Nectar in A Sieve Q and A: 1) - Do You Think The Narrator's Husband Is Alive ? How Do You Know? Support Your Answer
Nectar in A Sieve Q and A: 1) - Do You Think The Narrator's Husband Is Alive ? How Do You Know? Support Your Answer
Nectar in A Sieve Q and A: 1) - Do You Think The Narrator's Husband Is Alive ? How Do You Know? Support Your Answer
Chapter 1
1). Do you think the narrator's husband is alive ? how do you know? Support your answer.
No, the narrator's husband cannot be alive. When she says '' sometimes at night I think that
my husband is with me again '' we tend to think that her husband is not with her, but we do
not get any idea about whether he is not alive. The sentence, '' then morning comes , the
wavering grey turns gold , there is stirring within as the sleepers awake , and he softly departs''
conveys that she only saw him in a dream like condition. This leads us to think that he is not
2). What do you think that this large building may symbolise?
According to the narrator, this building is the result of money being invested and and people
in the area working hard to build it . So this buildind may symbolise the collective effort of
3). What would the narrator's elder brother's statement , '' don't speak like a fool , the
headman is no longer of cosequence. There is the collector, who comes to these villages once
a year and to him is the power and to those he reports ; not to the headman'' convey ?
This statement may convey a tranfer of power and eminance from one set of people who
enjoyed prestige to another set of people in the context of change of socio- economic and
The village headman is a remnant of old feudal system that prevailed in India
and other South Asian countries . The collector is an officer with adminisrative power
appointed by the British who ruled these south Asian countries , Thus we see in this
statement a transition from the old system to a newly emerging modern system in which
money plays an important part .
'' For six ours we rode on and on and along the dusty road -----------------------------------------
--------------------------------- poor beasts, they seemed glad of the water , for aleady their hides
were dusty''.
This extract has been taken from Kamala Markandaya's novel '' Nectar in a sieve''.
The situation here is that the narrator recollects how she , after her wedding , came home
with her husband in a bullock cart on a very difficult bumpy road .The experience of
travelling such a long distance by a bullock cart was new and difficult for her.
The fact that she was escorted only by her husband in a single bullock cart
conveys that she was poorly married ; beneath her social and economic status . How she
cried in having to leave her parents and how the husband lovingly comforted her were
natural and usual. The wrter quite effectively portrays the scene with simple description .
The mode of transportation - a bullock cart . How the bulls suffered and the
difficulty of travelling on a bumpy road across the countryside convey the backward nature
of the area. It is beautiful countryside but not without its disadvantages . Thus this journey
may symbolise the difficult journey of life that the narrator has set out to go on.
5). What do you understand about the narrator when she says to her husband that she was
not frightened and it suited her well to live in a mud hut when she was told by her husband
that they would be able to move to a bi house like her father's?
We can see that when she first saw the simple cottage where she would live for the rest of her
life that she was disappointed and dejected . But when her husband tries to cosole her lovingly
and innocently she accepts things as they are without grumbling . This reveals her readiness and courage
to face the challenges of life without grumbling.
6). Read the following extract comment on it
'' 'Built it' ? I said . I did not know - he did not bell me'' -----------------------------------------------
What for ? I am glad she told me .Should I not be proud that you have built this
This extract has been taken from Kamala Markandaya's novel ''Nectar in a Sieve''
The context here is that the narrator recollects how she felt when she saw the cottage
built of mud where she was to live with her husband . The she recollects hoe one her new
neighbour told her that that house was built by her husband with his own hands before she
was brought in and how she asked her husband about the matter as he had not about it she
told her that he had built it and when her husband questioned her as to who told her about it
she told him that didn't matter as she liked that he had their house with his own hands.
life those rural people had those days . It was almost a self sufficient life style - one could
make his dwelling with his own labour with simple building materials and lead a happy and
the audience through this dialogue without a single comment on her part . The readers are
made to think for themselves which is more effective than the auther commenting ion the
Chapter 2
1). What do you gather from the narrator's helping Kunthi when she was having labour pain
and insisting on the narrator's leaving her alone?
Here we can see an exaple of real neighbourly feeling on the parts of both the narrator and
Kunthi . The narrator herself was pregnant when she went to help Kunthi when she was having
labour pain . So it is a tremendous sacrifice on her part for her neighbour . Kunthi , on her part
vehemently protests against the narrator's, Rukmani's coming to help her because , as we
understand, she did not want Rukmani to see the kind of suffering one undergoes in
delivery. This is nothing other than showing concern for one's suffering and hardships even
of true friendship , neighbourly feelings and humanity that we could see in that remote era
when society was yet to be corrupted by the advent of commercialism and consumer culture
'' 'What use' , my mother said that a girl should be learned ! Much good it will it do
--------------------------------was scornful of the strange symbols which had no meaning for and
dismissed it as a foible of pregnancy''
This extract has been taken from the novel '' Nectar in a Sieve '' by Kamala Markandaya''
The situation here is that the narrator recollects how she did some writing
to while away the time during her pregnancy of her first child .There her thoughts run back to
where she was still a young girl and how she was taught to read and write by her father .
According to her father , learning to read and write is an added advantage for a girl
in case she does not have a big dowry. So he decided to teach our narrator.There her mother opposed
the idea saying that she , despite her illiteracy , can make a clean and well kept
arranged household .
This argument follows that leaning or gettting a sort of formal education was
confined only to boys in that highly conservative rural society . And that in turn conveys how backward
rural India was during the time period the story is set.
But the narrator , being educated read and write was much ahead when
compared with the other women in her neighbourhood . The other women were quite illiterate
and backward . They could not even dream of learning to read and write ; it was a distant
'' for what woman wants a girl for her first born ?'' this question conveys the