Interculturality and Masculinities: Critical Approaches To The Teaching of English As A Foreign Language
Interculturality and Masculinities: Critical Approaches To The Teaching of English As A Foreign Language
Interculturality and Masculinities: Critical Approaches To The Teaching of English As A Foreign Language
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MCS – Masculinities and Social Change Vol. 12 No.1 February 2023
pp. 1-24
The urge to turn the teaching of English as a foreign language into an inclusive
and diverse space has recently become greater. For a few decades now, it has
been highlighted the need for learners to develop not only their
communicative competence, but also the intercultural one. However, the gap
between these abstract expectations and specific teaching practices shows
how much renovation is still a necessity. Understanding interculturality in its
broadest sense, the article aims to evidence the little importance masculinities
have been given in gender-critical educational research into foreign language
teaching. To do so, a theoretical presentation of such concepts is carried out,
as they are key to identify the related discourses that can be found in the world
of English language teaching. As a conclusion, it suggests the assumption of
these analytical categories in order to complement intercultural approaches,
thus favouring diversity in English-teaching contexts for speakers of other
languages. Finally, a list of possible themes as specific variables of upcoming
empirical analysis is also proposed.
Keywords: diversity; teaching of English as a foreign language;
interculturality; masculinities.
Interculturalidad y Masculinidades:
Aproximaciones Críticas a la
Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua
Esteban Francisco López Medina
Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
La urgencia de hacer de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera un
espacio diverso e inclusivo se ha intensificado recientemente. Desde hace
algunas décadas, se insiste en la necesidad de desarrollar la competencia
intercultural del alumnado, además de la comunicativa. Sin embargo, la
distancia entre estas aspiraciones teóricas y la práctica educativa concreta a
menudo revela la necesidad de renovación. Entendiendo la interculturalidad
en un sentido amplio, a partir del desarrollo teórico de las masculinidades en
general y la hegemónica en particular, el artículo llama la atención sobre la
poca importancia que se ha dado a estos conceptos en la investigación
educativa crítica con perspectiva de género aplicada a la enseñanza de lenguas
extranjeras. A modo de conclusión, se propone adoptar esta categoría analítica
para complementar los enfoques interculturales y favorecer así mayor
diversidad en las aulas de este tipo de enseñanza, enumerando tanto posibles
campos temáticos como variables específicas de análisis para un futuro
estudio empírico.
Palabras clave: diversidad; enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera;
interculturalidad; masculinidades.
n the last decades, research into diversity and interculturality in
the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL) has
undeniably gained ground. As a matter of fact, both concepts
have been included as competences for learners to develop both
in the European Union’s guidelines (Council of Europe, 2002, 2018) and in
Spanish educational legislation in the last two decades (Ley Orgánica 2/2006;
Ley Orgánica 3/2020; Ley Orgánica 8/2013), which is the context this paper
is thought for. Moreover, from a gender perspective, the yearn for equal
representation of men and women has often been highlighted as well.
This said, it is not so frequent to find research that explicitly questions the
“hegemonic masculinity” embedded in English language teaching. Based on
recent literature around this issue, the article aims to relate the concepts of
masculinity/ies and hegemony with those of diversity and interculturality, as
a way of supporting their role not as much as descriptive categories, but as
analytic ones, thus fundamental to face a gender-critical study of both explicit
and hidden realities in the teaching of foreign languages in general, and of
English in particular.
To achieve this objective, a theoretical presentation and discussion of such
concepts is carried out. In fact, this article is the first in a series that aims at
first theoretically discussing the validity of masculinities —and
femininities— as proper analytical variables to approach the teaching of
foreign languages from a gender-critical perspective, eventually supporting
later empirical research from this stance as a logical follow-up.
The article first faces the theoretical presentation of the concepts of
masculinity and hegemony as well as some of their interrelated embodiments,
to later claim their rightful place in the context of foreign language teaching
and research, as essential correlates of diversity and intersectionality. After
discussing all these axes in the reality of today’s teaching of English as a
foreign language, it concludes supporting their assumption as valid variables
to achieve a critical insight into both the explicit and hidden messages around
gender that populate its practices. Furthermore, it suggests specific topics and
areas such empirical research should focus on.
4 López Medina – Interculturality and Masculinities
(Minello, 2002). This challenge is even greater if we take into account how
this term has succeeded in many different contexts, from research and
communication to political activism. Unfortunately, this success hasn’t
contributed to the conceptual clarity of the word. Contrarily, its popularity has
reinforced even more, if possible, its polysemic character (de Stéfano, 2021).
Despite all these shortcomings, the following description of masculinities
can aptly summarise everything said so far:
The real risk is that the greater the success, the higher the exposure to the
reaction of patriarchy, which resists change by constantly renewing its tricks,
reinforcing its peculiar “common sense”, and turning our conceptual tools
into empty instruments, thus eroding the criticality in our reflections. (de
Stéfano, 2015, p. 14, author’s translation)3
The “old macho” isn’t fashionable any longer, but the “new man” shares a lot
of those features of old masculinity. The behaviours have changed, but have
the core elements changed so much? […] In a world where appearance is the
most important, this helps reshape the representations of “manhood”. It is true
that softer and milder behaviours and practices are expected […] but in our
postmodern world what matters is appearance, not essence. (Otegui, 1999, p.
156, author’s translation)4
This paper aimed to show the little importance given to masculinities when
researching the explicit and hidden cultural messages conveyed in foreign
language classrooms, more specifically, those of English. Through the
theoretical presentation of masculinities, hegemony, diversity and
interculturality, it has evidenced their analytical potential and, as a result,
called for including the category of hegemonic masculinity in gender critical
research into the teaching of English as a foreign language.
Heidegger (2000) used to say that “language is the house of Being” (p. 83),
expression that somehow helps us realise the importance of the analysis of the
messages and resources contextualised in such lessons, as they perform actual
embodiments of masculinities, cultures and genders, among others. This
research would help identify the aporia they very often transmit:
contradictions or paradoxes that can’t be solved; logical difficulties, usually
speculative, full of prejudices, caused by little acceptance of the culture of the
other person interacting with us (Soto, 2017).
However, having this as the single conclusion would be of no real use. To
enhance the applicability of this suggestion, some guidelines are posed, in
order to favour a future logical continuation of this research: empirical
analysis of English as a foreign language classrooms, to discover the
discourses and performances around masculinities that take place in them.
This kind of research should be carried out at all levels: local, regional and
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1 Original text in Spanish: La perspectiva de género, con el artículo precursor de Gayle Rubin
en 1975 —que recoge los aportes de la sociología, la antropología y el psicoanálisis—, plantea
el conflicto, el carácter relacional de la masculinidad, la necesidad de estudiar las relaciones de
poder, de analizar el carácter histórico del género y el problema fundamental de la
subordinación de la mujer.
2 Original text in Spanish: Las masculinidades, no sólo no están determinadas biológica y/o
psíquicamente, sino que tienen que ser entendidas como prácticas y representaciones sociales
cuyo único punto en común es que tienden a justificar la dominación del hombre. De esta forma,
se puede definir la masculinidad como el conjunto de conductas, símbolos, ideas, valores y
normas de comportamiento generadas en torno a la diferencia sexual de los varones.
3 Original text in Spanish: El riesgo radica en que a mayor éxito, mayor es la exposición al