English Ix45
English Ix45
English Ix45
Story writing is an art. It is the oldest form of written composition. It is a work of imagination
that is written in easily understandable grammatical structure. a short story is meant to be read
in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.
1. Characters
When you write a story, you have to decide who will be in it. The people in a story are called
characters. Before you start to write, think about the characters you might put in your story.
What will each character do? Why is he or she important to the story? In what ways are your
characters alike? How are they different? What can your characters learn from each other? One
last thing to remember: your characters don’t always have to be people. If an animal plays a part
in the story, that animal is a character too.
2. Setting
A story has to happen in a place. The place where a story happens is called the setting. The
setting might be a place you are familiar with or it might even be another planet! A setting
doesn’t even have to be a real place.
3. Details
When you write a story, you use your imagination to see everything that happens. Details help
readers understand how something looks, how it feels, how it sounds—even how something
smells or tastes!
4. Plot
Once you’ve decided on your characters and setting—and made them come alive with details—
your characters have to do something! What your characters do is the plot of your story. To
make the plot exciting, additional problems.
To take care:
Your story must have following things:
Content –
Question 1.
Colonel Vishwanathan, a brave soldier bought an old mansion though many people in the area
told him it was haunted. Write a story about Colonel Vishwanathan’s encounter with the ghost
of “Teen Batia Bhavan”.
Colonel Vishwanathan retired from the Army and bought a house called the Teen Batia
Bahavan in the quiet town of Hazaria. Having fought three wars, it made no difference to him
that the house was supposedly haunted. On his first day in the Teen Batia Bhavan, Colonel
Vishwanathan settled down in an armchair in front of his TV with a glass of juice. Suddenly,
the lights went off and the room was plunged into darkness.
“My dear fellow,” said Colonel Vishwanathan in a voice filled with admiration, “I don’t know
how you do this levitation. Especially seeing as you are dressed for a fancy dress party.”
The Ghost gave a withering cry. “Oh Sir, don’t scream so. I like a bit of peace in the evening,”
said the Colonel. “Would you like to have a drink with me?”
The Ghost screamed again and continued to float and walk through walls and doors. The
Colonel laughed at his antics.
“Sir, I’ve never been so entertained before. You must entertain my friends too.”
The ghost gave a loud yell and vanished. Colonel Vishwanathan shook his head and muttered,
“It’s a pity he left in a huff. The others would have been quite amused by his antics.”
Question 2.
Complete the following story. It has to be a scary story that terrifies people. Give a suitable title
to your story.
“I stopped my scooter in front of an old and dilapidated building. A haggered, skinny old man
with drooping shoulders came towards me. “Don’t go in, Sir”, he whispered. “It is
The Shadow
I stopped my scooter in front of an old and dilapidated building. A haggered, skinny old man
with drooping shoulders came towards me. “Don’t go in, Sir”, he whispered. “It is
I got angry at the old man and asked him to go away as I had to prepare a report on old forts as
a part of my museology course. He murmured something and stared at me with a strange
For a moment a chill ran through my spine and I shuddered but I shrugged off the feeling and
entered through the rusty gate. The atmosphere was eerie and the air was still. The withered
wines on the walls of the building looked like veins on the hands of some witch. I stepped
towards the stairs on the entrance of the fort and no sooner did I step on the first stair, then
many bats came screeching and flew above my head. I dived down with a start and again
thought of moving further. Just then I heard someone laughing. It was a hollow and strange
laugh that seemed to ^ vibrate through the building. By this time, I was quite nervous and
stepped down to look around.
Suddenly my blood froze to see a shadow like a figure floating above the railings of the terrace
of the building. I turned only to see the same old man standing before me. Surprisingly, I felt a-
sense of relief to see someone else there. The old man smiled and said, “Haven’t I told you?
Now come out, as soon it will be dark and we will never be able to see the light of the day.”
Sweat poured out of my body through the air was chilly and I followed the old man in a trance-
like situation. After coming out, I was about to thank the old man when to my surprise, he just
disappeared in thin air. Collecting my wits I drove fast my scooter back home and decided
never to pass by that way. It was really a scary experience.
Question 3:
Write a short story in 120 – 150 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable
title to the story.
Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry
voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had
happened ... … …
The Last Day
Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in
the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened. His
neighbours were again fighting over some parking issues. It was a common scene among the
residents of that area. No sooner did he reach there when suddenly the land between the
neighbours’ buildings started tearing apart. Everyone got frightened. Satish ran back to his
house to find his daughter and wife. They were both ready with their emergency baggage. The
family got out of the house and started running as fast as they could, passing the falling trees
and buildings. Water was penetrating out of the departing land and everyone was panicking and
running in any direction to save their lives when suddenly, Satish’s daughter fell down. A tree
fell over her feet. Satish was trying to help his crying daughter when they both saw a building
falling over them. Satish hugged his daughter and shouted at the peak of his voice which finally
woke him up. With sighs of heavy breathing and excessive sweating, Satish went to his
daughter’s room only to find that everything was fine. He kissed her forehead, went back to his
room and wondered; “Phew! This one really took the life out of me”.
Question 4:
Write a story in 120-150 words with the help of the following outline :
Tortoise and hare – good friends – tortoise – known for his slow speed – hare has fast speed –
makes fun of tortoise – challenges him – referee selected – race starts – hare overconfident –
takes a nap – tortoise wins.
Once upon a time there were 2 friends, a tortoise and a hare. The whole jungle was aware about
their brotherhood and how they stuck together with each other no matter what. One fine day,
when they were discussing about their respective speed, the hare made fun of the tortoise for
being slower. Now, it is a well known fact that tortoises generally have a hard shell which
makes it difficult for them to walk. But the hare continued to make fun of him. The tortoise got
very angry and asked him to prove it. The hare, in turn, challenged the tortoise to run a race
with him. Both of them agreed upon the date and time. The news was taken over to the king of
the jungle, the lion. He chose a referee and announced the commencement of preparations. The
entire jungle was excited as it was the first time that the two brothers were competing with each
other. Days before the race, the hare went around talking high about himself whereas on the
other hand, the tortoise practiced diligently. The night before the race, the tortoise slept on time,
to be energetic the other day, whereas the hare continued to dream about him winning and how
obvious it was that he needed no preparations. The wait was over, the tickets were completely
sold out and the crowd was cheerful. Both the contestants stood ready on the starting line and
the race was supposed to end at a stretch of one kilometre. The whistle blew and both started
running at their own pace. The hare covered half the distance while the tortoise could only
cover half of what the hare had covered. The overconfident hare thought of taking a nap and
thought that by the time the tortoise would come near him, he would wake up and cover the rest
of the distance. After some time, the hare was woken up by the sound of hooting and whistling,
the tortoise had won.
Therefore, the moral of the story is, “Confidence is good, but overconfidence always sinks the