Natural Vision Improvement - Short Exercises and Recommendations With Links
Natural Vision Improvement - Short Exercises and Recommendations With Links
Natural Vision Improvement - Short Exercises and Recommendations With Links
it is spreading to good vision habits that are good for everyone to know and practice in their life. It would be good to know as using vision is affecting reading, learning, decision making and is immerging from attention and imagination and memory. So, there is where I see the importance of this, combined with deep feeling of unhappiness or too many worries that every child put in glasses experiences. A few things we do not know about eyes functions and what happens to the eye when we are wearing glasses which is good for everyone to know, and then will give you some links you can do your own research if some more interest arises with you.
the clear seeing is effortless; the main reason for poor vision is trying to see and straining to see clearly we need to blink regularly, it is refreshing eyes with tears and gives to the retinal cells a short break from light we also need to breathe, nice deep abdominal breathing is the best. We usually under stress have stiff abdominal muscles and have just quick shallow breathing. This affects vision poor posture may result into poor vision as eye is trying to balance body with the environment children often become short-sighted in their early years of schooling in simple reason of fear of unknown. How, you might wander. Well, they just cant match new information with the memory and imagination. Or of too much ambition to know everything quickly. It is well known that short-sighted people are achieving very high distinction results, for example. So, it is not that of too much reading the vision becomes poor, but is related to how we read. We should blink and breathe, then have a regular breaks, look into distance every 10-20 mins. Maintain good posture while reading, not becoming stiff for hours while reading good book. Sport and outdoors is very good for maintaining good vision. Especially tennis, jumping on trampoline. Eyes also need good circulation, so any facial massage could help, although there are some acupressure points for good vision, I heard in China they practise those. Good nutrition: carrots as we all know and all yellow and red fruit and vegetables
In relation to these functions of the eye: - Effortless, no staring, no trying to see, no straining - free movement in all directions - fluctuation or tremors, called saccadic eye movements; eye is in constant micro movement and that is how it is picking up the light and creating images in the vision centre in the brain; the more movement the more light and the better images we see - changes shape to see distances (shortens) and close (lengthens) here the role to this is by 6 muscles that are around the eye. - central-fixation (this is the term introduced by Dr. Bates who is the father of Natural Vision Improvement, Ill give you reference at the end of the letter), meaning we can see the best just a small area where the axe is pointing. This is found as a problem with people with poor vision, they are trying to see big area with looking just in one point without movement. Thats why we need more eye movements.
There are some recommended exercises or better say daily practises: - palming; just sit and close the eyes with the hands so no light is coming in. this should give relaxation to the eye nerve as there is no stimuli coming in - sunning; this means with closed eyes face the sun, for a few mins. This is not dangerous as is recommended in early morning and late afternoon, and with closed eyes. This improves sun tolerance and is making pupil more flexible to open- close which is its function, good to combine a few mins palming and sunning interchangeably. - Long Swing, while standing or sitting turn your head form left to right and back in 180 degrees. Eyes just look straight, breathe and blink softly, not sticking the eyes for anything particular, and should get the feeling of the room moving in opposite direction of head. This can be done before going to bed as it relaxes eyes and the whole body and can improve sleeping - Shift, this can be done on distance on letter or any other object by shifting the eyes from left side of letter to right, or up-down or diagonally. Here also you should get the feeling of the letter moving in opposite direction of the eye movement. People with poor vision cant get that feeling, and also need to start with bigger distances, and their shifting goes slower. When vision is good shifting can be done on very small distance, even on black dot, is very quick and illusion of swaying is achieved. Yawning, groaning - 3D images, I personally enjoyed and practiced most of this. I think it was good gymnastic or eye-robics for my eyes after all these years of wearing glasses. I could practice all other above mention after a few months of 3D images viewing. There are many picture books for searching after details in many, like SPOT WHAT, WHERE IS WALLY - For reading, you know they say after 45 everyone will need reading glasses but it Is not true. To practice reading you just need to stretch the eye muscles, which you can do if you just simply follow the lines between rows. You can turn the page upside down to avoid trying to read, and just go in the white line between the rows, left right and back. Do it for half a mins or so, then turn back to read the text, you might see the improvement. - Reading small print is good exercise, smaller possible. Like this: Reading small print is good exercise, smaller
possible. Like this
Stretching the eyes in all direction and zooming Computers and video games also shouldnt be a problem, if the seeing is not under strain and even can help with lots of movements around the screen Edging, following along lines of everything in your sight, close and in distance Left and Right Brain integration: move left hand and tight foot, then opposite, we have been recommended this by the midwifes for babies development. This is because seeing close is left brain function (detailed) and seeing distances is right brain function (spatial). Following the lazy 8 or infinity sign helps in this.
The references:
as I mention this is stared with Dr. Bates, who was optometrist, lived about 100 years ago, after discovering that the main reason for all the poor vision of any type is strain decided to change the practice and invented these exercises and good vision habits. He helped thousands of people. Unfortunately, his methods and recommendations and research didnt go thru into official optometry. He also wrote I book, and here are some links where his research can be found described: his book: or for download: Janet Goodrich, Se was Bates follower, American psychologist, who actually practised her in Australia, had been focused on Childrens vision, her daughter I think is continuing the business and some other useful sites, includes also names of optometrists that became behavioural optometrists or natural vision teashers: Jacob Liberman
These is also one reference to the way of our attention that I liked very much, you might be also interested, and mentions techniques of vision improvement, but is mostly teaching about two main attention styles focused, linear, and spatial, bring more peripheral awareness of the world around us. And all oour stress today is due to our living in constant overfocused attention, and that moven to the other mode diffuse and immersed is solution to bring our energies back and live more fulfilling lives. here it is if you want to know more. 3D images
And a few words about glasses. - when person starts using them the eye movement reduces, the eye is trying to move but the light and all work is being done by glasses so the movement is being opposed by refraction of the light thru glass and some pain in the eye is then experienced the head movement reduces some people, have balance problems and becomes worse as the eye is working less and less - in order to be able to see thru glass the eyes need to stay in deformed, stressed position, therefore it is really dangerous for someone just to put someone elses glasses - there are many aspects of vision and glasses are improving only one, linear detailing aspect reducing all others, possibly affecting brain functions, the way of thinking and attention giving.
SECOND GOOD VISION HABIT: SHIFTING OF THE EYE... (I like this one:) ...The shifting of the eye with normal vision is usually not conspicuous, but by direct examination with the ophthalmoscope it can always be demonstrated. If one eye is examined with this instrument while the other is regarding a small area straight ahead, the eye being examined, which follows the movements of the other, is seen to move in various directions, from side to side, up and down in an orbit which is usually variable. If the vision is normal these movements are extremely rapid and unaccompanied by any appearance of effort. The shifting of the eye with imperfect sight, on the contrary, is slower, its excursions are wider, and the movements are jerky and made with apparent effort... ...The shorter the shift the greater the benefit; but even a very long shift - as much as three feet or more - is a help to those who cannot accomplish a shorter one. When the patient is capable of a short shift, on the contrary, the long shift lowers the vision... ...One of the best methods of improving the sight, is to imitate consciously the unconscious shifting of normal vision and to realize the apparent motion produced by such shifting... ...Perfect sight is impossible without continual shifting, and such shifting is a striking illustration of the mental control necessary for normal vision. It requires perfect mental control to think of thousands of things in a fraction of a second; and each point of fixation has to be thought of separately, because it is impossible to think of two things, or of two parts of one thing, perfectly at the same time. The eye with imperfect sight tries to accomplish the impossible by looking fixedly at one point for an appreciable length of time; that is, by staring. When it looks at a strange letter and does not see it, it keeps on looking at it in an effort to see it better. Such efforts always fail, and are an important factor in the production of imperfect sight... ****************************************************************** This is another quote from his book: or for download: ******************************************************************
Be prepared in cas eyou discuss this with any optometrist they are pretty negative, there is BEHAVIOURAL OPTOMETRIST, they do exercises but still recommend glasses. I personally do not believe in glasses, and recommend try to keep your kid away from glasses, as the vision gets worse.
---================================================= ================================== I personally liked the 3D images and used them to exercise my muscles as I realised my astigmatism has built in and my mucsles became very weak. good vision sports: tennis trampoline swinging And, what I am currently amazed with is Jacob Liberman and his book "Take Off Your Glasses and See", where he talks about coming in line with yoruself, seing from inside, etc... I love it and also light healing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Dr. Bates All today's teachers are basing their exercises on the research done by Dr. Bates, who by the way, was Ophthalmologist: Dr Bates made basis for this and that is his book 2. Janet Goodrich Janet Goodrich has formed more methods that include psychological aspects This is a psychologist doctor who has fixed her near sight and was running play camps for children for fixing vision problems. There are a few good books from her that are full of advices how to maintain and develop vision for children. Help Your Child to Perfect Eyesight Without Glasses Natural Vision Improvement
3. Leo Angart, was on Channel 7 and 9 some time ago. I actually did this workshop. There is a video from the course: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
these two contain lost of free stuff, exercises, advices for good vision habits, and good discussion board:
- W.B. MacCracken, M.D. ****************************************************************** Another Bates teacher, his book can be found here ****************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ please feel free to forward this information to everyone you think might benefit of it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...Parents who wish to preserve and improve the eyesight of their children should encourage them to read the Snellen test card every day. There should, in fact, be a Snellen test card in every family; for when properly used it always prevents myopia and other errors of refraction, always improves the vision, even when this is already normal, and always benefits functional nervous troubles. Parents should improve their own eyesight to normal, so that their children may not imitate wrong methods of using the eyes and will not be subject to the influence of an atmosphere of strain...
****************************************************************** This is another quote from his book: or for download: ****************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have attached the card to make it easier for you. This card is downloaded from Leo's web site: Many cards can be also found on other web sites. I hope you'll fell the benefits of reading the card yourself. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^