18-0022 Elliot JA22
18-0022 Elliot JA22
18-0022 Elliot JA22
Kim S. Elliott
his is the second of two papers1 presenting proce-
dures, equations, and design examples to compare
Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Part
1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings (with National
Application parameters) (EC2-1-1)2 and the American Con-
crete Institute’s Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary (ACI 318R-08)3
methodologies for composite hollow-core floor slabs with a
structural topping application. The first paper dealt with the
noncomposite design of the hollow-core unit alone.
■ The second in a two-part series, this paper compares In the examples in this paper, the hollow-core unit is
Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Part 1-1: designed as a composite slab with a 75 mm (3 in.) deep
General Rules and Rules for Buildings (with National structural topping. The unit is assumed to be 1200 mm
Application parameters) and the American Concrete (48 in.) wide × 200 mm (8 in.) deep, and pretensioned using
Institute’s Building Code Requirements for Structural four 9.3 mm (0.37 in.) diameter strands and six 12.5 mm
Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary (ACI 318R- (0.49 in.) diameter strands with a characteristic strength fpk
08) methodologies for composite hollow-core floor of 1770 N/mm2 (256.7 ksi). The slab is simply supported
slabs with a structural topping application. over an effective span of 8.0 m (26 ft) to carry imposed dead
uniformly distributed loading of 1.5 kN/m2 (0.23 psi), the
■ The first paper focused on the noncomposite design self-weight of the topping (allowing for 15 mm [0.6 in.]
of the hollow-core unit. This second paper reviewed upward camber) of 1.98 kN/m2 (0.3 psi) and live load
the hollow-core unit designed as a composite slab (including 1 kN/m2 [0.145 psi] for partitions) of 8.5 kN/m2
with a deep structural topping. (1.275 psi).
■ The methodology comparison included two-stage The hollow-core unit shown in cross section in Fig. 1 is an-
composite service and ultimate moments of resis- alyzed and designed in order to make a comparison between
tance, ultimate composite shear capacities, camber the procedures according to EC2-1-12 and the ACI 318.3 The
and deflections, and the interface shear between the purpose of this paper is to compare the design methodol-
hollow-core unit and cast-in-place concrete topping. ogies as well as present standard calculations and worked
75 .. . 40
200 40 140 51
35 cover 35
Actual width = 1197
Figure 1 Cross-sectional hollow-core floor unit examined in this paper. Strands are represented by solid dots (four no. 9.3 mm
diameter) and open dots (six no. 12.5 mm diameter). Note: All measurements shown in millimeters. 1 mm = 0.0394 in.
examples to serve as a future design reference. therefore cheaper to transport and erect than solid reinforced
concrete units.
In the design examples—following both EC2 and ACI 318
methodologies—the service moment of resistance is calculated The minimum depth of the topping should not be less than
in a two-stage analysis before and after hardening of the top- 40 mm (1.6 in.) (a lower limit of 50 mm [2 in.] is more prac-
ping, the ultimate moment of resistance, and the ultimate com- tical). There is no limit to the maximum depth, though 75 to
posite shear capacities. The author then calculated the amount 100 mm (3 to 4 in.) is a practical limit. When calculating the
of precamber and short-term deflection at installation using the average depth of the topping, an allowance for the upward cam-
section properties of the precast concrete unit alone and then ber of the hollow-core unit should be made: a depth equal to the
the final long-term deflection, and active deflection due to im- span of the slab divided by 300 will suffice. The 28-day com-
posed loads using the composite section of the completed slab. pressive cylinder strength of cast-in-place concrete fck is usually
Last, the interface shear between the topping and hollow-core 25 to 30 N/mm2 (3625 to 4350 psi), but there is no reason
unit is designed. Cover to pretensioning tendons for durability why a higher strength cannot be used except that the increased
and fire resistance and material properties are the same as for strength of the composite floor resulting from the higher grade
the noncomposite design.1 Both EC2 and ACI 318 variables will not justify the additional costs of materials and quality
appear throughout the paper. For clarification between the two control. The topping must be reinforced, but as explained later,
codes, see the notation at the end of the paper. there need only be tie steel at the interface between the precast
concrete and cast-in-place topping if the design dictates. Steel
Composite construction of precast, mesh reinforcement Types A142 to A252 (142 to 252 mm2/m
prestressed concrete hollow-core [0.067 to 0.119 in.2/ft] area of bars) are the preferred choice.
floor slab
The main benefit from composite action is increased bending
The structural capacity of precast concrete hollow-core units resistance and flexural stiffness; shear and bearing resistance
may be increased by adding a layer of structural reinforced are barely increased. There are a number of other reasons why
concrete to the top of the unit. The preparation of a composite a structural topping may be specified, such as to achieve the
hollow-core slab with steel mesh and the completed topping following:
is shown in Fig. 2. Providing that the topping concrete is fully
anchored and bonded to the precast concrete unit, both precast • improve vibration and thermal and acoustic performance
and cast-in-place concrete may be designed as monolithic. of the floor
The section properties of the precast concrete unit plus the
topping are used to determine the structural performance of • provide floor diaphragm action by using the topping as a
the composite floor. A composite floor may be made using thin horizontal plate4
any type of precast concrete unit, but clearly there is more
to be gained from using voided prestressed units, such as • provide horizontal stability ties (using the mesh) across
hollow-core unit or double tee, which are lightweight and floors4
• the minimum depth at the highest point at midspan • The average depth of topping t ′ allowing for net camber
should not be less than 50 mm (2 in.) at installation δins is t + δins/2.
• due to precamber of the hollow-core unit, the depth of the • The density of concrete with a light mesh, such as A252
topping at the support is greater than at the highest point (4 kg/m2) is taken as 2400 + 4/0.075 = 2450 kg/m3 =
at midspan by a depth equal to the span of the slab divid- 24 kN/m3 (153 lb/ft3).
ed by 300 to 400, depending on the amount of prestress
and curing conditions • The self-weight of the topping per unit width wT is b
24 t ′ × 10-3.
The compressive cylinder strength fckT for the cast-in-place
topping used in this paper is 25 N/mm2 (3625 psi), equivalent • Young’s modulus of cast-in-place topping EcmT is
to a cube strength greater than 30 N/mm2 (4350 psi), which is 22(fckT + 8)0.3.
the most common strength. In practice, strengths fckT of up to
35 N/mm2 (5075 psi) (equivalent to cube strength greater than In the following procedures and throughout this paper, code
45 N/mm2 [6525 psi]) are possible. references are given on the left, and the text/calculations/for-
mulae are to the right.
Design procedures and equations
per EC2-1-1 Elastic section properties of composite
compound area for service stress
Definitions according to EC2-1-1
The effective width of topping at service bef is bEcmT/Ecm, where
The following refers to the cross-section in Fig. 3: b is the nominal width of the hollow-core unit and Ecm is
Young’s modulus of concrete.
Composite centroid
Effective width of topping bef = b EcmT / Ecm
t + hft
Width of hollow-core unit at top bt
t .. .
h yb,c,co d1
Figure 3 Geometry of the composite slab: cast-in-place concrete topping prepared on dampened precast concrete slab, with
laitance brushed off, and one sheet of mesh properly lapped with 25 mm cover. The compound area and centroid heights
include the transformed area of strands. Note: bef = effective width of cast-in-place concrete topping at service; d1 = effective
depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 1; d2 = effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 2; Ecm = Young’s modulus of
concrete; EcmT = Young’s modulus of cast-in-place topping; h = depth of hollow-core unit; hft = depth of top flange; t = depth of
topping; yb,co = height to centroid of compound section; and yb,c,co = height to centroid of composite compound section. 1 mm =
0.0394 in.
Analysis of service and ultimate These equations are not code dependent except for the limit of
moments of resistance and ultimate 0.45fck.
shear capacities
Note that the service moment of resistance Msr,c decreases
Serviceability limit state of bending per EC2-1-1 as the stage 1 moment increases and will, therefore, vary
along the span. If stage 1 moment is large, then the available
This is a two-stage analysis: before (stage 1) and after (stage bending stress at the bottom due to stage 2 moment fb2 may be
2) the topping has hardened. negative and is not allowed.
Stage 1 maximum service moment Ms1 is (w1 + wT) L2/8, Ultimate limit state of bending per EC2-1-1
where w1 is stage 1 service load due to the self-weight of the
precast concrete unit plus infill and wT is the self-weight of The ultimate moment of resistance for the composite slab
wet cast-in-place topping and L is the effective span of the MRd,c is calculated for the net area of tendons in the tension
composite hollow-core slab. zone Ap2 as the remainder after subtracting the area required to
cater for stage 1 loading due to the self-weight of the unit and
Stage 1 stress at the bottom fb1 is Ms1/Zb,co and at the top ft1 is the topping (including for the effects of propping) Ap1 from
Ms1/Zt,co, where Zb,co is the section moment of the basic com- the area of tendons Ap.
pound section at the bottom and Zt,co is the section moment of
the basic compound section at the top. The following equations are derived or taken from EC2-1-1.2
Ms1 / Zt,co ≤ 0.45fck
Ms2 / Zt,c,co
+ +
+ + =
σb Ms1 / Zb,co Ms2 / Zb,c,co ≥ - fctm (for XC1
otherwise zero)
Figure 4 Prestress, service stresses and limits according to Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Part 1-1: General Rules
and Rules for Buildings (with National Application parameters). Note: fck = 28-day characteristic cylinder strength;
fctm = mean tensile strength of concrete; Ms1 = service moment at stage 1; Ms2 = service moment at stage 2; XC1 = exposure class
for dry or permanently wet concrete; Zb,co = section modulus of basic compound section at bottom; Zb,c,co = section modulus of
composite compound section at bottom; Zt,co = section modulus of basic compound section at top; Zt,c,co = section modulus of
composite compound section at top; and σb = maximum surface stresses in service at bottom.
3.1.7 K1 = MEd,1/fck(ti)btd12 and the area available for stage 2 Ap2 is Ap – Ap1.
where The derivation for the lever arm at stage one z1 and the factor
for the design of T-shaped sections β is given in the appendix.
K1 = bending moment factor at stage 1
The ultimate moment of resistance for the composite slab at
fck(ti) = s trength of precast concrete at installation stage 2 based on an area of tendons Ap2 is MRd,c2. It is calcu-
at ti days lated per the noncomposite procedures but the area available
for stage 2 Ap2 is used instead of the area of tendons Ap, the
ti = installation age effective width of cast-in-place topping at ultimate beff is
bfckT/fck instead of bt, and the effective depth of tendons in the
bt = actual width at top of hollow-core unit tension zone at stage 2 d2 is used instead of the effective depth
of tendons in the tension zone d.
d1 = effective depth of tendons in tension zone
at stage 1 MRd,c = MRd,c2 + MEd,1
⎣ {
Eq. (3.2) fcm(ti) = exp s ⎡1− 28 / ti ⎤ f cm
⎦ } Where MEd,1 = 0 (for example, at supports) Ap2 = Ap and let
MRd,c2 = ultimate moment of resistance of the composite sec-
where tion at stage 2.
fcm(ti) = mean compressive strength at ti days The variation of the ultimate moment of resistance of the
composite section MRd,c along the span is assumed to be a
The mean compressive strength at 28 days fcm is parabolic curve to reflect the variation in the ultimate design
fck + 8 N/mm2. bending moment at stage 1 MEd,1. At a distance x from the
support for an effective span L,
The cement factor s is 0.2 (Class R), 0.25 (Class N),
or 0.38 (Class S). MRd,c(x) = MRd,c – [x/0.5L(2 – x/0.5L)(MRd,c – M Rd
′ ,c )]
Lever arm at stage one z1 is Ultimate limit state of shear per EC2-1-1
z1 = ⎡⎢0.5 + 0.25 − K1w / 1.134 ⎤⎥ d1
) Section uncracked in flexure
The neutral axis depth x1 is (d1 – z1)/0.4.
Annex F in EN 11685 requires that a shear stress due to stage
If 0.8x1 ≤ hft, then Ap1 = MEd,1/z1 fp1, where hft is the 1 loads vEd,1 of VEd,1Sc/bwIc be subtracted from the principal
depth of the top flange and fp1 is stress in tendons at a tensile resistance fctd, where VEd,1 is the ultimate dead load
limiting strain εs of 0.02. acting on the unit, including the self-weight of wet topping;
Sc is the first moment of area of the hollow-core unit; and Ic is
Fig. 3.10 Where fp1 is stress in tendons at a limiting strain εs of the second moment of area of the basic section. The residual
0.02. shear stress is multiplied by the shape factor Ic,cbw/Sc,c (where
Ic,c is the second moment of area of the composite section and
3.1.7 If 0.8x1 > hft, the compression force is the sum of the Sc,c is first moment of area for the composite section above
force in the top flange above the cores and webs of the centroidal axis of the composite section [using ultimate
width bw. effective width beff]) for the composite slab as follows. The
calculation for VRd,c,c is based on clause F2.2 of EN 11685 but
Restart the analysis using the bending moment factor has been adapted by Elliott4 as follows.
based on the width of the webs at stage 1 I c,c bw ⎡ VEd ,1Sc ⎤
⎢ f + α lσ cp f ctd −
VRd ,c,c = ⎥ +V
K1w = MEd,1/fck(ti)bwd12 Sc,c ⎢⎣ ctd bw I c ⎥⎦ Ed ,1
z1 = ⎡⎢0.5 +
z1 =
(0.25 − K 1w )
/ 1.134 − β ⎤⎥ d1
lb = bearing length
If the centroidal axis is below the top flange, in other Mcr,c = Ms1 + (σb – Ms1/Zb,co + fctd)Zb,c,co =
words, if yb,c < h – hft, (σb + fctd)Zb,c,co – Ms1 [(Zb,c,co/Zb,co ) – 1]
F45 This uses the same procedure as the noncomposite In other words, the cracking moment of resistance of the com-
units except that a composite effective depth d2 of d posite section Mcr,c varies along the span according to stage 1
+ t replaces d. The following equations are accord- service moment.
ing to EC2-1-1.
Where service moment at stage 1 Ms1 is 0, the cracking
6.2.2 k = 1+ ( 200 / d ) ≤ 2.0
moment of resistance of the composite section Mcr,c
is (σb + fctd)Zb,c,co.
Camber at installation of topping
k = shear strength depth factor and deflections per EC2-1-1
Deflection after casting of topping is δ3 + δ4 + δ5. of which live load active deflection is
Long term The imposed dead load is taken as being applied δ10 = +5(1 + 0.8ψ∞)ψ2w3L4/384EcmIc,c,co
immediately after installation at 28 days.
The effective creep coefficient after installation as in the
previous paper1 ψ28 is 0.8 × 2.5 × (1.0 – 0.4) = 1.2. This is δ9 = long-term deflection due to dead and live
in agreement with full scale experimental tests on composite loads after installation
hollow core slabs,4 that changes in deflection due to imposed
dead load are closer to the effect of 1 + ψ28 than 1 + 0.8ψ∞. δ10 = long-term active deflection due to live
loads only
The creep coefficient for cast-in-place concrete topping 0.8ψ∞
is 2.0, where ψ∞ is long-term creep coefficient for deflec- Overall long-term active deflection δ11 is due to live load plus
tions. This controls the long-term deflection for imposed dead creep deflections due to self-weight and topping using the
and live loads that comes on after the topping has hardened. effective creep coefficient after installation ψ28, dead loads
Young’s modulus of concrete Ecm is used, not Young’s modu- using 0.8ψ∞, and changes in camber.
lus of cast-in-place topping EcmT, because the second moment
of area of composite compound section Ic,c,co is based on the δ11 10 + 5[ψ28(w1 + wT) + 0.8ψ∞w2]
transformed section. L4/384EcmIc,c,co + (δ7 – δ3)
δ7 = long-term deflection due to imposed dead Summary deflections and limits are same as in the previous
and live loads paper.1
zcp = eccentricity of pretensioning force The calculation is as above, except that referring to Fig. 5,
stage 1 service moment is as follows.
Long-term deflection due to self-weight of unit and infill w1
and topping wT is due to previous static deflection δ4 + δ5 For single prop at midspan, service moment at stage 1 Ms1 is
plus further creep movement due to w1 and wT using residual w1L2/8 – 5wTL/32.
creep factor (0.8ψ∞ – ψ1, where ψ1 is effective creep coeffi-
cient for deflection at installation) multiplied by the ratio of For two props at 1/3 points, service moment at stage 1 Ms1 is
the respective compound moments of area Ic,co/Icc,co before and w1L2/8 – 11 wTL/90.
after hardening of the topping.
The prop is assumed to be founded on a rigid base or ground.
δ8 = +δ4 + δ5 + [5(w1 + wT)(0.8ψ∞ – ψ1) If the prop is founded on a flexible floor slab one story below
(Ic,co/Ic,c,co)L4/384EcmIc,c,co] the prop force should be multiplied by a reduction factor 1 –
Ic,co/Ic,c,co, where Ic,c,co is the composite value for the completed
where composite slab beneath.
δ8 = total long-term deflection When props are removed, stage 2 moment is +5wTL/32 or
+11wTL/90 for one or two props, respectively, plus all im-
Deflection is due to imposed dead load w2 and quasi-perma- posed dead and live loads.
nent live load ψ2w3, where ψ2 is quasi-permanent live load
factor and w3 is imposed live load. Effect of propping on deflections per EC2-1-1
Figure 5 Positions of single and twin props. Note: L = effective span of composite hollow-core slab; R = prop reaction; and wT =
self-weight of cast-in-place concrete topping.
The equivalent upward deflection due to twin propping of wet There is no effect of creep due to the removal of twin props
topping at 1⁄3-span is as follows: acting on the composite section.
The same equations apply for ACI 318, except that the nota- fyd = design strength of interface shear bars
tion Ecm is replaced with Ec.
Aj = area of interface joint
Interface shear at precast–to–
cast-in-place concrete topping Design cast-in-place concrete tensile strength fctd is
0.3fckT2/3× 0.7/1.5.
Interface shear stress and reinforcement per EC2-1-1
Fig. 6 describes the interface shear mechanism and terminol-
ogy used in EC2-1-1 clause 6.2.5. It is based on the compli-
mentary shear force due to stage 2 vertical shear force VEd,2. 6.2.5.(2) The cohesion factor for interface shear strength c is
0.2 and the coefficient of friction for interface shear strength μ
Fc,t VEd ,2 Ac f yd
6.2.5.(1) vEdi == ≤ v Rdi = cf ctd + µσ n + is 0.6 (smooth after casting).
Fc bi z2 Aj
⎛F V ⎞ b
F V ,2 A f ∴As == ⎜ c,t Ed ,2 − cf ctd ⎟ i
= c,t EdvRdi ≤ v Rdi = cf ctd + µσ n + c yd
= F b
⎝ c i 2z ⎠ f yd
Fc bi z2 Aj
where where
vEdi = ultimate design interface shear stress VEd = ultimate design shear force
Fc,t = ultimate compression in topping at stage 2 Fig 6.10. Distribution of the area of interface shear reinforce-
ment As should respond to the distribution of the compli-
Fc = total ultimate compression in topping and mentary shear force due to stage 2 vertical shear force VEd,2.
hollow-core unit at stage 2
The only guidance in EC2-1-1 section 9.2.2 on the minimum
bi = width of interface = width of precast unit area of interface shear links is for where the transverse bars
form part of the shear cage, which is not the case in hol-
z2 = lever arm at stage 2 low-core units. Therefore the “industry-adopted” arrangement
of minimum loops with two legs is H12 at 1200 mm (48 in.)
vRdi = ultimate interface shear strength spacing, equivalent to 188 mm2/m (0.089 in. 2/ft) or As,min =
0.015% of the contact area.
c = cohesion factor for interface shear
strength Flexural compression due to stage 2 loading
μ = coefficient of friction for interface shear The section is flexurally uncracked at the support where the
strength interface shear is a maximum. Therefore, only stage 2 loads
after hardening of the topping contribute to vEdi.
σn = normal (vertical) stress acting on interface
Interface loops or
dowels of area As Fc,t
z2 vEdi
Figure 6 Definitions used in the calculation for interface shear per Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Part 1-1: General
Rules and Rules for Buildings (with National Application parameters). Note: As = area of interface shear reinforcement;
Fc,t = ultimate compression in topping at stage 2; vEdi = ultimate design interface shear stress; VEd,2 = ultimate design shear force
at stage 2; and z2 = lever arm at stage 2.
z2 == ⎡⎢0.5 +
(0.25 − K 2 )
/ 1.134 ⎤⎥ d2
Height to centroid of composite compound section ybc,co =
[155,475 × 99.0] + [1072 × 75 × 237.5]/235,906 = 145.4
x2 = depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 2 mm (5.7 in.)
= (d2 – z2)/0.4 ≤ 0.6d2
Second moment of area of composite compound section
K2 = bending moment factor at stage 2 (for Ic,c,co = 1782.2 × 106 mm4 (4282 in.4)
interface shear) = MEd,2/fckTbtd22
Section modulus of composite compound section at bottom
MEd,2 = maximum ultimate moment due to stage 2 Zb,c,co = 1782.2 × 106/145.4 = 12260 × 106 mm3 (749,151 in.3)
loads based on Eurocode 0: Basis of De-
sign (with National Application Parame- Section modulus of composite compound section at top
ters) (EC0),7 the greater of Eq. (6.10[a]) Zt,c,co = 1782.2 × 106/(200 – 145.4) = 32620 × 106 mm3 (1.99
or (6.10[b]) × 106 in.3)
If 0.8x2 > t, Fc,t = 0.567fckT bit Accounting for the losses of prestress in both the hollow-core
slab prior to installation and the composite slab in the long
If 0.8x2 ≤ t, Fc,t = 0.567fckT bi0.8x2 term, the final prestress in the bottom and top of the hol-
low-core unit and the section modulus are as follows:
Worked example for composite
1200 mm wide × 200 mm deep • Maximum surface stresses in service at bottom σb are
hollow-core unit plus 75 mm topping +11.52 N/mm2 (1670 psi), and maximum surface stresses
per EC2-1-1 and EN 1168 in service at top σt are -1.44 N/mm2 (209 psi).
Referring to the cross section of the composite hollow-core • The section modulus of the basic compound section at
slab in Fig. 1, calculate the service Msr,c and ultimate MRd,c the bottom Zb,co is 7.252 × 106 mm3 (442.5 in.3), and the
moments of resistance and ultimate shear capacities VRd,c,c and section modulus of the basic compound section at the top
VRd,cr,c and determine the position where the section is flexur- Zt,co is 6.926 × 106 mm3 (422.7 in.3)
ally cracked. Calculate the camber at installation of topping
and after casting the topping, short-term deflection at instal- Note that the maximum surface stresses in service at bottom
lation, final long-term deflection, and active deflection due to σb are slightly greater than the prestress in the composite unit
imposed loads. All prestressing and geometric and material (11.37 N/mm2 [1649 psi] in the previous paper1) due to re-
data are given in the previous paper.1 duced creep and shrinkage losses because of greater bending
moments due to greater self-weight and a greater perimeter.
Exposure is XC1, the effective span is 8.0 m (26 ft), floor
finishes are 1.0 kN/m2 (0.145 psi), services and ceiling are 0.5 Calculation for service moment of resistance
kN/m2 (0.0725 psi), imposed live load (including 1 kN/m2 for of composite section Msr,c per EC2-1-1
partitions) is 8.5 kN/m2 (1.275 psi), and bearing length is 100
mm (4 in.). For office loading the quasi-permanent live load For stage 1, allow 15 mm (0.6 in.) camber at installation
factor ψ2 is 0.3. before casting the topping (checked later in the calculation for
camber at installations and deflections).
Composite section properties of compound
section with transformed area of tendons per EC2-1-1 Self-weight of precast unit including infill from the previous
paper1 is 3.26 kN/m2 (0.47 psi)
Young’s modulus of cast-in-place concrete topping
EcmT = 22 × (25 + 8)0.3 = 31.48 kN/mm2 (4566 ksi) Then self-weight of slab per unit width w1 = 1.2 x 3.26 = 3.91
kN/m (0.27 kip/ft)
Modular ratio m for cast-in-place to precast concrete =
31.48/35.22 = 0.894 Equivalent depth of topping t ′ = 75 + 0.5 × 15 = 82.5 mm
(3.25 in.)
Effective width of cast-in-place concrete topping at service
bef = 1200 × 0.894 = 1072 mm (42 in.) Self-weight of topping per square meter = 24 × 82.5/103 =
1.98 kN/m2 (0.29 psi)
Stage 1 stress at bottom fb1 = 50.3/7.252 = -6.93 N/mm2 (1005 Area of tendons required in stage 1 Ap1 = 62.77 × 106/(151.2
psi) tension × 1516) = 274 mm2 (0.42 in.2)
Stage 1 stress at top ft1 = 50.3/6.926 = +7.26 N/mm2 (1053 psi) Remainder of Ap – Ap1 (available for stage 2) Ap2 = 766 – 274
= 492 mm2 (0.76 in.2)
Stage 2 imposed loads after topping w2 + w3 = 1.2 × (1.5 +
1.0 + 7.5) = 12.00 kN/m2 (1.75 psi) Total strain εp = 0.001353 + 0.820/X Eq. (1)
Service moment at stage 2 Ms2 = 12.00 × 8.0002/8 = 96.0 where X is the depth to the neutral axis
kN-m (70.8 kip-ft)
For equilibrium X/fp = 492/13,600 Eq. (2)
Stage 2 stress at bottom fb2 = 96.0/12.260 = -7.83 N/mm2
(1136 psi) tension where fp is the design ultimate stress in tendons
Stage 2 stress at top ft2 = 96.0/32.620 = +2.94 N/mm2 (426 Eq. (3) is given in the previous paper.1
Combining Eq. (1) through (3) gives X = 53.7 mm (2.1 in.) <
Final stresses 115 mm (4.5 in.) (75 mm [2.9 in.] topping + 40 mm [1.6 in.]
top flange)
Net tension in bottom fb = 11.52 – 6.93 – 7.83 = -3.24 N/mm2
(470 psi) > -3.51 N/mm2 (509 psi) OK Depth to the centroid of the concrete area of composite sec-
tion dn,c = 0.4 × 53.7 = 21.5 mm (0.8 in.)
Net compression in top ft = -1.44 +7.26 +2.94 = +8.76 N/mm2
(1271 psi) < 0.45 × 40 = +18.0 N/mm2 (2611 psi) OK Effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 2
d2 = 275 – 40.8 = 234.2 mm (9.2 in.)
Service moment of resistance of composite section Msr,c =
50.3 + (11.52 – 6.93 + 3.51) × 12.260 = 149.6 kN-m > Lever arm at stage 2 z2 = 234.2 – 21.5 = 212.7 mm (8.4 in.)
146.3 kN-m (107.9 kip-ft) where total Ms = 1.2 × (3.26 +
1.98 + 1.0 + 0.5 + 8.5) × 8,0002/8 = 146.3 kN-m (107.9 kip- From Eq. (1), the total ultimate strain in the tendons
ft) εp = 0.016629
Calculation for ultimate moment of resistance From Eq. (3), the design ultimate stress in tendons fp = 1482
of composite section MRd,c per EC2-1-1 N/mm2 (214,946 psi)
Consider stage 1 moment acting on the precast concrete hol- Ultimate moment of resistance of composite section MRd,c =
low-core unit alone at installation at an age ti of 28 days. fpAp2z2 + MEd,1 = (1482 × 492 × 212.7)/106 + 62.77 = 218.0
kN-m (160.8 kip-ft) > 203.2 kN-m (149.9 kip-ft)
Ultimate design bending moment at stage one MEd,1 = 1.25 ×
50.3 = 62.77 kN-m (46.3 kip-ft) Ultimate uniformly distributed loading (for EC07 Eq. 6.10[b])
ultimate design load wEd = 1.25 × [3.91 + 1.2 × (1.98 +
Value of 28-day characteristic cylinder strength at installation 1.5)] + 1.5 × 1.2 × 8.5 = 25.39 kN/m (1.7 kip/ft)
age fck(ti) for precast concrete = 40 N/mm2 (5800 psi)
Ultimate design bending moment MEd = 25.39 × 8.02/8 =
Actual width at top of hollow-core unit bt = 1154 mm (45.4 203.2 kN-m (149.9 kip-ft)
At the support where the ultimate design bending moment at
Effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 1 d1 = stage 1 MEd,1 is 0, it is found that the design ultimate stress
159.2 mm (6.3 in.) in tendons fp is 1430 N/mm2 (207,404 psi), the depth to the
The results for the service Msr,c and ultimate design bending First moment of area above composite centroid including
moments MEd,1 plus MEd,2 and moments of resistance MRd,c and topping Sc,c = 8,894,326 mm3 (543 in.3)
are shown in Fig. 7.
Stage 1 ultimate shear force at shear plane VEd,1 = 30.248 kN
Calculation for flexurally uncracked shear capacity (6.8 kip)
of composite section VRd,c,c per EC2-1-1
Shear stress due to stage 1 = 30248 × 4.80 × 106/(303 ×
From the previous paper, bearing length lb is 100 mm (4 in.),
697.0 × 106) = 0.69 N/mm2 (100 psi)
the first moment of area of hollow-core unit Sc is 4.80 × 106
mm3 (293 in.3), the second moment of area of basic section (
Available shear resistance in stage 2 VRd ,c,c2 = 1743.6 × 106 × 303 / 8.894
(hollow-core unit alone) Ic is 697 × 106 mm4 (1675 in.4), design
tensile strength of concrete at transfer fctd(t) isV1.23
Rd ,c,c2
= 1743.6
N/mm 2
(178 ( ⎣⎢
) (
× 106 × 303 / 8.894 × 106 × ⎡ 1.642 + 0.262 × 4.29 × 1.64 − 0.69 ⎤ = 85.4 kN
) (
psi), the ultimate bond strength of precast concrete at transfer
2 (
= 1743.6fbd×(t)10is6 ×3.93
/ 8.8942 (570 × ⎡ design
× 106 psi),
) (
1.642 transmission
+ 0.262 × 4.29length
× 1.64lpt2−is0.69 ⎤ = 85.4 kN (19.2 kip )
761 mm (30 in.), axial prestress after losses σcp is 4.29 N/mm2
200 150
ECO MEd ACI 318 Mu
ACI 318 Msn,c 120
EC2-1-1 Msr,c
Moment, kip-ft
Moment, kN-m
0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.-
Distance from support, m
Figure 7 Distribution of service and ultimate design bending moments and composite moments of resistance to Eurocode 2:
Design of Concrete Structures, Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings (with National Application parameters) (EC2-1-1)
(left side) and American Concrete Institute's Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318) (right side) in the
example. Note: ECO MEd = ultimate moment based on ECO7; lpt = EC2 basic transmission length = lpt2/1.2 MEd = EC2 ultimate de-
sign bending moment; MRd,c = EC2 ultimate moment of resistance of composite section; Ms = EC2 service moment; Msn,c = ACI 318
service moments of resistance of composite section; Msr,c = EC2 service moments of resistance of composite section; Mu = ACI
318 ultimate design bending moment; and ϕMn,c = ACI 318 ultimate moments of resistance of composite section.
Calculation for flexurally cracked shear capacity Ultimate design load wEd (from “Calculation for ultimate mo-
of composite section VRd,cr,c per EC2-1-1 ment of resistance of composite section MRd,c”) = 25.41 kN/m
(1.7 kip/ft)
Shear strength depth factor k = 1+ ( 200 / 234.2) = 1.92
Shear span Lv = L – lb – 2yb = 8000 – 100 – 2 × 99 = 7702
Minimum concrete shear strength vmin = 0.035 × 1.921.5 × 40 = 0.59 (303 2in.),
mmN/mm 85.6 ( )
psi yb is the height to the centroid of the
basic section
21.5 × 40 = 0.59 N/mm 2 85.6 psi ( )
Ultimate design shear force VEd = 25.39 × 7.702/2 = 97.79
Steel area ratio ρ1 = 766/(303 × 234.2) = 0.0108 kN (21.985 kip) < 103.2 kN (23.2 kip) OK
Flexurally cracked shear capacity of composite section The distribution of the ultimate design shear force VEd, the
VRd,cr,c = [0.12 × 1.92 × (100 × 0.0108 × 401/3 + 0.15 flexurally uncracked shear capacity of the composite section
Ms = Mcr,c
Shear capacity VRd,c,c 28
0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Distance from support, m
Figure 8 Distribution of shear force and shear capacity to American Concrete Institute’s Building Code Requirements for Struc-
tural Concrete (ACI 318) in the example. Note: Mcr,c = ACI 318 cracking moment of resistance of composite section; Mcre,c = ACI 318
moment required to cause flexural cracking in composite section; Ms = EC2-1-1 service moment; VRd,c,c = EC2 flexurally uncracked
shear capacity; VRd,cr,c = EC2 flexurally cracked shear capacity; ϕVci,c = ACI 318 flexurally cracked shear capacity of composite
section; ϕVci,min = ACI 318 minimum value of flexurally cracked shear capacity ϕVci; and ϕVcw,c = ACI 318 flexurally uncracked shear
capacity of composite section.
Calculation for camber at installations and deflections Ultimate design bending moment at stage 2 MEd2 = 140.4
per EC2-1-1 kN-m (103.6 kip-ft)
From the previous paper,1 deflection at installation δins = δ3 + Bending moment factor at stage 2 K2 = 140.4 × 106/(25 ×
δ4 = -30.6 +14.9 = 15.7 mm (0.62 in.) (therefore 15 mm [0.6 1200 × 234.22) = 0.085
in.] allowed to determine average depth of topping is OK).
( )
Lever arm at stage 2 z2 = min⎡⎢0.95; 0.5 + 0.25 − 0.085 / 1.134 ⎤⎥ × 234.2
⎣ ⎦
Deflection due to self-weight of topping δ5 = 5 × 1.2 × 1.98
× 80004/(384 × 35,220 × 708.5 × 106) = 5.5 mm (0.22 ⎡0.95;
( )
in.) 0.5 + 0.25 − 0.085 / 1.134 ⎤⎥ × 234.2 = 215.0 mm 8.5 in.
( )
Net deflection after casting topping = -10.2 mm (0.4 in.) Depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 2 x2 = 48.0 mm (1.9 in.),
thus 0.8x2 < topping depth of 75 mm (3 in.), then FcT/Fc = 1.00
Long-term deflections
Ultimate design shear force at stage 1 VEd1 = 31.4 kN (7.1 kip)
From the previous paper,1 Χψ∞ is 0.8 × 2.5 = 2.00, effective
creep coefficient for deflection at installation ψ1 is 0.72, effec- Ultimate design shear force at stage 2 loads VEd2 = 70.2 kN
tive creep coefficient after installation ψ28 is 2.00 × (1 – 0.4) (15.8 kip)
= 1.20, pretensioning force at installation Fpmi is 857,588 N
(192.8 kip), and Fpmi – Fpo = 132,734 N (29.8 kip). Ultimate design interface shear stress vEdi = 1.00 × 70.2 ×
103/1200 × 215.0 = 0.27 N/mm2 (39.2 psi)
Long-term camber δ7 = -30.6 – [(1.20 × 857,588) – 132,734] ×
58.2 × 80002/(8 × 35,220 × 1782 × 106) = -37.2 mm (1.5 in.) Ultimate interface shear strength vRdi = 0.2 × 0.3 × 0.7 ×
252/3/1.5 = 0.24 N/mm2 (34.8 psi) but ≤ 0.5 × 25/1.5 = 8.33 N/
Creep factor for creep of self-weight and topping acting on mm2 (1208.2 psi)
composite section = (2.00 – 0.72) × 708.5 × 106/1782 × 106
= 0.513 Interface shear loops As/s = 1000 × (0.27 – 0.24) × 1154/(0.87
× 500) = 90 mm2/m (0.04 in.2/ft) run
Due to creep of self-weight of slab and static plus creep of
topping δ8 = 5 × 1.2 × [0.513 × 3.26 + (1+ 0.513) × 1.98] Minimum area As,min = 0.015% = 0.00015 × 1200 × 1000 =
× 80004/(384 × 35,220 × 708.5 × 106) = 12.0 mm (0.5 in.) 180 mm2/m (0.085 in.2/ft)
Due to uniformly distributed dead loading = 5 × 1.2 × (1 + Provide H12 U-loops at s = 1200 mm (48 in.) spacing (As/s =
1.20) × 1.50 × 80004/(384 × 35,220 × 1782 × 106) = 3.4 226/1.2 = 188 mm2/m [0.089 in.2/ft])
mm (0.13 in.)
Design example following ACI 318
Due to quasi-permanent uniformly distributed live loading = methodology
5 × 1.2 × (1 + 2.00) × (0.3 × 8.50) × 80004/(384 × 35,220
× 1782 × 106) = 7.8 mm (0.3 in.) A design example for a 1200 mm (48 in.) wide × 200 mm (8
in.) deep hollow-core unit is designed with a 75 mm (3 in.)
Net maximum deflection due to all loads 14.9 + 12.0 + 3.4 + deep structural topping following ACI 318 methodology. The
7.8 – 37.2 = +0.9 mm (0.035 in.) < 8000/250 = 32 mm (1.3 in.) example is for a simply supported span of 8.0 m (26 ft) to
carry imposed dead uniformly distributed loading of 1.5 kN/
Active deflection due to quasi-permanent uniformly distrib- m2 (0.23 psi), the self-weight of the topping (allowing for
uted live loading = 5 × 1.2 × (1 + 1.20) × (0.3 × 8.50) × a 15 mm [0.6 in.] upward camber) of 1.98 kN/m2 (0.3 psi),
80004/(384 × 35,220 × 1782 × 106) = 5.7 mm (0.224 in.) < and live load (including 1 kN/m2 [0.15 psi] for partitions) of
8000/350 = 22.9 mm (0.9 in.) 8.5 kN/m2 (1.275 psi). The example is arranged as follows.
Design procedures and equations are presented followed
Active deflection due to creep of dead and imposed loads and by worked examples of the calculation for the moments of re-
change in camber after installation = {[5 × 1.2 × 0.513 × (3.26 sistance, shear capacity and deflections of the composite slab,
+ 1.98) × 80004/(384 × 35220 × 708.5 × 106)] + [5 × 1.20 and the interface shear between the topping and hollow-core
× 1.2 × 1.50 × 80004/(384 × 35,220 × 1782 × 106)]} + 5.7 – unit.
(37.2 – 30.6) = +7.8 mm (0.3 in.) < 8000/350 = 22.9 mm (0.9
in.) for floors with no brittle finishes In the following procedures and throughout this paper, code
references are given on the left and the text, calculation, and
Interface shear per EC2-1-1 formulae are to the right.
For stage 1, Mu,1 is the ultimate moment due to self-weight The derivation for the lever arm at stage 1 z1 is given in the
plus topping (and propping). appendix. So, too, is the derivation of the factor for the design
of T-shaped sections ζ, which follows the same procedure as
K1 = (Mu,1/0.9)/ btdp12 for the EC2-1-1 term β.
K1 = bending moment factor at stage 1 The ultimate moment of resistance of the composite section
Where the ultimate design bending moment at stage 1 Mu,1 is Vci,c ≥ 0.17 f c′bw d p2
0 (for example, at the supports), the net area of the tendons where
Aps2 is the area of tendons Aps and the ultimate moment of
resistance of the composite section at stage 2 is φ M n,c
′ . Vci,c = ultimate shear capacity in flexurally
cracked section
The variation of the ultimate moment of resistance of the
composite section φMn,c along the span is assumed as a para- Vd = shear force at distance along the span of
bolic curve to reflect the variation in the ultimate design bend- slab from the center of support x for service
ing moment at stage 1 Mu,1. At a distance x from the support (unfactored) dead load in stages 1 and 2
for an effective span L,
() ( )(
φ M n,c x = φ M n,c − ⎡⎣ x / 0.5L 2 − x / 0.5L φ M n,c − φ M n,c
′ ⎤⎦) Mcre,c = moment required to cause flexural crack-
ing in composite section
18.8.2 Ultimate moment of resistance of the composite Vi = u ltimate shear force at distance along the
section φMn,c > 1.2Mcr,c span of slab from the center of support x
due to externally imposed dead and live where loads
Mcr,c = cracking moment of resistance, allowing Mmax = ultimate shear and moment at x due to ex-
for reduced bottom stress due to stage 1 ternally imposed dead and live loads only
loads = Ms1 + (fpbe + fr – Ms1/Zb)Zb,c,co
Eq. (11-11)
fr = modulus of rupture
Mcre,c = Zb,c,co(0.5 + fpbe – fd1 – fd2)
Zb = section modulus at bottom of basic sec-
tion (hollow-core unit only) where
Therefore, the cracking moment of resistance of the compos- Mcre,c = moment required to cause flexural crack-
ite section Mcr,c reduces along the span according to service ing in composite section
moment at stage 1 Ms1. A parabolic distribution is taken.
fd1 = tension stress due to service dead load in
Ultimate shear force capacity criterion stage 1 = Md1/Zb,co
per ACI 318
fd2 = tension stress due to service dead load in
The same equations as in the previous paper1 apply except stage 2 = Md2/Zb,c,co
that the effective depth dp is replaced by the effective depth
After installation, due to the self-weight of the topping wT, δ9 = +5[(1 + ψ∞)(w2 + ψ2w3)]L4/384EcIc,c,co
uniformly distributed loading per unit,
δ5 = +5wT L4/384EcIc,co
w2 = floor dead load per unit width
ψ2 = quasi-permanent live load factor
δ5 = long-term deflection due to self-weight of
the topping at installation w3 = floor live load per unit width
The second moment of area of compound section Ic,co is for Of which live load active deflection only is
the hollow-core unit alone.
δ10 = +5(1 + ψ∞)ψ2w3L4/384EcIc,c,co
Deflection after casting of topping is δ3 + δ4 + δ5.
Overall long-term active deflection δ11 due to live load plus
Long term Imposed dead load is taken as being applied creep deflections due to self-weight ψ1, topping ψT, dead
immediately after installation at 28 days. loads using long-term creep coefficient for deflections ψ∞, and
changes in camber is
The creep coefficient for imposed loading onto the cast-in-
place concrete topping ψ∞ is 2.0. This controls the long-term δ11 10 + 5[(ψ1w1 + ψTwT) + ψ∞w2]
deflection for imposed dead and live loads that come on after L4/384EcIc,c,co + (δ7 – δ3)
the topping has hardened. Young’s Modulus of concrete Ec is
used, not Young’s modulus of cast-in-place concrete topping Summary deflections and limits are the same as in Table 9 of
EcT, because the second moment of area of composite com- the previous paper.1
pound section Ic,c,co is based on the transformed section.
Interface shear at precast–to–
Long-term camber is due to camber at installation, where the cast-in-place concrete topping
pretensioning force is Pins, plus changes in pretensioning force
using an effective creep coefficient after installation ψ28 of Interface shear stress and reinforcement per ACI 318
1.2. (Note that the notation for prestressing force is given in Figure 9 describes the interface shear mechanism and termi-
ACI 318 as P.) nology used in ACI 318. It is based on the horizontal force in
the topping due to stage 2 bending moments.
δ7 = δ3 – [ψ28Pins – (Pins – P)]eL2/8EcIc,c,co
General definitions The contact width of interface bi from
where EC2 is the nominal width of hollow-core unit b, which is
1154 mm (45.4 in.) in this paper.
δ7 = long-term upward camber due to prestress
The contact length of interface lv is min{lv1, lv2} from support
e = eccentricity of prestressing force to zero shear (Fig. 9), where lv1 is the distance to zero shear
force from one support (in this case left side in Fig. 9) and lv2
z2 vnh
Figure 9 Definitions used in the calculation for interface shear in American Concrete Institute’s Building Code Requirements
for Structural Concrete (ACI 318). Note: lv1 = distance to zero shear force from left end support; lv2 = distance to zero shear force
from right end support; vnh = shear stress; Vuh2 = horizontal shear force in topping at stage 2; and z2 = lever arm at stage 2.
is likewise from the other support. 2 Vuh2 ≤ ultimate interface shear capacity φVnh is
17.5.4 The term bvd in clause 17.5.3 may be replaced by the
interface shear contact area Ac = lvbi. Ultimate partial safety factor φ = 0.75
Mu = ultimate design bending moment 11.6.5 Smooth horizontal interface shear strength
{ }
Vnh ≤ min 0.2 f c′lv bi ;5.5lv bi
z2 = lever arm at stage 2 Even if horizontal shear force in topping at stage 2 If the surface is smooth with minimum interface Vuh2 < ultimate interface shear capacity φVnh, provide
links, horizontal shear force in topping at stage 2 Vuh2
≤ φVnh is φvnhbilv. { }
Avf ,min / s = max 0.062 f cT′ bi / f y ; 0.35bi / f y , If the surface is intentionally roughened without Note that this gives quite a high area of links (840
links alone, horizontal shear force in topping at stage mm2/m [0.4 in.2/ft]) compared with the adopted
ultimate vertical design shear force due to stage 2 • The section modulus of the basic compound section at
loading and μ = 1.0 the bottom Zb,co is 7.307 × 106 mm3 (446 in.3), and the
section modulus of the basic compound section at the top But Vnh = Vuh2/φ ≤ 1.8bilv + 0.6fylvAvf /s Zt,co is 6.932 × 106 mm3 (423 in.3).
Then Avf /s = (Vuh2/φ − 1.8bilv)/0.6fylv but not less than Calculation for service moment of resistance
Vu2/φμfy of composite section Msn,c per ACI 318
If horizontal shear force in topping at stage 2 Vuh2 ≤ min{φVnh; Self weight of precast unit including infill from the previous
φ3.5bilv}, no designed interface links are required, but it is not paper1 is 3.26 kN/m2 (0.47 psi)
mentioned whether minimum links are required.
Then self-weight of slab per unit width w1 = 1.2 x 3.26 = 3.91
Worked example for composite 1200 mm kN/m (0.27 kip/ft)
wide × 200 mm deep hollow-core unit
plus 75 mm topping per ACI 318 For stage 1, allow 20 mm (0.8 in.) camber at installation
before casting topping (and check later).
Composite section properties of compound section
with transformed area of tendons per ACI 318 Equivalent depth of topping t ′ = 75 + 0.5 × 20 = 85 mm
(3.3 in.)
Service load due to self-weight of precast concrete unit plus Depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 1 c1 = (159.2 –
wet cast-in-place concrete topping w1 + wT = 3.91 + 2.45 = 153.6)/(0.5 × 0.85) = 13.2 mm (0.52 in.) < hft = 40 mm (1.6
6.36 kN/m (0.44 kip/ft) per 1.2 m (4.0 ft) wide unit in.)
Service moment at stage 1 Ms1 = 6.36 × 8.0002/8 = 50.89 Ultimate stress is not known until the ultimate moments of
kN-m (37.54 kip-ft) resistance of composite section at stage 2 φMn,c2 are found.
Therefore, take as design ultimate stress in tendons fps = fpu/1.1
Bending stress at bottom due to stage 1 moment fb1 = 50.89 × = 1609 N/mm2 (233,366 psi).
106/7.307 × 106 = -6.97 N/mm2 (1011 psi) tension
Area of tendons required in stage 1 Aps1 = 61.1 × 106/(153.6 ×
Bending stress at top due to stage 1 moment ft1 = 50.89 × 1609) = 247 mm2 (0.38 in.2)
106/6.932 × 106 = +7.34 N/mm2 (1065 psi)
Net area of tendons Aps2 = 766 – 247 = 519 mm2 (0.80 in.2)
Maximum service moment due to imposed loads after topping
Ms2 = 96.0 kN-m (70.8 kip-ft) Aps2/bdp2 = 519/(1200 × 234.2) = 0.0018
Available bending stress at bottom due to stage 2 moment fb2 Design ultimate stress in tendons fps = 1770 × [1 – (0.40/0.850)
= 96.0 × 106/12.08 × 106 = -7.95 N/mm2 (1153 psi) tension × 0.0018 × (1770/25)] = 1661 N/mm2 (240,908 psi)
Available bending stress at top due to stage 2 moment ft2 = Depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 2 c2 = 519 × 1661/
96.0 × 106/28.99 × 106 = +3.31 N/mm2 (480 psi) (0.85 × 25 × 1200 × 0.850) = 39.8 mm (1.6 in.)
Actual width of precast unit b1 = 1154 mm (45.4 in.) The results for the service and ultimate design bending mo-
ments and moments of resistance Msn,c and ultimate moment of
Effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 1 resistance of the composite section φMn,c are shown in Fig. 7.
dp1 = 159.2 mm (6.3 in.)
At the support where conditions are more onerous, the crack- Then minimum value of the flexurally cracked shear capacity
ing moment of resistance of the composite section Mcr,c = φVci,c,min = 57.2 kN (12.9 kip) and the maximum value of the
11.59 × 106 × (10.84 + 3.98)/106 = 172.0 kN-m (126.9 kip-ft) flexurally cracked shear capacity φVci,c,max = 141.36 kN (31.8
φMn,c/Mcr,c = 233.0/172.0 = 1.35 > 1.2 Pass
The distribution of the flexurally cracked shear capacity of the
Calculation for flexurally uncracked shear composite section φVci,c along the span is shown in Fig. 8.
capacity ФVcw,c per ACI 318
Calculation for camber and deflections per ACI 318
From the previous paper,1 the bearing length lb is 100 mm From the previous paper,1 deflection at installation is -41.2 +
(4 in.), the design transmission length lt is 625 mm (24.6 20.8 = -20.4 mm (0.80 in.) (20 mm [0.79 in.] allowed to deter-
in.), axial prestress after losses fcp is 4.81 N/mm2 (697.6 psi), mine if average depth of topping is OK).
and the mean tensile strength of concrete ft is 1.64 N/mm2
(237.9 psi). Note that in the previous paper1 the creep coefficient for the
deflection due to the self-weight of the precast unit at installa-
Critical distance from end to center of webs lx = 100 + 100.0 tion was 0.85. This coefficient can then be deducted from the
= 200 mm (8 in.) long-term deflections (in the following section) for dead loads
applied to the composite slab.
Distance to shear plane ratio α = lx/lt = 200/561 = 0.357
Deflection due to self-weight of topping δ5 = 5 × 1.2 × 2.04 ×
Ultimate partial safety factor α = 0.75 80004/(384 × 29,725 × 711.4 × 106) = 6.2 mm (0.24 in.)
Ultimate shear strength in flexurally uncracked section vcw = Net deflection after casting topping = -14.2 mm (0.56 in.)
0.29 × = 1.83 N/mm2 (265.4 psi)
Long-term deflections
Flexurally uncracked shear capacity of composite section
φVcw,c at shear plane = 0.75 × [1.83 + 0.357 × 0.3 × 4.81) × Creep coefficients for deflections due to:
303 × 234]/103 = 125.0 kN (28.1 kip)
camber ψ28 = 1.20
Flexurally uncracked shear capacity of composite section
φVcw,c at end of the design transmission length lt = 0.75 × [1.83 self-weight of precast concrete ψ28 = 1.40
+ 0.3 × 4.81) × 303 × 234]/103 = 174.4 kN (39.2 kip)
self-weight of topping ψ28 = 1.30
The increase in φVcw,c is linear between the position at the
shear plane and the end of the transmission length. imposed live load ψ∞ = 2.00
Calculation for flexurally cracked shear capacity imposed dead load after topping hardened
of composite section ФVci,c per ACI 318 ψ’∞ = 2.00 – 0.85 = 1.15
The flexurally cracked shear capacity of the composite section Long-term upward camber due to prestress δ7 = -41.2 – [(1.20
φVci,c varies according to factored imposed ultimate shear and × 846,988) – (846,988 – 730,628)] × 58.2 × 80002/(8 × 29725
moment at the distance along the span of the slab from the × 1705.0 × 106) = -49.4 mm (1.95 in.)
center of the support x due to externally imposed dead and
live loads only Mmax and ultimate shear force at the distance Static and initial creep deflection due to self-weight of precast
along the span of the slab from the center of the support x due concrete δ4 = 20.8 mm (0.82 in.)
to externally imposed dead and live loads Vi, unfactored dead
load Vd, and moment causing cracking Mcre,c along the span. Static deflection of topping δ5 = 6.2 mm (0.24 in.)
Flexurally cracked shear capacity of composite section Static plus creep deflection due to self-weight of precast con-
φVci,c = 0.75 (0.05 f c′ bwdp2 + Vd + Mcre,cVi/Mmax) crete and topping δ8 = 20.8 + 6.2 + [5 × 1.2 × (1.40 × 3.256
+ 1.30 × 2.04) × 80004/(384 × 29725 × 1705.0 × 106)] = 36.1
where M cre,c = Z b,co 0.5 f c′ + f pe − f d 2 ) mm (1.42 in.)
Calculate the horizontal force in the topping due to Stage 2 Regarding shear capacity VRd,c,c, EC2 is only limiting when
loads the span–to–total depth ratio (hollow-core plus topping) is
less than about 26, but for ACI 318 the flexurally cracked
Ultimate design bending moment Mu = 208.9 kN-m shear capacity of the composite section φVci,c is limiting when
(154.1 kip-ft) the span–to–total depth ratio is 30, showing that the flexur-
ally cracked shear capacity is often the governing criteria.
Ultimate design bending moment at stage 1 Mu1 = 61.1 kN-m Compared with the hollow-core unit alone, composite action
(45.1 kip-ft) increases the flexurally uncracked shear capacity by 24%
according to EC2, the reduced increase being in part due to
Lever arm at stage 2 z2 = 217.3 mm (8.6 in.) the two-stage analysis. The increase is 46% according to ACI
318, exactly the increase in the effective depth of the strands.
Horizontal shear force in topping at stage 2 Vuh2 = min{0.85 ×
25 × 1200 × 75 = 1839.2 kN [413.5 kip]; (208.9 – 61.1)/217.3 Overall, for an effective span of 8.0 m (26 ft), the area of
= 680.4 kN [152.97 kip]} strand required to resist the maximum possible uniformly dis-
tributed loading is 746 mm2 (1.16 in.2) in EC2 and 716 mm2
Width of interface bi = 1154 mm (45.4 in.) (1.11 in.2) in ACI 318, about 4% less, reflecting the greater
resistance for ACI 318.
Shear span distance lv = 4000 mm (157.5 in.)
The effect of propping increased Msr,c for EC2 by 11.0% and
Ultimate partial safety factor φ = 0.75 Msn,c for ACI 318 by 10.4%. This would enable the imposed
live load to be increased from 8.5 to 9.7 kN/m2 (1.2 to 1.4
Shear stress vnh = 0.56 N/mm2 (81.22 psi) psi), or otherwise enable the span to be increased from 8.0 to
8.4 m (26 to 27.6 ft).
Ultimate interface shear capacity φVnh = 0.75 × 0.56 × 1154 ×
4000/103 = 1938.7 kN (435.86 kip) > 680.4 kN (152.97 kip) For the interface shear between the hollow-core unit and cast-
in-place concrete topping, there are no interface links to ACI
Use a roughened surface on the top of the precast unit with no 318 because hollow-core units have a roughened surface. A
minimum links. small number of interface links (U loops cast into the longi-
tudinal joints), which have a factory produced surface, are
Conclusion required by EC2.
3. ACI (American Concrete Institute) Committee 318. 2008. CRd,c = concrete shear strength factor
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-08) and Commentary (ACI 318R-08). Farming- d = effective depth of tendons in tension zone
ton Hills, MI: ACI.
d1 = effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 1
4. Elliott, K. S. 2017. Precast Concrete Structures. 2nd ed.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor Francis. d2 = effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 2
5. BSI. 2005. Precast Concrete Products—Hollow Core dn,c = depth to centroid of concrete area of composite
Slabs. EN 1168:2005 +A3:2015: London, UK: BSI. section
6. BSI. 2004. Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Ecm = Young’s modulus of concrete
Part 1-2: Structural Fire Design (with National Applica-
tion Parameters). EN 1992-1-2:2004 +A1:2019: London, EcmT = Young’s modulus of cast-in-place concrete topping
fbd(t) = ultimate bond strength of precast concrete at trans-
7. BSI. 2002. Eurocode 0: Basis of Design (with Nation- fer
al Application Parameters). EN 1990:2002 +A1:2005.
London: UK: BSI. fb = final stress at bottom due to prestress and stage 1
and 2 moments
fb1 = bending stress at bottom due to stage 1 moment
EC2-1-1 and EN 1168
fb2 = available bending stress at bottom due to stage 2
Ac,c,co = area of composite compound section moment
Aj = area of interface joint fck(ti) = value of 28-day characteristic cylinder strength fck at
time ti
Ap = area of tendons
fckT = 28-day characteristic cylinder strength of cast-in-
Ap1 = area of tendons required in stage 1 place concrete topping
Ap2 = remainder of area of tendons Ap minus area of ten- fcm = mean compressive strength at 28 days
dons required in stage 1 Ap1 (available for stage 2)
fcm(ti) = mean compressive strength at ti days
As = area of interface shear reinforcement
fctd = design tensile strength of concrete
As,min = minimum value of area of interface shear reinforce-
ment fctd(t) = design tensile strength of concrete at transfer
bef = effective width of cast-in-place concrete topping at fctmT = mean tensile strength of cast-in-place concrete
service topping
beff = effective width of cast-in-place concrete topping at fp = design ultimate stress in tendons
fp1 = design stress of tendons at stage 1
bi = width of interface = bt
fpk = characteristic yield strength of tendons
Fpo = final prestress force MRd,f = ultimate moment of resistance due to top flange
Ic = second moment of area of basic section (hol- Msr,c = service moment of resistance of composite section
low-core unit alone)
Ms1 = service moment at stage 1
Ic,c = second moment of area of composite section
Ms2 = service moment at stage 2
Ic,c,co = second moment of area of composite compound
section R = prop reaction
K1w = bending moment factor based on width of web at Sc = first moment of area of hollow-core unit
stage 1
Sc,c = first moment of area of hollow-core unit of compos-
K1 = bending moment factor at stage 1 ite section
VRd,c,c = flexurally uncracked shear capacity of composite β = factor for the design of T-shaped sections
δins = net camber at installation = δ3 + δ4
VRd,c,c2 = flexurally uncracked shear capacity of composite
section at stage 2 δ1 = upward camber due to prestress at transfer
VRd,cr,c = flexurally cracked shear capacity of composite δ2 = deflection due to self-weight of unit at transfer
δ3 = upward camber due to prestress at installation
wEd = ultimate design load
δ4 = deflection due to self-weight of unit and infill at
wT = self-weight of topping per unit width installation
w1 = self-weight of slab per unit width (precast unit plus δ5 = deflection due to self-weight of the topping at
infill) installation
w2 = imposed dead load per unit width (service) δ6 = equivalent upward deflection due to propping
w3 = imposed live load per unit width (service) δ7 = long-term upward camber due to prestress
x = distance along span from the center of support δ8 = long-term deflection due to self-weight of unit,
infill, and topping
x1 = depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 1
δ9 = long-term deflection due to imposed dead and live
x2 = depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 2 loads
X = depth to neutral axis in composite section δ10 = long-term active deflection due to live loads only
yb = height to centroid of basic section δ11 = long-term active deflection due to changes in
camber and live load, plus creep deflections due to
yb,c = height to centroid of composite section self-weight, topping, and imposed dead loads
yb,c,co = height to centroid of composite compound section δ12 = downward deflection due to removal of props
yb,co = height to centroid of basic compound section εp = total ultimate strain in tendons
zcp = eccentricity of pretensioning force μ = coefficient of friction for interface shear strength
Zb = section modulus at bottom of basic section (hol- σcp = axial prestress after losses
low-core unit only)
σn = normal (vertical) stress acting on interface
Zb,c,co = section modulus of composite compound section at
bottom σt = maximum surface stresses in service at top
Zb,co = section modulus of basic compound section at bottom χ = long-term concrete aging coefficient
Zt,c,co = section modulus of composite compound section at ψ1 = effective creep coefficient for deflection at installa-
top tion
Zt,co = section modulus of basic compound section at top ψ2 = quasi-permanent live load factor
ψ∞ = long-term creep coefficient for deflections EcT = Young’s modulus of cast-in-place concrete topping
a = depth of compressive stress block at ultimate fb2 = available bending stress at bottom due to stage 2
Ac = interface shear contact area
f c′ = 28-day characteristic cylinder strength
Ac,co = area of compound section
f c′(ti) = strength of precast concrete at installation at ti days
Aps = area of tendons
fcp = axial prestress after losses
Aps1 = area of tendons required in stage 1
f cT′ = 28-day characteristic cylinder strength of cast-in-
Aps2 = remainder area of tendons Aps minus area of tendons place concrete topping
required in stage 1 Aps1 (available for stage 2)
fd1 = tension stress due to service dead load at stage 1
Avf = area of interface shear reinforcement
fd2 = tension stress due to service dead load at stage 2
Avf,min = minimum value of area of interface shear reinforce-
ment Avf fpbe = maximum surface stress due to prestress in service
at bottom
b = nominal width of hollow-core unit
fps = design ultimate stress in tendons
bef = effective width of cast-in-place concrete topping at
service fps1 = design stress of tendons at stage 1
beff = effective width of cast-in-place concrete topping at fpte = maximum surface stress due to prestress in service
ultimate at top
bt = actual width at top of hollow-core unit fpu = characteristic yield strength of tendons (known as
specified strength in ACI 318)
bv = width of interface (only referred to in clause 17.5.3)
fr = modulus of rupture
bw = total width of webs
ft = mean tensile strength of concrete
b1 = width of interface = bt
ft1 = bending stress at top due to stage 1 moment
c1 = depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 1
ft2 = available bending stress at top due to stage 2 moment
c2 = depth to neutral axis at ultimate at stage 2
fy = characteristic strength of interface shear bars
d = effective depth to tendons (only referred to in clause
17.5.3) hft = depth of top flange
dn,c = depth to centroid of concrete area of composite Ic,c,co = second moment of area of composite compound
section section
dp = effective depth of tendons in previous paper1 Ic,co = second moment of area of compound section
dp1 = effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 1 K1 = bending moment factor at stage 1
dp2 = effective depth of tendons in tension zone at stage 2 K1w = bending moment factor based on width of web at
stage 1
e = eccentricity of pretensioning force
lb = bearing length
lv1 = distance to zero shear force from left end support Vci,c = ultimate shear capacity in flexurally cracked section
lv2 = distance to zero shear force from right end support Vcw,c = ultimate shear capacity in flexurally uncracked section
lx = distance to critical section Vd = shear force at distance along span of slab from the
center of support x for service (unfactored) dead load
L = effective span of composite hollow-core slab
Vi = ultimate shear force at distance along span of slab
m = modular ratio from the center of support x due to externally im-
posed dead and live loads
Mcr,c = cracking moment of resistance of composite section
Vnh = horizontal interface shear strength
Mcre,c = moment required to cause flexural cracking in com-
posite section Vu = ultimate design shear force
Md1 = moment due to dead load at stage 1 Vu2 = ultimate vertical design shear force due to stage 2
Md2 = moment due to dead load at stage 2
Vuh2 = horizontal shear force in topping at stage 2
Mmax = ultimate moment at distance along span of slab
from the center of support x due to externally im- wT = self-weight of topping per unit width
posed dead and live loads
wu = ultimate design load per unit width
Ms = service moment = Ms1 + Ms2
w1 = self-weight of slab per unit width (precast unit plus
Msn,c = service moment of resistance of composite section infill)
Ms1 = service moment at stage 1 w2 = floor dead load per unit width
Ms2 = service moment at stage 2 w3 = floor live load per unit width
Mu = ultimate design bending moment x = distance along span of slab from the center of sup-
Mu,1 = ultimate design bending moment at stage 1
yb,c,co = height to centroid of composite compound section
P = final prestressing force
ybT = height to centroid of topping
Pins = pretensioning force at installation
z1 = lever arm at stage 1
s = spacing of interface shear reinforcing bars
z2 = lever arm at stage 2
t = depth of topping
Zb = section modulus at bottom of basic section (hol-
t′ = mean depth of topping (allowing for camber) low-core unit only)
δ4 = deflection due to self-weight of the hollow-core unit ψ1 = effective creep coefficient for deflection at installa-
and infill at installation tion
φ M n,c
′ = ultimate moment of resistance of composite section
φMn,c at supports
This appendix contains the derivation of a solution for the The compressive force in the webs Fc,w is calculated as fol-
lever arm and area of reinforcement in a flanged cross-section lows:
(Fig. A.1).
Fc,w = 0.567fckbw0.8x
The compressive force in flanges Fc,f is calculated as follows:
Fc,f = 0.567fck(b – bw)hf
x = depth to the neutral axis
The ultimate moment of resistance due to the force Fc,f in the
fck = 28-day characteristic cylinder strength webs MRd,w is calculated as follows:
z = lever arm
The ultimate moment of resistance due to the force Fc,f in the Adding MRd,f + MRd,w = MRd and dividing by fckbwd2 gives
top flange MRd,f is calculated as follows: MRd/fckbwd2 equal to 1.134(b – bw)hf (d – hf /2)/(2bw d2) +
1.134(z/d) – 1.134(z/d)2.
MRd,f = 0.567fck(b – bw)hf (d – hf /2)
Let the factor for the design of T-shaped sections β equal
or = 1.134fck(b – bw)hf (d – hf /2)/2 (b – bw)hf(d – 0.5 hf)/(2bwd2).
(b – bw)/2
(d – hf)/2 z = d – 0.4x
x = (d – z)/0.4
Section of the flanges Section of the web
ure A.1 Derivation of solution for the lever arm and area of reinforcement in a flanged cross-section
fyk = characteristic strength of main bars Kw = bending moment factor based on width of web
z = lever arm
Kim S. Elliott, PhD, is a consul- A typical 1200 mm (48 in.) wide × 200 mm (8 in.)
tant to the precast concrete deep prestressed concrete hollow-core floor unit is
industry in the United Kingdom. analyzed and designed as a composite slab with a 75
He was senior lecturer at mm (3 in.) deep structural topping in order to make a
Nottingham University in the comparison between Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete
United Kingdom from 1987 to Structures (EC2-1-1) and the American Concrete
2010 and was formerly at Trent Institute’s Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete Structures Ltd. UK. He Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary (ACI 318R-
has also been a consultant to three organizations in 08). This is the second of two papers. The first was
Malaysia. He is a member of fib Commission 6 on published in PCI Journal in the March–April 2021
Prefabrication, where he has made contributions to six issue and designed a noncomposite hollow-core unit.
manuals and technical bulletins and is the author of The present comparison includes two-stage composite
Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Frame Structures and service and ultimate moments of resistance, ultimate
Precast Concrete Structures. He was chairman of the composite shear capacities, camber and deflections,
European research project COST C1 on semirigid and interface shear between the hollow-core unit and
connections in precast concrete structures from 1992 cast-in-place concrete topping. Precast concrete cylin-
to 1999. He has lectured on precast concrete struc- der strength was 40 N/mm2 (5800 psi) and the cast-in-
tures 45 times in 16 countries, including Malaysia, place concrete topping was 25 N/mm2 (3625 psi). The
Singapore, Australia, Korea, Brazil, Bahrain, South hollow-core unit was pretensioned using 10 number
Africa, Barbados, Austria, Spain, and Scandinavia, seven-wire helical strands. Worked examples are pre-
and at 30 universities in the UK. sented in parallel formation for EC2 and ACI 318.
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