SC MultiRules FINAL
SC MultiRules FINAL
SC MultiRules FINAL
image: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech
GMT Games, LLC ©2018
Introduction Game Components
! SpaceCorp play is broken up into three eras—Mariners ( ),
Note—This set of rules is used only when there are 2-4 players.
Planeteers ( ) and Starfarers ( ). Some game components
If you are playing the game solo, put this booklet back in the box:
show one or more era icons, indicating in which eras they are
you won't be using it. Instead, use the "Solo Rulebook."
used. Components without any of these icons are used in all eras.
The game is inspired by SpaceCorp, the first book in the Galac- ●● Seven orange contract fulfilled discs used on the
tican series written by Ejner Fulsang. Business Display to mark contracts as they become
Page 2 SpaceCorp
Each era is played on its own board, showing a successively The cards comprise three
larger area of space: decks of action cards [sample
at right] for
•• Mariners shows a part of our solar system, near Earth.
•• Planeteers shows our solar system, out to the Kuiper Belt. Mariners (46 cards),
Planeteers (58 cards),
•• Starfarers shows major star systems within approximate- and C
ly 15 light years of our solar system.
Starfarers (76 cards);
Each board is divided into regions, most of which contain one
or more sites. Every site has a name (preceded by a circled ID as well as
number used only in the solo game) and most sites have explo-
ration boxes for holding Discovery tiles. Playing pieces on a 8 Time, E
board must always occupy a site. In addition, each board has: 18 Adaptation, and
14 Breakthrough cards. F
•• four offer card boxes;
•• spaces for holding unexplored Discovery tiles; Action Cards—Players draw and play action cards to perform
actions or gain Edges [page 8] throughout the game. Each card
•• a distance chart, showing distances between certain sites
may include the following elements:
on the board for quick reference;
•• a Competition box and a Competition Offers Action Key A•• Technology name and illustration—the specific technol-
(both used only in the solo game). ogy represented by the card; (For flavor only; no game effect)
B•• Action type and color—each card can be played for an
action of a specific type: Research, Move, Explore, Build,
Produce, Genetics, Revelation or Special [For example: "Ex-
BUSINESS DISPLAY plore" above]. Many cards list two actions and can be played
The Business Display is two-sided; as either, but never both at the same time;
use one side for 3- and 4-player
C•• Value—the numerical value the card contributes toward
games, and the other side for 2
performing the associated action [Explore "1" above].
players. The display includes:
D•• Era symbol—each card is in one of the three era decks;
•• a track on which markers are placed to record each
E•• Infra—a card with the "May upgrade as Infra" banner can
player's current profit, recorded in increments of trillion
be played for an action or played to the HQ as permanent
credits (Ŧ);
•• a list of contracts for players to fulfill in each era as well
•• Edge—a card with an "Edge" ability can be played, often
as each contract's associated profit award.
out of turn, for the Edge effect described on the card [not
shown above; see page 8].
F•• Competition Action—(used only in the solo game).
The HQ are where players keep track Time cards—[sample at right]
of their technological progress. Each are “wild” cards used in all three
HQ has: eras. A variable number of Time
cards are used based on the
•• four Infrastructure—or "Infra"—boxes for placing cards number of players.
as infrastructure. Some boxes include an intrinsic Infra
value; Progress cards—Adaptation
•• an abbreviated sequence of play; and Breakthrough cards are
collectively known as "progress"
•• a box for holding the player's unbuilt bases and unde-
cards [page 17]. Progress cards
ployed teams;
are eventually acquired by play-
•• a Progress Wheel for keeping track of the player's genet- ers as they play Genetics and
ics and revelation marker advancement; Revelation actions. A progress
•• a box for holding a legacy production site. card gives its owner either a per-
manent advantage or a powerful
Note: The HQ pictured above is used in the standard game. immediate effect, as described on the card, as well as a possible
See page 22 for how and when to use the optional HQ types. one-time profit bonus.
B HQ—Each play-
er gets a HQ. Use
the ones that
show all three era B
start player
symbols on the right hand side.
Each player can also take a quick
reference sheet (not shown). A
C Contracts—Place the
seven orange contract ful-
filled markers in their
circles on the Business Display.
D Discovery tiles—
Shuffle the six e1
Discovery tiles face-
down, then stack them
to form a draw pile in the matching
space on the board. Do the same for L
the three e2 Discovery tiles. I
E Beyond Markers— G
Place the two Beyond
markers on the board at
the "Asteroid Belt" site.
F Player Colors—Each
player selects one of the
four player colors then
gathers up all wooden
cubes and round base markers of
that color. Place these in the space
provided on the player's HQ. Stack
bases by type.
fourth player
G Teams—Each player B
puts two of their wood-
en cubes on the board at the "Earth"
site. These are the players' starting
Progress Markers—
Each player places one
tan cube and one black cube in the
"start" space of the Progress Wheel
on their HQ.
Page 4 SpaceCorp
Start cards are identified by:
•• using Infra on a HQ ;
•• playing one or more cards from hand;
•• using the ability of a base;
•• using a bonus granted by a progress card (Planeteers and
Starfarers eras only—page 17).
•• spending profit (Planeteers and Starfarers only—page 15).
Example: Continuing with Bob's turn, he plays these two cards,
SpaceCorp Math—Whenever a value is being determined for
adding a Move value of 4 (3+1) to his 3 Infra for a current total
any activity in SpaceCorp, always perform all addition and sub-
of 7. He ignores everything else on the cards, specifically the Edge
traction before applying any multiplication or division.
effect on the left card and the Build value of the card on the right.
Page 6 SpaceCorp
Time Cards—If the active player is conducting a 3. OPPONENTS CLAIM REWARDS
Move, Build or Explore action, they may play one Throughout the game, whenever the active player uses an op-
Time card from their hand and choose one of its ponent’s base or HQ Infra for any activity, that opponent
two benefits: is given a "reward" during step 3 of the active player's turn.
Each such instance gives a reward, so a player could be eli-
•• double the total value of the chosen action; gible to receive two or more rewards in a turn.
•• apply the action's total value twice, conduct- If any opponents are due one or more rewards based on the
ing the same action with two different teams. active player's activities, they claim them now. For each re-
ward, that opponent may draw the top card of the deck (not
If choosing the second option, the first team's action must be com- from the offers). If two or more players are eligible for re-
pleted in its entirety before beginning the second. Apply the action's wards in the same turn, resolve the rewards in turn order.
total value to each team.
Example: If Bob also plays a Time card, he could choose to either (a) 4. TRANSPORT TEAM
double his total Move value to 14 for one of his teams (effectively The active player may relocate one of their teams that did not
being able to move anywhere on the Mariners board); or (b) move perform an action this turn. There are three criteria a player
two of his teams, each using the previous total value of 7. must meet in order to conduct a team transport:
Second, replenish any empty offer boxes. For each empty of-
2. CLAIM CONTRACT fer, draw a card from the top of the current era's action deck
If the active player has met the prerequisite for one of the seven con- and place it face-up in the box. If the deck has been depleted
tracts associated with the current era [see Business Display] and that [page 13], the offer box will remain empty.
contract has not yet been fulfilled, they may claim it. They gain profit
equal to that listed for the contract, then slide the associated con-
tract fulfilled marker to the right onto the contract to indicate it is 6. DRAW
no longer able to be fulfilled by any player. Multiple contracts may be As the last step of their turn, if the active player has four or
claimed in a single turn. fewer cards in hand, they draw the top card of the deck (not
from the offers). If the draw deck has been emptied, this
Important: A player's home base is never considered when determin- draw is forfeit.
ing whether certain base-specific contracts can be fulfilled.
Richard built a base at his third non-Lagrange site this turn (he
doesn't count his home base on Earth). He slides the third row's orange
marker to the right onto the contract and gains 2Ŧ. That contract can't
be claimed again by any player.
Some cards contain an "Edge" effect below the card's action. Requirement—A Research action can only be taken if the ac-
Edge effects are not actions, and thus are not played during step tive player has seven or fewer cards in hand.
1 of a player's turn. Instead, each Edge can be played at a time
that is specified in the first line of the effect itself, sometimes Research allows the active player to draw cards from the draw
even during an opponent's turn. deck and/or from the four offer boxes. The number of cards that
can be drawn equals the action's total research value. Cards may
Example: If Julie holds the Edge card shown above, she can be drawn one at a time.
opt to play the Edge effect immediately after she, or one of her
opponents, fulfilled a contract during step 2 of a player turn. Hand Size—Though announcing a Research action requires
that the player have seven or fewer cards in hand, there is no
When an Edge is played, follow the instructions given in the red actual limit to the number of cards a player can have in hand.
box—disregarding any action also on the card—then discard the
card. Example: Kai has 7 cards in hand and announces a Research
action for her turn. She uses her Research Infra (2 value) then
Continuing the example above, after Julie gained the indicated plays two Research cards from hand (2+2) drawing a total of 6
profit the Edge card would be discarded with no further effect. cards from amongst the current offers and/or off the top of the
draw pile. She ends her turn with 11 cards in hand (and thus
would not be able to Research again on her next turn).
Edge Clarifications
Competitors—You can choose to use two opponents' Infra or use yours plus one opponent's. This Edge still works after the end
of an era has been triggered [page 13]—the card effect overrides the rules as written.
Divert—For example, if an opponent Produces on tiles totaling 5Ŧ, you would get 3Ŧ. The 3Ŧ isn't subtracted from their profit.
Hack—Note that any card taken from the offers won't replenish until step 5 of the active player's turn.
Hostile Microbes—The penalty hits all players meeting the condition, including the one playing the card.
Incompatible—Players make their decisions as to which Infra card to remove in player order, beginning with the active player.
Intercept—The extra turn doesn't count against the player's "one more turn" limit if the end of the era has been triggered [page 13].
Leak—If for some reason the non-award version of the Breakthrough had already been taken, you get nothing (so don't play this).
Poach—You only get cards that were physically discarded, not cards that were placed on HQ or already taken into a player's hand.
Sabotage—The actions that may be named are those listed under 1. Conduct Action on page 6.
Salvage—Note that any emptied offer boxes won't replenish until step 5 of the active player's turn.
Page 8 SpaceCorp
Gravity Penalties—Some sites have a gravity penalty listed
after its name (for example, "Gravity +2" for Earth or "Gravity +1"
for the Mars sites). The active player must add a site's gravity pen-
MOVE alty to the distance of a move that starts or ends at such a site.
This action allows the active player to move one of their teams These penalties are cumulative.
from its current site to another site. A team can't end a move
“floating in space" in a region: it must always end at a site. The ac-
tion's total Move value must equal or exceed the distance traveled.
Base Prerequisite—A move must always begin or end at a site
with a base. The active player may use their own or an opponent’s
base to allow a move. If an opponent’s base is used to allow a
move, that opponent gains a reward [page 7, step 3].
Each player begins with a generic base on Earth. Other sites
gain bases as players build them.
Example: The distance from the region containing Halley's Mars North and South—Mars is divided into two sites, with
Comet to the region containing Phobos is 3. a boundary between them. A team moving to Mars can land at
either site. A move from one Mars site directly to the other Mars
Distance Traveled—To calculate a move's distance, count: site has a total distance cost of 3, as noted on the board. You're not
leaving the planet so ignore Mars's gravity penalty.
•• 1 to lift off from the starting site into its surrounding region;
•• +X to cross region borders into adjacent regions, where X
equals the cumulative cost shown in those border diamonds;
•• +1 to land at the destination site.
Example: Sarah wants to move from Luna to Sisyphus. The A team at the Asteroid Belt can't perform any actions for the
distance is 4—1 to depart Luna into its surrounding region, +1 remainder of the era.
to move to the intervening region, +1 to move to the region con- For convenience, the chart on the board gives calculated total
taining Sisyphus, and +1 to land on Sisyphus itself. To make this distances from Earth to all destination sites, including gravity
move Sarah would have to accumulate a total Move value of 4 penalties. Distances between non-Earth sites still need to be
or greater through Infra use, card play, etc. calculated on the fly.
Page 10 SpaceCorp
Building Modifiers—If the site has a Discovery tile with
a base modifier, adjust the build cost up or down accordingly.
A build cost can't be reduced below 0.
Note that only six are listed here: three of the base types—Exploiter, Secure and Shield Factory—aren't available until the Planeteers era.
Bio Lab the Discovery tile has life ( ) When built, advance your genetics marker 1 space.
Industrial the Discovery tile has water ( ) or a P# (even 0) The active player may double their total build value when
performing a Build action elsewhere in this region.
Refinery the Discovery tile has a P# The tile's P# gains +1 value.
Research none When built, take one card from the offers.
Spaceport the site is a Lagrange Point The active player may have each moving team that begins at a
Spaceport gain Move 2.
Allows Team Transport [page 7, step 4] to or from this site.
Example: If you play Produce cards with a combined value of 2, Example: Chad takes an
you can collect profit from up to two different production tiles. Upgrade action. He already has
Explore and Build Infra in slots
The active player gains profit (Ŧ) equal to the total P# on the tiles 2 and 3, respectively, and would
from which they choose to collect. like to keep those so he chooses to
place an eligible "Move 3" card
Example: Kai plays a in his Infra Slot 1 box, overrid-
"Produce 1" card from her hand, ing his previous default Infra of
meaning she can produce at Move 1. If later in the game he
a single tile: she chooses the Upgraded another Move card
Exotic Elements tile with her to any of the three slots, the card
base on it at Deimos. She gains there would be removed.
2Ŧ due to the tile's production
value of 1 (P1) +1 for the Once placed, a card in an Infra box remains there unless and
Refinery base. A team need not until it is replaced with a future Upgrade action. Newly-placed
be present to produce at a site. Infra cards are available for use on any future turns [page 6, step 1].
When this action is chosen, the active player moves their tan ge-
netics marker clockwise around their Progress Wheel a number
of spaces equal to the total value of the action. SPECIAL
This action is limited to the play of a single card from hand, even
if the active player has two or more Special actions in hand.
When played, follow the instructions given in the gray box.
eakthroug Some Discovery tiles, as well
Br or Adapt h
as the Bio Lab base, also allow
a player's genetics cube to be
Special Action Clarifications
advanced. Benefits for making
Anti-Matter Prototype—This is not a standard move action and
a full orbit around the wheel
requires no card play or Infra use.
begin in the Planeteers era
and are explained on page 17
Near/Deep Space Probe—The site must contain an exploration
as well as in the Planeteers
box. An "empty" site is one containing no game piece of any kind.
Page 12 SpaceCorp
End of an Era
The end of an era is triggered when: At the conclusion of the Mariners or Planeteers era, prepare for
the next era by conducting the following steps in the order given:
●● Six of the seven Contracts for that era have been fulfilled.
If this occurs, each other player takes one more turn then the 1. Legacy Production—Each player may choose one Discovery
era ends. tile on the board that
A Discovery tiles—Shuffle the six e1 Dis- shuffle them, and deal two to each player. Set aside the re-
covery tiles face-down, then stack them to form maining Start cards, face-down.
a draw pile in the matching space on the board.
Do the same for the fourteen e2 tiles (mak- Planeteers Deck—Add any set aside Time cards to the G
ing two stacks), then the eight e3 tiles. Planeteers deck. Shuffle this deck and set it face-down next
to the board as a draw pile. Place the set aside Start cards
B Teams—Each player places two of their teams at their base face-down atop the Planeteers draw pile.
in the "Inner Solar System" region of the Planeteers board.
Offers—Deal the top four cards of the draw pile face-up to H
C 1st Beyond—If a player holds the 1st Beyond marker (from the four offer boxes on the board.
the Mariners era), they may instead set up one of their two
teams at the "Ceres" asteroid site. If so, they draw and place a Progress Cards—Place the 16 Adaptation and Break- I
e1 Discovery tile there, taking any immediate awards for through cards marked with the Planeteers symbol face-up
the tile, then claiming the Discovery. in their allotted spaces of the Sideboard. Stack cards with the
same name together, with the card having the profit award
D 2nd Beyond—A player holding the 2nd Beyond marker (for example: "1Ŧ") atop the one without.
may instead set up one of their two teams at the "Vesta" aster-
oid site (unexplored). Progress Wheel—If any player's genetics cube advanced
into or beyond the "start" space of their Progress Wheel dur-
E Beyond Markers—Place the two Beyond markers on the ing the Mariners era, they gain an Adaptation card [page 17].
board at the "Oort Cloud" site.
All Systems Go For Launch—The player with a team on
F Starting Hands—First, give each player one of the Time Ceres takes the first turn of this era. If none, the player with
cards used in the Mariners era. Set aside any remaining. Then the least profit goes first. If there is a tie for least profit, ran-
remove the twelve "Start" cards from the Planeteers deck, domly determine which of the tied players will start.
Page 14 SpaceCorp
Additional Rules for Planeteers
All rules of Mariners also apply to Planeteers unless specifically
amended in this section. TRANSIT ADDITIONS
Design Note: The outer planets in our solar system are widely
separated from each by their relative positions in their orbital
paths. This is represented here by adding orbital transit costs to
RADIATION SHIELDING the movement distances between the outer planetary regions.
All regions beyond the asteroid belt on the Planeteers board (and
all regions on the Starfarers board) have high radiation. Move The four planetary regions for Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Plu-
and Build actions taking place in such a "radiation zone" cost a to each list transit additions for movement to one of the other
player profit if the action doesn't include radiation shielding. three regions. When Moving from (not through) one of these
regions to another of these regions, refer to the list in the depar-
ture region to see how much the distance is increased beyond
what would normally be calculated. Add the listed transit addi-
tion to the distance of the move.
Certain Move and Build cards include two values, one without
shields and one with shields ("Shielded"). The active player
chooses which value to use when playing the card; a single action
can't use both. If a Move or Build action uses at least one card or
Infra with a shielded value, the entire action is shielded.
Cost of Unshielded Actions—In Planeteers if any part of the Spending Limit—No more than 3Ŧ can be spent to make up
active player's Move or Build action occurs in the radiation zone an action shortfall. Furthermore the profit spent must be less than
and the action isn't shielded, that player loses 2Ŧ profit. An un- the total value acquired through other means.
shielded Move or Build action anywhere on the Starfarers board
costs that player 3Ŧ. If the player doesn't currently have enough Example: If David played Explore action cards with a total
profit to pay the penalty, the action can't be taken unless shielded. value of 3, he could add at most 2 more value by spending profit.
These costs represent health risk to your teams and the resulting
litigation and public outcry.
REVELATION ACTION Example: If contract 1 in the Mariners era (“First Produce Ac-
The Planeteers and Starfarers decks include "Revelation" action tion”) wasn't fulfilled, its award (2Ŧ) is added to the award for
cards. When this action is chosen, the active player moves their contract 1 in the Planeteers era (“2 progress cards”), increasing
black revelation marker clockwise around their Progress Wheel that award value from 3Ŧ to 5Ŧ.
a number of spaces equal to the
Note: You can tell which awards are increased by the location of
total value of the action.
eakthroug the seven orange contract fulfilled markers. If a marker occupies a
Br or Adapt h
Some Discovery tiles also particular Mariners contract then the corresponding Planeteers
allow a revelation cube to contract immediately to its right is awarded at face value. If a
be advanced. Each full orbit Mariners contract contains no marker, however, then the cor-
around a wheel allows that responding Planeteers contract has its award increased to equal
player to gain a Breakthrough the sum of both.
card [facing page].
Whenever a contract is claimed in the Planeteers era, slide that
row's contract fulfilled marker to the right from its current posi-
tion onto the Planeteers contract.
Bio Lab the Discovery tile has life ( ) When built, advance your genetics marker 1 space.
Exploiter the Discovery tile has a P# When built, gain Ŧ equal to the Discovery tile’s P#.
That P# is forfeit for the rest of the game.
Industrial the Discovery tile has water ( ) or a P# The active player may double their total build value when
performing a Build action elsewhere in this region.
Refinery the Discovery tile has a P# The tile's P# gains +1 value.
Research none When built, take one card from the offers.
Secure none When built, gain 1Ŧ for each base in the region belonging to an
opponent. The benefit is forfeit if there is already a Secure base
in the region (belonging to any player).
Shield the Discovery tile has water ( ) The action during which a Shield Factory is built is automatically
Factory shielded from radiation.
The active player may choose to have a Move action originating
from this region be shielded from radiation.
The active player may choose to have a Build action in this
region be shielded from radiation.
Spaceport the site has no gravity penalty The active player may double the value of any one Move card
played or any one Move Infra card used if all moving teams
begin at a Spaceport.
Allows Team Transport to or from this site.
Page 16 SpaceCorp
The first player to move a team to this site takes the 1st Beyond
marker, placing it next to their HQ. The player who controls the
second team that moves to this site takes the 2nd Beyond marker.
A team at the Oort Cloud can't perform any actions for the re-
mainder of the era.
Whenever a player's tan genetics cube advances into the top
"Breakthrough or Adapt" space of their Progress Wheel, they
are awarded an Adaptation card. Whenever their black revelation
cube advances into that space, they are awarded a Breakthrough
Once selected, place the card face-up next to the owning player's
HQ , where it will remain for the rest of the game. That player
immediately gains profit equal to the amount shown in the circle
near the top of the card, if any.
The owning player gains the benefit described in the card's text
box—this can be a powerful one-time effect or an ongoing ability
that lasts for the rest of the game.
Page 18 SpaceCorp
Additional Rules for Starfarers
All rules of Mariners and Planeteers also apply to Starfarers
unless specifically amended in this section. Star Tracks—Each star system has a star track consisting of
three boxes pointing to its star. Whenever a team moves to a star
system, place it on the star track in the box furthest from the star.
A team on a star track can't be used to perform actions.
Example: Four Move cards with value 3, 5, x3 and x4 have a The Orion Spur
total value of 96: 3+5 = 8; then x3 = 24; then x4 = 96. The Orion Spur is the local area of the Sagittarius Arm of our
Milky Way galaxy. Teams in outer regions of the Starfarers map
If only multipliers are used, start with any one as the base numeral. can move beyond Sol’s intersteller neighborhood and out into the
Orion Spur.
Example: Leia plays Move cards with values x3, x3 and x5.
She would have a total move value of 45 (3x3x5). If Kim plays A team can't move to a “To Orion Spur” region unless:
a single "Produce x2" card, her total value would be 2.
•• The move departs directly from an adjacent region; and
•• The active player has a colony in that region [page 20].
Each region on the Starfarers board: A team in an Orion Spur region can't perform any actions for the
rest of the game.
•• contains a star system site; or
•• contains an Orion Spur site; or Orion Spur Awards—When the first team moves into any
•• is the Sol site; or Orion Spur region, its owner immediately gains 5Ŧ. Afterwards,
•• is empty. whenever a team moves into an unoccupied Orion Spur region, its
owner gains 2Ŧ. This award can be earned in each of the other
The cost of a Move action to any Starfarers region equals the to- two regions, by the same or different players.
tal cost of the region borders crossed during the move. There is
no cost to “land” or "take off from" sites as in previous eras.
Empty Regions
Example: A move Teams can never end a turn in one of the four empty regions. A
from Kapteyn’s Star moving team must always have sufficient Move value to move
to Epsilon Eridani through an empty region into one containing a site.
would require a Move
value of 60 (40+20), Example: In the example at left the moving team couldn't spend
not 62 (1+40+20+1). just 40 Move and stop in the intervening empty region.
Note that ownership of a colony is indicated by the presence of INCREASED CONTRACT AWARDS
your bases in the region. Contract awards in Starfarers are increased if the correspond-
ing contracts—those along the same row—in earlier eras weren't
A colony provides the following benefits: fulfilled.
•• Provides 1 CP towards colonizing nearby regions. •• If the corresponding contract was not claimed in either of
•• The owner is eligible to conduct a Move action to an adja- the Mariners or Planeteers era—that is, the orange Con-
cent Orion Spur region. tract Fullfilled marker still occupies its starting space—the
award for claiming the contract during the Starfarers era
•• At the end of the era, the owner is awarded profit based on equals the sum of all three contract awards.
the number of colonies they control [see table on facing page
and on the Sideboard]. •• If the corresponding contract was claimed in the Mariners
era but not in the Planeteers era, the award for claiming
In addition, most colonies provide a unique benefit as described that contract in the Starfarers era equals the sum of the
on the Sideboard. Some benefits occur immediately, others each Planeteers + Starfarers contract awards.
time an event occurs during play, and still others at the end of the
era or end of the game. Whenever a contract is claimed in the Starfarers era, slide that
row's corresponding contract fulfilled marker to the right from
Example: The tile above pays you 1Ŧ for each progress card you wherever it is onto the Starfarers contract. This will serve as a
own at the time the tile is acquired. reminder that it can't be claimed again.
Page 20 SpaceCorp
Whenever a team on a star performs a Build action, it will build When the era ends, players owning colonies that give benefits at
an eligible base on all of the region’s Discovery tiles with a single the end of the era gain those awards.
action. The cost for the action is the star system's base cost (b#)
plus the sum total of the base modifiers listed on every Discovery Then each player adjusts their profit based on the number of colo-
tile in the region. If an opponent has a claim to the Discovery nies that player established:
tiles there, that opponent receives 2Ŧ compensation as normal
(total; not per tile). No Colonies ......... Lose 1Ŧ
1 Colony ............... Gain 1Ŧ
Example: Carol's previous 2 Colonies ............ Gain 4Ŧ
exploration of Epsilon Eridani 3 Colonies ............ Gain 8Ŧ
revealed Alien Ruins, Rings 4+ Colonies ........ Gain 13Ŧ
and Precious Dust. Her Build
action will need to attain a After profit for colonies, the player with the most profit wins.
value of at least 16 (8+4+4);
she will then choose three of •• If there's a tie for highest profit, the tied player with the
her bases to place on the three highest total colony value wins.
Discovery tiles. •• If still tied, the tied player with the greatest number of Ad-
aptation and Breakthrough cards wins.
•• If still tied, the victory is shared in what is likely a monu-
mental merger.
Exploiter the Discovery tile has a P# or a colony When built, gain Ŧ equal to the Discovery tile's P# + its Col#.
bonus That production number/colony bonus is forfeit for the rest of the game.
Industrial the Discovery tile has water ( ) or a P# Worth 1 Colony Point. (Max 1 CP per region.)
Players gather all playing pieces of their chosen color as normal. Players gather all playing pieces of their chosen color as normal.
Players use the HQ shown below instead of the basic HQ. Players use the HQ shown below instead of the basic HQ.
Conduct the Planeteers setup [page 14] except as modified Conduct the Starfarers setup [page 18] except as modified
below: below:
Place the seven contract fulfilled markers on the seven Mariners Place the seven contract fulfilled markers on the seven Planeteers
contracts. contracts.
Players begin with their genetics marker already advanced one Players begin with both their genetics and revelation markers al-
space on their Progress Wheel. ready advanced two space each on their Progress Wheel.
You will use two Time cards in a 2-player game; five in a 3-player You will use two Time cards in a 2-player game; five in a 3-player
game; or all eight in a 4-player game. Put any excess Time cards game; or all eight in a 4-player game. Put any excess Time cards
back in the box. back in the box.
Players begin the game with +8Ŧ in profit. Players begin the game with +20Ŧ in profit.
First, players earn final profit as follows: Then, the player with the most profit wins the game. If tied for
most profit, the tied player with the greatest number of bases
•• The player holding the 1st Beyond marker gains 3Ŧ. on the board wins. If there is still a tie, the victory is shared in
•• The player holding the 2nd Beyond marker gains 1Ŧ. what is likely a monumental merger.
Page 22 SpaceCorp
●● this rulebook
●● one Solo Rulebook
●● two 17" x 17" double-sided boards
●● one 11" x 8.5" double-sided Business Display
●● six 11" x 6" double-sided player HQ
●● four 8.5" x 11" double-sided quick reference sheets
●● one 8.5" x 11" double-sided solo player aid
●● 16 wooden cubes in four player colors
●● four tan and four black wooden cubes
●● seven orange wooden discs
●● 220 cards
●● three sheets of die-cut tiles:
•• 32 colonies
•• 70 discoveries
•• 108 bases in four player colors
•• four Profit markers in four player colors
•• two Beyond markers
•• 13 solo variant game markers
Game Design — John Butterfield
Development — Chad & Kai Jensen
Box Art — Shrox
Package Design — Rodger MacGowan
Card Art — Kurt Miller and Shrox
Layout & Graphics — Chad Jensen, Kurt Miller
and Mark Simonitch
Playtesters Above and Beyond — Mark Beyak,
Bob Borbe, Julie Butterfield, Sarah Quass,
Marty Sample, Christopher Schall and David
Additional Playtesting — Dan Healy, Tom
Kassel, Natalie Pinto, Stephen Pinto, Jonathon
Quass, Peter Quill, Allan Rothberg, James
Terry, John Tiehen, John Vogel, Chris Wade,
Charles Ward and Srivani Narra Ward
Online VASSAL Module — Joel Toppen
Production Coordinator — Tony Curtis
Producers — Gene Billingsley, Tony Curtis, Andy
Lewis, Rodger MacGowan and Mark Simonitch
Technical Advice — Ejner Fulsang, author of
SpaceCorp, the first book in the Galactican
Series; available on Amazon in digital and
paper formats.
Gain 1Ŧ for every two COLONY POINTS (each item eligible once only):
x1Ŧ Adaptations in play. ? CP equal to that listed on all discovery tiles in the
1 CP if you have a nearby colony;
1 CP if there is an Industrial base in the region;
Gain 1Ŧ for every Adaptation
x1Ŧ 1 CP if there are 2 or more bases in the region;
and Breakthrough you own.
1 CP if you remove one of your teams in the region
from play;
1 CP if you accumulate 8+ Build value (12+ in a
multi-star system) via play of action cards from
no special benefit hand and/or Infra use;
1 CP if you spend 5Ŧ;
1 CP if you own the Enviro Tolerance Adaptation.