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An analysis to understand the role of machine learning, robotics and

artificial intelligence in digital marketing
Raja Sarath Kumar Boddu a, Ashwinkumar A. Santoki b, Shopita Khurana c, Poonam Vitthal Koli d, Ravi Rai e,⇑,
Abhishek Agrawal f
Professor and Principal, Department of CSE, Lenora College of Engineering, Rampachodavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
School of Commerce and Management, Vanita Vishram Women’s University, Surat, Gujarat, India
University Institute of Media Studies, Research Scholar, Chandigarh University, India
Marketing Associate, Byju’s - Think & Learn Pvt. Ltd, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Institute of Technology RGPV, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Institute of Technology-RGPV, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Focusing on the assumption that both physical and cognitive activities may be substituted by Artificial
Available online xxxx Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotics, this study explored the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
in Digital Marketing utilizing a descriptive research technique. An examination with professionals from
Keywords: various sectors linked to marketing and AI reveals that AI has an influence on marketing operations and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have a greater impact in the future. By integrating new data-driven methods to digital marketing
Machine Learning strategies, exponential technical advancement provides chances for strategic edge. By identifying lessons
Digital Marketing
from vast volumes of produced data, Machine learning (ML) can forecast future events and aid decision-
making. This feature has a significant influence on and simplifies businesses’ strategic decision-making
Management processes. As per the study needs assessment, little is known about marketers’ attitudes towards, and
Organization understanding of, ML technologies, as well as their uptake and use to support operational and strategic
Etc administration. Intelligent robotics and technologies are ideal for internet marketing. Everyone agrees.
They can determine what consumers want, customize offers, simplify content creation, gather vast quan-
tities of data, and apply it to business choices.
Copyright Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Applied Research and Engineering 2021

1. Introduction optimize their own operations, minimize expenditure, reduce

delivery time, and enhance production. Technology is changing at
Artificial intelligence is a buzzword that needs a strong, strict an incredible rate, and organizations who have already made the
meaning. It is the process of creating machines intelligent, and transition to marketing AI software have a unique edge in terms
intelligence is the property that allows an object to perform cor- of being able to capitalize on the next breakthrough. The tremen-
rectly and predictably in its surroundings. Literally, artificial intel- dous advancements in data and communications technology in
ligence is a process that integrates cloud technology, network the public and private industries in recent years has triggered
equipment, robotics, computer and digital media generation, as the creation of a new digital marketing ecosystem [1]. A large
well as different business procedures, technologies, and day-to- amount of information is presently being created as a result of
day operations. Artificial intelligence computers have existed in the expansion of information technologies. Each day, 2.5 Quintilian
the past, is currently in use, and will be in the future. Accepting bytes of data are produced, and this amount is expected to rise
and developing Ai Technology is critical for future marketing initia- with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) [2]. It is also pre-
tives. Businesses use artificial intelligence software every day to dicted that 90 percent of the world information has been created
in the last two years. Reliable data must be generated, accessed,
and used in order to make quick and accurate business choices.
⇑ Corresponding author. As a result of rapid technology advancement and its barrier-free
E-mail address: nit2011ravigate2017@gmail.com (R. Rai).

2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Applied Research and Engineering 2021

Please cite this article as: R. Sarath Kumar Boddu, A.A. Santoki, S. Khurana et al., An analysis to understand the role of machine learning, robotics and arti-
ficial intelligence in digital marketing, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.11.637
R. Sarath Kumar Boddu, A.A. Santoki, S. Khurana et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

worldwide distribution, chances for gaining a competitive edge by advertising, search engine optimization, publications, and social
using new data-driven methods to marketing management have media marketing are all techniques used in digital marketing. Mar-
arisen [3]. Digital marketing evolved as a logical reaction by busi- keting analytics is an essential component of properly utilizing any
nesses to capitalize on and profit from the increasing customer of these technologies [7]. To retrieve relevant information and
focus on the Internet. Businesses, hospitals, colleges, professional enhance the success of their digital marketing activities, all three
groups, councils, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) all types of companies (advertisers, agencies, and media) require the
employ digital marketing as part of its marketing strategy and roll understanding and capacity to work with huge volumes of infor-
out plans. A few of these businesses may have their own e- mation (see Figs. 1,2)
commerce platforms, although the Internet is mostly used as a Premised on substantial information processing, it is possible to
channel/medium in their communications plan. These organiza- infer that ML can give the data required for marketing profession-
tions generally serve as clients or marketers, which are also als’ decision-making processes [8]. In Table 1. Shows the incorpo-
referred to as trademarks. Several types of businesses participate ration of machine learning-driven tools into digital marketing
in the digital marketing area as well. The Online world enables presents a slew of new difficulties and possibilities. Among the
businesses to discover more about their customers with a few most significant advantages of employing these technologies in
clicks of the mouse in the proper assessment technique [4]. The marketing are:
most significant advantages of digital marketing over traditional There are no clear drawbacks to using ML to marketing analyt-
marketing tools and platforms are its capability to be measured. ics tools. However, In Table 2. based on the type of tool, there are a
Every Internet user’s digital footprint includes a large quantity of number of issues or limitations to its effective usages:
information that may be used as input for marketing research.
Such advanced analytical tools utilize machine learning (ML) to
understand from historic information and aid in the planning of 3. The relationship between artificial intelligence and digital
future operations [5]. marketing

As a result, artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in the mar-

2. Machine learning driven analytical tools in digital marketing keting world. According to some, it is the next step in marketing.
There are several breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence
Digital marketing is commonly used as a catch-all phrase for (AI). Artificial Intelligence is a concept that refers to innovation
online marketing, Internet marketing, and mobile marketing [6]. that attempts to mimic human understanding. AI encompasses a
It is advertising that employs digital technology (hardware, soft- comprehensive range of capabilities, including speech recognition,
ware, and communication technologies) in the execution of mar- image identification, machine learning, and semantic search,
keting plans. Market analysis, surveys, different types of among others [11]. A lot of marketers are fond of extolling the vir-

Fig. 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing.

R. Sarath Kumar Boddu, A.A. Santoki, S. Khurana et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Number of issues based on tools.

Moral and ethical standards People are human because they have the
capacity to make choices, experience
emotions, and understand ethics and
morality. It is debatable if machines will
ever have this capacity, or whether it
will be created in the future. There are
legitimate worries about whether
computers will be continuing to function
in the interests of humanity and within
moral and ethical bounds as technology
Without human interaction, Human minds will still be required in
machine learning tools cannot the upcoming generations to work with
Fig. 2. Robotics in Digital Marketing. function. ML systems and create and refine these
ML and the Workplace In digital marketing, there exist systems
that can partially replace human labor.
Table 1 For example, automatic social media
Incorporation of machine learning-driven tools into digital marketing. post posting, automation article reader
assistance, and so on. It is crucial to
Maximum efficiency Machines consistently work at 100% since they
emphasize, however, that these systems
can be interrupted or diverted.
would never function well without
Automatization of Simple tasks may be extremely efficiently human assistance.
repeatable tasks automated using machine learning. In digital Innovation Much of the marketing decision-making
marketing, for example, ML may help with the and implementation is dependent on
creation of frequent reporting on marketing imagination. Innovation is the
campaigns in social media marketing. consequence of integrating various
Personal digital helpers Individual personal helpers are already in human-native characteristics, with
widespread usage [9]. Complex activities may emotions, intuition, and empathy
be handled by ML-driven algorithms, and playing a key role. Machines will have a
everyday routines can be optimized. difficult time replicating these three
Exploring regions that For a variety of causes, a person is unable to components.
humanity cannot access execute the essential responsibilities in Customers’ preferences Users are not always eager to engage
numerous areas. Humans, for example, cannot with robots or software. As a result, it is
go to the darkest levels of the oceans or handle predicted that in the near future, the
the massive quantities of information created desire for connection with a human
on the Internet every minute. Machines may be being would remain preferable, with
programmed to respond to practically any customers having more trust in such
situation, and computing can perform even the communication.
most complicated mathematical-statistical Methods can be incorrect. Decisions based on mathematical
processes. calculations and statistics generated by
Error rate reduction Errors that are typically affected by people MLs may result in erroneous actions
factors are eliminated. Machines usually follow being made as a consequence of faculty
a specified method while doing a task. instructions or information. Any modern
Quicker decision-making The amount of time it takes for a machine to information system is designed to serve
make a judgement is governed by the amount people first and foremost. As people’s
of information available. Machines can make requirements change and evolve over
(nearly) instant decisions after a brief time, ML-based solutions may no longer
computation. Personal variables such as provide the best outcomes in their
sentiments, individual interests, views, and so present setup. Examples include
on have no bearing on the choice. automated answers to social media
inquiries or automatically produced
discounts in the event of dissatisfaction
with the purchase process [10].

tues of new technologies and breakthroughs. Pictures and voice are

recognized using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Data leaks are also pre- in order to make connections and achieve meaningful conclusions.
vented, and drones are better targeted at remote networks. With the help of Deep Mind, Google was able to increase the pro-
Marketers must maintain continual, updated, knowledge- ductivity of its own capacity communities and reduce cooling
driven contacts with customers on an individual basis, and artifi- energy use by 40 percent. As a result, AI has become a must-
cial intelligence is crucial to gaining the economic upper hand in have innovation in the current corporate world. These technologies
this constantly connected, continuing reality [12]. Brands who are used by small and large businesses alike in order to increase
have realized the importance of Artificial Intelligence and have the efficiency of company operations and to provide customers
put in place the proper structure to scale are able to get an advan- with better, more individualized experiences.
tage that is exceedingly difficult to duplicate. When it comes to Since its inception, marketers have been wary about integrating
artificial intelligence (AI), content and context are intertwined. artificial intelligence into their plans. As a result of this, marketers
Apple’s Siri and Google’s DeepMind are just a few examples of arti- have been remarkably confident about its use in the past year. A
ficial intelligence usage in the consumer and commercial arena growing number of divisions have just gotten big incentives as a
today. Siri, for example, interprets voice instructions using natural direct consequence of the lessened uncertainty in viewing results.
language processing (NLP) and responds appropriately [13]. Deep Data is everywhere, making physical procedures more difficult. As
Mind, on the other hand, is a Google division that utilizes deep a result, human behavior is characterized by a lack of knowledge
learning. Rather than depending on predetermined behavioral and a reliance on instincts. Artificial Intelligence emerges as a reg-
techniques, it learns from experiences and uses raw data as inputs ulated machinery in this type of circumstance, as instinct won’t
R. Sarath Kumar Boddu, A.A. Santoki, S. Khurana et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

lead to shrewd conclusions [14]. Artificial intelligence is bringing analyzed and stored by platforms nowadays in order to develop
about changes throughout every aspect of our professional lives. robotized structures and customer profiles that concentrate on cer-
This will affect everything from the way marketers conduct their tain markets. PCs will soon be able to dig deeper into customer
campaigns to the way campaigns themselves are calculated and profiles and behavior, allowing them to create copy that is more
operated as a result of this. Now and in the future, sophisticated in line with the speech of the customers they are monitoring on
displaying will be guided by artificial intelligence. the internet.

4. AI has changed digital marketing in a number of different 4.5. Lead generation

As a result of the data, it actually has and the software it’s
Marketing Prediction employing, artificial intelligence can sort through mountains of
As a result of social media’s ability to acquire more personal data to discover the right solution for consumers, customers and
information about a potential consumer, marketers are better even coworkers. But it may also forecast or assess the hotness of
ready to interact them in a meaningful way. New data is provided a leads. The marketing will have more time to spend on things like
and prepared for Artificial Intelligence evaluation with each click, presenting and sales calls.
no matter where the customer is on the internet. In order to pro-
vide the most relevant statistics to the marketer, this information 4.6. Automated content creation
is vital.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used by several companies to
4.1. Chatbots automate content production. Content production has become fas-
ter and easier as a result of this technological breakthrough. Coca
In a natural language environment, artificially intelligent sys- Cola, for example, automates their advertising campaigns using
tems communicate with consumers. Marketers are getting increas- artificial intelligence. Obviously, logos and music are created in
ingly interested in these initiatives, as social media usage is conjunction with the environment.
increasingly moving to private messaging platforms like What’s
App and Facebook Messenger. This is a great chance for interaction 4.7. Image recognition
that’s hard to pass up. While most sophisticated marketers view
chatbots as a way to provide personalized client service at scale, In Artificial Intelligence, picture recognition is one of the most
they are not considered a valid marketing tool. Visit bots, on the exciting and probably most significant advances. People who want
other hand, may also be used to guide clients through a customer robots that can think and respond like we do, such as self-driving
journey to a sale. cars, must also be able to see as we do [16]. It is presently possible
for PCs to differentiate and recognize basic objects, events or cir-
4.2. Advertisement refinement cumstances. Contrary to human perception and perception, these
PC structure squares have enabled certain major mechanical occur-
Commercials and their distribution are also refined with the rences, and they continue to do so. Without the caption, Image
help of artificial intelligence (AI). PPC efforts in the U.s are domi- Recognition helps marketers to discover pictures via social media
nated by Google and Facebook, as per marketing experts. Advertis- networking media.
ers may benefit from artificial intelligence by discovering new
marketing communications for their PPC campaigns, according to 5. Robots and digital marketers work well together
a recent study. Advertising benefits from artificial intelligence
since rivals may not use these platforms. Internet advertising would not have been so sophisticated and
precise without artificial intelligence and robotics. The purpose
4.3. Email marketing of tools and apps is not to replace human marketers, but to assist
them. Rather than serving humans, robots fulfill duties and obliga-
As a result of artificial intelligence, email marketing has become tions that digital marketers simply do not have time for. Robots are
even more effective for both marketers and their customers. Every constantly available and never get sick, which is a huge advantage.
marketer’s ambition is to be able to personalize at size, and artifi- As a result, it should come as no surprise that warehousing bots are
cial intelligence makes it feasible. As a result of prior encounters so popular. Your chances of seeing robots there are high. This is
with the brand, artificial intelligence may produce tailored emails done by scrolling through a series of pictures after the industrial
for each of the corporation’s subscribers. Content consumption, robot arm has picked up an object and determining its location.
wish list items, and sites visited may all be taken into account Digitization has forced firms to improve their work and simplify
when customizing the experience. The artificial intelligence, for internal procedures.
instance, can send various messages with the most useful details
to each user, if one person often opens links to products sites in 5.1. Social media engagement
the company’s email, but another never does.
Social media is an integral component of any digital marketing
4.4. Marketing increasingly focused on customer behavior plan. To be more specific, a business may use social media to con-
trol its reputation, maintain a competitive edge, and retain connec-
A large part of artificial intelligence’s application involves inte- tions. Few people know that social media sites are really AI
grating data from multiple sources. When customers access the systems designed to keep users engaged by giving them what they
internet, they leave behind bits and pieces of private details. The want to see.
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browse [15]. Artificial insight programmed are now processing as an agents that talks on social networking sites, wielding signif-
these large numbers and learning about the online activity and dig- icant power over dialogues and influencing thoughts and behaviors
ital identity of the customers. Heavily scrutinized client designs are [17]. Businesses that want to make the most of social media deploy
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