Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Description:
This lesson consists of the basic understanding of scales, specifically diatonic and major scales.
Diatonic scales are a collection of whole steps and half steps within an octave, where a major scale
has half steps in between scale degrees 3-4 and 7-1. The piano is designed for C major when playing
just the white keys. When altering what note you start on, the equation of W W H W W W H still
applies, where there are half steps between scale degrees 3-4 and 7-1. Following this equation will
provide a major scale every time
The purpose of this lesson is for the student to gain a full understanding of what a major scale is and
how to assemble one given a starting note. This is important because up until now, the class has
covered notes on a piano, whole steps and half steps, staff notation, and rhythmic values of notes and
rests. The next step is to learn about major scales so that the student can further understand how to
assemble notes to create a melody, as well as having a full understanding of key signatures,
something that will be taught in the coming classes
Connections: Choose those most applicable. These may be found in the MCF Documents.
PA Competency(s):
PA Essential Questions:
How is music arranged? (9.1.3.A, 9.1.3.C)
Standards: Choose those most applicable. These may be found in the MCF Documents.
PA Standards:
Standard - 9.1.12.C: Integrate and apply advanced vocabulary to the arts forms.
Standard - 9.1.12.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in
the arts and humanities.
Performance Measures:
How will you assess student learning?
Attach a copy of the grading tool or rubric that will be used to evaluate student understanding of the
Assessment will be done one of two ways- homework, which will be checked for completion rather
than accuracy, and informal assessments such as participation and general understanding of content
There is no grading tool or rubric to assess the student learning since this class is a very hands on
class. Because it is an introduction to music theory, it is also evident which students know what
information and which students struggle with the information being taught
Instructional Process:
What instructional processes, instructional strategies, and instructional tasks will you use to meet the
objectives and goals of this plan?
Opening activity- solfege game: sing a solfege scale (do, do re do, do re mi re do, do re mi fa mi re do,
etc) and omit one syllable, making sure students are paying attention to the task
Sight singing- practicing visual sight reading/singing skills to enhance quick note reading
Harmonic dictation- understanding the relationships between notes and training the ear to listen to a
step-wise melody, being able to notate it
Working with students to define key words such as diatonic and major scale and to show where
whole steps and half steps are in any given major scale (visual). Then, taking that information and
easily apply it to any major scale (half steps in between scale degrees 3-4 and 7-1) so that it becomes
second nature.
Aural- playing a scale without correct whole steps or half steps so students can easily aurally identify
errors. Also playing pieces like Mozart sonata in C major where there are multiple scales in the piece
(aural and visual)
Repetition- making sure student has enough chances to fully grasp content- working with them to
create a major scale but also letting them work independently to assemble it themselves, further
grasping the task
Differentiation Strategies:
How will you differentiate instruction and assessment?
In this scenario, instruction is me teaching and explaining the content, as well as practicing with the
students through multiple examples. After teaching, explaining, and working with the students
through the content, the assessment (informal) is having them work on questions in the workbook on
their own, which is where I go around the room asking if they have any questions and assessing the
homework that was due that day.
Essential Vocabulary:
What essential music vocabulary words will students learn and use during this lesson?
Diatonic scale
Major scale
Scale degree
Whole step
Half step