FSoE-Error Codes
FSoE-Error Codes
FSoE-Error Codes
C0xx-Error codes
Initialization error
Error code (h) Error code (d) Description
C001-C004 49153-49156 Internal error
C005 49157 Length of safe data is not supported (max. 32 byte data is supported)
C006-C00A 49158-49162 Internal error
C00B 49163 Invalid monitoring time; value 0 (parameter WatchdogTime) is not
C00C 49164 Internal error, invalid logical module ID
C1xx-Error codes
Receiver error master
Error code (h) Error code (d) Description
C100 49408 Local reset or confirmation of a reset command
C101 49409 Unexpected command in the received telegram
C102 49410 Unknown command in the received telegram
C103 49411 Invalid connection ID in the received telegram
C104 49412 CRC error for the received telegram
C105 49413 Monitoring time error, no valid telegram received within the
C106 49414 Invalid FSoE Safety Device Address
C107 49415 Invalid safety data in the received telegram
C1FE 49662 Error reset signal
C1FF 49663 Prompt for acknowledging the restart
C2xx-Error codes
Error reported from safety device
Error code (h) Error code (d) Description
C200 49664 Local reset or acknowledgement of a RESET command
C201 49665 Unexpected command (INVALID_CMD)
C202 49666 Unknown command (UNNKOWN_CMD)
C203 49667 Invalid connection ID (INVALID_CONNID)
C204 49668 CRC error (INVALID_CRC)
C205 49669 Watchdog has expired (WD_EXPIRED)
C206 49670 Invalid FSoE Slave Address (INVALID_ADDRESS)
C207 49671 Invalid safety data (INVALID_DATA)
C208 49672 Invalid communication parameter length (INVALID_COMMPARALEN)
C209 49673 Invalid communication parameter data (INVALID_COMPARA)
C20A 49674 Invalid application parameter length (INVALID_USERPARALEN)
C20B 49675 Invalid application parameter data (INVALID_USERPARA)
C280-C2FF 49792-49919 Invalid SafePara (device-specific)