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Medical Ethics (2 Course)

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Horbachevsky Ternopil Name of department

National Medical University that provides teaching
Department of
Syllabus of the discipline Physiology with basics of
«Medical ethics» bioethics and biosafety
Specialty 222 Medicine
Educational program 22 Health care
Educational Qualifying Level Second level of higher education
Degree of Higher Education Master
Discipline status Elective
Educational year, semester 2 course / ІІІ–ІV semesters
Language English
Number of credits 3,0
Distribution by types of Practical classes - 20 hours (III semester – 10 hours, IV semester
classes and hours of study - 10 hours)
Individual work - 70 hours (III semester – 35 hours, IV semester
- 35 hours)
Semester control / control IV semester - Credit
Information about the Course Practical classes:
Head / Teachers Volkova Natalia Mykhailivna, Prof., DSc, PhD, MD,
Tolokova Tetyana Ivanivna, PhD, Associate Professor,
Address of the department Department of Physiology, Bioethics and Biosafety
and venue of the course 2 Yu. Slovatskyi Street, Ternopil, 46001,
Telephone: (0352) 25-37-93
E-mail - fyziology@tdmu.edu.ua
Days of classes Accordinly department schedule
Consultations Rework of the missed classes ad consultations are held from
Monday to Thursday from 15:30 to 20:00
Location https://moodle.tdmu.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=4025


"Medical ethics " as a discipline:
a) involves the study of generalization and systematization of research results, to formulate
conclusions in accordance with the principles of bioethics;
b) ensures a high level of observance of ethical principles and rules defined by law by
pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers in work with patients, laboratory animals,
adhere to scientific ethics. ;
c) includes the main issues of reference to sources of information in the case of the use of ideas,
statements, information; compliance with copyright law; providing reliable information about research
results and own pedagogical (scientific-pedagogical, creative) activity; control over the observance of
academic integrity by students of education.
As a result of studying the discipline "Medical Ethics", the student should know:
 Fundamentals of ethical norms of relations between health workers in the middle of the
team and with patients.
 Psychological foundations of cooperation in the middle of the team.
 Features of communication with compliance with the norms of deontology.
 The importance of communicative skills in the work of a doctor.
 The role of communication in the formation and satisfaction of social needs of a person.
 Characteristics of social perception.
 Moral norms and rules.
 The concept of transplantation: history and modernity.
 Moral problems of transplantology.
 Ethic and legal principles of human organ transplantation.
 Concepts about donation and transfusiology.
 Bioethical problems of blood transfusion.
 Bioethical problems of cloning human organs.
 Basic moral and ethical principles of care for chronically ill and disabled people.
 Psychological differences between chronic patients and disabled people.
 Modern view of society on the problem of HIV/AIDS.
 Constitutional rights and protection of HIV/AIDS patients.
 Fundamentals of awareness in a pandemic, crisis management.
 Socially dangerous infections
 Basic moral and ethical principles of care for psychiatric, cancer patients, and drug addicts.
 Psychological traits of patients of psychiatric and oncological hospitals.
 A modern look at the problem of addiction.
 Constitutional rights and protection of patients with drug addiction.
 Genetically engineered organisms in the service of medicine.
 Ethical problems of application of new genetic engineering technologies.
 Ethical problems of cloning living organisms.
 Convention on the Rights of the Child. Care and support for children with HIV.
 Ethic-deontological aspects of nanotechnology application.
 Bioethical principles of the introduction of nanotechnology.
 Problems of introduction of nanotechnology in medicine.
 Ethical problems of fruitfulness regulation.
 Bioethical and legal problems of coexistence of "traditional" and "unconventional"
As a result of studying the discipline "Medical Ethics", a student should be able to:
 Interpret knowledge in everyday communication to shape yourself as a person and a future
 Use the main articles of medical codes in their practical activities.
 Have a legislative framework to prevent ethical and moral violations.
 Distinguish special needs of chronic patients and disabled people.
 Understand the problem of HIV/AIDS patients not only as medical but also social.
 To have a legislative framework to protect the rights of seriously ill people.
 Distinguish special psychological needs of patients.
 Understand the problem of addiction patients.
 To have a legislative framework to protect the rights of patients.
 Time to determine dangerous social conditions in severe somatic and mental diseases.


The purpose of the academic discipline "Medical Ethics" is an active promotion of the
humanization of medicine on the basis of Christian values and personalities of the stoic model of
bioethics, deepening the knowledge of those who are interested in moral issues, as well as the
realization of the humanistic potential of bioethics, as a science, education of medical students
honoring the value and dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
The main objectives of the study of "Medical Ethics" are to familiarize students with the latest
developments in the field of bioethics, norms and principles of international law of medical activity as
a future specialist.
To reveal the problems of the relationship of the doctor - the patient - relatives, and the
relationship of society with socially problematic diseases. To teach the future doctor tolerance, to
expand the range of clinical thinking, to give primary skills of direct conflict resolution as a mediocre
and direct participant of them.
To form students' feelings of the highest socio-legal, moral and professional responsibility in
the process of future activities, which is the key to a successful career in any field chosen by a future
To explain to future doctors the moral and ethical principles of solving from the position of the
bioethical worldview of certain problems of care for chronically ill and disabled people, assistance to
AIDS patients, problems of psychiatry and research of human psyche, narcology and oncology.


Prerequisites: basic knowledge of academic disciplines obtained at previous levels of
education, especially during the study "Ethics", "Bioethics", "Ukrainian Language" The organization
of students' work involves the formation of a conceptual and categorical array of information on each
topic, practical work, control issues and independent tasks, as well as the solving of ethical problems
and situations.
Postrequisites: As a result of studying the course, students and the second educational and
scientific level of higher education can use the results of training in the study of "Propaedeutics of
Internal Medicine", "Hygiene and Ecology", "Propaedeutics of Pediatrics", "General Surgery",
"Nursing Practice", "Culture of Medical Professional Language and Communication", "Obstetrics and
Gynecology", "Neurology" and other disciplines in the study of special knowledge, writing theses of
conferences, scientific and methodological articles, scientific publications in Ukrainian and foreign
publications, as well as in further scientific researches.


Theme 1. The role of effective communication in the practical work of the doctor.
The problem of the relationship between the doctor - the patient - relatives, and the relationship
of society with socially problematic diseases. Tolerant and stand in the work of the future doctor.
Spectrum of clinical thinking .. . the concept of subordination in the medical team. Five skills of direct
conflict resolution. Five and a direct participant in conflicts in the practical work of a medic. A sense
of the highest socio-legal, moral and professional responsibility in the course of future activities.
Theme 2. Relationships between healthcare professionals, the patient and his family
Psychology of relationship doctor-patient. Traditions of humanism in the work of a medical
professional. Formation of the medical team and its influence on the upbringing of the individual. The
relationship of medical workers of different links.
Ethics of relationships in the medical team. Tact and tactlessness in the relationship of medical
workers. The role of the World Medical Society (WMA) and the All-Ukrainian Medical Society in the
formation of a modern doctor. Medical ethics as a guarantee of patients' rights. Ethical assessment of
medical error. Humanism in the work of a nurse. A nurse in the medical team.
Theme 3. Fundamentals of bioethical problems of HIV infection and other socially
dangerous infections
Moral and ethical problems of HIV/AIDS cause a hidden epidemic in Ukraine. Assistance to
AIDS patients. HIV/AIDS epidemic. People living with HIV/AIDS are vulnerable to HIV. Human
rights activities in the field of HIV/AIDS. Bioethical problems during treatment of patients with
HIV/AIDS. The rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. Human rights activities in the field of
HIV/AIDS. Criminalization of drug consumption in Ukraine. Stigma and discrimination associated
with HIV/AIDS.
Theme 4. Ethical problems of medical use of psychotropic drugs. Combating drug
addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking
Treatment of mentally ill and human rights. Specificity of ethical problems in psychiatry. Models
of mental illness. Ethics of a psychiatric institution nurse. Psychotherapeutic role of the nurse. General
ethical principles in the work of psychologists of different levels. Specificity of work with children.
Mechanisms of mental and physiological stress. Psychological effects of stress. Prevention of mental
stress and correction of its consequences. jatrogenia. Modern approaches to mental recovery.
Topic 5. Ethical principles of providing medical assistance and cancer to cancer patients.
Bioethical problems of pain, suffering, rehabilitation and euthanasia. Palliative care
Psychological characteristics of a person who has faced cancer. Problems of truthful information
for cancer patients. The patient is an active participant in the medical process. Nurse and education of
oncological patients. Legal regulation of oncological care. Doctor's behavior and psychotherapy when
working with cancer patients. Bioethical problems of pain and anesthesiology. Definition and
principles of palliative care. Rights of palliative patients. Rights of patients with limited life
Theme 6. Ethical problems of providing medical assistance to children
Features of observance of the rights of minor patients. Ethical requirements for the organization
of child examination. jatrogenia in childhood patients. Children's rights Violation of the rights of the
child by the adults who supervise it. Ethical problems of genetic counseling of children. Convention on
the Rights of the Child. Care and support for children with HIV.
Theme 7. Fundamentals of bioethical problems of biopsychosocial medicine, psychology
and psychiatry.
Treatment of mentally ill and human rights. Specificity of ethical problems in psychiatry.
Models of mental illness. Ethics of a psychiatric institution nurse. Psychotherapeutic role of the
average medical staff and doctors. General ethical principles in the work of psychologists of different
levels. Specificity of work with children. Mechanisms of mental and physiological stress.
Psychological consequences of stress. Prevention of mental stress and correction of its consequences.
Theme 8. Ethic and deontological aspect of telemedicine.
The importance of using computer technologies, in particular, telemedicine in the future
activities of the doctor. Revival of interest in ethics and deontological issues related to computerization
of the field of medicine. Awareness of remote medical care using computers and telecommunication
facilities. Ethic-deontological aspects of telemedicine. The main directions of telemedicine
development. Standardization and documentation of telemedicine procedures.
Theme 9. Fundamentals of bioethical evaluation and control of genetic technologies.
Bioethical aspects and biosecurity of environmental impact on humans. Bioethical aspects of
The concept of application in medical practice of genetic engineering technologies, cloning of
organs and tissues in Ukraine and in the world. Solving ethical problems of the use of modern
technologies in the legal field, taking into account bioethic principles. Substantiation of biosecurity
mechanisms as a system of measures "to ensure the safe creation, use and cross-border movement of
living altered organisms resulting from biotechnology.
Theme 10. Social justice, transcultural ethics and socio-ethical commitments.
Origin of the concept of "global ethics", social justice, socio-ethical obligations. Budget and
insurance system; private-entrepreneurial system. Social protection of doctors. Social protection of the
population experience of European countries.


The following equipment is used to master the discipline "Bioethics of preclinical and
Clinical Scientific Research" at the Department of Physiology with the basics of bioethics and
1. Premises of workshops and equipment of lecture audiences;
2. Video system;
3. Training cards;
4. Sets of situational tasks.
Course page on the Moodle platform (personal training system) Site of personal educational
systems of TNMU them. I.Y. Horbachevsky academic discipline "Bioethics of preclinical and clinical
scientific researches https://moodle.tdmu.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=4025


1. The Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics / Edited by Peter A. Singer and A. M. Viens. -
Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK, 2008. – 526p.
2. Biosecurity — Freedom and Responsibility of Research.- Deutscher Ethikrat, Berlin,
2014.- 221p.
3. Preventing Biological Threats: What You Can Do. A Guide to Biological Security Issues
and How to Address Them / Editors: Simon Whitby, Tatyana Novossiolova, Gerald Walther, Malcolm
Dando.- Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, 2015.- 447p.
4. Professionalism in Health Care: A Primer for Career Success / Sherry Makely, Vanessa J.
Austin, Quay Kester. - Pearson, 2012 – 238p.
1. Bioethics and Biosafety/ M K Sateesh. - I K International Pvt Ltd, 2008. - 820 p
2. Bioethics and public health law / David Orentlicher, Mary Anne Bobinski, Mark A. Hall. -
Aspen Publishers, 2008 – 687p.
3. Bioethics and public health law / David Orentlicher, Mary Anne Bobinski, Mark A. Hall. -
Aspen Publishers, 15 февр. 2008 – 687p.
4. Fundamentals of health-care Waste management // National Health-Care Waste
Management: Plan Guidance Manual. – http://www.who.int/entity/water_sanitation_health/
5. Ge B. C. Proactively Approaching Telehealth Informed Consent / Brandon C. Ge, Amy
Lerman, Rene Quashie // TechHealth Perspectives: strategy, analysis, and commentary on current and
new health technologies. – http://www.techhealthperspectives.com/2013/06/19/ proactively-
6. Guidance on ethics and equitable access to HIV treatment and care. – WHO : Geneva, 2004.
– https://www.who.int/hiv/pub/advocacy/en/guidanceethics_en.pdf.
7. Guidelines for stem cell research and clinical translation. – International Society For Stem
Cell Research, 2016. – http://go.nature.com/2ADlppq.
8. Handbook for rural Health care ethics: a Practical Guide for Professionals / Edited by
William A. Nelson. – Trustees of Dartmouth College, Hanover, 2009. – https://geiselmed.
9. National Health Reform Strategy for Ukraine 2015–2020. – https://en.moz.gov.ua/
10. Orentlicher D. Bioethics and public health law / D. Orentlicher, M. Bobinski, M. Hall. –
New York : Aspen Publishers, 2008. – 687 p. – https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/010598262.
11. Health Risks Of Nanotechnology: How Nanoparticles Can Cause Lung Damage, And How
The Damage Can Be Blocked // ScienceDaily. – Oxford University Press, 2009. – https://
12. Makely S. Professionalism in Health Care: A Primer for Career Success / S. Makely, V.
Austin, Q. Kester. – Pearson, 2012. – 238 p. – https://www.worldcat.org/ title/professionalism-in-
health-care-a-primer-for-career-success/oclc/743275890/editions? referer=di&editionsView=true.
13. Telemedicine: opportunities and developments in Member States: report on the second
global survey on eHealth 2009. – World Health Organization, 2010. – 96 p. – https://
14. The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS. How the Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels the Global
Pandemic. Report of the global commission on drug policy. JUNE 2012. – https://
www.opensocietyfoundations.org/uploads/2398c2e6-18bf-4eb4-a361-0896eeb3e7dc/war- drugs-hiv-


Information on current control, assessment for practical class, of practical skills included in the
matricula, assessment of individual work is provided. Minimum and maximum points number received
by the applicant in mastering the discipline should be reflected, separately for current activities,
including individual work, and the results of the final control. The conditions of admission to the final
control are indicated. The scale of assessment and transfer of grades from the 12-point rating to the
200-point, traditional 4-point scale and ECTS assessment scale are presented in the REGULATION on
the organization of educational process in TNMU
The ongoing current control is carried out during practical classes to check the level of
preparation of the student to perform a particular job. Form of current control: oral discussion
evaluation, solving clinical practical cases, test control. Input (primary), intermediate and final level of
knowledge of the student is estimated. The evaluation results are reflected in the journal.
The student progress is assessed on a 12-points scale.
10-12 points (“excellent”) are given to the student who mastered theoretical knowledge
according to the program and demonstrated an ability to use it in solving practical problems.
7-9 points (“good”) are given to the students who mastered theoretical knowledge according to
the program but made insignificant, non-principal errors in practical implementation.
4-6 points (“fair”) are given to the student who mastered theoretical knowledge but made
significant errors or gaps in some areas.
1-3 points (“poor”) are given to the student who failed in mastering the program, his knowledge
and skills should be further improved in the hours allotted for independent work of the student.
The score for the practical class considered positive if it is 4.0 points and more. It includes all
types of work offered in the methodical instructions ’guideline.
Final Assessment After Complete of Subject Study. The grade in the discipline is defined as
the of number of points of the current control. The maximum number of points that a student can count
while studying the discipline is 200 points.

Academic integrity policy:
The policy of the educational component is based on the principles of academic integrity (link on
the university website https://www.tdmu.edu.ua/wp- content/uploads/2020/04/TNMU-
polozhennia_pro_academich_dobroches.pdf ) and is determined by the system of requirements that the
teacher presents to the applicant in the study of the educational component: compliance with safety rules in
the classroom, prevention of academic plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, write-off, prohibition of
additional sources of information in the assessment of knowledge (including electronic means), when using
Internet resources and other sources of information, the applicant must indicate the source used during
solving the task.
Attendance policy:
The applicant of higher education is obliged to follow the rules of the internal regulations of the
university https://www.tdmu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Pravyla-vnutrishnogo- rozporyadku.pdf
and attend classes according to the schedule https://asu.tdmu.edu.ua/time-table/student . Attendance is a
mandatory component of assessment. For objective reasons (for example: illness, business trip, internship,
quarantine, etc.) training can take place online in consultation with the teacher. There are days for
consultations, individual classes (five days a week).
Reworks policy:
If the applicant for higher education was absent from classes for any reason, the class has to be
reworked within the time limits set by the teacher. According to the Regulations on the organization of the
educational process in TNMU https://www.tdmu.edu.ua/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/Pro-organizatsiyu-
osvitnogo-protsesu.pdf. All tasks provided by the program must be completed within the timeframe set by
the teacher.
Appeals Policy:
Applicants for higher education have the right to appeal the assessment of the discipline obtained
during the control measures. The appeal is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the
organization, conduct of current and final control and the procedure for its appeal"
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vKSocYwDYCGG-dcB5v6xCQhW9x_QcfTT/view .
Policy for Conflicts Management:
Communication between the participants of the educational process (teachers, applicants) is based
on the partnerships, mutual support and mutual assistance, tolerance and respect for the individual, the
focusing on obtaining true scientific knowledge. Conflict resolution is carried out according to specific
Regulations of TNMU and follow the Code of Student`s Ethics https://www.tdmu.edu.ua/en/code-of-
student-s-ethics/ and the University Code of Conduct https://www.tdmu.edu.ua/en/education/rules/

Syllabus was approved at the Department meeting.

28.05.2021. Protocol №5.

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