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Ref. Dated: 6 February, 2023
Guidelines for SEC paper-setting for March 2023 examinations for Semester I under
+ The SEC question paper will have Ipart—with 5 short note questions out of which the
student will attempt 3 total for 3x 10 = 30 marks.
«One question to be set from each unit of the paper and the remaining questions are to be set
as general pan-paper questions. No internal choice to be provided.
+ Questions must be composition-type, and not directly theoretical, with the aim to assess skills
developed/practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge
+ The maximum marks would be 30 and the paper duration is of 1 hour.
+ Sample question paper format is given below. Please strictly adhere to the given template:
UPC: 2032101101
Semester: 1 .
Title: Personality Development
Time limit: hours
Max marks: 30
a. This question paper contains 1 part.
b, Candidates have to answer ANY THREE of thefollowingquestions.‘c. Questions carry 10 marks each.
Passage/scenario that can be used to cover questions for whole paper preferably so that
QI — Question based on unit 1
Eg, Develop a questionnaire for the above scenario
Q2 - ~ Question based on unit 2.
Q3 ~~ Question based on unit 3.
Q.4. Question based on unit 4/general pan paper question if there are only 3 units in the paper.
Q.5.A general pan paper question
Aa Ll
Prof. Anil K. Aneja
Head, Department of English
Jepartment of English
Petnivorsy of Deli