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Outside-In Capsulotomy of The Hip For Arthroscopic Pincer Resection

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Outside-In Capsulotomy of the Hip for Arthroscopic

Pincer Resection
Michael V. Narvaez, M.D., Adam Cady, M.H.S., P.A-C., A.T.C., C.S.C.S.,
Brian Serrano, D.C., A.T.C., O.P.E-S.C., C.S.C.S., Keon Youssefzadeh, B.S., and
Michael Banffy, M.D.

Abstract: Hip surgical techniques have evolved significantly, transitioning from open techniques to arthroscopic tech-
niques. Hip arthroscopy has many advantages over open techniques, including reduced trauma to surrounding tissues,
reduced risk of infection, and improved patient-reported outcome measures. Hip arthroscopic techniques are now
commonly used for pathologies such as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). FAI can include cam, pincer, or mixed
impingement. Through hip arthroscopy, FAI may be treated with a femoroplasty and acetabuloplasty along with
addressing any labral pathology that may exist. Owing to the capsule playing an integral role in hip stability, surgeons are
now mindful of the initial approach and closure on completion of the intra-articular procedure. The most common
approach for capsulotomy is the inside-out approach. However, this approach can be difficult in patients with a large
pincer deformity. The authors describe an outside-in approach to arthroscopic hip capsulotomy. This capsular approach
helps protect the labrum and articular cartilage while preserving capsular tissue.

S urgical techniques have evolved over the last

50 years with arthroscopy becoming the prevalent
technique to address various musculoskeletal and
acetabulum.6 Having pincer impingement is a risk fac-
tor for developing labral and chondral lesions.8
The hip joint during arthroscopy is typically accessed
osseous pathologies.1,2 Compared with open tech- through portals while the hip joint is distracted and
niques, arthroscopy seems to improve patient-reported making a capsulotomy using an inside-out technique.9
outcomes, with lower rates of postoperative complica- However, this technique can be difficult and the pro-
tions.3,4 Hip arthroscopy is commonly used to treat cedure demanding owing to anatomic and mechanical
femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), which can pre- constraints caused by the pincer deformity.10 In the
sent as cam, pincer, or mixed (both cam and pincer) setting of a large pincer lesion, the senior author (M.B.)
impingement.5 Cam impingement is a loss of sphericity prefers to enter the hip joint using an outside-in
of the femoral head present at the femoral head-neck approach and to perform the capsulotomy from the
junction, owing to an osseous bump.6 Having cam extracapsular space. This outside-in approach allows for
impingement predisposes an individual to early onset an appropriate interportal capsulotomy while limiting
osteoarthritis.7 Pincer impingement arises from a focal degradation of capsule tissue, as well as preventing
or global overcoverage of the femoral head by the iatrogenic injury to the labrum and articular cartilage.11

From Cedar-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic, Los Angeles, California, Surgical Technique (With Video Illustration)
The authors report that they have no conflicts of interest in the authorship Preoperative Planning
and publication of this article. Full ICMJE author disclosure forms are
Preoperative planning consists of a thorough history,
available for this article online, as supplementary material.
Received July 16, 2020; accepted October 22, 2020. physical examination, and imaging (Video 1). Physical
Address correspondence to Michael V. Narvaez, M.D., Cedar-Sinai Kerlan- examination should include hip range of motion, hip
Jobe Orthopedic Clinic, 6801 Park-Terrace Drive, Suite 140, Los Angeles, strength testing, and special tests such as FADIR
CA 90045. E-mail: mnarvaez47@gmail.com (flexion, adduction, and internal rotation), FABER
Ó 2020 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by
(flexion, abduction, and external rotation), and the log
Elsevier. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). roll. FADIR is one of the most sensitive physical ex-
2212-6287/201243 amination maneuvers with a sensitivity for the diag-
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eats.2020.10.047 nosis of FAI as high as 99%.10 Imaging is particularly

Arthroscopy Techniques, Vol 10, No 3 (March), 2021: pp e615-e620 e615


Fig 1. (A) Anteroposterior pelvis radiograph demonstrating an os acetabuli with elevated lateral center edge angle (65 ) of the
right hip, and (B) false profile right hip radiograph demonstrating elevated anterior center edge angle (48 ) consistent with
pincer femoroacetabular impingement pathology. (C) Modified Dunn lateral view of the right hip demonstrating abnormal alpha
angle (79 ) consistent with concomitant cam femoroacetabular impingement pathology.

important for the evaluation of FAI and is a crucial step the legs are secured in slight internal rotation to
for surgical planning in the setting of pincer impinge- accommodate for the patient’s femoral version. Linear
ment. Plain radiographs with anteroposterior pelvis, traction is then applied to provide distraction to the hip
false profile, and modified Dunn views are obtained joint.
to assess for features of cam and pincer impingement Fluoroscopy is used to obtain an anteroposterior view
(Fig 1). Radiographic evaluation specific to pincer of the hip. An 18-gauge spinal needle is used to create
impingement has been described, which includes an air arthrogram, and traction is applied to distract the
measuring the anterior and lateral center edge angles hip. In cases with a large pincer deformity, it may be
and assessing for crossover sign, posterior wall sign, and difficult to place a needle intra-articularly preventing
ischial spine sign.12 application of adequate traction prior to the
Patient Positioning The operative extremity is then prepped and draped
The procedure can be performed in both the supine in the usual sterile fashion. Bony landmarks and plan-
and lateral positions. This surgeon author (M.B.) uses a ned arthroscopic portals are marked on the patient’s
post-less table with the patient supine and placed in 10 skin (Fig 2B).
of Trendelenburg to avoid injury to the pudendal nerve
(Fig 2A). Portal Placement and Capsulotomy
The patient is then induced under general anesthesia. An anterolateral portal is established with a spinal
The patient’s feet are placed in well-padded boots and needle and extra-articular placement is confirmed on

Fig 2. (A) Operating room right

hip arthroscopy setup with
patient in supine position on a
post-less traction table in
approximately 10 -15 of Tren-
delenburg. (B) Standard arthros-
copy portals for the right hip with
anterolateral (AL), mid-anterior
(MA), and distal anterolateral
(DALA) portals marked relative
to pertinent anatomic landmarks.
(ASIS, anterior superior iliac
spine; GT, greater trochanter.)
For this outside-in capsulotomy
technique, only the AL and MA
portals are used.

Fig 3. (A) Anteroposterior intra-

operative fluoroscopic image of
the right hip showing an 18-
gauge spinal needle placed from
the anterolateral portal into the
extracapsular compartment to
establish the primary viewing
portal. Note the lack of space be-
tween the pincer deformity and
femoral head restricting access
into the central compartment
(arrow). (B) Fluoroscopic image
of the right hip showing arthro-
scopic instruments within the
external compartment from the
anterolateral and mid-anterior
portals. Additional traction was
applied after the outside-in cap-
sulotomy that was performed
under direct visualization to
facilitate entry into the central
compartment. However, owing to
the presence of the large os ace-
tabuli (arrow), entry into the
central compartment with
arthroscopic instruments was not
possible until removal.

fluoroscopy (Fig 3A). A nitinol guidewire is then viewing portal of the external compartment. A 70
threaded until an endpoint is felt against the joint arthroscope is inserted, and saline solution is intro-
capsule. A trocar is then placed to create the primary duced into the external compartment. A spinal needle is

Fig 4. (A) Arthroscopic view of

the right hip using a 70 arthro-
scope from the anterolateral por-
tal within the external
compartment. The pericapsular
tissue has been cleared off of the
hip capsule (HC) and the T-cap-
sulotomy limb (arrow) is per-
formed approximately 1 cm
lateral and parallel to the reflected
head of the rectus femoris (RF)
using a fixed blade device. (B)
Arthroscopic view of the right hip
using a 70 arthroscope within
the external compartment. The
interportal portion of the capsu-
lotomy is performed perpendic-
ular to the RF under direct
visualization (arrow). This allows
for access into the intra-articular
space. Traction stitches may then
be applied within the acetabular
and femoral capsular leaflets to
improve visualization.

Fig 5. (A) Arthroscopic view of the right hip using a 70 arthroscope from the anterolateral portal after capsulotomy shows
mobilization of the os acetabuli (OS) using an elevator. Prior to this, development of the capsulolabral interval and removal of
periosteal tissue was performed using a radiofrequency wand. Note the lack of space (arrow) between the labrum (L) and
femoral head (FH) owing to the presence of the OS. (B) Arthroscopic view of the right hip using a 70 arthroscope from the
anterolateral portal shows a grasper removing the OS in its entirety. (C) An arthroscopic picture taken outside of the hip joint
demonstrating the volume of the entire OS after removal.

then introduced from the mid-anterior portal and from the extracapsular space (Fig 4). At this point,
triangulated into the extracapsular space under direct additional in-line traction may be applied to the ex-
visualization. In similar fashion, a nitinol wire is tremity, which facilitates entrance into the central
advanced onto the joint capsule, and a trocar is placed compartment. Traction sutures are placed using a self-
to establish the working portal (Fig 3B). capturing suturing device (Pivot Medical Inc., Stryker)
A shaver is then used to clear muscle and soft tissue in the acetabular and femoral capsular leaflets to allow
off of the hip capsule in the pericapsular space. The for better visualization.
reflected head of the rectus femoris is identified and an The pincer deformity is addressed with acetabulo-
interportal capsulotomy is performed approximately plasty or treatment of any os acetabuli (Fig 5). Large,
1 cm lateral and perpendicular to the reflected head of unstable os acetabuli can be treated with anatomic
the rectus femoris. If a T-capsulotomy is required for reduction and internal fixation, whereas small os ace-
additional exposure, this limb is made parallel to the tabuli can be treated with removal. Additional intra-
rectus femoris tendon. A fixed blade device (Pivot articular procedures, including chondral and labral
Medical Inc., Stryker) is used to make the capsulotomy work, and femoroplasty may then be performed as
using an outside-in technique under direct visualization indicated. At the completion of the procedure, standard

Fig 6. (A) Arthroscopic view of the right hip using a 70 arthroscope from the anterolateral portal within the pericapsular space.
A standard hip capsule (HC) closure of the capsulotomy is performed using a suture passing device (arrow) in simple or figure-of-
eight pattern. (B) Passage of the nonabsorbable, high-tensile strength suture within the HC leaflets. (C) Watertight seal after HC
closure (arrow). The rectus femoris (RF) is shown for orientation within the external compartment.

Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Allows for entrance into the central compartment in the presence of a May be difficult to visualize structures within extracapsular space
large pincer deformity
Minimizes iatrogenic injury to cartilage and labrum owing to direct Entry into the hip joint may be difficult until capsulotomy and/or
visualization acetabuloplasty is performed
Maintains viable capsular tissue for repair at the completion of the

capsular closure is performed using nonabsorbable, in the setting of a large pincer deformity (Table 1).
high-tensile strength sutures in a simple or figure-of- Secondarily this approach maintains viable capsular
eight pattern (Fig 6). tissue, which facilitates an anatomic capsule repair to
prevent postoperative instability. Recent studies have
Postoperative Course and Rehabilitation demonstrated that patients who undergo capsular
Patients are encouraged to weight-bear as tolerated repair have superior mid-term outcomes when
with crutches for the first 2 weeks postoperatively. compared with nonrepair.14,15
Patients also use foam boots at night for the first 7 days However, this outside-in technique is not without
to avoid external rotation while sleeping to protect the risks and requires a complete understanding of the
repaired capsule. Range of motion is performed with a anatomy within the extracapsular space (Table 2).
continuous passive motion machine, or stationary bike Without clear identification of the rectus femoris
with no resistance, limiting hip flexion to below 90 . tendon for orientation, using an outside-in capsu-
Rehabilitation exercises are initiated day 1 post- lotomy may minimize the amount of capsular tissue
operatively. Lower extremity resistance exercises are available for closure while putting the intra-articular
used to begin restoring neuromuscular control and structures at risk of iatrogenic injury. Future studies
isometric strengthening of the surrounding hip would be useful to evaluate clinical outcomes with this
musculature, such as the gluteals, quadriceps, and hip described technique of accessing the hip joint from
abductors. At 2 weeks postoperatively, patients progress outside-in in the setting of large pincer deformities.
to full weight-bearing. Patients are prescribed naproxen
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