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Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Building A Business: Topic 2.1 Growing The Business

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Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Building a Business

Assuming 2 hours of teaching time per week, for 32 weeks

Wk Spec Spec detail Resources & Advice

Topic 2.1 Growing the business
Introduction Start with a short case about a fast-growing business – ideally a
to Building a topical one. eBus will be focusing on these cases during the early
Business part of 2017/18.

2.1.1 Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 30: Methods of growth, including the

Business Methods of business growth and their
impact: Genius Foods exam practice case on P152
growth (1)
● internal (organic) growth: new
products (innovation, research and A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 62: Organic and inorganic growth
development), new markets (through
changing the marketing mix or taking
advantage of technology and/or Start-Up 2017/18: Ch 25 Moving ahead
expanding overseas)
● external (inorganic) growth: merger,
2.1.1 The types of business ownership for Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 31: Finance for growth, which includes
Business growing businesses: plcs and stock market flotation
growth (2) ● public limited company (plc)

Sources of finance for growing and A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 38: Financing growth
established businesses:
● internal sources: retained profit,
selling assets Start-Up 2017/18: Ch 24 Staying afloat and Ch 25 Moving ahead
● external sources: loan capital, share
capital, including stock market flotation
(public limited companies). A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 72: Public companies and flotation
2.1.2 Why business aims and objectives Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 32: Changes in aims and objectives,
Changes in change as businesses evolve: including the exam practice case on P161, especially Qs 4 and 5.
business ● in response to: market conditions,
aims technology, performance, legislation, A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 17: Changes in Aims and Objectives
and internal reasons.
objectives How business aims and objectives
Pearson: Tyrrells Crisps case study on P157
change as businesses evolve:
● focus on survival or growth
● entering or exiting markets A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 31: Entering or exiting markets
● growing or reducing the workforce
● increasing or decreasing product
2.1.3 (1) The impact of globalisation on Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 33: Business and globalisation, which has
Business businesses: good coverage of imports and exports and some useful End-of-
and ● imports: competition from overseas, chapter questions on P166.
globalisation buying from overseas
● exports: selling to overseas markets A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 41: Globalisation
● changing business locations A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 47: Imports and Exports
● multinationals.
2.1.3 (2) Barriers to international trade: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 33: Business and globalisation, which has a
Business ● tariffs super case on Lidl’s £5.99 jeans – probing the moral and ethical
and ● trade blocs. questions involved.
globalisation How businesses compete
● the use of the internet and e-
A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 60: Marketing mix internationally
● changing the marketing mix to
compete internationally.
2.1.4 The impact of ethical considerations on Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 34: the Practice question on Byron
Ethics businesses: Hamburgers includes a penetrating 12-mark, exam-style question
and business ● how ethical considerations influence
business activity: possible trade-offs Case study: Value Added and Business ethics
between ethics and profit Case Study: Charles Tyrwhitt
● the potential impact of pressure
A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 65: Pressure group activity
group activity on the marketing mix.
2.1.4 The The impact of environmental Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 35: this chapter has some useful End of
environmen considerations on businesses: Chapter exercises on P 175.
t ● how environmental considerations
and business influence business activity: Case study: Toxic (no answers, I’m afraid)
A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 33 and 34: environmental issues: short
Possible trade-offs between the term and long term
environment, sustainability and profit
Start-Up 2017/18: Ch 20 Your business and the environment
Quercus: Sustainability, P84
Revision for section 2.1 Marcouse 9-1 Book, P176: Exam-style questions on Topic 2.1

Topic 2.2 Making marketing decisions

2.2.1 The design mix: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 36: Product, including the design mix, the
Product ● function, aesthetics, cost. life cycle and differentiation. Both the End-of-chapter questions
and the Price Questions are valuable.
A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 28: Design and the Design Mix
The product life cycle: Case study: Crocs (really old, but I think it’ll have resonance still in
● the phases of the product life cycle the classroom – if only because Crocs are still laughed at)
● extension strategies.
Pearson: Design mix activity on P178
The importance to a business of A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 67: Product Life Cycle
differentiating a product/service. Business Review Feb 2017: 10 Things You Should Know About
Product Life Cycle
2.2.2 Price Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 37: Price. A particularly interesting
Price ● pricing strategies chapter with plenty of up-to-date, student-friendly examples. The
● influences on pricing strategies: Practice Question is a must.
technology, competition, market
segments, product life cycle. Case study: Galaxy for 15p. It’s about Galaxy in India – with an
interesting pricing issue
2.2.3 Promotion: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 38: good Spec coverage and a student-
Promotion ● appropriate promotion strategies for friendly set of End-of-Chapter exercises
different market segments: advertising,
sponsorship, product trials, special
offers, branding The Business Book: P260: Creating a brand
● the use of technology in promotion: Quercus: Brands, P100
targeted advertising online, viral
advertising via social media, e- A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 90: Technology and the marketing mix
2.2.4 Place: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 39: this is a strong chapter – all the
Place ● methods of distribution: retailers and stronger because it shows that the Spec details on the left are far
e-tailers (e-commerce). too sparse. Expect plenty of questions on e-commerce, for which
an understanding of Place will be key. Note the demanding Exam
Practice Question on P194.
The Business Book: P276: E-Commerce becomes M-commerce
2.2.5 How each element of the marketing Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 40: this is a very important topic, because
Using the mix can influence other elements. it will yield many a 9 and 12-mark question. The Practice Question
marketing Using the marketing mix to build on P198 is valuable.
mix competitive advantage.
to make How an integrated marketing mix can Case Study: the launch of Look magazine. Written 10 years’ ago,
business influence competitive advantage. but I think the case still holds up – and it’s interesting to have the
decisions benefit of hindsight (it’s still going; but starting to struggle)
Revision for section 2.2 Marcouse 9-1 Book, P199: Exam-style questions on Topic 2.2
Marketing case study: Naked Pizza
Quercus: Marketing, P96

Topic 2.3 Making operational decisions

2.3.1 The purpose of business operations: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 41: Business operations. This chapter has
Business ● to produce goods full coverage of production types and productivity and a super
operations ● to provide services. Exam Practice question on P206
(1) Production processes: A-Z Worksheet 9-1, Production processes
● different types: job, batch, flow
● the impact of different types of
production process: keeping A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 68: Productivity
productivity up and costs down and
allowing for competitive prices.
2.3.1 Impacts of technology on production: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 42: Technology, productivity and
production. The chapter has good material and a helpful Practice
Business ● balancing cost, productivity, quality Question on Morrisons
operations and flexibility.
2.3.2 Managing stock: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 43: straightforward text and super End of
Chapter exercises – but definitely use the Practice Question –
Working ● interpretation of bar gate stock which has amazing data on the PS4.
with graphs
suppliers (1) Pearson: Stock control activity on P220
● the use of just in time (JIT) stock A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 56 Managing stock
2.3.2 The role of procurement: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 44: Procurement: working with suppliers.
Note the Practice Question, which has a tough 12-mark question
Working ● relationships with suppliers: quality,
with delivery (cost, speed, reliability),
suppliers (1) availability, cost, trust A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 69 Procurement & Logistics
● the impact of logistics and supply
decisions on: costs, reputation,
customer satisfaction.
2.3.3 The concept of quality and its Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 45: Managing quality. The Practice
importance in: question has valuable 6 and 12-mark questions
quality ● the production of goods and the
provision of services: quality control A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 55 Managing quality
and quality assurance
● allowing a business to control costs A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 21: Competitive advantage
and gain a competitive advantage.
2.3.4 The sales process: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 46: The sales process. A detailed text and
a strong Practice question (6 and 9-mark questions).
The sales ● product knowledge, speed and
process efficiency of service, customer
engagement, responses to customer A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 78 Sales Process
feedback, post-sales service.
The importance to businesses of
providing good customer service.
Revision for section 2.3 Marcouse 9-1 Book, P228-9: Exam-style questions on Topic 2.3

Topic 2.4 Making financial decisions

2.4.1 The concept and calculation of: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 47: Business calculations. This chapter
comes with some useful tables of data showing profit margins of
Business ● gross profit Supergroup v Ted Baker v French Connection. And ARR is
calculations covered in a highly accessible manner. The End of Chapter
● net profit
exercises will be invaluable.
Calculation and interpretation of:
● gross profit margin A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 71 Profit margins
● net profit margin Pearson: ARR Exam-style Q on P243
● average rate of return. A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 2: Average rate of return

2.4.2 The use and interpretation of Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 48: Understanding Business Performance.
quantitative business data to support, This is a data-packed, detailed chapter followed by an extensive
Understandi inform and justify business decisions: section of Calculation Exercises as well as End of Chapter
ng business exercises. The Answer Guide will come in handy.
● information from graphs and charts
performanc Case study exercise: increasing profits
e ● financial data Numeracy exercise: robots.
● marketing data Marketing data analysis
● market data.
The use and limitations of financial Business Review Nov 2016: 10 Things You Should Know About
information in: Market size, growth and share

● understanding business performance

A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 94: Understanding business performance
● making business decisions.
Revision for section 2.4 Marcouse 9-1 Book, P242-3: Exam-style questions on Topic 2.4

Topic 2.5 Making human resource decisions

2.5.1 Different organisational structures and Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 49: Organisational structures, including a
when each are appropriate: super Practice Question based on a past episode of ‘Undercover
Organisatio Boss’
nal ● hierarchical and flat
structures A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 63 Organisational structure
(1) ● centralised and decentralised. Quercus: Hierarchies, P50

2.5.1 The importance of effective Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 50: Effective communication. Please note
communication: the useful End of chapter Qs
nal ● the impact of insufficient or excessive Case study on hierarchy and communications
structures communication on efficiency and Quercus: Communication, P254
(2) motivation A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 19: Communication
● barriers to effective communication.

2.5.1 Different ways of working: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 51: Different ways of working. Here, the
key exercise is the Deliveroo Practice Question, especially the 9-
Organisatio ● part-time, full-time and flexible hours marker.
structures ● permanent, temporary, and freelance
(3) contracts
● the impact of technology on ways of A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 91 Technology and ways of working
working: efficiency, remote working.
2.5.2 Different job roles and responsibilities: Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 52 Effective recruitment. Never my
favourite topic, but students love it. The material on P264 could
Effective ● key job roles and their respons- easily be turned into a role play.
recruitment ibilities: directors, senior managers,
supervisors/team leaders, operational Case study: recruitment at Toyota.
and support staff.
How businesses recruit people: A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 74 Recruitment effectiveness

● documents: person specification and

job description, application form, CV Start-Up 2017/18: Ch 18 Getting the right staff
● recruitment methods used to meet
different business needs (internal and
external recruitment).
2.5.3 How businesses train and develop Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 53 Effective training and development:
employees: good material and a super Practice Question at the end.
training and ● different ways of training and
developing employees: formal and A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 93 Training and development
informal training, self-learning, ongoing
training for all employees, use of target
setting and performance reviews.
Why businesses train and develop
● the link between training, motivation
and retention
● retraining to use new technology.
2.5.4 The importance of motivation in the Marcouse 9-1 Book, Ch 54: Motivation. Students will love the
workplace: Asda v Morrisons Practice Question on P275
● attracting employees, retaining Case study: motivation.
employees, productivity.
How businesses motivate employees: A-Z Worksheet 9-1, No 61: Motivation

● financial methods: remuneration,

bonus, commission, promotion, fringe
● non-financial methods: job rotation,
job enrichment, autonomy.
Revision for section 2.5 Marcouse 9-1 Book, P276-7: Exam-style questions on Topic 2.5
A-Z Revision on Marketing & People

Revision for Revision crossword puzzle for GCSE

the whole Case study: Coconut Water
A-Z Worksheet 9-1, Nos 95-100 Six revision worksheets
Exam Packs: the A-Z Exam Pack has three complete exam papers
(plus mark schemes) for Theme 2 (and 3 more for Theme 1)

Theme 2 Resources List:

Reference Author Title Publisher ISBN

Marcouse 9- Marcouse I., Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Hodder & Stoughton 2017 978 1 4718
1 Business 2nd Edn 9935 5

Worksheets Marcouse I 100 A-Z Business A-Z Business Training Ltd. 2017
Worksheets for Edexcel See www.a-zbusinesstraining.com
GCSE 9-1
Dummies Mortimer R et al Marketing for Dummies, John Wiley 2009 978 0470
2nd Edn 74179 5

Start-Up Williams S. Business Start-Up 2017/18 Pearson 2016 978 1 292

17586 7
Pearson Coupland-Smith et Edexcel GCSE Business 9- Pearson 2017 978 1292
al 1 179 841
The Dorling Kindersley The Business Book Dorling Kindersley 2014 978-1-4093-
Business 4126-0

Quercus Anderson P Management in Minutes Quercus 2015 978-1-


Exam Packs Marcouse I A-Z Business Exam Packs A-Z Business Training Ltd.
for Edexcel GCSE 9-1 2017

Other useful resources available from:

A-Z Business Training Ltd publishes ‘eBus’ 8 times a year. This targets the Edexcel 9-1 GCSE
specifically – and is completely free for 2017/18 and 2018/19. Contact Ian Marcouse at
marcouse@btopenworld.com 3 Rayleigh Road, London SW19 3RE
Business Review, Hodder Education, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y
0DZ. Email: subscriptions@bookpoint.co.uk. Tel: +44 (0)1235 827827 and ask for magazine
Businessstudiesonline.com has a range of quick tasks for students. It’s worth a look, e.g. for on-
line exercises on break-even analysis
Tutor2, at www.tutor2u.net. Wide range of on-line materials
TV Choice Ltd, Dept BA, 22 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0HR. Tel: 020 7379 0873

June 2017

Please note: updated versions of this Scheme of Work will be provided as part of ‘eBus’ from A-Z
Business Training Ltd. ‘eBus’ is completely free for 2017/18 and 2018/19. Contact Ian Marcouse
at marcouse@btopenworld.com 3 Rayleigh Road, London SW19 3RE

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