Hannah Facey, Munene Kithama, Mohsen Mohammadigheisar, Lee-Anne Huber, Anna K. Shoveller, and Elijah G. Kiarie
Hannah Facey, Munene Kithama, Mohsen Mohammadigheisar, Lee-Anne Huber, Anna K. Shoveller, and Elijah G. Kiarie
Hannah Facey, Munene Kithama, Mohsen Mohammadigheisar, Lee-Anne Huber, Anna K. Shoveller, and Elijah G. Kiarie
feeding program for broiler chickens from placement through to 49 days of age
reduced growth performance and altered organs morphology
Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, N1G 2W1 ON, Canada
ABSTRACT Black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) is and 49. On d 10, birds fed diets 12.5, 25, and
characterized with good nutritional and functional 0 + AGP had higher BWG than birds fed diets 0, 50,
attributes. However, there is limited data on inclusion of and 100 (P < 0.01), and birds fed diet 100 had lower
BSFLM in broiler chicken rations from placement BWG than birds fed diets 0 or 50 (P < 0.01). Birds
through to market weight. Therefore, we examined fed diets 50 and 100 had lower BWG than birds fed
growth and organ responses of partial to complete all other diets on d 24 and 49 (P < 0.05). Overall (d 0
replacement of soybean meal (SBM) with BSFLM in a −49), BSFLM linearly (P < 0.01) decreased BW,
practical feeding program. A total of 1,152 d-old male BWG, and FI and increased FCR and mortality. The
Ross £ Ross 708 chicks were allocated to 48 pens and overall BWG of 50 and 100% BSFLM birds was 92
assigned one of six diets (n = 8). The diets were: a basal and 81% of birds fed 0%BSFLM, repectively and core-
corn-SBM diet (0%BSFLM), 4 diets in which SBM in sponding overall FI was 96 and 90%. An increase in
0%BSFLM was replaced with BSFLM at 12.5, 25, 50, gizzard, small intestine, pancreas, and liver relative
and 100% and a final diet (0 + AGP) in which weights were observed with increasing BSFLM inclu-
0%BSFLM was treated with coccidiostat (70 mg Nara- sion (P < 0.01). The data indicated that lower levels
sin/kg) and antibiotic (55 mg Bacitracin Methylene Dis- of BSFLM could provide some growth-promoting
alicylate/kg). For energy fortification, soy oil was used effects commensurate to antibiotics in the starter
for 0%BSFLM diets and black soldier fly oil in the other phase. However, replacing SBM with greater amounts
diets. Body weight, feed intake (FI), BW gain (BWG), (≥50) of BSFLM reduced growth and increased organ
and mortality-corrected feed conversion ratio (FCR) size.
were reported. Organ weights were recorded on d 24
Key words: broiler chickens, black soldier fly larvae meal, growth performance, soybean meal replacement
2023 Poultry Science 102:102293
food waste and convert it into high-quality protein and 21°C by d 30 (Aviagen, 2014). Birds were exposed to
energy (Ravi et al., 2020). fluorescent lighting with 23 h of light (20+ lux) for the
However, within the current literature, growth perfor- first 4 d and then 16 h light: 8 dark (10−15 lux) light
mance responses have been variable for the inclusion of cycle for the remainder of the experiment in accord with
BSFLM in broiler diets. Previous researchers that Arkell Poultry Research Station standard operating pro-
included BSFLM below »30% replacement of SBM cedures.
observed no change or improved growth performance of
broilers, including BW, feed intake (FI), and feed con-
version ratio (FCR) (Cullere et al., 2016; Dabbou et al., Experimental Diets
2018; Onsongo et al., 2018; Schiavone et al., 2019; de
Partially defatted BSFLM (12.7% crude fat and
Souza Vilela et al., 2021). However, some studies imple-
52.5% CP, as-fed) and black soldier fly larvae oil
menting BSFLM levels greater than »30% replacement
(BSFLO) were obtained from a commercial manufac-
of SBM, more notably with levels above »50%, resulted
turer and vendor (Enterra feed Corp., Vancouver, BC,
in reduced growth performance through lower BW, FI,
Canada). The meal was a dry, ground product derived
and FCR as compared to lower inclusion rates (Dabbou
from black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae reared
et al., 2018; Onsongo et al., 2018; Velten et al., 2018;
on preconsumer recycled food collected from local farms,
Schiavone et al., 2019; Murawska et al., 2021). Addition-
food processors, and grocery stores. Coefficients for stan-
ally, results on organ weights and organ histology when
dardized ileal digestible (SID) amino acids and AME
BSFLM is included in higher amounts (>50% inclusion)
values for BSFLM were obtained from published litera-
are also variable. Some researchers did not observe any
ture (de Marco et al., 2015; Schiavone et al., 2017; Mwa-
changes in organ weights or organ tissue histology
niki and Kiarie, 2018) and the other feedstuffs from
(Onsongo et al., 2018; Velten et al., 2018; Schiavone
Evonik Aminodat 5.0 for diet formulation (Evonik
et al., 2019), whereas Murawska et al. (2021) observed
Nutrition and Care GmbH., 2016). The AME value of
an increase in liver weight when replacing 75% SBM
BSFLO was assumed to be equivalent to that of soybean
with BSFLM. Changes to organ weight are indicative of
oil (SBO) as research has shown no effect on growth
further health concerns, and therefore can aid in deduc-
performance when SBO is completely replaced with
ing information on the impact of BSFLM on broiler
BSFLO (Kim et al., 2020; Heuel et al., 2021). Diets were
formulated for a 3-phase feeding program: Starter; d 0
The hypothesis of the study was that broilers will
to 10, Grower: d 11 to 24, and Finisher; d 25 to 49
experience a quadratic effect on growth performance
(Tables 1−3) and met or exceeded specifications for
where (1) feeding BSFLM will have commensurate
Ross x Ross 708 (Aviagen, 2014). In each phase, a
growth responses to antibiotic growth promoting
0%BSFLM corn-SBM-SBO basal diet was formulated
(AGP) diet via the functional properties of BSFLM and
with no prebiotic, probiotic, anticoccidial, or antimicro-
where (2) high levels of BSFLM will depress growth per-
bial growth-promoting substances added. Four BSFLM
formance due to decreased feed intake. The objective
diets were formulated based on the basal diet by replac-
was to examine the influence of partial to complete
ing SBM with increasing proportions of BSFLM: 12.5,
replacement of SBM with BSFLM in a broiler chicken
25, 50, and 100%. The 0%BSFLM diet was fed without
feeding program from placement through d 49 of age on
or with (0 + AGP) coccidiostat (Monteban 100, 70 mg
growth performance and organ weights.
Narasin/kg, Elanco Canada Ltd, Guelph, ON) and anti-
biotic growth promoter (BMD 110 G, 55 mg Bacitracin
Methylene Disalicylate/kg, Zoetis Canada Inc., Kirk-
MATERIALS AND METHODS land, QC). The 0%BSFLM diets used SBO and the
Animal care and use protocols are approved by the BSFLM diets used BSFLO for dietary energy fortifica-
University of Guelph Animal Care and Use Committee tion. The diets were mixed separately, with flushing
(AUP#4403) and birds were cared for in accordance between diets and were prepared in mash form. Repre-
with the Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines sentative samples of the experimental diets, BSFLM,
(Canadian Council on Animal Care, 2009). SBM, BSFLO, and SBO were collected and immediately
shipped for chemical analyses and another portion was
stored at 20°C for future analyses.
Birds and Housing
A total of 1,152 d old (male) Ross x Ross 708 broiler Experimental Procedures
chicks were obtained from a commercial hatchery
(Maple Leaf Foods, New Hamburg, ON, Canada). The The 6 diets were allocated to 48-floor pens in 4 rooms
chicks were allocated to 48-floor pens (24 birds per pen) (12 pens per room) in a completely randomized block
according to hatch weight. The pens were in 4 separate (room) design (n = 8) and fed for 49 d. Birds had free
environmentally controlled rooms with 12 pens each, access to water and feed throughout the experiment.
providing 4.27 m2 of area per pen and fresh wood shav- The BW and FI were recorded at the end of each phase
ings. The room temperature was set to the breeder rec- (d 0, 10, 24, and 49) on a pen basis, and mortalities were
ommendation of 32°C on d 0 and gradually decreased to recorded throughout the trial for calculation of
Table 1. Composition of starter diets, as fed basis.
mortality corrected FCR. The BWG was calculated Van Soest et al. (1991). Chitin concentration was deter-
from recorded BW on a pen basis at the end of each mined in the BSFLM samples by subtracting the ADF-
phase. On d 24 and 49, two birds per pen were randomly linked protein from the ash-free ADF as described by
selected and sacrificed via cervical dislocation for giz- Marono et al. (2015). Fatty acid concentration in
zard, small intestine, pancreas, spleen, liver, and bursa BSFLO and SBO samples was determined in a commer-
weights. cial lab (Activation Laboratories, Ancaster, ON) accord-
ing to O’Fallon et al. (2007). The amino acid contents of
BSFLM, SBM, and diet samples were also analyzed by
Sample Processing and Laboratory acid hydrolysis and oxidative hydrolysis (AOAC Inter-
Analyses national, 2005; Methods 994.12), followed by ultra-per-
formance liquid chromatography (UPLC; Waters
The BSFLM, SBM, and diet samples were finely Corporation, Milford, MA).
ground (CBG5 Smart Grind, Applica Consumer Prod-
ucts Inc., Shelton, CT) and thoroughly mixed prior to
analyses. Samples were submitted to a commercial lab
(SGS Canada Inc, Guelph, ON, Canada) for dry matter,
crude protein, crude fat, starch, and minerals analyses
Calculations and Statistics
(AOAC International, 2005; Methods 930.15, 935.11, Mortality corrected FCR is an adjusted FCR value
920.39, 920.40, 935.12). Feed samples were analyzed for which accounts for dead birds removed from the pens
gross energy (GE) using a bomb calorimeter (IKA Calo- throughout the trial. Mortality corrected FCR was cal-
rimeter System C 6000; IKA Works, Wilmington, NC) culated using the following equations.
using benzoic acid as the calibration standard. Neutral
detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations were determined 1. Mortality BWG = [(deadBW1 − BW/bird/pen at
using ANKOM 200 Fibre Analyzer (ANKOM Technol- the start of phase) + (deadBW2 − BW/bird/pen at
ogy, Fairport, NY) using the methodology described by the start of phase) + . . .]
and potassium decreased (Tables 6−8). One notable lowest for birds fed diet 0 + AGP (P < 0.01) and great-
difference is that the CP concentration in diet 0 in est for birds fed diets 0 and 50 (P < 0.01), while all other
the finisher phase was lower than expected. Tables 6 treatments were intermediate.
to 8 also presented concentrations of the amino acid On d 24, BW decreased linearly and quadratically as
in the starter, grower, and finisher phases, respec- the level of BSFLM increased (P < 0.01), where birds
tively. fed diets 0, 12.5, and 25 had greater BW than birds fed
diets 50 and 100 (P < 0.01). However, birds fed diets
12.5 and 25 had intermediate BW compared to birds fed
Growth Performance the 0 + AGP diet and diet 0. The BWG during the
grower phase decreased linearly as birds fed diets 0,
Both the d 10 BW and starter BWG decreased line- 12.5, and 25 had greater BWG than birds fed diets 50
arly and quadratically as the inclusion level of BSFLM and 100 (P < 0.01); no differences were observed for
increased (P < 0.01) (Table 9). A quadratic decrease BWG for birds fed diets 0 + AGP, 0, 12.5, and 25. The
occurred where birds fed diets 12.5 and 25 had higher FI decreased linearly with increasing BSFLM level as
BW than diets 0, 50, and 100 (P < 0.01), and a linear birds fed diets 0 and 12.5 had greater FI than birds fed
decrease occurred where diet 100 resulted in lower BW diet 100 (P < 0.01), and birds fed diets 25 and 50 were
than diets 0 and 50 (P < 0.01). On d 10, birds fed diets intermediate to birds fed diets 0, 12.5, and 100. The
12.5 and 25 had BW not different from birds fed the FCR increased linearly and quadratically with increas-
0 + AGP diet, whereas birds fed diets 0, 50, and 100 had ing BSFLM inclusion level as birds fed diet 12.5 had the
lower BW (P < 0.01). The FI also decreased linearly and lowest FCR and birds fed diet 100 had the greatest FCR
quadratically as the level of BSFLM increased (P < (P < 0.01) with all other diets intermediate.
0.01), where birds fed diets 0, 12.5, 25, and 50 had On d 49, BW decreased linearly as the dietary inclu-
greater FI than birds fed diet 100, and birds fed diet 12.5 sion level of BSFLM increased, where birds fed diets 0,
had greater FI than birds fed diets 50 and 100 (P < 12.5, and 25 had greater BW than birds fed diets 50 and
0.01). Compared to birds fed the 0 + AGP diet, only 100 (P < 0.01). Birds fed diet 0 + AGP had the greatest
birds fed diet 100 had lower FI (P < 0.05). The FCR was BW versus all other treatment groups (P < 0.01). The
Table 7. Analyzed chemical composition of grower diets, as fed basis.
Grower, d 11−24
SBM replacement with BSFLM2, %
Item 01 12.5 25 50 100
Dry matter, % 89.1 89.2 89.2 89.8 89.9
Gross Energy, kcal/kg 4191 4132 4189 4210 4184
Crude protein, % 19.2 19.4 20.9 21.5 20.6
Crude fat, % 7.1 6.6 5.7 5.9 5.6
Starch, % 39.6 39.6 42.1 42.7 44.7
NDF,3 % 12.2 11.7 14.1 14.2 15.7
Calcium, % 0.60 0.65 0.65 0.70 0.69
Phosphorus, % 0.56 0.54 0.58 0.59 0.56
Potassium, % 0.86 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.58
Magnesium, % 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.19
Sodium, % 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.14
Amino acids, %
Arg 1.28 1.20 1.19 1.13 0.99
His 0.54 0.51 0.54 0.55 0.52
Ile 0.86 1.01 0.94 0.96 0.75
Leu 1.71 1.94 1.85 1.87 1.64
Lys 1.12 1.28 1.37 1.34 1.38
Met 0.58 0.57 0.62 0.70 0.73
Phe 1.15 1.23 1.14 1.19 0.83
Thr 0.84 0.89 0.97 0.90 0.90
Trp 0.45 0.43 0.44 0.38 0.36
Val 0.87 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.95
Ala 0.96 1.07 1.13 1.25 1.30
Asp 1.89 1.98 1.96 1.84 1.71
Cys 0.46 0.44 0.44 0.35 0.35
Glu 2.93 3.04 2.98 2.75 2.49
Gly 0.79 0.80 0.82 0.99 0.91
Pro 1.27 1.34 1.37 1.51 1.45
Ser 0.98 1.00 1.01 0.97 0.93
Tyr 0.43 0.47 0.48 0.41 0.35
Same analyzed nutrient composition as diet 0%BSFLM + AGP (Coccidiostat (Monteban 100, 70 mg Narasin/kg, Elanco Canada Ltd, Guelph, ON)
and antibiotic (BMD 110 G, 55 mg Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate/kg, Zoetis Canada Inc., Kirkland, QC)).
BSFLM: black soldier fly larvae meal.
NDF: neutral detergent fibre.
Table 9. Effects of replacing soybean (SBM) with increasing proportions of black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) on growth perfor-
mance of broiler chickens.
BWG during the finisher phase also decreased linearly as Overall (d 0−49), the BWG and FI decreased linearly
birds fed diets 0 and 12.5 had greater BWG than birds as birds fed diets 0, 12.5, and 25 had greater BWG than
fed diets 50 and 100 (P < 0.01), while birds fed diet 25 birds fed diets 50 and 100 (P < 0.01). Birds fed all other
were intermediate. Likewise, BWG for birds fed diet diet treatments had lower BWG than birds fed diet
0 + AGP was the greatest compared to all other diet 0 + AGP (P < 0.01). The overall FCR decreased linearly
treatments (P < 0.01). The FI decreased linearly where and quadratically where birds fed diets 0, 12.5, and 50
birds fed diets 12.5 and 25 had greater FI than birds fed had lower FCR than birds fed diets 50 and 100 (P <
diet 100 (P < 0.01). Birds fed diet 0 + AGP had greater 0.01), with birds fed 12.5 and 25 intermediate to birds fed
BW than birds fed diets 50 and 100 (P < 0.01). The diets 0 and 0 + AGP, given that birds fed diet 0 + AGP
FCR increased linearly where birds fed diets 0, 12.5, and had the lowest result. Overall, mortality increased line-
25 had lower FCR than birds fed diets 50 and 100 (P < arly and quadratically where birds fed diet 100 had
0.01). There was no difference between the 0+AGP diet greater mortality compared to all other diets and birds
and diets 0, 12.5, and 25. fed diets 0 and 25 had the lowest mortalities (P < 0.01).
Table 10. Effects of replacing soybean meal (SBM) with increasing proportions of black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) on organ
weights (g/kg BW) and breast muscle attributes in broiler chickens.
greater fiber contents or limited available amino acid is possible that BSFLM can trigger increased bacterial
supply. Murawska et al. (2021) observed a negative lin- populations in the gut, causing the gut wall to thicken
ear relationship in BW, BWG, FI, and FCR in broilers via increased mucosa or muscularis production, resulting
fed 50%, 75%, and 100% replacement of SBM with in a greater overall weight.
BSFLM, and suggested the decreased performance Reduced nutrient absorption and digestibility would
mainly results from the reduction in FI. It is suggested also limit the amino acids available to the bird. A study
that reduced FI could be caused by impaired protein uti- conducted by Velten et al. (2018) replaced 50% SBM
lization linked to increased dietary chitin content when with BSFLM in broiler diets containing standard amino
BSFLM is included at higher levels in the diet. Chitin is acid supplementation and fortified amino acid supple-
representative of the fiber in BSFLM, and as seen in mentation (addition of Met, Lys, Thr, Arg, Val).
Murawska et al. (2021) and the present study, the NDF Reduced growth performance was observed when the
content of the diets increases as the level of BSFLM broilers received the standard amino acid supplementa-
inclusion increases. High fiber content or NDF, has been tion, but no change in performance parameters was
seen to increase anterior digestive tract weight (gizzard), observed when receiving supplemental amino acids, indi-
reduce digesta transit time, and subsequently reduce cating that the birds were not receiving sufficient amino
nutrient digestibility (Kras et al., 2013; Sanchez et al., acids in a standard diet with BSFLM inclusion. Simi-
2021). larly, it was recently demonstrated that the addition of
Therefore, given the effects seen on not only reduced indispensable synthetic amino acids in BSFLM diet to
FI, but also increased FCR in the present study, it is equal levels of amino acids in soybean meal diet
thought that the decreased BW and BWG is not only improved protein utilization efficiency in BSFLM
due to reduced FI, but also a reduction in nutrient (Cheng et al., 2022). In the present study, the diets were
digestibility resulting from high crude fiber, and could analyzed, and the most notable effect on amino acid con-
have further adverse effects on other areas of the body centrations was the Arg deficiency. This deficiency
such as feather development and organ function. increased as the level of BSFLM increased, correspond-
According to the current literature, the gizzard, primar- ing with lower levels of arginine in BSFLM versus SBM
ily functioning as the site for grinding and breaking diet. Furthermore, the Arg: Lys ratio was below the
down feed particles, is expected to increase in size and NRC recommendation of 0.9 to 1.18 (Balnave and
mass as larger particles and more structural and fibrous Barke, 2002) in diets 25, 50, and 100 for the starter and
material are added to the diet (Kiarie and Mills, 2019). finisher phases, and diet 100 for the grower phase. Argi-
An increase in gizzard weight was seen in diets contain- nine plays an essential role in broiler growth, feather
ing high levels of BSFLM (50 and 100), which also con- development, and immunity, and can influence the effec-
tained the highest concentration of chitin, and tiveness of all other amino acids in protein synthesis;
consequently NDF, suggesting that the high fiber con- however, is heavily influenced by Lys concentrations
tent in diets 50 and 100 caused the increase in gizzard (Balnave and Barke, 2002). The literature reviewed by
weight. In addition to reduced nutrient digestibility via Balnave and Barke (2002) suggest that Lys and Arg do
increased NDF, reduced nutrient absorption in the small not compete for absorption in the small intestine, but
intestine could also have contributed to poor perfor- instead compete for renal reabsorption. If the Arg: Lys
mance. In the present study, the small intestinal weight ratio is imbalanced towards Lys, excess Lys will be reab-
increased with increasing levels of BSFLM inclusion; sorbed, a process which is also influenced by potassium
however, on d 24 and 49, diet 0 + AGP had significantly levels, and will result in the overproduction of arginase
lighter small intestine compared to all other diets. Ear- by the kidney. Arginase activity is closely correlated to
lier research has shown that AGP inclusion causes intes- reduced FI and BWG in broilers as it also breaks down
tinal wall thinning (Coates et al., 1955). Thinned Arg, causing more of a deficiency (Balnave and Barke,
intestinal walls allow nutrients to pass more easily, 2002). This indicates that the reduced performance seen
increasing overall nutrient absorption and hence feed in Velten et al. (2018) could be caused by amino acid
utilization (Madge, 1969). The thinned intestinal wall imbalances resulting from the Arg: Lys ratio and could
likely led to the decrease in intestinal weight in the 0 be rectified with amino acid supplementation, or as also
+AGP fed birds. On the other hand, research has shown suggested by Balnave and Barke (2002), and potassium
that the protein source in poultry diets, notably vegeta- supplementation. Given that an Arg deficiency can
ble versus animal sources, can influence the microbiome reduce the effectiveness of other amino acids for use for
in the gut through increased microbial diversity (Bean- protein synthesis, a build up of unavailable amino acids
Hodgins and Kiarie, 2021). Animal proteins contain would require an increase of catabolism of amino acids
high amounts of crude protein and can cause the fermen- via the liver. Therefore, the liver would be working
tation of excess crude protein in the intestinal tract, harder to break down the excess amino acids (He et al.,
which feeds harmful bacteria such as C. perfringens 2021). The increased metabolic activity taking place in
(Drew et al., 2004; Wilkie et al., 2005; Bean-Hodgins the liver would cause the increase in size and relative
and Kiarie, 2021). Indeed, much of the protein in insect weight as seen in the present study. An alternative possi-
meal has been demonstrated to be bound in chitin and bility for hepatic hypertrophy is if amino acids are
concentration of chitin had negative correlation with unavailable for protein synthesis, this may suggest they
protein digestibility (Marono et al., 2015). Therefore, it could also be unavailable for other typical functions in
the body, such as for example the lipotropic ability of not viable under the conditions present in this study.
methionine. Methionine works with choline as a methyl However, further research is warranted on BSFLM
donor to export fats from the liver (Kalbande et al., inclusion in lower amounts (≤25% of SBM), as a value-
2009; Saeed et al., 2017). Although liver fat was not ana- added ingredient, which could promote growth similar
lyzed in the present study. It is understood that a methi- to an AGP diet. Further research is also warranted on a
onine deficiency can play a part in the development of comprehensive study of the metabolic and physiological
fatty liver syndrome, a common metabolic condition in effects of BSFLM inclusion, including the effects of high
chickens resulting in fat accumulation in the liver (Qure- levels of BSFLM (≥50%) on organs.
shi et al., 2004). The lack of bioavailable methionine
could have led to the development of fatty liver syn-
drome in this case, causing the increase in liver weight in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
birds fed higher BSFLM levels. Another factor which This work was supported by Ontario Agri-Food Inno-
could have played a part in the development of fatty vation Alliance, Natural Sciences and Engineering
liver syndrome is the increase in starch contents of the Research Council of Canada, and the Canada First
diets as the BSFLM inclusion level increased. The starch Research Excellence Fund.
content increased due to the increase in corn in the diets.
Corn increased because of reduced SBM as a way to bal-
ance the diets for energy. However, the change in energy DISCLOSURES
source may have influenced the overall composition of
the liver, leading to fatty liver syndrome. The authors declare that the research was conducted
Several other organs became heavier with increasing in the absence of any commercial or financial relation-
BSFLM inclusion. Pancreas weight increased linearly ships that could be construed as a potential conflict of
with the BSFLM on d 24 and 49. It is unclear as to why interest.
pancreas hypertrophy occurred; however, research has
established that the presence of antinutritional factors REFERENCES
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