלחתthe incipiency
of 86., 'א םדסlast
recovery). .
San, Srp Cre), MS = 6 ₪ cireh,
+. bn, לוע cmp. SY, Tire) קו early scawon.
II ו. )אכל-- (כיל.porp ,erusaem ecneh 6) Targ. Hos. IX, 10; .א eR 7S from the beginning (of
)@ certain measure, Ukhia, (basket); emp. m>2. the world). Targ. Job. XX, 4; .ה ל"יאל--.]) & (ita) pre-
17° 'או ךןטות יצחו 'תone Taman (one eighth vious condition. Targ. Ea. XV1, 55 (some ed. p> aS),
Cmp. 55x.
דלבְּכָא ,m.lp hsop .moned(fo הפקתש (לבזכתא
made of incense. Targ. Cant. 1V, 11; (bh. text 7225,
,809488 asif7759).
| ( לזאporn. trex.,ולכcmp. Arab.kalaza, collegit,
Ths, Ddp; +. Ges. 11.Diet. +.+. שרכ; var. forms: xox, *דָלְוא.₪, רלי( )רלו5 foolfor hollowing owt and
לול 1°53; b.form only inו ,ןיסילכיא. const. cutting the writing reed (scalpram), » sort of pen-tenife.
1 levy oftroops or forced laborers (corresp- ואס. Kel. B. Bath. end. Kel. XII, 5 “Sm (corr. acc.;
83%). Targ.
IChr. XI, 6; XX, 1—B. Bath, 8*; ד. Ar. ed. Koh. 5. v.).
Mets. 108" 'אב ( רקפנMs. M. (אזילכ they have to go “ISIN (Zi0-) a prefix, sometimes separately printed,
themselves to do public labors (not permitted to whole, entirely
of. Pesik. Vay. Byom p. 4" ךדט"לכהמ א
substitutes). Ib. "כו ואל רנב 'אare exempt from the trimmed
all over with pearls. Lev. B. s 32, end “Sx
ry. Ber. 58"; Yeb. 76" 'אב XZ" went out with the army; TOTS (corr. ace.) all gold, +. Forse.
out ‘NS שרדו Ber. 1. 6 +. Rabb.D. 8. a. 1. note
. א,א..rf —,lP ,RASSP ,NSBOP NtSSOP .)arpus.v( .graT
tga4% sad Saad קי ‘VII (VI), 2 .ןיסלכוא |
אתוולואY. Taan. 111,66° top, read בזלייא v.כזלא
וan a Jewish army. -Y. Ber. IX, 13°
TROT the armies of
a.fr.—Qi X ו we,Midr. Till. ןיסרוכולוא
+nest w.
PONTO m.Greypoeey) allgold Lev. B. «. 32
(variously corrupted,+. “>x—Ar. xo "> TSH); Cant.
; | BR. to IV, 7 (corr. acc.).
TOR, v.
+ foreg.
אדלוסיריקאm. (dhotigue:) oll 2.
| לטיה, ytnom REHT מע אע
Koh. R. toI,7. Y¥. Sabb. VI, 8” bot.. Yalk. Prov. 935.— . . אולרv.+ DIN. he Ne :| 8 1
[Koh. R. 1. 6. segond time some ed. ,ן"קיתסולוא corr. acc.]
אולוסריקא, ארלוסתיקין, .+ זז *איירלוא. פג צVI, 8X bot., readקורולרירא
pl. (pl. of corollarium) gilt, or st
‘ae +, sin ition of( תופינצ Is. 11, 23);v. bi
Is. 1. ©.
Beis +. DID,
יר אולְיָארNID“ .m ,suiraelo( corpdehO ).8 repeek
. of clothes at the baths: Y. Maas. 8h. I, 52° top תונותנה תועמ
‘xd tokens (in place of small change) given to the olearius; Ms. M. (ed. aa (םילכ ;.4 208 םילכ ןירלואהcourt
emp. Tosef. Maas. Sh. I, 4.—Pesik. R. .א ;22 .ה clothes, including white cloaks ,()רמרלב and red }ome or
אוּלְיָארְין, אולְרְררְין. .fesoT .leK ,B .steM ,II 21 מגררות של table dresses ,)רשובל ;( ררותפv. Luebk. Alterth, 8: V-
pase ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. 'רלוא corr. ace.) the brushes . Kleidung; Becker Gallus, ed. Gcell I, 16. Cmp. יש
(strigils) of the bathing attendants, Sabb, 147”.% ג Bet. a, .אָקיִּהְרּוב 1
II, 4° top; emp. Pesik. R. 1. c.; a. e. V. TIN. [Sabb.
144° 'אה , םילכNid. 20° ןירילואה...,v. PIBIN] DAN +. (ox .סע (םש- םּוש1) mother. .ץ +6"
top. רכז "אthe mother of the male side, father-in-laW’s
ןירילואv. foreg. a.אוּלְרָין . mother; הבקנ 'אmother-in-law’s mother, —2) substan’ —
NODAN, v.אַלְלָא. _ bulk, as the cluster of olives (contrad, to leaves);
starting point of leprosy. Toh. IX, 8 'אב םא היה עגונ
DONT m. (b. ;ג . םלא; צץemp. Assyr. םלא in front the reptile touched the cluster. Neg. I, 5 'אה הכוח הל
of, opposite, Schr. K. A. T. ו a. b. h. conj. (םֶלּזא the original leprosy has disappeared,-—3) womb.: Lev. |
entrance, hall, esp. Ulam, the hall leading to the interior 8. 14 end, Ar. (ed. (םָא 1)
of the Temple. Mid. IV, 7; a. e.
*אמוא f. ch. (v. foreg.) the leaven, flowr used / fa.”
DANII pr. n. pl. (v. foreg., Odhappodg Euseb.
leaven.” Pes. 42° ( אתינמוק 'אדMs. 0. Nam) the dees 0
Onom.; Neub. Géogr. p. 18; 261) 1) Ulam (Porta)
a place
of the flour-substance; v. .מכ [V. also 8258 end.]
in Gilead, ‘and one in Galilee. Y. Snh. X, 28,2) in 8
Cilicia; v. OD3N: " אוּמא,noitan .v אמסא. |
אמְלּוא אָמְלְואch.םלוא .1 Targ. I Kings VII, 6; , האמוא, אתמואFINDA2 coat soe fhe
a. fr. —Targ. IL Chr. IL, 4 pbx, Var, 82255%.— Pl. למא of administering an oath, swearing, imprecation. Ta |
הEz. XL, 22; a. ₪. .Y .veL ,V ;1 .graT*—.4 .Y ,11 .tueD ,IIVXX 5 וחו
'כוDinan (Var. pina, ed. Vien, וחתק corr. acc.) thy:
: ות אוּלְמָא. ) (אֶלֶם,htgnerts %1 .edis ,bbaS °431
opened ‘their imprecation with a blessing. oa
?איב אנטוקלfrom the thick to the thinner side.—Nid. 8% |
a. fr. mada ראמ wherein does. his (its) strength consist, דמואm. )דַמֶא( estimate, guess, measuring by. m / 4
i, 6. why is this opinion preferable 60 7? sight, approximate assessment; medical opinion as , '
NIDIAN, +. woh. the nature of injuries. Men. 5a ‘xa תלטרנ may be a
apart (for the priest) by estimating (without measur
אולפין, v. next w.
the quantity. Snh. ,17 5 'אמ העומשמוfrom mereיי
position or hear-say. Ib." 78 ןיא 'א רחא 'אthe
PAN, IBDN .זמ ")ףל. rhe) custom, training, estimate (medical opinion declaring an inflicted ir B,
instruction ; the Law. Targ. .צץ Gen. XX XIII, 14. Targ. fatal) cannot be upset by a second more fayoio
Is. XXXII, 6; a. fr—Y. R. Hash. IV, beg. 1 for it is opinion (if erroneously formed under the resemblar hi? =
impossible for one to go through his Bible lesson’ nds recovery) ;'v. Va8.—Ib.,רעצמאה 'אthe (second) led
(read אלב ; cmp. Hag. 3” שודח ( אלבwithout some. in- intermediate between the first opinion and the e[s 1
_ structive observation. . Y. Meg. I, 71% top 'א אלד ןמnot | fatal result. | 0
according to the Law. Gen. 14: 8. 80 לבק 'אוMat. Keh. תּודָמואf. same, adv. by guess-work YX. “aan. a
(ed. ליבק ( ןיפלואוand has he received traditions from TV, 68° top ee . אלטthat one must judge from __
teachers? Lev. R. 8. 19 "BNA ריהנ המ רנפלואhow my
erem sseug .)ecnaraeppa( htobA ,I 4 תרבה לעשר אל:
learning shines in my face! Y. Ber. VI, 10° bot. קובשרנ in giving tithes do not give (even) tocfuch by guessing
' אולפנה וכtel su pord noissucsid dna nruter ot eht -hsiM tub( erusaem פע /
nah. [Erub:67* bot, 'אד , הימשמread with Ms. M. NBD NT. ]
— ברa scholar of traditional law. Lev. R. 8. 3, beg.—. NITON m. ch.=h.7735%. PKam. 0 a. שח
fr. J
Pl, אהלפבלראinstructive narratives, stories. Y. Kid. 61°; ‘ אִמהָרgnh. 78% 0 | a
Bg Peah 1 15° bot.
TIAN f. 0. .ג TaN; eat join,
i v. (םֶאpeopile,
ןצלוא NET m. )ץלא( distress, esp. famine. nation, government. Ab. Zar. 18'S this (Roman) go
. יגישJob V,זו ment; a> fr.— Pl. תומגא hatio} ;_gentiles (con
0 | -"נש
1 5 freq, Dhan (abbr. 4 אומכון +]
a | םרקבש the seventy nations (im the Joschidic gene
MEY), Ve PORTE. Ab. Zar, 0 'כי ךאב קידדואthe geniiles אומכוסdaer סיס, +. ype.
shall come and be converted; a.fre @ (freq. כ =). Fem) 3) abil, handicraft, trade. Kus
ילייהleraclitish) law, 2° Kid.1, G&* bot. iv, 14.—e
לעב mechanic, Mall. לתיכשוא--.'24 ךבone's
cm petition Gen. B.& 92,beg—ter.
ec LE ו agreement,
laresoet adm evion| 49" 'כו רוראי החי ילreeds ) each man the Lord made
(This maning ofbpodeyle asreceipt hile trade appear
nice. Y¥. Bace.
V, end, 59° (playon
“cannot beproven from Greek literature; cmp. however, betmunatham
| Chron. 1X, 22) םניינסואב thrvegh their
Bm. ‘Diet, Ant. ₪ + Acceptilatio) .ל . אKat, III, "ו | ווהיa. fr.—%) the workmanshi(orp ite equivalent)to
bot., explaining
םירבוש (vy. “Std, receipt) םינוליטרא (corr. be furnished the (Roman) government. B. Bath. 1X, 4.
6, De Lara pl. .ומfr.bpddozov), .ל אפוא1X, 255% 2-04 "שר Vi,4; cmp. ."צא --
לוה 2 וis it Rab's opinion 1% rerge. Gen. i. «.24, Nam. ho 15 א ארקinvited
that the divorced
woman is not bound to write a receipt people by trades (each day another trade); Tanh. Whail.
(for her dowry)t קורא בכל יים א ג.teerT— ,stra ,secived .
« ,M
end'כלהצדיקרס באוכאllaeht suoethgirni( yieht saelp
אמלוגין אומולוגיןPesik. .1.5,44 daor איליניך and prayers) came with devices before the Lord (as
.¥ .61 Priedm.p, 183%. Abraham prayed in bebalf of Gfty, forty &c.).
read maeyiens, +.aren. ch. came. Targ. 0. Ex. א 33;
ar.ofשי =.@.—Mace.
6”; a. e—Koh. .הto Il, 9 room ore “HS
what does the artist pro@t by bis skillt
+. "איט. Y. Git.V, 47" bot. אל Peres form indenture their
m. (b. h.Doan; v. (ללוכ broken down, crushed, children
as apprentices; Y. B. Bath. X, 17° bot. התכטואל
- 1%.םיִלָלְא Suh. 66" (ref. toLev. XIX, 14) 'אב (corr. ace.). Sabb. 108* ‘S* א Th sees « mechanical con-
| Jerse here the Bible speaks of the lowest among trivance ons Sabbath and learns it. Y. Keth.
IV, 2°
ate Ks ךמעב אישכasEx.א ,11.)27א אטכותאrroc( ,).cca +. טריקלין.--12 aes, אושלוך.
Targ. Ex. 6 Targ. 11! Both VI, 12; = fr. (Y.
Ber. IV, 13° top, v. [.ךשוא
ri me.(em מי prop.69500 line,leader,hence
(efric.) the outmost furrow. Peah IV, 5.
= + Ned. IV, 4 (41") 'אבאל השכלי וטעhe (רוטריפמוא
x. tows.
not with him together in the border bed.—
| PPpyht, ifr. תיֶנְמּוא ,sub. Mavs, .[. B. Mets. 89”. NSSAN com. (yon) @ thick piece ofmeat, ₪ piece
which can be eaten raw after pressing ke. Sabb. 128°
a ch. same, Targ.Y. I Lev. XIX, 9 ' הזר לאtif ot eb netae .war .llaH °44 יאיתא₪
; .צי ווib. To יא(read .(ךְסוא Td.
.צ27 piece ₪6.; a. .21--.)ז
“sou. Git. 69" א בשseven pieces.
),XXI, 5 (of the beard, h. text ךנקז(תאפ
aire הקOS wise = תירמוא
+ fringe, border, +. mye ₪
80. Ab. Zar. 84" 'אסדירומ PIS, , RUAN 1 cheb. rym people.
5% ,דא ומ0% ס2רנ soddeaer Targ. Y. Deut. , 12;
-א6. Midr. Prov. to XXX, 28;
55 1 'א תעדמafter the plan of an architect. a. 6-21. pam. Targ. Y. Gen. XXV, 3. Gen.
B. « 61.
ea ccna re 2 aot oligh cing יאד , “צ;ייאBu.
אוTarg. Ps. 03711, 1—Midr.
to Ps. IX, 6 MT ךוחיאכש those hated by the nations. —
Sabb. אָתאצא--.*82 NR. Targ. Prov. XXIV, 24.
אתאoath, .+ rare.
vere see! /ןרק-= ראto curve, be curved, *
be pressed;v. הוא , SSR ₪; comp.
גבוגותבומר.)= ,noisserppo gnorw )2—)27—( elaf
‘hood, vanity (=337). 773s 'אa cacophemistic adaptation
(v. .(ןקילכ Sabb. 116" bot. (after ,הדנדכסל:
of sbayyéhuoy
omitted in ed.) ךוילג ירק היל ןועPT 'ר = דדדדאמ 'א 'כ
(Rashi Ms. "xs ,'ר v. Rabb. D. 8. a 1 note) B. Meir
called the pospel falsehood of blank paper (or of revel-
*כָש* > "*ןeh. called it.re~-%br (Th. several times
ב unavoidable inter- — XXII,) 30 ‘ תוחא הותרה "כוx only an ounce (of merit) did
Git. 3@, a. 6. FUGS NTR the plea | Noah possess; +. xT — PL repre Gen R. « 79,
, א 28
TIN m. (b. ;ג ,רא/ ןv. foreg.; emp, dan, ,ליַח APM privilege of peak: provided the , to
a. next w.) possession, power. Tosef. Ab. Zar. 111, 16 one fifth or mop of the price charged;
if the buyer sues
(IV, beg.) ונוא בתכ ולif he (the seller of the slave) wrote 80. [In Babli tledenomin. verb is ]
veh Geta,
to him (gave him in writing) the liberty of his disposal
of himself, i, 6. that the slave, if he should run away
from the buyer, would not be claimed by him who sold אונאי, v. “NOI. כ
him; 616. 49" ונוא ( בתכ וילעread וללא or .(ול Ib. ונוא ראמ
what means ‘his own possession’? Ans. He wrote to him “NITNTIN, אוְנְאוּחָא1-1 אכהoppression,
this, ‘If thou run away from him (the purchaser), I have tyranny. ."געש Ps: LXXIy, “” (ed. Ven. RENIN; h.*
nothing to do with thee. Ib.85".—[Y. B. Mets. 1, end, 8°; text MiN2!). V. .אָחְיִנוא
Y. Kid. 1, 60° ,ונוא Vv. [רָנּוא ציmix.
NOTIN, (אונדפי+. pepe. |
NTN : NITIN, NOTIN .תג (v. foreg. ws.; cmp.
425, ron, ,ןוח a. has, (ןועמ [circle], night-lodging, station MINI to oppress, v. ,ללא and ANZIN. |
for travellers (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Mansio). Naz. 7* "ווא לכ
' ואevery station. B. Mets. 79"; Ab. Zar. 65° 'אל 'אמfrom
mix II 5 (v. 758) possession, title of possession,
station to station—Deut. R. s. 6 she dared to bring dis-
deed. Gen. R. s. 79 (ref. to the letters A> inהטלשק Gen.
order into ךלמ אננוא לש (read אנווא סעMINN, v. infra)
XXXII, 19) 'כו בתוכ 'אהNX’ VW" 06 He (i. 6: the
the royal head quarters. Pl, 72718, 772738. Targ. Is. X, 32 Lord) writes the deed; the Lord bears witness to. הע
(ed. Vien. }"218). [Sabb. ,"אנווא157 v. N2 NIT] [Comment.
8600.--27. .תיניא B. Bath. 59* 'כו 'א תורטשוdeeds of
use h, forms 2758, pl. [.תזנווָא purchase’ and other documents were 1881100 im his name.
NIN 11 NIN pr. n. pl. (v. foreg.) Avana, on the IN, Vv. NE... ia
Tigris. “Kid. 71" 'או ארבכאAr. ed, Koh (oth. ed. Ar.
;(אכבדאTalm. ed. אנוואו [ אדגבVar. [תדגב Okhbara and
( רנואb. h.) pr. n. pl. Ono, W. . אW) of Jerusalem.
.tnaC‘ .R ot ,lI ;2 .maL .R ot ,I .71 ,hpS 11" '"איש א
Avana as bordertowns of Babylonia (v. De Sacy Chrest.
Ms. M. (ed. ;רנוא( a. fr. V. "25811.
Ar. I, p. 358 sq.; Koh, in Ar. s. v.),
* : .אונוס, v.אוניס .
אונא, נקיס אי.rp .n .m sikaN ,)?(anU a elitneg
name. Git. 11°. אונוס, puop ' א.v( ְסטמין: bvog) 5 ofthe
.delppirc .Y .bbaS ,IV .°8 .raV( הוניס.(
NIN f. (contr. of 82748, cmp. however (ןֶוָא 1) ear,
v. pl. 7 2) handle of a vessel. Git. 69% Sabb. 108* top:—
OWI IN )0%7006( really! verily! Lelv. R. 8. 8,
3) lobe of a lung. Hull. 59"; a. fr—Pl. "21". Ib. 38°
explain, ( הצדאDan. IIT, 14); (Ar, ,סוטנא sonjie ed. ,סרטניא
' אזיזר אgnivom eht srae sa( a ngis fo efil ni eht tsal
corr. ace.); Num. R. 8. 15 0138 (Tanh. Noyvh 11 .(תמאה
stages). Yeb. 0" ךינואמ . . . אנקרפמwe shall get 1%. . .
out of thy ears, i. 6. we shall make thee give up thy סוסו תילזטכראKel. B. Bath. IV, 6 oat. Zuck., «d.
authority (a threat of excommunication). Gen. R. s. 45 , סולטצאVar. 'ולטצא prob. תּזלָטְצֶא q. v. /
" דחמר2% thy ears are those of an ass,—Hull. 47° |
' וכ018" ' חthe lungs have five lobes; a. fr. [Later Rabb. is, iN, v. ANN, |
literature uses NAN, v. םהא ]עס the large lump from
which the lobes branch off.] צי PRR TDINT אנתcrix) +=איְנַָה, קמס. .RION ehT| -nohp
etic coincidence with vj produced the peculiar use
FINTIN f. ("955 cmp. (הֶאְנוה 1) oppression, wrong. of or w. in connection with Greek terms, in the Palest- =
.₪ Mets," 58 הלודג תַאָנְוא םירבד 'אמ ןוממוthe wrong ₪ קyou - literature,] Gen. R. .א 2 beg. 'כו תחא "מיטבו אבin one
do by means of words (wounding one’s feelings) is worse bill of sale and for the same price. Y. Pes. IV, 81" bet. =
than that by pecuniary imposition. Ib. 59% לעולם / מרסתיוסיס בא' היא וכdaer( ' (מלסתוסtisi a 68/861 htiw 4 .
72) ותשא תַאָנואב. . . אחרone should always be on his title of possession (for the term), and is (for the time
guard not to wound his wife’s feeling, for as her tears being) an acquisition like a purchase. Y. Kid. I, 60°
are frequent הבורמ ּהָחֶאְנאso is her sense of wrong .) אונל8. WN); א ‘ תניאGen: 1. / 84, er >
(sensibility) deep.—2) ‘(law) imposition, overreaching, כמ א וכיwoh ynam sdeed erew nettirwi rof
fraudulent representation (which invalidates the trans-
action or requires redress); hence, rédress in case of over- CIV, 24; Pesik. Rosh. Hash. p. 151%, v. es
reaching. Y. B. Mets. IV, 9" top, a. fr. whoever concludes
a bargain 'כו תנמב ןיאש ול 'אwith the provision that no “JIN 11 x res pr a pl (Beth) Oni,-m Palestine, 4
legal redress shall be resorted to, is notwithstanding prob. identic with ‘35%. hebi, VIy/; 14 'א תיב
entitled to redress Sag see Verb (7358), Hithpa. ANN (ed! uckerm |לוארח = 5 ge the
ws .22,0* -.--
~lohaiapar Wier.”ata’ Pe self anerre”’
המוא.)+ h. may; Dexto join,” :
ךצלוא אָנְצְלּואm. )ץלא( distress, esp. famine. nation, government. 1877 אthis 0 %
Targ. Job V," גז a. 6 ment; 8: fr.—Pl. תומא hatiot;; gent ae
wrx 29 ba
of unavoidable interference cannot be raised ig letters
יאו , איי , איי 1m. (prob.) of Oni, +.
of divorcee (to which « condition ts attached), Y. 4.
forog7 anOnya 2% ד מOri, 1, 61° top; Kat. 111,01° bot., a.=. ‘Ops Pars trough no fault of hie,
1, 9%; ib! en . וJoshua Onia, an Amora.
דBabb, —Fl corn, pore. Ned. 111, 1, a © BOTS vows on
REINER, yea conditions agavuidably unfulfilled.
+. Rabb,
D. 8.a. 1). Tosef. Shebi. V, 9 "pein (ed. Zack. ליּפ , BIN mm.(Ses) 5 woolen 904 forthe
גבינה ובית חיניקרdaerM7';(גבינת ב .4.0
aZ ,VI reception of refuse, remmants of victuals be. .) דפKel.
18 בית חונייקי.raV( (היניקאי. .pmC taM .a .Ta B. MotsV, 10. Cmp. next =.
“PRN m. pl.(prob. pl.ofxy ear) bundles ofwet
flax. Sabb. 1, 6. Y. Shebi.V, 36° bot.; ₪. 6. [Rashia.
NIBP, 2BAN, >. 5
Tosaf. to 8006. 12" PrN as a plur., +. Rabb. 2. 8. a. |;
NPN xpze ₪ (p22) neck, meat Yrom the neck.
camp. 8) | 44° > of.
Sabb. 140" 'אed. (Ar. ‘5; Me. M. prs). Ber.
.גו ('א
ּ! ( m. (02x) tyrannus, lord, ruler.
Targ. Y. Ex. 11, 16; XVI, 1. זז קנוא אm. hook, +. pom = “Spee.
7 אכיא+ chon. mpi title ofpossession, deed. Y.
= ."אא TV,69""כו ןרחלשמ'אwm they wonld send the(forged) סדקְכראm.( 6ךאפ5) )1 bulk, pile; (in philosophy)
deed of sale to the steward; Lam. R. to 11, 2 (corr. ace.).
₪ primitive body. Tanh Tram. 11 >57 א לשthe body
Sa or NETIIN £.ch=b. nz! oppression, of water;( 'א לש שא some ed. .() סונקניא2 tromble, difft-
wrong. B. Bath. 22° 'כו 'א אכלמדthe wrong inflicted on culty, painstaking. Gen. BR.s.12 (ref. to Neb. EX, 6 4)
. the king of Edom. Lev. R. s. 33, beg. (ref. to Amos יכוmin ‘en( לכ ed. , םרקנואcorr. ace.) what ix all this
VII, 7, +. 4381) 'אר לכ ארושupon the wall of (i. > painstaking (creating the universe &c.) for? Ans. Because
‘ watching over) the wrongs (in sale and purchase); cmp. ‘thou art the Lord who hast chosen Abraham’ i. >. for
B. Mets. 59°. 7 the sake of establishing religion on earth; cup. Midr.
Till. to Ps. CIV, 18.
SPDPN readןיכְנק .ומpl(x6y7m, concha) purple
» shells. Targ. Y. Num. XXXII, 8; cmp. "33P. NPN + )+. epyee,
.א([ ילקקא1) neck.
“SODIN Tosef. Sheba. VI,4 ed,Zack., + רלססא . il atl repo (mare). Kel. XII,
2 (Var. in Mish. ed.-(תייִלְקְקא Tosef. ib. B.Mets II,4
(disting. from -.(אלקנוא תי
-]2( for PTH, +. next =.[
a Raters m. pl. (prob. a nom. gentil.,
from a ₪ station named רכנויא a compound of 327% NUPTAN + (uncia, odyxia) 1) ounce, onetwelfth ofa
.{a."381]; cmp. 8338) Avankreans(?), traders. Succ. 30°". litra. Gen. BR. 5. 17 םסכ א לשan ounce of silver. Lam.
fAr. identifies our'w. with "33158 which is not in agree- R. tol, 1 ()ריעה אקנואFO ןוכסנ (corr. ace.) they boughy
ment with the context.)
outice-wise (pepper).—2) trusf. a trifle, particle. Y. Taan.
IV, 68° top there is not a generation in which there is
not (to be atoned for through suffering) S* TTR דךקנדא
NDDUE Deut. ₪.>.6,read RNR. (read STR wpswt) a particle of the sin of the calf-
| worship. Ex. B. 5. 45, beg. ארקרא (corr. acc). Gen ₪.
>) םוינכוא Lev. B. > 93,+. azine | 5 29; Valk. Gen. 47; Job. 905 (play on ךקכ דא30%.
| XXII, 30) 'כו heen mrs “x only an ounce (of merit) did
Git. 30, a. 6. FSGS NPR the plea = Noah possess; +. ./2.--.אתינונרא - תדיקְלהאGen. BR. > 79,
.אונקיינוס 30. אוסכולי
end (play on the letters of הטרשק Gen. XXXII, 19) | a. 4 צ Yoma VI, 43% top הָלְקְכא הלfor 0
םיאלט. . םיעלס. . האמב תויקנואfor one hundred ©) Men. 109" .רלקנוא Suh. 89* he took off the point of his
ounces (ofgold) 6 V.אִִקְיָא . spear דלקנואב ( החרכהוsome ed. ">—) and put it (hiding
it) in his undergarment. M. Kat. 24° 'כו לייטמ 'אבbax
אונקיינוס, +. אוקִייניס (Ms. M. 52x 5°22) a mourner may walk on the Sabbath
within the limits of his “house (garden &c.) in the easy —
NOD PIN, +. NIODPIN. _ dress (showing the rent on account of a death in the
, םיקְנְוא.+ viprix. family; Rashi). Sabb. 120" (garments to be saved from
fire on a Sabbath) ילקנוא ;. צץib. XVI, 15" top רלקרנ .--
PUN, y. “bpoan 1. Meg. IV, 8 (24") 'א ma; (read as) Y. ib. a. Mss. תיב =
דר 'אthe sleeve of his under-dress. [Tosef. Maas. Sh. IV,
isha ch.h. "bp 2NI, hook, 86. Targ. Job. XL, ,11 v. foreg. 2.]
26. 0 pa. Targ. Y. Ex. XXVIJ, 10. Lev. (ed. ™).
Targ. Bz. XL, 43 ןרלקנזכ (Pop). Fem. pl. ppv. Tag. » סומלקנואv. oii.
Y. Lev. X, 5. Tare. Esth. I, 6.—Targ. Y. 11 Ex. XXVI,
37 Finmn>P2 their hooks. אונקלסיא, +. | אָנְקְלְסְיָא
תואָלְקְנּואplur. of ">p2NI.ו סואar. ed. pr., Ms. DIN q. v.
OPP, y. “Spy IL. יאסואm. pl.; peony יֶאְסּומ name of a tribe. ‘Targ.
Ps. , אא,5 .שו איסוא צ ed. יאנוא( -
,סולקנא סולקנוא pr. n. m. (Ocellus?) Onk'los,
the ech ל ‘of the ie casas into Chaldaic,
ןילוטסוא Midr, Sain: ch. XI, v. "SOON.
freq. surnamed 735 the proselyte; often identified with
Aquila, the alleged author of a Greek translation of the ,( איסוא יסואor 'זא( m. pl. ) / ףא ןsoft. intoאו
Bible; v. O>"Pp>. Cmp. Meg. 3°; Ab. Zar. 11°, with Tanh. cmp. BN, D285
5 also DX) nose, nostrils. Sabb. 67* יסואאו
Mishp, 5. Cant. R. to I, 11 ןואלוקלא 6.0 דגור"תאand on the nostrils of the young lioness. B.
Bath. 73" תימו הילע היסואב הלכא אניטpros “Ms. ₪.
אונקלוסיא, v.אֶנְְלַסְלָא .
(ed. "יסואב חיל הלכא אניט, אבתידMs. M. ,הלבא Ar. ed.
ילקנוא,1 ילק
PX 5 (POX, withל format. =; "PAN; Koh. incorr., v. Rabb. D. 8. a, 1.) into whose nostrils
corresp. to-b. h. She. Gicek adapt. &yxoAn, LXX Ex. . a ‘mud-eater’ (worm) entered, and the fish died. Pes.
XXVI, 10; cmp. "258 as to contact of the two languages) "112% יפו ( אדי איסואאMs. M. a. Ar. ( אגפדאputting the |
prop. little (camel’s) neck, hence 1) hook, rack. Kel. XII, 2 hand to the nose is a step to fear (indicating anxiety).
'א לש ןיפתכAr. (ed. תוילקנוא , ןילקנואwith adject. in Hull." 67 רלירעו ה"יסואבand they (ihe ‘worms) creep into
the sing., corr. acc.) the carriers’ hook attached to its nostrils.
their yoke, pole 80. Ib, 'א לש שגרד the hook of the bed-
stead (used for fastening the girths to the posts);של
אוסי, +. אוּסִיָא. |
ןיטילקנthe rack of the bed-curtain, v. .ןיטרלְקנ Ib. 3 איסואPes. ,°111 v. NON.
'א םילתוכבשhook attached to walls.+T’bul Yom IV,:
6 ואנ' שלהם קיימתdna eht kooh dehcatta( ot eht איסואtTarg. 1 Chr. Chr. I, 5; a. 6. read with ed.
now broken yoke) remained unimpaired; a. fr.—Pl. Rahmer 87072; cmp. Yoma 10°; y. Meg. I, 71” bot. (h.
PANDPIN, “PIN, MPN .()ןילקנוא Tam. 111, 5; Mid. text 7). (Targ. Y. If Gen. X, 2 NON; ל וPa f
a 5; a. fr.—Kel. 1. C.; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. II, 4; v. ( אלנסלאmisplaced); corr. 800.[
PrN. 9) [cmp. ayxahte in 8.] the load carried on
אָיסְואf. a. darbisthל of meat, v. NTN.
thahook, the farmer’s load of sheaves or bunches; cmp.
בלונקי. Tosef. Maas. 81. 10, 10. אה לבthe whole load. NON ) (אוסי1. (ovata) substance, (landed) prop-
[Ib. 11 fb pow, ,רלקנוא read with ed. 200%. --.["לופנרא erty, “farm, estate. Gen. 1%. s. 49 לסוא (corr. acc.).—Num.
3) Trnsf. (medic.) bent cartilage, esp. the cartilage (cart. R. .א 23 תוחפש ךמ 'א 'כוmaid-servants from another -
ensiformis) at the end of the sternum which, being bent estate. Y,. Taan. IV, 69°; Lam. R. to 11, 2 “8 (corr. ace.).
inside, presses on the stomach and creates narlsea &c. Lev. R. s. 34.—Pl. .תויסּוא Ex. RB. .א 20: Ch. pl: j82058,,
Ab. Zar. 29° 'כו ךרלעמ 'אyou are permitted to lift the " jxme. Ley. R. 8. 3, beg. he likes to be called 'סא ""7A
cartilage on the Sabbath (by.means of a bandage Sc.). (corr. acc.) lord of many estates; Koh. R. toTV, 6 ONO’
Tb, "כו ראמ 'אwhat unklay is meant? Ans. the cartilage (corr. acc.). a \
in front of the heart; v. NIDIFIONN.
אוסיניסיy. Ad. Zev. V, end, 45) 75, readסיטסונאה: ְ
יִלְקְנּואTI, dpe; ,“ הלקנbp fps, dp,. cmp. +. ס"טסיֶנְב
esp. 0 ‘Sam. VI; 20 to 22) the light garment, whence,
a name for the easy dress worn in the house and, under אתיסוא Gen. .8 s. ,41 end, Ar. ed. " oe
the cloak, in the street, but in which it was unbecoming
to appear in public. [Cmp. 11 Sam. 1. 6. a. Num. R. s. 4; = ."אוסכול, +. %02.
a arene
NT +.אימא | << +. OSs)
im. pl. (offielatic, Gpypundiung) embord:
constables, Yama. !ו (quot. iw Ar. .
רא ₪1. Koh. th, ךילקרפא ( חלשcorr, ace.) be ו
₪.(PO3, emp. MYO) aarend- comtables
(for her em).
אלמנ landing board. Sols. 67° סקי
'גא יורAr. (od. סקו 'ג 'לקסור read with Hashi TPO, ָחְיְסואא+ ch.(ot. “win mature, disposition Gen
Ms, . אropes, oth, var, +. Rabb, D. .₪ . הL) and heא | . 415, ,dneץצ. "אי.
found himéelf standing on a landing board (ed. and there
stood before
him &e,). אופכי, אופכין, + cron. -
אI (2m)
foo, also. (Yor. Dial). Targ. +. Num. ,ת- 5-5
,| ;18 . אfre—Y, Dem, 1, bog, 21° Rom א here too,
ae m. (b.he; ,ךפא ,ךפ/ן
.+( הכפ1) wheel
--2( (wits
ףוא11 m. nature, +. “pix. | ו. to Bxek. 1, 15) pr. .ה Ofen, name of an angel. Hag
bd.b. .11--,' ופoem. tb. 12". BH. Hash. 26°—{In ttergic
BAN, ייפוא+ pi. Genez Dan: IV, 9; emp. literature SUB and ךפיא are ceed as the mame of ₪
,+ a. branches, exp. dry twigs, epray-wood.—
44" א'פרסררתאegiwtfO naisreP ,seert .lluH *501 section of the morning prayers; v. age")
פתכא,rA .de( )RET אeldnub fo ,sgiwt .B ,stoM ,°03 PEN m. (bh. wy + foreg,) term, method, plan
Vit. 61* MER רדש (Ar, (רפוא throw twigs down (which {in Hebr.: method’ of ת-
Re ont Of), and dates falloff(v.Towsaf. a. 1.( ִ;יםDw.
סָנ suze
ּ אוRath.
₪. =. 2, beg. You will soon
find out "כו ( םייגפיא םחלשValk. Josh. 7 STEM) their plane
“DN 5 ix m.) (he פאג >.NBR; emp. (1סוא (strategic movements). Ab. 1'11. Nath. (ed. ,דיק א"י
face, looks, whence, nature, disposition,
ways ke. Y. Shal. p. 12) “2B לכin ite proper way.
/ 1,45! oyלש דוטעללע'אbrn התא PR You cannot
the nature of that people. Lev. R. = 30 NZD5N cheb. oie—PL ee Targ. Beck. .א12.
= דוד ופוא לשAr. ₪1. Koh. (ed. pr. ,רפיא ed. (רפא David's that section of the morning praycre beginning
ways. Y"lamd. \ .הו (quot. in Ar.) ‘who is that nation’ with whaofannim and describing the angelic praise.
חי תעדוי
לו איחש
אAr. od. Kol. (oth. ed. (רפוא Y. Ber. V, 9 bot.
| ו eargeh)rpetenyaaginns
. Deut, 825.—Gen. 11. ₪ 14 end 'את
הטשנ רז אקterm, וי giiiieaiion.
¥. Dem. VI, 25" bot. אוטתסל א תדל ךול א תיל₪6 do not
ו ויpotkorg ,retaw recognize an interpretation (of an agreement, so as to
say, "כו TORS MST ‘it means as though they had ₪408 -- (
no qualification is admissible for an unqualified agreement.
m. du. (emp. Stx—, a. OB, AEs) polesof
the hand. Mekh. B'shall. ,שהציג « 3, to Ex. XVI, 12
the Mannah came down "כי “st לכ on the hands of the
Lord, as if it were to my, the Lord held forth₪ {In
ed. [SR]
, ךיניקואread NPN.
אוץ.b( ;.h ,OY .v ;IN“ .pmc ;NDP צ. NAY ג. (חְצה | אצקּואv. NEPAD.
to be presséd (to press, hurry).—Part. , הצואpl. SIN (as
from HX, v. 73M, D4) squeezed in. 10864. Kel. B. Mets. TN₪“
. ן ;גו/או+ . או1;‘emp. “0, 37, a. sec. Tr
TX, 5 ( 'א רובחVar. ןיצוה( when they are squeezed in 5) to perforate, break ל shine-—Denom. ₪
(tight), they are considered as connected for levitical MAN. א.
purposes. Nif. “ini to be broken through, grow light. Y. 1
2° חרזמה רוארשמfrom the time the Eastern 0 is
אתָבְצִוא.+ xeary a. eae. broken through, grows light.
איצְוא+ xox. Hif. "x3 1) (neut. v.) to break through, shine. Y. ib.
TIT, 6° bot. open thy lips 77735 59"N™ and let thy words
ןילימיצואread ןיִלוטציִא ,v. RdVON. come forth, speak out boldly. Yoma 111, 1 'כו לכ35 'ה
it has grown light all over the Eastern horizon.—)™5
אוצן.v חוצן. + מיאררותbright countenance. Num. R. 8. 11; a. e.—2) (act:
רצואm. (b. h.; רצא( store-house, magazine; prov- v.) to enlighten, brighten, make shine. Y.M. Kat. III, 83”
ision ; hoarded up 4 easure. B. Bath 58°; Git. 67% y. ' וכTD (the teacher had opened his (Samuel’s)
eyes &. B. Mets. 33°, Num. R. 1, 6. Ib. תא מאירים
pba . גobs. Ab. Zar. 40"; v. PmBM; a. fr. Hip. treasury,
( המזבתfr. Mal. I, 10) making the altar bright (with
the. (Roman) goreviinent x treasury department where
taxes in kind and money had to be paid. Y. Dem. VI, fire), feeding the fire on the altar. Yoma 78% .צץ “AN.
end,* 26 לוקשו לע רדר 'אלand pay for me in the treasury- רואch. same. Part, pass. רואָנ clear Targ. Prov. IV,
.tnemtraped .fesoT .meD ,IV 4 'וקול תחתיר מן הא )8 95 , ןריאְגTIRE v. dn.
(אל הא'י. .bI 8 dx ושוקל.de .kcuZ .de( .rrocni (ראוצר. Ib. 4
'אה772 רנירטופ get me a release from the treasury-dep. זז רואm. .0( h.; foreg.) breaking forth (cmp. Is.
—Y. Dem. .1 .6 'אה77a( רנישרפ read .(לנירטופ Ab. Zar. LVIILI, 8) whence 1) break of day, light, day; fire; trnsf.
71° , 'אה 'אל,7 Ms.M. (ed.; רצוע( emp. "EX.—
PI.אוצרות . rise, glory, power, happiness. Ber. 2 תאיב ררואthe
B. Bath. 11° רזנג 'אMs. (ed. 'א omitted); v. 125.—Hag. entrance of his day-break (dawn of his eighth day;
12° > תורצוא גלטthe stores of snow 80. (in the heavens) ; Tosaf. a. 1. the sunset of his seventh day). Y. Pes. I,
,tkS sV "אצרות א' רוח. beg." 27 'א המחהsun-light. Ib. 'א רכה candle light.
.hteK 111" א' תורהthgil fo eht .waL .B .htaB 4* אורו
אָרְצְואch. same. Targ. Jerem. XXX VIII, 11; לש םלועintellectual light of the wold (a great man;
-% PI PAIN, . אָירְצואtary: Gen. XLI, 56; a. e. the Law). Num. R. s. 15 רוא לש ןכעמthe celestial fire
אוקומיני, +. IN. (believed to be the source of all light and fire); a. v. fr.
2) gnikaerb( ni fo )thgin ,thgiliwt .gnineve .seP 1, 1 'א
, אוקונים, diser ארקונין, +. FN. העבראל 'כוon the evening (eve) of the fourteenth day
אוקמוריא, ' |אוקמר+. aps of Nissan; v. discussion ibid. 2° sq., about the meaning
of our w. R. Hash. 22"; Snh." 70 'אל ורוביעthe evening °
| eres v. Dap. following the eventual intercalation, i. e. the evening
from the thirtieth of the past to the first of the beginn-
,NIP“ +. אוקיי gni )3—.htnom .limoh( x7n= (11 .eur .neG .R א. 02"
* אNAD" 1-+= [?] אוּנְקָיָא.xE .BR .> ,84 .lP[—geb קיר the Pentat. of R. M. it'כו -1680 תונתפ רואtmplace of
Ber. 44” אתלוס " יאyw, Ar. 8. Vv. dada, ‘than six hier רועGen. 111, 21) this alludes to the Adam
cess of fine flour’.—Kd. "O™p>; Ms. M. omits the entire resembling the rue, wide below anit ; Ar.
sentence. | (Rashi diff.). ,
) סונאיקואv. pimpin. VAN 1 m..(b. h.;: forogi) prop.- Me; esp. Pl.
* , ‘ ,
ותומיםoan the Urin and Tummim in the High-priest”
( אוקייMuss. "P1) Cant. R. to /11,8, read OPIN, breast-plate. Yoma 78" Ba" תא DOR (ovis they, |
' כמיך אgnitadnuni ekil na naecO ;edit .yv טלנס, called Urim because they give their Ch. pl. INTO,
he! (not ambiguous as the oracles
be called ON “1p |
, סונייקוא, סונאיקוא סוניקואm. (Qxéavos)
. Sot. IX, Ws Y. Kid. IV, bee R. to LV, 6 סא ייסואי
Ocean, eae Mediter ranean Sea. Targ. Y. Gen. I, 7; %
a. e.—Y. Hall. IV, 60° bot.; a. fr-—Tanh. Haye 3, - ור11
אm. )==רוע q. v.) cho a
so is תמה O° 'א the Okeanos called the Sea of (covering), אַ' דשעריןffahc fo ;yelrab .Y( .₪>59 ,9“ dner ,ymoor
eht .daed .raV[ 'אונק, 'אנק.[
NUNIT 6ג.=אזר, Pl, xr ie
at of .דדי
NTN teaching, +. -ארירוא
NAN, אוריה1, STAN +. 2 רוא a, NTN) even- א' דמשהeht ciasoM noitasnepsid .ppo( . א' אחריתר6"
ing horizon, Sun-set, West, y. ,אברעמ B. Bath, 25¢ ראמ new dispensation, . צץ.)77 RIM TNT (sub.ג[=הלכה . ja
MN ed. (Ar. SN) why is-it called Urya? חי ( ריואVar. ( הרותהan enactment founded on the Bible text, opp.
( רואdivine air (divine light—Palestine). Kid. 12" xn . ןכברדSucc.* 44 בלול 'אדLulab, the law concerning which
אירואבTWO NaN Ar. (ed. MN, emend. in Tossaf. is Biblical &c,; a.fr.— Nn TiN'V9, ady. biblically, according
mx), [read with :ח''ב אכיא 'כוAN NM] but people to the Biblical law, opp. . ןנברדמPes.'10*; a. fr.—2) the
. say, there are witnesses in the West 80. 6. .ןֶמְסֶא. Torah, the scroll containing the ו used at
divine service. Y. Yoma VII, 44" top אלרוא NIN ארה דכ
NTN, .וריה,1
אורייא א+. (b. .ג aM a. ג when you have no more than one scroll. Y. Meg. IV,
SSN, my) pile of plucked plants, stalk, shed containing 75” bot.; Y. Sot. VII, end, 22? הרירוא ( דכ ארזחcorr.
. feed (dist. fr. “¥5N granary).— ,תואָלרוא.27 )תוירזא( '"ירזא as Y. 0 1. c:). Ib. יכו א-- ןרלביימ אתyam there (in
Tosef. Maasr. 11, 20 ed. Zuck. (Var. (תו"רוא ; ib. Erub. Babylon) the Torah is carried to the Resh Galutha.— ~
VI (V), 4; Erub. 55" Ar. (ed. ,תוירוא , תוורוא. צץRabb. רב ארירואa scholar, man of learning. Yoma 78% Hag.
D. 8. a. 1. note). [In bibl. .ג 71798 crib, stable q. v.] °41 NN .rroc( ;).cca .v txen .w 1 ו \ 4
struction, the Law, Bible-verse. Targ. Lev. VI, 7; a. fr. 59 Hee POW 'א>.
-- אד )=הרות הלימ25) religious discourse, lesson, ’ "decision in
in a :
remarks &c. Y. B. Bath. VILL, 16* SN; .צץ Taan. I,
= 66% bot. NAM... —Y. Suh. 1, 18° 'אד ןונרגלפא רלימבhe
entertained them with religious discussions. Y. Hor. IIT,
beg. 47% 'אד דרתע ךל הלימbe prepared for a religious
discourse. Y, Shek, 111, 47° top תעמש ראמ א אתדחwhat
novel interpretation hast thou heard? Y. Yeb. 11, 4* t
MN אדה ןמfrom what verse?—Taan. 4* 'חתרמ ....
לרהit is the zeal of study that makes him warm (ex:
cited). Kid. 71" “w> ךןרתרררוא my instruction is accept-
able, but my daughters are not desired.. Sabb. 116”
| אורְכָנִיס 36 אושפיזא
4. XXXIX, | .א 6.--3( larrying, Targ. Y. Deut. ךדיב3 WT" when were the blessings made sare ₪
וו 0 Om.
מו יליא. RED,(2 .pmoc ),glepreotafp ,snoitadnuof
Targ. Y. Deut. 1,44; .א0.—"27R, MER. Targ. Y. Lev. | S25, VFS, cmp. He)
: pr. (corr. vowel signs; later od. mers). Y. saddler, shoemaker. Git. 9-1
St argh ה themaithinthaborte's “TZLR. Babb. 112" the travellers’ sandals 4 “opt
> eareass turns into hornets. [Cmp. same ideas among the which the shoemakers knot (tightly). Ib. 106" אר am
> Greek, Sachs Beitr. 11, 92; Nican Ther. 741.] the blacking used by shoomakers. Ib. 123° אד אכרהthe
leather dressers’ knife. Pes.42. אר x7? the shoemakers’
אורשינא+,. yom, / paste. Ib. 113”.
= אָתְרִא .++) אור9) coening, night. Pes.*י2רוא א
the or of the Mishn. means evening. Ber. 8"; a. fr.—
הקלא אשַלָא
PY. Got.1,17°top, v. Py. , STAN tary. 1 Chr. I, 20,v. אלשא
. / | 2 א 4 הש. , le
38 ה
| ; זאזזלwe( .v .kezE ,IIVXX ;91 ן/ (זלot ,nips . to the chief tyrant (Nebucadn.); a. fr.—Pl.
weave. B. Mets. 24” ריולזא ארוביק רלזאד היבa skein Gen. R. s, 89, beg. (play on 0206, Gen. XLI, 2) rs
which the net-weavers
had used; y. לזז 1. Denom. N>1"8 of plenty 'כו תורדבה ושענ 'אpeople are brotherly to each
a. next w. — other, Ib. s..99 'כו אתחפדDMN brothers to thedegraded
woman (Dinah),.... but not to Joseph; a. fr.—Cant.
איולזאm. m. (foreg.) weaver. Pl.דלא B. Mets. me R. to 111.1 םיחא רכטbrother and sister.
(some ed. רולזא corr. ace.), v. foreg.
אח, אחא אחא.hc .emas .graT rf .lP— י חן
pals; ןמ. (=by9) running waters, waves. Targ. Targ. Gen. XIII, 8; a. e.—"ns Yeb. .צ--65% Yoma VI, —
0. Ex. XV, 8 (Var. ;ְאָיַלְזֶא Y. N*542). 434 ניחאour brothers.
אזמאזמא, +. wore. TSN II interj. 1) (b. h.) exclamation of sorrow, Oh!
Meg. 11° (play on dhashverosh; vy. (ַחֶא 'א ושארלwoe
.אזמורד, +. Saar. upon his head, Snh. 102) (play on Ahab ANTM) 'ימשל 'א
a subject of grief to the Lord, and father (friend) of
idolatry.—2 (=Syr.) exclamation of joy, Ah! 0% In.
TATIIN, NTN, TIN (TINTIN, XLIV, 16 (h, (חֶאָח
)IITON) m, (su.dpardos, (צ0ו0.0000 seriall. a NTN, אחא1) beet v. (2--.חַא pr. n. .מ Aha.
jewel (also colored crystal; v. דגרמז a. .(ןידגרמז |Targ. Arakh. 22"; Keth. 88", surnamed "35 רש superintend-
Job. XLII, 13: Targ. 0. Ex. XXVIII, 18 (Targ. Y. ib, ent of the palace. Y. Ber, 11, 5° R. A, surnamed Boke}
THIN); a. 6. Ex. R. 8. 38, end .ןיהְגְרַמְסֶא a. many others. Y. Taan. 11, 65° 006; a. v. fr.
ןזאTarg. Is. XXXII, 4, third pers. pl. of RIS, Vv. יאחאpr. n. m, Abu. Hull. 59»,
“IN. :
NIM, אַחְבָאm. (contr. of אבא ( לחאfather’s
TS, אוזןm. (b. hs V's to be pointed, cut, emp. brother, ‘uncle. "ויש Jer, 1אאא 7 ךּובְחַאthy uncle,
wm, TA. .צ NIN) 1) ear. B. Kam. 79% הָשַמ 'א לשhuman Targ. 0. Lev. X, 4 (Ms. I a, 111 יחובא nN; Targ. Y.
ear, opp. Divine perception. Y. Sabb. I,₪ top; a. fr.— חביבאq. v.); ₪ 6. Yeb. 21" Ar. s. v. אבחא ( יבed.
2) 1 Cant. R. beg. 'כו הל 'א7H אלו but had no " דודר2);
handle and could not’ be carried; a. fr——Du. D7238
1) ears. Ley. R. s. 32, beg. ךרדל 'אthe road has ears InN m., MIN f. (b. h.; v. next w., a. (דח one. [Freq. -
(be on your guard in speaking); a. fr—2) handles. Kel. represented by [,'א Kid. 500, a. fr. תחא תבבsimultan-
TV, 3, y. ארטסרג ;a. fr.—3) DIN or "א M122 swollen glands eously, v. MZILL. Peah 111, 8 'כו ( קילחמה תחאמ דיMs,M
of the throat (Rashi). Ab. Zar. 28> ;'א Y. ib. II, 404 ' (באhe who takes out onions with a unity of hand, i. e,
top; Y. Sabb, XIV, 14¢ top 'א תונב all of them for one purpose. Ber. 61), a. fr. מכ לע תחא
המכו. (abbr. ו"כאע( how much ght one, i.e. how
ו אִזֶכִיותPAST. much the more—Im&8 .... דחא both ... as well as. Tem,
I, 1 755 םישנאה 'אpth: men as well as women. Y. Keth.
; רזא₪ W, רזcmp. , זרזSit) to put around, V, 29% top וז תחא וז תחאוthe one as well as the other;
girdle;“ to strengthen. _a. --כְּאְחָד, MND at the same time. Tosef. Neg. I, 11;
Hithpa: “3807 to gird, strengthen one’s self. Ber. 16" sq. Sot, 84; a. fr—Yoma I, 7 תחא גפהוand cool thyself
'“ וכINK and gird thyself with thy mercy. for once, for a change, v. 7%. —Pl, Bums 1) singular,
unique. Yalk. Gen. 62 (ref. to םידחא םירבדGen. XI, 1)
TN m. (b. h.:; (חרז=ערז [planted], native, citizen. = they spoke words 'א >> רכש, against two only ones (ref.
8100. 28° 'א 'א הזifit read ezrah (Lev. XXIII, 42), it to דחא Ezek, XXXII, 24 a. Deut. VI, 4) [corr. ace. Gen.
would mean ‘every native (man or woman); a. fr.— R. s. 38].—2) (emp. 3h) closed up, mysterious. Gen. R.
PI. .םיִחְרְזֶא Sifra Emor, end.—Fem. Psy, pl. .תויחְרְזא 1. 6. (Yalk. 1. 6. םיִדּוחַא v. next w,). : .
Succ. 1. c. |
( דאsec. tr. of דלח( v. HRI) to join, close. Part. :
NOTIN +). .גג S548) arm. Targ. Y. IL Num. XXXI, pass. דוחא pl.) םידּוחַא 1 closed up, mysterious. Yalk. —
50; ve Si. Gen. 62, v. foreg.—2) “oined, united. Gen. R. s. 38 (ref.
to Gen. XI, 1, v. foreg.) 'א םירבד₪ - "אי :
STTIBIN, PN .גג ( )דווזattachment, handle. Fi. munism, ל Ke
STEN. יאוש Y. Ex. XXV, 12 ed. Vien. (oth. ed.
/ ; אזתוורib. ,11אאאט 3 moron, v. Ibn Ezra comment. TIN, Pa. SMR, דָחַא ch. (v. foreg.). "
Tie OO Rca סגרa. ;תפשcmp. h. (זחא 1) to close (the d
up; to seize, capture. .Targ. Is. XXII, 22
ANI m. (b. h.; HAN; cmp. 38) brother, kinsman ; sin” (fut.)—Targ. Deut. XXI, 19 ןח
fellow, equal, 0 6 Meg. 11" (play on iath- Woe mR? Pe.). Targ. Am. 118 5; a. fr
verosh, Ahasyerus) 'כו לט שארTAX a brother (in cruelty) >" אחדיה לדשאdekcol eht .rood
ליח [ez
ו6.(+. toreg.) instruction. Tare,
THM ה( locked
up, Targ. Josh. V1, 1) & end)+ See
. Targ. Am. il, 18; = fr. Pert,
.mw ,uP ges dekc,oplu ,neddih .gnaT ,boJ @אא.. MIS 46 »ryrav = אד
= ]ם+ו
,יא re, .14 ִ) ריִחֶאְת1 fo be seised. | RIS.+ ron.
XIX,4;₪.f—2) to belocked up,joined. Tang. eai Home TTT, + אדו =. Low Aram.
ad Levi lel. Greil PrOaewD. ו LIX, 10
PA. p. וHer. Vi, 10° .שא (Tab, ih. ov
(ed, אתא רח corr, ace.). Targ.
Job XL, 9 (#);
דיחמא--. Mull." 52 א אשרthe door was locked,
NUTS 6.(v. foreg.) 1) boll. Targ. Prov. XVII, 19 . TPT TM | oe «st
(Fond... ( (חרך א9- gnilluha.pw " אֶחָדֶת רחשgnittuhs |
= רדחאeb; .+ רח.( ררח( א1 back, Mind-part,
bullock, ₪; Gen. B. = 20, beg —Da. Sore (Ar.
(סירוחא Pes, 17% ₪. fr. א ךותו the back (outside) snd
eht edisni fo & .Y—lemev aemo,Y V 2+ pw אחוריי לקדש
his back turned to the sunctaary—Y, Pes, V1, 29° bot.,
eS i 5 קרו
16*; ₪ )@—-rf .tsal .bI .fer( wt .eP צואאאש, 4)
השקמל 'כוthe last of all things crested; Lev. BR.« 14
| לכל תמשטים (2--. 'אfarthest back, carlied, th om תו דא
ןושארabhor (Vs, 1. ¢.) means the Gret day,
+ .₪;-א,החא+ reel) sister. 16%.
1,1;a tr.
—Hall. 114"(ofanimals) —Pt. rr . דוא.111 ;1 a. =.
זחצ .> sec. .זץof TM, emp.) רזדא( 1 fo press, seize,
hold, keep ; to befall. Soh. 27% ךיזקוא השעמ "כוhold-
.( ותv.) אְָחַא( 1 meadow-grass,grass (as | ing im their hands the doing of their fathers, i >.
. Ber, VI, 10°, bot.—2) willow-tiwigsused for following their father’s example. Bekh. 33° םדSmt he
eae. kindling wood. Sabb. 20° (explain. תאJer. had an attack of congestion. Y. Pes ,1 28° םדהrere
XXXVI,; 23 .+ תֶיָחַא,1 end) RP (Var. אָנְיְהַא( willow- the animal attacked with congestion. Y. Sabb. XIV, 14°
fire. Ib. gne cried ךאמ רעב 'א 'כו who wants Ahvonat, bot. ךיכ Same a pain inthe eye seized him. Ib. XIX, end,
1 was found he ha” willow twigs for sale.—3) willow- 17° הוכהTams fever overtook him; a.fr—z
wx fo hare
.Th, 20°explaining 778; Ms.M.(ed, o-Ps, OTT). ₪ hold of.—B. Mets. I,1. Y. Yous Il,39 top; a fr—
Part. pass. Prt holding fast, having a firm hold. Ex.
ור N f(b. h.MINA; HN) possession, inheritance. R. s. 46 (v. דת ) Sor 'א תא 0 copture the cye-
“Eid. I 60° top; a. e. צי Hall. IV, 60". [1b,אחדזה sight, to delude by optical deception. Sub. 65"; a. =
מצעstrike out the enti. sentence.j. Hull. 75* Nif. wt to be seized. .צץ Taan. 11, 65° top; a >.
Ve TYR | . “Hif. השרדto distribute split wood (kindling chips)
חר שדEo.
,2 6 .aM.do( ,)larerre in the gaps of a large pile, to ignite with kimdling wood.
Sabb. [, 11 (49* sq.) Prtacs ed. (Mes, Ar. a Y. ib. -
8 £(om)telling,interpretation. Dan. V, 12. beg. 4° Firm, ed. Ven. PTT); +. A
אחזיונה 40 MN
אח end. .ד Meg. Il, 74* pot.
“SITES, TTIAIN im.(foreg. was.) prop.designatedto
step behind, substitute; hence, hewho (or that which) א.+ת
ח errs
is gone back to, obligated, pledged; surety, guarantor —
= 1%. SSO, POU. Dem. 111,5 'כו וכא'אPR we are not אחריס.bhc mur ,rehtona gnihtemos .sediveb
for decéivers. Pes. IX, 9 mS הזןניא ןיארחא Erub. 23* א xmb-c another subject. Pes.
50°; a. fr.
_ they are not responsible to oneanother (need not care for
each other). Y. Keth. VIII, end, 32°, a. fr. 'אלכ ויסכנ
all his landed property is pledged for &e. Bx. XX;3;‘a fr—Fem: Seek, תניא ,אנה
Targ. O. ib. XX1, 10 (another, additional wife). Ibid,
JLB m., הָנִירָחֶא f.(rym 6.noun) ofher, 4. Gen. XVII, 21.—Lam.BR. to IV, 2—B. Bath. 16° sore
. 21°; a. fr. א the last of those called up to a stranger (not his own wife)—FL ןיְכרַתא , [TTR
Torah.— Pl. סְיְנורָחַא m., Hohe 6.-- א םימ Targ. O. Gen. XLI, 3; 5. 6. xo "ST Cant.
B. to
hands ,)ה meals before grace, opp. IV, 12—{Targ. .ד Gen. XXXV, & אתדדכב FIT ₪ repet-
hihg be&¥2 meals. Ber. 53°; a, fr— | ition of weeping, v. Sx 11]
| a \
nen 42 ד %9
chord. Targ. Josh. II, 15, Targ. Job. XXX, 11 (ed. give
sims, Vv. .רֶחַא S
all var. combined, v. NM>witl).—R. Hash. 23 יאנתרכד 'א
אחטְדרפניא, ... ג. pl. (h. םרנ .....) satraps, (some ed, לנוטא ph.) flaxrope.—
--2%. ,ןיֶנּוטֶא NATUR (er).
Persian governors. 6 TI, 2; a. e.—Cant. R. toVII, 9. Targ. 1 Kings XX, 31; a. fr. [Tosef. Maasr. TH, 8 ןילוטא
ed., ed. 206%. ,ןיקיטע Wak, ןיניטא .[ א.צ
אחת+. nx.
DIT, O27 m. (emp. 009906; v. Sm. Ant. ₪, v.)
)תחא( תחאNOMS .1 ch=h. minx. Targ. Jer.
tunny-fish. Hull. 66°; Ab. Zar. 89% Ms. M. (ed. DAN).
XXIL 18; a.fr.—Pes. 4%: a. fr—Pl. NOTIN. Targ. Job. 4
Tosef. Hull, זז1 (IV), 27 סיֶניֶתְנַא ed. Zuck. (Var. (סוניתְנַא . ”
(ed. mms) a. e.—Yeb. 89% Sabb. 13%. Yeb. 66" top (twin Ib. Kel. B. Mets, II, 17 סניטב לוטרל. (read as) Hull. 25*
sisters). mua להטיהוto polish a vessel with 6 skin of a tunny.
,ח"במא מ"א Atbah, a formula of combination or *Cant. R. to 1, 7 'כו ( המכ ינימ סנונאread 'וטא;Ex. R.
interchange of two letters the numerical sum of which 8. 2 (תונוזמ how many kinds of tunny fish hast thou pre-
pared for the lying-in among them? V. .סאיטפסכא
is either ten .6) .₪ 1= ט''א+ ;9 9== ח''ב+ )8 or one hundred
(e. .₪ 10=' צ+ ;90 20= פ"'כ+ ,)80=100 whereby ה and 3,
אגנרומאKeth. *16 bot., v. “7028.
remain isolated or substitute each other. Ex. R. s,
51 noisulla( ot חן.muN ,IIIXX .ecuS—.)9 25 באטב"ח NOOR +. sto.
ןוטמFas 'ר )אייח ןירוק 'כ bw) in the Atbah (of R. * 5
Hiya) sahadah finds a substitute in mamnon (v. Prov. אמיטסHall. IV, 11 (12) Ar., Ms. M.; ed. Talm. Y.
XXIX, 21). 'בן א, .nhsiM ;אנטיכוס.meT °12 ,.+4. .de בן אָנְטֶינְלס, .q .v
NEN גת. (WON, cmp. VOM=b. h. MX, pl. ,(םיתא pl. אמימוייס, +. אייניס.
אֶשיןplough-shares. Y. Sabb. VI, 8" bot. (expl. םיתאל
(Is. 11, 4) “> (Ar. by cler. err. .(ןייובא סומימיא סומימא₪ (206ן1-01) present, roel
Targ. Y. Num. XI, 26; a. fr.—Gen. R. ₪. 48 it does not
NOOR, af. tomy, + ,אט רט ‘ read( דמוע standing) but( בצכ placed on his post), 1. 6.
(אִמבְּעָא) אטבא.m )טבע, .v (טְַבַּעָת,gnir ,kooh ‘ON ready (to proceed). Cant. R. to 11, 9 “NX. Gen.
R. s. 100.
clasp. Men. 32° ירפיסד 'אclasp for fastening -the leaves
of books while reading.—Pl. "BUX ("Da0N). Sabb. 98° ץ אטיממון. אָטְימדטון.
Ar. "S08 (ed. "YSUN ,רעבטאב some ed. יעבטב , 'אבcorr.
acc., Ms. M. only "S303, margin ;"בטא v. Rabb, 2. ₪. אטימיטא v. next w.
a. 1.). Num. R. s. 6 (in Hebr, diction) dma לש ’x iron
clasps (to fasten the boards on the wagon). ימימוןNOT .m ,.tuen( עס80008. of 6017/10 (some-
)gniht ,elbaulavni .sselecirp .Y haeP ,1 %51 .tob 273S" חד
אמ"בח+. איש 'אNAL (read אדח( a pearl worth a priceless treasure.
Gen. R. ₪. 35 end ןוטמיטא .,* תילגרמRuth’ R. next to
NYDN v. NOUR. ,1 18 אלימ אטיפוטסיאדread אתרלגרמ אטימיטא an invalu-
able pearl.
דמאm. (b. h.; Vox, v. 8U&) thorn. Gen. R. s. 100.
Sot. 13°,"—~Y. Ned, VI, end 40° ‘NMרבדמ the desert of
האיסימימא v. next w.
Atad.—Pl. i408. Shebi. VII, 5; a. 6. [V. Sm. ג
v. Carduus.] יטיא האיסמימא.1 (Etowacta) well secured and
supplied station. Num. R. 8. 16, end.
TOS, אִמְדָאch. same. Targ. Gen. L, .'גזש1--.10
Ps, LVIU, 10. Ms. (ed. NION); a. e—Pl. .ןיִדְטַא Targ. *ןיניממוPID (PIB) mm. pi ₪ contr of
0. Gen. 111, 18. .(ןיְטְמַא..)צ Targ. Hos. X, 8 (some ed. ); ןרניעטא202 herbs selected for planting purposes. Tosef.
(אטטין. : Maasr. TH, 8 “DN ed. 200%. (Var. “23; ed. 0% Y. ib.
(% ג51° ows. 0. dm; ">on.
TOR (abbrev. of ,לוטמא v. (וטמא 1) on account of
because of, for the sake of (h. .(ללגב וסנק גגוש 'א דיזמ "אפימאm, , )םטנemp. )°9 drop-like 0 in the
they fined the inadvertent transgressor for the sake of cheese. יש . רָפיִטְאAb. Zar." 35 לניב 'אAr. (ed.(אַטְפַד
the wilful one (in order to prevent wilful sin), Git. 53°; between the holes. |
‘a. fr.—2) (in questions expressing surprise, indignation)
‘is it because? do you mean to say? Ib. 7* אל 'א אנא bp)ahs} Af. of bu. =ג
" ידענאdo I not know it myself? Ib, 80" ןניקסע 'א רעישרב
18 it with wicked men we have to deal? (i. 6. shall we , ימיא אלולמאm, )ללט( jest. Erub.
presume deliberate sin?); a. v. fr. derision and jest (Ar. a. Ms. Oxf. xbiby),
NIN, אטוְנאm. (cmp. .ל h. ;;ןוטַא prob. fr. RODIN f., const. % ()לטנ thre / ,
טוהto spin; for oth. etym. v.Ges.H. Dict.s.v. JON) rope, "א ןרכבאstoning to death, 2.9. Y. Ex. XXI,
woe 43 ¥
¥. Hall. 1, 7 bes.
; 6. a ₪.Fy) prop.
intend making 'א CER my
oy Hedmegph er Se אדח
to make verm. (on Moly De for drying them, it ₪
9 m.(v. next w.) (row, Uirust. Tosef. Hall. 1,7;
NOS ION pr. nm.pl Trachenitis, » district onstof
| Gaulanitis. Targ. ¥. 11,Deut. 111,14 (h. Argob). ל . x37.
6 ₪.()קלט being thrown. Targ. Job. 111, 4
‘ar. 23%) on his being thrown. , ףרמאNETON .₪ (mags, ₪ S73) /6₪ Gi. ov”
%--(.6011666) " יִפרטאEre. 1 Ps 1 3. 5 Mote.
אייק of םטכ(toobstruct,close, fillup. "114 (Var. ,רפרט.+ Rabb.2. 8. a.1).
solid. Zeb. 61"
.+ “m
אי1 .meffoאו6. +.
זז אי, LR“ ;epa( מ. > ;א ( 1) if, ₪
.graT .tnaC ,IIV ;31 .a .reB—e %2 a .&f ( אר הכרabbrev.
FY") if this be so (introdacing an argument ageinet one's
| Fae opinion) —R. Hash.* 3 "כרSows “> ₪46 has four meanings,
ראif,למנ --.₪0 ( ראabbrev. >") «) if you choos, it may
))m. (¥. foreg.) something solid, also be said; or. B. Mets. 96* ; 4. fr—b) even if, +. “>.
USER (S25) 0 Targ. 11, Esth. 1, 2—B. Hull. 12° אטליר 'כו2° (Rashi St SSN SoS כ"א( even
cong Sade ke ליעל ללא לר-9 א fi ydobemos esle draehrevo ;ti ₪. ):---| אד אברת בשלטא
(abbr. אטלשב( יא ב"א=תרטא 1 grant, ifyou were to sy
.- רנייהthen would be right what £c.; .+ . אטלשבYous
;17° a. fr—% .... 7 whether... or. Targ. Kob. XI, 6.
B. Mets."; 98 .₪ .(ל2- adv. ofinterrogation, v. 7% IL
Targ. Job +1, 2 Ms. (ed. 7).
(ah. pw) not. Git. IV, 5 רשפא ראit ₪ impor
sible. Keth. XII, 3 ישפא ראI want not; ₪.fr.
. \
ON 44 sis
איtiL )" (אָר.h .8 .0 .b( .h "8, (אָרה 7? what? insert bth) on the lamplighters’ decleving thatnight had
how ?—4372 רא whence? Targ. Josh: Il, 4; a. e.—Hebr. set in (PAW ראצומ .([ הכישחThe context 5 ₪
אר זהnetfo( ,XMA NIH ni eno )drow ?ohw ?hcihw .Y w. designates a person or ae papel ו: י
ו יס |
Kil. VII, beg. 31> רמאנ ראל הז רבדwith regard to what
.אִיבְלָא- אְבְלַאTarg. .0 Gen.L, ;01 a. e. ed.Berl.,
(in what way, sense) has it been said? Y. Shebi. I, beg.
oth. 66. NB3X. ו:
38% הז ראו הזand which (ploughing time) is this?; a. v.
fr—Y. Peah 111, 17% top גורימ )=ןידיא( ריאו וניד
what is the meaning of merog? Kerith. 6" ךרצרמ ריאל
and איבלייםv. PPR.
. צררכלwhat need is there (of the others)? Omp. 41S; MSDN )= תב oN, v. (רעב if thou so desirest; or.
;אִימתרTED. NON אמרא--'או ( 'אabbr. (א"בא if you choose, I may
say ...or if you prefer (another solution) T may say...
ביא v. AN. Yoma 28; a. fr.
NI NI, NIN m. (cmp. (בָא ee fruit. Targ. רבאpl. Om, PISS, +. aR.
Gen. IV, 338. e; v. NDIN.
NIDN, אביch. (=foreg.) 1) limb. Targ. Job. II, 4(Ms.
NIN II, NIN m.=N2x% father. Targ. Y. Num, N73"). "סמ "— למTrnsf. arm, wing, pinion. Sabb. 90"
וצ4; a. fr. א' דשמאלאtfel —.mra .lP ,DIP .ND .graT .veL ,I ,8 _
a. 6, (pieces). Targ. Ezek. XVu, 3; Deut, XXXII, 1
“NID N=NDN I, pl. .אָלְבְבִיא Tar, 6 Kin 5 s VI, 38
(wings)—2) membrum genitale. Targ. Y. Gen. XIV, 2;
(ed. Vien. (אַָבְּבִא
I ibid. XLIX, 24.—[B. Mets. 84%, v. [הֶיָרְבִיִא
ara +). .; 358, וא/ן or ,בא emp. ,תיִבָאְבַא 518, ארביא ("ax to be strong) indeed, to be sure. Hull.
iD) 1) enmity, hostility, grudge. Snh. 111, 5 an enemy "59 'א אנרזח הדלindeed, I should like to see him. Git.
is ‘he who has not spoken to his neighbor for three days 56 'א אכלמ תא אהindeed, thou art a sovereign.
' באin his grudge; a. 'א--.+1 ( םושמ )רנפמfor the sake of
preventing ill-feeling. Y. Dem. IV, 24°; a. fr.—2) aver- “RENTIDN f. pl. (v. next w.) enough for a meal
> sion, disgust, loss of’ attraction. Y. Yoma VIII, 44" bot. in the household. Erub. 82” 'א Nmp"4 יתרת Ms. M. (ed.
' הכלה מפנר אeht edirb si( dettimrep ot hsaw reh ecaf no איכרירתא, Asheri, ed. Ven.אתרירבכו
א v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.
the Day of Atone.) that she may not lose her attraction. note) two large loaves of the תש (or of mourners’
meals). [Rashi, expl. our w. as loaves of drivers of oxen,
» DN, TAN ()וביא .+ ,228( .'בא/ ןemp. (לבא [black], appears to have had before him the vers. of Ms, M. and
name of a bird (h. (הָפָנַא vulture or kite. Targ. 0. Lev. to derive our w. from ,ארב v. "ZI a, [.רָפָא
XI, 19; Deut. XIV, 18 (Targ. Y. .(אתמכוא [Targ. Y. I, 1
Deut. XIV, 13; 14, gloss to v. 18; confounded with v. “TTD N +. ,)ירב +. RIDIN) a meal. B. Mets. 84°
13—h. text A3X.]—AD"8 pr. n. m., V. TAN. Pant 'א‘one. meal of R. Ismael ₪0. (v. Rabb. D. 8. to
ארברראתא, Erub. 82°, note 1); emp. Pesik. B’shall. p. 90”
דּוביא m. )דבא( ruin, destruction, Ab. Zar. 33° sq., a. Ber, 44°). [Some read היִרָביִא . אָרְביִא צ2).]
לרזא אלis wasted. Hull. 11" mow: “x םושמ to prevent
loss of life (to save the convict). Bets. 22% ןוממTAN pecu- איבריו.Yy זג. .taK ,111 ”28 .%00 daer ארפדדריו:? ץ. IDR.
> ד
niary loss; a. fr. _[V. however, אָמאְָיְרְבִֶא end.] .
Sia NI m. ey, mourning; v. .תּוליִבָא Yeb. IV, די איירביאM. Kat. 111, end, 834,
10; a. e. font THR, +. sax. |
וזאיבול, DAN ,no, +. אי , רוגיאNTT + “aS a. NTN.
איבוס+. אָבוּס. > NTP RENT. Tas Zeph. I, 5 (pl.) som
_ (ed. Vien. ia).
“ORD, א' TDD, .+ ome.
איגורי+. “ON.
OID N m. (O23) stuffing, forcing food down the an-
ima?’s throat. Erub. 20° (first time) 'כו אהו 'רא ןאמכin FINN f. (atyeta, sub. ₪: goats, Gen. R.
.8 ,20 end.. 2
stuffing, is it not as if taking a vessel in hand &c.?
igs time 'כו 'א ןאמכNT omitted in Ms. 11,[
אינלָאiP 6
"REY TDN, הָמיריִביִא f. pl. (prob. contr. of “TN )אגר11( [vaulted] roof. Arakh. 32°; “Meg. 5
/ א דזהרא (בער" ארבערר,srethgil-pmal‘ sdiam-dnah ohw ' ג אytic enil demrof yb gninioj ,sfoor .ppo חומה.-
0 ‘to the lights. Y. Yoma 111, beg. 40°; Y. R.
Hash. 11, beg. 577 R. . handled things forbidden to. NTN, NPN, אָרAN: (also גי
handle on the Sabbath הר ( לע םופ יאY. R. Hash. 1. ₪ const, “35% same. “Tare. Prov2X1,95 ₪ fr
4% rors
Mets. 63"; Binh. #2*; 96° (prov.) “rd ותיא. אניירק 'אר 1 ,) | don’t know; 5. fe FL "דרא -- א אוthese and
Lm both, Yok. Ow fe,
פרוונקאlet him who composed the letter be himeclf ite
carrion — 4. (of (אָרְניַא POH. Targ.+. 1 Nom. אא
Ie. XXXIX, L— FIA, IP, METI, אָתאָרָנא | im. ,)דרא +. wT) fowcotion,de, exp bast
קזI XXI, 9; a fr.—Y. Keth. 11, 26" bot. Y. cel saab on Hebb. 11, 1, expl. in Babli (20%)
VI, 40*bot. Y. Binh.
I,19*top. ———
5), in 1. )4'( aes,
אָלְליַפקונְרֶאm. pl. (olvoxdnyhot) keepers of wine-shops, * אִזְנְרָאm., pl. RNR ,)הרג +. AR; prefix ,זיא
opp. N™BW; 6. v. cmp. bare a. (ָגְזִרֶא mounds, Gen. R. s. 74 תיאד | לקחב
' א' וכaM ni a dleif ni hcihw ereht era sdnuom dniheb(
היאpr.n. m. Ayah. Git.* 85 'א ררמA. Mari, sur- which people may hide) talk no secrets. [Muss. incorr. —
name of one Aha b. Hidya. דfor ר.[
NTN (v. next w. a. NM) that, the same. Targ. Ruth אִיזֶרקר+. spr. |
I, 16.
. איזה, ,SPW NS ,.m %1 .+ .b( .h אי זַה=אֶיזֶה
איה, NTN m., יהיא +. (an, ,רה v. oy) he, him- ? (אֶר זז אה האohw ?tahw ?hcihw .bA 1,VT ארזהו חכם
self ; she, herself. "Targ. צי Lev. V, 3. Targ. Esth. I, 1; who is wise?; a. v. fr.—7¥ הזאב in what manner, v.
a. v. fr.—Gen. R. 8. 49 'כו בסל 'אlet himself take ashes; .372 [Chald, , ןיָדיֶאSPR]
a. fr.—Pl. ּוחְניִא m., TN 5; 972, TIM; WN, ןוניא IPR, v. foreg., a. ."ז"א
» paw + (contr. ןוזא +38); very freq _Y. Bice. 1.
ad, 65> ןירמ ןונוד=ןירמא. ןוניאדY. Meg. I, 71% top ןילוא איזוב, RIT, v. א
ארכרןare there only these (differences between the Sab-
bath and Festivals)? “PN, AN )+. nyR=pb. .ג , אּופיִאMBN, IN) now, then,
pray. Yoma 80" 'א >" ( ודואmiss. in Mss., Ms. 1. 2%)
יהיאI, v. foreg. admit then at least. B. Mets. 707 וזיא - אמיאtell1me
now; 4. 6. V. .ןיָדיַה
*יחיאTI, 'א אריק )יאה( pr. n. pl. Thi Dakkira, Is,
a city” on the W. banks of the Euphrates, and upon a NON, NON m, NAST +Gre wed, net, be.
little river of the same name; (v. Rapap. Er. Mill. p. 33, Hull. 51" ירטיק ירא יברקמו8 net in which the knots are
.a .mS .ssalC .tciD .s .v .)sI .diK °27 ( א' דיAr.(חאי . close. Erub. gb ירכיאד אתלזואMs. 3. ,אתלרזוא..60) Ar.
B. Bath. 24* Ms. R.( 'א 'יקד ed." ארקד NN, v. Rabb. D. (ארזולתאthe twist (of bunches) of the -.ויתגסז8] -7. “bry,
.8 .(.8.1 Ber. 59" (vy. Rabb. 2. a. 1.). M. Kat. 11%. Git. 60° "bray; v. NOTIN —Erub. 8% הלל| קספ
" לסורא באו.de( .cnoS '" (אeh detarapes eht sdray-truoc
TN pr. .ג m. Ayo, a scholar. Bets. 37; a. fr. of Sura with nets (hurdles, matting).
( בויאb. h.) pr. n. m. Job, the personage after whom NOMS m., v. NOI. Tosef, Kil. I, 11 ed. Zuck. (ed.
the Biblical book רפס( )'א the Book of Job is named. corrupt (אמזאמזא
B. Bath. 14>; 15% sq. Y. Sot. V, end, 20°. Nid. 52%;
a. fr. , לימזיִא, למזיאTN OMAN) m. na ch. Get
V >; cmp. . לh. למס;cmp. NTN) cutting tool, knife,
תואימנוויא valk. Ex. 376, read אוותנטאות, v. esp. surgeon’s knife. take. Job XVI, 9; a. e.—Hull. 31°
אוותֶנְטר 'א שיש ול םינרקa knife which has hotniske projections —
sa .stnemanro .Y .bbaS ,XIX .geb %61 'אנשון מירתר או
NVR, +. gu. they had forgotten to bring the knife (for circumcision).
Ex. R. s. 26 man הכמ "אב 'כו wounds with a knife
איול, STMN, +. dee 2). )gnitarepo( dna slaeh .68 .lP .dlahC ) אִזְמַלְוָון א;זְמַלירא6(. >
NPR, |pl. OPN m. ,)זזא cmp. ,אזיזג THM, (דזא prickly Targ. Is. XLIV,13. Targ.Josh. V, 2.
twigs. Y. Maas. Sh. IV, 55" bot. (to one who dreamt , רמזיא. צShebi. IV, 35% +. “war. :
that people ran before him—meaning power) "M772 תאד
' א' וכuoht tliw yrrac ylkcirp sgiwt dna ydobyreve lliw )אפקזיא הפקזיא,(.+ הָפּוקְסא cele.
run away from thee. [V. Lam. R. quot. s. v. 233.]
NTTAPR, v. tL ar |
TAP, v. ay. “ וITN m. cm , Pi.) the act ofstitching together
TAPS, NTAPN (Targ. Y. 1333, 1313) m. (contr. of Seas, O5y WIN ref,tothe rent of garments in mourning.
גזגזרא, גdenetfos otni אro ,> .pmc ,XIT ;אדרזדאosla ' Y. M. Kat. I 95> top; a. e.—M. Kat. 26° ei
, זדנרזמ==עזעדזמ.8 . ; עזכז צץMassorah “730"N, “THON, Ispe. Alexandrian s(invisible) seam.
of ;311 Berl. Targ. 0. I, pp. 63, 68; cmp. Mand.אשגאנדא , Y.
one Sem (an, Pi.) delay, detention.
Noéld. Mand. Gr, lithog. table; v. 13, 13) runner. Targ.
. צGen. XLIX, 21 'ע לילקa light ranner; a. 6. In gen.
messenger. Pl. 7X, NTEMS, 13, 1, ‘ON. Targ. Is.
XVIII, 2; a. v. fr.
STOB ת..steM %99; ת. גו. "א א, +. ללשרא
toe Lethaia . ו, )רשינcomp. METS) ₪8
TSM, +8
I will prove itto you, ‘Live (Chtm) senen, Go,
sight ,!חצ-6) (]אזש- ף+. Yob. 1V, 8 top; 199%. chon ihe
Wmidbar 14 (corr, ace.); Ibid. (ed. Baber) 91,
“TN (conte. ofדדי Sz; v. “wy 1) by the way of,
ו0400. 108" roe through his mouth —
ay Nas. *ל SS 'א through the inetromentality
of the an-
imal; «.fr-—2) (eon). ) because, since 00. SOP .... עתר א
asthe compiler had to etate thie, be incidentally mentite
aleo the other, Kid. 60°; « ff.
סומכייא, read rodeos.
, סיכייא *םינייא. דDem. Vil, 26°, RS. toDem.
Sion oer eens ee
ND"N (contr. of N>-m"x) 1) there is, there are (sunt ,*לוא. לייאm. (b. h.;hw superiority, patronage,
qui). "ירמאד
( 'אabbrev. (.ד''א some say. Hull. 8"; a. fr. א צץMidr. Till. to Ps. LXXXVIII, 5. Ib. to
WIS 'א they differ in this 86. Ib. 4°; a. fr.— 'א לאמ Ps. CIV, 29 (ref. to Is. LVII, 19 peace, peace &e.)
למרמרwhat is there to say? how can it be explained? רלולרא )ּולְרֶא( ירא לש 'כוbut for the peace-making ¢ar-
what can you reply? Ib.12* top; a.fr.—*2) he who. Targ. bitration ‘of the Lord 6.
Prov. XIX,7. [Prob. to be read [אָניַא
לוי לאm. (b. h.;( 1-( לואram (the strong) B.
TIN how then! how! Targ. O. Deut. I, 12; a. 1 Kam. 65” if one stole הלט השצכו 'א a lamb and it grew
יצNO". to be aram. Ib. 8‘ 'א ןב ומוי יורקa ram one day old
is called a ram (ayil is used in a general sense, irrespect-
FTN (b. (ג<=חכהרַא 1) oh how! oh! Gen. RB. >. 19; ive of age). R. Hash. 16°; a. fr—[*Pl. . םיִלָאTosef. R.
a. fr. “9) Ekhah, name of the Book of Lamentations, .hsaH ITI ,)II( 3 .raV( (רעלים.[--*2( [ א' קמצאperh.אל
also 'א רתבר--. 'א תליגמEkhah Rabbathi (Lam. R), q. v.] ₪ species of locusts. Eduy. VIII, 4; Pes. 16°; Ab.
Midrash Rabboth on Lamentations. Zar. 87% לייאed. (Ms. M. ,( לוייאv. "34.
JON 1) (=n 6 if now; oh that. Bets.4” > אתשה 'א SN m. (b: h.; prob. fr. ,לוא=לוע cmp. Var. lect. of
אשתלאיif 1 (had given my decision forthwith) I should mbes; emp. (ללא [the climber], hart. Hull. 28%; a. 6.
have made a mistake. Yeb. 46*—Snh. 107* 'כו 'א אממז
oh that a muzzle had been put on my enemy’s (euphem. NON, NOUN ch=h. לֶֶא 1); trnsf. 1) beak of a
for my) mouth! i. e. oh that I never had said this!— ship (a beam to which the head of a ram was attached),
2) pr. n. f. Ikhu. Taan. 35* what is thy name? She said, prow. Ned. 50*.—2) projection from a lateral wall, butt-
Ikhu.—Said he ךלרושכ 'א וטמכoh that thy joists were ress, ₪0. Targ. Ezek. XL,48; a. 6. (Var. 858).—*3) (emp.
sufficiently long! box 2) name of a worm or mite in grapes. Sabb. 90° 55x
(Rashi a. Ms. Oxf. .('"יא
לוכיאm. )לכא( consumption, combustion. Y. Ber.
IV, 7° top, . א.6 'א םירב"אthe consumption on the altar NON, NOUN, NON ch.=h. .לא “Targ. 0. Deut. |
ofthe pieces of the daily offering; v. “ay. [V.[ְיָיכוּל XIV, 5; a. fr-—Bekh. 7. Pl. PDR, "אלא mon. Targ.
4 Deut. 1. 6. (ed. Vien. 775°!) Targ. Lam. 1 %
NOD כm. ) (אכםblack color, something black. Y.
Sabb. II, 4° א ןההblack naphta. NON pr.n.m. Jla 1); a Tannai. Bekh. IV, 5 (29%),
a medical expert הנביב 'אכlike 1. in Yabneh’.—2) an
איכוףVv.אוּכָּם . Amora. Yoma 73); a. fr. [Other forms ,אעלרא , רליאNd";
( ןָכיִא ןכיאJRD""N,_
v. Frankel M’bo p. 75%.[
.צ ( אָכיאwhere? also relat.
where, ₪0. Targ. Gen. XXXVII, 16. ZY. Ber. I, 3° bot. NON v. NbN. Y. Shebu. I, 33° bot, 'יאד ארבתסמNd
תב לוקMRS" 'א where did that divine voice come forth?
v. אָפּוליח
Ib. III, 6* bot. דומלל 'אמone from whom to learn. ;
Ib. IV, 7* 'כו 'אמ ודמלwhence did they detive the obliga- ץ אולאסרין. אִילְצְרָא.
tion of three prayers?—’X דע how far? how long? Y.
Peah VIII, beg. 20%. Cant. R. to VI, 4; a. 6. [In Babli’ יצ אילהPDN.
j2°5 q. v.]
הליא הליא תלייא.2-00 ₪ MBER;, a bey ,
, תיפכיא הייפכיא. אמB. to ,1 1 יאwa (Var. 1( hid roe. B. Bath. 16°|
top8 wounds. witht 6 knife q
,(כוא/ Vv. REMAN. a narrow womb (vagina)s. Chald. bate; ןוֶוְלַמְזֶא )5(.
first rays (climber) of thyosh. V, 2.
תפכיאv. MBSR. 29%, .Y. Ber. I, 2°; a. fry \
LV, 85% v. “varI. .
“ רָכיִאaN m. (b. h., , רכאY/7>, cmp. (כְּכָּר hus- res v.
ne |
,namdnab .rerobal-mraf 0 ,IV 8 )89"( "אם חיה אי , צ. האֶסְקוּפָה ו
.hsiM( ' (אכfi eh sa
i ;namdnabsuh .a --.7
6 .sap ץצ.
M. Kat. 111, 82" bot. 125K (read ור his farm-hands.
]7. [ארבריו- = . דלאRA. (nik, וכ the’ att 0 stitching together
soon’ with ref.tothe rent of garments in mourning
‘ אָרְּכיִאDN ch. same. Targ. Is. XXI, 10; a. 7 ,taht 32 ,111 >38 ;pot .a .M—.e .taK 62> אלכסנדרי4
PID, NPD, “2k. Targ. Jer. XXXI, 23; a. e.—Erub.
ו Adrian ,(invisible) seam. 1
”isa 2 אלא. אִיִכַרִיְיְתָא מק+. .lp .burE 28> רפתא
' אs'remraf ;sevaol ,.v ,revewoh אֶרבְרְיְאחָא. 90/3778 -m. (nx, Pi.) delay, detention. Y.
a. ‘top. |
איכרוּם+. ב
fort IT page DsLUE, § 9
אִיְכַּרְיְיְתָא+. spa. ו /
poe אילן
ש-- הא למin the ease of one who... ths, the, son of Helles) wae bie mame, aed the Hen ie called «
here 6c.)
Pew weed 'אכ as if the Lord #0 to way, asleep,
when leracl is in trouble; a. ¥. fr—¥. Kil, IV, end, ov" OM, >
= יליכ overly, 1 אלי₪. ph )1]/086044( Helio
pao,עין m. (elogiam) 001 polis, iniower קו Pesik. Vayhi p.48” Ar. (04. (ס"לרפ
nt, sentence stating the erime, werdict, Vox. W., 16 Poslk, B. « 17 Ove ילרא (oorr. ace)
םכלש. ררבקאש"יא1 may set acide (
וSm. (Corr, see, Nam. Ba, 16 j Gen,
your verdict, th.
B. «.of,
eg )'( (אלamy,
wetMyre prop.
lo say, hence & dinlectic term in debate, you do not
beg. | אנאליניןLom. ₪. to 1, 14 ךינולנא ןינילנילוא.אז moan to say, ot thall Ieay! ₪. Mets. (2° Pres sores א
זווא,lliT ot .sP ,1 6 ;mop או. ₪ 44 אטלינין. shall Lay ו means)
when the debtor concedes (hie
.אמלגין.| indebiedness)' Kid, 746° כי ןא"ירא אwhat does it refer
> אילווא,eia 00", + אלא | fot You cannot say it refers ₪. ... Sabb,
120° (qume
| ed. Sm). ו ;52% .₪ .ו
ה Sear
lamentation at) funeral cecorta.
te [אולימא =); +. *לדי
= אִילוּל- אלוּלTarg.Y. Num, XIV, 7
ו ל לו.ho אנ
TaySe) secredfnot,but
for (followed by .א“3, oh. “3, Tone pene
or by ₪ noun without a verb; +. x>gdx). Targ. ¥. Deut. =
B'shall,, Amalek 1השס xz 'אbutfor
> Moses, who said 60; a.fr—2) (followed by a verb without
דשor h.%°%) ifindeed,if.Targ.
Koh. VI,6. איל ? (אcom.
Targ. Beth. 4; a. @.—*3) of that! Num. RB. 5.2, beg. ,daSAS ed
ap 0-= > ו
'א אות יםoh that He would allow His love to | eaten 0-8 4 a. v. & —Y. Erob. ii,
be אbanner over me! ]ראילא as in preceding lines!)— 204 top yo ךילרא insert ,ראס whet are those (unses
*4( whether, Targ. Cant. VI, 11 ‘2° 720'א whether the “mentioned)?
ages among them increare
OTD, +. פלא
Bees, Toon (preced. with .קש 39) if | RETIN, +. sede.
for. Targ. Y. Gon. XXXI, 42; a.fr.
(in some ed. in two words ךיפ .(דלוליא TON, TON ₪ cmp. 73%) hither, thither.
| Targ.+. Num. 4411, 'או--.4 ( ןאכמ55) from םשש and =
תיִנוליוא.1(prob. fr. 5%; emp. "St a.
((רַבְרthe man-like) barren, wombless, incapable ofcon- further
on, i.>.afler that. Targ.
Heth. Il,14. Ber.
a. fr—Men. 28° 'א “Tac “RTH one in this, anotherin
ception, Keth.11*(etymol.
from (לרָא תדנרכודx aylonith
ppgeae ו Nid. V, 9 (47>); a. fr. that direction. Erub. 55°. (Diff. from. 33a.) V, 53°
DN א. ₪.Elem. ¥. Kid.,ו oo tons».
DON mate,» oie
-חר א וו,eroc;)noa %2
ian measure. 1. Sabb. לזו NDI N ch.same, +. chee
9% glass-smelter)
] מ ונוט 1 ,norc :w
ES = eae) 9
NIGP, «serie
TPN m.(emp. d.₪.73xoak, +.rs) tree.Shebi. 1,
ו *( .מBx, 1, a. 6. 'אה ה הדשfield containing at least three trees
ומש 4 within a distance of a S'ah (v.D). 5.3 קרס אbearing
geראפ si base no edible fruit, opp. לכאיכ ‘x —Pes. 112* (prov.) "ops oe
" וכif you desire to be strangled, be hanged on « large
. תוGSN; emp.
Don, a.טְסָא( “cree tree, (if you must refer to an authority, select 8 good
“iting (mp.
b.. ג.)53 Tosef.
Kil. 111, 1°(°F
5 prob. EES). ¥. Kil.Vyem :
one).—Pi. rSi-x, comst. “23% Shebi. 1,2.Gen Bs. 16:0. fr.
אKoh. B.toIl,17, prob. ₪ cor- | @) (emp. 791") 280), bandage on wounds feb. 98*
sn or ירש דחלוכAr. (in od. .אMe. ovr w. omitted)
of גרטקמa malicious informer,
all of them entice their bandages all of omoe a4 tie thee
f.(hywépa) day. ¥. Ab. Zar. 1, 29°top, they upall at once, buthe atiendsto one a1 5 time. — 3 ( /rimge,
lament over it"א 3", pdharva tydpa, ob, the black herder. דיו Pe. CXREXIM, 2 Targ. .ד Mx. XXVI, +
(luckless) day! V. Macrob, fat. 1,15 dies afri. (Var, (ארשרא V. next > -4(' pr. ₪. pl 3 רפכ ]א
lmra (Lamb-ville), Y. Taan. 1V, 69° bot.; (Lam. B. 5
.( וhpepov, neut. or acous,) fame, soft, וו, 2 a").
alte tanksterm er) Gen, Ki. 6.77 end ys) (corr.
.(.6 הNum. eit; Pesik, Hahod, p.44" Poo | "א Peek, (SYN)
1)fringe, bor-
HK,= 15 Pree; Cant, BR,to,111 7 ( ןיבדראcorr. seo.). Mid, der, ; .)דרמה the bordered garment, (togs pretexta),
too rof( אגריוןdaer איטירוןrof יטירון4 נ date garment. .דום 11"; Ab, Zar, 36° ובקילח ןבל ןיאש
איטרה5 white plain frock without border (without of-
fieial distinction;
emp. toge pura), ¥. אה TX, 82° top;
LM yon
יו OO | ד ib,)
V, 19 PST SUN) 'א ₪ comeplcucusborder gar-
Pye. אש Be. אגו ment. Y, Kid. IV, beg. 65° (play on “um Bere 11, 99)
' פררסטיי יכyeht edam sevicemeht sa ruooolpenoc sa eht
Som. (v. (רא day time. ae ba border on the frock, Sabb. 108°; .ד ih. RI (X11), 1.
+ Ab, Bar, T,30°top ךרא אthe day growing ~Y. Yoms 1,98 top; ¥. Meg, 1, 72* bot. רקילח rman the
longer. skirt of my frock; «.fr-—{Lam. .הtol, 17 explain. oon
JON פא.מ. .htaB,11 6 daer .yxo ib, ,אריפרופ .+ (.תזב PL (of (תירעוא . תיירעאKee.
10, ¥. .א Kat. 00% bot; 7. 391—4) tenet. object of
| טגזו- 58° (deriding the Galilean dialect) a Galilean cried א"מרתא1) ewe, .+ “oe )2*— pr.ם . Iemarta.
" למאן וכxo“ ohw stnaw ?rama yltcnitsidni( -nuonorp Snh. °25 Im. daughter ofTali (prob. pseudonyms).
,“ תמיאSION 0b.. ; רססמ.+ (רַאwhen? Ball. 17*--
Ber.I,1, a fr. רתטראמ from what time (of the day)?
Shebdi.I, 1, a. fr. דק; רתשיא ib. 11, 1 Pow םסש דע long
1.8. a.1, note 10) do you mean Admér (an ass) to ride
on, or Admar (wine) to drink, or dmar (wool) for (until when)?
putting on, or immar (lamb) for slaughtering?; a. fr.— PSM ch. 1) whenever,
when. Targ.
.דLev. XXIII,
PLOTS, LSS, TTS, “By. Ezra VIL, 9; a.e—Targ. 42; ae. Y. B. Kam. IIL 2% top "כו Post 'רא when
Ex. XXIX, 38; XII, 5; .א e—Y. Snb.
I, 18% top “x they quote the Mishnah in support of ₪ Ab. Zar.53*לכ
ביסוןthe lambs (of the spring) are yet tender (in a letter אר' דבעינא לתreve Inere
dw.ti .diN )2—*66 osla
ouncing the interealation
of a month); Bab. ib. 11° “TSN CHS) when? Targ. Job. VIL 4— > for what time?
PO: א a.e.—Fem. אָתְרַאְיֶצ
io-* Me; +. Tosef, ib.11,6); a. until what time? Targ.0. Ex. VIII, 5; = >
we. Ry Y, 6; a.e—Hull. 51%. Gen.
₪. = 44
‘ with twenty (young ones), NOON chab. mre Targ.0. Ex. XV, 16; 2 ¢—
B. Kam. 28"; . > ,
Sayan} 52 pas
אימתי, אימתר, +. row,אִימַת NBN, + xa. חר4=
* :
ISN, אִימְתְנָא, 'אימ .m .moned( fo (ארמתא ( אִינְגד743) prolong! go further! Git. 58° ’S
1) fear-- inspiring, powerful. Targ. Jud. 1, ' פוסתא וכog eno egap dna a flah ;rehtruf dna( uoy lliw
PRM, ,רֶנְתִמיַא . "מראTarg. Hab. I, 7. Targ. Sen. XIV, find it). [Rashi: 6 little=32-x, .צ [.111רא
5 )צ ,11 , אינתמאh. text (ם"יֶמיֶא .--2( timid. Y. Meg. III, 74°
bot. 'כו ( ארפס הוה ןתמיאed. Krot. ,ןודמרא corr. acc.) the אינגורין, +. pray.
school-master was a timid man and but for R. Abbahu אָרְּדְניִאm.=next w.—Pl. with suffix of third pers,
that passed by, he would not have cleared the children sing. “aN. Targ. Ps. CIV, 3 Ms. (ed. .([ רורדסכאThe =
out of the premises of the Synagogue. [Hebr. form,v.j38.]
verse ‘is variously corrupted and defective.]
is Pi. ןייא , )=ןיינv. binigt w.) to look upon, in-
vestigate. B. Bath. 115* (play on (ן"יא וילעRN Ar. (ed.
(עָי"ןinvestigate his family relations. Kid. 4*. POTION, +. ַסיִטיִנּורְְנ
TRI m. (18; emp. v8, (ןיע [b. .ג naught}, some- WISN, FIN, +. והיא
thing rounded, decorative. Koh. R. to II, 12 expl. as "3,
ref. to the shape of the human buttock, v. TEEN. 12°N .צ. Git. IX, end, 50% 'א בתכ, "רפאread i320", v.
Bab. ib. 87°,
(RIL ( אייןb.h.*%; Nan emphat; emp. 3X) where?
(only with pref. 2 or .ל xb whither? ‘xa whence? Y. איכומילין,goP( 24) מו. wine
Snh. X, 28% bot; Y. Hag. 1, 77% bot. 'אלו 'אמwhence mixed with honey. Sabb. XX, 2 )139( "אAr. (ed. 28,
and whither?—Aboth III, 1. Gen. 5. 8. 2 םילגרה 'אמ var. in Mss, , ןרללמכרר, 'רמכרv. Rabb. D. 8. a, 1. note 20).
whence art thou טו i. e, where hast thou been Ab. Zar, 80" defined as a mixture of wine, honey and
staying ?—Y. Snh. ,א 28" top ‘add 'אמ הריח ולhe had pepper. Ter. XI, 1 ןרלמונליAr. (ed.; םילמונלר Ms. M.אט' ,
(a precedent) to learn from.—Contr. of ןיא : ןמ5223, v. 72. read .( 'רכיא. צץSabb, XIV, 14° top pena,
( ןיאb. h.; constr. of F281) nothing, not. Ber. 5* אינון, sry .lp fo ארח, איחי
ןרא םוע אלא 'כוuf (flight, Job V, 7) means nothing else
*אתינו, וניאGen. R. .8 29 אנינח 'א- a corruption
but 86. ; 8. v. ,לֶכיֶא--.15 F278 not 1 86. sa "28 1 do not
of רכריכרא or NTN,=אכלכה .0191666 ; cmp. Frankel M’bo
know; do I not know? B. Mets. 97; a. fr. Ber. 1. 0. but
the Holy One... ןכ 12°8 is not so; a.ןיד ---.11 528 is it ‘p.64> א' בן סוסילhtiw ן, 88* חי בר סיסיר. ruO[,wW dettimo
in Yalk. Gen. 47, Job 908.]
not a legitimate conclusion?, whence so much the more.
. צץNaz. VI, 555%; a. v. fr— .. ...77 ןרא רל אלאfrom this “NEPIDN+.(ray) sigh, grief. Tang.IL Esth. 111, 3.
I could only prove...., whence, however, will you
Vv. NON.
deduct . ..? Hull. 65); a. fr. [¥. Git. IX, end, 50% ™pR
כתב אינו 8 סימנו.[ וואל אינטפלינית Tosef. Kil. V, 25, read with
ed. Zuck. M°22BO"N. |
PRI or PR (Syr.=)h, = yes, indeed. Keth. 65°
' השתא א' וכ,sey—,won tub ton .erofeb .B .steM *89 חדא TOON 1S28PR, ve P82) FPS, +. PRT
' א' בעידן וכsa sdrager eht eno ,llew—)woc( ehs deid .6;
a. fr—"2"R="F PN is it really 80 ?indeed?, 1. e. it cannot bj אpr. n. m. Ini, an Amora; emp. °2""3"8. Cant. R.
be. Hull. 96" רמאהו 'אit cannot be so; for did not R.... to VIEL, 11. [Koh. R. to IX, 10 [[וביא
say 86.7 M. Kat, 20°; a. v. fr.
איניבא, +. xz.
PRIL JS ch. 5y) 1) if, whether. Targ. Ps. VU, 4;
אייְניִאpr. . םm. (cmp. הנ Inya. 4 Git. I, 43°
a. e, [Apocopated: יא .6 רמ"ת--[.( ןיא צhb. רמאת ON) if
(Y. B. “Bath, 16° nn). V. next w. |
thou wilt say (argue). Y. Macc. II, 31" bot.; a.fr.—"> ןיא
(h. איה םא( ןכif this is (be) the case. Y. Naz. VI, 54° AN, (אִינינְיָיא) אניני.rp .n .m ,inaynI |
bot.—Lam. R. introd. end 'כו ןא תא ביתיif thou remain- an Amora. Y. Yoma Til, 40°; a..e. +. [Maas. Sh. IV, 55*
est here, or ₪0. Koh. R. to X, 5 'כו ןא תתא התנעif
bot. N™2"N, seems to be a different person, v. preced. w.
the (my dying) time comes first, what of it? and if 6. a. Frankel M’bo p. 64.] V. .אתרנוניא
--2( adv. of interrogation, introducing the alternative,
or. Targ. Job VI, 6; a, 6 PIR, +. pons.
NI"N 6. (emp. 52"), followed by ,"ד he who. Targ.
Prov. XI, 26; a. 6. (also N28 ed.).
ODN, + oy, | ו
8 .
nee %0
דנון אַינְמירינין
בֶנְיאm. (=b. h, 323 6. v.) berry, an excrescence on ,. , / \ 4
, ,
1 +
the eye. "0861. Bekh. IV, 2. [Mish ib. ‘VI, 2 . בָניֶעTalm.
ed.? 38° ( בצעcorr. 9 ;vovrppop ,pme אניגרוך
אינפילי -איסו
being Dan. 11, 10, a. fr, שנא --1(. VIL, 15 'ארב
זז א"סור, ROV .nm ;moc pmc .bb ,MOV₪. (אָרסור
)1 band, ; tenet, social circle. Gace.
45° (ret. to Pe.
son of man (in Talm, freq. שנ .( רבTarg. 0. Lev. 1
CXVIM, 27) ‘st לכ השיקה 'א כחל he who crestes « circle
2; a. fr-—Y, Bob. VII, 25* bot., a. fr, רמר "RS as if one
for the festival with eating and drinking, i.« socialוק
Y. Bor, Vill, 12" bot, אבר MEH 8 great man.
| ares, (Oth, explan.: he who makes an addition tothe oum-
22; a,fr, — 11.,ןרשנרַא const, “Spe, Targ. O. Gen.
ber of festive days;—hence the popular same of 37 “Oe
nl gp Rig Targ. Y.ibid.; a. ¢.—In Talm.
for the day following the festivals }—2) prohibition, in-
mostly people. B. Kam, 92° 'א ( ירמאtext \ןנבר terdict;also the forbidden object. Y.Ber.1,3*
bot. הרד דרבר
corr, ace), Sob. 95" 'א “SRT ונדיח (abbr, RTT) this |
‘st 'א שי ךחבthe Biblical law contains probibitions sad
ie what people say, it is a common saying (proverb).
permissions. -- דרק אan obstacle to marriage by the
Thid, 103°;
a v. fr.—Git. 45° ןישְנרֶא (our people’).
existing laws of incest, ¢. g. 5 man prevented from per-
,סורמיתנוא ‘MON or. . מ.גprov. a corrupt.
for forming a levirate marriage because his late brother's
“Dorset Antipater. Targ. 11,Esth.111,1. wife
is his own וש sister; היצמ--.₪6 'א₪ morriage
(or sexual connection) permitted im the Torah but for-
“ON, “ON a prefix for the formation of (verbal) bidden by Rabbinical enactment ;—so called because
‘nouns (Ispeel nouns), affecting the first radical in the obedience to the Rabbisis a meritorious act (TTS);
same way as the prefix of the Hithpa. or Ithpe.; >-g. א' קדישהegairram snoitcirtser tnebmucni no secirp mo
from "3D, PLO pl.) rims; from “o="=
fo walk, account of their sacred office; (another opinion inverts
stride, NTNETS ankle, ko. Before dentals
ס"א and סא the last two definitions). Yeb. II,3 'א--.(*20) א לח לכps
with "צא and “3x. [Words
not found under one probibition can take no legal hold where another pro-
" אריסmust be looked for under “ON and vice versa.) hibition already exists; i. « you can punish, or impose
sacrificial expiation, only for the first one; 6. g- ifyou
> "( איסEN) m.(ids)somEx. RB. 5.15, +. -סואיִליא eat the meat of an unclean animal which, besides, bas
not been slaughtered according to riteal .()הלכנ Ib. 13";
ph 2. m. Isa, +שי ie lal a, fr—Exceptions
to this principle (adopted by most
. Ter, 1,40° top, V. יִסיִא authorities)
are when the acceding
act is: 1) So'א 8
איסגנטירון, שיסגונטרוןyee more comprehensive i. >. having a wider
range of prohibited objects; ¢. g. the law importing sb-
| איסְדָאm. .%. אֶרסָרֶר.¥( סרא, KD) head-side, pillow. stinence
from food on the Day of Atonement
‘arg. Gen. XXVIII, 11; a. e—Ber. 56* ןרסיאא by dur food in general, i.6. food otherwise allowed as well as
. ) בר סדיא.wollip food forbidden at all times; S"Ots א a more extensive
prohibition, i. 6. having a wider range of persons com-
cerned; 6- g. the sister of A's wife is forbidden to bis
(PSR ora) bat not to his brothers. If, afterwards, bis
brother B. marries that sister of A.'s wife, she is for-
bidden in marriage (after B.'s death) to 271 the brothers
/ . (אספלטייא) איסיפיליטיי ו as a brother's
wife, and to A. both 2% his own living
rights granted fo strangers, isopolity (v. Sm. Ant. wife’s sister and as his late brother's
wife )הא POx);—
sv. Civitas). Pesik. Ros. 15 cmbאל( | תודבק תירגו ןיראב3 תָחֶאra 'א₪ coincidental prohibition, ie two pro-
onde חנשוליפא]לע['א PINS סחוא לבראES AR 5 | hibitions taking effect at the same moment, eg the Day
NTO 54 איסטוונְית
of Atonement coinciding with 6ב% Sabbath day, in venient. .Num.R.s.12 two columns of silver which were
which case the restrictions conne.ted with each take placed in front of the Ark הווטסיא ( ןימכCant. R. to
effect at the same time (night-fall); 4) “12m 'א ₪ heavier I, 11 ןייוטסרֶא pl.) forming a kind of balcony; Y. Sot.
prohibition, i. e. a prohibition imposing larger restric- VIII, 22° 'אל bom allow the surplus of three handbreadths
tions, e. g. the law prohibiting any profitable use of a (over the space occupied by the Tablets) for the baleo-
thing )האנה ’N),. compared to the lighter prohibition, ny.—Yoma 49% הווטסא דובעד חשעמAr. (ed. ('ציא they
א' קל, ton tae:ot ro knird a gniht .y( ,)arfni .beY ”23 ;qs (the laymen) served only the purpose ofa portico (hold-
Shebu. 24%? ;Hull. 101% sq; Kerith. הרות--,14% 'אa Bib- ing the bowls up to view, v. Pes. I, 5, but not handing
lical prohibitory law; ךכברר "אa Rabbinical prohibitory them to the altar).—Y. Succ.V,55* bot., v.">B".—2) (emp.
enactment.—sx> "א a prohibition expressed in the Law 20m, (הָביִסַה something to recline on; couch, seat. Kid.
by a plain ()אל ‘thou shalt not’, without defining the (to one using the high-toned אט"פרק q. v.) 'א
penalty, in which case the latter consists of thirty nine דאמרל אינשיllac 61 ab’tsti sa eht elpoep .M—.od .taK
lashes (v. (תּקְלַמ
--. 'א תרכa prohibition to which the Bible 10° ' למבנר א.rA .a .de .raV( sa amoY .1 (.6 ot dliub a
attaches the penaltyof excision (by the hand of God).—'S temporary banqueting place for guests during the festive
מרתהa prohibition the transgression of which the Bible week, cmp. P2758, (Rashi: stone building, Ms. Rashi
punishes with death (10102ו00א6) הלרכא--. 'אthe law not-to — —Fi. תואָבְטְציִא (h. form). Ex. 1%. 8. 31 (basilicas).—
eat (meat boiled with milk); האנה 'אnot to make any use “DUAN (Chald. form). Pes. 65" 'אא לגסמדthey (the
(of it, as selling &c.) ; לושרב 'אnot to boil (meat with milk). priests) walked alongside the walls on balconies. (pro-
Hull. 115°;a. תוָמב--.1 “x, v.93. -- 27. .ןרְרּוסיַא Hull. 98* jecting boards made for them that. they should not tread
aq. םיששב ( לכ 'א חרותבש )ןילטבall things Biblically for- on the blood); Y. ib. V, 32° bot. .תיָוטְסִמ V. myo.
bidden are neutralized if mixed with a quantity sixty
times as large; ib. גמ--האמב a quantity one hundred * א יסמגלילית1. .epsI( fo סגלל, .r ;סגלemp.סגלגל
times as large; a. fr. a. b. h. "bidtiy) cluster, a crowded 8 Bet: 51+ לש 'א
םיכאלמ 'כוMs. Beth Nath. (Ar.אִסְחלְנֶינֶית , ed.אַימִתְלְגְנָית .
NTON, איסוּרא, אסורא, אַסוּרָא.hc )1 sa transpose 'אלסתגל, Ms. M. punbross read mebrbrony fr.
the preced. 1),band. Targ. Ezek."TH, 25.—Pl. WON. Targ. ; לתלתv. Rabb. ‘D. ₪. a. 1) a cluster of angels of de-
ib. XVI, 4(bandages).—2) asthe preced, 2). Hull. 9); a, fr.— ו
B. Bath, 92% אל "כ ןנילזא רתב אבור 'אב אנוממבwe follow
the majority principle (that a doubtful thing is presumed
אִיסְמְנְנין, אִיסְמִנְנִינות¥. BOM.
to have the legal status of the majority of its class) only איסמדומומא, +. אִסטוּופּמֶטָא
in ritual questions, but not in civil law.—’® דבע to
commit a crime, euphem. for prostitution, &c.. Ab. Zar. RITOO'N, אִיִסְמְדְיָה., + א אשי. .NOEN
18%, Git. 88% -- 21, ,ררופיֶא .. ררוסאSabb. 60° 'א יאלבב "רש
a Babylonian permitter of forbidden things (R. Hiya).
איסטדין, .+ seep .a .NOP
—Nid.. 24% a, fr. 'אב אתכלה ברכRab is the adopted NT TWO, +. emo.
authority in ritual law. [Kid. 12* ™o°N לוז &e. read רודe
רחמסיאpr. . םf. (r.רהז( -= רהסIstahar (beauty).
“IO"N; Ve TON. J :
Yalk. Gen. 44 (a legendary personage). .
ארוסיאIT m. )רסר( chastisement. Pl.איסוּרין . Targ.
Koh. TI, 10. Targ. Jer. XXX, 11 (Var.(רסורין .
NIIQONT ANON, +. ִאָבְסְס |
אווטסיאIl, ‘ON (m.?) (Isp. noun of; לוס cmp, b.
,איִרּוסיִא. pl אָמיְיְרוסְיֶא v. RESTON.
. גmid, mide) cover, blanket, (coarse) cloak. Y. Maas. Sh.
TOON; Vv. “OR. For words under דטסרא not found IV, 55° חיב--( 'א אוההד ארבג תיא ןעקרמed. Krot. a...
here below, v . ,"טסא “DEN, ,דטצא ןערקמ. . . rents) this man’s (thy) blanket has twelve
’ patches tiem: R. to 1, 1 ראתוכ , דח1 has R97).
. איסמְבָא איסטווא, ,NO‘ ,No NS‘ osla[ ,—n
הווטסיא v. supra.
a. with one 5] m. (Ispe. noun of 'בס .-- ביטסרא בבס1. er
9. h. 30%; v. “O°N) @ surrounding, attachment, whence NITDON :m. (v, (אָבְטְסִיֶא 6 balcony (h. Tay, (דמע
1) balcony, colonnade, portico (also an independent colon- Targ. ז Kings XI, 14; 11 Chron. XXXIV, 31, a.e.7"3....
nade), esp. ‘NI the Itst’ba (Ist’ba) the Temple portico. the balcony (of his palebeds
Pes,.J, 5 (11>) 'צראה לע גגMs. M. (Bab. ed. incorr. ,בג
Var. MYON, Vv. Rabb. D. 8. a, 1, note), Ib. 13> one , תינוומסיאON, ‘ON, ‘SN 5 (אָבְטְסִרֶא
recited בג לעon top (inside) .. . ., say ‘NM גג לעon the of colonnades, .colonnade with double rows, basilica (v.
roof of the Its, (so as to expose it to public view). Y. ,mS .tnA .s .v .)acilisaB .seP 91" ) א' היתה נקראת6
Sabb: I, 24 bot. 'כו “ ; הוטסראBab, 7* םידומעה Sw 'ציא/ 0/8/96 of the Temple being of double rows) was called
a balcony in front of the columns. (projecting into the ist’vanith, v. WON, . וישסOhol. XVII, 9 (edna...
street, used,as a stand for dealers, v. 2°YO"). Ib. אקוד pl.). Tosef. Sabb. I, 4; a. fr.— Pl. . תייְנוְנְטְסרֶאOhol. 1.6.
תשמישיהxm? א' דלא.sM ,M .de( (א' הוא דלאylno eht v. supra.—Tanh, Mishp. 14 (ed. Bub. 6 ןיטוטסיאcorr,
colonnade the useof which for passers by is not con- ace.), 10866. Oh. XVIII, 12 ( תּונָוְטְסרֶאprob. incorr.), =
שו next w.
)= (אִסְתְסְכְינֶי.
ו ee ,ל prob. of
Semit. orig., rad. 58s) a kind of carrot, parenip. Y.
Il, end, 50* bot. 1. Hall. IV, 60° top Tom. Ib.
foes av tm ore ארתונדנשסיא
read הרתינינפשסרא his parenip. Y. Kil.
1, 27*
bot, ןונילפשסא .₪ Sims. to Kil. 1,4 (ed. corrept). Tosef
rey, WR) V. -תיִנָטסא Ukts,
I, 1 .ןינופטסא
NISON, +. ביס
איסטרוביל, אס איסטרובלָא,eo eT“
m. )21000.06( 1) cone, also of the time pine,
(maxpines) —P. ןילבורטסוא Tesrag wee.Ab. Zar. 1,5
)13* 9q.); defined ibid. frwit of the cedar (stone pine);
a. fr. Pesik. .ו .5 10 ( תילבורטסאread --םיִל of PS) —
2) (v. Sm. Ant. 5.v. Mola) the come or lower millstone
is immovable, hence incloded in the sale of the
, וימסיאTAN. tv.preped house). B. Bath. IV, 3. Zabim IV, 2,--/7.
pos oon,
> Y, 8006 V, 55* 006; +. Taan. II, bot.
; +. TSO. אִיסְשְרוּבָילָי6. Gen.R. s.28; a @ Keth.
60* Ar. (ed.
more correctly
לב .... .,sing.)
DMOON, +. .טוס
צ איסטיות. .bA .raZ 11.24" וסט. +. אֶסְטְָית- 0 rcpaeensbut
prob. a corrupt. of Dicom w). .ד Kil. IX, 32* bot.
א, .)ד . אפו,11 *35 ריבוליא
יסט ace,).
pr. .מm.Istya. Y. Yeb.
1,2°. אוסטרוני.m,lp.5 .tpurroc 0 ארסְטָרְַנִד+. אש
iar. Sam.ob.41,+ “$508. סונלורמסיאand deriv, v. :[ אKoh B to1,
,סיטסיא תיטסיא Ex. R. 5 15, readבאִיסְטִיב
,14 readSoe)
,pme .bnaT ,éyaH 8 איצטבא OE BSN cant. B..to Vil, 9, defining אידכדג
Dan. 111, 2, read SSSTSON,
v. Oe
, סימסיאODEN (O°) 5 05456, ₪
‘tinctoria) ₪ plant ‘producing a deep blue dye, woad.
Bhedi. VII, 1. Y. ib,> 87 ( םיטסאcorr. acc). B. Kam.
101° ON Ar. (ed. ,סיטס ; םיטסcorr. acc.). Meg. IV, 7;
:.5 fr.
.*אוסְמְרִידָא 00 “TN
, איסמיסות זי. OQ m. (ispe. of TC, cmp. 77S, RTIO be) nel-work, esp.
| איסטריפומטא 65. איסקוזות
rigging; sail-yard, sciile, [If the vers. NT"IWO"N, NTTTION,
v. Rabb. D. 8. to Sabb. 111 note 2, be correct, it must
אִיִסְפְלְידָא איספליטון, )ִיספְּלָנִית(א
be derived from "70; cmp, b. h. ,ןורדס 770.) Sabb. 111° ץ אִיספְמְיָא. “BON.
' באיUps קטסראthe loop which they make when attach-
ing the sail to the rigging. Ib. הפוג “NT and the (per- סונמדנפסיאm. (s¢evodp.voc) -- Tanh.
manent) knots in the rigging or ropes. T’rumah, 9 ופסיא זומרנed. (Ar.ןומדניפסא . ; corr.Spe
Tidhar (Is. LX, 13) means &c.
.איסמריפוממא, +. xevipincox.
“NPE; איסm. ) ספקprop. feeder, -- hence
*ןיכרטסיאm. pl. (Ispe. of 770; cmp. b. h.(שרוף vessel 5 ‘which wine is put on the table (amphora). Targ.
plaited chords, as a collect. noun fem. a girdle of strips 0. Ex, XVI, 33 Ar, (ed. .(תיחולצ Git. 14%. Cmp. PEt.
fo htolc desu( yb .)srehsaw .Y .B .maK ,X ,dne °7 הוה
דיבע הרל אדח "א 'כוused to make for himself one girdle איספקאות, +. פא
of one kind of wool (so as not to be suspected of using
. , רדמָלקפסיא8 m. (speculator, spicu-
strips of the cloths given him for washing).
lator) oe bearer, esp. Bhd of the Roman Em-
יסיאpr. n. m. 78 abbr. of Joseph (v. Yoma 59" peror; mostly executioner, torturer A D.C. s. v.). Sabb.
'אNIT HO ,( אוהesp. known: 1. b. Y’hudah, an Amora; 108°. Num. R. s:19. Lev. R: s. 26 “BD. Lam.R. to II, 1.
(v. Frankel M’bo, p. 100). Hull. 115"; a. fr. V. NDIP BD.
hodar, |
TTT PM POM, ירדנוקס
wm.ph.(Pers. >
6מ89180| +. 1006 Ma. i,
of want is mamed Filth, Yoma 71* רסרפר 'אMe. .א (od
טרהin הpaemage omitted in many editions, .ד Rabb.D
115) prop, despatch-bearers,
name of הgame, a bind & a. 1.) the genins of the Persians (Pharsees).
| ofchess, Kidd, 21" דיללטא ראבAr. (Var. Ar. POS; 4. MON ww. (trata) street, + mero.
-טררyou קוmust
איס have
( played at iehwadré (instead
of studying). Sheba, 20*'כו ( אטליר יסיאMs. 4. (יירוקסיא *המרסיא+ samme. . הBath. VIE, 16°toprome
perhaps he gave them checkers (tokens in game) and היא איteht si ton eht reporp yaw )=ד ראך ד(ל
, +ה
them for 2096. Ned.25*. Omp, ra*poms. ti ei ) !01 laht eht emas alaemrof dluohs eb [שי
TEPC, , +.Pon.
אפְפּוקְסיִא in the case of « letter of divorce, and legal in the care
of « donation. ¥. Gi. VII, 48° התרסיאroe (corr. ₪
יש f, (soorten) leather-coal, Ned. 95". and sapplement ace. to Y. Ti. Bath. |. «).
ofMTFPON, Pers,iskodar;
Koh, זא. ¥.7329") courier, Y. Ab.Zar, 1,39% top בהי
" תרתרן וכeh evag owt sdnuop fo reppep ot ₪ reiruoc ot(
go toTyre), and
he (the courier) went up and found
eens . + "ו . ו וב e TFS 2
JON m. (contr. of,רתסיא emp, ,ארדתסרא anadapt. הז. (Ithpe. OF 197%. ofרסס toleap, stride; bb. רחש
of assariue=as)
As, a Roman coin, usu. '/24 of a Denar emp. (סְריָחְסִא
ankle, foot-step. Targ. Job XXIII, 11; a ©
Talm. 06. p. 22 sq.), called יקלטיאת| 'א
(v. Zuckerm. מו. °301; .hkarA °91 sror emos ) תאר אר קד74. (אסתדד
Italian As, Kidd. 1, 1; a. fr.—Y. ibid, 1,58% ר"כמ את דהא what is called isfvira (ankic, in an anatomical semee)
' רכthe As is '/oa of the silver Denar.—Trnef. coin. Taan. goes down to the ground (the entire length of the foot
19> 'א תרלרובbecause there was a scarcity of coin.— Pl. | from
the ankle). Men. 33*, “a “s אדיבכר ₪ door tarning
אִיסריךY. Maas. Sh. IV, 55° top.— Chald. Kidd. 19* ירוסיא horizontally like the foot from the ankle.—PL. 7777S",
read "OR. (Gen. R. s,42 רסלא 'א םשלthe Assar received ברד... Targ. Kob. 411, 5; ₪.fr. Omp. re.
its name from Elasar (Gen. XIV, 1), comment.; +, how-
ever next w.)
איסתונכY. Meas. Sh. V, 56° top כו דלה א
read POSS אתלת (pl. of (>קודשימ three corn-dealers
TEN m. (0.b.“gx, (רֶסֶא prop. band, hence vow of upon whose estimates he redeemed the second tithes.
(comp. .(רוסרא Y. Ned. I,beg. 36*.--
Pl. ,תורָסא
TOSS, TION. Ibid. wm לע ךרא ןרקולthe punishment of .*יו
“NEN m. (ae a. + achat iepressed ont,jubor.
Gitt. 69” (Ar, .(ארצכ
Lam. I,1,אָיְביִרפא read -אייכרַסיא Targ.
111, 11 ,ןויכרפא
readןָייִכְרַא [.[ יַבMidr. Sam.
“NPN מו. (PRPs; emp. Lat. ambire, ₪. ₪. S50)
©.procee. stallion-goat, buck. Sabb. 152° "כי דא אפילשAr. (ed. ,ארקדכ
כקירא, Ms. Oxf. “ps, Ag. Hatt. ,רקכ vy. Rabb. D. 8. = |
- *"( אִיפרסןIthpe. denom. of (ךלריש he was taxed (by note 40) a goat, ifcastrated,
sells for eight ₪. [V. Sacks
: officials), i. 6. his property was seized for taxes. Beitr. 11, 131 9q.)
יצKidd. 111, 64* top ליל 'אLevy's property ₪6.
. אא
ינימוקרא+ (cixoopévy)
the inhabited earth. Kob.
BR.VI, 3 דקוא (corr. ace.); Gen. B. « 32 ךקי (corr. ace.)
(play on y’kum Gen. VII, 4).
אוקומנוס +. איקוסטיס
סומונוקיאm. (otxdvop.0¢) steward, town-clerk (a , זז5 ןיספל 'יאed. (Ms. 'נרא , ןיספלאMish. Nap. man).יצ
slave). Y, 2 Mets. IX, beg. 12% , ציB. Bath. IV, 14° bot. Sabb. XI, 13° . 'וראBets. 32% 'ריחMs. M, (ed. 'רח( expl.
איקומנוס.rroc( .).cca .3 .htaB 86> אינקלמוס, אנקולמוס =" Ms. M. (ed. אתררלקח-=("רע רעצfield-dishes, [Rashi;
( קנוא דpopul. corrupt.). from ררע used in country towns(!), hence og wn
ANP RI (pl. of eixdvioy) statuary. Midr. Till. to
Ps. XV wwe to Is. XXXI, 9, applied to the Roman em- סוריאa סורא m. (supposed to be=(pt¢) Hrus, a
pire or emperor) ‘his rock’ ’X M1 this means the statues lily with an aromatic root, Kil.V, 8, expl. Y. ib. 30% bot.
with the likenesses of the emperors (v. Sm. Ant. .א v. MOMS (pl. 01 NOWR, v. P. Sm. s. v.). Tosef. ib. TL, 13. —
Statuary). Ohol. VII, 1.
4 \"אָיְנוקיא II or NPN 1. (pl. as a collect. noun) OMT NIT, IN m. (prob. from its use, v, סרא .א
(denom. of (ןוקיא a alae in which portable images deriv.) erws, a musical instrument used at weddings and
are carried, Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII 'כו 'א לש םיכאלמ8 funerals, drum, taboret. Sot. IX, 14 “Nm ורזג---לע 6
procession of angels passes before man and they cry, use of the erus at weddings was interdicted; vy. expl.
Make room 'כו הינוקיאל לש8) תונוק סע ויָנוקַאְלSN; Bab. ib. 49°; Y. ib. 24° top. Kel. XV, 6 'אה (used at
Yalk. Ps. 670; Deut, R. ₪. 4 (ןינּוקיאל | for the images of funerals),
the Lord (diasi being created in the image of God), Deut.
R. 1. 6. תכלהמ ( 'ואcorr. ace.).
TOIT, v. remy,
, הינוקיאv. preced. YIN m. ()ערא meeting, festive pathoring, Targ. Y.
Num. XXIX, 35 (=h. 859).
איקוניםreadאיקונְין .
אִיְרְיָא, אִירְייא, +. eos
)ןינוקא( ןינוקיאf, (cixdvtov) picture, image;
אירִימון+ PIN.
Targ. Y. Gen. IV, 5 features (pl.); a. fr—Ex. R. s. 15.
Deut. R. s. 4, v.;אָלְנוקרַצזז a. fr.—Esp. ררֶז 'א the bright- TINO NN f. (Epnpia) desert, desolation. Koh. BR.
ness of expression, featwres.—Gen. R. s. 53; a. fr.—Ex. R. beg. (play on Jeremiah).
.8 35 MN?( 'א sub. ררז( fine appearance; Cant. R. to 111, 11
( ןינותואcorr. acc.).—
Pl. v.איקון . , םריאY. Maasr.V, 52%, read OTN.
אישות+ וח81, °02 א' קנים, +, ee. | ז. Taam. 1, 66" bot, .התרא OY, Ber, !!, ₪ bot, een
. אישות,elom + את ררוכארhie father’s wife, stepmother (Ag. for Babylon),
. ') Goa
TR, TR, PRE + (preced.)—b. Pet matrimony:
| לאin matrimony, as wife. Tary. Gen. X11, 1%; ₪ fr.
TERM, TEE ene ראפgodtc ¥. Shebi. ETN, WENN (pb of(תראthere 6,there ore. Dan.
IV, 35 what means ‘we salute them't Ans,(Saying) א | end ge .(809%. X, 90° ידחרא אלom 4 CY. Mace,
אloan om thirty days does not 4
good luck, 15. ."יא Y. Taan.
1,64 bot.; ae.
| |] does not come within the rule whereby « creditor
may secure collection by announcing legal action befure
| the Sabbath year limitation takes effect.—‘Pee. 20' =
St PTS ןכא ותיארSS (read רתראר or ןקרחראר ; Me .א
; אתרנךdiff, vers, v. Rabb. D. ₪. .א )1 האwe are esteemed
fire,+.wes. here (in this world) so are we there (in the world of the
, NON ₪. PINON +.)- אמי siz..דא
1 Chr. XU, 94; a.&—Y¥. Sot! VIII, 22° bot, א אאתטא “SUN pr. ₪. m. Whi. Kerth. 26°.
bit hassixhandbreadths, Y.Snb. I, end, 194 א דהןכ /
one sixth, Tb,X, 28° top ןיחרי SX six months.— 77. prox ‘FR ₪. )+. Horr)
רייוee ee theatre. Targ. ook! XXVIi, 6 (0d.Vien.Freres.
: 6pr.n.pl.orriver Ishtattith. Hall, 95* יתימא,nera( ארקרa )eec emos ".yos שמדאל וא
bot,ראד ארבטthefordof1. or or, as some say, BR. Johan. Bets. @*; a fr.
he drank; + ne. ימוס
ית אוס
PEN, .+ TR and rx,
רווכא.+ Suce. V, 55 bot. read 13%. TIN f. (b. h.) cruelty, severity; strict justice. 4
Succ. 14%; ‘Num. R. .א 10 (p. 239, ed. Amst.)
'א תדמthe ©
, אקנרווכא, יקנְרווכא.+
mw. divine 16 Ib. 8. 9, v. “328.—Esth. R. to I, 15 אלש |
' כדת אלא באton gnidrocca ot wal tub htiw .ytleurc =
, "כאvy m, , )זוכv. TD) [hollow, arched pitcher],
euphem. “tor buttocks or extremity (testicles &c.). Bekh. FON, + ירכא
eating Tremah to hie sister-in-law, Kidd. 31° ל"כאמ
Ab, Zar, 34" At, +. אבבא כone may feed bis father on pheasants bc; «. fr
(ut) eight, Gen. 0-4 | Hithpa, =. Nithpa. vparn, Yeere 1) to be commumed,
a 65%. אָציא hh. (ed. Dab.) Wmidb, 21 -ישקא burnt
up, digested. Her. VU, 7 'כי Spares דרב ow Ar. (od
(שרתקיuntil the food is digested (or 6 ( in be
, pr. a. pl. Achaia, the Roman prov bowels, Tam, U1, 1; =.5.--2( fo be worn off, ]יקח ted
inee and northern Greece, (ו Vi,12 .ד ed, רשבה ‘ers (Mish, 6 TTS) when the Gost
of Thessaly, Targ,
1 Obr, 1,7 ste (Var. (ןוילשיא| of the corpee wae gone. Cant. RB. to IV, 4 ore ot אלש
‘Targ. Y. Gen, X, 4 wots; .ל Meg. 1,71° bot, א"בא (Gen, 77S none of them was worn off Kidd. 69 Peron 'אתנ the
Ki, = 87 (אילטיא (for bb. Coe) (Bifre Nam. 191 .איכא money
Was spent; 5. ©.
+. [.איסא
1 ch. 1) eame—tet,
Se75, לוכרמ Tare
ה 5 ל cating,food,men,dik Gen, U1, 14;= ₪,--7. Ter, VILL, 46° Toe" Pret whee
Babb. 1,4* top, a..6 ןב אסוררPP se , 'ריד( )ראסוררthe food they came and were about eating; ib. (more corr.) TTR
Den D'rosa used to eat, | ©.third done. Yoma #0" mosא' «Ses;
א. 8) with רצרק prop. fo eat (the bread of
evissecxe ,laem ,bI ,°14 .a,rf א' בכזיתreverehw ( אכל01 destruction,
cal the informer's bread, hence
lo inform
eat) ie mentioned in the Bible text, the size of an olive againal, Dan. 11, 8; Vi, 2.—Targ. Pe XV, 3; 5) .-
je meant. Y, Sot. 111, 16° top mare rd-om the consump- 0 וו°66 ; בחד קרroY maL .₪ 6 ,V2
I אדכיל קרצחוך
noit fo( )secifircnaos eht ,ratla .beZ ;"15 .a,rf פרס%, +. I will inform against them.
Kil. 1, 10, +. hoy 11.--4. Pes,
78% Gen. Af. Som, So to give tocat, tooupport. ¥. Ter. X,47*
א ,86 beg. (playon Hos, XI,) 4 (“ הברהsomeod. bot, היל הלכדאhe gave itto him to ost. Gen
BR.« 44,
corr, ace.) purveyances. end (read:) ליל תילכדא תירקשאhast thos given (thy gues)
te Targ. I KingsXIX, # (ed.Vien. to eat? to drink? do escort him, 1 >, perform thy duties
fully. ¥. Kidd. 1, 61° st דובאל Sams rem fed א₪ father
on &c.;
a. fr.
DSN m.()סכא black(wine). Y. Gitt. VIL, beg.48° 'א Tthpe. ara, Sara, Soe fo be eaten, conmumed.
-קרטס,וג.+ ;קיטס
)צTer. 1, 40" סיבא read our .א or Targ. Ps. אצות
23; ₪. fr. Tank. Kor, 6 som חש
(א ot Spas; Lev. ₪. 5.27 'כוהזrest what ₪ thist do they
eat gold 6.1 Kidd. 5¢° “Sours אק were eaten wp (spent).
TON )+ 32) thus, in this manner. Y. Ber. ] אכליAf. of Ss fo ory, +. [."לב
AM, @ 'כו'א רב שנis it thas man deals with his neigh-
bor? Y. Keth. 11, 26° bot. 'כו ליטתא תרטא 'אyesterday thou SON 11).
1. of (לוכ fo measure. Ned.
51* ליכיל
saidst so, and to-day thou sayest otherwise; a.fr. כה לי טר erusroafe.m em htaR .4 .do2.r.t
סאה תקום אכולdaer( ) קדםdaM ereh si eht gab dna ereh
Av. ofבסס . the measure, get up and Ail it; v. Ss.
v. poet. IDM, +. לשיא
| ' אִבְּבָאm. )אכך, וto letnuepeerS NIN in.(כא5)cater Targ. Jod. XIV, 14.
נוי.graT boJ ,XXX ,42 .raV rof אספלניתא. a5 -
1) tognaw,
eat, NOTIN מז. (353; v. Gea
11. Dict. 5. ,ד emp. 5s,
ִּ כlect. xc$su, +. infra) shed, store-room.B.
Ber. I, 1; a. v. Mets. 63° . "OT (v. Var. lect. in Rabb. D.
| 41 Mes. a.Ar.scion) would my wheat have gone
VHL,88* וב תיברשב תֶלָכואwhen interests gnaw on So vain in sayqueneryt Taan.
24° (v. Rabb.
D. &. a 1)
(absorb) the property. 1. Erub. 17, 21% bot. תומא 'ד —FPl. sou. Gitt. 56* 'כו ןדתש א. . . אבלכאone shed of
אובָלות וגruof stibuc gniretne otni eht aera fo .sairebiT wheat requires sixty sheds of wood (for baking) 5
Num. R. 5. 4 תולְכוא תדחולmss how much space did the Mets. 72° 'אד ( יטיחMs. M. ,דכלכאב +. Rabb. D.
& a L)
wheat stored in granaries
3 (eaphem) toslop,with. Keth. V, 9, differ. of opin. הלב ,+ xr )לכא('א wmnd-cnter, םתו> of a par-
ib. 65°;Y. ib. 80° top a. bot. citisa mrow ni .sehsif .B .htaB *37 .sM( .M ;אבל כדכא
= יא5233 tobeeaten &e. Zeb. I,3; Ber. I,1; a.fr. oth. var., Vv.Rabb. D. 8. a. L note).
9 = 1%.לבאtoconsume, burn, Tam.1,4תורמיגפה תולכואְמה MINIT, MTN +) eccupied spoce. Kil. ,וג
m. ed. “S=M) the thoroughly
lighted coals
in the Care א Y. Gem. 23"
we; + Yoma
11, 39. ~ (אוכלתthe soil occupied by the vine roots, “Spm "אthe
= Hif. S387 te give to eat, cause
toeat, Keth.V,3 227 ground needed for the formation of the cave, ie as far
. אבילTN the Yabam does nottransfer theprivilege of א-תא
as the roots &c. extend.
5 Ley. i, . 31.
; דאָס Tag,
Gen, XLVI, 21 PT ISON 1, (used as atverb; 5 comp. of TH a Po
+ יא Geo. Kh. be or more,
4.("בכ in a lamp,on moaruring by sight,
6 60 'א בה ךיליאלgive these travellers "םינָסַכא--.86
11, 5 (Me .א ( | ארכסא¥. ib. ||, 29 א ךיכיבbe
וא .3 = 10 ) אן250° od, Amet,) 'אח ores customof
Selle them in 4 lamp (ae many ₪9 there may be) Mane
ו ity (prob. [א"נסכא Sh. 1V, 2. 4 Whokk.
Par. 4, ch. 4: ao
6 (vy. (תטררעסכלא on ףכאch. (hb. om, /ן, םכ.+ PED), denomin
( הא | וו
@ high mast (satyrically
forcross, gallows). Targ.1, Heth. fo ,maT of edir no « deiddaw ,ma ,diM °41 יכDTGחא
VII, 10 the son of Mamdatha wants to ascend רכר אל At, (ed, THF SSNS Va.) in the one case it means that
| (Ma. (יִסְכְלַאל the mast of‘the son of וז (is he tides on @ eaddied
oes, (P2°C ₪. 96°, +. OD.)
to be hanged). Neg, XII, | איררנסכאב
(marginal vers. m. (¥. preced.) 1) load, weight. B. Math. ov
th Mish, edit., text ,אירקסא Var. ארסא , ,אירכסא אירסכא "רא tones to weight the sheaves down to prvtect
4 ¥.) in the rigging. them from the wind—@) ₪ contrivance to carry loads.
| ( סנואPes,
(devin) ייאוlodging. 5
118", corr, ace) they were ₪ lodging
a הhand-berrow or hand-basied. Gabe. 60° אר ,אשי
| ד. [RSP Bete. ו (var, meron on the shoulder, +
Place tomychildren in כ )קא offered hospitality Rabb.
₪. & a ו
64.(S73 .-host,
- אPesik, Rs. 11; emp. Bree — אלפה +
B, Mets, 45° לש הרות תרזחט לע 'אecholarship likes to |
tome around to its inn again (to be hereditary in the | ב ) אישהreC4.) ; אכםcmp. >.₪ )me
family); ה. fr.—2rors) )(=* Aosteas, B, Mots. #7" one must core, followed by "ל of the pornos
inquire ילש 'אבafter the health of his hostess —3) quarter | Concerned. Targ. 1 Chr. !א 18 res —Y. ₪. ¥, "לש
fo troops on march or totransient poor men ; also the top אכפה ליהSW“ ובדזאtahw nrecnoc si eht elpmeT ot
troop, or the passing poor ; (individ.) » | him? Taan. 25° ךל ראכ אwhy should thet trouble
‘arg. Job XXXI, 92; a. .ת--.6 Bath. 11" םרא 'א רפל רכב thee? B. Mets, 40° 'כי דכי ראמ אwhat do the mice care
the quartering (of soldiers takes place) in proportion to the whetherdc. Koh. .ה to IV, 1 היל “x mo חו what oon-
1 of inmates
(of each house). Dem.
Ill, 1; +. Y. corn is it to thie one (if the other sinned), |.« why
23" top. Tosef, Shebi. V, 21 'כו ןייטסכאPo see ןיאshould he suffer for itt; =. fr. Pesik.
BR.« 10, beg. א
od. (Var. איטסכא MX) you are not allowed to give.... | לתםwill people care for them (mies them)? Git. @2*
to soldiers quartered with you, .ל Ber, IX, 13" 'א ןחת תפכס אל תפכא הילshould he not care for it? Omp. res.
this poor beggar. Ib, "לק 'אpoor beggars. Lev.
R.s.34. Lam. R.to 11 )רריט ( א רב שנ 'א דחpoor man — “GN, NTA, + +
4) a gathering of scholars entertained by the hospitable
of the place. Y. Bor.
IV, 8° top "אל קרפכleaving
for RITA: + אפ
ke scholars’ meeting. Bab. ib. 63" 'א דיבכבmre opened STON m. (ore q. ¥.) >. Y. Sabb. 111,9°
his speech in honor of hospitality to scholars. top. Num. BR. « 7—Y. Bets. V, 62' א רסלדקcabbage
לר תוינסכאf.(v. preced.) 1) stranger's heads.
ondit Sot.36°,—2) soldier's pay. Mekb. B'shall. , "םּורכא, אoN, ‘IN mכרס) - קרסi)
mah 4; Yalk. Bx. 246; a.>-(interchanging
with XEN
covering, coating.ךרטכדא ארדקב a coating ofblacknes
a pot. Targ. Jer. VIII, 21 (h. text .( רדקTarg. Joel
.*אכסניי, DON אל₪. (read אכסטיפרוכאXenopar Il, ;6 Nab.
,11 11 .b( txet (פאריר. Cp.קרזם .
one who provides for strangers orsoldiers, quarter-
יצ₪. .maK ,lI 8 pot שרי.. . .'₪ 'התן א צ אכרוקי. Maasr.
,1%84 ,pot daer רזב
אכ ק;לח
( תינורשחרמלכוread הרנודתשרטל( itispermissible to bribe הָזְרְכִא+ hech. serrex. ¥. Meg. IV,75" top,expl
he quartermaster
(to let you off) before the Romans תרגאv. Pham; Y. Keth.
XI,; 36° . לSab.1, 19°
mter (the place), but not after that (when one man’s top.
el from quartering 0044 is a direct injury to the
ther inhabitants). STON pr. .ם[the herald of God}, Athr'sicl,
an angel. Yalk. Deut. 940. Deut. Rs. 11 "x (corr.
.*אכספמיאס, מכספמייס, wan.
%6 .%4.raz acc.)
*9 'או. . . ( סנוקא סנופאוv. Var. lect. Rabb.
D. 8. a.L),
69. .lluH 111 ,)VI( 72 'קולייס ופולטוס כספתיאס אכנס וכ NATION ¢ (<b. ren; r=) proclamation announcing
erotse אס EMיO( נ
)SO ת איאס
)(א)קולייס ופילטוס (א public sale, whence, auction, cmp. 773%.—B.
Mets. 35”
: ( אס,5% = , גט,₪4 divas, names of יטר אemit detn roficoilbp
lam .h"0t01e=K c“
nes (v. Greek Dict.) Colias, Pelamys, Xiphias, .) " דאytr dle
os tp
cua .bI rof xat-noitat.icp
d aecw
nd Thunny; +. DSN. sell בלא אtuohtiw suoiverp ;tnemecnuoan.nraf
.וי אכסרא. .lohO ,IIVX5, +. אסכדיאa.אכסנדהדא- אינומרכאMid. Till. to Ps. XIX, 5, Valk. ihoברטנדא
.V{ osla txוeאn.[ > pr. b., prob. a corrupt. of x= s דרא Britannic Isles.
66 .
NESTON 1. ()ערכ prop. balancing, hence balances, | not only in this case they said so, but wherever 6 Ib. 1
scales, weighing. Pesik. B’shall. p. 82" 'כו 'אב ןוערכאדin 5% armabm *א “ נְרְּמְלְתpm לא read not th’lamm'dennu
the way they weighed, they were weighed. [Cmp. Buber (thou instructest him) but th’lamm’dénu (thou teachest
1. 6. note 43.] us); a. y. fr.—2) (ellipt.) (you cannot say anything ex-
cept...) but, a logical inference excluding all other
NOWIWIN 1. ()רָמְכ propriety, proper use. Targ. explanations 86. Ib. 80" אכש 'א אלbut (the conclusion |
Koh. x, 10. is wee there is no difference. Ib, 'ר רמא. 'אbut, said
R.... we may derive it &c.; a. fr.
"FIN (contr. of" RMIPD IN)a scholastic termin Talm.
Bab., still, even now, yet. Meg. 2% 'כו 'או רעבמ חילand del Bey read ixbp, v. ,ארטפלק
still the plural form is needed. Yoma 27°; a, fr.—*hDR7"2
since, up to that time. R. Hash. 10°. )בלא הָניּבְלִא אָניִּבְלְאto cut; emp.חלס , vier
& אָפְליִחe.) a bundle of shoots, broom. Y. Meg. Il, 2
“NIFDN גת. )אכת, .v .P .mS ;191 .pme אכסא, ,>50 (for 5. h, NOND"S).
עכסה, (עכן,suomonev .evitcidniv .graT .vorP ,IX 82 .sM
Like: (v.Pesh., a. LXX b.c.); [some ed. ,אנתהבא v. תָחְּב; NID5N m. (v. preced.) young shoot of the palm-tree,
NIMS; .ג text 'כו 58 [!הביתנ thin pointed branch. Pl. ,ןֶנָבְלִא NDB. Cant. R. to
VII, 9 the palm... has no less P2258 ןרנליא ןמ תלת
אכפר.v(.m ;.decerp ר+עט682., .pmc (מוקר סgreenish,
(strike out (ןינליא than three new (cutting) shoots. Ib. in
blighted. Y. Dem. 11, beg. 22” is there no rice in Hulta?
our place they call M2020 ארדנבלאל the young shoots —
'א אוהit is greenish.
sans’naya (h.2"2020). [Num. R. >. 3, beg.,inHebr, diction,
*ONTIFDN m. ()רתכ [divine crown], pr. n. Akhtriel, WDM, ₪. ,בנא emp. 3X; prob. to be read pind]
a divine*
surname (attribute). Ber. 7%.
wagon m. (b. h., emp. שיבג Job XXVIII, 18, a.
םייבלא ל"אAlbam, a formula of permutation of Targ. a. 1.) hail, hailitns (crystal). Ber. 54> (playful
letters wherein the first interchanges with the twelfth, etymol. ושיא בג52).
eht dnoces htiw eht ,htneetriht .68 .muN .s.R 81 טבאל
אָיַמּגְלֶאm. pl. (=b. h. ם"מגְלַא( name of a tree.
ם"בלאב אלמרTubel in Albam reads Ramla. Sabb. 104*.
Targ. 11 Ohr. 11, 7 (8). ]19. 1%, 10; 11 N™avabs, reading
“IN a prefix, =>3; 6. ₪. תואָרְּבְסּוחְלַא לע( )=תורצואה the h, text as in I Kings X, 11.] v. arabe.
appointed over treasures, v. .א
אלגוסין10861. Maasr. III, 14 Var. ed. 206%., v. ס"ָרָב
( לאb. h.) not, no (according to Talmud a milder form
“DN, יחפא--םידלא , םיחלא.+ לא
of prohibition than;אל v. ¥. Pes. VI, 33°). Aboth1,8.--
( לא ירקתabbr. ,( ת''אv. NbN. Taan.* 11 'א האר" 'כוshall אלהto curse,v. ."לא
not live to see &c.; a. v. fr.
nos f. (b. h.; ,הלא לא/ ןto point, emp. ררא a. (רח
( לאb. h.; לוא to turn) prep. to, toward.—Pl., with imprecation, curse. Sot. II, 5 (17%); a. fr.— Pl, mide.
prefix 2 a. suffix of pers. pron., of itself, of my (his &c.) Ib. a, e.
own accord, on my (his &c.) authority. Yoma 5" “>yxvaלא
not on my own authority. Orlah I, 2 >" הלועהgrow- TION > c. pl. (b. h.; v. preced.) these, those (cmp. .(ררה
ing spontaneously.—Y. Peah VII, 20" bot. its sacred Ex. BR. ₪. 30 v’elleh lead this) adds to the preceding (con-
character "72> "> they did derive from itself‘ (i. 6. tinues), elleh (these) restricts. V. "dx.
morf eht gnidrow fo eht wal ecneH—.)flesti כִימלָא, ץ.
מְַלָא TON f. (b. h.; v. preced. ws.) terebinth. Shebi. Vil, 5
לאm. (b. h.; v. ללא( God. Shebu. 35° divine names חלאSabb. *09 Ar., v.אלא
which dare not be erased are E/ ₪0. Taan. 6” bot.; a. fr.
aS f. (b. h. Josh. XXIV, 26; v. MBN) [pointed,
NON buttress, v. .אָלרֶא prominent] 1) lance, fork. Kel. “XVI, 8 אח HH, v. MBM.
Pes, 57° jx’? "> רוא woe to me (I am afraid) of their:
NONI to lament, v. .רלא _fork (weapon). Sabb. VI, 3 (63*) ed. (Ms. (אלא; צץibid.
8" (expl. (2--.(ןרקריד sign-pole, used in the barn as a
NON II m. club, bat. Tary. Cant. 111, 5; v. אָחָלא mark. Ib; Y. Maasr. I, 49° bot.; Tosef, Ter. 1 11
' משתיעקר הא.de( .8602 משרתעשר, .rroc ).cca sa nooss
NON (N5N) (contr. of אָל ןא=אלBN) 1) if not, ex- the sign-pole (fork) is removed (indicating at the /
cept, but, only. Targ. 0. Ex. XV, 11 תא תיל 'אnone ik is ready for use and priestly gifts). 0
thou, none besides thee; 8. e.—Ber. V, 1 'כו'א. ןידמועןר...
one must stand up for prayer in no other pris PION, NFTON, דלי m. oh. (ch. למ God.1 ~ Retry
but that of humility.—Snh. 4° השלש אל ןתנ 'אhe II, 28; a. fr-——Targ, O.Deut, XXXII, 26; a, fr—Lev.
did only three times. Ber. I, 1 'כו אלו וז דבלב )ורמא( 'אand | 3.5. 5, end בר תא הלאAr, (ed, .(הולא , עBitte I,
ith) )סוולא Ar), +. ree.
| סן דפש ₪
am (os, pl. (vy. (אילא the
kind ‘of crem. .ו .הוא (V, 33°
. eget goad end (ok.Sock. ‘whe, oth.of.יי
|=(ךידילע ךץיטירקשו א ראה'כיyou may (inthe Rabbath yer)
it contains, are but inadequate manifestations of let the aloe grow on the top of the roof, but you mart
divinity; a. 6.Ib, 5.66 יתוחולא ( ןתיו ךלeome ed.) hot water it.
וimpart to thee bis divine power, +. next= META ETA oh (mr ort,rep
ו ¥. Maser,
11, 49% other
יי א Can Wins o Ge | people 7S אריכש תרחייילא (readאי ....( whe do
Ar, (¥. preced.). not frequently meet with 0 reception (onoffer ofrefresh
ments he.), tb, st erty (לאד-- who may fairly expect
|one ve . = reception. 09. antes.
% TIER corwintat יו exo אלוונתית+. Sorte .1
a Tare. SEXXU, 27; ₪.'א-,% DM even only, 1.>.
much the more (or less), not to say. Targ.
1 Kings
סוולא Ar. read oon.
11, 27; 11 Kings V, 19. V. 77>; omp. NOITON א,htaR °97, +. אְ=לִיחא. אלא.
950, TIN op. nerdy, + 1) these, the follow- וי ווsteve
a ו Mets, I, 1; =.+ fre 'אboth. Zeb. V, 2; a.v. calendar, containing twenty nine days, varying between
= ee oe ne re | the seventh of August and the second of October, B.
in which of them shall we trast! Hash.1, 1. Ib. 19%;
a.fr, .ד Shek. 111, beg. 47* bot.
ות p.
187°09,5YolkIs, 907 הז ,[ יאל,וזיאל ' אsla nrmob i
alE קופד. ¥. .maN ,VIX 72 איליל-
+.de Teng, 1 Seth. IT, 7.
=( ולאx,
v. הָלֶא(behold, Dan. Il, 31 ; a. >. Tas. תתלולאTae,
ןינכלו Tosef.
Kel. . תBath. V1. ,
"SM en iB PL .םיילולא
אלליק¥ . Shek. 111, beg. 47"; a =.
“Say, יפון
, "וו.ל¥ש11,.SmTuNN ,IIי
אלTarg. וו'אלחלו6ח., >
XX ;01 .ea .graT xE1
םולאm. ; )םלא/ן,לאcmp. בלחםלחbe.) a erucilagin-
| ous plant (cmp. Lat. Alum), prob. 80006, ₪ kind of
.rf.a ) (לור.graT— .Y .bi ,IIXXX 03 .h( txet (אילי Laserpitium or Asafetida. Tal Yom 1,5 (Var. im Ar.
.2 Gen, R. 5.9; a. fr. *[Targ. Y. 1] Num. אילום, (חלום. .pmO .x55
Xx 7 Nm. ch—next w. 2(.-- 1 -אייקילֶא Tary. Rath
7; 15.
( םיִוָלָאvy. aloe-wood. Y. Keth.
; Gen. R. 5.15,+. 22d. V. also PSR TTSON + ₪ = ; (םלא 1) binding, making
sheaves. Peab VI, 9 (10) . Fors grain stalks intended
(b. h.; +. 58) God. Pl. majest. o-rdx, emp.
! Sabb.
145°; a. fr. ]ד is freq. sub- for binding sheaves thereof (but not for binding the
latter into bundles of sheaves “3S, Maim.)—{Por binding
Mm as ,םידלא , דודי ידלאesp. in Targ. +. ed.
ch. ,אקלא adopted in order to avoid utter- sheaves therewith RB. 8.[.--2( sheaf. Ex. B. « 31 7%
B. Mets. 22° sq. large sheares, opp. “>>
name. 13.Kam. 106* emp. קיקלא .4 | רפופיאrime.
deities, powers. Y. Ber. IX, beg. 12°. TORI m.@.»; +. Mx) cak—PL crx. Gen. ₪.
en 5.15 POSS "אthe bibl. allonim means Uhutin, +. Sz.
ו ih.לאGeeta readErie, ד be, ache]. BR. Hash 23°
א"בוטר, .+ ;ttoN .htaB.B%08 א"בישנד, .s.nv
וק יש le at
Rashi refers
oak (of fine appearan to next =.[
Tos ana
. אלוןII m. (4Aho< ace.) another. Gen. BR.s. 81. in prob. ( אַלְטַכְסְיסָיןv. אֶלדa. o"02») chief of the court-cere-
Greek allon means “78; Pesik. Zakh. p. 24° "M/S (read monies (i. e. the angel of Truth); Rashi: seal (2).
(אַחַרanother (one more), as Tals (2hdtm) fir-trees. Tanh. Trum, 9 'א שורב
Bibl. 708% means firs.
% ,
in 11. Dict.; כ inserted) wrapping cloth, Sheet, bathing ןונרתכאר. ג,0%צ10900) Aquila Ex. XXV, 5) violet-colored,
.sehtolc .bbaS 04" ' מרחם אדם אלונט.sM( ,M 'אלונת, 4. Koh. R. to I, 9 ; 'טלאY. Sabb. 1 44 (expl. bibl. שחת as | Oe
ib. IIT 17(,7) ( תתנולאone may warm a sheet on the Sab- a color ועבצ , םשלv. Ges. H. Dict. s. v. .([ שחתEsth. ₪.
bath to put it on the stomach; Y. Sabb. XIX, 17* bot. to ,1 6 ( ןונייטVar. ןונייס( read .[ןוניטניקר
[Gen. R. s. 80 to put on a wound, prob. next w.]—Sabb. “i
147° (Ms. M. always , 'תכולאAr, 2295), Men. 72*.—Y. Erub. אלי2 אלה.b( .h ן/אל, .v ;NT .pme 773, & נקבe,) |
,LLIV °52 pot — ,IP onin .bbaS ,IIXX 5 (4741), מד.741" ot .esruc érfiS .muN 81 .fer( ot .muN ,IIIVX 12) לאלה
רשעב תיטנולא 8) תואיס. . ,. תויט סע. . .(. Tosef. ib. 2123‘ 7°28 ‘ הרשas a curse’ means that people shall
XVI (XVID), 15 Mindy (Var. PAN DIN, .( תלאיטנלIb. 7
curse by her (pointing to her), ‘may happen unto thee
( אנלונטאותVar.(אלנטיאות . what happened to..... .
תימנולא,11 corr. )ת"תְנַלָא( תיתְנלֶא ,.1 ןרתנדלַאm. (a "לא11 NON ,3( v. xb to lament, wail. arg,
corrupt. of 0090, 0 06 cenanthinus; II Sam. I, 17; a. e. \ -
emp. 71738 as to כ a, >) made of the grape (or leaves) of Pa. 828 same. Targ. Jud. XI, 40 HNbxd (some ed. Nx).
wild vine (conanthe), whence 1) an aromatic water. Y.
Ber. VI, 10" he who אליmourning, v. אָחְיְלַא and .אָחיִלֶא
sprinkles ‘m2">x cnanthe.—2) an
unguent. Y. ib, I, 3° top 'כו 2728“ ( ןיכסcorr. ace.) you
may oint a sick person with cen. on the Sabbath.
Y. Sabb.
°41-,VTX ,tob אלרנתיך. .Y .ibehS ,IIV .geb °73 'רצאת א אליאסdaer אילְיאוס6. ץצ.
ןילרפמל. . . (read mon...) except cen. which is only
for children (after circumcision —3)
אביא (רלחלע/= )=='רלדלַאaccording to the opinion, in
) a wine (vinum cenan-
thinum), used esp. after bathing. Ab. Zar. 30° (expl. as the sense of. B.Kam. 13°, a. fr. 'א ןאמד in whose sense? in |
a mixture of old wine, pure water and balsam); Sabb. 140* accordance with whom? Sot.* 21 'א אתכלהדin accord. —
יטנולאed. (Ms.M..( 'תכולאHull. *6 wine to be putלתוך htiw eht detpoda .noisiced .bbaS %82 .a ץצ. .rf ' א' דר₪ |
"אהinto a mixture called duntith; Tosef. Dem. Ee 24, the sense, developing the opinion, of R.—.
Y. Bets: I, 60% top. TON f.(b. h.; "5; v.infra) attachment, whence 1) (cmp.
אלוניסתין, +. wordy, 333, 83248) tail, fat-tail. Ab. Zar. 25° (ref, to 1 Sam. 1X;:
24) what means w’healeha (and that which is upon [or :
אָכְנּולָאm. )=ַאָכְכְ q. v.) spear-head, javelin.
"SHR. Git. 707 ( 'אב ראסרפדAr. רכנולב( with Persian
Pl. by] it)? 'או קושthat means the leg (with thigh) and the
fat-tail. 'כו. ראמ הרלעהוand why is it called ‘and that :
(poisoned) javelins, which is upon it’? Because the leg is near the fat-tail :
(back). Hull, 117°; a. fr— רפלכ (Ar. ₪ v. רפלכ ;ed.
אלונקי, Veאלנְק N12 "EDD, Mss, אר(לtowards the tail! i.e. just 1706reverse 1
reverse it. Pes. 5°; Sabb. 93"; Ab, Zar. 75%; a. fr. [Rashi:
ץ אַלוּכְפּית. PsN. כלפר לרראeraerehw uoy gninrut )2—]?ot .pal-rae .hteK .”5
אלוסטרוס, +. obs. ( והילאb. h.) pr. n. m. Eliyahu, Elijah, the great
ףולאm. (b. h.; םלא( prince, chief. Gen. R.s. 20 beg. prophet in the days of Ahab, freq. represented, in Talmud
ופולא לש םלועthe world’s chief (Aleph, i. 6. Adam), and Midrashim, as intervening in behalf of the pious
and punishing wrong-doers, and expected, in the Messi- |
WON pr. n. pl. (b. h.) Alush, one of the stations of anic days, to clear up doubts and prepare the heavenly =
the Israelites on their journey to Kanaan. Yoma 10°. kingdom; cmp. Mal. III, 23.—Ber. 58% a. fr. 'א אתא
Gen. R. s. 48 (play on lushi, Gen. XVIII, 6). Y. Bets. ‘1 חדל רמדרא8. came and appeared to him in the 016-
Il, beg. 61% guise of &. Gen. R. s. 33, 4. fr. בוטל אתא 'א רוכזEy
whose memory be blessed, came ₪0. B. Mets. I, 8 (37%), -
תולא.26818 R. .₪ 22 'א, ד"כread , תואלובv. “baa, a. fr, "א אחר חנומ דע אובישlet it be deposited until 1.
shall come (and decide to whom it belongs, 1. 6. an in-
NOON f. (v. NTN) a piece of aloe-wood. Bets. 33"; definite time until the matter be cleared up). Men. 45%;
v. NMbR. > a. fr.—"ann>y רֶדָס Seder Eliyahu, name of a lost T 1-
mudic treatise, divided into Seder Eliyahu Rabba (Large)
NON, V. אָתיַלֶא a. ROBY. and 8.E.Zuta (Small), Keth. 106* (of legendary origin
*אלמיכסייא, אלמיכסייה, .neG .₪ 8.5 א' שלך NAT ON pr. n. .ג (b. h.) Elihu, one of Job’s fri nds
144 .de תכסיס א' שלך. . ., .klaV ,sP 4 תכסיס אלתמסין, יצSot. V, end, 207, Yalk. Job 919. B. Bath. 15% 4
,.ל לחלל ₪ (b. h.) pe. ₪. 1/0004, 5
אָמְלא םילא.=( ] אכילthm) strong, in-
. ד eae i ירייש יע XXV, 23; .א o.—Oit, 60”,
ri Posi, 3. 5.31 שרידי “phe their thumb; Mide, רבג
לכ ארwhoever
is in power wins (right of
‘Till, to Pe, CORXXVIU,
4; Valk, a. | ו ו Ws otis foemerte1 «.
Hall, 0° wobe Sor 4 powerfal man (defying
‘ur לTe > = Tag, או law)—Keth. 16° ws היל to him the povitive
20; 56-06 ie the stronger arngument.—
17 "קילHull. 16°
) theallofthethumb—FY.ete. תב ₪ (sinews), Kid. 69° כאב אר4« village >
UXXX VIL, 4 ןוחיככב ןוחינייָלא
ראולcup (missing
in come men.—Vem,
Kidd. 44° יבאTS RWS ₪ che
the Levites cut their thumbs off with their teeth; hat she the same authority a¢ her father
ו. הMets, 86° “ ןיינחשמBMS ie (the 1/7 ( הetroe-
pliable) than our Mishaah?—MHell. 48° svete
לימא+ proce
RL, MIM 1) Cope 0); Sond met; oe
Jee) quidem, somchow) unless, but for (tothowed by "₪; comp
ה1ל ). ָ
ה ה.ל81ה
.6, dne tS SSPS ..י. אר.א.ַורפ₪
the sticky subvtance in the nose intercepting the evil
smell.—2)תשְרלרֶא --) if somehow) if (ruling the verb
SS Met (Gen. XIV,¢).Gen. Bu.48(04.corrup. Bree) without mediation of relative; cmp. x>y5u 2( th ®
with Ar, וררבש ארוק חתוא 'אmoh 'א תאי ירוחת
Sod ואצרו > התוא. . they selected it for their permanent hold of bis ear, it would be bond up (with
אא שי
> | Tang. Ye א TV, 11—*
. אמא i« strength, force.
Targ. Job XXX, 21. Targ. ד Ex. XXV, 2. Coup. eyo
₪. ) אֶלם3) mente. Targ. Pe. XXXVIII, 14
Ms. (ed. 337%).
אל+. %5
aroT ולוס,MFC( = = הירי
: )אללot ,llor .ces .r fo ; אול.pme חולa. )37 Tote de. ,)סלא cinp. 73% in Bebe. Diet. a SO, (ץצה
ruins, debris, Lev. BR. «. 19 to Amos
VI, 11)
ו (0.6
aZ 1 3, .mlaT( .de ;(<"זa.e.—
אליroots FoR הסיסר (read SSS") of what is dem-
.₪ .( תדובע 'א םיִליִלֶאabbr. א"<( idolatry ; also idol (emp.
by making breaches, there remain
reins, ""דחה
.)TW .hoS ,"79 amoY ;"9 a )2—.rf laffofo ,taem +. אלל
אכרקב תיל הרנימ יראwhile of what is demolished by chopp-
2S ch. same.
Fi. wey.
— Targ
Y. Lev..1,2. | ing, no ruins remain; Koh. B.to X,18 (corr. acc.); Cant.
aaa + palais
TIN (Hdd
) Targ. Is.XV, 4 (XIV, 31);
Joe! I,11.
ofללא oeאיילסטמוך
אלSE = 0
40 . Gr. Dict.)₪ Inacious
wime (visum
א5 רש לה "לי>לרשGam t beareain ci
1 94 a.5.
(ed.Berl.“S) for three days, after which they were gathered and
| trodden on the fourth during the fall fervor of the mid-
םילא. (1 & Ps pr. n. pl. Beth-Elim, near Mount day heat (Sm. Ant. 5, v. Views; Colamelia XII, 27).
oba .neG“ .R.x99 .geb וו ייר Men. VIII, 6 ךוטסוילא Mish. (Ar. ed. Koh. STSR, Talm.
ne hpfo ל ed. 96* ,ןויססילה +m). B. Bath. 97° ןוטסיילאAr. (Var.
3 ווק
a. ed. ןוטסיליה ; Ms. ,ןוטסאלהו ; ןויטסיליהוv. Rabb. 2. ry, nowy f. (pronune. and meaning 0
₪. a. 1.(. Tosef. Men. IX, 9 (from which B. Bath. 1. 8 ful) Mitha, "something supposed to render fire-proof or
quoted) .ןוטס"לא extinguish the fire. Snh, 108" המש שי ונל רבד דחא 'או
Ar. (ed. ('ער we have something, its name is Ill. [perhaps
רֶזָעיַלַאpr. n. m. Eliezer, 1) servant of Abraham.
to be read רחא רבדa (female) idol]; Yalk. Job 906 "3,
Gen. R. 5. 44; a. fr. 2) several Tanaim: a) E. ben Hyr-
canus; E.b. 0% E. bar Zadok, disciples of R. Johanan
Ms. .[הנוילע [B. Bath. 73° 'ילאב ןניחמו הילAr. Var.
b. 286081 of the second gener.—b) E. b. Judah, E. b.
s, v. ,אתלא ed. NMAEN, Rashi ,אָתוְיְלַא Ms. Oxf. ןל ,תראו
אלוותאpl. of אָחַלַא The use of the masc, gend. in -מ00
Matathias; E. b. Hisma, of the third gener.—c) E. hak-
nection with the word, makes the passage appear spu-
Kappar, a late member of the fifth gener.
ףילאv. FN.
rin Sy, pl. mimtby, v. NODS
, סיפילאY. Shebi. IV, 35° top, readאֶלֶסִיס .
TIN=pes. Dan, 11, 12; 13. —_ק
NI > NIZN m. (55%; cmp. b.h.573) treading
or olive press} quantity put into the press at a
" .תת Mets.
108* 'אב
ve one Rabbi treats of a place where they ordinarily FON .זה .5) .₪ אלמכיםas, םרטיגלא 2( 1) ned coved.
ut one Khor (measure) into the press at a time, 86. Tosef. Rel. B.Mets. 111, 13; Kel. ,אונו 6; Sabb. 29, .ד th
R. to I,2 (referring to Esth. 1. 6 and Neb, XIII, VI, 8* top—2) pl םיִנוסְלַא אֶלְטוכִיך ₪ species of ondar-
15 ‘in those days’; play on 07/0 a. allay; +. next w.) 'א tree, prob. coral-wood
(v. infra as to various opinions).
הור וכeniw‘ ’gnisserp no( ,htabbaS .beN .1 ).c dna ’eow‘ R. Hash. 23°; B. Bath. 80° sq. תנידסככ אalevngion
is corel
pution as punishment)
were those days marked for.
Keth. Vil, end, 21+ סיילא לאele. ₪ the aleo-wood
| oer רלא,11 ( לליwoe. Lev. ₪. = 17, a.6;
אtw. Tanh. Aharé 2,םילילא (corr. ace.);
ed. Bub. 3.
(Gen. R. 5.15 beg. סדולא Ar, od .םדילא
אלוכרםcorr. ace). Pesik. R. 5 33 (ref. to 11 Chr. 7
ODN ah. preced.) woe-makers, a word coined a. I Kings X, 12); +. ."טילג
Maying onםיִלָלה (Ps. LXXV, 5, a ¢). Lev.₪ |
4 & @.;+: NNT for correct
vers, NOTION, pi.ןרנומלא, ארנומלאch.same. ד |
X, 11; 19. IlChr.
IX, 10; 11.
DAS א ) לי1 ot[ )dnuorrus ; of ,tcennoc
אסר. ;(הגר.rtni of eb deit ,pu ,dedulcxe -enol tee m. (v.0>%) acedar species, oak (or terchinth |
R. Hash.
cevich e. a.Sz.
23°; B. Bath. 60°; +. xpos
Omp. זאָלְטין- [Cmp. אָלֶםPs. 1111, 2,
pre m. (b. b.7obu,v. (םלא [fied up, secluded;
בצ st
emp. Targ. I Sam. XXI, 3 "oS for bh.[רקטלא widower.
ch, intr, Sox (Ex Pa,( םילע( v. preced.) | Keth. 7°; a.fr.
I Chr. XXII, 12
‘soe m.(b.h. unknown, + preced.)
7 5 98ed.Vien. (ed. Berl.>, v. Berl. Targ. O. 1, R. toIV, 1 "כי לש א: דthe man's
pr.מ. m. Almoni. Rath
“ols 4.Bath. 124*; 135* (he left them) 'או א אלקיד name was Ploni Almoni. Cmp. לא
: palm-tree and it grew thick —2) fofie, +. xx. TOON פא Kel. B.Mets. 111,13 read staan.
ere oet: ». 3ee- ;
1,DEN 1) tobe strong, v. supra—2) to strengthen, ו ישי וי יי
11 Chr. XI,
Targ. 17; a. e Part. pass. f. Ii, beg. 59% הכדתכב "אב: when the ship lies inport.
£ - פלא
ODN, אלסpr. n. Hellas (=Grecia Magna). [That | Af. אולםas Pa. Lev. R. s. 80 וכז. םילומ רלע0
Italian places are meant in quot. below, is obvious from offers arguments in my favor. _ א ons
Targ. Ezek. XX VI, 7, v. [.אָרְלַטרֶא Targ. Y. 1 Gen. ,א 4 'א Ithpa. אפסto exercise, practice, exert
+ one's
( וטרססh, text ש"שרתו ( השרלאHellas and Taras (‘Tarentum, Targ. Is. 10 4; XXVI, 9. ו
74 mesos
רכ דיבק 'א בwhen writing alphabetical acrostics,
.₪ ,dortni ,ti( amaH .₪ DH הלתא פסיקי.מן תלתא
'אבbelonging to the alphab. acrostice (in Lamen-
ארנבטה, Palm. inseript., Zeltechr. der Deatech. Morgen!.
tations) of three verses for each letter.; a.fr-—2) (4p) Ges. XVIII, #6—00; yr. ,דכזרא Pers. הז | + Perl
Bt. .חו p. 105) Arkafla, ה high dignitary in Persia. Targ
ee וers otthe.Gree Alphabet. Spek.
TM, 2.Mon, VIII, 1 'א תליסלbest quality offlour. Tb.6. יצGen. XLI, 44 (ed. Vienna Sogn oe); =. «—theba. 6"
אלקדY. ib, 1, 22% bot 'בקרא OY. Ber,
1, 9 wp Ar.
= וא אַלְפָא (ed. KOS . . ., Corr. ace.)-—Zeb. 96" (prov) ךשקנ תפקרא
ליחה לידaT erT בידaM .4 ...de( . נקטך ייחא )ne
8 ילא the Ark. took ₪ by the hand, and the scent came into
the hand (undue pride of accidental acquaintances,
TRIER =א א גדיare
ו mae Koh.
R. to I,13;
xy, Uh ede) dayefrafting,both private
and public; ל hh יל
@ new emperor, consisting of games, manyucredes be.
Pesik. Sh'mini p. 193" while the King ₪ engaged אב
' שלי וכni sih ,airalih ksa fo mih tahw uoy .dees .tnaC
B.tolV,4 " באלירא יכSSP לא חדד.rroc( ).eca ts( tnuoM
Sinai) they did not stand (as) in ,(גנוב bot in awe,
| trembling6.
תיתלא.1 Iitith, name of a large fish (prob: from Ber:21"; a.fr.—No°w I might think. Tb.;אנימא---4.1 | הוה
its place, v.7.NAIM). Makhsh. VI, 3 (Mish. ed. niM>x). Tosef. i might have thought, Imight have been led to believe.
Kel. B. Mets. V, 7. Erub. 74" 'א ראמ חוהwhat might I have been led to |
believe?; a. הלתווכ---.+1 אמרנlet him express his opinion =
"AON (="N->2) on the spot, forthwith, always with in agreement with his authority, 1. e. why does he not
2 Gitt. IIL, 3 (Mish. Talm. Y. “mx .(לע R. Hash. 6%; a. say so expressly? Taan.3*; a.fr.—Pes.7” אמלכ רכרהwhat 1
v. fr. (in Hebr. phraseol.). else should he say? לומל אמרנshould he use the ex-
pression lamol?—Gitt. 47% a. fr. אנרמא דסit may occur
-DN (b. h.; cmp. וא a. "&) 1) if, when, Mekh..Yithro, to you to think; v. אָּחְעִּהה Yoma 85" הוה = רא ראוה םתח
end תושר לכ 'א הרותבשevery Im (If) in the Torah refers אנרמאhad I been there, I should have said.—N2"2Np=
to voluntary actions (which you may or may not do) אנרמאNP 1 say, speak of, +. NP. 16 47>; a. fr. %(
except three &. Y. Gitt. VI, 48% 'א רמאדPAS because
he said, Jf (I die), i. 6. conditional divorce. Succ. 53° , סּואָמיִא סואמאpr. n, 1.) 0
א' אנר כאןnehw I ma ;ereh .8 )2—.rf .rehtehw amoY hellenized form of ‘hah, התמח( Emmaus, Ammaus, a
III, 1; a. fr—®...’8 whether ... or. Y. Pes. VI, beg. town in the plain of Judea (or Philistvea), renowned,
33° 'כו MOD 'א whether or not the Passover ceremonies . in Talmudic days, for its warm springs and luxurious
supersede the Sabbath; a. fr. [Ib. תלחות שיBN read רשפא life. Koh. R. to 711, 7, a. e. [Ib, 11 סרנומיא prob. [.סואמרא
'רש וכ, sa D}—].erofeb NO .verbba( )’> fi siht eb .os .reB Cmp. .תיסמרד [Other forms: ,סואמע ,07729 , םואמא,םראמע
I, 1; a. fr. ON NBN (abbr. (כ"אא only when indeed, For other places by that name, v. Neub. Géogr. p. 100.]
not until, unless, Keth. 76°; a. fr.
? (אַלַמה=עָל מאר=) אבורeroferehw ?yhw א' לאwhy
DN f. (b. h.; ,םמא MAN, / BN; to press, embrace, not? Sabb. 48%. Erub. 70%; a, v. fr.
join, ‘support, lead; .ו , ןמא,& ץמא רמאe.; cmp. 3X)
1) mother, freq.=my mother. Sabb. 134°; a. fr—Y. M. לַע( )=ןאמ ןאמאto whom?, v. אד andמאן .
Kat. II, beg. 81° ומא חרנה קחleft his mother’s lap
(Palestine).—Num.R. s. 10 (ref. to immo Prov. XXXI, 1) ,הובמא אהובמא m. (Pers. anbih, Perl. Et. St.
' התורה וכ. . . אמו זרsih‘ ’rehtom taht snaem eht waL p.18; emp., however, BY אובמ Ezek. א א א111, 31) crowd,
which trained Solomon and which is called a mother of escort. Yoma 87%; Snh. 7". Suce. 55%.
those studying it, as you read (Prov. 11, 8; text םא is
read DNém).—2) womb, mouth of the womb. Hull. IIT, 2 (54*) לובמאm., pl. whiny (=diny3; 222) little grape, i.e.
' נרטלה האם וכfi eht htuom fo eht bmow si ,tnesba reppalcni eht .lleb ץצ. .bbaS ,IV .geb %7 עשה להן אמבולי
cut out. Bekh. IV, 4 (28").—Trnsf. legitimate existence, (corr. acc.) he put clappers in. V. DID. ‘
authority. Succ. 6”, a. fr. תרוסמל שרי 'אthe traditional
, אינובמאLev. RB. .8 5 לע 'א םודסדAx. (ed. by
Scripture text (letters without vowels) is authoritative
cler. error אלרנלרַא( 8 איַטְבִמַאtowers, battlements; v.
in Biblical interpretation, opp. ארקמל שר 'אthe tradit-
ional reading (vowels) must guide us, 6. ₪. בלחב (Ex.
XXII, 19) may be read 3>m2 as the traditional vocal- אמפוריקלון אממורקלון.m אנבורקרא+
ization, or 312 in the fat of.—Pl. nitvax, .-.תהָמרְא 4. > (2pBobetxdoyv, imburuclum, corrupt. of ES, .כ
IV, 4 her genealogy must be traced back 'א עבראto the © 0. s. v.) wrapper, cover, bundle. Y. B. Mets. IV, beg. 9°
mothers of four generations (on each side) which is eight ' ין בא. . . המחליף א.rA daer( ון. ...; .de אברוקלון
mothers. Y. Snh. 11, 20” bot. they are not אלא תוחַמַא באמבירוקלון, .rroc ).cca fi eno segnahcxe eno eldnub rof
אימָהותmaid-servants but mothers (of the nation),— another; emp. רוברצ Pl. .תואָרְקְרּוּבְנִא B. Kam. 114",
Trnsf, םרלצב bw ‘8 seed-onions. Peah Ill, 4. Erub. 294; ed. (Ar. ,תוארקבנא Ms. 21. ,'ובגא v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.
a. e.—Ch. Nox. [Koh. R. to XII, 7 רטצבד , 'אVs ney] note).
,NAIN +. אִימָא MOIR, אִמְבְמִי420 next w.) bottom. Gen. Be
אמא,tibuc +. אַמְסָא 8. 86, ¥: הררטר.
אמא1 NON .+ pox. Targ. 0. 604,111, 18; "ZION, AN f. (/ן, טבv. NVAN; מ inserted) bath- )
v. NITOR. tub, bathing reservoir. Ned. IV, 4 (Var. איט. . .(. Hag.
15* “AN Ar, (ed. ('במא ; a. fr—Pl. תויטְּבְמִא לאה
NONIL Vas, fut. ,אמיר imper. NDR (1/28 to join, )(אמבטיאות. Y: Sabb. 111, 6%.-- 280. ib. 40° יטבמא (Ar
v. (רמא to say, speak, think. Targ. Y. Gen. XX XIII, 10.— ;(אבטאות.fesoT .bi 111 ,)VI( 3 .de %002. ( אבטאותVar.
Freq. in Talmud.—n2"n ולרפא even if you will say, 1. 6. ( תואטבמאbaths in large cities with ambulatories (v. Sm. |
it may come right even if you assume that &c. Succ. Ant. s. v. Baths).. [Y. Pes. 11, beg. 29° 'א לש קצבOy
13°; a. fr.—sarb ,"מ ,( אָמְְנ)"ַמor ןאימרל must it be said, ue a corruption.] Cmp, mall. Want: +
does it mean to say? Ib.; a. fr.—Na°Mm רכו ( )ראוand if
you should object. Ib.; a. fr.—Na°X אלא but rather say, * אמצמיסm. (avaBdrns, contr. (%6ד000p
i. e. the correct version is. 10.; a. fr.—N5"O אמרא now rider, traveller on horseback &c.; hence (sub. Sn) an
read the second clause, i.e. how will you understand &c.? ass used for 6 through the desert 8
אתhe stand: appraised, he
hat been valeed before this —Hence Ton boli: med fo be
| wealthy, Ti,Kam, 62° א . שיליאKeth, 05° א דב אלרsore
תוהמא.+ (ray) servitude of a maid, servile con- הפרומא m. (=preced.) teacher. 6 Bob: ₪ 1
dition. Mekh. Mishp., sect. 3 שודיק רחא 'אthe father’s —F, ןיָאָרּומָא Targ. ¥. I, Num, XXI, 29. |
privilege of giving away his daughter in marriage is
valid even after having hired her out as a servant. הֶאְרומִאch. (=h. "ָרימָא( Emorite. Targ. i
;16 a. fr—Keth. 112° 'א--. רב. רָאְרְיִמָאTarg. Ex. IL,
, אתהמאNOTION, v. stow. ;8 a. fr—/X קרפ the chapter treating of idolatrous prac-
NOTA, pl. of aay. skies (v. יְרומָא( Sabb. 67% (v. Tosef. Sabb. ch. VII, 80)
“NTH, with "2 m, diver. R. Hash. 23"; 13, Bath. אמוראי, 'בר א, +. אמודאי %6
74> Ms. a. Ar. (ed. "ארומא .(רב ( גג "רומאb. h.) Emorite; Emorean. Gen. BR. s. 41
ךידומא.+ Soh. 1%, 27%, read , ןידמואpl. of TAN. none among the nations are 'אמ השקmore obstinate
than the Em.—Trnsf. Emorean, superstitious, heathen-—
,NAVD אימום.m )=אמאום, .moned fo (אֶם 7 like. " חא255 superstitious ל Sabb. 67% a. fr.
form, shoe-maker’s last, 86. Kel. אא1, 4; XXUI, 1-- _| ‘NT רכרד וב םושמPR is not to be looked upon (not for-
Ib. XVI, 7 ‘21 רלדוג 'אח לשthe block of the cap-makers; pidden) as an imitation of &.; ‘NM לכרד וב םושמwrit”
' של עושר וכfo .srekamsserd .bbaS 141 .sM .M .de( אימוס, is forbidden because it has the appearance of super-
corr. acc.); a. fr. stitious practices.
TANI m.(b.h.; a8) artist; (homilet.) ,,ךמלא-=(ה tulor; Sa אמוm. )מור, (רמר.egnahcxe :htsE .R ot ,T
(= ןומא nursed (well-covered); guarded; c)=next w., 15, בנר אַמוּרירהsih ;segatsoh .v "EN NAD rof .rroc ,srev |
metropolis, (great). Gen, R, s. 1,
DTN, +. om. ==
ןומאזזpr. . םpl. 1( (b. . ארכ( 'א גגNo-Amon (‘Thebes) ( אמטנabbrev. of next w.) on account of, for the -3
in Egypt. Gen, R. s. 1 (=Alexandria, the metropolis).— sake of. Ber. 56* bot. 'כו 'א אזוזfor the sake of thy 210
)2*[ A., near Tyre. Y. Dem. 11, 22"'top; Tosef. Shebi. (which has been refused, v. Ms. 11. in Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.)
,VI 9 עמק.[ shall the wardrobe of the king go to ruin? Ley. 1%. 8. 27
' א' בעררא בrof eht ekas fo eht rednet 6]0486.--- הכ,X’
MIVON f. (b. h.; Vax) firmness, faith, honesty, surety.
'א רכהלtherefore. Naz.25*. B. Kam. 713” (Ms. H.אמטול
₪. Bath. X, 8, a. 6. והולה inptay לע אלat the time he ex- ( ; יכהa. fr. V. SON.
tended the loan, he did so not because he was relying
on his (the friend’s) surety. Ib. 'כו ןכש לע 'אfor in this )=לוטמ לוטמאdy; , ללט( לוטfor the protection of,
case he did 80. Ab. Zar. 55° 53202728 תא דנא דבאנshall whence (=h. 533, bban) for the sake of, on account of &e.
- we abandon our honesty? Hull. 133” םיתוכב 8° ןיאSama- Targ. .צץ Lev. IX, 7; a. fr. V. לזטִמ and preced. w.
ritans are (usually) not trusted. Tam, 28° הריתה 'אscru-
pulous honesty. V. M238. NOON =preced., only with suffix of personal |
pronoun. Targ. Y. Ley. 1X, 7 Te os nes=h. .ךדעב Targ..
"סומא “ יאDe, Y. Sot. VII, 21° bot., v. DADN.
Job I, 10 הֶתְל ... around him (protecting him). Targ.
x) אמוm. ) (אמר1) speaker, lecturer, interpreter ; Ps. VII, 8 Nambu for her sake; a. e—Keth. 67"
esp. Amora, one who, in lengthy popular discourses, ex- אַמְטולְתָיהfor his sake.
pounds what tlie lecturer (Tanna, v. 82M) says before
אממיVv. אמט.
him in brief and in a low voice; often ‘called Vaan.
Ex. =. s. 8, end 'כו 'אהו. . . . םשכ שרודהשas the lect- יבמ את+ (or At.) balances, scales. Pesik. B’shall.
urer sits... and the 1% speaks in his presence.—
p. 82%; v. NMSTON.
Snh. 7" 'אב םוק הילעstand by him as an expounder.
Taan. 8% a. fr. שרדו bs 'א . . . . םיקואS.... placed אמטל, “POON, ,+ tom.
an Amora by his side and lectured, Sot. 40? רמאו
חד טעמאxam dna sih aromA evaga tnereffid .nosaer אמט זאv.אַמִיטְתָא .
Hull. 15° do people listen to the Tanna? "Mx 'אל they
listen to the Amora.—2) in a particular sense NaN, “TAN, +. אמא ae
Amora (Amoraim), that class of Talmudic authorities
"AR, Af. of טזמ /1
who lived after the final redaction of the Mishnah, and
whose discussions on the opinionsof the Tannaim or אמימון, +. yup. |
authors of the Mishnah and Boraitha, are deposited in
the Guemara, thus adding a second element to the dey- NOON Tose. Maasr. IIL, 6 ed. 266% +. אָלְלטמה
NOAN, NON, אתמימע + טמנ )טמא
elopment of the oral law, called Talmud.—Pl. .ןררומא
יצBer. I, 2° top, a. 6. 'א לרתtwo Amoraim differ, for
which Babli usually: ...אבללאו רֶאְרְוִמַא וחנרנtwo Amoras V םא Dy, v. DN; cmp. (אטְמּוחַד darkness, dense clot
differ in their ה (or conception) of the opinion mist. Targ, Deut. 17, 11. Targ. 11 Chr. vi, 1, ed. Beel
of ... Shebu. 405; a. fr. az; a. e—Gen. R. 8. 44 (transl, MU>d). = moa iat,
erie אמִינְמיןm )4ון/9 די9(
/ הvariety of ה from whieh the reputed
> ה linen
וwas טepun,
וwhich wae cleansedby being CON, SEZ >. ₪ ec, Sh, SF wo be prewed,
throw into thenfire, Cant, ₪. to TV, 11; .ישו Webel | dark; .ו SB; SoM ₪.deviv.; +. (תתשישא dim,
fe grow
pf 02, (Deut. M. «, 7, end Porm; Mids, Till. to Pe e, +. infra). Babb. 77°.
(in+ hb. aleo fo obscurcreel;
2 | ןוטיסהValk, Deut. 450 Foren; corr, ace.)—
= ,אאוזו | Bee. 68%; Pes, 18° reese םילחנ (or (תייקסיכ dying oon
Deriv, furor, read ךָטְנְייעְר he who cleanses the amicnt (question a0 (0 spelling decided in favor of 2 by refer:
ץצ. הא. ,liV שו,pot . הto Beck. XXXI, @ “Ube cedars 4/4 not obsewre bien,
i. = | hie beawty).
Bs וא אמִילְסָא. *44 ,rA .+ .rdna
מא = SH, .¥ SH; comp. EH) fo errangeו
. POPES, +.tore lines, array. וא 11,5 nate {pet which one errenget
Us ah eh aig De crc , which one piled). —Denom, 77% expert.
Targ. Mic. V, 1, ‘Tare, Mal. J, 6; a fr. | 0/0 whence
PR ONL +.()רטאו 1) speaking, epeoch. Gen. I.«5, Pi. vom, Tes fo make 40/00, to train. Babe, 100°
אה יsreep eh sniart eih dnah .)gnicitcarp( .V tae.ew
beg. F271 אל אל'אno(power of) speceh orwordy a.fr— | דד
WM this ieepoceh, i.e. this
deright. Y.8nb.1V,
22" top; TON 1 (2m, +. cay cmp. proved.) fo be strong, 9
Vi, beg: 23". Y. B. Kam. 1X, beg. 6" (contracted)an during; (act. + Tom tooupport, +. 11 Kings XVI, 16
mame) the word amar (~s%) in the Seripture text. Y. Pisc — 1%e)ךופא,רוקיא fo ewpport ;trnet . verify,
Binh. VI, 25" bot, 'כו רוכאכ ךאכ'אhere amar is used Ao.) as approve. Towel. Ter. 1, 4 it א not the minor that made
well הא @mar here indicates that the word is considered it Trumah ‘ore ךעיאש אלא דדבאVar. (od. Zeck. 728)
אdeed .08 a. (3-.6 dedication (cmp, Sse. Kidd. 1,6 = but his father who confirmed his act (<ib, די| שםד"ק לע
חובגל dedication to the Lord (by word of צ. ib. 40" ידי Seem. Ih! top Pers.
i# equal to what delivery is in private transactions. Nif. ( ככb.b.) 1) part.דאב m..PAG + סקיפ irmst-
mostly in the sense of 2).Num. R. =.14, end worthy, reliable. Peah VIII, 2 "כולקS°734G
(the poor) may
א' וציווייםstxet ni hcihw ramo dna haveiet rucco .a; .rf | berelied upon concerning garnered fruit 1.6. Wfthey
f.(v. proced. 3); emp. Ps. 1V,5; XCVI, 10; declar e to be the poor man's share, they are
the fruits
receiving from
exemp tithes.
t Keth. 1,6 Tosa her statementi+
upon as
| aete trae, Ab. Zar. 16° ךיידה כ ילקmy Jodge ir
a reliable witness concerning me, i.e I appeal to thy own
judgment that I could not have engaged in sock follies —
4 Dem. 11,2 if one resolves 'כ הדדדרלto beone of the reliable
4 .
(conscientious in giving tithes); a fr —t) to becomfirened.
| אNETS] . (ex, con) ammi, Bishop's Y. Sot. 11, 18° top םירבדה Coe Fox Amen meses, May
weed (v. LOw Piizn. p.260; Rashiexrs"s mint). Tosef. Sabb. the words (of the oath) be fulfilled.
XIV (XV), 13 'א (Var. 7h). Sabb. 128"; 140°, +. x72". Hif. 737 (b. b.)todeclare trustworthy, totrast, be-
Tosef. Kil, IIT, 12, Var. (ed. Zack. .(אט"מח lieve in. Dem. VII, 1 S7stp SR HTT bat be (the invited
gue him notin tithe affairs. tb. 3; afr —Ab. Zar.
16°33 “esRET לראדה ed. Pes, En Yak.(v. Rabb. D.S.s. 1.
note ; ed. "E7340 Hof.; since thou didst declare me ₪ reti-
able witness unto thyself (appealing to my judgment), +.
supra; [Ms. M. “b> כמאה thou reliedst on me]. Ch,
v. 7
© FON at.ofHeorHep
TENT m. (0.b.; v. preced.) firm, straight, whence
| *יתוכמא koh. RB.to Vi,1 'כווא דח'אprob. to א יב
36° "כיהקדבש
1) Amen!, true!20 may if be! Sheba.
| 'כוואדח היציקעמPPE PS דחראeither one bites in Amenis implied an cath, ₪ promise, and 2 prayer
hit (v. P33) or one stings him—what benefit has he (the = for fulfillment. Ab. Zar.65*; a. fr.—2) fem., the rempomse
of the obnoxious beasts) of them? Amen. Ber. 47" הפרשה 'אan Amen hastily pronounced
(men); ! א'קטדפרna nemA tuc trohs ;)-ema( "הכהnaR
| orphan Amen, the respondernot having heard the bene-
dic which then
totio 27-
Amen refers; Tovef. Meg IV (IID),
SGN 9 לָלְמִא+- SEAN,
indebtedness signed on trust (that the loan would be רומרפמאm. (imperator) commander, Roman
consummated subsequently). B. Mets. 63% תוריפב 'א .rorepmE .maL‘ .R ot ,I 5 ' דומינל אNa“ .rA .de( | וביבא
advanced payment at present prices for future delivery; " מארר אפלטור, צ. )372" eb ,detulas ym ,drol eht .rorepmE
’ בדמרםסN with the option of paying the difference. Gen. Tanh. Mikkets, 9 ,רוטרופמא ( רוטריפמואcorr. ace.) /
ד. s. 100 end, 'א רמשto deal in good faith with. Tosef.
B. Bath. V,8 תודמה M2738 honesty in measures. B. Mets. 49* ץמא. (b. . גYBN, cmp. ןזמח( םמא 10
press, harden.
/ מחוסרי אeht( yaw )fo esoht gnikcal ytsenoh riafnu( -laed abn רצמוא shed abated. Tosef. Sot. XIV, 7; +. infra.
ing); Bekh.13” 'א ; רסוחמa. fr—2) faith in Providence. Pi. צְבִיץ, ) ארמוץ1 ot ekam ,gnorts ot .nehtgnerts צ
Mekh. B’shall. s. 6, v. הָנִמָאַח Sot. 48" 'א "שנאmen of Taan. III, 66% all shall be ךחכ ןיִצְּמַאְמstrengthening |
faith, trusting in God; ib. א רנטקwanting in faith; Gen. thy power (assist thee). Snh. 44> 'כו ץמאמ ומצעwho con-—
R. s. 82 'א רסוחמsame; a. fr. Cmp, T2428, TINT.
centrates his energies for prayer.—2) to press, close; to
. אִמָנָהII pr. n. 1) (b. h.) Amanah, Abanah (Banas), make impervious. Sot. 47% 35m "wax those who close |
a river crossing the city of Damascus. Targ. 11 Kings their hearts, the hard-hearted; v. supra. [Sabb. XXIII, 5
V, 19.--2( MyOX, ON ,()םנמא ןינִמָאAmanah, hellenized man תא ןיצמאמY. ed. (Mish. ,'מעמ Bab. 151" ןימצעמ
Amanos, Amanon &c. (Banias), a mountain range form- Ms. M. ('מעמ to close the eyes of a deceased person.
ing the northern limits of the Holy Land. Tosef. Ter. Tosef. ib. XVII (XVIII), 19 ya ed. Zuck. (Var. 77385).
II, 12 סונמא (Var. ,ןונמא .( ןונמסIb. Hall. 1, 11 סונמא Sabb. 77> 'כו ןרצמעמ וא ןיצמאמis m’amm’tsin (1. 0.( spelt |
(Var. .(ןונמא Git. 8* )...ןו .+24 ,; םינמס( םינמאY. Hall. IV, with 2 or with ?א Answer by ref. to םצוע Is. אאאוז
60* bot. םנמא (ref. to הנמא Cant. IV, 8). Shebi. VI, 1; 15(1).] V. .אָצִמּוא
Hall. IV, 8 (Ms, M. (...ם ;Ex. ₪. s, 28. V. .סורווט Hithpa. yasnn to be closed. Tosef. 1. 6. תוצמָאתִמ \
מארלרהןthey will be closed of themselves.
ןונמאON, v. preced,
עצמאm. (v. 230; 72; emp. b. . גגHI, FR, BPS)
אתונמאy. Keth. lv, 28° top, v. אומנותא. lying in a press], whence—’x3 in the centre, between
two extremes. Y. Hag. I, 77* bot. 'אב 75m" he must |
, םנמא.+ nye I. klaw neewteb eht .semertxe .B .steM 07" ';ד הנכרר בא
אמפוממא, +, אמפומטא. Y. Ab. Zar. 1, 40* top עבצא רוגה 'אב the hand [finger] of©
the gentile is between, i.e. he has a share in it; a. fr.—|
אמפוליv.לי 2)common fund, estate. B. Bath. X, 7 רכשה 'אלthe profit
belongs to the comnion fund. Ib. ,1% 3 וחירבשה 'אלthey |
*אמפוממא, אמפוטמא, איפומטמא אע improved for the common fund, i. e. the profit must be
B’shall. p. 86", Yalk, Sam. 159, corrupt. of NODE WOR, equally divided. Ib. 144" “Nm ךמ from the estate; a. fr.
or אטופורטסא . Cmp.>32, 10%%.—[Also in Ch. Targ. 700 8 (Ms,(מצע
Targ. Y. 1 Num. XXII, 24 'אבbetween.)
,*םוימופמא ,תויביפמא Pirké d’Rabbi Eliez.
ch. XLII תונולח א Ar. (in ed. our . ואomitted); read תועצמא.1 (v. preced.) centre. Y. Suh. I, 18* bot.
( תויָניִיְסְפּואdenom. of OER q. v.) glass-windows. התועצמאבbb’ the Mem is in the middle of the alphabet. |
אמפורטור, + ity. יעצמאm., תיעצְמא f. (preced.) central, middle.—
.burE 0 2 ' האeht etaidemretni ,egalliv .ppo ;יצונים ח
*ןירופמאge נאm. pl.) 5ן/ה4000( travelers,
a. fr— Shebi. ,11 4 תר.. . אהthe central part of the
traders. Targ.Y. I Gen. XXV, 3 (a gloss to preceding field, lying in the middle. ‘Kik IV, 8; a. fr—Pl.אמצעלים
; ןירגתTarg. Y. 11 inserts ןינמוא for םשּוטְל; h. text TRSSONR m.; תויעצִמא 1 Y. Peah 0 17* +0; 8. 6.--%
.( םירגשַאIb. XLVI, 23 (h. text .([ םישחGen. R. s. 61, Ber. I,44 :$56 ( 'אחsub. תוכרב( the intermediate (central)
gnitouq .graT .neG א, 3, sdaer [! לופרין sections of the benedictions (between the first three and
, איליפמאNUBON, BIN, SBIN 5). of the last three). Kil. V, 2 'אהthe central geen beds;
a. fr.
auxthtoy, impilia) (pair of) felt-shoes, in gen, shoes, socks.
Kel. XX VII, 6. Yeb. XII, 1. Ib. 102° דגב א קשcloth-shoes; — יעצמאm., Sa צמא f.ch. same, also as a noun.
'א לש רועleather-covered shoes; a, fr—Pl. אִיְפֶילָאות, .Y .B .maK ,VI >4 pot I saw tneserp בא.
ו. . . ברישא
, יִלָפְנֶאNi> oN, P>"HNX pairs of 6 Sabb. 120%; Y. ib. at the discussion on the first, the last, and of the inte
XVI, 154 “ "אnw two pairs ₪0. Gen. RB. s. 61. Yeb. 102”, mediate clause (or case). Ber. 3°; a. 6 j
TS veerye
. i 1 “UM lamb, + om.
) (bh, by Pom) וקו 4. “Gen, ₪ «.42 playon
+ +teaNd war = +. (ךורפסא 00%
זז 54 Em Aer) — Frege,constr. Pom.
Pesik. Para, p.30° promises); Tank. Wakk. 4. Pov.
K. «, 14,
ו gaeedeh eedab , יל לחלןך...נא כאן TON
At. ofms.
toad here... . and we read there... (the same ex
on ie used here and there in the Beriptaral text), אמריי+ones
ו ֶסָּמְנֶש--. (abbr. , 'אנש( לשfor it ie anid
the Boriptures (as evidence in favor of an oplaion). "א TM
ְ Y. Disk. Save,לרפיל
. ומ-=)לכל ו hy atc dnd
Grey because it is said in the Boriptures, |. 6. you officer ke, Targ,
Ie. , לג אצוו. )אtent , רתיLXX +
¥ poetiblybe misled by a certain expression tothink... ., ports). Targ. ¥. Nam. 1, @ oy, ( ₪ *שא
bre another term is used In ite stead in an anal- בית אב, גשיא, SEHT ;. ל מל₪ ו .eB
ו totesengines werd,¢. out Kap. Amarkal, one of the seven Temple trustees
the cashiers. Tosef. Shek. 11, 15 (etymol. לכלט
“WOR, “TON oh. 1) aspreced. 1).Targ. Gen. 1, 3; a. הכלmastering
all, +. “3; cmp. Hor. 19* אליכ ( רפא¥.
fr.—"3 אabove you quoted an authority, or, it has ibeV,40°; a. .-- 1 (h.)םיִלָכְרַטא ( ךילצרטאok.) see,
eon stated, Ber. 2°; a. fr.—x"P א the Scripture says. heme be. Targ: | Kings 411. 4 (bh. text om sr),
Ib. 19°; a. fr.—Y. Ori. 111, end, 63", a. fr... . םשב הנורמא a. fr.—Ghek.,ל.2 דס
.| ;6 .1 .| .₪ס"דרקפ--)
11 Chr.
הBab. heb. FP gH) they said it in bebalf of . . . i.>. XXXI, 13);
a = V. ךלט .אderiv.
4 tradition.—Y. Ber, 1, 2! mvcx הרתליס hie word
(stat opinion 80.( proves —T7Gk אדה=תרטוא ; תאז
ספחון49.--"אַמר.h( )%5yeht,yaatisi.dias .bbaS °91
' לח וכ...mo אסרו לליו עלti si dlot tuoba ....R ,.
another relation refers this to B.—; a רטאקו-.
Gf FORT 1) to007900 te boast,cont, beoppressive Tanh. Noah, 10 (ed. Bub. 15, corr. ace.);+.Som
p.Ps XOTY,4). Sot. EX, 15 (49") axe דקור the
sbility 1 1 be oppressive (Snh.97* Mss"; Der. Er.Zat. X 8 f.ch=—b. ax 1) cubif. Targ. Ex. XXV, 10;
»;Cant. R.to11,18 (9]*---.(תויה (denom, ofאירfo ו a. fr. - Sot. VIII, 22°bot. אתשרא אa סמ has six
+. וניבא %
hand-breadths; a. fr.—2) membrum virile. M. Kat. 17° RN ומחזל כר, ,de NIN (מתחזר dekool sa lamaj sa _;.&
טרקיה אאַמְתָיהgnuts mih no sih )%—.murbmem .fsnrt
enclosure; protection (emp. Man). 'א דררחרא enclosure
of the millstones, mill. Ber. 18".— Pl.j7a8 (fr. 8a). Targ. , גָּבְנִאNIZIN, PBIN, NPBIN ₪. + SEB
Ezek. XL, 5; a..fr. .אָסְהַמַא Hall. 59" 'א עשחnine cubits. whence 6 indie ambiga) .‘small cup ; @ measure |
containing one fourth of a Log. B. Bath. 58" on the |
NOON hand-maid, v. .אָהְמַא gates of... it is written,( גבנא קפנא 'כו Ms. differ. order) _
Anbag, Anpak a. Antal (as the same measures)/ Kid. 70°
. אמתות1. .lp eht esu fo eht drow אַמַתד. .reB‘ °13 שלש רתשרל רמ אגבנאwill you take a cup (of wine( .86 [לPopular :
®’ three ‘times “rvax (I Sam. 1, 11; Ms. M. minay). pronunciation: anpak.] Sabb." 109 ; אקפנאa.e. |
אָלְתַמְִא. אָלְתַמ( )צm. (cmp. h. (משל something לובְנאm, , )=ליּבְנֶעv. לוּבְמִא( clapper of a /061].---1.
tangible; רבד( שיש וב )=שממ plausible reason for cor- pnbinoy, fra. Zeb. 88" Ar, (ed. .( ןרלבכרעTosef. Kel. B.
recting or retracting an evidence. Keth. 22% 'א הנתנON, Mets. 1,13 השע הל םיליבנאהed. Zuck.(read םילובנא OAD...)
'כרif she offers a reasonable explanation of her contra- if he put clappers in. Ib.( ןהרלרבנא corr. ace.).
dictory statements, her second oneisaccepted. Gitt. IX, 9
TTDI, +. xezbs. |
דבלבו אלש אחר םש 'אprovided no reasonable explanation
is offered to show how the report may have arisen by תוארקרּוּבְנאv. TDP aN.
mistake; a, fr. V.מַתְלָא
יִמְּבְנִא.1 )טבנ.[ב.2=; ( הפצמobservatory, watch-tower,
"NOP TON ‘pr. n. f. Amathlai, legendary name of | battlement. Pl. minwas. Ex. R. . א12 the hailstones
Abraham’s mother )ובנרכ תב,( 'אand 01 Haman’s mother formed '’ אX lines of battlements; (Midr. Till. to Ps, —
)(א' בת עורביתא. .B .htaB .°19 LXXVIII .(לתוכ V. .אינובמא
sil, m. (denom. of 772"8; “absorbed by preceding ;א *ימבְנאm. pl. (v. preced.) platforms or elevations
cmp. next w.) one who rales through fear, tyrannical. erected for public spectacles. Yalk. Esth. 1058 all the
Pl. .ןיָנְסִמַא Der. Er. 11, beg.; cmp. R, Hash. 17°, V. .ןְתִמיַא people shall go out( ןידהל 'א read; והנהל 'א Ley. R. 8. 28, |
“ETON f. ch. (v. preced.) fear-inspiring, powerful.
end ל"טרפ , ןוהלcorr. acc.) to the spectacular elevations,
rof a weJ )iacedroM( 81 ot eb .degnah .V אמבונלא. | |
Dan. Vii, 7 (quot. Gen. R. 8. 44 ימיא; Ex. R. 8. 25 ונתמ"א
Lev. R. 8. 18 'מיא a. “AN; Yalk. Gen. 77; Lev. 586 ax). אנביל, v.אֶנְביל
[Ges. 11. Dict. "2FaX, not found in editions, fr. ןתמ to be אנבין, +. pea.
strong; cmp., however, ןְסִמִא a. [,ןְסִמיִא [Edit. Letteris,
Berl, 5644 8. m., "2772"%.] אנבקראות, +. אמְבוּרְקמין
ןאif, vi FR |אנגמוס+. אגניטוס
8 (b. h.) where? אֶל whither. Ab. LI, 1. * אננימוס.klav ,sP 497; אגוסטוס.neG 8. 8. 91, אי
במדינה.rA( (אגבאסטסdaer ו"סטור:: )'ג (אגב. (questor,
ןא אch. same; (interrog.) where? Targ. Gen. xvatctwp) 707800 provincialis, assistant of’ the consul.
IV, 9; a e—Y. Yoma VIII, 444 bot. ךמ הדה 4X (read ארב ולש. . . ( 'אread MW) the questor in the province,
. דמ( ןאwherefrom this? i. 6. where is your authority? is appointed over its roads, v, N*3.
Y. Yeb. XII, 12% bot.Ane ןהה אבס ןֶאְל of what use is this
old man to thee?; a. e.—(relat.) where, wherever. Lev.
POR, +. אָיְרְטְנֶגְרַא
.R .8 72 .geb ' וכnao א' את.klaY( .sP 727 54) ו יצ אננימריס.reT ,IIIV °64 ,pot daer אֶרינְנְַטיס
thou givest, thou givest abundantly.
ומסיגנאread ריָטֶס"ֶגְנֶא m. (Gvoxtotyp—dvo yor y=
NIN (b. h.) oh! I pray. Succ. 11, 9. Yoma VI, 2 pov) knife or scissors for cutting nails. Tosef. Kel. B.
NIN, emph. 8228 ch.=h. "38, J. אנא אחcontr. NINA. Mets. 111, 12 (ed. Zuck. רטסרנגא corr. ace.). Nid. 172
; ררטסונגM. Kat. 18° ( ארטסונגMs. M. "920493, v. Ar. ₪."
' Targ. *O. Gen. XXII, 7;sa.fr.—Hull. 2° 'כו 'א0 myself 6
Y.Taan. IV, 68" bot, 'כו אככאד םילשמthat I myself should (גנסטר
surrender the country.— Pl. }28 we. Targ. Y. Gen. אָיִלְנְנא יִלְגְנאm.
. pl. (4yyehot, v. Perles Et. St.
1111, 8; a. e.—Ber. 49" 'א רזחנlet us see; a. fr.—N2MDX, p. 113) ‘messengers, angels. Targ. Job XV, 15; a. e.
nim. Targ. O. Gen. 1. c.; a. fr—
NON, 1) +. *(=אָנָמ--.אָנְיִא ןאif 1 אנגלין, ל. אַלְגרן- -
"NIN (read N7"528?) pr. n. pl. Ancyra, 3 -
NIN 1=זַאִבָּא, fruit, produce. Dan. IV, 9. _ arg.
Galatia in Asia Minor. B. Mets. 46" ארגנאו רנדי אקארנא
Job XXXI, 12; a. e.
Ms. M. (ed. ארגלנאו , אקנאVar. NP™2, NPN; v. Rab
NAINIT, xzy 1. ()=אָבְנַע [berries], eggs of lice, D. 8. a. 1. note, Ar. Compl. ed. Koh. s. v. (ארגנא the
nits. Naz. 39°, Taan. 22) 'נא רזחתמ הדל רכAr. (Ms. M. Bithynian and the Ancyrean Denars, one of which vas
oes אנדרשא
repealed by the central Government, the other by the |
local authority, V. .אָחאְְנִא [Aneyra prob. of hemitic
ב % Sea
yo אנד, יקס
oe A
tY a ral6
טp8 of +
to hie wearing « freedman'’s cap of to @ windicta; 7
f. (dyyapela, angaria) forced labor, service,
for public services IDV, 454 Ces קרדרהו MESS (reed REPENS"); Trost,
uf or works, Y. Ter. 1, 2
|איתצריתWas pressed into service to carry Abadim oh. 11 (ed. Kivebh.) BoP SIRS אציי (oorr. see.)
"וMots. VI, 4 (78*) א ( תישכנthe aes) wae | [Commentators to Gitt. 1. ©. mised by ‘St o°re ,בתפב
guessat embroiderice bc. V. וו dee וו Jeives
service, Ib. 78* תרזה אבin the case |
18683, Nr. 15, p. 160.)
‘that the animal pressed into service is sent back again.
Lev. BR.6,12 אתנידטב ןוקטש 'אthey heard that seiz- NOTIN Ab. Zar. 29", some od: +. MPT.
ure for public service was to take place in the coun-
try. Esth. BR. introd, א דז95m balakh (Bera TV, 13) L AS pe. ₪.=. Ber Andral (Andrew).
angaria (vy, .(אניטורגנא Boh. 101"; .א.א יזLa paste eso eyo
1 Lev. BR. B. A. (who were very rich), V. .ךדרדכא
*( אנדרולומוסיאread srovtmun, modus
| = (popular pronunc. of avigehypYa~arigessya, cmp.
| Mies for Lic) ecizure of men, a Greek right of
reprisals(v. Sm. Ant. « v.), in gen. pemisheon!of mon
4 אִנְגַרמוסcorrupt. of סוטינירְנָא regardicss of guilt or innocence. Gen. |. = 26 האב א
1 אנדוכתרי, ץצ. .RCS ' וכan androlepsia comes which kills the good and the
bad; Lev. R. 5. 23; Num. BR. « 9; Y. Sot. 1, 17° top —
a א adoptionof ediou, Nam. RB. 5. 5 in case of ה rebellion א " הבSS the king
4 (אנדיקיסsyndics, state-officials, B. Bath.
55* orders
an androlepsia. (Gen. 1. ₪ 32 ארסדטלדדד
'כו. לבא ותולצא 'אAr. (ed. omit וחילצא( but if the syn- Vayhi, p. 67* ; Taph. Bo, 4; 6%. BR.« 17 Purcse™,
dics exempted him from taxes, it is like a divine grant. רורטסיות, CMS (corr. ace.); cmp. Pesik. ₪. suppl, ed.
Fr. p. 197°.)
- ! אִכְדִיפָאm, rps ₪,+ nextw.
=4 וDOINcoe eee
mm.pl.(b..מ;תופיSe or(םטנ
"דכenough toilet material to make side curls
. ה.118° read “Sed “SM
Asheri Gitt. ch. IV, to p.34°.
ו +. אנדדוליטוסרא.
.hsiM( .seP אנטרפר, .paN אכטפר, .mlaT'(אונר..bI08* מאר
ie wen ato whatlooksaremeantby hillwl, andwhat
yb ?éfidna .wsnA eht reppu dna eht rewol .04 7.bרI
thT« lae lpג הציק וtroG . .'אלא אטר ר Fi BS ULE tzr<) bam-
א .> MBN) R.Isaac ofthe school of. . - (in recit- royal reception Gea, BR.5. 8 So
in that Mishoah) used the word andifah (inthesing.) ה השוש
תxוc א .rA .de .hoK .de( oP ;ROT .rroc ).cca 1
which R. .. . asked ‘Will a person waste his shall make it into (use the vacant ground for the erec-
money’ (i. e. of what use is the material for one curl so tion of) a banqueting hall. [The context forbids the
as to make a person guilty of a transgression whenS car- identification
of our .וא with [.סיטְכָאְדהדכָא
OPER +. we
E תEהנ
ed. pl., incorr.). R. Hash. 24" a synagogue 'א ומיקואד הב אנונים, אנונית, ,NDO .v סע. >
Ms. M. (ed, 'א הבFF) in which they placed a bust (of
a Persian king). Snh. 62; a. 7% SQTTIN, NOT. NON (NOTIN) NOTIN m. co violent man,
Ab. Zar, 40" םיכלמ 'א לשroyal (imperial) busts. M. Kat. oppressor. "מאש Koh. VII, 7 (h.“text Pur) ee, ןיסונמ.
95" 'א ורקעתא לכMs. M. (ed. (וציצקתא all royal statues (אכר') אָנוּסַיּא. .graT .reJ ,IV 6 .de .neV I 82“ .de( .neiV
were overthrown. Y. Ab. Zar. 111, 42° top. [Gen. R.s. 8 אלנְסין.hto .de '(אנו. .graT .sI ,IXX ;2 ,7°,V .6.4 ©
ארנדרטין, v. OTD.) Cmp. O28.
“IT TIN £., Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. IV,8, prob. "ainsi tix “PION, read "pray, +. N28.
(dd0vtwty, sub. (6ק-600 a teethed strigil; cmp. Kel.
XIV, 3 A777.
שונאm. (b. h.; v. WX) [being], man.—Pl. (of(ארעו
,oirp ,tsnoc .82" .xE ₪. ₪. 52; א. ₪.--א' כנסת חגדולה
(abbr. ג"'הכא( the Men of the Great Assembly, Synagoga
Ex. B.. 3. 27 איטנאורדנ < | לט אfase א 0 :הain Magna, a religious and judicial authority said to have —
' (לתוך ידו של אti depacse otni eht dnah fo a )layor( been established by Ezra. Aboth I, 1; a. fr.; emp. 922. |
statue; (v. ibid. ךלמ לע ןינוקיא לש.( הבשרTanh. P’kudé, )תו(בא-- 'א תיבthe division on duty of priests having
4 סוטנוירדא (corr. acc.); Ex. KR. .א 51. [Gen. R. 8. 8 charge of the services of the day; 'א רמשמ the division
, ןיטרדניאv. OVD; v. Ar. 8. v.אדרינטיס .[ fo stseirp yletanretla no ytud gnirud eno ;keew א' מעמד
the division (of Israelites) assisting the priests on duty,
יירּדְנאpr.n.m.( 0069% )\צAndray. Y. Meg. IV, 5% by prayers 80. on the platform ()דמעמ and divided in
cmp. “NTA. parties corresponding to the priestly divisions. Taan.
Il, 6; 7; a. fr.
סוניִיִרָדְנִאve OI TTIN. Ex. R. s. 51.
“WAIN m. (b. h.; v. preced. a, WN) 8070000, severe,
MT TON,, .+ , סיטיִנּורדְנַאa. Dima tae. overwhelming. Num. R. s. 7 (ref. to Is. XVII, 11) 'א
לשון גברhsuna sah eht gninaem fo ;gnorts .veL .B .s .81
, סומכרדנא.+ create.
ae Ar., v. .איסומולורדנא “NPN ג. (Pt) injury, loss. Targ. Esth. VI, 4
the ick aX is (of) no value or gain אכלמד 'אבagainst
the King’s loss. [Levy Targ. Dict. reads NP"218 expense(?),
namea two 6 - birds, one called Shabur 4. +. NPT]
and permitted, the other Peruz And., and forbidden.
Hull. 62”. MON (b. h.; emp. (קנא to press. Hithpa. חנא to sigh.
Ber. 59%, צץ sexs w. Yalk. Ex. 391 'כו לע ודובכmantra
ag Vv. "3X. is anxious for the honor of the Lord &c.
רוזmis f. (Inf. Af. of "2 used as a verbal noun) חנא ch., Peil , חרֶנֶאIthpa. mixmx same. Targ.
lighting, illumination. Targ. Ex. XXXV, 14; a. 6. Lam. I, 4; 11.—Targ. Is. XXIV, 7; a. e. Contr. MIM.
Targ. O. Ex. II, 23 late ed.—Ithpe. חת mx. Ber. 58°,
אָמּורְחְנִאf. same, also enlightenment. Targ. Num. .bT °95 מתנח FI“ .sM .M .de( (אנחה מְִאָנָּחeh 118ג8.-- =
IV, 16. Targ. . צץGen. II, 7. .kiseP .R .s ,81 ;dne .kiseP .moaH .p °27 שר" מיתנחhe—
began to sigh. 1
iN pl. of. "28.
הָחְנִאf. (b. h.; preced.) sigh, grief. Ber. 98”; a. 6.
JIN (Coptic anokh) I. Pesik. R. s. 21; Yalk. Ex. 286
(in Egyptian) 'א "228 Anokhi is Anokh. Esth. R. to I, 22 NEAMONIתחכ( ,)רחנ.1 layer. Targ. ¥. Ex. XVI, 13; 14.
לשרן רחנך.rroc( (.008
,NIMADIF )MOM ,LINIMAMN( . (נְחוּפא+
ןילמונא ןילימונאv. pb aio. (v. preced.) tray, board. Nida. 74 3x (Ar. a. {bul ר
ךוכאpl. of sy. IV, 2 2). Gitt. 62°; Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. VI, 7 .אתוחנא =
| וויfo @ enit, )-
5 5 ךוקיריטנאה ₪(
flow, curl, emp. “Er778) endive. Ka,-
+. שמא ר- הב
וד latר
em !sreev dednepeus nihtiw « ekitnordlac
vessel, the vacant space beneath being filled with oanle
.. אַכְמוּלִיpe.=. (Avaréhiog) Antoli. Y. Dem.V, Tb. (in evidence of the latter opin.) PE™S ארחש ook א
24" bot. וכיMe. א. (ed. ש שגרישה וקשיטה27 (אתna .0000/00 seve
when cleaned of coals ₪. Sabb. III,6 bot. 1
cinco, ¥. טאו.ו .steB‘ 111, 02. מו. 1, 06 .tob ts כהרא אי משלת82
the case of an anfichi which fell 6c. —"M. Kat. 28° Ge
pr. n,m. Antoninus,
1) ה Roman em- a funeral dirge) אל אטרג אככמ רשמה אימTS take the
peror freq. mentioned asa friend of R.Judah Han-Nassi, bone (pin) out of the jaw (the base in which the weasel
and supposed to be Ant. Alexander Severus (Gractz) or is suspended) and let water be pet into the 00/0864. i. >.
Ant. Marcus Aurelius (Rap. a. oth.). Ab. Zar. 10° body and soul are now separated, the latter being the
" אסוירוס בר אsureveS nos fo ;.A ".bI .A nos fo .sureveS vessel going back to the (divine) spring; emp. .א 4
Y. Mog. I, 72° bot. ‘Siךילרמ תראthere is one report 4; (Ms. M. איכוכנאל
.... sss... Lv. Rath 8
that A. embraced the Jewish religion, another &.—Y. a. 1.note.)
א, °02 'א אנטונר. ;essid“ .pme .Y .liK ,XI ”23 —pot
₪. to IX, 10 'כו ( סוטילטנאcorr. ace.)—2) ארינד 'א SOT IN f.(avelypyec)am agreement allow-
A. janior, grandson of the former. Ibid. to X, 5.—{3)
(1) ing the creditor the use of a pledged object (im place of
Roman general mentioned in conversation with R. Joh. interest
on the loan). Y. B. Mets VI, end, 11° יא אדח
v.[.סוטינגַא תואPS antichresis is considered urary.
- אנמרידינאיv. DIT. ,- |
m. (corrupt. of. RUBIN avuratoc) proconsul הוק יצ אנטרין. .bbas ,IV °01 .tob 'משקע בא, v.באנטרין -
in Ceesarea). Y. Meg. Ill; 74%; צי Ber. V, 9* top; Koh.
, סירטנאprob. corrupt. of OVEN q. v. Y. Gitt.
R. to III, 6. [Ib. to XI, 1 אטיפטואו רטרפטנאand var. cor-
IV, 46% 'א לרשif a slave escaped to ve he may be 6א-
rupt. in var. ed.]
tradited; vy. “2iNIL.
,סורפימנא סירפימנא, OID IN, v: אנד, NTF .p=( גת. רנה, .ees .+ fo ,NH .pmc אָנך₪.
אַנְטִיפְַרִיס h. ; הנע( Pi. FD’ (28) to press, wrong, oppress ;to im- ©
NOB QIN, +. xara. ,esop hcaérrevo ni ,gnilaed .+ .NNH .B .steM 95" | חִמְאָנָה
תא הגהhe who wounds a stranger's (proselyte’ s) feeling. :
רסיקימְנִא m. (‘Avtt-Katsapoc) Pro-Cesare, the Tb.> 49 רל המ רֶנָתרֶנִאשMm return to me the amount —
highest dignitary next to the Emperor; in gen. vice-roy. htiw hcihw uoht tsah dehcaerrevo .em .bI °05 pot = מה
Gen. R. s. 58; s, 85, end (also .('סיקטנא שאנרתני.sM( ₪. 1 שַכְתְאונְנֶר, .v .)arfni .bI 15* שאנרתנל
.sM( .M ,WN22n2* .rf ;82j .hsiM ,VI 2 ד שאונְיתָנִר. ANI,
אנטיקירוס, +. אפיקירוס Ms. .₪ 1 רֶנְסיִנוהש. דOxpin, Ms, BR. 2 , לנתנואשvs Rabb.
D. 8. a. 1. note). 494
אנטירוקוס, אכמיריקון, +. נטידיקוס Nithpa. m2x-2 to be overreached. Tb. 49% 4 למ which
TIN NOP .m ,.lp .v אַנְטַרְדיס. of them has been overreached? Ib. 50% 2w למ (Ms. M. |
;(מְְאונֶהa. fr. [Nithpol. of ,ןנא , ןניאְהְכv. supra.) [In. ¥. —
אנמכנון, + אסטכְטין M25, ve NN] ;
DYN m. (543) Antal, one fourth of a Log (liquid אני.b( ;.h 68001160, אן, v. 2)" 832 .I .0008 ;%35 .a.v
measure). B. Bath. 58"; vy, xdu2. V. NUDOIN. fr —fIb. IV, 54( רנא וחוY. ,( אוהוreverential transcription
of MT" , אנאto avoid the utterance of the Tetragram-
*ילמנאm. (évtohebs) procurator, mandatary. Y. maton.]—Pl. 538. Keth. I, 6; a. fr.
Snh. II,‘beg. 19% ( הנמלו ול אed. incorr.) רלטנא 15 let
him appoint a mandatary. Ib. 'או העובשב can the man-
אלא, +. sooty.
datary take an oath for his client? , אקיינא אקאינאpr. n. pl. (v. לקללנזא( an ab-
breviation of "P™2N M73, Bithynia, a district of Asia
NUDIN, אנטילייאm. pl. (of לטנא ; from which
Minor. 13, Mets. 46 'א רכרדthe Denars issued in Bithynia ; 4
Greek “AYTAOG, סי ₪0. and our w. ivthela, antlia)
+. NIN for var. lect.
baling out bilge-water, pump (with wheels and buckets).
Ruth R. to Il, 19 “w2x dada; Lev. R. s. 84 ילטנא (ed.
, אלרטנאcorr. acc.) the pumping wheel. Tosef, Makhsh.
, ןירוגינא.+ hem a
III, 4 ןהלש רכפמ 'אon account of their baling machine NIN pr. n. pl. v. NAIR; ו next w.
(besprinkling the wheat). Ib. Miky. IV, 2 .ארליטנא
מז אִנִיגְרָא. )= על נלגראyb eht 2 ;erohs .v גְרָא |
אנמלימוס, v.אַנְטלנֶיניס " אָרְגְנB. Mets. 107%; a. 6. |
|אנמלר+. “boy, ןורגינאPes. ,”211 a-word in a charm formula ;
against thirst (var. lect. Rabb. D. 8. a, 1); prob. =next w.
*"הנמנאMass. Tsits. (ed. Kirchh. p. 22) perh. An-
toniana, a cloak; y.אבטיגא . JEN ) (אניגוריןm. (2hatdyapov, > corruupt.
for >) a sauce of oil and garum (to which wine is some=
*אררנמכא, מאיTill. Ps. XV, beg., perh: מלנָרטרן or times added). Ber. 35 sq. 'כו 'א אלמelaiogaron conta
( אריטרכומmonet) mints; emp.אלֶוּסַבְּרָאת .
boiled vegetables. Yoma 76°, Shebu. 23° 'א 9 אמלרד
אנמנינוס, +. 7x. perhaps
if used as an admixture’to elaiogarum? Tose
| אנמפמרית, +. 'אָנְיפ Bets. 11, 16 'כו ( 'א ןורגיסכאו ןהרלעוY. Bets.
11, end, 61
'ארנגורין ובתוכן וכ, .rroc ;.cca .pme ihsaR ot .ubehS .1 6
סְּדְרמְנא סודְרַמְנִאpr. n. pl. (Avtdpados) An- Tosef. Ter. IX, 10; 12; Shebi. 01, 5. > inte
taradus, ‘a Syrian town opposite the Isle of Aradus. Y. ( אגרטיןcorr. ace.). %
“oe אק
OT vor -
? (eee. 1.90 Th, comp. (ךלר 1) lo,זן
to glaze ,וואו tolime (with onyx). Towel Kel,B.
SR +. יסוסא Mets, 1,3 כו ךנאבPES... םילכ (or GE Pi) cheaw
vemels which one lined with unclean
glaze (onys), v.
Y. א. Kat. 111, ,ו read ,איכא contr.of
“ + .לנתח
VW *) (emp. Far) fo make sore, togricve, מק 1
REASON cn,same. Targ. Lam, 11, 5; ₪. «. 728 5 tm. (S38) 1)) Onyx Agate, 4 semipetiacid
stone of « finty textare, Ab, Zar, ** Ar. כא(ed.
RBI IN, + ge ap (אינך.--2( a variety of gypecous alabaster, onyx; a glaze.
Ih. 11° 'אב .... ןישחמיAr. (ed. (יראב the streets are
a oS} + אסיא paved with bc.(for theprocension) .)דסי Kel. B. Mets
1, 3, v. ךנא Lev. BR. 5.35 nothing makes the hettle der-
eke vos Targ. able 'כי M57 אלא but ite glare lining; so says the Lord
i או 7) Crt | התyour המוח (stay) 5 טו Gaserv. is
סותSS f. (preced.) oppression. Targ. Koh. V, 7; someed. a. Ar. *. +. (ךג
e .
“DON (bh; + Spelt; comp.SEH) 1 ₪
TON m. pl.(v. ;סיסי +206( islands. Toset. Ter. | +. מ "Babb. 105* ךוקררטדנ יא888886 may beinterpreted
I, 12; Hall. 11, 11; (also ךקסנ a, FO; Y. Shebi. Vi, 364 as an acrostichon Por תדבתב אכא רשפנI myself have
"3; Gitt,
8* .(ןיסנ 4 written, have given (the Law). Pesik. Babod.
p reg”;
+. Fe oy Sp Ber. 14°; a.fr.V. דנא om
com. (¥, X35";) made of cast metal, opp.
Wrought oF stretched metal. Sabb. 59* 'אר sore
next w.
( כיילRashi ed.(אכסיטר 8900thoes madeofcastmetal
her is no difference
of opinion. Ib, רקרע ( 'אprob,
read “p"s, v. Ms. M.) what is made of cast metal is
re precious (original). whe הפול .
Kel. B.Kam. I, 3 'כורא ךינלול יסורפod. Zeck. )
\ 'זושעת אכיפרנים daer פָנִיס.רrַpפ.ֶnא אלו לגי, .06 dop אולוdaer ;אכאליכיך60₪ so ).mef ₪
- (Antiochus) Epiphane
King ofs,
Syria. reading desk spread out is clean, folded together ix
unclean (susceptible
of levitical uncleanness).
Tes Af. of y=.
TIS, PIS ומpx, por,see.5 of אכלוכמית, +. morta
5 only inpl.const, PEE"ER )2( after PS
©. bi; 6-0 וא + 1%) foprem, oppress,
ישישהו8. .steM ,II 1 )(*ופ wrong, ¥. 73% —35R one who feels grieved, mourner, exp.
Bab, ib. 12° (Ar,
Ms, M., Tosef. Onan, mourner before the burial of a kinsman, +
to Som; + -הָניִכָא, M. Kat.14° א בדרקמmay officiate
at sacrifices though being an Onan.— Fi. 727°. Snub. 47*
" אלא אsruop לא חדדyeht devresbo on gninruom -enec
monies but lived in silent and retired mourning —Fem.
ארכָנֶת- Keth. 53*°—Denom.
72% complaining, favtidions,
20; 0.— PLES, TRS (often used asasingular).
Lev. XXI,10 (afttiction
by death in the family); feeble. Pl.תשדת wr2x fastidious oftaste, cavily taking
an aversion, delicate. Pes. 113°. Cup. TSR
REAP EN ₪ same. Targ: Ps.CH, .טו Nithpa. 32°%r2
to feel wronged, complain offbeing
¥. 7%.
pe 86 אנפוקנין
א ןנאch. to be grieved, to mourn. Targ. Koh. א' לרה ערדנרהemit desserp .traP—.mih .ssap אָנִיס1)
a 4.—Denom. PR; + RMI, with . אתעד=[וPR, v. wronged
.08 Targ. Hos.V, 11; a. e.—2) unavoidably }
preced. Hull. 112% Atmos 'א he was fastidious, delicate. vented, forced, v. preced. Haw 239 'אOda he had ay wa
Ber. 24"; 3. Bath. 23° 'א ראתעד1 am 6. of his own (being drunk). Ned. 27"; a. fr. , 4
Af. 0°25x to oppress. Targ. Jer. VII, 6 (h. textתל
JON pl. of אָנָא Ithpe. אְאָנָס, אַתְאָנֶרס, .rtnoc .NO )1 ot eb ;debbor 5
אְבְבָא- אַנָא אָנָא.+ 8 to be fined, (of official extortion); 6. Targ. Is. XXI, 2.
Lev. R. 8. 84 ןווסראמ ( ןונאדread PORN ןותאד or ןוכיאד
אככקא.m )= אָנְקָא2 inserted;אָנִיקָא=(אנק . Targ. ;מאנסכוןYalk. Lev. 665 ןיימדזמ , ןותאדv. (רמז that ץסו
| 5 את אא25 "PIN my dietvebe. —PI. "2228 troub- will lose through extortion &c.—2) to meet 0000/00
les. Targ. 1 Esth. V, 1. Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XXII, 14 accident, be unavoidably prevented. Ned. 27° אלו >סרכתרא
(Y. 17728). Cant. R. beg. none tells( 'א הידיד some ed. אתאhe met with an accident and did not come in time.
( יכואhis troubles except after his release; Koh. R. to I, 12 _ Tb. סינתרא O32 אחו was he not unavoidably prevented :
, רקונאread "P"3IN8.—Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XXXVIIL, 25 “P27 (since he died during the appointed time)? Keth. 16
Ar. the distressed (ed. .( ארקריעCmp. ןקוע a. deriv. JOUMNI אוה "OMX they were prevented from forming
the bridal procession [prob. alluding to government
"יקנְנאady. (avayx4) perforce, of necessity (corresp. interference; Rashi: through excessive drinking]. ]סרכתרא
to i unig.( גהונבGen. R. 8. 12 if a human being spreads to grow ill, vy. סיֶנְחיִא a. 0O3.]
a tent 'א ’> תוהש 'כו it must in course of time become
ON m. (preced. ws.) one who acts violently, a violent
loose. Omp: Y. Ber. I, 2% top.
man. B. Bath. 45° אוה ררכנ 'אDMO as a rule the gentile
)אּתְקְקְנִא( *אָסְקְנְנא5 (=h. MP RIT, APY) a is violent (lawless). Y.Kidd. I, 60° top.—PI. DDE F7O3N.
full pa “camel. Midr. Till. to CIV, 24 and the lion Hull. 94" 'אה רנפמ on account of the lawless. (among
took pity on him (the dog), for she (the camel), (read the gentiles).—Esp. (law) Annas, one who is in possession
( איהדis a friend of the lion, 85‘ אבלכו אדעסand the of property bought from one who obtained it by force
god si a dneirf fo eht ;lemac .klaY 01. 268 אקנקיתא, or consfiscation, owner of reclaimable property. Kil.
, אתקינקאZay. Raan. 8. 1. NOP. VII, 6 (5) 'כו ערזש 'אה1] an Annas put seeds into 8
vineyard (creating Kilayim), and it is reclaimed. Ib.
( סנאb. h.; sec. r. of , סואVN; emp. PAN, PIR,חוס from what time and onward 'א ארקנ is one called an
as to meaning cmp. ,ףוכ ןכנא₪6.( to bend, force; to do Annas (who may consider himself in undisturbed pos-
violence ; to outrage 80. Hull, 45° םינמיסב 'אif one in session)? Answ. קשרשמ (v. Y. ib. 31°) from the time the
cutting presses the windpipe and gullet out of their name of the original owner is sunk (when the property
natural position, Ib, המצע הָסְכֶאif the animal strained is no longer named after him).—PJ. as above. Y. Suce.
its neck so as to dislocate the organs. Gitt. 44”; Hull. IV, beg. 54”, v. “PEN.»
131° 'כו ררה ּוסְנֶאַשif royal officers took forcible pos-
session of (seized,) his barn. Keth, III, 4 סנואה he who NIOIN, אנסייאTarg. ¥. Il Gen. X, 2, .ץ .איסוא
violates a woman. Part. pass. f. הָסנַא an outraged אנסיגרוןread אכְסֶינָרון.
woman. Y. Yeb. VI, 7°; a. fr—Masce. Om the victim of
an accident, unavoidably prevented. Ned. 27° אנמחר 'א אנסיומאdaer אַבְסִימָא
רכזthe Merciful (the Law) acquits from responsibility him
“FIN (b. h.; sec. r, of 58; v. (ףפא to swell, blow,
who is the victim of an unavoidable accident; a. fr.
whence, to be angry.—Pi. 528 to quarrel. Hull.63* why
Pi. ory to violate. Num. R. s. 14 FO2N> to violate her. is it called Anafah? 'כו םעMEINDW (not ,תפאנמש v. Rashi |
Nif. 0282 to be forced, overcome, to meet with an a. 1.) because it quarrels with its kindred. ‘
00040001. Ber. 13 הנישב 2 overcome by sleep. Hull. 31%
כָאֶנְסָהז וטבלהfi ehs deppid ni eht retaw yb תתה 2 m. aig - NBN q.ena face, front;--
15. 45° DINK) אלש דבלבוprovided the animal is not forced
so that its organs be dislocated. Keth. I, 10 הסנאנ she
was outraged; a. v. fr.
Targ. 1. 60. 11010; ao
a. hae 121° MAWES 'אב a .
O38, fut. 02°" ch. same; 1) to take by force, snatch, (בפנר עצמוrof ,flesti ,ylgnis .graT .Y .tueD ,I ;6 .a e
rob. Targ. II Sam. XXIII, 21; a. fr.—2) to oppress, er —B. Mets. 22°,—Keth. 7" וחריפנאב in their presence
(h. .(קשע Targ. 1 Sam. אוז 3; 4; a. fr.—Arakh.. 16* a. fr, .ה
ואזלין ואנסרן לרהdna yeht tneloiv( )nem og dna bor mih
(or force him to feed them, v. Rashi 8. 1.(. Lev. R. 8. 34 *ופנאf. ("E)=h. EMH waving. Targ. Y. I I
אקימנן וכיWO" ) (אָכְסינוןeh decrof ,meht edam meht ,HY .03 )02( emos( .de (אַנְפר 0
managers of public charities.—3) (emp. (\עכע to distrain,
אילופנאTosef. Kel. B. Mets. VI, 5 ed. Zack.,
fine. Targ. Amos. IV, 2; a. fr.; vy. NOwN.—4) to urge,
press; restrain. B. Bath: 57% one must הרשפנ ord nud Do, ₪
restrain himself (turn his eyes away forcibly). Hull. 133* אנפוקניןreadאנפקינון .
wy; אנקטסין
en ₪ (vaqops) offielal return, PLתארי telat ome lo .הו +815100 (as ated butletare Git 28"
SR Pars ST Pers אבה if ₪ gemtile (Nomen) otiained
7 Hhek, p.18° ME השע made out two military
(consue); Nam, 4. «, 2 ואירפנא | ₪. posersion of a Jew's property in comsegectce 4 6
.( אפונראיתcorr.ace.). (Not tobeconfounded
with ,רפא for a dett or of forfeiture and subsequently sold
1 Wo
a Jew, the Hicarion law feds no application (and the
PI. of[.תרָסְנַא mun, without any indemmlty, be restored to
a Lge נו Journeyfrbasin, raf, ite original owner, +. THC):
St הסצק 'או54 the
ales merchandise,"A *לכ merchant's implements
וcaiytog eset ih, Mets, I, 2 ילכ
' א' אינו וכs'tnahcrem stnemelpmI fi( )dnuof deep top eb
(for return to the owner). Tb. "כ
ו.¥ B.Mots, If,beg. 8%; Tosef, ib.1 (definit. ofour sequent emendation of TTPO
ha ,א ibid). Th. TH
Ww.) Midr, Till, to Ps, OXVIL, 20ילש ןיקתה'אarranged Sess'א in Babylon (ender the Persian government)
with the caravan. [Aleo [.הֶייִכְנַא | ו leno anparath, (which is interpreted) א יא ך"ר
SEIN read “225%.
> איפנא 6 Mull, 11 (LV), 27, Var. aoe, +
| aggrieved, Towel. Git. V (111), 2.--11. rege. ₪4.
Bh'lah. (quot.in Ar.) 'כו דנא לשינ קדס רו1 (the Lond) take
from them promise: to pay in instalments (promins of
amending theit ways, repentance) and give thew ettensom
Tanh. ib., end, 5 citizen was paying aancee & SOS
and signing agreements of forfeitare; (Nem. BK. « 17
(. [Thid. 5. 2 ,תראירפנא
+. ste (.ןא
( *ְץְנֶאsec.
Fr.of 7H, .¥ (ץיכָא
foהקמ in, fasten.
Targ.Kob. ,311 11 ךיצנאר,read ךיצרכַאדwhich are fastened
(h. text ; םרקרטנ gloes Prwaw, clerical error for PST
.[ ןימטְקרֶנThe definitions by Ar. a. Rashi, referring to “NEON m. (TAR, POX, cmp. AMX for omy) essence
implements of public entertainments, are not in keeping substance. Men. 78* אחשמה 'אNON perhaps by oat.
with the preceding proposition of the Mishnah.] oil’, the oil itself is meant?, i. e. a loaf made of 6
אנקיינוס, +. pix. gealed oil.
fa |
IFN 1, v. IES.
אנקילין, ץ. "אזנְקל
,סונותנא. read סוכנהְנַאm. twnny-fish. Tose. fut
NIVPON, +. amp. : ) זזזVI( ;72 .v אָמוּנֶס. ,
לו ץ. איקונומוס. ( = אָתְפְנִאRMMN) woman, wife. Targ. Job XXV, 4;
a. fr——Lev. B. s. 87, beg.; a. fr.—Yeb. 45" .. , made a
gentile woman perform the immersion םשל 'א as awoman
taking.led in pledge, writ 2.=אָחְכְרְדַא86121/'6 41. (after menstruation, not as a proselyte).
3. Mets. I, 7 'כו איטילקנואed. Zuck. (Var.“ob pn,
“ON a formative syllable,v. "O"%. Words not oo
corr. acc.) when a writ of seizure is found, if the debtor
under “ON should be looked for under ."א
admits its correctness, 16 mustbe returned to the creditor;
if not, it must be returned to neither. Ib. B, Bath. XI, 5 ON Ex. R. s. 15, v. .סיא
' אנקלסיא וכ,7%( ' (אונa tirw fo eruzies yam eb nettirw
out without notifying the creditor, but not without אסא6 heal, v. "0%.
notifying the debtor and giving him time to protest; v.
B. Kam. 112").
NON, NONT £2) (infin. of “ox, as noun) healing,
remedy. Targ. Jer. XIV, 19 (Regia 58). wie זז Chr.
REPPIN אִכְקְחָא, + xnpee. XXI, 18 'א M54 incurable. ot
ag צא
| (ארסט באcolommade-like
TS Nu t (diminnt. of
11. resem, 4 de.
m. (b. h.; ,סיא .+ ( סנאaccident. Mekh. Mishp., קה = יר ל
5.8 התרט ךרא 'א אלאander accident is meant death a. L) planted so as to form סמ
(ref. to Gen, 111, 38).
תופוסא .+ .₪= מסא. XII,11 (םסא "NONIIGON m. (stadelata,
D. C.—stabstarior,
5 8317
(equerry Ft wien Bak. Bt 1
gatherings of scholars, councils. Y. Snh.X, 28° bot. ( ששוual (קוויטdiel ofcquantes 000 Bide)
Num. R. s.14. Soh. 12° 'א“S73 Sanedrin. [prob. to be read “Soxzox].
BION m, תפוס .+ ()םסאfoundling. Kidd. LV, 1 “א תויגְמְסְאON cpt. ccs, 2D) rims, mouldings
(69%) 'כו'א לכ םסאנשdeufl isa child taken up from the
around a stove. Kel. VIII, 9; emp. t315, HES, oes —
> Street, whose father and mother are unknown, contrad.
. צץAb. Zar. 11, 42" bot. ךה 'א FTES FI ed. Zyt. (oth. 4.
= ₪ SAMY q.v.—Ib. 78*if this be 20 אשי 'א תרפוסא אל
( תורשסאs'fiyoth and istagioth are the same; emp. 4. 8.
= א male foundling ought not to marry a female foundling.
to Kel. Le. [Tosef. Kel. B.Kam. V1,17 ..היאכאשס... ord
B. Mets. 87°.
ed. Zuck. (Var.תואנופס B.S. |. 6. NS), prob.
רּוסְצ.) ושbh,part.pass.of 700( 1) prisoner. Fi. corrupt.
of M320.)
'אה טירוסָא--.ןיִרוסָא
MS (b. bh.) prison.
לו ו שריו+ Va יה TIISON, “VEN, "א = ₪ noun of 720)
observer of constellations, astrologer. Pl. "כרבע cometr.
pv =יסור א ;
ִ א36°; Ber.
4°; a.fr. Suh. 49, v.
eh. (bd.₪. (רּוסָאfie, chain. Dan. IV, 19.-- ‘
PL רוסה BeraVII,26;v. “oN,
by "SN, "א ch. same —Pl FSH MM.
f. same. Targ. serases
Ke. Targ. Y. Ex. VIII, 3; 14; 15. Targ. Job
. וWalt,toe ose 11, 3; +. "OR. V. 13; a ₪.
אסטנְנִינוּת 90 יי
‘ תּוניִכְנְמְסִאSR, IN f. (v. preced.) astrological למס pl. םיִלְטְסִא m., v. "BLOX. air te
,noitaluceps yratenalp .noitalletsnoc .bbaS %651 נסתכלתר
'ציאב יכוed. (Ms. M. ON3) I looked at my constellation.
אצטלא אסטלא, אה אסטולא2laot 8
of bu,bby: cmp. tba pobe!garment. "arg. Y. Gen. IX, 23;
Ib. 'כו NO אצ give up thy astrological speculations, for
a. fr-—Sabb. 128% 'א הריוארה ולa robe becoming his
Israel stands not under planetary influences. Yoma 28);
position. M. Kat. 28" (prov.) לורש 'א 'כו the grave is a
a. fr.—Snh. 49% ןיידע 'א לש דוד תדמועAr. ed. pr., Ms. fine robe for the freeman whose outfit is complete (well
Oxf. (ed. ןימייק . . . .. . ( לכלנגטצאDavid's star stands as
becoming old and virtuous age). B. Mets. 17°; a. e.—
yet (has not yet gone down).
1%. PPowON, “BLON, PIBVON, 'צא .80 'א ןישובלדa suit of =
| הָיִדְמְסִא PINTESS, + oe. clothes. Targ. Gen. XLV, 22; (ed. Berl. ןולטְסא;ib. Y.
“ ולבושbox, read טובלד (— רכטסאY. Ber. II, 65 6
צ אסמו. .bbaS ,IIV "8 ,.tob .v אסטומוכריאה. (v. margin. note ed. Krot.). M. Kat, 24%. Y. Snh, X, 29°.
Koh. R. to XI, 1 ןשובלד 'אv. supra.—Omp. m*bvox.—[Y.
זאסטווא, ,II .+ ַאַיסְטְנָוא, ד.
ONTOS, MNES, +. ow
Shek. ITI, 47° bot. בהז לש, ילטסאread ררססרא ;. צץTHON]
[Although our w. coincides, in meaning and sound, with
0707 in its poétic and older sense as ‘an outfit’, yet the
NTTEOS, v. סא form of its Hebrew equivalent ()תרלטסא and the laws
regulating the borrowing of words, as well as its appear-
אִסְמוְלָא+ לֶא ance in so remote a dialect as the Mandaic (as (אלטצע
אסמולי, .v ,INowb“ .1 forbid the derivation from the Greek.]
14.8.10 ןונכטנא ;Cant. R.toTV,8 ,ןינסקופא “DN (corr. acc.). מסמלית, ,NE‘ NO 6 ל.v אסטלאsae |
)1 wardrobe, esp. “festive suit. Yoma VII, 1 א ןבלa suite /
of white color. Gitt. VII, 5 "f*bOXN Mish. %4
noun of “Dw, ;יכס cmp. b. “4 F318, mai) prop. 7
מרצטלתר, .rf (אֶרצטְלָהym 1.61118. 47" יצטלתא דוקאrend
א 5
ered figures; lisines embroidered girdle. Gen. 1%. s. 19 (ref.
ית סע... ות.(. Y. ib. 49% topות
to Gen. III, 7) various girdles םרנידס ( 'א ןורלגVar. םינודלג
הלתרoe ( כ9-- station, Ve “EUON.
Ar. ed. Koh, (ךרלרב embroidered girdles (or girdle), wrapp-
ing belts, and white linen belts; v. 7i">2 3). [Pl. in sing.
sense, V. }"2503.]
לפרולא,sM( א. אסטיטאdaer .sM 0. טא,
'ציא( יצאwhat the steel edge ie to the iron 2) front.
אָי (ON, TON), IN (SN) +
(aarpeiayls) ! עוatrology, muth-waying,
let, +. WPT —8) ₪ word in הcharm formula, Babb.
67 astrolegical prediction. 1. Ab. Zar, U, 41° ישי שקrem
+. א"סשטאו. Fern ' באhe fore by dint of astral. epoowlation (prob
אסטמכרא, +. אסשוטוכריאה to be reed
73... v. infra), .א B.« 14 whoo
(corr, ace. |cmp. trad Maly da attrelogen+.
א. tenet. attrolagical Looks, renplements horwwope be bcs.
ו ear radressy, 255 כו אבPeer האדר she sew in ber actrologins!
books (or horoscope). Devt. BR.5 5 םינולורשסאב | שדכמ
Lev. ₪. 5 4 סילנורטצא or . . . be. (corr. ace).
TON, " אww.(Pore, 04-46 wate x 3 .הו VY. Sabb, Vi, ₪ הידיר Tox
dar, Bi.Bt.p.106) major domus, elceroy. Gils. so” yore hie booke (oF cutmputations) lic
לשום אסט' וכי.do .rA( )MOT ni eht eman fo eht revog
nor of ₪6. Kidd. 72° ןשיטר TOM the governor of ןורטסאValk. Koh. 969, reedאסְשָרְטָינין
אסטרונפילון +. )?1 דלק%940, oF
אסטנינותיא, + eve. (ו א way, circularly (opp. yor, of
»אִמְמָנִיס. one tetpayeviey). Pesik.Mh.=.10,read: ןילוכרשס אלש ורוח ןיכשוי
' וכnas גורןcars אר שורה ארוכה אלא אyeht ₪ ₪
forming 5 =ןטהקס or « long line, bet in ₪ eemni-civele,
a like the shape of « half of the rounded coert-room [(v.
Mabe, LF שר הרסס אדהרוMa.א (04.FOUTS, Mich. גורך₪ that they could conveniently eve each other.
אסטסיY. od, 1, 7 (תיסיטסיא this endless prosecution of +. .ןיננרטוב
witnesses on the information by other witnesses tostify-
אסטרופומטא ( איסיvariously | vw.
ing to an alibi would be regular sycophancy. [Maim.
reads [.תיסיטסא Tosef. Maco. 1, 10 תיטישסיא ed. Zack.
infra) m.pl.(stpopdepara)
pirots, pine aflop and bottom
(Var, .(תיסינטציא
of a door turning in sockels. Gen. Bh.« Tm Po
'כו.6). ; אטיטופירטסרא \זValk Gen. 15 ( אטילטודטסיאpivot
ְיָאנִית+ס.ִאסִגסיְהמ like, the doors could be doubled backward. [Yalk.
may be read KET OOישז 4ק2 v. LAX, Meek. 41.1 34 [
L «
אַס Midd. IV, 1 אטומאברטצראAr, .64 ( הטרטרטצראcorr. a
.)evoba .kiseP .llahs'B .p ;"68 .klaY .maf 251 כארליך
+ ow. אטוכופמא
.6 (corr. acc.) like doors tarning in sockets.
אסמקטון +5
י + אסטרין11() ,s+t+eָאeרְטrְ.ְָסאtְאמ-ר-sְ2אסִ(ט.--2( theatre, otpata 8) paved way, ו Targ..ד ווNem.
אא,1 סה ז. = ;. a .7-6 .atiG ,VI geb .94 .7 baG
רא 6 coin,.+ ree Il, 20" top כו סמ רב 'אthe road he heard ₪. 70001. Sabb.
( אXI) 1 .ו , )אטרס, אטרסאVar. KOTOR with (ת Ab.
TIN TGON + pi.theatres, +. eee. @R. .א XXVIII life is like 'כו ( איטרטסיאלread אש ....(
a public road running between two paths &c. Koh. B.
; ¥. Seo to VIL, 7 רָטֶרְסְסִא SPS אכיועה 1 was bending my road, went
outof my way.— PL xs 2o%, (37S Soe, ineorr. RSTO).
OPTION טויטקטסא- Targ.+. Num. XX, 19—ypo
cox -םאמ )₪ cily walks,
TINGS, אִסְמְרוְבְלָא+. vx promenades
(between the colonnades ke.). Y.Sabb. VI_#*
bot. 'אב ודח ןילייטמwere promenading- Y. Kil. 1% 32°
oo ‘ON B. Bath. 143", read with Ms. top; Cant. B.toV, 13; Y. Keth. X11, 35" bot. .ךירטסא (Dent.
R.s.3 ,ןיטרטסא read [.ןיניטרטסא [In Targ. mostly Po Tos,
אסטרין-[--2( theatre. 11. ras sox, v. eT SOR
אסטרונול, אסטרוגילא, .+txenew
PND ICON .גוKat. 5*,read with Ms.31.תיואישרשסא
RATS Ces 0 FN) = ioeend +. -אָיְשְרְשְסִא . ץpreced.
astronomer; astrologer. Y.
, *t). 0.certain. astro; a
&e,). Targ. I Chron. XII, 32 ed. Rahm. ןינולורצרא “TRON
cant. B to VII, 9 read אָיְסלשרטסא
(Var. TEEN). Ex.
R.1;av. fr—Cant
RB toVil, 9
6 [Yalk. Bx. 164ןילינורטסיא a other cor- +. SSP STSO
> ace.}—V. also next w._{As regards
ot NRTTOON, “ON ד + (expareia, im the sense of
. Recens. Don. b. Librat ed. Pilipp. p. 9.[ atprzéetoy) camp, encampment, — =
92 TON
front of theroyal palace, court; also station on the road chief, military governor. Ley. 14. s, 16; a. fr.(everywhere
for Temple pilgrims. Erub. 26* םיכלמ 'א לשMs. M. (ed. corrupt, corr. 800.(. Y. Snh. X, 28" top היטליטרסא (corr.
(מלךcamp or court round the royal palace. [Men. 103 ace.) his stratelates.—Pl. .ןיטְליטרַטְסֶא Targ.Esth.
II, 12;
איסטריא של מלך, rof סטרטיא,(ר9 )א.V revewoh ].ROWN VIII, 9 רסוליטרטסא (corr. acc.). Gen. R. 8.44; a, fr.(corr.
(Lam. R. to 111, 7 'א ; אנדיאבAb. dR. Nath. XXVIII “Nb, acc.). 10. s. 78 ,ילטרטסא read יטליטרטסא my 8
read NO TWON. Targ. Y. Num. XX, 19 NDT... some
DIO ,NO daer וס.
ed., v. [ְאטרטסא - 1 . תואָיטְרְטְסַאM. Kat. 5* Ms. M. (ed.
טאות. . .( ; Mekh. B’shall. Vayissa ch. 11] ' stations אסטרמלימוס, אסטרטלירוס+. רטלא
)=[ (רחובותErub. 1. 6. ויהש. . . איט. . . , read NNW,
or תואי . . .;v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. 1 note.] אסמריא, אסטריח, אסמרייא, 'איס, 'אצ,
יסיא )אימרסא( איטרטסאזזf. (stpatta) יצוא.1 (also אָרְסְסֶא m.) cacophemistic appellations of
prop. army ; ‘hence 1) host (of heavens, emp. LXX Neh. all kinds of gentile ‘sports; cmp. the use of déatpov and
IX, 6). Num. ₪. s. 12 ’ לש הלעמR; Midr. Till. to Ps. nivweCtptaeD dA ,I.htniroC ,VI ,9 .a .rbeH ,X 33; & אסטררא.,
,011 end “Ox... divine army (angels, prophets &c.)— sa fi a ,nimoned fo סרר, .pmc .ryS אסטרניא, אצטרניא, P.
2) layor .sreciffo-truoc,etius .ddiK ,VI 5 מוכתב בא' של מלך .mS 403 .a .tic ;.dibi אצטריבא, sa fi .rf אצטרדיון ;צרב
recorded in the king’s list of officers (daring Agrippa’s (v. next w.) as if fr. MX, . ןידְטְצרֶאְ; ציcmp. FS) theatre,
reign, serving as evidence of legitimate birth; emp. ,anera lairotaidalg ,swohs סא. .bA .raZ 1, 7 (%61) גרדום
“D181. Lam. ₪. to Il, 2 ; 'טסאY. Taan. IV, 684 bot. ( איידטצא 'כוMs. M. , אבירטצאbut in Gem. 18" repeat-
ON the list of Barkokhba’s suite. [Y. Ned. XI, 42% bot. edly ; אירטצא Y. ed. ; איידטסרא Mish, Nap. , ארדטצאcom-
ment. ארדרטצא( place of execution, of shows &c.; v.Gem.18",
תויטרטסא4 תוטורטרשסא ib. תויטרטסא קבח read
אַסשרטיויט. Y. .610 ,111 °54 .pot אסטרטיות, v.אַפָרְטוסות . —[Men. 103 אירטסרא לש ךלמthe king’s amphitheatre,
.hnaT .hserB‘ 2 אסטרטיאות, .raV NIM ,ROW .v אסטרְיָא-[
.[איטרטסא. צPl. mimwor. Sifra Aharé Par. IX ch. 13,
Tanh. B’resh. 2 תוארטסֶאVar. (ed. PINDWON). Ab, Zar. 18”
MOTION, NRPOIDON m, (stpathytoy) camp, רשא אל ךלה תואטרטסיאלMs. 11. (ed, , תואיטרטלv, Rabb.
regular ‘garrison (=h. ('בצמ ‘contrad. to stragglers &c. D. 8. a, ,ןירטסַא--.(.1 v. next w.
Targ, I Sam. XEII, 23; XIV, 1; 4; 6; 16; a. e.—PI.
אסטרין, ,SGTP איסי, 'אצשרטיון) |איצ
Targ. 1 Sam. X, 2 / יגרְטִרטְסא (constr.).—N*3 TAIT, , ןוירטציאalso with rejection ‘of יא after pre-
Targ. I Kings IV, 5 'א לעchief of camps. fixes) m. (pl. of , ארטסאv. preced.; used as sing., sub.
) בית הד.c& ,anera .ertaeht .B .maK ,VI 4 (%93) שור
)גיטרטסא( סוגיטרמסאm. (stpatnyos) mi- ןירטציאהMs. M. (ed. , ןידטציאMs. .11 a. R., a. Mish. Nap.,
litary commander, general; (in later Greek) prefect, city- a. Y. ed. ןידטסרא( an ox of the arena (that killed a per-
magistrate; also chief of body guards (stpatnyo<¢ THY son). Tosef. Ab. Zar. ,11 7 ןירטסאב 'כוBWIA. Var. (ed.
Tpatcevtadtwy, D. 0.(. Ex. R. ₪. 31 (emp. Gen. R. s. 58). Zuck. , ןוטרטסיאed. ןירטסרא( he who visits the amphi-
,bI .6 ,73 ;.geb .tueD—rf.a .R .s 01 ') לאסטרטיגין וכ8 theatre is considered a murderer (countenancing blood-
סוג.. . ;(. ₪ fr— Pl PO WOR, “WS IwWON.—Targ. 11, shed); Y.ib.1,40*( ןידטצרא interchanging with(תלאטרון .---
1 1 8 ( 'תרתסיאcorr. ace.) generals. Y. Ber. VIL, 19° .lP אֶסְטַרִינֶין0₪. .bA .raZ "81 wW אין חולכין לא' מפנר
top רכש 'א two chiefs of guards; Gen. R. s. 3; a. fr.—B. Ms. M. (ed. ןינידטצאל ינפמ בשומ םיצל ,. . v. Rab. D. 8.
.htaB %841 בול" ואסטרטיגי.sM .11 .de( ;אבולי ואסטרוגי( a. 1. note) you must not attend asians on account of
.Y amoY ,I %98 pot " כולי ואסרטיגיdaer( בולי ואסטרטיגי, bloodshed. Ib. (repeatedly) ןנררטצא Ms. M.; Tosef. 1. 6. 6
"לב.(11 Yalk. Koh.969 ןורטסאל ולש vox (read(לאסטרטיגין לאיצטרטוונין.raV( לצטרדיונין, (;לצטריונין7 לאיצטריונין
he ordered his guard. (Var. ,; ןינוירטצל( ןינוירטלAb. Zar." 18 ןינירטצאלMs. M..
(ed. , תואיטרטEn YakobI תואירטציא ,v. preced.). [Y. Erub.
אסטרטיוט, אסמרטיומא, אסטרמיומיס
II, 22" bot. , ןידטציאPIVEN 1. rwins, near Tiberias, v.
m. (stpatibtys) prop. “soldier, ‘later Roman officer (D.
[. ]ןירטסא ןידטציאsometimes forאֶסְרְטְין .[
C. Gr. s. v.); attendant. Y. Shek. V, 49°; Cant. R. to
דז ,6 endגיטרטסא (corr. ace.). +. Keth. I, 25° top כ 2 2
סויט. .. (corr. ace.).— PI. .ןיטויְטרטסֶא Targ. I Chr.
XVIII, 6 (v. however Targ. 11 Sam. VIII, 6). Tanh.
Haiiz. 2, read: ואב 'א the officers came to meet the king.— "ON 003 Frank. ‘Meb. y. 8. Vv.) pr. n. m. Assi;
אַסטרטיוטות. .Y .B .maK ,71 "4 pot 'שמולרח המלכות שכר א 1) an Amora, mate of 1%. Immi, disciple of Rab and of
(read ‘nnbww) the Roman governm. sent two commis- Samuel. Sabb. 22°; a. fr.—Y. Ab. Zar. V, 45* bot. "oa"=
sioners. Y. Ned. XI, 424 bot. תויטרטסא; .+ NI TwONIT. רב אי.--2( a .tsiypoc .Y .hteK ,11 "62 .tob D57" = כגון א"לין
דא' רכזsa rof ,ecnatsni fi sessentiw ,yas eseht era eht skoob
אסטרטיומיס אסטרמיומין, אסטרטיוס,
written by Assi, and like these (in handwriting) mee
ץ. ,י
the documents be. Lede
,סולימרמסא v. next w. FY
"OR, NON (sec.+ of ,סוא v. סנא ong, wy, שוא |
NI OTLON, סיטלימרטסא m. (orparndd-
Ty¢=magister militum, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.), commander in
WIN 86.; v. Ges. H. Dict. s. yy. חשא ( השעto be 0% 1
well. tactvy. to make well, y. infra a. שש + ו
Af, "8 to cure, Targ,
0, Gen, XX, 17 (Tang.
¥.יס |
a fr rt, "90, “Gate —Ned, 49° reves, rere rome DOM, >
to cure him, Sabb, 111° "Oo כט אכלאwhere there ₪
wound, it (the vinegar) heals it, Lev, 3. 5.16, end, read:
sod חרל RyPHD I shall cure him all slone, Gitt, 66° א.+).) = קמאMPO) 4 weceptact for groim
, Keth.
#*; Ab, Zar, °# רכט וסר ירקש אבfrom the ₪
1! אימסי1!3אן. “qe, Pe tobeewred, lorecover. barley inte the וחוה 8( the Gret ויוי
Targ. Josh. V, 6; a.fr-—Habb,
s5*, Git. 12°“ore
יקבר . wedding feast). (Ab. Zar. |. ₪. read Porro.
ברהfor he wants to get cured with the money he re Other opin, Herron mortar, fr pounding bariey,-
colves asdamages, Yorma #4* "wor" | gotoured. Keth, 62" trough for brewing beet pol tot plamlong barley fot tbe
ית well,
אKoh. R. to 1, 8 he went de, wedding coremony, ¥. Ar. ¥. & Bashi a Lj
in order to
PAT S be cured, Cup, My
"RISO m. (redupt. ofJom)granary, show home
Sap TES ICIS sm.(proved) physician, ouryvon 11. -יִנְסיִסֶא Pes. 4° אתארדב תיכא אשי אon the 8.4%
aleo + [Basene, Therapeut?) Targ.
Wx.XX, 19; aranarics are palaces. (Oth. opin, taking וכסרסא fr. סא
a @& +. Yoma 118, 40' bot, 'כו רח א₪ certain thaum- cmp. Don, I would celablish (wuild) palaces, Oth. opie,
aturgin Bepphorie, Y, Taan, 111, 66% 'כו ריקוא ךירסאל treading SOON oF taking cur +. to be=R7DM, at the =>
honor thy physician (with presents) ere thou be in need shore thorn-bushes (a thorn bush) passes) far oy presees
of him. B, Kam, 65° 'כו א אקירהרif the surgeon is far (a cypress); +. MES.) (Hitt. OF", +. RIED.)
off, the eye will be blind (before he arrives), Nam.RB.
& 9 אל ..-. אקרת5 door which opens not for charity, ו ihB wt ,evreh ו TH +
, וו34° top,ix sowing seaeves ששי א sed ex
will be opened for the physician; a. fr, Pl .איִיָסֶא
crops in one BSeptennial
אאא. EX, end, 55° .אָסְיְסֶא
Targ. Gen, L, 2;a.0,
Gitt, 56 'כו 'א ןייסטר הילphysicians to cure R. Zadok, *אָפיִסֶאmn.(sg) threshold, B. Kam. 106” be
NON אוסיא a word in a charm formula. consummated the transier of the money (which be
Pos, 111° (Var, lect. +. Rabb. ₪. 8. .א L) him to collect) היתיבר
'אsom (Sh. Me.
. Rashi a. L, +. Rabb. D. 8. a.1 mote 60) by trame-
along withit the threshold of bis house (a+
called dsitha because it is caved out (Ms. M. a. Ar. NOWVIDON f. (Bd) consent, הק ) מ
חסידתאpious, submitting to blows). Hull. 105" אנכובו 'א Gen. צאצאו 14. Ib. Num. XXXII, 25 אדח 'אבinone
דתבלרmortar and pestle for spices. Nidd. 36” (Issi play- thought; cmp. -preced.
ing on his name) I am אשחנד 'אa brazen mortar.—
Keth. 49" 'כו 'אnnd ופכ invert for him a mortar in הֶרָכְסִא אָרְכְסִא f.)רכס; cmp. Ps. LXI,,
18) :
public (improvise a stand) and let him stand up &. M. choking, croup. Ber. 8°. Taan. 275 a. fr.
Kat. 22" 'א רפכinvert thou a mortar &c.—2) (from its
shape) hip-bone, pelvic bone. Hull. 52* 'או אנכובthe pestle
אסכריא, .+ אִסְכַּדִיָאa. NPN.
and the mortar, 1. 6. the rib sitting in the hip-bone and DON, אֶסִילm. ) ;סללcmp. Gr. 001(.(6( a pole or
the hip-bone.—*3) (cmp. Nidd. 1. ¢.) trnsf. hard-hearted yoke carried on two or, more commonly, on one shoulder.
woman. Gen. R. s. 17; Lev. R. s. 34 'א קובש אדהAr. Par. VII, 5 'אב ורשוקוand fastens the bucket to the
(ed. ,אתתנא ; אתתיא אשיב1%. Lev. 665; 18. 852 (אתתרא pole. Kel. XVII, 16 'כו 'אה שיש ובa carrying yoke in
divorce that mean woman. which there is a (hidden) receptacle for money; Koh.
N"TDON £.(ayedta) raft, float; emp. STON. Y.Ber. “R. to IX, 18 .ליסא
IV, 8° ‘top אירכסא (corr. acc.). Neg. XII, 1 Var.; Naz. 55* NOONI ch. same. Targ. Y. Num. XIII, 23. Ib. Ex.
BR Ss Mus. (ed. ee Tosef. Ohol. XVIII, 8 RON). XXIX, 3.
' רילופסא
ON f.+ )1 (syoAy) school. Pesik, Bahod.
NOON IL, TION, NODY + cox, tos, aint for
bux, bud, cmp. bons) 1) foot-stool, folding stool. Sabb.
p. 1015; Gant. R. to 1 5; Koh. BR. to Il, 11; Yalk. 138% 'או אסכו 'נקסרטnw (Ms. M. ,אלסרעו Alf. ,אלקסיא
Ex. 272 (all of which compare to arrive at a corr. text). v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note, v. (לקְסרט couch, folding chair,
Ex. R. s. 9. Ib. s. 20, beg—Pl. ni*>i20x, O'R. Cant. R. and foot-stool.—2) privy, iron frame of a privy-stool cov-
to II, 15.—2) (schole, sub. palatinee=scholares, De'C.) ered with leather. Kel. XXII, 10 'אה (Var.in R. 8. (אלסה;
lairepmi ydob ,draug layor .sreciffo .tueD :RB .s 2 אסכילר Erub. 10" 'ע ed. (Ar. ('א;Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. I, 4.
הערפ (corr. acc.) Pharaoh’s attendants; Cant. R. to
VII, 4 ( ןילוקסאcorr. acc., or read;ןֶיְרְלּכְסֶא( Midr. Till. NOON bey, +. לס
to Ps. IV, beg.; Y. Ber. IX, 13° , ; ןיסלכוא ןיסולכואYalk.
Ex. 167 ( סולכואcorr. acc.). יטלסאvy. Ber. V,* 9 'אבSw, read PUIONעס
Protx; Pesik. R.s. 23—24, p. 122° ed. Fr. ררטנאב corr.
אסכולסמיקא, +. ow. ace.
אפתפוכסא,+ pl. אָסְפּוכְסִא ,v. . אסוסY. Meg. IV, "SON, +. לס
end, 756 אתליערא 'אָא( 'א-=) סמ6 lowest door-sills; Y.
Yoma I, 38° יקסא; [the entire passage is obscure]. NADION = (7720) 1) support, reliance. Keth. 67°
אסמכתייהו אארעא חואrieht ecnailer stser no eht dednal
, יליכסאv. “DIDON. property—2) Scriptural text used as a support for a
rabbinical enactment, intimation )ארקא הוכמסא ‘they
NDDON, TODO +. (b>, VJ, cmp. Gen. XLVIII, leaned their enactment against a Bible text’), Hull. 64"
14) lattice-work of aa jire on grating, grille. Pes. VII,2.
מדרבנן וקרא א' בעלמאti si yllautca a lacinibbar ,wal dna
Ib. 75? תבקונמ ( "אMs. M. ('רֶא perforated grille (with
the Bible text (quoted) is a mere support or mnemotech- =
holes in the upright bars for the spit to turn in, v.
nical aid. Ib. 77°; a. fr.—3) (law) Asmakhta (surety),
Rashi a. 1.(. Y. Pes. VI, 34° bot. הלכסא רלצroasted over
a promise to submit to a forfeiture of pledged property
the grate.—Pl. nibzox. Sifré Num. s. .תואלְּכְסַא--,158
(or equivalent) without having received a sufficient con-
Ab. Zar. 75";Tanh. "Hukk. 2.—Chald. pl. xm>20%. Targ.
sideration; collateral security with the condition of for-
Y. Num. XXXI, 23. Cmp. >purw. ] does not
feiture beyond the amount to be secured; e. g. A pays
correspond in meaning. ]
a portion of his indebtedness to B, leaving the bill of
"NDDON, איסיm. pl. )60\6,==0%60 60090 v. Sm. debt as a security in the hands of a third party, and
Ant. s. v. Ships, ‘a var. lect. quoted below) the wooden agreeing to pay the full amount on the bill, if, at a
implements of a ship, oars, ladders, poles ₪0. Tosef. B. stipulated time, he should fail to pay the due balance.
Bath. IV, 1 he who sells a ship ‘20"NM תא ( רכמsome B. Bath. 168" ארנק 'א אלasmakhta does not purchase,
ed. (קסרא sells implicitly the oars &c., (Mish. B. Bath. gives no title, i. e. gives the claimant no rights (becaus
V, 1 (ןיגרהכמ ;B. Bath. 73* (Rashi ןילכסא Ms. M. ,אילכסא the law presumes thas he WHO, made 8 = prom
Ms. ₪. ,הלקסא Ms. 0. ,אינלכסיא 8 .([ אָניֶלְּכְסִרComm.
ladders=scale.—As to transpos. of 05, cmp. [.סוטסוסכוד to give his transaction the character of good faith and
solemnity); ibid. ארנק 'אasm. is a valid legal. ransfet
* (אסכמה) אִסְכְּמָא2 )סכם, v. .2 Sm. 703 sq. of property. B. Mets. 66"; 73, Ned. 27; a. e-—Sni
םכסאa. denomin.; an adoption of syjpa, -ato¢ would applied to forfeiture of stake in gambling (i
readל אטמ"כסא( simulation. Targ. Prov. VII, 0 it makes the gambler an immoral person disqualifies
(h. text ; תיש( cmp. next w, for witness or judge in court), rst) ae shes %
אססרכויין אספלָית
+ pores.
= granary
אסא- 1%.RIDIN =Tang.)ןJoe|סאס,-י17,-Wer:
ירא Targ.
\. storehouse,
om, 7).
Cant. V, 14.
wn.(te m9) [tiselistening aapphore Tar.
SS ( יחוlope. noun of O78, comp. MG) the frome
(b. 3 VES, .צץGea. 11. Dict. ».+; emp. 3, part
ofthe foot (where ittssplit). Nem Bs. 4 sen
1) [to serape together), to gather, harvest. Sub. א' וכיeh denreuhtt tnorf fo eih toof tup( eib toof no
tip-toe) and danced.
traders in fruits of the Sabbath year). — .Pa ft (isp. noun of (אלפ solemm dedara-
] או5282 )1 to be gathered; to be taken away (by Deut. .5-ה 7, beg. כו שי דב'גדאyom
death). Num,
₪. = 14 (p. 2574 ed. Amat.) םיִסְסֶאְנ om רדק
and they (the people) gather themselves (vow), Consent, and confirmation;+. Sheba.
.'א V.
STE TS se. agesnous of SE; Arab.
2 lo‘cut,’ v. Gea. 1. Diet. v5; cup TS); cate
7 4 2 fed Targ. Y. Ex. אבו
22 (h. text .(הרקנ Targ. Pe. LV, 1 (od (יסיא --4(-62-
edra (¥. (אָרְרְסְכַא |recess im the house, sitting room in
the shape of an open hall, generally supported by colames.
B. Bath. 7* % הררטמ: hone of the heirs received « hall
as his share. Tb. אד ...... SS אק the other bailt ₪ wall
in front of the hall (debarring light and air). .ו
R. to 1,9 XS reception rooms — FL.ֶילָפַא Men. 33°
+.תיִנּפְסא ' א" דארת להד וכsllah detroppus yb .snmuloc
as & wedge for the log, i.6.the wedge (lemme!) ie etreck | ,. bet the law have ite coure a1 the expense
of my
but the log (the hostile nations) ie split. | ,וו Valk. Pe, 608 אפוקסא ( שלcorr, ace.)
. proce
אספרלג+,. אירול
erew ,NOP*SR ' איסch. )1 = .decerp 2
.דיוק X11,22;
= .> ,0( (— פקשPLareron. Tang.
( יאב יפוed. "ב( 'א in the scont-box of 3. A.; Babb, ret" , Vill, 34-—~-¥. Yous
1, 50, +. mm@OR. Yoms 59
באי,raV( ' (באי.neM °94 ספרקטי4א. ' טרתווסך אל וכeht sdlohcerht . . ereW deniat htiw
24. --( אסקרפיןbetter (אסקוטל¥. Ale Zar, IL,42°top
הKara ו.
rm,ce ETO gully,
,וו 4 הת. ., ( וכושמoot ES) to week bie meet ₪
% .אספרקמי, »+. PPO. the river; 1. Ab, Zar. 11, 41° bot תי . . ,. 4 ore...
> "ָאַסַפְת- > אאכח+ 00. XII, 4 . 1 (POs) 1) burwing. Targ. ¥. Gen. |, ל
‘HESS, 2) . Targ. 1| 6. AEX, 4; = =.
broad sword, exp.
p. 81" יפו יטפסאבAr. (ed. “GROWN; Valk.
Is, 802 beg. אסקלח+,. סל
| אספקטרcorr, ace.) with the eword with which the
Rgyptians strack, were they זוטא .-- 77. prego. Bx.
tt lage Apel he
okiff Toset. Hace. 111, 12 Pew, od.
BR. &.18 8 WS? prepare yethe swords; v. .אלוקיפס (ed. "PEON,
corr. see).
TEPON, ,יפקסא +. =
אסקפסטי, 5 הי
(corr. ace.)
--2%.ןיִרְַפְכִא Ib.aprovince (or city) Pes
= א'למלךsaw gniraer iirahtapsrofeht .gnik ,n.eRBG5(6
p- 103* יספיקס
Ar. (ed. "SE PS, corr. acc). Kok.
| יטספרקסיא
(corr. acc.) — FL. תיישְסָפְקְס₪-
| Ruth RB.to 1, 19; Lam. BR. to 1,2 Proerom 64. (Ar.
eS מז. (Isp. or Ithpe. of PSE PS, corr.ece.). Nam. 1. «. 12 ןייאקספ רקסקשנ,read
with thumb and middle finger, ; כטין סקיפסטי.klaV .maN 317 .rroc( .)cca .v.e hB L
> flipping. Taan. 25* יתופאא קרט יל 'אבAr. (ed... ןירחט כמין סקופסטיsvr בתוך,.rA .do ylno sS ,STT .+ .sdiM
‘ AER; Ms. M.(ראתופאא hestirred me up bysnapping on Til, to Ps. 0111, « +. [.הָפּוקְסֶא
my forehead,— Pl. Ab. Zar. י98 OR ןץיתש = הרדחמ
Ar, (ed. TS) map thereon (on the swelling) sixty times. Baling m., pl.T"Fos ([)רקס=ירקזthe hopper.) iskra,
of a species oflocasts born withost lege Hell. 65*
זז אָלְמּיקְסֶאf. (seutella, oxo5thov) a saleer or חקיReshicing, of.pl;Yolk.Lev. 537 (corr.ace.). ל .למ
waiter ofnearlg square form.Kel. XXX,1, M. Kat, 11,7.
ip 6 DN + )רקס ₪ copy—d. ₪.Te 6 =)
| prop. ₪ place, hence mast or rather yard (where
| the captain sits for looking out; amp. x77). B. Bath.
73*, explain. foren; v.supra. Taan.21* ‘xs OE: 1 would
| throw myself (into the water) from the 0 yard. ₪.
Mets. 69°. Keth. 69* אתתוכסר אmast-yard; Taam. 21°
(v. Rabb. .כ 8. a. 1. mote 300).—Neg. XII, 1; Naz. 55*, +.
תִנְיָא+ְאאסִס. ministering justion. Rx. BH. «41 end; « 66; Dest. hea,
--*4( detaehrevo ,noitidnoc ,seniracw 841411,5
4 4ע.בש
תניד+ס. "אenon.
|, Sar when the animal is overheated, Var. S77 q. ¥.
+ tee. ףא111 m. (b.b.; ,( הפאonly indu. יאface (chorke).
+.vom. אד ייBe.;6,1
א. 6. ד. ER .neG— .₪ « ,53 geb eyW“ סכרesd ₪
ar. forpezeox. eee ym .ecnanetnuoc .bI ₪ 78 ti ei thgir oS“ חדיך
that the face of this (idol) is covered —M. Kat. 20° mapas
Ze Nee S (Ithpa. of (רקס fo look around, Keth. 62" in her presence, א #55 in her abeence—Tranef.
' אrerem Ar, (ed, הבל ( רדסshe saw him looking around Hull,* 47 'כיMER the front (of the langs) facing the ex-
in her room (not knowing that a stranger had entered). aminer.— With ->, towards, oppowile. Bab. 72° ראק ראפאלhe
places himself opposite me (for defence). Pes. 111" r™gpx>
S (b.h.) pr.nf Esther, wife ofkingAhasverus. ( הילאטשרMs. .4 הידהל( רשtowards, by his left side —
‘Bx. R.6.15 הריאהו תאבו 'אand Esther (bright star, PL Pee, 2%, face (bb. SEH, STE). Tang. Be 1,6; oe —
SS forte )ץלילמ lary Meg. 13°; a. fr.— Pesik. B..5 21 'א אבface to face. Cant. BR. tווה
'טגרלת א, ro ylno א, eht kooB fo ,rehtsE .huS .°001 the angel has 'א Oot five . הסLam. BR. to V,5בשחדר
Meg. 7°, a.¢.(controversy astoits canonic character). יאin darkness of countenance, in mdnem, Y. ₪. Mets
ואסתרולוגיאח+,. Hoon. IV, & bot אלו ןירטא חל לכל 'א bot ome mast mot 087 so in
the presence of all (pablicly)—2)
(only in pl.) moder,
תי יסיא.+ (ithp. of'אקרס(nde desert- ways. Targ. Cant. I, 11.—Ned. 41° " אכלהge methods
salt, fossilsalt, contrad. to תיטודסmds sea-salt. B. of talmudical disquisitions. Lam. B.toIl,2
[ אTTC sixty
Bath. °02 (Ms, Oxf. SOx). Bets. 89* (Ms, M.אסקלודנית ways of interpretation. Ber." 4 'אstots (Var.אלפיך .
prot arom confounding with re-ragto). Men 21°, Ms. . אrvs םלא( in eight ways, eightfold scrosticon —
| באפר נפשרהrof ,/ldefi .yletarapes .haS ;"65 a ;rf .v
NGE2—S) esp. in the pl sve, xT Et character, naofurc
, , NIN m. ch.(b. 72) wood, woods; also wooden| המואת. B. introd. איפיצת 'אimpudent people (hb. STE .(דכ
araB ,V ;8 .a .graT—.e .0 .veL ,VI4X; א.
= Y. Soh. X, 28° bot. and if the Lord will not bear me לכ
.¥_ Sabb. VII, 10° top, v. np bs.— 2%pry. Targ. Josh. 1X,21; 7S א all natares (divinities) are alike (proverbial ex-
.@ א.—Y. Pes. pl. סיעהbeams. Y. | pression of distrust in God); Lam. B. introd. (R. Yiteh 2)
IV, 304 top—Hebr,
rub. I,;19° .צץSuce.
1,52" Ar. (ed.(ךייטא ; Pesik. Shubab p. 162"; Reth B.toII,14.
Cmp. "Se
f.pl.(v. preced.) daths of a latticed window.
parece. Pa NENT ch=b. sett, nose. Targ. Lam. IV, 29; ae.
m. (contr. of eres ¢.v.) « striped wild animal
(of the genus felis) of which the male (stronger) and the
female species are distinguished, corresp. to h. SSE q_v.;
אפדייני 100 ד i} \
leopard, and hyena striata (striped hyena). B. Kam. 16% ‘31 את אמות חמיםton( (והמכנרסיםhcihw revoc eht sllew = =
(expl. אזרפנ leopard); ib. (expl, (עובצ ;v. discussion ib. and can be opened and closed. Targ. Y. Gen. VI,14אָתּו"ְכְסּפַא
Yoma 847 ארכרד 'אMs. M. (ed. ,ארכלדד corr. ace.) a male )ְְִתָא..
כ..?(. Tosef. Erub, XI(VIII), 7רנטופא ( רלכed. Zuck.
afa. [Not to be confounded with b, .ג H¥Dx, +. 6. אב כלדם, מג.hto .de )dettimo sloot rof gnikcolnu eht .laetup =
M. Gr. p. 58 sq. note.] vie
אפומטרופוס, v.אֶפַיטר\'
אפדייני, +. אָפוְיִינָי
"אקירטופאed., אכרטופא Ar., read פַסְרַיְאַרְכָא m.
."אפדכסיס, אפרדכסיס, אפור, daer אֶפַיְכְסִיוס (natpiapyns) patriarch, religious chief of the Samari-
m. (@rvdét0¢) dexterous, clever, refined. Num. B. s. 10 tans. Gen. R. s, 94.
(alludingto Laban, v. 72) he was surnamed (to his praise)
'‘ אthe refined.’ R. 3. says עורב ךבולמrefined in wicked ( יכופאDEAN, יכופיא( .+ (FEN, spn,emp.(חליפין
acts. [In parallels Gen. R. s. 60; Ruth R. to I, 22; Yalk. return, exchange, equivalent, settlement (emp. esp. Targ.
Gen. 109 סוסכודרפ read OMODIIB (TepLdEEt0¢).] Prov. XXIV, 29, a. 2. Sm. s. v. 75M). Lev. R.s. 34, end
( 'א הדיד ןה איהValk. Lev. 665 J"D5B., pl.) where is the
NI TEN m. (h. ,ְןְדָּפַא Pers.; v. Friedr. Del. Proleg. equivalent for the money spent? Ib. and of all those
p- 149, ‘note) country-seat, mansion, palace. Targ. Jer. desiarp( rof rieht sdeed htiw )érhsa tm לא נטל א אלא
XLII, 10 (h. text (ר"רפש .תז---. Kat. 12%. Ber.56*. Keth. 62° (Yal. .1 .6 ( ןיכופראnone received the promise of an equiv-
גנל בטולא דא806618 ni eht edahs fo sih ecalap ta( ,emoh alent except this (Ps. XLI, 2). Gen. R. s.42 on the day
in safety).—Pl. "28s. Kerith. 6* (read אא or with Rashi of the destruction of Jerusalem "DDN ולטנ לארשר Ar. (ed.
‘x .(לע Keth. 97%. ( רכפואIsrael received full payment for all their sins (ref.
TIEN to bake, v. ."פא to Lam. IV, 22). Ib. 'א הלודג ample, general settlement ;
Lam. R. .1 .6 'א דמרלשsettlement in full. [Tanh.Sh’moth
FID, +. NBR. | /:18, ,םיספופא corr. ace.] Num. 14. 8. 13; Esth. R. introd.
Ruth R.introd. ןיכפוא (corr. acc.). [Lam.R.toII, 13 לנב
אפוLev. .3 4 ,03 daer .xiB“
אפוכרMus., hostages; v. --[אָביֶפּוא
2 , תויָכופְאMIEN.
אפודרים, +. ַפִידְרָא Y’lamd. Sh’lah, quot. in Ar.; Num. R. .א 17 a citizen
was paying 0000006 'א בתוכוand writing agreements
מז אפופלסמון אִפוּבַּלְסמין.)0 0 0.09 00:(0juice
of converting (security for the case of forfeiture); v.,
fo eht ,eert-maslab .maslab .neG .R 8. 72 'היו מבראין א
however, MMBIN. ;
( ףשו 'כוread ןיפשו( they would take balsam and smear
it on the stones (of the houses of the wealthy); Y. Shebi. )איליפא( *אילופאpr. n. pl. Apulia, the country
V, 55% bot. ןימועור 'אב marked out with balsam. Y. Hor. in the 8. E. of Italy. Targ. Ezek. XXVII,6 some ed.,
III, 47° ( רפאב ןומסלבcorr. .(.008 Gen.R.s. 39, beg.אפופל' oth. ed. a. Ar.( אָרְלַטיֶא h. text(כתילם ,
( אפופילסימוןcorr. .(.008 .אפֶרְסְמין .
ןוילופאYalk. Ex, 865, readפָּאפֶילְין
“PION, v. next w.
NEITIN ro NNEHT“ גת. ) נפתor (פוח swelling, *איילמופא.+ wed. II, beg. 408 er wy
whence bulk, volume. Pes.50” וחריחופא שרפנMs. Oxe. (ed. nobuah.
אפחזררהו, v. Rabb. D. 8. a, 1. note) their bulk is large.
אפון.m naeb .pmc( אפול.s .v (אָפלֶים. .Y | אנמסץ
, ךויזבופמאread propix, v. PION; cmp.אפוזיינל . ,VI °84 .tob ' עד כאylno eht ezis fo a ;naeb .v .DNEP ץצ."
Ab. Zar. 111, 43% bot. 'אכו הלה had the shape ofa ap
. אפוטיקוEx. R. s, 24, in 8 corrupt passage; cmp.
—PI. םיִנּופַא . ןיְנופָאKel. ,111 2 'א ןינולמגהAr., Ms.M.
אֶיפּגּסa. Num. R. 5. 23, by combination of which the
(ed. םרנלמגה( large beans; v. “bus. Sabb. XXI, 3 (143%
original version may be restored; perhaps; ןרא המ ןאצה
x( רעו לש Ms. L. 'פע; ed. Sone. ךילופ( the silique of t he.
מתקינין לה אַיפוּסָין אלא הועה בכל יום כך ישראל לא התקינו
bean. Teb. Yom I, 5; a. fr.
.להם אַפוּתִיקאות במדבר
ATTAIN f. )=הרדנופ q. v., nag? money 70 J4%
, םיממופא, תוממופאread , 'טופמv. nue.
,*תוינמופא “OBR, )יכטּופא( f. pl. (putealia, or Sabb. X,3 (924) Ar, (ed. ('רפ;a.fr.ie a) womb.
ו enclosures ‘surrounding awell, protected cisterns Thazr.3 ,הרדנופאה TIN; ed. Bub, 5 mb (corr.
ni( s’haoN ,)kra ékriP .R’d ,lE .hc ,32 .lpxe 01. המכסים [Lev. R. 4 14 .[יקנרא We 1 = 2% a 4
/ 1a 6
אפונדיה, +. preeed.
"OSM wall.
40* top; 4%. Har, 99, =.corrupt.of ,ןיכסקופא
reat porsven.
roy P(rALapUG) pelamye, a epenion ilUnsemmy vtsomber, אפורדכיס, ,. אפרכסי.
Tosef, Mull, 111 (1V), 27 סיטלופ (read “).
Lev. ה. & 5, beg. "RIES, Valk. Lew, 615
אפ, read TYE VES, +. OS TS
אייריפ'א *אייריפא + ה4) .קיו ch) frmit
+ ייTo + ו | 0 5.73 2s העשב רוכב לכAr, (ed.רפרר"א reed
having burned 6% ד omy ( "ראin the season when all kinds of freit ripen.
Temple}. Taan. IV, 6; .ל ib.ow"; Yatk. 11 Kings 250. MEPS
/ (wpe) 1)mone. Tare Job XL, 12 (9)
(Prob, an
an offeer ofking Antioch Bplghtnee ofSyria;
3) front
of the face, forchead, Ta. U2 כי ארי אא
perh.ה popul, corrupt. of 480019006,emp 1! Mace.
nee eee Ber, 44",
וצ ¥. os rorvers out of bis forehesd. Ib.
א, אפוחארee.(read BRN), y MPT ONL —Ab, Zar 26
.( הזed, atv, Me. . א, הרירפאcorr.) on ie (the child's)
( "אfrequ. miscopled
לרפאand with ahah SAA, « lava.
ו Artsleslte teGreeaeris thigh
of distinction. Targ.¥. Bx.XXIV,10 (corr, ace.)— אפותיק +. ren.
ציHag. U, 77° bot, after building the throne, he makes אפותדקי+ (axodien) ,4-
רפא ילשhis footstool; Gen. B.s, 1; Lev. (1. 5.96 (oorr. Gen. XXIV, 2. Th.¥. 10 St רשש ג the beet thtege of
ace.). Kel. XVI, 1 ( 'א לש ילעב תיבהin Talm. od.(בקל his store (Y. 11ריקְרְתִא..... Ar. onlyרקדה
.+ Gen. B
the people's footstool of the household (a folding stool, .. .Y—.)05 .bbaS ,VT .geb *6 ,rob .ppoot .rS אצל5
cmp. .( אָלְסֶאוַוIb, XXIV, 7 ( 'ג ןיסקנפ שי את 'כוcorr, gnillewd ,smoor .pme .iF— .bne ,srerpa eא E
).cca ereht era eerht sdraob ro stelbat ni esu )ץ. (פנקס .5 30 שי ךל א כיhast thoa store-house where to pot
that which is used as a footsool is susceptible of un- them —Ch. sp" en, .רקרדקיפא Targ.¥.1 Deet XXX, 84;
Glean s by being trod upon, that with a receptacle for| 1 Ned. ,וא 41° bot.
wax (writing tablet) gots unclean by ₪6. (Gen. RB. > 17;
.hoK א. to ,111 ,91 .v [אֶסִיסְיין TEN + (א50%-:) 1) pledge, mortgage; anobject
- אפופיירות, vm made a security without being placed im the porsemion
of the pledgee, opp. to T2S3.—B. Kam. 96° rrSers reer
Jam ees
Tosef. Shebi. VIII, 6 א ( רשש שיש יבed. Zeck. (רקחושי
₪ f.(Axbpasc, anégavats)rer- | a note (contract) containing a mortgage obligstion. Ex.
[Variously corrupted: 'פסופיא,ןיספופיא | | R. 5. 31 'כו בדתכ "ל א לקgive me 5 mortgage on thy
[ ספרפיא.80 Y"lamd. to Gen. 111, 1 quot. in Ar, (ref. to field.— Pl. ring en. B. Mets. 19° 'כו תואקרתריר א
Prov, XVIII, 7) the fools give out Se ןיספופאה their M. רקדתופה צ- Rabb. D.8. a. |. note) wills, mortgage
own verdict. Pesik, R, 8.44 ,( סיפסיפא ןיסופסיאcorr. ace.). deeds &c. Tosef.
Sabb. VIIIL (TX), 13 WT“Se 4
Td. 5 46 (ed. Pr. p.)187% ןתינ ררפואפread לטנ א he Zack. (ed. ,דחופה read Erm).
received his verdict (of expulsion from Eden). Y. Sot.
VU, 21% bot.; ¥. R. Hash. 1,57* bot. ; 'פרא a.fr. [Tanh. FEN (<b. b. 119)fodance, leap, sport. Gen:
B.x =
‘Sh'moth13 םיספופא, ולטנשread Se¥.J—Midr. Till to (emphasizing bo, Gen. XXVIII, 12 ax referring toJacob)
Ps, XVII; Yalk. Ps. 670 two curiosi (v. POT SM)רצין בו וכיEMS gnithr tiow p
סוכרפחב. )סופרפיאבPND)(read סרספופאב( run (come) each
with a verdict; +. [183.—Lev.B.s. 21, beg. תייספופא Ar, “DUEN,
+ eorex
daer htiw ,de אפופס"ס. | “*NTIEN {, const. Mex (PEs), with xT grief, combe
= אפופרו ו.noKא.ot %1.51+ ישן of grief. .תק Y. 11Gen. XXVI, 35ed. (Ar, FE7-
NIFTIER m.(wre)levity, wantonness. 86.57" TER
BBN, PE = קמ קיפ ei,ndone, sos אקר Ar. (ed. ;דחרדחרדא Var. lect.v. 25%.
2. Sa
Y.Pes.1V- 30"top TSS ‘NS on Sabbath night. Pes. 105* l. note 7) the Bible text describes their wantoaner,
אdismissal of the festive day with benediction;
50°, +. 37x.
. fr.—Y. Peah VII, 20°,Fa os + PS— |
, + PRS NEN, +.sco
es ae aoe someytag outTarg. 0. *תויכדטפא
Kon. B.to,15ןכ'א, דבprob
“XXVI, 5 אערז "אל רבuntil seed-time. read ROTTEN 1.(denom. of TFDEX) catering, cocking
אפוטריקא 102 NITIONEN
(for the Jew-Christians living in community of goods).
"BR, NON (TDN) ch. same. Targ. Gen, XIX, 3; a.
[The entire passage seems to be corrupt or defective.
fr.—Men. 948 הל 'אד4 ןורכafter he baked it. Sabb.63> seve
V. Zunz Gott. Vortr. p. 275.]
to bake.—jBX, NMR baking women, bakers. Targ. Sam,
אפומריקא, +. אפטוריקא VIII, 13.—Ber. 58" “x ןיתש sixty bakers.—Ib. ןייפאו and
they used to bake. Y. Bets. 17, 62° bot. הפומ ( תתאread
ו.rp .n .m .ikirotfA .B .steM 5" 'אבוה דר 2) she came in order to bake; a. fr.
;'אHull." 64.., ( ראתסודDostai) the father of R. A. (Y.
Ithpe. "PXmN to be baked. Targ. Lev. VI, 10; a. 6
לIV, 41¢ bp יקורטפ הוחא כו Patruki, brother of
R. Darosa). אפיא, +. Nes. |
TOE, אפמיםm, )= נפִּיסְפּוּטv. (בטטpuppets of אפיאן, +. tes.
clay, a set of clay (or metal) pins to put pots on for
cooking, pot-stand. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets, I, 12 וב 'א שיש "NTTEN m. ()רדפ stable-floor, or cement formed on
' וכa pot-stand containing metal. Tosef. Nidd. VII,3 יטפא the stable-floor by moistening and stamping the dung.
(corr. 800,(. Nidd. 28° he burned the corpse 'אב 'ע ארדרפ/ גAr, (ed. ג"ע
(אפודריםover the dung on the cemented stable-floor.
ימפאvalk. Deut. 810, read N{UB"N.—Tosef. Nidd.
[Oth. opin. marble-plate, meaning a hard ‘cemented sub-
VII, 3; v. preced.
stance, cmp, >>4 ">>.]
אפמיא, “ יצBAN.
*תומויפא . זמpl, )טופ( prop. 090 to talk (sensibly),
אפמניות, +. vin, hence children of about six or seven years. Y. Gitt, V,47°
bot. 'א ארלררפ ifyototh (Mish. ib. 8 referred to readsמעלטדת
אִפמַרְח+. )פטר, .fiN נְפְטַרot ;trap צ. (הַפַטָרֶה1) fare- q. v.) means little ones (v. .( ארפY. Maas. Sh. IV, 55°
well - address, homiletic observations made on parting 'א 'כו. - - - - ההל. רתפexpounds the subject by analogy
with the host that entertained scholars, toast (in praise of with the law concerning minors,-for we read in the Mish-
hospitality, charity, support of students &c.). Gen. R.s. 60 nah &c., v. supra.
R. . דבע הל א צץused the (preceding) text for a toast;
.4 fr.—2) v. NMOS.
| תוסירמיפאread moi ey.
NETIO"EN 1) m.(ch, form=next w.)1) guardian, ad-
אפמרופולין.klaY .neG 9; אפטרפא, אפטרפוס, ministrator ; ‘procurator (of a Roman district). B. Mets.
, ןיפרטפא.+ סופורֶשיֶפֶאa. follow. 397/34 רננקרדל 'אwe appoint no guardian for the bearded
(adults). Y.ib. II, beg. 9* 'א Ma תוועעל to appoint another
אפרמפאf.הֶרָסְפַא( . )צprop. conclusion, esp. Aftarah,
person as an administrator of the hired or loaned object.
or Hafiarah, 1. 0. the prophetic lesson read in Synagogue
Lam. R. to V, 12 אתרקל 'א לרלעa governor (proconsul)
retfa eht gnidaer morf eht .hcuetatneP .seP 711" 'דא
entered a town.— Pl. N*pinw"BN. Pesik. Asser p. 95> ןיליא
eht( )noitcideneb gnignoleb ot eht .ttiG*—.tfA 06* 'ספר א
‘21 "א those Roman proconsuls that go out visiting the
(or pl. אָסְרְטפַא( prob. a book containing homiletic notes
country places (cmp. Ex. R. 8. 81, end).—2) fem. admi-
for toasts &c., v. MOEN. [V. Rapap. Er. Mill. p. 167.[--
nistratria; v. .אָיְפּורשיֶפא
Cmp.הַפְטְרֶה .
"DR, ‘ בלסמוןNY. Hor. II, 47° bot, v. ןומְסְלַבפא ( סופורטיפאBR, “IBN, “OBN) 1) ₪. 6
Tpomo¢)same. - "יאשY.Gen. XX XIX, 4; a. e.—B. Mets. 39%
TDR, FIDN (b. h.; Y/N, v. (םפא [to heat, darken, ןידימעמ 'אthe court appoints anה Y. Ter.
emp. [,ץמח to bake. Keth. V, 5 pix) and must bake. I, 40° bot. 'א םלועל a permanent administrator (guardian),
Pes. 116, Y. Ab. Zar. 7,45* bot. םירונת 'א 'גbaked three 'א העשלa temporary administrator (substitute). Ex. R.
ovenfulls of bread; a, fr.—Part. pass. “MPN baked, (as a s. 46 תלדגתמ לצא 'אreared in the house of a guardian;
noun) pastry. Pesik. R. s, 16 'כו ( א דחאsome ed. רופע a. fr.—Sabb. 121% 'א לש ךלמroyal administrator (of the
Pesik. Eth Korb, p. 58% Yalk. Num. 777 רובש corr. acc.) fiscus).—Trnsf. Keth. 13°, a. .6 ןרא 'א תו"רעלthere is no
I charged thee with the furnishing of one kind of pastry guardian (no means of guarding) against inchastity; Y.
(to supply the governor’s household)— Pl. pes. Mekh. ib. I, 254 top לע תוירע .---. 'א.21 , םיִסְפּורַטיִפֶאPORTIS,
Bs’hall. Vay. 4.—Fem. M7358. Gen. 13.8. 67 (play on epho, VEMOEN PE we. Targ. Y. Gen. XLI, 34. Pes, VIL, 1.
Gen. XX VII, 37) 'א ךתפthy bread is baked, thou shalt Esth. RB. to I, 2; a. fr.—Tosef. Ter. V,7 תמורה א Trumah
have to eat without labor. Ib.’ אתרנרופ 8) ( ךחלנרופ, set apart by adbiinisinaetite in behalf of minors. Y. 10.
v. Mapp a. "Pip. 1. c.—Gen. R. ₪. 6; Yalk. Gen, 9 ןילופורטרפא (corr. ace.); |
Nif. 3mex? to be baked. Cant. R. to IV, 11 (play on a.fr, [Yalk. Ps.771 סורוקיפא twice, read our w.|—2) fem.
epho, v. supra) הז רמ 'נ רונתבwho is to be baked in this 7. next w. ו 22
1 5 (em) baking, Y. ₪.
VII, ו bot.א Toy TZ I] mm.)הי +, wvledey) gate-wey,
לבישול baking is₪ labor forbidden om the tabbath Ther 16% Sent Av. (od. Pore, Me ¥.yrmon rs},
ה והseiceps fo ;gni.k¥o 2ָoא.c
11 .neM ;°40 .a ו-1 read רצתה res}, Treat, mab. 1, 10 ~ard).
¥. Pes. 111, 90" top 'א ירכ רשtwice the time
for baking. (Y¥. Ned. VII, 40" bot. Gn yo “rer, SONI =.(pitiowm, nilev) felt-cap, hat be.
road הֶריִפְה as Tosef, Ned. IV, 5.) Kel. ! שאר 'א לשsome od. (others Tog). — (Babe.
190° .ןוילרפא ןוילרפMe, od. .יוילרפא read pen, soe. v,)
ה ו eeterinary
murgeon. Nam. ליות
EY EN, וזאב . וא1. ch.,אread תייִנייססא ; +
reo ron.
( סולוקיפאפpr.n.m. Aphikolos. Tosef. Hull. VIII,3; TPTge es, ןיזיפטקיפא (corr, (פָא1/.1-0%07ח07)
cmp. why V. FP BN. tafttey) orig. playing at cottabus, or squirting wine into
a bowl; trnsf. (8.) the gourmand’s practice of taking an
ןומוקיפא ןימוקיפ
DN, v. next w. emetic before meal; to vomit. Sabb. 12; 123°, Ib. XXII, 6.
Tosef. ib, XVI (XVII), 22, Var. ed. Zuck. .ןיזיוטקפא
"ןֶמוקיִפֶאm. (é7lx@p.0v=comessatum ire;ןס . Sm. Suce. 40";B. Kam, 102°; Sifra B’har ch. I, end םיזיפטק"פא
Ant. s.v. Comissatio; Plut.II,726 Fragm, ed.‘ וע to the (corr, ace.). [A noun d&roxottaBiote to which our w.
aftermeal entertainment !’=our,‘ Remove thecloth .Pes.X,8
would correspond, is not in the vocabulary.]
ןיררטפמ רחא חספה 'אPN after the Paschal meal one must
not wind up by saying, ‘Now to the after-meal entertain-
;’tnem .pmc( אַפטרָה.
( ¥. .bi %78 pot 'אֶפרקומון שלא רחא וכ
ה1 ta) embroidered garments (quoted =
in order that one should not break loose from his comp- as Aquila’s translation of Map" Ez. XVI, 10; LXX
any and join another.—j72iP"BX m. pl. (éz{xwy.01) things motxtha). Pesik. B’shall. p. 84, Cant, R. to IV, 11; 12
belonging to the after-meal, dessert. Ib. bot. ראמ 'א what איפליקתא, NOP DER (corr. acc.). Lam. R. beg. ‘PANGAN =
are epicomoi? Fruits, sweet-meats &c., v. Vat Il. Tosef. אפלקטורין פלרקטאdaer( עקללס, dna .rroc .008 yb gnikirts
ib. 11 ,735 ןומיקיפא. . ןיריטפמ.. PR ed. Zuck. (read jp. % out one of. the two words as var. lect. that came Ante
we must not offer epikomoi, as nuts, dates 86. [Pes, 119 the text; cmp. Pesik. 1. 6. note).
ראמ 'א רמא בר אלש כוseems to be a corrupt text; prob.
to be read:“ 'א רמא לאומש NO אמעט רמא בר אלש כו NA סוריקפא סֶרקיפא סוריקיפאpr. n. pl.-
;כגון וכי.pmc .Y .1 .6 pot ' א' שלא וכ. . .; .tob 'מאל א ,00068 :‘town a of the pe (Ptol. V, 16, 9), in
מואל אמר וכי.ש. . .[ Targ. corresp. to h. M23’. Targ. Deut. 111, 14, 0. “PER;
Y. 11 PBX( תיירק Y. 1 corrupt si di “—p). Tare
ארוקיפא m. , )רקפVv. next w.) an ו person, Josh. XII, 5; XII, 11; 13. -
scorner. Pl, “mip By. _Ned..23° רחרכשד 'א 'כו for it occurs
frequently that disrespectful persons attack the.scholars.
אפיקלין+. RITE. =
אפיקרוּתא, +. אַפְקְרוּחָא -0
9 אפיקורוסm. )פקרס, enlarg. of ,רקפ emp. סכרפ 86.;
ומוס. . (אפקרסרךeno tnereverri ’fo ytirohtua ro ,noigiler ,ו ןיסירקיפא v. oR 7alg 4
ch. והPu. on as fore. Mit 1), .מז* תו
be] HP thow maker my building dark. oLetrectent
my light.
I m. (Om, +. Sem; cmp. ,לבא Sar) (hick
vapory,) 1) dork. Sabb, 06", .ז.ה “ures 5 dark (window.
less) house—tirte ).dork place, ¥. Naz. 1X, 67° top;
Pes, 61° "RS, םייעב in water or in ₪ dark place (cave) —
% 11. fem. ילרפא Lev, ₪. = 9 א Pees dark alleys;=.
.-3( heany, sluggish, slow, late. Denom. Peer, +. לש
Sox (Em), 'א pr. = pl Keren41
4. .דחה 27° רק בשיש 'כו
Ma, .א (ed. (רוטקיש entil ome cite on Ker.
Afel and can
bathe his feet in water, Th HTP יל אידה.... Ole
0 ? Tor. IX, 1; Toset.
Kil.1, 16 5B heshall4e. (החרא וכיה1 evah nees taht( )ecalp א. .4
Tb, end ךפייל 60. 206%. (Var. 48%)
to uproot.
Af. 7°64, Pa. ךסא ob. 1) fo fern (not. a.newt.)
אפלון+. Tem.
also to around, to flee; to make turn around, to beat.
! . Pe. LXXVIT, 9. Targ. I Chron. VIII, 15; ₪. fr— אסל מדר% > רטיר זע+
Y. Kil. EX, 52° top ךיפא TER turn aroand, tarn around.
len, 25°, ₪.fr, PEM reverse it,or, I reverse it. 1%. "מו אפלִיון, ,BTO =פליון. == +61203*( poll.
מצית אפכת לחwoh nac uoy esrever ?ti .6610 ”96 sesor ium, @ sheet worn os @ cloak and used for bal-cover,
let him reverse it; a. f.—(With (תקובש fo reverse the © Sabb. 120° Ar. a. Rashi (ed. ,תדילרפא Me. ML .ץי"לרפ corr.
shift the oath over to the opponent, Sheba.
41° in a ace.). Y. ib.XVI, 15" top ךיילרפ (corr.ace.). Midd VEIL, 1
we whore the Biblical law prescribes an oath 37">B> אל וכן בפליום.hsiM .baB( .do ,svS .rroc ,-6₪ .raV )EST
5% ow it not to be shifted over to the claimant; a. fr. Treat. S'mabhoth XI "Stes, read *rdpe>.
81* Md TER he reversed ft,i.©.recited the |
t to him in inverted
order. Yeb.
63° הל 'אhe |
- toherjestthereverse. Gitt. 67" “SER FETS they will
the reverse; a. fr.—2) fo overturn, destroy. Taan. 25*
ראפכיה לכלטא כ.sM( .M (ראחרבtaht I dluohs yortsed NETEN pr. ₪.pl.1( יסִיִכַס-) .ה.( Paneas in Northern
a “world.—3) (omp. ™g="%) fo have to do with, care for, — Galilee (Casares). Y. Kil. IX, 32° bot. 7 אשי the lake
יצBets. ,1 *06 ;.tob .Y .ibehS ,XI °83 ;pot .burE.Y of P.—Y. Hall. IV, end, 60* (2--.()ד Apamas in Babylon;
, וז21° bot. (read:) לבג 'כו More הס ךפא ןל what does =
Jaw about wicks concern us when speaking of the ¥. אְָמַפְסִא
3i.©,what relation isthere between thetwo? Y. Ter. TRIER, a el
11, 46+top'כוPigy ךל ךפאMe what relation isthere — ION +.dxevchmdniveynd —*
| religious laws and sanitary precautions concern-
ing snake-bitten frait? Ib. 'כו ( זדוכ דיכפאcorr. ace.).—4)to
(male dmavriy,
bh.(תארקל fo meet, to receiee. Tend.
אabout, travel, traffic. Ab. Zar. 31> רכפא >"> all Emor 22 ךלמ 'אל לשto salate the king. Pesik.
R. Ten
eee th אנבופ טס
Command. 1 'כו ( אל לש ךלמsome 64. רבפכאל ,corr. ace.)
vy a
to salute his father the king. Cant. BR. to I, 12 רקכפאל
off.Bete. (corr. ace.). 1. Ab. Zar. I1,41° bot. רככפל ; Midr. Gaz. 6.
ta TES “attochange 11 הידיד ( יכרפאלcorr. ace, or Var. .(רפאל [Yalk. Both.
(old ed.correctly "PEFR, mod. ed. ךופהתא רכופהתא
0 Deriv. רבא NOX. 1058 רטפנאל some 94 ,read: [-רִסָבְכַא
tom, bem, yom he), Midr, TH to Pe XVII, 6, >. one's teacher)! Vrub, 65° same (with “mime for .(רטדייט
w -- (Gob. 1. © second time RH 99S 3°, corr. a8 above.)
רייתם+.פק rows.
ll Fri} Ganda’ ב fh) when 0.women אפקרסו, בוד,reD א. ,X ,rA daer> טוחל
weaves with two double threads א ךץה ןיארקנthey are
> talled Afafon (Afafin); #0 did David say ''כ TEER קמ Tore.
wove around me and came over me doubled. , תוסרקיסא קתוסרקפא6 denom. of pores +
DEN ) פא v. nem; cmp. 178M)loprene,יש אוf )*. (אפיקוריס-אִפַהְרתָא %91 ¥
Part, pass, 7%, 010.142-5 gap which wae 1,.12.
filled with straw or was made narrower by
‘Sas m. )+- preced)
of an irrever-
squeesing the parte together (©.g.pressing
the lid down).
.] יוסib, X, 6 MESH a narrowing of the gap by prese = 1.0% fab. X, *זל bot,
ing. Y. Babb, 111, 6* rates when the wick be compressed PRs uw
in the candlestick, Ib, V, beg. ?* םיצופָאב
when the wie dS
.1 8 6% G;v.Wrigren,
are closely packed. Y. Pes. 1, 27* top Maree. emp. THs TORR TES, rng, > Se wndrene,
(negliges), whence wnderwear, thegarment mext to the
ch, same, exp,fo אא אָצְמַאq.¥., fo וצפו shin, shirt, bathingor wight gown, shect. ¥. Ber. Ti, «
oF prepare gall-nut juice—Part,
pass. YE, °C. top 'כו ‘ הרהPen he hed ה wedergerment om beneath;
19° top 'א אלוMe. M. (ed. ‘) a skin not molstened emp. Pesik. .ה « 22-—Pesit. Shek. p. 15° 0 TOTPEE
with gall-nut, Gitt, 19°ןציִפַאר
אהRashi (ed. PEM)in the (sing. & pl); Lev. B. « 94; (th. « 9 Tops, TOPS), YY,
One case it means when the parchment has been dreaved he.
Pes. VIII, 36" top “HS Tarot he who אודו ₪ 6
Th. 11%; 19*,--15- 22°; Sabb. 79* 2. wrapped in sheets; Y.M. Kat.1,60° top —Tb. 111, end, a9*
אנס לשm. (preced.) (contracting) gall-mut. Poses 'א ( ןיאBab. ib, 22° (ליוסרקרָסִמ
bie enderwear
“Git. 19°; Babb." 104 )"ס( אgall-nut juice —Pl. “sex, | (shirt) forme no check (but must Ukewise be rent; 412.
“SEP. Bhebu.
41° oq. Me PI. ,אed. .—V. yee. in Rashi .ה1.(. Treat. Smaboth 411 ןיסירקרפא (Ter Yor.
Deah 203 .(אקסרפא (Pesik. .ה.|.6 , םייירקופאSoe
(Af. of PE? q. v.) to bring out, take away — corr. nce.}—Deriv. eo pes, “gt ac, wndererer, Ber. 29"
of. Ned. 41°; a frases,
ern, one may wrap טק .₪ .₪ דיוסרקפאבAr. (Mo. 4. ,ירקפאב
¥, SPS, ME. ed. (יקרפא in his sheet. 04. 48° אב רש₪ שאו
against their underwear (corset 4c). Hag.26° לפנ “Ear
. אפקוליס+. PUP לתוכו%-- א.sM .M daer( ,:eSm .do >tS )dettimo seve fi
| his underwear fell into it, (the wee! remains clean).
6 (PES, +. Pree) that which branches off Mikv. X, 4 םתכבש רשקה לש ותוסקרפאAr. 64. Koh. )4
“thetrunk, 1) neck, Targ.
Y. Lev. VII, 30(20). Targ. I Sam. (שבפרקסיםthe knot of one's bathing sheet which ₪ on
icSs -
TV, 18 Ar, (Var. ,יקרפא ,( ןקרפ2--.(אלקידד אתוקפ that the shoulder.
portion of the palm-tree where the ramification starts
(Oth. opin. the ramification,upper portion). Succ. 13°. * טיה ₪. ₪.
Nidd. 24° ROPER.
- אפקימא+.
, epee. ROPER, + eres
- אפקלטורין+.ghee *אפר, צ. .eciB,lI .geb °46 .tob א חטשרם, Pree.
> אפקליןvores
The entire passage is corrupt, and allows no inference
that רפא means )=רבכ( fo pass, be part. The text por
ylbis :daer ,XE“ בהרכרתSTK וכשה דברeoS )אפר (בן
0 רתקיSM TSM SP (בן) ששים וכשה דכר שתוא בעון מיתחה
נינה 'כו,[ 'רom לבא בר .₪ wo לבא ibid. (read: ro" tox)
rice + ()לקפ cancellation
of obligations, ex- is א gloss referr. to S'maboth
ch. 111.[
לכה השdiK וקהlayia¢ ות
th referenceto the suspensions
of rights connected TEN
מ. (b. bh; 5m, cmp. ,קבא MER) ashes. 0
the Sabbath and Yobel years). B. Mets. 106"; 109°. 11, 5 םיפורש 'אashes of persons barnt to desth (by
₪. 30 accident). B. Bath. 60°; .דגה ,11 1 'א הלקמcalcined
ashes (symbol of mourning, supplication &c_). Y. ib.Tl,45"
אתּורקפא. (ROT EN) .+ ;)רקפvo mak | press לש Pee the ashes of (the ram substitated for)
wg free, ne,contempt ofthe Law and its teach- "Isaac. Gen. BR. 5.49. Lev. BR.«.36; ₪.fr.
.8 M.Kat.16* ןקיפאל רתלאל for contempt of the Law
omunicato is pronounced forth with (without warn- אפר₪. )ן/ פר, .pmc .seG .3 .tciD+. +. (פראpasture-
, Suh. 100* PEN“ רכ TNS TS Ms. M. (ed. incorr. "= ground (outside of the town), in gen. meadow. Bets V, 7.
רוחרס(רבdoesthat1008likeshowing irreverence (to“Pes. 8%; a. fr.
5 2*
,רפא ארפאז (TEN) ch. same. Targ. Y. 11 Ex. אָיְּבְמְורְפִא5 (popBeta) halter. Tosef. Kel. B. Metis.
,lI ;8 5 .raV( אפרח.graT 0. (רפרא. .Y[ .bbaS ,I °3 חד IV, 6 sq.V. אָיּבְמִרפ ו
אפר, .v חוחָא.[
אפרופוס, read אפופסיס.
NATEN, +. אפוא
, ארפאזזTDN (NEN) ch=h. “58. Targ.
I Chr. XXI, 15 37 Ips א the ashes of Isaac’s offer-
,gni .v .Y—.XB“ .naaT ,11 °76 a hsiloof nos 'א' בעינר וכ צ אפרחי. sot. 511 °81 ,.tob .v .pom
is ashes in the eyes of his mother )תגות by permutation
;אפרא+. (א''ת JT, .+ xray.
,תומוטרפא read with Mus.:
כ:ehcoP ו of 5 9 .kiseP
* אפרטוסות.f .lp )sutarappa( yratilim .senigne ץצ. |
Sh’mini, . כ195 (v. Buber note 66 to p. 193*) if both of
Keth. I, 26%. “(Y. Gitt. 111, 45 top איסטרטיות camps).
su nepo )selas( ta eht emas emit הרל אנו עושין אפרג"א
( הנידמבAr. Var. , אזרגרפא, הנרגרפאread ארזגרפא( we shall אפיריון אפריון.m )1.9ג.'ִעל פריון=;אַפָר, פוּר, Shp;
create a cessation of labor in the district (as all the cmp. אפיפיירות, פיפיורא, DN (.6₪ no[ a ],emarf emarf
laboring people will run to the market town on one and and hangings of a palanquin, litter of parade, esp. for
the same day; Yalk. Num. 782 לוזfrom misunderstand- a bride in the wedding procession. Sot. IX, 14 (49%);
;)gni .tnaC ot.R ,II2
V ( אפרגירסread אפרגי"א or(אפרגסייא . Tosef. 10. XV, 9.—Sot.12? ‘xa הבישוה .0818 )ק18. s. 43
Pesik. .41 .8 14 ,R ’nahtanoY “ee ee dah sdoog htiw mih (בפוררא, a. 6. he placed her in the litter, arranged a —
סיגרפאAM (corr. acc.) and there was inactivity and wedding procession for her. Num.R.s.20, end, 'אב בשלל
dull business in consequence thereof [for which Yalk. to take her seat in the litter (for the wedding proces-
Ps. 758 היה לוכי הרכומל-- אלו. קצסלto be readאַפְרטוס sion); a. 6.
00/06 unsaleable].
“NTR m. ()זרפ [the leader], (archit.) the ו
אפרניזא, אפרגייס, אפרגינא, אפרניס, + principal. ‘B. Bath. 6%,
NTN, v. next w.
אפרגל.hkeM orhtiV 6 ,awn ,daer sa .klaY .a 1, מאה
'פ, .v פַרְגול. “EN ג. ch.=h. ji ex. B. Mets. end הייטמנ 'א
שמעון5 ed. (Ar. ל"רל היל איירפאwan, Var. ,אייְרפיַא
|אפרדוכסוס, +. אפדכסוס. ;איפרייאMs. M. .ןירפא Ms. 11. ,ןוררפא v. Rabb. 2. 8. a.
1. note) let a palanquin be put up for R. Sh., i. e. he
NEIT )1 ,wodaem .v ;XB“ )2 ,sehsa .v פַרָא1ֶ.א deserves a triumphal procession. Omp. NID p.
oy roe
(ed, (אתספסא
ו בose
SDN) m. vv.cons,
(Rashi באפתקיה, ₪. M. היקתפהב mms) he (the servant) | אּפְחווצִמNOAMIEN f, )חוצ( cry, noise. Targ. |
warned him (Ms, M. struck him) with his ladle; (Rashi:
Ezek. ‘Vil, 14.
struck him on his neck(!), v. NMIPEN).
NOMS, אִצוְתא.1 )אצר,ן/ 7S, cmp. בצח 8.0000
ןירפפאTarg. Y. I Num. XUI, 21 Ar, v. jm. a. (אָתיִסַא trough, ‘kneading trough; also a trough-full, —
the quantity of bread baked at a time, batch. Targ. Deut. =
,NEN +. יצ
XXVIII, 5; a.e. (also as plur.) Targ. Ex. VII, 28; a. 6.--
עבצא+ (b.;=עבצע .; ג, בצע,בצ/ ןcmp. Job X, 8; Pesik, B’shall. p. 91* 'כו לכ 'אthe entire batch of bread. |
emp. עבט a.) תעבט( 1 fiiger, esp. inden-finger. Men. 118 Ib.> (correct acc. to Buber note 198; Var. Ar, "38, REVON, —
רז אwith this (the fourth from the little finger) the v. Koh. Ar, Compl. 8. v.), Cmp. 82738. V. NTIS.
measure of ‘a finger’ is taken; Keth. 5". Y,. Taan. IV, 68%
bot.; Lam, R. to ,11 2 )רפיטמ( רעטוקמ 'אwho had their
finger cut off (in evidence of devotion to the cause),
ַ אNET «ore
amoY 7,I ; א' צרדה9.bi.fesoT denialpxe א' גדולה 6
NOVISR, .+ אוְוְצַאa. NOYES.
;regnif .pmc .hnaT ,oB ,dne .lpxe אמצעית.---א%0[.. %5 “XX, for words not found here, v. sub ,'טסֶא 'טסיא
אוה ןתונ "א 'כוhe (the husband) puts his finger between or ON.
her teeth (and must expect to be bitten), 1. 6. has to take
the consequences of not interfering with her vow in due אידמצא m.) )לדצ( 1 destruction: Targ. Prov. XVII, 14
time.—2) any projecting limb resembling the shape of a (h. textעלגתה
5 ; for רעטא ib. read ww,( 2---.(ועטנ.( צcaco-
finger. Hull. 61° " 'א הרריתthe projecting toe on a bird’s phem.) theatres arena; prevailing vers. R"72S8 q. v.
claw. Tam. IV, 3 )314( ’ דבכהx the lobe of the liver—
Fig. (like דר( share, part. Y. Pes. IV, 31% top; Y. Ab. PTOSN, PITS as preced. 2); Weg אצטרין.
Zar. I, 40* top, v. S¥ox.—Pl. mivayn. Hag. 15%; a. fr.
(mostly in the sense of finger’s length).—Pes, 112>; Nidd. COE, ymax
*66 euphem. for membra virilia.— Dual , םיִנְּבִצִאoySAEN.
*תולמצא.+ , )ללטv. M*bLON) covering, lining ofa
Cant. 1%. to VII, 11 8’ םדרגone whose (index) fingers
shoe, Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. IV, 6 תילטנואה ובשdun ed.
were lopped (stump-like). Ib. that whole trade of mine
Zuck. (R. 8. to Kel, XXVI, 4 ;ולטרנש םילטנואהVar. ed. |
אלא 'אבMDP? TN cannot be acquired except by learn- .200% ; ולטצאהed. סולטצאה( read “x הלטינש the lining
ing how to use the index-fingers.—Pes. 109% a. e. two fo hcihw si ;.ffo .v זרב. :
finger lengths.
s. 7 כו( בסרמ לע'אPesik. Eth. Korb. p. 61* ןיטיבוקה ; | (Ms. ;זו אקטספון.raV ;PW"OEP (טיספוס. ,*6.ttiG >75.burE =
81%. Num. 777 'קרא;ib. Lev. 479 ,'בוק ; 'בנקib. Ps. 791 ו/ אקרסט.rroc( ;.eca .sM .M ;PU“ .v .bbaR .D .8.a .1.)eton
הככי80., corr. acc.; Pesik. R. 8.16, p. 88" ed. Fr. (ןיטבוקה
reclining on his accubitum.—’X ,םחל or ('א)ד אתפיר אפְרמקא.1 ( )רטקwhatever raises dense 2% --
used at the meals of the nobility, fine bread. Targ. Y. ignited, nt roots, twigs 80. Taan, 24" bot. 'א N™TW
I1Gen. XL, 16 ןוטבקק ( אתפררread ןוטבוקקאד NAB) bread (Ms. M. adds. ; ארונתב v. Rabb. D. 8. a, 1.) she used to
of the nobles (h. text .("רח Pesik. R. 1. 6. p. 82° (ref. throw twigs into the ative (to make people believe she ~
to החפה םחלNeh. V, 18) ןיטבקקה sub. םחל;Pesik. 1. ₪ was baking).
p. 59% ןוטבקק (corr. acc. )
, יקאread: "P"N (eixe) make room! Y’lamd.to Deut.
חאנבוקא. B.Bath.73* bot. Ar. .ז, אְָפּוקa. HAIN; XI, 22 quot. in Ar. (v. Tanh. Ekeb, 4); emp. 2110. Till.
cmp. 0 to Ps. XVII. 0 |
NPS, eh.ph,הנה .₪:4)יטק1) pie . הHach, 29° רב וניר ורieeprovined court. Bob. 22°.
a fr, א הטלקב ₪ mere chance.
dng possession, pr al ta al
by which one's landed extate ia mortgaged im the form of « ופיטא+ר
tale from date, independent of the loan to be coneum-
mated afierwards, so that at « certain date the creditor 6. ) (קרקרlereaker,) קל. ₪. Math. 70°
ean claim the property, even if sold in the meantime, ( איVar אקורקרתא, be, + Rabb. 0.4. =. L note 5) איור
by referring to the priority of his purchase; deed of frome ‘StS ה frog הו big ה Fort Hag, (others read ,"ב « frog
fer (¥. Mook Civil-Process, p. $4, notes
6 a 6 4. quot. which was in Fort 11.), Ned. 41° א אכרקל ןאברתיר לק
ib.) TD. Mots. 19%; 14%; 16%, .ה Bath. 179° aracops ארשש נחרהPST" (corr, od. ace.) 5 scorpion sitting on « frog
) שטריMs. א. ib. a. .הMets, 16" אתיינקא without (רשש and crossing
the river,
-רה ירוtranafrs, orsalenlyיעיל daicery
¥. MYR; whence Aknayatha Dmant, adaptation of the xyes תו ק. rehtpn(
name ofa Babylonian festive time and fair (emp. 7"). oe, OS gM > pre
Ab, Zar, 11" Me.M. a.oth, (ed.“Tors ץ,אתינקא .| הדחיעקא( אז ™ Ar. ₪ wee א ישלחGhai es
Ahmad where
our ₪. seome to be rendered raised seat (on ₪ frame). (Rashi: טיפירקא crit.) Kidd 70°
ליתרב טר אקרי49 ,nwod ,riB no eht hcuoc ; .pmc( ,TEER
| | יאטח the Chald, equivalent
of oar (.ש
סינקאו סווקאAr. (ed. ,סויסכא STOSR, corr.
ses) and (xal) ?א 0%, adequate and sufficient (com-
petent); omp. ibid, SF" it is sufficient for thee that =
Tam thy protector.
מו.) קרח קרא.3קדה 0 ecnohc NSW ,אז +. 27.
114 ארג
m. pl. Arabs, Targ. 11 Chr. XVII, 11 (ed. MAYAN m, עַּבְרַא+.(b. h.) four (frequently represent- .
Beck; oth. NID). ed by 3). Hag. 14> לכו א וסנכנfour men entered into
theosophical speculation; a. fr.—Constr. תַשַּבְרַא followed —
PTD INT m. (b. h.; "25) Locust (also collect,). Ex. R. by singul. Y. Ber. I,2° לימ הָעַּבְרַאְ; תַעַבְרַא=ןילדמY. Yoma
8. 13;a. fr. V. wid. ILI, beg. 40"; (cmp. Gen.R.s. 50),— Pl. nyax (2) forty.
Sabb. VII, 2 תחא 'א רסחthirty nine —Mace. I, 1, a. fr,
TZN 11, +. mann. ' לוקה אseviecer ytrof ytriht( )enin ;sehsal .v .bi ,LI ,01
“NDA גג.)ארב, .pme (ערבgnidnuofnoc fo ,sroloc STDIN m., עברא f.ch.same. Targ. O.Gen. XIV, 95
thickness, whence feeble sight. Pes. 111" the following a. fr— Constr. a) תַצְבְרַא Targ. Y. ibid.—b) "Pax, “TSN
three things 'כו " 'א3°" (Ms. Oxf. אנורווע ; Ms. M. v. Sabb. 73* (omitting the object numbered); a. fr—Targ.
Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.) cause defective eye-sight. Y. Num. II, 3; a. fr.—Y. Gitt. V, 464 top א"ירניד יתעברא
four denars—NRS2N, nora m. the fourth (day of the
NOD, v. אָלְּבִרַא week). Gen. R. s. 11; Pesik. 3. ₪. 23, beg. Ibid. p. 190% =
ed. Fr. ,איעברא ed. Prey Novas. 1016. p. 115% Amys
Na |
OMAN, +. nea end. on Wednesday.—Pi. "32a"% forty. Targ. Gen. V, 13; a.
לפראI pr. n. pl. Arbel, Arbela, in Galilee, near fr.—Snh. 26" הרפתכב 'אforty (lashes) rest on his shoul
Zepphoris, Y. Ber. I, 2° תעקב 'אthe Valley of Ar.; Y ders, 1. 6. he is punishable (v. preced.); a. ,רַסיֶּבְרִא--.+1
Taan. IV,> 69 ( לכראcorr. ace.). Y. Shebi. VI, 364 bot. "TOSD4N, “IO SBN fourteen, fourteenth. Targ. Y. Gen.
Koh. R. to I, 18 coarse linen ןיאבה 'אמ coming from XIV, 5 “ONES; a. fr. Meg. 2" 'אב on the fourteenth |
6.4. of Adar. Sabb.98".—hx ODN the fourteenth. Targ. 10.
XXIV, 13.
( )לבר( לּבראזזdenomin. of next w., v. (עָרְבֶּל to
sift, shake. B. Mets. 26° Sarwar רתייאד אלברא Ar. (Ms. "TIVEIN II f£. ()עבר couching. Targ. Is. VII, 25;
3.9 , ליבראמed.לבראמ( לָּבְרַמ -= אקוthat he brought a sieve LXV, 10 "א ( תיבVar. ,אָצְּבְרַא ND") couching place (for
and sifted the sand. Snh. 39° וחנילברמקוMs. M. (ed.
Sone. 'אמ והל , אקוoth. ed. והל W472) and shook them. NYDN, NAVDIN, TADS, +. ners
Ithpe. 227-8 ()=לבראתרא to be shaken. Hull. 49* לבררמ
הוא דרְבִילti saw nekahs nwod yb( eht stnemevom fo NEDIN, NSON + ,)ברא . וגmay, b. .ג םיִבָרַעpl.)
the animal). [Targ. dE.) [the thickly interwoven,] willow. Pes. ג אלוט 'אדMs.
M.,, Ar. (v. Rabb. D.8.a.1.; ed. ’2) the shade of a -ס111וא |
NOD, NODIN, NOD m, ,)ברא cmp. (הָבּורַא 6 -- 2%. .אָחְּבְרַא Sabb. 50 (Ar. אָחאָּבְרַא;Mss. .('ע ]6
net work, sieve. B, Mets. 26%: Snh. 39°, v. preced.—Macce, 6°; Kidd. 72° "בו אבראthe second "willow after crossing
20 אליבראב (Ms. M. (יבראב Snh. g9b 'אב ליכא ארמת the bridge; v., however, [.אָּבְרַאַז ציRD 21, 11 a, NASI.
ate dates out of the sieve, 1. 6. did a harmless thing.—
Targ. Amos IX, 9 .'--.אלברע .ןיאְלּבְרִע AN, constr, 398 m. ,גגר.)צ h. (גרע something desirable.
.."“ אBW the choicest 01 . . . Targ. Ps. XLV, 14. Targ.
"2278 m. (S258 I) a native or resident of Arbel, יצGen. XLV, 18. .
Koh. R. ₪ 1 18 - Par. אוז (x1), 16.NO ,שוב v. ( גראb. hy VY, רא. ברא; צcmp. גרח( 0 plait, braid, —
next ד - . תיֶלָּבְרַאY. Peah VII, 20* bot.; Y. Sot. weave. Sabb. VII, 2 גרואהhe who weaves on the Sabbath;
I, 175; IX, 24> bot. 'א האסone 8’ah of Arbelite wheat. a. fr—Metaph. (emp. 2) to argue, conclude, spin out,
[Ib. זץ end, 194 top ילבראב אבקוע הרוהva ריבר 8, deduct &c. Ruth R., Par. 2, beg. (play on or’gim11 Sam.
supposed to be a place in Babylon. The entire sentence XXI, 19) they brought a subject up MA7i8 NT) and he
is spurious both from Mar Ukba’s title of Rabbi as well carried it to a conclusive decision. Ib, ומע PAIN THAW
as from comparison with Keth. 60”.] they argued with him.—Num. R. s. 4 (play on argaman,
purple) ' מן וכ... . 84S שהוא הרהrof ti eht( derevoc-elprup =
28 m. )ברא 1( coarse weft, opp. to ןרתשפ fine flax altar) argued Israel free from sin (pleaded in his behalf).
woof. Parah XII,8 'א ( שוכ כשVar. j2) the spindle used Ib. s. 12 (same play on the word) 'כו אוהו גרואand He
for spinning coarse material; [Tosef. ib. XII (XI) 16 שוכ wove (planned) the world so that all creatures should
הארבליthe spindle used at יל cmp. Koh. R. to I, 8 come forth each according to its kind. Ib. 72 'א the Sun
7% daw]. weaves (ripens) food. ug
Nif. 3983 to be woven. Y. Ter. XI, end, 48), 5 ה
אִרְבְיָא+. ארְבנָא s. 503 a. fr. a
אִרְבְסְרְאָה, +. means. *Pi. 3758, part. 3989 (cmp. M33)
grooves of the garden bed, to range, esp. to
to follow
JAIN four, . אָּבְרַאַז לa. HPD. green and tender onions (v. קלה Hif.). Tosef. Peah I,
המארג, quoted in Y. ib. III, 17° top גורימה (corr. a %
NYDIN couching, v. הָעְּבְרַאַד | / vy. 399%) a. explained ibid. 'כו קילחמהhe who (
ארג יכל
out the green onions for sale and leaves
the othersto (bb), purpledye. קי 4 garment fab
for storage. oo, Kel,צצו 12; = fF.; comp. rem
chs. same. Binh. 44" 'כו לאו רכבand where they
Weave ה garment (direotly) for 4 corpee,
ארגנטון+. nent .= Ope.
NINDS +. זיא
) בוגר1 pean.
(bb. בנרא( Argo, Targ.
11Kings jevragle, argentariae ) of auth, . 7 of
% f. ()דגר provocation, evil deed. .מע TIN Y. Bot. 1, 18* top, read “a 6.+.
ו אי.boortpe( b .rroc א ecoc .).w 1 m. (Syr. ,אדרכ , דLow PA p90) שורק
שוIVEN .62.1 .gra1T sgniK | אא ‘Keth.
61°Ar,(ed. “27% pl.)—F1. arm, Te. Pen.
119° יל אידראAr. )64. eee, ioe, Me
Soe, v.Rabd.D.6. a Lmote); ¥. ib. X,end, 27% ילידרע
ס JN m.(épyatys) working man, common laborer.( read “Se orיל Te). Ber. 47* אידרא Ar. (od. = Me
Y'lamd, (quot, in Ar.) דוא'אMET (read רתיא( and (אָרִדּילַיָא. .bA .raZ °63 ארדי.
made me (Korah) a working man (Num. VII, 9%); Tanb.
.de .buB ,haroK .p 69 'אור. "| א11 prefix of Persian proper nouns, Arde.—
Gitt. 14" their names arebewildering OTS... אטראו וא
Razek, Koh.
)NגזTארI( toe.neם. r ,ard
Ar. s.v.). Sabb.19"; Erab.
63" אתדה
beginning with Arda-, and Arta-, and Phile-.
STN, NOTIN +. (préfy, Sy. ,אבדרא (אבטרא
דא Ms.וג. a. oth. (v. Rabb. D. 8. a.1. notes, ed. (אתרה Artaba, a Persian and Egyptian dry measure (vy. Zockerm.
(Newtown) [Harta] near Ar. [Rashi: Argiz, pr. 184. Masse p. 47; Sm. Ant. s.v.). B. Mets 60° הבירכל'א
ו. m. the builder of the town.) Gitt. 7* הזיגרא
'א.יב Ar. (ed. (ב"ררדא an Artaba is an unreasonable additions!
fob. 18° אזינרא (Ms, 31. TOR, Ms. 14. ,איסיגרא ,אדזגרא load for a small boat called Arebah. Brob. 107° Ar. (ed.
K, ;איזנרא v. Rabb. D. 8, a, 1). אדריבאv. Rabb. D. 8. a. L. note 20).
, ינפדראETIN m. > .=ג. ןינפוחרחנv. eT. ףוראm.( )ךרא( 1 long, tall, lasting; v.infra.—2)(= F972;
Targ. Y. 1, 11 Ex. XV, 25. cmp. "]""&) well-arranged, well-balanced, thinker, a title
,םסקדרא read DOPAN עס
of prominent scholars; emp. 7/778 a, 828. [In legend
intellectual eminence was identified with physical tall-—
ססקדראpr. n. pl. 477002010, or Artaxiata, capital ness.]" 100.94 'א ורודבarukh (the tallest) in his gener-
of Bin! Armenia. Y. Erub, III, beg. 20°. Bab. ib. 29° ation. Kidd. 39" “x םלוע רלוכש the world in which all 18
RPO "My ed. (Ms. M.סיק LOTS, Var, , סוקסדרע,סקידרע v. well-balanced (also called ולוכש( בוט i. 6, the hereafter.— =
.bbaR .D .8 .a .1 .)eton .fesoT ,bi XI ,)IV( 4 ערדסקס, Pl, . םיִבּורָאYoma71* םייח 'א long life; a. fr.—Fem. 52978,
.raV( ערדסקוס, (ערדסקין. | Ber. I, 4 ‘8 תחא one lengthy (benediction); a. fr.—yY.
Hor. II, 464 'אב by the long road, slowly; Shebu. 18"%.-- |
TWN pr. n. pl. Ardjir, formerly Seleucia, near
Pl. .תּוכּורָא Y. Ber. II, 5° top, a. 6. תורצקו 'אlong and =
(tesiphon. Gitt. 6* 'א . יבErub.57°. B.Bath.52*, v. m7. short roads, i. e. in all directions. VY. next art.
Yeb. 37° ,ריַשּרִרּ='ִראד sub. TyTN; Yoma 18% wens
(corr. 800.( NOIR, +. אָכְראז
ץזארח, +. ארי ADIN +. 1) fem. of (--.ךּורָא (noun) long board, —
TN )" ;ארv. 38, cmp. (יֶרָה lo/, behold. Dan. VII, 6; longside of bedstead, bedside. Succ. 15 םיערכ “MWR
the long bedside with its two knees (supporters); 16°—
7; 8
Pl. pia. Tb.1,8 (Var. ,תובורא v. Rabb. D. 8. ib. ad 15%,
AN f. (b. .ג , ברא( הָּבְרַאopening, whence 1) an “note 1); Sabb. 48°; ib. XXIII, 5 (151) הטמה ’x "(some
aperture in the roof looking to the ground floor (answer- ed, ארובות, corr. acc.).—[Kel. XV, 2 םימותחנ 'א לשAr.
ing to the Greek hypaithron, Roman compluviwm), con- Var. the long ranging boards used by the bakers: Maim.;
trad. fr. ךופה a garret window in the wall projecting above the prevailing versions are תובּגרַא or Mia; Tosef. B.
the flat roof. Bets. V, 1 (35); cmp. Rashi a. 1. Nidd. 20” Mets. V,4 ,תובורא (Var. (תוכורא basins or moulds in which
כסומא באיekil a dnilb nam gnidnif sih yaw nwod morf loaves or cakes are 00% —Var. Ar. [.תוכירָע
the drubbah, i.e. hitting the truth by chance. Ohol. X, 1;
a. fr.— Pl. mia. Ib. 4 sq.; a. e.—2) the opening panel FIDTINIL +. (b. .ג , ךרא חכרא; חכורא+. Ges. 6%
of folding doors.—Pl. as supra. Yoma 76%. [Sabb. 434; 8. V.) ‘the web of new flesh or skin on a healing wound,
158% Kel. XV, 2 read with Ar, [,תוכּורָא healing. ’* הפצה to produce a new cover, be restored. —
Hull. 77*; 125%; B. Kam. 91°.
הנוראf. )גרא( web, matting. Y. Succ. I, end, 52°
'א האמט8 mat (of twigs ₪0. for covering the festive DIN 1) v. "R—2) .ד BU.
booth) that became unclean.
אמוראpr. n. pl. 470/00. Erub. 51" Ms. M
, *סימונגוראTOIT m. (4pwyovavtns sub. אמורq. Vv.
Balpwy) “helper of sailors, Arogonautes, a demon, Gen.
R. s. 68; צי Ter. VIII, 46° top; Yalk. Gen. 110, variously
ארומאה.hc.m .namoR 72. רימא. Git. %71 emp.
corrupted ,ןיטניגרא , ןוטיניגרא, ןיטינגרא.סירטיגנא אְֶמָאָה 1
NTN, pl. Soy, MI, +. NEN Ch. ימורא. זמ. [גsame. Pl. . םיּיָמּורַא.6166 ;17° y. DON :
a) ae
TIS, NTN .תג mule, .ל .דורע
ןוראc. (b. h.; FAX or “AN, Y/N, cmp.ארגז , NIN,
TPN f. (b. h.; v. אָלְרּהא 11( manger, crib.— Pl. תור mas 86.( joined together,] chest, bow, coffin, freq.
Snh. 21 (=wtipn jinx) the Holy Ark, in the tabernacle and the
THIS pr. n. pl. 470008 on the Phoonician coast.
Temple, or in Synagogues. Yoma V, 1 ערגה 'אל reach
the place where the Ark stood during the First Temple
Gen. BR. s. 37 (to Arvadi, Gen. X, 18).
Y. Ber. IV, 8° top; Gen. R.s.55 (allegorical etymolog .
NTN m. pl. (preced.) Aradeans. Targ. 00. Gen. Keth. 104° ( 'א שדוקהfiguratively) a good se
X, 18 (arg. .צ IL seas oN; 1 “Rows, Var. in Targ. s’nam ;luos .v .leK—.878D ,UX 5 א' של גרוסות
I Chr. 1, 16 (יֶאְסּוטְל dealer’s chest. Y. Kil. IX, 32° top; Gen. R. 8. 1
הבוקנ )הפוקנ( 'כוsine let my coffin be perforated at “re yO" Kirin are called bundles of twigs which are
the bottom. fink. o8* ךיא ךל לכ א יאו כי there ie ₪ hard. Th, יאר ( | ךישיכoth. opin, +. (אזרא Denom. erm,
coffin in Palestine in which the Median horses do not eat SIR,
5 pent we.
straw (being weed as eribe); a. )ו- .11 ram, Hot. ie;
& ,rf +. אופא. ,1V %09 .tob וארין, +. ַאֶרִי1.( mm.(b.b.jecdar, Tam. 111,65 א לשof cxdar wood
1% םיורא |Wh.Mash. 23"; Taam. 20"; =.o—Metaph. prom-
( אנאFTIR) ch. == דו Bx. XXV, 10; inent men, wcholars, tabb, 118° 1 planted 'א Poor
a fr, Targ, Gen, 1 26 (coffin). ¥. Mog. 111, 731 bot. the five cedars (begot five sone whe sequined renown) M
ourtainלע 'א 'אכ over the ark containing the sorolle ie ae Kat,
23", +. oom.
0 ch. 1) ame, דוק Lev, XIV,
4; א@-—Ab.
Har id, Th.Wash. 29";,ךיורא-%/--.>.=
were, Te Tore
Nam. XXIV,6; & @--¥. Ab, Zar, 111,42
top, Rabb. 157°
woth, 160° יאר PO" (Me. WSO ןירד 20/78 ₪9 twigs
"אי =
JS m. pl (prob, pl.of OTH, #0 called of cedars (Rashi #8); (oth. opie. +. [זרא (3- = א
from closing and opening like chests) name of certain pl. א לחTel Arta (Codar-Till),
in Palestine, sorne of
Hants growing massacres during the Tar Kokhbe war. Yeb. XVI, 7.--
5) pr. .ה . הArea, Tam. Vil, 5 א : ךב. וV, 1 Pm,
. Dd. )ד..14, .
a. ed,
ר inנ
ארyou ( recognize the entrance of the
Sabbath (on a cloudy day) by the ravens, in marsh-
you look out for aroné,
DN, >
MIN, v. תינוריא
my ss אדיבער
Ar.(ed. 'רוא ; Rashi “TR; 1004. S75) the
| roof of the shed has the shape of a cradle, i. 6 both sides
| slanting towards the centre.
an ישןtoby aotaplanse,) Keth. 1,2 “A ןמ = הכמלא No} GS m. pl. (v. come P. Sm. 274, cmp. איקשרפ
אwidow whose betrothed died before marriage proper. Neub. - p. 396) ofArzonia. Taan. 24* יאר דבראAr.
Ib. V, 1; a.fr. Yeb.43*, a.fr. תדועס "א the repast follow- (ed. STE POT; Ms. M. (ראנרזרשד ships of the Arza-
ag the betrothal—Metaph.
of the relation between Israel nians. Fem. “seve. Git. 70* א Po Arzanian wheat
| God, covenant. Ex.
R. 5.15, end; 8.>.
| (ofa large size).
+ ()םור גקופאז. Targ. Jodg IV, 26 —Gits.
- |ארורא¥. .kehsזז,,dne74* \ |רארורא צילטא. אֶדּרֶד
,AET ַרוּרויא+הר א NFEPNIT
“tS (NAMEN) + + = a 3 STs;
cmp. 1/9 Pal p.$20) Aypericum (berbatum). St. John’s
- * ואר ) אר.+ נאררcmp. HD 1( fopenetrate deeply, | wort, a plant said to be fatal to cattle. B. Kam. 47"
9 takedeeproot,—2) tobeprickly , Sabb.155"
dry,hard. | ראב Ar. a. Ms, 11. (Var. (אפדורה v. Koh Ar;66. “Sx)
אֶרַח +
under ‘poison’ is meant arzafta which may also be called | of beth hallahmi, 1 Sam. XVI, 1) to his (Jesse’s) bakery, |
peré (fruit, produces of the earth). B. Bath, 20" 'רא Ar. ' שהוא בא וכdaer( htiw .klaY .maS 421 ' (והוא יבוא וכ6
(Ms. ,'רא changed into 'פא as 60.(. Cmp. "5°75. he (Jesse) shallcome out (to the bakery) from Bethlehem =
(to meet Samuel there). 1 ,ןאפקנרא.315,1.6 ( 'כראcorr. - 1
( חראb. h.; ,1/78 (ררא.) צ1 to go through ; Vv.אֶרִיחַ
)2— to4
go outside, to travel. Part, MUN q. v.—Denom. ,םרא ירא (v. next w.; cmp. ּלרַא( prop. behold, in
חרואpath. most cases corresponding 6 b. h. "3, “that, so that, be- 1
1%. ( אֶרֶחDenom. of M75x) to receive a guest, to lodge. ,esuac ;fi .tub .graT 0, ;רר
א.graT צ, ;ארום 1 -
Ber. 63” mayan. Y. Ab. Zar. 1, 39° bot. לחְרָאל
ארי,I NTN YV( ,87 .pmc " (רר.porp ot ,tniop א4
Hithpa., a. Nithpa. soxnn, mann? to be received, be
hence (in a logical sense) to argue, question, discuss, treat,
the guest of. Sabb. 13 a. fr. Y. Hall. TV, 60% 'ִאְסִמ
B. Kam.> 30 אקדמ ןנירא ללגAr, (ed. PAIN, v. infra) =
, חרא חראch. same, esp. to take lodging. Targ. since we pointed out the law about the dung placed in —
Jud. XIX, .17 , אחרא ]חראYoma 82% ae, Af. of H™.] the street as an argument against Rab. Keth. 16%, a. fr,
רראקדו הל ראמ יראק הלand he who raised the question,
Athpe. MINMX, contr. Manx to dwell as a stranger,
how could he raise it at all, 1, e, the answer being so
sojourn. Targ. Y. Deut. I, 6; v. .רחא
obvious, what must have been the impression he labored
NIT, NITTIN m. (preced.) traveler, guest. under, that he could ask such a question, or raise such
II Sam. XII, 4.—[Y. Ber. 1, 2% top 'כו חוה אחרא איתאNd, an argument?—Y.
Keth. VI, 30° bot. ומק ימתר ןזורָאו PN if
oth. ed. ,אתרא read אָרְחַש with oth. ed.].— Pl, the heirs should rise and raise objections (go to law).
אורחין. Y. Peah VII, end, 21>, (read as) Y. Shek. V, end, Af. אררררsame. Ned. 2? ןוהב ררריאhe does treat |
49" 'א הוה הרלhe had guests. ]אָחְרֶא path, v. [.אָחְרּוא thereof—Pes. 6, a. fr. “2 לרריאד "TN incidentally of
treating the question of... Kerith.14°, a. fr. )דחא (רבאב
IN lath, +. ,ןיחרא--אָחיִרֶא .+ חרא מר"ררNP the argument is up (about one limb). B, Kam.
80% 44448 לכ when we raised the objection (taking our
אמרַאprefix of Pers, proper nouns, Arta-. Gitt. 14, argument from ‘the dung’, v. supra), it was before R. N.
had given his opinion ; a. fr.—Deriv. 878.
,ןובמרא ןיבטרא Yoma ;°11 Yalk. Deut. 844; ( חרא יראb.; . גYN, v.[ ררא( to create a gap,) |
Sam. 124—perh. a corruption of ya (a Jewish) tribu- to pluck, esp. figs. Shebi,1,9 'כוAINA the gatherer and
nus; cmp. .סוגיטרא [Or pr. n.?] sih .teksab .B "98.steM yad srerobal "שהיו אורין בתאנים
Ar, (ed. 'רדוע; v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 300) engaged in
RDSOIN, +. susene, picking figs. Y. B. Bath. V, 15° bot.; a. fr——Num, R.
ארטבלאיTarg. Esth. VIII, 0 Levita, v. .יליטרע .8 20 Tanh, Bal, 4 (homiletic etymology of arah, Num. —
XXII, 6).
, ןאבְטְרַא ןבמראpr.n.m. Artaban (IV), the last
יראII, חירא .( תגb.h.; , "ראv. preced.) [the light- =
Parthian king, friend of R. Judah han-Nasi. Y. Peah
I, 157 bot.; Gen. RB. s. 35; Yalk, Deut, 844; Prov. 934.—V. colored] 1) lion. B. Kam. 16° 'א תוברתa tamed lion;
אדרכן. a. fr.—Transf. brave man; distinguished scholar (opp. —
bow). Yeb.122”, Kidd.48";Snh.8". Gitt. 83”; Y.ib, TX, 50*
'כוNM ןיבישמ תא PR you must not argue against a lion
pr. מpl. 8% 0 after’ idan, v. preced.), )ralohcs( retfa eh si .daed .31 .maK °711; א. %1
near Pumbeditha. Erub.51”(Var, lect., v. Rabb. D.8.a. 1). ’— תויָרֶאxd 132 a tail to lions, i. 6. the least among the =
great (opp. head to foxes). Ab. IV, 15; Y. Snh, IV, anh
OMAN valk. Esth. 1053, read סוגיטרְטס or LON .lluH—.tob ,°3 .a &’.rf ,5" .v .neG[—.31 0 8. 82 א גסטריות
(Esth. R. to 111, 1 ,סונוכירט read 2D; v. (ןובטרא y.( 2--]. אָרְסֶסִפLeo, Lion the fifth sign of the Zodiac (cor-
resp. to the month of Ab). Yalk. Ex. 418, Pesik. Dibré
ארמיקנס, +. אַרסְקִיְנָס p. 116%; Pesik. R. s. 27 (28, p. 183, ed. Fr.); v. be
y sa )ךרפיל ARG lard he )3 0 surname of the Lord, Israel &c. Pesik. 1.5 |
Pesik. R. 1. ¢.; Yalk. Jer, 259, v. DRI. i)
"NOON, + יפיטרפ
6% /
I, to 1, 6) אזייירואר 'אthe lions of the Law (scholars).
1" 1 : 5 !
J tee EN ee | broke, which
+. Shebi. 1X,20* top. ¥. 090%.
I,4* טק ילעמ אשיר ןיב א at intervals betweee the rows of bricks (v.
to put one's head between lions, |, ₪. to argue against +
5 4
the opinions of great men. [Yalk. Nom, 771 אר mS, + וה1, 3; ה. .hteM ;"ג5. 5.--/% אריחוןך¥
mm) ווי top (corr, ( . -- 1( 0108, ₪ term
rof gnitirw niatrec segassap fo yloM ₪ וק-
REIN, אירייא, ETN + (oma, were potating of, metrically arranged, the short space Alled owt with
argument, topic, owhject.” Sail, wi atscrave “an 4 ras) (brick, the larger space); v. BR. ies.
in speaking of K'rithoth, where this (the punishmentof
;"16 (Mashi: א the writing, הנבל the Uonk), ¥
extinction) is the subject proper, I may say, the general
, ווו74° bot; Mab, ib. \. =; Treat. ₪) X11, 10
term of fabbath do. is introduced (relying on those places
2°93 'הemall brick (lath) above brick, snd brick
in the Mishnah where the ve laws are treated
above emall brick (lath); = ₪. (Bx. oh. BV)
in detail), Yoma 74* .ה fr. א יא םישט אח אלwere it only
for this, there would be so argument (no diffiealty).
סיס אשירה לר' כי נא גאה “ondהאטרי
* יה ולחר לnoeP עזי " ביטsA ורכבו
Kerith, 18°,a.fr. 'כו "SM “HS why ie the argument brought
th, א כ"ק ה כי email brick (lath) shove emall brick and
up only on the presumption (that he has eaten! Bappored,
brick above brick; = g (Meth, IX, 7 =p) .
he had not eaten, would not the same argument hold
יאת ors
good), Babb. 101", a. fr. 'א "דימis this an argument (i.¢.
how can you compare two cases #0 unlike each other)? ואת Ter
BS (b. hb.) Ari@l, Divine Light (omp. Ps.OX VII,
אריו )אריח, = (אריא. א. 4/4 ; ]אד
South of Neub. Géogr. p. 21"). ¥. Gab. X, oe?
v.“8 11); poeticsurname
of the Temple and Jerusalem.
התפונ יא, ₪076 Nom. 151 | אתכינ יארYelk. Nem. 771
Dibré p.116%. Posik, R.=.27(28, p.138%, ed. Pr.) ( אירארY. Le ed. 22% ( היראGeta in the district of
חבית שנקרא אריתdaer( (ארראלeht elpmeT hcihw si dellac
Aridi (Is.XXIX,1), Th. לאירא ( לארשי ארקנשread (חירא | .bairA .fesoT ,liK,I 3; ד..bi,1 °72 .tob תחדם א04
בחדש שנקרא אריאלdaer( דבריו של אריאל ;(אריהdaer( of A.
; אריה.muaN ,IIXX ;42 somA ,111 ;)8 .+ .eF ,וא NIT IN cb.(trp
loth, ber,pole.שד
, 3; ₪ « th. otc. Bet. 37° ררא למ הל
. eee smn, Hie.Sabb. XII, 1; בתטוראed. (Ar. (אדרא « binder of the brick wall fell ומ
a. fr. צי M. Kat. 117, end, 83% what is meant by "יחיא the stove. Sabb. 129* « house אי כשר אדקיבלthe ו
Ans. 27> when it looks as if woven. Meg. 26", a. 6. of whose walls was seven bricks and « half; « > --]%1
טוור לאgninnips eht xalf os sa ot eraperp ti rof -vaew
RT, HT, דחרא -. דש ןיחראEx. XXV, 27; =.> (he,
ing (indirect preparation or designation); Snh. 45* דייט ous). B. Bath. 3° To" FOES אופ are 9000164 Y.
Pym, (Rashi sx). Erub. I, 19* top (also (ךדחרוא
FIPS 5 (v. preced.) weaving. Y.Yoma
111,40°bot. ךירַא.)1 b.57m) tobelong, toproject. Tang.
בקPTS their weaving must take place within the ,; עונו8 וזChr. V, 9.—Y. Ab. Zar. 1, 3% top, . יaS
Suh. 48% ¥. preced.
Af. 77%, Pa. 57% 1) to be prolonged; to lengthen.
FTN, + mame ¥.Sob. ,א264, +. ome Targ. Ex. XX, 12. Y. Deut. XXVIIL67 "eS make
_ appear long; .אfr.—Y. IV, 68° ןיטוי PS "es to live
(prob. corruption
of (ַחיְרַא pr. n. pl. Cant. long ; Koh. R.toVII,7.—2)
tobetall. Sab. 109" ךיראמדכ
R. to 11,17 (ref. toרתב דרהibid, ‘mountains ofcutting’) when one was tall.—3) fo ferry, wait, hope. Targ. Nam.
MM רֶחָּב ( ידכ ולטיש תויכלטהnot ,ולתיש +. Matt. Keb. a.1.) IX, 22. Targ. Job VI,11.—Y. Yoma VI, 43° "r=z ךיכרוא
‘that the (Roman) governments may receive (their pay wait a while. Y. R. Hash. I, 57* bot. St fs תודה
for) the massacre of Ar. (emp, Joseph. B. J. 111, 10, 9 #9. she waited
a whole year. Ib. ןיכרדמ
. חח. ץ. אKat.
| רוטזד,18' top לךxo
or perh. ref. to the Bar Kokhb< war; cmp, ,תרנפוג ארלפאthe ship will wait for thee
שמעוa. oth. Y. Taan. IV, 69* sq).
m, NIT WN + (preced.)
1)long. Targ. Ezek.
XVII, 3.—Targ. Prov. XIV, 17 הדתיקרת 'אדwhose in-
trigue is long prepared (h. תוטחנ SM). V. xo — 2) (part.
JS pr. n,m. (Gen, XIV, 1) Aryokh, 1) homiletic pass. of 37% to arrange) right, befitting. Bara IV, 14.—
of Nebuzraddan. Lam. R. to V, 5 (allusion
to Suce. 4* 'א 'א וא אל₪ it right or not? B. Mets 75* ראי
) ירא2— (emp. Dan. 11, 14) Aryokh,
a title of Samuel, — and it is proper to do so. Midr. Till, to Px 1,2 ךידכ אי
he contemporary
of Rab. Sabb.58*. Kidd.
39". Men. 58°. is such a thing right!
ull, 76° (prob. a Persian adaptation for judge).
7S m. (preced.) prolonging, retarding. Targ. Y.
STOTT pen. mn.riot Sifré Deut. 13; Yalk. | I Num. XIV, 18 )11 orm ,'א read (הדחיר
7 . ew | TIN m. (denom. of 57x11, 2) preparing, dresving.
| =Sabb. 33" הדרשדבל "א הדלXP אדה was dressing (cleansing)
אֶרִיכָא 120 anny
his body. Keth. 108* 'כו אָנְכיֶרֶאוI would dress parch- Targ. Cant. VIII, 11.—Ab. Zar. 21> דיבעק 'א חרתוסרראthe —
ment, rolls of deer skins. — ‘ gentile tenant working during the Jewish festive week,
works for his tenancy (not as the Jew’s employee). Hag. :
NON ות. (preced.) [one who arranges arguments, | 25" 'כו 'א. .. אוחNIMS it is the tenant’s business to -0ןע |
Arekha, “title of a lecturer. Sabb. 59" 'א ארבג הברa cure kegs &e.—*B. Bath. 55 'כו אס"ראד ראסרפד דעRashb.
great man, a lecturer. Esp. known 70. Aha Arekha. ‘Ib. a. 1. (ed. ,אתוסירא Var. JUIN, ןיאש- - -, INN, .מ =
111%; a.e. Ber. 33%ed. (Ms.M. Hiya); Abba Arekha (Rab, Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note, Ms. M. ('שיראד 4% the tenant |
v.בכ ]זמ. legend: tall, v. [ךרֶא of the Persians is such only up to forty years (after
which time he 18 considered a legitimate owner); v. Nim. —
*אָכיִרַא.1 (preced.) theme of a lecture. Midr. Till.,
Jos.to 411. 4.1. [It seems that the Pers. Jews pronounced |
beg.‘'א nb דבע used that idea of R. Yudan as a ical
NON a. NOW, emp. NIMWT a. NINO. J—PI. .אָיַסיִרַא
אָכיִרַאm.ְךיְרָאַדַ( . )ץlong, prolonged, Bets.30°רומא Targ. ‘Job XXIX, 23. PRO, v. supra. [Lev. R. s. 28,
'אMs. M. (ed.; אתכירא( .8066 "45 אמור 'אan adjourned v. RVO™N.]—2) betrothed, Vv. OTN.
day.—Fem, ." אָּפְכ"ַרֶא261.4 הלפת 'אa continued prayer ; , סיִרֶאNOTIN poison, v. DUN ch.
חלואג 'אa continued benediction on redemption, , לMDaNs. :
.2%-- sma". ‘Keth.* 8 'אmw the six lengthy bene- IN 091. Kel. 2. Bath. IV, 8; +. MOM.
dictions. ,
DON + (O"7NII) tenancy, condition of the Aris, |
TIN, אריכותf. )(ארךprolongation,
length ;(sub. Peah V, 5 'אב as a tenancy; a. fr.— Pl. mito. Y. Bice. I,
אס, or (פכלםוforbearance. Koh. R. to VII, 8 ךיראהש 'א end, 64" 'א "bya owners of tenanted properties, v. .הָריִכְח
רכthe forbearance which Samuel showed. Gen. 14. >, 70
א' פנרס. .Y .gaH ,11 ”77 ;.tob .a .6 א' רמיםhtgnel fo ,syad NOVO" IN ch, same, Lev. R.s. 5. Ab. Zar. 212; a. e, |
long life.—Gen. R. s. 64 0°" 'א lapse of time. B. Bath. 55% +. NON. [M. Kat. 29% vy, nme]
RODIN ch. same. Targ. Is. XX XVIII, 11. גת אריסמא.)06קטי10.6אררסטרטא 606%4
0( 0
0 =
fasting, in gen. invited guest. Pl. PLO, NEGO.
NOTIN 5.)צ. אַריךI, 2) preparation, future (v.77), Koh. R. to I, 3 קרבש 'א 'כוlet the guests eat (some ed.
Schr. KAT p. 549). Targ. Jer. XXXI, 5 , ןוטסרראour guests?). Lev. R. .8 28 ( אריסיראcorr, acc.)
Lam. R.toIV,2 רכרב ’® among the seated guests.
DN (DANN), pr.n. Arim (Arum). Y.Hag.I, 76°
bot.; Y. Pes, 111, end, 30° 'א תיבmds, v. mandy; (Sifré , סולבומסירא סולופוטסירַאpr. n,m. 40
Deut. 41 3199; Yalk. ib. 681 םירעש ;.4 >40 (הזתנ 016 0000(.06( Aristobule, brother of Hyrcan, son of Alexan-
der Jannai. Men. 64"; B, Kam. 82°; a. ₪.
PAS m. (Eonp.a, ta) desert, wilderness. 'א םוקמ
a settlement in a desert. Lev. R. s, 35 (ed. ,ןומירדא Ar. אריסטוון, read:
ארימון, corr. acc.). Cant. R. to VII, 11.—Yalk. Jer, 257
איררמון, cmp. מֶרְרִימִיאָה. ןוטסיראזm. (4ptatov) orig, morning meal, later |
principal meal, dinner, repast. Y. Ber. IV, 7° חווהPR
"סיראI m. )סרא( something tied to the body (mept- ךןוכל 'א 'כif ye are invited to a dinner, and the day is
apa), whence an emblem set in a ring or chain (cmp. advanced, 86. Y. Snh. III, 21° top רג 'א during dinners
Deut. VI, 8; Prov. VI, 21, also Sm. Ant. 8. v. Amuletum). Ib. VI, 23°; a. fr.
PL. POU’. Deut. R.8.8 ( הסרנכה ול םינש אread "2W) brought
into his house two emblems (of faith); the king, too,
אַריסטוןII .rp .n .m .notsirA .llaH ,VI 11; מ
םקז הל ןדגנכ רנש 'אhad two corresponding emblems Shebi. VI, end, 37* (a Syrian land-owner).—Y. Yeb. x
set for her. Ib. Abraham delivered to his children end,* 16 דח 'אone Ariston. [‘One of the Bovkh apiet
רנש 'אtwo emblems (which they should guard, Gen. mentioned Cod. Theod. Lib. XU, Tit. 888, Frankel M’bo
XVIII, 19). p. 65%,[ 4
tong, tall.
Sehr, KAT 07 end, ,הכיבא read אבוכרא or ;הבדל Y. Ned
וז, ; *זהtob .¥ .ubehB ,111 )465 .1/— egna %91
Koh. X11, 3. Targ. 11, Meth. Vi, וו איַכיכרא--. Tang. Job.
Hif, הָאָריר1) to prolong, be long in doing. Nor. 1, 4 IV, 4.—V. ast".
וIb. ארכוליפורין, +. ארכי.
one.HN Yoma 85" ותלפתב ‘un staid long inprayer.
‘un to live long. Mog. 27"; a.fr-—Ber. 8", a.fr. / מו יי. .ho .hb( ,qe+(S. ,relur 44
his life will be חור wn Targ. I Chr. 2 (h. text 13). Targ. Job. 41, 26 (h.
text ;(בדדנ . אfr.—Y. Ber. V, @ א רבקan elder קו
by —Fi. .ןיְניכְרַא Targ. 11 Chr. XI, 11; 5. «—¥. Pesh
VIII, 21° (defective sentence); (b. pl.,תיליכְרַא +. 7m).
was appointed &.; a. fr—Pl. PRUPUYNDAN, POP". DUN pr. n. (b.h.) 1) Avram, son of Shem. Targ. Gen.
ציBer. IX, 13° top pupe.... (corr. 800.( א, 22; a. 6.--9( Aramaea, Syria. Targ. I Kings XX, 1;
a. f,-3) (a disguise for Nain) Rome, Roman empire
ארכילוסמקיא, v.אֶיסְפּוּלסְטְיקָא (cmp. DTN). Pes, 87" 'א לבקל תורזג תוירזכאed. (read
ארכיליסמוטין, ליסמוסין....רכיליסטים | "של א. . לובסל;in Ms. M. 1 only “a ,לובסל Ms, 2 DW eee
main; oth. var., v. Rabb. 12.8. a. 1.066 ;, 7% praia)
v. next w.
to ג the severe decrees of Rome.
ONO" TIN m. (4pxtAhatys) chief robber, leader
NOT, אַרמאה₪. =n. (רֶּמְרַא Syrian. Targ. Gen.
of a gang. Gen. R. s. 48; a, fr. [Frequ. ,םיטסרללכרא
XXV, 20; a.e—B. Kam, 59° 'א אלקרדMs, (ed. 'אד corr.
divide in two words, v. “NII, a.o°mo">.] [Yalk. Bx. 255
acc. ) ו palm-tree.—Fem. .אָת"ָמְרַא Targ. 10 VIL,
ארכיליסטוסין, טוטין,... daer ארספולסטרקין. .rdiM— .maS
14 (ed. Rahm. (אתומרא .---.
7. m. “ROIS. Targ. 11 Chr.
s. XXV, end טיטסדליכרא some 60., v, [.סיָטְסיֶכְרַא
XXII, 5; + NONI. Sabb. 297 Syrian (dates) —Omp.
*ןירופיליכְראm. (read in two words,v.ַארְכִי , “NOW.
a. (לופרchief of the body-guard,
ספיקולטור. Pesik. B’shall. p. 91>
executioner; cmp.
ארכוליפורין Ar. (ed.
NUTS, RIDN א 2). Tang, Bx. XXIX, 24;
a. e.
לרפרןhn, Var. 775" ,ןכרא וברא, ןוליפל, ןולרפובראv. Buber
a. 1. note; corr. acc.). ONIN, ve ROI.
סימסיכרא m. (6pynotys) dancer. Y. 8006 V, 55¢ ארמאהve next w.
top; Y.Snh. II,”20 סטסכרא.); טסNum.R.s. 4.—Pl. Pao Ss
or . ןיִסיָטְסיִכְרֶאMidr. Sam. s. צאט end , סירטסיכראVar. ארמאי,אגרמי. ארמייא, ארמאה, ארומאה
( סיטסרליכראcorr. acc.). ch. m. (=b. h. (רָמְֶא Syrian, in gen. “gentile, Roman;
emp. 278 2). Targ. 0. Lev. XXV, 47.—Y.Shebi. LV, 35%”
"ארכיסטראמיגוס, ארכיסמרמיגוסm. -%00) חד א' ברומי.Y( .hnS ,111 "12 (חד בר נשa elitneg ni .emoR
017 6( commander in chief; also ‘chief’ magistrate Ib, או יהודיר וכ.borp( ).rulp rehtie eb hsiweJ sweJ -vil(
(Vv. (סוגיָטְרטְסֶא Gen. R. 8. 58; (Ex. R. s. 81 ,('טרטסא ing as Jews ought to) or gentile gentiles (Roman Romans),
Y. Ab. Zar. 111, 41° top 'כו ארימראthe leather bottle of
, סוגירטסיכראGen. R. 8. 58, corr. as preced. w. an Aramean (or gentile) burst open. Yeb. 45" האמרא רב
ארכיסטריס, +. אֶרְכִיסְטִיס son of a gentile. Hull. 97; a. fr.—7..ראְמְרַא Targ. Y. |
Deut. XXXII, 24 (Romans); a.e-—Ab, Zar. 31".—Gitt. 178%
ארכיקימון, readאַרְכְיטקטון . "xine (Romans). Gen. R. ₪. 63 YIN. Koh. 3. to
Vil, 11 .אוגג---.ןייִמרַא .₪ .8 7 ( םיִאָמְרַאKel. 1, 8 (םו''כע;
SDN, + boon. a. fr. [Lev. R. 8. 84 ןיאמראמ , ןותאread ,ןיאמדזימ v. ."רמז
JONI מז. )ארך, na noitatpada fo )ywyp& ,redle —Fem. .אָחיְיַמְרַא Yeb. 1. 6. V. NTs. ‘4 .
magistrate. B. Bath. 164" a letter of divorce dated תנשב ןומראI m. (b. h., prob. fr. (הרם==ארםenclosure,
' פלונל א.raV( ,72 צ עִרְכָאן. .bbaR .D .8 .4 .1 eton 3 ;.qs palace (poétic). Ab. Zar. 24” praised ררבדב 'א in the inner-
emp. "2"7) in the year when—was magistrate ; v. ---.ן"ָגְנה most of the Palace (Temple). [Ex. R.s.5 'א m2; Pesik. |
Pl, .תונוכְרַא Cant. 4. to 715 9. Ch. ,ןוכרַא .אָנּוכְרַא Zakh. p. 27% v. ןייִכְרַא[ Cmp. םרא Schr. KATp.586. =
ןכראIT m. (37N) one giving long prayers, opp.קצרן . *ןומראII pr.n. pl. Armon. Yeb. 45° captivescom-
,reB ;*43 .hkeM ,.llahs’B assayaV 1 מארכןdaer( ' א277). ing from A. (v. Neub, Géogr. p. 371; prob. ident. wit
, ןומר.4 v.).
אתונכרא+ )2981( office. B, Bath. 164? (Var.
349, 'v. FIND. TaN IIT .גג (v. 1272) platanus, the oriental ple
אַרְמונֶים. Gen. R. s. 15, beg.; (R. Hash. 23%; B. B
"NODIN m, ()סכר thick, well-kneaded. Men, 43° אררמח 81% 3).
' אthick leaven of barley flour.
,אפּומרא ירא+ () )םור1 “aising, rising. 5
, סמסכראOODIN, readאֶרְכִיסְטִיס XIX, ‘16; ae e.—2) waving, heave-offering. Tare.
=e et Bia
XXIX, 27; =. 5-11. MEYGTM, const. PPT Tare. 0. BPS, 1) v. wees —{2) Tang. Job1,1 א
Nam, XVII1, 11 (Var, PPT eing,). | in comment. Ma,ןנייטנטשוק 4. 7, ¥. next [.א
i Rt de
t. Aramacan, Aramaic, FR TIIN pr. ₪. 4 omania. 1
«Ti Kings XVi1I, $0.) pe Chaddele Constantinople), Targ. Lam. 1V, 21 Var. (h. text po)
Habb. + Pegfe YaSees + D0 53( Roman, — ןואִרְקְנְייאִיא
יווTang. 1Ober, 1,17 od. Beck. (od. Malm
heathen, (Owing to Christian censorsas well ae "SSR corr, ace.)
אֶרְמְלָה, ְפָא
+)ל-ִ)ְאלממל. כַלםר+
א PHORM ₪. NOW, TIN 1 (am adaptation
of annona,cmp. X72% a XPS) [ ‘treamery, v.preces.)
| ויש Targ. Gen. XXXVI, 11 tax from crops and other farmer's produces delivered im
. fr—Y. Sabb. I,8% top;
a.fr—Pl. Targ. Ex. ae
+ dee
ee oe See
כר דב m. (ormatas, 209510 decoration. Lam.ג .
to,1% 1 'אל לש בהזpen ore (ed , סטנראDorm) who
' וש was (to the nation) like a gold decoration.
ארנטס 124
,סמנרא v. preced. “QOS, +. omy. —
NIOJ“ .klaY .neG 74 ארננר קטון, readאַרְכיטקטון . : ןוניקסרא Koh. R. to I, 7, end, perh. a. corrupt.
of shined m. (2ptd€vdov) cotton. [The entire senten 4
ארנסי, 2 DTN. |
however, seems to be misplaced, and a repetition of /
| preceding one.] 4
NPIIN ch.=next w. B. Bath. 8%; a. fr—Trnsf. 'א יו
meer מז. (preced.) earth-ward, that RINT + (mrs, cmp. PE + (ץרמ corth. Jer
isbelow, nethermost, Targ. Jovh. XVI, 3; א, 11.—Pesik. Bahod. p. 155°; Gen. .ה 5. 15; = =.
ak pole שיריו אקרא 11pr..₪ pl. (Agen, Agua) Arca, also called
garment. Y. B. Mots, X, beg. 12° אידקרא who lives in | 4. Carsarea, Cas. Libani, at the North-Western
foot of
story below. —PL PRE, “NE Targ. Geo. VI,16; | 2 - Gen. BR. 5. 27 (interpreting
רקרקה Gea.
a. ©—Lam, R.toI,16 'כו ‘XS TSP deal with the in- א, 71) א' רליבנןemos( .de (ארקס. .
feriors (females) as thou didst with the superiors (men); 57% v. Neub. Géogr. p. 33; 299.)
' toIV, 19; Y. Suce. V, 88>(incor. vers.).—Fem. אתא
farg. Be, XI, 7; a.fr.—Y. Maas. Sh.V 56° top.—Pl.Merz", RGSS,
a יא Targ. Ex. XLII,5;6. Y. Yomal, 38°; Y. Meg. V,75° ארקבסא, read preced.
ot, .יז[ אָמְפוכְסִאTarg. Esth. היניט sux, +. oO.)
SON m. (ern chance-, occasional, temporary, v.-8z. ey ere
cathy k,
Mh hedge cece ge
NUTS, TTS +.aes. Diocletian, together with the
Manin tedaeais antentnntualeh atteד Sache
od hee her יי Y. Kil. Beitr.
I, 113 9q.). Esth.
R. to 1,3 ךק רבוSSS (corr.
T, beg. 304. Y. Shebi.
I, 38" top; a. e.
וארי West).
NO’ ch. same.
Men. 11"; Yoma 48* הרתכרא
2. Sarena gay 32 Keth. 77° LEM TPM vedThee m Genstine
on the bag-pipe. Targ. 11, .ווג ,1 3 א לדא
‘he theskull().—V. PRE
tian. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 394 top 'כו >p™ אנא I, Diocletian | theros. Gen. R. s. 37 (translat. of has-sini Gen. 5% 173
the king, have instituted the annual fair of Tyre in honor Targ. 0. ib. "NOMI, Y. 1 ,ראְסוטְנַא האר ד 7
of the genius of my brother Heraclius (Heracles).
, ןויפוקותראread ןויפוקוטרַא . ג+). oxét0¥)
ארקפטא, +. אַלְקִפְטָא Vv.ארסקפא .
OPIN 1 + ()קקר beaten, wrought metal, opp. אָּכְסיֶנַא אָכִיִפְרַאNDAIN m. (4m) chariot, 0-8 -
q. v. Sabb, 59> Ar. (ed. SAP, Var. SEPT, v. Rabb. D. II Chr. % 18; a, א PDN, .ןיִכְחְרַא Targ. Y. I, Ex.
8. a. 1. note). XV, 4 (¥. 11 sm). .
NOPIN זז #. shoe-thong, v. ַאָקְר NOP. Yeb. 102%,
v. NAIR.
אש6. (b.h.; WYN 1( 1) fire. Sabb. 11%; 8.6, תרוענל 'אכ
as destructive as fire to the flax. Sot. 43> תרוצנב 'אכlike |
"אָתקראIII f. (emp. preced.) name of a parasite fire among flax, 1. 6. inflaming the senses. Gen. 1%. 8. 89
worm in the bowels, perh. fluke-worm. Sabb. 109” ed. ' מבול של א.v( (מבחלnoitcurtsed yb .muN—erif .R 2.s dne
(Ms. M. אָחאְקְרַא pl., Ms. ,אתקרוא.0 Ar. 3). Cmp. 8P>3. א' הדיוטיתerif morf edistuo fo eht ;yrautcnas .a .rf
[Mus.=h. ירקיך jaundice; cmp.אֶרקין .[ —Pl, niwx. .Yoma 21"; a. fr—2) fever. תומצע. לש.'א
Gitt. 70%. [
TIN (b. h.; Y/R, sec, 2. of ,רוא emp. “nm, to break
through, to make holes, meshes &c.; v. ,ברא , גרא, החראTS, NZ, אישא, NON, NA, “Nf. ch. same.
ארח, ( ארך.68 )1 ot ,gid ;bats .v אַרְרֶן---2( ot tniop tuo 1) fire. Targ. Gen. XV, 17; a. fr.—B. Mets. 85% ןירועב
for execration, [or to set outside]; (emp. םרח a. ,בקנ a. דאשאtorches. Men. 58% 'כו אשראmay fire consume him.
₪180 (ךרב ;to curse.—Part. pass. “98, f. FTA, pl. BAAN 80. —2) fever. Targ. Y. Gen. XXI, 15.—Yoma 29% 'כו אתשרא
Shebu 36%; a. fr.—*Y. Sot. II, 18% top הארמ יִמ לוכי the fever in winter time. Sabb. 66" sq. אתלת 'אtertian;
מירם ת''ל ארד 86) )87 uoy thgim refni morf eht drow א' צמררתאyrotammalfni ,revef א' בת רומא.naiditouq
mé (Num. V, 18) that it must have the color of water, Yeb.71" “x ה"רתנזד fever fed its vital energies. Snh. 108%
therefore the root arar is used in connection therewith
(i. e. water in which the curse written with ink has been אשא, +. xwhe.
washed off and is recognizable in the mixture); 'כו יא דרא
(read (ררא from 070 again you might infer that the
אשאold, .+ Now.
* : : 4 ,
drink must have the color of ink, therefore we read mé, אשב-= חֶטָבPart.Ithp. 3232 respected, y. 3m Ithpa,
which means the color of water and the color of ink
(a colored thin fluid); cmp. Bab.Sot.16> (where the same אישבורן אשבורןm, ;שבר) emp. (מִקְָה collection
argument is used with reference to blood).—Part. pass. of water, pond; cavity for reception of water, opp. i972
f. M7998 cacophem. for idol. Ab. Zar. 51° NaI וז 'אל slope. Pes. 42* 'א םוקמplace where water poured out
Ms. M. (ed. (ז'עכ so much the more for that cursed (idol). would remain stagnant. Ab. Zar. 72%; Ohol. ITI, 3, opp.
Pi. "98, "78 to curse. Gen. R. s. 36, end “7X. Cant. קטפרס. Toh. VIII, 9; a. 6.
R. to TV, 11 'כו הָרְרַאשwhich Joshuah had cursed. Pesik.
RB. s. 26 TITAN ; a. fr, אשברוע, 8 ַאֶשְכְרוּע.
ל "אל והר 'בוwere 0 cursed before povenity verses TUN, mau f. )רגש( current phraseology (wr
were completed (Gen. I,1 to III, 14; Esth. ITI, 1 toVIT, 10).
רגשpart. pass. of“ayn —pwd) תַרָפְשַא 9( current phrase
.Y .toS ,XI "42 ;.tob .fesoT .bi ,VX 2 ּנְתְאֶרְר. not “meant exactly (arising from one’s being accustomed
to use a certain word in association with others). Y.
רא רch. same. Targ. II Kings IX, 34 NFO the Meg. II, 73> bot.; Y. Ber. II, 44,
cursed ety, “A958 m. pl. Arurs, the Bible chapters
containing ‘the word arur (Lev. XXVI, 14—46; Deut. , דשא,דישא דשא
)רש/ ןv. ירש; v. HL. Diet. ₪
XXVIII, 15—69); [Hebr. תוחכות or שי תוללק[ wee! TH, v. (אטָדto pour out, to shed (blood), to 7 (ashes).
"74 bot.—Meg.31 'אב.. םגמגמ. NP read the arwrs in an Targ. Lev. XVII, 4; a. fr.—Sabb. 156* אמד TWN a shedde
undertone. Koh. R. to VIII, 3. of blood.—Part. pass. "wx shed, spilt. Targ. Mic. 0 ;
TIT, 10; a, 6.
Ts, אַרִירֶןm. (v. (ררֶא dagger. Snh. 30"; 414
& Ar. (ed. a. Ms. 98). [Oth. opin. club. Var. [.ןדירא אשְדּוְסָאvy.אֶשַתְרְיוּתָא
“WIN (b. h.; Ps. XXI, 3; ,רא/ן cmp. סרא a. WAN) NOTWN +. pl. .)ידש=ן minh) lateral supports,
to weave, arrange, trnsf, to plan. Gen. R. s.
s. 9 םדוק Targ. a Kings X, 19.
‘21 WIND אלש דעbefore yet my tongue prepares a word.
[In later liturgic poétry שרא is used in the sense of השאf. (b.h.; ,שדא. ץWIN), const. MWR, w
meditation, devotion.] Pes. VIII,1. Ab. Zar. 95% חדלעram רלכ 78 Ww oman ca
her weapon with her, is protected against murder by ¢
הייסּופְרַאpr. n. pl. 6000000066 I Mace. XV, 37) 1168 (who would rather assault her innocence). 01.'בה
Orthosia, a Pheenician seaport, South of the river Eleu- a woman of high rank (inftuential). Ib.משמרתו
nem 127 -
wife's presence
guards him from wrong-doing; « fr~-
Pi, orgy ()תושנ
₪+ cont, PSE f pl ()ירש 1) 9%. reel
trike. "Darg. te,XXV, וו (h, text (2--.(זייציא .+יישא
FID burnt-offering,+.mem.
י₪. ,SIM( 00. סרא.a (אשר קוא. Targ
ו. ,neG צר, 61 ereht saw tey 'קללתא 'כ8 מוכקד
(comment. to Targ. 1. 5 1. reads TOR) אוwinmewing
ia pul, spool, Kel. XX1, 1 the wool whieh ie of the produces of the land be. (h. text P°SS, cmp. Gow
oT otra יחיה 806.) oF OF Lhe poo! Kh. & 02, a. Posh, H. « 5, explaining Gen. lc). (Tore
Tose. Kel.B, Nath, 1,4 reveiw יבג רטצ לקשod. Zuck. (Var. + ווtS כרוב, .eraT .neG.¥ 111,14 7 tS ארקאore | בעיד
ler, err.).
. אAchher, Bot,
12° (1 Che.
.ון+אשו וזו
4 ו. pl.(Ayr. ashuha VY. fim. 406, re) proy. אשטמיון,+. roses.
bending, a genus of weak (female) cedar, isting. tr.
male cedar, Babb , M. (יחיִש (Opin.
157° (Me. in Ar. יצא. = = אAsked, )1 B.A.
bar Binal, president
of the academy of Bure (beginning of the Gfth centery),
generally accepted as the redactor of the Gemara (v.
ארהGitt. 60", B. Mets"; 06 . אfr-—2) Other Amorim
by that name. Babb, 75°; « fr, [¥. Ber, 1, 8*top arom)
חשישא f. (b.h., WLR) anything made compact and scholars; emp. Lev. R. .א 36.—Esp. the scholars of 1(
substantial by pressing, whence 1) cake, pan-cake (in Bible early Matoabeds period. Sot. IX, 9 (47*); Tem. 15",
pressed raisin-cake). Pes. 36” excluding from ‘bread Sot. IX, 24° top, v. miatt; Tosef. B. Kam, VIII, 13Bt
of misery’, שולח 'או pudding and pan-cake. [Talmudic Ch. .אָלָּכְתֶא
etymology, ibid., ‘one siath of an epha of flour made into "DUR, +. רבא 8 0
a cake’.] Y. ib. 11, 29" bot.—Bab. ib. 1. 6. Samuel says
'א אברג 'כוdshishah (18am. VI, 19) means a jug of wine
.v( —.).decer.lpP ל)אַשישות.1ג.(. .lluH °421 אני היום סמכוני
'אבto me to-day the Bibl. words apply, ‘Support me with אהA,
Ar., ספא ed., m. (v. (אפכשוא ]6 saddler]|
cakes’ (Cant. 11, 5); Bets. 21°—2) pl. , םישיִטַאpu a genus of edible locusts. ‘Hull. 65" 'אח איבחלto impl,
cakes made of boiled lentils impregnated with honey. Ned. the ashkaf (among the (םעלס
VI, 10; cmp. Y. ib. 40* bot. , אפכשאKeth. 775 רדר"ג 'אדAr, ed., read NBN 8
in Ar. ed. Koh. 8. v. , דרגv. note ibid. |
ןייטישאch. pl. as preced. 1). Targ. Y. Ex. XVI, 31
(h.(צַפֶּיחִית . NIDUN m. (prob. a denom. of רָּכ(₪ wagon, wagon-
load; .ל ‘h. “niin gift, tribute; cmp. Is. XVI, 1]. Pl.
, םישישָאPOON, v. neni. DUN. Targ. Is. V, 10 (h. text .(דמצ Targ. 1 Esth,
I, 3 ןיילגרמו ( 'אread ('מד loads (gifts) of 80. (after Ps.
תישאor AON, pl. nitty, v.עשת LXXII, 10).
אשית, +. mmx. עורָכְשִאm. (v. P. Sm. 408) bow-tree or 0 tree
[prob. a denom. of , ךשא=ךשחcmp. XIPWAa). Neg, II, 1
ROMO or NINN, NOOWAN + (=h. H7wE Jer. 'אכ אל םירוחש 'בוlike the eshk’roa, neither black עס
L, 15,“K’thib היושא “Tw, cmp. ‘ (תיש [meshes, layers, v.
etihw tub fo na etaidemretni .roloc .B htaB 98” '|אשב
NOW 8. NDA] frame-wall. B. Bath. 7*. Ib. 59° ערתית
ed. (corr. 00. vy. Rabb. 12. 8. a. 1. note 30). Yoma
אשרתארmy framework will be shaken (by the hammer-
9 )8( תולרוג לש 'אballot tablets of box-wood (emp.
ing). Ber. 56* לפנד ( 'אread אלפנד; Ms. M. אתיירב (אשד
Ant. s. v. Buxum); expl. Y. ib. 41° top קרי
that my wall fell in.— Pl. ,אָחיְיִמא אתרROWAN, also
NOW, .אָתוְוְשּוא Targ. Ps. Xi, 3 (h. ‘text minw); a. fr.—
Ber, 28° 'כו אָתְרשאthe walls of his house. B.Kam. 20,— אָעורְּכְשִאch. sarne. .21 ןיִעּורְכְטֶאPUR. Targ.
[Not to be confounded with WAN foundation.] אָחָוְשַא. Is. XII, 19 ‘(h. text; רושאח( LX,13. Targ. Ezek. XXVII,6
MUN. )ם. textאשורים -(ובת. 3
NF אשרן-- אישְחָא810.-- 1. PRON siaty. Y. Taan. FIDON f. (prob. fr. its color, v. preced.) ia 4
IV, 684 bot. “SOME UN, “omwe sixteen. Y. Sot. V, 20° bot. Hull. 68% Ar, Var. ₪. v. ;ראדפרק v. MINS.
תיסר אשית.rroc .cca
לשאm. (b. h.; לשא 70-06 firmly rooted, V eR, v
TON א. (b. h.; denom. of wn) testicle. Pl. orpwe. ; ששא."צץGes. H. Dict. s.v.) 1) tamarisk, symbol of seni4
Bekh. VII, 5 (44). Tosef. ib. V, 4.—Denom, j>uAN2 one and eminence.—Ffl. ru, const. “DUN. Y. B. Mets. 4
having large testicles, Bekh. 1. 6. (Gem. ed. ,ןבשואמ +. end,* 8 'א ןינררד 'כוthe eminent (old) among the Baby
(שעבז. lonian scholars are but like the pidgeons (the you ng)
among the Palestinean; cmp. Y. Ned. VI, 40" 6
אָתְבְכְמִאI .£ ( )בכשlying down, death. Keth. 103”. 2) plantation, pleaswre-garden, tent. Sot. 10%; Gon.
s. 54 end (ref. to Gen. XXI, 33, v. Targ. a. 1.).—*3) Phdn
אשְכְבתאII 5 ).decerp( s’rehctub .pohs סכינא דא
Eshel, a river in Assyria. Snh. 92°, Yalk. Ezek.|
butcher's dissecting knife [Tosat. slaughtering knife]. (אשור .-
B. Mets. 116%; Sabb. 123).
אָלְמִא אלשאch. as preced. 1(. Targ. 1 8 /
לפמא לוכשאm. (b. h. emp. 530) bunch, cluster XXII 6-1 “SUN,רברבר -- 'אgreat men (v. preced.).
(of grapes). Y. Naz. 11, beg. 51% הרות תארק 'אל 'כוthe Zar. 1 אילת 'אב 'רit hangs on high tamarisks, i.
Bible calls the (berry in the) cluster must (tirosh, ref.to Is.
originates from great men. Bets. 27°; B. Bath. a1".ae
LXV, 8) while people (at present) call the dried berry
must (i. 6. in Common parlance abstinence from ‘berry’ NOUN מז. ) שלרot ward )pu ,epor ;wot .ten ַ:
means from grape-juice, mustםיצב --.(.₪6 לוכשא לשthe Job XVII, 10; a. 6. Gitt. 69% אקיתע 'א אירופדa Top
ovary (of birds). Tosef. Zab.V, 9; Bets. 7.—Midd. III, 8 of an old litter. Keth. 85* 'אב חתממ הלhe pulled it w
ant א לש 8 goldimitation of a cluster of grapes.—2)Trnsf. a rope. B. Kam. 116? 'א דחone rope’s length awayfi
a distinguished scholar (opp. 7722 leaves=the ignorant); the shore.—PI. "bux, 872, j11>UN. Targ. Job XXX
ציinfra. Cant. R. to 1, 14, a.e. (play on the word)איש 31. Targ. Y.Gen. + 26; 4.6. [Targ.I Chr.1,20
כהש וב5 a man in whom all is contained, i. e. universality B.Kam.1.c.—Suce. 16% 'א אדועמto twist ropes for:
of knowledge.—Pl. mibizuix, ribbuix. Hull. 924 mawא' |
B. Mets. 107"; v. mrva.—Bekh.8" 'כו 'אINN
כוthe grapes thereon (on the nation), that means the | ropes and measure. Keth. 67% v. .אלנוחמק |
Zee wm. (39%) « hind of alkali, ox mineral asol ae | Ache'day, chet
of demons. Tang.
א 1. 12-—Pes, 110°.
4 soap, Midd, 1X, 6; Babb. 1X, 6; Hoh. 49" או אינוטק Oi, oF, Nam.
B. 511: a. =.
א. a. oth, (ed. , אשטח6 6. ₪.; )mS ,ecnegilק geחm יוVi,4
| לoh.me Nidd. 62°(explainingthe .neiM 94-5 וקל א יכsredle ni ]2 pmoc( "(פשקע
hcihw si ni( )ciadlahC sredlfeo ,"F—,emahs אשע*ת+
| ) א' שטיח ולי4ז. (טלנאeti eman
is ו inthe holes inwhieh pearls oo
sit, andie out with aniron nail; Babb. 90°sabe ,חְךומשא תרדמשא ...)+
ree, ees ~2r)
ed, (שונאנאV. Om .תורצא | wight-watch, wateh, a portion (hres ar tot 3 |
&f the day, called @ watch (+, tam. Ant. = 4, Castra)
| Ber. 1,1 St WT me the ond of the firs watch of the
/ ;thgin ../].--]1. אשטירין¥ .r
ot ארכקנה) אד וכ
| the day le divided into four watches, and #0 be the night ;
emp, Rab, ib, 3,
| ב yt atrns aa | TIES em.4 Astenage, tthedistros ofTyr
מו %- אל . 7 ph .. .
¥: 32)
foneglect, be JON (em,
+.SoM; > SK .תיא.שיSH ₪ 6
;guilt-offering, asham, a special
substandial, dense,strong hard. —Patt. (aew4j.) כמ אנ
k יא (Lev. V, 18) an asham wo be
Ar. (ed, Ms, .א אני שא.Hall. 196", opp. to" th.
. when you are in doubt as to the commission of
76°. Babb. 159° 'כו ךיבידה ינישארAr. (Ma 46..אנדשא4.
- (אקושcarob fruits which are hard .... aftermath which
sinful act, .אזו 111, 1; a. fr.; (ib. 17" differ. opin.
is hard (dry). Comp. .לש
as to thenature
of the doubt). Ib. VI, 3 םידריסה ote the
offered by the over-scrupulous
because they may NOTIN pr. ₪.pl.Ashna, sapponed tobemoar Tyre.
'א the asham for the undoubted Esth. BR. to 1, 4 (Var. moe).
on ofcertain offenses, which are: a) M3" 'ָאfor
appropriationof private property (after pecuniary 6 m.(bh; ,השג + PL to Levy Talem. Dict. 1, 283")
rn on; Lev. V, 25); b) תולרקיכ "אfor misappropriation astroleger)—FPLS
tae. Tank. Mikkets 2 (ref.
sacred property (Lev. V, 16); 6( תפורת “ החפשx for to Dan. 11, 2) לזסב Prove Su 'אל the Askshofim, there
carnal connection with a slave betrothed to another man are those who press (lay stress) upon the planetary +
Lov. XIX, 21);—d) "2 'ָאthe offering of a nazarite when stellation, Pr ךושל ךכש אfor the root ashe/ means &
וו |
the days of vowed nazaritism by levitical im- press (ref. to ,קאש Amos VIII, 4).
rity (Num. VI, 12)—Deut. R. 5.1, beg. (alluding to
Sou) Deut. 1, 13) ברתכ םכְשַאְרit isso written that you ףשאch. same. Dan. , ו10.—F1. pase, apc. 5.
pay read v'ashmam (and their guilt); if you listen not ,; וז27 V, 11; IV,+.
them 'כו "5m moor (read (םטשא their guilt shall fall
pon your heads (you will be answerable for what offenses > תו. (RBC, Sec) 0/0990] shin. Keth. 77"
hey may commit); differ. in Sifré Deut. 13. [Our Bible ראיUTS the shavings of a hide when it is smoothed.
litions, however, read So"Dx}, plene.]— 21..תישא Kerith. {Ar. ₪ +. דרג 1 ed. ,אפכשא 64. Kob. [.אפשא
1, 4. Sifré 1. 6; a. fr,
TEER, R ¢.(b..גrece; ,הפש , תפשfoboop
וש f.(eh. ESN) guilt. Targ.+. Lev. XXII, 16 wp, comp. Is. XIII, 2, Px. XXII, 16) pile, dumghill. Y.
Keth. I, 25¢ bot. “x. Holl. 12*; 5. fr—n “o> (b. .א
‘ תאשפתcS, (ט' חשפתlliH ,etaG eman fo 5 melmareJ .xixg
Te oo | Sabb. 15°; a. .--77. mete Ex. BR. 5. 10 א ברא2 four
eit. אמש ) Lev.V, 15; a. fr—FA. | heaps (of dead frogy=—b. bh.(םירשה ; ₪. fr.— .קמ
4 .1 Chron. XXVIII, 10. | דאל Pre using means to prevent conception (applied to
| doth man a woman). Keth. VII, 5.(Ib. 72% soe. to
ONDE, MOSNom. (v. סמ1) waste (in mina; Boraitha, literally, ‘to draw water and pocr
it ost on
the dunghill’—as
a foolish act). Gen B_« 55. ref. to Gen.
h old man. Sifra toPar, 111, ch. VII ירטשא (as | XXXVIII, 7.—(Homiletic interpretation of TE=R “=,
/ Lam. III, 13, ‘the sons of those laid low’ (comguered);
Lam. R. a. L, Esth. B. to 1, 1°, +. oR אועִייפָא.[
. שמדאיTSEN prin m, (Pers. Aéshma, Adsh- |
.0 בAngel. p. 72; Rapap. Er. Mill. s.v.) | “TIBGR
ap. zar. 20°,age.
אִשְפְּלָה 031
MSU f. (=h. Mpa q. v.) basket, as a measure, רשאch. same. [Ithpe. “mK to be streng
cmp. Rab. Y. Dem. II,224 top.— Pl. nnbeuix. Ibid. (ed. Targ. oy? Deut. ,א 2 rm, prob. 2 be read
אפשלתה, corr. 800.( ישר,[
Pa, “2 1) to make strong. Keth.10"; Gitt, 0% (as
“BUN m. (b. h.; “BW, cmp. NBN) a goodly piece i728 give strength.—2) to confirm, ה also to cre
(cmp. “x3059), 0 מ quantity of meat, eshpar. Pes.36” (condor true). Keth. 219 'כו רחונרשאwe verified 16
‘21 דחא 'אan eshpar is one sixth ofa bullock (as if com- vy. preced.—Gitt. 30” (prov.) 'כו א/Was) ךרבח if you 42
posed of שש and “5; cmp. “BOX). told, ‘your friend is dead’, believe it; ‘your friend has
NISUN m. ()רפש the scourer of dresses. Pl. "82
grown rich’ “wxm אל don’t trust. :
Ab. Zar. 20> (Ms. 21. ,רריפשא ed. (יָרופְטַא WR ות. (b, h.), only in plur. constr. "TWN the hap-
piness 2 !, happy is he, are they ₪0. Pes. 1179; a, fr—
תפשא תפשיאf. (b. .“ גG8, v. הָּפְמַא( heap, pile,
Midr. Till. to Ps, LXXXIV "N78 happy am I.—Yoma_
dunghill. Pl. nimpuy, rey, Shebi. 111, 2.—Sot. 42" “x
VIII, 9 םֶכיִרְטַא happy are ye. Ib, 872 םיקידצל DIT
)3 'רא לשpiles of slain.
happy are the righteous; a. fr. 2
)הקיקשא( הקוקשאashkukah, a fictitious word
asa 0 of , הַעִּובְעoath, I swear (emp."P">8,(אֶיפופָ"
NIN, v. .אָּרּעָא 4
Ned." 10 א אל רמא םולכif one says ashkukah, he has "NWN m, pl. (v. "8 28.( 80/6 on trust, debts for
said nothing (his vow is not binding); v. MP»pw. goods sold. Pes. 113° 'כו לכ 'אin all sales on trust it is
doubtful, whether it (the money) will be forthcoming or
ןולקשאpr. n. pl. (b. h.) Ashkelon, a Philistian
not, and if it is, itis bad money, (partial payment, bad
town. Y. Shebi. VI, 36°; Sifré Deut. 51, v.;אְָכיֶג a. 6.--
coins &),—B. Mets, 63° 'כו תדא "> 'אhe has debts to collect.
Deriv. "2i>pUN m. Ashkelonian. Y. PeahI,15° top.—Pl.
povibpeiy,=ןרִנ -=- Kel. XIII, 7 Ashk. levers; a. e. B. Bath, 22* 'כו 'א3b תיא we have outstanding debts to
collect (and we must stay until we have collected them).
אתלקשא+f. )לקש( transaction, sale. B. Bath, 48" hy
NTR, v. “NON.
signed . one of the witnesses אעדומא 'אאו both on the
owner’s protest against the forced sale and on the deed TTBS, f. legal attestation. Y. Gitt. IX, 50° bot.
of sale. אשת הדיינין.v אַשָרְמָּא.
, קקשא,‘ אקקשאDAN, ‘ON m. (v. SPRY) open
place, street. Targ. 1 Esth. VI, 9; a. e.—Y. Taan. TIT, 66°
bot.—Pl. "pPUN&e. Targ. Esth. IX, 14 'א אכלמthe royal אשרי, ץצ. ,NUT
markets. Targ. Y. I Deut. XXIX, 16; a. 6.
NOMTON 1. (""w) causing to dwell, dwelling. Targ.
( רשאb. h. /ן, שאcmp. next w.; v. Ges. 11. Dict. s.
Is. LXVI, 1; a, @
כas to opinions on etymol.) קשב who, which. Ber.
11 'א רחב 'כוwho hast chosen us; a. v. fr. (in prayer NITEN ות. (WN; emp. NEN) wall, “Ezra V, 3.
formulas).—In Talm. mostly prefix-w.
the moon has been seen SSS 'אב in ₪ reflecting glace 1 ₪ .)ויקה דואGen. 41.11 7; 8. f—45) ₪ be
וגin water, )ווק,nwonk .graT ¥. א. XX1, ,2 .= (4--+) ₪
oma , וta befriend, Tare. Roth U1, 19; =
=. הוווא.!.+.91 שאשיזאן
/ (. אוה.,xB 681 ;mora ,knaT( ל 4 ?דומתשא
11me.(ishtal. oftheform 27%) onewhe
.i « 21 '(לשט 2-7" [riend, acquaintance, .דוק Wath 11, 1,
אשת+. .bA .raZ ,11 %14 .tob pS א, +. השח
ft (v. preeed.) 1) partiality, pre-
אִשְחָא65+. + yew .kla.xYB6(81—, +. יחא ferment. 8 9 (h. text SUB (2--.(ןירכה
thet by
which one ) recognized, distinctive feature, Tare.¥ Gow
6(h.teat Pep Ps)
in.thewiath. arg, 1 Oe. X11,11. מממוורוא% ק+ ve)44.Tare
“abe yay Aah
eae oY FDwht et the
PRG EM wt 55 Targ. I . 1%, pee
TV, 15; 10.—Targ. Lam. 1, 1% האבות (read אר .(אבית 1 )" (שעnarration,
tale, speech, 1.1
Gen. ix, ל Lev. XVI,
6; = =
ו ()ידש
tove being cast about, shaking,
+ (care) devastation. Tang.
- וגוז אשתווא.fo.ev
(coneof Mest a) lent yoor; cmp.
m.(BOW,v.next w.) confusion, nonsense.
TSH. "א IMT,cu,45” a See וי‘old או
| ייmeanslast year's crop. Bets. 5”; 5. fr-—2) (contr. of
ret ) (אָסִירָאbe taken away from him (v. Rashi a.1. אמְכֶס( ירקpreviously, ere this, Targ. Y. Lev. XVI, 21.
וdiff,version, a.conception ofwrex).
con.אתר Tang.
is.Vil, 2, 4
DOT ( יטIthpe.
a of םטש; emp. Dan. IV, 16) Ven. esse
8+ א
XXV, 26) represents Babel by the rule of afhbash.
“TIS formative prefix ofthe Ithpa, Ithpe. and Ithpo.,
= > שב וןלה דוק Ab. *41.הז2 sndcccreqpenting seen; Sn
100600 meaty ל amp
ey Ar. (ed. (אָסיִיַתְשיֶא at first it was “SN
.א “oe. [For words not to be found here v. sub
| ו oF o states his a dive “TM,
a. vice versa.)
on (not typical of any religious idea), but after-
ards it was found out that (it represents the idea that) ER >. (b. b.re 6; contr. ofrom) thou. Targ. Gen.
} (the bearer of it) seals himself for death as a vicarious Il, 13 ja.fr.—Y. Sah. 1,19 top jon רט תאיand thos sayert
or be for the whole world. ! ספ--)1 מcidumlaT noitat RS“n :e
את אטר, את טרwoht ,tseyas את צודת ליהuoht tsellac ,ti
es). 4
+. שתו. frequently applied to Scripture texts as though 204700%-
ing an opponent.) Lev. R. = 10, end pre לא תאי רטוא
v. OS.
XIII, 20; a. fr—-Y. Snh. VI, 234 top ןועב ןותM5 (read . see, come and hear, i. e. I will prove דכ--.16 | | \אָרְַא
(בעתוןand what is it ye want? Y. Keth. XII, 35° ןותא comes like, i. e. it is in accordance with the opinion
אמרתוןye said so; a. fr.—Snh. 109* "225 ANT (v. Rashi —Y. Naz. VI, 54% bot.; a. v. .אייִתְו=איתאו--3 |
a. L, Ms. וכב " תיא3255, v. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note) that bot. היקזהח רנתד אדהכ אייתו ) Krot. incorr.
ye are thieves. V. OMX, FX. "n.—Y. Keth. IV, 28¢ top,’ j™Nm (read (ןויתאל
those differences of opinion correspond to......—&
את, את, NOR תNOITIN .> .be( ג. ;איתfr.תאח MPH הדרקפ the expression pakad occurs in two Bibli
ואח סעsec. r. of וא; סע חא as to reject. of radical 1 or passages, ריכז הריכזNMS and the expression 60
, הcmp. , באMX &c.) sign, type:; letter (v. .(11 תואTarg. occurs in two passages, 1. 6. draw an analogy bety
Ex. XIII, 16; a. fr—Targ. Is. VII, 11; a. fr—Pl. jms, the respective Bible laws in which the same 0
. אָיַתֶאTarg. Gen. I, 14. Targ. 28. LXXIV, 4; a. e.— are used, so as to cast a light upon each other. R. E
nS, PAM, אָתוְוְתַא ,( אָחְיְיִתַא ןאָוְחַאJAR). erg. 6 11°; a. fr. ]ארסנ אתאY. Meg. 11, 73, a. e., read RIOR %
Targ. 0 Num. II, 2 ed. Berl. Tony, Var. J2MN, INN; Y. q-v.] [Targ. Y. 11 Deut. אXIII, 16 930", 3rd pers. fem. fi1
( ןוותאv. Berl. Targ. 0. 11, p. 39); a. fr—Koh. R. to I, 13 Af. "M8, "M8, "NS to bring, carry, cause to come.
'ה ןאותאfive letters of acrostics.—™IN8 (MIMN, WIN). Targ. Gen. IV, 3; a. יתית--.:1 אנמ, ןנמ( )אכיחמwhene 6
Num. R. s. 13, end 'א ןידיד 'כו the letters composing the
wilt thou bring ו how will you prove it?
one word )תרעק( are the same as those composing the
B. Mets. 111, beg. 9°; a. v. fr.—nnmg, "9, "9 bri
other )(קרעת
ing, to bring. Y. Peah I, 15° top !בו 7 רעבhe desired
( תא תאb. h.; emp. , תֶרנ תיאv. Ges. 11, Dict. s. v.; to bring it to them. Ib. "יתות"ומ אל תליכי1 cannot
cmp. Min 111( [essence], a particle of the objective case, bring it—"n™>, "n> let him bring. Sabb. 109; a. fr.—
but also used as a noun, the thing (which) (cmp. Koh. mary, sand (emp. mx) to bring in, to include, opp.
IV, 8, v. PINIII). Ohol. ,11 4 וילע. . . . תא שthat upon לאפוקיvy. PBX. ראמ. ‘xd what is to be implied (in addi-
which..... Zeb. 72”; Bets." 8 תא וכרדש תונמל ונינשwe tion to what is explicitly stated)? Tem. 2* "wa “xb לכה |
read (Orl, 111, 7) that which it is customary to count what does hakkol (all) come to imply? a. fr.—Haf. "7"
singly, opp. לכ וכרדש 'כו whatever is sometimes counted same. Dan. V, 13; 8. 6. 1
singly; a. fr.—Ber. I, 1 ןירוק תא עמשwe read the Sh’ma’, 1//0/. אַתוּחְר) אֶתֶרר, (אֶתַתַלot eb ,thguorb .dereffo .graT
a. v. fr.—[The fact that MS as a particle of the objective Gen. XXXIII, 11. Targ, Lev. XII, 2; a.e, | '
esac yam eb desnepsid ,htiw dna taht את.rf( אתת0
join) may have the meaning of with, gave rise to a method “NON IIT f. (b. h. 3, wry) the constellation called
of Biblical interpretation by which, wherever MX occurs the Great Bear, Ursa Major. Ber. 58% Ms, M.(ed. min
in the Bible, esp. in laws, an amplification by implication v. Rabb. D. ₪. a, 1., a. Ges. H. Dict. 8. v. U2).
is looked for.] Pes." 22 תא תוברל 'כוthe word eth (Deut.
X, 20 [with] the Lord thy God thou shalt fear [some
one else] intimates that we must pay reverence to the
immortality. Cant: R. to 1, 3 (referr. to תומדלע B
1111, 15) 'כו 'אPP םגרת Aquila translates it atha
scholars next to God. Ib.ךדראו תא אל שירד . and as to
the other authority (that differs)? He does not interpret
) (אלחמותa world in which there is no death; Y. Meg,
eth (as having a particular meaning); a. fr—PI.אֶת"ם
II, 73” ארסנ ( אתאcombine into onew.); Y.M. ו
bot. Ar. (ed. אריס אנתא corr. acc.); Lev. R. s. וע
ןיתאthe word eth occurring in Scripture, as a substratum
(ed. incorr. transp.). : i
for interpretation. Ib. הריח שרוד לכ 'א 'כו used to inter-
terp yreve hte ni eht ;waL .a .rf .muN ,R .s 01 זו אחת NOTA f. ()שוד stamping - trampling.
'גמ 'א יכוthis is one of the three eths &c. Is. XXII, 5. (dae
NONT letter, sign, v. DX. הא, גגms f. (bh j=, v. 925y) thou. Ber, 1
NON, NON 11 ch. (b. .ג , אתא; התאsec. r. of PINT a. ft, , התא+ .27---.ּסֶא. OMS, js ye. Ber.1,1; as
q. V.) Tto join, |to come, to arrive; to occur to. Targ.Gen.
—R. Hash,* 25 *א 'א 'א 'ג םימעפ 'כוthree times alte
is written (DMX, without); 4 .לפֶפַא. ץSifra mor IX,95a
XIX, 9; a. fr.—Y. Peah 111, 17% bot. 'כו ראתא אדבוע6
case came before..... Gen. R.s.68 (ref.to Gen. XXVIII, TWIN, +. תיא sore ow ge
11) אשמש 'אthe Sun (Jacob) has arrived. Snh. 98"
ררתר ולא ארחמינרהeh eht( )haisseM lliw ,emoc tub I od ITN ye, V. PIR.
not desire to live to see him (to pass through the trials NUON sign, pl. ןאָוְתַא JAMS, Vv. AR.
preceding his arrival)—~7 "> "mm may it come home
to me that I did—, 1. 6. I believe to have merited divine ,ATN יצ. אית. \ : as ג
i.דר20 ( אלoeFe,
,OCIP אתכסייא+. אסא
8 pr. = pl.
/ rage
the capital Beeston חַאְשְיֶֶא₪ ה שו ו Targ. ts
ן ה (8ו ".סבי XLIX, 15.
רברthe eldors (sages) of the Athenian school. Lam.
to I, 1, av. Rabbathi, 0 Fee a.אתדנס- NOIZE + (רכ-) inciting, exciting the fumerel
cxcort'loweeping. Targ. Job 111, 7.
0 ) א.) (נהך,gnilleg .gnitsac boJgraT ,IVXXX
10 וצTarg. +. Lev. XX, 14. Targ. IKings __ IPE, tem 18 teste read ך"גלטנהא
se) m.(ADLIeyE) athlete, prise-fighter. Gen. NEEL, TON cope) sizing; wheneoe refulatin
ה (an, Van מ יל א Ib. 5. 22.— — B. Bath. 129"; Hag. 9" ד אobjection
6 Ex. R. = 21, end. Y'lamd. Emor (quot. inAr.)
3:ןיטילתאה ןיעקות הלחת כ"חאוfirst the trampet is
(signal), and then the fighters enter (metaphor
רסא "מאeK ₪ , )=ראתאdenom.
of 7x,
corresp. to . גSs, - SP) place, town. Targ. Gen.
ו הfoeht retaShoaht weN ,reoX tseuqnoc
XXII, 3; a. fr—Ber. 63°. Gen. B. 5.29 (prov.) תבל Ss
si OR pangs ל
"כוremoval from house to house (costs) a shirt;—from
3 Ve TARR). town to town, a life. Ex. RB. s. 45, end יל "כו roto Tre
fag ON m. (FIST) strangeness ; 5 my (the Lord's) place is an accidental attribcte to me,
8; Sometimes used as ה mere exclamation mark. but I am not accidental to my place; emp. >T>—Ned.
ב + ootwale?! Is it not by ,40 afr. St דכ הירְתֶאTS the one follows the custom of
that things were created? Ib.
>.5. Pesik.₪. sih ecalp dna eht rehto taht fo .sih .B .htaB °621 לאתדיך
opt to our place —FL Pra, אָירִהֶא Targ.
Jud XIX, 13;
a.fr—Y. Ber. 11,4°72 “Xךיכfrom many places (pasnages,
"לו: ו ל geaaordig;“ea authorities); Pesik. R. 8. 22 TR OST (corr. ₪06.(--
-- -- Y. Bets. 18, 61" bot.; a.fr. «Denom.
see>x local custom. PL are Git. 89* א
1 7
אַתְרַבְרְביתָא 431
72") the customs of the places are divided. רֶתָאָּב-- יִרְתַאְּב (tree; fem.).— Pl. 357m, MX. Targ. 0. Lev. XXII, 40.
in place of, instead;in consequence of, because of, for (cor- —Targ. 11 Esth. 111,8 8223598 our own citrons—V.ai"
resp toh. Mmm). Targ. 11 Chr. VI, 10; a. fr.—Targ. Job
VII, 4; a. fr—V. רתא--.רָתָּב ( לעcontr. “ARS q. v.) on אָּגְכורְתְאm. (an affectedו of nanny
the spot, presently. Y. Ber. I, 3°. Ib. II, 4”, a. fr. .v ;nnoR .sreP .N"7N=)jdnurut .ddiK 07*'האומר א /
'בו6% says Ethrunga betraysה third (goodly) basco 3
NOVIIITON + ,)ברבר Palp. of 35) boast, pride. of haughtiness; either say Ethrog (hebr.) as the Rabt
Targ. “Zech. bah 6 do, or Ethroga (ch.) as the people do. Cmp.אי a
גורתאm. )גרת=גרש q. v.) [the shining,] Ethrog, a OTN = אִתְאַרִיסv. Oo. | a
kind of orange or citron used with the festive wreath
on the Feast of Booths ץע )=רדה 5" Lev. XXIII, 40; v.
DON, +. on.
Targ.). Succ. 111, 5; a. fr. Gen. 1%. 8. 15. Lev. R. 8. 30, ;אְחְאַרְפן=אפרךSongs; +. SIRT.
—.dne .lP אֶתְרונֶין. ,rsaoM ,I .4 .6008 ,VI 9 באֶתְרוגִיחָן
with their ethrogim (which they had brought into the NOU TION 1. ()לשר slacking, faintness. Targ. Jer.
Temple); a. e. XLVI, 3. 4
אב1m. (=x2y) *1( father. Targ. 0. Num. 111 24; NEVINS, 806. 52°, v. mans.
30 ( בר תיב אבand through the entire chapter ed. Berl.;
oth. ed.( 2--.( אבאpr. n. m. Ba=Abba. Y. Ber. I, 2° top PANS, PANS, +. pass.
(interchanging with; אבא( a. v. fr. in Y., v. NONI.
*אָנְנאָּבm. (v. SND) 1) cavity in the field,ook.
“NZ II m.=Nr"2, house. Targ. Is.V, 8 ed. Ven., oth. ." רֶנָנאְּבB. Kam. 61? ‘top, Ms. M. "3382 +. v.—2) (cn
ed. NIB. \
spl, a. עקב Josh, IX, 4) broken or ‘burst 20
--1 as above. Ber.58* לנגאב ארלג Ms. M. (re
אבו m. (part. of xin) coming, future. Namעולם ;אה1 .66 ,רכגכ. read 733; Ms. F, 'גרשד לנגינ wn, 2
(abbr. בה'"'רע( the world to come, futurity. Snh. X, 1; שיו )ןיסרו(ג מ, 'ב+ ("ֶנְנאָנ. whither do the1
. ₪ 5. - לְהַבָּא,).baB( 28> )צ.( ni .erutuf (מיכן) מכאן ולי go? (i. e. what has the blind man to do k
בי באר
FIDNS )= (בראינה.rp.on.lp hanI'B.a hamiiB .v( Denom. “XS; cmp. (2--.םיב fo be open, clear — Pi. “x
preced.), two gentile conclaves in Northern Palestine. Y. (v.h.) fo proclaim (cmp. Deat. I, 5), fo explain: to make
011. end, 63°, Tosef. Kil. 11, 16 M3z PS (Var. F->); cmp. clear (to one’s self), to waderstand clearly. Y. M. Kat.
ענותMS, בית ענת.hsoJ ,VX ;95 ,XIX .8 Ill, 83" top דתכשמ “xs to explain (argue on) what be
has learned. Koh. RB.to VI, 9 better is he “xcs אדדש
[ 4" +. “SS. משכתד וכיohw sllewd no sih seiduts ot ekam meht raelc
to himself, than he who learns to recite foently.— Part.
RS ch. (h. xg) 1) ₪ be bad, pass. ראב proven,
clear. 164. 111, 1 רבדה “S (Tels. ed.
11; a. fr.—Y.Sabb.
VIII, 11° “Ti תא °S) from this fact it is proven.
'רל וכוSus) itdispleased
R.... ¥. Ber.111,6*bot; |
3a. fr.—2) fo be ill, grow sick, Ned.40* top— = WS ch, Ps.רָאָּבsame. ד M.Kat ,זוז83° top אל
(with לבא, Nov, or (אשפנ to be displeased, angry, 0
PSS osm know not how to make clear (argue).
mea 136 333
NI2I, +. בָּבַז .₪ אָסיִבּב
; as עpee's
TINS, TWN +). h., preced.) well, spring. Gen. R. ,
., ha ו א
/ orsו
Lev. R. ₪. 18, beg.— 27. .תורָאְּב Y. Erub. 11, beg. 20° ma 5 (b. h.), only in ןיע M33 ‘the ל of thisial
ב' חקר, .v חֶקָר. .V זזביר. Ex. R. s. 30 הנוילעה ( 'ב 'עsome ed. m3; corr. acc.) the
Lord’s ₪0. V. .אָתיִבְבז /
NUNS ch. same. Targ. Cant. I, 1; v. 873.
123 ) (בבויf. hatred (only in Targ. Y.=92335; "ד
A832 m. (dial. for ,אָקְרַּב . קרב צa. deriv.; cmp. אָגאָּב
rejected through false analogy, v. 8227). Targ. Y. Gen.
a. NOP3) ‘sparkling, effervescent ; 0-ו Ab. Zar.
XXYV, 11; a. 6 ;
30% 'ב קותמ רמחAr. (ed. 'ב ( רמby ‘sweet wine’ we under-
stand effervescent wine (liquid) (mulsum vinum or mulsa FINDA (in Babli), No3*2, M7383 (in Y.) 1 (onomatop., —
aqua, .צץ Sm. Ant. 8. v. Vinum). —Snh. 98* "ב איסוסquot. v. Fl. to Levy Chald. Dict. 5 419 a. Fried, Del. Assyr, |
in Rashi to Ab. Zar. 1. c., Ar. s. v. אקרב (ed. (אקרב a Stud. 1,142 ;v., however, NM"33) reflectedi
image in metal, —
white-shining horse. [Deriv. fr. Pers. barah is refuted water &c.; image, shadow. Ned. 9% “bw "בבב smbspon
by אקרב being used as an equivalent of our w.; v. also (Ar. with two ,ב corr, acc.) and I was looking at my |
Fl. to Levy Talm. Dict. I, 284*.] image (in the water); Tosef. Naz. IV, 7 (Var. 8°53); |
Y.Ned. I, 36% bot. ;הריבוב Num.B.s.10 .איבוב Yeb. 122%
“ANA pr. n. pl. B’erai, 1) ident. with לריב in Galilee.
ב' דב'יa wodahs fo a .wodahs ,bA .raZ *74 | לב' קא סגיד
Pesik. B. s. 28; Midr. Till. to Ps. CXXXVI; Yalk. a. 1.
he worships the image (in the water). Gen. R. 8, 4 'ב
--2( '" ב2 in Babylon,v. "N7"3.
גדולהmagnified image. Treat. Sof’rim. III, 8 רכש 'בthe |
( באשb. 1; YN, v. Nia) to be disordered, bad outlines of an effaced letter.
(cmp. >"). x3 f. (v. preced.) prop. mirror, hence (from its
110]. הִבְאֶרטי1) to cause decay, to make smell badly. shape) a musical instrument, a little drum, tympanum —
Ex. R. 4. 26; .א e.—2) (with ,םירבד סעsub. (םירבד to use (used at orgies, v. Sm, Ant. .א v. Tympanum). Y, Taan.
insulting language. Koh. R. to X, 1.—3) (neut. v.) 0 I, 64° bot.
deteriorate, ferment, decay. Ter. X, 2 וימימ ‘MD פ"עא
מותריןMs. 06).11. מרמרו מרמרן,rroc ).cca hguoht eht yelrab pee V; ."בי"ב
Habylonian וו (Talmud), 3“! "לקcoming from are of leather. Uh, the principal clement STs"ב meet
Hab, to visit the Temple, pligrims Ned. V¥,4 So לש | רברbe @ web (in order to require (| Meth ווק
that in whieh pilgrime from Hab, (1 6.Jews living abroad) Nsikin 3, +. preced. Babb. 96°; & fr.— 29 cms. comer,
have הshare, as the Temple Mount de. (Mace,
94°, => Gen, ה. 6. 09 בי א"חרs'madA ,stnemrag .+ ,Ua“
של בי,nevar daer " רוטsa ,eM ;.M .pme "ַאַרֶט.( Yous 60° ךבל 'בthe Wighpricst’s white garments (for
the Day of Atone, Lev, XVI, 4), comtrad. to דו בgold-
embroidered bo, th 8"; a. ו
te gins Wera ₪ oe cl.ow.
| 108" בי0, uoht !nainolybaB ,I ,38w *eראM
| (שמ NTA, + eu.
( יבMs. M. הירוטלת( לבבר the method be had learned in בגדליtye
Gen, ה. +, 98 TS, read יי Sere pr. ₪. 4.
| ; Habylonia;
emp, preced.—Y, ,א V1, # bot.)
Targ. Pe. טאאאשוו3. Mull, 4° יב ןירבהour
Migdal You, near Biden; +. Newb. Géogr. p. 295.
Colleagues, Keth. 75", a fr. *"אשפס יבfoolish :גו = גבpr. =.pl.Bagdoth (prob. וה Bagdad, Nevb
onlans,—Fem, בָּבְלֶיחָאTag. |. 6. +. tJ. אָתָיְלְבִב Géogr. p 940), Wirth place of BR. Maens. (Kidd. 71°, +
BETS. Targ. 1! Beth. 1,10-—Habb, 1 אינת11.)-- 911
pr. ₪.(Bafodev) Babylon, Cant. B,toI,6 FINA US m. ofBagdath. Yew. 67°; =.«-—dene,
1 about the origin of Rome) and they called it Ms, M. (ed! ,תנרכאב corr. -( 2
27) Rome-Babylon.
"MEU, read TIS IS of RSIS ₪ pl
m. (preced. we.) Babylonian, Pes. 60* sm brn (farcimen,— ina) tuffings of sausage, somsages, ¥. Rabb.
;a. .-- Plow bsg, *9ss. Yora ee"; Vil, 10° bol. S קשקמ דכwhen cutting the somsages
\ּח 100", Cant, R. to VIL, 0; Lam. ₪. to I, 15 pore through (dividing them off), +. ןירטנאב Y. Bets,
IV, oF"
'’ טלארן בstneduts staes ni enitselaP deipucco yb -)ybaB bot. the sausage-maker is forbidden to work 5 ₪ Holy
‘Onians; [for "rave Lam. R.1.¢,prob. toberead [ןחטומ Day "ב Soaps םישמ because be cute the seusnge-bage
ont mh apart;
+. x P's.
+. Mads.
‘35, v. 3. ג+
NES, +.sg. *בָגָּיר SV.m) (בכה.hguor .¥.
quot.inTosef. Yom Tob to Keth. Ill,#,a « (ed. TSS).
> אָסְבְב +. בּגְלָאי+. אי
בג בגSIEj .m.
B g.
gaB8. הדהעא
.ז.ה Kidd. °01 Joh, son of B. B. *בגלמדרי, וג. 40. בגלאכוריSabb. ,°501 5 .tpurroc
of RSS OSs (or Oats) (vocals Liters) open sound,
>.epg. vowel, ךודכ הרתראר "ב 'כו since it has merely
the valoe
T3 @.n,; + infra) toactviolently, torebel, befaith- of a vowel letter, one is guilty for writing two Alephs on
Soh. 37* (allud. to Gen. XXVII, 27) אלא ת"א eht htabbaS .v( .₪ %.8 noinipo .bi מלאכה שכיוצא בה
"i= do not read b’gadae
8!\[ג garments), but bog'dar .(( תסייקתמDiffer.
in commentaries}
(his faithless ones). +. Peah
I, 16" top; Num,
RB.s.10, Pe +.
BETTS >. same, Tare. Gen. 1, 12; = +
i, ּרִיםfo ָבbe.lonely.
--3( Part.
read “pres.
20 (90), expl. 7 (Lam. I, 1)=
ו. (P%S) marching, penetrating. 11 ares
"ב. ץז, .moN ,V ו%;= .=
1 mm. (PS) ome requiring examination,
i.« ome
ב ₪ wnknown,
טוו(וץ “TTS. Kidd, IV, 2
דָרבְתִרfo be exiled, homeless, Lam. i. in Abba Haul called the וו > Vdebi. Y. ih. .וו 60°
(ht. Alexandri 1) (ref. to Ps, Cll, 8) ae the bird bot.;
Bab. ih, ?4*.
‘tris ixdriven (separated from the rest) from roof
"Xm. ) (בדר1) dispersion, seatter-
ing. Targ. le, Vill, 22 (od. View. רודב & «= 2) ome
h.; preced.) loneliness, (adv) ina lonely exiled, .דוק Ui fam. XIV, וג =
exile, .חו 104° הדחי 'ב םבשוטthe exile shall
lam. 1. to 1, 1 'ב "US garments
.+(7S) fiction, ₪6 Th. Bath. 145%,
af. 'ב ארה .. אר ררKh... 6 account (or opinion) ie
.( והdenom, of "311) olire-treader, workingman הmistake.
] . \זreads HOTS 4. +.[
olive press, Gitt. 62°—FPl. ןךיְרָב Toh.
X, 1 #q. et 4. of , +. ;החי cop wets)
"19 לש 'ב 'כוJOS the ofl (remnants in corners) to be . דBa. XVM, 9;5. f¢-—Ber. a0",
\ ‘ing to the pressers, and the mats which they use. a. fr. 'ב אבוט was very cheerful. M. Kat. 17° יאתכקרars
B. Kam.* 119 ( 'בחו ןיחקול ץחט 'כוread , ץחרתישנמ.+ Rabb. I loof .yppah .bbaS .ll°a
29 H
s ה7
.8 a 1. note 40) you may buy from the oil pressers’ ‘S* L could not make light of my aocle so a+ ask bien
: oll producers’)
wives ₪0. Tosef, Maasr. 1, 10 Sm (Ar. ed. pr.(בדיקטו .
( ןרקילרט)הthe ofl pressers who take their lighting Eee,Pa. בto cheer up, make laugh. Taan 22°, +. wt.
1 (alternately)
from one press and another, Ned.
51* have I not cautioned thee ץחדבה אלדרnot w
= בדדיום, vrs. make
us laugh? Ib. 50” bot. ץחידבת (Bea Yaak. oor).
, m.pl.(preced. wa.) stocks ofprisoners. Tosef. , ידבNTS, ITTS .₪ , ג,דב/ ן.+ ( דדבto dig ont,
X, end (ed. Zack. ,ןידרג +. 779). whence 1) (cmp. ארב( fo take out (a piece of dough) and
to form. Men. V, 1; Sifra Emor Par. 10, ch. XIII
רואשו חרוב 'כוhe gets the leaven required for the loaves
out of themselves (taking a piece of dough out of that
intended for the loaves).—2) fe create, .] ותוNed. 10°
TR, v. next w. .
דבש 'כוPod terms (for vows) which the Scholars have
)ylir dea
id .veL 4.4. 9 לשוך בְדזר
(Arab. dubr, back) with one’s back to.—Ber.6° na detnevni .noisrerpxe .neG .RB « 001 דבדים בדזיים
spe an Arab) 'כו 'ב תטידקAr. (Ms. M. רב, ודבed. | fictitious words. Ib. .5 48 ( םידודבsab. S7°S5, some od.
כדו בי, .rroc ).eca htiw yht kcab ot( eht )eugoganyS (בדאות.
thou before the Lord? Pi. eS, TTS 1) same. Y. Meg. 1,71° top = 7S דב
made up for them a false Latin translation (of the Bibic)
jay V. OE. from
the Greek; +. "73.—Y.Keth.
11,26" bot. 27m p>
דוד א. )הדב( אmerry-maker.—Pl.
“77g. Taan. 22" we have been inventing, i. >. speaking in fon; 104 ib.
רשנרא "בwe are merry-makers
and cheer up the sad. I, 1 SR ןידובמ (corr. ace.; Var. .(םדאדב [Y. Kidd. 111, 66°
אתם וכי,sSP .borp ot eb daer בך הדיך.[ .Y[ .idehS ,VI
א ap NITE m.(v. preced.) cheerfulness. Targ. 85* bot, םיישדחב PSs, +. Pee }—2) fo disprove, refute.
.10 ])5 דמשטעין לבדוחא.sM )1100/3.06.(דשמעין בלחידיתוך Tanh. Balak, 14; ed. Bub. 23 (ref. to baddim, Is. X LIV, 25)
hcih era ded
jer .51 XL ,IIIV 28 בבידחא " ובT5SS they frustrate their predictions.
tobetempted to afalechood, turn aliar.
‘Ber. 4"; Der. Er. Zat. ch. 11] train thy tongueto aay,
NO )ST א. בדי. 1 do not know, 'כו הָכָבַתְתNST lest thou be indecedto
tell a falsehood and be caught.
zi m. (©. h.)Wdolak, name
of ajewel, also of
1 1 Gen. R. 5. 16, beg. 'כו תא רובס "בכ “SL NTS ch. same, fo invent. Targ. Y. 1, Suz.
ותומאס ושמו (Gan.דד
(19,means thedreggists’ XVI, 28תידב (Var. (תידב
140 בָּדַל
Ithpa. "1208 to be declared wrong, to be mistaken. TTA, yrs m, pl. (h. םיִדַּבְנ v. ,דדב. (רדב 0 ya
Y. Yeb. VILL, 9° naar ןירהנ אתלתWW. תרבע thy story whence lying oracles ; trnsf.conjurers. Targ. scab
crossed three rivers (coming from Babylonia) and is found Targ. Lev. XX, 27; a.fr. fi
to be a mistake; Y. Sabb. 11, 9* top 'רבתראו (corr. ace.). t if ti /
NIT f. ()תדב joy. Constr. Mma. Targ. Esth. 212 (73, v. 172) to separate, divide, distingwish ;
VIII, 17. (neut. v.) לרב to keep aloof. Pes. 87" 'בו ךמצעdina with-—
draw thyself. from (touching) her. Y. Hag. II, 78 to
NEAT f. (v. preced.) cheer. Sabb. 30" 25 אתלמ כדר שרהא בְּדָל מן התרומהni redro taht eh yam 6 ee
something humorous. Ber. 55* חיל היִתוחידב אחכפמ8 in handling Trummah. B. Mets. 59° it seems to *
very cheerfulness frustrates it (the good dream). ‘spa םירבחש that the colleagues hold themselve
aloof from thee (i. e. thou art excommunicated). Ib. 39%
"יינידבm. (contr. of) רכליד 2" prop. court-house, in
ב' בתמריםot etarapes htiw( )loot,a setad hcihw kcits
gen. government's building, public building, treasury.
together (cmp. Rashi a. 1.); Y. Maasr. 11, 50* top ל"דבה
Ber. 56% 'ב אכלמד 'כוed. (Mss. NDA} "ZB, NID q. v.) the
( בתמריםread (הבודל. Ber. 5* ’35 ןיֶליֶדְּב ןירוסרpains will
king’s treasury shall be broken into. [Perl. Et. St. p. 25
stay away from him; a. fr. ב
refers to Pers. divén which, however, seems of too late
Hif. (b. h.) bun 1) to sever, set apart, distingui he
an origin for the Talmudic date, v. Cycl. Brit. 9'% ed. ₪.
Hull, 21% לרִּדְבַמ קלומ וניאוhe nips the bird’s neck bu
v. Divan.] | |
must not sever a limb or cut with his nail deeper than
required (Lev.I, 17). Ib.1,7 'כו לידבמה ןיבHe who es' 2
Kidd. 111, 64* 'כו 'ב אלד רופכיin order that he may not on the exit of the Sabbath or Festival, to say Habdala
deny his owinga cup. Yoma75° 'כו ( 'ב אברv. Rabb. D. Ibid. ןרלידבמ דצרכwhat formula must you use (at tl
₪. a. 1.( through the merit of the teacher 18 the scholar exit of the Sabbath and the simultaneous beginni
supported. — ">a, 2°72 ₪0. on my, thy account 6. of a Festival)? a. fr.—Part. Hof. baara separated, di
Targ. 0. Deut. 111, 26; a. 6. (Y. ;ללגב b. h. 49705). inguished. Num. R. s. 10 beg. ’>5 םיָלָהְּומ are diff 4
from the doings of other nations. 082.7* "1a וז תול
nota f. (552) separation. Tanh. Mishp. 17 'ב ןושל are separated one from another. Tosef.Pay 1
an expression meaning ‘creating a partition’. a. fr.
,*יהב Targ. Prov. 11, 7, read( ארבס as in Pesh.) or םהבGalan! )? m. (denom. of next w.) cattle-driver,
=סְבְהוּר06. Wil.שבהור . cattle-raiser, driver. Deut. R. .8 8 םהבהו ומעand the
driver (leader of the ass) was with him, *[Y, Ned. XI,
ND f. ()לחב haste. EzralV, 23. Targ.
Ex. XII, 11; end, 424 " רנתרפbw)=םהְב( םֶאְרִּבִה
my stable-man (a gentile) =
a. @
has seduced me. Ib.( ןיא םארבה רסוא not( רוסא( do you
believe) the stable-man’s connection with thee has no
קיחNTS ( )קחבbright, distinguished. Targ. restrictive consequences? [V.Noda Bihudah, 2" ed., Eb.
Cant. VII, 3; a. e. Haéz. Nr. 12.] Gen. R. .8 86 ( רמחבYalk. Gen. 145 DIN,
prob, --.(םחב.27pvahna,ןימְהְּב Y. Pes. I, 27" (in gen.
Wa, בהורm. ) ;בהרb. h. (ריהב white, white servants). Cant. 1%. to IV, 4 (play on ךתמהבבו Deut. Vil, M
spot (cloud). —H. ןיִריִהְּב 'והְּבTaan. 7% (ref..to Job )14 there shall be none barren (of knowledge) among ~
XXXVI, 21) “31 יהב העשב םיננעהש ןידמוע "יהב “DN Ms.
thee, 'רפא 'בב םכבש even among your cattle drivers; Deut. , 1
M., even when the clouds stand in white spots, there R. 8. 3; a. 6.; Gen. R. 8.82 ( תומהבבcorr. acc.)—Y. Maasr. |
comes a wind 86. ; edit. “M2 M2 השענ עיקרשthe sky is
TI, 0% = ( וגירתה ןימהבלnot "גררתה( give the drivers
made (to appear) full of white clouds.
dleif( וsegnaro ot ;tae .burE[ 85" לפחמין₪.
in diff. connection]. j
NVA, pi. “PTD same. Targ. Job XXXVI, 21
25 ןמ "יבwhite clouds without giving rain 6. “mara f. (b. h.; BM3, Althiop. to be dumb; /ך,|הב
v.13) cattle,quadruped PRO Fs animal (mostly of the
בחית, בְּחַת יצ.
| (bhein Pets; "חב/ן .+ ( רחבfo shine with a pale TTS (yrs, v. FS) 1) (—h. ,שוב emp. 7m
| be while, glisten, Nekh, 45° קריב one glistening & SI") 1) lo be confounded,
abashed, ashamed. Tang.0
(with unsteady eyes, albino), diff. 7. כלwhite-compleeted, Gen, XLIX, %| « ])--7. Shek, 1, beg. 40° fia ו
Hif.presn 1)toshine, be bright. ¥. Pes, beg. 27° top plreseol) rors: אלו ( ךח ארקנeb, od. Foes... per)
קים ייובהחשח
בטשעnehw eht ecidnac demmub .ylthgirb oan we read this and not feel ashamed! 1. או X11, 50°
Th, MPS; Gon. K. =.₪1 Pps (of glistening jewels). top; ¥. Kil. ,וא 82° top, if 1 rise among the righteous,
Th, = 40 'כו הקרהבה לכthe whole land of Keypt was לא נבדות1 yam ton leef .4005 .%1 בקברארSP שח אגא
brightened by her (Sarah's) beauty; a.fr) fobrighten, (read "" (בקובדwhy 004 I be ashamed of my doings!
make bright. Suh, 100%—Part. Hof. prrzrs distinguished, ד. ₪44. 1V, 60 top ‘St PENG they are ashamed of one
prominent, Kidd, 89° "om יברב when hie teacher ie « another, 1. Ori, 1, 61" top res לכתסמ rors ₪ ₪4
distinguished scholar, Gitt. 11° ןיקהְבוס
Pree names of to look at him. Lev. ₪. 31 Pers אל yet are ₪
adistinotly gentile character (which Jews do not assume).
(Bifra Thasr, ch, 1 תקחבוט ree, read with ₪. 8,to Neg. . ashamed (to worship them) —) (<T°rs) lo be bewildered.
Keth. 62° (prov.) ה woman eased to abortion (or low of
1, | ,תחבנוט .+ [.ָבָג children through death) Pers אל is wo longer besides
herself (when it reocears; Ar.: ie not ashamed).
= וכ
h ch.
toshine. Targ.
1!Sam. Pa. t°%, Af. Tory 1) to put to shame. Targ, Pe.
XIV, 6. ₪. OXIX, 114; ₪ —Y¥.
© 85. IV, a6” ;ו
> ק
ב | ז. Maas. Sh. V, beg. 66° רבקיר הילperso end
the tree down as if in shame, in order thet it may bear
= אקחְב ) MORE feb. moms. Targ. fruits (emp, Babb. 67° ‘that people may pray
for it’). Y.
\ gone Sra א ' Kil; Y. Keth. 1. ₪ if I rise among the wicked rorm; אל
(or Pt%S3) I may not put (them) to shame.—2) fo
וו om (Lev. XIII, confound —Y. BR. Hash. 11, 58* bot. כו אל תרדדבתeoe-
,)59 one an eruption resembling leprosy, v. prez. found not thy Master's children (the lerectites).
Gen, .14.5 98 רט אוחש 'ב 'כוone who is a bahakan is bot- Tthpa. תבית, Ithpe. rorare, conte. תרודבא to be pad
Aempered. .ןיִנְקְחְּב.+1. .15 (ed. Tis) S( הביר ןהב ref. to to shame. Cant. BR. to 11, 5 3° srs אדדו and be ₪
Gen. XLIX,
7) he let rise among them a large number ashamed and went away. Y. Sabb. VI, # top sores
of bohakanin (hot-tempered men). V. nextאו she is ashamed.
ב 1 “JATIS m. same, one full of whitish NOVIS, NOSMTS, ROTTS
+-)אese; ,תחב (דחב
Ber.58° Ms. M.(ed. Spm plur.). Fem. P3773, shame, disgrace; nakedness (=b. m2). Targ.Job 7111 22 ;
fem. PPIAMS,WS. Meg. 24" S דידי one whose hands a. fr-—Snb. 102%; Gen. 8.5.49
"כר “SD elders
of dingrace,
&o, + .טמא Hall. 56° דדידההב ראלכראtheir shame (diseased
WIR ₪ 2; VMs,v. ;רחב emp. preced. wa); Pi. conditiou) has been revealed. Targ.
11 Chr. XXXII, 21
“mrs or Hif. ריִהְבִה to shine brightly, be glossy; wus. בידת.
to make one’s self conspicuous, to boast. Lev. R. s. 15;
Tanh. Thazr. 11 bahereth (Lev. XIII, 2) that is Yavan
(Greco-Syria) 'כו לעPsp התרחש (orm) that lorded ( אובb. h.; , "אב, הב.+ רחבfo enter into, split, in-
sert; v. M33, 7S; fo be cacant, clear, v. , ראבTS; to x
v. ,) שיב( שאב1 to enter, come. B. Hash.
1, 2
CSM ראב those come into the world, i.e mortals. Hall 5+”
םֶכָאוב םולשבbe welcome!—Tanh Vaéra 14; Midr. Tull
ot .sP ,IIIVXXL ,74 .a .> yalp( no 55525 ).dibi 55 בא ל
(Se5 [ אבit (the locust) comes, excamps [rests], and
plucks. Y. Shebu. VIII, 388° top, a. .6 = תאבשP=, v.
.--.הָרְג Peah 1,15° top, a.fr. אבי דלק םא כו may (evil)
llafeb ,em ;—fi .pme ;xox .hoK .RB ot ,X 5 אם לא יבא וכ
.rroc( )2—.).cca htiw קל.b( .hb htiw (אלof eraA ]אוציי
.noitcennoc .htireK ,I ;1 .a )3—.rf htiw לידro לידי₪
llaf otni eht re fowho
A— ,11 1 >T7 ואדך אתה בא
A הררבעand sin will have no power over thee. Yoma 56"
,SDN ,IIM .maL .₪ ot 11, 2, +. בִּיבָא אמובpr. . םm. Buta, father of Baba, v, N33IT.
בוביאר, +. בוּכְיָאר *ממובm. )טַסְּב( bright spot (cloud, v. (בְּהָיר Tae
Job XXXVI, 21 (Ms. vinta).
בוביה, +. בבְיָא
NEVO, +. אָסיִבּב בוממא, בומימא.m .v( ,).decerp ב' דנוראspark
(blossom of light, “emp. h. Legh— Pl, *ovia,בּוּטֶיטֶי . Be
ןבובthe word 33232 reversed. Sabb. 104°. Mets." 85 יטטוב 'כד הויחמ 'כו. .. . Ms. M, (ed...בוט"
* , הרייחמוcorr. ace.) two sparks came forth and struck the
בוגני, .graT זז.htsE ,VL 1 ב' נוגמי אינון, .raV פוגנל seye .0810 *85.reB מ"לתא אמר | ששת ונפקו ב' דנ' וכבינחו
'נ' א, 'פוגנר נערמר א, daer ) היטְגְמְסין עס (אָ)פַיטְגְמטְין6ח+- לערנרה.rA .de ,hoK .sM( .M מילתא ונפק בוטיתאSAN | חב
> 60001000 commands, ordinances; v. N230"5. , כדomitted in 68. v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. 1. note) R. Sh.
“Wd, +. ,תֶרֶגּב--.רֶגְּב pl. ,תורו v. 133. spoke a word, and there came forth sparks and blinded
*אידוב.6 (denom. of צ( דב a mat of reeds. [The best
ver sions, however, read אָלְרזּב q. v.]
Vv. לבוס ן
TT TA, +. ss.
NITTA, +. xin. בומימא.v .DDUR | f .
WTB, +. וה בומימה, .v .BON ; - 0 4
ייחובpr. n. m. Bohdyon. Pes. 57* (Ms. M . ; (בוהין NOMS, NV Ds )טטב;cmp. . (אָטטיב 0 be
.tesoT .bi ) זז111(, 02 .raV( נבו היו, (בן נבו היין, of the caper tree, ‘capers."Ber, 86" אחרפד NED דרלק
" וחייא בו.rA .de( לפרחא דב" ואיקיים... ₪. 1]. ניצא
pra, בחקm. (b.h.; (קחב white scurf. Neg. I, 5.
Sifra Thazr., Neg., ch. X.
" (דפרחא והורא ברeht mossolfbo eht repac saw tuc
but the bud survived. [Ib. 58° ארוכד 'ובMs. M. re
אקחוב. ch. same. Targ. O. Lev. XIII, 38 (ed. Berl. novia, v. ,27--[.אָטְטוב , אתו. אְָרְטיִּבHull. 59%יב
' רכseven blossoming 080698 (Rashi: stones
of the
"ו יי * יע
בושלן 145 3
end, 51° יב. .. PRS to remove
, ןילכוב. ד. האוVil, bey. 20, +. Omoo
]וו. ,seP,1 ,geb *72 srorre באילין, +. בשיצָא.(
=. (ir, PS; ,ןכב לקב/ ן,ךב
/ TAD. אנ ( ו993) 1) idleness, 16 0. PS fo ;ו ₪ Gee, ₪. Dict, =. (אכב 1) 6 05. 8
Kx. XX1, 16 (being ineapacitated).—) indewnily for Mripped
ו pole, bar. Vreb,
108 תרשכאק ( בAr 4
of time, Vb.+. 19. V. wees.
| Beh, (הנכב you epesk of ₪ club (with » handle wood
oyag m, (SUS, 'טב/ן +. nent >.( 1) lerebinth (fruit 8 door-bar)-—
17. EPS. T. Kam, #5" 1 ways (im the
and pistacia lerebinthus (+, Bim, Ant. « ¥, Tereb,), Mish), If one robbed pieces of wood ead made wtensile
Targ. 0, Gon, XXXV, 4) 0.6/4, (Mob, fr, Tos. וסof them! “st וקירחר ‘SS Ar. (od. "ב with one .ב.א
Y. Kil. 1, זי bot, יכו ןיזולת 'בחוnate tetebinthe
Combined produce pistachio~-Chald. "guts, ₪.Mash.
.' אלונים ב.do .rA(' | אלטונרם ב.neG .₪.6 51 ehw אלינים.
B. Bath. #0* yc, Ms, M. ,(רטטיב .+ , ןילאtobe 1 — etymology) Pole איב sors (Ar, of. Kok. (אנאכדב ₪ <
9) pistachio
(tree or wut), Shebi, VII, 5 Ar. « ©. לא (ed. called bubhana, ‘come and | shall strike’, ¥. Bets,
1, ><
PYS9); ¥. next *.--/1. .ןיְסְשב Targ.
0. Gen. !וו11 bot, PPS PPS דר Pass" and concerning ₪ club, for be
Kerk, (oth. ed. .א .+ .(ןינשיב pounds with it; ¥. Hubb. RVII, 16° top POSS
(בבדכנהNidd. 96° ] am ‘st אלזרפר "ב₪8 iron pertic
NIV =. (>. bh,הָנְטְּב
;, ןטבSS fo be hollow, which breake the copper mortar, Bete !4* לכ(Ar. of.
tell, v. Gos. (1. Diet. = +. 323) pistachio (wut or tree), Koh. ('כב -- .) דוthe rib resting im the peleis, hip-joimt
‘Bhebi. VII, 5 Ms, .אוa.Y. ed. (Hab, ed. ress), +. preced. ;
ib.V, 11 Myatt — PL. PHU, GOS. Trg.
©, some ed.) Gen, XLII, 11; ¥. preoed. B. Bath, #0*;
¥. preced.
month when cattle is given mixed fodder from what is let the Jordan be thy neighbor, 1. 6. hide thyself in the
in the house; Pesik. R. s. 7 bushes near the Jordan. Ib. 'במ רטפהלto be exempt —
from serving in the bulé; Y. Snh. VIII, 26" top. Gen. —
תואלּובVv. sora,
R. s. 6 סומרדו 'בsenate and people (senatus populusque’ ‘
, סמופלוב סיטופלובm. (corrupt. of Bovkeuty<) Ex. RB. s. 15 םלוכ ( ןכו סומיד ןכוread "5"2) and so did th
senator. Y. Taan. 1V, 69% 'בו ( סטנרכראcorr, acc.) archont people and so the senate. Gitt. 37°, v. Owsn>sz.— Pl. —
or senator; v. pustts, —Pl, "25a. Gitt. 36" sq. (ex- בולדיות, mindia. Y. Ned. III, 38° top; Y. Shebu. 111,34¢ —
plain. (לובסורפ ( סורפ ילוב יטובוprob. a Babyl. corruption bot. 'ב די"כtwenty four city councils, i.e. cities or district
of יטובלוב רלובmpd¢ Povd7 Bovdevtwy) before the council having their own councilmen; [Tanh. Vayikra 7; Matt, 1%
of senators. Ib. 37° (as if two words) 'כו >" "ובוin 6
missy םיפלא [; 'ב 95 תולא8) .( תואלובGitt,a7 |
are the rich, bute (as if fr. ,םסב play on (טבע the poor
(broken ones).
בוליומוס, ,AINMO +. בוביס
ל בוליטין. ורפי.
סובלובm. ,%6008) bulbus) in gen. bulbous root,
esp. bulbus, a delicious kind of onion, or musk-hyacinth, בולים, בוליס.v בלס.
—Pl, ןיִסְּבְלּּב .( )'פלובY. Dem. 11, 22° bot, (ed.כולכסין ,
corr. acc.). Ukts. ,111 2 ןיסבלובVar. in Ar. s. v.בלפסין בוּלמוסm. (008) ,60 )sumilub 80400600 ,regnuh —
(ed. , ;ןיסולכ ןיסולבMaim: בידלא a29=Solanum nigrum, bulimy, esp. faintness from fasting. Yoma 111, 6 (83*).
y. Low Pf. p. 296 a. 393). [Gen.R, s. 41 סובלובsome ed., Koh. R. to VII, 11 (some ed. incorr. תו . . ;(. a. fr—
read: peli Trnsf. 'ב לש תוררע morbid carnal appetite, - passion. —
Gen. R. 8. 51; s. 41; a. e.
בוּלבטס בוּלוומס corr. ( בוליומיסincorr.
סוט. . (. m. ) 00606 y. סטובלוב( senator, council- ג (בולוס) בוּלס. (250; emp. ,6(00 (60(60 a
man, Gen. R. s. 76 this one is rich( הרנידבענ לב Yalk, sselepahs ,ssam a .llab-ssalg .muN ,BR 8. 2 ומוצראו בולים
Dan. 1064 , סוטלובcorr. acc.) let us make him a senator
.v( nab ,II emos .de (בולרס. .Y .reB ,I 42 pot נוסך כלים
(to ruin him, v. .( סוטנוכראKoh. R. beg.( סוטוולב corr.
(corr. 400.(; Gen. .4.8 12 ( קצומ םילכread: 'ב , ךסונv. Ar.)
stsac a ;esnel .v .kiseP—.822>" .raP .p 98" גלויים לבם
;).cca .tnaC .R .geb בוליוטוס,--69418 .tueD 903 בליוסטוס
ב.klaY .bi 249 בליוסטוס, 06עע.608.---71. rund, ';חדין ב
כ.kiseP .R .8 ;41 .klaY .muN 957 '=פים כהדין ב
suoucipsrep )raelc( sa eurc .pmc ,muN .R א. 91 כהדין
sgabia,אריס ..,. הריס... Y. Hag. 11, 77% bot. Lam. R.
ארמסa. Mat. Keh. a. 1.
,llot .2 .dibI (לע')בוליוטין,naan daer לאיעבדא בוליוטיס
v. . סּוטְנְוכְרַאY. Peah* 1,16 היטוולוב ןירופיצדthe council Nowa ch. same, esp. glass-lump, unshaped and
fo .sirohppeS .veL .BR 8. 11 אלו הבוליותוסdaer( טין....( prepared for casting into vessels. Sabb, 154" אסולבב Ar. |
.Y .bbaS ,IIX °31 ;.tob .Y .roH ,11 ,dne °84 בולווטיריא (ed. ,אסלוכב read as Rashi a. Ms, ,אסלובב v. Rabb. 2. ₪. —
family heads entitled - seats in the Bulé of Sepphoris. a. 1. note 1) what is meant here are glass lumps (which ~
pons, ץ. בוּלבוס. may be broken without loss).—Pl, אריַסְלּּב בהלסרן crystals —
or glass vessels, Y. Kidd. I, 60% top "ב ןרלראthose glass
בוּלְדְּאר,gats ,+ בל vessels (what is the law concerning their division among
heirs)? Ib, ןיגס ןייסלוב. ..:. ( םיכחcorr. acc.) thou .
ones, +. ouabain. known to have plenty of קו vessels,
סזלוב Vv. bad.
בולסיף, v.בורסיף .
אתימלּוב. )טלבv. ; ללב P. Sm. 533) erumbling, בולפסין, .fesoT .liK 111 ,21 .v בוּלְבלס
corrosion, ‘being worm-eaten. Targ. Job XLI, 19 'ב אסיק
(read ’A5) worm-eaten wood. Targ. Prov. XXV, 20; , סקלובY. Taan. I, 66% v. "PSD.
XII, 4 Ms. (ed. ,אָסיְטְלַמ Pesh. ('לב
ו ארלובm. (follis, 1011078; v. next w. a. Sm. Ant. -
bladepal I pr. n. pl. Buli (prob. the assembly building v. Senatus) follera, name of a Roman land-tax, adopted
of the Senate in Sepphoris, cmp. סֶטְבְלּוּב end). Y. Shek. by the Persians. B.Kam.113? 'בב אגרכו 'כו Ar. (ed. 8595
VII, 50° bot. (Bab. ed. ,רלוכ oth. ,'תילוכ , אתרלוקed. 6 ארעא וכרגא, daer 'בב' ארנונא וכ, .sM .M 'בכולארא וכ, 88.
. 73; v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. p. 62, note 30); +. Taan. I, 64° .1 אנונראו אגרכאו, אדולכבcorr. ace.) with reference to
bot. ' כנרשתא דבylbmessa ro( )eugoganys fo .bA..Y—.B follera, annona and charga of the ensuing year,
Zar. 111, 43 bot. 'בד ( אמלצed. Krot. ('כד a statue (idol)
in front of the Bulé(?). בולריןm.(oAhepoy, ).8 ,7000 a llams ,nioc .tnaC,R
ot ,I 1 fi eno spord a סלע או.rA( .de .hoK בלורין, 2
"SAD IT £. (Bovdy) council, assembly, esp. senate, city (כרלררןa aleS ro )neve( a .norcllof .V פּלֶר /
council. ¥. Peah I, 15° top ולש " לכ 'ב252 in the presence
of the whole council over which he presided; Y. Kidd. בולריןGen. .41 .8 ,8 .v בלורין.
I, 61” top. Ib. 'ב , רטפv. .סולובורטַּפ . צץYoma I, 39% top
( כולרcorr. 800,(. 7. M. Kat, 11, 81" 'כו םא ךוריכזה 'בל
, יטפושלובv, puts
if they have mentioned (nominated) thee for 66 6 תשלוב0 ry.
בין 147 Ts
TZ Ipr. n,m. Huw, abbrew, of PES; name of several NETOS m. (Vers. basin) garden, orchard Rabb
Amoraim. ו. Shek. 1V, end, 40° ב « ןובא ירוOY. Her, ₪". Drab, 95*,-- 11. “pres. ה Meth. 'ו6 --דץ וו
‘TI, @& ךיב some od, (corr, ace.); 5. fr-—-Y¥, Th,Mach,
1, 56° Meth, 111, > MEO ₪ orchards |)0
top, & fr. 3. bar Hiya—-¥. Ter. VIII,49, «fr. 4
bar Kahana; v. Pr. M’bo p. 67" +
LI to understand,
יב a -
forth, whente (ot sound) te shoul, + Tang |: גור :
pls 0 handful, ¥.4pS-—tabb.
67" seress ,'ב ₪ tent (הצפ Th. LXV, 19; = fr—Part, £ mers. th. ו
+. also אָיְניִב I. (Van, (אָציִב
pr ₪. .ה Bunah, abbr. of קבָא Y. Gin, — 6 preced ) ewelling, abecews, trot!) applic!
07 אליש ( 'ב רבed. Krot. הולרש , הניב+. marginal to of the lenge, Ft. יקב Wall. 46° ny; = וו
hate .א1.( | +. .אבו
="כו or“FD pe. .ה₪.Buni orBunal; 1) name of בוקרא, + >.
; ‘of the alleged disciples of Jovus of Nasareth. fab.
48° Ms. M. a. ed. Ven. (omitted in later ed. +. Gracts » ()רקב.₪ forch, fire-vignal. Targle XXX,17
4, Jud. 111 (2" ed.) p. 243; Raweh Jesusmythen (Var, ארקידב ¥. also MOPS), Targ. Job AU, 8 (Var.
p. 09)—@) name of ה pious and liberal man, otherwiee Js). V. רוש
named Nakdimon, Taan, 20°.
"MEDS 1,(MERZ) >) RES) cbwcews, fab. #6”
*MIDND Bunia,
=bird. Hull.o2 od.(Ar. #732). רפתה בו.מrלA .raV( .rA ,%769 .4₪ )S72 ot toc nepo
| “sso an פופה. (Targ. Prov. 3111,2% (Var. (איקדמפ
-- 1
MEMS. 15. XX, 20 (Var. (אניטרופ(
NESS 116. (2) bursting forth, rejoicing. Tare.
Job 5. Targ. Pe. XLAII, 4 רתוקב (prob. FS).
NONE, vers
ה ששה
| 2) Gin Bab. dialect; cmp. (רכב « youns pumphin, contrad.
Ps. LVILL, 10 (h. text (דַח;ae.
to ארק the fall-grown one. Ber. 45* (prov.) היקוקמ SS
ov? Ar.a Rashi (ed. recps; Me 4. כדי SS Ps eT,
Il, 19. ד. Babb. D. 8. a. L note) the young pumpkin is known
בוצית 841 בור
by its shaft [by what oozes out of it, ,[הרפטרקמ i. 6. the | Buxdvy) bucine, horns used in
future scholar is recognized by his utterings in child- proclaim the watches of the day
hood. Succ. 56" a young pumpkin (now) is better than R.toI, 12 he appointed over them (and)bien'בב
a large one (later); (differ. in Tosaf.a.1.); , 1 אָלְניִצוּב (v. Yalk. Cant. 983) criers with bucine and cies. |
“xia. Targ. 0. Num. XI, 5.—Ned.66? (a misunderstand- R. s. 29; Pesik. Bahod. p.152*; Yalk. Lev. 645; aid
ing of "כרצוב betw. a Babylonian husband and 8 Palestin- Ps. 840 (es acc.). [Midr. Till. to Ps. LXXX14 םידיק
ean wife). Yoma 78* 'בב ןנטצמMs. M. (ed. (אקוניב read ןרגניפלסו [ 'ב,תונרק
cooled his hands with young pumpkins.—Meg. 12% sq.
(prov.) 'כו ( וחיא ירקבVar. 'וכו ; רב.80% *10 “ 'כוNP (יב בוקלסא, בוקלסח, +. wobpa.
the husband between the old pumpkins, his wife between
, רקובv. “pa.
the young ones, i.e. a faithless husband makes a faithless
wife.—*3) (from its shape) אררחררד 'בthe pivot (Rashi);
NOP, v.בְּקָתָא
the hole (socket) in the lower millstone (Ar.). Pes. 94"
(Var. .(אנדס Hal (na, v. (החב to be empty, waste, uncultivated.
Y. Dem. VI, 25° top ל"א "ah אלש in order that Palestine
SA, NEVA, v. 272. should not lie waste. Ib. 'כו ( וריבור; לאוread as) Y. Al
בוצלאshea m. ch. (h. D¥3, v. 583) onion.—Pl. Zar. I, end, 40° 942" let them rather lie waste than re
them to a gentile. —Part. "2, N72 a. .הרוב 3. Mets. 1
, אילצו, רטצובnea. . "יאשNum. XL, 5.—Kidd. 62°; a.e.—
שתהא ברה בידוiti redro taht eht dleif yam rehtar
Y. Shebi. II, 348 pot. 'ב אררפוכ 'כו country onions which
waste in his own possession; emp. +. 1.0. [Rashi f
mature no seeds; Gen. R. s. 82, v. >¥2. *Ib. s. 95, end
בררto be clear and firm in his possession, by buying it
םלקו 'בpeel the onions (i. 6. take all we have); [the pas-
back from the gentile. R. Han., in Tosaf. a. 1, הר
sage seems to be corrupt; the explanation beginning with
'רפis a glossator’s note].—Kidd. 62; v. next w. lying waste in the gentile’s possession; v. Rabb. D. 8.
a. 1. note 90.) B. Bath. 168* הרובב [MERI] אכירצ )ץ אל
אָנְלִצּוּבm.(v. preced.) onion-like plants, leeks. Kidd. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note) it means to say that even in 1
;”62 v.“pas Il. case of an unbroken field being rented, the tenant has
to pay the scribe’s fees; Rashi: even if the field will
בוּצנָא.m nenil ;tnemrag .lp ,55S27j צ. בוצא. have to lie fallow for some time to come yet. [Cmp
part. fem, הלוח fr. [,לוח (
בוצציא, +. xv. Hif. “a0 a. ריבוה (fr. ,רבי or (רבא to let lie -- /
neglect. Arakh. 1% ,1 )29"( Fam (in) if he let it untilled
האְרְצוּבv. next ws.
Ex. R. s. 27, end הרבה 3. Mets. IX, 8 'וה (Y. ed. “oF
הֶרצוּבpr. n. pl.(b. h. ,7783 . רצב( ץBozrah (Fortress), Gen. 14. ₪. 82 ןֶריִבְמ ;)ןֶריְבומKoh. ₪. to IV, 6 7739 Pi.)
an Tdumean town, the home of several scholars. Y. Naz. Pi. בְּירר1) same. Koh. 1%. 1. 6., v. supra. Ex. R. 8. 32
VII, 56* bot.—Denomin.
(play on תיש in MWR Jer. 111, 19) םכימצע OMS ye
neglected yourselves (mentally).—*2) (denom. of רוב
, היירצוב, הארצוב היִרְצוּבm. of Bozrah. or ""2) to prepare a pitfall, to entrap. Lev. R. s. 19; ¥.
Y. Ned. “VI, beg. "39°. Cant. R. to VII, 1. Lam. R. to בִּירָנֶית2(.
IV, 20 HNI42.—Fem. h. . תירצובY. Bicc. 111, beg. 65° a
Bozrah fig. , יב רוב61.88 .[6060.168כ Targ.O,Gen. XLVI, 1|
—Part. "2. Taan." 6 ?כו72" אלthe halls (academies
NOS, 2 אב are not empty (oth. expL: the gardens do not lie we )
Lev. R. 8, 1, beg. he sees וכ' Ha ( חקליהVar. הרא
אקובm. (cmp. , ק"ָבָאb. h. קּּבְקַּב for which LXX, his field waste (in the Sabbath year) &e.
Bbxoc, Bixocg; cmp. ,) ןיצוב( אעוב1 an earthen vessel, Af. “"258 as preced, Hif—B. Mets. IX, 3; Ib. 104b
.lP—.rehctip בוקר. .bA .raZ ,73 .a 6. 'לא תתלו ביה ב' וכ מובַרְנָא להfi I dluohs tel ti eil .etsaw
hang not ee pitchers סמ R. N., 1. 6. do not pronounce *Ithpe. “ann to become empty (stupid), Targ. Jer.X,
him the author of such an absurdity; a. fr.—2) (fr. its (h. text (רעבנ
shape) hind leg, thigh. Hull. 42°; 54°; v. .[ אָמְסָאAr. ₪.
v. פטםquotes בוכנא.[ זזרובm. ch. (emp.(רוב 1 )1 something waste, J
growing, whence weed, brier. Targ. Is. VII, 235 a.
, איקוב2‘ ma pr. n. pl. Beth Bukya. Yeb. 84°. syawla( htiw הובאר.q ;.v .h txet ושית %-
coarse, indigestible. Pl. . ןירובKoh. Ry toI, 18t
ןיקובm. (Sovxxiwy, bucco; v. Sachs Beitr. II, 121;
ate>” 'ב 99 coarse food. Tet --
Sm. Ant. 8. v. Atellanz Fabulz) bucco, the clown in the
Atellane Fabule of the Romans. Ab. Zar. 18"; Tosef. רובto choose, v. “73. < 43 a
ib. IL, 6 'ב; ןויקומוY. ib. ,1 40% ( ןויקומ ןויפומcorr. ace.)
Bucco and Macchus. “Im. (v. רגב1(uncultivated,a |
mannerless, ruffian. Aboth, I, 5; a. 11-18. 1
, סוניקובcorr. תוניקוב) rep יקוב(f.pl. (bueina, בור, v. D°NID— PI..םיְריּב Num. R, =. 3, beg.
/ הו
ן ל שיו
גר בורדקאי
“211 ו. (rarely fem.) one of those tation guards, Lam. B. to 1, 4 4 does ₪
(hb. b,j +. ריב1.אms) 1) pil,
/ .עורו 11, 4 60084. to"ws, v. ib,18° read (the roads are in mourning) To"rs ילכמ לכס ב
םיט ראב. . . POSS --.'ב . תNath, 6 (Ar, Ports, read Poets) > they are not guarded
הוריפחב ב
bor means קוו or well gained by mere digging (without with turr
.הק |]: TUL Lo. gman, ».
Masonry) ¥.,Pe, Bh.Kam, V, 5 )80*( a.fr, rors חיש 'ב *;בְן.[
בורכ, + pets = ont.
> >
4 i. (dencmn. of 72S) keeper or resident of
|. house, Midr, Till. to Pe. X,1 when ו grew
dark, בא לד תכורכןdeer( ...> ). eht inegrub emoc ow
הווה. ,hT hS אצל. ... חוריeb demret kceb dno emaG ot eht
וי.¥ ,bA ,raH ,V1 484 sesor sser אתא.do א.
(oth, ed. PIs, feed 3S of WSS) « vation guards
came to bien.
tan (burgarigs )
בוהגגרה+, preoed.
“BS m. Qourgarine) conleguard
station smidier
= רהא..ו
מ. ;dea (ברא,rotaerC .bA ,V1;22 .rfa Gen. K. #. 36; ¥, next w.—V. preced.
Bh. I, 19" bot., +. preced. DATES +.(denom. ofpreced.) station. Gow.
NOV m.DIcheb. .רובו Targ. Prov. Xi, 1; XXX, 2 Noah ts called ‘a man of the ground’ (Gen. 1X, 90) לקייב
fh. text(רָקָב --.71 ]ירובI. XXII, 3Ms. 5.od. Ven. ' לשם בsa eht saira
ac yb eht אfo eht
castle; (Valk. Gen.61 הרדקרכרוב Ar. oo... . bie station).
prob. a gloss for [,"רבשי NTS, Lev, RB.5.18, beg. (opp.
NOVS pr. = pl. ,שיק Barkeathe,
NSE hole. Badd. | Galilean
11 m.(doubtful) 1) littlecavity, וי of Samaria; +. Newb. Gtogr.
Y. Ab. Zar. V, 44%; Bab. ib. *גו .קרב
OS" ארקר 'בלAr. (ed. Koh. אָרְיִבְל 64. NIMS 6. ¥.).—
) female's pudenda, 1.140" Rashi,Var.(prob.cler.
4. ,(ארוכ +. NIT.
בורדס, + preced.
חרובf. fallow ground, v. maa I. a sort of soap, lixivium, Nidd. IX, 6. Sabb. TX, 5. tne
בורנת+ ) בור1( ,ssenitpme 880//886168/%68.--' דברל בun- ‘ כרשרנהa a borith won ‘out of a leek. ty
בוּרְזינקא.m a( .pmoc fo בור.a ,IPN .v (זנק₪ ךול
leaping well, i.e. a well which springs forth periodically 217, + בר %5
to disappear again (v. Is. 17111, 11). Sabb. 77" ed. in
two words (corr. acc.; cmp. D372; Ms. M. אנקרז , רובcorr.
NOT, NOT £. (v. (ךרב something hollow,
acc.), phoneticו רוב הז רקנthis well is empty. surdity; emp. “Hal. Keth. 68"; Hull. 88"; Shebu. =
“a אח this is entirely unfounded - absurd). היתכרוב.
[Syr. רב אקנז ocrea, רוב אקנרז tiara, P. Sm. 586 sq., Néld.
Mand. Gr. p. 20 (cmp, M72, W773) have nothing to do
) תא....( wherein does its absurdity (or hollowness) -%
--] בִּרְכָּאknee, shoot, +. 8273.). ו+%
with our w.]
condition. Y. Gitt. VII, 48° bot. וירוב קתתשנ ךותמ% כר1) )רנרב( ב.1 80066 ( הוגו05. Liburnian (ship),
his speech while in his normal health (suddenly), opp. a light fast-sailing vessel. Targ. Is. XX XIII, 21; Yoma
מתון חוליו. .Y .ddiN ,I ;>94 .Y .hteK ,V 703 .tob פררש 77” (citation of Targ. 1. 6.(. R. Hash. 23% ₪, Mets. gob.
) בוריו317i( מתוךeht dlihc 0 ot kcus elihwni lamron
721/25 ןררוכ 'גan addition of three khor is a culpable over-
health. Mekh. Mishp. N’zikin. 6; Y. Keth. IV, 28° top load for a large liburna. [Y. Kidd. I, 61* bot. ,תולנרוב v.
(expl. ותנעשמ לעEx. XXI, 19 ‘on his own support’) לע yn.) [Targ. Y. Gen. XXXVI, 2 NM™3I5535 some ed., ve
בוררוrestored to his former health. Mekh.1.c. 18 1712 .לע NID.) ּ
--2( emp. Wx) certainty, evidence, assertion. Y. Sot.
1, 16% ךיירוב רדמע לעstand by thy assertion (be not in- רכבII pr. n. pl. Burni, a place near --
timidated). Gen. R. s. 70 ולרוב ןידימעמ ותוא לעthey Snh. "gab,
establish it (the law) on its strength, i. e. arrive at a
final decision. ל בוּרְכְין. RAIN. [Y. Ab, Zar. I, 40° bot, v.
בוּריאI .hc .emas .graT .O .xE ,IXX 91 בגרירהby,
Vv. preced. רחנ יב "ץיכרובpr. n. N’har (canal of) Bus
in Babylon. M. Kat. 4" ed. (Ms. M. ןינינרוב or yo:
*אירּובזזf. (v. "BI;=h. , תלצוחmbyma) reed-matt- oth. var., v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note).
ing used for partitions, coverings ₪6. [Var. ND, against
.ryS בוריא.a tseb ,.ssM .v ].III2S 6. 02" 537 מסככין , תוינגסרובCant. R. to 11, 2, read neon,
Ms. , רז2 (ed. a. Ar. with , דMs, M. 1 ( 'כבyou may cover כְּרַיסְוְאַרְגִירָא
the festive booth with matting. Bekh. 8". B. Mets. 67
ררמת אידובאדed. (Ms. M. 'ירוב , לעדv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. , אתיימסרובLam. .3 to I, 5 Var., v. Se
note) dates spread on mattings. Erub. 8* an alleyכר"ך )יסרב( יסרּובזזm. (Bupaebs) tanner. Kidd. §
( יבwith 4, ed., Ms. M. with ר( surrounded by a partition .rA( ברסי,de aoP" .q ).v :daer ' אין וכMA“ והבלן3
of matting.—Ib. 102% לרז ךורכ 'ב 'כוgo and fold the matt- (v. Tosef. ib. V,14; Kes. Mish, to Maim. M’lachim1
ing up (for the night), but leave a handbreadth of it .hteK 77* ב' גדולa rennat noa egral ,elacs ב'קטון
./P—.daerps בוריחא. 6608. 1. 6. .sM .M בוריתא8. ביריתא a small scale (who collects the excrements ] ms
.sM( .M 2 (בריתא. .fesoT .ddiK 11 2; 4 בורסקר.de .kcuZ ,raV( (בורסר. |
אָיְרְּוב אָיִרוּבCreator, v.בְּריָא ;65° Kidd. ;°28 a. fr.—Pl. p°0753. Suce,51
(טרְסְִם 4 ₪
קירוב ציp73.
יסרובII pr. pl. Bursi, prob. identi
q. v. Kida. 72%, 4%
SNS +. (b. .ג ma, contr. of ,תירהב ; רהבv. (ררב
בורסיון 151 =
תא +.וanes.
| ו 8
- ,ודיפרוב
read xppep. NEVIS, NETS,+.ros.
Targ. Job XV, 33 some ed. read POs, TOMI, | בותנייס4-5
founder of 8000. Targ. 1 Chr. 1,13 (Var. .(סאיכתוכ Targ.
xs. ץצ. Gen. X, 19 (CT CRS, hb. text .(ךדיצ
)א.ן ;א/בח,.+ ;)rPsa().jda .m ,dednuofnoc
ab ashamed. Zeb. 101* 'כו הדוה אלו שיבhe confessed
was not ashamed so as to say, ‘I have not learned pr.Es ties ב huss ofte Seuiens anon
/, but he said 86-; ib.”(v.Rabb.D. ₪. a.L)-—Hag.
22" MS. Targ. Y. 11 Deut. XXXIL, 14. תו
oe שוב נTosef, Ohol.V,11 “eats. Kidd. 81" השיב Targ. Ps. LXVIII, 23 (some ed. ('כ ל-- . Maser. IV, 51"
₪ is too bashfal to 86. Keth. VIII, 1 ןישיב ונאwe are bot. Fors. Y. Maas.
Sh. IV, poe ys acc.)
i (to find a reason); a. םינפ---.)ז ( שובnot (תשיב Y. Peah 1,16* (read:) WOM, v. אתה —V. GTS
chaste. Aboth V, 20. בותפרא, ו ו ווci'tigle, =
Pi. Sez to put to shame, insult, disgrace. B. Kam. רזיה
=I ל ליל sapien pore
ו Ib," הזרקן ובeh derujni dna desopxe a( nosrep
same time). Ib, שטייבתמהו Son רפל לכהall (the
1S, + ב
ו6( according to the social position of the insulter and NYS 1,11, +. דב1,0 =
6insulted. Suce.59* happyouryouth כואלש הציב NUS, +.ere
lich casts no reflection on our old age; a. fr.
/ Hif. sh (cmp. TSF" fr. (רדבtotrouble, spoil. 4. ו855. 59*
Kam. V, 12 ed. Zuck. (Var. ,שיאבה +, SND, as Mish. רְסַל יב
pee (Var. “Se,+. Rabb. 2.S a 1 note) be
tnew tuo ot llif pu ,sehcaer.b+ .os“ .htO( .nipo "שכר ב
fithpa. a.Nithpa. שריבתה שיבהtobeputtoshame, name of a place; Yalk. Sam. 155 “ "בE>, ed Salon “sb
be bashful. B.Kam.l.c. Ned.20°. , יבv. Rabb.
xrays 152
אָזּובְזבm. )211( plunder, spoil, ill-gotten goods.— Fl. NZ ch. same. Targ. Prov. XX VII, 19.—Pl.
erat. * Cant. R. to VI, 7 (expl. ךתיבזבנ Dan. V, 17) “ra, erin, Targ. Ps. XXV, 3. Ib. CXIX, 158;a,
ְךרזובזב 'כוthy ill-gotten goods; you are plunderers, sons Snh. 4% (ref. to 35 דגבו Is. XXIV, 16) 353 ל |
of &e, until the robbers (of the Holy Land) shall have come
those that shall rob it from its robbers. Keth.
( זבובPilp. of , זבv. NIST, 4. b. h, N12 in H. Dict.) Lam. R. introd. (R. Yits. 1) 'במ >82 ךיא תוחfonts
)1 to“divide, Wisirtbute. Tosef. Meg. IV (111), 21 BINאין
מבזונרם, corr. acc.) what an affliction has come to us fr
וידיב ומצעלT2129 (v. ed. 200%. Var.) one who distributes
the plunderers; v. אָנְֶזוּב
(honors) must ‘take none to himself. B. Bath. 142* a con-
vert died וזבזבו 'כו and Israelites divided his property ,אזוב יניבm. )זזב( robbery, plunder. 7
among themselves (he having 1616 no legitimate heirs).— ei 16.
)2 to give away liberally, to give charity on a large scale.
Keth.* 50 31 "1213 לא121295 he who wants to be liberal, )אָתְיְְוזְּב( *אתיזוזב+ .+) ( אָזזָבplunderer, i
must not give away more than ₪0. Ib. וזבזבו ובתכDLP
Ps, , אז8 (Ms. 213; h. text M397), [Targ. 1
‘minors’ ‘wrote’ and ‘gave away’ (ref. to the order of
,VX 19 בזוזיתיה, 'בזוזת, 'בזזות, daer [בַּזיזָא 2
three traditions concerning minors, transfer of property NOW, v. preced.
and charity, related ib. 49" sq.). B. Bath. 11% 'כו זבזבש
who gave away to charities his own and his father’s זולVv. ba.
treasures; a. fr.—3) to spend wnnecessarily, squander.
isa, v. ורב
Gen. R. s, 80, [4) to divide spoils, to plunder, v. 112,
בַּזְבְּּזָא0,[ בזז.b( ;.h ן/ בדot ,edivid .pmc ַבְּזָא312, 3121,
ot ,etubirtsid ot ekam .liops .Y .ecaM ,11 °13 .tob חירה
זבובch. same; 1) to shatter. Esth.R. to 1, 10; v. 12 mia made booty.—Part. pass. m2, f. הֶזּוזְּב robbed, illeg,
)2—.hc ot evig ,yawa ot .rednauqs .graT .hoK 22,111 למא itimately conquered. Gen. R.s. 1 'ב איה םכדיב is robbe:
21‘ 29 אנאwhy should I waste money in doing charity? what ye possess (ye have no title).
—Keth.> 67 'כוmtata he the away (on charity) half
of .א 1 ,19% a. .6 תווה הֶזְּבְזַבִמ'כוwas 0 WI ch. (72) same. Targ. Hos. VII, 9; X, 2; a. fr.—
ing the estate.—3)זגב( . )צto treat lightly. Y. Ter. XI, 48" Esth. R. to I, 10, v. .חב Cant. R. to VII, 7 (prov.) take
ץצ. .bbaS ,II 44 pot ):daer( ]מן הדין שמשא [בביתיה 6 presents from an heir הלל 5"725 אלו ןמbut not from one
אָּזְּבְזְבִמ אשידקהבand all this discussion arose from that for whom they make spoil (king).
servant [in א Ammi’s house] dealing lightly with sacred Pa.w33 same. *Num.R. s. 12 'כו אוהד זיזבhe robs (the
property. youths of) the noon-day lessons (transl. דרשר Ps. 8 א[
v. Ta.
בזבזא, צ. sabb. ,1 44 ,pot .v .decerp Af. 2% to cause to be plundered. Targ. Is. 0
a2 (Var. 1737).
,AFA +. ברזר Ithpe. "2m to be robbed. 15.3 ; a. e.—Ib,16 =ןיִזַּבְתִמ
,הזבוב הייָזבְזבm. pl. [breakers], name of mes- מתבזזרן.
sengers from Sodom [or Edom];3a word in acharm formula, . “32 II to be shy, v. 112.
Sabb. 67° (ed. M13 ,זב v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1),
NOVA, Targ. Job XV, 21, v. NON. .
ךיזבזב.₪800 ,67% a word ina formula of incantation;
בזכא, Targ. Ps. OXXXVIL, 3, v. NI" 2).
v. preced.
Waly ( הb. h.; /12 to tread, v. 112) to tread
,אניבוב v. next w.
whence to *despise, spurn, degrade. Ab. d’R. Nath.
*אָנְּזֶבm. (Pers. bazwan, bazban, Perl. Et. St. XXIX 'כו תא וריבחAthan he who spurns his neigh
0 )117 collector of bridge toll. B. Bath. 167% Ar. (ed. (rebuking him) for a sacred cause. Ib. ןמצעב pris wt
mara; Ms. M. אנורזב; for oth. var. y. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. make themselves contemptible (neglecting their app
Rtn), ance). Part. pass. "2, 1. 12. Y.Sot.V, end, 204
כבואתו בי8 citehporp tfig saw dedarged yb( .)mih
NAS גת. )בזג, .pmc )BMDN taht hcihw si dedivid ,ffo R. to 1, 1 79253 'ב "מ אוהשhe who becomes contemptil
whence ‘sheaf, bundle. Hull. 52* straw 'ב ( דרבעוAr. ed. through his own words (in not practicing what he teacl
Koh. 173) made into bunches. Cant. R. to VI, 5 'ב רז1D לדמ as the goat is despisec
‘21 112 80 were the Israelites made despicable at Shit
NOWII יצKidd. I, 60" top (ed. Krot. ,(אתינזכ v. (through debauchery); a. fr. 7
זחא / Pi. nia, הזָּב same. Ab. @’R. Nath. 1. 6. Y. .
ma, v. .לזב he (Isaac) iis called Buzi, 'כו 'רבש תאbecause he 1
idolatrous temples appear contemptible (by his
2 m, (112) robber, plunderer. Pl. .םיִזוזְּב Gen. .א to be sacrificed to the Lord). Gen. R. s. 30 (play «
8. 1 'ב המוא לשa nation of robbers. Job XII, 5) וילע םרֶָבִמTw they sneered at hi ₪. 81 h
"3 בזיקיא
כthou hast insulted him, Aboth III, 11 'כוre meron quired in order to prevent disgrace, he has no euch power
he who the festive weeks (treating them as (as to prohibitit by bis last will), Ib, 45° (reads) moos
we k days); a,fr—Purt. .1% הֶזובְסpl. prey Ab. Zar, Sos שליאר (the prevention of) disgrace stands to man
il, 8 ‘Sum common vessels, opp. ן"דבוכט ornamental | higher than bodily ease (absence of pain), i.e. one would
f, ib. V (VI), 1 ךייוזבed. Zack. (Var, Ss); Y. ib. rather suffer protracted agony than exposure; (Var, boot.
| & © +. Rabb,
D. ₪. =. note &); Bot, 8".
Hithpa, rvgre to be despised, humbled, capoeed. Y.
| Ll, beg. 65° you cannot compare 'כו "S275 Mtgrgn I, . 2 =? ‘>
one who humbles himself to one who is humbled by | LDS a or moana of detention,
1 Keth, 97", Ruth, ₪.to 1, 4 כו Eng ת"ד דחטיא whence
1) prison, Ner, 64° 5 ד .יקיידְב. " רג11 אבכאop
are the words of the Law despised by the peoplet oF ריבר Ar. (in od, last two words omitted) ploced him-
| the scholars make them contemptible (through self at the prison gate -- 11. 1g. Babb.
82° (prov.) at
tir conduct);a. fr. the gate of shops (you have) many friends ,. .,''כ בבא "ב
(Ma, Oxf, יב°SH) at the prison gate—no friends be.
et I ch, same. Targ. Prov. 4111, 18; =.fr— 2) (pl. ae a sing. noun) lock, clasp, buckle. Babb.67° what
rg. ¥. Lev. XVIII, # 0q,(interchanging
with Pa.) יזכת אל is isf'mal Anew, “TOS. What
is bigyunt? Anew, א"לכ
expose. Y, Hag. 11, 77% bot, 'כו 13°“ אלdespise not פרוחדtahw snosirpmi eht gniyf ,)slruc( +. "סש
he children of thy Master (thy fellow-creatures).—Part.
f.תִיזַב Targ. +. 11Gen. XVI, 5. NON FS, I mn.(rst, +. NOM. Mand. Gr, § 119) slit.
רזבsame, Targ., Cant. VII, 1; a, fr.—Gen. ₪4. — Fl, "71s, “F215. Ned. 56°; Boh. 20° « couch iscalled
6 63 'כוPSN אל never despise, v. TSR. Mog. 25" if miltah, "בב "Pte “Son when the straps go in and out
is il-reputed PSs ירש חיל חריּוזָבל רגב לט' you are through slits (incisions in the boards), contrad. toאיב ;
tted to show him your contempt with Gimmel and (Ms. M. emendation לניו , יבMs. M. יקידזיכ; Ned. Le. לקידזב ;
hin )+ . comment.) +. Rashi to Sak. 1. ₪(.
ו הרה 5 ל רדרbe +
.gra‘ .Y1, § תוצאRP“ ויתבזdaer( (ואיתבזי.-- "STS +
97° קיבורthat she (his wife) should be exposed — זא
6 publicityin court, Ib, mg"7 that they (his heirs) 33 m. 1) (part. pass. of 31) depoiled. Targ.Is.
16 6 - | 4118 ;8 7 Qh. text(2--.( הָסובמencerer—PL. Targ. Pe.
| OXXXVIT, 5 אָנויִזְּב(Ms. “tz, ed. Vien.אנ
"NS, בְזָאTI (ozs q.v.) tobreak, divide, Part. pass.
Pos. 110" NS אלדקרד 60.(Ms, M.2ןריזברלוקררpl, v. Rashi ,“ "יוזISIS m. pl. (v. זכזב( prob. distributors,
1. .א Rabb, D. 8. a. 1.note) a broken basket.—*Num,R. hence=XS"z (cmp. XPTEx) vessels, dishes with handles.
. 12'כו חיהד אזבfor he breaks into (compels tointerrupt) Targ. Y. Ex. XXV, 29 “rts Ar, “"5ts Mas. (ed.(בְזדכוי
ו6 lessons of the day (as a ref. to SUP, v. 13).
Pa. 3 to divide, change off. B. Bath. 37° 73%3 רגבד “PTS 5 word in an incantation. Sabb.
67%, +.ךרזכזב
. M. (ed. יזוזאב “NST, read with Rashi "> "N57 or NS, צב
בו ; v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.note) he divided the usufract
each year betw. the trees of each division
of the ap אלו
1 (80 as to have actually been in undisturbed pos-
on of the entire orchard for three consecutive years. SUIS,
+ אָנְִּב
.*1אןאו. "120% to be divided, cut apart. Targ.
Job X, 1
אתבזי Ms. Var. (ed. Vien. ,תרזגתא Ms. תירזכתא ; h. text Pa baile: m. (MS, with format. 7; .ד ( "זדזכeel,
/ nae te he. Tam. IV, 3 entrails "בב םיכותנה
which had been put in a vessel. Ib. V, 4. "כו הרהoT
| in the larger vessel was the baz., filled to the brim with
incense. Y. Yoma 11, 39°; a. fr—Pl. ssa, Po". Men.
v.nye. XI, 5; א fr—Num. 3.s. 4 (expl. b. b. Migs) הנובל דִכדזב
/ ו ב..b(;.h (בְזָה ,tpmetnoc .ecargsid .Y Nam. 14; a. fr.— PL. esta, ess, Mest. Ib. 7.
1 re 5-ו א snon gta Ey Targ. Ex. XXV, 29; a, fr.
Y. Sabb. XI, 18* top, a.fr. "ב גחנ 'בto treat dis-
PI. D202, v. also next w. NUD, ND, TAB, חויב (AND) + ae
Bia) highway, road. ‘TAs regardsthe import, in the
מב ( )ןטבa musical instrument, a sort of bag- government, of the office of commissioner on highv
pipe; (oth. opin.) cittern fastened around the body; (oth. v. Sm. Ant.s.v. Via.] Y. Hag. II, 77° bot.; Midr. 7
opin.) workingman’s pinafore. Kel. XV, 6 (Ar.בטנים to Ps. OXIV, beg.; Yalk. ib. 794; Gen. R. Ss.
oth. vers. , ןינוטב, ןיניטבv. Ar. Compl. ed. Koh. s. v.). vers. by comparison) הנרדמו ז)םוקמו הנרדמ
OD Botni, name of a bird. Hull. 63° (diff. (ראנטב. שלוa על.|ח (אוש) אדם מגונח
) ל3( ent
district (place) which has not an 9 te 4
AV 202 pr. .מ Botnith. Pes. 57° Abba Saul ben B. _ its highways; v. סוקרדגא a. סוטרגנא |
ביא 159 ans
Rap 2 tea
ייפ (afer © week) Cant, BR. to Il, 6 (ref. to S'S, Wall. /97* read דרב , דב+. “HOTS.
»++ Deut, VI, 10) (om the door post to the right) "2 (pt. of vivariom,+.
thy coming from the street to thy house. Yoma 86" = gome, Vouk. H. «, 16;
53... ולוארoh, that the going out (of office) be (as pure) Pesik, Hah Korb, p. 68%; Valk. Nem. 777; Kings 176;
the coming into! Ib. aq.האיציכ
S. .. ob, that
the ©
home (from eourt) be(assinless) asthe going owt
br holding court)! DB, Mets, 107* chs ב birth. ¥. New.
Vil, 56" top, a,fr. שדקסה Mews entering the Temple,
pina 53” תינקיר "בentering (the Holy of Holies) with-
incense, |, 6. needlessly Ose Mavs .)אאא Her, 2°
1 שנושרS the sunset of his last day oflevitioal un-
‘ prevents
him from ₪0 i. 6. i# indispensable
- m., 17S + (31; emp. TR) Action, fale
his permission
to eat T'rumab, + ;רח a.fe—PL
aes, , information. .ו ור29" bot.;.דץYe. וע,\צו
57 'כו דריטאכ'בbibl, passages mentioning entrance
» the promised
land; a.fr—2) )+. איבהָליֶכְב-;
(coition, against them. [Rebed Seder
Kidd. I, 1; .א הורק--.] תאיבincestuous con-
hak-Kabb, a. other chroniclers have erroneously © mors"
יצYob. 11, ₪ bot; a. הוצמ--.)ז3, +. mS —
Pra Ts ,ארירש read... TS Fo of [.דדיב
aseupra, Kerith. 11, 3; a. fr.—Cant. BR. to IV, 12 רתש
‘two ways of &o.
HTS, NTS, +. we.
"DNS, +. en.
TTS «rs
"ביאר,.+ פליא.
. יילא+ Targ. 0. Lev. XXVI,18;
3° ₪.(25, v. 33) pipe, gutter, canal. Brab. Vill, 10 | ©.(0d. also semberrg). on =
3. Ab, Zar. Ill,4 Gen. R. = 12 החתפ הָביִב לעite
pout over its entrance. Ib. לכ"ב man's #pout (nose). REVIT
S +()תחב shame. Targ. 11 Chr. XXXI,21,
iia. ₪ יב Neat Theו וואa getter a. e.— constr. PETS; +. Mens.
OSS, PSs. Y. Hag.11,77%bot,'ב םוקמבona place
re there were sewers; Geri. R. 5. 1.—Ex. ₪. = 6 םרוג ROMS, +.אביי
| cleaning sewers. Koh. R. to I, 2 ןיביכב (corr. acc (-- NIVZ, בִיְנְכְותָא, RAINS, TS -
S"3. B. Kam. 6*; 30°. 0 Deeig: bie." 2;a. fr. 1-2
כב אבch. same; duct, underground walk. Y. Taan.
»48O לאל ליחמךב'רטדינתא.maL( .R ot 11, 2 כליל NPS,
בְּזָאm, ROMS 8cay 1) rent, cleft.
גו ב MS corr. acc.) he came up to him from the duct Lev. ₪. 5%.19 Ar. 'ב ןידחלMOT ןדדה ( ]אל[ דטדed, + סיִלא
eht‘ degeiseb ssertrof .maL{— .R ot ,I 5 וביבא, ¥. בִּיבִי.[ א. (בִּיזְָא.2%-- ביר.B .htaB;"47 .buS *011 אחוד ליה תריד
" ב.rA eh dewohs mih owt stfelc ni eht dnuorg .de(
+ יב ers תדדsm); Ar. ed. pr. Var. ןקילסר >= לאה אתויב
pr. n,m. Y. Gitt. VII, 48% 'ב “, read as Y. מדכהNM (Mk. ₪. ,אתווכ v. Rabb. D. & a L note) I caw
Bath, VIL,
18°top,7. a cleft out of which smoke rove —2) rwin, desfruction.
Targ. Is. LX, 18 (hb. text TS); v. next w.
= tingtecedbatcberncth-toss, 6. sror ©
1 ee eae 5, NiS II ₪.NOS, ROWS ]= הצב divid-
ing; , spoil. Nah. Ui, 2. 0. Bx. XV, 9;
a.fr—Lem. B. toIl,13 'כו איברשבin Arabia they call
73, NTS, יבב = n. m. (b. h., v. Ezra If, 11; spoil (MOS) Aditha (with ref. to ךדיקא ib.). Cop. .דד
avi 18) Bebai, Shek. V, 1 יבב 32; Yoma 23" .דב [Targ. Is. LX, 16 (h. text 5); v. preced. w.}—Trmsf
ל ו B. Bath. 36°; a..]ץ-.6 xo robbed woman. Midr.
Till. to Ps. 1,2אניבולכ
S אה
/, 59%רביבSes,read “SS >.*[ this poor robbed woman; Yalk. Nom. 7 50 (incorr. vers.).
%< hee ong v.73) bath-house. Y. Ter. VII, )אָתּויִפ זז אב.₪ )£ (ra, cmp. ;ברד emp.
טל, FE)
(Gen.R.5.6}רכב“=. Y. Sabb, VII, end, 11° feeder, whence pap, breast. Targ.Y. Num. XI, 5 (brisket,
( מthewaterof)thebathhouse ,¥ POTS; h. text 12, cmp. t2).—Y¥. Kil 1,27° top o>
ינא "ד
‘25 " בcursed be the breast which nursed such a man.— body; ' שבדעת בa sselesu ,htao .dartnoc ot ש'שואa laf
Pl. x19. Targ, Job XXI, 24 "ita (רהוידח,הז7) .--608. R. oath or one asserting something impossible. bie
5 ?לררטרן ב" וכ, .v ;arpus .kiseP .hkaZ .p %82 .rA( .).gnis 9sq. Ib. 49>; 13. Mets. 36 an oath imposed in court #4
יצ.gaH ,11 %77 .tob ' בח משום שבועת בseod ton emoc rednu eht wal fo
oaths (as to sacrifices), Ib, םרתפש 'בerroneous statem
RAMS, +. xara. without legal consequences, oppos. toןוממ תררפכwhere!
somebody lost money. [Y. Naz. I, beg, 51° חעובש ר2 בו
mys + (b. h. M33; (זזב spoil. Num. RB. s. 13, end
read [.לרזניְכַש nag
הירםmina spoil made at the Red Sea, םררצמ 'בmade in
Eyypt; a. 6.--17, nia. Lam. BR, to 11, 13 (ref. toךדרעא ביטלgop ו. (502) interruption, loss - im
ib.; emp. NMI"2 s. v. NIB Il) 513 חמכ how often did abrogation ; relinquishment, renunciation. Kidd. 33°F
I give you the spoils of your enemies. שארן בה בgnisir ni( ronoh fo na redle ).& hcihw suac
no interruption of labor.— הרות "בneglect of the stud
YF", 42 m. ()עזב rending, rent. Targ, Joel1, _
of the Law. 882.89" ;a. fr.—Men. 99% sq. הָלּוטרְּבַש D3
--]ביזועותא, v.[בִּיזְעָא
' רכsometimes the neglect of the Law is its establishin
איָזּב "איבm.( 11 )רזבrag, wreck, Gen. R. 8. 30 Sabb. XVI, 1 מ''הב 'בneglect of lectures (through ‘
'ב אבסold rag (contemptuous designation of an old man). ing at home). Y.PeahIV, 18, a, 6. םילנע 'בloss of time t
the poor (when compelled to wait for their share in th
“TINT f. (v, (111אזרב brisket. Gen. 3. s. 34 Ar. crop).—Erub. 665 תושר , 'בv. dua Pi.—Y. 616. IV, 4
וכבדו בי דרסקוס נאה.de( דורון נאח, hcihwsi eht .terpretni top, 8. fr. חיברו AWAD 'ב neglect of marital life.—Y. Ab
of our w. in Ar.).—[The orig. vers. prob. read TN) אזיבב Zar. Til, 434 bot. 'ב הלws can be cancelled, vy. ib. Iv,
על דיסקוס נאחhtiw a enif teksirb no a enif ;etalp .y .8. V. D2 Pi.—Pes. 4" 'כו 'בב אמלעבa mere relinquisl
Yalk, Gen, 60; Ps. 697.[ ment of possession would be sufficient.; a. v. fr,
ed b>
NYS (M372) .זמ (312) rent, split, cleft. Ab. אחְנטיּבf. )ןטב( pregnancy, growth of theeול
Zar. 70* אשדב הוה 'ב there was a crack in the door. Lam. B. to ,1 1 ( דח )'תאמ יתבר6 NET רחרי 'בד a
Cant. R. to IV, 14 (Koh. R. to ,א 18 ,( העיקב. צץO7bN; (strike out one of the two terms). 4
Ley. 4. 8. 19, v. N"2I.—Pl. "p19. Taan. 21" חרב תיאד
NOW, בומשאm, (Ww) stamping, fulling. ב
בבJAD 8.V > אתליסכ (ed. עזב הוהד, אנרקMs. M. v. Rabb. |,
Kam. 99% (23) כו 'ב "בfor every stamping manipulati
D. 8. a. 1.(, v. .אָחְליִסּכ Num. R. 8. 18 'ב ;רלזא ראזחו ירח
one M’ah.—PI, "uu7a Ib. (Var, ,(ישוטבל v. Wea,
Snh. 110% y, Nr. a’
ב, ITS,
r ,י
+ בך
פו *א ביל. .sim nis ₪ ,sw.+ txen .w
+mays. , ליSAD ch.(emp, bb. Hq)fomnie, 4 treet.
FINS 1) road, + איב א2) wrong,
+.איב | (emp. ,סרג 277) fo 064 thoroughly. Men.
60° (play on
| ,ןשלב Neb. ViI,7; cmp. Sos) שירדו .. . לייּב.
ודה₪ 04
PT+7. "קוס 208 explained thetn
‘Pa. ביילsame;tenet. todiscuss, ¥. Ab. Zar, 111, 42°
PR Em (TD;emp. יו Some Sepia ores ges(read 953) be who reads in the Mich.
Bath, 146° ‘small presents’, arose" אכייב אברror
\ = +. אכיי (od, ,אבייב Me, .א , 'בויבMe. I. ,אכויב emp. (111,6; ¥. 7° Mit.) 6001, means, Let ws discuss the subject.
ment, 'ב | ןונכv. Koh. Ar, Compl. = +.( eald דו רו )0 pn m.Dips etof
6. & net or ₪ cap.
whence, fem. (uh. TTSOs) mame of »
aes ae een Hace,V, 6 'כו םלטל
Hilgah division ot all times distributes ite shares of the
,ןולייב, :ת. אMate.1X, 16,vp. show-bread in the Bouthern part of the Temple courts.
Ib, 56"; Toset, ib, 1V, 28 myo s ₪4. Zack.
TMS, +. ןיob.
yp SM ןט ;[ הלאשBab. ib. 97" הירבחמ ידימ,לאשימל , תווליבarg. Job XXXVI, 37, +. Peds.
טִבָיִיְרָאch.]. 0 .hkeB ,IIV 1, +. כיליך.
, "רייWD m.(x2) untilled, waste ground. Targ. Deut. וניא+ל
14 land, h,textJo79)—Targ, Is.XXVIII,25.
. Jor, XII, 13 רֶיִב-() 10% 1 beg.,v. רחב ch. * בילוסro ,DIO ד. ₪. זז,°01 bot. 3 reo
(Var.’>),read םישמ של .[ בריזהRead the pamage as follows:
STONE «re חחץ ראגין גירקררין שרי צישות שרי טשרין חייב משום לש
- יצBets, 1,60° bot., read .איִיָשיִב —all of which belongs to line 26 fr. bottom[
ןש > .) תג1 ( )שובbashful, chaste; chaste person, בילמד, Pesik.B. =,12 daer ,35o" .+ .35S :daeR( הא
man, Ned. 20° 3 ןטיס הפי םראב אוחשit isא וצלמדste בדחדת לךהברוחך אתוחברךbehold, 1 566
ble indication in a man that he is bashful. Ab. for thee thy company; thou and thy neighbor
\ .5"בורhewho isashamed (toask questions atschool); made) in my image &c.]
. myn, Yeb. 79°. Y. Snb.
VI, 23" Bekh. 43* Ar., v. 7573; Kel. XX, 6 Ar., v. 27;
B(O; Mum,B.
5 8; Sidr.fom.ch.XXVIN Midr.
Targ. .צץ Gen. XXV, 25 Ms., Lev. a. oth, v. ןל"ב
S07. he
= 3 ₪ "IS, + we. בילני, v. .333"
בו4 .
+. אָתְיִב לפט
=)+. סותְיָב ירה n. m. Billak, in conjunction
שי ן Pir, fictitious names for any men (similar to our
*% f. pl. (denom. of M2) animals lodged (at | ו Hull.* 19 אכא אל דה "כוI know
seasons) in sheds within town-limits, Bets.V,7 no Hillak and no Billak (I know of no authorities or in-
pM MEPITS); Sab.48°;ae dividual opinions), I only know 3 tradition. Snh. 98"
( זו 'בו ילכא ותלmargin in Ms. M. קלח( קלבshall H. a 8.
-/ = שאm. )צ (אָיְכִב. name of a spider. Tosef. Par. IX
(any persons indiscriminately) enjoy it?
Il), 6 ed. Zuck. (Var. ראבוט corrupt, R. 8.to Tob.
, 2 58>). . PNPI“S, sitesDect.56,readתואקליסב .+ ךקליס
SS, +. 73 eb.
between ray (woe) and ewh (ah), I. J. escaped.
3) טיִבָש םירברprivate affaires concerning him (the "SS pp.of aps 188,= of mers.
( and her (the wife). Ned. 70"; a,fr.—Du.
STs (for STS) between feo, among, TSS, TIS, OPS mo.ph.C772)intervals, ompry
: Gen, RK.5. 4 םייתניבו םידניבin the contre. spaces between the rows of vine. ¥. Kil. IV, 29° top (ht.
¥. Dor, 11, 5" top. .ל Maser,
1, beg. 46° דינבמ לוטtake | 4 to KIL IV, 5 oS). Th. beg. 28", +. Poe Comp. .איב
what ie between the two, |. 6. qualifications
to both; a. fr.—Constr,
“7g. Nidd. 67" ץֶחיְניִב הקספמ ביניLTS +
| between; a. fr.
.1 (emp. ays 111; P. Hem. £90)binitha; 1) 6
a ₪ 4, ean.pl.
יס .וגsume. Targ.
Gen. 1,6; a. fr. fish (collect.).
small ’ B, Kan. 19° > ארשה לכארan ==
Hull, 114°; Babb. 152" the
WTR from between ing
that swallowed fish (someth 79"
B. Mets
"ה לdot לק 3 bot, הסרכא אלקת S according to the size of its belly
טאר ב.rbba( )°3 nierehw od yeht treffid | איכא is the weight of fish (if you buy by weight, have the
חרניב (abbr. ב"א( they differ הא to... B, Mets. 15"; belly first remove d;
diff.in Ar.). Ib. 29" bot. (prov.)if
ינלבו ד-- “TS a)inthe meantime, Yeb. 71"; a. fr.— | one has a hanged one in his family, my not im bie
( the difference between (\hoseand other goods). 13646.7 presence " זקום בgnah eht hsif ;pu .klaY .xE 942 ="sos
fe—Hall.* 47 א אוהת 'ב 'בוcase (of an abnormal lobe) (corr. ace.); St S°F
ib. Lev.617 אתיִכְב Gitt. 69" (ase.
the normal lungs. [Targ. Am. 1X, 9 FQ°S5, Var. let him take fish and roast it inthe smithy —Bets. 28* בש
ar ope fia רווה Me.sation) REGS (Var. MITTS
pl, KTS, + Rabb.D. 8. a1. note
—2) name of a worm. Mace. 16° אכרכ “SS (Ma.א
APS ₪ cheb, .הניב Targ. Ps,XLIX, 4. | EC) א worm found between cabbage. [Babb. 199" 'ב
‘arg. Job XII, 12; 13;+. אויב some ed., +. (3--[.אתררניצ hair; +. אבד1.
SL m. (v. P, Sm, 519) tamarisk, (comment.: *NDI"S פומ. יכנא דב.PFM a .TET pmoC
rhe 21(.
7046. 68° 'בו ( אנדברושperb. א tautography of Syr, בוכנא-- בונכאP. Bm. 465; 471.
9537S, יצTaan. 111,66°bot, read ;ככ
N33 זזm.(7s, emp. 72) @ thin thing, hair;=
( רמיcmp.
3%) leech. Pl. 373. Gitt. 69". [Sabb. 67°, DS, HIS, + הפ =
pp SL .א11.[ Cmp. x3. NODS understanding, ¥. אביב1-
FidS + (o.b.; 7S) intelligence,
wisdom, Nidd. 45” pl (v. M3") the
NODS I + collect. noun, or xE3°S
lay סמ ןבייv. "> Hithpa.) the Lord has given to woman inside part, whence thekernel ofseeds. B. Bath. 18” bot.
“Th "בgreater (earlier maturity of) judgment. Ber. 10° " אר בבsa ot eht sniarg fo( .)dratsum .t %96ti TtG“
בסוקוםat the place of understanding (near the heart); ‘S30 let him guard against swallowing the seeds. Sabb. 67*
rss “IS Ms. M. (ed. TS) cumin seeds.
;"06 ;"13 Men,* 49 ךועט "בrequires examination 7 mys m. (v, next w.) of Herai, surname
(as to physical defects). Hull, 11, 3 )32*( S “> as much Meg. I, 73°; +. .אKat.
of Ulia. .א Kat. 26°; a. fr—Y¥.
time as the examination (of the slaughtering knife) re- וזו, 63" bot. אָיְריּב
quires; ib, 9°;(ib. 32° לש םכח, ורקיבread רוקיב םכח or
(בְיקורוּ של .h
1 .i
or .veL ,XIX 02) 'בב WYSE, OTS, יריב + denom. ofms, (ראב 1) water-
Penn che mast first beexamined (whether she can endure ing tation, exp. in Palestine for Temple pligrione. — 1
the punishment required by law).—2) eisiting (the sick), Pass, Piss, cos. Brod «.fr. .ד ih. 20° top
1, 1;.
. שואוNed," 30 'כוPR 'ב םילות the duty of visiting the ולא לבדרותnre daer( ולא לבדרות. (לבדרדיותrof -retaw
sick knows no limits (of time or rank), B. Mets. 30°; ing stations but not for cisterns; vy.Bab. ib. 18*.—2) pr.
a. fr. מ. pl. Berai or Beri ; (הin Galilee. Yeb. #3". B. Meta
84" יריב רכבthe inhabitants of B. (Me. M. ןודדמ דגב( רב
SUPSD,(PE +). רק v.preced.) 1)examination, Y. Pes. ,זץ 304 top. Y. Shebi, V1, 36° top aos" דירדב )א
assessment, ב א רכהpublic announcement inviting buyers border-town); (v., however, Hildesh. Beitr. z Geogr.
to examine the property assessed, i. e.an announcement p. 21)—b) B. or Be-B. in Babylon, native place of Ulla,
of public "su. Keth. XI, 5 (99"); a,fr.—V. mya. 96° St
R. Dostai, a.oth, Ab. Zar. 40%. Eru b. אגויילומ
—2) (b. h. Kerith, 11° (ref.to
Lev. XIX, 20) ' ב" וכeht stnecsa neewteb וז.a .hsaraN .toS °01 =“
mpd sere דמלמ חרהתthere shall be bikkoreth, this = “x5. Ernb “Ts. [Hull 127* ot “Ss, read דב
45° .
teaches that she shall be lashed, כו ןידחה 'ב אכשילposs | בידי וסיש,[
how do we know that this bikkoreth has the sense of |
chastisement? Answ. AX PS אחת ... Rashi (ed. (יארקב she POSTS,
reed piste.
shall have the Bible verses read to her (as customary
‘when chastising in court, v. Mace, IIT, 14); oth. homilet. — הרוב5 (bh; TS, as Mos fr. ללב; emp. TTS)
אתת,רוקיבב v. preced. [Tosef. B. #.39;
M. Kat. II, 11 cut off, surrounded, whence 1) castle, fort. Gen.
PPS ed. Zuck., v. PPS.) a. fr.—2) a group of buildings forming one residence.
B. Bath.> 61 "בב הלודגrs א house in a large residence
2 f.(vicia, Blxtov) wetch. Y. Maasr,
V,end, 52°. (court). Bets.* 25 ( ; ןיחרפטב 'בבוib. 26° תדדובבSS); +
Yo. TIL,end.אָיְקְב ¥. Hall. TV, 60" APs. ( חרפט3--.1,9 )=הריחבהms, 1 Chr. XXIX, 1; 19) thechosen
Divine residence, Temple. Zeb. 119° טה רעב "בdoes it
"DPD, Y. Ned. IV, beg. 38% +. 2773. not require a chosen residence (Deut. XII, 18)? Y. Pes.
II, 35* top לכ רה 'כו the whole Temple mount is named
. ,ארקיב Av.zar. 285, +. NETTIE ;hariB .kiseP .R .5 .41 .beZ ,IIX 5 )401"( > ;בבדת תב.
Gem. a.L—Yoma9> sn םכרדרק your witness is the Second
+ sep. Temple (which has not been rebuilt; Y. ib. 1, 38* bot.
= " בירm. (="3) son, Targ. Y. Ex. I,15; a.e—Ber. 5°; .(הריחבה Ed. VIL, 3 אילפהors (ls. M. הילעה( Fort
₪. Bath.116* thisisthebone (tooth) 'בMXTET ofthe iP—.)(ayalfaH .sr .steB42", ד. .arpus .deZ 911* שלש
th son (that 0160(.---11.
constr. ">. Targ.
Y. Num. דב 'כרthere are three Divine residences, Shiloh ₪6- Ch.
81 sq. אתקע ( 'בh. text. FEI" TS).
ete Fay איב 6.01. 1)=h. 8s. Targ.Gen.
XVI, 14;ae. TTS, צ. Pes. IV, 30% top, read ,יריב +. “ארKTS
56. Sb לפנד cre eno ךקסע רעבדמMx. M,, thy
ב, TITS ph cypress trees; sing. MTS, +
yore; m. (Bypbddtov) beryll, a precious stone. NW"TD pr. .מ pl. Beresha (prob. - in
Targ. Job XXVIII, 16. Ib. 18 (some ed. ןיִצּוריִּב 6). V., territory ‘ofRuben. Targ. Y. Num. eS 37BUR Lox
Ms. Var. x97"). Targ. Y. II Ex, XXVIII, 19 ןילזריב (קריתים. 4
(corr. ace.). V. NDS.
ריב or תירוב 5 (M72, emp. M3) 0
סוריפm. (birrus, Bippo¢) birrus, a travelling cloak, out; ring,, hoop. Tosef.Kel. B. Mets. V,7 הרוחט sa
v. OS. Tosef. Meg. IV (III), 30 , םודיכOTD (corr. מחרישה טמאהam .de .kcuZ .raV( בירית, בורות6(
ace.). thing cut in circular form is clean (not susceptible 6
levitical uncleanness), except the hoop of the plo
ץורב ץוריּב m. )ץרב( heaping, crowding, PI. (cmp. הכיתה ibid.).—Esp. knee-band, garter. Sabb. VI, 4.
, םיִצוריִּבpea, “2. Men.* 88 'בor( תודמה EIS the Ib. 68" 2 of the Mishnah is the Biblical . הדעצאY. ib.
quantities which remain, when filling from a brimful + VI, 8" 'כו 'רב לכ איהשit is called birith when single,
erusaem otni rellams .seno .Y .kehS ,VI %84 .tob ' לב8 k’balim, when the two bands are coupled with a chain,
to the collection of ₪6. Ib, רצוריב חל the remnants of |[ Ar. ed. Koh. 3, oth. ed, .תירִּב Cmp. Assyr. biritu che 1
the overflow of liquids, שבלב those of dry thingsemptied — Schr. KAT 542.] ‘ii
over. /
בּירְכָא ,SDON .vV ,372R בְּרְכִּסָא
גת בִּירוּצין. .hc .poihtiA( ברד,xaj .v .seG .H .tciD | 4
8. v. was) chrystal. Targ. Job XXVIII, 18; v. ןיֶלּוריֶּב | בירְכָא,eenk ,toohs .v בֶּרָך
אלרּוּב אלריבm. (B7pvdhog) beryll, a precious
, רורב רוריבm.) )ררב( 1 clearness, correct sense. stone, prob. the Chrysoberyll or yellow emerald (h,(שהם .
Yalk. Ps. 658 ( 'ב לש הכלהcmp. לרוב( the true sense of
Targ. 0. Ex. XXVIII, 9; 20; a. e.—Targ. Cant. V, 14
the law.—2) Pl. ןירגריִּב ,2“ arbitration. B. Mets. I, 8,
(some ed. N543).— Pl. vba. ‘tied Esth. I,4.—V. yon.
a.e. 72 לרטש0 referring to the choice of ar-
—Targ. Y. Ex. XX XIX, 13 תלרגב אָלַחsand-colored beryl.
,sretib .v ;וּמְפָרומֶיסְין
ק.htona[ .nipo .bi 702 שטרר טענתא
Ib, (1) XXVIII, 20 אלח, תורלררבוprob. to be readבררולרן
records of evidences, minutes of court proceedings].—
; אלחדIb, (IL)( אחלודב corr. ace.). [Ex.R.s.38,endפראקוקין
)3 ררגרְב תודמהexact account of wine measures, whence,
prob. a corrupt. of our w., cmp. LXX].
the surplus in the shopkeeper’s wine account arising from
measuring quickly and not allowing the wine to settle םֶריּבpr. n. pl. Biram, also called Beth Baltin. BR.
in the measures. Bets. 111, 8 (29%) ed. (properly omitted Hash. “93%, a signal station for announcing the New Moon —
in Ms. M., v. Rashi a. 1.; Var. in Rashi Ms, ,(רצּורְב Ib. 29? (betw. Syria and Mesopotamia, Neub. Géogr. p. 354),
three hundred gereb (vy. 293) of wine “am "במ from the Kidd. 72*—Snh. 108 " 'בדMa" אנרעו Ms. M. (ed. M2534,
surplus found in his account. corr. acc.) the Great (hot) Spring of B.; v. Hildesh. Beitr.
z. Geogr. p. 29, note 206. 1
בירזלין+. pons.
ןיְנְריבv. NEY.
בירי, .v בִּירָאר--]בירי, .lluH %931, ץ. דַכִּירִי.[
תיָכְריב.)+ . גdenom. of 3) 1) castle, 0-0
NOS 1, +. a 8. ea. Pes, 18" (Ms. M. 2 (— הרדבPI. תּויָכְררְב .1018 (description
of Rome; v. Rabb. D. 8. a.1. for Var. Lect.).—2) (cmp.
אָיְריּבIT . תגpl. 0000 pl. of Bidprov) birrus, a kind ( ןוירְּב6 palace: woman, court-lady.—Pl. as supra. Ley.
of cloak, v. yor. Y.Kil. IX, 327 top quoted in R. 8, to .R 91.8 ' הושיב ב' וכ.klaY( sgniK 942 “2 (נשרם 6 6
Kil. IX, 7 (ed, ,הירב corr. acc.). court ladies in Jerusalem (forced them to leave home
and serve at the palace); והמ 'ב what is meant by (why
ביריאתא, +, בְּרִירוּחָא era yeht )deman ?htoyinarib ') ביירן ציודן וכ%6 ציירן
he laid a trap for them, he caught them (ensnared them:
היריב איריּב.1 creature, v. m3.
NTS ch.=preced. 1). Targ. Esth. 1,2 (h.
, אָנויִריּב ןויריּבm. palace-guard, v. 3. | (הבירהa.ft.—Pl. בּיִרְנִרְתָא, 3; constr.72°3. Targ. Ps.
XLVIII, 4 (h. text .(ןומרא Targ. 4 118,9 רודשאב ( תֶלְנְּב1).
TAS) ve SE, —Targ. Y. Lev. XXV, 29 ןיֶנְררִב 480. (some ed. 1
fortified places.
Bam pr. n. m. Biryi, an Amora. Y. Ter. ,א 47"
bot. (Hull. 98% .(םייריב Y. Pes, 1, end, 29° (Asheri’ to אצריבm. )ץרב( brim, Pl . ארפצריבAb. Zar. 74
Pes. 11, s. 18, quotes .("אדפ
SMEAR‘ nd.
( םיתחו רsome ed.רזבא( / and sealed the k .
on their brims. [Gitt.> 69 , אצרלבsome ed., v. ye]
בִירְיָיה, +. mene. בירקא.n.rp .lp akriB ,nolybaBni.ddiK 27, זי. ,
בוריָים, +. בירי בירקא.bA.raZ ”eaבי ו.= v פרק2. a
PAM, ¥.snb.11, 20°top, read ןיכיקְיפו +. NB. NOS +. well, .+ רי
ולג זל
ירְחא ו m3
= בִ"רְחָא.+ ברח. Bara 11Beth, 1X,6, | —¥, Taam, 11, 66° bot, ןיושיאבב אתנירטו אלזאand the
ץ5.Targ. 1
0 jh.@.—Freq. aapr.p.pl. Port. ו Her, s*topres | Gity perishes in wickedness (by pestilence).
טלכא וכeht layor trof fo ;mehelhteB ,maL( ,tB ot ,I ,61
end (בירת ערבא. .kisoP ,mihB .p ;"711 ,klaY .reJ 362 כר Sara, Mohs, +. ws.
Mow ' תיטוט בירחה בdaer( (בירתאnehw הlatipac ,senilced = prs, MRLs, *. ישי
it is | called the Capital —ot, Sa" ירוחשר = )ירוחישר( 'ב
the Fort of Bhibori. ¥, Ab. Zar. V,44" תקיריס revs (Bab.
ib, 31° אקירס rvs eS I i eS Rest |
et , ייSU. —Pesik, H. «, 21, read ops, +
bayith means a building intended for a dwelling. Ib. "מ in religious affairs. Y. Gitt. VII, 48% top; .צץ Nidd,
III,50¢ =
שמייחד ביתו לו.raV( .v .bbaR .D .8 .a .1 )eton eh ohw bot.—[For all other compounds not self-evident, v.respect- 4
devotes his house (its contents) to himself exclusively ive determinants.] ]רת , תריבv. m°a.—Gen. R, s. 12 me
(unaccommodating); Arakh, 16? 'כו Smvaw 'בח--,רמ לעב שלו, של עולם,nom .v [בְּיָא
(abbrey. M22) owner, landlord; host; private man, opp.
to trader, artisan ₪6. Ber. 46% 'כו ה''עב עצובthe host NWT, ביתNOS ch. 1) same. Tare.Ex. xu, 3;
breaks the bread, and the guest says the blessing. Tosef. a. V. fr.—Meg. 16% כו רוו 'במwoe inside, woe outside!
ib. IV, 14 ה''עב לשhome-made (bread), opp. ןיקסולג;Y. Gen. R.s.32 אתלקלק אוהה 'בthat house which isa ruin (a
ib. VI, 10" bot.—Sabb. I, 1 השב the donor, opp. רכע 6 Samaritan’s designation of the Jerusalem Temple). Y.Snh.
recipient. Gen. R.s.22; a. v.fr.—’a ךב inmate, attendant. I, 18% ערלד ןהה 'בthat house down there (Rabbi's college);
Ab. I, 5; a. fr.—an לוספ the degraded (slave) of the Y. R. Hash. 11, 58* bot. NMA .(6צ--,ןהו "109 | הרתריבד
house. Gen. R. 8. 70,—2) Esp. ('ִּב)ה the Temple. “253 דמרMm" “> for his (the trustee’s) 11008018 like his (the |
35 in days when the Temple exists, 'בה אלש רכפבwhen neighbor’s) own house (he is familiar with the interior) ;>
it does not exist. Hull. V, 1; a, לנש--,+ 'בor ןורחא 'ב a. fr.— Pi, "Ma, NHS, "MZ. Targ. Ex. I, 21; a. v. fr.—
the Second Temple. Cant. R. to VIL, 9; a. fr—an רח | B. Bath. 61" sq. Ib. 67% vy. Nmts.—Ber. 6* ‘the case of
Temple Mount, v. ".—3) school, college, (collect.) dis- T’fillin, v. preced. [Playful etymol. הב ביתיא. אובSabb.
ciples; ללה תבHillelites &c. Bets. I, 1; a. fr, Treat. 77,J—2) night-lodging. Gitt, 57* אזיפשואל אל רבהי 'ב
Sofrim IV, 1 כו לש 'בthose of the house of &. [Y. they would not designate ג house as a lodging for strangers
Shebi. II, 334 bot., 8.6. 'ר ,תיבד.. usu. "35, v. "2].—4) body. (Lam. R. to 11, 2 אינסכא תוח אלבקמ.(אלד
Ber. 44” 'כו רואוכ 'בלthat human body (Rashi: stomach)
is to be pitied where vegetables are a constant guest אָחיּבIT + (=h. m2) bath, a measure. Targ. Is.V, 10.
(being the only food).—5) wife. Yoma 1, 1 'כו ותיב וז Targ. ‘Ezek. XLV,; 11 .8 ,ןיִחַּב.17--.6 ma. Ib.14. Targ.
‘his house’—that means his wife. Ib. 13° ותיב ךהו ואל I Kings VII, 26. .
הראbut this one (designated for him in case of his
NIWA night-bird, + תנא
wife’s death) cannot be called ‘his house’. Sabb. 118°;
a.fr.—6) Euphem. pudenda; marital intercourse. Y.Sabb. NO", +. en.
IX, 12° top; Miky. VIII, 4 AM"2 תא השמשshe had inter-
course. Ib. ‘AN תא הדבכshe washed ₪0. Y. Sot, I, 16¢ ביתוס ons pr. .תם .תג (Bonide) Botthus;
bot. התיבל הרוסאis forbidden to her husband, Nidd. 5* 1) the founder of a sect similar to that of the Sadducees, |
מהומת לברתהehs snetsah ot mrofrep reh latiram .ytud named ןיִסּוהיְיִּב Boéthusians, Ab. 0. Nath. ch. V.—
Y. ib. I, beg.48¢, Omp. "34.—7) store-house, store-room. 2) father of one Martha or Miriam, a rich woman in the
; בָּית העציםmoor-doow ב התבןenizagam-warts; naP“ 'ב days of the siege of Jerusalem by Titus. Gitt. 56%. Lam,
stable; ₪0. Yoma 11°; a. fr.—8) (geogr.) place, town, in R. to I, 16 ;םירמ Y. Keth. V, 30” bot. (8--,אתרמ B. ben
oorapetina (for which see the respective determinants), Zonin. Y. B, Mets. V, 10» top; a.fr.—4) R. B.—Y. Hrab.
6. ₪. איקוב 'בBeth-Bukya &c.—9) (anat.) limb, organ, VI, 23° bot.
in compounds (v.supra8)), e.g. הערלבה 'בesophagus, 0.
—10) shed for plants, covering. Shebi.II, 4(pl.). Y.ib.334, , "יב יסותיבm. Boéthusian, v. preced. Sabb. 108 ;
—Y. Sabb. VII, 10".--11( in compounds, denoting recept- 'ב דחאbw (Mass.Sof. 1,9 דחא, לאשcorr. ace.) aBoéthusian
| asked. Tosef, Yoma I,8 (Yoma 19 ---,( יקודצ.2 pron,
acle, cover &c., e.g. "I 'ב inkstand. Tosef. Kel.
B. Mets. ן
IV, 11; דר 'בsleeve, v. ללָקְכִא
,11.מ216--.86 34, a. e. cases | , ןיִסּותיַב.2“ Men. , א.8 Y. Yoma I, 89% bot, am "352
of the Tfillin. | (for which ib. a, Bab. Yoma.1 .6 ( ; םיקודצהTosef. 1. c.
[Ar. ed, pr. 0" , ןיס תיב, תיבread as one w,, like Tosef. |
NODS ) (בְּכוּסָאf. ch. (=h. M33, (תיִכְּב weeping, בּלָאto be worn out, v. לב
mourning. Targ. Gen. L, 4. Targ. Deut. XXXIV, 8 (Y.
Na, Noa without, v. ,אל .אל
;כותא (בa. e—Gen. R. 8. 15, end, Ar, (missing in ed.);
Pesik. Ronni p. 142); .צץ אָחְילַא תיל תואלּבf. pl. (of; 3" ( רלבoutworn gore
בכלוספין, בכלופסין, +. pombe. Keth. V, 8 הסכתמ ןֶחיַתְיאַלְבב 'כוshe wears her winte
clothes in their outworn condition in the summer. Ib,6
בכנא, +. בוּבְנָא רתומ "בthe entirely outworn clothes (= "pnw Mish. 1. ¢,)
a. fr.—2) the woman's right to claim compensation for
( רכבb. h.; ,ךב/ץv., רכבemp.[ רֶקב( to break forth,] the wear or ruin of the things which she brought alo
to be early. [Kal prob. not used.] sa reh ytreporp .v( מלוג, ג. (צאן ברזל. 1,X.beY 'ולא ב...
1%. "3°23 1) to be early, produce first fruits. Tanh. nor can she claim compensation for used or spent prop-
Vayhi 14; Gen. R. 8. 99 ()היתוריפ תָרָּכְבְמhas early erty (but may take the things in what condition th y
crops, opp. ,תשקלמ .תלפאמ [Ib. end םהיתוריפמ ןירכבמ are, v.comment.). Keth. XI, 6.—[Y. ib. V,30” bot.; XI,2
read ,ןידבכמ v. 132.]--2) to bear for the first time (of ,.tob sa ni .hsiM .bi 7 [ בליות
animals). Bekh.I,3 sq. הָרְּכיִב אלשthat never before had
given birth; a. fr—3) (neut. v.) to be first in ripening. , יאלבNed. °19 Ar., read with ed,בְּלְאָר
Bice. III, 1 and sees הָרְּכְּבַש הנאת a fig which is first יאלבm. pl. those of (the family or town of)B .
ripe, רכיבש לוכשאa cluster of grapes which ₪0. Y.Maasr.
in Babylon, (prob. a nickname). Kidd. 70";yaby.
I, 497 top 'כו “ איימצpaw, v. .איימצ .10 תונבMD Dw
שבע, +. M72. Ib. 352, DI wa (v. dma as to spelling). םיִאָלּבODD ₪ pl. .ג9.1) ,“ ראלבiba, v.
—4) (b. h.) to recognize as first-born .()רוכב B. Bath. fragments, rags. Suce. 15” sq. םדלכ ys torn piece
130 sq. .stnemrag .bI ;3,V .lluH—.e.a 701” בלאר חמתות
Hif. "237 same. Bekh. 111, 2 תוריּכבַמה those animals of wine bags.—Kel. XXVII, 5 " הפנ 'כוiba (leather) pi
which have given birth for the first time. from a winnow or sieve. : es
Hithpa. 92205 to hasten. Yalk. Gen. 161 תֶרַּכְּבִתִמ NAW ae
בפררותרה, +. supra. תו
PRI ch. same. Targ. Jor.XXXVIII, -
רכבch. same.—Pa, "23 1) to produce, mature. Targ. בלארי, + Ds | 3000 |
Y. Deut. XXXII, 14 ’55 893325 which his land pro- בלבומס, read ולבס “ne
לבלי) לבל of לכו ל cmp.br)₪
mie up; to וו Hekh. #8” (expl.
, ללבתLev. XXI,
)20 'כו רברsomething whieh
disturbs the arrangement (of the white and the black) rejoicings took place at the same time. (New
of the eye. Binh,* 108 לבלבו תא 'כוver (Var, רושו( he B. 4.0a. Midr, Prov,
to ch. XI have תלחצ [
upset the bridal canopy, Bot, 46" mosis אל did not
disturb the town (by pillaging, removing the inhabit- ,( והB93) )1 acorn, wul—Pl. orgs, poths.
ants &c,). .1 . תתKam, TV, end, 4° one struck him fatally Men, 65° STN רעלְב Grecian nutes (net-ben ; v. Be. Ant.
ילָבְלְיִבּוVOM אבו and the other came and made him * .+ Balanus)-—@)
oak. Pl. as above. ¥. Keth.
Vil, end,
senseless (accelerating his death).—Part, pass, bshy, £ ;514 Gen. M.= 15, exp crybe (v. next( 2--(.( שv. Ben.
ee ee ae a Rei Woven Gadא Ant, =. Porta) peg placed in the door-bare when quite
hcihW si ,degnarr.a+s.i>5d5 ,k.i
v. Soha] 4) bey-bit, Y. Babb, VITI, 11% bot. ods (corr. see.);
לָתְלַבch.same. Targ.
0. Gen, XI, 9. Targ.te סי
XXVIII, 28 and mixes up (the grain with the
chaff, .(וtext 59M); a. ¢—Part, pass. לָכְלָבְכBekh. 44* , טולMEADE oh.come, cat. Targ. Y. I, Gen.
text The); =.>.--11 paths,
Ezek. XXVII, .ה--.6 Hash. 29" Ar. (ed, “os רשילב
bid. transposed;
+. guts); B. Bath. 00%,
ל לרב ל withchange
Lin. צTaan. IV, 68° bot. הלילו קפנ os ספין+ו
. לports.
הרדלבcould the courier go in one day and night ְּ חָעּול.1)כלב.+( רַעיִלְּבvortex, gulf. Sub. 108* =
t r?eeryJT ..n
R .e
5 .G
01 .bI.s 87; א.6.-- ( רדגדMs. .0 רודגד, הָצְיִלְּבv. Rabb.D. 8. ₪. L note
,serP .ssop גאמ.4.ot,1 8 mS ) הכתבים6 the gulf
of G.
either of the two, v. Pesik. Shek. p. 14%, Cant. R.
TH,4). Ib, חלשו ןיראדליב ריזחהו 'כו and sent couriers
them) and had the letters brought back.
מקשה, .a בלוריאalucniv 1801(---1/[,בּלרְת. 41.06. 82.8 R. to I, 4 mdin אוה it (the generation of man) dec
.klaY .hpeZ 665 ב'של זהב.neG( .8 .1 .6 emos .de לית (dies out), הלב הנראit (the earth) does not grow old,
thick gold chains (as translation of , רתרJob XXII, 20). Taan. 9* (play on ליד דע רלבMal. III, 10) םכיתותפש sow רע
)2— plait or locks, esp. the long hair worn by the Roman מלומר דרlitnu ruoy spil worg derit morf ,gniyas tI i
and Greek youths of the upper classes and offered to the enough; (Y. ib. 111, 66% bot, ,וללביש v. >>3); a. fr.—k %
gods on arriving at puberty (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. x67). pass, “42 outworn. Pl. .םררזלְב Midr. Till. to Ps. אא1
Ab. Zar. I, 8 םוי תחלגת ונקז ותירולבוthe day of shaving Pi. nbz to wear out, outlive, survive. Lev. R. 8. 4
his (the gentile’s) beard and cutting his locks (v. Maim. 134 mba |שפנה the soul survives the body. Ib. 8.19 (pla
a.1.). Ib. 29°. Tosef. Sabb. VI (VID), 1. Deut. R. s. 2 on ךתלב , ןיא1 Sam, 11, 2) ףְתלְבְל ךראthere is none -
“ 'כוa השועה he who grows a wig does so for none but outlive thee, Koh. R. 1. 6.; Cant. R. to ,ל 15 one erect
na suortalodi .esoprup .veL .s.R ;32 .a .hnS—.rf °28 תפשה a building ותוא 4529 ( רחאוnot (הלכמ and another mai
התררולבבhe seized her by her plait. ruins 16. Snh. 105%, v. pyda, >
ְהָלְב./2 Nithpa. הָלָּבַתִ to become outworn, fade awagy.
אחיִרולּבch. same, woman’s plait, Targ. Y. I Num. Esth. R. introd. riba( ןידיתע Gen. R. s. 42 mibad) are
XXV,. 6 (ref. ‘to Snh, 82% y. preced.). destined to decay. Deut. R.s.7, end aban (the garments)
were worn out, B. Mets, 87° 'כ רשבחher body was with-
Nuva m. ()שלב search, examination. Targ. Ps. | ered. B, Bath, 146% miba%> ךייושע made to be used np
NWT, MDE, +. subs, nubs. "531, לאm2 ch, same. Targ. Deut. VIII, 4;
ib. .ד XXIX,4 ,ומלב Var. ,ומלכ read תלב;a. fr.—Lev. E
, תוימזלב+ warns. a s. 19 חלב ולוכall goes to ruin. Ber. 5, v. 823. Ib, 6%,
* Bekh. 9* לוזאו n> ולבו they failed and went to destruction.
m23 (cmp. .ל h. הלב in MAbs, a. dma), Hif. man
Ab. V, 22 חב 35 ביסgrow old and frail in it (the study
to be unsteady, dazzle. Y. Pes. I, beg. 27°.
of the Law).—[Targ, Ps. LXII, 11; XCI, 2 Ms, v. “b> 11
Tins, v. ‘tind, 1%. "bz as preced. Pi.—Targ. 2 III, 15, 2
Zar. 20* that this beauty ארפע 'ב% will destroy.
מלב,לב/ )ןv.;לַלָּב cmp. , טלפ,;דלו טלמemp. Assyr. Part. pass, f. "529. Lev. R. 8. 33 (interpret, םיפאנ הלב
wba to live, Schr. KAT gloss. I, II) 1) (neut. y.) to stand Ezek. XXII, 43) Aquila translates rahork 00 (old
forth, project; to be cut in relief, opp. עקש to sink, be harlot), אראליג אוחד אילבמ66. (Ar. איירייג 'במ,איהד
engraven. R. Hash." 94 תעבט המתוחש טלובMs. M. (ed. צ15.08.1061 only ארלבמ ( ארהדwhich means, a wasted
incorr.) a ring whose seal 18 cut in relief; Y. Ab. Zar. harlot (wasted through fornication),
III, 42° bot, Gitt. 20%sq. Sot. 111, 4 mindia הרנרע her eyes *
protruded; Num. RB. s. 9.—Yoma 54% ןיקחוד ןיטלובוpress- ולבIT m. pl. constr. (preced., emp. MiX>3, pba)
ing forth and protruding (from behind the curtain); a. fr. rotten pieces of (wood). Targ. Is. XLIV, 19 (h.‘textבול
—2) .tca( ).v ot evird ,htrof .taeb .Y .bbaS ,IIX %81 בבולט v. Rashi 8. 1.; Var. ">3").
31‘ םוקמ בתכהwhen he beats out the place of writing,
ְּ(יִלb. h., . צץpreced. ws.) prop. destruction, naught;
opp.חוקק .
not; v.> mova. Ber." 44 'במ רשבif without meat.
app ch. same. Part. pass. wba. Targ. II Chr. V, 9.
בליומוס, + בולבטס.
Hull, 45% ןָטיֶלְּב ib. 76* "wba protruding sinews, opp.
בלוערsunk in the flesh, indistinguishable. אילי *אָנְויִלּבm.(">3, formed like wore) 6
struction,] | a “cacophem. for idolatrous phylactery, a
בלטוורא, daer בַּצִיָרות. .tnaC .R ot 11, 51 קיניגין (v. Sm. Ant. s. vy. Amuletum), אקנפשוגד ( 'בAr. אינו |
מכללה ודיארטיה עתידים מן ב' דא דיחתו וייטורד זה שטיחם an amulet (stone) set in a ring. Gitt. 574 'ב דע רזחתמד
Dah, read, acc, to intimation in comment. Mat. K., ' רכso that the stone of a ring could be distinguished
sa :swollof מוציא אסירים בכשרותAW קיניגין ותילטרן (as to shape, legend &c.) at a distance of a mile (fron
םיאבה םהירחא םיבOw( כ'"'חאו ןורטייתה הז the passage the illuminated town). 10.58% 'כו רטקנ 'ב.[א8 )צLam. 12
through the Red Sea and the coming of the noble Egyptians כרלררנא, 512) they took an amulet (believed to effect th
afterwards was) like the order of the kynegion (the begetting of healthy and handsome children).
‘actors in the fights of the arena) and the theatron (the
spectators), as it says (Ps. LX VIII, 7), ‘He leadeth forth nina, Vv. minds.
the captives with their outfits’, and then come tle spec-
tators, as we read (Ex. XIV, 28), ‘who came after them . בלייסָאv. NMS. 1
into the Sea,’ mints, = ,)ללב v. m>"2) mixing, mixture. Y. Ma
בלי, יצ. .deN ,111 %88 ,pot .v בריכסון.---61862:. 1 Sh. 11, 53°; Y. Dem. V, 24% top “51 אלא ןרא 'בD'lilah (
p. ,5701 y, ,">" even distribution) applies only to wine or oil. Men, TI
' עבה וכab"dNIF זוeht eno smrof a kciht erutxi) m
,( הָלָּב ילבb. h.; ,לב/ ןv. ללב; cmp. לבנ( to be Log of oil to one Issaron of stour), the other fornms a0
crumbled; to be worn out, to fail, decay, perish. Koh. mixture (three Log to one Issaron).—Pl.
Dem, 11, 7; Men, 18%; Hull, 192° SM the pricet's mixing +.(ב יל shred. Rab
rag,) a “>
b. 156%, Wal'בבl.
the offerings
(Lev, I, 6; a, fr).
TE of ה cur (soft
tai rag).
n Ki 4e*
dd os
« רפרסן
pos part. pase, ofDY. tied wpוה5 196-21mets 7. . Yok, 190°(someod.(אתרילב
7 9 (רלב
יל inating
Ih,=.14 3 תוריפס
NEP (some
55 = אן ;לב/) ן0 .= . זof,ליב , ל"ב/ן, דב,חב5
Ts, fo penetrate, break +. S55; ₪( "לב fecrumble
soften, cmp. Ps; +. %, טלב ie ares) fo mix
od, מ ( ילבthe ton heavenly spheres (cinp, Hepher Yetsir,
beg). Mx. Te 5.15 יב ריוא םלוקה לעbe... he reated it (with oll), bead,
stir; to mix fodder, Zeb, XIV, 9 (112")
(the upper story, the sky) on the atsnosphere, on b'limah
הציקלthe priest who knends the mest-offering with oil,
(Tanh. Haye 8 ריואת חט לע.(לל ¥. Pits. Dem V, 5 לטינו ( ללדבstrike out לכראי in Bab
o4., Ar, Var.77S) he mixes the fruits and takes the tithe.
ו טס,
לי Soe eee FY,Bag,וילו שםtsupיו
| ד. הת. אוו. 1 +; Tank. Mosh 11, +, לוב 11; =.
+ א —Part, pam, Sg, / 24° ו
(play. on (לבב>
(confused)in Wible
ו be. (Y.
ןירינילבוx.sow. א29°top,read Pre romp, read [.ליִלָבב V. dog.
,SOS +. טר Nif. Yess, Hof. Yee to bemized. ¥. Mase, Bh, 11,52",
Vt) Men. X11,4 (108; 18%) ךיללבנ םרשש9:31 meneures
Cant. R.to 11, 14, read ןיִצְסיֶלכ ; emp. Bx. of flour can be mixed; +. .הָליִב th. םילוכי
® 2. ִבְלֶל.Shek.
-צ49% bot. שאב שא תֶלָלְבִִכfire mined
with fire—{Y. .דאגה 111, 66¢ bot. 'כי טפו דק ולָלָבִיִש
)ארטצילב(יִלְּבf. (ballistra, Padcotpa) your speech shall become confounded from repestediy
awar engine for throwing stones, or(b. manualis) saying, Enough; +. [.ילב ¥. Ber. V1, 10* top (péay om 55)
for arrows. Lam, BR.to Il, 2 רכבא "בstones thrown from ל
.tlupataceht .t ,IIIo
V "2S
2 ,to.
b Y
ed ;רד כנגר בליצטורא ב
.hkeM( ,llaheB2.5 בלסטראית, ;.lp .klaY .xE 252 בלסיטראות.
read "טסילב( the hail stones correspond to the catapults DSS 0. b.;denom. ofos, לב/ן 352, fodder-bag,
in the warfare
of men. Pesik. 4.=.17; Pesik. Vayhi p.67* nose-bag, muzzle) to muszle, restrain. Yolk. Nam. 742
ארתסלב SSN (corr, ace.). Pesik. R. =. 29—30 (p.139" ed. (read in place of 'כו ( םולב: ורכmos לש םּולָב יטקלwe
Fr.)( תא ןבאה הרטסילב read 'לבה -.( ןבאLam. R. introd. oro דחא ינרופצ לשocd אצה לדכיthe mouth
of the
(R. Josh.) 2 ( ינבא סורטסילבread אר . . ;(. א PA. people of Moses is tied up (we dare not talk), bet cap
1 Yalk. Lo, v.supra. Tanh. Bo 4; Shof'tim
14. he tie up (disable) the nail of any of them (the Osnaan-
.1 .6 Midr, Till, to Ps. XVIII. ites)? Hull. 89* (play on ,ההטילב
7) Sr
"TATE (MONS) ).א advo רכwho restrains himself in strife (refrains from violence,
keeps silence &c.).—2)
part. pase, > (cmp. Sou) anfit
pros) also archer, Hull. 60"
of the catapult, for use, lame, sore, moollen, closed by a tumor, Bek. 40”
היהSW. ... was Moses a hunter or an archer (to have
ברTT one whose mouth is swollen (one opin. in Rashi:
known the natare of animals so well)? shrunk); 5s" (Pu.) one whose feet are swollen
+.ris. (shrank). Ib. 43 "ב ויכטותAr. (ed. D>, corr. ace.) whose
nose is obstructed —Gitt. 67* "ב א רצראpacked treasury
PIS"DD £5) 1) swallowing, gluttony. Num. ₪. of knowledge;
+. 055 —Part. Pu. SPs,
s 14 (play on 23 Gen. XXXVI, 82) hesold ‘his birth- * Hif. => torestrict. Y. Hag. 01,78* bot.םיִלָביַש דכלכו
right יתָציִלְּב ללבשבto satisfy his glattony.—Sm תיב @eso- לערסתדprovided that (when cutting &c.) he does only as
; Toh. I,1; a.fr.—2) vortex, v. maz. much as is needed for his dough for the offering; [Tomf.
to Hag. 17°, 5.+. ,אלאcites ותסיק , הלכיש+. Mz]
ו a bmermm omy
D2 II (v. preced.; emp. איכלב.ד89 Aaller)
to attempt
@.—Snh. 110° PPT רקולב (corr.
ace.) the chasm = to get rid of the halter
;tokick, strike (of an unraly horse).
for Korah. Pesik. Zakh. p. 24" (ref. to Ps. XXXII, 9) thou puttest a
bit on him םליב MTT and he strikes. Ib."בבידק הדבגל אדהו
> לעיל m.cb.h.)availing nothing, wickedness. Suh. (strike out ,אל as Tanh. 64. Bub. Ki Thetse, 6 a Yalk.
1114 (playing on (לוע S ינב means 'כו לוע. . . םינבsons Ps. 719) you come near him and he strikes; Tanb.Ki
who shook off the yoke ₪6. = Thetse, 6; Yalk. Deut. 938, Ps. 1.c. (with var. vers).
. א תעילב+ on.(ab. rts) sneallowing, Targ. Y. I
am. EXVi, 11, constr. MS . | DDS chan. chet —1) Part pass os fied, 6%
|| wp.ַבָּלַרHull.107*
Targ. Is.XXXII,
4; ae. [Targ. .ד Deut. XXIX, 4; +
ד.[--2( (cmp. TS) fo put meat between bread, wrap
אצונוא "ב הדלwrapped up a piece of meat
| for him (v. Tosaf. a. 1.).
174 לַע
ִּ *אָמְלm. (preced.; v. םֶלְּב( halter, trnsf. guard, םטקthe gum of the balsam tree.—Targ. Cant. 711, _
protection of the borders of a field, as fences &c.; cmp. Lev. R. ₪ 31; Cant. R. to I, 15; a.e. Omp. pis Le
NIOEN. B. Mets. 103° לכ רקרע 'ב כוwhatever is essential אַפַרְסְמון.
for guarding the limits, the landlord must provide. [Ms.
בּלספִימיָא.f )atpnpsahB( ו - 00
M. 'כלומ, Ar. abs, .צץ 222.) Num. XXVUL, quot, )'פסילב( in Ar.—Tanh. ed. Bub.
ןלב. 32" .( תגBadavebs) bathing master, bathing Tol’doth 21 ( הימרסלבcorr. ace.). : Pie
attendant (who receives a small coin as fee, cmp, “"7>5X).
בלספימיסון, daer ) פיי2מ0 | (פסַןןסJ
Shebi. VIII, 5; v.22. . צץB. Bath. IV, 14° bot, “anמקום
.demehpsalb ,.dmal’Y .fer ot I sgniK ,IXX 8 וin
the bathing 0 station (the income therefrom);
Ar. (interpret. ]72).
a.fr.— Pl.77252. Sabb. IV, 2 am תורוק the beams whereon
the bathing masters are stationed. בלסתרא, veבַּלֶיסטְרָא
123, N55, יאנלב ינלבch. same. Lev. R. s. 28 953 (b, he; >a, v. (ללב to absorb, opp. ;טלפ to
' אזל בדרל בeh tnew retfa a .rehtab .bI אתעביד ב' וספר swallow, 00 Y. Shek. VI, 49° bot... . . עלוב רואהש
has become a bather and hair cutter; Esth. R, to VI, 10 בּולְעָין.... בולעתeht emalf sbrosba a noitrop fo eht ,lio dna
) ;(בלןPesik. R. s. 18. so do the wood and the kettle. Hull. 110" the liver when
boiled with other meat 'ב תטלופ הנראוgives out (blood)|
, אימנלבSifra B’har Par. 5, ch. VIE (Yalk. Lev. 6 but absorbs nothing from the other pieces. +. Sabb.
,( אקטלגבv. RPGS a. Nps. XIV, 14" top; Tosef.ib. XII (XII), 9buthe may sip vinegar |
"28, "228, v. לב בלן. shiny and swallow it (opp. טלפ to spit it out), .צץ Ter.
VIII, 45" bot. עולבכ סועלהwhat is chewed is to be con-
“ ינלבba m. pl. (balnea, balines) bath, bathing. sidered as swallowed. Hull. 71° M3453 האמוט an unclean
Y. Ber. VI, 10° bot. יתשד ארמח רתב לנליב p> (read object (food) that has been swallowed —Snh. 110* powban
( רכילבas if one drinks wine after bathing (for medicinal those (of the band of Korah) that were swallowed up:
purposes, when the wine which he drinks after meal Kel. IX, 6, v. [295; a. fr.
cannot be considered as a continuation of the draught Nif. בלto be swallowed; with 43, to be absorbed, |
taken before meal; v. תיִטְכִתְלַא .(11 Y. Maas. Sh. IV, 54¢ disappear. Sot. 36°; Tanh. Vayigg. 4; Yalk. Gen. 150
bot. as much as one will ask (for the fruits left over) (interpret. the name Bela, Gen. XLVI, 21) תומואה | ינש ןיב
on a hot summer day רתב 'ב after basis: time (when for he (Joseph) has disappeared among gentiles. Gen.
he is anxious to sell).—*Denom. mi*3>D2 f. pl. (=balnearia) R. s. 94; Yalk. 1. 6. רכממ עלבנשhe disappeared to me.
bathing apparel. B. Bath. IV, 5 (67°, Bab. ed.) anואת ‘ Hif. 2">27 to cause swallowing, to make absorb. Ex.
(Var. Mind") 6. v.). R. s. 33 חרקל תְעְלְבִהthou mad’st (the earth) swallow
Korah, Ber. 24” ותרלטב s>">20 he hides the spittle in his
, אידינלבY. Sabb. VI, 8? bot., transl. of העלות Is. cloak; Y. Sabb. VII, 10" top. Hull, 1134 םירבאב םד30°
,111 ,19 read N°7'7250. causes the blood to remain in the meat (prevents it from
flowing out).—Trnsf. to sell something in connection with —
) ןִירְנְלב7722( )1 constr. 9352" )>77( . תגpl. (bal- other things, in a lump, in the bargain. Bekh.31" וערלבמ |
nearia) bathing apparel, bathing utensils, Y. Kil. IX, 32° >" he sells it (the meat) in the bargain with the hide &c.
bot.; Y. M. Kat. III,82*“ םרשנ A women’s bathing clothes; B. Mets, 64°; B. Kam. 118" one who robs his neighbor
Sabb. 147% “ba (some ed. "153, corr. 253); Tosef. Kil. וה'לו בחשבוןdna sekam pu rof ti ylticilpmi no a
,V 61 בלארר.rroc( )2—.).eca ,esuoh-htab ץצ. בלורין,--ץ. his accounts. V. M3330. 1
min. Hof. חהובלעto be swallowed up; to mingle with,ve
supra Nif—Part. .עלבזמ Ber. 81" םישנא 'מ ןיבmixing
ָּ>( סֶלA, v. 5d2) 1) to mia with all sorts of things,
with people, expl. 'כו אל ךוראneither very tall 6. (of
ot xim .yletanimircsidni .traP .ssap ,3>%O 1, בְלוּסָה
average qualities), Erub. IV, 6 ןהרנרב “2 his property is |
Sabb. 76>/a הסרע adough of unsifted flour (with bran &c.).
> 6610860 between theirs (reaches into the limits of each)
B. Bath.* 58 רצוא 'בa store room of mixed things (lumber
ציib. IV, 21% bot. תועלבּומה my inland-towns, opp.
room),—Gitt. 67% רצוא 'בa mind full of all kind of knowl-
.snwot-redrob .Y .B .htaB ,IIV °51 ממבלְעין בה8
edge (oth. vers, , םולבv. 0>3).—Pl. . ןריסולְּבMikv. IX, 5
which are enclosed by others belonging to the same
“an utensils soaked with a mixture of colors (stains
estate. i:
from use), opp. םייקנ shining, polished.—2) (cmp.(בלל Hithpa. לבתה to be swallowed up, to disappear. Midr.
to rot. Gen, R. .8 28 תורצוא םיִסּולְּבstore of spoiled Till. to Ps, XIX, beg. 'כו ya Sarva he disappears fron
the world (forfeits his life), 'lee 3
בלסימיה, +. בּלסְפִימִיָא בלע,hc ,emas .graT .xE ,IIV ;21 .a ו ות11
nods, ןומסלפ . זמ, )םסבwith inserted b="; hence רכ רכוה טילפד רדח 'בas it gives out, so es item
לווwhich was readopted as 772052; cmp.למא absorb; a. fr.—Part. pass. 3°53, sorb. Ib.יידמא
,maslab citamora .mug .neG .R .5 19 .rpretni( בלסם (צרר filled with blood. — Snh. 1108 חרקד , רעולב+ י
בלל 571
blows (emp. 38q). Men. * “rs יכאט“ep
receive f.to
‘3 | received many blows at the bands of Ab. over be.
Arakh. 22°, Her. 66*—Ta 11, Meth.
rg. 111, 7 yor ןקילב
ביריthey are swallowed up (bound to be destroyed) by
DPE (.n.)pr..הm.Balam, thegentile prophet ing , constable. Y. Dem. Vil, 26° לקמ
of thePentateuch. Snh. 105* £2 spa 'בAr. (Var. inAr, "( בnot (כורקלthe commissioner'spointed staff (with which
ed. (אָלָּב devourer (destroyer) of the people; other he searches). Y"lamd. to Gen. XXXVIII, 1 quot. in Ar.
omilet. etymology ibid, םע הָלְבַשhe ruined the people שיד מסר וכיeלhבt elbatsnoc sreviled eht renosirp revo
hrough debauchery; Rashi:=52>z). Gen. 18.s.65. Ab. to the executioner
—Pl. 723g. Kel. XV, 4 =F Spc, v.
V, 19 (as type of false teachers);
a. fr. supra—jrsss. Y"lamd
to Num. XXIII,7. [Var.
in Hai
OPI] (ds with © intens.; cmp. ,סלבv2); Ithpe. Gaon “03.
sharst fobechoked,
tochoke. Y. Ter.VIII, 46* 2%, S52 pr.n. pl. Belshafat (contr. of טפשילא ,(דב
SSF (corr. ace.). “4 town in Susiana (Khazistan), Syriac name Beth-
(Neub. Géogr. p. 380). Taan.22* =t> דב
' בלְצא.rpמ. ,m ,astlaB .
92 'שאל ב' את ר ed. (Var. ,טפליב , יטפשלובv. Rabb. D. 8. a 1 note 8)
[ ברקעprob. tobe be readל"ד ל"ד -- 'לא, וחילאomp. Y. ₪. Mets. 75° טפשלוז ed. (Ar. ,טפשלול Ms. H. ;(טפשלב ₪
. IX, 18°; Midr, Till. to Ps. XVIII; CIV end). Bath.
96° טפש לוו64. (Ar. ;'שלול
Ms. .א; טפשלוVar.
+.קני ויל שפס, ,ho ,depo בי לישפס, .v .bbaB .D .8 a .1 .)eton
(Yohiisins. +. XpTS: טפשילא [.דב
Pod © dy pr..מm.Balak, King ofMoab. Ber. 7*.
maa, 2 ()שלב.1 reconncitring troop, quar-
au BR. 5 20; a.fr. ‘
termaster’s division, marauders. Bets. 21*; Tovef ib. II,6.
'דב םולשב
Ab. Zar. V,6 (Y.ed.G). Y. ib.45* top SaSu
ברthe Mishnah means when the troop comes in peace,
“mba 176
or when it comes with hostility. Sabb. 145" ed. “3 N33, = יצ.
Ar. 53,
הָאְנבm. (contr. of 8253) 1) bather. Targ. 1
"M22, THD, ,ןמלב תיב 'בpr. ₪. ph. Beth. VI, 12 Ms. (ed. 87282).—2) pr. . םm., Vv. "NDI.
Baltin &c., v. nq". BR. Hash. 11, 4 (229; Ms. M. ,רתליב
“mba; v. Rabb. D. 8. ¢. 1 note). Ib. 23* bot. 'ב " תיבNa
כב ראm. h.a. ch. ("22) builder, mason. B. Mets. 118%
a. fr.—Y. Hag. 11, 77" top היתנמוא ןהד 'ב this boy’s trade
(Ms. M. 1 ,רתליב 2 "mda, Ms, L. (ןיתליב what is B. B.?
should be that of a builder. Sabb." 156 ( 'ב ריתסו 'כוshal1
Answ. .םריב
grow to be one) who builds and destroys, destroys ¢an 1
yo 423; Y. R. Hash. I, 57%, 'ב , אדהכprob. to be sdliub ,)sseltser( .bI ;4511 .a .rf .V אַרְרִּיבָל.--] בַָאִים
read: PUI N ןרדהכ (bropyypata) like the minutes [בִנָאין .
of the court proceedings, opp. to preced. ,ןררלד read {P77 בנאי11 ,INIF .a 732W" )=' ב43) עס. ם. וש
(6txn, pl.). Bannai, Bannaah, Rabbannai, name of an Amora. Keth.
“aaa, ‘a רפס m. the fourth book of Moses ~ 50>, Ber. 38>, [Ib. 55> Ms. M. ,רארוהנ B. Mets. 2% a, 6
(Numeri). ‘Gen. R. s. 3; a. הבר--.6 'בthe fourth book fan, Ms, M. ,אניבר v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note.]
of Midrash Rabbah (Num. R.). D N22, "Na m, sing. a. pl. (contr, of םיאנ 4A, ve
N32) one of becoming conduct, refined, a cultured pers
חמבf.(b.h.; .+1. אוב( כצסטentrance, gathering place,
opp. ;רוב (cmp. Sabb. 114* top, as to a scholar’s pi
ascent. (cmp. b. h. nina a. M32); esp. Bamah, name of
to pay 0 to dress). [For oth.opin., v. Sachs Beitr.
the legitimate altars prior to, and of the illegitimate after,
II, 199; Frankel Monatsschr, 1846, p. 855.[ Mikv. IX, 6;—
the establishment of a central sanctuary (at Shiloh) and
Sabb. 1. 6. 'כו לש 'בthe garments of a Bannaim, if stained
of the Temple at Jerusalem; temporary or improvised
with pitch on one side cannot be immersed for levitical -
altar; v. Zeb. XIV, 4—8.—Meg. I, 10 'ב הלודגnational
purposes before the stain is removed (because their owner |
altar; 'ב הנטק local altar (during their period of legit-
is more fastidious). Tosef. Mikv. VI (VII), 14 (where
imacy); Tosef. Zeb. XIII, 17 sq.; a. fr—P/. maa Zeb. 1.
dig a, הנטק refer to the stain; as to correct vers. v.
c. Ib. 114" “an תעשב רתרה at the period when ‘bamoth
. 8. to Mikv. 1. c.), Sabb. 1. 6. “A "NA what does B
were permitted. v. supra; a. fr. [Meg. 32% “amהלוחות
= Answer: 'כו רלאit means the scholars who are
v.[ . הַמיִּבCmp. 72°32.
engaged in building up the world (of civilization) all
NOW, +. now. their lives (as if fr. M22). Ib. (dresses of the 3.( ולא
' כלרם וכera eht stnemrag-truoc detropmi .68 .v RT
בְּמותָא.+ בְּמְתָא בנאיתא, +. xn.
,תואטסימב Midr, Thron. Salom., Beth-Hammidr. , ןתאָבְבpl. of xe. ו
ed. Jellinek V, 2, read בִּימוסָאות vy.בִּימוס
NTS m. (22) builder, Pl. "522. Yoma 0% ריב %
*אָסְמּבm. ch=h, סומיְּב altar, high-place. [Targ. ' וכshall ‘the builders (of the Temple, the Persians) be
,eeY .tueD ,IIXXX 31 בַּמְסָא, daer בְּמְתָא.[-- 2, 3208, delivered into the hands of the destroyers (the Romans)?
Poa, Nola )אָּיְסְמַּב( idolatrous places of worship. תרכבpl. of ma.
Targ. 11 Chr. XIV, 4; a. e.
, ינבm3 (b. h.; 866. +. of[ ךרב( to combine,] to build.
במרזה, .tnaC .R ot ,IV 01 emos ,.de daer בכּומֶר הזה. Sabb. XII, 1 הניבהhe who builds (on the Sabbath). Ib.102”
NOVOS +. ch=h. 792. Targ. I Kings 111, 4; .א e— ( םושמ הנובisguilty) because it is one of the labors classi: |
Pi. ְּאָחְמ‘(aning). Targ.‘ib. 2; a. e.—[Targ. IL Chr, XI, 15 fied under ‘building’; a. fr.—Metaph. to educate, trai%
xe.) Ber. 64* (ref. to Is. LIV,) 93 75212 אלאFWD ת"א re
not banayikh (thy children), but bonayikh (thy builde:
ןבm., constr.( ןֶּב b. h.; הכב( offspring, son, child. trainers); v. D°822.—Ex. R. ₪. 23 (play on b’noth, Cant.
am עובש the male child’s week, a disguise for circum- I,) 5 תונוב יכוthe authorities directing the building c
cision day, adopted during the Hadrianic persecutions. Jerusalem; v. Pi—Hull.> 78 בא22 , הזy. , באa. bir)
Snh, 32); Y. Keth. I, 25°; a.'בח --.6 עושרa disguise for [Tosef. Par. VII (VI), 4 N22 ed. Zuck., v. 22d of
naj .oi .B .maK %08--. . של324 eht nos ,fo של ד Nif. 7233 1) to be built. up. Y.B. Bath. Il, - ‘a
לש םישודק323 descendant ‘of holy men. Ab. Zar. 50; fr. ris, mia, —2) (denom. of 43) to get children. fer
a. 6-14. 0923, constr. "22. Ab. III, 14 'ב םוקמלchosen 5
children of God. Gen. 1. s. 82 לש הרות22 children Nithpa. 1223 (denom. of 93) to be adopted, na
(followers) of the Law.—Trnsf. belonging to,‘fitfor ₪0.; Pesik. R. ₪. 43 לארשיב בבthey became full Israeli
.6 .₪ רכב חלוג61086 belonging to the colony of exiles, citizens.
Babylonians; .₪0 רכב לללגGalileans; רכב הללכא things fit Pi. nx73 to lay out, plan a city, determine its
to be eaten & [For such compounds as are not self- Ex.R.1. c. the Great Sanedrjn held sessions התוא |
evident, see the respective determinants.] ]ןירקלפ ,25" v. (not (םתוא and determined ‘the limits me rusaler
PTH 22.) Snh. I, 5.—Part, Pu. nz) cultivated ; built(ofhx
a) בסאטת
stature), well-proportioned. Keth. 112"; Bot, 34% neon MOE =. MAO GS & cor) sow; angry, snd.
‘sr לק חובבit(Hebron, in apite of the rocky mature PL pois; Langs. Ter. .ד Gee. XL, ¢ (0. pores).
ite soil) was seven times better cultivated than Zoan קורדProv.
גל א. .¥[ היפ. ,V[ °84 ,tob ,SOP daer
(one measure of ite land yieldingae much as did seven Wess,
+. TS ch)
measu res
of the soll of Zoan). Th. 42" (play on עי
1 Ham, XVI1,4)סוס 'בט לכסhis build was without blemieh. . בניסן, +. Keth.
ומ ב גג.=. . רשves.
9713, + ye. Tres ) 35) m. (heneticium, feveplauy)
favor, grant, exp. the rights of a privileged person con-
. cheh. my. Targ. Deut. XXV,0 )ץ | נבי corning the protection of his character, Tan. Korab (od.
a Kies Tang.Gen.IV, 17-—M. Kat. 10° "33° Bub.) addis. 2 (comp. Tanb. ib. #) eon rs לש לשמ החנ"כשושל
to erect;a © שבדקש בנד פרקון טן ושלך.rroo( ).eca eihtet ot eb derapmoc
1אןאו. "%037 sa.hh )וא. 1) a .)2 Tang.
1 Kings ,111;2 | 0 א eponsor of the King’s daughter who Gaimed satic-
a. fr—Targ, Gen, XVI,2; & e--¥. Ber, 11,o* “IETS faction of the King on the ground of his privileges, He
will be rebuilt; a. 6. eaid to the King $e 'בsr ךקיא םאif thos wilt not
stand up for my privileges
be.; Nam. Be 16 ךלש ךוקפנב
REND, + ays.
pl.(benignae, sub.interpretationes,
Dict. 1882) favorable side, mitigating
circumstances. Ab. Zar. 4° םתלש שקבא 'בod. (Me. ;רכב | פיקרין, פוקריםST ;).ecn.rroc .klaV .tueD 449 ero אלי בי
Ar, ,"גנינב taking ב for a servile letter as do the com — those are their (the Roman) beneficiarii.
mentaries) I shall search for what can be found in their
favor. תָא,ְ+י.ְass.
, חיָנְבPM IS 1 ₪. ch. svg, builder. Y.אמוס m. pl. (Ts, +. (יכב cavities dug around the
eS sm vine to receive the water-h. T7732). 4. Kat.4”.
א 'ב אתיירוארbuilder of the law (forming ingenious con-
74s. Y. Ber. IX, 13* top; +. TR. PS ו, + ses —-{V. also דב(
pr. n,m. Bannayah, anAmora. Y. Peah 023 (see, r.ofDS, ¥. SOS) toferment, get sour; trnet.
I, 15° bot; .אfr. (Bab. B. Bath, 57" mays, +. "933 1I). to be angry, agitated. Dan. 11, 12. Targ. ¥. Gen. XL, 2.
Targ. .ו ,11 21 ופצקוSos (ed. Vien. "S75, corr. acc).
בָבָיִים+5 Ib. IV,17 "בו Cost (ed. Vien. ,'כו corr. ace. ₪. text רבעי !(;
+. OS3.—Part. pass. 0°23, +. HOS. Denom. Ss.
reed ti,clos :
f. pl. )ינב ; cmp, ,ברא גראa.denom.)
₪6. Ber. 61"; Sabb.
95"; Erub.
.| 45° ( ןכש יכרכב םיח ןירוק אזויישלקל 'בv. Rabb. D. | ןוויִרָכַב+ pl.(apres; emp. faviagy for 98405065,
i.a.1.for vers.) atthe sea-towns they call all net-works 8.) gnihtab .lerappa .neG 54.s.B tS "( דליים ובAr.בטרידת
inyath ; Koh. R.toVIL,2 אָחאיְנְב(Var. (אתיאכב some ed. תורדנפ( buckets and bathing apparel did she
make her carry &c.; Yalk. Gen. 79 MTS CS (corr. ace.).
. m, (b. h.;M33) 1) building, structure;
rect | NIVTISS
5pl ch. same. Y.B.Kam.
VI, end+'
ot seen the Temple in its finished state, 631. ibid. (72> PASTS ברסנ אכאI will carry his bathing clothes (i. >
the Herodian Temple (Ms. M. 0°73 ןינב . .האר I will be his servant; cmp. B. Mets 41*; Erab. 27°;
Rabb. .כ8. a.1.'בה--.(6םס Mgy, +. -885%--.הָמַא 102" Sub. 62").
דרך ב' בhcus dnik fo robal sgnoleb ot ’sredliub .krow
₪. " דמר לבti skool ekil ’sredliub ;krow .a 1.-- אב33[ בכרסיי, Y. Kil. 1X, 32° top, + FoT™
rule, v. 38; ¥. Hull. 78°, B. Kam. 77" הנב הז
אthis (Bx. XII, 5) forms the rule, wherever הש is
sed ₪0. (v. Tosaf. a. L).—Sabb. 114* םלוע לשO13 the
reservation of the (mental and moral) world.—2) human
name, skeleton, Ohol. 11, 1 וניינב בורthe greater portion
a corpse as to size of limbs, contrad. toינייטמ בורthe
as to the number of joints and limbs.
‘om מס. Targ. Kob. 111, 3; a. e. *TTONOS, Pesik. ₪.suppl.(p.
197* ed.Fr), v. 3207:
בסבסטי 178
, ימסבסבNum. .₪ s. ,01 v. "vod. ןימכ 'ב הלודגwas built in the style of a large basil
Md . .
(semicircular). Tosef.Succ.IV,6 (describing the Alexan-
בס"גרa mnemotechnical device, representing Mans, drian Synagogue); Succ. 51". Gen. R. s. 68 "בל 'כוont
חטרון, גלודהdna חרותא. .lluH ,724 one goes up to the basil. and finds the King hold
, רגסבLam. R. to ,11 7 ( 'ב לש אייברעValk. a. 1. court, Ex. R. 8. 15; Tanh. Haye 4 אמשלצא יב 'כpe
דנג( )אדנוג( לש םייברעprob. to be read: “HOM the lock- haps he wanted me to wait for him near the ba
ing up of Jerusalem by the Arabs, v. ib. to I, 5.—[For (on the forum). Esth. R. to I, 3. Toh. VI, 8; Tosef.ih,
ארטסק לש םייסרפibid., readרומָיים .[ ,IIV ;21 .rf.a .htaB.B.Y[ ,VI °41 .tob בסלקי, . פַּלְּוּס.[-
Pi.תאלס Ab. Zar." 16 'כוjm 'ב wow there are three
NOI] m. ()םסב sweet-meat, delicacy.—Pl. “2803. kinds of ‘pasilicas, for Kings (holding court), for bat ns,
Erub. 82>; Meg. 7 'כו אחוור 'בלMs. M. (ed. sing., Var. and royal treasuries (tb Bacthtxdy, sub. tapetoy, 8.)
in ed. ,אמרסב ( המריסבfor delicacies there is always room Tosef. Ohol. XVIII, 18 selling wheat 'בב ןהלש in their
(appetite). V. orva. (the gentiles’) exchanges. [Lev. R.s.34"pbd3, read “pees
King ?—2) (genit. of 3000600, td) of the palace, or of the NO גג. pl, ) בסם.= (הֶנְס"םembalming pi 0
royal affairs. Gen. R. .8 93 ( ןורטפ 'בnatpwWY THY Bact Targ. Y. Gen. L, 3. 1) alc
hetwy) superintendent of’ &c.
* i /) soya
JOD .תג pl. (023) vinegar, 'עבצו בב בסנימ ןיסח
on soa, Omron m. (Basthebs) king. Y. Ber.
thou wilt take lettuce and dip in vinegar. (Exo,
IX, 124 bot: Gen. R. s. 8 (corr, acc.).
(בסלקי) בּסִילְקי ,)1 .bus 6000 ,acilisab
O°O3, +. vba. 2. a
of ana
a להa colonnades for holding courts, also meet- בַּסִיס₪. (310, ;סס
בdemrof ekil פָצִיץ6( 4 we
tread upon; footstool, stand, base (=b.h. 42,
| tng place for merchants, exchange, forum. Yoma 25° /
bud (receptacio
of the candlestick) DOS ch. samme. TargEe. XV, 25; =. ₪6—Part, pow
li, & 25; Cant. .ה to V, 16 like« ay A,
jel bas 'כר 'ב ךטטלט₪ base beneath ₪6, Tandy. SCS 1) fo ,)שו
eaten; treet,
lo make happy,
Wher i. ¥ , Ab. Zar, 111, 424 top 'ב Free pues when | ₪ delight, ,דרוק Mam. XVU1, 19, Tang, Ps. CXIX, 122;
there is upon them (the idolatrous emblems) no stand | ₪ 5-00. 51"; Arakh. 11* אלק “ped לש the
(indicating that they were intended for practionl wee), Tb. sound (by moans of inetrumental (| 7%)fe
' בסוס לררקון וכDO .rroc( ).eca fi eht puc revres ₪ « ו. ד
.Y ו
;2,L .traP
א...4582O .gnaT
stand for the dragon (idolatrous emblem), it (the eup) i« 0. אאא5.
forbidden; a. fr-—Trnef, (in Habbath law) wholewer ie ewh- הוון. יבס, 1. ,"r
oc p
ָ אִב1) ₪ ₪
,1 well-seasoned, prepared, Targ.
16% 41% 20. 1%
דMe. אאא 25 Owes; =. 5.-2( fo be 04. 1
.¥ Gen. L,35) lobe cheerful, feel the wine ; comp.בלס
Hoh, 58° GASES
when they were feeling
the wine.
סיס א ₪ ch, same, Targ. I Kings VII, 50; Habd.cs*, B, Math, 78° bot.—Meg. 7° “yosd orמרחדיכ
ל | 'כו, )=יטוסבדאל.+ Rashi ₪. 1.) ome must cheer himself
16" top תידיר 'בite (the delphica’s)
pedestal, Y.Huce. V,55" bot. whatever (structare) stands up with wine ₪. Th, SOS they were feeling the wine
isolated being one handred feet high 'כי “'ב7S requires | . ויRabb. D.8.0.1, note). (Tary Cant. ,1 5 ססבתא.+ O95.)
one before the bed (step) 86. Num. 4.5.10, beg, ,תויסיסב
¥, O'SS. RQOS, + ==
6 על לי1) )'ִ (בסר) (בַפ,denmetnoc -noc — SOD (sec. r. of5..ה( סובbotread, stamp, pile wp.
Be.XV, 4; afr.
—Pt. TTS, fom. FSS. Ukts, 1,5 stalks of eatable plants (straw ₪.( [OS GSS
1 הר12, Tar. יח --.1אָרְחַב which the owner packed ומ the barn; .ה *14 ראמ ךכסב
) ripening, +. "SSI. what does this טאנה meant RK... . sys SoS 'ב ₪
really stamped them (threshed);BR... mye TUR רדתה
אָפּוריִסְבf. (preced.) contempt. Targ.
Ps. CXXIII, 3. he untied them (for the purpose of piling the stalks
- לקי
+.יבקס,ס clover by treading
upon them). [Pesik. Habod. p. 45*;
Pesik.R.s.15 MOOS Th, read with Nom. B.« 1( Oot,
=GIDsey« חן ל ripen,
ה: +. O02.)
Pi. ( בִיסָסdenom. of S°S3) to catablish firmly, to found,
ה מ peeves cone to put on a secure basis. Cant. ₪. to 1, 9 Soom 'ב ישו
the (Moloch), may it be pleasing unto thee. Gen. 1. and who gave the world a firm basis?; (ibid. VII,1; Rath.
58 ' יערב לכם יבושם וכ.klaV( .neG ,441 .hsoJ 53 (יבסס R. beg.; Pesik. R. ₪ 21 SOS, םשדב corr. ace.)-—Part.
(the wine you drank) besweet toyou, may it well pane. firmly established. Nam. B. >. 15; Tan.
agree with you.—Denom, 50%. B’baal. 11 ‘St ואסכ (not SOSs) His throne is Girmly
_ Pi, S33, BES, SS fomake a person look well, esp. established
above, when Israel &c.
.moned fo (בְּוסֶםot emufrep htiw lio .68 .
.s 3E
2א Nithpa. בבסto be firmly established, to rest safely.
16 AEN ןיטשקמ חתואis adorned and made Num. R.s 12 after the Sanctuary was erected םלוכה ‘=r:
ome (her toilet isattended to).—Part. pass. D2, the world became
firm. Ib. as soon as they made ג
,SPEM yW ,demufrep teews ,ok הגוא.5. 02 מקושטת third leg for the table (v. ,(לקסרט ‘sto it stood firm ; Tanb.
לוinfull toilet. Tosef. Ber. VI (V), 5 it is not becom- Trum. 9. Gen. B. 5. 66 םלוקה ( םשבתנcorr. ace.); Yalk.
ag for a scholar אציש םסובט to go out with perfumed Ps, 811.
lis no sih ;daeh ,reB "84 .33x2‘ .B ,h
3 'a
t wine (guaranteed
as not sour). [Pesik.
> 21
V, 15.
;םשיב לועהRuth.
₪. beg. , םסיבread OSG, +. Cos.) Pa. SS as preced.
Pi. Targ.
11 Chr. 111. 3.
= .18/0 , שפחה סבהNithpa.) 'ָשְּבְתִכ סָפבְִג 1 to Rhpa. Opsr% as preced. Nithpa. Targ.
Cant. 11,5 (not
א one’s self with oil 80.Gen. R.s. 17.—2) to become (אתבסם.
2 to feel the wine. Koh. R. to XI, 9 התשוSox
כרhe ate and drank and felt well—sS) trnsf. fo grow ְסְסִית+ב.
ter, improve. Gen. R. s. 67, end TSS ותער Mesh:
chareoter grew batter (play onTrot Gen. XXVI, 84). 4 (בססfo tread upom; trnef.
.)צ עב
-[ib. .> 66 סשבתנ םלועה.+ os.) to contemn (with >=); to be overbearing (with 3).
103 180 בַּעַט
R. ₪. 42, end "93 migia התרה ךכso did she slight me. until they (the garments dipped in water) ה
Ib. s. 3 beg.; 8.45 'כו רָסוּב אוה לעhe will treat his pro- v. preced. Yalk. Sam. 157; Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 3
phetic mission lightly. Tanh. Ekeb 1 ןהב "M02 have 1 (read:) ורורד עליוOTEV שהרה שמן המשחהeht lio fo |
become overbearing because I observed thy commands? anointment came bubbling down upon him.—2)to struggle
(Tanh, ed. Bub, 2 ,רתרפכ v. note a. 1.(. 10. Mikkets 10 in the water, swim. Y. Sabb. XIII, 14" top.; Y. Sot.
' לא תהא בוסר בשעת וכeb ton ythguah ni ,ssenippah os III, 19* top. כו קונית 'במ a child struggling in the river.
as to refuse to pray. Ib. (ed. Bub.) Emor 29 ןהרלע "לג Y. Yoma 111, 41* 'כו "במ לרחתהcommenced casting up
Tanh. ib. 20 (some ed. ,רחוב corr. acc.) thinks lightly of bubbles from under the ship (Bab. ib. 88% .(תצבצבמ
them.—Part. pass. "103, fem. 7702 contemptible. Tanh.
Sh’moth 11. *yaya ch. (רעב.)צ to ask entrance, knock at the door.
Pi. "0° same. Ex. R. s. 1 הילע ( 'בוsome ed. (רפוכו Lev. R. 8. 21; Pesik. Ahare, .כ ?177 הוה עבעבמused to
and he despised it (idolatry). Tanh. Ekeb 1 some ed. knock, [Ar. 5% ,עכעכ quoting Ley. 14. 1. 6. also for a
ביסרתר, v. supra. Hebrew verb עכעכל ;Rashb. to Pes. 112% quotes [.ענענ |
( דעבArab.) to keep off. Imper. IV . דָעְבָאCant. Ry
7023 ch. same, Targ. Ps. LXIX, 34; a. fr.
to IV, 1 (ref. to דעבמ ib.) רברע 'כו % it is Arabic; if one
Pa, “"02. רַסַּב same. Targ. 0. Num. XV, 31 ed. Berl.;
a. fr. ; [in ed. sometimes “W3].—Targ. I Sam, XI, 12 רסבמ
desires tosay to one, Make room for me (or, Let me alone)
eh syas "> אבעדemos( 06. (מבעד.
למרמרspoke sneeringly.—Y. Ber. 11, 5° bot. הרמיאד רב שנ
לרה7039 one whom his mother (Palestine) despises and riya, v. ."עב
his stepmother (Babylon) honors; v.08. Y.8nh.I,19*top;
Y. Ned. *1,40ש ןוהתרסבמ ; )ןותרסבמ אעבread ןוהב (רסבמ a, NOS f. ()רעב prayer. Targ. Jer. VII, 16.
he wanted to despise them (reject their authority). Targ. II Sam. VII, 20; a. fr—ivi2 (in prayer) I pray
(h. "2, 83). Targ. Gen. XIX, 7. Ib. XLIV, 18; a. v. fr.
703 II (7/3, v. (םסב to begin to boil, to be in the (Targ. Ps. XLII, 4, v. אָחְעּוּב 11.[
first stage of ripening ; v. next w.—Denom. “052, M7503.
—Trnsf. (vy. “wa) to be glad. Gen. R. 8, 34 end (play on Iva, v. ‘TD.
לב בשר, .kezE ,IVXXX ,)62 daer[ ]sa .klaY .neG 16 לב
בוסר בחלקו של חבירוa traeh nigniciojer eht doog enutrof
nya m. (223) 1) treading grapes, or trodden grapes.
Targ. Is. X, 33; Targ. Joel IV, 18 (ed. ;(סְּעַּב Targ. Is.
of his neighbor.—V, “twa.
LXIII, 3 טּועיִּב —2) a kick with the foot. Y.Taan. IV, 68%
רסבch. same. 1) Part. "O32 m., NOR 5, pl. 7703 bot. 'כו בהר הלל דח 'בhe gave him one kick and killed
in the early stage of ripening. Targ. Y. Ex. IX, 34 him; Lam. R. to 11, 2 הילגרב אטיעב.דח
סירן. ב. . סערייא,rA .de( סידא.כ.. . סרתא, כסירא, 8
)ריִעַּב( אָרועְּב רעבm. )רעב( torch, fire (h. ssp).
; אריסבh. text( 2--.( ביבאto be cheerful: v. “wa.
Targ. 0. “Gen.“XV,7( רY. ; ריעבמ( a.e.— Pl, Pda, NTSB.
OA זז, N TOD flesh, +. iva, אָרְמּב Targ. Nah. 11, 5 “193 (ed. Vien.). Targ. Job XLI, 11; 6
.B— .steM - ב" דאשא.sM( 11. (דנור.
, איירסבPesik. Bahod. p. 154", readקיסרייא .
NOW, v. 193.
NOVITOA +. (021) contempt. Targ. Job XL,21; a.e.
עב ,7/23( v. )312 to swell, bulge. Midd. Tl, 8
( *רייתסבread 'ִטֶסְּב( m. (vestiarius, 0607100006 8.) "אלשּוטָעְבְרmarg. vers. (or 1232" Nif.; text שעבר sing.) that
the keeper of the (royal) wardrobe. Pesik. R. s. 10. the walls should not bulge. |
*גת (בוסי) בּספקא. .cilpuder( fo ;בזק=בסקcmp. מעקבII (b. b.; ,עב/ ןakin to ys, טב( to trample
,dnaM צזקא=עסקא, .dléN .dnaM .rG .p ;26 .ryS =ביסתא strike, kick. Y. Yoiia VII, 45° top הדרפ invya a mule
, אתזיבP. Sm. 520) jug, pitcher; cmp. 712. Hull. 49%. kicked him. Ex. R. s. 30 'ב רקליפב 6 against the
prison door (burst it open). Ab. Zar. IV, 8 MBAגת
NPS, +. os. wine press packed with stamped grapes.—Trnsf, (with
NYA, y. .לעב ot ,tsiser .tcejer .bbaS %40צ1ץ. אח'"ס. ;
Pi, בְרעָטsame. B. Kam. II, 1. תָסָעְבִמ התיהif ₪
NONIS, +. אָחְּב animal kicked. Ber. 32%; a, e.—Trnsf. ‘to kick agains
rebel, be contwmacious. Sot. 22%, Y. Ber. IX, 14" bo
aya |
m.(v.next w.) casting bubbles, bulging, bulge. א. .6 בייסוריןLPI bearing suffering with contuma
Mikv. x, 4 (of garments dipped in water until they are (instead of showing repentance). Pesik. R. s. 47; Ya
soaked through) ןָעּובָעְבִב רחוכרוand cease from bulging. Job 908 'במ ( ליחתהsub, (ןירוסייב began to be con 1
T’bul Yom 11, 8 תיבחבש ( 'בan imperfection in an earthen 801008 (challenging the Lord). ;
jug) a protuberance.
, מעבmya ch. same. Targ. Hos. IV, 16; a. 6
yaya (Pilp. of 383; cmp. YB%3) 1) to cast bubbles, Y. Sabb. VIL, 11* bot.; Y. Shek. 11 47° ma "ב rejé
to form protuberances, 6 bulge. Miky. X, 4 ּועָבְפַבְרִש דע his authority. 7
13 בליץ
fo tread (grapes). Targ. Lam. 1, 1%, they pay no wages for searching, but do )\ themselves.
Targ. 10 1V, 19; Tary. (ie there no canse for withdrawing trom the agreesmeont,)
boone © mam likes to perform » religious det). but even
in @ place where they pay wages, (there ic ne cause be.)
ac hicher, butt. for ₪ man likes do, Ti, Kam. 64° רוש os אל אל כ רטאק
ao"; 1 IV, 4.
יכthe Michnah eater 5 case of ‘not only’; not only for
to FS, SG, +. ,איב 8) fo > א, אס... 0 eh ,eliisnopeef teb neve א. .« .+ —rf
רביאsb ereht yma ?;no+i.de
Af. “Fam to let Wuret forth, + uz" ₪.753.
eh gonethe Rabbis (in this case) have
declared his coition (by which he wanted to establish
marriage), a mere act of prostitation (annulled his mar-
XI 2 Tar.
11 Sam. IV, 4 התורקבתאב. when she was
riage). Ib. 73°, ae. תליעב ותליקבnew םדא ךואthe
presumption is that nobody wants to make his inter-
| +. S23. course with a woman one of prostitation (but wants to
Eile. contr, eye 1)toא asked Pes. 4% a.v. fr.
NSN it was asked by them (the scholars), i.6.the make her his wife thereby).—Ib.4*
הוצמ תילדקב
the marital
gument came up.—2) to be required; i oughtto. Tb.7" duty, i.e. first coition; frequ. הכושאה . ב1%
a. fr—Pl hiss. Sabb. 72°; a. fr.
" בו מרבער ליIN ti thguo ot daer astay ob eh( sah enod
isduty). 1b.15* mS 'דכ וררבדוכit ought to be widdbarar
jot middibrehem);
a. fr—B. Kam. 21" יקוסאל 'א היל
דע he ought to have borne in mind; a.אישברמ---.11אל *ָיָעּבַַדm. (part. pass. of a verb , כבdenom.of
is noquestion. וליפא אלא. . . . אל כthere ₪ no ( אצעבfinned, wrapt in tin-foil. Targ. Jer. XXXII,11
010300 מas to... ., buteven ....; not only... - but. (a. 14, in some ef.) "ב םדתהו STS written, wrapt in tin-
6. 4° 'כו אלא. ארתאב.. אל כnot only in a place where liof dna deit pu )mmc.v( htiw 3 ,laes .ppo ot ETTM ששרא.
ביר 182 "ו
בּעִירv. .3“ ב' דיןtnenoppo ni ;truoc .v .arfni .seP "68 X= ב השם1 |
am so named.—Pl. prben,ןיַלָעְב owners; mostly as sing.
YS; NTS ch. ¢. (b. 3 “32; ;רעב emp. also owner. B, Mets. VIII, 1; a. fr. [Y. Dem. III, 23” bot.
m2) grazing “animal, cattle. Targ. 0 1 לק 3 a. fr.— לבלעין, readלבעלין .[
Y. B. Mets. 11, 8° bot.; Lev. R. s, 27, a. 6. אקיקד 'ב Compounds: ב' מחשובותeH ohw swonk s’nam ,sthguoht
cattle;v. nara. —Pesik. B’shall. p. 93° 'ב 5" ןקתאget an Snh. 19>.—Ib.’2 רלעב those entertaining considerations (of
animal ready for me (for travel). Snh, 105* (in Hebr. fear), hesitating to do justice naw 'ב gray-haired. Ned.
dict., play on 193), 111, חבושת--.8 בrepentant sinner. Succ. 53°; a, fr—
ב' תשובותa nam fo ynam snoitcejbo ro .sesucxe .ne.GR
ya, Vv. mya.
8. 20 beg.—[For other compounds, not self-evident, see
( לעb. גג; , שבv. MBB, to enter into, take posses- the respective determinants. ] 4
sion) fin b. h. to be master, protect;| to have sexual
intercourse (both legal or illicit), fo embrace a woman.
אלעconstr. , לָעְב592 ch.same. )1 husband. Targ,
.0 Ex. XXI, 3; a. fr.—Taan." 6 ארטמ 'ב 'כוthe rain 6
Kidd." 9 ‘ הָלָעְבִּה דמלמ 'כוand he embraced her’ (Deut.
the husband (fructifier) of the field; yv. preced, 8(--
XXIV, 1), this intimates that woman can be acquired as
wife by intercourse, v. MX"2.—dyi2 lover, adulterer, con- )2 Baal. Targ. Jud. VI, 25; a. e-—Pl. saben,
5: = Ib. IT, 11; a.fr.
.dart ot zyb .dnabsuh .toS ,V ,1 .a .rf day’ כשם שאסורה mya f. (preced.) mistress, owner &c. Gen. 1%. >. 52
לעובל.... as well as the woman suspected of adultery (rendering bya, Gen. XX, 3, as though mbya) הלעבד אתרמ
is forbidden to her husband (who must separate himself her husband’s mistress. —Compounds are mostly self-
from her), so is she forbidden to the lover (who cannot evident, e. ₪. טגה תלעבthe woman receiving the letter
yrram reh retfa gnivael reh .)dnabsuh .beY 301* שבע of rebate םירביא--; 'בan animal of large build. Ber.32°;
תולרעב 'ב 'כוthat wicked man had seven sexual connect- Vv. eda.
ions &c.; a. fr.—Part. pass.f. H>493 one no longer a virgin,
opp. toהלותב . married woman, opp. to , הסוראv. ODN. YA )+. mea; emp. (לחב to be ewcited.—Af. 28 to
Keth. 10°; a. fr, .1%-- . תולזעְבY. Kidd. 1, 58" bot.; a. fr, hurry. ‘Targ. I ל XXII, 9 היכימ 'אAr. (ed. Dam, h.
Nif. 13932 she had intercourse. Keth. 5°. . תאשדנ text (הרהמ bring .... quickly. Targ. Hzek. XXIV, 5.--
ונבעָלֶת וכיsi deirram no eht htruof yad dna ל Part. pass. 3272, אָעְּבִמ ( )'ִבִמquick. Targ. Deut. XXXII, 35.
in the night of the fifth day of the week. Ib. 8" לָעְּבִת --2%. 77332. Targ. Num, XXXII, 7.
' לטפסר וכtsum tsrif eb derednerrus ot eht )namoR( reciffo Ittaf. sams to be in a hurry, be anxious. Targ. Ps.
(jus prime noctis) ;a. fr.—Mase. 5933 (of the hermaphro- XXXI, 23 רָחּוטְּבִּתִאב Ms. (ed. “MAVZMNA). Targ. 11 Kings
dite). Tosef. Bice. 11, 5; Y. Yeb. VIII, 9° bot, VII, 15; Targ. 11 Sam. IV, 4, v. "ya1.
לע ya ch. same, Targ. 0. Deut. X XI, 13; a. fr.— “ya 1) (dialectic for 422) to tread. Targ. Ps, XCI, 13
Keth.6” bya רעבד because he is anxious to petfotin his תבעוץsome ed. (oth, (טועבת —2) to wrap in tin, v. ics»
marital duty. Ib. רררטד אלד לרעב he is excited because
he has not &c.; a. fr. ץעבm. (cmp. , ץובv. ץבע a. אצבא( tin, plumbum
Pa.>¥3, ו1. 853932 married, having had inter- album, Kel. XXX, 3 ואשע ןיב 'בבif he mended it either
course, Targ. Ruth I, 12; a. e. with ₪0. B. Bath. 89> (diff. fr, , רבאa. NWO, cassiterum,
Ithpe. X592"8 as ו אוYoma 19" המכ לּועְּבִאו v. Sm. Ant. 8. v. Plumbum). Men. 28); a. fr.
( וכMs. M. (לרעבראו and how many virgins have been
seduced (to-day) in Nahardea! , אצעבya ch.same. Targ. Ezek, XXII,18, Targ.
+ .muN ,IXXX 22 .rA .a ativeL .de( קסיטרא, 0.(אבצא,
592 m. (b. h.; preced.) 1) husband. Kidd. I, 1 and
she becomes her own master 'בה טגב תתימבוthrough a ( רכבb.; . ג/ן, עבv.; הָצְּב emp.[ רָאּב( to clear] 1) to
letter of divorce or on the husband’s death; a. v. fr.— burn (act. a, neut.), Ex. R. 8. 2 mayia שא burning fire.
2) the idol Baal. Y. Ab. Zar. 111, 43° bot. A535 שאר 'ב Ib," 'כו pin םשכ הנסהש as the bush is burning &. [Num
' הוה וכeht laaB saw eht sullahp dna dah eht epahs fo . א.8 ,9 end ז"עב , םירעובלread , םירסובלy. רַסָּבַ Var.
a bean [read (8---.[ןופאכו [the fructifier,] rain (v.Taan.6"; .( םירפוכל2--1 to be empty. Denom,( 8--. רַעַּבto eat Wp.
emp.Is. LV,10). “a m2 a field sufficiently watered by rain Denom. “"33. ,
and requiring no artificial irrigation. Tosef. M. Kat. I, 1 Pi. "372 1) to clear, remove (out of existence or out
fan ()תיב . החדשB. Bath. III, 1. Tosef. Succ. I, 7/3 לש הברע of possession). Pes. 6* "32> קוקז is bound
to remove (th
(sub. M3) a willow in a naturally watered field. Ib. leaven by burning or otherwise); a. fr,—Shebi. VII, |
Shebi. 11, 4 'ב לש )='ב לשב,( הדשבopp. יקוש . לשNum. ‘35 בירח is bound to remove (dispose of the fruits of th
R. ₪. 16 the Egyptian gods םה “pw לש (read (יקש are Sabbath year in due time). [Num. R. s. 9 (p. 230”.
gods of artificial drainage, but those of Canaan םה לש 'ב Amst.) ןועה תא, םירעבמread with Yalk. Num. 708, Sift
are gods of rain; (Tanh. Sh’lah 13, through misunder- Num. 11 ןירערעמ ;oth. vers. ,ןיררבמ v. [.רַרְּב 2) to 6
standing, M>">P3.... "Pw.—4) (mostly in compounds) owner eat up. B. Kam. 2° ןשה " וז925 ‘and it clears’
(Ex. א1, +
of, master of, possessed of, given to 86.; 6. ₪. הדיבא 'ב this refers to injury by the tooth (animal’s eating). [3) (
owner of a lost object; דדגא "בmaster of Agadah, lecturer; h.) to start a fire, enkindle. , 1733.) moe es
wa rye
Hif. 77 to tart or entertain a fire, toclear a field. V, 664 bot. PISS BET and he isafraid (10 towck the wine).
20° (ref. to'כו אל ורקבת. אאXXXV, 5) ...יאלכב.. -- .אש # Pogss)
ךאט ראהwhen one is eoddenly sined
“739 התא ‘in all your dwellings’ thou artnotpermitted with fright. .יתיקכיא.\! Keth. 106° רתועב תיקבדמ החילror
to start a fire; ¥. .ת Kam, 60° wrysre
ran he tan ansiously
to meet him; cmp. Targ. | Ham. |. >.
the fire which 1 set(to Zion). 1.65" (ref, toMx.te. 8) רע .
ריקבט. דיבקר ןיקכonly when he acts like the one setting |
fire (to clear the ₪610, |, 6. oriminal negligence); a = NEI I m. (preced) lerrer,—
11. meres. Tang. 1
Hof, “720 to be rekindled, to burn again. ₪9. a7. LAXXVIN, 17, +. mens.
בער1, .hc .emas )1 of ,nrub וד0.קBe.
. LI ) Gers) urging, Himulation. Tang, Prov.
273" od. .16 (oth, of.WR,Part). Tang,
Ie LXM, 1. מווא15 a & (Ch, tent |!--(רקנ !ו 10 some of
Targ. Pe. XVIII, 0; a. fre) fo remove; to dispose of. יבא
Pes," 6 אר"טה 'כוmrs dispose ye of the leavened bread
of the (gentile) soldiers (deposited with you). PIES, .¥ Meg,,1 *2? ,pwt .+ .snem
Pa. °23 toenkindle,
ignite, Targ. Bx, 3% 3. Targ.
0. Lev, V1, 5 (Mes, a. some ed. "ZS" AL), “SS CV P2<Ps, 22;camp. 255) [fo ,ו bret
through;| (emp. “3 1) to ecarch, ransack. Targ. Prov.
Af. “23% same. Targ. 0. Lev, V1, 5 (v. cupra), *Targ.
.1 Gen. XV, 17 ןיביבש ריִצְכּט il, 4 (ed. Wil. ,היבצת read (היצבת |Ib. XXV,27. וא
XX, 27 (Var, °95)-—Part,
“ang יִצָב Ib, XXV, 2.
* בער11 (cmp. “7311) toopen themouth wide,tolowe . יִצְבְהִא זוןconte. %°23“ lo be searched,
found ont.
ee Ona Omg Targ. 11 Eth. 1, 2 ןירעוב (come edit. Ib,43. deg tea)
PTSD oe,vate
levitioal cleanness, Gitt, 57° ‘St Ps תא . . MER the
gentiles held vintage in vineyards soaked with Ierael’s
blood; a. fr.
Nif. "$3; 1) tobecut, Bx. ₪. =.90,beg. ןתנוק | רע קיגתש = pt. ». pl. Betecth, » Phawician border-town
“33° until their (the nations’) time has arrived to be cut (perh. with Bawa, Neub. Géogr.p.
22). ¥. Dem.
Il, 224 top; Tosef. Shebi. 1V,9 (Var. P25; Hildest. p.34
Gen, R, 5.38 ודי רָצְבִרshall be denied them. Nps m., קב & )קקבtoenter into, warch, +. r.
6 1%. "83, "2S fo cut off, whence (emp. 3) 1) to ואז Sm. 573; cmp. RPSL, RENTS <- Sete) .קח Holl, 59
round, fortify. Part. pass. “go>. Y. Pes. VII, 35" bot.; לית ב" בר יוטאon )אמשsevil na eritne .yad .81 תלו ליה
ץצ. Shebu. VIIL, beg. 38° "בי א גבroof surrounded with ‘st" לבthey suspended on the gnat's proboscis 4419 dc.
railings, +. M3S1%5.—Neg. 1,5 תֶרָצובְכ an eruption sur- 15. אקבל TPS רארמא Ar. (ed. אקבמ ארכא( 'בthe she-gnat
punded with sound flesh; ib. X, 2 eq. “SSS (of the hair quarrelled with the he-gnat, v. .7/--."ריב By 86. 26*
the flesh affected by the eruption). Deut,
R.« 1(ref. ' משום בno tnu
fo o
t c
ang .bbaS ,°77 + בשְכָש
קיר מצור.sP ,XL ,11 א. טבצר.bi ,TIIVC )11 SCaP קיר
NPS, “PS (VPs, +. preced.; camp. ,אצב a. TS; +.
“ps, שקב ke.) tosearch, investigate, examine, find ont.
Part. "Bz. Targ. Prov. XVII, 3 יקב אפרצBat. (ed. (דקנ
Ib. XXIV, 12 "PRs Ms. (Bxt.a. oth. “25; corrapt. רדאב ;
sh, text .8--(ןיבי Mets. 64° 'כו “ ךובאבFs (Valk. Prov.
PR“ Ue 000 aroun beet apart. Mex. | 964 “IP3) find out what thy father is doing now. Pes.3°
14% Soh. 110%; Num. R. 5 18 'כו םהל3 א םוקמplace “ תרינידAs "PS Ms. M. (ed. קודב( find out his ways and man-
set apart for them in Gehenna; Koh.
R. to VII, 2.
ners. Gitt.
"69 " 'כוP=" let one search for the body of ome
who died oa a Sabbath. Kob. B, to XI, 2 (read:) Fo" כד
“TES (v.preced. a.next w.)tobediminished. Keth.7°
םורמPISS who has less than one day's (celebration = DTH( ןידקב ןירת strike out ךרקפנו. .. ןיישב. TSM) while
they were searching
(for the grave),
two serpents of Gre ₪
f marriage with benedictions
at meals).
בקוותא, ¥. Sob. Vil, end, 25% read אקודקב
,“לESch. 1) (neat. v.)tobecut,lessened; tobe
want. Ab. Zar,* 9 ( היככ ןרצבRashi ןריצב( how
aaa i yet? Sieg. Soot HIV, 0 ties“ramacee
pe jon is diminishing.—Hall.
42° אדה רצב והלthere | בקורות, בקורת, +. megs.
according to him, one less (than the number stated);
fr.—2) (act. v.) to diminish, lessen. Targ.Y. Deut. S
NII, 1; IV,2 (Var. ןורָצְבִת Pa). Targ. Job XV, 4.--
id. 65* אדח “ הלss to allow her one night less; a.fr. E> +
רוי ו-0 .neM °73 הארי "PS NPS .ג.מa.ch.()אקב capert, versed, famil-
כוTSAF ואךeh ohw stuc eno renroc fo sih kaolc iar. Targ.
1 Chr. XI, 11.—Kidd.
10° הרות "ב רדדהבwell
Targ. Koh. 111, 5. Targ. Deut. IV, 2, a. 6., v. supra. acquainted
with the chambers (intricacies)
of the Law;
: ₪.Zar. 2)“gays welethimdeduct therefrom forty ר
Y. Keth. V, 29° bot. 'כו “res ."ב Sah VII, 2 הדחה אלש
ee 186 יba . \
‘a ב"דthe court was not versed in the law. Yoma 49? broke the idols, "כו בחרו אסלקובand placed the6
ב' ברפואותna trepxe ni .enicidem לצ, 201* כלום אתה into the hand of the largest of them (Rashi NOPE,
3) ב' ברtra uoht detniauqca htiw .R ;?.c& .fesoT .bi ace.).—Pl. "obpz, “obpra ("obipa). Zeb. 105° הל רז
211, 11 25.3 ךל 'ב היהed. Zuck. (read 'ר 'ב יה ךלas a3 Rashi )64. יסלוקבב;Ms. 31, ,יסלקב Ar.s.v. יס,סלק
oth, ed.) was 13. ... well known to thee? Keth. 6"; a. Ms. 1. 1 ,יסניקב Ms. K, (רסנוקב they seize it (the8
fr.—Pl. Ppa, "pa. Targ. 1 Chr. XII, 32 (Var, .(ןיעיקב to be burnt) with crooks (while standing outaide).c1 - 1
Hull, 4? 'כו ( ןיא 'בthe Samaritans) are not so well versed
in the details of the Law as &. Gitt. 86°. Kidd. 30* עקב.₪ h.; ,קב/ ןv. NPB) 1) to split, chop; to breal
JPA אל PR... . "ב רחנראthey (the ancients) were it B. ו 99% ;12/3; (Kidd. 47 (] ערִב: he choppet:
yersed in Biblical orthography (in defective and plene), wood with it. Gen. 14. s. 55, end; Koh. R. to ,; א9 Il,! :
we are not.—Fem. HN"p2. Hag. 5°. [Targ. Y. 11 Gen. v. . חָציִקְּבEx. .5 .₪ 21 ‘ 'כוpnb רכא טקיב I am going 6
XLIX, 12 הכלהב papa Ar., ed. M>, incorr., Levita in tilps eht aes rof ;meht .a .maL—.rf .R ot ,II 2 .בקעו
Tishbi PN"P2; Y. 1 אבלח ןייקנ![ ןמ ויתולייחב 'כוbroke through the lines of N.’s armies;
Y. Taan. IV, 69" top( ךותל 2--. וחרבto cross, make a
, אייקב איקבvetch, v.בִּיקְלָא . trohs ,tuc ssap .revo .Y .seP ,I 72 .tob חצר שהרבים
+ בּוסְעיןa truoc hcihw elpoep esu rof .gnissorc 91 (וץ
1 עיקבm.; )עקב cmp. הָעְצְּב( fissure, ditch, esp. small ;”16 Sabb. 101" (a low wall) 73 םיידגהש 'כוover which
pond 0 washing clothes. 11. Kat." 8 'בו, תכרבנexpl. as the kids pass; v.( 3--.( הָעְקְּבcmp. V2E2) to break through
רבו אהרג אהרג a large pond and 8 small pond. Tosef. the ground, esp. as a legal fiction for a levitical impurity
B. Bath. I,2. Ib. M. Kat. 1 9 ...2 רז איהNibrekheth the cause of which is underground, but which affects
a. B’kia are the same; Y.ib.1,804 לכ אוהש בשות 'כו any the things above and beneath. Ohol. VI,6 m2piaטומאה
permanent cut in the ground is called( "קב fissure, a 'כרthe impurity breaks through the ground and rises, and
,evarg dnop-hsaw .).c& rehtonA[ .nipo ni ,rA 'אבן ב'=ב breaks through and goes down; a. fr.—Koh. R. III, 16
a flat stone whereon washers beat their clothes; Y. 1. 6. הלועוMa הרה םדח the blood broke through and rose.
לכ אוהש 'כוany stone fixed in the ground is called Midr. Till, to Ps. LXXVIII, 45 תא רוצח, 'ב רוצב 'בbreak |
a D’kia.—Ms. M. a. ed. Ven. 2"P3, v. >P3.] through (take root in) the rock; a. fr. !
Nif. בְבְקעto be split, to burst open. Tb. ןיעקבנ ןיפיסה
פקיע11 ₪. .hc )בָּהיא=(בקא=בקע. .nS °5 ב' במומי ' רבthe door sells were burst before them. Ib. לפסה 'נ
(Ms. M. עדקפ( an expert in 27 bodily defects. ₪.
"5x2 the vessel went to pieces of itself. Gen. 1%. 8.55, end
.htaB 461" בקיעemos .de .sM.(M ,sp" .F פקיע2
' חים וכnaps זכהeh saw dedrawer yb eht aes gnieb
pa, “Spa. Targ.1Chr. XII,82Var., v. "pa. Shebu. 42"
divided before the children of Israel. Hull. 4" Spat אמש
“ רפסpS( המכד ישרפנד some ed. , יאיקבMs. F. 'פ( the
הנודthe wine bottle may burst; a. fr.
majority of the experts are supposed to bebetter versed
(than the minority). 1%. בקע, >p"2 1) to split, chop, tear. Kidd. 47% ₪
supra. Y. Bets. I, 60° bot.; ¥. Ab. Zar. 11, 41° bot. ועקיבש
אעיקבm. )עקב( that which is demolished by chop- . ' (שבקעו) להם וכfo esohw skcolf eht sevlow dah nrot erom
ping. ty R. s. 19, v. ODN. than &c. Bets. LV, 3 'כו YP PR one must not split
woods (on Holy Days) etc. Sifré Deut. 183 (ref. to Deut.
/ בקיעת+.)(בקע 1 ;tfelc taht hcihwsi ,nevolc XIX, 5) 2p29h yn jafrom the splitting wood (the handle),
a log. ה. תּועיקְּבKoh. 8. to 11, 28 "ב עקב "> "תשchop opp. Spangnysn the split wood (the tree). Tanh. Vayetse $
for me two logs; (Gen. R. 8. 27 ,תויעקב v. MSPS). Koh. - “Spa chop thou &c.—Part. pass. pia. Ab. Zar. 65)
R. to ,א 9; Gen. R. s. 55, end 'כו “ עקבשa "Mw רכשב as ispraa grapes burst open.—2) to jam in, wedge. Sabb. 67”
a reward for the two pieces of wood which Abraham המבקעת ביצרםihsaR( .raV המקבעת, .sM .]1 עס (עצים/
chopped (Gen. XXII, 3).—2) crossing, passing over. Sabb. who squeezes egg-shells &c. (a superstitious practice;
101° םרגד My"pa the crossing of fish under the ship. Tosef. ib. VI (VII), 18 לתוכב oseee םיצב.(| תנתונה
Hif. הבקרט1) to cut, clear. Shebi- IV, 5 ם"תזב>
)רפכ( ןיעיקּפ ןיעיקצpr. n. pl. Bkiin, (K’far)
' רכhe who cuts olive-trees down (in the Sabbath yea
P’kiin, modern Fukin, a place in Southern Palestine
must not cover the stump with ground,—2) to lead¢
between Lydda and Jabneh, residence of R. Joshua. Y.
line crosswise. Y.Kil. ILI, 28¢ top 'כו עיקבהלto plant four
Hag. I, beg. 75%. Snh. 325; a. fr.
rows across a valley from end to end.
אקיקבm. ; )קקב cmp. , אעיקב( עקבa broken piece, Hithpa. »p2nn to be split ;to burst, break. Sifré Deut
potsherd. .ןרקרקב.7 Targ. Y.Ex. XII, 12; Num.X XXIII, 4. 188, v. supra. —Sabb. XVI, 5. Cant. R. to VI, + i
בקלאני.tnaC .8 ot 1, 21 'ב' בוקינוס וכ, readקְלָאנֶין ya m. (b. h.; (עקב [a split,] beka, a weightad1
יכו, יקובב. PR; v. Yalk. ib. 983. coin, equal to half a Shekel. Gen. R. ₪. 84; a. 6 0
oA Sas
בקעי קרא
he, Toh, V1,7, 4.6 SUPE תוטיב 'כתthe path ווו, 82” .teb >תכקורו תכקר. . ..."sa רס גר און
through the fields in summertime (when used by held s00n . הone gives @ thing free and it bas left hic posses
laborers) is considered as private ground with regard sion, bis act ie valid; a.ff. (Weth. B. toll, 16 ,“ רקבמSs,
to Babbath laws, as pablic with regard to levitiea! purity. prob. “Psa, +. (.רַדָב
הווההat" when one sells,..a held Mba 'בב within » Hof, "gym to be declared
free, to be free. ¥ קי
large group of fields (all belonging to the seller), Tb. (in Vi,19" + “ype I 18” bot. St pst:
אplace) where they call 'ב הרשל רש "בלוasfeld sadeh amd (Tevet. Maser. U1, 11. _"") aileld deallbobes
an estate bikah; a.fr.—Troat, anunguarded
field, moral for one day he.; 4. ©.
danger, Yrab. 6%; 100"; Mull, 110° 2) aes 'ב ברHab found
ch.come— Pu. “PS 1) fe worch, cnomine, Tang
an unguarded field and fenced it in, i. © found people
0. Lev, X11, 86; & fr-—@) fo clear, glean, Tare. ו
tranegressing the law in ignorance and instituted prevent
Dest, XXIV, 20 (11 Sor, read ,ךירקבת ₪. test HET)--
ive regulations —H. Peps. Gen, 30. 5.08—%) (constr,
5) to let the herd graze (emp. “75), to drive טי
Pens pe.₪.pl. Valley of—, as Sas ,'ב'ב סידיhe., forall
animale, Targ. ¥. Gen. RU, 7.-4( 6 the wich
of which see the respective determinants,
Tare .ד . מוXVII, 20; =. © —¥. Babb, VI, & bot; «
DPS, +. Ned. 1V, bog. a8", +. קוקי fr —5)(—preeed.
if) le abandon, leave unclaimed declare
free. דוק .¥ . אאXX, וו Ar. (some64. רקפת reed
+ ()לקב s)chip,
pieceofwood;lagto bechopped. (ותפקרY. Shebi. 1X,96" top resp הָרקְכִאְי and 1 will
DB. Kam. 82° 'כו יבMr a chip slipped out (of the carp- declare it free goods in their presen 6. Tb. ro 9ST 4
enters hand) and struck his faee; Y. ib. 111, end, 5%. declare ye it free property.
11, 31° bot. Y. Bets. 1'V, 62° bot. תאןיא ןיבכמ
יבחyou must not extinguish
the log; v. Soy. Babb. 20" = 1-08 pee
(b. ₪.; +. (רקְב morning, corly day;
top;a. fr —Pt. (emp. pl. ofP33) PPeps. Hall. 37° “ex . .ד Team. 1, 66 top םוקידצל'ב
*S תלכוא even if strong enough to bite wood. Koh.
RB. to = a night for the wicked.
IMT, 17 (a glows expl. PA). Gen. RK.
«, 97, +. הָציִקְב-- Ruth. R. to 111, 13 ‘St Shs SS ‘in the morning’—that
2) dial. for Type -ף > means in the world which is all-good. Meth.
Kh, introd.
NOPE, ‘TPS ob. same. Targ. Y. Num. XIX, 6. (ref. to Deut. XX VIII, 67) 'כו בב הרק לש לבבim the morn-
ing (ascendancy) of Babel thou shalt say, Ob that ber
ו Targ. Gen. evening (downfall) would come! Gen. KR. « 21 (ref. to
in,ac unzpg.—Y. Shebi. 111, 84° top, +. | Dan. Vill, 14) 21 FIRS הֶשְכִישִכל when the morningof
of.... Gen. R. #10;
oS Sper stn pr.n. Valley | the (persecating) nations shall become evening, and the
evening of Israel morning; Tanb. ed. Bab. Bresh. 23.
Mekh. Bo, =. 6 in order to define its 'ב יקבל לשat the
,"Sp (b.b.; VPS, v. 2p) to enter into, toclear, split; very break of morning; Y. Ber, 1, 2 top. — /1. so“ 5s.
whence 1) ()=רעב fo cat up. Denom. ()=ריֶעּב
--- Yoma 33° "ב דחקלה רנשלdivide the acts prescribed into
2) ()=רעב to break forth, shine. Denom. two mornings, i. 6. let another act be inserted between.
= ..בְּקֶררָיק (b.h.)
ִ ב1) to enter into, examine, search, Ber, 27* 'ב דדקלה רכשלtake only one half of the morn-
/ (cmp. 73). Keth. 106" pots “PS> those ing hours. Y. Pes. V, 31° top םִיְרְקבִח Ps For רשימ תרא ךל
| with the examination
of sacrificial animals. Y.
then it ought to have read there ben Aab-t/keraim
Bets, 11, 61° top ןסוטמ PIS) and had them examined
you read םיברכה TS, Da).
declared free) from bodily defects. Hag.9" 7x
' PS םירטוא we do not say, Examine ye a camel, a — רקב
m. (b.b.; .+ (רקְב
a beef; (collect.)
exem, cattle.
; ₪0. (i. 6. only the deeds of distinguished
persons arfiS arkiyaV.hc,lI 2.raPtD‘ארך לך בבדשה אלאבי
re scrutinized);
a. fr.— Part. pass. examined and Whemah
for offerings (Lev. 1, 2) are meant only beeves
fit. Y. Ber.1V, 7" top lambs which and sheep; a.fr. ךב "ב young cattle, calf. .15 ; .אf.—">~
1 examination.—2) fo inguire after one’s health, to "בherders (suspected of feeding upon other people's felis).
itthe sick. Ned. IV, 4 (38). וקבל סנככוand comes Soh. 111, 2 Ss השלש ™Se pose [if one says) 1 have
2 ה hin. Soh. 68*; a. v. fr. [Ruth. R. to 11, 15, +. faith in (the arbitration of) three herders.
“rt, Nithpa. “P3N3 1) to beexamined. Gen. “WPS m.(preced.) neat-herd, cow-herd ; cattle-driver.
5? וסקנפ his account is examined (his sins | A Bets. V, 68%,+. 533.
Vayishlah 8 תֶיְקָפְהִב Gen. R. =.84, read
₪ ג. 141 “OPE “SPs my account 46. 2) fo be = I ch same. B. Mets. 42°.— Pi. דִרְקָב Sot. 48*
to. Num. R. s. 18 as all sick persons " זרא דבeht gnos fo eht srevird ta( .)gnihguolp
1 (by physicians). "ארק זז.₪ ירש.“ )זES, cmp. b-h. “SZ 8.TSI)
ל Y. Dial. for ריקפה v. “PB; v. next w.)
resign ownership, to declare
a property
[empty,] light-minded, thoughtless. Targ. 104.
IX, 4 Ar.
“apa 1.IV,38%; Y.Peah V, beg. 19° [read :[ ךורכ
a. Kimhi (ed.(בסירין .
ornate SPSS SINS as soon as one declares a NTPs
>.()רקב herd. Targ. +. Dent.
VIL,13 הדק
= Re it has gone out of his control; Y. Dem. ( תודיךh. text ךיפלא -( דנש8. Mets. 84° ירוד S a 1
188 et ee aa
of oxen, (Var. 8275, v. Rashia.1. a. Rabb. D.S.a. 1. note 2). / בMN בנרfo eht emas .beY—.yrogetac °48 “32 בת
--2%. m. ,ןיִרְקַּב constr. "pa. Targ. 0. Deut. 1. 0.; Targ. NPA) a parallel case stated immediately sift
ib. XXVIII, 4.—Fem. .ןְרְקַּב Targ. Joel 1, 18; Is. VII, 25.
;SON +
בְּקָא יצ.
nia f. ("P2) cattle-yard, cattle-farm, stock of cattle.
M. hag Tosef. ib. II, 11 תרוקיב (Var. ,תוריקב (תורקב “AI m. (b. h.; (ררב [empty, open] 1) uncultiv
Y. Pes. IV, 31" top .תרוקב Y. Yeb. IV, 6* bot.; + Nidd. gies forest, prairie; opp. 218. Kil. VIII, 6. Hull. : 8
I, 49" top; Gen. R. 8. 20 [read:] סונינוטנא תיבby תורקב רוש הthe ox of the prairie, buffalo. Ib. בה SN fo est
של בית רבי spP היתה עובָרֶת והרביעו (שוורים) ממנה6 ram, Y. Sabb. XIV, 14% bot. 2“ ררזח לשwild swine.—
herd of the estate of A. passed by and (some oxen) thereof )2 clear, visible, whence the outside, surface, opp. 7.
covered the herd of Rabbi’s estate; [perhaps the second Yoma 72° a scholar ןראש וכות לרָבכ whose inside is not
בקרות18 to be read תוmp2 fem. pl. of MP3; v. Var. as his outside (who is insincere); Ber. 28%. Y. Pes.
lect. in 1. 6,[ VII, 34* bot, ךות רב the inner parts of the Passover lamb
must hang outside (not be put inside, v. R. Akiba in
ROMS 1 ch, same. Lam. ₪. to I, 9 דחו דח אנעב Mish. VII,1); Mekh, Bo,6( ךות רבו read; וכות( רב Pes. 748
בבone is employed in the fold and one in the cattle-farm. R. Ish. called it ךות רב Ar. s. v. 2( ךתed. ךות , ךוהVar. |
Y. Snh. VII, 254 bot. 'כו ןמ אתווקבday בנג (corr. ןמ . in Rashi a. Ar. ארבכות q. v.). ,
ליה (בקר' ואייתיהeh elots a flac morf eht dray dna
brought it to him. ,“ רבa, אָרְּב ch. same 1) (=h. M3, 13") forest,
prairie &. Targ. Ps. L, 10sq. Targ O.Gen. IL, 1; a.e.—
PS 11, אתוכ רק+ .)+ koa I) levity, thought- )2 (adj.) living in the forest &c., wild. Targ.Ps.1.¢. Var.
lessness. Sy Tet, Sait’ 32. Targ. I Sam. XVII, 28. לוגנרת; ארבSabb. 78 אלוגנרת 'בMs. M. (ed. תל . (... wood- =
kcoc neh( fo eht )3*—.)eiriarp .leep .bI 981" ב' דתומא
, תרקבv. NPR.
the peel of garlic; [Rashi, expl. >>X, must have read
wpa (b.h.; / אקב.צ,קב ;corresp. to ("עב.[ג0 ;Pi. wpr2, (4--.[=( ארבאh. ץזד( outside, outdoors, street. Targ. Gen.
wpa 5 seek, desivé; beg, ask. Kidd. 65° 'כו "8p39 the XXXIV, 31 תקפנ 'בa prostitute, v.; חח 11 a. fr.—Y.Kil. |
court begs him to give her a letter of divorce, opp. to IX, 32> "ab ןאמ רעב ךל who wants thee outside? (an
כופין. Ber. 12° 'כו עובקלswpa they (the Rabbis) intended intlindtlén to leave the room). Snh. 62*”; Sabb. 106% a.e.
to insert the chapter about Balak 86. Gen. R. s. 84 'ב " ארבל2m קופ go out and teach itin the 4 (i.e. your
' לרשב וכeh dednetni ot evil ni ;ecaep .a 1.-- ב' רחמלםot tradition isארב --.(6[66%60 אנת ץa Tannai not recorded
pray (for mercy), v. "3. Ber. 1. 6. B. Bath. 91; a. fr. ni eht ,hanhsiM .v בֶּריִיחָא. 1. .taK "71 :ihsaR( הארי תנא
Hithpa. Spann, Nithpa. wpan2 to be sought, to be ;דברייתא
( .B .htaB "89 .rA .de( ;(בתרא.pme בְּרְאָח.--
hunted for (by detectives); to be summoned. Taan. 29% )4 (prep. a. adv.) outside; רב ךיב outside of, except, with-
(a disguised warning given to R. Gamliel) םטוחה לעב .tuo .graT .O .neG ,VIX ;42 .a .reB—rf 88" דיןyaב'
wpa the well-known man is wanted; v. .םשוח B, 21‘ "בוwithout this and without that, i. 6. apart from
Mets. 86% v. Ma". eseht owt .stnemugra .Y .burE ,IIV dne ¢42 ב' מדעתרה
tuohtiw sih ;egdelwonk .a ”26.lluH—.rf מיכדה259.34")
השקב.1 (b. h.; preced.) desire, prayer. Ned. XI, 2 and thy mnemonical sign (as to אדרצ a. , אדרבthe one
‘a ךרד in the way of a request (to give a divorce, v. being forbidden, the other permitted) be: keep aloof from
preced.). Ber. 9% a. fr. 2 ןיא אנ אלא ןושלthe word x? it (N753).—Trnsf. restriction (everywhere except . . .),
in the Bible means prayer (I pray &c.). Ib. 572 Adm proviso. Succ. 45"; Snh. 97" who enter the heavenly —
ותשקבhis prayer is held in suspense (its fulfillment is courts "בב with certain qualifications (by special grant), |
doubtful).—ja9 “a3 I pray thee, v. 523. Ib. 9*, Gen. R אלב 'בwithout any restrictions.—"3>, "252 apart from,
.8 75 end; a. fr— Pl. בשות. ,edistuo .ylevisulcxe .R.tnaC ot 8,IIV לב' מלשראל |
,.setilearsIeht .lluH %89 ytxis ,eno °25 ' לב...בהדי דלדה או
NOP, ND ק"ב .+ , )=אתעקב.+ אָגאָּבa. NEP) valley, eht eno )gge( dedulcni ro ?dedulcxe .B ”09.htaB שתותא
short cut; Dae “offields. Ber. 34 bot. I consider him ‘ada the sixth part (as an addition) is outside, 1. 6. to
arrogant 'בב ( ןאמ ילצמדMs. 11. .ג Ar. אָסְקְפב 6. v.) who each five portions one is added, an addition of twenty; /
prays in a valley (where people pass by). Keth.54*; 103 ,tnecrep .ppo .3511 .B .steM ,"35 .v חוּמְטָא /
בביתי ולא בביקתיni‘ ym ’esuoh sa‘( gnol sa uoy lliw "ו
spend your widowhood in my house’-—the marriage con- , אַרְּב רבזזm. ch. (b. h, "2 poetic;(בר" off
tract reads) but not in my estate, i. e. she must be spring. Targ.Gen.1V,; 25 לאומש--.:1.צ.8 'בson F
content to live in her [866 husband’s house with 8 'רד. maa son of .... Ber. 8% Hull, ts an th—B
heirs, but she cannot claim a separate residence. [Com- Mets, 110% . . תבדmma the son of the da
ment. רתקב=יתקע רבhouse of my distress, narrow house, Sabb. 116 םוקמב ארב אתרב 'כוwhere there is:
i. e. when there is no room for her and the heirs, she daughter cannot inherit. Y. Shebi. IX, 39* bot.
loses her claims, v. Sabb. 77°, etymol. of 'ב==אתקע יב 3‘ ךהד תדלרthis nan’s mother has born a son, i.
narrow 'יב--[.1306ןנ ( רבM3) one of the same rural com- yam eb duorp fo ;mih .Y .bA .raZ ,VI 43
munity; trnsf. of the same class or category; neighbor. (not תיאו(; .8 v. fr-—Pl. [y2, "ָבְּב Targ. Ys
Men, 24" 'ב והלוכ רכבthey all belong together. Meil. 17? (some ed.). Targ. Ps. CXXVII, 5 Ms.) Pיע
/" i, ro
4 | רב "375
Ai eto
NW 11son, +. רַבוו R. Judah han-Nasi and his contemporaries, bet also to
some of bis predecessors, and sometimes to the first
- : sem. (¥. “Sl ch.) 1) external,
¥. X77". B. Mets, 65° "ב !דיכישכאbe gave him
opp. Mx. Targ. 11 Kings the title of B'rabbi (a scholar of Habbi Jodah). Hull.
XVI, 18; a. 0 —Y. Pea. VI, beg. 34° 'ב Gr, +. “SI eh.— 137* דרב ( דרברref. to ₪. Yous). Tb. 11° “"s; Mace. 5*
Gen. 4.5.49 ; Yalk. Gen. 83(interpret. הָליַלָח Gen. XIII, 25)
=" (v. Rabb. D. 8.2.1. note 100), Sabb.115* לאילטנ ןכר
(בריה) ברייח תוא לךtisi ngierof ot yht ;erutan .v .mar ( ברדTosef. ib. XIII (XIV), 2; Mass. Sofrim V, 15 only
Kidd, 33* 'ב רתבthe outer chambers of the
(ר' גמי.RB .lmaG nos fo .RB haduJ .isaN-nah .burE °35
bath-house. Hag.
5° "ב רתבthe ovter chambers
of the
“3 רבדי אושקיא.sO .4 ,SS .+ .bbaR .D ,8 .₪ L setom
vens. B. Bath.
30° S רקושב in the market places
70; 80) R. 0. scholar of Rabbi Jad. han-N.—Sifré Deat.
mad אָחְיְרְּב ,. אָתְיְרְרְבTarg. Ezek. 41.11, 1; +.
1, end ‘S"S הדוהי (Yalk. ib. 792 only .(הדוחי Y. 4.Kat
e—Y. M. Kat. ,זו beg. 81°; Y. Ned. ,א 49" top "ב אקרא
ILI, 82* ;טסו Gen.R.s. 100 “ox “S דחה a stadent (Amora)
he YRS (ץוח abroad; v.77. — PLאָחְיְרַב METS. Tag. recited ₪0. Y. Sot. VIII, end, 23° "ב [ תיל דברinsert wt)
ov. ,אאא 4 'ב אערארthe extreme ends of &c.—2) (as
an) street,
open place, field. B. Bath. 40" sit down יקושב not even a teacher or a stadent was exempt. (Seb. 17"
SS רב , יטרread STS.)
'ובב Rashi (ed. (אקושב in markets and open places (i. >.
in public). Hull. 43; 47* ; 58" "ב “rh the animals of the aa)SS m. (abbr. of 3“) intimate, familiar. Cant.
+. “BI ch.—Esp. NETS, NOWTS (sub. =אתינתמ R.toV, 15; Lev. ₪. 5.25 "ב“Poses לדזא (Cant. B..דזכדב
₪. תניצרחה Mews) Beraitha (or Boraitha), traditions
and some ed.) he grows to be like an inmate
of the house.
pinions of Tannaim not embodied in the Mishnah as
by .א Judah han-Nasi, [A collection
of such “373,
+. “3 son, ₪. “SS
thas is found in the Tosefta ()אתפסות which bears
nearest resemblance to the Mishnah and is called by
TINTS Savas. Pt ws. Tang. Pe XIV, 1.
name in Talm. Y.—The ₪. in frequently called TOSS )49098 יקgen.pl.ofBapSapos) ofthebar-
( תתלCh.) in contrad.
to P23 (Hebr.), v. Num. R.s, 18 barians. Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2) S אשיקנ (read
to Cant. VI, 8); Lev. R.s. 30.}—Sabb. 19"; Erub. 19°; נדקדטא, ) ףאוvepdSpaf O roreuqnoc fo eht snairabraB
e. היל ( 'ב אל 'עימשcmp. Sabb. 61°; Pes. 101" Tere (Jews). ץצ. B. Mets. 11, &, +. “27S
| 85) he did not know that Boraitha. Ber. 19°; a.fr. WSS “SS m. (Papfapec, babbler, Cart. Griech.
ONS m. (v. preced.J="8758
outside. Ab. Zar. 28* Etym. p. 290) 1) foreigner (in a contemptoous sense),
FASS an external wound.—(Adv.)
Zeb. 15* "ב“ רזXPT berberian. Esth R. to Il, 21 == בה this barbarian
layman stands outside. Ib.
'כו "בל קרפנdoes (the (Mordecai, contrad.toCale Targ. Esth.
as Greeks);
i) run only outside (away from the altar) and not ewes
15..4.--.ב 20. Lev. Bs. 11;
oS Ss ~Ex.B.s.
(in all dirsetions)? a. fr.—2) an inhabitant
of Barbaria (+. X22). Geo.
₪. s. 60 beg. דחא רשוכ דחא וא 'בa Cushite or a Barbar; בר דלא, .v .bbaR .21 ..a1 - saes °41 תא
Cant. R. to 11, 8 (for רתוכ read: "wi>). Y. Succ. V, 55" / St ’ / |
top, v. next w.
רדל לש | ו
“ATA ch. same. Pl. ןיִירְּבְרַּב בַרְבְּרִירא Lam. R. to
1,16; IV, 19; Esth. R. introd. 'כו דע תאד שבכמ 'בinstead אָיִלִדרַּבrm om, THOTT (cmp.3
of 0 the Barbarians (Germans, Britains &c.); Y n. pl. Bard'laya, near Lydda ty.infra). Y,. Erub.
Succ. V, 55" top (Hebr. diction).—Lev. R. s. 22 'ב הטיקנ top אנשר בר דליהeht stnatibahni fo .B .Y .ibehS ,I
v. ןורַבְרַּב bot. דברדלירהofB. Y. Peah 111, 174 bot. R. Jud.b.Pazi
דבר דלראrof( hcihw .Y .geM ,I *17 בר;זרלה.pדm(e .Y
, אירבְרּבMIDI, NMI, ANTS + Snh. I, 18° bot. where R. Jud. b. P. is mentioned as of
(barbar ia) foreign. (not Roman) country, esp. 1) Germania Lydda. [Num. R. s. 13 ,ארלדרב some ed., y. [.אָפִדְריב >
Barbara; also Britannia (as hostile to Rome); 2) East
African coast, Azania, v. “293. Targ. Y. II Gen. X, 3; סַלְּדְרַּב סילדרבm. (Tdpdadte, pardalis; 00006 |
Targ. I Chr. I, 6 (for (תוגרמה v. גרמנרקיא. —Yeb. 63” _ pardus; prob. of Semit, orig.; cmp.. לh. םרדְרְּב( spotted
אינטרמ. . . "בWIN Ar. (ed. "NID"VA, corr. acc.); Sifré beast, whence 1) (v. Sm. Ant. s. vy.) leopard or hyena,
.tueD 023 וממורטניא מבי ומטונס. . .; .klaY ,bi 549 'מב usu. in connection with "93. Snh.1I,4. B,Kam, I,4 (expl.
ארנטירבמוthose from Barbaria [,Tunes] and Mauretania ib. 16* NBN q.v.). Bekh. 8, B, Mets. VII, 9.—2) (prob.)
[Britannia] who go naked ₪6. (v. Briill, Trachten d. Jud. marten, or mariput (Rashi: putois); usu. in connection
.p 4 .).qs .tnaC .R ot 11, 8 לסמרטיה..."אחד מכם גולה לב withהדל Pes. 9; Nidd. 14>; Ab. Zar. 42%; ‘Tose.
(Yalk. ib. 586 אינטירבל. . . (. one of you is exiled to B., Ohol. XVI, 13 ed. Zuck.ברדלה .
another to Sarmatia [Britannia]. Midr. Till.to Ps, CLX.—
ברדניקוס, +. חדרניקוס
Y. Shek. VI,50" top; Gen. R.s.23, end רפרכ 'ב the rocks of
.3 (Azania).—Ib. .8 75 ינבו אינמרג- 'ב.םא---. ינבBR. s. 18 ברדס, +. pans.
a king ונב 'בל pnw whose son went to a foreign land
(conquered province). Koh. R. to II, 7 (ref.-to barburim yor, ToL )םיס. . (. . גpl. (a corrupt. of
I Kings V, 3) a bird .86 היה אב 'במ 'כוcame from B. Brundusina,ץ. (בלדרסיןnatsidnurB ,skaolc rekciht naht
every day. [Ib.; Pesik. R.s. 16; Pesik. Eth, Korb, p. 58?, בְּרְסִין. ד. .1 ,X1 .7 ¢23.bi.Y pot ."OP .fesoT .leK .B
a‘ ,2" daer htiw .rA .> .y ברבר: בִּיבְרְרָא.[ Bath. V, 11 ןיסתרב ed. Zuck. (Var. ,ןיצתרב ,( 'צתתרבV.
7728, roms.
, צי תירברב. גזKat. I, 814 bot, 'בב , ןינותprob. to
be read אָסיִרְרַפבְ; cmp. Bab. ib, 17% "Pm (Parel of P73, cmp. (קזרה to penetrate, go
from end to end; to bolt. Targ. .צץ 11 Ex. XXXVI, 33
NUITD, NITIS, +. wes ( לבַרְּּקh. text m535).
TA m. (b. h.; 1/2, v. (ררב [bright, white,] hail (v. ma 1) fem. of "2.—2) v. .לרב
Ges, 11. Dict. s.v.), Mikv. VII, 1; a. fr.—’am ןבא block of
בּרנון, v. 73.
ice (or hail stone). Ib.; v. next w.
ברובה, יצ.llaH ,1 ,°75 daer ְּרוּבָא
אְדְרְּבַזch,same. Targ. מא 1% 18,;a. fr.—M. Kat. 25”
raf כרפרliah .senots .reB 81;
" ץ, גְזֶיזָא. *אזוורבוread אָזּיזְרְּב m. )זרב( perforation. Targ. Y.
Num, XXV,8 רתאב 'ב in the place of perforation (hole).
NTT 11 (cmp. preced. a. a>uix) barda, a cosmetic
lotion used as a detergent, a mixture of aloes, myrtle ברויירא, .h.o
RoKt ,II 41 'שמלאי דב,,צ.בִּיר, NBS).
and violet. Sabb. 50% (Ms. M., once, 8. Ar. אדא “3, Alf.
"7772, מ בי,m )ברך, .yv )2" eht kcen fo na ,lamina
Ms. a. oth. ארדב ; . צץRabb. D. ₪, a. 1. note).
so named from the benediction (7192) which precedes |
NT IIT m. (v. preced.) barda, name of an unclean the ritual slaughtering.
bird, “Hull. 62 (Ar, אדא .(רב
32 pr. .מ . זמBrokhi. Snh. 17” 'ב למר רבMs. M.,
NO", v. NDT. Ar. a. oth. (ed. ,"ברב corr. wenn
ברולקי v.ברוקלי .
, ןידרבTosef. Kel. B. Mets. X, end (ed. Zuck.(גרדין
read yt. 0 בִּירוֶון בר
NIN I m. (dimin. of 873; cmp. nom) 0 litte
, ןינידרב, ןינדרבEx. R.s. 88, end, read 737279.
ץ בּרדיסין. POT. son, darling. Pesik. B’shall. p. 83% (allud. to termin: tion
"2 in Rubeni &.) רנויכס לנורבסWAND רמאד שני
one says, My own dear son, my features, my looks;
k Ye
NIM m. (emp. b.h.7>5, 8755) Bard’la, surname
Num 773; Cant. R. to IV, 12 (corr. acc.); ‘Tar.$V 4
of several persons. B. Mets. "too ןהכ ( אבאVar. אנהכ
adds רובאמ from his father (has he this).]_aa
Ms. M. אלד ;( רבGen: R. s. 76, end; Y. 6166. VIII, 49°
top; (Y. Peah IV, 18* bot. ארלד רב 6 26* (Ms.M. 2 NIM pr.n.m. Eien eS ae Ber, 2
¥. FS MENT 4 רט ch) outside,rejedied ;cmp. ןותויירמ
B, Mets, ל a. fr. Ar, (od. sometiones arene qv.)
IL, PANS + nm. Baroka, father of i,
Jobarian. Ab.IV,6 Krab. Vill, 2; a ¥. fr. rm. rays ¥. (ררב [lo get throwgh,)
perforate, transfiz. Targ. ¥. Nom, XXV,8; 4.5. [Targ
ות תו. gni
ad +r
. קo
= ¥. Gen. XLAV, 36 Farm, read JHE oF PET ₪ Tare
oma ,1 ;"40 .+ . הMash. ,1 beg. a7". | ווא וו¥, קרא 5. 279.) —Bab, 62° רָביַמ החילess
that one may pot « culprit to desth by piercing. tab
grt a tree
terapper, cover. Midr. 146°, +. RTGS. Hoh, 66"; = fr,
אוה. ib, 120 (expl, םיפרת ae if SENG, + “Af. 78 to thing, Git. 4° ‘St זירְכָמ ו) יא יקב₪
פוהוסTS ees
fo)rahteerc .tro( chooses, he may sting himeclf with thorns and he will
| הfall וה
2 1 mm. (preced.) bung-Aole, bung, Ab. Zar. 59"
| res $s Me. .א(ed, אזרבל (לרקתשראד whose bung
was taken owt, Ib. S "רחלר לכall the wine facing the
Rath. 147* 'כו 'ב. ט"די, when the dayof190000 is bung-hole (the first gush of wine). Ib. 60° 'בר דקMe.
bright, ואש ו opp. 853; Tosef, Arakh.1, 0—nh. 7" א. (ed. ‘Sm, Hashi (ב to « level with de. i. 5. the wine
אם ב' וכיfi eht esac si אהraelc ot eeht sa eht ,gninrom above the bung-hole. Sabb. 150". B. Math #e* ss רכש
speak out (thy opinion). Gite. 89* SM רבד an ascer-
(Ms, .זו ( יזרבבchanged the bung-hole (or the bung).
tained faot.—Pes, 50* 'ב םלוקa rightly-condncted
opp. TSR.—Y. Ber. 115° sm ..... "rs he must begin NPS Lor NIMS 3.(es 11;.ד TT se) cul (eather),
to re-read from the place which he is certain of having strap ;"horec-line. Hag. 9* St אקטדכ רכ"ב₪ ₪ red Hine
read correctly. Y. .הוז ,1"49 'ב, שולח.+ לישבת ; טָלִחו for a white horse (Ms. 4. (אָדְרַיכ .(Ber. 59* ,אורכר read
ביreal boiling (about whieh there is no legal doubt). Y. רברדא, .+ זִיזָא1.
-- Babb. 117° ss חיל לוקש₪
טטצIV, 5* bot, "ב בלחascertained existence of forbidden stripped
the hide strap-wise. Cmp. “Sts.
fat. Y. Gitt. IX,50° bot. "בו רירשOM P (the formala) valid,
firm and established. Y. Kidd. IV, 66* top "ב 97> a pricst ב ap onal finme. rsare
of undoubted genealogy; a. fr.—2) (b. bh."5, Nob.V,18) Syr.,P.Sm. 582). 1 Deut.XXXII,4
soz, read
chosen, best, Gen. R.5. 25 חבש ‘SM the best one among 3735 . זו )צset). Ib.
אא41% ,6 (Var. sovrsS). Targ. Pe.
Pl. rs, pos. Y. Kidd. IV, 66* bot. prxss 'בח א 7 xem(רבל read p45).
the chosen among thy brethren (whose genealogy has
been established;
v. supra); Num. R. «. 9.
amen / 4
Ss +. (ברזboring, tapping. B. Mets. 40° היחרט in the throat) may have perforated (the este; ve
ודמ" בְזְנְֶתָיה,rA .de( ק בַּרִזִנִיְיְחָא1.; .v .bbaR .D .8 .a .1
infra,—2) (denom. of N72) to get well, ver ; to be
note 30) his (the seller’ s) trouble and the value of his
strong or stout (fat), 2161. 17% N"737 רא WINS" does he
wish him to be lean (feeble) or to be strong?—Y. Peah
tapping (the sample; v. 82°17). [Var. in Rashi "> his
calling out, offering for sale, +. 173.]
III, 174 bot. 8712" אמש for he may get well again. Hull. 334
הרוצה שרבeh ohw stnaw ot eb .gnorts .bbaS ,XIX ;5
m3 (b. h.; 72, v. (ררב 1) to break through, pass a. fr. [Hull. 43> “A אמש lest the wound created by per-
through (Ex. XXXVI, 33). Denom. (9--.ַחיְרֶּב to flee. foration be healed, Rashi}, vy. supra.] אמ
Erub. 13” הלודגה ja חרובה he who flees office. Y. Yeb.
XIII, 13°, a, 6. 'כו חַרְּב ןמ 'גshun three things. Y. Taan. :לב אָרְּבch. same; 1) fo create. Targ. Goh. 1
IV, 69" top, v. Spa; a. fr. a. fr. [Targ. Prov. XX, 12 ררבא, אחלאprob. to be read
Hif. 737 1) to cause to flee, drive out, exclude. Y. אהלא ארבas ib. XXII, 2.]—Snh.? 65 ורב אמלעthey might
Yeb. XV, 15* top ויסכנמ חיְרְבַהְכto force him to flee and create a world. 1b.67" אל רצמ ררב he (the demon) cannot
abandon his property. Y. Gitt. V, 47* ומצע םדא ַחיִרְבַמ - create. [Ib. ,325" , ורברמוv. Ithpe.]—2) (v. preced. Hif.)
מך השבועהeno lliw yrt ot krihs eht seitilibisnopser fo to get well, strong &c. Hull.93° ןילרב NP אלדמ since they |
a guardian on account of the oath (which the court do not grow (develop). Ib. 46" i453 ארדה gets well |
asks of him) but one will not do so on account of pay- again, [Taan.21” אלרב .ץ, לרזAf.J—3) ‘to cut, shape. Targ.
ment (to which he may eventually be subjected, v. Is. XL, 20.—*4) (v. "2 1 ch,, a. MNI2; cmp. Ot Pi. 2) to
Tosaf. to B. Kam. 39"(.--2( to abstract, steal, defraud. expel, exile. Targ. Prov. XXIV, 4 (h. text(זעם
B. Kam. 118% סכמה תאMT to smuggle. Y.Keth.
VI, beg. 30° Af. אַבְרֶר1) to strengthen, make well, make grow.
מַבְרָחֶת משל וכיMON שלאtaht ehs dluohs ton ekat -htlaets Targ. 1 Sam. 111, 85 (Var. אָלָכּואְל v. (הֶאְרִבַה 6. 44>;
ily something which belongs to her husband. M. Kat. 8% רנלרא “3938 to make the trees stronger (facil-
Hof. 17355 to be chased, scattered. Lam. R. to I, 21 itate their growth); Ab. Zar. 50° 'כו , ריורבאopp. למוקוא
' הוברחף עננל ובeht sduolc fo yrolg erew nwardhtiw .R( to preserve the trees, 10106. 47°; Yeb. 97° S942 make
Hash. 3% וק(לתסנ5 him grow fat (feed him well). aan, ib ךופנ יִרְבַאbey
(ed. ,אירב v. Rabb. D.S.a.1.) go and strengthen thyself, — |
חרבch. same. Af. M758 as preced. Hif., to withhold.
2) to permeate, perforate. Hull. 112% הירבאד (the blood)
B. Kam. 88° והניחנתבאל היסכנל הרכמin order to withhold soaked through the bread. Ib. 98" mm ררבמד היב רדימa
his property from &c., 1. 6. to disinherit. Ar. (ed, only רדרמ 73 77) if he stuck something into it
Ithpe. אֶהְבְרַחto be driven off, withheld. Targ. Job
which perforated it (making a passage for the blood).
VI, 13 (h. text .(החדנ
Ithpe. "אבר, אִהְבְּרְיא, .rtnoc ארבְרֶל. )1 ol eb .detaerc
אחרּב.( גגM73, v. M72 1(( [one that breaks through, Targ. Gen. Il, + fr.—Gen. R. s. 78 ןיירבתאד ( ןמ ןהto) |
emp. Mic. II, 13;] leader of the flock (h. דּותַש( ,bell-wether, where they were created from. Cant. 14. to VIII, 5 ןודכו
buck. Y. B. Kam. X, end, 7° if the restored sheep is as ' אֶתְבֶּרירת וכwon uoht tsah neeb detaerc niaga a .wen
distinguishable ןוגכ ןהא 'ב as the barha. Ib. what does creature (having escaped a great danger).—Ber. 54” ררביא
‘a JON ןוגכ mean? Some say ארטוח .80 v. NIAID a. ' לרחז וכa llew saw detaerc )esora( erofeb .mih ,hnS ;”56
מַשְכּוּכֶית. .baB .bi *02 .pot %84.01 ."81.008₪ ,bI %251 'ב 67> ' לחו וכaS“ ton( ומרברו, .klaY .sM ,853“ .v .bbaR
אחרקa bald buck (sneer at R. Joshuab.Karha; v. 73775). D.8.a.1. note 4) anda three years’ calf was created (arose)
before them (Yalk. Ex. 182 "729 they created).—2) to
*ברמיא, .kiseP .R 88.8 ,NO‘ daer ;ַּרְבַּרְיָא
become strong. Y. Snh. VILL, 26°25 רולע “ הרברלANT ןורכמ |
‘ הזהan‘ התרחש תְנָמוא לש לכ םלועה which became the since his heart (passion) became so strong over him as
educator of all this world of Barbaria (northern Africa).
to do this (or "7387 Af. he allowed his passion to become
RYOTE +. epee. so strong &c.) .--9( (v. "2 I, 8232) to grow wild. או 0
(explain. the expression ארב "סוגנרת6 by a scholar)
ברו, 'בי ב, .+ oe“ .)2 " ממרהWAIN )= (שמרדהthat became too wild (uncon- |
trollable) to her owner. i EES |
( אָרְּב רבתb.; . /[ , רבv.) ררב( 1 to hollow out,
perforate, v. Hif. a. = --2( to think out, plan (cmp. ירב,11 STA (b. b.) to cut out (v. 892). Part, -
, אָרְּבPen); to create. Snh. 38" when the Lord —- “M2, fem. הָיּורְּב hollowed out. Tosef. KaeB.. II, 3,
' לבְראות את וכot etaerc .nam .neG .R 8. 8 אח''כ.ו. . 'שב v. קיח a. rp. |
anni rof eH tsrif detaerc lla eht snaem fo sih חי Hif. 7737 (b. h.; denom. of "3, Ee it to
“ then created him (Adam); a. v. fr.—Part. act. N72 strengthen, to offer 6 esp. to mourner
v.—Part. pass. , אובf. HNTB. Gen. R. s. 44 (ref. to gni morf eht .larenuf .M .taK 111, 7 מִבְרין57
- TV, 5 ( רבכ ארה 'ב 'כו אָרְבּגit (the futurity) is already mourner’s meal is offered (during the festiv
created and ‘prepared. ,II .8 ,bI %02, ץצ. נכָּרָה.rf.a ץ. אַח₪ קה
Nif. 8733 to be created. Ib. s. 8 "873 לאlet him not pot חמברה בחרשיםdaer ְחִמַבְחָה+
‘be created. Snh. 38°; a. v. fr. |
Hif. x°735 1) (denom. of "3) to come outside, bore, “72, בְּרִיאm.(b.h.; v. 33) 1) inn
perforate. Hull, 48" mh אמש lest it (the thorn found whence 1) (cmp. is) healthy: strong;
/ “3 ans
aq. (opp. sick). 1, אאא VI, 56° top (opp. or, of | be compared to & palace-soldier
who wor drunk 6;
tender build); a. fr-—@) sound, eure, evident, Valk. Beth. 1056 ןוירבלל (read .1.--.('בל , םינוירב. הרבEx.
Y. tuce.
1,62"top; + Pes. 11,26" bot, 'כו רבר 'ב אלשitieeure that ה. 6.1, ' ב' שלי וכsih draug-edc eraecl
nea1pa sih elprup
he did not "ל--.86 'בTam care, Mall, 10°; .אfr 'ב-- | .סו--בריוטת. .hkeM ,llabeW kelamA ,1 " כלnort
| אטשו ‘sure’ and ‘perhaps’, the plea of two litiganta, one | SSP 'ב they appointed over him cruel guards; Tan.
aserting ₪ certainty, the other or ib. 26 'כו ( ורטק וילק םינוירבveed (דדיטקה ;Y. Kidd. 1, 61°
offering ₪ possible alternative, Keth. 12"; Bh. Mets, 57°; bot. ןויקרוב (corr. %.(. .ו PFS.
a. fr——0) sound, firm. Cant. I. to 111, 4 honey ןבאכ 'ב
as solid as 4 stone; .ה 7-4. owes. Lev. 4. = וז ב , יו. RS קוו.
3,comp, BES)
. כאולםas sound as the Temple hall.—Mull
4° תורפשטמ no2%. yee, .רב 006. 2
- 'בofahealthy, stout family; a.fr,—Pem. mars. Kidd. 71° ane ייר ==
בבל ביnolybaBsi dnuos sa( ot ytirup fo .)tneesed .barK °26 of Jerusalem by the Homans). tb, Abba הגז S שיר
3 שכירותa sound (legitimate) lease, opp, קוקר rickety | chief
of the rebele-—Ber,
10* 'כו ‘ וודרSs TOM there were
4 fr —Y¥, Brab. 1,10° Mewes א strong, solid זז ,-- 1 some highway-men living in the neighborhood of dex
Pes, MRS. 1%.top תויורב 64. Krot. (corr, ace.). | Taan. 23" כו רבTOR ל"א 54. (omitted in Me 4. ₪.oth).
Ib. 24° יב PM אה .( אed. הרחאמ , לב+. Rabb. D. א +
Me alta logs Targ. Koh. X, ¢.—Taan.20° note 2). Binh. 37° “9;
when his (the Israelite’) lack is good, opp. 2"
bad lack. Yoma 87* top 'כו אתשה "רבnow it is eure PAS Acalth, +. Pees; aos, + . aes.
Ye are unclean (rejected by the Lord)—J1. "73. Keth.
40" aq. "ES strong children.—Fem. #73,אדיר Targ. NEAT
S +.(v. ays) rebellion, defiance
of thelaw.
ל Bot. 19"; 20° "ב rcrs (refusal to drink the marching
| Water) in deflance, opp. אתרתה בהקתרתא. *[Targ. Prov.
NTS Creator, + אר XXV,20, prob. to be read acm ts; ed. ָא,1 בָיְיתא The
entire verse is ה corrupt combination
of two versions.)
FINS, PRMD (0.n.) £ ()ארבcreation, formation.
Gen. Ri.0.'1; Lev *, 36 'כו "בל םימשas to creation PTS,
ו וו סורeht ;terf s0 01 gnihetaif -xe(
&% tion) 80. Gen. R.«, 7, end םלוע לשtrons the creation TS m. ()זרב channel, stream. Targ. 1 Gam. XIV, 26
the world. Ib.s.17 man looks ותיירב סוקמלto where (h. text (ךלה
₪ was created from (the earth), woman .,. היֶיְרְב סוקמל
0where she was made from (the rib); a.fr—Mikv. VI, 7 FITS m. + bo;(חרב bolt FL. SES, PTS Ex.
הכmse כל שהואrevetahw setanigiro ni eht retaw R. 5 52; Yalk.
ib, 417.
atic plants or animals).—Mace,
17°, a. fr. POR הטיח
כברייתתone wheat grain in its natural condition, M>=: FITTS £.()תרב fight. Gen. BR. 74; = >
כבan ant in its nataral condition (though small). TTS, 86. 21°; pe St eee +שב
בריית נשמתeht larutan noitidnoc fo na detamina
ng.—Nid 111, 7 “sit תיירב the formation of a male
+ B. Kam, 94° ותיירבל רזהis changed into its ors
1 condition.
NUTS, NTS m.ch—b ,אקיב Creator, God. Targ.
וFASS .£ )7( ,htlaeh ,htgnerts .ssenihself Prov. XVII, 5 הרב his Maker; a.e.—Y.Ber.
1,2% rp"
ht "5" the honor of my Maker. Gen. RB.«.65 דבומ המ אנא
TS jo “Sd why should I give up my hope in my Creator?
RO i.
ch. same. Nidd. יצ. Hor. Il, beg. 47* ןוכריְרְבל רשדis like that of your
> ( מחטתor read אה .-( onaccount of (his) | Maker, v. €23%3; + . Sab. 11, 20* top ייירדבל:ךיכ
(corr. acc.).
₪. 26%. 45" 'כו "ב אלחתא46is (unusual) strength Lev. BR. 5. 15 ךל םיאקTTS and thy Maker will acsist
ch happened to rest in the left hand (and left-hand- thee; a. fr.
is therefore no defect), opp. אתושרחכ weakness.
RTS external, +. rae.
FTV S,אָיְרִיִּב .+( )ארבcreature; human ו TTSS creation,
(freq. mase.) man. Tosef.
Kil.1,9 .איריב Ber. 17°;
TTS creature, +. ATS.
'A ries. Hall, 127° םדב "ב תולרגcreatures living
898-306 m.) people, mankind. Yoma
86%; afr.
| ו eTQiL ,
ְ = .ו (denom. of 73) palace-soldier,
0,keeper, Ex.
R. &30 ‘ts 'בל לשמthis is to |
הָכיִרְּבf.) )ךרב( 1 bending the knee. Gen. R. s. 39; “if one says to a scribe, ‘Write for mea letter of 0170106 =
.Y .reB ,I °3 .tob .ffid( .rf (כריעה. .bI 43 pot 'לך ב 6 for one of my wives whom I may choose to divorce’, none =
thee bending is due; a, 6.--2( (denomin. of 372) knee, of them can be divorced with it” (Gitt. III, 1), upon which ©
gnuoy .toohs halrO 1 5 fi a eert sah neeb gniyd 'ובו ב the remark is made (ib. 24") 'ב ןיאד75 עמשמNP אה this =
כוbut there is a shoot onit.....: the old stem is again rule of the Mishnah implies the adoption of the prin- —
like a young shoot (with ref. to the fruits of the first ciple that subsequent disposal does not react on the —
years, v. .(הלרע R. Hash. 15"; Tosef. Shebi. IV, 20 ed. original status of the letter of divorce, so as tosay that =
Zuck.( ןלרא השועה 'ב תחא ed. ךרב( a tree which shoots this subsequent selection is equal to a defined intention _
only once a year (its fruits growing all at once), opp. at the time when the deed was to be written. [The —
“ תוכירבmw (expl. R. Hash. .1 ,6 ןיעכ( "תש 'בtwo crops, question of B’rerah, i. e. whether a subsequent disposal =
i, 6. early and late fruits:—3) (from the position of the has or has nota retrospective legal effect, is widely spread 3
hatching bird) brood, esp.of doves. B. Bath. V, 3; Bets, 10* in the Talmud, referring both to judicial as well as to =
'ב הנושארthe first brood of the year.—PI. nin3. R. ritual 68808.[ Yoma55? 'ב תיל הדל. 'ר. R. Judah rejects
Hash. 1.c.; Tosef. Shebi. 1. 6. Yeb.63* miD%3, +. 772 Hif. _ the principle of B’rerah; Y. Shek. VI, 50" 'ב יאןנירמא
'כוif we adopt thé principle of B., let four Zuz (the —
בריכת, PITS .)+ )37 ,dnop .ekal .ykiM ,IV 11 value of one offering) be taken out of the bagand thrown |
aotשלשמ... דחאone three hundred and twentieth part of into the water, and the balance of the money be permitted =
the bathing pond. Gen.R.s.39 61.%0)ע לM272 Gen. XII, 12) for use. Hull, 14%; a. fr,
ררק הרב 'ב 'כוread b’rekhah, a pond, as the pond cleanses
the unclean (by immersion) 80. ;Num. R. s. 11; a. fr.— TT, +. ana. eo
Pl. mi3"73, 273. Makhsh. 18, 3.—Cmp. 5933.
Sa +. ()הרב clearness, pureness, innocence. Y.
, *ןוסכירבread j"02"73 (=EBpeteyfr.206/60 ;6 reject- Taan. III, 67* ךרפכ 'בinnocence of thy hands (expl. bor,
ed) it rained. Y.Shebu. 7 344 pot. if seeing that it has Job XXII, 30).
rained, one says" 'ב 5B , ירוק0006 )אTodd EBpekev) ‘By NAT, ry ch. same. Targ. 00. Ex. XXIV, 10
God, it has rained much’—this is a vain oath; Y. Ned. (brightness, h, text (רהט a. e.—Targ. Prov, XVI, 15 ed.
III, 38" top( רלב ירוק ןושקירב corr. acc.); Pesik. 1%. 8. 22 Lag. (Var. .(אתאיריב
> קרי אברוכסיםb" .rroc( ,.008 daer איבריכסין666005(צ.
וליפ ב יסירבv. NTINIL Gitt. 14%
אָחְכיְרְּב.+ ch.=h. ny". Targ. Is, XXII, 9; a. e.
תירּב+ (b.h.; ;27 v. MB) prop. 007006, ring, chién,
it"a, יב םרpr-n. pl. Ram Barin, a border town hence oath (of fidelity), solemn injunction; covenant.
of Northern Palestine (district of Tyre; bork. Kefr Bu- treatise. 2[ תרכto cut a ring out; to make a covenant;
reim, Neub. Géogr. p. 23), Y. Dem. 11, 226 top; Tosef. 327 באot retne otni eht ,gnir ot ,NEEB ;ytiledif 'הפר ב
Shebi. 1%, 10 ,ךוכמר Var. .ךרבמור Y.1.c¢. ןודכ דעfor to break the ring, to break one’s oath ₪0.[ Sabb. 137° -
which 1%. ₪. to Dem. II, 1 ןֶרזּב (prob. the same), ( ותררב לש םהרבא וניבאsign of) the covenant of Abraham, _
circumcision. Ab. III, 11; a. fr. Y. Peah VIII, 21* 25x
בָרִיק+ pre. 'ב לש א''אon account of the covenant of Abraham (for
the sake of human dignity). Num. R, s. 18, a. fr.
בריקא, ,TPT +. בורדיקא התורכ םיתפשלa law is made for the lips, i. 6. word
בריקשון, +. בריכסון. are ominous (ref. to הלענ , אלNum, XVI, 12), Gen. ₪.
s. 34, v, "IN; a. fr.—’>" 25 by the covenant (an oa .
773, 7B, NTT ₪, NTT, TIT + .deedni .fesoT .llaH,I 6 ' ב' וכ.raV( ';(הב 8" 1
ch.=h. בְּרוּר1( clear, pure, certain; polished, br ight. Targ. , those are the very words &c.; (some explain) indeed
Ps. XVIII, 27 (h.text"23). Targ. Y. Ex. XXII, 2(Var. (רגרַּב ; those the very 80. (is ita tradition for which no rea
a. fr.— Pl, ,ןיִריִרְּב . ןֶריֶרְּבTarg. Y.1, 11 Deut. VIII, 9; a. fr. needs to be given)?; Y.Peah V,19 bot. ‘an. —Pl. nine
—2) chosen, peculiar. Ibid. XXIX, 12. Ber.48"sq. 'ב ww three covenants (three times the wor‘do
Vrith, Deut. XXVIII, 69; XXIX, 8). Tosef. Sot. V te
mma 1. ()ררב sifting, assorting. Y. Sabb. VII, 10 10; 11 'ב Var. (ed. 200%. Min™2); Sot. 87"; a. 5
top [read:] 'כו a S50 רתוהש לכ המwhat is allowed on
Holy Days as coming under the category of sifting, is mn a ring, band, v. .תיִריִּב [Y. M. Kat. 080" t /
not always allowed ...on the Sabbath; Y. Bets. I, 604 v. mp] 2
(usually ררוב ,(םושמ
NOS, NS, "יב f.ch.1)=h. my7ereature.
ma f. ()ררב choosing, choice, esp. as a4 dialectic Is. צאו!א 16; a.fr. Targ. Ezek. I, 9; 11 N12 6
term, "B'rerah, subsequent sélection, retrospective desig- text (שיא —Pl. ,אָתְיִרְּב AMR S, MB. Ib. 8 2
nation, i.e. the legal effect resulting from an actual se- mith); afr. Gen. 1. 8. 60 ןירמא 'בדNIM that1
lection or disposal of things previously undefined as to people say. Lam, R. to I, 1 רתבר דח )"אתוכ1)vanא
their purpose, 6! ₪. a letter of divorce must be written, makes sport of men (interpreting dreams aver hims
with special intention, for the persons concerned; now, —2) natural state, v. 7°72. 13. Kam, 98%
arn we
+. Mga) — De. orgs. Ber, 34°; Meg 27°; .ו 16°
. NEw",
+ MTS. ביbo FS the word קרכ means falling on one's kneoos.
XXIV, 6 SD Ar,+ את (rss,+.eS)
0 ,אתירב Tang.ד ווא
₪ ן
) (ב1 ol ו,tno .mineD RIS . ,יהו 1) knee, ew te.
ינח ופ ן. ,SNEM ברְבָיא.--2( (emp, )5 ₪ ave. Myce Bice Tare. Jed. Vii, 4; 4.
point out (emp. exp. Gen. Il, 5) whence fo Meas (Pi). — Ber,6* ב' יכMUT esoht deugitaf seenk fo( )sralohcs sesim
.traP ,ssap 5 ,nesohc ,desse חקnw 3 הקדוש be ווהto them (the demons), Pes, 108", +. ap1—
(abbr. M°SPM) the Holy One, blessed be He. Pes, 118"; Sah, mys. |17. 97s shoots, branches. Tam, 90° wp
mv. fr, Th. 106", afr, 'בב כו MIME he (who prays) opens (Var. in Nashi “97S, Ar. (יכרוב
‘the benedict and closes with berwhh
with beruwiAion MOTE, 5 chmb. mets, Meming, plenty.
angle .) יסHot, ,1 10 ללכב, 'ב.+ Dye; =. Targ. be.XIX,ךאָכְרִב--.4ג plenty for ws,we hawe enongh
Pi. (b. hi.) 1) fo praise, blew, exp.to recite Gen, ₪. «. 78 'ב TRS תראק we have enoagh with
the due Her. VI, 1. 1b. 5 for לק יבhav- two handred fables; Yak. ib. 193 1/--.ןכרב 7S, “5;
ing recited the blessing over wine Ao, Pos, 4 ,0 ןיכרב'ב Targ. 0. Gen, אאצוו 12 (¥. pegs; 5. 18 (ךכריב (es
PREM having recited the blessing over the Paschal lamb. Targ. O. Deut. XXVIII, 2, some 64.[ V. BOIS
Ib,5 33g). SSF .. ונורכא we areboundto....praise 86-|
י. )2—rf .pmo( (נקבof ,emehpaalb (ו. 68* WoT | בְרְכַח+ 50. ₪; (ברך1) 9099/2, יי
םש םשבuntil he blasphem Lord by His name. Ib.
thees perity, good wishes, «choice, plenty. Keath. &
. "וניכבHUN 'רבש תא who blasphemed the Lord by an attri- ב םינרלbecause on it the blessing wae given to the fish
bute —Part. Pa, blessed, praiseworthy, Ber. V11,3; .neG( ,1 ,22 ot eb ,)luftiur.fY bi ,1 .geb %4'2אוך כתרכ ב
“weft. —3) *tooutthr teclear virgin ground oxforeat. ‘St the bleesing (Gen. 11,5) refers not to man bet to the
- .0 Shebi. 111, 20 ed. Zack, (Var. 733); Y. ib. ] ,35" bot. day —Erub. 63", a. fr. "ב TSS אבת blowing rest spon
> ; ןירבטY. Sabb. VII, 10* top sen, .+ יחבh. (Tose. him (he acts rightly). Keth. 105°; ₪. Bath. 144" roms
,1 6 תוכרובט,+ infra.)
- .8% MSPs תיבה the blessing of a house consists in the number
Hithpa. חהְבָררNithpa. 57353 tobeblessed (praised); 6f inmates (every member of « household contributes
to be increased (v. 7373). Y. Ber. IX, 14° top 473r™ | to ite comfort); Tosef. .א ,411 3 תיבה הבודמSS. א
Kat, I, beg. 80°
‘and be blessed, Y.M. if the waters were Meta,* 42 ךיא "כה הייוצמ 'כיblessing (unexpected capply,
אYeb. 63*;
a. fr. miraculous increase) will not take place in things which
ו te
be .of 32S or ME) fo form a knee, era dehgiew ;.c& .naaT ;”8 .a .seP—.,r
"0f5 .a .rf ארטו רדאה
to bend a vine by drawing it into the םלועלSs ךונדסwill never see « sign of prowperity; a.fr.—
and making i grow forth as anindependent plant, )2 benediction, prayer to be recited on certain oorariona.
‘tosink. Shebi. 11, 6; R. Hash. 10°; a. fr—Tosef. Shebdi. Ber. 85* man must not taste anything אלב "ב without
,16 תוכְרְבּוס
TH( םא incorr. 'כרובט( if they have been ווה
a blessing. Ib. 40° =: [RD ה לכ 'בbenediction
in which
war before New Year &o.—Yeb. 63*(allud. to Gen. XII,3) the Name of the Lord isnot invoked, isno benediction;
ּ % יתש תוכרב תובוט שיtwo good shoots (pros- a.--.)ז .1 rics. 1) blessings, bencdictions. Ub. 45°;=
elytes) haveI toengraft onthee, Ruth and ₪0.)13.Kam. 38" v. fr—Sabb," 115 “ "בSITS those who write out the for-
\ פרידרון. . .(. : mulas of prayer—2) B'rakhoth, the first treatise of the
Mishnah, Talmud, ₪.Tosefta.—Compounds: םילבא r>">
1 ch. same. Part. Peil 77> blessed.
Targ. the prayer for consolation inserted in the mourners’ grace
קודשא ב'חוא ייeht after meal. Keth.8”;ןיסורא --.1. 'ב הbenediction preced-
10 (Holy One), blessed
be He. Cant.
R. to. IV, 4;
ing betrothal, v. POTS Ib.ץראה --.*7 'בthat portion of the
en. R.s.32 אָכיִרְב ארוטPAN this blessed mount (Gerizim, ecarg retfa laem hcihw sr ote.fenie
laP .bI %8 t— = "ב
revered by the Samaritans;
Deut. R. s. 8 .(שידק
the benediction before partaking of the festive offering
Pa. 373, 77S aspreced. Pi. 1) to bless &c. Targ. X,9%
the Paschal lamb. Pes.
)!73°( which accompanies
5 at. VIII, 10; a. fr.—Esp. fo say grace after meal.
ןווטרזה--,(*120)‘S the appeal to the partakers of ₪ meal
er. 46" 'כו “So רכ when it was time to say grace,
to say grace, common prayer. Ber. 45°—=
rm “= bene-
hi Wao amy eeeem EYE
diction on performing the marriage ceremony, also in-
: כודזרwhat benediction
must be said after
serted in the grace after wedding meals during seven
MT. bok ןאכרבמ tren כא אל1 40not know how to days, Keth.8>.—cors
'בthe priestly benediction (Nam.
ו+ עgrace after it—Part. pass. בס Targ. Y. 11 Gen.
VI, 24—26). Sot. VII,ךווחכה---.6S grace after meal. Keth.
4 IX, 2.—2)
to blaspheme. Targ. Job 11,9.—Snh.56*
Le—rrtcnS benediction on performing a divine com-
ד לרשנא רבni eht esnesfo .gnimehpsalb mand (of a symbolic nature). Ib.7°.—7=r™‘=benediction
pe. ISN aspreced.Hithpa. Targ.Gen. XI,3; a.fr.
of consolation pronounced in open air on the mourners’
mr 2 (7 (ב 0. ; preced.) 1) knee. Y. Ber. I,3% retarn
from burial (v. Post). Ib.ההרדתה --.*5
ו pole, ‘Taan, 95°השירתמה אלמכ'ב diction before and after reading the Law. Y-Ber-1,3*—
/ ב םוב( דומב (omitthe’sidepenttrntes} [For other compounds see the respective determinants.}—
- as the knee of the plough enters
the soil; Ohol. )3 blasphemy. som rs“= Sab. SP :( ישasst A ae
= שמ tal: [Tosef. Shebi. IV, 20 ,ךרב IIIV ,)XT( 4 (קדללת ‘ 1
Te, (ברכרייריTP Day Poser: אגו נצ420 | Pi. ְרֶץto
בcut through from end to end. Part. B
read NUD or NDI.
ying. Tosef. Kil. 111, 10 'במח ץירח4 ‘ditch which
cut through, going from end to end ofthevi he
HDI, TDS .ג pg, +. תיִרְַּב a. (רזפ ib. V, 8 .(שלופמ Men.I,2 'במ רצמקthe priest’s grasp
the stove-setter’s "kenee-band, the brick lapels cushion (on the meal offering must % coming forth on both +
which he kneels at work). Kel. XX VI,3 (Talm. .('רוב.60
via ch. same; Pa. 773 to bore. Ab. Zar. 7
, רכרב, הרכרב. צPeah VII, 20%, v. “24p. עד דשירפא.rA .de( (ובְרצוהdna erob otni eht ,gek ea
is emptied (Rashi: bend it towards the Pane bolehts
PD a=n203. Tosef. Mikv. IV, 8.
ץוצרבm. (preced., cmp. 2. Sm. 618 8. v.
, אתְכְריב אתכְרב+ ch—b. . חֶכָרְבTarg. Gen. Ges. 11. Dict. s. v. ראפ( the crown of the aie Tai
XXVIL, 36; a. fr.—Ber. 51" 35 אסכ (=h; הכרב סוכ( לש .Y .xE ,XIXXX 82 .h( txet "(פאר. \
the cup for the grace after meal. Hag. 5" אתשה וכיא
/ מנעתן מהאר ברwoh raen uoht tsemac gnivirped su fo siht ברְציתא, lar בי.n.rp .lp .ahtistraB-eB דKatab .
blessing ; a. fr.— Pl. 8M272,"3. Targ. Deut.XX VIII, 2;a. fr. > לבר ביylrae .06 etal( .de בר צרתאר,daW .sM .M צרתא+ ;
v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. 1). }
אפכרבpr. n. pl. B’rakhta. Y. Ber. VI, 10” bot.;
cemp., “however, M3739. jl (b. h.; 73, v. (ררב to be bright, ‘ones: flash. 1
B. sae 97° pis (7"") white effervescent wine (not fully
םרבh. a. ch. conj. )םרב to split,ן /"בר, cmp.פרם , v.
fermented; Var. קדוב searching in the bowels, 1. 6. caus-
() אמרוב1 besides. Targ. Y. Ex. XXXVI, 7.—2) however, ing diarrhoea, v. P32); Tosef. Men, IX, 9 קרובה (sub,
Dan. IV, 12; V, 17.—Targ. Ps. LVIII, 3; 8. fr.—3) only, 77") the effervescent (wine), v. 3282; Yoma 28” top, v. —
but. Targ. Gen. VII, 28. Targ. Lam. 111, 3 (h. text 3x).
next .וא Tosef. Ter. VII, 16 [read:] וחינהו 'בif it was 4
Targ. Ps. ,1/0111 2 'בה אטשוקב18 it only in truth (in-
effervescent when he left it.
deed) ?—Sabb. 63; Erub. 16% a. fr. 'ב ךכ ורמאbut in
Hif. הבריק1) (cmp. חרב ( ץרבto cut through from .
fact they said this. B. Mets, 114°.—3) interj.truly!, surely ! end to end. Y. Kil. V, 29% bot. 'כו רדכPao אחרש | דע
Sabb. 18"; Hag.13*; Men." 45 'ב רוכז 'כוtruly! this man until it (the ditch in the vineyard) passes through from
be remembered for blessing!—[Hull.? 112 םררבאד some
end to end, wide enough for man and his tilling cattle.—
ed,, read: , הירבאדv. 872.)
2) (denom. of P23) to be affected by lightning, get blind —
( *רומרבEl. Wil. in Tosef. Kil. 111, 12, forברכוייר . (or get vermin). B. Mets. V1, 3,exp]. ib. 78° תקזבאa. .אתירוהנ
“yas, Yalk. Ezek, 356, v.לברטין . ברק1 aip .hc ,emas ot ,enihs ,esir 0 סלI,
beg. ;504 Y. R. Hash. 11, beg. 57% what is( בורקל Mish,
WI, +. שנרפ Yoma In, 1)? It means Mpa, the rising light, as people —
say in Babylonia הקורב pia )אקורב P72) the sparkling —
, איקנרבTarg. Is. III, 22 Ar., edeאיקרנרובל q. v.
(star) shines, meaning ארוהנמ HRN the light-giver(morn- =
073, ברנישpr.n. pl. Barnesh, in Babylon, prob. ing star) gives light. [Bab. Yoma 28" (hebr.) יאקרב P22.) —
the Foland Khar-Birnus, near Helle (Neub. Géogr. Ber. 59° (expl. אקרב אפיקת קירבד אננעב 'כו םימער( an
p- 345), having in its vicinity a Synagogue named after intense lightning which flashes through the cloud and =
Daniel. Erub. 21°, B, Mets, 73”, breaks pieces of hailstone, (Var. v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. 1).
* Af. P7738 to send forth lightning (fulminare). Targ. ,
ברס, af. אַבְרִיסto bray (used of the wild ass when
Ps. CXLIV, 6.—Targ. 11 Esth, 111, 8 ןוהרנרע ןיקירבמtheir
hungry). Targ. Job VI, 5 (Ms. 0°52, perh. a denom. of
eyes sparkling (in defiance). [Hull, 112* קירבאד some 1
D3 stomach, appetite).
ed., read ,הירבאד .+ [.אָרְּב /
) ברְסין (בּרְסים.m .lp ,surrib( ,6002.2 .v ב;ִררוס pa m. (b. h.; preced.) lightning. Lev. R. ₪ s1—
formed with a geographical termination, cmp. yom) Pl. .םיקְרְּב Ber. TX, 2; a, fr. 27 ra
birrus, a cloak of thick woolen material. Kil.TX,7 (Ms.
M.a.'דב( .; \צY.ib.324 top; ןיסְרוב expl. M2, v. N73 II. קרב, 'ב זז725 (b.h.) pr n. pl. Brne Brrak (Jos
érfiS .tueD 432 סדסיםdaer sa .klaY ,bi 339 'בורס. ae 45,modern Ibn Ibrak) near Japho, seat of R.Akiba’s
college. Snh, 32>, Lev. R. s. 21, Tosef. Sabb, 111 (IV), 2 .
"םסרבm. (Parel of , םסבcmp. םֶסְלַּב( a dripping like
,maslab ecnehw hrratac fo eht .daeh .lluH 501" 'קשר לב קרב, אקרב זזז1 m. ch. 1. pos. Targ. Deut.
Ar. (ed. , 'כלMus. םוסרכ( is liable to produce catarrh; Bh 41 lips a. fr.—Ber. 59" nN 'בa singl
ארמחד יכוmb a remedy for a catarrh contracted from flash (for vers. v. Rabb. D.S. a. 1.(;, TRIS 7
drinking the foam of wine, is beer; for thet from beer &e.— ," אָּיְקְרַּבPIs. Targ. Ps. XVIII, 15; a. fr. [Y. RE a
Gitt." 69 'בלaremedy
for &c. [Ar.: pleurisy. Pers.ברסאם .geb ברק ברקא, daer ברַקָאר.[ .r1
eB. 6. ירוקתא-
v. Fl. to Levy Talm. Dict. I, p, 387) some ed. (read רקרקורל as Ms.M.). Ib, 720279 ene %
ברסנה, +. Not. ( 'כוread , קורבדv, also Rabb. 2. 8. a, 1.( ane in
break through and make the clouds rumble&
) ץֶרּב/ ; רבןcmp.זדב 2 Sm. (816 to break 8 cataract (y.P72 Hif.), emp. "P72. Bekh.38"א i
רק 197 73
אפַרְּב תרבעזf. (v. "2II) daughter, child, issue; םּושבm. )םשב( delicate food, dainty. Pl. j"323, constr.
young 1 Targ. Gen. XXX, 21; a. fr.—B. Bath. 141°
“ova. Cant. R. to 1,12 ”3 בוט 'במMM the smell of the —
dainties of Paradise (stimulating their appetites), y, NTP.
’31'Va3 “A the Lord did not suffer Abraham to be even
without a daughter. M. Kat.> 9 'ב אתמכוא Ms. M., v. בשומין, צ. .bbaS ,LIV %01 'טריקסימון ב, readשומין .
Dax. Y. 3. Mets. III,8° bot. 'ב הבקונ female issue. Lev.
52.8.1 ב' פחיןa naem pd>N—.namow 'בַּת קול=ב.--ב' שבע אְרושְּבv. NEDA,
a species of figs. Gen. R. 8.15, end (h, עבש .( תונבY. B.
הרוש.1 (b.h. הָרשְּב; wa) joy, glad tiding ;; in gen.
Bath. 11, end, 13° "ב ןיעבוש ןורויחwhite figs; a. fr. [For
other 0 v. respective determinants.]—PI. 423,
tidings. Keth. 16" 3 "hey סוכcup of joy (wine carried =
in the bridal procession of a virgin), v.explan.ib.—Mekh.
yAN22, .[ ןסָנְּבTarg. Y. Ex. , א9 אָנְתִרְבour daughters.]
Bo.s.12 MD" 'ב evil prediction. Tanh. Ki, Thetse4; Pesik. =
Targ. Gen. V, 4; a. fr.—Keth. IV, 11 “ ןיבקונa, v. “AI.
Zakh. p. 24* vax mwa the news of his mother’s death; —
.ddiK °17 בְּכָחִיןruo .srethguad .B .htaB %141 לדידר בכתן
'כו1 prefer daughters &e.; a. fr.—[Y. Peah VII, 20* bot.
a.e,—Pl, . תורושְּבY. Keth. I, 26” top לש 'ב man the keg 4
of wine carried in the bridal procession, v. supra. Num, —
'ב; אתבורחדY. Sot. I, 17" top , אתרואv. NAN.)
R. s, 14 (play on רשב Koh. XII, 12; Ezek. XXXVI, 26) =
m2 II, ןרווח "בpre n. pl. B’rath Havran (or | the Lord sends thee 'ב תובוט good tidings. Ber. IX, 2
Horan) prob. ident. with Beth-Horon, y, .ןורלח Y. M. שמועות רעות,. . . ב' טובות.hsiM .de .mlaT( %45.00 רעות37,
Kat. I, 80 bot.; Y. Shek. I, 46%; Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42° top; v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 4) good tidings ... bad news. |
Y. Sot. IX, 23° top. Sabb. 63° 'ב תוער.... ךןראno bad tidings will reach him, =
| pow be, 1h. 50° דניה . .. . "ot pred ‘St ie right accord-
+. “Pee. ו ing to him who says ...... but according
to Ac.; a v.&
)לש עט 1 of np, we)
= ביrsh אר-)ב' אל אטוי, אל
boil, be done (Uhrovgh natural or artificial heat).
BSE, OBS bc, =. a.
.¥ Boh. VILL, beg, 20° 'כוFNS when the seed boils in-
“side (maturity of genital organs), the pot outaide becomes - וחPL. SCORE (lh, premed.) piers, perf wmes,
( ההואgenitals are covered
with hair). oop. those weed for bleesingsaf the exit of the Babbath.
ו ders fo mature,
cook, roast. nh.
95* bess
פירותot ekam eht etiarf .nepir .llaM 80"; =. )+.-- | |"ל
titael eire יע וו ינש = FE וof (בקרto search, 4/0 Tare.
מ before thee (i, 6 marry not a divorced woman).— Pa. XLAV, 22 (he. tent “Ee Th ,(אגצו 4 ropes
- Lag. to find the truth, speculate (od. ,ארקבלי bh. tons
(ולבָ קר- .%1 °021 eh dessap erofeb meht htiw » retsalp
of roasts Ao, Ib, 40° SOUP... .... on his face הירקשב אליand they (the officers) did not
wh. Js place they eall roast likewise or'buahehal (emp discover
it (the disgalbe; for Var. v. Ar. 4. Koh. «. vv
ווChr, XXXV, 15); a. fF. בלותא.= (בשקרKrab. 19°חיל“pets אלוaed bee(Abre-
= Hithpa, Ygarn, Nithpa. Yesr3 to be boiled, done, ripe. hain) does not discover the disguise ; Ar. (taking ‘SS ₪
Tor, X, 11. Hull, Vil, 4; ₪. fr.—Th, 98" top, +. --.לָשָב | part. pase.) and he (in bie dieguice) ie not diecovered (ae
11°; אא. Rea. | 'כו חרדקב ולשבשin the pot they = a Jew), *Rekh, 30" הירקשב ron he יאש him, and 4%-
led in, they were boiled, (they were done by as they covered
his frand, v. Tosaf.; (ed. .ה Rashi היירקרשב
1 by others). looked
at his fraud). (Targ. ¥. 11 Deut. IV, 34 רַשָכִמל
Var. ,רשבטל read: (.רקְשָכְטְל
V. .ִאָנְרקָשָכ
oh. same; as preced.
Kal. Targ.0. Gen.
L,, 10 ed, Berl, (ed. Sas, Pa.); ¥. Sey; ib.1X, 20. ) בר+. בסה5/11. 2)ofeb אל, וק
) pass,
ag, vcs. Tang.0. Num. VI,19; --.6.א Pi. ,33" Vos to gladden, to bring good tidings to; in
].38* 'כו יא אל הוה ךיפה חב תוח 'בMs. M. (od. less gen. fo announce. Hall, ₪7* St PSS “ZSs | am bring-
5( if he (the gentile) had not turned it, it would ing good news, Gabb, 65", +, MSS; . אfr.—Part. pace
| been done in two hours. “ZSs informed of good news, aseured. ¥.KiU.1X, 22" top
© Pa. ,ליש 993 aspreced. Pi.Targ. 1 Kings XIX, 21; SSN ררחמ St wT he shall receive ₪ menage from the
ה.;ז ¥.supra.—Ab. Zar, 38° אכמ “bras to bake (in the life in the world to come, |. « he may be assured of
furnace) the earthen
vessel, contrad, to"רורשל
to glaze, salvation; Y. Keth. XII, 33° 21 רשוכס ררחל. . . (corr.
110° 'בל יעב.. . אקבירhow much milk is ace.); Y. Shek. 111, end, 47° a ןכש בתירקSo . אדיBx.
יי ייב ו בו = R. .5 46 דתלחטש 'כוSo התא thos art informed that I
Hithpa. Targ. \.Deut. have forgiven
thee &c. Y. Ber. ,ל end, #; a =.
XXVI, 2; 6 —Targ. 1 Sam. Il, 13 533752 (Var. (לשָבְסכ Nithpa. "S303 to be gladdened, toreceive good tidings.
- Zar, 29%Sis". Pesik. .ו 42 םינבב3 he wae assured that be would
is הל preced.)ripe,boiled
elled dhoulder doe tothe priest
have children. Gen. RB. « 47; 8. 53 בלחב הרשבתנshe
“was assured that she would nurse her child. [V. “og 11.[
+ ב4etteon Gos "03, N63 I ch.same, 1) tobe glad ;—*2)—Pa. Targ.
rocess prescribed for the priest's gift 66. Ib." top Tx Y¥. Gen. XXI, 7. Targ.
.צ 1 ib. XLIX, 21 “Es.
ב' אלא שלנnehw ti ,syas eht‘ redluohs ’deliob ti snaem Pa. "Ss, “SS as preced.
Pi. Targ.Y. 1Gen. XLIX, 21.
mtire (not carved). Ib, 'כו ןיא 'ב אלא לשבתנשwhen it Targ.
Jer. XX, 15; a. fr. [Targ. ¥. וו Deut.
IV, 34, +
mys, ‘He shall take &c. from the ram’ it means that it משקר.[
: be boiled joined to (or jointly with) the body of Tthpa.-Z2r%
as preced. Nithpa. Targ.
Rath 1, 6; a >
pram. Tanb. Vayera
5 Abraham הל"שב
the fig ripe, i.e. spoke deliberately, opp. 735; Gen. “OB, WOS Ty, +. ws.
= 69rar “(oon = m. (b. h.; v. preced.) (ripe, worm, swert, well-
looking; v. Freitag
Arab. Dict. «.v.ber, a. emp. o>) body
- בלch. same, Targ. .ד Ex.XI, 9.
(b.h.); flesh, meat. Hull. VITI,1 7 לכany kind of meat.
2 cook.— Pl.
(aan aga ל
Th. 16" Fram “SS meat eaten for satisfying the appetite,
i. 6 secular meal of meat, opp. to sacrificial] meals (v.
Deut. XII, 20) Ib. 17% +. errs; a םדו--.1
te ack, (ב"רדflesh and blood, i.6. mortal man. Ber. 33°; a.vAr.
term) granted, itaisright, itwould
tage lah lpg NIWS, NISL, NICS, Ws. WSS en same;
וי וeB ytS nenneDbonaevofeesoP 1) body: flesh,teat. ‘Targ.Gen.11,21. Targ. Lev.XIlI,2;
" שאיarrows Podethecgpemaneg but (when it says) ‘on a. v. fr.— Hull. 109 כו דב.. . אכרקב1 desire
to eat some
y Day’, how can &.? Ib. 24° TI ריפש. . . 'ב יא \ thing tasting like meat with milk. Sabb.140°; a.v.fr—
gr - if... .,itwould be right (to infer that &.), bat | 2( 07407. Targ.
¥. Gen. XL. 25. Targ. Jer.47711.5;
nwa 200 | בתולתא
ד: :
(bread, being wellseasoned) requires no seasoning relishes ו
בתIII .6 .₪ ).h ,htab a ;erusaem +. ַבֶּיחָא |
to go with it; v. ME". % ב4 24
(bh, 1Che.1V, 18) pen. Bithiah, daughter — יארתבmm. (presed.) the ₪.
hj in legend, name of Moses’ fortermother. לשואVix.1V,5; =.tr.—Targ.
Po LXX VU, 4
1 ו ו ב STS“ ,eM .do( ,weiV ,SP“ ,hto .fo בַתְרְאִי-- 60040 74*
81" םלש ודרל היל רבכ 'בsalutation to וו whose יט ביeht s’rotaidaig tnal ;yad.0 s'~—-rf ,sea + — בבF
lor is like that of the son of Ti, (Moses). TENS, WS. Tare. Gen, XXXII,2; 5.>.--3.- 54" ראשק
“eyes, Pes !]קה
ofR.Judah א . Veoh, 107%;
Pes, a*; = אקלסAb, Zar.81%; = fr.-
& fr,—2) 'ב ויס ינב,3 הscholarly family of Babylonian weprngsא /thelastplace, last. Tang. O. Dews.וו
much favored by Herod, Vee, 66°. I Mets, a5*
3 Gimmel, thethird letter oftheAlphabet, It inter- of whom Israel is proud. Cant. ₪. to 111, 10 om S קכרא
" וכMMS there are four majestic rulers (in the animal
anges with כ and P; emp. ארשנ a. ארושכ ; זזגa. PSP he. ;
4 to ,הas,בג ;בכח+. letterrn. kingdom) the ruler among birds &c.; Ex. B.«. 23. Hag. 13"
an לע והאכנתוכשwho is exalted (rules) over the ralers.—
foreignwords - Y. Kidd. IV, end,66*. 3 םידבק
ךבדר לשmost slaves (when
to power) are overbearing;
Treat. Sofrim XV, 10
Sw (corr. acc.); a. fr.—V. oe
4 as a numeral letter, three, +. .'א
ING, +. 2 ch.
+. RR.
TINS, FTING + ₪. (ראכ 1) Aamghtiness, pride.
טח צ. "גא. ו allieenrtamrareneeecgcias
האיבm..0( b.; preced.) lofty; ruler, lord;( |~ on the Day of Atonement).—2)
glory. Hag. 5*(ref.to73,
Ser. 111, 17) כו לשFM “VES over the glory of israel
ו Pes."113 לד'ב₪ proud pauper.— Pl.
age Gen. R. 5. 63 (ref. to 573, Gen. XXV, 23) = שכיםmods over the (lost) glory of the heavenly king-
dom (the destraction
of the Temple).
‘alk. Gen. 110 2°). Sifra —
, 9e
1) L
' וכ3mאלו + (b. .גMus; (לאכ 1) redemption, delirery.
are the lordly (patrons) | Meg. פע a fr. םלועל אדבב 'גcauses redemptionto
גאולתא 202 oa
come (through his good deeds). Cant. R. to II, 2 תַלְּאְנב Tthpa. "amex, “NEN 1) fo grow high. Targ.1
מחרof to-morrow’s redemption, i. 6, Messianic days,— VILL, 11 (h. text (2--.(הָאְגר to be exalted; to be pr
Kidd. 15" ומצע תלואגredemption from service by him- Targ. Ex. 7 Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XXXIV, 31 abe
self, םיבורק 'גby relatives, םלרחא 'גby strangers (Lev. a @.
6 >
XXV, 47 sq.). Pes. 118* “15 ךמ than delivery (from evil); 1 fae
a. fr. [Ley. R. s. 32, end; Koh. R. to IV, 1, read הלאו OTN pl. of, N°5. ia
v. dNis.J—PI. תולזאג Y. Peah VII, 20" bot. 'ג "mw "two
TNS, v. TB.
redemptions (of fruits).—2) G’ullah, a) that section of the
prayers between the Sh’ma (372%) and the T’fillah (M>5n), DONG, +. סוג a. םַמָג
so called from its contents. Ber. 9" M>pm> 'ג 720 he
recited the T’fillah immediately after closing the G’ullah םיאּגm, pl. (abstract noun, v. ANA; emp. OM)
(with the benediction לארשל .( לאגIb. 4"; a. fr—b) the iness, excellence; (in a bad sense) haughtiness. Hull.9 %
seventh benediction of the T’fillah, prayer for ל "םלגר השלש לרש 'ג לכב יבוth
Meg. 17°. three princes of 0 (influential patrons of Israel)
in every generation (in Palestine under the Roman, 17
אפְלּואְגch. same, redemption. Targ. Y. Num. XXV,12. Babylon under the Parthian government),—Ber. 100;
ןואּגm. (b. h.; ראב( majesty, pride. Sifra B’huck,.
.klaY .veL 616 .fer( ot I sgniK ,VIX 9)3877 אלאFAAא''ת
read not gavvekha (thy body), but geekha, thy swelling
, Par.2, ch. V; v. ys. [In the post-Talmudic period Gaon
or pride (applied to taking a meal before prayer), vy.
1 was the title of the chiefs of the Babylonian
TNs. / 2
academies.— Pl.תנואְג --. םיֶניִאְגGaonate.]
( לאהb. h.) [fo cover, emp. Job 111, 4;] to ransom,
, ינימסואגGen. RB. s. 94, +. "PRWONN.
redeem, protect. Pes. X, 6 21‘ זנֶלֶאְּג גוhas protected
אָתּואָגNON" f.) )ראג( 1 haughtiness. Targ. us and redeemed our ancestors. Gen. R. s. 78, beg.;_
Prov. VIII, 13 (Ms. 8M3°N"5).—2) loftiness. Targ. 00. Ex. .rdiM .lliT ot .sP ,VXX ;.geb .maL .R ot 111, 32 אמונתך
,VX ;1 12 ,.raV צ. גְיוְסָא. mbxid הבר thy faith is great enough to redeem us,
Gen. R. s. 44.—Kidd," 90 ןיאצחלdyin dyin הול he
גאומן, ,ANITEON +. גו may borrow money and redeem his property (from the
sanctuary), and may redeem in instalments. Midr.
"NA, FINA (b. b.; 4, ,רג 73 to rise; to be arched, Till. to Ps, XXXI, beg. ונתוא DNB redeem us; a. fr—V.
caved) to rise,* swell ; ‘trnsf, to be elated, proud; to be ex- Davis. |
alted, majestic. Mekh. B’shall,, Shirah 2, v. infra. [Tosef.
Nif. >x32 to be redeemed. Ber. 9* 'כו לארשרWeek)
M, Kat. 1, 7 M855, v. 73.) when the Israelites were redeemed from Epypt. Kidd.1
Pi. גאה, 78" to exalt. Mekh. 1. 6. ויָתאָגו 728A He (the (ref.to Lev. ,אא )54 'כו2 זהלאב אוהthrough those (his
Lord) exalted me, and I exalt him; Tanh, ib, 12 "2185 relations) he may be redeemed, but he is not freed afte
;וגארתיוYalk. Ex, 242 ויתואוגו (corr. acc.). Y. Taan. six years of service (Ex. XXI,2). 10.90" when the 0%
ILI, 67° top (ref. to Job XXIII, 29) . ןליפשהל... רתרמאoN year arrives 2X3) אלו and it (the field) has not bee
ymina>d I (the Lord) decreed to humble them (by dearth), redeemed. Ib. 72 Dxat> וחכ הפרit has the privilege of
and thou—to raise them (Bab. ib. 23° IMmaan). immediate redemption, Sabb. 118? y7>Na2 דרמ they wou a
Hithpa. myann, Nithpa. mx3m2 to show one’s self be released (from captivity) at once. Y. Taan, I, 65"
glorious, exalt one’s self, be exalted ; (in an evil sense) top 'כו ןפוסו לָאָפִרַהְלand they will be released ₪6.; 6 4
to be proud, boast, to lord it. Mekh. 1. c. (ref. to Ex. R. s. 56 bys; a. fr.—[In b. h. 'ג also: to cover (with
XV, 1) mixannd דיתעו ANS He was glorious and will be&c. blood), stain, ake repulsive.]. V. .לעג
Tb. Damen לכ אוה לעRan He exalts himself above
all those who are boastful, לכו ח''ואש 'גתמ וינפל1
many for ONS ch. same.— Part. DNB, Dona. Targ. 0. Num
that with which the nations boast themselves, becomes the XXXV, 12; 19; 21,a.e. אמד ,4 0 .לאו d
means of their punishment; Tanh.1. c.—Hag. 13", v. FNS.
Ib. 5" 'כו סנרפ 'גתמהan officer who lords it over the com- FIONA, יצHall, 1, 5743 "by, v. הָלאָניֶלִמ
munity. B. Bath. 98% 'כו 'גתמה תרלטבwho parades the “ONS, v. “3.
scholar’s cloak. Tosef. Sot. 111, 10 sq. 'כו אלאANAND אל
became haughty only in consequence of the bounties &c.; גאלקי, Veאַלָסָא
Snh. 109%. Ber. 10" הז רחאל לכאש התשו 'גתנוMs. M.
(ed. 'גתנש ; רחאלYalk. Kings 'גתנו הז “eee ee ; Lev. 616 DN, v. ps1.
(לאחר שגאהretfa siht nam sah netae dna knurd dna
become haughty, v. D°N:. Lev. 4.8.10 >> ובל ( 'גתנEx. “ONJ== אַמְּב to swallow. Pa. axa to אש
| Hull. 111? אבשל ONS make (the son of) 0
R. s. 87 ותעד ( החזbecame overbearing.
it (Rashi). [Ar. reads ‘724 (contr. Pa, of םעג ort
"NG, NNJ ch. same; to rise, grow ₪0. Targ. 1 Sam. Syriac םעג 2, Sm. 761 sq.) it made (the son0
II, 5 iN (some ed. 533). nauseous (which was his reason for not eatit
, אאו8 לקרק, "ל.+ Soe. Tang. ¥. Lev. 1, 17) ee
| ע"נ ידוnop s'eno ;dnah * 59°2 ,7( )ST ₪ לקs'eno
| hand, i. ©.exposed to danger. Targ. Job. 4111, 14;=
fr —Aleo .לוקו בגSes. Tar 1X, 17; = >.--2( (prep)
04. e
Pa ts גב, "St fowords, with bo. Targ. ¥.11 Nam. XX1,9.— With
Hira Hei
. ? i 1
. Tang, Job XIX, 6; =. fF.--48. 4
גהPSS ייבhe וwith him. Th. 755s in pour country
כ/ לכאךוdnaevag ti ow(,skcabenokcab ד.deN ,iV °04 tnes srettel גב ~ יצחקtherowgh .₪ a.
—" 39,539 בג @ swelling on the hand, on the 1b.393 (thus we read) in our country. Ber.
10° "33...
₪. = 23 “53 "TOG 7
come to me. Gen.
Zar. 28°; Babb. 100*.—b) eyebrow (b, h.), the
around genitals .)א
52° PQS one 8 from those with him be, from bie generation to mine. —
oh the lower surrounding
of her genitals, opp. ets, 26° לר יבגל ירר 'כוgo to 9 4. .; a ¥. fr,
+. 079; ₪. Bath. 56"; fob. 90"; I. Kam, 70%, ] ae ACD = a hej ,דבג ( בבגconlly for
/ = "ה 7% Sa.taroo weetge Piva tae ras, Tose,
Miky, 3, 1 Svan
סו ץצ, ,111 °08 ,tob NIJ ) גוטותselpmid( —
שכגבאI. 6. to Mikv. I, 1 (ed. Zeck. ,ובגכש read ("ָבְנכַש
ines dane Tosef. ₪. Mets, 1, 22 (ed. Zack. 33).—
the water in the pond. fb. 2 .11--.יבג , םיִבְגTs, סאב
Du. oS), 7S. Kel. XXV, 5 outsides of vessels (ven.
TMS), OS). Cant, ₪. 1, 2 (ref. ₪ ילקשי ih) לנרחשי
o Gen. BR. «. 6, +. sopra — 27. םיִּבְג Psp, Psp.
כארם שהוא מישק שער ג' וכיyam eN ekam em ,erop ₪
VU, 4 ‘St 'ג SS double back and double spine
a man levels the surface of two קסמו (by which the
xplain. 33%, Lev. XXI, 20); Nidd. 24* ,א Hull. 60% —
one is purified). |₪, 94". M. Kat. 22" 'ג לכ
Nid , "לג ןקוה, 'ג+. eupra.—3p dz, "33 Sz (abbr. 3”7) on, stagnant
waters, opp. ףטיש . לחנMiky. 1,1. .ד M Kaa.
by the wide of (omp. לָקin .לb.). Hull.
8%, a. fr.
I, 80° bot.; Tosef. Miky, 1,13 ךיאבנ PSS ₪4. Zeck. (read
be tev standing
by him, superintending. Nidd.66*
הנחו קל גבyb eht ;edisrevir 4,1.hehkaM .v( .)$°5 .ccuS ).
V, 4 אבטציא ( לעבגTalm, od.42" ,(יבג ,+ --. אָבְטְסיאTrost. בא, +. xp.
n the basis, on the principle, 33 לע , סא.+ סאL—Y.
lag. 11, 78" bot, טדקח בגbe ושענש ( ןילוחusu. תרחט לכ N33 to collect, v. “2.
(רוכlayman's food prepared on the principles of sscred
(as though it were sacred food). Bets. I,3 FINSS,
+ wae
U7); Tose,ib.
11, ךיליבטמבגסyoumay(on 5
7 בגל
loy Day) immerse vessels for the purpose of chang-
+. ree
| ‘thelrtse(literally: from prineiple toprinciple, from "N34, +. ms.
ne בג >> to another); .אתו ibid. 3° ותיג חצר תושקל
זה וב בדו ובדו ע"גfi eno serised ot krow sih 234 )ן/ גבto arch, care, curce; emp. ,םכ/ן 55 be.)
vi pro the
hie gre ih to curve. *Pes.42* bot. three things ... הוכדקה תאPoss
immersed for the use of the olive press, Ar. (ed. PERS; Erab. 55" tot. od. Sone. TEES) curve the
אhisolivepressonthebasis ofhisdough, i,e.with erect stature (make man's back high).
essels originally immersed to be used for kneading, he Pi.33"t to heap up, pile, exp. to gather twigs, straw te. ;
ay immerse his vessels on the same day; Bets. 19° to rake. Shebi. IX, 6 שביב בָכְנְסִהhe who gathers dry
ע"ג בדו ובדו ע'"ג גיתו שה. . . . .sM .4.a .rA .de( .rrocni plants, leaves &e., (opp. טקליב ofgreen plants). Bete
S) if one wishes to change &c., he might have done so IV, 6. B. Kam. 101°; Succ.
40° ִךְבְכי +. Mar 1]. Y. Yeb.
without another immersion and, therefore, may VIII, 84bot.; a.fr—Trnsf. (with or sab. S727) fopick
pmerse his vessels on the Holy Day because he does up frivolous arguments. Yoma 76° 22> התא “TS דק
Ot thereby create a new status).—Cmp. =X. — Tosef. דברים וטביא עליני.sM(א. .rA timo (דבריםwoh gnol tliw
b. MIT(XID,1; ¥.ib. XID, 14* top 'כו סנה3°> around, thou rake words together and bring them up against us
Tiling totheborder ofawed 5. Bab.i. 105* לכ (i. e. what authority have you for your assertion)!; Sifra
הג. Hor. 11,3 =) אלא T3p לעPE none over him save Vayikra, Ndab. ch. IV, Par. 4 איבטו בבגמ. - . (Mekh.
6 Lord his God.—=32 in the back, behind. Y. Keth. B'shall,
Vayas. 3 .(הותמ
1 I, 35°topבגב( םירבדBab. 111* (וגבthere issome-
in ₪ behind, i.>. there is a reason for it—Cmp. 52. ch., Pa. 323 same, fo rake, collect. Targ-Ex. V,7
= ב ed.ב
ו ', Regia 7a2™; .גtext (ששק
3, NDI
ch. same; 1) back, body 86. Targ. Y.1l Bx. ib. 12 x33 ed. Beri. Targ. Ps.CIX, 11 (b text Spr);
| 8 ארהנ 'גriverside
(Y. I57s). Targ. Job 4111, 12 בג
טיa body (lump) ofclay.—Hull. 47> אבכא on top, opp.
a. fr.— Targ. Prov. VIII, 10 "כו >< ךוכלhoard ye unto
yourselves knowledge. Ib. XX V, 4°: rake ye out(remove;
כinside, below. Sabb. 109* הרערכד SX on his foot. | מ. text(הגו. Targ.Is.XLVI,6
' יכJo} they rake together
man18"דרו 'ב אערכרitwas the back (dorsum) ofthefoot, gold (h. text £°%1)—Lam.B.
to 1, 1 רתבר (TS 1( er
. ;גב רגל.a.rf —.lP ,ssp .32“ .graT .Y .neG )' וכPSS BBs ארבג this man (thou) will be a gatherer
. - 1 | 3 1 /- % /
./ . ‘ \ / ו .
7 ‘
₪ . ו
% .
of thorns and when he brings them, all people will run הבroa ch. same, to be high, elated. Tavg
away from him; [Y. Maas. Sh. IV, 55° bot., v. SN). CXXXI, 1.—Sabb." 67 לכמ 'כוPitas thou art highe
all other trees. Meg.15* 'ב אכלמ 'כו Ms. M: (ed. =
בא.m ).decerp( ,sgnikar .v txen .w ג' דעמראa
King on high is higher than the king below. Hull.
ball of clipped wool. B. Bath. 744; Snh. 110%; Num. R. ‘S180 'ג a mountain rose between them (pst :
.8 .18 Ber." 9 ו ןיב 'ג 'עד ארויח a lump of white
them). [Y. Ter. X, 47" bot. היתהבאד ja M73, Tose
wool &. Ib. 8%, v. NIM —Pl. "235. Gitt. 68.
.lluH 46> גמיר.[ ‘
Af.) הָבְכַא 1 to raise. Targ. 11Chr. XXXII. 14 2)
= ִּבְבָא+. woz.
take up. Succ.> 44 'כוMTBaN he took it (the +
INDIA, +. nesta. wreath) up once as such anda ‘second time for the w Wow
branches thereon. B. Mets.> 2 רדדה ָהוהְּבְנַאIT they
m4 f, (223) rakings, small stubble, straw &ec., used took the lost object up at the same time. Ib. 8%; a. fr.
as fuel. ‘Sabb. III, 1 sq., Y. ed. (Mish. a, Bab. ed. R235 Ithpa. M3ImN, Ithpe. MIP 1)tobehigh ;to grow proud.
Chald.). Y. ib. 111, 5° bot., Bab. ib. 36%. Kel. XVI, 1 _ שעפי. Job XXYV, 5. Targ. Koh. I, 12.—2) to rise. Targ.
' של בלנין בגeht slessev fo eht srehtab esaec ot eb -sus Job XXXIX, 27; a. e.—Hull. 141> sq. snzann>s that the |
ceptible of levitical uncleanness, when they are so defective young birds may rise (when frightened). >
as to let ‘small fuel drop out. Par. IV, 3; a. fr. ¥
yet to be collected. Peah VIII,7 םינשב הפה תֶּבְגְנthe א, אז20 (second vers. for h. 4684 ןָּבָגנVar. in Ar, 3°33
charity fund must be collected by two persons; B. Bath. 8°; (not "3"23), v. Koh. Ar.Compl.s.v. j2411,p. sary
Suh. 17" 8. fr.—2) to be collected from, be taxed. Pesik.R.
8.10 ’31 593392 ורה אלthey were not highly taxed; a. fr. “ala, גבאיm, ) (גברcollector of taxes or charities,
Hif. rash to cause to be collected. Hall. 111, 1 תַהָּבְגִמ treasurer, manager. Ned. 65” when one is reduced to
חלתה68 orders the priest’s gift to be collected; v., how- poverty, הלחת ונרא לפונ “> 'גhe does not at once fall —
ever, 135, Gitt. 85" ראשה תאM230 help her to collect into the hands of the public almoner (but is taken 0816
the balance. [Tosef. Sabb. VI (VIL), 1 ,הבגמ v. M35.J— of by his friends). Y.Dem. II,23*top; Tosef.ib. 111,4 רבח |
Part. pass. fem. 23%2 collected fund. Tanh. Emor 18, ' שנעשה גfi a rebah ,suicos( 43.v )3 semoceba rotcelloc |
(publican), he is expelled from the order; a.fr.—Y. Sabb. |
“aa, N24 ch. same; [1) to rake, v.225].—2) to collect, XVI, end, 154; Y.Yoma VIII, 45»; Y. Ned. IV, 88° וחלנה
tax. “Parg. 0. Deut. XXII, 19 (h. text .(שנע Targ. Koh. ro} הבגלש 7x5 let the collector pace his debt, i. 0. let |
VIII, 14; a. e.—Part. act. a, pass, "a5. Targ. Hos, VIII, 6 the divine agency do its mission. —PI.O°N33, 7825. Tosef.
(some ed. incorr. "25, v. Rashi 8. 1.).—B. Mets. 19" "nh B. Mets. VIII, 26 'כו 'גה םיסכומהוfor tax and custom >
"23 אָבְגִמ .. . . 32 אלדthough it cannot be collected from collectors it is difficult to make reparation; B. Kam. 94.
mortgaged, it may be collected from unencumbered pro- Tosef. Dem. 111, 17 הקדצ "N23 collectors or managers of
perty. 'Y. Gitt.I,end, 434 > “23% nM) they went down charity.—Ab. ITI, 16 'כו 'גה םיררזחמthe collectors (divine
(to Babylonia) to collect debts there for friends; Y. Kidd. agencies of justice) go around every day; a.fr.—Chald. |
IIT, 64* "39> (read "33°9>); cmp. Gitt.14.—B, Mets. 17 פבוררא, pl. Pas. Targ. Esth. IV, 7 (Bxt. a. oth. Ty
735 she has a right to collect (seize); a. fr. Ua, v. N75 1[
Af. "238 as preced. Hif., to confiscate, fine. Targ. Am.
"yaa, גת נָּבין.)"גב, .pme )422 ,gnivas .ytfirht .graT
IV, 5. Targ. Hos. VIII, 13 (some ed. 2372 Part. pass. Pa.).—
Prov. XXI, 5 (h, text ִ]אְיְב--.(ץורח +. NBL]
Targ. Koh. XI, 4 רגא אל רבגמmakes not (people) derive
any gain.—B, Kam. 98" ;Keth. 86% הרב “232 makes him “AJ, read “mas.
pay. Ib. 'כו 'א חיב לכied him pay the full amount,
ליבm. )לבג( a mush of flour and water. Ber. 37>
Vv. STD. Shebu. 48" הרב ןְניֶּבְגִמADIN we do not order
collection on such a Dill. [Nidd. 65" הב , יבגמv. ביג .nifed( ג' מרתח (טְרִיתָאa dedlacs hsum .sM1(, '(מרתח ג,
a sort of puff-pastry or trifle.
a. M3.)
Ithpe. "230% to be tawed, fined. Targ. 0. Ex, XXI, 22.
my, v. reba.
“aA, ¥. Suce, V, 55" bot., y. "738 IL. 734, ve 733.
איב1 m. )42( collected, hoarded. Targ. Prov. VIII, 19 ְ ןי,1 NIDA m.ch.=(b. h. 738) hump-backed. 8 |
אמרס איגס 'גed. Lag., (h. text רחבנ OD) hoarded treasure; .0 Lev, XXI, 20. Targ. Koh. VII, 13.
XVI, 16.—V. "23.
JAIL m. h. (v. 38) eye-brow. Nidd. 23" ןיבגה Ar,
"איבהIT m. (v. sina a. חּבְפ( tall and slim. Targ. Y. (ed. ןבגה corr. acc.). Bekh. 711, 2 (43) . . . ןיניבג ןיא ול
Lev. XX, 22 'גד וא סיסנדAr, (ed. differ. vers., h. text אלא ג' אחד וכיfi eno sah on sworb-eye ro ylno eno -eye
ץורח( וא תלביextremely tall or of stintedא v. brow,—this is the gibben of the Bible (Ley. XXI, 20);
mas. [The vers. of Ar. obviously belonged to Lev. expl. Gem. ib. ןבג והז שרדמ ואthis is what is deducted
XXI, 20.] by interpretation from 6 gibben (ib.).— Pl. 592738, 2733. |
Nidd. 1. c.; .צץ ib. 111, 50° bot.—Bekh. 1. 6., v. supra. Ib. —
N734 1 אלוג “J, +. ְאָיְב > (explain. 733, Lev. 1c.) ןיבכוש ( ּורניְבְפשnot (ןרניבגש whose |
eye-brows are lying (overshadowing the eyes).
דיבב. גch.—h. ming (v. M33). Targ. Ps. OXI,
(Var. — ִבג( Pl. "33. Ib. 011111. [Y. Ter." א 47, sp NIA I ch. same; also eye-lash. Pl. 992"33, "3°33;
v.פָבָהּ .[ ְבִיְמָאTarg. Lev. XIV, 9. Targ. Y. I, 11 Lev. ]א 20.
4 ןבכוש -ץ, רונרבְגדpreced. (h. text }23).—Targ. Prov. VI, 4;
NIT" 4, maa pr. n. m. 672120. Snh. 91* 60. (Ar. ib. 25 אָחָניִבְג Ar. (ed. (ְאָחְתְנֶב ;ib. XXX, 13 (h. text
—(ְבִיצָאAb. Zar. 22°, ' (עפעפ,--14. Kam. 1174 הרניבג “M02 and his eye-lashes
were over-hanging (he could not move his eye-lids). Ib.
naa, PANDA 1. ()רבג collectorship, office of .ראב
דלו "> גְבֶרנרMss. (v. Rabb. 12. 8. a. 1. note 8,ed. של 1
Y.Dem. IT, 23° top imaana אצה (not (ותריבגמ ;Tosef. ib.
my eye-lashes for me. A
111, 4 ותויבגמ ( שריפed. Zuck. im"..., some ed. (ותּואָּבִפַמ 4 ag
as soon as he has resigned his office as (Roman) tax- אָניִבּגIL hwmp-backed, v. 9735 1. hn ain
mr f. (b. hi; (ךבכ curdled milk, cheese. J
NOW ch. same. Snh. 25" 'ג דבעoccupied the col- Zar. 34° רקיינוא תיבnna Bithynian cheese (prey
lector’s office. by gentiles),v."P"25N; afr .—Fi. .תוניבְג Th. I, 45, | fr.
Tosef. Zab. 11, 5 772"32n. Treat. Kuthim ch.Tr םיֶניִבְגִה
M34 m.ch.=h. m4, extremely tall. Targ. Y. 11 Levy. Ch. 82353. “4 stihl >
wae 333
m, @Gbink,
name of « Temple ecricr. > גבל גָבָלvm eah
Tam, | ד we Stee
ee.) —~#) 0.ben Bareon- Koh, it, IV,&. .m )(נבל )ה
, וע
ו . .seP 42* ב סל בד יכ
wae the baker for the house of .הל th, 44° לפהכל לי
= (733, ¥. THD) (the camel's) " ועin order to get 5 kneader (that observes bev itical
hump, . Habb, V, 7° bot. (empl, roots) parity), for prayer (im 5 eynagogee) and for warhing
eas lA a Ae lp | bende (for ה meal) one ie board te walk four mile (no
the hampe;
emp. mz"3s 1. mort), Keth. 72° כו ה3 ילילפ5 certain kmeader pre
pared for me the dough according to the law of Halleh.
DSS mn.(b. hag 233) cmp. Gen. ₪5 01; Tank, Bars ch. came, eop.one thal mizes fodder, Rabb. 150"
וא 4; a.
. .= “s5 'כthe gabbal ofthe house ofthe Navi, v.6
"נרעבגm. (b. h.) Gibeonite, one not admissible as רבגm. (b.h.;) רבג( 1 man, master. Lam. 1.
a member of the congregation of Israel, v. {"2. Pesik. Kidd.
80 (ref. to Lam. III,) 39 ( לכו 'ג לע ויאטח אוהRashi) -
R. s. 26 (ref. to Jer.X XVIII, 1). Yeb.71* לוהמ 4’ (Ar. ed. is man master over his sins (sinless)?—2) cock. Yoma a 4
Koh, , לנונבגoth. ed. ןבג( a circumcised G.; Ab. Zar, 27° 7 תאררקבat the time of the crowing of the cock; 11.20":
;3023" Yalk. Gen. 81 Ms. "21333 (v. Rabb. D. 8. to Ab. Y. Shek. V, 484 bot.; Y. Succ. V, 55° disputed meaning:
Zar. 1. 6. note 40).—Pl. . םיֶנועְבְגNum. R. s. 8; Ex. R. man’s (the cryer’s) ‘erying: or the cock’s crowing, v.
;8.30 Yeb. 78°; a. fr.—Ch. "x25933. Targ. 11 Sam. XXI,1; כְּרוְזָא.---8( (euphem.) membrum virile. Bekh. VII, 5)44"(
a. e.—Kidd. ,"70 . צץNP25; 4. 6. ' בעל בa nam htiw na yllamronba egral .murbmem __
NOWAI + chh. Ays3. Targ. Jud. VIL, 1; a. e—Pl. “ATI, NVA ch. same; man. Targ. Gen. 4 24
RODS. “Tare. Zeph. I, 10 (ed. Lag. .(אתשרבג
a.v.fr.—Ber. 63" 'כ רתאב תילד 'גwhere thesepie: |
“a4 (b. h.; v. (בבג to be uppermost, prevail; to women killed eens is no law or 1 עו
be strong. Num. RB. s. 7 “ah ,ןושל v. WN. Sot. IX, 15 אצְפֶזָא.--62מ. 42% 8. 6, a תבוח personal
: /
/ בע
a גר
תרלטthe duty resting on the garment (whether of pet you 1 +!.=חוהו. .graT א. ,11X 5.- קוה ד.)
wearארבג !)( -- HTT ה certain man, fi, Mets Le, av, 1 (כטושין ₪.) נכששא
זוו, ד,יתוו-ש-ט/ל (| ל.
fr. (Prequ. ארבג , דארof HIM, euphem, for I,or thow; + Vil, 29% 3 ( ארקדרמ ךידבקJewich) children (in Rome)
--|.ןויחה. Tekh. 36° ( אלב ארבנMachi 53) without marm- made little piles be.
ing an author21.
ity738, HTT, “TSH. Tang, 0. Deut,
I,)18 א freLew, My = 28 } לכב3 ( ןווחיCant. pr. » pl. Gabbath, later same for Biblical
Tt. to 11, 2 7S) they shall be strong (trained) in all . in the territory of Dan. (Cmp. a+ to change of
.sgniht ,1 ,maK 20 ).vorp( )9.13 ta“ )> כר חדינ Hibtical names ¥. Meg, 1,70* bot.) .דה 1V, oF"; Rott
we were young, we were extecmed as men, mow that ה. ;.dortni .tnaC .₪ ot 1, 641 ' סכ יקר אנטרפרס וכbetween
old Ao.) a.¥. fr—Keth.@* 9 , אלבv.eupra. 1%. 23"
are G, and Antipatris there were siaty myriads of townehipe ;
יזMeg. |. >. Peo; Lam, ₪. to 1, 2 Tess.
+.ape +
1)roof. Midd.V.3, Pes. 19°, +. quem:
21 mm.(bh)
s 335 הלל excelled all, +. דרו --2( im gen.
a. ¥. fr-~Yomu47*
upper portio apex. Y. Yew, VIL, עי לשmy בור
קטרהthe largest portion of the top of the membral
corona, contrad, to FFTs ,בדר +. MSS, ¥. Babb. AIX,
end, 17° הרטק SU בור (corr. ace.) —Hall, 67° roan S
14, 1; =
the outer covering of « date-—/1. P05. Erab.
ve. of an angel
bh.) Gabriel, name fr-—Men,
X, 2 )64'(, +. TES.
(Divine ). Dan. VII, 16; ae Gen. BR.=. 1, beg.
גוית, +. reve.
in distress must not invoke Gabriel ₪0, | a. v. fr.
atk Ot mee .ומ pl. ,"מכסנ-=) . אטנז( זMome-tike
= & גַבָרִית. (denom. of“G2) cock-tike, Sabb.
67°kill peas. . 19° Ar. (Var, Ar. a.od. דליל
this hen 3 התרקש for she crowed like a cock (a super-
stitious practice); (Tosef. ib. VI (VII), 5 רכזכ (הארקש "ld, +. TS ₪. .רגנ
Tad 5).
(= הָריִבְג Gen.
.א=51 FETSE
IS her ₪.= 71; =
דבpr..₪ m. Gad 1) s0n ofJacob. Gen.
רג-- int
ראכת.¥ “HGF. —2) the prophe the days of
fon. Th, 5.45 HS} )'ריִבְנ ( my mistress; a.©. the ever,
David. B. Bath,* 15 הזוחה 'כו3 קסאד
NEM, +. “SP IL. and Nathan, the prophet, contineed the Book of Sameel
morf( ,IIIVXX ;3 .sM .O וסייטוה. . . . '(דאתא ג
.( וdenom,
of 733) brave, hero. Sifré Deut.
905; ib. 941 (ךתוטְכ)ש א 'גhero (who is) like Ta, בָדֶדm.)גדד, emp. 7) [cutting,) bitter, 04
Ex. RB. =.5 (ref. to Nam. XI, 7) דגו "so bitter and 4.
Targ. B'shall, ed. Bob, 21 הנקלו( דגread הנקלכ ; Yalk.
mas f. (v. preced.) powerful, overwhelming. Ex. 258 35s .11---.(םידתס ר ןידאTTB. Gen. Ba 71
R. 5.7 (ref. to Sex Is. XVII, 11, +. “33) leprosy
‘Num. (play on Gaddi, Nam. XIII, 11) [read :[ 77S" PTT werd
is called a strong disease S Moo איחש SES (not 3M) and bitter (people); Yalk. Gen. 126 ךיררמ ןידדגב+. HT SH;
‘Decause it is an overpowering
affliction; Lev.
1- 18 Yalk. Ezra 1067 ידג ( רבcorr. ace.). ,]ןדדג Targ. Y. Nem.
- תשתמו הכו 'גan overpoweri ng₪6.
and weakening XXII, 7 Ar, s. v. ,ןידג read [ןירגא
Sabb. 67" 'ע/א 'ג ונרא אלא ןושלGad is nothing else than half), but the offer to sell cannot be made (since the 1
a designation of an idol, v. next w.—2) 717 74 pr. n. Gad is no price for a free man).—Part. pass. 1973 strip
Yavan (Greek Fortune) near Jerusalem. Zab. 1, 5 22 (of branches); trnsf. empty-handed. Gen. R. s. 68, bee
mibw> 'ר 'גas long as it takes from G. Y. to Siloah; ג' שלחו711.bi.klaY( (גדודרcaasI tnes bocaJ denihw
Tosef. ib. 1, 10 הלרשל 794823; Snh. 63" הלרשל ןְוְיְרַיִמְּכ out anything valuable. ‘
(corr. ace.)—[{ Gad Yavan is prob. the name of a pool con- Pi. 773 to cut off, level. Gen, R. s. 71 (play on דג
nected with the Siloah, perh. Fount of the Virgin, v. Gen. XXX, 11) 'כו אב "מ דיתעש דדגלhe has come w
Sm. Bible Dict. s. v. Siloam.] [Toh. VI, 6; Erub. 22? is destined to level the fastnesses of the nations (idolatry). |
גד גד,aem .v .sdnab Tanh. Ki Thissa 13 (play on דג , לדגמJosh. XV, 37) from |
there the Lord ’35 373735 אצוה will proceed - level
3 NT ch. same, luck; genius, godhead. Targ. 0. Ex. R. s. 40 דיגמו (corr, ace.). 6
Gen. XXX, 1178; Y. 11 N35 (not N73). Targ.Esth. VII, 15 Nif. 7333 to be cut off. Keth. 51% דֶדָּפיִל | לכ דמועה
N34 (not N75). 2 R. 4 71 אתריבד 'גthe good genius כְּנְדגּד דמר.rA .de( ,5511 .v (זז eac
of the house. Sabb.67” אל " קוניסוaa דג (Ms. M.prn"x),a Hithpol. stiann to make incisions in one’s own body.
charm formula supposed to mean, Be lucky, my luck, i Yeb. 13, v. TA. Tanh. Sh’lah. 15; Num. R. 4. 17 רבק |
and tire not (prob. Grow, my luck 86., v.32). Hull. 40% ּ מת לא תִסְגודְדוnehw eno deirub a ,daed eht wal ,syas
“nn 'גל to the godhead of the mountain. Ned. 56* (ex- Ye shall not 6. (Deut, XIV, 1). V. 735. ְי
plain. (שגרד אסרע 'גדthe bed reserved for the domestic *Polel 173 same. 60.1.6. ודְדיגִת ארק אלND כ''א if
genius (bed of state). Y. Ab. Zar. I, 394 top 'כו ,הרגל it were so (that Deut. XIV, 1 meant only to forbid in- |
y. .סילקרא Gen. R. 8. 65 []היב 'עד תאד םיאק/ 'ג זby the cisions in the body) it ought to read lo tgod’du, ye shall =
idolatrous godhead by whom thou standest, i. 6. to whom make no incisions.
thou referrest in saying, ‘Let my father rise’ (Gen.
וטא31). Y. Sabb. XVI, end, 154; Y. Yoma VIII, 45>; דדch. same. [Dan. IV, 11; 20.[ Targ. Deut. XIV,1
Y. Ned. IV, 881 ילדמ 722 (mot (ךרגב doest thou rely ,ןודוגתv. preced. Hithpol.—Bets,* 6 > הרל 'כו43%2 “EN
upon thy good luck? Koh. R. to VII, 26 'כו שיב 'גma Ar. a. Ms. M. (ed. 13°25) even to cut a shroud for him
how bad is this woman’s (my) luck!; a. fr.—Pl. אליה (the dead, on the second Holy Day); Sabb. 150% v. TT.
nous. Y. Ab. Zar. 111, 43° bot. אילג התואPNP 'ג a place THATI, +. דו
called Gaddaya is cacophemistically named Gallaya
(dung-hills); Tosef. ib. VI (VII), 4 ארגדג ed. Zuck. (ed. TH m. acrid, v. 1.
גרלא, corr. acc.).
1 דּוm. (b. h.; v. 48) troop, band. Pesik. R. s. 20,
NTA pr. n. m. Gaddai (b. h. "73). Keth. 105, dne ג' מלאכיםa poort fo .slegna .reB ;"3 ,hnS 61* לכן
‘ya וטשפו םכידר go ye and stretch your hands out (for
גבלv. DANS. )ytoob sa a dnab fo( .)sreduaram .kiseP .R |. 6. ג' של
רכאלמ הלבחa troop of angels of destruction —P/. "7973, =
ד רב אmara. Pl. ees, pI. Dan. II,2;3.—
פדזדין. .bI .tueD .R ,11.s ‘.dne .reB %92 חירהATA" = במקום
Targ. "Koh. זו
'כוina place where there are hords of wild beasts or —
“TATA, +. לול robbers; Tosef. ib. 111, 11 Var. ed. Zuck.
, תודגדתY. Shek. to IV, 4 in Bab. ed. (Var.(גדגניות דודגIL pr. n. pl. Gdud. Arakh.
v. Panna. I, 70* bot. רידג q. v.
oy, ‘IT f. pl. (emp. 4511) melilot, a kind THT, +. TIN.
of clover, v. .אָקוקְדְנְה Y. Erub. III, 20% top; Y. Peah
VIII, 217 top; Erub. 28%. Ber. ]]ם--."57 later ritualistic
NTT, NTNTA, +. ep.
literature our w. designates cherries, v. Low Pf. p. 94.] NTT f. (753, v. 735 part. pass.) a tree stripped of ,
NTI, Tosef. Ab. Zar. VI (VII), 4 ed. Zuck., v. NB. all branches. Erub. 100" (Ar, ,אדרג Var. ;אדורג Ms. 0.
גרידא, ed. Sone. ,רודג ; ארורגv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note). |
גדגלידא, + ְרְְליְדָא ]גדודאין, Targ. 18. XXXVIII, 19, v. 879575.) .]- ₪ |
TH I (b. h.; emp. ,זזג ( ץצקto cut, cut off. Par. תידודב.+ (dimin. of 393) small troop. Pl. 7
I, 2; “Bekh. 44# דגה let him lop off (the black tops Sifra B’huck. beg. (ref. to Lev. XXVI, 31) 1 shall lay
of the horns or hoofs) —[V. "33.]—Trnsf. (emp. VSP) to waste your sanctuaries ךמ 'גה even of the troops (
fix the price. B, Bath. 13% דוגִא דוג ואeither fix you a travellers; Rashi: of pilgrims). , 1
price for my share, or I shall do so (and buy your share); ark: 4 .
דינא דגוד או אגודeht thgir fo gnilttes yb dog o .doga תידודג11 + )דדָּגַדְנcmp. Ps. LXV, 11)7
Tb. אגוד איכא גוד ליכאeht reffo ot yub si elbacilppa ni . תויְדּודְגHrub. V, I) 52( תוחובג 'כוmae
this case (the half-freed slave can offer to buy his other debris ten palms high. Cmp. 87131. fh . :
| 4 גדודקי+, "גורזקן. גדורקרי, +. pres.
= וצדתח meDג
. .ד 412'א בסקוס שחיתה ג. א6
1,, urcmo( בשpr. .₪ .₪ .%000 .esoT
Dem. 1, 4 (ed. Ares), prob. חיח ידורג, םוקשב+. 7G. עזיiv, .הא D. & a. L)
0 - 72?
(or 4"93>) the wolf is coming to get his kid; emp. Tanh. PETA,+.neve. ו ie al
Matt. 4 הדוצמה דע באזהש אב ןאצל ושרפ ולwhile the
wolf goes for the sheep, spread ye the snare for him. רידm, (b. h.; 8“ ( רדגfence, guard, x
tsniaga gnissapsert eht .wal .Y .meD ,I ¢12 דיה
הֶדיִדּג1 01 Hithpa.) )1 incision in the flesh, וררַדְגMHD in order to guard it against transg
wounding. Kidd,> 35 אלא )ףא( יגלWN רא perhaps the Gen. R. .8 79 ) תצרפ ןְריַרְּפ לש 'כו7278( thou hast brok 1
exemption of females (intimated by D3 Deut. XIV, 1) down the guard (enactment) which the scholarsא
refers (also) to the law forbidding incisions? Ib,שררטה erected; a. fr.
תחא איה45 870108 and g’didah are legally the same. 0/
Mace. 21% 'גו רלכב3 HV w s’ritah is done with the hand NTA, NT c. ch. same, fence, partition. :
(nails), g’didah with an instrument.—2) cutting dates, v. 0. Num. XXII, 24[ a. 6.--- אנדואד 'ג אעצרמthe central:
ms. fence of the ear, 0 Targ. Y. Lev. VIII, 23, a. .
(h. text .2--.(ָךּוְמ Kam, 28" 'כו רודגל רמ 'ג 6% yous /
DITA pr. n. m. Gdidim, Kidd. 66¢ Judah b. 6. _ fence in your field.
ז + she-kid (v."3). Men. XIII, 7 (107%, ms f. (preced.) fence, fortification; trnsf. guard,
—Trnsf. the tender grain in the husks. Pl. mints. Pesik. self- restraint. Cant. R. to IV, 19 הורע ְּ~ תַרְיָדmoral
R. ₪. 25 'כו רנירה לשבמ תא 'גהI shall make ripe &., restraint, . --.רֶדָג
.7. תּורדְדְבPesik. R. s. 26 saw the ; Temple —
ve Th, (which the angels had set on fire) ם"נבא ול 'ג 'ג לשMWD
(Yalk. Jer. 300 HAN לש ( תורזגsurrounded with atone
NTA, +. og I. fences (fortified).
NOTA, v. NOH1 Ta +. ()רדג cutting dates, date harvest.—Fl. תוריד 1
לדגm. )לדג( growing, esp. one entering on puberty. B. Bath. 36° (Ar, a. ed, Pes. ma); v. "Th.
Tosef. Mikv. VI, 10, v. תּושכ --7 םרָלָדָגv. DUAL
wag m. ()שדג heaped, liberal measure. Esth. R,
לידm. (b. h.;( לדג 11 )1 pl. , םיִליִרְגPE twisted 1,4; v. 555.
,sdaerht ,segnirf .v צרצ"ת. .neM ;°93 .beY 5> גדרל שנלם
OUI גג. (b.h.; (גדשa heap, esp. of sheaves, shock
'ג העבראgadil (a twist) means at least two threads,
or stack of grain; [in b. h. also mound]. B. Mets. V, 7
g dilim means four threads (which doubled make eight).
‘an לע קסופ ומעhe may conclude a bargain with him —
Sifré Num. 115; a. e.—2) twist, table-cloth. B.Bath, 57° _
(the early harvester) for the grain in the stack (though
bs. . 'ג רנש ישרלשAr.a. Ms. 0. (ed. (ראלג two thirds
no price has been published as yet). Peah VI, 2. Yad.
of the width of the table covered and one third un-
IV, 7.— Pl.ving, jis. Gen.R.s.51 end. B.Kam. 60°,
covered for putting on dishes and vegetables.
Pesik. Shubah p. 164* תוררבע 'ג 'ג לשheaps of sins; a.e.
ּ יִליִדm. ch, (553) liberal, heaped measure, 0ק.מחיקן. [V. waa.) of
.Y .seP ,VI ,dne °13 .htsE( .₪ ot 1, 4 (גדרש.
wd, NOT ch, same, pile; mound, Targ. Y.Ex.
NO ch.=h. .ל"ב Men. 89" top ל"דגרמ 'גוand the XXII, 5. Targ. Job V, 26.—Y.Sabb. XVI, 154, end, spread
fringe iis twisted (without leaving loose threads). PJ. fem. his cloak 'ג לעover a burning stalk.—FPI. ya. Targ.
72735, ve NANT 0. Ex, XXII, 5. Targ. Job XXI, 32. |
הָליִדְּגַזf. (2131) growth. ךרד 'ג the way a thing שודג. זמch. (WIA 11( staff, leader of a blind ma 3
grows, in natural position. Nidd. 67° ךרד הָחָליִדְגin her .veL .R .8 ;22 .klaY .hoK 279 ' ג' ליה וכ. . וה ההיא
natural position (not pressing limbs together). ₪000. 45° and the seeing man was a leader to the blind man. —
ךרד ןְמְלרדְּגas the plants grow (not upside down); a. 6.
NOW" +. (wh I) heaped measure. Targ. 4
no TI f£=b"5 1), Sifré Num, 115 אצוי 'גNOMW XIX, 35.
- the twisted fringe must start from the border, and NOT, v. NUL.
the loose fringes out of the twist; Yalk. ib. 750. /
oi 5 par (b. h.; v.27 11( tobe high, togrow, belarg
paar: f. ()לדג plaiting, wreathing. Targ. O. Ex. tall, Hx.R.s. 1/21 אלש היחש לָדְגhe was extraordinari
XXVIII, 14; a. 6. (h. text .(תבע tall for his age. Ib. pbs לכח לכו ןראdo not all childrer
grow?—Y. Maasr. I, 49%, v. O15; a. fr. Fem. ְהָליַר :
ְּ אָּתְליִד.1 (preced.) rope, chain, plat of hair, fringe.
.graT " אד81.-- 72. ְדְלְחָא גְרַילָן. .graT .duJ א, 6 ibys. Succ. 34%; a. fr. ee
Targ. Y. 11 Deut. XXII, 12. Targ. O.Ex. XXVIII, 4; 24;
Pi. 533, להרג 1) to raise (of live stock and of plas
to rear, train. Kil. VIII, 1 >33> םירתומ you areץ
to raise. Snh. 19? nba bova Michal 0 1bee
a. 6%
TH, v. “i ch.—[Targ. Y. Num. XX, 7 Ar., read children). Ib,; Meg, 18* 'כו לָדְכְמִח םותרhe wh o-edae
PRN.) an orphan in his house. Gen. R. s. 98 רעשם
םיָלַדְגִמ. .
” 73
they let their hair grow (inmourning). Erub.100° ryt | editions), Buce. 87° קנקשוה “pups TUT thor twining the
שקרshe lets her hair grow (does not cut it); ₪.fr—%) fe | Willow twigs )+. METS)
vaieelodignity, make famous; to praise, Nor, @ (ret. |
to Lev, XXI, 10) whence do we know ןיביוחש ןיא ולox לעvy, ders.
ona) when he (the Highpriest)ispoor,
that they (the =
oy sn.(973) elevation todignity, rise. Valk.Ps. 777,
brethren) are bound to raise him (make him indepen-
dent)? 1%. דיחא רָלְרִ לשמraise him by « collection from i
his brethren (v. Rabb, D, ₪. ₪.1). Meth. I. to 11,4 med ars! |ולרג 1) wearer. Y¥. Keth. XI, 89° bow. ו
גלfor what did (the Lord) raise him Yalk. Kil, 1X, 92° bot, .(י"דרנ
Bath, 1088 'כו PT רע how high did he raise him!
Fifty cubits (to the gallows); .ה fr-—Y.
Meg, Il, end, 74° ob, DTH >.Gum ,ואז Kel. XV, 8
(ref. to,לורגת Neh, VII, 6) 9°) הסב wherewith did he the sleve-like receptacie כ (לשMish. od.PT pl.) ofthe
magnify the Lord (deseribe His greatness); Yoma 69" hairdresser. Kidd. 11, 8 'כו שיש יל תב וא תחפש רגoP
'ג םשב הhe praleed the Lord by pronouncing
the tetra | )ץ.ה.הווהד. od. 49" POTS, 4. PSs) under the condition
4 : ו 1 Ber. Vu, ווי (corr, ace.) — Part, that 1 shall have ה (free) girl or « hand-maid a ₪ hair
\ dey well grown. Her, 11"; a. fr-—Kidd. 40°,", ¥. dresser, and she has none, or "that
I shall have none’,
and she has, Ib. 49° ראט שטסNoes תלדוכמ “ws תדכס למ
Rif, San to grow up, to become of age, Yob. א גרלת וכיsevor od uoy kniht htcleddug'm fo eht banhsiM
and after he isofage, Ib, 111,1א לרכש
רקuntil means really a well-trained
(girl or handmaid)t 1
he becomesof age; a. fr. means a hair-dresser, when
she may see, I wast none
המרל,Nithpa, לרב 1) toberaised todignity. to take up my words and carry them to my neighbors.
\. RB,to111, 1 mbes כ'דואו de rs let him first become Y¥.ib, 11,62" bot. [Sess Nee ךרקלרינל ץתרגתמ תבos
₪ and then be hanged. Geo. R. ». 09, end (play on the Mishoah moans this: « girl for thy hair-dremer(or
Gen. XLIX, 22) PNG רק by means ofcows(Pharach’s
חה thy governess), and « hand-maid for thy attendant. Lev.
) was he raised to power; a. fr.—2) fo be mag- R. 5.19 'כי eT FD SMES 8) us win the favor of the
צBer, IX, 14* top; +. Taan. 1, 64" top Sur (queen's) hairdresser
(or governess), and the hair-dreeser
Thy Name be glorified, sanctified &c.; a. e.—3) 0 will win the queen and the queen the king; Gen. 4.
one’s self, to boast, parade, Ned. 62°; Ab. 1V, 5 & 100,
בbeg mcr corr לא make them (the words of DTS (v. דרג1( tolop off,stump—Part.
pase. 23, +
Law) not a crown to parade therewith—4)
fo grow, ret. Zeb, 62" 'ג ( הסאY. Yoma 1V, 41° bot. (הךזבנ ₪
, be nursed. “Tan, V'zoth 1; Pesik, ib. p. 199° reduced cubit, +. .המשא (Gen.
BR.5.12 2 ,הכא read .השזרג
"S.... לר the poison-bearing
tree will be nursed +. 54.) Tosef. 4%. ,4 So דדתוקבצא od. Zeck. (Var.
along with it (the health-giving tree). Tanh. B'resh. 7 (כרוסותwith stump-like
וחטאי FLW thou didst grow older and didst sin, opp. Hithpa, הנרto be cut off, lopped. Taan.
21* ...ידי
PON; a. fr. \
SS" may my bands....
be stamped (through sickness).
SBT ok.same. Kidd, 71° ביסנ'כאלוwasgrown up DTS ch. same. Pard o73.
and not yet married.
Pa. 33 to raise,
rear, Hag. 4" יקררר אָלְרְנִמ
םירמ Dd,
+ om.
\iryam, the childrens’ nurse.
- Ithpa. >2rx to be exalted. Targ. Ps. CIV, 1. NDI (NIOT) m. re,with inserted (כ ris, en-
6 =-
closure. Targ.O. Ex.
אש 25, a. >.(ed. Berl, 7, לםדפג.
TA 11 (vy. preced.; cmp. 272) (to heap up, round ;) h.textrsot). Targ. Ezek. XLII,13; 17 (hb. text --.(לדבג
dress the hair, Kel. XVI, 7 תופנצמ “STS cap- Suce. 204 'ג ( תיאד הילMs. 4. ,אנפדנ Ar. KEW) when the
reavs (on a model head, +. .(םזמא Ib. XV, 3 תולדיגו matting has a rim (so as to be used as a receptacle for
| dress their hair. Sabb. X, 6 P>TuM she who plaits fruits). Ab. Zar. 76° אשילר היל 'גeR made a rim of
זוhair (on the Sabbath). Ib.94"bot. תכרוא _ תלדוג םושמdough around the kettle.— PL pass, xctru. Targ.1 King»
aiting the hair (is forbidden on the Sabbath) as an act | VET, 58. Targ. 11 Kings XVI, 17. V. xt.
if weaving; ib. 95* (another opin.) הנוב םושמ. . . א 'כ =
m act of building. +. ib. VII, 10% rms ילכ לדוגהhe 714 ₪. b.;+. (1דדג tocut, chop, lop off —X. Sabb.
ho forms raised figures on a vessel. M.Kat.11°
"om 'ג IV, end, 7* 'כו FEBO תדירה twigs which one cut off
wild a stove. (trimming the date tree) with the intention of using
them for &c. (Bab. ib. 50* --.(דדכ Part. pas. דג 4
JU a.am. Gitt. 69° 'כו HH לודכרנ let him TTS; pl Sore, Hors. Midr. Till. to Ps. LXXV, end
fine two threads, M. Kat, 11° ירוהא d22"c> to weave 13 רשראלTIP the horns (power) ofIsrae! are lopped off
₪; ארוכת 'רמלto build a stove, v. preced. (checked).
Pa. 33 same. Hag. 4" איישכ Rds OTS Ms. M. (ed. Pi. אע53%. Tb.; Midr. Sam. ch. V, end SS תוטרק
oat (בוב' שרערmairiM eht s’nemow resserd-riah .v( .bbaR " צדדקד וכeht snroh hcihw eht suoet
O g
| . 8. a. 1. note); Snli. 67°; Sabb. 104° (missing in later world (the Lord) has lopped.
vy 214 78
Nif. 2333 to be lopped, diminished. Cant.R.to 111,7 2
reer] (Var. 5553, v.39) Adam’הב stature was 04
"DTS, +. פח cor ו
[V. [ָּעַנ pu, PT m, ()ףדג blasphemer.—Pl. ,ןרְנֶפה"
עדגch, same. *Targ. II Sam. X, 4 (ed. Lag.(גרע Y. M. Kat. 111, 83” 'כו וברשמ 'דגהsince the (gentil
Ithpa. 27308 to be cut, mutilated. Targ. Y. Ex. XII, 12; blasphemers (of the Lord) became too numerous, the;
Num. XXXII, 4. (the Israelites) ceased to rend their garments (on h
ing blasphemy); Y. Snh. VII, 25” top "גה (corr. acc.).—
14 (b.h.;cmp. preced.) to cut, serape. Part. pass. 5975, Y. Yoma VII, 44° top; Cant. R. to IV, 4 “am לע(Le
pl. 775173, Pes. 429790 םרמ Ar., הָפּודְג--.ףרָפ.צ התרמv. infra. R. s. 10 ם"יֶפְדדְמִה ( לעatones for the blasphemers.
Pi. O38, 572 1) to hollow out, scrape or chisel 00
as to form an enclosure or rim (cmp, ,אפדג (2--.( אפנדגto Vd to roll, v. "333 I.
scrape, to empty to the dregs. Kerith. 7" (explain. 9737,
Num. XV, 30, as a metaphor) as one says to his neigh- “TTA ) h.; v. דדג 1( 1) to cut, esp. to harvest dates,
bor תרסיחו תא הרעקהMas Ar. (ed. 74; Sifré Num. 112 B. Mets. 89° ie. 333, v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note soon
‘25 ןמ mm 33) thou hast. scraped out the dish and lessened — B. Bath. 36° תוררדג דע רודגרש 'גuntil he has reaped three
. the thickness of the vessel (i. 6. besides worshipping
date harvests.—Y. Sabb. VII, 9° top; Bab. ib. 78" (te ms
equivalent to ;(רצוק ציib. 10* ed. Krot. דרוגה (co
the forces of Nature to impair, so to speak, the supre-
macy of the Creator); he who thus explains, is of the acc,).—Sabb. 50% ;125" םרצעל ןָרָדְגש... . תוירחtwigs of
opinion that םדגמ means blaspheming the Divine Name; a date tree which one cut with the intan bien of usi
ג' הקערה ולא וכuoht tsah deparcs eht hsid naelc tub them for fuel; v. 933.—Tosef. Ber. IV, 21; a. fr. ו
not impaired it (i.e. to worship natural forces without pass, "173 cut ‘down. ‘Tosef. Shebi. IV, 18 ירופיצב םרכ 'ג
(Var. לודג ; R. 8. to Shebi. VI, 4 75) a ruined vine-
denying the Divine supremacy); he who thus explains,
is of the opinion that םדגמ is a worshipper of idols; [Y. yard in 6 —2) to surround with a “33, fence
Snh. VII, 25" top 'כו תא לכ5 thou hast emptied the in; to limit, control, ward off. B. Kam. 23% % .
whole dish and left nothing in it, 1. 6. thou hast erased לניְְרָהּ ולא גְדָרָהeh thguo ot evah decnef ti ni dna did
the entire Law; Sifré1.c, 'כו .41'עמ1---.[( התררגemp. “7, not do so. Tosef. M. Kat. 1,7 התוא ןיִרְדוג.. . תמוחif
קלל, ap2) to blaspheme (God); to revile, reproach. Kerith. a city wall is broken into, we may fence it in (repaid
I, 2 7290 ףא the blasphemer 18 also excluded from the during the festive week).—Gen. R. ₪. 49 (play on haaf,
rule (and has not to offer a sacrifice in the case of sin-
Gen. XVIII, 23) F737 אל התא רֶדוג תא ףאה ףאהוThow
ning through ignorance); expl.ib.7”, y.supra. Snh. VU, 5; controllest the anger, but the anger does not control
a. fr.—Num. R. s, 10 הציחנב DEA םפרחמ רפל היהש Thee.—Y. Ber. IX, end, 14° #7753), v. Pt} L—Miky. V,6
' >> מת מיתה גְדוּפָה וכesuaceb eb )aresiB(‘ decargsid dna גודר כליםeno yam mrof 8 mad htiw stnemrag esoT(
reviled them (the Israelites) with oppressive measures, ib. IV, 10 ,ררג corr. acc.), +. Ber. 111, 6° רדוג רו אוהשi
therefore he died an ignominious death, for (the Lord) ' את רשראל מן וכa motsuc hcihw sdraug learsI morf .nis
delivered him into the hands of a woman; a. fr. Lev.BR.s. 94 'כו ( רמ אוחש רדוג ומצעY. Yeb. 11, 34 top ש
he who guards himself against sin (restraining himsel:
ףדגch., .%. ) סרה1 same, to blaspheme. Targ.1 Kings from anything unchaste) is called holy. Gen. R. 8.70 5778
XXI, 13; a.e—Y. M. Kat. II, 83”; Y.Snh. VII, 25” top.— ' וכjas> trained themselves to chastity; a. 8
2)(withADto sneer at. Snh. 40"; Ab. Zar. 35 הב F337 “153 abstinent, chaste. Lev.R.s. 22 'ג ומצעמו אוחand hi
. 7 R.... sneered at the opinion, will become abstinent of his own accord. Gen. R. 1. 6
" וכBHAI אנשר מזרחeht elpoep fo eht tsaE era sahc
NDT m. (v.33) Pi. 1) hollowed out, whence 1) rim,
a. fr.— 5b 3 (or sub. (הצרפ to fence in a breach, to
border. "8000. 20%; Ab, Zar. 76%” Ar., v. NBD'5.—2) (emp.
calamities, also to check lawlessness by preventive measure
22) wing. Targ. Job XXXIX, 13. Tare.0. Deut. IV,17
)ץ.(פָזָרָה.Ber. *'כר19 רודְגְתשthat Thou repair our breach
(ed. Berl. XB3, v. Berl. Targ. 0.11, p. 50); a. e.—B. Bath.73?
(relieve us); B. Bath. 91>.—Lev. RB. 1 (play on Abigdc
/ דלר גmabhsaR( דליא לר גדנפא, .sM .0 ,IDN .v .bbaR .2
I Chr. IV, 4) 'כו הברה ןירדוגIsrael had many fence
8.3.1. note 40) lifted (towards me) a wing.—Trnsf. bird; :
makers (guardians against sin). Ruth. R. ₪. 2, a. fr-
feather, plumage. Keth. 105 "כו חרפ 'גa bird flew on
Erub. 6% a. 6. רדג הב,5 . צץM3pa.—[Y. Erub. ,א 2
his head. Gitt. 86% אזוואד 'גבwith a goose feather; Ab.
Zar. 28, Hull. 46" we put on it אקור 'ג ואa feather סע
bot. 'כו ;תלד תרדוגTosef. ib. XI (VI), 8 ne
Zuck., Var. ,'דוג . צץ33“.]צ--[. Sabb. XV, 15° top 8 רד
some spittle.—P/, 77875, "57a (3). Targ. Job XXXVIII, 13
read rma ie)
borders of the earth. Targ, Ex. XXXVI, 9. Targ. Y.
Gen. I, 21; a. e.—B. Bath. 1. 6, 'כו רטמשד ההירפדגwhose Nif. "232 to be guarded; to guard one’s 8
feathers fell out on account of their fatness. Hull. 31? Sabb. XVII, beg. 16 ּורְחְגְנש > (ib. 111, 64 top man
we see רמרפרמד רפדרגthat the rims of the cut throat stand when they had been trained (to guard against desec
apart (Rashi: that the plumage of the throat is cut: ing the Sabbath). Ley. R.s. 32 'כו 'נ לכ םישנה8 1 01
through). were made chaste through her 0
% a. @ mine a
גדפה, Y.B. Mets. LV, beg. 94 ,'גל read ,ארקבמas Y. Pi. גרהרto cut into. Gitt.56"; Ley.R.s.20-
Gitt. 11, 48" top; emp. Y. Peah 111, 17% bot. R. 5. 18 תכורפה ה"ְגו תא/ and cut intoth ו
גדר 7
to V, 6; Tank. Muck. 1 .רני [Tosef, Bheti. 111, go | 19 (eorr, ace). Tol. ₪. Kam. Vi 24 Seer
רָרְנֶט בVar. (ed. Zack, ךרבט( to cut into, to 6 יפיPl. . שידנל ifhe bent him ₪ epot to Pile wheat on it,
+. בתח.[ he piled barley; 4. fr.—2) lo give heaped mcceure,
aE 1) (to ewt one'sself off from
Hithpa. | to to
| מח. Nath,
V, || where
the eye iv
‘ewelf, lo excel; lo raise one's wif abore ' לטרדק לא ישיש ועot 81040 ,niarg emo tsum tem ynob
for special remuneration)
he.; 4. fr-—Part. pace
‘SI שחוא אינוsa eh tonnaC lecxe ni ym krow ,)ydute( | שורא 6 השקר,] ווoverflowing,
heaped. Tam.
#0 can I not in his (eld labor), Mall.
7 my = =ו רוטית "וו.+ geTkh neG .₪ = > ג על.. . השא
Cessors have left room for me S THEM to distinguiel measure of thy sin te heaped to esoem,—
;)ושעו amoY 87 .+) .meD ,1 °22 ,tob להתקטרreo, |ו. 169°; Tosef, ib. 1,17; ,ל ib, 1, Sy םייב וב
Ar. .4א--.(ררגתהל 41° לק 'כוere דדכ אלש in order | חוסאהTH) on that day (of rabbinical enactments) they
they may not be presumptaous towards the people; | @verfilled the measure (of laws).
¥. רבו Hithpa. (Mekh, Wehall, Vayasss | “Ores ןבכ ו .] טינה אוto be heaped up, to lower up. Men. 1X, 5
+ רכז1)—2) tobe trained, +. supra Nit, תיטְרְנְנTh were heaped, , לS79, Hot. 54° the waters
רדגch. same; 1) tofence in; fo check, ₪. Kas. 29°, | Pe ךרשְרננ rose more aed more.
Yeb, 90" “we רָהָנֶט אתל"מ ₪ measure to check Pi. Ot came. Part. pase, OPUS, +. supra.
(an extraordinary measure for checking law- Hif. oan to pile wp hacks, ₪. Kam.
Vi, 3.
1 ( is something different, allows of no analogies. --
)2* fo cul off, deduct, Kath. ₪ ,14 ינרופ ןטOT
ch.same. Targ. Prov. Vi, # Me (of.(נבשי
1 lliw tcuded ti morf ym ,yrwod .b1[ ot 1, 9 אנא טגריר, DULL, Pa. Sp (emp. “Gs181 =.73) to 94 o blind
+. %7.) man ת. a. 22; Koh. BR. to ,ל &; Valk. th. 972; ¥.
6 ) (גררpartition; ג' רקלי.b<( PUS )nar cheat, ¥. [,-2( (that which ie cut off.) bromchens ;(that
which | wood, Mull, &* rod 3 ros poe (Ar,
he cat wood with it for Molstrous .קוקי i.
Kam. 22° 'כו aro כ (Ms. 0.0. Ar. 083) chopped wood,
(( אתרומto put ₪ knife) between
kindlingchips and light, Rabb, 156° soos אואינ 4.
(MoM. SH! ar, +. Mabb.D. 8. a.Leote) low and epread-
of reeds, (The vers. of Ar, proves TS to be the proper
ing ramifications(forming the foorth wall of ₪ Swceah).
version and “TCS or “TG, corruptions)
0.00, --.ךרודטרמ. . דרוRabi. 15.0* benhim reed the ladder
WT m.()שרג theheap, thetopover thelevel of0 אגור וליe,MM ,do( ,eI ,
nn .0e)M S8 nO eht sehcnarb
spreading beyond the circumferenen of the tree (Karli
measure, Zeb. 62" me 'ג קחמכas thick as the|
off the top of a Wah, Men. IX, 6 On pegs reaching beyond be.) = (ב- pl. TUES (camp, PPPoE)
lola, divizion ly lets, Lam. hi, to 1, | TS" (ree דחה 1)
| 3 דיבענ let we divide by lots (comment.: pices of wood
on which names are written for raf ling)
PIT) + חזו
. 8C וי
ל1 ור
+. אסרו
גווכיא, +. xsi.
ed. 8254) and in this manner; 'ג--.4.6 ( לכ "ראהabbr. +/’N3) IV, 1. Targ. Y. 11 6%. א.11,11 אTarg. Ps,UXXXIV, 43
like this, in this way, in a case like this, Targ. Ruth a. e—Y. B. Mets, I, 85 top. Pes. 119";a.₪.
IV, 6.—B. Mets. 80" 'ג רמו לוח רקפה לכ ראהis there a
renunciation of property like this, i. 6. is such a con- Nora II m. (13) robber. Pl. ,ךרלזלפ Targ. Y. 11 6 bs
NA pr. n. Goza, a river or channel in Babylon. gentiles, fr. which לוג =רֶרְכִנor B23, gentile, idolato:
Ab. Zar, 39° 'ג ( רהנMs. M. ;ןחנ %. 18° jn, Ms. M,
Tosef. Ab. Zar. III, 4 sq.; Y. ib. IV, 41% top contrad. 00 |
נחן, v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note). ן ( כותיBab. ib. 29% 53); a. v.fr.—Pl. pws, ovis. Ab. Zar,
I, 1 sq. in צי ed. “4 (Bab. ed. ,םירכנ 0/59, Mish. 172153;
AN castrate, vy. 81955 I. p>) indiscriminately) ;a.v. fr.—Fem. הרוג gentile woman ,
Y. Yeb. I, 4* top 'כו ןיאו ךנב ןמ 'גהthy son from a
TST m, pl (1) 1) cut wool, ‘arg. Hzek. XXVHL, 24 gentile is not called thy son but her son (Bab. ib.
(Ar. ,ןרזידוג h. text (2--.(רמולג v. PTs ;(ככריתa.fr—Pl. .תורוג . צץib. 17,6* bot. [Y. Gitt. I,
top, a. 6. ןיקול , םירוגv. O13]
לזוגrobber, v.זל .
לזוגm. (b. h., emp. Syr. , אלגוזa. אָסְבַ( brood, chick, גַּנְיָאRENT, + rag.
.pse .noegdip‘ minniK ,11 .1 .neG .R .8 44 .lpxe( 'תור וג Nd, vee. | 4
Gen. XV,) 9 ןבו הנוי---, רוח.27 ordris, . תולזפ-Y. Ned. I, ,
beg. 40% םרל.. ;. Tosef. ib, IV, 1 mb . . . . Snh. 94>; , החיוגTarg. Prov. XVI, 30 some ed., read O75, 0 2
a. fr.—Trnsf. young children. Pes. 49% םתרימו ורכזed.
(Ms. M. a. Yalk. Am, 545 ( ורכבand causes his children ויה ,4m וריה.f .b( ;.h .pme כ1 ier
to become orphans. Y. B. Mets. I, end, 8% pI גזלר creature. Y. Ber. IV,8 top לכל 'ג 'גו כו to each6
(read "B1ia), v. DWN. its needs, Mikv. X,7 לוספל תא "גה to make the int x be
tifnu rof( gniviecer ;)hamur’T .hoT 1, 8 וויה
SOP ch. same.— Pl, ,"לד , ארללזרגTarg. Cant. Pl, min33, . תיוגYoma" 80 תאמוט 'גsome ed.
4 wry yp
reat cow useoftheverb 235 with , 'לּוגלּוג אָתְלַגלּוגch. same, 1) skull, head. Tary.
todeath ₪. Bath, 16", +. ETON. Ex.XVi,16;a.fr. Targ.
10Beth. 11,9 s-bs5s.—Tam.32°
'ג אדהred om they gave him (Alexander the Great) ₪
*( לnj ן/גו, cmp. (גבלfoform a ball, circle; skull. 15. 2°37 “3,v. 05353. —2) capilation lax. B. Bath. #*;
lo roll up ₪ scroll of the Law. Y. Yoma VII, 44" top Ned." 62 'גSts, v. ל Pesik. Shek. p. 11* TPS thy
, ןיאש ; Y. Meg. IV, 75" bot, םילוג ( ןיאשread ָםיִל capitation tax (for the Roman government); a.>
v. 538) the Book of the Law must not berolled
iin ו בtha וו וWebead fiom) intheprestnce
Mfthecongregation. Denom. 53, ."ל 1] .₪.לוג(גorליג
0 dance, rejoice.)
PONS oh,coue..3Part.
לריב(57). Y. Yoma
VII, 44° top
ו 2 ( = חלוגb. h.; 3) exile, exp. (with or without =)
tol , v. preced,)
behind the curtain; Y. Meg.
IV, 75" the Jews living abroad, exp.Babylonians. Ab.
ot. (corr, acc.), Zar. 30”. R. Hash.
"18 >% תאב הכדטשthe report came
>Hitpol, ליפה + 5952 Tthpalp. to the captivity (in Babylonia);
a.fr—%( ראש ch.ריש
( אתולגchiefof the Babylonian Jews, Resh G'lutha.
ל2 clapper, v. ליג Soh. 38*; Hull. 92* לבבבש 'ג ;'ר 'ב---.6-“ אSo those retarn-
ing from Babylonian captivity. B. Bath. 15*bot.—V.
m., constr. 595()לרכ ball, roll,Targ.Is. XXX VIII,
יה TT Se a wenren 208 (v, however, TIPS +6. rep; (ללכ cup, bowl. Lev. R.«. 32, =>
M3 web; 6% 5 [HFS לפה purges Sos). vont .+לא
allie: datasets a.
NTF 60, +. אס | STU, THU, +. יחל
לא א Zeb. 1164,
+.יִאָליִג רלור, v.
ער ao
m,) (כלבspelt. Pes. 35*, explain.
72O% (ib. ליא,kaol+c. ִלְתָא-
ייר775d = (galearius) 04105 + ,yob nommoc
ו of peas, (Vicia .reidlos .neG .R 36.s reven esipsed a wol לאRו
v. FL to Levy Talm. Dict.I, 433"). )צ ריכזTer. VIL, end, 46°°=rS) not even 8 low galearius.
Some ewe quot. Num. ₪. 5.9; Tosef. Sot.111, 14, v.70. Esth.
B.toll, 1.
a Ib. to VI, 12 practiced in four trades a bather, a barbe..
לילא מא
ro) ( גלרורread (גלדררa soldier’s servant and a 01101;a.e.— גולמהרג, ,SS nuG tua יא
Pl. ,ןררררלהפ Pesik. R.s.15; Pesik. Hahod. p. 45" ן"רירלוג
STOTא, גלָמית+-₪ ₪ ל |
(corr. 400.( ; Num. 1%. ₪. 11 a, 6. the subordinate divine
messengers.—Naz. 66" כו ם"יֶררְרְלִהג ןירגתמthe common גולמדות א. .xE .B 4 03, ץצpbs.
soldiers begin the battle and the heroes (veteran soldiers)
wind up with victory; Ber. 58" ןיררילוג (Var. ,ןירורלג corr. ג גולמיש. )גלם, htiw evitamrof ;ew .pme % בב
acc.). [hard, stone-like, v.[ , אימלרבgolamish, a species of -
R. Hash. 23%, (explain,; ארדא( Snh." 108 . )צRabb.D
*אָליִלּוm, )ללג( 7 roller. Targ. I Kings a. 1. note 1). ae
X1V, 10 ed. Lag. (ed. qronbas, Var. xebsb"h); v. 598 1
גולמישyoN .emas.hc .Y.graT וXIX,.:
גוליקוס, ץצ. גוס. txet —.)NT .lP .sbup .graT‘ .tnaC ,V 51 .h( txeםt
גולית, +. robs. ( ןלוגb. h.) pr. n. pl. Golan, in Bashan (Gaulanitis
וליאev | לְחָא = Targ. 0. Deut. IV, 43 (Y. 8929). Targ. Jos. XX, 8; a.e=
Mace. 9".
. 0
ללוגm. , )ללגcmp. )3 the stone placed on top of a
mi f. א ( acoin named after Golan. Tose
burial cave, top-stone, contrad. to Ppi3. Ohol. II, 4; a.fr.—
Maas. Sh. IV, 13 Var. (ed. Zuck, (תיגלונ 6:
90 תמרתסthe closing of the tomb with the golel. Snh, 47);
Sabb.” 152 םתסיש 'גה49.—Erub. 15”; 8₪06. 23* sae אָסְלּוm. )םלג( stone pitcher, jug. Yoma 12° it is
be used “ap> 'ג for closing up a grave, i. e. if put on usage. to leave in the inn 'ג אכשמו the (empty) wi
- top, it is not considered a gole/ in levitical law, v. pitcherand the hide (of the slaughtered animal), Ned. 49’sh
Hull, 72°, לרקש 'ג 'כוwould carry a pitcher (on which to sit durix 8
eht )serutcel no sih —.redluohs .lP ,3>5*x | ולְפָר
אָלְלוגch. same. Targ: Job. XIV, 22; 8. 6.
Bath. 71% the house האמ 'ג Pn which has room f . :
poi מז. (b.h, 05, bbs) a rolled up, shapeless mass, eno derdnuh sguj decalp( םג,)swor .bA .raZ °23 בג' חיורל
whence 1) lump, a shapeless or lifeless substance. Y. in unglazed jugs. Hag. 25? a8 זחרטרמל to provide jugs (fo
Nidd. 111, 50% and the other limbs of the embryo look the harvest), , ]ןרפלרגTarg. Esth. IX, 5, a clerical tauto-
כמרן ג' מצומתירםekil a ,pmul dezeeuqs .rehtegot ,neG .R yhparg fo גולמין, .v ולְמָא,[ )
8. 14 'ג ודרמעהHe made him stand,-a large, lifeless mass.
NPY, v. NPD .
10.8.24 'כו 18523 He formed him into a huge body, which
> extended from one end ₪0. Ib. (ref. to 28. CX X XIX, 16( את 1 ,; )לוג553 cmp.[ אמל wrapper,| a long
( 'ג וארש ךרניעread ם"ִמְכרג( the embryos which Thy eyes woolen ‘cloak of state used at prayers. Sabb.77" (playfe
have se@n, have all been recorded (preordained) &c.; etymology) 'ג רלג ביתו Ar. a. Rashi, roll it up and ₪4
Pesik. R. s. 23; a. fr—Ib. .₪ 33 1 ( רמולגread 77>} or down (Ms. O, רלג רתרראו travel abroad and import
( ןרמלוגthey were (hard) lumps (blocks).—2) unfinished ed. a*mxi רלג uncover thyself and put it down). +. 1
matter, a vessel wanting finishing, opp. טופ plain surface, IX, end, 32" to wrap up money רג הָתְלוג 'כו in one’s clo:
gnimrof on .elcatpecer .hnS 22" 'אשה ג' היא ואינה וכ and tie it up with linen cords. Y. Taan. II, 664 top
woman (unmarried) is an unfinished vessel, and she makes 21‘ ךתלוגsave thy cloak from the rain (a sneer at an ur
a covenant with (cares for) none but him who made her suoicaciffe reyarp rof .)niar .01 ,VT °76 "345 "2 ת ירהב
a —,less,elvP ,3532 ,3D .rtsnoc ,3529" .leK 6,IIX ג' כלר 'כרgive me my cloak that we may pray at the time
תוכתמunfinished metal vessels, v. defin, Hull, 25%: 4 closing the gates (sunset). B. Mets. 85° אבהדד 'כו5“ the
.leK .B .steM ,II ,bI—.01 ,IIV 21 גלְמָין.de( %002. (גלמר spread over thee a gold-trimmed cloak (at ₪7 she
snikpmup ni rieht larutan ,epahs .ppo ot חתוכין ומנוקבין. ceremonies); a, fr.—Pl, xmb>is, xmt>is, . ךררלוגTa
érfiS— .muN 851 כלים ולא גלומים.klaY( .bi 687 (גולְמָין זזNum. XV, 38 , ןוהתלוג1 “nbs 8. yin, Tat
‘vessels’ which means finished vessels but not half-finish- ib. XVI, 1 הרתרנללפhis cloaks. Ib. 2 345. Targ. 2
ed.—Trnsf. wneducated, unrefined. Ab. V, 7.—8) body. I Deut, XXII, 12 ,תיילוג- I “nbis, Ib. XXXL, 1
Pl, as above. Sifré Num. 131; Yalk. ib. 771 the spear Geb. RB. s.36 (expl. “29 Dan. ,111 )21 ( ןלח"לוגבfr.
entered 4‘ לנשבboth bodies. in their fine cloaks; Cant. R. to VII, 9; Esth. R. tol,
nai ch. same; 1) unfinished vessel.—2) Pl. nrabhs, Bets." 88 רֶביִרִתְכוג רלקשhave I taken your cloaks” 0
שעג" ִִלְמר. .Y ,muN ,IXXX 22 retfa( 69018 .muN ,851 .v you laugh at me)?—[Gen. R. s. 19 ןילוגAr. ed:1
preced.).—Sabb, 52” “gba; 123° ימלוגב it treats of un- ynba end.) שי
finished (needles).—2) (cmp. ban) stone. 1. bis. Targ.
Dd 1 m. bent, 4 v. BA II,
Esth. IX, 5 'ג ( תליטקfor b. h. 394) death by stoning— —
Snh. 954 fread:] הנימגרלנו ( )אניטדNod... יל ותיראbring DAIL to cut off,v.
ye unto me, each of you a stone (lump of clay), and we
shall stone it (overthrow the city with mere stones); cmp. Na m.h,8.01. (b. h, 8/25, emp. ,םגאאו
Valk. Is, 284; Ar. ₪. v. (8--.גרהמלוג hill, +. אָמיִלְפ IL. papyrus. Targ. Is, XIX, 6. Targ. O. E: Il, 8.
xo טקילית
/ cheb. .הקמ Targ, Job XXXIX,24 3 ריבעי
Rots. IV, 62° bot, +. 1/--(,אטינב
ergs, רק Tare. ל (prob, ,יו ₪. tent ,"אנ
MLA,3. Targ. .ד Bx, 1, .ד--.ה fabb, VII, 10° ישיג
₪ (WS) fo serape, +. Targ. Job RAXXIX,
94) וגו fowurromnd ;with ל ,lo cower, Dero 3
hole, Mull,
11,9 (41"), Th,Bath. 16° for each if, 7am ו loprotec, Mid, Til. w Pet peor rs
if CA? VES 'ג הseparate follicle, Y, .אפוא
I, 26° ילו ןיִנָמלע. . אTr הו ₪ the shield eurrounds the
' לעוש גekil eno gnikam א ni haolf heihw | bedy, 00 does the Lord protect man. fot. 10* (read
:( ro
‘fills up again; a.>,- 11. rte, Ab, Zar, 76" ₪ knife pee TT שטשוךon... מניך קלESN ₪ eht droL stcetorp
42.72 whiehlsnotbattered. .סי Maser, 111,14 Pn 'ג the whole world, so did tameon in bie generation protent
אsing.), ¥. +--.םל 44או. '1,90ו1. bot, goin > ;ווValk. Jad. 69, Bot. 21°; o ff.
dimples, +. ,תויטוג--.(ב
.+ .תרטשונ
TS ob. 1%
res +. א
ויm. (b. bi. דמה+ TEP) )1 gomed, a length-measure,
to be the cwhit leas the hand's length; arm, 49
*11.\ ימנו חטאAr, and the arm of the seraper was
oubit, contrad, to ארה iteelf, |, ₪. the perpendicular
.+ .871
| Od,--[.חבונו
.2% Evry, Ty. B. Bath, 100° "טנגve בְרָא+ְ
. כwer.
(Ms, M.a.Ar, %3).—2) @ veil of a square gomed, used
y Arabs in cold weather for covering the face,— 1. FSIS ₪. (225) inclined tosteal. Deut.
.א= 6;Tank.
Try. Kel. XXIX, 1 לש ןייברע3n.—Denom,
738 fo Vayesheb
6; +.תיֶנְשְטֶשָמ
by the gomed, Tana 6 El. 1, ch. XXXII (v. NTI 1 אָדִנ-).6 ; טזדיג,דג+ . זר1( 6 004,907. B.
p. 84). Mota. 86° רשרפר ה 'גtroop of horsemen. Ab. Zar.
11* “5
ררוטאר₪ troop of Roman (soldiers), (1b. WS רדש רדח
'ררוטאר וכ, daer htiw .sM .4 אהריכא,uow .+ .bba.RD
8.0.1). Ber. 56°; a. e-—Ned. 32° MoT % the troop
commanded by Hemah (angel of wrath) —PLt73. Hall.
60* 'גרשיפנר
Ar, (ed. (הרדתולרה His armies are too no-
IT (אָרּו-)) 1) wall, 11,.דרכו Bot. 22% oe
'( גAr. ₪ v. םת ,2 . צinfra) who scratch themechves
ridth of &e,—Y.
Ab.Zar.IV,44*bot, 'ג רתוסwhat is left against the walls (in saintly self chastisement).—2)
name of a domestic overall used at work for the pro-
the depressions inthevat.; Tosef,
ib. VII (VIID), 5תויטוג
feck, Yar, Hom Soa. Mikv, Ill, 4; Hag. 19° tection of one's clothes, duster. "Gitt. 68° (in Hebe.
diction) לכ his duster (was all that was left toSolomon)
(Suh. 20" (Ms, M.) Yalk. Kings 177, Tanh. Abdire 1 דדדק;
"QIU, +. reyes. Koh. R. toll, 10m"; Y. Snh.
11, 20° bot. xp). Sabb. 119°
R. Anan (while preparing for the Sabbath) “S שדבל (Me.
mo 5 0. ,אנרוג Alf. Ms, ,אנדוג Asheri ed. Ven. ,ארכיג v. Rabb.
Rasa, (b.he Py) pil, Targ. Prov. D. 8. a. L note 2) put a gunda .17.--.סמ “3B. Sot. 22°
‘3 מחנד רחפו. .. . בד דינאtel eht taerg truoC llac ot tnuocca .|
XII, 14 Ms,( eto% Pints Ib. XXVI,27
those who are wrapt up in overalls (hypocrites whom
you cannot see through; Rashi: those who wrap them-
3 ך, * 1. (723 to consume) burning, glow- selves in cloaks as though they were true Pharisees; oth.
Targ. . Ex, XXVII, 5.—Y, Bets. 11, 61° top; vers,
¥. supra).
fa s. Sh. V,56° top; Y. Hag. 11, 78* bot. (prov.) 'גלכ
. כ xb" א 0081 which does not barn you in its time, 7H 1.)לרכ ;11 כinserted, emp. next ws.) spiral
burn you.—Pl.
JT, NTT, “TS. Targ.Y. form, (sub. (בתכ: writing in spiral form (emp. Greek
mn.IIT,24. Targ.
Job V,7; a.e.—Targ.
Y.Ex. XXXVIIL4 bustrophedon), esp. signatures of witnesses altcrnately
( גcorr.ace.),
v. 8333. 11011.98". Gen. R.s.51
(ref. to in Hebrew handwriting (from the right to the left) and
i, Ps.XI,6) ןידצונו 'גburning coals ()=םרטתפorsnares; in Greek (from the left to the right). Gitt. 57" (ref to
Ik.Ps.655, emp. Midr. Till.to PeXI. Sabb. 110°; two documents
side by side on
the same sheet with two Hebrew 4
— and two Greek signatures going =e... \
yl 5 1)same. Hall. 11° 2) 3 root he may through from under one doca- | - 77-70
burning coal onit) @ local skin-disease, prob. ment to the other), "כו Sst םיהח S אטלדד perhaps it
. צי Ab. Zar, 11, 40' top; .צ Sabb. XIV, 147 top. was signed guad lith, and all the signatares belong to
one document (to the one on the right in the case of
Od. ch. same. Ber. 47% הרתעד - Ms. M. nb:has.
Hebrew commencing the spire, to that on the left, if
come proud. Snh.8* (M75) סרָאְג NP (Ms.0. ons, v. Rabk
Greek Greek begins the spire). Ib. (ref.
D. 8. a. 1. note) he was arrogant.
Greek to a case when Hebrew and Greek
signatures alternate
with each — Af, 0°38 as h. Hif—Targ. Y. Deut. א711, 0. Ib.tes
IX, 7 ךפדנמ 'אtake courage. Ib, Ex. XXVIII, 89 רָסרִג
Hebrew other) 'כו אמלרד 'ג םיתח אתלתוper-
( Hebrew haps it was signed gund'lith, so רערוניהוןthe haughty (emp. חור "03, ₪. v. 03). 1
acai that three of the signatures be- Ithpa. 030% to become bold, haughty. Targ. I 01 2
__Greek long to one document, and only XXVI, 6 (h. text .(הבג Targ. Koh. 1, 12 (Var. הבג .
one to the other. [For oth. interpret. v. comment, a.
Ar. Compl. s. v. [,לדנג OA IL to come in contact, touch, be connected. Denom.
oma; OM. ]0%6. 11, 6 ,סוגיש v. [.סַגְנ ₪
TY TO, +. saps. “Hif, O73 to stir (with a ladle &.). Makhsh. V, 11
בקדרהMo" she stirs the pot. Ab. Zar. 88" top mony
NEVI TDA f. ,)רדג 2 inserted; cmp. preced. art.) and may stit 16.--8890. 67" םיחורפא רנפבDAWN (missing
balustrade, ledge. Kidd. 70* 'כו ( אתרופ 'גדAr. by cler. in Ms.) who stirs a dish before chickens (a superstitious
error אכז . . . .( Iam only making a little bit of a bal- practice), 11611. 17% a. 6 wt
ustrade (a לה considered too affected in place of b.h. Pi, 0°33, v. 8. v. סל ny
מעקה, Talmudic (מחיצה. /
BA 54 to embrace,
hug. ¥. Youn 111, 41° "2 be ch, same, 1) body. Tanz, | Bom. ,גגו 10; 12
pat his arms around it, , (h. tent 9°39). Targ. Prov. X VIL, 22 (h. text Pr), = =.-
Hif, spar (Neb. Vil, 8) fo All up (a hole), clove (a lam. רו CTS") אלוכ 'גthe entire body (of the
door), fasten, Yar, Vi, 1. Ohol. 4101, 8 'כו אלוPEI be chicken). Habb. 65" ןוארכנ > הלר ךפלילthet they ו
filled the hole out but not entirely, Zab, Mi, 2 yes הbecome
eed to bodily contact. 2) aelf, ewhelome &-
פאותחיןfI htob esolc fo nepo a rood ,ylsuoenatlumis Bets, 3, 0. fr, FS 'ג אדהthie baw be eel only 5 pre
Tosef. Ohol, XIV, 1; a. @—Part, pase, BPS factened. Y. cautionary measure, Nidd. 46°, a. fr, אישק את גthie
Keth, Vil, 41° הכירצ 'טif the door (behind the suspected Contains & contradiction in itecll.—3) Gefa (feat), ₪ :ה
couple) was closed (but not looked), itis doubtful (whether midical term eased for taking up 4 teat oF euljert after
the woman is to be considered ה Sofah, v, my). an interruption
by « discumion or digression, cur fest
says; redurning
lo our wuljert, he. Unit. 64°; & +, fr
ףוגch. same 1) foclose, Targ. Mal.1,10; a.6,—2)(fo Lev. i. 65. .ד . אואה, וו88° bet. אשי Os,
embrace) to have illegitimate intercourse, to commit read 1/--[םיג meg, “SU. Torg. | Ham. XXXI, 12-
tdullery with, Targ. 0.1. XX,10 (¥. 3); ae Tart. Zab, 42° 3 ירח two eubjects,
איסMER Targ. Hos, 1V,2; 19; a.c—Lev, 5.3 Koh.
RB.tolV, 6 (prov,) 'כו ( 'ג ןירוזהבAr. TB) she prostitates , m. )ךפנ ¥. 1. Diet. ©.) curee, .)ודא +4 40+
herself for apples and distributes them among the sick | of Idlers. Mex, @ BS 'גב in our (Mebrew) characters,
and doing charity). Tide ' בגin their (foreign) characters, |41. reads HO. (--
| ןי18, beg. 79° Fons rors ,התרחש reed: הדחתש
FESS כתובחit must be written in cur characters (though
in א foreign language).
א pl.ל . ה ומspecies
of dill, 1-1 Kil
Pa, גירסasPo.2.Targ.
How. 1V,14 979 (ed. Lag.(ןפילנ 1,1 [read:) OPM תבשח anise and gof‘nin—2) late grapes.
Dem.1,1 (Y. ed. ,( ךנפונexpl. Ber. 40° רחלש יכפונthe bate
רישוי = )1 body, person, fraite of the grape-vine. [Y. ib. 21° top explains [Eu
.ddiK °02 .lpxe( oppag'd .xE ,1XX 8) 'בנופל נכנס וכ | וחPress (read Page) dill; Maim. a. L: ₪ epecies
similar to TST, +. supra [
ץרה11 m. (v. preced.; cmp. vp) short, dwarfish. “Vid IL (euphem., cmp. םלפ ch.) to have illegiti
.reB ,”13 ,v .lP—.259 פוצרם. .kiseP htoz’V .p °002 22 'ג intercourse; (also as act. v.)to seduce. Targ. Job XXXVI, 20
fo a rewol ;erutats .bi( .dohaB כ. °801 קווצים כרוצא בוSifré תגורMs. (ed. “P3n). Targ. Y. Lev. XX, 10 )0. (ףוג;a.e— |
Deut.343 only; םיצווק Yalk. Ps.776 ; Ex. 286),.—Fem. 7x53. Part. 3, NW. Lev. ₪. 8. 8; Koh. R. tolV, 6 ןירוזחב oa
Yeb." 106 אוה ךורא איהו 'גif he is very tall and she Ar. (ed. NB"), v. םופ ch.—Ab, Zar. 10" איהה pe
dwarfish. אתרב המשד אררג 'כו he (the emperor) had a daughtet
~whose name was Gira (Ar. ,(אלרב and who did wrong (was
גוץ, הצא.hc .emas .graT boJ ,VIX 1 .sM( ;זוז
גh. seduced); he sent to him (Rabbi) אריגרג (Ar, (אלרגרג a
text “XP).—B. Mets." 97 ופוג ךיראד וא 'גMs. M. a. 11. gargira (rocket, play on .(אררג 1
(ed. ךוראד( insufficient signs of the body for identifi- Pa. "5 to seduce. Targ. Job XXVI, 20, vy. supra
cation—e. g. ‘very tall’, ‘dwarfish’. Snh." 109 "> 'ג 'כוwhen Targ. Prov. VI, 32 אתתיא 35 Ar, (ed. 'אב (רייגד
eh saw ,trohs yeht doitoteris .mih .geM 79" איניש ג' הוה
saw a yrev trohs .nam .deN "05 mom ג' ורבהshort תורLLI .m .b( ;.h גרר, .pme NAAM בנו כרוךHull.78")
dna yrev —.tuot .lsP .35x" .*36.lluH 88.408" ' גANB" אררכר gnuoy ,lamina ,plehw .buc .klaY boJ 629 'עלה ג' אחד וכ
the tall in front of the small,—Fem, . אצהB, Mets. 59° a gnuoy )mé’R( deraeppa ni ;enitselaP .neG .R א. 13 גורא
(prov.) ךתתא 'ג 'כו if thy wife is dwarf, bend down and ( 'אcorr. ace.).—Pl, O93. Th, 21 רירhis (the R’ém’s)
listen to her (advice), v. wm>. splehw tnew otni eht ,kra 89.s.bI a" של..... DWגבורה
the strength of the lion and the daring of his whelps— =
ןיצוהsparks, v. "3. MAIS רּוג pr. . מm., v. NOS 1. 4
ad I (b. h.) [to move around (cmp. [,(רחס to be a id, NTA ch. same, Lev. R.s.19 (prov.) בלכמ 'ג בט
stranger, sojourn, dwell. Sot. 36> "כר ארג רֶתַשhe is named ' ברש וכesiar ton a eltneg buc fo a suoiciv ,god hcum |
Gera (Gen. XLVI, 21), because he (Joseph) dwells in exile; less a vicious cub &c.—[Pl. "43. Y. B. Bath. 11, 18" bot. —
Gen. R.s.94. Yeb.96 is it possible לכשב " 'כו43> to dwell מן קל גי, .borp ,359“ צ. 59 ).LII
(simultaneously) in two worlds? Sabb. 104*, v. ,ר"ג 6
Deut. 301 (ref, to Deut. XXVI, 5) אלא עקתשהל. . . דמלמ NVA, pl. תוארו , ץFan 1.
pw ah it proves that he (Jacob) did not go down to
be permanently settled, but only to sojourn there; a. fr. NAT m. (395) wicker-net used in wine and oil
—Denom. “3, presses —Fl. .רגרזג Ab. Zar.75" (Ms. M. indistinet; "77724,_
גוזגדר, or (גודגדר. {
Pi. "3 (denom. of 73) to make a proselyte, to in-
itiate into the Jewish faith. Gen. R. 8. 39 (ref. to Gen,
גורגדנא, +. 2a.
XII,5 ‘the souls which they had made’) "77"3W םירגה ולא
that means the proselytes they had made. Ib. >> סוגְרוגpr-n. .( גג1'0010%) Gorgos. Treat, 8’mah, 14
oN ןריָנִמו . . רמ ברקמשwhoever befriends a gentile irehsA( ot .M .taK 141 (גורגנוס.
and effects his conversion, is considered as though he
had created him. Sabb. 31 'כו "29""} make me a Jew הּרְגּרְתְכָד, +. רגו
with the condition &.; a. fr. [For "3 to dress with
lime, v. .רג NT OI, +. op. 4
Hithpa. "305, Nithpa, “725m to become a proselyte. “NIA .( הvRNA) connected with a wheel worl
Ber. 57" “msamms םידיתע they will adopt the Jewish Arakh. 10” (expl. סרלודרה hydraulis) 'ג daw Ar. (ec
faith. Yeb. 47" 'גתהל Naw רג if a stranger comes (ap- , אנדגרוגread N2557%4) a musical instrument (of pipe:
pears before Jewish authorities) desirous to become a worked by the pressure of water, v. אָלְבִט I (B
Jew. Ab, Zar. 8" ןררריפתמ shall ask to be admitted &.; bell,—which, however, does not correspond ‘
tothe con te
a. fr.
in which סרלודרה is used; v. esp. Tosef. Arakh. I, 13).
“ld ch. same. Taan.25* "75 ךב (975) "a Ar., ed. Ven. Tia, +. ןֶרְגְר -- :
a. oth. (v. Rabb. 12. 8. a. 1. note 1, ed. "7"5) proselytes
shall dwell with thee (in heaven); (for oth. vers. v. גורדיון, v. next w. 4
"4 IIT).
Pa. פלררto convert. Targ. Y. Gen. XII, 5, v. preced. “TS, PITT, OTT m. Gordian
Targ. צי Ex. XVIII, 7; 27; a. e.—Sabb. 31° m5 he didn, name of a gold denar coined by one. of th
accepted him for initiation. Yeb. 7 6% m7""5 "75975 he made emperors of that name. Y. YomalV, 414 ope
גורדייתא 237 bat)
;גרו.0 ;גרודרקיAr. יקלדרג
;« .+ דוגידג of lerael SS as the Sanedrin used to be seated. 1%.it
“pS; ed. 806. יקדזנ ; ed. Ven. --.יקזרג . ץזסלour w., is the habit of kings (councils) הלינכ ( בשיל 'גבread 25)
combined with the suspicious לש is an old clerical cor- to sit in a round court-room; Hall. 5* (ref. to I] Kings
Lo.) "כו Sos 'ג ₪ real court,—3 לכ אלאbet it means
like the court (of the Sanedrin, ref. to Sah. !. 6.(. Cant.
R. to V, 11 הרות לשpcs the gathering for stedying
the Law (Lev. RB. « 19; Yalk. Prov. 064 my"). Omp.
Gurya, Kidd. IV, 13—Mekh. Mishpht. 20 (ed. Friedm. POTS pr. ₪..זמ Gursak, Erub. 29* (Var. ,קאוסריג
.pP °401; %901) ;איסי בן גוריח.klaV .xE ;153 .bi 953 איסי גורסקי, גירסדק, .+ .bbaR .D .8 a .! eton .)04
בןגור8. יבחןודה.
WGI (wv. wes) tobehard, thick. V. Ss.
13! Yalk. Gen. 55 young R'éms. Af. S2%, or Ste (fr. (ששכ to harden, (with (אפא fo
be bold. Lam. R. to I, 21 ןוכיפא ( שנאor FTIR) Ar.
(ed. a. Var. Ar. (ךותישקא have ye the hardibood
(to come
back to me)?; Pesik. Anokhi p. 135" ךןיכיפא אח ךותשגא
M. Kat, 111, 82" bot.; a.fr—s) G. of Isporak. 16.30"; Ms. 0. a. Parma (ed. .(ןותשיכרא Ib. ךפא PS ox Ar. a.
B. Kam,
93° sq. Ms. 0. a. Parma (ed. ,תשנרא Lam. ₪8. 1.c. (הישקא hast
thou &c.?
. NT™3) 8 young female cub
86* (prov.) אתבנ אבלכ לוע ךבro Gill ₪. @ bh; oz, +. preced.) something sub-
ךב אתירוג ;וAr, (ed. ךב 'תיירוג , חבנcorr. ace., v. Rabb. — stantial,
lump, clod, ball. Nidd. 23* “PR 'ג KT such
).8.a.1,note 400) ifthe dog barks atthee, goin; if a shapeless fetus is called gush (a ball, stome). 1. ib.
sin / לא mrad
11, 50" המדא 'ג לשa clod of earth. Y. Kil. IX, 324 top; dan. [Alleged name of a species of
em nae וש
יצKeth. XII, 35> bot. “BY 'ג a handfull of Palestine yan.) ‘
earth. Toh.V,1 םימעה 'ג ץראמ8 lump of imported clay,
v. Sabb. 14.—Y. Hall. 111, 59" when the dough is formed |בר ביגוא.hc .emas .graT .Y .veL ,IX 31 .0)
into דחא 'גone cohesive mass; 8. fr— PI. pian, Lam. R. Targ. יצIf Deut. XIV, 12 (also in one w. יל
to I, 20 (explain. ורמרמח ib.) 'ג ןאשע 'גtheir bowels were גִגָאa). ]גזר, Nidd. 17* Ar, v. [אַָּז va
pressed to lumps (v. םרמח Ex. VIII, 10). B. Mets. 101°
נעקרו בגושרהןyeht erew detoorpu htiw rieht sdolc fo NYA or Nw m. )=אזכג ;; דנגfr. which yaa)
earth (attached to the roots). Y.ib. VIII,end 11% [read :] collection, ד'ג. רבtreasury. Sabb, 63° 'כו אחכו "ב 'ג
בששטפן בגושיהןnehw eht revir tpews meht yawa htiw Ms. M. a. Ar. (ed. "8733) it is found in the treasury (ame
their clods.—2>m waa pr.n.pl. (Fat Ground) Gush- Heleb, the collections) of queen 80. Yoma 51* ןרהאה יב 'גAa
Giscala (Newb. Géogr. p. 230) in Galilee. Arakh. IX, 6. (the Highpriest’s) fund. Hor, 9* 'גד ( ךרלרד ואMs. M. °
Tosef. Men, IX,5; 8. לָאְּבְלָח--.6 wha m. pl. want of ‘a7, insert ,וא v. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note) from thy (th
Giscala. Pesik. B’shall. p. 94"; Koh. R. to XI, Highpriest’s) private money or from the fund?—Meil. 17”
~ / עולו לבל ג,rA .de( (עררלרנהו לגנלזהog ey otni eht =
NOU ch. same, esp. ground, soil, ו to air, (he took them to &c.). Hull, 139% wherever the vowed
atmosphere. Naz. 54"; 55* (ib. 19" .(חשוג Sabb.15". 7 sacrifice stands,‘5" אכמחרד רבב 'גitisin the Lord’s treasury
nwa, Nidd, 20* sree with their 01008 of ground. V. (it is to be considered as if its delivery had taken place),
xu. —[Nt3 Ber. 407” Ar, vy. NTA [ /
Naw גת. )גשם, .pmc )AwD ,rettam ,ecnatsbus .ydob דפמי,VN +. גזירפטי.
Targ. "Ps. XXII, 21; a. fr.—Targ. Job XX, 20 (h. text
---.( ודומח.2% , אלמוג ןיִמשלפTarg. 11 Chr. XX, 24. Targ. אזpr. n. m. Gaza, Sabb. 145) (Ms, M.גדא , Rashi
Ps. LUXXXVIII, 11; a. 6. V. NWA,
Ms. 3455). 1
זא .v גזל. |
NIDW1 Ar. in some ed. s. v.v.7a, read ,אקנפשוג .צץ
Koh, Ar. Compl. s. vv. רב זרm. (late b.h.; , בזגcmp. בצק with format.כ
NPIBUU m. (prob.=Xp25 שוג the freeman’s lump manager, treasurer. Ex.R. 6.21 ךיתישע 'ג ורלע1 have ap-
or cylinder) signet; seal; signet-ring. Targ. Koh, I, 12, detniop eeht sti eht( )s’aeS ,rednammoc 15.8.21 ג' לעצמו
Targ. Esth, 111, 10; a. fr—Ber. 6* אלזרפד 'גבwith an elos .rerusaert .bbaS .°13 ,fesoT .roH 1, 01 | אמרכל קודם
iron signet. Git, 57°; 58%, v. ---.אָנּורְלְּב Plsprpwna, Sabb. 66” רבכthe Amarkhal in the Temple is of a higher rank
“A ןרתשב with sixty seals. 1-5 than the Gizbar; Y. ib, IL," 48 ( רבגרלcorr. ace.); a.fr.—
.1% oath, Ja, “M5. 21611. III, 8. Shek. V, 2; a. fr.—
“PEW m. pl. (prob. of the same origin as Latin Fem. rent. Sabb." 62 חשא 'גa woman 0 as
gausapa) rough shaggy cloth, bed-cover on) the winter. treasurer (wearing a signet ring).
0166. 70", Var. for .ררקפולג
N25, v3 ch. same. Targ. Esth. X, 3 אבסו ג
)אְרְקֶשַ( אָרקשוגf. )1 wheat flour of the second commander and elder (h. text (לודג
course, dark flour, opp. ROHN. Gitt. 56%. [Fl to Levy F134, +. הז
Targ. Dict. II, 570” refers to Arab. hushkar, derived fr.
* the Persian, bran-bread.]—2) a cotton-like plant. Sabb.20" ma, v. Ta.
(Var.;'שוק( v. FRAN.
NTO, TOA f. h, a. ch. )=הָרֶזוזְפ reduplic.
ONDA, ותיאm. (cmp. (רַאְתְכַּּפ ₪ Goth; servant, of “13; b. h. * equival. mah q. v.; cmp. (הָרְצּוצּב enclosure,
body: guard. PL. yemis. Y. Hor. 11, beg. 47°; Y. Snh. balcony. Ohol. XIV, 1 כו/ זרזהthe ziz isa projection the41
II, beg. 19% ןתנג (corr. ace.). .Y. Bets. 1 60° bot. was finished side of which faces the ground, 'כו 'זגהוAr. ₪.
leaning on “A לרת two servants (Goths). v. ™ (ed. M1371) while g’zuztra is one facing upward.
Zab. IV, 1 74 לע Ar. (ed, --..(ארצוצכ . געשEzek, XLI,1
אייתוהpr.n. Gothia, the land of the Goths, Y.Meg. 3 Ar. (ed. Koh, ארטזוזכ ; Targ. ed. .(אתרוצב Midd. UH,:
5 »71 bot. (explain. Magog); Targ. I Chr. I, 5 (Vers. in ed.
' גAr. (ed, --.(ארצוצכ2 nino )תורס . . . .). To sf
Rahmer) . אללתרגV. Neub. Géogr. p. 422. Succ. IV, 1; Succ. 51" Ms. M. (ed. sing.). [Ar. nis yy"
NOON, ד. sons. זּזְטְריות, כסוסראותת כסוסטראות, כצוצררות, נטראות
.fesoT[ .burE XI ,)IV( 72 גזוסטרא4. ל ig
זגm. (b. h.; 113) shorn wool,זָגַח --,6666/] mina the
meg, v. preced. 0
first shorn Wal (the priest’s gift), Deut. XVII, 4), Hull. :
Par - '
XI, 1; a. e.— Pl. "3. B. Kam. 118”. V. mm, Poy, ve ITB.
, 2li 5
( זגD3) m. (dialect.=t>, cmp. . לh. equivalent SPIN, v. sperm.
( הרנזעgaz, name of a bird of prey, supposed to be the
falcon. Hull. ,111 1 זגהAr, (ed. .(סגה Tosef. ib. ITI, 3 גזולא.+ ו
thortened, Targ.
Ve UXXU,6 כר MSO? (Me. M.S) קא
> BMS,
+.סוזי eaten
op be. (h. tent tj). Targ Oamt. 1V, 2 10 Job
' m. (80, .וי .או ₪ .¥ אטו 609) +
XIV, 1, ¥. MAS —"Vome Te* ארחפר ces tes defective
man. Pe. VIII, 3 Me, (od, ,יג HES, Levita םידנ | earthen vessels (Ma, 4. | 1S, 2a. Ar, “T°, Me. 1. “ars,
ty text .(םקנתמ רפתרא בדו.v .baM .₪ & & )iL of ,sserc snop v(
3). Targ. Ie. 1A, 10; « fF, +. --.ג וואBi, to 111, io
TSENG, +."ייכוי שוקא ופיGב
T gnireep eht teertnso ,kcebeemoh toK(
B. to Vil, 6 זמ Pes, 115" תל cred )+. 6. D. 8 = |.
| NTA .ו( )רוג,4+ יקי + Sete) ו go out of te way, ¥.°O. Lev. Bei? ןאירוצנ זוג
Keth. ¥, 90° 'כוreed םיכח ( אנאcorr. myst) ] (as an Ar. od. Koh. (oth, od, 1, differ, vers. in of.) the wateh-
nt) could distinguish the surgeons that attended me men are past)
lo castrate, i, Mets.
60" top Meא
clroumeision, ¥ re
Rashi: his fist). B. Kam. 5% הרזרזגל הירבת ע"רR. Akiba name ofa class of oppressive Persian officers (chiliarchi),
has broken the force of his club (Rashi: fist), i. e. modi- Taan. 20% Snh. 98"; Sabb. 139%. [Ar, "UBT ,רזאג'פד רזג
fied his opinion; ib. 42".--2( piece. אדרבד 'גa piece of - Var, 'פ , 'פד ריזג, רטפיד ררזג, זרגSOT, 'פרזוג &e., v.-
ice. Targ. I Chr. XI, 22 'כו רבת 'ג 'בדhe cut a hole in 2. 8. a. 1. 6.[ /
the ice and bathed; Ber. 18" "1"y3.—PI. "13. Ib, 59°
דברדאATA Ar. (ed. אזרבד ( רזרזגhail-stones (Ms. M. NOGA, NOMA + eh. cms) 1) ה
v. NET, ‘Targ. Y. II Ex. IV, 25 sq. (some ed. (?ָררזִפ
דנוראMea or ANTE, Ms. F. 43, v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. 1.
2) (=h, 713) decree, edict, ordinance. Targ. Ex. V, 14
גְזַררְתְכוןyour decreed task, Targ. I Kings X, 25 'כו 7515
aE +. ()דדב 1)shearing wool. Yalk.Num.750 (Korah, the decreed (tax) of every year. Targ. O. Ex. 1,8; od-
beg.) an yor (Midr, Till, to Ps. 1 הדזרג ( ךמזthe season of Gitt. 55" אתררמק 'גthe first (Roman) decree (after the
shearing. Hull. 135* 'כו רסוחמ 'גwants shearing, redemp- capture of Jerusalem). Ab. Zar. 35° 'כו " לרזג 'גD> wher
tion &c. Gen. R.s.74; 8.85;Midr. Sam. ch. XXIII םוקמ לכ they published a (religious) enactment in Palestine.—
‘21/4 'נש wherever shearing is mentioned in biblical ac- Pi. .אָסְרְִִפ Targ. Job XIV, 5.
counts, it marks (an important epoch).—2) ,)=הכרתח v.
nya f. (b. h.; (זזג hewn stone; wall of squared stones.
preced.) piece, shred.— Pl. nimts. Y. Orl. 111, 68" top (in
Chald. diction) what profit 18 it to him M74 B54 (read
B. Bath, I, 1, contrad. to bun. B, Mets. 117>; ₪ fr.
mit...) to cut it into shreds? ' לשכת הגeht llec fo ,htizaG eman fo a elpmeT apmoc
ment, the seat of the Great Sanedrin. Midd. V, 4; a. fr.—
NOMA f. pl. ()רזג cuts (of the road), paths, narrow Trnsf. 'ג ( ךבאsquared stone), a plain interpreter ofBible
passages. 68. 19" (Ms. M.”"4s, clerical error). Ib.113* tap. texts (Midrash). Ab. a’R. .א ch, XXVIII; 24 vers. ch.
“O44, Vv. .לז
( לb. h.) to tear away, rob (with accus. of person
אליNOV , וch.=h.n>"5. Targ. Lev. V, 21 (Y. ro fo ;)tcejbo ot ekat .yletamitigelli .B .maK ,X 5 הגלזל
(זולא.a .IP—e לא.B.Y .maK ,X .geb7" אזל תנלה “2a חדש he who robs a field from his neighbor (takes
> the Tannai (Tosef. B. Mets. V, 26) goes over (from forcible possession). Ib. 6 לזוגה תא 'כוhe who robs his
usurers’ gains) to robbed objects. —Pl. f. NM>"43, ’>33. neighbor (takes illegitimately what belongs to his neigh-
Targ. Koh. V, 7 bor). Ib, 7 9mM>1h 1 have wronged thee (and owe thee
retribution). Ber. 35> m”apind ולראכ לזוג as though he
הל הלf. (b. h. לזג(גהָלְְב לֶזָפ robbery, robbed robbed the Lord. Taan. 16* M233 'ג שירמ ואנבו if one
object, illegitimate gain. B. Kam. 9 am mows םלשמ 6 robbed a beam and placed it in a large building; a.
must make retribution according to the value of the v. fr—Part. 5155 robber, pl. ךרֶלזי Y. B. Bath, III, 14*
object at the time it was robbed. Y. ib. ,א 7" bot. 'ג bot, 31‘ ךינמואה 'גהוmechanics (who take working mate-
מפורסמתa well-known robbery or robbed object. Treat. rial to their homes) and robbers cannot claim the right
S’mah. ch. 1% כו הבורמ תליזג תמהseverer 18 the crime of possession, v. npin.—Part. pass. לב robbed, illegiti-
of robbery (or wrong) committed against a dead person 6. mately acquired. ₪00. III, 1; a. fr.
—Pl. nidth, .תולזִג Snh.I,1 תולבחו 'גlaw-suits of larceny
Nif. 3132 to be robbed (of object taken, or of person de-
and mayhem. Gitt.55” that it may not be said לכוא חבזמ
prived). B. Kam. 95°,a.e, M>133 M258 עקרק landed property
' גthe altar receives illegitimately acquired goods; Y. ib.
cannot be robbed, i. e. can never become legitimat
V, 47" top.—Keth. 105°; ib, XIII, 1 'ג רנרידY. ed. (Bab. property by the law of limitation, v, W5n.— Part. 5133
(גזררותjudges in suits of robbery; Bab. ib. 105° (har-
the person robbed of his property, claimant. Shebu
monizing the two versions) ’ לע "רזוג תוררזגdecreeing
Was ie ac £8; ;
fines in cases 01 robbery. [Targ. Cant. VI, 6 mth a, mids
h. forms.] , לז,1 ליזch. same, Targ. Lev. V, 23; a. e—B.
D4, +. ors. Kam. 103° הילזגbry they acquired it illegitimatel,i
Ib. 967; a. fr.—[bra to spin, Targ. Y.Ex.שי quel
Wha, pl pn, ve רז in Ar. s. v. W> 8, readעזל ,[ +
NTA t.ch.n.n33,deeree, law. Targ. Gen. XLVI, 26 ל555 m. (b. h. 14; 51a) robbery, wrong, oppre ,
(ed. Berl. mrs, h. ‘text ph). Pl. .ןיְררזְג Targ. Esth. Sabb.> 32 ןוועב 'ג לכוas a punishment for the 6
I, 19 archive of decrees.—j7"th.. Targ. Ezek. XX, 25, VY. oppression, the locust rises 86. (ref.to Am.IV,1a.9). ₪
NNT. R.s. 31, beg. 'גבו ata םיפוטש steeped in lust and violeו
,seP ?311 naanaC dehtaeuqeb ot sih sno. s ...'יאת הג
,הרי v. preced. a, math.
love ye violence. B. Kam.? 80 ןיא וב םושמ 'גthelay
fT154, Lam. ₪. to IV, 7, v. WmR—Y. Keth. V, 30 robbery does not apply to it (it is not private pro)
ap ,םיכח v. NTN. Erub. 100° we should have learned|'ג הלמנמ he.
of property from the ant. B. Kam. 109% 5,
“ETH, "RETA m. pl. ,076%ה0%000) Pers. ">‘ until he dispossesses himself of his 9
hazar paiti; v. Perl. Et. St.p. 118, a. authorities quot. ib.) ( הלרזגcorr. .(.400 ".10 ןלרזג אצור 'כוhis rob e
לא 231 מזר
of his possession, YT. Mets. 11,0 os לש ולרwhan the light of day ₪ ‘from the קוקס (and belongs to the
h pees Saeed ו © forbidden owner of the tree), ib. 'ג יל7 לקר4 date וושפ hae oO
be restored), ¥. Git. 1V, 46° SSO 3S WES in onder gets, i, & the porchaser of « date tree hae wo claim on
t p protect
the (priestly) tribe from lone; ¥, Ori, 11, 1° shoots growing ost of the wenk; ib, לעבל > > Te
bot. טבשח ליגSEs (corr, ace.);
a.fr. 90 ןיאש רפלSor Ms, .א (ed. 3 איצלמ , ךיאש+. Habe
44 | mote) the owner ... . hae wo claim ₪. be
PingN23, FIDE, v. 5 cause the ump of « datetree hee fo shoots,
טחליםzl) איךthelr amp grows no new shoots
Tb. Oo"
9553, ¥..א.ת J,#*bot. prem 4, + byes, Widd, 59° קילחמ S12... . רקש hair, if out, grows again
We m. (0) robber, Th, Kam. @2* (defin.) Ih, SSIS 3 רשב 80, if608, regeneration, ».fr.-Trnet.
| (of persons) ס"שישי 3 4 shoot, ofepring of worthy men
. . ךססה ( אviolent man) is one who
M. Kat. 2”.
by foreeand) pays; gaslan—who takes without
» Bob. 26" אתיירואר 'כ₪ robber in the strict (Mib- ip (emp. (םצק to be wrath —Ithpe. תולה wrath is
( sense; ןנברר 3 « robber in a wider (Habbinical) enkindled. Ab. Zar.6 'כו ארשמcre אלו אטלקבe895 לכר
6 ₪. ה gambler 6. ib. 25".—Y, Bab. VIL, 26" he Ar. where, when the world ie cursed, and no rain comes,
3 takes an object in the presence of witnesses le called he (the idol) appears to them in ₪ dream ₪5. (Me. M.
(333), he who takes in the owner's presence—>א ores, Ag. Matt. weds pares, v.093; Be Yakob wads ,םינעמ
sbber; v. B.Kam, 79°, צץ Kidd. 11, 62” bot, rower לכ +. 339; ed. ארטיטל abs ךירטצמ ST].
חhe who changes the use of a loaned object without
owner's consent “S ארקנ is called a robber. Ib.
1,60° “YES )₪.א. +; comp.) 1( toowt; +. (2--,ריפ focmt
( ;'רג .א6-21. Sed, Pods, Ors. Bab. 1c. 15. 36* Off, to guard; +. FA" a. חרג ,)וזמו-- fo 4000060 8 pre-
fr. cautionary measure (77%); to enact a prohibition, to
deerce (mostly in ה restrictive sense), Habb. 1,4 . . Poot
oh. same, 7 .א6-7. P2513, 731. STS וב Mh? they issued eighteen enactments
on that day.
פז.41*" עלוכssm' גderalced latem slessev fo( )selitneg
unclean (even when broken and remolten, y.ib. 16"). Ib. 17"
שנ ו והכל robbery. B. Bath,47* $2 piren ' וכStes גזרד קל פתךyeht detibihorp rieht eht( )’selitneg
בNID (not PAM, v. Rabb. D.8.a. 1.note) heisknown bread in orderto prevent the use of their ofl Ac. Ib. 30°
ו ו moras. | א טלך בד"ד גיזר גזררהlatrom gnik seussi ₪ .eerced .r1e6B
1 ch. same. Suh. £3 71רערלan objection
לק לארשי אלש 'כוtee הרג תוכלמ תעשרה Ma M. )+ . Rabe.
D.8.a. L. note) the wicked (Roman) government decreed
d ngtinet thefines ofwitnesses onaccount oftheir
religious persecution over leracl, that they should not
e trade, Ib, 27* 35 ותנילספ they disqualified
study the Law &c, BR. Hash. 18° ror oO they ordered
the: עוdepauncing Giaes Sierobbery.
a public fast. Ib. 11, 9 St [Se por 1 order thee to
ND ה come to me &c. Yoma 67” (ref. to 7, Ler. XVI, 22)
'כוTee רכא דד ,1 the Lord, have ordained it; ₪. +. fr.
| ( בָזָםwv.12)toend, trim. ] או122" to be decreed, ordained. 1. Hash.17° rT:
,1%- RR 1) tecutBranches off(forletting thesapdrip), Fr" it has been decreed. Ber. 58°; a fr.
fo tap. Ab, Zar, 50" 7335 PX you must not tap (in the Hithpa. הזר1) tobecut to pieces. טומה 1.c. (ref.
ive week or in the Sabbath year).~-2) Trnsf. (cmp. to ,הרזג Lev. 1. ₪( “EG רבד where an object thrown
h. ץרק . אTarg. Prov. XVI, 30) fo threaten mischief. down is shattered to pieces. [2) to be cut off, be steep. 18.
N ו eve which chewesthreaten Ms. 2 'כתונה SPs a steep place.)
ing to do unto him. “WA ch. samme, 1) focut,split. Targ.
Ps. LXXIV, 13
(h. text (ררפ Targ.Y. Lev. XXV,
3 .א (h. text (דש
Dia, גָיםch. same, 1) to cuf. Y. .זו 111, 63* top
: mw, v. הז
—2) fo threaten. Targ. Prov. XVI, 30 a. ₪--8. Kam. 81° 'כו ותנדתרזג ךקשל64. (Ar. 773, Ms.
btext ץרק
dg ah rye gel RB. 73, Ms. FP. ete AL) 1 should have split thy
shoulder with the iron weapon (i. >. should have excom-
tly threatens mischief and does not do it. 1%. יבת =
"יג זוed(not 'גרv. Rabb. 13. 8. a. 1.(in this case, too,
municated thee).—X=™P
% fo make a corenant (b. תב
mvs). Targ. Gen. XV, 18; a. fr.—2) fo circumcise, hare
ו ant not done it.—3) fo speak
one’s self circumcised. Targ.Gen. XVII, 10; 11; a &—
.yl .B .steM °401, +. זא ee
¥. Lev. XIX, 23 ארזכ('גh. text הלרכ So, +. Hs)—
4: 7 Cala (Gen.
R. = 12 ro Part. pass. רזה pl.7. Targ. .ל Gen. XVII, 13. Targ.
2, read My, +. 533.) Josh. V, 5; a.e.—Mace. 11* (prov.) רדג “Sst SS םכש
(Gen. ₪. 5. 80 Sop (ראבכסו Shechem wants to marry
> er that which (Dinah), and Mabgai
(his subject) must submit
to cir-
rows out of thetrunk,
shoot, 3.Bath. V, 4 כתהלועה ךמ a cumeision. Gen. RB.1 >. “3 be thou circgmeised. Y. Kidd
out of the opp. ;שרשיםdefined = Til, 64% bot. <a> tS how about cireumcising ..
‘On jo... האורש לכwhatever sees (when shooting) _ on the Sabbath? Y. Sabb. XIX, 16! bot. eae הדלהוה
ie 232 ny
כו/ רוזגרמלhad a case, when he was to have his son... cir- Ar, גזוזטראות, 8. Hai Gaon nino, v. Koh. Ar. Cor .
cumcised (on a Sabbath).. Y.Meg.I, 72” bot./01 לזא ho(An- II, p. 264, note 3).—2) (emp. תי a. (ריֶזָפ hewn8
toninus) went and had himself circumcised ;(Y, Snh.X, 29° block. Pesik. Aniya p.135” (ref. to םתרזג "bd, Lam. rv,
); הרמרג55 Koh. R. to IX, 10 הוה ררזגwas circum- v. Bub. note 24) 'כו לכ 'ג 'גוevery block which val
> ;01860 a. fr—3) to decree; to enact a prohibition as a placed in the future Jerusalem, will be as he nason
precautionary measure, to prohibit, guard. Targ. Job sapphire; Yalk. Is, 339 M7"y; Lam. R, to 1. 6, חי
XXII, 28; a.e. Targ.Is.XXI,17 ןכ 5" it is so decreed.— ' וגזר' שהיתה וכyreve enots kcolb ni melasureJ aw
Ab. Zar, 36° והנרא רזזגו 'כוMN) and they came and for- hard as sapphire.
bade (gentile bread &c.) even in the field. Sabb. 14°
ט. . ברהh1 deralced mih naelcnu .--01. 35> ולא הר ּ הֶריִזf. (b.h.;) רזג( 1 a secluded and nari
אמלרד 'כו 2°13 and we do not prohibit it (from fear) place, dale, precipice. Vere> 67 4 קוצבש ל''תpos
lest he may 80. Ab. Zar.” 38 אה וטא אחPAT 6. רmay how do we know that the place (Azazel) must be preci
forbid one thing in order to ward off from another thing; tous? We read g’zerah (Lev. XVI, 22); Sifra Ah
a. v. fr. V. 753. : Pat. 2, ch. Il. Gen, R.s.98, beg. הזיא םשל הזיאו 'גל whie 1
Ithpe. “3308, “15M8 1) to be cutoff. Targ. Job א 14 (goat) for the Lord and which for the precipice. —
a. e.—Ms, ;'רייגתמ h. text 50m", Targ. Ps. LVIII, 8 )2 decree, edict, divine dispensation; (in an evil sense),
(Var. (9--.('ררוגתמ to be decreed. Targ. Koh. 7111, 4; persecution by foreign governments. Sifra1. 6. ch. V ra .
a. 6. Par. 5 לוכר אחר תַרָזְג ךלמlest you may think it is a roy 14
; (corr, aee.); .ל Kidd, 1V, 68° top; ¥. Hah.IX, 26° *ךומה1 ma.קל verb oF fo burn, Arab
b הו ₪ | fot bowmiletical
play on S73, Gem \ X11, 24)
corning that j & fin gen. OS analogy. Gen. i. + 271, end)
burn them. Yalk. Gee. 102, end (from
Bots, 1, 6; 5% Gen. ₪. #, 44; Lev. נהטוןoro Valk.a.k. (Mids od. ןדדטנ --. דרentire pamage
Ki, «.25. (¥. Mer, VIlI, 12" top לבר אוחרFen, read תירונ seems to ₪ late glows)
וירטהLoommand that 6. | Y, Keth, V, 00° Pons reen,
+ "א ( חv. 193) fobend. . שווא.₪ .526 pub
pre ron
יפי down ta Uhe graund and hissed the footprints
ס Mam.
\- = 6, beg. ‘S* רילק Ports tom his mother bends
over him and lets him euck; (Tosef, Babb. XV (XVI), +
,A+.HE ו
מאN Pee) — Lert, pase. rg bent, Gen. ₪. « 90 ןיכלחמ Tee
.+ nny. | יעו Tee.)צ Valk. ib, 31) that they walk bent (with
over their dead.
PIG vw.(0.tj preced.) belly. Gen, I. =.20,
1 וצTang. +. Gen. XXIM, 7 (0
.רPא XCV, 6 דוק
| Kings XVI,42 .וא
- פְחַילְבָא+. טיא
וcabe a dala eeebend down sed
takeוו up. B. Mots, 40", +. xg —Hot, 40° חילק opr 2
= bends down (to listen to bim) and stands up by his side
(as an Amora)—Part,
pase. 775, pl 7G. Babb. 40° 'כרחב
.+ agi. houses
with low ceilings.
, רזTIA .₪ )רקגoF ;51“ cmp.1 Kings XVIII, 42)
\ חן 73 (corresp. tob.bh.Pres) 1( folaugh, Jest. .9
ion, jetty. 11. Sor, S07. 06111,2 TS of;
ף 4 Vill, 13; 15 (0. ,ךייח ₪. text (קחצ . צץproject
Ar. 73, ₪. 8. Sw. :.ז3] an opening
in a wall for a4-
faz. VII, 56° top 3 רישחתא he appeared to be laughing. mitting light; oth. opin.: cave. Comp. תג .₪ ."דיג
Kidd. 111, 64* bot. 730 they laughed. Y. Ber. VI, 10°
[read:) הירבח ךרחג הילhis colleague laughed at ) מג3"( .( ומS33, emp. SoM) [engracing,) ₪ legal
(Bab, ib, 30° ram... 2535). Y. Kil. IX, 32° bot. | document —rron 'ג (often without ron) letter of divorce.
ג' לכeh deviecer mih htiw a ;elims .Y ,hteK ,11X,"53 11. אִישָר נשיים.ttiG ;5 ;4 fa hsS— 3 .usu( (ששרeton
Gen. R. 5.30 הילקל ארובצFE the audience laughed of indebtedness. B, Kam. 95*; Keth.61".—rap"or
3 ₪cer-
what he said; a. fr.—2) to sport, to be obscene (of tificate stating compliance with the law of Adlifech (Deut.
» idolatrous practices). Targ.
Il Chr. XV, 16; XXV,5—10). Yeb. 106°. 1b.” תצילח “ טגPst whe pro-
> nounces the words to be said at the sct of Adlifech
Pa, WR same, 1) fojest, Targ. Y.Gen. XIX, 14.—2) fo (Deut, XXV,7 a. 8(וארכ--- 'כncertificate stating ה woman's
obscene, Targ.Y. ib. XXI, 9. Targ. Y. Ex.XXXII,6; protest against her marriage. [b.—0 OS השא--2 3.
eo Sob. ההשועמ--.*11 'גa document (of divorce) made out
IV, 94
אקוTHI tobemade oportof. Y. ₪. Mets. under compulsion. Gitt. IX, 5; a fr.—{For other com-
isnohonor tomethat people should say(ofme) "St pounds see respective determinants) — Ib. 11, 5 ₪ woman
אthat man was fooled (allowed himself to be taken ad- may write FS תא her own letter of divorce. Ib.7
antage of. Fags תא ארבלto carry her letter of divorce. Ib.VI,1, fr.
"os, “as. Ib. VII, 3, ₪.fr. Gos, TS ₪. Ib,
.א .₪ דדח
FONTS m. (preced.) jester. Snh.39°=> ETNyour ' זה בeht rettel fo ecrovid si .dilav .bI 5 ארקti ₪ ton
a jester (making sport of the prophet). valid. Ib. 'ג יכראו% it is of doubtful validity —FL p=,
73S; constr. "3s, "SS. Ib. 11],2; 11, 2; a i —Hence
¥. next
.וא pl. Gittin, name of a Talmudic treatise.
TOMA & (b,j Sra)burningcoal.Bets.V, 5; Tove ch. same. Targ.0. Deut. XXIV,!
TV, 7 'כו'גה רלגרכifone takes burning coals from (ed. Berl. 33). Targ. .צץ Gen. XXI, 14; a fr.— Gite
0 IX,3 ןירוטפ Soh. תותירכ 53, v. preced.— Yeb. 106" 2
זוas the owner is permitted to go; contrad. to .תבחלש ' הv.preced.; a..11.--.)ז 73s, דש
= VIII, 12° bot.; a.6.-- 16%. 63° 3 ריעבמ puss Git. 84".
angers) a spr kindlingcols,AbI,
10 רח
VFS ררחזtake careoftheir(thescholars’) burning ריך+ו.זpee
i (Gb ומ אסמהthem lightly) tint thon mayest not 61,1 Ar,ד . wees.
גמישא, ,DON שגד. . זזLev.
burnt. Gen. R.s.78 end 'כו FS הָיָבְכ ( אלשwe are
i) that we may be burnt by the coal of Jacob, i.e. 3 אר.6;-מ-ראכ( )םglen, wady. Constr. x3. Erab. 19*;
ש מו to grief through
contact with a godly man.— Pi. .ec%u93S .v גִיהינָם.-- 12. .rr .ibehS111, 8 מדדכות על
‘Sm. Yoma IV, 3. ו + יי = רש יכאהsteps leading
to the ravines (for carrying up the
\ לי :יי Tosef. ib. 111, 4. Ab. Zar. 54°.
| water for irrigation);
(Ms. 243). גרג אתיch. same. Y. Ter. VIII, 45° bot.; +...
Il, 41" bot. [read:] manana אילגתרא היל his( ו or beer)
אבְביגm, , )בבגv. Greta.) Anthpo é modded: sum- tank was left uncovered.—Pl, . אחיY.Sabb.I, 34 top;
.tim .graT ,sP ,IIIVXL 61 ,.raV .v גיבְנָא---72. + גִיִבְבְחָא Y. Ter. VII, 45% bot.( הרתהלגוג corr. 860.( Joe
.neG .R .s 89 emos ,.de .v גוְבְבְתָא.
לגגy. Nbads. / 4
, ייבביתY. Kidd. IV, 654 top, some ed., v.ביא .
* ₪
Pos", Y. Meg. 1 beg. 73°, read eta, -
‘Wad m. (734) collection of debts, dues ₪0. Bekh. 5* "pis. | . a
בג' כסםni eht ,lbiB tnuocca gninrecnoc eht noitcelloc fo
silver (Ex. XX XVIII, 25 sq.). Keth. 68? 'ג םדוק אוביש "דיל דיגm, (b. .); ג45 thread, chord, sinew, artery, tendon.—
before it becomes due for collection through the court. neim ') ג.h.b( suvren .sucidaihcsi 1,117.11011- נוהג2 גרד
'כוthe law concerning the nervus ischiadicus (Gen.
לוב m, )לבג( kneading.—’s רב fit, designed to be XXXII, 33) applies 86. 19.89% a. fr.’a( רוסרא sub. TWIT) the
kneaded. Sabb. 18%; 155. prohibitory law concerning &c.—Euphem. me é mM
virile. Kidd, 25% —Pl,2°7"3, "3, constr. "773. Hull. VU,5.
“74, v. בג
Ib. 100% a. fr. ןרא גב ט'יכב the rule for mixtures of fo:
"5375, v. “DOM. bidden and permitted things to be decided by taste-givil
quantities applies not to tendons. Ib.> 90 'גראוצthe
, אָנְבּג אָנְבִיִּגm. )ןבג( hump. Targ. Ps. LUX 111, 6 blood vessels of the throat, contrad. to "Wa 'ג soft tendons.
ג/ ( דיבעתא ןוהלVar. אבברג( became hump-backed (unfit —Y. Meg.I,17" top ןירפות 'גב the T’fillin are sewed with)
for sacred purposes,v. 71235). SFT. . אָלָנְבִֶכSifré Deut. 51 threads of dried tendons.—Gen. R. 8.20 'ג לש המדאfib res
ed. Fr. ןולקשאד 238 the heights of A., v. N23. of dried rootsin the ground. Maasr.I,2]םימודא
[ 'גbee
(v. comment.) when they (the peaches) get [red]
‘ODA, +. סּוספיֶג a. OBS. Y. ib. 1, 48% bot.—Denom. "73 q: v. (773, pl. re
wood, v. 8373 11.[
יברNSAI, ‘D3 .ג ch=h. 33, strong; hero;
giant. Targ. Gen. “4 8; a. 6.--17. ,ןיִרָּביִג NID", “25. Targ. NTS ch, same. Targ. Gen. XXXII, 33.—Te 2
0. a. Y. Gen. XLIX, 5; a. e.—Targ. O. Gen. XXXVI, 24 Deut. XXII, 2 membrum.—Hull. 97° אישנ 'ג=השנה ד
(Y. ,אתררנדוכ h. text (םמר Targ. 0. Gen. XV, 20 אָיַרְּבִיִג vy. preced.—Y. Meg. I, 71% top אתעוצרד אדוג+
ed. Berl. (ed. "8723, Y. "8725, h. text OND"); Deut. II, with which a thong of the T’fillin was piecedt
10; 11 .)צ N*9B23, h. text .(םרקנע Ib. 20; 21-- 100? —Pl. ,ןיִדיָג 8273. Targ. Ez. XXXVI, 6. Targ. J
גברי גיברין קטל דויאfeirg sllik eht tsegnorts —.nam
Fem. pl. Nm1772"3, 35. Ber.31* 'כו ) המכ אתכלה 'ג. NTA m. ch=h, ד 11, grain, coriander Se.
(גְּבּרְתָאhow many important rules oan we learn &c. ! 0. Ex. XVI, 31; Num, XI, 7 (¥. “201D).— Yom:
גד%---.11 הרSabb. 109" ארבורד 'גMs.
NTF , “a3 IT m. 5 NTS a. 73a) membrum virile. grains of fenujyreek, v. "73 111, 2.
235 Tw
gihuts applies to woolen garments when they are new, NDT, +. news. ₪ ל .
and to white linen garments when laundried. Taan, 29"
ג' שלנו ככיבוס שלהם.sM( .M syawla )"niy ruo -lybaB( , רויגNTP m. ehh.) רג 1 tegen: Targ. 0
onian) laundry work is like their (Palestinean) plain XXIII, 9; a. fr.—Erub.9*; B. Kam. 42%; Yoma 47* -
wash. Ib. 'ג ןרא ןהב םושמare not included in the pro- ב דמשב ארמש2.6 ו below and the strangerוס
hibition of laundry work (in the festive week 80.( top! i.e. what a paradox is this !—2) proselyte. Targ.צ
Keth. 10° top. 11,19.; מאa.e.—Y. Sabb. VI, 84 top. Y.Kidd.
VI, 64° bo’
'ג 'כו, ןחה.+ NIB, Snh, 94%; a. ₪.--27 ia, NOT.
NT, NPS m. (vy. #3) flame-colored. Bekh.45"
Targ. I Chr, XXVIII, 2; a. ₪ So Dr OSE
(expl. (רוחרג as ‘people say 'חהיג אקמוסAr. (ed. ('חרג Ber. 8%;Pes. 112, 7
‘ %
NTA (NTA) m. Gsm adulterer, wencher, lewd
פיחיאה, יצNIT .1
man. Targ. Job XXIV,15 Ms. (ed. .(אפורג Targ. Y. Lev.
DIM, DIT", DITA ₪ ₪. .ג ci ,איג אפ₪ XX, 10 .2%--.'יִג , ןירויפ,ְִ אָיְרoa (5). Targ. Y. Ex.
XX,13. Targ.Ps.L,18 Ms. ;(לפולרג.60) 6. —[Targ. Prov.
Din 13) pr. n. Gehinnom, Gehenna, a glen to the south
XXX, 31, read with Ms. אָרְזִפ II.]—Fem. NE. Targ,
of Jerusalem where Molokh was worshipped; whence
Y. Lev. XX, 10 ‘5. Targ. Prov. XXX, 20 NEE. 0
place of punishment of the wicked in the hereafter, hell,
opp. ןדע 4 paradise. Erub. 19*; Succ. 32" תורמת "תש רי 3-7“ pr.n.m. Bar-Giyore (son of proselyteat
' וזו הרא פתחה של ג. . . . owt seert-mlap םג סיהeht yellaV M. Kat.* 18 ( רב יגMs. M.; ארררג( Erub. 62°.—Gen. R.s. 35-
of Ben Hinnom .... and this is the entrance to Gehenna. ; רב 'ג$5 Yalk. Josh. 31 (some ed. רררג(; M. Kat. a5
Sot. 4% a. fr. 'ג לשmI future punishment. Yoma 72? Tanh. B’resh. 13 ןב םירגHN, 4
לא תדרתו תרתר גיeb ton eht srieh fo owt .G ereh( dna
hereafter, by laborious study of the Law without living m4, fem. of .רג
up to its requirements). R.Hash.17°; a. fr.
NOTTS, fem. of N71"3.
, רחוג רחיגm. (emp. N73, רוחרֶכ( gihar, name of
a precious stone, ruby. Targ. Cant, V,14 (ed. Lag.(גר' .-- NEPA (‘774), tem. of xis.
.2% , ןירחוג. צNUT.
md, NOVA f.(denom. of 715( gentile status. Keth. he
NANA, +. אָרָּבְניִג בגיוּתהwhile she may live as a gentile (as she may prote
against her conversion in childhood).
VA, v. .ל
NOS 5 ,)ראג v. (אָחּואְכ 1) grandeur. Targ. Ezek,
S115 + ch.ch. m3y3 pride. Targ. Is. III, 24 'גב ןכלהמ XXVIII, 13. Targ. 0. Ex. XV, 1 ed. Berl.—2)ע
(h. text לרגיתפ 1). haughtiness, v. "M75.
“ANTONIS m, pl. inhabitants of Coptos (Kémto<) in eM, TEINS, ‘mA m. (v. preced.) haughty, pre
Upper "Egypt. Targ. Y.I Gen. X, 13 (some ed. ('"כ; Targ. man. Gen. R.8.85 "73; Yalk. Dan, 1063 --.'ואג7.Tan hee:
I Chr. I, 11 ראטורג 60. Rahmer (Var. ‘O53, ed. Lag. "NON, Ex. R. ₪. 8; Tanh. Vaéra 9 יכו 'גה ןישועשthe haughty
h. text (םידול Cmp. ."טֶפיִג : who 6 thenisanees as gods. Treat. Der. Er, II,
7 2ne"s, ‘Ds. 41
NONI, +. יי
IMT, INA, 'ןּג (‘273) ch. 1) same. arg.P
א+. וצה XXXVI, 19. Targ. Is. XLIX, 25 (Vers, );a.e.—PU. 30
Targ. Ez. XVI, 49.—2) (in a good sense) שו ‘a
MAINA, +. wos.
Job XXII, 29. tye
Il, 16;
a. >.
m. (73) laughter,
sport; obscenity. Nidd. 23° —
"377. WSF tried to make R.laugh, but the
04 Bot lengh.—Gabbt OF"Too (Hum. XXXI, 50)
' דבר הטביא לידי ג.de .sM( ,M .klaY
5195 (מווךsomething which leadstoobscenity. D735 m. )סופ11(troop, esp. ravaging trovp, invaders,
robbers (<b. h. 73). Pes. Ill, 7 (49) (if ome left his
‘Jch. same. Targ. II Chron. XV, 16 (h. text
home) 'גה yo ליצתל . דed. a.Ms. M. (ed. ,םוככ , םידוג+
| Rabb. D. ₪. a.L note) to rescue (Israelites kc.) from an
FITS pr.n.(. b.)theriver Gikow. Gen. Rs. 16 invading troop. Yeb. 122" 'ג « דר ינרדהאband pursued
us; a.fr—PL rice. Ib. XVI, 7 (122") the country is
* בגMESS im confusion on account of invaders. Rath
dv. PTR R. to I, 5; a.fr.—Denom. >"*: fo arrange battle, toorder
out troops; to array. Ib, סרלנל . . . המכ תוסררגhow many ND m. pl. )לרִב IL) persons 0] the same age and
troops can I send out. Ib.; Ley. 14. 8. 17 O79 ליחתה circle. Zeb. 116% 'ג ( ררת רמלועsome ed. % vw Rabb. ]
' חררלותרו וכeh nageb ot egnarra sih seimra rof ;elttab ₪. a. 1. note 3) two youths of the same &c.
a. fr. [OA pr. n. m., v. D473.) es!
הָליִגv. mba.
, אפייגNDT, אפי m.(preced.) adulterer, wencher,
lewd man. Targ. Job XXIV, 15 (vy. N72). Targ. 0. Lev. 5, גוּלְחיm. pl. ;)רלג emp, 5%} fr. ie; [un-
אא.17--.10, ras, NEG, HP. Targ.Jer. VIL,9. Targ. coverings, flashes, the glowing horizon. Taan. 3” ארלרלד יג
Ps. L, 18 (v. 87173); a. e-—Fem. RMB", ‘B73. Targ. 0. (Ms. M. ('רג the glow after sunset. Pes. 13* top ‘24 'דגב|
Ley. 1. c.—Pl. j£°"3. Targ. Ezek. XVI, 38; a. 6. Ms. M. (ed. (ארולרגב he was standing in the glow befo 6
ay ap ay v. "A h. a. ch.; also רע 1. sunrise (mistaking it for the flashing of sunrise, v. yee
Snh. 42* (ed, .(אלוליגב
NTS, NNT m. (7511) adultery, whoredom.— Fl.
NOTIN, “Lev. BR. 8. 33, v. “Da. maby m. (M>3) shaving, hair-cutting. Mace. 21° 'ג
שרש בר וכיa gnittuc htiw hcihw a noitcurtsed si detcennoc
( ליגb. h., v. לוג( to form a circle, to gather; to re- (which attacks the roots); a. fr. .
.ecioj .Y .reB 0 %8 .tob .fer( ot ,sP 11, 11) לכשיבוא יום
abeam) הדער when the time of trembling comes (in a dis- חולי mada ch. (preced.) shavall beard (in mou
position of reverence) shall ye assemble (for prayer); ing). Targ. Is. XV, 2; Jer. XLVIII, 37, v.לבא
emp. "5.
, דלגab m. (754) 1) uncovering.—nvn> ג' uncover-
לוגII m. (b.h.; preced.) circle, association of coevals. ingof nakedness, incest (Lev. XVIII, 6; a.fr.). Yoma 9%;
B. Mets. 27"; Yeb. 120 the same mark היוצמ ןבב >") is a. fr.—wen 'ג bareheadedness. Sabb.םלנפ ---"118 'גbare.
frequently ו with those born at the same hour (under ,ssendecaf .ecnaifed .toS ,°24 .v לית. .burE %96 רגי
eht emas yratenalp ,secneulfni .pmc (פִלְפָל.geM %11 בן פנרםna etatsopa dna a tnaifed ,nosrep .lpxe 'מומר בג' פ
= גרלו וכfo eht emas .retcarahc .deN 98" בן גילו,rA( (בנל a defiant apostate; a. e.—2) the law forbidding the use
fo eht emas ,B;ega .”03.steB htuR .R ot 8,1 'מת אחד מן הג ‘of liquids that were left wncovered (as possibly poisoned
גאדר לכ יגהif one of the circle (of the coevals) died, the by serpents). Ter. VIII, 4 ‘3 םושמ םירוסאare forbidden
whole circle must take it to heart.—Pl. 77>". Ib.—v. on account of gilluy; a. fr—Pl. obs, pba. Y. Al
sxbn. [Y. Orl. 11, 61° bot. טבשה , לרגv. 513.) Zar. 11,41° bot.; Y.Ter. VIII, 45° bot..[read:] גלגלמ
( יגבnot , לגלגמnot" 9 ( רוליגבwho sneered at the -
ליגTIT m. )לוג( ball, clapper of a bell, 16. s. 27, gilluy. 4
beg.; Tanh. Emor 5 ; לדגed. Bub. ib. 7 >".
יליא "ליא4 .hc )1 ,emas ו0 Ger
NOUI pr.n. f.@ela(Coelia?). Ab. Zar. 10” Ar., v.93 11. VI, 2 רלְְג ארשבnakedness. Ib. XIII, 13; Num. XXxV,
אתרירעSh. תוירע ba, — Esp. 7 left uncove
NOE II, Ns, NDI m. (>>) 1) something rounded. law concerning them. Hull." 49 הוה והל 'ג5S when th
Suce. 34° 'ג ‘seb’ a willow with rounded leaves. Sabb. dah a esac fo derevocnu .sdiuqil ”96.ttiG ‘52 'לג 4
110*; Men. 42" 'ג (( איבג)מv. 7252) liquid alum in round- the danger from drinking uncovered liquids apply
ed form (sturtypia 000770, v.Sm. Ant. s, v. Stypteria). Ab. Zar. 30° "SEP 'גא אל they care not for the law ¢
—2) (emp. לפלפ Ps. LX XXIII, 14) [rolled about,] stubble, cerning uncovered liquids; a. fr.—XM>4 ibd inti ma’
straw. Targ. Job XIII, 25.—Hull. 46" a feather, spittle, of meaning, Gitt, 34° 'ד אטרגב 'כו53‘ they dit y
אר גיro a eceip fo .warts .bI "65 pot ג' דחיטתאa eceip regard to one intimating the annulment of a
of wheat straw. Nidd.26” אתטהה ןנימרד היל 'גבon whom divorce.—2) bright, polished surface. Zeb. 38”F
we may throw wheat chaff, i. e. embarrass with petty on its (the altar’s) top surface cleared of ue
questions, — 1. "b"5, ""5. Targ. Ex. V, 19. Targ. Job .hnS ;°24 .seP ,%31 .v .graT—.}5>1* .haN 11, 8 א
XLI, 20 sq.—Snh. 108, v. “3 111.-- 8006. 14% ףה"דְליֶגב Lag. (oth. ed. אילגב( openly (not in a covered
(grains) in their haulms.—"b"4 רב dumping ground, marsh. v. "Da.
' גרלדנא דבר גeht llams hsif gnivil gnoma eht sdeer ni
the swamps. Ber. 44; Keth. 105). לזליpl. , וילגv. bs, 0% 4 4
.?% to be protected, Tang Zeyh. 11,5 (od. Lag,
ליא+. לא
arU +. ליי 3
Tare. 1. Gen. X11, 18 )0. (לידכ Ih, XVII, 26; =. fF —1
PT + {in Tales.₪. = oh) Yeb. ee” וכו gs תלכוא on his=
eount (as hie wife) che is permitted to eat Tramah. ¥
= גילשלי+. Webs. Bi. Kam, X,7" top ךכ 9S therefore; a.ו 'ר--, TIS beramer,
since. ¥.GiU4, 1%," 'כו > 'ב ברר Nab and Hamel,
SHE mm.(03 towean,train) « pointed polethedto
both of them, sald. Y. Bice. 1, 66° top SPST 'ב because
neck of « calf toprevent itfrom mcking (v.22),
it le so written;
#, fr,
or 4 little yoke put on the calf for breaking itin. Y, Babb.
V,7* top 'ג[ רנתUr תיא some teachers read (Mish. V, 4)
[ (in place of gimon) in the sense of למנ in 1 Sam.
NPS,+ אa age
% 24; +. next w. FINDS im.(denom.
ofays) gardener, dealer
| fables. Wall. 105". Babb. 110% — /1. says. 00. 16°
POS mn.(oes tocomple, tie) a little
yoke )אָליִנ “2), Taan. 20° 'גל ( שידפ ותלMe, M. “gd ררחי ( was left over
or a board lied to the head of a calf ora with the gardeners
(was not sold).
pole )ץיתרדס +. proced.
w.). Babb.
V, 4; expl.
MIS, WPS & (denom. of 3, mys) « group of
Y.ib. ¥, 7%; Bab, ib, 54°.—Y, 1. 6.'כו רטר'גte he who gardens, country residences. — 17. יד Midr, TIM to
אס gimon supports the opinion of R, Hisda ()ןוסקנ"פ ; -=
Ps. XLVI, ond; Yalk. ib.754.—B. Bath. 75° Me. .א (od.
he who reads gimo! supports the opinions 86. )קותריש PRT, ¥. Rabb. D.#.0.L ote); Yalk. Zach, 5 ; +. SES.
or ארינ .11--.(רב
תונוטינv. next .א 1%.
(Ag. Pres, Pees, v. ed. Koh. 5. v. ןאככיכ p.220.[--)7
EPI +-)+-preced.)chord,
band. .תויִייֶנ.11.
8066. Deut.
946,+. 978.)
זו, 8 Sm לש 'גgold bands; Tosef. ib. 11,10 mate.
"MIS, WTSI m. (denom. of ays; comp. preoed.)
ל NTS + (a transpos. of ןולק. dyke for irrigating gardens ; alo pr. .מGinnai. Hall.7*
pl.) 1) accounts. Y. Ter. V, 45° bot. 'ג ןובשח 'ג ארוהנthe rivulet Ginnai; Y. Dem.
1, 22" top. 7. Shek.
המיר ווeaT reWbeS moy VI, 50° bot. PP םשש 'גan overflowing dyke carried of
1 value; homiletic based on the wine bottles.
value of letters, Ber. 8* 'כו 33“ תיאצות the
totsaoth (Ps. LX VIII, 21) intimates 903 (causes of
NST 4 m. (emp. );וךְר257% a. S333) ginger. Girt. 26°.
Lev. .א5.21 ; ןטשה'יג 'כוMidr. TH. to Px.XXVIII
' בגר' וכroj natassaA eht( )resucca stnuoc ;463 .a —.rf
3) learned writing, cifer. Suh, 22° ביתכיא “OS (Ms. .א
) the inscription of the wall was incifers )ש"ב (| ת"א ד > ינְלון
PER RS = eer
aha Werks Ab. IIT, 18, גיכדרונא+. ae
FIDS, v. B [Chald—xys.)
ו ל ton. Seer ws
=" .neiw .kiseP.R4. 34 לשון גיטטריקון הדא PS, +
: es
in Da MN) Asaf.
א:nama ריק
NEVIS, +. אחינו
ל"מיִג. m. Gimmel, third letter of the Alphabet;
MISTS, DOS, POS, +. אס
ical value, three. Shek. 111, 2; a. fr.—Sabb.
104” 01S, +. core.
hild mnemonical
play) םילד ( יג ת'ילד לומגMs. 4. pis, v. Pts.
>) Gimmel-Daleth
intimates, Do good to the poor. Ib.
כרערה דגeht tooffo eht ;lemmiG,a .lP_—rf .hsop .51"301 PS, NID,v. ye =. as.
me must not write... "כו 'ג ךררצMs. M.(ed. 7723) Gimmels
₪ to be possibly taken for Tsaddes.
LXV, כ ב.to haw .sra
. מלa .rp מ. ,.m +. מְלָא
v. UES.
.SDN seoN.aכִּסְלָא1,2. 4
NOW, Tors (13°5, 134) m. pl. (yevéown, on IT m. (v. preced., emp. אסר 111( thawife
7h) 1) (with nn) bithday festival, anniversary of death; husband, brother-in-law. Suh, Il, 4 (27) Jorn .)צ ib.
in gen. commemorative festival. Targ. Esth. III, 8. Targ. IIT, 7 (סיִנָא;a. fr.—Pl. jo. .צץ Shek. I, via46h
Y. Gen. XL, 20 NOW (v. NOM a. NOW). —Ab. Zar. I, 3 (8*) 4.6
רום ג' של מלכיםlayor ,seirasrevinna .lpxe .bi.Y °93 -htrib
,אסי NOUN ch. same. Y. Snh, III, -/ - q
day festival (with ref. to Gen. XL, 20, v. supra); Bab.
ירד יכוTIONG R. H.’s brother-in-law. — Pl. sons. Snh.28>
ib. 10° (after discussion) ךלמה םור ןרדרמעמש ובinstallation
3‘ רזחאbrothers and brothers-in-law (two brothers ok
of a king (Roman emperor). Y. R. Hash, 111, 59* top;
ing married two sisters). Ib, “Aתרל ,
Yalk. Hab. 564. Ex.R.s.15 'ג 0% an anniversary (com- %
memorative of his delivery); a. e.—2) (=yevédAta) de- NOW 1, NOM m. )סוג 1( bold man. Hull. 1 he
scent, nobility of birth. Pesik. Nahimu p. 126%”; Yalk. called out over him ‘3 'ג (Ar. ed. Koh, ‘74 bin. bold —
Gen. 162 ילש םתעדוה 'ג (Gen. RB. s. 100 םיסונגוה יתעדוה man that thou art! :
corr. acc.) ye have made known my noble descent.
Pesik. Hahod. p. 53? pron; ;תב Pesik. R. 4 15 תב אסי1 )סוגIL) neighborhood, side. Kidd. - 1
( גינסיןread 9"0°3"5, Yalk, Ex. 190 only םיבוט (תב a 0 ךדיאבon the other side (of the river); Erub. 16°.
woman of noble birth. Cant. R. to I, 2; a. fr. [Sot. 36” Sabb.* 110 24‘ אוההב 'גin a certain neighborhood of &. =
מלכות וכיhto“ .rA .de( )42527 I ezingocer ni mih layor —Yoma 77% Bekh, 44° 498 sideways. Koh. R. to VII, 9
nobility.] when the kettle boils over, לע הֶרסרג ךרפש it pours over =
its own sides (wrath will hurt none but the man him-
“O° (34, 24, 134) pr. n. pl. Cewnede, self); a. fr.—Trnsf. way, manner. Gitt. 67" some argue |
Tevyysapér, a hellenization of (תַרָנְּכ Gennesar, Genne- יכו5‘ ראהלone way and some the other way; a.fr.—
saret, lake, town and district of 6. Pes, 8" 'וניג תוריפ .adiN 66 ]:daer[ ' דכר חיכל דחחוו עליך לחן ג. . , לא תגלר
Gennes. fruits. Gen. R. s.98 (etymology) רסונג=םררש רנג ( י'כוv. Ar.ed. Koh.s. v.( םד 1%,752 do not tell thy friends,
princely gardens; Meg. 6", v. N32; a. e,—Fl. .תּויְרְסיֶניִג for as they wondered over thee on the one side (over |
Y. Meg. I, 70* bot. HH 'וג לא לגשacc.) were there thy bad luck), they may wonder on the other side (over
two places of the name of G.? thy good fortune, and bewitch it), [Hull.17? 530% “nx,
htotle’hS .4/0 iahA ,29 .de אתלת רוחתא,[
םורוניגTosef. Men. IX,3, Var.נרטרות , readגרנורות ,
v.72. Od, גִּיזֶהf. (v. (סֶסוג agony of death, dying aie
Y. Sot. IX, 23" hot. mmo} םוקמ the place where the ex-
NAD], +. אנ piatory heifer died; Tosef. ib. TX, 1 AMT.
גינסין, v. IONS. גיסמרא, גּסְמְרָא, גִּצְמְרָא+. )=מרורא, a -6
duplic. of 3; for assimilation of sibilants emp. 1610. |
NOG, NI, 24 f. (324, v. 95) garden. Targ. 0.
Mand. Gr. p. 45 sq.) something defective, mutilated; 1) a =
Gen, Ir,8. Targ. Y.I Gen. 1,4א/1א ( אניגY. 11 N25). Targ.
large vessel which turned out defective or unwieldy, by
Ps. LVI, 14 (second vers.). Constr. m2". Targ. Deut.
having its handles broken off or being cracked, and-
XI, 10; a. fr.—Gen. R. s. 80 (prov.) אננג םופל 'גas the
garden so the gardener (as the people so the leader); Y
is therefore used as a receptacle for refuse, as a pickling —
pot, as a receiver of drippings from a leaking vessel 80. |
Snh. II, 204 top M224 ןכ. הָתָנְגִכB. Bath. 54°;a,fr—Pl. אפ
Kel, ,1 6 35‘ ‘ תאצמנשOr (Ar. ארצג( a defective vessel |
constr, Minh, Targ. Koh. Il, ְןָפְר--.5 25. Targ. Is, LXV,3;
LXVI, 17 (some ed. 923; v. FN). V. dS.
found in the furnace (in which vessels are put for —
;)gnikab .fesoT .bi .B .maK 11 01 ואם הריתה גסטרה
סוגm. (024; cmp. זנג a. סנכ; Syr. אסג divitiae P. tub fi eht guj denrut tuo a ,artsig .dartnoc ot נפחתה.|
Sm.757) spoils, heaped up treasures. Pl. "072. 9 Ib. ‘31 FN( רא רז איה ארטסג לכ ןיקדסנש Kel. IV, 8 |
(ref. to Esth. I,) 4 השש 'ג כוhe showed them six coll- "סרג לכ ולטינש יכו. . . (. when is a vessel called gistra? |
ections every day, and not two of them alike; Esth. When its handles are split (broken off) 866. 2
R. tole.( השש 'ג חיה חתופ 'כו ed. , ןיסרנ, ןיסונcorr. acc.) 1‘ העעורתנשif a gistra is broken so as to be
six treasuries he opened to them &c.; (Yalk. Esth. 1046 longer a receptacle for liquids, though it may yet
;תוירובסחתTarg. 11 Esth. I, 4 "23 73). ceive eatables, it is not susceptible of uncleanness,. 0
there is no fragment of a fragment, i. e. 8 fragment 1
O NAIL, כרב m, (Os U1) intimate, familiar. Keth.85 a gistra is no longer considered a vessel. Sabb. 96*)
ביה הא גִ' ברה.7a ואר.rA( גֶס ביה. . , דגייס. . (. tub leaking gistra is not considered a vessel) because nob 1
if it is one who is familiar with him (so as to use his says‘ 'גל Nan bring a g. to be put under a
gistra; a. fr.
name without a title), then, we may say, he spoke of him )2 an animal body maimed to disfigurement. Hv
in a familiar way.—Fem. 8o™3. Kidd. 81° הרב 'ג6 >32 האשע 'ג הלבנif one made an animal a g
was on familiar terms with him.—P1. "ons, "Oo". Ib. 33* lacerating some of its limbs, it is considereda ca
בה רבנן53“ erehw sralohcs era a railimaf thgis dna( on .10 52% 'ג ותירמאקye speak of a maimed body (arib
attention 18 paid them). Keth. 28% רדדהב ‘4 they are each side disjointed)! Ib. 27% אלד הררושרל 'גhas
intimate with each other. | ing the animal’s throat one must not make it
241 גר
NTS III m. ;)ררג cmp. x78) direct consequence of VIVAL m. (373) 1( deduction from the price of
an act. Pl, "=n. B.Bath. 22° הידיד ( רריגבRashi (הרלרד; ‘redemption according to the years of possession (Lev. |
ib. 25 sq. הרלרד maa (Ms. M.only ,היררגב v. Rabb. D.S. XXVII, 18). Arakh, 24° 'גב לאגרלto be redeemed with
a. 1. note); B. Mets. 117 H"5"5 רריגב when the damage due deduction, B. Mets. 106* the Sabbath year הלעת אל
is a direct result of his act. Ib. 44% 'כו רררג הידיד is a ול Ar. (ed. 'גה 72, v. Rabb. D. 8. s. 1. note 90) ought
his act that helped it (to get sour). [Rashi: his arrows not to becounted in for deduction.— Pl. 739775. Y.Shebu. —
in a metaphorical sense, v. preced.] VI, beg. 86% mzanta 510 the final redemption of the
Hebrew hand-maid.
NTS IV pr. תי אָלֶג
עוריג,11 שררה. גג53( )11 the formation of globules
NTA ch.=h, “2. Pl, .רג Taan. 25%, v. "aI ch. ro slenrek ni eht .eparg .reB 63"; 86. 85* 'הוא בוסר הוא ג,
NTS m. (denom. of 873 11( shooter, (Rashi:) arrow- .v בּוּסָר
maker. Pes. 28% (prov.) 'בו ליטקמmms 'ג (ed. אריג
corr. 400. v. Rabb. 12. 8. a. 1. note) when the shooter
a ee :
0 killed by his own arrow, he is paid
from the spinnings of his own hand.
PUAN, +. prem.
POSING, + רי 11, 2). גּירות, + גרזת.
ae אcats
= &x oe ry
(ashi (נְיִרְסְנָאיwhat isaccumulated
for me.
xy ch, ,הו
1) heap, 11. .למ Tang, |. XXV,2.-
9) abo bp ware, Kob. ₪. to 4! 1 .- 17..לג . איל+3,
%% Zech, .וו,א דיוקPe. X1A1, © (come
PITS, TS 5.קורר-) 1) deduction. Arakh.25*תב 3; == ו.ד אוXV, 18 (reads)we נב
between the waves —Yeb. 121° *לפשא "לכthe waver may
subject tothe law of deduction, 1b,1X,7(a0").. םיאציי
have cast him out(alive)—s)rewoleing door, B. Kam. 117°
‘DS 'נבו go back to their owners in the year of Jubilee
or with @ deduction from the purchasing price (Lev.
Hoh. 119° bot. 'כי היקרשר היֶלנלwho locked his door 4
XXV, 27). Kidd. I, @ (of the Hebrew slave); a. >.
lot the hey - 1% .דל Ber. 28° 3 וקורט close ye the
(college doors); Ab. Zar. 64°, Th. Mets, 108°, +. son
pod ל Sm) eee baw of 4) pl ,איל "לכexerements, ordere, Targ Mack. 1V,12; 15
* אשימ 'נב גזAr, (ed. Koh. (ineort. $8) —6) (v. לול ( Gallaye, cacupheenieen for eite
S, ed.My"HS) because itgrows thick by combi- larly sounding iMolstrous mames. Y¥. 4%. Zar, Ii, 49*
bot.; Tovef. ib.V1 (VI1),4,+ אד (AD. Zar.46*; Tem. 28°;
TURNS וד ¥, איל 1). Mey. 6°לרלש אדלנFs thelr house ofidolatry.
(753, Babb. 136% +. nbs.) (Tang.1! Kings XXII, 6; Jor.
TTY erro,+. ret XXVI, 23, +.(.ילי
- גיררתר, Koh. א. to IV, 14 הקרפ 'ג לשrecs, read: | א.%
(¥. 3%) from Pharaoh's fortress (where he was
גלא, קסינון4
* גֶּיש.m .v( )13°0 .railimaf °711.beY 'וחכ רג' לAr.
‘ed, ( שיגררannoyance of family quarrels is familiar to her. sea, Yalk. Zech. 578, +. x33.
f. (233) drawing wear the altar (Ex. XXX, 20).
. 200. 19>;
a. fr. m. Ar. (od.
"P (אלכ (79).9, ?\%%+%( (fer
of} the weasel imported by the Azeinoi (living around
| the Pontus Axenus or ERaxenus); ermine (+. Sm. Ant. =.
v. Pellis). Gen. B.s. 20,end 'ק )אלכ( דלכ. ¥. Sabb. 11 4" bot.
+אש (rendition of Ore) ךונישקלכ ;Kob. ₪4. to 1,9 ךיקיטלג (corr.
abs m. (reduplic,
of(םשכ door-sill, door-stop; | ace.) Ib, ןונרטבלג ( בלכהוread (ןיכיסכלכ and the dog shall
| wear ermine far,
IX, 18 ;יקבלב ib. to VI, 1 ;איקלב Tosef. B. Bath. V, 6 old restrictive laws. Y. Shebi. IV, 35> > 'גמ ץ םתא
מגלקיא כ.de .kcuZ .raV( ;בלקיא ( .klaY .veL 974 22p" impose upon us taxes 80. Y. 2. Bath. I, beg. 19%'
(corruptions of 8*P1>2 or אָרְקְבַלְּכ;cmp. Liw 24. p. 205 ‘1 ורלע you make him bear the expenses for &o.—8) 6
a. 257). [Ar a. Mus. seem to think .of Lycium.] bring about, cause. Sabb. 32*; Tosef. Yoma V (IV),12
'" וכ/' מגלגלין זכות עdoog sgniht era thguorb tuoba שג
גלPa,( גרלפ reduplic. of , לגv. )3 to reveal (v. P the agency ‘of good men 86.; a. fr.—4) (v. dba Nit.) to
Sm. 723), to announce. Gen, .14 .8 36 29 37923 לרזAr. (ed. overcome (one’s own feelings), to put up with, bear ipith.
a> לרמ not אלרז( go, tell thy mother the good news; Keth. 67" םישדעב vay babamy ךנוצר will you bear with
Lev.R.s.5:—Ib. 8. 25; Koh. R. toll, 20 גרלג ךימראלborane me when I offer you only lentils? ’> ומע 'גhe. tried t
(not 3754) I will go 8 tell thy mother. Pesik. Aniya, live with him on lentils, and died. Ib. 1114 ומצעב 5 he
.p %781 ]:daer[ wam גלג למישבח:כל מה דאת וכיל למיגלג conquered his love and remained single. Y. צי 10
as much as thou 68286 6611, tell; as much as thou canst beg. 315 'כו vay תלגלגמ she has to bear with him thirty
praise, praise; Yalk. Is. 339 (corr. acc.); (Pesik. R. s. 32 days longer. Y. Yeb. VII, 8% top 'כו ya. baba bear
37) (דרוש. with them twelve months (give them time for recon-
Ithpe. 3"53°% to boast. Lev. R. ₪. 10 is it these תאד * sideration).
גרֶפָפִמ ןוהרלעof whom thou art so boastful? Hithpalp. >3>30n, 'גח ,Nithpalp. ללב 1) to be rolled,
Erub. X, 3 "7% רפסה 'כthe scroll rolled out of his ha
אג pl. TEEPE m. (preced.) revelation, preaching. (down the roof). Hall. III, 1 םרטחב dabamimw דעin the case
.Y .toS ,I ;>71 .veL .R .₪ 62 ]:daer[ "3584 מא" את בער מך of wheat flour, until it (the dough) is rolled, vy. supra. Y.
ןידחדdo not ik this man’s boastful talk. Kil. IX, 32° top; Y. Keth. XII, 35" top yosbina their.
bodies are rolled underground, v. bands. B. Kam. 17>
גלגומיקאv.גלוגדקא . וכתג' למקום אחרtub eht lerrab dellor ot rehtona .ecalp
לגל % ליגm. (babs) 1) rolling, turning. Y. Sot. Pesik.R. s. 6 'כו "אמ הָלְְלִִּתִבfrom Palestine it (the
I, 16° bot. הציב רדכ 'גas much time as is required for
stone) rolled and arrived just for this momentary use;
roasting an egg in the ashes; Num. R. s. 9.—Y. Pes, III, 30* a.fr,—2) to be turned, changed, transferred, caused. Pirké
mandy רחאל after the dough has been rolled (formed).— dR. El. ch. XLIX 'כו הלגלגתנ תוכלמה לעthe royal dignity
Kéth. 111° 'ג רעby rolling under the ground (for resur- was transferred on Esther. Shebu. 711, 8 העובש 'נ ול
rection in the Holy Land).—2) (with or without (העובש וכif by chance an oath is imposed upon him in another
the rule permitting the court to insert in an oath an law-suit (with the same persons), the court makes him
affirmation to which the person concerned.could not have swear by implication &c.; .ץ ands, —3) (of waters) to
been compelled directly ; an oath by implication. Kidd. 27. tower, gather. Pirké d’R. El. ch.V; ch. XXTII.—4) (with
יצib. 1, 60%. Yeb,. 58"; Kidd. 1. 6. “A ‘> by implication (רחמרםto prevail (over hatred &c.), be moved. Pesik. R.
(the woman including in her oath the time of her betrothal); 8. 20 'כו ורמחרAbA>IM? the Lord’s compassion was moved.
> a. fr—4) (cmp. (לפ “a ת"ב a field full of hills and depres- Tanh.Vayigg.4; a.e.—5) to throw one’s self upon, to attack,
Yalk. Is. 350 (ib, 288 ,(האגתנ=
sions. Toh. VI, 6; Erub. 22 (Var. in Ar. ,דגדג ref. to
וד. [Tosef. B. Bath. 11, 16 לגליג mea, v. [.לָּפְלַג 5425, לגילch. same, to roll, Targ. Y. I Ge
XXVIII, 10 (1153). Ib. XXIX, 8 (0. ;(רדנג ₪
לגל3 ch., v. Nbsba, VI, 87* wait 'כו דע לפְלכרִה ןלעuntil he heaps upon thee;
42°2, +. all his claims, and then swear concerning all of them.
Tb. VII, end, 38° ךלע וא עבתשרא חיל לכ לנְפנִמדor thot
NOW + איור must swear to him concerning all that he asks thee
swear to by implication.— Part. pass. Ber. 44" Nm3"a
PS, + יל xmbabivg an egg roasted in ashes, v. preced, |
Ithpalp. >3>armx, S338; Sbamx (fr. (ללפ ( לתא
( לגלb. h., Pilp. of) ללג( 1 to roll, turn. Pirké a’R. polel of (ללפ 1) as preced. Hithpalp. B; Targ. Job XXX;
El. ch. XXXVI 21‘ לפסto roll (move) the stone.—Y. —2) (with jm") as preced. Hithpalp. 4. Targ. I 1
Sabb. 111, 6* top הציב 'כו jnbsbs0 you may roll an egg 110 26 ולגלגתרא ed. Lag. (ed. s>bamsn). Targ. 0. ¢
(for roasting) on ₪0. Hall. III,1 )םיטחב( 3554 when she XLII, 30 (לָלוגְתַא . Targ. 1108. XI, 8 אללגתמ ed.
has formed the dough (of wheat) by rolling; a. fr.— Part. ed. shinny), Targ. Jer. XXXI, 20 “amy. Targ. 110
.ssap 0052, 1. מ;גוּלגלָת.lp ;גזִלְפָלֶרן מִגלְפָל"ם
ִמגלְפלות מ. XXXII, 13. Targ. +. Num. XXVI, 1; a. 6.--8( to 0
)1 rolled. Pes. 7° 'גמnot a formed dough. 0 Sot.1 16° about, to happen. B. Mets. 40%, a. e. אתלימ ‘ לגלגיאit
bot. םרציב 'גמ roasted eggs; a. fr.—2) rounded. B. Bath. ‘16> happened in the course of time.—4) (denom. of 1
roi mbbiva תולרבא ON המ השדע וז תֶלְגְלּזגְמ as the lentil is to crown, adorn one's self. Esth. R.to 1, 4 whe
rounded, so does mourning roll and go around (different its own or with strange (feathers) אירבק תבsan
version in Ms., v. Rabb. D.8:a.1.note, a.in Yalk. Gen. 110, raven will adorn itself; ib. 9. - 6.
v.[ לָפְלִפ( Men. 86% v. "H5.].—2) (with >») to roll upon,
| to put on one’s shoulders, to burden, tax, assess. Keth. לגלm. (b.h.; preced.) 1) wheel, - vhee
VI, 1 )78%( םתא םילגלגמ ונילע 'כוyou burden us with cat wells, crane &c, Midd. V, 4. 6 3. Bath
25% rats
בית גed. .%602 (Var. )953$ « cilbup ,llew .₪
וAFM the Gime ofthe wise oroil press, \
OHSS, +. העלי
Brub, ,; א14 . א+ (2-. globe, celestial epher<, (גלל) ) לא,lleb dnwor ,emes .iG 14* וכaren
re of the sodiac, Yoma 20", a.6 חשו4 Ue | וי p סו
on of the Hun, Pes," 94 לובק תולזטו כו3 the
Of the sodiae is stationary, and Use planets make the 7 lo form a coating; te comgeal, become solid
d mas of the)
'ג רזה כו | ווthe sphere (wheel) tare around and | ¥. Ber, 1,2 bot, ?רקרח דניiatthe (Biqni
rbהדre stationary; 5.freD, Bath. 16° Me M. firmament solidify; Gen. 4-5. 4, beg.‘St METS TT) the
>31 חו הטורSw rs as the lentil resembles ₪ ephere, intermediate layer of water solidified — Port pase רול
( ₪ mourning a sphere making & cireuit in the world, 6 Pre (denom, of רָלָנ shinned, flayed in consequence
tfid(.ni46 + );899D אוו. .neG 011 3 naS טקחדשים scabs be. Hall. 111, 2; Towel. ib, 1, 7; = >.
of bruises,
(3-. 'כוthe eye-ball. Gen. ₪. 48; Lev. ₪. = 11; Roth Wif, ar 1) ame. ד Par, וא (Vill), & er ar
,dortni 6 .fer(ot משפטFP 14.860 (1, ehS קינו של3 frome. Midd. 66"; 164. ib. V1, 13 דילָנַב forme >
the eye-ball of the world (Abraham). Hab. toe 9 oes surface, opp. TPS קא ,-2( lo form a rind, wal,
= כוTEM on account of (the covetousness of) the eyeball ¥. infra,
--.6.₪ םיִלְָלנ.1/ -Makheh. 111,6 wheel works. Hof. tren to be covered with a scab (of » wound).
B. Bath, 56° rom “i: eo two Bun-globes—Y. Nidd. Hall. 51° הכסה רח רפMachi =. Ar, (od. T5207) ifthe top
‘IID, 50° bot, 'ג םרא 'כו the apples ph i len of the wound is covered with » crest; Keth. 76°; Toset.
round,—Trnsf. the rotation of fortune, changes (v,1 Hull, 111, 11 .דילגה
16° quot, above), Babb. 151" (ref, toלָלָנָב Deut.
XV, 10) 'כו א 'ג אותwheel rotates in this world, i.> 733 ch. same-— Part. pase, 7°53 hear-covored. tabb,
changes of fortune take place constantly; Ex. 34. =.51, 162° Pe רחטרהס ) רוט כלת+. Rabb. D. 6.=. 1 mote)
. .-9( (=9979) globule,grain, Babb. 64"; 65*, +. -.רֶנְרֶג the mountain (my head) is snow-covered, ite 066% (beard)
Pi. הא above. Y¥. Maasr. V, end, 52*; Tose. ib. If, 14 hoary. (Lev. B. «. 7, +. next *.(
+ yptian beans arethose ןידח( ץֶילנְלעַשed. 2064. ילכולג אוTose
to be flayed. Wall. 46”, +. nyt; Boos, 26"
Var, 7 ,לגל corr, ace.) whose globules are pointed.
== דלוb.;) רלג( 1 coating, skin; 00. B.
Saba, לי גּלנָלָא.ho ;emas )1 .leehw .graT .6 Bath. 118, 18 top 3 השוקשops דק the 60 cubits of
15 aq. “4° od. Lag. Targ. Ps.LXXXII,
14; =. o— legal distance from the inhabited place are ovented from
the end of the town to the place where be Gays the
ab. 104* "גב or to fill (draw water) with the wheel.
, Ria. 34, +. MSR
—2) globe, celestial apherc. Targ. .ssacrac amoY °44 ):daer( וחריםos הרה לאomבכל
‘ .
( קרv. Rabb. D. & a L) all the year arownd the pas
LXXVUL, 19. Targ. Job XX XVIII, 33.—B. Bath. 74°
" ונSPT ' גthe sphere of the zodiac which turns arvund. was of ה thick size, and this day (Day of Atomem) 4
was thin. Nam. RB. 5 13 דרלינג קר.... SESS הרקק the
=3) eyeball, Targ. Ps. XVA, 8 Sod% od. Lag. (oth. ed.
Sarda; Ms.$5°3).—Tam. 32" they handed him אנקרה 3 Ar. charger was of ₪ heavy size, the bow! dc. HB.Hash. 27°
if he scraped the Shofar 32“ 2 ידיוטקזהו לand reduced it
(ed. אתתלנלוג incorr.) an eye-ball. Ib. 3) אניער אתלגלוג
(read (אלגלרב the eye-ball of a mortal which is never to ite due size. Lev. BR..5 7 ( ת"או הדחה 'גAr. Ts) bet
you may think the bronze on top of the altar war .
satisfied. B. Bath. 73°.—4) stubble. Targ. Is. XVI, 13.—
solid mass, v. “77773.—2)
scab of a wound, cruel. Mikv.
Pl. wybeds, .יל Targ. Beok. I,16 sq.—Targ. Ex. XIV, 25
גְלְגְלִי ed. Berl. (ed. a. Y. *>p5p). Targ.Y. 11ib. xrdsbs; IX, 2 ( 'ג ץדחש הכסלMai. St לקש דבגSt) theלא
surrounding the wound (Maim. :onthe wound). —FLO“Ss,
.@-—Koh.R. to X11,6; Lev. RB. s. 18; a. 6.--4( (v. next
constr. “353, “S59. .15 'כ האדצ 'כוthe scabby, dirty spots
, pied ofgeile Pl. revdebp. Y. Sabb.
VI, 8° bot.
| J.of,םלכורלג Is.III,22), +. וילג 5. on one's body.
יל אָנְדְלּגm. )357( gildana, name of a certain fish nrg m. ()רלג exile, stranger. Pl. ‘ab ev.
with a thick fatiy skin. Snh," 100 'כו753 ( אל שוטנתMs. גלורא בר גלויר.rA )09.'גלורר בר ג, .rroc em
. טושפת( רזdo not begin to strip the gildana from its son of strangers, Lam. R. introd. beg.oyna, 7
gill, lest its skin go to ruin (a citation from Ben (Ar. (ְרָאָלְול
Sira). B. Bath." 78 אוהה 'ג 'כוthat was a sea gildana
(a small fish among the sea monsters). Hor.12°; Ker.6*. "MIDS,+.obs ch,
—Fi, *77>5, 55. Tam.> 32 'ג אחלמדRashi (ed.(גולדנא
salted g. ‘Ber. 44). Keth. 105°, v. Nd"II. לכ לול m., pl. , יי םילּלְג₪ h.; ss)
>>4), .slodi .geM *31 ot naelc flesreh בית אביה ּלָר
ִילָה לה5. )גלל, emp. 35 )3 6 ,evlav .gnidlof .Y from the contamination of her paternal idolatry. .
Sabb. XII, beg. 13° הטמ לש 'גfolding couch.—Pl. 4753. הדרמ רלולרגב כוshe rejected'ג --.86 ,( תדובע 'ג דבועabbr.
Bab. ib, 138° “4 NOD camp chair. ג/' (ע,rotalodi .yrtalodi nI emos .de rof עכ''ום4 -
.v ,aY כּּכֶב -/
גד ּלוְלָא.) (גללtsac ,tuoba .sselemoh .11.לא ְלְרלְאָר
755, v. ללג Lam. R. introd., beg. Ar., v. cor Pesik. Dibré, p.11
( אילילגVar. ribs, v. Bub. note a, 1). We menbh,
גל+. READS, 1
0 m. (part. pass. of 5h) appearance, outside. Gen. Zar, 11, 7 Poabivon. אקסולק יתיזY. 0 11,10 @
R. 8. 45 הָיִולְגכ mand ןיא her private conduct is not like גלוסקאות, Bab. ed. 89" 'ג "Mi, Mish. Nap. אטסולק
her public. appearance (she is insincere); ib. 8. 71.—‘33 ed. Koh. 8. vy. :לגלג , אטסולק.( ארטסולקBab. ib. 0
in public, visible to all, opp. .רתסב Ab. IV, 4 he will Pes, 4.06. ,אקסולק Alf. early ed, אטסולג ,v. Ral b.
be punished 'גב in an ostensible way. Sot. 3°; a. fr. > 1. note 4(. Y. ib, II, 42* bot. !כו ןה רתרז'קze ל
is the same as rolledta rp R. 8.307
"954, +. "BTR, ROG, wapoirs.] > ו
wT גלי
לJou corr, ace.) thy exiles; a. >. --.א 11" “st לככר 2 דבthe
diaspors of Rabylonia and all other disepores (vy. Mab’
ם גל מ... a. 1. mote). Mall. 60" thet the Ngyptians might wot
12 .mm )\ך-=%643
,X 1 .rhC + %4 %, +. 441-(ו
ו oall hie brothers 3 crise.
feat )4 case, cheat, coffin. 4 Vil, oe" P55 «. ».;
emp \בלג Pi. .חה rb te cut the hair,
ה ןייסכ לגkind ofeasing;+.#hek. V1, 40" bos,נליסקייים
| או.saM.8.1V וו,6 וכSEH או2 04 ₪ או
. ROO.)—Citt, 111,8 if he found the document 2
oF hie friends out bie hair, M. Kat. 111.1 "כו ךרחלכבGor
Be,(ed."a) in ₪ case; expl. ib. 28* “Sto אקילט 4 box
the following are permitto’ ts owt their heir during the
elders (for keeping documents 4o.); I, Mets. 1, « ¥
ed.( ג Dab. 20°," ».Mish. ), Mell, VI,1( ב Mab,od, at" festive week. 1%. 14° még) ריד ; =.fr.—Part. pass. rote,
). Prbss. Nes, 1V, 5 S70 השא 5 women with
her hair
. "רגM. Kat." 24 םייפנאב )'ר(יג₪ coffin carried out; 1. ih. 1V, end, oe",
by itebandien— + ropes, minyroty, 7, Mog. 20°
8 ( יִטְקְסּלְה כAl. Ma. תואָטק 4+ Od,תואקס
(... cnsee ? דch. Pa. לג .= Targ. .0 Lev. X111,53; «fr —
for books &o.—Kx. Rs. 30, end ןתואקסולנת nee (corr. . אKas, 17° רול 'כו
חיללom he ought to have bie
).800 he opens the cases (containing his goods). hair cat ₪6.
ADH, + lihpa, Pare, Pein to hawe one’s hair cut, Tare. dod
RVI, 17; 22.— Sabb. 110"
St ros" bet bien have the middie
TORS, + ויס part of his head shaved.
. .¥ א 1153 pr.n. pl.Galhi, a 7 phate its >
of Sodom. Nidd.
69° 35 Tr . . טדר ראהwack justine
m, pl. (eabicu- which is injustice is dealt out in,
Seah TR 4| TEARו
‘arg. Y. 1 Deut, XXIV, , ו ניי למורי +. "בגלטור. -
ib, וג (TV), 20, opp. ךירס linen sheets, Gits, 70" ל₪ seam
ג' וכ,raV( (גרשפקרllahs ew niatrecsa sih ytinas fo pe ey Ve TEND.
ind, accor toding
the season, by asking him whether
ילגrma (bt. h.) 1) fo be wncorered. Tosel. Mike.
|desires heavy or light covers? Ib. 35* דחא ןירקפולג 11,1 @ pit Poez ed. Zack. which was left opeo.— Part.
(ed. (ארקפולג one set of bed-clothes.—Kel. XXIX, 2 pass, רול open, revealed. Sabb.55* ‘St קדדיי S it ₪ open
mx ןירקבולק (Bart. ןירקפולג .Bab.ed. .(תחא Tosef. Sabb.
and known to me. Boer. 60°; a. fr. V. %4.—2) (of ₪
8 587.
place) fo become bare of inhabitants (x. Jed. XVIII, 90:
.לורין,J .muN moR ,11 daer אלירין+. Tbe. Jer.1,3); (of the inhabitants) fo leare bcane. go mds cade
. צץTaan.1, 64* top 'כו Ps . . . Seo "כב whithenwever
DADE .₪ (es)baticheaded, Targ,0.Lev. XI,43. lerael went as exiles, theו Majesty weet with
REREAD + (preced.)taltforehead Targ. 0. Lev. them (ref. to 533, I Sam. [1, 27); Meg. 29*; ₪. « —Peeik.
eee Habod. p.48* םֶתיִלָג םכלוכ Suc... Sos םא כif one
of you is banished (by the Roman Government) to &c.-
הלבf(b. b.;רלכ( exile; also (sub.רנב(
theexiled --. 9 though ye all had been banished;Pesik. R.« 15;
, ועdiaspora. Ab.,111 3 אטש ובוחת תבותye Cant.
RB. to 11, 5. Arakh. 12°; Meg.
'11 קבשב%s they
eb denmednocot .elixe .reB %65 .a 6 ST ג' מכפרת were transported to Babylonia in the seventh year (after
elir ( gniv )emohsina .noitaipxe 33$' בBabylonian the subjection of Jojakim). Macc. 11, 1 733m 7 ולאthe
;ytiv יוך3 keerG )nairyS( ;noinimod %72 ' גRoman following (involuntary homicides) have to leave for the
Bx. R. = 15.—Esp. banishment to the city of city
of refage. Ib. וכרא לוג is not bound to fee to be.
pe (Num. XXXV, 11 sq.). Maco, 11,6; a.fr. Pi.ת
—לי Ib. 3 Fan ר"ש MSs בנער ₪ father is banished for killing
th." 12 שלש'בthree divisions of exiles; Num. B.s. 23, his son; a. fr.
U3. chanSorobench cedth of Hif, הנלהto banish, carry into captivity. Mace. 12°
88* 3 }"SP
s,—Pthe reunion
es. of the " וכPSD... דזרדtheIsraelites executed the law of banish-
. Men." 110 'ג לש ראש 'כוthe exiled of other ment in the desert. Num.
BR. = 23, end. Roth
B. tol, 1
047108 (besides Babylonia). Bets. 4° םימי םיבוס2S וְמַגְלם מארצםdna si eht esuac fo rieht elixe ;.c& .₪ —.rf
he two Holy Days (in the place of the one Biblical) Koh. ₪. to XII, 6 (play on P53 ib.) ‘the golden bow!’ ₪
ee the gullet, 'כו הצירמוSm תא Sos ארהדש (not ;הרחש Lev.
; ofthe Palestinean authorities could notreach);afr. R. 5.18 הלכטמ
corr. ace.) which banishes the gold and
makes the silver run, i.e. which impoverishes the gistton.
כ993 <b. == Targ. Y. Bx. XX, 14. Targ. .] ו7333 to be discovered.
exposed to view; to reveal
Laja.e.—3 E Reah-Galutho,chiefofthe Babylonian one’s self, appear. Tanb.Sh'moth
19 > ויל ולדקב יכוHe
revealed Himself to Moses with the voice of Amram 86.; (עורר. .graT II .maS ,IV 02 ' דאwho > he
Ex. R. s. 8. Ib. ₪. 2, end M33) הניכשהש מ''כבwherever a. fr—Snh. 109% רָאַלְגִרֶא אתלמthe fact sh 1
the Divine Glory appears. Snh. II, 1, v. Moz11; a. fr. R. Hash. 99% a. fr. 21 “MOND אדיבעד ache
Pi. 13, Hb to uncover, remove ; to discover, reveal, are not presumed to tell alie which is likely whe f \
publish. Ex. R. 8. 15, beg. 'כו םיקידצהbh the righteous out. Sot. 22° א"לגמ xsbias ראמ what is visible is visibl
uncovered their heads. Sot. V, 2; Gen. R. 4. 21 הָּלַגְר ימ 1. 6. man judges only ‘by what he can ascertain, 0
' עפר וכhO taht eno dluow evomer eht tsud morf revo מטמרא. - 14. Hash. 91" whence do we know hat a
thy eyes, i.e. Oh, that thou wouldst resurrect!; Y.Ber. “ הואbaat לרעוכאhas the meaning of being clearly visble’
IX, 13"bot.—Sabb. 88* 'כו 3“ רמwho revealed this secret Ab. Zar. 80* ארמח A רלגרא his wine was found vaiovs
to my children? Meg. 3°; a. תוחפשמ--.+1 'גto expose to ered. Bets. 8* ימריקו wba remain visible; a. fr.—2) tod
suspicion the legitimacy of families. Tosef. Naz. I, 3; led into captivity. Targ. Jer. XI, 1.
Kidd. 712,—(m>>n> (אלש הרותבHD 'ג a) to interpret the
Law in opposition to the adopted sense, to misinterpret, "55, NB m. ,)רלג emp. (רָהְלִפ flash. 'ִבְּב as a /
pervert. Ab. III, 11; a. e. b) to put the Law to shame suddenly, rapidly. Targ. Is. XLI,2; 25; Targ. Hoos. XI,11
by treating its teachers irreverently. Snh. 99°; a. e—’A
ָּ*יִל.1 (cmp. 7&Atov) galium, bed-straw, an odoriferous
( פנרםin gen.) to expose, put to shame. Pirké @’R. El. ch.
XLIV, v. 43> 1.—Part. pass. nsx, f. Hb wncovered. .tnalp .graT .Y .muN ,IXX 21 ]:daer[ 'ל חילפ" וג%
Par. XI, 1; Hull, 9"; fr. Pl. 4 Ib.; a. fr. "4, "34, "54, N75, part. pass. of >3.—Pl. fer
Nithpa. “23n2, >3m2 to be revealed; to be exposed. a Targ. Prov. XXXI, 27 (ed. Lag. (ןילג
Pirké @’R. El. ch. XXIII להאה ךותבbans) his nakedness
was exposed &. Yoma9” םכוע 'כזתנtheir sins were public Noy I pr. n. (Gallia) 1) Gaul, country of the Ge
(they did not hide them); םציק 'גתנthe end of their in Europe. .צל 63¢ ships going ארמפסאל 7 from Gaul
captivity was revealed (through prophecy). Naz. 98" 2 to Spain.—2)Galliaor Galatiain Asia Minor. R. Hash. 26%.
קלונוhis disgrace is published.—Pes. 119%; a. fr.—Tanh. Keth. 60° Nahum 'ג שראthe Galatian.
Mishp. 6; Yalk. Prov. 956, v. .עַל
* ְּלְיָאIT + )37( .noitalever 390.3" a ecalp ro elpmet
“by, N24, N55 ch. same; 1) to reveal, wncover. rof .selcaro .bA *64.raZ XMA ה קורין אותה בית ג' קורין
Targ. Num. יצא 31, Targ. Am.III,7; 8. fr.—Part. “Dd. תיב אירכwhen they (the idolators) call a aa Beth-
Targ. Prov. XX, 19.—2) to go into ewile, go away, dis- Galia, Israelites should call it Beth-Kharia, v. & ₪
appear. Targ. Hos. X, 5.—Ib. XI, 11 153° those who .meT .₪61--.%82 *6 .fer( ot .hceZ ,XI 7) חית ג' שלחן
were exiled. Targ. Am. V, 5 38539 אָלְגִמ (some ed. ,ןופלר that means their temple. V., however, NTA a. NDS. | =
corr. acc.); a. fr.—Ber. 56* sban I will leave home; אלג
לבר רומארeh detargime otni namoR .yrotirret .seP %94 אילv. NDB a. preced.
לא גְלְאַרI dluohs ton evah detargim;
e "" ארנש73> לא גלאר
I did not emigrate (voluntarily) as others do. Koh. R.
אול,600168 v. “3.
_ to TX, 10 'כו "A תיוה , תאv. ףלָא T.—Part. “bs, pl. איל oN ןיסאילגו לגread ON3"b3, 6
f. 724 ewiles. Targ. Nah. II,8 x>32 ed. among ‘the exiles
(on foot; ed. Lag. N*D533, v. ,אפר h, text nines). Targ. ְּ *אָביִלm, (253) shaved face. Targ. Is. XV, 2 Kim
Am. VI, 7 }>3 the exiled communities —Targ. 11 Kings .) לוחm9).
XXII, 6 'ג ( ישsome ed. ’b3) the — of the home-
ּ *ןוטביל.( תגyAutt6) carved. Y’lamd. to 2 .
1 8 Dan. IL,19; 30. ו Job XXIII, 10. IV, 4 quot. in Ar., expl. םיציצ OD (I Kings VI, -
Targ. I Sam. 111, 1; a. faire: 0. Ex. XIV, 8 'ג שירב
סָניִלּ *סאָנלגm, (calliga. adopted fr, ace
openly ,)[ג text המר .(דיב
Pa, “23 as preced. Pi.—Targ. Lev. XVIII, 6 sq.; a. fr. caligas) ‘nail-studded shoe of the Roman soldier.—
Gitt. 81" הרערדל 4 he uncovered his arm. Ab. Zar. 28°; sno.bpt .maL ot.R 7,11 daer[ :[ ו מסמרות של גלראסין
Yoma 84* mb אלד that thou wilt not divulge it. Ib.
ןהלש םשור ץראבand the nails of their shoes leftn |
ni eht elpmeT .roolf .sreV[ ni :.rA רושם במסמרות
N2°539 1 shall divulge. Hull. 118* we ריזפנל אנת אפיס
the second clause is stated in order to throw light on
amrap הגלגוסיים בקרקע.[ on
the first. Gitt. 34% אתעד “obs, v. .אלזלרנ Y. Maasr. V, ָּ דיִל.) )דלג( תם1 ice-coating on- the water, )
end, 52° אתינגרמ ךל אפסח תחכשאmobs ja (not (תיילגד VIII, 5. Miky. VII, 1.—2) + 7b. | -
after I removed the potsherd, thou foundest the pearl,
i. e. but for my teaching, you would not have found the 755, ּלִידָאch. same; ‘ce, 0
truth which you now claim as your own discovery; Y. (קרח. Targ. Ps, OXLVII, 16. Targ. O. Gen,
Keth. IX, 33° bot. (corr. 460.(; [in Babli ,תיאלד .>" צץ5). (Y. .(אשורק : Soe
Af. "bax to banish, Targ. 11 Kings XV, 29; a. fr.— >
Snh. 94%. ["b35 Ezra IV, 10; a. 6.[ yrs, 4, 4 m. (b. h. 7i"b5;(רלג "ו
Ithpe. “barn, “398 1) to be uncovered, revealed ₪6. ment, margin of scrolls. Yad. III, 4 ‘21 ןלעמו
Targ. Is. LXII, 1. Ib. LI, 9 אָלְפְהִרֶא reveal thyself (h. text the blank portions of a sacred book, the וג ) .
249 גלל
ine and those at the beginning and the end; Habb
||6* Il Gen. , 20 meres
(read “grs). דגוש ¥.11
Ma, .א (ed. pl). Men, .%]--.*0ה
py, לי Habb. 1. > hill, דוא Ps, LXXI, 5 “33.—2) valley,
supra, Ib, יס לשorn (Ms. M.sing.) blank parchments דוקJob XXXIX, 21. Targ. Josh. XVII, 2 Var. (od.
or intended for,a sacred book, 2)(a catirical adaptation grat Pe) — 1. weg, אכל Targ Job
400% ¥. 1%) gospel. 10. Babb, XLII (XIV), 5 KXXIX, 10. .דוק 1. Nom. XXI, 16.—Po%. .א
; וספרי מינMS .bbaB.1 .6 רג' וספרי הצדוקים.sM( א. Wehall. p.09° “3 חיל ( תרחטוAr, (ְךֶמְלַפ and carried him
93. 733M) the gospels and books of heretics, ] down the valleys.
putants, Babb. |.©, take our w. in the sense of blanks).
אBehe Ve TM) (v. 15. 111, 25; emp, (ךילָנְלַפ « girdle of ab | f.(yahdv9) cals, stillness
of wind and ware.
ne material, Gen.
34. = 10 (Ar, S53;
ed, Koh. fe, ¥. Yoh, XV, 157 top 'כו 3 םא )הרה( םרחif there war «
+ ₪06.(. ealm sea, and you looked arvund and there was pone be. |
₪ 21% bot, ינלגed.Krot. (corr, ace.)
mb, Ley. 1.#,20 'ג, ךדויread May; omp. Tan.
]6 8 אלילג
ןטרFIT. ל אוז
ומ¥( next w.)shaping (of
writing), depres,
| ג אצירת₪ well-arranged poetry
8,+.יל (h, text SPSS). Th.אוא6 190 קילנ ךידברthe impress of
thy words (h. textפה
ללר,( מb.i.)(District) =. Galilee inNorthern
,eni 2,XI,ibehS ג' הקלייןreppU ,selilaG התחתון% PIEDS + cobs)shaping, formation
(of speech, camp.
Galilee, Bot. IX,15 (49") "En. Keth. 9°; a. fr. גזם, HGS). Pesik. ₪. «. 33 םרתפש Pest eloquence
ב, 'גBoh. 08, +. m>sbe.) to Is. LVL,
2) something rolled, rounded, ball, ordure, excrement, dung. NTO f. (preced.) (euphem.) a menstruous u
B. Kam. 111, 3 'גה ךפוהה תאhe who upturns (throws Gen. R. s. 79, end they heard a woman say to her 1
up) ordure into the street.—PI. pn>>x, 7953. Sabb. 158" ג' אנא maT adumlag rof( ,)2 morf hcihw yehet
להחטיל גot tsac stnemercxe fo( .)slamina .veL .R .s ;61 the meaning of galmudah in Is. XLIX, 21 (v. corr.
Esth. ₪. to III, 1 'כו המ 'גה וללהas the dung is 0 in ‘Rashi’ a. 1.).
8176.--8( (with ">>) a material used for vessels, supposed
to be baked ordure. Kel. X, 1. Par. V, 5. Mikv. IV, 1; /| Bei v. .דּומְלָג
Sabb. 16”. Men. 69°; a. fr. [Rashi to Sabb. 1. 6. expl.
/'שררש=ג, marble, to Men. 1. =רקב.6 [,רעיפצ |
295, ְּאָלְל ch. same; 1) wntrimmed stone, cobble (v. ]
גלנו2 ine 8 0
bog). ‘(Ezraa V, 8.[--11011. 63* 'ג אתאa stone fell (from
on high); Yalk.Zech.578 .אלאלג Gitt.47° Ar. (ed. NF>N>3). | ( עַלb.h.; emp.Mdsa, 353) to 807-0107 off, rub; agenen.
Nif. ִגְלַעfo be opened through rubbing or scratchin
Ab. Zar. 22, .ץ X>33.—2) lump.—Pl, "233. Hull. 112* bot. ן to bleed. Nidd. VIL, 2 (58) 'כו oben mist איהו (B 6
דמלחא3" Rashi (ed. אחלמ ( 'גtwo lumps of salt.— | (להתגלעand it (the wound) may have been bruised ב
3) ordure,y. 8>3.—Pl. as supra. B,. Kam, 92° (prov.) a | as to bleed. ag
dog in his hunger עלבימ ( 'גMs. H. sing.) will swallow +e 2 $55 (with ב of person) 10 from,
excrements (Rashi: stones).—4) wave, v. ND3.—5) conse- | bare the ignorance of, attack. Y.Yeb, VIII, end, 9% םושמ
quence; גב on account of, in order to. Targ. Ps. XU, 12 | ' שלא לגְרוע בר וכdid( yeht dnes mih )ffo ni redro ton et
(Ms. אנכלה .( 'גTarg. 11 Chr. XXIV, 25; a. 6. see him exposed, or because he was not fit (to argue)?
ְלַלְנִיתָא.f ).decerp( )1 ,depahs-llab .pmul | מולח' ב
What is the difference? לגל םושמ אלשWR עָלְגְל חוה וכרד
בו וכtI saw sih )s’ibbaR( tibah ot nigeb htiw tnemehev
salt in lumps, rock-salt. Hull. 114%: Kidd. 62°. —2) fold-
argument; now, if you were to say, ‘in order not to see
him exposed’, his exposure was in his own hand i /
p53 (b.h.; emp.>d3) 1) to roll up, tounshape. Denom. < being the attacking part) ₪0. רב,19 95 המ היה ולwhat
pdis.—2) (denom. of (םליפ to calculate in a lump, fix an — could he have attacked (on that subject of androgynos)?
arbitrary price, opp. קדקד to calculate exactly. Sifra | Hithpa, הספפל,Nithpa. 2302 1) to be scratched open,
' Bhar, Par. 6, ch. IX; B, Kam. 113° "59 םולְנְר לוכיyou | v. supra. 2) to be laid bare, be argued. Snh. 6"; Y. ib
might think, he (the redeemer of the Jewish slave in I, 18° (ref. to Prov. XVII, 14) 'גתנש ע( אלש )'גתנ םדוק
possession of a gentile) was permitted to force an arbi- - חריב נטושerofeb eht esac fo noitagitil sah neeb ial
trary price upon him (the gentile); [Rashi: )םלג to double) open (fully argued), you (the judge) may compromise
_ he (the gentile owner) might be permitted to ask an ex- it &c.; Tanh. Mishp. 6; Yalk. Prov. 956 mbang, nen.
orbitant price].—Part. pass. D9>3, 1. מלב 1) wrapt up.
Sot. 49% vy. 10>3.—2) roughly shaped, unfinished. Pl.
954, ee een
פלוּמִים, גְלוּמות. érfiS ,muN ,851 .v .sidD .xE .s.R 03.מצות פלַעִינָה פלעיןev ,BIP ,SM
גלזמותhguor swal gniniatnoc( on ,sliated gningissa on
reasons; Var. lect. ,תומלוג , תוימְלופfr. 72353). ( ףלגcmp. בלג( to dig out, engrave; to shape, forr
Gen. R. .8 ;47 .8 ;58 .8 63 21‘ ה"בקהAb 'ג the
mb ch. same; 1) fo roll, wrap up. Denom. nbs, shaped a womb for her.—Part. pass. 513 engraven.
wards I,wabra.—2) to arch, cave. Denom. Sra) זז kalaB .iP—.41 sb .emas .kiseP ,ayinA .p %731 לפין
ובshaping it; Pesik. R. .8 82 ( םיגילפמcorr. ace.). ;
D3, Vv.גְלָים
ףלגTI ch. same.’ Targ. I Kings VI, 36, Tag. 1
גל ל למא גלם. XXVIII, 9; a.e.—Part. pass, $95. Targ,Y.ib. 11; a.
.1% ,42°23 Eth. Targ. Ex. XXXIX, 6; a. e.
אמל. ץNina IL .
דולm., TT fe bibs: ד םלג; ; format., v.
ףלII, ףולג m. (preced.) engraving, setting.
Ex. XXVIIL, 11. Targ. Hag. II, 23; a. 6. :
FirstH.Dict.s. v.) like a ‘ shapeless, lifeless lump, whence
(emp. 0707). lonely, melancholy. Sot.42* in the sea-towns לפוא ְּלְפִיסָא. .graT .Y 11 .xE אצאצ3
קוררן לנרדהז גyeht llac eht suourtsnem namow hadumlag ;
R. Hash. 26%. Ib. (phonetic etymol.) הלעבמ (הלומג )אד חרמפלpr. n. f. Cleopatra, queen of Bg, ype. |
she is weaned (separated) from her husband; [Ar. ed. Nidd. IV, 17 ed. Zuck., v. NIUBIN Dp. 8
Pes, a, Ven. 770553, which version, however, disagrees | וגלקטינון2 pops.
with the reference to Gen. XXI, 8 in Ar. s. v.]. 66.1. |
8. 31; s. 34 (ref. to Job XXX, 3) when there is want in | | NPP A, v. NTE.
fo come in sight, lo come ₪ the shape of @ right angle. Zeb. 0° wad (Yolk Lev. 41
f. to S "ms whe ib.) Cas). Pea. 8' 3 SS ודא הרושope tow of wine vemels,
it the shape of Se., i.e. the front and the while Upper
/ רח (not ..."ד.(
| ד ib, 1,27" bet. םג Pros ופלוק 4-א-- ן\ ג5 (res)
‘mountain (of trouble) ו 4 yo dome fe
וטמ וTs “Sere לש םנ 5 hey whose ₪ ₪ joined (opp.
again (ye eseaped), 1 ttheLord) made fs 0 hillofwie to Piste לשof one piece) broken of itejumetion |
ness (a warning) to the nations, PO םי יא חו חוwhet ie
this? It is the Ned Hea [which BR. Joshua... translated
יווcom $2 ,-הז od. com ,לכ .1/--(.י. ף. סרom. OY.
Pes. |. 6. 3 SE PSS SIP he takes off fur cremination
into Chaldean; mvs yo ןותרהנתאר avs); ib. ₪ 1%,4 two front aed two wpper layers, ,ל sopra. Th. if the
."חר סיע ....... ' חר שכ1 edam ruoy epacse elbaromem ot
vessels are arvanged like steps 2 3 SI he meet examine
the nations, it is Mount Binal (by the giving of the Law),
by front and wpper layers on cach lending. Hi.Mets
ib. repeatedly (referring ta various escapes from dangers). 7H) PTS the combined wmeseare of both dimenrions of »
erm eeolny ©Belt, tosab th. to IV,
piece of goods, square measure, opp. SIT PS וכרא ןדמ
שה mst
נל (Ar.
תed. Koh, mtd) and what
the measure of each dimension specified. -- ₪. 105°
cation (institation
or law) have I (the Lord) brought
3, v. --.לט'רנ [Commentators explain oor «= Grek
tolight outofthat event?
*Hof, Syym (denom. of tds baldness) to be made hot Gamma,1, whence the Var. mg.)
enough for scalding the hair or feathers of an animals NBS mn. (Mapper) 1) Goma, the thind better ofthe
| Part. Shprs, pl. Pe byes eeething water, Pes, 97° Greek alphabet. Shek. 111, 2 3 ares אפלא Me. 0. (od.
to Bday. V, 2 quotes ₪ version Potbe9 sealding מילאthe(נshape
.--of 2(a Gamma,1, +. preced.
we , Ar. םיִשָלְנ ,רגfr.oop; ¥. Hall. 1, 58* top 7S").
אנ.( bh), מנ 753 fo take 6 dronght, quaff; te
DH en,same toshine,bebald; ,טיל arehe vip, יאו up. . דMans. Bh. 11, beg. 50° he melted ₪
= pass. S*bpeh. Shere (v. preced.) brough! to scald. Sy and sipped it; Y. Yoma VII, 45* top “Gr. Babb.
haat Bolling, er Koh. BR. to VIII, 9, +. אָסיִג1. XIV, 4 )111%( 'כוFS wer אל Ar. (ed. oor, א oP
1% v. infra) he must not qual vinegar through hic
© "ODA ma.(preced.) baldnens. Pt, ora. 2 7 scalding teeth. .Y. . אגוז,111 +20 bot. תיסנל סוכב . . . . הסכhow
water, Vv.Be Hof. large ה portion of the cup one mustמג at « time.
ANB{a gloss
mr to TEE orbadin, ce
23) ה woman whose bair is thick
. צץShebi.
11, end, 34"; ¥. Ned. VII, beg. 40° the leaves
of the colocasia must not be used (in case of « vow of
abstinence from vegetables, or in the Sabbath year) 2725
ל 6 canis feet wwe he, ‘St to sip water out of them (v. Sm. Ant. sv. Colocasia);
5 Eisואח FeO ילMEET (prob. tobe reedטטיצהב a. fr.
|. א (כד הדאgnuoy ,nikpmup nehw ti stuorps ,ylecin 1%. ®33, 733 same. Sabb. 111° Go che aos .א..4)
oduces bright stripes. Sen 2527 (אל the Mishnah means, he must not quai
Misia+ חלה and spit out; Bets. 18°; Y. Shebi. VIII, 38° top אש ;
a. fr.
54 5.
()שלנ public monument Targ. Cant.
Iv 1 (v.Cant. R.toib.+.+. Sop). [Ar.reads אתישושבג 78 m. pl. (preced.) sxecfmeats,
delicacicn.. Vath.
| B. to I, 9 (play on םכ ib.) S רקייכ variogs delicacies
ea ור יחי rates לי |
D324 (Pilp. of(םובב[fopeel,serape;trnst.,comp.
גoh אסוטלשלגeae Sy ba) |to hesitate, stammer, bo speak with an czpromion
of uncertainty
or of scruple. Kidd. 30° "carn spor לא
that thou need not hesitate in answering
him; Sifré
Deut. 34. Ber, 22° 'כו הלקמלspc הדחה (Me 4. .אRashi
Ee. Targ. Y. Lev. XIII, 41. וקוראSS) was speaking besitatingly over (as the Amors
ODA «ye of) BR. Judah ₪0. Ib.” ארדקו St he should read in ₪
hesitating manner (rapidly murmuring); 1. ib. 111.¢
DAI ₪. h.; (םסג [junction,)
1) too, also. Snb. 108"; bot. PS Sc Sern he commenced stammering
over it
an. 21° הבוטל 'ג וזthis, too, is for the best. וז םג,שיא (hesitating to pronounce the Divine Name). [Cant.B.
the particle gam in the Bible text. B.Kam.o4* to VII, 1 כונתה transpos. of גנטתמ v. 233.)
ג'לב"ה כeht mag .tueD( ,IIIXX )91si detnuoccanu D553 ch. same. Hag. 15* תהיכשילב םָעִבְכִכ2 stotterer
- acco: וו
to Beth Hillel's opinion; Tem. 30". Esth. )זג.(מלנס. Meg. 31> St כס ( אקv. Rabb.D. & 2 L Var.
He 1,0(rotto 53 ib) יוביר 'ג אלאTR gam intimates Lect.) read the curses (v. “"X) rapidly murmuring; Kob-.
ion, a.e—Plov3,
7733 Gen. R.s.1; Y.Ber. R. to VIII,=.
7 ו וי saktegeneSo
/ extended
6 qualification (by implication), + -תֶא. Ti,
ו went a . Te i --- ?הרחובכ הבא₪ 4
lesofa rectangle. Erub,
55*םג [SS Ar. (ed. 583) 1 ג-א תו דוא+ .דג
ואpl (yapind, 18)marriage, nuptial feast ch, same, lo 40 one good on evil, Targ,
| tam,
of whieh are the witnesses of the marriage; RXIV, 14;«. f.—¥. Wag. 1, 77° bot. the whole town
* v. Marriage); wedding contract, Yerir. Mopped work Tor היל ללסְניֶמin onder to show kindness
p 62"; Yalk. Bx.100 ה king married many wives = וhim (to give him an honorable funeral).—¥.Ab. Zar.
. לא ג' ולא איפטיאdno ולא כתבtub did ton rednoni rieht 111, 42 top אדסרה לכthe charitable.
behalf 4 record of the nuptial net or of the date of mar- אוו. vere to be laden with; to be bestowed. Targ.
ringe 'כו בתכו חל 'ג. . ןויכו אשנשbut when he married ווMeth, V, 2 (Targ, 1 Peron, b. tent BEET)
— T. Mae
= א woman of noble descent, he had her marriage recorded Le. ליה חסרmero לאydobon derac w dnetta eib ,larenuf
והwe read (Beth. 11, 16) &e,, +. אָיַלָפיאה Posik.₪. = 15 +. supra.
כתובת נחיקןdaer( '(גנו. .xE .R.4 28 שאין ביניחם נטיסקין
533 m. (b.b.5 93) (eorrier ofloads,) camel. Bokb. #*.
Her, 56°; a. 7-71. ore. Keth. 67° 'כו לש איברק32
camels in Arabia can be levied for ₪ wife's portion (MTS);
a fr.
34 (b. h.) [lo tie, couple, load,) 1) to load (good אל ,> eb.)1 <b. camel. Targ. Lev. XI, 4;
or on, to deal with, exp. to do good to. Gen.
R. =.38 a.e,—Snoh. 106" (prov.)'כו 2 the camel went to ask
שחוא ג' עליך תחלתrof eh saw eht tsrif ot od eeht ;doog for horns, and had ber ears cut off —Macc. S* =x"E =
Yalk. Prov, 956.--8895.104* םילד . יז°S3.—"on 3 a flying (swift) camel, dromedary; Yeb. 116*.-- Tb. 45°
to be kind, charitable, Ib. 'כו םירסת לָמוג ןכש וכרה לש (prov.)“ "כו TS 3 in Media a camel can dance on « hal,
(Ms, M.יִלְמִּג ןכרר( לשfor such is the habit of the (bushel), i.>. in Media everything is pomible. Sot. 13°;
charitable to run after the poor. Yeb. 79"; a. v. fr.— Keth. 67% a. >. (prov.) אכהרש % םופלaccording to the
2) to make even, repay. Dem. IV, 6 ןיָלְמונכ
ןהשETN camel is his load, i. 6. the greater the man, the greater
™ תא הזalthough it has the appearance as if they
repaying each other (by mutual recommendations). XXIV, 10 ; פחa fr—Gen.
11. s.38.—Y. Hor. 111, 45* bot.
Zar. 61" ןרלוכוגל ןכישירחwe reject witnesses suspect- soot rr אבא Abba Yudan who is busy among his
of favoring each other; Keth. 24*,—
3) (cmp. 723 camels; Lev. R.5.5 “5237; a fr.—2) couple, teaming ar-
Sem) [tofinish,]
to wean, B.Mets,.$7*
onthat day א. .taK °11 mes ors דוורא2 הוה לוד
33 ..... xbc5 Tas) had an arrangement
them to team their oxen for mutual work. Ib. היקספ
Pesik. R. s.25 bean pon a Jewish infant rrbcs he broke the arrangement (Ms. M.; as corrected,
just weaned; a.f.—4) toripen, lefullydeceloped. Par. provre אלו אלמגל. . , . דRabb. D. 8. a L note); +. Sc
x 7 yon’koth
are 3333 אלש ןרלוקבגcapsules Pi.—3) asmall bridge, crossboard (cmp. "Zs). M.Kat.6*
(Xj),7 | ב . . . ewe atm arm provided there is neither bridge
| nor erossboard. Sab. 67°, +. -אינַקְסא B. Bath.
לוי >
song 254 in=F)te
contrad, fr, RTM. Snh. 7% v. (4---.ּאָד large-sized; Ws) Hull. 92> 'כו םעSamia he peels ti: fat off evn וא
noba3. opp. to 0Un. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. VII, 3 pins ne" 9
(R. 8. to Kel. XVII, 12 chs mp Nif.) until one has
NOI pr.n. pl. Gamala, in Galilee, Arakh. IX, 6. blown it up and scraped it (polished the leather surface).
Tosef. Mace, III (II), 2; Y. ib. I, 314 noes. —FPart. pass.025 levelled, smoothened. Hull.59* 'ג mp her .
mouth is smooth i.e. toothless (Rashi: cut off); v. infra,
non] IIL pr. n. m. Gamla (abbrev. of Gamliel).
Tosef. Bekh. IV, 16 'כו םומגNMS (ed. Zuck. ,םומנ 0
Yoma 18%; Yeb. VI, 4; B. Bath. 21° Joshua ben G., a
800.( what animal is called gamum? That which lacks
highpriest.—Gitt. 0" ‘Abba Elazar b. Gamla; Bets. 135
horns, i. 6. whose horns are not projecting, v. next Bei
;גרמלBekh.58", Men. 54" למוג (Ms.M. 505).—Snh. 111° R.
10.15 םימוגה (ed. Zuck, DYN) read: Dyan / ‘tem
H&nina b. Gamla (v. Rabb. D.8.a.1. note), usu. b, Gamliel.
Nif. 2232 to be levelled, smoothened, razed. Shebi. 1,8
גמלא, Shek. ,111 ,2 .v מא אילן טני.sM( .M (שנפגםa eert hcihw sah neeb tuc ffo —
(near the ground), Bekh. VI, 4 (39°) the incisors 123520 =
P10, v. Nbop IL ~ 47279330" which are broken off or levelled (with the gum; 4
cmp. Hull. 59% quoted above). Hull. 70% 'כו = וממגנ רלתוכ
ןולמm. (deriv. of 73) large-sized (bean). —Pl. והה
if the sides of the womb are peeled (diminished iin size).
pryiban, Pies. Shebi. 11, 8; Kil. 111, 2. םינלמג ed., v.
Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. 1.6. Vana after the leather bottles have |
אְפוּן.--'66801. Kil,IT, 8 'גה ( ןילופv. ed. Zuck. 1066.
grown too thin for holding liquids. Kel. XVII, 4 וממגנ =
T’bul Yom I, 1. ;
if they are worn off (the sides ofavessel having become
לאילמpr. n. m. (b.h.) Gamaliel, Gamliel ; 1)Tan- too thin), opp. וצרפנ broken into (Maim.: the sides have
naim, a) Rabban G. senior ,( )ןקזחgrandson of Hillel. been cut off, so that nothing but the bottom remained); =
R. Hash. 11,5. Gitt.1V,2; a.fr.—b) RabbanG. (of Jabneh), Tosef. ib. 2. Mets. VI, 9 רמגפנ ed. Zuck. (R. 8. to Kel.
grandson of the former. Ber.I, 1. Peah VI, 6.—Ber.
27 sq. 1. 6, va7a22).—Trnsf. to be degraded, disgraced. Esth. R.
Tosef, Nidd. IX, 17; a. fr. (v. Frank. Darkhé Mish. p.69).— to I, 9 (play on gam ib.) Vashti’s time has come pan. to
)2 Amoraim, a) R. G. B’ribbi (Bar Rabbi) I, son of R. be disgraced (explained .(רצבלל , -
Judah han-Nasi I. Y. Hall. IV, 60° top 'ג ר''ב . 'רKeth. 1%. בָמִּה as Kel. Gen. 14. ,א 38 when a vineyard yields no
,103 Ib. 10%, Men. 84"; a. 6. [Ab. II,ע( --[.9 BR. 6. fruits, ותוא 72272 the owner cuts it down.
B’ribbi II, son ofR.Judah han-Nasi II, Y. Ab. Zar. 1,39”.
—c) (also רלַמְ( G. Zuga. Y. Hall. IV, 60* top; a. fr.; a. Dia: (O13) ch. same. Y. Kil. 11 27% ארימרכ DA razed i
others (v. Frank. M’bo p. 72* sq.). * his vineyards. Hull. 50% "דש pis peel it off and throw it
away. Ib, 92” הלל םרָאְּבed. (Ar. (םירג peeled it off er 4
ןילמגpl. of bang, the surface, opp. (טסרמ Th. 96*.
Ithpe. ארפלםas preced. Nif. Tb. 44% 'כו AAR DIN =
מל+. גל the chin was razed, detached without laceration from
NDI m., nono f. ch.=h. ji>93, large-sized. the neck, opp. רוקערא forcibly torn off. Bekh. 444 DAS" |
ארגומרthe horns are levelled (not projecting), opp. רוקערא =
Sabb. “66! a אנמשמוש “Ar. (ed. (אלמג a large ant.—Ab,
uprooted. . ;
Zar, 28>, vy. NMA.
תלמגf. )לָמַּפ( a caravan of camel-drivers. Snh.X,5 גממיותv.גְמְמָית
1 ib. 119%; 3. Bath. 83. .פמססית, +. ְמוּמְסִית
NAY 4 (3798) stock of camels. Gen. BR. 8. 75 (ref. NA, + Nova. |
to generic ‘sing. רומח , רושGen. XXXII, 6) it is a popular
expression 'ג אתרומח (as we say in Chald.) the stock ai
Yad, הבזע,v. way a. “2a 1.
asses, of camels. ( גָּמִץv. (גמםto finish a pit. Targ. Ps. vu,16.——
Denom. REA. we ne
D4 1) to join, connect. Denom. 031, 11.--9( to
make even, level, smoothen, si raze. Shebi. IV, 5 pais "Waa I, Pi. "7103 (denom. of “gaia, .צץ ( אָרְמְפto per-
מן הארץ.sM .M .de( ,ayb .Y )3m eh sezar eht( )eert fume (clothes) with burned spices. Bets. 29 “vai> foi
even with the ground; B. Bath. 80 םעמ . 'גTosef. Maas. the purpose of perfuming clothes. Ber. 53%. י
Sh. V, 18 ותוא me you may raze it (the vineyard Hithpa. המירto be perfumed, soaked withg ne
with the fourth year’s fruits). Ter. IX, 7 תא ידע םוגיש
Sabb. 18% you may put mugmar under the dloth it
( האוכלY. ib. end, 46% (ןילכואה until hé has entirely cut the eve of Sabbath, 'כו ןיְרְמִּגְתַמ ןיכלוחוand the p
off what 18 eatable. 3. 1. 6, םילעב /7w דע " ןתינתמ22 fhe of soaking is continued during the entire Sabb 1
Mishnah means, until he has razed the plant while it
Bets, 1. 6. דילאמ “Waar תיבה the room is peri fun
was yet bearing leaves. Y. Kil. V, 30° bot.; Y. Shebi. I, itself. :
end, 33° כו תא ומרכDDN he who razes his vineyard
רמזch., Ithpe. “am as preced. Hit
lower thana hand-breadth (above the surface); םוגרש דע
מעם הארץlitnu eh sezar ti htiw.neve eht —.dnuorg || Cant. 111, 6. Targ. Ps. XLV, 9.
Part, 79). ₪. 68S apa רדיו sed | knew well
ale (bh. tg Omp. +. BSS) 1) fo polish, fowch up,
. Babb. VII, 10° bot, יתכאלמ GS when be gives the whole Talmud (v. Rabh. D. #0. 1). Team. T* bot.
איש who ate הו-| ib * hop 2 לוח SS they would
to tie work the finishing towel; a. fr-—%) (in gen) fo
be more learned; «. fr, - Whence: fe learn by heart, om
| complete, end. Pes. X,7 doen תא דילעwets he reads over
it (the fourth eap) the Malle! to the end, + ללוד te earn traditional law (omp.074 1). Tang, Job X X11. 22
HiT,2'כו ןיְרָשג חבon those oocasions the entire (he tent ,הק > ood “Hebb, !. 4, THT Stn רשנ"ל
is read; Ter, 14%; Arakh, 10°; Taan, a". Ber, 19° ליסכרone must firet learn traditions, and then he ma)
reason) Ab. Zar, ,ופי .+ סרו11, Her, 48° וקר ...Pos"
> רְסיכו ( רהafter the disciples left) did he take it op and we are not ealficiently familias with the laws con-
again and read the whole of the Bh'mat-—Y¥. Yeb. 1,
corning grace at meals, Yoma 2% |"כי BETIS “Ss to
beg. 3* חב האיבה תֶרָליִגcdition consummates
the levir's
oo (Bab. ib, 18* רוטנ ןיינק,( חנוק.+ רָמַאְט
--1.Mer. remember well something old (to refresh the memory)
ie more difficult than to commit to memory ₪ fresh thing
top לוכאלמ % after he hae finished eating;«
Cale ואtogratify the sexnal appetile, Kerith. 11,4 פה. Lc. Pes (sss from whom to receive traditions
ם לכהש
Pes; 87° (playon Gomer, How. 1, 5) חביִרָסִג all Hot, 36° רבעק אל החדהhe could not remember; « f.—
people could gratify their lust on פז למיגְו--. (abbr. "3",
Habb, 06° הל G5 ארטנ they (the scholars) know it by
= ('גר 04] one finishes (the sentence quoted)-and soforth, de., tradition; ib. 97* תל "רַסנ אתכליה 'ג--. they have ₪ tre
term used in Bible citations to eave the writ- dition, it te « wellknown marin. Bab. 27* bot, Bot. 34*.
ing out of the entire quotation. Hall. 0#*. Gen, ₪. 5.51, Git. 47°; ₪ .ו
beg.) & fers"Part. pace, “wag,+ rqtse finished, complete Pa. בברto finish; to consume. Tang. Joe 441. וג 4
real, valid. Kidd. 40", a.fr. 'ג ה קירצperfectly righteous (Ms, 77S) Part. Pe). tb. RUM, 28; a. fr.
man (without faults); 3 קשר אwicked man throughout Af. “752%
to teach verbally, Targ ¥. Deut. V1.7 (reads)
and thou shalt teach them/(v. Ber. | 3*( -- 5. 26”
, ו good quality). Yeb. 18% .א fr, 'ג FSP real
אַנכרירה ולא גטרeh thguat mih eht( werbeH ,)egaegnal
= (legal) Pl, םירוטא גסורות |Hall. 60°; a.fr.—
Bota, 2°, a, 6. 3 םיצב perfectly developed oggs (with but he (Pharaoh) could not remember it. Hall. 45° om
sholls), +. infra.—8) to destroy. Pes. 87° (play on Gomer, 753 I will teach thee ₪ tradition. B. Kam. 17* "רחמנא
+. supra) M53) וזזב (Ma. M. ורטנו ( ורטגthey plundered and ' as to teaching. Ber. 13% +. סרג 1.
destroyed (they destroyed thoroughly).—4) to conclude,
." ]ואןאsare, רג to be finished ;to be destroyed. Targ.
determine, decide, Kel. XV1,1. Ber. 17* 'כו לכב ךבבל72 Job
וז א1 א.17 דוקPs. CIX, 23.—Targ. ¥. Nom. XVI14
be determined with allthy heart 80. Shebu. 26" יבלב 'כhe ( רֶטְגָמדhb. text Sor). Targ. +. Bx. XXUL, 19 ( ךזדבעהיhb.
text oT).
resolved (vowed) in his heart, opp. "TELS איצוה ; Hag. 10°.
_—Brub. 13°, a fr. ורטגו וכמנthey were counted (their , רגconstr. “Td mn.(preced.) finishing, lasttowch ;
הסוסwere taken) andthay decided —Gah.It, 7(42*) ורטג consummation. Sabb. 103", a. fr. > כאלו the Anishing
. את תרברnehw yeht dah desolc eht esac gnieb( ydaer work.—Soh. 6°; a. fr. 77 'גclose of legal proceedings
for publishingthe sentence); a. fr.—5) fo draw a con-
by analogy. Sabb. 96° כ"דהוימ 'ג הרבעה הרבעה "רב3111 ch. )1 same, finish,perfection,
beauty. Bab. 8°,
one forms an analogy between the expressions het/ir ko.; | א. @ רדנא5S, v. preced. Targ. / XXVII, 4 בייקל וכ2
a.fr.—6) tobefully developed. Tosef. Par, XI, 7, +. >33.— eht noitcefrep fo lla elbaulav sgniht .h( txet (סכללים
MMS םיצב +. supra. Ib. XXITI,
6 ed. Lag. (ed. "73, ₪. text(תכלת . Tb. 21 (h.
= Pi. מג 1) to destroy. Pes. 87" 'כו a> ושקב they text( 2--.(( לולכוכemp. ארכו carbuncle, a precious stone.
‘intented to destroy the possessions of Israel in her Targ. Is. LIV, 12 (h. text(אקדה
(Gomer’s) days, v. supra.—2) fo develop, mature, ripen.
ץצ. Shebi.V,beg. 354 'כו Pee TrevTe ןראtheir fruits גּמְרָא1. (v. 33,"
11 )5 gniz
v m
‘Tiper only every three years. :
.noifidart .bA "91,raZ.tob 'רבא וכ ד
מברא אבoo
(v. Rabb. . כ.8.1- הnote) this refersto reasoning (dialectics),
== Nif. 333 to be finished, completed. Snh. VI, 1 ןידה'כ
when proceedings are finished (sentence pronounced). Gen.
but as to traditional laws (rules &c_), it isbetterto stady
only with one teacher,
in order not to be confaredby
R.s, 12 ךהכאלמ הָרבְכִכthey were finished; a. fr.
gniyrav ;gnidrow .klaY .sP .ttiG—.416 6" 'הא ג' הדא וכ
72277 | =הרל crow אלthis ismerely 8 tradition (not tobearrived
“YEA ch. same; 1) tofinish. Targ. Ps.LVU,3
ed, Lag. רטג , ירדcorr. ace.);
a. fr.—Pes. 55* j7"7S3-
we at by way of reasoning) and one may not have heard
re finish a work commenced. 1%. אל רלוחתאPR WS that tradition (and yet be an able man). B. Mets. 33°"
© finish is permitted, but not to begin; a. fr.—-2) fo 3 verbal stady (opp. to הכשמ which had been put to
yume, destroy. Targ. Job I, 16. Ib.XXII,20; a. fr. writing). Arakh. 29° רינג (הירמ. ( ברnot “"=s) Bab had
also Pu.)—3) to end, cease. Targ. Ps. XII, 2 773 they his own tradition about it (had it from his teacher that
re gone. Targ. Prov.,ל11. Ib. XXII, 8; a. e—4) fo the Mishnah
was corrupt). Erab. 60* עטדת sot “TSS
nelude, derive. Hull, 98° הינרט מנילnow letone if it is a tradition, learn it by heart, let it be like a song
raw a conclusion
from: this (by analogy)! Ib. שודיחמ (the wording of which you dare not change); Sabb. 106";
3 לאfrom an exception we draw no conclusions; — Ab. Zar.32°; Bets. 24* (variously interpreted in comment.)
₪ fr.—5) to be perfect, readyto answer, to know well. —Yoma
14°, a fr. ‘st הרסשמכ as 2 tradition (without
Targ. XY. Deut. VI, 7 'כו,ְ ןניִרְבְַתread GO, v.infra.}— knowing
the reasoning process, emp. ib.33* bot. sss >
“03 256 Tr
(; 'כרa. fr.—G@’mara, that part of the Talmud containing purpose of fault-finding; Tanh. Ki Thissa 27. Meg. 25°
those discussions, decisions &c. which, after the reduction ‘31 'גל. . לכ תוארקמהwords in the Torah which, as_
to writing of the Mishnah, were the materials of verbal they are written (v. ,(ברתכ have become obscene, ו
. studies until they, too, were put to writing—Abbrev. reading changed 80. )לבש changed into בכש &c.). Ber. 330
“2a, a clerical mark in the Talmud Babli editions, to לוNIN ' גit would be ottering an insult to him; a. fr.
indicate where the Mishnah ends, and the G’mara begins.
יאנגD4 ch. same. Targ. 11 Esth. I, 2. Targ,
( ירמהinfin. Pa, of 'ִגֶל רמכ( entirely. *Targ. Job Lev. 2% 17; 3. 6.
XXX, 24 Ms. (ed. ---.( הימרגל.268 ."55 B. Kam. 35); a. fr.
234 (b. h.) [to put behind, aside,] to steal. 0
, היירמגY. Shebu. 118, 34” bot., v.ְּמְזוּזֶינָל"ה VII, 26" top םנלג.... אל בונְנְת תאdo not carry off |
steathily thine own ו from the thief, lest thou 4
אָכְרַמּגm. (Denom. of אָריִבְפ( a teacher of traditions.
appear to be stealing. —Snh. 86? שפנ בנוגone who kidnaps 49
Pes, 105),
a person. B. Kam. VII, 2 םלכש 'ג לע רפif he is convicted
( שמגemp. was) to contract, bend. Yoma 67° Ms. ~ of stealing through two witnesses; a. תעד--.1 'גto de- =
.M 2 .v( .bbaR .D .8 .a .1 eton 02) זרמנרן דגָמיש ררשיה ceive, to create a false impression. Hull. 94° 2423 רוסא —
אלו רזח הרלsometimes the animal’s head (in falling) is ' דעת וכti si neddibrof ot etaerc .08 .g.e( ot ekam eveileb
bent, and he (the man) cannot see the chord. as if you opened a fresh barrel of wine as a special -
Pa. 23 same. Ib. ed. ואלו ןרינמיז 'גד הרל הישירל attention to your guest, while you ‘would have had to ©
אדעתרהthe animal may bend its head, and the man may do it at any rate). Shebu, 39"; a. fr.—j 2/2 to deceive by
’ not think of looking after the chord. a false impression on the eye, to delude. B.Mets.1V,12.— >
Part. pass, 3923, 1. M2925. Ab. Zar, 44>; 11611.7" 'ג raters e7
4, C., הנ m4 f. (b. h.; 924) ₪ fenced-in place, fallacious reply; v. MIN Il. 4
ar den.— 333"i; paradise, place of future reward, opp. Pi. 32 to keep behind. Ex. BR. 8.5 ןמצע תאpapa ווח |
Dh. Pes. 54%; Ned. 39"; a. fr—Gen. R. s. 15 beg. ךג
' רכthey kept themselves at a distance from Moses any 1
גדול מעדןeht nedrag saw ו naht nedE nedE( saw
then withdrew. .
a portion of the garden, ref. to Ez. XX XI, 9). Taan. 10°”
Nif. 3232 1) to be stolen, kidnapped. B. Mets, IT, 1.
' וגך אחד וכdna eht nedrag saw eno hteitxis noitrop fo Gen. R. s. 84; a. fr.—2) to be deceived (sub. .(תעד Tosef. |
Eden.—Gen. R. 1. 6. “43 הנותנ רגיפכ איהשlike a spring B. Kam. VII, 8 sq.; Mekh. Mishp. N’zikin, s. 13. 1
in a garden. Kil. II, 2 הנג רנוערזgarden plants, Ex. R. Hithpa. 32305 to sneak in. Pesik. R. s. 21, םיִבָפִּגְרִמ
| ויה
8. 31 “32 5354 the wheel works of the well in the garden;
' רכthey used to have stealthy intercourse ₪0. Mekh. 1. 6. |
a. fr.—Trnsf. (cmp. hortulus a, x7z0¢) woman. Pirké
' הִמִהְפָנָב אחר וכohw slaets flesmih otni( eht 7 )moor
d’R. El. ch, XXI 'כו ןיא ןג אלא השאהgan (Gen. 111, 3) behind a neighbor. [
means woman who is compared -to a garden (ref. to
Cant. IV, 12), 'כו המ הנגה וזas a garden &. Cant. R. 2% גניבch. same. Targ. Y.Gen. XXXI,30. 10.20. |
to IV, 12 ארנגתמ “ הלוענ ארהוMA my consort (Israel) is Targ. O. Deut. XXIV, 7 3°25 (Y. 2723, corr.acc.); a.fr.— |
closed (chaste), and yet defamed.— PI. .וכ Lev. 1.8. 3, Part. pass. 3°25. Targ. O. Gen. XL, 15 823723 ed. Berl, ©
beg. better off is he who owns 72"5 one garden and 6. I have been stolen—Ruth 1%. introd. 3 (a trial before a
' ממר שנוטל ג' של וכnaht eh ohw sekat rehto s’elpoep Roman court) 782323 אל M324 “Ye have stolen”.—*We
gardens on half-shares; a. fr—Gen. R. s. 85 תונגב שרוח have not’... .; ךמע ןאמ 'גM223 אל “thou hast not
(euphem, for ₪ intercourse), stolen? Who has been stealing ‘with thee?”; Gen. By
s. 37; 5. 63, B. Kam. 65" 42% "a3 ארות was it an ox I
N24, N34 ch. same. Targ. Job אאאט 18 ns "3 stole from thee?—Ib. 67° לרת ( דע בגדhe is not boun 11
Ms. (ed. el (אתנרג a. fr.; v. .1%--.אָמְפיֶג P74, NA,
to pay) unless he stole two animals; a. fr. i .
3. Targ. 11 Kings IX, b9 hears R. 8. 8, v. “aS זז 'ג--
Pa. 2723 1) same. Targ. Jer. XXIII, 30.—2) to go =
ראטוקלוןthe gardens (or the forts?) of Ascalon, name of
round about. Keth. 19* 'כו " חמל ךל2825 N22 0 thou
a Palestinean border place (v. Hildesh. Beitr. p. 72). 4
cunning man, what is the use of thy going round about?
Shebi. VI, 36°; ib. 'כו 124" ( ןמ המ רנתדcorr. M734) from
Yeb, 91°; B. Bath. 188% "3535 NOEA Ms. R. (ed. רבנג spe
the expression ‘the gardens of A.’, we derive that A. corr, 0 pass. 3230 crooked, Targ. a oseיש
itself is considered as foreign land; ‘Tosef. ib. IV, 11 72229 ןחרוא (h. text Apps), /
דאNW; Sifré Deut. 51 'אד NII (prob. /253); Yalk. 1/0 .אֶרִתִגִפָב, Ithpe. 3230", S358 1) to be ati Tar
ib. 874 ַא Ex. XXII,11. Targ. Y.Gen. XL, 15; a.e.—B. Mets. 34* te
N24, v. maT 4. לנג מר ררמר דִמִִפַפָבָאohw nac yas taht ti lliw eb elots
Ib. 248 'כו ROD 37248 a silver goblet was stolen from t
FINA, v. הָאָנְג inn; a. e.—2) to sneak away. Targ. I Sam. XIX,4
"NIA m. ()רנגdisgrace, shame, blame; obscenity. Ab. 324 m. (b. h.) thief. Y. Suh. VII, 26° to}
Zar. 46 a byname 'גל of reproach, (kco pliant opp. a / םרדע if one carries an object off in the
maw>). Kidd. 33>; Y. Shek. V, 49 bot. 'גל דח רמאone eal
witnesses, he is a thief (amenable to thelaw Ex
says ‘they looked after Moses’ (Ex. XX XIII, 8) with the if in the owner’s presence, he is a robber.
גב 752 גיד
he keeps limeclf hidden ארה S he ie 6 (mot וthe טטומהמ( rolled and fell bc. Yeb. 17° (prov)קבא
‘a robber), tb, .אfr. 'גrary yew he pleads that « thief עוTS... . אכברthe lange and the mmol) ו
had stolen the object in his charge. Bab. 26° 'כי ךסינ2 (rothו of freed) voll together and arrive af
® thief (a laborer or tenant who takes fruits) in או hell, and from hell de. i. @ all the low = meet
or in Tishri is not @ thief (to be considered weft tw in those Tabylonian
testify in court); a fr— 11. םיִבָנָנ Toph Towet.
I. Kam.
Vil, 4, Mekh. Mishp., N’sikin, = 18; ₪.fr. גרר) גנד, emp. %7 Hithps.), .67011 -a7% 6
lordUt, אריִבְעְמ "לק לכ זהה he lords it over me (being
oh, 1) same, Targ. Ba, XXU, 1; .א >-- duorpfo reh ;ytuaeb .sM(43. (אתא ושררא ליח
(prov,) 'כי S33 'ג רתבsteal after the thief (lake
thine own stealthily from him), and thow hact ₪ taste cin, iC ).וא . טקof never
(of theft),
v. 334. Hoh, 22° (prov) 'כו rower 'גל non or of Lonivilgenss,
cub. 6706; for rejectionof
strength falls the thief, he pretends to be honest.— דל. (בורקר,yporhtnocy( mrof« fo ,ylohcen
PSP, MSP, “See. Targ. ¥. Be, XX, 18; =.fr—Ab. so afflicted believing himself tobe a woll (or a dog) and
ז.07*. Boh, 100%, v, Maja. fr.—@) ewsning, Th, Bath, 199%, spending hie nights among towbstones; also
(4 9 +
the person so afflicted, Veg 8° ספירדננ רטרא
( אMe, .א , סופררגVar. COT, TH, OST, +.
Rabb. D. 8.4, 1.note) aay, lycanthwopy hae ecined him. —
Y. Gitt, Vil, beg, 48° סרפורטיקק הלילבmeen; ¥. Ter.
1, 40" סיכורטונק (corr, see.) he who goes owt at nights
is merely ₪ lyeanthrope (bat not insane)
f.(denom. inclined
tosteal. Pt.
, 'גכed. Lag. , ןינגכh. text MDM). Targ. Job XV, 32 Var.
his enclosure (v. NM>"2) shall not be אכונג ed. Lag. (ed. | —Sabb.
about it and suppressed it; Tosef.ib. XIII (XIV), 3;a.
30° "כו ושקב םימכח דונְגַלthe scholars wanted ti
( אננגa (wreathed) state-room (h. text M222"; cmp. Cant. | suppress (declare uncanonical) the Book of Koheleth
I, 16). Targ. Y. Ex. ,11 1 אלוליהד. 'רגTarg. Ps. XIX, 6; a. fr. 6
a.e.—Y. Yeb. 3111, 13° bot. דבע הל ןונג if a bridal room Nif. 1232 1( to disappear, be hidden. Yoma 52> כ
is prepared for her. Y.Ber.1I,5* they went 73525 a>" 731 1932 ןוראה when the Holy Ark was removed, the
21‘ "רדto prepare the bridal chamber of &c.; Bab. ib.16* disappeared with it &c.; Tosef. ib, 111 (11), 7. Tosef. §
ןררטק הרל אננגwreathed the bridal chamber of &. Ruth If, 2 “35 M332 התלרגמ the scroll used for the suspecte
R. to I, 17 (sect. 3) [read:] רסח 'כו 42523 NO that thy wife ()הטוס was hidden away under the door pivot 00,
state-room in the hereafter have one jewel less than &c., the Temple; a. fr.—2) (of books) to be prohibited,s
i. e. that the jewel given thee in this world be deducted pressed. Sabb, 13” 'כו 5' אלמלא איהbut for him, the
from thy future reward.—2) (v.24) couch, Lreeding place. Book of Ezekiel would have een 0 Hag. 1855+
Targ. Job XL, 22. Ib, 31. Men. 45%; a. 6.
PP [to cut off, set aside,] 1) to save, hoard up, קובי קבpr.n. pl. Ginzak, Gazaka, a cityi
reserve. B.Bath.11°; Tosef. Peah IV, 18 "כו )512 ךיתובא North of 6% Atropatene (v. Neub, Géogr. 0%
thy ancestors saved (treasures) and increased the savings Kidd. 72°; Yeb. 17% expl.רהנ ןזוג . (II Kings XV 1,
of their fathers, Hag. 12% 4123 72> for whom has He Ab. Zar. 348 39"; Gen. R.s.33 (mentionedit 10
reserved it?; a. fr.— Part. pass. 323, f. mt524 reserved. with = Akiba); Taan. 11° (vy. Rabb, Ae
Pes, 119°; Suh. 110%.— 2) to remove from sight, hide Treat. S’mah. ch.א .
my or
ma (¥. ) logroan, exp, 1) (with or without בלש (reads) בקדליוויTe hide we, 1 pray, in my room ).
Rashi 4 Rabb. D. & «. |. pote 7). Th. (read:) ore
/ ו underan 0 pectorie.
fem. 16";
₪. Kam. 80°; Tosef,
ih, VIII, 6; Keth. eo" — רהI חkept
ליhis עי body
בin bie room.
2 ו 0.5.02, end S73; 190% . זון, רנערה "קאררה.+) preced. Witgipa.)
וטא 0 ג' וכוחח רם, ,+ .gniM become . Targ. 1 Chr. XV, 14.—Y¥. Ab. Zar
, וו49 bot. [reads] יב Pages Pee אלר chet they may
זדָכָנ6 sme, fogroam, rumble (oftheunderground tot be through me (be ashamed
of me) tabb.
at earthquakes). Mer, 59° a> 3 (Me. .א mys, 140° mrtpe> “rat and he may be diegraced. 1%. 69 “Ts
א + דיב897°C something by which she isexposed. Keath. 65°
| | ב וו ee רשbeens beng
to utter ה trembling plaintive sound dead)
angi, Hash, 94°.
fd apa
LL to cut, pass swiftly, Torg,
Pe, VIII, ® Ar.
. (וtext SY). pr. ₪. .ומ 0/0/06. Gis. 31"; 02", .ד
ih V 46° bot. ‘St קפאתא ארודכ 'נae in the case of one
Pa. rap tocastrate. Ti.Mets, 00" top they take them OnEe TICE danece 74.2
יתחון עו וSIRP .eM( .M וכחיך, .+ ;971 .+ .bbaH ,D
&. 1. note), [P23 prob. misread for 13, a.ןיחנגט for ה .)₪ hj )32 theft, the stolem 44;
TMV, denom, of RPL. Cmp. form of letters, Sabb. B.Kam.X,3 “2s 3 םשולae" and the report
XI, 5; 108%; 1045) of his being robbed had spread ie town, Th. 8 444 not
know “S°32S that ithad been stolen. ¥. fot. 111, end, 19°
“24, FIZA (emp. 334)to cover, becoverei, תSחone
אtheft; Kidd.i#*, Ib, Som ‘S35 if what be has
= Pimps, op toovershadow, toobscure, toput toshame ; stolen ie worth one thousand
(Shekel &c.); ₪. f-—F1.
to censure, Bob. 02" 'כוPorm תא TIPS TM obscured the miss, misc. Ib—Mekh. Mishp, N'sikin,« 12 שלש בגג
with their beauty, Gitt. 58° 'כו 'גמ תא זפתTh they ‘31S he committed three frauds dc, ¥. 53). Nom. ₪.
outshone the finest gold with their beauty. Snb.
1. . s. 7; a fr.
וmitgh בדקשhe would have attempted to excel all the
ines &c,—Sabb,
38" רכש who criticised (the Roman "24 6 same; תפר בdeception. .צץ Sob. Vi, 29°
; .אfr—Part. pass, Msp deserving to be bot., #q.
up, reprehensible, indecent; ugly. Pes.3*33 רבר
ieugly expredeion ¢.g. אט inplace ofרודס .אלBer. 33" NORS23, NFS, "222 cheb. megan Tang. ד
Ex. XXII, 2 (O.4e3%3); « fr— Pl xs. Ab. Zar. 20"
הרל זה םיeh si ot eb dedneherpe;
r .bi ,"54 .ppo ;שובח
' כבוד גdettim.m sto
. fr.
= Hithpa.rysen
to make one’s self reprehensible, to be- “S25 hunter, +. 75.
ome repulsive, Hag.15° 21M [yTS> MD ifsuch regard
Paidtothovewhoabuse theknowledge oftheLawke, 23, NPIS 1 pare paseof—epaae
mp 33 f. (%3) removal of sacred objects. Sabb. XVI, 1
3 SSS must be removed (in case of their being unfit
for use). Meg. 26° 7o3" 7sארזה רזthis (their ase for shrowds)
is their removal.—{Pes. 118" הזיננ , יב+. 3).
5-ו to be shaded, to lie down, sleep.
,21 Targ. +. Deut. XXIV, 13. Targ. "24,
+. “wz.
ו gagיה 48 5 a. fr.—
: יאלטה Sabb. 65* did not allow Sd,
daughtersרבג ירדה . WAT: Qs. M. T7327) to sleep גנין+ 723 ch.
ether. *129.מ1 רֶכָברֶכ"כוlet him lie in the sun. Yoma7s*
ילוand let him sleep (in his sandals). Suh. 109" “73 0°33, B34 m. pi.(contr. of7273, v. 73) of
NS eil nwod no eht .deb .n ,1a,da
ne 4T
6" .
כי many colors. (*04.111,3)24או “cs אלט ( ררפשan abortion
iP ol eagle aoloy lina consisting
of).a bag fall of a many-colored substance;
ot. “AE2.—B. Bath. 58" "23 Ar. (ed. “pxd) islying. (Ar. “3—for which in Gem. ib. ;םרכדוכ incorr. opin=—
ees a גבנונרםlumps of a Acshy substance, +. Ar.
+. (-ד ;Bekh.
. 33“ (with >>) to cover, protect. Targ.
Is. IV, 5. VIII, 1 רכב (Talm. ed. 47° ;('רככ Keritb.
1, 5 “=> (Talm.
y.Y. Deut, XXVIII, 15. 60. 7° "23).— Esp. a sort of flour comtaining all shades
df. “338 tocause toliedown, Targ.
11Esth. I,3(2) of colors. Tanh. Tsavveh 13 רכב [xe (ed. Bab. 10 ,םינדבג
הand made them lie down (for meals),—Snh.
1. = Ms. R. ןינרכג oth. corrupt.v. ib. note 63) one measure
Pig ll Dasfatalaeet phage ver fall of all sorts of four; Y.Peah VII, 20* bot. 73 (corr.
₪ lie, Num. R.s, 18 ; Tanh. Korah 10 'כוoat 723; omitted in Yalk. Hab. 565)—Sot. 36° תדכלמ “se;
i him Wiedown onhtebed;Suh. 1. c.—B. Mets. 34" royal manners(v. 723
a. אכוזנ ; Ar. “SSS, “SSS, ¥- RTS SS).
ROM 260
NODA, NEO (133) f, (adopted fr. ~év0c) gens, largest for using them in ל אsine nd an
family, gentry. ‘Targ. Y. Ex. XII, 47. Targ. Y. Deut. ing that it is not done for the purpose of impro ב
XXIX, 17.—Targ. Y. Gen. VI, 9 M3 תַסיִנְּג (MO25) of the field; expl. Y. ib. beg. 35° םיקד ןיב.... או טקלמ > ב
family of Noah; a. fr.—PI. jO"23, NMNO2, NNO". Targ. pros as one gathers in his neighbor’s field distinguishi
יצDeut. X, 6. Targ’ Y. Num. XXVI, 7 (some ed. NMO"25 between the small and large pieces.—Nidd. 2" dant
read NMO...). Targ. Job XXXI, 34; a, e.— 21880. pl. she noticed the menstruation only when coming
in larg
R073, Targ. Ps. CVII, 41, v. next w. quantities (in clods, while the blood had previously
been imperceptibly gathering). — Pl. pa, pea, +
NO A, “104 m. pl. (v. preced. a, 870"}°A) nobles, mics. Y.Shebi. 1. 0. Hag. 26%; 8. fr.—min 03 presumpt-
gentry. Targ. Y. Gen. XXXVI, 29 sq.; Deut. II, 12 (some uous, haughty. Ab. IV, 7. [Ib. ובל 03, v. O43.)— Pl
ed. אללס. . ., corr. acc.; h. text .(ירח " רוחei. Y. Pes. V, 32° bot.; a. fr.—DA (sub. (םיבקנ
movement of the bowels, v. לוד end. Y. Ber. II, 4" top;
TOS +. sro. a. e. 2
4 ch. same. Targ. Zech. VIII, 4. ,204“ Tosef. Shebi. II, 7 תבשה 'גהוsome ed., v."ZO%.
Af. "a8 same. Targ. 0. Gen. VII, 16 (some ed. 9°38,
fr. ןר Y. 1 Px, .ג text .(רגס Targ. Ex. XXXIII, 22. מה.moned( fo ;30 .pmc אכילה גסה, 8. v. )30 )1 ot
Targ. Is. I, 6; a. fr, (interchanging with }"38).—Sot. 21° swallow large quantities at atime, to glut. Der. Er. Zutta
R259 "JN does protect, contrad. fr. רלוצא to rescue. ch. V אלו הָסְגְר רנפב "כו must not eat or drink like a
166.77" אנגמ רנוגא אלwill it (the Law) not protect (me)? glutton in the presence of &c.—Pesik. Vattomer, p. 131°
Ab. Zar. 15" bot. והררלע רנגמthey (the bucklers) protect (ref. to לקלקה , םחלNum. XXI, 5) I (the Lord) 86100660
them. Ib. 16% ןוולרע וכגמthey (the Persian soldiers) rof meht thgil doof . . ., ורלריאsiom שלא יחא אחד מהם
protect us, ותזחאlest one of he sould eat too much and be seized
with diarrhea; Sifré Deut. 1 Ms. (v. ed. Fr. note 26); :
4 מז. (denom. of 45) gardener. Ley. 1%, s. 5.— Pl. .klaY .muN 467 גוסר.rroc( ;).eca .bi .tueD 097 ללא ג
"228, 77225. Kel. XVII, 1. Yoma V, 6; a. e. (read ; 'סוג( אררלודו ib. Is. 332 ( סטוגcorr. ace.); 0
III, 37 (9--.ּ אָסוto feel inflated, nauseous; to belch.
NI34, בבch. same. Y. Snh. II, end, 204; Gen. R. Nidd. 63> (among the symptoms of approaching men-
8. 80, v. NMEMB. struation) moja. —V. "dis. ;
NI23, v. PDB תוסג .1 03( (111 (with or without חור( presumes Pe
ness. Suce, 29°, Kidd. 49”; a. fr.
NOI, +. won.
NOVA ch. same, Targ. Ps. X,2, Ib. CI, 5 py תי סג
OIA, +. NDB. haughty look; a. fr.
גכ א--גפָא.-- בַכְפֶר. .graT .ciM ,I 61 .de( .gaL .a
,ארטסג ve OD.
oth, B73), v. RBI a. NBII.
ארטס+ (castra, v. SBOP) military camp,
NEPA, +. יו .bbaS °121 ג' של וכniw" .rA .de( 'גרסט, 'גרסת, 'ט 4
o}| I m. falcon, v. .ד Rabb.D.§, a.1.note 1) the Roman garrison of Sepphoris
Ber. 32> (Ms. .1 , יטסרגYalk. Is. 832 ( ןויגל ארתסנbot
סגIl m. (v. next w.) the thick part of the web, ןולגלו יתארב וב םישלש 'ג כוMs. M. (v. Rabb. D. 8.
border, hem. Tosef. Sabb. XII (XIII), 1 ( ג''ע סגהVar. for each legion (of minor planets in the constellatia
;02 Y.ib. XIII, beg. 14° , בגהcorr, acc.), v.33; Bab. ib. 105% I created thirty camps, and for each camp thirty squa
( לע סגהsome ed.(הנס . . יז.80%--. ןוטרק13°sq,התוכלמ העשרה לצא 'ג תיב 'כו
the Roman government sent to the camp of Beth Pe Pe
3 111 ,א MOI 5 ,)ססג cmp. wes) bulky, huge, (Yalk. Deut. end 'סרג; Pesik. Zutr. Deut. p. 184
large. Hull. IU, 1 סגה םועlarge fowl (goose, hen 86.( ‘ama הרצח לשו bu)—Hence: pr. n. pl. Cara
opp. (הסג)המהב--.קד large cattle (beeves &c.), opp. הקד R. 8.23 NBMD ןוגכ 'ג as Castra is hostile to Ha
sheep, goats ₪0. Ib. Y. Pes. IV, 30% bot.; a. fr.—Dem. R, to I, 17 .---. ארטסק25 nimwos. Gen. B.'s. 2 eat
II, 480. 'ג , הסגב הדמבin large quantities, wholesale— 74.bi.klaY 3“ ,hbin daer 'אחליות וג אללו
Ber. 6" 'ג הערספlarge, hasty step. Pes. 107" 'ג הליכאa castellum) reservoir. Ley. R. ₪ 15 Ar.,V
large, full meal.—Shebi.IV,1 ‘(to gather wood or stones) (cisterna, xtvotépya) cistern (not extant in
את הגס הגסeht regral eht ,retteb .i .6 gnikcip tuo eht DAB).
Hithpa. s2inn, Nithpa. sy3n2 to be 7 very DDI, Y. Sabb. ,11א 14* bot. ,לפגמ v. OBA.
busy, anxious. Ruth R., introd, 2 חג תושעמ... זפת
רכthe Israelites were too much engrossed (in ‘settling) ךפפ.6 (b. h. , ךפגv. NBA) vine, esp. grape-vine. Kil.
to attend the funeral of Joshua; Koh. R. 1]. ¢.—Pesik. VII, 2; a. fr.—’x5 ררפ wine. Ber. VI, 1; a. fr.—
3S |
R. addit. 5. 2 (ref. to 1335, Job XXXIV, 20) 'כו םיָשעָּפִתִמ cotton, cotton tree, v. S2B43. Kil. 1. 6. — Pl, ‘DBR Tb.;/
marched hurriedly to get out 6. a. fr:
Th גשpr. n. pl. Gaton (Gatan; v. Hildesh. Beitr. NIDA, rbd, v. NIBiB.
p-13 sq.). Y.Shebi. VII, 36° המצע שאר רמ 'ג 'גוthe head of
Obs (MDA) (v.
) (םפג to make air-tight, to paste -
the brook of G. and G, itself; Tosef. ib. IV, 11 ארמ שיר
gypsum, clay &c. Kel, X, 5 'כו םעjOpaw Ar. a, R. A. G.
דג' וג' גרמא.raV .de( 'ריש מעון רגעתן וכ, .rroc (.668 ;
(ed. (ןְסָפְגַש;Tosef. ib. B. Kam. VII, 7 ןספגש (Var. ,'תפגש =
Sifré Deut. 51 המצע ותארגמ 'ארגו (read 'גו רמ(; 'גYalk.
R. ₪. to Kel. 1. 6. (ןַפְפְפַש which one closed up by con-
10. 4.
necting the paste with the rim (leaving an empty apaee
ףגI m. (b.h.; , ףפגv. )889 body. ip32 alone; explained between the cover and the body of the vessel).
Kidd. 20 ופוגב סנכנ ופוגב אציhe came with his body,and so = Nif. 032 to harden and be closely consolidated with 4
he shall go out, i. e. he has no claim for injuries received the ground. Miky. IV, 3 Ar., Maim. a. Rabad (v. Tos’f.
during servitude; oth. expl. 'כו 5252 רדרהרif he entered Yom Tob a, 1.; ed. .(שבכנ ,
a single man, he must leave a single man, 1. 6. his master
has no right to give him a Canaanite slave for pro- םיִספגDOD's m. pl. (preced.; emp. MED) paste, ~
pagating purposes, ,retsalp .pse .muspyg .leK 2,X‘ ew tsum esu '|סיד בג' וכ ב
lime or gypsum ₪6. Y.M. Kat. 1,80” bot, םסבלג; Y. Shebi.
ae 11 6. ,)סנג emp. 423 a. 9D; v. Fax) (bent, joint,] ILI, 34° bot, ,ּ סּוסְפרv. infra. Tosef. Kel. B. a! 111,4
1) the long portion of the wing. Zeb. VII, 5 mes שביש גְּפסִית.de .kcuZ .hto( .de .)SB0°O .lluH 8* > ;גפסית רותה
(Talm. ed. 68 ,השברש v. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1.) whose wing Pes. 75° חתור, סיספגAr. ןיחתור . םיספגTosef. Mikv. IV, 7 _
is withered. Hull. 57% 54 תטומש a bird whose wing is mobs; a. fr. [Greek adoption: yboc, readopted Dion's,
dislocated.— Du, D°55, DBs. Ib. III, 4 Mpa ורבתשנ whose יסוס
wings are broken, contrad. to 'פנכ wing feathers. —2)arms,
shoulders of a human.being. Ohol. VII, 4 'גב תלטלכcarried DIOS, Vv. 573. |
וו him .808-.46 62° טאלmrep (Yolk. Nam. 373 | StS םלוקל שיא one ie wot » prowelyte entil be haw
she mate | been de, Yeh. 1 ©; Kidd.* 62 « > ךירב השלשproselyte
BEES) did she hug her mother there’ (Hashi:
her mother
a prostitute.) רהסה
Pa, ,םרפ S753 1) 6 embrace, Targ. 0. Gen. XIN, 18 | .noitremmi הווא1, | SSP STS“ 2 5 ו-51 whe
(Ms.a. ¥. someod, G8). Tb. \אאוו ;4 .= (2--. ו₪ . wot yet offered 4 sacrifice im the Temple; o +. fr
(in idieness), Targ.
Koh, 1V, 5. | ק
וewe provelyte, SETS one who, for the
wake of aequiring limited citizenship
im Palestine, re:
ry tePed) fo make thick, tighten. Denom. Pes, 0 sounces לוו. Heh. 06"; Gis, 37°; =. רקש--,) 2 an
¥ insincere provelyte (from impare motives), /!. Mets.
ות.ניפרot ekam .thgit-retaw .traP ,erap ") בח. פָרת V, 10. — 11.S$, constr, “YB, }. — SS '54%
. הRath, ;"79 Towel, ib, 3 (de | ווח, not formally admitted. Ab. Zar.
2"; 26°; 4 +
clay vessels) made tight by a lining of sulpher rn
" גרlon-proseliyfes, i.5. provelytes from mete
or pitch, > fear (with ret, to I Kings 4118, 25 0q). Mall. 3°, opp.
= Hithpa, "erm bo be darkened through eulphur fumes. | תסא *יגKidd, 76"; ₪. 85% .ה ---.)) ירג תושילהpro-
Habb. 18%; Y. ib. 1, 4 top; Toset. ib. 1, 23 PIs selytes converted by the advice of « dreamer or am inter:
they (the silver vessels) go through the proces of preter of dreams; “TOM “ST Ss דרג euch a: joined
sulphuring. Jewieh ranks from motives like those prevalent in the
days of Mordecesi and Wether (Heth, Vill, 17). Yeh. 26%
BE, Pa, 9p as preced. Pi. .צץ Babb. Vil, וש top
—Nidd, VII, 3 (66%) ןיקוט םירג.( הזod. TOS) prowetyter
+ Mate. not living in actordance with the Jewish augee-—Ss
FIED f(b. b,j 783, cmp. MES) sulphur for « גריםdescendant
of proselytes,
35" 'ג ךבPetre, (Mode
Bh. Mets 1V, 10 (8%). —
of admieion, +. Yeh. 47*.—
pitch), Babb. 18°, a.©, .א "EP Hithpa.
Views about converts, +. Nem. 3. 5-5 ; Widd. 19"; 16.87" ;
PDB vce = a. fr). Pom. 3. Gen. ₪. « #8, end. —Usen. oT, Keth.
IV, 3; a. fr.
bed f.(283) ₪ pressed hard mass, peat, turf. Babb.
TV,1, =16.47" crt לש כpeat made of olive peels, ן"טשמושר ee
of poppy seed (after the oil ispressed out). Kel, IX, 5; |
= fro—Ch, REE. רא2, Tang. ¥. Gen. XXX, ,וו + א
.גפתא, MINES, + TRS
+ קרא
NENT £ (ors) 5 dish prepared om the het oven
plate after the removal of the coal. .נא
₪. w I, 4
TA m. (yrs, v. Targ.Job.XVILL,5 > (אצרפ.+ ] ) טלופחרך רגיlitnel sekac dekab ni eht naelc ,nevo -woc
1) spark from the forger's hammer. B. Kam. V1, 6 (62"); trad. to RENTS baked in the ashes.
B. Bath. 26"; Sabb. 21", Gen, R.s.84;Tanh. Vayesheb 1—
8) (emp. Arab. $3 gypsum) לכור 'ב₪ white earth, chalk; ברבpr. n.pl. Gareb, near Shiloh, suppored to have
| cross-path out with whitened pegs of baked mud or been the seat of the Image of Micah (Jed. XVII, 7 #4,).
lay )=םיכררה ov). Mikv. IX, 2 > 'גthe lime of the Soh. 108", ,
1 8 sticking to the feet or clothes; cmp. Tosef. ib.
| = 1A (cmp. (םרג 1) foscrape, v. next we.—2)
fo rob,
pL (VED), 4 or 1 seize, levy. Sabb. 148° הִבְרַכ לזgo and seize him (take
"NSA m. (preced. ) יגאו
lime, pypsum. quot. in
אר'כב his coat until he appears). Ib. [ESTs אנידב אלwas !
Kat, 10°
M. z3,
beg.—not to be found,—x not right in summoning thee? Hag. 5" TPS3 they (the
royal officers)
seized his property. Gitt,45* אלד םושמ
By ¥: Hy, MIPS. 31 SSS in order that robbers should not be tempted
. צְמְרָא,+SEאOיסNא to kidnap persons and then offer them for ransom. Ib.46°
גרבד לחדdezies meht rof( .)stbed
ןינומPa Pesik. Shor p.74°, readרְזימין- אןאון. אירבot eb .debbor .Y .B .steM ,V1 9" אנְרְבָת
thou hast been robbed of one Denar.
Ta ריק: ג'רa transmutation
of letters, v. .ת"א
₪. 104* TSS םחרא ופוג אמרטthough he defiled his SUI m. (preced.) the quantify collected onemptying
y, 1 shall have mercy &c. Ib. ק"ד :קודב ר"ג
רונ... םא the wine or oil press (v. next w.); in gen. bottic, kegax
. Trin Fria 43) ifthou doest so(be chaste), dwell הmeasure. Ter. X, 5 'כו לכו 'גMs. (ed. (לכ and one
גוin heaven (a dweller . . . shalt thon be). measured
the keg and it contained (as usual)
two Sah—
Pl. 2373, constr. S73. Sabb. 15°; a >. three hundred
ו בו. (b.h.; )38“ )1 a .rellewd .bbaS ,*401 .v —decerp שסך3 garab
of oil. Bets. 29°.
st > Tanh, Vayigg.4 3 ארכ השכנשhe is named
» because he (Joseph) became a stranger, v. %3.— 213, NDVI ch. same, bottle. Targ. Jer. XUI, 12;
. @ proselyte, to Judaism. Yeb. 46"; Ber. 47° | Tang. Sam. I,24(h. text $22). Ib. XVI, 20(h text (דעכ
a. e.—[B. Mets. 15”, v. 22--[.אָויִרְג ִ ןיִבְרTarg. I Sam. he gathered the vessels of the Temple 'ג ןנתנוותל
XXV,18. Targ. Hag. II, 16 (h. text ,הרופ quantity pressed placed them in a net; Gitt. 56" he took the cu
at atime). Targ. Joel 1, 17 (h. text .(!תודרפ ' ועשאו כמרן גdna depahs ti ekil .08 .fesoT .leK
VI, 5.—2) (from its shrivelled surface) the scarr
374 IL m. (.h,; (ברכ itch, scurf. Bekh, VI,12; classi- lifeless surface of a healed up wound, eschar.B 58
fied ib. 41°, ' העלתה מכתו ג,fi hguorht tcelgen fo lacidem וeht
33, R574 IT ch. same. Targ. Y. 11 Lev. XXI, 20 wound became scabby; Y. ib. 6” bot. [read:] 'ג התלנוב
1 Les ,ןיסרח v.Bekh.414). Targ. Deut. XX VILL, 27.— NII, ve NNN.
Denom. j2°73 one affected with itch. Targ. 0. Lev. 1. ₪
DI מז. pl. (v. preced. art. a, R255) nets,
NI73 גת. ) (גרבgnirednulp .poort .reB °06 .tob אתא Tosef. Kil. V, 25 ed. Zuck., v. .תילסכא
למתא. ג' וגרביה.rA .de( WA (גררסאa poort emac yb
night and carried the inhabitants off. “NDS m. (v. preced.) wicker-work. Gen. 14.₪. 703
| 91%. ib. 133 'גד אקושwicker market (differ, in Koh,
אתיברגf. )ברג( the scouring or sweeping (wind); 14. to ,א 8).
a אחור North-wind. Targ. Prov. XXV, 23 (h. text(צפון .
AT מז. )) (גרר1 eht[ gnitalumits ],tnalp א
.bI XX ,IIV 61 ,DMR aam ,h( txet (וְצִפְנְיה צפן.
rocket, Eruca(v.8m. Ant. s.v.). Yoma 18>; Yalk. Kings 228,
5275 (Parel of bas) to knead, roll. 6166. 69* DBA Tosef. Shebi. 1, 9; Erub. 28* sq. (Ar. 0 Koh. --.(לגרג >
‘ אמטוקAr. (ed. , דגרכוcorr. acc.) let him roll (the wicks) 8601. IX, 1 רפא ( רגרג לטcomment. (ר"גרג field-rocket,
in the ashes, Eruca agrestis.—[2) grain, berry, v. "373.]
Ib, דיגב קיק םיציבב 'גbya Ar. baal kik refers to the
רנּלִידָא.m )==';לגליד
; (גלד גecils DEMN ' ג₪ sine
testicles, g’rabtan to the membrum (ed. 'כו אתברג. .. ןייק
of turnip; esp. the upper slice. Bekh. 43” one whose head.
v. preced.).
resembles הדילגרגל 'לד Ar. (ed. , אדרלגדגלcorr. acc.) the |
גרגPa, 3°93 ( )=רגרבto be rough, to roughen, whence
upper portion 80. (expl. לפתם ib, ,117 1).—Pl.רְגלֶידָר
.reB °93 ,rA( .)5537 .bI °65 .raV( ni .rA ראשי לפתות
)1 to incite, stir up. Targ. Prov. X, 12; XXIX, 22 (h.
Keth. .%16
text , ררע.( הרגIb, VI,3 ךרבח 9h 393 ed. Lag. (Var. 5°3h,
ban) stir up, now, thy friend (for whom thou hast 5 v. .רז .
vouched), v. Peshitté a. Syr. Hexapla.—2) to be excited,
impatient. Targ. Ps. XXXVII, 1; 7; 8 (Ms. 573m Pe., h. THE, TAT" 1) (denom. of 743, (תרגרפ to pour
text( 8--.(( רחתתv. P. Sm. 773,,s. v. גרג ,2 emp. “2TA75, down the throat, opp. MMw to set the lips to the ve
M28 IT) to cover with scurf, hen! up. Targ. Joh XXX, 24 Par. IX, 4; Tosef. ib. IX (VIII), 6.—*Gitt. 89% חד
היתחמ3737 he will heal up the wound he has inflicted. בשוק4 es quaffs outdoors; [Rashi: walks with 6
stretched neck (2--.[()ןורָפ denom. of 7393) to picks
NAWAIN, +. NER. berries. Maasr. 11, 6 לכואו "2930 he may pick gray
(from the hanging cluster) and eat; ib. I11,9; +
NOVA, NMI, NEI + )=אתילגלג דאל top.—3) (denom. of 73578) to let theolive shrivel (on₪
emp. (רגָרwheel-work, well ‘forirrigating fields. Ber. 58°; tree or in the sun on the roof), to mark out for shri
B. Bath. 91° (proy.) 'כו שיר 'גHN (Ber. ed. 373, Ms.M. ling. Ex. R. 8. 36 that olive—while it is yet on /
/גדגרר, corr.acc., v. Rabb. D.8.a.1.) even a superintendent אותוP42 they mark it out for shrivelling (inord
of the well(cmp. """3) is appointed in heaven. B. Kam, 27. to use it for the press). Men. VIII, 4 תרזה fia
B. Mets. 103* if one says, ‘Lend me 'ג א"ההthe use of he lets it shrivel on the top of the olive tree; ₪
this well’, he may restore &c.; 'ג ‘ "בa place (in the field) הגגin the sun on the roof; [for oth. opin. y. Ras
for a well’—he may go on digging wells until he strikes —Ib. 86* ןנת לָפְלִנִמ. ורְּפְרְִמ ןנת ואdoes it read»
one that suits him, B, Bath. 56*—P/."71573. B. 6 (he lets it shrivel) or m ’galg’lo - lets it hang im
is fully rounded) ? . 7, 4
TOMAS caneta Ar.) +. (v. NBNB) 1) a wicker or net
work in the wine or oil press. Ab. Zar. 56" תגל ריזחה 'ג רּגְרַּגch, (v. preced.) to grow berries, 0 ri :
if he placed the net (once used) back into the vat. full berries. —Part. Das “0372. Tangy Ps. I
Hag. 22> 'גרוג some ed.; Tosef. ib. 111, 4. Levy. R. s. 22 (some ed. "3950). |
. ו
4 גַרגֶרm. 1) (b. hey dea) berry, grain, heap (of )2 (denom. of 9 2) fo cul the web with ite fringes of
pebbles), Voah Vil, 4 רררהי > single berries (not growing the loom, Yous 72° (eapl.“ ררשה oS . אXXXKV, 18)
in bunches). Shebi, 11,7 (Mart. (ר"גרכ ₪ heap of pebbles. 'כוPass PSs ןידר ךתוא 0 םירגב שwebs which they
) Rabb. 11,6 לט רינרג לש₪ globule of alt. Hath cut off the loome in their needed shape (10 a6 Ww require
: ee ee (¥. od, רגרג Mab. od, 64%a0" #0 tailoring), leaving @ enall portion of the vawoven
לגל .0 (ניגר.-- PL ogg, FI. Pea VI, 5; ₪.%.- Ihreade
( (= the shrivelled olive. Ft. a8 above Men, דרגeh. same; 1) fo , אוקcoms, orip; treet, fo
Wii, 8 (08°),ירו אroche, ¥ ליג .הו Targ. Jud. VIN, 16 TS" Regia (ed. Lag.ג ,
3 ch. same,
1) berry. PL. ירה Tang. = oth, 54. “SP; ₪. tent 29%). — Nas, 4% .+ ."רו
—Part. pase,
: arg. ¥. 1 Deut, XXX, 16 ןוחיטדה
9s their רירSabb." 109 ראלרקמ 'כוNTT which har bee
etripped of ite vind from the top doweward.—2) to rab,
whe ו rectal,y. RTI) ervale [riction (of sexual connection).—Part, 73, Yeb
TRING 6.pt.Ome, v. next w.) 9-8 of« well. (]ג-.*ג7 to stimulate the appetite, Mer, &*, «. fr. Ar.
Targ. Lt Heth,1,2-(8) עאד 3 wooden wheel-works, .de( = ,eM ylnom ).)9" /] .+ ).%7 .V 572, גרד
7 foma 89° bot., opp. --.ןקיכצ . סוeee. PL remy of the woolly surface of a thick cloth, B. Kam. ov"; ₪
Mots, 112*.—M. Kat. 29° went out ‘St 'גב (Me. M.2 wos)
(unable to resist tasting temptation). Gen. R.0.45; Deut.
# 6 (ref. to Gen. 111, 6). in a fresh scraped and emoothed closk —2) fringe, thread.
| °631.bbaB רילמא מידביק ג' מיניה.raV( מדכיקא גרדתא, +
= רע, NVI ob. same. Targ. ¥. Deut. XX1,20.— | ה וטואה.1.( teel הdaerht fo ti kcite ot eht שמומ.--
Ty. Keth. 60" Ar. Var. (od, SIS, +. (אָנְדְרְג
-- MTG,
TG, .>ןידר Tare.¥. Nam. XV,58 (ref. to Men. 42”).
\. REY.
Targ. Lam. 1, 11 (hb. text M554). —Bekh. 8" ‘st rvs 'ג רלSos twist for me threads pulled
out of it, and I will
sew it. Men. 31". (e579
of a7
1 #reopen Y. Ber. VI, 10° top mi אל
POI S .... POV not this greedy man must be
scraping, +. XTA—HTR end,¥. HTL)
א ed at, but thou, the sneerer; he acted hastily in
+. re.
his greed&o. oT 4 m. (STS) a stump. Roth ₪. «i end שיא ךלדו
+. py bw et. '‘ גand a man went’ (Rath I,1)—s stamp, i >.without
any description as to what he took with him (opp. to
PIG =.=. pl.
pl. MPSS neck; “S75;
v. 7, .אTh) the description of the retarn to Palevtipe, era Il, 64);
throal, guilet; (in ritual law) weind-pipe, trachea, Koh. [Yalk. Ezra 1067 Wu, +. 775; ib. Rath 208 73 stripped,
יו Praia! Conliabiad Hif.—Bx. ₪. 5. 24 the alone, cmp. 8-73.) —FI. POTS, constr. “3. Tonet.
Te i created for man S773 TTS ןיעמ a well (mucous Par. X11(X1),2 SUR 'גstamped stalks
of hywop; ss S
in the trachea, Hull. II,4m תאPoE he tore (not ;(תרצרנ Men. 38° תלכת 2 remnant of the feiteifA.
open (instead of cutting) the trachea. Ib. 111,3 3m תקוספ Sifré Nam. 115 Foye היריש what ₪ left of it oF the
מanimal with asplit between the rings ofthewind-pipe. stump of it; Men. 39° Ty ,ויריש expl. ibid. ןקיקבד
לגרדוטידATS אsmall remnant of the threads must remsin
marty קו 2 + (eres; (ששג = | on the stumps;
a. 6-
Starslump of'carth. Tatg.
Ps. XVIII, 43. Targ.
VII, 5 (h. text .(שיב Targ.Y. Gen.
I, 24; a fr.— DIT, 7 4 m. (TS, emp. Targ. Jud. 7111, 6 =
. Lanes, "רנר Targ. Job XXI, 33; אצאצצווו 8 v.73; emp. 27S) place oftorture and execution, (Roman)
h. text (5--.(םיבגר a certain reddish clay, used also as executioner’s scaffold, gallows. Sabb. 32° ךןודיל 'גלPom
Mdicine. B. Mets. 40* 'ב םושדכthe difference of opinion he who ascends the scaffold to be punished. Ab. Zar. 1,7
ו tai Be to Gttrent gent ' ג' וכSp“ sc a ,acilisab a dloffacs ,.e& deterpretni .bi °61
105 of the clay used for the vessels. Nidd. 20° bot. של ביSS 2 acilisab rof ,serutrot snoituce,xceS i .> ₪
roke apart ‘37 אטרוק a piece of potter's clay. Keth. 60° basilica for holding court. Pesik. Shimu, p. 115* ואלת
א דאכלה נרגוnamow ohw stae athsugrag sa( na -nirtsa בגרדוןordered him to be suspended on the gallows (for
en ו יי וו םדhetoeS torture); Y. Taan. IV, 69" top 'גב 7755 (cmp. Gitt. 57%,
ib. Zar. 38%. ae.
'כו MPT Os). Tosef. Kel. ₪. Mets.
X, end ךידרגהו
fe4 oe “wis ed. 206%. (ed. ןיידרב ; corr. acc.) the tortarer’s block
3 2
5 ¥. “ASB. is not affected by levitical impurity.
cee 1) to scratch, scrape, comb. Sabb. NOVY ebb. ces — Pho. Bekh. 44* רזדחשא
= sieqguapalecs ' בroots of the eyebrows remained visible —Gen. K. 6.33,
ןה שכרנ.seep yr 5 ecv +. ST}-
mm 266
Ma 111 ,)ררג.+ cmp. 743, M7853) 1) [the rough, cmp. NTN m. (773, emp. (דֶרָפ hard, stony ol lod.
tpayeia,] throat, laryna with wind-pipe, lungs and heart. cruel " .ם Mets. 80° 'גב ראו אקזחמדMs. M. (vy, |
267 ~
4.006; 66. "US ,אקוחסר corr. nee.) ifthe Held ₪ to receive in her ]להו - | [.404א. oe top 3 יל PR ove
known for ite stony elods, the law of divorce (aceording
to Deut. XXIV,
( 9
not apply to gentiles. Ib, 'כי 3 = ףא ךיאש םרל they
hy, a eh, m. (¥, 0 §) gristemaler
ov dealer, have not the institutionof divotte, ut either may disvave
יצלHer. 1, # bot. 1.Jacob % .ל Mass. Bh.1V, 54 bot, the other; Gen. K. « 18; a fr,
הדור פירין לגיdewohs eht secudorp ot @ relaed-tsiortg(
value them), 2, riots, Ste. Men, X.4; Lev. Ha ie rns, ₪ "2 ).(demom,
of 9) 1) the stranger's
49 לט or; Pesik. I. 5, 28 POTS (corr, see.) the griet- condition. Goudie. 44; Povik, te. 15,00, ¥ "איש לופלסרא
grinders’ mille; Pesik. Maomer, p. 00* POS (corr. aee.); 1 - 0006. 8,
5-1. Pos. 1V, 30% top; ל M, Kat, 11, end, #1" "Gs
צפוריךthe grist: makers ofBepphoric. RSM, MTS 6 ()ןיטידר ₪. pl)
of,שנ cep. b. b. COTE) wibblings, desert
af, (07S) a dish of brane (a remedy for poate& teDee infra). Lam. Uh. introd. 10 1 wiehed
Targ. 11 Meth. 11,8 (emp. Gen. 3%.5.94. beg.) they bad made me (the Lord) כו “ עוoT SS 64. (Var.
“ors, Ar. TS) like dessert whieh (a1 least) is served up
at the end; Meth. BM. to 1, 0 הות )ו( ןיסיזרככ, Valk. Ie, 218
ככרוטזר וכי.rroc( .)eca .¥ .reB 011
ob ,sS“ srooP
ed. וטוא. (Ar. arom sj=r° e's ₪. TIES. Gen. Bo 28
St עדדר רטזרנAr, Var, (od, “Ges, “Gets, 9. SS) guiden
fraite on ₪ golden tay; Lev. ₪. & 27 Sem por Ar.
or shoot, Gen. KR. &.55 lest (ed. ןינוטר . . , ( ;(חוריךPesik. Shor, p. 74"... OKs
ple say כו “TSS S (lenac is) a shoot taken from the ונקרטונין. . FOS (corr, PSS. . . ;(ךירטדב Teak.
ouse ofAbimelekh. Tan. B'huck. 5,+. mts, Emof
6 .[איתלבו
+ גרופו, גרופות, גרופי, .+ .erer זקי
+. perce , זר דרג.0(bh.))1 foberough, grating, scraping
.+ חרא7 be.—2) fobehot, burn, singe (cmp. 7).
‘ f,(72, camp. 573%) (a8 large asa fist,) little Pi. rv, הרג (to incite, stir up, ld lowe. Gab. 107"
stump or Kel. X11, 8 תרז לש3 a vessel made out
שגר רובים וכיesuaceb eh tel eht sraeb secol tsniaga eht
ויו לורtrow ו אפר > .stoM,lI 91eh
> makes vessols תרז ‘ לשso BR.8. to Kel. 1.6.(ed. Zack. children. Ex. BR. 5. 21 הקרפל 'כHe incited Pharach dc.
Gen. BR. «. 19, end (interpret. Aishehiani, Gen. 111, 15)
ג, גפו, .rroc .hpateeM po—
r .
) של
' ג.
lbc foaa
"7". Cant. BR. tol, 4 (play on Sots ib.) יב חשמ תירקש
ore tree, i.e. a man barren of thought, ignorant ;
| שכנר תרעיםmorf ym elitsoh srobhgien mohw uoht tsah
of merits, worthless. Tank. B’huck. 5 Jephtah
as poor in the Law mope לש ( דפורְנכed. Bub. 7 incited against me.—Trnef. “> בדדה הא% fo ict temptation
© לש METS, note: METS) as a block &c.—Y. Ab. loose against. Gen. Ki. =. 87 ‘= ךב דנא הֶרָכֶמ1 ! מאny
temptation in thy way; .ה fr—Lev. .ה 17 Poors
TT, 40°; Gen. B. ₪ 25, end; Ruth
R. = 1, opp.
' וכon the day when the Lord shall stir up his anger ₪6.
ג'שלeno hcirni ;stirem --.6.8.12 .eterP ,B .htaB
V, 3 if one buys olive trees for felling, > "TO חרנמ he Hithpa.r-3r03,
Nithpa. 7-303 1) tobeinflamed, jealous
to rival. Sob. 19 יזב יזTESS jealous of one another —
מלnust leave a stump of two fists’ size (out of which new
8 may rise); Tosef. ib, IV, 7 )+. Tos'f. Y. Tob a.1, 2) to engage in battle, to fight. Ber. "ד ; Meg. 6" רתדמ
3 Bath. 80").—Gen. 11.5.31, end םיתזל 'גAr. (ed. sing.) ' לההערית וכti si dettimrep ot retne otni tabmoc htiw
the wicked (with reference to .ל h. PorTm).—Nem. ₪.
₪ for future olive plantation.
5.19 SMS ‘sro he attacked them.—3) fo be icf loowe. Hath.
TE +. ד >. R.introd. בודה הְיִרֶעְהֶכ התואthat temptation was aroused
(against Joseph), +. supra; Num. B. =.13 Tr --4( fo
ו 25 (part, pass. of S73) a divorced have a passion for, to indulge freely in. Yoma76* wine
Pes." 112 'ג אשנש'גa divorced husband who is called ST, because he שד Fos: וב PEs who in-
arried a divorced wife. Ib, mbz3 “rs % marrying dulges in itbecomes
poor. Ab. Zar. 18"; 19% הנחשב ore
ו dernt hci 2. Ned. 20° I will freely indulge in sleep (idleness).—5) (denom. of
גהPERS divorced at heart, one whom her husband is TSF)
fo incite. Num. ₪. s.18; Tanb. Korah 3 rsrrS
nined to divorce; a.fr.— Pl. סרטוf.Mea. Valk. 'בד את וכot eticni 168791 tsniaga .mih
ב yeelvread eae QsLan
14, בר א.hc .sP—.ema
3“s )1ot ,eticni tel .enonI
Je TUT m.pi.()שרגsending off,divorce. Targ. Num. 6; a.fr.—2) fo ictoff. drive, thrust.
en.R. s.19; Lam. BR.introd. 4 (ref. to Gen. 111, 23 .( Naz, 4° דחב 38S אטלדד pérhaps be thrast (the jaw
הקpeter: ‘eter oT punished himwithexpulsion end bone) at them (without touching them; Ar. a. Rashi-
' גרד וכ,STT“ ylsuoivbo rof sS" ,ST“ .pmc ,TK ד. .hoK
he le has been given me not as a deposit but) as Ar.Compl.s.v.). Taan. 25* "כו “ ךבTSX, .ד BTS LL. ]3(₪
letter of divorce which I was authorized by thy wife drag (cmp. 2). Nidd. 34°, +. [דר
1 -
Na" 268 = ay
Ithpa. "=308, Ithpe. ""2"% 1) to attack, Targ. Deut. needed for a griva of seed (cmp. ARO). ‘B. Kam. 6%
Il, 5; a. fr. Targ. I Sam. XIII, 4 (h. text .(!שאבנ [Targ. אג' הארפאavirg fo ;dnal .B .steM ;°011 .bi "51 גרבא.de|
Ps. XXII, 8 ed. Lag., v. "7i.J—Lam. R. to I, 5 אתווכלמ (Ms. 31. 893, Ms. 7. ,אבירג Ms. 1. ,אוירג +. Rabb.D.
בכון7232 kingdoms will attack you; a. e.—2) to be let 8. a. 1. note)— Pl, 173, Erub. 14". B, Bath, 73%, ¥. PIB. |
loose, hurled. Targ. .צץ Deut. XXVIII, 60; a.e.—Y.Peah Ned. 50"sq. a
I, 16*top ךל 879572 אח אבודthat same temptation will be
let loose &c., v. preced. Hithpa.—3)to become impassionate, גריזמי, גריזמתה, +, רזמ
be hot with sexual passion, Snh. 64° ix "2 אלד
בקרובתיהMs. M. (ed. (ורגרא that one does not fallin love
CY, .+ en. |
with his nearest kindred. Ab. Zar..22) הב ןויכ ררגימד
because the animal will show his sexual desire by run-
גרימכי, +. גִרְמָנֶר
ning after her (and thus betray her sin).—Denom. N73. ץצ ְּרִיס. OT}.
אביר,= pl. "a, ve NT סירm., pl. #79773 (b. hh, WA;) סר צ 1 [split, broken |
| grits 1)' esp. pounded beans; beans used for pounding. —
"הַביִרְּגpr. n. G’ribah, name of a street עסeyes
Gen. R. s. 94, beg.; Nidd. IX, 6 sq.; Tosef. ib, VIL, 9,
place in Tiberias. Koh. R. to X, ,8 . צNIA.
npn 8. Mmsisw.—Maasr. V,8 ןיקלקה 'גCilician beans.
ץ גריד. ברד tant ib. 11, 14 [read:] ןיסַּגַה (וליא ןח 'ג ןיקלקה )וליא
( המרובעיןv. Maim. a. 1%. ₪. to Maasr. 1. 0,( Cilician beans
2 m. ()דרג [rind, crust, emp. .ברי the parched are the large and quadrangular; a.fr, ,]תוסלרג v. moins]
surface of the field, arid land, unbroken or wntilled --' כגthe size of a bean. Sifra Thazr. Neg. ch. I, Kel,
ground,—‘an רמר dry season, summer. B. Mets. V,a0.— XVII, 12 'כו 'ג םרעגנ 'גכthe garis as a standard for —
Ib. 'גב שורח רמעplough thou with me in dry ground (in eruptions is the Cilician bean.—2) (pl.) a dish of pounded =
summer), opp. 'גה--.הָעיְבְר םוקמdry ground, opp. םוקמ grains. Koh.R.to 11, 2; Tanh. Aharé 1, a 6, 'ג הרעק לש =
) (הטינאLOM muddy ground. Pes.55*; Y. Kil. 11,27% top; a dish of boiled grit; Ruth R. to 11, 14 pw. [Tb. to 5
Y. Hall, I, 57°—M. Kat. 6" 'ג , חדשopp. ---.תננוטמצKil. היה מבקר גרישין, daer htiw 406,bi.klaY ,:7w7 .v eL |
II, 28*bot. “4 unbroken ground between tilled fields. Gen.
NOMI ch, same. Y, Sabb. ILI, 6" top 'גד NOB a
R. s. 33, end 'כו ( השענ 'גכthe earth, after the flood had
subsided) became like hard unbroken ground ;they planted dish of beans; Y. Maasr. I, 49° top אסולגד (corr. 800.(.--
but nothing would grow. ז.גריסין. Targ. Y. Lev. XIV, 37. [Ex 3.8.48 ןיסירג ,וקאק
v. [סורוגיקאק
NT ch. same, rind, v. N77"3.
NTA גת. (774) [stripped,] alone, mere, unqualified
(v. .(םגדרפ Ab. Zar. 37% 'ג רתמON the mere formula ‘If NAY f, ()ערג diminution; lesser degree; dis-|
I die’ (without qualification). Yeb. 20? אוה אל השעת 'ג advantage, Ber.56° 'גל >" רשפמhe interpreted his dream
it is merely a prohibitory law; a. fr—Pl. “s""5. Ib. 79 unfavourably, opp. ,אתוילעמל 3. Kam. 99". . . ךב דיבע
/ לאורן גNa“ sressapsert fo a erem yrotibihorp ,wal .ppo / תרתר לגeh sah ylbuod derujni eeht elgngih( sib ,)tcidrev
דשארDNP gnirrefer ot .tsecni .lluH ;)2 .a .meF—.rf Yeb, 122" top 'כו ראמ 'גwhereon is the inn-keeper’s lower |
ְרִידְתָא.toS 3/23 אמררהeht noisserpxe אמרton deifilauq status (lesser trustworthiness) based? Hull. 5" wherever
by ענה. Keth. 78" 'ג תחאHON תועט a plain error con- the Bible uses b’hemah (beast), ארה “4 does it 0 P
cerning one woman (where you cannot say that the case imply contempt?
may be considered as though concerning two different nD 4 f. ()ףרג removal of coal and ashes, seraping. )
persons); a, fr.—[Targ. Y. 11 Ex, XIV, 25, v. 973] Bets. 28° "כו תפרthe cleaning of stoves &e. 3
m3 f. scraping, v. M7". , סופירגOE, v.אַנְפס
NOT f. (995 2) friction (at sexual intercourse). , ץירפpl ovens, PE, v. ETB.
Yeb. 75" (Ar. (אתדררג
ץירגRI, pl. 3°73, +. REET
NOTA, v. NTR. [Yeb. 75" Ar, v. preced.]
FIZ" + )ץרג to cut, emp. (סרג 6 ותx19)
NTP, TPT (8374) ,)ברג.? , ףרגlabial soften- bread or cake formed of slices twisted together or 7 ’
ed) [a quantity carried at a time to and from the hand-
mill (cmp, 273 1),] 1) griva, a dry measure ()=הֶאְס Ab. Ms. M. a. ed. Y. (ed. rm — Ar, ןיצירג ( ןתפth
Zar. 43* 'בו טיקנדיגN17) provided the statue (of Serapis) must not (on Holy Days) bake their bread in the fo
has a grivah (modius) as a symbol of measuring (v. Sm. of twists; Y. ib. 61° bot.—Tosef, Ab. Zar. VIL (VII)
Ant. s. v. Coma), Erub. 29" ארורג (corr. ace., v. Rabb. עמו ג לתנור. מוליכיןuoy yam yrrac ruoy ,sekac ot0
D. 8. a 1. note 1), Pes, 32%. Ned. 51% 'כו לכ 'גwhatever baked with his, to the וש oven,—Snh. 1
measure I may want.—2) 'ג לבor 'ב the size of a field v. next w. 2 / mide 0
unary 4
prohibit from ₪ 0096| person thet 0060 I,
f, 7") m. ch. ame, Targ, Ba, .הגור ee the probibition ageing C.'e marr) ing N. bonaase H's
60 Fa Fos h, text Mit), Targ, Prov. Vi, 6
is his
וwife) —when the camse be teu ved (through
(h, text ("ככ | --=\ ןציר.7/ רדצָחא Tare. Gen. X VL, 6
ה. death), the prohibition ceases; but 5 prolsbition
(hh, text 799), Targ. Lev. Vil, וג .--85. 100° yrer
which has not ite cause in the action of « permon (but
ריצ Ty".
in !ההווה kinship, « @. 0.9 daughter married to ©.'+
f,(3) 1) אזו ויקof, Nall.ea ...כי רסוחמ brother whereby the becumes fortidden to hit ale a
requires ‘the nots of pouripg out the blood, scraping off his brother's wife), @ wot removed with the removal of
the blood stains de, Ib, 60° 9°75... איקמ שירthe top the cause of the (additional) probibitiow, i. « ©, cannot
Of the small bowels up to 4 cubit's length aust be eeraped perform the levir's martiage with bie brother's wife
(in order to remove the fat).—2) dragging, pulling, moe- since she has not ceased to be bie daughter; ib. 111,
ing an without lifting. Babb. 22°; Pes, 101*; Men. 41° beg, 4°; 1V, @ top.- םריג Fin רו ₪ product of etm berweed
Bis the law decidesin favor of... with reference causes, Tem, 30° TOR ' Fm Pm ₪ prodect of combined
to dragging an object on the Babbath, + ."ל ¥. Kidd. causes is forbidden, «.@ the offepring of « dam un-
604 top ‘33ינקרש FTE can they be taken posseasion of fitted for the altar, and of « sire 01; Pes, 27°; «. —
by moving without lifting?—») carrying with, incoleing. ib. 26° "ל "מ תעסש3 התOf can you prove that
. צPes. Vil, 34° top 3... אקפנ ראמwhat is the difference Rabbi adopts the rule forbidding the prodect of
between them? They differ as to the majority of one combined causes?—Nidd, 21* (homiletics! play on Gen.
tribe carrying with it (determining the legal status XIAX, 14) רכששיל רדשה 'גthe braying of an one war
the whole nation, v. 73 3.—fabb. 71° תיל דמו תיא the cause of leachar being begotien; Gen. K. > 99; ¥,
3... does BR, adopt the opinion that one action can be next w.
involved with another ₪0 as to be considered one con- 1%. גירסsame. Gen. ₪. =. 29 'כו ESTES ךררה travel
tinuous act (©. g. cutting grain and immediately grinding ing ie the cause of three evils.
40)? Tb, 393 an application of thisprinciple in the second
degree, that the action involved should involve a third .] או2733 to be indirectly engendered. Ab. Lar. 05”
יכוOTe" TOR no assistance must be given Wo making
notion, .
unclean 86.
. פָרִיש₪. אן. רישון+. ריס Hif. הכרדto leave a comb (20%) in striking «
measure off, whence (in ritaal slaughtering) fo cul im a
oy, Hif, Sean, +. dys. slanting direction, to let the knife slide beyondthe space
|יריו רל שי,gnola yrrac htiw ti ,traP— .esap prescribed for cutting. Wall. 19°; 20°; « f-—Part. pace.
- in boot, additional measure, v. --.ןיסוריג חמא {. motetcan animal slaughtered
byaslanting cut. 15.1%";
רושה ₪ large 0020. Gen.
R. =.12 [read:]
'ג הטאכthe a. fr—Denom. M37.
tine of a liberal cubit (equal to a cubit and a halfof
D4 1 ch. same. Targ. Is. 111, 9; = fr.—Meg.
12" som
tirict measure; rome ed. "3; vers. in ‘Rashi’.א|. xT o>
SS Ms. 4. (ed. era) Tam the come that .א wae
(ומחצה.- +. Shek.
VI, end, 50" 3 Mx, read ,הכור+.
([ גָרֶםTosef. Bekh. V, 4 תוסורג ורתוקבצאVar., ed. Zack. 6 "7.תז o*3 א'כש a person's name bas מ ,8
.גרומות.[-- 1מז otאy]
ac htiw ,ti ot eb eht esuac ,fo ot on his fate orcharacter. Ab. Zar. 19° הל א"ע ןאמ אק םידג
what action caused the work to be called an idol}—Gen.
gender. דבר הגורם לסטוןgnihtehmco
ihsw yea
b em
R.0. 98 ]1984:[ PS רוסה STS (play on SS, +. preced.
ממ of pecuniary profit or loss. B. Kam. 71" if one
w.) the braying of an האי caused him to be begotics
objects dedicated to the sanctuary for which the
owner is responsible
in case of lows &e, he is (by announcing Jacob's arrival upon which Leah wen
to pay the thief's fine to the owner; אטלא forth to meet him; +. ib. 5. 99, Nidd. 31*).
= > proves that that which D3 I, םירג (denom. of אסר camp. (םצכ ₪ be
8 cause ה pecuniary
loss, is to be considered
as the
substantial, shresg. *Targ. Prov. XVUL, 10 הדב OOS
roperty ofhim to whom it may cause it. 13.96" according Ms. a. Var. in od. Lag. (read SUS"; 64. םירתכוא 1%
4 opinion 0111. Shimeon whosays בייחרמ ... רבד םרוגה
V, 19 STR (some ed. םֶרָכתה Ms. (סרכת thou shalt grow
wat what is the cause of monetary gain is considered
money, he who burns a note of indebtedness is bound
0 pay the full amount of the note;a. fr—Snh. 104*
Pa. 573 1) to strengthen, comfort. Targ. Y. U Gen.
א9 א 'אכ
ט, (some 64. ירבו Pe.) and Thos 4
לבטיmba גורםcauses his children to be exiled. Ber.5"
strengthen him (in his trouble) —2) to cat up to the bone,
ML SI הנרכשל 'בis the cause of the Divine Presence
to pick off. Targ. Ps.א אוז,2X273> (Ms. 2.Regia RT,
parting from Israel, M. Kat. 25* ול 273 לבבBabylonia
ms the cause (that the Shekhinah did not rest upon +. 733).—B. Bath. 22° 'כו דטרכSOS SS (Ms MTs
i). Ab. Zar. 8* bot. םרוג םוקיהthe place makes the fr. 73; Ar. ותסירגטה fr. O73; +. Rabb. 2. 8. a 1 note)
in place of picking off bones (receiving scanty instruction)
gal, i.e. only in the Temple hall can the Sanhedrin
in the school of A., go ye and eat fesh ₪6.
ige capital cases; Snh. 14" 3 םיקמה only im the
mple hall can a rebellious elder be judged; ib. 87*.-- 4]. s—2% to make substantial,
harden. Targ. Prov.
feb. 1, 2 top =) םיונת רבד אוחש אב תמחמif ₪ VILL,
28 (Var. Osx, h. text
םֶרָּגm. fea cause, indirect production of an effect. NEVO +. (aimin, of wo) a smal
Sabb. 120% רוברכDoi indirect extinction of a fire (by Hull. 0% Ar. (ed. ְאָחיִמּור RP).
placing vessels filled ‘with water in its way), v. NO75,
איממרגN77, “TS pr. n. 6
גר.m .b( ;.h גרםot ;pirts .pme גרד, 38) [stripped, mania, 1) the land of the Cimmerii (v. Schr. KAT p.42
bare, emp. II Kings IX, 18,[ skeleton, bone; (cmp. D33) Targ. I Chr. I, 5; Targ. . צץGen. , א2 (for Mora
self, strength.— Pl. D273. Gen. R. s. 98 הז המ רומח , 108.1,71% 006.; Yoma10* (for Gomer); שק
pwns 7h as the bony frame of the ass is clearly dis- (for Magog). Ib. (also for Jogarmah, v. אָרְקיְנַמ
cernible. 2) )םודא 'ג לשor רמור bw) Germania, the Romanp:
of Germania. Meg. 6*”; Yalk. Ps. 888. Gen. R. s. -
אמרגch., constr. ,573 () םרָבִהּגנַגְס1 a bare twig, opp.
בַּרְבַּרְיָא. [Y. Sabb. VI, 1 bot. read "y273.] ie
ROB?. “Mace. 8° (Ms. M. not"). —2) bone. Targ. Gen. 1 ל
,lI ;32 ,a .rf .graT[ .Y .xE ,IIVXX 5 גומאdaer 5 עס גרמנא, .v txen eW
ats. —Gen. R. s. 70 [read as Yalk. ib. 124, cmp. Dan.
VI,) 25 > ןידחכ 'ג אנא קדחמlike a bone I shall crush a) ai m. (Germanus, v. " preced. art.) טאל
.eeht .reB ;’5 ,B ,htaB %611 .v —.3° .lP " ּרְמַלָא372. of the Caucasian race, white. man, opp. >. Gen. R.
Targ. Gen. 1. 0. "275 (YX: “973). Targ. Ezek. XXXVH, 4; s. 86 everywhere you find "Wi> רכומ 'גone of the white
a. fr.—Targ. Y. Ex. XXXVITI, 4 [read:] אָלַמְרִגְוan race sells a dark man, Neg. I, 1, v. "7932.—Y. Yoma
אירמוגו סע. , אימרוגv. supra.—B. Bath.? 58 אתיבח 'גדa VII, 45" top 'כו 'ג הרדבעa German, a slave of &eu; be,
vessel of bones (an enigmatical phrase for an animal). Sabb. VI, 8° bot. אלנמרג (corr.acc.); + Ab. Zar. II, ond tae
Ib. 22% . צ053 .36%8--.11 11° ארבת 'גa block on which גרמנא.
bones are chopped; a. fr.—8) body, self. 'ג 'ג each for
גרמני, 8. Bath. "98 Ar., |
itself, one after the other. Yb. 11". Hull. 113%.— With v. "ַָגְרוּמ
Tree ₪
suffixes of personal pronouns: 393 myself ₪6. Targ. Job
I, 3 הרָמְרְבְלas his own,( םֶרְג< היתתא Ms. D735) as his Na, v. NODE. ‘
wife’s sole property. Targ. Y. Ley. VII, 29 M2532 him-
self; a.fr.—Gen.R. ₪. 75, beg., v. NBA I. Y. Ber. III, 6° bot. N77, ִירִיpr. n. pl. Germanicia, town (and—
nance in ‘the pr ovince of Commagene, near the borders =
קטר גרמרהdeit ;flesmih .a ,reB—rf ,"84 .rf.a לג' הוא דעבד
he did so for himself, 1. 6. this is no authoritative prec- of Cappadocia. Y. Meg. I, 71" bot.; Yoma 10*; Gen. R.
edent.—Y. Orl. 1, 61° top "8 “4 he gave his own opinion. s. 37 (for Togarmah, v.Schr. KAT p, 428); [Targ. Y. 11Gen.
Y.Erub. IU, 21* bot. םשב הרמרג in his own name; Y. Kidd.
א, 8; Targ. 1 Chr, 1, 6 [.הֶאיִרּבְרַּב |
II, 63° top.—Y. Keth. II, end, 28% הרמאFIA‘ לכ this very TPO, +. ןייסמכפ
fact (thing) proves; Y. Shebu. V, end, 36°; Y. Keth, IX,
beg. 324; Y. Pes. IX, end,* 37 ( לכ אמרגcorr. 800.( up רכמס, .borp ot eb daer גְרַמסין.m .lp -
NO ch.=h,. 574, 1) 'ג--.60/086 ( ע"מ ןמזהשin Hebr. -a70¢,=scrupulum, v. Sm. Ant. 8. v.) gramma, 1, of at
diction) a positive ‘command the observance of which
ounce. Y. Shek. 11, 46¢ top, half a Shekel which makes
' גmw (Bab. 60. to 11 8 also ,ןיסמוררג Ms. M. sd
depends on a certain time of the day or season of the
year. Kidd.I,7 (29%); a.fr.—2) indirect effect. Sabb. 120” Yalk. Ex, 886 (ןיסרמרג six grammata. ="=
ג' שררtceridni tceffe .e( .₪ gnicaffe eht eniviD emaN ni
consequence of bathing) is permitted, opp. "ישע the
רֶך5 +. 7. 4
direct act. B. Kam. 60° רוטפ5 ג ןיקזרנבdamage by in- | = , ya denom, of }773 6. + :
direct action is not actionable. B, Bath. 22" ןיקזרנב 'ג
אסורto cause indirect damage is forbidden,—P/. "273. B. גרנן, +. ירֶן
Kam. 98" 'גד ךאמ ןיאדד אנידhe who holds the opinion
that one who is the cause of damage to another person O74 (b. h.; v. 93), Pi, OME to crush, ל
is responsible; ib. 100%; 117"; a. e. Tosef. I’bul Yom 11,12 fat figs moms אלש which hei
not yet crushed (into a cake). V. ‘om. A 8-
גרמומיא, +. גְרְמַמִיָא
סרגI ch.; Pa. on, Af. O73 same. B. Bath, 2'
*ןויממרm. (ypapp.atetov) bond, document, Ex. v. ona It / [Targ. Bron צנוז ,28 , צץwT Af]
R. .8 15 ( ןויסמרגcorr. acc.). 6 im cA
ag ons" and veviewed (what he had learned), interchanging with 73). Tare. dod. XVI, 19; וו ₪
ee eer cee.ve 9 ee 4 Ar. (04, ,קרג 04. Lag,
1 Bem, |.6.2°; cmp, le XV, 2,
Her.14" (ref. to Deut. XI, 16, v. Targ. ¥.0.1,) teach Sor, RLV, 87) —1am. Bol | דבי (Tes te)הישיי 2
tities tom wets oR “©car T3937) he shaved hie head, fink. 96° (prov.) rarstad rere:
“pothat they be able to review them (by themselves); תיAr. (4. OTR, א M.S) if you shave .
ל-54 an Sy היו 0-0 " gentile, he likes it; hang fire on bie beard, and you will
21° קידר 'ג אלוknowing Bible verses by heart, but get no end of his fan (), @ if be Gade it convenient,he
— Part, pase, Om, f. Mae known by heart, will submit to indignities). —Pan, pas 773, ₪ ar
ורweet Mog. 18” 7") סרגיט they are 1) shared, Lam. ₪. 1. 5.--1( taforvier, low, 756. 1* 5
known by heart. “SHUS is inferior (as to legal power) to 6, +. “prs
Git, 70° wis 3 the worst of all.
ROW, אריג & (preced.) 1) acquired learning, Af. 2708 as preced. Hif, (Targ. ¥. וו Gen. XXX, 11,
study of ‘Targ.Cant. I, 2 33 for verbal study— read [.אקרכמ Kidd, 11" הלואו resshe deducts more
6” 'כו רטוקואל 'גto preserve (in memory) what one and more every year. Th. (read:) MESS “HS what
ie there
has learned requires divine assistance, Babb.
21° arto" > for her to deduct from!—Arakh. 2%,+, infra.
what has been learned in youth (which is better re- lithpe. 270°" as preced. :ו Arakh. 90° ןולזאי mee;
!(. 18.30" So תיטופ קיספmn אל did not cease his obligation grows less (every year, if be choones to redeom
reel Brab, 68* . אנא Lam busy studying; her). Ib, 2 היל ( אל קרָפַבRashi 3°s) no deductionis
camp peti al B.Bath.22° wows וררטיל אלר allowed him (for fractions of ₪ year).
in their stadies,—2)(editorial note) version. Yalk. 0.4 72311 )א. b.; 6. (רערפ foform globules, to drop.
S חז 'גאנירתאanother version (for בורא , וזGen. R.s,50) Denom. 7273.
"This alludes to the tribe of Levi’. [Frequently in Pi. 273, Hif. קירגה (denom. of TSS) to form globule
© ar Denom,5°3
lo read, ןניסרג
“sm (abbr. 3°) (one of the early stages of development of the grape)
bh is the proper reading] Shebi. ,]ץ 10 שרכב SUES grape vines (mart not be
cut down in the Sabbath year) from the moment they
tal “Tall, +. אָצְרִיא form stones, Maim.;oth. opin. ovules comtaining moisture ;
Y. ib.1V, end 35° to 37S 3(Hit. ),42004 יס , ולחזרשמwith
m. (¥. 2 +. Sis. ref. to Job XXXVI, 27; Ber. 63°; Pea 52" .ו וקררכרשמ
oh. IX; Brab,
21" 3m stare
(not ,דבר v.Rabb. (Ms, M. 2 .(וקרגישמ
ID, 8.a.1.note).
F713 m. (273 1) scraper, barber, in gen. low clase
= ו Cninvartat se uae c deduct.
| surgeon, blood-leter ho. Kidd, 82°, Kel. XI, 4; ד
א. °02 הטוס גר. כלeh ohw sdda ot( eht )hturt aoe
!אוו לקי ו
98% a, fr. 273m לב רבוע לעtransgresses
ie aitadyal talaga cus
the law
ote, ..
XII,1, v. 53). Yoma 48* ןישרודו ןישיסומוpets ב
PNG >.) ומ ep de
yemaytakeaway(oneservileletterfromonewordof stone orkernel of a stone frait, nut be.— PL Prs7a, TIT.
ו6 text) and add it to another and thus interpret+the | SM. Babb. VIL, 4 (76%) pos Ms. M. (ed. PSIG); צ
(e.g. רפה םדמexplained as: רפחמ ( ; םרB. Bath.111°; ed. FP2T33. Bab.ib.77° top, question
as to spelling with
+-צ-.₪ Yeb. VIII, end,#4,+. 233.—[Gen.
R. >.19, a.>. אor > (decided by ref. to קרכנו Lev. XXVII, 18). Shebdi-
NP ,הכרג +. >33.)}—Part.
pass. 273 inferior. Pi.o-z-2. Vil,
3 53. Ter. X1,5 MITT “PSs (Ms. M. 52) stones of
a ל *₪61.36] 273 , רמוread with 316.31. [.רקירג fruits which are the priest's share. Tosef.
ib. X, 1;afr.
> עירְבְה to deduct from, to calculate the price of V. aye.
אאאtn proportion to the years sereed and those
oa patna tech מ NDF,
1064108 from her redemption
money; ib. 14" תשרכמ mT, mys L=7T%S (collect. noun, used pro-
₪ she lessens ₪0 ; ib. 16* 'דפ ( ערכוcorr. ace.). Y.
miscuously with נעה Ukts. 1,2 בכור לש4 the stomes
10.1, 58° bot.; Y. Shebu, VI, beg. 86% reas) תכרגמ of moist olives;1. Ter. XI, 47% bot. בשדרה Sa. .צץ
she "redeems herself by deducting a M'ah foreach Maasr.
I, 48% bot.; a.fr.
Ni 3 tobedeductet, toberedeemed deducting NEADI7S + ch. same. Ber. 39° ross
(Ma 4.
0 | for the time served. ere T5573) the stones (of
an olive).
ht * % יאש ב a 4
majority of tribes (seven) decides, though
( ףרגb. h.; v. ררג( to serape, sweep, esp. to remove
minority of the people as a whole. Lev. B
ashes and coal rom the stove ;to scrape together, collect.
Kel. VII, 11 ותָפְרּוג התיה if ‘while she was sweeping it
(play on gerah, Lev. XI, 4 sq.) ’>" תוכלמ na oa
another government after it, i.e. was followed by
(the stove) &c. Sabb. 1 pina דע not before he has
oppressive government. Ab, IV, 2 'כו תֶרָרּוגme a
swept it—Y. Peah VII, 20 top (ref. to Joel I, 17) תחת
' שהירנו גורְפָ"ם וכni ecalp fo gnitcelloc yenoh morf( -eeb
deed begets a good deed &c. Tosef. Sabb. XV (xv),6
[read:] 'כו 754“ ןראit is not considered a corpse 80 as”
hives or trees), we collected foul matter. Sabb. XVII, 2
cause uncleanness to man or vessels.—4) to saw, 84
' בח וכ3915 ot barg htiw ti eht sgif tuo fo eht ;lerrab
a. fr.—Gen. R. 8. 67 המטוחמ mess blowing her nose (v.
Sabb. XVII, 2 (122) a saw (may be used on the Sabbat
"93).— Part. pass. ור + mein cleared of ashes &c., ' לגור בח וכ,>35i7.M.sM( .de.hsiM .seP ,5279 .v .bbaD R
swept. Sabb. II, 4, v. "2"D28; a. fr —_[{Gen. 3.8.59 ותיבמ :
a. 1, note) to saw cheese with it. Ohol. XV,8 ריגל דיתעAr.
25 לו (Isaac is) the 161086 of &c., comment.; v., how-
intended to be sawed apart (ed. ,דוגל fr. ,דדג v. Tosef,ib
XV, 8). Tosef. Kel. B. Mets, IT, 18 "כו 9335 to saw off a part
ever, 5)
Nif. "733 1) to be dragged, pulled. Brub.X,11 25 רגנ
1%. פררףsame. Kerith. 7" ;Y.Snh. VII, 25% top, v.53.
a bolt which is dragged along (with the door, i.e. attached
גּרף.hc .emas .graT 11 .htsE 111, 8 גרפין המרעאthey and hanging down). Ib. 101% y. supra. Tanh. Thazr. 9,
evomer denevael .sgniht .Y— .seP ,II ,dne °92 גָרום מך y. supra. Bets.II, 10 (23) M7732 הניא; ib. [V2 PX must
ןוהיתחותscrape them at the bottom. Y. Bets. IV, 62° bot. not be dragged or pulled, a. fr.—2) to be ‘vital planed.
[read:] רלזרא ןיְפְרכ go thou and sweep them (the stones) B. Kam. 119° הריגמב 'כהshavings, opp. 777323 קספנ chips.
out. Y. M. Kat. I, 80” bot.; a. fr. —Nidd. 55° הפה ךרד777733 (secretions of the nose) seraped -
Ithpe. 597308 to be serraped out, removed, Targ. (discharged) through the mouth (v. 973). 1
II Esth. 1. ₪ Pi, 7773, ררג 1( to drag. Pes. IV, 9 (56%) 'כו 'ג תומצע
Ithpalp. 5°3735°8 same. Targ. Job VII, 12 like the he had the bones of his father carried out on a bed of
Ocean 'כו #37527 Ms, which, at certain times, is swept ropes. Ib. I, 2 (9°); a. fr.—Tosef. Sabb. VI (VII), 1 (a
(pours itself out over the shores; ed. ,ףרגרתמד v. 935). superstitious custom) כו הנבM390 Var. )66.
(המגוררתone who drags her son among the dead (to the :
mp7, גרפית, v. mins.
cemetery).—2) to scrape, plane. Ib. XVI (XVII), 19°
גרקר, +. Np tata IT. 77772 he may scrape them (clean his feet of mud). Tosef.
Kel. 3. Mets. II, 17; Hull. 25" 9735... דרתע requiring
74 I (b. h.; v.95) [to produce a grating, scraping planing for finish; a. fr.—Part. pass. "75372 a) serat
sownd,] 1) to scratch, serape, shave (v. 193, 3721). Sabb. full of scabs. Gia R.s. 64 (play on ,ררגמ Gen. XXVI ,96(
VIII, 6 (81°) 'כו ning “> (Ar.a. Y. ed. (דורגל large enough ' ד"א מג' וכrehtona noitanalpxe si m ,rarog’ rof snoitpure
to scrape with it the top &. R. Hash. 27" i075 Ms. M. grew on him (with ref.to Job 11,8( ;Yalk, ib.111; v. "5311.
(ed. ,(ודרג v. 158. Keth.60*; Kerith.21" 'כו in he must b) planed. Tosef, Sot. XV,1 TH7703 תורָרגמVar. (ed.
scrape the blood off before dating the bread; a. fr—Part. Zuck, “732 (הרה the stones were planed with a plane, |
pass. “A875, v. (2--.דּורַג to drag, to move without lifting; Hithpa. רֶרָגִתִתְַס be scraped. Tosef. Sabb. XVI(XVID), 1
(also neut. verb) to follow, Sabb. 29°, a. fr. 'כו DIN ררוג במגוררתPN PR 60. Zuck, (Var. תדרגמב , ןידרגמ1 0
one may, on the Sabbath, pull or push a couch &e, (on 147" תררגמב , ןיררוגMs. M. הרידגמב , ןירדוגcorr. acc.) one
the floor), Y.Kil.1,27" bot. 'כו “ םדאa2 אל one must not mustnot be scraped with astrigil. Tb.XXIL (ןיר%"6)147 "7,
pull 86. Tanh. Thazr. 8 ורבקמ ּגהרְרִגthey dragged him Talm, ed. (Mish. }"775%9, v. Rabb. D. 8. to 147°, note 70).
out of his grave. Tosef. Erub. XI (VIII), 13; Tosef. Bets.
11, 19 םירְרוגה... ( תלד תֶרָרּוגהY. Erub. ,א 26 bot. ,תרדוג ררגch. same ;1) to drag, pull, push.—Part. pass. .
corr, acc., Vv. “33) a door which drags along the ground dragged, 0 guided by. Targ. Y. IL Ex. XIV, 2
(on opening), a matting which is moved by dragging, 21‘ 77°74(some'דררג( .60 pushed from behind.—B. Kain f
or large kegs which 86.; Erub.101* "7925... תֶרָרְגְנה 955. yw"; רתב היפוג they are clinging to his body. Taan. 24.
Cant 1%. 60 15 ולובמל לנא ףררוג1 will ad him to the ןנא והיירתב ןירירגRashi (ed. , ןניררג4 i773, Ms.|
flood in which to perish; a. fr—Tanh. Thazr. 9 (ref. to ( יכילזאקwe must be guided by their order. Ab.Zar.7
Ps. V,5 773") a ךתוא ןיאו הערה תֶרָרוג.... ןיא התא ררגנ all the wine in the barrel 'ג . .. . אתשרגאmoves tow
neither art thou dragged behind ה by) evil, nor the siphon. B. Mets. 85% 'כוnbs 'גד that all the = .
does evil drag (have power over) thee, nor does it dwell followed David.—2) to scratch, scrape. Targ.Jud. VIII,
with thee; Yalk. Kings 231 תררוג . . . . ןיא התא ררוג רחא .+ ‘T23,—Hull." 83 ( הרר רסכנוAr. דרג( let him sera
אחריך.--- 3.2888. 7 dragged along, hanging 0-17. off the blood and cover it. Ib. ---. רּורְגְנו.2% רירTk
Bana, ma. Num. R. 8. 18 ב 'זדeight threads dragged 3) ot ,bur ot tehw eht ,etiteppa .reB 53” הכר דנְגְרְרִיח
rate (as fringes; Tanh. Korah 12 ןיטוח .( 'חAb. Zar. 3°, ( הרברללAr. everywhere דרג( in order to stimul:
e. גררם גsetylesorp ohw evah dehcatta sevlesmeht appetite. Ib, 1°73 אבוטa large quantity has an 8
he have not been admitted, v. "3,—3) to carry with it, ing effect. Pes. 07% ריִרָג." רַרְגַמ0 one
to cause; to affect (v. 073). Y. Hor. I, 46° bot.; Y. Pes. cause it stimulates the appetite.
VU, 34° 'כו “74h דחא ( שבשa majority of) one tribe Pa, ""73 to make appetizing. Esth. 1 5
affects the legal status of the entire nation, i. e. the אנא מִנְרָרר וכי1 lliw ekam rieht sknird a 6
a es roel
0 - > 6
| them to get intoxicated, interpreting Jer. Li, 59, ditter. Pa, מרטto be bomtshed,
be. Virke 4°, WH. ob, XIX;
in comment.).—@) to saw off. Targ .ל Dew. אג,אווו XX ‘st BE 3 he wae banished and be heft paradice.—
aA (or At, ed, S35, corr. ace.) for he cuts Part, רט 6 PEM. Gist. Vil, 4 So קראו 25 48 ₪
thearm 6. )11pues). gpd ie mot divoreed, i. & her divorce ie doubtful,and
שק¥. Kidd, ,1 °06 egral the has to וטו the diequalification:of « married and
bags Terre whieh are commonly dragged of 5 divorced woman, Ib. 5; a ¥. ff,
(not —2) foatisnutate, instigate oneanother, Tang. Mithpa, Sryrn, Nithpa. שרנהנ 1) to be banished ; to
Pe. אאוו 6 PMNS (some .664 ןיררָעְההod, Lag. UPS, be divorced, Midr, TH. ₪ Pe KOU. Gis. PETES
fr, “3; %. text Troe"). Si SITES she be entitled to ]סו « letter of divorce
for hereelf even though het father had out rected the tne
14 IL (fr, & Polet ofרג emp 999) fo
.roll; emp. riage in her behalf; av. fr. (2) lo be otirred ap, berome
/ pace, whirled, reeling, Gen, UW.«,64 muddy, thich. Midr. TU, Akiba, Alef (ellimek Beth
(play סמ 98, Gen. XXVI, 26) Syיסנכטש . . יכנסreeling Hamemidrash
111, ו .[
(after ה night revel) 6; +. “1.
Hithpa, “urn, Hithpol, arn (+.Jer, XXX, 25, emp. DBI cb. aime. Pa. .שיר Pes 110" הרחתראל
זווא19) foroll one’s self, exp (om
S37 p.
11,ןח dy
Me. M. (ed. ,ושרגר corr. ace.) who had divorced bie wife.
Her, 6° PS gS רשנ HT it will be thy destiny to divorce
—‘Hithpa.) fo le in contrition, asking forgiveness, Mekh.
—Weball., Vayares 1, (read ae in) Yalk. Bx,
256 (ref. to two wives. Arskh. 29* רתרכרל שרָנילרthet he should
pron לא , ךלשרוEx. XV, 25, as if meaning, ‘and he caused Ib, 'כו Saget לכ tom does every one who
them to throw themselves over their sin
down in contrition divorces his wife, give divorce in cowrtt; a. fr.
by the seaside’), ןבכ םיִרְרָאְרְטוcorns לארשי on Tthpe. 77%, infin. “Gren to be divorced. Gist, 78°
eP לפטי רבוegna טתחקן לפגי אכיו וכתלטידae | בת ארni a tif noitidnoc ot eviecer a rettel fo .ecrovid
BV Pyeng panne Saez theLeraclites prayed beseech- "DU IT (emp. רג todrag) tohoist wp. ד Kil
ingly and rolled themselvesin contrition before 66. IX, 52° top. ¥.Keth, X11, 35° top (read:) Pre ro por
Ten ןרשרגדל וand if1 call, yewill holst me wp; (Kob. Kh. te
,XI 01 ; שרר.taM א. setouq גדש, +. נדש11(.
one₪ (@h. חרג TI, 2) cud, Targ.
ץצ. 11 Deut.
m. (b. b.; ¥.0°%) .קוו Sifra Vayikra, N’dabah,
וא ג: ch. , Par. 18 3 ונלקי רשפא1 might think he must
1 uty 1) that which iscarried along; | roast it after being pounded; Men. 66”.
oo OC: זה 1-- Laces Targ.
Y.Lev. 1,14;16 Levit (od.
eS PSE =. ,דוא crete) 8,
for cleansing silver ware. Sabb. 50'
rite(ed. ,ןוקתרג ( ; ןיקתרכY. Beta. 17, 62 pot. רסדק ;
Tosef. ib. IV,10 ןוטרדק ed. 206%. (Var. FTE, (ןותתדק
6% (Rashi to Sabb. lc. expl. ,םילא describing tartar deporited
oa\ eS epee ee ה
ה אי
- in wine vessels; Ar.: pulverised revin.)
district of G’rar in Philistea. Targ. ¥. Gen.
x ake: Let:,רקררג corr. ace., ed. 75); ib, XXVI, 1. Ta, +
—Gen. R.s.64“PTS (corr. ace.); ¥. Shebi. VI,36°bot.
ג ריש.rroc( .).eca DACA, >>>
on ץצ. Dem.
1,21% +. .התדורג NTIDS,
‘ph es, .דeres.
- zt (b. h.) 1) fo stir up, to set in commotion. Sifré שוש.₪(ex), rose 'ג לש prob. fremework of 4
it.39; Yalk.ib.859 םוקטמ לוכי וחי םימ ןישרוג תא רפעה ship (v. S753); comment.: sounding pole. Sabb. 125°
you might suppose the (rain) water will stir up
| (is. M. ,שונא Ms. 0. ;שישג v. Sm. Ant.
5. .ד Contzs).
ground of the valley, and thus the valley will
NIT, MNT m. (v. preced.) 1) ome carrying
(ig wr) (ah to send
(a wife)—Part. pass. O03, ₪. MEG q. +. the sounding pole in advance
of the ship, sounder. Pl.
“acs Sabb. 100° (Ms. 0. .ראב —2) one tracing treasures
ai, inna, STB tosend off, banish. Gen. R. s. 21.—Esp. buried in the ground. — Pl. "tos. B. Mets. 42°.
¢ a letter
of divorce. Gitt. IX, 1 >) שרכשה if one
bes his wife and says, on handing her the letter, 86. ; ows m. (2%3, שש ; formed like 7~=>) ]1( sounding
vy. fr.—Ib. VI,5 if one says (to his delegates) . . Ro apparatus, v. שטן --2( ₪ frame on which the couch ₪
r they are authorized to write and deliverto spread (sponda). Zab. III,1; 3 הש לש3; Tosef. 5.1% ,4-
ea ה Ib. Mikv. VI (VII), 17 TS Sm the outer frame (of a
| double bed, sponda exterior, +. Sm. Ant. 5. .ד Lectus).
pws 274
error for , אמשכoth. Var. NaNws, NaNwe, v. Rabb. D, 8. nal pr. n. pl. Gath in Philistea. Snh. 102°; a. ₪
a. 1. note; , אָמְתשיֶגreduplic. of םשג cmp, , ארטזוזגv.
Ar. ed. Koh. 8. v. BWA) which does not shut against a תג11 ,5 with suffix “ms, “ms (contr. of mph) ₪ markeod
frame. off space. "Tosef. Ohol. XV, 7 ‘the court of a burying
place’הכותל . , . ( וז תגהBR. 8, to Ohol, XV, 8, ed. Zu
ג שף, .neM 05" איגשףAr., .+ ,20 .puS וכותלVar. לג( 1 space into which the caverns
,PWN .yv קרא. ; open.—Par, IV, 2 Amiהפרש ץוח if he burnt the 6cow
outside of the place selected for the purpose; Zeb. X1V,1/
Wa (v. ww) to join; esp. to make a bridge. Ab. .fesoT .raP ,III 9 .iP—.qs ות, 37. זע. - ₪. %
Zar.2» mt םירשג הברהwe have built numerous bridges.
תג111 ,5 with suffix ,( דתיִנ תגb. h.; contr. ofגת
רשch. same. B, Kam. 119" “uy "mui.קטילר cmp. ץת"פֶב( vat for wine pressing 'גח)תעש(;the season:
they (the government officials) fell trees (belonging to eniw .gnisserp .bA 11,V.raZ ג' של אבןa enots ,tav ל חויס
private persons) and build bridges. na .nehtrae .bI ,VI ,8 .v .290 .gaH ,III 4 (42) ח
mean יגל he may reserve it for the next
Wa מז. (preced.) bridge, ferry. Erub. 55”; Tosef. evig ti ot eht .)tseirp .bI 52 'דבר שארן לו ג
ib. VI (V), 4 כו רבקה 'גהוgraves and bridges (in the which has no special manufacturing season)6.₪.
outskirts of towns) which have a place of shelter.—Gen. wine); a. fr—Lam. R. introd, 32 (play onללגלתר
VIL, 16) “Pg רתיכל ] רתישקmade my hour my vat in the ₪ prom, wine treader.—I rer, דיר Gea.
(emp. Lam 1,1b) 1%. re, Tan ודבthe press room. Ka Tt [read :[ St םיירוקה ירדחאמ. קא גהeves the wine:
Ter, 11, 7; ¥. ih, 18, 41" bot, רתיעה Ps (eon, הו behind the beam handlers (of boo > (810 (
= --(. ה.) סוס.1.0 'ג רובל 'כוPS two vate for one pit; ₪ fr. maligned her, Meth. B. to 1, 10 (play on (בא:"א ארבא
טא קיTT 1 |( gnirb eht eniw sredaert .eb ot( ->4
" *היתגFTA ₪ (denom. ofpreced.) women engaged סה
ההשעשבהה vide her).
> " דDaleth, the fourth letter ofthe Alphabet; itinter- heh etir comme, Targ. Job ALA, 14
> Changes dinlectically with 1, ¢.₪. 31, ,בר with 4 ©. ₪ ) ראביfem. Pa, גווו ‘ גSt Me. (od,
FRM, FREYר--eliminated tn pT, אָצַקַא א ;רד. 1 "נוך,( raT .¥ .moN וא, אetS“ emos(
od. “73,bh.text,ךוכיר cmp. B.Bath. 79", +. 2670 = >
דasa wumeral, four,א
ו לי יל לי (denom. of preced.) lo make languid, Targ.
Prov. XVIII, 5 באס ed. Lag. (oth. of.,ןקכרט bh.tent
,)douq .graT ,noG וא א, 24, .bI ,X1 5; א. +. ).-- (כטתלתטים.
,reB °2 וסך ק"ש רשכיבתeht emit fo gnidaer eht 8(אמז'ו
= of bed-time (Deut, VI, 7), Ib.תיברקר 'כו
ore} let him a5, ¥. sat,
ו that of (the law concerning) the evening prayer.
אה ל"טק תרפכרwe are given to understand (by וה.b( ).hb of[ ).llew .pmc יצם ראב, ₪ ₪ low-
that 46. Ib, יאטמ יאחר 'כו whence is it spirited, to sorrow, fear. Bal. 106” (play on 207, 1 Bam.
1 that this wha 86.7 Ib.” רכשחסד 'כו row and XXI,6, a., גיירib. MMM, 18) at Gret 'כו sete ח"בקת Soe
the Lord sat in anxiety, that be (Doog) might degenerate;
it was (heypwho (as an exception) worked late and early ;
.₪ fr.—[This prefix is used for the formation of what after ...., He ssid "יי אציש הו woe that be did éc.
ו Ber.* 40 חירמ 'כוST must be in fear of contracting +
.8006 .29° Hag. 13° יברקבsa דבלש whose heart within
: sik 0/0 him is in fear of sin (reverential). Sabb, 105% eq. tart
Oh PTT +)
this;withקפה )אָרַהְ( האר לכ ןיחאהall the brothers should feel troubled (examine
NT. Targ.
Gen. I, 23; a. fr,— Ned. 41* (prov.) rieht .)syaw .rdiM .lliT ot .sP IIIVLX « :,מאם
whowharesth(vino) i here\ a sin גאור ובלב PTT and was troubled in his heart; ₪ f&.
/ ראthis and that, both. Sabb. 52° FIN'TI
(b. bh.)to float, fly. Pirké 4°R. EL ch. IV
| ואדח(Pra) “n'רallsortsofrings come under the
' דושח עלוכ.fer(ot .eP ,IIIVX .)11
same law; a. fr.—Y. 8006. 1, 52° top ארה אדה הרטא איה
- "בוthis proves &e., + אָרֶא ברתכד--.1 ( ארה ארהabbr. (ד"חה NT 11 +.) .מ + Ps) Deak, mame of an unchean
‘it is this which Scripture says, thus we read. Y. Sot. bird. Hull. 63* 'כו “ הארוDash and Rash and דה
1 , 17%bot; 00-18-59; a. +.fr—Y. Gitt. IV, 45% bot. and Dayyah are the same genus; Sifré Deot. 3.
introduc ‘his Ieoture FS withthis אָדְב-אלsotimthis
Wass, +. ,יורays
i. 6. the law does not apply to this. Y. Ber.
I, 2”
bot.; a. fr—Y. Taan. 11, 66* bot. "כו אל אדב הכלה%
in this case isthe practice inagreement with the anony-
| opinion, WS OIN', .צ Ad. Zar. V, end, 45%, +. oor.
1UTIL, אד אדaoda,thecame-drivers’ cat Pes. “NTmm (v. =) sufficiency.
—"uTs “nT more than
119% ,"]ארCant. ₪.to11,15,+, [.ארווטלב enough,
foo much, Keth. 111°; a. ,ראדב--.:/ +. “Ts.
. (b.h.; .סומק 37, 3%) fomelt, pine away, languish. INT )+. (ראבfoflow. Targ. Ps. CV, 41 (bh. text Sa) —
ו דדto melt, to cause tolangwish. B. Bath.
Part. 3X3, v. =.
ay on , אבדיסNum. XXI,) 30 ןתמשנSys (Var.
eee «tw eS eee NI languor, +. =>.
1 ( shall melt their soul. Ned.22* (ref. to Deat.
xvi( 65'כוST. . . הלכונשwhich rains the eye-
| 8 andmakeslife languid. Ch. ="x3.
TRL TN + אה =
‘aN : m. (preced.) languor, weariness. Targ.
דְּאיסְקְרְּא, +. ences
. 11 Deut.
, 65. מוס צ.ר ₪. Mets.
יס ,1,%א
am 53*
JT (v. (אָביִה wolf. Gen.B.s.99 החמש בדל ביתכ בד חיה 25, NOVI ch. same, hatred. Targ. Gen.II, 5; |
a. e.—'Targ. Is. XIV, 21 ed. Lag. (ed. 33°).
it reads (Dan. VII, 5) בדל (instead of (בודל --067 (wolf)
was her (Media’s) name (with ref. to Jer. V, 6); Lev. תויְכָבְדבִּדf. pl. (reduplic. of בבד( Jumps of dripping*
R. s. 13; Esth. R. introd. grapes ‘(exposed to heat; v. 335). Ab. Zar. Il, 7 (39)
msa .hsiM( .de דברנדות, .sM זג, ;דברבני 06.1. )דכדב ו
NO", y. .רבד
corr. ace.; Mish, Nap. nip). Y. Sabb. I, 4* bot.; Yo"
No, Vv. xa". .steB ,11 %26 pot .2a“ = 0 ו. "8527733.
NAF to drip, overflow. Sifré Deut. 42 (ref. to Deut. הבד may f. (b. h.; בבר( evil report, calumny.— 1
אאא 52( ' כל הארצות הובאות כסף וכlla seirtnuoc lliw Trnsf. an ill-reputed woman. Pes. 87" (play on Diblayim,
send their overflow of silver to the land of Israel (to Hos.I,3) 'ד הער תב 'ד יכו an ill-reputed woman daughter—
buy fruits); Yalk. Deut. 963; Lev. R. .א 35 'ד ףסכ ןיאיבמו fo ;.68 .pme המה ,
wed. [Sifré 1. 6. 'כו תוצראה תואבוד תואלמלread תואב
emp. Lev. R. 1. ¢.] ; דבף+. (52) .flow-ehs .tnaC .R ot 111, 4 לכלב4 כ|בין
about that stage of the morning when you begin to
distinguish between a wolf and a dog (v. Ber. 9”), = 4
‘cited; Snh. 90"; Bekh. 81" (Y. Ber. 11,4 bot. ,תושחור Ar, דְּבורָא בוה.vV הְבוּרְיָא. 0 4
; (דובבותa. e.—2) *to drop pitch. Y. Ab. Zar. 11, 41” bot.
₪ d
jaain ןדבוע 22 a gentile may tan them (the leather TH f. (b. .ג ;1798 רבדto lead, join) ₪
bottles) and pitch them; [Tosef. ib. IV (V), 10 ןתפוז 4. bee, Yalk. Deut. 795 "(play on ,םירבדה 6 11) 7
Zuck. (Var. ןבבור;Bab. ib. 33° jaa; Tosaf. .א quotes ' הד' חזו בנרה מתנהגין וכsa eht eeb si 8
fr. Tosef. ,'דבור v. 339 .ג [דַבְר young, so are the Israelites led by the righteous \
(Deut, R. 8. 1 ויה-'כו םיְרובהכlike bees my children
בבד11 (deriv. of mat or 135) to speak evil, be hostile, — guided &.). Ib. 'כו זמ 'דח וזחas the bee whose [ג
only inpart, pass. 393%, +. M287. Y. Erub. VII, 24° bot. | a. fr.— Pl. ovia3, Kel. XVI,7 'ד ףדמ לשthe
a woman התרחש 'ד התררבחל who was on bad terms with for smoking the bees out. Bekh. 7" 'דו
her neighbor (ib. IL, 20% bot. , "בדcorr. ace.).— Pl. ps5, |Deut.R. 1. 6., v. supra,—2) pr.n.f. Debora
רייר דץ יי person. proo. 0st
2 Ber. 27". ,דוחה 'ר רטר לגyour wife; +.
ְ רKea, 51°.
, אלברTarg, te, KEXIV, 4, some >4., read mrs},
M37, +. חיכו
-, pl. Tabs (denom. of ,הָלָכר emp. 2999,
| אניד, fous) piles, excrescences ;treet. lamps. Toset. Ke!
Rh. Mets, (1X, 2S) PUSS A ורה (emp. TTS ib.) if !פושקי
Pa P37 same, arg. Rx.¥,8; a.fF. of upholstery protrede from the ovech. tb, Vil, 11
room. . . 7 דחה if lumpe or irregular pieces of reeds
. ay "ד .ה- אrst,aanghtering, hang down from the matting — Denom. = py
ngs V, 17, Targ, Prov, ,אא5; או. 118, 4 “on רטצער (Tale. od. 26° (לרלורשה
כTarg. Num. XXV, 2 “Tos clumps
in the wool.—b) (camp. Arak. dabal) melancholy,
od, 0. 39). Targ. I Sam. XV, 12; a.fr-—Bep. the miserable-locking. fece.,2 =ללבדרער Mss 5 חמו
| 9 of Passover, Sabb, 110° אתרצקל
ןיב 'רbetween looking Huceah, expl.ib. 22° (by Rab) acהיינכ of PSS
(Y. ib. 62" bot. ,ללוד +. Soe ₪.(לדלד begvarty, thinned;
וו == liein wait—Pa. | (by Samuel) 4 דרוזי חנק חלוק הנקוof לב לדבימdicarranged.
. :tnuh .bbaS "601 yat“ הגד לא בקי S537, part.pass. Shorr, צי preoed.
ו ו cartuobentiog:
treB ;1.a.8.D.bbaR .de “> (כבידי shy. a
37 ל
A deny itoutright. Sheba. 41°; « fr—sx3 9, כ %, + ו
2 we (bb)
fab, אפס רה forbiddenin
3% dietary laws, רחש 'רclean, permitied. Nekh 1,2; a fr
we ₪ סוון ָבְר9. =.Hihpe., exp. Tang. Ie. Hall. Vill, 1; & .א-- Kat. 25" הקר , ילו+.
6) death, pratilence, Ab\ 5. ₪6.
'כ|& free 7 bre (or withowt Sra) The Piskes, Pisces,
Kap. the plague of pestilencein Kgypt, 3%> ו te 6
ales the B. «20; =. >; .ד ™
\ הזה 14;
a, fr,
FIZ] ₪) mamma, mostly eotiect. ollhind
of ok
, Tm, ()רבר ו.--17%. 7g. Bol, # כו ר רתא pieeee wo 2,
of fish, Med. OW if one ways, ‘1will tarte
הgeneration must have one leader, but not two, he is forbidden to eat large הו bo.) if be 5 הכר be
is fortvidden small Goh ho, th, 'כו םילורגPers ר
MDT, או. C7, emp, 909)drive,way of implies both large and emall 18,408 langoage), bo!
Targ: IX, 40.--2%. TARR. Tang. Jad in vows the popular aeage ie followed. Y. Bets.
Li, 63°
V, 40 'ר( ישבכbh. text mbes), top; =.
+. Deut. 1V,43(bs,textTy), ית
(Var. תיער sing.)
גל, ¥ ten
Ag ove ies
= ,אתורבד. שימש אתר iseaid he, (Jud. XVI, 25). Y. ib. VI, # bot. [reads]7
Yo oes.
to Px 6; Yalk. Jud. 42; Ps. 686 (play . ות37“( )1 heap, pile, mound. Targ
0. Gen.
( ךישת ארד אתתאר 'ר ברpoor is the generation XXX,46. Targ. Hab. 111, 15 (piled wp waves, ₪.text
is a woman, = (חמר-11. eop .gra.TO .xE ,II0I1V; = >.--]ד. וא
1, °72 04 הסדיכרון, daer חס רגורין, א.8.ot וא.1, 2 sor
TIS m: ()רברspokesman. .וא Gen. 151 התא me} ןירכוארcler. error, for PST; +. RST.)
why artthou thespokesman t
& הֶרְיגדCe b. b.) brooding, the expremion “27
> דרm. (preced,) eloquent, Targ.Y.Ex.IV,10. Hull. 140% אדתא ידידthere ixan analogy Letwen dager
4 6. (emp. preced.) talkative, loquacious. Gen. (Jer, XVII, 11) and dager (Is. XXXIV, 15). >
. = Pl.-תייִנָבְבַה Ber. 48", Gen. R.s. 45;Deut.
RB. 5. 6; a. = (Ab. Zar. 11,7, +. [תייִנָבְדְבִר יל לד ו כ Ss ares,
play tricks (comp. otpateyte a.ustestpstayiw). Cant.
I ft Co p=b. קלטה booty. Targ. Num. RB.toll, 4 (play on S27 ib.) דיבאב . . Ste Pespoeאפר
XXXI, 11; a >. even those devices with which Jacob deceived his father.
Hif. Sem same. Sabb. 63" (play on ST, v. supra)
NETS TIT+ cap כ אוTaan, 21°. two students כו MS הז Sc“ ator who outwit eseh other
With sophistries (Tosaf. to Ab. Zar. 22°). (Rashi: who
f£.cheb. ,ריב bee. Pl. xe, Saas
~ Deut: 1,44.Targ. Jud. X1V,8.
Sabb. 1,9%
= Targ. Prov. אקו 19, ליִנְרָכ
I,Hif. caw tobecome liquid, toferment (of )46.ל
(כר₪ not tricky (b.text 57).
"1 Mets,88% Sn.101",Sabb. 154°.
. FTL, part. pas. לכ v. toa. — Nf. Sr (denom.
0 זב ב ו ,scnolebae yeeh of 533) to be divided in troops, arranged. Part. pl £
"יו om Se he afr. | בַדצלותthose arranged in troops, thehosts ofheaven. Nuss.
ו | א2 (ref. to Cant. VI,) 4 םתא לכSos" and wherein
do ye (Israclites)resemble the angels?; Yalk. Cant. #?2.
ב ea pes Di Mtn | Hif. S37 1) to put up a flag, tosignalize.-Tanh., ed.
‘Gad. Targ. Y. 1,11 Num. Bub. B’midb. 15 (ref. to Cant. 11,4) “$2 S37 אדהדלה
יי ea ,.t
de s
B בוןA
(רד. | ( אחכבהTanb. ib. 14; Num.
B. |. 6. (לידכמ Oh, that He
would let the flag of love wave over me !--2( to arrange has become dagan, the other ד 4
an assembly, Sabb. 63°, v. לכה I. not yet dagan (with ref. to Num. XVIII, 27). ven egies he
לגm. (b.h.) troop, division, cohort (emp. caterva) ; NIST ch.=h. 939. Targ.Y. Ex. XXIII, 19 (Gok an: 1
standard. Cant. R. to II, 4 bin Michael and his band R’eh 17 8. v. "3h).—Y. Ned. VII, 40° top (ref. to R. Meir’s=
fo( ;)slegna —.e.a .lP מטוא גל.8.3. 2 והיו כולם עשויים opinion ib. VII, 2, v. preced.) אעראד F239 dry Egyptian —
'ד 'ד 'כוand all of them (the angels) were arranged in beans are the bread of the land (Palestine, therefore —
divisions, as it is said (Cant. V,10) dagul (surrounded by " implied in dagan); (ref. to the Rabbis’ opinion, ib.)הנגד|
divisions) of 8 myriad each (with ref. toPs, LX VIII, 18). ‘ מעבורהits bread’ means its home growth.
Ib. יכו “ םתואme divide them into cohorts as they
desired (with ref. to Num. II, 2); v. Cant. R. to II, 4; רגד1 (h.n35) 1) to heap, v.( 5--. אָריִגto brood.
Tanh. B’midb. 10.—Ex.R.s.15 תואבצ ןיא 'ד אלא/ 0 Targ. Job XXXIX, 14.
means hosts. Ib, 'כו 'דו ץראה.., דֶלְגִה םימשחthe heavenly Ithpe. אברto be piled up (of bowels in pain). Targ.
hosts are the angels, the ו hosts (of the Lord) are Lam. I, 20. Ib. 11, 11 ןראגדיא 60. Lag. (h. text ,רמרמח
Israel. Ib. s. 24, end; a. fr.—Sabb. 5°; 98° רלגדל המוד emp. (אָרוגּד==רמח ;
מדברresembling the marches of the Israelites in the
desert. " הגר11 .pmc( (זקרot .pael .lluH °15 ד' נפל מארגרא
(our w. ‘omitted in Ar. s. v. אמופיא( itו [and] fell =
ְ *אָלְגNOI" m. (v. preced.) a carrying pole in from the roof ey,
the shape of a standard, Ar. (ed. a. Mss. mostly 8535,
גררq. v-) Bets.'30°. 13. Mets. 83° (v. Rabb. D.S8. a. l.note, דד, v.דוד .
a. to Sabb. 148"(.
דדm. (b, ,;=ודוד. גv.; חוד emp. )977 breast, nipple,
NOI7 (SONI) .גג (535) ewnning; false. Targ. teat. Sabb. 144". Sifré Num. 89; Tosef. Sot. IV, 3 (ed.
Prov. XIX, 28’83"5 ed. Lag. (oth. ed.’555,"). Ib. XXIV, 28 Zuck.; דש( a. e—Trnsf. spigot. Yoma 111, 10.—Pl. 2°53.
(h. text .(םכח Ib. XX, 17 (h.. text “pw).—Ab. Zar. 22° Ber. 10°. Y. Yeb. Il, 34; a. fr.
(prov.) עדר 'ד הירבחב. .. אבתכמAr. (ed. 8. Ms. M. (אלגר
the pencil splits the ice (marble), a schemer finds out
TH, N77 ch. same. Ab. Zar. 26 she may smear |
his like.
poison רארבאמ 'דלon her breast outside —Pl. 7°33, Noo.
Targ. 18. XXXII, 12 (ed, Lag. --,(ןידת 1/8. R. to I, 1
דגלום דגלוס .hoK .R ot ,V 21 ד' פטרגוס,8 corrupt. חד מאת') רבתי6) אילרן תרין דדראaraP ותריןton( (דדאeht
gnisira .rf owt .raV ot >> ,.dibi פודגרוס.a פודלגוס two bottlers (in the riddle) are the two breasts. Gen. -
,000006)ה ;(000166ה cmp. Y. Kida, I, 61°; Sot. 10%; 1%. 8.98 'כו ןוכרבתל 'דblessed are the breasts which nursed
Tanh. Masé 12, such a son.
NOT f. (35) cunning, scheme, Targ. Prov. XVII, 4 NDT, +. ea.
ed. Lag. (Var. 6 אאא.ט1 ,8 NMDA ed. Lag. (Var. ('גלר;
TT, צי sin.
v. .אָלָפִה
m. pl. (b. h.) Dedanites, a nomadic tribe on | vit, ₪ ) !דדר-ק68 ; imtereh. dialectically with לחה
ofIdumaea, Tan. Yithro 5,—V. S*y7h. emp. 7) fo be fat (corresp.
ופ ₪. 755 ₪. FTA).
Targ. Prov. XJ, 25 Ym ed. Lag. (Var. TR, TT, corr.
יצR. Hash. 11,58* top, expl. ךסש "E> (Mish, ace.);a. fr.
Ib. 1, 2),prob. Py7T7 (642cv0¢, pl.) pine-wood, (used for Pa. ההרך1) tofatten. Targ.
Ps. 4111, 5. Tang. Prov.
Aorches; Bab.ib.23°אטסרפא +. Sm. Ant. «.+. Taeda). XV, 30; a. @—2) fo grow fat. Targ. Y. Dest. KXXXi,90—
| [Targ. Ps, XX, 4, +. POETS)
,TTN + רזְִַרָא. lthpa.
verre to drip, be fal. Targ. ix.XXXIV,
סר Shebu.
47°, +. next w.
Noi, v. Sor
om, N37 .זו cheh. sm, gold, Targ.Gen. 11,11;
8.¢.—Y.B. Mets, 11,8°bot. "דד רפוקa golden piece resem- |
PTTL 6 be fat,v. Te.
bling meat; Tam. 89*; a.fr—B. Mets. 70°; ₪. Bath. 166" |
אכירפ “ broken pieces of gold (for the melting pot). PTT
זז, הזיא.m ).decer.tpa(f -xg
P raT
.18 "165 'ד ןרא תוחפ 'כוif a note has the word ‘gold’ (Var (רחך- Targ. 14. LV, 2 ed. Bat. “> (ed. Lag. ₪.oth.
(without any further definition), it means no less than a י;ך
זin gold (v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.note).
*INQITT (denom. ofpreced.; cmp. 2x2) tocomvider
ROTI pr.n,m. (preeed.) Dahbai (Goldsmith.
= 7
fat, toaccept. Targ. Ps. XX, 4 (ed. Wil. ;הדי hb text
Ne )| וm. (preced. ws.) price in gold, cash. Targ. RET 1 (F™, cmp. tts) manure. Targ Ex.
ws 1 Lil, 11 (ed. Lag. ,'רcorr. ace.). XXXIi,
6(ed. Lag. 77).
SITY m<n.-am, goldsmith Pl. pap. Cant. B.to NEVI,
' ההזיכר1 (preced. ws) of fatland.
(corr. ace.). תטרתא דיa( )etad a sciceps fo %010 fo gnorts
| II,navn.)24.—Taan.
7m אחלר (read ('כרהדד the flavor of ₪ temptation before thee.— Pl. j"255, “D7. ‘Targ.
1. 6.; 2. Mets. 106*.—[8355, ain wolf, v.
» קחדVe prs.
[Targ. I Kings XIV, 28, v. 6 ו
ו SalfT
TTI )=הְהף, cmp. 1) who, which is, since he, it, 6.
דובא, NTT, Nov, Noy 0 ‘sh, lua,
Y. Sabb. XIX, beg. 164 רמאד NIN... רמא רדthe same that gonorrhea, abnormal ‘menstruation. Targ. Lev.
XV, 2sq.
says,..., says also ₪0. Y. Peah I, 15° top כו ןיגב הד רעב
[Targ. Y. ib, 3 75, read N79]; a. e. $ ts | wit
because he wants to teach ₪0. Y. Maasr. I, 49* bot. רד ןמ
from the time that. Y. Gitt. IX, 50° top nobody says לאיבודpr. n. . דגDubbiél (bear-god), the genius of 4
‘even’/>1 הדומ אלא ודexcept he admits the preceding;a.fr. the Persians (v. .( בודYoma 77% . אָרְסיִמ צץai:
VT דדc. (=) this, that. Y.Naz.1V,end,53°. Y.Erab. אלבּודm. (v. הֶלֶבִה( a species of figs or sycamore, \
V, 22° top Dx רד itself (the whole area of the town) ,lP הובלר. .reB "04 ,nifed( (בנות שקמה. ]דובלא, %0. %01 ₪
and two thousand cubits beside. .y יבלא
ףדדIIL ,054( onlyin certain compounds) two, double. )ץ תו אָנְבוד. אָבְיה(=[ג, ,31one afflicted ate shi |
Lev. R.s. 14, beg. רד ןרפוצרפ ארבנ Adam was created with
חובקאvores |
Targ. Lev. XV, 45 7; a. e.
two faces (male and female persons combined); Gen. R.
8. 8, .geb ;"1 .reB ;°86 —.e.a .xE 5.8.4 NAMER 'דו פרצ
the word of the Lord went forth in two characters
gnillik( dna .)gniviver .V "ל1. “at back, v. "2873.
N17, Vv. רו * דובש.m .v( )%28 .porc-yenoh .tueD .R 8. 1 ּהוּבְעָה
הלעבלwhat honey the bee produces, belongs to its owner;:
( גאודb. h. 385) pr. n. m. Doeg, 1) the servant of Yalk. ib. 795. [Hall. I, 4 , ןישבודMish. ed., v.דוּבְשְןָ .[
Saul. Snh. 106"; a. e.—2) one D. ben Joseph. Lam. R.
to I, 16; Sifra B’huck. ch, VI. אשבודm. ch.=h. . שבחTarg. Jud. XIV, 83 a %--
Ber. 87% Ib. 38* “vans 'ד date honey; a. e-—Yoma 83
דוארPa. of "55 I ch.
some ed,דיבשא .
ראָוד+ INT, THT .מ 17"( ,1 cmp. preced.) wa m. (preced, wds.) 1) honey-crop, honey-store.
)1 (transl. of cursor) ‘mail-carrier, despatch-bearer. Tanh.
B. Kam. 114". Snh. 101% B. Bath. 80° (20395 their own
Ekeb 11 'ד הרהש ךלהמ 'כוa cursor who travelled with stock of honey.—2) honey-cake,— 1%. j"208395. Hall.I, 4 (3),
an ordinance in his hand. Sabb. 19° עיבק יד אתמבMs.
expl. Y. ib. 57% mbxa רלמ meligala, honey and milk cake
( גזed. 7“ ( רבthe mail-carrier (ed. the post office) is per-
(Mish. ed, ,ןישבוד corr. 800.(.
manently located in town.—2) (Pers. davar, judge, ruler,
Fl.) רב יד the (Persian) circuit court consisting of regular אתינשבודf. (preced. wds.) honey-like. Gitt. 69*
law scholars, opp." אתסרגמהד 25" squires in country places אתדנבלח ידsweet’ galbanum.
ignorant 01 the law. B.Kam. 114° (Ms. R. 7 “a8 in the &.,
Ms. M. , רואדובcorr. .(.800 .6166 "58 רב 'ד 'כוNOWNT ND NPWIN, +. xpuips.
since there exists (in Persia) a lawful court, and he did
Al} ch.=h. גאה to be anxious, troubled. Part. ,גיאד
ton eus eht( xat .)reciffo .bA .raZ °62 >a" נקיטא לר זרמנא
Tam summoned to court (and have no time). [In later
הררג, Sabb, 56" 'בו הדוח אְגיֶאְדshe was very much troubled
Hebr. literature רב ראוד is used in the sense of post-office.] over it. M. Kat. 28! ןנבר “2 Np רוה the rabbis were -
troubled (over R. Hana’s sudden death).
“NTT II .גג (cmp. preced.) davvar, a species of
lizard. Ex.R.s.15end [prob. to be read ,דורש v. Hull. 127°,
“WATT, +. רָגְּור /
or “aM, .ד Sifra Sh’mini ch. VI, Par. 5]. רגודm. pl. , )גודVv. )383 drippings from melting fat.—
יב ידa receptacle for the drippings of a roast. AT 111”,-
ביד בודch=h, ,43 to flow, drip. Targ. Ps.
,IIIVXXL 02 .raV( .)57™2j .graT .veL ,VX 52 ררוב.-- דוגיאות, .klav .tueD ,899 .v בדכיאות. ה
Part. , ביאה.2°75 Ib. 33.—Hull.8 bot.—Pes, 74” a" 279
it drips. Nidd,22* 7 דע בדרמדit must be fluid. Hull. 138%. ,ITAP ץצ. .hteK 11, 462, זיג
ath דב6. (b.h.; (בבד [murmurer,] bear. Kidd, 72°: כמה תי.5 ( )=ת"גוגדdenom. of 33) fisher-boat, ligh
Ab. 781.9" ;Meg.11* (used of Persians, ref. to Dan.VII, 5). going boat for shallows, Palestinean word for Babylonis
2 וס temptation. Num.R.s.13; a.e., v. --.הֶָרָג . תיָציִּבB. Bath. 73; 78); bay (it Mi beg. 15%, zhi!
Pl. 2.255, Snh. 107, 6
דונמא, ,"ION דוּגְמָה7 וcmp
, בו, ברד א בדch. same. Targ. 11 Sam, XVII, 8. )apyred )1 ,elimis noitartsulli .pmc( לד,nuל
Targ. Is. XI, 7 (some 60. NA, corr. acc.).—Kidd. 72°. רבדה( המוד.Cant. R., introd.
7 דע התרה.. up to 8c
TTT", +.
11. 5.71 הידיר ( תטגודcorr. ace.), +. next w.; a.fr.—
+. ere.
NOI, +. eer.
CTT m. pl.(. .א( םיִנָדרDedanites,
5 Invanic
tribe, +. HITT. Gen. ₪. 6.37, beg.; Valk. Chr. 1073 (ret.
to “3, Gen. X, 4, a. “FH, I Chr. 1, 7).
TIS, Green) [' ,מממ cosem.
pl. (a transpos. of Gtaypippata;
emp. RSs) plans, דוה+. דור
designs. Gen, R. 5 11 SSS יד ןיעמ .
*דרדזר4. ) (דור.noitaurtsnem .Y .bA.raZ11,%04 א. ;
1 however, XSI.
NOT mer Il. Targ. Prov. 111, ¢ od. Lag. (ef.
'רוח, Ms.רוקד, hb.text .(יוקש
NPA, +. wee.
= נוי גוגוז דוגמכיות. toPs,CXVI, read rPzi=an,
- זיyin.
Sy, “I (b. h.) pr. n. m. David, King of Israel.
Ber, 4°;
a. +. fr.—“ ןבor “ ()=חרשמ the son of David
(the David of the fature), the redeemer of Israel from
captivity. Snb. 98" “mx 'דa second David. R. Hash. 25°
(a secret watchword) 'כו >> “ David, the King ofIsrael, _
‘isalive &c. Y. Ber, 11, 5*top. Yeb.
62%; a.fr.
= ידד, )) דד.12,d.nei0rf ,revol devol;eb ).rogelelhat(
Lord,asthe beloved ofIsrael. Cant.R.tol,4,v.3;a6— irrigation bymeans of backets. Targ. lx. XL, 15 (ed.
2) wnele, father’s brother. Sifra K’dosh. Par. 10, eh. XI; _ Vien. 38=).—Erub. 20° הידחב דדד היל 'דלhe might carry
p.54°— Fem. 1315, 773 aunt. Ib— Plow 1) friends, the bucket with him.—B.
Mets. 10s* top דב . . . ךלsam
lated. Y. Suh: XI, 30* bot.; Y. Ber. I,3* bot. (ref.to you ought to have brought the water over from the large
Car t. 1, 2) 'כו ירבד% the words of the scholars are well by irrigating
works. Ib. 77* “> . . ךאי if one hired
4 to the words of the Law; Cant. BR. tol 6. Ab. | working men for irrigstingwork. M. Kat. 4* 'דהוה ילד
N22 ד
was doing irrigating work. Yeb. 97" 'ד ראלד ולדד6 [In later Hebr. pris a forced opinion or ply,
water drawers engaged in irrigation —Pl. .ןיָלּוְרַה ‘Targ. next w.] iy CREB ae
IL Esth. I, 2.
NOON, +. br.
, זה אקח אקחודch. same; 1) 0 0 a
.graT .Y .muN 1 42 ' בדni a worran .seP—.ecalp 41, ב
a. .6 ראמ היָקָחְוה 'רד 'כוwhat forces 14.. . (logically) to: 1
JT m.yiays. Ab. 11 7 Ar. (ed. חנא put it &c.—Hull." 8 אנרכסד4 the force of the knife(the =
3, NIT, NOT, +. אָנובאּב blade forcing its way).—2) crowded state, pushing. Ber.6° =
הלכד5 Ms. M. (ed.) הוהד הלכב 4 the pushing at public
דיוקא, NIP, +. prs. lectures, v. MDD. 19." v. 8138 1.--8( oppression, extortion, =
.ssertsid .graT .xB 9,11;
1 6.4.--6616. °54 = משום ד' דציבורא
דוו, +, הור. because the exorbitant price is an extortion of the 001-
munity.—4) difficulty. Bets. 30° ( ורדד 'דבMs. M.(רהקא
V7, +. ראָּו a load carried (on ordinary days) with a great effort. |
NOT m. ()שפה 1) treading, passage. Sabb. 81° ,( הֶוָּד יודb. h.; emp. 383) [to drip, melt away, to
' משום דesuaceb fo gnidaert nwod gnirujnia( s’robhgien mourn, repine. Nidd. 23” (ref. to Deut. XXI, 17 , ונאcmp.
field). B. Bath. 22" 'כו אכהד the passage between the ( ורלכ רָנַדm3 רמ ובלש a child over whose death his
walls (stamping the ground) is beneficial to both build- (the father’s) heart is grieved. Ber,? 16 ונבלM77 לא may |
ings.—2) ordinary course, ‘habit. B. Kam. 116" היָשוְוד ‘ our heart not sink, Kidd, 81" םיוודה וודי לכlet all those
נקרט ואזרלeh eht( )namtaob koot sih detnow .esruoc mourn who feel the affliction; Naz. 23%, Yeb. 47 the
Ber. 16* טיקנ הרישוודAr, (ed. M250) he followed his habit Israelites ... are םלווד (some 60. 57515, Part. pass.) broken
(in recitation). down (under persecution). Gen. R. s. 60; s. 74; a. fr.
* Nif. 11772 to be afflicted. Pesik. Asser, p. 96° ותוא לע
NOW f. ()רוד the sick man’s draught, medicine for
שמ הארש revo siht nam )em( ni sih ;noitcilffa .hnaT
the appetite. Targ. Job VI, 7 (Ms. אתווז ;h. text .(לודב
R’eeh ed. Bub. 7 (‘Tanh. 10. 10 ,וחהודינש Yalk. Deut. ₪
NON, NOT % 0.0). M3; Vv. (אָבוד a menstruat- Prov. 962 ,וחודנש corr. ₪00,(
ing woman. Targ. Y. Num. XXX, 23 (some ed, M15). Hif. 1975 to afflict. Y. R. Hash. I, 57° bot, הל m1
' רכafflicts it (the year, causes prayers and fasting from
דוזגר, +. ap. fear of failure of the crop) in its beginning.
, דוד.11/6 ( חידהb. h.;Vv. mr) [to brighten,] to wash , יודNTT ch. same. Targ. Jer. XLVIII, 17; a. e.
off, cleanse, rinse. Mikv. VIL, 3. Hull. 8" m9 he must Ithpe. TN to feel pain, groan. Hull. 51% רמררקוה 749
wash the meat (at the place where the knife passed);
they groan constantly.
a. fr.—Tam. IV, 2 "795 M73 the washers’ hall where the
offering meat was washed,—Y. Ab, Zar. 111, 42% bot. , אָוְד יודII (v. preced.; cmp. b. . (ג,902 M92) to look
ַ=פְרִיח-ַלְחָדְיְח out for, espy. Sabb. 35° " הרזמלys Ar. (ed,יָואָפ( he looked
Hof. 1357 to be washed, cleansed. Makhsh.IV,3 ליבשב eastward (for the reflection of the setting sun). Ib. 530
maAMw in order that the dish may be washed by the rain; yeht esiar rieht slirtson ]:daer[ " כל דור703 .sM( 0. (כדובי
Hull, 16*; Sabb. 11°; a. fr. and march like looking out (for the wolf). Ker.6* 513
Nif. min72, 52 to be washed away. Koh. R. to VU, 1; ' לפומיח וכ.rA .de( (חזוhctaw eht spil fo .& .maT 62" דול
> Midr. Sam. ch. XXIII. אכהל 'כוhe (the watchman) looks out in both directions. =
חודch., Af. M78 same. Targ. 11 Chr. IV, 6. TY, ףרm. (8131) sad, depressed. Targ. 1 Kings 1
אא43; XXI, 4 (ed. Vien. (לָור .2%-- ,433 .13 לIs,
, החודYeb. 80°; Gitt. 574, v. nts. XVI, 7 fad. Lag. “i, corr, acc.); 11.
NIN ch=h, . ןחוהTarg. Y. Num. XV, 19. רוד, ירודNT m. ch. . )=[ג,94" v.ו pris j
affliction. Targ. Gen. XXXV, 18 (h. text דואו v.
אָכְחודm. )397( laughter, scorn, Targ.Job XXXIV, 7 .graT .Y .bi ,IILX 83 ) הוור0. (דוונא. 2
NTT תו. same. Snh. 100% (cit. fr. the Bookof 6
ןחודm. (b. h. ןחה( a species of mile, Pes, 35*. 0 יכו לרעת 'ד4 suffer not grief to enter ג 6
Ber. 37°; a. fr. . .רבי
: צ5 ) winding; clue, only in הירי לוד | Meg, #; .הוגה 4' the Levites tp7t™> Me .א (ed. ('דב
ווהinterrept their services J1, ""לכו , TEP, +. Ft LAL.
the clue whieh one's own hand wound up, |. >. one’s cow
Omp, TS.
1 i
doing, Pox, 20, +. Tags, Cmp. לילי
וכTAT taW yhw dluohseh toh dnuop & yad —terof4eb
ק. הופא%|,2: Targ
| ובש |
חוכTSR .hc .emas ורד1
Meek. XL, 12 (hrs); ₪.—Ie gen. )06 007 5 platform,
pulp, Bi. Nath.
21° % שיר euperintentent
of the plat-
2 form, 1515 tutor who seviete the teacher of 5 primar)
Clace numbering mote than twenty five pepile.— Conp tere.
£7", +. (ןכר pownding,
pownded dich. .ו
Kat. bot. bay for ₪ ל PMS peas for pounding
+.(denom. ofuqze) dudedom, (ducatus),
& v.) the leader of the services of the Levites, governorship. Cant.
B.to V1, 12 (read:) איבבוגר בה יל 'ר
יצ.3% ץצ. Sabb. X, 12°; Num. R.s.7 (rendering of א"שנ give me the governorship of G. (v. sess). Ib. םסנ דכ
יא 111,
נ15. .א4, end [read :[ ךוד רזעלא הרח 3°." having entered the office he came down from there
" דדבכרן ובrazaelE saw feihc ,rednammoc ecnirp revo (to Sepphoris).
= princes; .סומק *--. סופוד7, oa. Gen. R. 8 5 (play on
רכלם, Ps. XCIIL, 3) (‘the rivers lift up their voices’, say- JOON, ¥.B. Mets. 11,8* bot.,"דב some ed, +. POTTS
ingto the waves of the Sea) וטולבק 5°33 ye leaders, ODO", +. coos.
receive us; [Yalk. Ps, 848 Ox םיָּכצִה we are crashed].
NSCS", +. secs:
דוּבָא+. pen. 0
NLM, +. S20.
‘ Th AM בכל Ex. .א
% 15; a. fr, .א .5 5 סוכודל םיRashi, v. --[.ססכר
Pl. cross, pois. Cant. RB.to 11, 15 ָהיְסְכּודו Ws (read mys 1. (denom. of 7°) ram-like,
or man-like.
= ("טור Rome and her duces. Gen. R.s.78 "O27 my (Rome's) Keth. 11°, +. movie.
= 00068;
a, fr. (Ley. R.5.16 “XT ,ארסוכור read as ed. Wil.
') אחד רnoC .V .ooR NECA 5 (v. ye 11(place. Ber. 42” (interch. with
(דוף- Ib. 4* "דלכבeverywhere else (in Rabbinical writ-
NON, +. אס : ings). 160, 62° "rR “S in another place (of the
.Sears UFSctperter ra. Terg Num.
.ד1. Scriptures).
B. Mets. 93" bot.; a. v. fr.
DT (v. Nes) towind, draw water. Denom.
m. (cmp. 3% 11(placeto stand on,stand, stage, *Af. Sr to wind up, make theins, prepare for spin-
esp. the priests’ stage from which they pronounce ning. Yeb.63* ליודה אלוpot Ar. s.v. לד5 buy (ready-made)
the benediction. Midd. II,6; a.fr.—™> הלכ to goup the and do not wind skeins (ed. לדזדת אלו7s, +. לח 1 ₪. 11(
Stage, foofficiate as priest. Sabb. 118°; a.e.—2) religious Tthpe. ליר |“reto be drawn from, to give water
from the stand, the Levite’s singing, teaching. enough
for irrigation. B.Bath.
8* SoS אל אטלדדוbat
perhaps the well (to be dug) will prove unfit for irri- claim of chattel and landed property. Meg. 2* sera
gation? Ib. 12>, ‘21 דזמנם מהmehennam’2 rieht( evitcepser 0 A
TX, 31) is analogous to 2’mannam (ib. 27); as manna
דולNOT, v. .לוו means two days ₪6.--71, Kat. 4°; a. fr.
4.1. (¥. Shek, VII, 604 4 |ר Men, 40° יסוי ('ר ch. אוה. B. Mets. 2 TET רא Ar.
V. איה =. OPSPR , the ploce iefrom the rile — 177. merge,
¥. Lev. X X11,62 (TIE)
— eT, Y Boos. 151°,
= ,"אסור +. sees
6 אKel.
ק1, י
ד "איקס
, "GEM, > אי
> | ,אקמסוד אמקסורוtanh. אאא ₪. + por m. (P87, comp. Phe) thal againe which 06
frame, exp. dofch, the frame eupporting the
\ pr. nom, )2020069%(
Dostai, 1) 5 discipleof movable
stone ofatamb,+, .לליג Ohol
1 4;0.6—TL open
; Orlah
Il, b-—@) D*
father of Abba Jost, Tove. Ib, 7 קפדר the frame supporting the frame etiomer ot tile.
PeahiV,2 ed. Zack. )ל. ראסור(הז,Youn 29" |«.fr.) 4 ו
D, son of KR.Judah, Tosef. ₪! 1, 18; ₪. >.--4( HD, NEAT ch. samme, Tang. ¥.Num, RIX,
son of Rt, Jannei. Tosef. Her, Vil (Vi), # Midd. ,גו Ten om. pl. (PCT) bmockers, name of » parasite
-- a. fr, plant growing on thorns, emp. Pts. .)דס Brut, XI
(Vi), וו ( ךילרק ירוVar. TSP) ‘borne’ 204 “knockers.
, ןירופודread: ןידושיר m. (repodium)
divorce. Gen, 11.5.18 (among gontiles) the wife may divorce רופרח, +. en.
him 7% ארחו הנתונand she gives him the repudiam (v.
| Bim. Ant. «.v.). 1 + ey
= "סח 6 oo "פר רסקene tostrike against, damage; ₪ ,714 ;ecnad ot ליDenow.
וץ1ד, ( חדץhh)
ו כ .pmc( ginaem fo ,)975 יצח
taint, reproach, Yoma22" 'ר אל היה וב םושno reproach TU,
TT ch. mame. Tary. Job 414.14 ץידוש Lng
rested on Saul’s descent, Tem. 15";Tosef. B. Kam. VIL, 15; (Ms. 7, some od, ST, corr.ace.)—Targ. 11fam. 5,90.
a. fr.—Bnh, 90° 'ר לשron; v. -.שָרָר0% 30" earthen Targ. Ps. XXI, 14 (4. Lag. gets Pol); ..) Port.
Ware לעולםTeh אינו יוצא מירר.eM.(0 ,STE.S+ .bbaR Yes, PT. Targ. Hab.1,15. דש Prov. XXIX, 6; ao.
a.1.note 50; Ab. Zar. 54° SET, Ms. M.(דיָפְה can
| never get rid ofitedefect (once ade unclean, it cannot רד11 (conte. of7z7) fo prick, stick, squeeze. tabb. 0"
_ be cleansed by any process, v. 77h). הצער פלש 'כרif he stuck it in, pulled it out 86.--1%. 196"
אדוגב ( היצרMe. .0 אתציקר( אכויבב+ Rabb. D. ₪ a. L
= ראch.
וס same,
‘ דTarg. Ps.1,20(Var. Eh, es, note 30) she stuck it(the brooch) into the wall. Hull 9s”
Ey fom.) “Ts רא ץר הדב if he stuck something into the nostrils
(so as to keep them open). Succ. 37° אל ודל כרone
1 דופלוממר, +. ריפלוטטי must not squeeze the palm branch between the myrtle
,TEO+P. רפא : and willow (after they have been tied together). (B.
Bath. 74° הייצרAr., +. 72%)
שרה ו "6 חדק.m a derehtiw topsni eht,eye + רק
WRT & )ןפרו.+ (םכ1) 000000
of the festive booth (My). Succ,
4* יעצמאת ד +.
( דוקcmp. )7 )1of ,dnu
.tr liea
P s Pp— .d.
pot ,redwop .ateB,°41
wop ”.bI שפר7 fime-pow-
‘the middle of the three walls, Ib, הטוקש 'רthe curved dered. Hull. 51", v. xs.(צץ 2--.קקר. (cmp. TS, “ES =
> wall, » legal fiction by which a part of the ceiling may | oth.) fo eramine carefully, to be particular, exactim
‘be considered as part of a curved wall.—Ib, 6°; .אfr.— expression; to pay special attention,
to mind. Tb. 6", a tr.
2) (trnsf.) side of a vessel, oppos.to bottom, rim ₪6. Ohol. מק ואשכחeh deni dnmaa
of *8. דקe
לאc ehudSid
Ba 16 FREI תחת under the belly ofitsside; Tosef. ib.X,9 not express
himself exactly; a. f.—Pert.
קריר carded.
Ib. VII, 10 side of a cave, opp. to םוקש &e.; a. fr — Keth. 18° | prs he is very careful (as to what witness
9 chest surrounding the lungs, ribs, also a single rib. he uses). Yoma 83" xoos "ד ?הדדדminded 2 man's name
ו ריאה הסטוכה לרי כsgnul gnirehda ot eht (considering it an indication of his character). Ib. =
| Snb, 49* תישיטח the fifth rib (counting from | . בשסאSTI TH did not mind ₪6. Ib.SETS ye mind. —
the parics of the abdomen. “X37
a fetus | Part. Peilקריב (v. Pa.) proved, conclusive. B. Kam. 3”
‘tracted by
lecxareansectionNidd.V, 1; those verses "כו "P77: “et אלare no evidence either for
ג הלה בדיot dnepsus morf eht ,llaw.i.6 the one or the other —Denom. X25, X27, XE
ו ו ,nenmnenaaG .Y .ddi ,VKI *56 ;.tob Pa. 1) to grind, to chew carefully. Sabb. 155* bot.
Y. Suh, VI, 23° bot. ןפירב (corr. ace.).—Pl. S363, constr. | ואכלה per Ma. 4. (ed. אלכואב (הקדדד: she grinds her
ןmostly MBs. Hull. 45° האדר SET the grooves food carefully —2)fo argue by pressing a word, te analyze,
bb the lungs, תונפר ribs. Ib. 'ד רתשtwo sides of proce. Keth. 31° אשירמ “ takes his argument from the
the chest.—Suce. 1, 1; a. fr.—Tosef. Ohol. VI, 2 דצב | first clause; a. ir.—3) to calculate exactly. Targ. Y. Lev
i ed. Zuck. on the wall-like side of the tent. Tb, XXVH,18. 15. XXV, 50,+. ;קדקב 2 >
4 רטפוד OP, ed. Zuck., read (with R. & to Ohol. Af. Pree, Poe to be punctilions, get impatient. Koh.
.V,7) PRES or(with ed.) Ser B.to 111,9 אכלו 'אthe king was irritated. Pesik.B'shall.
₪" Ol — 4 ו - 7" aa ד eg Reals a |
RG we i.
p. 86; Yalk. Sam. 152 'כו תקידוא חרסSerah . . . grew NIP, v. preced. ue Ansreeie as
angry; cmp. (9--.קחקה to examine, look with anwiety, i 05 .1
wait attentively. Targ. Prov. VII, 6. Targ. Ps. XIV, 2; NPAT m. ch. ()רקד fork-like reed, opp. top p
a. fr.—Gen. R. s. 17 ןוהלקל . . . קידוא3. .... examined stems; ‘prop. Pl. jp, “RN. 8000. 13° sp | the
into the noise they made; Lev. 14. 8. 34; Yalk. Lev. 665 otal reeds (corresp. to NMIPEN of the pig
Yalk. Is. 352. Y. Keth. XII, 35" top; Y. Kil. 1X, 32° top Rashi). Lev. R. s. 12. לת
‘om ןול 'אBar .א looked out for them (waiting for them
to ask him), , ןרקודTPT m. bh. same, fork, fork-likefe
pronged pole. Y.Erub., 18° הנק דרreed-stem and prongs.
, אקווד אקודm. (preced.) 1) exactness, minuteness. | Tb. 19% ;ןימכ 'קד. צץKil. IV,> 29 ;ןימכ 'קודY. 8000.1, 529
Nez. 1 mb or ‘enters into minuteness (saying ‘one and - bot.( ןימכ ירק v. WED). ¥. Shebi. 11, 334 top הל Hw
a half’).—2) (as an adv.) exactly, exclusively, only. Yeb. 76* ( יקידhes we he puts under itaו prop. Tosef.
ד" שערתאa laer yelrab nroc ti tsum eb gnihton( .)esle Kel. B. Mets, ,11 14 'קודהed. Zuck. (Var.ןיקרוד Fi.
Men. 30° 'ד עצמאב הטרשonly in the middle of a line.— maps, PIP, Py. Y. Kil. 1. 6. he took םתוסו PT
Gitt.44* 'ד 'ד וא ואלis this meant exactly (one hundred), forked reeds with which he closed the breach; Y, Erub, =
or not exactly? Men, 27 5 לא e/ (towards) is meant in I, 19° top; Y. Succ. 1. c.—Tosef. ib. I, 4 if one made a
its exact sense; a. fr. ceiling of the Succah 725“ םרנקבwith (plain) reeds and
htiw dekrof ;sdeer .baB ,bi °31 קנים ודי.sM( 11. 2 קנים
אקוד1 .₪ (py)=h. ps, chaff. Targ. Is. XL, 15. Ib. nan, v. Ar. s. v. ,( רקדexpl. 7“ םרנק לשpronged reeds.
XXVIII, 28. Tosef, Men. XI, 6 ןרמוד קדלshaped like forks; Men. XI,
6 (%69) 'כמין ד. . ... מפוצלין.rA .de( .timo '(כמין ד.--
אקודII m=h. , קהa withered spot in the eye (or
*Denom. ןָרְחּודְב fork-shaped. Tosef. Kil. IV, 5 BYP
withered in growth, dwarf). Targ.O. Lev. XXI,20 )צ IL
ib. 0°93). ;ְ םרֶנֶרְקּודִמErub.16*;" 11 ( םינק ןינרקודהMs. M.(הדוקרים .
(טִדְוָאר רריאsa ₪ rellevart si desnecil ot og dnuor
through the whole district.—@) ledeposit
¥. preced, .1%.-- 1. Kam. 118% יריר ירידהson
— זץ *ארודor) יב יד ארי ) "אזר1 He- Dare
(Daveera), 4 dation sear Wagromia. Ber. 81* of. (Me M
| (ed, ,לרר Ma, ₪, 7s, +. Babb. 2. #01. | רייר, tuohtiw ;3 .eM .FP ;בד ריראן.hto ,rav רחא, דרא
those (gentiles) who manure fields for pay by let | בד רוד, ד. Babb. .1 .₪ .₪ .| .)etom
"רוח111 . @ והstuffed
bag. Lam. R to 1, 1 re"
( רח.+ רֶרָאL(Y. Gob. X,28*
top; Num,
Hoe. 16;15;
.knaT ,ldah’B 51, +. בר. NST m. (contenct. of MS", reduplie. of ,רכר
+. “I; cmp, MEGT™ = (ןָבְרִר 5 השקעleader. Tare. Job
TTT mm.(0,byראד1([cirele, period, cmp, [(לרgener- AXXIV, 20 ed. Lag. (od. View. “py7) — 71 איבר
ation, cont empo
Arakh. rari
17° סנרפ רפל
es.“ as the “Sa. Ib. XXXV,8 )ץגז רְבְרְבָל, Targ. Prov. VIL, 16
1 #0 the generation; a. v. הגלפה--.)ז 'דthe generation Var.e “2"S™ (corr. ace.) Targ. Pe.XXX1,26.
witnessed the separation of races; Ssom 'ד which TAI TTT mom a mieofgradedofficers
ished in the food; “stom “ which perished in the
ץצ. Hor. 111, beg. 47* הידיר אדה לכו דרMieeself
and Bie
desert, &0, Soh. X,3 )107% 9q.); a.fr—P L Ib.08";
. ₪. --ורודל for all
ת entire staff (of angels); .ד Soh. 11, 20° top .דר . ג.א
time to come; permanent, opp.
, א תארוה העש עשלtemporary ordinance. Ib. 16" (ref. = 1 So "רד הרה הרכסhe (Moses) left his אפס +.-- 4
₪. 4. 4 ודחיש
to Num. XII, ,ו quot. in Ar. .ךינורר Nam.
to Num. Vil,) 1 'כו5“ םתוא תחישטב אלוonly they רר' לפנדוSEP taht yeht dluohs mrof ₪ yhcrareih fo
Were with led
instal as a precedent
ointment, but not
ro erutuf ;snoitallatsni a .neM—.rf 91", 6.3. משקה לא7 officers before him. Y. Keth. 11, 25* bot. ךיכרור aor
;רידיה וכי.hoK 01,XIot.B oF .rroc( ).ocs eb שאוelib
""פל אpermanent law cannot be derived from a special
(R. Hiya’s) suite in the future world, and his eyes be-
- came dim.
Opp. to םירצמ MOP the one observed in Epypt. Pes.
ו NTT ₪.(Pers. durd, cmp., however, 77) sediment,
lees, dregs. Ab. Zar. 32*.—Ft. אידרזה ,“TTT (used as sing).
+ TT imperat. of "73. Kidd. 41°; a. fr. Targ. Ps. LXXV, 9 —Meg. 12° like wine resting היידרזהלע
NOT Im.(v.ws) district, settiement, village (corresp. upon its lees (Jer. XLVIII, 11). Ab. Zar. 36%; .א =.
io bh..(רצֶה B.Bath, 54° אתווערד 'דMs. M. (ed.(אתאושרר
Brub. 12° אתוערר mes Shephardville (v., however, Berl. ve? | -
Beitr, x. Geogr. Babyl. p.30)—Pes. 40° 'כו 'ד יבדthe OT4, v. ors.
settlement of Be-Hasha—P
¥, Tar Ps.g.
X, 8 4.
oe Cer. ,איתרר +. RTT; Ms, MKT). כ ול + Ab. Zar. 17* El. ben
os. TIT m. (b. bh.7, v. Ges. H. Dict. 5.v.) dura,
ame of @ jewel, mother ofpearl(t). Targ. Esth. 1, 6 יד דודרה, +. s1,eזw
דכרכר וeht arud fo eht aeS .htsE—.s
הזר ++. ארת אתרereht si a ecalp erehw a 1 TTI pe. ₪.pi, ירד םרכthe vineyard
of Doron. Y.
earl (or jewel) iscalled durah; Meg. 12° there is a pre- Kil. VII, 20° bot.
ious stone inthe Sea places MS M71 Ms. M.(ed. 7)
whose name is dirah (darak); Y. Suh. X, 28* top yom ne TI, ch. form x7 m.) 20 -( present, honorary
I) הרד . . ןיירקthere (at a certain place) they call &e. Targ.
Ps. CXLI, 2 .זמ XL, 7; ₪.e—Zed.
7 re
| ד" הדאeht tnrub gnireffo si a evitov tfig ton( a snaem
a .111orNWF m. (2 1(5 parasite worm in of atonement). Pes. 118°; a. fr.— Pl. .ןינירדד Targ. +.
‘bowels. Num. RB.5.7 [read:] ןהיקטב ; הרחאש ךתונ 'ד Ex. XU, 46; a .תוטוריד--.6 Gen.
RB. 5.79. (Valk.
( ; תיכְרדהa. fr.—Chald. form.אניילי .19Px. XX, 4
דרר"א+. )66008( .emas .lP דירות, דירָאות. Gen. .₪ fulled before tanning. Bets. I, 5 (11*) you must not
.8 ,85 end, the one sent (to Babylon) dates, and the other
place the hide 'דח "25> in front of the dor’san (Mish. Map.
a. oth. הסירדה ms, Y. ed. הסירדה sp).
(to Palestine) תו"רוד gifts of honor (purple cloak, ref. to
Josh. VII, 21); Cant. R. to VIII, 11 ( תוינורודcorr. ace. DSN, +. sees.
or --.(תונורוד
Ex. R. s.5 תוארוד לש תורטע gifts consisting
of crowns. _ ימקרודf. (a perversion of tpwxth, sub. 00
v. ae grape used for dessert, fit for eating but yielding =
PET, דורִייה, FETT +. ,)רוח , רד+. hp no wine, fig. a woman who has no menstruation. Nidd.
freedom, remission of tribute or fine, pardon. Gen, R. ,XI .11 ;>46.bI ”01.hteK citenohp( )ygolomyte דור קטוע
8.58 (play on (קזחצל [read:] םלועל 'ודytd םלועל אצר קוח {hence the perversion] a cut-off race (bound to die out). "
a law was issued to give a grant (remission of is &e.; Ib, 7“ תחפשמa family the women of which have neither
Yalk. ib. 92 'כו קוח 'רורד. אציGen. R. 1. 6. [read:] המ menstruation nor symptoms of injured virginity. Y. ib.
םלועל ןתרל יד. . . , עשייהpe םלועל ןתדל 'ד. . . הרשעas T, 25° bot. quoting Mish. Nidd. 1. 6. .יטקורט
the verb ההשע used there (Esth. 11, 18) means to grant
a remission to the world, so does the verb הושע (Gen. , ןיקרוד, ןקררדToset. Kel. B. Mets. III, 14| Vary
XXI, 8) etc.; Pesik. Sos, p. 146% ארנרוד (corr. acc.); Yalk. v.הוקרֶן .
Gen. 98 “""9.—Y’lamd. to Lev. XXI, 10, quot. in Ar. 'ד
שלרמהfull pardon. שרוד, גlecturer, v.הרט . ,
STF, +. ergs. WUT מו. (comp. of רזה a, "2B, pl. of NE) [row
of teeth,|gum, Sabb. 65° 'דל (some ed. wd, incorr.;
PTET, +. aegis. > Ms, 11. ,רנשרוד Var. a. Ar. in two words, v. Rabb. D. ₪.
אכררדm. )ךרד( threshing. Targ. Y. IL Deut. XXV, 4 a. 1. note) a remedy for the gum. Cmp, 87751.
היָכְרּוה4 I , היִכְרֶּדh. text(דרש NEVI, +. ae.
תואָכְרוד.1 pl. (v. preced.) 2070006. Tosef. 11888. Sh.
( שודb. h.), part, a. perf.) שר 1 to tread, trample, —
,1 10 'ד לש הרמתed. Zuck. (Var.(ררתכאות .
thresh. Sabb. VII, 2 ושדהhe whothreshes (onthe Sabbath); — |
, תואָכְרודNDT, PTT veliegs, vcore. a. fr—Euphem., for sexual contact. Nidd. 41", Gen. R.
s. 85. Pes. 87"; a.בקעב --.6 שודto trample with one’s
סומרודm. (a disguise of "Eopng, or Mercurius, the heel, to treat lightly, not to heed. Ab. Zar. 18°. Lev. R.
divinity of commerce to whom a great annual fair, prob. s.27.—2) to walk about, be familiar, well-known. Meg.24”
of Tyre, was dedicated, v. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 394 top, quot. היה שד וריעבox if he has been a familiar figure in
s. v. סילקרא( Durmos, name of a great annual fair. B. his town (so that people do not mind his bodily dis-
Mets. 72> (Ms. M. , ןויטרסאv. Rabb. 12. 8. a. 1. note). figurement); Y. Taan. I¥, beg. 67"; a. fr.
Pi. הירטto trample. Ex. R. ₪. 15 תא PUTS םתייה
דורמוסקית, +. mapas. ' העץ וכuoy desu ot daert nopu siht eceip fo .doow .rdiM
דורמילוס, דורמלוס, דורמליס, +. דרומיפוס Till. to Ps. VIII, 3 רפעכ ךילעwesya even one who treads
upon thee88 upon dust. Gen. R. s. 44 ous tread upon them.
דורמסיאות, דורמסיות, דורמייסי, Vv. Polel wen, v. Bos.
שודch. same, 1) to thresh. Targ. Ruth 11, 17.--
דורמסקין, .v ַרְמַסְקיָא Zeb. 116"; Men. 22%, v.mxmw7.—2) to tread upon, trample
(to death). Targ. 11 Kings VII, 17; a. fr—B. Kam. 9* |
תיקסמרודpr. n. f. Durmaskith (of Damascus). |
ררצמאWT he sets his foot upon the landmark (symbol
Sifré Sr 1 R. José ben D.; Hag. 3”; Tosef. +0. 6
of possession). —=3) to be used to, not to mind. Sabb. 129)
; יסומרודTosef. Sot. 111,9 ; a. fr.—Mekh. Yithro, Bahod. 1
Abba José b. D.—[Tanh. Noah 1 ,( אמקסוד אקמסודcorr.
ןורכ לשְדד הרב םיברsince the people are in the habit of
acc.), Var. , אתרצקv. Tanh. ed. Bub. ib.] [Pl.הורמסקיות ,
doing it. Gitt.56 ןויכ שרד שד being used (to the har 4
mering) the gnat did not heed it. Keth." 62 הב9203 we
v.[ .אָניקְסִמְרִד ui are used to it—Targ. Prov. VIII, 33 , ןוטידתv. Af. =
דורמסקנא, דורמסקניות, דורמסקנין, Af. a73x, B38 to pass over, to leave unheeded, to be
xpos. listless. Targ. Prov. IV, 15; XIII, 18; XV, 32 Ar.a. Ms .
(ed. Lag. ,'רא “2 with ,ר h. text (ערפ ib. VIII, 33 Vv,
, אינרודPesik. Sos p. 146% v. mais. supra, ed. Lag. .ם[ג8--.(ןושרית 7% (prov.) משדל ה
דורניאות,htsE .R ot ,I ,1 daer דורונְיית, v. .9572“ ( ואדרשMs. M. w""8") happy
he who hears (himself abus
and minds it not; he will escape a hundred6 2
דורסות, .fesoT .saaM .hS ,I 01 ,.raV .v הרוּסות. Peah I, 15° bot.; .צץ Kidd. I,61° ןיָשְדִמו
... . WTR
דורסים, ץצ. .ddiK 1, 485, צ. nots. eat and care 0 (do not share in סונז bee
so do dogs eat and mind not. [Targ. Y. - Be
on“iT .גג (ov) place tchere hides are trodden or , אדשין, v. wy]
“om 291 wh
Af. "18, Pa. "73 to push aside, drive off. Pes. 57°
NOT m. (preced.) fear: reverence. org.Jon.416 1
" לןM72 “ קאAms he sends us off (with a vain promise).
(ed. Lag. (אָלַחַה : |
Ithpa. “x, Ithpe. "77"8 1) to be thrust down. Targ.
Ps. XXXVI, 18 ןייחַדיִא Ms. (ed. (ןיחדר ; a. e—2) to be ּוליִחְּדf.same, fear, worship. Targ.O.Gen.XXVII,17 =
superseded, postponed ₪6. (v. preced. Nif.). Targ. Y. Num. 'כוRMN אמOh, the fearfulness of this place!—*Pl. |
1%, 10.—Zeb. 19" 'רא אלרממhe was debarred from offer- yb" _manifestations of worship. Targ. Is. LXVI, 20 |
ing through no fault of his. Ib. "א ארבגthe person was .de .neV I .8 ativeL .de( .gaL רחללוון, .hto .de ג ;רחילין. =
unfit; a. fr. txet ;!) צַבִּים
( emp. תושבחן for כרכרות ibid.).
החד TT f. (preced.) 1) thrusting, knocking ודחינוניתא+. xen.
.nwod .huS %54 .fer( ot דוחפו, .hsiM .bi ,IV 4) 'מנירן שבד דְחיס / om.
whence 9 we derive the law that he must be knocked
down?; Y. ib. VI, 23° top ןועטש 'ד .27.--. ןיינמmis, דחיף.v דחַף.
. תויחהIb.—2) postponement, suspension. Y. Sabb. XIX,
beg. 164 1 jn רקרע what they chiefly supersede is הָפיִחְּדf. )ףחד( pushing, knocking down. Y. Sabb.
the Sabbath and that which is required for their VII, 9% bot. בא 1“ החרגנgoring and knocking down are
execution is labor (otherwise forbidden),]תויִחה — in chief actionable damages, v.58 (Y. B. Kam. I,beg. 2* M532).
later Hebr. literature: the reasons for shifting the fir
קיח pris, Vv. PIs. i
day of Tishri in the Jewish calendar. ]
pnt m., NPT c. (PM) 1) narrow,pressed. Targ.
NTT m. (v. 8173) feaster, reveller.— Pl. .ן"רחה Lev.
x5 ae אא a arg. I Kings VIII, 64 (not ;(ר a.e.—
R. 8. 38, v. OUN.—Fem. xovns. Lam. R. introd. (R.
Johan. I) 'ד ( אתרקtranslation ‘of הזרלע הירקIs, XXII, 2; Taan, 21° אבוט 'ד והל אתלרמthey were hard pressed (in
Targ. (האדח
great distress); B, Mets. 114”.— Pl. }E°N7, f. |p". Targ.
Ez. XLII, 5sq.—2) forced. B. Kam. 43%, a, 6. 'ד NW
yt, דח חן.pmc( (החהot ;hgual ot .edired a forced answer (argument),
Targ.Job XI, 3; Targ. Ps.II,4, v.77. Targ. Ps. XXII, 8
חל / חל.
(ed. Lag. 35"). Targ. Prov. 1, 26 (Var. ,ףחרד ב
Pesik. B’shall. "93.כ 'כוNOM laughing and weeping (Koh. אלהI m.(preced.) fearer, worshipper.—" “1 God-
₪. to XI, 2 .(תכייח fearing. Targ. Gen. XXII,; 12 .8 --.6.7. אָיַלַחַהTarg.
Pa. 373 to make sport of, to play. Gen. R. ₪. 79 תיל Ps. OXXXV,20; a.e.—Targ. Th;LY, 18 רלחד האטהshun-
' אנא מִדַחךָ בהדין וכ.hoK( .₪ ot א, 8 (מגחךlliw I ton ning .ג6--.011 xm>n3. Targ. Prov. XXXI," 30 'דMs,
make sport of that elder of the Jews?! Koh. R. to III, 2
(ed. אהלאד .( היתלחדTarg. 11 Kings IV, 8,
children 'כו "272 (ed. Wil. ("הדמ playing in front of a
dwelling. NOM 11, NAIM f. (preced.) fear. Targ. Ps.
II, 11. Taig. Prov. 7, a. fr—Y. 2. Mets. 11, 8° bot. ןיגב
( לח ליזהcmp. לחז a. Arab. dahala) [to be de- sent from fear of reas a. e.—Trnsf, (emp. O83) .וה
pressed, bent,] to fear, be afraid of, shun; to worship, deity. Targ. Is, II, 22. Were Y. זז Deut, XXXII,15. Targ.
revere. Targ. Gen. XVIII, 15. Targ. Ps. XXXIII, 8;
Y.1ib.18 תַפְחַּה (Ms. (אלחד;a.fr. Pl.4>m3. 10.17;
a. fr—Part. ,; לח5°15 constr. . לחהTarg. Ex. IX, 20. דְחַלְתָא. Targ. Ps. LY, 5.
.graT .neG ,XIX ;03 .a .bbaS—.rf "82 atap ' דד6
who reveres the scholars. Y. Naz. TX, end 58" (play on sors, Pesik. Zakhor, p. 26%, read: אלח
הרומa. , ארומ. צץMishn. ib. TX,) 5 המ ארזיב 'ד 'כוas the
grain is afraid of the iron (scythe), so is the hair &c.; אָלּולַחְּדm., pl. ילולחד scarecrows. B. Bath. 27% —
a. fr.—Sabb. 81% a, fr. לחה ןואטח shunning sin. » nnd 'דבו אמלעב רגס Ms. (v. Rabb.D.8. a. 1.( and the טע
Pa. החלto frighten, to cause fear. Targ. 11 Sam. ting up of scarecrows (to keep the birds off) would 06
XIV, 15 "brs ed. Lag. (ed. .(רננולחד sufficient (Rashi: cutting gaps between the branches).
Af. S778 to frighten, scare. Cant. R. to 111, 6 אדה ןמ
sb ליחדמ תאwith this (fire) wilt thou frighten me?— אָנולְחדm. (v. 8317) Gol conscientious.—
Pi. web. Y. Maas. Sh. V, 56° bot., v. “2M.
Koh. R. to VII, 1 (prov.) whom a snake once has bitten,
חבלא מדחיל לרהa epor lliw .nethgirf
Ithpe. S138 to be afraid. Lev. R.s.9 הרנימMb TN
דּחְלְסָא, ,TAN +. ַא
she was afraid of him. on, v. next w.
, ליחהNON m.(preced.) 1) fearing, v. preced.— ont )חש3( (cmp. (דתלto press, ory
)2 fearful, terrible, awe-inspiring. Targ.Y.Gen. XXVIII,17. pass. pans, f. HOM crowded, thick, full. Ley. R.s.30
Targ. Ps. LXXVI, 5 S993 Ms. (ed. ליחד , ררהנcombin. of בעליןAr. “(ed. (שוחר thick with leaves; םינבב 'ד₪ric
two versions). Targ. Deut. X, 17. Ib. VIII, 15; a. fr.— blessed with children; Pesik. Ul’kah, .כ 184* wins 2
Lev. R.s.9 המ 'ד ןידה אטרלש how severe is this ruler!— O. (ed. ‘", v. Ar. Compl. ed. Koh. s, v. שח 3, a.
21 ןרלרחד. .+ . ךלרחהTarg. Hab. 1,7. Targ. Ps. XLV, 5 (noun). Compl. s. vy. 0M). S|
om חי
" דיאתימו, read ( דראתרמרןGteféwny, sec. aor. med. “21, WT ₪. (729) utterance, spouts dictat
of dvattbypt) I disposed by will. Y. B. Bath. VII, 16° top Cant. B. to 1 4 השק "דof the various expressions |
' הכותב ד' בלעז וכNO neve fi eno setirw ni keerG 060610.יף prophecy dibbur is the severest; Gen. R.s.44; (| 1
(I willed, instead of I will), it is to be considered as if (Sifre Num. 9937). Ley. 3.8.1 (playסמ, רק"וNum. א
it were a gift (cmp. ib. ,רתרשע pin” &c.); ib. 'כו רתרזיח א. ורקרא.veL ,I )1 eht droL slaever flesmiH ot ht
I went around to all linguists to find out what “7 was &c.; gentile prophets 'ד רצחבonly with half a word (defect
Ex. = 28 Pie " “4
Tosef. ib. IX, 14 ןימותויד (ed. Zuck. "pm", corr. acc.), revelation), opp. םלש 7,
rye 592 ות
commandment, ‘Remember the abbath'. Y¥, Ned. 111, er What thou (the leraclite) storest up (is (66 to tithes),
= ו.) af IS TF, ¥.—Rep. הreeelation, Divine | bat not what the gentile tore wp, opp. to ''כ קנרthe
Speech, (hypostasived) the Word, the Diblur, Lew. 0.1, )grain growing on thy ground (Palestine). Ti. Mets ee”
beg. 1242 “In לוק the direct voice of the Dibbur, Yeb. 5", בד רי.eM .F .de( ,77 .+ .bbaR .5.8.0.| etom )001 detpada
am fr, רח eb to the revelation. Cant. Hi. to f,2 | for Morage.
- ₪ ).--
'רח דפ following
the Divine order. .ל 8%. |
VE, 10°; 5. .--11. ora, poe, .כר Gen.
₪. =58 = 1) Gyered prop. born @ second time, in
words (accounts), +. "TH. Cant.4. gen.
STINK 'ד mysterious for a second term, twice (Lat. bis), B, Bath. 164°
ון...) א2—
9“ (homilet, .¥ Pe, XLVI, 4) being euch is the custom of that nation 'ר ילPTD Pere ןכרא
ted, submission. Babb. 69° Pro אלא 9 ןיאthe root לבר (Me, .א ( ךינורan arehont in bie seeond term ie called
(nal IL16 7%)meanseubeinion; Mace. 11 (corr. digones
(bie, teram conwal). Th.; Baz, #* if one mys, 1
ace, vow to be « Nasir... . STS רר digom, he has to be «
Nasir twice in succession;
Tosef. ib, 1, 2 ToT od. Zack.
EDN OY, KTR ch. same, op. (Var, ,ךונירר corr. (9--.(.א
(by analogy with קוך
Targ. Wa. 1,04; 25 od. Lag.
“35 (oth. ,ריבר tetpayeney)
יואש two corners, 106
Mey. Vi, 5
forme od, אר"ב , ירread TE). 194.
+. Nom. VII, #9; (בית) ריניך יכי.do .kcaZ ,rroc( ).eca ₪ וקhcihw ₪
א6-1. Hash, 6*איה אטרא'ר אל סולכ1 might have only two corners (semicireularly built); ₪. Math.
i =;
thought ₪ mere word (without setion) was of no effect. Naz. |. =
Th, Peta הרטררק אלhe did not substantiate hie word
OOS", +. cote.
(by an action), Ned, 41° 3: ישק 'רtalking is injarious
to the eyes; a. fr.— 11. wee, אָיְריִבְר , TS, ST
dy Nacaprngang Targ..צץ Ex. XX, 1 (iI
; @, fr.—Y. Meg. IV, 75" bot. 'כו רבידבsup cut 23", ‘ pr. ₪. (hh. Sp) theriver Tigris. דש
Commandments apart, so that our children may Gen. Il, 14.—M. Kat. 25" bot. 'כו "ES קדשנ the shores
be able to study them. of the Tigris touched each other (the water forming ₪ level
with the banks). Kidd.71". Yeb. 121°. Ber. 59". Taam. 26°
. NPIS", +. Wt ' רמחוזא לרsTIS שפוךton( "רציפור, .v .bbaR .D .5.8 L )eton
the gutters of Mahuza emptied themeel
vee into the Tigres
OSD vgn. NOI",
+. gee
| NTR, of Bera, Bire, +. xv.
ִּ סיסונְגיf.ריפלו>(208) decree, . דש11Both.
i, +
דִי eo nee.)
RRM, + אלי ]אלבירYoma 7, +. אב(
NPS", Se ()קבר joining, combination. Seer T (RST) ₪.,אבדכר-) vs
Mel igen 771 WLAN (edאשל this₪ merely | * דד בת שתא$S .ea( (דדיom yf sevil «
hy own combination (that Rab's opinion was delivered elohw .raey .reB °44 " קד רהדה שריק ליה רד וכOle .4
in connection with the Mishnah), bat Rab himself recited רוד. . ME; v.Rabb.D.S.a.1
note) so that a dy would
y a tradition (without reference to that special glide down his (fat and smooth) face —Gitt. 6° soso
of the Mishnah). “ כיפרSS a large fly found among sheaves.
pane ET Ow) mares esp.revelation. Sitra “ITT ₪ (reduplic. ofדורor 7; cmp. XT)
the vapor room. Nidd. 67* לפנ“72%Ar. 5.+. אתדורא
(ed. (רכוידר I say, it (the mod) fell off in the vapor room
(where she entered after the bath).
2 m. (ךגר.+) storing ofgrain, piling up. Gitt.47* ,( הידb.b.; v.23) Dayych name of several unclean
: ג אלו'דHINT (the word ,ךככר Dent. XIV, 23 means) birds. Hall, 65"Adsida’ (Lev. XI,) 19 "דדו הכבלis the white
dayyah (stork), anaphah (ib.) תרנזגר רז 'דthe irascible NTT מז. (v. preced.a,"371) grief. ae) Prov.- wa
dayyah; v. אחריה ed., Ms. “3. : :
ry (emp. (רוד to be faint.— Af. 738 to make fainter,
paler. Nidd.20% 'כו הדלWN they showed him a fainter
DMT m. ו9) 906, diabetes) ita צ --
א, 264 top “72 ןרלעמ you may draw liquidsbymeans of —
color, and he declared it clean,
a siphon on the Sabbath; Tosef. Sabb. II, 8; Erub.104* |
התיד אחיד.( זמpreced.;cmp. formand meaning of ( בדרופרpopular perversion, as though=") ללה double mouth, —
m3) faint, feeble, dim; light in substance, thin. Neg.I,2 v. לרה 11( ְ =
math Hs לש דרס the red within the lime-colored leprosy 0 aeDe
si retniaf naht eht ,rettal .ppo ;1 .fesoT .bi ,I 8 הוחא. “NTI, NTN m. (reduplic. of ,ווד v. (לוד--
Tosef. Nidd. III, 11 “ ןאכמif fainter than this (shoe-black), Targ. Prov. XXII, "29 Ms. ,רד ed. Lag. ;"ווד Ry
opp.; קומע 4 11 ;7 *20 ןכמ.'ד Ib. 'ד 'דד extremely (Var. in ed. Lag. p. XII ,אולר corr.ace.). [Prob.a corrupt.
faint, 16 *57 ההלד ןמ רואהAr. (ed.דוחה , readדוהה , fr, N"I75, v. next w.]
( הַהַהgets faint from the effect of the heat. 760, 80":
Tosef. 10. X, 6 תבכש וערז החודhis semen is watery, opp.
= Tm. (ay) grief. Gen. RB. 8. 74 hyd רזח 0
s. .צץ רקרק2; Yalk.Gen. 130 (ed.Gen. (ורוסל.11 he (מ1)808) =
רשוקמcohesive; Tosef. Zabim ,11 4 ; ההודNidd. 35%.--
went back to his grief.
צי.3 Bath. VIII, 16* bot. wherever the wordמורשה
(heirloom) is used, ןושל אהרד it is a faint (vague) expres-
,וגזויד , ונזוודv. next w.
sion (not meant in its true sense as a real inheritance).
Ib. (ref, to Deut. XX XIII,)4 ןרגרס 'כו5“ תילthere is none ab (a popular perversion of draboxy, as though=
vaguer than this(morashah), for whosoever labors (studies), הרן זהגרowt ,stes .v ( הרר11 noisseccus ni ,tnemnrevog -rus‘
obtains the whole of it.—Pl. f. . תוחרהY.Ter. IL, 42” top render of office. Sot. 13° 'כו ( התוא תבש לש 'ד התיהAr.
3‘ םיבנעthe juice of grapes 18 light in substance (in- ;דיוזגיYalk. Deut, 941 (וגזודד it was the week of trans- =
cohesive). mission of office when the office was taken from the
one (Moses) and given to the other (Joshua, hence ‘Moses
Tt (="5 "5) of this (certain event). Targ. Y. Gen.
and Joshua went’ &c., Deut, XX XI, 14); v, .סוכית""ד
XXV, 33 'ד םויכas if it were the day of a certain event
(of Isaac’s death and Esau’s succession, cmp. Targ. Novy, v. ריד
Y. ib. 31); Targ. 0. ib. 31, 33 רָחְלִד ed. Berl. (ed. ,ןיָחְלר
yb", omp. ,לה Mb, 8. +. .לד Noo, v. אָמְגַטַא
NOS ד- ִחַנָאTarg. Ps. LXV, 12. O11", read .אורד
PT, ve NAM. TOO", +. see.
ריד1 5 .₪) he; )5 fluid, writing ink. Ab. IV, 20. דיומרין, Gen. R. s. 62, a corrupt. of "WM, vw. E
Sabb. 188% Y, Sot. I,18* top, v. "9X; a. fr.—Pl. minim,
nina. Midr. Sam. ch, XX VII, end; )'אויד( Gen. R. s. 58; דמוי.( דהperh. a perversion 04/0000 0.06, forked, emp.
Yalk, ib. 109; Yalk. Kings 170 'כו5“ מכhow many ink ,XXL .hsoJ ,IIIV ;92 ralupop 327"]=.lomyte רו, .v ךרו11: 1
drops have been spilt .... to write ‘the sons of Heth’ Erub. )*81 a corner-piece made of two boards rectangu- ;
ten times! larlyjoined or of a block dug out in the shape of a trough, |
four of which corner-pieces form, in legal fiction, an en- —
רייד11 (ét-) two, double, a Greek prefix, sometimes closureof wells 60. (v. 08), making the ground so enclosed
used as a separate word (600) for etymological purposes, a etavirp ecalp rof htabbaS .esu .burE %51 ,rf.a נררוןמשום
and sometimes separated from its junction. Erub. 18° ירדis considered as a diomad (two fictitious walls). Y.ib. —
(explain. , ןידמוידv. ויד ןידומע דמולד( two columns; ib, II, 20° top, opp.טושפ a plain bar; a. fr—Pl. raiו
(expl. , ארפויד.+ NUH) השועה 'ד תוריפ bearing fruits Ib, 11,1 עברא 'ד ןיארנ הנומשכfour corner pieces having |
twice aגוז --. ץסהזי,ףוצרפ 'ד. 'ד,,86 v. ,“ 'זוידDMT 86. the appearance of eight bars; a. fr, , ]ןידמו"דY. Shebi,
VII, beg. 37”, v.[ .ןורומיד a
"יד8 Greek prefix.—1)=0t-, v. preced.—2)=d1a-.
aa m. (v. "3%) 1) faintness, trouble, sickness. Y. דיומסית, דיומסת, +. megs.
Ber. IX, 13* bot. 'כו 'ד חדלhe was in trouble; (so) we
NOT ות, pl. ya ()ןיד quarrels. Tiev. R. 8
166 Him pass.—2) interj. expressive of love-longing (emp.
(ref. to ,םינדמ Prov. XXIII, 29) “7 ןאמל Ar. ₪. v. טפ
& אור.) Oh! Ah! Cant. R. to 1 9 (play on ("דוד תא
אומר לנר ד' ד' וכיuoht O( )droL tseyas ot ,su !hO !hO
[strike out the gloss וארד IN" .['רפ Thou art sighing for סוסוידor םיסויּד pr. n. m. (prob. intend 1 fo
us first (instead of our aspiring for thee)! Ib. (twice Dionysos) name of one of Haman’s ancestors. Targ.
more; correct slight inaccuracies). Pesik. R.s.15 [read:] V,1; Targ. 11 Esth, IU, 1 (strike out 01° , רבVar,=
את אתת לגבן קדמאה, דראו את לגבן, ;את אמרת לנו דרו.muN
R. s. 11 [read;] 'כו תרמא ונל ויד תא תתא,תא | דיוסטמוס, Ex. .8 ,13 ,.geb daer .gS
see ars
ייפ ofnai,treatedae | קצטדו וכ...TEW woht tsah neeb doitimrep ot ees eht
a )₪ "דירand "gO) 4 pole reaching from end to likeness of My image (Abraham), boi My image itself
Bx. XXXVI, 4; Aquila . אXXX. 4) 1) the (Adam)=. Muli,
01° חלקמ לשope hie (Jacob's) image
staff of the wpright loom + .ומ Ant. >.¥. Teds). in heaven (Gen, ₪. «68 (ןינוקיא Kot, 96° oe תושר תאב
aa XI, 6 (2--.רטסיר (adj) | יכ'יAr. ed. Koh. (od. OPT PRS) ₪ Vision resembling his
da ering .ווMets,
2, opaendear
ארטסויר אפייס54. (Me, father's countenance appeared; Tanh. Vayerh.9; «. tr.—
~ engraving
on both vides of the Babb. 149° MISES Marts the watue teed! — 11. rage
or, 16). — Pe. LXXIV, 6 (correep.to (ff, (רלקויר 6.ו.. , .ד bh.XVII (XVII), וod. Zeck
iby Ms.99 (Var, Mature, busts, differ. fr. הריצ
painting )ו Ab. Har.111,42” bot. Perr we), DB. Mets 110
ו we-0.ptDienyra(yr, Dionpotion ta) "I רכש remuneration
for picteres(?)
PSE +. שיר
לקויf. (v. preced.) Agure, exp.
a figure in place
Of @ signature (9.Gitt, 96", quot.
5.+ (ארייָב .Bh.Kam. 106"
wf yet deliv trust money
er to 5 mandatary "דב
‘3 'רפאו if the power of attorney ic signed with « mere
figure, even if witnesses are signed on it identifying the
אס (ER) putupthecompasses 86. signatare—Pl. rings, .ד yt.
a EAT £079 te examination offamilyrrr
for pure marriages(+. £7); in gen. family
record. B.Mets.59"( prov.) כו התקרב. םקזר.. quot. Valk.
Bx. 349 (ed. ,היקתוידב Me. 4. ,יקתסירב Me, ₪4. ,היתקודב
Ms. FP.,היקתודב 6. v. Rabb. D. 8. 4.1. note) if there is
a case of hanging in one's family record, my not to
him, Hang this fish up for me. [Gh'ilt. d°R. Abai « 41
has three times EOP, 5. 153 .אקתדר For the etymol.of
ולws). Mog. Taan.
ריותקא, TM, v. Perl. Et. St. p. 60.)
. ועצפויכו זוconלש rier Tis
arrived against him, and his head was split wi vi, “TTF m. ()רדד decelling, esp. temporary resi-
dines, Uadging. .צץBrub. V, 25" top רייד םשלasa lodging
place; a,6.-- 17. os, ph. 15. שטס 'דreal lodging
places, "דל 'רוארfit for shelter. Tosef.
ib, X (VII), 12;
a. fr. V. TS.
.bT אמטו להחוא דיו.sM ,M )66. . . . (כר אתו ביתוthey through the thickness of the wall. Lam. R. to 1
dehcaer eht emas ;nni *901.hnS 7“ .sM .12 .de( '""(ד.-- אתתא) רבתי,)MIN ' ד' דבייתר וכ.rA .raV( (טְרִיסָאht 61
B, Kam. 118% y, x75, bandstone of my house was broken. לא אל8 5
oe ie שש -
NOT 1. ch=h. ,ללה ink. Targ. Jer. XXXVI, 18.— nov, NON" .זמ ( )לוד1) prop. one who
Hull. 47° “15 like dried ink. Nidd. 20* 75 אתוחכפ 6 water over another person’s hands (cmp. יי
watery part of the ink, 'דד אתורהthe sediment. Ib. hence ()=שמט attendant, waiter, esp. attendant ofad
5 אטרוק a piece of dry ink (a sort of Indian ink, v. Sm. ing club, serving at the table and collecting assessments,
Ant. s. vy. Atramentum).—Denom, תרלה to dot with ink- /608 80. Sabb. 148"; B. Kam, 119* "ד ( אדאY.Sabb. 114i ‘op
> marks. B. Bath. 168% היל תרידמAr. (ed. OW). xwWaw NON) Ada, the waiter. Pes. 86" 4 וחב אוהי שגרד
provided the club-keeper has taken notice of them ‘
דיותקא, +. xmpe. M. 1 ’> 835 the club-keeper knows them well; Ms. 0.9
דחדר בהו דיtaht eh tnew dnuora rofconstab
meht le.
ot eeYoma
s rehte18h=w
, יחידTTT m. )רחד( suspension, removal of a con- ~they are all in),—2) in gen. beadle,
secrated object from its purpose; disability. Kidd. 7°; (proy.) 'וכ קמיה בשוקא TAW 4 אי בר אחתיךfi ‘
Zeb. 12%,a.e. 'ד ארקרעמ לוח 'ד a primary disability (existing sister’s son has been appointed a constable, look out that —
at the time of the vow) is considered like a removal
thou pass not before him in the street (for he knows
(througha cause of alater date), (opp.to החדנוAN, v.OTF thy affairs well and may blackmail Sport: \
Nif.). Ib. שר 'ד םימדב the law concerning suspension or
removal applies also to such objects as are consecrated 05 1. ()לוד pouring, sprinklvig. Y. Pes. y, 2°
only for the value they represent; a. e.—Pl. pn, ‘M4. bot. (ref.to Num, XIX, 13) הקירז אה 'ד םייק הבגof his
Yoma" 63 דm"b תרלד who rejects the opinion concerning sprinkling act the expression קרז is used, and yet
unfitness (of the scape-goat on account of an accident Num. XIX, 18 sq.) you call it .הֶיֶזה
to the sacrificial goat). Zeb. 12"; a. >.
fe iT .תו (b. h.; (ךוד judge, generally at the sa me
PITT m. ()קחד crowd. Tosef. Yoma IV (III), 17 time nee spiritual leader, Suh. 7". Sabb. 10°; a. fr.—
/ 2 ו pris). Pl, o°7785, PII. Snh.1.o, 'דח "> the judges’ ומ nts
(stick, strap ₪0.(. B. Bath. 51% והלוג "3559 the judges of
, ותחידcant. B. to 11, 15, v.בלטוורא .
the Diaspora (Karna a. Samuel; v. Snh. 17), Keth, XIII, 1,
NATO, + waza, v. mata; a. fr.— Fem. pl. .תונריה Koh. .א to 11, 8 לנייד
נקבותmn זכררםmale judges and female judges (leade +
,ימיד, .+ sows. | Yalk, ib. 968 תובקנ רש ןיֶנָיּהו253). 5
| )וthe
טק neighbor).
וה0 (Oth. opin. in Ar, the stance
| supporting
the bedge.)
MOT, MGT,» mer
סא .אכ
= ,5
הכרא+ er.
of office)
had arrived (cmp. 31%); Yalk. evo, ee (Targ. ¥.Gen. 11,4 “>,
/ at.947 OE. Sifréib.s,27 סוכיתיר (corr. (.00א ;Yalk. v. next w.jJ—Pl. westoy. Eeth. ₪.introd. 'כו7 ךמ ןיגסר
out, 814 OTST (read (סוכורייר when the informers increased, the plandering )> מ (
of people's property increased; Yalk. Heth. 1044; Yalk.
PO, ene Job 920.
FID" £ (7) pounding. Sabb.19°, contrad, toהקרחש ’NTOT, " דל+ detatara) information, syoophancy.
Sarg. Y. Gen. Hl,4 (corr. ace.,v. preced.).— Pesik. 4.
| ₪ 88 Tes לע “ 'דOM spoke evil of My children.
7 qe oe TR | SRS, "לד ¢ caatatoria,
ond.verbs) same. Gon
Ty + כ | 519; a fr. [¥. Pesh I, 16* bot. דד ךחלmn, read:
| ןיִרוטָלי
ןחבrm, v. ted)
im. (23) the crushing of the bulb or tuber in
שוground. Y. Shebi. V, 35% bot, רוקיעכ “ crushing is — Poy. at
5 SOE De Be Sot +
| למא, (<a>“, .ד Ezra VII, 23;=b
ST m. (preced.) crushing, oppression. \ 0 oe ae Targ. Dect.
Prov. XXIV, 2 (ed. Lag. 72", Var. 8°, ed. VU, 22; a. v. fr—Ab. Zar. 35° "כו יד אכראlest there may
nan; |.text 7). Tb. XXI,7 ed. Vien. 37 (ed. Lag. be one who &c. Ber. 29° "כו “ אכרפתסמI am afraid,
=, Var. .('ביר | lest I may become confused ; a. fr.—2) (without the mean-
ing of apprehension)
perhaps, if may be. BR. Hash.
₪ יי a a. >. “S has four meanings: אה “ 'ד אלאx if, perhaps
ער ד-v + (lest),
but, because. Ber.2” top "כו 'ד תאיבis it not poss-
| ible that the word wba indicates the arrival of his sun
Jt m. .כו )ךוה11( marks, points. B. Bath.4* רפינס | (the morning of the eighth day)? Ib. "ד דאor may it not
'ד גמMs. M. a. Ar. (ed. רפוניס( יכרי the points (sting- | 6; a.v.fr—{Pesik.
Shek. p. 13* ,דד corr. o>", as Tanh.
yughs of the thorn hedge) must be directed outside ) Ki Thissa 5.)
nay, למאTT )= (חַיא) אַלְמַא,58 .v (אַלְמָאereh 2) (018ו60:06==880.ן8) 6 0 יצSnh. 3
is a confirmation, a heading ‘used in the Palest, dialect
ואחד ד' לכולןdna eno nedlog flac saw eht
erty of all the tribes. Gen. R. 8. 84, end; alk. ib. 8
for introducing a story as an illustration (corresp. to h.
musa; v. Ruth R. to I, 17 a Ex. R.s. 52). Koh. R. to
they sold him 'כו 'מדל לשto the public treasury (as ,
V, 11. Pesik. Bahod. p. 155%. Y. Ber. I, 2% Y. Peah
state slave).—3) (also as pl.) state-tax, confiscation. Lev.
III, 17% bot.; a. fr. (in Talm. Y.).
R. 8.30 'כו רבגמל 'מדto collect the taxes &c. 19, . . . ריתה
מדמוסא שלהן.rroc( ).eca eh dettimer eno drifhot rieht
, אמליד, אמלודY. Kil. IX, 32% top, a fragment due taxes; Pesik. Ul’kah. p. 182°, Ib. Shek. p. 11% s¢
of a Variant of the following ;דלמטיקרון read:הברדסין Foie רתררא bring thy demosia; Yalk.Ex.386 570%
וחדלמטיקין קולבין ומעפורין, Yalk. Prov. 958.--17. (Hebr.) mixsovas, .תויָסּומרִה
R. to 111, 7.--4( public bath, v. .ןיסומיה
mo", Y.B. Mets. 11, 8°, a corrupt., perh. of הָנּודיִלְּכ
ץ. בְּלִרדון, reh .telecarb , ןייסומידv. next w. 9.
דומוס דדּימוס.m ,¢0.p6S( .v 1אאו, I arzE ,IV )42 , )יאנסמ"ד( יאנוסמיד "יאנסומידm. pL (a
a row or layer of stones, bricks &c. ina wall. Y. Erub. corrupt. of 3 poctmvat= publicani) farmers of p i
I, 19% top ןיחרא 'וד לשa row of bond timber, v. .ַחיְרֶא revenues under the Roman government. Meg. Taan. ch. II,
Sabb. 109" םרנבא לש% a row of stones in a wall; Tosef, quot. in Snh. 91* [read:]} 'כו ( וליטבתיא 'דvy. Rabb. D. oea.
ib. XI(XII),1. B. Mets, 118" 'דה לע. . חינהplaced a stone 1. note) the demosionai were removed. -
in its position. Sot. 44° 1] זמ rebuilding his house ם"סוה
בו ד' אחדeh edam ti eno reyal ;rehgih .a .lP—.rf הְימוסֶים , עומיד2 m. )22( miature of T’rwmah and
yoyo. [Ex. R. 8. 50, read with Gen. R. 8 Doron] Hullin. Tosef. Dem. V, 2; Y. ib. IV, 24° ) תמרא 'דחon-
Num, R. 8. 7, beg. ןוסומד (corr. ace.). ]ןרסומלה baths, v. scientiousness in observing 80. Ib. V, end, 25"; ₪. e.--
הִרמוּסְרָא.[ Chald. form Nowa, pl. Nova. Y: Ber. IT, 5% "108.47 ןנברד25“ the law concerning mixture &c., wh ch
bot. 'ד תרנמ1 counted the layers (during prayer). is merely of rabbinical origin.
סומידIT m.>( 0ף8) )1 people .( )עסקט[טפGen. R. , ןורומידpos .( תבdiamoron) a medica
s. 6; Ex. R.s.15, v.( 2--.11 רלהבpopular gathering, public composed of the juice of black mulberries and honey.
festival with games )5 0106 &ywy) given by Emperors Shebi. VII, beg. 37° Mus, (ed. ,ןידמולד corr, 400. = =
or high officials and connected with amnesty; in gen.
דִימִחמְרָא, +. eon. .
amnesty, pardon. Y. Ber. IX, 14" when the king 'ד jm»
stnarg a lareneg ,nodrap .ppo ספיקולה.--86018. %86 עשה mony, תיסמד pr. . םpl. (emp. (הימוסין Di
'דכ הזהact as was done in that public game (Ar. 012155). (Bath), identical with Emmaus, v, .סּואמְא Sabb. 4
—Lev. R. s. 29, a. fr. 'דב NX" he was pardoned, Gen. קרקעיתה של די.rA .de( דיומסת, ,taom .rroc ).ec0a
> BR. s. 79 when he heard a divine voice say "ד 5 demos, mud of D.—Ib. 'סמויד ( ארמread תרסמרדד , ארמv. Rak
demos (pardon), the bird escaped, opp.; אלוקרפס Y. Shebi. D. 8. a.l.note 20). Ab. d’R. .א ch. XIV, end (cmp.Sat
IX, 38" top; 26818. B’shall. p.88?( סרניד corr. ace.); a. fr.— 1. c., a. Koh. R. to VII, 7). 4
[Ex.R. s. 2, beg. 'דב M35, v. --ןיָסּומררכ 8 moo",
NOVO", v. 77.
+. RIOTS. J—Pl. pois public games. Cant.R.to VIL, 12
'" ובta . נטירלlet us take a walk among (observe) the
amusements of the world.
דין, יכו5+
oi, pl. NO 1a", vy. סומידI, end. PTL, FAT (on, v. Ges.H.Dict. sr אש
hold court, pass sentence, punish. Snh. 11, 2 78
wot ()איסומד f. 0סו6ףש8) tz) 1) public ae אלו the king must not act as judge,
affairs. Gen. R.s.8 הנידמ 'דב לשAr. (ed. moi; Yalk. summoned before court. B.Kam, 82*.’/3" רנשב ו
Job 907 (סרסומרדב with the public affairs of the country.— is held on Mondays and Thursdays. Snh. V
™ ™
' הערים וכsessentiw era denimaxe ,eA + "בִּינַי. Th.o*ידין זז יms. .0 b.; preced.) 1) law-oull, 10 ;yedgment,
ך"ריdare he hold court? Me dare; 8. fr-—-%) lo argue, ice, law, Ye. 07°; Gob. 6° רות כוקי רח תא. let the
conclude, Pos. 27° "FH TTT they argued differently. law cut th the mountain (justice umder al) circum:
Maas, Bh. 11, 0; Bday. ,1 10 נפל םייטכהPITT those who ances), Th. 'רSry ךיא their decision ie not binding
argued before the scholars; Hiab, 17" by “those who וא. 1X, 2 דב PSs ךיא compastion must have tos i
argued ₪6.' are meant 1. Bhimeon he. Ab. Zar 111.5 (45°) ... הon the decision of the law. Ib. IX, | טםיירבדו =
)H7 .) אנל אובין+. ,bbeH .₪ .8 .1.5 eton #), + בי. א. ל" וליlup evah on mialc revetah.cwb ,b.a
1 .B> roc
Mash. הנשט כו ?* . . , הכשTI we compare the word שכאו לריowt enosrep ohw emoc erofeb .truoc .bt ,IV ,1
thanah (year), used in connection
with months, with shanah "SB. Mets, 30°, « fr, הרות יראlaw, opp
weed ke, (Num,[ו 14 with Mx. XU, #);
=. +.- משורת חרDTS edisni eht enil fo eht ,wel ytiuqe —
)8 to Judge, form an opinion of, Ab. 1, 6, ¥, PDT, a. fr, Sabb. 59° "OF vexstions of the law, amnecemer)
NI. yor4, 9 )א. אTp fo be judged, be called to delay of sentence, דה FOS perversion of the law, par-
account, summoned, punished, sentenced, Th. Mash. I,2 tiality and sophistry; "רח לוקלרקdieregard of the lew,
“9 הקולםsentence is passed upon the world (prosperity or wrong sentence through carelesmen—Ab.
Zar. 1#*, « fr.
failure decreed). Th, 16° “are ryt; sentence has been יום הריeht yad fo tnemgduj ni( eht dlrow ot .)emoc %1
pasted upon it in the previous year (on the Passover, 2). העצדרק את תדot eralced s'doG tnemgdoj ,thgir
before the seed was sown), אבתל ' on the Passover of to submit to God's decree with resignation, “ PTs
‘this same year (after the seed has been planted), 1%. םרא resignation—Ab, IV, 22, a.f. $3 to give an הספספמ
er לכב 'נjudgment i* passed on man every day. Tb, 12" to be made responsible.—Gen. ₪. «28 Sy “Sat eaflered
othr) ןיחתורב they were punished with (found their death punishment. 12.5.22 כו יניר לשrors (Ar. 7°57) to make
in) hot water, Ab. 111, 15 2 םליעה sts the world ix responsible for &c., cmp. ךייק"ר;₪.)].--]5.%.12 end, 5. fr.
| with divine merey. Hull, 45° mrss % is subject to “Ti תדיט the attribate of justice, Divine Justice, opp.
the same lawasthebrain. B, Kam. 11, 5 23 erm, +. ps | יקיר .ןיד הש-- Ps (abbr. 7S)
;לa.fr, court,¥. 'ר--.תיָּב 98 decree, .ד “th.—Kidd. 65", 5. fr.
Bi, yes to argue, discuss, dispute. Kob.
R. to Hl, 8 ' בעלר,tnagitil tnen
-- .baS °23 smon
| ert teet-aeeite with him. Ib. proceedings in court which bear evidencesof fraudalent
ןיֶניִיָרְטש בwho argue legal questions.—Gen. RB. +.5 claims or statements,—Ber.
55° ‘st ורדכת רסדמ 'ר לכone
Moo ןיניידמהז yn contended with one another; a. fr. who appeals
to the Lord for jadgment on hie neighbor.—
2) argument, analogy. Sub. 4", Zeb. 38° "דה ES by
וו To unsTarg. I Kings XX, 40; a. e.— analogy from equal expressions, +, .הרג Th. אדה > אלחו
TES Toh TP Targ. Is. XVI, 5. Targ. 0. Ex, X VIL, 16 is not this an analogy!—Eep.
conclusion from minor fo
x 3 ed. Berl, (Var, אָכְיִאְר , XN, +. Berl. Targ. 0.
(“Zt Sp). Y. Kidd.1,beg. 58%; Bab. ib. 4”, « fr.
1 oP. 95;1 ייפ --15-,ןררמ
TI Fhe. Targ.0.ib.13 pred | major
“ תואit is a proper conclusion;
“ דלא -...... המifs
Berl. wed, Y. ;(ןודיטל ₪.o.—Y. Sb. I,18*bot. ביתי Hebrew band-maid is sequired by means of
ותFT sat holding court single-handed, 1b. P77 ווח money, 'כו “I SR is it not so mach the more proper that
וי = Keth. 27° אָנְניִאְר 1 a wife ..(ם8--.₪6
54", afr. דת Jo PSS TR the tresepacs
(v. supra), B.Bath, 29%, +.x3"5; .)ז.א (Sabb. 67°, of a law derived by conclasion od majus is not punish-
yo --[רטר הנרטוPS וד judge from it and(all)from it, able.—‘s1 דת ןמ, אבלv. = —Soh. 2%afr. "ד 'דכו אדה
|. 6.an analogy (v. 77713) must be carried through all and by right
₪6. Ib. “Ex 7 דור אדהthe came applies also
points so that the case deduced agrees throughout with to &c.— Pl °°, TI, constr. .יכיר Hag. I, 6 'דה the
case from which the deduction bas started, opp. 17 interpretations of laws, v. ib. 11° —Sah. IV, 1, a fr. לניר
ואוקור ביsroM egduj morf ti dna ecalp eht noitcuded ממונותcivil cases, תושפנ 'דcapital cases. BR.Hash. 21° יד
on its own basis, i.e. let thededuction won by analogy
' שבלב שלא וכsecnetnes morf a erem renni ,noitcivnoc
6 regulated by the rules of the original case, 6. g. without witnesses &c.; a. fr.
bu, 31* an analogy between testimony and trast with
rence to false oaths (Lev. V, 1 sq.,
a.218q.). Yeb. 78"; Tt S ch.same, 1)law, decision;cause bc. Targ.
.Kam. 25°; a.fr. = Is. LVI, 6, + ."שכב Targ. Prov. XX,8; a.fr.—Gen. B. « 45
"Pa. 72 1)to dispute, quarrel Targ.Y. Ex. XV, 12; " גבךS75 Ss" may my cause be required at thy hands,
₪ @—2) to decide. Shebu. $2" ‘>tריד "yb “Sn how i.6. you wronged me, emp. .מ88--.ןדיקיב *8 "דדHST court
hall thejudges decide this case?; ib.47*וטיידיל ae. day. B.Kam.39*; B. Mets.117° 'דד תדחנ הרקטוקלbe enters
Tthpe. FEN,TIEN,“Stobejudged, decreed upon,punished. into the depth of the case before him. B. Bath. 173" 'ד
rg. ¥.Ex. XVIII, 11. Targ.Is. LIX, 4;a. fr.—R. Hash. 16* רפרסארPersian law (arbitrary). B. Kam. 112% a fr. יד
אימתwhen were these sentences passed?—Ib. דח 'לכותא דeשhד
t wal fo eht )raluces( tnemnrevog si wal
ANS אנרד sentence
is passed apon it (the grain) once (must supersede the Jewish law in civil affairs). B. Meta. 63°
ly; אכדתו ררתרנידsentence is. «+. twice. | "om “ ₪ this the law? Ber. 5" 'ד דיבעד “ אלבthat He
Apa. ארהין אררירן 1) same. Targ. Ps,XXXVI, 33; will pass sentence without justice (punish without cause).
—2) to argue, dispute, have a law-swit with. Targ. Nidd. 69%, v.73. Gitt.56*bot. ראב אדההד ארבג what
= ישרש שרל ייל | is this man’s (thy) punishment (in the nether world)?
> and contested
before &c.; a. e. Lev. B. 5. 27 'כו 'דJR הדח וליאif such a case would
yi 302 יסקס
come up.in your country, Ib. רמחמל "mms i525 (Tanh.
Emor 6 ,ןוביציד read: 7i2"2"5 pl.) I came to see your
, ןירוטסידy. MIMO, ape ae aie
administration of the law ; a. fr.—2) contest, quarrel. Targ. ,"ON .v היסקְיָא. כ -
Prov. XVII, 1; a, fr.— Pl. .ןיֶכיִד Targ. .ל Gen. XIII, 7
[read:] ןיניד "nh. Targ. Y. Ex.1,10 'ד >a by what laws; "DBO" )' דירספAr, ed. PEO") m. a litter₪
fr.—[Y¥. Keth. IX, 33> bot. ןירמגומ ,455 . צץNOIR. ] by ind (Lat. Basterna). Hull.79? 7a, . , "> תלירעמ -
when you hitch for me the mules to the litter. Gitt.55";
ךידNO", v. 73. 57° 'דד אקשthe shaft of a litter. [Prob. named after
the city of Thapsacus.] 2|
סומאָניּדm. (dvvatd¢) able, capable. Y’lamd. to
Deut. IV, 30 21 ON Ar. ed. R. (Var.& סוטסניד c., v. RPO" ) (דסקאm. )8)6%06( dise (always need ₪
Koh. Ar. Compl. 111, p. 97), the 9 of tabula, tabella), 1) tablet.—Pl."po"5. Men. 40*
mx היבתכרל (Rashi "pow, Ms. 8. 2 a. K. ('רא let it 06
Ao", Adv pr. n. f. Dinag (Dunag), daughter of R.
published on public tablets (inscriptions; comment,: in
Nahman. Kidd. 70° "5 Ar, (ed. 7).
official letters from Palestine to Babylon, v. infra).—_
ny pr. n. 5 (b. h.) Dinah, daughter of Jacob. B. 2) official document, letter. 13. Kam, 112" 'כו 722 'דwp?
Bath. "15: a, fr, (M. M. xpo™, v. Rabb. D. ₪. a, 1. note) he held a letter —
from the Supreme Court (authorizing him to take depo-
ד"כ, v.37. sitions of witnesses). Kidd.70° אתונלמזד 'דAr, (ed. אקתרפ |
דהזמנא, (פרסקאsnommus ot raeppa erofeb .truoc ,.bI
=ך רכרך- ּארנוּן.v( .)ys .Y .eciB 1 ,dne 56> מרין5 v. 8por.— PI. "poy. Men. 40% v. supra. 04166. 86* their|
who say (v. רד .(1 Y.B. Bath, X, 17° bot. (a note which signatures in the shape of figures (as a fish, bough &c.)
contains the words)—‘ ךרזוז "ד 'כו zuz which are’, and
the number is effaced (Mish. ib. 2 .( ןוניאדY. B. Mets, | were known to the public רקסדב (Rashi ,'סידב ('סיידב,\ז.
by the official letters which they issued. Ib, 88* “3 בר
O72", Pesik. B’shall. p- 88% .צץ ovo IIL. '; דרוסקום אחד טעון וב.cca.rroc( .raV .rA ;רפזין
ט.bbaS %911
ש;לחן,kiseP .R .8 32 (המחורa egral rehcnert deirrac no
Ova" f. (Obvaptc) power, ability, Cant.R. toIV, 8 sixteen poles. Esth. ₪, to I, 19; a, 6.-- 11. ,םיִסוקְסיִה
(not ,סומכלד interpret. dx, Is. XLV, 14). Popo". Gen. R.s.10 a bath-tub in which were "רד | רכש
דינסמיס, +. ower. נארםAr, (ed. "5; Yalk. Gen. 16 ,'יסקסיד ; 'סויקסדYalk.
Proy. 961. ,ןיסיקיסר corr. acc.) two fine disks.—Ib. םיקס י
, יאקנידKoh. .₪ to X, 8, v. "NP. v. PPO".
רֶנ,₪ m. (denarius) denar (silver denar='/,, of a gold סוקסידIT pr. n. m. (or place). 10861. Mikv. I, 17;
denar, v. Zuckerm, Talm. Miinz. p: 19sq.; Sm. Ant. s. Y. re: VIII, 455; Kidd." 66 , םיקסדv. mann 1. |
v. Denarius). Y. Kidd. I, 58% top; cmp. B. Mets. 44>;
a. fr.—Pl, i772", constr, “77. Y. Ber. IX, 134 bot.; a. דִיסְקיָאf, 001008810==%0:%%60)02) ).8 gab htiw owt
fr.—V. ןונרָדְרוג a. IO". —B. Bath. 166? aia (sub.(זהב 5- “saddle. Tosef. B. Bath. IV, 2; B. Bath. 78%--
. 2016 denars, ןירניד silver denars. .reB %81 537 " בדר! ורנרחםMID לא,sM .M ees( דיסיקיא, 6
( ארקסדone must not put them in the saddle bag a
"4, N71", NT ch. same. Targ. Y. Ex. place them across the back of an ass. Sabb. 142” es Ms
XXX, 13.—Y. Keth. Vil, 314 top; Y. Kidd. I, 62%, y. M. (ed. 05); a. fr.—Y. Ber. III, 64 bot. "pos; Y. Erub
גורְדינון. Ab. Zar. 52" אפיש 'ד אניירט אניירדהו8. ) VI, 23° top( איקרסררד corr. ace.). Y. Sabb. VII, 10° 5"
aie ('רדה a Trojanic, Hadrianic denar which is rubbed ( לש ארקרסרדcorr.ace.) locks of &¢,— PI.דִיִסִקְלָאוּת .
off (i.e. Jewish coins restamped by Trojanus &.). Ib. 6” Kel. B. Mets, ,11 3 תואקרסודed. Zuck. (R.8, toKel.X 1
ד' קיסראנאemos( .de ,P"OMINM ihsaR ' (קסa naeraseC דלסקאות
; .leK 1. 6. (סיטונות, 4
denar (Ms, 11, רסיקד 'דa denar coined in commemoration
of coronation; emp., however, (סוקסרל ;a. fr—PI, 7737, NIH PO". cpg intrcton hadi
1 m
"2", B. Bath. 166°; a. fr. Vayikra, es quot. Ar, ae
NOM, v. RO",
(a 8 corrupt, of ,סנטסקרר , גרדdextans) dantai
דיסגנים, +. oppor. | copper coin, 56 of an As. Y. Maas. Bask: 2"
ריסקרא ריפָלִי
לש ירmoney consisting
of small coins (Toref.ib. 1,4 | Dithpe, 40000. of קס cmp. .עז , אקזסאDron,P.
, ' קשנות וכ,)STEM +, הורטסר Hien. 925; 081) Aamdic of an axe, ewordbo. Tory. Jed,
111, 22, Karwb, V, 224 bot, ET אתקשר (read אשד (
| the handle of & wood-cutters’
axe (wedged in between
+ OT 5.009%
+(סלקס"ר > sancer, two buildings of « court), (Correct«. ¥. Purvis, (~)
Gen ל ,( ארקסיר ןירקיסרcorr. ace.).—
171. "Fe". wood cutter [
וו4.92 (transiat. יויכשמ Prov, XXV,11; Valk, Prov, ee! "MEPS, “OT & (dial. for ,אקתשר + preced.
So, +. CPO). Pesik. Mahod.p. 101%; Pesik. ₪-5.14; Dithpe. denors. of BTS, BITS) market down, etilement.
Lev. B.0,20 ירקסיר (read) ןירקסיר VS); Posik. Par, p.oe" Targ. ווBeth, Vi, 10 of, Pri. (od. Lag, ,אקתסור oth. of.
( קיטוניןcorr, ace.); Koh. .ו to VIN, 1; = = on™" Meg. ווי PE) Mer, 66° ןוזדדטר דקרB Mets, a5" |
א » “Ol 5 Dispnelof | ₪. Bath, 12°; Yolk, Mx, 344 ליר the market-town (out
ו etavirp nwot ) | ללרtide) of M hora; v. ."אקס
b. °06 ‘a private town whieh became public TSF] =. (Sz, Dithps, of32) having been
trea yesce one (יסיר 5 ₪. the disharta done, didbad, »dialectical term toindicate that the cane
of the Resh Galutha, Th, ראושנר סירMe. M. (ed, (יאוותנר before you le dealt with as « fact, and not with reference
Gitt, 40* ידבער יסרA settloment of slaves. Mog. 16* 0 to ite direct permisibility in the premises, =>; ₪
ליח בתרא.eM .M .de( (בחרeh ei yltneiciffue dedrawer a fact, decision
ex post facto, Nall. 2 Mrerss
orcs לכת
h 4 township (as a royal grant, +. (אָקְס"ַר --804- 6" “MSS
PS TS the words of the Mishnah (1, 1), ‘All
iS תחרותי ברRab Judah of Diskarta. (Fi. to Levy Targ. slaughter’ mean a direct permission (all may be.), whereas
Dict, 11, 577" identifies
our w. with Pors, dastcharah, | the immediately following clause, ‘And their slaughter-
| ingis ritually legitimate’
indiestes » decision after the
, ָ י.( והDithpe.
or . ווקof TTD;5%+ |. fact (which implies that deaf-mate persons bc. must not
ee Sabb.
48* od. (Ms. M. MTD), | be admitted to the slaughtering act)'—Ib.* "כל לכהsome
| 'ד אכרא לכהsometimes All...’ means a direct permission
רֶן יסרא ,.gnis דסי דיסטוריןpl.( al may), and sometimes ה sanction after the fact. 1%.
mg ton preced, ja binding relation,הסל >“ | רהרת ידwhy should there be in the Mishnah two
relation of a serf or peasant, a sort of tenancy. diabads? Men. 108" אל יד ךיא 'כלif it has been done, it
26° ןרותסירב
איגס חילed. (Ar. a. Yalk. Lev. 678 is legitimate,
but directly permissible it is not. Ber. 15*;
)"> (when consecrating all of his fields) he may still a.v.fr—3
as a diabed. Hull. 15" אלא . . . אל אק רישכמ
ek a gnivil yb gnisk
res .ddiK 06” דנקיש בדיBR. H. declares the action legitimate after it has been
7 כידב od.ןירוטסר( .41) when he holds the land shown done, but he does not directly authorize it; a.fr. (Zeb. 75"
: » her as ₪ peasant (but owns it not). בד
איק ררב
! ₪
, ‘QU « (dial. for semen, reduplic.of , העידv. ree.
portion, ele dad?ילו corre ידקש0 תwee
% 1, הייר + a NET + (<b. ret) sweat. Targ.
0.Gen.Lil,19 (ed.
took the portion which was given to me (the bride) רקא,v. Berl. Targ. 0. 18, p. 2).
ndgaveit 80. Ber.42° 'ד. . . . אדשMs. M. (read רדש
|,יכו ורדש( חל 'ררבטthe Resh Galutha sent them an ET, Targ.
Job XLI, 14 ,םידת some ed, read: por,
prary portion. Gitt. 67" אתוטח 'ד אקנחדAr. (ed. +. TV 1,ch.
inom... . ('ר a gift which chokes a mother-in-law (a DUTT + ג 4:
oquial expression for a treacherous gift, as from a
08 0 animal
in Rashi). *50.ז6
. .. . לקש NOB"T + (aupta, .טלpecania) « double price,in gen.
פתק ראraM.Zkoot emos(foeht )stiurfdna werht (=muleta, v.Du Cange =.v.) fine. Y.Ab. Zar.1,39" bot.—
ג.Ro.t. sa sih noitrop fo ,sM(r
sh... (זרק. יצSabb. V1, end, 8% ירד םרג הילWats (not (לפדד what was
NES T, ‘OT LT(aint. xzReh) £.(Vitel, v.-5, denom. the cause of his being fined?; +. אכל
( @ menstruous woman, Taan. 22° כיד ed. (Ms, M. , רממולפידEx. RB. 5.20, beg. v.פלוסטר .
m7). Sabb.110* יסיד Ms. 0. (ed. ,שיר Ms. M. 27). Ab.
=. 18* .ישר Th. 94" 'טר rend יאסרפ ( ןאמכ ורקMs. 1. , *ןולפידread: [OOS m. pl. (pl. of &=14<) double
(קר" זגno tahw ytirohtua od eht snaisreP llac a (years), double age, i. >. 140 years (Ps. XC, 10). Gen. B.
= woman 41/5/0081 (for the usual distana)? Answ. s. 59 (expl. םיטיב , אבGen. XXIV, 1) “SS( אבsome4.
) to Gen. XXXI, 35as if fr.,שוד cmp. Xow, having ‘ETc, Yalk. ib. 108 PSyrs) he was entering into his
1 of women). [ROME does not necessarily refer double age (approaching his one hundred and fortieth
the Persian language, as evidenced by the preceding year; emp. Gen. XXI, 5; XXV, 20); comment.: double
® Persian dashtiin may be borrowed from Aram— world (this life and the hereafter).
& P. Sm. 958.]
Sa ₪.,%ה00) sub. 2:04, v. Labker Reallex. « +.
PRO ‘OF m Gaia forאקתשר + עי Stoa) a double colonnade.—x2=o7% "דan isfba(v. xSooR)
היפְלִיסְטְוֶן 403 דיקולדגוס וו
IV, 5; Yalk. Deut. 918 ןיטסלפ ( רדcorr. acc.).—[Y. Pes. (; העירהCant. R.to 1,4; Ab.d’R.N.ch. XXXIV.—2)דיצת
x: 37° top ןיריטופ , רלפרדread: ןיריטופד , רלריפ, צץthn a, ( ןייברעהsub. סררת( a shield used at Arabian sports. Kel. |
[פמיְין ; ,VIXX .1 .neG[ .R .s ,01 ,.geb daer ,"EM .v דִּיִדְכָי-
טשק in הטישק ,Gen. א א א111, 19) what
tion have Yod Hé here? [read:] ןירגרטזו ולא תוילח 'ד דיר ה1 1 ).dneamc
wd a*m
ת דY
a compartment in the Temple designated for a dwelling.
; (v. ‘Rashi’ a. 1. a. Yalk. ib, 134) these are the
ks ofhyacinths andsmaragds with which jewelry is Ib.” Sap תריד permanent residence, opp. “KS “ 18. ד
0 rated, i e. the vowel letters connecting the consonants, | ‘si mms לעב a dwelling not freely chosen (as the High-
priests’ in the Temple) is not called a dwelling (to require
crc היל ירשליל te the sen-
%6 :gniwollof(מרכותב וכי Mrutah). To. 11° “5 ,דחוימ +. Th; .א 1-11. ee
| אמק. R. 5. 15; v., however, .ריד
ic, | m. (baxlvitvoy,v. preced.) Ayacinth- |
1 )-% oetheceh, tecgunddion of "דר IT .1 name of a grain worm. Par.1X,2; emp.
כרib,) רקדנטינוןMus.(ed.,ןונירט corr.acc.); +- .ןיטיטלא xp I.
דרהLLI .1 eman fo a ,lewej ראז11ה.
| +. ARP. RIT ve
ין |"pr. n. .( הDiocles, etis) Diocles, the name ee ee ee & tev.
the emperor Diocletian before his accession to the oT
rone. Y. Ter. VIU, end, 46% 'ד אריזהD. the swineherd ;
eT ₪. cheb. ATs L—PL אתוורדה , constr. ST.
: אי .'
Targ. Jer. IX,9. Targ. Ps. LXXXIil, 13 Ms. (ed. >>;
, ¥. Sabb. Il, 5* top “ Mp pt, read: ןילקידד + ג. text (טעות.--תָאMT.
ְִיִר, 8. Bath. 67%. Lam.3.
made of reeds, v. SAP". toI,1 ;רועה .+ אמר
306 ד:
/ מקום חדירeht gnihserht .ecalp .R.neG 96.8, 6.8. | מה עפר ףדm. (b. h.; ךכד( crushed, broken;- oni
רושע 'ד לכלas the dust is trodden upon by all.—B. | .veL .R .s ;43 .raiM .vorP .hc IIXX ere )=שהוא(
Mets." 90 ואל ושרדב אוהhe did not muzzle it in the | the poor man is called dakh because he is 0
threshing place. | Pl. . םרִֶהSabb. 104% v, . ץ"כדTb. 105% v, . ק"דטצנYolk
שידNO", wy ch.same. Targ. O. Deut. XXV, 4.
Ps, 848, v. 985 IIL
.graT.sI ,IIIVXX ;81 .lluH—.e.a ”6 ).vorp( 'תורא מדִיטרה וכ N27, Pi, X23 (b. h.; v. preced.) to crush, humble.
the ox has a right to eat of what he threshes, Midr. Till. to Ps. XIII, 3 (play on םיכד ib.) ןָאְּבִדְמ BN |
האשיד m. (preced.) thresher.—Pl."~2"5. Zeb. 116”
'ברI will crush them (the Philistines) by means of severe
[read:]( ןישרידד הרב 'ד Ms, 1. avatar רשרדד( with which afflictions. Ib, 'כו לארשר4823 and crush Israel by means
of persecutions; a. e.— Part. pass. NDi19, pl. Mes
the threshers thresh; Men. 22 “NAT ושדד; הב Ab, Zar. 24”
Keth. 8°, 1
)אסקרוק( ןשיידדod (Ms. M. חיב אָתְיַשה rea); Yalk.
Sam. 122 אָטיְיִדד,( )אשקרוקv. preced. דְכָאVv. .72" rie,
ןשיּדpr. n. gent. Dishan, Targ. Gen. XXXVI, 21; ףדכדch. )1 same. Targ. Ps. CXLIII, 3.—2) to 4
Targ. I Chr. I, 88 jn". humbly, to dissemble humility. Ib. X, 10 73375 ed. Wil.
.sM( 5239, ג. text(דכה .
NIU", ve RIT.
NIT m. “ye. Pes. 85* (expl. jE", cmp. שגה
דְכף, +. ְכוּמָא >
mia רסא Ar. a. Ms. M. 2 (ed. אתיר Ag. Hatt. (אתלד 8 NDT ג. (“27 11( male person, 7 populati
grass tied around (in place of a belt).—P/. PRN, "AN. |
Targ. 70. Gen. XVII, 14 (Y. MNS), 10. 10; a. fr.
Targ. Jer. XIV, 5. Targ.Ps.X XIII,2 (some ed. PANT).
Targ. Y. Gen. 1. 6. | הכורף+. citnamorcen ,snoitirappa |זכרה.
זזChr. XXXII, 6. ge + Pe
דיתיכוס, +. ne.
1 pf
a s.
).) (רפרpurity, leviticalcleannesTarg. ה.f 1) +. פספוון4,--9(-רכורל, Targ. .¥ 11 .moN
Lev. “iain (Targ.
1. ib. 6 eee —F1. )aos, = 3
‘33? affairs conc erni
levitical g
cleanness, Targ. 1 Che. )+. mo), Pi.ְךָכְה ₪ crush, Part. pase. .דבpl
Mids. Till. to Pe, 6111 דנא TS we are crushed,
דכי Ping (Aramaiom,
v.next w.) lodeclare worn out (Gen, ₪. 5. 5 ,ןינכודב +. HTD.
clean, Nidd, 26° 'כו 29 אלthe scholars
never declared = Part, Pell, ,ךיכר ). mest crushed,
ho. . דוק Prov, XVI,22 (h, text (האכנ [Ib.
Vi, ti ךוכרתו
some 64. +. יי(
די ןBay (ob. Fm)Uobecle (my YI 1) te Pa, 537 to crush, Targ.
Job IV, 19.
| pure; to be cleared, acquitted, cleansed from vin. Tha. are, Gam tobe crushed. Targ.dov XXXIV, 25.
Marg. Lev. X11, 7 “FTE 0.ed. Merl. (ed. TH incorr., Y.
SIT). Ib, XVI,30 Hew0. (Y. POPE). Targ. Keck. הכמא, המח, דיכ ₪) of,™ .2
אאוצ 15 Pow (Nun emphat ; 60. Lag. | ןכרת( . אfr.— .¥ ר( = אָבְכ- appearance, resemblance, 7
) to be deserving, privileged, admitted (omp. 3). Targ. M. Kat, ,"111,81 .+ . "תיִרְכְרWith suffix
of קפוא pronoun:
O, Deut, XXII, 20q.—Targ, Ruth 1,10, 1b.13 “STs (ub. ,23%“ Mesa Wisst₪. Targ. Job J, 6; U1,3; =. e—
272—2) .v.
eL .RB = 43 ]:daer[ וכ בי או רכי בי, v.וָכִי .-- Constr. , תסכדwith suffix “Mert be. Targ 11Chr. 2
,tS“ + רִבְיָא. .graT ,sI ,VXL 5 ' רְכִינָא יכ1 ואpurer od. Lag. Targ. Job X11, 3; a.fr—*Targ. Pe. LX XI,15
than .68 .+ .%3" .graT([ .vorP ,IV ,1.1+ ).74 ןוחתמכר
(ed. Lag. ,( ןודתמכסר.+ “gs.
toclear, purify ;torestore tolevitical cleanness,
to cleanse. Targ. . גXXIV, 13. Lev. XVI, 90; RD
. fr.—Gon, KR..א79 החתי 'כוFETS PR תיל should we not
it (Tiberias) tolevitical cleanness from the slain | Oe רס ל ל וetnalpni
the ground in order to stop the growth of the taber
/ maha Yalk,
ib, 188 PST. Gen. 8.1.6. [read:)
טבריא GNX צרוכיןwe must cleanse Tiberias (Pesik. (differ.
fr. ,ןכיר . דFT).1. Ghebi. V, 35° bot. 'כו se he
crashed the tuber in the Sabbatical year and took it out
| ;(הייכזטל Koh. ₪. to ,א 6.--1%. oz
after &c, (Tosef. ib. 11, 10 ךכרל Var., read with od. Zeck.
Phebaddeclared clon. ¥. Gheb
i. “Fy | ןכרל; emp. Y. ib. 26*top.]—Part. pass, $207, pl.pret.
Ned. 58" ירשב it treats of onions which had been pounded
in the preceding agricultaral year; Y.Sbebi. V1, end, 37°
( בטורכניןcorr. ace.).—Gen. KB. 6 5, +. .ךכד
‘21 72°27 the Lord remember thee for health.—Part. Prov. ch. ו 5.
“2, N35, pass. 735, N15 remembering, reminded. Targ. of his life;a. e. i
IV, 10 (52) ןירכרד ןינבmale issue, opp. ןבקונ . ןנבGen. in the text). Num.R. s.2 'כו 'דמ הכלהמ8 (digresses)
R. 1.6. 'כו אוה ןמ 'דhe is a descendant of Judah by | from subject to subject. Tosef. Dem, 111, 17 charity
the male side.—2) (sub. (אנעד the male of the flock, ram. collectors 'כו 'דמ לע ןהיחתרפmust skip the doors of (te
Targ. Num. XXVIII, 11; a. fr—Pl. as above. Targ. Ex. no contributions from) those eating the fruits of th
XXIX, 1;a.fr.—Hull. 51° 'כו וזכה 'דwethers which thieves Sabbatical year; a. fr.
carried off (by throwing them over the fence) —Gen.R.
8. 70, end, v. "2955. ]ןירכיד , יבניעv. RQMD .ג 7D.) גלch, same; Pa. 353 to reduce. 6166. 82° top 3273
דח דחMm (the author of the Boraitha, Tosef. ib. 1
734, 71217 T=next w. Ezra VI, 2. (VI), 9) drops only one by one (seven foldings with six
signatures, six with five &c.). [Targ. +. Gen. XLI, 14
y 127, NIT, ' לד m.=h, jit, memorial, record. , היגולדsome ed., הרגלד Buxt., readדלונרה v.
, "ֶדּל.[
Targ. 0. Gen. Ix, 16; ‘a. fr—Snh. 29" bot. רמגתפ 'ודa
memorial of judicial proceedings (but not the verbatim | יליד לּודְלּדm. (v.next w.) 1) alimb torn in 6
571 (imperat. of 53%) lessen, deduct; (adv.) less. and he must sell his property.—2) to loosen,
Sabb. 89" ןירשע 'דdeduct twenty years. 1%, Hash. 7" Kidd. 24" םצע " וב5 he loosened a tooth in th slav
ד' רגליםevael tuo .slavitsef .ccuS *2 ' ד' עשתרות וכ-mi jaw.—Part. pass. 5734772 a) loosely connected, hang
agine the Succah outside of the hollow, and there remains detached. Lev. R. 8. 34 he is called dal יס
the shade of the roof; ןרכפוד 'דimagine the walls removed. which means detached from his property (he
Ib. 56" לדב לדmd NO let the retiring division of priests Prov. ch, XXII ויסכנמ ( לדinsert .(לדלודמ Kons1
say to the coming in, ‘less for less’, i. e. take ye one loaf ( המיTalm, ed. 15%. (תֶלְּבְלודְמה a limb [ומ
less and those relieving you will also take one less. Midr, from the body (not yet entirely detached),
i inert
Hokh, U1, 4) ¥,
. ₪006. 22%, v,
b) porerty-strichen,
Vayakhel 7 םילע =
"PED, +. דק
לתret )1 ,ytrewop זהProv.ch, 11.4 ; .₪ rf
| “Gin poverty,i.¢.
eacrifice of poverty (birds), opp. Poors
lamba, goats 6. ; “1"לדב the eacrifice of extreme poverty
; Num.
₪. = 5 (play (four), Kerith.10°. Mor. )+, Me .א a. Lj). Kerith. 1 >
XXU, 22) 'כו םיִלְרְלְהְהִטOrt they (the Levites) ו וLaea eaB taert retacoht כ
expose themselves to diminution for your sake.—2) fo be / לליהupon the person coming weder
loosely connected, disarranged,
parte! into ohreds the category
of extreme dalluth, Y. Wor.
11, 46° (ref. to
יצAb. Zar, V, 444 top ןטתות “9 the berries are forcibly Lev. XIV, 21) 7 99> אובל Mem אדדש רטonly he who may
from the stalk, v, .קי Hall, 46° דבכ mindy "הSS
-- pomilly come ander the category be. (Bab. ib.t.c. “7 אב
וכtheliver isparted into shreds and mixed wpwith the Pray). —*2) wacillation. 1 ומה 9 (ret.to ,זילר Cant. VIII, #)
fat layers, Ib, 44* 'כו thee םילטרס gullet and windpipe שקליתם בדי,eM( .4(2 taht ey tfel eht nainolybaB ytivitpac
which are torn loose from their connection so that the with vaciliation, opp. toMS'TS, ‘as ₪ wall’, i.e.all combined
larger portion of their elroumference is detached,—§) fo and firm; (Ms. Ma | לרב םכיטצקorvese, od. םתילכש
ee eo nee oa merits; Ar. od. prs. ¥. "OSSD quotes ,תולדלדב
Ma. .א
mi ילדב ; . דואCant, 994 Me, rots 4s).
) fo become poor, neglected, Bot. ) דלה1(asintebe.&, Byr.) tostir wp, make turbid.
become more and more abandonned. Targ.le.XXX, 14 od. (ed. Lay, , חלוb. text DET) ₪ 4
7 Sobre fo be torn loose, Mull. 44* Score with which ‘st תֶלְדָכל איט to stir up some water out of
oe heathens a (dried up) pool.—2)
fo be troubled, to fear. Targ. Job
= זו,59. Targ. Ps.XXVU, 1; a —[Targ. Job XXX VIII, 25
| bab
ילו +. nabs,
הלרMs., od. x57.)
יצ.zaN ,1U %15 ,tob 0m לשון הפר הוא רל"ה Pa. חילר Af. חילרמ fo frighten. Targ.
Jov 1V, 16
( ת"רבק בVar. ח"לר mds), road as ib. V, end, 54": :51/0 AAA —Targ. Prov. XXVIII, 14.
חרב. תרבקahs אוח pen ןושל the language (Mish. ib.V,6,
" will bea Nazir that this is&c.’) has a negative mean- “57, v. Oo".
as in the phrase ‘that she will not bary her son’ ( לדזד ולרb.b; Soy)[10besuspended, meing ; denom.
the oppositeis meant).
“bn; whence) 1) fo draw water, Gen.
11. « 63; Cant.
R.tol,1. Ex.R.s,1 םרשכא םילוד"כו men draw the water
and women water the fock; a fr.—Yoma
2¢* (play on
, קשמרGen. XV,) 2 חלזלש הקשמו'כוhe (Eliezer) drew
f.) (דלרirrigation.
B. Bath,12* אטוי יב'ר..... אלווד and gave to drink of his master’s teachings.—2) fo lift
(ed. 3, Ar.(רלדב ₪ well canbedivided between up, relieve, Midr. Till. to Ps, I,3 > 'כוTo and when
heirs only when there is for each enough for one day's | the Lord shall lift me up out of the depths of suffering.
‘irrigating 'דולד תלתirrigate | Cant.
work.—Pi. xeyos. Gitt.74 RB. to I, 1.
hre times
a year, Hif. n> 1) to draw water, to irrigate. B.Kam.1"
" ובDTS STEM hewho draws water (toirrigate his field be);
3s, NEO moh. song, plane-tree, Targ. 0.Gen, rive דכאו and I will 6; a. fr.—2) (denom. of (תיִלְד to
ox 87.—Gen. R. 5.73,endםולד ( ; )םילדYalk. ib.130 . suspend, totrain a plant toan espalicr ke. Succ. 1,4 7
דלון.--%2. .ehs".RB .hsaH ;°32 .₪ .htaB °18;ץצ.Keth. | * עלרה וכfi eh deniart a eniv revo eht evitsef .htaerw .liK
1 וי ). [Ber."04 V1,4; a.tr.—Part. pass. rw, 1.miss. Th. Midd. 111, 8.
.sM,,M +. [הבְפָא Y. B. Mets. ,א 12°, +. rob7.—Bab. 48.91* ropes Ms. ₪.
| (ed. (תילדווכב when figs and grapes overhang one another.
[¥. Shebi. II, 33° bot. mom, +. rz>T>]
1% לר to sprinkle. Part. hb73,pL "לקס M. Kat. 4"9q.,
-0 ) 111,
לדא25. Targ.
TOF m. (nbspfear;objectו
Ps TERE 18)
א ילד2 ch. same, 1) to be suspended. Part. pl.
ytd suspended. Targ. Esth. 1, 6.--2( to draw, raise.
Ex. 11, 19. Targ. 11Esth 1,2 buckets cox S77
rg. Y. Deut,
XXV, 18. Targ.
Job XV, 21;
a. >. which draw stone;
a. fr. [Targ.+. Num. XIV, 14 read
TO( ho | י bre AL] [Pes.*40 וחיילדמ.+ RTS}-5) fo liftwp.B.
Kam. 92° אָניִלְ תיל+ ארזהIV—Ber.* 18( היילFalk.
א72 72 + ְלוּסְקְטָא Koh. 979; Yalk. Sam. 152 ( הדקלסlift it (the cloak) up.
4= a
Kidd. 81° הְֶיָלַד 'כוhe carried it by himself—Yeb.
B. Mets. 17° ראְלְדד ךל 'כוWS רא had I not taken up
BAD vy,בזל
the sherd for thee, thou wouldst
never have
by 310 O25
found the pearl under it, i.e. but for my intimation you directly connected with the ground as well as of the |
would not have reached the conclusion &c.; Mace. 21°.— hanging fruits (grapes) and of the palm tree; Tosef. —
M. Kat. 28% v. >>5. ib. III, 16. Y. ₪. Mets. ,א 12° תחא 'כו74 8 grape vine ©
Pa. "53 (vy. 555) 1) to relieve, lighten. Targ. Y. Deut. which was overhanging a neighbor’s peach tree; a.fr.— __
XXXIL, 51 הינימ bs אלו (Var. לד fr.>>7) and they would Pl. .תיל Men. VIII, 6 (86) wine for libation ו 2
not relieve him (give him a respite). Ib, "272 "53 (Var. be offered 'דה 72 (Tosef. ib. IX, 10 sing.) from grapes=
(הלרrespite me.— Meg. 15* אגרכ “53 he lightened the of the espalier, opp. ,תוילגר Pes. 53% 'כו לש: 'דTosef. ¥
taxes (Esth. 11, 18).—2) to lift up. Ber. 6% ררופה lifting Shebi. VII, 15 'כו 'ד לוכשאבשthe hanging grapes of
up the voice at funerals, v. ללה
Af. ">5x to lift, suspend, Sot. 34° 'כו 2727" אנועטa ץ לכון. "ד.
load which one can lift up and put on his shoulders, is
the third portion of the weight he can carry. saP .v דל.
Ithpe. "b3% 1) to be suspended. Y.Sabb. XVI, end, 154, 207 (b.h.) [to be thin, swing, hang,] to be poor. Lay
a.e. “2 ךדגב (sub. FX) doest thou depend on thy good
R, s. 34 תוצמה הלה ךמthey became poor in good deeds. —
luck?, v. N33.—2) to be elevated, high. Pes. 8* x723795
(a bed) which stands on high legs (leaving space ‘under Hif. 535, לדירה 1) to thin, to take off grapes, or take
it).—3) to be relieved. B. Bath.16; Yalk, Gen. 106 (prov.) out plants in order to give the remainder more room.
(מִדחְלֶר) א' יומא א' קציראnehw eht yad )nus( si ,hgih eht Peah 111, 3 לדמה (¥. ed. (לדרמה he ‘who thins the vine-
sick man is relieved. yard; Tosef. ib. I, 10. Peah VII, 5; a. fr.—M. Kat. 4* sq.
(a Boraitha quoted by Rabina) 34 תוקררל pba אינתהו 4
abe ae m. (b. h.; 33) 1) bucket, also used as (v. m7) are we not told, you may irrigate the vegetable —
ean ot the well. 13. Kam. 51” ןיֶלַד רוסמרושמ ולfrom the garden during the festive week, if you intend to use the ©
moment he delivers his bucket (Rashi: cover) to him; vegetables during the festive days? Said Rabbah to him —
יצKidd. I, 60” top; Y.B. Bath. III, beg. 157 i955. Tosef. [read:] רפולש "מ תרבס ןילדמ ןילדמ ארמ ראמ ןילדמyou ©
Ber. IV, 16 ןנוצ 'ד לשa bucket of cold water; 4. 17 think this m’dallin means you may draw water, it means:
הִּלְרִים. Gen. R. s. 45, v. .תּויִרְנַב [Y. B, Bath. 1. 6. (per- to pluck (ref. to Peah VII, 5).—Said Rabina to him: אלכתהו
haps) wn55].—2) וא ius, a sign of the zodiac. Yalk. ןרלדמ םימ תוקררל 'כוBut it reads, M’dallin mayim you =
Ex, 418..—3) 'ד תבpr. n. pl. Beth Doli. Yeb. XVI, 7; may sprinkle water &¢.— Part. Pual ללודמ f. nee
Eduy. VII, 5 (Ms. M. --.(רלדמ4( tangle, v. "35. beggarly. Y. Suce, Il, 524 bot.; v. dian.
דלוא, דליה, ' ד וברnabs. 557 ch. 1) to lift up (v."29). Keth. 72* mb" aa
him who lifts up (his voice in funereal לאל ה
mF +. (M53) drawing water. Ex. R.s, 1 הפד 'ד תחא they will lift up (praise him at hisfuneral); M. Kat. 28),—
one draft (bucketful) he drew. 2) to thin, v. bobs.
7 m, (555, emp. >3>4) anything irregularly wound, Ithpa. ררלto lift one’s self up, be proud. 10. [read:
tangle; “tow, oakum &c. B. Kam. 11, 1 'כו 'ד רושקAh ידלונרהSy דלאhim who did not praise himself, -
(Ms. M.a. Var. noticed in comment. 43) if the cock’s feet will 80. (Ms, 21. 2 הרנוליידד bad xb, read: הרגה le
were entangled ₪6. Ib. 19" “am לעב the owner of the one not praise himself, in order that they may &c.).
tangled material.
p57, מו דְּלוּם. ,955( htiw .tamrof )2 unimid no
לולm. (part. pass. of ללה( thin, sparsely planted.— defect (emp. .(רֶפוה Pes. 57% that the workmanship was
Pil. צי ןרלרלה .3 Mets. IX, beg. 12%, opp. , ןישחד, צץOM. good 'ד ןיאו םחבMs.M.1 a. ed. (Ms. M.2 0755, Ar. ,סולד |
(דלרסv. Koh. Ar. Compl:) and there was no defect in
דְלִיפָה+. them; Tosef. Men. XIII, 19 םולד אלש הטנ ובed. Zuck.
(ed. n%>>).—Tosef. B. Kam. VII, 8 סילד ןמשח לבקמ
ליק, חלוק, + לק, לק (Var.0>>; Mekh. Mishp. N’zikm, s.13 522; Yalk. 5%
(מעל1 והdilution through admixture (en
הקלה הקילחf. )קלד( fire, conflagration. Sabb.
Cant. R. to I, 3).
8 .1 a. 0
טלרGen, XX1, 25, Arab. dallasa) adulteration, frawdl, רלק ]ואot eb ,tarab deyort
.edrf trO ,H1
V., however, Sys, [V. Frankel Aram. Premdw. p. 1##.) ירלקPPP tee
reb ,hI ,3
.= +--. . B .maK
ו שיו
דלסתי, +. לְסָא iif. חרליקto kindle, light. ₪. Ui ןךיקילרמ
7 D7 + (25,cmp. א [(לולוbotlle-shaped,)
gourd, « what material
may be used for the Babbath light+! ו!
general name for pumphina bo. (vy. fim. Ant.
= vv, Coloeynthe ₪. Coloeynthis). Kil, 1, 2S reas 4
Ms. .א (od, ,ירצה corr, ace.) Kgyptian gourd and the
Hitter-gourdmay be planted together (v. S-wdz). Ned.
2ch. same; 1) fo barn. Targ. Am. V, ¢,
VI, | maven re, variously ib, 61%; .דKil,
4 הרתטה rs mrs Me. .א (vy. Rabb.
D. 8
יזtop; a. fre—Bot,
16* רכ S he shaves
hie body
₪ ה sen Chel. 5,0-0) foporvee, v. infra.
וsmoothas a gourd; ¥. Kidd. 1, 60" top Ps (corr. ace).
= Pt cops, porebs, .ליר Sabb XXIV.4. Ned. VIN, fi AL. pre 1) to kindle a light, tart
a fire, Targ Bow
Tosef. Mansr, 111,14 mire. —Krub, 104* zy,
* + Vill,2. .דוק Bx, X X11, 5, a€—Habd, 22° “pt and
(the chip), Th. bot. erat אדה רכרוצלhe lighted
9 ף )6. ₪; emp. (ףלו fo drip, =o, he it for hie use. Th, 23° ‘st “be רקילדס they light the
ולי רוטעות,gniraet gnippird ro .gninnar Hanvekah lamps in my behalf at home; .א «-—%) to
pureuc, Targ.Lam.1V, 19. ]15.111,64
,יקילרת reed PO
ch, same, Targ. Prov. XIX, 19 59 (Var. (םיִלְר
.-- o Pre)
| רַפְלַרִר רחרכשרwhich areliableto haveleaky roofs.
POT mm.(preced.) Nght,Inarwing material, wick,woodbe.
.( והpreced.) drippings from the roof; leak in the Y. Sabb.11,beg., 4° בודב תצוה רואה אלthe Langer
“Foe V, 1; Sabb,
48*. Pos, 59° לפנש וכותל 'רon portion of the burning material wae not enkindled (on
‘ hich the@rippings trom theroof have fallen. Makheh. the entrance
of the Sabbath). Midd. 1, 4 ידה “OT the
סא ל Temple
gate by which the burning material wae brought
3 + he, Targ. Prov. XIX, 13; in. Koh. BR. to V, 2, +. P23
"Ts.1¥. Mess, Bh.IV, 58 top; Lam. R.toI,1
4 ול דלקטירין, +. rapt.
( = תקלהb.;.₪ ( קלדfewer. .¥ Ab. Zar. 11, 41* bot.
Fy 27&(gece) 'ר ms receptacle of drip-
of the second roof of the Temple made for |
pteotic וnedonhte! Vinkte the tepet soot
ַ אָתְקREP Pvיקא
, אירלד. צer,
DT m., constr. D5 (b. h.; םוד or 25, cmp. (בבד liquid; Tosefta a. Y’rushalmi of the Order of Zraim. - [Not 4
be confounded with ראָמְה=ראמדד of’what.) —
blood; life. Men. 44% ןמדב (not ,המדב v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. ass Pos aeה
1. note) with the juice of the purple shell—Sabb. 31° TNO m, pl. (725, v. P. Sm. 913 sq.) 8
/ רביערת ד' וכeno htruof fo a goL fo doolb did I eht( Jud. א 5; XVII, 14; a. e. ick tee
Lord) put in your body (the smallest quantity required
to sustain life, vy. Sot.5), Snh.72” (ref. to Gen. IX,6) לצה דרב" דּמדּוּם,.m .lp ,snrop 7 ) (פְמַםcont,
a1 מד save the life of the one (who is pursued) at the stillness;“ המח gia the time in the morning and us
expense of the life of the other (the pursuer).—M""3 DI= evening when the sun appears to stand still or’ ‘be silen
“ של מרלהeht doolb tsol ta ,noisicmucric .fesoT .bbaS (cmp. Yoma 20°), dawn and sunset. Sabb. 118); Ber. 29” 05,
XV (XVI), 9 27... ףיטהל ךירצhe must cause the a. fr, Y. Pes. V, beg. 31° Mann “ sunset. . a
אוSH (1] (b. hb) to be silenced, undone} —2) to be STIL, 1) pl. ofwg —2) 906 +. Poy.
compared, to be imagined; to appear in the disguise of;
to seem, Kidd. 32° ולvor ש'דדמכ that they appeared to דמ, + השאי
him ₪9ministering angels;רל םייברקל weetheyappeared
» mih sa fi yeht erew .sbarA 6008. °25 לתם2 צריקים
“T'S to the righteous sin will appear like a high mount;
vee constr, PS7St 5. ()ךסד sleep. Targ. Kok.
א-. דָמְרְכan animal suapected to be a hybrid or looking 1
like one (omp."% 3%), esp. a lamb looking like a kid, and
vice versa. Bekh, 12° ‘a ewe which gave birth to what PSO, TOT m. pl, conste. “gs (77) קש
oked like
₪ kid’. Hull.
38°; a. fr. | compensation
;(emp. Tg) price, calue; payment. Pes. 112°
do not bargain “ ךל [RS הקשב when thou hast no
ו-4 1 money to pay with. Kerith. 13" ךיכרכו "דthe הו
I made thee like them (beasts). B. Bath. 150"
כוMgr; רבלבואלש butonemastnotdecide ritualeases | of an object to be redeemed or of an object the valee
y analogy; +. Hull. 48%.--2( fo have an opinion without of which was dedicated, +. [72.—Pes. 32* . . . דדיט “8
thority toreferto, Gitt, 19°;37" "ETS רכפס ונאש because ' אר לפר ד' וכtsum eh yap eht enif gnidrocca ot ytitnauq
ve have such an opinion —Part. pass. mgt, pl.סדושין or according to value?— Kidd. 1, 6 “rac “ meson לכ
whatever is used as payment for another object; expl
"o> it seems fo me," רכא S> it seems to us ₪0. Men. 18*.
.»;"23 a.fr.—Y. Ber. 11, 5* bot. 'וככ יתירה I thought. ib. 28* 'כו לכ םושדגה 'רwhatever is assessed as an eqai-
valent, i.e, an exchange is meant and not a sale for cash.
“STL, NOT on.same, 1) tobedumb. Targ. Hab. Id.” הרפב םילחת רטד רושif he gives a cow in payment
10 ַא (someed.incor.(5--.('רto imagine, suspect, of money which he owes for an ox; a fr.—Keth. 103"
, Targ. 1 Kings VIII, 27 "s3 (incorr. *om).— ce
7— נשיאותך בדיcrS .rA tcudnoc yht eciffo fo isaN sa -emos
ack.a.pase."G3suspected, considered; resembling, thing valuable (Var. in Ar, a ed. (םיִסְרב
—Yeb, 114° "ZT]Sהרמא shespeaks of what wasto
6 suspected (under the circumstances, though she has “ ןימדST, constr. “DT ch. same. .זק Lam. V, 4
Hate 28)15h “To taleeotatdersd isight @ deright (h.text 975); a. fr —B. Mets. 5* he thinks (as ₪ mental
b. Zar. 38> 'ד'שit is all right (is permitted). Ber. 13° reservation)" אק אכבהי היל ST 1 am willing tocompensate
© אנגרמ אחbat to lie (on the back) is permitted; a. him. Ib. TS ישנראל אלב “עטשמ ToT אל common
25° “1... NOS הרלוכ the entire hoase is to people understand the law, ‘thou shalt not covet’ (Ex.
7 by cotanct nat Tb. 4° XX, 16) to mean coveting to get our neighbor's property
וso nngeteninel without compensation. B. Kam.* 46 “ אדדר "כוst דא if
+. ;ְאָכיִרָא a. יטד--.₪ ( רכרהabbrev. tm) what is he paid the market price of a ploughing ox, be surely
Nike? in what case? Yeb. 63° הער השאYT what do bought him for ploughing; « fr.
גאcall ‘abad wife’? Sabb.4*
'כו אטיליאYT what case TOT (or(ךרסרpr.-מ
pl Damin (D’min), latermame
you mean? Do you mean the case of an involuntary of Adami (Josh. XIX, 33). Y. Meg. I,70* bot.
aS or &e.?; a. v.fr—Targ. Y. 1 Deut. XXXIL$2, +.
Brub. 54* 'ד אלולהכis like a wedding feast (soon 7 1, PT, ךומד to sleep; to diz, to lie im the
ssing away). B. Kam. 85* 'כו “ איראכb> Dees, +. STR oct cals,tatu. Ib. IV,9; a fr.—Gen.B.s. 72, beg.
an. % 55דחררעמ pre their entrails look like those | הוא דשיךךooT eh )bocaJ( lliw eil htiw eeht mi eht .evarg
בא 413
ד 4
Ib. s. 91, a. fr. 'כו דכ 'דwhen R... was dead; a. v. fr.— Nif. 37272 to become Dema through mixture. Ter. 1. =
Ruth R. to III, 13; Koh. .ג to VII, 8 הל M2074 and the Nidd. 46” הָעַמְדְנש הסרעifa sufficient quantity of T’rumah —
fire over the grave died out. has been put in a dough to make it forbidden to non-
Pa, 725 same. Targ. Koh. V, 11. Targ. Job III, 13, priests; a. e.
32 \
some ed.—Y. Maas. Sh, IV,55° top 7379 ביתר אוההו ארבג
(not 77772) and this man (I, thou) dreamt that he was Bd ch. to tear, drip. Targ. Jer. XIU, 17 (some a.
sitting and sleeping. . Pa.). Targ. Lam. II, 18.
Ithpe. גרמto feel the approach of death. Y. Kil. gee m, (b.h.; preced.) 1) tear, weeping. Men. 30%;
IX, 32° bot.; Y. Keth. XII, 35°. B. Bath. 15? Moses nite ידב (Ms. M. (תועָמְדב with 6
NOT, N27, Ty m. (preced.) sleep; couch. (so that he could not speak).—PI., v. הָעְמּד \
Targ. “Ps. OXXXIL, 4. Targ. Y. Deut. XXVIII, 16; a.e.— עמד11 m. (b.h.; emp. 3°, mam) fruits, whence (sub.
%1.הּמְבְין. Targ. Ps. CXLIX, 5 ןוהיכמה Ms. (ed. 25) their , תישארmma, v. Ex, XXII, 28) ‘the priest’s share of the
resting places, produces, T’rwmah. Mekh. Mishp. s. 19; Yalk. Ex. 851
T’rumah has three names, Reshith, T'rumah ידו and |
אתוכמד+ (preced.) death. +. Ab. Zar. III, 42° top. Dema; Tem. 4*, Ohol. XVI, 4 לכוא ועמדבhe may partake j
( םמדb.h.; v.04", 79) 1) to be silent, dumb, at rest; of his priestly share. Tosef. Ter, X, 16 תיב 'דה6 in
to be strickenול Pesik. R. ₪. 33 (ref. to Is. VI, 5) the barn designated for T’rumah.
יִתְמַמִחִש5 ךארה היה רhow did it happen to me that NIT f. 1) tear, v. (2--.אָחָעִמִּה as preced. Targ. O.
I was silent (did not join in the praises of the angels)? Ex. XXII, 28. 4
Taan. 20° תוחורה42793 when the winds subside. Snh. 91°
bait ןבאכ like a dumb stone. Ber,* 19 בשור םמודוsits in העמד.1 (b.h.; preced. wds.) tear, collect. tears, weep=
silence; a.fr.—Part. pass, , םלמה.+ .זימה Lam. R. to I, 17 ing. ‘Lam. R. to ,11 11 םסה 'כוMp4 (Ar. , תיסחהVar.
(ref. to DT3N, Ps. XLII,) 5 וישכעו 'ד אקלס 'בוand now , םושחv. Ar. Compl. ed. Koh. 8. v. תיסח( tears caused by
in silence does she (Israel)goup (to the ruins of Jerusalem), pungent matter, mustard ₪0. Ib. 'ד ררקה Ar, 1. c. (ed.
and in silence &.—V. O'724.—2) to leave off. Midr. Till. Amst. , רבקהed. Lam, .4 אסכה, תיבv. Sabb. 152* top);
ot .sP ,VI 5 .fer( ot ) ודמו.bi ]:daer[ 'ובלבד שתדום וכ .bA .Ra א. 11, .hc IIIVLX .de( ,rethcehcS 2. 281 (הדקר
that thou leavest off from the sin &c. ;Yalk. ib. 627. tears caused by severe cold; a, e.— Pl. miss, Ib.;
Hif, 2-250 to stlence, bring to a stand-still. Ex. R. Sabb, 151"; Ab. d’R. . אch. XLI (XLVI, v. supra); a,
s. 29 end םלועה 'ה לכHe made the world stand still. fr.—B. Bath, 15% v. 3727.
Gen. R.s, 97 'כו 59772 אוהשwho will bring to a stand-
NOT ch, same, Targ. Is, XXXVI, 5; a. fr.—Pl.
still sun and moon.
RNID, “ooh. Targ. Ps, CXVI, 8. Targ. Lam. 11, 11 (ed.
יצ דמסקאהpwns.
Lag. ןיעמה m., fr. .(אָעְמַד Targ. Jer. XIII, 17 43205 ed.
Lag. (oth. ed. ןרע . .); a.fr—Bets,
22°; Ab.Zar.28" אסמה
סוקסמּדpr. n. pl. (Damascus) Damascus in Syria. (or NMD.. sing.) constant tearing of the eyes.—Sabb. 33
Ky 2 ,111 65% דכ םוקסמread 'דב in D. my רעמה (some ed. M395, Ms. M. M*25) tears dropped
from his eyes.
( עָבָדb. h.) to flow, shed tears. Tosef. Bekh. IV, 4
moat. . DN if his eye is tearing. Bekh.44°, v.דל , *רזמדIthpa.( רַמּהְתִא v.P. Sm, p.921) to be stupefied,
astonished. Targ. Prov. VI, 80 ( אל ּורָמְִּתִממMs. a. some
érfiS[ ,tueD 751 ומעות.ד. . עד שחו, :daer שזלגו עינלו
; תועָמהv. Sot. VII, 8,[ ed. , 'רתמלcorr. acc.) let them not be astonished (h. tex
win", Vv. LXX).
Pi, 325 (denom. of 323 11( to make a thing, otherwise
exempt, subject to the law of T’rumah, to mix secular pit (b. h.) pr. .מ pl. Damascus. Targ. 0. Gen
grain, wine, oil &c. with T’rumah in proportions suffi- - 15 (Y. 1 pyat). Targ. Is. XVII, 1; a. ₪.--8
cient to make the whole prohibited to non-priests ; in gen. Deut. 1 'דמ "NW I (RK. José b. Durmaskith) am from I0
to mix secular with sacred things. Orl. Il, 4; 6 yatan; v. תיקְסַמְרּודְנ a. fr.
a. fr.—Ter. III, 1 'כו Mya72 הנרא does not make Dema
by itself (if mixed with secular fruits). Ib.2 jM>279 הניא האקסמדm. of Damascus. Targ. 0. Gen, xy,
does not make them dema; 'כו תועִּמַדִמ הנטקכmake dema, (ed. 5 9123). ;
the smallest of the two being considered as an admix- DIO, + אָמּוה
ture; a.fr.—Part. pass. 929772. Ib. V, 6 עמדמ ןיא עמודמח
רכthat which became subject to the law of T’rumah 1 (b. h.) 1) pr. n. m, Dan, son of Jacob. Pes.
through an admixture, can affect a second mixture only מדן קאתרeh 81 a tnadnecsed fo ;naD .a )2—.e .rp .n
in proportion, 1. 6. according to the quantity of real Dan in northern Palestine. Pesik.Shek.p.15* ןדבש
T’rumah contained therein. Hag. III, 4 wine jars or oil the altar (erected by Jeroboam) in Dan.—Targ. ¥
jars תועמודמה which have been mixed up; expl. ib. 25° Num. XXXIV, 15. Targ. Cant. V, 4; Pirké d’R. El. «
מד' דקדשgniniatnoc ,sdiuqil a noitrop fo hcihw saw XXVIlexpl.—onvap, Paneas ;Midr. Sam.ch. XXX;% א
designated for libations, OMDB (53) .צ--.חנד Dem.
II,22° bot. 93 (8--.רפְכ x |
הח 515 סק
idol Dan, .6הגמ 67"; Tosef. ib. VII ()צונו a; ¥. ib.Vie PF (mm) pe ₪ .ומ Denial, 1) the Babylonian
bot, (ref.
to Am, VIII, 14), | exile. 9"; a. &-—Drab, 21° ירד א יב ןאתושדנכepee
gogue named from D., +. O7"S—B, Math. 14°; 15° the
6 (emp. ,אר ( ךלthie,
Bock of Daniel—@) name of an Amora. Y. Bucs.
1 ,54"
ie See I, 3 $7} (ed. ert, bot, Wall. €2*; 5.) .--2( one Daniel, the tailor’, ₪ echolas
'ר- אָמ( ןיִרְמav. fr Lev, Bh5 7 אירקMN ךס from thie
Lev. Bi. 6. 9%, ends Koh. BR. to IV, .ו
verse (it isproven), 15.5.8 'ר רטא אניל איקב 'רל 'כוthe one
,dias odI ton tnaw siht )namow( .₪ ,bbaB °2 'ר1י1
ביאsiht si ton na( )yranidro namuh ;gnieb ,bi ' ר' וכUS ORO> >
הman like this ie worth the name of ₪ human being; O97 pr. = = Denkho, same of am expert money
& rf .¥ ,bA ,raZ ,1 "14 ;tob = = 70ך9ו אסיר ל changer, Tl. Kam, 09° (Ms, 4. ‘ors, S07).
(piece) is forbidden toאנר--.6(ו4
טרקFo ere this, form
ןִָ נד.© )9<( thie one; there. Targ.
Pe XXIV,4;
Targ. Jud, XVIII,8. Targ. Ie, אווה16 (some = .graT—6 .neG ,VXX ;29 .graT .moN 14, 02“ לשא-
od. 17%); b) like this, thus, Targ, Gon, XXX, 4. .דש ה. וח לטח-
91 .hT °81; אא. °60 — 377 2.
Jad, XVII, 4; a. fr. wens PoE, SRT Targ. Gen, 43311,
5; a. =.
Hath, 75° (play on ,רכרכ Ie LIV, 12) 'רכו 'דכ letit be
אהthis one says, and as that one; Posik. Aniy. p. 195"; OMS, OT ‘INT m. Caveierhic, danieta)
Posik. Kt. =.ןידְכְב--.89in thie manner. Targ. 1 Kings moncy-lender, amurer, . .תא Ra 20 סוס . . . .
XX, 20.— PPh. Merry, why. Targ. Jer. ,אא 9; (corr, ace.). Th. 31, beg. SWOT (corr. ace). Nom.
א. 6.-- אֶר מְרִיןmorf ,tahw .hcihw ..gnoJ r
,1 -a
רלט א 9, beg, THC רכשמ AN the lender breaks the
מ ו אאו
. 5. 'חי ר' צד וכ
.h=( )RYT hcihw si ,’edis‘ dna hcihw 5.68, +. חִיירְט.--
debtor's teeth (enforces
his claim). Y. Sabb.
11, 5* top
(ref. to “a, Pa LV, 16) he makes the angel of desth
Pi. you, W.-Y. Boh. IV, 22" bot. 31 רח 'דwhich
are ר' שלוemos( .de )%7 sih rotiderc ot( tcelloc sih ,stbed
the two additional --091מ0 ]ןידָחthen, +. [.ןידיח visit
his sins). Ylamd. Thazr. end (quot. in Ar.) S207,
(Var. ,סיטסניר corr.ace.). (Ib.
to Deat. IV, 30 Soc “on
1) +. preced.—2)
+.Mp3. [Targ.
Prov. VIII,7 2, וכיod. Koh. (v. Var. ib.), +. .7/--(.סוטאָניי
pocorn tbh.₪
Var, ed. Lag.,+.X73) Deut, XXIV, 10.—Y. B. Mets. 11, ₪ סוטרסיאד pom; צץ
Ab. Zar. V, 42° bot. Ow ,ךילרא read: “Sooo.
NQF m, )+-אָנְרא11(acylindrical vessel, jar(dolium).
Yoma 28° xbrm 'ד אjarof vinegar (which emits a stronger P27 (Ditel ofpom, +. (ף-fofeel narrow, tochee.
smell through 8 slight opening than when open). Ab. Ithpe. p77% 1) to sigh, sob (corresp.
to b. Pom). ד
זה.%06, +. MEADIT. Sabb. 157%, +. PRI.
xy Ezek. XXIV, 17. Targ.
Mal 11, 13, Targ. Exek. IX, 4
מורדליed. Lag. (ed. (2--.('כאמ (cmp. P27) fo regret, despair.
pl. Danab. Tosef.Dem.1,13 'ר לשrma Ib, VI, 9; XX, 43; XXXVI, 31.
Var, (ed. Zack. “). Tosef. Shebi. IV, 8 (Var. ed. Zack.
רגב, דנב, txet ;)“ .Y ,meD ,11 %22 pot דבב. אקנהm. (Pers. dinkh; 4942 (צDenke, « small
Persian coin, the sizth of a Denar, in gen. onc sizth,
m. (mh. 373) tail.Targ.
Jud. XV, 4. B. Mets. 60° האמ דבone hundred P’rutch for ₪ d—
rg-Job XL,17, +. NASUEL. Targ. 0.Bx. IV,4 od.Berl. Ib. 39° ןכדבהי 'ר 'כוwen ךדיאו and of the remaining
od. 23); a. @— Pl. NYSP, “SIT. Targ. Jud. 1. 6. Targ. one third we give one sixth to the sister, and for the
. Gen, XXXVII, 2; a. e.—Snh. 87* יבנדב (Ms. .א (דב other one sixth we appoint &c.—Zeb. 48*; Kerith. 22"
the last (in the front row). “ , רב 'ד תבworth a d.—Sabb. 35" [read with Rashi-]
ב"א אגלפ ידד: the difference between two thirds and three
fourths (of 8 mile) ishalf a sixth.—P. "pra. R.Hash.26*
eee Fr 127 £.mint (Maim,). Shebi. VII,1 הלכ (identified
with ככ a. ME"CP).
of ; 2 “WF רקע the root of &c.
. ed. “M, corr. ace.); Nidd. 51° (v., however, Low Pf. NP", Gen. B. 5.79,+. “ep.
.108 8q.). OU",
+. rors
Fie" 1) +. אָנָאה-(2--.ןח
which 1. צPes.
TL for words under TJ, v. under .כ
4. (Y. Taan. 111, 67* bot. .(אנאד
| ורשיto shine, be bright (corresp. to bh.(זרח. Targ. TPC
+. mre
| ה. ,IIXXX 2$; ה. —.rf ,veL ₪. 5. 72 ' וכRTTושטשא
2 "i,זמanassumed
word for X>t2q.v. Kidd.70"
se eht nus enihs ni ruoy ;?yrtnuoc .neG.BR =. 38 אית
(criticising the spelling אקסד for XPo™, im 3 summons
3 ןוכבג; אשמשTanh. Emor 6; Y. B. Mets. 11, 8° bot.
| issued by R. Nahman) 'ד אה ארבג אהוthis word (3, ב
@ word in a charm formula. Sabb. 67" יִנְָד זה ", ₪. (אis read gabra and so this word (7, 5, ק =. x)
rong, my vessels (Rashi, v. X73); Y. ib. VI, 6*bot.;
must be read daska (which you must have meant for
sef, ib. VII (VIII), 8 לכד.רנד taska).
דער 316 ה
weighing of opinions, i.e. decision between opposite views.
, דעדTarg. Nah. 111, 12 some ed., v. 13>.
Snh. 6* 'דה העט 'שבmade a mistake in deciding, against |
pI (=P IP, v. (קקד to crush, break into small the common practice, a case concerning which there
fragments ;to humiliate. Targ. 11 Chr. XXXIV,7. Targ. are opposite authorities, opp. to a decision against an
Job XVI, 12 (Ms, Var. ,'קדצד corr. 400.(. Ib. KL, 12. established law; ib. 33°; ,צץ Keth. TX, 38%; Y. Snh. I, 18#
bot.—Y. Hag. I, 77° tip mp) jAST |S their mind is —
קדעדm. (preced.) powdered ;minute, tender, young.
not pure (unfit to study esoterics),—B. Mets. 11, a. e.
ae 0. Ex. XVI, 14 (Y. קרקח( something powdered.—
ד' אחרת מקנהa dezituped nosrep ro( suoititcif ,nosrep —
Targ. Am. VII, 1; a. e.—Pl. PPIs, NPI; + IPAS. 6. ₪. one’s ground) can take possession. Snh. 25° sq.
Targ. Jer. XVI, 6 Targ. 0. Num. XXIII, 10; a. 6-- תולח בד' עצמוeno ohw sekam eht ecnahc fo a emag
Targ. Ez. XVI, 61.—Tosef. Snh. ,11 5 אירמראכו 'ד and
dependent on his own action, 6. ₪. throwing dice, הלוח
that the spring lambs are yet tender; Snh. 11" Ms. M. בד' יונוohw sekam ti tnedneped no sih s’evod —.thgilf
(ed. , ןיקרעVar. , ןיקדעv. Rabb. 2. 8. 8.1. note). V.הקיק Tosef. Hull. VII,1 תערכמ "דוreason decides in favor &c.;
8. רדק.
Hull. 90" חרות 4“ ראמ 'דby saying ‘reason decides’ does —
העיד העדf. (b.h.; עדר( knowledge, understanding, he mean a reasonable interpretation of the Biblical
law, or is he in doubt and ‘reason decides’ means הטונ 'ד
reason; view; taste. Snh. 99% םדא שיש וב 'דa man that
sah deniatbo .egdelwonk .veL .R .8 1 ).vorp( 'ד' קנרת וכ his opinion inclines in favor of &c.?—19, "הל with the
if thou hast acquired knowledge, what doest thou lack? &c. consent of, with the knowledge of, opp. דחרכ , לעבv. MID. |
—Oant. R. to IV, 3 'ד החורס לש 'כוthe corrupt mind of, Kidd. 44* הרבא “72 with her father’s consent; הָתְעַהמ
i. e. the fool, Ahasver; a. v. fr.—-Pl. , תועהnists (used with her consent. Ib. היבא אלש 'דלwithout her father’s |
consent; a. fr.—M5" "ד good physical constitution, רמ
also in Chald. phrases). Shebu,* 42 7 ןנרלזא רתב בורwe
manstw not fastidious in taste, opp. סיֶנְתְסיַא q. v.—%
are guided by the majority of opinions; Yoma 83*;Tem. 27°
'ד ןנילזא. רתבShebu. .1 .6 ןורכ תיחנד 'דלsince he cared ei impatience, greed, ה"דבחרcontentedness, B.Bath. 145
to mention a certain number of minds (as witnesses). Y.
; Snh. 101* top.—Ber. 29> הרצק םּחַעַהthey are im-
satin (Rashi: they do not understand how to express
Sot. .1,17%; Tosef.ib.V,;9 .8.6 םשכ שירש 'ד 'כוas men differ
in tastes (sensibilities) as regards food and drink, so do their wishes).—Pes. 119" ןתלבוס ןרא 'דהwhom the mind
husbands differ ₪6. Pes,? 112 עברא 'ד 'כוthere are four cannot endure; a, 1:.--. 17. ,תועד v. .הָעַה
thoughts &c. (the husband thinking of his first wife and NET ch. same. Targ. Job XV, 2; a. fr.—Ber. 18°
the wife of her first husband); a. fr. V. Md3. mene} הרתשרלחא thou madest him feel badly; Hull. 94”,
, ןועד ןוועדf. pl. ch. (preced.) opinions. Y. Yeb. —Ber. 88" bot. היתעד אל ןויכhe had not his mind
I, 2° bot.; . צץKeth. VI, beg. 30° "ד 'ד תיא 'כוthere are directed on it, recited without devotion. Ib. 36* ןונצ
different opinions related in behalf of &c.; ib. V, 30° top וכIR .... people plant radishes with the intention of
eating them when they are young. 10. ע"רכ M35 ראמ
( ןויער ןויערcorr. acc.).
(in doing so) what was thy opinion? Is it that thou hold-
( עדb. h.; emp. 335) to crush, stamp upon. Sifré est to R. A.?—Kidd. 81>; Ber. 26% 8. fr. "8MPTR ואל 1
Num. 160. did not think of it. Keth. 8% a. fr. 'כו OS "שדקמד [לכ
Nif. 5272 to be stamped upon, crushed, annihilated. whosoever betroths a wife to himself does so with the
Pesik. 14. 8. 85 םהל וכלהו32392 they were annihilated implicit understanding that his act is in agreement with |
(their resistance broken) and gone. the rabbinical enactments.—M. Kat. 17%, v.73. Gitt. 70
ד' צרלותאa raelc ,dnim lluf ;ssensuoicsnoc ד' שגרשתאa .
שךch. same, esp. to extinguish, quench. Targ. Prov. confused mind, delirium. M. Kat. 26" bot, הרב תילneal
XVI, 14 היֶנְכָעְדְנed. Lag. (some ed. , 'נרעדנcorr. acc.).—
ד" רכwoh elttil esnes )srennam( sah siht ralohcs !--| סלקא
WSs to be quenched. Targ. Is. XLII, 17 i293 (ed. Lag.
דעתך:rbba( (ס"דti sretne yht ,dnim .e.i uoy yam ,kniht
.( רעדTarg. Prov.
X,7; XIII, 9,a.e. 72) shall be quenched.
Ber. 41 ד''ס ‘ לכ היררוערועall its measures’,—you canno
Af. T7378 to quench. Ib. XV, 18.
mean that?—Pes. 2% a. fr. 'כו ד"סNP (abbr. Op) thy —
( ץעדv.( ץוה 11 to prick, squeeze, fix, stick.— Part. first impression naturally was that he who said ‘light?
pass. 733 fied. Targ. Y. Ex. Il, 21. meant really &c. (an editorial remark for the sak
introducing a discussion on premises finally to be up-
1%. y"3 same. Targ.O. Gen. XXX, 38 ed. Berl. (some
ed. “1; Bxt. yy) Pe.),—B.Bath. 74* 'כו ה8) הָתיִצָע.1. set). Ib, 14" 'כו 9D ראד for if we were to think that
אנחיתיה, Ar.owe5, v. Rabb. 12. 8. a. 1. note). I stuck it it was a rabbinical law; ib, 18%; a. fr.—Ib. top ד''ס ראו
on the point of the lance.
opinion only as to vessels ₪0.; ib. 19%; a. fr—Sot, 46°
, ץעדSnh. %22 Var. in Ar. 8. v. yo", v.רצץ . NO". . . אנימא W/O you may possibly think w
say, i. e. you may be misled to interpret &c.; therefor
,ןיקעד. . ציB. Kam. X, 7° top שנ 'ד , רבv. NPS. (to obviate such a misinterpretation) a Biblical intimatio:
תעדf. (b.h.; v. 933) knowledge, mind ;temperament, is required; a. fr.
physical disposition; constitution. התלע לע > to occur to ףדm. )ףפד ,to hammer, join; emp. (דפן board,
one’s mind, to strike. Sot. IX, 6 (45); a. fr—nשיקול trnsf. @ column in the scroll (later Hebr. a leaf of
/ יסא 517 4
Kel. XV, 2 'כו לש תוטותתנ% the (metal) plank of the יכוCHD (read
( םאIh. אכירצ רטימל וכפר 564) , דרv. Valk
bakers joined to the wall; B. Hath. 66%". Yad. iV, « Lev. 009(. Ib, םיירקב UE" proceedאשה him by pro-
בריon the same column, Towef. Git. 1% (VI1), 10; ₪. .-- curing Counter-evidence.
Pl. סיס Te). Ab. Zar, 76%; Nidd,
69° “Mh the planks
as frame in the wine press, Num.
1. 514 (ed, Amet. ןפדPa, W ch. .הו Mets, "701 oes they
prosecuted him,
OE Mave:YM Gen. -
.דפוסיר, רפוסיות, .+ :wo דק+צ
NPE", wom. .א=.9 some ed., read אקר NYT m. (7x5, reduplic. ofץדה11(a pullet imthe
egg-shell. Bekh.8” (someed. =,Ar. אצרצה ;Roshi (אצהלצה
“ST (sec. x. of7 11(tostick. Pa..רצ B.Bath.74*
NTS 5.,)יצר sec.x. of72D cheering up. Tar.
Prov. Vi, 22 47153 Ms. (ed. ךיצר; b.text (ךחישה
*אציצד.2 , )ץצרredupl. ofץדה1 emp. preced.)
דoe rejoicing. Targ. Is. LXVI, 10 Ar. (ed. 77).
fet (cmp. 53) fo hammer, force into a groove &e.—
rt. pass. RE, f.הָכּופה Kel. 1,3 'כו "דmsm an attach-
ב'יזדאבOD ,1“ theinitials ofthe names
ntin the shape of a jar fitted into the projecting rims
וחש; רברTS, , הבראJer, תורוכב roo Ex ₪ 5;
₪ Vessel (to serve as a handle).
ירד s. 8 end; Tanh. Vaéra 9.
₪ זז
‘dps אם לא רצהoop ecnehw od ew evorp eht ,elur _ Put m. (b.h.; (קקרthin, fine,tender, opp.D3.Hull.
(to dismiss her), force him’; Yeb. 88* ps2 | 111,1 “St םוע small
fowl (doves, birds &e.). Ib. VI, 7
הק 318 PRA
לבז ידהpowdered ordure, לוח 'דח fine sand;א . 'דמ הב רתוי כוthey are very strict in the observance, |
Dp, PPI. 10.111,1;a.fr. 7m the small bowels.—Y. Ber. even more so than &c.; Tosef. Pes. I (II), 15.—Yeb.121" -
Il, 44 top( םיקדב sub. םיבקנ( concerning the smaller (ref. to Ps. L,) 3 35‘ ה''בקה 'דמ םע the Lord deals with
functions of the body (urinizing, usu.(קטנים , opp.גסים those around Him (the good) strictly, to a hair’s breadth;
(usu, ,( םילודגv. לדג .861-- II, 2 'דח רלכבש סרחthe fine Y. Shek. V, 484, Lev. R. ₪. 27; a. fr—Tanh. Mishp. 11
dna llams nehtrae ;slessev .a .,meF—rf .3pM '(בהמה) ד, התאכהבPIPIN התא Mb 0 art thou so severe in ne
llams ,elttac .30.v .c.l.lluH .maK.B 7,117. 08.'5
חי ing her?
small forest animals (deer, fox &.). “72 (sub. 72) in small Nithpa. P3p32 (=m) to be crushed, ו Ohol:
quantities, retail. Dem, II, 5; Y. ib. 23° bot.; Tosef. ib. יצ
IH, ,12 . צץN24>.—YomalIV, 4 7 powdered frank incense,
קדקדch. same, 1) to crush, humiliate, v.העדקן . ley.
ידהya 'ד the very finest; a.fr—Pl. , תוקהHull. 56°; a. fr.
R. .2 vy.( 2--. ררָבto investigate; to be strict. Targ. Job
Pt, NPT ch. same.— Pl. .חלקה Naz. 59" 'דל with IX, 17 (emp. Yeb. 121” in preced. w.)—Lam. R. to I, 22
the small bowels (of the sacrifice). (ref. to >>13, ib.) "לע NAPIPTI ןוחילע המ pApy be as
strict in punishing them as thou hast been in punish-
קּדII, , קוד קדm. (b.h.) a veiled or withered spot ing me.
ni eht ,eye .tcaratac arfiS romE .hc ,II 3.raP דק זה הדוק Ithpa. Papas to be crushed, powdered, broken. Targ.
the Biblical dak is what is now called dok. Bekh. 38” Mic, 1,7 ןוקדקדי Var. (ed. Lag. ;ןוקסדל Vien. ,ןורקדר corr.
קוד רוחשa black spot, 'ד ןבל a white spot.— Pl. "pis. ace.). Targ. Is, XXI,9 “37 (not “). [Targ. Nah. III, 10=
.ttiG ;°65 ,bA .raZ °15 ;ד' שכעין.a .V—.e קא1ר. יזדקזקיthey will be chained, v. Ppt.)
"יל: , Py Tang. 11Ham. XVI, 19, prob.to| Bx, XV, 27. זק Deut, XXXIV, 5-—Y. .הHash. 11, 58*
טזTF (Pesh. אשור( pounded grits; v. top,
= & לבבר 'רthe Babylonian palms. B. Bath. 26°;
& fr, (Babb, 110° ילקר , דשread; סילק ae Ms. -(.א
Vem. form .אזילקיו .₪96 .| ₪ רהרת רדMs. 0, (ed. ,ראלת
a, NPP1 >.) רקק+ (רק1) broken, poredered, | Ms, .א ,ילדה
corr, ace.), v. 7. ib. XIV, 14°,
Targ. O. .אא XXXII, 20(some ed. a.Y. Pr).
‘Targ. +. Bx. IX, ₪ 'ִקְח אpounded mass (vy. Pw, bi.text TD we.(pieced) 6 .קש Gen. B. 0.61,
PD; >.,ןיקיקל.21--.6
, רחCY Tang. 0. Lev. XVI, 12-— beg; Mum, תי = 3; Midr, Till. to Pe XCH (Yalk.Ps.84s
2) minute, tender, little, young. Lev. Ths, 27, 4.6, 7 ,ריקב (ארם.
. אקיקר ass, ---ריִעְּב.+ 1 ho, Targ.
11 Obr,
XXXII, 11.—Y. Sab. 1,187 top; + Maas. Bh. V, 56° top ₪ OPT,
קיד mm. chet. דת beard, bearded
Tary. Lev. X11, 20 04.5 =. fr. —B,
' גוולרא רeht snoegip era tey yrev ,llams ,¥ .,s 1 ,t
e *B
- טליין ריgnuoy .nerdlihc .Y ,B ,steM ,IV ,dne °6'בנין ר Bath. 56° הינָקְרְדב הרשפתseized him by hie beard. Gen.
‘minors, Ib, 'כואייקיקר ןורטיירTTS can the minors say ₪. = 72 (prov,) “FR ךמ תאדפה רכסלthou pleasest my
to the adults
86.1 Ib. איקיקר (corr, ace.)-—[Targ.
¥. Gen. grandfather (with hair) from my beard, i, 5. you wish
XIX, 11 Frew prs Ar., ed. .(--[,אילטמ Bor. 1, 2 aes | to be liberal at other people's expense; (Yalk. Gen. 129
| (the inhabitants of) emall villages (living in scattered SPT Fo SED PASM, corr. ace.). Nax.8¥*
bot. (read:) רכ
,ןָקיקְר SUPP. Targ.
1! Beth. 1X, 10 | PERT אדכס רקבצwhen old men dye their beards. B.
קירוי רי.h( txet (כרי תפרזות.--צ. .ttiG ,V °74 pot mop Mots, 60" היִנָקִיִרלְו היקבצ הישירלhe dyed the hair of
the traps for small animals, Y. Dem, V,24* bot.— V. Mp7. |his head and beard; ib. “1... הררה he washed it
white again; a. fr-—PL paps, -'דִר דוק¥. Lev. XIX, 27;
קירא+. יחי1א. | ₪ 6-8. Mets, 39°, v, next w.
27 5 ()רקר act of digging, quantity of ground | N27, " דיקm.(preeed.) bearded, i.e. adull, major, —
broken one stroke, Bots, 8° —Pl. rept.Ib. P3377,.רד B.Mets.39° רננקירל (Ar. “377 for beards,
i.e. adults), .צ .אפורטיפא Ib. 70° SIS
“ER is permitted
NPT 1. collect. noun ()קקר young shoots. Targ.
יצGen. XXII, 3 [read:] 'נאתר לש )=הנאת 'ר, תויברט+. even for the benefit of adult orphans.
Tam. 29"). Pic (.h.; emp. Pe, 5) focrush, pound, powder —
f. (v. preced.)
the lowest joint of the vertebra Denom. P3—Pilp. קוקר 4. +
(wh. MSZ). Targ. +. Lev, 111, 9. [Targ. ¥.Deut. XVIII, 5 Hif. חידק, PS 1) ame. Kerith. 6* קדיח prs son
רAry + RPP) Son pounding well &c.; +. Yoma IV, 41° bot. ההדחשכ
' וכPH} חדה אוטרsrp nehw eht tnadnetta ,dednuop eht
m, )קמוס. ( (רקר1 .eert-mlap .1,VIhaeP ;"92.maT superintendent
called, Pound well dc. [Sifré Deut. 207
a. fr-—B. Bath. 36° הרככ ('דMs, 11.a,O. res, v. Rabb. | פשתן,קודתל read קידתל or }—2) to be fine, email.
D. 8. a, l.note 3) a young palm bearing more than once |= Part. Ps, .קדמ Succ. IV, 9 (46") one was wide (STs),
a year (oth. opin.: one dropping its fruits prematurely). |=קדמ דחאוMa. M. (ed. Po; + od, Me M. 2 4. Mish. od.
Ab. Zar. I, 5 בש ה 'דvariety called dekel tab (Chald.: |Pes. רט; Mish. Nap. קרוב Hof.) and the other tube was
good palm), Sifra Thazr., Neg., Par. 5, ch. 4111 םירה 'ד narrow; Y. ib. 54% top (they thought)
7" לש “cm the
אתהthou art a mountain-palm (too rash, +. Men.84" top; narrow
was for wine. Y. Yoma 111, 41*; .צץ Sot. Il, 18°
in .8.ת toNeg.
XI, 7 "כו רקודcutting through mount- top PTS small and thin type of letters, Arakh.
25* “=
‘ains, sophistical; Yalk. Lev. 552 (רקוכ ,םיִלָק.24---
pops. a sparsely
sown field.
Gen, R. > 88.—Tosef. M. Kat. 11,10; Sabb. XIV, 8 "= | = Nif. PR, pis: to be crushed. Mekh. Bo. « 13 ript:;
.( דקליםVar. דקרים, Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 18 “Ps, Var. | Pesik.R.s.17 -p3>; Pesik. Vayhi, p.66" opt. (Zeb. 22
ed. Zuck. (ןילקר a potion used as a purgative
(said to be | קודנח , טיטread Pron, +. PET)
the water of a well springing
forth between two date- =
trees); Y.ib. XIV, 14°; Bab. ib.110"; Y. Ber, V1,end,10°— = PT cb. same, + Ppt —Imperat. Ps (v. (קזה Sabb.
+.Sot.11,18% 152* 'כו “ רככבgrind with thy jaws (eat well), and thou
| wilt find (its effect) inmarching.
"קריד לקch.same, palm-tree. Targ.
Ps.XCIL,13. Pa. pes same. B. Kam. 10[* SPT and pounded
Targ. Y. Gen. XXII, 3; a.e—B, Kam.59° 'ד האמרא Ms. them.—Part.
pass. PrTs (Prt). Targ. Is. XXX, 14 (hb.
(ed. , 'טרארincorr.) an Aramean palm, “ האסרפ a text rams).—Palp.
Psp ¢. v.
palm. Ib, 92° (prov.) 'כו ליזאו 'דSoe the bad Af. PR PS (PST) same. Targ. 11Kings XXIII, 15;
will travel to meet a barren cane (like meets like). A Targ. 11 Chr. XXXIV, 4 Pome —Gen. 14. 5. 70 Pot, v.
. 55° bot, none see in a dream NOT 'ד a golden | So. Lam. B. introd. (BR. Hinins 2) הָקדַכּו ( הלכאfr.
(a thing not experienced in reality). Erab.51* Dan. VIl,7). [Targ. .צץ זזNum. V, 19 ,רקצה=רקדזה
' ד'סביל וכa eert-mlap hcihw stroppus sti .robhgien
.' ד' דפריק וכa mlap hcihw syap sti s'renwo .sexat תקקד+ , )קקרv. קדקד( ₪ tender child. Y. BR.Hash.
eth. 10° אלקירל ( יכ אגרנnot (אלוקידל as injurious as the Il, 58" top אראהכ “ as the nails of a young child; Y.
axe to the palm-tree.—Pi.
P>p3, אָיְלְקִּב , לק. "דTarg. —
Snh. 1, 18* bot. ed. Krot. “™ (corr. ace.),
“PT 320 +
( רקדb. h.) 1) to dig, bore, pierce. Sabb. 110%, a. e. 'ִדָא יכוin place of going around the rows of houses 6.
(explain. ןורקד ,72 v. 5p) םהש ןיִרְקוה 'כו because they .bA .raZ 82? "" דר072 דמאmO .de .sM( .M ;מבר ככר (
make an opening in the bile. Y. Ned, 1X, 41? bot.ודוקרה Yoma 84* 'ד רבמNOT רתאו (Ms. M. "במ יתיימו חיל אמד
(ככר ושינרdna eh sekam doolb emoc dna( doolb lliw
ובלבand sticks it(the sword) into hisown heart. Gitt. 56%,
vy. next w.—Kidd. 22”; a. fr.—2) (cmp. >P7) to spread,
come) out from between the rows of teeth, [Ib. רככב
hcnarb .ffo .ccuS *81 ;.rA .burE 11"; 61* קנים הדוקררם mens, v. [.ִאָרְר [Taan. 3"; B. Mets. 78%; B. Kam. 119"
בר די, ל. דּרָל1-- פa egnar fo ,doow .eryp .tnaC .R ot
( )ןירקודהreeds which spread, i. 6. the top reeds, /
--- ןרקוהPart. Pu. רֶקּדִב ramified, formed like a Py. 111,4 map" אדיקי ידa burning pyre hast thou set on fire,
v. .דקר --Pl. as above. Targ. Ps, LXXXII, 15 Ms. (ed.
Erub. 11° Ar.
Nif. "272 to be pierced, stabbed. Tanh. Pinh. 1; Num. (3--.(( רזרזv. רוד( period, generation. Targ. Deut.א Ki
R. s. 21, beg. Targ. Job. VI, 17; a.fr.—Hag.5* דע רלמד והל 'דל until they
have pompletea’ the period (lived the years allotted to
רקדch. same, to stab. Gitt. 56° היִרְקְדָמלwa (the them). Snh." 97 ( לכב 'ד 'דוMs. M.) in each generation;
guardsmen) wanted to stab his body (to see whether R. a. fr.— Pl. 73, NT, “3. Targ. Is. LI, 8 sq.—Targ. Ps.
Joh. was really dead). Ib. (Hebr.) ןבר רקד aN" they ,XILX 21 .sM( (;רִרְסָא.a ,lluH—rf ;"89 .beY 93> אכשור
(the Romans) will say, they stabbed their teacher, [Ex. 'דhave the generations (the present) grown better?
R. .8 47 , ןירקדוv. “7P.]
NTT 11 + court, v. אָרִה-.אָחְרה shed, v. NM.
רקדm. (preced.) a pronged tool, mattock (v.8m. Ant.
.8 V. saat Bets. I, 2; 7°. Ib. 'ד ץרענ כו the mattock NTT 1) to winnow; 2) to carry, v. "רד Il.
was stuck into the eround on the eve of the Festival.
Shebi. V, 6.—Y. Sot. 11, 18* 53a( רופחר twice).— Pl. , ארדPes. 56% 'דNOX, v. xT.
, סירסIe. רֶמ 'דa purgative water, vy. “PI a. dp.
.bbaS °011 secnereffid(‘ tuoba gnilleps ' דקרro ; (דקלי71
, ינאברד.+ net
ib. XIV,14°; a.e.—Y. Succ. I, 52% bot. ןימכ 'ד like prongs, Deut. R. s, 6, read py.
v. FAP.
.riah .bI >26 citenohp( ,lomyte fo אדמקיפנא (קפנדריא | , תולעמהv. D3) —Sabb. 77%; Keth. 10% (ph
Tons om
a way to the roof, .הול ,"155 + אָלְרָסִאYeb. 69* oft on the head of scholars at his son's wedding. Tb.
po... “1 תרחנ go down a step when taking « wife, ' משדוא וכTTP eht tca fo gnippird !io .eb gnitanidni(
0 Up ₪ step in choosing ₪ groomeman; ¥. Kidd. 1V, 66", that the bride is « virgin).
112* ,אתנרשל 'ר אדחפלinviting fear, sleep; + . --."ָסיא
. ירד Targ. 0.0, ¥, 1 Bx, XX, לג | 4,¢-—Targ. I fam, VL pe 9. Derdania, = dimrict and city of
v 18 ינרר Regia .אKimbi (ed. גי Upper Mysia. Targ. .ד 1 Gen, X, 4 (some 64. rrr;
¥. 11 “9%; Tare. 1 Chr. 1, 7 (h. text Sore, “™); Geo BR
4 2 m. (2) @ eile of graded officers, ee
© 97, beg;7. Mog. 1, 71° bot, rere.
: . Hor, beg. 47° הידיר אוה לכו'דדHe and Hie =
‘entire staff (of angels); 7. Anh. 11, 20° top, Me. ו ROT
TT m.,pt.TT LY Tt ו וי
שפר ' רsver חיחsesoM tfel eih ,etius ,.4m 4.o
5 eN
rrf | ‘or‘slippers,
woken - Ki, 1x, וצי top (explain.
ריELP ton( )MIF ot mrof sih ffats no( gnignirb pu מנקלות תפינון,).hciM ee ehw
Ark, 11 fam, VI, 1 0q.).—Y"lamd. to Nam. XI, 1, pats Woolen socks over linen Ac, Th, bot. ors ‘o> "רד
in Ar.; ib. to Deut, או יה .. ( 'רור¥. Koh, Ar. ' ה וכneloow eohs no eno toof .neG—,o4 .5.4 001 יאלבשוקר
אהו. .tesoT[—.x)aRN2P,“1 ,OJ +. ריט, (טריגון וכיTYN“ sserd em ni ym .sr.e
.. p
p s
sandals by my feet (vy. Bm. Ant. « v. Boles); 7. Kil.
+wee. IX, 32° top “OS; ¥. Keth. 411, 38° top “Os,
"יז רדס. ,trO ,11 86 pot מעבדיקיה רוררסוך.+e( זא.
= ,יגרד FSI, .צץ ₪. vi, & bot, read with *רורר, .rroc ).eca ot ekam skcos fo .meht
)וס. ib, VIL ,(111)ץ 2 ןורדקו, א ךגרcharm formula.
PT) 7 RPT ד m. (Parpel noun of PEt; emp. Prt
; pws +. MBE. = PEED) tender,young, small; exp. pupil ofa primary
Class. Targ. Job 111, 19.—B. Mets. 66 es היקרק 'ר
6 )ררג, with formative (ש 1) the footstool in אבר יכוwas it ה child that destroyed the note? A great
of a high bed (Scamnum); 2) state bed with ite man ₪6. Ib. היקדק ילוכר אמלע 'כו it was ₪ beginner
sto l; (v. Nod. 56° aq. the discussions about the mean-
in learning
that tore it, for, in civil law, all people are
ing of our w., a. Maim. comment. to Mish. a. 1). Ned.
.--11. PETS, ETT. ~Targ. Job XXX, 1%
,ות 5 רתומ 'רב. . . . הנודרif one vows abstinence from
S3 ym ;sroinuj .a .B—¢ .steM .B—¢. .htaB 12* *מקרד ד
*bed’, heis allowed the use of the footstool. Snh. 11,3 )20*( teacher of primaries (Bible teacher); Bekh. 46". Babb. 106*.
Kat, 27°, v. x33; צי Ber. 11, 5" bot.; .צץ Ned. VII, | B.Kam.92", v.53. Keth. 111" 50 *ד Ps the teacher
40°;a. >. of Resh Lakish's children.
4 1
ch. same, in gen. conch. Targ. Y. Gen. TT)T (Pip. of ,רדר + FL. toLevy Tale. Dict. 1
Il, 31 (¥. וז.( השפרבTb, XLVI, 2. Targ. Ps. p.444"); Hithpalp.
== fo roll. Cant. B. to 71. 11 ךלדכ
Bee ar a Targ. Esth.1,6 (ed. Lag. 7°72). PTs all of them get in commotion and roll
> Re. SHU, 41; 6.9, (Pesik. ₪. = 11 ןישיגרטו Poses). V. דר
Pa. Ty ,)=דרדר emp. ,הדר ( דריfo take doen, Th m. (b. b.; +. V3) thistle, artichoke (7. Low PA.
ashes, Targ. Y. Ex. XXVII, 3 'כו)'יסל( אָרְרְרִמְל p. 100; 427). Gen. ₪. 5. 20.--11. FoF, STS. 80%.
it (the altar, hb. text jo"); Targ. ¥.Nam.IV, 15
Vil,1. Lev. RB. 5. 23; Cant. RB. to 11, 2 *דו OTT thorns
and thistles.—Pesik.
₪. 5. 10 'כו ךיצדקב *דבו
with hedges
fo glide down. Sot. 44* לפנו ( דירthe of thorns &c.; Yalk. Cant. 992 ,*ירודדד [Yalk.
6. 8
tgpseed oo +tape dearpa דירה
+, WITS.)
—V. roses.
0 ‘ground. Omp. 77.
RTT TT ch. same.—Gitt. 70° *ד "a> what kind of
a 7 1 +. .גדרה Dardara? Ans. tT אקירומ ‘the crocus of thorns’, ie.
4 m. ()ררר ₪ large berrel carried on wheels, or Carthamus tinctorius (Low Pf. p.199).— 71. .ךירדרר Targ.
כ ו kUsc .neiw nreb Y. זו Gen. 111, 18.—Pesik. B'shall. p. 93* [:4]ג רבכשו
i ch, VII, Par. 6 הלגע ( איצוט רורדcorr, ace.). Ib. ליח חקלוון דדי.v( .buB eton )522 dna eh deirrac mih revo
פ ;ארבח ד'עכ.klaY .veL 885 .373“ ék
d .i
lE .P
hc fields fall of thistles.
נצ.fer( ot maM .neG ,IXX )41' לק את הד' וכmaharbA תדכדרהm. pl.(77) grape orolive treaders. Ter.
the water barrel and tied it to her loins that it Ill,.4 Y. ib. 42* bot.; Y. Ab. Zar. IV, 44" topדרדכרת
t drag behind
her &c. [Sifré Num. 115, read TT, (corr. acc.).
Ik. ib. 750.[--.1%. AT. Tosef. Ab. Zar. IV(V), 5
); Ab. Zar. 39* Tosef. ib. VII (VID,9; זי דרולמוסיא. אסדרולוטדסריא.
5.Tar.59" top Ms. M. (ed. “1m, corr. ace.). [Yalk.
|. 999,'ירודרר +. ATT] םיTT m. . מh.) South, southern region. Yoma 21°
רפלכ'דtowards the South. Gen. ₪. 5. 1,beg. לש ics
= מש ה ag עיקרthe southern section of the sky; a fr.—Esp. “=7
I, 444°) todrip. Keth. 17° 'כו 'ד אחשמhe dripped (b. hb.33253) the South of Palestine. south
of Lydda (with
nant 322
a town of the same name: Darom, v.Neub.Géogr. p. 63). nici f. pl. ()סרד pomace of dates in an ה 1
Pes. 70% Yeb. 45%; Zeb. 22> ‘5 ;רכקז Y. Erub.
VI, 23° bot. stage, contrad. to mins. Tosef. Maas. Sh. 10 (Var. —
' זקנל הדeht sralohcs fo .D (דורסות. 0
זז צר
חַמורּד אָמורְּדch. same. Targ.Gen. XXVIII, 14; NIT, ;.צץ ערר1. | / et faery a
a. fr.—Targ. Deut. XXXIV, 3; a. fr.—Lev. R.s.20 [read:]
( ןנבר ידדor לנקז יֶאָמּורְּד(=םורד v. preced.—Y. Hor. IIT, *יקספורדm, sing. a.bh (a comp. ofירד to carry
end, 48° הררבטמ הָמורָּדְּמִצfrom Tiberias or from Daro- a. pl. - RNB; emp." ןיקתפ bapa Sabb. ,) א4 bag/
mah?—Y. Ber. VIII, 12° top; a. fr. [Y. Erub. VI, 23°bot. official doewmesite, mail bag. Snh.99» [read with Ms.M.
ןחנ המורד,9‘ v. next w.]—’3 "2 Bar-Daroma, name of . אתרירואד 'כש לכ: וה רפוג 'ד והנינ היבוט רכזדל רוחו 'דee3
a leader during the Bar-Kokhba rebellion. Gitt. 57%. "רקתפרד( ךכטבב.\ז.) all human bodies are mail bags (carry-
ing the decrees of the Lord); happy they who are found
חאמורד m. (preced.) inhabitant of Darom or worthy to be receptacles of the Law, as it says ₪0. (Prov.
Daroma, Daromean, Y. Erub. VI, 23° bot. ןתנ 'ד 9 (not > XXII, 18).
--.( חמורדPl. "waits. Zeb. 29%. Y. Taan. 11, 66° bot, *
רראמלרה.)2( Ib. IV, 69" bot. mam 47342 'דthe Daromeans, אקורדm. (emp. Lat. drungus, v. Sachs Beitr. 1
in their custom of observing mourning for the destruction p. 96) @ troop of soldiers. Keth. 69* naar’ ₪: Ar.(ed.
of the Temple, refer to mim (Hos, 11, 13) (and mourn (פריסתקא
from the ‘festive day’, i. 0, the first day of Ab, to the - 7
*סומורד m. (dpdy.0¢) the runner's race in the דרקרת) דרוּקרת, )TTP .rp מ. hp ששח
stadium ; course; ingen. contest at public games. Kidd.63* (Dar 2% Beat a Babylonian town (emp. אָחְמזרְּה
act before me 'דכ הזה Ar. (ed. 0172") as is done in that vy. Berl. Beitr. Geogr., p. 31). .הת 1" (Ms. M 95),
certain dromos. Nidd. 58". Sabb. 94> ארקורד (corr. acc.).
דרומוסקוס, +. pipes. רורדim. (b.; . גג, ררדv.[ רוד( moving about.) 1) free-
,mod ,egelivirp .ytsenma .rdiM .lliT ot .sP OX '| לרטול ד
a m., תימורּד 1. (R193) southern; Daromean. ot ksa a .egelivirp .bI 'שתתן לר ד, v. מָּרָד 1.—LEsp.
Y.Peah Ill, 174 יד הררצחits southern half; Y. Kidd.I, 60% s'tnahcrem .esnecil .geM °21 .pme( דגר.hc )2—.).aP צפור
top.—Gen. R. s. 91, v. dan. צי Sabb. I, 1 top, 8%. 6. 'ר ‘sa free bird, living in the house as well as in the field.
שמלאר הדי.%1 ialmiS eht .B—.naemoraD.htaB‘ ,”52 .a .rf Sabb. 106%. Neg. XIV, 1 ( רתש ררפיצ 'דcorresp. to 5M,
רוח דיnrehtuos .beZ—.dn,i 3,wV a .rf ד' מזרחית-htuoS Ley. XIV, 4); Tosef. Naz. VI, 1 " םירפיצ 'דbw; Y, ib.
East. Y. Pes. V, 32? bot. 'דל a Daromean (Bab. ib. 62° ,IIIV %75 .tob ,fesoT .geN ,IIIV 3 'שת" ציפרין ד' ואלו וכ
;(לודרםa. fr.—Pl, .םריָמּורִה Shek. VI, 3 Y. a. Bab, ed. two free birds which means such as are around in the |
(Mish. (םרמורה city. Neg. XIV,5 תאצמנ אלש 'ד it is discovered that it is |
אָיְמְורְּדman ch. same. Y. Ber. 111, 6” bot. ton a eerf ;drib .fesoT .bi ,IIIV 7 ]:daer[ w2™H | ונמצאת
nm, 'ר; בקעו .2 fr.—Ib. I, 2% bot,( הכמורד corr. 800. .--. שלא די.v( .4 .₪ ot .geN .1 .¥[—.).¢ .hnS ,X "82 pot '| כד
. רֶרָמְורדY. ‘Pes. V,32" bot. Y. Ber. ,> זז5 xvas, NOT. , תואנread: רגדכ תוכב like the jewel of girls, v. דוּרָא TL)
Vv.‘hain. חירורד. f. (preced., formed like (שערוריה renee
דרומילוס, .neG ;84.s.R .%14 .bi 28 דרומלות, prob.
a corrupt. of DI>"Bi"5 .( זמstrug) double-gated (passage). NOT, דרושהm. ch.=h. רה lecturer. Y. Sot.
I, 16’ bot.; Lev. R. s.9; Num. R. s. 9.—Pl. EWI.
ודרומיסקוס, +. הוּרְמַסֶקיּס ₪060.88" in Alf. (ed, sett), [Y. Yeb. VIII, 8" top ,השורה
דרומנת, +. xvas. v. ws.) "ו
*אתמּורְדpr. n. pl. Darumatha. M. Kat. 27> ed. ירד9 NTT (=h. 35) to scatter, strew; to winnow. .
(Ms. M. 1 xno , וראד2 2“ , וארדv. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note). Targ. 0. cig XXXII, 20 ארדed, Berl. (some ed. 851);Y.
. ררדTarg. Is. XLI, 16. Ib. XXX, 24; a. fr.—B. Mets.74%
ROT, non pr.n.m.D’rosa, D’rosah. Y.Yoma 7772 winnowing, Ab. Zar. 44° what ‘proof 4is there tha
IV, ret top 'ד ‘9;“Num. B.s. 12 ראָסורְד;Cant. 14. to II, 10 vayissaém )11 Sam. V,) 21 אוחATT אכשרל Az; :
דרוסה.--'בן ד, .v .RND Pes. (v. Rabb. D, 8a. L note 7; ed. ללורז( has the mean:
NOM m. Darosah( Wine- Treader), name of acoin,= ing of scattering (to the winds)? Ans. (ref. כxלו
13/, As. Y. Kidd. J, 58%; Bab. ib. 19" O35; Tosef. B. ( ןנימגרתמו ןונירדתMs,.M. , 'רדבהed. , 'דרזתv. supra)
Bath. V, 19 /---סֶרּרַה סרהY. 1. 6. העמל % ( יגBab. we translate (tissaém) ‘shall scatter them’ 7 0
1.6. PO"; Tosef. l.c. rors) three d. make one M’ah.
“YT II, NTT (cmp: “bs, .ג Nee quoted n
[V. legends of Jewish coins in Conder Handbook to the
art.) to carry away, to lift, bear, sustain. Sak
Bible, 37% ed., p. 177, sq-]
big ant לדימ "975 which18carrying something td
TOM, v. oe. ד' מה וכיsaw gniyrrac a ekar revo .sih
to make. — 2)eae ו 1 5, 1
fame and took it from him (to carry it .וו .1% "א *. PPT. Bob. IV, 1; a. (2--.)ו interpretation of the
0 ךתטב Per rss if thou, in thy own place, art ae- Hiblical text. Pes. 22°; 5.5, vgs —J1. rice. Lev.
things), carry it, Ab. Zar, 46° Ki,= 15, beg, 'ר רחשtwo queries.
ו ליהTTIM רחות₪ .de( ררא,
Me.11fam, to 011,20 ,אדלר +. Habb.
12.₪.5-1. note #) (bh. he) fo tread, damp, walk, Ter. 1, 9 “or
Which sustained it (held the crown suspended). —Ab, ') aed afler consideration decided to wee thew for
Mar, 92° יתיירתב HHT אש they carry (the fragmentsof pressing. Ka. U6 16's) Ge) TTS Me will weed with
clay vowels) with them (Me 3. sos החיל ten, His shoe upon 56 | a. fr.
1); A.fre—Babb, 77*'כו אלר יררwer לכa wine whieh וא
(ר1.15 resmgn Ser
| bears not an admixture of Uiree (measures of water) to (Mish, ed, S°S77) grapes inthe prove of intended fur
isno wine; ₪..." "7; .וז ..." קשae TV, the prees,
> 10%. 9% bo be carried off; to get wp involuntarily Mif, ףירדה to lead, rear, train. teats, 76°; Yeb. ox*
0 save something. Ab. Zar,59"; 60", +, .אה 111, 2 top ™ יכוs ךירדותhe who leads his sons... om the right
%- ind FOTN the colleagues jumped up ying to
| 1 back,
1 7 ny eh, 1) same, .דוא
0. Deut. 1, 24. Tang.
רו meCATS, We oa PL toLevyTang 6]. 11-<-- ‘stלע NTT" who stepped
‘Dict, 1,p.417") barn, Taan," 3 ( רקביט רבל 'רv, Rabb. D. pon he, Babb, 109" 4st היל אכרדוMe .א(ed, (אכ"ררד
...₪ note 4) (the strong wind) ie neoded in the barn that an ace had stepped on hie foot. (VY. Mase
Bh. TV, 60
(for winnowing), 11. Mots,* 73 וכופה רבב 'דture around lop ךרדט Sh, read: FETS, +. .12%--.ךסו
₪. 4 27 ro
ysub )sevlneiser htu,o
ab .11 .maK 511" ' בבי ר.. .מאן קד, read: PSH, v. ךירא 1.[--2( fo overtake, +. intra.
he whose grain
is found in the barn.—[Ab. Zar. 48% +. Af. 38 1) to thresh, Targte.XXVIII, 27 0G; 0 —
7H) 2) to lead. Targ. Vrov. XXU1, 6, +. כר --./4 . דשPe
XXV, 9; a. 6 --2( fo troce, overtake. Targ. Prov. V1, 11
> , אירד.תmash. 9° Ar, .+ רודcb.Pa. XXIV,84 SST (ed. Lag. “TE, Var. ,ךודדתו or,
ores, ₪.Barn, x1, 5,+. Hem. | SSS,h.text.(44א--,(ךלהסכ
60"; Ab.Zar. 15°rrs
ma אלי
and did not find him.
1 ,ןוגירד . טאו. אאא,1 ,2 .+ א ןוגי.טיר
TIT = b; preeed.) way, road; mcthad, manner.
, oye pr. o. .ותDarius, King of Persia, Lev.
Kidd.2°'כו'ר ךושלderckh isfeminine gender ₪. 1%.
לש לרר
Rea 15; R. tol V,4 'כו 'ר ןורחאהDarius the Second —
‘St שיא itis man's way to carry war, and not woman's. —
Was the son of 39 Y. Ned. I, beg. 36", a. 5. AQTIS הרביר ,הדותה v. .ןושל
. , v. 7% 8006. 11, 1 טיָכְרִר רפלby our way (incidentally). Ab.
Yar.15" ‘3 45... רוסאש 'דכMs. .א (od. TOR TNE ('דכ
2 77 5 ()ךרר treading
grapes &o. Sabb. 145° bot.
TS" Ms. M. (od. (תסירר | מסthe same principle that &c.; a. ¥. fr. 7m כ (abbrev.
( א'ידthe way of the land, a) good manners; b) ercular
= lh. ton. | occupation, trade; 6( (euphem.) sexual connection. Ab.
Il,2study א''ר םכcombined with a trade. Tosef.
Sot. VII, 20
. תוכירדו Ter. 111,4 some ed., +. תוכורה | *א"ד וכןהדטרל.. the Torah teaches incidentally the proper
Be J} the | conduct that one must first build ₪ house &c.—Gitt. 70°
m, (corrupt. of xé4pivov) cedar-wood,
01-1186 subof which isnce
sta used for wicks. Y.Sabb. | bot. 'כו xn *דtravelling, marital connection ₪6. Gen.
11, bog.4° (explain. 32>; Bab. ib. 20" אזראד .( אכושV. R. s. 18, end. Ib. =.22, beg.—Ib. 5 80 FETS natural
OT יו
gratification of sexual appetite, *דכ אלשunnataral. 1%.
5. 18, end; a. fr—Snb, 31° “nm תא So Toor motilated
me (oth. interpret.: wronged mein business). — 11. 7.
FT I + ()סרר treading ; walking, crossing. Sabb. 145* Kidd. 1,1. B. Hash, 17° רוביצ דשררפ רָכְרַדכthey deviated
from the ways of the community, became heretica —
זיתים וsvoM .slA( .M )oP gnidaert sevilo .08 .geM
,6 הרגלrow entering one's ground, the benefit
ofcross- אטוריST, ץצ. מורִי
א ד
w f-
ep ו
Prov. 111, 17); *ש "SEs because the ways of the Law
ng; + Erab. VI, 23+ bot-—¥. Bice. 1,63" top “1םוקמ are ways of peace (differ. fr. הביא , םושמ+. SK), 4. >
tplace for crossing, (right of way but not ownership
it is a demand of equity, good manners Ac., though no
the interi of the
orsoil). Lev, 1. =.3,beg. 'כו'ד תתא
special law can be quoted for it. Gitt. V, &9q.; .הfr.—
46 passing which the Lord passed.—Y. Sabb. I, 2%bot.
) כל המעכב הרל,eca.rroc( revetahw stneverp morf -ssorc = ארץךTT (eS) Derekh Erets( Manners),
name of a treative
g; a.fr.—Bets.
I,5,+.ןֶסְרוד attached to Talmud editions, divided into Rabba (Large),
ימי and Zufa (Small).
—— הכ , ,
eb. same. Kidd.2*'כואלכרטה
, 61 הז. ,rerutcel .v דר.
ישה5) רa
רש.yrרiuq(ni .boS 11* כל ר' שאתה
NO, soo m. (375) threshing, threshing time. OT 1) to tread, stamp. B. Kam. 11, 1 'כו לעHOTT
Targ. 0 שי II Deut. XXV, 4. Targ. Y. Lev. XXVI, 5 if she trod upon a vessel. Y. Maasr. II, 4g bot. אוהו
(8277). jeri דרתע dates which he intends to stamp; a. fr.—
בית ההוּרְסְין, .+ מַעָנֶיל.-- .%182 ,ssap דָּרוּס, .+ .NOH הר
, ןוכרדY. Kil. I, 27% bot., v. 10". אישataclac( a )oriv .derwolfed .hteK vr )9 )lati( ל
ןוכְרד.( זמlate ,ןּכְרדַא.[ג. לhellenized Avpetxd¢) 06 to press, i. e. to cut the throat of an animal by pressing
a Persian gold (and silver) coin, v. infra.—*Tosef. B, the knife (adding muscular force to the cutting capacity
Bath. XI, 2 7i2""7 ed. Zuck. .27---.(ןובאירד.גע/) --.תונוּפְרּה of the knife, instead of passing the latter to and back).
Shek. I, 1 (in carrying the half-Shekel contributions to Hull. 20. Ib. 30> הז הז לעsot" אמש lest they press
Jerusalem) 'דל ( ןיפרצמ םילקשold ed. ('ברדל you may the knife by one adding to the strength of the other.— |
exchange them for Darics. B. Bath. ,א 2 (165") if ina Denom.0773.—3) (of animals of prey) to attack with paws =
note is found 'כו ( 'ד ןוניאדVar. (תונומּכרה ‘Darics which or claws. 19.58% Pes. 49>; Snh. 90%; a. fr.—Hull. IIL, 6
are’—and the rest is blurred. Shek. 11, 4 after the Jews = עוף הַדורֶסa drib fo yerp taht( sezies doof htiw sti swalc =
came from Babylonia 'ד ויה ןילקושthey offered their oreats animals before they are dead).—n9nn3 f.ananimal —
half-Shekels in (half-)Darics of silver (this being the stand- known to have been attacked by a beast or bird of prey
ard coin); Y.ib.46¢top ןירנרד 'דDarics, which is denars (which are suspected of leaving a poisonous substance
(of silver, v. .רנד Tosef. ib. II, 4; Y. ib. III, 47° bot. in the body). Ib, III,1 (42°) באזה תַסְּורְִרan animal saved =
ant לש ( תונוכרדBab. ed. Var. בהז "212255; Ms. M. "31D53). from the attack of a wolf.—-b הסורד שרthe case of
a drusah applies to one attacked by 80. Ib, 59"; a.
דכלbon. fr.—4) to stuff food into the camel’s mouth, contrad. —
to DIN a, טי"ֶעְלְה --8800. XXIV, 3; Gen. R.s. 63; Num.
דִּרְכָּמון.m etal( 1.2ג.(=דרְפון,--.72. הּרְכְּמונות, צ.הּרְפון R. 8. 21,
Nif. 0772 to be trodden down, to be effaced (by tread-
,ןינומכרד Lam. R. to I, 6, a corrupt. for( מֶנֶין v.
ingסע otherwise). B. Mets. 22° 093%) רווטע liable to be
92) htiw a laremun erofeb ,ti .hrep “ עס ארבע.
effaced; ib.”,
O77, Hif. cn (denom. of (םלרה toturn southward. , סיִרְּד סרדch. same, 1) to tread. Targ. Y. I Deut.
B. Bath. 25° םירדי shall face South(-East) in prayer.— XXVIII, 56; a. e—Ley. R. s. 28, end “bp סורה step on
Part. Hof..277" exposed to the southern sun; pl.f. .תומרְדּומ me.— Part. pass. 0°95. Targ. Y. Deut. XXVIII, 33 op-
Men. 85°. pressed.—2) to press, use as a rest (v. on). Nidd. 32°
ov ch., Af. "98 same. B. Bath, 25° “gry ומירְדַא סיִרָּד והלוכלNP אח Ar. (ed.( אה( סרד והל 8--. as preced. 2),
face ye South-Hast. 11.9%וג11 34“ “ "סיִרָדוws ןרנמז he may sometimes pause or
Cine hs sews
press unawares.—4) as pistons 3). Part. act. 0°95, pass.
, סירד5 Now. Targ. Y. Lev. XX, 25; a. e.—Hull, 53%
סרְרְדְד וחוקספו הרדילwhen people cut its ‘forefect off, while
דרמינו, יצShebi. ,11 beg. ,%73 read: רודומָרלון m. it was attacking; a. e. :
(6006p.nhov) a marmelade of guinces and roses. Ithpe. 077" as preced. Nif. B. Mets, 22" sq. םושמ
O70 because the mark is likely to be effaced.
,‘ סוקסמרדOMT )יסימורד( pr.n. pl. (district
of) fda ath Gen.B.s. 44, end ;ומרד Yalk.ib.78 'סמרד חהoT f,) )סרה 2 pressing the knife (which makes the
(expl. ,לליקה Gen. XV, 19); B. Bath, 56 .סוקסרדרע animal socut ritually forbidden), Hull.9*; .4.6 ]צSabb. |
I, 42 bot., v.ִּרִיסָה .[
NIPPON, דּרְמסקינִין גת. .lp .lp( fo -apad
5 " Damascene plums. Y. Sabb. I, 4* bot.; Y. Bets, =ערַז ערד1 to sow. Targ.Koh.II,5. Targ.J obXXXI,8
III, 62° top ,אנקסמרוד הנ. Ber. 39% ןיקסמרוד (Ms, Ms. (ed. .( ערז, ]אניערדHag. 5°, v. NPIL]
M. margin ;ןינקסמרוד Y. ib. VI, 10" bot. 8**23m8).—B.
Kam. 116" top .ןינקסמרוד Tosef. Ter. VII, 13 .ןינקסמרד ערד,11 NYT m. (preced.) seed, proditce; offspring.
Tosef. Dem, 1, 9 תויקסמרוד ed. Zuck. (Var. (תויָנְקְסַמְרּגה Targ. Y. Gen. IV, 3 (ed. Amst. 37717). Targ. Cant. I, 14;
a. e.—Targ. Ps. XXXVII, 26 (ed. Lag. 1, Var.)
ּ TH ,זמ (cmp. b. h. i873) deren, name of a parasite
worm.—PI, "255, constr. "273. Hull. 67% Sabb. 54" 5 YF II, NIT (ְּ)אָעְור 6. ch=h, 3175, arm, )0
ראשהthe worms in the sheep’ s head. animals) shoulder. “arg. Ex. VI, 6. Targ. 0. Num. VI,
)צ. xvinwy); 8. fr.—Gitt. 315; Ber, 5" myst, v. דל
NIT ch. same, also moth in clothes; wood worm. 1606. 65 [read:] p97 75358 וג arm was uncove: :
Sabb.75*top (in Hebr. diction) 'ד לפנש הבMY" a curtain a. fr.—[Gen. RB. 8. 80 העורד הלגש( הבa corrupt., pro
of the Tabernacle which was attacked by moths. Ib. to be read: העורז תא--[. התלגשYoma 38" 'כו 'ד
קרש שנפל בו די.sM .12 .de( (שנפלה..-1-2 .3923" ,°76.lluH it is forbidden to forego the arm in favor of
+. NI. head, i, e. to reverse the order of putting on T’fil
(Deut. VI, 8; oth. interpret. v. Tosaf. 4.1,(. Ib.72 (Ms
דרניקוס, +. חדרניקוס. 6
— (מאִידְרְעָאPl, NOD, ‘I. Targ. Ps, XXXVIL, 17
Targ. 0. Gen, XIAX,
Ho MNT. Tang. Job או An אוחותוof, 4ז.ריא
אלTh. לר( ראסinsert (שס שו
תקררא( ור is the remedy
for 4.1 Aus. HTT" q +
ררפתקי+,. peers. e
OTT co.) 1) 06examine, question, דו
9) to expound, interpred. וז .!,5 wo" ךב רק חשרוש6
,אנוצרד .+ next w.
Ben Zoma found an intimation of it in the Biblical word.
| a By: % PomMrstel LagGenAbt 04 ing. Team. 8° שריר ] ארקס לאfind it intimated iv o
אוPa, p. 340) [ wood.) cinnamon, tab, 65* ווהverse, ₪. Mets, 106° שוידח ןושל7 הרהinterpreted
יניMs, ורצ4.
( רed, ,אנוצרר Ar, ןיצרר | +. 4486. ₪.
8. ₪ the (Chaldaic) wording
weed in document«
1,note). Pes. לו או . דfr.—Pert. pam ,שורר ) השר
¥. Yow. Vill, 5 אח 7 אלהיhae pot the word o>
\ to sprinkle, strew, thrust, Tang. Job M1,1%. been employed for interpretation', opp. POETS — Demos.
Tang. Bix. XIX, 15; ae. ררישה, טדרש.--5( ni( ).wog of ,hcaol ,erutcel .gaM ,iU 1
= 1%. Prey same, Targ. 1 Chr, XXIX, 22, - בSTOT RT uoY tsum ton erutcelno .eb .bef "על
בהגרות וכTTO deretcel no seipot htiw eht tcejbo fo
J} m. (apdxey) dragon, Boa Constrictor (v. tm. fault-finding; a. ¥, fe-— שריר .שוד Vix. Kh. «. 42, beg
(ite figure was used as ה military ensign of אבא תי,abbA eht ,rerutcel .bI .« ,6 ,dne ו, TS —RO
|] Romencohorts, In Talm, it isconsidered an emblem 11. sods,
toh, 8°; Ab. Zar, & TET רוד רורevery
of idolatry.) Ab, Zar, U1, 5 if one finds + ... CFs:
with ite preachers, Ptr “ES, +. “ST;
צורת ריnopu hcihw si eht erugif fo eht ro....nus fo « Moe
,'ר +, my, .]א Kat. ,ו 5 (19%) pow Me .א
dragon. Tosef. ib. + (V1), 2 רוסאש 9 וחורא ןיט.60. )צ2068
note) what kind of serpent is forbidden (as an emblem
| (AL (ןרשיק
read POS)
.] או373 to be interpreted, cxpoundol. itr, introd.
of idolatry)?; Y.ib, 111,42" top.—Lev. R. 5 16, beg. (ref. rales Pts MET דרדההש by which the Law ie interpreted.
to תלכסנה, Is. 111, 16; emp. Sz) 'כו תרוצ 'רAree the . ציPeah ,11 17° בתכתfo PSTUT סירבר things which are
figure of a serpent was on her shoes; Lam. RB, to IV, 15 derived by interpretation from the written code (Torah),
= "אמא B, Bath, 16". 046). 50" הילע 'דו ךורכ הפתjo ןישרדכה derived from the oral code (Mishash)
הserpent wound around the barrel (allusion to the ציMeg. 1, 70* top SIFTS rors is ה legitimate object of
city of Jerusalem under the terrorism of the extremists). interpretation.
(Deut. ₪. 5. 6 ןובררח , אבcorr, acc.) [Y. Kil. 1, 27* bot. Hithpa, Soh same. Y. Keth. Ul, 27° top שרדתמ
Ar., +. 82.) ) ולו וכיser( eht sdrow o//e .6₪ era nepo rof -retni
PT "| ch. same, Gitt. 56". Ber.
0166. 87* אנקרר (corr. ace.).
62" אתא pretation,
v. 11.
דרש.hc .emas .graT( .reJ ,6I
2, I
]32.v .duJ.graT .ecuS—9,V °15 .tob peeS קרא אשכחד
>,סונוקרד SDP, +. סוקינררח they found a Bible verse and interpretedit. Arakh. 30°
| = (R731) [row
of tecth,) the gum (emp. AMPA TSS אכרא it may be interpreted in favor of 8
Ab. Zar. 28°; Yoma 84* "Tat היככ ימר ידימ יב lenient practice &c.—Sot. 21° דאהל ארק.. res B.....
רמי כ,rA .de( TT OS" (ואתא) וסיתי רטא. . . (רטי interpreted this verse. Ib, ראט שדד what verve did they
ו וקול קוק א,htnet.cib aiug tiw interpret (to guide them intheir action) !—Bets. 28°37S
1%. בי דדריךTSP .rA .de .hoK :daer( ָנְרִרֶריך משסךew thguat ni yht .eman .beY49* . . . החדה לרה
ו וו oc( yrat ו oh שרדR.ELmight have given a valuable interpret-
. Rab . D, 8. a. 1.) and stick it into the inside of thy ation 6., +. M7. Lev, B.s.9 StS Sor דק until
he ended his lecture. Ber.* 28 'כו7Sשידדכ shall this
ו רו ond theother ha.? 15. Sr
SRST חריDo thet= wbic ™ (v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note); a v.שדדְר--. )זlecturer. Y.
he question revolecs,] stake, risk. ןוטסד
™ fixed sum. Yeb. X11, 13" top “ ןידדו "כו to serve as lecturer, jadge Sc.
» Esth. IV, 7.—In Talm, 'ר-אכוטטר money at stake, Tthpe. ארדרישיto be interpreted. Ber.63*
.. . ארק ראה
i loss. B. Mets.2°. Keth. 23°; a. fr—Hag.
21° ' וכSte this verse (Ps. CXIX, 126) can be interpreted
נ מ TSGNA ' מא דlautneve noitaloiv fo eht lacilbiB in its regular order (it is time to work &c., because people
fw ofparity; Midd. 0* neglect the law) or in inverted order (the teachers ignore
the letter of the law, because it is time to work for the
-. ג1. (an adaptation of 204200, as if fr. “71; Lord by guarding its spirit); ib. 60°; Sub. 70°.
/ datectivariations,infra) diarrhea, Lev.B-8.18
pla Nut, Num. XI, 20)R.Ebiathar says, [zara means
A ny Nom. Roa 7 כו.“ חיהאש ןתונ ארוד3 (not(ץתוא NOT) ₪.NIST,>
- אדרקל or (ארדקל it will cause diarhewa, for I NOT, Sen interpretation,
!| put a worm in their entrails. Sifré Deut. 1 ;אירלוד argument, attempt to harmonize. Pes. 62° שרדה Ss Th
. Vattom., p. 131° 'ררד Ar. (Var. in Ar. a ed. Sh, (Ms. M. ישרה pl.,v.Rabb.2.8.a Lnote),v.=x.—Yeb.54*
* “oyרד, 70" ()הטמלמ "דל דתא ןis required for an argument to be based upon it.
Ms. Parma אירא (ץרד.פָּסָה. Gitt.
will be seized with diarrhea. [Ib. ()בשוימ | Ib. 'ד ראשוand what is the argument based upon it?
, ארדNEM, אָרְד .+ () )רוד1 court-yard. Targ. jor (b.h.; emp. N87) to be moist, sappy, fat. |
.xE XX ,LIV ;21 .”
a .rf .graT[— II .htsE ,V ;1 ,IV 5 ;דרא Pi. 385 1) to bless with rich pastures. Ber. 29* ננה
I .htsE דרתא. .yL .hnS ,X %82 ,tob ' דר" וכTAM ) עד0. ' בנאות וכ.pmc( .sP ,IIIXX )2 evig su erutsap .no eht
Krot. mms) to the court of 1%. H.’sresidence. Yoma 72°; meadows of thy land.—2) (b. h.; denom. of 723) to remove
Sabb.31> 34 7 תרלד הרלhe who has no court, but makes - the ashes, to clean (the lamps). Tam. 111, 9 5387 trims
a gate-way for his court (who possesses erudition but them. Yoma 11, 3 'כו ju למ who shall do the cleaning
no fear of the Lord).—Pl, 875 (N85), RON. Targ. of the inner altar. Tam. 111, 1; 6.
זזKings XXI, 5 (ed, Lag. תרד constr.). Targ. Ps. X, 8 Nithpa. בהשוך1) to become sappy, vigorous. Pirké VR.
איתרוד .60 Lag. (Var, ,איתרדד Ms, .(איְיְהאְרְוד Targ. El. ch. XXXII, end.—2) to be treated like the charred
1 .rhC ,IIIXX 82 דרתיא.de .gaL .de( remhaR דראתא-(
- wick, to become unfit for sacred use. Men, 88" yawn “2
)2 buildings, dwellings in a court.—Pl. 877. B. Bath. 67* ' וכMDW} the oil as well as the wick has become unfit.
if he said NM7"%, all agree, it meant houses; they differ
only when he said( אחְרד Ms. 0. RON), the one says, the Ww m. (b. h.; v. preced.) 1) fat, honorary gift, ve
truoc 81 tnaem .6 .bI fi eh dias דַרְאחָא.sM( 13. (דרתא. next w.—2) ashes (of burnt flesh ₪0.(. Zeb. V, 2, a. fr,
בֶּיַת הדיeht ecalp erehw eht sehsa fo secifircas erew
,אתרד Targ. O. Lev. II, 7, v. RAT. deposited.—
Pl. 205. Ib. 104? ןיֶנָשִּהַה Ma שלוש
NINN, Targ. Prov. XVI, 28, v.חִרִמִנָא . NIU, NIT ch. same, fat piece, honorary gift,
Ui, v.דוש . present. Snh.94 (ref, to 11 Ohr, XXXII, 1 in connection
with the preceding account) אנשדרפ ד ראהל/ ראהAr. (ed.
אשדm. (b. h.) tender grass, herbage.— Pl.ההּמְצִים ; ררשMs ,'שר.21 corrected into 5, oth. Mss, 0", v.Rabb.
PRI “herbs. Ber. Vi, 1. Ex. R. s. 17, beg. Hull. 60", D. 8. a. 1. note; Yalk. Kings 235 ('שרד such a treat for
Y. Kil. 1, 27" top. R.Hash. 11° what month is itשהארץ such a gift, 1. 6. is this an adequate reward? V. אָנֶמְסִר 1.
21‘ הארצומ 'דin which the earth produces fresh green *
while the trees are full of fruits ?—Ib. 7 ץראה הארלמthe NOP, y. Erub. V, 224 bot., v. SPROm.
ground is covered with herbs.
דשרין, Targ. Esth, I, 6, v. NW.
NOT (NU, ‘T) ,)=אשרד.ות Sam. חשרד ;, שרדcmp.
out )ץ. (הרטוto crush grain, make groats. M. Kat, 13»
also (שגה entrance, door-way (v. MO"); door. Targ. O.
Gen. XIX, 6 NWI ed. Berl. (oth. ed. a. Y. Ws). Targ. 0.
(Ms. M. ,("ר v. is,
Ex. XXI, 6 אשד ed. Berl. (Y. 9); a. fr.— Hull. 52°, .צץ שש ch. same, Pa. שלושה , Polel (of wan) wns to
Tex. Sabb. 77>. Keth. 10% (phonetic etymol.) ךרד אשר stamp upon. Targ. Esth. VI, 1,—Targ. Jer. XLVIL, 26
pw. 10. 'דל ( רכ ארבעas strengthening) as the bolt to a .v .graT—,arfni .duJ ,V .12 .graT .sP ,IIIVX 34 'חושש
door. Ber, 56° לפנד ( 'ד אתרירבread ,ראתיבד v. Rabb. D. Ms. (ed. Lag.;'ר( Targ. 11 Sam. XXI,-43. arg. 1 Ohe
₪. a. 1. note) (I dreamt) that the door of my house fell XXXII, 1; a e
down ;a.fr.— Pl, ws, ,אלועה "ws, 3. Targ. Job XX XVIII,8.
Af. B38 to crush, pound. Targ. Y. Num. XI,8.—
Targ. O. Deut. 111, 5; 8. 6. [Targ. Esth. 1, 6 כו ןירשדו |
read 'כו ( ןישדוor ,ןישרדו v. supra) and there were turn- Palp, 3323 to tramp, reel (of adrunken person). Targ.
ing doors of silver.]—Men. 38% 'כו “ רשדSm (some ed. Is. XIX, 14; Targ: Jer. XLVI, 26 rissa Ar. (Kim
ורדששון, ed. Lag. ןושְדְדיְו ( ='דשדרו,--- 2826. pass. ש
(דשאhang the door frames in first.
stamped upon. Targ. Is. XIX, 14 (h. text .(סבומ =
ing an inference of limitation, this means to say but.— ( לאח לאהcmp.) אָלַה( 1 farther off, fab(of space).
Ib. 139 דש אח אנגימ. .. ארקמread he dare not (while Targ. Y. Gen. XXXU, 25 ’m ja on the other side of.
lying on his back), bat sleeping in that position is per- Targ. . צץNum. XVII, 2 'הלfar away.— )2 'הלonward
mitted?,'כו אהו 'רbut did’nt R..... say &c.?—Y. Succ. (of time). Targ. . צץEx. XVI, 21.
זרbeg. 55° (ref. to Mishnah: ‘playing the flute &c.) לש אה
קרבן דוחהsiht swolla eht ecnerefni taht ta sgnireffo eht TION f. (jax) 1)confirmation, fulfillment. Shebu.36*
playing does supersede the Sabbath. —([Targ. Y. Ex. VII, 23 דבריםryan prayer for fulfillment, v. 778 11.--9( faith. |
האsome 60., read [.אָד Yalk. Is. 296; Yalk. Hos. 519 (interchanging with הֶנּומֶא
= ₪ .(חָנֶמַא Tosef. 12.38 V,8 some ed.; a. fr.
אה₪ ]( אהv. preced.) an interjection, 1) (cmp.
)n“ !hO .graT .reJ ,VI 03 ton( (והא.--.deN 11, 2 (51?) הא )=ןא ןאהNM) where? whither? Targ.Y. Gen. XXII,7. _
( ןברק לכואש ךלMish.a. Y. ed. ןברק( Oh, the sacrifice, that Targ. Job XXIV, 25 Ms. (ed. .( ןֶהTarg. Ps. CKXXIX,7 =
I lliw )ton( tae siht hcihw sgnoleb ot .!eeht .bI 61* לא שכר .sM .de( 681. והאן. . ;אן.de ואן. . ;אן
( a 6--\. חן.
ןברקה..ןברק.fmb draws no distinction between korban
dna nabrok-ah lanigram.v( eton ot ihsaR .a .).1 .bT ,I 2 הא אנא ' אָנאהNM) behold I. Targ. Jer. XXII, 32 1
( העובש לכואש ךלMish. a. Y. ed. העובש( Oh, an oath (ed. Wil. אָנָאַה( Targ. Y. Gen. XXII, 7 (ed. Amst. xO
that ₪0. Ib. 16% ללכמ אהד העובש לכואש 'כוwe infer from R32, two words); a.e
this that ‘Oh, an oath that I will eat’ means that I will
"וטסאה.1 (a Samaritan word, emp. יטס a.m) Oh,
not eat.—2) behold (h. , ןח.)95 Dan. III,25.—Targ. Gen.
III, 22. Ib. XX, 15; a. fr—Dan. ,11 48 "ֶדְבאַָה08 if.— the perversion (of the law)! Y. Shebi. IV, 35%; Y. Snh.
Targ. Ps. CXXIII, 2 אמכNO ,608 . . . . אה ןידכMs. (ed.
,ILI 12 pot ]:daer[ אמר.... חד משמריוא הוה עבר בשמיטתא
)7121 so.—3) introducing a question, is it that? Targ. ןול 'ח ורש ןוכל אדרימ יכוa Samaritan passed (by Jewish
Job XV, 7; a.e.—Ib. XXX ,111 19 אה ןיד Ms, (ed.7"3"8) fields) in the Sabbatical year and saw them throw up
where? the ploughed clods, when he said to them, Oh, that per-
version of the law! You have been given permission to
הא,II הא הא.rp .n .m .67-61 .bA ,Y 32 בן הא plough (in the Sabbatical year, because of the govern-
.אה Hag. 9" “non( "רב Ms. M. 2 ; רהYalk. Is. 328; ments’ edict), but have you been permitted to &.?
Yalk. Mal. 591 אהNM( רב v. Rabb. D. 8. to Hag. 1. 6
note 19).
PNM, Targ. Job XXIV, 16, +. pan ch.
NT 111 name of a worm, v. 17. הראהf.) )רזא( 1 kindling. Sifra Tsay, Par. 11, ch.
XVI, end תורגה mont kindling the lights in the Temple
TINT | f. (GBS) giving ear, close attention, contrad. (quoted by Hai Gaon to Zeb. ch. III; differ. vers.in ed.).—
to nsw. “Sifré Deut, 308. )2 תראה םרנפshining of divine countenance, grace. Midr.
ראחc. )=יֶאדִה( this, that. Targ. Ruth IV, 6, v. N23. Till. to Ps. LXXX, end; Yalk. ib, 830.
.reB °2 wh“ hn‘ siht rehat’v .veL( .)7,IIXX .bI 4 ה' אחר הב1) .verbba fo ."m3 .bA .raZ %67 "וחב ליה לבאטי
this ‘one’ (Is. VI, 6). Ib.* 6 'ה ןאמ רעבד 'כוhe who dna evag ti ot .bI—.B hsr וחב לרה למר.s.MM .de( (הב. |
stnaw .0₪ 7.bI ,tob 7 מאר כוללח.sM,(M '(למה לך כולר ה Y. Ber. I, 24 bot. there are people 'כו °35} who pay
what is all this for?—Ib," 8 אתעש "חב at that hour.
money for the permission to visit the palace.— 2) Im-_
Erub. 10*; a. fr. 'זד ראמ what is that, i.e. what has this to do perat, of am. ]בה , בהTarg. Prov. XXX, 15 ed. Wil. ve
here?, this is no argument,—Ber. 43° אחשמ 'כו7 as to הַבְהָב.[ |
balsam .01186 "118.4 רלוכ 'חרלואוall that (suffering) and
yet only ‘perhaps’ !—Ib. זה ארק this (following) verse; a. האבהf.) )אוב( 1 carrying, bringing. Bice. 0 2
y. fr.—With suffix 3 (Jocale) 3°85 the one there, the for- require "םוקמ Mat to be brought to the Temple plac
mer. 1%. Hash.” 2 ראה 'כו9 . אמלשב 'ח1 grant it as (Deut. XII, 5sq.). Hag. 4" ‘72 120 is subject to the law
to the former (verse), for it says , distinctly . «+, but as to fo gnireffo evitsef .secifircas ,Y .bbaS ,III 6* ותלונטיות.
eht rettal .0₪ .hnS 4" ירשיעון דהארך והאר.sM( 12. האיך gniyrrac emoh eht gnihtab ;steehs .burE.Y וני
( ראזדרthe Elohim which is the subject to yarshiun (Ex. .a —.rf .lP .nixim amoY *74 .fer( ot .veL ,IVX 21) הבאה
XXII, 8) is the same in the preceding clause as in this, אלו רתש 'ח. . the Law speaks of one carrying in bu
1.0.16 means the same number of judges, and the repetition not of offering in two instalments.—2) bringing ₪abou
of Elohim does not intimate a differently construed court. making. PeahI,1 תאבה םולש כוmaking peace betwe
B. Bath. 167 הרתת"א הדthe other one’s wife; a. fr. .; סמ109% a. e.—[3) drawing home of the alntighte
efink .0₪ .ppo ot N'5>2M gnivom ;drawrof - מג 6
NITNO, +. gers. sive tue and digests).] 1%
האיךףVv.הא" .
"WI, הואיm, )הבי, הור, .pme (הבלrbt
PNST, Targ. Job, XXIV, 16, v. קזח ch, vanity, vain talk; impossibility, exaggeration, 0
phrase. Ned. 111, 1 "בה ררדנvows made dey
האיתא+. cream, v. SENN. animpossibility, expl.ib, 2 'כו םנוקImay
be forbid
אִימָא= אתא58, .v חָא1 a.אית if I have not seen ₪0. (a mere exaggeration -
near חִבָּל
literally). Th, 26" דד MSS onthe affirming be. (Hhetvw. the laborer wae hired for taking ep abandoned objects,
וו, # (שבוקת שוא. ."l
mSu ןH
לשו,rA .de( (חne | in the other for watehing. Ib. "לק דד רקשדבwaiching
on in rhetorical
epoech; Tam. 20"; 5.6. V. mgr. gives the right of possesion of Acfler, (Ms.M.bas צב |
' Ar, & ¥. שב 3, hesitates bette. To. Th.)
שי through dora Yalk, >
Deut, 942 (Tana d’be Ki. Zat. oh. 11 regs) מטבח.+ mysi.
S351, +.sen, כח —_ ). (SR) asewrance,
divine promise, faith.
ו. Kh. 5. 96-7 PRS the promise came tree, Her. 17°
’ babar aif. (255) 1) culling
apart. Mull,
20" דו Pes ‘tT לדרג the divine promise (of reward) to women ie
th law ordering the separation of the head from the greater be. tb, V, 4; ₪. 28° כו םאו יתיצכהbet if be
/ (Lev, 1,16), 1b, דוב נשיmust be cut apart; a.fr-— is confident that 4. Gen. R.« 76 'כו ןיא יח םיקידצלthe
9) acparation. Gen, KR.«6 שטמ Thלדביו wayyabdel (Gen. rigtheouws do not rely on the divine promise in thie world
1,4) 0 realseparation (in space, not logical differen- (they are afraid, leet their sin may have cansed ite with-
Hag. 16° יאותר . . תוthe separation (of drawal, + Ber.4". Mekh. Yithro «2 S73 x rom רשנא
waters) took place onthesecond day.—8) Hebdaleh, ( תיVar. ‘ (מַבְצְֶהְחmen of truth’ (Ha, XVIII, 21) thet
A formula
of prayer for the exit of the Sabbath or Pes- meant men having faith in God; a. >.-- 11. ergs. .אא
ד או +" .reH ,IIV ;5א. ז.--12. תִבְרְלתeht ה. 91.5 ' טוה הרד כל יד וכeseht lla eht sesimorp dleh tuo
ּ referred to in the Habdalah. Wali. 26" bot.; to the proselyte
₪6. ; ₪).
Pes. 104* דר ררסthe order of the subjects of distinction.
₪.41 ' תאטורות וכHT מקיןgnidno otp ehs
id | ליבהTarg. Prov. V1, 3 some
od, +. SST
)וטמ וin the Bible (Lev, X, 10 &e,).
ריבהdark, sad,
+ “2.
> הִבְחב1 crap. of בכח to glow; emp. (לבה 1) to
tinge, parch, Y. Mansr.1V, bog. 51° רואב ןילובישSoS BSI m. ,)רבח emp. 557) vapor, mist, darknces
if one parches care over the fire; Tosef. ib. 111, 1 ‘om Targ. Prov. IV, 19 Ar. (ed. Lag. ארבה oth. 54. אריכה
' בשרח וכ.bus( (שיבולין. .neM .)*66(4,X .steB .*43 .bbaS rvsm). Ib. VII, 9 (ed. Lag. ,הֶריְבִה oth. 64. (הריכה —
1,3 ולא דdna did 402 egnis ti ot( eraperp ti rof Pl, .אריריִבְתTarg. Pa. אאאט 6 Lev. (od. Lag. אדיריכה
a wick),—Snb. 37° isit possible for fire to be in contact od. Wil. ,אריסה corr. ace.; Ms.amas; .גtext .(תוקלקלח
with flax > ניאו and not to singe? — Part. pass. V. «75m.
3 יס lightly roasted. Y.ib. VIII, beg., 26° —2) to be like
( ןיכבהpss אה( Oh then, yea then. Targ. Pe
₪0 קופה heat without flame ; to nod consent without
LI, 21; .א=
anziety. Ber. 34° בתבהמ
( םינשY. ib.V, 9 bot.
₪ 9? 0004 & סה ו he mest not concent So. לבהwif. Sn (emp. בבת( to be affected by hot
] הto be affected by flames. Yoma 41% air, begin tosteam. Sabb. I, 6 )17*( long enough before
הלשון 2 if the band caught
fire. the Sabbath דדכ וליָבַהְיש for the flax stalks to begin he.
Sa dey part, pass. STS 1) glowing with SST ch.)=₪. .א5355,denom. ofx27) 1) todowain
greedy. Pl.fem.s3rs7. Targ. Prov. XXX, 15 ed. things. Targ. Job XXVII, 12.—2) to be wanton, to sport.
. (ed. Wil. בה (9--.( בחlightly roasted; rare. Targ. Y. Targ. Ps. LXII, 11 > ed. Wil. (Bat. oar Jthpa.;
. 11,14 (h. text .(יולק Targ. Y. 11 Ex. XII, 9 (¥.1a.0.
כד, h. text %2).—Yalk.Bx.191 (symbolizing Ex. XI,9) ed. Lag. ,ןולבקת
Ms.j ,
Sistte APSF אל desire not to consume her (Rome) לבחm., constr. $s or S57 (b. bh.) 1) breath, vapor,
f-done (but well ripe for destruction); Pesik. R.s. 15; air, heat. Sabb." 88 םהרשבשT= with the (Gery) breath
Hahod. p. 56" (corr. ace.). | of their mouths. Ib. 119° "כו PTT לדthe breath of
school children. Ib. אשה ובPRO דד a sinless breath (of
ייm. (preced.)
glow, heat. Targ.
Y. 11 Gen. — children). Y.Ab. Zar. II, 42" bot. 'כו דדthe vapor
of the bath room is injurious to the teeth. Yeb. 80° 7x
OPT ברpr.n.m. Bar Habu (Habu), a writer רדmcs בשרוhis body (after bathing) does
not steam.
Pesik. Bahod. p. 154°; Lev. B.s.29 (ref. to Ps. LXII, 10)
Bee Ber. 58 'ח דבדא רבMs.M. (Ar.
בתוך וכיhT עשדייןSH עדelihw yeht era tey הsag ni( eht
תשed. רהבא(over thelights inthe house ofBar H.— first embryonic stage) ...., they are predestined for
leg. 18° (v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 60). 3. Mets. 29°.
marital union. Y.Ter. X, 47* bot. שבוכ T= the beat (of
הטבהf.) )טבכ(1 looking at,keeping in sight. Gen. the fresh bread placedon top of an open wine casket)
.844 (ref. to Gen. XV,) 5 הלעמלמ 'כו
אלאTH ןיאthe keeps the evaporations of the wine down. B. Kam. 50”
of AibLit indicates a looking down from above. Lam. >> for injuries suffered through the bad air of the pit
toV, 1 דד בורקמ369000 isused for looking at a near (into which the animal fell), opp. to<=> injuries aris-
open ene - יא molding ing from knocking against the ground. Koh.
₪. to 1, 2
objects, “on לש דדthe hot air of the stove; תכוילקכ דה לשthe
as fruits of the Sabbatical year, v.
per B.Mets. 118" 71Sןאכןאכ החבכהבintheonecase | vapor ofthe topmost pot; Yalk.ib.966 תיקיבש ה₪.>.-
. הבְלָא
Tr \
2) (b.h.) vanity. B. Bath. 16” 7 לש ןימוחנתvain consola- mist, darkness, Tam.32* ‘73 רשרפד which travel in the —
tions. Koh. R. 1. c.; Yalk. 1. ¢. (ref. to Ps. OXLIV, 4) dark (fog). Ker. 5" bot. 3 אתיבב Ar, (ed. (אתהבד in א |
' לאיזר חot tahw dnik fo lebeH )htaerb( nam si ;ekil .a half-dark house; Hor.12* 'הד Ar. a. En Yakob (v. Rabb. —
fr.—P], 2935. Ib, 'כו העבש 'הthe seven times that D. 8. a. 1. note 1, ed. .('חד Pes. 119" אלב | אל ליזיל 'הב
Solomon used the word hebel. Pesik. Bahod. 1. c.; Lev. מסאנרMs. M. (ed. ארכה a. oth. differ., v. Rabb. D.S,a.1.) _
4.1.6. 'כו לכ 'ח םיבזכוall the vain things and falsehoods one must not walk without shoes in the dark (twilight).
which the Israelites commit.
ANT +.-) (בְרֶה1) recovery to health. Sabb, 137%
, אלבה אלבהconstr. לבה dan ch. same, 1) breath ings "םוי 6 day on which the child recovers.—[2) re- |
.₪0 Targ. Ps. XO, 9.—B. Mets. 36" 'ח אמגאדthe vapors freshment, esp. “1 M20 the meal of comfort given the
of the marsh. Sabb. 95% ‘M72 רעטצמ suffering from the mourner after funeral, v. ררב 11 Hif. In commentaries
close air of the room, Hull.* 8 "תאו 'ה 'כוand the effect and digests.]
of the hot iron comes and removes the traces of the stroke; man T, +. אָרְבַה
כו/ 'ח םידקthe burn takes effect first ₪0. Bekh. 7* bot.
i 'ה ארשרבד 16 18 the exudations of the body (which man f, ,)רבה emp. 83734; Neo-Syr. ארבח P. Sm.
make the urin thick), B.Kam.50> תיאד היב 'ח in which 1185 bot.) 1) confused sound 0 to tune), noise.
eht ria si suoirujni .v( .).decerp .bI 7 אין ה' למיתה ויש Yoma 19" 'ח dip... עמשרש רדכthat the Highpriest might
כוthe air is not bad enough to cause death, but enough hear the reverberating noise (of people awake at night),
ot esuac ;yrujni —.rf.a )2 .ytinav boJ.graT אא117, 21 ‘7. R. Hash. III, 7 'כו םאו לוק 'הbut if he heard only an
Targ. Koh. ,1 .21--.2 , אלבהfan. Ib.—Ib. XII,8. = indistinct sound (echo, opp. רפוש ( לוק---2( report, rumor.
Y. Dem. I, 22* ריעב הלפנ 'הthe report spread in town.
, ולבחNOAM f, (preced.) vanity. Targ. Koh. Y. R. Hash, 1V, 59" bot. 'כו 4 הלפכan alarm spread.
I, 2; XI, 8; 6. Gitt. 89% 'ח ועמש לוקthey heard only an indistinct rumor
(gossip). Gen. R. .א 10; a. fr. [In modern Hebrew ‘7
אלילבהm. )ללב( stomach (first or second). 81160. 34°; syllable.}
Sabb.* 86 " "כוOD 'ה יב Ar. (ed. אָליְלְבּוה( formerly aay
called the second stomach hablila, and now the first, v. N77, v. "3M.
oo, a. , סופROD.
RAT m. ch, (h. 5379; (לגיה thought, utterance. Targ.
העְלבהf.[ )עלב( absorption,] payment for a thing Job XXXVI, 9.
included ‘in the bargain (and not mentioned); indirect ההבנה f.) )הבג( 1 lifting, taking up a found object.
sale or purchase. Erub.27°'דב ...רמד. ןתנשhe paid the ,B .steM ,°811 .v .naun .B .htaB 67" ה' קונה בכל מקום
full value of the salt and waterל (by paying so lifting gives possession everywhere (on private or public
much more for the oil for which he bargained). Bekh.31? ground); Kidd. 22>; a. fr.—2) elevation. Ex. R. s. 45
ןירכומ ותוא 'חבit is sold in connection with other things.
“ras רתלפשה וזmy humiliation is myו Lev.
Ned. 37° ארהMF the teacher’s fee for the Sabbath lessons Basa,
is included in the general engagement (by the week, the
month &c.). man f. (533) setting bounds, marking off. Sabb.87* —
" מצות הeht dnammoc gninrecnoc eht gnittes fo sdnuob
רעבהm. )רעב( damage through carelessness in hand-
at Mount Sinai (Hx. XIX, 12).
ling fire. B. Kam. I, 1; emp. +. ib. beg. 2%; Tosef. ib.
i>.gia הֶדגהTIA f. (733) 1) telling, communication, —
תרעבהf. (preced.) 1) the law (Ex. XXXV, 3) for- .ecnedive .hnS °03 .fer( ot .veL ,V 1) | מקשינן ה' לראריה
bidding the kindling of fire on the Sabbath. Sabb. 70% the laws regulating the witnessing of the act must 8180
'ה ואלל תאציthe law, ‘ye shall kindle no fire ₪0. is apply to the evidence before court (that the two wit-
singled out in order to indicate that its transgression is nesses must be together).—2)(v. 5728) homiletics, popular
a plain offence .( )ואל.15 'ה קלחל תאציthat law is speci- ,erutcel .ppo ot h2 lagel .noitaterpretni .gaH 41* |ה מ
fied in order to intimate that each transgression of a לך אצל היtahw tsah uoht ot od htiw ?scitelimoh .bI בעלר
Sabbath law is to be atoned for separately (if several of .sM .M .de( ' (א.srerutcel .bI %3 '“ וכ7 במה היתהwhat
them have been committed in one act); Pes. 5 Y. was the subject of to-day’s lecture?; a. fr—3) Haggadah,
Sabb. II, 5® bot.; a. fr.—2) removal, destruction. Y. Snh. the recitations at the home service on Passover nights,
VII, 24" bot. we read here (Deut. XIX,) 19 , תרעבוand v. NAN. Pes. 115°; 116°,—Pl. nisan, “a9. Y.Peah II,17%
there (ib. XXI,9) , 'כו רעבת4“ compare the analogous bot. “AR ya ןרא ןידמל we must not derive laws ft
expressions for analogous modes of execution &¢.—3) heat- homiletical interpretations. 4
ing, fire. Pesik. R. s. 16, end MAX רדכ 'ה sufficient for ,םודגה: that'sy.הוגדס ,
one altar fire: Tanh. Ki Thissa 10.
man ו. (b, bh; preced.) thought, study. Gen. 9 חייגח.) (prt) appealing, revilation, study. ¥. ler,
(ret. toJob XXXVI, 2) הרות ךיא דה אלאAegeh (thowght, ,| top (vet, to Josh. ,1 )8 ארתש תיקח םוי 'כו4244 the
peculation) means study of the Law, recitation of the day and the night be alike; Midy, TW
is always done with hot water. Ib. םתה ראמ 'ה לנתקד meal along. B. Bath, 73> 'כו יולתא ןדחבa certainA
1 הקררמ Ms. M. (ed. differ.) the hagalah there (in the joined us. Hull. 57° והיידהב min אכלמ the
Mishnah) means in general scouring and rinsing (also among them; a. fr.—2) “303 in the presence of,
with cold water), Targ. Y. Deut. XXII, 15.—Pes. 119% a law-suit
with three opponents. Sabb. 38" N"2D 'ב near twilight.
DAN 1. ()םּוג shutting up, closing. Yoma 18* תַפְנִה Keth. 108" mzzva רדרד 2 with me wilt thou dispute ?—
( דלתותsome ed, mipan pl.) locking the Temple doors; B. Kam. 92% v. אָצּוה;a. "דדה--. , 'בv. "TIA. "II
Arakh. 115; a. fr .—Bot. VII, 1 ןיסירת )לוק( תפגה86
wards, near. Sabb. 134" אמור > towards the light. 1:
made by fastening the 001788808 (to frighten the enemy); ( > פומרהnot ,"מופ Ms. M. 'ימופ ( רדהבclose to his mouth,
Sifré Deut. 192; a. e.—Mekh. B’shall. 2 ןיסירת MDX (not Ab. Zar. 80" ףיט ( ףיט 'ל ףיטMs. M. . . “Sma ףוט (םיט
(תריסטין. drop immediately after drop. Pes. 1.6. הרערכ MIM )
“ST, Ned. 49> ינרגוהו Ar., +. רָגָח Ms. "a3 59) at his feet; a. fr—8) (conj.) דד רדחב
the time that, while. Gitt.68¢top ותאו 'ב אקד רנייעמwhile
( רגהb. h.) pr. n. 6 Hagar, hand-maid of Sarah, they were going on searching. Hull, 58* סרררד 'בwhile
Gen. R. s. 45, beg.; a. fr. he inserts his nails, םילשד 'בin the moment he takes
them off; a. fr. ;
הארנה v. next w.
הדא, דָאהצ. / id
הרגהpr.n. Hagrah, an Arabian district; emp, 8730.
Num. B. s. 13, beg. 7“ תולגthe diaspora of H. —Denom. TH )==הדההדי, v. In) each גש mutually. Targ
ch. HN" . גגHagrean. Targ. 1 Chr. XXVII, 31. זזEsth. 1, 7 אדהל--ירדהל ( אדהed. Lag. "45, Var. ;הל$3
STAM, v. bean. cmp. Syr. אדדה P, Sm. 1196). Gitt. 68? ‘AN והנישבב
)= (הדא אהדאezeeuqs meht tsniaga hcae .rehto ,bI %96
והגרום, .+ הוגדס. ‘7 בהדרwith one another (in immediate contact), Hull. 43°,
v. 120; a. 'ה--.₪ אדה( רכ )=אדה רכlike each other.
אָיְנורְנהpr. n. pl. Hagronia (Agranum), a Babylo- Snh. 4" (heleb a. hdleb) רזדכלנ רכד הwhich are written alik
nian town, seat of several scholars (v. Neub. Géogr.p.347). Erub. 69 'כו 7 רכare in the same legal category. Yeb.14*
Ber.31*. Sabb. 11% הד30" the elders (scholars) of H.;a. fr. כל חיfo lauqe knar ni ;}pihsralohcs .a 6
םרגהm, (v. next w.) hegrem, a word formed as a TTT, Tosef. Toh. 7111, 6 Var., v. An.
substitute of wIPR [prob. to be read 073m, v. OTA). Y.
Ned. I, beg. 36°, v. “727. חדום.m .b( ).h .loots .ecaM 42" ' בית הר'גלר וכth
house which was the foot-stool of our God; Sifr
המרגה+ (DA Hif.) cutting the animal’s throat in a
Deut, 43. i
“Th, vn PPT) +. ar
Sh'mini Par. 3, ob. V (ref. to 72m
ya eti ’dnik להביא בן החדייה
יד ₪
ben Addaya; Wall. 63* איריח רבed., Ar. רב NOTH + ()קלר fire. Tang. 11Both. ,ו5 (od. Lag.
5 5, beg.'כו חידה רבmM ed. (Ar. ה...(- R. 5 15, beg. some od, read
ed. Koh. 8. v.) this hawk sees ite food at a FIRST,
v. next w.)
distance of 86. .)צ Hull. 63", ref. toחֶאְר a.(הֶאָר--2( pr.
מ. m. Bar Haddaya, Ber. 56* (an interpreter
of dreams). הקלדח1 ( )קלרlighting, kindling. 5855.
23* mwד
| מצוה the kindling (of the Hanukhah lights) isthe cere-
| mony prescribed, contrad. to הדקה the placing it. Ib.
6(31%) “an תקלה
למשרזתfmoshhah (Nem. 1,
)סדח( סדהPi. or"( )'ח( cmp. סחד( to make Zar, 31% va) אלוקרד a basket squeezed over the ומ
casket, De
incisions, mark (cmp. דדנה( esp. (of chickens) to leave
skram fo eht ,teef ot .hctarcs .B .maK 11, 2 ' וכ03mהיה VW (b. h.; cmp. “4h, (רזח to enclose, go around.
it was scratching and broke vessels; expl. ib. 17” pot. Part. pass. רודה 1( 0 Hull. 59" ןניעב mini Ar.
'רה זדתהוit scratched and caused the smashing of the (ed. ,תּורּודָח v. (רֶדָח the horns must de rounded (not flat;
vessel by rolling it against a hard object. 10. 07Mהיו Ar.: showing circular layers).—2) (b. h.) distinguished,
25 לעleft marks on dough or fruits, or soiled &.; Y. ib. adorned, beautiful. Gen, R. s. 60 (ref. to ,הזלה Gen.
,11 beg. 24 תא 'כו. וסדיחשIb.( וסדיה רפע לע 'כו Bab. ib. XXIV, 25) “7 ותוא התארshe saw his commanding ap-
.1 .6 ולעה( רפעthey threw dust by scratching; 8. 6. [Ar. pearance; Midr. Till. to Ps. XO, end,
reads 045M; Syr. סדה to study.] Pi, 10, 'רה 1) to crown, adorn, distinguish. Ley. R.
8.80 כו ה''בקחaw whom the Lord crowned with old
*סדה (ch. v. preced.; cmp. סֶריַּפְסִא( to dance on tip- age. Kidd. 3a ןוממב ל457773" that he must show him honor
toe. Y. Peah ,1 15% ( חוה סָּדַהְמ ימוק אילכed. Krot.(מקלס _ even at a material sacrifice; a. e.— Part. pass, 372.
used to dance before the bridal couples; (Keth. 17°
Lev. R.s.3 'כו 7a הבזמה NAW that the altar may appear
(מרקד. adorned by the poor man’s offering; a. e.—2) to go around
סדה סדהpr. n. pl. Hadas, (prob.) Edessa in Meso- searching, whence to be zealous in religious observances,
.aimatop .graT .Y .neG ,X 01 ,h( txet ְאֶרָך, צ. (אַרְכַת. to look out for the best method of doing good. Sabb. 21”
yan the zealous, Man ןמ "המה the most zealous.
סדה.( תגb. h.) myrtle branch (with three leaves on Vv. .רּוחיה
top), used for the festive wreath on the Feast of Booths Hithpa. “3007 to be crowned, glorified. Gen. R. s.1
(Ley. XXII, 40). Succ. II, .2 "15.89 'ה הטושwild myrtle הוא <בדו מִתְהַדּר וכיeH enola si deifirolg hguorht siH
(with one or two leaves on top); a. fr.—Pl. posh, Ib. world,
Ill, 4 שלש 'הthree myrtle branches are required for
רדחch. (preced.) to go around, come back, return.
the festive wreath. Meg. 13* the righteous וארקנש יח who
are named myrtles (Zech.1,8); a. 6.
Targ. Y. Gen. 111, 19; a. fr.—B. Mets. 14° what thou
takest from him, 7“ רלע רדרדcomes back on my property
OT, NOW ch. same. Targ. 11 Eth. 11, 7—Pl. (I am responsible for it). Ib.69> אנרעב N70 is returned
yom, .איַפַדַה * Targ. Lev. XXIII, 40. Targ. Zech. I, 8; bodily. Pes. 29, a. fr. הרב 5 went back on himself,
a. e. changed his opinion. B. Mets, 65° ררדה לב1 take it back.
B. Bath.* 84 ךב 'כוMoto אל תיצמ thou wouldst not have
NOW f. (b. h.) same; also pr. n. f. iat name been at liberty to retract (the transaction), and now thou
of Esther. Esth. B. to II, 7. Meg..10; 13°; [Targ. shouldst &c.?; a.fr. [Frequ. used adverbially.] B.Mets.6*
זזEsth. I, 7]. ‘ חוצTRAP קרתש first he kept silence and then (re-
considering) he protested. Gitt. 8" "ax "חה רמא another
הדסמייב, lacinomenm .verbba rof XO“ הבאת וידור
time A. said, Hull." 76 )רדח( רודה וחלשanother time
רוערב." האמוט60.74 ךכש 'חfor they (the tithes of the
they sent word; a. fr.
third year) require bringing to the Temple and con-
Pa. ( הדרvy. preced. Pi.) 1) to honor, distinguish. Dan.
fession, are forbidden to the mourner )ךכוא( ,must not be
IV, 31.—Targ. O. Lev. XIX, 15 (ed. Berl. 939m Af.).—
removed in levitical uncleanness, and must be removed
B. Bath. 8% ,ירדה v. NTN. —2) to go around searching,
(Deut. XXVI, 12—14).
be zealous, anwious. Hull. 76%; Nidd. 65" אכררפא ATT
( )ףדח( ףדהb. h.) to thrust down, hurry.—FPart. what need is there to go around searching for an argu-
pass. ,סודה.1 הָפּודַהhurried. Y. Bice. 11, 64" top mn ment (why do you resort to unknown authorities)?
חי.raV( ' ;;ח.pmc .M .taK *82 .₪ .v (דָתף. 1 Sabb, 23% 'כו “ רמWII הוה my teacher used to be anxious
תופודהbb, v. 997.) for puppy-oil. Ib. אחשמא ( ארדהמread: 'מא (; רדהמa. fr.—
3) to restore; 4) to review; v. Af.
"W] ch. same, to thrust. Targ. Y. Num. ,אאא 20 Af. "77% 1) to return, restore; to lead back; to turn
NI (read: (היפדה ; ib, 22. Targ. Job XVIII, 18.
קדחPTT «nee
around. Targ.Y. Deut. XXII,3 (some ed. Pa.). Targ. Cant.
VIL, 5; 8. fr.—B. Mets. 264 רלהרנ FATTO הָרּודַחֶאְל . רא.. |
if they had had the intention of returning 16, they would =
have returned it to me. Ib. "> S97... היימק ררמא
PW, Pi. P37, to squeeze, v. PIN.
‘ois soa אלו (differ. in Mss., v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note) ב
חדק,.hc .aP up .emas .bbaS °141 'לא לֶריחָדוּק וכ spoke in ‘their presence several times (of my loss); 9 1
one must 0 squeeze cotton into the mouth of a bottle might have retarned it to me, but did not; will they —
(as a stopper). Ib.125 , הקדהדv.; קדח a. fr.—B, Kam. 85)
, היקּדַהדv. --. קיזְרה. ששpass. Prva, v. infra. round (the windulne ‘bo.). Hag. 5? . va
Ithpe. PAS to be squeezed in, ‘robbeted: Sabb. 65* מרנרהa people from which its heats 9 turned a
הא דמיהדק.de .rA( ,97p .v )arpus ni eht eno esac ti his face; a. fr.—2) to repeat, review. M. Kat. 28° רי
means that it is squeezed into the ear. Pes. 109" "pasn
pina הוה the parts of the table were rabbeted. Ab. ( הרדומלתor;רָהַהְמ( a. fr.—3) to reply. ‘Hull.34*
חר תיא
4 ג ןפ.norp .m ,nairdaH .+ .TSO TTT )= הואFr, +- preced.) this is. Y. Brab. V,22"
bot. 'כו SEoR 'ה FO השוגת PR (not Hos) if you com-
A a
a . [
mence measuring
from this (village), that
one will be the
ie central village, &c. Y. Pes. II, beg. 28° *'כו “ רדסראm= (ed. Krot.
. הו, +. STS “HF3) this isimplied
inthe prohibition
of beneét. V.o7t_.
— 4 |
“i הו¥. דשאch.
: 48
T m. (7%) 1) one who goes back on his word, ו אוה
.₪ איה5 ₪. b.) he, if; she; it ₪ ₪. Sub.
הוא 336 yen
III, 3 )94*( if he has no trade אוה )צ אלא60., *89,םעוגמ must be extended to all analogous cases)? sa.fr.—Yeb, 1172
(הראexcept this (gambling &c.); אוה שי ול תונמוא אלש 'ג ה' דלא רדעה וכ6 spleh ew( eveileb reb taht reh dnabsu|
) (הראif he has a trade besides this (v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. is dead), for she did not know &c. raisin: re :
note ,אוה--אוה---.(80 אלה--- ארהit 18 the same, 1. 6. 6 pwr). 1
is no difference between the two. Y. Ber. I, 3" איה איה
both are equally precious. Gen. R.s.9, end NIN INA אוה אברה. m. )רהב( desolation, waste; thea py
DSN the word דאמ has the same letters as .םדא Ber. 2” thorn. Targ. Is. VII, 28; a. 6. (with רוב 11 q. v.).— Pl. —
דילמא ביאת אורו חואspahrep ti si )snaem( eht lavirra (of "N35F) “Nah. Targ. Gab XXX, 4 Ms. (ed. "31h, ed. —
of his day, v. רוא 11; a. v. fr.—([Shebi. 111, 8 sin השוע Wil. , רבהb.text‘ חולמ( Targ. Y.Num. XX XIII, 41 ibe d
IV, 5 אוה , הסכמY. ed. ,ּוהָשוע ;ְ ּוהָסַכְמib, X, 6 NIN הכזמ ed. “131 "NIK, corr. acc.).
Ms. M., Gitt. 37° [.ּהחָּכְזְמ איה-- אלוbut it is not so (it
has a different reason ₪0.(. Ber. 57%; a. אוהש--.1 לכ אָדְבוהוconstr. דבוה m. )דבא( destruction. ma.
)) (כל שחיאa ,reveosohw reveostahw .)si( haeP 4,II 'כל ש Esth. IX, 5.
אוכלrevetahw si elbatae ;.& .a )b—.rf revetahw ti yam NaH m. (v. preced.) ruin. Targ. Ps. 1 12
be, a minimum, v. >>. Shebi. ,א 6 ;לכ אוחשGitt. 1. ₪ (ed. Wil.1343, corr, ace. or .('וא
any) לכ;a. fr—xn רפס the Book Hi, name of a Penta-
teuch scroll in the Temple in which ארה occurs nine , ריבוחHif. of ביר I.
times (for the archaic 8), whereas in others it appears
eleven times (v. Ab. d’R. .א ch. XXXIV, ed. Schechter),
NOI, vex =
Sifré Deut. 356; Y.Taan. IV, 68° bot.— Ninh, XI, mostly
הובעיות-=- אוּבטָיותv. אִבְעָרֶה. Peah IV, 5 Ms. M.
in Chald. diction, v. next .א + Pl. 05 m., ןח 0. Ber. 2”
הם טובלים. . . להלא כחניםtub od ton stseirp ehtab —?.¢& "א:הובר, חוברייא, NI“ + .hc .hG( ;בְרְאֶה
ַ(ברי ח
Meg. 14" ןח תוינמחרare compassionate. Hull. 127" ירה mourners? meal on returning from burial. Gen, R. s. 49
' חן וכyeht era ot eb detaert sa fi ;.& .a .v 1.-- הן. .הן ' זו הsiht ) צדקה.neG ,IIIVX )91 snaem eht motsuc fo
are the same. +. Ab. Zar. II, end, 42% v, \\--.תויגטסא )ג offering mourners the meal ₪0. Y.M. Kat. 111, end, 834
prep. DI, ,ןֶהִמ םֶהְל6. a ' ארבnb ( עבדוןread ' (אוthey prepared for him 6.
NW, הזm., היא, הי,.f .hc ,emas ,graT 61 ; םירבוחm. pl. (v. b. h. רַבָה( astrological specula,
a, V. fr.— R70 ,איה v. --.אָה+. Shebi. VII, 37° top אוהב horoscopes. Num. R. .8 20 51‘ הרה האור וירבוהבhe saw
“ms (R. 8. to Shebi. VIL, 3 ארתא ( אוההבin the same in his horoscopes that &c.
6681.-- כל דחו,reveostahw .v .decerp ,hkarA *2 נפשות
כל דהוnamuh sgnieb fo yna ,erutan .v .Y—.2> .liK ,IV ”13 ( *סדנוהVar. v. infra) pr. . ם. תגHugdes. Yoma
top ' כהיא דאמר וכni( ilbaB (כל חאsa taht( )hcihw ...R III, 11 Y. ed. (Mish. a, Bab, ed.) 38%( , סורגהMs. M, “3%,
said.—Pl. \m (perhaps only in Hebr. phrases) ;82°F, ןיְניה v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note); ib." 38 ( סרגוהMs. M. , סרגאv.
Targ. Y. Bx. 1,10; Ib.19 (O. ('נרא;a. fr.—With prefix :ה .bbaR .D .8 .a .1 ;)eton .fesoT .bi 11, 8 ( אוגדסיVar.אגדיס ,
ההא, ההיא. .graT .Y .xE ,IXX ;02 .a nI—.rf dumlaT some ed,; סידגה( Shek. V, 1 סרגוה, )סדגוהv. Rabb. D. ₪.
frequ. used to introduce a case. Pes. 8" דד 'ה האמראit a.1. p. 40, note 6),
occurred that a gentile ₪0. Keth. 78" דד ‘ אתתיא5 the
case came up of a woman that &c.; a. v. ארבג--.+ ‘Nh, יגוהm., pl.היגְנֶים , pexin .)[ (הגןbalance-holder,]
anchor, ballast. 3. Bath. V, 1 ןיגוההY. ed. (Mish. a. Tay
ה' ארתתא.uqerf yllacitsimehpue rof ,flesym flesyht ot(
.de וגין.עq .neG—.).v .s.R ;21 .klaY .sI 418 ,5993°D "2... ו
avoid ominous speech or curse), Y.Maas.Sh. IV, 55" bot.
אביו דה' גיyht .rehtaf .bI pot ' אm‘ חמיתI ;was בעלה Gen. R. .8 88 ןיגוהAr. (ed.לט Sifré Deut. 346 cing
םרנגוהב 'כוand tied the two ships to anchors and iron
‘x ' דהthy husband; a. v. fr.— With prefix :דד , אוהד8755,
weights, and made them rest upon them; Yalk. ib. 953; _
contr. 55, "4, v. “3 a. 11.—With prefixed prep. 7173, ,ןוב
לחון, לון. Yalk, Am. 548,—Y. Sabb. XVII, beg.* 16 ןיגוההON; Tosef. |
ib. XIV (XV), 1 ףא זוגא הניפסבשed. Zack. (Var. PAN, |
הא, v.חור . ( ןרגועalso a ballast stone in the ship (may be handled on
the Sabbath).
,]VN +. הַבאי
ןנוהm. (preced.) balance; only in ‘nD (adv,) pr
ליאוחconj. (=>*34h, v.>3") ]6/ helps, or help,] followed priately, reasonably, correspondingly. Gen. 5. 5 93 41
yb ,4“ ,esuaceb .ecnis .bA .raZ 111, 7 ‘52 ה" ולצורה 6 הרושכו התשעhe acted (accerding to balance and line)
- they worship the figure (but not the tree). Y. Shek. III,
beg.47>‘ רלראו 'כו Mm since they say so and the others &c. ;
a. v. fr.—Also in Chald. phrases. Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XVIII, 17; ובישח 'הכte two of them were answered
a.e.—Yeb. 22% j4"> יז רתאו since we are at these subjects. (Providence favoring their ways); Gen. R. =
Bets." 18 ‘ תבשבו "רש 'כוhm since it is allowed on the .6 ,87 Yeb.* 110 ‘ 'כוnoאלש . MWD אוה heacted:
,htabbaS 61 si osla dewolla no moY .ruppiK .bI ומ" אית properly, therefore the court deals with him impro
הרל אברל 'הdoes Raba adopt the principle of hoil (be- (more strictly than the law would justify) and d
cause something is permitted in one case, the permission marriage invalid; B. Bath. 48”; a. fr.—4 ,
Bn זווא
הדיה, הדיח
" רחיSSS many old camels are laden with the hides of
ב י,
. א7
(ה)hc ,gnaT( ד. גו
. ,neG ,VIX 5 ,G7 gnikat בָּרֶם-|ְהִש
ל ב. ! ישיא
|| ee ee contr,
of לידר ;FM; cmp. Gr, vrais)
wcalth, ¥, Peak 1, ו top (ret, ter Brow
| יק con a ebiikeein ulGaveoswecteny,
Pesik. .חה > 23-34; ₪ «—Th, « 35 (interpreting ,ךקדמ
Prov. Le.) Sire res from whatever Me has graced thee
with | Pesih. Aeser, p.07° «0 —@) naferal condition, moture .
(omp. (חללfo be merry. — Polel Syn to deride, faculty; heatth, sanity, Posie. R.1.¢. 'כו דד... סאס.. דבכ..
laugh at (emp. Pry). Posik. Abaré, p. 108° (ref. to Kok. honor the Lord with thy matere, if thos art (846006 6
1, 2) ow dyin ר'דדט . . . רטא הטלש השלשHolomon 4 th. (another interpretation)'כי 77S (pl) while thow
Three which Divine Justice scorned (and pro- art in possession of thy powers (health); howor thy phye-
hibited)—1 laughed at them; Tank Abéré 1 (read: clan 66.; Th, «oe With thy voles; Pest. Le. ; ₪.fr—
ששחקה, ₪. orddr); ¥. dob. 11, 20° top (corr. .וישא . ה.|« " קלew דק while hie mind wae sound.
aee.); Koh. .הto11,2 (read: mobo for לאוטש . | סרחללוה אGen. He. 78 (interpret.
“ond, Gen. XXXII, 14) ילוחל “pd
for Sm... ךלהמom 1 shall walk evitably to my condition (a1 my
ease, slowly). Lam. ₪. to ,1 13 נחל יחלcome to ‘thy
ohn (inter).)
הע !,sailor's ery. Pes.112%,+. איי sonses
(be not rash)!
Hif.) 1) leading, carrying. Yomwa at" — ch. same. Tang. Prov.
יי var of the oe, Pe PITS) ety ₪
proper comduct. th. XVII, 16 of.
to the altar ascent, Zeb. !4* אל 'ח אלש לגרב Lag. (oth.od. RIT,
b.text (תונדבת ..15 19,אכדדה
64. Lag.
חיMew carrying without moving the feet (handing over (od. Wi. Asser, p. 97" (ref. to “VTS, Prov.
ווpreced ( יכו דקGPs Tos (or 4S) 46 (good)
while in thy senses,
ere thou be unable to do through
the loss of thy senses; Tanh. B’eh 12; .א« —Lev.
Ba 34
(play on (ןייבאר היניטGP בה אניכסמue here
is this
poor man, give; thy nature is the same as his; Koth ₪.
to 11, 19 היב AFR fro.
theslaughterer's knifeina forward direction, + האב
pr. n,m. Huna (in Y. also OT, POT, for)
₪ )5..ג הוללותconfusion; d4m, emp. ללח 1) Rab Huns, disciple
of Rab. Keth. 106° יח 'ררsors
nm,RAMS) [creating confusion,) intrigue, schemes. the college of R.H.—Gitt.
se”. Y. B. Kam. X, end, 7°;
ל toll, 12 רובלס יחלשthe diplomatic schemes of ץצ. Sheba. VI, end, 37"; a. v. (2--.)ז B. , המ Amora of
(Roman) government (emp. Targ.a.1., 1, 17, .א 6.( Tb. the fourth gener. Y. Pesh III, 17* bot. (5--()'ח BR. א
ה' של כeht seugifrotenhit .sci —t .le
ה Rabbah (Roba) of Sepphoris. Y. Ber. IV, end, #*; Y.
1 wR. 5.17 (ib,5 20(תוילחלה + ; תיִליְלַחMidr. Till. R. Hash. IV, end, 50%. Gen. BR. 6 8; ₪. ¢ —Yoms 77";
V, 6 Hull. 51° הארופצ ™ (prob. the same) --4( Mer Hana,
ong, +. .חַאְמוא
Resh Galutha. ¥. Kil.1X,32" (read 72for ="). (Tb. bot,
Bl strike outילכ שירv.M-Kat.29°};.הothers, V. Pr. .אר
(ו union,oppsקול p- 73", oq. (20%, Gite. 66% +. om)
introd. (R. Alexandri 1) ‘nm ןלוכ ושכנall of them
divided into factions) became unanimous (Mekh.
TINS, PPT £.(erase; r+) oppression, rong.
Sifra B’har ch. 111, Par. 5 םירבר תתייגה... PSS Ho, read
>», Bahod., 5 1 דחא בלYo; Lev. RB. ₪ 9 היינה
Prim —Esp. (law) imposition, fraudulent representation ;
ת (Lam. R. 1.6.(Zibdi b. Levi 1( mmx ‘Mm; Yalk. redress in case of overreaching, +. TER. B. Mets TV.6
%. 795 “CSN, read: [.אָיְניְנֶת
דed. (Mish. 17, 7 (*וא St ההירכדהתה the overreaching, to
DOT todecome defective,
+ B82. be actionable, must be at least four M’ah 46. Y. Keth.
XI, 34° top *כו ‘nm הקול ךראagainst parchase there is no
ta | “TT pr. n.pl. Humania, [Hymenia, v. claim for overreaching,
i.e. the purchase itself is not
. p. 867, below Ctesiphon}, א town in Baby- invalidated. Y. B. Mets. IV, 9% top mox> ‘Mm the actual
₪ hostile toJews. Kidd. 72°, Ib.*; Yeb,
16* 'ה ןוגכ amount overcharged. Ib, S729 the amount with which
s hostile as11. against Pam Nahira. [Ar. ed. Kob. he was overcharged. Sifra Lc. 'ה שיlegal redress cam
Ms. O., quoted in Neub. [. 6. [.אדכמרה [Yalk. be claimed; a. +. fr—PL rvyin,+.-הֶיְנוא
. 195 “OU,
v.NICHT] - גבווס
| ו
v. TeCToR.
. ןגNSIT m. )+. em) imhaditants
, Ve “BIN. fo .argaH .graT .sP XXL ,IIIX .7 i יי01; 6.
הונדקס 043
חונדקס.rp .n .m .Y .bbaS ,IVX %51 pot 'מתנלתא דר out of the house, opp, ,הסנכה carrying in, Ib. הסנכה | אנת
, 'הprob. a corruption for MO”, v. Mishn.a.1. [The entire ‘1 ה רמכthe teacher of the Mishnah calls the carrying
passage seems to be corrupt, v. Bab. ib. 117°, sq.] in, too, hotsaah (Mish. nx"), transfer. 'ה.10 ... לכתריקע
וכי removal of an object from its place is implied in |
PTI, +. nyzin. the term hotsaah, Y.ib. I, 2; a. fr.—2) bringing forth,
sprouting. Y. Shebi. V, 354 bot. ןילע תאצוהמfrom the
POI, +. sph. time that the leaves come forth.—3) שפנ ‘nm the escape =
of life, last dying movement. Hull. 88*.—4) the time con- =
החונים, +. yup. sumed by the laborer to go out to the field. Gen. R.s. 72 |
בעהי'בSwe ‘n the time for going out to the place of —
NOD, +. NEM ₪. אָרְפּוח labor is included in the working hours belonging to the
אָכפּוהm. )ךפה( perverseness. Targ. Prov. II, 14. employer (B. Mets. 83°, 8. 6. (?הארצר .---5( expenditure,
outlay, cost; marketing. Y. Peah IV, beg. 18* לשמ ‘mn
העָפוה.1 ( )עפרthe appearance (of Deity), the use of anya the cost (of cutting the fruits of the tree) must
the verb . ערפוהMidr. Till.toPs. XIV.— Pi. . תועפוהSifré be borne by the owner (and not by the poor). Y. Shek.
Deut. 343; Yalk. Ps. 759. Snh.? 92 ( תויעפוהcorr. acc.) ; I, end, 46" םרכרד 'הexpense for keeping the roads in
Ber. 33° Ms. F. (ed. , תומקנ. צץRabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note 40). repair, Keth, 80° ‘nn לע “ms חבש ‘hn םא if the income
from the improvement exceeds the outlay. Sabb. 117"
אָסּועפוהch. same, Targ. Jud. V,4 (ed. Lag.(הוּפָעָת ‘ שבתn the marketing for the Sabbath;a. fr.—P/. .תואצוה
166. VIII, 5 'כו איצומה 'ה לעif one יי money “for
,םתויעפוה ְ אָסְשְפְוהv. preced. wds. improving his wife’s estate. Num. R. s. 14, end 'ה המכ
| Targ. 6Prov. XXV,16, correct (with Bxt.): ' יוצאות וכwoh egral eht sesnepxe era rof eht layof
סופקנה, +. סוּפְקְנָא table; a. fr.
TOIT pr. n.1) Ormusd (Aburamazda), the good | , אתוהTarg. Prov. XXVI, 21 TS Ma, +. er.
inthe Zendavesta, Sub. 3%, +. .8]-.ןיִטְרוהא
Bath. 73* bot., v. next w.].—2) a gentile (Persian) proper PINT,
+. em
noun, +. PIS. Gitt, 11*.--3('ח, ארפיא.+ ( אָרְחיִא4-- ה TTTT + )רדמ wilful act; wee of the stom דד ₪
STR pr..מ pl. Hormiz( Ormuzd)-Ardjir, prob. iden- Bible text, Sob. 16* "כה דדדדeTR an analogy isdrawn
tical with Ardjir, +. oT. ₪. Bath. 52°, between the law concerning the false prophet (T™ Dest.
| sameota demon,ome.THIS XVIII, 20) and that concerning the rebellious elder )ךודזב
א 78* bot, תיליל רב (Ar. a. Ms. 11. .אVar. in ib. XVII, 12). Ib. 'כו אודו דד דכ אברתכbat ₪ not the term
ment, .(זיטרוה ‘wilfulness’ used in connection with death penalty?
היק,YPN .v "הֶז. הבמהf.) )בוט( 1 doing good, esp. a vow to benefit —
one’s 1 (or others), opp. הערה self-abnegation (or harm
T2571 +. ;)רכז v. (הֶרָכְזִא 1) giving a debtor notice to others). Shebu.IUI,5 7 םירבד שיש ןהב הערה ואvows
in order. to prevent loss of right by limitation. Keth. 104* in which a 0 or an enjoyment is implied.
a אלש הבוגhas a right to collect (after the lapse of Ib, 97% חמ ה תושר 'כוas well as the vow of enjoyment ~
twenty five years) even if he has given no notice.— refers to something religiously indifferent, so ₪6. Ib. _
2) Hazkarah )=םרמשג M7217), the insertion of a reference םירחאMv a vow comprising a benefit to others; a. fr.— :
torainin the second section of the Prayer of Benedictions, 2)(v. Ex. XXX, 7) preparing, trimming. Yoma 14>;ib.33*;
v. M7933, contrad. to mb, Taan. 2”; a.e.—3) the Tetra- a. fr—Lev. R. 8.89; Cant. R. to II, 14, 4.6. (ref. toהיטיבו ,
grammaton. Y. Ber. Il, 6° bot.—Pl. .תּורָּכְזַח Ib. IV, 8* Deut, XVIII, 17) ave תבטחכ 4‘ a well considered word
top 'כו ח"ר 'ה eighteen invocations in Ps. XXIX. Lev. hcihw( sah sti )tceffe ekil demmirt-llew ;sthgil כה' הקטורת
1.8.1 שיקבש 'הMm eighteen invocationsin the recitation like the well-prepared frank-incense.
of Sh’ma, v. 22; a. 6.
הטבלהf, 3225( (1 noisremmi fo slessev rof lacitivel
NIT, pl. ,ימזה v. wary. .noitacifirup .steB %81 .v PלM חשו 6
המזחf, )םמז( the refutation of witnesses by proving המזי.m 30( ).fiH ,noitanilcni .gnidils .steB %9 'ח
an alibi, contrad, to שחכה ה counterevidence; the con- םלוס 'כוthe question about moving a ladder by bie
from one window to another.
viction of false witnesses (Deut. XIX, 19). B. Mets. 4*
תרותב יהsubject to the law of hdzamah. Keth. 20* ’n
אלש ןהרכפבevidence of an alibi taken in the absence of
DST " הזמוPINAY m. ph. (wine of) Hattul
ov Atul, a place mentioned as producing the most pref-
the witnesses concerned. Macc.® 2 7 ןידthe punishment
erable wine for libation. Men. VIII, 6 7 (Talm. ed. 86”
for evidence disproved by an alibi (retaliation); a. e. "> (Ms. M, ,םריטולכ v. Rabb. D. ₪. a 1., note; Ar. ('ח
NOT 1 .תג ( )ןמזsummons. Kidd. 70" אקתיפ ()אקס"פ
TG m. (mI) plaster. Tosef, Ohol. VIL, 4 לוכי םא
( דחAr. . (דרסקא דזמינותאa tnemucod gniniatnoc a -mus
ai rar ‘if the plaster on them is thick enough to stand
mons (to appear before ‘court).
by ilself.
NII 1. ()ןמז 6 designation of an object
החמה4 f. (M0 11( 1) throwing (a stone &e.). Y. B.
for a cerréain purpose. Snh.47>, 4.6. אתלרמ ‘designation
Kam. Tul, ב top םא ךרדכ 'ה חיטה if one hit (him who
is a reality, i.e. the ל of an object for a certain
was carrying a flask) in the way of throwing a stone
(sacred) purpose isequal toits having been used. Bets. 26
(not merely by letting a stone lie in the road).—2) con-
‘7 designation for use on the coming Holy Day; a. 6.
tusion. Y. Sabb. VI, 8° bot. 'ה וז דבלב . . . המודit seems
NOVIONT +=הַזְמַנָא. Kidd. 70°, +. xpos. that I am not to carry off from this place anything ex-
* cept this contusion (of my finger),
( םתזמזזהArab. huzmath) a bunch. Snh.26” bot., quot.
in Ar., a gloss to אפכ which came into the text, v. NBD ,אמוימה Tavh., ed. Bub., B’reshith6, read קטיזמא.
a. NID. aT, חטייה1 ) (נסה1) being inclined, i. 6.
pyr, y. .קניח giving averdict ‘according to the majority of votes (Ex. |
%111,2 תוטהל םיבר.( ירחאSnb.1, 6 'כו אל ףסיישהכthy —
( *רזחPers. ,82811 v. Perles Et. St. p. 16) a thousand. verdict against the defendant must not be given in the
.hnS "89 gnikaeps( ot eht naisreP )gnik 'אית לך כאר ה same way as thy verdict of acquittal; for the latter suffices ן
m1 Ar, hast thou (Khar hazar ginah, Persian) an ass a majority of one, for the former there must be a majority —
fo a dnasuoht ?sroloc .dE[ בר חיור גונר, .sM .M חמר בר of two.—2) perversion of justice (Ex. XXIII, 6). Sot. 47° |
, גנוגMs. F. האמ גונווג , רויחMs. K. 99593; Yalk. Zech.6 משפט. השלרת--(.3 ).mehpue( gnimrofrep noitioc htiw a
Ms, היל הירמחל me's רמ תרא הדל רנווג has he (your horse) virgin without causing a bleeding. Keth. 6. 1
the colors which his (the Messiah’s) ass has?; v. Rabb.
,םילמח v. next w.
D. 8. a. 1]
טלחהm. (wen Il) final decision, esp. ascertained , | סלמוח סילטחm, , )ללטv. זרִלְטַא( bazaar, shop
condition “of leprosy after the probationary days of con- public place (cmp. ‘pan. Gen. R. s. 19; s. 20 I shall die
finement ("30m, v. Lev. XIII). Y. , גזKat. 111, 82° bot. ( התאו בשוי ךל יהsome ed. , םילטהcorr. ace,), and tho
אכה אוה דבע יהלhere (in Miriam’s case) the confinement wilt sit in public places (with none to care for) #—F
was ordered for a definite case of leprosy, opp. "3075 for | Porbun, ‘ain. Ib. .6 87 ( ויה ןידימעמ 'הsome ed. 710...
probation; ib. ‘7 72" the seven days of Miriam’s leprosy corr. 806.( they arranged bazaars (with enterta inm
(Num. XII, 14 sq.); Gen. R. א 100.—V. הטיָלָח 1. where they would exchange their wives. Ib. s. 79 ( e
ot ,mj .n
IIX ;81 .pme )YAP >) ות
הטלחהf. paste, v. nbn IL. he was the first to put up bazaars
and sell ch
חטליס 34$ הידזר
+ (999)preserving, > 5 ו. ROT] mney,
0 0 5 וה glasnovunder הוושט toheap ו
it warm for the Sabbath. Gabb, oe. Th.® om חלטב BOTT >. pt."2910 +. חה
the perinistion to keep a dish in matter which adds heat
was abolished. Ib, 80° דל TIF he designated
them 6 = אTIT), COST+ rary, cmp. הגמ >
onוtree (+. tem. Awl. & .ל 0018 (|
be used for keeping dishes warm; a. fF. Acantha), prob. hollow. Krab, 34° ST Ma M. (od
)ו | תחניKil, 11, 15 54. Zack. ןינחה oth. ₪4. Tor,
f.(B33) flow of words, prophetic speech (Mic. corr. ace.) hegin belong the clase of trees, Lam. ih.
1h,11). Gen, B® 44; Cant. K. to IT, 4 (one of the introd. .)ה Nalmnan) (play oe SPI ST, Ie. RAK,:ו
terms for prophecy). (Tosef,
Kel. I, Mets IV, 4
*. MEP) the deserted roads “MN [ors (Valk. 1. 902 רח
+.MEY.) (וקדציסare overgrown with shrubs (and thorns).
PTYGIT mane, preparation, Koh. ₪. to IX, +. OFT oe OFT, ...א.א וירחאלגTF, +. אקרא
“Tlf. (733, +. Mam, (תירט ₪ preserreof
’ Ned, 40° 'כו Mss דר soft preserves NST),
+ אנה
with which the sick eat their bread; Y, ib, VI, 39° bot.
(for הרופאread ; (תחולהTosef. ib. 118, 1 תוכר תוירש4. To, +
ול. .raV( SP איטר, סיטרות רכות, :daer . . איטריות, א
1 Beth. ,17 =
mesh). gnital ,22217.sI ,VL,31 emos.do (הדכר א. °011 oo
אצ הטרשא. Met. ,+°01 ,tob .+ .snew “ אתיטורTT א thistle growing among Roman thorn: (prob.
Corduelis spinoes, ¥.6m.Ant.« . דAcanths and seccend.
,TY +. היא. LP—).sdw .°3 .₪ .htaB °8 הד רוטייתאeM( 4₪. הרגא
(רדטרתא. .B .maK °911 ni( .rboH ).teid ( כנקפר דדRashi
" ה1 .rp₪. ו, +. ווחא. a. Ms. . אָכרִר( אthose who trim thorns (collecting the
sgiwt rof .)sevlesmeht .bA .raZ °74 דגדיר ליה בחרזטר והדכי
Tu 1) inter}. (b. bh.xm) behold, here is, Y. Buce. Ms.
. אa. Ar. (od. 0°) be makes « fence by means of
V, beg.55" הצט 95רהhere isunleavened bread forthee. thorns
and shrubs; a. fr.
Combined .ליה Ib.—B, Mets. 4* I owe thee only fifty
‘Buz, דדוand here they are.—Hence (law) helakh, the in- NTT, חידהTT + אָר-) 4, TET TTS
stantancous delivery of the amount confessed, while the א. XT) 1) what now ?, who now! where mow? Targ.
creditor claims a larger amount. Ib. 'כו ‘SB דדif one ץצ. IDeut.
1V, 7; § )11(אָדְיִרַה Targ. 1 Beth. Vill, ?.--
> delivers one portion of the claim (says, ‘here itis’), he is Kob. R.toIX, 18.—2) (eilipt.) דל77,“>7 4 ₪ this
exempt from taking an oath (as one who confesses a part here in reference tot what hast thou lo do with—? Gen.
= 0] א claimed debt otherwise must do); a.fr.—2) (interrog ( ₪.
₪ 87 ךונקרל רחom 7 (alk. ib. 165 ךטוקל (הדוח
which? Hull. 14° הדוחי רה 'רwhich ₪. Jadah, i. 6. to ‘here is my lord’ (thy busband), what bast thos to do
which opinion of R.J. do you 8110061 895.9"
'כו רח ךוטס with the one before thee (me)!—Y. B. Kam. V, beg. «*
hich ‘near Minhah’ is meant in the Mishnah t—Hull. 49" אררדד לדקוטרךtahw mialc tsah uoht tsniaga .veL—tem
‘ees wT which of them (eventually closes up a hole a oe en
in the entrails);
a. fr.—3) where? Ber. 31° "כו רוח הרות cali on thy enemy &c.!—{XT%,+
. isthe law, and where the good deeds to protect
‘ust—Targ. Y. Deut. V, 23, +. וניד--.ךר , רח.+ (4--. כרריִחas, האודיחm. Indian. bs iro @.te
ike. Tee: Y. I Deut. XXXH, 41 קרב ( איהvot NT) as (oth. ed. הודחMarks; h. text "=X3).
OTT TT m. (O77) damage done by scratching chickens.
₪. Kaw. 17°; 18°; +. דק
ידור.m )petS( .retaw .ecuaS 53* 'א"ת הדר אלא ח
>‘ Ms. M. 2 (ed. “TTR, Ar. רדדה( read not 2007
XXIII, 40) but Aydor, for in Greek water is called hb;
] יו.geM °82 דחסר. . . הי צנא.sl 4. אי, Yalk. Lev. 651.
ATT) דור mm Cor Pi.) paying respect; homor-
ing, adorning. Kidd. 32°(ref.to Lev.XIX, 32) םוקטב הטוק
דדSC rising in such a way as to show your respects
near enough). Ib. "כו דבTxD Th, v. Fo. Lam.
R.tol,1 an )רכלתמ ( לש ;הרדת "כו דחTTD thon shalt
“sn 344
die in the glory of the Law (as a great scholar), v. 873.— Y. Shek. V, 484 'כו 'חו ןיד.. . ( יהא ןידread 5) wtih
ה' מצוהgniod a suoigiler tca ni eht tsemosdnah .yaw wine was good for the bowels, and which &c.—Y.R.
B. Kam. 9" 'כו 'ה הוצמ דעthe expense for adorning a Hash. I, beg. 56* 'כו 'הו. . ןיד רכש which sheni refers
religious act )6. ₪. buying a fine copy of the Law) must to months, and which to years?—Y.Meg. I, 72%top ןרל יח
not exceed one third (of the ordinary expense); a. e. וכיpaix )= אילין4; Y. Succ. 111, 54° top (ןרליוהרג
are the headings of Sectors ?—Y.Keth. VII, 31° top 0
TTT, +. אָדיִה בשם ר' שמואלMIP דא מתניתא דרDM htiw hcihw fo
TT, ( הדיןcontr. of ,אנדראה v. 8377) then. Targ. them does the Boraitha cited by R. 11. . . . .10--667השע =
Prov. I, 28 (h. text (זא;a. fr.—Targ. Ps. OXIX, 6 ed. Lag. IX, 324 bot. [read:] ןינבר ( ריח ןילY. ₪. Bath. VIII, 16> =
(some ed. 73). Ib. XIX, 14 (Reg. P77T8, emp. “T5N). (מאך ארנוןohw era tnaem yb eht‘ ?’sibbaR htiW— :sexiferp >
np, ">. Y. Ber. 1, 8% top 'כו )=רמאד ריכ רמד 'רNAD) as =
, v.היירן .
ןידיחwhich? (that which) R...said. Y. Erub, 111, 21* top; a. fr.—Y. |
TT, WT, +. en. Shebu. IL, 88% mde אד "> (NI) with regard to what?;
a. e.—Y. Gitt. IX, end, 50% ליל ( ןיידאו תאusually ,(וזל
.+ יאוס
יותאיוס,ה,YPסNהיותיאו,6 v. JIN.
היק ( אייהtraditional pronune, א"יַה( only in NMS Coane
Nn) to “which (of the clauses &.) does this refer? Kidd. 74°;
NOI, STI, אמזיא m. ,)םזה emp. (םזח 6 prickly Keth. 19%; v. אָמיְליַאְנ a. fr.
shrub, ‘prob. Spina Regia (v. Léw Aram, 20. p. 231 a.
quot. ib. from Plin. Hist. Nat.). Tosef.Kil.I,11 you must אייהadv. (=X™n, cmp. Minn, Ex. I, 19) 1) quickly,—
not plant cuscuta 'ראה לע "בגed. Zuck. (Var. ,אמזאמזא rapidly. B. Kam. 84°; Sabb. 134 ה/ ( קילס ארשיבMs.
corr. acc.) on 7zma.—Pl. "a1". Targ. Job XXXI, 40 45 M. ,875 . צ1/8 .12. .8.8.1 note) the flesh grows fast (the
(Ms. 7).—Keth.77" “nm bw רכש beer containing (in place wound heals quickly). Ib.119* bot, 7‘ רמוקרלדthat they
of hops) cuscuta growing on hizmé.—Mostly in connection may soon rise.—2) (an exclamation of encouragement)
with "37h, v. -אָתְגִַה Sabb. 107"; a. fr. quick! go on! Gitt 34%, a.e., v. --. רזטַא.268 "119 (sailors’
cry) 'ח 'ה Ms. M. (ed. 'ח אלרה קוליחו אילוה , דנליהv. Rabb.
אפמזיה 3 | f. (preced.) shrubbery of hizmé. Erub, 238» .D .8 ..a1 ;eton .suM ni .rA .de :.hoK הליונו ה' הילא
ןנילטקד חל 'חל 'כוfor the cuscuta dies when the hizmé .([ ףוליהY. Peah I, 15% ןירהד אבס5 ed. Amst., ed. Krot.
are cut. , רויחY. Ab. Zar. 111, 42° top , אייחread 7.]
pry m. (p13) injury, damage, loss; danger. Gitt. 53% NTT, חיידת1. )=) (הרר דא1 siht yrev ,gniht neve
8.1%. רכרנ 'ה וניאשa damagé not discernible in the object this, it is this. Y. Dem. I, 22" top תקולחמ ‘mn this very
itself (e. g. if an unclean person touches food, whereby thing 18 controverted. Y. Sabb. VII, 10° bot. םושמ 'ה
its value is reduced, because the scope of its use is limited). ' נטרלת וכsiht si esuaceb ti si na tca fo .gnillik .naaT.Y
B. Kam. 2 mp האנה ןש שרthe damage done by the V, 67% top רמא 'הוand this he said.—2) )=אַד (דָה
tooth is connected with a benefit (to the animal). Ib. where? Y.Maas. 8h.V,56* top NM"M& TA by which road
רגל הזרקה מצורeht egamad yb eht toof si na yranidro did you eome? Ib. 'הב אלו םרכחand he did not know
occurrence (and must be guarded against). Y.Ber. IX, 14 by which.—Y. Sabb. II, 5* bot. ארה 'הwhich (trans-
top ןימח 'הpossible injury to health by the hot bath. gression) is it (that he is guilty of)? Ib. VII, 10% a. fr.
Gen. R.s.82 7 לש רבדan obnoxious thing (animal); a. fr. וה' אמרה דאdna tahw ,hanhsiM( )ahtiaroB syas siht
/ (where is your authority)?; Y. Pes. 11, 29” bot. --.אָּדְיַהְו
NPT, aa ch.same. Pes. 8" 'ה אכרה תיכשדwhere
salesis to be expected. B.Kam. 22" 5 "רב the damage
Contr. 87%. Ib. VII, 84" bot. רמא 'רand it is this he
said; i.e. in this connection he said it.—NI™>, v. --.לרח
is sure to occur, 10.5% 8752925 M=h. 2") קזלה v. preced. ;
“> אדירה (cmp. h. 4235) behold, there is. ל Bice. Il,
a. fr.
beg. 64° 'כו )=ןול ןולָדררַחו םישמח7) and behold, here
NOM, +. אָבְזיִח are fifty two.—Gen. 4.8.84 (ref. to M135, Gen. XX
XVII, 19) |
/) הי=) הַרִרדר לרה וכHNIN ,dloheb siti ,flesmih eh semoc
חיטבא, +. xavin. carrying his dreams; (Yalk. ib. 141 ,הרלרד corr. ace.),— 1
יצSnh. VIII, beg. 26° 'כו ררח רד הרל באbehold, he is a
דנטהm. pl. (v. ןטרֶא( ,00/0/0008 reeds. Yoma 78% father and not a son.
הדבin shoes made of reeds. (Rashi:; ןימ םעש Ms. M. a.
oth. "20°54; oth. vers. 0°"; Asheri: shoes made of ידיהv. preced.
PT, +. jan.
me, Vv. Or.
“FT c. 1) ()=ראַה this, that. Y. Keth. XII, 35% bot. ּהיידינו, v. 2M.
1 ךיניש ( 'הY. Kil. EX, 32° bot. (ראה how is that tooth ,moy 2 היבא
of thine?—[Y.
Snh. VIL, beg. 268 בא יריה רד הרל--[.אָּדְרְרַה.ץ,
2) (=) which? (generally with ןיָּד or 83, v. ,אדירה 77). JTF] m. )=ןד , ריחv. 8) which n
345 me}
OF ' כל ו ראידע ועni lla sesac ni hcihw eb
can sequire pomemion himel{; a +. fr— Beph wT (in
זו. diction). Pes, 2 וניצמ דכו דדdo we find anywhere
hot Gece. 28° WS Th where
ie thy ₪568!
אש || (ND רוה( where?, (relat) where. Targ. Jer. NODT, MITT
manner, even as. Targ.Prov.V1,3. Targ. Ps. 41,111, 9;
,11 2 (ed, Lag. ; אָביַא( a.e.—Targ. Prov. XX VI, 20 Ar. (ed. a. fr.—2) 0% how! Targ. Prov. V, 12—{Ib. XXVI, 20
ודד. . . Ti as—even 0 (Ar, [.(אָכיה
law) concerning glass ware. Yoma 2* והל לכ לכיה "והילד חלין+ שיו
דיin order that they be distinguishable (from other sacri-
fices). Hor. 18% 'כו 'חה, . . אל רעבought there not to agvy. ‘IL.
be a distinction (in honors) between myself and them?
Pes. 114 תוקוניתל ‘nm some distinction to attract the at-
tention of the children.—FPl, "72". Zeb. 21° 'ח יב ירת its6 way: ae omen ל a. fr.
חוו עבדרowt slangis erew nevig ta a .emit
ae f., pl. ae vy. NMSDH.
NOI pr. .ם m=N>"x. Y. Yoma VI, 43° top; a. 6.
הילכה 72 (=27> (הַר.erofereht amoY 47? הי
הִילָאII hila, a sailor’s cry, v. N75. 34‘ ךאמtherefore (since sight aids in satisfying the ap- —
petite) ₪0. Meg." 21 'רהtherefore (since the opinions
חילוז, v. חלו differ); a. fr. [Ms. M, 2 reads , ךכלוה.+ Rabb. D. 8. vol.
VI, preface, p. I, note.]
, ףּולה ףּוליחm.) )ףלה( 1 walk, Keth.111%, Sabb. 113°
לש תבשFoI thy way of walking on the Sabbath.
.ddiN %18 ה' רגלרםytlucaf fo .neG—.gniklaw .R .s 02 'ח
T2271, NEQIT, +. א
( םיעמ ךרדכ כוnot ךרדב( natural movement of the bowels חוללpr. n. m. Hillel, v. db. ,]לפיִה Pi. of ללה .6 [.צ
(Ber, 57% .(לושלש
--)2 walking (lengthwise and breadth-
wise) through a field, as a form of taking possession. B. ( ימליחcorr. ~abn) f. (Ghpn) brine for pickling.
Bath. 100*; Y. Kidd. I, 60°.—3)=n3>'n, carrying to the Sabb. XIV, 2. Ib. 108% Y. ib. XIV, 14° top Hoeהי"
altar, Zeb.1,4. 10.15% )>">( 'ה ךררצש ךלהלa carrying ןמואthe preparation of halmé requires a trained person.
necessary for the purpose. Erub.> 14 ימלהבAr, (ed. "הב( in the law concerning
émlah ,bbaS( .1 .lP—).c "ay ro .nav .Y .reT א, °74
noi 1 ch, same, 1) walking. Sabb. 148% אק אח bot. ויח , ןימילהמread: ןרמלרזהמ הרה it (the taste) came
mma רשפמ they would have to do so much more 5 from the brine. —
ing; ib. 118" 'חב שיפמNP; a. 6.--2( as preced. 2).
Bath. 100°, ימליח.6818 ,14 .₪ ,28-94 read "pbs, v. "pd.
, לולח לוליח.) )ללה( תג1 recitation of Hallel (v.
ינליחI pr. . םf. C(EAévn) Helen, 1) mother of king
Munbaz, a convert to Judaism. Succ. 2" (Ms. M. "35h,
( gnignis .sesiarp .muN .R .₪ ,3 .geb ' לולבין לח6
Var. , תרנלהv. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note); Tosef. ib. I, 1.
branches are employed (on Succoth) for reciting Hallel
Yoma 111, 10; Tosef. ib. II, 3 (not ben), Naz. 111, 6.—
with them, [Ib., a, .6 (2--[. ללחלoccurrence of the stem
)2 mother of R. Hillel. Lev. R. 8. 12, end; Yalk. Jer. 320
ללהin Bible texts. Ber. 85% (ref. to the pluralהלולים ,
;ָר' הילל בר הי.maL.R( ot 11, 8 (ר' אילם.
Lev. XIX,) 24 “ "> דח 'ה הכרבלNN onehillul is remained
over to be employed as an intimation that you must give 7 11, hiini, a sailor’s cry; v. 875.
praise (when drinking wine)—Pl. . םיֶלּוליַהR. Hash. 32°
הרשע 'הten times ללה in Ps. CL; Meg. 21" (omitted in חלקט (חלקט.m ,dpu( .v ;PDM .pme .b .h
Ms. M., v. Rabb, D. ₪. a. 1. note).—Pes. 117% halluyah 5 ו store,] 1) the 0 (seed vessel)
means והוללה "יהב הברה praise him with many praises. of the Egyptian colocasia (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Colocasia;
. (קולקס.-- Pl. הרלקטין, ‘on. Tosef. Maasr. III, 24; Y.
NAT, הללאch. same, esp. praising the bride ib. V, end, 52* whose stalks are few, ןיבורמ eRe and =
in dancing ‘before her (v. Ps, LX XVIII, 63; Keth. 17%), ciboria numerous.—2) stack of grain, pile of fruits in the
in gen. wedding. Targ. Koh. III, 4; a. e—Ber.31?; ; a. fr,— field.—P1. as ab. Naz.8” ץרק "wP>"y ןרנמכ (as many days
Snh. 105% (prov.) when mouse 0 cat ארשיבמ רדבע לה a Nazir) as the number of piles during the fig crop,—
' וכMs. M. (ed. (אברתמ make a wedding feast, it is from ]8( a bird’s pouch; v. next w.]
the flesh (fat) of an unlucky (victim)— יב wedding
house, feast. Ber. 6" רלימ 'ה25" ( ארגאVar. “bib pl.) ( מקלה טקליחdenom. of preced.) 1) (of cireum-
the meritorious act in attending a wedding consists in - to trim 2 by splitting and drawing
words (cheering songs, addresses &c.); a, 6.---17. ,"לולה it upwards so as to form a sort of pouch around the
35, M.Kat.28* 'ה רב 'ר אדסח ןיתשsixty weddings were denuded cone. Sabb. 133"; Tosef.ib. XV(XVI),4מהַלְקְטין
celebrated in the house of R. H. Gitt.57° M אסיג ךהבו 34‘ you must denude the cone 86.--2( to fill a bird’s a
“32° and on the other side of the town were weddings or crop, to stuff. Sabb. XXIV, 8. 10. 155”; Tosef. ib
and feasts; a. e. XVIII, 4 distinction between ןיטקלהמ a. reps )
of ups).
( ףּוליחor pad") hiluf (or hiluk), a sailor’s ery; v.
nnn. ימקליח5 (y. "טקלַא( winding staircase. Tosef.Erub
VIII 5% 11, v. "UPDN. *Sabb. 157" bot.“ הנטק 'כו Sh (Ms
ינויליחhilyoni, a sailor’s cry, v. preced. . זוז, הקליחRashi a. Tosaf, טקלרה( a small passage (Rashi
was between, covered with a defective roofing; (To
TRAST, + ןוטסלא pile, shed, v. M*2P>8). OP arte csi
7 חן
, FEO from me; “ ירחSSקכר oy) the Rabbis declared his evidence as
him, her (it), Ned,# legal as if there had been two witmenses, Bhebu, 41*
Peg tyאל חידירל he did not trust him by himself (with-
וטש,)sementiw .Y ,reB ,I'4 pot nerer לארלין רבהישך1
trusted those (T'fllin) on thy head; a. tr.— Port. pase.
THATS (—b. Tem) faithful, reliakle; credited, adenitted as
VSS) you must
not buy of .ecnedive .graT .maM 7,11X (¥. 11 27); ₪.+.-- א01"
him ₪6. Gen. + 5.87 Poon הלקמל on top of it (the bed). APS קיטכרתתושר דלא, for we translate (Deut, VII, ¥) be.
Ib, ₪38 GSN ךלרצרו. and save thee from it (the Gre); (only the participle being used as « divine attribute, mo
the abstract nown),.—Keth. 27° mp17s the ieadinitiod be.
,bt srre .rroc( .).cea .¥ ,ati,G+ *74 ]sdaer[ & בקי בר
ררקתשו טסMss $s 8 man would sacrifice any amount
in order
to be called trustworthy; ¥. B.Kaw.
IV, 6°
| %.חיטן
; 0. ,Tf ,steM °60 לךsro ) לא-4.)--מהרטך
, הנחpart.act.) I do not trust thee (Mae, בי sor לא he
(Abra did not rely on him).
PTD Tory os
| ee.); Valk. Gen. 23; Yalk
15. 261;.
Lor confidence, faith.
XV, 6; = f.—B. Mets. 15", ₪. fe. וקילר
(דלרקדם) בהרמטוקרתot peek pu sih noitatuper rof ytsenoh
(his credit). Ib. 66° רדבעב 7 תילno reliance can be
placed on servants.—As an affirmation: foith! on my
ש . word! Ned.49" 'כו ד אדיבmy word in the hand of this
062 ,tsu
.v r
הד woman, i. 6. I pledge thee my word. Sah. 38° srs 7
Ms. M. I assure thee (ed. ךדיב דwe have the evidence
OF“ ,TTNO )א)גןף270ט/(- Tanh.ed.
לג. additam. in our hands) —BSabb. 10" 'כו דרש רטדמל דדit is permitted
ot .hal'hS 91 ,fer(ot הפו, Deut.,1)82 yeht‘ dedivid ruo to say ‘faith! in an unclean place, +. 75°.
hearts’ yy( ןושל יטסונוילא readיטסרנרלרא(
the Greek
hemisy; +. Num. R. 5.17; +. 03. “JOT, Brub. 94% +. xeon.
NOT), +. wryn.
+ een.
ימיח , OWread:
T, Freee sn FIST) + pe
or 0 0 tle: ofdalbeosec) ame: " & מביmeG ,cibailer ;ydaets 7 רדהeven-
thyst, a jewel in the Highpriests’ breast-plate. Ex. R.
= ,38 end (v, LXX Ex, XXVIII, 19). tempered disposition, opp. תרכדפק rash. Yalk. Nam. 776
(quoted fr. Sifré Zata).
PIST), + pre.
+. poo
big J) m. (mh. SoM, v. NGld. Mand. Gr. p. 46) the
fat around the large stomach of ruminants; דה ~z the
fat covering the less curved side of the large stomach
(opinions undecided). Hull. 49° Ar. (ed. דה a. רח 72).
הנב, +. 33h. ןוניחm. pl. )=ןזנרא NM) those, ewactly those. +. 1. =
Hash. II, 58* bot. 'הב ןווהד ןימייק 'כו in the case of such
“70°92, +. הַיגְסָא witnesses as had been standing (at the time of obser-
)noitav .& .neG .R .8 ,9 dne ' אותרות דדין ה' וכ7 6
NTI] m. Indian vetch. Bekh. 37 הנישרכ ראמ same letters form both words )דאמ a. DTN).
what “kind of karshinah is meant? Ans. 'ה Indian; v.
nsw I. PRI, +. קירקנוטופיא
31271, +. PRN. avi 1) pr. n. pl. Hini, a Babylonian 4 near
Pumbeditha, a twin-town of Shili. Gitt. 80%. Bets. 25°,
NTI, ANTI, aerial m. ch. Indian. B. B. Mets. 72°.—2) pr. n. .ג Hini. Sabb. 147° 7 רב “ON
Bath. 74° A An 'ר (v. "Rabb. D.S. a]. note 100) R. J. (Ms. M. ינח ™ 'א רב, v. Rabb.D. 8. a.1. note).—3) 'ה תיב
the Indian. Ab. Zar, 16* 4 אלזרפ Indian iron (used for pr. n. pl. Beth Hini [Bethania], a place near Jerusalem
armour).—Targ. Jer. XIII, 23, v. AXt.—Pl. --.יַאְוּדְניִה (v.Neub. Géogr. p. 149 sq.). B. Mets. 88° וניה לש תיבAPN
בר חי.aidnI .reB ;63 amoY "18 ,rA( (הַנְדּוֶר : (Ms. H. ;ןנח Y. Peah I, 16° 00%. ןונח 32; Sifré Deut. 105
(בנר חנןeht spohs fo .B .seP °35 7 3m .sM( .M ;)"m3
“TIT, VII, ‘a h.same. Pl. pay", PH Tosef. Shebi. VII, 14 ,לנייתיב ; רכאית"בErub. 28" לנולתיב
on. Yoma TH, 1 (Y. "ed. ,ןוודניה corr. acc.) Indian a (Ms. M. רנאו M73); v. 7958 1.
garments. Y. ib.40"top—""537 "3, v. preced.—V. רקדני
"PMT, +. pupa.
5 . Paes
NIT, y. “19H.
םָניִחI, v. O37.
, ינה אידניהpr. n. India. Targ. Esth, I, 1 (h. text
( "געש זדהII Esth, VIII, 13; a. e. D2 v7 1, ןָניה they are, v. .ןח
TRI v7
5.2 T's
( וBET oF שוס( shaking am oljcet #0 ,TPER חוקיפא = סק( ו
aa lo move ite place, differ, tr. דקר vibration (¥. ₪. Kam, 20° were חה תא תשרג ילthos (on accountof
Tosef, Zab, 1V,6), . שיקhesset, one of the causes of levition! | the eituation of thy Geld) bat pot me to the troubleof
tindleanness, Toh, X, 1 TS ןיארקב WH are not familiar erecting an additional (or larger) fence.
with the laws of Aesset, Mog. 5% דב.. woul eo as not
anata aii eect aa לורק At:
AL יל = ו
correspondence, emp. hebheoh,
laws concerning hese. ¥. Dem.
ץצ יי,toB ,V °02 .pot ו Sarermensonse; epMelba
(as Lev. XIV, 15) of on ₪ principle common
et. ane. Tang.
¥.Nom, XIX, #2. to both, ¥. Pes. Vi,beg, 39° 'כו דדמ לראדה ריועיוhe derived
חסיטות the law that the Paserver sacrifice euperseden Ube 00 3
(¥. (חַחְר by drawing an analogy: a the daily offering iv
he, (contrad, to וש FU, +. הר Zeb, 49%, ₪. 6. רכר
|! הלטר בד חר וכי5 hcihwsi deviredyb ygolana yam
DST) m. (res, ¥. PO)) conmuetudinal law, equity ; be used for deriving another law by analogy; =.fr.
only T Poe or equitable oath. ]דו Pose
is applieifd, one who is sued for a debt, denice the 21 1 ch. הו Bob. 09° de חב
latter entirely (2m ,(רפוכ in contradist, to the legal oath
as to the application of the Ackbrth (bet ween
whieh is required when the defendant admits 8 part of striking
and cursing). Kerith. 4" ;a fr.
the claim (Maps s It being presumed
mre). that nobody
יד AE m. hirdaf, a shral
or tree with
leaves, euppoeedto be rhododaphe-.
en lpF nodoc ; חרדוםwoL .tP.p 031). ₪. "עפ
אטיאו ירח (Me. . א2 , דר.+ Rabb.D. & . הL note5( bet
might not hirduf be meant (by 46: aboth, Lev. XX111,40)"
DIP ATT (variously corrupted) m.
(Gn (0%א411% con- —Pes, 39° “Th now might not A. be meant (by m'rorin,
| sular, governor. Sifré Deut. 309 [read:[לורגשדהmn ox .xE וא, 8)?
חזירדופכי, +. wer
permitted and eat what is forbidden. Hull. 111" עלב 'ה (sub. (ברשראa deterioration which can be raplaced (by |
16 absorbed permitted substances. Ib. ארוסרא >75" 'ה יתאד good food), רדה אגס 'ה אלדcannot be eas 6 6 4
a permitted substance which is bound to become for- a fracture),
bidden (when coming in contact with milk). Ber. 60°,
"rl (="2 NF) ‘so, in this manner, thus. ממ 109" Am
a. fr. הד M5, v. NMD; a.fr.
ה אתכר בינררהוsuht yeht deerga neewteb .sevlesmeht —
1, fut. ye." inf, 0 (contr. of (ךלה to go. Ezra Ber. 2”, a.fr. 3" רמאק 7 he may say so to him, i.e. this |
V, 5; a. e.—Targ. Gen. XX, 13; a. fr—Part. Af. pl. -ןיכהִמ is his argument. Succ. 26", a, fr. לנתק 'חו. . . ררוסחsome- |
fare. Ps. OXV, 7 ed. Lag. (oth. ed. .(ןיכלהמ thing 18 left out (in the Mishnah), and it must read thus. =
Naz. 2°, a. fr. רמאק ( 'הוabbr. P71) and he means this— |
JF 1, ]F7 + (=xq with affixed
7locale) this, that. B. אר חי.rbba( )”A fi siht eb ,os gnicudortni na .tnemugra
Bath. 58" אתתרא ךהthis woman here (myself). Yoma 13* Gitt. 5°; a.v.fr—7 רב fit for such a thing, old enough &e.
מרתא הא קיימא הךfi siht eno dluohs ,eid eht rehto lliw 80%. 26" אוה ואל רב 'הhe is unable to copulate; a. fr.—
be (his wife). Ib, ארה ואל ותרב441 but this one (appointed אֶדְהִ' והיni eht .elihwnaem .reB .%61 .bT "81 )7 '= אדהח
to become his wife eventually) is not ‘his house’ (not- = חזררה וכ.sM .M ylno.de( ' (אדהelihw siht saw gniog ,no
being his wife).—Yeb. 23, a. fr. 5 ונייה is not this the he saw &c,; a. fr,—7 >> all this, that much. ₪. 107°; —
same case?; a. fr. a. fr.—7 רתב afterwards, Targ. Prov. XX, 'ה--.25 (| לוטמ
md ,וטמא םושמ 'הon account of such (a thing), therefore.
אכהIS=( הכהN2 NT; cmp. preced.) here, hither; in Targ. Ps. XLIX, 15.—Pes, 31", Tam, ’32°; a. fr.; v. לטמא
this case, now. “Targ. Gen. XXII,5; a.fr.—Y. Hag. II, 78 מטוּל, Zeb. 14* > therefore.—/n> תיתאד אתשהnow after =
top הכהל mons ךרה how didst thou done hither?—Y. Snh. coming so far, at this stage of the argument. Ber. 15";
VI, 23° bot, לררעמו אכהל 'כו and I shall bring hither 86.--
a. אתשה---.5 , 'הv. ה/--.אָּמְשַה ולרפאeven so, at any rate. —
Succ, 4%, a. fr.םתה 'ח .. there (in the case first mentioned)
Targ. ¥. Gen. XXVII, למנ--.83 ’F, v. a3.
., here (in this case), 1%. Hash. 4°, a, fr. ‘72 from the
following (Biblical passage &c.). Pes. 114% a. fr. רמנ 'ה הכייה, +. הַבְּאָה
'( וכabbr. 1M) in this case, too, &c,; a. v. fr—In Babli:
‘7 here, in Babylonia, ,,םתה ןמתin Palestine; in Y. the
TOP ,1 ,LI +. 153, זו
reverse. Snh.5*; a. fr—Y. Ber. 1, 3¢ bot. 75 3225 Palestine "הָניכה .1 (denom. of 43; emp. הנכ Pi.) by-name.
scholars. Y. Keth. 11, 26" bot., v. Nom"; Lev. R. s. 30 Taan. 20° ( ותְנִכְחְּבv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 8); Meg. 28*
היya from now, v. 834; a. v. fr. - ma 60. (v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 300), v. 352m.
FIND, חכייה1. (M23, Hif.) striking, beating, as- ןיִכְה( )=לַה יניכה/ is thus. Y. Ome II, 39° bot. ה
sit “Mace. 8” sq.., 6. הטורפ 'ה ןיאש הב הושa striking it is thus. (R. H. said).
for which no P’rutah can be claimed as damages. Y.B.
Kam. IV, 4° התימ תייִּכַהa fatal blow; a. 6.--7. nixon. חָא כִיצַד=הְזכְיצד+. TE"
Tanh, Thazr. 9 7 לובסל to suffer blows.
,ISWN +. הֶכִּי
, אכאכהTosef. B. Kam. IX,28 ed. (Var.in ed, Zuck.
,, ; לאכ( אכחכהTosef. Shebu. VI, 2 ןיכחנהed., v.חביבא" . 755, +. .SS .B[ .maK %011 הכלpwn, + ban]
ץ הכדין. הַיכְדִין MII +. (22) hiding, the appointment of witnesses —
to lieinwait in order to overhear the seducer to idolatry.
,DPON +. הכאכא. Snh. 67°.
, שחכה שיחכהm. )שחכ( contradiction, incon-
gruity in details of’legal evidence. Y. Yeb. XV, 15* bot.
J, PITT a2 אמ thus. Targ. Prov, XXII, 7. |
Targ. Is. LI, 6; a.e
עדותFina ה' עדותna ytiurgnocni ni eht stnemetats fo
witnesses concerning the details of the main fact to be 1; הכיןII m. (inf. Hif. of ,ןוכ used as a technical =
ascertained ;תודע 'ה תודע רחאלconcerning circumstances term with ref. to 2925, Ex. XVI, 5) preparing, desig- >
subsequent to the main fact. nation for use on the Sabbath or Holy Day. Y. Sabb
זת, 6” there is nothing that exists in the shape in which
תשחכהf. (v. preced.) 1) contradiction, the denial it is used, 2272 רכראר which may not be considered 3
by one set of witnesses of the deposits of the preceding designated for use (on the Sabbath ₪0.(, Y. Bets.62° P
set; counterevidence (contrad.to 7215), rejection ofevidence /' ספק הerehw ereht 81 a tbuod sa ot rehtehw a niht
owing to counterevidence. B. Mets," 3 'כוAa ןנשי are has been ready for use when the festive day began. Ib.
subject to rejection through counterevidence or proof הגור צריך חיtaht hcihw a elitneg sreffo no a yloHzD
of alibi. Ib. 'כו 73 ( רנראthe debtor’s own admission) requires designation in due time. Ib. I, beg. 60*Lis
cannot be upset by counterevidence &c. B. Kam. 73°, max לש because its mother (the hen) was6 /
a. .6 תלהת המזה 'כו5 counterevidence is a preliminary slaughter on the Holy Day; a. fr. [In Babli rs
procedure to be finished by proving an alibi, i. e. both
are one continued process of law; a.fr.—2) failing, waste הִכְנָה.f ).decerp( )1 .emas .steB 2" הי
fo ,hself ni .neg .noitaroireted .B .maK 449 | ה' דהדר account of the law requiring readiness for |
ng Peo
preceding day, 1b.4* MS" לר the law about readiness ae , צוותSS) TH ילא that means the grammatios! com-
interpreted by Nabbah (ib. 2%); a. fr) (ref. to Por ו
Deut, XIX, 5) marking oul the road to the city of refuge
for the involuntary manslayer, Maco. 10°. תעְרְבהִה6 same, )1 overweight. 11 res ar Kerth.o
TAS) ה"בקה לדיי the Lord takes potice of וש
+ (033) 1) carrying in,putting in. tab.2%, (liberality) in offerings. — 3( rect vom.
] comet
; ¥. ib.1,beg. 2. ¥. Mor, 1,46%; a.fr—Yeb,
65" as above. Cant. Ri, to 1,2 he might have diverted bic
Bee raga insertion ofthecorona ofthe menteun mind הששרמ דו 'כי by referring him 1 one of the five
virile; Ti, Mets, 01° ית the coupling.ל Yeh, XU, ו | disputed constructions of Wible verses, ¥. preoed.; (¥ Ab.
ד. Bath. 111, 14* top Pre the bringing home Zar, Ii, 41° bot, Power). Gen. 4. « 96, end (ref. to Neb.
of the crop--Num, 3. « 17 לארשי
'חthe leading VIII, 8,¥. preced.) דדו ןיויוארזדי the that means
the disputed
of leracl into the promised land.—mbs ה the leading of consand truc tion
Use arguments s
for snd ageinet, Yolk
the bride into the chamber, in gen. wedding ceremonies. Gen. 61 -3( casting vote, verdict by a majorit of y
₪006. 40",— Mog. 5”; Koth. 17%; a.םרררוא.-,6 'דhospitality, ו. Soh, ,1 ”81 neve noitartibra ni 1906 seriuqer בכיע
Babb, 127°; a. fre—@) entering, coming home. Y¥, Yoma ה הרקת ytirfooj.aem
no .llaW °791 תכרע שלישייןpe
V, 42" bot. תררתי ‘Mm an unnecessary entrance into the ( תקרכמeub. תעד( 5 casting Vole consisting of » third
Holy of Holies.—Gen, Kt. 74 'ה the time required by divergent opinion is not binding; B. Kam, 116"; Pes. 21°;
the laborer for going home from the fleld, +. האצה
4). Naz. 65°,
Ke (imper. Hif, of (רכנ recognize!, the word hakker.
Bot, יכו תב רשיבwith the word Aakher (Gen. 1) TEST me.(meg).תpreparation ; Atmees, oxy.
1) divest ב הק Kam. 1, 2 דדכ . . רחבה
92) he brought the news to hie father, with כל מקף1 ma dnuobot yap hcus noitasnepmocsa hguoht
hakker did they 6. (Gen. XXXVIII, 25). Gen.
₪ =5 I had been the entire cause of the damage. ¥.ib.2* דיל
(the account of Tamar follows that of the sale of Joseph) TPR it refers to responsibility for damage, opp. "SS “FU
סטוך ח' לחי
כלדרni redroot tel eno rekkah wollof eht infliction of bodily injuries; ¥.Gitt.V, beg. 40° —2) finish-
other Aakker.—c דרpartiality. Ex. BR. 5. 30 (ref. to ing. רואב ThSST (an earthen or glass veel)
Prov. XXIII, 23). is finished in fire.—3) that which makes a thing legal,
.seP כ
+. ָא,
הִבְר that which ₪ ritually fil (+. ~Sz). Y.Gitt.111,46° Sor
את לסד תכשירוmorf tahw sekam ₪ rettel fo ecrovid
יחוh.; 33" Hif.)ו 00ק0000.-- העוברpaz invalid you can learn what makes it valid. Y. Pes V2"
of the embryo, certainty of pregnancy. top ורישכה רדבל ולוספ ךותמto distinguish the anftelement
8°; .צץYeob, IV, 6°; a.םינפ--.6 תרכהthat by which of it from the fit element.—4) (levitical law) והיו to
a face is recognized, means of identification ; nose, features, become uncican (which arises from contact with certain
יצSot. EX, 25° bot. from the nose, 'פ ‘TM SPs the place liquids), cause of fitness (rusts לבקל , רשכוה.+ .(רָשָכ
of identification. Y. Yeb. XVI, 15°; Gen. RB. 5. 65, a. =. Hull. 86" os Tis דדואשכ they declared it (slaughtering,
ילש emc
' העביר הeh )hajibA( detalitum eht pressing grapes) to be equal in its effect to the Stness
features of Israelites (slain in battle). Y. Nidd.
111, 50° for uncleanness which arises from contact with liqeid«
TSE MT אצתש רעuntil that portion of the fetus comes to Ib. 121° רתא דו םדמ םוקסמthe liquids which prodace
light by which its nature can be ascertained. Ib. ג the fitness to become unclean must come from without.
a. fr. Ib, יל דד הסלwhy should contact with liquids be meces-
FITTS]+ (mg) public announcement. Sh. 26° יה sary at all? Ib. דד ךירצrequires contact with liquids in
33 announcement in court proclaiming a person dis- order to become fit ₪6. Y. Kil. VII, end, 31*; Sabb. 95"
qualified as a witness, 12. 89* 'ה ךןירכירצmust be published, oot kT (v. Rabb. D. 8, a. 1) the requirement that the
as to the nature of the crime for which they
are to be plants (in the pot) must come in contact with liquids in
executed. Deut,
11. 5.11 ‘nim לע הנויכסappointed
to an- order to be fit for uncleanness; a. fr.
סהררהא דה אתווכלטרthe hosts of kingdoms were greedy my belt, Zeb. 19° 'כו יל ראנייטהbrs חוה (Me Mer)
for them (to have ה foothold in their country). Lam,4 my belt had slipped upward and be himself pulled ia
to 1, 17 formerly 1 used to go up to the Temple Th 7 down - 06.20" apne — /1 pre, .שו peo, רח
Maen לש in (singing) troops of pilgrimage, Lev. Kh. +5 Targ, 0. .מו XX VU, 4 (ed, Mert; oth, of. 17). —habeLe
>99 סרשקנ תוינטוה רחGren (corr. רשד( ye used to form +. של.
troops (noisy processions) for idolatry; +. Po".
המוינטון, .+ ,iV שו,pot .+ emret
המונייא, .אt.n ota,CV ,41 sdaer ) הטוניה+. "ER;
,¥ Posik, shall.
p. 90°. o CSS = (ipliere;, &) half.
או. 4 0 alereh Gen.
B. 6.#2, end (expl,
אָיְלְממה.«(a popular corrupt. of qeatépwy, ¥. oy. Gen. RAXRVI, 34) TS" (corr, 406. in oppor, to
Su. Ant. ₪.+, Kupatoriam) Heer-wort, in gen. herbs weed (תטיונס,ד. Ber. Vill, 12° topseen ךירטא SS" (corr.ece.).
[or cooling the blood (omp. SEIT), Y. Ned. V1, beg. 40"
( יניטב אילטופא 'כוread: אילטיפא oF 'טסיא( the various DTT 2. (cer) confused inmind, deliriows, ¥.Gin.
kinds of.אקו Napu, Melissophylon and Colo- Vil, beg, 40", expl, .סוקיידיוק
easia.— Towel, Maaer, ,111 7 חב 'כוGre( 'לטיטא Var.
( ילטטהfor hepatoria the scholars allowed no exemption TS)
.)סא Ab. Zar. IV (V), 11 'כוboron (Var,(השיט'
hep. ₪. prepared by gentiles; Y. ib.,11,"41 ,צץBabb,I,3°
bot, ‘Gre( ירח read: ; 'טיחת( Ab. Zar.s8* תתטטליא Meא . Sm m. (ipl vt, bemina) hemina, liquid menmare,
(ed, Ger). Ib. 'כו TH איה od. (Me. M. Th) הו iv half a sestarius (nearly half 5 pint Rnglieh) — 1%. pron,
the same as&e., +.אָיְליַסְס -Omp.
RT EIT. Targ. 11 Beth. 1, 8 (ed. Lag. ךוטרסה ,corr. aoe.)
yan ass, Gen. R. .א82, end; eee 12” top (expl. and thus he (Abraham) went to sacrificehis son; Gen.
>, Gen. XXXVI, 24); +. סופיִרִמה R. =. 55.—Mekh. B'shall. =.5 (ref. to Ex. XIV, 24) o>"
ערבבךHe confounded them, He brought confusion into
their ranks; ib. s. 2; a. 6.--2( fo stir ,שק sweep -)דצ next
= +. ATS
w.). Lam. RB. introd. (R. Abbahu 2) (expl. (דדבכת 1.
=לim. (Pers. hemyiin, Fl. in Levy Targ. Diet. =. VIII,
23, and ref. to Targ. Is. XIV, 23) דיבכטבכ
|belt, girdle. Brub.X, 15 (104%).—Pl.הִסְיִנִין he swept them as with a broom (Num. EB. >.23, end,
. וו ויוFoe eres oeוד a.e. ןהיבכתדָבְכ(צץ. ;Yalk. Is. 282 “Sos.ד ]םששד
a D. 8.a.1.note) out of their (old) belts they of St3 6. v.]
Targ. Amos VIII, 6 תממחed. Lag. (ed. Wil. “77, h. text TINT If. ("va 1) stuffing food down the Hace: 2
bp). an animal. Sabb. 155% v. maydn. 4
הממח .1 (pan) confusion, perplexity. Mekh. B’shall. הארמהII, הירמה f.( )"רמ 11 rebelliousness, rebell-
s,5 ןרא 'ה אלא הפגמthe word hamam (Bx. XIV, 24) 001 ; tpmetnoc fo ,truoc .v 2VTN .51 .hnS 61? | מִהְמְרְאָתו
means pestilence. Pooh the Scriptural text treating of his (the elder’s)
rebellion.. Ib." 14 ותארמה 'הhis rebellion is legally
yen pr. n. m. (b. h.) Haman. Snh. 61% 'הכ דבענ
punishable; a.fr.— Pl. minv25. Midr. Till. to Ps. OVI, 7;
worshipped as H. wanted to be. Hull. 139" הרותה 'ה ןמ
_ Yalk. ib. 864 'כו ‘ ורמהnm "nw they rebelled twice, י
ו י
was obeyed), 1. Kil. IX, 92° bot, (read:) pb |
ראשתלתרת מינסבינן0! eht ecalp rehtihw I saw tnoc ot —
take them ; ¥. Keth, X11, 85" ronda ןוהל 44) (= תרחלתשאר 1 6 (preced.) Indian, Midr, TW. to Pe. Vi ברח
Gen. Th.=.TH,+. אָרְב ¥. Ber 1, bot, Sor Wd whither Tan eword,
shall he got tb. 11,0 top אוה 71 Yo where ie he from t;
a, frm FY, ,רעו TY הא these, Targ, Meth, 1, 10; 1 mm.(prob, “SRW pl, +. TO) Indian. wars
א. o-—Tam. "נה. Th, Mets, 117", +. Gi... EM ™ bread, ₪ dough tameted on Uhe epit ated 4
ברהנך וכיTH רחניesoht eht( stnatibahni fo )nohpisetC | וסוסwith ofl, or eggs and oll, Ber, 97° (Asheri (אקדדעהר
know the signatures of thete (of Ardehir), but the
latter do not know &e, 1008 10%; a +. 6 --' Fem, pl. “METIS, +יח
ןו. ¥. Mets, ¥,09" top 'חל ןישרפס. . . . TES the 6 1. )רקק, with prefixed 5. 2 insertad,
of Casares report these (controversies)
more explicitly corresp, to bh. PETG) melilet, ₪ Kind of clover weed ae
9 Sateen, dro or Gann ד Pes. Vill, *
. relish —Eirub, 28° “WTS דדMedian Metilot Yih. 111, 20°
top Peres).
— ילימ ( דגהabbrev.
SSM) these words
top; 1. Peah VIII, 21* top.
(have been said), i. © thie de the cane only he, Ter, 21*
bot, TH Tre oor )אניטא MT) 1 might have thought Pith,» 7
this refers only to &0,—Ib, 15" שקל ט''עדוbut this applies
only to 86. | "ללמ--.]).+.ה אנט דנה+. RPS I —Kmphatic. (by here,ie, Koh, Bw
¥. 7 behold V, 6
MGT, MYM. Gen. R.5.67 'כו הכה אבטiethis (slave) good? Ss רדthe ‘here i’ of « haman being (Heth. VIII, 7),
Is the omen favorablet; Yalk.
ib, 145 ‘St בש ( אחcorr. רד של הק"בהeht ereh‘ ’ei fo eht dnoL ,kceZ( ,VIX —)1
ace.). “9M here
am 1. Gen. 14. « 55 ורנזדכל דד1 אותready for
RG, +
priesthood; a.fr.
mh, +. .דקת
FING 1 enjoyment,
+ הייז
Man 1.(3%) driving an animal, = form of taking
IL (es, Bif. (איָנַה intervention, objection.
Sifré Num. 153 (ref. to,אדנה Num. XXX, 6) איה ה וז המ pomesion. B. Mets,#, +. הָבְיַשְב
what this ‘objection’
means; +. .הפה
TA, +.
IIT, ‘TTS. m.(omp.29) Bar-Henag, sur- FIPISAT 5). .א 170)reat, cane, relief. Gen. BR. «. #7,
of a species of abrathah ()היְרְבָא .Sabb.
109" (defin. beg. (ref. to Pa. CXXV, 3) 'כו ךיא ול דדfads
₪5 ease in
Be TO2%]--.(בווא
TH FM .דאני the company of היר--.₪6 תהנהproce of mind, opprane-
+.rarer ment. ץצ. Dem. VII, beg. 26* (interch. with הדי ( תהחנ.צץ
Peah 1, 18 bot.; Y. Kidd. 1, 61° bot. "כו rr דד השיב
ODT+pea when he gives his father ease of mind (by obeying bis
( ידרלhe who desires to make use (of people’s hospitalities), Targ. Koh. 11, 2; 12—Targ. Y. Lev. V, 316 שחק
may do so following the example of Elisha. R.Hash. 28°, enjoyment of sacred property. Targ. Y.Gen. XX XVII,
a. fr. תוצמ אל תונחלל ונתלנ religious ceremonies are not a. fr.—Ex. R. s. 6, end; Tanh. Vaéra 2 (prov.) אייטש. ןמ
considered an enjoyment (as regards the use of sacred ! הנררא וכdm fo 8810868 erehtsi on tiforp tpecxe ep .b 3
ytreporp ;).c& )2—.rf.v.a ot eb .deyojne *53.reB 'דבר שנ them down, 1. e. a wicked man can be conve! A ,:
something which is enjoyable (can be eaten &c.), suffering only.—Taan. 23 התירה אברקמRashi (ed.8 ,
Pi. 35 to benefit, to entertain, to cause to share. what good she does is a direct one (by giving bread);
Snh, 922 כו חת279 "8 allows no scholar to share היתיינה אלו אברקמ. . . ( ואנאread: ("ָתְְיְנַה but -
his wealth. Ber. 63" bot. 'כו הְנַהְמְוand invites him to money, and what 8 I do is indirect; Keth, 67" 425
partake of his wealth. Yad. IV, 8 'בו 2095 AMS ירה ( אהנייתרread: "3 ,אברקמו or "NVA ,ןברקמו pl):
you appear to benefit them pecuniarily, but &c. Ab. B. Bath. V, 16” bot. "הד ( רוכבcmp. (רֶלַמ good, worthy
Zar. 16" sq. ANT... . תונימ ( אמש רבדv. Rabb. D. 8. a. children.—2) loveliness, beauty (cmp. m2). Targ. Ps.
1. note 20) 0 a pation idea was communicated XXUT, 2 ןיאתרד M35 loveliness of plants (h. text
to thee and it pleased thee; Yalk. Prov. 937; a, fr. ...(ַנָאוּת
NOMI, v. preced. 4
ae 207 6
Ithpe. “2908, Ithpa. “ism to profit, enjoy, be grati- ףנהm. (Inf. Hif. of 552) waving ceremony in the
fied. Targ. Y. Deut. I, 6 ןוכל 'אit benefitted you (v. Temple.—‘F 0% (Lev. XXIII, 10--19( the second day of
Sifré Deut. 5). Targ.0.Gen. XX XVII, 26.—Targ. 11 Sam. Passover. R. Hash. IV, 8 ; Suce. ,111 ;12 . צץHall. 1, 57°
XVII, 16 'כו "29M אמלד (ed. Wil. "20%) perhaps it will top;a. e.—Tosef, Arakh. I, 11 םויב 'הon ‘the sameו
please the king (h. text 323"). Targ. Ez. XVI, 31; a. e.— day as the second day of Passover; Arakh, 9%
Ned. 50° 'כו "35F"N7 that 1 should enjoy this world’s “aD.
goods. Hag. 15% 'כו etal ar let him (myself) enjoy the
world, Yeb. 103° הררבעמ אָלְכִהְתִמshe derived gratifica- MDI f. (b.h.) same; brandishing, swinging. Pesik. —
tion from a sinful act. Y. Snh. X, 29" top אל רבו שנ R.s.41 (ref, to ףונ הפיPs. XLVIIT, 3) רמועה תַפָנֶהב הפ
מִתְהֶנָר כלוםton( (מתהנרםdna enon erew ;dettifeneb .a .rf שלהwho is beautiful when she waves the Omer; -ןא
Ps, 755; Yalk. Ex. 417 ---.הָסַפיְֶנְהב+. Maasr. = or
NMI, +. ae ch. מגלnest the swinging of ‘the sickle.
IV, 61° top ves Son in. (CRD) funeral coremonies, manifestations
company in the fold. +. B. Bath. IX, 167 bot. of rning, funeral address, eulogy he, M. Kat. וו
nm תא אלש לינרהלin order not to invite lamentation
וד קלlapocA snaem gnitaeb no eht
position of couches at a banquet. Ib. the patriarehe lie @* top (reads) TS Pro לכו רפוכה
in the grave 'ח ךררin the same position to one another
(v. דסי ib. 11, 11 64. Zeck, Var.) the leader of the
| lamentation and all thase engaged in it. Y. Bese, V, 9
as at meals (distinction between seniors and juniors; +,
bot. ' כ ו ל ש r e y r f e h t g n i n r u o m r o f . e h . b b e H °961
SEO, Stn
וא. Ant. « +. Tricliniam).
' של ארם וכsreen morf eht yaw 5 nosrep si denruom
‘DTT] same for you can learn whether he deserves fetare happiness,
+. .יקח Th.הבסיה
(Me. 4. א. fr.—T קשרfo compose and arrange a funcral song.
v.preced. Ib. 52° םיוג תפָפְרMs. M. (ed. (תָבְסְס « ץצYeb. XVI, 15" top 'כו אצמ דר רושקfound that lamen-
banqueting of gentiles. Pes, 108° ןיטי תָביִסִהlying on the tations were prepared in hie house. ¥. Yous I, 38"; Y.
right side at the Passover meal; a. fr. Sot, I,end,
17°. Lam. B. introd. (BR, Joh. 1).
II + (330; +. Num, XXXVI, 7) the transfer “BOT ch. same. Targ. Lam. 1,14; .>.--
property from one tribe to another. B.Bath.111° 52"; a. fr.
yan ed, (Ms, H. a,Rashb. M35, (תָבִס the transfer ron £ (PS or 8D) seduction, enticement. Yomsa tz’
whieh would be caused by the husband's succeeding to | דאודיה ודחדeht nis tsniaga hairU dna taht fo gnitnsoc
his wife's property. Ib. 112" jon 'ה Ms. RB. (ed. ביס the people to which he was enticed (11 Sam. XXIV, 1).
TSS) the eventual transfer through the son's succession. = Hull. 4* םירבדב Th TR enticing (the verb fOr) never
| applies to verbal persuasion (but only to senenal in-
TOT ₪.)רֶנְס + ev. XIII, 4,a.¢.)locking up the fluences). Sifré Deut. 67 moo אלא דדpH enticing means
per for trial; omp. צי Meg. 1,71" 'ח ךותטafter leading astray; “TS אלא ךיא דדit means inctigation.
locked up. Y. M. Kat, 111, 82° bot.; a. fr.
HOTT m. (infin. Hit, of(רחְס STE דד(from Deut,
ו +cameLey. R,.517 ןרא'ח'כוlocking up XXX1,18)
hiding of face, divine anger, refusal to anewer
XVII, 46) allades to leprosy. prayer. Hag.S* "כו דפTS וראש לכhe who is not subject
to the hiding of face (who does not suffer under general
(b, h.) to be silent. Num. R. 5. 23 'כו לכtorn persecution) is none of them (not of leraeclitich descent).
was silenced before him (tolisten tohim); | "וז.
Masé 5 ובסחה ; ed. Bub. 4 .וסחו
רבעה ה+ (sz) )1 carrying, bearing. BR.Hash. 27°,
a.@ (ref. to , תרבקהוLev. XXV, 9) SSS ( ךדדleave
the horn) in the way in which it was borne by the living
animal (in its nataral shape)—2)לדק -=) T7277) comring
the sound to pass over a certain space, proclamation.
Ib. 34° השממTH ה Ss Ms. .( אed. 2 רטכר( הרבעwe
learn the meaning of “Som (Lev.|.c.) from the meaning
| 4 5 (hasta) spear. Pesik. R. suppl. (p. 197° it has in reference to Moses (Ex. XXX VI,¢). Sabb. 96”:
. Fr.) FON ךותב הטאסבond השוש (read: ond הלוש Yalk. Ex. 413.—3) leading across, patving: in gen. ₪9
|"; corresp. to םיצח rm, Pesik. Vayhi, p. 66") he of the stem“=>. Y.Sab. VII, 25" bot. (interch. with(כבדה
| (or throws) a spear into their land (as a declara- Sifra K’doshim ch. VIII, Par. 4 => לד "כוas the ‘passing’
n of war, +. Sm. Ant. a. Luebker Reallex. s.+. Hasta). there (Deut. XVIII, 10) means through fire, 90 does the
‘passing’here (Lev. XVIII, 21). Bekh. *32 רשקטמhh
analogy between the first-born and the tithes founded on
BAER A 360
the use of the stem רבע (Hx. XIII, 12, .ג Lev.
XXVII, 32); Bekh, 32% 4.6. הכרעהו רעב 'הmust be (befor a
(Zeb. 9% 8. 6. (4--.(חרבע (from Num. 7111, 7, VI, 5, a.e.) priest)and appraised (Lev, XX VII, 11). ‘Tb.'כו 'ח. ל:
הַעַבְרַת שרערgnissap eht rozar revo eht ,riah .gnivahs subject to the law requiring placing6. ‘Yoma 41" הא
Naz. 58% sq. 'ש 'חremoving the hair of the body. Y. “NP does it refer to the placing of the sacrifice (to’iy 4
ib. Il, end, 52" 'ש ‘n> for the purpose of removing the Mish. ib.)?—Y. Maas. 111, 54° top הכרעהו יח
ו 4
hair, opp. רערש .לודרג ing with 73). oe
4 t "ALY
ANT f. 1) ,)דוע Hif.) testimony, deposition. B. Pa, הענקm. (Inf, Hif. of P23, with ref. to Deut. Z
Mets. 3%wy םרדע MITT evidence through witnesses; a.e.— XV, 14) the outfitting of the emancipated slave. Kidd.17> 1
2) (335) warning given to the owner of a 0 ‘( לדדand also to thy handmaid shalt thou do likewise’,
animal (Ex. XXI, 29); law concerning damages payable Deut. XV, 17) refers to the outfit (not to the 0 \
after warning, v.22. B.Kam. 18 'כו 4 שרthe law &e. of the ear); .צץ ib. I, 59° bot.; Sifré Deut. 122.
applies to ₪0. (and full damages must be paid). Y. ib.
11, beg. 2°; a. fr. העראה+. הרקיה
)ףדכ( תפדעה.+ surplus; addition, increase. Keth. 43* ברעהm. (Inf. 1146. of) 343 'ה ושמשsunset, required —
‘a> concerning the surplus of the value of labor over for the unclean person, after purification, to be entirely 5
the cost of sustenance. .10 66% > קחדה הa surplus naelc .veL( ,IX ;72 .a ,).rf amoY °6 ' והא בער ה' הש8
gained through an extraordinary exertion. B. Kam. 87°, he not require the 0 to pass borers he may officiate ? ;
Gitt. 12%; a. e-—Ib.דל for additional support (not in- oi ire
cluded in the sustenance furnished by the master),
הברעהf, (denom. of) בֶרָש( 1 going home in 8
העלאה, העלייה+ ) עָלֶה41/:( 1) )+.91,%1.91( evening ‘from labor (=70231), opp. to HaDun. Y.B. Mets, —
throwing «over one’s shoulders, wrapping, opp. to mwrad ,IIV .geb ”11 ]:daer[ = שתהא השכמה משל בעה"ב וה' משפ
putting on of a dress. Yeb. 4°, Yoma 69%.—2) bringing פועלרןtaht eht emit dedeen rof gniog tuo ,.68 .v הצאה4(. |
up, offering on the altar, placing on the table. Pesik. R. .( זסnotתיברע( 5 יה. . תותבש ןיב לברעבו on Sab-
8. 16, end תחא רדכ 'הsufficient for one offering; Tanh. bath eves both are deducted from the employer’s time,—
Ki Thissa 10. Hull. 104% FH רזגנ 285 and shall we forbid 2) thgin .krow .veL .R .s ;91 .rdiM ,maS .hc V = דברר תורה
the serving on the table for fear that ₪0.?--8( (v. Lev. ןיכורצ הרחשה 'הו הסנרפה ןינמthe words of the Law .
XVI, 9) taking the lot out of the ballot box. Y. Yoma require early and late study, whence shall sustenance
IV, 41° top. come?
pon 6. (Inf. Nif. of (םלָכ being unknown, esp. (with TST, העראה+. (3s, +. Lev. XX, 18) ה
ref. to Lev. IV to V) unconsciousness, forgetfulness as contact, “the first stage of sexual connection. Tosef. Sot.
the cause of a transgression. Shebu, 26* העובש ‘Fh forget- 19; Y.ib. 1, 16° bot. “7 רדכ time long enough for arriving —
ting that he had sworn; ץפח nF forgetting the subject of at the intimacy of the first stage. Yeb. 55, 8. 6. 1/7
the oath. Sabb. 70” תבש ‘77 unconsciousness of its being הכנסת וכי, .v ;IOM .a .rf |
the Sabbath day; תוכאלמ ‘F of the sinful nature of those
תכרעהf. )274( appraisement. Bekh. 32); a. 6
labors. Ib, דחא 'הב.. ןאשעON if he did all the forbidden
mos. | af
labors in one state of unconsciousness (without being
reminded between); Y. ib. 111, 9" top mmx A. Ib. 1, 2” המרעהf. )242( trickery, legal evasion, improper
בעלם אחד.hcretni( htiw ;בהעלם
( .B .htaB "55 ' בח.sM( means to avoid a religious duty. Y. Peah V, 19” bot;
H. ;(בעלםKer. IV, 2 )17*( תחא ;'חבib. 111, 2 דחא “A. Y. Ned. IV, end, 88% אל ושח 'הלthe Rabbis did not ap-
Sifra Vayikra, Hobah, Par. 1, ch. 1; a. fr—PI. .תּומיִלָעַה prehend an evasion. Ib. V, end, 39° a donation like that|
יצSabb. 1 6. 'ה רנשב in two discontinuous states of of Beth-Horon (vy. Mish. ib.) 7 73 התיחשwhich was '
forgetfulness. Y. Shebu. 1, 324 top 71 תוערדי המכmany made for the sake of circumventing (a vow). Tosef. i
moments of consciousness and intervening forgetfulness. Mets.IV,3 תַמָרָעַה תיביר an evasion of the law 0 usu
יצSuh. VI, 24° top; a. e. —Usu. תומָלַעַה (fr. m2>3h, v. B, Mets. 62; Y, ib. V, 10” top;a. fr.
next w.), or .תומלַעְה Sabb. 80* 'ה יתשבKer. 1 B.
הפוך, הפוף, יצ הפך.
Bath. 1. c. 7 .רנשב Tosef. Ker. 111, 2; 7 יה ; רנשבa. fin ₪ re.
[Midr, Till. to Ps, IX, 1 nia33h, v. bby] , תרפזהTosef, Kel. B. Mets. II, 19, v. En.
ise one’s = Gen. R.5 21 end םחש they
a 0
ב Windies shapen—0) te שיא ende aif מז. .b( ).hb .emas .klaY .hteE 6501, ד. next
mand. Td. > (NWS for it (the fiery sword) w.— Fi.-ןיכפכפה
Rath R. introd, 3; Yalk Dest. 5
ns around man . Yeb, 35*; Keth. $7 תכשדתמ she (Sifré Deut. 320 םיִנָכַפְכַפִהv. next w-).
i f(makes violent motions). Ib. ">a=3 (Keth. Ps a geno Meg. 15" (Yalk. . ו,1056 v.
—Tanb. Vayetsé 11 73> רכ הרהprevaricated
+.preced. i.
.99, אזאTarg.O.Deut. XXIX, 20 (Ms.;אָמְביֶפַהִמ( a. e.— Taan. 4% ‘md with reference to ceasing to insert. th
Pl. xmz"5.—Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XVIII, 2. mention of rain in the prayers. Ley. R. s. 1, end
היthere is nothing intervening (between ארק דיו
הֶאְלְּפִח+ (RDB) )1 distinction, peculiarity, use of Lev. I, 1); a. fr.— Pl. .תקְסְפַה Num. 3. ₪ 14,¢nd יה
the word . אלפSabb. 138 24’ 'ה רז15 peculiarity of the intervals in revelations, i. e. passages in the onta-
punishment (Deut. XXVIII,) 59 ;.80 'ח רז הרותit means teuch not introduced by vayikra and vaydabber.— -E
the Law (afflictions causing the Law to be forgotten, ref. Hafsakah, the Sabbath intervening between the
to Is. XXIX, 14).—2) distinct and solemn specification of Sabbaths on which the sections of the Torah, Sh’ka
a vow (from Lev. XXVII, 2; Num. VI, 2; v. "ED). Zakhor, Parah and Hahodesh are severally read, v. -+
Tosef. Naz. III, 19 אל הנתלנ תוררזנ אלא הלthe law of Meg. 80* mb M™2W ‘the second Sabbath’ means that
the nazir’s vow applies only to distinct utterance (where following the Hafsakah. — 6
there is no doubt); Naz. 84%; a. 6.-- 1. 62° of the two
ik ilfay .veL( .1 ,¢ .muN 1. 6,( 'אחד ה' לאיסור ואחד ה' וכ הפצא,.rA צ. חַפְצא 2|
one intimates a distinct binding expression, and one a
distinctness which opens the way to absolution(v.¥_1);
, אריקפה.+ SpE. ual 1
.gaH 01* 'אחת ח' וכ. העקפה+ (opp; emp. RAYPEX) cancellation, release
from ית B. Kam. 113° תק ותאולה the cancellation
, גיִלָפְח גלפה.) תג338( )1 separation, interruption,
of his (the gentile’s) loan. 4
interval. Y. B. Kam. II, end, 3° mma) 3 it refers to 1
gorings at intervals (not in three consecutive days). Y. ( רקפהY. dial. pan) m. ("p5) declaring 0%
Yoma III, 40" bot, םא גרלפהל 31 the conversation lasted long 6 of ownership in favor of whosoever would
enough to be considered a discontinuation of the services, take possession of the object renounced; confiscation;
opp. . העשלIb. > AMIN Wy they declared it (the going public property. Eduy. IV, 3 > 'פה39 'פהMs. M. (ed.
out for easing one’s self, y. הכיסמ( to be like a dis- an, v. Rabb. D. ₪. a,1. note) renunciation of ownership
continuation.—2) digression. Y. Ab. Zar. 11 42% bot. (of the standing crop) in favor of the poor is valid
תבושת 'ה ובישהhe made areply only to divert his mind gnitpmexe( morf ;)sehtit .hto( ).nipo ח' עד שיפקיר
(Bab, ib." 44 הבונג, הבושתv. 33). 'בוMs. M. (ed. רקבורש( it is not valid unless the owner
makes it free for the rich, too; Peah VI, 1 (v. Rabb. D.
2 חִפְלְגָה1. (preced.) separation, 'ח , רודv. .רוד .1ת8 .₪ a. 1); B. Mets. 30° “pn. Yeb. 89>; Gitt.? 36 ד''ב יחTe
X, 3; a. fr. the confiscation by the court (disposing of private prop
erty by the process of law) is valid; Y. Shek. 1,46 bot.
גילפחv. Soph.
‘an. PeahI,6 סע ןתונו םושמ 'ח he may set aside a portio:
דספהm. )דספ( decrease, loss; injury; disadvantage; of his crop as public property. Y. ib. 111, 17° bot. 74
waste. Pes," 15 'ה ךרלוהan unnecessary destruction of האיפבIh is public property ever subject to the laws
,.bI—.e& .a .rf מרובה7 a elbaredisnoc ,ssol .ppo ה' מועט, of Peah? Ib.V,19° ריָקְבֶה ה 7S his renunciation is in-
Ab. ,11 1 ’ הוצמF the loss (inconvenience, sacrifice) con- effectual. Ib, M212אלא ,אצול. 'הAN renounced propert, y
nected with the performance of a good deed. Ib. 11, does not go out of the owner’s possession, until some-
sq. TIOHTA אצי ורכש his advantage is set off by his dis- body takes possession of it; Y.Ned. IV, 384 (corr. ace,).,
advantage. Lev. R, 8.34 M7087) the disadvantage of (punish- . צץSnh. VI, 23°, beg. 'תועט אוה A it is a confiscation
ment for) neglecting it, opp. דרכש reward for observing under an erroneous presumption (and invalid); a. fr.
it. B. Kam," 115 ןחכ5 רנפמbecause it 18 an injury to Gen. R. 8. 80, end 7 רנב םדא לשoutlaws. Yeb. 66* 372
the priest (entitled to it). Sabb.” 147 'ה ןילכואa waste 'ה וגהנ הבpeople took liberties with her (because 8she |
of eatables; a. fr. had neither the legal status of a freed woman eae thi ut
of a slave). 7
N'TODM ch. same. B.Kam, 115? 'ה ( אכיאדed, ,הדספה
corr. ace., Ms. B. a. F. ,.(דספה V. NTO. הפקרא, TN EP .m )פקר, .pme (אַפְקְרוּחָא1) ₪
ו,tsul 0 616. %81 גהי ניחא ליה
ב .
קספח m. )קספ( interruption, suspension, end. Erub. slave prefers the dissolute life with a 81876 )0 regular é
0 ‘Sh wb ןרא there is no end to it for all eternity. riage with a free woman); Keth.11*.—2) as preced. 0,
Y. Ber. XI, 10? bot. M353 an unlawful interruption .3 Kam. 115% אק אנרכז72‘ (in securing the honeyfi
between the blessing and the partaking of food. Ib. a broken vessel on the road) 1 took possession of renoun¢
II, 5% top רמר "ה intervening days during which men- goods.—Targ. Y. Deut. XXV, 5 ( אָרְקִּפִהNRE)
struation ceased. Ib, IX,13°bot.; Midr. Till. to Ps. CIV, 32 protected woman.
'חה תוכלמinterregnum, anarchy. Y. Yeb. 11,8% bot,שניות
ןרא ךחל 'חthe secondary degrees of forbidden marriages רפחm. (Inf, Hif. of 979, 1B; fr. Nom, 3
have no limitation; a. fr. verse 13) the law of ‘hafer’, the husband's (
right of declaring void his wife’s (or daug
!הקספה f. (preced.) ceasing, interruption, interval. invalidation. Ned. X,7, a. fr. אב ללכל pr =
Gen. 3 8.88 Sivan, the seventh month תָקְסְפַהְל 'כו count- =‘ whatever comes under the law of hakem/(co.
ing from the time the rains ceased (Yalk. ib. 59 nme). comes under the law of hafer (invalid
וקה תִאָלְפינֶי
San) © Crete) יי ודי ales the store-room in the dwelling house out of which the
: for cause
(v, PORT). Ned. ,א 8 Soro reer daily portions of provision and work are distributed
tt לכthe right (of the father orthe husband) todeclare aleo the retailer's shales be, comtrad to "SR ware bow.
void laste the whole day on which it came
to bie b. Zar, ,וו 7 )"0 ןיאבה ךמ דוחthe preserved ספ
(to sunset);Y. fb, 42° bot. rod ree םיררנ רפת-
ty four hours; Tosef. ib, VI, 1; Babb, 187*—Ned. 1" # laid out in baskets in front of the
אף ויsoG הקטחהsm sa eht noitamrifnyoac
m eb counter, Ib, 40° הניפסת ךמ רצואה ךטוTAN ךס (et Peso,
|. so may the invalidation &o.; a, fr.—Git, 56° v. Rabb. D. & a. L note 5); .ד ih. IV (V), 12 7
אין לר ותtonnac eb devlosba .morf .ab"e
ot ' תפתק וכ.de .kcaZ .raV( הפחיק, .pmc TSO rof noisaf fo
460 +...
"כיתה רכin order to make absolution
im- article)
from the shelves, the ware-room
or the ship —
it Babb. 60°; ד ib. 11 (1V), 19 דה דיג רטצ לש₪4 wot
| stored in the pantry (intended for spinning; Machi: from
\ rey יח (not 97) m. (Grapzos) 1) governor, the merchant's shelves). (Ar. = ¥. קתפא reade: pret,
PSI יסרפה .רחTang.Bath,111,12.—
8”.—2) subject (land), colony. Targ. Esth, X, 1
noting ה Var. .ד One Me. Ar, =. Mish. od Nap. read
אפותרקfor אתרק, induced by phonetic resemblance to
eS SST (h. text םיח TH); ‘Targ. ¥. Gon, XLIX, 15. 4:00... Ar. od. Koh. =. +. Prem, « .א D. .א ₪
Ab. Zar. 39” note 6.)
ele eT יח m. same, liewtenant. Ex. 4.5.18 beg.
‘alk, Pa. 875 (to Ps. CXVI, 15) [read:) תלשש לשמ ךלמל “ אקסPEM, PET>.) treamry
(y, Midr. Till. to Ps. .וo.); a. >. ]15. תרחא , דרread Targ.
Y. Gen. XLVII, 14. 1b. Deut, XXIII, 22(oonete.)
:) הפר+. next w.).—Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII .סוכרפתב קרקשהב 'כוin the treasury of the Lord (vy. Hall. 199
ped, 7 ,אב v. [.ןיסְפפָא --27. po es, .רה Tose, Gitt. .&t+o .uזאq
11 (V1), 3 PONE םושל (Corr. ace.). V. EN.
+ מלפג
ladle, +.apex
REN “ הִפַרְכְיֶהFT + (oxapyia) liewtenancy,
ovincial government, Sifrs Deut. 330; Yalk. תואקתפה, read: racer;הפתקך , read:השוקרקי .
a Leap! aod, ל דולe סיטה PONE, v. התה
3S םאו SS an ה consul enters his province;
he is able to collect (taxes) from all ₪6. Yalk.
Ps. 875 הבצה+ ( )בציstanding, use of the verb יצבNam.
הפרכוס או.rroc( ;.cca + —)..d lPeיתc
nh“ Rs. 18,beg.; Tank. Korah 3 (analogy betw. Nam. XV1,27
us Gitt. VIII (VI), 3 ed. 206%. (¥. .(סונייכרוה a. I Sam. XVII, 4, a. 16). Pesik. Zatr. גוא. beg.יש
דד הבדטל 'כוthe word בצי is sometimes used in a good
א וSTOTT ו
sense (as firmness) and at times in ה bad sense (as prov-
. tָהa
5 m, ()טָרָפ difference. Sabb.155° 'כו ןיבT הטו
. hat isthe difference between the two! Pes, 27° “IESE, +. ינוטלשה
להץTEN said he tothem, There isa difference ; a.fr.
FIST & cp.n; (לצכrenews, relief. Meg. 16° roa
am | b .וז PIES. כששדתsaving of human lives. Gitt.54*
(in Chald. diction)
אפשר דדר דד פורתאyam eb emos elttil feiler yb( layor
| ירשוm. (Sop) stripping, laying. Zeb.
V,4טקונה favor) can be had; ib.” "כו =" לדו אתורופand even ₪
Pov 'הrequires flaying and carving (Lev. 1,6). Ib.50" little favor will not be shown. Hall. 52° הבצק תלצהthe
ving TS אלש without previous flaying. Y.Pes. VI,$3" animal's own effort to save itself; םירחא T the human
7 the flaying
of it; a. fr. efforts to save the animal. Ex. B.s.1 ="> ד saving from
1 tes drowning; a. fr.
ב. 3
1 5 same. Sabb. 116" רועה rece םדוק
the hide (up to the chest) is stripped off. Sifra “IBD )5-by pe. m & Harcclelpomi, alleged
tra, N'dabah, Par. 4, ch. VI (ref. to Lev. 6) םיחתנ name of Samson's mother. Num. RB. « 10; B. Bath. 91°
בכTH such pieces as are affectedby the onler revipsis ed. (Ms, 8. תינופללצה ,Ms. ₪. .(הינופלולצ
aying (to the exclusion of the head which iscutoff
e [aa Jean pr..מ (cmp. preced.}, דד <S prob. name
בצמה 364 mapa
fo a family settled in Babylonia. M. Kat. 22° (Ms. M. חקיף, PDN +. חי hex
lhe A
עכרצזדm. (Int. Hif.of 928) chastity. Pesik.Sos, p.146?;
, שיקחNOM, we 0000 -
,klaY boJ ;609 .klaY( .neG 39 (הצנְיעוּת. Opn ות. (Inf, Hit, of DAP, formed for ו i
f. )עצר( making a couch, laying out of mat-
“5h q. v.) confirmation, the privilege of confirming a ve
Ned. X, 7; a. fr. (comment. write indisorimine gia e
tresses, ‘carpets 80. Keth, 4", a, .6 הטמהMII making
a, DP, ה to .(רַפיַה
the bed (for her husband). Yoma69* "Ww ‘73 for spread-
ing under (to sit or lie on), garments of mixed materials המק+ () )םוק1 same. Ned.69% 'ה הנושאר thefi
( )םיאלכare permitted. —V. >x2.—Trnsf. arrangement, pein. ct, (when he said the first‘ םייק( ">"> Th, 3
,erutcurts .noitcurtsnoc .lluH %94 'כך היא ה' של משנה וכ לוחרת 'הbut my confirmation shall not take effect;;4
the construction of the Mishnah (Boraitha) is as you )2 erection. R. Hash." 2 מקהל ןכשמהdating from the
stated, but reverse the first clause. Snh. 51°; a. e.
[ erection of the Tabernacle. Y. Yoma I, 38° top; Num,
חצסת1. ) (רָצַת.gnildnik .Y .bbaS ,II .geb °4 צריכה RB. 8.12, a.e. הלילה 'חthe putting up (of the Tabernacle)
( התאצה בורב 'כוcorr, acc.) must be kindled so that the by night; a,e—Pl, .תומקה Ib. ויָחומְקה his repeated acts |
larger portion be-on fire, v. pei. Y. Yoma II, 39° top; of putting up. 2
Bab, ib," 24 תַתַצַה 'כוkindling of 0. הקנְאֶה+ ץ. אַקְנְיְיתָא 6
moapn = (bap, v. Mbap), OB Map reception.
Shebu. “sab, Sabb. 127 (Ms. M. M>ap) Tw רנפ 'הreceiv- חקא חק+. as =
u ,ה
eA ,bI 5 02 yeht deid עהלקריבה וקל ה Roman goversiment) before and during the Verparian
> (=) for coming near (Lev, XVI, 1) and for offering — wary1. Gist. ¥, 61° top (read )) Se Porson קורה
(Lev. X, 1); .אtr) drawing wigh for attack, tx.i. ¥. Ber, .לי "OS. Pes 50"; B Mah. 10", 0 ₪.OH
8 91 הלרפ ( ברקהBe, XIV, 10), marigye under the Homan geverme cn! (li 24
and his lellow-martyre), +. ;ל =.fr.
| יחWie Wit) preparation, arrange: ]וא9903 to be billed, exceuted, Taan. 18 3°75 wove
ment ae tae are (interpret. SPM, pat to death (by the Homan government). Git. 56"
Num, XXXV, 11), ירis to be pat to death, Hah. 76° sort לאו Se trane-
knocking together. tols.43* גרהwm.(green) murderer, highwayman, comiraA.
ח .1( )שקנclapp io םרח the whe does oot theeaten
to bill.ל .
me the clapping of hie (the neoramancer’s)—
.hi ,steM ,V1 ,dne 0 LF .roP .deM 11,4, +. דר
; Ker, .3-71 . תושקהIb, (Hoh, Loo always
גיחm. (b. ₪.; preced, wide)) + שחby decapitation
= ( חרTFT) =.) (ררח , פאהmonntain ; trnet with
a eword, Gab. Vil, 1; = ff.
a Went
person, Midd. Il, 1, a,fr, תיבה רהthe Temple
Yeb, 17° (play on (אינפ"ת א רח לכהש ןינופ וב
PET, PATI m. (prot - tym 4.+.) = for
(or testicles). Tekh.
VI, 6 97 Malm,
Av. Var.
ו ו to which all turn (whose spurious descent prevents wr),
ed, TH % +.
% from getting wives elsewhere); a. v, --.)ז 11011. 39"
(in Chald, diction) רחו Jo" here isthy head and here
the mountain (a colloquial phrase for compelling one to
© oe
give up ה bargain).—Ex,
R.«, 24 (ref, to Bx, XIX, 5) ots SET mm.(52,+. Sey)1) habit; 7rdיח 4 ofthe
tongue, fnency הן| by memorizing, Kok. B. to
leading to, oceavion for, הריבכ TBS became
it offers
an occasion for vin. Sabb.
1, 3; Pew D0", 6
a.¢.—Ab, Zar. 17° רכר ( דדeupherm.) preliminarics of sexual
*24 רקוע ירח םירח. uprooting the
sighest mountains (a figure for dialectical ingenuity). Y. הוגנא, + weir.
fob. 1,3"bot, 'כו TH רכש PS between the two high moun-
ains (great scholars), Ex, BR..>15 ה אלא תובא, ןיאוv.
apr.—Hag. ,18 ןייולת הרעשבTS like mountains sus- השגרה1 (S79, Hil.) sensation, prrerption,דול
ended on a bhir (a slender Bible text for numerous affection. Nida. 43" TS הרקכנ he felt the effasion coming.
laws); & v. fr. TS התצרו אלש but the discharge was not perceived.
Ib,* 57 33 רטPSE the senestion of discharging arin ;
.ז. הYalk.Jod.42 לכל דד דדו to every seme. — PL tse
oy. XXV, 20אָרָחְמ (Var, MIME) ed.Tag. (ed. “Th,
Wil. (אדחמ corr. acc); v. RET S.—Cmp.
ארחמ scones. Naw. BR. א14 ששח תושגרוב7 שטחSS 0-
responding to the five senses and the five pereeptions
Gen. ITI,
mbr 2 days old, I shall cause it to grow (it is לבTT רזה .+Gapavhic) water-organ, 1-4
tal _Y, Nidd. 1,49" top הבראב ירח אוהTS אוחש ; לכ ו ed. Pon)
רעמה idden
.+)222(the(forbcoupling )
ofheter- 211) ) m. same. Arak h.
10° (not יל ....(; 4
1,13 ‘St ודחה םילואדרה אל608. Zack. (corr. ace.; od.
encous animals. Snb. 56" MoS TPB"; Sifra Aharé ron“ לאhers;
emp. -סיִלְבַהא
ar. 9, ch.XIE, Hull.*71 דדלwith reference toforbidden
“OV YT m.(transpor. ofסדר .¥ , ארדהJS ae)
the copulation of birds; לר rots unnatural grotifics-
4. Le © . . >
"EDIT, v. ETH. health than the sin itself. Esth. R. to11 1 (playo1
ahar) םש םירבד ורה. שש ירוהרה קיר sm
הרדופפי.m .pmoc( fo הר--חר, .a נהיפן+ (חַרִתָבִינָה ה
wall-ivy, the leaves of which may be used for bitter NOTIN, הַירחוּרָאch, same. ‘Targ. -
herbs on the Passover night. Pes. 39° (Ms. M.(הררפ' XXIX, 18. Targ. ¥. ib. “XXII, 11; a.e.—Snh.
45° "wy
“ יצ07522.
‘n> take into consideration the possibility of ?שי
pure thoughts (among the spectators); Sot. 8%--
DIN OTN, תויסדרה (COT) + pL, 'ה לנוי הרהורין, חרהורין, .hW .graT .Y .veL ,IV .2 =
a species ‘of domesticated doves (prob. so named from XXXVHL 10; a. fr. %
the manner of their fructification, v. 01997). Hull. XII, 1;
Bets, 25°; Tosef. ib. I, 10; Tosef. Hull, ,א 9 'דרה ed.
Zuck. (Var. .('רדה Hull. 139" 'דרה יתSn. Asn NM דח die 2 1(to conceive in wedi tothinks,‘meditate, p /
' וכone reads hadr., and one reads hard., the one deriv- Ber. III, 4 ובלב “779 thinks (recites the Sh’ma) in hia
ing our w. from Herod, the other from the name of a _heart, +. "A074. Gitt.57> הרתעדב 'רח הבושתhe conceived |
place. the idea of repentance. —2) to be heated, entertain impure
thoughts. Hull.37°םורב אל רּמְרַהְרִה1 allowed no inpa
"הפרה5 ,975( with ר inserted; cmp.(הירדום thoughts to rise in me in day--time; a. fr.—3) (follewed
[removal, isolation,] imprisonment swith a narrow en- by (רחא to disparage, criticise, detract from, Snh, 11
closure of reeds or poles, a punishment for contempt of אחר רבוTIT“ ohw skaeps fo.live sih ,rehcaet ,muN 4
court (v. "7"2). M. Kat. 16° (explain, "winw>, EzraVII, 26). R.8.7 ' הַרְהַרְחּ וכND fi uoht tsesicitirc meht .0₪ .reB %91
Ib. (a version of the Gaonim quoted by Asheri a. l., אל תהַרְהַר אחריו ביוםod ton kniht live fo mih eht yad |
Nr.) 53 ראמ 'ה ר"א אפפ יבצנ לנקדwhatis hardafah? Said after (for he surely repented). Sifré Deut, 307 רֶַהְרַהְל ןיא
R. P., Poles of reeds (fastened in the ground), [In ed. אחר מדותיוuoy tsum ton esicitirc siH sgnilaed htiw ;nam|
a. Mss. the answer to 7‘ ראמis absent.] [Ar. ed. Koh, a. fr.—4) to heat, make sick with fever. Ley. R. ₪ lee 17 ae=
הַרְרּוּפָה.[ (play on ,תובצרח Ps. LXXIIL, 4; v. X77) DOIN אל|
( בחלאיםVar. “mn; Ar.s.y. :בצרח ( 'רערעI did not make |
WS TWN, v. next שי
them hot with 1% Yalk, Ps. 808, ] III, M1,
ET jy EIT m. (Chald. form of ןיֶּנַפוד290) ץצ. 7.) 12
a creeper the berries of which were known to be in-
,רהרה TT ch, same, Targ. Y. Gen. VI, -
jurious to animals. Hull. 111, 5 (58); 70861. ib. 111, 19.--
Targ. Job II, 10 S95; a. fr. 6
Mekh. B’shall., Vayassa 1 (ref. to Ex. XV, 25) 'ח yom / :
it was the trunk of an ivy; Ex.R.s.50; (ib. .א 23 72"); IMAI, צי Kil. I, 27% veep eli
Yalk. ib. 256 לנופררה (corr. 400.(; Tanh, B’shall. 24 "va ‘7
;הרהTanh., ed, Bub., ib. 19.—[Var. ,רנפודרדה v. Koh. Ar. אחונרהm. (v.next w.) profit, opp. 79°O8. M. Kat. 2
8. v.J—Targ. Y. Ex. XV, 25 "JB758.
הרווחה, הרוחה.f .b( גג. (רְנח ;ְהַרוְחָה1) relief,
TROT +. vin, release. “Ex. R. s. “10, end; Tanh., ed. ‘Bub. Vaéra iy
.klaY .xE 681 .pmc( 7200 sa ot noisuf fo 8 שג
הרח (b. h.) to conceive, be with child. Yalk. Ex.168, Mikk. ,10 ;רַסָבַדa.e,—2) plenty, liberal provision; com=
end. Y. B. Kam. VY, 5° top; Bab. ib. 49%. fort. Snh. 21” mb אל אכררצ the word דל is to inti mate
Hof. 5755 to be conceived; *(homilet.) conception, v. a liberal appropriation (for the army). Sifré Deut.4
main. Gen. R. s. 64; Yalk. Job 894 that she would 7 ךיאו ןושל החיתפ אלא ןושלthe word ‘opening’ has the
have said to him, רבג 'הis this a time for conception, gninaem fo ,trofmoc .ppo לשון דוחק, ,hteK 934 למנתף
man? (‘Rashi’), חרל "'חב יכוNIM אל as to his widow he cares not forh
הרחון1, + חיך gnivil ylbatrofmoc morf( reh
legal alimentation) 6.
nwo sgninrae שיל/
ןותרהIT m. wrin-soaked dung, v. ןוהה a. TH , ןייורהTosef. Toh. VIII, 1, v. PAK.
ATW, “WT .ג Cann) 1) thought, meditation, "םירּורהm. pl,חרר) , v. (הַרְֶר heating,
opp. רוב"ד loud recitation. 136.20" "מד ה רוברדכreview- unnatural gratification on a woman's body. Snh
ing in mind (a Biblical passage &c.) is as good as loud > Resp. Gaon. ed. Cassel, p. 110; v. DAA, a TT.
recitation. Sabb. 150* (ref. to 18. LVIII, 13) רוסא “as
' ה' וכgniklat ssenisub( no eht )htabbaS si ,neddibrof
הרְזבונית, 70532, +. ארזְבינית
thinking (planning) is permitted.—2) heated imagination, NB, .+ amare ,11 a. next w.
esp. impure fancies. Ber. 12" הריבע 'הunchaste imagina-
tion, דע זה10018008 fancy. 10108. 13" "5 ומצע ארבמה ופיזרה,+ nn . תגpl. (Rashi) (v.97DT
‘3 who allows sinful fancies to take a hold of him. Zab. of a bitter hoe (not generally used as foood). Pe
11, 2; a, fr—Pl. DAI. Yoma 29* top הריבע "TANI
קל .+ סוחריWe
'כרsinful (obscene) imaginations are more injurious to | .₪ a. 1. note 9). =, agen fi %
מרזיק 567 ner
PITTI )-קמ + (ןקוזרtodomprison. 1.Karn.05” דר ,6 Grp) Billing, Rabi. io’ —Mop. comcution
| 'פו PORT Ar, (ed. PIM) he kept him looked punishment, decapiiation, .או I, 20"
up in a room and foreed him to be idle.
— Jtrt. pass. ” " ריקהsis if she hae been sentenced te death. ¥, Rab
Ned, 01" 3) אתיבב אק 'טFT Ar, (ed. Pos Vil, 24° יח decapitation,vy.לחה Mx. B+ 1. aw fF,
( who was locked up ina room with 5 woman.
סדירהpr. .ות11/0800( (Were), one of118
Se ys Se Geant) 1 ~yguardbonnya gate .yrtwoona .gnaP“ ווMek, ,1 1 .do( .gaL הדירוס
with one door opening to the court and another
Seatac? - ₪. ).א.; PT) comeplion,
coition, Midd, 10”
emp. “YR. Men, 83% Gen, Ki. « 64, ,דת Kam. V, top דדSes the waters!
father (not tep-father);
a.>.-- ₪. Kam. 49° TR PPS wom
- s)reashing,
bathing. Babb, 184° mgr הריוסן¥. .reT ,tX 94+. סד
§e לכ ering hingma rr
the wound of clroumelision. Keth. 6% חריית, +. ren.
Emor 16,
AS WIT +. (239, Hit. 239) doing harm) to wien
הרמוצא.v ְרְמוּצָה8. +. PD. > or others); self-abnegation;vowto injure; v. navn. Sheba
IIT, 5; a. fr. Ag)
, ךימרהqa pr.n. pl. (Be) Harmekh in Babylonia.
Gitt.60 יב ח Ar. (ed. 'ח .( יבM. Kat," 4 ךימרהMs. M. TPT דד +. (2) sounding the trumpet, a certain note
(ed. ךדמה .)3 Zeb.( יב 'ח פל v. Rabb. 12, 8. a. 1. note 6). or signal. Y. R. Hash. IV, 59° bot., v. הטומירט —Cmp. ”
)ינימרּוה( ינימרחpr. n. Harmine (Hurmini), הָיָה, רועה )ee 6
prob. a province of Armenia. Targ. Jer. LI, 27 'רוהed.
גג חר. )רפף, .v )“EH ;gnilbmert ה' פרן,kniw ₪
Lag. a. oth. (h. text "ya). Targ. Am.IV, 3 “nh (ed. Lag. indefinable portion of time. Y.Ber.I,2” bot. תושמשה | ןיב
;'רוהh. text .( הנומרהTarg. Mic. VII,12( 'רוח אתבר Var.
' כדז' עeht emit dellac htohsam’hs-hsah-neb si i yllaer eki|
.90 Lag. 'רוחה( Armenia Major(?).—
a wink of the eye. Ib. top. 10% top; Lam, R. to II, 19;
הרמךv. .0727 v.35. Cant. R. to III, 6 'ע ( 'הבnot >) instantaneously;
a. fr, oy.
= 4
Seana גת. (37, with preform. ,רה cmp. ("קתפרה
appointment to office, authority, royal patent. Targ.Job תפרהpr. n. f. Harafah. Sot. ,42 צץmip". ‘ig
I, 12; Il, 7. Targ. Y. Num, XVII, 11,—Ber. 58* holding
gis אכלמד אלב 'ה without royal appointment. B,
הרפותיא, +. חרִסְפִימָא ה
Mets. 84* xin אכלמד ( 'הMs. R. 2 ('רוה it is a royal ap- הרפיא, +. een.
pointment (which I cannot decline). Hull.57° אכלמד 'ח
אל ועברלwould they not have asked for royal authority? . אינפרהpr. n. pl. Harpania וNev
19. דמלכא הוו נקיטל ' הyeht erew ni noissessop ;.c& .rA( Géogr. p.835; p-352) in Babylonia, a rich industrial town
ed. Koh. the king was among them דובע 'המו אכלמדand with a Jewish population of spurious descent. Yeb. 17
they did it by royal authority). B. Bath. 46°, v. next w.— what a great man, רא ואל 'הד הרתאמ were not 11. his
Trnsf. (emp. m7) office, bureau, esp. Resh Galutha’s native town! Ib. ה , ראמ. צרהSabb. 127% (Ms.M, ,
office. Erub. 59° 'ה 723 ( טושמ יהיכשד ןנברv. Rabb. D. read "328970 Harpanians); 13. Mets, 84° 45 Ms. M.
₪. a. 1. note 300) because scholars are accustomed to- “N287177), v. . אָרְְּקהAb. Zar. 74". Snh. 48" (Ms.M.
meet at the Resh Galutha’s office (Ar, .(אנמרהק ..([ ארנפKidd.> 72 288.0 אינמ"הו. , אינרפהed. onlyהומנלא ,[--
הרמכיא+. .emas .B .htaB 64” ח' בעלמא שויוהthey Denom. הָאְנְפְרִה m. of H. Erub, 59° 6 Rabb. D. 8. a. le
note 90). —Pl. "NIB, v. supra. 4
(the owners) considered it (the transmission of the land
to subtenants) merely an appointment (agency); (Asheri
AM; אנמרה Ar. ; אנמרה v. Rabb. D. 8. 8.1. note 90). 5 fee 0₪ ee 0 עו
, לוגנרהa clerical slip in Ar. ₪. v. naan. limitation. Targ. Job X VILL, 2 (h. text wy3p),-—2) des
reverses, experiences (cmp. 713). Ib, 11, 5 אנמז 'ה%
אָנונרהm. )1 harnoga, name of a bird, one of eight changes of time (h. text לגר ; רדעומcmp. >29).—R. Hash.
about which there is a doubt as to being clean. Hull.62”, ‘1 ודעד לכ רנה 'הall those preordained changest
—2) a ,nroht ץצ. 052538. passed over the standing crop (up to ל 3/
a fly TEST me.ו making amendsfor rob TIOSEAT + (ese, Hf.) 1) early rising, carly morn-
&e. (according to Lev. V, 20—26). Yeb. 47°
f ing hour. Sabb.
86° הלע דבhe went up early im the
“TUM f. ()םוש smoothing, rubbing, finishing by her own, is there any question that she would eventual
8 0861, Kel. B. Mets. IV, 1 ed. (ed. Zuck, (הפטה exchange her own for what belongs to her neighbor
(חַטִיפָה. a. fr, ל
הלפשה.+ (55d) lowering, removal from office. Gen. - PN nny, MA, a... MI 7 /
(od. HERD) Tanי"ל)
Bob, 97
"oer, ד Wer. VII, 12° 7S לכא (sor |] וי (; דדכ
| ] +
3"Ver, וגס מצוהletter ofthe Alphabet. It inter- 4 5, a prefix, and, but; often introdocing & question:
nges wit ,בas NIST a. NST, a. fr.; v. letter3; but, is if indeed
so? Hall. 2° "כו לכו לכה₪ it so that
it 0 wT PRE(os as etter wherever 5257isused,it means dc. ₪. STs אדו ₪
with, and is the equivalent ~ itnot written 8.7; a. fr.
iiss STs ו Giadeogeatts
2 mee ty eres NT), FTV) pen. m. Va, Vah, abbrev. ofxxx Y¥. Ber.
+הודה S: a corer ofPeis dat 111, 64 bot. Ib. 6*top; <.fr. .דק xox IL
Rte SD. Is
In words of foreign deri-
(a) egy ivr
od where
the originals YR, 1, 1). Var, name of the sixth letter of
,@ as 83 forgalearis
80[ = itk the Alphabet Kidd. 30° "כי דראו ךוחכד ןדיצהthe Vav
לname -
in Gahop (Lev. XI, 42) marks the (first)
half of the
of letters in the Pentateach. Ib. Seto.
. דאז
ye 4:*
אסרג 'כוdoes the Vav of gahon belong to the first half 2) (gramm.) emphatic form by nea 0
or to the second?—Gen. R.s.58 Ephron (Gen. XXIII, 16) Ex.R.8.3 'כו ( הכל תראדווstrike out. te gossןוסב
18 spelt רסח ואו without Vav; a. fr.—Y. Shebu, I, 33° ' (רכthe word l’khah (Ex. III, 3) is emp
bot, ררעשו דרו ףיסומ 'כו the Vavin Us’ir(Num. XXVIII, 22) unto thee it belongs), if not thou &c.; Y.Buce.1V,
adds to the preceding subject, i. e. a goat in addition לך יודירה:daer( 1“ )45M eht hahk’V .sP( ,XXXL 3
to ₪0. Kidd.” 66 25‘ םולשד4" the Vav in Shalom (Num. the emphatic form (unto thee as well as anit (.-
XXYV, 12) is curtailed (so that it may be read Shalem, 3) (noun) certainty, undisputed ארצומ---.061] ןוקפס
unblemished). Hull.16°, vy. NFEiX. B.Mets.87; Meg. 16), ™ רדרמ doubt cannot take a case out of the ste
v. mAN3>.—Yoma 45%, a. fr. אל ישרד Y/N) they alo not use certainty. Ab. Zar, 41" כו ןיאוMh קפס רוהhere is.
eht vaV rof ;noitaterpretni .a —.rf .lP ,yar ונר. יצ doubt (the idolatrous character of an object may h ave
Meg.1I,71°top (deriving from ם"דומעה , רווEx.
XX VII, 10) been given up) against a certainty (that it was an ido )
sip Xow that the shape of the Vav in the Penta- and the doubt cannot set aside the certainty. Pes. 9.
hcuet 81 ekil-nmuloc sa( ni ;(כתב אשורית.hnS °22 ,...מח a. fr—3, 'ר (adv.) surely, indeed; in reality. Y. Keth
כו/ םלוו5X as the columns have not changed (their shape), ~v, 294, Gen. R. 8. 98 "2 תדלע ‘thou didst 0
so has not the shape of the Vay. Y. Naz. I, 51" topעד father’s couch (Gen. XLIX, 4) means in reality
ררכזרש 'רhemust utter the Vav conjunctive. Ib, IV, beg. 53" metaphor). Ib. “1 תללח ‘thou didst defile’ (ib.) is to be
™ ןאמ אנאתwho 18 it that says the Vay must be utter- taken literally. Pes. 1. 6. "רשעמ 'רדfor it is sure bat
ed?; . צץKidd. 11, 62"; a. as they separate the tithes. Gen. R, 8/55 “3 ותוא [הסנ%
tried him in the true sense of the word (gave him time)
"Nias; ד. mh. ₪6
j ואלהNNW ' רVelieh Sh’moth (and these are the TT, Pin, Hithpa. ,הדו v. מסזמ26--.הָדְר רופרו.
names of’), name of the second Book of Moses, Exodus.
Gen. R. 8. 3; Yalk. ib. 4. וודי, Vv. ONS.
“ON| f. ,)לאו emp.b. h. 53 a, S355) propriety. 'ר אל ודי, .aP ודל, .fA ,x“ .v רדר, :
it is unbecoming. Ned. 8" 'כו ארשרמל4 אלAr, (ed. ,ירש , ןיכדוTosef. Dem. I, 27, Var. ed. Zuck., v. pT
Var. "8"; Nahm. (רלאר it is unbecoming (for a pupil) to
absolve from a vow in a place where his teacher lives. ,TY ,)TY +. 902, ודע
Contr. >".
NYT), Y. Bice. 111, 65° bot., v. 83S.
728), ONT pr. n. "Vanay, name of a river or
ווהpr. n. m,, v. Rt.
2 in Babylonia. Kidd. 71" xi רחנ Ar. (ed. DN); |
. ib. IV, 65% top ;ללכאוו . צץYeb. 1, 3? top “Nn. Gen. TI, ( ווהF771) (interj.; emp. b. h, FH, (חַאָה«
. 8. 16 "4 רחנ ( תרבע)אAr. (ed. only (ארהנ at the ford
0% an exclamation of pleasure; ah! &c., cond
of &. [Erub. 28" xi תיב Ms. M., v. "25 8.[ [‘Nahr-
to i (woe!). Lam. R. to I, 5 ררמא המ תרמא רוו רמא הו
Avan, a canal east of the Tigris’, Neub. Géogr. p, 324.—
(Ar, "&1) why 01086 thou exclaim, Vay (woe!)? Said he
‘Nahrvan in Irak Arabi’, Koh. Ar. Compl. s. .צץ [,"נאו
I said Vah. Ib. 'כו הול 972 between Vay and Vah R.
NOTIN, +. gprs I. Joh. escaped.—Pesik. Asser, p. 97" הו הלחת םה םירמוא
ולבסום הם אומרים ורta tsrif no( gniretne eht toh
, אברMidr. Till. to Ps. XVI, v. NB. again the cold place) they say Vah (how pleasant!), bu
finally they say Vay (woe!); Tanh. R’eh 13 ;הוה Tar h
, אביבהLam. 3. to I, 5, v. "2.3. ed. Bub., ib. 10; Yalk. Deut. 892; (diff. versions: Y. Sn:
, יחונוYalk. Gen, 150, v. Noir, X, 29" bot.; Yalk. Ps. 737). Pesik. 1. 6. (play on ₪
Ps. XL, 3) 4 הוו םירמואש םוקממ (not (רמואש from th
ANT f., pl. Tins (v. next w.) certainties. B. Mets. 83" place where they (the wicked) say Vah and (then) V
שלכם7 cases in which you act on ascertained facts, Tanh. 60. Bub. 1. 6. "55 ;הו Tanh. 1. 0. (corr. ace.); Ya
, ידוו יאדוm, , תיאדוTT (ANT) + or Deut.1.c. לוו ;( רהdiffer. vers. in Yalk. Ps. 1.0. a. Yi.
)1 well-known,ל distinct, real. Ber. 33° mt (vy. דרm. 1) (b. h.) hook.—Pl. . ויBx. RB. s. ו
Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note) Thou, the known one!—<Arakh. )2 the letter Vav.—P. Pw, PN; veוא"ו ,
I, 1 “ רכזa person distinctly male, הבקנ תראדו distinctly
female (no hermaphrodite &c.). Yoma VIII, 8, a. fr. 1 ch. same.— PI, 933, .אָלַוְר Targ. Ex. X
ו, םשאv. DUN.—Sabb. ,15 7 'רהthat which undoubtedly Ib. XXVII, 10; a. fr,
requires the ‘separation of the tithes, opp. "N25.—Y. Bets. “issn, Y.8nh.X,29! top ל''אוו and he
,1 >60 jn3%3, FMT where there is no doubt about it,
opp. ,הקרפס וקיפס Kidd. IV, 5 )"74( ןֶאהְוthe sure cases TH, Tosef, Kil. 111, 15 Var. ed. 206%
among them.—Num. R. 8. 2, end הליכא היידוו Ar. ed.
Koh. (ed. תיראדו( the eating (in Ex. XXIV, 11) was a TTT, 47. six, orm, v.77.
real one (physical refreshment, no metaphor); a.v.fr.— TIM, 4f. ,רחוא som; Pa. oom,
+ ame.
וטוּב ויק
"רמזב, כ"ב.mi(9002) אאgratification. ה | 306 901. Meth, S נכלליןthey were rolled
.ה)61,6 Sm כ
םיטו. דק תוטישAr, (read 42°33) until hisgratifiestion
dice |
up וס dhsטו Before the art of the Law; « fr-
Sep. Vilem (ortain), the lowest of the sven heavens.
out; [Ar.: membrum virile; Mal, G'dol. ‘osm, +. Perl.
at. p, 05 resto} Chald, form, (Hashi: reper
| Mag. 12”, .הוו ר ןאוח לנלכסרMe. M. (ed. Shes" roe,
one of which ie « glow) the Cartain ie rolled op (ome
dnd well ia it with him, in which ease it must read
apart), — 11 ray, B. Bath, 1V, 6 (47") רח האMick. a.
| | ימה תוטישv. Ar. ₪ ¥. MU),
א.א. (Nab, ed, Pads, ¥.ed, (תדינלדב the curtains belong:
,MO ד. וס ing to the bath-house. 1b. 67° רח רבthe room in =
the curtaine
are kept. Tosef.
ib, 11, 1 [read:) רח אל הא
ה ריm. be a oh,) 1 )אא oh! woe! reason תא יואלסיוה אלו )תא אלוVar. תראסלהוה bein:
» .vorP ,111 02 ,de ,liW ,de( ,gaL וְיָאFo ייָא.- a copyiet’s טק tautography).—Chald, p> אהלי
.graT‘ .sP ,XXO 5;ה. .neGf 62.5.1 לא ישלת ווי טפוטך Targ,
Ps OV, 28 . דוק¥.Me. גצצוופ
6 word woe shall never cease from thy lips. Ih. "יי (ed. Amat. "יל ; Yo s, read: set, ib. XXXVII1,9
| ה קלsonnetnoc ,bA ואל. | "וו . 1 ;21 41 %97 .rroo( ).een .hB 51 ליד
" ר לד שהoow ot eihteno ,)aneM( nehw eno.taht | רילירילאו, ו,ז
rtsnoc wP ,hf צאאא71 sdeP ,rroo( ).roa
) shall rise, Meg. 16* 'כו דדו אתרבטwoe from in-
Targ. Y. Nom, 111, 26 rer,
side, woe from outside! Ib. 11° (play on ,ישע Beth. 1,1)
ויי וחיר הדא ול,sM( .M ' ;ודד תוח טח וכ.+ .bbaR .2א. .a ETS,
. Hote, .ה marg. note in ed.) woe and grief, ae it וי
ritten 6. ; .ה fr-—2) the preformative
ריin the Lorper- הרט ויכון, .+ "7
pot with Vay Conversive.—J¥,
1%), Binh. 70" ורטאנ
5 2°
ביthirteen times do we read ray (woe) in the chapter
BAT), FMA ()'?לדר .= .( וdenen,
of § or
Fr) woe-makers, & word coined in opposition te Sn
out wine (Gen. IX, 20 to 94); Gen, RB, = 56 חב ביחכ
ו ataainda bythe a etsyonSr
י"ר% fourteen times ₪0. (ib, 20 to 25).
Pesik. Abare, p.170° 'כו דדו הדיח ולא ןואדכש "ללאoro דרק
hada biens (Ar. התכררדהמ corr, ace.) called them (the belli, Pe.
LXXV, 5) rayyenaya, those who bring oflay (wor)
| Vaydabber (and he spoke), name of the Fourth ןאLev.
B. s. 17 אינה (eorr. ace; tb.« 20 (איללא
₪ ה Numbers. Gen. R.«. 645 “Bd, 1%. TSP Tanh. Abjire 2 אידה PH od. prince. (later of. דו PoE
אה divided
the Book of Nambers into three הוללים, corr. ace.); Tank, od. Mab, ih. 3 ort; Valk.
' .klaY .neG 4 7 ספר.neG(.R+.3 בְמֶרְפָר Lev, 524 הרר ( רוcorr. ace); Valk.
Ps. 511 sores, scree
(corr. ace.).
SAT) m.ery confession ofsin,prayer forpardon
Yoma V (IV), 14; Yoma 87° 'כו ברק4 תוצמthe "7, +. Om sub .סו
time for confession (on the entrance of the Day
) ia ₪0. Ib, רב Sore and closes the bene-
DO", +. see.
with an allusion to confession (forgiveness). Y. ויסלאות, v. 7.
₪. VI, 43° Sooo othe confession (by the Highpriest,
ev. XVI, 21) is indispensible for the legality of the act. מז וישוּד. ) ; יְכָד.pme )tS ecalp fo חש, קה-
VI, 2 TeT™ his (Achan's) confession; a. fr.—Pl = ment — 11. ya. Lam. B.toll, 15; Pesik. Nah, p. 125°
1 yor™, PA. Sheba. 14° 9 ירת (Ma. PF. רכש םכב דתדעיו ר ss how many appointments did | arrange
shi “2™) two confessions (Lev. XVI, 6 a. 11). with you (Tabernacle, Temple &c.)!
+איה FETT מ. (me) the retailer's customary addition to
exact measure. Ned. 32°; B. Bath.57°, ae. רדכא ~ ילרפא
₪ =
" רכif one forswears himeelf any benefit from his neich-
bor, he dare not even accept the customary addition be.
college, Deth-ham- Midrash, ¥. ,אן | = רחסשל וFPS WS TS che opine rel material holding it ap to
תרבלto-morrow, when I come to college be. ¥. Mace. | |ו ו (te make it look brigtt; Tore’), (Maiew: she
* bot, 1S BOSE you met provide
₪ 30% opine inthe street “8 with © rome bn teor besir, Kash) (whe
for him, Bot. ,1% 15)40%( 'כוrere 'ב the school| 0 reed TP MF, FR): with the 006 in front of
will be used for . Con ee 1; ate | her body, Lae ehe opie its the 90 im 20 0
»! Pes theTemple, ¥. Nex. Vill, oT*bot... your( שלא position)
טבית תי90 אהton ot kcol tuo ecnatneper morf eht |
( fair, publie games, Wail, 127";
> .דיכא
if |) Oh. eames '\ יב ( )תיבcollege. Y. Mer. 11,9 bot.
| ו.
119 1) rote, Targ 001.
וידBe, ווצצא. 24 Av, +. BES
ו,IIV ,geb °73 ' MG מחר לכבוש סך₪ ווrop
Meg: 1,14 יב רובלletwshavesoot; a,
fr 111104 to ee roses for prosenvinng it Use thalbeatinal yas’
9%. 199° ור אתרקלי אל"לכyouth ic a wrest of rome
7 f, (proced, wie.) appointment, designation of 0006 68" (st NET geen 9-5 white rose (on Momo
me inanspensibility, צץ Yoma Vi,40" bot, תב * בותכש whose leaves ate all on ome tide, Ti.Math.
69% vary
,וכMIME קטש ורכרטבתילfrom anappolntinent (ofthine / en, .ירי Tang. Cant. V1.2. 5 ו1\ר.ה--.ג, Bath oe
in @ biblionl law whore the word is ited, רהלפא אבר חר רנ"ל.eM(LET ( שור..-eeb eet( )nee אק
pean derive nothing (for other actions), Ih, [read:) the סוטgarden ofParadive. Ab. Zar, 02°" יב.. . . 2°"
טיו בר הייח קיים בפרSP ואטר ליח רביdna eh dias Ma, .א (ed, (אדרידב sented ap to bie neck in roses
, ות. bar (1. applied the designation of time, i.«. 2) rese-color.—Hull.
46° bot, ‘st יור אנותלבse" and
© ruleofiueuspensibility, even totheoffering ofthe thy sign-word (for retmembering which of the two mom:
branes of the lunge ie of vital import) ie, the ץ
vy, (precious) shirt, in which the lange lie (\.6. the interior
membrane).—-3) יור ןאתינינלקthe litth rene-lebe, ₪4 of
| רקm. (and something bewvides,) addition, increase. an additional
lobe of the lange found with )ה of
ו *4 rss how much is that ‘and something’t— | the steppes (pT). Th, 47* bor.
:₪ לadditions, 1b, רברדיכו9 רירbring along the || = ו הקירא Se
|. SSS Me. Mo a. Rashi (ed, "בר תוידוכו לש
- wT, 1, + sgt זז
> orm ame en ey with addition, large ורדימס, וד = מ. ו. 8) קדו.
Men. Vil, 2 )79*( ו חשש תונורשק = ו ,semidraV ,samidraV .deN ,"1# .> "811
\ 00. (Mish, ,ןיודכי read: ןידוכר ; +. Rabb. 2. 8.a.1, 95 חדינV. ₪ Menahem (etymolory
fr. 7"). — ₪
. sixtenths (ofanBpha),large אאא תור ) Emor Par. 10, ch. 4111 .סשידרדיא Y. Sheet.
VIE, :+* top
וי nat
1 Tor Me Me, .א(ed. ey, Ni/, +. eupia) hie life רה me.(preced. wils.; alsoinChald. diction) liberal,
benevolent, indulgent. tub. 102" ror...
* wae very
be let loose i. ©, shall be outlawed; Ar,od. Koh,
liberal (eupporting scholars). ¥. Bot.V, end. 20% (ref. to
ךורמנתי: (v, Rabb. D, 6. a. 1. note); Tank. Ki
his bowels
₪6 ¥. next w.) Job 1, 1) Pom ר he Gob) was liberal; תילר אוח יכיר ors
but if one ie not liberal, may be mot be virteous (eheun-
ning evil)t; but it meane forgiving06 ,¥ --, "יNem.
+1 4 1 . > ה,6 beg. St TTS ארה ר be lenient in thy house (be
not angry when anything gets broken be), ¥,Oit1.1V, 45
bot. * scart “Ste if I were not lenient. — ep. lax im the
of justice, Ni, Kam. 00°; ¥, Bete.1, end, oz’,
a fr, v. preced FI. S77. Gen. M0. 8 (reads).
| ר החדni eht esuoh fo maharbA yeht erew -traeb-dnik
Fem, rere.
= ¥. Ab. Zar, 1, beg. OY (they said) ול
ר הראeht nehtaeh ytied ci tneloveneb gniniatretne( eht
| worshippers).
= 1 Zayin, the seventh letter of the Alphabet; it inter- 15. ₪; 3%) 1) feint. Y. Kidd. 1, 61°
changes with 5, q. ¥.; with 3, as רהו . א, רחצTT a til, שרשמ ₪ v.—2) ome afflicted
. צרח6; with Da. ©, as רוז.₪, רוסthe a. סלע .₪ ד₪ | with gonorrhaa. Zab. 1. 5 ss זב₪ real sobh (subject
formative (Pualer=Pales),
as ,אזרפשוא זילטא₪6. to all the laws ig Lev. XV, 1—15; 19--24(. Ib. V, 6; =.
. ”
v. fr.— Fl. OS, 7st; 5 תדכנ Bifra Meteora, Zabim,
1 SNF m. 5. wolf, B. Mots, VII, 9 'כו ד דחאthe Par. 1 דכ ( סראטסמnot (דב they make unclean like Ie-
' by one wolf is not considered an accident reliev- raclitish zabim; Nidd. 34° "כו ; דחרש דכ₪ . ד0. (Babb.
Ing from responsibility; a. fr.— 11. םיִבָאְז,ost. 1% 110* Pats, v. .ביז --22000, name of ₪ treation of the
משלתת דswor ta a emit nehw sevlow era gnimoc htrof Mishnah
a. Tosefia, and of « section of the Sifra to
in hordes, +. תַחָלְשִסָנ ¥. Shebi. IV, 35" top; +. Ter. XJ, Metsora.
end, 48>, Esth. R. to IX, 2, +. MOSD; a fr.—Fem. moet.
Till. to Ps, ,א 13 א תנטרז דת 'כוshe-wolf was דבז.₪ א7t) topresent with, outfit. Targ.
pre for them who gave them suck; +, ;סוטיר
ib. XXX, 20 (some ed. >, corr. acc.)
to XVI, 14 7 םתל room and Thou didst provide &c.; .
ַבְדָא+ oe
RINT mn.(reduplic. of m=z, v. 2 a.2121) foliage, ,YAN +. יד
spray; young twigs. Targ. Job XIV, 9; a.e—Sabb.
(expl. לבב לשcrx) 7 dry twigs and leaves used as fael. / 1 pr.n.m, Zabday, 1) name of an Amora Z. ber
28°; (Kerith.5* x75). Y. Dent. VII, beg. 26°.
v. coz. ד. .bA .raZ 111, 24* בר לוואר17; .neG ₪. 26.5 זבדר
ו י
לוד33; .a (2--.₪ .Y .reB ,111 6 .tob אבא בר זבדא. .bI ילקב
TS! בר.
] אלpass around. Targ.Job
א א8
בְדִיָה ).b.@( זו. .m.n ,haidabeZ eman fo na .aromA
0. Wil. at, Lev, רארז read “St, part.; Ms. 7; h, text
> Y. Ber. 6* bot.—[¥.
Sot. 1, 16%, +. =.)
IDF m. (b. ;.ג ( בבזfly. Sabb. 191" םירצמ ץראבש7 *אָנְובַזm., pl.רנזב[. )1 (reduplication ofזג %
the Egyptian fly Genie sting is dangerous). Tosef. Sot. for inserted 3, v. (ַןֶנְלב nest, brood, hatch. גז t 280in|
By 0
V,9; Gitt.90%. Pesik.Zakhor, .כ "26 ( 'זל אוהש 'כוAmalek aee song) Fone היִגְזְבִזִא אנחא ארגת
resembles) the fly which is greedy for a 8016; |8. fr.—
1%. paint, 771331. Y. Sabb. XIV, beg. 14"; Tosef. ib. XII
(XID), 4. ."או 77% ( יז לש רלעב יכוnot (לבובז flies which (or) our 0 the merchants, will be judged by tl +
sucked from those afflicted with gonorrhea (carrying broods (allusion to Jer. XVII,11). [En Yakob reads ררגת ..
contagion); a. fr. “ מרבדקרי2AIN7 our (departed) brethren are mercha ,
who (on crossing the frontier of life) are searche 4
“NID m. lizard.— Pl, "33%. Nida. 568 אזוחמד ='ז goods. -- 18. M. 2 'כו רקוזאדwho are searched for the
(Ar. זבזגרMus.: "3535, prob. clerical error) (skeletons wine bags they carry, v. 8P"} 11 a. Pt.J—2) v. Pa 3 3
of) lizards of Mahuza. i ו
NID) m. ()ןבז purchase. Targ. .צץ 11 Deut. XVIII, 8 ובוpr. .ד.ת Z’bid, name of several 0 1
בר זְבּנֶיהtaht hcihw eh .thguob ,iP .TARP htuR .R ot Ber. 460, a. fr. (Z. bar Levi).—Ib, 38°.—Ab. Zar. 56%-- |
17 (sect. 3) 'ז ןבזhe made his purchases.—V. אָניִבְז Y. Sabb. I, 3°, v. next w. ,
5 oe
ily בו.+ )זבר, cmp. א צבר. osla ) (ַרְבּּבָית1 a -pecer
tacle for drippings fastened (or belonging) to the bottom
733 or 75, y. .בוז
of a vessel, saucer. Miky. X, 71 ‘1 אלב if the vessel to זַבּילָא.m .v( ;}3D .ryS ,dN 'זכב, 2. Sm. ;4701
be immersed has no saucer (a rim at the bottom, wider a basket (or book-chest) ofpalm leaves. Pl,bgt. I
than the belly of the vessel and which forces the water 'ז ישמוחדreceptacles for Pentateuch copies;‘ale
into the latter); (Var. ma, M3, ya"). [Rabad casing.] RS
to Maim. Miky. 111, 12 reads תיִבּוּבְרז 6. v.].—2) doapest 2 See
200%. (oth. ed. j"31; some ed. ,ךרמוז corr. acc.) the grape (when seats are improvised). Snh. a5? הרלפ. he leaned
vine (clusters) and the pomace which have been treated on him. [Tanh. Ki Thetsé 6, a, 6. ,לגזמל ve] [arg |
in cleanness. Sabb. IV,1.—Naz.l.c. ja1 Mish. (Y. ed. 9733, Y. Deut. X, 22 רגזמל ed. pr., v. [.לְָסִמ ו 7 :
Bab. ed. 31; Tosef. ib. IV, 2 אכז ed. Zuck., Var, 31) the Af. "33% to lay down. Sabb, 119° top AN Nays אל0
husk (or the interior) of one berry.—2) bell, v. 35. some ed. 823747 Pa.) I do not rest my head upon my =
pillow before &e. .uae 0
NIJ ch. same, 1) husk or kernel and flesh of one
‘berry, y. preced.— PI. 771. Targ. Y. Num. VI, 4 ןיאווג 'ז TH m. (v. preced., emp. (דקרפא in a brooding p
‘55 the interior zaggin, v. preced.—2) bell, Targ. O. Ex. tion. Hull. 62” לרכאו( ודרמ'זRashi 42) mardu ng
XXVIII, 34; ₪.6.--17. Frat, N75, "Bt. 10.98 ; XX XIX, 25.— and eating (name of a bird, prob. an adaptation of 3
Nidd. 17% 'כו שקרקמ רגזmade the bells of his curtains foreign word), contrad. to לרכאו 30 kneeling downa
ring; [Ar. "38 כמ chased the lies, v. 714m]. eating (like a bird of prey). [R. Gerson Ms. to Hull: 1
מרדו מזרג, gnivael tuo א;כיל.rA .de .hoK ,111 .₪ ).918
Ni 0 Vv. “AT.
8. 19 'ז ותונח לשa glass-dealer’s shop. Ib. 8. 25; a. fr.— 33, Vv. at. . ‘
Pl, y733t. Kel. XXIV,8 1 כש זדטמthe frame used by the
glass-makers to put their ware on. 13. Kam. 31°, . ,לאגונגז ve DAMIR. -
Naas ch, same, Pl, Ntani. Y. Ab. Zar. 11, 40° bot. NFA or NOW 1. ()רגז 1) a clucking hen. Bekh, ‘gh, 3
ז' לא אלפוןeht -ssalg srekam- did ton hcaet rieht tra B. Mets. 86°, v. אָיֶנְסּב (2-- לע אהחרפא1 (the clucking hen 1
over her chickens,) the Pleiades. Targ. Job XXXVIM, 32 —
DATA, ) ד07453( מו. (contr. of גזa.דג fr. 973, (Ar. 06. pr. אחנב 52). #8
cmp. גדודאjuvenis celebs, P. Sm. 652) unmatched; esp.
one with an unequal pair of eyes or eye-brows. Bekh. דזm. (bs h.; דוז( wicked.—Pl. .°2 Tanh. Korah 12 =
VII, 3 סדגוז Mish. (v. infra; Talm. ed. 43" ,(ןדגז 10. 44* “hn תכרב the additional (twelfth) section of the Prayer
/ זגדום אחד שחור וכ81.2 eno ohw sah eno kcalb dna eno of Benedictions, also called 'ב םיקודצה or , םינימהv. 777.
white eye-brow; הרל 'ז ררק. . . . לכ אגוזany unequal
pair is called 2. Ib. 'כו "וחמsoa (ch, form of our w.); a) m. (preced.) violent man.— Pl, 972571. Der. Er.
Tosef.ib. V, 2, sq. סררגס (read: םּודְגס Safel of .(דדג Sifra ch, II, beg.
Emor ch. II, Par. 3 סודגז (read ם . . . .(. [Ar. 07533, in-
fluenced by the etymol.: 351, and [.6--סוד Th m . (b. h.; (דוז premeditated, conscious sin, opp.
maa. “Ab. IV, is a scholars aevoe oe “bi =
NTA, v. preced. is accounted for a wilful wrong. Ker. 25", a. fr. רבד|
שזָדונר כרתa nis hcihw fi yllufliw ,dettimmoc si dehsinup —
NOM, NMI 1. ,)גכז v. 381) glass, crystal; glass- with extinction; Sabb. 69* 'כו םיבייחש לע 'ז, רבדIb.=
ware. Targ. Job XXVIII, 18 (in one version); a.e. Targ. בזדון שבתnehweh si ylluf suoicsnoc taht sihtsi htabbaS|
11 Esth. 1, 2 (3) 'גוז תרבglass-house,—Ber. 31% 'גוגזד "OS day (whereon certain labors are forbidden); 8. fr.fr.— Pl.
Ar. ed. Koh. (ed. אתרויח 'גוזדNOD, v. Rabb. D. §. a. 1. זֶדונות.B, Mets. 88" 'זכ.. . תוגגששto whom errors are _
note 10) cups (a cup) of (white) glass; Yalk. Ps. 881. accounted &¢.—Yoma 364; @, fr. 4
Hull. 84" 'כו ( אתוגרזבcorr. acc.) it means white glass
(crystal). Gitt. 68" ,'גוז [Pes. 74" ארולח אָפּזזכAr. a. Ms. WD) ch, same. Targ. 0. Deut. XXIX, 17.—FPl. a
O. like white glass; ed. [,אזוז passions, Targ, Ps. XIX, 14 Ms. (ed. X523°4, ודרמה v.
ASA} (Pilp. of בכ v. 331) to clarify. Y. Nidd. II, 50%
top "גזגזמו ( אוהש ןותמTosef. ib. IV, 11 ךזכזמו 74; Bab. NITT, NAT f. (preced.) haughtiness, vic
ib. 25 (חצהצמ oil is cohesive and clarifies. ? Targ. Hab. I, 3. Targ. Prov. XI, 2 Ms, (ed. ל
SNA pr. n,m. (v. preced.) Zagzagel (Divine Clear- אָתְונודָזv. next w
Day} Hull.
27° (play on ,זיוחבוו .ו XU, 91) סוקשמ . ווsense) fo join in bottle, 604. Wa. BR. w 1;
ste from where (the bicod) will fow (ihe juguler החד. Gh'moth 5 כו FTI אדב come and bet we plow
veins), there break (ite life), ¥, PE, =) --+- ב how (0 getat that mation. Lev. B.« || שלש
' יכthree enemies stiacked וו jointly. Ib. > םידרברב ואב
בוזim. ) hej preced.) flux, gonorrhea, prolonged % barbarians attacked him; Beth. U.introd.; ». fr. —2) te
menstruation, Nidd." 45 הסירtthe fus (of the gonorrhes) he wedded. Cant. וס 1,4 (Ps); Pesdk., fos, p 147° oes
resemblesdo, Ib, הרלוי דב one giving birth while suffer- Si םתנוו TNS 2 you have beew married with fertivities
ing with flux; . אfr.—Men, 64" ras" אשש דב perhaps
ehs saw ni regnad morf 4 ereves ,egahrromeh + "בי גיזch, Pa. om, ,2 עו .ומ bo join, couple be.
א. AS". Targ. ¥. Deut. XVI, .לו Tare. Me LXV, 7, Tare.ד
וDeut, AXXI1, 7; 2.¢-—P ert, pase. Pere Joined. 1
בוזor NS oh, same, Babb, 110" (in an incantation) . וMu. RXV, 24 . )הtent Soom), וש 1 [ו. Nem. Vii, 3
Tso SP (Me.M. a. some od, TSS) rise (be cured) MTS with teame and harness (bh. tent(צ -
from thy flux, Tipe, POH as proved. Hithpa. Tang. ¥. Dew. V, 27,
a. © —Targ. ¥. Ba. XXI, 19 (h. tent (הרצ |= >
ב .( הוdenom, of 331) fhe beg which contains «
e animal's membrum, Nekh.
V1, 5, expl, ib, 29" on גיז.) ו35%( bell, the body of the bell, comtrad. woכינבל
אלו 'כוthe bag but not the organ itself; Tosef. ib, IV,6. clapper. Nas. VI, | moms( דב לש 20g means the shell)
like the bell of an animal; ךיצרהה ד 'כי the outer part ix
Pi, 2971,
21 1) to join, couple,
match; to adjust, called 20g, the inner iniol. Habb. V, 4. Tosef. Kel. ₪
. Kil,V, 11 םיאלכה תאsere he who harnesses Mets.1,13 ד לש לר door-bell, Tosef. Habb.( ל V1),7,a;
together two animals; B Mets, 90" tom Babb, 68°, oq,; .הfr— PL pom, TH. Tost Kel Leהמשה
$23. Y. 06. 111, 444 bot. sere ךסצק קנהbat supposed וכיtS‘ eh ohw snetsaf elleb ה כו.ratrom .bI 41 7 הפקת
that one matched it, |. « found a letter of divorce just יכוthe rule concerning
belle bc. Y. Gitt. 111, 45° top ™
containing the names of the persons under consideration bells (among the appurtenances of siege, +. S°S7S 11),
(though not written for that special transaction). Ib. . דץKeth. ,11 *26 ( ןינודcorr. ace.). Tosef.Le (reads)אבר
כרון שארנו טצוי לזָווג אפר ד כטר שלא דecnis tisios erar "ל דכש ד דחא תלרל 'כוree ךכראל if one says to the 12008.
to find such a matching combination, even if one did, Make for me two bells, one for ₪ door &c.; 1. Git.
we consider it as if he had not done it, 1. 6. such rare III, 44° top (corr. ace.); ₪. fr. (Te grope-ahelle, v. 2.)
are not taken into consideration. Y. Shek.
bot. םויח דש ותוא. . עגהsupposed somebody produced זרג.m )%3( )1 ,elpmoc ,riap .4 .’erE1,X 14 מכניסך
הticket with the mark of the same day of the week !— he must bring them in, ome set at a time(on bis head and
16. 'בו ( רפא גיוזלread as above: 'כו וניאש.( ןויכ. צץ.א arm). Snob. 12° (in ה secret letter) ד אב 'כי ₪ couple (of
Kat. 1,end, 80% bot, תוירטואה תאoars one who knots scholars or messengers of Jewish authorities) came from
the fringes two by two (instead of making א regular Rakkath (Tiberias), and the eagle (Rome) caught them ;
network).—Y. Shek. V, 48" bot. תילרתפה תאsry (Bad. a. fr.—*t 53 partner, equal, match, counterpart. Gist. #0”
ed, 3875) he adjusted the length of the wicks (to the יכו4st הז ךב PR this (second husband) is not the equal
length of the time they had to burn); +. Yoma II, 9" of the first husband (is morally inferior). Gen. BR. = 11
bot.—Exsp. 2) fo join in wedlock, towed. Bot, 2°P2"TS TR ןראש ול ךןב דit (the seventh day) has no match (the week
לד לאדם רכa efiwsi detceles ni( )nevaeh rof hcae nam -ca having three couples of days and one single day). Ib.
cording to his deserts. Ib. כו 371d PSP to wed couples Te" ר"כ ארה ןב the congregation of lerael be thy match.
is as difficultas the ‘splitting
of the Red Sea, Gen. R. ib. 7 ד53 תושחב שי ולthe B’bemoth has ₪ partecr
8 68; Lev. R. 8.8, beg. SIO" כוזב He joins couples, si( detaerc elam dna )elamef .iP— .mor .bI איך לח בך
decrees who should be married to whom. Ib. תלוכי
=x ( דfor
3% , רכבcmp. 37S) have po partners (females).
" וכSpee 1 can couple them in one hour, 1%. הלילב ןכווז Deut. R. ₪ 2 ץראו ד 'כוSSS heaven and earth are
za (reed: FRM); a. fr—3) fo join in a hostile sense, to ,selpuoc nus dna noom era selpuoc .seP—.c& °011 יש בד
attack, Cant. R.to LIT, 6,+. 335.—4) fo match in misery, םישמדדthe apprehension of danger from even numbers
ipicontfert ‘Gy‘pointing. cut-a siviller ease-(omp. Lam. appliesto it, v. x5%; a.fr—Esp. Zugoth,the two chiefs
18), Pesik. R. 5. 30 5) חב( גוודזמread חל ss) He | (Nasi and Ab Beth Din) of the Sapreme Court since its
shows her (the country) a fellow-sufferer
to comfort her. reorganization
after Simon the Just (v. Ab. I, 2; 4, #9.)
pb. 'כו( גיודזכ הל הירדנסכלאcorr. ace.) he pointed out to Naz. 56°; Peah 11, 6. ¥. Sot. IX, 24* top 'כולכו דה ודה
t Alexand-ia, 15. הל “nm לאוי אבJoel came and com- were all the Zugoth no accomplished scholars? Ib. לכ
ed her (by pointing to the Lord's sympathy). הז' שעמדו.fesoT( .₪ .maK ,lliV 31 (האשכולות. .bI ;tob
Hithpa. 23717, Nithpa, 333712 1) tobejoined; tojoin, Y. Maas. Sh. V, end, 56% 'ד oom he (John Hyrcan) ap-
| pointed double sets of guards.—2) (pir of) scissors.
4. ¥.Yoma VI,43° top ar ולsyste that the other
ook must be joined to him (they must belong to the Kel. XIN. 1 םירעכ ד לשbarbers’ scissors. Neg. IV, 4;
couple). -‘Snh.V, 5 )40*( 'כו Mot Poss they met Nidd. VI, 12; a. fr.
in couples (for consultation). Y. Taan. I, 64*top (ref. to a, at m.(preced.) marriage. Sot. 2°; Gitt. 90" >
is. XXI, 11, play on “Sy) 'כו “ ןכראט 'דכ ילSN whence did | ראשהןin first marriage; Suh 22* 7. Yalk. Jad. 70, .ד
ny God join me again? From Seir (Rome); a.fr.—2) (in | rt.
ar 384
or modified, Gitt, 28* 'כו ךאכמ 1 TH TL shall not leave וז הוזor PUTT .=. חח אcmp. )%2 fo beאש ,
this spot aptil80. Tanh, Matt, 6; Num, 11. =.22, end, | more-—Part. faint-hearted, distracted. Keath. 69" ;4.
>. (play on St coins) 'כו ש םיֶזְזthey leave the one and . t a K ; " 6 2 . k l a V .mA 545, +. 57 ו.
are given to the other; a +. fr.
Hif. היחof tm to remove, to cause tomove, te force
one to yield to others’ opinions. Wall. ?* ודא Tres ךרא
* Hif. rm to move, shake; toremove. 111,
17ךיא (with ref. to Mr, .א XXVIII,
24) we do wot make bien
they cannot move it (the tree) from its place; give uphis opinion ; + הדו .—Keth. 10° rts mots (or rors)
או ee eB 0 לוכי ןיא התא the altar removes
(evil decrees).
TH thou canst not remove thy love from them.
eB to ו ove Terry Tw bewillwotgive | PISch. 1) =>. Tary. ¥. Deut. XX, 5 (0. 2% .א
&e.; a. fr. text .(ךדי Targ. Job VIII, 14.—*2) (act. werd)
fo remonr,
ויוConan ו ( כTHW .¥ .ת3וa turn awey. Targ.
Y. Nom. 1V,1% (prot
to be read:
| וייחAL.
ו Targ. Y. Num, XIV, 44. Af. 08 to couse totremble. Targ. 26.1,,23 (ol Lag.
Af. TU toshake. Hall, 38* “PR “HR the shaking of רק+.ז2).
_theears(asa symptom ofvitality). ort, NATH mm.(oem creeper, worm. .דק
ST IL m. (mr, +. (התז[the glittering,
emp. Num. 331, 35.—Tanh. Ki ,דרו9, v. אלחו .--FL ךילחיו
אסרראke.)28 1( leercoin,onefourthofa Shekel, Targ. Mic. VII, 17 (ed. Lag. a oth. Sm); ae. .ייse.
my. Keth. I, 5; a. fr.— Pl. oom, pm. Nam.
R. = 22, CF or OF m. (on, emp. בנה MS) 1) 6 catch, 6
‘end, ace, v. MI; a.fr.—2)
aweight, Ter.X,
8;Tosef. ib. receptacle for catch im the fisher’s wet; the solid
,וא 1 (Var. 7%); Y. ib. ," א47 top --. ןיז.17 orm. Tosef. web of the net-work, Kel. 3111, 5 ot Bo אטס oT
.eL .de ;.kcuS ¥.1. 6 זי Ar. (ed. Sun, R. Hai G. ,שחטר Var. (קכדטד the net ₪ 4
for levitical uncleanness on acrount of ite bag (being א
ne ae Targ.
I Sam. IX,8(b. text 735. | recepof tacle
solid web). Ib.XXVIIL,9.. טרחה ..השישה
).—Kidd. 12* 'זב 3S םוק twenty four [sar went on
: when the Isar was reduced, 'ז 35 םוקthirty RSS ws (ed. Debr., Ar. ed. 08. יטיטד Fo") א garment
‘Tear went do.—Sabb. 06°ארויה היזnewsilver coin; made out of a net is clean, bet one made out of its
. 74%, ¥. NPB. Hag. 5* (prov.) 'כו xddc> 'זa 20 solid portion &c.—2) (emp. ,ללש ( תילולשwhet the 4
Provision tonotonhand, batfor(caving from) hang- throws out, deposits
after the tide; the deport
ox ore of
ing itis, i.e. charity often waits for the extremest distress. @ mine. B. Mets. 21° 'כי לש םי ותילולשבוSe things
|. Kam. 11* (prov.) 'כו ארושכ אתטב 'זבa joist in town found among the deposits of the Sea or the allaviam of
rs = Zaz, a joist inthe woods the same, i.e. thecost a river. Ib. 24°; Ab. Zar. 43°.—Cant. KR. to IV,8 הב
of transportation has no influence on the price: a.fr.— נתון בווסוos כלmo התרטוןtos( ;tS .klaV .tnaC 8
“wt; also in gen. money. Targ. 11 Esth. I, 8; a
(בתוכדsa ni eht nomreH lla doog sgniht era detisoped ni
9% B. Mets, 63" 'כו רא רוה “>'זif [had money. its mines &c.—Y. Ber. 1V,7* bot. (ref. 0 הליצ Is. XLAV,27)
של שולםst זר כל שהראtaht snaem nolybaB hcihswi
the deposit of the world (the treasary of booty and com-
merce); Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2) X=" (corr. acc.).
NG 6.(contract. of xowt, reduplie.
of 2, v.St.
emp. forms like X7=t73 a.ארסי (slender. young; small:
- ,
זוטוס 386
Targ. I Chr. XVIII, 17. Ib. XI, 22 'ז אמורshort day.— of the lips to the other (mustaches); a. fr—"t ןרק (the
B. Bath. 36> 'ז אררפsmall crop (as grass, aftermath ₪0.(, horn of juncture), corner-piece, shelf. Gitt. 13° ךןירובצ
opp. אבר 'פgrains &c.— Keth. 66" 'ז Now the taxation ‘ זיDa ומונחרןheaped up and ready on the shelf; Kidd. 664; =
on a small scale; a.fr.—lb. 1064, v. "m*>x. [Y. Yeb.IV,5¢ a, 6.-- Pl. mim. Neg. XII, 3 'זב רנשב םילתכMish, ed, =
top, read: 8O"I.—Lam.R. introd. (R. Josh. 2), v. preced.]— (Talm. ed. sing.) on two adjoining walls; Sifra M’tsora, /
Pl, .רטהז Ab. Zar. 8% 'ז רמורthe short days of the Winter. Neg., Par. 7, ch. V.
Ib. 10” [read:] וחנינ “ יתימM2... 'ז . )צEn Yak. a. 1.)
even the least among you can revive the dead.— Now, "סנוז
NOM ch. same. Targ. Ez. XLVI, 23; a. e.—Taan, 23”.—
. (as surname) junior. Keth. 69%; B. Bath. 66.—Ib. 120°. #7. אתו constr. A773; 77, “tT. Tare.Ex. XXV, 26; a. fr,
סומוזpr. n. .; גג0706/) Jos. Ant. XX, 2,1 ']:0-6( DHL. h, v. bby) to b¢ of slight value, to be cheap;
Zotos, Izates, a prince of Adiabena. Gen. R. s. 46, v, 12272. to be 0 mean. Sabb, 55" (play on HB, Gen.
ימּזm. 1) junior, v.( 2--. אסלזpr. n. m. Zuti, an
XLIX, 4) הָּפְלז ( התזפ התבחnot ,אתלז v. Rabb. D. S. a.
1. note 300) thou wast rash, becamest guilty, degradedst
.aromA .deN ;°77 .bbaS 9751 DES דב" רב% טג ;רב. בר
thyself. Snh. 98* הָלּזַה תוכלמthe despicable (Roman)
רב פפא.sM( ,M pE“ . . "(רב זוטר.
government (Rashi: ‘the slightest trace of tyranny’).—
ןמוזv. Dt. 2) (cmp. (דגב to squander, be excessive in sensual enjoy-
“WO I (v. next w.) to be small, young. Hag.5* ברכש ments, be dissolute. Num. R. 8. 10 (ed. Amst. p. 240%)
‘TaN (Ms. 11. 2 (קרנידא died young. y7bt bw הרובח a company of dissolute men.—Polel dbit,
Ithpe. “nx, רטהזרֶא to shrink; to appear small. only as part. 1) low, mean. Midr. Proy. to II, 4 (ref. to
Ned. 50" ‘a5 45 NIA דע until it is so reduced in size
Jer. XV,19) ‘va m3 איצוהל . . . לכhe who succeeds in
-making the words of the Law come forth from a low
that you can sw allow it. —Snh. 95° היניעב ( 'ראEn Yak.
man (who educates an abandoned person).—Pesik. R.s.21
(אדזוטרit seemed to him a small enterprise.
העולם זוּלְלָה2swM eht dlrow emaceb na tcejbo decuder
ווטר,IL IN I גג, a( .tcartnoc fo ;ערזער
זcmp. in value—2) spendthrift, glutton. Sifré Deut. 219 "waa 'ז ©
NOM) small, young, junior. Targ. Ps. 01%, 141; a. 6.-- zolel (Deut. XXI, 20) refers to excesses in eating meat
Taan." 28 )אקוכר( 'זthe younger child. Keth. 66 NP (v. Suh. VII, 2).
אחוורATF ROW a small investment which brings a ora Hif. 5-13 1) to become cheap, fall in price. Y. Keth.
profit, v. 8:51 111; a. fr.—Pl. 2. 2. Kam. 92", v. 8733; XII, beg. 84% sb רקויב ורהif provisions were dear
a. e.—Fem. אחר SDA. Ber." 33 4 אתלימa trifle. and fell in price.—2) to treat with contempt. Treat. Der.
Ab. Zar. 29%, v.אולמ . ch.—Pi. . אָתְרְטּוזTarg. 28. 85 Er. ch, 11 םרברה “5°12 those who treat the public 6.
Ms. (ed. .260---,( 'ררעז63% 'זבAr, (v. marginal note, ed. [B. Bath. 25% v. 513.]
( אתורכזבcounting the little fingers (of which six go on Hof. 3155 to fall in price. 8. Mets. V, 8 ללזוהו and
a Tefah). (the wheat) fell. Ib. 75°; a. fr.
NI II pr.n.m. Zutra ו to 831), 1) Mar לזch. same; perf. , לזPart. ,%5 >it )1 to disregard.
Z., name of several Amoraim. Ber. 43°; a, fr.—2) Rab Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XVI, 5 (perh. fr. 551).—2) to be worth-
Z. Ib.; a. v. fr. (v., however, Rabb. 12. ₪. a. 1. notes 5, less, cheap. Targ. Y. Deut. XXVIII, 68 ">it ןימדב for a ©
6, 7)— eM ,בר v. ."טז low price. —B. Mets. 774 ( לז אתדיבעsub רכש( labor has
RSTO, TOT, +. רוז a. become cheaper. .19 לז 'דרבע ארקרעמlabor was originally
cheap. Ib, ‘a9 5% Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. 8, a. 1. note 40). >
לוTI .n.rp .itratuZ .reB 21 .raV( זוטראר, NID, - Ber. 68* (prov.) HP ץמק Ndt Ms.M. (ed. ץובק הנק Mt
Vv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 9). , הכרמAr. ץופק( if a thing is cheap, be quick and buy ~
Aas to join, couple. Denom, N11, M3 &e. it. B. Mets,64° bot. רא ארקה רא אלרז 'כו whether it will —
rise or fall, it shall be in my possession (gain or loss
"ys גת. )זהה, .pmc .ryS זוא,tiumut ,mS.P )2901 ],tsaerb[ shall be mine), Ab. Zar. 70% 1159 A>" she is contempt-
1) projection, bay-window. Targ. I Kings VU, 4 (h. text ible in their sight. B. Bath. 110% רב אתללמNb" such 06-
(מהזה.--2( a projection of a wall formed by abruptly noitapuc si htaeneb ym .ytingid .beY °36 anab ו ולא |
reducing its thickness, so as to give space for a balcony.— lles trap( fo yht sehtolc ot trats a )ssenisub א /
Pl. "i. Targ. Ez. XLII, 3 (Levita "1; h. text (קיתא --
any. Ib. 5 (ed. Lag. 337%). Af. "tix to sell cheap, = oa tervas, B. Mets. 77
איזרלר ארנהו גברה זוזא וכיta eht trats yeht dah deerga
, דיוזTosef. Bekh. V, 9, v. "5".
to work for one zuz less (than the market price of labo
NY m.=x04, corner. Lam. R. tol,1 "735 )'תאמ 47) and wages were generally reduced afterwards. 10." ">t"
" דחב in a corner (aside from the road). [7"1, v. [אָתיַוז ‘21 לרזרמ he will lower the price and sell (some of hi
, רוזv. "A". movable goods in order to raise money). Ib. 7
“ גבררהוbr they will be easier in selling them.
a) f. (b. h.; v. NUT) joint, angle, corner. Ber. 31° אוזולד דקא מוזלי גבירכוretteb( מחלר. . אחולר,.1
בז' זוni eno renroc fo eht ,moor בז' אחרתni rehtona ₪. 8.1.066 1) they are liberal towards you (paying x
corner; Pes. 10”.—M. Kat. 18% 'זל 'זמfrom one corner than the ordinary wages). Gen. R. s. 39 ארמח ליז
ךיכרזI m. pl. (of m2; 723) [degenerate wheat,] a Tosef. Shebi. III, 4 ןחָכיִזַמ, השירחמv. 313. Koh. R. to
weed growing among wheat, darnel or rye-grass (Lolium I, 13, v. 1 1.—3) to be agitated. Cant. R. to IV, 4 רשפא
,ennerep .v woL .ifP .p .)331 .1,I.liK .bi.Y 462 מין חטין שלא ה' וכיsi ti elbissop taht eht lausnes erised saw 6
21‘ they (zonin) are a kind of wheat, only that fruits at all agitated? ae
degenerate, v. 721. Tosef. Ter. VI, 10 maw( 'ז Var. 79351) 71 ch. same to move, tremble; hesitate. Targ. 0. 1.
the darnel in it; Y. ib. V, end, 43% ( 'ז תפונטstrike out Y. Il Ex. XX, 15. Targ. O. ib. XIII, 17 (h. text ם
2‘ as a gloss). fr.—Ab. V,22 25m אל 4252 thou shalt not move (devia
ךרברזIL belt, v.דנר from it (the Law).—Part. swt. Targ. Jer. IV, 24; a.e-
Lev. 4. 8. 10 יז תיל תא. . ןמthou shalt never leave
ךיכרזIII, 23 pr. n. m. Zonin, Zonan. Ab. Zar. palace. i
V, 2 (65>) ןינוז Ms, M. a. Y. ed. (v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1; ed. Pa. ערלז 1) to shake, frighten. Targ. YN m.
;(זוכןY. B. Mets. V, 10" top, v. .סּותְרַּב Sabb. 81°; a.fr. “p19 frightening demons.—2) to sweat, 1
ותא he
Lev. אא+ו,ו9 (emp,
Hifra a.1, quot. in preeed. א (| 16 | imitation of handwriting snd thee wrote himself B
#5P19 (AL). Hath. 169° יפו כ םייו בתכוWTI he כ 250141 and innewt
Af. 21% 1) ₪ shake, frighten, Tare, dod, Vi, 12; (ower the signatures) whatever be 46086 Ib Putsלכ
. אfre=Part, pass, f,אלבקProv, XXV,פוה לאו וכיton( ,maT‘ .+ .eM ).M reveohw senivod ot egrof lliw
Ma, (ed, (3--.(ארקומ lo sweat; .צץ eupra. והog et eht ;ebir .=e,e©
——o ממאPart, 21M, Tang. Prev,
+ ףוזLL (emp.( םקד( toberomgh,) fo be angry. threaten
| Dang
le RVI, 19, Tong, Zook. ,1
2( םיזיot. Lag. “29").
אוRIF = (preced.)
)1 trembling, fowr, Tang.¥. דוקMal, 111, 11; =. = (Af oom, + or)
weD !EW eht raef fo eeht .v( )
Targ. Job wren, 9 Me. (ed, mz"). THM
+ ore.
| וכ ו == SfRABY So = =
=). hey preeed.) corth-quake.
Pt rig. Neer. | א with air, Wali, *ןטפ וקרח חל 'כוblow wp for ber =
IX,1. Th, 60%, +. wy, .דץ ib. EX, 19°; ד .₪ א wider
for romting, (Machi; pel... om the opud,
7; a >
prepare ₪ התקו adder, +. P. 5. 1147).
f. (S21) fear, Targ.
0. Deut. 11, 25 some od, ( ווpreced.) blown op,שיפנה
,afflicted with
וZi, +. (אָציו OP,Pen. 1147) — Peet, Ab. Zar"וג
“OF pr. ₪.plied. b.(רקיצ Zoar, a Bodomitic place. (Ms. . | לדקה אearly of. “IMD
Targ. +. Gen. XIX, 22, «q.—Y. Youn U1, beg. 40" (Y.
Ber, 1,2 (רטוצ oe sah
m. (25%) rising, cevation, pride. Tang. dod
rene 28i dlp bewinetd—v. ot a.Met. XX, 6 (h. text .(איש
וירס1) fo make thick, viscid ; toadulterate. Bot. 46 ee
and%). Git.
V, 1. Ib, 49* top Pres we... ךינכ whee
the claimant's best land was only ae good as the defemd- דול ול
ant’s worst, Bi. Kam. 7" 1, . אלא )) יא ילone bee only
third elase land; a. fre—@) +. rest
אהv. om.
)תזב[( תוביו6 c2¥)gonorrhea 4
NPIS"mm.chet.mat sacrifice, Tem. ai”
7 pe BUTTwe. (re, cmp. My reflected light, reflexion
sacrifice in ite strictest sense, i, ©. eattle dedicated for Yoma ל .+ איקו₪.
58° FPTTT Ar. (some of. ארחדו
the altar, וו 1 od, Fr") ite (the comet's) reflexion.
(ed. “N15, corr. ace.) though the poison is removed from LIX ררחד הב'"ה שמו על הזeht droL sah siH laiceps eman =
the body (through the secretion of the nose), the fluid connected with marriage (Gen, XXIV, 50; Jud. XIV, 4;
itself (put in the eye) is not removed. Prov. XIX, 14); a.fr.—Trnsf. a corresponding case, solace
offered by pointing to a similar case (v. 333). Pesik. R. —
NWT TIT m. ()רהז [that which is guarded, cmp.
s.30 'כו םילשוררל4 םישקבמwere looking out fora similar =
RU a. "אמל landed estate (comprising fields, gar- bereavement as a solace to Jerusalem and could not find —
dens &e., to the exclusion of private dwellings, contrad.
any (ref.to Lam.II,13). 10. the Lord said 33997} הרחא ON
to ,(ןיסכנ B. Bath. 61> bot. 'כו “In ל"א ראMs. 11. .א I will be thy partner in misery (ref. to Is. 1,111, 14(.--
oth. (ed. &...) if he said (in the agreement), I sell thee
Pi, orgy, aa, Wt. Gen. R.1.c.; Lev. R.s.8, beg.; ae. =
my landed ietate, the sale includes even orchards 6.
Ia, XIV, 12, Tang, Zeeh, 4.3 (ed. Wil, (לתיו -- 6 156° לש ר004 embjert fo050 +
ה גבר דdehsiugnitsid ro( )emosdnah .1J—.nam ,eroy (ot heresy, ו Acta XVI, 15; AX . or of =
MITT. Targ. Cant, Vi,10 ed. Lang. (ed. Amat, Tt) .)ytlayol חושא.!.4.5 וטיט.de(sשeהM |] 614.
Targ. Y. וו Gen, XIV, 5 T (corr, aoe); Gen. KB, « 42 p" 179 רטרוAp, «. v, Got Var. (ed. | שוק אר" Ar. pros",
רבחוןwot (ed, Wil. ho .. . ., Corr. ace.) the brightest pend Pos tH Ci00/916); PST As. (ot. zoe,
among them (h. text SS St, +. ןיח .וא-א--.(1 61* GS Valk. Lev. 695 , אדוwo),
“7 handsome children--Targ, Me, CXLIV, 12 yore
(read YR ,ו Ms, Pry!)
I mm, (0 o 2191) 1) םישרקבש דname of 6 mile in
מ"מב2=<- מ
1%. S94, FIM. Wail.67"; Bifra Sh'mini Par, 10, oT ו
eh. XU; צץ Ter, VII, 45" bot.—2) epider —J1, a above.
צץBabb. XIV, beg. 14° (differ. in Bab.ib. 100, a.Toset,
ib,( וזאX11), 4).—{Tosef. 6.1.8 yr שבר ed. Zack.
Var. תגוזין.+ חְנְוין.[-- 2( name of ₪ fabulous bird (ref.
to Ps. L,11). Lev. I.»
22, end. Bi. Bath, 7%, מז
זיז1] (om, + ,1 )tP na ,tnemhca
al-forap vs TI) (7) armament, armor, wcapum (cullen),
fection from the door frame serving as@ shed over the - 7 "לבtenplements ofwor. Towel. Ab. Zar.11.4 אל.ךיא.
entrance, or @ moulding projecting from a window-sill דbs ד ולאuoy tsamtonllec weht rehtie romra )laets(
serving as @ bracket. Obol, XIV, 1 (difference betw. our or implements ₪6. Hah 106° כי דSom 4 he showed
Ww. . א, הרזיג.צ .) Ib, 4 אוהש בבוס 'כו7 אmould- them steel consuming steel, i. « the ₪ of
וואwhieh runs around the entire building (or room) and hardened steel (emp. ib. 96"); Cant. ₪. to 1, 4 קלוב1
forms a part of the door frame. Erab.X,4
“ חלוןedeד ד. Tanl,., ed. Bab. Lekh 23 יִניִיְו ToT רקדה 1 will 4
א בוbracket in front of a window. Yalk. Deut. 898 TT him with my (royal) armor. Cant. ₪. w IV, 4; Pons
חלרכא "כוwhe and on the bracket (in front of the palace) Nab., p. 126", a @, ¥. “Ft. Ex. ₪. & 45 (vel to ,"דק Ee.
‘are apread eatables, drinks ₪6; a. +. fr.— 11. om,
pr. נווצצא, 5), comp. ;"כ =. fr.—Ab. Zar. 26”; Vow. 115°
‘Ohbol, 111, 2. ₪. Bath. 11, 8; a. fr. אשה כלר רנק קליה8 namow sah reh romra htiw ,reb
i. 5. her physical weakness ie ber protection
from mur-
1 ch, same. Targ. I Kings VI, 5 (ed. Wil. a.oth. derous attacks, (Nam. ₪. « 4, end Sts, +. 7.) — 1
Ex.XLI,6 (ed. Lag. pl.).—B. Mots.85"; Yalk. rit. Pirké
d°R, El. ch. XLVI, beg.
846 NYS ד (not t) א Mahuza balcony or bay-
‘window (emp, 7533). B. Bath.60*— 1%. prt, xeTt. Targ. 7 3 the letter Zayin.—FL rm. Babe. Xi, 5.
I Kings Vi, 6. Targ. Bx. XU, 5; a.@., v. “i. (B. Bath. Ib. 108% -<
Le. קרפנ PTT FT, read with Ms, M. קרפס . . . am
RIG, RI m. wrepon, ornament, ~.
ANP 11 rr Targ.Y. Deut. XIV, 19.
NPT, 4 "רב pr.n.m. Bar-Ziza, Y.B.Kam. V1,5* ציNum. XXI, 27, אניopp. x72%—Men. "77 דAr.(Me.
ot.; Y. Shebu.
VI, 374 M. 2x71, v.Rabb.D.S aLnote; ed.; אנא".הBach9
,(אדיספ opp. xT.
י יז pl. Zizyon, Zizyan. Tosef.
‘1V,8 Fda מ yews of yee Y. Dem. Pech +. Ere.
ו Ee
Ata not, vo
Y. Sabb. XVII, 16" top; .צץ Bets. I, 60° bot. הרוזמבו 'זב 'כרshe (the Torah) will guard thee from improper con- =
וכas regards the handling on the Sabbath of a press- duct.—2) (homilet.; emp. Dt 1, הימה ראמה86.( suspicion,
tub ₪6. 10. 'כו 'ד רד רצע הרבzayyara is that in which an parental uncertainty. Sifra K’dosh., Par. 3, ch. VIL |
object is squeezed, m’zorah is that with which the beat- ז' זה מה חואwO ממזרים. . ממלאeh sllif eht dlrow htiw |
ing is done, Ab. Zar. 60? NT) ארצעמ Ms. 11. (ed. ארצעמ | bastards, as it says (Lev. XIX, 29) the land will
be full
mi, Rashi to Sabb. 128% אראירז ( אתרצעמthe vat or the of zimmah, ‘what is this person?’; Yeb. 37> רמאק לכה
press-tub (used by a gentile for making wine).— 1. "77". זו מה היא.R .lE .b bocaJ snaem yb hammiz ו :
Sabb, 128% "1772" 7 יכיס (Ar. ed. Koh. (לראלז the dyer’s to paternity. ד
pins, tubs and beams.
המ המיIT f. (b.h.; Dt 1( thought, bias counsel;
ROM, pl. PE, mony, ve NOT זז (in an evil sense) cunning, evil plan. Ab. Zar. 17> (ref.
to mara, Prov. II, 11, and reading) %9’ 'כו172“ ראמwhat
רכזND m. pl. , )רכזPa.) clearings, i. e. twigs, do you understand by mizzimmah? Do you mean the ©
roots &e. collected forו the ground, rubbish. M. Law in which the word zimmah is used in the sense of =
Kat. 10”; B. Bath. 54° 7 ( ראה ןאמ רכזדAr. NPS, Var. in counsel (in Lev. XVIII, 17) since it is translated (in Targ.
Mss. ₪6. 87D", “D4, “21, v- Rabb. D. 8. 8.1. note) he who (.0 ‘counsel of the wicked’ &c.?—Then it onght to read
clears away rubbish. hammiz enivid( lesnuoc llahs draug ).snA(—.)eeht ה"ק =
'ז כו, רבדמv. preced. (v. 480.12. 8. 8.1. note 2).—Deut. >
ליזto be worthless, part. 51, v. >. R. s. 2 (ref. to Ez, XXII,) 11 הבשחמב13“ ראמwhat does
this b’zimmah mean? With reasoning,
ליזimperat. of 318.
"5, We m. ()ךמז 1) designatian for a purpose, v.
NO 1) part. f. of לוז;)2 =אתּרלרֶז מ. low valuation.—
Pl, “S51, B. Mets. 52, v. “bby,
maim. Ned.7* לרערמ 7 has designation the same effect as
virtual use )=אתלימ (;?הנמזהBer. 26% 7 W; a. fr.—2) sume =
NOH pr. n. m. Zilay. Ber. 53”. mons to appear before court; 3) appointment for a com-
mon meal, the appeal to partakers ta say grace aftera
1D, Sy m. (523) sprinkling (with aromatic wine common meal. Snh, 8* השלשב יזzimmun requires three —
₪0.(. 66.20" 15 רואר (Ms. 0. through entire page (םֶלז
ל 6 persons, 7 תכרב . . , "אמ 'זwhat is meant by zimmun?
for sprinkling. Ib. 7 הֶשָעְת may be used for &c.—Num. Shall we say, it means the grace after meal &c,?—But
R. s. 13, beg. (ref. to (רלזר Cant, IV, 16) 7 m1 that means we read 'כו 7 'ד תכרבו2. and the grace ₪0. require tliree
aromatic sprinkling. 8066, 40; B. Kam. 1027 אלו הלכאל persons .... 'כו אלא ראמ 'ז לכומזאconsequently, zimmun
‘ לדto be eaten’ (Ley. XXV, 9 but not to be used for (not qualified) means summons before court. Ber, VI, 5
perfumes; v. M51. “> םיפרטצמ can be counted together for common grace.
10. 45% םהלניב ( ןיא תכרב 'זהnot (ןוזמה the appeal and
NOD} f. ()לוז 1) cheapness, low price. Targ. 11 Chr. answer to common grace must not take place between =
1x. 7. Targ. Job אא דז71 ,17 Ms. a. Levita (ed. --,(אתולרק them, Ib. שרפמל 7 ךראthe appointment for a meal and —
2) disregard, disgrace. Targ. Lam. 1, 8.—Yeb. 100° 7 םושמ benediction in common cannot be made retroactive (it
because it is a disgrace (for a woman to stand waiting). must be made before the meal commences); a. fr.— Pl.
Mace. 24° 'כו 72 עמש אלדhe does not hear a scholar p72" appointments, meeting places. Pesik. R.s. 33 המכ
defamed and Keene silence. B. Kam. 102” bot. וכיירקי אל ‘DSM ד' נזדמנתרwoh ynam sgniteem evah I ton enpa
'ֶלתַרְכל וכ. ז. . 1 tnaw rehtien ruoy ronoh ron ruoy -ni with youl; v. TO".
sults; a. fr.
ְימווְבָאpr. n. m., Vv. N24.
ַילְזוּל א.m )(זְלֶל .dragersid .bA .raZ °53 > בה,
read with early eds, sDATDTD. DF7"F m. (ot 1( intention, planning; conspiracy /
Y. Hag. II ,78*top ז דע רדכeven the planning of a breack
NM, v. אָחְלז of law may be punishable in extraordinary times.
NO} m., pl.2"y (v. םימז 111( secretory vessels, nostrils,
gulls (Syr. Nat P. Sm. 1101). B. Bath. 74% mya (Var.
MON, v. Rashb. a. 1.; Ms. 0. ,ה"רוהז Ms. 11. ,הימיק a. אי5 f. (Cnpta) fine, penalty, esp. the oppressiv
oth. Var., v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note). penalties of the Roman government. Tanh. Naso 10; Num
R.s.11 הנידמל 7 אלש אובתthat no zemia may be 4
FVD, TVG TL + ;טו מזWL) 1) [filth (cmp. (אָמַה[ over the 0186166.
-- Pl. j-2%. Y'lamd. Aharé (qt te
obscenity, libidiousness, 7 Sabb. 159* 'יזב ףוטש
Ar.); Yalk. Cant. .תורמיז--.985 Y. Ab. Zar. IV, 44”.
excessive in carnal gratification. Snh. 106% לש םחריהלא Shebi. IV, 35>; ib. V, end, 86% mv (corr. ace.). Y.1
הוא7 אלו שונאrieht eht( )’setilearsI doG setah -dibil I, 15" bot.; Yalk. Prov. 935 ( תורמרזמהcorr. ace.).
iousness. B. Kam. 16" (play on םרכ 11 Chr. XVI, 14) Jer, 312; Pesik. Bahod. p.* 151 ( תורמזcorr.
' לרדר ז. . . כל המררחreveohw sllems meht semoceb .ytsul
next w.
Ab. II, 7 mat הברמ increases unchastity; a. fr.— Ab.
Zar. 17? (ref. to mat, Prov. 11, 11, v. next w.). '"ז רבדמ yrs, זמיוןm. )ג(ס=זמה. ; זָמָלI4
ונא זיק
preced,) penally, laze Ft, reve, 9. 05 Hoa ty | ,גאו .₪ (כ--.תָקמ 0 ¥. amen -%( trem dang,
9 הו |,16" bot. MS). ¥. Gitt, Vi, ond, 47" ) .א commotion, Tang,
le. XX1,5 קר ₪4. Lag. (od, rz"),
IV, 35" ree. Tang. Pe, RLVIM, 7 Me. met (ed. אייקו . . איקו₪ RTT)
אודJer, XX1, 98 קיו (some od. wre).
‘SI m. (9111) plan,
--/1. pret, “St
Targ. Job XXI, 27; = >. FIAT + .)א.אmeaty 2m) 1) moletere, dripping, oweat,
vapor. .הוו 1,1 SS PFT the drippings
of 4-7
TS. + wpe. walle
in howees de, Toh. LX, 1, ¥. FER. Ber. 67°, Gen.
REF + ast. 4 90; 5). -- .ל neat art. —9) commetion, agilation.
Cant. B. to IV, 4, +. 2,
NPS" time, v. yeyוו
aa, ץזFH.
f. (731) summons for public labor, 1. 4.
eg ee mom Sy a summons for millers; ee MO, "1 cate. reece 1) דש0.Gen.
. ". --1. Ab. Zar, 11, 61° ba. st חקרו לכ
(טצוותא. זו. Ter, Vill, 49° top aI) every perspiration of man ix
(NI) PIS, v. new. poleoncus he-—Gen, B.s, 78, beg, 'כי TOTS
ךמ from the
sweat of the Mayoth (Mx. 1,5( - ₪ 98° waders ןאכיו (re)
TY I toowtht, provite,
v.7. mere exudation (of the dates). Pes. 24* איטלקב 7 merely
the jalce pressed out (not manuflestored drink) —2) frem-
TT 11m, Zin, name ofa weight, v. ™, bing, fear. Targ. Jer. 311, 23, +. ."ו Tare. 0. 1%
TT m, armor + iY ו, 26 Seat Var., ¥. .כ דוק1 Beth. TV, 2 (fr, Dew.
XXVIII, 67).
TUL bind, . 3.
ףיז verb, .+ om.= Ors, oF
| ות
ובs'nam ;tiftuo .a )ז.--
א Sm hee rs.
| מק SPT 11 8 pl. ore, pet )םד ;1 .₪ .₪ ( םרפוצ4
honey. Makiah, V,9 דה ( שברRh. 8. דחו (> שכד
though thou art armed (like a free man), thy recordis Bot. 48% +. oo
here (showing that thou art a slave)—J%, 73%, TIT86 = SP VILL (-מ-6) .קו-ןו- ם24 imtheterritory ofJudah —
‘Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XLIX, 19. Targ. Cant. 1V,4. Targ. Ps. Denom, ,חיו pl. SE, FEN inhabifants of Zif, ₪ 49"
ב (expl. םיפדו , שבר+ preeed.) וטוקמ ששSe the honeyof
ולv. yh. the Ziphites.— Ib. (ref. to Pa. LAV, 2) ךכוקמ o> Zifim
men of Zif (Josh. XV, 24).
if in-two directions
TEN meee NES.
—PL spun. Pesik.
R. s. 43.
a A
= — +. PEE,אפ
v. ce.
and commotion.
מ זיק. ,DF( lp TET ©.ג. מקדם, ,tT שק (דקדת
זר, NSF toh. (preced.) 1) earthguike.
Targ. [or comet).
burning arrows (b.b.); meteors, shoot
A, 1 (ed. Lag. 8277). —2) tempest. Targ. Job Ber. IX, 1, expl. ib. 55" םיבשד (2--. אבכב₪ Mast of win’.
XPT 396
[also imagined as a spirit (emp. .[(חחר B. Mets. 107°.— R. 8. 7 שא רכש 'ז לשtwo darts 0 7,
(Mikv. IX, 5 Ar., v. Ppt.] (נלצוצין. RATS ae
i 2a
אקיזI ch. same, 1) shooting star, or comet. Y. Ber, NPT 1 אקוקז ch. same.— Pl. “DID, hy,
IX, 13°—FPl. P44, "PN. Targ. Y. Ex. XX, 2, sq.—2) blast, Hab. “x 4, Targ. Y. Ex. XXIV, 17 אשיא opty
,dniw thguard .)tirips( .graT .Y .veL ,IVX 22 7 רוח. Ber. V, 9% רונד 7% , ןירתv. preced. 1 ו oe
Targ. Job IV, 15; a. e.—Ab. Zar. 28" 72 "A" and let
him beware of exposing his ear to a draught.—Ber. 40" ק"ז קו אIL m. (dimin. of xp 11( bottle —PI. TPP. a
nas" setad nwolb nwod yb eht .dniw .deN 82"ארכא Y. Ab. Zar. 11, 41° top ךרררעז 7“ small bottles.
אשרפנ7 a strong wind is blowing (threatening to mow
down the standing crop). Esth. R. to ,1 12 חפ 'ז 'כוblow זֶקנֶהMP, .+ Pt.
a blast into his belly (arouse his anger). Taan. 24" 203
NOP, v. NEY I, IL.
( דnot אשכ( a wind arose (gathering clouds); ib. 25°; B.
Mets, 85"; a. e.—Sabb. 129° 7 אכרה ךררכדin a room NOP Y f. (collect. noun; denom. of XP 1( ו |
where the air is turned around, i. e. in a draught.—Gen. shooter. B.Mets. 949 ןל ךכ ךכו 'ז אקרספMs. M. (ed. ;אתקוז
.R .s ,05 .geb .fer( ot כמראה הבזק, .zE 1, 41) > כרוחא Ar, ןדהב ןאכ( ןאכו 'ז אכראso many sharp-shooters are =
as the wind drives the sparks at a conflagration; [com- assigned to us for our protection. ]זרקתא goad, v. Mpt.] |
ment.: as the wind shakes the suspended leather-hose,
“Wh, Pa. wt, v. רוז
. יזnext w.]; ib. > אננעל as the wind scatters the clouds.
Ber, 59% לע םופ רכד7D like the rumbling sound produced
by blowing into wine vessels; a, fr. . "tb רי m. (b. h. רֶזְג ( רוז1) crown, wreath, rim.
Yoma 79" 'ז (" והשמ)ו82 what purpose serves the ‘some-
אקיזII .6 (v. preced.) [sprinkler,] hose, skin for wine, thing’ (over ten handbreadths)? It is the space for the
water &c. (Syr. אתקוז uter). Targ. Ps. XXXIII,7 (h. text rim. Ib, 'כו “ ריזPi רז ביתכit is written (in the Bible)
35); .a .neG—e .R 8. 05, ץצ. .decerp .bA .raZ %06 בין% ( זרwhich allows the reading (רֶז and is read 26; if you =
ארלמ 'כוa tied up wine skin whether entirely filled &c. are worthy, the Law is to you a crown, ₪0., v.11; a.fr.—
Y. ib. V, 45* top 'כו 72 ןהא דגנדif one drags a skin (to Ply. 'ז.10 השלשthree crowns (of vessels of the sanct-
take possession) and it bursts; Y. Kidd. I," 0 ; הקזבa. uary).—2) crest, customary addition to dry measure; v.
fr.—Pl. , ןיקרזNPY. Targ. Y. Ex. XV, 8 (hb. text 73). כְררוּמין. Sifra K’dosh. Par. 3, ch. VIII ‘in m’swral’ (Lev.
Targ. Josh. IX, ‘4 (h. text ; תודאכ( a. e.—Lev. R. s. 12 XIX,35) לודגה רז 'זthat means the large crest.—3) (bot.)
.touq( ni ,.rA ton dnuof ni ).de נפרוק אילין זרקייא בהדין capsule of seeds, seed-pot.—
Pl. as above. Maasr. IV, 5;
אבכשמlet us unload these bottles in this burial ground. Ab. Zar.7? 'זו ערז קריו. . . תבשחthe dill-plant is subject =
to tithes when its seeds are collected, or when its leaves =
NPV IIT =. pl. ןיקרז ; )קקזemp. b. .ג ( ם"קזfetters,
are used as vegetable, or when its pods are eaten. Y. -
chains. Targ. 11 Sam, 111, 34, Targ. Jer. XL, 1 RP
Maasr. IV, 51” bot. 7> הערז if he planted it for the sake —
Levita (ed. (אָיָקְז"ֶָל ]אקרז--- f. obligation, v. next wJ
of the pods; Tosef. Shebi. 1 7 7 הערז (read 7). B. >
הקיז+ (Ppt; cmp. הָלרּב fr.[ ללב( tie, chain,] 1) 0%- Kam. 81%.--4( (v. רגז Pa., emp. m7) small bundle, bunch,
rghit duty. Y. Ter. VI, end," 44 תקרז המורת 'כוthe contrad. to .הָליִבָח — Pl. as above.—Y. Ter, X, 47" top; |
obligation to pay Z’rwmah and tithes. Y. Maasr. 11, 50* צOrl. III, 63* bot. 1 ה''כ a hdbilah is twenty five bunches.
top אל אב > 'כו it has not yet come under the obligation Sabb. XXIV, 2, contrad. to P'S"PB a. PED; expl. ib. 155" ד |
of tithes. Treat. S’mah. ch. XIII וילע ותרימש7 the duty > דארזר, Vv. NTN; ib. (anoth, defin.) אתלת 'זthey are called
of watching the corpse rests upon him. Yalk. Gen. 151 zirin when tied with three bands; [Var. lect. 7°71, 777%, —
הןעומדין pN my .rroc( ).eca yeht era ton —.degdelp זרזרן, PIT, v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 80, a. marginal noel
2) legal ee. Snh. 50% לעבה תקרזmarital ties, in Talm. oti): |
betrothal.—Esp. zikah, the interdependence of a childless ₪7 Sa) ch. same, wreath, crown, rim. Targ. ₪
widow and her late husband’s brothers, the levirate relation. Ex. XXV, 11 ed. 071, v. ררד 1.
Yeb. 17”, a. fr. 7 שר the relation between a woman and
her eventual yabam is a real connection, i.e. carries with NTS, +. gt.
it all legal consequences as regards the laws of incest
and the right of interference with her vows, 'ז j"8 the a) pr.n.m. (=N7"31) Zera (Little), name pre ral
levirate relation is no marital connection as long as the Amoraim, Keth. 110;ee a. fr—Ib. 43% a. fr.;תוצא v. sal
levirate marriage is not consummated. Ib. III,9, v. 03°.
הֶריוf. )ררז( circle, esp. wrestlers’ ring. Ex.R. s. 27
Y. ib. I, 24; XIII, beg. 13 תמה mp רוקעל . . , תנאממ
(play on , רזProv. VI,) 1 - 'כוrm התא תסנכה ךמצע thou (I
she may refuse the yabam so as to annul retrospectively
assuming an office) hast placed thyself in the arena
the relation between herself and her deceased husband,
v. j8O; a. fr.
Ib. 73 התאו םרדמועOR we two stand in 0 rer
batting each other). בש
, קיזTanh. Matt. 3, v. "p75. ל
trimming os it ls done in the fifth year of the years | Ned, 68° 7 ךירת two olives—¥. Mase Hh. IV, 56° top
Habbath, ar" (read --.(איתד.¥ . הIi, 66° bot. ret, a. fe,
TAS 11 pr. n,m. Zorud, Ab, Zar. a0* ר ךבSeren אתיLL .= | תרcmp. Bye. תחקיר P. Hen. wns,
od, (Ma, .א ןכ רוכוFHSS, or “SI, +. Rabb,
₪. & a LL) ) תו1165 ו name
of on alhali ered be heamring
Hoh. 14* ד ןטסשןבed. (Ma.
.א חרד+. Mabb.
₪.6.>. א°24
6 ,4
lgne( יון
rA ב
9, ותא.de( (בברדתא 1
ו. note), Peet
or rere, + went w, ]₪- Mai Gaon to Wide 1X,6
התאוread אתא .+ Low PA. p. 42, oy)
= וא ירה ו,no gnireen
OA hopeiePog mamma . 7S ךיא the verb םותיזor סות ws.,65006( , קעופפאan adopt
סל אחזyreve erehweht gninaemfo ,tnemegaruocne .neG an ואח שץ w.; cmp. preeed. .- « שSIT aroh
Kt,#,56, &.© (the repetition of a call) ped man ןושל | ו P. ten. 938, (, “20 7 Kgyption beer.
1 expresses endearment, eneouragemont, Kidd. ?9* |«. "; | וו42( readings wary betw. Sa. 5, +. Rabe.
6-11. ןיזוריו --- יררנדvows intended for urging to buy .א mote 1); desertbed ib. ott.» Nee rn
or sell, vows uttered while bargaining. Ned. 11,1. 1b.21* “sor (corr, ace), defined: rere! (v. presed.) decoct
או ד חורhM“ נרראei )| ₪ laer wov ro ylerem a( wov )rof (sudores
tritiel ₪ ¥. supra).
bargainingt— Y. ib, 111, 38* top 1 וקובש ]ווריז--- pr. ₪.
m., ¥. preoed.) Olt, +
PF v. 1.
it ₪ (b ha ךכמ +. ) clear, tremeparend ; pure.
Men. Vill, 5)". Th. ארך וך אלא נקר8402 ₪
m, (™, +. tot) bundle, bunch. Yeb. soi ד pure.
רקערa ‘bundle ofreeds; Sabb. 8. NOt, +. “st.
= וריא ַרְקְסָא Targ. Ps. 11,7. Targ. Nam. V, 19; 5. «— 17. pest, >.
“HST ch.
= חא+.יר
א po gaan ig amen
1 nt m, )5.(.; תוז;emp, (תייר 1) outflow,
run. Men. 86* justifying. Targ. Job 411, 2 'כו roots: Sos be-
ATS תרז ‘ ןסשolive-oil’ (Ex. XX VII, 20) that means of 4 ps ta pag
which flows of itself (before pressing). Ib. (VIII,4) “Not I m. (FS) 1) clear, guiltless, righteous
; dewere-
דthe first run,—2)
olive; (sub. 72) olive tree.
To , WI שארב .+ ;33“ .א.+ 'דָכ--. )זthe size of an olive;
ing, worthy (corresp. tob.₪. PS), opp. ST Sabb. az",
a. 6. 39 תוכז , ךילגלכונ.+ 3356 ד-- ot ₪ lecky day, ==
כתצר דflah eht ezis fo .68 .steB ,1 1 בכדMm זהeht
of joyous events, Taan. 29°; a. « —Seb. 11°
/ size for both is that of ₪6. 260.11..3. Kel. XVII, 8,
ד לבךh7 ארןsih noitareneg si ton gnivresed ti .toS( °24
fe“HSN; .א +- .-- 1.Som,
ot. Ber. 57* 'כו דmann
TRS, pl.); a.fr.—2) ecguilied, not guilty. Sab.111,4 םיקש
who dreams
of olives. B. Mets, VIII, 5 So רכומה =
ים ד fiרoט
wt ו
,eאtov toN‘ ;’ytliug .a rf )5— dellifonte
:| [גשwho sells his olive trees for the use of the wood.
| possession or disposal, having authority, a right ₪; +.
Mbul Yom 111, 6. Hall. Il, 9 קיסמ , יתר+. Prot;4 33.—Keth.1V,4 " בבתד וכ7 רטנבeht rehtaf sah ytirohtua
ir.—Tanh. ed. Bub. Ki Thetsé 10 %> 'דָכin pieces of
over his (minor) daughter to give ber away in marriage
1 ; Pesik. Zakh., p. 25" ד 7; Pesik. R. 5. 12— by receiving a consideration 46., "כו דו התאיצטב4
kts. 111, 6 ד “SE the proud among the olives; expl.
15. 111, 6 'כו ןראצורה תחתמsuch as come out un-
has the.tight of possession of what she finds ...*..
of interference
with ber vows; a.fr—Pl. pxzt. Ab.1 +
hed from under the press; B. Mets. 105* ד “rom
. > as if both (claimant and defendant) had been right.
very little oil),
| Sot. 48", v.supra; a.fr.—Pem.-xst.
Sob, 45* אצת...ד אשכש
Nan. same. Targ. Hag.11,19, Targ.Gen.VIIL,
11; she may be acquitted
in coart.
—Hul 98" 'בו TS KN fat of the size of an olive. “NSF ch. same, rightcous, innocent. Targ. Gen. V1.9;
. דד אכלפhalf the size of 80; דד ןיתלת ןיגלפthirty a. e.— Pi. .יאו Targ. Jer. XIX, 4; a. ¢—V. “=.
8 the size of half an olive. Y. Pes. VIL,33 (prov.)
SE כדwith an olive’s size of the Passover )ומשא
| NSIT pr. .ם . ג.6) . רכד(מZakbai, 1) fatber
of ₪.
= האמ+ הקהל cease oe Jobanan. Spb. 41° 31% ךב TS הדחה דכwhen
be was ₪
כburst the roof (ij. 6. joy in simplicity is the
student, they called him Ben Z &c. Ab. Il, 8; .אfr-—
urest); Bab. ib. 85>; Cant. R. to 11, 14 את"יבב אחספ
3( ד )רב( ןבBen (Ber) Z Hall. 52*.—3) B. Z, also “3?
| Bame of several Amoraim. Y. Sabb. VII, # top; Sab. 62*
]. IIKings XXIII, 18/91 ריס (h,text תיחשמה =n); (Ms.M. ד 34); Y. Yeb. VIII, & ;הידכז (corr. ace); a e—Y¥.
II Sam. XV, 30 (h. text .--.(םדתזה
Mets. 21°. | מו. IV, 284 top הירדטסכלאד ; דרY. Yeb. VII, 5* bot. 7
mT דד
398 זכר
); ר' אלכסיcca.roc( .Y—.e.a .geM "57,VI .tob ר' ז' דכבול.-- רנפמ( המ ןיכזhow dare we obtaina benefit
for this slave?;
Tb. 74% bot. 'ז אחבס Z., the butcher. a. fr.— Pl. nist. Yoma" 86 ושעכ ול 'זכNV wilful wrongs
are accounted ‘to him (who repents) as though they were
יכה זי,
merits, Taan, 20" smitsta ןרכנמ ול it is deducted from
ץ כו כוNAST. the rewards for his good. deeds. Ex. R. s. 38, ‘end a. fr. §
MYDD =). h.; 721, emp. (אסינלבד glass, crystal. NOMI, 13, 15 ch. same. Targ. Gen. XV, 6. Targ. .
Meg. 6* (ref. to Deut. XXXII, 19) הנבל ‘ לוח רז 'זsand’ Y. Deut. VI, 25. Targ. Y. Num. XX, 2; a. fr.cLev. BR.
alludes to white 81888. -- 8800. 14" 'ז "b> לע ורזג האמוט 8.30% ,םילומ v. preced. a, םלָא IL. Ber. "108 ךדרדו 'ז ידיד
declared glass vessels subject to the laws 0] 1 my merit and thine, Keth.10° 'ז "x2 where is the benefit
purity. Ib. 15°; a. fr.— Pl. תויְכּוכְז glass beads. Num, R. (that the word 53% can be used)?; a.fr—Pl. }1131, NMI31,
8. 21.—B, Kam. 30° ו"ָתויְבּכְז 8 broken glass ware. Ib. at. Targ. Deut. XX XIII, 21.—Sabb. 140% 'כו 'זמsb וכנמ
( ְכוּכִיותָיחָםib. 111, 2 sing.). (Ms. 0. "NTw=12) v.Rabb. 12.8 a. 1.) it may be deducted
from my reward in the world to come. ‘Hag. 15* בתכימל
[ אתיכוכch. same. Targ. Job XX VII, 17. ' די רכot drocer eht stirem fo ;learsI ' למרמחקן ז' וכot epiw
aa) I part. pass. of “21. out the record of &¢.; a. e—Esp. (pl.) verdict in favor,
title, claims. Keth. 85° 'כו 7 ובתכ רלgive me in writing
ae) IL .ומ (b. h.)="21 male (mostly used in con-
your decision in my favor, that they must pay &c, Ned. 27%
nection with pederasty), Snh. 711, 4. Ib. 54"; a, fr.— ' רכ7 דאתפרסwhose papers were deposited in court ; ןולזרל
Snh. 65", vy. ורכז
.--Pl. םירגכז necromantic incantation, הכר זְכְיְותַאַרeseht ym srepap )smialc( llahs eb .diov
v. M723. Pesik. R. s. 23.
733, Vv. yet
NDS, pl.fv) (v. preced.) necromantic appa-
ritions. Targ. Y . 11 Deut. XVIII, 11. ,הבז וכז
ו (b. h.; emp.[ ךז( to be pure, clear,] 1) to be
HDI 1. ("23; emp. Lat. fascinum=witchraft a, mem- acquitted, be right. B. Mets." 107 הבוז ןידבhe will be =
brum virile) necromantic incantation (by means of a successful in his plea before court. Ber. 7 ( הכוז ןודבve =
membrum); necromantic apparition. Snh. 65> 72 הלעמה Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note) he will be found righteousin
he who conjures up the dead by means of 6. ; Gen. R. ° Divine judgment; a. fr.—2) to be found worthy of, to be =
₪. 11; Y. Snh. VII, 25°; Lev. R. s. 26.—Snh. 1. c.; Yalk. privileged, to succeed. Tb, ,1 5 " 'כוM721 אלו 1 did not suc-
Deut. 918 (interpret. ,ןנועמ Deut. XVIII, 11, (ןוע,+ ריבעמה deec ni( )gnivorp taht 68. 5.21" ' זוכה לשתר וכ. . . . לא6
שבעה מינר זָכוּר על העין.rA( .de .hoK זמר זכורן, .relc )rorre every one is privileged to enjoy two tables (this world
he who lets pass before one’s eyes seven sorts of appa- and the hereafter). Hag." 5 ּוכְזִת ליבקהל 'כוyou will be
ritions; (Sifra K’dosh. Par. 3, ch. VI; Sifré Deut.171 “""a>% privileged to receive &c. Pes, 19% ןראש 'כוAST it was
על העין.)ylno a good thing for us that 80. Erub, 54% תוואת 'כו7 if
one is favored, ‘thou givest him the desire of his heart’
ּ [כורן.hc .emas .g.r 0a .vT
eL ,XIX ,13 .a 6., ץצ. M735. (without prayer), if less favored ₪0. Yeb. 63%, v. 733;
.graT .Y ,bi 1 מסיק, read: .37 a. fr.—3) to take possession, have authority ; to own (cmp.
תּוכזf. (M21) 1) acquittal, favorable judgment, plea mp); to gain, obtain a privilege. 14, Mets. I, 3 Stאנ
in defence.—’* a> to plead in favor of the defendant. הב1 took possession of it for myself; 'ז הב it is his, —
Snh. 1V, 1 לכה ןידמלמ 'זall are permitted to plead for Ib. 4 הב% הז קרזחהש הבthe one that took a hold of
the defendant. Ib. ךרחתופ 'זל the opening argument must it, is the legitimate owner. Ib. "> "דש M31 my field (in
be for the defence. Ib. 75 ןיטמ לע רפ דחאa majority of which the object lies) has taken possession for me. Y.
eno si tneiciffus rof ;lattiuqca .bA—rf.a 76,1 לכף... .הור דן Kidd. 1,60* top > ומצע 'כו mizt> “INH he who is legally
judge every man with an inclination in his favor. Sabb. 32* qualified to acquire ownership through his own act, can |
רטפהו7 אבהbring pleaders in thy favor (good deeds) obtain ownership through another person.—Erub. VII, —
and be acquitted; a. fr.—2) doing good, blessing. Taan. 29°, 11 (815), a. fr, ER אלש םדאל7°21 you may obtain
.a .rf 'מגלגלין ז, .v .Y—.3ba .zaN ,IIV *65 .toh 'נתכוונתל לז privilege in behalf of a person in his absence, but yo 1
I had the intention of doing good; Treat. 8’mah. IV, end. cannot act in his behalf to his disadvantage; a. fr.
{Ib. יתוכז , תלחתread:( 3---[ "שרמשתthe protecting influ- 4) (v. Pi.) to benefit another person by one’s own merit,
ence of good conduct, merit. Y.Peah1,16» top שי הל 7h to transfer blessing 80. Eduy, 11, 9 כו באח הֶכוז ןבלa
ןרק 'כוgood deeds have a capital and interests (reward (good) father transmits to his son the benefits of beauty 0.
the author and protect his offspring).—R. Hash, 11* “2 Tosef.ib.I,14 ול דע קרפה הכוזup to the age of majority
תובאfor the sake of the Patriarchs; 'זב תוהמרא for the father’s merit stands by him, ומצעל ךלראו הכוז. X=
eht ekas fo eht srehtoM haraS( .(.0₪ .reB %72 'לית לרה ז after that he lives on his own merits.—5) to d
תובאhas no distinguished ancestry to rely on. Gen. R. well of, be of service to. Lev. R. s, 34 (ref.
to Ps. 2
.8 44 ְףְסכְז תדמוע 'כוthy guarding influence shall stand עמוmini> WRN... רוח reflect well how tobe 0
by them. Snh.* 12 'זב םימחרה םֶסּוכְזבְוthrough Divine service to him. Ib. וב < תוכזto deserve divine |
mercy and their own merits; a. fr.—4) advantage, privilege,
benefit. B. Mets.* 19 אוה דבעל 'כו7 liberty is a benefitto deserve well of 2 other (the ‘poor being th
ne i 0
the slave. Tosef.Gitt.I,5 'כו 7 אצמנFN" ed. Zuck. (Var. mentality of bliss to the giver); א
זי “I
1% 91,'ִברַו \( fo acquit, to argue or vote for acquittal. the servant conquered bis master, 5%. ₪" *ל eres רא
ורות. 19° וכ7st יפתthow wast right io aequitting, in ווyou defeat me) SS BEF! "אי(needל2' |and Uf we defeat
condemping. Soh. 111, 5 בוט םינשif two vote for ae you. Wall. a1" יפי West ON. defeated the Katte; ..6.--
quittal; a. free=@) fo obtain a privilege for, lohe posse | ןהtecntille, give pommasionlo, Pos. 18° er "בל ארשש כמ
tion in behalf of; to transfer, make an assignmentto, . docement
viving ₪ fille 6 both = 1. =. one
Y. Kidd, |,6. 72 ךבל חו רוthe one obtained = privilege (Agre ing Sith two epporite opiniones
for ה rational being. B. Nath, Vill, 6 רחאל הב1 if in מ ]ווקה .₪4 "סרוto be cleared, to go >
his will (found on hie body) he made an asignmentto | 06 te clear one’s veif, ta defend
one's elf. Tare Gen.
somebody else (as exeeutor), a.ft-—5) fe transfer divine >וצרXLV, 16 = =
favor, loexercise a protecting influence om. ₪. 111
' את כל וכstcetorp eht eritne .nwot am *7o
# "Y
°5 = ישm ,sR" ,tneronni סוק קוד0. Nom
' וכesraאP
לקצסן אלeroP .eM א. ton ylno od yeht RERV, 58 od. Mert, (od. 49. “WET, Tang. 0. Dew.
RIX, 10; = e-em. west.דק .¥ 1Gen.
obtain divine grace for themeelves, but they aleo (rane
same on their children ₪6-[ .ה fr. <4) fo lead lo .¥( 101/--.(ראכו
pest, .+ | ראשost. TareYo Whe,
דץMa. XVI, 82 (some 64. 751).
NZI, v. “a
יה,¥ וכיה
Hithpa, renn, Nithpa. rem; 1) to be acquitted, to
FAs Aone naberty Soh. 50° “She דנ. םתירברמthe de- ,a ה..rוp
א, *. "בוא.
fondant has boon aoquitted by their (the court's) verdict. ,eeh .beY ,lliV ל, +. וכאר11.
יצib. V, 22 top he ןירטופ METS וזיאבו and on whied-
soever (of the two counts) he i* found not guilty, he is porscevion,
faking poxecesion, clan. ¥.
noquitted; a. fr.—2) to have favorable evidence or argu- Pea ¥.iy 1%. “EER .דץPew. il,29°top רכאר yes
went offered, Th, 29" רטצע “BS 2 if the defendant
bim- דaccording to the opinion that renounced property duce
self offers &o, Ib. וטצע “HS VS ירה (read ורק .(ישפט not go oat uf the owner's possession until eutmebody took
of it.B.Kam.i2°
היוגב 7 sod דחל ome .א
א ch. same, 1) fo be clear, pure. Targ. Job M. (ed. (דהיייגב the priests have 5 claim on it, 16. o>
45 81 TSE“ emos( .de ,tS“ );.ecn.rroc א. 6.-- לתו זכרהsM .M dettniim)o.d(e oB steM *? ארק ליה
igo moped ("7 Targ.Jor. XXV,20; ao.— ד לנפשירהsah a thgirot ekat noissessop ni tib nwo ;flaheb
’ deserve well, do good, to obtain a claim on divine a. &
5 אי . םדאthe
beggar says .... ‘obtain a claim ₪0. through me’, or PSE, NID m. cheb. yy.Tang. ¥. Lev. XXIV,&
> hecome pure through
me’, (which means)
“ ךטרג"בzt Targ. ¥Y. Gen. XLAX, 12 (of wine).
benefit thyself through me, Ib. ךבJs! PX we shall give TTS +. cop 1) remem/rance, thinking. Men. 43°
ו Ib, אתתא WHS ד give this woman (me)
Y. Hag.1,76°bot,“ 'כו3t2. . חלשsent his son (ref.to Nam. XV, 39‘St ד 7 הרדאר אדבט דדילsewing leads
to thinking, thinking to doing. Gen. 4.5.22 (ref.
to Gen.
VIL,1) ול ד רכזנMs what (meritorious decd) remember-
ed He to him. Meg. 15° Posts לרכרבא. Abig. suggested
licentiousness by alluding to her being remembered
Job XX, 17; a.e—Ber. 17* PIS} “NSS םרשנ where-
| (i Sam. XXV, 31); a. = —2) recifation. Ib.2 (ref.wo
Esth. 1X, 28) 7 recitation of the Book of Esther, contrad.
to הררשע celebration
of the Festival.
.(זוtranspos. of PES, Pale! ofPrt, +. PEt) לזזדסי.+(oe) emptying trom vessel to veel. Ab
birds. Targ. Y. Lev. 1,16 Ar. (ed ETI; Ar. Zar. 36° SSR. . לשFES the fect that they poor
> +. :טקלMARY). (into their oil vessels) residoes of unclean (of forbidden)
vessels makes their oil forbidden.
Targ. Prov. XXVIII, 7 (ed. Lag. a. oth, *5*5t). Nero תו. )זלק, .pme .P .mS ;52131111, a (זרק.krap—s
ליv. 3h,ול 1%. זליקרTarg. Prov. XVI, 27.
33 wn; ; emp. (ללד to be light, slender. —S3%, v. לח
ו +
Pilp. ולול1)totreatlightly, to despise, neglect (with
(בBer. 6" (ref. to Ps. XU, 9) FS PSSrs םדא St and
= 3) 1) to drip, be wet. Y. B. Mets. VI, which people treat slightly. Y. Pesh 1, 15% .או 2< דס
ְרחחָה שsלiז
h dleif saw oot tew rof( —.)krow ' וכthey despise the sons of the handmaids; Gen. RB.» 6.
Nosprinklearoma ideNum. R.s.13, beg. תודבכמ = Sabb. 62""כו St5rom he who is neglectfal in the observ-
MSM (not (תולחוזר the winds sweep and sprinkle ance &c. Ab. Zar.38* ךה ראדול ןרלזלזמMa M.(ed. Sry
ullthe perfumes &c.; 7 the Lyddeans are neglectful of religious observances;
לSp; emp. האיל - 10%. Shek.1, 12 לז ילPS a @—2) תועמ דfo disregard mony-matiers. Y_ Sab.
(or TS!) one may use itforsprinkling before his bier VIII, 26" top; ib. XI, beg. 20* (the rebellices son that
].ib.11,47*top םולז ולres). \ took what belonged to his father) לזלזרש בירח דקSe
1 TEs tosprinkle thefloor forcooling or perfam- “> cannot be made responsible, unless be disregards
the air. Tosef. Sabb, XVI (XVID, 3תאךיחָלזס
ןיא money, expl. ib. ‘he takes an object and sells it for is
חברת אtom( (החביתeno tsum top no( eht )htabbaS exact cost price’ (thus proving both his rationality and
| his wastefulness).
ו+ '
זלל 402
555 ch. same, to be of little value, disregarded. Targ. NTA c. (v. P. Sm. 1138; prob. from the color of
Prov. III, 21 ךניעב ( אל לזָנhb. text 115"). Ib. IV, 1 אל peeled vine shoots, v. W721) blwish-black or bluish-gray .
נֶזְלָן בעיניך.raV .de .gaL .a .hto .de .de( .gaL ,35527 .v Pl. + .ןֶרּומְז Gen. RB. 5 8 רחונרע ןרוהhis eyes were0
sbi; [ג. text מה11954).
“Palp. זלזל1) to disregard, despise. Targ. .צץ Deut. זמורד, vy.אזמורד .
XXVIUL, 16. Targ. .צץ Gen. XVI, 4 תלזלז (ed. pr. M35) she
ְ הָרומf. (b.h.; "Yat I) 1) vine-shoot, vine-rod. -
disregarded.—Hull. 133° 'כו bibs NP רֶלזְַז does he show
XVIL 6 > איחש: a rod which is tied to a pitcher (to
that he treats religious observances with disrespect?, opp.
let it down into the well); a.e.—Esp. the rod as an officer's
חבב.--4פ. Zar. 35% הב רתאו רֶלוזלזלMs. 11. (ed. (אָלּוזְלרֶזְל
badge and punishing instrument. Num. R. s. 18 47"
and he may be induced to disregard it; a.e.—2) to count
וכ דand to give him the rod (appoint him an officer).
the lowest price. 3. Mets. 52" רנש רשעמב425515179 in re-
לעב זהcarrier of the rod (among the Romans C 0
deeming second tithes we are permitted to count closely.
y. 8m. Ant. 8. v.). Sabb. 1455 רלעבו 'זMs. M. (ed. boa)
Ib. 7a אל ררת רלרזtwo lowerings of value must not be
and Centuriones, v. ji034. Y. Sot. IX, 24" top (rank0
applied to it (to value closely and then to count a 06-
officers) לעב ןומגאה לעב 'זה 'כוcane-bearer, rod-bearer
fective coin for full), 4
strap-bearer; Tosef. ib. XV, 7 (variously corrupted, a
XX, 28. Ib. XXVIII, 4, v. mbt. ת'"ש וכesaep אחתיה.rA .de( מתבעין מן מלכותא+(
his sister’s son will be fined (or lose) seven hind6
ap m., v. past.
Denars. Ib. ןיאמראמ ( וא ןותאread: ,ןיָאיִמְַזִמ Ithpa.; Yal\
SSP f. ;)ללז cmp. 9451) bucket, hod. 6.46% אנרטד 7 Lev. 665 (ןיימדזמ or you will pay 86. Ib, 'זמ ןנאד... אמ
Ar. (ed. Rub", prob. corrupt. of (אעולז a hod with clay. (Yalk. 1. 6. ,ןונראד corr. acc.) 61086 thou know tat
[Sabb. 55> אתלז v. לגז זh.] are destined to lose 86.? Ib, ןווסראמ ( ןוניאדYalk. |
(דאתון מזרמיין, .+ .IO nuo
“OP 11 (emp. םסז 1 a. (רמר to think, Denom. Nying
\ זמא/ זמר.
ץ ְמִבּלְינָא. ַבְלרְגָא
TIS, NITY, > > ?
; המזVs na.
“TaVa}, +. wey 1.
Ds m. (51 Il) muzzle, bit.— Pl. nave. Gen. R.
s. 60 (interpret. ,חתפרו Gen. XXIV, 32) סֶחיִמּומְז ריתהhe yo, part. pass. of 2.
took their muzzles off; Yalk. Gen. 9 ןֶהיִמְמְז vy. Dori.
ְ אָנימI .) ג721( invited guest. Ned: et
WE v. pat. Targ. “I Sam. TX, 22 (ed. Wil. ‘271, corr.
בִדהִמְכָרMy invited guest (Israel); a. e.—b) designated, Ithpa. ja7i8 1) as preced. Nithpa. rere. Job XXXII,
chosen. “Ber. 43% הכרבל 2“ אדהhe is the one designated 23.—Targ. Y. II Gen. XIX, 31 "כו Nyaat4s> to join usin
(by the host) to say grace. Ab. Zar.17% 'כו ררהל72 chosen wedlock (cmp. 531).—Targ. Am. IT, 3; a. 6.--9( to ע 4
for the bliss of futurity.—Snh. 102* ‘35 “2 ארה תעthere pare one’s self. Targ. Josh. VII, 13; a. 6. Bs Tas
is a time designated for &c. Ib, ןמוזמ D1 (not איה ,תע Gen. XXII,8 ,ןמרזר read jat7,]—Contr. jams, Ithpe.}
Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 8); Yalk. 18. 330; ib. Jer. 287.-- v. supra. $2)
c) ready at hand, in one’s possession. B. Mets. 102°;
Sifré Deut. 227, a. 6. 'מל טרפNIP" רכ ‘if it chance’ ךמזm. .5) h.; preced.) 1)appointed time, term, tinne.
(Deut. XXII, 6) this excludes that which is at thy .ddiK ,I ,7 .a .rf הז' גרמא, +. .B—.B2N .maK 311* קובעים
disposal (in thy court yard); a. e.—2) to appoint a meal ‘ כרwe appoint (in the summons to appear before court)
in common, so as to say grace together; to preface the a Monday, Thursday and Monday in succession. Gitt. 72
grace after meal by saying, Let us praise ₪0.; v. לורד a.fr. לש רטש Spot the date of the document.—Taan. 14”,
Ber. VII, 1 jat> ןיבייח . . . השלשif three dine together, a. fr. דב הזה in our days (after the dissolution of the
they are bound to make an appointment for common Jewish common-wealth). Ib. 7 לכה רפלall depends on
grace. Ib, ">> y"221"2 common grace may be appointed the season (whether it is advanced or retarded, v. Rabb.
by making him one of the party (offering him something D. 8.8- 1, note 400), Ib. לש הערבר myat the rainy season;
to eat). Ib, ןהרלע ךרא 'מyou cannot count them in (to a. . צץfr— Pl. 0733}. Meg.* 2 "ד הברהvarious dates (for
make up the requisite number). 10.9 ןיכמזמ דע המכhow reading the Megillah)."ַש -- jaa in the case of, when,1
much must one eat of the meal in order to be counted Erub. VI,.7 רתמרא 'זב 'כו in what case (is this si)?
one of the company? Ib. 3 “2 דצרכ how is the appeal When they carry ₪0. Ib, 6 םידומו 'זב 'כוthey all agree
for common grace made?; a. fr. that, if some of them &c.; a. v. fr.ופַמְזּב -- mya ke,in/
its prescribed, due time; spay& ץוח e. out of time, b 1
Hif. 7213 1) to cause to prepare, to notify. Dem.
its due time. Zeb.I,1. 10.11, 8 ; a.v.fr.—2) festive season
> VIL, 1 כו ןיִמְזַמה תא וריבחif one notifies his friend that
(cmp. sop 2, SND) | Zan’, that section of the benediction
he will dine with him (on the Sabbath).—2) to designate
on the entrance of a Festival which refers to the retur
for use; v. .הָנַמְזַה Ber. 26° 'כו דניִמְזִַהif he designated a
of the festive season (MIN ונייחהש ונעיגהו ןמזל .).... Pe:
building for &¢.—3) to summon, v. next w.
102 7 אלדמ רמאsince he did not mention
the bene-
Nithpa. y72712 1) to meet, to come to hand (providential- diction of Z’man, , צץYFP". Succ, 48° רנפב...7 VU
ly); to join one’s self to, Snh, 96* 'כו ותוא ךאלמ ינש ול ומצעthe eighth day (of Succoth) . . . 18 a festive seaso
that angel who was commissioned to accompany Abra- for itself, requiring the insertion of Z’man; a. fr.—f
ham. Ib. דחא ול רלגר% a footman was joined to him as above. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39° לבבב7 'גthere are thre
(to meet his challenge). Ab. Zar. 25" 'כו ול2w לארשי festive seasons (idolatrous fairs) in Babylonia. Tosef.B
(Hull. 91° (לפסנש an Israelite whom a gentile joins on ,111 18 ...771 םתוח ךורבyou must close with ‘Bless
the road. Shebi. VII, 4 'כו םהלs2712w who accidentally be He.. is sanctifies the Sabbath, Israel, and thi
caught unclean animals; a. fr.—2) to make an appoint- Seasons.—[Snh. 101% אלש ונמזב. . . ארוקהhe who cit
ment for meeting one another. Pesik. R. 8. 38, v. 7772".
a Biblical verse at.a banquet out of its context (perver
ing its sense for lascivious purposes); Treat. Kallah bbeg
y33 I ch. same. — Part. pass. ןיִמז ready, prepared.
Targ. Ex. XXXIV, 2 (Y. ,ןרמז , ןרמזincorr.).—Ib. XIX, 11; re) 11, N20}, NI}, a ch. same. ‘'Targ. 0. ¢
15 772%} .)צ 11 ןנְמזִמ,v. infra) ד .אָכְרִמְז XVIII, 14 (Y. on '%( h. text 4372). Ib. 11,23 7 אדה+
Pa, זמרך1) to invite; to appoint ;to summon; to pre- time (h. text (םעפה ;a. fr,—Targ. Jer. XVIII,7,9 ...ידו
pare. Targ. Mic. 111, 5. Targ. Ex, XIX, 10; 14 (ed. Berl. at one time... another time.—Hull. 105% רמ רלyay
זמרך, v. Berl. Targ. O. II, p. 25); a. fr. [Ib. XXV, 22 ' רכ7 set me aterm, and I shall pay. M. Kat. 16* ןניעב
yarn, ed. Berl. ןיִמְזיֶאוג Y. 7at"N, Ithpe.].—M. Kat. 16* דיthat (in legal summons) a date is fixed for appear
1 הרל ןֶנֶכיֶמַדִִבwe su on him &c. Cant. R. to V, 8 in court. Ib. 47 רתב 7% one term after the ofther (in 6
“21 92727477 “ANS (not (ךקלכמזד in those my days when we of failing to appear on the first summons). Hag, 4" 5
invited two parties of scholars (for 0180088108 Part. mat] אלב dies before his destined time; a. v. fr.-
pass. Vat (hebraism: .(ךָמזְב Targ. Ps. LXXII, 17 (h. Bath. 73, a. fr. אדח 7 once upon a time (introducin
text --.(ךוכר 27. constr. "273172. Targ. Y. Num.I, 16 (h. text story).—Pl. jy9i, "3. Targ. Ex. XXII1,17;א
(קריאר. [Ib.XXVI, 9 רמגמנמ הזread "2212; ed, --.(רערעמ a. fr. RO 'ז many 'ז--7--.16%מ1+ at times .:
2) to appoint a meal in common, to say grace in common. times. Ber. 20% a, fr.—N29% .1=ןּכְשִמ 3%
Ber, 45° ain 7A Jet.us go back and agree (retro- אצמ ;א.a .graT—.rf ,sP ,VIXXL 4 lla
‘spectively) to make our meal a common one. —-Targ. Jer. XLVII, 6 7%תרבל to thy eatin
Af. אזמִיךsame. Targ. Y. Gen, XXIV, 7. Targ, 1Sam. (the sheath; h. text "5377!).—[Targ. P:
זמר 405 זב
nag (ed, 'כ רטזב( תיבat their appointed banquets, | Lam. V, 14,--Th, TLL, 68 Pre™G! object of their derisive
¥, preced, was.) songs, +, “Wet1.
“WATT (b. b.) to nip; to prune; to cut, Babb. 79" 4 | + we f ‘STI .ומ same, song, music, Git, 7° כמד
וצריך וכיfi eno smirt אeert no( eht )htabbaB rof gnikam ay pide ie
Sic dell iesmusic (at banquets, after the
use of the wood, Bnh.26* רטוח ( ךתכnot (רטי אpriest ie destruction of the Temple) is forbidden? 16. אגר דin-
he, and he pranes the vine (in the Sabbatical year)!;a.fr. strumental music, אטופר דvoeal musit. Bot. 4e* אחיבב ד
= .]או 1913 to be pruned, tenet, to bechecked, unnerved, ' וכmusic in the house-—destruction at the threshold. Ib,
| defeated. Cant. Bt.to I, 12 (ref. to st ib.) Post קינת בשרל דdetibihorp lacisum .stnemniatretne .bbaB— °611
של קרלחeht emit rof gninurp eht maituperp -rle( פסוקר רדsesrev fo esiarp ,eP( IIVLARC .a ;LC .v ,bbaR
cumelsion) has come )+. Ex,1.=.19); MEME... קינה D. 8. & .ו note 200).—FP1. post, .רז ¥. Meg. 111, 74° bot,
the time has come for the Egyptians to be checked; Sep ךיטד הדוused tw go to bed and ree with
Pesik. Habod., p. 50%; Posik, RB. =. 15.—Lev. ₪. 5.9, beg. musi¢n=V. רמו
ia named Zimri (1 Obr, Il, 6, emp. with Josh.
VII, 24) ודי לע. . ורְסְזְנלִשbecause through him the Isra- NST, "111pr. n,m. Zimra, father
of B.Yor, v.
elites were unnerved (Josh, VII, 5);
a =.
nots, לו 90% a.fr
( גרןzt, Ti st) .או )2/4-
ch., Af. Pot same. Y.Shebi.
IV,35* 8 דח אשה
0ts [th lp crystal (v7, Bm. Ant.s.
( וכיnot ' (אידsaw one prune ₪6. (in the Sabbatical year).
v.). Targ. Prov. XXV,12; a.fr. (in the senee of ₪ precious
ו cmp. B31 1) totingle, make music, sing. stone (v. next w.], and as crystal or spar of copper mine) —
Pl, .א ןירזרסוLev. Bt. 5. 2 (precious stones).
תה )1 to sing one’s praise. Cant. R, to 11, 16 wn
. זכזרגm. (spapaytoy)
emerald, 5 pre-
HTS. ETS (or *77St, THY) He praised me, and 1 86.--
.neG ,R א. 19, dne ,lpxe( טזטרת, ,neG 111.1, 11) דברים
don gost
. הר 19, +. “BSH
'כוPISS WO things which men praise
all over the Teh, ץצ. mater.
Sis lacsaden asleden torestieties slanty.rro).
Boh. 99" top“ לכב םוי et chant every day; Tosef. Ohol. ,הרמז .1 (st (11 chant on reciting Talmudic
XVI, 8 'זFF רב FT (the Law says) review
me steadily lessons. eer at Treat. Sof'rim 111, 10.
&o,; ib. Par, 1 (IL), 7; emp. x32 ( רמז-ג5.1) pr.n.m. Zimri, slain by Phinehas
a) ch., 1% רמז same, 1) fo sing. Targ.
Ps, XVIII, 50; XXV, 14). Snh. 82", a. 6, v. “st 118. Y. Taan. 111, 69
6 t, 48* 'כו ררבג "רז when men sing and women bot. 'ז 'כו Mos how mani Zimris (lewd men) are in our
—2) to sing a satire, deride. Targ.
Lam. III,14. days!; a. fr.
stem ; a. fr.—Trnsf. the last, least. Ab. IV, 15, .צ --"ֶרֶא רתואOn םתא “ יסְחַנז םכתאON did I loathe you? You >
Euphem. membrum virile. Tanh. Ki Thetsé 10 (expl. loathed me.—2) fo be loth. Pesik. R. s. 41 (ref. to m2,
ורזכב, Deut. XKV,18) 7 תכמ הכה ןתואAmalek mutilated Ps. LXXUI, 27) Tyo וקחרש חנו because they remoxed
* them by cutting off &c.; Pesik. Zakh,, p. 27°; Pesik, R. themselves from and were loth of Thee.
8. 12; Num. R, s. 18; v. M701.—Denom. 110: ברד1) to declare rejectable, unclean; (emp. (םוהז
to reject; (cmp. ,באס ( קחרto remove, Hull. 7° F212 ןיא e
בזPi. (b.h.) 1) (v. Ukts. 1, 3 quot. in preced. w.) to ‘18 we must not detest him (remove him from college).
cut off the extreme branches of the vine, to trim. Shebi. Pesik. R. 1. 6. aH םמצע O72 they (through their
IV, 6 םלנפגב32190 he who trims grape-vines.—Trnsf. % sins) remove themselves from thee.—2) 10 polish, cleanse.
[ תולוכשאבto thin the clusters,] to diminish the scholars Lev. R. s. 1, beg. (ref, to חונז ( רבאI Chr. IV, 18) that is |
by persecution (v. .( לוּפשַאGen. R. .; א42 Lev. R. s. 11; Moses ז"עמ םֶחרֶנְזִהִשovM72> בא הרהשfor he was the
.a )2—.e ot ,kcatta ecrof a .egassap .neG 4. 8. 47 בקש father of the cleaners, for he cleansed them from aes ;
ןבזלJoab wanted to force his passage through their Yalk. ib. 428,
territory; Yalk. Sam. 147. Pi, m33 to make glistening, to stroke, dress. Num. R.
N35, v. N03. s. 20; Tanh. Balak 12 ִהיְּתְח ... "תאב1 had come to
kill her, and now I had to polish her up; (Tanh.ed. Bub,
Moet pr. n. f. Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, Y. Ter. ib, 20 Mm; Yalk. Num. 768, Matt. K. to Num. 3.1. ₪
VIII, 46" bot. אתכלמ ( 'זnot (אתוכלמ quotes in Tanh, 1. 6. .(היתיכד
"NA, יצyt.
חנוTarg. Ps. XV, 5 m2" ed, Lag., read רזהדז orרזוע .
זנגבילאTarg. Cant. III, 9, read: ַאָניֶלְּבְנְז=אןרלּבמז
,( הנו רכזb.h.) )1 [to run to and fro, wander;[ (with
NOI f. (Cvyy(Bepts, zingiber) an Arabian spice ( רחאto run| after, (with ררחאמ( to run away from; esp.
plant, prob. ginger. Yoma 81"; Ber, 36% (v. Ms. M. in to run about as a prostitute, to be faithless, be wnchaste
Rabb. D. 8. a. 1.), v. .אָתְלַמיַה (cmp. ch. תקפנ ארב for mit, a. רעט for our w.). Sabb. 55"
אקודְנזm.(Syr.8p723, P.Sm.1141;=Np1n, reduplic.
(play on , זחפGen. XLIX, 4) M2} תאטה . . . תעספthou
hast trespassed upon religion, sinned, been unchaste (v.
of 4 emp.; לירזאק 111 for inserted כ cmpמזדנדזין s.v.(דעזע
jailer. Taan, 298 'ז אנאAr, (ed., 4. Ar, 60. Koh. 8275531,
dat). —Snh. 100% matm אמש lest she may go astray (be
v. Rabb. D. ₪. 4.1. note 50 ; Ms.M. S82pP772) 1 am ajailer.
seduced); a. v. fr.—2) to commit an offense. Git. 6” ex-
plain. וילע , הנזתוJud, XIX, 2, emp. Targ. a. 1.
ץ ונת, זכר. Pi.m2"t same, also to invite faithlessness, to excite the
,135 vy. NET senses. Sabb. 88" nmpin ךותב Mya חלכ ( בולעv. Rabb.
D. 8. a. 1.) bold is the bride who thinks of faithlessness
NITI35 pr. n. pl. Z’noha (b.h. 3, Josh, XV, 34; 56) while getting married; Gitt. 36° 'כו ברקבHH. Sot.10*
in Judaea. Men. VIII, 1 )88"( Ar. a, Rashi (ed. אחטז עלרוmapa... כל חִמְזפֶּהfi a nam si ,dwel sih efiw lliw
Ms, M. ,אחנוז Mish. ed. ,החרנוזמ Mish. Nap. ;אחרנוזו .צץ think of faithlessness against him; Yalk. Job 918 3379
Rabb. .כ ₪. a. 1. note); Tosef. ib. [X,2 החל )ססז וז4 תחתיו. Meg. 15° 'כו m2} המשב בחרRahab suggested
DA m. pl. (b. h.; 2%) 1) prostitution; 'ז "22 impure thoughts by her name (Rahab hazzonah), Jael
children begotten in
i prostitution. Pes.87* bot. 'ד ; רכבib.” with her call (Jud. IV, 18) 86, v. M3751; a. fr.—Trnsf.
ךינבו בני Ms. M. (ed. 7 ,םינב 7 , ךינבוv. 21-2) sen- (of plants) to degenerate. Gen. R.s.28,end HM ץראה ףא
suality. 15.111% 7 חור . . . NIMN sexual passion will seize the earth, too, became degenerated in her produces; v.
him (her). זונלרא. ¥. Kil. 1, beg. 264 77212 תוררפה the produces may
degenerate (ref. to Lev. XIX, 29).
Plas, +. pan. .
Jo} (see. + ofmp1) tobefaithless, suapected offaith (reported as one of the changes in the Greek tranretion
of the Peotateuch, and ref. to "רקנ .| ,> aed toאצ"ל*
= Nesaness
— Port, pase yay, pl. 27st of spuriows paternity,
. וXXIV,( : יכוטאו וod, (Ma. Par, ‘St, oth. . ומ.= Voli
לךTR and she will bear thee Gen. 3 °C") ‘the youtha’ (veevienm, in placeof tant,
spurious sons; ib.” 1 ךינבו |+ Pet.
¥. LXX וו
Pi. Wt to think of faithleseness, tor. 10", ©. PY, |
וקוקא בק.hb( ). )o1 t ,trdugm ,rettupetcej htiw .ecrof , ple מומה ch. = Targ.¥. Ux,
XXIV, 11 Lev. (ed. xvod"), Targ. Cant. Vi, 5.
= וא. 50" rpares it means ₪ woman discharging urin in
₪ gush. Holl, 98°73") the animal's blood sputtered (when | "Zh iv. “21 1) fo be email, diminished, Targ, Prov.
= וש jugular arteries were 601( Y. Yoma 1,90" bot, too"
א, 27 מליךMe, a. Var, ot. Lag. (od, Lag. & oth. .(רק
Pare hie nose discharging worme—2( [fo male
₪ persons’ mouth water.) lo make a person sick by with: תיא, קייא+ וא
holding from him a dewired dish, Bx,
Th, #16, end orm
את בכר וכיPPO ey edam ym nerdlihc kcis yb -dlohhtiw J ₪ pl. (wv. 9) emall, Targ Prov. 1.6 Lev.
ing from them meat, when ye ate &o, a. Bust, / . Lag. erst, Var,(דקי"* .
Hif, poy todrop, topowr, +. Sabb, VIII, 11" bot. ק ית ד. לק.
SO PYTSS the Mishnal means when one uses piteh or
sulphur in a liquid state, YH, ער, ער. .₪ ,rew נהר.pme( ;to =
21) 1) to be slender, emall; to be reduced, diminished.
a, ¥. 2 .א STs, \
| Targ. Prov.
X, 27, v. SY. Targ. Jer. XXIX, 6; = fo —
זעאתאTarg. Prov. 311, 21 some od, +. ara, | Sabb. VEIT, 11" bot. 31 1 אלו תֶדָקַדit (the memeure)
was reduced, but was not made גו [[ וומהas it had been
“HIT, NAST, +. vey, eye, «next w.
| before; +. (2--.ןא1/2 (emp. (רקצ fo get sick. Gen. Ba 33
RST m. pl. Cen=b. ,םיִרוְכ youth, youthful days. “ תרשפנGET and he may get sick —3) fo restrain. Targ.
Il Sam. XVIII, 16 ed. Lag.=.Ar. (ed. 575; b. text Gor).
Targ. I XII, 2 (ed. Wil. ““2t). Targ. 1] Sam. XIX, 8
Af. "21%, “Ss, “FT 1) fo reduce, do little. Targ. Ex.
TP} (sing:); a.6.
XVI, 17; 16 (h. text SST). Targ. Lev. XXV, 16; a fr.—
a Pd.זה(2131) shock, fright. Targ.Y.Gen.
XX VII, 33. Targ.Y. Num. XXII, 6 mooted to reduce (defeat) bien
(hb. text 53).—2) to be email. Targ. 0. Ex. 411, 4; .א>
HYD, 'ערז (ritp.of 2%)tomove, shake, agitate, trouble. . ותן,27%“ “ate to be made emaller. Targ. ¥. Gen.
= .א R. ₪ 15, end 'כו 'ד תא םרטרהHe stirred the seas up
I, 16.—Y. Shek. 111, 47° top [read:)תִרָכִחִא 'כו
and showed to him (Moses) 86. +. Ber, IX, 13° bot. לכא |
it was reduced, but not made as small ₪6., v. supra.
- " עולמיpizrp 1 will make my world quake. Orl.1,3 ‘F2t¢"1
- השירחמה the
loosened it (the roots of the
רפעב WOT) Stet he (the husbandman) lifted the ,זז
pak} small, young, tender ; lesser
;alittle. Targ. Gen.
‘tree and placed it insoft earth (v. comment.). «£16. Targ. O. ib. XLIV,25.—Targ. Gen. XIX, 31; 5. fr.—
> Hithpalp. goa, Nithpa. 272 1) to be shaken, Y. Ber.11,4° הברד . . ד אלthe inferior does not greet the
! Shebu. 89* Y. Ber, IV, 7° הטותת mses: ) superior; Y.Shek. II,47*top דד(not ד “).—Y. 85 .111,21*
the wall was removed from its place; B. Kam. 82" י"א = bot. הרנימ םדשמ ריכקזדin bebalf of one his junior. Y-
lestine quaked. Cant. R.to 111, 7 'כוןיִצְוְכִדְזִטו
ןיאריתמ Keth. V, beg. 29' ד "=! and said something small (in-
frightened and shaken; .הfr.—2) to rise inrebellion. s'guificant). Ib. ד ארהTT is this something small !
Yalk. Num, 763 הנידמת VS ועזערזנש against whom the a, fr.— PTs, אָקְריִכְה . דאק. צץEx. ,]או 4. Targ. Pe
inhabitants of the country rebelled; a. fr.— Contracted CXV, 13; a.fr.—Y.M.
Kat. 111,52' top דל אדחו ליאשand
part, PENS, or PIS .()=ןרכזעדזמ Hull.
48* םידיטלתה | he asked the inferior (scholars)?—Pem. 77>", אי .רקד
בדבר ' מוזדנד.de .rA( ' (מזדכרדeht stneduts esoppo )3—ti 0 Targ. 0. Gen. XXXII, 10.—Targ. Ps.CIV, 25 (Ms. 37S).
cause to quake. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 8 םָכְזְכִדִזִה התא
*S) 2ST . . . thou hast made thy limbs tremble ... ., “TH 111 pr. ₪.m. 2% (Little), an Amora. .צץ Ter.
0 will 1 make my world quake, +. supra. VIII, 46° .טסו רב אנניח. דY. Ber. V, end, 5% + “; a =
ch.same. Targ. Ps. LX,4; a.fr. NTS 1, +. wert.
- Ste tobefrightened. Targ. ¥.Gen. XXVI,
NTS 11pr. w.m.Z’era, {also: HTS, TT...) mame
(SION, (זטוּטm. (redupl. of ost, v. of Amoraim. Y. Ter. XI, 47% bot.; 5.fr. (in Bab.
St) young man, youth, student.—1. constr. 7") —Y. Ber. VI, 10° top; a e.—Ib. I,3*top ראכת 7 —
EST (a Variant of“23, Ex. XXIV, 5,because דרעמ ad- | Ib. VIII, 12° top; Gen. BR.5. 3 TSR רב “ ד.—Y. Sabb.
1, 8% אניבא
ד רב. 'ר. שטFr. Mbo p. 77°, 6.
REINS 408 .זקיפה
= ו ירומא.f ) (דערר,ssenllams llams .rebmun .graT זפלןFD‘ .6 .lp .ryS(,reb‘ .P .mS ;6411 ,B+d.N | ל
Lev. XXV, 16 ;a. 6. with preform. %) a certain number, 10 cand§80many.
Targ. II Esth. 1, 8. ו- ones
NAT, vy. M3) I. "1 יוו
?זופרי,. mmDt; Num. R. 8. 8 פרז ; 3. Kam. 113% 51 (v. | הפיק.£ (SPI) putting up, erection, Ab. Zar.
Rabb. D. 8. .א 1. note); Yalk, Num. 701 .ררפוכ FOE PY NID the erection of, which. is notices
זקיפיו lH
06.48" 13 אטלר perhaps the proper ceremony 0 . ל( ווSt הו ירארש 7 0/0 המסהome 16 to ot in cole
in postingit (by the side of the altar), —~M, Kat. 24", 5.> lege . הוHer, 6° ‘Ss? כשש 75 150 who forgot
תס MET! the putting up of the couch (on the Habbath tahw eb deh ,denrael ,cS .+ FO .ddiK :2' אלא7 ארך
during mourning), opp. "לס cor under sole (Lev, XIX, 87) 5 wholes & meant,
הווה.hsod'K ,raP 5 .ho liV esorp epor tr ארן וקן אלא
1 ta.ph (Smt) offleers forrestoring a tahen ie he who has sequited wiedom (through 518 —-
the line guards against desertions, tor. VU, שטאר7א, +. ,MPR" ו°82 ד דוש בישרכה5 >
0 )44* PY ah got Kashi Per). Gen.
₪ dna reb fom ,ee
loc M.¥ וגא.81171,5.9 אלד מקירך
טל וקקפיdaer( TAE“ Fo .)TRE“ Tehall not reengnise thee as (give thee the diplome of)
. taken;ז . ה.7]--. Sm. fob. 1.3, +, MAS. Nem. %-
up. Targ, Lam, 11,68, (Ab.
.( ואSpt) rising = 61 תדSSP lacinibb.waerl ,reB !!* קד ב"ש =
, יראתread: .שיקו + al wkd |
graduates of the Shammai | « ¥. )).- 3(grand-
oa em Oe fon.It,Kam, ?2* top (Rashi: AF father, ancestor, Ua. |. = 1 Rt ושקט the condact of
hb, fem,
their ancestor (Abrsham). Pesik. Zakh.,p. 27"; ₪.f.—
Vem, הנק Tt.
Mp 1) old woman. Gen, Ko 09,—Midd.9
= [קירה+ (preced.) leap, ¥. preced.—I,
Mash. 18°Ar, " one who ie past the change of life. tv’; =.tr-—%) gramd-
VA TES א FT: ,rehtom .seertaccna ”1o.ddiK rp“ הוה ליה הדרא אטא4
הgrandmother. Gen. .₪ .5 93 יניקה לש וזthie man’s
: זקי4 ) (וקקeht[ tnerapenart ,eno .pmoc א,(ב (my) ancestress (Barah); ₪. 5.-2( (cob. mas)
old plont-
.v( .m8 .).¥.e.tnA ,boS "801 .do ,sM( 4. וקותא ation, .) דפוShebi. 1, 2; =. 5-, opp. רקרשנ young plant-
FP, ;(רקיתאYalk. Gen, 50 (some 60. .(אתרקר [Mus. ation —Pl, risen. . צץib. 1, 38" bot; =. >.
ves our w. fr, ,אקר cmp. אָנאָקְי ו, the chammleon being
| to live on air.) m. (b. b.; emp. Ge) beard, hair-coverad
Bor. i1* 'כו דנוthy beard ishe, v.57. Seb. VIII, 1 (68%
I (. h) [to be thin, shrunk, hard.) to be old. ' עד שרקים ד' התחתון וכlitnu eh sworg « ,draeb yb hcihw
#..48 (ref, to Gen. 4111, 13) תושקלמ ינאי יִסְנַקְָז ismeant the hair of the genitals &c.; ,א--. )ז.11 -םיִנָחו
am I (the Lord) too old to do wonders? Lev. BR. «.3.
> Hif. FRM 1) to grow old, Sub. 100° 'כו אטשAPP
\ She arrives at old age, he is afraid lest ₪0. Erub.56* TIS’
©.(b.h.;Wey) oldage; frailty. Ber.
a9 7%
| בחציON HTS they age in the middle of their days | כאךisthere not (the claim of) old age here!—Gabb, 152"
, eerP לוו יי ד קדפצת עלידytliarf fo dlo ega lliw ekatrevo mib -erp(
a, fr.—2) to make old, consider old (feeble). Gen. maturely). B. Bath. 120° דב כילextremely old. Sab. 17°,
tM CTR םינוקזו . םתאyou consider each a. 6. 1 S55 men commanding repect for their age. B.
sim לקה dal cock kippartner old (Yalk. ib, 82 To" Mets, 87*; Snb. 107° ד ( דק םחרבא אל ראדהv. Rabb. D. 6.
and believe your Lord too old [to do wonders)); a.l. note 1) up to Abraham's days, there was no distinction
supra. in appearance of old age (v. Gen. XXIV, 1); a f&.
tt, Nithpa. ym; 1) to Lecome old, weak, frail.
r. IX, end 14° (ref. to prov. XXIII, 22) st? Sx a תוכקז
.£same. Kidd.s2” eps (intereh. with 371).
איטהך הfI yht noitansi gniyaced ni( ,)htiaf dnats pu Y. Bets. 1,60°bot. ‘Hep td רתרשרש דחכI save my strength
אקreh ni tnevreehrgp nie(b neddort ;)nopu .klaY for my old age; a. fr.
Dv. 960.—2) (cmp. (קדקד fo be maturely considered, be
r(beyond doubt);—s) (cmp. (שישק fo be hard, diffi-
NERIPT, זקכתאch. same. Targ.
Pe. LXXI, ו
> Tosef. Snh. VII, 7 (the presiding
jodge declares) (Ms. “SP).
) נזקן הוTEG .de .kcuZ .raV( מדקך, ;(מזרקק ףקז
(b. bh.) 1) tojoin, put together, put up, erect,
Boh. 42* JR 'דזנ KS what does nizdakken meant restore (to proper position). Bets. 11,6 ןיפקד "כוTR you
es it mean כ"ד שקthe case is hard (difficult, so as must not set up (put together the links of) a lamp on «
nd a reconsideration)? .... It means אניד Som
Holy Day (v. ib. 22"). M. Kat.27° Peps oes from
case isclear; .צי Suh. V, cod,2 what time on the eve of the Sabbath are the mourners
|} ch, same. couches
put up again? Ab. Zar. 46* ‘st ד הכדבל if one
6 1) to make old,weaken. Erub. 56* אתיילומ
דנה putהbrick up to worship it, v. "Dt;
ME a. fr.— Part. pase.
vathose accents «. «made us (me) old, ,צץ ‘XT — Sept,
£ -. הָפוקזM. Kat.1ll,7 הכס ד 5 put-up couch, opp.
to grow old. Nida. 47°הל IPH (some ed. אנוקזא
- (הנקזא this would be a sign that she has entered
ge(passed the change of life). | obligate,
enjoin upon (with .(לכ B. Mets. 72° TS> ET
!הולשבand the creditor settles the interests onthe debt-
יו 11 m. .0( b.; preced.)
1) old man. Gen.
RB.s. 39,
= .¥ Bice. 118, 65°bot.( תדרמע'דValk. Lev.670
) the duty of standing up before an old man. Sip שתפגוםuntil she accepts partial payment (of
6 ; a.f—2) elder, judge, scholar. Tb.(ref.
to Ta. her widowhood)
and settles the balance
as a loan (by
taking a note &c.), Ib. המגפ אלוNDpt if she allows her Nif. PRI? (emp. ant Nithpa.) 1( iawn: toh
widowhood to be entered as a loan without taking a engaged in. Gen. R. 8. 20 ‘34 ‘2 xb םלועמ the erie
partial payment. Ib. הולמב ןפקזש. .. סנואindemnity engaged in communication with woman. Ib.s.42;P
for outrage, fines... which were settled in the way of R.s.5; 4.6. 'כו כ ךלמהthe king was attached to, took an
a loan;j ane. —3) Gren verb) to stand upright, to be restor- interest in the affairs of the country. Sabb. 12> nig
ed again. B.Mets.59° "DPT אלו. . אל ולפנthe bent walls "} לדPPTD the angels do not attend to his prayers —[2) (
did not fall, nor did they assume their straight position. a hostile sense) to attack. 6 Pind םירבדומו
Ber. 11° 'משר 'זו 'ר₪. Y. remained upright, opp. "Um. ( כוPesik. R.1.c.; Ruth R.introd.,a.e. (גרגהְזַהל Barbe
Ib. REPT התא . . רכאשכwhen I bowed, thou didst remain came to stack him.]— 3) to live with; to be co
upright. Y. ib. IV, beg. 7* 9pit he erects himself (from Ruth R. to IV, 3 הל ppry אלש מ''עwith the |
his bowed position).—Part. pass. Apt, +. HEAPT upright, that I will not live with her. Gen. R.s,20 'כו -+
erect. Ber. 1. 6.-- הפוקז המוקerect stature, proud car- I shall never again live with &c.—Pesik. R. s.15; Pes
riage. Ib. 43°; a. fr. Hahod., p. 43> ותיבל אהלש םדא קָחְזָנin orienabis
Nif. p12 1) to be put up, to erect one’s self. Tosef. be attached to his house (love his wife); Yalk. Ps. 738; 6
ib. I, 6; Sifré Deut. 34; a. e.—2) to be converted into a Hif. Pp" to oblige. 8006. 28* 'כו רֶנּתְקְקְזִהwill ye
loan. Gitt. 1. 6. הולמב רתמראמ םיִפְחְזְגfrom what time force me to say &c.?
are fines &c. considered as converted loans (so as to be Hof. pps to be made dependent on, to obligate o:
subject to limitation) ? self, to be ‘obliged to regard. B. Bath. 1704 "כר pprn םכא
Ms. M. (ed. PPI וב בותכDN) if they (the parties t
ףוקז ףקזch. same, 1) to put up, rear, erect, raise
the deed) bound themselves to depend on thes
(arms, head &c.). Targ. Gen. XXXI, 45. Targ. Y. Ex.
of witnesses, &c. (ed. if it was written in the docume
XVII, 11 ;םףיקָזa. fr—Bets.* 22 'ז הל אגרשלhe put the we obligate ourselves &c.). 4
lamp up. M. Kat. 25° היֶפְקְז ה"נוראלhe set his coffin Nithpa. נְזְסְק1) to be engaged in, to care. Tanh
upright.—Part. pass. םיקז q. v.—2) to stand erect. Targ. Korah 6 ובישחל appt? אל (Yalk. Num. 750 (ּקְקְזְכ they
Job XXIX, 8. Ib. XXIV, 24 ופוקזMs. (ed. וכירוא( stand
did not care to answer him.—2) to attach one’s selft
undiscouraged (wait).—3) to hang up. Targ.I Chr. X,10; to make love to. Num.R.s.9.—3) (in an evil sense) to g
a. e.—Part. pass. "pt hanged. B. Mets. 59% v. eee
at, toharm. 10.8. 5 םהל שקבהלקקדזwanted
to harm then
Af. 5718 to elevate, Targ. Ps. XXX, 2 (Regia Pe.; Pi. ppt (b. h.) to smelt, refine, distil. Lev. R. s. 31
text (הלח spprae דע until he has refined the 8 — Part.
Ithpa. אזהקיף, Ithpe. a"PUX 1) to be erect, to rise. ווק, f.. Mppra. Pesik. R. 5.14 'כו 'זמו. . היותהth
Targ. Gen. XXXVI, 7. Targ. Ps. XXI, 14; a. e.—2) to be Torah is clarified and distilled in forty nine ways. -
hanged. Meg. 16 ,ּפיקזִא v. אפיקז LL. chain, tie, connect.—Part. pass. as ab. Y.Hag. III, beg. 4
[ אתופק.+ (preced.) raising, lifting up. Targ. Ps.
‘ לקדש105 it treats of an object which is tied (has 6
made subject) to the law regulating sacred matter, i,
treated as if it were ו matter, v. AMD. =
( קקוb.h.; emp. ךכז a. Ppt) [to make thin, fine, clear,]
PP ch. same, 1) i refine.—Part. pass. Ppt. Targ
)1 to distil, smelt, v. Pi.—2) (cmp. 57%) to rivet, forge; to Ps. XII, 7. Targ. Cant. I, 11; a. e.—2) to chain. Par
,niahc ot nio; j ot ,dnib —.etagilbo .traP .ssap ְקוּק,
pass. as above. Targ, Is. LX, וגוPPT led in chains £
pl. , םיקוקזPRP, .+ , תוקוקַזwith > chained to, connected text (8--.(םיגוהנ to obligate. Pare pass. as ab. Y.
,htiw ה .no .neM %79 ' ז' וכRS העושין פירות
I, 3° bot. הכרבמל ןניקיקזwe are bound to say the ble: 2
the fruit-bearing species of the festive wreath shall be
ing. צי B. Mets. X, beg. 12° ‘35 תֶא 'זthou art bound |
combined with those which bear no fruits, Y. Ber. VI, 10°
carry me (the lower story must be kept in repair at th
bot. ורהשכ ןלוכ 'ז 'כו when they were, all of them, de-
expense of its owner). Ib. ןיקוקז ) ןוניאד: PO
pendent on one loaf (for saying grace). Pesik. R. s. 43
Pa. זקרק1) to refine.—Part. pass. Ppi2 (Hebraisn
תוקוקז ןהֶל. . . ( דגנכ שלשnot ןיקוקז( corresponding to
Targ. Cant. I, 11.—2) to obligate, tie. Yeb. 22h top PPT
the three laws for which, our Rabbis taught, women are
PPI "מכ Rashi (ed. (קרקד he (the bastard brother) 1
made responsible (Sabb.11, 6). Y. Ab. Zar. 11, 41° top
ties her (prevents her from remarrying).
'ז תוכלמלin constant intercourse with the government.—
Ithpa. PP, contr. קשר to be cleared. - mm
Num. ₪. s..9 Hpxpt םינועל איה she is responsible to two IL Num. V, 19 "psn (h. bess (יָקָּפַה 1
reb( dnabsuh dna eht .ubehS—.)droL ,IV 3 נכסום Ithpe. ארזהקרקas preced. א Ned. 77% הייל הקופה
31‘ PEP movable chattel binds the immovable with ‘31 2a" the Rabbis attended to (the absolutic di.
reference to the obligation of making oath, i. e. the
vows of) the son ₪6. Ib., sq. 'כו 'א חיל ברRab atte1
two claims preferred in one suit are considered as one
to Rabbah’s vows in a private room of the scho
lawsuit, and the oath must refer to both; Y. Keth. XII,
&e.—Y. Keth. 11, 26° bot. ‘51 "BAPAIN tosleep w
36° .00% [xead:] ןקקוזכ העובשל to combine the two (as
eno )tiuswal htiw drager ot eht .htao .beY 5,1 זוקק את קקזm. (denom, of RPTL; emp. NPA 0
'כוhe holds his brother’s wife tied to the leviratical and dealer in leather bags.—Pl. 7p. Mikv.T
marriage, i. e. she cannot marry otherwise until released saddles used by the dealers in hose Age PRaT
from him; a. fr. V. MP7. on which hose is carried).
קד ווו זרדץ
iat | ₪... 70) because the silver veerel (being 5 (
> 7 ּ
62° ( סוקמל ובורש אוח רקמVar. on)
F 4 d ו1 1 ei
to belong to where the larger portion of | PY SD ₪ )+ ברו ו₪ tray or )פו
bottem of « drinking veel for the reception of drip-
pings; to gen. dourrr, dick, disk, Posie,
₪. >. 85 roe
?3 קשנה וכיSt .de( .rP ' ורביכ, .rroc ).ecs esohw ecaf -raeppa
ed (over the camp) like 4 emall disk of fire; Valk. Dan. *
1002 ןייביבב (corr, ,א or (תיִניִנב
.--11. ress. Lev.
= 5;Nam, ₪- 10 (expt. ,קרוב Am. VE6) שיש תוסוכ
2[ ch. same, 1/3. רקדה to leap forth, toleap with 4 ord cupe with וחוש ; Yolk. Am. 545 ןייכוכו
ons per
} totagger, reel. Gitt, 97° ‘35 “MET they leaped and (corr, ace).
and drank. Nidd. 17" ropes she staggered, jumped PIS, +. תו
1; ib. 57°.—Dev, זו 5. 5 (ref. to le, XX, 17, +.
. אליננרת ארחכAr. (in od. 8. Yak. fe 207 j} m. (¥. קרו a. deoom. 1, fem, 1154) sergon,
of a plant, prob. ה especies
of beet. ¥. Kil, 1,27* bot.
ret 'ז2. crowed with carrot, (It ie evident
that our
חי. Cannot mean « vine-shoot, as Fi. to Levy Tales. Dict.
ג Mee PT mn. )תקז to sting, PB. Sm. 1151; | 864, a. Low PA. p. 87 euggest.—K. 8. to Kil 1,4 reads
goad, Targ. 18am, 111,21א )₪text 7375). ן7י0גיךד
Prov, XIV, 3 (some ed. ,'קו corr.ace.).—
arg. Koh. XI, 11, [B. Mets. 94°, +. amp) rN m. sargunah, name of a tree or shrub with
copious but bare beneath. ¥. Succ. II, beg. 59".
ו זר
TH m. (v. 1) 1) strength, alertness,
color. Yous 47"
“WE א.) +.אזור-) (זרר1 re;g
T )t
som (& metaphor
in imitation of Prov. XXX1, 29) םישכה לכ
layman. Zeb.11,1. 1b.14*; Yoman 49"; a.fr— 335 'תלק “om ‘1:ודָרז 'זAr. (read הלל ; of. דדרז םדטכת. .
My. Yeb. 85 'כו אחתו'זgranted that she isnot ;וז' איטא וכי.sM א. איטאTTO ,roT tresni ;hT‘ aM א3
‘apriestly family ;—is not a lay-woman permitted &e. !— ‘Ti זרדוTe; v. Rabb. D. 8. a, L note) all women have
op enemy, Y. Ned, IX, beg. 41" (ref. to רזdx, done valiantly, but the valor of ary mother 6101104 them
LXXXI, 10) 'כו רז ךברקבשdo not make the enemy all )א metaphor of careful maternity).—2@) (+. next w.)
thin thyself thy king; Sabb. 105" 'כי לא רזsore pl. ,םידרז ptt shoots, greens. .]פא Sabb. TX (X), 16;
is the tyrannical power within thee ?-- .א R.s. 4 Sabb, 108* *כו 'זT= he who cuts greens, if for humtan
ay on רז .“ אt, v. (ררז if one is worthy רז םישעכ ול food &c. Ib. XVIII, 2 (126) 'ז "לרבהbandles of greens
. לארSN they are to him a crown, if not—an enemy; (young reeds &c., available for fodder); ib. 128*; Tosef.
Vayakh, 8.—Fem. M7. .Yoma 79" 'ז > תרשכנMs. ib.XIV(XV),10 7 ed. Zuck. (read ,ןידדו Var. o7 ..).—
(Ms, M. Soo 'ז Mors) the Law appears to him a tyrant Esp. ‘t "בליל the young sprouts of the service-tree, the
M. she becomes estranged from him, + . *t).—3) owt- interior
of which is eaten
as a relish. Shebi. VII, 5.
; shunned, loathsome (v. .ארז Nam. R. >.7 (play on = Tosef. Sabb. VIII (IX),9 *ח ( ךיבלולcorr. ace); Towel
, Nom Xi,
.20) 'כו ארהו השכנ 'זand
ךhow does he Maas. Sh. I, 13; .]דס Ukts. 111.9; Ukts. 111, 4.--3( pr.
yme an outcast? Leprosy overco 7. ot. | ת. (0.b.) Zered, name
him—mes of a brook, דד . אלזכTarg. 0. Nam.
ye ' זexcluded from the congregation.—
Zeb. = XXI, 12; a.e.—Tosef. Shebi. IV, 11; Y. ib. VI, 36"; Sifré
A; a. fr. Deut.51 ;דרוד Yalk. Deut. 874 רוד ( תלחכcorr. acc.); +
j} ch. same, Targ
. 19,v. FeT.—Sabb. Hildesh. Beitr. p. 66.
( רז דdetiom. ofpreced.) Tt השע( )=לדהto do eal-
אm, (b.
h.; . צץpreced
| iantly. Yom 47", v. preced.
a. next.w.) nausea, loath-
Pi. [ ורררto strengthen, accelerate growth; cup. א"ב
Num. R.>.18, +. SST 111, TST, NIT.
₪.s.7; Lev. Af.) to trim, nip shoots off. Sabb. X11,2 דרווכהו SE
170, +. זרי₪. | | he who cuts off dry twigs, or young shoots [b. 10s", wv.
preced. Ab. Zar. 111, 10 (49). Tosef. Sabb. [X (X), וש
( [ותv.next w.) rim, lining, trimming. Kil, 7
שS222 Ms.M. a. oth. (v. Rabb. D. 8. a.1.note; ed. _ Th ed. Zuck. (Var. TTT).
a cloth-lined shoe; Y. ib. $24 top. NOT m. ()דרז coat of mail, armour (v. P. Sm. 4.
line, trim. Y. Kil. IX, 324 top (ref. | sq. 5 wv. אגר , אננרו.(: אדרSabb. 62", expl .ךדידש
to surrownd,
2 Sass, >. preced:y 'כו ארטיעPW ןירתא תיא / זרז, Tosef. Sabb. XIV (XV), 19 +. Ti pi.
רתא זרזים
NOM (SF) f. (191) bushes of sorb, or service- Pi. 17" 1) to strengthen, to make active and ready,
tree, growing in ‘unhealthy marshes (v. Low. Pfl. p. 289) instigate. Pes. 89° רמאק . . רדכ ןזְרַזלhe saidso inorder
Pes, 111° "5 'ז ( רבדy. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note 400) the to awaken their emulation in religious acts, Nidd. Bi
spirits of the sorb-bushes are named shiddé (demons). Ib. Yoma 47° "3m", v. O51 I.—Part. pass. 1712 a) strong,
ז' סמיכא למתא וכיa hsub-bros raen a nwot sah on ssel vigorous. Nidd.l.c.; Snh. 705; a. e., v. j2> (ע--.11 active,
than sixty shiddé; [Ms. M. אָחְזְרַז רי אָהְזNE; v. Rabb. zealous to do good, valiant. Macc, 23° אלא TI. ןרא
D, 8. a. 1. notes).—Kidd. 73 ‘35 וב שי.. . 4 a child ex- PTT Ar. (ed. זרוזמ ; some 60. ,זרזמ corr.ace.) only the
posed in a sorb-bush near a town (where it is likely to strong-minded it is worth encouraging; Yalk. Deut. 9375,
die) is considered a foundling ("BION). Keth. 79 'כו אבא יז Sifré Num. 1 B"y 7195; a. e.—2) (with 2) to admonish,
a forest (of timber), a sorb plantation and a fish-pond. be severe. Tanh. Korah 6 ןהב 179 ( ליחתהNum. ₪. 8. 18
(לדבר להםeh nageb ot kaeps ot meht ,yltsenrae = 1
הרָזfem. of “I q. v.
Hithpa. 17717, Nithpa. 17312 1), to be alert, zealous,
mh I, I, v. “1,0. conscientious, Pesik.R.s.6 (ref, to ,ריהמ Prov. XXII, 29)
במלאכתךMTN}? thou hast been zealous (conscientious).
, חלמ 'זד "אורזpr.n. pl. Melah 07 Zarvai, a border
in thy own occupation. Tanh P’kudé 11; a. fr.—V.t.—
place on the east side of the Jordan. Tosef.Shebi, IV,11
3) to be armed. Yalk. Num. 785, v. next w.
חלמ יזדVar. (ed. Zuck. רלמ(; ראורזח Y. Shebi. VI, 36°
ייאכרזדmb (read 'ברז='ורז ,v. Hildesh, Beitr. p.61, sq.); THI, Pa. wt same; 1) to be quick, to hurry. Targ.|
érfiS .tueD 8. 15 ; זררזאDNA .klaY .bi 478 מילרה וירואר, Y. II Gen. XXIV, 20 (h. text “2).—Targ. Ps. LXX, 2°
[Hildesh. .1 .0 .a ,bueN .rgoéG .p 02 dneme awn ro my ed. (Ms. ‘t; .ג text Win); a. e.—Part. Pe. ma, Paw
(מליתא) מִלְתָאrof מלח.[ T2195 pl. PMY, PIU, .ןיזְרזמ Targ. Y. 1, 11 Num, IX, 8,
Opp. ןותמ;v. also ".—2) to quicken, strengthen. Yeb.
וע ערוז. ,YTIP +. זירז 102% (expl. ,ץרלחר Is. 1/7111, 11) va רזּורד it means
עורf. (b. h.) arm ; (with animals) fore-leg, shoulder ; quickening the bones. Cant. R. to II, 10 ךימרג yi
strength, force. Ber.> 17 ןרנוזרכ 'זב. receive their susten- (not (לזרורז make thyself ready; Pesik. R. >, 15 -ץ
ance from the Lord by dint of their strength (virtue), 3) (cmp. ,רז ( רֶזֶאto tie around, gird, arm; to harness,
opp. הקדצב by divine grace. Y. Taan. IV, 69% top py saddle. Targ. 0. Gen. XIV, 14. Targ. Job XXXVIII, 3
לש לכ לארשרthe arm (defence, protection) of all Israel. mat Ms. (ed. ™H, m1). Targ. 0. Ex. XXIX, 9; a. fr.
.bbaS °65 ' כטלו בזyeht koot yb ,ecrof .veL .R .s 2 כבא — Part. pass. mr, pl. Prva, אלזרזמ armed. Ib.
‘47a לע וריבח like one coming against his neighbor with XIU, 18. Targ. Is. XV, 4; a. fr.—Yeb.1.c. (ref. to ,הצלחו
force (confident of victory).—Hull.X,1 ‘tm the law con- Deut. אא )9 אוהWATT אמראו may 1 not say, it means
cerning the shoulder as the priest’s share (Deut. XVIII, 3). tying on?
Ib, 98° הלשב,“ v. לב; a. fr.— Pl. mivint, constr. “int. Ithpa. 173%, Ithpe. זיררזא 1) to strengthen one’s self
Sot, 49>; Tosef. ib. XIV, 3 'ז הרותthe supports of the (so as not to give way to emotion). Targ. Y. Gen. XLII, 31,
Law.—‘t רלעב violent men. B. Mets. 118%; 8. 6. Targ. Esth. V, 10.—2) to gird one’s self, be armed. arg.
Num. XXXII, 17; 20; a. e,—Targ. Prov. XXX, 31,
yi, “5 m. (=b. h. S353; (ערז sowing; seed. Targ. >2N.—Bifré Num. ₪. 157 ּזְרדְזיִא ןרא וצלחה אלא6007096
0. Lev. XI, 87.-- 27. ןרֶעּורֶז,“3. Targ. Is. LXI, 11 NIDA (Num. XXXI, 3) means, be armed; Yalk. ib. 785 aT
(ed. Lag. ּהָעְּוררִז sing.). [Y. Sabb. IX, 19% top; Y. Kil.
IIT, beg. 28° (ref. to Is.1 ¢.) ארלמ ָהרָעּורְרַד200006 is spelt
plene (with 4); v. [.אנאר ) זרז5773( m. (preced.) 1) strength, valor, v.זָרָד .-
)2 belt, 0611-5000. Kel, XXIII, 2 'ז ינולקשאהAr. a. ed.
pis pr. n., 'ז , רחנ. צץptr. Dehr. (ed. 1%) the Ashkelonian saddle; Sifra M’tsora,_
NA pr. n.pl. Z ’rukinya, in Babylonia. Hull.111°, Zabim, Par. 2, ch. III; Yalk. Lev.568( והז תלנותשאה cori
.IP—.).eca ,17 .rtsnoc (זררזה) זרזר. ,burE 81" תאנים
NEP, +. אָפְּוז garments of fig-leaves (v. next w.). ae
,יזרורז Cant. R. to II, 9, v. mL
זרזII, NY, my ch. same, Targ. Sam. XV II,
Ans f. (denom. of (רֶז the legal status of the non- a. fr.—Targ. Is. V, 27 ( דיִרֶזconstr., ed. Lag.(זרז .--
priest, the laws concerning non-priests. Y. Ter. \ THI, PEE garments, equipment. Targ. 0. Gen. III,
' איסור זeht noitibihorp sa raf sa ti snrecnoc eht hamur’T text Min). Targ. Jud. XIV, 19 ןוחרזרז.60 Lag. (ed.W
to be eaten by non-priests. Y. Bicc. II, 65° 'ז רתיחהin- זַרְזֶהין.h txet 'רצות
- חל.sP ,IIIXXKL 51 טוריא
asmuch as they are permitted to non-priests. Y. Orl. eht stserc fo sniatnuom .pmc( זר
; .sM ,57" .v הְרָא
II, end, 62° 'ז םושמfor violating the law forbidding non-
priests &c.—Yeb. 68% a.e. (ref. to רז , לכוLev. XXII, 10) ףיזרזa (redupl.of 551, v. ברז( to flow over. a
‘31 ךל ‘ רתרמאt the Law treats of non-priests, but not of R. to 1 8 31‘ םיִפְרזמ. . . =סזְרִמ ראשב. . pote
the mourners; a. e. (not ראשכ( as oil on top of another liquid, wl er
cup is full, does not flow over with other liquids, s
a) (reduplic. of ,רז v. ;ררז emp. (רזא to be strong, the words of the Law not flow over (the lig
vigorous, quick, v. T2.—Part. pass. ,זרז v, .זרז
nection with words of frivolity.
eer גוו 0 4
REPT m., pl.“ETE (preced.) spairtings from a ורי, וו ,eee( .1 fo (מרof ,etaived el sid gnerw
= וואו poured out from a height, Yoma 87° aon" (Var, Midr. Till. to Pa. LVI, 4 (ref to דרו ih) רדר ores
אתפיורו f, pl MN_ IT, +. Rabb. D8. a.1. note 6). (Comp, while in the womb you were wromg-doers Valk. I's, 776
"וחד חיר Midr, Till, to Pa, KC, 6, ¥, HI,
: .m )% ירתwrestler, 8000 glad- he. ie
MY + (amy) lowing over, boiling over, w-stding
,hsaH ,1%75,tob' וכyy לנצה. . זה0₪ be &, 7, eed (ref. to Job VI, 17, appliedto the 46%
anxious todefeat hisantagonist. —27. yr, .דרור Lam age) ' ויכPoors arses thelr scalding (destrection by
ה. to V, 1 'כו Sas... FH ינש . . SH (not SSS) .)ו hot water) wae final (there le Bo rewerrection for them),
man trains two gladiators in bis house, he will reetrain the Gen. Th. «, 28, end; ¥. Rol. 4. Ge" bot. (emp. Petra
one do, (Dib, Hebe. [ריזר quick, oF armed, ¥.1%) Press).
TH =. co דרו-,ו .--2( (from ite strengthening
effect) a broth or porridge of broben grain. Wer. 37° *
וכיJO") Me. M. (ed. זירו expl. (in Me. Ma Ar, +. Babb.
D.&.a. L note 90) קברה * קברהthe dich be called קו
when the grain | broken into frur קווי (7. Ban, Ant.
«. ¥. Alicea; ¥. M.Kati") ¥. Ned. VI, .עת (Bekh. ae’,
+. 7.)
היורו+ (ry )11 deviation, (emp.
M71) lewd.
Mice. Till. to Pe. XC, & (ref. toםתטרו ih, +. רח 1)
ain} salle ad oat oe
Ps. 441 תי
hF חן א .) וה17( ( (זו.(5()84--.דיִרַו-(2--.
strong, quick ;
ee Ste
ry Ga טי
(omp. 773). Hull. 91° חֶחְרֶז ... רכו שמשdid the sun ,imuN .₪ .s 01 .fesoT—.# .hkeB ,iV 01 4 ST אם הרה
rise for him (Jacob) alone? ¥. Soh. 111, end,26°..רכו. fi sihnossi 5 thgirb ;tnedets .ddiK .°92 .oeP *o 4 יש
. דיְְתMorn doesthesunshine onhim(thethief) alone? “Sts one is industrious and will be rewarded &c,; Tosef.
א. fr.—Tanh. Trav 13, .אfr, 'כו orm תכרצ leprosy broke Yeb. IV, 6, opp. לפשlazy.; a.fr—PL. pI, fem. rere.
out on 6. Pes. 4% a, 5.FAE0d ןרטידקמ 4 the zealous dotheir reli
Hif. הוריח1) to make shine. Gon.R.«.22
תקרצה 'ה ול suoig ytud sa ylrae sa .elbissop .bbaS ,°02 .a.rf “1 כדכים
he Lord made leprosy glisten on his face. Ib. המה . 'ח.. ךתpriests are presumed to be scrupalous.—Pes, 8%", 8.«.
'ז יכוMSS KASS the daughters proved to be zealous ₪6 ;
he caused the globe of the sun to shine bright for him (a
a. fr.
מof pardon). Lev. R. 5. 28, beg. frp ח"בקחש ןייד
‘21 it isreward enough for them that the Lord lets the Tt ch. same. Targ. Prov. XKIV, 5 (some
man rise &c. Maco, 10* (ref. to Mrmr, Deut. IV, 41) [Nn 77M, corr. ace). Targ.
Y. Lev. XXIV, 12, opp. 75; =
שסטוlet the sun shine on unwilling manslayers (give fr.—Hull. 107" ‘tm because he is scrupulous, contrad. to
| safety). Ib. 'כו תְחְְזהthou (Moses) hast 46.-- רPL
חד Fron,
ָז fem.
- Targ. Esth. 111, 15; = e—
/( (neut. verb) foglisten. Shebi. LV, 7 7s (Ms. M. Targ. Y. Ex. I, 19 (not 7 . . .).
TOs) when the young figs begin to glisten —3) (denom.
₪ to go east. Gen. R.s.61, end (ref. toGen. XXV,6) זרז.m ,tleb +. ו
MA PD... . ro לכgo as far east as you can. PAP £.(rey) strength, quickness, zeal, industry.
BER, FTI cu) ₪ scaler, do.א Sadd.Vi1,2 Ab. Zar. 20%, v. Pers. Sot. 12° המלעכ 'דבquick like «
syim hewho winnows (on the Sabbath)—Ib.
73° tn girl. Lev. R. מ 11, end (ref. to ,תיטדלכ Ps. XLVIII, 15)
זורה הsi ton gniwonniw eht emas ssecorp sa gnitfis ' בעלסות בזhtiw ,hfwmla taht si htiw .ssentrela arfiS
».Zar. 11,3 חורל ןקחוש הרוזhe must grind it and Sh'mini,
beg. ‘tS; a. fr.
st etothe winds tr —Buphem. fo emitsemen,Gen | 7 MERP I ch.same. Targ. ¥. Lev. IX, 5,+. preoed.—
85, v. .שוד
Hall. 16° ל"'טק . . שירו הרקthe Bible verse quoted in-
TTY same, also tosift, select. Pesik.R.s. 10 (pres timates only Abraham's zeal.
"רוי he ground and scattered it &e.——Nidd. $1"; Yoma 47*
ef,toרנרזתו11Sam. XXII,40,a.“THK Ps,XVII, 40) FIT £. (my) rise, brightness. Y¥. Erub. V, 22° 53373
0 יי וב onde iecelsenes הכוהsunrise, East. Gen. B. s. 68 STISin ite rise.
re עד כ,noitamrof תס. (ז"דdna ekam em .yhtlaeh Pes. 2 ‘St Sow * ןכ Ms. M. (ed. (ךיקכ so will be the sun-
shine for the righteous &c.; a. fr.
TT, NY on.same,toscatter, Targ.0.Ex.XXXIL,20
xs nie ד. 11 Vv. Te".
Pant \ 2 out. YL
eh. same. Targ. Jud, VI,3; a.fr.—Parteרב
nll (ny. Targ. Prov. XI, 18; afr —Targ. Ts, XXV 7
העור.1 )351( sowing, seed. Ber.) 35 תעשב 'זat seed- “yt. Ib, KNXIL, 20 ןיערז —R. Hash. 16" אפרח. | עַרֶזדִל
time. Sabb. 91° “> to use it for seed; a. fr. him sow early seed (barley ₪6-(. Y. Peah VII, 20" te
הקירf. (P71) 1) sprinkling the blood on the altar. הוה ז' חקלא וכיdetnalp storrac no sih ;dleif .a erf
Zeb. a Y. Pes. VII, 34” bot.; a. v. fr.—2) thrusting. Ithpa. 2778, Ithpe. 27718 as preced. Nif. Targ.
Sabb," 96 דלות 'כו4‘ ו (on the Sabbath from Deut, XXIX, 22; a. e.—Y. "קס1.6. FOUN they ha
one area, , תושרto another) is forbidden as a subspecies been planted.
of carrying (v. .( הָאְציהY. Erub. IV, beg. 21% ר'יע יזby Af. S738 as preced.. Hif. Y. Kil. I, 27%
means of thrusting from place to place; a. fr. and they ‘copulated. iF
y דm. (b. h.; preced.) seed; animalic semen (mostly
RAP, NOP f. ()קרז that which is thrown off,
pickings in the wi de “used as fuel. Targ, Is, XX XIII, 4
(שַכְבֶַת זי.neG 87.8.8 וכי4 נכשר הטרםeht retaw .ni rieht
bellies turned into semen. Y. Kil. 1,27" bot. 'ז ונמיחbot
זריקיed. Lag. (oth. ed. ‘PI, ‘P%; ת. textגְבִים , cmp.
Maas); v. רזא he may take seed thereof. Shebi. 0 8 'זכ וערזשwhich
he planted for the sake of obtaining seed, opp. pas for
אָרירֶזm., pl. j kp) )ררז; cmp. "רז; cmp. Lat. using it as vegetable; a. fr—Trnsf. issue, descent. Gen. =
sternto) 7 sneezing. Targ. Job XLI, 10 “975 R. 8. 23; 8. 51/3) אוהש דתוא 'זthat issue which was 60
(pI) (Var. NPP). come from a foreign place (Moab). Ber. 31” 'כו = 'ז חשומש
a descendant who will anoint two men; a.fr.—PI. eal
, תיתירז.+ Nant. Peah 11, 8 %S propa לכה all of them form a partition
,ORT +. זרוָאר. with regard to seeds (making each field separately 8₪0-—
ject to Peah), opp.to trees. Kil. 111, 2 ‘1 ןימ לכall kinds:
5355, Ithpa. DEIN (orig. Ithpa. of 5255, fr. 455, of seeds (small vegetable), opp. תוקרי large beans 86.; =
emp. לכרדתא 2. Sm. 952; v. ib. 1157 8, v. לכרז a. sq.) 0 a. fr.—Y, Shebi. IT, 34° top S71 השש six sowing seitone 1
walk proudly. Targ. Prov; XXX, 31 לירֶּכְרִהְזיִמ ed. Lag, (ed. during a Sabbatical 0006hy “10 or ‘t Order of Seeds,—
Wil. TIP, v. ,(זִרֶו . צNSN. Z’raim, the first of the six orders of the Mishnah a. a
Tosefta. Sabb. 31%. Esth. R. to I, 2.
זרמית, DS + .hc .b=( ג. ;זָרֶם,pme זרב: (זרי
shower, storm. Tare. Is. IV, 6 Ibs XXVIII, 2; a. e. עדוIl, אערז ch. same. Targ. 0. Gen. I, 11; a. trod
1 רבthat which is fit for propagation, seed-capsule, 4
Noi m. ,)ררז cmp. 87") vomiting, nausea. Lev. R.
.aMoN .graT .vorP ,IX ;12 .a .graT—.rf .sP אא/69,11 =
s. 18,“end (expl. N71, Num. XI, 20); (Num, R.s. 7 אָר; רזל
Ar. s. .צץ : אנטובsry). .sM .de( דרעיה, .v הְרָע11( ,y_ .hnS ,IIV ,dne %52 > ז' דכלתן
NPI m. (Parel of ,קנז emp. NP"T II) leather bag,
hose. Targ. Ps, CXIX, 83 (h. text ---.(דאכ3. Mets. 103?
TOW ות. זרעוכין, [רערכיםm .oc אע ימ
wads.) rows of plants in one bed, also ()=ם"ָעְרִז 8. Kil.
דוולא וזיstekcub dna esoh rof( .)noitagirri .B .htaB *85
II, 2 ‘2 הנג רנוערזgarden seeds which are not used 0
ז' אמרה לכו.tnemmoc( זרונקא, .sM .0 זרקונא, .rroc ).eca food, i. e. seeds of bia bt Tosef. Maasr. 111, 14;
she means a hose (which had been made of the hide of
Sabb. FX,7. Tosef.l.c, MW 'זfield seeds (e.g. veteh ene
the animal stolen from her), Ib. 167° 'זא ( םקsome ed. Kil. III, 1 'ז השמח6 rows of different seeds; a. fr. —
אזרונקא, v. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note) he wrote standing on
a hose (to imitate a trembling hand-writing).— Pl. ןדקלנרז, SY, Snh. 374, v. mvt.
שעגJob XXXII, 19 Ar. (ed. ,ןרנרגל insert (ךיה
02 f., V. ROMS.
ףיבְרַזm. (y. P. Sm. 1158) arsenic, orpiment (v. Sm.
Ant. s. v. Arsenicon). Hull. 88" bot.
תיערזf. (preced. wds.). descendants, family. a
mins, Snh. IV, 5 (37?) TPS ומד םדוMish, a.Y. ed.
FV (b. b.; emp. (לרז to strew, sow. Kil, 1,9. Tb. 93 (Bab. .60 , ויתוערזv. Rabb. "D. 8.8. 1. note 10) his ow.
STN, 2 JER; 8. fr.—Part. pass. S171, f. ASA;pl.SA 6. (the murdered man’s) blood and that of his eventual de
Ib, םישח 'זsown with wheat; a. fr.—Y. Sot. 1a 17> top scendants; Gen. R. s. 22; Yalk. Gen. 38. 4
'נותיהן זרועות וכ.
ב. . . SWO sa llew sa rieht sdrayeniv תיערזROTH, a ch, same. Targ. 0. 1
are sown with mited seeds, so are their daughters &c.: XXIX, 17. Targ. "Josh. Vil, 14; a. e.—Y, Kil.IX, 32° |
(faithless wives).
אל הקרספ יכוmn his race shail genus cease; Y.Ke'
Nif. 2712 to be sown, to be stocked with seed. Gen. .א ,IIX "53 pot זרעל"תא.rroc( .).cca ,hoK .R ot ,vI.[ו
s, 88, end, 8.6. ‘21 A272 רלרבשב the field has been sown רכיtt‘ ereh si eht driht noitareneg fo taht ef מ₪
for my sake. Shebi. IV, 2 351m may be sown; a. fr. Pl. NOMI, PAP; constr. MMW. Targ. 0. Gern. I
Hif. s-"15 to emit semen (also used of women emit- (cmp. ‘Sh. IV, 5 quot. in preced.; ed. Berl. dah) Pe
ting a secretion at.coition), Ber.60*, 8.6, הלחת 712“ שיא Zech. XII, 12 14 (not 7°39"). Targ. 0. Ex. ce
when the male is the first to emit semen; M7172 השא .lreB ;)%732 ,a ,ddiK—rf 07" ' וכNDיז"
‘3) when the female is the first &e.; a. fr, two families inא . &c.
415 337
ףרזAb. Zar, 18° ree Ar, (ed, , דתיילVar. An רקא+. enemy
ה"פרטנ,Me,.0( הרספתלprob.» corrupt.
forM3733, +. 27 |
r Heth, eighth letter oftheAlphabet. Itinterchanges | NSM, NOM, v. “Sr.
ith א. Moa. 2 v. letters & .א ; הalso with ג a. P, as
333, .א ; בבקMI a.הָדָב ke. — For dialectical NET, ayer.
incis .יד Ra OR, ;
NSM, B. Kam. 101°, +. mn.
Tl, as a numeral letter, eight.
I (0.h.) [tobearched ; denom. = 11:[ tobosom,
אי part. of “nr. . love.
אס, PNM, +. gr,,פיה קוחFEN. Pi, 33°, בבת 1) same, to love, cherish; with "קפל or
b> “SES, foprefer. Ex. R. s.27; Tanh. Yithro4 Yithro ienamed
SSM, 'כו תאTS because he loved the Law; Sifré Nam. 76.
‘ Wilf. ,)ווח emp ,בכח to be arched, omp. 73-22;
\ NPRM, P, Sm. 1166) clotted eream. Tag. Prov. Sabb. 13° תורצה תאPSETS דדחthey cherished the mem-
ory of past troubles (devoting memorial days to the
א, 38 Ms. (Var. 66. Lag. ;דדei. Lag. a.oth. אתא
relieffrom them). Ib. 51*, .א .₪ ןיבבחמ הז תא הזHs
PEM hv. לב ; how they honor each other. Pes. 100* c= םדי לכב
SES... SSS thon didst always prefer my opinions to
ות. (v. }8t) ₪ handful,
a grab. דד53 grabber those of B. J., and now thou embracesthis opinion in
עיon PENS,
+.PER): Y. Yoma IV, 45° bot. (Bab. my presence; Y. ib. X, beg. 37°; Tosef.
Ber. V,2; a fr.—
2) (denom. of SS) fo make belored. Gen.
B. s. 39 דדכ
הצק | חאoh. בערנדדFST} in order to make him feel the dearness of
home; 'כו 35 רדכto make him feel how dear was
} 3M,
>.בח his son to him.
ae 416 חבּירֶה
22h go on with thy beating; Koh. R. to 711, 23; Tanh. חתעשבhow much moreה od ge us act when -,
Huck. 6 Wu; Y. Kidd, 111, 64° bot, --.ךטובה . שקthe done betimes; a.e.—Pl. min*an. ce A i
beating of olives. Lam.R.toI,1 רתבר ) דח )'תוכ2 תעשב 'ח 'כרhow dear were religious acts to
ה fs 1as
in the season of beating; ib. הטבח (corr.acc.),—Pl. 8*83n
olives ready for beating. Y.Maas.Sh.1V,55"bot, [read:] aan, '‘ ח2M, ND AMI ch, NS SiTang. J
הוה בנציא ואת בח ההואtaht eno tmaerd( fo )sevilo ni XXXI,19; a.fr—Ph posh, San. Targ. Is. 4. ae
the blooming stage, but thou of olives ripe for beating. יצII Dent. XXVI, 18; a. e.— Fem. N30; NAST | (as |
noun). Targ. Y, Gen. XLIV, 30 (h. text ,הרושק3
"המבח5 (wart) seizing an object violently in order Ithpa.).—Targ. Cant. VI, 4. 4-
to take possession of it. 3. Mets. 118% v. mean. [B.
.maK ,05 .yv nav .maL—.U .R ot ,I 1 " וזר כות') רבת2), aan, חבובאII m. 0 [connected,] wnele,
v. preced.]
father’s brother. Targ. Y. Lev. X, 4; a. e.—B.Bath. 41,
Y. B. Kam. ,א beg., 7°; a. fr.— Fem. אָחְביִבַה 1) aunt, —
“OSM, צ. Shebu, VII, 87% v. יָאְביִבַח father’s brother’ s wife. Targ.Y. Ex.VI, 20; a,.e—
a ee
in-law. Targ. .ל IL Deut. XXVII, 23 (h. text .(דתנתח
חבי, NOM, nan (b. h.) to cover, hide.—Part. pass.
(fr. חוד (חבה.f חַבוּיָה,tnaC .R ot 1,11 yalp( no הבצלת אביבחITT, ran pr. n. m. Habiba, name ot
ib.) בצטן טל מצרים nam neddih )dedragersid( ni eht lareves .miaromA hmoY %0;
1 "58.steM.B evap" | רב ח' בר
shade of Egypt; םי 'ח ולצב לשnearly covered up by ,sM( .12 ,n3°2" .v ,bbaR .D 4 ..a1 ,bI—.)eton '| אמר רב ח
the darkness of the Sea; לכיס 'ח ולצב לשnearly covered (v. Rabb. 12. ₪. 1. ¢.). Sabb. 54" ₪. 6., v. NPT. Y. Meg,
up by the shade of Sinai (threateningto fall upon me) ,I "07 pot חביבה9; .a .V—.rf .rF ob’M >. פד
&e.—Ib. M83 'חש its (the young lily’s) onion is hidden
(its leaves not being unfolded).—Ib, לב םיִדּבַח. . לכ רתמ יאבבח *יאביבחm. pl. (v. 33m Il) a es (
all the dead of the world are buried in me (the earth). case of ‘assault and ‘battery without witnesses. Tosef,
]וא. znax ot eb .neddih .bbaS 06* ' וכPRAM? הרו they Shebu, VI, 2 היה ארוק התוא 'חHN( 'ר Var. ed. Zack.
hid in a cave. Taan. 23°, v. infra. ( ןרכחנה.1% Judah called such a case (in Chald.) 0120006
Hif. חִחְבְּיא to hide. Taan. 1. 6. they named him ןנח ib. 3. Kam. IX, 28 (our w. . התוא אomitted in ed, Zuck.,
‘ עצמוMw מפכר הנחבא.sM .M ,de( 2MA"N )NM esuaceb .raV הכחכא,NM DN" ;אותה
( .ubehS.Y ,11 ei .tob |ורא
he hid himself (in his modesty). Y. Kil. V, 30* top (play “Dan, eid
on D> ,"תב Is, 3111, 22) Odd... ןיִאיֶּבִחַמִט תיבa ,ram ץ. חָבִיב1 8. חַבִיבָא1.
garden ‘house in which it is permitted to keep plants of
a different species (from the surrounding vines). Sot. 34? Noo" חב,+ ) (חַבִיבlove, attachment, divine fable
(play on (רבחנ 'הש 'כוhe hid (suppressed) the word of Sabb. “gs? ןבג יח "איהPAS (Ms. M. אוה (ג היִתּגביִבִח
God (truth); Tanh. Sh’lah 6 "735 תא “MW he suppressed yet (in spite of our defection) the divine love is with us;
the words he ought to have said; ib. 11882. 7. [Lam. R. Gitt. 36; Yalk. Cant. 983. Arakh. 16" 'כו בגא 'ח on
introd. (R. Josh. 2) םייבח "aM, read: םירבח , רבחמv. [.רָבזְנ account of the extreme friendship 6. .
Hithpa, xannn to hide one’s seif. Midr. Prov. ch. 1X;
Tanh. Ki Thabo 2 D Nan. trying to hide themselves. יביבחpr. . מ. זמHabibay, Vv, "2m a. 833M TT.
Tar", חבאch. same. Bekh. 43°, v. infra. , אביבה.+ xan a. IL. he
Ithpa. אִתְחַבָאIthpe. "ars to hide one’s self; to be
hidden, covered. Targ. Lam. I, 3. Targ. Y. Gen. VII, 19, אָנְויבַחm.; )יבח b. ,) גג7737 sets place, recess, —
sq. (ed. pr.=O. ‘PMMN).—Bekh. 43" "2anv 7am (Rashi, Pl. constr. “hon. Targ. Cant. 10, 14 Nmaqs ‘Mm (ed. Lag
ed, ‘T2) when the head is hidden (between the shoulders). ,ON ג. txet המדרגה.)dS " שעג.hoK א02.
B. Kam, 60" 'כו “an “ara he hides himself and walks הָנְויִבַח.5 (dimin. of תיִבְ( a small vessel, Hanks 1 |
(by the way-sides), flat aides,0 .תונויִבָח Kel. 11, 2; "Tose. ib. B. Kan
II, 2 תונויבֶא (ed. Buck. .(תוניבוא
רבחpr. n. m 170000. Yeb. 115" bot. (a name of
| frequent 0026770066 in Mahuza).—B. Kam. 724 Ms.זו
(ed.;רַביִבָח( Erub. *75 Ms. M, (ed.(הַנֶילַאר
flail, cudgel. (Tauh.: Huck. 6 ,ךטיבח v. אָטְבַח. --%. 273)
ביבָחַזm. (22m) beloved, dear, precious; favored, B. Bath. 58* [read;] 'כו ( "קט ו 'ח וטובח ארביקאvy. Ms.
privileged. Ab. II, 10 'ח ךרלע 'כו. . . להרlet thy neigh- a. Rabb. D, ₪. a. 1. note) take cudgels and beat
on th
bor’s honor be as dear to thee as thine own. 10. 14 grave of your father, until 6. ו 8
31‘ 'ח םדאman is privileged (favored of God) in that he
DAM, Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2)”יח הוא8
was created &c.; a. v. fr.— Pl. םיִביִבְחְ Patan. Ber. 5"
מחבר חברים, .v .73“ 2
=> ןירוסיMare sufferings dear to thee (as divine trials)?
—Yoma* 52 'ח לארשר 'כוIsrael is favored, for the Lord Son (v. bart
I)to get sick. B. Mets,ore מו 'ח
made them independent of a mediator; a. v. fr.—Fem. sick (from overeating itself) aud died. _ 9/1
manan. Tosef. Ber. VII, 24; Ber, 63°; y. ib. IX, end, 144 i 1 nt 8
is‘ ח' תורהeht waLsi 0 ,seD 86" כמח ח' מצוח ליִּבְחwoel, v. bo II.[Targ. P rT /
חביל 914 חכל
, ד אי ליִבְחGv. wg aDprc. Habel 19 ד1) ,emas ₪ *73, . .oeM 57" ( הְכִיצָהחfem.
(district of the tea), Babylonian district (v. 1-1. Geogr. . הקשהvy. Rabb. D. & a. |. note),ל . VI,
p. 84, 4q.) Newb. Géogr. p. 997). Kidd. 72"; ¥. ib. 1V, 4" beg. 59° -3( ars דר ₪ cake of preveed dotes, 11 Mets. vy"
top (not (לובח 09%. ₪. >.47 don, (Ar, SES, 4... (אצצוה
א ו °90 shall "הביר, v. “3
דיו 'זול
for theא 3 ו
woe for him that le gone, woe
tan teWideeChena 5
| @atenall which is not worth the damage hich it causes. PIP ,MQ ,STO ,+S .רT
.Mee .+ 2
חכל 420
head. Yalk. Ex. 801 םכישעמ םֶחְלָּבִחyou have. ruined Noon 6 אָלְבִח m, (preced.) nea
im, PaaS seal
(turned to evil) your deeds, Snh. 24° 'כו הז הזלyear ILI, 255 bon. Ezra LV, 22 xdan.J—Constr. ban. Targ. Job
(Ms.K. הז תאMt) wound each other’s feelings in diseus- V, 21. Tb, 22 (ed. Wil. bah). Targ. Y. IT Gen. XX, 10
sions; a. fr.—2) to travail. Taan.8* bot. תדלוי תֶלְּבַחְמ הנראו ' גובא דח.h=( dn ,)2 .graT .noJ ,II ,B—e.a;7 ?93.maK _
(Rashi: M>34n) travails but cannot give birth.— Pass. pass. mbama for the injury he sustained, Bekh. א"הֶמְבַח ג
bara ruined. Ex. R. s. 30. v. boon. Snh. 100" ‘md לוזיל go to ruin, אראל 6
Hithpa. bannn to be spoiled, ruined, Mekh. B’shall.,
Vayassa, 8. 1 bamnon רבד ךותלbanen רבד ןתונhe Baits הבלאmaoN .h=.f ,rabm .noitcurtsed קאי 90
a thing which spoils (the taste) into a thing which isspoiled. Ex. 1V,25 ( ךאלמ 'חILאָלְּבַחְמ( .Targ. Y. I Gen. XXII, 10 4
(II some ed, 33m), v. preced, 4
dan I, לו בזהfut. diamt same, to wrong, be violent.
Targ. Job XXXIV, Sly Noam Il, אָלְבִח ch.=h. 53h, 1) rope, measure, Pare -
1. ברל1) to injure; to ruin, destroy &c, (corresp. to 11 Sam: vin; 2.—Y. Sot, 7111, end, 23 'חד חווצ הרפרסל
b. h. (תִיִחְשַח Targ. O. Lev. XIX, 27. Targ. Gen. VI, 12; ' וכcalled the ending point of a rope measure its. head.
a. fr.—Part. pass. barra mutilated, blemished. Targ. 0 Lev. R. >. 14, v. אָלְיְבִח IL—Koh. R.to TX, 10 92373 ןותייא
Deut. XXIII, 2. Targ. Mal. I, 14:—B. Kam. 87* רעב יא ' וכget a rope and tie it ₪0. Gen. R. s. 49 'ח תא יעיפת
beam יצמ הב אלbarra Ms. M. (ed. ,'חתמ incorr.) if he ' רכthou 8612686 the rope by both ends (demanding justice
desired to wound her (his daughter), he dared not.— and mercy); Ley. R. 8. 10, beg.; a. fr.— Pl. "ban, “ban.
.2) to travail. Denom. XM>3r2. Targ. 11 Sam. 1. 6. Targ. Prov. ש 22; a..e.—Y. Sabb,
Ithpa. >2mmx to be corr upted, destroyed. Targ. Gen. ° VII, 10° top, v. MP*EN. Y. Meg. IV, 740 bot. ‘31M דבע
VI, 11, sq. Targ. Job XVII, 1; a. e. [Targ. Ps. LXI, 11, make ropes and catch deers, — 2) "ד Constr. 3am,
2 bon.]—Ithpe. 52m"s to get sick B. Mets. 97 תרמו 'ראו חָבִיל ש
Ms. H. (ed. (ליִבָח
man, v. preced.
חבלII .m ).decerp( )1 ,yrujni .v חַבְלָא1.--9( woe!,
!hO .pme( 2x .(11 .graT boJ א, 51 (Var. חִבִיל ian); man + (62m) injury, mayhem; damages for ו
.a .e oslA[— ni .rbeH ]noitcid .deN 47" 53 ח' עליךwoe hem. B. א. הצג87% חח רמלto whom belong the damages?
unto thee! (a pity) that 80. Snh. 111°; Ex. R.s. 6, a. 6. Ib.91* bot, אנוממ 'חל הירסחד. , . >" אלwe disallow pay-
'ח לע ןידבאד 'כוOh, for those who are gone and cannot ment in instalments only for the injury, because he caus-
be replaced! Ib.s.26; Mekh. B’shall., Vayassa, s. 6 (prov.) ed a loss of money (to the wounded person); a. fr.— Pl.
( לפנ אתיב 'ח אתווכלnot לבא( when the house falls, miban. Ib. Snh. 1, 1, v. M13; a. fr. 7:
woe to the windows!; a, fr.—8) (adv.) to ruin, Pes. 20”
( ךפשת 'חv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 9) it must be poured הלבהf. (preced.) destruction. רכאלמ 'ח angels of
out (and go) to ruin; B. Kam. 116° (ed. , לכהcorr.acc., v. destruction, demons. Kidd. 72°; a. fr. [Chald. ban or
Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 30), opp. to השעת( ףוללז v. Hab. ndan, v.[חַבְּלָא
DAM, v. dan. NNDIN f. (preced.) act of destroying. Targ. Y. Ex.
XI, 27,
לבחm. (b.h.;) לבזח( 1 rope, a measure of dimensions,
rope’s length. Gen. R.s.93 ‘Ma רשק 'ח tied rope to rope, חִבְּלָנִית חבלןy.חובלי .
.v ;"28 .tnaC .R ot ,I .1 ,burE ,V 4 'איןמודדין אלא בח
'כוSabbath distances must be measured with a rope of חזבננא, +. חַכִינְנָא
fifty cubits’ length. Ib. 58% v. No°"POEN. B. Bath. VII, 2
)103( חב HIa- measured with the rope (exact dimen- NOMIION, .+ .032
sions). Peah IV, 5 לע 'חהin a straight line, v. טקל( a.
סבח (emp. 3m) to crush, press down. B. Mets,
fr.— PI, o*>an, Erub. .1 .6 ’ 'ח םה 'כוa there are three
Ar., v. Dah. '
kinds of ropes (used: for legal purposes), -- Trnsf. share, >
possession. Sifré Deut, 312 לרוג ךרא 'ח אלאhebel means Nif. 2253 to be crushed. Hull.42° 'כו nosnyy n
lot; a. 6. a skull the larger portion of which is crushed.
dan m. (b. h.; 53") 1) writhing, throes of birth, agony. NON m. (preced.) crush through pressure. B
Snh. 98% a. 6, חרשמ bw san the sufferings which are to 116", צץ"NOST.
precede the advent of the Messiah.—Pl. p*ban, constr.
“ban. Nidd. 31° הבקנ 'חthe pains at giving birth to a yan, Pi. ץֶּבִיִח (cmp. 23m) to beat milk ‘ke.
female. Ib. הבקנ ( ילבח לטread: .(םילבח Ib. השא ח/ וחזו pulp, to make a pulp, to scramble. Sabb. 954; To:ef
and this is the cause of woman’s throes.—2) damage, in- IX (X), 13 ןבגפהו hapa he א makes thick milk
jury. Mekh. Mishp., N’zikin, s.8 לקבל ‘ השאnm the dam-
ages for a wife’s injury belong to her husband. in a bag to let the fluid run ont). Ib. )אנו א
yam אלש (Var. ,ץבחר v. ed. Zuck. note) provid
. חִבְלָאna‘ .hc —.emas.IP 337, 437, 'חיב. Targ- does not beat it into a pulp. ‘I’bul Yom 11, 4 "יח
1s. XI, 8. Ib. XXI, 3; a, 6. the unclean person stirred (the jelly with the o
regan 421 737)
יצMaaar. ,11 °05 ;pot a .@ .Y[ .trO ,1 "16 pot הסיכ, ₪ ar lor Ss) and he Gastewed the tebe to it (the
read; yorsn.) stam), וא “QOS from the moment be attaches ii, opp,
משיתכל.+ על--. ווpase “gre. 5. 411 2 כי “or לכ
noun f. (b. eg prob, a comp, of Sm, +. ביי Il, א whatever ie fastened (belonging) to an object 61 10 be
$3; +. Ges. If Diet.'* = ( young lily, before ite leaves come 00168 bo.— (PP) 72Axed. smmonalde | | OT
‘ate unfolded, Cant. Ki.to 11,1 תיא ארוקroup are ז"כ Hi, Mets, #e* “os Sow may ent of what ie etanding in the
אה וד ופgnol sa eht ylil ci ,llame ti ei dema,n4 nehw field (Deut, אגווו 25, oy). ויוה , וו.+ תילVib te
> = [| ואילי גרdna nehw eht haahsiM epa בדליי וכרקל, ti seod
4 ו
(bh bere to embrace, press, fasten, Hot mean ‘St reds רכב ‘of that whieh ie atteched to the
clinginglo,creeping (of vines). vine and tree’; 'כו רכ אדר9ST THU you say, 1 means
צאו:וas net יתereeping up the wall, that whieh ie attathed, then the Miskmal means to ve)
| Pi. part to embrace, Posik.
R. = 3 'כו Phare
ןיאב that the owner met designate the Feah while it be op (ow
they shall come and embrace Rachel's grave; a. fr, the tree) 5-15 11, beg. 16° (in 5 passage misplaced and
= Hithpa. paren to embrace one another, make love. ¥. corrupted) כ SHS ררג אתthis ‘fence’ (Mish, ib. 11, 5)
0 Il, 61° 'כו SP Petty making
love to thy wife; Y, is to be comidered a0 something attached to the ground
, bb. 11, 6* bot. PRY. (like « growth) and (in other respects) as not a!tached.—
2) to chara, Lam. i, introd. (i. Josh. 2) “orp לוחתה
44 Pa. קָּבִת 1) same. Targ. Prov. 1%, 8 תיָקיִבִח ( הבריסnot SSM “Srs)he began to consult charmers( with
vena by her (Wisdom), Ib, V, 20; a.e,—Pes.
111" open ref.to
Ba, XX1,94), ₪5 .65* “gm “ops he burns incense
> (Ms,.א חיקנת+. Rabb.D, ₪.a. |. note, Rashi for charming purposes )!0 exorcise the demons); a fr.
אררקל נפלא, .bhsaR ' (נפקא ארeh werht sih emra dnuora
.] או373“ to be foined, gathered, Gen. th. ». 80 (vet. to
the tree.—-2) fo fold hands, emp, .אְניִבְי Targ. Prov. Hos. V1, 9( as the priests םירשְיִנ לכ כו are grooped
VI, 10 (h. text PSM). around &c.; Mace. 10° 'כוser5.
— Pall = (preced, wis.) junction; 1) loop of ribands Hithpa, ~a0en, Nithpa. “3703 1) same; +. eapra.—
mnthe Bhoe, ankle loop. Nidd. 88* דו רק םוקמthe part of © 2) fo associate, make friends with. Ab. 1, 7.—Nam. ₪4.
legto the place where the loop site (is called the *. 20, beg. 'כיו באיטTENTS Moab and Midian formed an
le of the leg); יסצק דדוand (if blood is found) on alliance; Tank. Balak 3.—3) to be charmed, spellbound.
he ankle itself. (Oth. opin.: ‘the place where the leg Ib. B'shall. 16 ‘St TES TS at once the bird is spellbound
neets the thigh in a squatting position’, Ar.—'the knee- (by the snake looking at ita shadow) and falls to pieces;
dle with its sinews’, Rashi.J—2) riband around the Yalk. Ex, 255 73 (read “Srvs); Mekh. B'chall, Vaya,
wck— Pl, -ןיקְבְמ Sabb. 57°—3) a band with which the s.1 ולצ “ לעSnes (mot לא To) it remains spell-bound
or housing of an animal is fastened around its over its own shadow.
2 (oth. opin.: the housing itself), Kel. XIX, 3. Sifra
ni, Sh'rats,, Par,6, ch, VILL; Sabb. 64*, B.Bath.78", | רכחPa. 73“ ch. same, 1) fo fasten, join.ד . Pe.
CXIX, 9 (Ms, sm Pe.; bh. text Sto).—2) fo combine
+ קלסל against. Targ.Job XVI,4 (h, text( 2--,(הריבחא
to charm.
TSF ₪. 1( to join, befriend, assist, Y. Ab. Zar. Targ. Y. 1 Deut. XVIII, 11.—4) fo wownd, +. infra. [Y.
\ 9 top (ref.toPs.LVILI, 6) [read:] איה Poin הרחש לכרמ Maas. Sh. V, 56° bot. +. “st]
whoever assisted him (in his political ambition), him
Tthpa. “27%, “PTR 1) to associate. Targ. Hos.1V 17 ;
6 befriended.—
Esp. “SF, pl. OST, PSN having 4 a.¢. —2)
fo be wounded, Keth.5* tr וא םד דקפימ דוקפ
are in theownership
of asacrifice, +.77S. Men.1X,? “Ze is the blood (in the womb) stored up, or is it the
/*bot.) “nin לכל דחא יטMs. M. (ed.(םיִרָבַה
one of result of a wound?; ib. 6* רבב ירובח.סר
6 company does the waving inbehalf ofallofthem.
. 94° “MS הטעמתנ is redaced in numbers as regards רבm. (b.h.; preced. wis.) (with suff,
"3 1) ax
וparticipants (only one of them being required to act). sociate, friend, partner (in sacrifices); colleague, fellow-
₪.9*; Arakh.2*דד( רלעבsub. (ךברק partners
of asacri- | student; {ellow-being; of the same kind (also of things).
6. (also ןברק (2--..( רלכבwith לע(emp. 331)fojoin against, Ab. IL,9 דד בוטa true friend; 27 דדa false friend. Ib. 10
B,Bath. 11° 'כו וילעSt his brothers ₪0. com- | SPI דובכ thy neighbor's honor. Sabb. 63* top => TS
bed to protest against hisactions—3) to tic, fascinate, with a good friend (an obscene disguise for a fair woman,
Lam. R. to I,5 'כו FS “Sin Pass they pro- | ¥. S58); a.v. fr.— Todo N, (in Babli) דד דדטלתcolleague
יו ו prea 60:8 Deut. 271 and pupil, a title of distinction for a student, fellor. Y.
דד' בeh ohw smrahc egral ;stcejbo 3.
ד גK
;ד Shek. If], beg. 47°; ציB. Bath. IX, end, 17", a > 7
4.56" גרול.NE“ .reK 1.6. הבלאו חדין תואnac חובר " ורד הדה וכsaw ₪ wollef re.d Rn;.u
kA .baB .bi .%85.1
1 what kind of charmer (Deut. XVIII, 11) is he that Ber. 27° הוה דרטלהד 'זחwho was a fellow (ander Rab).—
lable only to lashes(v.;ואָל(1 a. fr.—[4) (emp. 537) 2) Haber, Fellow, a scholar’s title, less than =“ or ךקז
אה wound. Denom. >t.) Kidd. 33° (im Chald. phras.) דד20x, "=="
TTR ye are
, הור1) tojoin, fester. Yalk. Job 927 (ref. to Job Aakkime (doctors), and I merely a fellow. Snh. 5", a =.
( תוצסב TES MO רוכ whoever befriended himself DOR NT, v. MTT;
a fr.—Gen. Rs 54 (playon (ןירכה
0 deeds; Tanh. Nitsab.4 (corr. ace.). Kel. 9 רבתי הענה יכוthat worthy scholar buried &c.—3) Hater,
nan 422
member of a religious or charitable association, esp. of Babylonia. Bets. 6* but. nowadays 'ח adi ‘when |
member of the order for the observance of levitical laws there are Parsees (forcing to public labors), | : a
in daily intercourse. Dem. 11, 3. Tosef. ib. 11, 2 ןילבקמ
my תויהל ותוא18 accepted as a member of the order; a. ארבחm.=h. "3m 1) friend, neighbor, ill ing:
ץצ.]P—.rf ,52B .43 .reB 82" 'ולא רכשלו הָבָרִר וכ .6 Targ. Proy. X, 24 (h. text ער!(; a. fr. [Targ. Hos.
my colleagues (in court) may not fail in a decision of |
,I 1 בחבריה, +. זַחַמְרָא.[5ן.- ,htaB %82 .a ₪'.
מַבְרָך ח
the law. Ib. םֶכיריְבִח דובכב ורהזהtake heed of your | תרא "> 'כוthy friend has a friend, and thy friend’s friend —
fellow-students’ honor. Bekh, 80" 'ח mwbw רכפב in the has a friend (you cannot claim ignorance). Sabb. 31°
presence of three members of the order. Pesik. R, s, 11
‘2 לחברך30" דעלךdo not unto thy neighbor what would -
/3) םיקסוע םהלשonan the members of societies among be hateful to thee; a.v.fr.— Pl. jan, “73. Targ. Jud.
them are engaged in charitable work. 19. םהיריבח ןיאו XIV, 11; a.fr.—B. Bath. 16> 'כו בויאדMD ארבח ON either |
מרגרשרםand their neighbors (the fruits in the same bag)
a tried dike dibeblet Job, or death; a, e.—Esp. Haber,
are notaffected; a. v. fr.— Fem. 137, Wan, Nan, תֶריִבִח a) scholar (vy. preced.), Felloio-student ; b) member
of an :
Snh.8” הריבח השאa scholarly woman (acquainted with order. Bets, 25* ןךירְבה our fellow-student (Rab Hisda);
the law). Ber.48°, a. fr, 'כו ARIAS תעגונ תוכלמPS one ' בר חeht nos fo .08 baR( .Y—.)anuH ,naaT ,I °46 'ר
term of office does not touch upon its successor even at
‘21 Fina Nun 1%. 11. the ‘Fellow of the Rabbis’.—PI.
ahair’s breadth (duration of power is preordained). Deut.
חברייא, PIN, Pan. Targ. Job XII, 2. Ib. XL, 80 Ms.
R. 5.7 התרבחב ןיא הפיט תברעתמone rain-drop does not (ed. (אָּיַמיִכַח Nidd. 6" 'כו 'ח ןכדמ6 1
mix itself with the other; a. fr—Pl. .תורבח Sabb. 129° ₪6. v. "27. Hull 19" 'ח 'יעשוא אריעז ןמד0. junior, of
‘ar ָחיְחּורָבַח v. aN; a. fr. the Haberim (Tosaf.: of Habaria, pr. n. pl.); Taan. 24°,”
Gen. R.s.13,end 'כו 'חya למרבא A,, one of the H,, visited
רבח.( זמb. h.; preced. wds.) 1) association.—"3" a sick person, ,צץ אָּחרּובַח.ג9--, X73, “Man. Targ. Ps.
ררעa town organization, congregation (for divine ser- CX, 1 (v. Ber. 43> quot. ₪. “37 fem.). Targ. 0. Ex.
vices, study, charities). Ber.IV,7. R.Hash.34>, 68.97" XI, 2; a. e.—Yeb. 63 (prov.) אתלרסב הָּסְרְבְחַב אלוcor-
top (Rashi:" ררע 3m a scholar maintained by the town, rectthy a bad wife by giving her a rival will be more
v. preced. w.).—2) charm. Snh. 65%; Ker. 3, vy,חָבַר .-- effective than thorns; a.fr.— Pl, אָחָרְבִח “an. Targ. aa
Pi, oan. Lam. R. introd. (RB. יה ,)2v. "3h, % XI, 37, sq. ]אתר"יבח תיבv. nmnss.]
)3 'זד יקלאוג₪ load of sacks tied across an animals back,
"237 (denom, of 87735) to darken. Tere Ps,
to unload which you must lift them before untying,
OXXxXIX, 11 רַבְרַבְחִמ 'ִּמְחִפ (ed. Wil. .('חְמ
contrad. 0+ “ "קלאוגa8 a load kept in balance by equal
weight on both sides, to unload which you need only 27a" m. (v. preced.) (hiding in the dark,| haba .
eitnu eht tonk no eht s’lamina .kcab .bbaS 451" יאר לאו bar, a species of lizard. Sifra Sh’mini, Sh’rats., ch. VI,
רבחב יקלווג יכוed. (Ms.M. רבאב לוזג or לודג( do you not Par, 5 (a subspecies of 1%; Hull, 127° 7193), Gen,Brb
think. (when 16 says, ib, XXIV, 1, ‘he unties the ropes s. 82, end 'ח ( אציו םהמnot ;תאצרו Hull.1.6. ;(דורע ¥
and the sacks drop of themselves’) a heber is meant which Ber. VIII, 19% v. m3. Ib. V, 1 bot. (Bab. ib, 8
tsum eb detfil gnola eht sedis fo eht ?;lamina לא באבר Tosef. ib. 111, 20 (דורעie Yoma Vit, 45" top “Eqn.
רקלאוג 'כוRashi Ms, a. Ar. (ed. לקוולגא , רבחבMs. M.
והייפמ, יקלאגבread: , וחריפוגv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 7) N72737 ch. same... Y. Ber. V, 92 bot. 7 ןידחה (no!
לט 1
no, a balanced load is meant &c.; v. Ar. Compl. ed. Koh
.8 v. . רבחOmp. “77538. ירפרבחm. pl. (preced. wds.) groping in the dark
temporary loss of direction. Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XIX, 11
חבר,m .b( .h ;etaicossa ,==רבוח.מ1['ג1' .v (בר |
Var, (ed. M7290, read; הירברבח( vy. RPT.
)1 charmer, Suh, 65%, v. "2m, Deut. R.s.7; a.e.—2) magus
(v. אשגמַא( ,Parsee priest, guebre in gen. Parsee govern- תרבחpl. תורְבְח v. “ah.
ment. Sabb. 11° ’m( תחת ררכנ אלו תחת v. Rabb. D. 8. a.
.1 note 80) rather under heathen (Roman) government, ( ןורבחb. h.) pr. n. pl. Hebron, in Judea. Mace.
than under a Parsee.—PI."955, Dam. Kidd.72*הלאנר .neG .R ,s 48 .fer( ot ,neG ,IIVXXX 41) %12 לא אין
דדlet me see (give me a description of) the Parsees (as si ton .11 detautis no a ?niatnuom amoY 1,111 " בח4
opposed to Persians). Pes. 113". Yeb. 63" (ref. to Deut. up to the horizon over H.; a. fr.
XXXII, 21 523 ( ולא 'ח רוגthis means the Parsees. ארּורבחm. (reduplic, of (חבר companionship,
sociation, ‘Keth. 654 ךל ךרבחלו ךרּורְבַחלוfor thine 0
Tall, הבראch, same, 1) charmer, vy. 87am 11.--
sake, and for the sake of thy friend and thy asso ciat
Ley. R. ₪ 22; Yalk. Koh.972 "2m דח ( אתאGen. R. s. 10;
(social standing). [Yalk. Is. 292, ed. irene fr.Pes
Koh. R, to V, 8 "34, corr, acc.) a charmer (of snakes)
Syanam>, v. Rabb. D. 8. ₪.1.note 800.)
came; Tanh. Huck 1,—Pl, .איִרְּבִח Snh. 65> תא 'חja thou ו ו
art a creation of the charmers.—2) Parsee. Gitt, 16”, sq. PATI, “AM +. Carp 1) the condition 4 7
‘21 "' אתא ההוא חa eesraP emac dna koot pmaleht morf with reference to levitical pureness; the Order of
them.— Pl. "am. Sabb, 45* 'ח רמקמfrom fear of the rim. Bekh. 80" 'ח לבקל ררבדxan he who ec
Parsees (that they might see the lights). Yeb, 68% ותא scholars to take upon himself
the obligation
baad ‘nm the Parsees have entered the Jewish colonies Tosef, Dem. 111, 4 ותוריבָחמ ותוא. ןיחודes
weg! חִנָב
(רתרוכהטis expelled from the onder; ¥. ib. 11, 29" top ₪ imprison,
.¥ Ti. ath. V, ond, 15”
( ירובתטcor. aoe);
. אfr—@) the position of a eholar, solpeag in pricon.—— Port, pow, ישיש
‘fdlowship’. ו טיbot. ST רפא ראו even the ww Por לכ דר.הו (Var. SS.
appellation of fellowship (if you had éalled we Adberia) ed pf poral =f whatever
is closely packed6
would not have been unbecoming
to ue. , wheat) is liable lo cause injury to an anime! falling
Rea, ch, (preeed.) 1) attachment aponit.
Targ. יו. אואאאשט2). lthpa. הירעשto be imprisoned. Lev, ts Hw TTR
S77) —Taan.20* (prov) אתותרט (וא ה ואMa, M.ארבה לא בפרלקרhe was put in pricon; Pesik. Ulkak, p.102° שדרה
{ (רא either companions or death; T. Math.
16° (v. Ar, (ed, SIO" HR).
1 D, & a.1 note 90), 6 24* wp א"שש רפלכTh קוט חשבהwie.) saddling, harnceving. Gen.
( (רט le there a social equality with reference to . end (ref, to Gen. RAL, 3, a. . אוRRM, 21)
(dare man treat prayer ae he woold « talk with רומעתו לע דוTh אדבתlet (Abrehem's) act of harncesing
Meg. 26°, —2) (collect. noun) scholars of the (anaiety to obey the Lord's behest) come and stand
מס. "06 טר the fellows (my pupils),
too, are (protect) againet )1/1540 5 ( bartering (amtiety lo carne);
ped against met—Y. Bhebi. VII, oT | היידרבתו pre
Mekh, Weball,= 1 Mga.
9 gin la Hall 57" Rashi (ed, ,ןאתרויבה
ץצ. sab. V, 5 ,ודיכה
+.ose |
ו | pe ₪. pl. Halta, home of « Wighpricet
0% fo te; Ke ee Gen, 4
end 'כו דדשMGs the harnessing which Abraham MOSM, +.
2) fo imprison, chain. Y. Bot, IX, 24" top; Tosef.
XV,7 (Var. lect.) ישָבח attempted to force
him by im-
t, ¥. Sot. Deut, א.ת 2 'כוSoi הרה he could am, הג, +. 33m, 7
(condemn) whom he wanted to, opp. 772, Y. Pes.
ו, 80° bot. לארשי if leraclites keep him in גהim. (b. be; 33; comp. Sit, TH) 1) ommiversary,
‘ison (and promised to let him free for Passover); a. fr.— festival. Lev. 5-29; Pesik. Baked. p. ise*
ול כחom
“ ךב דסויSr א New-Movun of a month in which there le»
pass, חבש, הבושח. .reB ,"5א.6. ' מתדר וכHTא אין
festival and whowe festival cvinchdes with the New-Moon,
fisoner cannot release himself from prison (one cannot
‘as much for himself ax he can for others). Ib, 54". v.03.וY. Taan. 1V,69"
bot., +. margh. Sot.
36" sonידם
Bath, 20* תיכלמ [ST imprisoned by royal authority; their (the Egyptians’) festive day ; a fr —Bep. hag (festrre
period), the Feast of Booths with its Eighth Day of Con-
\ iva) fugrie.) toהלה de,toplant onespecies too vocation (P7245 .( דנדטש.8 1V,2 ש"י ןושארה לש גת the
another species, to produce Kilayim (S853). Y.
|. ,זוזbeg., 28°; Y. Sabb.
1X,11" bot. ורבחב ןיא ןימ <גופ tsrif yloH yaD fo eht ;gah 5.5 ' י"ש האחרוך וכeht ! א4.
(the eighth day); . אfr.—2) pilgrim's festive offering.
לחובone species must not meet with the other (in
soil) אס as to prevent its growth. Y. Kil.
111, 2s" Hag. ,°01 v. next w., a Mss.
— 11. Sam, constr.העד
תו אורכו בכמהta tahw ,ecnatsid ,esiwhtgnel seod evo Ber. 33" FST דד periods of free-will offerings.
with the other (so as to be forbidden to plant) NSP I ch. came. Targ. Deut. XVI, 16.—Targ.
1, 28" 'כו םדא שבוחPR one cannot make forbidden XVII, 14 דד 7ST (h. text rs); .אfr.—Hag. 10° (ref. to
ilayim that which is not his own (by planting too Ex. או 14) how can you prove that this beg means
]1 OC Pail,dane.West tidestovcoal gieaed (festive) offering, כי! אכהSF אלדד perhaps itmeans
different species. 1b. 1,end, 27° קצונאב TH SS ‘ealebrate a feast’t—Ib. 37 ונוחה . . ולכא. . . אמליד
yplanted between. " המקthn taut smeano to-eny,\‘ent and rink’ dbl Save
SER 1) to יו Se detained. Keth 11,9 _ הfeast (rejoice) before me’ (without alluding to special
6 > השאה a married
woman that has been de- pilgrims’ offerings)?—Ib. (ref. to Ex. XXIII, 18) דס ראי
1 in the power of gentiles, if for money &c.; 8.6.-- רתגא הדא וכיsM M ,de( (דהוכאfi uoy dluow ,ym "הע
Sitstentedילו קריד "רט ל means feast (merry-making) &c.—-Kob. ₪. to 111, 2 יב
ו נ' בשטוכה ייsemoceb neddibrof yb a " דד רכneewteb eht tsaeF fo shtooB dna .hakcuniH -Y
1 ofeight cubits. Ib. 'כו אלאGorm אלש that Sabb. VIII, beg. 11°; a fr.— PL. seam, por. Targ. Ex.
אmadeForbidden ata distance ofmorethaneight XLVI,
11; אfr.
if.Sar tobethecause ofprokibition axKilayim. NAM IT pr.n. m.(abbr. of Haggai) Hagga, המ Amora.
וchon? אלש that it does not cause a prohibition | Ab. Zar. 6s". B. Kam. 42° Ms. M. (ed. דנה
ance of more6. Tm, p TI +. PSL
thpa. Garon to be kept asprisoner. 880-153"77
ו themselves, shail be OM = a») il locust. Sabb. IX,7 רח דד
א טהורgnivil naelc )elbatac( .tsucol — .12 ,37S הנפי.
ב soon 424
Hull. 63° ‘nm רכרימ species of locusts. Pes. 5 (spreading תגית8 festal sacrifice; a. 8 “Hag.1,
apart) 'ח רכרקכlike the proboscides of locusts. Sabb. 106”; the laws concerning festive sacrifices; Tosef. Ib. 5 9.
Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 5. Gen. R. s. 38 the palm-trees 3) ,hagigaH a esitaert fo eht ו שק
appeared to them 'ח ולאכas though they were locusts (v. a. Y’rushalmi, a. Tosefta.. Lied
N13m).—2) (metaph.) pudenda. Sabb. 15%, v. 333. V.
הגידה, +. חַנִירָה
also .לוסרק
,TMA“ .v הנר
NOAM ch. same. Targ. O. Lev. XI, 22 ed. Berl. (oth.
ed, R330; Y. .(אבוזרכ NIM, y. RB. Hash. I, 58" top, v. sian. ‘7
Aan (b. h.; cmp. 35m) [to turn,] (denom, of 3m) to TAM, TAT, אריגה ₪. (=n. san) Jaw,’7 3
celebrate an anniversary, to observe a festival, to make Targ. Lev. 1, 18. Targ. Job XXIX,15; 8.6.--1%. Pan
a periodical pilgrimage. Num. R s. 20 'כו המוא תֶגְנוחהח Targ. Is, XXXII, 23. 00
הודחf. (b. h.; FM) joy, rejoicing. Bets. 15” (ref. TIN (b. h.) pr. n. pl. Hadid, ear Ono. -Arakh, .
to Neh. VII,) 10 ומריקו תוצמ'חAr. (missing in ed.) and IX, 6 (32%, sq.); Y. Meg. I, 70* bot. (not athe
fulfill the law of festive rejoicing. Keth.8* (in the wed-
ding benediction).—V. 817 2). a0, +. sn. ey
NV, NOTIN, ץ , אָוְדִחNOT. תיידחpr. n. pl. Hadiath, in Assyria. Targ. Y. Gen.
X, 11, sq. (Var. , 'רח, 'רהY.I, verse 11, M78, h. text. my).
*ןייודחm. pl. (emp. , תודחa. Syr. חדוא P. 8גז.0021( Vi Schr. KAT?, p. 98.
subterranean stores. Tosef. Toh. VIII, 1; 6 (Var. F505
.de ,.kcuZ .R .8 ot .hoT ,IIV 1 ;חרריןot.bt‘ 6 (הדיין.
NO", +. apn.
TO", + son.
קודח wan, v. sub “35%,
( חַדלb. h.) [to be cut off,] to cease, to omit. Gen. R.
חדות, v. דגת.
s. 48 (expl. bon, Gen. XVIIL, 1, by ref. to Deut. XXIII, 23
NOTIN, NNT ch.=h. . הנחTarg. Ps. IV, 8. and Num. IX, 13) .קספ
Targ. 'Y. Deut. XVI, 10 mI; a. fr.—Cant. R. to I, 4
mn f. (preced.) omission, use of the root 4
) האר ח' שלימא חדו על חדו (נגילהsiht si a etelpmoc -er
Ned. 222,
joicing, joy upon joy. Lev. R. .א 20; Koh. R. to 11, 2, v. /
Rs. Gen. R. s, 27 'ח תעשב 'ח (Yalk. 10.47 הודח הודח OTM, +. osm.
Hebr.), v. xbax.—
PI. xian, 74m. Targ. Ps. XVI, 11;
a. @. ]אתודח "וָודִחpl. of אָיְדַח IL. Om, Targ. .צץ Deut. XXV, 9, v. OM.
+.אָנוהְרִח , שדחOTN ₪ b.; preced.)) 1 היאmoon, i >
the first appearance of the crescent. . הHash. I, % a =
605. h) pr. .מם pl. Hadrakh. Sifré Deut. 1; Th רט תארש תא he who sees the new moon (when it
to VII, 5 (ref. to Zech. IX, 1) I am from was his duty to travel to the place of the Supreme Court
ושטו וsPS wo וישdna ecalp to testify). Ib. ךראצדי תודכל דחה they travel for the par-
pose of testifying to the sight of the new moon ; . אfr.—
) ( 'כו ךרו. + > אשצטתס רח. > and mild. Cant.
RB. 1.>. )2 month. Snh. V, 1 הדיאב דהin what month?; בככוה
Sarees rowbs(beתה ו4 the ent ‘TS on what day of the month ! ; a. v. fr.—T( שאר abbr.
( ת"רthé first day of the month, the festival of New
‘Moon. Meg." 21 "1° תשרפthe section of the Law read
- FT(b,i) [tobebright) tobenev. on the New Moon Day (Num. XXVIII,); 1—15 . אfr.—
4.San, שדיה 1) forenew, renovate, polish. Lev. ₪. PL Som. Ib. il, 4 רשארב דדon New Moon Days. ₪4.
So לאה geeaadgore Hash.1,3 21 לכ הששדדfor the proclamation ofsix New
(cleanse) your doings. Gen. R. s.78, beg. (ref. to nooM syaD sregern aetns
es s.de
ba .0h 6*te לשKש
. 111, 23) 'כו SEs התא thou renewest our lives דדat an age of three months; a. fr. [Pesik. Babod., p. 154"
morning; "כו ןרקובלTs התא thou inspirest us שטדנ 'חמ 'כוread Sn —Y. Shebi. IV, 35* bot. “ors,
new life in the morning (rise to power) &c., +. "23; daer בחרשר+. חוּדָש.[
—2) fo commence anew, do again. R. Hash.7*, a.e.
o Num. XXVIIL, 14) "כו Norm שירה commence a new השדהI & 1) fem. of
(2-ְ טdedication ofa new
and offer T’rumah of the new produces. — 3) fo building. Bifré Deut. 229 (ref. to, שדחDet. XXII, 6(
te a new law, to establish a new interpretation "כוTm rows (Valk. ib. 930 ( דשדרתyou must make a
law; to find a new point. Sabb. 104", a.fr. | battlement as soon as you dedicate it (mot delay).
הדלות 428 an.
‘ ובstorage, +. man.
DN mw. OSD 1) )6.₪.(charmer, +. רבה 3)—2) +
sistant, partner, +. “37 1).
NSTI chh. 21, lap, bosom, Targ. Prov. V1,27;
(ed. Lag. S15, +. 8399} h.text .(קח Targ.
Y.Ex.IV,6. TOM,
+ een.
NSU, זדברזד Audda, name ofa bird. Hall,62°. TOM
mw:pl.לש v.שבה
Nn ₪ apr
¢ chan. reir, 1) debt. ד Be.
XVI, 7 (ed. Wil. Mest, pl.). Targ. 1] Kings IV, 7.—
MDA זזpr.n.t.Hubbah, wife ofR.Huna. B. 2) obligation, duty. Targ. Koh. 11, 18 בדה תי דדיPE:
מו. 80° (Ms. M.M3‘); Naz. 57°. 'כ.+
רוּבָה ו.--2( guill, sin, sin-offering. Targ. Lev. V.6,
*q.—Targ. Ps. CIX, 7; a. e.—Y. Sot. V, 20° bot. דד דדדדא
1; Y. Ber. IX, 14* bot. aes אד , דה.+ (4--.הָביה dis
tag WL. (9m) obligation, duty ; (sub. ברק( obligatory advantage; condemning evidence. B. Mets. 28° “D773 אל
fice, opp. M333. Naz. 11, 8 דה רדזנok“ 1 am א " דד וכRTO eno si ton desoppus ot reffo ecnedive tsniaga
, .)0008056
the condition of my vow himself
—P1_ ust, v. supra —Targ. Lam. 1V,22 [OST
opp. הבדנ ררזנ₪ voluntary nezarite with- | (h. form).
430 חוח
| dibs2 7 | GH .
גוח.+ 33m, 93m. \ חוורוור/ sn a. next we
repose א
גגוח. (xin) m., pl( חוגגים DAM)=) --ממור “porn m. pl. (emp. 95") thistles, used forb
V. 43m a. 8137) clefts, precipices. Midr. Till.to Ps. 111,5 herb ()רורמ; cmp. yen. Pes. "398 ‘Ar. (ed. f
(ref. to 339M, ib.)( ןושל רנוי אוה 'ח לש םימ ed. , םלגוחYalk. Ms, M. ןילא moun, Ms. M. 2 ,ןילבויה Ms. 0. oy
Ps, 742 ( םרגגוחit is a Greek phrase ‘precipices of water’ Rabb. D.8.a.1 0 Tosef. ib, I )11(, 33 רזורווח. 8. /
(xatappaxtys); cmp. RAIN. (Var. ,לדרח prob. corrupt., for (לזרח ee:
(Teal coe
NON f, (327) circle, limit. Targ. Prov. VII, 27. ,NTTA“ +. ור א-
= ( חודv. (אַחַד1) to connect, finish an arch by insert- ץ חוּורוְרִיָא. RESTA, 5
ing the keystone. Y.Ab. Zar. 1,40* bot. >" לכ TAT אוהד
for he finishes the entire arch (emp. Bab. ib. 19" wis
Wn pr.n, pl. (b. .ג 9910, v. Wetzst. to D
אחרון, v. מכוש11(.--2( (cmp. Syr. דא claudere enigma,
Job p. 597, emp. 977) Havran, Auran, a signal station,
for proclaiming the New-Moon, in the at
P. Sin. 116) to bring to a point, to compose an enigma,”
allegory &c. Targ. 100. XIV, 12, sq. Targ. Ez. XVII, 2.
the Jordan named Auranitis. 1%. Hash. 11,4(22)
[Af. 7738 to connect. Targ. 1s. XLIV,13 דיִחֶאְמ (TIN,
Pes. ,ןורוה Mish. Nap. ןורבח ; Ms. 0. ;(ןורוח tants ib
( זז1), 2 (Var. 'ח--.(ןֶרְוח Ma ()תֶרְּב Beth-( Brath-) 6 )
fr. WN).]
prob, the same place. Y. Shek. I, 46%; Y. 11, Kat. I, 80!
דוחm. )רדה( point, thin part, Cant. R. toV,2 MIMS bot., 8. 6. 'ח 'בדAMIN ;'ר Bab. ib,3b תעקב אינו שיא
ur לש as the point of a needle. B. Kam. 81% bot., v ian ma (Ms. M. 'ווח תעקב(ו₪100.84% Ms. M. (missi
בוח.11 Zeb. 53% לש ןרקinn (A747) the point of the horn in ed.). Erub, 114 ןתרוח תעקב תיבMs. M. (ed. (ןתוורח |
fo eht .ratla .fesoT[ .leK .B .steM ,9,11 .v חור1.[ V.חדָּה , סנרווח.+ Ab. Zar. 11, 42" top, read: 82050; emp,
חודch.צ . tind. Bets. 16%; Ab. Zar. 38°. ‘
איווחf. ("m) instruction, law. Targ. Y. 11 Lev. Ohol. XV, 12 'כו...0 tin DI WR 1:60 not%
Vit, 7 (h. text HM). the nature of the case, ‘bat (I do know) that eae
החא non
to fasten, .יש(denom.
of (טיח pdge moon’ (Kol, X11, 2) ie ₪ metaphorical es preston for the
with straps, Y. Kil. LX, 82" top הינאסמ nose; Babb, 151"; .הfr.—Taan, קש TH Sos 3 dinguice
& he should not make for hie (woolen) shoes straps for the וס man, + שקב (VT. Rabb. Vi,
‘flax but leather thongs, Ib, ךתיכב תינאסמStS וחט Asst, v. שוחח !11.|--4( the oblate part of a spheric body,
HOt ('כר ie it permitted to put fax straps on 1 Nidd.47*; Toset. ib. \1,4 TT שאר the top (eentoal cireley
ייטSIT 1) same, to fasten, strap, Targ.
¥. Deut. of the oblate part of « female breast. Bece 25° bes
, 9.2) fo sew. Targ. Job XVI, 15; a. «.—Men.
37" היסטיthe oblate topof the Bubrog; 3.46. 111,523
לגMay האר מאeh ohw dewes eht liartfo sih PL. POST. )דס . א1V,10 Goth רכש the indications
up. Y. Bhebi.
LV,38° bot. 23 STs הוה was doing of the two nostrils of the embryo; Nidd. 25° ךייכשדה (reed
or's work at &o.; .אfr.—%) fo mend, patch, Lani.RB. Tost); Lev. BR. 4 .)ד Nidd. Ul, 40° too (דכוקנ
1,1 רבתי (TS דח )1 דד היל ךס 'כוhe patohed it in one וו. 29* St דד SPs if the partitions of the nostrils are
woe &e.; a. 0.-- 4( fo form a net of straps, plait. Ab. perforated into one another.—Trnef. 3) .)אש 17
as ab.
78* 'כו ילבתבcow EM Ms. .א(ed. (יטיחד which they Midd. 111, 2 (Mish.come ed. Po incorr.). Gece. 1V,9 144")
it with chords ₪6. שגד חיSsP וסכוקביןeht owt slwob dah seitivac )stehtuc(
like two slender snouts, +. PEt (v. Rashi a | ( —4) the
יי Oatpee tens: Y. Kil. 1X, 82 top, knotted strappings
of a shoe. Tovet. Sabb X11 (X11), 14
R YS).
111 m. (b. b.; preced. wis) 1) thread, chord, דמואch. same, mone. Targ.1. Ler. ,אאו 18.
sinew. Kel. XXIX,3 דד תלוקשמ chord of the plamb-
j ib. 4 דד םרנזאמof the balances.—Yeb.121", a.fr.דד TSIM, « זַחוּמְרָא. )-= א. שר + ;HS“ pme
a elgnis ,riah .+ puP .llaH—t 1,1, א,rf הדשדרה
ח ( פדרא1 ,ffats .retpecs .g .morN ,aIIVXT
.71 .graT aP
" ר.
..c. הקביהthe XLV, 7; .אfr. [Also “Sh, R757, constr. “S7.] —Gen. ₪.
strings around him a chord of grace (protection). s. 53, v. PU. Yeb. 65°; Keth. 64%, +. ato IL —Ler..א
*18 א דו לש רסח 'כוchord of (divine) grace was 18 'כו ד ןדתרתוthe (old man's) staf and two feet.
וא .₪6 2/9 *89. ורקיקמTM POE? the twining thread Sabb, 109" איקרר דדMs. 4. (ed. (האדרדהי the Shepherd's
b tw
pot .bI דד של כרך Staff (the Lonely Staff), name of a plant, +. x" Sot. —
i used for twining; a.fr—Y. Sabb. V1, 8" bot. יצKidd. 1, 60" top, a.6., +. ;תיִכּוכְשַכ . א₪6.--17. oor,
,נוח read; המוד הרעשל oh a band (of hair) re- MTS. .אא Gen. XXX, 37; .אfr.
her own hair.— PL own, Por. Snb.
59* a. >.
2 שוכר ורדowt sdaerht )senil( fo .erif .veL .R ,41.8 .+ זז חוטרא, TSS מו. )+. שר, .pme א11ר
) fold,
—Men. 39° רכצ “cn woolen threads (as show- .erusolcne .graT .ciM,II .bbaS—.21 °23 ).vorp( אבב חי
=) > Sabb. 1/5 “SS “Sw bands made ofhair. Ib. 6 רלרזב "כו. at the gate of the fold, there are words (bargain-
with threads.... in their ears (in place ofearrings). ing), but in the stalls (where the sheep are delivered),
; Fae Tithe veins ofthefore-foot;a.fr—2)(Geogr.) strict account (in critical moments a woman's
sins are
ve. Tosef, Ter. II, 12. Ib. 13 >) םינפלו Te ךס what visited, v. 873°). — PL. 7h, =. Targ.O. Num. XXXII, 16
de (East) of the line is considered as belonging to tS‘ .de .lreB .de( .bsiL .)= .graT 1 .maS ,VIXX 4 חד
a of Israel.—[Tosef.
Kel. B. Bath. V, 14 תאציר ed. Lag. (oth. ed. =).
x yr]
זז ארמוח i Mor | pr. - םpl Hefra,
ag Targ. Gen. XIV, 23 Hutraya, near Nehardea. Y.Sabb. 1, 4* bot. Ib. V,end,7*
; Of); א fr.—B. Bath. 91° אשבודד דד₪ continuous R. Idiהירסוההנ
Y. Bets. 11, end, 61% “>To.
% 432 San
object of derision. Targ, 0. Gen. XXXVIII, 98. Targ
אָנְרמּוח.( )ארסהה מ1 striped like a staff (v. Gen. Jud. XVI, 27 ;a.fr.—Targ. Job XII, 4 ךרח (ed. Lag. F ey
XXX, 37). Sabb," 110 רבד רחא 'חa striped (checkered) Ber, 9" 'כו 'חPow אל laughter did not vanish
from 1
swine. [Oth. opin. in Ar.: hwmp-backed, y. next w., a. lips (he felt happy) &c. Shebu.8
34) ה “x2 what is th
P. Sm. 1250.] cause of the laughter?—Erub. 68", v. ל 6 ,
תרמוח1 =תֶרְטוטִחcamel’shunch. Sabb, 54° Pagina ל
yin to rub, seratch, v. 2". לוחch. same, 1) to dance. Part, >. tate’"65
XV, 20 Abn (read j2"n). —2) to take effect. Yoma i
ךרזהch. same. Sabb.54" היב Fy אלד רדח that the 31 me אלררח the observation of mourning restsאנט
animal might not turn to scratch (and make the wound ,mih .deN 871 ח' נזררות וכ, .v .decerp .ubehS 42" אתאנים
sore again). sekat tceffe htiw ecnerefer ot .sgif .lluH %301 ד... %
comes and takes effect in addition to ₪0. 10. .. 7%
ןוחII (onomatop., v. preced.) [to hawk,]: to laugh,
לזחרמ )לחרִמ( יכוand they differas to whether or nott
= ( קחצto jest with, caress; to laugh at. Part. ha
prohibition of .... comes to take effect
₪0. a. fr.
yon. Targ. Y.Gen. XXVI, 8. Targ. Prov. XXIX, 9 FNM
)3 to hover.over one’s 9 be impending. Targ.
ed. Lag.( ךיאח Lev. FS Af). —.6166 ”55 אל( כזחְהv. ie. |
VII; 90; 6
infra. M. Kat. 174 822777 אל ךדידב אקMs. M. (ed. NIST)
Ithpa. bunny to turn in a crete, ia
dance. Targ. Pi
I do not laugh at thee; a. fr.
XLI, 5 (h. text .(םדדא 6“if
Pa. חירך, NT same, 1) to hawk. Gen. R.s.67, v.32}. tid
—2) to laugh. Targ. Jud. XVI, 25. Targ.0.Gen. XXI, 9 לוחIL (v. mbm) to be smooth, quiet, v. |
ran. (Ms. rane). 19. XVI, 12; a.fr.—Pesik. B’shall.
Hithpol. הזילto be quieted. Ber. 30° ללוחתמוט.
p. 90* 'כו PITA ךייחמו. . ( אנאMs.O. ,ך"זחדמ Ms. Carm.
דעתו עליו.sM( ,.M ,%1 .xE ,293 ,tueD 318 סיל
(מגחךI will go and make sport of &. (v. 7775). .התו 26"
his mind is quieted (collected for prayer).
ja ma 72 אק "SINS does thou make sport of us?—M.
Kat. 17° ךייח ed. (Ms. M. 3m). Ib. אנכייחמ NP, +. לוחch, same; to be smooth, lax ; to 4
supra. renounce; to be sweet. Targ. 0. Gen. IV, 26 "כו Fo
Af. 7°78 same. Targ.0.Gen.
XXI, 9; 8. 6., v. supra.— became lax in worshipping. —Keth. 86" top 6
Ber. 18" P2958 0/72 (Ms.M,m>"m) why didst thou laugh ‘NAIF. (ed. , הלחרתוAsheri לחמ"תו( let her
go and re
(with joy)? Ib. 19" הלע אל ףכיחתdo not laugh at it (v. her mother’s widowhood in favor of her fatl * -
supra).—Ned. 51% לבר ( 'אnot INN); a. fr.—V. .ךחמ ללחרלד הרָמַּאthat he (the gladiator)
LMI גו. ,baes +. חיפוך giving mood for his life (which he is”
[oth. opin. AN לוחרלד that his b yl
ףוחII, אָכוח יח .( )ךוח תג11 laughter, Hite ...אמדא[ אז ‘itn owas gg
= 1% ליי tosweeten
(by good wine),
toiaprore. )אלוח( אלוחon.דש Lev. X, 10; 06
יכ יט טשפל 4-1 eh yam dda וי
יי1dno neht lles ti rof( erup
)4,( .eraT .¥ eM ,UXXos חבדלכותא
-) שדקחה לקtorre ror, +. sheet) Tag. ¥
Lev, VI, --.דו לו .¥ Gen, XVI, 22 אח ךלr,s
7 choad "לח( tobeliberal,
toforgive. ter, 12"
4 ל אררט יור 8, 50°
רא' לתלeH denodrap meht rof eht noitaloiv fo והילא,rageni+v. לא
| יקי ור *ייל לע >
00 it, ¥, .הק Mets, ? ee xin (emp. ty @ fortified place, castle, Yair
#2) Ma, Hi.(od. “bre, . sbrm, v. לח] ch) they were
Num. 743 יפו aynrop אלש whe doce ₪ own his carte
towards you, 3. Nath, “Me "the
א (named after him, Hifré Deotoo7 ---,(תיאלוה1, rad.
ote a (M. Kat, ets Hoe 0 ee ( וHifré |. 5. Var, תיאלידה +. od. Py. mote; ih, יואל"ידה
corr. ace).
I (, אן לוח1 or ללח ; cmp. ,ללג $3) sand, sand- TAT ch. pent w. דואO. Lev. 41, ל . )אtext
; cap. the sand used for glase-making,
Babb. 5 רלח ; .+ (כרכשותא
ח' דenif dnas lram( desu rof ;)erunam הככM' esraoc
(for cementing). Meg. 6*, +. .תיכו (Babb. #0" חולה+ :ehc .pme = א. )hH 1) ₪. ד. Mag.
Am ,תירוב .+ --[. לָחֶא.11 תולוהsandy region, sea-shore, | שי¥. Pet —Kel. XV,6.—2) שו Pos. 5,2, th tte".
Babb, 31° ‘TO ןיב on an onsle surroundedwith Tan. 6° רדכו ‘To from the story about weasel aad well
Meg. 6* 0 TR YS תכשוי איחשwhich (¥. Comment.). 7. Sabb. XIV, 14° top; =. .--- דלה
tudted between
the sea-places, +, תליה .--Lev.RB. ,"“ )ןיאְנס7S) (Ae porcupine, +. aI“. Kil. VIII, 5.
4 איכוטנא , יח+. Pyin.—Y. B. Kam. 1, & wp Ts רפוחב Teh Ee Yen, !7.--11. rier. 1.4.5. 6, beg —
one dige ה pit in sandy ground, Bifré Deut. 39 ‘mm ,יב .₪ Kam, 60° 'ח ןיאנסהMe, H. (ed,(סכארם
. odin. OPO « preced.; emp. 727) ₪ bark-gate.
5 II m.Hol, name
of « fabulous bird (Phoenix). rien the mule-driverd
gate, entrance for loads.
&. 19 (ref, to Job XXIX, 18); Midr, Sam. ob. XU; +
+ gci 1, 36°;.ד Meg. IV, end, 75'.— Midd. 1 3 לש
al . Job o17. Cmp. RIT ‘Ti שעררtwo Temple-Mount gates formed like « huldeh ;
Cant. ₪. to Il, 9 ‘nm קש
HILL 5. ו fotelpu)
opp. STP; week-day,
opp. MEL, EP. לוזה זה111 .)א. אte) pe.5. ).1.040. the pro-
ps,104"; Hull. 26° ‘Md ETP ןרב between what issacred .= קווסופMeg. 14° (transl. .(אשושרַב Y. Naz. !4 577 bot.
id what is secular, Shebu. 35" mro pom... תוסשלכ ‘TSS ררבק the graves of the sons of H.; Treat. Smab.
מה וseman 0 ) קסרghiodAC .5 ereJ ,dercne .hc VIX iT ;pS“ א. ₪.
ypt the following which is secular (referring to per- nisin m. (b, .הMA; mbt) sick; ₪ patient. Ber. 10°
מל ה
חוeht evitsef-fslyaahd nm תאךל רקבוgo and visit thesick (King). ib. 54* למ
vening between the first and the last days of
‘ וכיmh שחרתהhe who has been sick and recovered. Ib. bot.
pver or of Succoth, Meg. 22"; a.fr-—Maas,
Sh.ILI, > ' ה' תתך וכa kcis ,nosrep ₪ moorgedirb ;cA .a .v —.rf .1
| te ae debra atadarteepeenell prey ib.
cin, Por. Cant. ₪. tolls Toren yo 'זדsuffering from
תוכך their inside is secular ground. B.Mets.8¢" ., .. ילכ
oppression. Gitt. 28", .הfr. םידחל ‘hm בדר the majority of
WEN shall the vessel once used forsacred things,
the sick recover again. Ib. 61* 'כו “ םירכנSh ךירקבמ you
are bound to visit the sick of the gentile commaunity
alike with &c.; a.'ח--.]) ,רוקיב.+ --. רּקיִבFem. .הלה
tske. notconsecrated, ordinary objects. Hall.
2°, a.e. Sot. 86" ארה ‘m that she was sick.—Midr.
Till. to Pr.
'ה ישכנש לעordinary food (not T’ramah) prepared = XLVIII, 14 (play on ,הלרחל ib) Sores wes "חה התואל
-precantionsrequired for the levitical cleanness ‘nm mm (pay attention) to that sick (nation), for sbe is
ated food.—Pes. 22", a.fr. הרזעב 'ח וטחשנשan- destined
to be sick (suffering). Cant.R. 1.c.; a fr.
consecrated for sacrifices which were slaughter-
i ooo 1%., .אfr, אתדירואר . .‘mthe | TTS 2. (v. preced.) evil,bed. Kob. B. to V, 12
forbiddin, the useofסוומי *' וכר יש רשה ו וכsi ereht ₪ dab live dna a doog !live
not Biblical. Gitt. 62° "psn Fos his ordinary dough ;
T (not סר...(, v. MIS. Hag. 1,3 חה 7Sתואב are TST & )לוח. קמ.מYee) chorus ofsingers and
ured from secular funds, opp. to proceeds from second dancers. .צי Meg. Il, 73* (ref. to ,הלרה Ps. XLVIII,
ea; a.fr—Ber, 82° (play on ,לחייו Bx. XXXII, 12) "ה ‘ וכיnh הדעשית ראש. ל. . oeT eht droL lliw eb nesohc
it is too foreign to thy nature to do such a She lender of the:qheutes (cherages) ha: Cant. B. to 1,3;
eee oe.8s nb tn. — Hullin )='ח PST), Vil, 1 [read:] “rics 3; Lev. R. 5.11, end שאר תודהל
f a treatise of the Mishnah, Tosefta and Talmud (;דYalk. Is, 294 ;ליחס 11 rir); ib.חלדחל
if the Order 04 Rodeshin, contaizing, the laws “ כתרבrd read Pholok. Cant. .ג 1. >. ‘Si השענש To like
ae oe the chorus which was arranged for us 46.
חולונאי . 434
חולונאי, +. nen.
תולוחy.לוח .8 .[ תללחV. also חול h.] אללהm. aan chisel (h. ןזרג( tee as 15.
.ןרלרלוח.71. Targ. 1 Kings VI, 7 (Var. ל Sa
אָזְלּוחm. ,( )זלחpl. ןרזְלהח loins. Targ, 11 Esth. VI, 11
yon, y. לוח 1.
, רוזלזחv. Tom,הלוז .
yin, yon m. (775M) tongs. Tosef. Kel. B.
Srbin, readחִילְחוּל . IV, 5-[read:] םירמסמה ,. 'ח לש רגנ6 carpenter's tc
חוּלחולית, .lp ץ חוּלחוליות..חלחולית. with which he pulls nails.
ולוח. disease, v.חל behog.] B. Bath. 67% (Ms: M. ,ילד Var. om, v. Rabb. }
5 a. 1. note); Arakh. 32°; Meg. 6" (missing in censure
וילה הילוח אילּוחזf. (b. h. Aad;חל , emp. editions) הלוצמו ( 'חMs. 2]. תיסרח v. Rabb. D. 8. 1
bom Il; emp. n>Dh) [loose part, something 0 limb, v. M>ix9.—Sifré Deut. 39 Var, 'חה M72 glass-sand 0
link; vertebra of the spinal column. Bekh. VI, 5 ’m ןיב v. Sn 1-1 "חה---.תואָסְלּוח תיבglass-shop on sandy so
i> (Talm, ed. 39" mb ('זדמ between two vertebrae.— B. Bath. 1. c. (Ms. F. niobinn, Ms, 11. תואסליחה "תבי
Hull. 59% if a rib is displaced M2>’M and a vertebra with ל
Rabb. D. 8. a 1. note 60).
it. Ib. 42°; a. fr.—Y. 8066. .1, 51% דומע 'ח לש₪
of a column. Men. 38> 'ח a joint of the plaited show- ףלוחm. (9>m) slaughtering knife. Tosef. Kel.
threads.— Pl. ,תילו . תורלחKel. XI,8 a chain הלש mw .htaB ,IIV 3 ' ושל חdna eht eldnah fo .68 .bI 'בן ח
' רכthe links of which are of metal stringed on ₪6. Ib. , ןיבv. R.S8. to Kel. XXIX, 8) a small slaughterite ea
' ח' של אבכים וכsknil gnitsisnoc fo ,slewej slraep ,08 .neG חולף.rtsnoc fo הלפא.v חל1. vee
R. 8s. 79, v. APT. Ohol. I, 8 'ח הנומש הרשעeighteen
vertebrae.—Bets. 22* mbm לט הרוכמa candlestick which חולפה₪ חולפת, גן. חולפותshoots,
can be taken apart. Sabb. 46% v. Np. Kel. ,א 10 | חָלִיפָה 2
חתכו חיfi eh tuc eht denrub yalc fo na nevo otni ;selit אנפלּוחm.,. constr. )ףלח( ןַפְלּח value receiv
a. fr.—Esp. a segment of earth cut out in digging a pit exchange (h. “r72). Targ. O. Deut. XXIII, 19.
and piled up on its borders; (collect.) the entrenchment
around a well (increasing its capacity). Ber. 3°; 59° .חולפניתא, ,sreV ni .rA rof חַסְפָּנֶיחָא. 2
(proy.) לתֶיְלְחמ ןרא רובה אלמתמa pit cannot be filled up
with its own earth, 1. 6. a community cannot live on its ץ חלץ. prin. | Jag |
own resources. Sabb. XI, 2)99%( רובה תלֶלזח, )תררֶלהזהMish. אקלּוח קלוחm. ch.=h. Pd, portion, share. T
חהלררת, pl.) the entrenchment of a well. Erub.78%; Sabb. 99" 7 XIV, 0 Targ. Gen. XLVIII, 22; a.רצ
134 (mba) התרלזחו רובthe depth of the well and its en- VII, 8" top הבסנ 'ח 'כו she is entitled to a share ¥
trenchment are counted together to make up ten hand- her sisters. B. Bath." 142 תיא 'ח ארלטל וא 'כוis theye
breadths. 10." 'ח- . .. רוב העשתif the pit was nine hand- man (to whom a share equal to that of the eve
breadths deep, and he took out of the bottom one segment future issue from a second wife was promised. +
(which had been cut before this). 19. 'ח ןתנו הכותלand nation) entitled to that share besides the inh
threw גsegmentin, B.Kam.51°/21 'ח ורקע םהרנשboth of = htiw eht rehto ,nerdlihc ro .lP-—?ton חופקין, ןא
them took the last segment out together, so as to complete Targ. Gen. XLVII, 24 (Y. .( ןיקְלוחTarg. Ez. 3
the legal depth ₪0. Yoma 84" 'ח רקועbreak loose one (ed. Lag. 8*P>M); ae. . לNPT. -
segment of the entrenchment; a. fr.
(חוּלשַא) חלשא.m )(חלש ו
אילוח11 איילּוחm. ch. (v. "bm) something sweet, Targ.Is. XU, 23.—B. "Mets. 80, Yoma 56% 3m:
,ssenteews .graT .duJ ,VIX .41 .bI ,XI .geM—.11 7 אנא 'כרon aceount of the faintness of the Highpries
mv שדרר לרה1 tnes mih gnihtemos .teews °511..seP אגב the excitement of the services of the ey dni 7
הררלזהRashb. (ed. ןילבתד , הרילחread: , ארלוחv. Rabb. he may not take notice of it. Sabb.87
D S. a. 1. note 60) on account of the sweetness in it 6. sseni morf .gnillevart .reB 04* ח' דלבא
nin 435 חתור
> חולת, דל ית¢ no( )1 ,nialp-dnas elirets :erohs of וו, ₪. °13 קב חיeM( .M )moor « ba
Arakh. 111, 2 (14%) fren nin the sand-piainof powder,-"n
ym .וז₪. Land of I], = district ofnorthern
Palestine, Th, 66° 'כו °F ‘m the district presented
to Hiram
was the Land of I.
of Jericho, (Comment, TOSM en.pl. שיק poser, ¥. preced,
fake our
w, fr, לית 111: the eurrowndings
of « town,
pr Ca are רשיד a ) (@ popular corrupt. of 505010
H "84,111 ;.tob .tueD ₪.=. 4 'של א דה ופ 9, יו. מו. ;08 ,35 )599 .=
ןיו650; .veL ה. =. 5 אי lorium, ₪ drink made ofliverwort, 1 +. Som.
+. ִַשְשְלְיו
(or; PIF). .+) (preced.) pr. ph 1) 'י
+. proved —2@) ‘tm we" Bea or Lake of Hulta, "on RET m. )5 corraption of 29 Sars)
ו ו noitrop fo eht setnorO pa ot -itnA linen cloth. Git, 09" (sent to115% |
יצKil, או, end, 62%; 3. Bath. 74° אזלוח חשי לש יכוIS 'חו IS Ar. (ed. רקכרכ *דו only) ₪ fall-cize waba-
fs. M. (ed, תליה |Yak, Ps. 697 .(וכל num and « halfvise, which were compressed to the
respective sizes of « not and half « net.
אָחְלוח. pr. mf. Hultha (theWeek-Day-Hervant) Osi, NOD, +.os:
eth. 11,9 (attendant onthefirstdayoftheweek,
יחא Yu
m. (020) @ wlolent
Vi, 12.
man, 11. postr. ד
(v, (חטםfo bewarm, Part. own, Ser, Hall, "א
sod when it(the knife) gete warm; v. infra.
. סרָחֶא
fo warm ;toaffect (hearers). M.Kat. 12" xv
| ור ‘ צוWhich ¢ ומול ecck had נו — m. (20m) vinegar. Tang. Prov.X,26 Ma.(od
.' א' באספידא רחתם וכ,4 .aM( ראנא. . . א' טר, .eM
(א'לרesuora eht sgniloeffo eht elpoep nehw -reviled p וPes 11,1 לה
my funeral address, for 1 (my soul) shall be present. הארוטרEdomite (Roman) vinegar (wine fermented with
הא דטְחָטו ליח וחאים א.sM .M ihsaR( ,aM ;uO .de barley). Ib. 42° (when the wine of Judes could only be
+. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note) in the one case (that of
soured by an admixture of barley) םתס ןירוק ותוא *'חTn
SD ו ומ ו קנהwarely ofbin, כי ' רכthey called it plain vinegar, and now ... they call it
warm &o,—Ib, ‘DOM 'א ( ןאטMs. M. ,םיאת corr. | Edomite (Roman, Cxsarean) vinegar (to distinguish ix
who will arotse mourning for theet from pure vine vinegar). Dem.1,1 הרדדחיבש לחהthe win-
egar made in 1008 v. supra. Y.Sabb. XIV, 14 bot, tes"
BAM mo. CoM) summer, heat. 13. Mets, 106"; .; של פירותrageniv-tiurf.a .B—.rf .steM "36 "7 חי בך-niv
on. R. >.34, 14.8.48
'כו 'ח אלאPR... קבראב
four hours egar son of wine (bad son of a good father).
sunrise there is heat only where the sun shines; a. 6.
TON m. (b.b.)violent man, +. ךצשה
. חוּמאIMON .m .emas ..g neGr,Ia
22; א. >
R.s.87 (in Hebr. dict.) לכב לאזה in his NSM
1 heat (ofyouth).
NADIN 11, +. חִימְצָא |
א IT pr. n.1. Homa, wife of Abbayi. Keth. 65°;
חומצאי א. + 9 הנלי
. "64 mein,
Mel f(b. h.; Mg fo surround, protect, v. Ges. H.
jot, s, v. POM) wall, exp. fortification Yeb.62" (ref. to artes cole 5 Conn Rath ₪. to 11, 14 ==
= XXXI, 21) ‘m אלב lives without (moral) protection. ;חיYalk. ib. 603 pawn; Lev. B. 5. 24 SS.
₪. 5% המוח Mow whose lake isher fortification. Ib. "רזמרזד1 m. Coz ID [reeight, load,) ritual restriction;
מוקפיןfortified all around; a.fr.— Pi. .תודה Cant. great importance. Hag. I11,1,9q.הכורתבט
*ח שדוקבthere
to V, 7 'כו ָהיתוטוח לשthe walls of; a.6. are restrictions in the law regarding Temple sanctuaries
which do not apply to Trumah. Ib. 4 Sovrs (eb.
: | 2'@ .
I £. (com) darkwess. Targ. +. Gen. XV, 17; (שדוקבט ; a fr.— 1. omsh, FST. 106. Kil. V,4
רכשל 'חem poco we subject it to both restrictions (by
classifying it with domestic animals and with beasts of
רז אט ]1 m, (v. preced.; prob. from its gray-
ackishיהל Targ. 0.10 the field). Y. Brub. IX, end, 254 ‘( דדלm) double restrict-
ions are imposed. Y. Sah. XI, 30° bot.; aתדב ---.1 Toi
“fT ללהrestrictions
adopted by the Hillelites. Hull. 44*. Ib.
m. (SoM, emp. yor, to be salty, bilter, v. ‘A PPIs) רא ש"בכ ךהרלוקכ either you follow the
‘toLevy Talm. Dict.11,p.
205") humton, a sandy soil mapa (cea tieagaheesmend ose 3
ntaini salty substances and used for the preservation I
or &c. Ib.18*‘ וקובה *כו Fithe restrictive usages of the
436 on
place &c.; a. fr. רַמּוחְו-- לקKal Vahomer, a conclusion hoisting the beams of the press. Zeb. ot הרמרטחב w
a minori ad majus. Sifra introd. (ref. to Num. XII, 14, its wheel work.—4). smoothing weight in i the laur
sq., a. Gen. XLIV, 8). Pes. 66% 'כו ח''וק אוה המ דימתwe Keth. 10° top.—5) stone or sand in the bladder. Git
conclude (that the Passover sacrifice must be offered
on bot, M22 אקפכד ‘Mm the stony substance which he
a Sabbath day) by the syllogism &c.: if the daily sacri-
fice ₪0. v. 74; a. fr.—Gen. R. ₪. 23 ךשוח לשn/p an
שמוחm. .₪ ;) שמח( שמח1 one fifth, esp. 8
absurd syllogism.—PJ. םירּומָחְו ( םיֶפַקfr. “4ary). Ib.s, 92, of 60 ‘be ‘added “aa fine on restoring misa 1
priated property or redeeming dedicated property )1uev.
end ‘35 'חו דחא הרשעמ 'קone of the ten conclusions a
minori in the Bible; Yalk. Sam. 132.
,V ;61 ;42 ,IIVXX .)72 .B .maK ,XI .6 ,B .s4t5e*M חומשו
לש ןרקthe fifth part of the( קוק assessedva
)רמוח זז רמוחAr.) .; )רַמָח זמ1 v. P. Sm. 1310 i. e. one plus one fifth, v. next w.; a. fr.—2) Homesh,
.8 v.[ ארמוח( whatever joins or is ך וש bead, little ball one of the five books of Moses, also one of the five books
(bulla) hung around the neck ; jewel, clasp, seal; trnsf. of Psalms. Sot." 86 ‘ םרדוקרפהnm the Book of Numbers;
‘mךןרמכ : like a jewel, i. 6. @ mrecious ethical prineiple 'ח רכשthe Book of Exodus; a. fr,— Pl. םישְמּוח poe 1
,pme( ,9,1.vorP .a ,)2VSb"OR a .lobmys ,ddiK 22” היה דורש B. Mets.IV,8 השמח 'ח ןח there are five things to whic
ןרמכ יז... interpreted this in a symbolical way (giving the law ordaining the addition of one fifth applies.—
the practical Biblical law about perforating the slaye’s ear Hag. 14° השמח רשְמּוח הרותthe five books of the Law.
na lacihte )noitacifingis ; .ihkeM phsiM , 2.s,.kiz’N חומר57 Y. Meg. III, 74% top ‘nm single parts of the Pentatéue h.
,raV( אומר,6 ץעעס. 004.(. ,toS 51*כמין ח אדרשנהIshallinter- Kidd. 33° ‘m רכש two books of the Psalms, ₪
terp ti 8 מ ע1190110ע.--.71. חַמורות.rf( חמור, .pme (חַמוִּרְחָא
Hull. 184° ‘nm( רשרוד Ar, Minin) symbolizing interpreters. , אטמּוחconstr, שמוח ch. same. Targ. Ley. V, 24,
Targ. Y. Gen. XLVII, 26; a.e.—B. Mets.” 53 'ח דרגלמthe’
ארמוחI ₪ =n 1. Snh." 49 אמלעב 'חa mere one fifth is included in the amount, i. e. the additionis
restrictive measure (which does not allow a conclusion one fifth of the principal (v. preced. w.);‘ רבלמ nmthe
as to the rank of the successive functions of the High- one fifth is excluded, i, e. the addition must form one
priest). Ib. bot. ראמו 'ח wherein consists the greater fifth of the principal plus the addition (25 percent) .
import (the greater gravity of the crime)? Pes, 11° םושמ 2" 1ch.—Ib," 54 ‘ 'תדna fine of one fifth for misappro
'ח תבשד 'כוon account of the great import of the Sab- priating the addition of one fifth; a. fr.— Pl. | ony
bath (the grave penalty for its desecration) people are Kam. 1083.
careful 80.--- 11011. 9" ‘md אתנכס PEO where there is a
אתמּוחf.=nain, heat. Targ. Y. Ex. XII, 39. (oa.
doubt about a prohibition based on danger to health
Amst. אָּתְמּוח( Tare. Cant. I, 7 (ed. Amst, Nth, bee .
the stricter practice is preferred; .10 ארוסרא רמנ 'חלPEO
(Targ. Prov. X XIX, 1, v.חִימְתָא .[
the same is the case with a doubt about a ritual pro-
hibition. Bets.3; a. fr.—[Targ. 11 Esth. III, 3, v. ee) אפמוח.=[ג. ס25h; constr. rain. Lam. R. to -
ארמּוחIL m. (v. vain 11( joint, knot, bead, amulet. יתמוחf. (nM; corresp. to Gr.( 006000% הname of
Kidd. 73° רלת 'ח יכוAr. (ed. ""yatn רמר( if the child 8 a ,tnalp yrotillep .)airateiraP( .ttiG *96 ,tob ‘53 |" בר ממרו
found with an amulet (beads, by which the mother in- (Ar. incorr, 'ח( 'מו pellitory leaves are in such & case :
timated the hope of future identification) . . it is not _ good as Mamru, but the root of p. &c.
considered a foundling (v. --.( "ָפּוסַא1% “an. Ib. 9* top
'ח אתררכתפglass-beads. Sabb. 147” bot. 'ח ארדש the verte- yn, 0 ion.
brae (v. אָרְלּח .(1 Gitt.69*top אברקע בשד 'ח a scorpion NM, הנוח pr. 0. m., .צץ N25,
אפְרִמּוחf. (v. preced. wds.) 1) a ball (bulla), bead, )יננוח( וינוחpr.n.m. (preced.) Onias, the -
charm. Sabb. 57" (expl.‘ אתפיטקד תפסוט( mn a charm of.the Onias Temple, 'ח m2, in Egypt. canis 11
gniniatnoc .maslab .bI *26 .lpxe( (פוטלת616. 96" חי .bI ;°901 .a ,V—.e נְחוּנְיון. :
ןולרפדa charm containing phyllon. M. Kat. 19";Erub. 69*
( 'ח אשודמדMs. .0 ( 'רמa bulla containing a jewel for
חניָיא, הנייה, + ונא
sealing (differ. opin.v.Rashi to Erub. |. ¢.).—2) bud, (ball). DAM (b. h.) 1) [tobend over, have affec
Gitt. 69* bot. 'ח אתושכד the bud of cuscuta.—3) weight- Jon. IV, 10),] to protect, spare, have consi
stone, lever. B, Bath, 67" (expl. 'ח לגלג( the weight used for (with >>). Neg. XII, 5'כוהרותה
Hon ךכ
437 rm
to Zeb. 1. 0.( what is done outside the Temple and what ' וכwD " דחyam ti ton naem taht eh tuc 0 ו vine
inside. Hull. VI, 2 M3... טחושה he who slaughters un- Name in the edge of theשו v. aR)
consecrated animals within the Temple court, or con-
secrated animals without. Ib. 85% 'ח רטוחש606 חק,nm .b( .h חקק ;חק, .v ל וט dae
animals slaughtered outside the Temple court. Ib, 68* > וקlaw, rule, custom; assigned share, 7
‘ למחיצתוm הצתהwas carried outside of its legal limits; Erub. 54* 'ח רכבלmM x I will leave to my sons a dvi
a, fr.—ma, ‘M3 outside, from outside, זחל out (through share (a fixed living). Sabb.137? Dw וראשב 'חHe ordered |
the window &c.). Sabb. I, 1. Ab. Zar. 11%; a. v. fr.— a mark to be put on his (Abraham’s) flesh. Snh. mi
2) (followed by 72) except, without. Hull. I, 1 שרחמ ™ “ 'ח דחאDX( ררישמש some ed. PR) who leaves even one
' וכexcept a deaf and dumb 86. Gen. R. 8. 49 ותעדמ 'ח law unobserved. Ib.“ 'ח 'כו BR אלש השע vad Ms. M. ‘ed.
without consulting him; a v. fr. differ., v. Rabb. D, ₪. a. 1. note) who observed
not eve
eno :wal .a —.rf .lP ,napS חְקים.ddiK‘ %93 .fer( o|t ו
חוצבstone-cutter, .+ 32M, XIX,) 19 'ח יתקקחש 'כוthe lines which I have drawn
long ago (by creating separate species); Y. Kil. 1,27" top |
הצוח.£ (b. hb.)ץוח -=(1 ;11 (followed by ~>) outside . (it is forbidden) רמלועב ... םושמ 'חas coming under 4116
of, out of. Ab. Zar. 1, 4 הל 'חontaide the town limits.— interpretation of (Lev. 1. 6.( “the lines which I have
ח' לארץךedistuo fo ,enitselaP ngierof .yrotirret .lluH drawn 80." Tam." 31 רקמה םרמעהcustoms of gentiles. Sifra
V, 1 'אל 'חבabroad; a, v. fr.—2) an outskirt, not in- | Ahiré ch, XII, Par. 9 ( ?ח םיקוקחה 'כוidolatrous) usages”
cluded in the Sabbath community .()בורע Erub. V, 6. practiced by them and their fathers & , v. next W.; a. fr.
הצוחII 5 (preced.) 1)=n2ix"n, outsider, stranger , הקח הקּוחf. (b. h.) same, esp. firmly establis
(not related). Yeb. 18" (interpret. Deut. XXV, 5) MWR 0 2 ‘religious observance, Ab. Zar. 11° הפירש
“min man the deceased’s wife who 18 a stranger (to the | לאר ח' היאeht gninrub fo yltsoc slairetam ta slarenuf
;)rehtorb .Y .bi ,I .%8 .bI החיצונה 'דאינון דרשין הח )6 is not a specific (gentile) religious custom. Num, 9,
Samaritans) who interpret hahutsah like hahitsonah.— beg. רתקקח הקח1 have ordained a ceremony (without
)2 a strange, unnatural act. Yalk. Is. 303, v,[חיצה giving a reason), Ib. four (laws) 'ח ביתכד ןהבin reference —
to which the word hukkah (rule without reason) is used,
לצוח m,, v. next w.
Ib. 'ח רחאלdaw... M22 לנא FD unto thee I reveal the |
חוצלת,f )חצל, .v נחצץ.pmc מְחַצִלֶתsoa (11 reason... ., but to anybody else it is a rule; a. fr.—Pl.
gnittam desu rof ,snoititrap sgnirevoc —.¢& .lP חוצלות. חוקות, חְקות. .hnaT .kcuh’B 4 ;צותי וחְקותִי
מ.a .rf
Eduy. IIT, 4; Succ.* 20 לכ 'חה 'כוall kinds of mattings ( רוחb.h.; emp. רוא( to perforate; . be transparent,
are liable to uncleanness by contact with corpses; v. white, “clear. 0
“pair. Tosef. Kel. ₪. Bath. ,17 14 םילצוחהed. Zuck. Pi, ,“ רוזהm1 to make clear, evident. Mekh. Mishp.,
(Var. תוצלוח; ed. mibs'n). ,nikiz’N .8 31 .fer( ot .tueD ,IIXX 71) כשמלה. .
they must make the fact as clear as a (white) sheet
RIAN גpl. נאSIM (denom. of 71m) outworks,
Gen. R. s. 98 (ref. to 03>, ib. XLEX, 11) 'כו Ne אוהש
outposts. Targ. Jer. Li, 12 (h. text (םיָבְרא
he will make clear to them the words of the Law; או
חוצף גת חוצפא. ) (חצםbarefacedness, 8 מח' להם טעיותיהםeh lliw evorp ot meht rieht ;srorre
impudence. Targ. Jer, 111, 3. Targ. Y. Num. XVI, 2; a. e.—Part. pass. 137172 clear, proved, evident, Y. Shek.
.a ,toS—,e "94 ,XI( )51 ni eht cinaisseM doirep 03" 'ח III, end, 47° ןלוכבש | "2 the clearest of all 16
ecnedupmi‘ lliw liaverp .hnS( 79* (העזות תרבה. Snh. °501 Biblical evidences. Gen. R. s. 47, end; Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39!
21‘ "חה "רפאboldness will carry its. point even against top ןלוכבש “2 the least doubtful of all. Y.Suce,V, beg, 55’
heaven. Ib. 'ח אתוכלמ >) tis ge is a royal power with- ‘T172 ונראש םשמbecause the use of the flute is not clearly
out a crown. 13, Bath. 155”, a. 6. stated in the Law. Y. Ter. 11, 41° bot. ןהש... דחא הז
וכAND this is one of the three inter pretaaiene of —
תיפצוחpr. n. . תגHutspith, surnamed the Inter- the Rabbis) which are clearly indicated in the Bibl
preter, a Tannai, one of the martyrs of the Hadrianic text. Y.Erub, III, 21%bot, 'חמ PNW... ףוס ךוערגהth
persecution. Shebi. X, 6; Tosef. ib. VIII, 10. Hull. 142°, must finally admit that: the law of Sabbath limits fin¢
Ber. %72 Y. ib. 1V, 74 top (some ed.(ואצפרת no proof in the Biblical words. Y. Ber. II, 5* bot. "
סום מלאכות תפלה שאינן מח' מד''ת.de .mheL .htoe(
( קוחemp. )544 fo round, arch, hollow. Denom. חרק acc.) thou must admit that for labors ל
חיק. : bidden during prayer no Support is to be: found.as
a. fr.
PAM ch. same.—Par't. ,קראח Targ. Job XXIV, 16 ed.
to !הוו - .1/ , יארTang. | hom, XIV, --..1ו
Meg, 19° (eupl. רוח Moth. 1, 6( Ma דרוח דרהFF )54. רח
(חרדwebs full of holes, net-work,
ehc מו חר,אן. חורין, rors
| ] man, Tang,
Wx. 41.3, 5. דפש ג 2
fr) (ofeyes) tobebright, tolook withgratification,=, בלי דד
& fr —Gen. Kh.2.07 אירו רבthos freedman.—B. Mets.i*
ה וט וproperty; .1| .maK ,X .ga”t7
Tang, Prov, א111,98,1bXVI,846 ריח Ma (ed ירח | "7
+. "[ (חדTbAV,
25, emend, by Lassattio
Oheb Ger p. 108,
כhowever, ] אירoh,j—Kidd. 99° tren אלyou do not (v. preeed.) pr. ₪. .)מ More? (Vreemen)
see clearly (the daw is not clear to you) Targ. 0. Deut,I, 12 (¥. woos, ₪. tent SP), cmp
Pa, חור1) to whiten, wash, cleanse, Targ, U fam.
XIX, 25; a. fr—T, Mets, 60° כיFreer, + Gr Mall, #3”
megs Sonu. רצ Taan. 1V, 60"bot, ,הורט read “errs ברוח.2 .שי בח בדי; א Pest. Me. 5
to wash.) — Part. pase, rms, f ape end; (Yalk. In. 987 Ym).
mare. צי Bx. 1V, 6—2) fo make evident, toprove. Gen. NST 1 5. cv. preced.) 1) heat, drynees, Tore Pe
BR, 6, 27 כו TNS which will prove
it better; Valk. XC, 4.--2( desolation, waste, Tare Ma. גוג 10 בריח
oh, 968,— אָּתְרווְחִמ it is proven, obviows, Wall. 117". (conetr.J—3) injurious confusion of ideas. Arash. %
* 55"; א fr.
(ed, FST). V. neat w.
Af. rors to make white, B, Kam, 45° חירשבל rreerae
And it(the corrodent) made his skin look white (like « I, ai contr. Ta" nest w.
Jeper’s; Var, +. Rabb, D. 8. a.1). .וMets, 58" eres Ke. XXIX,9; ee rn yore pa
(they guard against) whitening foes (putting per- building standing in the field. Bot. 48*, +. ארק1; = >
או to shame); Valk.
Ex, 349. 11. אתבייח מְרְבְתָא ; constr. FS", Targ, Mai. 1, 4. ד
Ie, LXI, 4; a. fr.—Soh. 71° אתריכס (דדTost. Neg. Vi!
= חור, SRM, REAM, +. רוח MPS Ms) = place named Leprous Debris (depowt
ATT; oF“FIAT(emp.proce.waa)tobore.Sabb. 103" of debris of leprows houses).
| רהhebored
ahole, שק )37 ruin, rwine, deserted
= חור, צנחור.m .8) ;eh .decerp ).siw )1 ,eloh Dem. Vi, 24 top TT רדא ₪) =
ly. Pes. 8* םרא דד ןיבשa cave between two pepe 40-1187610
ofneighbors.—Sabb.52° הרות Sows שחומ (MMs. Ib, 'כו שולה ךמ 'חתbreak some stopes from this ruin by
Ms. 0.FTTH, some ed. FAN) a needle whose which thou mayest take possession of the space; « ff,
" | isbroken off; #. 123* הררה (a 21. FPN); Kel. [Arakb, 12, .צץ אָבְרוה
1.[ --PL str. rst Ber Lc.
ווא5 FTN; 1096. ib.B,Mets. 111,9 --.הדות .21.ןירוח ' וכMists הורבה אחתeno fo eht sniar fo .melasureJ
Pes, |.6.Ib, 'כו “ תדבTin the upper and the lower holes - m, (v. preoed.) destruction, desolate
the wall; a. fr.—2) anf’s store, v. "Yin. [Pesik. Shor 82 ag. 5* STS GST the destruction of the
* בהרד , ןירוח+. er) [Y. Maser. Vjend, 52° דחא ,ריח Temple. A= ip’ aha 7 Spades ns= paiva Y.
ו זור1= [ וא. IV, end, 29° ינברדדב in its (the vineyard’s) waste stat,
VIPUL m. (0.,ג-אpl.pn [eehite garments,) freedom ; opp. "zys. Ab. Zar. 9" תיבה TS from the destroction
ב, T Ps free, freed, opp. to slave. Gitt. 1V, 4 FE of the Second Temple. סופה 39°; a. fr.— PL הטבק
בך ו... dna eh tsam eralced mih .eerf ,bI 5 חציו עבד ti. Gen. R. = 56; Yalk. Gen. 102 T TES. . PETS for
! וחצרו בךflah a evals dna flaN a ;nam.daee LPr
f she (Palmyra) took a part in both destructions of the
33. B. Kam. 1, 8 'כו םידע "ב דהwitnesses who are Temple; Lam. R. to 11, 2 “TSS (fem.).
and of the Jewish
faith, Esth. R. to 1, 6 (expl.
NQSTAN ch. same. Targ-Is. XXXIV, 11. Targ-Lam.
החib.) ' בגדים שב" וד וכstnemrag hcihw nemeerf ;raew
% 2 7377 (constr.).—Sob. os”. B. Bath. 14° דד הדפוסthe
fr.—7 (נכסרם) בנרerrf ton( )degagtrom ,ytreporp .ppo end of the book speaks of destraction. Ib. חל 7 ןכיכשס
mares. B. Kam. 8"; a.fr. (Bibl. 11901. ,םירוח םירח in arranging the order of the Biblical books, we join
the record of destruction(at the end of one book) to
ררזד111 (o-n.) pr.nom, Hier, thehusband ofMiriam, that of destruction (at the beginning of the other).
skh.B'shall., Ainalek 1. Pesik. R.s12, Ex. BR.=48 iin, TIN m. (7) [filling 5 gap, .יז MTT) step
randfather of Bezaleel);a.fr.
son. ‘Bah. 111,4 (27%) ודבל )ינרה( יגריחhis step-son alone
sy I ch.=<h. רוח 1,Aole. Targ. 11 Kings 11, 10 (not his relations) Yeb. 21°; a >.-- 11. ילדה Y. ₪
n); a. fr—Arakh.
80°, a.e. (prov.)
ארבכל ואל 11,8 bot."כררכשדדtwo step-children (ofdifferent parents)
/ ו eaxwnisatn tapack broaght up in the same house.
ch hides the theft, 1. 6. fine the purchaser of the
6 but not the seller). To. היל wo 'ח. . . ואל
ראdat myn £.(preced.) step-daughter. Y. Yeb.11, 3*bot.
ואי + הדרכתone’s step-daughter. Bab.
ib. 21°; a. =.
440 ד :
yr, pl. ןינורוח v. .ןֶרוח רזה אפm. )ףרח( sharpness, edge; pungent taste,
Snh.* 56 'ח אנרכסדthe sharp edge of the knife. Ab.
SI, +. an. Zar. 39° אתרתלחדABW (not MD...) the pungency of
assa foetida; a. fr —Trnsf. acumen, ingenuily. B.Mets.96” _
ריררזהim. pl. constr. ="sinx (v. NTN) behind, after. 35‘ ‘m םופל as great as a man’s ingenuity, is the mistake
Y. Shebi. IV, 85% bot. 55‘ לרפ 'ח ארמחrunning after he makes; Nidd. 83%. Erub, 90% אל 'כוABT בגא rely- |
(driving) an ass on a Sabbath (being forced to public ing on his ingenuity he did not study it carefully; 1.
.)robal .Y‘ .hnS ,I °81 .tob ]:daer[ קם ליה מן חורור מצלי .htaB .P—,611 .np" .gr
eL ,XI6X1 תרקן חזרפור
(Y.R. Hash. 11, 58” top ל"ורוחא 77a) stood up from behind its double edge.
him to pray. Y.Sot. VIL, end," 22 ‘ אתכורפMd, v. לת ch.—
Y. Ber. II, 5* bot. ליורוחל . . . ךירתtwo thirds of the load אפרּוח1 (v. Ges. H. 21060 s. v. ףרה I; emp.,
" on his back; a. fr. however, R. Hash. 8" ₪. v. "8>"BN) a young lamb (used
as a standard value in exchange). Targ. Job XLU, 11
ירוחזm.="7iny,ו second. Y. Peah VIL, 21% (h..text , הטישקMs. a. Ar. Var. ,; אתילגרמ אעמv. Gen.
אתא דח אעיס יח a second caravan came.—Pl. “in. Y. R. 8. 79, end).— Pl. jpn. Targ. 0. Gen. XXXIIT, 19+.
Ber, IX, 14° bot. תרא ךל 'ח there are other cases for you to .( ןיילגרמIb. XXI, 28; a. fr. :
quote.—Fem. , לרוח,ְ“ אתְרְרוחmin (noun) something else.
Lev. R. s. 88 רמא "וgave another explanation. 1 NTN pr. n. f. Hurphitha (the quick maid),
Kat. I, 80° bot.‘ ארה nm it is another sore (not the one name of one of Esther's servants _(for Friday). ל
seen before). Ib. 11, 81" top( אתשב 'ח ed. Krot.(חוריתאר Esth. II, 9; v. RPMI.
in the year following. +. Succ.V, beg, 55° ‘m בשובתא
ררוחm. )ררח IV) pile, esp. ant’s store.—Pl. const
the next Sabbath; a. e,
“in, contr. "iN; only in‘ םילמכה nm, Peah IV, 11 ed.
ירוחזזf. (b. h.) cakes, v.חַרְרֶה ירוח.¥( ed. sin, Mish. Nap.; לָרְרַח( Maasr. V, 7 (Y.
ed,; יררוח Ms. M. “"m); Y. ib. 52° top; Y.M. Kat.I,go"
אלרּוחm. ch.=h, . לרה--PI. .רלרזח Targ. Prov. =n.
XXIV, 81,
שרוחm. (b. h, wan, v. Ges. 0 Dict. s. v. wan IL,
םֶרוחm. net-maker, or fisher, v. pon. cmp. wn) [difficult of accession,] thicket, wild-growing
bushes. Y. Ab. Zar. ,1 39° השענו 'ח לודגand it pie:4
a large thicket of reeds; Cant. R. to I, 6. Lev. R. 8. a
,nay TIN .m )חרם, +. P.Sm. )5731 )1 ).jda( 'כוmt 'חמ Wm tears himself loose from one thicketa
burning, venomous. Targ. Y.Num.II, 25 (ed. Amst. 7279). is caught in another; Y.Taan. 11, 65% top; Pesik. Bak od.
Targ. O. Gen. XLIX, 17.—2) 6 Targ. Y. ib. ~ PI. p-" 154 ( שדחcorr. ace.), v. Wo2; Yalk, Lev. 645. —Pl
PII, .ארלנמְרזח Targ. Y. 1 Num. XXI, 6. Targ. Job חוּרָשִים, ,nitup .naira .₪ .maK יוpot 'מרעין בח
16% that people shall have the privilege of pasture on
tilled lands. 15.79", opp, 31", 10.80%. VII, 10
THA, +. pon. top, v.; 73 . צץShebi. Iv, 35> bot.( 'דחב corr. -
TTA, NIT, FITIN, 'רח (737) myo, אשרּוחch. )1 same. Targ. Ps. LXXX, 14; fr-
another, newt ;“last. Targ. Y. Lev. XIX, 6. Targ. Y. Ex. Cant. B.toםינק .1,1 לש, 'חv, AWN IIL. ו
IX, 6. Targ. Job XX, 18; a. e.—Y. Pes. VI, 33% bot. 'חד to Ps. LXXX, 14 "3" with suspended >) ja... SM
‘21 שדקמ that another man will sanctify &. Y. Peah ‘nif you will do good, your invaders shall be ke
II, 17° bot. רמא הנרחוand the other (scholar) says; Y. imals) from the water ,( )רארif not, they shall b
Ter. 18, 41° top הנירחו ;a. fr.—Pl. INN, .ןינורוח Targ. animals) from the forest; Yalk. Ps. 830.—2 8
I-Chr, XXIII, 17; a. e.—Y. Peah 1, at top ‘n> to angina) narrow place in» thethroat, win pa
ann 441 rn
“pb קאאכילSNIM taht nan stae otni eih dniw epop . new account; Koh, Bi. to IX, 7) Pons. UT kak. p. 108"
(asks אdangerous question; Rashi: eats in hie forest, 1.6 Babb, ,כני +. STV. Lam. B. Ww 5 קכצאר ( חהAs,
knows not what ie going on io the world; ₪. Mai 0. in ראצבעי : calculation with וקו (Hinman sot-
Ar. he scratches his eyesore). — Pl.אישי ,. ישרהTang. ation); =. tr 11 MgB, cones, GEOT. Tog. Cant.
Vil, b-—-Lam. Ki. |, 6, +, .טקה
emp. Targ. 4.1.) שניא דר דנברthickets
of people )
population), FON,+.ser.
1,cave, Ned. 50° Md לע )1 ! MITA, +. נישהוו
the monkey went into אcave, (Targ. .ל Num. xxi,
ana | אָלְשוחm, (FOr; +], ten, 1406) 1) pounded groin
RM wm Targ. Ma.XXVU1,17
quot. in Kashi (od, SIT).
--2( poled
,yelrab suoY °07 tuohtiw eht ksab יד קרי לח.eM א. =.
Ar. (ed, ָלְשא( it ie called hushls (mot TE), Bab. 27"
ONE LTE ,tob ,llaH .1/--.*18 .nre .hB .maK 00” ₪. אפקר וד4.
Bi, Nath. 145" (play on ,םישוח Gen. XLVI,25) TS םיבורט (Ma, א. Om, Ma. 01.(ילרשה declared as free property
של כsuoremunsa eht sevael ro[ eht )stonkfo .sdeer— peeled barley (which
one bad epresdon public ground
for drying). M. Kat. 16° יִאְלְשוה mews אק (omitted in
| א ) זנ חוש. .¥ ).deoerp of[ ,leef ).merp )1 ol leef .גו Rabb.D, 8. a. L) wae winnowing
peeled barley.
in, be affected. Brub. 54° ושארב שחif one has ₪ head-
בגרונו ןMT eno erohw taorht si ;detceffa .a (4--.]) of
חושן, MOJ .= .b( ₪.; השך, .pmac )reS וז 4
consider, Y. Peah V, 18" bot. 'כו שחו רטול 0 Stanagetanrs toomd-ylate eee
ut then he reconsidered saying &c.— 4.5.2 Derm לא tnemenota rof gnorw ,stnemgduj .bbaS 221* וכח ליד
אהא טפשמה 'כוprivileged to wear the breastplate of
> קריימר קו 6 hurry. Y.
feb, VIII,of (play on ארעב .. , םישוח1 Chr. VILL, 8( jadgment upon his heart. Yoma* 72 הדומה דה לקמ 'כוhe
who loosens the breast-plate from the Ephod; ₪. fr.
Syed) vers שח he was quick like a panther and made
ז6.--4( to think, be silent, +. .צ--.הָשִה Sgr. TOM, NIMch.mame. Tang.
ו PRM (emp. rem) to shrink from, to loathe.— Part.
0/ be troubled,
Targ. Ps. LXXIII,
21. Targ. Prov.
VI, ;10 . א.6-- .88% 140° שח ארקויב אבלרsuffered oh, . mer, amin (emp. mor; ₪. nde fr. Sp. .ץ Ter
hhheaviness of the heart,—Ib,יאשפנב 'כו Ar.
| וזו, 45° top (ref. to (ץוקש Sos התה ‘Seen רבד לכ .,...+
.6 רשמוMs. P. יב , ישחוfr. and I felt the anything loathsome. Pesik. BR.=. 11 mem םדא לש wer
' וכors and one shrinks from eating them. Heth.
4. to
oli effect from the hair &c.—2) to apprehend, care
_‘Targ. +. Num, XI, 3; a. 6.-- +. Ber. VI, 10" bot, | 47 'כו hr םדא אלודו ושפנ לשdoes not man rather loathe
to drink out of golden cups? [Y. Yoma IV,41° bot, ,ידחל
חל > חרס. לראוהשחוsince R.2.cared todoit,we
ts od ,esiwekil ,seP ;°48 amoY °64, 6.4. ל(אחייש) חש | ₪4 ,תותתל +. min 1.[
קל דcares not what flour he grinds (what argument Pi. ron, ron fo create aversion. Y.ShebL. TV,29"bot.;
ofers), Keth. 21° pote ר"בל .. שחוand 8. took into Y¥. Maasr. 1,48", +. Sex.
סמthat a court might have a mistaken opinion SETIM 4.(srr: ₪.bh.totiearound, swoddle) “rapper
d was more explicit in his document than the law of reed-matting
in which dates are packed, bole. Tovef.
4 for we must take into Kel. B. Mets. VI, 4 'כו לשT א mat for dates which is
1 &o.; 3. Bath. .164% .18 'כוSes (oer) intended to be thrown away when the dates are eaten.
א ו ו tas;a. fr.— Kel. XVI, 5 'כו XS דד a bale which you can add to or
anxious, Aasten to, flee, Targ. Cant. 11,9. Targ. | take from (without
cutting it open) >. Y.Sabb.1,end,4”
0 7 אדהש אלט 'בTh a bale filled with fruit stones Uk.
Il, . +. Ser. —[Y. Keth. VII,32" top תלחוה יסא יכוasa,
טיחמ- lo
provideforwith א Targ. .0 Deut, read דסא כו , לתוה 'ר- "Rt הפחSabb. 146°.
Bit. ery (Xv (Targ. Ps. LV, 9 Sorin Ms.
- הותלה+. preced.
ג .1" calewation, number, measure- םתוח.₪ b.; SEF) 1) seal, stamp, die; enclowure
%1 א
1. .graT .hoK,X1 01 )882- הבונ locked up with a mark. Sabb.VIIL,5 ךיפוצרשה Te asmuch
-- oma* 17 אמלצב אוה7 it ismerely
an account sealing clay as required for a seal on bags. Ib. SSE Th
pasa ments (without observing & particular order). seal on letters. Suh. IV, 5 דחאTS... םדא עבוט ₪ hams
95 אתשהדה ומ שיחnow I see only that he being prints many coins from one 4% &c., bot the Lord
stanc astronomical calculations. Y. Ber. 11,
5*top SHדטתוהב לש .... 555 stamped every human being with
ee nea balsas ents ie 4 ₪] 200 dill gotwot one islike the טו;Y.
is the same as of those of the other (6733). ib. IV, 22° bot. "כו Tro. Sabb.* 58 וראוצבשTS דבעק the
50 7 אכהלדנFS
ws commence slave with the mark hanging down from his neck, TS
, 36
PR sel ב | aS dea ieee ee ES as
גת חזוזָא.= 7[77. .graT .¥ I .xE זז8 )] (חַזנָא she twisted herself around him like lichen. —[Y. Yo
—Targ. Y. 0 Gen. ‘XI, 6; XIV, 6; XXXV, 9 /(quot. of ,LLIV "54 pot 'רוח ח, .v מִזָזית.[ =
XVIII, 1). NOVA ch. same. Targ. Y. Lev. XX1,20 אח
NYT (0, ('וזח m. ()רזה seer. Targ. I Sam. 9 text 5 vy. preced.—Gitt. 70* top
2 (eae
IX, 9,“arg. 11 Sam. XXIV, 11; a. e.
, היתיוזח. צAb. Zar. II, 40° top, v. NOTH. (stn 8 Targ. Y. II Lev.1. ₪
TTT m. (b. ;גג AIM) vision. Lev. B. s. 1 TB) רובדב JIA m. (preced.) one afflicted with 6
in word and in vision. Lev. XXI, 20; XXII, 22. _ 0-2
חזי 544 חזיר
\ IAL m. (. h.; preced, wds.) vision. — 21. rot MUTT m. (b.bh.) swine. Hall IX, 2 בושי
Snh. 39" (play on ,תונזהו I Kings XXII, 38) “= mesticated swine; רבה ‘nm wild boar. Num. R.s. 12 המ
למרקמו.sM.M יא,bbaB.D .₪1.5nirednoot ‘Sh ‘om.... רדסרא is the swine more strictly forbidden
clear) two visions, Ib. (playon ,דסתל ib,34) | ni ו :reL—-talendno ת.5. 51 80 ואת הח" זו
חזיר4 14 pn
(read "מור סע.( םודאIb. 'כו המ 'חas the swine...
stretches out its cloven feet (sign of cleanness), .... so | 1, 15DIM(¥. ch.11 By";
same, to cut off, nip
.ג text pba).
off. Tang.x 07%
does the Roman government &c., v. 70"3. Gen. R.s. 65,
beg.; a. fr.— Pl. Bet, PI. Kidd. 49" 'ח העשת ולטנ in or ןחm, ()רזודsuperintendent, officer;vee
nine (measures of Sinica) did swines receive. B. Kam. governor superintending children at their studies. bp
VII, 7; a.¢.—Fem, 577m, HAW sow, Esth, R. to Il, 1. I, 8 'כו 'חה האורon Friday night the governor may
Ib. to 1 ייכו15 זחל תרכthe swine (Vashti) to be treated look in where the children read, but must not aa
according to law, but the holy people 80. v. .תיִרֶזְכָא himself.—2) (in collegiate debates) one who 0
the order of proceedings, crier, janitor &e. 4
ריזחNV ch. Targ. Ps. LXXX, 14. Targ. Lev. IV, 74 top ‘21 ‘nn pt “ab ורמא they said to R.
XI, 7 (some ed.— "הזַח( Y. Ber. II, 4° bot. ךןהא 'ח 'כו the the hazan, ‘Say, Commence’ (the debate)!—3) (in syn-
swine is a moving privy. Sabb. 155 ןמ יח. . . . תילnone agogue) superintendent at prayer-meetings, giving the sig-
is poorer than the dog, none richer than the swine (find-
nals for responses, assigning seats &c., sexton. Suce. 51”
ing its food everywhere);a. .12--.6 ,“ ןיָריֶזֶחIT. Gen. ‘1 תסנכה חוand the sexton stood upon it with the flag
R. s. 68; Y. Ter. VII, end, 46°, v. סונארטפקיה Taan. 21? in his hand. Yoma VII, 1; Sot. VII, 8.—4) (in court)
‘Ma אכרא אנתומ there is an epidemic among the swine;
crier, sheriff (collecting the 0% executing punishment).
a. e—Fem. xen, Lam. 14. to I, 16, end 21‘ 'חNIMS Mace. 111, 12. Y.Sot. VII, 214 top.—Pl. םיֶנָזִח PN (am).
like the (nursing) sow, the more their young fatten 6. Tam. V, 3 (Temple sextons).—Tosef. Snh. IX, 1 ןירוק וג
‘NTN ד. (preced.) swine-herd. Y. Ter. VIII, 40”sq., ' וכthe criers call out each judge’s name (to take.
Vv. טולקלה > vote); Y.ib. V, end, 23° תודסנכ "353. Macc. 23° ןידימעמ 1
‘35 'זד we must appoint as constables (for punishing) aa
תריזחI sow, v.חַזֶיר of lesser physical strength ₪0. Sabb. 56%.
ain 11 £. (tm) 1) return, going back, opp. H2">h.
NII or 'זח ch. 1) same. Y. Ber. V, 9% bot. 'ח
Y. B. Mets. VI, beg. “104 "חו רכש הכרלהindemnification רכיthe sexton came and urged one to go up (to ea d
for loss of time in going to the field and returning. Ley. the prayers). Y, Meg. IV, 75” bot.; Y¥.Sot. VI, end, 228,—
1.8.5 םשל וניתוברMam. when the teachers came again
2) אתמ 53m town-guard (watohinas the flocks of the com-
to that place, v. M775. —Y. Yoma III, 43° bot. 'ח ךרד
mon and guarding the town by night). 13. Mets, 98%.--
on the way homeward. Koh. R. to XI, 9 .... ME" טעמ
Pi, אתמ 133%. Ib.
‘ma slacken thy speed, that thou 0 not have too
far to return (regret and punishment will reach you); pin (b.h.; cmp. ,קדא PIM, PIM) [to squeeze together]
a.fr.—2) reconsideration, reversion of judgment. Y. Hor. (neut. verb) to be thick, solid; to be strong. Y. Ber.I, 2
I, beg. 45% bot. 'חב 42" the same rule applies when the bot. (ref. to Gen. 1, 6) 'כו עיקרהpir let the expan
court reverses &c.—3) going round. Y. Sot. I, 16° bot. become solidified, let it coagulate, congeal ; Gen. R. s. 4
כדר חַזִירָת דקל.baB( .bi °4 (חַזָרַתeht emit deriuqer rof (Yalk. ib. 5 pinm, Hithpa.). 3
going round a palm-tree.—4) restoration, v. mah. Pi. הרנקto join, repair, tighten, strengthen. Snh. 9
NAVIN, AE, v. רֶזַח (expl. respi) יכו ( 'יחש תא לארשיMs. M. קיזחהש
he joined Israel to their Father ₪0, Ib, הר ipinw | /
תווחf. (77h; cmp. M44 fr. 114) cutting; rough, un- Lord strengthened him. Pes, 45* pind לושעש Ms.
finished side. Tam. ,11 4 החרזמ7mmm the uneven side where the dough in the cracks is put in for repairing th
of the pile (where the thinner and pointed ends of the trough. Sabb. 146" ‘md ()רושעה when the hole was 1
logs leave gaps and make the front uneven) was eastward. up for making the vessel sound, opp. “awd to pre
Par. III,8. Y.Meg. IV, end,75° bot. 'חב jm) he puts (the evaporation; a. fr.—Part. pass. prima, pl. .םיקנזחִמ 8
M’zuzah) on the rough door (which is more used by the Num. 1 'חמה ( ןרא םיִקָּזחְמ אלאed. ('זחומת only the stro
inmates); ורה ןהלנש 'ח if both are of rough work.—Esp. minded it is worth while to strengthen (encourage) /
the rough side of a fence or wall, indicating that the Hif. p17 1( same, y. supra.—~> הבוט 'ה0 /
neighbor had no right to it, border-mark. B. Bath, I, 2 (2) merit to, to aceount as merit, to be grateful. Ab.I
השועו 'ח ץוחבמ. . סנוכhe moves back on his own ground עצמך 'ל
אל תַחַזִרק טod ton mialc tiderc rof ti7 1
and builds, and makes the border-mark outside. Ib. 4* proud). Yoma 86" 'ט דלprow אלא but He even
21‘ ראמ 'חwherein consists the border-mark? Answ. He him credit (for his sins when he repents). Men
bends the pegs on top outward.—2) rough sore, contusion.— לר וכיhnIp evig em tiderc rof gnikam eehT onkwo
Pl, nim. Y. Ber. IX, 13° bot. (emended in ed. Lehm. Keth. 68%, a. 6. ‘31 קיֶזֶחְנו ואובlet us be thankful tc
mans, as Sabb. 77°). Omp. m*yin. fraudulent poor ₪0.; a. fr.—2) (with (דר to stre
to encourage, abet, Gitt. V, 9 ‘21 ןיקיזְחמ רפל ןראשbe
NON f. (preced.) contusion. Gitt. 70% top some ed.,
v. ROTI.
we must not encourage (by favors) those who do
Ib. ‘25 םי'וכע ןיקרזחמו רדרwe may encourage({
DIM, Hit םיִזָחַה (emp. B15) to cut, trim, thin, Dem. na" ,הנקזחת Zech. VIII, 9) gentiles at agricultu
WW, 2‘ םוזחל הצורהhe who desires to trim leaves of in the Sabbatical year; a. fr.—3) to hold, cont
vegetables for the sake of lightening the burden; Tosef. ארן עורו מחזרק וכיsti niks ecno( )deyalf nac on
b. TV, 2 םיִזָחְחל Var. ed. Zuck. (ed. ,ררזחהל corr. acc.). cover its entire body (it shrinks), 10. (in
חזק 445 חזקת
Ag לא. . , אפר שתרןti dluow ton evah moor neve rof Pu. חודיקte fasten.
— .אז =. 21 (read) יותפכ קח
sixty myriads
of reeds. Par. Vl, 8 'כו קיוחתשYours tighten hie masale, + ציפיה— Port. paw. pene. Tang.
in order that it (the reservoir) might bold more water. ¥. Gea. b, 1.
12 'כו purrs. ate אל the Lord found no vessel Af. pre ₪ preced. Hif,; 1) (with רביב be.) to gine
#0 fit to contain all blessings as peace; Deut. M+ 5 end; creditto, .ד Her, 11, @ bot, ‘St רשארל וכיטPs אנא1
a.fre—4) (with 3) fe takea hold of, seize, tale posmesvion. give credit io my bead, which bende of ]ו bc. Tab
Mull,4*, a.6.'כו לכ הוצמ וקיוקהשwhatever Jewish law ib, 19° 'כי “ דילPeed thet dee credit for the preservation
the Samaritans
have adopted bo, +. .קדקר |. Mets,
1,4 of levael be given \ Moves-—@) fo prowume, Bheba. 46
וח' בחdna koot הdloh fo .ti .₪ .htaH 9,11 egrup nehw נה
יא מ
בכנwoc deoc ew tsam tow top ₪ nosrep
po is in possession (basing bie claim on possession), Tb, in the category
of thieves (on the charge of one 4,
בנכסר תגרmG‘ eh ohw sekat noisessop fo eht etatse fo vidual); =.6.--3(
lo adhere lo, adopt. Wall. 4*קיזחאר
& convert (who has no heirs in law), Ib, 2 קש Pues ה בחו א' בחיyeht eht( )snatiremaR evah detpoda ,i
that he may be in possession
for one year, +. אָייֶכָשְלִא; they observe it (aleo for leractites), 16. 'כי אלו אpene
.itr ¥. PRIN
Y.Hay. 1,76%, a6. כו( רכשבpny
אלש ae to thelr ubservance oF notm-oblecrvance of adopted an-
¥ did not cling to the duty of maintaining teachers written custome for leraciite: there are differences of
5) (¥. PRIN) fopresume, to be wadera certain im- opinion; ₪.)ז-4( fo take possession, to claim posscesion.
on, to be convinced, Y. Kidd. 1V, 06" יב ויח ןיקיוהמ וו. Rath. 29* “re tree אלר רכרהo> od. )4/9.
in Me.
שתוא בניfi elpoep erew rednu eht noisserpmi taht a +. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1) that you might not claim poe
מnosrep saw rieht s'robhgi,neons tub ni sih gniyd .. חט)ייagainst
one another, Ih. 56° “St יאר ראת ךאמif
it he declared &o, Ib, 'כו ' ותוא אוחשS Th if people one claims « fleld on the ground of possession, if it Bes
him to be ה relationof his; .!הָא/--.6.ה
19", +. infra. .,
ט +. e731.
ו1%. וחב Spire אלו“ ןבees אלthey
Hof. pyran (denom. of MEIN) to be presumed, be held have no claim of possession against us (for one might have
or, be known for, Gitt. 14° [SS TSS when the man ix been afraid to disturb them), and they have no claim
| to be ה Har. Shebu. 34", .א fr. ךרפכ TH(in euch א against us (for, being wealthy, they might not have cared
( he ₪ considered a confirmed liar.—Y. Kidd. 1. 6. to drive one out); a.fr.—5) fobe strong, cncomraged. 041.62"
ir if they were generally assumed (to be hus- “ ארקוbe strong’ )הgreeting to field laborers, v. preced.).
| and wife); a.fr.—Hag. 19° ןילוהל tH ןילותל לבושח . ווקpreva, Ithpe.) קיוחתת 1 to adhereto.ד
if one takes an immersion for the purpose of being en- Prov. IV, 13; a. ¢.—2) fo be known, be wader the pre-
sbled to partake of ordinary food and is considered (by sumption. Targ. Y. Lev. XIX, 33 (v. preoed.).—Hall.
to have immersed
for that purpose. Ib. אלו לבט אכרה אלר 'אwhereno presumption
(of leprovy) has as yet
if he did immerse but did not havea certain purpose been formed. Snh. 89° 'כוPitt st Ms. M.(ed. PUTS) where
view, Ib. יכו רברל לק קיזחמ וטצשTh... . ותידוע as one is approved (as ה righteous prophet), it is diferent.
ong as he has one foot yet in the water, when
he had | אקזחm.=next w., presumption, 207100 status.
1 in view a minor purpose for his bath, he may still Hall. 10* FrpINךקוא . (strike ot אתלרט( place every-
it for a higher purpose. Ib. purrs דד םא אלif he thing on its once ascertained states as long as you have
| had no particular object in view, he may on coming no evidence of a change, Yeb.3i* #Et™ apo her com-
ut define the object for which he has bathed. — Purt. dition as it would be if there were no evidence at all.
סחתו1) Aeld in possession, adhered to. Bekb. VIII, 9
ולא בראור כron seod eh ekat a elbuod erahs fo tahw הקוח+ (Pt) )1 taking hold. Y.M. Kat. Ill, 89° top
| coming due to the estate as he does of what is held (ref. to1l Sam,1,11) ‘St דה7% taking hold (of « garment
ל to rend it in mourning) means no less than a hand-breadth
הוקת בtisillits ylgnorts derehda,ot .ppo טרופה, .+ of it.—2) (law) faking posssesvion, poscesion, avucoption;
' >. —2) being known, approved. Sifra K'dosh. Par. 3, claim based on undisturbed possession during ₪ legally
. V 75'דכבwhen heisknown tothee(to bea proselyte); fixed period. B. Bath.111 1 St םרתבה ptt the legs!
_&.—3) being sure, convinced, knowing from experience. period of undisturbed possession (in order to give a title)
h. 25° 'כו“ הזבyPIERS (= "Sk ('רכ I know this man to is for houses.... three years. Ib. 29” (in Chald. diction)
ו: e.—Sifré Num. 1, v. supra. mn רכשPrebee 1 had theundisturbed usufruct fortheperiod
prescribed by law.* 15.36 םידבכ שי םתל דדdoes the aw
prmmrt, Nithpa. pemm> 1) tobecome solid, strong.
Bk, Gen.5 קלוב v. preced.—2) to feel encouraged, take | of possession apply to slaves!—Ib. "כו דה רתלאלoS ךדא
present possession gives
no title (as
is the cave with in-
age. Ber, 33* הלפתב 'כbecame emboldened to pray.
animate movable chattel), but a possession
of three years
נו ch. 1) same.— Part. pass. כרזה tied up, bandaged. does. Ib.Ill,2 זחל שלש תוצראthere are in Palestine three
1 # top הוהר דד הישיר when his head was tied districts with different usages of possession. Ib. 3 7 לכ
(wit a turban); Pesik. R. s. 22 (not [=I™, v. notes - שאיך וכי noiss tuoe
iws הo
lp fo( esahcrup ro yna
hte דPes. X,87° "כו FST TH and his head was other mode of legal acquisition) gives no title; a v.fr-—
ו ו 0 siB )seeb 3) presumption, presumptive continwance of am actual
¥.Shek. Ill, 47° ere oer (eel PSs Pe came. condition
until evidence of a change is produced; legal
> adap greases B. Bath. 52", sq. ינקו Prt status. Hull. 9 'כו תקזחב רוסיאTS הועדב the animal
on and acquire; a.fr. \ when alive, has the statas of a forbidden object (v. (דבא
חקי 446
until you ascertain by what means it has been ritually to go around in search ofawife (to woo). Ib. “yin
slaughtered ;when it is slaughtered 'כו ירח איה 'חב רתיה ) על מרlaK( hcihw fo meht seog dnuora ;?.e& ciN 2
it has the status of a permitted object, until you find 21 WT ."מ 31 35.01 1450.₪
out how it became forbidden. Gitt. 111, 3 אוחש תקזחב Hif. ריזָחָח 1( to restore, give back, Ber, 27> הֶזָחַמ
pp under the presumption that her husband (though שלום לרבוeh ohw snruter eht nialp noitatulas ahs(
sick or old when the messenger was deputed) is alive. of his teacher (without adding, ‘My teacher’). Ib.32'
Keth, 78" אפוגד 'חa presumption as regards physical ה' לר שלוםdid ton rewsna sih .gniteerg °7.steM.B זר
condition, אנוממד 'זחthe fact of possession against which לאשוהeh tsum erotser eht( tsol )tnemucod ot eht ;
the claimant has to produce satisfactory evidence. Ib. Keth.73° my"ymM and re-married her; a. fr.—2) tov
' שותח וכNID ח' איןeht noitpmuserp si taht on nam to reconsider, to grant a new trial, Gitt. VI, 3 הצר םא
drinks out of a cup without examining (that none will “ym אל Sinn if the husband wants to revoke the
marry without having ascertained the woman’s physical letter of divorce, he cannot do so,—Snh.
IV, 1 תושפנ רנרד
condition). Yeb. 31" top ארטש תקזח רבthe legal status וכזTe in capital cases verdicts may be reconsidered
of an insane person’s property; a. v. fr.—Pl. mipin. in favor of the defendant, Ib. VI, 1 m2 the convict
Kidd. 80° ‘min לע ןיקלמ.... ןילקוסwe execute punishment is brought back for a new trial; a, fr.—[Ib. 33” ,רזוח ןיא
on the basis of actual facts (though not provable by legal מחזיריןMs. 2. (ed, -.טַצ₪8--[.(ןירזוח V,7 ךב monn, Mish.
evidence, 6. ₪. man and wife and children living together ed. MM, v. supra.—3) to make one read over, to cause
and treating each other as such, are legally considered as correction, Y. Meg. 1%, 74% ותוא ןיררזחמwe order him to
being one family), v. קזח Hof—Y. Hall. 1V,60* bot. 'חל read it over again correctly, Ber. 29%;pote hte ithe iwi
with reference to the local usages of usucaption (Gitt.
חזרch. same. ‘Targ. Ps. XLVIM, 18. Ib) OXI,8.
Ill, 2, v. supra); a. e.
Targ. Y. 11 Gen. XLIX; 19; ₪. fr.—Y, Shek: V; end, 49°
"PIM, +. יקְדיח “im ל"א he said to him, on coming back (I shall give
thee something); M2 היחכשאו ‘mM when he came back,
MPN, ( חוקיהוb.h.) pr.n.m. EHzekiah, Hizkiah,
he found him 0680. Koh. R. to VII, 8 ךל לועit go
ו 1) xi of Judea. Snh. 98, B, Bath. 15° 'ח
home again, Ib, ךב “tim תא ( תילוh. form) and thou
ותעיסו "כו Ez. and his assistants edited the books of
not repent? [Usually [.רַדָח “Wok:
Isaiah, Proverbs &c,; a.fr.—2) name of several Amoraim.
Af. “Ins, "INS 1) to surround, go around. Targ. Ps.
Zeb. 75", Y, Shebi, VIL, 38° top; a. fr—Y.Snh, IU, 21"
XXII, 18. Ib, XXVI, 6; a. e.—Targ. ¥. Num, XXI,4
ח' חוקוק.yv( .rF ,ob’M .p 18"(.--צ. .bbaS ,VIX °41 —.pot
( לאַחַזְרַאnot 'ִֶ(לאֶח.--9( to cause to turn back, 10
eS Y, Shebi. 111, 34" top,
to flee. Targ, Ps, XLIV, 11.—3) to turn (one’s fac
NOPINT +. oh=h. npr. Targ. Y. Gen. XU, 17. [In Targ. Il Chr. VI, 3.—4) to restore. Targ. .צץ 11 Dew
Talmudic Chald. the Hebrew forms are retained; v. also XXIV, 13; a. e.—'Targ. 11 Kings 11, 8 "או he —
Nein] | “(his ו —Part. pass. ,רזְחְמ v. infra.
Pa. חר1) to turn around, twist. Targ. Hos. X, 2.
) רוח1 to go around 0 Koh. 14. to VII,
2) to move to and back, to winnow. Targ. Am. IX, 9 (cm
חילעsin אוח he searches it again (tries to recover st
חִיזְרָאI), [Targ.Job XL, 22 3m some 60., read --[,וח/
scholarship); ib, אוה רוזחל חילע biz" he may recover it;
Part. pass, רזחיב turned off, going backward. Targ. 0
a, e.; v. infra.—2) to turn around, return; to retract, Gen. IX, 23 (ed. Berl. j1179; Targ. ¥. ןיִרְזִחַאְמ ןוהרפא
repent. Ib. ךב a ial come back (repent)! Eduy.V,6חזור
text (תדנרחא צ--. .Meg. LV, 74" bot, 'כו 832 3772“
דחone 6
ךבwithdraw thy opposition —Dem, IV, 1 חמוקמלmam
the scholars mentioned) ordered the translator using
came back to its place (was mixed up again), Maas. Sh.
word mdna (vessel, in translating ,אנט Deut. XXVI,
,1 5 םימד 'כו1M" the money shall return to its former
to go over it again (and say Nbd, basket) &c.; +. Bi
condition, i, 6. the sale is annulled, and the money has
111, end, 65% 'חמ ( דח רמאstrike outitn: vs+ אב ,'
niaga sti dercas .retcarahc *8,reK נחָזור על הראשונות 6
us go back to what was said first, Sabb, 118°; Arakh, 15°
“ ירוחאלHm. . vara 1 never said a word (about a pr ovised as a spit. Bets. 33° Ms. .גז (ea.fem., Ar.
fellowman) on which I went back (when confronted with NWT, Vv. or.
him), Kidd,* 59 הבH71m and she reconsiders (her con-
sent to be married); ravin she may do so; Gitt.32°, Ib. חזרד, .+ חר
רזוח שרגמו ובdare he use the same letter of divorce min 5 ()רֶזַח 1) return; retraction, ‘econside
niaga retfa( eh sah dekover ?)ti ,reT 1, 3 ח' והוסיףם Keth.73° חרומג ךרא התזה 'חher return (as a minor,
then again he added. Gitt, VI, 5 רמולMIM then again her husband after divoree, 1. 6. her remarriage)is
they said (added); a. v. fr, fully valid, Hull. 116° "57% before the. 8 4
Pi, הרגרto go around from one to the other. Yeb.53* )
Mishnah had changed his opinion. . Yeb, 64” ונשי ו
וכיdy a תכלרצ she must apply to all the brothers | " בחAbin (being constantly with R. Joh.) is awa
successively; (ib,26>; 51" .(רּוזַחל Y. Taan. IV, 68* bot. | eventual change of his teacher’s opinion; [oth.exp
' כל וכyb MA ew הeht elohw ;elbiB ,¥ .bA | in the habit of reviewing his traditions),—2) resto
Zar. I, beg. 39° כו (;'רח לכבSifré Deut. 0 1 3m). _Y. amendment; atonement,
B. Bath, VIII, 16° top, v. ,ןומיתאיד Kidd,2° השא לכsym | 57° top הרומגורוזחיו וב 'ח לכand.
חִזָרִיס 447 שת
vex evidence of true reformation; ib. אל ןיטמroy | OT , “WT eget) תא דו
Ptr) (by whieh is meant) restoration of ill-gotten art thou sinner?—/T, eager, Page, .ראשה So", ree,
not 3 mere return in words; +. Shebu. VII, or* צסו'ו קורד יעיה.01.1 .gnaT .eP ,VFO neG-—-.53 eK ו
j Bab. 25 ןוטט Min —s) ferning backward, turning Yaik. ib. 9. Pesik, Nab. p. 128%; Valk. Be. ו |« « —
א. Kat. 24¢ דירוחאל לרקMT turning the rent 3) searcher of vin, acouser, Targ. Zeek. U1, 1 (ed. Lag. wor)
the mourner’s garment inside (during the Habbath); =
on, KR.s.100; .צץ. אKat, 111, #2" bot, PIT. —«4) going
SF . HoT.
(35),Targ, WIS ,אטח ,טה1 fom.אטיח
Deut, XIX, 16, Tang. X, 6.
קוד. Gen. 1V,7 (ed, Berl, ,האי
some ed. Page). Targ.
Prov. 431, 4 (ed. Lag. BST), 2 eM. Kat. 16° prone
+ חור יכיPRS we must specify hic cin publicly. Gab.
אהריתרthe sin of another act. — /%. pas,
87° mor
ST, Ben
. RZ ו ,1( .+ (רְרָרaalous in the יו of קדJer, X1V,19 (ed. Lag. oT). Torg. 0. Ler א
dutics, Sabb,
156° Pesce .ד [Tosef, Kel. 1 +. Pog 1). Tang. Prov. XIV, 34 (ed. Lag. Tet); = +.
IX, 6 T some ed., read FITS.)
(ib. א!] או13 Mer, +. [.שי
1 הזob. same, busy. Sabb. 150° T רג ₪ busy, aetive
אexpl. MESS ןרזח + preced. . | 6). Sgt) 1) 0 inadvertence,
sin —
PL rege. Mets, 29° ) to1.1/7111, 1) ילאcet
רואf, (v. mein) surrounding. Targ. Pe. ‘ 'כיtheir mistakes’, this refers to the ignorant whow
AV,14led, Lag.(רכרזה Targ.Job
XLL, 6(constr); a. willal sins are accounted to them as errors —2) sacrifice
expiating inadvertent
vin, vin-offering. ts.hath.
10” (ret.
FECTE) mo. ep(leapple= to Prov. XIV,) 34 ( דסחו לארשיל םיטאלו הdidter. in Me.
similar yet heterogeneous to apple.
1, 4 Ms. .א (ed. --.(ררזח 27. pow. .צץTer.,ו 41° M., ¥. Rabb. D. 8. a. |. note) but benevolence is ₪ sin-
. TS (not TS) as small א orab-apples; (Y. gnireffo rof learel sa llew sa rof .selitneg .bI כשם שתיד
3* MHS; Bab. ib.38* ,ןיררזוקב .+ .( רֶרָזרַחMaasr. ( תרשכומ 'כוdiffer. in Ms. M.) as well as the sin-offering
sgnirb tnemoe tnleao
6₪ .beZ 1,1; א. )ז.- 71. ; ראות
‘Ms, M. (ed. .(ןיררזוכ ,rtsnoc ,gaM .tsar .bI ,V 8 יד הצבורcongregational
| > רו וKil. I, 2 ךילג T™ דד(garden) lettuce sin-offerings. Ib, 112° St Th TS שירשה if he sete apart
pill (wild lettuce). Pes. 11, 6 (expl. ib. 39° two sin-offerings for security's sake; a. v. fr.
Ib, X, 3; & > -- PL Ovyn, PIT. .טאצ
1,2. 18.
. ¥. Sabb, 1, 8° bot, ןירזיח ( בגקלread: Foun). RON, NOT (FRET)
= = 1)#in,
stumbling. Targ. Prov.X,16 Ms. (ed. .(אקישה (Ib. 4
THT m. b.h.)fastening,
clasp, chain, Ex.R.s.48, end. הטתאMs. (ed. ,האטה --[.( אהטה. Keth. 11, 26° bot. האשה
01). 70* TH ,ימטרוק +. NIT. ( ההננרהprob. (הַשאיה.--2(sin-offering. Targ.
Ex. XXIX, 36;
a fe — Ph ee,ST arg: Nam. 4111,9. Targ.
Hos. IV, 8.
sani )5. h.; emp. Sort) fo split, cut, chop.— Part.
pass. .בטה Mace. 8*(SST (וניא Sr; אצמ םאif he finds
cut wood (for the religious purpose), he need not cat it.
Pi. seh to erase. Treat. SofrimV,
1 STS (Var. lect.
נועטב, S575); (Treat. Sefer Torah, ed. Kirehh. V, 1 sa
1 :
jest im. (b. h.; preced.) failure, sin, Ber. 4* Xoo
יגרוגperhaps sin is the cause (preventing the ful-
בובII (emp. Arab. ,28008 . םשה(אtofall
to woo. Koh. RB. to VII, 26 םדאב "כוroom התדה she
of divine promise), Ib. TM םרגש אלאbat for would propose to a man in the street (somé ed. PES).
that preventedit. Sabb. 119", +. 53m; a.fr.—7 x7, {Lam. R. to 1, 1 Poco Sor, v. So. EV. roe.
Ty VRID a.מ1---.הָאְרִר Talm. +. also om. +. Sabb.
‘top; a. fr.— Pi.-םיִצְשִח Ber. 10* (ref. toםיֶאָשַה
Ps. , בימח במחa (1 same, to sclect, betroth onc's scif
) בויבT הונְטִיםSTs כורdoes the text read Aof'im to. Targ. Deat. XXVI, 17,sq—2)םשה( -=) toseize violently.
ars), it may be read Adfaim (sins). Ib. t= ךויב Targ.
= Y.1 Gen. XLIX, 5 (hb. text( 3--.( סמתfo embroidr,
x sins shall cease, the wicked shall be no more.
IV, 2; a fr.
RQST, + cer
SIT, at.NTT, seat,+ אשה from an ordinary cutting of wood, perhaps a cutting of
wood for a Succah is meant &.!
_y ¥. next .וא TTT &.incisor,
non 448 חטסא
חטוּלִים.v חַטלִים טמחI ch. same, to dig, hollow out. Hull. 253
Sabb. 103% טחד אזיפק 'כוAr. (ed. קחד( he hollowed ow
, ארנומזחy. Maas. Sh. IV, 544 006, +. NID". a K’fiza (smaller measure) whereas the material was larg
, אפומח ףומח. )ףטח( גגviolence, robbery, robbed enough for a Kab. Pes, 28° (prov.) M42 טחד ארגנ NB:
boods. Targ. Jud. IX, 24; a. fr.— Pl. , ןיְפּוטַח. אָּיַפּוטַחTarg. ררשנ אלדרח ףולשינוMs. M. (read: ;ונישרוף ed.נגרא
Ps, LXXII, 14; e. ; הווגב ףורשנ 'כוVar. קחד( in the ladle which the artisa:
hollowed out, Ss shall have mustard soaked and shal
אפומחm. (preced.) robber, violent man.—Pl. "Bian, swallow it (man is paid with his own coin).
m. Targ. 00. 5; a. 6. Pa. הששto dig after, exhume. Yeb. 63" tt
ארומח.1 ch., pl. constr. . תארוטח=[נNavin. Targ. שכברthey (the Guebres) exhume the ern deat, מ
Bath, 58% .צ [.אָטיָשִח
Is, XXX, 6 Ar.ed. Koh. (Ar. Ms. תרטוטח ed, Lag.חישוּרית , 6
oth. ed.(חטוְרְיאֶת Dom, Pa. 2"wn (sec. r. of BIN IT) to sew. Tar
NOVEM, +. אָסאָשִח Gen. iil, 7. Targ. Ez. XIII, 18. ‘ es
Kidd. 24” mown and he (the master) cut it (the eye) out.—
)2 to rake, clean a well. M. Kat. I, 2 ןתואPoin and ,ימח NOM, TON I [to stroll idly, saunter (
you may clean the wells. Ib.* 5 ןיאו ןירפוח 'כו.. 'חyou Fl. to Levy Targ. Dict. 5 4242),] to live in luxury, to
yam ,...naelc tub ton gid )nepeed( .68 .bI[ ולא הוטטין like a nobleman, to be well-dressed, clean &c. beaכ
ןכותלyou must not rake pebbles into them; v., however .(קנרפ Lon
.srev .sM ,.M .bbaR ,S.D .bi.Y—].1>.0a8 .tob חוסטין אותן Pi. xan, ה to make look well, 1% dress, clea
31 ( ןיפרג ןולnot ןטסוה( hot’tin means ‘they rake them’, prepare. Hull. 27% (play on ,טחשו Lev. 1, 5) חששם
as we read (Mikv. 1. c.).—3) to take sheaves out with a init from the place where the animal bends (its 6
rake. Suce. ,1 8 טטוחה שידגב 'כוif one takes sheaves out the front of the neck), cleanse it (let its blood wan:
of a stack, so as to form a shed (Succah). Ib. 15% Tb. 815 STF אנשרל ראממ ראהד והטחhow can y
Pi. ww 1) to rake, Y. Sabb. 111, beg. 5° wum> 7x that this hattehu has the meaning of cle nsine
ברד וכיeh tsum ekar slaoc( dna sehsa tuo fo eht )nevo חטהוMow ממקוםfrom where it utters sound, clear
with ahandle, which proves that he nfust clean thoroughly. [Cant. R. to VII, 2, +. infra.] Gul bo
—2) to make holes, to pick. Tosef. Mikv. VIL (VIII), 2 Hithpa. xenon, nennn, Nithpa. 72 ak
אוצין צריך לחסט.raV .de( .kcuZ )>MuMmw fi eht seloh ni be gratified. Cant. R. toVI, 2 [read:]
the baskets are filled up with grapes &c., one must clean ‘21 ךרשחתמ all luxuries and enjoymentswhi:
on 449 neon
and enjoy, Men, 66" (play on רסלעיכ , Prov. VIT, 18) : מו חי. te"
)1(1 ,rennis שד. ,vorP ,VIX .12
ונללח ונשטח וְְחְרְשָאssey נשאtel su evah 8 -noc ib. א 2 (Var. איישה read RST; incor, wear).
then let us go up and rejoice and delight our-
selves with dalliances; Bifra Vayikra, N'dabah, ch. XIV, , האימהTED, Gen.Bn 08,vc mor:
Par, 13, Mon. |. 6.(play on MOS2) Job XXXIX,15) אשינ ROOT + ch.-nestw, Targ. ¥.1 Deut.
XX V1, 17,24.
; חלול תנוSifre Lo. אָצְחְִסו Mdw אשינ be (the bird)
raises (his wings) and rises and enjoys himeolf (differ, PISS ז+ (ary 11) 1) obffeet oflove. Ber.6; Hag. 3°
interpret, in Rashi).——®) fo show one’s selfa nobleman, (ref. to Deut. XX V1, 17) St תוחא רנותישכ 'ח
םתאyou made
to be generous, proud. Cant. I. to VU, 7 sores rere me the only object of your love in the world, and 1 shal!
21‘ לעhe was generous towards ke. (ref, toGen. XIV, 28, make you ₪6. (ref. to Il Ham. VII, 25); Tanah. Ki Thabo 2.—
Dan. V, 17).—®) fo be imperious, to lord it, to ask petul- 2) declaring love. th. ‘> ד Pow declare their love to
antly, Taan. ,11 4 "כפלTres mre thou comest petulantly God; Tanh.,
04. Bub., ib, 4.
before the Lord‘ לע 'כו Tire xe ךבכ like ₪ son that
de it over his father
₪6. Cant, ₪. to V,6 (explain.
‘tb. ‘ 'כוHPS he became petulant, he got angry with me.
ia ;"בכ Sar
1( digger
(x27) mm. )טשי
the dead, grave-robber. B. Bath.
ל eespert m used to comfort, tender, הוח וד שיsM( .]1 sera swo קא, ylrae .edo חיט, .rf
Y. Gen, 434118, 19 Jw( אילט h. text
חוטש--,(1 .11 ,rtsn
.tosc“ .boeY *36 emos( .do הנר
={ א ארtocause tobegenerous, toperewade toleniency. 286 (Sut) t)eleanings
well, raking. M.Kat.o*
Koh. R.toIX, 16 היל אנא אלזא אָצַחְמו1 will go to appeal 'ח' אין וכ sj ,dettimrep tub gnigg.i6d8 .hTדד
to his generosity (Midr, Sam. ch. XXXII .(הסייפטו מר שרדsi gninaelc ;?dettimrep .a --.= (2 gniwolloh .luo
= או. "ore to be raised in luxury. Part. pass. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. 11, 17; Hull. 26° יח « רסדחמblock
sere fom. ְאָיְטְח NAMB delicate, Targ. Y.1, I Deut, requiring hollowing out for becoming ₪ receptacle. Tb.
ו פשיטאTh מהדסרis it not « matter of course that « block
MOM, NGAI ).א [tomiss.)
tofail, err, sin. requiring hollowing out is not fit for uncleanness?; vy.
/ IV, 2, sq. Bor, 17* a.fr. R. Hash, 26° לב xvin ov.
קרhe that sinned (with gold by making the golden *בוומימחim. (redaplic. of som1) 00-06. B.
if) shall not bring nigh (the gold, enter with gold Mets. 58” Ms,R.a.oth.
(v. next w.); Tosef.ib.III,26(Var.
'זד לב האגתיhe that sinned (with gold) shall (והתשיטוס וחסיטום.
to edarap flesmih htiw( .hteK—.)ti °11 שלא יחא חוטא
laatot =לאpah ל "םּומימְחm. (reduplic. of Som, v. Dy) buckler
.B .steM”85 AT סוסוסיים.de,eM(8. וסיים וחריס השרטוב
> 1%. Uidiihe feel ale,v. .(ַאָטֶח Yoma , סּותיִחָחְוMs. .8 2 סוסו בוטיטחוgro, Ma PF, ותריסoe
5 )98"(רוי! אשexpintes(sprinkles)andgoesdown בוטישח,v. Rabb. D. 8. 2.1. note 6, Ar. Compl.
ed. Kob.)
| ng downward; Rashi: moves his arm downward). horse and sword (and battle-axe)
and buckler; (Y. ib.
%. Tehרטוע Fn yerpea heremaiiied! in‘hieplace and ,VI ,dne %9 (סיים וסוס ותריס.
inkled. Zeb. 58°. המייא,rennis .+ ,ee +. שח
= Hif, xeorm to cause
tosin. Midr. Till. toPs. IV, 5;
ו a Ab. V, 18; a. fr. =רצְהה-.) sin, misconduct, failing.
Ex. R's. 26 (ref! toEx. XVII,) 5 םתלש7m רובע לע pass
ch, same. Targ. ¥.Gen. XLIX,3. Targ. over (ignore) their misconduct; (Yalk.
ib. 262; Mekb.
= ELE )השש וקרש הת but at ,.llahs’B ,assayaV =. 6 (הטא. kiseP 31.s.R והדאיל וטפכד הד
ו Manakcl a ® rtatirec ees 218"; ( לש םחרתובא 'כוnot oer cw) since Amalek came in con-
א. 11%, v. Te;a. fr. sequence of the sin of their fathers (at Rephidim), says
Af. "Sms to cause to sin. Targ. Y.Num, XXVII, 3; a.e. He to them, Remember &c. (Deut. XXV, 17)?—Gen. B.
Pa. רשח same. Targ. 1. 11 Num. XXIV, 14 ןוהתי cen .5 ,18 end 'כו T WS (Valk. Gen. 25 SoS הזדאמ( on ac-
Ven, “St) seduce them (to immorality). count of what impropriety of conduct &c. Nam. 4.5.%,end
- 11. “Sm, “Ss tobe tempted. Y. Taan. 1,64” bot. ‘Si PAR T SES on account of one single misconduct (in
תרחטי that thou be not tempted to sin (through thy gn eht i
nedlkog )a
.c& .tueD 2.s.R 'תכתב הד שלי וכ
usband’s absence). tel ym gniliaf eb dedrocer amoY( ,”68 a 6. (סורחעי.
| "מוm.=Non, esp. unexpiated sin, consequence of
.₪ Y.Taan.IV,68*top
לש 'כוFor, .+. אְָסְנּואVAS.
Oar, TS, +. nn
5 | קדch. same, Dan. IV, 24.— 1%. with suffix ot.
arg. Prov. XXVIII, 13 (Qis. "ium, some ed. -(דישָח FES £ Sp pinching offthe rough edges. Kel.
XIV,1 דד( רסוחמed. .גז הפה Var. Est) a fragment
NS, wheat, v. RET. of a vessel needing &c. in order to be used; Tosef.
ib. B.
| הפה ,רימה שמ Mets. IV,1 neon, +. mech. )
חט 450 ©
JON, יצshebi. VIL, beg. 87% v. ןיש 122. ,“ רמחOM, NGM, , ד יטחSoa. [YI
FIIQM (b. h.; emp. oon, a. 513 with 113) 1) to seize, 111, %38 pot נחית מן חטריה:daer חַמְרִיה.[ %5
rob. Y. Ber. I, ‘ge bot. (ref. to I Kings VIII, 54) םיפככ
fo) ןינבב AUN אלש וללהed. Krot. (oth. ed. ,ופטנ prob. ,MOP + מטוטְבֶת
3BI02, v- (סנט like those hands which did not rob anything | ,MON +. חטאמָא
at building the Temple. Lam. R. to 1,1 M2202 ium and
snatched it (the letter of divorce) out of her hands; a. fr.— “TT m. (b. h.; 42%) 1) living, alive; living
Koh. R. toVII, 26, v.32%.—2) (emp. Lat. carpo) to do athing healthy. Ber. 27 'כו ינא יח אוהו תמ לוכי יחה
with haste, esp. (v. Ber. 35° sq., Tosef. ib..1V, 1) to break I were alive and he dead, the living one might give
without benediction. Tosef. Pes. ,א 9 ןיִפְטּוח הצמ קונרתל lie to the dead. Ib. V, 5 רח הזthis one is destined
matzah is distributed among the children before the live (recover). Sabb.94°, a.e. ומבצע תאNOD "NF a li
regular turn in the Passover ceremonies, in order that being carries itself (the carrying of a living being\
they may not fall asleep; Pes. 109* (v. Rabb. D. 8. 1. the Sabbath is not unlawful). Ib.X,5 הטמב ) תא יחה1
note 50; oth. opin. in comment.). Part. pass. 30M, + . who carries) a living person on a couch; a. v. fr.—"
חַטוּפָהsnatched, abrupt. M. Kat. 28* 'ח תמ םאתפ התימ מן החי, .v —.8S“ .lP ,no .nep .bA ,VI 22 לידוןAny;
if one dies suddenly, it is called an abrupt death (snatched eht gnivil era denitsed ot eb .degduj .bbaS 49* ה
by death); Treat. S’mah. ch. 111 ‘M-mv... העבראל after ןיבו ןיטוחשwhether alive or slaughtered; a. fr. —A
four or five days of sickness; 16 is called &c.; v. --.ףחָד Zar. 5" (ref. to "MH, Gen, VI,19) ןריחש ישאר 'כו the ₪
אמן חי, .v soP .I of whose limbs live (exist).—2) in natural condition, 6
Hithpa, pumnn to be snatched, א Y. Ber. VII, | .ppo( ;בשול
( deximnu .ppo( .)2743 .hnS °07 בשר חי
end, 12° he who says ‘a hurried Amen’ — "730 פחתה meat, ירך חרdeximnu .eniw .bA .raZ ,%83 .a .rf אכל
his years will be hurried (he will die an untimely, sudden כמות שהוא חיtahw si elbatae ni sti larutan ;etats .a
death, v. supra); Bab. ib. 47%. Fem. חלה. Hull, 42* (ref. to Lev. XI, 2) 'כו 'ח לוכאwh
ףיטח ףמחch. same, 1) to seize, snatch. Targ. is ina healthy condition (viable), you may eat, v. זפ
Jud. XXI, 21. Targ. 1 Kings XX, 33 אהופטחו הרנימthey [V. חִיָה.[
dehctans eht drow ylitsah morf mih.h( txet (ורחלטו הממכו .
היא חי, חייא.hc .emas . .graT .neG
a.e.—B. Bath. 33°, sq. הרכימ FVM Hens that he took fr.—Targ. Ex. XII, 9 רח ( דכhalf-)raw; a. fr.—Sabb.
ti morf mih .ylbicrof .lluH °331 מתנתאEIN הוח1 קרא חרראwar .rdiM—.egabbac ,lloiTt .sP 7,IIXX aer[
used to take the priest’s gifts eagerly (v. 537). Erub., 54° . חשרך חר דבער למיתאsselkcul ni eht gnivil eno ah
לוכאו 'כוFON make haste and eat 6. (enjoy life, while dependent on the dead; Yalk. ib. 686; a. fr.— Pl. 7
you live).—2) to do violence, strain (the text), to mis- " חִייָאnm. Targ. Ps. א א א111, 20. Targ. Num. XVI
interpret. Targ. Ez. XXII, 26.—3) (of animals of prey) a. fr.—Snh. 98" אוה 'ח32 ראif he is one of the |
to tear. Targ. 11 Esth. I, 2 ( ןיבוד ןיפטחread: 7°23") the (the present age); Y. Ber. 11, 5* top; a. fr—Fem. |
wolves (on Solomon’s throne) made an attempt to tear
Nu, אָחְיִח . ריחTarg. Gen. 1, 20. Targ. ל15. XXX)
(the false witness). Ib. a ןוהבל , ףוטחמלas if to tear a. 6.-- 8890. 18° 'ח ארדקa raw dish.— Pl. NOH,
the hearts 6 Targ. Y. Gen. I, 21; a.fr—Targ.Y. 11Ex. 110§ ויס
Pa. זטsame. Ib. (of hawks). [B. Kam. 38" Mm הוהד (h. form.) that she ו
Ithpe. השסto be robbed, be snatched. Targ. Prov. lived,
XIII, 2.—Y.Kidd.1, 60° top Nbumm ארהו and it is taken
by force (confiscated). 0 NM, +. on.
, אפמיח אפמחm.(preced.) robbery, violence. Targ. =n, NIT, v. FI.
Ez. XLY, 9. Targ. Is. LX, 18.
Aa, +. 30. oe
NOM, mon, v. HEH.
NOD, >. ,35ב “BMm. ()בבח7
,אתיפמח “Son f. (preced. wds.) name of an un- > object. Targ. Mic. VI, 73a ‘e.—Sabb..
ae >
clean bird’ (h. Doh), ostrich (2). Targ. Y. Lev. XI, 16;
Deut. XIV, 15. .
בזה טּומיחm. (an)laying down, pre
Mp תו <= skeet
) רטמח1 to cut off (denom. 825M 1, twig, emp.
>13 &e.). ּ Ib. 43, 7
חִיביל 1 mn
וי ו
defect, corruption, Targ.
dob 1, 3 te יש
| of the ]הוו meen, Y. Ber, 1X. 10 moeees .... אידה
| be who sees the moon in her Gret ctage Y. Shek. 1, 40°
| bet, ישורדדב NSS דרטש observe it thet it (the mater-
\ img of the crops) should coincide with the O10 part of
the month of Nisam. Bi.Mash.26* כי לש הקבלroe oe
MIPADT, + wher (Me. .א PGT, +. שרר(the removationof the move take
AGAIN, gar he lows than twenty wine days and & half be. — 2( ree
teration. ¥. Tean. 11, 60 bet, StS
of thy sanctuary. 5) sored inlerprefation,
T the restorstion
word ides,
4 SFT, העורwm. (3h) junction, connection, Kel. additional legislation (noveltiag) Wag. 3* ahs ors) א א
6 דו הניא₪ not considered ה connection (touching תיit ₪ וו )ו « college semtlon to pace withows
1@ stopper by an unclean person Ae. doce not affectthe . novel remark. Th. St הרה Th כ whet wae the news
)ו of the cask), Ih, XVIT, 2; Rabb, 44* | 46% — in college to-day?-—Cant.
₪. wo IV, 16 ו ראדכי רכר לש
₪. Har, 56", = ©. דו קוצנthe jet produced by pouring ‘and come’ (ib,) וו Appar =) «grand
ie & Connection (the liquid at one end, iftowshed by
offerings);+. Meg. 1, 72° top, a —Lev BR 513, +. שרד
₪ affects that in the weasel); Tob. VIL, 6; הft, —4) etrange law, exception, unser law (which allows
fr—Y¥. Bot. VIII, 22" ריקל Th... ןיא we do not con- of no comclasion by analogy), anomaly, Seb. 27° Oot רק
ler it as Connected with the town (as regards Babbath תוא יכhT eht wel gninrecneohct tnemhsfionee elp
יצKil. IX, end, 32% רגבל דיconsidered as con- witnesses is a0 anomaly, (for why mest we treet the one
4 (woven) with the garment; a. fr.
sot more than the other!) ליאו *שזירה. . te therefore
Nz חבי ה.ho .emas או-\1 ,veL ,XIX 01 you cannot go beyond what it says distiontly, i >. pre
4 / RSIS on the tree
(v, ¥. Peah IV, 18", 5 +. “St vious evidences of refuted 10רשו canmet be aonsiled.
Pes.44* אות TO... בלחו SSS you can draw ₪2 aaslogy
aa 6.
.אMgr. Targ Cant. 1,4; a.tr.— from the law concerning the mixtere of Geek and milk,
Ib. TV, 10, for it is an anomaly; ושודרה “RS and wherein ie 4 an
, ה,ִ אָרְניMOTE, .+ oud ‘sn. anomaly? Y. Ter. VII, beg. 44° אצי ושודהלthe lew
(Deut. XXII, 13 04.) ie specified for ite anomalous matere ,
» Targ. Pa. LVI, 5 ed, Wil, +. ירח a. fr.
#o that he may live (give him security of life); ib. good-natured advice ie taken and thrown over the
4 דיבק היל רדיט רוחרתר תילprepare for him something — hedge, |. thy advice comes two late.—2) a flexible and
hich secures life (religious study); Yalk, Deut. #29; strong reed, bamboo-cane. Ver, 12° TS קרב be bent (in
Gite. 12° יפט Pb ריבק you must allow hin a more prayer) like ₪ cane (when it ie ewung).
living (than ander ordinary conditions), — Pes, 89
חןLI ₪ ;%9( .pme )ITP ]השא +
to ,תויחט
. אאXU,4) שר recess from the lamb
thile it is yet alive
(you may withdraw), tb, רכס ש"רו ”.narb tatSbab ד | תאIre,
Ms. .א2 (Ar, Memes, od. rererrys) 4. 8. ... רריזחר( הbran- broth (which bloats the anime! (od
from the lifeof the lamb in both senses (during on it); Pes. 42° דיחרwes Ms, אב Ap.
= oth. (v. Rabb
‘proper and as longas the blood has not yet been ,D .1.5.4 ;e
R“ :daer TTT“ ,)lp +. שא
1; ¥. Rabb. D. ₪.0.1.note 70(.--2(
womb, Rekh. 1"
0 Pi, ¥. THIF.
וו.--3( animal, + next w.
Li! dere
RET, הזיר+ (preced.) .ואנה ‘Tang.
a) Targ. ts.XXX VII, 18—Hob.
74% צא ₪ PRR A i,(ry) m. (emp. ("ָרָזַה madler
ta, 8°, Tb, 05%. .וBath, 20" דו רטוקוא חבto place Avarolus, ¥. ,מ p 25%, a. Ben. Ant, +.
le there
for grazing. Lev. 4 =.15; Cant. B.to 111. 4, Montiel being considered homogeneous to quiney. (In
So —71. MNT, constr, MT, PTT, +. RT. —2) Cv. Mish. a. Babyl. dialeet “TS (TTT), but different from
I.)living, provision. — PL.אסד ‘Targ.+.Num. sir.) צי Kil. I, 27* דרה 3°39 ren; (Tosef.
ib. 1,3
,11 דו רחבed, pr. (ed. אתוזרה corr. ace.) deposits וזרד7.
,-- Y. Babb. 11,04 דדכ םינשקboiled down
זי +) חי to the size ofmediars; (Hab.
ib. 38° Fors; Y. Ter. 11, 41°
₪.pieMTT, PAT, "GT, עד
+ רו ch. (@h. Mat) 1) wheat, Targ.
1 Chr. XXI, 20. Targ. Pe.
LXXXI, 17; a. o.—Ber. 58° .18--.ישר
64°; B. Bath. 145";
'זזד.( הPIN) )1 repairing, supporting. Y. Hor. 14* (prov.) דו“2b ןיכירצ לכהallpeople depend on
וא V, 22% bot, םרתב 'כו TD (the handle of an axe the owners of wheat, i. «. sound learning ie the bread,
ged in between two buildings) was intended to sup-
_ while dialectics and homiletics are the spices of stady;
tthe houses, .+ .אָקתְסיִה
— )2 effort, mental energy. | a, fr.—2) glands, nipples, protuberances. Hall.
18° כמ
;"$2 Yalk. Josh. 5.—s) fastening, stringent measures ‘TS if, in slaughtering, the knife strock the glands near
eht‘ noitcfoeethtor
al .hteK ,"38 .e.a חכמים עשו the windpipe. Y. Hag. 18, 77° bot. אירזיב דדthe nipples
םתירברל דוthe scholars protected their own enact- of the breasts; +. Snh. V1, 23° bot. av TS דה (corr. ace).
sti erom naht eht lacil,bsi
wabl ,burE3* סרואכהורי"תא
™ רעבxd the law of Succah being Biblical requires V. Xo .אMST
but that about &. Keth. 56"; a. fr, TST), +.הש
, ה, רּיזיִח.+ “Hy a.חר SET, י₪.
חר (v. cor 1,1( 1) cleansing,
מ fication. "8/0765 Nam. 126 7 ללכל under the law of pari-
fication (ref. to Num. XIX, 12, Naz. 61° (2--.(הרחט delicacy,
וVe =—
- luxury, enjoyment—P1. past. Cant.4. to/11,2 Poo
| (corr. ace.),+. XSL
m. (PIM) fastening, band, ring 80. Num.R.s.3, —
אָיומיחm. ch. (v. preced. 2), being raised in luxury,
“oven its bast'חל ( ךלוהed. Wil, PST) isused for being delicate. Targ.¥.1 Deut. XXVIII, 54. (Some ot.
ge; Midr. Till.to Ps. XCII, 13 (Gen.R.>.41 .(םילבחל
ye) 11 ch. same, clasp, ring —Pl. wxprm. Y. Sabb.
(חימטוןך+. on.
* bot. (expl. ,תועבס Is, 111, 21); emp. XPT".
NEN, TED pr. n. pl. K’far Hittaya, near
TT 6. ,)רזה emp. 7) 1) prickly, knotty Tiberias ). Y. Hor. II, beg. 47%. Y. Meg.
1, 70°
B. Mets. 108° 'כו ( ינק חדAr. Var. ,אזרח , אזריח+. (expl. (תצדיםJosh. XIX, 35). Gen. RB. 5 65 האישה >
Satoh, ₪:vi (ותבכרא the poles’ ו tis shrub (to
Pesik. R. = 16 77g; Pesik. Eth Korb., p. 61° .אישה
ut up as a hedge on top of the earth mound) must
Hag. 5°.
plied by the landlord, but the shrub itself by the
Ned. 41> top אלקרדל 'דדכas its prickles protect PET 1) ph.ofrar a.of(9--.אָטדִה reed, + FR
i m-tre (v. Num. R. s. 3, beg.). Ber. 8* אבבגב Ts
( וMs. א. ') דשלפא מגבבא וכ5T sa a nroht ni a "2ST, +. apn
i oct-which 0 cae(ciestotearloose) lacarates NUT, +. xeon.
\ = 8 ישו «gpa ttהאשה tea Ba דBe
ace.) even the crop of figs or of wheat of one field is I a. Il; Y. Maasr, I, 48% top; a. fr.—Y. Dem. II,‘22° top
not like the other. [Y. Ned. VI, end, 40* 'ח , ןידה1 a. fr.; and many more, v. Fr. M’bo, p. 81°, a4 bE ay
27*T7 גג, )) (חוּב1 .rotbed .B .steM %91א בשח מודה
,( הדיח ירחb. bh.) 1) to live. Tam, 82° NM...ה the debtor admits (that the note has not been paid)
what must ‘man do in order to live (long)?; a. v. fr. a. fr.—2) (he is) bound, (he is) guilty. Peah IV, 7 7
Part.( "יח v. °m)—Keth. I, 6 ונא ןייחDD אל we do not he is bound (to leave the poor man’s corner), Keth,30
live on what comes from her lips, i. e. we do not go by m אברלו and according to Raba’s opinion he must pay
her evidence. Y. ib. 11, 26° bot. ונא ןירחכ הרפמ we (the a. v. fr,—Sabb, I, 1 "ה is guilty (of Sabbath-breaking
court) are again in the condition of 6 on her eventually bound to bring a guilt-offering); a. v. fr—
own evidence. Y.Shebi. I1,34* top 'כו 272" ןהש ןייחthey Pl. 373". Ber. III, 1 'זד are bound (to read the Sh’ma)
live (draw nourishment) from the waters of last year; a. fr.—Fem. navn. Hag. 4% a. 6. הב השאהש 'חwhic
ib,( אוה הָיָח A NN) it draws &.—Snh, 108* FNלא woman is bound to observe ;a. fr.— Pl, miawn. Ib.; a. fr.—
אלו ןרכודרכthey have no share in the resurrection nor 3) wicked.—Fem. as ab, Mekh, B’shall. s. 1 יח%
will they be judged; a. fr.—2) to heal; to recover, regain wicked government (usu. mw).
health. Keth. 6% .8.6 דע הרחתש החכמהuntil the wound is ar, nr ch. same. Targ. Mal. I, 14. 5
healed up. Hull. ל" mam and did recover; Mr" and it
(the wound) healed up; a. fr. [Y. Maasr. I,48° Amn; 6 om, היבאNT m, (preced.) sinner, wicke
Shebi. IV, 35" bot. AM™N, v.חוּת .[ man. Targ. Gen. XVII, 1 a. fr.—Lam. R. to If, 1, א
.] וmr to be recalled to life, to resurrect.” Ab. an Pa,
— Pl. ְאָיָביִיִח PIs. Targ. Job XXXVI, ‘hi
IV, 22 nis םיתמהו and the dead are destined to be Targ. 11 Sam. XXII, 5; a. fr.—Snh. 91°; a. 6 i
fe his conversion),
has relations downwards (with NDT, NST] ch. same. Targ. Prov. V, 3.
h ו born in Judaism);
a. 6.
ys מז. (Set2) scab, itch (as anepidemic). B. Kaen. 60”,
TIT m. (08m 1) protection. Mekh.
Bo, Pisha, s.11, ההא. 14° (Ms. M. 2, a. Ar. (ךדזדה -- דה od. Bab. B'eh 10,
1 v. Wt
+. Oo. [Targ. Prov. 111,925 ,אסייח NSD, “ST ch. ame. Targ.¥. + צצו27
(b. text ,(סרח .+ אָבּכַח
0 +ןח₪ 5 v. 'ַה--.לייָח a, v. .רזרב
Md ae 8st ¥35.¥ -Y™ Lh, a.ch.) a pile of loose לזה ץ ליזה.וגGe, .+ Sp ewvrounding, esp. Hel,
a rough extemporised embankment, | אplace within the fortification of the Temple Midd.
fo earth-covered and finished. Shebi. 111, 8 mow I, 5. Suh. 88". Par. 111, 11; Targ..דNam. XIX,9; a fr.
| ו(Y. ed. sir) he may make (it) a loose embank-
| .צץ ib. 34% הרל pron דה דחמwhat is Aayits? He ly Pa. 37m, ליזה (denom. of x37) 1) to strengthen.
it up (ref. to Ez. XIII, 10, v. Targ. a. Rashi a.1.). Targ. Job IV, 4. Ib. XVI, 5 (inoorr.ed. Tx); .א >.--
2) to serve, Targ. Num. IV, 23; a >.
| גא חי, + הצא Tthpa, Serre 1) to be strengthened. Targ.
Job V1,16;
a. fr.—2) fo move into war, to gather together. Targ. Nam.
34 v. Gan ch.
XXXI,7. Targ. Job ,א 17 (some ed. ,"לודרדתו corr. acc.)
7 1,NENT 1 (adj), v. .רח—2) (noun) living ליחזז NONI (v.) לדח( 1 (adj.) strong. Targ.
0. Gen. 1, 28. Ib. 30 rom(constr.);
a. e.
boJ ,IIIV 2 .sM .de( .)72x .hteK °26 החול טר כולי התאר
: SPTIT, NEWT t.ch=n. nec, 1)lying-in woman. Ar. ed. Kob. (Var,; רטד 5° .64 ( דכהדthat you are so
f Deut. XXVIII, 12 (emp. Taan. 2°,s9.).Koh. R. strong (that such is your strength). —2) (non) strength.
21m md .. הימלר and whydothey call her hay’tha? Targ. Job XX, 11 (ed. Lag. 771; some ed. S77). Targ-
>she was dying and is recovering.—3)
midwife. Prov. V, 10; a. fr.—Keth. 62°, v. supra. . לB. Meta IV,
xen 456 = חל
beg. 9° ךלע ףליחmint דע while thou wast yet in thy , ילח ינוליחh. same. Ley. 0 8.
strength (of manhood). Y.Yeb.IV,6” רלררזוב תילI cannot,
do it. "אתיירואל3.1605,84 ךליחgive thy physical strength ,"ymoR ,nix 2 הלה
to the study of the Law; a. fr.—Trnsf. logical support,
evidence, argument. Y. Pes.V,32% top 'כו ךמHm ביסנ a חלי חולו.m )75( hcilev,egnahcaeyi eeE
borrowed his argument from &c. Y. Maasr. I, 490 top; חַרפוּפרןesoht ohw .eveiler 1,III.reB eht sreirrac MBJ
a. e.—3) army, host; service. Targ. Num. I, 3; a. fr.— ') וכsaps dna esoht detangised ot eveiler ,meht dna
Targ. Ps. LX VIII, 12 Ms. (ed. תַוָליָח 7 אליהוconstr. those who are to relieve the relief.—Gen. R. s. 91 שי
san; ,ְאָחְוְלְיִח constr. MID}. Targ. Ex. XII, 41. Targ. ' להם חnac eb ;decalper .Y( .reB ,11 °5 (חָלֶיפֶין. .muN .R
I Kings XXII, 19; a. fr.—Targ. Ps. XXXIII, 16; a. fr. s. 10 (ref. to ,ףולח Prov. XXXI, 8) םחרבא “EAM ןהש for
Targ. 11 Esth. I, 4 ed. Amst, .אָחְוְלַח Targ. Ps. XLIV, 10 they take the place of their father; a. fr.—2) the contrary,
ed. Lag. אַָתְַליַח (oth. ed. ְאָנְוליַח -.( אָנְוְלַחHull. 60° reverse, Ab, 281.46" ’m רא 18 it not rather the reverse?;
monn ןטרפנ (not (רשריפנ 8 troops are too numerous. (Y. Taan. III, 67" 9>m (וא;. צAb. Zar. V,45° top; a. fr.—
ח' הדברירםeht sgniht era tsuj eht .esrever ,bA .raZ ,515
חַילָאII .m ,yellav +. חַילְחָא Y.Ter.II,41°bot.; a. fr—Pl.as ab, Y. Peah I,16" top לבא
בגוים חיtub sa ו,selitneg eht etisoppo sekat .ecalp
אָליַח111 m. vinegar, v. הְלָא I.
NDI, חליch. same, 1) opposite, reverse. Targ.
non 1= חולֶהIl, dance, song ; rejoicing. Midr. Till. Y.Deut. XI, 26; a.e.—Ab. Zar. 28°, sq. אתנכס ‘Mand to do
to 0% XLVIII, 14 הרישל יחל85 another interpretation the reverse is dangerous.—Pl. ppb. .צץ Yoma III, 40¢
(v. bm), Phelah (Ps. 1. 6.( means, to song; ה"'בקה n> top 'ח אל ארבתסמ אלאthe reverse stands to reason; Y.
'לעשות ח' וכ, .v חולה.11 .tueD— .R .s 1 .fer( ot התחולל Shebu. I, 33” bot, 'ח ( אלראדcorr. ace.),—Y. Gitt. 1V, 45%
Ps, XX XVII, 7) when afflictions befall thee, ‘73 ןחוא bap bot. 'ח אל ארבתסמdoes not the reversestand to reason?
receive them with rejoicing; (Yalk. Ps. 729 םיֶלְלוחכ like 2) exchange, substitute.» Targ. O. Lev. XX VII, 10,— £4.
dancers). constr. "pi". Targ. Y. Num. XVIII, 31 in’ exchange of
NID, + Sou. a.e.—3) (pl.) change from life to death, Targ. Job XIV, 1
—4) (pl.) crisis, decision. Y. Sot. I, 17" bot. things we
חַילוּזָאv. חלו coming ’M רררל to a crisis (either David or Absalom must
be king); Num. R. s. 9.
“on, חליm. (M>m, Pi.) sweetening, softening ;trnsf.
entreaty, hilluy, one of the expressions for prayer (v.
VION, +. pen.
npst). Ex. RB. ₪. 43 (ref. to ,לחרו Ex. XXXII, 11) 'ח ןושל ,‘ קּוליחom .( תוpdm) )1 distribution. Keth. II,
it means sweetening.—Yalk. Deut. 811; Yalk. Sam. 157; 'כוfort, דדtestifying to the distribution of roasted ea
(Sifré Deut. 8. 26 ,לוליח corr. 800.(. (at the wedding) is an evidence (of the bride having bee:
a virgin). Tosef. ib. ,111 1 'ח תונרגtaking a share at th
לוליחon .>>( גm%) )1 desecration, defamation. ’ distribution of priest’s gifts of the threshing floor; a. fr.
Y. Shebu. VI, end," 87 ’ העובשm the desecration com- 2) division, separation, specification. ¥.Sabb. VII, end,
mitted by an unnecessary oath. Sabb. 33°, a. fr. Mawח' bot. ‘md... . אצל it was specified, after being implicit
desecration of the Sabbath; 'ח םשה defamation of the intimated, for division of the general law, i.e. that eac
Name of the Lord, disgracing the Jewish religion. Yoma86* of the implied acts is punishable for itself. Bab. ib.
pwn ’n דחה what act, for instance, would be a profana- ’ מלאכותm the separate treatment of each labor as
tion &c.?—Kidd. 40° “35 Ma ןיפיקמ PR, v. HpP2 1, IL. transgression of the Sabbath law. Mace, 215; a.fr. 1 קול
Ber. 19"; a. fr.—2) redemption of sacred objects, secular- כפרה, v. חלק.[
ization. Ib.35* ןועט 'ח requires redemption. Y. Naz. II,
beg. 51% ןרשמשמ ןושל 'חmean redemption; a. fr.— Pl. soit, vy. IL.
,“ םילופיחbn. Y.Peah VII, 20° bot. (interpret. , םילולהLev.
XIX, 24), v. 8’A.—3) the loss of priestly status, becoming THOM, NII, +. sub ולח
a lalah .v( >> 1). יצ. .reT ,IIV 444 .tob 'את שחַיפולָה וכ
whose loss of priesthood was caused by &c.—Pl.j7>35°1%,
חילחוּל, v. bandh.
‘5m, Keth." 29 ‘ אוה השועnm he causes loss of priesthood , אילוח3 ציAb. Zar, 11, 41° bot, read: 877. =
(to his offspring). Snh." 50 רלופיחב תונזבש 'כוthe text
speaks of desecration effected through illicit intercourse זיליחv. Tbr.
(not of Sabbath breaking).—[Sifré Deut, s.26, v. preced. w.] sadn, . צץwabn.
ANI, חילונָאי, ג זילוני. )5 ;חו,+ nid תימליחv. mah.
outsider, stranger, non-priest, non-Israelite. Targ. Is.
XXIV,2. Targ. Ex, XXIX, 33 (0. ed. Amst. אלכ . . ., in- non, non m. ()ףלח a species of salt n
corr.); a. fr—Pl. "yb". Targ. Y. Deut. XXIII, 3 (not from its sharp edges, v. Fl. to Levy Targ. Dict. I,
(חולי.-- Fem. amin. Targ. Ps. OXXXVII, 4 'ח אערא a. Sm. Ant. s. 0 menos! Tosef. ‘Shoes & Ia D3
unholy land. —Targ. Prov. II, 16 (Ms. xno). |
. ti חִיִצְתא
חילתMe. M. .(תילוח Hot, 40"Ar, (ed. (תליח--.. אפוXVU, 17,
0 ל הזילות+
1 .)9) שי חל.devorp 55 A a 69, + הלק
זז הילת.ep .a .lp ,htaleH קוד.eB וצרא81 (h
ול א %80
.-- /1. "Fe,
|text ןיכלה v. Rehr, KAT’ p. 425, 0q.); emp. corm 4.
סי .eev - TEH רד 0-0 הָנבָלִח--.₪Bath, 74° לשדוmet (Me . דלחש( אYolk
odoratua (v, Low Pa, p 168; Hm. Avot 5 ,eP 706; (¥. וא צו. ,dno °29 | (יטא רשרלרטן
Bohoenus), a spice. Gite. 1.6.אטיר TH אפליה rush and
-- לע שש ee חילתא, חילתא+ MITT .= Gr) = glen,
ה 1 valley. ‘Targ. Deut. ,111 ,20 . דאIe, XXVU, ij ane
.11 (mm) wr, 15. XL,.458 .₪)--.>
. ומ,"74 .+ seb.)
6 11 m. ()םלוח ₪ species ofwillow with serried
(v. preced.; Fl to Levy Targ. Dict, 1,485! “eo לחf. (vy,( לרה 11 0 foctida, an um-
| | from its fast growth”), ₪006. 34* דוב תחכשמ חל belliferous plant used, as « resin orinleaves, for« spice
גיפ יא. א. ה. ihsaR .de( ' חא בוד וכMW (כרa‘( wolliw and for medicinal purposes, Ubts 111, 5. Sabb. XX, 2
‘the leaves of which are not serried like the teeth of « )140%( ( ןיא ךירוש תא דוחיפוMish. >4.FRET) you must
. + but like those of a sickle’) refers to a willow with not dissolve the resin of asa-foetida in warm water (on
loaves. —(Ib, אתברק Th Rashi, +. --.אסֶפְלְח1. the Sabbath), ¥. ib. XX, 17° bot. דר so ₪ solution of be.
"ָחִילְפ. Babb. 152° TH אלילכ אתובסold is אcrown ib, 'ח הסצק 'כו asa/. iteelf ie used in food for healthy
לwear), Ib. 77".
77 Boh.
44", v. persons, Hull. 56” (distinction
between the medicinal
properties of the gum and those of the leaves). Ab. Zar.
Ul, 6 טרוק לש דהtears of he. (Ar, חלק 'כו leaves). +
ul Ten. eb, shoots Deut.
5. 107; a. fr.
Sotrunk. Sti sa eee
ir way through them (proving that the peats of grapes sore, ל Ab. Zar. 39°. Y. .אא
eposited there had been abandoned by its owner). VIL, 87° wp | (corr, ace.).
חימסא, Gen. R. s. 45 some ed., v. סמ ,‘ ןוניחOM m. G? m) prayer for grace, hinnun, 0one
of the expressions for prayer, v. MP3}. Sifré Deut.
8. 26
)אצְמּוח( אצמוחm. )1 a species of small peas (ref. to Deut. III, 23); (Deut. R.s.2 DMN; Yalk. Sam. 1
(Cicer Arietanus). — FI,"gat. Yeb.63* (Ar. 9m). Hull. 52” .klaY .tueD 118 (תחנה.
(some ed. "¥9T),—2) v. Ron.
NVI, sot. 49%, +. amps. [Ar 5 0
,ארמיח ‘an, ‘aM m. ch.=h, Var, asphalt (from Hinnunitha, pr. n. pl.)
its dark ‘color, Ges. הי Dict. 10s. y.), used as cement. Targ.
NOI, yon, NOI", v. sub ‘27.
O. Gen. XI, 3. Targ. Ex. 11, 3.—Targ. 11 Esth. III, 3 ,
wyains אחררו רולגלגד ed. Lag. (oth. ed. יולגל 'וחב RAH, "23"m m, pl. ch.=h. B™373M, jaws. Gitt. 69" mm for
:1080 ‘M> רופגד( and the odor of its billows is like that pains of the jaws. B. Kam, 35° morn היל Hass Ms, 1
of asphalt. (ed. (ןיברכ had pains in his jaws.
NOVO (4m) 1. ch.=h. ,המה anger, passion. 'Targ. NIT, ונְנָהTT pr. n. .מג 1100/00, name of seve
Prov. "XXVII, 4. Ib. XXIX, 11 (some ed, 4M); a. 6. Amoraim. [Vers. frequ. vary with ,אנלנח ( אגחPes. 7
אתמיח mother-in-law, v. המסא רב ח' סבא.sM( .M (חגא.--81. .H rab idI .sM( .M lno
Y. Maas. Sh. 11, beg. 53"; (Y. Yoma VIII, 45" top (הילננח ;
ןיח אניה . ציVA, Nor). a. fr. V. Fr. M’bo, p. 84%, sq. ₪
NA.= נח m. (43m, with כ inserted) 1) circle ;danc- = ,יח NOM, “abe m. ch.=h, סלח 1 protection,
ing, chorus, feast. — 2%. x23, 7722, 8M, 3.. Targ. mercy. ‘Targ. “EX. אוז 27 (ed. Amst. O°, NO™M). Targ
Jud.1X,27 (vintage feast).—Gitt. 57°, v. אלה (ל--. danc- Jer. IV, 4. Targ. Is. I, 31; a. e. [Targ. Prov. 111, 25,v.
ing place in the vineyards (v. bing). Targ. Lam. 1, 4 חַיִפָא1.[ F se
(cmp. Taan. IV, 8(.--17. as ab. Targ. Jud. XXI, 21; 23.
Targ. I Sam, XVIII, 6.—3) hinga, name of a musical in-
NIOT, WIT, MIST, +. sub er.
strument (h. לוחמ a. 5"m). Pes. 111" היוגב ולת 'חthey TON m. (TOM 11( shame, rebuke; revilementi-. Pl.
had 8 4. suspended in the hollow of the tree.— Pl. as ab. moon. Pesik. Shek., p. 12° (ref. to 'כו som, Prov.
Targ. I Kings I, 40. Targ. Ps. V, 1 (bh. text .(תולדחנ Tb. XIV, 34) 'כו 'ח. . ןילבקמthe Israelites must bear re-
CL, 4; a. fr.—4) fair, esp. cattle market. Sabb. 54°; proaches from the nations, when they sin. \
Bets. 33° > לרזאד ןאמכlike one going with his beast
to market. NTO, ‘on ch. same. Targ. 0. Gen. XXXIV, 1
(ed. Berl. N30"). Targ. Prov. XIV, 31; .א fr. (interch
NOVI", הזב£. (preced.) a musical instrument. in ed. with אָּדְסזְו 'ְּ(חִס.--
Pl. ,ןידופיח en. ‘Targ.Ti
Targ. Ps. iV, 1 (ed. Lag. 87°32, Ms. 8™332°71, v. next w.). XXXVI, 3; a. ₪. ו 7
אָנּגְנִיִח.₪ pl. NIT, ינח same. Targ. Ps. , יסח אלּוסיחm. (dm) finished work, -- i
LXXXVII, 7 (some ed. אלג om, . גtext םיללזד( ---.Fem. pl. --Pl. “bron, ‘om. Targ. Ps, 0111, 2 dior His ¥
חִיִנְפ נָחָא, v. שע sdeed .v( .reB %01 .h txet (גמולרו. :
ל ל
NAIM m, (42%, a denom. of REIT ) festivity. Targ. DIS TI muzzle, v. pion.
Lam. 7 15.—-Pl. .ןיְגְזניִח 10. 1, +.
DIO, ‘SMI m. (con 11( [finish, polish)
חינוך, זפיm. )739( )1 .gnihsinif .M.Y .taK !08,1 steel-coating of cutting tools, steel-edge (emp. NEEM). 1
top’ םירבק m והזרא what finishing of tombs (is meant in XIL, 4 vate" לטכ if their steel-edgeis worn off. im
the Mishn. ib. 6)?—2) inauguration. Men* 78 וכלפיhis coating, uppermost layer. Y.Ber.1X,14* "D>..
inauguration as a common poe. contrad, to וזזשמה his maior; the earth drinks (absorbs the rain) on
anointment as highpriest. Y. Shek. VI, 50% topוזרנזכר as its upper layer (crust) goes; Y. Taan. I, 64>,
his (the highpriest’s) inauguration.—3) gradual intro- א. 13, end; a. e.—Tosef. Ukts. IL, 4 (T’bul Yom) +*
duction of children into religious practice, training. (ed. 2068. 50) the uppermost layer of thepay
Yoma 82* ’m רא הז wherein does the child’s training (to WON, ‘om m, (70M) lack, want. 0 nt.
tsaf no eht yaD fo )tnemenotA .bI—?tsisnoc 'ומר קר" לזז ' אם חסרה ח' וכfi ehs si gnireffus morfht
המלשהis fasting the entire day called initiation ?—Naz. 29" one of them. ו
'ח ןנברדמthe training of minors for religious practices ו \ : ל
is a rabbinically ordained duty; a. e. חישחוןm. (MOM, reduplic, of (סוח אי ‘
חיסָכיץ 964 חיק
‘OM mm.(yen) sparing, regard to expense יפח אסיִשּופיַחoh. same, Cant. Kh. to 1, | (prev.)
in religious laws, Men. #6" (expl. 'כו MOM ,הרותה ¥. oF); תדלידח ילו. Prewhat does the beetle beget! Insects worse
ib, 76" ןוחסיח (Ms, Vatic. ;('כסיח= א. than itself; (Yalk. Gam, 136 P°Str, expl. scorpion).
Zar." 28 דד תנירנליכנ₪ large-sized beetle (Machi Aanncton’,
RIOT, + אס cockehafer).
TOOT, +. then.
NENT m. (AMT, emp. KEM) |[.ק+ impetuous
attack, Targ. Prov, XXVIII, 4 (h, text Dow), Ih, I, 8
od, Lag. (od, ,אפיה corr, 66. | b. text raed),
קלה אch. same. Targ. 11 Sam. XII, 3, v. N20. to El-Haritiye, סמ Fischer-Guthe’s HACHEM ve |
12818.686.(. |
קוקיחpr. n. pl. (v. Josh. XIX, 34; I Chr. VI, 60)
Hikok (Hukok), in Northern Palestine. Y. Shebi. IX,
SOT, +: ארה
.geb :.moneD—.°83 חיקוקְאֶה, חָקיקאַח) חִיקוקְיָא, חקוקא, NVM, +. wenn. -
( הָקּוקַחm. ofH. Y. Pes. 1, 27° bot. 'יח phi; Bab. ib.3?
( יקחv. Rabb. D. 8, a. 1. note); a. 6. ְהחַירְכָית, v. mains. 2 a
, אריחTarg. Ps. LVI, 5, some
ג 8
60., v.הר" .
NON מז. ) (חרףdegde-prahs ,efink מ :
knife.—Pl. “pyn. Targ. Prov. XXX, 14 (ed. Lag. a.oth.
NAT, .+ xan. “pan; h. text .("תולכאמ =
diction of travel between two countries at war with each חיש, v.חאש ,
other. B. Bath.* 38 תעשב 'חat a time when commercial
esruocretni saw tuc .ffo 21." דמו...mM יהחהודה 8 mom or WM +). wim 1( thicket, inaccessible
and Galilee are generally to be considered as if in a place to be cleared by fire in order to be made arable,
state of interdiction (possession in one country is no vy. DAX.—D™P Mo (Mum) reed-thicket. Y.Sabb. VIL,10*
valid claim when the owner lived in the other); Y. ib. top 'כ ‘ma רואה תרצמחה תאhe who sets fire to a reed-
III, 14° top. thicket; [Y. Shebi.IV,35" bot. תשיאב ;Y. Ab. Zar. Ir,414
bot. ,תשאב cmp. WAX a. WN]. —Tosef. Shebi. 111, 19, v.
, ףורח ףּוריח.) ג51( blasphemy.—Pl.yresen, *n. msn 1. 1
Ex. R. s. 41, beg. Lev. R. s. 7; a. fr.
aon m. (38m) (astronomical) calculation. Sabb.7
NOM, חריch., pl. ,ןיפּוריח ירחsame. Targ. Snh, 10°. :
Y. Num. XVI, 27.
אָחּושיחf.=b. h. wan, sense, sensation. Targ.
, םורזח תגריזח+ Min גד( freedom, liberty, libertin- XX, 2 Ms a. Regia (ed. RMU, 8. NNW).
ism ; leisure. Mekh. B’shall. s. 1, v. MT. Gitt. 42* Rx"
תשיחthicket, v.חישה
'חלbecomes free (ib. 8% a. fr. ןירוח .( ןבErub. 54% (play
on Maan, Ex. XXXII,)" 16 ת"א תורח אלאread not haruth אפשיחIch, constr. M27, same. Targ. Mic, 1
(engraven) but heruth (liberty) on the tablets (you are Targ. "Jer. XXVI, 18 (h. text ™23).
,eerf fi uoy evresbo eht ;)wal .xE .R .s ,23 .geb ח' מן
המלכרותnoitarebil morf lacitilop ,noisserppo ח' ממלאך "אפשיח11 pr. n. Hishta, a canal in Babyle
תומהliberation from the angel of death (pestilence); Pes. 40° ed. (Ms. M. , אתשראemp. AWN).
a. fr.
nn Heth, the eighth letter of the Alphab /
, תוריחNEAT, ףריח ch. same. Targ. Lev. Peah VU, 20° bot., a. e., v. .א"ד Ley. R. 8. 19;a
,] אא.10 Targ. Is. LXI, 1; a. 6. Pl. yrrvn. Y. Ber. Il, 44 bot. Sabb. 103°.
אזרח אָזְריִח .) תג19( a thorny shrub used for ROUT, NEAT, +. אָסיח
hedges. B. Mets. 103 Ar. Var., v. SIDI.
היפהvy. Pan.
“ATM m., pl. "נהריה (ann) heated contest.
57" ‘(ref to Job V,2) אבחת “ ןושלjana in the con-
,‘ ןּופיחFAM)ףסח( .₪ )1 eut, incision, articult
.186 *25 'חםרדר "כוindications (in the embryo) of
tests of the tongue (prayer) thou shalt seek refuge (when
and feet. Y.Sabb. VII, 10°bot.—2) *(cmp. /
(condemning) verdict—Pl, , ןיִבזתרֶחAM. a.
NEN, 'ַבַר ח, .+ .tee (expl.1m, Ezek.IX,4)‘ ספספו Msentences ‘and verdi
* 8. V. :ןופיספ אטרתכ 'פבlike the letter 0,for ava
REL pr. n. pl. Hirayah, in Zebulun. Y. Meg. voting; Yalk. Hz. 349 only ‘OB; Ar. s, v. ספז
I, 70* bot. (rendition of 710818, Josh. XIX, 15; corresp. פספסן, ed. pr. MAF). (He ahi
ayern 4)
ch. same, 1)owl. Mull, 47 לואר the
the lobes of the lung. — 7. “pron,
חכו, ,AGM +.היפ
₪, comer, FOr (497) 0:2 --פסחדי
scratching with « potwherd, eruption. Tore. ¥. וו Dew
XXVIN, 77, +. דופרה
+. ריח
יקח (b. ₪ PL mg 1( (demom.
of Mar) >
insert a to fish with the angle, tofasten, . דtal»
, וend, 7 םא תיערל יבif it ₪ 5 edgar (vy. רקס( wits
whieh to fasten 5 dog (by inserting the hook Of 8 chain),
concluding benediction (‘Messed be thou, O Lord, opp. אלשYSrs one intended to prevent from
» &o,"), Ber. 12 'ב לכת ךליה רחא דוMe. .א (ed. only eating (a munsle); ¥. Bete, 11, end, 41° )₪ rend). hs
formula decides the appropriateness of Kain. 1° טיב 'כוPETS and that people be free tofeb
. Th, ןנילזא וא רחאדה 'בMe. .א (ed. (חטרתה oF do with the angle in the lake of Tiberias —<@) (b. bi.) fo fir
by the concluding חקווזאס
!-- 77. owen, Y. Her. in wail )+. Hos V1, %); to wail for, hope, be anxious for
bot, אחרaccording
to their conclusions; (with
( ל." הו07 ) Hab.) 11,5 דער ילwait for it (the
+. (םֶתיִה|+. Taan, 11, 49° bot, redemption); ib. Mgrs Ss אוהיו PETS TH we are 409%
bat He ie not (ref. to Ie. REX, 18) Poth. ₪4
~ 0
| m. OOF) marriage; wedding ceremony, only Yalk. .; לוק567 .5 ]> . ואLev. 6 Fors, ©. hE)
een, Pre. Num. ₪. «12 (ref. toCant.
IT, 11)
חיו וhT eht gnivign- o wiaanl
iS saw a gniddew neewteb( “OF, Pa. “3h ch. same. | .א Vincth,
p. 160° (ret.
and Israel), as we read (Bx. XIX, 10) &o., +. POETPT; to |. XXX, 16) \'כ ןידרהכ אדייצ רכוחמרlike the humer
אוש. Vayhi, p. 6°; Cant. R. to |, 6. םינתהכ (corr, ace.), that waite for prey; Yalk. Deut. #50.
(in 012816. dict.), v. "1. Ib. VIII, 12"; Gen. R. s. 82, end {
a rough object; to be rubbed, B. Kam. IV,6 77
(Hull. 1975 wma). Y. .פת , א28% top 'ח ( הסיִרכ לשnot וכי202 an ox that scratched himself ים 1
(ככריסהlike the venom of a h,; Ruth R. to II, 13. Y | Tosef. ib. IV, 6. B. Kam. 3° 'כו הָכְּכַחְסְנshe.(thex ד
Taan. IV,.69* top וילע ‘ הכרירכnm (read: (הכורכ a snake scratched herself against a wall for her gratificat
wound around him; (Lam. R. to 11, 2 אכירב אנכPi. (without intention to do injury) &c.—Naz, 59°, v.pate
הְכִינֶים.- Cant. R. to VII, 8 [read:] 'ח Smw ול רבח היהש a. fr, Settee]
a charmer who had two snakes. Pi, ךכיִח (v. FAN 11( to hawk; to deride, Gen. Ball 1
Targ. Prov. אט 8 Var. ed. Lag. (ed. Lag. a. oth.זבננא / i Ope On
oth. ed. אשוגיש;; h. text 4555). ; חכףch., 1/6. 72008 as preced, Hithpa, B. Kam.
See) gif. ch=h, Aon. Y. Sabb. VI, end, 84, y= מ. (preced.) 1) scab, sore; trnsf. tribulatio
witty Y. M, Kat. III, 814 top; (B. Mets, 59” 5x, Var
a" ‘an, רי שחm. (2M, emp. (אניכה bent, bowed down. 38).— Pl. 222m inflammations. Gen. R. 8. 19, beg. (v.
Targ. Ps. XXXV, 14; XXXVII,7 (Ar. 973; Ms. .(רָמַחַז however (ְתיִבָאְבַא —2) cough, catarrh. Y. Snh. X, 29
bot. . אוה הלחתבfirst He causes a cold to:ente
,ריכח ךּוכְח.)רַכִח( תג )1 tenant on a fixed rent
them; Aas 4 ed, Bub., R’eh 10 712°); Pesik. ‘Asser.97,
elbayap ni ,dnik 0 אֶרִיס11. .Y .661₪ ,I ,dne 46" ח' לשעה הקב'"ה חיtresni( (מכניס בהם
; .v .}A ,
a tenant for aא term,‘ םלועל ma permanent tenant
(on ground rent). B. Mets. 104% "35m; a. fr.— Pl. TSR, DOM (b.h.; v. 52m) 1) to be wise, toknow, Nida. 70
4on, mitten, nition .( )ןירְכוחY. Bicc.1.¢. תובא ora “ASH pan םדא חמ הטעיwhat must one do in order to b
hereditary tenants, Tosef. Peah Ill, 1. Ib. Ter. II, 11 wise ?—2) (denom. of n2m) to meet for deliberation. 4
ןירכוחed. Zuck. (Var. , תורוכח.( תוריכחY.M. Kat. III, 82" להןDeh לכשרחרוwhen they resurrect, we shall meet t
hot. "3m.— 2) the fixed annual rent in kind. B. Mets. discuss their case. “J
1x, 2 )103°( הכנמ ול ןמ וריְכַחTalm. ed. (Mish. 'נכַח( he Hif. 2°2m7 1) to grow wise, to become a scholar, ¥
deducts from the stipulated rent (in proportion), Ib. 4 Bath, 25> msar-w הצורה be who desires to 65
)105°( F772. ןתונ ךל wR( ליאוה Y. ed, FSM, Mish. scholar; ib. 175" (Ber, 63° pommw). Ab, 11,5... לכ א
( הרּוכְחas long as I give thee thy rent (Mish.: the rent מַחְכִּיםnot every one that has a large trade, "יי
for it). wise (experienced); a. fr.—2) to make wise, to stimula
a person’s mind by ingenious suggestions, questions &
כח אריch.=same.— Pl, ָחִכָיר 3. Mets. 68%, v. Hag. 14° 'כו דרמלת םיֶּכְחַמִהa student who enlightens ly
נִרְשְאָה teachers. B. Mets. 107" "mp Ta"arvoi and makes the si mp
wise.—3) to subtilize, philosophize. Bx. R.s. 6, beg. 4
חכירא, הזכיריא, +. ea על גזרתו וכיdezihposolihp no deirt( ot dnif tuo eht saer
)תּורוכְח( תּוריכח.1 (ררֶכָח.) )צ1 tenancy, tenure | = ons for) the Lord’s law. Tb. 'כו המ רתירהש םיִּכְדַמwhe
on rent in kind, Bice. L 11 ‘mi תוסירא רלעבlandlords of I philosophised and made myself believe.
properties held in tenure, on shares, or on fixed rent; or it was all vain boast 6. oy
tenants on 86.; expl. Y. ib, 64" either תובא “MA יריכח (vy. Hithpa.v2nnn, Nithpa.oznn: to become wise. Ber. 63
(חְכִיר, or בעלי אריסיות וחַכְירָיוּתton( (וחכורות,---2( -upits v. supra. B, Bath. 25° רשעתמ ‘DEM ךותמ יי
lated rent. Tosef. B. Mets. IX, 24 םינש “Mw לש 'חVar. becoming wise, he will get rich. Pesik. R.s.33 beg.
(ed. Zuck. only (ררוכה the rent for two years in adyance.— ' נתחbecame wise by his own speculation. “ct 1
חַלבְנָה1. ;.h.b( .pme ,m53 ,m53 צ. (הרלתריתgalbanum, הוהf. (b. h.;) ללח( 1 [rolled, rowndeal: eae.
a eum-resin used as an ingredient of frank-incense, smell- mibn.” Ukts, 111, 5 7m /m (Tosef. Messe) 28
sy hr 465 pon
(cOlledt, HOU), ae, + קירה Men. 11,6 Th רחש the two לכזה.2 Ge) hallowed ; pipe, channcl.— Pl,cryin,
loaves (Offered on the Peastof Weeks, Lev, א41/1,17(.-- ralו K'4ceh. Par.1; Valk, Lev. 606 the idole are
ה. Bath, V, 8; טאו ,111 11 יח שברhoney-combe; ₪. fr called Sry, ‘nf דש Owלעbecause they arebotlow—
2) (with ref, to Nom, XV, 20, 04.) Hallah, the pricet's share er, 60° 'ח יתMs. . ץ.5 oth. (od. םילָלְח( full of channels
of the dough. Badd,
11, 6,4. "rm, Mall. 1,1 To Pon | (bowele &e.).
are subject to the law of Hallah.—Ib.,7
Tm ריקש the
quantity to be set aside for the priest, Ib, > אלש nove הו חלוּם. או, +. CIF
תורטהMs, M. (v, Rabb. ₪. ₪. ₪. |. note) from
a from which the priest's share hae not yet םילח₪ . א.+ SF )11 dream, Ber. 65°; ₪.
תוטל.".1%; a 0%,--1%- 10"“resSoethegenine ofdrones —
(racers תוטולח that portion of the chapter Haroth, in
Wrakhoth, treating of dreame: Ber, 50°
to 67"; oftes
in Ar. ₪. oth.)
) 109”
—Sabb. m. (denom. of אַטירַלַח III) se 1
—Targ. Ps. XIX, 11 (Ms. xmx 3m, pl. , רמילחSa)
רוגא חלהתא ת א a t e e w s — , e g n a,rloP , n > 2 7 N A P )(חזלר. fo ,yrtsap .renoitcefnoc .B.Y .htaB ,I ,.geb 31), צ,איסְטָיב
Targ. Ps. CXIX, 103. Targ. Prov. IX, 17 (some ed. ,םילח Y. Hall. IL, 58* bot.; a.e.— Pl. . אָיְרְסיֶלַחY.Shebi. VIL, 37°
top .אירטלח atl |
corr. acc.) Ib. II, 16.—Ab. Zar. 38° הקללה as to sweet
ones, צי RIN.
FIMO, pes. 115% v. even 1 q
(b. h.; mom) 1) disease. Snh, 64° ON Targ. Is. X, 1 5
"5h, חוליm. ( חלילv. (חללto turn, bore, chisel.
mbna - . דומעת.. if this woman (I) shall rise from her
sickness. 19. mt>ind . . רוזחתש בטומI would rather re- Son m. (b. h.; dm, v. preced.) fife, flute; frequ.
lapse into my disease; a. fr.—B.Mets. 87° "FNS
יח הָלִחד הְחלִילthe flute-players, the music in the procession.
(missing in Mss., v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. 1 note) that he had Arakh, 11, 3 'כו 27 'חהthe fluters play in front of the
been sick once before.—Pl. םיִאְלַח 782M, nib, on on. altar. Ib. 10% Stax ונייה 'חwh halil and abbub are the
₪06.47%. Gen. R.s.56; a.fr.—2) (sub. (לע'בpatient, sufferer. same. Bicc. II, 3 םהרנפל "חה הכמthe fluters preced
Hull. 110°; a. fr. them playing. 8006. V, 1 'כו Hwan 'חה for musical pe
formance (on the Succoth festival) there are five an
אָיְלחm. )רלז( secretion, serum, Pes. 74% nbn
six days respectively; a. fr—Pl. n°"n, "2h. Arakl
אסררsti mures si .neddibrof ,bI[ "511 srab חלייה, +. I, 3. B. Mets. VI, 1 'כו א"בהל 'הto bring pipers for
חזלְרָא11.[ wedding or a funeral. Kinnim 111, 6; a. fr. 1
NON, v. ob. noon ch.same. Targ. Y. Deut. XVI, 14.—Pl. y>"bh
pon, חלm. (v. (ןוזפח one afflicted with an eye- Targ. Ps. Cl, 4 (h. text m5),
לחומpon, corr. ace.). Dem. .1 .6 לחרמו התושוand thus XIX, 8. Targ. Am. 11,7 אָלְחְאל ). Lag, (אספאל a.fr-—
he redeems, and he may drink (R. 8.); Tosef. ib, VIII, 7 Part. pass. 1. אָלַחְמv.supra. ae: Sk. He |
התושו דימ.108א--. 'מו77° (ref. to Lev. XXI, 15) m7 he Iitaf. rims, Sams, לחתֶא to be profaned, Ty
produces profanation (begets degraded priests),v.חלל11.- XXXVI, 23 (not Sry). Ib. VII, 24; a. fr.—Snh.51®"אכ
)3 to turn, change. Yalk. Ex. 392, v. supra. השתאNSE if she degraded herself now; אמירקו . המ
Pi. הלל1) to break a vow, to profane, to desecrate ; she was ‘degraded before this. a PRL Oey ee
wis thea:
to degrade. Deut. R. s. 2 (play on ,תלחה Deut. 111, 24) ו
חללIL - brn), Gidetls) Pa. לילה (ve prec
em לפח hast thou not broken the oath? (Sifré Num. 134
[to turn in a hollow space,] to wash, rinse. Targ. 11 01
niban, y. supra). Ab. II, 11 םישדקה לפחמה תאwho
IV, 6. Targ. Lev. I, 9 ; a. fr.— Hull. 113? אחבסט
"ב 533m"
treats profanely sacred things (causes them to ‘be car-
when they washed the meat in the slaughter hous 4
ried out and burnt). Ab. Zar. 28% 'כו הרלעjim you
Af. 2°78 same. Targ. Ruth III, 3.—Hull.9! op
may desecrate the Sabbath for the sake of curing it;
305 לרלחמ (or S"brva) Ar. (ed. (רווחמ he was ‘wash’
a. fr.—Esp. to cause the loss of the priestly status. Mace. on .
ing an animal’s head in the river, v. “If. ee
Sopra אינוdenn he (the priest marrying a divorced
woman) who causes the loss of priestly status (to his ללהm. (b. ba; 23M) cut all around, 6
issue) does not Jose the priestly status himself; ללחל אבה .neg .nials .toS 54 .fer( ot .tueD ,IXX 1) ולאחנוק
' |
ולא חיללeh ohw dednetni ot esuac eht ssol fo yltseirp slain but not strangled,‘ אלו רפרפמ 'כו M slain but 1 not
status (by false testimony) and did not succeed.—2) (v. gnillor ni gniyd .ynoga ,bI 4,XI ממקום שנעשה ח' מצוארו
Deut. XIV, 24, sq.) to redeem, to make available for private from the place where he has been cut, that means, (the
use. Maas. Sh. 1, 2; a. fr. measurement starts) from his throat, v. >2m 111. Y. Na .
Pa. חפל1). to be removed from the priestly status, VII, 56°(ref. to Num.א 1( א18, לכ אוהש'ח3‘ behalalmea
become a | bn. Kidd. 77° (ref. to Lev. XXI, 15 ‘he shall whoever is slain,'חב הז רבא 'כו 7 means asevere
not degrade’) !כו הזSEamn אל no degradation shall be וו without sufficient flesh, v. , לכחMif.-—Hull. a
caused— which can only refer to a person who had a a. e. (ref, to Num. XIX,) 16 "א ברח ירה אוה 'חכswe 4
status and now becomes degraded (i. e. his wife).—2) to (with which a person has been killed) has the same
be redeemed, to become secular again. Part. ללחימה f. levitical statusas a slain body. Koh. R. to VIII, 10;
. תֶלָלּוחְמDem.V,1, a. fr. 'חמו לע תועמה and it is aes .klaY ,sP ,808 .a .6 yalp( no מתחוללboJ ,VX 02) 'מת וח
by setting aside its value. Maas. Sh. 11, 10 וז 350... (the wicked man even in his life-time) is dead and 00-
ח' עליוton( על זר, .v .bbaR ).1.a.8.D siht aleS hcihw( yf headed; Tanh. Yithro 1 ללוחm2 (corr.ace.); ib. ed. Bub.;
been set apart as an equivalent for second tithes) shall be a. fr. — Pl. Dehn Sot. 45%; a. 6.
redeemed against the wine which the clean (sons of
mine) may drink in Jerusalem, i.e. I buy with this Sela 27 11 (b.h.; 55m) [put outside, halal, one usailfor:
only that portion of the wine which the clean may priesthood on 0 of his father’s illegitimate co
drink. Ib. 'כו לרה תועמ ולאה םיֶלָפּוחְמthat money (de- nection (Lev. XXI, 7; 14, sq.). Kidd, IV, 6. .אמ ae
dicated for purchasing equivalents in Jerusalem) shall a. fr.— Pl. םיִלָלִח ןרללמKidd. 77°, v. S379; a e—Fem
be redeemed against thy fruits; a. v. fr.—3) to be loosely mbbry the femaleissue of a priest's illegitimate connect on
joined, to be a movable link. Sabb. 59" ןילפהחְמב referr- or a priest's wife illegitimately married to him. Ib,
ing to movable links, (v. אלזה ו וPOs. ay ee Op מוזכרת,v. "21; a. fr.—Pl. .תוללח Ib., v. Apa; .א e
במִחופלותwhen the vessels can be rolled about, opp. תוצופא
SOM 111 .זמ (>=) 1) cavity, empty space, hollow w,
close together (v. >t").
throat; inside. Ukts. II, 8 moor תא ךעממyou sques
Hithpa. הסוזפל,Nithpa. לפזותב 1) [to be perforated,] its cavity (compress it); Y. "Yoma VIII, 44° bot. (1
(of bowels) to be loose. Esth. R. to I, 8 "22 --.ללחתרש Léw, Pf. p. 123). Ab. Zar. 28° 'ח הכמ לשan intern:
2) to be profaned, desecrated, 06070000. 1. Mace. 2°, sore (as in the mouth, throat &e.). ¥. ib. IL, 40"te
ץצ. supra. Yeb. 79% ‘55 לפחתה לאוrather than that the Y. Sabb. XIV, 14% top 'כו לכ אוהש ןמ 'חה םינפלוwh
name of the Lord be profaned in public; a. fr. ever is in the throat and farther inside may be cure
on the Sabbath, opp. to הפשה 72; cmp. Sot. 45”quo
ללחI ch. same, 1) to perforate, v. >7>m.— 2) to de-
s.v. >I. Hull. Ii, 1 if the heart is perforated
grade, profane. Part. pass. bar, 5 אָליִלִחTarg. 0. Lev.
>on up "to its chamber. Ber. 19% mp2 ‘nm a hollow spa
XXI, 14.—3) (denom. of אָפזח( to be profaned. Targ. Ez.
of one hand-breadth. Hull. 44>, Pes. 54% mer the /0
XXII, 26 Mem. mation of its interior; a. fr—PI. ם"ָלְלִח Ber. 60°, v. ISM.
Pa, הזמרל1) to desecrate, profane, degrade. arg. Prov. 2) (emp. (ת"ללחלהה intricacy, devices. Sabb. 119 לש
XXX, 9; a.e.—Part. pass. ,לַלחְמ .+ , אָלְלַחְמ. אָלִחְמTarg. רשותthe devices of political ו 4
O. Lev. XXI, 7 (ed. Berl. ,אלחמ Regia (אלחמ —Y. Kil-
TX, 39" top, 8.6. {24 ean אמלרד did we perhaps des- הָלְלַח אָלְלַחch. “same, 1) space,
ecrate the Sabbath? Bar, 6% “bbrva Ms. (ed. 772"); Targ. "Y. Lev.אא 42.—Y. Kil. IX, 32° bot
. 6.—2) to redeem. B. Mets. 44” ןֶניִלְלַחִמ אעבט אריפא אל XII," 85 ןובהה 'חבput them into a cavern. A
we dare not redeem coins with goods. ו 'ח יבד אראוצ ofa ‘garment. Y
Af. S78, >°m8 same, to desecrate. Targ. 0- Lev. עביר עינא כחללהton( (כוזל לה
חללת 174 חלס
inner (for treatment
on the Babbath, +. preeed.j— Ter. X, 47° bot, ןיטלח ( ןבולבread: ,ךיסלחב +, Tosal. to
2) pl. "bon, in אטלקר 'חthe ml treasures of ull. 66", 5 vy, (אוחו ,,+ .( ןיבְלְחAr. reads (.ךיטלח
the wor, "ו 07"; B. Mets. 49° (udder, corr, ace, ¥.
ftabb, D. 8. a, L note 6).—%) seereta, Sabb. 77" if they igen ch. mame. Targ. Job Vi, 6 od. Wil. (y,
ae) teers - all the seeret processesof
al תימלח f. (>. bt v. preced. wde,) muci-
"הלהf., .¥ לָלְמI, 8 preced, w, . lagtious' juice of mallows, whed’ forthe preservation «of
gourd seed. Kil 1,4 (¥, od. a Ar. "תי...., Mish.a. Babdii
DMT ₪ h.; omp,( בלח( to be soft, motel, viscous, od, F460)
to have good humors, tobewell. Part. pass, story, ¢,
wine, opp. to MB"; well, opp. to Mn. Tosef. Ter. I,8 |
, ןימלחv. toons.
'ת.. .. |) םרטקפone ie at times insane, at times sane; שימַָחpr. .= Hallamish (Rock), © place near
Tt, Hash, 26° oor: (Ch. form).—Y. Gite, VIL, beg. 48° — Naveh (v.33 111(and inhabited by hostile gentiles. Lev.
Pos, 78" —Fem, myn, Y. Yeb, XIV, beg. 14°, RK, «, 28; Cant. BR, to 11, 2; Lam. ₪4. to I, 17,
= חלob. same,
to join closely, Kidd, 25° תיתוופש 'חרprot
וחלמית+. חלמהresin, .+ peste.
> יי להל כ ones © eee Roem Mp Ngafirmly. » חלנונא+. maton.
| “DSM )(b. he; + preced, wis.) (to gather humors, « ףלח.n.; emp. ,[ םלח( בלהto be emooth, glistening:
tosleep well (omp. 723).—Denom. םילח (cmp. evr noc, sharp-edged,) 1) tocut. Denom. 27m,( 1--.( םלרחemp
dream; from which [םַלה to dream. Ber, 55" = )13 fopass by, begone. Nam. It.s.10 (ref. to Sn, Prow
םולח יִתְסַלְח1 had a dream. 1b, םולח 'חש ול וריבח a dream XXXI,) 8 ‘ ךלחו 'כוro of him who passed away and
which his neighbor had about him. Tosef. Sabb, VI went &e.—3) tochange, exchange. Y. Wer. 11,5 top Se:
(VU), 7 ESPN OYE. יורש that you say hove א TS‘ אתtel su egnahc ruo .ecalp-gniteem 1.
6 e
| צ) לחלום. .de לרלם, ).iP det focgenigp
provision in her trust), 15.6 לקלקתשה
‘ תאn> to replace
som חָלִים₪. ₪36 Targ. Gen. XXXVII,5. Ib. what has been spoiled; a. fr.
fr. Pa. חפsame. Yalk. Gen. 148 יִפָלִדְכ *> who will re-
Pe Si to consult an interpreter of dreams ox a ay ah TEs). Dem. 111, 5, +. supra; a. 6.
dreamer, Targ. Jer. XXIX, 8, +. אָטְלִח Hif, הסלס1) toexchange, barter. B. Mets. VIII, 4
on ₪ל | orien if one exchanges a cow for anass.—Dem.
Le. הדושח
, v.supra; 11611.6" תָפַלַחְְנ To; a fr—
2) to drive young shoots, to grow again.. Erab. 100";a.
@.,V.533. Pesik. R.s.11 'כו S7Strs, v. 2
page gaadyeahalba to reverse. Erub. 9* En אלש דבלבוprovided they do
not change carriers. Sabb. 8°; a, fr —Erab. 99* אל םלוכל
Pim it is not necessary to reverse (the authorities;
Bets.3", 8.6. ,ךופרת +. FER).—Part.
pass. SSRs, £ PEST.
Ib. ?חטרשה 'זכthe statement must be reversed (the author-
ities for the two opinions
must be exchanged); Bets. 3*.—
4) to be ambiguous, to equivocate. Snob. 92"; a. 6. לכ
' המחלקס וכeh ohw setacoviuqe ni sih ,hceeps si ekil na
| לKel. א4,1 (Ar.a.ed. Dehrenb. (הטלח; Nif. נוזלס,Hithpa. s2-rn, Nithpa. סב 1) tobeex-
changed, mixed up. Y. Pes. Vi, 33° bot. וכרה PRS הבד
2osef. ib,B.Mets,
I,4,sq. | םַפְחְתיִל ( )םלחלa thing which is not likely to be ><-
changed(by mistake); ib.;םיִלְחְתִהְל ib.“ top. Ab Zar.17°
/זרזדדלזר+te jevca) 46 ear; cmp. |
Sr “Sabb. 91° bot, 'ח םוקthe place where the bag ) לרוכיsniw . . . DSM yenom tes edisa rof miruP saw
sjoined(which the thief might rip to take possession mixedup with money Se. Nidd.
52* 'כו ךלmeiors
thou ממה a mistake between.Jj0} and opeb; B.
16* .םלחתנו Ib. דל אל 'נI make no mistake; 8.6.--
= 2) fo change (im appearance). Pesik. BR. s. 29%)--30--30(
aging Sm, 1984 s. +. xmobn), prob. mallows. בערהjo omens: you have changed (beyond recognition)
1 ל :"$0 צבBer. VI,10° bot. הטילח (read: ('לדה> | through starvation; 'כו Scr םכל שדyou will change
ose! Kil. 111, 12 reser ed. Zack. (Var. .(תימלח | through plenty. Yalk. Gen. 133 םלְחתִכ שש דנאOPK
חלו ו .borp( (לארזהtahw eman I yam eb deredro ot emussa
bn (4 1 0 ל fen op in tarn.—%) to be succeeded,
reliered, transferred. Lev.
40% Hull.
64*(corr. asinAb. Zar. Lc). Y. | 5. 5. 98, end למה 'התכthe king has been succeeded
חלס 472 חלץ
(displaced; Num. R.s.9,beg. 'כו .( תמYalk. Deut. 818 ןו"כ אחפלחorNADA f. (v. NEBII) a species -
שכ' וכזnehw eht ronrevog saw dellacer dna rehtona .c& willow, corresp. toh. rege. Suce. 34% ד אתברע 'כוwhat ;
Num. R. s. 5, beg. 'כו םלְחְתְהל הדובעמto be transferred formerly was called 2. is now named drabta and vice
from one service to another. Y. Taan. 11, beg. 65% ויה versa ;(Rashi reads , אפללוMs. M. corrupt vers., v. Rabb,
מִחְחְלְפין עלרהkoot snrut ni gnidraug .ti D.S. a. 1. note; Sabb. 36% הפצפצ 'כוmay). ו
ףלח8 ףילחch. same, to pass by, be gone. Targ. yon (b. h., v. Ges. 11. Dict.10 s. v. ץלח I, 11( 1) to
Cant. 11, 11. Targ. Job IX, 11. 10. 26; 4.6. surr ound, fortify; to gird, arm. Yalk.Gen. 133 (fr. Midr.
Pa. 57m 1) to pass repeatedly, promenade. Kidd. 12” Vayisu) םמצע ףצלחthey armed themselves, v. Pi.a. Hif— __
' ח' אבבא וכtnew pu dna nwod ni tnorf fo eht esuoh fo 2) to wntie, loosen, tear out; to strip, lay bare. M. Kat.22”
his father-in-law (to attract the attention of his mother- 72m one bares the shoulder (in mourning). Ib, IV,7 (24>) =
in-law).—2) to exchange. Targ. O. Lev. XXVII, 10; a.e. חולְצין. B. Mets. 59° ררלעכמ 'חוand took his shoes off.
—Hull. 6" איעבמ “Edm so much the more may she be Y.M. Kat, 111, 82> צלח he takes them (the T’fillin) off; —
suspected of exchanging (substituting something of her Ber. 23; Y.ib. I1,4°—Pes. 4°; M.Kat. 90% רלענמ >" | ץולח
own). Meg. 7" 'כו ( רָפָלַחַמv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note 8; take my shoes off. Hull. 0" "חופתל ixbin he takes the
some ed, 2 Ithpa.) ‘used to exchange their meals (on sinew out and puts it on the pile 80. Neg. VI,10
Purim).— Part. pass. 1. .אָפְלַחְמ Y. Peah IV, 18" bot., בזמך שהוא חולץnehw eh sah ot raet tuo a( suorpel שי
a. 6. היתטיש Ma, .צץ preced. Hif,. v. נסץ.--צ. Ab. Zar. 11, end, 42%; Tosef. ib. IV (V),8
Af. 5*>ns same. Targ. 0. 1. 6; a. 6. שיהו חולְצִין את גלעיניהןni redro ot nesool eht senotseB
Tthpa. אתחפף, bmx, Ithpe. pons to be exchanged; the olives); a. fr.—Part. pass. pin, 1. הצלחה pl. ,םיצולח =
to change; to disappear. Targ. Ps. XO, 5; a. fr.— Gen. 1. .תוצולח Y. Sot. I,beg. 16° 'ח הרתועורזוher arms bared.—
R. s. 78, beg. PEM change their names, Hull. 1. 6. Sabb. 137%, a, 6. המח ipxdh the fever left him.—Esp. to =
syd apsbrends Rashi (ed. ("פולחל and do we not ap- perform the ceremony of taking off the Yabam’s shoe (v.
prehend an exchange ?—Meg.1.c., v. supra,—B. Mets. 59), oa"); המברב 'זדto arrange the 1101/0800, to act asjudge; |
v. Ton 1. - הד לot evah eht eohs nekat ffo rof gnisufer eht -ivel
ratical marriage; הוב זרto take the shoe off. Yeb. 102° |
ףלחI m. (preced, wds.) 1) shoot. — Fi. ְחַלָפִים constr. 3) 'חש םולכ תיארdid you ever see him act as a judge =
רַפְלִח."5 Bets.3; 160.81"; Zeb. 72° 'ח ןידרתthe young at a Halitsah? 10. IV, 1 'כו ץלוחה ותמברלif one gave
shoots of beet growing out of the root; Orl, 11,7 Ms. M. hélitsah to his sister-in-law, and it was found out after-
(ed. mipbin; Y. ed.;תופְליַח( Tosef. Ter.V,10 תופילחed. wards 80. Ib. 111, 1 תומביתמ תוצלוח אלוthey must be —
.kcuZ .raV(. (חילפות,stkU 4,1 חלְפוּת. .V חַלִיפָה חלרפרן.-- released by Adil., but must not be married by the yabam.
2( ,hsur .v חַלֶם Ib. XII, 1 לענמב הָצְלִחif she performed the ceremony
720 II m. (préced. wds.) reversion. Y. Sabb, VII, 9° with a leather shoe. Ib. 102* לככמב ןיצְלוחyou may have —
' או חsi ton spahrep eht esrever eht ?esac the ceremony performed with &c. Tb.) לדנס mxbr אמש
' לאחד וכspahrep ehs sah demrofrep eht ynomerec f~ o
ףלחpr. n. pl. (b. h.) 1766], a place in Naftali. Y. hal. on one of the brothers. Tb. 'כו תֶצְלוחְה ןמif one per- |
Meg.1,70* bot. (ref. to Josh. XIX,) 33 םלחמ 'חme-Helef formed the ceremony on an adult... Ib. (ref. to Hos.V,6)|
is (the present) H. Y. Erub. 11, 20* top ™ 'ח NA... ™ ' מר כתיב ח' להם ח' מחם וכsi ti ,nettirw eH dah sih eohs
'כוR. Jerem. taught at H. &c. taken off by them (the Lord being the rejecting party)?
It is written, He took their shoe off &., v. next W.; a.
Aon II, ףלוח m, st. constr. ()ףלה in place of, %%- v. fr.—msibn a woman released from leviratical mar
stead. Targ. Ex. XXI, 24; a. fr.—Sabb, 129% 'ח אשפנ riage by hdlitsah. Tb, VII, 1. Tb. TV, 12 יתָצלַח his re-4
נפעואlife for life (meat is required after bloodletting), jected sister-in-law; a. fr. ,
סומקא ח' סומקאder )eniw( rof der —.)doolb( .lP ,m55" Nif. ץֶלְחְב to be peeled off. Y. Sabb, אא דיbot.ורוכו
with suffix ane in his place, Targ. Prov. XI, 8 Ms. (ed. ' כand his skin will peel itself off. 1
תחותוהי, ed. Lag. both words).—N770 55h f. (an adapt- Pi. ym 1) to extract, loosen, to deliver.— 2) to gird,
ation of xAebdpa) [change.of order,] clepsydra, a water strengthen. Yeb. 102” (in a discussion about the mean-
clock used in courts of justice for measuring the time ing of ,הצלחו Deut. XXV, 9) לגע םיתכהו ץלחְיbutde
given for argument. Gen.R.s.49 (not (הדרס ;Yalk. ib, 83. we not read (Job XXXVI, 15), He girds the poor? An SW.
' מדינח וכrbxi tI ,snaem eH lliw reviled mih morf ht
pon, Vv.חל . judgment ₪0. Ib. (after ref. to yom, Is. 1/7111, 11) the
חלפותro (חלפרת+. חלס1 root ץלח means both (girding and loosening), but he :
(Deut. 1. c.), if it meant tying on, it would read | רצלח
,MOD“ +. חול נעלו ברגלוehs llahs eit sih eohs no sih .toof ו₪
חלוק.--96מ. 11.8.8 להוציאך ח' אר אפשר1 tonnac ssimsid חזריה דחליש ליח עלמא.klaY( .eiM ...955 דחלטש (חזא
you withoutan answer; a. e.—Fem. -הָקְלַח Kel. XXIV,7 saw that his world (life) was passing \ 6 ו
וחדanda plain board (without a receptacle). 21100.11,5 ing rapidly).—3) to be smooth and fine. ees
Succ. 51" הנושארב ‘ התירהmM formerly the compartment דח' פומרהa efink esohwegde si yrev .enif)4*— / 2
was plain (without a guarded balcony), v. הָרְצוצְּב Pi. undress. Gen. R. s, 22 win רמא ןידAr, ed. K0
הלקת. Tosef. Ohol. XV, 1.—*2) division. Kerith.7°, a. fr. a. Yalk.ib. 38 (ץולח the one (Abel) said, Takethy ¢
חי4S, v. FN 1 [prob. to be read: ,קפה divide!] off. Ib. 8. 75 אריפרופ 'חAr. (ed. (חלט he tokof
purple cloak. ona
pon m. (b..h.; preced. wads.) [smooth stone used for
Pa. טרפז 1) to weaken, reduce. Targ. Job XI 21:
casting lots, v. I Sam. XVII, 40 “pb; emp. ,לרוג אזווג
(ed. ולח bre Af).—2) to9000 ish, for
emp. Is. XXXIV, 17; Ps. XXII, 19] lot, share, portion. (armour). Ab. Zar. 16* *כו "SPs םוטמ (Ms. ₪
Svh. א (XD, 1 בח'רכל ידa share in the world to come. v. infra) because they forge of them their polished
Sabb. 118" -2 "p> אחר Oh, that my lot fell among ₪6. Af. S358 1) to weaken, v. supra.—2) to cut
זו. Kat. 18" םע "pdm ;אחר a. fr—Sifré Deut. 312 “> ונה sharp and smoothedge, opp. to עזב to tear with a 1 ni
"pom give me my estate (my title) back, v. "22. — Pl.
knife. Hull. 17° (Rashi quoting Ab. Zar. 1. 6. “bun,
חלקיםB. Mets. I. 1 'ח השלשthree portions (fourths). Keth.77° רדוד רלשחappears to have read (לישחמ --*3(
Sabb. 34> לרמ “pom השלש three parts of a mile, expl. strip. Targ. Y. 11 Lev. I, 6.(0. a. Y. 1 Mw). Targ.
three fourths; ללמ "ב 'חtwo thirds; a. fr. II Num. XX, 26 שילחתו (some ed. .(חילשתו | יל
pon or pom, a fictitious name, v. PM.
won m, (v. 85m, emp. (קָלֶח lot, ballot. Pesik.
pon ות. ch. (b. h. OPM, v. PSM) 706, field. Targ. Y.
p. 22° (ref. to ,שלחרו Ex. XIII, 13) 'כו 'חב הקל
ווAt ‘XLIX, 21 (Var. (אלקמ- 1.constr. "P>m. Targ. was smitten by ballot (v. (טלח Ib, וארקנ תומש Md:
1 Chr. VIII, 8 Var. (ed. “Spr. ' לגורל ח' ובeht tol sah ruof ,seman ,hseléH rip &
Yalk. Ex. 265.— Pl. pwn, pwn. Ib. (quotation) *
Npon, דילי1 (preced.) 1) same, 706, field. Targ. ;יטילו ח' על המנות.bbaS ,IIXX 2 )841( ' וכ7
Ay “XXII, 10.-- Nnpon. Targ. Mic. 11, 4 jinnp>n lots may be cast for shares of sacred meat ₪0. Ib.1
(Var. ynnpin, ed. Lag. [ןיחתלקח h, text 2°72).—2) share, ' מאר משמע דהאר ח' וכtahw ecnedive si ereht taht
a a helka, a market term for a certain portion of shim means lot? (Answ. ref. to Is, XIV, 12).
meat; cmp. NTN. Bets, 9%.
won or won reed, v. טליה
NPIM, v. .קלוח
won m. (b.h.; 8%) weak. ₪800.77" 'כו תמרא 'ח
Npon m. (emp. (קנלֶח [shirt,) husk.—Pl. x=p>m. M. fear with which the weak inspires the strong person.
Kat. % ףהייקלח ( לקשדRashi (לרקשד its husks are taken Ex. R. s. 24; Sifré Deut. 309; a. e. — Pl. ween,
off; (Ms. M. sph רנד he made its parts even, divided Ex. R. 6
the grain into two); v. אָקָליִח .ה
wn, won, אשלח ch, same, v. wrbn. ‘arg
חלקוסתא, +. RABIES. Deut. XXVIII, 44. Targ. I Sam, IX, 21.—Pl. כ
Targ. Ex. XXXII, 18.
( | היקלחb. h.) pr. . מm. Hilkiya, Hilkiah, 1) the
high sical in the reign of Josiah. Meg. 14" ;Yalk. Josh. 9;
a. e—2) father of Jeremiah the prophet. Num. R. s. 8
תוש, לזהאתווט לזה1 (preced.) weakness, Jaz
.graT I sgniK ,IIX .01 .graT .hoK א, 71; 6.6.
end. Snh. 95% a, fr.—3) name of several Amoraim. +. +2
B. Bath. III, 14*; Bab. ib. 39°.—Y. Shek. I, 46; a.e. (v. הלפא+. .h=.hc נְחַפָּה.pse eht 8 מ6
Fr. M’bo p. 85*).—Kidd. 33°.—Yeb. 9*.—B. Mets. 96; a.e. Num. XV, 20.—Erub. 88% רתירא 'ח ירש וחילעheb
לפא+ חַלְקא the priest’s portion in addition to it.
( ולחb. h.) 1) to relax, be weak, prostrated (emp. neon f. ,)ללה emp. "תל1(a loose wie
mn)א wbn.—2) [to round, smoothen, denom.חלש eamaking bee-hives, strainers, for wine presses,se
smooth stone; (emp. P>m) ballot ;fr. which [שלח to cast &e. Snh. 107* 'ח רתותbehind a screen (Rashi: b ied
a lot; to assign. Pesik. Zakh., p. 22* expl. ,שפחלו (Ex. Yalk. Sam, 148 .(אתלרכ Ib. 'חל הקתפit (thearrow iN
XVII, 13) תולרוג ליפה ןהילע% (Joshua) cast lots over an opening in the screen.
8800. 35° לרוכ =n ת
them (for their destruction). Arakh. IX, 4 (31%) אהרש basket containing two khor. Ib. 74" 7 733 מ '
הכשלל. . ( שלוחlish. ed. הכשלב( that he might assign who makes a wicker-work on the Sabbath (go
his redeeming money to the Temple fund (deposit it - the whole process of cutting reeds &e.).—.
there, to assert his privilege of redemption). חַלָחָא. Ab. Zar. 759'כו אתלה רלוקידM. (ed.
Ar. incorr. יקרדד ( 'הthe palm or reed strainers
won, part. oon ch. same, 1) to be weak, get sick. are twined with ‘Topes of ere” “
Targ. 18.11, 9. Targ. Lam.V, 17;a. e.—Pes.50*;B. Bath. 10”,
y, 733.-R, Hash, 17; a. fr—Yoma 18° הרתעד nwo he
on 475 קוה
ib. 676 (read): PUGH .דמ ,ל Babod. 5.4 ותאש
,םח. pert, ofהשס וכ'יTST that you may desire bie daughter for your son; \'ד
) ד1 pen. Ham, thesonofNoah. 0.60" ברבורexpressing a deeise by words (without thinking of
דר לדרג ו.11 was the elder of Japheth by one year he. means to obtain the object of his desire). (1b. «4. W eine,
"106 תקל ורוקבTH. was punished on his ekin (was Ter) ופוס א הואתתif one desires (what belongs to bie
ade black); Gen. It. ₪ 36 ores אצי 'חH, came out neighbor), he will Goally covet it (think of means to
the ark) blackened;
₪ 6. obtain it). lb, 'כי SO 'ח םאif he covets, be will finally
ase force and rob. B. Meta, 6” דש אלרwd, v. 10d, 0. fr
m. (b.hy S31) warm, hot, boiling. Pes, 76%, Part, past, wor, = הרושר desirable, precious. 4%. \
j A.fr.—Nidd. 49° BF ורשבhis membrum excited — 5. 36 ראכוTH precious sad fine (of conduct) —tHabb, 5
Seer, et (ub. םימ( Aol water, Rabb." 194 ושדוחשTh זיה
e ,ג+ )SM (4)-- )te( of ecudorp gnillevirhs
Phot weler which was made hotontheSabbath j «.
fr— by heat, Bab. VII, 2 (52") Ar. (ret. to Dan. ,א 3; Var
Sgr the hot epringsof Tiberias, in gen. natural (חטר.
walter, opp. to רואה רכהwater heated by fire, Hull.#* .]) רדשְיב או1 fo be desired, devirable. 1 Vayera5
Nog. 1X, 1 ,דס . אfr.— Fem, mgr, Makhel
1/1, 5 דהPe 'כוE> Teh; חתאש that thou art beld desirable
ot bread, the Lord; a.e—{2) lobe shrivelled. Wall. 11,3 Ar, Var.
ITIL (b, + Ges. H. Diot.'# «.v.) fathersin-law, “ots, +. supra.)
Pi, רtoצcove.
היMace. 111, 15 7S חואתמ . . ושפנש.
# father, wife's father. Yeb.XV,7
"3 my bur
ו father. Ib. 1, 1 5ty his (the yabam's) father-in- FISTS which man longs for and covets.
ww. Pes. 87* MGT תיבב mds a bride in the house of Hithpa, "gern, Nithpa. Te-73 (with >) tobe anxious
t father in-law (after being conducted tothe husband's for; to be pleased
with. Tank. Mishp. 17 TTS ץרא
ן v. fr. Fem. Pest q. א ' לח וכ₪ dnal hcihw lla eht taerg nem erew suoixna ot
possess (Yalk. Jer. 271 *TS7S). Koh. ₪4. to IX, 7 ךאריב
I ch, sane. Targ. Gen, XXXVIIL,
18 FMS לךTET thy Creator ispleased with thee, mers ורות
ae Targ. 0. ib. 25 .אָחּוְח Targ. => His law is ke.
מ א,111 2 HSF .de .lreB .htoe
( p teV ed i
Ber, J, 24 bot. ver. B. Mets.74" most "בin the TST, המידch. same. Targ.
15. 1, 29; .א fr.—Part.
of his daughter's father-in-law. Kidd. 12"; Yeb.52" ₪. XPS (erst). Targ. 1. Gen. IV, 1.
his father-in-law, Ib. 117" rom her father-in-law ; Pa, Sts, דער same, to long. Targ. 0. Gen. XXXI1, 4
(¥. MEFPS TSS) —Nidd. 66* bot. אָרשְְב v. WoT.
Ithpa, Tee, Ithpe. 77% same —Targ. ¥.Gen.Lo—
711 pr. o.m. Hama, name of several Amoraim. Ib. XXVIII, 10—Y. Taan. 111, 66%top "כו Tors being
. Nidd. 111, 50° bot. R. H., father of R.Hoshaya.—Y. desirous to hear ber talk. 1. Sabb. V1,e* bot. PISS ודה
i VIL, 21" top; +. Shek. V, 49* bot.; a.e. (v. Pr. וכביwere anxious to see &c. Koh. BR. to 1%, 10; = >.
Poo, p.85").—Ib. 49"; ¥. Sabb. VI, 8°; B.Mets.86”, a.
R. H. bar Hiinina—B, Kam. 99°; .צץKidd. It,64°, המאm. (preced.) (sexual) appetite. Sabb. 152°
fe. ‘R. H.bar Gurya.—Y¥. Brub, Vil, 28°; Bab. ib.65°
ot. Ms, M. (ed. ,אכילה v. Rabb. D. 8.a.1.note) R. H. f. (b. h.; preced.wds.) 1) mame. Sabb. 152"
Kil.VIL,81°top,a.fr. R. H. barUkba. Pr Koh. XII, 5) T ד that means the sexual
שוtosee, v. “ot. appetite; (Koh. R.tol.c. Myx>)—2) desirability, desirable
object, precious gift. Tanh. Sh’moth 29, a. 6. אדדש רבד
myn, anger. Dan, 111,18; 19. Ti ךותמ T something which is the most desirable of all
desirable things. Y. Taan. 11, beg. 65* דד “ דחא לשSs the
NSM m. (cor; emp. 37) radish. Ad. Zar. 28”bot. only precious vessel
(the Torah) left to us. Sabb. 58"
> 'ח Ms. M. 4. Ar. (ed. 3m) radishes are good for mics T Ms. M. (ed. 71S") a reserved treasure (the
. Pes, 116* Si T NOM אפק against the injurious Law);
a. fr.
1 | יי ולווה
reer to Prov. XXX, 33) הרות ‘ לשTh the NOTION, “TOM .מ--.ג הכהTarg Zech. Vil, 14;
of the Law (sound knowledge). B. Mets. 86" רכשב Targ. Jer. iil, 19. V. aT.
‘as a reward for the offer of cream and milk (Gen. _
IM, 8). = המח tosee, +. “or
NIST ch. same. Targ. Prov. XXX, 33, +. NTN. חמה, חי, )1.5.;rםoכ)זTה
S (1 ,taeA .regna םה.28"
בדשמ 'ח ךב יכוhe is an allayer of (divine) anger, the son
:)5. h.j emp. Sem) 1) [to be hot.) to desire, covet; | of 6 ל ו ווק וere be 0 eae
ב excited. Nidd. 20° vets: (or ‘st Pi) | at her. Lam. B to 1, 6 sm לש Sst the anger of the
a desire for his embrace. Midr. Till.to Ps.XIX, 11 Lord; a. fr—2) Hemah, allegorical
name of one of the
: = “2 which (of the two) holds them desirable ; Yalk. angels Ofjaitice. Ex. R. s. 41, end; a. 6, v. SS IL
nan 476 man
חמה+ ₪. ג.; (חמם1) .nus .reB 95" ח' בתקופתה TIMm,,THOM + Cran (ד heavy, weighty, import-
the sun starting on his new cycle (of twenty eight years). ant; strict, severe, stringent, restrictive. Kel. I, 4 ‘7
Num. R. .8 14 ” םישדח 'חל2 the twelve solar months. םלוכבש 'בוthe most stringent of all are the laws con-
Ned. 111, 7 Mm ראור those seeing (or feeling) the sun; gninrec %680106.--'ארסור ח, .v .hnS—.N"OA“ 05* 'שריפה ח
'חהש 'כו. . . אלש ןיוכתנfor he meant him whom the sun 'כוdeath by burning is a severer punishment than 6.
sees; a.v.fr.—Yeb. VIII, 4, a. fr. סירס 'ח a eunuch from Ib. IX, 4, a, .6 ךודרנ "חבhe suffers the severer penalty
the time of seeing the sun, i. e. born without visible of the two. Ab. II, 1 הרומהבכas in the observance of
testicles; opp. to( םדא 2--. סירסfever. Sabb. 137%, a. >. a difficult commandment (requiring self-denial); a. fr.—_
צץy>m. . צץSabb. XIX, end, 17”, v. HN. Gen. R. s. 19, Pi, , םיִרּזמְח, ןירומַח.1 . תורּומחHull. XI, 5; a.fr—Y. Snh.
a. 0. Vv. MININ. Y.Sabb. Lend, 4) (prov.) המח ּהָתָּמִח Mp X, 98" top לש 'כו nish (notור 'רמוח( sins
הדצב% bread has its heat by its side, i. e. eating hot that Jeroboam committed.תּורּומָח --- , ישרודv. sain I.
bread causes fever; a.fr.—3) radish. Ab. Zar. 28° bot., v. pean , םילקv. win 1.
nan.—V. man. rian, v. Won.
אדּומח ch.=h. oan. Targ. Jud. V, 30 (ed: Lag, אָפְרומחf. (72m) a drove of asses. Gen. R. s. 75,
חַמוּדַה. Vv.ְמִלְחָא
חְמודָא.m )— (חמד.suotevoc 91. חְמודְיָא חמודרןTarg. nian f. (b. h.; v. םֶח 111( mother-in-law. Yeb. 1, 1
Y. Ex. XX, 14; Deut. V, 18 (ed. Amst. 72m). inion the yabam’s wife's mother, Ib. XVI, 1 הל החיה
‘25M if the childless widow had a mother-in-law abroad -
, הדומה.+ ven, ayerא . NTN. (who may have given birth to a son), she need not take |
it into consideration (and may marry again); a. fr. q
חמוה, המוה, חמוחי68, +. wom .1
אפומח ch. same. Targ. Deut. XXVII, 98; a. e.;
חְמוּמלְיָא+. eben. v. Non. = .
טמחI (emp. yam) 1) to be dark.—Denom. RUBIN. =
חמולות, + חַמַילָה.
)2 to be bitter, salty, v.חוּמטון .
, םומזר.+ oyna. Don. Ithpe. מחר to be inflamed, become pestered. Sabb. 54”
Ar., . לnext w.
םומחm., הדממה .£ (cam) heated, rash.— Pl.
. תומזמח.¥ Suh. VI, 23° bot. ורה ולדי 'ח his hands were aan II (emp. wan) to knock down.— Part. pass
wan, van prostrated, kneeling, (as verb) to kneel. Targ,
heated, i. e. he was very severe in executing judgment.
Is, XLVI, 1. Targ. Ps. XCV, 6 vin: (some ed. ט"מֶחנ
חמוץ, NAVAN, .+ “an. Targ. Y. Deut. XXVIII,35 אתררבע. . . ( ןותטרמַחsome ed.
vam incorr.; not (אתדיבע ; cmp. Targ. Job IV, 4 juan,
PAM m. (b.b.; ,קמח emp. (קבח rundle.—Pl, .םיקומח [Koh. R. to IV, 9, end ,תטמח some ed., read: my725.]
Yalk. Ex. 370 ™.... תודד רתש two handles (pins) of Pa. an to prostrate, subdue. Targ. Ps. XVII, 13.
the shape of two rundles, v. 7/777. Ib. XVIII, 40 Reg. (ed. .(אתרבח
Af. =n same. Ib. LXXVIII, 31.
רומח6 (b. hy; v. VON 11 a. WG 1( 1) {load-carrier, Ithpe. wan"x to knock against, be battered. Sabb. 54'
.pmc ].5nb .ssa א. 413, .v גָרֶם. .bbaS %251 'דעל ח' וכ אליתייהוjean דלאMs, M. (ed. incorr.) that their 5
eh ohw sedir na ssa si a .nameerf .B .htaB %341 'את וח may not knock against (the rocks &., Rashi; Ar.:
thou and the ass (shall own my property, a form of do- not ulcerate’; v. Syr. אטמח pustula, uleus, P. Sm. 1803
nation implying a rational and an irrational being),—Bekh. v. preced.).
I, 2 'ה הדליש 'כוif an ass gave birth to 80. Snh. 33°
חממהv.חמישה .
'כוFan הכלה thy ass is gone, Tarfon! (I shall have to
make compensation for erroneous judgment); a. fr,— , ימחNon, man (Arab. hama tueri) [to
)2 (cmp. various uses of horse) a contrivance for working- round, “guard, 2 min] to observe, see (in Y. dialect
men, rest, jack, stocks ₪6. Kel. XIV, 3 'ח לש ןיחפנthe Targ. Y. Gen. 1,4 )0. (אזח ;a. v. fr.—Targ. Prov, XXIII, |
smiths’ ass (‘on which the smith sits while using its head Ms. (ed. “1177").—Y. Peah III, 17" bot. "מח א )=רזח אתא
as an anvil’, Maim.; ‘the rest of the bellows’, R. 8.). Ib. h. הארו ( אבcome and see. Gen.R. 8. 14 ""ופאל ‘on ת
XVIII, 3 'חוa stand on which the bedstead is placed. '( וכnot ' (דאתחthat thou shalt see his face in the
Gen. 14. 8. 65, end'ח לש םישרח carpenters’ sawing-jack after; Midr. Till. to Ps, 11; Yalk. ib. 621 רומח (cor
(an instrument for torture); Ib. s. 70 (alluding to Prov. acc.). Ib. היָתְמַח (fr. (המח fs saw him. Pesik. Eth Ke
XXVII,) 22 'חב לש םישרח 'כו. . . “EN even if you put p. 57" (y, Bub. note 15) "תש “man ליכא han
the wicked man on a carpenter’s jack, you cannot make (Moses) see me (the Lord) eat 6. ?; Yalk. א :
anything useful out of him (sufferings will have no effect ‘21 היָתְמַח did he see Him 60.0; a, fis Pores 0088.
on him); Yalk. Kings 201; Yalk. Prov. 961; (Pesik. (v. "1m) fit, worthy. Targ. Ps. XV, 1. Ib. זנד 2(
Shek., --.(*שתכמב15. PJ. pn. Sabb. 112”. Gen.R.s.75; am); a. fr—Fem. xy. Targ. Y. Ex. XXII, 16.
a. fr.—Denom. "7am, -. רמח.-. לשnian. 41 Kil. 5 Af. “ars 1) (followed by ,המ cmp. / 0 turn
Te 477 oo
Prov. XXVIM, 27 (Ar, "STS, be. tent ming foreign words. Hah. 14° ןוסדטרסמ
אל. . . tO 1 לכ
סחי וכי ריטלאיטון
Mנ./ .5 .gA .roM .yv( ebaR AD
|, note 7[ od, Fre אל ררטאי( הל₪ men (ar Bh Acnmni
אmeasure full of denare. th Se.) appoint for ws, bet do not appoint for ₪9 anyof
wer לכר that
al) people those aeing euch words like serenie (semis, Fyco%) ocrenel
(prob, distortion of tremis), Amis oF fremie (comp
00. 1V, 41" quot, 5. + PTS). (Oth, opin. +. 5.
א * חמיץ. TF.
mon f,(pon 1 אָסְבִח batterof — “OSM, +. poy
fat 12-20 Seek Nein 0
1, 4; Tosef. ib. Il, 2 (ed. Zack, ,התישה corr. acc.). רימח1 ₪ ארימחfh. “Wats 1( loaded. Targ.¥.
> 1, 7 ond ךתונ ed. Y. a. Me. M. (Bab. ed. a. Mish, Gen. 14 אתיירואבTM loaded with the (knowledge
(להחשי he may pat (the oil) on the cake (Maim.: into Y. Nam.
of the) Law.—®) grave, strict, stringent. Targ.
he pan); Tosef.ib.1,7; 9 Mavs םתל ךתונed. Zack. (Var. XIV, 30.—Hull,* 10 33 דד אתנכסregulations concerning
להק, carr. ace.)—
Fi, תוטרקה Y. Ter. ,א 47* bot. _ health and life are made more stringent than ritual
apnTeen laws; a. --.)ז 17. © xev"st restrictions, strict measures,
יצAb. Zar. 11, 41% bot. ברר ךכ דוone of Bab’s strict
- piesa . don, P. Sm. 1303, 9g.) 6 ר
חמNST me. se 1) strony
hie phage Ned. VII,3, Ib.55°; Tosef. leaven (bh.(ראדכ > leavened bread.” Targ
Ex. XU,
.15; «
abb. V (VI),14 אלימ 08. Zuck. (Var, ,אלטה aber). —
fr.— Pes, 5°, ¥. "23. —Ab. Zar. 66° “S57 Th leaven of
midst}. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. V, 11. Tosof. Neg. V, 14 barley flour. Men. 43*, +. MoS"; a. fr.
yor (corr. ace,). \
— 4
a | ch. Sty 11, warm, hot, fresh. | COM, +. oon
arg. ISam, XXI,7;a.=--+- Shebi. IV, 35*bot, 6 TNS, NOM, + eo
fresh bread. Erab. 3*; B.Bath. 24”(prov.) ארדק
לa pot belonging to two partners is neither “DST
m. (0.b.; Se) Afth; (vad.2°)thefifth day
rm nor cold, Hull. 6" ד לוכיל... רבlet the scholar of the week. Meg. I,2, 99.;.א f— Fem, תרשדשה Tb. 1114
fresh food, and I shall be contented with cold; a. TS on the fifth Sabbath; a. fr —Eep. (Lev. ,ל 24) thr
M. POMS, “Tet Aot water (v. שֶה.(11 . צץAb. Zar. penalty ofthe fifth part added tothe indemnity. Rn.
44> bot,דדוריכחwine mixed with hot water. Hall.46".— Kam. 65°.—Pl. .תוישיִסה Ib. (ref. to TSS, Lev. L >.(
83" TS... . ירירקב ךשירthy chief (1) shall be " ח' הרבה וב.de( )toS detaeper seitlanep detcennoc htiw
4 with cola water, butthychief's chief (the Reah one object
of indemnity.
,ישמח NO... , TINS. -- ch. same. Targ Gen.
קברזפזה .1 (preced.) heat, heated state. Pes. 76* 1,23 (ed. Amst. דאָס - . Jia ie Fen ee, Bw.
היהrarthon therat of the erie vn! | Targ. Lev. XIX, 25.— Pesik. BR. «. 25 (ed. Fr. p.115")
REGS; ib. (p. 120°) aor (corr. acc.) the fifth day
5 £.pl. (cmp. Arab. hamdm) (dark-colored [ a
of the week.—V.השיא
ה ו .ttiG "96 .hto( .nipo .)sneh |
|\ =סיִצְתה,תו Y.Ber.1V,7°top
דד אשמשitis warm |
_ pcunpiieeplin [Midr. Till, toPs, XXIV
WS, v. PS.) (7h, pl. of oe 11.[
=! |(b.h.) [to be warm.) fo have compassion.
PS Stl m. pl. those using such words as hawmis (play on "370M,
Jer. 41, 16) <םהרל: “Ss: 1 had meres
אomp. (חובים, a mockery on Talmudic scholars on them.
a Ms hae
,אלמח Vv. nbvan. oo סמח Ukts. III, 5, v. bon. ere CM ree eet ne
ae Bs 4 :
Noon, Vv.הִַמַלְחָא . oan (b. h.; v. Ges. H. Dict.t0 8.v.) [to heated,
)םּומיח( םמחm. (v. next w.; cmp. 00.00%, v. passionate,] to insult, do violence, to rob. Y. b.Zar.
Sm. Ant. s. v.) amomum, an Indian (also Syriac) spice. ,11 40% bot. יפו ofan אלא ... אל ףוסfinally
one does not
Ukts. 11,5 (some ed. incorr. (סמח ;Nidd.51> תומיח (corr. say to another man, Kill that man, but, Attack ה Gen.
acc.); Sifré Deut. 107 םומיח ; Y. Erub. IX, end, 25¢ םכח .R .8 54 .fer( ot חמסר, .bi ,IVX 5) 'את בדברים וכ a}
(corr.acc.); Y. Hag. III, 79° המח (corr. ace.).—Gen. R. s. 45,
thou provokest me to speak harshly, because thouse
beg. הכירצ 'ִה אדה, )סומרהcorr.ace.) she needs amomum
.₪0 Ib. 5. 65, beg.תלזוג תֶסְמּוחו ... תוכלמthe» wicked
government (Rome) robs andו a.fr —Ley. Rs.
(as medicine for sterility). Cmp. אָּחְלִמיַה ROVER. us
TOBIN רוד רודו each generation with its violentr
Drm (b. h.) to be warm, hot; [(of color) to be dark, Part. pass. 010%. Ib. . א30 רנא 'ח לנאaedI 6 been
red; (oftaste) to be pungent, sour, bitter]. Part. om, q. v. taken by force, “by extortion. +
Pi. van to heat, warm, boil. Y.Ned.1V,38° bot. “wand. Nif. סמְחַב to be ruined (emp. 53m). Lam. R. to כIl, 6
וב תא וידיto warm his hands against it (the bread). הנגכ 'נש חנררעמ 'כוlike 8 garden the spring of whi ch has
Gen. R. s. 14, end םוגה Maer keeps the body warm.
been ruined, so that its vegetables fade. © |
Sabb." 40 'כוmr" and warms it (her hand) before
Pi.( סברה of beasts of prey) to seize with fangs, ser
the fire; a. fr.
Hif. הרחםsame. Bets. 11, 5 'כו Dm אל one must not with nails. Gen. R. .₪ 45 )ּגַק
סמ- , רסמחv. supra)חימסה
prepare warm water for 86. Sabb, 40° םֶחָחְל . . ולרחתה ורנפAr. (ed. 53, some ed. NO", incorr.) she seratche
בשבתthe bathers began to heat (the water) on the Sab-
sih ;ecaf .dmal’Y ot ,neG .1 .6 .touq( ni ).rA זיטטהאותו
וינפ הרמנכMoa she scratched him and marked his
bath; a. fr.—Part. DM, DM, pl. vara. Ib.>; Tosef. ib.
face like a marten; Yalk. ib. 79 (not (חומסה.
iit (IV), 7 'כו םחרמ םדא (ed. 200%. HM יל p77"),
.תיָסְנזלאצץ,1 [Y. ib. XTX, 17* bot. אוה םדא wana (read חמס.hc .moneD—.emas חומַסָא 4
as ib. IX, 122 bot. 35“ אוה Diarra]. —Ib. הנכסה 350 ON
* Ithpa. panne to do violence to one’s self, to restra
1‘ " רלaN if it is for the sake of averting danger to one’s self, Targ. 11 Esth. V, 10, v. ban. [Targ. ¥. Ger
life, may we not even boil WAtEr on the Sabbath?—
VII, 21 ,יסמחתא read: “OTS or “QIN, Vv.[מִסי
Bets. 22%; a. 'v. fr.
Nif. om, םיחכ> to be warmed. Sabb. 111, 5 (41%) ליבשב
ble סמחm. (b. h.3 preced.) violence, extortion. Y.1
שרחמלthat they become warm; ib. 41" ףפוחרש ;6) Mets. ‘Ty, 9° bot. (ref. to Gen. VI, 13) jOem המ היה wha
ib. TIT (IV), 5 המחררש ; a. e. was the nature of their violence? Gen. 14. 8. 81 (distinctio;
Hof. orn same, Sabb.134” yarnnw, v. on 11. .צץ Bets. neewteb ' ח.a ;)h15 .a .lP—e חַמָסִים. .bI 8. 56... ופא
II, 61°; a.fr.—B, Mets. /1,8 Mam the animal was over- תולרזג 'חthat thou wilt not give me to eat what ha
taken tigthe heat. been obtained by robbery or extortion. Lev. R. .
Hithpa. wennn, Nithpa, pann: to warm one’s self; to Koh. R. to 111, 9; a. ₪
become heated. Bets, 11, 5; Tosef. Sabb. 1. 6. Tam. I, 1.
Ab. 11, 10 'כו רוח םּמִחְהִמwarm thyself by the fire of the ,( ןסמוח סמחpreced.) violent man, extorti one’
scholars (try to associate with them); a. fr.— Y, Sot. B. 1 *26 gninifed( eht ecnereffid neewteb eht 'ח
I, 16° bot. 'זדתכ was heated (had pollution). Gen, R.s.24 the j>14) 'ח ברהר 'כו the hamsan takes by force and pays.
מַתְחַמָּמִים, מתחממות .6 Pl. ,ְ םיִנָסִמִח.2097 .> פפו25 'חהו. . . ( ופיסוה ןהולעA
( ירחהרthey added to them(the class of persons disque fie
םמח ch, same. Targ.O. Gen. XVIII, 1; a. 6.; v.חוּם . for judges or witnesses) the robbers and those taki
Pa, חורto warm, heat.— Part. pass, Darr. Targ. forcibly (and paying); Y,Shebu. VII, 37" bot.; Y. R.A
Hos. VII, 7 I, 57° top.
Af. 1) םיִחַא to heat, excite, v. (2--,םּזח Dmx to become
hot; to have pollution. Nidd. 43% 'כו לכ רמומחא רדחו 'א = "ענחyon;
- Pi. en. Ab. Zar. 68? -sm
getting heated once and again immediately after. yan.
Ithpa, nanny, Ithpe. םיכתרמ 1) to warm one’sself. Targ.
Y. I Gen. XVIII, 1.—Sabb. 110" M78 דכ ed. (Ms. M. 7x, עמחI ch.=h. yan to be sour; to be 0
.0 Ex. XU, 34; a. e.; v. Dvor.—Y. Pes. 11, end, 29
vy. supra) when he had warmed himself.—*2) to restrain
one’s anger. Targ. IL Esth.V.,,10 [prob. to be read: O2AMN, עמחרדthat it might turn sour (vinegar), iy
v. 02m; cmp. jor). Pa. המיסto leaven. Pes. 41° ממ רעמה 1
Rashi: עמחמ רָעּומְחַאAf.) (the flour)causes leavénil
yan m., pl. pan (b. h.; v. 73") solar columns, Part. pass. 202, v. infra. =
[prob. a phallus, cmp. storey. Sifra B’har ch. IX,
Af. >2m% 1) to turn sour, leaven, ferment. ‘Car
end (ref, to ומיקת , אלLev. XXVI, 1) 'כו ולא 'חה6% Ex. 1. ¢.—2) to cause leavening. Targ. Y.
means the hammanim on roof-tops. Mekh. Bo, s.11 (ref.
( דמחמעVar. yar); v. supra,
to Ex. XII, 21) Bp {yarva וכשמ withdraw from your h.
Ib. Yithro, s. 5, end ,חל ‘Ib. ₪. 6 ‘TIM 72 (ed. Weiss a. yan (b. h.j emp. 02M) [to peter, thie
רמחch. same, 1) to be hot, parched. Targ. Job ass of R. 80. Y. Yeb. IV, 6* bot.
een ant
OMIT, .צ MIE. 9
XXX, 72 van (Var. sn, Ms. 2m Pa.; h. text(רתח' .-- ו ןוom
)2 to ferment, v. next w., a. 87727. WOM +, השמה m. (b.,) five (numeral letter ה
Suh. V, 3 שמחב (sub,(תועש during the fifth hour of. 5
“VAM ITT, אָרַמְחַז (preced.) wine (b.h. V2). Targ. day. Ib, השמחב (sub, (םימר on the fifth of the month. —
Num. VI, 3; a. fr.
—Targ. Hos. III, 1 "723 ed. Lag.
Sabb. 77° 'כו ( השמח תומיאsub. 92%), ,צץ TN. 13. Mets.
(ed. הירבחב corr. acc.) in his wine (intoxication). —
IV, 9 'חו רמולשת העבראfines of the fourfold or >
Sabb. 77% a.e., v. “ITIL. Hull. 112° רשב ירק היל רמח value (Ex. XXI, 37); a. v. fr.—Pl. םישְמִח )2( ל R,
(Ar. (רמחה called it (that juice) meat-wine—Gen. R. s, 91
Hash, 21". Ab. V, 21M ךב at the age of fifty years; a,
end Sup 'ח wine mixed with resin—Erub. 53), vy. "Va";
v. fr.—Denom. wan to divide into five-—Part. pass, warn;
a. fr.— PI. jen. Targ. +. Gen. L, 1.
f. muha, pl. .תושָמּוחמ B. Bath. 150% 'חמ דבלבו והרש.
War, ) חמרא) חמראII .m ,h=.hc חמור, )1 ;ssa provided the minimum of wool required is equally divided
trnsf. workingman ’s contrivance, jack ₪0. Targ Is. XXI,7. between the five lambs.—n v2 Wen f.; "wy Mw m. (170)
Targ. Ex. XIII, 18; a. fr.—Sabb. 66"; Y. ib. VI, 8°, fifteen. .צץ Sabb. VI, 8° (ref. to םישמחו Ex. XII, 18)
V. ["2UPIN; a.v. fr—Pl. JTen, אירמח חִמָרִי. Targ. ett ' ע' מרנר וכ2M htiw neetfif sdnik fo .smra .naaT ,VI 8
זוא16 (Y. ed. Amst. (ןירמח Tb. XXXVI, 24 (Y. ed. Amst,
‘> באב5M‘ ekil eht noitarbelec fo eht htneetfif fo ;bA
;(חמריאa. e-—Gen. R. 8. 38 (ref. to םדאה , רכבGen. XI,
a. fr.—Constr. of Maan; Mwy. Kidd. 30% םיפלא ive
thousand; a. fr.
5) 'ח 33" רכו המ רמאנcould we think young asses (built
it .צ--?( Dem. I, 21% bot. Ib. 22* top; a. fr.—2) אימד 'ח wan £ אשמח השמחm. ch. same. ws -
sea-ass, name of a sea fish, hake (v. Sm. Ant.s.v. Onos). XLV, 11. Ib, XLVI, 2; a. fr.—Yoma 84" 'כו 'ח לעמו
Ab. Zar. 39%. on Thursday and on Friday; a. fr.— Pl. ןישִמִה fifty. Targ.
WAM I m. ch. (v. V2 11; emp. 02m) dark; trnsf. Num. XXXI, 47; a.fr.—B. Mets. 51°; a, הְרשע--.₪ meron
(mam) fifteen. pee 0. Lev. XXIII, 6; a. fr.; v. סי
mourning. Targ. Ps. XXXV, 14; XXXVIII, 7 Ms. (ed.
“"2m, Lev. ריבה; h. text .(רֶדק , ישמח ישמחve ah. | 1
רמחIT m. h. (denom. of רומח( ass-driver, attendant אסישמח אשמח f. (preced. wds.) a ott
of beasts of burden. Kidd. IV, 14, a. e., v. 533. Kel. fo .evif .geM'.Y 1 37 ;.tob .Y .reB 11, %4 ' קדמייתא
XXVI, 5 )6( רוע רומחה רועו 'חהMaim. (v. comment. ed. the first five (mentioned Ter. I,); 1 'ח אתרירתבthe second
Dehr.; Mish. 60. “nm , רועTalm. .60 רוע( רומחהthe ass’ five (mentioned ib. 6); (Readings vary M"Mwan, (חמשתא
rehtael revoc dna eht s’revird-ssa ;norpa .a %.--ח' גמל
v.למ --Pl. pan, jvm. Dem. IV, 7. Kidd. 1. ₪. תמח+ (b. h.) the skin of a goat drawn off the body
without opening the belly and sewed up and pitched at
a. fr.—Denom.: “2m to direct a loaded beast’s motions
the ends where the legs and the tail were cut off (v.
by walking behind it, to load a beast. Sabb. 153"; Ab.
Sm. Bible Dict. s. v. Bottle), bottle, bag. Kel. X1X,8הח'
Zar, 15° רָמִחְִמִה רחא 'כוhe who drives his beast of burden
'כוD SAW a bottle (of a skin of a he-goat) whose scrotuהו
by walking behind it. Sabb. .1 .6 אלהו רמחמbut does
(originally made to receive liquids in connection with
he not violate the Sabbath as a driver (by placing his
money bag on the ass)?— Pes." 66 רחאלכ די אוהMa it the bottle) became defective. Ib. XX, 2 ןילילחMon bag
fo eht epipgab .)aluacsa( ,bI ,IIIVXX 5 ואה שטיח
is an act of driving inan unusual way (the lamb usually
a closed up pouched skin which (by cutting open) wa
not being used as a beast of burden); a, fr.
edam a daerps .niks .bbaS "251 a namow si 50 ([)ח' מלא
“Van, חמראch. same, Y. Taan. I, 64" bot. אנא 'ח a bag full of blood . )צvers. Ms. 0. in Rabb. 2. 8. a. l
I am ‘an ass-driver. Ib, x" 'ח ןלפlet that certain 888- note .)7 Tosef. Kel. ₪. Kam, VI, 18. Ib, VIL,.11הח
driver pray. [Ib. 'כו ןובע אוהה ארבוג, רמחread: שמח רועמ גדהa bag made of the skin of a fish. Y. Ab. Za1
'עבירן וכ, .v nigram .de .Y—J.torK .hnS ,IV .geb "89 חא IV, end, 44” bot. iFrama (not 'חמ( in his wine bottle; 8
m3 שאלתאin that form it would be an ass-driver’s fr.—P]. . תיתַמְחKel. XXVI, 4 )5( לכ 'חMish, ed. 9
Pl. xan. Y. Taan. IV, 67° bot. .de ,>>" .rroc ;).cca .neM ,73 .lluH 701" חי א
pieces of goat skins wraptaround their hands (like gle
ארמחwine, v. “Yar 1. .rdiM— .lliT ot .sP IIVYXXXO חזמות. 4
| prem. pl. (b. be) Hamath, « Syrian city, wear m (7h, cmp. SM = +. mma) lop,
later Antiochia. Targ.0. Nam, XL,21 (Y, (איכיטלא| bosom. Targ. Ia. XL, 14. 1%. 11 fam, X11, 3; 4 od.
XXIV, 4 .)צ , אירביט+. MET); a. fr—Num. Ba 10 Lag. (oth, od. PT; Ar. FAT). Tang | Kings 311, 19.—
₪ toAm, VI, 2) איכוטנא Fer רזthat 18 11. near Anti- 00. arm.
(Yalk. Am, 545 'טנא .(חו
AIF, Pu. 33%(denom. ofאגרה to employ thehinga,
| pre. pl. (b. bh) Hammath, ¥. amen, to dance, play. Targ. ¥. Bx. XV, 20. tb, ,ואנו 19.
tanger, ¥. ST. , אָגנִחNEVI
ke., v.subהנ
fa | f. = .(וmich, Targ.0. אא 18,23 (Var. FIOM, +. on.
Bit, 67" bot, (Ar. ,(אתוטח+.IMO 1. Kidd.
om; Yeb. 52° היתטיח (corr, acc.) +. Ot; .אfr. ,
Pl mm.(v. Pm) @ frequenter oftaverns, idler
(cmp. Pes, 110°.
7, PIEMOM pron. pl.(oh. men; (סטחHamm'tha,
. 1,name of several Jewish places, esp. a) J7., SEIT, oe
w Tiberias. צי Meg. 1,70* (expl. trom, Josh. XIX, 35;
א6* top אירבט
וזMVM). Tosef,
Erub. VII (V), 2; SITIOM, “SIGN m. (v. reer) shop-leeper, saleaman;
V, 22" bot.;
a. e.—b) H., near Geder. (Meg. 1.6. זל ו וt 0 lbaeht edia
keeper swearsto the correctness of his book scoount.
pl. ,תסח (.2081.1.6 ררגmen וזMs, M.2 (ed. ררג [.(יטח
Kidd. IV, 14 דדו הכדרthe trade of a shepherd or taverm
». V1,23° bot.; Y. Kidd. 111, 64" top.—e) Y.Shebi.
keeper; Y. ib. 66°; Treat. Sofrim XV, 10; & f.— AL
‘86° bot. לתפר דד7]. near Pella (v. Neub. Gbogr. 33M. Y. M. Kat. 111,82" bot. דד SS two shop-keepers
).—Lam,R. to 1, 16M (Neub.
1. ₪ p. 115 From)
in Judwa—V, .ואמא (in the same shop).—Fem,r-y27. Keth. 1%, 4 sero
₪ ה... if one appoints
his wife to be his sales-woman.
| (y. preced.) pr. .מ pl. Hamm'than. Mog.9"
כטרד לsa raf sa morf .11 ot sairebiT eno( —.)elim
NOMpr. .מm.7 ב Ben-Hanoya. Pesik. Babod.,
a. R. to I, 16, v. preced.
p. 105"; don: ta oc a. Yalk. Ps. 876 אישה ( רבcorr.
"> זז ד
גו. (v. 8S") irascible. Targ. Prov. XV, 18;
,ךּונְח RIA, sab חי
1. toteeth. Hall. 103" Tm FS in the posterior | .% (b.h.;sec. r. of777) torub, polish, finish ; trust.
t of the mouth, i.e. ifhe spit out the forbidden foot to ; to dedicate.
before swallowing. Pi. 327 to train, initiate (a child); to inaugurate, pre-
pare for office; to dedicate. Y. Yoma 1, 38” top . . . 7
\ ווaffectionate father. ' אותד וכSTsSP sa eht s’tseirphgiH noitaruguani detsal
Kat. 25°, +. הָניֶנָח1. seven days (Lev. VIII, 33, sq.), so is the Highpriest pre-
AIT pr. n. m. Hannin. M. Kat.
95% a.e.,
+. 337. pared for the service of the Day of Atonement seven
days. Naz. 29° Mics יכעְהל רדכin order to initiate his
APINI pr.n.m. Héinina, name of several son into the performance of religious duties. Yoma
הand Amoraim. H. =.Antigonos: Tosef. Arakh. VIII, 4; Tosef. ib. V (IV), 2 =) Forts you must train
(ea.Zuck, (ארננה ; Arakb. 11,4 )10*( Talm. ed. (Mish. them gradually (to fast on the Day of Atonement) a
(ר. Tem. VI,
5 30°F; Tosef.
ib. IV, 10 Mor. year or two before religious maturity —M. Kat. 1, 6 >
|. 52°, Bekh.
VI, 3; a. fr. (v. Darkhe
Mish. p. 128).— ' את הכוכרן ובuoy yam hsinif pu eht detavacxe ;srebmahc
b. Gamliel> Macc. 111, 15 (23*) Ms. M. (ed. .(אדננח Vv. PI; a. fr.
th. ,א 1. (Tosef.
Yoma I, 6 ;ארכה
Sifra Emor ch. I, Pu. 52%, Hithpa. 527-7, Nithpa.
52=2 to be inan-
₪ 2, .א .6 .( הרננחSnh. 111° אלמג ןבTM (v. Rabb. D. gurated,
to be dedicated. Yalk. Prov. 964 "כו דחהPTS";
7 an
Pesik. Bahod., p. 101% 'כו קצה 'חתנIsaac was initiated Hithpol. (fr. (ןזוח=הֶנְח 0 come to nk א eae
into the covenant on his eighth day. Sifra Vayikra, Hoba, Ber. 80" (adopting the expression in conformity 4
ch. 111, Par. 8 'כו תבזמהFinnw that the altar must be ואתחכן, Deut. 111, 23) until his mind be אשי again
dedicated by offering frankincense. Zeb. 40°; a.e (for prayer), v. .לוח |
jaeyon ch. same. Targ. 0. Deut. XX, 5; a. 6 ןוח ןנחch., pret. ןח same. Targ. 0. Sex.XXXII, 56
or, ‘Af. ָךיֶנִחַא same. Ib, MDI (ed. Berl. on —Targ. 0. Ex. XXXIIJ, 19 . ןוחרַאTarg. Jud. XXI, 22
Pe.). hee צ ,1. ז1 Deut. XXXII, 3 (sanctified his mouth); ןוהלyom ed. Lag. (oth. ed. ןונינינח( be to
a. ₪ them.—Pes. 110" (in an incantation) 21/ 33320"רont
while He graced me and yourselves, I had not come
הזככ, +. nz. to that (v. Ar. s. v. רח ,8 a. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note for
TOM». cpm: var. lect.).
of several 4
knowledge. Ib, דרתע ה''בקה ןוחל םהרלע the Lord will in
due time protect them. Sifré Num. 41 דומלתב הרותFIN N®OIOIN, +. yon.
may He grace thee by enabling thee to study the Law.
.kiseP ,ressA .p %79 .fer( ot מהונך, .yorP ,III 9) ּממה שחַנָנְף , ףְנְח920 (b. h.) [to bend, decline from the ri
out of what He has endowed thee with; a. fr.—[Midr. path,] to be insincere, to flatter; to show favor in co
Till. to Ps. LXXVITI , ןחv. --[. הָנֶחPart. pass. 327, pl. to deceive. Der. Er, Zuta ch. 11 הזל כוHM 1 will fl
) םרֶננְח1graced, endowed. Num-R.1.¢, תעד)ב( 235" endow- (lower myself before) this one that he may give m
ed with knowledge. Pes, 87° 773824 "22 children of thy eat 6.
favored ones, Abraham &c. (Ms., v. --.()ןָחְב2 bandaged. Hif. 5727 same. Sot, 41" 'כו 0 AWN thy fla
Pi.ו min. Sabb. V, 4, v. juni, 2. Agrippa (saying to him, ‘Thou art our brother’ 5
Nif. 32713 to be shown favor. Deut. R. s. 7 (ref. to Is. ‘21 Sym רתומ it is permissible to flatter (submit. to
XXVI, 10) 'נ וניא.. לבא םא דמלbut if he has learned.. power of) the wicked 80, Y.Ber. VII, 11° Pesik. Re8
he will be shown no favor (will not be forgiven). (ref, to Is. XXIV, 5) AY הז תוירבה םיֶפֶנֶחַמmen )
Hithpa, בִהְחְגָךto bend one’s self, to supplicate (v. insincerely with one another; 'כו אוהו ופיְנֶחַמand he [)
Minh). Deut.R.s.2,beg. ,ןנָחְתִמ v.van. Ib, jynmAb ליחתה him (the priest or Levite) off with \ deceptive itent,
) (התחיל מתחנןeh nageb ot ;yarp .a .rf says &c.; a. fr. ל a
| Pee) +. to TV, 12 ילו תאור. . . Son
rstt Pa, $77 ch,came. M. Kat. 17° “gym אל.... פאר Ube seller sees
mi not even a man like thee did I flatter, Hhebs, a0* it and grieves (over his lows); Valk. Bx. 225 Mekh. B'vhall,
“ ליחgtr that Ishould favor bin in court! —Keth. ae” *. 1 קקְהיל --)84%. 66%, +. infrs.)
and would you favor them; ib, 63* armeprs Pi, השק1) te equecee im, immmure. 144 37. WL ob.
ל would you favor himt—Pesik. Actor, p. 908 XLVI; Yolk.
Bu. 160 'כו ( ןרקקהמ תא לארשיor) preesed
(ref, to Is, XXIV, 6) ךל חל איחו תא רכס laraclites between
the walle (having mingled thes Ludies
thou meanest to deceive it land by withholding the with the clay)-—2) fo .ויק Tosel.M.Kat.i,5 rir
) וכי4. Kat. 6" (ךרקנרה the aunts choke each other to
tithes, v, preced.), but it will disappoint thee; Tant.
‘ooh 14 ‘5 םנחמ ( תא רבכcorr. ace), death —9) lo press the throat, lo tquecte the jugular ceims
Af. S797 same, +. supra, (an operation applied in cases of abdominal affection,
זה... Pir; fo resect« laryngal muscle or ring, Washi |
ately: ) he; preced. wie) Aypoerife, flatterer; oth. defin,,+. Ar. = ¥.). Babb, 66° Dem to perform the
arbitrary, fickle, Beth, KR. wo I, 1 (vel. to dob operation (Hashi .ה Ar, ed. Koh. קעְד"ל to have the oper-
XXXIV, 90) 'כו העשב ךלטחש יחwhen ה king isarbitrary ation performed),
rules tyrannically ₪0. Tb. 'בו היחש וfor he (Alas
) was arbitrary, for he pat to death 86.-- 7. oveor, Pett
ch. fo strangle. Targ. 11 Voth. 1, 3—Keth, 60°
q : “3. Tosef. Yoma
V (IV), 12; Yoma 40" ןחטסרפמ MPR she choked her child todeath; pam... an
את החנuoy yam esopxe eht setiroc
t otp
rp TTS for women (of sound mind) will not choke
mation of the divine Name, Kob. 6, to IV,1 פיקה children (in order to be sliowed to marry im before
pretenders of scholarship. Sot. 42%; Treat. Der. Br. the lapse of a certain time), ¥. Taan.IV, 69" top. . הדוח
ch. 11, Ib, תופעה (mase., +. (רוסט
;.©א. ח' ליהter זוהterab htrof tuo fo eht elttob dna dekohc
him, ¥. Ab, Zar. Il, 40% rons תקעד she hanged herself.
NEQM, NO QM cb. enme. Tang. 15. ,א 6—-Kath.R, Y. Ber. 11, 5* top .. "SS 1 would rather choke
1 מל onerttivary King,¥.preced — 7. יפה him; .א o7® MEE, / 1.
1. TX, 6. Ithpa. Pitre to hang one's self. Targ. ii Bam.
XVil, 22.
. - אפ ¥. ‘BUN. —Y. nh. X, 20° bot.pys רדר ןדדכnow David will dic
in despair (emp. preced. Nif). Ib. apres ret x
will end his life by suicide.
ו (b.h.; ווק , קכאP22) [topress,) fo seize by the
to choke. Tosef.
Sabb. 111 (IV),6 תבשב ןיאו ןיקְנוח קנחm. (preced. wds.) execution by strangulation.
must not press (the jugular veins, to relieve from Snh. vil, 1; a. fr.
the) on the Sabbath;v. infra Pi.—B. Bath.
X, 8
[75") 'כו ררה קנותה תאif one seizes a debtor by the 8 חניקאm. (preced. wds), pl. [EIT Por
(threatening violence). Ib, 176" Pts in the case chains around the neck. Targ. Jer. Il, 20. Ib.
f one being threatened (and another pledging himself <x¥I, 2; a. >
זגhim). Sabb. 57* 'כו MOR TX a woman will not
אכ6 herself (will not tie a band around her neck so OM m. (cm) sparing, forbearance, only (adverbial)
losely that no water could get under it when bathing); ושלוםon forbearance and peace, God forfend!, don't
b. fanיחWO afWeeden doesthe5 chain clectiy Ivertet say that! Rauy. V, 6 21איבקכוט. ד"שתGod forbid (to
0 appear fleshy. Gen. BR, s. 34 (ref. to םראב םראה,םר deepen “Akabia was excommunicated! Sabb. 134°
en.IX,6) קְכּותה ( םאthe gentile isguilty of bloodshed) ' וש" שתשתכח וכT doG dibrof ot( niatretne eht )aedi taht
if he only chokes a man (‘shedding the blood of the Law will be forgotten
46. B. Mets. 85° St רא דד רשו
in man’); Y. Kidd. 1,58* top וטצע “Bo וקנותב (read: if, which God forfend, the Law should be forgotien he.—
Yt) when he merely chokes him to take his money; יצPes. V1, 33* bot. (in Chald. phraseology) החד חה "שו
, &—Esp. to strangle to death. B. Kam. 47" וטצע דד תא בער להdoG dibrof ot( )kniht taht eb dluow evah enod
ox) strangled himself (by being caught in א rope). itt;
a. v. fr.
. Sot. IX, 23° Pum אצמנ if he was found strangled; OM ch. same; "לom [God spore him!,) far from him!
e@.—Trynsf. to produce anguish, agony. Hull, I, 2 רכפוכ
Targ. Gen. XLIV, 7 (h. text M5"Sm); a.e.—Kidd.-44*
חונְקי שהןesuaceb yaht a( was ).cG 50040 ynoga sa fi
AEA SE ondfac8 In fromtheonofAbbe.
hoking (instead of cutting).—[Kidd.
62° (ref. to Num.
(Samuel) to have said so; Hull. 111". צי Hag. Il,
20) according to R.Meir (who says that a condition | bot. 'כו היל אלon far from him! He never did ₪.
valid unless both the negative and the positive |
ives are stated) > דקברמ "PyM it ought to have | NOM, +. cn.
wv ™
(to vers 20) ‘die
in agony’. "Pom םוחנת ר"א
> said R. T. it says (verse 19) Anki (which may be NOMI m. (prob. fr. Ot to bend, cmp. Ber. 56* quoted
A hinnaki for theone alternative and hinki forhinki below) lettuce (h. DT). Pes. 39°, +. oT ch. 15. 116",
p the other); Ar.reads ,יקנה .+ [.יִקָנ v. .אושה Ber. 56* (to one who dreamt that he saw lettuce
> Pat? 1( to be strangled. Suh. XI,1 (84>) PEER on the wine keg) T> ךקסרע o> thy business will be
5 sentenced to death by strangulation. Pes. 112* ו ה- . ,G.7 v sT .yE
7, v. }E°N.—2) to feel like choking, to be sorry (cmp. | Kil. I, 27 top (expl.
SS oh (constx.),. v.
ד ד
16 חַסחוּס
TOM 11 ₪. h.; emp. ,רסח ;( ףסחPi. ton, wr [to NOWTOM +=חֶסָיְדוּתָא. Targ. Cant. VII, 6 (ed. 14
scrape off,| (cmp. ,ףדג ( םרגto jeer, scoff at, to shame. mon). Targ. Ps. LXIX, 11 Ms. (ed. Lag. ,"דיסח oth. ed.
Ruth R.toIV,8 םיברב ( ןֶרָּפְחִשor ןֶרְסחש;ed. Wil. (ןדשחש
he scoffed at them publicly (speaking ironically, with חסדיגרון, +. won 1 .8 snios |
ref. to 11 Chr. XIII, 8); .צץ Yeb, XVII, beg. 15° דשיחש
' וכhe jeered at Jeroboam; Gen. R. s. 65; 19.8. 73 םדסחש NOM, +. טיח
ed. Wil. (oth. ('שחש ; Ley. R. 8. 33; Midr. 8am. ch. XVII
NTIOM +. ch.-next w. Targ. I Esth. I, 7; 8.
JW Nw; Yalk. Kings 205 --.דָשַחְמו
. מאR. s. 30 (ref. to
Ex, II, 14) 'כו ּזדֶסיִחַשwhen Dathan and Abiram sneered THON If. amiable, v. 70m I.
at him. Ib, 'כו הזב םּסְדַפִיִחַש ותואwith the very word
) (שופטwith which you sneered at him, I shall give him TTIOM זז+. (prob. fr. tom 11( the vein opened for
the rulership .()םיטפשמ Pesik. R. 8. 42 הרש םיִדְסַחְמ תא blood-letting. Sabb. 108" bot. (old ed, ;(הרוסח (emp.
(not ("ורסחמ jeered at Sarah; a. e.—V,. TOT. Taan. 21" bot.).
LXXI, 24; a. e.; v. supra. Targ. Prov. XX, 4 (vy. LXX). 2 IT m. (v. (ךיסה diminution; (adv.) less.T
. XVI, 47.
TOM m. (b. h.; Tom 1( grace, kindness, love, charity.
Sifra ‘K’dosh., Par. 4, ch, X (ref. to Som, Lev. XX, 17)
“Soren DION, +. sub on. 4
שמא תאמר הח הואfi uoy lliw ,tcejbo yhw did niaC (חוסם) חסום.m MOB;(1 .b .h (מחסים 2
. marry his sister? (Answ.) It was an act of kindness (to se- Kel. XVI, 7 (ed. Dehr, DIO"; Mish. ed. ,םיסח incorr.
cure the propagation of the race); Y.Yeb. XI, 11% top 'ח Tosef, Sabb. IV (V), 5 ;םסוח Sabb. 588, [
' עשרתר וכI eht( )droL tlaed yldnik htiw 68.--' של ח,NID
v. win. Succ. 49" maw 'ח רפל.... ןיא הקדצcharity is חסומית, y.מַחְסוּמָית
rewarded only in proportion to the benevolence in it. TIOION, .+ novon.
Tb. 'ח הרות לשa study of love (for its own sake); a.fr—
Ruth R. Par. 3, beg., Vv. ONTOM.—Gen. R. 8. 8 רמוא 'ח VOM, v. ‘OF.
Charity said &¢.—Pl. םיִדְסַח acts of kindness. Suce.1. 6.;
a. fr.; v. ָּלַמ 8. PID TA. , ןירוסח.+ son eh. .
תּוסחf. (bs h.; MOM) a projecting rock, shady pl
TOM, NON, ‘ONT ch. same. Targ. Y. Lev.
_ Ex. R. 8. 2, beg. (norte ed. MOT). [Levy +
XX, 17 (v. Y. Yeb. XL 112 top, quot. in preced(. Targ. reads: הסוח, emp. next wds.]
Gen. XXXIX, 21; a, fr.—Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42° top; Y.
Hag. 1 774 bot., v. 28; a. e.— Pl. ,אידְסִח OM; ןידסח ,םוחסח ve next Ww.
‘on, .'סיִח Targ. 0. Gen. XXXII, 11. Targ. Ps. ‘OVI, 43;
a. e. סוחסהחm. , )סחסהPilp. of nor, v. סּוח rsr
art.) [projection, protection,] the cartilages / rming
NON, omy
IT m. (=b. h. 40%) shame, revilement, ,rae .xileh ,c& .hkeB ,IV 1 )*73( A 24 אזנו
interch. with NTO ). v. ; םוחסחMish. ed.a. Ar. סוחסה( if its ear it %
omen חסות
from the cartilages (inward) 17, Soren, יס .... grit 2
“tes, Pos. Vil,11 (4%) ל ed,(Mish, ₪.Bab. od.Pomme;
= ...(א 0 also POPS, +. Habb. D, & ₪ |. note BO) 6/7 >.(FON, +. FOr !ו aed ךישה I)
= ץ Bobs. Vill, beg.20* סיקוסה ולכאread דו. — לכאV reo. 2 7 lol animals oF plants) amted, team
. 6. same, Targ. Am, U1, 12 (hb, text .(ל"דב Men,
20° “wn “bs 9 Ap, (od, "OT; Machi to Toon. 11%:
אצויY. Lev, Vill,
28 (h. text yor, +. HI)א = SOT. pt.) le there 0 mach reduction (lore in » eightby
. emelting)t—F1, רכסי ;fem. On, EMF TOT. Targ Gen
לשvA Targ. ¥.10 Deut. XXX, 11 Tes, reads ores, BEA, 19; 20; 27 (interch, with “PORa “or, +. wor).—
" 1, ? Pes, 46° Th ST poor wheat.
= (¥. (סותסה the system of cartilages of m. (preoed.)
4 little lem, Tang.
te. XXV1,12
the ear, and anti-helix, Nekh, 40° fre דיב , . Tom וד סהדבנה₪ elttil ssel taht ruo snis devresed .bh( txet ,35
‘ חסחיס read: CATE) double earswithonesystem emp. 833).
of ho.— Ft,תּויִסְחְסִי .1b—V. magn,
= *יסד ROM (cmp. רסח1) fobescrape. Denom.
SOR den
לעבו ו por ma pee
Af. "Ne to revile, encer at, Targ. 1 Bam. 1, 6 Pes locals, Suh. 94% Y. Tae.
111,664,+. Ser
ו רו /
ייTh .= Gory weaned child, infant. Targ.
וXi,8 (h.text Secs); 0.>
©. (preced.) serubby, lean.— 11. fem. Tron.
‘Tare: . Gen, XLI, 3 (some ed. ןכסה | .יז4 ;( ןריסהib. י=ם
. +ס
. oon
Brees ytI + (corr1) ,תק
ו the law טק
TOM ₪.) רד kind,08/0 t. XXV, 4). B. Mets, 59" So הדוצמ התא
0% 16.15% דהא Ta השקט לכ אכיה רטאר thoa
art warned not to muzzle him. Dh. e9* לכ
" רכwherever we read (in Talmudic writings), ‘It is reported בדדToren טרלרall things (animals) are insplied in the
of a pious man’, either 14. Juda b. Baba it meant or law &c. 1b. 90" אודה eer ors דד )4 ₪ ₪ real case of mux-
Ill, 4 הטוש 7M א foolish saint, Ab, V, 10
דד... zling;
be who says, Mine isthine and thine isthine, iss Aasid. | IL +. (oot;(ו1 )1 ושרה, stecb-adge. Toset.
₪. 11; a, +. .--11. .םיִריְסִר Ber, V, 1 םינושארת
Th the Kel. B. Mets, III, 7.—2) carnish, glaze. Ib. 1,3 (quot.
ו weer fr. = גןBR.8.to Kel. XI, 4),+. rosters.
יא Dene, Be TOM, mx. Bs. 43די, אלאק.+ .ןיסחולאק
vil a.fr 'ח רוחלמל.... ראהhe who
לdigeted tubes Se ie TOM, RPO m, RASH + cen 1) strong; hard.
ve up to the laws 18/6 down in N'zikin )+. p12). B. | Targ. Ex. XXII, 51 (32). Targ.
Am. Il, 9; a. 6. — PL
;"לa.fr—Frequ. as a distinguishing surname. M. PON MIO; SN, RETO. Tang.
O.Dest. XX VIII,23.
jat. 17%, Ber. 29°; .אfr—Pl. xvron, “rom. Targ. Ps. | ‘Targ. Is.XXVIM,
2.Ib. XXI, 1; Targ Deut.X,21 mighty
OX! ₪, 10; 8.¢-—Hall. 129°, ace, $257 דדthe meek men deeds.
opp. ,יפיקת M. Kat.17* Tm אתרעמל to the
nm on 1. (v. (אָנְסַר [Morage,) a wicker work used
the pious were buried; a. fr. -- Fem. xT or, ofses
for purpo storage. Kel. XVI, 5.
TOT. Sabb. 77% +. (9--.אָחיִסֶא graceful. Targ. Prov.
1, 16. 1b, XVII,8. ד pl. "יסד, ןססה+ MOST) stunted graine
| used for parehing, v. xox, Ned. 49". Pes. 40°.
PATON א1) fem.
ofדיס + also MPON, >. 31.
(®, bh.) stork, Hall, 63, +. om; השועש דו. . המלו noon f. (contr. of.תוסחסה--(הסדהסה Tosef. Beh
ie חרטה 3 המicwaned ומס kind’ because the acte IV, 'דסה13 64. 206%. (Var. “or -- 2% moon Ib.
ly with her kind; Midr. Till. to Ps, CIV, 17. Bx.
» 2. 35.
YOM, FTTOM, +. רב
Tor, “TOR m. (oO) wanting, Ices: reduced, lean
f. (TOR) picty, scrupulousness, abstcmious- |
(v. wor a. TOR). Targ. Prov. VII,7; a.fr —Fem. אדסה
Hull. 63°,v.preced.—B. Mets.52°;Hull.130", ow. PL TPO, SL Targ. Gen. 41.15; 4; a.e—V. also
fr To תדמ the conduct of a very scrupulous person. -
HPAL. Zar. 20°; Y. Sabb, I, 3 top; a. fr. “oti ch. ©
NENTS | ch.same. Targ. Cant. 118,6; .ז,.6.א Ro =
,“ אפּוריִסהTVS, “MOM + (preced.) want, ab-
sence. Targ. 0. Deut. Vl, 48; a e—V. x or.
Snh. 110° הרתּוריִסְחל ע"רFESS R. Ak.bas abandooned
is (usual) kindness, i.e. his harsh opinion does not — STOP 1 5 ;תיססה--) con, cap. Ar. hasea) peeling
e with the liberality shown elsewhere, | plants, alliacea, leek plants, Ter. X, 10 דחה ( אלא םקMs.
men en
M. ;החיסותY. ed. (תיִסיִחַה except they are combined trespasses the law forbidding to muzzle (if he אטול
with leek-plants. Y. ib. 47" ונימב 'ח 'חב ןימif the the animal from eating). Ib. רתרפ DIO muzzle my cow. 1
same species of leek plants (of T’rumah and Hullin) are 10.",a. 6. לוקב ּהָמְסִַחif he prevents her from eating by |
pressed together. Lam. R. to 11, 11, v. 5307.—Pl. nPon. shouting at her; a. “fr.—'Trnsf. (an adaptation of Deut,
Tosef, Ter. IX, 3 'כו 'ח2 ( ולא ןהed. 260%. ,תויסרח 1. 6. which is ו by the law concerning leviratical |
Var. ,תוירוח ( תויסחthe following belong to the leek- marriage) to tie a woman to aman ( Yabam) with whom
plants, common leek, garlic, onion and allium porrum, she cannot live; [Rashi: to shut a woman’s mouth, i nore,
v. .טולפק her objections]. Yeb. 4* התוא ו ןיאש ןיִמסוח 0
mon II f. 1) (057) saving, protection. Yalk. Ex. 200 not 00806 her (to be the wife of a leper).—2) to form the |
rim of basket work or of a leather bag. Kel. XVI, 2; 3; 4. :
' אלא חnosnA איןgnissap revo eht( toor )DOM snaem
Nif. bom to be muzzled, to be prevented from eating
sparing; (Mekh. Bo, Pisha, s. 11 (2---.(סייח (Hom) shady
place, ,צץ .תּוסח
while at work. B. Mets. 89* 'כו BOM םֶסלח רשוקאלto
draw a parallel between the muszzler (human laborer) |
( סחb.h. 72M) [to scrape off,| to diminish, deduct ; and the muzzled (laboring brute).
to stint, withhold. Dem, VII, 3 )4( ָךסוחו תרגורג 'כוha: Hithpa. nennn, Nithpa. oenn: to be bent into a rim.
a. ed. Y. (Mish. a. Bab. ed. qin, Ms. M. repeatedly(חתך Kel. XX, 2.
dna sniater eno gif hcihw( eh seod ton .)tae .bI לא לחסוך
(Var. same).— Part. pass. ךוסה stripped, wanting. Kel. pon ch. same, fo muzzle; trnsf. to silence. Sot. 358
,1 2 “ םידגבDOM )רָכּושַחו( and to make unclean the per- וְחִסְמִין לרdna yeht lliw eeirelid .em .hnS ,”23
sons alone but not their clothes. Erub. 28* p 2 “SION Ithpe. אסIthpe. הסטTs to be muzzled, silenced.
Ms. M. a. oth. (ed, לכושח( those who want children, opp. Targ. Ps. XXXII, 9. Ib. 011, 42.—Snh, 1. ₪. ומְּסַחילו
מרובי בנים. let them be silenced (intimidated).
Pi,סרה to spare, be regardful, lenient. Tosef. Sot. Don IT (cmp. bom) to peel, scrape, to polish, per
VI, 7 'ח ורלע בותכהthe Biblical text (the Lord) spared harden (steel). Tosef. Shebi. VI, 10; Y. ib. VIII, 38” bot,
him (did not rebuke him). Ib. ול 2002" they (in heaven) ארןחוסְמִין וכuoy tsum ton esu ti rof gnizalg sevots ro
spare him. Zeb." 6 "רח בותכהthe Biblical law has regard ranges. Tosef, Bets. III, 16 y2oih> רדכ for the purpose of
to expenses; v.חיסָכון . glazing them; Bets, 34* yond (Pi.).—Y. M. Kat. I, end, —
81°,v. infra.—-[Tosef. Dem. IV, 12 םוסחרשמ 1680 :DINW?]
yon ch. same, Part. pass. "OO q. ve Targ. Y. Gen.
XLI, 3 j20n, read: j3°0M.
Pi, pe same, Bets. 1. 6. v. supra. Ib, FSW רנפמ
y2en> because it is necessary to glaze the tiles (by heat-
, ןוכסחv. Or. ing them).
Son (b. h.; emp. preced. wds.) to peel off, to bare. Hithpa. penn to be glazed. צי M. Kat. I, end, 81*
[read:] POOR ידכ ןראו ןיגיפמ ןתוא ןנוצבnor must you |
Y. Taan. III, 664 the locust is called hasil 'כו doin אוהש
cool them off suddenly in order that they may be glazed
because it bares everything.
(hardened). V. .םוסיח
30M, חסולch. same, [to serape off; (emp. 32%) to pon ch. same. Part. pass. 2°0m bright and hard,
finish,] 1) to cease, have done (emp. 723). Targ. 11 Chr. flinty—Pl. yon. Targ. Y.11 Deut. VILL, 9; .)צ 1 ןליאש
IV, 11.— "om to be exhausted, gone. Targ. Y. 11 Gen. מסרמן, read: po"or fem. pl.). Targ. Y. ib. XXXII, 25.
XLVI, 15. Targ. Y. 11 Deut, XXXI, 24; a. e.—Targ.¥ Pa. cen [to scrape, emp. ,םגמג כר11[ to hesitate, be un-
II Gen. L, 19 'כו M30M the evil is paid off (atoned for; certain what to do, Sabb. 147*/>" Der XP הוה he hesitated
emp. >23).—Y. R. Hash. 11, 58" top >" ןמ . . dons ןמ to hand it to him. Keth. 20°, B. Mets, 23°, Hull. 50%,
when R. .. had ceased from praying. Gen. R. 8. 17, ‘beg. [Ar. 3. some Mss, have םסה ; v. Koh. Ar. Compl. s. v. —
yon ןמ (not 'ח ( ןמדwhen they had finished their הסםa. Rabb. D.8. to B. Mets. 6% 4
studies; a. fr. —2) to mature, ripen. Targ. Y. 11 Num. Ithpa. DEMME 1) to receive a steel edge; trnsf. (of the
XVII, 23 (h. text (3--.(למג to wean. Targ. I Sam, I, 24 mouth) to become able to speak. Lev. R. s. 23; Cant. RB
(h. text (למג ; a. fr. to 11, 2 'כו 'חתא 'רR. E. (who on a former occasion
Af. Sons, Pa. >on 1) to peel off, lay bare. Targ. 0. unable to pronounce a blessing) has received a steel
Deut. XXVIII, 38,—2) to finish. Targ.צ.11 Gen. XLIV, 18. edge, and they named him 14, ₪. Hisma; [Ar.: םיִסִח
—Y. Bice. I, 64* חל dome finished the sentence (by add- אלעזר, v. supra].—2) to rub against, trnsf. (emp. 773) 6
inga general rule). Cant.R. beg. 'כו הלMa ןרנמרז some- seek a quarrel, to vie with (v. P. Sm, 1333). Targ. Pr
times he goes through the entire alphabet &c.; (Koh. R. XXIV, 19 (h. text .(רחתת \
to 1 13 ;(לשח
Ithpe. >-onms to be weaned. Targ. 0. Gen. XXI, 8 JOMT 1) to be strong. (Targ.Is. 1115, v. + י
V. אָכְסִִח ---2( (cmp. Pim) to take possession (mostlyin Af,
(ed. Berl. (ַחְתַא/ ; a. @
Pa. yron to strengthen. Targ. Is. =u 4. (fh, te:
םסחI (b. h.; emp. preced. wds., esp. JOM) [to with- yan). 0
hold, prevent, v. Ez. XX XIX, 11,] 1) to muzzle, esp. to Af. "Ors 1( same. Targ. 0. Gen. XLIX, / Ta
prevent the animal from eating while at work (with ref. Am. II, 14 (hi. text 77); a.e.—2) to peenone
to Deut. XXV, 4). B. Mets. 90* niomm רבוע םושמ לב he one’s self and heirs). Targ. Ps, XXXVII, /
+9 son
» XXV, 46 (Y. ‘Crm, Fe); = firth. Bath, 148" bot, = ליח וד, . , " מאן רטשhw eM( .M (הוכפנתאeh ohw
'וכ POM OTT OM also if he uses the expression yohein,he washes hie face and does
not dry it well, will get « scab,
' take possession, oryereth, heshall inherit, referring Ab, Zar. 28",
=. (Rashi: OT),
toan heir—8) togive possession, lobequeathe. Targ.0.
()ו. XXXII, #scores )ץ. verbal noun, consiy,), — SOM, ר
1ש(b..א emp. לס [to serape off,)to
Y, 1 Nam, X1, 26.--4(fo hoard
up )+. .(ָנְסִר Tang, diminish, take of: to bediminished, less; lo want, mine;
Am. 11, 6; VIL, 6 (h. text ,םילכנ .+ לָקְנ
--5((emp. PIT fo be imperfect. Boh. Oe עו דתוברטTey אל yet
if.) to hold, have room for, Y. Bali.X, 20° top (ref.to skimmed of the knowledge of my teachersno more than «
’ kings VI,1) 'כו(אל'א אייסולבואnot (ןיחסא it didne dog takes who licks out of the sea, Th, St “7m Gr אלי
onger hold the masses0. they skimmed of my knowledge
be; Cant, KB. to I, 5
. ואPRE, FEM 1) fostrengthen one’s self, to be | Speen אל what wisdom | ckimmed
of the Law, was
“ one's self; lo control one's own emotions, Targ. Jer. no more than ₪6. ,צץ PS. Ib, כו HME יתוכר my
HM, 8. Targ. Is, LXI1, 15 ed. Lag. (oth, ed. --.יִסְחְי teachers carried off at least a real ematioring of it ₪
rg. 0. Gen, XLII, 81 (v. TH). Targ, 1 Bam, XIN, 12; ו. Kam, 20° bot, 7ST) ראט what lose have I occasioned
5 (h. text (קפאתה
--0( fo be pul in posscasion, Targ. to theet!—Ib.", a.fr. "Gry... FGM זדזthe one profite while
דtext (חְנְחלְחי the other loses nothing (therefore can claim no damages).
Lev. Rh. «1 תְרָכְה, חט+. MZ. Men. 30", 5 ©. ie it קי
PULL (ben 1),Af. yore to wean, Targ. Y. Gen. ' הז אות וכS'P taht eht kooB fo eht waL detnaw eno rettel
1,& yet (to be written) bc. '—Posik. B.«.5 (ref. to “S27 nes,
Tihpa, yore 1) tobeweaned. 1b.—2) to be fully com- Gen, 21,111, 7) terres for I mise ber; a. fr.
. Targ. Prov. XI,31 (bh. text Sb). Pi. "eT fo lessen, omit; to deprive. Ker. & om
' אחז וכfi eh tfel tuo eno fo eti .stneidergni .barM °91
]- , \/ rr.
וכיSS“ שמא אתהrof fi uoht timo eno .rettel .ho.K₪
wi | m. (JOM) 1) strength,
power. Dan.
11, 87; v. to I, 15 (ref. to,ןורסה ib.) 'כו וטצקTS םדאשמ as ₪ ה
—2) stronghold, store-house (b.b. yOn).—Pl.stor. a man deprives himself of the words of the Law (negiect-
1001 I, 17 Ar. (od. Lag. אָיְנְסּוח;+. RON). ing them); ib. Tormp (Hif.). Y. Bob. XI, beg. 20* 'רפא
לא חריneve fino gnitcilfni na yrujni .v( זרה ehהעdi(d
AD a I (omp. (לשר fo peel off’; (neut. verb) to besealy,
not create a diminution (open wound); a.fr— Part. pass.
“7S, constr. “GrT> wanting, requiring, BR. Hash.6°
Pa. רסהto pound grain ₪0. Y. Sabb. VII, 10% bot. jot Ts wanting time, i. 6. too young for sacrifice. Ker.
' ‘™ pounds pepper (cmp. ,ספסחמ . אאXVI, 14).
II,1 MSs ‘Tro requires a ceremony of atonement (before
_ B.Meta, 11, 8° bot. ,התפסחו +. orn.) he may partake of a sacred meal). Gen. 11. « 32, a. =
Tthpa, [ הרפסto become white, cmp. [,םסב to feel אטנהTS, +. Mice 1. Hall. 25", +. השישה —Y. B. Meta
11 Esth. VI, 12. V,10° bot. דחא השעמTs wanting one action to be avail-
ןסח, זזNEOM or THT m. (preced.) (bh. 277) able;
a, --.)ז1.constr. “ors. Ker. |. 6. 3s הקברא
are four persons requiring a ceremony of atone-
‘ h clay,אכאט רד clay vessel (common and easily
fen). Targ. 0. Lev. XI, 33; a.e.—2) [somethingwith ment beforé being permitted &c., v. sopra; a. fr.
to peel or scrape,) fragment
of a vessel, potsherd. Hif. "errs same, v. supra.
g.Prov. XXVI, 23.—Yeb. 92", a.e., v. "Ss. Kidd, 18* “TOM, TOM ch. same. Targ. .ד Ex. XVI, 18 (0.
pe Gham טרקנ he had a pearl in his ed. Berl. “er, oth. ed. “St, ST) had less. Targ. Deut.
and we give him a sherd, i. 6. for a valuable
ob- i, 7; a.fr-—Nidd. 68* תרסח . ד7;a 6.
we give him a valueless paper; a.fr.— Pl. pom,דד . Pa. “3 1) same,v. supra. — 2) to lessen, deprive,
.₪ R. 5.14, v. P33; Midr. Till. to Ps. 11; a. >. reduce. Targ. Ps. VIII, 6. Targ. .אס IV, 5; .א fr.—
, ‘TIT m. om;emp. (אפדסכ shame;:(omp. b. h. Soh. 22* 'כו Sts +. NS33; ae. —Part. pass. “STS (v. pre-
שיY. Ned. 1,37*
top (in answer
to the question, ced. Pi.) wanting. Targ. Y. Num. XJ, 52.—Bets. 24".
₪ not heres mean a sherd?’) T> ןיירק ..., ןושל תוטוא Bekh, 39% a. fr. אָרְסַחְמ ( ירושהor אָרְסִחְִב Mhpa.) the
5: (heres may beused asa substitute for 27m) for it relation is defective (a clause has been omitted).
ntile dialect, the Nabatwans say Aispa for kispa TOMI₪. FIST, ASM &. 1) wanting, defective;
( (ככwhich means shame or idol); Y. Naz. 1,beg. 51° less. Sabb, VII, 2 PMX T םרקברא forty (labors) less one.
:0 +. Ned. 10" top. 8. Bath, VII, 2, v. .ה Ib. 89" "כו Th M7 a2 measure too
small or too large. Tosef. Taan. 1, 2 דו הנשה. . =x if
| pr.n.pl. Haspiah (Hasbeya), a border town
rm Palestine. ¥. Dem. 11, 22" top; Tosef. Shebi.
the year had a deficiency of rain; +. ib. 1, 64"; a. ir.—
= SEIN, NSS). .17. רין מסירים- - ;. .RETEP .ecaM%52 בחtoT“ fo elbeef
physics ; a.f—Eep. a)(calendar) “cr:« defective month
חספל1 (oom) 1) scaly skin. Num. R. s. 19; (of 29days), opp. אלוof thirty days. B.Mets.
59° םילחראה
toVIl,23 דנונאTS... “E55 the feet ofchickens > אלוכ . .. and he made a mistake between a full and
mt508 pla te gales Sora ers a defective month (thought it was the thirtieth
day of
fish, +. ESS L—2) seab, eruption. Sabb, 133°, the preceding month). R. Hash. 19°;a_fr—P1asab. Ib.—
On 490 none
b) (orthogr.) a defective writing, omission of the vowel חפאטיקון, vy.היפטיקוס .
חסירות. Erub. 13%; Kidd. 30? תורתרו 'חthe rules con- DONSM, ןיאָפַח m. (pl. of "5m; rte
cerning defective and plene; a. fr—2) creating a defect. over burnt. clay vessels. Tosef. Kel. 0 - Ill, 14;
Hag. 8" (ref. to Koh. XII, 11) 'כו'ה המ.... ראyou Par. V (IV), 2 'כו ( הלרג 'חMd) ed. Zuck. (ed. corrupt
might think, as the nail (driven in) creates a hole and if he removes the covering and finds dust on the vesse
not an addition, 'כו ףא ת"ד ןיִר"ֶסֶהso do the words of the (proving that none had touched them; v. R. 8. to Pe
Law &c.; Yalk. Koh. 989 end 'כו Prom. 7 .ףא V, 1 for correct version). 3
, רסחconstr. רסח ch, same. Targ. I Kings XI, 22. MEM, +. men. ch
: | (b. ;א emp. SEM 1( 1) fo cover, spread | FIO ET 1.(cer tocollect, emp. Arab. hafat, a hafs)
vr. Hull. 1/7 "כו JE ורפנכו and whose wings cover a small icather bag, valise (for documents be.) B. Mets.
Jargest portionof its body. Sot. IX, 15 )49*( rm «1,8, expl. ib. 20° הכטק rom; Gitt. 111,35; ib.28" Yoma 75”
‘and covered their heads (in shaine).—Part. pass. | בדrows כטוMs. M. (ed. (אספדקב as if lying (pressed)
a Bsth. R.to VI, 12 'כו “ שארEr and his head cover- in ה valise.
[Also in Ch.) Y.B. Mets. I], # top Ts רככמ
inshame) over what had happened to him; Meg. 16°— covered up with a bag. Pesik. B'shall. p. 93* [read:] הדחה
to bend, curve. \ טומה *47 שלש 'כוmein he bends three “ וכיSS ST my valise here and my cloak.
is fingers (grasping with them) up to &c.; emp. j£m. FID EM 1 +.(ey 1)covering. M. Kat. 12°.
הִיסָה1) fo cover, strew over. on
mom who covers up (mixed seeds with earth); M. FIDE
זז+.(oer M1)cleansing the head with a de-
4.9"; Mace. 21°. Tb. הפותה ed. (Ms. M. Tron). .צץKil. tergent, comb &e. B. Kam. 82° top. דד ךקרתordained (for
91+ ric אל i it notbecausein plowing overbe women before bathing) cleansing &c. 010.66". Y. Maas.
the seedsup? Shebi.1V,5 רפעב sa אלhe must Sh. 11, 53° top; Tosef.ib.
11,1 האימרה when she cleanses
it (the cut) with loose ground, opp. to()זהסכ her hair.
eri with stones. Y.Taan. 11, beg. 65° ופרח ונדתובא
: 7... our ancestors covered it (the reader's desk) *ות
ac .י
h gold, and we with dust. Nidd. 16* 'כו FyD T™ and “NORD EM Lt. een being bent; בל תופדפַה-א%
m virile may have covered it up; a. e.—2) fo corer miliation, sorrow. Targ. Lam. 111, 65 Ar. (ed. esr, bh.
r, to protect from justice, to be partial. Shebu. 39*
text T329).
‘PBISO רכפוב because they (the publican’s or robber's
tions) protect him. Ex. R. >. 30ותוא POTS TH tried NESS EMIT (NFEAENM, ax.) f. (5mm 1( prepa-
ect him; a. e.—3) (emp. 333) [fo heap up words,} ration for the huppah )+. TET). Keth. 17* חד arcu
]אוfictions(v. 11 Kings XVII, 9). Gen. R. 5. 4 קאטר טרod uoy kaeps fo lio desu ta ladirb ?stnemegnarra
on חפים, ib. XLVI, 21) 'כו וילע םירבדwee about Ar.; [oth. opin. (55m 11( oil used for curing sores of the
a théyinvented a fiction (Gen. XXXVI, 8). head,
+. T7EBT).
TTS DM + (yeep use oftheroot em, finding pleasure.
חתRDM ch.same, tocover, overlay. Targ. Ex. Gen. R. s.80; Midr. Till. toPs. XXII (ref. to Mal. III, 12).
,1;34 a. fr.—Targ. Ez. XXVI, 19 Sam they
| cover thee up (bury).—Targ.Y. Deut, XXXII, 11 ריפזחm. (part. pass. of “er) one for whom a grave
ty) he spread over them the shade ete.—Ab. Zar. 39* is dug. R. to X, 7 'כו 'דח בכ8 dead man is better
7) 5 ₪
off than he; Sabb, 151" 'כו ררפתד ריבקוone who is dead to conquer it, as it says (Deut. XXXIII, 12) he (Ben-
and buried. jamin) is bent over it 80. [Rashi: rubs his head, ve
pen IL] aan
FEM, SAM, Polel opin ch. same. Targ. צץ0
חפישה5 )MEw( ,gnihcraes .gniggid .seP 13> .כמה XXXI,11 NBM. (¥. 11 ,ףחסהמ read: SETS). vee
תֶשיִפִח בלכהhow far does the dog reach in digging? Ithpol. פו same. Targ. 0. ib. (h. text FM). 1
EN; Sin m. (b. h.; preced. wds.) the hollow of VEM m. (b. h.; preced.) 1) thing (held in hand), 0
the hand formed by bending the fingers so as to touch ject. B.Mets,IV,10 הז 'ח2223 how much is this worth
the wrist, contrad. to yap; 6 handful. Gen. R.s.5 ונפח Cant. R. tol, 4 בוט לכ 'חany good thing; a. fr..—2) cone
של משהeht ytitnauq fo a lufdnah fo ’sesoM .dnah ,xE business ;desire, desirable object. Ib.; Pesik. Sos, .כ 147° 7
א. א. 11 ' מלא ח' שלו מלא ח' וכsih )’sesoM( lufdnah dna ‘ בוט ךממm >" I have nothing more desirable than th
that of Aaron; a.fr.—Du. ,םֶיָכְפְח Dein. Yoma V,1 אלמ self. Koh. R. to V, 7 השענ וצפחhis desire was fulf
חִפְכָרוhis two handfuls. Ib, 479 opin. Ex. R. 1. 6. וחקל Num. R. 8.19 " 'כוSEN לא רנררזחת ןמ do not turn me ¢
חפָנִיחָם. . both of them took, each his handfuls; a. fr. morf )esufer( ym erised hcihw ;.e& .a .rf ,lP— חָפָצִים.ה1
]1‘osef. B. Mets. IX, 14 ןפח ed., read jBO as ed. Zuck.]. .taK "9 .fer( ot .yorP ,111 ,51 .a ,UIV 11) שמיםREY" א
but heavenly affairs (religious deeds) are equal to it (t
NIEM, NID IPT ch. same. Targ. Koh. IV, 6 אלמ study of the Law). Y. Peah I, 15% bot. (ref. to Prov.
חפנר, ו * חָפָנִיה2-- ,M827 ,m2" .MAB‘ .bI .graT ,xE c.)‘ םיצפח 'כו desirable things’, that means jewels
IX, 8. Targ. Ez. 1 8; a. e.—Babb. 62> m אלמ by hand- pearls, ‘thy desirable things’, that means 4. 7
fuls, liberally. “ 'כוSEM thy treasures and my treasures cannot6
% to what I sent you; Gen. 14. s, 35, end.—Sabb. 113"
EN (v. הָפיִַח 1( of Haifa. Keth. 108% (v. Rashi);
Y. ib. XII, 35° top; Y. Kil. LX, 32” top DYEN; vy. Dinpn.
to Is, LVIII,) 13 ןירוסא 'ח םימש 'כוFPEER thy purs
are forbidden (on the Sabbath), but heavenly affairs (
ODM =n. wen 1) to dig. Targ, Y. Ex. XXI, 33 (ed. sultation about public welfare, education &c.) are
Amst. ספת Targ. Job 111, 20.—Y. B. Mets. 11, 8° bot. mitted; ib. 150%; a. fr. 4
(וחספתהread: MOH and when they were digging it all
up.—2) (emp. (הָסיפַה to grab. Targ. .צץ 1. Num, XI, 8 NSE ch, same, esp. a@ sacred object held ink
(some ed. 8M Pa.; h. text ,(לטש Targ. Job III, 21. the delivery of an oath. Shebu.” 38 'ח “WEN
Pa. 0pm, er same. Ib. XXXIX, 21 Pwerra ed. Lag. הרדריבthe judge must make him hold an rbjer
(oth. ed. (ןירפחמ
ni sih .dnah ,bI ולא תפיס ח' בידיה...אטבל
Ms. . אmargin (vy. Rabb. 12. 8. a 1.note
40) a ju
ףפחI (b. h.; emp. , םפכ( בבגto bend over, to Beer; administers an oath by the Lord ,.... ורhe afi
trnsf. to be anions, to care. Meg. 26°; Zeb, 53” sq. holds no object 80. Ib.טדקנ 'ח
'נש ףפוח יכו. . רעטצמ. . . . ATל pains... for he had nothing
in his1 -1
זא 337)
to give an opinion on the fhet whether or not he hae חפתeo הסח
,1 .+ )rgm refdo5
ה thatוinjary.
ו ment (limbus), 5 kind of front bosom in which things
4 J m. a kind of peas, 71, “38m (EN can be hidden, Hebb. ,א 8 (02) Or כי Me .א
tall, (Ar, ,"עשר expl, .(םיצפל "41. הו of, PETS") im the bovom of
רס.)= bj emp. LEM) fodig, hollow owt, 0.Kaw. provided he takes wot hie hand out of the
V,6“ רוב 'כו STN If one hollows out ₪ pit on private bosom of his shirt (to throw hie cloak over bie shvulder)
yund, but opens it on public ground, Tosef, ib.V1.4, 06", +. BET —Denom.
4 Mots,50%, vy,! שוא1 . אווזfam, oh. XXX, ond
to dig graves,
¥. “EM, א fr. PEM to provide with a borom on border. Part. pare
reer. Shek. 118, 7 רוטרפב ,. . SM TH he who taker
I ch. same, 1) fo dig, Targ. I VII, 16 (Me. the money out of the Temple coll mart not enter with
/ . Gen, XXVI, 15; .א ₪.-- Part, pass, Pr q. a bordered cloak (in order not to create suspicion, Me
2) (trnef.) fo plan, eapy. Targ. Prov, XVI, 27. Targ. א. האפות, .h
EM .+ .bbaR .₪א. = LL — 1
XXXIX, 9, | PRET. Midr.
fam. ch, XXI כו דWET the garments
were found (to ft David) forming ₪ bosom, not dragging
SEPTIT (0.h.96; emp. -9T) 00bewhite, beashamed. along ₪; (Lev. I. «, 26,0. 5. יל POD a if made for
‘arg. Prov, XI, 5, him).
Pi. ren to fold the bosom, .ד er. Vil, 18 rears
ו, ( וMEM) gravedigging, Y. Taan. IV, end, 60°
' לד חלוק וחוא לא חי' וכ.do .kcaZ .raV( )M9 ot mrof eht
. the grave-digging (for the generation of the
bosom of his shirt, while he never had bo
ilk ) coaved; Lam. BR. introd. (BR, Zera), Y. L ₪
ואצ חלgo out for grave-digging; (Lam. 11.|. ¢.; Midr. תפח ch., + mext w.
ch, XXXII, end “ier).
MET, זיcheb.
Pen. Gen.8.5.75 Tens הדיכדהי
FES TEM +. name
of aroot(t) ¥. Bhebi.
IIT,34°bot. (“TS) 1 put him in my pocket, i. 6. I outwitted him. —
Denom. ,תק part. pass. pl. TTCET bosomed. Th. « 100;
‘wen )..; emp. “Bry, Pi.שפרה todig, search. Pes. יצKil. IX, 32° top 'ה POTN (FoR) white, bosomed
8 וירתא
שפחל.... לכwhat the dog cannot reach by garments; Y. Keth. XII, 35° top 7T"Er. .צץ . אKat.
for it, Sabb, 89* 'כו “PoE 1 searched all over Ill, 83° top (expl, (היריטכס TH אלר ךינאמgarments with-
he world. Cant. R. to 1, 1 'כו חתא שפחמ רתאox if thou out bosoms; (Gen. 1. = 100 Potts ,אלר .+ (אָרְטֶכִס
vi dig after the words of the Law as for secret treasures ; Af. rere to put inthe bosom, > tooutwit. Gen. B.
= 80 ןותשְתאו Ered ןודבס they intended to outwit
(Jacob), and they were outwitted.
DEM, Pa.cen,+. Tthpa, renre to be outwitted, v. supra.
_ WETT (b.h.) (toberchite, emp. Arab. hafad decorticare, TM (b.h.;7 D1) wedge, arrow. Miky.X,8 xD דר
mp. “EM 11,[ to be free (cmp. ריח11(. V. nextw. תחדב באדםna worra gnikcits ni « s'nosrep ;ydob .feroT
Pi. Som to deliver. Pesik. R. 5.8 (ref. to SUR, Zeph. ib, VII (VIII),9. Arakh, 15° ox M°s דק ץדדthe range
12) 'כו tere ן"יש אלא אל אחת ארוקread not of an arrow is forty five cubits. Ib. ךדשל אלא7m Ts
6 word with Samme but with Shin, ‘Ishall deliver &c.’; arrow means (an evil) tongue (ref. to Jer. IX, 7); =
1 567.
fr. [¥. Keth. I1., beg. 26° ,הצרחש read: erate) — PL
= Pu. tyr lobesetfree, Kerith, 11"(ref. toLev, XIX, 20) העדם, pa, Lam.
₪.to 11, 12 (expl.
חל הרשמכ
| אותר this implies
that he (her betrothed)
has ib.) "כו T תרוקכ like the post for arrows (for military
is a freedman. practice) at which all shoot &c.—Tanh. Nitsab. 1 (ref. to
"GEM (.n.; preced.) 1) fem.freedom. Pesik.
R.=.8 Deut. XXXII, 23) 'כו “ ךילכSE my arrows will be spent,
but they (Israel) shall not cease; ib. ‘S* ןילכ דשbis
f.toZeph. 1,12) TS התוא ארצומ דנאI shall lead her arrows will be spent, but the post will remain; Sot. 9".
/ to liberty (v. preced.); a. fr.—2) masc. free, exempt.
B. Kam, 22° Tg SSS דשא he is responsible for his fire,
00. 61", a.>.(ref. to Ps. LXXXVIIL, 6) השככ ..... >
| 'דדwhen one isdead, oneisfree from duties. because it is his arrows (i.¢. his action), opp. “>> םישמ
nh. Emor 2 (ref. toSENT, 1 Sam. 2417111, 8) השכנ because it is his property which caused the damage. Ib.
3327 ויצאהit is the action of (his) dog; לכגד דיהof his
הב jo' דדdivested himself of the (insignia of) govern-
ent; Lev. R. 5.26 (not (תוכלסל ; Midr. Sam. ch. XXIV, camel; a. fr.—2) shaft.—F1. as ab. Suce. 12" ; 15* םירכזחה
plain shafts, opp. Top: shafts with
a hole into which
NP; a. fr. ,
the arrow-head
is sat.
ב | .£ (preced. wis.) scrapings, sediment. NSM, +. cn.
n. R.introd. (R. Abbahu 2), (interpreting Ezek, XXIV, 6)
וגב AT דדwhose sediments (lowest classes) remain SST @. h.; emp. som) to cut, chisel, hew, shape.
in her; (Ar. ed. Koh, הווגל אתושיפההmon); Yalk. Tosef. Yoma 1, 6 בצת אדדשכengaged in stone-breaking;
Sifra Emor ch. I, Par. 2; Tanb. Emor 4 םינכא ; דדLev.
7 +
R. >. 26 םינבאב . 'חY. M. Kat. 1, 80% aixm אל one must ( 'כוMs. M.ארצחד . . . ( הדיתעBabylonia is rich b ase
not cut stones &, Yalk. Deut. 854 'כו התא בוצח1 she harvests without rain (independent of rain-fallo1
thou the tablets &c.; a. fr.—Part. pass. 23h, 1. ASST; account of her canalization). Koh. R. to 11, 20; Ley. :
pl. ,ְםיִבּוצְח . תובוצחY.M.Kat.le, Y. Shek. VI, 4 .8 25 ןיבוצח 'כוHEM םיאק , )ביִצְחְוalso , בצחו( דצחוcut-
bot.; 6 ting down cistus shrubs to plant shoots of fig-trees;a. fr,
Nif. בחצבto be hewn, chiselled. Y. Yoma III, 40° bot. [Y.Dem. III, 23° bot. , דצחימ, ןדצחמv.[ .יִצח Cat
בקודש רחצבוno dercas dnuorg yeht tsum eb —.dellesihc
Trnsf. (emp. (רזג to be decided, decreed. Lev. R. s. 5 (ref. "TSM 11 m. (preced.) cutter. Targ. Ps. OXXIK, 7
to Is. XXII, 16) >> 2 םורממ from on high it has been \/ אָדְוצַח
אצהch. same, topick out (ofbirds, v. P. RE ok) interpovition, an intervening ob-
" ,= topick one's teeth. Targ. Prov. XXX, 17.— ject. B.Kam.82" bot, דד Sts to prevent an interposition
+ Hall. TV, ond," 60 ( רָצָמְרִמ יינישnot Tm) to pick my | (to remove anything sticking to the body or in the hair
with; +. Dem. 111, 23" bot. ,( ןדצהמ רצתימcorr. before bathing). Zeb. 19 דו קופדתו חיל םישמought 4
not to be forbidden as an unlawfal interposition between
2 8
TST, TST m. @.h.; preced. wie.) half. B. Kam.
f,9 Pr 7 half the damage. 0106. IV, 5 דבע SERS ימ
he who is half ₪ slave and half a freedman (having
emancipated by one of the partners); a. +. 1.
“SM, JUST, ST, PET, Sifra Vayikra, N'dab., ch. X, ריצהm. (b.b.;“sr to cut, be small, cmp. Targ. of
9 mT הכארבר אלhemust notofferit inparts Ned. 83° sn, Num. XI, 5) leck— PL. osm, consis. “TS. Kel
לוMw PR there is no nazaritism by halves, i.e. one XVH, 5; דסib. B. Mets. Vi, 10 (ed. Zack.
,רצה ₪.
ot vow to be a nazarite by partial abstinence; ך"אי 8. to Kel. 1,6.;(יריצח . צץOri. 111, 63* bot. “27M (corr.
קרבןnor is there a sacrifice for partial nazaritism. ace.), + 533. [In b. h. ריצה also grass, moss.)
. Hor. I,46" top Md ספה PR the Pasrover offering does
take place in divisions (of clean and unclean par- ריצה אch. came, moss. Targ. Px. CXXIX, 6 )4-
). Kerith. 5° > cere taking only a part of each in- Lag. , רצחVar. 7).
sdient; Y. Yoma IV, 41% bot. דו moot ; a. fr.
FEST (cmp.
Sor; a P. Sm. 1353 .אפצה=>מ
( אפסהfo
oun הז. (23%) ₪ hewn stone, block. Targ.Is.L1,1.— peel off, bare; part. pass, םוצה (sub. ;(םידפא
£ הסה
PSST chiselled stones. Targ.
Y. Ex. XX, 22. 1) barefaced, impudent, arrogant. Sub. 3* דו ד"בan
arrogant court (two sitting in judgment instead of thre«).
SSM, Brub. 85%,Ms. M., +. Mam 1. יצ. Taan. 111, 66% top הרישכ תחאוTh תחא one was un-
חבוצח 1 (3m) chiseling. Y. Yoma II, 40° bot. abashed, the other chaste. Ned. 20"; a. e.—2) undaunted,
וקב SSN their chiseling must take place in holi- energelic, strong. Tanh. Vayera 23 אדה שפנה דוthe in-
+ Peah II,beg.16% , תוביצהsome 60.,+. 73257 1.[ stinct of life is strong. Ex. R.s.42 הדחב 'ג סיקצה םה דו
‘St (Bets. 25" (<ד three (creatures) are persevering (un-
a הציאm. ) (תצרcarpenter's
adze, also daunted by failure or opposition), among beasts it is
: spade
(v. Sm. Ant. 5.v. Dolabra). Targ. Is. the dog &c. Y. Taan. IV, 69° "כו ( המ הפיצהread: ('דנעד
,ו יי << how irrepressible
is the Land of Isracl that
it still is
aters’ adze. 1, Bath. 73" 'כו לפכ היל דדMs. M. a. Ar. productive
(after all devastations)— Pl.>a, L Ea.
. NS"SM) a carpenter lost his adze there. Erab. 77°, Ex. RB. 1. ₪, v. supra. —Y. Ber. V, 57 bot. 'כו TH TSS
a. e—Pl. en. B. Kam. 119" . . . . ארתאב those irresistible,
hard and evil times.
/ דזה ררתim the place of our Tanna (in the Mishnab) Hif. רציto bare (one's face), to act irreverentiy.
חצף 496
Koh. R. to IX, 18 'כו 125 לכ ףיצחמהwhoever speaks TET 6.6.1: רצח vs preced. wds.; emp. “13 a. MOY
irreverently of ₪0. Ib, 111, 9 םתא ןיִפיִצִהַמyou embolden
&c.) court, yard, in gen. private property. B. Mets. 1
‘21 םדא ורָצַח לשthe ground belonging to a person tak
SM- ch. same; part. pass. ףיצֶח 6. v. possession for him (of what is found there) even withou
7PETS as preced. Hif. Targ. Prov. VII, 18. Ib. his knowledge. Ib. תרמתשמה ‘m a well-guarded ₪
XXI, 29. Targ.Ez. XIII, 6 'כו ( ןיֶפְצְחִמVar. (ןיפָצִחְמ they (fenced-in). B,Kam,12%; Gitt.21°, .6.ג ‘ תכלהמma:
boldly insist upon 16 80. [Dan. 11, 15; 111, 22 part. pass, ing ground, 6. ₪. the back of a slave. Erub. VI, בי
insisted upon, urgent.) ‘ma... if one dwells in the same court yard w
a gentile: Ib, 3 *ח רשכאthe residents of dwellingsin on
( ץצחזb. h.; v.( ץחח 1 )1 to drive a wedge in (v. court yard; a. v. 1.-- תיריצה 'חTyrian yard (with
Prov. XXX, .)27 ד (5--. ץחto pick one’s teeth. lodge at the entrance). Maasr. III, 5; Nidd. 47%,
.steB ,VI 6 '>; וכM8i7 .fesoT( .bi ,III 81 לחצות, v.(חצה .-- הקברthe excavated ground to which all the caves of
3) ot ,esopretni .v AV .1 .beZ 91* מחו שלחוצהro( (שלחזצף, cemetery open. Ohol. XV,8; Tosef. ib. XV, הריכה--,7 4
Tb.“ אמרנ תחא תַצְצוח DN even one thread forms an unlaw- the rim of the cooking range. Kel. VII, 3; Tosef. -
ful interposition. Tb. תוצצוח; a. fr. Kam. V, דבכה--.5 =( 'ִחb. b. om) ibe of the live
1%. yx to pick one’s teeth. Y. Sabb. VIII, end, 11°; Yoma VIII, 6; a, תומ--.6 ‘nm cemetery, v. supra. Ber. 18!
Hull. 16° יכו ךרא ןיצְצְחְמone must not use it gor 6. — Pl, ninsn, רצח Erub. IV, 6. Tb, VI, 8; a. fr. ©
yan IT (b.h.) to cut off, divide; to line a wall so as NSN, וצראmM, constr, “SM ch. some ee
to leave a space (sh) between the two partitions. Ohol. ,( ארבכ אדבכmah. Tash AZM, Vv.preced, Targ. Ex, וצצ
XV, 4 ‘34 וצצחש ma a room which one partitioned off a. e, (h. text .( תרתרTarg. 11 Chr. XVIII, 33. /
with boards or tapestry on the sides (walls) or on the
ceiling. Ib, 5 וצראמ 'חif he partitioned it off from the , קחPM, .+ pen, Pen. 4
floor (laying an additional floor with a vacuum between);
Tosef. ib. XV, 4. חקה וחק, +. ,nip חוּחָה :
yan m. (preced.) space between two partitions, vac- וחקת, +. חקי | 1
uum. Ohol. XV, 4; 5; Tosef. ib. XV, 4. [In b, h. psn
(v. ys ל wedge-like objects, gravel, sand.) חַקוּלָא1=חִקְלָא. .Y .meD *42.,01 pot ' דבר ח' וכF
nehw eht reganam fo eht etatse emac tuo ot מו.
, ץצחPa.( ץצח denom, of 7m, v. ץצְח( to sharpen,
or to shoot an arrow. Targ. Jud.V,8." איררג S372 (missing זז הקול א, זקףלאר.rp מ. מו. Hahula, 7
in ed. Lag.) יצHn 1 °61 ;0 \ .e .Y .616 ,111 *54 ga אי....
.bI ,LTIV °94 .tob חקלה . if
אצצהm. ch. (=b. h. , ץצחv. PEN, end) gravel,
sand. “Targ. Prov. XX, 17 (ts. 'אציִצַח(-- .1% "32m. Lam. חקוקה חקוקאה חקוקא, + - =
R. introd. (R. Joh.) 1 ‘ 'כוma “wa ןותיגס you have to , a
walk over rocks and gravel without shoes 6. APN m. ()רקח ascertainment.— 973 'ח jadging-2
ity. Ab, VI, beg. "
*תוצצח5 pl. (v. הצרצה( intermediate contacts, laws
concerning the shaking ofan object by an unclean person חקי, npn, Pi. npn (b. h.; denom. of קש 1
through a partition (v. .( ץיצחY. Hag. 11, end, 78° (v. 4 iit to survey. Gen. R. s. 39, end (ref. to Ge
emendation in R. 8. to Toh. VII, 5). XII, 9) 'כו הָקַחְמ ךלוהוsurveying as he went along,א
the direction towards the Temple.—2) to imitate
₪2 (denom. of a to blow the yal 7 son’s customs, to follow a person’s footsteps. SifraK’d
beg. (ref. to Lev. XIX, 2) תויהל אז לש ךלמ המ הרלע
Vv. ely
מְחַקָּה למלך.baR .de( ' (פ' למלך ומה וכtahw si ht
of the King’s retinue ?—To follow in the wake of
NOSE, PTS ke, +. ‘isn. King; (Yalk. Lev. 604 m3). Hull. 18, 9 יכו APO
NEST 5 (v. ץצח 11, a. ;רצח cmp. >82) arbitration, that he may not appear to imitate the customs
im רנררד untrained judges who aver ate from ignorance heretics, Neale 2:
of the law. B. Bath. 133°, v. אָחְזְגִמ IL. [R. Han.: 'ח
ו from yan ==ררעל11 [.ץוח ץצ חקיין. הפק | | ua
( *רצַחdial. for 787) to cut, harvest, Taan, 10% HNP ליקַח-אָליקַח
=nbpn. Targ: Y. 2
לבב ןצחדאר יכוMs. M. (vy. 7%) Babylonia shall in the fu- - ed. at Ib. XXIII, 19 9pm (constr.).-
ture harvest without rain (on account of the canalization ,28.11 41° top; (Y.Sabb. 1,34 top;ארוטב .¥ak
introduced). Omp.חֶציר .--]מחצרין, v.[חִצְצַר bot. אלחב( read:| .(אלקחב sae
7 ,
IST] grass, leek, v. ,רצח אָריִצִח חקיק, 0 Pen.
PAPA a7 חְרָא
₪ (PRM) digging out, engraving. Gist. 20° images which were engraven on the walls (Hs, KX4111. 14),
~ ©
ה' לאוgnivargne si ton gnitirw rof( lagel
abs אrap et eb dewolloh ,luo .¥ .derit 11, °02 קשom
PRT if the block be hollowed owt. fui. 2° So pore
: הקיר+ ) (מקרsearch,speculation,
windy.דאו 'S) (wot קוקוחיש(to have his name engraver on the jewels
1, 'ו3 bot,
.א = Som re ... 5 vow which re ו: 4 =
the study of a scholar (10 find out means of ab-
cramination of witnesses, cros-cxamime PPT
ch. same. Lev. .ה 4 > היקפה. . לטbe toot
> R.Hash, 96°GUT הרדקה thehearing ofwitnesses * teed and hollowed it out, (| 23"; Rabb. ton”
fying to having
seen the first appearance
of the ‘SREP קח he hollowed out ₪, +. ST L—Part. pas
crescent). Huh, LV, 1 ‘mM השירדב require investig« PO, PET engreven,
marked. דוק ¥. ₪. XXVIII,11
ארוקו וfo וט.0 50-5 ITW (Ar. (ךייקח Tare. .ד Lev. XUX,28(h. text .(לקלק Tare.
referring to date, time and place, oon
toPRP" referring toneoompanying elreumetanden Tthpa. pRETE to beengrowen, to engrave ited, Tare.
» V, 1 'ח...2385 ( דיהin capital cases) they examined זז. Ma, אא, 3; ₪.
pineans of seven questions, what year what year,
onth, day, hour and place. Ib.2 " ןיב
חמ ( רקb. bh)to goaround, tocopy, loexamine; exp.
hat isthe difference in point of law between 86.1 Th, 40" tocross-examine, v. rye Ab. 8,9 'כו הברמ רוקְחְלon
שטונת וthgie ;snoits.e
crosi-exainine witnesses as much הי pomible, fab. 40°
pre רוקח . . . . ירדדט הילthe text might have read (for
I m. ,)לקח cmp. (רקח [marked ow/,)
i,5. Targ. 0. Num. XX, 17; .א fr—
₪. 6.74,+.אָרְנְניִא ; . א.₪ — 2% , ןילקח. אָיְלְהִחTiirg.
emphasis) thou shalt diligently inquire, orthou shalt
diligently investigate (instead of the unueual phrase MOTT
‘So, Deut. XVII, 4); 4 =.
» ,אאאוו 15, con aL wen Nif. "E03 tobeinvestigated,
examined. Kob.
Kh.tol, 16
' בלו the heart is examined (by the Lord). ₪. Hash.
זוחקלא, ATPNIAN + ).decerp( ,etatse .mraf II, 1 םידקה MPN; when the evidence was closed. 14.
iv ety. Suh. 11, 20" bot.; Rath R. to 11,9; Midr. Boh. VI, 4 'כו “ ךתודקEee דק anti) their examination
eh, XX (translat. of םיטד ,( ספ)אI Sam. XVII,1, incourt has been closed; 'כו ךתודקMpa after ithas
+. XI,13) אתקמוס
לקחRed Pield.—Pt.
opm, xp been closed, they cannot retract. Ib. 5; a ff.
g- Jor, IV, 17, Targ. 0.Bx. VIL, 9.—py>pr,
».X, end, 34°. Pesik. B'shall.p. 93°.
ch. same. Targ. 1! Sam. , א.3 Tang Pa
23; a. =
ו pan
ignorant man. Mog.7°, +. Mbt. Keth. 79° im. (0. h.; preeed.) search.—‘r (ors) ךרא an
yor ל “רומWeed, utr,NOW thls ו Nehimen Se.— innumerable. Nam. ₪. =. 19; Tank Hock. 20.
e. Ber. 37*.—Mixed pl. אתיְיַלְקִח
אָתיִיָלְקִח peasantry.
12°'כוrm לבא Ma.M. (ed.אָחְיַלְקַח GST) butthe , רקחconstr. "קר m. (preced. wide.) examiner. Targ.
der. XV, 10.
ts ofthe peasantry are easily distinguishable (as
" אor women's). אקחm. ch. (preced. wis.) surrounded place, forti-
א הקל א. קְלָא1ִ.מ fication. Targ. 11 Sam, V, % (h.text 7x2); a. fr.—Targ.
. צץNum. XXXII, 17 יורק *חed. Amst. (some od. PHP,
( וb.b.; emp. Pm) fodraw a 610086, tolimit ;1)(de- ).rrocni deifitrof seitic .lF— .mp77 .bI 02,1113.-- צ.אקרָא
Far ps b temoes צי Kil. I,27° top, a.e.חי
Num, ₪. 5.19, beg., +. MPN; a.fr.—2) tohollow TTPO
+ .אsame. Arakh. IX, 6 'כולח לשthe fort
= of Giscala.
toshape a receptacle. Y. Bets. 1,60 bot. BPRSקערת
‘adish which an ape bas hollowed out.—Part. pass. > Pl. -.םינרקת 6
. ף5 MRAP. Tosef. ₪. Bath. 111, 1; B. Bath. 65", ae. 1, ¥.
Perse the mortar which has been hollowed out (of
@ ,(.86 opp. MS SPM stationary in the ground.—3) 0 ר+ח
. ר,
, write with the stilus. Tanh. Ki Thissa 14, v.
. .644 20° ‘ בתכו אלו 'חוhe writes’ (Deut. XXIV, 1) ,TNTגן. ,FOP +, קא מזחי1
not ‘he engraves’ (on tablets &0.). Ib,תוכות Pr he
‘out the surroundings (making the letters come MIN ,eloh +. רא1
in relief); קח תוכירי he digs the sides, i.6.he en-
the letters. Gen. 11.5.68 ; 8 MPR Poשאיקוטין ארחא ארה-=-) v. yy, יח kor next day, +. TZ.
Targ. 11Chr.XX, 16 (ed. Lag. --.(ארהא B. Mets. 17* “r=
whe picture is engraven above (in the heavenly
| 4m word (Ms. 11.:
₪.oth. ,ארתרא +. Rabb. D.S-a.L mote 30)
.¥ Yoma
IV, beg.41° םיקּצקה ויה
or the day after.
Bengraven (not written with ink). צי Ned.
VI, 40* |
ה םיקוקחש. - “ צלכורVED on account of the Chaldean NT,
vo. 63
an 498
an I (b. h.) to be burned, dried up, ruined, waste. a, חִרְבָּאII m. ()ברה dry eruption. ‘Toe ©
Snh, 22* 'כו oma ‘mn דלאכ as if the Temple had been Deut. “XXVIIL 27 Ar.ed. Koh, ברח (oth. ed. Rah, '
destroyed in his days. Tosef.Men. XIII, 22 הָבְרִח “ המ352 Targ. ed. אברג ;h. text .(ברג
' וכwhy was Shiloh destroyed?; Yoma 9", Kil.IV, 1 (expl.
באמצעו (קרחת הכרםwm‘ כרםa drayeniv eht lartnec trap NSM, NIT, +. אָבְח a. sn. | | ו
of which is laid waste. Ib. V, 1; a. fr. [Num. R. s. 7,
end שדקמ 'ח, לבבread: .םירחה Taan, 292 סונרוט ,'חשכ חרְבה+. .vw( a .efink .ibehS ,LLIV 6 אותם
‘ma (Ar. ed. Koh, , הברוחבRB. .8 ( אברחבyou may cut+
read: ,שרחשכ v. Rabb. 2. 8. a. 1.[
with a knife, opp. to להצקומ the tool especially in
Nif. 35713 to be destroyed. Erub.18". Yoma 39” ךפוסש for cutting figs.
norm דיתע that it is thy final destiny to be destroyed;
a. fr, nan ruin, v. Ban.
Hithpa. הִסְחְרב, Nithpa. 27772 same. Pesik. R. ₪. 31
aan. [Pirké .יא El. ch. XXXII, v. רח NSN, v. NB IL
Hif. 2""135 to destroy, lay waste. Tosef. M. Kat. I, 5
ירוח יכוpa you may destroy ant-stores (during the
NIN, man pr. n,m, (b. h.) Harbona, on
of King Ahasver’s eunuchs. Gen, BR. s. 49; Treat. Sof’rin
festive Wie): Num. 3.5. 7, end לבירֶחַהש מ''הב for they
(the Romans) destroyed the Temple; a. fr.
XIV, 6 בוטל )ל''צ( םג 'ח רוכזone must say, H., too, |
remembered 80. Meg. 16%; a. 6. /
*Hof. החרבto be destroyed. Pes. 42° (ref. to Ez.
XXVI, 2) וזAnn וז רא האלמMs, M. (ed, ,הברח v. Rabb.
D.S. a. 1. note 9) when the one (Jerusalem) is populated,
TPZ, >. nese.
the other (Caesarea) is laid waste; Yalk. Gen. 110 537M.
חרבן, +. satin.
חרוב חרב, חריב.hc .emas לי.zE ץאא1, 2.
דזרבריח, +. whan.
Targ. Hos. XIII, 15. Targ. Is, XIX, 5; a, fr—Naz. 32° NAM f., constr, man ,)גרח v. P. Sm. 1366) [ro
‘ma 'חד that the Temple has been הIb,דרחרוב sound, ‘sawing,] dying agony. Targ. Deut. XXXII, 2
that it will be destroyed. .616 *56 אלד בורָחרְל 'כוthat Targ. Lam, I, 20 ed, Lag. (oth, 60. M37).
Jerusalem may not be destroyed. Y, Ber. II, 5*topדברגליה
בירחwith whose arrival it was destroyed; a. fr. NIM, חיריm. (v. preced.) [saw-dust,] sun-m0
Af. אֶַחְרִיב, 3H to destroy, lay waste. Targ. Is. (emp. (רָסָנ Yoma 20" 'כו ראה 'ח אמויד אל6
XLII, 15. Targ.Jud. XVI, 24; a.fr.—Yoma 69” היָבְרחַאד motes are called 70 (Dan. IV, 32).
' וכwho destroyed the Temple. Taan. 29* top יִבּורְחַאל 4
Ms. M, a. Rashi (ed. (רָבּורְחְל;Gitt. 56% "aIM>; a. fr. לוגרחm. (b. h. לגרַחנ ban with “inserted ; emp. 32
Tthpe. 31°78, 27 to be destroyed. Y. Ber. 1. 6 name of an edibleו Sabb, VI, 10 (67°) ‘mA F
the egg of a hargol (carried in the ear for ₪
ברח11 , וnn, an f. (b. h.; preced. wds.)
)1 ruined. Y. Bir. IV,. "היYalk. Gen. 110, p. 2951; a.fr. Noun ch. same, Targ. O. Lev. XI, 22 (ed. B
— Pl, pass, “nm; f. ,“ תוברזחn. Ex. R. ₪ 31 (ref, to (חרְְלָא
Num. XXIV,5) ךיתונכשמו סחשכ 'ח thy pledges, when they
יניגרח m, pl. (comp. ofרח a, m3, v."ְחְבִינָה
are in ruins, . ןוכשמ; צץa. fr—2) dry. Y. Sot. 111, beg. 18°
garden- ivy, the leaves of which may be used for it
‘ לש ןיטחm the dry (oil-less) offering of wheat, opp.בלול .
sbreh no eht revossaP .thgin ,seP "93 .de .sM( 1. 1 נרן
Kidd. 62" top; a. >.
read with Ms, M. 2: 7725"). 9
an ch., v. .בורח
ברח+ .₪ h.; emp.) ףרח( 1 sword. Hull, 8% v.הלל
B.Bath.” 8 ‘ השק 'כוm death in war 18 a greater affliction TIM (b. h.) to be eweited, to tremble. Gen. R. s.
than natural death. Snh. 116% ‘na םהמ וגרה some (ref. to 380, Gen, 711, 33) 'כו הדרהמ 'חשm
of them they put to death by the sword. Tanh. Balak 8; than the trembling which he felt on the altar; (
Num. R. s. 20 5255 כ''אא םלשwithout drawing his abd ib, 115 TT). Tanh. Tol’d. 18 ‘33 'ח * תודרח
.bI חילחםan‘ evil no rieht .drows .naaT 111, 5 'על הח did Isaac tremble. Gen. R. 1. ₪. ar is he fright,
on the sword, 1. 6. when armies are passing the country. Yalk. 1. 6. TIM; a. ₪ 4 MER ak
Ib.* 22 ‘ לש םולשnm a friendly army passing; a.fr.—2) the Hif. "173 1( same, v. supra. -- 2( to Maine |
word-shaped handle of a plough. Kel. XX1, 2. Tosef. Bios AH בקער ‘mw הדרח the fright which Jacob
ib. 8. Bath, I, 7.—Pl. niaw. Pesik. 3. s. 21 ‘21 ןאכמ ‘n to Isaac; Tanh.1.¢.; RuthR.to 111, 8. Ib, ו
(soldiers with) swords here &c.; a. 6. ' וכthe איasst Ruth caused 80. Ib.
'כוthey (the fowl) excite the man Nis 1" t
an, זַחִרְבָאsame, ‘Targ. Gen. XXXIV, 26. Tb. them); a. e.
III, 24: a. fr.—Sabb. 198% v. NEDA; (Ar. scraping
knife). , אדרח, הדרחLev. B. 8. 24.ve.
— :
"די 499 מ
וו וו,v( .hsed
p. (2--.(13 7" >e~ ra
( f
WT f(b. bey ( excitement, analely, 11ה.
)f.oH .¥ .meD 11, %22 כפר וד קסר.rroc( ).eca ; +. רובא
, reverence, Gen,
Th, # 67; Ruth W. to Tl, &, = ©,
vn, Nidd.1V,7,a.¢, 'כו'ח תקלסטexcitement preventa Nor, ae orni, .ו Lav, ה
regular menstruation.
Ber. 80”(ref. toPe. XXIX, 9) | = 38 'כוOb לארשי ךיפלרצ18081 weeds carob (poverty)to
pS אלאשדקPFW תיא Ms.M. read not ‘in the do repentance; Yalk. te, 266; Lev. B. «. 19 (not (*רדחל
" ofthe sanctuary, but inreverence of he.; Yalk. Y¥. Kil. 127° (expl, sh Mish. ib.1,2) ()רסרפ "רצמYe po
mn. 78; +. Her, V,#* bot.—(Tanh. K'dosh,
9םר ,ןיררחב לחיpost... תואit ieה warlety of the Hgyptian (Persian)
.לְרָה8ְתמ.ה[ר- Tan. Tol'd. 13,+ די bean, and its pods look like those of the carob, ¥. Beco.
6 top.
=דורח. ייאnaybiL שו .Y ,reM מוזץ, %21)
Ri.’s,#9, ond; (Mull, 127* Sx). os et חבורה
A , רפכ 'ח זוpe. w ph Kifer
it On the lake ofGeneaareth
(vy,Hildesb. Reitz.
ור oh, same, Targ,
¥. Lev, X1, 29 od. pr, (ed.
p. 37). ¥. Taam.
1V, 69° הכירה
; 'כLam. ₪. t I, 2 (ed.
Ak. ; אנוררח hi,text בצ + Vi. to Levy Targ, Diet.
Wil. aT", corr, ace.); Valk. Deut. 944 mT .רפכ
,)425% Targ. 1 Chr, X1, 22 ed. Lag. . אoth. (ed. Heck
,naP .de .liW .)T
— ,reH 40,1pot רלא יעביד כחרין , תובורח, אתובורה.+ next wie
S he must not (in bowing at prayers) bend like the
head erect), תיבזרזה
+ (ore)1 carob-tree, Nom.
₪.5.9 (p."לכל
od. Amat); . fam. 6%. XE רחrors To Abelom
ו. )חר, htiw ; רdetresni .pme (ר1( אא wae הי tall as ה large carob-tree; ib. ch. XVI; ץד.
'ו 'רו ירצטה לcommon mustard and Egyptian ,1 17° top (not תוב .(... . שואKh..5 4 הרקפ 'חת 'כוthe
Her, 40° ‘ 'כוrs לינרה he who is used to take carob tree opened itself and ewallowed him 15828
| once
in ₪6. 1b.,"31 .א.6 ‘MS הא large ה הא grain
saustard af —Pt ןילדרח טילררח Cant. . אtoVI,11 NETSTAT
ch. same. ¥. Sot.1,17° top (mot (רבודח;
5 lever so many grains of Se. B. Bath, 25" pren Nam. R. «9: ...
yo ךרובר keep thy beehive
from my mustard n Tl, Treat. S'mah oh. IX, end, read: דיִדְר
ib, 188sR (MP. a. R. eH).
. ודיFT, Targ. ¥. 11, Deut. אוז ,10 .+ ארדה
ז m, (preced.; sub, (""ך mustard-colored,
+. תורה .ירהה
eae. Babb. 63" top ‘Mm 7" (an obscene
+ וז צ
for a dark-complected
woman), v. “5772.
f. (preced. wds.; comp. דה 1,2) rain water NTT mn.(ren) ₪ ואש ofpearls, tenet. ome who
A eyo nai Malan Eduy. V, 2; Mikv.V,6; combines verses from various Biblical books for bom!-
| Toset. ib.IV, 10, v. ןורחמ Hag. 19* סיטשג ' לשn, letical purposes. Cant.
4. to I, 10, +. .אחידק
Miky. 111,4 תל >.>
ְאָתְיְזורִח +.ee
+. pr.
NDT m. Ce burned, charred meat. Bets. 92°
) Pa. ,רח v. M7. ‘ma רזחדדאו but guard against its becoming charred (by
touching a solid object in the oven). Pes. 41* ה rrr
2 > Sh.
Ms. M. (ed. (ארושד he made (the Passover lamb) charred
SF, = חריב.NOTH, אָביִרַח
+ (preced.) meat (instead
of roast). Zeb. 106"; Yoma 68" 'ח איושד
desolate. “warg. Hag. I,4; 9 (Levita 2"). Targ. if it has been reduced to lumps of charred flesh (instead
11 (ea. Wil. ,יהMs, .(אבירח Targ.
Ex. XXVI, 19 of being burnt to ashes), +. 503.—B. Mets. &5* they sur-
ed. Lag. (ed. Ven. I 835%, ed. Wil. (ַאָבר .--PL.fem. named R. Zeira היקש Pop 'ח Ms. .א (ed. 'ש ןיטק( ךידח
מ, ‘QI NOT. Targ.
Bx.XXXVI, 38.Ib.35.Targ. the burnt one with dwarfed legs: Snub. 37* אכ"רח (early
UXT, 4; a.e. prints ;('ורח (Ber. 46* יקש ךירח.( אכיטק-- . ]]מEB. to
11, 2 ROTM “Es, some ed., +, XS IL)
I m. ()ברת [dry,] 1) carob-pod; carob-tree. B.
| עשו a carob-tree which has not STM ₪. לרה to sting, burn, emp. “7 thern,
(bears no fruit), B. Mets. 59°; nettle — PA. constr. “Str. Pirké dR. El.ch. XXX;
18. Hash. 15". B.Bath.
70°. Lev. Yalk. Gen. 95.
, .6.yalp(no חרב תאכלו, 02,1.81( ( ה"תאכלוsome OMT, +. סמ
corr, ace.) ye shall eat carobs (live in poverty);
.--2( a variety of beans, the pods of which resemble DN, +. orn.
parob,v. sown. Kil. I,2.
וח הm. (b.; .₪ ( הָרהanger. Geo. RB. 5 70 (play on
רח11 pr.n.pl.( קנו1 לרכס'הTower ofH., , ןרחמGen. XXIX,4) ינדרזה לש 'כוwe 866 from the anger
ort) Palestine.
Y. Shebi. VI, 36°; Tosef. ib. fo eht ;droL .klaV .bi .321 .beZ 201" ‘> אםJomכל
500 א4רזtineח
wherever in the Scriptures the expression ‘anger of the man II, +. mon.
the status, of freedmen. Kidd. IV, 1. Hif. "777 same. Lev. RB. s. 16 ת'יד 'כוMINE ti
ae m. pl. (v. preced.) claims of liberation from comparing 6 -4
slavery. Gitt. 86* (in a formula of sale of a slave) ריטפו זרחch, same, 1) to sting, perforate. Yeb, 75>
' ועטיר מן ח' וכdna si eerf dna dedraug morf yna smialc אוליס יכוmyn a thorn wounded him ₪6. Ab.
of liberation. הרזרחדו יכו. ארוברז. he who suffers from the stii
אפשּורחf.=xnrwn, witchcraft. Pes. 110* bot. wasp, or of a thorn.—2) to string beads; trnsf. to comy
רשנ 'חדMs. M. (ed. v. רשרח( women practicing witcheraft. verses (v. preced.). Cant. R. 60 1, 10 ‘34 vin)
some know how to string but not how to bore pe
הזרת, +. חִירוּת .1 .6 some know how to bring on parallels withou 6
תףרח1 m.) 1 , )תרחsec. r. of , הרחv. חֶלְרח( dried up ing the ability to enter into the depth of a subjec
by heat, shrunk. Succ, 32" top‘ לוספ nif the palm-branch Af. mmx to cause to sting, to prickle. ait. 2
is dried up, it is unfit for use; ‘nd המוד if it only looks 2 m3. i
4% 5%
as if dried up (blackish) &.—Fem. . הָסּגרַחHull. 111, 2 NIT, +. syn. | =4
םימש3“ 'חif the animal’s lungs are shrunk (wood-
like) through an accident;" 12.55 'ח רדרב םדאby violence אָזְרחm. (preced. wds.) stinging, spiny.‘Bu
done to 16. Tosef. ib, ,111 12 רא רהוז 'ח 'כוwhat animal .lpxe( צא הוצא וא''ד ח' דקטיני וכ (חולדת חסנאים
is called Adrutha?—Answ. whose lungs are shrunk.— M. (ed. אצרש אצרח for oth. var. v. mee 4
2) ,nevargne .v חרת. .B.Y[ .htaB ,VT °41 .tob תין וץ.רת
,[ note 20; marginal vers. אצרח Nt
pry oy
ing animal (whieh is) prickly, and some use the word | =ילו דיתודוסי. , טיִרַהְטandes he models... ite foundations
harea (spiny), with tiny legs, Tat why ‘creeping’ t}—Te- and ite entrances
and exits, be doo oot begin to build.
cause ite legs are low, -.אָצְרִח.\
6. Eon, pl..אייזנר או. ‘ot aed ו ה"בקה
the Lord modelled before Mim
Brob, 26" 'ח אתווצאMe, 4. (od, Ameer n, ‘Tore,+. the world, but it would pot stand,
a Hithpa, srr (le woratch one's self.) to regret, fod
sorry. Nag. יב טרקand feels sorry for it. Widd. a1”
PUIG she regrets (her vow of abstinence); » fr. V.
,הרה roy =( h. )77 foinflame. ‘Tang. Prov, רצי
XXXVI, טְחיָה וג.sM .de( ,gaL מהרחר.hto ,do טהר, |
corr, .66₪| .de ,liW ,sM.rf חר חרט %4, of .terger .graT .tnaC ,V 4 למָרט6
1" ,
, ¥]
, Tr.
,אָניִבְדְרִח ִ חֶניִבְְדְרmn.(a comp. ofחרח--הרחר,
apie SUA gee ל a hair mn f,(preeed. wie.) regret, exp, the expression,
like creeper, creeper on pale thes (oxop. TPIT, TIRE). before @ court, of regred for a cow made under misap-
Tosef. Bhebl. V, 8 תניכחרה od. Zack, (Var. TORT), Pes. prehension, Widd, 61” uro~s אילה דדבוand the case ie
Ti, 6, expl. ib, 99°,+. אייצִא -- th, ןילחרהב on ה formal declaration (and decision
by ₪
. ובויod. (Me, M. 1 ןינבתרתבו |Ms. M.2 (ןיטברחבו +.ןילחרח. court), Ned. 8" Tom morn robe 5 deputy to declare
Th, יכו ןיניגרחבו. PSS 94. (Ms, .א הניבחרהבו+. his wife's regret (and procure absolution). 18.77% pro“
».D, 8.8.1. note 200) with ,(וע garden-ivy and ‘TS the court begins with euggesting reasons for regret;
a &
TIM (o.n.; Pilp. ofרח111(1) tosettwigs onfirefor חרי, EN .he .emas .graT .sP ,IVL 5 חִרְיָאLev.
ivng out the bees. Ukts. 111, 11 “mes from the (ed. Lag. , אירחoth. ed. XT fr. רזחMs. x77, +
ment he smokes the bees out; [Maim.: he Acats the רזהch.; ed. Wil. , אידהcorr. ace.). [Targ. Prov. XVII,24
mey-comd ; Var.
in Ar.: (2--.[רַהְרַהְרשמ
(sub. (בירtostir TT quot. in 1,022. Philox. p. 106, glowing (with wis-
strife. Cant.
R.toVIII, 18 הז הז םעrem
אלוdo .tti°9G 6[—לבאדו}לכ.
t quarrel with one another.—3) to make hot swith fever. Pa. הריto stir, rake. Ab. Zar. 38" “re לארשי אתאו
v.R. 5.17, .רָהְרִה.צ [Y. Kidd. 158° top ןירהזומ ןירתרתומ חרוררAr. (prob.
“27; ed. “FN הב rer) and raked the
ו of מוזהריןin ed. Amst. only [.ןירהזומ fire. Hag. 5*top ארוכת MTTWTS1 and raked the fire inthe
oven (Rashi: out of the oven).
5 ttl bag
ריא חרי.m.lp )(הדר 6 Taan.9*הדיא
(b.h.) toscrape; tochisel. Tanh. Ki Thissa 14 היקרexcrements of goats (vy. Rabb. 2. 5. a. L note 7).
ו erewgnitis ' את תצגל וכpon | Pes. 110* bot. ‘St “asm 7 hot excrements in broken
- the calf ..., and above
the Lord engraving baskets (words in an incantation). Gitt.76 “tmקורטטד
| Ar. (ed. (רחתהד carthamus growing in dunged fields.
+ טירָתַה
to model. Pirké d'R. EBL ch. 111 יניא ON חַרְיָא+. וש
חריב חריש
aM; חר בָא, .v 553 .a חרוב. אָפיִרַחpr.v.m. (preced.) Hérifa (the acute). ‘arg.
Ye Gen. XXV, 15 (h. text 73h).
TAN, Vv. Tm.
חרידן, Targ. Y. Ex. XII, 39 some ed., v. 879M. NMS TN f. (preced. wds.) 1) early manhood, energy.
Targ. Job XXIX, 4.—2) rapid current, water-course in —
הירח,+ pl.( תוירח b. h. “3h, רֶרהְנ Mn) dried the river. Keth. 85* ארהנד 'חמfrom the current of the
branches, twigs used for fuel. Suec. IV, 6, v. . טּוּביִחY. river (not near the shore); Kidd. 73° אָּמְפיִרַח
Sabb. III, beg. 5" ’m ררורש remnants of twigs (in the stove);
NEM, v. preced., 8. 97h.
a, fr,
םינוירחm. pl. (b. bh. SMM, v. NIM) excrements. ץירחm. (b. h.; YS) 1) 90678000 furrow, trench. —
.geM 52" דביונים.deh‘ .lpxe( ni .rA ,a ihsaR ,sM 43°0 חרר Kil. V, 3. Ib. Il, 8. Meg. 14* top.— Sabb,* 22 תושעל 'חto
excrements of doves?) for heryonim they substituted &e,, ra make a rut in the floor; Y. ib. 111, 6* top; Y. Bets. 1
v. .חִּבִיּנֶים. end, 614 77}—Aull. 55°top( םוקמ 'ח Ar, ץרח( at the
indentation in the kidneys. Men, 34> 92") JX" ןיא BN
NIT RETIN >. (Ar. ; ןצרח Ms. M. , טוחv. Rabb. D. 8. a. 1. note) if the
grooves marking the partitions in the T’fillin are not
TT ₪ same, ploughing. Babb, 8 SAT mm. .א SF; TH, cmp. קרח a. (סרח
Koh. to VII, 7, 8.6. “SPM MGS concerning ₪ grave window, Pesik. Nahot,, p. 49° דיל yor 73 ... oes
which has been ploughed over; .הfr-—Trnet, seawel con- as there te 5 difference between (ihe light as it comes
nection,Fl, PM, ¥. Yeb. 1.beg. 2". Gen. i.e. o8. through) an open window and 4 lattice’ window,
so be. ;
... או,6 ;11 Poth, Mo 15; Valk. Cant. 2 pornבין
TULL +. 1) (orpוגMit) ellence, acquiescence. Tord (corr, see.)
—TL SH, FIT. 0-9. > ve
«Mitre um, 123 eq. (with ref. to Nam, ,אאא 6; 8[ |
14); +. (4--.יש )שרח1 Pi) makingdeaf, deafen- A iu .וא ( )ךרהparched grain; Tor vendors of
לי lon ohOa ieareal be: grain who sold aleo spleens Be. ; grocers | ~).
catise it is not possible to cause deafness without afflict Pes. 116"; (oth. opin. vendors sitting behind lalffices, +
ing א wound, a drop of blood ₪6. | ib. 08".—<&) dea/nens, וק —Var. הד¥. ye, pomnded apices).
RIV cheb. 7771, 1) breaking through, breaking
וה111 5 .+) (שריח only in SUP Pn im, Targ, ¥. Mx. ,אאוו 1 (hb. text Peres) — 2) ₪400
a reeds, Gen, Th. «, 12, beg.; Kol. I, to 11, 12; | שדOr, XV, 20; דגש 11 Ram. Vi, 16 (hb. text Por);
(Cant, ₪. to 1, 1 'כו אשרוה( לש+. PH. = O— PL Pe, wT. Tag. ¥. Gow. VIN, 2. דש
f. (denom, of (שרק deafness, Gifra K'dosh. Cant.
If, 9; ₪. =
4,eb,14 ולroa fret ow where his deafness may
yt ו = pl.()ךרה (burnings)
080008, «verbal
the reason
why we must not curse him; 88 .60* לתשירה
0 .ד Ned. 10°, Rashi (ed.2°37) .ארוקרה.+
| = חן שוּתָא הרישה,111 esned .noitacifimar ( םרזb.b.)[to perforate, break through (cmp. Aras,
Targ. Y. Gon. XXII, 13. haram, .) רה א,)1 )1 to make a net. Men. 27* top “oT ™
סריחתהBR. J. the net-maker (or flsher); (Rashi, reading
סורחה. )צRabb. 0. 8.a.1, note 100), +. infrs}] —z) lo per-
orate. Part. pass, Det; (b. bh.S75) one whose nove ie v0
flattened as to show its holes, flat-noved. Neth. Vil, 5
= וו ף.0( jb ,pme )FP of ,tsaor .hcrap
רדזרא דד לחדכת 'כוa Aarwm is he who can paint both of
TTT, We 00char, burn bread so as to make it
his eyes with one movement. Ib. 49° spe vcore
ineat ble; fo prepare a wick by charring. 15.21" tore
is one whose nose is sunk.—3) fo cul off, to act outside
'וכ קודםeh derrahc eht denevael daerb erofeb eht emit
(emp. Arab. Aaram), +. infra, a.( רח 4]-- to burn, cmp.
ap ointed for the removal of leavened matter. Y. Sabb.
I, 8*top ךל(775) PITS they char them (the wicks)— Fp 33; +. TH)
art. pass,3797S, fem.תב pl.papMs,תוכי Toset. Hif. 2-27 (denom. ofS77)(tosetonteide, apart,) 1) to
dedicate for priestly or sacred use (Lev. XX VII, 24, 4 ( ;
Tl, 1 (v. Var, ed. Zuck.); Sabb. 29* (v. Toxaf. a. 1).
fo renounce private wee, Arakh. 111, 4 "כו םדאOTT
Hithpa, ,הרסה Nithpa. 372 to be singed, burnt. הman may renounce a portion of his sheep &c.; T םאי
‘anh. Noah 13 'כו רעש% the hair of his head and beard
singed. Pirkéd’R.El.ch. XX א111 יכו7p (nots) his PSUS
ןכרא הא םלדכbut if he renounces
all of them,
they are not dedicated (his vow is invalid). Ib.
ox המ
r was singed, Y. Sabb. XVI, 15° 77S השרודה he who
' וכDv לגבדהsince man is not permitted to renounce
aches it (the Agadah) will burn himself (at the fire
all his property even for a sacred purpose ₪. Ib,
7 דב
the Law); (Treat. Sof'rim XVI, 2 "ars, corr. ace.)
‘S) TSP תא םראome may declare Aerem one’s own de-
ןח : TFT ch. same, 1) (neut, verb) fo be signated offerings (in which case he has to pay their value to
ה Rtn text .( הרחTarg. the priest or the sanctuary); a +, fr.—Part. pass. S772,
or. VI, 297. Targ. Is.IX,18 MS (ed. Lag.(חרובת .-- pl.POURS,
StS TErS. Ib. 4, אהה v. supra; a fr.—2) fo
| (act, verb) fo burn, roast. Pes. 40° 1 ָךורחיִל
אלone excommunicate,
to pronounce the higher ban (whith in-
cludes the withdrawal of protection of property). M.
Kat. 16* 'כו [S73TS). . [TRS the smaller ban is pro-
a. TI to burn, singe the hair off. Kidd.
41° Yrs nounced (over one disregarding a legal summons) at
he himself singed the hair off the animal's head (in once ..., the great ban after sixty days.
for the Sabbath). Ab. Zar. 38%
Tthpe, FOLDS, Ts to be burnt &e. Targ.Y. Gen. XXI, 15 DIT ch. same, toperforate. Part. pase. סירה , 7:
MX he was parched (with fever). Targ. Y.Ex. א11,37.-- flat-nosed,v. preced. Targ. 0. Lev. XXI, 18.
. Mets, 85° חיקש tos (Ar. 7M) his legs were burnt. Pa. חרים,Af.םיִרָחֶא 1) todeclare sr. Targ.Josb.V1,13
Bath. 74* JETS Ms. M. 2 (ed. ... TR MA, PSE (Var. “r=, read: “T=). Targ. ] Sam. XV, 21 דד
abb. D. 8.a.1.note) it (the wool) was singed. Nidd. 28" POH (ed.Lag. a.oth. POT). —Targ. 0. Ley.
XXVII, 28.
—Arakh. 28° הילוכ gerd... םירחל לכ תועד היל אל
one must not renounce (for sacred purposes) all his prop-
erty, but of one kind he msy renounce all he bas.—
[dwrn, v. preced.] herekA, a verbal substitate 2) to excommunicate. M. Kat. 16° q°S rst ךלכמ (or
m ) בִּינור צ(חַרֶםNed.12—PL OS, +. Sn. | “S'ITS7) whence is it proven that we (the court) have 8
right to excommunicate a recreant person?—Y.ib. II, 15% סרח1 m. .( . גwR; סרח tobe rough; to scrape)
top 'כו םֶרָחִמ.. . MM NST NWN were it not that I )1 common earthware. 7 “b> earthen vessel. Kel. III,1
never in my life excommunicated a person, I should have (ed. Dehr.; שרח( a. v. fr.—Ib, 4 הרה הב 'חif thereע 6-
excommunicated that man; a. e.— Part. pass. 579, pl. mained of it a (sound) piece large enough to contain &.— |
252. 19. bot. 'מ איי אוהה ארבגthis man (thou) be ex- Tanh. Sh’lah, 1 (ref. to Wm, Josh. II,) 1 'ח42 ירקread
communicated. Ib. M72 אמע ןווהרל ארההthose people (you) it heres (with earthware, in the disguise of potters)ן Num. j
be excommunicated. R. s. 16, beg. ; שרח a. fr.—Esp. (v. NBOM) potsherd. —
Ithpe. םרחְחרֶא to he declared BIN, to be dedicated. Targ. .deN ,I ;pot*73 .Y .zaN,I .geb 815 לא חספא:. . וחתטר8
0. Lev. XXVII, 29 “mms ed. Berl. (oth. “ME5). ton raB .K ,yas sereh si a etutitsbus rof mereh )חָרֶם+
now, does not this mean @ sherd (which has no reference
DTM m. (b. b.; preced.) 1) met. Kel. XXIII, 5; to anything forbidden either as sacred or as doomed to
XXVIII, 9, v. טז ;a. fr.—Ned. 11, 5, v. infra.—2) a place destruction)?; v. next w.— Pl. , םיִסְרַחPow. Kel. TI, 4.
adapted for ו fish in nets, fishing coast, fishery. Ib. IX, 5 (ןיִשְרַח.+4) ;a.e.—Hag. 13° (expl. , קזבEz.I, 14)
B. Kam. 81" המורדב אלמ לבח 'חa rope’s length (district) mnןיבמ . . רואכlike the’ flames from between the per-
of fishing coast south of it (the Lake of Tiberias); Tosef. 8 earthen pieces (used in smelting gold).
ib. VIL, 18 Var. ed. Zuck.—Erub. 47° 'כו 'ח ןיבש8 fish-
pond between two territories.—3) [cut off, excluded, cmp. סרח11 m. (b. h.; סרח to glow; emp. Hh) the sun.
חולין, PEG] herem, property set apart for priest's or Men, 110° (ref, to 18. XIX,) 18 ( ראמ ריע 'חהlate eds. AN,
Temple use; doomed to destruction. Ned. 11, 4 M5 םא v. Rabb. D. ₪. a. 1. note) what is Ir ha-Heres?קרתא
של שמיםfi eh( ,dias sihT llahs eb ot )em ekil eht mereh אשמשmn the city of Beth-Shemesh;" עמשמ ראהד NO
consecrated to the Temple, opp. םלנהכ 'ד לשassigned 'ח אנוטרל 'כוwhere is the evidence that heres means sun?
to the private use of priests, Ib. 5 2°73 . 'חב. רדנ (Answ. ref. to Job 1X, 7). Y, Ned. I, 378 top; Y. Naz. I,
של רםfi eh edam a wov fo ecnenitsba gnisu eht drow beg. 512 'ח ןושל הובג אוחheres (as a substitute for D4, v.
herem, and he says, I meant the herem of the sea (fisher’s preced.) has reference to Deity, (as we read) ‘who speaks
net). Ib. I, 2 md ןירוניכ verbal substitutes for herem to the sun’ (Job 1. ₪(.
(effecting prohibition); a. fr.—4) excommunication. M.
Kat.17°,— Pl.ְםיִמְרִח 7270. Snh. 43” 'ח לעמ ןכע 'גבAkhan on III (b. h.; cmp. preced. a. 78) an 0
committed three sacrileges, Ned.II,4 ’ םתס vows con-
of the skin. Bekh. 41° 'חה ברג הזgarab (vy. 278) is the
taining the expression erem unqualified. Ib, םינהכה רמרח same as heres.
the dedications as priestly property. Arakh. 7111, 6 םתס ( סרח07m) ch. same. Targ. O. Deut, XXVIII, 27
ח' לבדק הביתdeifilauqnu snoitacided siht( eb )mereh og (Y. quot. in Ar. NDOT, v.(חַיכּוּכָא .
to the repair of the Temple; a. fr.—[Y. Kil. IX, 32° top
םוסרחpr. . גm. Harsum.—Yoma 9; ib. III,
שצבעה בחרם, :daer בחָרֶת.[--.
\ .}s79
m( רזעלא ןב or רזערלא( El ₪. 11. a highpriest; Tosef. ik
pan מז. (preced.) 1) fisherman, — Pl. ,םיִמְרְח IN, I, 22 תוסרחed. Zuck. (Var,םוס . .).—Yoma 35” R. El b
constr. yon. Y. M. Kat. 11, end, 81>; Y. Pes. IV, 30° top H. arich scholar; Lam. R. to 11, 2 (some ed.(חַרְסֶנָה
ח' טבררהeht srehsif-ten fo )2—.sairebiT ,rotacsifnoc -fo Treat. 8’mahoth ch. 1% ( "מרב "'חprob. to be read;ח'
ficial oppressor,v. 39.—Tosef. Ab. Zar. VIL (VIID, 6; in the days (of persecution) of 6.
Ab, Zar. 58. Tosef. B. Mets. III, 19; Y. ib. IV, end, 9! POU pr. .ג m. Harsun. Koh. ₪. to IV, 8 ja לניב
a defective coin must not be given sy mb אלו. . רגתל = G. b. H., a rich heir (emp. preced.). ;
to a travelling merchant, to a highwayman, or iy! an
oppressor, because they will cheat &c.—PI, as ab. Ned. אָנְוסְרַחy. Ooh.
Ill, 4; 2. Kam. 118%, v. "33.
, תוסרזה.+ pion.
אמרחm. ch,=h. 09m, 1) net. Targ. Hab. I, 15.— תיסרח1 (b. h.) pr. n, רעש 'חה Gate of Harsiti .
(=םרַח9 .)8 Targ. O. Lev. XX 11, 21 (ed. Berl. (וזירְמָא.-- one of the Jerusalem gates. Y. Erub. V, 22° (the Easter
Targ. Josh. VI, 17, sq. (ed. Lag. ירח; some ed. 71);a.fr. gate) was calledתיסירח אוהש ןווכמ 'כו . ( רעשcorr. 0
Gate of H., because it was facing the Kast; v. pan 1
NOM, זכ חרמה. .lp ).h.b( hamroH -curtseD(
tion, v. preced.). Targ. Num, XXI, 3 (ed. Berl, 7274). morn II + (O71) potter’s clay, clay-ground. M.
Targ. 0. ib. XIV, 45 (ed. Berl. 'רוח;Y. x). Sh. V,1 /m3 must be marked off with burned clay. Hu:
1/7 'חב ;ib.88°’h תקרחש powdered burned clay. Kel. III
חרמיני, +. 002. a. fr.— [Tosef. Ter. IX, 3 mronn, v. mort] 22
ןרחman, y. in. ia
ןשרחm. (preced.) capstan vessel, bed-chamber, Tos
Sabb. 110” .reT ;31,X .fesoT ,v.hoT 3; ץצ. .reT ,IX 84* ( הרלוסן
ְ יחאָגְונm. (cmp. 325, a. "22°%) thistle.
6048.(. .de.rA[ ,.hoK .v.s ,5902M sdaer הַרְסֶן.[ : 0% “a
ח' דהיגתא וכ.rA( ;na .sM 12. (הרגנא, v.חַינְחָא .--\-
הַרְנינָא. SIONN, +. prot.
הנתא, +. חור
חרספותייא, םי
Tere 506 a
פל 1 (ofint)fo be
grown.) וזהוto be de-
TT (0.h.) 1) todig a cavity, tocut « trench ofeven
have intercourse, Y. Kidd, 1, 50* top (expl. Lev. all through. Y. Kil. Vil, 31" bot. 'כו רפח ית ץכנ
NIX,) 20 חשותכב ינפל שיא... . ‘ תֶפְרְחְנnehérefet
byhא if (on the Sabbath) one dug (s pit), made a trench, and
' ןimdane crushed before man (with ref. toProv. cut א wedge-like ditch (narrow below), be is guilty of one
KX VII, ,22.+ (2--.( change condition. Kerith. 11°
foתיפירה act; Y. Sabb, VII, 9 bot.; a,fr—2) to decree, designate.
.fer( ot נחרפתdenialpxe yb )sw}M דשנויי. ... Powמאי Tanh. B’huck.1 (ref. to Job XIV, &) ‘st דיטי Th He des-
(Rashi; איונישר( what proof is there that nehérefeth ignated the duration of life of every creatare.— Part,
pass, tly dab dc pl. Sarr, תוצזרה ( אgrooved.
the meaning of change from natural condition?
Sabb. 98° 'בו םישרקהTH THthe boards of the Tabernacle
. ref, to MET )11 Sam. XVII, 19) and to Prov. 1. 6.
were grooved, and the sockets hollowed out corre-
Di Bom BED (emp.528,S38){C0serapeoff}torevile
shame. Lev. R. 5 7, end MEGS PEWS she
)emoR( semehdp nas,a
er .muN 4₪. 5. 01 ְחִרְפָס
FI Bnb. 94% sq. רחש ר"ש 'כוwho blasphemed (the
)1 through
a messenger; a. fr. Ib, 33 דיב הצורהit is a decided fact known to the
Hithpa. , סרִחְתִחNithpa. 5-773 1) to be reviled. Midr. righteous
that they will in this world receive none ₪6
ill, to Ps. LXXIV, end ן"אנתטו owes which is reviled Deut.
R. 6.1 'חו ךידיש תודח
that thy hands
are quick
blasphemed. Ib. to Ps, XVIII, 1 “MET Eye רע until and determined.—c)
flat-nosed, v, y=".
וו 0/0/00 wiltis, sels Tanh. Nif. yr: to be cut into, dug, ploughed. Y. Nidd.
.h 21 yalp( no ) וחרףPP שתחיו טתקייצין ופניכם I, 49* bot. a soil is called virgin היסיס חב+ לכ אלש
Th> (some ed. ןירפתתמ( that you will feel nauseous when it has never been cut into; +. .רה
and your faces become
TIM ch. same, tocutinto. Part. pass. .יירד Gitt.20*
hb veSeat ptndsay Uren ' ח' ובSTUP רושטאsi eht pmats fo a nioc gud otni era(
“XIE, 20,sq. Targ. Job XVI, 9 (not Sr; ₪. the devices formed with a loss of substance), or is it
woby).—Part. pass,HITS. Targ. Jer.IX,7 ed.Lag. pressed into (by compressing the substance)?#—Bekh. 41°
4. ed. HTS, corr. ace.). Targ. Is. V, 98.--2(
to blas- מרחרץ דדa( yrd bacs )si tuc otni repeed( naht eht -rus
me, revile. Targ.
¥. Lev. XXIV, 11. ; a.fr—{Ib.15, face).
om Pe
_ Af. 77m tobequick, be early. Snb. 70° ולועו ee
Ithpe. ארחרץto be out into, v. supra.
go in early (before sunset), and leave early, that ץרח.₪ (preced.) incision, groove, mark
of a seam.
6 may take notice of you. Sabb. 115° אק rm Y. Nidd. 1,49* bot. 7 m= pe( לכ a virgin soil is) such as
‘> that they did it earlier (than they were told to). shows
no grooves. Y. Maasr.
1, 487 bot. TMמשיתטלא
from the time the incision in the growing fruits begins
ףר. v. ain. ot llif .¥Y—.pu .steB ,11 ,dne ,"16.a 6, +. חריל.
RET or רח אפ m.םרה.+) (-/4.early. B.Bath.90° חרץ.m.hc ,nioJ +. זזהַרְצָא.
אערת'ח וthe
the early market (soon after the crop) at _
e early market price, opp. אערת אלפא later market— NTL ₪. Gm) digging, a digger. B.Kam.56*
Aa Targ. Koh. XI, 2 early seeds.—Taan. 3° 7 (marginal version) T ד"או אצרש דה8 digging animal,
: early 6101108 (when rain is gathering). Nidd. 65°, and some use only the word hartsa: digger; +. x17.
אש אפ. * הפסא8.hsaH..rRA .de( יְִת*ָאַ= (חַגריפ
x אנעְרה11 .₪ G72) 0 groore, channel, v. x7 —
)2 (cmp. $53) [ineision,} loins. Targ. Deut. XXXIIL, 11
Te NT 5) basSOR)[paleness,] shame; revilement. . )צIf 3y).—Targ.
7 Gen. XXXVI,
34 .¥( ייצרהpl);
a. B.'s. 80. Sabb.
88°, a. 6. 'כו JOST prow hear | ₪ fr— Pl. 7m, constr. .יִצְרַה Targ.0. Ex. XXVIII
and answer not. . ו ו ו שר 02. : -
RPI 506 "הרהז
חרְצרהיןeht ecalp fo eht tonk fo rieht sniol ,)tleb( .graT |ו .lohO ,111 )7 .ecuS %02 ( חור שחָרְרוּהא מיםor ו
Y. Gen. L. 11; a. fr. cavity made by water, by animals 6. fie
NTI, ,אתניצרז +. ans. ררחch. ‘same, to perforate.— Part. “pass. <n )
gnigrahc .v( (חְרְיָּא. .graT .Y .veL ,VX 8 'ית וכ...
ןצרח m., pl.( םרֶפצְרִח b. h.) ₪ pomace of kernels
(some ed, ריר part. act.) his membrum discharge /
or shells of ויט; 0 . גזNaz. VI, 2. Ib. 35°; a. fr.—
Ib. 38 לכא ןצרחif he ate the shell (or the interior) of “TUT 11, Pi. רָרָח (denom. of רוח Il) to set free—
one berry. Hull." 82 ערז הטח "חוif he sowed a wheat Part. pass. רררזחמ freed, free. Gen. R. 4. 14, end (ref. to
grain and a kernel; a. fr.—V. אקרחוג IL. Gen. LI, 7.974 WED) 'כו ( רבע 'חמ רנפב ומצעVar. j2%, v. FID)
a freed slave left to himself for a living.—Keth. 1s 1
הֶנצְרַח.1 (preced.; collect. noun) kernels. Y,Maasr.
Kam, 95° Pines ()םיסככ unencumbered property. [Shat
I,בו48% אהתש 'ח ןהלשtheir kernels must be seen through
the berries.
ררזהch. same, to set free. Targ. Y. Gen. XVI,
NISSIM, חרצנפאch. same, stones of a fruit. הָניִררְחַאI will liberate her. Ib. 3 HEIN (not« את a
Tanh. Vaéra 14 ואגלמ אדהכ אתטרפ אנומרד 'חד ארמחתמ
Ib. 5. } -
like the berry of a pome-granate whose stones are seen
from within (shining through); Pesik. Vayhi, p. 3° Ithpa. אִסְחְרר, “nN to be set free. Targ. Le
( דהרצנירתאread: NMS); Ex. R. 8. 12 MPs;
XIX, 20. ן
Num. .ג s. 12 התניצרחד (corr. acc.); Cant. 1%. to 111, 11
רַרֶח111 (b. h.; emp.[ ררג( to be rough, exeited,)] te
דכל הדא פיטרתא:daer( חרצנתא. ;).. .klaY .xE 681 glow. Pilp. “mM, 4. v.
דחרצנתר:daer( .FH . (.; .klaY boJ 219 .rroc( .).cca
ררחch. same, to burn, to be blackened, cha
Pan m. (next w.) [eleft,] herek, a phonetic substitute
Targ. Ps, II, 12 “ins, Ib. 011, 4. Targ. Ez. XV, 4,
for herem .()םֶרָח Ned. 1, 2.—Pl. םיִקְרַח v. .אייקרח “M3 a, 6.
pon (b. h.) to cut a gap; to squeeze into a gap; to (Pa. חרירto stir the fire. Ab. Zar, 88" רָרּורַח v. 99.
pr ss "Part. pass, PAIN, ₪ MAT; pl. SPAN, nip Ithpa. “nny to be heated, dried up. Targ. 1 Esth, Vi1
a) having incisions, edged, serה Hull. 59° ed., v. Ithpalp. אֶתְחַרְחַרsame. Targ. Ps, LX1X, 4. ;
P3.—b) wedged in. Par. XII, 8 תוקורחה (Var.? (תוקּגדָחה
those handles which are squeezed into holes, opp. i ia
Tah 1% (cmp. ררח 1( to heap up, round. Denom
bored handles; Tosef. ib, XII (XI), 17 'כו םקורה האוצו
man, .רוח of
(read: 'כו Fen + תוקורחה Hx).
ררחsame.—Pa, ררָרָח to round, make a חִרְרָא Ta
1%. [ וזרקto set at edge,] (with 78) to gnash, grind the Ez. IV, ‘12 (some ed, ann Af.; h, text(תעגרנה
teeth. Pesik. R. 8. 87 םהרניש ןיקרחמground their teeth
(in sneer). Ex. R.s.5; Tanh, Vaéra 6 םהרלע Pon ליחתה ררחfreedom, v.חירר .
וכhe began to gnash his teeth against them (in rage).
an m. 1) needle-eye, v. רוח 1.—2) pile, vy. -
קרחch. same, Sabb.* 67 חיב אתרופPind let him Pi. ןיררח v. .הֶרְרִח ₪