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Regulations On Compulsory Pilotage and The Use of Pilot Exemption Certificates (Compulsory Pilotage Regulations)

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Regulations on compulsory pilotage and the use of pilot exemption

certificates (Compulsory Pilotage Regulations)

Statutory authority: Laid down by the Ministry of Transport and Communications pursuant to §§ 2, 6, 7, 11, 15,
17 and 20 of Act no. 61 of 15 August 2014 relating to the Pilot services. Added: §§ 21, 24 fifth para conf. § 53
first para of Act no 70 of 21 June 2019 on Harbours and Fairways.
Although all efforts have been made to produce an English version authentic to the original, this
English translation is not an official version of the Regulations. In case of inconsistencies or errors
the official Norwegian version shall prevail. For the Norwegian version, please refer to:

Chapter 1. General provisions

§ 1 Scope
(1) The regulations apply to the territorial waters and the internal waters, as well as the Skien
River up to Klosterfossen and the sluices in Skien, the Glomma up to Sarpsborg (Melløs) and the
Vester River up to Åsgårdsøra.
(2) The regulations do not apply to military vessels and other vessels under military command.

§ 2 Definitions
For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:
a) Pilot exemption certificate assessor: deck officer with a qualification certificate as an
assessor for the evaluation of candidates for a class 3 pilot exemption certificate, issued
by the Norwegian Coastal Administration pursuant to § 14
b) Vessel length: the vessel’s longest length, which shall include objects protruding beyond the
hull (LOA)
c) Approved ECDIS: type-approved electronic chart display and information system with backup
that satisfies the requirements established by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
in resolution A.817(19)
d) Baselines: the boundary between the internal waters and the territorial waters surrounding
Mainland Norway and Svalbard, as defined in the Regulations of 14 June 2002 on the
baselines for territorial waters around Mainland Norway and the Regulations no. 556 of 1
June 2001 on the baselines around Svalbard
e) IBC Code: the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, and subsequent amendments
f) IGC Code: the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk, and subsequent amendments
g) IMDG Code: the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and subsequent
h) INF Code: the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel,
Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships, and subsequent amendments
i) Pilot boarding area: an area for the boarding or disembarkation of pilots marked on a
nautical chart with the symbol for pilot boarding
j) MARPOL: the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, as
amended by the supplementary protocol of 1978 and subsequent amendments
k) Night navigation: navigation in nautical twilight or darker, i.e. the centre of the sun is lower
than 6o below the horizon
l) Passenger vessel: vessel that can carry more than 12 passengers

Chapter 2. Compulsory pilotage

§ 3 Vessels subject to compulsory pilotage
(1) The following vessels are subject to compulsory pilotage when operating in waters that are
defined as subject to compulsory pilotage in § 4:
a) Vessels with a length of 70 metres or more or a width of 20 metres or more
b) Vessels that push or tow one or more objects, and the object or objects have a total
length of 50 metres or more
c) Vessels with a double hull with a length of 50 metres or more that are carrying
hazardous or pollutive cargo in bulk as mentioned in MARPOL Annex I, or cargo in
pollution categories X, Y or Z, which is regulated in MARPOL Annex II, cf. IBC Code,
Chapters 17 and 18. Except offshore support vessels transporting limited amounts of
hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk, as defined in Regulations of 1 July 2014
no 944 relating to dangerous cargo on board Norwegian ships, § 6.
d) Vessels with a single hull with a length of 35 metres or more that are carrying hazardous
or pollutive cargo in bulk as mentioned in MARPOL Annex I, or cargo in pollution
categories X, Y or Z, which is regulated in MARPOL Annex II, cf. IBC Code, Chapters 17
and 18
e) Vessels with a length of 50 metres or more that carry gas condensate in bulk, cf. IGC
Code, Chapter 19
f) Vessels with a length of 50 metres or more that are carrying 10 metric tonnes or more
of hazardous or pollutive cargo in packaged form under hazard class 1, as regulated in
MARPOL Annex III, cf. IMDG Code
g) Vessels that are carrying substances regulated by the INF Code
h) Nuclear-powered vessels
i) Passenger vessels with a length of 50 metres or more when carrying passengers
(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) do not apply to:
a) Vessels as mentioned in paragraph (1) letter i, when the vessel is licensed for scheduled
passenger transport pursuant to the Professional Transport Act, except for vessels
servicing kystruten Bergen – Kirkenes. The exemption applies when the vessel serves
the route for which it is licensed and to traffic between the main route and permanent
resting docks or bunker docks.
b) Vessels as mentioned in paragraph (1) letter i, which are encompassed by Chapter 7 of
the Regulations no. 6 of 5 January 1998 relating to the construction, outfitting and
operation of high-speed craft used as passenger or cargo vessels and have a length of
less than 70 metres.
c) Vessels that tow fish cages between aquaculture sites, when:
i. the total length of the objects towed does not exceed 130 metres,
ii. the total length of the tow is less than the minimum fairway width in the waters
where the tow is to take place,
iii. the vessel has a functioning Automatic Identification System (AIS) and
permanently mounted VHF for communication with the Norwegian Coastal
Administration's vessel traffic service centres and other vessels, and
iv. the vessel notifies the Pilot Dispatch Centre about the voyage at least 1 hour
prior to the start of the task. This requirement does not apply if the navigation
takes place in the geographic area of one of the Norwegian Coastal
Administration's vessel traffic service centres.
d) Vessels that tow oil booms, when
i. the total length of the towed booms does not exceed 505 meters
ii. the vessel has a functioning Automatic Identification System (AIS) and
permanently mounted VHF for communication with the Norwegian Coastal
Administration's vessel traffic service centres and other vessels, and
the vessel notifies the Pilot Dispatch Centre about the voyage at least 1 hour prior to the start of the
task. This requirement does not apply if the navigation takes place in the geographic area of one of
the Norwegian Coastal Administration's vessel traffic service centres.
§ 4 Geographic area for compulsory pilotage
(1) Vessels as mentioned in § 3 are subject to compulsory pilotage when they are navigating in
waters within the baselines.
(2) During navigation to the pilot boarding area to receive a pilot, or from the pilot boarding
area after the disembarkation of the pilot, the vessels are, however, not required to use a
pilot in the areas within the baselines defined geographically in Annex 1. Similarly are
vessels using a pilot exemption certificate not required to use the certificate in these areas.
(3) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may issue regulations amending or abolishing the
areas mentioned in paragraph (2), establishing new areas or expanding the compulsory pilotage
requirement to waters outside the baselines.

§ 4a. Pilot orders

Pilot orders shall be done through SafeSeaNet Norway and shall include the following information:
a) name, call signal, IMO-number and nationality of the vessel
b) the length, breath, draught and gross tonnage of the vessel
c) type of cargo
d) port of destination
e) location for start of pilotage (pilot boarding area/port/quay/place of anchorage)
f) location for end of pilotage (pilot boarding area/port/quay/place of anchorage)
g) estimated starting time of pilotage.

§ 4b. Pilot order deadlines

(1) Vessels shall order a pilot no later than 24 hours, or 72 hours in the case of Svalbard, prior
to the estimated starting time of pilotage. For pilot assignments requiring particular planning, orders
must be done so far in advance, that proper planning of the assignment may be carried out.
(2) Alterations of 2 hours or more to the estimated starting time of pilotage shall be done as
soon as possible and continuously.
(3) Final confirmation of the starting time of pilotage shall be given no later than 2 hours
prior to the estimated starting time of pilotage, or 48 hours in the case of Svalbard. For the places
listed in Annex 4, the Norwegian Coastal Administration will specify separate deadlines for final
confirmation of the starting time of pilotage.
(4) If circumstances occur that the vessel could not have foreseen, the deadlines prescribed
by the paragraph (1) can be waivered. Proof of such circumstances must be substantiated in writing.

§ 4c. Time of start and end of a pilot assignment

(1) The pilot assignment shall be considered to have started when the confirmed starting
time of pilotage has arrived and the pilot has come on board the vessel. Time of start may be set at
an earlier point in time if the pilotage commences before the confirmed starting time. In the event
that the pilot is delayed, time of start shall be the point in time when the pilotage commences.
(2) If the vessel is delayed, the Norwegian Coastal Administration shall decide whether the
pilot shall stay on board or be administered a new assignment.
(3) The pilot assignment ends when the pilotage has been completed and the vessel has
arranged for the pilot to leave the vessel.

§ 5 Pilot boarding
(1) The embarkation and disembarkation of pilots shall take place at the pilot boarding areas
stated in Annex 2. The individual pilot and the vessel in question shall determine in consultation
where the pilot shall embark or disembark based on the specified pilot boarding area.
(2) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may determine alternative pilot boarding areas inside
waters subject to compulsory pilotage when the weather conditions indicate that embarkation or
disembarkation for reasons of safety cannot be performed at the pilot boarding areas specified in
Annex 2. When navigating to and from an alternative pilot boarding area, the vessel shall follow the
guidance given by the pilot.
(3) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may issue regulations amending Annex 2, including
the establishment of new pilot boarding areas.

§ 6 Exemption from compulsory pilotage for relocations within harbours

(1) The following vessels are exempted from compulsory pilotage for short relocations within
harbours that are deemed to be safe:
h) Vessels with a length shorter than 100 metres and width less than 30 metres
i) Vessels with a length shorter than 125 metres and width less than 35 metres that are
equipped with a bow thruster and do not have a reversible engine (with fixed
(2) The master of the vessel shall be able to see and assess the conditions on the dock, anchor
position or DP-waiting position, that the vessel is to be relocated to from the command
bridge, and there shall be no crossing traffic during the relocation. For relocations up to half
a nautical mile the requirement to be able to see does not apply, if the conditions at the
place to which the vessel is to be relocated can be otherwise assessed in a satisfactory way.
(3) Paragraph (1) does not apply to vessels carrying hazardous or pollutive cargo pursuant to § 3,
letters c to g, nuclear-powered vessels or when vessels must use tugboats.
(4) Owners and operators of ports and port terminals may apply to the Norwegian Coastal
Administration for exemption beyond what follows from paragraphs (1) to (3) for short relocations
within the harbour that are deemed to be safe. The application shall be supported by an
independent risk assessment. The Norwegian Coastal Administration may issue regulations relating
to such exemptions.
(5) The master of the vessel shall assess the weather, visibility, current and traffic conditions to
ensure that the relocation can be carried out safely.

§ 7 Compulsory pilotage by individual decision

In special cases, the Norwegian Coastal Administration may make an individual decision to make
the use of a pilot compulsory for a specific voyage. Such a decision may also be made applicable
outside the baselines and in rivers and lakes that are navigable with vessels from the sea.

§ 8. Dispensations
Upon application from the master of the vessel, the Norwegian Coastal Administration may
grant dispensation from compulsory pilotage for an individual voyage. Dispensation may be granted
if there is or will be a shortage of pilots and safety considerations indicate that dispensation may be
granted, or in other cases where it is unreasonable to order a vessel to use a pilot and granting
dispensation is clearly justifiable on grounds of safety. Applications shall be submitted in SafeSeaNet

Chapter 3. Pilot exemption certificates

§ 9 Issuance of pilot exemption certificates
(1) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may issue a pilot exemption certificate pursuant to §
24 of Act no. 70 of 21 June 2019 relating to Harbours and Fairways and this chapter.
(2) A pilot exemption certificate may be limited, and conditions may be imposed in connection
with its issuance.
(3) Pilot exemption certificates cannot be issued for nuclear-powered vessels or for vessels with
a length of 150 metres or more.
(4) Upon application, the Norwegian Coastal Administration may nonetheless determine that a
pilot exemption certificate may be issued to a vessel with a length of 150 metres or more , or
with a length in excess of the local restrictions set out in Annex 3 to this Regulations, when
the vessel regularly calls at specific ports at least twice a month. Unless the permit states
otherwise, there shall be an additional deck officer, in addition to the deck officer in charge
of the navigational watch, on the bridge during the voyage in the waters subject to
compulsory pilotage for which the permit applies. At least one of the deck officers on the
bridge shall have a valid pilot exemption certificate for the area.

§ 10 Class 3 pilot exemption certificates

(1) Class 3 pilot exemption certificates apply to vessels with a length shorter than 100 metres
that are equipped with an approved ECDIS.
(2) Class 3 pilot exemption certificates cannot be used if the vessel has heavy oil on board or is
carrying hazardous or pollutive cargo as specified in § 3 paragraph (1), letters c to g. § 17 paragraph
(3) applies correspondingly. This limitation does not apply to offshore support vessels transporting
limited amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk, as defined in Regulations of 1
July 2014 no 944 relating to dangerous cargo on board Norwegian ships, § 6.
(3) Shipping companies who wish to use class 3 pilot exemption certificates must send an
application to the Norwegian Coastal Administration. The application must include documentation to
confirm that the following conditions are met
a) that the company has a system in place for the training of pilot exemption certificate
candidates ensuring that the candidates acquire the competence that is required
pursuant to § 13 paragraph (4), and
b) that the pilot exemption certificate candidates are evaluated by a pilot exemption
certificate assessor on examinations determined in accordance with § 13 paragraphs (1)
and (2). If the candidate does not pass the examination, § 13 paragraph (5), applies
(4) Whoever applies for a class 3 pilot exemption certificate must hold a deck officer certificate
that is valid for the vessel or vessels for which a pilot exemption certificate application has been
submitted and must fulfil the requirements of § 11 paragraph (2). § 11 paragraph (3) applies
(5) The Norwegian Coastal Administration issues pilot exemption certificates after having
received an evaluation form signed by the pilot exemption certificate assessor

§ 11 Class 2 pilot exemption certificates

(1) Whoever applies for a class 2 pilot exemption certificate must hold a deck officer certificate
that is valid for the vessel or vessels for which a pilot exemption certificate application has been
(2) In addition to the requirement in paragraph (1), the applicant must:
a) have at least one year of effective sea duty on the Norwegian coast as the deck officer in
charge of the navigational watch, including sea duty during the last five years from the
fairways or areas for which a pilot exemption certificate application has been submitted,
b) have completed the cadet pilot exemption certificate programme for the fairways or areas
for which an application has been submitted during the last five years, cf. §§ 20–22, or
c) during the last 12 months, have been in charge of the navigation of at least five voyages in
each direction in the applied fairway(s), two of which must have been night navigation.
d) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may allow some of the voyages required pursuant to
letters a) or c) to be done in a simulator.
(3) The application shall be registered in SafeSeaNet Norway. The application shall include the
name, date of birth, nationality, phone number and email address of the applicant, identification of
the vessel for which the pilot exemption certificate application has been submitted, certified
documentation that the requirements of experience in paragraph (2) has been satisfied, and certified
copies of a valid deck officer certificate and discharge book or experience certificate issued by the
flag state.

§ 12 Class 1 pilot exemption certificates

(1) Experienced deck officers can apply for a pilot exemption certificate that gives entitlement to
rights in fairways with local restrictions, beyond class 2 and 3 pilot exemption certificates.
(2) Deck officers on vessels with a length of 150 metres or more with a licence pursuant to § 9
paragraph (4), can apply for a pilot exemption certificate pursuant to this provision.
(3) In addition to meeting the requirement in § 11 paragraph (1), the applicant must have:
a) at least three years of effective sea duty on the Norwegian coast as the deck officer in charge
of the navigational watch, including at least 3 voyages in each direction during the last five
years, one of which must have been night sailing, in the applied fairway(s), or
b) during the last 24 months, been in charge of the navigation of at least ten voyages in each
direction in the fairways for which the pilot exemption certificate application has been
submitted, at least two of which must have been night navigation.
(4) The application shall be registered in SafeSeaNet Norway. The application shall include the
name, date of birth, nationality, phonenumber and email address of the applicant, identification of
the vessel for which the pilot exemption certificate application has been submitted, certified
documentation that the requirements of experience in paragraph (3) has been satisfied, and certified
copies of a valid deck officer certificate and discharge book or experience certificate issued by the
flag state.
(5) A pilot exemption certificate examination shall be taken pursuant to § 13 in each individual
fairway with local restrictions for class 2 and 3 pilot exemption certificates. Deck officers on vessels
with a length of 150 metres or more with a licence pursuant to § 9 paragraph (4), shall complete a
pilot exemption certificate examination pursuant to § 13 for the entire fairway in question.

§ 13. Pilot exemption certificate examination

(1) An examination must be taken in order to obtain a pilot exemption certificate. The
Norwegian Coastal Administration determines representative examinations for large areas.
(2) The examination must also be taken for any expansion of the validity area for the pilot
exemption certificate. In the case of expansion, the Norwegian Coastal Administration can decide
that the examination requirement can be disregarded in full or in part if the fairway is short and
associated with a low risk or the applicant has substantial sea duty on the Norwegian coast as the
deck officer in charge of the navigational watch .
(3) The Norwegian Coastal Administration determines how the examination shall be conducted.
The examination consists of a theoretical and a practical part.
(4) The applicant shall demonstrate adequate knowledge of and skills in:
a) Coastal navigation methods, including knowledge of the nature of the waters, as well as the
markers and beacons, traffic conditions, arrival to ports and anchorage sites in the relevant
b) Current conditions and other conditions of significance to safe navigation and manoeuvring,
including areas where shallow water effects must be anticipated
c) The vessel or vessels for which the pilot exemption certificate application is submitted, the
equipment, manoeuvrability characteristics, cargo capacity and the types of cargoes the
vessel is certified to carry
d) Coastal route planning and an understanding of nautical charts
e) Relevant legislation, including rules applicable to the use of a pilot exemption certificate,
local navigation rules and reporting requirements
f) Matters of significance to safety and the environment in the relevant areas, including local
emergency preparedness in the event of an accident
g) English language skills that enable problem-free communication
h) Manoeuvring of the relevant vessel type
i) Visual navigation, including correct use of beacons and markers
j) Radar navigation and correct use of the vessel's other navigational aids
k) Communication and interaction on the bridge
l) Use of tugboats, when applicable
(5) If the examination is not passed, a new examination cannot be taken until two weeks later. If
the candidate does not demonstrate adequate practical skills, a new examination cannot be taken
until the applicant has also completed two new voyages in the area or fairway.

§ 14 Pilot exemption certificate assessors

(1) The Norwegian Coastal Administration issues a certificate of qualification as an assessor for
the evaluation of candidates for a class 3 pilot exemption certificate.
(2) A qualification certificate as a pilot exemption certificate assessor can be issued to deck
a) with at least three years' of effective sea duty on the Norwegian coast as the deck
officer in charge of the navigational watch,
b) who have passed a representative pilot exemption certificate examination pursuant to §
13 or a class 1 pilot exemption certificate examination,
c) who have good knowledge of the rules applicable to pilot exemption certificates, and
d) who have completed a course established by the Norwegian Coastal Administration.
(3) The qualification certificate is limited to:
a) the area or the fairways for which the assessor him/herself has a valid class 1 or 2 pilot
exemption certificate, and
b) vessels of a type and size similar to that which the assessor's pilot exemption certificate
(4) The assessor shall evaluate whether the class 3 pilot exemption certificate candidates meet
the requirements in § 13 paragraph (4) for the areas or fairways for which a pilot exemption
certificate is to be issued.
(5) The assessor shall use the evaluation form prescribed by the Norwegian Coastal
Administration and provide such notice as required by the Norwegian Coastal Administration in
connection with the implementation of an evaluation.

§ 15 Conditions for the use of pilot exemption certificates

(1) On vessels subject to compulsory pilotage that are navigating without a pilot in waters
subject to compulsory pilotage, at least one deck officer with a valid pilot exemption certificate must
be present on the bridge and in charge of the navigation and manoeuvring.
(2) Pilot exemption certificate holders shall have at least 10 hours free from all duties during any
24-hour period. The duty-free period must not be divided into more than two periods, one of which
must be at least six hours long. The interval between consecutive rest periods shall not exceed 14
(3) The pilot exemption certificate cannot be used in contravention of regulations or individual
decisions made after it has been issued.
(4) The pilot exemption certificate shall be presented on demand to the Norwegian Coastal
Administration, the Norwegian Maritime Authority, the police, the Armed Forces, the Customs
Service and the local port authority.
(5) Notice of voyages with a pilot exemption certificate shall be registered in SafeSeaNet

§ 16 General and local restrictions for the use of pilot exemption certificates
(1) Unless otherwise stated in the pilot exemption certificate, the pilot exemption certificate
applies only to the fairways that have been established pursuant to Regulations no. 1477 of 30
November 2009 relating to fairways. This restriction does not apply to vessels if it would entail
unreasonable re-routing, or to vessels that cannot follow the fairways due to their assigned tasks or
activities, such as towing vessels, working vessels in the fish farming industry, well boats, feed boats
and fishing vessels.
(2) The pilot exemption certificate does not apply if the vessel
a) push or tow one or more objects, and the object or objects have a total length of 100
metres or more, or a width of 32 metres or more, a height of 10 meters or more or a
draught of 8 metres or more, or
b) push or tow one or more objects in one of the fairways with local restrictions according to
Annex 3, and the object or objects have a total length of 75 metres or more, or a width of
30 metres or more, a height of 10 meters or more or a draught of 8 metres or more.
(3) Notwithstanding the limitations of paragraph (2), vessels with a trading certificate as a
certified towing vessel or holding a towing permit can use a pilot exemption certificate when they are
a) floating pipes when the total length of the tow does not exceed 505 metres and the width
of the tow does not exceed 12 metres and the maximum draught of the tow does not
exceed 0.5 m, or
b) fish cages, when the total length of the fish cage or cages does not exceed 300 m and the
maximum draught does not exceed 0.7 m.
(4) The pilot exemption certificate does not apply when an escort vessel is used.
(5) Unless otherwise stated in the pilot exemption certificate, the restrictions for the local
fairways that are specified in Annex 3 to the regulations apply.
(6) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may issue regulations amending Annex 3, including
the establishment of new restrictions for local fairways.

§ 17 Restrictions for the use of pilot exemption certificates when carrying hazardous or pollutive
(1) A pilot exemption certificate cannot be used when carrying substances regulated by the INF
Code or when transporting the following liquid cargoes in bulk:
a) Condensed gases, cf. IGC Code, Chapter 19, except vessels up to 110 meters that
i. are IGC type 3G, 2PG or 2G ships,
ii. are equipped with an approved ECDIS, and
iii. has redundant propulsion
b) Substances in pollution category X that are regulated in MARPOL Annex II, cf. IBC Code,
Chapter 17
c) Substances in pollution category Y that are regulated in MARPOL Annex II, cf. IBC Code,
Chapter 17, all substances that are regulated in MARPOL Annex I and substances with a
flash point lower than 60° C, when the vessel has a single hull and a length of 70 metres or
d) Substances in pollution category Y that are regulated in MARPOL Annex II, cf. IBC Code,
Chapter 17, all substances that are regulated in MARPOL Annex I and substances with a
flash point lower than 60° C, when the vessel has a double hull and a length of 90 metres or
more, except vessels up to 110 meters that
i. are equipped with an approved ECDIS,
ii. have double hull protection of the bunker tanks if the vessel uses heavy fuel
oil for propulsion (does not apply to vessels carrying vegetable oil and fish
oil), and
iii. has redundant propulsion (does not apply to vessels carrying vegetable oil
and fish oil)
(2) The limitations of paragraph (1) do not apply to offshore support vessels transporting limited
amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk, as defined in Regulations of 1 July 2014
no 944 relating to dangerous cargo on board Norwegian ships, § 6.
(3) Vessels that carry substances or cargo as mentioned in paragraph (1) are considered to carry
the substance or cargo until the tanks have been cleaned and are free of the substance or cargo.
(4) In special cases, the Norwegian Coastal Administration may determine, upon an application,
that a pilot exemption certificate may nevertheless be used when carrying the substances mentioned
in paragraph (1).

§ 18 Vessels in the pilot exemption certificate

Upon application to the Norwegian Coastal Administration, the pilot exemption certificate may
be amended to apply to one or more additional specific vessels of a similar type and size as that for
which the pilot exemption certificate applies, without there being a requirement for a new
examination pursuant to § 13. Class 3 pilot exemption certificates can only be amended to apply to
vessels that satisfy the requirements in § 10 paragraph (1).

§ 19 Validity period and renewal of pilot exemption certificates

(1) Class 2 and 3 pilot exemption certificates are valid for five years after issuance. Pilot
exemption certificates can be renewed upon application if the applicant can document that he/she,
during the certificate's validity period, has maintained his/her knowledge of the waters in the area
for which the renewal application has been submitted. The Norwegian Coastal Administration may
allow the use of a simulator to maintain knowledge of the waters. The renewal is valid for five years.
(2) Class 1 pilot exemption certificates are valid for two years after issuance. Pilot exemption
certificates can be renewed upon application if the applicant can document that he/she, during the
certificate's validity period, has made a minimum of two voyages in the fairway. The Norwegian
Coastal Administration may, as an exemption, allow the voyages to be done in a simulator. The
renewal is valid for two years. Pilot exemption certificates that have not been renewed can be
reactivated up to three years after expiry, if the requirements for renewal are fulfilled during the
three-year period.
(3) The renewal application shall include documentation that the requirement for maintaining
knowledge of the waters pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) has been met and a copy of a valid deck
officer certificate. The Norwegian Coastal Administration may stipulate conditions for the renewal,
including that the applicant shall take a new full or partial examination, and it may amend the
content of the pilot exemption certificate.
(4) Renewal of pilot exemption certificates may take place no earlier than six months prior to the
expiration of the validity period of the pilot exemption certificate. The renewal application must be
received by the Norwegian Coastal Administration no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the
validity period of the pilot exemption certificate. The Norwegian Coastal Administration may
determine whether applications received after this may nevertheless be processed as an application
for renewal.

§ 20. Cadet pilot exemption certificates

(1) Someone who is not qualified to obtain a pilot exemption certificate can apply for a cadet
pilot exemption certificate. The Norwegian Coastal Administration issues cadet pilot exemption
(2) Whoever applies for a cadet pilot exemption certificate must:
a) have, during the last 5 years, completed a coastal sailing course approved by the Norwegian
Coastal Administration, and
b) be able to present a written agreement between the vessel's shipping company, master of
the vessel and the applicant concerning systematic training in coastal sailing.
(3) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may stipulate conditions for completion of the
systematic training.

§ 21 Navigation with cadet pilot exemption certificates

(1) Cadet pilot exemption certificates are only valid when the master of the vessel has a valid
pilot exemption certificate for the fairways for which the cadet pilot exemption certificate has been
issued. Cadet pilot exemption certificates may not be used in fairways subject to a class 1 pilot
exemption certificate.
(2) The master of the vessel determines when and in which fairways the holder of the cadet pilot
exemption certificate can be alone on duty on the bridge.

§ 22. Validity period of cadet pilot exemption certificates

Cadet pilot exemption certificates are valid for three years and cannot be renewed. If the holder
of a cadet pilot exemption certificate applies for a pilot exemption certificate upon completing
his/her training, the master of the vessel shall issue a written declaration of the completion of
training, which is to be enclosed with the pilot exemption certificate application.

Chapter 4. Concluding provisions

§ 23 Provisioning of pilots on board
(1) If the pilotage lasts for more than three hours, the pilot shall be offered fare on board the
(2) Pilots who perform pilotage assignments that last more than twelve hours shall have a cabin
that has been cleaned and equipped for sleeping.
(3) Vessels that do not satisfy the requirement in paragraph (2) shall only be assigned a pilot to
ports or pilot boarding areas that can be reached in less than twelve hours.

§ 24 Supervision and control

(1) The Norwegian Coastal Administration is the supervisory authority pursuant to Act no. 70 of
21 June 2019 relating to Harbours and Fairways and authorised to make decisions pursuant to § 37
first paragraph, § 38 second paragraph, § 42, § 47 and § 50 when the decision concerns supervision
and control related to § 21 to § 24 of the Act.
(2) The Norwegian Coastal Administration may suspend and confiscate pilot exemption
certificates, cadet pilot exemption certificates, qualification certificates for pilot exemption
certificate assessors, and the approval of shipping companies, pursuant to § 9 paragraph (4) if:
a) the holder does not provide the information or documentation that is necessary to verify
that he or she fulfils the conditions for having a certificate, or
b) significant prerequisites on which the issuance of the certificate were based have changed.

§ 25 Appeals
Individual decisions made by the Norwegian Coastal Administration under these regulations may
be appealed pursuant to the provisions of the Public Administration Act.

§ 26 Penalties
Breach of §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 21 of these regulations or individual decisions
pursuant to §§ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19 or 20 of these regulations shall be punishable in accordance with
§ 51 of Act no. 70 of 21 June 2019 relating to Harbours and Fairways.

§ 27 Entry into force and repeal of regulations

(1) These regulations shall enter into force at 12:00 a.m on 1 January 2015 and apply to vessels
that begin voyages within a compulsory pilotage area after this point in time.
(2) The following shall be repealed as of the same point in time:
a) Regulations no. 1129 of 23 December 1994 relating to the duty to use a pilot in
Norwegian waters
b) Regulations no. 3127 of 3 January 1968 relating to the provisioning of state pilots on
c) Regulations no. 1 of 13 November 1978 relating to pilot guidance during pilot shortages
d) Regulations no. 388 of 25 April 1995 relating to the Norwegian Coastal Administration's
pilotage fees
e) Regulations no. 1 of 8 December 1981 relating to the entry into force of the regulations
relating to pilot training etc.

§ 28 Transitional provisions
Holders of pilot exemption certificates that are entitled as of 31 December 2014 to navigate in a
fairway for which local restrictions are introduced, or local restrictions are changed as of 1 January
2015, will retain their rights until the next time the pilot exemption certificate must be renewed. The
requirements in § 19 will apply for renewal.
Annex 1.

Waters within the baselines that are exempt from compulsory pilotage for voyages to and
from the pilot boarding area.

The areas mentioned in § 4 paragraph (2) of the regulations shall be determined by drawing straight
lines between the geographical coordinates specified below:
(the coordinates have not been reproduced in this English translation. Pls confer the original
Norwegian version for geographical coordinates at: https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2014-
(the areas are also set out in the Norwegian Coastal Administration map solution, Kystinfo,
https://kart.kystverket.no/. Select: temalag/los og farledsbevis/innseilingskorridorer –losplikt)
Annex 2.

Pilot boarding areas Position Municipality Comment or restriction

North East
Troms and Finnmark
Kirkenes inner 69o 47.3’ 030o 04.9’ Sør-Varanger Max LOA 1103, Only by agreement1
Kirkenes outer 69o 51.3’ 030o 07.2’ Sør-Varanger
Vardø north 70° 25,0’ 031° 06,0’ Vardø
Vardø south 70° 21,0’ 031° 09,0’ Vardø
Båtsfjord 70° 39,5’ 029° 49,0’ Båtsfjord
Honningsvåg outer 70o 58,0’ 026o 16,9’ Nordkapp Passenger vessels>25.000BT and STS-vessels4
Honningsvåg inner 70o 57,5’ 025o 57,4’ Nordkapp
Fruholmen 71o 05,0’ 023o 38,0’ Masøy >20.000BT and for helicopterboarding2
Akkarfjordnæringen 70o 47,0’ 023o 32,2’ Hammerfest
Fugløya 70o 06,0’ 020o 12,9’ Karlsøy
Grøtnes 69o 52,4’ 019o 47,6’ Karlsøy Max LOA 1103
Hekkingen outer 69o 36,5’ 017o 51,9’ Lenvik
Hekkingen inner 69o 31,’7 018o 01,9’ Lenvik Max LOA 1103

Andenes 69o 19,5’ 016o 13,5’ Andøy
Myre* 69o 00,0’ 014o 58,0’ Øksnes Only by prior aggreement1
Melbu * 68o 28,0’ 014o 48,0’ Hadsel Only by prior aggreement1
Lødingen 68o 22,9’ 016o 01,7’ Lødingen
Tranøy inner 68o 18,5’ 015o 55,7’ Tysfjord Only by prior aggreement1
Tranøy outer 68o 12,7’ 015o 35,7’ Hamarøy
Svolvær* 68o 11,0’ 014o 33,0’ Vågan Max LOA 1103, Only by prior aggreement1
Molldøra* 68o 13,0’ 014o 53,5’ Vågan Max LOA 1103, Only by prior aggreement1
Svinøy* 68o 02,0’ 013o 35,0’ Vesvågøy Only by prior aggreement1
Landegode 67o 30,0’ 014o 22,5’ Bodø
Store Svartoksen 67 o13,9’ 014o 07,2’ Bodø Max LOA 1103
Fleinvær 67o 13,5’ 013o 46,2’ Gildeskål
Åsvær outer 66o 17,0’ 012o 12,5’ Dønna
Åsvær inner 66o 15,3’ 012o 36,’7 Dønna Max LOA 1103

Møre and Trøndelag

Grinna* 64o 44,0’ 010o 58,0’ Rørvik Only by prior aggreement1
Rekkøyråsa* 64o 38,0’ 010o 49,0’ Flatanger Only by prior aggreement1
Raudøyleia* 64o 24,0’ 010o 14,0’ Osen Only by prior aggreement1
Flesa 63o 39,0’ 009o 14,9’ Hitra
Grip inner 63o 14,0’ 007o 42,2’ Kristiansund
Grip outer 63o 15,0’ 007o 35,9’ Kristiansund Only by prior aggreement1
Pilot boarding areas Position Municipality Comment or restriction
North East
Ona 62o 56,0’ 006o 27,0’ >25.000BT and only by helicopterboarding
Breisundet 62o 27,0’ 005o 58,9’ Giske
Vanylvsgapet 62o 12,5’ 005o 16,9’ Selje

Western Norway
Only by prior aggreement1, only by
Kvannhovden Vest (1) 61° 43,0′ 004° 23,5′ Flora helicopterboarding
Kvannhovden (2) 61o 42,2’ 004o 45,5’ Flora
Hellefjord (3) 61° 39,1’ 004° 51,2’ Flora Only by prior aggreement1
Frøysjøen (4) 61° 45,0’ 004° 56,6’ Flora Only by prior aggreement1
Holmengrå West (1) 60o 51,0’ 004o 25,9’ Gulen >30.000BT and by helicopterboarding2
Holmengrå (2) 60o 51,4’ 004o 39,0’ Fedje
Holmengrå inner (3) 60o 51,4’ 004o 45,2’ Fedje Only by prior aggreement1
Fedje West (1) 60o 46,0’ 004o 27,9’ Fedje >30.000BT and by helicopterboarding2
Fedjeosen (2) 60o 44,1’ 004o 44,0’ Fedje
Fedjeosen inner (3) 60o 45,7’ 004o 46,1’ Fedje Only by prior aggreement1
Korsfjord 60o 08,6’ 005o 00,9’ Austevoll
Smørstakk 59o 13,1’ 005o 21,0’ Bokn
Skudenesfjord 59o 06,7’ 005o 26,2’ Kvitsøy
Skudenesfjord West 59o 02,0’ 005o 10,0’ Karmøy >30.000BT and by helicopterboarding2
Feistein 58o 51,0’ 005o 30,0’ Sola
Egersund North 58o 26,9’ 005o 50,9’ Eigersund
Egersund South 58o 22,9’ 005o 59,9’ Eigersund
Sokndal 58o 17,9’ 006o 13,9’ Sokndal
Listafjord 58o 10,9’ 006o 32,9’ Flekkefjord
Farsund 58o 01,5’ 006o 50,0’ Farsund
Songvår* 58° 00,7′ 007° 51,3′ Søgne Only by prior agreement1
Oksøy 58o 03,3’ 008o 05,6’ Kristiansand
Torungen 58o 23,5’ 008o 48,6’ Arendal
Langesundsbukta 58o 56,5’ 009o 47,6’ Larvik
Færder Syd* 59° 00,0′ 010° 25,0′ Tjøme Only by prior agreement1
Færder 59° 04,5′ 010° 34,4′ Tjøme
Struten 59° 07,6′ 010° 43,2′ Fredrikstad Only by prior agreement1
Hvaler 59° 03,1′ 010° 47,0′ Hvaler Only by prior agreement1
Ytre Vidgrunnen 59° 01,7′ 010° 51,1′ Hvaler
Vidgrunnen 59° 01,0′ 010° 55,9′ Hvaler
Pilot boarding areas Position Municipality Comment or restriction
North East
Sekken 58° 58,6′ 011° 02,7′ Hvaler

*Pilot boarding area is not a part of the ordinary transport service and the costs must be covered by the
individual vessels.
Pilot boarding area may only be used by prior agreement with the pilot master or pilot dispatch centre.
Shall be used by vessels carrying hazardous or pollutive cargo that is greater than the specified tonnage and
for helicopter boarding.
Only vessels with a max LOA of 110 metres, which do not fall under § 3 paragraph (1), letters c to g or h, where
the responsible duty officer on the bridge has navigated the fairway at least once before.
Shall be used on inbound voyages by passenger vessels that are larger than the stated tonnage and by vessels
that are to perform STS operations
Annex 3. Local restrictions for the use of pilot exemption certificates

The restrictions in column 1 apply to class 2 and 3 pilot exemption certificates and to cadet pilot exemption
certificates. If no special restrictions are stated for night navigation, the same restrictions as for daytime
navigation apply.
The restrictions in column 2 apply to class 1 pilot exemption certificates and coincide with local pilot service
restrictions as to when a pilotage assignment is to be regarded as extraordinary. If no restrictions are specified
in column 2, then no differentiated limits have been established and the restrictions in column 1 apply.
The definition of night in this context corresponds to night navigation as defined in § 2 of the regulations.

Place/fairway Column 1 Column 2

Restrictions for class 2 and 3 pilot exemption Class 1 pilot exemption certificate
certificates and cadet pilot exemption certificates restrictions

Day Night Day Night

Oslo Fjord

Tresten-Sekken to Halden (1001) No PEC navigation for tows*

and Tresten-Løperen to Denofa with length of 75m, width of
(1992 and 2007). 20m or a draught of 5 metres
or more.

Sponvikskansen to Halden (1001) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 130m Max LOA 125m

Løperen-Fredrikstad (1002) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Kjøkøysundet (2004) Max LOA 70m Max LOA 100m

Vesterelva (2005) Max LOA 70m Max LOA 100m

Fredrikstad-Sarpsborg (2015) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

Alvim/Hafslund – Melløs No PEC navigation

Sandvika (2018) Max LOA 70m Max LOA 105m

Drammensfjorden (1010) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Tønsberg (1012) Max LOA 105m Mac LOA 125m


Bonden – Sandefjord (1015) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Langesundet (2043) Sail through: No PEC navigation Sail through: No PEC

Arrival: Max LOA 125m.
Arrival: Max LOA

Langesundsbukta – Dypingen – Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Porsgrunn (1023)

Linnarenna (2044) No PEC navigation

Porsgrunn – Gråtenløpet (2058) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 110m

Gråtenløpet – Skien Max LOA 85m Max LOA 85m

Place/fairway Column 1 Column 2
Restrictions for class 2 and 3 pilot exemption Class 1 pilot exemption certificate
certificates and cadet pilot exemption certificates restrictions

Day Night Day Night

Jomfrulandsrevet – Kragerø (1025), Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125

through Stanggapet
Max draught 7,0m Max draught 7,0m

Jomfrulandsrevet – Kragerø (1025), Max LOA 90m No PEC navigation Max LOA 125 No PEC navigation
through Rødskjærgapet (2064)
Max draught 9,0m Max draught 9,0m

Jomfrulandsgapet (2051) No PEC navigation

Langøytangen – Kragerø (2052) No PEC navigation

Gumøysund – Kragerø (2053) No PEC navigation

Kjøpmannsfjord (2054) No PEC navigation

Hellefjord (2055) No PEC navigation Max LOA 115m

Max LOA 95m when
draught more than

Åtangen (2060) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125m

Snekkevik (2061) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125m

Litangen (2062) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125m

Grønnholmgapet (2065) No PEC navigation

Grønnholmsgapet – Søndeled No PEC navigation


Kranfjord (2073) No PEC navigation

Taraldskjær – Risør (2072) No PEC navigation

Stangholmgapet-Risør (2070) Max LOA 125 Max LOA 150m

Østergapet – Lyngørleia – Bonden No PEC navigation


Sildeskjær – Gåsholmen (2075) No PEC navigation

Gjennom Lyngør (2076) No PEC navigation

Kjeholmsgapet (2077) No PEC navigation

Tvedestrandsfjord (2080) No PEC navigation

Lyngør – Arendal, fairway Bonden Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m
– Eydehavn (1030)

Lyngør – Arendal, fairway Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Eydehavn – Arendal (1030)

Galtesund (1031) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Place/fairway Column 1 Column 2
Restrictions for class 2 and 3 pilot exemption Class 1 pilot exemption certificate
certificates and cadet pilot exemption certificates restrictions

Day Night Day Night

Spærholmen – Hesnesbregen No PEC navigation


Merdø – Leiholmsund (2085) No PEC navigation

Gamlegapet (2083) No PEC navigation

Rivingdypet – Grimstad – Vikkilen Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m


East and south of Homborsund No PEC navigation


Homborsundleia (2090) No PEC navigation

Lillesand approach (2091) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Saltholmen – Kristiansand through No PEC navigation

Randesund (2092)

Kårehausen – Ytrehausen (2094) No PEC navigation

Vestergapet – Byfjord (1033) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 125m

Høllen (2096) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125m Max LOA 95m

Færøsund (2097) No PEC navigation

Mannefjord (1034) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 125m

Inner fairway Lindesnes – No PEC navigation

Vestergapet (2095)

Våre – East of Langeboene (2099) No PEC navigation, conf.

limitations to fairways 2095
and 2100

Lundegaardsleia (2100) No PEC navigation

Rosfjord (2101) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Reiarsleia (2102) No PEC navigation

Farsund (1035) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

Stolsfjorden – Flekkefjord (1040) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 100m Max LOA 125m Max LOA 100m

Fedafjord – Kvinesdal (2103) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Melkeholmsundet (2106) No PEC navigation

Jøssingfjord (2107) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

Rekefjord (2108) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 105m

Svåholmsundet (2109) No PEC navigation

Place/fairway Column 1 Column 2
Restrictions for class 2 and 3 pilot exemption Class 1 pilot exemption certificate
certificates and cadet pilot exemption certificates restrictions

Day Night Day Night

Egersund (1041) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

Nordresundet including Max LOA 90m Max LOA 100m

Maurholmen (2110)

Hellvik (2111) Max LOA 85m Max LOA 90m

Sirevåg (2112) Max LOA 90 m Max LOA 110m Max LOA 100m


Karmsundet north of Høgevarde Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m


Saudafjorden (1047) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m


Stokksund-Nyleia (2170) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Lukksund (2191) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 105m

Storebø (2228, 2231 and 2025 Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m Max LOA 110m
from Grøningen/Drøna to

Eide (2234) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125m Max LOA 100m

Kobbeleia (2241) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

Rognesundet (2252) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 105m

Tjuasundet, from Tjuasundet to Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

Eikefet (2263)

Radfjorden (2264) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Vatlestraumen (1506) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Ånnelandsundet (2280) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 100m

Gudvangen (2304) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125m

Ytre Steinsund (1511) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Førdefjorden (2323) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 90m Max LOA 125m Max LOA 110m

Florø (1518) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Nordgulen (2333) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 135m

Skateatraumen (1521) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Måløysundet (1523) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Møre and Trøndelag

Place/fairway Column 1 Column 2
Restrictions for class 2 and 3 pilot exemption Class 1 pilot exemption certificate
certificates and cadet pilot exemption certificates restrictions

Day Night Day Night

Flåvær-Eggesbønes (Flåværsleden Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m


Røyrasundet (Flåværsleden 1532) Max LOA 100m Max LOA 100m

Breisundet – Torvik (Flåværsleden Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m


Linesleia (2551) and Stokksundet Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m
(Leikula 2544)

Lysøysundet (Leikula 2544) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 105m

Hopsfjorden (2555) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Grandevika – Asenleia – Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Buholmsråsa (1546)

Ivarholmsleden (1556) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Dolmsundet (1151) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m


Leirfjorden-Vefsnsundet (1161) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Raftsundet (1184) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

Tjeldsundet (1578) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 150m

Træna(2622) (restriction on arrival Max LOA 95m Max LOA 105m

to port)

Saltstraumen (2655) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Værøy (2682) (restriction on arrival Max LOA 105m Max LOA 90m Max LOA 120m Max LOA 105m
to port)

Moskenes (2683) ) (restriction on Max LOA 110m Max LOA 110m

arrival to port)

Ballstad (2740) Max LOA 75m Max LOA 75m

Gimsøystraumen (2746) Max LOA 105m Max LOA 120m

Hopen Max LOA 100m Max LOA 100m

Osan (Svolvær western harbour) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 150m

Melbu (2779) (restriction on arrival Max LOA 100m Max LOA 100m
to port)

Steinesjøen (2790) Max LOA 120m Max LOA 120m

Steinesjøen inner harbour (2790) Max LOA 75m Max LOA 75m
Place/fairway Column 1 Column 2
Restrictions for class 2 and 3 pilot exemption Class 1 pilot exemption certificate
certificates and cadet pilot exemption certificates restrictions

Day Night Day Night

Myre inner harbour/within Max LOA 115m Max LOA 115m

Kartneset (2800)

Andenes (2853) (restriction on Max LOA 75m Max LOA 90m***

arrival to port)

Troms and Finnmark

Senjahopen (2864) Max LOA 125m Max LOA 135m

Husøy (2877) Max LOA 90m Max LOA 100m

Sommerøy (2873) Max LOA 95m Max LOA 110m

Vannavalen (2911) (restriction on Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

arrival to port)

Gjesvær (2970) (restriction on Max LOA 105m Max LOA 125m

arrival to port)

Skardsholmen-Leirpollen (1213)** Max LOA 90m** Max LOA 127m**

Max draught 6,8m inbound Max draught 6,8m
Max draught 7,2m outbound
Max draught 7,2m

* If the vessel tows or pushes one or more objects, and the object or objects has a total length/width/draught equal to or
more than the number given.
**Special restrictions Tana Fjord to/from Leirpollen:
1. A pilot exemption certificate examination must be taken going in and out of Leirpollen for both class 1 and class 2
2. For navigating in and out of Leirpollen, the anchors shall be unsecured and manned so that they can be dropped
immediately if necessary.
3. Pilot exemption certificates do not apply to navigating in and out of Leirpollen if the wind speed is in excess of 20
4. For a draught greater than 5.5 metres, navigation into Leirpollen shall only take place from 1 hour prior to high
tide until 1 hour after high tide.
5. For a draught greater than 5.5 metres, navigation out of Leirpollen shall only take place from 2 hours prior to high
tide until high tide.
*** If the vessel is equipped with a bowthruster
Annex 4. Places with separate deadlines for final confirmation of the starting time of pilotage.

For the following locations the Norwegian Coastal Administration may specify separate deadlines for
final confirmation of the starting time of pilotage:
Place Locode Pilot station
Båtsfjord NOBJF Honningsvåg
Båtsfjord Losbordingspunkt NOZBT Honningsvåg
Hamnbukt – Porsanger NOHBT Honningsvåg
Skarsvåg NOSKZ Honningsvåg
Alta NOALF Hammerfest
Havøysund NOHAV Hammerfest
Finnsnes NOFNE Tromsø
Senjahopen NOSJH Tromsø
Gryllefjord NOGRY Tromsø
Torsken NOTOR Tromsø
Sørreisa NOSRA Tromsø
Stjernøya NOSTY Tromsø
Andenes NOADN Lødingen
Andenes Losbordingspunkt NOZAN Lødingen
Ballstad NOBSD Lødingen
Finnfjordbotn NOFFB Lødingen
Gravdal NOGRD Lødingen
Leknes NOLKN Lødingen
Myrflesan Ankring NOZNY Lødingen
Reine NOREI Lødingen
Risøyhamn NORSH Lødingen
Stamsund NOSUZ Lødingen
Svinøy Losbordingspunkt NOXSI Lødingen
Å i Lofoten NOAAA Lødingen
Værøy NOVEY Bodø
Glomfjord NOGLO Sandnessjøen
Halsa Meløy NOHSA Sandnessjøen
Flesa Losbordingspunkt NOXRE Trondheim
Grinna Losbordingspunkt NOZGI Trondheim
Hestvika NOHES Trondheim
Krigsborgan NOZKB Trondheim
Kråkvågfjorden Losbordingspunkt NOZKR Trondheim
Kvithylla NOKIA Trondheim
Lysøysund NOLSU Trondheim
Nordfosen NONFO Trondheim
Nordskaget – Frøya NONSF Trondheim
Raudøya NOZRU Trondheim
Rekkøyråsa Losbordingspunkt NOXRK Trondheim
Place Locode Pilot station
Rørvik NORVK Trondheim
Sandstad NOHIT Trondheim
Sandviksberget NOSAI Trondheim
Trondheim Reden NOZTR Trondheim
Uthaug NOUTH Trondheim
Utvorda NOUTV Trondheim
Valsneset NOVAE Trondheim
Halsa NOHLS Kristiansund
Nyhamna NONYH Kristiansund
Smøla NOSMO Kristiansund
Tjeldbergodden NOTBO Kristiansund
Vikan – Smøla NOVSM Kristiansund
Aukra NOAUK Ålesund
Elnesvågen NOELN Ålesund
Fiskåbygd – Vanylven NOFSK Ålesund
Flem NOFLM Ålesund
Fosnavåg NOFOS Ålesund
Gursken NOGUR Ålesund
Hareid NOHRI Ålesund
Hjørungavåg NOHJO Ålesund
Liavåg NOLIA Ålesund
Midsund NOMID Ålesund
Mjølstadneset NOMSD Ålesund
Molde NOMOL Ålesund
Moldtustranda NOMLT Ålesund
Rovde NOROV Ålesund
Steinshamn NOSTH Ålesund
Ulsteinvik NOULS Ålesund
Vanylvsgapet Losbordingspunkt NOZVG Ålesund
Vartdal NOVTL Ålesund
Ørsta NOORS Ålesund
Åheim NOAHM Ålesund
Dale NODSF Florø
Høyanger NOHYR Florø
Leirvik i Hyllestad NOLEA Florø
Måløy NOMAY Florø
Nordfjordeid NONFD Florø
Selje NOSJE Florø
Sogndal NOSOG Florø
Vågsvåg NOVVG Florø
Vik – Sogn NOVIS Fedje
Eidfjord NOEDF Bergen
Place Locode Pilot station
Flåm NOFLA Bergen
Gudvangen NOGUD Bergen
Granvin NOGRV Bergen
Lærdal NOLRD Bergen
Jondal NOJON Bergen
Odda NOODD Bergen
Omastranda NOOMA Bergen
Tyssedal NOTSX Bergen
Ulvik NOUVK Bergen
Årdalstangen NOARD Bergen
Fitjar NOFIT Viksøy
Fusa NOFUS Viksøy
Halsnøy NOHAZ Viksøy
Husnes NOHUS Viksøy
Høylandsbygda NOHLB Viksøy
Rosendal NORSE Viksøy
Fiskå – Strand NOFIS Tananger
Hjelmeland NOHJL Tananger
Tau NOTAU Tananger
Steinvig NOSTI Tananger
Årdal – Hjelmeland NOARH Tananger

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