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Mid-Bee Paper Set 1

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Paper / Subject Code: FEC105 / Basic Electrical Engineering Q.

P Code: xxx9C3

Time: 3 hours TOTAL MARKS :80

1. Q No. 1 is compulsory.
2. Attempt any three questions from the remaining five.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Wherever not mentioned value of resistance is in ohms.
5. Assume suitable data if necessary.

This is SET 1 created by Experts of MATHSINDEPTH

Answers to each question can be found in chapter-wise important questions pdf uploaded on MID PRO APP

Q1. Attempt any five of the following

a) 4

b) 4

c) 4

Find (i) 𝐼𝑥 if 𝐼𝑦 = 2 A and 𝐼𝑧 = 0 A

(ii) 𝐼𝑦 if 𝐼𝑥 = 2 A and 𝐼𝑧 = 2𝐼𝑦 A
(iii) 𝐼𝑧 if 𝐼𝑦 = 𝐼𝑦 = 𝐼𝑧
d) In a balanced three phase circuit, power is measured by two wattmeters, the ratio of two wattmeter 4
readings is 2:1. Determine the power factor of the system.

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e) The equation of an alternating current is 𝑖 = 62.35sin⁡ 323𝑡 A. Determine (i) maximum value, (ii) 4
frequency, (iii) rms value, (iv) average value, and (v) form factor.

f) Explain the principle of generation of DC generator./ How are DC machines classified ? write any one 4
application for each one


a) By mesh analysis, find the current through 5 𝑜ℎ𝑚⁡ resistance 8

b) A 100Ω resistor is connecled in series witl a choke coil. When a 400 V, 50 Hz supply is applied to this 8
combination, the voltages across the resistence and the choo'e coil are 200 V and 300 V respectively.
Find the power consumed by the cloke coil, Also calculate the power factor of choke coil and power factor
of the circuit.

c) Three equal impedances, each of 8 + 𝑗10 ohms, are connected in star. This is further connected to a 4
440 V, 50 Hz, three-phase supply. Calculate (i) phase voltage, (ii) phase angle, (iii) phase current, (iv) line
current, (v) active power, and (vi) reactive power.


a) Determine the current through 8ohm resistor using Thevenin’s theorem 8

b) Derive the expressions for resonant frequency, band width, condition for resonance in a series R-L-C 8
circuit. Show variation of R,L,C,Z and current with respect to frequency. Mark band width also.
c) Find average value of following waveform 4

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a) Determine the current through 5ohm resistor using Superposition theorem 8

b) 6

c) Explain the production of rotating magnetic field by graphical approach 6


a) Find the resultant of the following voltages: 8

𝑣1 = 25sin⁡ 𝜔𝑡
𝑣2 = 10sin⁡ (𝜔𝑡 + )
𝑣3 = 30cos⁡ 𝜔𝑡
𝑣4 = 20sin⁡ (𝜔𝑡 − )

b) With the help of a neat circuit diagram and phasor diagram explain the 2 wattmeter method to measure 10
power in a 3 balanced star connected load.
Two wattmeters are used to measure power in a 3𝜙 balanced delta connected load using two wattmeter
method. The readings of the 2 wattmeters are 500 W and 2500 W respectively. Calculate the total power
consumed by the 3𝜙 load and the power factor.

c) Explain the double field revolving theory of single phase induction motor 4

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a) Derive the condition for maximum power transfer through the network. 8
Determine the value of 𝑅 for maximum power transfer: Also find the magnitude of maximum power

b) An RMS voltage of (100∠0)V is applied to series combination of 𝑍1 and 𝑍2 , where 𝑍‾1 = (20∠30∘ )Ω. The 8
effective voltage drop across 𝑍1 is known to be (40∠ − 30∘ )V. Find the reactive component of 𝑍2 .

c) State and explain Norton’s theorem. 4

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