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MAKALAH BAHASA INGGRIS Kasus Maraknya Pernikahan Dini

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We thank God for the presence of Allah SWT. who has bestowed His grace and guidance so
that we can finish this paper. We would also like to thank all those who have contributed to
the preparation of this paper. Of course, it will not be maximized if it does not get support
from various parties.

As compilers, we realize that there are still deficiencies, both in the preparation and grammar
of the presentation in this paper. Therefore, we humbly accept suggestions and criticisms
from readers so that we can improve this paper.

We hope that the scientific work we have compiled will be of benefit and inspiration to


LIST OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background....................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Formulation Of The Problem.......................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................................2
2.1 Definition of marriage and young marriage................................................................................2
2.2 Government Response to Early Marriage...................................................................................2
2.3 Negative Impacts of Early Marriage............................................................................................3
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................6



1.1 Background

Humans in the process of development to continue their kind need a life partner who can give
offspring according to what they want. Marriage is a way to create a happy and eternal family
or household based on Belief in the One and Only God. This means that the marriage should
last a lifetime and should not just end.

Marriage is generally done by adults regardless of profession, religion, ethnicity, poor or rich,
living in a village or a city.

The age of marriage that is too young results in an increase in divorce cases due to a lack of
awareness to be responsible in household life husband and wife. Even though the age limit
for marriage has been stipulated in Article 7 paragraph (1) of Law no. In year 74, namely,
marriage is only permitted if the man has reached the age of 19 years and the woman has
reached the age of 16 years. However, in practice, we still encounter many marriages at a
young or underage age, even though a successful marriage requires maturity, and physical
and mental responsibility to be able to realize ideal ideals in household life.

1.2 Formulation Of The Problem

 What is Marriage?
 What is the Government's Response to Early Marriage?
 What are the negative impacts arising from early marriage?



2.1 Definition of marriage and young marriage

Marriage is a symbol of agreeing on an agreement (Akad) between a man and a woman (in
traditional society it is also an agreement between families) based on equal rights and
obligations between the two parties. The total surrender of a woman to a man. The event is
when a father officially hands over his daughter to a man to be "used" however he pleases.

The purpose of Marriage is to legally legalize sexual relations between a man and a woman.
to legally regulate the rights and obligations of each including the prohibition or inhibition of
polygamy. For data collection and demographic purposes.

Criteria for the success of a marriage, happiness of husband and wife, a good relationship
between parents and children, good adjustment between children, the ability to obtain
satisfaction from differences of opinion, togetherness, a good adjustment in financial matters,
good adjustment on the part of the couple's family.

Marriage is a relationship (contract) between a man and a woman with the intention that each
can enjoy the other (istimtaa') and form a family and build a clean society (Utsaimin, 2009).

Young (Early) Marriage is a marriage carried out by underage adolescents (between 13-18
years) who are still not mature enough both physically and psychologically, due to various
factors including economic, social, and cultural factors, wrong religious interpretations,
education, and the consequences of promiscuity. Individuals who marry at a young age tend
to depend on their parents financially and emotionally.

2.2 Government Response to Early Marriage

The National Population and Family Planning Agency in collaboration with the Marriage and
Divorce Advisory Board of the Ministry of Religion issued a module that encourages the
minimum age of marriage for women to be 21 years and for men to be 25 years. This new
policy is intended so that married couples are truly mature physically and spiritually.

"This is one of the efforts to prevent and reduce the number of early marriages," said former
Acting Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency Fasli Jalal on the
sidelines of a discussion on "The Role of the BKKBN in Addressing Child Marriage" at the
Women's Health Foundation office in Jakarta, Tuesday (10 /2).

The event included representatives from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child
Protection, the Ministry of Health, Komnas Perempuan, as well as activists from several non-
governmental organizations.

Early marriage is a serious problem that gives birth to various further problems, such as
maternal and infant mortality, educational disconnection, and increasing poverty. Mujaddid,
Head of the Sub-Directorate for Health Development at the Ministry of Health, said that 41.9
percent of the total number of first marriages occurred at the age of 15 to 19 years.

”In fact, in terms of reproductive health, that age is too young. The risk of anemia and
chronic energy deficiency is enormous," he said. A network of women's rights activists
applied to the Constitutional Court to change the minimum age for marriage in Law Number
1 of 1974 concerning Marriage from 16 years to 18 years for women. After ten trials, they are
now waiting for the Constitutional Court's decision.

Daily Executor (Plh) Head of the East Kalimantan National Population and Family Planning
Agency (BKKBN) Yenrizal Makmur also said that early marriage had many negative

2.3 Negative Impacts of Early Marriage

"Negative impacts, including being vulnerable to divorce, due to lack of responsibility, and
for women at high risk of death during childbirth," he said in Samarinda, Saturday (12/4). He
said women aged 15-19 years were twice as likely to die during childbirth than those aged
20-25 years, while those aged under 15 years were likely to die five times.

According to research, young women who are pregnant will experience several things, such
as bleeding, miscarriage, and long or difficult delivery. This condition causes the mother who
will give birth to die. Meanwhile, the impact on the baby, according to him, is likely to be
premature birth, weight less than 2,500 grams, and the possibility of birth defects due to
inadequate nutritional intake because young mothers do not know the adequacy of nutrition
for the fetus, besides young mothers also tend to be stressed.
In addition, he said, the psychological impact of those who marry at a young age or under 20
years, are mentally not ready to face the changes during pregnancy.

Another problem is the change in roles, namely not being ready to carry out the role as a
mother and facing household problems that often hit newly married families. Early marriage,
he said, also had a negative impact from a social perspective, namely reducing family
harmony and increasing divorce cases.

"This is due to unstable emotions, young blood turmoil, and an immature way of thinking. In
addition to a high ego and lack of responsibility in domestic life as husband and wife," he

He also said that early marriage among adolescents tends to harm reproductive organs and
mental and physical changes. On the health side, he said, early marriage will harm women's
reproductive organs because the younger they get married, the longer the period to reproduce.

There are so many negative impacts of early marriage, but there are some that might have to
be considered.

Early marriage has a negative impact, on the following are among them:

 Losing your youth: when your peers are enjoying the holidays, and going together to
various areas, maybe you have to bite your fingers when your husband or wife doesn't
allow it or you already have a baby that it's impossible to take away far away.
 From a health standpoint: especially for women who are very at risk, getting pregnant
at a young age is very dangerous for childbirth and the health of the uterus.
 Education: of course, if you marry at an early age it will sacrifice education, where at
that age you may not have fully graduated from high school which has an impact on
the low level of knowledge and access to information for children.
 Poverty: two children who marry early tend not to have enough income or even not to
work. This causes an early marriage to be vulnerable to poverty.
 Domestic violence: partner domination due to unstable psychological conditions
causing emotions that impact Domestic Violence (KDRT).
 Child psychological health: mothers who conceive at an early age will experience
prolonged trauma, lack of socialization, and also experience a crisis of self-

 Born children: when a growing child experiences the pregnancy process, there is
competition for nutrients with the fetus they contain, so it is often difficult for
pregnant women to gain weight, can be accompanied by anemia due to nutritional
deficiencies, and is at risk of giving birth to a baby with low birth weight. It was
found that around 14% of babies born to mothers aged under 17 years were
premature. Children are at risk of experiencing abuse and or neglect. Various studies
have shown that children born too early into marriages are at risk of experiencing
developmental delays, learning difficulties, and behavioral disorders, and also tend to
become parents at an early age.
 Reproductive Health: pregnancy at the age of fewer than 17 years increases the risk of
medical complications, both for the mother and for the child. Pregnancy at a very
young age is correlated with maternal mortality and morbidity. It was stated that girls
aged 10-14 years had five times the risk of dying during pregnancy or childbirth
compared to the age group 20-24 years, while this risk doubled in the age group 15-19
years. This is because the child's reproductive organs have not developed properly and
the pelvis is also not ready for childbirth. Data from UNPFA in 2003, showed that
15% -30% of births at an early age were accompanied by chronic complications,
namely obstetric fistulas. Fistula is damage to the female organs that causes leakage
of urine or feces into the vagina. In addition, it also increases the risk of sexually
transmitted diseases and transmission of HIV infection



3.1 Conclusion

When analyzed the negative impacts of early marriage outweigh the positive impacts. For this
reason, there needs to be a commitment from the government in reducing the number of early
marriages in Indonesia. Early marriage can reduce Indonesia's human resources because they
are cut off from obtaining an education. As a result, poverty is increasing and the burden on
the state is also increasing. Therefore, the right measure is for the government to launch a 12-
year compulsory education program with conditions for providing assistance and free fees for
students. less fortunate.

“Kasus Maraknya Pernikahan Dini (Kontra)”

Disusun Oleh :
 Cyntia Namira Anjani
 Renita Anggraeni
 Tria Lisdiawati
 Salnih
 Muhammad Alfian
 Bagas Prayoga Laksono



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