Smart Traffic Management Using Deep Learning
Smart Traffic Management Using Deep Learning
Smart Traffic Management Using Deep Learning
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The recent era is marked by rapid Due to increase in the no. of roads and vehicles, traffic
improvement and advances in technology. One of the control has become an essential part of intelligent transport
most essential areas that demand improvement is the system. Many researches have been conducted for traffic
traffic signal, as it constitutes the core of the traffic management applications based on image and video
system. This demand becomes stringent with the processing approaches.[7] The analysis of traffic video data
development of Smart Cities. Unfortunately, road traffic includes detection of vehicles, counting of vehicles,
is currently controlled by very old traffic signals congestion of traffic and collisions of vehicles. These
regardless of the relentless effort devoted to developing applications have become popular recently due to the
& improving the traffic flow. These traditional traffic availability of low-cost cameras and embedded devices.
signals have many problems including inefficient time Real-time videos pose several challenges for automated
management in road intersections; they are not immune traffic analysis.[2] The difficulties faced by the automated
to some environmental conditions, like rain; and they system include the presence of shadows, occlusion of
have no means of giving priority to emergency vehicles. vehicles, Environmental variations such as rain, fog, dust,
In this paper, we present the architecture of our etc., which normally degrade the performance.
proposed Smart Traffic Signal controller. We present
local traffic management of an intersection based on the Existing traffic prediction approaches can be roughly
demands of future Smart Cities for fairness, reducing categorized into 2 types, that is, model-based approaches
commute time, providing reasonable traffic flow, and data-driven approaches.[4] A model-based approach
reducing traffic congestion. Traffic problem are mimics the traffic dynamics by explicitly adopting traffic
increasing day by day and it is becoming a serious flow models. Once the traffic simulation system is well
problem in the recent world [2]. Various traffic established, traffic prediction can be achieved through the
monitoring systems have been developed. Traffic is evolution process of the system. In comparison, a data-
always a complex and challenging problem due to a driven approach establishes a mapping between historical
mixture of different types of vehicles as well as the large traffic flow and its future prediction but does not presume a
number of vehicles on road. To improve the traffic traffic flow model to describe the dynamics of a
management, it is critical to develop a real time traffic transportation system. With the development of big data and
flow estimation system which can detect, classify and deep learning, data-driven prediction models have attracted
count vehicles, detect traffic violation at any given time. more attention and achieved superior performances.
In this study, a multi-vehicle detection and tracking However, as far as we can tell, there is no one traffic
approach was proposed to achieve these requirements. prediction model that consistently outperforms other models
under any traffic condition and for any traffic dataset. The
I. INTRODUCTION solution must be intelligent and has decision-making
capabilities depending on the different situations in the
The traffic congestion problem is increasing day by different lanes. There are different phases of the proposed
day everywhere around us and must be solved more model. The first phase is video processing. The continuous
intelligently considering the continuous increase in traffic in video stream from the traffic camera situated at the traffic
not-so distant future. Among most proposed solutions like signal junction is fed to the model. During the video
building more infrastructure or improving citizen commute processing, the frames are extracted from the video input.
patterns, creating an intelligent control system to manage the There are hundreds of frames present in a stream of few
traffic flow comes to be a better and most efficient solution. seconds, so it is not possible to process each frame and it is
The more intelligent control system part over here means to not required because there is no such significant change in
use more sophisticated timing algorithms with the help of the vehicle density between two consecutive frames.
machine learning algorithms to solve the problem Therefore, each frame after a particular time interval is
autonomously. Instead of using fixed time intervals system taken. Then shrinking the size of the frame is done from the
should be able to set variable timers to each lane.[1] These actual size of the frame to 416 x 416 pixels. After this phase,
variable timers should be computed by the algorithms based the processed frame is fed to the model for object detection.
on different traffic conditions in real-time. Using such The neural network extracts the features and identifies the
solutions in real life can positively affect various object using bounding boxes. The total vehicle count of a
characteristics of a daily commute, especially in lane is passed to the dynamic traffic signal timer algorithm.
metropolitan cities. It may also help in saving many valuable The algorithm considers the density of all the other lanes
resources like time and fuel while managing the smooth and calculates the relativity between them. Depending on
traffic flow with the least stops possible. which, it classifies the lane in either low, medium, or high