Ikat Textiles From Sumba, Indonesia
Ikat Textiles From Sumba, Indonesia
Ikat Textiles From Sumba, Indonesia
Tenggara, which is located above Western this cloth, for example, were a valuable status
Australia. Its population of around 700,000 is of symbol on the island and owned by the nobility
mixed Melanesian and Austronesian ancestry. for transport and deer hunting. The marine shrimp
The main language is Kambera, which is spoken refer to the rich sea life around the island. They
on the eastern half of the island. Ikat textiles, alternate with skull trees that recall the custom
like the one shown, were produced in the coastal of hanging the heads of those captured in war on a
regions of East Sumba. The traditional dress of specially cut tree.
pulau Sumba is still widely worn, and consists of flat
pulow woven cloths known as hinggi, worn by men, Hinggi were produced by coastal peoples exposed
island and tubular skirts known as lau pahudu, worn to influences brought by trade with India, China
by women. The hinggi shown here is patterned and the Arab world, as well as the Spanish,
with the ikat technique. Ikat textiles are part of Portuguese and Dutch. Sumbanese textile motifs
kuda Asia’s rich textile heritage and are produced from include imagery adapted from Dutch coins, flags
kuda Central Asia in the west to the eastern islands and banners, for example the blue anchors shown
horse of Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, mainland in the third band. The motif in the central band of
and insular Southeast Asia, and on the Indian this hinggi is derived from one of the patterns of
upacara subcontinent. In many of these places production Indian ikat cloths traded throughout Indonesia.
upacara continues today.
ceremony Throughout Asia textiles are an important
The term ikat comes from the Malay/Indonesian medium of artistic expression, but they also define
verb, mengikat, meaning ‘to tie or bind’. In ikat the an individual in many contexts, including social
pattern is created on the textile threads using standing, wealth, family, clan or tribe identity,
a resist dyeing technique before the textile is and gender. On the eastern Indonesian island
woven. This distinguishes ikat from other resist of Sumba, textiles are produced by women for
dyeing techniques, in which the fabric is dyed ceremonies marking important milestones in
after weaving. The thread from which the textile the life of an individual or a society, for everyday
is to be woven is wrapped carefully around a use as clothing and household textiles, or for the
frame so that all the threads lie parallel to one demands of the tourist industry. Large numbers
another. Then groups or bundles of the threads of textiles are exchanged at important rite-of-
are tightly wrapped in sections corresponding to passage ceremonies including birth, coming of
the desired pattern. The bound areas resist the age, weddings and funerals, as well as ceremonies
dye and remain their original colour when the associated with nature, such as those held to
yarn is plunged into the dye bath. After dyeing, mark the harvest and planting of food crops.
the thread is rinsed and dried and the bindings Throughout the region textiles were traditionally
are removed, revealing the patterns against a considered ‘female’ items in these prolific ritual
coloured background. As the cloth is woven, the exchanges, and equivalent ‘male’ items would
pattern is fully revealed. include those made from metal and wood.
Originally the production of fine textiles such as
The hinggi is a large cloth formed from two hinggi was the right of high-ranking women, but
narrow lengths seamed together. The cloth is now any woman may weave this type of cloth.
fringed at each end and decorated with horizontal
bands of figurative designs, which repeat in a
mirror image on either side of a central band.
Men wore hinggi as paired cloths, a hip wrapper
and a mantle. Originally the cloths were woven
as identical pairs that were worn together. Those
worn by commoners were usually blue and white,
and red dye indicated the cloth was made and
worn by nobility. Noble women retained the secret
of dyeing with red dye, which came from the bark
and roots of a plant called morinda citrifolia.
Man’s cloth (Hinggi)
19th century, Sumba, Indonesia
cotton, dyes (warp ikat)
312.0 x 151.8 cm
Bequest of Rose Mulock-Houwer MBE,
2007 (2007.692)