Water Trash Collector
Water Trash Collector
Water Trash Collector
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Water is essential to life, yet water pollution is to operate the device by observing in mobile and human can
one of the most serious environmental threats that we operate the device from anywhere.
face today. Our lakes and river are increasingly getting
polluted. The innovative system that we propose offers a C. Advantages
unique and automated way to tackle water pollution by Operator need not be present at the site.
eliminating manual labour thus increasing efficiency and Longer range due to the use of telemetric devices.
decreasing the cost and time needed. The main aim of It can be operated using an android app.
this floating waste collector project is to clean the waste It has live stream option, so user can operate the device
that gets accumulated on the surface of water bodies from any location.
thus keeping the water clean hence decreasing pollution.
In this project we are going to use Arduino and Android
software to model and build Arduino Circuit for our
water collector bot. It will collect the waste from the
surface of water and push it towards the land around it.
With the use of DC motors, the bot and collectors will
have to & fro movement.
D. Batteries
A battery is a device consisting of one or more cells
with a connection to the outside world. The positive and
negative terminals of a battery are used to supply electric
power. electrons will flow through an external electric
circuit to the positive terminal from the terminal marked (Fig. 2 Bot collecting trash)
negative When a battery is connected to an external electric
load, a redox reaction converts high-energy reactants to
lower-energy products, and the free-energy difference is
delivered to the external circuit as electrical energy.
E. MI Camera
The Mi Home Security Camera 360° is a 2-megapixel
camera with an f/2.1 aperture. In well-lit environments, be it
indoors or outdoors, the camera captured an ample amount
of light in our tests, which means that videos retained a
decent amount of colour and looked clear.
F. Blynk
Blynk is an internet of things platform that can be used
to control devices on the internet. A graphical interface or
human machine interface can be created with the help of this
(Fig.3 Bot collecting trash)
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