Followers Can Be Classified Based On - Type of Surface Contact Between Cam and Follower - Type of Follower Motion - Line of Motion of Followers
Followers Can Be Classified Based On - Type of Surface Contact Between Cam and Follower - Type of Follower Motion - Line of Motion of Followers
Followers Can Be Classified Based On - Type of Surface Contact Between Cam and Follower - Type of Follower Motion - Line of Motion of Followers
Classification of followers:
Followers can be classified based on
• type of surface contact between cam and follower
• type of follower motion
• line of motion of followers
2.1Classification based on type of surface contact between cam
and follower
Figure shows the schematics of various types of followers used cam
2.1.1 Knife edge follower
The contacting end of the follower has a sharp knife edge. A sliding
motion exists between the contacting cam and follower surfaces. It is
rarely used in practice because the small area of contacting surface
results in excessive wear.
2.1.2 Roller follower
It consists of a cylindrical roller which rolls on cam surface. Because of
the rolling motion between the contacting surfaces, the rate of wear is
reduced in comparison with Knife edge follower. The roller followers
are extensively used where more space is available such as gas and oil
2.1.3 Flat face follower
The follower face is perfectly flat. It experiences a side thrust due to
the friction between contact surfaces of follower and cam.
2.1.4 Spherical face follower
The contacting end of the follower is of spherical shape which
overcomes the drawback of side thrust as experiences by flat face
2.2 Classification based on followers’ motion
Figure shows the types of cams based followers’ motion.
2.2.1 Oscillating follower
In this configuration, the rotary motion of the cam is converted
into predetermined oscillatory motion of the follower as shown
in Figure a).
2.2.2 Translating follower
These are also called as reciprocating follower. The follower
reciprocates in the ‘guide’ as the cam rotates uniformly as
shown in Figure b).
2.3 Classification based on line of motion
Figure shows the types of cams based followers’ line of motion.
If a cam mechanism is used, however, the cam itself must be redesigned from
scratch when the stroke or pattern is to be changed, which makes the
adjustment process time-consuming and cumbersome. An electronic cam
function solves this problem.
To change the vertical travel (A) or operation pattern, the cam
(B) must be given additional machining or redesigned.
What is Electronic Cam?
An electronic cam controls the slave axis in synchronization with the
master axis, using pulse trains, according to a pre-defined electronic
cam table.
Features of Electronic Cam
Since the position relationships of operating axes can be specified in a cam table, the stopping
time of each axis can be minimized and consequently the cycle time can be reduced
Easyadjustmentwhenchanging theoperationpattern
Unlike with a mechanical cam, no parts must be machined when changing the operation
pattern. All you need is to change the data of the electronic cam table, and you will be able to
change the positions and timings.
Since the position relationships of the master axis do not change due to speed, timings can be
adjusted at a sufficiently low speed,which makes adjustments very easy.
Eight slave axes can be operated with one pulse-train board installed in the XSEL controller. Up
to two pulse-train boards can be installed, which means that up to 16 axes can be controlled.
Electronic camtable data Electronic camtable
Electronic Cam
The electronic camtable is a data table used for specifying the positions of
slave axes that movein conjunction with the movements of the master axis.
The horizontal axis represents the phase of the master axis,while the vertical
axis represents the displacement of the slaveaxis.
Rotary tables
Rotary tables come in two
• Angular
• Indexable
Dividing Head
One of the more important attachments for milling
• Used to divide circumference of workpiece into equally
spaced divisions when milling gear teeth, squares,
hexagons, and octagons.
• They can be right or left handed depending on which end
you have it assembled.
• Also used to rotate workpiece at predetermined ratio to
table feed rate.
Dividing Head
Dividing Head Parts Section view of
a dividing head
Dividing Head Parts
Dividing Head terms
• Swivel block
– Mounted in base enables headstock to be tilted from 5º below
horizontal to 10º beyond vertical
• Spindle
– Mounted in swiveling block with 40-tooth worm wheel, meshes with
• Worm
– Right angle to spindle, connected to index crank
Head stock
Foot or tail stock
Centre rest