Polish Journal of Science 52 (2022)
Polish Journal of Science 52 (2022)
Polish Journal of Science 52 (2022)
№52 (2022)
VOL. 1
ISSN 3353-2389
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Shadimetov Yu., Ayrapetov D.
OF CAR TIRES ............................................................... 3
Unerbayeva R., Nurmagambetova A. Odashev I.
"INDUSTRY 4.0" ........................................................... 8 DISCIPLINE .................................................................13
Khushvakova N., Burkhanov U., Kodirova Sh.
CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS ........................................ 19 RISK FACTORS FOR RECURRENT STROKE...................33
Kondoro A., Tongora E.F.
PATIENTS USING MACHINE LEARNING ..................... 22
Ibrahimov F., Abdullayeva G., Kerimova M.
CONTENT STANDARDS .............................................. 36
Ousseynou T. Yusifov E., Yusifova K.
SCIENTIFIC WORK OF K.ORAZIMBETOV .................... 44
Bakhadirkhanov M., Gurbanov M., Gojayev M., Hashimova A.
INTERACTION OF NIKEL ATOMS WITH GROUP VI As2 Se30,8 - As2S30,2..................................................55
IMPURITIES IN THE SILICON LATTICE ........................ 52
Shevchenko O. Petrosova L.,
LATHES ...................................................................... 57 MODERN METHODS OF REDUCING OCCUPATIONAL
THEIR CUTTING ......................................................... 61
Шадиметов Ю.Ш.
д.ф.н., профессор Ташкентского государственного транспортного университета, Председатель
Общественного совета при Госкомэкологии Республики Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Айрапетов Д.А.
ассистент Ташкентского государственного
транспортного университета
Республики Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Shadimetov Yu.,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Tashkent State Transport University, Chairman of the
Public Council under the State Committee for Ecology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Ayrapetov D.
assistant of Tashkent State Transport University
Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
В данной статье рассмотрены вопросы переработки и утилизации автомобильных шин. Анализиру-
ются передовые методы регулирования утилизации отработавших шин в разных странах. Описаны спо-
собы переработки отработавших изношенных шин, а также приведены примеры получения готовой про-
дукции из вторичного сырья, а именно использования резиновой крошки из шин для получения полезной
продукции. Целью статьи является рассмотрение вопросов ресурсосбережения в сфере автомобильного
транспорта путем утилизации автомобильных шин, сравнение способов утилизации отработавших шин,
как с экономической, так и в первую очередь, и с экологической точки зрения.
This article discusses the issues of recycling and disposal of car tires. The best practices for regulating the
disposal of used tires in different countries are analyzed. Methods for processing used tires are described, as well
as examples of obtaining finished products from recycled materials, namely, the use of crumb rubber from tires to
obtain useful products. The purpose of the article is to consider the issues of resource saving in the field of road
transport by recycling car tires, comparing the methods of recycling used tires, both from an economic and, first
of all, and from an environmental point of view.
Ключевые слова. экология, утилизация, изношенные шины, переработка шин, устойчивое развитие,
автомобильнеый транспорт, переработка.
Keywords. ecology, recycling, used tires, tire recycling, sustainable development, road transport, recycling.
Озонная Сжигание с
переработка шин получением
(продувание) энергии
Вывоз шин на Переработка
свалку переработки в крошку
Основным методом переработка автомобиль- стадии измельчения. Параллельно при помощи маг-
ных шин является переработка автомобильных шин нитного устройства из массы извлекается бортовая
в резиновую крошку. Этот способ является самым проволока и прочие металлические элементы.
простым и рациональным способом переработки – Измельчение до конечной фракции. В ро-
максимально сохраняет физико – механические и торной дробилке материал доводится до заданной
химические свойства материала [11]. величины фракции, а также очищается от металли-
Технология переработки ческого корда.
Процесс переработки шин в крошку преду- Сепарирование. В сепараторе из массы удаля-
сматривает ряд последовательных этапов: ется текстильный корд и остатки металлического
Контроль качества поступивших покры- корда.
шек. Изделия тщательно осматривают на предмет Сортировка по фракциям. Выполняется пу-
наличия шипов и прочих элементов, не пригодных тем пропускания материала через систему вибро-
к переработке. сит.
Предварительное измельчение. Шины наре- Упаковка и складирование. Материал фасу-
зают на сегменты размером 200х200 мм. ется в мешки и отправляется на склад.
Удаление металлической фракции. Сырье Основное оборудование для получения рези-
по конвейеру поступает в шредер для очередной новой крошки из отработавших автомобильных
Станок для вырезания бортовых колец
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Унербаева Р.У.
Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
Высшая школа бизнеса и экономики
Департамент менеджмента
Нурмагамбетова А.М.
Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
Высшая школа бизнеса и экономики
Департамент бизнес-технологий
Unerbayeva R.,
Al Farabi Kazakh National University
Higher School of Business and Economics
Department of Management
Nurmagambetova A.
Al Farabi Kazakh National University
Higher School of Business and Economics
Department of Business Technologies
В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы развития казахстанской инновационной экономики в рам-
ках «Индустрии 4.0». Ключевую роль на рынке инновационной экономики играют функции предприни-
мателей, новаторов и ученых, которые вносят изменения в экономический баланс, технологический про-
цесс, в масштабы производства и структуру экономической организации. Предполагается, что при этом в
основном прибыль создаёт интеллект новаторов и учёных, информационная сфера, а не материальное про-
изводство и не концентрация финансов. «Индустрия 4.0» является вызовом для инновационного развития
и усиления конкуренции между странами. В статье рассматриваются влияние этих вопросов на экономику
Казахстана и возможности развитие инновационной отрасли. Сделан анализ текущего состояния казах-
станского инновационного сектора и развития развитых стран в рамках «Индустрии 4.0», на основе роли
инновационной экономики в Казахстане.
In the context of the question of development of the Kazakhstan innovation economics in the frameworks of
Industrial Innovations 4.0. A key role in the innovation market is the role of innovators, innovators and researchers
in the market, the changes in the economic balance, the technological process, the scale of production and the
structure of the economic organization. It is assumed that this is the basis of intelligent innovators and software,
information spheres, or material production and concentration of finances. "Industry 4.0" is an innovative devel-
opment and promotion process for the countries. The article considers the issues of economic development and
development of innovation in Kazakhstan. The analysis of the current state of the Kazakh innovation sector and
the development of the developed countries in the frames of "Industry 4.0", based on the role of the innovative
economy of innovation in Kazakhstan.
Ключевые слова: инновации, инновационная экономика, индустрия 4.0, цифровизация, инновацион-
ная деятельность.
Keywords: innovation, innovation economy, industry 4.0, digitalization, innovative activity.
Одашев И.М.
Институт прогнозирования и макроэкономических исследований
при Министерстве экономического развития и
сокращение бедности Республики Узбекистан
Odashev I.
Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research
under the Ministry of Economic Development and
Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Согласно статье, духовность должна сопровождать экономическое развитие как один из основных
критериев совершенствования дисциплины поведенческого этикета людей при сотрудничестве в соци-
ально-экономической деятельности. В статье также рассматривается духовность как фактор сокращения
экономической бедности, важность становления рыночной экономики, основанной на сильных духовных
ценностях, влияние общества на многовековые духовные традиции, влияние системы «человек-общество-
According to the article, spirituality should accompany economic development as one of the primary criteria
for improving disciplines on the behavioral etiquette of the people while cooperating in socio-economic activities.
The article also examines spirituality as a factor in economic poverty reduction, the importance of establishing a
market economy based on strong spiritual values, the impact of society on centuries-old spiritual traditions, and
the impact of the "human-society-state" system.
Ключевые слова: духовность, экономика, гармония, рыночная экономика, общественное благосо-
стояние, общие интересы.
Keywords: spirituality, economy, harmony, the market economy, social welfare, common interests.
“The highest spirituality is an invincible force.”1 We often hear or read about a different kinds of
criminal topics or issues on the internet, newspapers,
I. Introduction journals, TV-set, radio and other media resources such
The national economy and spiritual life of the peo- as “What scammers do in the digital age and how they
ple have always been inextricably linked. People work, get away with it for so long”, “Italian businessman
activate, talk, live, and engage each other in everyday made a fortune by counterfeiting Supreme clothes”,
life. And it is impossible to imagine these continuous “"Unusual traffic": How Chinese hackers bankrupted
connections without behavioral, disciplinary and social Canada's largest corporation”. Such kinds of infor-
norms of etiquette. Because the economy is not limited mation we can find any media resources and every sin-
to getting profits and expenditures, people should re- gle day. But how can we solve these issues before it has
spect one another regardless of the scale of economic done? Is it possible? Or should we, once again, be lim-
activity. Positive changes replace serious negative ac- ited and forced solely by law enforcement agencies?
tions in human interactions and relationships at all What other mechanisms exist to deal with such situa-
stages of human development, from the emergence of tions to prevent crime or disrupt the balance of eco-
human society to the present. Among these changes is nomic activity and social, spiritual, moral, and behav-
a sense of spiritual uplift, which embodies human be- ioral communities? During the paper, we can open the
havior, character, and relationships. Spirituality and morally developed viewpoints and behavioral disci-
morally developed viewpoints are a concept that en- plines which can be made mechanisms to prevent crim-
compasses the positive traits that many people share, inal and nonbehavioral economic activities.
such as spirit, intellect, perception, state of mind, inner II. Literature review
mood, courage, essence, care, and sadness. Spirituality The ideologies of Central Asian thinkers and folk-
is the sum of a person's spiritual and mental worlds. The lore play an important role in the formation of the na-
main purpose of the paper is to make the economic re- tional economy. As one of Central Asia's medieval sci-
lationships based on the spiritual, behavioral and socio- entific and cultural centers, its positive impact on the
economical etiquette and get socio-economical welfare Renaissance process in other regions has been con-
of the people.
1 Citation: Karimov I.K, “High spirituality is an invincible
force”. Tashkent, Manaviyat, 2008.
firmed by global science. Samarkand hosted an interna- kind! We make you from unit Father (Adam Alaykx-
tional conference in May 2014 on "Historical heritage salam) and unit mother (Momo Khavo) by several
of medieval scholars and thinkers, its role and sig- types of the nation so you can get to know each other
nificance in the development of modern civiliza- and make love." Among the most common economic
tion," with scientists, representatives of leading inter- ideas, the Qur'an glorifies honest work, especially the
national organizations, and scientific centers from work of farmers, shepherds, and artisans.
nearly 50 countries in attendance. President of the Re- By ayat 29 Niso surah we can see this sentence:
public of Uzbekistan in his speech provided a deeper “Do not realize your property among yourselves in
understanding of the significance of our great ancestors' unjust ways (i.e. theft, robbery, usury, bribery, gam-
rich spiritual heritage. (Boriy Alixonov & Abdurakhim bling)! But make a fortune by bargaining." All other
Qurbanov, 2015) economic ideas are fundamentally focused on property
Uzbekistan is rich in its historically behavioral and and inheritance, the sanctity of property, betrayal of
moral etiquette rules and socio-economic connections one's property (particularly treason), and even envy of
based on the many heritages from the great scholars, one's property are considered a great sin.
scientists and governors. It's impossible not to include the names of the
Spirituality is an integrated aspect of one's East's great intellectuals and scientists, who made im-
personality. It manifests as a desire to live and create portant contributions to our nation's economic thinking
creatively by ideals of truth, goodness, and beauty. and the economic theories they proposed. Because their
Spiritual culture includes mental, artistic, aesthetic, contribution to the further enrichment of our contem-
moral, environmental, legal, and political components. porary national economy's spiritual roots is priceless.
Great thinkers of the past attributed eternal spiritual, These include Al-Fargani, Al-Khorezmi, Farabi, Ber-
moral, and pedagogical values that have a universal, uni, Ibn Sino, Yusuf Khas Hajib, Nizam-ul-Mulk, Amir
global character, but a national and ethnic basis, to love Temur, Alisher Navoi, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur
for children, devotion to the family and the memory of and many others. According to Ibn Sina, “Animals are
ancestors, diligence, love for the Motherland, for the content with the benefits of nature, and they deprive
person, a sense of justice and mutual tolerance, mercy, people of the benefits of nature. She needs food, cloth-
love for the native language as a life-giving source of ing and shelter. The animal assimilates the gifts of na-
the spirituality of the nation, care for the younger ture, and man, through his labor, creates food, cloth-
generation. (Tolipov U.K, 2017) ing and shelter for himself. To do this, a person must
The Avesta is one of the richest historical sources be engaged in agriculture and crafts’’ (Khajiev B.D &
for the formation of such ideas. According to research Abdullaeva R.G, 2016; Yuldashev K & Muftaydinov
by Uzbek scholars, the Avesta, the sacred book of Zo- K, 2000). Yusuf Khas-Khajib, on the contrary, says: “A
roastrianism (pre-Islamic), also contains important eco- person who does not benefit a person is not a dead,
nomic ideas. For example, "a man who served all his lifeless past, but wasted labor”. (Mahmudov T, 2000;
life on the path of beauty and goodness, light and joy, Karimov I, 2008). Farobiy comprehensively interprets
was pious and truthful, pure and fair, and treated the ideas of his teacher Aristotle and tries to supplement
guests impartially." He loves his wife, takes care of them, created a doctrine about the importance of mate-
the land and livestock, takes care of the human prop- rial needs for the formation of society, and described
erty, takes care of nature, and enjoys it. A person who the "need" that is important in economics. The role of
spends his life in good deeds, pure and just, who does labor and labor tools in creating material wealth is de-
not look at other people's property and preserves the termined. In particular, in the works of the thinker, the
riches of nature like the apple of his eye, expresses issues of “division of labor” are well covered. Because
spiritual harmony." ( Khajiev B.D & Abdullaeva of the division of labor, production develops as time is
R.G, 2016). Also, if you pay attention to the role and spent, the skills of workers increase, a basis is created
export potential of the Great Silk Road in Central Asia, for introducing technical means, and the advantage of
interest in Central Asia, in particular, in the territory of outsourcing each operation to special people, since all
modern Uzbekistan, has long been known and im- work can be done by one person (master).
portant (politically and economically). According to European thinkers and scientists investigate the
land, water, climatic, natural, geographical locations, harmony of spirituality and the economy, as well as
minerals, and wildlife distinguished by historical and spirituality and religion. However, all materials inves-
current data. Diligence, creativity, loves for the profes- tigate the spirituality-based economy, socialite, and
sion and creativity of the population were of great im- mankind's mentality as a whole. Carlos Hoevel (Cath-
portance. olic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
In the holy book of Islam-the Koran, which is an- argues in "Spiritual Meaning of the Economic Crisis"
other spiritual basis of our national economy, the activ- that the economic and financial crisis that began in
ity of human society, and economic relations play an 2008 has a spiritual dimension. Behavioral economists
important role. Because economic relations manifest believe that the severe and prolonged crisis was caused
the main characteristics of people. The commandments by a series of psychological irrationalities in the behav-
of the Koran, as a divine commandment to people, are ior of players (borrowers, loan originators, investment
because all people on earth are one family, children of banks, rating agencies, regulators, and end investors).
Adam and Eve, and therefore brothers and sisters. In (Bouckaert L & Zsolnai L, 2012)
particular, ayat 13 of Surah al-Khujurat says: "O, man-
In "Religion and Spirituality," Jesuit Scholar Paul as well as experiences rooted in men's and women's
de Blot (Nyenrode Business University, the Nether- pragmatic daily lives. (Bouckaert L & Zsolnai L, 2012)
lands) examines the complex relationship between reli- Andrew Newberg (Thomas Jefferson University
gion and spirituality in "Religion and Spirituality." and Hospital, Philadelphia, USA) argues in "Neurosci-
While spirituality is concerned with the soul or spirit, ence of Spirituality" that for successful synthesis of
religion is concerned with the existence of a superhu- neuroscience and spirituality, an understanding and
man ruling power, particularly God or gods, which is preservation of scientific fundamentals must be com-
frequently manifested via worship. Religion is a sys- bined with an analysis of the cognitive elements of re-
tematic human approach to supernatural reality that ligious and spiritual experience. This necessitates a
usually includes a set of narratives, beliefs, and behav- neuropsychological examination of religious and spir-
iors. On the other hand, spirituality is a multifaceted itual experiences. (Luk Bouckaert & Laszlo Zsolnai,
search for a transcendent purpose to life that is founded 2012).
on our human experience. (Luk Bouckaert & Laszlo III. Methods and materials
Zsolnai, 2012). Spirituality is the basis of human and social cul-
Veerle Draunlans (Tilburg University, the Neth- ture, which has a strong influence on the formation,
erlands, and The Catholic University of Leuren, Bel- transformation, and crisis of a particular economic and
gium) demonstrates in "Gender and Spirituality" that a social system, the enrichment of which can lead to the
gender approaches to spirituality mirror the divided and development of society and, conversely, to the impov-
dichotomous thinking's significant repercussions. It erishment of spirituality. The spiritual and practical ac-
calls for global solidarity and a more prominent and tions of man can explain the question of harmony be-
positive role for physical experiences in spiritual life, tween spirituality and the economy. We can express it
based on the following comparative table:
Table 1
Simple manifestations of a person's spiritual image influence his behavior
The behaviour of a spiritually high person The behaviour of a spiritually poor person
Creativity, variety of ideas Addiction to evil ideas
Enthusiasm, hard-working Coldness, laziness, carelessness
Caring for people The dominance of selfish views
Setting high goals Lack of purpose, uncertainty about the future
Flawless task execution Incomplete or incorrect execution of tasks
Respect for the Elders and Respect for the Younger Work for your benefit
Ethical and aesthetic outlook Evil intentions, nefarious goals
Source: Created and developed by the author
Its social nature explains the harmony of spiritual- The main goal of enterprises' and organizations'
ity with the economy. Because spirituality and econom- products and services is not to harm human health, not
ics arise in society as a social phenomenon. Spiritual to emit harmful gasses and emissions, the widespread
poverty also directly reflects the disgusting image of a use of green technologies, the production of goods that
social phenomenon and has a negative impact not only do not harm local traditions (clothing), human health is
on nature and society but also on economic processes. reflected in such economic activities as growing and
We can analyze this using the terms "spiritual" and processing consumer goods that bring more benefits.
"non-spiritual economy". We can assess the integral as- An economy that is out of sync with spirituality is anal-
pects of the spiritual economy as a set of many eco- ogous to the socio-cultural and economic development
nomic processes in which they carried economic pro- of society, resulting in a sharp change in the established
cesses out not only for good and for harm but also to and accepted traditions of nations and peoples, as well
achieve the noble aspirations of humanity. as the formation or deterioration of the younger gener-
ation's upbringing.
Green materials
technology and products
harmony and
national values
Almost all economic processes necessitate inter- live more and more of our lives as digital simulations,
actions with social processes. These processes can it's still surprising that semiconductor behemoths like
never be mutually exclusive. If economic activity TSMC and Nvidia can't produce chips fast enough.
harms the spiritual and cultural ties that exist between Forbes' Global 2000 list has been measuring the world's
these ties, it will not only harm society but may also largest public companies in four equally weighted met-
lead to a decline in economic development. This means rics since 2003: assets, market value, sales, and profits.
that the primary goal of a business should not be the Last year's edition provided insight into the early eco-
production of goods or services. It also necessitates nomic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are
careful consideration and analysis of how the goods now seeing the results of a year of market turmoil and
sold here affect consumers' cultural and spiritual unfathomable human loss. The outcomes are not en-
worldviews. The protection of the national economy tirely negative. With central banks allowing negative
and spirituality is especially important in times when interest rates, investors have concluded that equity in-
globalization and the spread of mass culture have a sig- vesting is the only option. Naturally, the global stock
nificant impact on society, national spirituality, and market has increased by roughly 48% in the last year.
culture. So, while the Forbes Global 2000 companies' sales and
IV. Analysis and outcomes profits are down, their total assets and market value are
A strong society and the highest moral qualities up. The minimum market value for inclusion on the
Several changes are occurring in socioeconomic 2021 list was $8.26 billion, up from $5.27 billion in
relations as a result of the global pandemic (Covid-19) 2020. (Andrea Murphy & Isabel Contreras, 2022).
that humanity is currently experiencing. It is clear that However, we continue to see the opposite in countries
mass protests against quarantine measures in some that have preserved their spiritual and cultural values
countries around the world result in the appearance of and are still treated with dignity. This means that spir-
iodized images on the spiritual and cultural appearance ituality, as a reflection of society, is a complex set of
of the crowd gathered there. Such examples undoubt- strong spiritual, ethical, and aesthetic views that lead to
edly aggravate these countries' economic crises. World either development or crisis.
business leaders were faced with impossible choices. Many people face fierce competition in a market
Should you begin layoffs now or wait for government economy, attempting to fully satisfy their well-being,
funds? Pay the rent or the payroll? Which factories will biological needs, and social status. In a highly compet-
be closed first? How are we going to get rid of this en- itive environment, however, they are prone to a variety
tire inventory? Is it better to start Chapter 11 now or of undesirable actions when they are aware of their lack
later? Even as airlines and retailers went bankrupt, oil of knowledge and experience. These include familiar-
prices plummeted below zero, and death tolls skyrock- ity, corruption, victory lust, inability to control one's
eted, there were some pandemic bright spots. Pfizer and desires, disregard for others, or boasting of one's he-
AstraZeneca have been extremely busy, while Amazon gemony, and the fact that such people participate in this
cannot find enough workers. And, as we've learned to
or that economic activity directly harms all normal eco- form in Berlin. Around 3,000 people turned out for the
nomic relations. They prevent the economy from func- demonstration in Munich's Marienplatz. In Frankfurt,
tioning normally. To achieve their evil intentions, they about 500 people demanded the abolition of the mask
sell their conscience, spirituality, and culture. This is regime, sparking mass protests. A spiritual community
the most important factor in a person's spiritual and cul- of individuals would never have created such a situa-
tural poverty, and it directly leads to socio-economic tion. (Odashev I.M, 2021)
poverty. A strong market economy promotes optimal Example 3: The unrest in Italy began on October
economic processes in the face of intense competition, 22 in Naples, after a curfew was imposed in the Cam-
mutually beneficial relationships, and limited re- pania region, and spread throughout the region the next
sources. Spiritual poverty, on the other hand, does not day. After Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte imposed
allow strong market mechanisms to function normally, new strict restrictions on October 25, protests and riots
or it leads to a sharp deterioration and economic impov- spread to Milan, Turin, and Rome. The protests were
erishment of society. not peaceful, resulting in riots, clashes with police, and
According to B.P. Shulindin, “All forms of social looting. The main causes of these mass conflicts are a
consciousness, although in various forms, reflect so- lack of a targeted governance approach, and a lack of
cial life and, above all, material social relations, initial and targeted public awareness campaigns about
which has the opposite effect. The joint evolution of the pandemic, or poor organization. The inadequacy of
the materialistic and idealistic directions is a dialecti- human spiritual qualities, on the other hand, can explain
cal interaction of spirituality and the economic sphere crowd behavior. (Odashev I.M, 2021)
of society”. (A.Razzakov & Sh.Toshmatov & N.Ur- V. Conclusions and recommendations
monov, 2002) In the transition from a strong state to a In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that Uz-
strong civil society, the formation of a strong spiritual- bekistan, which is famous all over the world for its mul-
ity and a strong economy are closely interconnected. tinational people with a thousand-year history, culture,
The presence of people with high moral qualities in so- and spiritual views, are a mirror of their spiritual
ciety prevents various conflicts and riots from escalat- worldview. Therefore, the formation and implementa-
ing. Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, mass pro- tion of a modern economy and its historical, cultural,
tests and collective conflicts in countries around the and spiritual foundations must be an integral part of to-
world has resulted in complex social crises. Analyzing day's complex global economic processes. In the fur-
this with the help of the following vivid examples, we ther development of international economic relations
can see how difficult situations can arise in a society between the countries of the world, there is a need for
devoid of spiritual beliefs. Tens of thousands of people a spiritually rich economy as an important tool in cre-
protested against COVID-19 measures and government ating a world economy that can respond to any unex-
sanctions against the unvaccinated in Australia, France, pected challenges. I believe that such a spiritual econ-
Italy, and Greece on Saturday, sparking clashes with omy is very important for today's world, and I would
police. The protests highlight the global conflict be- like to make the following conclusions and recommen-
tween the World Health Organization and other public dations for achieving and implementing it:
health agencies' advice and people who refuse to be ✔ Development and continuous monitoring of
vaccinated for various reasons. In the current situation, all measures to prevent corruption in implementing
no country in the world could resolve the Protestant business processes;
conflict peacefully. People with spiritual and moral ✔ Identify spiritual and cultural factors that af-
qualities would not instigate such widespread conflict. fect the level of the shadow economy, and conduct reg-
And such national responsibilities should have been ular educational work to develop the spiritual con-
considered before the conflict began. sciousness of a person;
Example 1: Government-imposed quarantine re- ✔ When establishing economic ties with the
strictions to prevent the rapid spread of COVID-19 countries of the world, more attention should be paid to
around the world have resulted in mass conflicts. This the formation of interethnic and intercultural ties;
included mass protests in the United States on April 18, ✔ Ensuring the harmony of spiritual values in
2020, in Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Maryland, Kentucky, shaping the foundations of the modern economy;
and Wisconsin, where protesters created artificially ✔ To look into the historical genesis of spiritual
large traffic jams from several cars, and "Give me the ideals, as well as the techniques and criteria that have
right to get a coronavirus, but don't restrict my free- guided their evolution to the present day;
dom" ("reopen," i.e., stop isolation). During the pro- ✔ Formation and implementation of targeted
tests, it was easy to see various violations, humiliations mechanisms that ensure the main role of spiritual views
of human dignity, and the disgusting state of society's in the daily activities of economic entities;
moral image. (Odashev I.M, 2021) ✔ Formation of an environment of interest in
Example 2: Such large-scale conflicts and unau- economic values, and criteria in economic activity;
thorized protests against restrictions on citizens' rights ✔ In-depth examination of the works of im-
and freedoms in Berlin began on April 19. Protesters portant historical leaders in the field of economics that
first gathered in Rosa Luxemburg Square for a "sanitary have been passed down to us, as well as an assessment
protest," then moved to the Kreuzberg neighborhood. of their relevance to the present economy.
Protests against mass quarantine (isolation regime) in-
creased on May 9. Thousands of people from Stuttgart
attended. Protests took a smaller but more aggressive
References 8. Xalq so’zi online newspaper, Boriy Alixonov,
1. Khajiev B.D., Abdullaeva R.G., Mamaraxi- Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Central
mov B.E. Educational-methodical complex on the sub- Council of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan,
ject "History of economic doctrines". For a lecture. Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy
Tashkent: Economics, 2016. p.259. Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Abdurakhim
2. Yuldashev K., Muftaydinov K., “From the his- Qurbanov, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the
tory of economic doctrines”. (On the example of Shark Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2015
economic thinking) T., 2000. 9. Tolipov U.K, “Spiritual and moral bases life-
3. Razzakov A., Toshmatov Sh., Urmonov N, long education in the republic of Uzbekistan”, Nauki ob
“History of Economics”, Finance, T., 2002. Obrazovanii,
4. Mahmudov T., "About the Avesto". T., Shark, 10. Forbes, “The Global 2000”, Andrea Murphy,
2000. and Isabel Contreras, 2022
5. Karimov I, “High spirituality is an invincible 11. Bouckaert L, and Zsolnai L, 2012. “Spiritual-
force”. Tashkent, Manaviyat, 2008. ity and Business: An Interdisciplinary Overview” Soci-
6. In Central and Eastern Europe, Journal of the ety and Economy 34 (2012) No. 3. pp. 489-514
Corvinus University of Budapest, Society and Econ- 12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro-
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Bouckaert and Laszlo Zsolnai. 13. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-
7. “Jamiyat va boshqaruv” Journal, 2021 №1 59363256
(91), pp.122-127, Odashev I.M. 14. https://www.dw.com/en/what-is-behind-the-
Khushvakova N.,
MD Professor Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology No. 1
Samarkand State Medical University
Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
Burkhanov U.,
Assistant of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology No. 1
Samarkand State Medical University
Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
Nurmuhamedov F.
Assistant of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology No. 1
Samarkand State Medical University
Samarkand, Uzbekistan
The article presents data on the dynamics of changes in the level of cytokines in blood serum and nasal
secretions in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. 178 patients were studied. The study showed that chronic forms
of rhinosinusitis develop against the background of multidirectional shifts in the concentration of anti-inflamma-
tory cytokines in blood serum and nasal secretions. The patients were divided into 2 large groups. After the post-
operative period, patients of the main group using LILT methods showed a tendency to normalize the levels of all
classes of serum immunoglobulins IgA decreased by 44.3%, IgM by 61.2%, IgG by 14.0% and secretory immu-
noglobulin A by 18.0%. The dynamics of changes in each indicator indicated a decrease in the immune load on
the body.
Keywords: rhinosinusitis, endoscopic surgery, low-intensity laser therapy, immunoglobulin, mucociliary
In the postoperative period, the use of LILT is per- μm, maximum radiation output 5 W is performed using
formed in order to enhance the immune system, im- a special nasal cavity ENT nozzle, lower and middle
prove local blood circulation and improve the quality nasal with ENT nozzle The tracks are inserted and held
of wound healing. For this purpose, the treatment is per- for 1.5–2 minutes. The course of treatment - 5–7 days
formed while the patient is sitting, no analgesia of the (Fig. 2).
nasal mucosa is required, endonasal wavelength 0.89
Blood, plasma, and serum served as the object of its subclasses, as well as slgA, belonging to classes A,
nasal secretion testing. Blood was drawn from the el- M, G, was carried out using the solid-phase IFA
bow vein at lunch. Serum or plasma was isolated by method, using binary antibody reagents.
conventional methods. To remove the wash from the Results and discussions. Based on the data ob-
nasal cavity, a dry cloth swab was placed in each com- tained, we concluded that once a day for 5-7 days, apply
mon nasal passage of the patient for 10 minutes, and PILT continuously for 2-3 minutes with infrared rays
after it was removed from the nose, 1 ml of 0.9% so- with a power of 5 mW, wavelength 0.89 μm, separately
dium chloride solution was placed in a preservative so- for each nasal cavity. leads to a rapid restoration of the
lution. Thirty minutes later, the tampons were thor- functional state of the cavity.
oughly compressed, and the obtained, washed was used Evaluation of the endoscopic picture performed in
for inspections. The standardization of the washes was the dynamics showed that statistically reliable recovery
carried out by spectrophotometric control at a wave- of nasal functional status and immunologically normal
length of 280 nm - "dilution - concentration". blood and nasal secretions was faster in the main group
Serum, blood plasma, and nasal secretions were of patients undergoing PILT in the postoperative pe-
taken at the same time, on the day of admission or hos- riod, without any additional physiotherapeutic treat-
pitalization, as well as before the end of the course of ment, compared with the control group. Tumors of the
treatment and response, usually 5-7 days in the hospital. nasal mucosa disappeared by 5.3 ± 0.4 days in the main
All samples were frozen in Eppendorf-type solutions group of patients and by 8.7 ± 0.6 days in patients in
and stored at -20 ° C until use. Determination of Ig and the control group (p <0.05).
Table 1
Serum outcomes of control group patients before and after treatment
Ig content before treatment is g/l The amount of Ig after treatment is g/l
Criteria g/l
pointer reliability pointer reliability
IgA 10,02±0,3 р<0,05 10,9±0,1 р<0,05
sIgA 0,14±0,05 р<0,05 0,23±0,03 р<0,05
IgM 3,5±0,7 р<0,05 1,7±0,2 р<0,05
IgG 10,35±1,6 р<0,05 14,0±1,4 р<0,05
Note: p are statistically significant differences between conventional and proposed therapy
Table 2
Serum outcomes of the main group of patients before and after treatment
Ig content before treatment is g/l The amount of Ig after treatment is g/l
Criteria g/l
pointer reliability pointer reliability
IgA 11,07±0,1 р<0,05 5,3±0,3 р<0,05
sIgA 0,25±0,02 р<0,05 0,18±0,03 р<0,05
IgM 4,63±0,3 р<0,05 1,85±0,2 р<0,05
IgG 12,45±1,2 р<0,05 15,2±1,4 р<0,05
Note: p are statistically significant differences between conventional and proposed therapy
Table 3
Outcomes in nasal secretion of control group patients before and after treatment
Ig content before treatment is g/l The amount of Ig after treatment is g/l
Criteria g/l
pointer reliability pointer pointer
IgA 2,58±0,9 р<0,05 3,9±0,2 р<0,05
sIgA 0,10±0,05 р<0,05 0,15±0,03 р<0,05
IgM 1,49±0,6 р<0,05 1,7±0,2 р<0,05
IgG 15,34±1,7 р<0,05 17,0±1,4 р<0,05
Note: p are statistically significant differences between conventional and proposed therapy
Table 4
Outcomes in nasal secretion of the main group of patients before and after treatment
Ig content before treatment is g/l The amount of Ig after treatment is g/l
Criteria g/l
pointer reliability pointer pointer
IgA 3,01±0,1 р<0,05 4,5±0,3 р<0,05
sIgA 0,14±0,02 р<0,05 0,25±0,03 р<0,05
IgM 1,53±0,3 р<0,05 1,8±0,2 р<0,05
IgG 16,25±1,3 р<0,05 17,5±1,5 р<0,05
Note: p are statistically significant differences between conventional and proposed therapy
Kondoro A.,
Department of Computer Studies, Dar es salaam Institute of Technology, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Tongora E.F.
Department of Computer Studies, Dar es salaam Institute of Technology, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Cardiovascular refers to anything relating to the heart and blood vessels. The flawed current leads to multiple
patients not receiving the right care depending on their current health status, leading to critical cases and even
death. Apart from the main objective of developing a smart healthcare system for cardiovascular diseases, other
specific objectives include modelling a machine learning algorithm for natural language processing, modelling a
machine learning algorithm for health recommendation, developing a preliminary diagnosis subsystem, develop-
ing a follow-up report management subsystem, integrating geolocation subsystem, evaluating the system. The
study has proposed new method, the Recommendation and Optimization-Based Decision Support System Algo-
rithm, constructs an expert system with an explicit knowledge base. The algorithm obtains knowledge through
domain experts. In response to a query, the algorithm gives a customized recommendation, using an optimization
step to help the patient maximize the probability of achieving the desired outcome. In this findings, the recom-
mended behavioural factors are the optimal solutions that maximize the desired effect’s likelihood. With proper
formulation, this expert system can combine multiple factors like age and body mass index to give proper self-
preliminary diagnosis support at the individual level.
Keywords: Cardiovascular, Machine learning, Healthcare
It has been discussed that the following can be breathing and easy fatigability) as well as adherence to
learnt from the patients; Sentiment, emotions, symp- nutrition adjustments and medication given.
toms, background information, behavioural factors. In From diagnosis there will be 3 consecutive follow
addition to that the key factors that one should monitor ups at 7,14 and 21 days from diagnosis. Thereafter it
in cardiac-patient daily life include; diet and nutrition, will be monthly and if resolved then every after 6
body exercises, and weather. In case of emergence, the months. However, the patient can come to the clinic
immediate measures to be taken include; ventilation, when condition worsens at any time. The nature of a
performing CPR if necessary, and seeking medical at- victim follows up, begins with specific scope and ends
tention. with a general scope, summary of the whole process, no
Symptoms of the disease and stage of the disease place to bring new ideas, no redundancy. Report details
are the key factors that lead to recommending anything are represented through elaboration and translation of
to the patient. The kind of data is to be stored to help medical parameters into an understandable simple lan-
with the recommendations; Height, weight, age, loca- guage to the patient so as he/she can understand what
tion of the victim. The risk level of the patient in a pre- were the findings during investigations and they sug-
liminary diagnosis can be calculated using; symptoms gest he/she is suffering from.
(stage of the disease), by using Framingham heart fail- Proposed System
ure score and Dukes criteria and using the CHADVAS The proposed system, is the smart healthcare sys-
score. tem for cardiovascular diseases. The system will man-
Coming up with the conclusion, Framingham cri- age all users seeking cardiovascular medical assistance.
teria is used, if the patient exhibits two major criteria or The medical assistance can inform of medical infor-
one major and two minor criteria’s and from history and mation of balanced diet that is various nutritious foods
symptoms. The kinds of question asked during diagno- which can help improve the user’s well-being. The
sis; heartbeat rhythm, family history of heart diseases, other form of medical assistance can be in the form of
lifestyle risk factors, easy fatigability, limb swelling recommendation of different behaviours and general
(Oedema), history of hypertension, chest pain, chronic conduct of the user, such as daily exercises, self-diag-
diseases, difficulty in breathing nosis, and level of activities.
During follow-up, the following processes should V. CONCLUSION
be considered; severity of signs and symptoms, adher- Machine learning is at the centre of a new enter-
ence to meds, modification of lifestyle (diet and exer- prise to build computational models of intelligence.
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Kodirova Sh.
PhD, Head of the Department of Folk Medicine and
Occupational Diseases of the Bukhara State Medical Institute
This article discusses the psychosocial issues of patients with coronary heart disease, as a specialist always
faces a dilemma: is depression a secondary manifestation of an anxious state (including with panic attacks) or vice
versa. It is possible that the patient has mixed symptoms - the manifestations of depression and anxiety disorders
are largely similar, and indeed, in general practice, patients with anxiety and depressive disorder are more often
observed. At the same time, it is much more important not just to establish a diagnosis of depression or anxiety
disorder, but to fully identify all the psychopathological symptoms that a particular patient has.
Keywords: CHF, depression, anxiety, antidepressant therapy.
With special attention to scientific research aimed leads to complete disability as often as a cerebral
at improving the clinical and diagnostic basis of mental stroke, in others, a temporary decline in mood may be
changes in patients with CHD in the world, and their due to the defeat of an adored football team. describing
treatment, determination of clinical and psychological their condition, such patients may complain of a feeling
and multifunctional markers in CHD; scientific re- of anxiety (or anxiety, nervousness) and at the same
search is being conducted to develop a technology for time of a depressed mood (or melancholy and sadness).
assessing anxiety and depressive processes in patients It is difficult to determine these incompatible com-
using psychological methods. Along with this, the op- plaints without anticipating the factors of the patient's
timization of objective technologies for assessing clin- life, his social status, personality traits, home and per-
ical and psychological processes and the development sonal history [1,2,3]. The risk of developing depressive
of treatment methods indicated for the pathogenesis in and anxiety disorders during life is 15-20%. In 50% of
patients with coronary heart disease is gaining im- cases in medical practice, depression remains undiag-
portance. nosed. In general medical practice, masked (somatized)
Often, the terms "depression" and "anxiety" are depression is often encountered, which is detected
used not only in general medical literature, but also in mainly by somatic signs, Women get sick 34 times
everyday speech. Indeed, this terminology is so diverse more often than men; in particular, 10-15% of women
that it is allowed to characterize a different state of in- develop postpartum depression, 50% have premen-
ternal discomfort. In some cases, depression takes the strual syndrome, the prevalence of depression increases
place of melancholy of a severe mental disorder, which with age and the addition of concomitant diseases, the
duration of depression is from several weeks to several including panic disorder, phobias and obsessive-com-
years" the main importance in optimizing medical care pulsive disorder. It is assumed that patients with in-
for patients with depression belongs to doctors of gen- creased anxiety account for about a third of all consul-
eral medical practice. Only 10-15% of patients with de- tations in the general practice of doctors.
pression receive appropriate antidepressant therapy [1]. The results of studies of depression are just as dis-
If a mental disorder is suspected, it is mandatory appointing: the prevalence of" pure " depression
to conduct a detailed conversation with relatives about reaches 2-5% in the population, and women are 3-4
his manner and disposition. The most important ques- times more likely to get sick than men, but in practice,
tion in this situation is"How does the patient change?". in 50% of cases, depression remains poorly diagnosed.
Otherwise, first of all, it is necessary to investigate how Men often have the so-called "masked" (somatized) de-
the psychological state has changed, whether the pa- pression, which is manifested mainly by somatic symp-
tient has turned out to be apathetic, weak, whether his toms. Patients of this group often abuse alcohol, but do
goals in life have changed, how he behaves in society not want to seek help from psychiatrists, including due
with others. When for doctors of the therapeutic profile, to certain prejudices that are widespread even in mod-
an increase in body temperature or blood pressure is the ern society [1,2,3,4].
first sign of the disease, for psychiatrists, the first calls In addition, 10-15% of women develop postpar-
of the disease are insomnia, a violation of concentration tum depression, and 50% have premenstrual syndrome,
in the form of its decrease. The most important thing characterized by a combination of somatic symptoms
for a psychiatrist is patience, perseverance and skills of with manifestations of anxiety (or irritability) and de-
asking the right questions to the patient [3,4,5]. pression. The prevalence of depression among alcohol-
In addition, it is necessary to remember that the ism patients is significantly higher in women (20%
symptoms of neurotic disorders (both depression and compared to 5-10% in men). Finally, there is a direct
anxiety are typical non - psychotic diseases) change correlation between the severity of social phobia, anxi-
over time. So, the symptoms of depression that were ety or panic symptoms and the use of alcohol (or tran-
observed in the patient last year, this may be replaced quilizers) as a pleasant and effective means of compla-
by classic signs of an anxiety disorder, and two years cency.
later-symptoms of obsessive-compulsive or panic dis- The prevalence of depression increases with age.
order. It is quite possible that statements like "a person Thus, according to research, symptoms of depression
with depression" or "a constantly worried person" are are observed in 25-30% of people over 65 years old,
often found in the sources – most likely, some people and women from this age group (up to 85 years old) are
are more susceptible to depression or anxiety disorders twice as likely to get sick as men. Moreover, in elderly
than others [14,16]. It is assumed that there is a family people with several somatic diseases (4 or more), the
predisposition even to mild types of neurosis. So, timid, prevalence of depression is significantly higher (30%
suspicious and prone to anxious reactions, housewives compared to 5% among people without concomitant
often explain their situation by the" nervousness " of diseases). For example, the prevalence of depression in
the mother or the father suffering from alcoholism. It patients who have suffered a brain stroke is 30-50%
should be remembered that any even the slightest infor- [10,13].
mation can be useful when establishing a diagnosis Examining patients with signs of depression, anx-
[15]. iety or mixed disorder, the specialist should identify
Finally, in practice, a specialist always faces a di- which of the psychopathological symptoms are the
lemma: is depression a secondary manifestation of an main ones. The patient comes to the doctor having his
anxious state (including with panic attacks) or vice own ideas about the nature and causes of his problems,
versa. It is possible that the patient has mixed symp- most often associating them with an unfavorable life
toms - the manifestations of depression and anxiety dis- event or a chain of events. Neurotic and affective dis-
orders are largely similar, and indeed, in general prac- orders occur not for one or two days (like some acute
tice, patients with anxiety and depressive disorder are inflammatory diseases), but for several weeks, months
more often observed. At the same time, it is much more and years, and the causes of their occurrence may in-
important not just to establish a diagnosis of depression deed be hidden in the past [12]. For example, sleep dis-
or anxiety disorder, but to fully identify all the psycho- orders or persistent headaches are often the result of or-
pathological symptoms that a particular patient has. dinary professional or family problems, which does not
Practical doctors cannot and do not want to waste time detract from the pathogenetic importance of these "life
on formulations, and if a patient complains of a de- events", since it has been shown that many of them are
pressed mood or increased anxiety, the first question factors that provoke the occurrence of a depressive
that an experienced clinician will ask him is "how does state. At the same time, attempts to detect such provok-
a depressed or anxious state affect your life?". ing factors in the patient's past life are based, as a rule,
Neurotic disorders are often found in the popula- on a very common point of view, according to which
tion, and it is with such diseases that therapists often any mental disorder is considered as a consequence of
meet. According to some data and estimates, the risk of stressful and traumatic situations (including those not
developing depression, anxiety or mixed disorder realized by patients), and not as a brain disease, as un-
throughout life is 15-20%. A study conducted in the UK predictable as CHD or cholelithiasis.
in 1995 showed that the prevalence of anxiety disorders One of the most time-consuming problems in the
reaches 30%, mixed anxiety-depressive disorder-8%, diagnosis of mental disorders is the need to distinguish
between the factor and the consequence of diseases [9].
Obviously, a depressed mood or depression can be In addition to the generally accepted clinical stud-
caused by the loss of a familiar job, but people with de- ies, a survey was conducted on the hospital Anxiety and
pression are bad workers, which in itself is the reason Depression Scale HADS (The hospital Anxiety and De-
for their dismissal. Similarly, patients with agoraphobia pression Scale Zigmond A. S., Snaith R. P.) designed
associate their fear of crowded places (and not just the for the primary detection of depression and anxiety in
fear of open spaces) with a certain stressful event, shy- general medical practice. The HADS scale for deter-
ness, etc. But this stressful event could be the first panic
mining the level of anxiety and depression does not
attack, after which the patient tends to stay at home and cause difficulties for the patient and does not require a
thereby reduce the likelihood of another attack. A panic long time to fill in and interpret the results. A compar-
attack is often accompanied by pronounced somatic ative analysis of groups of CHD patients with depres-
symptoms (difficulty breathing, profuse sweating), sion and without depression found statistically signifi-
which forces patients to seek help from doctors of dif- cant differences in a number of clinical and functional
ferent specialties (cardiologists, gastroenterologists, manifestations of stable angina pectoris, cardiovascular
etc.) in vain attempts to diagnose the disease. Of course, risk factors, psychosocial factors, and gender of pa-
most of all they want to get rid of painful symptoms and tients. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out us-
get effective treatment, but they avoid contacting a spe- ing the Statistica 6.0 application software package. The
cialist doctor [14,15,21]. significance of the differences in the groups by the av-
The aim of the study is to develop recommenda- erage value of the indicator was carried out using the
tions for improving the definition of clinical and psy- Student—Fisher criterion. In all statistical analysis pro-
chological predictors in the early diagnosis of psycho- cedures, the critical significance level (p) was equal to
logical changes and treatment methods in patients with 0.05. The average sample values are represented by M±
coronary heart disease. m, where M is the arithmetic mean, m is the error of the
Materials and methods average.
The analysis of cardiovascular risk factors and Results and their discussion
psychosocial factors was carried out in 120 patients According to the questionnaire, 32 (26.6%) had
with coronary heart disease (CHD) who were on outpa- depressive disorders corresponding to the level of de-
tient dispensary observation in the conditions of the city pression from 8 to 10 points, corresponding to mild and
polyclinic No. 9 of the city of Bukhara. The diagnosis moderate manifestations of depression according to the
of coronary heart disease, stable angina pectoris (SSN), level of the evaluation scale from 7 to 11 points. This
functional class (FC) II-III was confirmed by the results was the basis for the division of patients into 2 groups.
of a clinical, laboratory and instrumental study in ac- The main group consisted of 32 patients with SSN and
cordance with National clinical Guidelines. The aver- clinical depression (average score of 10 ± 0.82). In the
age age of men was 58.4 ± 5.2 years, women-61.7± 3.8 comparison group consisting of 88 patients with SSN
years (p<0.001), the duration of the coronary history without depressive disorders, the average score did not
was 2.8 ± 3.3 years. All patients underwent instrumen- exceed 7.41 ± 0.84. Depression was found in almost
tal studies, including electrocardiography (ECG), bicy- every fourth patient with coronary heart disease. A
cle ergometry (VEM), echocardiography (EchoCG) comparative analysis of groups of patients with depres-
with color duplex scanning. ECG with registration in sion and without depression found statistically signifi-
12 generally accepted and additional ones. A 6-minute cant differences in a number of clinical and functional
walk test was used to determine exercise tolerance manifestations of CVD, cardiovascular risk factors and
(TFN) and blood pressure response (BP). The results of the most significant psychosocial factors confirming
TSH corresponded to the clinical manifestations and the adverse effect of depression on the course of coro-
FC of SSN at the time of the examination. nary heart disease.
Table 1.
Clinical characteristics of CHD patients depending on the presence or absence of depressive disorders and the
gender of patients (M ± t)
Patients with SSN with depression Patients with SSN who do not have de-
Indicator on the HADS scale pression on the HADS scale
Men (n = 12) Women (n = 20) Men (n = 35) Women (n = 53)
Average age, years 57,06±4,36 57,84±5,47 55,13±4,76 59,15±3,52
Duration of IHD, years 5,48±1,85 5,76±2,07 3,84±1,99 3,76±1,89
FC of angina pectoris:
II 3 (25%) 11 (55%) 8 (24,2%) 34 (64%)
III 9 (75%) 9 (45%) 2 (5,7%) 19 (35,8)
4 (33,3%) 5 (25%) 2 (5,7%) 5 (9,4%)
реваскуляризация 2 (16,6%) 1 (5%) 1 (2,8%) 3 (5,7)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus 3 (25%) 8 (40%) 3 (8,5%) 5 (9,4)
Number of seizures per week 2,49±0,82 1,46±0,55 1,40±0,76 1,35±0,85
Low income 3 (25%) 2 (%) 5 (14,3%) 7 (13,2%)
As can be seen from the table in patients without cients was used. Based on the assessment of the im-
depression, the duration and severity of the disease de- portance, diagnostic and prognostic value of each diag-
pends on the psychoemotional state of the patient, and nostic criterion, a mathematical model was developed,
the number of attacks per week in patients with depres- which served as the basis for the development of a pro-
sion was on average 2.49±0.82 in men, 1.46±0.55 in gram to identify unfavorable predictors of disease pro-
women. gression and psychological status.
Analysis of the results of psychological tests con- The assessment of the sensitivity, specificity and
ducted in patients with coronary heart disease in the prognostic significance of the detection of each trait
control group showed that when evaluating the hospital was carried out on the basis of a generally accepted ma-
scale of anxiety and depression (HADS), the HADS trix and the corresponding formulas.
anxiety index in patients with FC II and FC III was Sensitivity (Se) – the probability of detecting an
6.7±0.8 and 7.3±0.9 points. unfavorable course of CHF when detecting a sign, was
The indicator of HADS depression in patients with determined as Se = a/(a+c) × 100 %. Specificity (Sp) –
FC II and FC III, this indicator was 6.3±0.9 and 9.1±1.1 the probability of the absence of a trait in healthy indi-
points and exceeded the indicators of patients with FC viduals, was determined as Sp = d/(b+d) × 100 %. The
I by 40.3% and 54.8%, respectively. prognostic significance of detecting the trait (PV+) for
The presence of symptoms of depression was re- determining the course of CHF was calculated using the
flected in the overall clinical picture and was mani- formula: PV+ = a/(a+b).
fested by a worsening of the course of SSN, an increase These indicators were selected by us to assess the
in angina attacks, instability of blood pressure, a de- prognosis of the course of coronary heart disease, tak-
crease in compliance and self-esteem, dissatisfaction ing into account the standard methods of examining the
with their physical condition, a tendency to self-re- patient, as well as the parameters of assessing the psy-
proach, especially in men. Patients with CHD with de- chological status that we studied: conducting TSH, as-
pression were characterized by a reduced mood back- sessing the clinical condition according to SHOCK, in-
ground, pessimism, depression, fixation on psycho- dicators of psychological status. In order to assess the
traumatic events, anhedonia phenomena, psychoso- individual risk stratification of the patient, we present a
matic reactions, vegetative symptoms and extracardial program that is a set of individual signs and collected
manifestations (feelings of lack of air, fear, cephalgia, in a so-called diagnostic table in order to identify the
insomnia, pain of different localization). These symp- probability of an error-free prognosis in order to assess
toms make it difficult not only to detect CHD in pa- the severity and prognosis of the patient
tients with depression, but also to treat it. The indica- Based on the results of the study and the calcula-
tion for the appointment of antidepressant therapy tor, an algorithm for determining the prognosis and
(ADT) in this sample was the level of depression cor- management of patients with coronary heart disease
responding to the severity of its clinical manifestations. was created. Targeted treatment of patients with coro-
In order to predict the progression of CHF, a cal- nary heart disease with identified violations of the psy-
culator program has been developed to determine the chological status and its combination with rehabilita-
prognosis of the course of CHF, taking into account the tion methods contribute to improving the course of the
clinical criteria of the disease, the parameters of the disease, the quality of life of patients and the prognosis
psychological status, including an assessment of the of life.
significance, diagnostic value and prognostic signifi- Conclusions
cance of individual diagnostic criteria with the con- In patients with depression, CHD is associated
struction of a mathematical model of signs. To assess with a higher functional class of stress angina, a higher
the individual risk stratification of the patient, a diag- risk of an unfavorable outcome, a higher frequency of
nostic table was compiled to identify the probability of associated clinical conditions, cases of psychosocial
an error-free prognosis and assess the severity of the stress, loss of professional ability to work, lack of social
patient, which makes it possible to determine the indi- support, and low material income compared to patients
vidual prognosis of the progression of CHF. To assess without depression. In 32 patients with CHD with de-
the significance of the parameters in predicting the pression, who were prescribed antidepressants of the
course of CHF, a method based on the theory of feature class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, after 6
recognition with a probabilistic approach was used. The months. there was a significant decrease in the level of
method allows you to determine the diagnostic value of depression and reduction of depressive symptoms, an
features by calculating diagnostic coefficients. increase in socio-psychological adaptation, and an im-
Taking into account individual clinical criteria and provement in the quality of life compared to patients
indicators of psychological status, a diagnostic table who did not receive antidepressant therapy, which indi-
has been developed to identify unfavorable predictors cates the pathogenetic and behavioral mechanisms of
of the course of the disease and the psychological state the relationship between coronary heart disease and de-
in patients with CHF who have suffered a myocardial pression.
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Salomova N.
Bukhara State Medical Institute,
Department of Traditional Medicine and Occupational Diseases
Each of the pathological conditions is an independent risk factor, but their combined effect several times
increases the risk of vascular injury. According to studies, in patients with metabolic syndrome, the volume of
body weight increases with age, which is 42-43, 5% in patients over the age of 60 years.
Keywords: repeated strokes, risk, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension.
The risk factor is a sign that it is pre-morbid and and careful selection of antihypertensive drugs. How-
Independent, has a stable probable relationship and is ever, a number of studies have shown that the propor-
important in predicting it. Risk factor-this is a predic- tion of patients with arterial hypertension with primary
tive factor that gives the image of predicting the proba- and recurrent stroke is approximately the same.
bility of a disease occurring in an individual and in the Heart diseases are the causative agent of cardio-
population as a whole. Timely detection and correction embolic ischemic stroke, and also one of the main
of risk factors is a promising direction in the Prevention causes of hemodynamic stroke. In angioneurological
of re – acute violations of cerebral circulation. Accord- practice, the introduction of research methods such as
ing to who (2013), about 300 risk factors of stroke have Holter monitoring and transthoracic transesophagial
been described, but factors that occur at a high fre- echocardiography have made it possible to expand the
quency in different populations have a significant im- list of heart diseases that cause head injuries . Never-
pact on the development of the pathological condition theless, the first place will be fibrillation of the limbs
and reduce the incidence of their prevention. The com- (hilpillating arrhythmia), which will cause the occur-
bined effect of several risk factors increases the likeli- rence of a cardioembolic subspecies of ischemic stroke.
hood of developing stroke (according to who (2013), if Hilpillating arrhythmia increases the risk of developing
there are 1-2 factors, the risk of stroke is 6%, 3 factors stroke by 5 times and increases the mortality rate from
and more – 19%). Risk factors can be conditionally di- this disease by 1.58 times. According to Fremingem
vided into non-changeable and changeable types. Age, studies, hilpillating arrhythmia was recorded in 1.5% of
gender, heredity, ethnicity and geography are factors patients in the age group of 50-59 years, and in the age
that do not change. The factors that can be changed in- group of 80-89 years-23.5% of cases. Hilpillating ar-
clude diseases caused by harmful habits (tobacco rhythmia is an independent risk factor leading to death
smoking, drug abuse, alcohol consumption, obesity, among patients who underwent re-radiotherapy and
anemia, depression, psychoemocial stress) and under- Primary Stroke a month ago. At an older age, sinoatrial
lying diseases. The main diseases that cause recurrent node fibrosis and fatty infiltration are one of the causes
stroke include arterial hypertension, heart disease, dia- of an increase in the frequency of fibrillation.
betes, atherosclerotic stenosis of the carotid arteries, In addition to a violation of the heart rhythm, the
dyslipidemia. Elderly patients usually have several risk cause of cardiac embolism may be other heart diseases
factors, including metabolic disorders and camarbids. that contribute to the formation of a thrombus in its cav-
Arterial hypertension is one of the most dangerous fac- ity. For patients, acute myocardial infarction, post-in-
tors that provoke the development of stroke. Arterial farction cardiac aneurysm, cardiac valve prostheses are
hypertension is characterized by metabolic changes, also relevant.
changes in the vascular wall, in particular, hemody- Hypercholesterolemia and violation of lipid me-
namic changes in the system and brain. This is a dan- tabolism (reduction of high-density lipoproteids, an in-
gerous factor, which in turn leads not only to re-hemor- crease in low-density lipoproteids, hypertriglycer-
rhagic, but also to the occurrence of re-ischemic stroke. idemia) is characterized by the development of athero-
The prevalence of arterial hypertension in the Russian sclerosis, along with arterial hypertension, which is the
Federation is 39,2% among men, among women- main cause of the development of cerebral stroke. The
41,1%. 37,1% of men and 58,9% of women know about level of cholesterin does not directly depend on age, but
their diseases, of which (often not effective enough) increases with the development of metabolic disorders
21.6% men and 46.7% women take therapeutic Komplex, characteristic of the elderly.
measures. According to the regional-population regis- The risk of developing an atherotrombotic small
try for 2013 year, in Russia, arterial hypertension is rec- type of ischemic stroke is inextricably linked with the
orded in 89,2% of patients with acute disorders of blood degree of narrowing of the cavities of the cerebral ar-
circulation in the head brain. teries. If the development of sleep artery stenosis is
Diastolic arterial blood pressure 105 mm.the more than 75%, the annual risk of a transitory ischemic
sim.top. the risk of developing a stroke is equal to dias- attack is 13%, if the stroke is 3% and the carotid steno-
tolic arterial blood pressure 76 mm.the sim.top. it is 10 sis is 70-99%, then the risk of developing a stroke is 5-
times higher than when it is equal to. Thus, patients 7% per year. With age, several cerebral trunk vessels
with primary cerebral stroke belong to a very high risk occlusive atherosclerotic lesions, that is, the frequency
group, requiring the normalization of blood pressure of development of the atherogenesis process, increase.
Lesions of multiple trunk vessels in patients over the Hypodynamia and abdominal obesity are an im-
age of 65 years are three times more common than in portant risk factor for stroke. A number of studies have
single trunk vessel lesions. shown the presence of direct attachment: the more body
Diabetes is an independent risk factor for develop- weight, the higher the risk of developing ischemic
ing ischemic stroke. Most often, diabetes is not diag- stroke. Regular exercise reduces the risk of indirect
nosed in elderly patients who have undergone a stroke, stroke through a decrease in body weight, a decrease in
although it can occur in 50% of patients. Usually in blood pressure, a decrease in total cholesterol. How-
such patients, the stroke is severe, a rough violation of ever, no research has proven that weight loss can lead
carbohydrate metabolism is characterized by a high to a reduction in the risk of recurrent strokes.
level of mortality and disability. According to clinical
data, threeraydi 5-6 times more likely to ischemic References
stroke in patients with diabetes than blood transfusions. 1. Asrorov A.A., Aminjonova Ch.A. otsenka sos-
Acute violations of blood circulation in the head brain toyaniya kognitivnix narusheniy he pasientov
do not have a pronounced thrombotic property of a perenesshix stroke V praktike semeynogo vracha / /
stroke in most patients with diabetes who have experi- Central Asian journal of medical and natural sciences.
enced an ischemic type, in its development, chronic – 2021. - fuck you. 397-401.
cerebral vascular insufficiency leading to the slowing 2. To The Mainframe. What? Osobennosti ishem-
of sympathetic vasomotor nerve damage, oxidative icheskogo insulta he vozrasta pojilogo ludey / / Medis-
processes and hypocapnia. The causes of the develop- inskie Novosti. – 2011. – №1. - Fuck you. 10–12.
ment of ischemic thrombotic stroke in patients with di- 3. Ayrapetov K.V., Akulenak E.A., Golovanova
abetes are significant atherosclerotic changes in the E.D. frequency vstrechaemosti, stratification Riska,
blood vessels of the brain, an increase in the viscosity techenie I medikamentoznoe lechenie arterialnoy hy-
of the blood and a violation of its coagulation properties pertenzii he jentshin V postmenopausalnom period / /
(inhibition of the anti-coagulation system and the activ- Sciences of Europen № 60.(2020).- Fuck you. 9-10.
ity of coagulation systems). It was found that depres- 4. Butikov V. What? Clinic-epidemiolog-
sion is directly related to the duration of diabetes in the icheskaya characteristic, faktori Riska I diagnostich-
body, the damage to the vascular system and the pro- eskaya informativnost nekotorix biochemicheskix
tective reactions of resistance. The pathology of the cer- pokazateley V Ostry period ischemicheskogo insulta:
ebral arteries (carotid and spinal artery) plays an im- Authoref. the DIS. ... the village. the Med. Nauk / V.
portant role in the development of cerebrovascular dis- What? Butikov. - SPB., 2011. - Fuck you.142.
eases, which are more associated with atherosclerosis 5. Bikova O. What?, Gozeva O.V. Faktori Riska I
in diabetes mellitus. profilaktika ishemicheskogo insulta / / Vestn. The RoS.
Data on the effect of alcohol on the risk of devel- Voen. - med. eked. – 2013. – № 4 (44). - Fuck you. 46–
oping stroke of the head remain to this day as the cause 48.
of various disagreements. Excessive consumption of al- 6. Varlou Ch.P., Dennis J., Van Gogh. Stroke.
coholic beverages increases the risk of stroke due to ar- Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlya vedeniya bolnix. Per.
terial hypertension, hypercoagulant status, a decrease in s ANGL. - SPB., 2001. - Fuck you. 56–64.
cerebral blood flow, parasympathetic heart denervation 7. Parfenov V.A., Verbiskaya S. V. Faktori Riska
and intermittent fibrillation, which leads to alcohol I profilaktika insulta PRI fibrillyasii predserdiy / / Neu-
withdrawal. rology, neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics. – 2014. – №.
In addition, regular consumption of alcohol leads 3. - Fuck you. 55-60.
to changes characteristic of the type of toxic encepha- 8. Vilensky B.S. Stroke-SPB: Med. inform.
lopathy. The problem of alcoholism in all patients, eti- Agentstvo. 2005. - Fuck you.287.
ological causes, risk factors have not yet been ade- 9. Gafurov B.G., Rakhmanova Sh.P. Nekotorie
quately studied. At the same time, 5,4-10% of all pa- clinic - pathogeneticheskie characteristic pervogo I
tients admitted to a psychiatric hospital diagnosed with povtornogo mozgovix insultov / / Mejdunarodniy neu-
alcoholism are patients older than 60 years. Young pa- rologicheskiy magazine. – 2011. – №1(39). - Fuck you.
tients often lie in the dispensary and do not receive 59.
treatment. Elderly alcoholism is a psychiatric disorder 10. Gafurov B.G., Roziev Sh.S., Heyzekav A.
in the third place, noted in patients older than 65 years. What? Clinicheskie osobennosti postinsultnix aphasia
The toxic effect of alcohol exacerbates alimentary in- PRI narushenii mozgovogo krovoobratsheniya V dom-
sufficiency. inantnom polusharii he Lis mujskogo I jenskogo Pola /
Smoking is also an important risk factor for is- / Neurology.2012. №3-4.- Fuck you.13-15.
chemic strokes. However, the direct effect is not 11. Gafurov B.G. Izmeneniya EEG PRI nekotorix
proven, most likely it has a multifaceted character. The zabolevaniyax nervnoy system / / Klinicheskie lektsii
effect of tobacco as a risk factor for stroke is primarily po neurologii. 2016. - Fuck you. 107-110.
due to the acceleration of the process of atherosclerosis. 12. Gafurov B.G., Majidov N. Location, Majidova
Smoking leads to a decrease in the muscle layer of the Yo. What? Methods of winter examination in tserebro-
arteries, which leads to the appearance of arterial hy- vascular diseases. Private neurology.2012.- Fuck
pertension and atherosclerosis. In addition, it was found you.28-32.
that in people who smoke tobacco, there is a risk of de-
veloping diabetes of the second type.
13. Geraskina L.A. Arterialnaya hypertension I 17. Evzelman M., Makeeva M. The A. Techenie
stroke: cardioneurologicheskie aspekti vtorichnoy pro- ostrogo ischemicheskogo insulta he bolnix s
filaktiki / / Neurology, neuropsychiatry, Psychosomat- narusheniem karbodnogo obmena / / Jorn. the neural. I
ics. – 2014. –№ 2. - Fuck you. 56–61. psychiatrist. I'm sorry. S.S. Korsakova. – 2012.– № 2.
14. Gureeva I.L., Gomzyakova N.A., Selkin M.D., - Fuck you.64–66.
Isaeva E.R., Golikov K.V. Neuropsychologicheskie iz- 18. Epifanov V., Epifanov A. V. Medico-sosial-
meneniya he pasientov s ostrim narusheniem naya rehabilitation pasientov s razlichnoy pathologiey /
mozgovogo krovoobratsheniya / / Vestnik psychologii- / and Epifanov, AV Epifanov-m.: GEOTAR-media. –
2017-T.10, №4. S.28-36. 2017. - Fuck you. 15-36.
15. Dudanov I.P., Pigarevsky P.V., Korzhevsky D. 19. Epifanov V., Epifanov A.V. Rehabilitation
The e. Atherosclerosis, saccharin diabetes I autonomic bolnix, perenesshix stroke / V. The A. Epifanov. - 2-e
innervation organov serdechno–sosudistoy system // izd., ISPR. I DOP. - What?: Medpress-inform, 2013. -
Med. eked. corn. – 2012. - What? 12, № 2. - Fuck you. Fuck you. 248.
19–27. 20. Salomova N. The G., Osobennosti techeniya I
16. Dudanov I.P., Vasilchenko N., Laptev K.V. clinic-pathogeneticheskaya characteristic pervichnix I
Neurologicheskie ischodi he pasientov, perenesshix re- povtornix insultov / 2021/10/30 Journal Central Asian
constructive operasii na sonnix artery, vipolnennix V journal of medical and natural sciences. 249-253
Ostrom periode ischemicheskogo insulta/ / Biomedis- 21. Salomova N.Q. Clinical and pathogenetic fea-
insky Journal. – 2011. - What?12, № 7. - Fuck you. tures of recurrent stroke/ New Day in the journal
873–886. Tipptyot 2022/2/40 stranisi 662-668
Ibrahimov F.,
Shaki Branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University,
Azerbaijan, Shaki
Abdullayeva G.,
associate professor
Shaki Branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University,
Azerbaijan, Shaki
Kerimova M.
Shaki Branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University,
Azerbaijan, Shaki
The article argues the relevance of the topic, emphasizes that knowledge, skills and habits are the main com-
ponents of education, comments on the schematic description of the relationship between these components in
scientific sources, clarifies the dialectical unity, development and functions of knowledge, skills and habits. It has
been shown that consciousness, which is "impersonal", free from subjective factors and relatively independent of
material activity, is really expressed in the form of knowledge.
The work provides an interpretation of the knowledge included in the training material in groups, focuses on
the hierarchical arrangement of cognitive skills, looks at different classifications of intellectual skills, reveals the
peculiarities of their formation in students, introduces effective ways of learning. In general, it is stated that when
students have a clear idea of psychological processes, they do not shy away from difficulties when they believe in
the possibilities of their thinking, they think and try to solve the problem, even if they fail.
Keywords: content standard, component, intellectual skills, factorological, procedural, conceptual, metacog-
nitive knowledge.
Уссейну Т.
Заведующий кафедрой русского и славнских языках
Дакарский университет имени Шейха Анты Диоп, Сенегал
Ousseynou T.
Chief of the department of Slavic Languages and Civilizations
Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal
Словосочетания и граммматика русского языка тесно связаны так как словосочетания играют важную
роль в строении предложения. Мы определили семантику словосочетания и ясно оъясняли их синтаксиче-
скую роль.
После того как анализировали роль и значение словосочетания в грамматике русского языка, мы опре-
делели их формирование и характеристики.
Words combination is tightly part of Russian grammar for they play the most important role in sentence
building. In this paper, the meaning, definition and syntaxical role of word combination is broadly given.
After having analyzed the formation and characteristics of word combination, we sorted out their meaning
and the important role they play in Russian grammar.
Ключевые слова: грамматика, русский язык, словосочетание, роль, предложение.
Keywords: grammar russian language, word combination, role, sentence.
Байниязова Т.Қ.
филология илимлери бойынша филосософия докторы (PhD), үлкен илимий хызметкер
Өзбекстан Республикасы Илимлер академиясы Қарақалпақстан
бөлими Қарақалпақ гуманитар илимлер илим-изертлеў институты
Нөкис, Қарақалпақстан, Өзбекстан
Bayniyazova T.
Senior Researcher
Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities
Doctor of Philosophy on Philological Sciences
Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
Бул мақала Қ.Оразымбетовтың илимий мийнетлеринде шайыр И.Юсупов дөретиўшилигиниң үйре-
нилиўи мəселесине бағышланған. Қ.Оразымбетов тəрепинен ҳəзирги қарақалпақ лирикасында көркемлик
изленислер, сондай-ақ ҳəзирги қарақалпақ лирикасында көркем формалардың эволюциясы ҳəм типологи-
ясы проблемаларын изертлеў барысында əдебий майданда И.Юсуповтың жетекшилик етиўи, шайыр тəре-
пинен өзине тəн дөретиўшилик мектеп жаратылыўы айрықша итибар бериледи. И.Юсуповтың миллий
əдебиятты раўажландырыў жолындағы хызмети, оның дөретиўшилик тулғасы келешекте де əдебиятшы-
алымлардың турақлы дыққат орайында болатугыны ҳаққында жуўмаққа келинген.
This article is devoted to the study of the art work of the poet Ibragim Yusupov in the K.Orazimbetovʼs
scientific research. By the process of research of the problem of artistic searches in modern Karakalpak lyrics, as
well as the evolution and typology of art foms in modern Karakalpak lyrics, K.Orazimbetovʼs attention is focused
on the leading role of I.Yusupov in the literary field, the creation of a kind poetic school. The author comes to the
conciusion that I.Yusupov’s merit in the development of national literature, his creative personality will be in the
center of attention of literary Study in the future.
Таяныш сөзлер: шайыр тулғасы, қарақалпақ лирикасы, дөретиўшилик изленис, əдебий мектеп, поэ-
зия, шығарма.
Keywords: personality of the poet, Karakalpak lyrics, creative searches, literary school, poetry, work.
тапты. Жумыста илимпаз ХХ əсирдиң 80-жыллары
Қарақалпақ əдебиятының көрнекли ўəкили, лирикасының характерли өзгешелигин белгилеп
қарақалпақ поэзиясының байтереги И.Юсуповтың береди ҳəм шайырлардың дүньяны, ўақытты
дөретиўшилиги миллий əдебияттаныўда турақлы түсиниўге болған умтылыўшылығы көпшилик
дыққат орайындағы объектлердиң бири болып жағдайда жемисли жуўмақланғанын
табылады. Әдебий сын тарийхы бойынша тастыйықлайды. Лирикалық шығармаларға баҳа
мийнетлерде [1], қарақалпақ əдебияты, миллий бериўде əҳмийетли критериялардың бири ретинде
поэзияға арналған изертлеўлерде, баспа сөз қосықтың не ушын жазылғанлығын билиў, бунда
бетлеринде жəрияланған сын мақалаларда шайыр сезимине тəсир етиўши нəрсеге (повод)
шайырдың өзине тəн жолы, прозалық, поэзиялық, итибарды қаратыў зəрүр, деген принципке жүгине
драмалық шығармалар дөретиў жолындағы отырып, Қ.Оразымбетов И.Юсуповтың «Пəлекли
изленислери талқыланды. Шайырдың қоста түнеў» атлы қосығын анализлеў барысында
дөретиўшилиги бойынша Қ.Султанов, төмендегише жуўмақ жасайды: «бул қосықта
Г.Есемуратов, В.Ульяшовтың монографиялары тəбият ҳаққында сөз етиў де, муҳаббат, өмир, заман
жарық көрди [9]. Сондай-ақ, Ж.Мақсетова, ҳаққында сөз етиўлер де араласып жүрсе
М.Мəмбетова, А.Хамидова, Д.Пахратдинов, тематикалық жақтан жоқарыдағыдай принципте
Қ.Мəмбетовлар тиккелей И.Юсуповтың (лирикалық шығармаларды сиясий лирика,
шығармаларын үйрениўдиң ҳəр түрли философиялық лирика деп бөлип үйрениў ‒ Т.Б.)
аспектлерине бағышланған диссертацияларды қосықты қандай лириканың тайпасына жатқарыўға
жақлады [4]. Усы қатарда белгили илимпаз болады? Ҳеш қайсысына!» [6, 52]. Усылайынша,
Қ.Оразымбетовтың изертлеўлери итибарға ылайық. илимпаз Қ.Оразымбетов И.Юсуповтың пенен бир
Қ.Оразымбетовтың «Ҳəзирги қарақалпақ қатарда С.Ибрагимов, Х.Дəўлетназаровтың
лирикасында көркемлик излениўшилик (80- лирикалық дөретпелерин таллаў арқалы лирикалық
жыллар)» атамасындағы изертлеўинде шығармаларды философиялық-медитативлик ҳəм
И.Юсуповтың дөретиўшилиги өз сəўлелениўин
сиясий лирика деп бөлген оның мəнисине жуўап көркем формалардың эволюциясы ҳəм
береди, деген жуўмаққа келеди. типологиясы бойынша жүргизген изертлеўлери
Сондай-ақ, Қ.Оразымбетов тəрепинен илимий орталықта қоллап-қуўатланып, қарақалпақ
лирикада форма саласындағы излениўшилик əдебияттаныўында бул изленислердиң илимий
мəселеси сөз етилгенде, сүўретлеў қураллары, əҳмийети ҳəм зəрүрлиги айрықша атап өтилди.
қосық қурылысы, поэтикалық дүркинниң Мысалы, белгили илимпаз П.Нуржанов: «автордың
раўажланыўы сыяқлы мəселелерге дыққат бул көркем формалар туўралы илимий-теориялық
аўдарылады. Жумыстың II бабында Ж.Избасқанов, жақтан улыўмаластырылған пикирлери, ойлары,
Б.Генжемуратов, С.Исмаилов, К.Реимов ҳəм т.б. болжаўлары ҳəзирги пайыттағы əдебий теориялық
қарақалпақ шайырларының қосықлары менен бир ой-пикир дүньямызға қосылған белгили үлес
қатарда, И.Юсуповтың «Пəлекли қоста түнеў», болғанлығын атап өтиўимиз керек», деп жазған
«Байыўлы» сыяқлы дөретпелери таллаўға болса [5], филология илимлериниң докторы,
тартылады ҳəм, усылайынша, И.Юсуповтың профессор Қ.Жəримбетов төмендегише пикир
лирикалық форма таңлаўдағы изленислерине билдиреди: «Соңғы 30 жыллықтағы миллий
унамлы баҳа бериледи [6, 72-74, 87-88, 93-94, 98- лирикамыздың эволюциялық раўажланыў
99]. жолларын тарийхый көринисте ашып берген,
Буннан кейинги ўақытта Қ.Оразымбетов ҳəзирги лирикада мазмун ҳəм форма
тəрепинен қарақалпақ лирикасының теориялық қатнасларының дəрежесин айырған, ҳəзирги
проблемаларын үйрениўге бағышланған «Ҳəзирги миллий лириканың əдебий байланыслар, əдебий
қарақалпақ лирикасында көркем формалардың тəсирлер нəтийжесинде рəңбəрең формалар,
эволюциясы ҳəм типологиясы» (2004) жанрлар менен толысыў процесин көрсеткен, киши
монографиясы жарық көрди. Монографияда лирикалық формалардың көркемлик тəбиятын,
қарақалпақ шайырларының лирикалық олардың əдебий қубылыс сыпатында
дөретпелери таллаўға тартылады, соның менен өзгешеликлерин дурыс анықлаған, қосық
бирге И.Юсуповтың дөретиўшилик изленислерине қурылысы элементлериниң (қатарлар, уйқаслар,
айрықша орын ажыратылғанының гүўасы боламыз. бəнтлер, ырғақ ҳ.т.б.) əмелий хызметлерин анық
Бунда илимпаз өз устазы С.Ахметовтың белгилеп берген. ...Қəне, енди илимий ой-пикирлер
И.Юсуповтың шайырлық шеберлигине тийисли шеңберин кеңейтетуғын, илимий ҳəм əмелий
айтылған: «Алыс Малайзия кешелеринде», «Төк пайдасы анық көринип туратуғын, заман талабына
таўындағы ойлар» қосықларында шайырдың ең толық жуўап бере алатуғын, ҳадал мийнеттен
тийкарғы жетискенлиги ‒ эпикалық сюжетти туўылған, сынасаң сын, минесең мин көтеретуғын
лирикаға сиңдире алыўында, деген пикирине нəзер усындай жумыслар бола берсе» [2].
қаратады [7, 12]. Мийнетте мазмун ҳəм форманың Жоқарыда аты аталған илимий изертлеўлерден
бирлиги, қосықтың финалында берилетуғын тысқары, Қ.Оразымбетовтың авторлығындағы
жуўмақ, турмыслық материалға жантасыў, дəстүр «Пародия түп нусқаға мүнəсип болса», «Туфлий
ҳəм новаторлық ҳəм т.б. илимий-теориялық қайда, шаш қайда?!», «Поэзия сарайының
əҳмийеттеги мəселелерди үйрениў барысында сəрдары», «Миллий орнаментлерге оранған
көпшилик орынларда И.Юсуповтың лирикалық поэзия», жоқлаў формасындағы «Поэзия
дөретпелеринен мысал келтирилген. Әсиресе, аспанында бир жулдыз сөнди» сыяқлы
жумыстың «Лирикалық топлам – айрықша көркем И.Юсуповтың дөретиўшилигине арналған
форма сыпатында» деп аталған бабының екинши мақалалары баспа сөз бетлеринде жəрияланған
бөлиминде И.Юсуповтың дөретиўшилиги тиккелей болып, оларда шайырдың шығармаларын түсинип
объект сыпатында таңлап алынып, шайырдың оқыўға, миллий поэзияны раўажландырыў
«Дузлы самаллар» топламына əдебий-теориялық жолындағы оның хызметин үйрениўге тийисли ой-
талқы жасалған, бунда автордың дөретиўшилик пикирлери сəўлеленген [8].
нийетинен келип шығып, лирикалық топлам дүзиў Солай етип, Қ.Оразымбетовтың илимий
тəжирийбесине (лирикалық топламға атама қойыў, жумысларында И.Юсупов дөретиўшилиги ҳəр
алғы сөз, аннотация жазыў, эпиграф байлаў, т.б.) тəреплеме таллаўға тартылды ҳəм шайырдың
дыққат аўдарылған. тулғасы, поэтикалық шеберлиги, қарақалпақ
Солай етип, ҳəзирги қарақалпақ лирикасында поэзиясында өзине тəн жол салғаны айрықша атап
көркем формалардың эволюциясы ҳəм өтилди.
типологиясы проблемасын үйрениўде илимпаз И.Юсуповтың тəкирарланбас шайырлық
Қ.Оразымбетов И.Юсуповтың қарақалпақ талантынан дөреген шығармалары қарақалпақ
поэзиясын раўажландырыўдағы дөретиўшилик əдебияттаныўының дыққат орайында турыўы
изленислерин жоқары баҳалап, «қарақалпақ нызамлы қубылыс болып табылады. Өйткени,
поэзиясында поэтикалық мектеплер қəлиплести. илимпаз Қ.Жəримбетовтың көрсетип өткениндей,
Бул мектеплердиң ең көрнеклиси И.Юсуповтың И.Юсупов «өзиниң баслы қуралы болған поэзия
мектеби болды. И.Юсуповтың мектеби ўəкиллери арқалы халқымыздын руўхында, ишки дүньясында
интеллектуаллық əдебият жаратты» деген ҳадаллык, дурыслық, туўысқанлық, дослық,
жуўмаққа келеди [7, 181]. жолдаслық, ўатан сүйиўшилик, азаматлық, пəк
Өз гезегинде, Қ.Оразымбетов тəрепинен 1980- муҳаббат, oғaн садықлық сезимлерин оятты ҳəм
жыллардағы қарақалпақ лирикасында көркемлик тəрбиялады. Оның өлмейтуғын поэзиясы келешек
излениўшилик, ҳəзирги қарақалпақ лирикасында əўладларды да усындай ҳасыл сезимлер менен
тəрбиялай алады, деп исеним менен айтыўымызға творчествосы ҳəм Европа əдебияты (əдебий
болады. ... Ҳəзир қайтыс болғанына он бир жыл байланыслар ҳəм əдебий тəсирлер мəселеси). ‒
болса да оның китаплары ең көп оқылатуғын, Нөкис, 1999; Пахратдинов Д. И.Юсупов
адамлар излеп журетуғын ҳасыл мүлкке, дөретиўшилигинде Шығыс классиклери
халқымыздың қəдирли руўхый ғəзийнесине дəстүрлери (əдебий байланыслар ҳəм тəсирлер). ‒
айналды» [3, 73]. Нөкис, 2001; Мамбетов Қ. Ибрайым Юсупов
Бул жағдай, шайырдың жүйрик қəлеминен поэмаларының жанрлық өзгешеликлери. ‒ Нөкис,
дөреген шығармалары, оның көркемлик дүньясы, 2019.
қулласы ‒ И.Юсуповтың дөретиўшилик тулғасы 5. Нуржанов П. Лирикамызды үйрениўдеги
қарақалпақ əдебияттаныўында келешектеги жаңа бағдар. // Устаз жолы, 2005 жыл 28-май
илимий изертлеўлерге аркаў болары сөзсиз, деп 6. Оразымбетов Қ. Ҳəзирги дəўирдеги
тастыйықлаўға тийкар жаратады. қарақалпақ лирикасында көркемлик излениўшилик
(80-жыллар). / Оразымбетов Қ. Танламалы
Әдебиятлар шығармалар топламы. Еки томлық. Том I. – Нөкис:
1. Ахметов С. Қарақалпақ əдебий критикасы Билим, 2018. – 408 б.
ҳəм əдебият илиминиң тарийхынан. – Нөкис: 7. Оразымбетов Қ. Ҳəзирги қарақалпақ
Қарақалпақстан, 1980. – 168 б.; Ахметов С. лирикасында көркем формалардың эволюциясы
Қарақалпақ əдебий сыны: изертлеўлер. Нөкис: ҳəм типологиясы. – Нөкис: Билим, 2004. – 188 б.
Қарақалпақстан, 1993. ‒ 296 б. 8. Оразымбетов Қ. Таңламалы шығармалар то-
2. Жəримбетов Қ. Сынасаң сын көтергендей пламы. Еки томлық. Том II. – Нөкис: Билим, 2018.
мийнет. // Әмиўдəрья, 2006, №2 – 384 б.
3. Жəримбетов Қ. Мəңги булақ (Уллы шайыр 9. Султанов Қ. Заманлас жаным менен. –
Ибрайым Юсуповтың поэзиясы ҳаққында гейпара Нөкис, Қарақалпақстан, 1972.– 144 б.; Есемуратов
ойлар) // Әмиўдəрья, 2019, №4, 73-78 б. Г. Ибрайым Юсуповтың поэзиясы. – Нөкис:
4. Мақсетова Ж. Ибрайым Юсуповтың Қарақалпақстан, 1976. – 116 б.; Ульяшов В. Ветер
поэтикалық шеберлиги. ‒ Ташкент, 1991; земных дорог: Литературный портрет Ибрагима
Мəмбетова М. И.Юсупов поэзиясының қосық Юсупова. – Ташкент: Изд. лит. и иск-ва им.Гафура
қурылысы. ‒ Нөкис, 1999; Хамидова А. И.Юсупов Гуляма, 1980. – 144 с.
Yusifov E.,
PhD, associate professor of Azerbaijan University of Languages
Yusifova K.
Senior teacher of Azerbaijan University of Languages
Research indicate that euphemisms are not always used to beautify, but also to soften, alleviate, and
sometimes to hide the essence of something. In order to increase, strengthen and sweeten the artistic effect of
speech, the word artist creates a series of euphemisms in the choice of words, sometimes knowingly using softer,
indirect, covert and well-intentioned expressions. In the German and the English languages, euphemisms are
divided into 4 main groups according to the sources: religious euphemisms, socio-moral euphemisms, political
euphemisms, socio-aesthetic euphemisms.
Religious euphemisms reflect socio-moral ideas that have a social, philosophical and moral content. Unlike
religious euphemisms, socio-spiritual euphemisms contain various ethical norms in society – human morality,
behaviour and attitudes. Political euphemisms are formed and used for certain political purposes. In every class
society, the ruling circles try to deceive the masses by covering up their negative, vicious and unpleasant activities,
and thus they achieve their reactionary and bandit goals. Socio-aesthetic euphemisms reflect the laws of etiquette
and dignity.
Analyses indicate that euphemisms arise as a product of human creative thinking and contain the requirements
of the specific characteristics of the word artist. Thus, it is obvious that euphemisms have a sharp effect, they are
an important method and means in the language to explain a certain point, to reveal an intended issue. From this
point of view, euphemisms can be considered as one of the necessary and useful linguistic techniques in the
language, because the word is the main means and the first element of the language.
Keywords: a series of euphemisms, euphemistic sets, religious euphemisms, socio-moral euphemisms, po-
litical euphemisms, socio-aesthetic euphemisms.
In linguistics, euphemisms have been studied they mean to express meaning in a harsh, rough,
since the XIX century. At the end of the nineteenth cen- negative sense, effectively (2, 327-328).
tury the German scientist G. Paul presented them as the S. Abdullayev notes that the meaning of any
well-known scheme of semantic changes. Works by A. euphemism is “speaking well”. “Speaking well” is, first
Meyer, who studied taboos and euphemisms in ancient of all, the truth of speaking well, turning the truth into
society, attracted the attention of scientists to this phe- a favourable reality, putting it in an appropriate form
nomenon in the first half of the twentieth century. But (1, 260).
only during the last decades they have become the ob- We believe that sometimes the success of the idea
ject of close attention of scientists. Scientists have been conveyed to the listener depends on the rich language
in generally unanimous in the definition of extralin- material and especially the euphemisms, and this
guistic nature euphemisms. depends more on the speaker’s ability to use language
In linguistic literature, a special linguistic material and euphemisms. At the same time, this word
phenomenon, which is closely related to the change of gives the speaker the impression of expressing a deep
the meaning of a word, is characterized as a euphemism meaning, a broad idea in a few words, attracting more
for the expression of an event or object in the objective attention by adding the shades of meaning and variety
reality in various indirect ways. The term “euphemism” to his thoughts, giving a beautiful, pleasant, gentle and
of Greek origin is used to mean “a way of expressing softening effect. This skill requires the speaker to pay
words and expressions in other words.” This term refers special attention to the use of euphemisms. Euphe-
to the renaming of an expression of an object or event misms are often taken as additional meanings of words.
by another word or a combination of words, rather than In that case, they are not the literal meaning of the word.
by the words in which it is usually called. This Euphemistic expressions sweeten the event, story,
descriptive name is not always used in the sense of speech, attract the attention of the listener and increase
beautification, but also in the sense of softening, his influence in self-awareness, creating a more effec-
alleviating, and sometimes concealing the essence of tive, stronger confidence in the listener, emotionally
something. For this reason, euphemisms can be called conveying the idea to him.
the most widespread means of expression in literary Euphemisms are divided into several groups in
language, which strengthen, sweeten and soften the terms of the way they reflect life events. There are
speech and the meaning. In order to increase, various reasons for the emergence of euphemisms in
strengthen and sweeten the artistic effect of speech, the language. Euphemisms in German and English are
speaker creates a series of euphemisms in the choice of divided into 4 main groups according to their sources:
words, sometimes knowingly using softer, indirect, 1) religious euphemisms; 2) socio-moral euphemisms;
covert and well-intentioned expressions. 3) political euphemisms; 4) socio-aesthetic
It should be noted that language is completely euphemisms.
national while thinking and cognition are universal Each type of euphemism has its own
processes. Although language is closely related to the characteristics, each of which forms a combination of
objective reality and thinking, there are many similar or words and expressions of euphemistic nature, and at the
completely compatible linguistic phenomena in same time their repetition increases the power and
different languages. Euphemisms also exist in different influence of thought. These features, which are
languages as one of those linguistic phenomena. In characteristic of euphemisms, are clearly observed in
general, linguistic events show that euphemisms are the following examples. For example: instead of the
genetically closely related to religious taboos. verb sterben / to die the expressions ins Gras beissen,
H. Vantsek, who studies euphemisms and die Radischen von unten begucken / to decеase, to pass
dysphemisms in German, characterizes euphemisms as away; instead of Teufel / satan the expressions der
Hüllwörter, Hehlwörter – secret words, hypocritical Böse, der Widersacher, der Schwarze / devil are used.
words, words that serve to cover something up, and These kinds of euphemisms both improve a person
generally calls them means of softening effect. spiritually and positively and affect the change in his
According to him, deceit and hypocrisy, indirect psychology, creating enthusiasm in him.
expression, consolation and restraint can be considered The oldest euphemisms derived from taboo words
the main sources of euphemisms. Therefore, the idea of are called religious euphemisms. These types of euphe-
softening, covering up plays an important role in misms encompass religious and superstitious concepts,
language expressions (7, 82). including human life, death, and disease. As people fear
According to A. Babayev there were many vulgar God, they are afraid to use the names of angels, devils,
words and expressions at the initial stage of the wild animals, insects and indirectly use various names
formation of literary language but under the influence and euphemisms. For example: der Allwissende, der
of culture the use of vulgar words was not acceptable Allmächtige, Er, himmlischer Richter, potz, potz Wet-
and then euphemisms appeared. Therefore, in ter, potz Stern, potz Blitz / Heavens, Good Heavens,
connection with the development of modern culture, Lord, Good Lord, Oh, My Eye, Gracious and so on.
many euphemisms have emerged in the language, and „Wenn du vor deinem himmlischer Richter dich
we have accepted these euphemisms as good speaking, nicht mehr genierst“ (H.Mann).
softening of any harsh meaning, and rescuing it from Religious euphemisms are widespread not only in
vulgar shades. Dysphemisms are the opposite of linguistic literature, but also in the socio-political life of
euphemisms. In fact, while dysphemisms are taboo, a number of peoples. These types of euphemisms re-
flect socio-moral ideas that have a social, philosophi- Along with the emergence and development of each
cal, and moral content. In religious euphemisms, the class society, various negative socio-spiritual events
description of life events is organically combined with and the words and expressions that express them also
the expression of a person’s inner feelings, and they al- appear in any language. Such euphemisms are
most form a series of religious euphemisms to express characterized by ethical norms, such as human
emotions related to certain life events. morality, behaviour and attitudes, which are inherent in
In ancient times, people were afraid to mention the every class society, both in the epoch of feudalism and
name of satan because they were afraid of him, and capitalism, and in the period before or after it.
sometimes they thought that the devils would easily In his book “The Scientific Revolution of Mr.
find them by uttering his name. Therefore, the follow- Eugen Dühring” F. Engels noted that if we look closely,
ing series of euphemisms, which replaced the word sa- we see that different moral norms have been formed in
tan, were widely used: Böse, Schwarze, Deibel, Deixel, all three class societies, such as the feudal aristocracy,
Teixel, Teuxel, Henker, Versucher, Wiedersacher, alter the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It can be concluded
Feind, böser Feind, Popanz, Geier, Kuckuck /Evil, that people form their moral views and worldviews in
Black, executioner, tempter, old enemy, bad enemy, accordance with the instance of the class society in
vulture, cuckoo and so on. which they live, consciously or unconsciously,
Weiss der Henker, pardon, aber das Leben ist eine involuntarily in certain practical relationships, as well
richtige Kalamität (F.C.Weiskopf). as in life conditions (4, 113).
Verfluchte Gören, der Deubel soll euch holen O. Behaghel notes that this is the reason why
(W.Bredel). words and expressions with different meanings appear
In addition, the people avoided using that word in the language. For example, the word sich betrinken
because they were afraid of death and that is why they has several hundred variants that are stylistically
tried to use euphemisms in order to express their similar to one another (3,116).
thoughts. For example, instead of the word Tod /death M.D. Stepanova and I.I. Chernysheva characterize
they used Sensenmann, Knochenmann, Vetter Hein, euphemisms as softening, relieving and beautifying
Streckebein / grim reaper, bone man, cousin Hein, means and they link them with the multisystems in the
stretch leg; instead of the word Sterben / death they development of meaning of words and expressions,
used Ableben, Heimgang, Hintritt, Hingang, noting that they arise for the following reasons:
Hinscheiden, Trennung, Auflösung / going home, 1. Euphemisms arose in ancient times due to fear
entering, going, passing, separation, dissolution, etc. of natural and unnatural beings. For this reason, taboo
For these reasons a series of euphemisms have words used in German cover lexical terms that are more
emerged in German to replace the verb sterben /to die. closely related to religion and superstition. For
In his book “Life of words” K.Nyrop notes that several example: instead of Teufel the words Gottseibeiuns, der
years ago L.Morandi investigated and found more than Böse, der Schwarze, der Versucher, a series of
two hundred equivalents of the verb to die in Italian. euphemisms such as instead of der Bär the word der
K.Nyrop claims that the equivalent of the verb to die Braune were used. Thus, in Northern Europe, since the
can be found in German more than twice (5, 16). people were afraid to pronounce the bear’s name they
If we look at a series of euphemisms which are called them “Braune”;
used instead of the verb sterben /to die in German and 2. In some unpleasant situations, the use of the
English, we will see that such words and expressions words and expressions that express tenderness, care,
are used in the everyday speech of the German and the kindness, gentleness is widely used. For example:
English people: heimgehen, erbleichen, erblassen, instead of Krankheit the words Unwohlsein,
verscheiden, hinuntergehen, ausleiden, hinübergehen, Unpässlichkeit are used.
entschlummern, einschlummern; das Zeitliche segnen, 3. In the sense of flirtation, dialect, instead of
für immer einschlafen, die Augen schliessen, zur Geliebte the word Freundin was used (6, 44).
ewigen Ruhe gehen, den Geist aufgeben, dem Gebote According to S.Abdullayev, euphemisms are used
der Natur folgen, in die Wohnung des Friedens as common names for language movements today such
kommen, seine Stunde ist gekommen, den letzten as – to obscure the real truth, to cover up the facts, to
Atemzug tun, nicht mehr unter den Lebenden sein / go present the reality in gloomy lines, sometimes to
home, turn pale, pass away, go down, suffer, pass over, distort, to falsify the content of the name, to deviate
fall asleep forever, bless the temporal, close your eyes, from its true essence, to deliberately confuse reality,
go to eternal rest, give up the spirit, follow the sometimes incomprehensible to show, in part, idiom,
commandments of nature, come to the dwelling of rhetoric, and so on (1, 262).
peace, your hour has come, take your last breath, no As it is known, moral euphemisms reflect the
longer be among the living, etc. events of life, human desires, thoughts and feelings,
2. Euphemisms have been uttered by wise elderly and form opinions about man and the events connected
people and have been enriched and multiplied from with him. These types of euphemisms are sometimes
generation to generation, from language to language. presented through animals, plants, and objects through
The peculiarity of euphemisms lies in its humanity and the use of artistic language, so that they are moral,
nationality. Since euphemisms have features of folk instructive, and indirectly express the shortcomings of
wisdom, they can also be called moral-educational human relationships and bring them to the reader’s
words. Socio-moral euphemisms contain different attention. In such euphemisms, the speaker gives all the
ethical norms in society and arise for different reasons. details of people’s lives, their inner world, desires and
aspirations, thoughts and ideas, and the difficulties they 3. Political euphemisms are formed and used for
face. As the ruling circles always try to hide the certain political purposes. In every class society, the
negative aspects of life, for this purpose, the speaker ruling circles try to deceive the masses by covering up
tries to use soft, gentle, lovable, charming, their negative, flawed and unpleasant activities, and
compassionate expressions to change their minds in thus they achieve their reactionary and bandit goals.
other words. These types of euphemisms primarily Therefore, they can easily deceive the masses by using
cover negative socio-moral phenomena such as the words and expressions which are often unknown
drunkenness, theft, crime and anti-social defects, and incomprehensible to the people. Such euphemisms
shortcomings and immorality. For example, instead of play a more important role in the political activity of
the word Lüge /lie the words Historie, Anecdote, class societies. For example, during World War II, the
Chronicle, Unwahrheit / History, Anecdote, Chronicle, German Nazis tried to hide their reactionary activities
falsehood; instead of the verb lügen / to lie the verbs by using the words Annexion instead of Länderraub /
dichten, phantasieren, spinnen, eine lebhafte Phantasie Land robbery and Nationalsozisten instead of
haben, das lange Messer handhaben, die Wahrheit Faschisten /Fascists. They deceived the people with
verschweigen / fantasize, spin, have a lively their reputation, and especially with the legend of the
imagination, handle the long knife, withhold the truth; invincibility of Hitler’s German army, by giving wide
instead of the verb betrügen /to seduce the expression coverage to such a series of euphemisms in their
jemandem ein X für ein U vormachen / fool someone political activities. For this purpose, a series of
into an X for a U; instead of the verb saufen /to get euphemisms has been widely used in German literature.
drunk the expressions sich benebeln, zu tief ins Glas For example, instead of the verb erschiessen the soft,
sehen, zu viel auf die Lampe giessen, sich ein Licht beautiful expressions such as Schluss machen,
anzünden, einen Tropfen über den Durst trinken / get fertigmachen, verschwinden lassen, den Fall erledigen,
foggy, look too deep into the glass, pour too much on schachmatt setzen are widespread.
the lamp, light a lamp, drink a drop over your thirst; According to Abdullayev, linguistic facts confirm
instead of the verb stehlen / to thieve the following that it is impossible to imagine the speech behaviour of
series of euphemisms are widely used: mausen, klauen, political figures, diplomats, government officials
klemmen, stibitzen, organisieren, Mein und Dein without periphrasis, especially without euphemisms
verwechseln, etwas mitgehen heissen, lange Finger and various exaggerations. Therefore, euphemistic sets
machen, lange Finger haben, eine kleine have a more debilitating, neutralizing, and minimizing
Unregelmässigkeit begehen, Finger nicht in der Tasche effect (1, 271).
halten, geographische Untersuchungen in fremden We believe that political euphemisms are so rich
Taschen machen / mouse, steal, pinch, organize, mix up and complex that the concept of euphemism does not
mine and yours, go with something, make long fingers, cover them all. They are developed in the socio-
have long fingers, commit a small irregularity, do not political sphere, and these euphemisms are formed in a
keep fingers in your pocket, do geographic single dimension, in harmony. In this case, a series of
investigations in someone else’s pockets. socio-political euphemisms can substitute each other.
Der andre aber machte späterhin geographische However, as language develops, a new group of
Untersuchungen in fremden Taschen (H.Heine). political euphemisms emerges in the political lexicon
While speaking about the lies of synonyms and of different peoples in connection with emerging the
different names of the same things in the language, S. political terms, which differ in their shades of meaning
Abdullayev notes that euphemisms serve the concept of and power of expression. Such a group of euphemisms
being polite, adapting to the requirements and orders of has its own peculiarities of development. The speaker
the time, socio-political situation, taking into account sometimes describes the event, explains the subject, the
the tendencies, dangers, tastes of the time, epoch, en- intended issue, the conversation in such a way that he
suring personal safety, in many cases, compliance with achieves a successful, good-natured mood inconveying
the requirements of coexistence, adherence to psycho- the axis and system of these or other events, life events,
logical and religious taboos, rules, and adherence to as well as method of expression of life events and his
ethical and moral standards (1, 596). thoughts about it to the listener with different ways.
As a result of research, we come to the conclusion 4. Socio-aesthetic euphemisms reflect the laws of
that socio-political, moral and educational content etiquette and dignity. Euphemisms are alludes to
plays an important role in socio-moral euphemisms. certain words and expressions or events. Euphemisms
Thus, in such euphemisms, events are described in a arise as a product of human creative thinking and
pompous manner, and people in a solemn way. The contain the requirements of specific features of the art
speaker sometimes completes the idea with good-na- of speech. These types of euphemisms are often used in
tured, pompous words, and such euphemisms reflect the process of speech and communication to express a
the conciseness of the idea. In such euphemisms, socio- certain attitude to life events, sometimes to arouse love
moral ideas find their concrete expression; therefore, or hatred in the listener, or to exalt something in his
these euphemisms attract attention with their unique eyes, to expose, to explain the way out of the situation,
harmony and beauty of expression. The national way of etc. For this reason, if we look at the following series
life and national ideology are strong in social and Moral of euphemisms, we can clearly see the followings:
euphemisms. The product of nationalism, belonging to instead of the expression schwanger sein /to be
the people, and especially the figurative thinking of pregnant the expressions in anderen Umständen sein,
each nation is more pronounced in such euphemisms. guter Hoffnung sein / to be dual, to be in a different
situation; instead of the verb gebären / to give birth the from spiritual shocks, cover up their sufferings and give
expressions dem Kinde das Leben schenken, das Kind them a good mood.
zur Welt bringen, zur Welt kommen, das Licht der Welt A series of euphemisms causes new shades of
erblicken / to give life to the child, give birth to the meaning of existing words in the language to form. For
child, come into the world, see the light of day are used. example: ins Gefängnis kommen- zu Vater Philipp
In some cases, the words and expressions expressing kommen, auf Wasser und Brot gesetzt werden; im
swearing, insults are substituted by such euphemisms Gefängnis sitzen – Zeit hinter Schloss und Riegel
in a very high way. For example: instead of Betrüger / verbringen, staatliche Entfettungskur durchmachen,
liar, swindler the words Ehrenmann /respectable, hinter schwedischen Gardinen sitzen; Henker- Meister
honorable person; instead of Luder /lowly, vile the Peter, Hauptkassierer, der ungenannte Mann;
expressions so eine Person / such a person ; instead of hingerichtet werden- mit der Jungfer Hänfin Hochzeit
Feigling /coward, lung the words Grosser Held /brave, machen, eine hanfene Halsbinde bekommen; the words
great hero are used. Such euphemisms, which depict and expressions that make up a series of synonyms such
life events in a figurative and pleasant way, differ from as, um die Ecke bringen- sich vom Halse schaffen, aus
one another in style and specific features. Socio- dem Wege schaffen, verschwinden lassen, töten, kalt
aesthetic euphemisms also aggravate the language with machen and others form new shades of semantic
words and expressions by creating a series of synonyms meaning as a result of the transfer of euphemistic
in the language, enriching the vocabulary of the meaning in the language. From this point of view,
language, and in some cases obscuring the insidious euphemisms as a semantic-lexical category play an
goals and desires of people belonging to the upper important role in the enrichment of the vocabulary of
classes. the German language, not only in terms of quantity, but
Thus, the implied words and expressions are also in terms of quality.
substituted by other ones. The speaker can increase the Research indicates that euphemisms arise as a
emotional power of thought using not the direct widespread language-communication phenomenon in
meaning of the word, but its additional, even the language in different ways:
conventional meaning. The using of the euphemisms 1. One of the most important ways in which
creates an attractive communication environment to euphemisms arise is through the metaphorical transfer
express the mood in a poetic way. of words and expressions that exist in the language. For
The formation of euphemisms in the language is example: instead of the word Gott / God the expressions
usually closely related to the field of activity of the himmlischer Richter / Ruler of the Heavens; instead of
speaker. For example, the verb sterben / to die forms a the verb sterben / to die the verbs heimgehen,
series of different euphemisms for different erbleichen / to disappear; instead of the expressions
occupations, as can be seen more clearly in the wahnsinnig sein / to be mad, to lose one’s mind the
following examples: der Matrose läuft in den Hafen ein expressions eine Schraube los haben, verrückt / to miss
/ A sailor enters the port; der Bergmann fährt in die a screw are used.
Grube / A miner goes to the mine; der Beamte wird in 2. One of the most important ways in which
eine andere Welt versetzt / The officer changes his euphemisms arise is closely related to metonymy. For
place to another world; der Anwalt tritt vor einen example: instead of the word Gott / God the words der
höheren Richter / The lawyer (human rights activist) Allwissende, der Allmächtige / Omniscient,
appears before the authoritative judge; Der Gelehrte Omnipotent; instead of the word Teufel / satan the
gibt den Geist auf / The scholar surrenders his soul; der words der Böse / forces of evil; instead of the
Pfarrer segnet das Zeitliche / The priest blesses the expression im Gefängnis sitzen / to be in prison the
time; der Soldat bleibt auf dem Platze / The soldier expressions hinter Schloss und Riegel sein / to be a
stays in place; der Reisende zieht die Reisestiefel an / prisoner are used.
The traveler wears shoes; der Gesandte wird abgerufen 3. Lithotic structures are important in the
/ The ambassador is called back to his country. formation of euphemisms. For example: instead of
In the above examples, we can see that they are a betrunken sein /to be drunk the expressions angeheitert
product of beauty, perfection, style and thoughtful sein, ein bisschen lustig sein / to be a little merry, to
creativity in the process of speech, they are said with rejoice; instead of stehlen / to steal the expressions eine
great enthusiasm and pleasure. In general, the kleine Unregelmässigkeit begehen / to make a little
emergence of euphemisms serves as a fundamental disorder; instead of krank / sick the expressions nicht
stimulus, desire, intention and motivation for word wohl sein, unpässlich sein / to be a little sad, not to be
creation, because it is necessary to cover up any good, not to be safe are used.
concept, substitute it with another word, change it and 4. Derived words from other languages and
create new words and expressions in the language. The dialects play an important role in the formation of
simplicity and conciseness of euphemisms increase euphemisms in the language. For example: instead of
their effectiveness, strengthen the idea that they are Lüge / lie the words Historie Anecdote / history,
spoken and connected, and at the same time sharply anecdote; instead of Teufel / satan the dialect word like
criticize the meaning of euphemistic expressions, Deubel are used.
satirical attitudes and moods that calm them 5. Jargonisms also have a place in the formation of
psychologically. By using such words, an atmosphere euphemisms. For example: instead of stehlen / to steal
of high spirits is created which keeps the people away the verbs mausen, klauen, stibitzen /whipping – that is,
quietly, slowly); instead of sterben / to die the more precisely, influences to the perception of the word
expressions ins Gras beissen / to draw are used. artist. Euphemisms draw strength from the spiritual and
6. Some abusive speech also plays a role in the moral energy and moral life of the people as an indica-
formation of euphemisms. For example: instead of the tor of moral values and worthlessness. Whoever uses
adjectives verflucht / cursed, filthy, disgusting the euphemistic possibilities such as softening, concealing,
words verflixt / abominable are used. and covering up, more correctly and skillfully always
While speaking about the power of euphemisms, succeeds.
such sweet-sounding words soften, calm and weaken In general, the characteristic feature of euphe-
the listener. Thus, it is clear that euphemisms have a misms is that the style of expression of the thought is
sharp effect, they are an important method and means set in accordance with its content, inner meaning, sof-
in language to explain a certain point, to reveal an in- tening effect is influenced to the expression, its emo-
tended issue. From this point of view, euphemisms can tional meaning. Excitement, high tone, attention, and
be considered as one of the necessary and useful lan- calmness are used for euphemistic expressions. Words
guage techniques, because the word is the main means spoken in a calm, ordinary way have a deeper and more
and the first element of the language. In fiction, the au- serious meaning. For this reason, euphemisms are im-
thor creates a series of euphemisms, sometimes using a portant in enriching the vocabulary of the language as
number of euphemistic expressions that are important means of artistic and linguistic expressions, which
in relation to the idea being expressed in order to in- serve to convey the intended thought, idea to the lis-
crease the emotional power of speech and its impact. tener, the reader, the other side in a softer, more covert,
We would like to note that in order to increase the indirect way.
emotional impact of the thought expressed in the pro- References
cess of communication, to create a strong, pleasant feel- 1. Abdullayev S. Ә. Qeyri-səlis dilçilik təcrübəsi.
ing in the listener, the softening expression of the Bakı, “Victory”, 2013
thought requires a special skill from the speaker. The 2. Babayev A.M. Dilçiliyə giriş. Bakı, “Maarif”,
use of a series of euphemisms, in other words, euphe- 1992
mistic expressions, which are often used in ordinary 3. Behaghel O. Die deutsche Sprache, Halle
speech and works of art, and even serve to strengthen (Saale), 1954
the artistic and emotional strengthening of speech and 4. Engels Fr. Hern Eugen Dührings Umwälzung
expression, is preferred. As some euphemisms are more der Wissenschaft, Berlin, 1953
common and easily understood by the majority, the 5. Nyrop K. Das Leben der Wörter, Leipzig, 1903
word artist prefers to use these terms in communica- 6. Stepanova M.D., Cernyşeva I.I., Lexikologie
tion. der deutschen Gegenwartssprache, Moskau, “Vyssaja
Linguistic facts indicate that the approach to eu- Skola”, 1986
phemisms in the context of a wide semantic group, the 7. Christiane Wanzeck, Lexikologie,
field of words, as the richness of the language’s possi- Beschreibung von Wort und Wortschatz im Deutschen,
bilities of expression, the expression of the same con- Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht GmbH, Göttingen, 2010
cept in different words leads to its fragmentation, or
Bakhadirkhanov M.,
Tashkent State Technical University,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Iliev X.,
Tashkent State Technical University,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tursunov M.,
Termez State University,
Termez, Uzbekistan
Karshiyev Sh.
Tashkent State Technical University,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The results of the study of silicon alloyed with Ni and Se atoms are given. The introduction of nickel was
carried out by dusting the silicon surface and then by “low temperature” diffusion for 0.5 h at T = 1150˚C. Addi-
tional heat treatment of Ni and Se alloyed samples was performed in the same way (T = 820˚C, for 0.5 hours). The
composition of the samples was studied using SEM. The change in the properties of Si <Ni, Se> is explained by
the formation of binary complexes of nickel and selenium atoms in the crystal lattice of silicon.
Keywords: binary complex, nickel, selenium, open circuit voltage, short circuit current.
THE EXPERIMENTALLY PART increased by 22% compared to Si <B, Se> (SC), while
Diffusion of nickel atoms was carried out at T the Uoc value increased from 427 mV to 480 mV, ie by
=1150 °C for t=30 minutes in quartz ampoules using 12% (Table 2). The increase in the parameters of (SC)s
the “low temperature stepwise” diffusion method. Dif- after heat treatment Si <B,Se> was explained by the
fusion of the Se atoms was then performed at t = 1200 hetering of selenium atoms to recombination in silicon
°C for t=30 min. As a result, p-n-shaped structures, ie [3-4]. After the diffusion process, such properties of se-
photocells, were obtained. Given the relatively high lenium atoms are almost non-existent, as they do not
binding energy in the NiSe molecule and the high dif- have time to become electroactive due to rapid cooling
fusion coefficient of nickel, the additional heat treat- after diffusion. Long-term additional heat treatment ac-
ment temperature was selected at T = 820 °C. After ad- tivates the formation of complexes, which has led to
ditional heat treatment, the photocell (SC) voltage was uncontrolled intrusions and heterogeneity of point de-
measured and the short-circuit current density (Jsc) was fects.
measured. In Si <B, Ni, Se> photocells, the J sc value
Table 2.
Electrophysical parameters of solar cells after additional heat treatment at a temperature of T = 820 °C.
Samples Jsc, mА/cm2 Uoc, mV Pmax, mW/cm2
Si<B, Se> 18 427 7,686
Si<B, Ni, Se> 22 480 10,560
Si<B, Ni, Se> settings SC +22% +12 % +37.4%
Si<B, Se> change in relation to SC
Thus, the technologically optimal conditions for additional heat treatment (complex formation) was T=
the formation of complexes of the Si2NiSe type were 820 °C. After diffusion and additional heat treatment, it
determined - the diffusion temperature of selenium and was found that SC parameters increased by Uoc - 12%,
nickel input atoms was T = 1160 °C, the temperature of Jsc- 22%, Pmax - 37.4% [5-6].
Figure 1. Composition of complexes of nickel and selenium atoms (SEM) formed in silicon after diffusion.
Si Si Si Si Si Si
Si Se Si Se Ni
Si Si Si
Si Ni Si
Si Si Si
Si Si Si
a) b)
Figure 2. Possible options for the formation of nickel-selenium complexes in the silicon lattice. a) - in adjacent
nodes of the silicon lattice, b) - in the interstices of the silicon lattice.
Гурбанов М.М.,
кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент,
Годжаев М.М.,
кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент,
Гашимова А.И.
доктор философии по физико-математическим наукам,
кафедра обшей физики и методики преподавания физики,
Сумгаитский государственный университет
Сумгаит, Азербайджан
Gurbanov M.,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Gojayev M.,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Associate Professor,
Hashimova A.
PhD on of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Department of general physics and methods of teaching physics,
Sumgait State University
Sumgait, Republic of Azerbaijan
В данной работе приводятся результаты измерений диэлектрической проницаемости твердого рас-
твора (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 )0,8 − (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 )0,2 . Приводятся табличные данные значений индуктивности, сопротивлений,
электропроводности, эффективности, реактивных и комплексных сопротивлений. В работе также показана
возможность определений молекулярной поляризации по экспериментальным данным диэлектрической
In this study, the dielectric constant of a solid solution (As2 Se3 )0,8 − (As2 S3 )0,2 was measured.
Measurements were made on a high-precision E7-20 (RLC) imitation measuring device. The values of inductance,
resistance, conductivity, efficiency, reactive resistance, and complex resistances are given in tabular form. The
possibility of determining the molecular polarization on the basis of experimental values of dielectric constant is
Ключевые слова: индуктивность, емкость, активное сопротивление, реактивное сопротивление, про-
водимость, диэлектрическая проницаемость, коэффициент поляризации.
Keywords: inductance, capacitance, active resistance, reactive resistance, conductivity, dielectric constant,
polarization coefficient.
𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 and 𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 compounds are promising ma- (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 )0,8 − (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 )0,2 solid solution was syn-
terials for the development of optical memory elements thesized from the literature on the basis of existing
and resistance converters. In these materials, the con- methodology and X-ray analysis was performed. It was
version effect is mainly associated with the transition found that this solid solution is also a crystalline ana-
from the glass phase to the crystalline phase. Electrical logue of the 𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 compound and crystallizes in a
conductivity and dielectric constant play a key role in monoclinic structure. Cage parameters a=11,95Å;
the management of such inverters. These materials are b=9,63Å; c=4,26Å ; β=90028′ was measured [3]. The
also used in laser technology [1, 2]. samples were prepared in the form of a flat capacitor to
The study of the physical properties of solid solu- die the electrical parameters. In this case, the thickness
tions obtained on the basis of these compounds is also of the samples was 0.05 ÷ 0.08 cm. Measurements were
relevant in terms of expanding the scope of practical made on an E7-20 (RLC) imitation measuring device
application. In this study, the values of a number of with high accuracy and sensitivity. Here, as in tradi-
electrical parameters of the solid solution tional methods, voltmeter-ammeter measurement
(𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 )0,8 − (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 )0,2 determined by the modern method is used.
E7-20 (RLC) imitation measuring device are given in However, this method has many advantages. First
tabular form and the possibility of calculating the po- of all, it should be noted that the measurements are
larization coefficient is shown. made at very high speeds (25 measurements per sec-
ond). Here, at the same time, inductance (L), capaci- measuring system, where it is divided into two sinusoi-
tance (C), active resistance (R), conductivity (G), effi- dal voltages and converted into a form visible in num-
ciency (Q), reactive resistance (X) and complex re- bers. The values of the measured parameters are deter-
sistance (Z) are determined. mined by calculation and are displayed.
Another advantage of this method is that measure- This measuring device also has software, and the
ments can be made in an electric field with a wide range values of all studied parameters are determined and rec-
of frequencies (𝑓 = 20 ÷ 106 𝐻𝑠). At the same time, orded [4].
the accuracy of the measurements is higher. The rela- The results of measurements carried out in the
tive error when measuring L, C and R parameters is ± electric field of different frequencies at room tempera-
0.001%. ture for a solid solution (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 )0,8 − (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 )0,2 are
The working frequency used in the measurement given in the table.
is transferred from the generator to the converter in the
𝑓, 𝑘𝐻𝑠 𝐶, 𝑝𝐹 𝑅, 𝑀𝑂𝑚 𝑍, 𝑀𝑂𝑚 𝜀
0,025 2,7 9900 2400 35,64
0,5 2,4 4600 133 31,68
5 2,3 700 14 30,36
10 2,2 400 7 30,09
20 2,1 100 3,5 29,71
100 2,4 3,4 0,65 31,94
200 2,5 9,9 0,32 33,13
500 2,6 10 0,12 34,32
1000 3,1 1,6 0,05 40,65
As can be seen from the table, as the frequency of theoretical models. The value of β calculated on the ba-
the electric field changes, both the active and complex sis of the dielectric constant corresponding to the aver-
resistances decrease, and the value of the dielectric con- age frequency intervals of the field for a solid solu-
stant, as well as the electric capacitance, remains almost tion (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 )0,8 − (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 )0,2 was ~3 ∙ 10−22 𝑠𝑚3 .
unchanged. Such a change can be attributed to the mo- It should also be noted that the conversion effect
lecular polarization that takes place within the sub- in memory elements made from the studied solid solu-
stance under the influence of the field. tion (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 )0,8 − (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 )0,2 is due to the phase tran-
In order to study the possible changes in the mo- sition between the glass and the crystal structure hap-
lecular structure within a substance under the influence pens. The high electrical conductivity of these materials
of an electric field, the molecular polarization based on is due to the sliding or displacement of atoms inside the
the table values of dielectric constant of a solid solu- crystal.
tion (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆𝑒3 )0,8 − (𝐴𝑠2 𝑆3 )0,2 can be determined.
It is known that there is such a relationship be- References
tween the dielectric constant (ɛ) and the polarization 1. С.В. Немилов. Оптическое материаловеде-
coefficient (β). ние: Термодинамические и релаксационные свой-
𝜀−1 𝑛𝛽
= ∙∙∙ (1) ства стеклообразуюших расплавов и стекол. М.:
𝜀+2 3
here - n is the number of charged ions per unit vol- 2014. 120 c.
ume. Its value can be determined in this way by the mo- 2. Г.З. Виноградова. Стеклообразование и фа-
lar mass (M), density (ρ) and Avagadro constant NA of зовы равновесия в халькогенидных системах М.:
the substance. Наука, 1984. 176 c.
𝑁 3. Abrikosov N.Kh., Bankina V.F., Poretskaya
𝑛 = 𝜌 𝐴 ∙∙∙ (2) L.V., Shelimova L.E. Semiconductinq II – VI, IV – VI
From these formulas we get and V – VI compounds. Plenum, New York, 1969,
𝛽= ∙∙∙ (3) 252s.
4. Справочник по радиоэлектронным устрой-
Thus, by finding the value of β, it is possible to
ствам: в 2-х томах. Под ред. Д.П. Линде – М: Энер-
draw some conclusions about the molecular changes
гия (http:// lib.mexmat.ru) /books/ 1978. 378 с.
that take place within matter on the basis of existing
Shevchenko O.
Doctor of Sciences in Engineering, Professor,
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
The article presents the methodology and results of experimental studies of the dynamic characteristics of a
CNC lathe. The sequence of conducting research, the necessary apparatus and equipment are recommended. The
influence of the dynamic characteristics of the main components of the machine on the accuracy of the shape of
the cross-section of the surfaces of the parts processed on it was evaluated, and ways of improving the quality of
turning processing were recommended.
Keywords: CNC lathe, dynamic characteristics, accuracy of parts processing.
The occurrence of oscillating processes in ma- the planes perpendicular and parallel to the bed guides,
chine tools negatively affects the accuracy and quality parallel to the directions of the Py and Pz components of
of the machined surfaces of parts, reduces the techno- the cutting force. The impact on the object of measure-
logical capabilities of the machine tool. The availability ment is carried out by an impulse impact, and free
of knowledge about the real dynamic characteristics of damping oscillations are simultaneously recorded
individual components of the machine tool makes it along two coordinates. Accelerometers are installed us-
possible to determine ways to improve the dynamic ing permanent magnets on the surfaces of the corre-
quality and to develop recommendations for improving sponding unit of the machine tool.
its design. Experimental determination of frequencies To determine the values of natural frequencies os-
of self-oscillations of components and elements of the cillations of unites; frequencies with the highest levels
machine tool, their spectral analysis allows to deter- of vibration acceleration are selected from the spectrum
mine resonant phenomena during the operation of the (amplitude-frequency characteristic). Further, these
machine and to recommend measures to reduce their data are compared with the graphs of changes in the
harmful effects [1]. amplitude of oscillations over time after the impulse ex-
Experimental researches of the dynamic charac- posure, and a conclusion is made about the actual val-
teristics of lathes are recommended to be carried out in ues of the frequencies of natural oscillations of unites
the following sequence: - determination of natural os- under research.
cillation frequencies of individual units of the machine; Vibrometer with a non-contact eddy current sen-
- determination of frequency spectra of relative oscilla- sor is used to study the relative vibrations of the tool
tions of the tool and workpiece without cutting at dif- and the workpiece without cutting and during cutting.
ferent spindle rotation frequencies and during cutting; - Sensor is fixed on the faceplate of the turret head of the
definition of logarithmic decrements of oscillations of machine in such a way that there is a gap of 0.5-0.8 mm
machine tool units. between its measuring surface and the cylindrical man-
To register and analyze vibrations, it is necessary drel clamped in the chuck of the lathe. Vibrometer reg-
to have equipment for vibration diagnostics with piezo- isters the fluctuations of the gap between the mandrel
electric accelerometers, an analog-to-digital converter and the measuring surface of the sensor. The dimen-
and a computer program for frequency analysis of vi- sions of the mandrel and the measurement scheme are
brations. When registering the relative vibrations of the shown in Fig. 1. To reduce the impact of the mandrel
tool and the workpiece at idle speed and during cutting, runout, it is necessary to ensure its accurate installation
it is effective to use a vibration meter with a non-con- in the spindle chuck with a radial runout of no more
tact eddy current sensor. than 1μm, or after installation in the chuck, perform a
When determining the natural frequencies of os- clean turning of the measuring surface of the mandrel,
cillations of the units, measurements are performed in which will compensate for the errors of installation [2].
a) b)
Fig. 1. The dimensions of the mandrel with a set of replaceable sample parts (a) and the arrangement of sensors
during the determination of the relative vibrations of the cutting tool and the workpiece during cutting (b), where
1 – the mandrel with the replaceable sample part, 2 – the faceplate of the turret head, 3 – toolholder, 4 – eddy
current sensor, 5 and 6 – accelerometers
In the course of research, the natural oscillation frequencies of the following unites of the lathe model
1П420ПФ40 were determined: - a short mandrel with a length of 150 mm and a diameter of 40 mm, when meas-
ured at a distance of 100 mm from the end of the chuck; - turret head faceplate; - turret housing; - spindle headstock
housing; - caliper slides, etc. (examples in the Table 1).
Table 1
Frequencies of free oscillations of units of the lathe in the range of 0-1000Hz
Logarithmic decrement of os-
Basic frequency, Hz
№ Measurement object cillations, λ
Direction Py Direction Pz Direction Py Direction Pz
Mandrel in the chuck: projection
1. 432 450 0,25 0,34
100mm, d=40mm, length l=150mm
2. Turret head faceplate 120 110 0,52 0,57
3. Turret head housing 265 265 0,3 0,27
4. Longitudinal slides of the caliper 75 75 0,24 0,27
5 Spindle headstock housing 97 97 0,77 0,77
The research of the relative vibrations of the cutter (51 dB). In the main drive of the lathe, which consists
and the workpiece without cutting on the working lathe of a motor, a belt drive and a spindle assembly, the main
was carried out in the range of rotation frequencies of source of the increased level of oscillations at a fre-
the spindle unit 200÷4000 rpm (3.33÷66.6 Hz) with a quency of 48.5 Hz is the belt drive. By visual observa-
resolution of 200 rpm. In Fig. 2 shows the total spec- tions of the operation of the transmission during the ex-
trum of the maximum values of vibration accelerations periment, an increase in the amplitudes of the belt os-
in the frequency range 0÷100 Hz. Change in rotation cillation was registered during the rotation of the
frequency after 200 rpm allows you to introduce se- spindle with frequencies close to 3000 rpm. The source
quentially forced oscillations with a discreteness of of resonance was eliminated by introducing an addi-
3.33 Hz into the system. The highest level of relative tional belt tension roller into the belt drive.
oscillations was registered at a frequency of 48.5 Hz
Fig. 2. The total spectrum of the maximum values of vibration accelerations of the relative vibrations of the
cutter and the workpiece without cutting during spindle rotation in the frequency range of 200÷4000 rpm with a
discreteness of 200 rpm
The evaluation of the influence of the dynamic In Fig. 3 shows an example of the circular graph
characteristics of the main components of the machine of the surface of the processed sample No. 20 according
on the accuracy of the shape of the cross-section of the to the plan of the experiment with cutting conditions V
surfaces of the parts processed on it was carried out by = 373 m/min (3500 rpm), S = 0.12 mm/rev, t = 2.0 mm.
processing a batch of steel parts by carbide plate cutter The circular graph shows the traces of relative oscilla-
at cutting conditions that varied in the following range: tions of the cutter and the workpiece during cutting in
cutting speed V = 80÷400 m/min; feed S = 0.06÷0.3 the form of errors in the shape of the cross-section of
mm/rev; cutting depth t = 0.5÷2.5 mm. Cutting re- the sample part. Oscillations with frequencies corre-
searches were carried out according to the plan of a sponding to multiple harmonics of the spindle rotation
three-factor five-level experiment 35//36 [3]. Errors of frequency are displayed on the circular graph in the
the shape of the cross section of the parts, which were form of facets. The reason of part facets may be the un-
estimated by deviations from roundness, at S = 0.06 even stiffness along the angular coordinate of the
mm/rev, t = 0.5÷1.5 mm, V = 100÷300 m/min did not clamping three-cam spindle chuck, which held the
exceed 3 μm. mandrel with the sample parts during cutting and was a
source of parametric fluctuations.
Fig. 3. Circular graph of the surface of the processed part with cutting conditions V = 325 m/min (2800 rpm), S
= 0.24 mm/rev, t = 0.5 mm
As a result of the data analysis according to the roundness parameter by the minimum value for feed S
experimental plan 35//36, a mathematical model with a = 0.15 mm/rev gave the following results: out-of-
multiple correlation coefficient of 0.973 and an approx- roundness - 1.22 μm; at t = 1.0 mm and V = 170 m/min.
imation error of 9.12% was obtained. In Fig. 4 shows The analysis of the regression coefficients of the math-
the results of calculating the dependence of the devia- ematical model showed that the deviation from the
tion from the roundness of the surfaces of the machined roundness of the machined surfaces of the parts is in-
parts on the cutting mode. Optimization of the out-of- fluenced by all the parameters of the cutting modes.
Fig. 4. Calculation results according to the plan of the experiment 53//36 dependence of the non-roundness of the
surfaces of the parts processed on the lathe 1П420ПФ40 from cutting speed V (m/min), feed S (mm/rev) at cut-
ting depth t = 0.5 mm (a) and t = 1.5 mm (b)
include the basic components of the dynamic system of
Analysis of the data shown in Fig. 4, allows you the lathe, the drive of the main movement with a belt
to draw the following conclusions: - lathe model transmission and the cutting process. The results of re-
1П420ПФ40 provide high accuracy and quality of search of the dynamic characteristics of the machine
parts processing, which in some cases allows to tool were used in the development of a mathematical
abandon the finishing operations of grinding; - ra- model of the closed dynamic system of the lathe.
tional conditions of turning steel parts with a carbide
plate cutters have been determined to obtain the References
smallest processing errors; - the process of shaping 1. Kuznecov Ju.N., Drachev O.I., Luciv I.V.,
the surface during cutting, which is determined by Shevchenko O.V., Voloshin V.N. (2015) Dinamika
the relative oscillations of the cutter and the part, is stanochno-instrumental'noj osnastki dlja
influenced by the dynamic system of the machine vysokojeffektivnoj tokarnoj obrabotki: monografija,
tool, which includes the elastic subsystems of the Staryj Oskol: TNT, – 432 p.
spindle-chuck-part and caliper group, processes in 2. Shevchenko O.V. (2011) Doslidzhennia
drives and the cutting process. tokarno-revolvernykh verstativ za parametramy yakosti
Conducted vibration diagnostics of the lathe // Prohresyvni tekhnolohii i systemy
model 1П420ПФ40 made it possible to determine the mashynobuduvannia / Mizhnarodnyi zbirnyk
natural frequencies and logarithmic decrements of os- naukovykh prats - Donetsk: DonNTU, vyp. 42. p. 286-
cillations of the main components of the machine tool, 293.
the dynamic characteristics of which mainly depend on 3. Lapach S.N., Chubenko A.V., Babych P.N.
its dynamic quality. In addition, the main factors whose (2000) Statystycheskye metody v medyko-
dynamic characteristics have a significant impact on byolohycheskykh yssledovanyia s yspolzovanyem
the accuracy of the machine tool are determined. These Excel. – K.: MORYON, – 320 p.
Ковбик К.М.
Асистент кафедри підземної розробки родовищ корисних копалин
Криворізький національний університет
Kovbyk K.
Assistant of Department of Underground Mining of Mineral Deposit
Kryvyi Rih National University
Впровадження технологій гідромеханізації гірських робіт в умовах Криворізького залізорудного ба-
сейну - є актуальним питанням. Розробки покладів обводнених багатих залізних руд класичними спосо-
бами які непристосовані для цього, супроводжуються великою кількістю втрат рудної сировини, або не-
можливості відпрацювання покладу. Використання технології свердловинного гідро видобування корис-
них копалин дозволить використовувати потоки води з дренажних свердловин або зумпфу для безпечного
без вибухового руйнування масиву. Метою статті є - висвітлення результатів виконаних дослідів з руйну-
вання мартитових руд методом свердловинного гідро руйнування по їх нашаруванню. Встановлення зале-
жностей виходу фракції руд від тиску струменя води та напряму їх зрізання.
The introduction of mining hydro mechanization technologies in the conditions of the Krivoy Rog iron ore
basin is a topical issue. The development of deposits of flooded rich iron ores by classical methods unsuitable for
this is accompanied by a large number of losses of ore raw materials or the impossibility of mining the deposit.
The use of borehole hydraulic mining technology will allow the use of water flows from drainage wells or a sump
for the safe, non-explosive destruction of the massif. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the
experiments performed on the destruction of martite ores by the method of borehole hydraulic destruction by their
stratification. Determination of the dependences of the output of the ore fraction on the pressure of the water jet
and the direction of their cutting.
Ключові слова: руйнування руд, обводнення родовищ, гідровиймання, руйнування струменями води,
шари породи, гідромеханізація, підземна розробка.
Keywords: Ore destruction, flooding of deposits, hydraulic mining, destruction by water jets, rock layers
hydromechanization, underground development.
Комплекс включає свердловинний гідромоні- воднення гідросуміші, блок підготовки напірної те-
торний агрегат, систему доставки гідросуміші від хнологічної води і систему оборотного водопоста-
гирла видобувних свердловин до місця зневод- чання.
нення, вузол розвантаження (навантаження) і зне- Отриманій результати гранулометричного
складу руд зведені в таблицю 1.1.
Таблиця 1.1
Гранулометричний склад проб руди
Клас крупності, мм Вихід класу, %
Тиск струменя води, МПа
1,5 2,5 3,5 4,0
+1,0 18,2 28,9 30,0 30,3
-1,0 +0,5 21,8 14,2 24,3 26,0
-0,5 +0,25 15,2 19,7 13,7 16,2
-0,25 +0,1 22,3 24,4 23,8 23,0
-0,1 22,5 12,8 8,2 4,5
Середній діаметр шматка, мм 0,544 0,663 0,729 0,753
Процентний вміст виходу фракцій руди класу -0,1 +0,0 в залежності від тиску водяних струменів і
орієнтації щодо шаруватості рудного масиву представлено на рис. 1.2
Рис. 1.2. Залежності виходу руди класів (-0,5 + 0,0мм) і (-1,0 + 0,0мм) від початкового тиску водяних
струменів, спрямованих по шаруватості - 1 і в хрест шаруватості - 2 рудних масивів
Петросова Л.И.
к.т.н., доц.
Каримбаев Р.К.
Абдумаликова О.
Ташкентский государственный технический университет
Petrosova L.,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assoc.
Karimbayev R.,
Master's degree
Abdumalikova O.
Tashkent State Technical University
В статье рассмотрены причины производственного травматизма, определены опасные факторы риска
в строительной отрасли. Предложены мероприятия по повышению культуры безопасности рабочих.
Разработаны анкеты для работников, с целью выявления ответственности сотрудников.
The article examines the causes of occupational injuries, identifies dangerous risk factors in the construction
industry. Measures to improve the safety culture of workers are proposed. Questionnaires have been developed
for employees in order to identify the responsibility of employees.
Ключевые слова: строительная отрасль, травматизм, опасные факторы, риск.
Keywords: construction industry, injuries, dangerous factors, risk.
водители слесари
ISSN 3353-2389
Also in the work of the editorial board are involved independent experts
1000 copies
Wojciecha Górskiego 9, Warszawa, Poland, 00-033
email: editor@poljs.com
site: http://www.poljs.com